#you did not just read that mwa mwa
nattyontherun · 2 months
More On To Oblivion:
hi-ho, can't sleep so since i've posted the fic already, short as it is right now, i thought hey! lemme just do some explaining for why the fuck it's the way it is?? that way i make my job less hard with the writer-y bits!
(i can't sleep so i'm talking,,,, shhh i didn't say that)
On the Rating:
thinking of changing that, actually . next chapter, so ch3, will be more of the same - build up for the plot at large which is, ngl, a wee bit more complicated than i thought it would be in writing ch1. i don't have a hard and fast, bullet pointed skeleton for every chapter but i've got a very generalized outline of things i want happening... and the fic being rated for Teens feels lacking. no it absolutely is lacking.
would it be disingenuous to leave it at T until the plot changes up enough to warrant a level up? or should i change the rating now and leave everyone to wonder at my justification as the fic (very slowly, UGH) progresses? questions, questions and no answers in sight as yet.
the cast!
unlike in HF where we really did just have like, two MAIN main characters in shisui and sasuke, to oblivion has an ensemble cast🙏 the taggings are listed in order of both how much of the character we'll see in-fic and how much we'll focus on them. where HF was all about growth and healing with minimal outside interference, this fic is... well it has a plot🥹
in one of those oneshots i wrote after HF, there's this scene where shisui rants up a storm at sasuke about konoha, how rotten it can get yk? just, having to live in the village knowing that the truth of your family's murder has been suppressed to keep the peace - when the "peace" used to justify that extermination didn't even last more than a handful of years. this fic directly confronts that. actually, it's specifically because every single character engages in the village whether as the leader, in kks' case, or as proponents to its growth and success post-war, its kind of a necessity that everybody has an opinion about what goes on yk?
i feel like ppl who came into the fic expecting romance and fucking are gonna be disappointed by that sjshsjshshsh there's gonna be SOME of that, but very minimally, and right at the end lmao. fic subscribes to the idea that there is no room for personal growth within self and relationships in an environment in perpetual turmoil lmao
the polycule 💃
it's still happened lmaooooo, like i just get crazier about the idea the more i sit with it! though, i forgot to say in the AN, and i'm too much of a sleepy cat to go back and edit it in, but i meant to mention that kakashisasu(???!!!ship name???!!!) isn't gonna be like a right angle. like... the dots connect in all directions despite how things are playing out rn! 🙏
i will say, however, that development for each relationship on a personal, one on one level, is different between each pairing because yk, they enter the story in different stages of their lives with different agendas and opinions abt each other. kkss are halfway in love already, but kkshs probably need to fight it out for another several dozen chapters before they can even stand to look each other in the eye without wanting to kill smth and that's not even touching shsasu who haven't!! even!! met up yet!!! (gawd what did i get myself into?? lmao😭)
the timeline
woof. the timeline! WOOF! HF had the benefit of sticking incredibly close to just one stream of happenings in a very linear format,,,, to oblivion? not so much. the past, whether it's ten years ago, during the fourth war or even just prior to the fic happening is AS important to the story as the story itself, unfolding. if i decided to tell this fic in a linear fashion, a, it would be very boring and retrace too much of canon and b, it would be very LONG. like staggeringly long, enough that i'd probably tire of writing the fic long before i even reached where we are right now in the fic - there is SO MUCH yet to uncover
what i will say is that canon largely stays the same except for some staple fanons of mine, some seen in HF, and others very specifically for this AU. for the obvs staples, there's madara is final baddie and no VOTE2 so no losing arms for either of my babies - god forbid. the major deviation from HF is that i've reduced how debilitating Ssk's mental health issues (if you will) can be in presenting themselves, though we do have some of it cropping up within the fic if you're the type who reads very line by line. there's also, ofc, the fact that shisui has been ALIVE for all this time - but i'll save all the explaining for that to shisui when the time is appropriate.
but yes, it's because the past matters SO MUCH for how this fic develops that i really saw no other way to progress with it than mixing everything up. and i do mean EVERYTHING. what i will say is that there are certain periods where we can kinda cluster scenes together to form an idea of how all this shit is happening only Now.
war/between canon era: so far we only got one scene from here, from ch2
pre-tribunal, post-war - a LOT of scenes fall here, so it's broken up even further into two periods: 1. while sasuke is incarcerated post 4th war and 2. after he's left incarceration but before the tribunal (ch1 has a LOT of afterward scenes, in particular)
pre-massacre: these scenes will tend to be more kkshs focused so happy hunting for when there's more of them!
pre-trial, present day after shisui appears: this is the main storyline and will be the easiest to follow, go figure!
pre-trial, immediately post-tribunal: i've only written perhaps a scene or two(?) from this period, i don't see it cropping up as much as the others because it's only there specifically for relationship and character building. i'm squeezing a lot of post-canon pre-fic character development in to explain away why some of our faves may be acting a wee ooc, and i can't begin to explain how consequential the tribunal is, personally and politically for all of team seven oh lawd😭
i can't stress enough that i drafted much of the bedrock of this fic immediately after HF,,,, but while my intention (heh, hehe) (translate what the characters before "to oblivion" stand for, okay, its funny i swear!) remains the same as what it was then, my focus has become more... hm, exacting. sharpened.
writing is an inherently personal affair, i think. to write is to put meaning to the thoughts that swim around your head, whether that's by poetry or prose, through the guise of imagery or character work. i write fic because i like writing fic, and wanna be able to read work that satisfies me personally. i've got an itch in my brain and to oblivion has become, essentially, an outlet for my thought process. so if there's anything you find in it that speaks of a very particular kinda way of thinking, shall we say, keep poking at it. i very much am having a conversation with you.
and that's a wrap, i have a shift in seven hours and i desperately need sleep sjsjsshhsshsh
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kizzer55555 · 14 days
Ultimate Escape Room
Sam, Danny, and Tucker are bored. Nothing seems to be a challenge anymore. Summer vacation is coming up but they can’t agree on anything . Themepark? What’s a better roller coaster than Jack driving? Scary movie? I’m sorry, nothing beats Fright Knight’s nightmare realm. Bungie jumping? Danny can fly. Then Tucker, who’s been typing on his computer, asks “what about an escape room?”. The others are about to shut the idea down because seriously? Easy. But Tucker just grins and shows them his computer screen.
“Ever heard of Arkham?”
Danny and Sam lean over to read the description and all three turn to each other and grin. 
Now, what’s the fastest way to get into Arkham?
So the chaos trio do ✨something✨ that gets them locked up in Arkham and then try to escape and they keep. You know, normal stuff for Arkham inmates. Except this trio? Keep. Getting. Out. Of. Their. Cells. So they are just passing by locked up rogues and waving at them as an army of prison guards chase after them. Sure they could get out the easy way (Aka powers) but no, this is a challenge so they have the normal rules of an escape room. Aka, you can’t break anything and an extra rule where if a guard catches you, then you can’t fight back (also, no one can get hurt). (They make fake identities and everything). So they need to go through the whole process. Figure out how to unlock cuffs. Could be learning to pick a lock with a spoon/stick/long nails. Then find the keys. Possibly having to crawl through vents to get in the warden’s office. Or making deals with prison inmates. Like, I’ll get this for you if you give me that (however they extract a promise that the rogue can’t kill anyone with whatever they help them with.) So they are in prison literally doing errands like find freeze’s weapons in exchange for him telling them the passcode to the gate or something. Or getting Waylon some meat from the cafeteria and he’ll break the lock on this movable vault that has materials to make smoke bombs they can use to distract the front guards. 
These kids are just going wild and it gets to the point where Arkham has to call the bats (like no Waylon, we won’t escape with you, we have to do it without breaking any walls!) So literally the only reason they are not escaping is because they want to do it ‘right’. But they are also aiding other rogues in their escape (at least certain ones. They aren’t helping joker no matter what he offers)
It’s driving the bats mad. They have vigilantes stationed in each hall, in multiple monitor rooms.
They aren’t even using anything clever to block the cameras. They’re using mirrors. Mirrors! Where did they even get so many handheld mirrors! 
They are running circles around the bats. The escaped rogues literally aren’t doing anything yet because they want to see how the three hellions will escape the entire bat clan. They have bets going. So there is a temporary truce.
Just imagine the conversations/interrogations the bats will have with trio, trying to figure out their master plan - because surely there's something more going on than three chaos young adults playing a game, right?
They trio each have a different story. And they are so passionate/convincing actors that no one knows which story is real. At least one of them told a sob story with legitimate tears.
Danny: (all mysterious) You shall never know our master plan….until it is too late. And just casually dropping hints that there is something greater or that the bats are playing right into their hands. Even using ridiculous scenarios like yesss the ketchup explosion in the cafeteria….We are one step further….Mwa ha ha! (Rubs his hands together)
Sam: (absolutely distraught with literal tears running down her face and ruining her mascara.) There is a terrible organization holding their parents hostage. They had been framed and forced to be in Arkham. If they don’t do exactly as they are told, their loved ones are in danger! Should we stay? Should we escape and help them!? No one will believe us and what if we make things worse? We don’t know what to do!
Tucker: (takes a long slurp of a smoothie. Where he got one? No one knows). Yeah we were bored and had nothing better to do than mess with you guys. (Sluuuuurp).
The bats are trying to figure it out. Is the black haired guy telling the truth and the other two are just manipulating them? Is it the girl and the others are only following the plot of the organization? IS THE BARET KID RIGHT AND THEY’RE JUST MESSING WITH US!? WHICH STORY IS IT!?
Under normal circumstances, Sam wouldn’t give a sob story because It’s not really her vibe. But Sam has the opportunity to pull one over on a bat. Do you honestly think she won’t take a chance to mess with them? Also, Dick is the one who is interrogating Sam.
He’s crying too by the end of the story.
Poor guy, Sam will play his heart like a fiddle. 
Also, their fake identities are Jordan for Danny. Mortica for Sam (or Macey for short) and Phineas for Tucker. The fact that they are using fake identities is the only thing they all agree on in the interview. But the bats find nothing on them and the identities are so realistic they wonder if they are even fake at all. If the three are faking fake IDs to throw them off their tail from looking deeper. Apparently their ‘parents’ having a missing persons report.
Damian is interrogating Danny. It’s just so easy to rile him up and get under his skin. It’s absolute drama in that interrogation room. 
Danny: ah yessss. Master plan.
Damian: you shall never succeed! Justice shall prevail evil scum!
And Duke is interrogating Tucker. He just…has no idea how to respond to this. He wasn’t trained for this response. Hostile, yes. Mysterious, yes. Scared, yes. Civilian, yes. Even Flirtatious! YES! But not…this. What does he do? should he take out his note cards?
Also, I’m adding a mix of home alone elements to this. They have to get past the bats somehow and it can’t be lethal. Poor Jason and Steph who are patrolling the halls fall victim to most of this.
At one point, both of them are tied up together and hanging from the ceiling. While the trio just casually walk by under them. 
It’s dental floss. Really strong dental floss.
Then the bats start taking sides. 
Jason? once he hears Sam's story, he's immediately willing to help her. He and Dick are searching for that missing person's report almost religiously.
Tim believes Danny's story. part of it is because it makes the most sense, and the other part is that he's slightly biased from becoming an evil megalomaniac in every timeline he's seen so he's subconsciously trying to stop that from happening here.
Cass believes Tucker because come on, it's Cass.
Steph is siding with Tim because her father was cluemaster so same reasons.
Bruce is trying to fact check all of them and is failing desperately.
Sam added some ‘clues’ in her interrogation and basically threw the GIW under the bus as the organization. So the bats do find a shady organization but so far no missing persons so the other bats still don’t know if what Sam is saying is true or not while Dick takes this as absolute proof and Jason feels like it doesn’t matter if she’s telling the truth at this point. It’s a corrupt organization. So he’ll still blow it up.
I think in this AU, the GIW isn’t a threat and more of an annoyance so Sam just plays them up as even worse. Like, she doesn’t say anything untrue just makes it sound worse out of context. Oh yeah, they opened fire on this random kid. (Gregory when they thought he was phantom) Oh yes, they have destroyed Danny’s house at one point. (The prank war with Vlad) Yes, the have an unhealthy obsession with dissecting people. (Even though they are too incompetent to actually catch anyone).
So again, they don’t know if Sam is telling the truth of the organization or they just used this random organization to draw their attention away from the three’s plans (as Danny implied). Possibly an enemy organization or a competitor.
