#just call me already pleeeeeeease
wild-at-mind · 1 year
I finally bit the bullet and called the GP surgery about getting a gender identity referral this morning. The way it works at mine is you can't make advance appointments, you have to ring up on the day as soon as possible after they open. Essentially you are putting your order in with the receptionist for a callback with your GP later in the day. I've never waited as long as this before, it's now 4:40pm and I got my order in for the callback at 8:30. I told the receptionist what it was about so he knows what he's calling me back about. Either he's waiting till he has time and concentration to spare, or he just plain forgot. If it's the 2nd one I'm guessing I have to do the whole calling thing again tomorrow? :S
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amyispxnk · 11 months
Just Stay
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Summary: Every time, staying was so easy. It was natural. Then you couldn't.
A/N: there's a bit of confusing writing in some places - it's 2am and I've been writing this for almost 2 hours straight, spare me. I hope you guys like this because it genuinely took so much effort. Pls show some love.
A/N #2: after letting this simmer for a bit im feeling like i hate it and it's really stupid and umm yeah so yeah! I physically cringe every time I remember this exists
Javier Peña x f!reader
Word count: 4.5k
Warnings: alcohol, drug mention, brief very light smut, pet names, language, smoking cigarettes, translated Spanish that may well be incorrect (let me know if there are any mistakes please), violence and death, guns, fluff, angst, unwanted attraction from a guy (nothing like SA but it’s just kinda uncomfy and he kisses her but she didn’t want him to NOT JAVI)
Used a prompt from @luvmake “things said between kisses”
You groaned as you shut the door to your apartment behind you, tossing your keys on the table by the door and shrugging your jacket off, walking over to your fridge to find something to take your mind off things.
Work was stressful, but of course it was. You were a DEA agent working to take down Pablo fucking Escobar. Of course it was stressful.
The only thing that lessened the burden was your partner, Javier Peña. It was a rocky start for the two of you, him being very closed-off and already having a reputation which made you not want to get involved with him at all. But you got to know him after a while and here you were 2 years later, being able to call yourself his friend.
You groaned again when you realised you had absolutely no alcohol in your fridge or anywhere in your living space. Then your mind went back to him, Javier did live next door.. and when does Javier not have alcohol on him?
After listening out for the all-too-familiar sound of skin slapping against skin and not hearing anything (you didn't want a repeat of the last time you showed up unannounced) you figured it was safe to go over.
You made sure the door was locked behind you - you can never be too safe, even when you're going next door for just five minutes - you quickly padded over to his apartment, knocking on the door.
When he opened it, he was shirtless. Of course he was, it's Javi. You clenched your teeth together as you fought to not look at his chest and spoke.
"I'm out of alcohol." You stated, at which he raised an eyebrow.
"What do you want me to do about it?" He questioned as if he had no clue what you were getting at.
"Let me have some of yours."
He stayed unmoving.
"Pleeeeeeease, Javier." You pouted, clasping your hands together dramatically before he chuckled softly and opened the door further to let you in.
Once he'd closed it behind you, you looked around. Sure you'd been to his apartment before, but you always liked to analyse things. Maybe it was from being an agent, but you had always had this little trait.
You noticed a movie was playing on the TV as you walked into his kitchen, not being able to tell what it actually was since it was paused at an awkward frame.
"You watching a sex movie, Javier?" You teased, leaning back to look at him as you shut the cabinet.
"Yeah, totally." He said, rolling his eyes before sitting down on the couch.
You held the whiskey bottle in your hands as you stood there for a moment. He didn't tell you to leave at any point, so maybe he wouldn't mind if you just..
You fell down onto the couch beside him, crossing your legs beneath you and bringing the glass of whiskey to your lips.
He still didn't say anything, just glanced at you quickly before shrugging to himself and continuing to watch the movie.
2 hours later, this is a long fucking movie, the ending credits rolled and you might've fallen asleep. It wasn't your fault he had such terrible movie taste that might've also been in complicated Spanish that your fuzzy, whiskey-filled brain didn't want to translate.
The third time he'd said your name you bolted upright.
"Who's it? What happened? Javier? Javier!" You spoke quickly, realising where you were and what you were doing when you looked back at him.
"'s just me. Calm down. Maybe we'll take some of this away." He murmured, picking up the whiskey bottle and taking it with your glass back to the kitchen.
When he came back, you had already drifted off again and he sighed before shaking you awake.
"Stop fucking waking me up." You murmured, cosying back up on the couch for the third time.
"You can't sleep over, missus."
"Why, got a special lady coming over?" You teased with a wiggle of your eyebrows.
"Dios Mio, you're insufferable." He muttered under his breath. "Just stay then, okay? I don't even care."
"Thank you Javiiii." You grinned at him as he walked away to his room.
"You're welcome querida.” He answered before shutting the door and crumpling on his sheets. That was the longest you two had been that close to each other and your touch was doing a lot of things to him that he didn’t want to admit.
His brows furrowed as he sighed, turning the lamp off and willing himself to sleep.
Your nails dug into his skin so hard you probably drew blood before he stilled inside of you, spilling into the condom with a final thrust.
He stayed there for a moment and appreciated your figure, eyes squeezed shut and your skin covered in a thin sheen of sweat, chest rising with your heavy breaths and your arms having moved from his to being thrown above your head, hair all over the place on your face.
The oversensitivity started getting to both of you and he reluctantly pulled out, disposing of the condom before bringing a cloth over to you and cleaning you up gently before doing the same for himself and getting rid of that too.
He sat down on the edge of the mattress and lit a cigarette, puffing out the smoke before turning back to face you.
You were propped up on your forearms with a lazy smile on your face, totally fucked-out. It had taken so long for you two to take the plunge, but now you had finally done it and it was incredible, you were insatiable, always coming back for more. He definitely lived up to that reputation.
You reached for the cigarette and he gave it to you. After taking a long drag, you flopped back down onto his bed and handed it back to him.
“I don’t really wanna get up, y’know.” You said slowly after a few seconds of silent smoking. You had never done a sleep-over with him - after you started fucking - and thought that you might be crossing a line with the implication of doing so in your words.
He debated your words in his mind. He didn’t like getting attached, he didn’t let the informants stay over, and they didn’t really care. It was their job.
But you were different. He knew you, worked with you, and you had fucked enough times for there to be someting more brewing between the two of you.
He stubbed out the cigarette and lay down beside you, brushing some hair out of your face before pulling the blanket back on top of you both and turning around.
“Just stay, then.”
You were pressed up against a wall, panting heavily as you quickly reloaded your gun and dared a look around the corner. Shouts and gunfire filled your ears, your head pounded and your eyes stung.
You ran from the corner down the hallway and into a room, killing another one of the men. It was noone important, and it was getting fucking annoying by this point. How many people had to die, how many did you have to kill until you would just get an actual lead? A few years ago, this would’ve killed you inside. You were weaker mentally and probably would’ve resigned, not wanting to steal the lives of so many for such futile results.
You walked outside of the house and leaned back against the wall, eyebrows knitted together as you tipped your head back and exhaled deeply. Everyone who was in that building 20 minutes ago was either dead or had slipped away. The person you were looking for had slipped away.
“Todos en la sala principal, ¡date prisa! (everyone in the main room, hurry up!)" Your leader’s voice sounded from inside and you pushed yourself off of the wall, turning the corner and immediately falling to the floor as a gunshot rang through the air.
Fuck, fuck, fucking shit.
Clearly, you had missed one of them and his dumb plan was to pick all of you off by himself instead of just running away and thanking God for letting him escape.
You fired a shot at your attacker, getting him in the arm and causing him to cry out in pain before shooting again and watching his lifeless body hit the path.
You dropped your gun as you shuffled over behind a crate and your eyes pressed together as the pain started to get to you. After looking down and assessing the wound, you confirmed it was nothing fatal having entered and exited just your calf. You pushed yourself up from the floor as someone else rushed down the alleyway, making you scramble for your gun again until you realised who it was.
“Shit! It’s just me! What happened?” Javier shouted to you as he came to a halt in front of you, crouching down and checking the wound.
“Some guy was still here, I was coming back in and then he shot me.” You pointed in the general direction of where you remembered his body now lay. “Over there.”
He nodded before quickly pulling you up on your feet, then noticing how your knees buckled when you tried to stand straight on your own.
He gave you his arm and you held onto him as you walked back to the rest of the group, returning to the office shortly after where they patched you up and told you that you weren’t allowed on the field for a week to make sure you didn’t put too much strain on the muscle and injure it more severely.
You were getting your coat from your office when he knocked on your door, poking his head in.
“You leaving?” He asked as he stepped inside, taking his hands out of the pockets in his leather jacket.
“Yeah. Finished everything before 3 in the morning for once.” You joked, earning a small laugh from him.
“I just happen to be leaving too. Want me to uh- bring you back?”
He knew you didn’t have a car, arguing that the apartment block was only a 30 minute walk away so why waste the money if you barely left the town, and it worried him enough without your being injured.
To be honest, you were on edge recently. Things had been getting more dangerous, more gruesome, more exhausting. You were getting more sloppy too, having more close calls than you would’ve liked to, having less time to take care of yourself. So, his invitation was more than welcome.
“Sure, yeah.” You accepted and stood up, walking over to him and taking the hand he offered you. Probably for stability, you thought, but you wouldn’t mind just holding hands with him anyway. Fuck, you felt like a stupid kid with a crush. You couldn’t let yourself get distracted by love either.
You made it home and smiled as your cat ran up to you, rubbing her head against your legs and purring. You crouched down - with a little more difficulty than normal, obviously - and scratched behind her ears affectionately before getting back up with Javier’s help and taking your shoes and coat off. He was about to walk in with his shoes on before you quickly stopped him and tutted disapprovingly.
“I don’t like how you Americans wear shoes inside the house. Off.” You scolded, before walking over to the living room slowly.
He shook his head with a smile before taking his shoes off and following behind you, leaning back against the wall as he waited for you to do something.
“They said I gotta clean the dressing, or change it, or something. I dunno. Gave me a little instruction thingie. So- I’m gonna go do that..” You trailed off at the end.
“You want me to stay?” He questioned as he crossed his arms in front of him, t-shirt stretching deliciously over his arms, making your mind replay the memories of him doing very lewd things with them to you and dampening a spot in your panties just at the thought of it. Probably wasn’t a good idea to fuck with a gunshot wound that was barely 12 hours old though; you quickly blinked a few times to get your thoughts back in order and wet your lips before nodding at him. Yes, you did want him to stay. He offered such a sense of security and protection for you even before the stakes got higher, before Pablo’s men started literally bombing places, killing everyone and anyone, and before you got shot. You needed him, and you were realising that it wasn’t just in a sexual way anymore. It scared you and you almost took the non-verbal yes back until he walked up to you and pulled you out of your thoughts again, looking down at you and staring for a moment, as if arguing with himself in his mind. One side finally won when he bent down and kissed you on the forehead gently, pulling back and murmuring an okay to you before you spoke up again.
“Just stay, make yourself comfy. You can take my bed if you want-” He stopped you before you could finish.
“I’m not taking your bed, querida. Either I’ll join you in it or you can just stay there alone. I don’t mind the couch or anything.” He suggested.
“You can join me in it.” You told him before making your way to the bathroom to sort out your wound, thinking about the entire day.
Another unsuccessful raid, then you got shot, now Javi’s staying in your apartment for the night and it wasn’t because you had sex.
Yeah, it was scary.
And it was scary for him too when you clung to him in the night in your sleep, scary when his hand instinctively reached out to stroke your hair soothingly, scary when he almost leaned forward and kissed you before he could stop himself.
You had to have been in this damn office for the past 3 days straight, working on report after report and chasing lead after lead. People were enjoying the holiday season as it neared vacation time for schools, Christmas ads and music were starting to play and the streets were decorated with so much red and green it made you sick.
The clock on the wall glared at you from across the room as you squinted at it, trying to read it as your eyes drooped like they had been doing for the past hour.
You finally deciphered it and realised it was 2:45AM. Okay, you’d been here for just over a day, but still.
Javier was also still in the building, you heard him walking around and he’d even come in to check on you - bother you - a few times, the latest one being just half an hour ago.
Now he was knocking on your door again and didn’t wait for you to reply before walking inside.
“Got some unfortunate news.” He said, the smirk on his face saying otherwise.
“What.” You demanded, head falling back on your chair as you prepared for literally anything to come out of this man’s mouth.
“We’re snowed in.”
“We’re what.” Your eyes widened. You were this close to finishing your work for the day, night, 2 days, whatever it was, and here he was telling you that you couldn’t actually leave.
“Yeah.” He sighed, coming to sit on your desk, fiddling with the little objects and pens littered around it. “It’s fucking crazy. We never get snow like this here. And because of that, there’s no way to get rid of it when there’s an obscene amount of it.”
You groaned as your head moved from the chair to face plant on the table with a huff of annoyance, him laughing at your state before his expression softened when he realised how tired you looked, then remembered that you were here when he arrived 9 hours ago and you were still here, and you were probably there before he came.
“You can go to sleep, y’know.”
“I have too much work left, Javi. If I leave it then it’ll just get piled up and I’ll have to stay here for-” You paused to work out the amount of hours you’d been in this office. “For 25 hours, again.”
His eyebrows shot up at the number. “25 hours? Jesus Christ, hermosa, please go to sleep. I’ll do the work for you, okay?” He offered, watching as your eyes already started to close.
“Seriously? Thank you.” You yawned. “Where would I sleep though? I can probably find a shovel or something around here and head home, they wouldn’t be that unprepared…”
“No, just stay. There’s a couch in the breakroom. I’ll go find you a blanket or something. ‘S fucking cold.”
“Yeah. Thanks.” You smiled, getting up and trudging out of the room and down the hallway to the room and slumping down on the couch.
He came back 5 minutes later with a blanket and laid you down before gently draping it over you.
“Here. You all good?”
“Yeah, thank you, you’re my favourite babysitter Javi.” You joked with a lazy smile, watching his eyes crinkle as he grinned back at you. He had a really nice smile, you mused internally, watching it grow when you realised you’d said that out loud.
“Thanks.” He smirked, before leaning down and kissing you on the forehead. That’s as close as you two got to kissing each other and you wouldn’t go any further for now.
“Don’t let me sleep for too long, okay?” You told him before your eyes drooped shut and you lay down completely.
“Te amo. (I love you)" You mumbled, half-awake, before blacking out completely as exhaustion overtook you.
Well shit.
“Listen, I just think you’ve been too stressed lately, Javs. Gotta loosen up a little, no?” He could hear your grin through the phone. You chewed on the end of your pencil, thankful that he couldn’t see your face right now because the nervousness was evident on it and you’d be surprised if he couldn’t hear it anyway.
“Don’t have time to loosen up, queirda.” He countered, the sound of his pen scribbling something furiously onto the paper echoing through the phone. Working again.
“You sure about that? I thought you’ve been loosening up with me quite a bit.” You smirked, making him roll his eyes again.
“Fine. I’ll come to your stupid party thing.”
“Thank you.”
You hung up the phone before looking for an outfit to wear, settling on a tight black dress that came to your mid-thighs, a cropped denim jacket and some black heels. The party was tomorrow but you liked to have it planned for sure, trying on the outfit and scrolling through makeup looks for half an hour until you got tired, showering then falling asleep.
The party came around and you looked good. If you hadn’t thought it yourself, the other people there made it evident enough - your friends had given you an appreciative whistle and a rush of compliments as you walked over to them, you felt a few stares on you as you walked, and Javier made his appreciation of the outfit known to you as well.
“Don’t you look good.” He said as his eyes roved over your features, lingering on your tits for a moment longer before they came back up to your eyes again.
“You like the outfit or you want to take it off me?” You teased, hugging him before walking with him to get drinks and then going back to your friends.
When he noticed that there was not just one friend who might not even come as you told him on the phone as a way to get him to accompany you, his smirk turned into a scowl and he glared at you.
“Don’t be pissed, Javi! I just wanted you to loosen. Up.” You nudged his shoulder and introduced him to your friends.
After a drink or two, he had loosened up a little, until someone who had had more than a drink or two came over to your group and whistled at you. You turned to face him and.. He definitely wasn’t unattractive. But he wasn’t as attractive as the guy who you came here with.
Javier had just gone to get more drinks and the timing was so bad it was funny. The guy was trying to chat you up and you considered it for a second. You and Javi weren’t anything official, just friends with sometimes benefits really, and you weren’t seeing anyone else of course, so what harm could be done with a little flirting? You were just entertaining this guy for a bit, you weren’t actually going to do anything.
Apparently this guy thought you wanted to do something more though, getting closer and closer to you and even trying to kiss you once - you quickly turned around and pretended your phone buzzed, reaching inside your bag for it and praying he wouldn’t try that again.
The world just seemed to hate you though, because Javi was a few feet away when he did try that again, and you didn’t react quickly enough this time.
His lips slammed against yours, and that’s when you saw him watching you, completely rooted to the floor. Then he turned away, storming out and slamming the door to the bar shut behind him. You pushed the guy off of you so quickly he almost fell over and ran after Javier, chasing him as best you could in the heels whilst calling out to him.
“Javi! Javi, wait!” You shouted as you cupped your hands around your mouth, cursing when he didn’t stop.
“Javier, fucking wait!” The use of his full name got his attention for a second, and he was about to start walking away again when your hand gripped his forearm tightly.
“What is your problem?” You gritted. “You seriously made me chase after you in these fucking heels!” You exclaimed as you gestured to the ridiculously uncomfortable shoes.
His jaw was clenched as he looked down to them, then back up at you.
“I don’t get you. You lied to make me come here so I could loosen up a little, and I thought maybe you actually wanted to hang out with me as well. I thought that was a part of it. But then you- you’re kissing another guy? You’ve never even kissed me, and how long have we known each other? How many times have we fucked? How much have I done for you, and how much have you done for me, but the closest we’ve come to anything like that was a kiss on the fucking forehead?” He seethed, aggressive gaze burning straight through you.
He wanted to tell you he loved you. Don’t you know how much I fucking love you? Can you not see it? I know you feel it too. You said it yourself.
He hadn’t told you about what you said that day it snowed yet.
“Javi..” You began after a minute. “I didn’t kiss him. He kissed me. I didn’t want him to.” You admitted, and suddenly his mind cleared. Maybe it was because he had one too many drinks, but he jumped to conclusions. He got too protective of you and you weren’t even his.
“Fuck. I’m sorry.” He murmured.
There was a moment of silence until you spoke up again in a smaller voice. He’d never seen you look so timid in your life.
“You want to kiss me?” You asked, recalling what he’d said before.
“I- yeah.” He sighed, looking down. No use trying to avoid it now.
You tilted his face upwards before cupping his cheek, leaning in, and kissing him. His eyes widened slightly before he reciprocated it eagerly, one hand curling around your waist and pulling you closer as the other rested on the back of your neck, suffocating you with the kisses and his body. You’d seen so much of each other before and this was the final thing left for you to do. Now you had finally gone and done it.
When you broke from the kiss, you were both panting as his forehead rested against yours.
“Do that again, please.” You said as a grin creeped onto your face, making him let out a low chuckle before obliging your request.
That night, you didn’t have to ask him to stay. He just did.
You had never been so angry in your entire life, you reckoned. You paced around the room, running a hand through your hair before stopping to look at him again.
"Los Pepes? Really, Javier? Really?!" You said in a raised voice. Of course he had gotten involved with Los Pepes. And now he was getting fired for it.
You had started dating only a few months ago and it was actually going pretty well. He was a really good partner, always did his best to communicate, bought you things, treated you well, had a really big cock.. And you loved him, you really did.
But this was really bad.
"It's not my fucking fault! They helped enough, didn't they?"
"They're brutal murderers!" You shouted before turning away again. "I fucking knew it. I knew there was something wrong. You've been all skittish lately, Los Pepes have been coming up so much in our reports.. I just never thought you'd do something like that." You sighed, looking up from the floor to meet his gaze and feeling your eyes well up with tears as it came crashing down on you that he was going to leave.
"I'm sorry, querida, I can't-" -stay.
"Did you even think about me when you did all this shit? Did you think about us? I thought I was actually important to you, but clearly not." You scoffed bitterly.
"Baby you are important to me-" He began, reaching for your hand.
You batted it away before immediately taking it back and squeezing his hand tight before you felt the tears fall.
