#just because I don't reblog/tweet posts about what is going on
alltimefail · 24 days
We have some unfinished business and a case to solve: The Case of the Curious Cancellation! 💀🔎
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Here are the ways you can help (be sure to read until the end).
I'm not sure how many people here on Tumblr are also over on DBDA Twitter, but there have been MANY developments in the last 24 hours and it's important for all of us to be on the same page if we're going to have a chance in hell of saving our show.
First and foremost, we need to get Dead Boy Detectives in the Netflix Top 10 again. This means running it as much as possible. Read about that below:
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As the graphic says, the goal is to have it running on a loop constantly, as much as you physically can. Be sure to have some level of volume on or else it won't count. If you're on Twitter be sure to post your rewatch (photos of your tv, commentary, etc.) with the hashtag #ReviveDeadBoyDetectives !!!
Also, there's no better time to do this: the Tweet below brings up a great point! 👍
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Second, and easiest thing: KEEP TALKING ABOUT THE SHOW AND CREATING CONTENT ABOUT THE SHOW. Analysis, fics, fanart, shitposts, gif sets, memes, tik tok videos, so on - do not stop! Reblog other people's stuff and talk about it! Give fics kudos, comment, make fic rec lists and post that WIP or sketch! The most important thing to remember is to TAG YOUR POSTS AND CREATIONS. We need to trend!!! On Tumblr make sure you continue tagging your posts as you probably already are (look at my tags on this post if you need help, and remember not to use "DBD" on here because that is another fandom! We use DBDA here). On Twitter you want to use the hashtag #ReviveDeadBoyDetectives for the rewatch and #SaveDeadBoyDetectives is a popular one, too. You can also use #DeadBoyDetectives. Hell, I usually use all three if I can! Hashtag every post you make about Dead Boys, no matter how annoying or "cringe" you may feel. Flood the fucking tag and do not stop.
Third, everyone needs to sign and keep circulating the petition. We've surpassed 5,000 signatures in a day which is fantastic, but we need more. Get everyone you know to sign it; tell them it takes no more than 15 seconds. Be annoying until they do it just to shut you up.
Fourth, request "Dead Boy Detectives Season 2" through Netflix's support website. It's a small thing but if we all do this a couple times a day it will get their attention. They really do vet these suggestions, and an influx of requests for a canceled show will raise eyebrows.
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Lastly, if you decide to write Netflix (via email or a letter - their office address has been floating around) please remember to stay concise and professional. Don't curse at them, don't call names. State that you are disappointed with the cancellation of the show, maybe add an anecdote about what it meant to you, and I would even recommend attaching some articles that emphasize people's displeasure with the platform abandoning shows on a whim and Netflix's flippant attitude toward queer shows in particular. Dead Boy Detective Agency on Twitter has retweeted every article on this topic so far, you can find their page here.
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You can also use graphics such as the ones below to affirm that the cancellation was unjust.
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(Source 1, Source 2)
I know this feels like a lot: know your limits and take care of yourself. Whether you do every single one of these things or just a few of these things, every llittle bit helps!
Even in the worst case scenario where nothing changes, this gesture will mean so much to everyone who made this show. We owe it to the writers, cast, crew, and each other to TRY. We can all agree that this show deserves at least another season and if Netflix isn't going to do it, they need to be open to selling it to someone who will. We cannot keep allowing them to axe these queer and diverse shows with little regard for their customers and their employees, but also because it sets a harmful standard in the industry that is destroying television.
Let's crack this case and bring our agency back! I truly believe in this community!! 💜 We can do this!!
If there are any spelling errors or issues with links let me know! I did this on mobile because I want to mobilize this information as quickly as possible! I'll be adding on to this with new developments and can answer any questions you all might have. Lets save our show!
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insertdisc5 · 6 months
I finished ISAT yesterday and I can't get it out of my head. I will spread it to as many friends as possible. Thank you so much for making it. How else can we support In Stars and Time after buying the game?
that is a lovely question to ask!!! um um um this applies to all indie games and all cool stuff you like btw <3
✨✨✨ How To Support Something Cool After Having Bought The Something Cool ✨✨✨
-if you bought the game on steam, leave a review on steam! Reviews tell the Steam Algorithm(tm) that the game is worthwhile and cool, and so the algorithm will be more likely to show off the game!!!
-if you bought it elsewhere uuuuh leave a review on metacritic i guess????
-word of mouth!!! tell your friends!
here's a tangent.
Word Of Mouth For Dummies (written by me, a professional Word Of Mouther) ok so if you wanna make your friends play the game. here is my advice. or at least thats how i do it. i made all my friends play disco elysium and. ive even made one. play. umineko (everyone gasps in amazement) 1. dont be too insistent about it. so, GO CRAZY AAAH GO STUPID AAAH only ONCE. and explain the game in thirty pages there if you want. ONCE. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE. 2. if you know them well and what they like, personalize the paragraph. you like timeloops? thats for you. you like old ladies? thats for you? you keep beating me at rock paper scissors? Do I Have The Game For You. 3. now that you've gone crazy aah stupid aah Once, you have successfully PLANTED THE SEED. like in inception. no need to go crazy stupid again for a while. i know it's hard. but you don't wanna go crazy stupid too much. control yourself. for the Thing. 4. from that point on though, when the game is on sale, just go "hey btw the cool game i told you about is on sale! smiles smiles smiles". 5. every six months go "i was just thinking about a cool game again." "what cool game?" "IN STARS AND TIME" and you can go crazy aaah go stupid aah again. 6. after Some Time (from 2 weeks to 5 years) they will play the game. yes i said 5 years. word of mouthing is a WAITING GAME. little sprouts grow into trees. 7. they play the game 8. ???? 9. profit <3
-word of mouth, 2!!!! SOCIAL MEDIA!!!! tweet about the game! reblog other people's posts! make fanart! make fanfic! write a long essay about which parts made you cry! cosplay as the characters! make a video essay! just yell!!!!! you know how you only got into That One Thing because someone made a post about it? you could be The Post.
-(this one is if you want more merch specifically) buy the merch if it's available! the only reason we have a second Loop wave with the Yetee is because the first wave sold so well ;w;
-ummm that's it really????? that's already a bunch!!! but yeah!!!!!!!!!! ty!!!!!!!!!!