I know everyone makes the GIW a big threat but I decided to change it up. They aren’t a threat but still get obliterated by a pissed off Red Hood and Nightwing.
And that’s  another reason why Sam gives the sob story. Danny and Tucker are great but they wouldn’t actually sick a crime lord on the GIW. Sam? Absolutely would. She does not care what happens to them. They tore up her garden one time with a stray shot. She wants revenge. And sure, she didn’t actually know what would happen to them after the bats find out but she still doesn’t care.
And through all of this, the rogues are sitting back and eating popcorn while Joker screams bloody murder from his cell. 
#Dpxdc#dcxdp#Kizzer55555 ideas#Sam Danny and Tucker are chaos gremlins. Correction. BORED chaos gremlins. The most frightening of all.#The GIW are not a threat but Sam still decides to mess with them.#Danny is having too much fun messing with Damian. He wants to see how far he can push the baby bat.#At one point he even sets up a scavenger hunt with ‘clues’ that makes Robin run all around Arkham convinced Danny had placed some kind of#Hidden weapon there. It was a whoopy cushion.#Poor Dick is getting played. He’s trying very hard to calm Damian down because that poor Jordan kid is just trying his best!#He has no Choice!#Jordan is now Damian’s life long nemesis.#Duke and Tucker sitting in a room. Slurping slushees…..awkward silence.#They can hear screams of rage from one room and hysterical sobbing in the other. ‘Phineas’ looks at Signal. “Sup”#The trio home alone the entire prison. Then cut the lights. Everyone is convinced they escaped again and start running around and getting#Caught in traps. Meanwhile. Sam and Tucker just broke into Danny’s cell to play Uno. It was game night! They don’t break out on game night!#By morning the entire prison is filled with shaving cream. Glitter bombs. All of the guards are caught in toilet paper like mummies or#Stuck in the vents. Steph and Tim are somehow caught in a life size Chinese finger trap made of pillowcases. Jason is knocked out by the#Ketchup bombs (curtesy of a favor from condiment king). The monitor room looks like an egg apocalypse. Damian is screaming from where#He got trapped in an empty cell. There is an ominous pole in the courtyard with a decapitated teddy bear head impaled on top.#And batman’s suit has been dyed pink.#Technically the trio COULD walk out of here at this point. But they were having game night! They weren’t even trying this time!#It doesn’t count unless they are trying! So they walked back into their cells and close it on themselves. Danny’s cell is right across from#The still locked up Robin who is glaring MURDER at him.#‘Jordan’ winks.
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007reid · 9 months
u have absolutely no idea what 'coffee caramels' did to me omg 😭 u write spencer and his mannerisms so WELL hsbsghdbdh so i come to u with a lil request if that's okay with u !!
spencer insists on playing pretend-doctor for reader who's sick (but denying it) so he invokes his technically-a-doctor card and gives his second opinion just to take care of reader n smother them w looooove
essentially just him teasing y/n and being the stupid Cute attentive nerd he is <3
(inspired by S5E3 where he gets stuck at the bau w garcia bc he was being stubborn abt his injury)
i am never ever Normal abt this guy 😞 i look forward to reading more of ur work and losing my mind over reid with u, aine !! mwa
hiii tysm for requesting, youre so fucking sweet!! <33 drop an emoji to let me know who you are and let’s loose our mind over our fav boy together anon!!!! also sorry this took so long, i wrote like 3k but then hated it so i started over, i love this prompt sm so i feel like i had to do it justice.
pspspsp i love s5 spence so fucking much... his hair went from beautiful to ethereal to mad sexy...s5 treated us well. requests are ALWAYS appreciated !!!!!!
soup. spencer reid
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spencer reid x fem!reader, 3k
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you've been off it for so long, dodging virus after virus and disease after disease and just right when you thought that you are immune to sickness, you caught it. the inevitable fever.
there was no denying it, you've tried. after getting a headache, you popped a tylenol before you went to sleep, nonchalant. the next morning was when reality really came crashing down. a sore throat.
it progressively got worse throughout the day, and when you came crashing into bed after a long day at work, your nose was feeling stuffy and your were coughing, spewing sickness everywhere you went. you woke up in the middle of night sweating like you had just ran a fucking marathon and only able to breathe through one nostril unless you shift your body entirely.
you did not take to these news well. firmly in denial, you still planned to show up to work the next day.
except you didn't show up to work. sickly and delirious, the part when you press snooze then snooze again slip your mind and at one point you must've turn off your alarm entirely. drifting in and out of consciousness and slipping into dream after dream, it gets harder to tell what is real and what is not.
"y/n? y/n!"
now, it is very probable that the voice isn’t actually real, because why the hell would you be hearing spencer reid’s voice outside of work? the chances are slim to none, and despite the heat pounding at your skull you manage to smile. there is something unexplainably comforting about spencer’s voice, soft and deliberate. it would be foolish to say that under the mad spell he’d cast on you (him simply saying two words) he’s managed to melt away your headache, because he didn’t. you still feel like shit.
you frown, the voice sounding too insistent and real and not matching up with the visuals of your dream. you feel a tapping on your shoulder and when you blink your eyes open you could’ve screamed.
you jump up and then backwards, huddling your blanket with you, scared for your life. because right in front of you is perhaps the most intimidating creature on the earth; spencer reid in a purple sweater vest with his face so close to yours he could breathe in your sickness, hair tucked carefully behind his ear.
“spencer?” you ask incredulously, but instead your voice comes out a rasp. you clear your throat, feeling something warm creep up your cheek. it might be a blush, but you blame it on the chills. you keep blinking, trying to regain your vision and feel instantaneous embarrassment. you look a mess, sick and dehydrated with dry lips and bad hair and you probably reek of morning breath. and spencer’s there, looking like heaven’s finest angel, smiling at you like he’s smiling at a person and not a monster. spencer has the tendency to treat and look at everyone like they’re the love of his life. you sort of hate it.
“hi y/n,” he breathes, crouching down on the floor before you on the bed. “i—“
“what are you doing here?” you’re too impatient to wait, still in shock.
now. you try not to make it obvious that you have a mad crush on spencer, because if the fact were to spill, you’re not eager cleaning up the consequences. it’s an unestablished, unspoken rule that should be common sense that no workplace dating will be allowed and usually it’s a ridiculous rule, because who the hell would want to date their coworker, like actually? work crushes are normal but they exist only in a part of your day, an eye-candy for you to stare at to get through the day, then you go home or go out and forget about them. who actually has serious work crushes, actually? actually? it’s ridiculous.
your defense is completely solid, you’d say. your number one defense is you can’t help the fact that you and spencer were meant to be friends. the moment you joined the team, you and spencer clicked together like two lego pieces, despite your clashing personalities. you find it refreshing to have someone like spencer, someone who’s soft and sweet but cunning and resourceful but thoughtful and kind, and it was equally refreshing for spencer to have someone blunt and straightforward but still patient enough to put up with him.
spencer doesn’t like physical touch but ever since your first week he made you the exception and if you could, you would parade the privilege around like a badge. what can you say, you’re proud to be spencer’s little exception, anyone would be. he makes you feel special, differently than the others do and what’s a girl to do? to have that great of a relationship with a coworker and not be work spouses and not be actually head over heels with the guy? how laughable.
it’s not something you’re proud of, however. you know it’s a lost cause, chasing after spencer. it hurts, sometimes, but you always patted yourself on the back with an ‘it is what it is.’ spencer, as sweet and vulnerable as he is, has layers behind his thinly veiled heart. he talks a lot but he never talks about himself and he never talks about the past so he doesn’t have to revive it, so all the memories are just wounds left out and neglected to burn. spencer’s trouble, definitely trouble, but it’s hard to be aware of the workload that spencer reid is when he’s rambling to you about something as innocent as halloween or knocking his knuckles on your knee during a flight trying to get your attention.
spencer blinks sheepishly, settling criss cross apple sauce on the ground, lanky legs twisting uncomfortably. “you didn’t come into work and you didn’t answer your phone,” he explains. “emily told me to go check on you.”
you nod. he’s here because emily told him to. it makes a lot more sense now. “i’ll head in the office now,” you say, making your way out of bed, wiping at your eyes. “sorry—“
“no you’re not,” spencer says immediately, not even hesitating. he places a hand on your upper chest, pressing you back down on the bed. the butterflies at the pit of your stomach throws a fit. you know he means nothing by the action—has spencer reid ever been the one knowledgeable about romance?—but knowing that doesn’t help the heat that spread up your cheeks that’s definitely not from the sickness. “you’re burning up,” he says. “i’ll get you some water. you should clean up,” he says, uncrossing his legs difficultly and then stumbling out the room, mismatched socks slipping on the hardwood floor.
you take advantage of the time that spencer’s not there and race to the bathroom, ignoring the blackout and the dizziness that threatens to make you faint from getting up too abruptly. you squirt some toothpaste onto your toothbrush and by the time you exit the bathroom, spencer is already there, waiting, except he’s by your desk, hands on a book.
he perks up when he hears your footsteps pad into the room, turning around, looking like a child who’s been caught with your book in his hands. you smile at him, albeit it’s a pathetic smile. you feel dizzy.
“you like toni morrison?”
“i love toni morrison,” spencer chirps, excitement bouncing all over his face. “especially her masterwork, beloved,” he looks back down at your red copy admiringly then sets it down. "get back in bed," he says, and you can't wrap your hand around how ridiculous the situation is. your coworker, or work crush, is at your house, checking your temperature and shooing you to bed to rest. "i bought you soup so you can eat up, i--"
“you bought me soup?” you ask, incredulous. spencer nods seriously.
“it's proven that eating soup makes people feel better, not just some stereotype. the right amount of sodium can help help relieve sore throat pains and the vitamins and minerals found in soup can play a very large part in recovery...i had a feeling you were going to be sick, it’s the weather, you know? everyone is catching the cold. you need to eat it before it gets cold, the heat helps with nasal digestion and also sinus pressure and it'll be useless if you ate it lukewarm...i’ll be right back…” and with the babbling his voice fades out as he walks back out to the living room, leaving you alone standing on the side of your bed. you look at the forgotten copy of beloved set carefully back onto your desk, smiling to yourself slightly before climbing back into bed, because spencer says so and spencer’s always right but mostly because your legs feel like they’re going to give out.
spencer is speedy, striding several steps at once with his ridiculously long legs that looks unnaturally lanky but once he reaches your room again, soup and spoon in hand you were already nodding off, head lolling and eyes slipping shut. spencer stops at your bed stand, thinking to himself for a second before balancing the plastic bowl of soup on one hand and using the other to gently nudge at your face, waking you up. he grimaces when he feels that your skin burns to the touch, a bright tint to your cheeks that he hates himself for liking because you're sick, he shouldn't be thinking that you're pretty or stuff like that.
spencer waves the thought away, determined to focus on his mission. deliver soup, make sure you're okay, and send his farewells. that's what emily told him to do, and even though derek added a "kiss her goodnight too, loverboy!" he's only going to listen to emily, because emily knows best.
yes. perfect. that's exactly what he's going to do.
"hey," he whispers, caressing his thumb across the lightly purple patch under your eye, frowning to himself. you haven't been getting good enough sleep, and he feels guiltier for waking you up, but then straightens himself up resolutely--no. emily said the soup must be delivered and consumed--just to melt again when your eyes flutter open, confused and traces of sleep still floating around your facial expression. "sorry," he mumbles, feeling oddly embarrassed. "it's just--i mean, you don't have to, jus' want you to eat something before you sleep again."
you sit up slowly, and once you're fully awake again, the smell of the soup hits you like a bucket of ice and you suddenly feel your mouth watering. you feel like a princess, sitting there with your hands crossed in your lap while you wait for spencer to unwrap the plastic utensils and tissues from its clear packaging, carefully opening up the lid of the soup on the night stand and hot steam floats around the room, engulfing both you and spencer in a bubble of tomato soup.
spencer, a planner that he is, didn't let you eat directly from the plastic take-out bowl from the restaurant and had rummaged through your kitchen for a bowl and pours half the soup into the ceramic, no spillage and perfectly clean. then he hands the soup to you, and you eat.
to say that spencer is concerned is to say the least. you're a profiler, and you're trained to pick up on this sort of thing but you only need to be a child with an undeveloped brain to work out that spencer's worried, watching your every move and monitoring that you eat enough, the crease in his brows deepen whenever you set the bowl down so you pick it up again and stuff two more spoonfuls in your mouth, to hopefully make him worry less.
the silence is awkward, the only sounds in the room is you biting down on the spoon occasionally as you drink your soup and spencer watching intently, hands on his chin and unaware of his staring problem. you and spencer rarely has these kind of silences, the silences where you scramble for things to say because the atmosphere would always be too comfortable. you sneak glances at him as you eat. since spencer's completely oblivious to the heaviness of the silence, you feel it's up to you to break it.