"Then why did you do it? We would've- we would've gotten them eventually! It would have just taken a little longer, but this wouldn't have happened! Javier, I can't-" Your entire body shuddered as you sobbed in front of him, and it was like somebody was stabbing him in the heart, twisting the knife around before pulling it out along with his heart with which he loved you so much.
"Please. Please, just stay. We can figure something out. I'll fix it, you can't leave me. I can't do it. Javier." You pleaded, sniffling as you grasped his hand tightly. You didn't want to let go. Of him. Of this. You had liked him for so long and it finally came together and he pulled this shit and now it was all over.
"I can't."
Thank you so much for reading. Wow that was long. I hope you liked it, and I hope it made sense and it was as good as it was in my head. Likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated and requests are open. 💞
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captainnameless · 2 months
ahh, I can’t stop thinking about little Daniel at the moment!! He’s like taking over my brain!
could we possibly get a little bit of cheeky/hyper Daniel with seb? Seb having to put up with daniels little pranks and tricks that he thinks work but don’t.
I feel like one of Seb’s main ways to calm a little down after a load of excitement is a little tickle? like daniels jumping everywhere and all over seb so a little poke to the side and he stops.
have a good day, cap!!
totally valid having him take over your brain! he’s a treat to think about. <3
Sebastian has resigned the thought of nap time long ago, instead opting of trying to tire Daniel out as much as possible the rest of the afternoon so they can hopefully aim for an early bedtime.
It’s a treat, having Daniel to spend time with, but for whatever reason Daniel had cranked the wild child button up to 100 for today.
Sebastian figured plucking the berries that were ripe from the garner could be an activity to calm him down a bit, but Daniel had gotten distracted with a butterfly and started chasing that around, in turn setting off the dog and turning to chasing Bruno instead.
There was more toppling over than running, really. But Daniel didn’t cry, just laughed and rolled around in the dirt with the dog that Sebastian knew he’d also have to fit in a bath somewhere in between dinner and bed.
“Sit, please darling.” Sebastian says, slightly exasperated as he plonks Daniel down on the deck handing him his phone that’s already dialing
Lewis Hamilton
“Hell- oh! Hi, bub.” Lewis voice sounds through the speaker as Daniel grins at the screen.
“Watch the child for a second.” Sebastian says, before hurrying inside for a piss. It’s nice knowing he has a few minutes to do so without having to worry an unsupervised Daniel will find an elevated service to jump off of.
A piss and a phone call later Sebastian’s gotten Daniel to sit down long enough to eat some of the strawberries they harvested, wiping at his chin every so often to at least protect their clothing from the angry red juice that’s impossible to get out.
Eventually the little grows bored, sits up on his knees to bounce next to Seb answering Seb’s disapproving look with a cheeky smile.
“No jumping on the furniture, Bub.”
“I’m bouncing, Mama.”
Sebastian bites back a smile, brat, a heaves a sigh. “No bouncing, baby. These are for sitting,” Sebastian pats the cushion. “On your bum.”
Daniel doesn’t lose the cheeky smile, flops his legs out under him to sit on his bum and then continues bouncing that way.
“Oh you naughty boy!” Sebastian chastises, jokingly. Reaching out to grab Daniel and hoist him into his lap, fingers digging into his sides.
Daniel screeches, trying to squirm away from the tickles but he is unsuccessful, gasping for breath as Sebastian continues his onslaught.
“Mama!” He gasps in between giggles. “Pleeeeeeease!”
“Hmm?” Sebastian asks, pausing his tickling but keeping Daniel in his lap. “What’s wrong?”
“No more,” Daniel heaves, squirming in place before flopping against Sebastian, out a breath.
Sebastian smiles, runs his hand through Daniel’s curls before pressing a kiss down on his forehead. “Alright.”
Daniel catches his breath, sits up and darts off then, back into the garden. “Catch me!”
Sebastian groans, he really has to find out where this kid gets his energy from.
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louiseintrees · 2 years
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In continuation to “He’s an Idiot if He Isn’t in Love With You Yet.” Requested by: @indierockgirrl
“A follow up of this would be fab ♥️”
“Alex I am not cutting your hair!” I laughed in my overly drunken state.
We had left the bar a while ago, and now the zeros lined up on the clock. We had broke into my stash of vodka and I no longer had vodka now. We had laughed and cried, thought of the future and now in a more bizarre fashion he-
“I want you to cut my hair, please, it’ll be awesome.” He begged.
“Alex, we’ve consumed half a bottle of vodka each and you want me to take scissors to your scalp?”
“Okay it sounds bad on paper but it’ll be okay! Worst case scenario I go bald, and I think I’d rock being bald, so do your worst, darling.” He said. “Please, it’ll be nice to have some change.” He spoke more seriously, his dilated pupils praying I’d do it.
I thought about it for moment, his compelling eyes looking into mine. I felt a weird feeling in my stomach. But of course this was Alex we’re talking about,
“Pleeeeeeease?” He begged dragging out the ‘e.’
I just couldn’t say no to him.
“Fine, but if your fans hate me for making you bald you’re dealing with them.” I said pointing my finger at him.
“If they’re my real fans they won’t, I could get a spiked mohawk and they’d call me the hottest thing in the world.” He joked.
“Mhm, I need to teach your fans standards.” I sarcastically joked going to the bathroom, him following close behind. “Now wear’s your scissors, Turner?”
He pulled open a drawer and grabbed a pair of scissors, they definitely weren’t for cutting hair, but at least they weren’t safety scissors.
“And a towel?” I quizzed.
He opened a cupboard by the shower and pulled out a towel handing both the scissors and towel to me. I set them on the counter and began to speak.
“Okay if I remember correctly you need to wash your hair.”
“Me? I asked you to cut my hair, you should do it.” He said like a little kid who asked his mom for candy.
“Alex…” I started looking at his puppy dog eyes staring back at me. This mother fucker. “Fine.”
I watched a smile spread on his face and he already ran to turn on the shower. I followed him and he was already sat by the tub, his back leaning against the porcelain.
“You look like a dog.”
And at that he frowned causing a very drunk me to laugh.
I started the water letting the cold turn warm before stepping into the tub to get a better angle. I gently pulled his head back and started to wet his hair with the shower head. He closed his eyes and let out a satisfied sigh. I giggled at his actions but continued. The moment was silent but nice. But with me and Alex this was the perfect opportunity to mess with each other. So I moved the shower head ever so slightly to hit his face.
He floundered under the water and sat up straight looking at me as if I had just killed everyone he ever loved.
I couldn’t contain my laughter at him he looked crazy.
The shower head slipped in my hands getting me wet.
“Fuck!” I exclaimed dropping the shower head.
Swiftly he grabbed the shower head and faced it to me getting me even more soaked.
“Alex! You fucking bitch!” I exclaimed.
Despite me being drunk I thought of an amazing idea.
“Ow! My eye!” I spoke grabbing my face.
I thought he’d catch on immediately but I guess he was too drunk to notice.
So, immediately he went to attend to me climbing into the tub.
“Shit sorry.” He said grabbing my hand to see the damage.
Then I grabbed the shower head and started to spray him with it instead.
“You little twat cunt wank stain bitch!” He said reaching out and tackling me.
I squealed as he grabbed and pulled me down hovering on top of me. The shower head jammed between us as we laughed at each other.
“I missed this.” He spoke pushing hair out of my face.
“Missed what?” I giggled.
“You! This, hanging out with you. I always spent my time touring and press, then…Alexa, and parties, I just lost everything with you.”
“Well, I was at some of the parties and you’re busy I get it Alex it-”
“No, I lost everything personal with you. We don’t go book shopping, or to pubs to see local bands, or watch a bunch of movies until our eyes burn.” He said shaking his head.
“Well it’s not to late to start.” I stated tangling my hands in his hair.
He smiled at me and we continued in with our original task. We did change into new clothes, Alex in his old shirt and boxers, and me in one of his old shirts and my damp underwear.
Alex now sat on a chair we pulled into the bathroom, his hair wet from the water fight. And I stood behind him scissors in hand.
“So what were you thinking Turner?” I questioned toying with his hair
“Short. But not bald, I’m not there yet.”
“I think we should bring back bull cut Alex, what do you think?” I purposed jokingly.
“Good god, no!” He exclaimed with absolute disgust.
“Then what do you want? A decade, a person, no just no bald, no bull, and short.” I asked laying my head on his.
“What do you think I should do?” He questioned.
“80’s, it would fit lovely with that leather jacket, you could go full greaser.”
“What? You going to give me a mullet?”
“No, Alex, more like…JD in heathers, but a bit more modern.” I stated. “How about that?”
He looked in the mirror as he thought about it. Wondering about if he was about to be in one of those celebrity fail compilations after this but eventually,
“Why not.” He said.
And with that I got to business. I started by parting sides I need to keep long and the went to chopping down the sides and the back. For me being drunk I felt very sober, which never meant anything good. I was scared to make it uneven, or to just chop a big chunk out of his hair, or stab him.
But never the less I continued. I cut the front, trying to remember what I learned from my roommate. I’ve never really cut men’s hair. I probably should’ve mentioned that to him? This going to end horribly isn’t it?
I stared at the mirror his hair still wet making me incapable of seeing the progress I’ve made. I laid the scissors down and start to look for my hairdryer I left here.
“Alex where’s my blowdryer?” I questioned half way into the cupboard.
“Top shelf!”
I looked up their and found the thing thank god. I plugged it in and put it on the low setting to start with trying to style the hair to the best of my abilities.
As the hair started to dry the more it started to come together. It was a lot different then his previous hair but it complimented him well. He looked older even, more his age oddly enough.
I unplugged the hairdryer wrapping up the cord and putting it away before arriving back at Alex’s chair.
“So, what do you think? Do we have to go bald?” I giggled slightly nervous.
“Fuck no! Not only is this better than I expected, but I’d go bull cut before bald.” He stated.
“One day Alex you’ll go full bald, I can feel it. I can’t make little wedding hair styles in your hair anymore though.”
“I definitely won’t miss that.” He laughed.
“Ohh but you looked so cute before you went on stage that one time.” I teased.
“With flowers in my hair?”
“The ladies would’ve loved it, but you postponed the whole show and entire minute so I could take out the hairdo.” I stated dramatically.
“The only lady who would’ve liked it is you.”
“And isn’t that enough Turner, your mom would’ve loved it too, don’t lie.” I said poking his cheek.
“Mhm.” He spoke falsely unamused.
“We’re the most important ladies in your life! I’ll be your best man, and tease you the whole time. God, it’ll be glorious!”
“Just for that you’re not my best man.” He said.
I dramatically dropped my jaw grabbing my heart.
“You wouldn’t dare, Turner!”
“Oh yes I would.” He stated.
“You have to pinkie promise you would never!” I exclaimed sticking out my pinkie.
He laughed and rolled his eyes jokingly at my childlike manor and stuck out his pinkie interlocking it with mine.
“Fine, promise.”
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mia-tiny · 3 years
Unexpected Company Part Two | P. Seonghwa
⇒ pairing: p. seonghwa x fem!reader
⇒ smut, dirty talk, pet names, oral (m receiving), eating cum, alcohol consumption
⇒ word count: 2.9k
⇒ summary: After three weeks of failing to “coincidentally” run into Seonghwa again, you finally encounter him when you aren’t expecting it and he is ready to pick up where you left off.
💖 read part one here, part three here, and part four here
💕 view my masterlist here
⇒ author’s note: part two has arrived! also UGH that gif~
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In the three weeks since you last ran into Seonghwa and things turned heated under flickering candlelight, you have been searching for every excuse to visit Wooyoung in his apartment. Most of all, you have been baking so many treats to bring over at such an increased pace that Wooyoung has started complaining about you trying to turn him into a blimp.
Despite all the effort, you still have yet to encounter Seonghwa again, though you shouldn’t be too surprised since it is only normal that he is never home. Nevertheless, you can’t stop thinking about your time with him and how suddenly things were left off, no explanation or discussion provided regarding your activities together. The questions in your head are endless.
Was he just toying with you because he knew you liked him? Does he like you more than just wanting your body? Would he want to continue what he started? Is he avoiding you? What would have happened if Wooyoung hadn’t shown up?
The last question bothers you the most as you wish you’d had more alone time with Seonghwa that night. With how much pleasure he made you feel just from eating you out, you can’t imagine how sensational it would have been to let him fuck you into oblivion. You have visualized it so many nights with your hand down your panties as you try to recreate the same electrifying sensations he had easily provided, but it never feels the same as having him all over you.
You are again getting lost in the memory as your phone rings loudly next to you, disturbing your train of thought and bringing you back to the present. You leisurely pick up the call after checking the name that has popped up on the screen.
“What’s up?”
“Y/N!” Wooyoung shouts as you once again hear music blaring from wherever he is. You’re honestly used to it at this point since he spends so many evenings out at various concerts, clubs, or bars. “What are you doing right now?”
You look down at the same pajamas you’ve been wearing all day since it is Saturday and you have no plans.
“I’m on my couch, why?” you admit truthfully as if you’d be spending your weekend nights anywhere else besides either right where you are or by Wooyoung’s side.
“Come to Club Tempest! It’s been so long since you’ve gotten wasted with me!” His whiny tone makes you huff as you debate the pros and cons of agreeing to his request. “Pleeeeeeease!”
More than anything, you really want to sit on your couch, curl up with a glass of wine, and watch a cheesy romance film, but he keeps begging and pleading shamelessly over the phone until you finally cave in.
“Fine! Fine, I’ll come. Just stop whining,” you groan as he starts cheering giddily.
“Yay! I’m already here, so hurry your ass up. When you get here, come towards the back where the booths are.”
Without even waiting for a reply, he hangs up the phone and you sigh at the sound of the call ending. Wooyoung wasn’t wrong when he said that you two haven’t gotten drunk together in a long time, but you hate having to go through the whole process of getting dressed up when you’re already so comfortable. Nonetheless, you somehow force yourself to curl your hair, apply a full face of makeup, and put on an outfit scandalous enough for Club Tempest. With a small clutch in hand for your phone and keys, you head out and take a taxi to your destination.
Club Tempest is just as loud and crowded as you remember as you make your way just past the front doors and into the masses of drunk people. Numerous partygoers bump or grind against you as you attempt to find your way through and you know you are going to need a drink immediately if you are going to survive the night. Before going to meet Wooyoung, you decide to stop at the bar and get a couple shots to yourself. Your best friend was definitely drunk already anyways, so you needed to start catching up.
Finally pushing your way to an open spot at the bar, you order two shots of tequila and start looking around curiously as you wait for them to be served. When they arrive, you easily down one and hiss at the burning sensation in your throat. As you begin to drink the second glass right after, your eyes happen to fall towards the far end of the bar and you nearly choke on your alcohol.
There he is.
Not even moving or engaging with anyone around him, Seonghwa stares at you in amusement with his annoyingly intense gaze as you swallow and set the empty container back down on the counter. Even though you have been trying to find a way to see him for three weeks, you hadn’t considered the fact he might be here with Wooyoung since you were too busy being annoyed by your best friend. Nevertheless, the corners of his lips perk up as you peer back at him nervously. He simply lifts his hand and extends two fingers to beckon you in his direction.
You begin to sweat and panic. He looks even more attractive than before in his satin white button up shirt and black slacks, the same metal earrings and rings as before making him look as fashionable as a celebrity. His silver hair is even pushed out of his face and styled to perfection compared to when it laid freely across his forehead last time.
He raises his eyebrow impatiently as you debate what to do. With your nerves taking over at the unexpected encounter, you disappear into the crowd and rush to where the tables are at the back of the room in search of Wooyoung. You find him sitting at a round booth and drinking with some friends you have met a few times before.
“Y/N!” he calls out as you approach. “Come sit with us!”
You greet everyone shyly as you slide in next to Wooyoung’s friend, Mingi, and they return to their conversation. You try your best to take part in the dialogue, but your mind is still stewing on the fact that Seonghwa is somewhere nearby, probably wondering why you ran from him as soon as you saw him. As you curse yourself internally, you down another drink that you steal from Wooyoung despite his protests.
Once you begin to feel the slight buzz of alcohol in your blood, you jump minutely at a hand lightly resting on your shoulder. You turn to see who it is and, of course, find Seonghwa peering down at you with feigned innocence.
“May I join you?” he asks merrily, loving the anxiety-ridden reaction you are giving him.
“Sure,” you mutter quietly as you scoot closer to Mingi and allow him to sit on your other side, his thigh pressed flush against yours.
“Seonghwa!” the other boys start to cheer as they notice his presence. He brightly reacts to them and immediately joins in on their conversation, almost ignoring your existence completely as you continuously overthink how you should act or what you should say.
You honestly start to get deflated by his disinterest in you since it seemed for a moment at the bar that he was flirting with you once again, but perhaps you were just thinking too much of it.
Or maybe you weren’t.
Just when you are about to accept that he is done with you, you feel his fingertips begin slowly tracing shapes on your thigh. You look up at him in surprise, but he doesn’t even glance at you as he continues to engage in conversation. His hand then comes to fully rest on your mid-thigh, causing your breath to hitch.
With him still avoiding your eyes, you also look away and pretend to be interested in what the others are saying. All of your concentration focuses on his touch, though, as he slowly runs his hand up further. Your heart starts to beat faster with every inch closer to your pussy he gets, desperate for him to give you something more. You wait patiently, however, until he calmly brings his fingertips to brush against your clothed core.
He can see your hands squirming in your lap and smirks in amusement at just how easily you react to his touch. He had worried for a moment after you ran from him that you regretted what happened three weeks ago, but he can tell now that you are just as nervous and turned on because of him as you were before. His confidence restored, he discreetly leans down to whisper in your ear while the other boys talk amongst themselves.
“Back door. Two minutes,” he commands simply before standing up and walking into the crowd. You gulp excitedly as his touch lingers on your skin and you feel yourself getting wet, imagining all the things he is going to do to you if you follow him.
Two minutes seems to last a lifetime as you sit and ache for his touch, but wait obediently as he asked. Finally, you stand up and announce that you are going to the restroom before sneaking off to find the back door instead. Sure enough, you see him lingering there and staring at you hungrily as you approach.
“I knew you’d come to me, baby,” he hums haughtily as he grabs you by the wrist, beginning to lead you away. Instead of pulling you through the door, he takes you down some twisting hallways and into a room marked as ‘VIP.’
“Seonghwa, is this okay?” you ask hesitantly since you know just how exclusive these rooms are.
“Don’t worry,” he assures you as he continues inside. “My brother owns this bar.”
With your worries settled, you admire the spacious room filled with a few luxurious couches and some small tables scattered about, everything lowly lit under some blue and white LED lights. Beside you, Seonghwa locks the door so that no one will disturb you.
He casually releases your wrist and strolls over to one of the couches, sitting down and stretching his arms across the back of it without a care in the world. You, on the other hand, stand awkwardly as you consider following him.
“Come sit,” he demands authoritatively, making you feel more comfortable since you don’t have to debate your positioning any longer. You take small strides towards him and are about to set yourself down next to him when he again grabs your wrist to stop you. “On me.”
Understanding his intention at last when he looks at you with lust-filled eyes, you bravely straddle him as you rest your needy pussy against his crotch and set your hands on his broad shoulders. He grins up at you and lets his hands squeeze your ass enthusiastically.
“Have you thought about me?” he purrs and you hate that he can read you like a book.
“Yes,” you admit while your cheeks turn red as usual.
“What did you think about?”
You bite your lip and avoid his eyes briefly before he uses his hand to guide your chin upwards, your gaze naturally meeting his again as he waits expectantly.
“Continuing where we left off.”
He chuckles simply. “In that case, I think you were about to do something for me.”
You recall the last moments you spent together three weeks ago when you were scrambling to undo his pants with the intention of sucking him off. Just the thought has you getting wetter.
“Is that what you want, baby?” he coos, to which you nod enthusiastically. “Then go ahead.”
He removes his hands from your body and rests them on the back of the couch once more, looking nonchalant as you stand and then sink down to your knees in front of him. You carefully undo his belt and pants zipper, noticing how his dick is already half hard and pressing against his boxers. Heart beating quickly, you pull his slacks and underwear down to his knees and your eyes practically pop out of your head at how big his cock looks already.
“What, baby girl?” he sings in enjoyment at your reaction. No wonder he can walk around with so much confidence when he has the perfect face, body, and cock.
