#just checked and YUP ofc it was
prinzessinpluto · 1 year
bro that criminal minds puppeteer episode fucks (me up) so hard
they really snuck that in there and pretended like it's just another serial killer, no biggie and i've been haunted by it for years
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Saw someone say they strongly dislike monoma and personally I think that’s stupid and a weak opinion to have in 2023
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hanniehq · 6 months
hey briizes!! have u realised that seunghan has been on hiatus longer than hes been active as an idol?? yup its so fucked. just commenting around saying ur ot7 unfortunately wont do too much so if u can pls check out twt/x on how u can help ‘boycott’ sm and riize’s next comeback. no this wont affect other members, this is an action to make sure SM puts in effort into protecting all the members and ofc bring back seunghan. the main way is to not interact with riize content as much or at all. please try ur best!! this is the only way for us to show that seunghan’s leave is a big deal and that people still care for him:’(
i honestly dont think i would be able to enjoy the SECOND comeback without him. nevertheless if seunghan himself has chosen to still rest, i hope he is staying healthy and will comeback eventually🤍🫧
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cup1dt3a · 1 year
Do you still accept requests?
How would it be if the human reader has a little brother or sister who watches Wally's show, and well the reader like a good big brother the reader takes care of them and watches along with them, well what if Yandere wally falls in love with the reader, what would happen?
Tysm for the request this is the first one I’ve ever had for a story! And ofc! My request are always open unless stated otherwise. Also I mainly just do gender neutral!readers so the reader will be gender neutral!
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” It’s starting! It’s starting! It’s starting! Come on you slow poke!”
“ Ow! Ok ok! Geez how you so strong for a seven year old?”
You muttered as your younger sister tugged you towards the Tv. Eyes gleaming with pure enchantment as the cheesy theme song of the puppet show they loved to watch. You being the good older sibling you were would watch it with them since your parents were too busy most of the time to watch the show with her.
“ Eeeeee! Look it’s Wally!” You cheered as the colorful puppet appeared on the screen.
“ Yup they’re your favorite huh?” You asked them with a chuckle to how excited they got.
“ Of course they paint very well and they look so cool!” They exclaimed while the puppets talked away.
As the show went on you just watched away with your little sibling. Sure it was just another little kids show but you had to admit the character designs were just so well done and amazing.
“Now what should I paint today?” Wally asked on the big screen looking towards the audience.
“ A rainbow rose!” They jumped.
“ A DANCING BLUE FLAMINGO!” You shouted just to mess with them seeing them angrily huff.
“ As if he’d paint that. Wally is so much more mature than that!” They crossed their arms as you giggled.
“ What an excellent decision! A dancing blue flamingo!” He cheered.
Your sibling ate their words with a pitiful glare as they looked up at you sticking your tongue out at them. You both watched the episode making a few jokes here and there to upset them. It was all fun in games for you two. It’s not really like your parents were ever around either. Sure it sucked but at least you weren’t alone as much as you wished but fuck it they’re fun to be around so why not.
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You had put your little sister to bed a while ago. At least 2 hours ago and decided it was time to check on them due to their nightmares they have. As you went to their room you had heart their voice outside the room along with another’s voice it sounded familiar but you knew it wasn’t one of your parents. As you hurriedly walked over to where you heard the voices your heart beat fast. Rushing as faster than you ran to check on who the hell was talking to your seven year old sister.
“ Yeah! _____ loves that too!” You happily said as you turned to corner in a panic.
“ Mhm! You’re so helpful little one but I think it’s off to bed with you now. Go on sweet dreams little dreamer.” Wally said on the big screen with a smile and tilt to his head.
“ Oh geez. What are you doing up watching TV?” You sighed in relief.
“ Wally wanted to talk with me. And I didn’t want to be rude!” They replied looking up at you while you took them to bed holding their small hand.
“ Ok but next time Wally wants to “talk” with you tell him ____ said no.” You told them playing into their little fantasy.
“ Fine…Can you watch Welcome Home with me tomorrow still?” They sad with puppy dog eyes.
“ Yes yes. How about after work we go have a little sleep over in my room sound good?” You asked as they nodded with excitement.
As you went back into the living room you had noticed the TV was still on with Wally staring at you. Well it looked that way but as he silently stared you hadn’t noticed how much larger his smile got before you shut it off with a big yawn.
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You had been having to take your younger sibling to work with you. It’s not like you wanted to but it’s not like you had a choice either. Because your parents were never home and your sister was to you get to be alone either way. Plus your boss was ok with it since they would bring their own kid to work. They would play together with each other a lot and we’re friends so it was a win win either way.
“ You having fun with charley?” You asked as they nodded playing with the other’s action figures.