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thatsmimi · 8 months
Hello, I saw in your translation for shuros proposal that you said savaralyn was a racist and since I've reblogged from them before do you have the source for that? I've tried to find info about it myself but can't seem to find anything
No problem!! The call out post is pretty outdated + Savaralyn is possibly the most active and consistent dunmeshi blog around, so I totally understand how things get buried. This post had a whole page with the evidence, but the carrd in it has since been taken down.
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I've actually been meaning to ask if @putite (a different Mimi, coincidentally) has any intentions of restoring it, since there are a lot more than these images embedded in the post.
Some of stuff I found:
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screenshot dated Jan 18 2024 | wayback machine link for the second one
I learnt about this back in January of 2024 and just basing on those evidence alone (the call out post dates back 2021), I would've gave them the benefit of doubt and assume they could have changed since the Trump-era. But then I delved into their twitter and there are some pretty atrocious likes in there, on subjects of anti-aboriginal or tweets complaining about "wokeness". Multiple tweets are colored red because I have Shinigami Eyes turned on.
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Unfortunately I saved very few screenshots about the whole investigation and as of Feburary 10 2024 the whole account has been nuked and remade, focusing on Dungeon Meshi posting entirely.
I understand if you don't find it compelling enough to come to any conclusion, since most of these seems pretty shoddy.
So what's the take away from all this?? Honestly, Savaralyn's translation has been a cornerstone in the dunmeshi fandom that it'd be impossible to cut clean because of differences in political beliefs.
One thing I'll say in their favor is that Sava never include any of their ideologies in the translations, but it should be made clear for people who do not want to support trump/alt-right content creators.
I personally choose to not support them and skip the middle man straight to Sava's source, or buying the official books when they come out. I'm probably going to keep making some of my own translation from chinese into english and post them under #translations, but to prevent spreading misinformation or mistranslation I'm probably going to only keep them unrebloggable.
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jellybeanium124 · 5 months
Helpful lists of questions for goyim when it comes to engaging with the Israel-Hamas war 🙂
Does this post link to a source?
If the post does link to a source, is it a credible one?
If the post does not link to a source, is there one screenshotted in the post that you can find? If so, please search out that source and read the entire thing in context. And make sure the source is credible. Ideally, if you decide to reblog it, add a link to the source.
Is the post just screenshots of tweets? If so, you probably should not reblog this. Posts that are just screenshots of tweets are a massive red flag. Do not believe something because it's a twitter screenshot. Frankly this rule is for everyone about everything all the time.
What is the tone of the post? Does it make you angry? If yes, this is a red flag. Exercise caution reblogging.
Does the post frame Israel as a uniquely evil country in need of destruction? Does the post treat Israel with different standards than those that are applied to every other country that has done horrible, horrible things, such as Russia, the UK, or United States? This is a red flag. If the government of Israel falls without some sort of transition plan, there will be Jewish genocide. Anyone advocating for a one-state solution either way is advocating for one group to get genocided. A two-state solution is the only possible peaceful end to this conflict (technically my opinion but I feel comfy stating it as fact).
Does the post treat Hamas as anything other than a terrorist organization? Do not reblog.
Is the post promoting Jewish Voice for Peace/JVP? Do not reblog. That organization is not Jewish and is antisemitic.
What is the focus of the content of the post? Is the post discussing reasonable paths to a ceasefire/peace? Is the post criticizing Israel's actions without using antisemitic stereotypes? Netanyahu is a disgusting fascist who I hate, but even though he is a terrible person you are not allowed to portray him as an antisemitic caricature. Similar to how you don't get to misgender shitty trans people, you don't get to be antisemitic towards shitty Jewish people (even if he's really, really shitty).
How does the post use the word "zionist?" Does the word have any coherent meaning in the post besides "person (often Jew) that I hate?" Does it treat zionists as a group of people who are disgusting and deserve to be murdered and/or raped? Does the use of the word "zionist" completely dehumanize the person/people the label is applied to into nothing more than evil that the Earth must be rid of? This is antisemitic. Do not reblog.
Are people chanting antisemitic slogans such as "globalize the intifada" and/or "from the river to the sea" (these are both antisemitic you cannot remove the antisemitic meaning from them, they are both advocating for the murder of Jewish people, sorry, stop using them.)?
Are people comparing themselves to Palestinians in Gaza? (this is not a joke, I saw a video of a Columbia student who compared Columbia sending out fliers to leave or be suspended to the IDF dropping flyers in Gaza saying "the army is coming in 24 hours.") If so, they care more about fetishizing Palestinian pain and making themselves feel like noble victims than the Israel-Palestine conflict.
Are people harassing Jews? This includes: preventing them from getting to class, yelling things at them like "go back to Poland," and/or physically assaulting them.
Are people defacing Jewish property/monuments? Are people defacing synagogues? Businesses with known Jewish owners? Statues and/or memorials of/for Jews?
What is the purpose of this protest? Would you feel comfortable sharing opinions that differ from the majority? Would you feel comfortable engaging in a conversation about this issue with fellow protesters? Are any of you actually educated on the complicated and lengthy history of the Israel-Palestine conflict? Is the protest about a peaceful solution, or is it just making you angrier and/or more upset? Does the protest/your fellow protestors care more about freeing Palestine so that Palestinians and Israelis can live in peace, or about hating Israel and treating it like a uniquely evil country?
If people are chanting antisemitic slogans, harassing Jews, and/or defacing Jewish things, then this is an antisemitic protest. Do you want to be associated with these people and this protest? If your answer is yes, you are an antisemite-sympathizer, which is basically an antisemite.
MORAL OF THE STORY: antisemitism is all over this issue and it's easy to get more antisemitic and spread antisemitism because bad actors use this issue to indoctrinate people who start off just genuinely caring about the issue but are not educated at all about it or what antisemitism actually looks like. BE CAREFUL. All Jews want, all we've ever wanted, is to be left alone to do our thing. Random Jews are not at fault for the horrific actions taken by the Israeli government since the terrorist attack on October 7th. We support the existence of Israel, but we do not support all of the current government's actions. We are just trying to live. We want there to be a ceasefire now. If you actually read this whole thing, thank you. It means a lot to be listened to.
For those of you that made it to the end, I'll offer one last reminder and one last gentle suggestion.