Trying to overcome your intimidation, you take your hand and begin stroking him at a moderate pace, causing him to bite his lip as he takes in the beautiful sight of you pleasing him. As he hardens up even more, you lean down and lick a long stripe from the base of his dick to the tip before lightly taking just the sensitive end of him into your mouth and hollowing your cheeks.
“Yes, baby,” he breathes, to which you respond by moving yourself further down his length. He is impossibly huge by the time he is fully hard and you know there is no way you are going to be able to take all of him into your mouth, so you keep your hand around the base of his shaft and stroke it at the same speed you bob down on him.
You start slowly to test the waters and prepare yourself to fit more of him inside. Holding your breath, you begin to push the end of his cock further into your throat and he groans, one hand instinctively coming down to rest on top of your head as he watches you with lips parted in pleasure. You feel proud seeing him feel as good as you did just three weeks ago. You use your free hand to reach up under his satin shirt, fingers running along his defined abs and up to his nipple to rub it teasingly.
“Ah, you’re doing so good, baby girl,” he praises, causing your heart to swell with warmth as you crave to satisfy him. Spurred on by his words, you start increasing your pace as you swallow even more of him, pushing past the amount you thought you were able to take as your desire to see him cum takes control.
Low moans and curse words fall past his lips as his fingers grip in your hair and help guide you up and down his cock. You remove your hand from his shaft and instead use it to start fondling his balls, his eyes rolling back at the feeling. His hips start to thrust up into you slightly as you do your best not to gag around his length.
“Fuck, you want me to cum for you, baby?”
You hum in reply, sending the vibrations straight through his cock as he continues to use your mouth mercilessly. When you allow yourself to sink even further down on him, it sends him over the edge.
“Oh, fuck,” he moans as you keep your mouth wrapped around him while he cums on your tongue, soon swallowing everything he gives you. He looks down at you with caring eyes as he breathes heavily and gently brings his hand to cup your cheek. You finally let his dick fall from your mouth and look back at him with innocent eyes. “Damn, baby. You looked so perfect with my cock stuffed in that pretty mouth.”
You smile and blush at his filthy language while he goes to pull up his underwear and pants. Your smile fades to a frown as you get the hint that you aren’t going any further tonight. You get off of your aching knees and sit on the couch, pouting slightly as he stands and sets his clothing back in order. He notices your expression and chuckles softly.
“We’ve been gone a little too long,” he comments. You hate that he is right since you only said you were going to the bathroom and Wooyoung must be worrying by now. He reaches his hand out to you. “Let’s go.”
You notice how he isn’t planning on discussing the nature of your relationship or if he wants it to progress, but you don’t bring it up either out of fear you will be rejected. You want this moment to stay as perfect as it is right now without possibly ruining it by asking for an explanation that you may not like the sound of.
You simply take his hand quietly and let him lead you back down the winding hallways towards the drunk masses crowding the club. Once you arrive at the same spot where you met him, he drops your hand and keeps walking so that no one you know may spot you two together. Though you know that him holding your hand was nothing more than a kind gesture on his part, you still feel sad as he lets go and saunters back to the table first.
You simply sigh and look down at your hand where his warmth just disappeared from, feeling stupid for being so disappointed. No longer feeling like you can put up with the madness of the club, you make your way back to the table where Wooyoung, Seonghwa, and their other friends sit comfortably. As your best friend meets your eyes, you can tell he is about to ask questions, but you interrupt him abruptly.
“I’m going to head home for the night,” you declare as the men glance at you.
Wooyoung looks disappointed, but you simply turn and head towards the door without checking Seonghwa’s expression.
From the table, he watches you as you make your way towards the door, his heart feeling somewhat heavy, though he is not sure why.
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talesofarcadia78 · 3 years
Beneath the Stars || Douxie x Reader || One Shot
The soft sound of plucking of guitar strings filled your ears. It made your heart melt and feel warm inside, making you forget the cold. Your boyfriend started softly singing a song. He suddenly stopped playing, making you frown and turn your head towards him. 
“Why’d you stop?” you asked, closing up the book you were reading. 
“Well, I noticed what the time was and saw it’s nearly 6,” he said, gesturing to the clock on the wall behind him. 
“So?” you asked, still confused. 
“Remember, you promised me something…” he hinted. 
You looked at him blankly. 
“You promised me you would make me hot chocolate with marshmallows,” he said. 
“Oh! Sorry Doux, I forgot about that,” you apologised, getting up from the couch and heading to the kitchen. 
You grabbed a mug from the drawer, placing it on a counter. You then got sugar, and added 2 tablespoons of it. You walked over to the pantry and tried to get the cocoa powder, but it was on the top shelf. You weren’t that tall, so you struggled a bit. You felt a hand brush yours. You turned around to see Douxie grabbing it for you. 
“I could’ve just grabbed it myself, you know?” you said, crossing your arms. 
“But it would’ve taken you longer, so that would delay your making of my drink, which means I would have to wait longer,” Douxie whined, handing you the cocoa powder. 
You rolled your eyes at his whining. He had to learn to be patient… well, at least for his food. 
You continued to make Douxie’s hot chocolate. You felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist as you were mixing the sugar, cocoa powder and milk. Douxie put his chin on your shoulder as he whispered into your ear, “How much longer do I have do I have to wait? You know I’m hungry.” 
“Well, if you let me go to the microwave, I can heat up your drink and then you’ll be able to drink it,” you replied. 
“But I love doing this!” Douxie whined. 
You chuckled at him. Even though he was a bit impatient with his food, you loved his whining. You gently pushed him back and walked to the microwave, putting the mug inside and turning it on. You walked back over to the counter to clean up your mess. 
As you were cleaning up, Douxie was leaning over the other side of the counter, staring at you. He never took his eyes off of you. You noticed his staring from the corner of your eye. You blushed a little and giggled. 
“Why are you staring at me, Douxie? Do I have something on my face?” you asked. 
He shook his head, eyes still on you. 
“Then?” you asked. 
“You’re just… so amazing. I’m very lucky to have you,” Douxie expressed. 
“I’m flattered,” you said, walking over to the microwave and getting out the mug. 
You set the mug onto the counter and grabbed a bag of marshmallows, and plopped a few in. You handed Douxie the mug, putting the marshmallows away. You then looked at the time, it was 6:30. You had to get going or else your roomie, Zoe, would freak out. 
“Doux, I go to go,” you shouted, grabbing your bag and opening the door of his apartment. 
“Wait!” he shouted, running to you. 
“What? You know Zoe will freak out if I’m not back soon,” you reminded. 
“I know, I know. I’ll be at your door tomorrow at 9 a.m. sharp. So you better be ready and have your things packed,” Douxie explained. 
“Why?” you asked, wondering why he wanted to you to have your bag packed. 
“It’s a surprise and surprises aren’t supposed to be told,” he said. 
“But--” you started, but were cut off by a kiss. 
The kiss wasn’t as long as Douxie wanted. You pulled back and smiled at him.
“Sorry, but I gotta pack and Zoe might be having a heart attack right now,” you apologised. 
“Well, I’ll see you tomorrow, my love,” Douxie said, giving you a two-finger salute. 
You laughed at his gesture and walked out the door. 
As you were walking through the streets, you noticed a bunch of kids gathered around something. You went over to check out what it was. You looked at what everyone was looking at. It was Toby doing some magic tricks. Currently, he was holding a sock in his hand and saying some words, you didn’t quite hear, and then the sock disappeared. Everybody started clapping at his trick. You were impressed. He actually pulled off a magic trick, unlike the other times. 
You walked away and continued making your way to your apartment. As you continued, you felt a bit more colder than earlier. You hugged your arms and quickened your pace. 
You were about to open the door to your apartment, but someone from inside already did. 
“Y/N! Where were you? I was worried sick! You know I don’t like you staying outside after dark!” Zoe scolded. 
“Sorry, Zoe. I got hung up. I was making Douxie some hot chocolate,” you apologised. “And you know that you could’ve just called to check where I was.” 
“I did! I called you 10 times!” Zoe exclaimed. 
You checked your phone to see 10 missed calls from Zoe. 
“My phone must’ve been on silent,” you shrugged, walking in. 
Zoe closed the door and plopped onto the couch, turning on the TV. You put your bag away and sat on the couch with Zoe. 
“What are you gonna watch?” you asked. 
“I don’t know,” she replied blandly. 
She then turned off the TV and turned to you. 
“So? What do you want for dinner? We’ve got some left over lasagne. Or we can just order something,” Zoe asked. 
“I’ll have the left over the lasagne, you can order something for yourself. I’ve got to pack,” you replied, getting up and walking into the kitchen. 
You warmed up the lasagne and quickly ate it. 
“Woah! Hold up. Pack? Where are you going?” Zoe questioned. 
“I actually don’t know where I’m going. Douxie just said to pack my bag and that he’ll be at the door at 9 tomorrow,” you answered. 
Zoe smirked. 
“Are you two going on a little lovey dovey holiday by yourselves?” Zoe teased. 
“Zoe!” you groaned and rushed into your and Zoe’s room, wanting to avoid her and start packing. 
You heard a laugh but you didn’t say anything, you just wanted to pack and go to bed. 
After about half an hour, you zipped up your duffle bag and put it at the door of the room.
Uh-oh! You rushed out to the kitchen to see broken glass all of the floor. Zoe was standing there, her hands behind her back, as if she didn’t do anything. 
“Zoe, how did this happen?” you asked, grabbing a broom and cleaning up the mess. 
“I was just tryna practice my magic… but, it didn’t go so well,” Zoe admitted, helping you. 
“Next time, go somewhere where you won’t break anything,” you advised her. 
“I will,” Zoe said. 
“Ok, I’m heading off to bed. I’m beat,” you said, walking into your and Zoe’s bedroom and jumped in, not bothering to change. 
The light got turned off. You looked to see Zoe heading over to her bed as well. You wished each other goodnight and fell asleep, well at least Zoe did. You couldn’t stop thinking about what Douxie’s surprise was.
The next morning, you were ready and drinking f/d on the couch. You heard the bell ring and hurried up to open the door. You opened the door to be greeted by Douxie, a big smile on his face. 
“Ready to go, love? I don’t want us to be late,” Douxie asked. 
“Yup, just let me get my phone and bag,” you said, rushing to get your things. 
“Okay, got everything. Let’s go,” you said, walking out the door. 
Douxie put your bag in the back seat of his car, where his bag and a whole bunch of random stuff was. You sat at the front of the car, waiting for Douxie.
“So, where are we going?” you asked, trying to find out where you were going. 
“As I said yesterday, it’s a surprise and surprises aren’t supposed to be told,” Douxie repeated, driving away from Arcadia. 
“Pleeeeeeease,” you begged. 
Douxie shook his head. You groaned and looked out the window, gazing at the scenery. 
“You can listen to whatever music you want,” Douxie suggested, giving you his phone. 
You smiled and put on some music. 
The two of you enjoyed the drive, singing and telling each other jokes.
It was around 1 when Douxie stopped the car at a diner on the side of the road. The two of you headed in and sat at a table, ordering two sandwiches and two milkshakes. 
“How much longer until we get to this mystery place?” you asked. 
“We’ll get there just before sunset, I think. We’ll have enough time to explore the place,” Douxie replied. 
The two of you chatted as you ate your food. You two spent a bit too much time at the diner, so the two of you rushed to the counter to pay. You pulled out your card, Douxie doing the same. “So, you guys splitting the bill or is just one paying?” the clerk asked. 
“I’m paying,” both of you replied. 
The both of you turned to face each other. 
“No, y/n, I’m paying for this whole trip. Not you,” Douxie said. 
“Oh, no, no, no! You’re not paying. I’m the one who’s going to pay since you’re already taking me to who-knows where,” you argued. 
Then you quickly tapped your card onto the eftpos machine, paying for the food. 
You smiled at Douxie, who gave you a frown. The two of you left the diner and continued the journey to the place Douxie was taking you. The drive was silent, no chatting, no music. You started to get worried if you had upset Douxie by paying. 
“Doux, you okay?” you asked. 
He just nodded at you. 
“Are you upset about the bill?” you suddenly asked. 
“What? No, I’m just hoping that we get there before sunset,” he explained. 
After 3 more hours of driving, you had a arrived at the place. There was a beautiful lake in front of you, surrounded by pine trees. In the distance, you saw mountains that looked like it had recently snowed. You got out of the car and saw a bunch of cabins in front of you. Douxie got out of the car and handed you your duffle bag. The two of you headed to a slightly bigger cabin where a lady was at the reception typing away. 
“Hey, Margaret!” Douxie greeted the lady. 
“Hello, Douxie! I have your cabin keys ready to go. You and your lovely lady are in cabin 919. It’ll be easy to spot out,” Margaret said, handing Douxie a key. 
Douxie thanked her and the both of you headed to find cabin 919. 
After going around the woods for a few minutes, you spotted a cabin that had a sign that wrote 919. Margaret was right, it was easy to spot out. 
“Hey, is it just a coincidence or did Margaret give us the cabin that was the same age as you?” you asked, putting the key into the key hole and opening the door. 
You stepped inside, taking in the cabin. In front of you were two couches, one shaped like an L. In front of the couches was a fireplace and a large TV above. Next to it was a small kitchen and a dining table. You walked around and saw a door that led into the bedroom. 
The bedroom was not to big or not to small. It was just right. It felt cozy and smelled like rosewood. To the right, there was a queen sized bed, with a bunch of pillows, pastel green and pink with a few plain white pillows. There were two armchairs in front of the bed, surrounding a round glass coffee table. At the back of the room was another fireplace. On each side of the fireplace were two big windows that almost went to the floor. Dangling above the bed was a chandelier with individual cone shaped lights that sat on a wooden ring. Overall, the bedroom was beautiful. 
You walked outside the bedroom to see another door in front of the bedroom, which probably would be the bathroom. You walked in to see Douxie taking out his toiletries and placing them on a shelf. 
“So, did you like it?” he asked, placing the last of his stuff on the shelf and walking over to you. 
“I don’t like it...” you started, seeing Douxie frown, “I love it!” 
Douxie playfully punched your arm, “You gave me a lil heart attack there, Y/n!” 
“Well, I’ve explored the place. What do we do now?” you asked. 
“I have a good idea on what we should do,” Douxie smirked. 
He led you to the back, where there was an amazing view of the snow covered mountains you saw earlier. On top of that, you could see the sun disappearing at the horizon. The sky was now a mix of orange, purple, blue and pink. 
“Douxie... this is so...” you stumbled, trying to look for the words, “I’m at a loss of words.” 
“This place is quite breathtaking, isn’t it?” he said. 
Both of you took a seat on the ground, watching the sunset. 
“Wanna see a trick?” Douxie suddenly asked. 
“Sure,” you replied. 
Douxie transformed his watch into a bracelet, scrolled through his runes and tapped on one. He waved his hand and sky blue magic roses started forming around you. You stared at them with awe. He magicked a few birds as well. 
“Douxie, where did you learn all this?” you asked as they faded. 
“I’ve been learning over the years. Master Merlin taught me, but only after my nonstop begging. He only taught me how to magic the castle in Camelot, the rest I taught myself,” Douxie explained. 
“Wow. Can you teach me? Please?” you requested. 
“I’ll teach you tomorrow. I have plans for us for the rest of the evening,” Douxie responded, getting up and lending you a hand. 
You took it and he pulled you up to your feet, only to be swept off of them by Douxie. He carried you in his arms, bridal-style. 
“Doux, you know I can walk myself back into the cabin, right?” you said. 
“I’m fully aware of that, but this is more fun,” he grinned, walking back into the cabin. 
He set you down on the couch and plopped himself next to you.
“So, what are the plans?” you questioned. 
“I’m not telling you, it a surprise. For now, you can go freshen up and get changed,” Douxie said, getting the TV remote and started to scroll through the channels. 
You headed into the room and got a pair of black jeans and a black hoodie, since it was starting to get a bit chilly. You walked into the bathroom and quickly took a shower. 
While you were getting freshened up, Douxie called Archie. 
“Hey, Arch! How’s it going over there?” Douxie asked. 
“Mostly good. Tobias here has ate most of your supply of popcorn, Jim is making pizza, Claire and Blinky are arguing over what movie to watch. Other then that, everything is cool over here. What about you?” Archie explained. 
“Good, just going to--” he started when he heard someone knock on the door. "Sorry Arch, I got to go. Oh, and tell me if anything and I mean if anything goes wrong." 
"Don't worry about it Douxie, you just enjoy your time with y/n," Archie reassured him. 
Douxie playfully rolled his eyes and disconnected Archie. He got up from the couch and opened the door to see Margaret. 
"Hey Margaret! What's up?" he asked. 
"I just came here to tell you that your special requested dinner is ready. You and your lovely lady can start heading over there," Margaret said. 
"Thanks Margaret!" Douxie said, as she walked away. 
Soon after, you came out of the bathroom, all freshened up. 
"Okay Douxie, I've freshened up, as you had requested," you said. 
"Great! Just wait five minutes and we'll be out the door," Douxie said, running into the bathroom. 
Exactly five minutes later, Douxie came out the bathroom. He was wearing the exact same thing as you, the only difference was that he had a plain hoodie while you had some type of pattern on the front. 
"Ready to go?" he asked. 
"You're the one who made me wait for five minutes."
"Oh, right." 
The two of you then headed into the woods, you having no idea why. Then you reached a clearing where there were fairy lights hanging around the trees, a small round dining table in the middle. There was food already set out on the plates, making your mouth water from the aroma. 
"Quick, we should probably start eating the food before it gets cold," Douxie whispered in your ear and pulled you to the table. 
Douxie took out the chair for you and you sat down. 
The two of you ate f/f while Douxie and you chatted away under the moonlight. While you were chewing, Douxie spoke, "Even if gravity didn't exist, I'd still be falling for you." 
You choked on your food, grabbing the glass of water in front of you and gulped it all down. After calming down a little bit, you fell silent.
"What made you want to use a pick up line on me?" you suddenly asked Douxie. 
"Cause I felt like it. Plus, I wanted to know how you would react," Douxie admitted. "Now, I know how you react to pick up lines." 
He burst out laughing while you were groaned at him. 
"Haha, very funny," you retorted. 
"Okay okay. I'll stop laughing. So, you done?" he asked. 
"Yep," you answered. 
"Okay, 'cause we're going now," Douxie said, getting up. 
You also stood up. 
"I know that I'm not going to get an answer, but we are we going?" you questioned. 
As you had guessed, Douxie didn't answer. He just said that it was a surprise, yet again. 
After about 10 minutes of trekking, you arrived at a cliff where you could clearly see the night sky. You could even see the Milky Way. That's how far the two of you are from the city lights and pollution. 
"Wow, Douxie, this is beautiful. I can see the Milky Way here," you commented, as the two of you sat down at the edge of the cliff. 
"Yeah, we're that far away from the city. I always knew that you took an interest in space, especially constellations and stars," Douxie said, wrapping an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. 
"Thank you for bringing me here, Douxie. This place is amazing," you said, resting your head on his shoulder. 
"Anything for you, my love," Douxie said, planting a kiss on your hair. 
The two of you spent the rest of the night stargazing. 
Credit: Gabby - IG: itsgabby.2021
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thelastdrop · 4 years
Festival 3: Past
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Blackpink Jisoo x Male Reader
5207 words
Categories: smut
Read on AFF
“… and that is why we would like to continue to aggressively pursue the use of your company’s electronics while we work to build more advanced models. Thank you.”
The words came into your right ear as your translator spoke into a small microphone they were given.
As the older Korean businessman finishes his presentation with a bow, you look over at Mr. Hegstad, the Vice President of your company, and see he’s begun to gather his belongings. You quickly followed his lead and gathered up all the papers that had been handed out during the meeting and tried to organize them quickly so you didn’t get left behind.
“Piglet don’t forget to take your earpiece out and give it back to our translator,” Mr. Hegstad said, “Having to replace those is a pain in the ass.”
“Yes, sir.” you replied.
‘Piglet’ a nickname that had been graciously given to you by Mr. Hegstad. Even though he was only five years older than you he was already VP of your company. Climbing the corporate ladder at such an astounding rate made him the envy of a lot of different corporations, who were seeking young executives they could start grooming to take over as the next CEO of their respective companies.
You took out your earpiece and placed it in the white bin labeled with some Korean characters and the word ‘EARPIECE’ below it in big black bold letters. As you looked up, you saw that Mr. Hegstad was already out the door of the conference room. Quickly shoving the documents inside your bag, you slung it across your body and squeezed your way through the crowd exiting the room.
