#just bc a lot of them probably?? suffered from food insecurity??
clemencetaught · 6 months
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"Here," it's... it's just bread. It's a bun, sure large enough to still some amount of hunger, but it's just bread. And yet, María holds it in front of Patrick with the face of someone who'd consider it a criminal offense to refuse it. Nevermind that she's stolen it from one of the banquets. "Just making sure you're eating." ((RUH-ROH it's Len again~ and I promise I forgot about the Peeta bread thing until I re-read this IGNORE THAT--!! FDKLGJDLAJSGF Hope you didn't end up getting sick BUT IF YOU DID HOPE YOU'RE RESTING AND FEELING BETTER SOON 🥺)) || okay but panem is also known as the nation of bread & circuses– ( unprompted w/ @mythvoiced )
He doesn’t eat much in the Capitol. 
Which is ironic, seeing how most of his life before the games, Patrick was always hungry. Always trying between schooling and factory shifts to figure out when his next meal was going to come. Why else would he and Hyuk have taken out tesserae all those years ago? It was preferable, playing the odds in the Reaping to starving for the rest of the year.
Nowadays, food is the least of his concerns. Whereas there is still a dearth in District Three, there is surplus in the Capitol. No surplus isn’t the right word; a surplus would mean the Capitol keeps the extra for the future. No, there is an excess of food in the Capitol, an excess that is dumped and left to rot after the pigs have had their share, have had their fun.
When he remembers that, food in the Capitol, no matter how finely it’s been prepared, becomes disgusting. Repulsive when it is combined with the thought of the districts, his people, still starving and fighting one another for the Capitol’s ‘scraps’. One plate is enough for Patrick to feel the bile swish in his stomach and even crawl back up his throat– how is he supposed to enjoy this filth now?
(But of course the Capitol has a way of perverting everything. Who else would have invented a liquid that makes one vomit what was just digested to make room for more food?)
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“You didn’t have to,” is the first set of words to come out of his mouth, however. It’s such a childish gesture on her part; as a victor, she and her family should have more than enough riches to cover for food whether she’s in the Capitol or her own district. That and it’s considered normal to take leftovers from these banquets.
And yet, she’s staring him down like they are in covenance– it’s odd…strange how the things the Capitol deem sacred, she’ll approach with the irreverence of a foreigner and yet with the most mundane of objects, like a loaf of bread, most likely one of the hundred baked today and will be replicated tomorrow, like it is worth the weight of gold. He takes a hold of María’s loot. The loaf is still warm, freshly out of the oven, he wants to believe. Like it came from one of the bakeries in say, District 12, rather than a Capitol banquet table. Does she look at the Capitol and its elaborate feasts the same way? District Eight is probably just as bad if not even worse than his own district when it comes to food shortages so maybe her thievery makes sense.
When one has gone without food for long enough, no amount of surplus is enough to satiate the insecurity. He knows that feeling all too well. His stomach growls in anticipation. “…Normally, the Capitol likes to have this with caviar.” A delicacy from District Four along with butter shipped from District Ten. He splits the loaf in two, the inside crackling and breaking into two crisp pieces. “But I think…I think it tastes just as delicious on its own.” He hands María one half while taking a bite out of the other. “Take the other half; I can’t finish it on my own.”
It tastes delicious. 
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ch6sos · 2 months
random choso headcanons
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i <3 choso i <3 making odd ball headcanons so here u guys go
content warning mentions of "metabolism", social anxiety/anxiety (not bad though) + motion sickness, and this is not proofread and lowercase so if any of those Like makes you tingle please don't read this my sweet
he’s emo as hell, he listens to emo music. now he's the one i actually imagine listening to my chemical romance, pierce the veil, etc. (bc with nanami I feel like he'd listen to more 80s-90s rock music but this isn't about my first husband)
he suffers from insomnia and finds it difficult to sleep unless he has someone he cares about in the room or at least snuggling with him.
peacemaker: he is a peacemaker when it comes to his brothers.
"hey yuji, you should really share with him. "
he has an earthy aroma—he often uses colognes with earthy notes that are not overpowering (i  think he might be sensitive to strong scents).
i imagine him experiencing motion sickness. for some reason, i imagine him feeling dizzy in a car, or being unable to handle a rollercoaster without feeling extremely unwell.
would probably work at your local hot topic especially if this was set during the 2000s era where hot topic was actually catered to the alternative scene. or a tattoo shop!
several piercings. on his left ear, he has an industrial, a triple lobe piercing, and a conch— his right having a double helix piercing, a tragus, and a single lobe piercing.... and then he has an eyebrow piercing and a labret piercing :)
enjoys watching christmas movies because a lot of them are about family!
deeply family-oriented, he genuinely just wants to grow up with a family. a big one, too.
thus he may have a fear of being alone, which makes me believe that he is introverted but also genuinely afraid of ending up alone as he grows older. he values the presence of family and wants to ensure that they always surround him.
he comes across as a bit shy initially, not necessarily awkward, but it takes some time to get to know him.
still not too talkative but genuinely chill to talk to.
has a lot of accessories when he wears outfits, especially bracelets or necklaces. 
black is what you find in his closet. just black (and a couple of purples and reds but mainly black)
he be thrifting them outfit pieces too idc idc he not a shein warrior
is a bit insecure about his dark circles and markings on his face (i could imagine he still has the markings but they look more like a scar rather than what it looks like in the actual manga/anime) so he begins to cover them up with concealer sometimes.
eats a LOT of junk food and somehow doesn't gain weight. bro probably can eat a whole box of pizza with wings and doesn't even gain a pound.
he is genuinely clueless/oblivious when it comes to relationships like he doesn't know when someone's flirting with him unless they tell them straight up. and when they tell him he's like:
"...oh! me...?" because he genuinely thinks, “wow, someone likes me?!?!”
plus he would ask before initiating even after being in a relationship
“do… do you mind if i kiss you?”
“cho we’ve been dating for five months”
“oh… i’m sorry for asking… again.”
spends a lot of time on his hair !!! he has to wake up early sometimes just to do his hair. and he doesn't plan on cutting it, only trims it once in a while.
when he's home he either has it down or has it in a ponytail. he even has a silk pillowcase so it never gets frizzy.
cats or dogs— no. he likes turtles. he even has a pet turtle.
i think that he wouldn't vape or smoke the way people might expect him to. i believe he may have a weak immune system, which would make it difficult for him to engage in such activities.
socially anxious as hell bro tweaks out when he has to order at a restaurant... 
but overall he’s an anxious person, i feel like he’d suffer from anxiety a lot (as someone who has anxiety i just can tell he’d be the type to have it too)
when he dates someone he's really touchy with them because he craves physical touch. he especially enjoys when someone plays with his hair he falls asleep in a millisecond.
he loves sketching in a notebook, he loves drawing nature a lot! he likes going to the park or a forest and drawing what he sees. he also enjoys drawing people and i imagine he always draws pictures of yuji too, and he shows them to him.
tease him and his face is red, his eyes are widened, and his face is in absolute shock...
literally the sweetest guy ever; he's always looking out for everyone and makes sure everyone around him is okay
he's always cold thus needs someone to cuddle him.
is fascinated by some amphibians and watches national geographic sometimes when he knows they're going to talk about amphibians. especially frogs!
his most used app on his Black iPhone 13 Pro Max would be Spotify and he is top 0.1% listener for some underrated metal band
creative hobbies more than physical hobbies (sketching, journaling, sewing)
when he laughs it's like a silent soft chuckle, and he usually covers his mouth when he does it
gets emotional easily, especially when he receives love. for a long time, he couldn’t believe that he would ever be loved so when he is receiving affection he gets overwhelmed and tries not to cry because he thinks “how?? why me?”
he loves holding hands. he tries not to freak out but when someone holds his hands when he’s freaking out or just in general, he loves the feeling of their warm hands against his very cold ones
apologises alot even though everything is not his fault
when he’s mad he needs time to cool off especially because he gets emotional easily. he needs time to himself before calming down before discussing his emotions with someone.
speaking of emotions, i don’t think he’d be bad at expressing emotions or speaking about it, at first yes but he begins to grow better at it and plus sometimes the way he shows emotion is more impulsive and involuntary rather than on purpose
listens more than talks because he is too busy getting sidetracked by his own thoughts or he genuinely can't talk to people sometimes
he has a fidget toy because he is always fidgeting with his fingers so yuji got him a fidget toy (probably a fidget spinner) and was fascinated with it and it didn’t help it just something he distracts himself with when he doesn’t feel like being present in a conversation or just in general
cried when yuji graduated and gave him the hugest hug of his life. and i don’t mean a few tears he BAWLED he was bawling because he was so proud of his little brother.
spends time with yuji a lot sometimes more than his own friends and they always go to the arcade or mall together
yuji got him a picture frame of him and choso posing and choso cried for several days because he couldn’t believe he has such an amazing brother
learns gen z lingo just for yuji
“oh yuji! that was very w rizz of you!”
“i didn’t know you had that much aura!”
I  Love Him
Missing him come back emo king
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1-up-chump · 2 years
mortal kombat MK 3 roster SFW general HC
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Cyrax is a sweetheart and pretty moderate with showing affection, Although he won't go father than a hug and a kiss. He tries to keep you at a distance with the lin kuei and his more personal business, but regardless of what happens he's still going to love you. And when he inevitably becomes a cyborg, loving you will never be reprogrammed out.
Cyrax prefers quality time than gifts, time being a precious thing, he would rather spend it with someone he cares about deeply. He enjoys conversation even if neither of you have to say much, the little things matter to cyrax and especially after becoming a cyborg
Cyrax would sacrifice a lot of things but for you especially, netherrealm would freeze over before he'd allow you to get hurt, much less suffer a fate similar to his.
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Sektor is a bit stiff with showing affection but the smallest gestures with him mean a lot. He's always been loyal to the lin kuei, not even you could change that. However he's softer on you than others, it may not seem like much, but it matters.
Like cyrax, quality time is his preferred way of showing affection, maybe even the only way. But to him time is even more precious, and spending it with you is his greatest gift.
Sektor may be conflicted when you get hurt, preferring that you could handle yourself. Perhaps even try to get you to eventually become a cyborg like himself so you both can work together and be of superior physical capability. But even if you refuse, sektor might actually fight his reprogramming for the first time if he's ever sent to harm you.
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Oh he will not shut up about you, kabal will brag about you and not afraid to get a little handsy in public. You do the same to him however is a different story and he'll get all flustered.
Kabal will give you any kind of expensive thing, mostly out of "societal expectation" of whats the best way to win your heart. But really he likes to just do things for you, hold your hand, even talk with you. Really kabal is kinda insecure of a dude (i mean his face literally got messed up bad) so he might try to overcompensate but once you reassure him, he's very sweet.
Kabal is dead serious if anyone threatens or harms his darling. They'll be dead before they even realize it, before you probably even register you were ever in danger in the first place.
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(Ok im gonna admit, he's my least fave mk character EVER but I'll try to write him good)
Stryker is a bit of a serious kinda guy so when it comes to relationships, he's gonna be a bit stiff with PDA but not so stiff you can't do something simple like hand holding and kissing. Private is a different story he's more lax but kinda traditional in the sense that, he's more likely to take the lead in certain romantic situations like opening the door for you or carrying you bridal style. Although he's not gonna complain too much if you insist on doing all that too.
The most you're gonna get in ways of gifts is flowers, maybe a cute bracelet he saw that he knew you'd like. Its not that he doesn't want to, he just thinks spending time with someone and doing things with them is more important than material. To Stryker, material things is just the icing on a cake, too much and its just a tub of frosting.
Stryker is absolutely not gonna let you get hurt on his watch. If you're not the fighting type or not fit to, he wants you out of harmful situations asap no questions asked. But if you can hold your own, he's still going to be a bit more protective than necessary bc he can't afford to lose you, Stryker doesn't believe he could ever emotionally recover from that.
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Oh he's such a gentleman with you, he's simple with public affection but in private he's very romantic and heartfelt. He takes the relationship seriously.
Any gift he gives you is gonna be handmade, from jewelry to food, its all made with love. But he shows his love in many ways equally mostly with relaxing in silence at night, star gazing with you is his favorite moment.
Hell hath no fury than nightwolf seeing you get hurt. The greater the injury, the greater the pain inflicted on whoever is unfortunate enough to get an axe to the head, And a spirit animal biting their guts out
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Sindel shows affection in that regal sort of way, nothing too intimate but probably more intimate than kitana would be comfortable with. Needless to say, sindel is gonna treat you good. Even when corrupted by dark magic she still is generous to you, of course by the twist of said magic she expects you to not mind being the "submissive" one in the relationship from time to time. She's a queen and expects to be treated as such either way.