My last reminder is: "it is not your job to finish the work by neither are you free to ignore it" is a Jewish passage I really like. I think in times like these, it is important to focus on the first half. It is not your job to finish the work. The fate of Palestine does not rest on your shoulders. It's ok. Take time to decompress and log off.
My last suggestion is: one of the biggest Jewish values is "tikkun olam," which means "repairing the world." I think all action when it comes to this conflict (and life in general) should be done with tikkun olam in mind. It doesn't hurt to ask yourself "is this action repairing the world, or further tearing it apart?" no matter what you're doing. Thank you for reading.
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lokideservesahug · 6 months
Chasing III
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Pairings: Lando Norris x fem!driver!reader
Warnings: A few swear words and Lando just loving his gf.
•Part 1 •Part 2
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Yourusername: Never sending an even remotely cryptic tweet out again. It had nothing to do with my relationship!!
Liked by Landonorris, Redbullracing and 750,897 others
User1: Does this mean what I think it means!?!?!
↳Yourusername: What do you think it means?
↳User1: You're signing with Red Bull next year!?!?!?!
↳Yourusername: No??? What gave that impression?
↳User2: Mother, if I may. You posted a ref bull photo dump and spoke about people misinterpreting your tweet so we think this is the correct interpretation...
↳Yourusername: No!?!?!?! I just posted a normal photo dump and I work at Red Bull so it's bound to all be red bull related!!!
↳User3: Y/N ilysm but you are so stupid sometimes
User4: Mother is going through that with that chain
↳User5: Ikr. Like she's so talented but a bit slow sometimes.
User6: My LanY/N heart is living for the fact that he is still hidden in the likes
↳User7: Hidden!?!?! He's the first one to like her posts. He's not exactly subtle
Landonorris added to his story 2s ago
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Landonorris: Who Knew that I'd be the one to slip🤷‍♂️
Liked by Yourusername, Oscarpiastri and 1,983,461 others
View all 32,854 comments
User1: Nooo my gf is off the market😔
↳User2: I take Lando if you take Y/N?
↳User1: Deal
↳Landonorris: No deal. I want Y/N
↳ Yourusername: Awww Lan. You already have me!
User3:Lando is just luke me because I was dating Y/N then I'd "accidentally" expose my relationship too
Oscarpiastri: Well done you two. It's about time that you finally got together. Lando has been speaking about you non stop for the long. And the amount of talks he's ruined by just staring at Y/N is outstanding
↳Landonorris: Thanks mate
↳Yourusername: Awww really? Lan that's adorable
↳Landonorris: I can't help it baby, you're just so distracting
↳Oscarpiastri: Please keep that to yourselves
↳User5: Ha ha (my reaction fr)
User6: Everyone say ty Sophy
↳User7: Thanks Sophy for hurrying this up
↳User8: Soppphhyyyy🙏
↳User9: Who's Sophy?
↳User 10: @mrs...norr1s on twitter.
↳User9: Looked her up and in Soph we trust.
User11: Y/N to McLaren next year?
↳Yourusername: I do look good in orange...
↳Landonorris: Baby you look good in anything😉
↳Oscarpiastri: Oi! And ew.
As always, likes, comments, reblogs and especially feedback are always welcome!
Also if you have arequaest then don't be afraid to send it to my inbox!
Taglist: @nikfigueiredo @mysoulispainted @leclercings @d3kstar @hiireadstuff @a-beaverhausen @nichmeddar @lozzamez3 @stinkyjax @marymustdie @littlesatanicassholebitch @mehrmonga @insanedeathwish @ems-alexandra @a-disturbing-self-reflection @cherry-piee
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sissa-arrows · 1 year
This tweet says it all… translation below.
(Repost because I wanted to make it into it’s own post instead of a reblog)
Banning the abaya is not a back-to-school "diversion". It is part of a plan.
Islamophobia is not an epiphenomenon. It is at the heart of a political project.
Racism is not an accident. It's a system.
There are absolutely no surprises in France.
The only "surprise" is that leftists and observers are still surprised by the repeated attacks against Black people, Arabs and Muslims in France.
No "red line has been crossed".
It's been going on like this for decades. It's just that depending on the mood or the privileges it touches, an opportunity arises where you "find out" what your fellow citizens are going through every day. It's there, too obvious for you to ignore, so you give it a tweet, an indignation, a passing concern. Then it goes back in the back of your mind filled with stuff that you don't live, while waiting for the next buzz that will occupy you.
The racist, sequenced, destructive and methodical harassment that targets Muslims in France varies only in its seasonality and its modalities of expression, but it is constant in its objectives as in its structures:
Muslim women are targeted in summer for the burkini, at the start of the school year for long dresses, on sports grounds because they want to play, all the rest of the year for their headscarves or their simple existence in public spaces. .
Muslim children are targeted at school for their beliefs, in the playground for their children's games (1), in the canteen for their "bismiLlah" and their diet.
Muslim men are targeted in their expression, treated as a security risk, criminalized in the public space.
Muslim associations and executives are targeted in their organizational methods, subject to political and ideological control by the prefectures.
And it just gets annoying to have to remind you of this with every controversy targeting Muslims, about twice a month.
The truth is simple:
France is filled by endemic Islamophobia. Racism is structural here. Antisemitism is structural here. Antiblack racism is structural here. The criminalization of migrants is structural here. Police violence is structural here.
And only racists deny racism.
Only those who don't experience it think it's a subject up to debate.
The "attacks on secularism" are as much shame on the French flag as the abusive reports that compose them, from the simple innocuous religious expression to the clothes police that are set up against young Muslim girls, as they are targeted with racial profiling to distinguish, by "use/purpose (2)" (the level of creative hypocrisy of racists) between the proselytizing use of a Zara dress (for Arabs and Blacks) and the admissible Republican use (for the others), while the handful of truly believable incidents are resolved with a simple warning and explanation.
The only attack on secularism is the establishment of a system of registration, denunciation and surveillance of Muslim students on a large scale. This is the count of students absent for Eid (3). It is the progressive decline of an educational institution which, since 2004, has gone from one moral panic to the next, with the same targets and the same results: the deterioration of teaching conditions and the systemic, slow and methodical stigmatization of some of the students. It is the silence that has become the choice of the majority of teachers and unions when their mission of inclusion and benevolent education of all children is ridiculed, that’s when they do not add their voice to the chorus of calls for the exclusion of students, calling for "clear rules" that invariably result in penalties and bans. It is the constant civilizing and post-colonial injunction to be free only according to modalities chosen by others than ourselves.