"i'll clock in once i'm finish eating this, don't worry," you say, trying your best to sound reassuring as you try to choke back a spoonful of soup too big. you lick your lips, and spencer is biting his, a bad habit.
"no you're not, y/n," he says, exasperated. normally, when spencer uses his 'i'm right so you should listen to me' tone like this, it means he's geared for an argument and you would be happy to challenge him, but now you can't find the energy for it. yet you muster enough up anyway.
"i'm only a bit shaken up 'cause of the weather," you say, trying to sound as convincing as possible, still in the calm before the storm of the bicker. "'m not immobile. and i already used up all my off days visiting my family--"
spencer, however, didn't bother for the peaceful offering. "you're not coming in today, y/n," he says, and he sounds a bit anxious but you know his true intent. his eyes are mirthful with confidence, and he knows he's already won the argument. despite the buzzing in your ears and the fuzziness in your brain, you can't let the bastard win. you can't.
“i can’t miss anymore days spencer, and i won’t,” you say coldly, but you slurping on the soup hungrily like it’s your last day on earth sort of ruined your cool facade. “i’m not too sick, either, it’ll be useless for me to stay home—“
spencer reaches to press his palm against your forehead, his skin cold to the touch. you close your eyes instinctively.
“you’re burning up,” he announces. “means your sick. you’re not coming in today, y/n.”
“says who?” you say defensively, feeling a bit like you’re loosing.
“says me,” spencer says cooly, cheeky smile at his lips. you should hate it more than you do. “who’s a doctor.”
you scoff. “so now you’re an actual doctor? you got a medical phd on you?”
“i have a bachelor in medicine and enough doctorates to make me slightly knowledgeable in every field,” spencer quips and you didn’t even know that he had a bachelor in medicine. how many fucking degrees does this guy even have on his resume?
“whatever,” you grumble, sounding a lot like someone who’s just got defeated. you set the bowl of soup down on the nightstand and spencer hands you a bottled water before you could think about needing water. you pluck it from his offering hands, muttering a “thanks” under your breath.
spencer laughs quietly, watching you drink patiently and putting the cap back on when you hand him back the bottle, setting it next to your soup. you feel ridiculously babied and your cheeks burn with the guilt you feel. you’re talking him off his office hours just to be here and feed you stuff and make sure you’re taking care of yourself.
spencer, the 24/7 profiler, notices. "is something wrong?" he asks innocently, round eyes blinking and oblivious. bless him. "you got redder. is it too hot? i can adjust the a/c."
“fine,” you mumble, still a little embarrassed with your realization. “little cold, actually.”
“it's the chills from your fever,” spencer informs you. “i…” he pauses, frowning again, frustrated from not being able to finish his thought. he abandons it. “do you need anything else?”
“no spence,” you laugh sort of pathetically, throat strained. “you’ve been an angel already. you can go back to the office, if you want.”
spencer thinks back to what emily had told him. soup. make sure she’s ok. leave. he’s done the past two steps. it’s time he completes his mission.
“are you sure?” he prods, a little bit of him hoping that you'd say no. he doesn't know what it is; something bothering him, making him dread leaving.
you didn't get the cue. "mhmm," you shoot him a reassuring smile. as reassuring as you can manage, anyway, grimacing at the insistent throb in your head. spencer gnaws on his bottom lip, indecisive. you don't know what he was deciding between.
whatever battle it was, he wraps it up quick. "okay," he repeats. "i'll get back."
"you do that."
"remember to drink water."
"i will."
"do you need me to bring you more?"
"i'm okay."
the conversation feels incomplete and spencer isn't interested to complete it, booting out the door, except he lingers for a bit and awkwardly turns around, hand on the frame. you are already looking at him when he looks at you.
you and spencer are never this awkward, never this hesitant and strange. the tension that suffocates your room feels like signature first-date-tension, the kind of nervous excitement and tip-toeing blind lovers and uncertainty.
"are you sure?"
i'd rather you stay. you push the response away. "i am."
"you have medicine right?"
you do have medicine. for a brief moment, you want to lie about it; want to say that you ran out this morning and then he would run to the store for you and return and then spend more time in your insufferable, sickly presence. you brush the thought away within a second. never in a million years do you want to bother spencer, especially not with a thing as selfish as that. maybe it's because of your biased vision but spencer is looking like he's desperate to leave, practically screaming for outlet at the door. it's time you let him go and indulge in the worst sleep you'll ever have.
"yeah," you say, clearing your throat. "i do."
"okay," spencer says. "i'll go."
"thanks," you add awkwardly. "for the soup. and for coming."
"'course" spencer says absentmindedly, lingering at the door frame but not looking at you in particular, not looking at anything. he snaps back and sends you a wave. spencer has a power to him where everything he does looks unplanned, like he's doing it against his own will.
he leaves. if you had change your mind and ask for him to come back, for him to stay, he would've. no hesitation. but you didn't, and he wiggles back in his broken in converses and return back to the bau with no elevator partner.
maybe another day.
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a/n: sorry for the ending, this was getting too long so i had to cut it short 😓😓but i think it's kinda fitting! lmk if you guys want a part 2 <3
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mt-oe · 12 days
OK, MIZU X VERY CLINGY READER?? like reader deadass will NOT let go of Mizu unless necessary and mizu will tease reader about it in a loving way. like just imagine reader snuggling on top of Mizu and resting their head on her abdomen and she just says something in a teasing voice like- “mm you just gonna keep holding onto me like that, love?” OH MY GODSOMEONE NEEDS TO MAKE MY BRAIN SHUT UP PLS😭
Hey dear!
Thank you so much for the very cute and sweet request <3 Finally, a reason to push my drunk reader agenda forward www
Also, sorry if this took longer than usual. Hospital wifi sucked and my draft didn't save ;; I had to re-write a whole chunk purely from memory.
Not sure what is considered as 'lightweight' or whatever since I never really thought of those things when I drink, so if it's too much or too little then..oopsies.
Hope you enjoy! Mwa mwa :*
warning/s: not proofread, short, mention of vomiting (mild), she/her for mizu, implied afab reader
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It was already a few hours past midnight. Mizu was laying down on the couch, reading a random book she had found in the book store. 'The Honjin Murders' was the title. The cover looked cool and even had a knife on it, so it definitely got her attention. Because as much as she didn't want to judge a book by its cover, she's only human. We have our moments like that.
On her chest was her girlfriend, eyes closed, and cheeks flushed and warm. An occasional mumbling noise or a slurred-out random question like 'do you think I can fight a bear with my bare hands?' would come from you. Mizu wouldn't admit it but she was having the time of her life right now.
You had just gotten back from a girl's night out with your friends. A little way of catching up after a whole semester of not seeing each other. Akemi and the others invited her too, but she wasn't really a big fan of the effects alcohol had on her body and opted to stay at home.
Upon opening the door, the sight of your heavily flushed face, drunken unconscious smile and the disheveled appearance of Ise and the other girls greeted her. You all reeked of alcohol, heavy perfume, and a bit of tobacco. "Umm..girlfriend delivery..?" Akemi chimed awkwardly, sweat dropping at the miffed look on Mizu's face.
She narrowed her eyes in response to the little joke as her eyes landed on you. "I was hoping you'd bring her back conscious," she said in a low tone, making them laugh nervously. You were being held up by two of Akemi's friends, face heavily flushed, hair tossed out of the hairdo you put it in earlier, and your lipstick was replaced by a thin sheen of saliva. With a sigh, she gently wrapped her arms around you before picking you up bridal style, cringing at the smell of beer coming from you.
The moment you felt her warmth around your figure, you opened your eyes slowly, blinking the blurriness brought by intoxication off before letting out a grunt. She felt you tilt your head upwards, looking at her before furrowing your eyebrows together, finger raised up to poke at her chin. "Would youu...rather have...urgh..my nipples are rubbing against my bra."
That was definitely her cue to bring you inside.
After bringing you in, the 'full caretaker girlfriend' mode in her brain switched on. She immediately helped you get dressed into something comfy, removed your makeup and did your skincare for you, and handed everything you said you needed even though you didn't need it. Hell, she even shoved her finger down your throat to help you vomit.
You were her little intoxicated princess tonight.
Once she was done helping you out, she completely expected you to go to sleep after. Little did she know that you've decided to be the clingy-type of drunk tonight. A small strangled-like gasp escaped her throat as you pulled her by the back of her collar, burying your face on her neck. "Nooooo don't go!" you cried against her skin.
She tried her best to get you to sleep, knowing full well that you were going to be the grouchiest hungover in the morning, but whatever she tried didn't work. Watching youtube videos, having a staring contest with you, playing slow songs. Now, she was stuck with you laying on her chest as she read her book.
"Would you still love me if I was a worm?" you asked her, speech still a bit slurred. Mizu raised an eyebrow at your odd question. Realistically, she knew she wouldn't, but reality didn't really matter when it comes to love. Only her girlfriend's happiness did.
She closed her book slightly to look down at you. Her breath hitched slightly as your glossy eyes looked back up at her, melting at the adorable sight. "Of course I would," she answered, giving your head a little pat.
"Liar," you huffed, closing your eyes as you nuzzled against her. "I see you step on worms all the time. You'd step on me too."
She huffed back at you with an amused smile. She could feel the pout in your voice. "I promise I wo—"
"It's okay," you cut her off with a drunken giggle. You looked back up at her, trying to lift your head but the remaining alcohol in your system allowed you to do so for a few seconds before you crashed back on to her chest. "I'd let you step on me."
Mizu rolled her eyes at your response. "You're very drunk. You know that?" she asked you, setting her book down on the carpet to pinch your cheek. "How did they even get you this drunk?" The playful exasperation was heavy in her voice.
You grinned at her, snuggling your face in between her breasts. "Well.." you trailed off, giggling a bit. "We haaad...Jager in a pretty preeeeeetty frozen little shot glass, then we washed that down with beer.."
A slight shiver went down her spine as she felt your hot breath against her collarbone. Her hands moving your hair to cool you off a bit. "Then..we had Cuervo. Then we tried this...this..cocktail that tasted like chocolate.."
"No wonder," she sighed, wrapping her arms around you. Although Mizu had admittedly had her fair share of bad experiences with drunks (mostly leading to fist fights), she had to admit, you were definitely the cutest one yet. "Next time, try to drink a bit more responsibly, okay?"
You shook your head at her words, wrapping your arms around her tighter. "I don't want to drink responsibly. I want my girlfriend," you whined, making her snort. You were definitely still too drunk for this conversation. "My girlfrieeeeend.."
"And who's your girlfriend? What's she like?" Maybe if she played along, she could finally get you to sleep. Blue eyes watched you sigh, melting into her arms with a dreamy smile. "My girlfriend is...my Mizu!" you answered, laughing slightly as your head rested against her breast.
She could feel your arms hold onto her tighter, weight pushing down against her's as you started to get a bit more excited. "She's the prettiest, coolest, grumpiest person ever..and she's mine!" you rambled, an amused laugh escaping her lips at your words. "H-Hey! Don't laugh!"
Mizu smiled at you apologetically as you continued to pout at her in drunken grumpiness. "Sorry, sorry. How 'bout we go to bed and take a nap so you can see her in the morning?" she asked, still playing along. "No! Dun' wanna!" you replied in a bratty tone, huffing once again. "You're staying with me!"
Your arms held on to her tighter, legs wrapping around her's almost possessively. "Mmm..So you're just going to keep holding on to me like that, love?" she said teasingly. At your nod, she chuckled and lifted you a bit higher so your head rested against the pillow, nestled near her neck.
Slowly, she felt your body relax, fingers releasing their grip on her shirt. The rhythm of your breathing becoming steadier, the depth increasing. Once again, she picked up her book and continued to read, wanting to pass a bit more time to make sure you were fast asleep.