Lavish, rare and expensive gifts are to be expected. Both received and delivered, but if you're with sindel your status should make it relatively easy for you to find something sindel would like. Sindel is a words of affirmation kind of woman, she loves to give praise and hear it back. Sindel loves to remind you how much she loves you, but she won't shy away from getting physical if her words alone aren't enough. Just a fair warning, sindel likes to "squeeze" a lot
It should be obvious that it's a bad idea to mess with sindel, let alone hurt her lover. Sindel isn't afraid to personally get her hands dirty to "make an example" out of someone. Fortunately you've learned to pack a few spare earplugs in such a case even if the poor victim is far away from you. Sindel's scream can carry sound even from far distances
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Sheeva is sort of like goro when showing affection, but not as "show offey". Like she just appreciates your presence more than anything, but doesn't shy away from declaring her love.
Her gifts come in the form of armor, something to protect you, but also act as a show of love and devotion. Strong armor that won't break so easily. Sheeva also likes to "play wrestle" with you from time to time, take that as you will.
Sheeva would rather take someone who can defend themselves physically, however appreciates other forms of strength as well. But regardless, if you're hurt badly, sheeva is gonna skin alive whoever hurt you and wear them as a mini coat
Smoke/tomas vrbada
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Tomas is a sweetheart and knows the danger of showing affection and others potentially using this knowledge for malicious purposes. Despite that he tries to get away with lowkey hand holding and kissing you in the shadows as much as possible.
Tomas is a kind of homemade gifts kind of guy. Whether that be origami or he makes you a homecooked meal, its from the heart. But he's very smooth yet humble about it. The only lavish gift he'll give is a beautiful wedding ring later down the relationship.
Despite the terrible fate he ends up having, no amount of reprogramming will remove his love for you. Fighting within an inch of his soul to keep you from harms way, even from himself. You'll always be able to snap him out of whatever evil thing the lin kuei did to reprogram his mind, body, and to a degree his soul.
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(So sorry motaro enjoyers this was the best gif i could find)
Everyone doesn't know whether or not to be shocked that someone was crazy enough to be in a relationship with motaro, or that motaro even has a relationship in the first place. But regardless, the Centaurian carries you around like royalty.
Don't expect much in the way of gifts, but motaro's love language is fighting or hunting alongside you. He might even show off a bit and prance around with pride if you're impressed.
Even if you suck at fighting, motaro may be highly annoyed trying to protect you all the time. But he will always make sure no one would even lay a finger on your head, at least while still intact and not crushed to death.
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mediocre-noodle · 23 days
THE DALLAS HEADCANONS. which ig are just fun facts:
“coffee or tea?” tea. sweet tea. bc i cant have coffee. gib headache :[ therefore he has to suffer w me
fav color: green probably. tis the color of life.
bites ice cream + popsicles
fav popsicle flavor is red n blue. fav sno cone is tigers blood + blue raspberry + piña colada
yes hes ticklish but he hates it. he laughs but its involuntary amd doesnt mean he likes it. he will start crying. he will kick you, he will bite you, he will shove you—get away from him. he said stop.
dallas LOVES attention. not random attention, like. from friends. like a cat…. exactly like a cat.
affection is iffy. he shows it in a neurodivergent way. he has trouble being around people or being touched soemtimes. he also may feel guilty when people buy him gifts. he loves it sm though. he craves it.
sleep normally 6-10 hrs per night. go to bed very late and wake up in afternoon.
loves celebrating his birthday. however i haven’t given him a canon bday yet. he is a pisces though bc aha i am.
if he ever adopts a pet, its most likely bc he got them from the streets or from a shelter. esp if the shelter was about to euthanize them or there was an old animal no one wanted.
do not ask if he wants alcohol. he is a minor. no he doesnt care that hes TECHNICALLY hundreds of thousands years old. that’s offensive. fuck off. die. (/j)
willing to share earbuds/headphones BUT only w close friends— NOT LENDING!! SHARE-ING!!!! one piece for you and one for him. all is right in the world. (you will listen to his songs. sometimes people have never heard of them bc theyre from years before they were posted)
can he keep a secret? of fucking course. no he totally won’t tell seraphina, pfff—OKAY WELL IT’S NOT LIKE THEY WON’T ALREADY FIND OUT—
know-it-all but not in a I KNOW MORE THAN YOU RAHHHH and “well actually!!”— more of ‘knows so many fucking things and drops facts randomly’
pancakes > waffles. chocolate chip with no syrup or butter.
indecisive. but also decisive. can never chose.
is NOT insecure abt his smile. smiles brightly and w lots of joy. no closed-mouth if hes very happy. no he doesnt care if his teeth may look yellow— bones are supposed to look that way
fucking loves flowers. GIVE THE MAN SOME FLOWRRS.
normally prefers sweet over savory. it differs depending on the day.
loves gardening. HATES dirt under his nails. HATES gloves. the duality of man.
!!!! claustrophobia, fear mazes/labyrinths (or places that seem like ones) (bc of the castle), and then imma project and say storms + tornadoes. not gonna say loud noises bc he isn’t like. irrationally afraid of them. they may trigger him and send him into a panic attack but not a phobia.
worries people bc he doesn’t eat as much as he should. not in an ED way, more as in he only eats if hes bored or craving food. Guides don’t need to eat.
he has a CPR license and does renew it often
list is always growing so wooo!!
i love coffee but tbh dallas is actually real for that. i would do many things for an ice cold sweet tea
green is such a good color
UGH dallas is real for those.. i want kona ice now :/ (have u had kona ice before?)
UGH I HATE TICKLING but im so susceptible… hes just like me fr…..
projecting our sleep schedules onto our original characters i see
happy birthday dallas!! no established birthday means that everyday is his birthday
hhghgh i want to draw dallas with a really old dog now…
LMAOOOO hes a minor at heart… forever…
“dude this songs a banger!! no its not on spotify. yeah it wont be for another 30 years. you should listen to it tho”
he would see a cool bug and name its genus on the spot
he deserves so many good things i want to give him a hug (if he would be ok with it) OUGH
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kouyurii · 2 years
omg i had the worst thought, ann teuirfksjd so i've read this fic a while ago by a writer (i can't remember who, so i won't say who i believe it is, since i don't wanna be wrong hahahah) about how osamu is afraid of love because someone he dated in the past only dated him to be able to get closer to atsumu. and when he found out, the girl legit berated him so badly and made him feel insecure about himself on not keeping this facade to make himself happy, even though it's all fake.
so my thought is that osamu will likely not tell atsumu about it for a long time. when atsumu asks about where that girl is, osamu would likely just say they broke up, but he wouldn't look at atsumu at all when he said it. like he is so annoyed with his brother, even though he knows it is unreasonable that he thought of that. it's not atsumu's fault, osamu knows it a lot, but he can't help but hear the girl's words echoing in his ear over and over again
atsumu can tell something is wrong, but he can't really put a finger on it, so he shrugs it off. well... that is until he kinda finds out through suna, or probably kita if it's later in their lives (but i think suna is the one that most likely will accidentally say it) and he gets SO MAD, like he is in rage mode knowing that someone said that to his brother, and that they would use osamu for something like that. he would publicly humiliate them in front of everyone for trying to do something like that to osamu. he doesn't see reason, all he thinks of is red and how to give them a piece of his mind. he can't hit them, ofc, but if he could, he totally would. but he doesn't, he knows not to raise a hand against a lady (his mama's teachings)
osamu definitely finds out and tries to stop it, but atsumu doesn't. he stands up from his brother right then and there, saying how osamu is nothing like what that bitch claimed, and that he is so much better than him (i also think both brothers believe the other is better, but they keep it inside of them). and all that hype for osamu, atsumu ends up saying that all those things aren't deserved to be shared with the bitch that tried to date osamu for atsumu. and that osamu's ex was the one that actually lost, since they are so blind they couldn't see anything but dirt lololol
but my god, when the opposite happens, and the twins find out their s/o is so good to their brother, i think atsumu will cry and osamu will make them their favourite foods to celebrate HAHAHAHA
you thought of me when seeing it dfsukjbsd THAT'S SO SWEET OF YOU OMG (❤´艸`❤) it is so cute, isn't it??? <3 i follow them on insta, and all of their miya stuff is so adorable, i wanna squeeze their cheeks uwu
hello again beloved minnie i am finally getting round to answering this ask after ten thousand years
heart is aching OSAMU DOESNT DESERVE THAT i would BEHEAD this girl without hesitation ....... osamu feeling so shitty about himself and not even telling atsumu about it 😞😞😞 ATSUMU COMPLETELY LOSING HIS SHIT WHEN HE DOES FIND OUT PLEASEE overprotective atsumu >>>>> AND THEM THINKING THE OTHER IS BETTER EVEN IF THEY WOULD NEVER ADMIT IT OUT LOUD 🥺🥺😞😭 literally makes my heart melt bc they love each other soso much they would literally commit murder for the other ;-;
atsumu crying when osamu finds someone who loved him for him thats so on brand im 🥺🥺 i imagine samu's s/o is probably friends with atsumu and has seen how samu roasts him so they probably dont take tsumu all that seriously ..... but when he threatens to make them suffer if they ever hurt samu.......... they feel the chill running down their spine before atsumu is back to his goofy self when osamu walks in T-T andandand when atsumu sees the s/o stand up for samu even when samu's not there, THATS when he cries :(
but omg imagine if it were the other way around,,, one of atsumu's coworkers taking advantage of him just to get closer to osamu... osamu, who isnt as "loudmouthed", or "troublesome" or "annoying" as atsumu......... osamu would literally slit their throat just imagine him seething with rage that someone would even try to hurt his brother like that,,,,,,,,,
screaming crying i love them so much
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saucysamu · 4 years
Okay so... I know you’re not in the mood to write rn but still emergency request? like you can do a really small one bbygirl and don’t pressure yourself to write it immediately! ❤️
My friend just tiggered me cause she bought the same pair of trousers I got and she has them in S and I needed L. Like I would‘ve never fit in S. Yet she does and her body is similar to mine? Also she gained weight & I lost some?? and I’m just confused and my mind is getting stupid Ed related thoughts again like? I lost weight & gained muscles yet I’m still too fat??? Eventho I’m not like you can see my ripcage ??? & can I get some comfort from Oikawa, Sakusa & Atsumu pls?
My love I hope you’re doing better by now and don’t keep on spending your time thinking about that 🥺 you know you can rant to me whenever you feel like it, ilysm ❤️
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Anyways here we go,,
Oikawa, Sakusa and Atsumu x reader who struggles with an ED
warnings: mention of ED/ body image/ food
* You’ve been dating for quite a while so Oikawa is aware of what went through your mind back then 
* and he knows how to deal with it quite well??
* though he wished he didn’t have to, you’re so perfect in his eyes he will never be able to wrap his head around how someone like you would worry about such things
* so when you mention it all awkwardly to him that,, specific thoughts keep occurring again his mind goes A L A R M
* you even feel too embarrassed to look at him at all, but what for?
* he hugs you softly, placing his chin on the top of your head “you know I would never judge you for the way you feel right?” you just hum quietly as a response
* ladies, gentlemen and non-binary babes: here we have another king of pushing your self-esteem or crushing it in the case of enemies
* idk how he does it but he always says the right things to you without messing up or triggering you
* bet he’s the first one to distract you and support you like no other
* bitch cooks recipes of your fave foods to cook them more healthily so you won’t feel guilty
* need a gym buddy? Oikawa agrees before you can even ask him 
* he tries to be subtle when observing your behavior bc even when he acts calm he’s still worried to death
* however it doesn’t stay unnoticed by you lol and you’d just reassure him with a teasing grin
* as much as he wants to believe it, he catches himself at times just wanting to make extra sure,,
* but he knows you’re strong!! and a fighter!! 
* Still cautious when it comes to food even if you got better, it low-key became a habit of his to make sure you eat properly
* honestly can’t wait to go shopping with you again to hype you tf up and show you off to the world like “Ha! I have the prettiest gf on earth!! Watch her go off!!!”