To people who still care about the fundamental freedoms of everyone (and in particular the young women targeted here for their clothing choices), I say: you are losing more than a battle, not to fight with all your might a fight which is already engaged, is tipping France into an authoritarian, racist and totally assumed oppressive posture.
To those Muslim men and women who minimize what is happening or blame young girls for their treatment, I say: you deserve what is happening to you. If you are humiliated in this way, it is because you allow it. To them their honor and to you your shame. They only wanted to study, without asking for the slightest preferential treatment or exceptional regime, while you found all the reasons in the world to defend their oppressors, out of unconsciousness if not out of cowardice. Those who already accepted the exclusion of young girls in 2004, those who looked elsewhere when imams were criminalized, those who believed in the promise of a state sanctioned Islam that would leave them safe if they remained docile to the exclusion of their brothers, those who allowed the associations which defended them to be dissolved and the mosques which welcomed them to be closed. If not out of modesty, at least for your own salvation, be silent and do not add your voice to those who make our children enemies of a republic which, rather than respecting them for what they do, chose to exclude them for who they are.
To my sisters, in skirts, dresses, jeans, sweatshirts or abayas, I want to (re)tell how proud we are of you. I don't know how to express the hope and sincere admiration I have for you when, in a toxic period like the one we are going through, I see the good you are doing, the projects you are planning, the enthusiasm and commitment that you display, in class, at home, on the soccer field or in associations, to respond to offenses with dignified words and smiles, to hold firm when we give up, to give us comfort in a world upside down, to pay the price for what is going wrong in our society and which should nevertheless concern us all. Rock in everything you do. Do not let yourself be locked into the image that some want to give of you, because you are not defined by any other voice than yours and by any other choice than yours. Please hold on tight. Be happy, make your plans and let others talk.
Maybe what angers them so much is to see you shine...
1: Children love to see lay pretend and imitate adults. Some Muslim children (all below 10) pretended to pray at school. Some white kids eventually joined and instead of explaining to the kids to not play that way the teachers made a report. It ended on national news, they started acting as if it was super common and as if kids were forcing their non Muslim classmate to convert to Islam. It was a mess. To the point where the parents of the Muslim kids were so scared they pulled out their kids of all activities outside of schools… Some of the white parents actually had to get involved to ask people to calm the fuck down that it was just kids playing pretend. The end of the year school party was even canceled so no child would get attacked…
2: Teachers and schools were reporting and expelling Black and Arab girls for wearing long skirt or headbands. Those are obviously not religious clothes. People rightfully complained and said that it was racial profiling. Instead of telling schools and teachers to calm down the government changed the 2004 in 2022. Now clothes can become religious “par destination” so by purpose or use. Basically it means that depending on who (white or people of color) wears them clothes can become religious. If a white girl wears headbands very often that’s okay if a Black or North African girl does it then her headband is a symbolic hijab and she must remove it.
3: In the south west of France and in other regions the police asked schools to provide a list of all the children who did not come at school on Eid. For the record children are ALLOWED to miss school for religious holidays.
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beforeastorm · 1 month
We used to be a proper fandom (not really)
I'm not going to link or reference directly, because the claims have not been verified to any reasonable degree, but I have watched 911blr descend into... something... over the last couple of days because of a situation(s) involving truly horrendous fics, homicide-this-character accounts, and some pretty intense accusations about who (both specifically and as a group) is culpable for those behaviors. And I have some thoughts.
(Under the cut, because I ramble).
Desensitization and Escalation: The fics/account/posts/tweets didn't happen in a vacuum. They're, unfortunately, a natural evolution of what's been happening for months (before anyone ats me, on both/either side). It starts small: I hate so and so, I hate so and so's fans; so and so is the worst, so and so's fans are the worst. People become desensitized to it and then you're primed to escalate. THIS IS CLASSIC SOCIAL CONDITIONING. From I hate them, to someone should enact violence on them, to they deserve that violence, to I hope they die, to they have to die, etc.
I literally saw a tweet that stated something along the lines of "RT if you think we shouldn't consider (ship stans) humans". I'm sorry why are we questioning folk's humanity? About a television ship? The tweet did very well. Tons of likes and RTs. Anytime someone called them out for it, they were told to lighten up and learn how to take a joke. That it wasn't that serious. Well, here we are, a couple months later, and shit has gotten pretty serious now, eh?
And the longer in-groups permit this behavior, at any level, the more the cycle continues. And yes, it does need to be in-groups holding their own to account. And that's not always calling them out - especially if they're not in your circle. And not that you shouldn't call out behavior from the other side, but also - let's sweep our own kitchens before we call someone else's house a mess.
And, to be frank: both houses are messy so don't even.
And let me clarify by what I mean when I say holding people accountable. Because Tim Minear, to my knowledge, has not made any of us 9-1-1 fandom police, nor appointed a fandom inquisitorial squad. So you don't have to proverbially yell at someone to hold them accountable, though if you think they're open to a dialogue - then go for it. You can also choose not to engage/reblog/like/repost bad content; you can unfollow them, even if they make really cool art or write otherwise awesome fics or have really insightful takes 95% of the time. You can make a counterclaim or disavow a bad take; if it's someone in your circle by all means have a developmental conversation. The (ship) fandom would never! Yes they would. So would (other ship) fandom, and even (third ship) fandom and I've actually never met a toxic Bathena fan so go off kings (/gn) but there's probably one out there somewhere. Liking a ship isn't a vaccine to toxicity. Toxic, damaged people exist everywhere. They've existed since the dawn of time. I don't want to accuse anyone of being naive, but really? All this line of thinking does is create blind spots where we allow bad actors room and space to fester. We can, and should state that there's no space for this in the (ship) fandom, and anyone behaving in such a manner will face appropriate social sanctioning, up to and including ostracization. But to just flatly deny the possibility that someone on 'our side' might be bad is irresponsible.
The remedy is suffocation, not to ignore it: I get that you don't want to, to use fire metaphors because it's 9-1-1 after all, feed the flames by engaging with bad actors and giving them attention. Unfortunately, when you ignore a fire, it can spread unchecked.
Suffocate that motherfucker (metaphorically) and grab the burn kits. Starve them out. Unfollow, block - warn your friends - offer care to any affected. If it breaks ToS - report it. YOU SHOULD RESPOND, but you can choose to respond in ways that don't give bad actors the attention they may be craving.