It was getting late so you had to remind them to start wrapping things up. They sadly agreed upset it was the end of your shift before they remembered about your sleep over with them. They had said their goodbyes and hugged any other friends they had before you had left. They had skipped as they held your hand back to the apartment. You then came upon a display case of old TV’s they all displayed Wally.
“ Look! Loook! It’s Wally he’s waving at us! Hiiii Wally!” They jumped with glee waving at the puppet on screen.
Indulging your younger sister you also waved greeting the puppet before walking away with your younger sibling. Not noticing the out of order signs or the way the puppet had followed you both with its head.
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” Sleep Over! Sleep Over! SLEEP OVER!” They chanted as you popped the popcorn and got a few apples for them too.
You both went back to your room rolling your eyes as they dashed over towards your room. You also has a TV in there to watch your own shows other than Welcome Home. Such as more horror shows and adult shows because you didn’t want to accidentally influence them with inappropriate things or have to answer the embarrassing questions of theirs.
“ So let me guess Welcome Home?” You guessed without a doubt as they exclaimed a gleeful yes.
You then set the Tv up to play the show as they started to munch on some popcorn. She then started to try and aim it at your mouth every time missing but you still encouraged them to keep trying until one lucky shot they finally got it in your mouth.
“ Wooo! I did it!” The cheered bounced up and down.
“ Good job little dreamer!” Wally clapped on point as if he was congratulating your sister with you.
“ Thanks Wally it was so cool right?” They asked expecting an answer.
“Oh why it was very cool! You think you can do it again?” He asked with a tilt to his head.
You sat there in concern as the two talked observing as they spoke to each other.
“ How are you doing that?” You asked them with a slight shake to your voice.
“ Doing what…Omg you’re so dumb just talk to him like any other person ____! ____ can be so dumb sometimes right Wally?” They asked looking over to the puppet.
“ Now that wasn’t nice? You should apologize to ____ they must feel very sad now.” He told the small child.
They hurriedly apologize just as the puppet asked. He was a puppet. He couldn’t have known your name. Your little sister isn’t smart enough to even think of a prank like this. They’ve been doing this. This has been going on for weeks! Finding them in front of the TV talking to the puppet with glee.
“ ____? You ok?” She asked you tugging on your sleeve with concern for your silence.
“ Yes, Yes I’m fine…So wally how long have you two been talking.” You asked in disbelief still pale.
“ I think the second day you both watched the show! You’re such a good sibling always going on with the little dreamers antics you almost make me envy you with how cute of a sister you have.” They replied.
That’s not part of any script. This wasn’t normal!
“ Yeah! Wally would ask me to go and talk to him about you!” they said with a smile on your face while yours remained pale.
“ Yes I couldn’t help myself and they always sneaked up late at night for a snack and mischievous little thing they are started to just talk to me. I couldn’t help but ask about you. Always so hard working and kind to the little one.” You dreamily sighed.
“ Uh huh.” You said.
You felt sick. How could you not have noticed this!? How did you let this slide for months? Are you that neglectful? God you’re almost as bad as your parents! Your little sibling has been talking with some puppet who sounds obsessed with you as they go on and on about how perfect you are. You had noticed your sister start to yawn cuddling up on the bed. You took her to her room as soon as she passed out wanting to have your own conversation with the puppet. As you came back there he stood int the dark screen with that sinister smile peering into your soul.
“ What exactly have you been asking of my little sister?” You asked him with a slight grit to your teeth.
“ Just about you. Your likes, interests, hobbies, insecurities…. Everything about you really!” He stated.
“ Why though?” You asked feeling insane for doing this.
“ Because you’re all I can think about. All I ever dream about! All I ever want. Just look at yourself. So perfect so free like a song bird.” He sighed looking as if he was drooling.
“ You’re just so perfect. I love and want everything to do with….Why are you trying to turn the TV off?” He pouted with a tilt as you tried to turn your Tv off.
“ No No! My sweet dreamer you’re finally acknowledging me! I won’t let you stop now! We’ll be together forever! Just me you and your sister!” He gasped getting closer to the Tv.
The screen then constantly displayed love me on it over and over again while the puppets eyes shook. “ Please love me! I need you!!I promise I won’t harm them at all just please keep listening to me! I need you!” He yelled banging onto the screen.
You had no idea what to do or to listen to him as he constantly cried out of any ounce of your attention. Almost like a touch starved animal.
“You…promise?” You asked as he nodded smile growling bigger by the second. What have you done?
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Tysm again for the request they are open! Hope you’re all having a good day/night or that it gets better!