* oh boy oh boy it took so long for the both of you to finally date so you can bet your ass he cares about you almost more than cleanliness,, almost
* which means there are only two things that make him feel startled,,, germs and you suffering
* he was NOT prepared for this
* I’m not gonna lie he’s the type that never got behind how being mentally ill worked, he always took everything as it was and would usually roll his eyes at someone claiming they’re depressed like honestly he’s such a “get over it, everyone gets sad sometimes😔✌🏻” - kind of guy cbdahjbks help💀
* well at least that is until he started to get to know you
* at the beginning he was still in denial like ??? iTs NoT ThaT ComPLiCatEd someone give this man some empathy PLEASE
* scratch that when he finds out how severe this can actually get yes he watched documentaries on EDs but if you asked no he didn’t 
* you notice his caution now tho like come on it’s obvious
* finds excuses to spend more time with you, always wants to be as close to you as possible my guy wants make sure you’re not ✨messing around✨
* suspiciously more affectionate than before
* adjusts to you more easily now like who are we kidding this man wants you to be okay, no, GLOWING bc you’re his precious baby
* cuddle sessions with you sitting between his legs, leaning against his chest while doing your daily self care routine and watching cheesy Netflix originals
* it’d be quiet the whole time and out of nowhere he’d randomly tell you how beautiful and perfectly clean you are and how much he loves you,, as if it was nothing,,smh OmiOmi
* he’s too awkward to suggest actually useful things to you,, I mean his emotional intelligence is a little uhhh behind so what do we expect
* would do anything for you that is of help tho so if you ask him to do this or that he’d never say no to you
* cooks healthy meals for you and yes he CAN cook
* if you ever argued about it then it would probably be bc he doesn’t get how you can think so low of yourself. He doesn’t want to be angry let alone show his anger about it to you but sometimes he can’t help but feeling frustrated. You both can be stubborn so it probably takes a while for him to make it up to. 
* his apologies are the most sincere you’ll ever witness.
* actually puts a lot of effort into those so you just can’t stay angry with him ://
* he really tries his best and sometimes in a moment of silence when you two lie down cuddled up with tangled legs and your ear pressed against his chest, his heartbeat reassures you that he’s there for you no matter what.
* he always thought you were being sarcastic whenever you left remarks on your body
* malfunctions when he realize you weren’t 
* ffs he’s overwhelmed and doesn’t know what to say when you actually talk about it
* tries to bite down his tears
* he fails
* and just hugs you tightly from behind so you don’t see him like that
* soft whispers in your ear that he’ll make you love yourself the way you should while cradling you 
* he’s not convinced he’ll be able to actually manage that but you can be certain he’ll put his whole heart into trying so.
* internal panic when he sees you being down so he awkwardly tries to light your mood with bad fuckin jokes,, he doesn’t know you laugh at the actual jokes but rather at him 💀
* like the perfect clumsy boyfriend he is - his attempts to cook something you’d be comfortable with go horribly wrong since he can’t cook for shit so he begs Osamu to cook something for you and Atsumu would just take his bike and get to Onigiri Miya and back in no time
* his clumsiness would distract you all the time and you can’t convince me otherwise 
* when you laugh at him like that he’d pout out of embarrassment but it would turn into a smile at the way you laugh right after like ugh he’s blessed
* probably asks Osamu for advice every now and then and his brother is just like??? you’re asking ME?? despite him still giving good advice
* ofc he works out with you what did you expect though he doesn’t want you to overdo it 🥺
* wants you to be around whenever he has practice or games, he’s more at peace knowing you’re not doing god knows what
* and you better keep your eyes and mind on him at all times 👀😼
* showering you with so many compliments like even about things you didn’t even notice yourself, he’s just really paying attention to you thoroughly it seems like every day he loves you more and more and he makes sure you realize that.
I really hope you liked it and I’d be happy about any feedback so please leave some bc I’m kinda insecure about my writing in general lol
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strxnged · 4 years
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and yes I gave up on drawing in the second one it took too long and I am insecure about my art mm
okay for self indulgent reasons I’m going to go hardcore and explain every choice i made on this sheet 😤 (warning - it’s long. very long. wow. i spent 2 hours on this 🧍‍♀️)
PET NAMES: nmmf i would probably call him “lovey” or “bear” or “ass” (yep) while I can see him... using pet names sometimes, but only when we’re not with people. because he knows he will get teased by literally everyone.
INTRO/EXTROVERT: i am none. i am all. but it’s easier to tell with him.. will shy away from crowds, can easily make conversation but it wears him out, but people (cough me) do energize him so
LOVE LANGUAGE: ik i am a writer but i actually never know how to say things other than “ily” but physical affection T_T but I think asahi is a bit more expressive with words, but only when alone. he shy but he big brain with words.
CONFESSION: yall already know he would not confess first. unless it was like. the perfect moment?? I’m a very honest person most of the time - if i feel it for sure i’ll say it. i might be scared to ruin our friendship but i can push it aside if he doesn’t feel the same. thank gosh he does UWU
BUGS: baby will only squish that bug for me. we both aren’t exactly scared of them we will just avoid it. i don’t usually yell unless there’s someone who can help me JADSJK
DRIVING: Okay, I don’t drive yet but I will be very soon. I know for a FACT that he is a very careful driver, making him therefore too slow for my taste. i will want to drive because i am a control freak mmm
FOOD: now hear me out. I can cook, but I’m a picky eater. So I will only make the 5 meals I like, and asahi will suffer if he doesn’t like ‘em. but HE can COOK. i just never let him cook bc i’m like that but when he does 🤤
PDA: mmmm okay I will want to always hold his hand (but my hands are nasty so i feel kinda bad for him rip) and i will not hesitate to give him kisses in front of ppl unless i know that it makes them uncomfortable. and if he tells me to stop i will. but i don’t want to. i just want to always be touching this man um
HELICOPTERING: i trust him to take care of himself... he just cares about me a lot .. so he will be extra worried n stuff guac i’m blushing
RELATIONSHIP EXPERIENCE: he had like. one s/o before me. it lasted two months. and it took him like a year to get over hahahah and I just never got anywhere with people lMAO anyways
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romantic o-meter: i like romance. i don’t trust it but i will pull it out just for fun. poor guy. and he - okay, i’m not going to try to picture him being romantic because i’m already blushing a ton
awkwardness/shyness o-meter: nDNNDN i feel like he’s pretty awkward when you first get to know him, and definitely will never be smooth, but he does come out of his shell. and me - i cover up my awkwardness by just rolling with it bc i know i will never not be awkward my brain is actually soup half the time and acting socially acceptable is ✨difficult✨
jealous o-meter: i trust him, and he trusts me. we built it all off of trust. but damn i miss this man when he’s with other people and i can’t help it. so it’s not jealousy like i know he’s more invested in other people it’s just. i miss him easily sjdlfk
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for eleknosuke:
SPOONING: him. me. now. make it happen. i- he’s more likely to attack me with physical affection (and i know that he sleeps with his arms around me mmm)
LENDING CLOTHING: i will wear his hoodies because i like oversized hoodies. he will wear my hoodies because i buy oversized hoodies. and he looks good in light blue dAMN
PET NAMES: TANAKA IS THE KING OF PET NAMES Y’ALL and i have a ton of shitty nicknames for him, “nyoo” “my boo” “baldy” “smoothbrain” “ ‘suke baby” (i literally. come up with these. in the middle of the day. i need help.)
INTRO/EXTROVERT: WE ARE SO CHAOTIC TOGETHER AND IT’S GREAT. we both c a n shut up but only for a few minutes before we’re both yelling excitedly (about? who could say)
LOVE LANGUAGE: i want him to hug and kiss me 🧍‍♀️ it is what it is
CONFESSION: j we lowkey confessed a lot before our “actual confession” but never knew if the other person was serious LMFAO
BUGS: i don’t like them. he doesn’t either but will do anything for me. i didn’t ask for him to be this perfect 🙄
DRIVING: nnnnno i’m a little scared of him driving sometimes but it can be very fun. also he is stunning when he drives, his side profile is just 😳
FOOD: he can’t cook but he can try, and does a lot. i put up with whatever he makes because i’m lazy and as long as it doesn’t have cabbage i’ll live j (his favourite food is bread, what could go wrong? bc same)
PDA: we are joined at the hip. and lips if possible.
HELICOPTERING: yeah no we’re pretty chill it’s just that. i love him a lot yk and you bet that i will be sure to say “i love you” before he goes literally anywhere in case he doesn’t come back oh that got sad okay uh
RELATIONSHIP EXPERIENCE: poor guy... definitely dated a few people before me... yes i am jealous of exes but 😝 he is so good at making sure i know i’m the one he loves MFjfdjKF
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romantic o-meter: i am sorry but i cannot elaborate on this in fear of my own death
awkwardness/shyness o-meter: we’re the same. we can be chill but we can also be absolutely insane. so . the awkwardness exists in both of us, but it doesn’t show because we’re busy being annoying jgkl
jealous o-meter: okay yeah what i said about exes. i just. i am an insecure chile okay?? but then he is similar so is okay mmmm
I SPENT 2 HOURS OF MY LIFE DOING THIS AND I HAVE NO REGRETS MDMFKLSDFK @kailleiobrien​ you have to do this rn pls 🙏
ship template by @gibb_arts on twitter
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bluealmondpie · 4 years
haikyuu boyfriends~
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ah i missed writing these but i had no inspiration recently (;-;) work has been rough. so let drown in fluffy love
some spoilers for non manga readers. a small small hint of oihina. bc i love them. i want them together all the time. i've already written their bf!hcs so now i can freely ship them. leave me to my OTP
bf!iwa chan~
* calm vibes
* think strong, protective bf? yeah that's the good stuff lol
* tbh, he was probably worried at first that u were getting close to him cos u liked oikawa, that happens fairly often so he didn't wanna get his hopes up
* but once that barrier's knocked down (idk maybe u hit him like ITS U I LIKE BOKE totally his love language hahahha and he realises like oh. OH) he's pretty happy.
* will b all like :p to oikawa cos he's got a nice, steady partner while he's over there getting dumped repeatedly (see? told u u shld give them more attention. u can't just go around accepting everyone's confession! you'll hurt people if you don't take them seriously, trashykawa)
* anyway he (like oikawa) plans dates in secret, mostly because 1. one time makki and mattsun found out, they followed him around making snarky comments and there was no second date and 2. oikawa has a tendency to crash his dates (he's trying to hide from his fans, and iwachaaaaaaan u choose the most boring places, they will never find me in a museum of all plac-OW OW OW STOP HITTING ME)
* yes so anyway iwaizumi is forever trying to yeet oikawa out of your relationship, but at this point you've probably accepted that they come as a comedic duo and u cannot escape.
* if u call iwaizumi iwachan, he will grumble about being corrupted by shittykawa and it's not fair that when they say it it's so cute
* wholesome boi. responsible af. will text u throughout the day, making sure u ate properly or work isn't too rough.
* when you're stressed out he will somehow find some time to appear in front of you with snacks (healthy ones!) and some sweet drinks, or coffee
* he also does randomly turn up with flowers. totally randomly. it makes your day ♪( ´▽`)
* "i just saw them and thought it would look nice in your hands" so soft i cry in solidarity w u
* will hold you while you cry. when you calm down and go to wash your face he will make u a hot drink. you will b touched and cry again and he will tell not to cry into the cup while pulling you back into his arms.
* will send you to the doctor's if you're sick. will constantly text you to make sure u r resting and taking medication properly. will also drop by with food, store bought, but something healthy and easy to eat.
* he likes museum dates cos it's quiet. after all, he is training a team of explosive and loud volleyball idiots with no idea how loud they are talking. bokuto pls for the love of god SHUT UP! MIYA STOP FLIRTING WITH HINATA! HYAKUZAWA STOP HIM NO NO NOT BY LIFTING HINATA UP WHY ARE U ALL JUST SO THICK HEADED WELL?? PUT HIM DOWN U BIG DOOFUS. hinata has oikawa already anyway AND NO. HOSHIUMI IF U GET ON ANYONES SHOULDERS I AM KNOCKING U OFF PERSONALLY iwa chan is suffering (;-;) you r his refuge
* SO YEAH. a nice calm place away from all of that fuss is great. walks in the park, things like that. calming, quiet, and all his focus can b on you.
* he is generally not a pda person, but he will hold your hand and all. makki and mattsun have made a lot of bets on what kind of bf he is and constantly bug you about well? how good is the sex!!! and things like that (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
* yes so iwaizumi doesn't let u hang out with them anymore, such a pity really bc they r so fun to b around. pout a little and sulk and he will give in ♪( ´▽`)
* he doesn't like it when u come to his matches. he will text you before and after tho. he doesn't use emojis.
* he's the type who doesn't back down in an argument. u hate to admit it but he is right most of the time. curse his logic. this perfect man. how could he b so flawless
* ofc there are times where he is illogical. he sometimes is too hard on himself. or when oikawa is around you know the average mental age of the seijoh boys drop. which means many strange shenanigans, but those are cute.
* he likes it when you comfort him, but he doesn't like you to know when he is stressed. what a bag of contradictions. basically he doesn't want you to know he is stressed, but you can tell cos he just wants you to hold him or he just holds you (you have no choice in this basically but let's face it you're probably ok with it right hahahah be i am 100% down to be enveloped by a warm iwa-chan and those yummy muscles). he will tell you the problem later, but he doesn't need a solution, he just wants someone to hear him out.