This act was perpetuated by (ship) stans! I feel like I'm in an episode of Scooby Doo. It's not bad (ship) fans, it's (anti-that-ship) fans PRETENDING to be (ship) fans to make them look bad and sow chaos? RIP OFF THE MASK! Was it Agatha all along?
I do believe that happens. I also believe that not every single take that makes your preferred ship/fandom look bad is from a double agent. All pure, immediate, unequivocal denial and accusation does is provide cover and perpetuate the rot in that ship space. Before we immediately accuse the other side, we should show up with some goddamn receipts. (I have yet to see receipts).
At the end of the day - fandom should be joyful. If your entire experience has been reduced to bashing another ship, bashing characters, starting rumors about other fans, complaining about other fans/ships/characters, impersonating fans of ships you're against, or infiltrating 'enemy territory' like you're some kind of spy and not some overworked, underpaid 21st century serf trying to exist under the crushing, existential weight of our capitalist hellscape whose main form of escaping said hellscape is our weewoo show blorbos? Be so for real right now. It's giving Regina George. Why are you so obsessed with them? Choose to engage with joy (or alternatively, choose to engage in really sad fics if you need a good cry because that is fair and also valid).
Stormy out ✌️
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lemotmo · 3 months
SWAT Lou speculation
So, earlier today I posted this post on my blog. In it I asked about where all this ‘Lou getting a bigger part in SWAT’ information was coming from. I have been looking around for casting information on SWAT season 8 and I couldn’t find anything official.
I asked this question because over the last week I’ve been receiving some highly interesting information and speculation on the SWAT casting for season 8.
BE AWARE that all that is in this post is based upon hearsay and rumours. As long as nothing official has been posted by Lou or CBS, all of this could just be interesting speculation, but ultimately not true. Whether it is true or not, I found it interesting enough to post about. Speculating is one of the fandom things I enjoy most. As long as it stays respectful and doesn’t hurt anyone, it’s a fun thing to do. But since it is only speculation, this could all turn out to be wrong. But in the meantime we have something fun interesting to talk about during hiatus.
Okay, it all started with a wonderful SWAT Sherlock Nonny (Nonny 1) who had some intriguing information to share. I’m not going to post the entire ask they sent me, but I’m cutting out the parts that are most interesting.
18 June: (he = Lou)
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When I received this ask I thanked the Sherlock Nonny (Nonny 1) and asked them to keep me updated if they found anything else. Here is what they sent next.
I'm putting the rest under a cut, because it gets loooong! :)
19 June:
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Then, three days ago, yet another anon (Nonny 2) messaged me with the following.
23 june:
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Speed forward to today, when I received another message from yet another anon (Nonny 3) as an answer to my question on where people got all this SWAT information.
This person basically shared a post with me that they saw on someone’s blog and they felt it was a very interesting read and interesting information for us to know about.
26 june:
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Can I just say how thoughtful and interesting that answer is. I have been called so many horrible things for pointing out that Lou's character is a plot device and I've been reading so many angry, hateful and spiteful posts about this topic that I’ve come to expect the same tone for all the posts about this subject. But this person isn’t spewing hate. They are just talking about the reality of where this storyline is going. I appreciate and respect that a lot. So please, can we at least treat this person with the same kind of respect? I really don't want to see any hate towards this person in the comments or reblogs. Thank you.
So, that’s about it. It’s a waiting game now on whether or not Lou did get a bigger role on SWAT. It could all be a coincidence and by next week he might be back happily tweeting about 911, but for now this is a plausible theory.
All we can do is wait and see how this story will unfold.
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aftonfamilyvalues · 2 months
how women on here are reacting to the boxing situation is the final straw for me with radblr tbh.
like imagine this scenario for a second: people are making false claims about you that you not only can easily disprove with a simple, uninvasive test, but you've ALREADY DONE said test in the past so you'd just need to ask them to publish the results. you can debunk these claims with the same amount of effort required to push a button.
but you don't. you have Literally The Easiest Option In The World to prove you're right and you don't do it.
and yet because women have created their own OC for this guy in their heads who is a female with androgen issues they'd rather defend their self-made blorbo as a way to peacock about how "yes all women" and/or "not racist" they are than do 2 seconds of research and critical thinking to realize "hey maybe this situation that fits literally all the criteria for the dude being a male, including the fact that he's been previously disqualified from competing in the women's league TWICE yet shows up for the Female Olympics anyway, means he's actually just a liar and cheater"
i'm open to having some sympathy for him if his parents (tried to*) raise him as a girl but like. he's a fucking adult. he took a sex test. he knows who he is now. he's making his own decisions. one of these decisions is choosing to hide who he is.
*idc how misogynistic his parents are in believing "no vagina??? but no penis. no penis = female. because female = non-male.", if they knew he had a male-specific dsd that coloured how they raised and treated him, even if they tried to hide it. the act itself of hiding it from him and trying not to raise him that way makes their treatment of him already inherently different from how they'd raise him if he were actually female.
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link here
im going to try to go about this in the most respectful way possible.
i cant say i agree with everything youre saying here. theres still a lot of misinformation about this and i cant say a slatz tweet is very satisfying for me given the racist and homophobic things ive seen from her. but, if what you say is true, that this boxer is an intersex male who was assigned female at birth, i think its completely unfair to treat her entirely as a man. the community tends to regard itself as a place for intersex women too, those with this particular dsd were not spared misogyny just because they unknowingly had xy chromosomes. learning they are biologically male with a dsd doesnt mean they have a desire to completely restructure their lives and identity around being men, i think thats kind of insane to expect.
that being said, i think there needs to be a reevaluation of fairness in sports and how intersex people fall into it. what advantages or disadvantages do intersex women carrying a y chromosome have over those that dont? what male charactistics (bone density, for example) still exist in these women? do they pose a danger to other women in their sport? what about other intersex conditions? at what point does it become unfair? unfortunately it could lead to their exclusion, and if that happens will there be another place for them? theres a lot to consider and things will have to change as we learn more. its not really a black and white situation in my opinion.
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sadaveniren · 9 months
Why none of this matters
Sada's Yearly Post Christmas BG round up I guess?