Mr. Hegstad still had his head facing forward as you finally emerged on the other side of the door, giving you hope that he hadn't noticed your absence by his side yet. Sprinting after him, you brought yourself to a leisurely walk as you got closer.
“Glad you finally caught up Piglet,” he chuckles, “Thought I’d have to leave you behind.”
“Sorry for worrying you, Mr. Hegstad,” you sighed in defeat.
“Aw c'mon now you know I wouldn’t have actually left you alone in a country you don’t know, right? And for the love of god when it’s just you and me call me John,” he said, as he threw his arm over your shoulder. “I’m barely older than you and having you of all people call me Mr. Hegstad makes me feel way older than I am.”
“I’ll try my best,” you answered.
“That’s the spirit!” he exclaimed as he gave your chest a firm slap, “Now pleeeeeeease tell me we’re done for the day.”
You pulled out your phone and checked the detailed schedule Mr. Hegstad’s secretary gave to you before coming to South Korea.
When your boss called you into his office in the middle of the workday a few weeks ago you were worried you’d messed something up pretty bad. As he began to tell you of the opportunity you were being offered you weren’t sure if he was serious. You were chosen by the higher ups to accompany the VP of your company on a month long business trip to South Korea to act as his do-it-all man. It had only been six months since you started working here and you didn’t know what to say.
“But, why me? I don’t even speak Korean?” you asked dumbfounded.
“This is a position that’s given out every year.” your boss began, “Every year our company sends one of the executives to South Korea in order to talk about the following years business deals with the multiple companies we work with there.”
While you processed what he was saying to you, you couldn’t tell if this was a dream or not. As you tried to wrap your head around it, living in South Korea for a whole month seemed wild to you. You don’t know the first thing about South Korea: the food, the language, the culture. Just then you're brought back into the moment as your boss continues.
“Now this isn’t an easy job,” he waned in a serious tone, “but it can prove to be a great starting point for your future at the company. Those who do a good job and earn the respect of the executive they travel with swiftly rise the ranks here. Mr. Hegstad was given that opportunity 4 years ago and look at where he is now. It also didn’t hurt that he went with the current CEO of the company.”
“I’ll take it!” you blurted out.
“Oh ho ho, an eager one I see,” he laughed, “well I hope you don’t end up regretting it. People who don’t do a good job end up with a much harder battle when looking for promotions.” He gestured out to an older man in his late 30s early 40s with the same job title as you.
“I-I won’t,” you stuttered out.
Over the next several weeks you would meet with Mr. Hegstad’s secretary and learn as much as you could about him. What he liked to drink after a long day's work, what his favorite snack was, what he liked to do to relax, even which side of the car he prefered to sit on. Anything and everything you could try and memorize you did, you also took sometime to look up some basic things about South Korea so you wouldn’t make a complete fool of yourself when you got there.
The day before you leave you met one last time with his secretary who gave you the itinerary for your trip. Every day laid out with the meetings, lunches, and dinners Mr. Hegstad was going to have while you were there. As you turned away from her desk to leave for the day, she wished you good luck with a smile.
“So are we done?” Mr. Hegstad asked again as you approached the elevator doors.
You locked your phone and put it back into your pocket, turning to him you said the three words he wanted to hear more than any other three words right now, “Yes, we’re done.”
He collapsed to his knees and wrapped his arms around your waist.
“Oh thank you, thank you sweet merciful god,” he said as he fake wept into your stomach.
“Si-Sir please get up, people are staring,” you said as you pull on the collar of his jacket to no avail. The elevator doors opened, luckily, with no one inside.
“Mr. Hegstad, please the elevator is here.” Once again you were only met with more fake weeping. You reached out and stuck your hand in the elevator to hold the doors open.
“JOHN!” you say loudly causing him to look up at you with puppy dog eyes. You motion toward the elevator, seeing that it had arrived he slowly rose to his feet giving you a pat on the shoulder as he entered the elevator. You rolled your eyes and then bowed to the crowd in an apologetic manner as you followed John onto the elevator.
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhh,” John let out a sigh as he stretched his arms upwards, “So what are we doing tonight? This is the first night I've been free since we both got here so why don’t we go and do something fun?”
“I don’t know if I have it in me, s- I mean John.”
A grin spreads across his face as he heard you say his name, “Come on Piglet you spend most of your nights working so hard. Just take one night off and come drinking with me. I promise I won’t drag you to any clubs.”
You let out a long sigh knowing no matter how much you tried you weren’t getting out of this one. Looking at your watch and seeing that it was nearly 7 you knew you had to put your foot down.
“Fine, but only ONE beer then I have to get back to our hotel and get your documents in order for your day tomorrow.”
The doors to the elevator opened and you both began walking toward the entrance of the building where your car was waiting.
“Hey if that’s all I can get outta you Piglet then I’ll take it,” John said with a satisfied look on his face.
After returning to the hotel and getting changed you heard a knock on your door.
“Ohhhhh Piglet your best buddy is here to take you out for some fuuuuuun,” you heard John yelling behind the door to your room.
You opened the door and saw John in a very casual outfit. He was wearing a white shirt with a jean jacket over the top and a necklace with some kind of pendant on it hanging into his chest. That accompanied with the dark jeans he had on, gave you the sense that you were not dressed well enough to be seen with him.
“Heeeeyyyaaaah, what are you wearing?” he hasped with a horrified look on his face. “Nope nope nope you’re not going out like that. How are you going to end up with a girl tonight looking like that?”
“Ending up with a girl tonight?” you said confused as he brushed by you entering your room, “I thought I told you one beer and then I need to come back here and get ready for your day tomorrow.”
He started going through your closet and looking at the clothes you brought on the trip. “Yeah yeah, I know what you said,” he peeked his head out and looked at you, “but you need to learn how to live a little. You’re always so serious and I’m gonna make sure you get to unwind tonight.”
John dove back into your closet making various noises as he looked through your wardrobe. Some in disgust, some in indifference, and very few times in surprise at your choices, which you weren’t able to tell is a good or bad thing. Finally he came out with a handful of clothes and a pair of brown loafers.
He looked at you and then back at the clothes impatiently, “Well hurry up and change! Come on Piglet we’re losing time here!” He shouted at you.
You quickly picked up the clothes and headed into the bathroom. After you changed into your new outfit, you looked at yourself in the mirror. John had picked out a white short sleeve button up that had tiny dark blue dots on it and some dark gray pants. As you walked back out of the bathroom and into the room John gave you a curious look, like he was trying to understand a piece of artwork.
“Ah, I’ve got it,” he said as he rushed over to you. He then rolled your sleeves up until they were just below your shoulders and your pant legs up to show your ankles. He took a step back and looked upon his creation once more. He put all of his fingers to his mouth and gave a chef's kiss.
“Perfect, you’re definitely getting laid tonight,” he said with a wink as he walked beside you and put his arm on your shoulder, spinning you around so you were both linked up as you left your room.
Once you’re out of the hotel you both began walking, John vigilantly looked for a place where you two could have a good night. You passed a lot of places that seemed more than fitting for what you were looking to get out of the night.
“This is the place,” John blurted out, taking a hard left while he grabbed your sleeve and pulled you in with him. As you stepped into the bar, it looked like you stepped into another dimension.
Stepping off from the busy streets of Seoul, you were now in a quiet bar with light music playing. The all wooden interior gave you a very warm and comfortable feeling. The simplistic designs made into the woodwork on the ceiling and walls counteracted the curved support beams that sprang up from the floor and into the ceiling. There were two levels both with similar seating arrangements from what you could tell, a mixture of granite hightops and tables with the same red felt chairs at every location. The last thing that stood out was the long granite bar that stretched along the entire wall on the lower level.
John looked for some kind of staff and started talking to them in Korean.
“They said we can sit wherever we want and someone will come around to get our drink orders,” John relayed to you, “Let’s grab that open table right there.”
As you both sat down at the table you took a look around at the individuals in the bar. It seemed like a younger crowd, all of them around the same ages of you and John. John caught you looking and slapped you on the arm.
“See anyone you like Piglet?”
“Why do you call me that?”
“What? Piglet?” he teased before letting out a chuckle as you nodded back at him. “Well the first time I walked by where you work I saw you had a little Piglet plushie on your desk, and since I’m horrible at remembering new employees names I just called you Piglet and it stuck with me.”
“But can’t you just call me by my first name at this point,” you complained in an annoyed manner, “I mean, you’re making me call you by your first name.”
“No can do Piglet. You are locked in my brain as Piglet now and so shall you forever be called,” Josh said in a medieval-esque voice.
You let out a long sigh as a waitress approached your table. John took over and ordered both of your drinks. You both had small talk about what it had been like here so far, you asked John how about his experiences on this trip when he was where you were, and you both just passed the time having a good chat.
As you tipped your glass back for one final swig of the dark beer that was left in it you are stopped before the liquid can touch your lips. One of the most stunning women you had ever laid your eyes on had just walked into the bar. She had long black hair that fell down past her chest. She was wearing a slightly oversized all white button up with only her 3rd and 4th button being used revealing what looked to be a black crop top that stopped before her skirt began giving you a glimpse of her midriff. A black, dark gray and light gray plaid almost see through skirt was fashioned around her waist.
John seeing you stuck in place followed your line of sight and saw who you were staring at.
“Bingo,” he said as he rose from his seat making his way to where the woman was walking.
“Wait, John, no there’s no way I can talk to her,” you pleaded as you reached for his arm as he walked away, “I don’t even know Korean.”
“Stop worrying so much.” he teased, “It’s going to be a lot more embarrassing if I have to point you out to her than if you make the first move.” John said as he turned and continued walking toward the woman as she took a seat at the bar.
You debated whether you should just leave quickly and head back to the hotel or try and beat John to the woman. After only a couple seconds of deliberation, you quickly sprang out of your chair and rushed past John as you filled the seat next to the Korean woman.
“H-Hi,” you stuttered out. “Hello,” she responds with a Korean accent. Not knowing what to say you just sat there and stared at the beautiful woman in front of you. After a few moments that seemed like an eternity you felt something heavy crash around your shoulder. You looked over to see John standing above you, he gave you a wink before he talked with her in korean
You just sat there and smiled awkwardly while they talked. The only thing that you were able to pick out of the conversation is one word, Piglet. As soon as the word is mentioned you see her look at you and then back to John, she then pointed at you and said something you would think meant “Him?”. She then covered her mouth and began laughing while John did the same. Once the laughter died down and you sat there red in the face, John took his arm off your shoulder and leaned down into your ear.
“I’m leaving. Her name is Jisoo. Good luck Piglet.” he whispered and then rose back up and said goodbye to the two of you. As you watched him exit the bar you heard her sweet voice once more.
“So… Piglet.” she said.
“Well, um, you see he-” but your stammering is cut off by one word.
“Cute” she said with a smile as she looked you in the eyes.
All of the fear and embarrassment you had felt were washed away with one simple word that came out of this angel sitting before you. You felt as if all of the stress from the trip so far had melted away, leaving you in a complete state of relaxation.
“Yeah…,” you said, “cute.”
She nodded in affirmation.
“So… Jisoo, right?”
“Yes,” she answered back with a little bounce.
“Do you speak English a lot?” you asked.
“No… but I… learn for my job,” she said, proud of herself for finishing her sentence. “So we can… speak to make easier.”
“Okay.” you said as an uncontrollable grin wipes across your face causing Jisoo’s face to mimic your own.
For the next hour or longer you both sat together, talking as best you could about anything. You both began to get more comfortable around one another and finally Jisoo put her hand on top of yours and looked deep into your eyes.
“You… me… go to room together?”
As soon as you stepped through the threshold of your hotel room, you were both on top of each other. Jisoo had pushed you back against the door causing it to close with a loud clack. She pushed her soft lips on yours surprising you at first, but you quickly recovered matching her movements. As you moved your hands through her open shirt to her exposed lower back, you pulled her deeper into you as you kissed. The feeling of her lips moving against yours was nothing short of spectacular, but you craved more. You pushed your tongue against her lips, looking for permission to access the warm, wet area behind them. When her lips parted an equally enthusiastic tongue darted out and began massaging your own. Trying to taste as much of her as you could you forced your tongue into her mouth. After several minutes of this back and forth, you pulled away gasping for air. A single string of saliva kept you two connected.
Your hands swiftly came around and worked at the two buttons holding her loose shirt in place as you began to walk her out of the short entrance hallway and into your room. She then began frantically doing the same to you shirt trying to be careful while walking backwards. As you finished her second button you pushed her shirt down over her shoulders trapping her arms against her body. She strained against your hold wanting to continue her objective and remove your shirt, only making it about half way down before you took control. You stood there at the precipice of your room using all your strength to hold her arms at her sides while trying not to rip the thin shirt.
Staring into her eyes you could see only one thing in them, lust. Pure lust. A wanting for you, a needing for you to do whatever you wanted to her. She was totally and completely yours for however long you would have her. You dove back into her capturing her lips once more, releasing the hold you had on her arms in the process. She moved quickly, taking her wrinkled shirt off and throwing it across the room as it left her body. Once again your slow march toward the bed began as your tongues battled for dominance. Your attention turned to your own shirt undoing the remaining button’s Jisoo failed to reach. Jisoo suddenly broke the kiss as she fell backwards onto your bed, her limbs sprawled out across its surface. The picture of this gorgeous Korean woman laid out across your white sheets looked like something the gods had intended to make a reality the moment she was born.
You slowly began to crawl over the top of her body, moving your face closer and closer to her own until your lips were inches apart. Jisoo lunged forward taking your lips once again and throwing her arms around your back, lightly digging her nails into it. This embrace was short lived as you began to trail kisses down her neck to her shoulder. With one hand you grabbed the small black crop top that was the only thing between you and her breasts. Jisoo moved to help you arching her back off the bed giving you the access you required. Leaning back, you grabbed the shirt and pulled it over her head as she stretched her arms upwards along the bed.
With her back still arched you moved down and took her erect nipple into your mouth, eliciting a moan out of the woman beneath you. Swirling your tongue around it in circles you massaged it, as you moved your other hand up her body capturing the ample tit in your palm. You began working it, squeezing it trying to earn more moans and gasps out of Jisoo. Pinching her left nipple between your fingers and biting down on her earned a deep moan from her. Liking what you heard you switched positions and repeated the process.
Feeling satisfied with the work you had done you once again began training kisses down her tight stomach. Inching closer to the waist line of her skirt you reached and seized it with your hands and began pulling it down giving you even more skin to worship. The trail of kissing continued down her stomach stopping at her navel giving it a kiss, earning a small giggle out of Jisoo. Your fingers gripped her panties signaling you to bring yourself up. As you brought yourself up onto one knee on the edge of the bed Jisoo closed her legs together allowing you to remove her two remaining articles of clothing.
As they slid off you got a good view of just how thick and meaty her thighs actually were. Staring at them as they parted giving you a clear view of her clean shaven slit caused your dick to strain against its pants. You put your hands under those thick thighs and lifted her up off the bed and pushed her further back so you could lie down as you approached her wet lips. Without warning you dove deep into her wet cavern, your tongue exploring as far as it could go. Her hands instantaneously started running through your hair trying to grasp as much of it as she could letting out a pleasured moan.
“Feels… so good…” Jisoo moaned.
Your assault continues as Jisoo tries to pull you deeper into her, waking to feel herself more full. As you hear her breathing start becoming labored you latch onto her clit and suck on it harshly. Jisoo’s thighs clamp around your head as she curls up into a ball and rolls on her side.
“Yes! Yes! Yes!” she chanted before she rolled back to her previous position and went rigid.
Jisoo’s sweet honey leaked out of her and coated your chin. You hungrily began to lap up as much of the liquid as you could. As you lifted your face from between her legs you watched as Jisoo’s chest rose and fell in rhythm with her breathing. She extended her arms outwards towards you.
“Come here,” she gasped between breaths.
She embraced you with another sloppy kiss as she tried to lick up her juice that covered your face. As you move up, your erect cock, still trapped in your pants, rubbed up against Jisoo’s crotch. A hum escaped her lips and she pushed her hips against yours. You broke the kiss and matched her moan with a much lower one of your own as you started humping into her, soaking the outside of your pants.
You looked down her body and watched as her abs flexed and relaxed with each movement of her hips, sending even more blood to your throbbing member. Jisoo grabbed your chin and made you lock eyes.
“Want inside.”
“Me too,” you responded to her breathlessly.
Immediately you rose to your feet and pulled your pants and briefs off and tossed them to the side. At the sight of you dick standing proud before her Jisoo bit down on her index finger. You lined your cock up above her slit and slowly pushed it inside making the two of you groan and moan in unison. You were able to slide it with relative ease but her tightness around your cock made the pleasure rise to an entirely different level.
Her walls clamped around your shaft, gripping it tightly as you settled into the sensations that were flowing through you. Grabbing handfuls of her thighs you pushed deeper feeling that same incredible tightness as it engulfed your whole dick.
“Fuck, you’re so tight,” you growled.
“Y-you are so big. Do not stop.” Jisoo moaned.
You drew your hips back and pushed them forward and a slow and steady pace, wanting Jisoo to get used to your size. She began moaning at your motions moving her body to match your movements.
“Harder,” she let out breathlessly as you looked at her.
You upped your pace and chased after the satisfaction that you both craved. Jisoo’s moans grew much louder as your dick continuously hit her g-spot. It wasn’t long before her legs started shaking from the intense pleasure she was feeling.
Liking the reaction you were getting you increased your pace again, pistoning your dick in and out of her wet pussy. Her warm walls contracted against you as you mercilessly pounded this woman into the bed. You leaned down placing your arms on the side of her head and captured her lips. She continued moaning into your mouth, but you felt safer knowing you that no one would come in and interrupt what you two were doing.
Jisoo moved her arms under yours and dug her nails into your back. Wincing at the pain, but loving the feeling you did not stop thrusting in and out of her cunt. Her legs snaked around you, keeping you in place and not allowing you to leave.
“Please… do not stop,” Jisoo whispered out to you between her moans.
Feeling her reaching another climax you reached your hand down and found her clit. Almost as soon as you put pressure on it Jisoo’s eyes rolled back into her head. More and more liquids seeped out of her as you slowed your strokes as she began coming down. Both of you breathing heavily for a couple of seconds trying to regain yourselves.
As Jisoo looked at you a very satisfied smile came across her face, causing you to do the same.
“We… switch?” she asked between her breaths still smiling at you.
As if on cue you flipped your positions, Jisoo now sitting on top of your groin, your dick still completely inside her. Without a moment of hesitation Jisoo placed her hands on your chest and began riding you almost animalistically. She knew what she wanted and how to get it and chased after it as hard as she possibly could.
“Holy shit Jisoo,” you groaned as your dick was experiencing what felt like an undiscovered pleasure.
All you could manage was to move your hands to her hips as she rode you violently. After a few minutes of this she finally began slowing down. Upon seeing this opening you planted your feet firmly into the mattress and fucked up into her.
“Oooh my GOD!” Jisoo yelled as she bounced on top of your relentless thrusts.
Watching her ample boobs bounce in front of you was something too enticing to ignore. You reached your hands up and grabbed them both roughly not slowing your thrusts down for a second. Another loud moan escaped Jisoo as she felt pleasure coming from multiple places on her body. The loud slaps of your groin meeting her thighs and plump ass filled the room.
You could sense that your end was quickly approaching and returned your hands to Jisoo’s hips. Sensing what was coming as your cock grew even bigger inside her, she leaned down to you and captured your lips. Wordlessly you knew what she wanted. You lasted only a few more thrust before you unloaded deep inside her. Thick ropes coated her walls as you threw her arms around her pulling her in for a deeper kiss.
This was not like the rest of the kisses you had experienced throughout the night. This was a deep and sensual kiss that had no tongue, or movement, just two pairs of lips firmly on one another. As you felt yourself soften and fall out Jisoo, she finally pulled away from you.
“That was amazing,” she said in almost perfect English.
“You were amazing.”
Jisoo smiled at you and gave you a quick peck on the lips before rolling out of bed and walking toward your bathroom.
“We clean now?” she asked you.
You quickly jumped out of bed and picked her up, making her smile and laugh, as you carried her into the bathroom.
You woke up the next morning to knocking on your door. You sat up quickly and looked at the watch on your nightstand. 7:41 it read. You jumped out of bed quickly and threw on some pants rushing to the door. As you undid the locks and opened it John stood before you dressed and ready for the day.