Part 2 ( Enjoy<333)
Sincerely- Cup1dT3A💌
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auras-moonstone · 1 year
i’m so happy to hear you’re taking jack requests!! there’s a serious drought of them on tumblr 😭
could we get jack x fem!reader with him sleeping over at her place for the first time (or vice versa)? nothing smutty ofc (only if you want to but i see this concept as more fluffy than anything lol). i just think he’d be so cute and shy and awkward 😭 like turning away so she can change, not knowing wether to sleep on the bed or the floor, doing skincare together, cuddling-
i need this man as my bf rn
thank u!!
hi!! this concept is so cute, thank you for requesting it! hope you enjoy it <3 and yeah, i need this man to be my bf too. he’s the definition of boyfriend material.
is it too soon? — jack champion
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words: 1,380
pairing: jack champion x fem!reader
summary: y/n invites jack to her house for dinner and a sleepover. when sleeping time comes, the nerves take over his body.
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Y/N AND JACK HAVE BEEN DATING FOR ALMOST THREE MONTHS. They met on the set of Scream 6, when Y/N was visiting her best friend, Devyn, and Jack is never going to forget the first words she said to him.
“Oh my god! You are the bicycle boy from Endgame” she had smiled at him, and Jack knew he was a goner. They had exchanged instagrams, and talked almost every single day—Devyn even joked about how Y/N texted him more than she texted her. They went on their first date almost a two weeks after they met, and it was on their third date—two weeks after the first one—when Y/N asked him to be her boyfriend.
Due to his long hours of filming and her being busy with college essays and exams, they couldn’t manage to spend so much time alone—only going on short dates every now and then, and lots of facetiming between shooting and study breaks. But now that the movie was done, they wanted to spend every moment together. For this occasion, Y/N had invited him over to her house for dinner and a sleep over.
They had just finished doing the dishes, he had her against the counter, hugging her tightly and placing sweet kisses on her lips, when an idea came to her mind “Wanna do skin care with me?” she asked giving him those puppy eyes he adored, and how could he say no? So he let her guide him to the bathroom.
“So, what do I have to do?” he asked eying all the products on the counter.
She grabbed two pink plush headbands with big bows in the middle and handed one to him. “Put this on, so your hair doesn’t touch the products” she instructed. He nodded and put it on, making her smile at the sight “You are the most adorable human I’ve ever seen”.
He blushed and kissed her cheek as she also put the headband on “Pretty girl”.
“Thank you, babe. Have you ever done skin care?”
“Really? Not even moisturiser or cleanser?” she asked shocked.
“Babe, I don’t know what you are saying” he laughed.
“I’m sorry, that’s unfair! I take care of my skin and it’s nowhere near as good as yours… and you don’t do skin care!” Y/N’s hands moves frenetically as she ranted on.
He looked at her with a lovey smile before leaning down to kiss her “Your skin is perfect and so are you”.
“Mmh stop distracting me” she said in between kisses. “Okay, less romance, more skin care”.
“It’s cold!” Jack said loudly as she applied serum on his face.
“Don’t be dramatic” she laughed. “Now spread it all over your face carefully”.
“This is relaxing” he said closing his eyes. “but you do this every day?”.
“Yup” she answered “Now the last part: the exfoliant!”.
“Holy shit my skin feels so soft” Jack said once they finished the routine.
“Let me check” she said before pressing kisses all over his face “Yeah, very soft”.
“Let me check yours in return” he said with a smirk, repeating the same action she did, making her giggle.
“This was fun, but I’m exhausted. Let’s go to sleep” she took his hand and guided him upstairs.
It was when he set foot on her bedroom that the nerves kicked in. He had been at her house, of course, but never slept over. Y/N had classes in the morning, and he had to go to the set, so they preferred to sleep in their own houses.
He stood there, looking at the bed. Was he supposed to sleep there or should he sleep on the floor? Should he ask her? Would she think he was crossing the line by even thinking they were to sleep on the same bed?
“Jack? Are you okay?” she asked, she had a pair of joggers in her hands.
“Y-yeah” he showed her his best smile.
“Okay… here you go. You lent me this a couple of days ago”
“Thanks” he grabbed them awkwardly.
“I have to change into my pjs, do you mind if I change here?” Y/N asked. She had a bathroom, but honestly she felt too lazy to go downstairs.
“H-here?” Jack asked, his cheeks painted a crimson red.
Y/N mentally cursed herself “Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable… I can go downstairs, it’s okay”.
“No, no! I’ll just turn around and you tell me when you’re done” he answered. “I’ll change into my joggers” She nodded, and he turned to face the door as they both changed “Done”.
After a few seconds her voice was heard “Me too” he turned around to face her, and his thoughts went to the bed and where he was going to sleep.
“Do you have some extra blankets or a sleeping bag?” he asked.
Y/N furrowed her brows, and then her face fell. Were they going too fast? Y/N never thought sleeping over would be such a big deal, but guess she was wrong. Was he uncomfortable around her? Did he think she was implying they should do more than sleeping? Because maybe he read the whole thing wrong and that’s why he was acting weird. “Yeah, in my closet”.