However, while she was half into the book, you suddenly lifted your head again. She raised an eyebrow, a bit taken back at the sudden movement. "What is it, love?" she asked, getting ready to get whatever you needed just in case.
Your eyes blinked sleepily before you leaned your head down, planting a kiss on her lips. "G'night..I love youu," you mumbled with a soft little smile before crashing back onto the pillow. She blinked in both surprise and mild astonishment.
A goodnight kiss?
While drunk out of your wits?
Lord help her.
There was no way she could fight off a smile after that display. How did she score such a cute wife? Mizu had to take a few deep breaths to keep herself from laughing at how cute that was. Who cares if you woke up grumpy from your hangover? This was definitely worth it.
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elsweetheart · 1 year
havduaha hello hi i think i'm inlove with you- anw i reaaaaaaalllyyyy love your writing. got me giggling and kicking feet fr hdjashaj soooo i just want to request somethin or whatnot just... dealer!ellie... whatever you want to do just make my dreams come true so i can pass away in peace (just kidding... or not) just gonna leave it here, again i think i'm really inlove with you HAJDHWJSHA BYE MWA
hiiii omgomgomg thank u!! i’m so happy u like my writing + you’re so sweet of course i will write dealer!ellie she is so chefs kiss 💋
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beginners luck — dealer!ellie
tw// drug usage !! not smutty just flirty <3 more to come tho !!
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• you and ellie were always seeing eachother around campus, or at parties where she’d be doing business. so much so, that the two of you would often laugh to eachother and chat at social gathering about how often you bumped into eachother. things were definitely a little flirty from your perspective, but you didn’t wanna read into it too much. so she’s not a total stranger — you just wouldn’t consider her a friend, and you wouldn’t wanna be stuck in the friendzone anyway.
• she’s always wondered why you’ve never tried to buy from her and then simply put it down to you seeming too innocent to wanna smoke and honestly she thinks it’s cute.
• that is until you can’t sleep one night, mind super frazzled from staring at a computer all day that you decide fuck it, now is the perfect time to start.
• so you march over to ellie’s dorm, and everyone knows where ellie’s dorm is because everyone buys weed from ellie. you didn’t think to change out of the tank top that’s just a little too tight and your cute pj pants, and before it’s too late you’re knocking on her door.
• she opens up pretty fast, and she looks like she just got back — wearing a carhartt jacket over her hoodie, her sneakers still on. she lets you in and honestly she’s surprised and confused as you’re the last person she expected to come knocking at 1AM.
• “i want to… erm, i’d like to buy a…weed.” you try and sound confident but you shrink down when she chuckles, stepping aside and letting you into her room. “i got plenty of those.” she replies as she pulls out a metal box and you don’t quite catch that she’s slightly making fun of your naively worded request.
• she lets you fish through all the pungent baggies with labels you don’t understand on them before you’re looking up at her with doe eyes and a shrug. “i don’t really know what i’m looking for here.” you admit defeatedly.
• “you never smoked before? like not even at a party or anything?” she doesn’t sound judgemental, more curious and you feel more comfortable to be truthful.
• “no, never. just struggling to sleep and i think it might help me.” you respond earnestly and she thinks for a moment, seeming to analyse you before taking the metal box and closing it, storing it away.
• “i don’t usually sell to beginners. they don’t know what they’re doing and then they go away and smoke more than they can handle and then come freaking out at my door saying i laced them or some shit, which i obviously did not. but… i dunno, you’re always nice to me when i see you, and plus i know what it’s like to not be able to sleep. so, i’m gonna help you out.” she ranted, digging through another one of her drawers before she stood back up, holding a smaller tin.
• “thank you, ellie. you’re a lifesaver. what is that?” you ask shyly with your eyes on the tin. she pries it open and nods towards her bed. “sit down.” she offers in a softer voice and you do, watching as she gathers her equipment. “it’s my personal stash. the good stuff, you know. you don’t smoke pretty girls out with the cheap shit i sell.” she chuckled like it was obvious, continuing to set up her little rolling station at her desk, perching on her chair. you flushed all over at her calling you pretty and smiled.
• she talks you through how to roll and prepare the blunt, and you’re trying to listen — you really are. but you’re both finding it hard to concentrate when she’s that hot and explaining things to you, and you’re showing her how good of a listener you can be by responding with small dreamy “mhm”’s to her instructions. you swing your legs as you stare at her, her fingers continuing to do the last bit of rolling and twisting of the pink rolling paper she let you select.
• “now the boring parts out the way…” she smiled as she stood up, flopping down on the bed next to you and pulling her lighter out her pocket before setting them down on the bed between you and shuffling out of her jacket. you felt your body heat up and the close proximity and you kicked off your slippers, crossing your legs and facing her.
• she placed the joint carefully between your lips, eyes flicking from your mouth to your eyes as if for permission before lighting it. “now inhale and you’re gonna hold it for a few seconds, alright?” her voice was calm and quiet and it eased your nerves slightly as you did what she said.
• she let you take a few more hits commending you with a “see? you’re a natural.” before taking her turn, inhaling with more confidence as she relaxed back against the wall beside her bed.
• the two of you get talking as you smoked, and you clicked instantly, talking about her day and then talking about yours and laughing together. you almost forgot what you were doing, as after a while it became second nature.
• the fogginess started to hit you as she was talking and you began giggling, eyes now pink and watering as you observed how pretty she was as she spoke. she trailed off, taking a drag of the blunt and you moved closer to her on the bed.
• “your freckles look like little stars.” you tried to widen your eyes so you could see more and she chuckled, tilting her her slightly to catch your eye.
• “you good? it’s hitting you huh?” her voice was laced with amusement as you bit your lip and nodded with an innocent grin. “does it feel good?” she asked, in reference to the high but the question made your eyes flutter anyways. “mhm.”
• the good feeling lasted for what felt like forever, but when she made you laugh at a stupid joke a little too hard you found that your heartbeat sped up just a little bit too much. you tried to play it cool, taking a deep breath as you flattened your back against the wall, staring at her bedsheets.
• she moved her head slightly, trying to catch your eye. “you in there?” she cooed, placing a hand on your shoulder.
• “yeah. m’okay just... focusing on breathing.” you breathe out, a little whiny and trying not to panic. ellie barely reacts, reaching under her bed and pulling out a water bottle from a multipack, opening it for you and handing it to you lidless. “you’re alright, just smoked a little more than you can take for now. just relax, ‘kay?”
• she pulled her laptop up and put some kind of animated comedy on the screen to distract you, and somehow you ended up with your head resting in her lap as the two of you watched, ellie smoking another to herself. you relaxed yourself, and the high felt good again. you rolled over to look up at her, watching her smoke as her beautiful features were lit up by the glow of the screen. her eyes were pink and glossy now too and the room was smokey. you noticed the sock over the smoke alarm on the ceiling just past her head in your eyeline and giggled, attracting her attention.
• “what you looking at?” she smiled down at you and you shrugged it off, instead choosing to play with the drawstrings on her hoodie.
• “how much?” you asked sweetly. “before i forget.”
• “how much what?” she stroked your hair back.
• “how much do i owe you for this premium experience.” you giggled. “can see why so many people buy from you now. y’must be popular with the ladies.”
• she chuckled, but in a modest and almost nervous way as she leant back more against the wall— taking the moment to really look at you as you stared back. the weed induced haze gave you the confidence to hold her gaze without looking away.
• “i guess a beginner wouldn’t know that pretty girls smoke for free.” she smirked and you bit your lip in girlish excitement at her calling you pretty again. “especially pretty girls that are extra pretty when they’re all giggly and smoked out with big pretty pink eyes.” her voice was smooth and your heart fluttered again, but in a good way this time.
• “i suppose you should be paying me then.” you joked quietly and she laughed, nodding. you sat up slowly, eye contact not breaking once and your faces close.
• “so… do you let all your beginners lay in your lap and smoke with you?” your eyes danced between hers and her eyes were heavy lidded, lazily staring at your lips before blinking up at your eyes, stubbing out the last of the roach into the ashtray.
• “first time for everything. figured i’d try it out on the cute girl i see around campus that i was too much of a pussy to talk to.” her voice was quiet, almost lusty and you licked your lips.
• “me?” you breathed out sweetly and she smiled again.
• “clever girl.” she praised, pulling you in to meet her lips.
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i don’t rlly like this but hey ho i can’t be bothered to write it again :))))
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avesque · 1 year
can i please request a drabble with i pushed everyone away because they weren’t you + neteyam? thanks.
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of all the girls — neteyam
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INCLUDES best friends to lovers. angst to fluff. 0.7k words.
NOTE i need him so bad. you can request a prompt of your own here! (also the great war part i might come out this thursday/friday. i promise i see those asking to be tagged, i will not forget u here is a big kith mwa) OH AND HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY i love you!
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neteyam finds you all alone by the docks with your feet submerged in the water. it’s a quiet afternoon and the others are out and about with tsireya and other metkayina kids.
he finds his palms sweaty the second he settles beside you.
you don’t bother to look at him. it makes his heart squeeze painfully as your gaze stays fixed ahead, over the reefs and the horizon that he thinks you’ve mentally reached home.
you cut him off just as he’s about to break the quiet.
“why’d you leave?”
to others, it might sound nonchalant. but neteyam has known you for more than a decade; can read you like that back of his hand. there’s a bite to your tone that makes his heart climb up his throat.
you place your palms behind you and lean back but you do not look at him.
“you left,” he says. “i followed you.”
“no shit,” you scoff. it makes him wince. you always did hang a lot around lo’ak.
he swallows his nervousness.
you’re quick to rise to your feet. “well, i need to go.”
neteyam calls your name.
“i don’t want to hear it.” your tone is cold, biting. if he didn’t know better, he’d think you’re leaving behind snow rather than the sand you’re kicking off as you walk away hastily.
he follows you just as he has for the past twelve years. always behind you, always watching. waiting.
he snatches your arms once he’s caught up and something spears through his heart when he finds tears brimming in your lash line.
“no,” you seethe, wriggling free from his hold. “you leave me alone. go back to ayrona since you like her that much, huh?”
neteyam heaves a deep sigh, latching on to your arm again. gentler, this time. softer. consoling.
you scoff again. the metkayina girl had shown interest in neteyam ever since you got here, always there, always lingering. it makes your skin itch, your blood boil. you’ve been watching them all this time, how she seems to enjoy those breathing lessons with neteyam. remembering it makes you want to scream.
but ayrona wasn’t the only one. back in the forest, before you had to flee, you heard other girls’ names tied with neteyam’s from hearsay. you did not have the heart to ask him about it, afraid that the confirmation will break your heart more.
ayrona is just the final straw.
but this is wrong. the lone tear that cascades down your cheek is a burning shame. neteyam is not yours.
at times, you feel like you may stand a chance, against all these other girls and against all odds. you’ve been toeing that line between friends and something more, touches lingering more than they should have, gazes softer and sweeter than most. but nothing has come of it.
you fear what you thought could have been was just a miscalculation on your part.
neteyam holds your cheek so delicately, thumbing away the salt on your cheek.
“oh, y/n.” his voice is honey; says your name like a prayer. you close your eyes, clumped eyelashes still spilling tears. “ayrona—” your stomach plummets, “—is a friend. just like tsireya.”
you sniffle, shaking your head and leaning away from his hold. but neteyam is quick, placing his other hand on your chest, right where your heart is.
“you,” he breathes, “are so much more.”
he rests his forehead on yours and he pulls you close.
“do you want to know why i told rey’nin to stop?”
rey’nin was the omatikaya girl who, despite the people’s disapproving stares, had pursued him.
“the others too,” he adds and proceeds to enumerate the girls who have shown interest in him. something warm lands on your cheek and you belatedly realize neteyam has placed a kiss there before he’s pulling away.
nimble fingers glide over your eyelids and your eyes flutter open to see gold staring right back.
“i pushed everyone away because they weren’t you.” he says your name again, this time, like a promise. “you are the only one my heart beats for. i see you. i always have.”