“Forget to set an alarm there Piglet,” he said looking you up and down.
“Well, uh,” was all you could let out before John looked deeper into your room and saw another figure laying on your bed still sleeping.
He chuckled to himself as he looked back at you, “Take the day off Piglet. We start again bright and early tomorrow,” he said with what you could only assume was a happy look on his face.
A/N Hope you guys liked this! After I saw Jisoo post this picture on insta I felt like I had to write something for her. This chapter is one that I feel most proud of for sure and I hope you all enjoy reading it. Like always leave a comment below with any feedback.
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therealvalkyrie · 4 years
Painter’s Hands and Guatemalan Coffee: Part 4
the ackerman influence
Pairing/setting: Levi Ackerman x Female!Reader, modern!college!AU
Summary: When you catch your idiot boyfriend cheating, your grumpy roommate is there to pick up the pieces and watch your back as you toe a carefully drawn line in the metaphorical sand.  
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: consumption of alcohol and weed products, intoxication, swearing, pretty dang fluffy
AN: SURPRISE BITCHES it’s out tonight!! An infinite thank you belongs to my beloved @ghostlightprincess for her keen eye for editing and swoon-worthy compliments and encouragements. Seriously, this chapter is dedicated entirely to her. I hope y’all enjoy!! I hope y’all appreciate the love I gave Sasha this chapter because........reasons. Pleease feel free to come scream/squeal/chat in my DMs or askbox! In love with you all<3 ~valkyrie
(read part 3 here)
“Here, thisun ‘sblue!” Hange slurs as she passes you yet another shot glass with Greek letters etched on the side.
“Mmm, I like blue,” you giggle, then clink your shot with hers before you both tip your heads back to pour the liquor down your throats. It tastes inexplicably like turquoise, and you laugh loudly over the thumping dance music in approval. 
The poor freshman charged with staffing the drinks table eyes the pair of you skeptically. “Maybe you two should slow down, you seem like you’ve had enough—”
You round on him, offense written across your face. He’s definitely right, but you aren’t exactly gonna let some pimply, snot-nosed teen tell you how to drink. “Woah, Nelly, this ain’t cocktail hour, this is fuckin’ Greek row an’ I won’t have your judgment,” you waggle a finger in his general direction for emphasis, “harsh my vibe.”
“You tell ‘em, girlfriend,” Hange approves vaguely, hanging off your shoulder.
The freshman holds his hands up in defeat, amused. “No judgment.”
You nod once. 
“C’mon, Han, let’s see if we can find the snacks.”
You turn away from the drinks table to do just that, angling towards where you remember the kitchen to be — honestly, this frat is huge — and set off through the crowd. Hange trails after you, fingers tangled with yours like they have been all night, yammering on about something you can’t be bothered to follow.
“‘Scuse us, comin’ through, on a mission!” You push past jostling bodies until you reach the far wall and lean against it for the last leg of your epic journey to the fluorescent lights of the kitchen.
Someone calls your name and you look up through squinted eyes to see Sasha leaned up against the counter by the fridge, bowl of chips in her arms and dab pen tucked behind her ear. She’s dressed casually, sweatpants and DIY cropped t-shirt contrasting your jeans and flashy top.
“Sasha! My love! My dearest, sweetest darling!” You stretch your arms wide towards her, Hange jolting forward where you’re connected. “We come in search of snacks.”
Sasha laughs and lazily deposits her bowl on the counter, stepping forward to stabilize you both with a hand on your shoulder. “You’ve come to the right place, my friends.”
She steers you both to sit at the island, wedging you between the only other two people in the kitchen. You vaguely recognize them as soccer players on the university team: a shaggy-haired brunette and a tall blonde. Sasha passes you her dab pen before ambling over to the pantry. You take a hit, then pass it to Hange, who’s looking much better now that she’s sitting down.
“Sash, these your friends?” the blonde asks, peering down at you through red-rimmed hazel eyes. You pluck the pen out of Hange’s limp grasp and offer it to him in greeting, along with a drunk smile. He takes it and grins back.
“Yep,” Sasha confirms with half her body still stuck into the pantry. “It’s the mad scientist one and the architect.”
“Almost architect,” you correct. “Not official until I have my degree! Although, I will agree, Han’s a mad scientist.” You poke her in the side and she swats you away with an eye roll.
“Oh,” the brunette soccer player pipes up from Hange’s other side, now looking at you curiously as well. He’s also high, startling green eyes hooded and posture relaxed. “So you’re Braun’s ex.”
You hide your shudder of distaste by turning back to take a drag off the pen. “Please don’t tell me that’s all I’m known for,” you sigh out with a cloud of smoke.
“Eren, don’t be an ass.” Sasha finally returns with a box of chocolate pretzels and a bag of hot Cheetos. “Pick your poison, hot stuff,” she offers each in turn. You ponder for a second, then reach for the Cheetos. “That’s Eren—” she points to the brunette, who raises a lazy hand “—and that’s Jean—” the blonde reaches for the pretzels. Sasha makes an offended noise and cradles them to her chest.
You introduce both yourself and Hange while Sasha plays defense against Jean’s long reach.
“Sorry,” Eren apologizes to you, leaning over Hange to grab some Cheetos. “I heard what he did to you. Really shitty.” His tone is casual, but the way he’s practically pinning you in place with his eyes makes you twitch.
“Puh-lease,” Hange pulls out the word, long and sarcastic. “‘Twas more than shitty, what that douche did. I’d’ve wrung him out to dry, but she didn’t—”
You cut her off with a sharp poke to her side. “Drop it, Han, I don’t wanna think about it.”
“But— ooh!” She’s sufficiently distracted when you shove your food in front of her face.
“Sorry,” Eren apologizes again.
“S’okay,” you sigh and take another drag, then hold the pen out to him in a peace offering. He smiles slowly and takes it.
“You guys staying over? There’s plenty of room in the basement, and friends of Sasha’s are always welcome.” It’s Jean who offers, returning to his seat beside you with a singular pretzel for his trouble.
“Hmm, might be nice,” Hange muses, but you’re already shaking your head.
“Thank you, but my roommate’d probably have a conniption if I wasn’t home in the morning.”
Hange actually snorts at this, then starts coughing violently because of the hot Cheeto dust suddenly up her nose. You pat her back in mild concern.
“What, they got a stick up their ass or something?” Eren asks.
“Or something. Levi’s just protective.”
“Levi?” Eren’s eyes are suddenly wide, almost fearful. “Levi Ackerman?”
“Yeah.” Your tone edges on defensive. “Why?”
He takes a hit and shrugs before answering. “He’s just my foster sister’s cousin. Interesting family.”
“Oh, you mean Mikasa?” You didn’t know exactly how they were related, but she’d helped Levi move in and it had struck you how eerily similar they were in disposition.
“Yeah, Mikasa. She’s around here somewhere…” As though by magic, he turns to look over his shoulder just as Mikasa and another blonde boy you don’t recognize mosey in from the hallway. She’s leaning down to catch his soft words and he’s talking with his hands, stalling as his eyes light on the little group in the kitchen.
“Oh, hey guys,” he greets. 
“Armiiiin,” Eren greets with a genuine smile. “Come meet some new friends.”
The pair rounds the kitchen island, Armin allowing Eren to pull him in by the arm and Mikasa going to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Sasha. 
“I know you,” Hange pipes up, tilting her head to observe Armin. “You’re in the sophomore biochem class I TA for. Arlert, right?”
Armin ducks his head in a nod. “Yep. Professor LaBelle is a wonder, I had a great time this semester.”
“She is, isn’t she?” Hange’s grin is almost slipping to the dangerous side of intrigued. “I graded your final paper, by the way, and just between us, you set the grade curve.”
He blushes red but his eyes shine with something akin to satisfaction. “Really? That’s a relief, it was a bear to write.”
Eren leans back behind Hange to gesture to you, looking across the kitchen at his foster sister. “Mikasa, this is—”
“—Levi’s roommate,” they say at the same time.
“I know.” Her dark eyes regard you interestedly. “Hi, again,” she greets, saying your name even though she’s maybe heard it once in her life.
“Hi!” You give a small wave.
“What, uh, what,” Jean clears his throat and you look up at him to catch a blush staining across his cheeks and nose. He’s looking at Mikasa. “What’re you guys up to in the basement?”
“We were just going to start a movie, Connie’s setting up the projector,” Mikasa says, eyes flicking from you to Eren. “Wanted to see if you guys wanted to join.”
Jean stands suddenly, his stool rocking from the force of it. “Y-yeah, we’ll join!” Sasha hides a snicker behind her hand.
Eren stands, too, between Armin and Hange, who are still chatting. He looks down at you and says your name like a question. “You coming?”
You find yourself shaking your head again. “I’m so crossed, I think if I even look at a couch I’ll fall asleep. And I, uh,” you yawn, slipping your phone out of a back pocket to check the time. 12:11 AM. “I should be getting home.”
It’s earlier than when you would normally call it quits, but suddenly all you can think about is going home and falling into Levi’s clean, soft-smelling sheets. Plus, it’s the Saturday preceding finals week and tonight was only meant to blow off steam between intense days of studying.
“You stayin’?” You bump Hange with your shoulder, and she looks around at you with wide eyes as though she forgot you were there.
“You stayin’ for the movie?”
“We’re watching It: Chapter Two,” Armin supplies, eyes crinkled in excitement.
Hange’s eyes grow impossibly wider behind her glasses and she grabs your elbow a little too hard. “You wouldn’t mind, right? I’ve been meaning to watch it.”
You smile and shake your head. “Wouldn’t mind at all. You stay, I’ll call an Uber.”
The whole group starts migrating in the lazy way drunk and high people do: Mikasa helps Sasha with the snacks; Eren and Jean grab canned drinks from the fridge; Armin and Hange gravitate towards the door, talking fast with words you’ve never heard before. You stay sitting at the island, tapping away at your phone to order a car.
When you stand to find the front door, your high hits you from behind like a fuckin’ baseball bat and you sway dangerously. You whistle through your teeth, low and soft, planting a hand on the counter. Sasha looks over at you in concern, her arms full.
“You okay, babe?”
“Yeah, I just… what is in that dab pen?”
She laughs, head tilting back. “Good shit, right? Got that one new last week.”
“For real…” you trail off, getting your bearings.
“Here,” Mikasa starts, piling even more food into Sasha’s arms, “I’ll walk you out. Levi would skin me if he knew I didn’t make sure your driver’s not an ax murderer.”
Normally, you’d protest, but the room really is starting to spin.
“Okay,” you sigh and allow her to hook your arm through hers. She’s surprisingly solid, and you find yourself leaning heavily into her. “How’re you still sober?”
“I don’t drink or smoke,” she answers, gently pushing past Armin standing in the doorway. “Doesn’t affect me, anyway, so it’d just be a waste of money.”
“Huh,” you grunt, then twist to wave to the group. “Night, everyone.”
A replying chorus of “goodnight” chases you and Mikasa through the dark foyer littered with drunken party-goers. 
“Oh, wait,” she pauses with a hand on the doorknob. “Did you bring a jacket?”
“Oh,” you wrinkle your nose and think back to getting ready in the afternoon. It had been unseasonably warm and your coat didn’t match your outfit. “No, I didn’t bring one.”
Mikasa gives you an odd look and deposits you by the door. “I’ll be right back.”
Your body feels light as you lean back, tucking your hands into your armpits so they don’t float away. Your eye catches on movement in the dark shadows by the staircase and you squint, trying to see who’s there. It takes a second, but you eventually make out a pair of people, well… making out. They’re completely absorbed in each other, bodies impossibly close and you giggle quietly to yourself before your stomach rolls. No, don’t think about… too late.
You shut your eyes tight and turn away from the couple to lean sideways against the wall. The image is too similar, too gut-punchingly familiar.
“Didn’t mean what? Didn’t mean to stick your tongue down my best friend’s throat? Didn’t mean to practically fuck your best friend’s girlfriend in public?”
The biting words and stuttered apologies are still rolling around in your head when Mikasa comes back, thick puffer coat in hand. She hands it to you and you mutter a subdued “thanks,” twitching to dislodge the dull pain that’s settled in your ribs.
“It’s Eren’s, but he won’t mind. He doesn’t wear this one a lot, and you can just give it back next time we see you.”
“Right,” you nod, head moving a little too easily as you slip your arms in and fumble with the zipper. The faux fur around the hood tickles your face as Mikasa flips it up over your head. She’s clearly experienced in the art of taking care of intoxicated people.
Outside, you’re grateful you bundled up because the temperature has dropped significantly since the afternoon. Chilly December wind bites at your face and you bury your hands in coat pockets to save them from the same fate. Your fingers brush against something cold and metallic, and before you know it you’re pulling out a fistful of crumby objects: a super plus tampon, the packaging split down the side; two “for her pleasure” condoms; and, inexplicably, a Hot Wheels matchbox car. An ugly snort escapes your nose and Mikasa looks over at you in alarm. You raise up your fist and she chuckles through her nose as well. Squinting in the dim light of a flickering streetlamp, you find the expiration date on the condoms to be several months ago, so you lean over to a convenient trash can and toss both them and the tampon. The matchbox car returns to the pocket. Who knows, maybe Eren’ll miss it if it’s gone.
Mikasa doesn’t look affected by the cold, only winding her red scarf more securely around her neck as you both quietly wait on the sidewalk for your Uber. A quick glance at the app tells you that it’s three minutes away.
“Are you and Levi close?” You find yourself asking into the night sounds of Greek Row on a Saturday night.
You almost think she doesn’t hear you over the sound of a group spilling out of a neighboring sorority, but then she answers.
“Not particularly. We didn’t grow up together and only connected because of Uncle Kenny a couple years ago.” Her tone is light and casual as she talks about her family, as though you should know who Uncle Kenny is. Should I know who Uncle Kenny is?
“Oh,” is all you can think to say.
“We may not be close,” she starts again, eyeing you closely, “but I think we’re very similar. And I can tell he cares a lot about you.”
“Oh. Right.” Your palms are suddenly sweaty in your pockets.
“He may not show it,” her tone is careful, “But he does.”
You smile faintly and kick your boot against the curb. “He does show it, in his own way. He’s been really good to me.” Somehow, it’s easy to talk about this to Mikasa, even when you get all stuttery and weird having an identical conversation with Hange. Maybe it’s the drugs and alcohol, or maybe it’s because there’s not a hint of judgment in Mikasa’s eyes. Either way, it feels good to speak your feelings into the world.
“Good.” She nods and follows your gaze to where you’re still scuffing the curb. “Some unsolicited advice for you: if you ever want anything besides mutual pining to come out of it, you need to be really obvious. Or make the first move outright.”
This makes you stutter and wring your hands, she just puts it so bluntly. “R-right, the first move…. Oh, I think that’s my car.”
“What’s the license plate number we’re looking for?”
You read it out from the app while Mikasa steps to the back of the blue sedan that just pulled up. She nods, confirming it’s the same, then circles to the driver’s side window, which is cracked open.
“Hi,” you greet the driver, a blonde woman in her late twenties, and confirm her name matches the one in the app before sliding into the back seat. Mikasa leans down to murmur something to her and she nods, glancing back at you in the rearview mirror.
“G’night, Mikasa,” you call out the window. “Thanks for everything. And tell Eren thanks for the jacket.”
She waves as the car pulls away. You settle into the quiet hum of the car and let your mind wander. 
Mutual pining. Make the first move outright….
“Mikasa texted me,” Levi says by way of greeting as you stumble out of the car and thank your driver. He’s leaning on a lamp post outside your apartment building when your Uber pulls up, jacket and boots pulled on over flannel pajamas. 
“Levi, stand ominously on the sidewalk often?” you ask, dragging out his name long and sing-song.
“Only for you, kid.” He loops an arm around your waist and steers you towards the entryway
“Not a kid,” you grumble, masking the stutter of your heart at his usual pet name for you. Somewhere in the last couple of weeks, it’s gained a weightier significance, at least to you. It’s endearing and a little distancing and charged all at once and it makes your head spin as you climb the stairs up to your floor.
At your door, Levi unlocks it while you drift slowly in a circle next to him, trying to expend the sudden nervous energy you’ve gained in his presence.
The first move, first move, first move… Mutual pining. Mutual.
“What are you muttering about?”
You hadn’t realized you were thinking out loud.
“Nothing,” you say quickly and pass through the door he’s holding open for you. Your momentum carries you farther than you mean to go, and he catches you by the elbow, reeling you back to the coat rack by the door.
“Whose jacket is that?” He shrugs off his own and eyes the faux fur around your face skeptically.
You fumble with the zipper for a second before he sighs and reaches for it himself, stepping into your space. His face is so close to yours you can feel his breath ghosting over your collarbone as he unzips the jacket.
“Eren’s,” you finally answer. “Look.” You pull the matchbox car out of its pocket and show it to Levi with a wide grin. He stares at it for a second, then the tiniest smile twitches onto his lips.
“He’s a weird kid.” It’s almost fond, with an undertone of exasperation.
“You know him?”
“Yeah, he’s in the art department, too. Graphic design major, marketing minor. I TAed his freshman seminar last year.” Levi slips the coat off your shoulders as he speaks, then hangs it by the loop next to his. 
“Ah, that makes sense,” you muse, wandering farther into the apartment. “He looked terrified when I mentioned you. What’d you do to those poor freshmen?”
“Nothing they didn’t deserve.”
“...ominous,” you hiss, your eyes wide as you let him gently push you into your room. The nervous energy hasn’t quite been expended, and you find your hands wringing with it. Suddenly, you’re rambling about your night as he sits you down on your bed among the laundry that’s taken residence there in its disuse. The stupid song they played at the first frat; Sasha’s excellent food; the blue mystery shot.
“It tasted like turquoise, I swear, Levi! It was like magic!” Your eyes are wide, insistent as you lean forward into his space.
“How does something taste like turquoise?” He ducks his head to avoid your face, fingers untying the knotted laces of your boots.
“You’re the artist, you tell me.”
“I don’t eat my paint.”
“Not even once? Not gonna lie, your paint looks very tasty, sometimes…”
“Are you always this annoying when you’re high?” He tugs the second boot off your foot as you let yourself fall back onto your bed.
“Come on, you love me,” you crow to the ceiling. Mutual pining.
Levi mutters something under his breath.
“Nothing. Where do you keep your pajamas?” He stands and looks around your room.
“Middle drawer, left side,” you direct, lazily motioning to your dresser with an arm. Your eyes flutter shut as you listen to Levi pick his way across the floor and slide the drawer open.
Normally, you can get yourself in bed after a night out just fine. Normally, you slip into the apartment making as little noise as possible, and fall into bed without Levi even waking up. But it feels nice to have his steady hands on you when it feels like your organs might start floating apart at any second. It’s anchoring and reassuring and you can feel the safety of being near him lulling you into a doze.
Come on, you love me.
You shoot up to sitting, mind whirling and chest tight. “L-Levi?”
“D-do…” Do you love me? “Do you think I’m pretty?” It feels petty in your mouth and you immediately regret the words, but it would be worse to try and take them back, so you just bite your lip and look down at the floor.
A hand plops onto the top of your head. Levi’s gray eyes meet yours, soft with something you can’t describe, when he tilts your head up. He’s quiet for a moment, then reaches his other hand to thumb your bottom lip out from between your teeth.
“I think you’re very pretty.”
(read part 5 here)
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jadedlavendergemini · 4 years
A Summer To Remember
A/n: I know I’ve been promising this for two days now so I’m very sorry it’s a little late. The is not going to be a reader insert fic, I will worn you. I don’t have very much experience with that. And my smut isn’t as great as some as yours! So please feel free to critique me in any way!
Summary: Lexi Goldstein has one goal in her life, to be a model. Her boyfriend, who is inspired to become a big time actor insists on taking a break and working at a summer camp with the rest of their friends. What go wrong?
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“Alright, thanks for coming in.” The man said. “We’ll keep in touch.” He then gestured for the assistant to call in the next girl.
The blonde stayed still. “That’s it? You don’t need any other poses? Because I can-“
“No really, it’s okay. We’ll keep in touch if we need you.”
“But you took only like two photos.”
“Look,” he looks at the resume she hand handed to him earlier. “Alexis-“
The man rolls his eyes. “Lexi, you’re just not what we’re looking for. Again, thank you for coming in and good luck.”
Lexi steps away from her spot from the back drop. “Well What are you looking for? Because if it’s my hair, that’s what is was the last time! I can dye it? Red or brunette? Or is it my weight? I went down like 10 pounds in last couple of-“
 “It’s your rack.” The man says bluntly.