A study of 2015 (since we've lost a lot of resources since BG started)
Shit from 2015 with Evidence
1. She got a nose job while pregnant
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Left: the “night” of the conception*. Right: her at the London 1D show in September, “pregnant”
*Louis didn't go home with Briana she instead spent the night with Calvin, Ashley and Oli (the two were dating) and there’s a pillow fight video of the four of them while Louis "slept upstairs" that @luckyagain found 🤗🤗
2. The Disappearing Christmas bump
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Left: Briana on Christmas 2015 (8 months) Right: Lottie in July 2022.
3. The only bare bump pic we got of her… with her 2016 face
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4. She didn't even use her own pictures to post her baby belly
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Left: Picture of "her" pregnant belly with no mole. Right picture of her stomach post pregnancy with a mole (also, this is just me but while you may be able to convince me there is a belly button piercing with no jewelry on the pregnant belly, as someone who had a belly button piercing AND a pregnancy that's.... the right picture is not what that looked like post pregnancy)
Shit I can't find evidence for* but I saw with my own fucking eyes
1. The fucking changing timeline of her pregnancy in the early dats (10 weeks to 12 weeks pregnant after we bitched about it being too early)
2. Is it a girl? Is it a boy? The Clarks sure don’t know and also Briana did have a baby show- wait no she didn't have baby shower. No baby shower for Briana.
*probably because i didn't bother to reblog it at the time because 2015 was fucking wild and I honestly didn't think I'd need to - you know - archive EVERYTHING. And the few people who did have since deleted/were deleted by tumblr 🙃
Shit that isn't "evidence" but always bears repeating
It's not real
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2. Dirty Dancing Tweet and one of the subplots of Dirty Dancing is a pregnancy thing.
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3. The! Pregnancy! Announcement! Was! About! Larry!
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4. Were they friends? Were they enemies? Who knows! Not us!
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5. This was 2016 but GOD THIS IS SO IMPORTANT. Her post partum attire was WILDLY inconsistent with someone who just gave birth.
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I will forever die at the thought of wearing a fucking mini skirt* so many days post partum holy shit.
*reminder the time period post her birth was convoluted as all hel probably to try and get us confused and mixed up in the future (no i don't think they intended bg to go on this long)
And ultimately... even if you can excuse all that, just remember, she literally can't be the exception for everything.
Thank you for your time please enjoy some of the stuff I wrote about last year:
Believe in the Douis break up rule
You're not crazy or dumb or weakfor being frustrated for this
Try not to let shit affect you!
Some more long posts I made last year
Remember! Time is BG's best friend because people end up forgetting a lot of shit that's happened!
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lisaphantasia · 3 months
I'm going to say this as respectfully as I can
We all enjoy the chemistry between Luke and Nicola..that's evident. We all fed into the delulu but that's exactly what it was... It was our delulu and us enjoying them as people and the friendship they have. They never once said there was anything between them and it is none of our fucking business to demand he "should have told fans he has a girlfriend"
If you are now sitting there trying to say that because he was papped holding hands with a girl who may or may not be his girlfriend that he has in someway done something bad, or "he should have waited" or if anyone tries to say he has ruined the work that he and Nicola put in to season 3. The PR was to promote the show WE used it as a way to feed our delulu. They showed us their friendship and it is beautiful, they did not deceive or play up for cameras.. it is simply how their relationship looks. Their chemistry is real but it is not the chemistry people hoped/wanted it to be so now strange people are upset about it and taking it out on him
Respectfully... You need to go outside and touch some fucking grass.
I have seen so many disgusting tweets about him and now I'm starting to see them pop up here and that is fucked up. That man gave so much hard work to the season and then months of press just to be ridiculed because someone posted a picture online? Seriously have a word with yourselves
I love the delulu and you bet your fucking arse I'm never gonna stop reblogging or liking stuff about them but do you know what I'm not going to do? .. be a prick and tear a man down. It is not that deep and I don't believe it was ever even that serious... We all just love their love for eachother.
And if you disagree with any of this I beg you unfollow or block me or make yourself known so I can do it on your behalf.
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buddiebeginz · 3 months
Fyi these are the kind of posts that B/T stans are sharing:
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I still 100% believe that Buddie is in the works for season 8 but if we want to make sure of that we can't let the 911 social media accounts be full of this crap. We need to be out there constantly reminding Tim and anyone else connected with the show how supportive of Buddie and 911 we are.
Don't forget it was our fandom that had a hand in getting the bi buck storyline to even happen. There's no way they would have done it if we hadn't been pushing for it for years. We need to continue to be just as vocal now for Buddie.
I know a lot of things didn't go how we wanted in s7 and I know things with fandom right now are frustrating (to say the least) but we still need to be a positive voice out there for Buddie. If we aren't reminding those involved with the show and the rest of the 911 audience of Buddie then the main thing they're going to be seeing on the 911 social media accounts is love for B/T.
For years people have found 911 and started watching because of Buddie. We still want that to be the case. We don't want the trajectory of the show to change in s8 where T*mmy gets more popular so they decide to keep him and Buck together for awhile longer. And like I said I don't think that will happen but shows change so you never know.
Make sure you’re liking/sharing Buddie tweets on Twitter, talking about Buddie on every official 911 account post that has Oliver and Ryan in it (including the B/T one). This includes instagram, tiktok, yt (they're not really active on twitter rn but maybe for s8). Also make sure to reblog and not just like Buddie related posts here on tumblr. It's important we are able to do things like get Buddie trending on places like tumblr and twitter. Also try and create new posts when you can even just texts posts tagged as Buddie help.
We don't just want people involved with the show to see how much love is out there for Buddie we also want people who are new to the show to see what's so great about our ship. I've seen newbies to 911 message B*mmy shippers and ask about the show because the most they know about 911 is the hype they saw around the B/T kiss. There is so much more to 911 than that and there is so much more to Buck's story than that.
A huge portion of the 911 audience is because of Buddie. People have always been drawn to the show because of Buddie and we want that to continue. It's also important that people who are new to the show feel welcomed into our fandom. Our fandom is where people can truly see Buddie for the amazing love story it is and not the warped version that B*mmy shippers have concocted.
I know everyone gets busy and doesn't always have time to devote to fandom stuff but I'm just putting this out there to as reminder that the other side is pushing for their ship. So just don't forget to show your love for Buddie even in small ways when you can. Buck deserves a better love story than the one he had in season 7 with T*mmy. Both Buck and Eddie deserve the epic love story they should have been having by now with each other and we can't stop reminding everyone of that.