* loyal af, will never leave you. sometimes insecure, but reassure him. i mean, has he seen himself??? he had his fair share of fangirls too back in seijoh but most were the more quiet, serious types. and most were too shy to approach him, too
* he likes to nuzzle his face into your hair.
* fav place to kiss you: temple
* fav place to be kissed: soft cheek kisses, eye kisses, forehead kisses. pepper him with them. make him feel loved ♪( ´▽`)
* anyway 10/10 boyfriend material hurry and get him while stocks last lololol
requests are open! send me anything or stop to say hi (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
EDIT: this post has issues with keeping the hyperlinks there! they keep disappearing and ive already submitted a request to tumblr support, but meanwhile i've posted a masterlist and it seems to be working so check it out okay! i wanted to link it here but i'm p sure it's not going to let me do as i like. (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾
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shihozaki · 3 years
Omg hi, I feel so exposed bc there’s no anon 😭. But oh well. I just stumbled across your account as saw that you did matchups! I was wondering if I could request a match up for BNHA? My name is Hannah (she/her), I’m 21 (almost 22 on the 13th of April 😔) (you can either age the character up or age me down if you match me with someone younger HSHDNKD they’re just fictional so I don’t mind as long as you don’t mind). I’m 5’6, ravenclaw, INFP, aries.
Personality-wise I’m honestly really shy at first but I could hold a lowkey awkward conversation and you’d probably never know that I’m shy BDJKD, but once I’m comfortable with someone I’m a complete crackhead. You’ll never get me to shut up. I think I’m pretty caring, I have a bad habit of not being able to say no though. I really need to stop doing that. My fav color is sage green or light blue! I’m honestly just scared of being alone and not accomplishing my future goal of becoming a writer/editor. Thinking about my future just really terrifies me 😭. I love to listen to music (BTS are my babies pls). I love making myself cry by watching sad k-dramas. I’m really new to anime, so if you have an sad one LMK PLS. I get attached to fictional characters very quickly. Catch me in my room fangirling to the walls bc I’m a loner ✋🏼😩. I also just have a hard time making eye contact with men, but like I do want a man for myself one day😔 just how the heck do I do that???? I’m very insecure about my looks and my body. I’m a little chubby, so someone who would not judge me bc of that would be PERFECT. I have dark brown hair and dark brown eyes (bleh) I wear glasses (I’m so blind :/) idk what else to say about my appearance LOL.
My ideal man 🤩 let me try and not make it obvious over who I simp over gosh. Uhhh I’m not picky about looks, like nothing in particular comes to mind. I’ve had a crush on real/fictional ppl that look very different from each other HDNDKSS. Call me crazy, but I would die for a protective s/o 😩 like yes protect meeeee pls. I can only see myself in a relationship with a man, so he should be male lol. But throw in a female bestie in there if you’d like 😩. As long as he loves me it really doesn’t matter how he acts. I just need me a loyal man who I can talk to comfortably. Someone who will understand my emotions and struggles? Idk. Dates—amusement park, concert, movie theatre. Somewhere where we wouldn’t have to do a lot of talking (dinner dates could be for later on when I’m more comfortable around him LOL)
Quirk o.o hm. I don’t think I’d want a major quirk that could overthrow him. Maybe I could have a quirk that helps people? If I’m matched with a student, then I’d probably be in a lower class. But if you end up aging them up or matching me with a pro hero or something then I’d probably work on the sidelines with helping rescue civilians. A quirk that allows me to see through any smoke or debris (if a building fell and someone was trapped I’d be able to see and locate them quickly) IDK honestly I haven’t thought about it much, but if you can think of anything better, then go for it 😭.
I really love Italian food, and any East Asian food (Chinese, Korean, Japanese) I love it all. Uhhh I have a dog she’s 5 years old and I recently got another puppy, she’s only 2 months old 🥺. I love reading and writing. I mentioned it a little before, but I’d love to become a writer and editor in the future. I still have a long way before I’m completely confident in my writing though :”). I love to dream. I try and think about a specific person to try and dream about them at night (it worked a few times with BTS and Bakugou 😭 I was so happy) Uhhhhhhhhhh, I think that’s all. Thank you so much for doing this! Take your time and I hope you have fun writing these. I really appreciate it! This is honestly how I comfort myself, by inserting myself into these scenarios that people write about my favorite characters, so my heart always leaps whether writers like you offer matchups! So thank you x 9827389292. I hope this was enough info to write something with 😂. OH and for the scenario maybe something like how we first met compared to how it is when we’ve been together for awhile? I suffer with frequent anxiety attacks, so that might play a role in the relationship somewhere? Idk. Just throwing ideas and info to you at this point 😭 thank you again! 💜
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I pair you up with Kirishima Eijiro!
Your quirk is “Lucid dreams”, where you can visit people in their dreams! You also have full consciousness in your dreams, so you can practically do anything when you are sleeping!
- You guys first met in middle school, when you had first transferred there. You guys became friends when he volunteered to show you around the school
- You wanted to be a writer/editor and he wanted to be a hero. You guys fully supported each other, and still kept in contact even after departing ways to high school.
- He asked you out eventually, and when you said yes, the Bakusquad came out running to you, congratulating both of you. Turns out Kirishima told his friends all about you and they followed him when he decided to ask you out.
- He drinks respect women juice every single morning- he literally praises the ground you walk on?? He hypes you up whenever you’re feeling insecure, and makes sures that you’re feeling comfortable at all times
- You made him watch a bunch of K-dramas to cry together, and at first he refused to cry (“It’s not manly to cry!”) and then gave up and ended up sobbing with you.
- And he’s SO loyal! Whenever a girl comes up to him, he immediately turns them down, saying that he already has someone. When someone comes up to you, he gets very defensive of you, and shows the guy that you already have someone by PDA.
- He helps you calm down whenever you’re having anxiety attacks, and he actually researched about it when you told him. He!s very patient and helpful
- Adores your dogs (“I don’t know who’s cuter. You, or your dogs!”)
- Don’t tell anyone, but he’s already planning the wedding with Bakugou as his best man ;)
- Overall you guys have a very trusting relationship, where two kind but also crazy souls live in harmony :)
Scenario: When you first met VS Now
“Do you remember when we first met?” You asked randomly. You were watching a K-drama with him, and the flashbacks the lead was getting in the drama made you think past your own memories. “When we first met? Hmm, it was in middle school, right?” Replied Kirishima. You nodded. “We were so awkward back then!” You said as you cringed at the thought of middle school. “You were so shy back then- you would barely say anything to me.” Said Kirishima. “You were scared to make eye contact with me!” You laughed. “I’m shy whenever I meet new people!” Kirishima laughed along with you. “I think we got really close after being partnered for a project.. it was about our future career plans?” Kirishima wondered. “Oh, I remember! You said you wanted to be a hero, and I wanted to be a writer… we were high in hopes but had so many insecurities as a child.” You thought out loud. “We’re still children.” Replied Kirishima. “At least, you act like it.” You shoved him as he smirked. “Yeah, and you were so scared to hold my hand when we first started dating.” Said Kirishima as he hugged you from the back. “Now we do so much other stuff.” You replied. “We could be doing more.” Kirishima whispered into your ear, earning a whack in the head from you. “I miss middle school kirishima...” You joked. “Black haired Kirishima was so cute..” “Hey, hey, I’m still cute. I might even be cuter than your K-pop boys.” Said Kirishima while grinning. You smiled back. “Let’s not go that far.”
Song: Dreams by Fleetwood Mac
I hope you enjoyed it! I’m actually Korean so I love K-dramas! I hope the scenario was somewhat satisfactory. Please tell me how you felt about it, and I hope to see you again soon!
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kaluawoo · 4 years
OC Character Ask
Tagged by @nyanberri​! I have too many OCs to choose from so I’ll uhhh just take Lexy/Lexie/Lexi I guess bc she’s my KH OC and I’ve met you through KH. and bc I need to flesh her out more Putting it under a cut for length and some KH spoilers until like KH3-ish
Tagging @silverfeathers to do it too :3
1. Do they have a morning routine that they do to get ready for the day? What about a night routine?
Aside from the standard get dressed, brush teeth, etc, not really.
2. Is there anything specific that they need before they go to bed? A night light? Warm milk? Maybe a story?
She didn’t before, but after she and her family got attacked by Shadows, she started writing a journal each night, and some nights she needs a night light.
3. Do they have a skin care routine? If so is it long or short?
Not really skin care, but she’s tried out a lot of scar creams. I’d put more info but all google gives me is “How to get rid of scars” and not “How to make sure they don’t feel uncomfortable”
4. Do they like tight clothes or loose clothes?
Either is fine as long as it’s colorful, she’s basically a walking rainbow.
5. What is their favorite color?
Do you have to make her choose...? I guess if she has to, she likes dark blue, the sky just after sunset. Or the red of Axel’s hair and the black of his coat
6. What kind of stuff do they dream about? What do they have nightmares about?
Most of her dreams are those weird dreams that make you go “????” but when you think a bit you can easily decipher which happenings during the day caused what part of the dream. Nightmares, though, usually have to do with her or people she cares about getting cornered by a hulking black mass with piercing yellow eyes.
7. Do they have any special talents? Singing? Dancing? Playing an instrument?
Well it’s definitely not playing poker, Lexi can’t do a pokerface to save her life lmao. She’s gotten a little bit of training with different weapons, but not much, like, Sora’s experience with wooden swords was probably better than what she can do at the start of her journey.
8. Are they active? If so what do they do? Workout? Play a sport?
She’s gotten Axel, Demyx, Roxas, and Xion to teach her a little bit of fighting cringe is dead my OC is friends with half the Org deal with it but not a lot tbh, especially since it’s several different fighting styles that she now knows the basics in, but none she’s actually good at.
9. What is something that they are really passionate about?
“Listen Nobodies DO have emotions, I HAVE BEEN HANGING OUT WITH THEM FOR AGES, EVEN THEY REFUSE TO BELIEVE IT because they’re all IDIOTS, but trust me I know that!”
10. Do they ever have a self care or 'me’ day? If so, what do they do?
Lexy is a total extrovert and loves company, so a “me” day usually still involves hanging out with other people. Maybe if she really just wants to relax, hanging out with Demyx specifically and listen to him play the sitar.
11. What’s something they’re secretly really insecure about? Is it something physical or maybe something related to who they are or what they identify as?
Her non-existent fighting skills. Lexie kinda-sorta joins Sora’s group for the timeline of KH2, and she tries but especially at the start she’s just... Not good at it. And if she faces Shadow Heartless she has almost no chance because she tends to freeze up then. She does get better at fighting over time though.
12. Have they ever dated? If so, how did their last relationship end?
She’s probably had a few dates as a teen, maybe a partner, but nothing too serious. She’s (with almost no success) trying to hide that she’s got a crush on Axel/Lea, and they finally get together around DDD.
13. Do they care about quality or quantity with their work?
When it’s for friends, quality, otherwise she’s kinda just “eh, good enough” for stuff.
14. What is their favorite scent?
The smell of a campfire. Heat in general is nice (hot water smells different than cold water I swear), but campfires especially.
15. What is their favorite genre of music?
Lexi’s fine with whatever tbh, but it varies a bit on her mood. If she’s stressed or just wants to chill, she’s taken a liking to sitar music, otherwise she really likes pop.
16. What do they usually have for a midnight snack?
Nothing, usually.
17. Have they ever snapped because of what someone said or did to them? If so what happened? Do they regret it and did they apologize?
Theoretically that scene isn’t written yet, buuuut. Lexie’s best friend is Demyx. Sora is not exactly sad about killing her best friend. I’d say it’s pretty damn understandable for Lexie to get pissed off in that situation. She’s very emotional in general so probably snapped at people in general when it came to the topic of Nobodies; sometimes she’d apologize, but not always.
18. Do they have any kind of medical condition? If so what? Asthma, kidney disease, etc.
Well I’m pretty sure having her parents and almost herself killed in a Heartless attack could’ve caused PTSD, so I need to do some research on that before writing more with her.
19. Have they ever had a panic attack? If so, what caused it and how were they able to calm down?
Well, I’m pretty sure seeing the monsters who killed your parents and seeing your friends and crush killed in front of you can cause those - The Shadows moreso directly, while the friends/crush stuff usually needed a while to really hit. Like, so much happening it once, that a few hours or days afterwards it hits her all at once and she just. Curls up somewhere.
20. What are they genuinely afraid of?
Shadow Heartless, and losing people she cares about (yeah she’s gonna suffer). As for the Shadows, she knows there’s stronger and more dangerous Heartless around, but the Shadows scare her the most.