Jack felt bad, he noticed instantly because of her expression that he had hurt her a bit. So, before she could enter the closet, he grabbed her hand softly “Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you”.
“It’s okay, Jack. I’m overreacting, it’s totally fine if you don’t want to sleep in the same bed yet. I just wanted you to know that I wasn’t saying that we should do more than sleeping. Sorry if I made it seem like that, you know, with the whole changing in front of you and the sleeping on the same bed thing”.
“What? No! That’s not what you made me think at all. Of course I don’t mind sleeping next to you. It’s just… you are my first girlfriend and I lo-“ he stopped himself. Did he almost let the l-word slip? “and I started overthinking, that maybe you wouldn’t be comfortable with me sleeping on your bed, that I was overstepping and I don’t want to ruin anything, especially with you”.
Y/N sighed in relief “Okay. That’s a relief. You are my first boyfriend too, so don’t feel bad for overthinking. I do that a lot too, to be completely honest”.
Jack smiled at her, and put his arms around the back of her neck, making her look up at him with those long eyelashes and hypnotising eyes he loved so much “Now that everything is solved, let’s go to sleep”.
The couple got inside the bed, he quickly pulled her to his chest. Y/N closed her eyes and relaxed, between his heartbeats resonating in her ears and the warmth that his body provided, she almost fell asleep. Until she remembered. She had noticed when he almost said the word, and how quickly he corrected himself. She was not going to let that sign pass, so she took the matters into her own hands.
“Jack?” she said against his chest, checking if he was sleeping.
“Yes, babe?” he asked in a delicate voice.
“I want to tell you something” she said looking up. He nodded, signalling her to continue “I… maybe it’s too soon to say it, but every moment I spend with you just fuels the feeling more and more, to the point that I can barely stop myself from saying it. It’s okay if you aren’t ready yet, but I want you to know that I love you, Jack”.
Silence embraced the room. It took Jack a few, way too long, seconds to realize it wasn’t some trick made by his imagination. The girl he loved just told him she loved him too. And he was just staring at her, but she wasn’t panicking. That’s because she recognized the glint in his eyes—Y/N understood he wasn’t shocked in a bad way, in fact, it was quite the opposite. It was at that moment that she knew he was in love too.
“I love you too, Y/N/N” he finally said. His face reflected nothing but happiness. And their confession was sealed with a passionate kiss that showcased everything they once were too scared to say.
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piastri-lover · 1 year
who would have guessed; alex albon
summary: in which you and alex are dropping hints about your relationship, and yet no one seems to be getting the hint
pairing: alex albon x celeb!reader
author's note: i fucking love alex albon and this prompt!! icl i dont know he's so underrated but i enjoyed making this sm xx
yourusername 📍tulum, mexico
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liked by pierregasly, zendaya and 17293057 yourusername summer time x view comments
user1 i love y/n so fucking much
user2 wife
user3 are u kidding i was lit in mexico two days ago and NOW the queen is here -user4 lit flew out this morning i could have met my wife
zendaya having fun? ;)) -yourusername don't know what u mean by that --zendaya ill keep my mouth shut
user5 after 3 months of oppenheimer filming y/n prob needs a break -user6 she slayed as jean though --user5 100%
user7 mexico is my country and i'm so glad u love it liked by yourusername -user7 omg y/n liked my comment im done
user8 whos she with -user9 idk but someone def took that 3rd photo
user10 why is pierre in the queen y/n's likes?? -user11 i bet he forgot to switch accounts and liked without thinking --user12 ariana what are u doing here
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yourusername 📍tulum, mexico
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liked by sydney_sweeney, landonorris and 32017295 others yourusername thank u for the restuarant reccomendation, we loved it xx view comments
user13 mother is mothering
user14 she's so fit -user15 that scene in oppenheimer changed me as a person
user16 THERES A BOY -user17 omg omg omg this is not a drill
sydney_sweeney y/n... -yourusername ill call u later and fill u in babe
user18 first pierre, now lando -user19 the entire grid is simping for y/n and tbh i don't blame them
user20 the soft launch is beginning -user21 im so ready to analyse every screenshot to try and work this out first
user22 i need that dress
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alex_albon replied to your story:
alex_albon ur fans are going wild on twt rn
yourusername really?? i haven't checked
alex_albon mhmm like they havent stopped speculating for hours im sure i saw someone ship u with fucking lando
yourusername he is kinda cute...
alex_albon oy
yourusername im kidding we still going out for dinner tonight??
alex_albon yup its me and you, george and carmen and lando lol
yourusername all good
alex_albon pick u up at 8?