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grow-bettah · 3 months
Do you guys want a headcanon/ personal c!Grumbo lore dump? no? okay here It is!!
starting off with my silly guy for obvious reasons- Grian. quick warning i pour a ton of myself into him as a hyperfeminine fat trans man💕
Grian - Avian. Big ol' birdy bird. no set species, he does whatever. TRANSGENDERED. Trans Man Grian owns my life, and this plays jnto my Ariana stuff too btw. Grian doesn't want top surgery, but he's been on T pretty much ever since he joined Hermitcraft, like mid to late s6 he asked X if it was possible to do that for him. He's gotten waaay more confident since then. also he was a scrawny lil guy when he joined HC, but once he got comfortable he let himself heal (no more watchers) he became the fat little rat bastard I know and love. /aff Grian has fibromyalgia! He's an ambulatory wheelchair user and otherwise Mumbo carries his cane around for him just incase he needs it. (it's the colour of Mumbo's eyes. Grian won't tell him, and Mumbo will never know unless told since he can't see his own reflection.)
Ariana Griande was a persona he grabbed up pretty early on in his Hermitcraft career, and nobody except Mumbo, Scar and Gem know that that's him. He very much enjoys playing the part of Ariana every so often and wearing the tight hot pink outfits she does! When he's Ariana he doesn't mind using she/her btw.
CuteGuy is a very recent persona hes started playing. The cute superhero and sidekick to HoTGuy- they know eachothers identities but don't snitch. Mumbo doesn't know that Grian id CuteGuy, and gushes about that 'terribly handsome' superhero to his boyfriend regularly. Both Gri and Mumbo are huge HoTGuy fans and own a good chunk of merch of him. Mumbo does suspect that his Boyfriend is CuteGuy since he conveniently has to go build or farm or whatever whenever another hermit is in need of CuteGuy's help. Grian knows Mumbo's onto him. lol
Mumbo time!! the blorbo
Mumbo! He's a bat slash vampire guy. he's a real fancypants and wears strictly suits and cravats. He does however get it dirty with redstone periodically. His vampire identity isn't a secret- The hermits aren't worried about it since they're aware he drinks from pretty much only Grian. He's also a trans man! Just that he doesn't really use a persona to live out his hyperfemininity like grian, but rather wears dresses, skirts and other feminine clothes whenever he so pleases. He also refuses to get the teta snip, he thinks they look great in his suit jacket thank you very much. He's on T, a fair bit longer than Grian. Also, X knew before Mumbo did that he's trans. hehe. Mumbo WISHES he could eat anything other than Blood because he knows from Scar that his boyfriend's cooking is phenomenal. Also because blood doesn't really get you all that much nutrition which keeps him skinny, which in turn worries Grian all the time because he thinks Mumbo looks like a stick ( a "very hot and sexy stick" according to Grian mind you.) Mumbo has narcolepsy! He's pretty independent even with it obstructing most of his life. But sometimes very short sudden naps aren't too bad (when he's not doing redstone or building. Grian's always around when Mumbo's building up high, just for safety.)
I hope this isn't too much to read y'all! I just needed to dump all of this out on you guys today just to.. explain how my art functions? I guess? MWA kissy
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surfinminhos · 1 year
especially in love with you ♡
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hwang hyunjin x female reader (fluff)
requested! ---- Lrei
!! fluff au, kissing, mentions of stress, work. 2ND PERSON POV, cuddling, clingy bf, tiny fake text part, everything fluff! microscopic angst part !!
word count: 1,073
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synopsis: You and Hyunjin have been dating for 8 months, The two of you haven't parted ways since. One day you went home exhausted from work. He was clearly worried about you and let you sleep for the rest of the night. The next day you woke up to see your boyfriend out of sight. Little did you know, he was planning a little gift to remove a little bit of your stress from work. It was the best gift you'd ever received from anyone. You both love each other dearly, but this day was really 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭.
-author's note: this is my first time writing something like this, ever so you can spot a lot of mistakes throughout my posts. I would love some tips on writing on Tumblr, overall tysm for reading.-
It was a scorching hot day and you were with your boyfriend that was going to drop you off to work. You two usually walked to your workplace every morning but considering the intense heat outside, you both decided that he'll just drop you off to work in his car. It was a pretty short and quiet ride. You both liked the comfortable silence that comes every once in a while. You two reached the workplace, wiping a little sweat dripping down your forehead from the hot temperature. You said goodbye to your boyfriend and kissed his cheek."Why can't you just take the day off and spend more time with me and Kkami?" he asked, frowning. "You know I can't do that Hyune, I have to work. Speaking of work, I gotta go, I don't want to be late. Bye," you kissed his cheek again and sent him multiple flying kisses on the way to your office's entrance. You walk inside your office as a bunch of your colleagues greet you and you greet them back. "Omg, I love you hyunjinnie baby mwa mwa mwa" your best friend, (y/f/n) stated mockingly. "Oh shut up (y/f/n), you're just jealous I dated someone longer than 2 days." you scoffed, making her blush a little from embarrassment. "Whatever, I still don't trust that guy." she ranted. "Well you should 'cause I don't think I can ever leave him," you stated. You organize your stuff as you mentally prepare yourself for a long day of work.
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You went home, exhausted. You plopped down on your couch, not wanting to stand up, maybe it was because of the extreme heat, or you were too tired to do so. "Hyune! I'm home!" you exclaimed as you watched your boyfriend run down the stairs to check on you. "Hey jagi, how was work?" he asked as he sat down beside you, looking like a disaster compared to him, it seemed like he had just got out of the shower an hour before you arrived, you were lying down, limbs everywhere. "It was the most tiring 5 hours of my life," you answered. "Missed me?" you asked with a cheeky smile, trying to cover the fact that you were really tired yet failing miserably the moment you heard your boyfriend's response. "Of course I did," he cupped your cheeks as he kissed you. "I know you're tired, stop trying to cover it up jagi, I've made you food, eat up and change into your pj's and I'll get ready to cuddle you to sleep," he instructed."Alriiight, help me get up first," you blurted, causing both of you to laugh as he pulls you out of the couch. After you did everything he told you, you rushed to your shared bedroom and saw Hyunjin laying down in his pj's. He was shocked seeing you've done everything he asked so swiftly. "Staring is bad y'know," you said jokingly. You ran over to the bed and lay down beside him. He tucks you in the blankets, legs intertwined as he cuddles you tightly, while you smile at his actions. "Go to sleep now, dream of me cutie" he smirked, causing you to smile and blush even more as you drift away to sleep.
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*bzzzt, bzzzt* you woke up to your phone buzzing loudly, you picked it up and glanced at the time, it was 7:23 in the morning. You grunted as you stretched your arms and saw the empty space on the other side of the bed, your boyfriend had woken up earlier than you. You wonder where he could've gone as you stand up and walk lazily to the bathroom to brush your teeth. After, you hear a sudden *ting!* from your phone, indicating a message. You check your phone and see it was from your boyfriend.
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"Hm, I wonder what his surprise would be" you mumble, running down the stairs. Just as you said that, you saw what he meant in the text. He made a lot of paintings, of you. He made a cake for you with something written on top "I love you jagiya!", He made a whole interactive card origami filled with letters for you and your pictures together which takes hours to make. You swore you were going to cry 'cause of all the efforts he gave making all of this. You truly didn't deserve him. He was beside the cake, he flashed his smile at you and you smiled back. "You made all this? For me? Why?" you asked, feeling flustered. "Because I saw that you were exhausted from work yesterday and I wanted to make you feel relaxed since you've been stressed the whole week," he answered. Feeling butterflies in your stomach. You two spent the whole weekend together. If only you could live in this moment forever. Night came, and you two were on the balcony, enjoying the view. "I have told you this a billion times already, but I'll say it again. I love you. So much." you stated, breaking the silence. He smiles at you and lifts your chin up to face him with his thumb, "I love you too, so, so, so much. You're my favourite person ever. 𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲." he says, and kisses you under the moonlight.
-author's note ~ IT'S FINALLY DONE! I sacrificed my sleep for this. send some requests! sorry if it's kinda cheesy, I tried. Stream 5 Star for 5 days of luck-
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yoursjaeyun · 2 years
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needing you — sim jaeyun.
pairing. jake x fem!reader
wc. 2420+
sypnosis. you met with your ex from two years ago, and when he did, you just couldn’t stop thinking about him. and you needed help with that. luckily, your new boyfriend helped you, and he did what your ex couldn’t do. and you loved him for that.
warnings. smut (minors strictly dni), explicit language, blowjob (him receiving), unprotected sex (both receiving), angst, use of nicknames, mentions of breaking up/ex, crying. please tell me if i need to add more.
featuring. heeseung & chaewon
a/n. my second fic ohmygossshhhh, i cannot believe i finished this in less than 48hrs like help pls 🧍🏻‍♀️ I HAVE A HEADAAAACHHHHEEEE but anything for yall 🥴🫶🏼 alr yall, i actually need a break because i have a presentation coming up and i fr need to study </3 but when i finish doing that, i will definitely bake yall another fic straight the fuck up mwa 😘 actually hoping grammarly be worth it for this fic but anyway, i hope i satisfy yall this time with the ending 🥹 and everything is cute to me, i was giggling and kicking my feet while i was typing everything HAHSHSJJZ anyway i apologise about my last hee fic, because they broke up in this one… OKAY GOODNIGHT YALL. enjoy reading <3333 ( yall better thank me for spoiling yall frfr, okay actually goodfuckingnight. )
please read this fic first to know the storyline between the two, thank you my loves <3
you decided to go to the club to get some free time for yourself after your recent argument with your boyfriend. it was because he got jealous. no, you got jealous. seeing him with this random girl at a café all dressed up? ‘wow.’ you thought, did you love him too much to the point where he got tired of you? you were tired of all the back-and-forth arguing, and he must be too.
after ordering a few drinks, someone familiar came up to you. you squinted your eyes, trying to see who it was clearly. “y/n?” he got closer to you, now having a better view of who it was. “heeseung..” it was your ex, lee heeseung. you ended your relationship with him 2 years ago because of ‘personal’ reasons. not reasons,
because he kept leaving you.
“uhm. hi.. ?” he said as he sat down next to you. “hi.” you were nervous, and a little tipsy at the same time. “it’s been a while.” “yes, it has been.” you answered, you didn’t want to give a bad impression in front of him, especially while looking drunk, and depressed. so you quickly wiped your tears trying your best to look okay. “are you alright? apologies if i came unattended.”
“no, no its okay. and i’m doing just fine.. how are you?” your voice shaked, trying not to make eye contact with him. “i’m good.. what are you doing here all alone?” you didn’t want to tell him about your relationship with jake. what if he still didn’t get over you yet? ‘it’s been well over two years, so he must’ve already gotten a new girlfriend, or not’ you thought. “oh, i just came here because.. because i haven’t had drinks in a while.” you fakely smiled.
it was now silent and awfully awkward between the two of you. “y/n, look,” he talked, making you instantly turn your head to him. “i- i’m sorry for what i did, i swear i didn’t mean to-” “heeseung, stop.” you cut him off, knowing that he was going to apologise again the second he called your name. you don’t trust him, you don’t trust his words. he should’ve kept his promise last time.
“i don’t want you apologising to me anymore. it’s over right? and you should be over it too.”
“y/n, wait.” you took your purse and walked out, tears pooling in your eyes, not saying a word back to him.
you slammed your car door as you rested your head on the steering wheel. you jumped when you heard your phone ringing, then seeing your friend’s name on the screen.
“chaewon..” your voice croaked as you answered the call.
“y/n? why do you sound off? are you okay? what happened?”
“nothing happened, i’m okay.”
“tell me.”
“its heeseung. i met him a few minutes ago. but i’m fine, don’t worry.” you assured her.
“what the fuck did that bastard do to you?! where are you? i’m on my way.”
“chae, it’s okay. he didn’t do anything. i’m fine and you don’t have to come, i’m going home anyway.”
you heard your friend sigh through the phone, you obviously needed her comfort. but you needed to sort things out with your boyfriend first without getting her or even anyone involved in your fucked up situation.
“y/n, i’ll leave you alone this time, but call me if you need anything, okay? be safe, i love you.”
“i will, and i love you too.” you then hung up the phone, looking at the time. it was already 10:42 PM, and you were exhausted but you still needed to get everything over and done with. you sighed before turning on the car engine and went on the way back to your apartment.
you took out your apartment keys and unlocked the door, feeling the cold breeze from the ac that was on making you feel more relaxed. and seeing your boyfriend on the couch.
“y/n, you’re crying. what happened?” he walked up to you worriedly, noticing your red puffy eyes. “i’m fine.” you said, taking off your heels and started walking to your shared room, but you were stopped by a tug on your wrist.