21. How organized are their living spaces? Do they keep things clean or are they disorganized?
“Damn girl you live like that?” Her room’s chaos, but somehow she always knows where stuff is.
22. If they ever had a YouTube channel, what would they make videos about?
Pretty scenery videos around Twilight Town. The view from the clock tower, pretty places in the woods around the city, etc.
23. Do they have a birthmark or any scars? If so how do they feel about them and how did they get their scars?
Lexi’s pretty much covered in scars. Her family wanted to get out of Twilight Town when the Heartless started becoming more and more, but didn’t make it all the way to the train station - Lexy’s parents got killed in the attack, and Lexy almost died. Her little sister is the only one who got away without physical damage.
24. Are they the type to start or finish fights?
Hm... Neither and both. Lexi can get worked up quickly, so arguments with her might get heated, but she usually wouldn’t start an actual fight, especially since she calms down pretty quickly, her emotions burn hot and bright but not long.
25. Do they like cuddling? If so are they a big spoon or a little spoon?
26. Do they prefer baths or showers?
Baths, though she usually takes showers because it’s quicker.
27. How do they sleep? Do they stay in one position all night or do they toss and turn? Do they snore or talk in their sleep?
Lexi sometimes mumbles in her sleep, and she moves around a lot. That’s how you can tell she has a nightmare: She moves almost not al all when she has one.
28. How touch starved are they? Would they like a hug right now?
Technically not touch starved, but yes, she’d love a hug.
29. What are their favorite kinds of foods? Sweets, sour foods, salty, etc?
She likes all of them on occasion, but she’s especially fond of spicy food and all kinds of curry.
30. Do they still have anything from their childhood? If so what and why? A stuffed animal, a piece of jewelry, a book, etc?
She’s got a stuffed animal that belonged to her little sister, and a few of her own. Other than that a few trinkets that were gifts from friends, but most of them are too recent to be called “from her childhood”.
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smashskate · 4 years
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Sadie Dewitt - For @desysimmer​‘s Blake Scott BC
Age: 23
Starsign: Taurus
Height: 5′4
Gender: Female, she/her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hometown: StrangerVille
Traits: Music Lover, Loner, Gloomy
Aspiration: Musical Genius
Occupation: Bassist for The Mother Plant
With an arm full of impulsive tattoos and her heart hidden under her jacket sleeve, meet Sadie Dewitt; a shy, twenty-something bassist from the infamous StrangerVille. While she’s not much for the spotlight herself, Sadie’s dream is to write music for Del Sol Valley’s biggest stars. She used her motivation to join a band in hopes of climbing the ranks and making connections with those who can launch her into her dream career. Except... that hasn't exactly happened yet.
Fresh out of college and a toxic relationship, Sadie’s shyness and timidness get the better of her sometimes. When on stage, she tends to blend into the shadows. She tries to give input during songwriting sessions, but can’t seem to get the words out. While she knows her bandmates would never shame her, she can’t help feeling insecure about her ideas. Sadie eventually decided that the only way that she was going to be able to put herself out there and gain some self-confidence would be through force, leading her to Blake’s bachelor application. While she’s still very nervous about how she’ll present herself, she’s hoping that she can gain a little confidence, and maybe find love along the way.
How would you describe yourself and your life?
“I mean, there really isn't much to talk about is there? I’m not exactly glamorous, I’m about as plain as you can get really. I have two parents, no siblings, no pets, exedra. I have a dog now, If that counts for anything. I’m a pretty mediocre bassist, and singer as well, but don't tell James I said that. He’s our manager, and he really hates it when I don’t “give myself the credit I deserve” or something like that. I’m just trying not to fool people into thinking I’m better or cooler than I am. Our band plays a few shows a week around the local bars, mainly at Mickey’s. I really don’t like being on stage, but a bassist is kind of necessary to a band. Also, we get free drinks sometimes, which is kind of cool.”
Why did you apply for the Bachelor?
“I kinda mentioned it before, but I’m trying to put myself out there and experience new things. I’m not the most outgoing person, but I figured something like this would put enough pressure on me to step out of my comfort zone. Although, I’m not really sure where that zone is at this point, this whole thing is kind of surreal.” *laughs nervously* “Anyways, my last relationship ended badly. Like, really badly. Like, I had to skip town and cut off my hair bad. I was thinking of swearing off of dating for a bit, but I realized I’m at my best when I have someone by my side supporting me and I can support them in return. Also, I have eyes. Blake’s pretty cute. He seems real interesting, and I think we have a lot in common as well as some differences, but hey, learning is part of the process. I doubt I have a real chance, but what could trying hurt?”
What else should we know about you?
Sadie does currently have a dog! His name is Booker and he’s a Saint Bernard. He’s about 3 years old, but he’s still a big puppy.
Although she’s no longer a college student, she still eats ramen on the daily. Being a bassist for an indie band doesn’t exactly pay the big bucks. Pre-made food is pretty much her lifeline right now.
Her band still isn’t really sure how they came up with their name. It just popped into all of their heads one day. Huh, that was also around the same time those weird purple plants started showing up everywhere in StrangerVille. Weird!
She’s a pretty good swimmer, and did competition in high school for it. Sadly, her college didn't have a swim program, so she had to regress to the occasional lap at the beach instead.
She’s not great at makeup, but she tries to put in effort for special occasions. Don’t tell her that her eyeshadow doesn't match her dress, like at all. She actually might cry.
Her favorite songs are Boyfriend by Florence Rose, Shower Song by Fredo Disco, and Julie by Sean Rogers (all amazing songs, highly recommend you listen)
Once you look past her overwhelming self-deprecation, Sadie is actually very talented. Her bandmates consider her very valuable, and think that she’s really musically gifted. She just hasn't figured it out for herself yet.
She’s that eat-cereal-for-dinner and eat-pizza-for-breakfast type of girl. Hey, time is a human construct, and so are meal-time foods. You only live once!
Sadie lives in a small trailer in the StrangerVille trailer park. It’s not the most beautiful of homes, but it’s pretty cute, and it has a whole lot of personality. Of course, by personality we’re referring to the numerous dents and scuffs on the sides.
She got the scar on her cheek from when she fell out of a tree as a kid. She wasn't banged up too bad, but a branch left a deep gash in her cheek. Since then, she’s had a pretty big fear of heights.
Her biggest inspiration is probably her dad. They were always super close when growing up, and even though he suffered from heart problems he still made every effort to be there for her. He’s still alive, don’t worry! But Sadie will always be very grateful for his presence. 
Outfits Pictured are Everyday 1 and Formal.
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yeetdam · 5 years
Could you ship your mutuals with silverboys/treasure 13? I’m curious 🙀
smh i accidentally closed the tab before i could save it fml but anyway: instead of studying maths and after killing my body with a 45 min workout, i am here to answer this ask that was long overdue thank you anon for being so curious uwu!! also i apologize i might’ve got carried away skjdl and this is not proofread in any shape or form
@yoonbins x yoonbin is the couple that tries to keep it low but everyone knows that they’re a thing imo 💖 mini god kara i’m not trying to call you out but yoonbin would gladly accept that s***** from you anytime úwù skinship in public isn’t really their thing, but if bin is feeling bold, he’d secretly hold her hand under the desk klasjdklajs kara isn’t one to show her emotions a lot but it’s fine bc yoonbin is an attentive guy and just knows how smitten he is for her!!! not really the most romantic couple out there, but when it comes to banter? OOF nobody can beat them what a pure relationship (also, expect long cuddle sessions when it’s just the two of them teehee)
@byounggonsgf x byounggon is the power couple everyone on ygtb tumblr and their MUMS know of and approve of: first of all, visual wise?? GOD TIER. SUPERIOR. YOU WISH. we all know how much of a visual kweenie angel zeen is, and we all know how hot gon is (pls the entire fandom has a crush on him) and the two combined?? YOUR FAVS COULD NEVER (unless your favs are zeen and gon uwu) also, just one glance at zeen’s tags just show how much love she harbors for him and i imagine her to be the type to write stuff abt him in a seperate notebook and when gon finds out, he’ll go all out and arrange some romantic candlelight dinner or shit 💖 in other words, they’re the disgustingly sweet couple you’d see in romance anime uwu
@ggoncafe x byounggon is also a ship i advocate !!! he’d do anything to make ess smile and laugh; it’s one of his fav sights after all - especially that thing that ess does where she scrunches her nose whenever she laughs??? he is SOLD. WHIPPED. IN AWE. i feel like gon can be quite the romantic in his way and would write so many songs abt ess lskjdlkj aside of that, ess strikes me as the type to annoy the shit out of him just for fun LMAO - it’s nothing bad, imagine this: she’d text him in capslock and keyboard smashes just to garner his attention and then, he’d face time her and try to be fed up but in reality? he’s glad she did that? bc that gives him the perfect excuse to see her lkjsdj 
say what you want; okay cool you think the earth is flat fine then but not thinking that @mashilove x byounggon is a cute ship? sis you’re abt to cATcH ThESe HaNDs - uyen radiates something akin to big mom energy: maybe it’s partly bc she’s just as old as gon but her tags to everyone just SCREAM soft protective nature 💖 also i feel like uyen, as great as she is, sometimes deals with huge insecurity issues and gon would try his best to lift up her spirits and convince her that she is a beautiful child of the angels the world doesn’t even deserve!!! we are talking abt gon dedicating 28398309 songs to her and cuddle attacks and soft shit oof
looking back i realize byounggon also has a mf power harem and to finish it off, i also think that @speckofglitter x byounggon is the couple you should be scared of. why scared? bc they’re gonna make you set your standards so impossibly high AND THATS THE TEA 💖 gon picking up tiyi after her lectures at university? every time when he can afford to? which is pretty much every second day? and if he has much free time before he’d make sure to buy some food for tiyi? it doesn’t help that he’s a soundcloud rapper of course everyone’s gonna have high standards! it doesn’t stop there tho; just imagine them trying some couple dances like ellen and Brian hnnngh 
@junkyeu x junkyu is ! so ! pure !!!! junkyu would be so so smitten and so so proud of Linh and he’d take any opportunity to boast abt her. she’s so beautiful? he’d say that to every second stranger they pass by. she’s a multilingual queen? he’d tweet it out several times a day, post it on his snapchat, probably write it on a wall “LINH IS A MULTILINGUAL LEGEND YOUR S/O COULD NEVER 💖“ and so on. he is so damn supportive up to the point where it might be a little excessive to her but she still loves him dearly :’) the harshest thing she might do is prolly insult him lightly in any language he doesn’t understand LMAOOO
1/3 of the seunghun harem ship i support is @kimseunghoney x seunghun ! yet another couple that would flaunt that they’re together but guess what?? everyone is LIVING for it 💖 christina is such a soft fluffball who’s trying her best to get through her exams and seunghun being the supportive (yet needy) boyfriend he is, would partly distract her partly help her?? he’d be the type to randomly come over to her place with the reason of wanting to help her study bc ! good ! grades ! is ! what ! she ! wants ! but then five minutes later, he’d try to get her to take a break and then woo her to a nap bc she’s been working so hard uwu (also, the perfect timing for him to fill up his camera roll full of pics of christina saljdlk)
2/3 of the seunghun harem is @seunghunies x seunghun 💖 now with those two combined,,,, get ready for the skinship and disgustingly domestic and tooth rotten fluff between them uGh [edit: the latter got deleted WHY TUMBLR WHY SMH so starting here is the cont.] seunghun is the type to show off that vale is his up to the point where he might shove it up everyone and their mum's faces jskdk but it's full of love!!! Snapchat? Instagram? Everywhere — he's gonna say how much he loves vale during an ig live or in his story dedicated to vale and vale ONLY 💞🤧 also!!! Restaurant dates!!!! So many!!!! They'd go taste testing in the entire city !!!! And he'd take so many pics of her and the best thing abt the cute shit? Vale plays along!! (At least most of the time teehee) say he'd want her to pose for the camera? She'd gladly do it- unless she's feeling a little sneaky then she'd do anything to mess up the snapshot kajdjdjkdk we love banter 😜💓
3/3 of the harem is @seunghunn x seunghun uwu THE. SOFTEST. COUPLE. IN THE UNIVERSE. mashikyu doesn’t compare anyway, we’ve already established how much of a passionate lover hun is right?? and i peg seunghun the type to crave his s/o’s attention at any time possible so if you ever lay his eyes off him, he’d do anything to win your attention back! perhaps one might say that maddi cherishes her sleep more than our #1 furry king and if she’s particularly stressed, she’s heading straight to her bed and to the one-hour nap she desperately needs. depending on how hun is feeling, he might either a) play the big spoon and nap with her sdjlkjsa or b) be the whiny bitch he is and try to wake her up (ofc only if he’s 100% sure that she wouldnt mind as much as usual) 💖 in case he guessed wrong and woke her up while she’s pissed, he’d make up with some good homecooked food UGH
@moonxlika x hyunsuk is the badass couple who always hype one another up you don’t even KNOW. be it a competition or a game, you can bet that one is cheering for the other - unless they both participate, then it’d be a mixture of “good luck uwu” or “i’m gonna beat your ass just watch me” 💖 they’re the type to bond over their music taste and seriously lika and hyunsuk aren’t afraid to show that they’re a thing it’s so cute kljfl you know that some ppl get embarrassed when their s/o suddenly does a hoe drop or dresses really hot like with chokers or shit? then there are some ppl who get pissed / jealous / idk at least not embarrassed and shy when their s/o does that? neither of them fall into any of those types. say hyunsuk is suddenly out there with a choker and what do i know a mesh shirt? lika strikes me as someone who’d go yES BITCH THAT HOT DUDE RIGHT THERE IS MY BOYFRIEND SEE HIM and say lika pops of on the dance floor, hyunsuk would be like mY GIRLFRIEND HAS SOME MOVES Y’ALL 
whereas lika x suk could be classified as one of the more hard couples on the spectrum, @hyunsukmyass x hyunsuk is the epitome of bubblegum and sugar and (perhaps little) spice (at least that’s what everyone thinks but sshhh) 💖 i feel like in public suk would try hard to have the image of being sim’s edgy boyfriend but little does he know that sim dishes out the truth to all of her friends HDSJKHSKJ like that one time suk admitted his wallet was suffering due to the bouquet of flowers he bought her when sim was feeling low? or the time where he put his pride and sanity aside and took care of her when she was sick even tho it was a given that he’d get infected too? everyone knows and whereas suk is HIGHkey embarrassed to a certain extent, he’d try to find something he can tease sim with!! and then… he finds it... cute shit sim writes abt suk…. or even worse… her fanfics abt celebrity xy and suk has a LOT of fun teasing her with it ksajdkljkl he’d never say anything negative but once in a while he’d go like “so,,, sim,,,, wanna recreate that one scene you wrote in fanfic xy?” or even “hey what do you think if i were a rocker but also super super good at school?” gET READY FOR THE BANTER AND LAUGHTER AND TICKLE FIGHTS THAT FOLLOW SUIT
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thechocoboos · 6 years
last one I promise: ffxv but in space?... OK I'll admit I'm starting to run out of ideas. have a nice day and good luck with school!