yourusername counting down the minutes baby love u x
alex_albon love u more x
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liked by pierregasly, charles_leclerc and 4103549 others landonorris my fave couples (im so alone) view comments
user23 umm
user24 lando babe i dont feel like u were supposed to post this
georgerussell63 he's passed out and i dont know his password idk what to do -user25 george are y/n and alex dating??? --georgerussell63 no lando was just feeling a bit silly
user26 george trying to defend alex and y/n when we obv know they're dating
alex_albon i let him take one photo and ofc he does this -yourusername at least we look cute --alex_albon we always look cute baby
user27 i wasnt sure about alex but look they're so wholesome
user28 im j wondering how tf alexander albon pulled the y/n -user29 me too --user30 like nothing against him but y/n is... well y/n
landonorris wait i thought this was my private
landonorris so so sorry -yourusername ur buying me a drink when we next go out --landonorris done and done ---alex_albon my girl has expensive taste lando u have completely shot urself in the foot
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tagged: alex_albon liked by zendaya, pierregasly and 51294856 othersyourusername lando ruined my softlaunch(🖕🖕) but anyway i kinda love him so be nice xx view comments
user31 no bc theyre acc cute
user32 i hate to have to share my wife but it would be with him
landonorris ive apologised 1000 times idk what more to do -alex_albon she had the entire thing all planned out but no lando norris had to intervene --yourusername honestly im heartbroken i might need another bottle of champagne... ---landonorris fuck off y/n the last bottle was like £1000
alex_albon leng -yourusername appreciate it bro
alex_albon the last photo❤️❤️❤️-yourusername love u big man
user33 omg i hope we get to see her at a grand prix soon -yourusername im def coming to spa and we'll see after that
williamsracing already saving a seat for u -yourusername i cant wait xx
user34 dont know whether i want to be alex or her
user35 bi awakening -user36 fr
user37 sleeping on the highway tonight -landonorris ill be joining u --user38 landos so real for that
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whyse7vn · 11 months
[ ot7 x reader ]
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8 participants - 8 online
namjoon: why are you guys so quiet today
what did you do??
just tell me so i can fix it pls and thx
hobi: idk I’m at the studio
y/n: omw to the studio so idk x2
jk: i am at home
tae: i am also at jungkooks home (and y/ns i would never forget u my queen i love ur house) maybe yoongi got into a fight again idk
yoongi: i am watching tv
not fighting
that was one time
hobi: didn’t you break woozi’s nose literally last week and harassed scoups a week before that?
jin: he also did knock out that one staff guy last month
namjoon: he did
and luckily when the guy woke up he couldn’t remember anything and didn’t sue
yoongi: you know about all that?
stop stalking me
hobi: people talk yoongi!!!
tae: ok but yoongi also punched ME like who even is woozi when he’s at home????
yoongi: me but if i was ugly homeless untalented and had a broken nose
jin: yoongi is woozi’s evil twin
yoongi: idk a woozi
namjoon: we are getting off track
jimin jin what did you do??
jin: i was cleaning haven’t done anything promise
namjoon: who is lying to me
pls tell me i really don’t have time for this rn
y/n: i vote jimin why is he shouting never trust a man that shouts
also tae get the fuck out my house rn
and can i get a little context about this woozi situation….
tae: cant wait for u to come home #sleepover
jin: it means i me cleaning?
is he stupid? anyways i vote y/n cuz she’s a sick little liar and is probably causing problems
y/n: i’m literally in a car rn i’m not doing anything
yoongi: read my message i sent you :3
hobi: i vote tae
jk: same
tae: wtf jungkook
jk: sorry u are taking real long in the toilet for all i know you could of jumped out the window and stabbed 46 people
tae: no cuz ur so right
but i haven’t btw namjoon if ur wondering
namjoon: ur all stressing me out
stop arguing
and NO sex talk please
jimin: ??????
yoongi: who is arguing?
jin: and who is talking about sex?
namjoon: oh
um okay
yoongi: freak
hobi: yoongi about to send u this song listen to it pretty pls with a cherry on top >.<
yoongi: k
jk: guys pls someone bring me bread
i ate all my bread
y/n: will get some on my way home
yoongi i stg answer ur phone
jk: blushing
yoongi: :3333
jin: it’s probably a issue in ur settings
maybe idk
have you checked?
namjoon: this feel extremely wrong
is everyone ok?
hobi: yes yes
yoongi: 👍🏻
jimin: YEAH
tae: yh
jin: yup
jk: yes mr namjoon
y/n: ofc !!
but woozi is not can we pls address the woozi situation yoongi did NOT answer me
namjoon: okay
why do i feel like something is wrong then
everything is wayyyyy to calm
it’s like
domestic almost
in a strange way
its unsettling
jin: then settle? idk what to tell you
jk: domestic malewife 🥺
my dream
y/n: ????