“talk to me, y/n.” you tried your best not to cry in front of him, but it was too late. you already broke down in tears. jake quickly pulled you into his embrace, letting you sob on his chest.
“i’m sorry. i’m sorry if i overreacted yesterday, i- i’m sorry-” you were cut off by jake’s sudden kiss. god, you missed his soft lips more than anything. you felt guilty, you felt guilty for not listening to him yesterday. one of your bad habits is most likely jealousy, and you hated it getting to you. you were way too head over heels for him, and you still are.
at the same time, you didn’t want to tell him about heeseung and what happened earlier or in the past, you didn’t want to let jake down by talking about your ex right in front of him.
jake knew how much you were struggling the past few days, and hes trying to make it better. but he can’t seem to, because he thinks he’s pushing you too much. but you’re the one who’s pushing him. “stop apologising, it’s okay.” he let out a small laugh after he pulled away from the kiss, then cupping your face in his hands, staring at the pool of tears in your eyes dropping down onto your cheek
“it’s not, jake.. i’ve pushed you away too much, a- and-” “y/n, stop. no, you haven’t. i’m not going anywhere besides just being with you and you only, don’t worry.” he reassured you as he wiped your tears with his thumb, then placing a kiss on your forehead as he pulls you in closer for another hug. he continuously strokes your hair, and it made you calm down a little bit. you realised you were lucky to have someone like your boyfriend, you’re the opposite of him but he practically knows everything about you, which makes everything better so he can be more aware of your personal space.
“are you okay now?” he asked, pushing away the strands of hair from your face. you nodded, sniffing after, still holding onto his waist. your eyes were still puffy from all the crying, and you needed rest,
but what you needed the most right now, is him.
“it’s late, do you want to take a shower first? i’ll wait for you in the bedroom.” he was gonna get you a towel, but you stopped him by pulling his wrist. “i need you, jake..” his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you said that.
“make love to me.”
“i don’t want to hurt you even more, baby. your tired, not right now, okay?” he said caressing your face. "you won’t, and i’m not tired. please?” you begged, you lied about not being tired, but you were dreadfully desperate for him.
“y/n-” he was cut off when you pulled him into a kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck as his wrapped around your waist, deepening the kiss more and more. “bedroom, now.” you mumbled against his lips, you both walked towards the bedroom, still kissing. you gasped when your back hit the door, jake held onto you, preventing you from falling as he opened the door with his hand that was behind you.
jake plopped you on the corner of the bed, he quickly took his shirt off and threw it to the side, giving you a direct view of his abs. he continued to hover and kiss you passionately while his hands were on both sides of your head.
your hands roamed everywhere on his smooth skin, making you want to take your clothes off as well. fortunately, jake read your mind. his hand went to unbutton your silk, ivory collared blouse. then going behind your back to unclasp your bra, your mouth fell open from the pleasure as he started to kiss down your neck, placing opened-mouth kisses.
he reaches your breasts, and places kitten licks on your bud to tease you, making you whimper. finally, he closed his mouth onto your boob while he plays with the other. although, he did keep teasing you which made you annoyed, but in a good way. you loved his teasing.
you pulled him up and kissed him again lustfully. then rolling him over, making you the one hovering him. you pulled away from the kiss, earning a loud smack from it, you quickly stood up to take off your work pants, now revealing your black-laced underwear, giving him a show. “fuck. you make me go crazy, princess.” he whispered, smirking while biting his lower lip.
in the meantime, jake pulled himself up to meet the headboard of the bed, catching his breath, his lips were now swollen from all the kissing. he then spreads his legs out, as he waits for you.
you then crawl towards him, now in between his legs, firstly giving him wet kisses on his stomach, going your way down to his bulge. you slowly undid his pants, along with his boxers in one move. his cock sprung out, hitting his abdomen. it was blushing red and leaking pre-cum, waiting for you. and so, you took it in your hands, eliciting a low groan from his mouth.
you stroked his hardened cock a few times before teasing him with kitten licks on his tip. he threw his head back, as he gripped onto the sheets. you took his dick in one go, now bobbing your head up and down, sucking him in all the right places.
“fuck.” he muttered under his breath, he then grabbed the back of your head, helping you go faster. he let out a shaky breath as you picked up the pace, making sloppy sounds while taking him all in. you put your hand on the base of his dick, stroking it up and down, synchronising with your head while still sucking, making you gag.
“y/n, i- i’m close. fuck.” you went slow this time, waiting for him to reach his high.
“swallow.” he demanded. in an instant, his hot cum filled up your mouth, you obeyed his words, and swallowed it in one go. “good girl.” jake pulled you up, now straddling his lap, he connected his lips onto yours again, tasting himself from the leftover cum that was left on the corner of your lips.
“are you sure you want to do this?” he asked as he stared at your eyes, pulling away from the kiss. you pushed away his sweaty locks from his forehead being hesitant for a little bit. you love jake, very much. so much. and you do want to do this, so bad.
“yes. i’m sure, jake. i want you, so bad.” he smiled at your words before attaching his lips onto yours again, his arms swathed around your waist, as yours were on his shoulders. your hands ran through his fluffy, black hair making him hum into your mouth.
he tugged at your underwear indicating that he wants it off, you immediately lifted yourself up for him to slide it off with ease. your soaked hole now aligning with his cock, you pumped it a couple of times before slowly putting it in. “jakey.. fuck.” you mumbled, you swore you felt his dick twitch in you as you called him that nickname.
“come here.” he pulled you in, hugging you by your waist to help you move. “we’ll go slow this time, okay?” you nodded as he placed soft kisses on your shoulder ensuring that he won’t try to hurt you.
you dug your nails into the back of his neck as you started to rock your hips back and forth, throwing your head back from the immense pleasure.  “so fucking tight on me, fuck.” he muttered, before letting his mouth fall open from how good you felt around him.
he hugged you tighter as you picked up the pace, making him moan even more. he places opened-mouth kisses on your breasts, sucking your bud before they become swollen. you held onto the headboard behind him balancing yourself as you become weaker, he then placed more on your chest, giving you hickeys on every spot.
your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you rode him faster, both of you getting close. “cum in me.” you whispered against his ear as he was just about to pull out of you. the room was filled with your moans as you felt his cum painting your velvety walls.
you let your entire body drop onto his chest, you had no strength left to lift yourself up from him as he was still inside you. he stroked your hair, then intertwined his hands into yours, placing a small kiss on your knuckles. he lifted your head, staring at your hazy eyes from how tired you were. you still felt his cum mixed with yours running down your thighs, too exhausted to open your eyes to stare at him back, instead, you just smiled.
he chuckles softly at how cute you were. he slowly pulls out of you, grabbing a tissue to wipe under your thighs. he then carried you bridal style to the bathroom, placing you on the counter as you were still leaning on him, too worn out to do anything else. he grabs his clean white t-shirt to put on you, along with clean panties, helping you put it on.
he carried you back into the room, carefully placing you on the bed. jake gets on the bed with you as well, tucking you in as he lays behind you, arms wrapping your waist. you turned around to face his body to be more comfortable in his embrace, you snuggle your head under his chin, putting your arm on his chest, now dozing off, feeling the warmth of his touch as he massages your back, gently patting your head as well.
“i love you, so, so much, y/n,” you finally felt safe in his arms, all you were thinking about now, was how you were lucky to have been chosen by him. you wanted nothing but to wish to stay with him forever starting from now. “and i’m never, going to leave you.” he whispers, dozing off with you as well.
“i love you too, jakey.”
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perm taglist: @4lhs send an ask or a dm to be added !!
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dianethepisceswitch · 3 months
🧞‍♂️I watched Aladdin🧞‍♂️
Please read this post to gain needed context. Thanks.
**Spoilers for Aladdin (obviously) and Twisted Wonderland (Book 4 and Yasmina Silk Event)**
TW: Negative portrayal of Arabic people, general ickiness
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Tropes Completed: 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 13
🐅The Good🐅
Every. Song. Fucking. Slaps. The only exception to this is "Arabian Nights", which is just because Bruce Adler's singing voice didn't match the song. But Will Smith's version from Aladdin 2019 is perfect.
Gorgeous animation except with the CG in the Cave of Wonders. That's the only scene that dates the movie
Every character is flawless. I especially loved the Sultan, when I wasn't really expecting to. Even though he's forcing Jasmine to get married, you can tell that he truly wants what's best for his daughter.
Robin Williams as the genie and Gilbert Gottfried as Iago was perfect casting.
I. Love. Jasmine's. Voice. She sounds so cute while also sounding strong, powerful, and sensual at times.
I WANT RAJAH. He's so fucking cute.
Watching Aladdin after playing Book 4 is an enhanced experience. I didn't think I could appreciate Jamil anymore than I already did. But thing change I guess, because HOLY FUCK. I love Jamil 10x more than I already did after seeing his inspiration. Jafar is so evil and mischievous, I love it.
A Whole New World needs to be seen to be believed. Go watch it right now, if you haven't. I will take no slander.
I love Aladdin and Jasmine had opposite drives, but are kind of the same in a way. Jasmine made her life worse by running away so she could follow her heart. Aladdin made his life better by lying so he could follow his heart.
Ugh, I love the apple symbolism.
🐍The Bad🐍
I'm not really a movie person, but I feel like it took a long time for the movie to really get started. It felt like it took 30 minutes for Jasmine to start running away, and another 30 minutes for Jasmine to get caught. I know it didn't take this long, but that's how if felt.
Abu was really annoying after the first few times he was on screen.
The law that Jasmine has to be married by her 16th birthday was both unnecessary and gross. That combined with the fact that Jafar ends up trying to marry her and people keep pointing out how old he is. The cherry on top of this disgusting sundae is the kiss towards to end. Like, no? That did NOT need to happen. Him calling her "pussycat" before that was so fucking rancid, it literally made my eyes water and I gagged.
🐪The Bad- A Racist Background🐪
The song, "Arabian Nights", originally contained the lyrics:
Where they cut off your ear If they don't like your face It's barbaric, but hey, it's home
This paints Arabic people as barbaric and violent people. After large criticism from Arabian Americans due to the racist lyrics, Disney agreed to change the lyrics. This was largely due to a meeting with the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee back in 1993, a year after the films release.
🌺Twisted Wonderland References🌺
In the Yasmina Silk event, the owner of the silky melon stall owner mentions that Jamil stole one while in middle school. This refers to the scene where Aladdin and Abu work together to steal a melon from a stand.
The Golden Scarab on Jamil's Dorm Uniform card mirrors the Scarab in the movie
During "One Jump Ahead", Aladdin and Abu attempt to hide with pots on their heads, which is something Jamil used to do when he would get in trouble.
"...Give me adequate cause. To send him packing on a one-way trip. ..Whoopeeeeeeeee! So looooooooooooong! Ex-Priiiiiiiince Aaaaaaaallllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!"(Aladdin) "Your personality flaws give me ADEQUATE cause... To send you packing on a one-way trip to the ends of the earth! WHOOPEEEEE! SO LONG! MWA HA HA HA HA! Ex-Housewarden Kalim! HYAAAH HA HA HA HA HA!"(Book 4)
The peddler in the beginning is a shady figure who attempts to sell the viewer useless objects that are marketed as valuables, which is something that the various merchants in Silk City attempt to do to Jamil's classmates.
The flower in Jamil's hair on his Yasmina Silk card looks identical to the flower Aladdin gives jasmine during "A Whole New World".
🐒Additional Notes🐒
Aladdin has earned two direct-to-DVD sequels, The Return of Jafar(1994), and Aladdin and the King of Thieves(1996). Aladdin has also had a live action adaptation in 2019.
While not created by Disney, Twisted: The Untold Story of A Royal Vizier, is a parody musical based around Aladdin.
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prttykittes · 7 months
I’ve been brain rotting about fluff kenji, baking w reader><!! like it reminds me of the song stir & mix 💗 if u could do that I’d be so thankful <33! It just seems so cute -mwa! Kisses and hugs by Miko!
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Of course!! Yeah you go friend, I love Kenji he's so silly and I love him he's so sweet also I love stir and mix :33
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ෆ Kenji X(&) GN!reader[you/your]
CW. Food, baking, romantic & platonic, bad baking
A/N :: So here, I written two versions of this, one with reader liking kenji(reader is kenjis age), there other one with reader liking an ada member while Kenji helps them bake :) — written by a minor
[MASTERLIST] — (⁠ノ⁠^⁠_⁠^⁠)⁠ノ works in link!