holy fuck i went way more crazy with this than I planned. so have fun. Keep in mind, y’all, this is a space au–things are defo different than the actual plot. also: happy ending
The Regalia is a small prototype ship made for small trips to and from space stations and moons
Noctis’ father is the leader of a massive space colony circling a dimming blue star
Their space colony is running out of resources and energy as a result of a longstanding war with The Empire, a corporation that grew too powerful back when space travel became big and now aims to take control of every colony, resource, and inhabitable planet in the galaxy
so Regis sends Noctis and Co out on an expedition to build alliances and find potential resources that the Empire had overlooked
Noctis is a drifter who doesn’t want to take over his dad’s colony
Gladio is a soldier, a bodyguard in training for the leaders of the space colony. His family has always worked closely with the colony’s founders, so he was raised to follow in the footsteps of his ancestors and to protect Noct
Prompto is a lower level settler of their space colony
He ran into Noctis during their school days and latched himself to Noct like a leach (Noct never minded and even grew to like Prom)
Ignis is still an advisor, albeit a SPACE ADVISOR
He is well versed in most, if not all, of the known alien languages and settlements (he spent so much of his schooling learning languages that he dreams about learning them–granted they’ve become more of nightmares by this point)
He guides Noctis on their mission to find resources and build alliances, giving advice such as “Do not try to navigate that asteroid belt” and “stay far from the Black Hole of Ostenbar–many civilizations were lost there”
Granted that advice is always ignored, but hey, it’s the thought that counts!
One day on their expedition, he mentions rumors of a ship called The Oracle–a ship that opposes the Empire
Supposedly, it started out as a simple rescue ship that grew bigger and bigger and soon became a massive self sustaining ship that travels around the galaxy helping those in need
Noct and Co. realize that it may be their first step towards building alliances and aim to find The Oracle–it’s their first tangible mission
The Oracle, if you hadn’t already guessed, is run by Luna
She and her brother, Ravus, inherited it from their family
The Oracle had many run ins with the Empire as a result of its good deeds, and Ravus grew tired of the pain inflicted on both his people and his inheritance due to those assholes
He knew he could never deal with the Empire directly, especially while handling The Oracle, so he left the ship in the hands of Luna and ran off
He fell in with a group of good-natured space pirates and now raids the Empire’s smaller ships with his small, growing fleet and gives the resources he obtains from them to those who need it–kind of like a robinhood of sorts
(I’m expecting some SpacePirate!Ravus spin offs in the future–i’ll even take the transcript of pirates of the caribbean except with ravus and in space)
Ardyn is a strange deity who was once worshiped on a more primitive, jungle based planet
His planet is hot, humid, and full of bright, colorful creatures. Some of them are poisonous and deadly, and others are docile and harmless
His people made beautiful buildings of stone with carved designs and everything they made was otherworldly and beautiful, there wasn’t a single item of theirs that wasn’t art in one way or another
They made the most beautiful songs and their language was magnificent and elegant; it was as though their voices were woven from the stars
Keywords? Made. Was.
The Empire found him one day and found his immense power very beneficial
They captured him and his worshippers, turning the worshippers into slaves and science experiments while they used torture and abuse to control Ardyn before turning him into the High Commander or the Empire
They brainwashed him into thinking it was Regis’ colony that had done him wrong, and he has it out for Insomnia Space Colony ever since
It takes a metric fuckton of cycles for Noct and co to finally find The Oracle, who is very willing to join the Insomnia Space Colony cause (my god is that a mouthful or what)
Sidenote: Cor is pretty high up on commanders from Noct’s colony, so he was out conducting business with other settlers at the far end of the galaxy
After the destruction of Insomnia Space Colony, he managed to get hold of Noct on The Oracle and relay the news
It leaves Noctis and the others crushed
They end up lost for a little bit, uncertain what their goal should be from then on
One day, however, The Oracle receives an SOS call from that same dimming star that Noct’s colony had orbited
The Oracle takes them there, and they find many, many survivors
The Oracle takes those survivors on board without a single word, and as Noctis sees the remnants of his people’s suffering at the hands of The Empire, he swears to bring an end to those fuckers as long as he lives (cue his new reason for living)
Noct and co.’s favorite pit stop is a small colony on an asteroid called Crash Comet
It’s run by Cid, an old alien friend of Regis’ and his granddaughter
It’s the nicest gas station, diner, and mechanic outside of their solar system
They visit it regularly, especially after Noct learns how to fly the Regalia (he can’t avoid those asteroid belts even when he tries)
Gladio once asked why Prompto was with them on their expedition bc he genuinely had no idea why the kid was there
Gladdy was there for protection, Ignis was their walking, talking adviceman, and Prom? He had no idea
Prom lowkey didn’t know either, but he just held up his old lil camera and said some BS about being their historian
In reality, Noct really just brought him bc he didn’t want to be stuck in a tiny spaceship with Ignis and Gladdy alone, besides, he knew that Prompto always wanted to see the galaxy outside of their colony
They have many run-ins with Ardyn and The Empire–it always ends in a massive chase scene through the stars, a disappearance in a hectic asteroid belt, and another trip to Crash Comet
Noct, Iggs, Gladdy, and Prom have a blast on their space adventures
At least, up until their colony is destroyed
Still, they meet aliens from all walks of life and eat strange alien food at strange alien gas stations on the edge of the galaxy and make friends everywhere
They make alliances as they go, building up their own army of settlers, colonists, space pirates, and aliens alike to rise up against the Empire, with The Oracle heading their fleet
Prompto takes so many pictures that he ends up with a massive database of things ranging from aliens, planets, stars, flora, fauna, selfies, weird poisonous glowing bacteria–you name it, he’s got it (after their adventures he actually finds scientists and alienologists asking him for his pictures for research and references; our boi makes bank on his pics!)
Ignis tries every single different cultured cuisine he can get his grubby lil gloved paws on and he will eat ALL OF IT. he has been poisoned by the clashing chemical makeup on more than one occasion (but he still won’t stop)
Noctis hates trying new culture foods, like he goes for some of it but if Ignis tries to feed him one more Glockinshnid’esiria throat casserole, he’s going to vomit
Gladio towers over a lot of alien species they meet, but he also looks like a penny next to some of them (he lowkey feels insecure about it)
Gladdy likes to trade work out regimens with some aliens
He once tried working out with the very gruff, muscled Kleeverprongs, a species known to eat the muscles of their dead to become stronger and who begin weightlifting at 3 months old (he threw his back out and couldn’t walk for a week)
Prompto tries to steal small alien pets but Ignis threatens to throw him out the back of their cruiser if he so much as looks at one more Puffelzingor.
He once hid a small mouse like rodent in his shirt for three weeks, but it escaped and ate through one of Ignis’ prized pots (it’s one of the more expensive ones that can handle stardust and the harshest of acids)
Ignis hasn’t forgiven him yet. And he probably never will.
Sometimes Noct and Co. cross paths with Ravus
Ravus usually screams about them being the ones who got his sister tied in even further with the bloody empire and being the biggest thorn in his ass
There was one time where Ravus was thought to be dead in the middle of space, and none other than Noct and Co. rescued him (he had lost an arm and been abandoned by accident. Space pirates aren’t very bright sometimes)
He was less aggressive towards them afterwards, especially because he was stuck with them for about 2 and a half cycles (roughly 3.67 months) because the nearest welcoming outpost was at least a good hundred stars away
ANyways plot stuff:
So, throughout their journeys and travels, Noct and Co. slowly learn about some of the Empires more hidden histories and ties with differing colonies
They learn more about Ardyn, how he was essentially a tool used by the empire
THey actually travel back to the planet that Ardyn had been worshiped on and end up learning even more
At first, they thought he had just been a leader of some strange planet, but when discovering he was essentially a god? Oh boi, they were faced with a big moral dilemma
Noctis still wants to bring down the Empire, but now, he also wants to help Ardyn and Ardyn’s people
Gladdy is against it, of course, saying that Ardyn had still done terrible things and was still a terrible person who should pay for his actions
Noct mostly disagrees. He thinks Ardyn needs to pay to a certain degree, but to him, it was more important that they at least try to free his people and attempt to get the truth out there
He argues that it really wasn’t all Ardyn’s fault, that he was nothing more than a pawn who had been manipulated and lied to for nothing but selfish reasons
He doesn’t want to help Ardyn, necessarily, but he does want to make things right
It was truly at this point that his friends began seeing the leader that Noct truly is
Noctis and Co. were never really able to convince Ardyn as much as they tried; he was past the point of simply believing things
Still, he made a deal. A snarky deal with a smirk and teasing tone to his voice, but the look in his eye had been enough to give them hope
He told them, that if they were able to find his people and set them free, he just might be willing to strike up some sort of deal that would work out for both of them
Cue montage
The space bros go through hell and back trying to find out what happened to most of the worshippers
They break through and destroy so many Empire outposts and institutes that they probably single handedly cripple part of the Empire
Even so, with how hard they work to find out where the worshippers were, they had to ask for help
They asked both Ravus and Luna for help, as well as some of the more trusted allies they had made through their journey
In the end, they find that most of the worshippers had been killed. They manage to rescue those who had survived, and bring them to Luna’s ship for safety
They’re beaten and bruised with fearful eyes and they spend most of their time praying–it’s all they can do at this point
It’s heartbreaking, and it truly reminds Noctis and his friends that they weren’t the only ones who had lost their home
Luna and Noct both promise the worshippers that they would be brought back home when it was finally safe, but no one knows when that will be
The next time Noctis crosses paths with Ardyn, there is no snark in Ardyn’s voice–only the serious tone of a man who had lost everything
He demands that Noct bring him to his people, his voice harsh and sharp as he snaps. His eyes are furious and his stance is dangerous but Noct remains calm and tall, his eyes cool as he talks Ardyn down
Ardyn agrees to go with Noctis alone, he agrees to relinquish his weapons and trickery–all he wants is to see that his people are safe
The others aren’t happy, the air is tense in their cruiser as they return to The Oracle. Gladio silently fumes and Ignis is ready to pounce any second.