namjoon: no one is threatening to kill anyone
ur not taking about sex
nothing about feminism
or tae being broke
no jk vs yoongi
jin vs jimin????
hobi isn’t singing
no drug talk
and not one of you is on drugs right now??
guys be fr
what’s wrong?
jk: do you want me to get high rn??????
i can do it
if you want
i can
just say the word
namjoon: no wtf???
i would LIKE if you guys told me what the fuck you’re hiding from me
jin: let’s talk about what UR hiding joon
namjoon: what i’m hiding????
i’m not hiding anything
tae: when life gets tough you need to fix yourself
or you won’t be fixed
jk: woah
yoongi: what?
hobi: it’s cold as fuck toady
jk: tell him to fix it
because if he doesn’t fix himself he won’t be fixed
tae: the way jungkook just gets it 🥺
jin: don’t lie kim namjoon
namjoon: i really don’t know what ur talking about but ok??
anyways u guys are still bothering me but not in a i want to bash my head against a wall sense like normal
but in a are they being held at gun point sense
can you all snap out of it??
jk: don’t bash ur head joon
namjoon: im not
that is my problem
yoongi: sounds like you are
namjoon: you guys did something real fucked up didnt you that’s why ur acting like this
you can tell me
i wont get mad
hobi: ok can you shut up ohmygod
jk: can you not shout pls ur scaring people
jk: sorry i’m just a ugly pig then
yoongi: ur so dramatic
tae: don’t worry kookie small men often carry a large amount of rage that’s why jimin is shouting
don’t take it personal
y/n: ok so you guys really don’t gaf about woozi???
jk: what is that???
yoongi: literally
tae: y/n can you also buy cheese for us when you come back
jk: cheese 🤤
y/n: whatever….
namjoon: wow ok
i’ll just go then?
jk: baiiii ^^ 💞✨
namjoon: no this feels so wrong
y/n: go take a nap joon
hobi: bros just yapping away like 💀
tae: GO
namjoon: did you guys kill someone?
be honest with me im begging
jin: maybe if we ignore him he’ll go away
jimin: fixed my keyboard
thank god amen #lifeisgood
namjoon: guys
jk: i’m a man not a guy
yoongi: what
hobi: do you think maybe this is his midlife crisis?
jin: i thought the whole rap monster thing was his midlife crisis
y/n: he was like 18 then?
jin: i didn’t expect him to live long
jimin: start of life crisis
tae: maybe namjoon himself is the crisis
namjoon: you guys are my crisis
y/n: we haven’t even done anything
namjoon: can you guys do something
hobi: ur really loosing it
namjoon: don’t make ME do something
hobi: wtf is namjoon threatening me rn?
jimin: what is the worst namjoon can do be fr
namjoon: i have like 127 snipers on ur house rn shut the fuck up
jimin: wtf???????
y/n: nct core
namjoon: me y/n and tae had a threesome
jk: WHAT??????????????
jimin: oh my actual god
namjoon: but that’s not the first time we fucked
minus tae ofc
tae: wait what
hobi: oh wow
namjoon: on jungkooks birthday last year
yoongi: laughed
namjoon: and at a sleepover we all had at yoongi’s house
yoongi: oh
y/n: i am going to kill you
namjoon: i have almost asked her to be my girlfriend
y/n: what
namjoon: on multiple occasions
jk: THIS HAS TO BE FAKE OMGSHH2£:£!£3:;&;’cmnfkknfmfnc
y/n: namjoon
namjoon: i’ve tried to get taehyung kicked out of the group a total of 29 times
tae: WHY WTF
jin: LMAO that’s crazy as hell
namjoon: i have never eaten a single dish jin has ever cooked for me
jin: ARE YOU SICK?????????
namjoon: when we debuted i believed jimin was the ugliest man i had ever seen and felt physically ill when people would flirt with him because wtf were they seeing??
jimin: WOW
that’s crazy actually
do u even fw us be honest
hobi: definitely fw y/n that’s for sure!!!
ok i’m sorry i didn’t mean it i don’t want to know what you have to say im sorry i just saw the opportunity PLS IM SORRY IM SORRY
namjoon: ur mother used to send me money so i would hang with you
hobi: ur telling me our sunday bonding days weren’t actually sunday bonding days 🥲
namjoon: i wanted to shoot myself in the head
jimin: what the actual fuck is happening
namjoon: why would i be lying?
y/n: namjoon you need stop talking
yoongi: namjoon kill yourself
namjoon: thank you
jimin: this is by far the craziest degradation kink i’ve ever seen
namjoon: argue
yoongi: you want us to argue?
are you high?