Lexi just stares at him. “Excuse me?”
“You’re too flat. I need bigger.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me, right? I’m a fucking D cup!” She glares, gesturing to her chest.
“Yeah, well this is for a bikini ad, sweetheart. I need a double D if we’re gonna sell these.”
The blonde crosses her arms uncomfortably and the man sighs loudly. He tears off a piece of paper from his assistant’s notes and scribbles with his pen.
“Tell you what,” he hands it to the girl. “Call this number and Tell them John sent you. They’re always looking for blondes.”
She nods looking at the paper. “Thanks,” she mutters and walks off to change.
The Los Angeles heat is blazing as Lexi leans against the hood of her boyfriend’s van. After leaving her audition, she immediately called the number she was provided in hopes of getting another shot. She was embarrassed and upset to find that john’s friend was a director just looking for another girl for a Porno. Of course he was, it was Los Angeles after all. And now here she was, waiting in the summer heat as her boyfriend finishes with his aerobics class at their local gym.
Just as she lays her head in her arms in defeat, failing to keep her tears at bay she hears his voice
“Hey beautiful!” His voice is cheerful. “How did it go?”
He receives his answer when she lifts her head to see him walking towards the van, he can see her eyes water and lip tremble. He stops and his smile drops.
“Can you just take me Home?” She manages to ask, her voice cracking.
He nods and makes his way over to her side. She instantly falls into his chest as he wraps his arms around her. “Yeah, of course. Do you wanna talk about it?”
She shakes her head and sniffles. “No.”
“Alright,” he answers, rubbing her back. “Let’s get you home. Come on.”
He manages to guide her to the passenger side and helps her in, careful to close the door and get in himself.
About ten minutes into the car ride, Xavier finally decides to speak in chances of trying to cheer her up.
 “So the gang’s gonna come with us tomorrow.” He says. “Yeah, so Chet and Ray are down. And Montana even made a new friend who might want to come! It’s gonna be rad!”
Lexi was staring out the passenger window and showing no amount of energy he was currently showing.
Xavier looks to her in hopes to see her smile but frowns at her reaction. “Babe, it couldn’t be that bad. Even if you didn’t get it, it’s gonna be okay! You’re hot as hell and someone is gonna hire you!” He adds with a chuckle. “You’re bound to get a gig before me.”
“Oh it was bad.” She says, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. “He said I was flat chested. And that’s not even the worst part!”
He only scoffed. “Well he lied.”
“He gave me a number to call. Said they were looking for blondes so I called.”
“It was for Porn, Xavier!” She dropped her head into her hands and sobbed. Xavier was quiet as she continued. “God, I am so embarrassed. I can’t believe that’s all they think I’m good for.”
Xavier waited a minute before speaking, looking for the right words. “Lexi, that’s not true. Those guys are just douchbags. You are model material, babe! You are NOT going to end up doing porn. Trust me, I won’t let that happen.”
She looked up at him through glossy eyes. “I’m just so tired of there always being something wrong with me. I fucking hate this city.”
They pulled into the driveway of her family’s home. She was already reaching for the door handle when Xavier reaches across to stop her. “Lexi, there is nothing wrong with you. Don’t let that asshole make you think like that. Stay with me tonight? We can watch some movies, order pizza and then we leave for RedWood tomorrow.”
Lexi lets her hand fall from the door handle. “Xav, I’m not sure about this Camp Red Wood thing. It’s the whole summer and I hate being responsible for a bunch of kids. Especially right now, after today. I should probably just look for a real job.”
His brows furrowed. “Lex, come on. I already told that Margaret lady you were in! Plus we’re getting paid so technically it IS a job. This city is about to go nuts over the damn olympics. All our friends are going! Babe, don’t make me beg.”
She looked over to him. Oh god he was pouting. “Cut That shit out, Xav.”
“Please, Lexi.” He continues. She feels her lips begin to curve into a smile over the action. Xavier’s real goofy side was something he only really shared with her. “Pleeeeeeease.”
Lexi rolled her eyes. “No.”
He drops his pout and another idea pops into his head. “You know there is a lake there. Probably would be a great place for a late night swim,” his hand falling into hers and moving both towards her lap. His voice lowering. “You know, with NO swim suits.”
“I don’t know about you, but I’ve always wanted to have sex in the woods.” His lips ghosted over hers. She giggles before closing whatever space was between them and pressing her lips to his.
She pulls away just as he tries to go in for another kiss. “Alright, Romeo. You got me. Let me go in and grab my things, I’ll be right back.”
After a quick shower and encouraging words to herself in the mirror, it was almost as if Lexi’s terrible interview today never happened. Xavier has kept his promise with the bribe of movies and pizza that night. But both were forgotten as the couple were currently wrapped in each others arms in the next room.
“You know,” Xavier began as he pressed his lips along her neck. “I meant what I said about the whole sex in the woods thing.”
“Oh I know you did.” She responded, wrapping her legs around his waist. “I would not put it past you to get that kind of idea.”
“It’s gonna be a great summer, Lex. I promise.”
Tag list: @instincts-baby @lanadelbitch @dark-mei-rose @lovelylangdonx @blakewaterxx @fckinsupreme
If anyone else wants to be tagged just lemme know!
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Blushing in His Colours, Chapter 22
TITLE: Blushing in His Colours CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 22 AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki being a Daddy Dom, his adores and loves his little, worships the ground she walks on. She has vaginismus, but he couldn’t be more supportive with her. RATING: M
Loki and Mia got a private jet to the coast of Florida, then a boat took them out to the villa that was sat on a small island.
It was just the villa up high on rocks and there was a small beach area. There was a pool, too. The villa was pretty big, as they had expected it to be.
Mia was excited as she looked around the place, there were three bedrooms, all with an en-suite. They picked the biggest one with sliding glass doors that led right out onto the patio where the pool was.
Even though they spent every night together, either in Loki’s room or Mia’s, there was still something rather exciting about the fact they were sharing a room. Heck, their own place together, even if just for a while.
There was plenty of food stocked in the fridge, freezer and cupboards. But they would be able to get anything else they needed delivered over within the day.
They spent the day getting accustomed to the villa and having dinner. They watched a movie together and just snuggled for the evening. Then Mia went to bed and when Loki went through a little while later, he found her watching something on her iPad.
‘What are you watching, sweetling?’ He asked, but he recognised the sound.
She looked like a deer caught in the headlights as she quickly stopped it and threw the iPad down on the bed. Trying to look innocent.
He raised an eyebrow and smirked as he started stalking towards her. ‘Little one, tell Daddy what you were watching.’
‘Uhm… cartoons.’ She lied, so obviously.
Loki stopped at the side of the bed and folded his arms across his chest, raising an eyebrow at her. ‘Don’t lie to Daddy. You were watching the drone footage, weren’t you?’
Mia’s mouth opened, but nothing came out. She knew she was caught. She bit her lower lip and nodded slowly, making Loki chuckle.
‘Does it arouse you, pet? Knowing how powerful I am?’ Loki growled seductively.
‘I… I always knew you were powerful. I just… never realised quite how much.’ She said quietly.
Loki smiled and winked at her. ‘Take off your clothes for Daddy and give him your panties, little sweetling.’ He said firmly.
Mia slipped off the bed and quickly took off her clothes, she handed him her panties like he wanted. Her face was on fire when he took them and examined them, there was a wet patch, like he had expected.
Smirking, he slipped them into his pocket. ‘Kneel.’ He growled.
She obeyed him instantly, kneeling at his feet. But she moved in close to him and wrapped her arms around his leg, pressing her cheek against his thigh. He reached down and stroked her hair softly.
‘My good girl.’ He purred.
Mia closed her eyes and revelled in his praise and touch. She looked up at him, smiling. He cupped her cheek and brushed his thumb up and down, setting her skin alight.
He skimmed his thumb over her lower lip, she parted her lips and he slipped it into her mouth. His cock stirring even more when she started sucking on it, slowly.
‘Ohhh sweetling, you are going to be the death of me.’ He groaned.
Mia slid a hand up his leg and palmed at his cock, she could feel him hardening. She did her best to look as innocent as possible while she swirled her tongue around his thumb and squeezed his cock.
Loki had noticed over time she was getting braver, more confident in herself and her actions. He was awakening the kinky beast within her, and he was totally here for it.
Although, he wasn’t sure if he was totally here for getting his cock sucked right now and cumming embarrassingly quick again. Plus, he had other plans for her anyway… Or so he thought.
‘Can I suck you, please Daddy?’ She asked quietly around his thumb.
Loki groaned again and his head fell back for a moment. How could he resist when she begged, while quite literally on her knees? Her hand still stroking him through his trousers wasn’t helping his dilemma, either.
He looked down and slipped his thumb out from her mouth, stroking her hair. ‘Hmmm, do you really want to suck Daddy’s cock?’
Mia nodded eagerly, squeezing him excitedly.
‘I’ve got a better idea.’ He bent over and lifted her up, making her squeal. He tossed her, gently, onto the bed and as he crawled on with her, his clothes vanished.
He grabbed hold of her and lay down, pulling her on top of him but top to tail. She knew exactly what he was proposing as soon as she was in position. He gripped her thighs and pulled her directly over his face and got to work, licking and suckling her folds and her clit, driving her wild already.
Loki had hoped that having her pleasure to focus on would help him last longer. Oh boy, was he wrong.
When he felt her lips wrap around the tip of his cock, he moaned against her. She then took him further into her mouth and started sucking him. He tried to focus on her clit, rapidly flicking his tongue over her, but that made matters worse as she moaned around him, causing vibrations that made him cum.
She swallowed every drop he had to offer her, lavishing her tongue all over his cock to make sure she hadn’t missed any. Loki really struggled to focus, but her taste was too intoxicating so he was able to continue pleasuring her, living up to his silver tongue nickname.
Loki was still hard, even after cumming. Which delighted Mia. She was struggling to concentrate, Loki’s tongue causing too much havoc on her. But she was obsessed with Loki’s cock, she enjoyed simply having him in her mouth. So even though she couldn’t concentrate properly anymore, she took him in her mouth and just slowly sucked him.
From already cumming once, and the slightly less intensity, he was able to last longer now. He focused on her clit and drove her wild, making her cum too. But he didn’t stop there, his grip on her thighs tightened and he kept pushing her through into another orgasm.
Mia wasn’t sure how she managed to refrain from biting down on his cock as he forced orgasm upon orgasm out of her. Her body shook on top of him, until he came again and then he decided to have some pity on his poor girl.
He rolled her off him and manoeuvred her around so she was up next to him, she snuggled into him as she tried to get her breath back. Loki lazily stroked her back, feeling goosebumps rise on her skin under his touch, making him smile.
‘Sweet dreams, my little sweetling.’ He said as he kissed the top of her head before the two of them drifted off to sleep.
The following morning, Loki woke up moaning and arching his back up off the bed as he came, from the feeling of Mia’s warm mouth around his cock, sucking him.
‘Ohhhh Jesus!’ He gasped as he spilled into her mouth and she swallowed it all.
He lifted the blanket up and looked down, seeing her grinning cheekily up at him from between his legs as she licked her lips.
‘Mia!’ He panted.
‘Good morning, Daddy!’ She crawled up and lay on top of him.
Loki put his arms around her and slid a hand down to squeeze her bum playfully. ‘Good morning indeed, sweetling. What was that about?’ He chuckled. His mind was still trying to catch up with his body after that awakening.
Mia giggled and nuzzled into his neck. ‘I just… wanted to give you a nice wake up call. And it was fun taking my time and… exploring a bit.’
Loki raised an eyebrow and looked down at her. ‘Did I last longer this time?’
‘Yep.’ She grinned.
‘Well, that is interesting. Progress.’ He chuckled.
‘Can we go for a swim? Pleeeeeeease.’ Mia pleaded and fluttered her eyelashes.
Loki smirked. ‘Alright. You know I can’t resist it when you beg.’ He tickled up her spine, making her squirm and giggle before she managed to slip off him to get her swimming costume on.
After a big stretch, Loki slipped out of bed and his swimming trunks shimmered onto him. He had thought about them both just skinny dipping instead, but there was a part of him that was worried about any drones lurking around, you could just never be too sure.
When they got in the pool, it was lush. It was warm as the sun had already heated it up nicely, it was a beautiful day.
Mia floated on her back so peacefully, looking up at the sky. Loki swam a few lengths and then stopped next to her.
‘Are you happy, Mia?’ He asked.
Mia turned in the water so she was upright and she put her arms around his neck for support. Loki put his around her middle, holding her close. ‘Of course I am… Why wouldn’t I be? Are you?’ She asked, a little worried.
Loki smiled. ‘I am the happiest I’ve ever been. I was just worried that all this chaos was making you unhappy. I want to give you the world, sweetling.’ He said softly and smoothed her hair back from her face.
She smiled and moved in to kiss him, he slid his hand to the back of her head and held her as they kissed.
‘I’ve never been happier, Loki. I promise. I love you, so much.’ She whispered over his lips.
Loki felt his heart soar. ‘I love you too, sweetling.’
Mia couldn’t resist then pushing back off his chest and splashing him playfully while laughing. Loki was so surprised as it was unexpected, but he laughed and splashed her back, then he went under the water and chased after her. Making her squeal as she tried to out-swim him.
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flamehairedwritings · 4 years
The Photo-Booth
Characters: Chief Jim Hopper x Female Reader
Words: 983
Rating: E, 18+ ONLY
Summary: You and Hop need more... posed pictures together.
A/N: This lil drabble was inspired by a prompt from @missaudreyhorney and this post about an hour ago, and I just couldn’t get it out of my mind.
This story contains dirty talk, semi-public sex, and Hop calling you a lil slut.
Please don’t copy, steal or repost my work; credit does not count.
“Oh, come on, Hop, pleeeeeeease...”
“... All right, fine...”
Grinning, you pull him towards the fairground photo-booth, hearing him sigh begrudgingly behind you. It doesn’t deter you at all.
You don’t have many photos of you and Hop; he doesn’t exactly know how to pose for them, so the ones you do have are candids, which you love, but you want actual posed ones, and a photo-booth is the perfect, cute opportunity to do that.
Besides, you’ve had a great day, too; it’s the first time you’ve both been able to go on an actual date night in weeks and you want to commemorate it.
Pulling the curtain open, you find, as expected, only one stool, and he sits on it as you pull the curtain closed, the length of it falling to just below his knees.
You catch his lips twitching as you take a seat on his lap, draping your arms around his neck.
“All right, now I’m into this...”
“Shut up,” you laugh as his lips lift into a smirk, his arms wrapping around your waist. “Gimme some coins, please.”
Rooting around in his pocket, he pulls a small handful of coins out and passes them to you, and you push them into the machine, then press a button on the screen as they’re accepted.
Adjusting your position on his lap so you can fit in the frame the screen shows, you push back against his cock, and he releases a soft, involuntary grunt. Your lips twitch, and—
And then the most delicious of sneaky ideas crosses your mind.
You get six photos, with five seconds in between them to pose.
And you’re going to make each one count.
As the countdown for the first one starts, you drape your arms around his neck and smile because you want at least one nice, wholesome one. Looking at the screen, you can see Hop is smiling, too, which makes your stomach flip with affection... and then the picture’s taken and your sneaky idea comes back to you.
The five second count down starts again... and your arms move from around his neck and before he knows it, your hands are gripping the bottom of your shirt and you’re lifting it and your bra, exposing your breasts to the camera.
You feel him stiffen and, on the screen, you watch his mouth drop open as you beam, and the picture is taken.
You bite at your lower lip to try and stop your smirk as you keep your shirt raised, and as the countdown begins again, you shift and arch your back, pressing your ass against his cock. He grunts again, and almost without thinking, almost as if he can’t stop himself, his hands go to your breasts, covering them.
But instead of doing so to hide them, he grips and squeezes them. Your mouth now drops open in a breathy, quiet moan, and the camera captures it.
The countdown begins once more, and before you can think of your next pose, one of his hands suddenly moves up to your throat, gently gripping it, and he pulls you back against him, making your back arch further.
“Dirty fuckin’ girl...” he gravels into your ear as your lips remain parted, and you just can’t stop yourself from moving your ass against him.
He growls, his fingers tightening momentarily against your neck, and the picture is taken, capturing you both mid-moan.
The countdown starts, and he’s moving before you can, his hand dropping from your breast to grip at the hem of your skirt and he pulls it up, revealing your panties. Leaning your head back against his shoulder, your hands drop to grip at his thighs as you spread your legs to show the camera your panties.
“That’s it, baby...” he groans against your ear, and the camera captures you both.
You barely register the countdown starting for the last time as he rumbles, “Lift your fuckin’ legs...”
Lifting them instantly, you press your shoes against either side of the camera, and his hand slides down into your panties. Your eyes fall shut as his fingers slowly circle your already aching clit, and his other hand gently pulls and tugs at your nipple.
Biting hard at your lower lip to stifle a moan, his lips press against your cheek just in time for the camera to take the final picture.
Humming low in your throat, you swallow and lick your lips, opening your eyes and turning your head to look at him. He meets your gaze, his pupils wide, his fingers still playing with your clit, and a corner of his mouth lifts higher than the other.
“Maybe we could take a couple more, huh?”
Your own lips widen into a lazy, easy smirk as you rock your ass back against him.
“Mmh, I’d like that... But maybe we should collect the others before anyone sees...”
His lips brush against your ear as he groans through gritted teeth, and you feel his hard, straining cock against you.
“You don’t want people seein’ what a little slut you are, huh?”
His fingers glide down your slit just as you’re about to reply, your moan stealing your response.
“Shh, shh, shh...” he hushes you quietly, two finger tips dipping into your slick pussy. “... Here’s what’s gonna happen...” You have to make yourself focus so hard on what he’s saying as his fingers shallowly fuck you. “... You’re gonna put some more coins in the machine... And you’re gonna be nice and fuckin’ quiet as it takes pictures while you sit on my cock...”
Preempting your moan, knowing you so well, his other hand lifts to cover your mouth just in time, muffling it.
You feel his smirk against your neck. “... But you gotta be nice and quiet and quick... Don’t want anyone outside seein’ those pictures or hearin’ what a desperate little slut you are, do you?”
Reblogs and comments make my day in a way I can’t describe.
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged or removed in my future work!
Tagged: @herb-welch, @pascalispedro @davidkharboursex, @jobean12-blog, @warmbeardsandredwine, @mademoiselle-black, @scrunchinn, @flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash, @divadinag, @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan, @deepsouth, @neganslittlebae, @ashphoenix105, @alahmorah, @daughterofthebrowncoats, @letsby, @tbkc, @kiwiphroot, @ashmely, @sistasarah-sallysaidso, @unicornsandgliiitter, @lucifer-in-leather,  @heyjudeinthesky, @sleepylunarwolf, @ambeazyyy, @countryfire22, @sithlordslut, @mondsafari,  @norcula, @earinafae, @beltzboys2015-blog, @jinxiejenna, @justsimplevicky, @hellosupernaturaldoctor, @ginasellsbooks, @dwarvenbunnyears, @vale0413, @mrslydiaholden, @kimberliinabox, @thoughtsmeander2tumblingblindly, @allylupin, @cant-shake-this-feeling-off, @the-bitch-gotham-deserves, @warriorqueen1991, @thesurestthing, @zuni21798,  @quietlovelovely, @maddieisaboredable, @windinyoursnail, @happy-hopper, @yedi16, @negansdirtygirl22, @slipperywhenwetsstuff, @my-rosegold-soul @madkskillz, @im-not-great-at-making-up-names, @sergeantangel, @bitchinsinclair, @dewy-biitch, @focusonspn, @wearethebrokenones, @sarcasm-is-my-native-tounge, @thatprettymvthafvcka, @pulplorrd, @gifsbysimplysonia, @opalsandlacemain @geordiequeen, @gothackedalready, @ayatimascd, @missaudreyhorney, @chiefharbour, @l0ve-0f-my-life, @saltandroot
Apologies to those Tumblr won’t let me tag!
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anewstartfanfic · 3 years
Contest Time! Can you solve the Prophecy ?