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KENJI (Romantic, reader is kenjis age) —
You're next to him, giving stuff from the fridge, which was brought by the ada workers. You asked them to buy stuff for baked goods! You grab a mixing bowl, you wanted to make cupcakes with him. He grabbed a book and begins to read it or so you thought, he didn't read all of it just some. "I am excited!" He says, you both start to bake. He was next to you, your face was heating up. You were slightly nervous about confessing to him at the end, would he see this was a friendship thing?! I mean he probably would, he's so nice and why make him bake cupcakes for himself?! You felt like a dumby but he seemed to have fun and you had fun, you have the tin and he pours in the batter. He smiles and places it in the oven, you put on a timer as you both wait. You were waiting in the office, playing cards. He left for a bit and tried to bring in his cow, but kunikida came in the room at the wrong time... So he got mad and pushed the cow out of the room, Kenji left again to put away his cow until he was gone. "Kenji, I have—" you got cut off by a beeping sound, he got up fast. His eyes shining in glee, you smiled and went behind him, he opens the oven. He grabs it out, he places it on the table. You both begin to decorate it, yours was better and his was messier but yeah it's the thought that counts! You both made a mistake, the icing was melting...Finally after it was cool-down, you replace the icing. It was a bit better, you both sat down. You both made lots, probably could be fed to the whole office! "It tastes good!" Kenji says, his mouth stuffed with cupcakes, you giggled. Your heart was racing, you could hear it. This was your time to do so. "Kenji, I-I have a crush on you!"
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KENJI (Platonic, reader is inlove with an ada member and Kenji helps them bake) —
"Kenji!" You cried, you stopped infront of him, he smiles and looks up at you. "What is it, {yourname}!" He says, you smile and let out a sigh, he was the perfect one to do this with! "Can you help me bake some cupcakes!" You asked, your heart was pumping. You were excited to bake cupcakes for your loved one! Oh how happy they were going to be!! And make extras for the rest, you guess. "Of course, I can!" Kenji gets up and you smiled, he follows you. You grab stuff, placing them on the table. You hoped that none will spoil your surprise or worse! Your loved one sees you baking for them, the surprise will be ruined! You were overthinking while Kenji figures out stuff, he cracks eggs. "Let's stir!" You yell out, pouring everything into the two bowels, you begin stirring and mixing. He tries to copy your movements but you were too fast, your hands stirring the mixer. "Don't go too fast! Your spilling the batter." He says with worry, you smile and continue but slower. Finally you two were done, pouring the batter into the tins. Putting them inside the oven which you did because you were worried that he was going to burn himself. You played cards, talked, played with cow to waste time. Finally the time was done, you got up but Kenji was faster. He didn't even grab oven mittens! "Kenji! Be careful!" You say, but he grabbed it. He hissed and places it on the table, whew atleast he didn't drop it! You opened a window so the cold air gets in. You got the icing, you and him begins to decorate the cupcakes. "Would my darling enjoy this!" You asked in worry, you were nervous now. Realizing what if they didn't enjoy it!! "Don't worry, I bet they will!" He said, you let out a shaky breath. You hope he is right!
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arminsumi · 11 months
hihihi i hope ur doing well!! i was hoping you could do armins reacton to his gf reading and writing fanfiction 🤍 ahh ilysm
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱
bf!Armin x fem!reader
Overview; Armin finds your latest fanfic work.
Content; fluff
Warnings; errr kinda MDNI? mentions reader writing smut and Armin reading it
Notes; teehee i'm giggling over this idea!! mwa ty and hope u enjoy 💕
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You accidentally left your laptop open on the latest chapter of your current fanfic work, and Armin sat and ended up intently reading the whole thing.
"Okay, I'm back – NO DON'T READ THAT!" you grimaced when you entered your bedroom. "It's – it's – "
"It's so good, did you write this?" Armin looks at you, intrigued.
You almost don't know how to respond. "Um, yeah, that's my latest fic... this is embarrassing."
Armin chuckled softly, "No need to be embarrassed! I used to read fanfic when I was sixteen. I still do sometimes, if I come across something good."
"Have you ever written some?" you asked curiously, coming to sit with him.
"Nah, I've got zero creativity when it comes to writing. It's really admirable that you built something from nothing here, I mean, people seem to really like it."
You beam at him, feeling confidence swarm your chest. "Yeah! It's nice. There's some really lovely people here... the reception and engagement has been really good."
"Mmm... mind if I follow you?" he asks timidly. "I won't if you're not comfortable. I understand if you want to keep this as your secret, sacred thing."
"I mean... I don't mind... but... well, sometimes I do write – um, peculiar content?" you said awkwardly.
Armin burst out laughing. "Ah, c'mon, don't be ashamed! Smut is good."
"Well, in that case, you can read one particular work if you want... I'm kinda proud of it."
Armin's eyes lit up. "Sure." he said eagerly.
So you let him read one, just one, of your smuts. He went completely red and slid down the chair, covering his face.
"That was..." he gulped, shifting like he was getting hot.
"Spicy?" you laughed. "It's my most liked work."
"I can see why." he looks at you, eyes lingering for a moment. "It's really good..."
He gulped and tried to change topic, but couldn't. "Do you read a lot of smut?" he asked curiously. He really wanted to know.
"Well... yeah." you admitted, chuckling a little.
"That's nice..." he replied awkwardly, "Um, if you find something good, I wouldn't mind if you sent me the link. I'd love to read what you're into. I mean! Uh, you know, if that's not weird..."
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mt-oe · 3 months
𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬—modern mizu x reader
Hey dears!
This is my first fic in this blog. I'm quite nervous since it's been years since I wrote something creative and something outside of academics.
Yes, it's a popular song nowadays and I do only listen to selected songs by the artist. Might leave this be or might create a part 2. Let's see <3 Regardless, I hope you enjoy! Mwa mwa!
Update: Since I love ya'll, here's part two: mwa!
warning: not proofread, smut (mdni please!), she/her for mizu and implied afab reader, mention of virginity and bleeding
oh yeah, mizu is your ex-gf for this one.
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I don't really know if she cares or not All I know is she left a lot of stuff in my apartment She's never getting back
It had been a few weeks since you and Mizu broke up. She had initiated it during the middle of the semester. You were too stressed out with your project and being in a demanding program, and to her, you were just too much.
That was not to say she didn't try.
She did.
She absolutely fucking tried her best.
Going out of her way to buy you meals even if she was busy too, buying the materials you needed, letting you cry against her, and even doing some of the parts you struggled with despite not even having a clue on what to do. Nobody could tell her she never even tried.
But like anything else, if it gets used to it, it gets tired. The constant fighting and the amount of time she had gone to bed with a heavy heart was draining her.
A few days after your break up, you had come and collected your things from her apartment. Her heart sunk as your frown greeted her upon opening the door. With the cardboard boxes behind you and your friend in the driver's seat waiting for you, it was clear to her that you were there to take back what was yours that both of you once claimed were 'ours'.
The once happy and comfy abode becoming gloomy and cold as the trinkets you have displayed, the clothes you claimed are still clean, and the books you bought but never read were now gone.
It was just her and her thoughts. Her and her memories with you.
And as the smell on my pillow fades Her cigarettes might stay Like a Roman Coliseum A dry and worthless monument to our love
A sigh escaped her lips as she laid down on her bed, staring at the ceiling. The bed that was once so warm with plushies and fluffy blankets was now cold. She rolled over and looked at what was once your side of the bed. Your pillow still smelled faintly of you, a smell that brought her so much joy and comfort.
As she leaned closer to the pillow and closed her eyes, allowing herself to take in the fading scent from your pillow, the image of you laying down beside her appeared in her mind.
"Good morning.." You whispered groggily, giving her a sleepy yet angelic smile. Your cheek against the pillow as the rays of the morning sun shone against your hair, giving it a brighter hue than it usually had.
A small, almost unseen, smile appeared on Mizu's lips. Her long, slender fingers tucking in a strand of hair behind your ear. The gesture sent a shiver down your spine, making you grip the blanket closer to your bare chest, covering the love bites and hickeys she had given you. Her sharp blue eyes scanning every detail of your face. The way your cheeks was subtly smushed against the pillow, the flutter of your eyelashes as you blinked, the way your pupils dilated as you stared back at her.
You purse your lips as you stared back, a glint of mild amusement swirling with the admiration you had for your girlfriend. "What..?" you chortled, leaning closer to her.
"Nothing." She gently pulled you closer, hand giving the plush of your ass a light playful squeeze. "Just admiring..."
I still have your lighter I still have your book I still have everything you brought, but you never took
Mizu let out a groan, opening her eyes to the dull sight of her wall. "That's right.. She's gone.' she thought, rolling her eyes at herself for even feeling a bit of joy reminiscing about you beside her.
Pushing herself up, her hand reached onto her bedside table to grab a cigarette. Her back rested against the bedframe, she placed the cig between her lips. A Marlboro Red. Before you, she used to smoke blues, a recommendation by Taigen that never left her.
That was until she met you.
After meeting you, she went from smoking a pack or two a day to chewing on gum. It wasn't because you convinced her to quit or to appeal to you. It was because she wanted all of you. The taste of your lips, the taste of your tongue—hell, even the taste of your perfume when she pulled you in. She wanted it all.
Now, she was back to smoking. Your absence leaving a pit in her and an odd sense of loneliness in her mouth. This time, she was smoking reds, a want to forget your taste to cope with the ache you left.
Well, she was about to, but when her hands reached into her drawer for a lighter, she found none.
A small "what the fuck?" left her lips as she sat up straight, pulling the bedside drawer out fully to search for the small metal lighter she always kept. Eyebrows knitting together, she pulled out every item in her drawer but to no avail. Her lighter was not there.
What she found, however, was a book. Your book. It was already unwrapped and some corners folded in place of a bookmark. Her heart stopped as she inspected it, hand taking the cigarette from between her lips and onto her ashtray.
Mizu opened the book and began reading from the page where you left off. After scanning over the words printed on the novel, she set it down before letting out a huff of bittersweet amusement. Yup, this book was definitely hers now.
It was a mature novel. A damn fucking smutty novel.
"Mizu.." You called out, a sly yet playful look on your face. You walked over to her desk with the book in your hand, finger slipped in between the pages.
She looked up from the computations she was doing, head turning towards you. "What is it?"
Your hands opened the book, placing it on top of her notebook. Her eyes scanned the paragraphs you highlighted, eyes narrowing as she read out the graphic descriptions of the characters shoving their digits inside each other, each word describing the erotic sounds made and the intensity of the arousal the characters felt.
She gulped, swallowing the pooling saliva at the back of her mouth as she handed the novel back to you. "What...do you mean by this?" she asked carefully, cautious not to embarrass herself by revealing how the written scene made her feel some sort of heat between her legs.
Hands slipped down between her legs, eliciting a groan from the usually stoic woman as you slid your hands down. "Mizu." You bent down to her height and tossed the closed book on top of her desk, knocking the pens and pencils further back.
"I want to do that too."
You know where to find me And I know where to look
The scene replayed in her mind like a video tape. The way you looked at her with such want. The way she pushed you down roughly against the bed, hand taking off your dress with such desire she almost ripped it by the seams. The way your eyes looked up at her as if waiting for her to continue, demanding her to continue.
Your back arched against the mattress, hands gripping the sheets as you squeezed your eyes shut. "Fuck.." Mizu breathed out, watching the strap-on sink in to your glistening cunt. A choked back moan escaping your lips as you bit your cheeks in, tears springing from the corner of your eyes as the plastic stretched you further.
"Halfway in, dove." She groaned out, eyebrows furrowing as if she could feel you through the toy, hands gripping the soft flesh of your thighs harder.
Your eyes glanced at her before rolling back as she pushed the strap-on further inside, the pain of the stretch making you whimper. "W-Wait...please.." You moaned in a whiny, slightly pained manner, a hand moving from gripping the sheets to gripping Mizu's arm.
Her movements halted immediately upon feeling your nails against her arm, digging into it and creating crescent-shaped marks. Her eyes traveled from the pained-yet-pleasured expression on your face to your hole.