tae: waittt namjoons first high 💞💞💞💞
jimin: that makes sense
he don’t even know what he’s talking about rn lmao
not even mad anymore
i’m happy for u bro
namjoon: no i definitely do know what i’m talking about
i just want you guys to act normal
tae: it’s okay ur doing great joonie
y/n: you have to be cuz wtf
jk: im confused
namjoon: shut up
jk: why is namjoon fighting me
namjoon: i literally slept with y/n
he’s actually so fucked up and insane for saying that TO ME LIKE TO ME MY COOKING ARE YOU INSANE??????
what a SHIT leader…
hobi: i think maybe he needs to hug a tree rn
stay grounded or smth
yoongi: bro is off the trees rn wydm
namjoon: i am “off” absolutely nothing rn maybe i’m just really concerned for you all
and maybe just maybe it’s you guys’ fault for making me have to act and talk insane so YOU GUYS can act and talk insane and make me feel at peace in life
you made me like this
all you do is cause me stress
tae: i am NOT reading that essay 😭
jimin: omg we are all literally being gaslit by kim namjoon rn what the actual fuck is life
namjoon: im sick of you all
ur ageing me
y/n: i think ur ageing urself tbh
hobi: life goes on man…
tae: tbh i think namjoon is going through a bad trip rn
like tell me he doesn’t sound high as hell
jimin: you’ve actually lost it namjoon
hobi: it was bound to happen
tae: it’s okay just hold ur breath until you pass out and when u wake up you’ll be fine
that’s how i stop a bad trip
jk: that’s what i say when i’m high
just saying
yoongi: this is definitely that midlife crisis
namjoon: why are you not freaking out about me literally having sex with the girl your in love with
yoongi: ur high and idc
jk: I CARE
i don’t believe you joon 😡
y/n: this is not life rn…..
hobi: are all four of you not in love with her wow thats kinda insane
y/n rizz go crazy
jimin: why don’t you all just like idk
hobi: omg wait i wanna date too don’t leave me out this time 🥺🫰🏼
yoongi: i’ll pass
MY girl idk if you get that or not
jimin: but she’s-
ur all fucked up idc
might as well all fuck but fuck me right???
ur girl no ur so right i need to just shut my mouth
sighs looks left looks right
namjoon: you all make me sick
jimin: literally do not care
jk: do you need a hug namjoon?
namjoon: absolutely not shut the fuck up
jk: oh 🥲
yoongi: so ur just really fucking mean high?
hobi: who sold you this weed man..
we need to get them
jimin: he probably got sold cocaine got told it was weed and took it all
jin: yikes
sleep it off joon!!
namjoon: I HATE YOU ALL
i’m going to kill myself
now you say good or like do it or we won’t miss you
jin: who hurt you??
namjoon: YOU GUYS DID
jk: he wants us to tell him to kill himself?
namjoon: YES
y/n: he’s actually loosing his mind wow
hobi: he’s literally on another universe rn
jin: i’ll actually kill you instead of telling you to kill urself how about that!
yoongi: does he want us to argue or stfu??? i don’t get it anymore
y/n: ur really like being insane rn joon
jimin: this a high that NEEDS to be slept off…
namjoon: there is no way u guys are being fr rn…
you guys are fucking with me
hobi: you said MANY things out of line
y/n: this is us normal?
tae: namjoon just used that fake scenario as an example IT IS NOT TRUE
namjoon: everyday you all push me closer to suicide
yoongi: ok?
idk what you want us to do at this point
namjoon: i don’t know either
yoongi: ok??
namjoon: ok
jk: OK 😋
namjoon: i think i’m gonna go now
namjoon left “JIMIN OLD ERA”
jimin: lmao i NEED to find out what he’s smoking that was crazy
i hate this actually.
tags: @piw6n @jvmisvu @birdie-vhs @kooksmilitarywife @hob3loveofmylife @jujubiism @bloopkook @ratchetpizza1 @myntalks @arloo00 @watamotee33 @y2kcy3brz @taiwan0618 @indigobsessed @freyadanvers @gguksbeloved @raetf @bbsantc @winuvs @medicinemybish @bxnnyhime @leleluvsbts @baetukki @zyaaaszn @thelilbutifulthings @yojaschill @k4ngelz
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ask-funnybunnydoll · 5 months
I think I have to move on.
You may have noticed that all of a sudden my posts have become less and less frequent. That's not on purpose I simply don't have the motivation to keep this ask blog going. I made this blog at the peak of my TADC hyperfixation because I knew it would give me the boost to work. At the start I made like, what? 2 a day, wowzas! Then it became like every other day posts. It's not that I don't enjoy the blog, the ship, the asks. Hell, the asks were the best part of this, I love just seeing what you guys come up with for these three and I get to do the even more fun part of drawing the answer.
But I still have no motivation to keep this going. And I have fixated on something else if you follow my main.
So, thank you for being here and still liking my posts even if I hadn't posted often. This was the most fun I've had and being my first ask blog I ever created just makes it more important to me.