But Ardyn makes no moves. He waits, his heart still, his eyes sharp–he could be walking into a trap, and he knows it, but he doesn’t care, not if his people are there
Luna is respectful when Ardyn boards her ship. She doesn’t show any ill will despite what he has done–she knows he had been tricked, and she knows that all that really matters to him are his people. She respects that.
She leads him to the worshippers, and the second his eyes fall on them, he smiles–truly smiles
He feels relief, hope–glee
They look just as stunned as he is, their eyes wide and sparkling as they drop to the floor and bow
He only tells them to stand, speaking in an old, dead language that even Ignis doesn’t know
He asks them questions, touches their cheeks, their shoulders, their hands… He’s so gentle and careful, no one else can believe it
As they finish answering, he thanks them with a warm, soft voice, promising he’ll get them home safe–that they will all go home safely and that he’ll join them, that they will rebuild their beautiful civilization once again and no one will ever hurt them again
He turns and looks at Noctis, his eyes full of cold murder as his fury burns. He asks when they’ll launch their full attack–because he wants in. He quietly vows that he will bring down the empire–every last ship, even if it kills him.
It only takes a few more cycles for everything to be ready.
There are at least a thousand ships that come forward to help fight. Their alliances hold true to their words and promises and join The Oracle, bringing their own smaller allied ships and friends with them
Ravus brings at least 200 ships full of space pirates with a new, shiny arm at his shoulder
Noctis contacts older allies that his dad had made, as well as the hundreds of new ones he’s made through his travels–and those allies bring their own, as well
Luna has age old promises that are being fulfilled, her oldest contacts coming forward from the deep recesses of space to help fight the Empire
Even Ardyn pulls some strings, pulling a few of the Empire’s allies over to their side–after all, many of them had been loyal to Ardyn alone, in the end
With the Empire spread over so much of space, it isn’t a clean, straightforward war (then again, most aren’t)
The war lasts 81.7 cycles–nearly ten years. Strategies are stretched, lives are lost, people were worn down, but Noctis never wavers
In the end, the Empire crumbles–losing far too many of its ships and colonies, especially as the civilizations it took over rebel and fight back.
Eventually, there is only the head colony left–and Noctis’ side easily corners it.
Noctis isn’t alone when he approached the leader of the Empire. Ardyn goes with him, his losses just as valid as Noctis’
The leader begs. He cries, yells in desperation, falls to his knees and simply weeps–asking for Noctis to have mercy.
Noctis is cold as he responds, simply staring down the old man. He’s gotten what he wants–the Empire’s downfall. Yes, the leader needs to pay for his crimes, but he doesn’t care much for the logistics of that–so deciding punishment falls to Ardyn.
The details don’t matter too much–the Empire fell, Noctis was able to rebuild his colony around a new star, The Oracle was free to help the civilizations that had been under the Empire’s control, Ravus and his space pirates became the police of sorts–protecting people from unsavory sorts in space, and Ardyn was able to return to his home with the remainder of his people
Space was free again, its planets and civilizations free to return to run their lives as they pleased
Edit: Things I forgot to mention™
Arenaea is space’s local lesbian space pirate whose fleet was actually hired by Ardyn somewhere down the line
She was actually notorious and was a big rival of Ravus (they crossed paths on more than one occasion)
She’s lost a couple digits and a foot, as well as an eye in her pursuits but replaced them all with cybernetic implants (her eye can actually see in infrared, very handy in space)
Her cyborg foot has a built in high heel
She’s one of the most dangerous enemies and one of the best allies to have
No one crosses her and lives to tell the tale (unless she wants them to)
Insanely good strategist and is one of the best allies Noct has in the war
You can hear her loudly walking down the metal bridges of ships when hunting down mercenaries and criminals, her cybernetic foot and high heels clanging loudly (she likes to scare them--she could move quietly with no effort at all)
Anyways so weapons right
Ignis’ weapons are duel blades ofc, however, they’re HEAT DUEL BLADESSSS
With a click of his thumbs he's got some lasers shooting down the edge of his daggers and ready to burn the guts of his enemies as he stabs them (it’s pretty good at cauterizing wounds so his slices and jabs are well placed for instant death)
Gladio??? Yes, he still uses those massive as two handed swords. No one can rip that away from him
They, too, have laser capabilities
He keeps two laser pistols on either side of his belt for when they’re fighting in smaller quarters  
Y’all haven’t lived until you’ve gotten a mental image of sweaty gladio with burn wounds from laser rifles and holes in his tanktop shootin a couple of laser pistols with his beautiful manbun-ponytail thing and 10-year gap hair chillin out there, mouth turned down into a scowl as his sharp eyes aim
He also has a couple of electric cybernetic gloves that stun enemies with a single punch
Now. Noctis? Listen. He doesn’t use lasers--too much of a hassle
Our boi has a few cybernetic implants, kay?
Y’all ever played mass effect? His magic is basically like the biotics of mass effect
In other words, he still has magic, it’s just sci-fi magic!
His swords are made out of the sharpest metals one can find, and they glow because 1) I say so, and 2) they were forged from radioactive materials and stardust from the heat of a dying star because that’s how we do things in S P A C E
S O  M A N Y  L A S E R S
He’s got a laser rifle, he’s got a laser sniper, he’s got bullets that electrocute, bullets that explode, bullets that burn, grenades that stun, grenades that blow up, grenades that disintegrate only organic forms (helpful in space ships tbh)
He has a good trusty ole missile launcher type of weapon that launches concentrated laser ball missiles at shit
Also he’s far sighted.
Anyways; prom is always making modifications to his weapons (and gladio’s pistols) and is always the one to repair or alter the spacebro’s weaponry
He once smacked Noct for trying to fix a sword and somehow damaging its mechanics
Prom actually makes some serious cash fixing weapons at outposts and such, he also buys cheap weapons and bulks them up before selling them for like three times his buying price
He’s actually the most well-off out of them further down the line and he’s the one who brings in the credits throughout their journey because he’s the only one with some sort of income
Also i forgot to mention
Noct loses a leg in the war and gets a cheap prosthetic to tide him over until the end; then he gets a hella cool cyborg leg like Arenaea
Ignis does NOT go blind, however, he loses an eye in a fight with some space pirates who try to raid The Oracle and ends up with an eyepatch for a while
Later on, he gets his own cybernetic implant eye--it’s a lot like Arenaea’s actually
It glows red and the metal covers the area around his eye completely, reaching around towards the side of his head and disappearing beneath part of his hair
Ravus’ right hand pirate is an android
Gentiana is also an android
Cor punches Ardyn in the face the first time they meet during the war--yes, he does know that Ardyn is on their side, now
Cor was the one who found many of Ardyn’s worshippers and brought them to The Oracle
Also Cor is a cyborg
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toneelspeler · 6 years
What is your opinion on the nature of domestic disputes/arguments/fights between Isak and Even as well as its depiction within fanwork? One one hand I don’t at all see them being the couple to constantly argue and yell but I also think it’s naive to think that they live in a sweet little bubble 100% of the time in their apartment playing fifa and making love. I think what makes them such an amazing example of a couple is that they’re not perfect. CONT
Of course I realize that most people don’t want to spend muchtime talking about the negative traits of their favs but I would love to knowwhat kind of things they argue about and how they deal with it. I’ve yet toread a fic where their disputes aren’t something silly like laundry and thedishes that is quickly absolved with kisses and a smile. Not to say that it’sunrealistic or oversimplified to depict every day annoyances in that way, butbeing a young couple who, very quickly tbh, moved in with each other, I can’timagine that they have everything worked out perfectly. The most loving anddevoted relationships still suffer from feelings of suffocation andco-dependence. It’s cute in the grand bubble of things to look at theirrelationship like two soulmates meeting in a stars aligned story book scenariobut I think I prefer to see them in a realistic light? They’ve been through somuch individually and together but it’s not sunshine and roses now. They’re notalways going to be bundled up in bed staring at each other lovingly (even thoughI can always read it in about 200 different ways with a dopey smile on my face) they’re both in school, they both have jobs that probably don’t paymuch.. I can’t imagine their parents pay for everything.. money is a huge pointof contention with any relationship. Anyway I’m going to stop therebefore you get annoyed with me lol. I would love to hear your thoughts aboutthis as well as other people’s? I’ve just never seen this discussed before! Ta ❤️
Hiya anon! What agreat and fascinating question! I’m going to focus on Isak and Even’s relationship in particular in canon though bc I do think fic like you mention has a different purpose than the canon story does. 
Generally, I personallyfeel they would probably not have a lot of arguments bc I do feel like theywould try to keep their communication at the forefront. They realised veryearly on that miscommunication might be their biggest downfall, honestly (withisak completely shutting off even after his manic episode and even notdisclosing his girlfriend early on or reacting to isak’s comment on mentallyill people – instead withdrawing and not talking about it he made the decisionto not discuss it and give Isak the chance to ~redeem himself or make his mindup. But still, I can understand even’s thoughts here though.). but both ofthese guys have a tendency to keep thinking thinking thinking and not talkingtalking talking. They probably have gotten a lot better than they used to bebut it’s still something you have to keep on training in a relationship.
So what would theyargue about? I do think Isak’s family situation might be a sore spot, andhowever Even’s a supportive and understanding person he might sometimes pushIsak a little towards them that I don’t think Isak would always appreciate. Fromall the little comments we had on Even’s home situation it seems very different compared to Isak’s – so hemight not always realise that some comments might be hurtful for Isak? And Isakbeing the doofus he is might not always want to talk about it or deal with it. Moneycould also be a point of contention when Isak’s father might not want tocontinue paying his son’s rent and food. Although there was no sign of him notdoing so at the end of SKAM.
Other things..well, if we’re talking about money – we do know Even’s issue with being tooimpulsive during manic episodes. As of now, Even’s still very insecure abouthow to live with his mental illness and Isak’s also still learning (both withEven’s illness as well as his mother’s). For Even, I think it’s probably a carefulbalance between actions during euthymic and manic/depressive states; when is somethinga result of his illness and what is not? Can you blame him for stuff he doesduring his manic or depressive states? Not that I think that Even would use itas an excuse in any way but lines can get blurred and it’s important for Evento take his responsibility for stuff he does that do hurt people sometimes, butalso have the perspective of knowing that he can’t always blame himself foreverything. I’m not sure whether they would really argue about it, but I dothink they have very long and very hard conversations about it, and about them.Isak’s not perfect either, he might do something wrong, and Even might, as yousaid, feel suffocated. He’s felt that way before. Those conversations might not always be fun for eitherof them but they need to have them if they want to last. And you know, thatcould result in a time of a grim feeling in their apartment.
One last thing I wantto mention is based on one skam fic that I found such an interesting way ofdiscussing it: Even trying to protect Isak by saying he could always leave,when in all reality it makes Isak feel like shit bc it feels like Even’s sayingthat Isak should just give up and leave when times get hard. And that’s notwhat Isak wants to do. That was soooo them and good: bc in the end, I dobelieve that they will always keep in mind that their relationship is somethingthey built together and decide on togetherand they choose to be together and if one of them decides it’s notsomething he’s wholeheartedly in for then they’ll end it. But I think at thispoint they really want to grow together and are wholeheartedly in.
So basically – lotsof miscommunication in the beginning but when they get their knuckleheads backon their shoulders they solve their tension and troubles by communicating. Evenin hard times.
And maybe with afew kisses afterwards🌺. 
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atypicality · 6 years
Edye, Kira, Clovette, Vix, and Rufion
Full Name: okay so none of my OCs have last names,, embarrassing i know. he’s named after a neopet as that’s how i formed his character (this is progressively getting more embarrassing). his name is pronounced “eddie,” and an interesting fact about his name is that the part “dye” (pronounced “die”) is a nickname for dionysus, a god that has definitely influenced his character.
Gender and Sexuality: male, he’s bisexual
Pronouns: he/him
Ethnicity/Species: he’s latino and he’s human(??)
Birthplace and Birthdate: i literally have no idea (i feel like i should look into astrology and choose his birthday according to his personality…he’s probably a leo or a gemini and he was clearly born somewhere in latin america. i was thinking ecuador but i’m biased bc i lived there lmao),, he’s 22 though
Guilty Pleasures: reality t.v. and romcoms
Phobias: (i’m not putting the names of each phobia bc no one knows what that means) emotional intimacy, being buried alive, and abandonment
What They Would Be Famous For: i could see him being an actor with a horrible reputation
What They Would Get Arrested For: anything ranging from drug dealing to kidnapping (he was supposed to return vera to the shadow realm, for example). i wouldn’t put much past him
OC You Ship Them With: aliah and rufion (i like him with vera platonically)
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: nora bc she has to deal with his bullshit
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: action and comedy
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: pointless sacrifices. they died, dammit! let that count for something!