"Holy shit..." She whispered, pulling out a bit to see it clearly. Blood. You were fucking bleeding. "Dove...I'm so fucking sorry. I—"
She was cut off by you pulling her down for a kiss. Your hands wrapped around her as your nails dug on to her shoulder, eliciting a moan from her. Mizu had no idea you were a virgin. It was never a piece of information she had considered nor cared about until now. In fact, her concern was placed on the fact that you were bleeding.
Her eyes widened as she felt your legs wrapping around her back, pulling her closer and pushing the toy in more. "Take it..." You moaned out, eyes squeezing shut. "Fuck me...take me"
You were offering yourself to her, letting her take your first time.
Mizu's eyes narrowed, the feeling of worry disappearing as it was replaced by a carnal desire. Her hands gripped your trembling thighs harder as she lifted them up more and pushed you down further, almost knocking all the air out your lungs as she put you in a mating press position.
Her hips pushed the toy inside you, biting her lip at the wet squelching noise your pussy made. A moan escaped both your throats as the length of the toy was fully inside you. She paused for a moment before looking at you with narrowed eyes as if asking you for consent to continue.
The moment you nodded, she immediately pulled the toy almost all the way out before pushing it completely, eliciting a loud moan from you. Her hips continued to move, motion starting of slow but hard. The pain from your nails raking down her back stung, but she continued to move, not even bothering to move your hands.
How could she?
The sight of you taking her, all of her, like the good girl you are was scrumptious.
"Hurry...please.." You pleaded, thoughts blanking out as the pleasure overrode the pain you were previously in. Each thrust sending waves of pleasure throughout your body. The pleads coming from your mouth becoming incoherent as Mizu thrusts in faster and harder.
She gripped your chin, forcing you open your mouth before capturing you in another kiss. Her tongue exploring the caverns of your mouth, smiling slightly as she tasted you. Her eyes watching over your expression as she moved, taking in the way your eyes looked at her and the way it rolled back when she thrusted the dildo in roughly.
Your legs trembled as you continued to lock her in, pushing against her more. Incoherent moaning and whining mixed with low groans and grunts filled the room. The tightening feeling building up inside you as Mizu continued to move. Her thumb rubbed against your clit, making you moan almost desperately.
It didn't take long for your climax to come, a wave of pleasure bursting in you. She placed her hand against the small of your back as you arched against her. The way you closed your eyes shut, the way your eyebrows furrowed, the tears of pleasure that streamed down your face, the way your cheeks flushed. You were so fucking beautiful to her.
Mizu snapped back into reality, rubbing her face against the palm of her hands in frustration. The regret of breaking up settling in her. She stood up and placed the cigarette between her lips again. Her feet making no noise as walked over to the kitchen to grab the kitchen lighter she kept in cabinets, lighting the red and taking a puff out of it.
A groan escaped her lips as the self-hatred from making such a foolish decision sunk into her. After a moment of thought, she put on her dark biker jacket and a bunch of rings she put on as a habit before going out.
There was no way she'll let herself live in regret like this. Not after you let her take all of you.
Call it thieving, stealing, but she's taking back what's not hers.
Thievin', stealin', takin' what's not yours
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c00kietin · 5 months
Settle down with me, dear friends, and let me tell you the tale of:
THE OWL WHO COULDN'T SLEEP by 7/8 year old me :D
HEADS UP! Fart jokes (I hate them) and I copied some concepts from other medias lol
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And that is the end. :')
Alas, if you couldn't read my handwriting (which is perfectly understandable), I shall type it for you, errors and all:
Once there was a Lovley forest called Leafcottage. There lived cute animals that loved to climb and run aroud. One day, the animals and the birds came together for a great festival. There was a Owl there called Hoot Hoot. He Was at the candfloss stand. He just Can't resist the rainbow flavour. While he was about to sit down, A wasp called Rocko Was flying side to side on his chair. When Hoot Hoot was sitting down, He felt something.
"OOOOOOOCCCCCHHH!" Hoot Hoot shouted. Hoot Hoot jumped up so high he nearly went to space. "What's the raket!?" Glowie said. "Glowie, a million Pardons," Said Hoot Hoot. "But I did'nt toot," Glowie replied in a truthful way. "I don't mean that" Hoot Hoot said. (I forgot, Glowie is a Glow Worm). "What's the Big Bum!" Shouted Rocko. That nearly Made Hoot Hoot Jump.
"That hurt's really badly" cried Hoot-hoot. When they finished the talk, it was soon Midnight. They Saw two glowing eyes. It was Claws the tiger. "You should be in Bed!" she shouted. They stomped away (exept Hoot-Hoot, He flew away). When He saw the Sign "Home Sweet Home", He karate-kicked it. "Silly Rocko, little eejit!" He thought.
Now this time, Since He was So angry, He Did'nt have any Dinner! Hoot-Hoot Stomped up the stiars Moodly. He farted so loud that the Whole town Smelled it too! [I cringed while typing that sentence] "Pooh ee!" Bertha the Bat Said. She flew over and shouted: CAN YOU STOP FARTING! (it is in Big capital letters Because she shouted). Hoot-Hoot did not listen, But stopped.
Talking in picture: "OMG He smells!" "Eww!" "Pee ew!" "That is even smellyier than me!"
"You need to sleep" Bertha said. "But I Just can't, There are Cupcake Wasp's flying around my Head." Oh No!
Talking in picture: "OMG means "Oh my God" cool right?"
"Like that one?" asked Bertha. "Yeah" answerd Hoot-Hoot. So Bertha Called a Yoga teacher, Mr M (Moose) and Music Players. "This Will ease your pain and calm you down" Mr Moose said.
"Ok!" Hoot-Hoot yawned, He farted agian. Claws watched. Oh no!
Talking in picture: "t-shirts can Be any colour. cool right?"
No! Lets go back to the story. "So where are we?" asked Hoot-hoot. "in the garden of William shakeshpere" Mr moose replied. "Hey, I was weeing here!!" A dog said. "forget him." Mr Moose said. The sun rose shine at dawn. Mr Moose had enough. He had a can of Beans. But they Were evil Beans. this is what they siad: Evil Beans: "Mwa Ha Ha!" Cupcake Wasp: "these are scary! Cool right?"
"I quit," A music player said. then everyone Did. Exept Bertha and Claw's. "Wait, you can say sorry!" said Claws. Hoot-Hoot heard every single Word she said. "Do not even think about singing a song!" he laghed. They went to Rocko's home. They knocked quietly. Rocko came out, Holding a cup of tea.
"You disturbed my Episode 159, but yes?" Rocko asked. "Well, I'm sorry that I was angry" Hoot-Hoot replied. "I fixed up your sign" said Roko. "YaY!" Hoot-Hoot said. Soon they were frenids. What about Glowie? He's on Mount Everest.
The End!
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porgthespacepenguin · 2 months
For the Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game, I choose 🐝
Great ask, nonny!
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
Ooooh, boy. This could take a few hours. 😄 Alright, so this can in no way, shape or form be an exhaustive list, but ...
@essence-stealer World-class beta, dearest friend, adopted sibling, and all around a truly wonderful person. I'd *never* have completed NEWTS without their support. Fact. You're the best, darling.
@why-its-kai Whenever I feel down about lack of comments or whatever, I go re-read one of Kai's and I immediately feel better. 10/10 would befriend again and again and again if we were stuck in a time-loop.
@predawnite Well, let's just say a certain fic wouldn't be what it is without Dawn. *coughs in KW* Also they have the absolute best freaking prompts, bar none -- an inspiration to us all. And a truly cool person to know, as well. *high-five*
@celestialholz My fandom wife, who somehow still likes me even though she's been straying into BG3 fandom and I have... not. AND WHO MADE ME PLAY POKEMON AND GET TENDONITIS (I wish I was joking). Write Reduction and I might forgive you (joking, joking -- or AM I)
@mrporg My actual, RL, bona fide, patiently long-suffering spouse, who has been putting up with me for a very, very, very long time and now has to endure me on Tumblr too. Talk about supportive. Mwa! <3
Let's not forget:
@dustydahorse (the pinkest and awesomest of little bros)
@lordlexion and @voiid-vagabond (their comments single-handedly kept me posting NEWTS even when I wanted to give up -- fact -- and they're both awesome)
@anzstrek, @ellewood117, Bonesy, and all the others on the Qcard server -- you guys are the best <3
And lastly a wonderfully skilled artist friend of mine who I'm 100% sure will prefer to remain unnamed (but you know who you are!).
Here's a link to the Ask Game if anyone wants to keep playing!
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fatuismooches · 1 year
HIIII ITS 🎐 ANÓN HERE! I HOPE YOURE DOING AMAZING CUTIE PIE MWA MWA! I’m writing this pretty late but fragile reader who used to paint in their free time before getting sick. Which they were praised for back when they could, but nowadays since they have trouble moving and need to depend on the clones, they can’t draw or paint anymore…which makes them sad since they would really want to draw something for Dottore and the clones, but even picking up a pen is difficult nowadays…I can imagine fragile reader has tried to draw something but, their hands are so shaky the most they can draw now are simple figures like stick men…if anything it looks more like a 5 year old did it than an actual adult…and one day they tried to draw but to not luck…so they just crumble up the paper and throw it to the side. Unaware that one of Dottore’s clones was watching. So once reader is put to sleep, the clone picks up the wrinkled piece of paper to see that they actually tried drawing a few random things, but they tried drawing Dottore most of all…and a few clones! Which is impressive with how shaky their hands are now. The clone shows the “masterpiece” to Dottore, who just stares at blankly, but internally he’s actually surprised reader could even do that…he could still recall how lovely they used to draw before they got ill…and how they actually even promised to draw him…so Dottore takes the wrinkles up paper and tells the clone to go back to work. But, as he does experiments/paper work (idk), he looks back on the drawing, which does look like it was drawn by a 5 year old…but yet, Dottore can’t help but feel glad somehow…seeing that despite the fact reader is so ill, they continue to think of others despite their condition…which he can’t help but fold up the paper nicely and put it in a drawer for safe keeping.
Anyways I got lazy at the end but take this is a small Drabble! I’m sorry if it’s not the best ;w; It was a random thought I made up since I’m an artist myself and I couldn’t help but have to write it! I hope you enjoy reading it though! I LOVE YOU SMOOCHES MWAH MWAH KISS KISS CHU CHU!! ❤️❤️
Associating with the arts was always a daunting task if you lived in Sumeru. Dancing, singing, drawing, hell, even writing was looked down upon if it wasn’t academically related. And while you did face a large amount of side eyes and tongue clicking from the Akademiya folks, there was surprisingly a great number of people who enjoyed your art, and you were immensely grateful for them. But no one quite inspired you as much as Zandik.
You were honestly baffled when he didn’t turn his nose up at your paintings. You had kept it a secret from him, hidden drawings in a concealed compartment of your shared dorm, but he still managed to find out, when you were so into your painting you did not realize his arrival. You thought that considering how much of a man of science he was, he'd think that painting was a waste. But you were wrong.
That was so long ago, it hardly mattered now. After all, reminiscing about the old times only served to make you more downhearted. What good was it when it was just a painful reminder of what you could not do anymore? The simple action of gliding pen against paper had become an activity that you started to dread. Your shaky hands always produced what you desired least, crude stickmen and doodles littering the page you’d wasted. It looked like a child’s mindless scribbles, and you sure felt like one after all your unfruitful labor. It was no use, you decided, throwing it into the trash. You simply weren’t in the same state as you were before.
You go to sleep tired as usual, and a clone is cleaning your room as usual. There is never much to clean, but Prime had made it a rule to keep your quarters as clean and spacious as possible. Needless to say, the clone is surprised to see a lone crumpled ball at the bottom of the bin. He can’t help but be curious - all of the clones crave to get to know you on a personal level - and is surprised at the painstakingly drawn art. The segment can tell you erased a copious amount of times, from all the wrinkles and barely legible lines. Yet he knows how great a feat this is, considering your condition. The rough art can’t help but make him grin too - he can still recognize some of his fellow clones and his creator despite the lack of proportions.
When Zandik sees the image, a sense of surprise but also relief flows through him. Surprised that you still managed to pull this off, and relief that you are still yourself despite everything that has happened. He knows that your body has changed, but he doesn’t want you yourself to change. Though the drawing may seem distasteful to anyone else, he is content.
You are still trying, and he shall too. He swears that you’ll be able to deliver that painting you promised to him centuries ago.
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