Okay so I decided to have a little fun n,n Thanks to @mookie0218 I realized that Ishmari’s Prophecy is a riddle and she actively tried to solve it. Sooooo I decided to reward those who can get the closest, three lucky winners actually ^^ the Prize? Hmmmm I was thinking five custom keychains of the Five Weirdos, aka the Maids XD So the three winners who are the closest to the decipher of the Prophecy gets the prize. Here’s the Prophecy reminder: 
“Alliances and life long friendships will be born, Trident and Emptiness will reunite, a fighter of freedom will meet the kinship of his son, and the most powerful people in the world will come together in secret, forming and sealing a lifelong bond that can never be broken. However, it will take a very dark turn. The Prince of Darkness will extinguish the Prince of Light, the Demon Prince will make an attempt to go to Hell, the Wounded Knight will complete their Rite of Death but this will bring them closer to the Princess of the Abyss they will forever protect. The Princess of the Abyss will carry many burdens and will find refuge with a Living Ghost. Emptiness will unmarked the Martyr’s Daughter. The Boy from the Town of Death will flee his home and will be captured by a Monster, a demon in the flesh. Not even his Mother can defeat or save him. The Daughter of Fools will be lost for a short time, the Queen of Travel will make it to the Abyss and be greeted as a long lost friend. The Fool will find his way back to his second home and his daughter will reunite with her mother thanks to a loyal caliver. The Snake will lose another kin, not through death but a broken mind, the Emptiness is their only window of clarity keeping an lifelong vow. My services will be called again after to reunite two families so they can live together at last,”
Here are some notes about the prophecy to help you: 
1. Everyone has been introduced already EXCEPT three people but I’m pretty sure you can make them out 
2. One Person is referred by two names in the Prophecy 
3. Clues are littered throughout the chapters 
4. Everyone is fair game
5. Look at each name and title very carefully n,n 
6. Two of the clues are in Holly’s Story!
Deadline: January 1st n,n 
Rules: Just send it to me via message or post that way I can post and share ^^ (if you don’t want you theories shared, pleeeeeeease let me know!)
Ganbatta ne!
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rimaiahwrites · 4 years
Slumber party—
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Part five
Israel was sitting in her room with a thick book pressed in between her fingers while her cute round glasses hung on the tip of her nose. Since it was Friday, It was a chill day for her. She had no chores or errands to run because she had gotten them all done the day before, so that meant it was just going to be herself, her books, silence, And her baby turtle Franklin, of course. He was cute, small and a bit smelly but he was one of her first friend.
Israel slightly jumped from the screeching sound of her window Flying open and hitting her wall, with a loud slam.
The weather was a bit breezy today but Israel loved when it was like this. The sound of the wind blowing against her window and The soothing clicks and clacks of her mother Wind chimes hitting against each other. It triggered a feeling In her that was hard to explain... It brought her back to a place she missed dearly, her childhood. Summers at her grandparents house playing outside, and sleeping in a full size bed with four of her cousins, scratched up together with nothing to cool them down but the loud fan in the window.
it was a feeling that only lasted seconds before life pulled her back to the harsh reality that she was grown and had responsibilities.
She got up from her window seat and shut it. She glanced out the window and her eyes drifted over to the site of her parents loading the car up with what looked to be suit cases. Her eyes frowned in confusion before she throw her book on the bed and jogged down the crackling stairs. The front door opened before she could reach the bottom of the stairs, her mom came in frantically looking around the room like she was looking for something.
"Mom where are y'all going?" She asked concerned at this point. She had only seen her mother like this once, and that was when her oldest brother got arrested. That was another story for a different day.
Isabel finally grabbed her keys and headed for the door not even hearing her daughters question. Israel followed her outside and grabbed the car door before she could close it. "Where are you going? What happened?" Her mother let out a huff since she was out of breath from running around the house grabbing things.
"your aunt got into a really bad accident this morning, so me and your dad is catching a flight to Chicago to make sure she already, this was the earliest flight we could catch. We're probably gonna have to stay a week or two since she has no one to take care of her. Call and Tell your brothers we're leaving, and make sure to lock the door." Her mom yelled out the car window as her father drove out of the driveway slowly as Israel stood there dumbfounded by the news. She watched as they drove away. It more then odd but why would her mother lie about her sister being in a car crash? She shrugged before going back into the house.
She sat on her knees in front of the couch with her Palms facing The ceiling saying a quick prayer for her aunt before hopping up with a squeal.
She felt bad for her aunt...(even though she only met her once when she was about ten) she really did....but that didn't mean she wasn't excited to have the whole house to herself for the day. Having three older brothers will leave you drained and in-dire need to some privacy and alone time.
She decided it was the perfect time for her pamper routine she tried to do every week.
She jogged up the stairs before grabbing her speaker and phone. She Blue-toothed it to the speaker. Soothing music was a very important part of the routine, or else it was boring. She turn on her Noel soul/feminine empowering play list. Which was full of, erykah-badu, Ari Lennox, Lauryn Hill and Solange, plus more amazing female artists.
She ran her bath water hot, and clear of soap since she was very sensitive in her lower half area. She pull flower prattles in the water to make it look pretty before adding a few drops of some scented oils.
Her bathroom smelled of vanilla.
She stood in-front of her bathroom mirror, slowly swaying her body to the beat and voice of Ari Lennox. Backseat.
Israel dragged her oversized shirt over her head, and slowly dragged the thick fabric of her white sweatpants down her smooth pretty brown legs. She turned away from the mirror and dipped her foot in first before fulling sitting down in the hot water. She took a breath of relief.
She reached over her bathtub to grabbed the book she was reading. 'How to embrace your feminine' it read on the cover, in big bold pink lettering. She was very interested in the topic lately. And it was differently helping her embrace her feminine side more and more. Her mother, of course taught her the basics such as, how to properly clean herself and to cross her legs when she sat, but it was so much more to it then just making sure to cross your legs when you sit.
It was WAY deeper then that. It was the way you dressed, acted, speak.
When you hear that it may seem a bit intimidating but it truly changed the way the whole world looked at you, especially as a brown/dark skin women, Since they were seen as aggressive, anger, and bitter by Society for whatever reason.
It hurt a bit to know you have to change yourself for society to except you, but Israel wanted this. Ever since she was a young girl but never knew how To express her girly side since she was mainly around her older brothers.
A hour later, her music was interrupted by her phone ringing and she sat her book down on her sink before standing up from the water and stepping out, dripping water everywhere.
"Erik." She whispered, a grin spreading on her glossy lips, as she stared down at her phone screen. She jumped on her bed and unplugged it. "hello?" She answered, her voice getting softly automatically.
"Wassup babygirl, what you doing?" He asked, putting his phone on speaker so he could set it down on the floor next to him. Grunting as he pulled himself up, his chin tapping the pull up bar slightly before he lower himself, repeating it over.
She stood up from her bed and grabbed her towel, wrapping it around her breasts. She walked back into her bathroom and drained the now lukewarm bath water. "just got out the tube, and about to shave, exfoliate and put a face mask on." She giggled softly.
"Damn that sounds good as fuck right now, you mind coming over and pampering me?" He half joke, chuckling before jumping down from the pull-up bar to grab his ice cold water. She laughed throwing her head back. "Awww poor baby, you sore?" He sighed laying down on his mat. his hands on his head, feeling the soreness really kick in. It was most likely gonna be worst tomorrow.
"Hell yeah...my legs, arms and stomach feel like they just ran over."
"Why do you work yourself so hard Erik?" Things got quite on his side, she looked at her screen wondering why he was speaking. He was staring off into the distance with his lip in between his teeth. "Because I got some important shit to get done..." he tailed off.
"Life changing shit. Get ready I'm about to pick you up." She chuckled rolling her eyes, dipping her fingers in to the clay face mask that she was in love with. It made her skin so soft and scar free. It was a very important part of her skin care routine.
"How you know I wanna go somewhere with you?" He chuckled standing up from the floor taking the phone with him.
"Cuz you ain't got shit else to do." She opened and closed her mouth, offended but know he was right.
"Fine I guess, but this time I get to stay out how ever late I want since my parents are out of town." She cheered brightly. Smiling into the camera with her gray face mask on. Then She gasped As a genius idea popped into her head. "Oh my gosh can we have a sleep over at your house? That would be so fun!" Erik on the other side of the phone sorted. "A sleep over? What is this 5th grade?" Well shit. Israel thought putting a pout on her face.
"Well I wouldn't know since I never got to have a sleep over or go to a sleep over before of my parents." Having strict parents was a struggle. She knew that they only did it to protect her but she feels like she missed out on a lot stuff when she was a child.
"We ain't having no damn sleep over." He said sternly, pouring some cold water in his glass water bottle. Israel pout got bigger but Erik ignored her. Israel stomped her bare foot on the ground, the smacking sound catching his attention. "Please? Pleeeeeeease! We can get candy, movies blankets the whole thing....pretty please? With a cherry on top?" Erik sighed harshly staring at her with a bored expression. "Alright whatever Sasha, start packing ya shit, imma be there in like 30 minutes." He said chuckling before hanging up on her before she could ask why he called her Sasha. She laughed at the fact that he thought it was only gonna take her 30 minutes to get ready.
Israel shrugged and ran back into her bathroom to shaved, deep condition her kinky curls and moistures her whole body.
a horn honk was heard two times and Israel already knew it was Erik so she didn't bother looking out the window. She ran down the stairs and out the front door with her big brightly blue duffel bag. She locked the door before skipping off the porch happily, with a big grin on her face, Her big duffle bag swinging around from her running.
"Look at her spoiled goofy ass." He mumbled to himself smirking.
"You're 2 hours and 15 minutes late." She stated jokily because sliding into the passenger seat. He chuckled dryly. "Ha ha I was low key rethinking this whole thing to be honest."
Israel had been trying to think of a word to describe him and one of them was bold. He didn't really have a filter...or maybe he just didn't really care about other people's feelings. Not saying that it hurt her feeling because she knew he was only joking...probably.
"Stop acting like you wasn't the one that asked me to come with you. You don't be having anything to do ether." She assed back, cutting her eyes at him. Only making him chuckled.
"What the fuck is in that bag? You pack ya whole room?" She rolled her eyes before unzipping it to show him everything.
"No, I just brought some of my favorite movies, some popcorn and the rest is some clothes and stuff."
"The notebook?" He said eyeing it in disgusted, picking it up and throwing it back into her bag.
"What? What's wrong with the notebook? It's a really sad and loving story." She defended her favorite movie hugging it to her chest. "That shit is so soppy-" she smacked her lips. "Ok and? You probably only watch thug where the main character always dies in the end from some gang related shit." Erik sat quietly because she was right. She snickered shaking her head.
"Yeah but that's real life shit, niggas die every in the hood but how likely is it that you meet this girl in high school, y'all parents make y'all break up on some Romeo and Juliet type shit then years later y'all find each other when one of y'all about to get married then y'all fuck fall in love again them find out whole time the bitch had short term memory lose-" Israel gasped at his harsh words, smacking him on the arm. "Erik!" She screamed covering her mouth to stop herself from laughing.
"That's shit is just not possible." He shrugged stopping at a red light.
"You're just looking at it In the wrong way- she grabbed the movie case looking at the back of it. -think of it like this, they had a love so strong that even years later they were still in love with each other, even after ally found love again there was no love compared to the love she had for Noah." She sighed batting her eyelashes towards the blue sky, like she looking at the love of her life.
"It's a beautiful story Erik." He rolled his eyes and mumbled under his breath. "I still don't want to watch that shit but ok."
Erik unlocked his front door to his house and Israel stepped in.
His house smelled like him- was the first thing Israel thought, while spinning around to get a full look at the house from the door way.
Since it was a loft his Kitchen, living room and bedroom was all in one room, basically, Except you had to go up stairs to get to his bed. And it was all decorated with a African theme. Masks and ancient looking spears and weapons hung on the wall almost like in a museum. Israel was so intrigued She forgot Erik was even standing there. "Wow..." she whispered reaching out to touch The long sliver spear. "You like it?" Erik whispered in her ear making goosebumps appear on her arms The back of her neck. "Yeah...it's beautiful, where you get it? Is it real?" She said dragging her finger tips down the front of it feeling it's smooth texture. "You mean is it from a real African tribe? Yes it's is, it from a tribe of women." Israel's eyes lit up brightly.
"You have so many cool things up here." He nodded watching her look closely at everything. He went to the kitchen to let her explore a little while he popped the popcorn for the movie. Eventually she walked into the kitchen to find Erik pouring the bag of popcorn into a big bowl for the both of them to share.
"You have a beautiful home." She complemented him as he passed the bowl over for her to grab some. She stuffed her mouth full as she grabbed the bowl. "Thanks, Damn slow down mamas it's not gonna run from you shit." He mumbled watching her barely be able to swallow the rest that was in her mouth before a another hand full was in her mouth. "My bad, it's a habit." She laughed chewing slowly now.
"Nah yo ass just always hungry." He joked. teasingly poking her in the side, making her squirm from how ticklish she was.
"stop that!" She groans smacking his hand before grabbing a another handful of pop corn.
Israel plopped down on Erik's bed as he turned on his projector and set everything up for the movie.
She loved it here, his whole loft was a vibe. From the front door to his bedroom— his bedroom was probably her favorite part since she has never really seen anything like this.
"What are we watching?" Israel asked innocently looking up at him through her eyelashes.
"IT." He shrugged clicking on the movie before walking back over to the bed to sit next to her.
"but...I don't want to watch it..." she tilted her head to the side, sticking her bottom lip out at him. "Oh come on you cry baby you'll be fine, ain't no clown ass nigga bout to come in here and get you, and if they tried I'll kill his ass." He said making her laugh out. "I still don't want to watch this shit, imma be scared to night...I'm going to be by myself all weekend most likely and you live all the way out here so what you gonna do?" He only chuckled and hushed her pressing play on the movie.
Israel hide herself on the side of Erik as it began.
A hour and 5 minutes later A jump scare popped on the screen and Israel jerked so hard the popcorn spilled over landing on Erik's lap. Erik on the other hand was unfazed and haven't jumped not once yet, and it was annoying Israel. "You're making me look like a scary cat damn...at least jump once." She mumbled cutting her eyes his way. "Because it's not scary, you just a pussy." She gasped and smack him on the arm playfully. He chuckled and throw a piece of popcorn at her face that she throw back without a hesitation and then that turned into a popcorn fight.
Israel throw a hand full of popcorn and Erik won by dumping the whole bowl onto her head. "Erik! That's not fair!" He stuck his tongue out at her and hopped off the bed before she could throw more at him. "I won fair and Square, don't be a sore loser." He chuckled as she sat on her legs with a pout on her face and her arms crossed over her chest with the bowl on her head. "Stop making that face before I come over there and attack your cute ass."
"You always cheat when we play games....like last night when we played 8 ball-"
"I didn't cheat you just trying to make yourself feel better because you know you suck ass." Israel mouth hang open in fake shock and Erik tossed a piece of popcorn into it. She couldn't help but laugh at his dumb ass as he yelled "buckets!"
He pick up the remote and pressed Pause on the movie that they had completely forgot about and scooped some of the thrown popcorn back into the bowl. "Imma go get my vacuum, I'll be right back." Israel Nodded her head, popping a few m&m's in her mouth.
It was popcorn literally everywhere and Israel felt kinda bad that he was the only one trying to clean even though she helped make the mess. She didn't want him to think she was a horrible guest so she started to push the popcorn up in a pile in the middle the bed. As she was reaching over to grabbed more popcorn she stretched her leg out accidentally kicking something off of the bed. It made a loud crashing sound and Israel prayed that she didn't break anything. She was sure Erik would ripe her head off if she did.
She turn around and pecked over the side of the bed. It was a laptop- a Mac book to be exact. A two Thousand dollar laptop. "Shit." She mumbled reaching over to grab it by the screen. She plunged it back into the charger and the screen popped on. it was unlocked which was surprising since not many people left their laptops or phone without a password.
She hummed and focused on what was on the screen. It was a girl with pink prissy Lingerie and tall white platform heels on. Her makeup was bright and her curls were loose and blonde. It caught Israel's attention immediately. It looked to be on Tumblr but she wasn't quite sure. She knew it look familiar to the app that her cousin jazz spent hours. Jazz had tried her to get into it but Israel just wasn't really fascinated by the app. It looked boring and plan to her.
And eventually after looking at the picture for a couple of seconds Her Curiosity got the best of her And soon her fingertips were moving to the scrolling pad and she was invading his privacy.
The page was full of beautiful girls dressed in cute girly outfits and pigtails and she was hooked. She was already a whore for fashion so she was always up for finding and exploring with different aesthetic's. And this was definitely one that she was not TO familiar with. She has dressed in prissy and girly things of course since she was a girly girl but never to this Extreme. The hair bows butterfly clips, knee-high socks pastel color platforms and tutus styled with crap tops were so cute to her. It was nothing like the clothes she had in her closet.
Her style had multiple personalities and this was one that she definitely wanted to add to the Collection. Then something Else caught her attention, the words DDLG, princess, daddy, little, and dom/sub printed everywhere on the site. One girl put #miss my daddydom in her caption and Israel went to click on the tag curious as to what that meant. She knew the girl wasn't talking about her father with the type of picture that went with the caption clearly.
She was so lost in Computer and finding new pages that she didn't hear or see Erik walk back into the room...not until the laptop was being snatched away from her hands. She gasped and scramble to get her words out. "Why were you on my shit?" He hissed slowly pressing his body against hers making her lay flat on the bed with her palms gripping the cushion. She let out a shaky breath turning her head avoiding his eyes. "I'm sorry I-it was a accident-" He let out a deep and scary chuckled that made her blood run cold.
It was like he was a completely different person.
"So you accidentally turn my laptop on and was looking through my shit?" He asked. She then realized how stupid that sounded how much trouble she had just got herself into. She should have knew that he would snap like that since he did that the first she got in his car and was looking through his shit. "Well n-no I just meant I didn't do it intentionally....I accidentally kicked your laptop off the couch while I trying to clean up the popcorn and your laptop popped on and then the cute ass outfits that girl had on caught my attention and the next thing I knew I was scrolling through your st-uff." She whispered trying to Swallow the lamp that was Forming in her throat. The tears filled her waterline and her vision became blurry. Erik's face softened a bit and he sat her up on her butt. With tears now running down her face and a little pout silently asking for forgiveness.
Erik's big thumbs ran across her cheeks taking the tears with it. He let out a deep breath before pulling her head up in the air so that she was looking at him. "Stop all that crying shit, look at me." He demanded. Her doe eyes stared into his. "It's alright just don't be looking through my stuff without my permission, I hate that shit."
She nodded and they sat in silent until her Curiosity got the best of her. "What is...that?....i really like the way they dress... it's cute." She said batting her eyelashes trying to lighten the mood. Erik ran his hand down his face cracking a small smile before resting his hand on his chin, Staring at her.
"You like... the outfits? the only thing you saw was the outfits?" She shrugged. "I mean some of them were half naked but nothing more then their panties and bras" He plotted down on the bed next to her pulling her down with him so they were both laying down staring at each other. "I got some filthy shit on there I don't think you're innocent ass would be able to handle." She broke out into a fit of laughter, she laughed so hard tears came to her eyes. She didn't know exactly why it was so funny to her but it was- maybe it was the fact that she couldn't see Erik as a 'filthy' man. Erik didn't find it as funny as she did. Once she saw he wasn't laughing she stoped, and bit her lip. "Sorry."
"Why you laughing tho?" She shrugged again.
"I just...don't see you as- I don't know a dirty man. When I think of a 'dirty man' I think of a man that's really  really sexual. You talk dirty sometimes but you even talk about your sex life that much- a matter of fact you never talk about you sex life like ever, I mean expect for that one night but other then that you don't." He give her a teasing grin before pulling her closer by wrapping a arm around her waist.
"you want me to talk about my sex life?" She blush And smacked him on his chest, it vibrating from his deep laugh. "No of course not...unless?" She mumbled before placing her hand over her face to hide her embarrassment. "How you gonna say that then get embarrassed?"
He lick his thick lips slowly watching her peck through her fingers with a small smile on her face. "I just mean like....what so interesting about it? My cousin literally tells me everything about her and her man sex life so I'm sure I can handle what goes on in yours."
"'ight bet." He smirked getting up from the couch And over to the cabinet that was across the room. He grabbed a key that was hanging a above it and unlocked the cabinet. Israel leaned over to try and see what was in it but his bold ass shoulders were in the way of her view. Soon he pulled out a dvd case with no picture on the front and popped it in. He jumped back onto the bed with her, he watched the screen load while Israel starred holes into his face.