Talents and/or Powers: he’s an illusionist, meaning he can warp reality (or one’s perception of reality) and trick people. he can also make portals and fly/hover to some extent.
Why Someone Might Love Them: he’s a party animal and he’s fun to be around. he’s also pretty loyal to the people he cares about.
Why Someone Might Hate Them: he’s a no strings attached kind of person. he can be very apathetic and insensitive.
How They Change: he goes from being a villain to being the sidekick of the MC (vera),, i’m so proud of him
Why You Love Them: he’s the classic asshole/misunderstood bad boy turned good…he’s a huge loser that accidentally became cursed and now has a cult following and he’s just hilarious to think about.
here’s a mix i made for him
and his three shipping mixes lmao (aliah)(rufion)(vera)
here’s the cult mix if you want to listen to that  😂😂😂
alsoo i have a sidekick mix
and i’m literally developing two more for him (villain / hero arc, respectively)
can you tell that he’s my favorite
Full Name: just kira (hi, just. i’m nina)
Gender and Sexuality: female, heterosexual
Pronouns: she/her
Ethnicity/Species: she’s mixed: japanese and black. she’s a human
Birthplace and Birthdate: she was born in japan (city whomst) and she’s 27. probably a gemini or a scorpio
Guilty Pleasures: chocolate/sweets in general and creeping on social media if that counts
Phobias: she suffers from body dysmorphic disorder and suffers from fears that accompany that, such as not being good enough, etc. she also hates bugs, especially spiders.
What They Would Be Famous For: despite her bdd, she’d definitely become famous for being a beauty vlogger/youtuber. her ‘mask’ (aka whatever it is people with bdd do to help themselves cope with their body’s appearance/perceived flaw) would be makeup and she uses her powers to give herself the illusion that she’s someone else (in terms of appearance, if that makes any sense).
What They Would Get Arrested For: shoplifting (idk if you can be arrested for this but it’s the only thing she would do)
OC You Ship Them With: will a lil bit tbh. they’re the mom-dad pair
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: no one lmao
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: romcoms and horror
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: white people doing stupid things in horror movies, the most aggravating definitely being having sex/making out while danger is imminent
Talents and/or Powers: she’s an illusionist and can make portals like edye. she’s also a makeup artist
Why Someone Might Love Them: she’s super sweet and a good listener.
Why Someone Might Hate Them: people misinterpret her as shallow
How They Change: she betrays the Good Guys for her benefit but is forgiven. she also seeks help for her bdd and stops using her powers to alter her appearance (her makeup still serves as a mask though, her insecurities and anxiety don’t disappear overnight)
Why You Love Them: her struggle with self-love is so heartbreaking and she’s so strong and admirable.
Full Name: clovette. some people call her clover. she’s also a neopet.
Gender and Sexuality: female, pansexual
Pronouns: she/her
Ethnicity/Species: she’s asian and a human
Birthplace and Birthdate: she was born somewhere in southeast asia. she’s 20 and probably an aquarius
Guilty Pleasures: sleeping in and staying home all day
Phobias: she has a fear of flying and the ocean. she suffers from social anxiety and is afraid of large crowds.
What They Would Be Famous For: she’d be a kickass video game developer
What They Would Get Arrested For: probably doing something illegal online (piracy maybe?)
OC You Ship Them With: maybe with nora
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: no one!!!
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: science fiction and fantasy
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: white savior trope
Talents and/or Powers: she doesn’t have any powers but she’s great at coding and game design and she’s a talented artist.
Why Someone Might Love Them: she’s really funny when you get to know her.
Why Someone Might Hate Them: she comes off as judgmental but she’s really not
How They Change: she’s initially scared of travelling from her island (boats? Horrifying. airplanes? Terrifying.) but then she’s forced to move and has to face that fear plus the fear that comes when you don’t know anyone and have to form new relationships.
Why You Love Them: she has so much potential for growth and she’s so cute and inspiring
Full Name: i have to pick out a really basic white girl name for her but she goes by vix and vixen is her villain name (edye doesn’t deserve a villain name).
Gender and Sexuality: female, heterosexual but the kind of straight girl that will kiss other girls for male attention.
Pronouns: she/her
Ethnicity/Species: she’s white and a human
Birthplace and Birthdate: she was born in paris, she’s 21, and she’s probably a pisces.
Guilty Pleasures: kissing girls uwu, eating way too many tubs of cookie dough ice cream, and erotica.
Phobias: she’s scared of birds and the deep sea. she’ll enjoy going to the beach but she won’t go in the water because then she thinks of sea monsters and other unknown terrors hidden in the unexplored ocean. she’ll go to a pool, though.
What They Would Be Famous For: she’d be an actress or a journalist
What They Would Get Arrested For: robbery, possibly arson
OC You Ship Them With: no one
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: edye
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: film noir and slasher films/thrillers
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: love triangles
Talents and/or Powers: she uses love magic and mental manipulation.
Why Someone Might Love Them: she’s clever and really determined.
Why Someone Might Hate Them: she’s a bitch.
How They Change: she’s initially shy, awkward, trying to make her way through life. then she falls in love with someone (*coughs* edye *coughs*) and gives herself a makeover. she goes from innocent civilian investigating something to villainess and cult leader. 10/10 transformation
Why You Love Them: i don’t lmao. i like that she fits the femme fatale archetype. she’s a really interesting character. she also unironically calls herself vixen, so there’s that.
here’s her mix
Full Name: rufion (pronounced rough-ee-an). he’s also a neopet (he looks so ugly rn because he’s my lab rat).
Gender and Sexuality: male, homosexual
Pronouns: he/him and they/them
Ethnicity/Species: honestly i have not thought about where he’s from at all but he’s brown (we love ethnically ambiguous characters in this house! /s). he’s a human.
Birthplace and Birthdate: [me seeing birthplace: owo what’s this?] he’s 23 and he’s probably a capricorn.
Guilty Pleasures: does ordering a lot of takeout food count? he stays up all night playing video games and loves reading comic books. he also really likes baking sweets (he’d probably be a really good cook but tbh he’s too lazy)
Phobias: he’s scared he’s going to die in his sleep and stays up all night as a result. if someone told him the effects of lack of sleep on his health he would definitely panic
What They Would Be Famous For: he would definitely be in a band. fuck
What They Would Get Arrested For: He Would Never Be Arrested. Next 
OC You Ship Them With: edye
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: vix
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: he doesn’t really like watching tv/movies but superhero films
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: bury your gays
Talents and/or Powers: he’s good at fighting.
Why Someone Might Love Them: he’s really nice, super optimistic, and honest. he’s hard working and responsible. he’s a huge nerd basically
Why Someone Might Hate Them: people might view him as naive and annoying.
How They Change: he’s a sort of private investigator but then he takes a…peculiar case and then………………..he catches feelings lmfao. there’s definitely some side-switching/ambiguity in his future
Why You Love Them: he’s just trying his best honestly. idk how to articulate it but he’s kind of like xD as a human being.
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sorrytae · 7 years
dating jimin
Tumblr media
gif cr.
important disclaimer: just like my other pieces of this series, this is based on my opinion and my imagination of “realistic” only. I don’t know park jimin personally, nor his past relationship experiences. This is only my own imagination on how I think it would be like dating him. 
note: I noticed that this one turned way more positive than the others lol. I guess jimin really has me thinking that he’s just a cute ball of fluff 
➳ jungkook | taehyung | yoongi l hoseok l seokjin l namjoon
• jimin seems like the type of guy who could easily fall in love
• he likes cute girls and short girls (said in several interviews) so I think he has a weak spot for someone who has a lot of agyeo
• but at the same time I think that he could fall for someone who has a similar personality as yoongi; cute but savage
•  In my opinion, he looks experienced (don’t mean it sexually wise) and things would be a bit easier for him
• So he would be kinda shy but flirty when he starts liking you
• his charisma is really something since even korean girl idols are drooling all over him
• he would most likely hide his insecurities from you at the start and try to be as confident as possible
• he would always try to be all smiley and positive (which would rarely be fake due his optimistic mind)
• I can imagine his hyungs and taekook teasing him a lot though
• he would rarely be mad at you
• like you really need to say or do something bad to turn him against you and have him ignore you for a while
• I just don’t see jimin as someone who just starts fights out of small things
• he looks like someone who tries to solve problems in the most sensible way possible
• (if you know that video of the korean girl who tries to prank her boyfriend by saying she broke his camera, I totally saw jimin or hoseok being that boyfriend)
• he is just really sweet • and he is a sucker for romantic stuff
• but of course there sure are sides that we haven’t seen yet, so even he could get loud if he has to
• if he’s angry he wouldn’t be letting it out on you
• he has a younger brother too, and if you also watched hello counselor, you can tell he is very protective
• so him being protective means a lot of cute moments within your relationship
• but that could also lead to jealousy trips because jimin really seems like the jealous type of guy (am I the only one who thinks like that?)
• but again, I think he wouldn’t tell you though
• I think he would care too much about you to upset you so he would let the jealousy eat him alive
• jimin seems easy-going
• and like someone who spends a lot of money on people he loves (remember how bts said jimin is the only one who never forgets to buy (expensive) presents for the other members birthdays)
• so expect a lot of presents • expensive presents
• he would spoil you sometimes ( the other members would too, but the difference is that I can only imagine jimin being the only one who wouldn’t stop after 6 months of dating lol)
• It wouldn’t take that long of a time for him to open up to you
• he once said he doesn’t really have serious conversations with the maknaes that often (bon voyage s2) but I think when he has problems he would easily turn to them
• so he would turn to you too, not often, but every time he just needs it
• cute dates would be something he loves obviously
• I like to think that he would take you to cute dates from time to time but since he’s in bangtan and armys are there too, I think that wouldn’t be possible until he’s older
• Jimin also seems like the one who will suffer the most of all the members because he can’t show his relationship in public
• like he gets homesick the quickest, and not being able to see his girlfriend could affect him so he would be pretty sad about it if he’s really in love with you
• I think he wouldn’t be upset like that all the time though, just some days
• like you know how he is always the one who likes to frame moments in a picture or video
• so he would take a lot of pictures of you and probably set it as his background picture (just look at how many videos and pictures he takes of the members it’s so cute honestly)
• do you know how jimin always takes these 10 sec videos of himself looking into the camera to post them on twitter later? yeah expect those too
• if you are upset he would constantly think about you even if he wasn’t there to comfort you
• he could easily cheer you up
• he could easily make you feel like you are the most beautiful person in the whole world; especially in his world
• but I think cheering him up is a little bit more tricky
• you know how unhappy he is sometimes with himself
• sometimes I think he criticizes himself the most out of all people, he’s a perfectionist
• so even you telling him that he did good on stage that day, he would probably just give you a smile but he wouldn’t quiet believe it.
• but at some point he has to accept your compliments so you giving him constantly compliments on how good he looks and he would just end up smiling so bright (like you know how shy he gets when jungkook compliments him jfc)
• like when this boy is in love, everyone has to be happy for him
• jimin is a bad texter (knowing that bc the members just love to expose him) so you probably wouldn’t text that much, but phone calls would always be in
• your parents would love him a lot, because he has great manners and he just knows what he has to say to impress them
• you would talk about marriage stuff quiet often
• so when it comes to sexual stuff, i honestly can’t tell if jimin is experienced or not
• but the first kiss would be so precious • he would kiss you so often • so so often
• his soft plump lips just have to feel good and he surely is a good kisser; experienced or not
• creeping up behind you to kiss your shoulder
• I think sex with jimin would be vanilla • lots of soft whispering
• even if his penis might not be the biggest (let’s be real) sex with him would still feel so good
• but I think even he has some fantasies too; so maybe he could get wild from time to time; especially if you are far in the relationship
• like if you want to ride them thighs; he won’t turn you down
• a top but also a shameless bottom
• slowly lifting your legs over his shoulder; thrusting into you, letting them down just to give you his soft kisses all over your face down to your neck
• maybe he will buy you rings (this boy likes rings a lot)
• lots of cuddling if he’s in the mood
• watching you while you’re eating; smiling foolishly and other days he won’t pay that much attention to you and only focuses on his food
• maybe even couple outfits/phone cases ???
• cheeky boy who indirectly tweets you (he is the most active one on twitter) • like he will never let those corps run out of water
• the type of boy who goes “this is her” when you meet his family/friends
• being so happy to see you get along with them • being able to understand each other without really talking to each other
• and after seeing the bon voyage episode where taehyung read his letter to jimin; he would always listen to you, try his best to make you feel as loved as possible, and he would be so so loyal
• well overall I’m a strong believer that a relationship with jimin would be really soft and warm with just a little breeze or rain that sometimes just gets through the windows, but both of you are easily able to close them down if it gets too windy.
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