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corrodedbisexual · 2 years
The ultimate shadow ban survivor guide
I've seen multiple people I follow, or their mutuals affected by shadow bans lately (makes me wonder if it's @staff's attempts to fight bots going totally haywire). As someone who survived a 2-month-long shadow ban on my main this winter, I thought I'd make a post.
First step of being shadow banned: calm down and take a breath. A shadow ban is just a stupid glitch in tumblr's anti-spam system. You're not losing your blog. You're gonna need a whole lot of patience, and deal with inconveniences, but it's fixable.
Read the incredibly useful post All About Shadowban by @that-damn-girl. It outlines the symptoms quite well. The only thing I'd point out is "your original posts won’t be visible to your followers either" - afaik that doesn't happen. Everything you post and reblog will still be visible to your followers, and also they can interact with your posts - like them, reblog them, reply to them.
Just like the post says, contact support. I recommend using a different email than what your banned blog is registered to; not because your ticket won't go through (mine actually did, as I found out when they finally replied), but because you might not receive an email confirmation for your ticket (it's somehow tied to the anti-spam thing, I think), and you're going to worry and try to send more tickets, like I did.
Now wait. And wait, and wait, and wait. They are SLOW. I've seen some miraculous 1-day unbans in the #shadow ban tag, but most people, like me, wait around a month for support to reply. Those are the same guys going through thousands of bot reports every day in addition to user tickets.
If you're going to wait, might as well keep blogging. Now if this is your sideblog that's shadow banned, consider yourself lucky. Make a new temporary sideblog, use it to post your original stuff so it goes into tags (mind that it might take a few days for a new blog to start showing up in tags). Reblog everything to your shadow banned blog so you still have all content in one place and your followers see it. If it's your main that's banned, you can still do that, but there's the extra pain of not being able to reply to posts or send non-anon Asks, since that is only done from main. Might need to register a separate account for that.
Some more fun facts under readmore.
Fun fact #1
Trying to send support follow-up emails in the request confirmation email isn't going to do anything to speed up the process. But I did tweet at them using this tumblr support summoning picture by @cornmayor and offered a raccoon blood sacrifice to resolve my issue when it was like a month with no response. This is what they replied.
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3 hours later I got an email that my shadowban was lifted. I honestly don't know if it was a coincidence, but I mean, this is tumblr staff. Maybe they do accept blood sacrifices.
Fun fact #2
If you're wondering why my shadow ban lasted 2 months if I got a support reply after 1 month, well. It's hard to say exactly how their ban/unban system works bc support replies exclusively with pre-written template sentences, but basically they fucked up. The first time they told me my blog has been restored, I gained pretty much all functions back, except that my posts were still not appearing in tags. Which means probably that being hidden from tags is some kind of different flag on your blog that they forgot to remove. So I had to send a follow-up ticket and wait another month.
My advice is, when they tell you it's fixed, don't take that at face value, go and check all the functions you'd lost (replies, messaging, asks, tagging, appearing in notes, getting mentioned by others).
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vicsbasement · 6 months
So, @azealiax asked for an explanation about the Monza incident (and then Singapore) in Charlos lore. I'm trying to rack my brain with all of it, and I'll just bullet point the important parts of it. If anyone needs to add anything feel free to reblog this and correct me if I'm wrong. I'm going to be talking about how the press took that Monza podium but I can't recall where the bad press came from (I think it was british) so if anyone else needs to add anything, you're free to do so!
Carlos did pole. It was amazing and the Tifosi were roaring with excitement.
During the race, Carlos' car ate the tyres because he was defending from Checo. (Who ended up passing him and he got stuck with P3) (Max P1, Checo P2, Carlos P3, Charles P4)
Ferrari pitted Charles near the end of the race, giving him priority over the pole-sitter (Carlos) which rubbed many people the wrong way (at least Carlos' fans were miffed about it)
Since Charles had better and newer rubber, he took the fight to Carlos near the end of the race.
The fighting on track was on the limit, and they almost collided a few times, but, to be honest, it was an amazing fight and at least Charles sounded like he was having a lot of fun fighting Carlos.
Carlos defended beautifully but his tyres were gone by the middle point of the fight. So he asked for team orders, which Ferrari ignored and just said "fight but no risk" (basically don't take each other out pls but let's give tifosi a show)
Carlos kept defending until the end and remained on P3, so basically he earned that podium bc he fought for it really hard.
Some announcers (and some press) said that Ferrari put the wrong car on that podium. (Implying Carlos didn't deserve it but Charles did)
Some fans (Carlos') took that fight really badly. And so did Carlos' mother, who liked a tweet about Charles having no honor.
Charles cheekily responded liking a tweet from a fan that posted a picture of his win at Monza 2019 with the caption "honor"
Still, when he got out of the car, Charles looked elated. Like, he'd never behaved like that. He was so happy, playing around, teasing Fred, answering questions about the fight and saying he had done it for the tifosi to give them a little bit of a show.
Carlos was rattled, of course, but he seemed to be fine by the end of the race and happy to had fought Charles on the limit. They both gave similar replies to the press, that it was a fun fight, on the limit, and they were never at any point near collision (which didn't seem like it from the espectator point of view but you do you, boo)
Monza is basically a Ferrari ground, so to see a Ferrari driver on the podium was mayhem. They chanted Carlos' name the entire time and were pretty damn happy about Carlos' P3 (even though some Charles-solo-stans made it seem like they weren't happy about Carlos getting that P3, but we have video proof that they were damn near about to drown out everything from the podium that didn't have anything to do with Carlos with their screams and their chants. They even chanted Carlos' name during the national anthems and drowned them out so much that the TV people had to mute the microphones to keep that from feeding into the streams)
As an add-on, Carlos' birthday was around this weekend.
The thing is that well, the whole bad press-Carlos' mom-fans reaction thing kind of rubed off on the drivers. There was some unmistakeable tension between them the week after this race. So much so, that, during the fan forum the week after (Singapore), someone had asked about liking your teammate (with the mortal enemies Esteban and Pierre right next to them) and Carlos replied that he really did like his teammate, with Charles looking visibly relieved. Of course this is mere speculation on their body language, but it was... iffy. To say the least.