"What did you just put in?" She asked as she got a bit suspicious. His behavior had changed she could tell by the way his body shifted and the look on his face. It was hard again with a slight smirk glazing his lips. His eyes hazy and low. He shrugged at her question just as she did not to long ago to him.
He pressed play and the smirk he had on his face turned into a full on grin when a dark room with little to no light in it. The only light was a red LED lightbulb that gave the room a dark glow. Israel frowned as she tried to figure out what was happening. Realization hit her when she saw Erik come into the camera shot with a limp girl laying in his arms. She almost looked....lifeless with the way her arms just flopped around.
Erik laid her in the bed and took what looked to be rope from the dresser next to the bed. He brought her arms up to the headboard and tied them tightly. Since the girl was unconscious he had no problem tying her up. He kinda wished she was awake cause he liked the struggle sometimes. After he tired her arm and legs to the headboard he reached In the dresser again and pulled out a long white candle and a lighter. He sparked the lighter and the girl's finger twitched a bit and he grinned evilly knowing she was coming back. He lit the candle and let it malt slowly. The tip of the candle wax was clear now so he slowly pour it onto the back of the girl's legs since they were up in the air. She blotted awake in shook and in pain.
Israel slowly began to sink into her seat as chills were sent down her back, this wasn't something she has ever seen and he haven't even got started yet.
"You're awake.....how lovely of you to join me princess, how was your sleep." The girl breathing was heavy and loud but she calmed down when she saw it was just Erik. Erik ran his hand down her the valley of her breasts all the way down to her naked pussy.
Her body shivered slightly and jerk. "Just fuck me already Daddy!" The girl whin. He had already teased her to unconsciousness she was tired of his games.
"This is what you call foreplay, it's basically just getting the girl turned on before you start fucking her. Mainly because if she isn't wet it'll hurt her and won't feel as good for the guy ether." He answered before she could even ask because he knew she was going to ask. She clueless, poor thing.
She nodded trying to swallow her spit even though her mouth was dry. She was getting hot everywhere. Erik could tell by the way she squirmed and shifted in her seat. Her eyes were glued to the big tv screen. eyes watching his every movement, as crazy as it may sound she was slightly jealous of the girl on the screen. As she got older the more she craved to be touched by a man, she was definitely sexually frustrated and she just had to deal with it.
"Ok Erik I get it now we don't have to watch the whole thing." She huffed out a breath reaching out for the remote to turn it off but Erik snatched the remote from her.
"Nah you wanted to watch it so watch it." He snapped making her roll her eyes. They were now 15 minutes in and Erik was fucking the girl to tears. Her voice was horsed and almost gone with the way she was screaming for him to fuck her harder. Erik's body was glossy from the sweat that was dripping down in tear drops onto the girl's.
The tension in the room had gotten so thick that Israel was feeling a bit uneasy, her cheeks were hot and her hands were shaky but her eyes stayed on the screen.
This was probably the best porn she had ever seen- even though She hadn't searched and looked for porn on her own since she was semi traumatized from All the videos her cousins tried to get her to watch one night at a sleep over they had about a year ago. And all the videos that they showed her were videos of white girls fake moaning 'yes daddy give me that big thick cock' and ever since she it had been a big a turn off for her— but this? This was on a whole different level of sexy. The way his body moved mesmerized against the girl's. she couldn't help but imagine the girl as herself. In a deep arch gripping the sheets begging for him to let her cum.
Israel lip was sucked in between her teeth in a hungry manner and her feet played with each other on top of the blankets that were now at their feet.
"Erik..." he hummed at her, moving his eyes to hers. "Why are you showing me this?" He grabbed the remote and stopped the video.
"Because you asked to see it, don't ask me to show you for no shit like this again-" He mumbled taking the dvd out his dvd. "-cause clearly you can't handle it." He snapped, now facing her.
"I Didn't expect you to show me that..." she mumbled moving her eyes around the room to avoid his.
It was silent on both sides, Israel was more so embarrassed then amused like Erik was. "Why so quite now mamas?" He asked laying back on the bed.
"I feel...tingly, down there" He hummed, smirking. turning his face towards her. "You feel all hot and bothered?" She nodded her head before laying against his shoulder, in embarrassment.
The fact that she just admitted that to him was probably the most embarrassing thing she has every done.
"You want me to fix it?" He asked very softly, against the shell of her ear. She whimpered. "E, stop...can you put my movie in now?"
"You don't want daddy to help you?" He said in a jokily manner, Teasing her while poking her in the stomach.
"Erik stop teasing meeeee you're making it worse!" She whined pushing him off of her. "Nigga put my movie in." She demanded, pointing to the tv laughing nervously.
"Alright alright, Baby." He chuckled loudly before getting up to put her movie in.
Part 1 of 2
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lukeisbaby · 4 years
since you’re taking poly cake requests how about dismissive daddy cake x whiny reader🥵🥵
calum is such a soft and sweet daddy while luke is dom as fuCk i love it
“if you don’t stop your fucking whining while me and cal are in a meeting i will take you upstairs and give you a reason to cry.”
luke had angrily pulled you to the kitchen, his hand gripping your jaw as he glared down at you, normally he wouldn’t be this irritated with you, but they were on an important business call with management about the new album and you had been sitting opposite both of the men, pouting, sighing and stomping your feet
“i’m sorry, daddy. i just miss you.” you pout up at him, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes
you didn’t have to cry, you just want him to feel bad for raising his voice at you, but unfortunately for you he knew you well enough to know that it was all an act
he breathed out of his nose and shook his head, turning to look back at calum who was deep in conversation over the computer before looking back down at you
“keep acting up and you’ll regret it. now go sit with P on the couch, if i see you even move an inch before i tell you you can, i’m taking you upstairs and putting you in time out.”
you scrunched your eyebrows together and huffed, jerking away from luke and starting to walk towards the couch, only to be pulled back roughly by your wrist
“lose the fucking attitude, brat.”
you stayed quiet and sauntered to the couch, sitting beside petunia with your legs crossed, keeping your eyes anywhere but on luke who every few seconds glanced your way to make sure you weren’t moving
the call lasted another 30 minutes, and as soon as they were done both men occupied themselves with other things, no one giving you permission to move
you turned around to look over the couch, seeing cal sitting at the kitchen table still on the laptop
you frowned when he didn’t answer you, speaking up louder “daddy?” still no answer
you let out a dramatic sigh and decided to call for luke, hoping he’d give into you
he entered the room without looking your way, passing calum and going to the fridge for a drink “do you hear something, mate?”
“nah, i don’t.”
you could see the smirk on luke’s face as he glanced over to you before getting himself a beer and sitting across from calum
“it’s too bad we don’t have a good little girl to spend time with...” luke trailed off, taking a long sip from the bottle
“i know right, that would be so nice.”
you huffed, “i’m right here!”
“man i swear i keep hearing something.” luke laughed and shook his head, calum only smirking and keeping his eyes on the computer
“daddy pleeeeeeease.” you whine
another 5-10 minutes pass of them ignoring you when luke finally speaks up
“oh yeah, sorry y/n, i meant to tell you you could move like twenty minutes ago.”
your mouth dropped open as you stared at him in shock, his teeth digging into his bottom lip as he tries to hide his smirk, calum not being able to hold back his laugh
“you are both so mean.” you pout
“come here princess.” calum waves you towards him, scooting his chair back and patting his lap for you
you make your way over to him and sit sideways on his lap, wrapping one arm around his neck and leaning into him, whispering “cal, luke is being mean to me.”
“is he baby? want me to rough him up?”
“mhm.” you hum, looking at luke who is holding back a laugh
“poor little girl, you just don’t get any attention do you?” he mocked, sipping his beer
you shake your head and tuck yourself in the side of calum’s neck, his hand running up and down your back comfortingly as he continues scrolling on the macbook
“did big mean luke hurt your feelings?” he asks you, you nod
“need him to apologize? will that make you feel better?” he pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head, glancing at luke who rolled his eyes
“yeah.” you mumble
unlike luke, who always stood his ground, calum was the one to give into you almost every time, unless you were being an absolute terror of course, but he could never stay mad at you for long, your pouting and big puppy dog eyes were his biggest weakness and he always comforted you when luke was being ‘harsh’
“look what you’ve done, mate.” calum shakes his head, looking at luke who leaned forward and turned your cheek to face him
“are you mad at me, princess?”
you nod, luke doing the same before speaking “well, maybe next time you won’t be a fucking brat, huh?”
his words had you hurrying to get off of calum’s lap, pushing his hands away and practically running off to your shared bedroom, the door slamming behind you
calum turned to glare at luke, who was running his fingers through his hair and already standing up from his seat
“don’t even say it.” he grumbled, holding a hand up towards cal and making his way to the stairs
you could hear him outside the bedroom door, knocking lightly, “go away! i don’t like you!”
your tone had luke entering the room and shutting the door quietly behind himself, slowly making his way towards the bed where you were laying on your stomach with a pillow over your head
“i hate you.” your voice was muffled and luke sighed, sitting at the end of the bed and running his hand up your leg
you kicked out your leg and felt him dig his fingers into your skin, keeping you still
you groaned into the mattres
“i came to apologize, are you gonna listen?” you stayed quiet and luke continued on, his voice deepening “i’m sorry, i know i was being a mean daddy.”
you felt his hand creeping up your inner thighs and subconsciously clenched them together, him pulling them apart “relax for me, i wanna show you how sorry i am.”
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pokeau · 3 years
Original post date: March 7th, 2021
Renee stays late at work, and gets a visitor.
Characters: Renee, Zinnia, Pearl, Steven
Warnings: None
Wordcount: 1,553
Vibe: Stressed/comfort
Original AN:
theres probably like 6000000000000000000 spelling and grammar errors but i do not. i do not care.
idea i got at work, i wrote like half of it one mnight and then the other half a few days later. idk where i was really going other than 'zinnia is there'
i wanna say pearl is maybe 4-5 here
The quarter-yearly league summit had finally come to Hoenn, and Renee was exhausted.
She'd never directly dealt with a league summit in her own region before, and this was a moment she'd loathed ever since she became the lead chair of Hoenn's league. Nights were long and filled with paperwork, but there was at least one upside... in the form of Renee's biggest fan.
Despite Emmy and Renee's protest, Pearl would often insist on waking up to meet her mother when she got home. And no matter how exhausted she was, it'd manage to calm her nerves just a little bit. But this time, it was different.
"Mamaaaaaaa!" Pearl would say as she grabbed onto Renee's leg. Renee was just about to get ready to leave for work, but she'd been stopped by Pearl.
"Hey, what's up?" Renee said, ruffling her daughter's hair a bit.
"I wanna come with you this time!!"
Renee simply shook her head.
"It's adult stuff, Pearl. I don't think you'd find it very interesting."
Emmy was still in bed, so she couldn't back Renee up. Renee didn't really have the energy to fight over it, so with a defeated sigh, she agreed to let Pearl come in with her to work - to Pearl's joyful cheers.
Pearl would come to the office with Renee... semi-frequently. She actually had some toys set up in a corner in her mother's office, but she was shy to the point of hiding and not speaking around strangers in the building. The office was relatively empty at this time in the morning, but it was likely due to the fact that it was a weekend. Pearl had no problem skipping through the empty halls up to Renee's office.
It was a generous space - given Renee had reclaimed it from the Stone family, who were always known to be extravagant. Speaking of which, that was who she had to call - Steven. He'd denied the position as the manager of the Hoenn league from his father for a multitude of reasons, but he was still the face of Hoenn's glamour. Renee just needed to catch up with him to see if he was preparing all right.
Pearl would look on with doe eyes as Renee sat down at her desk and grabbed her desk's phone.
"Who ya calling?" Pearl asked, looking over the desk on her tip-toes.
"Uncle Steven. You can say hi, but just for a second."
The phone ringed a couple of times before Steven picked up.
"Hello? Renee?" he said, his voice a bit winded.
Almost immediately, before Renee would say hello back, Pearl grabbed the phone and enthusiastically greeted Steven. Renee just sighed and put the phone on speaker so she didn't have to fish the receiver away from Pearl.
"Oh! Hey Pearl! You in the office today?" Steven said, as a woman's laughter could be heard on the other end.
"Who's that?" Pearl asked, though Renee already knew.
Some shuffling could be heard on the other end
"Gooooooooood morning Pearl!"
It was Zinnia. Because of course it was. Pearl seemed quite surprised to hear Zinnia on the other end, and said good morning back, before Renee spoke up.
"What on earth are you two doing this early?"
There was a brief pause and more shuffling.
"Zinnia thought it was a bright idea to wake me up early to train... I swear, it's-" Steven said, though he was cut off.
"It's a GOOD IDEA!! It gets the blood pumping early! It makes you alert!" Zinnia interjected.
There was some banter between the two before Renee cut them both off. It was at this point that she asked for the receiver back from Pearl, who seemed satisfied with listening in on whatever Steven and Zinnia were talking about. Still, Pearl wouldn't go to her toys, and instead watched intently as Renee put the call off speaker and continued to talk.
Renee was happy to hear that Steven had been training early, but she was more concerned about if he was emotionally getting prepared. Before more often than not, the world championship would leave Steven completely burnt out on a mental end. Steven admitted that the anxiety was getting to him, but that Zinnia and Wallace were helping a lot... and the fact that the pressure from his father wasn't present helped bunches, too.
Renee ended the call with a satisfied look, and turned to Pearl as she set the phone receiver down.
"Alright, I'm gonna be doing some... serious adult stuff now, so I'm going to need you to let me keep focused." Renee said, to which Pearl replied with a nod.
So, Renee got on to work... it was a lot of shuffling through applications, reading, approving, denying, writing notes... who gets what sponsors, is that even allowed?; it was tedious, to say the least. Pearl was intent on watching her mother work, but got bored after a while, so she went over to her toys.
And so started the waiting game.
After the first two hours, Renee would ask Pearl hourly is she wanted Emmy to pick her up, but Pearl was adamant about refusing, saying she wanted to stay with Renee. Hour after hour, Renee's patience dwindled. When lunch came, she almost felt like begging Pearl to go home, in fear that her daughter would become fussy if she had to stay at work for too long... but Pearl insisted she was ok.
Papers, webpages, smudges in pen... it all started to blur together as Renee's eyes grew increasingly tired. But she knew she couldn't rest yet. Dinner passed, and Pearl was still keeping herself perfectly occupied. Renee was honestly amazed that Pearl's attention span for her toy's storyline was better than hers for her paid job.
The sun set, and Pearl was getting tired. She started asking Renee when they'd be going home, and, while giving her stack of paperwork an exhausted look, Renee would have to tell her daughter she had to stay later. Again, Renee told Pearl that Emmy could come pick her up at any time, but Pearl was dead-set on going home when Renee did. Emmy's texts grew more and more worried as Renee's typing tone became blunter and her projected stay at the office stretched later and later.
Eventually, Pearl got comfy on a couch in the office and fell fast asleep. It was hard not to feel sleepy watching her, the only thing going on in Renee's head at the moment was a swirling headache and exhaustion.
Trainers, vendors, approvals, sponsorships... it never ended. Renee felt like screaming, flipping over her desk, something to let out how frustrated she was... but her body was so tired she couldn't get herself to do anything.
Then, when she least expected it; A buzz at her office's door would jolt Renee awake.
Curious, she'd check the camera... to see a familiar face. It was Zinnia, of course. Renee let her in, though her expression didn't change.
"Heyy! Emmy told me you were stuck here late today." Zinnia said, before Pearl asleep on the couch caught her eye. "Wow, she's still here?"
"Yea, refused to go home... did Emmy send you here to take her, or whatever?"
"What, no. I came here outta my own volition - I wanted to try and help ya out!" Zinnia said with a smile, pulling up a chair next to Renee's desk.
"This is all confidential paperwork of the league..." Renee mumbled.
"And so what? Not like this is my first tango with stuff I shouldn't be looking at. Besides, I'm technically a champion here too, and it's not like mom's gonna kill ya for it."
"Mmmm... fine." Renee said, sliding over half of her work pile to Zinnia, who gladly started immediately.
While Renee was completely drained, she was still able to hold small conversation with Zinnia, though Zinnia was doing most of the talking. Renee came to realize that Zinnia was burning through the papers at quite the pace... which she guessed must've been easy for someone who was perky and well-rested.
"I'm kinda surprised with how familiar you seem with all this..." Renee said, tapping her pen against her current paper a bit.
"I do all Steven's shit! I thought I told ya?"
"Right. Right, fuck. My brain's drawing a blank."
Zinnia's usual smug grin turned to one of worry.
"Hey, look, Renee, it's late. And as much as I believe in you, you're only going to push yourself closer to the edge if you keep going tonight."
"But if I want to keep on schedule..." Renee replied, her words drifting off.
"Pshh, who cares about that! Say what, I come in tomorrow morning with you, and all this bullshit is finished by lunch."
"Are you saying that like it's some kind of challenge?"
"Sure! Why not! Gives me something to spice up the week, plus I get to help you out."
Renee stood up from her chair, stretched, and rubbed her temples.
"Ok. Alright. I'll stop for the night." she said, looking to Zinnia. "Thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, truly."
"Hey, it's cool!" Zinnia said, a bit flustered. She gave Renee a pat on the back before walking over to lift up a sleeping Pearl. "Let's go home."
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toyboy-molloy · 4 years
reddie + blackmail ft. baby hanscom
“Uncle Richie?” Rose Hanscom skipped into the lounge where her uncle was sprawled on the sofa, watching some comedy show. He hummed in acknowledgement, barely looking up from the television. Rose rocked on her heels, “can I watch cartoons?”
Richie glanced at her, then, waving a hand dismissively, “what? No! We agreed cartoons at 7pm, right
"I wanna watch cartoons now,” Rose complained, adding a stamp of her foot for good measure. Richie just shrugged, idly flicking through the channels and tossing candy into his mouth. She decided to pull out the big guns, “lemme watch cartoons or I’ll tell uncle Eddie you love him.”
That got Richie’s attention. Surely she wouldn’t reveal his deep rooted feelings for his best friend and recent flatmate, how desperately in love with him he was? How Rose figured it out, he wasn’t sure. He narrowed his eyes.
“You wouldn’t.”
Rose just smiled mischievously, turning to the kitchen and calling out, “uncle Eddie?”
"Okay, okay, you can watch cartoons,” Richie hastily muttered as Eddie appeared in the doorway, wearing a flowery apron and rubber gloves. He looked so fucking cute, Richie had to fight his growing smile. Rose smiled innocently.
Eddie looked between the two of them before he returned to the kitchen, shaking his head. Richie was already sulking, handing over the television remote to the very smug child.
Eddie was making dinner when Rose entered the kitchen a few hours later. She pulled out one of the stools and sat at the table, watching him bustle about, setting the table and cleaning around himself. He tended to hum as he moved about, forgetting other people were around him. More than once Rose had caught Richie staring at him.
“Hey, uncle Eddie?” She interrupted his daydream sweetly, resting her head in her hands, “can I have some ice cream?”
"Your mom said you can have some after dinner, okay, sweetie?” Eddie replied softly, giving her a sympathetic smile. He was a kid once, he hadn’t liked being told no either. He ruffled her hair and he passed, setting the space next to her, “you don’t want to spoil your appetite.”
“Pleeeeeeease?” Rose batted her eyelashes, which usually worked. But Eddie knew better than to upset Bev. He chuckled.
"Come on, Rose, I live with your uncle Richie. You’re gonna have to try harder than that.”
“Okay,” Rose said firmly, folding her arms in a way that made Eddie almost nervous, “if you won’t let me have some ice cream, I’ll tell uncle Richie you like like him.”
Eddie’s eyes widened and he swallowed anxiously, “no you won’t.”
"Uncle Richie?” Rose called without hesitation, watching as Eddie panicked and hurried over to the freezer, muttering under his breath about being blackmailed by a third grader. Richie skidded into the kitchen a moment later, looking between them.
“Everything okay?”
Eddie was smiling far too widely, nodding quickly. He was sweating and Richie began to wonder if he was coming down with something. Rose looked up from her bowl of ice cream, smiling, “everything’s okay. I just wanted to say hi.”
Richie chuckled, ruffling her hair and playfully kissing her cheek to make her giggle before skipping out of the kitchen. Rose discreetly watched as Eddie exhaled in relief. One of these days, they’d wise up and admit their feelings. Until then, Rose was determined to enjoy ice cream and cartoons for as long as she could.
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