Then comes Singapore. And this is the run-down of what happened:
Carlos gets pole position again
Charles decides to help defend him from Russell who was P2 (it was his own idea, nothing to do with Ferrari strategy at all) and he starts the race on soft tyres. Charles was P3, and he overtook George, getting P2 early on the race.
Max starts the race along the back because he got screwed over during Q2 I think, but the fact is, he started the race P11.
Checo started P13 and had contact with Yuki.
There was a yellow flag in which the Red Bulls didn't pit, so they had older hard tyres which made them vulnerable to the Mercedes.
The Red Bulls were able to reclaim P5 (Max) and P8 (Checo) during the race.
Charles had a fumble in the pits and was passed by the Mercedes (he was P3 and dropped to P5 because of it)
Lando managed to pass everyone and he found himself in P2
At the end of the race, Carlos decided to use a DRS strategy to keep Lando on his tail to defend himself from the Mercedes drivers, who had newer tyres. This way, Lando had to defend his position thus defending Carlos' P1 in the process.
Whenever he'd get too far ahead Lando he'd drop a few seconds time and got closer again.
Final lap: Russell clips the wall and crashes so Hamilton overtakes him.
Carlos led the entirety of the race and showed a brilliant mind and strategy defending with Norris.
It was his second ever win after the British GP in 2022
This was the only race not won by Red Bull the whole year
Fan speculation (based on a very ridiculous comment from Russell, I'm guessing after he saw Charles was on soft tyres) led everyone to believe that "Ferrari had sacrificed Leclerc". The fact is, he had a fumble in the pits and lost his P2 to Norris at some point, so he stayed behind. In any case, he seemed okay with Carlos' win, they even hugged after the race and it was actually a very cute interaction. He was, understandibly, angry that the pit timing had cost him a P2, so people were just talking about him being angry after losing to his teammate two races in a row.
You just have to take into account that some fans like to pit them against each other constantly, but they've never had any public falling out or anything that could lead anyone to believe there's bad blood between them.
In any case, this was Monza and Singapore 2023. As I said if anyone needs to add anything else from the charlos lore archives, feel free to do so.
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mileven11forever · 27 days
The Duffers said that Will's emotional arc is gonna play a huge role in season 5 so I do think this isn't over. I think all that suffering Will went through is for a reason. We cannot know why the Differs decided to make Byler half-canon but just like Shawn Levy said, in stranger things, there aren't many coincidences. This is why I believe that maybe that Byler dynamic will play a role in season 5, whatever it is. I simply do think that if the Duffers were planning to queerbait people, they should have stopped giving Bylers useless hope or they should have addressed the situation just like they did with Stobin in the past. Making money and views using Will's unrequited love for Mike is disgusting and it will defo ruin the reputation of the show since LGBTQAI people will not shut up about that. If they don't address the situation, it's maybe because they want to preserve that ambiguity. They show us that when they tweeted stuffs like " when you pause the show at ... To ...will they , won't they couple?". They know it's what most people in the fandom care about so they play with that.
Yeah, I feel like the Duffers should probably say something if byler isn't going to happen (which I don't think it will), because there are going to be a lot of people upset if they don't. I don't personally believe that they're leading people on though. People will look into everything, whether there's actually anything there or not. It's not the Duffers fault that a lot of people just happened to start shipping two characters that they never intended to have a relationship like that. Mike and Will have always been friends, they always will be friends, but that's all. I've never seen anything from Mike showing that he likes Will romantically, he only loves El. Will is going to have a major role in ST5, but that doesn't mean byler is happening, Will is going to have to come out and learn to accept himself, have support from his friends and family, and move on from his crush on Mike. I think that's his actual arc. So yeah, it's complicated when the fandom is so big and there's tons of people reading too much into things, but that's my take on it.
If anyone else has anything to add, leave a comment or reblog this post.
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flightlessinsect · 4 months
The way some tom stans - or haters pretending to be stans - love to catastrophize the opinions of losers on social media needs to be studied. Because why did I see an anon on one blog say they "contacted tom's publicist" to tell them to do something about the "R&J pr disaster"?
Have y'all never followed any celebrity before? What disaster? The "disaster" of having multiple days of supportive crowds cheering at the end of each show? The "disaster" of multiple glowing reviews about the show from people who watched it - you know, people whose opinions ACTUALLY matter because they paid money to see the show? The "disaster" of the smiles on the cast's faces when they see the crowds waiting for them outside? No? Oh so you mean the "disaster" of random racists with 12 followers and a purchased blue checkmark and random tom haters who are jumping on the bandwagon to continue hating on him? The ones you guys CONTINUE to elevate by talking about them, engaging with their nonsense, or sending their tweets to active blogs... to do what, exactly? To coddle you and give you virtual hugs and comfort? To say "yeah I agree, tom is totes racist actually" because you are actually a hater but too much of a coward to hate directly?
Focus on the real people with real faces that the cast see cheering for them night after night. If you are being genuine, and the cast's mental health is your "concern", trust that they most likely know not to read that shit anymore. They probably have people filtering the actual reviews to them. If their physical safety is your "concern", trust that they have enough security to take care of them. If you are being honest-to-god "concerned" about tom's reputation, trust that you are blowing things way out of proportion. Tom gets tweets like those everyday and has been for years and he is just fine and dandy. Still getting work, still well-loved by people who actually know him, and still richer than any of us will ever be. Believe me when I say many many many many celebrities have had worse "scandals" and are still completely fine. Even the ones that are being called out right now on that block list will barely feel a dent in their reputations. As much as we like to pretend we're getting better, we still live in a celebrity-obsessed society.
Also, do take the time to consider that the silence of the production, of other cast members, and of Fran herself may be something that is happening on purpose. They see each other every day, work very (very) closely together, and surely have had discussions on how this whole thing will be handled.
Lastly, take the time to also consider that maybe you don't care about what Fran is going through at all and you just want tom to "do something about it" because you think it will give you moral superiority as his stan. OR you don't care about what Fran is going through at all and you just want to use this to fuel your hate boner for tom. Because trust me, the fans who DO care about everyone in the cast.. they are highlighting, retweeting, reblogging the glowing reviews and supportive posts and stories. They are posting pictures of Fran smiling on stage or at the stage door. They are talking about her talents, her stage presence, her beauty, her chemistry with tom. What they are NOT doing is posting hate tweets on their blogs so more people can see them.
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