I probably won't ever revive this blog but I'll keep it open for you. And if you want to see what the story I originally planned out was gonna be then check below the cut! Or if you wanna stay curious and theorize then just scroll by. Thank you again, hope ya have a great day and year. I hope my shit was at least okay to you.
I'm not gonna lie. Most of the stuff was just created along the way of drawing. I was like, huh this would be cool let's add that in. And ofc I didn't get to any juicy lore in this but it would've been rushed because I didn't plan beforehand... which you probably could tell xd
For Pomni, here's the plot twist: she's dead and her conscience was updated into the game to keep her somewhat alive. She worked in the place that created the game, she even took part in putting people in there. The entire game was just an expirement to test if immortality was possible, but of course.. everyone goes insane in there so they have to keep on and keep on trying with more and more people to get anywhere. They wait until someone goes to edge of absolute insanity and that's when they take them out of the game, their bodies are still kept alive and they go back to normal. They forget everything that happened while in the game. For Pomni she died just after her conscience was converted to the game, for others they were forced to go while alive. Who killed Pomni? Well, her boss, the head of the experimentation. Why? Idk 😭
For Jax, I gave him a dark story. He was isolated in his home and kept away from the outside world, which is why he lacks empathy, because he simply doesn't know how to feel that way when he never really had knowledge of emotions outside or even inside his home. His father was emotionally and physically ab4sive so.. that didn't help. He latched onto his mother the most but they never saw eachother often. That's all I had for him in mind.
For Ragatha, she lived in the country on her own land with her husband. Yup! She had a husband and a daughter too. Husband was a total jerk and she couldn't leave because she didn't want their kid to experience separated parents. She's a doll in the game because it resembles the doll she made for her daughter.
I also had some plot that I made up in my mind. Like.... Pomni at the end would be the last one alone in the digital circus. That being since she's dead she would just be yknow. Dead if she left the game. Jax and Ragatha leave but only because Pomni forces them. Again don't know how, I probably would have made it up while I went along with the story. So, Pomni is just there alone, with Caine. And she lives like that for eternity. She doesn't go insane anymore and it isn't as lonely as it used to feel like. It would feel like home kind of. But she would be there, longing for her partners forever unless she decides one day to just. Yknow, die..
Also since Jax and Ragatha would forget everything after they leave the game, they just don't remember they were in a relationship and would live their lives like before. Sad and lonely.
Goodness, I forget I make the most sad stories ever sometimes 😭
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aliveinacoffin · 1 year
AAA OFF OFC, I LOVE YOUUU, I decided to do all because I'm a people pleaser \^-^/
My Hero Academia Imagines
"Your Boyfriend"
How would these characters act as your boyfriend? What are their quirks and flaws? How do they act on those lazy Sundays? How do they talk about you to others?
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Izuku - First date
Izuku Midoriya is such a nervous man when it comes to dating
When you two became friends, he was just fine around you
But when he realized he liked you, he reverted to that blushing, melting stuttering mess of a teenage boy
Even if he was an adult, he'd revert back to his teenage habits
While dating you, he'd think he was constantly he was doing something wrong or not doing enough, sometimes even thinking he was too much
Poor boy didn't know much about romantic relationships and would get insecure
It would take him a while for him to open up, embarrassed about his naivety.
Likes PDA, but doesn't go overboard: Handholding, pecks, and hugs
Anything more leaves him blushing and stumbling over himself
He confesses before you two can go on a date, and after figuring out your relationship he'll shyly ask you out on a dinner date because that's what they're supposed to do, right?
Was it obvious he didn't know what he was doing?
-A ringing from your phone gets your attention, and you pull away from getting ready to check your phone. When you flipped your device over, you smiled at the contact name. 'Izuku<;3'. For the past couple of months, you and the green-haired boy had been dating. The other week, he must've realized that he hadn't taken you out on a date, so he very apologetically asked you out. Without a shred of hesitance, you accepted. "Hey, Izu." You greeted. "Hi! Um, are you ready?" Izuku's voice was slightly shakey, nerves getting the better of him. "Yup! Are you here already?" You walked over to your window, peeking out the window. You smiled at his small form standing awkwardly in front of your home. "Yes, I hope I didn't come too early." You saw him adjusting his tie, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet. "You're alright, I'll be down in just a sec. By the way, you look cute in your suit." You laughed, pressing your warm face against the cold glass. Izuku hummed in confusion and jumped when he looked up to see you. He waved at you, and you returned the gesture. Quickly, you grabbed your shoes and raced down to the front door, hurriedly putting them on while you opened the door. Izuku's blush deepened when he took in the sight of you, absolutely enamored by your beauty. "You look handsome." You complimented him, and he was just frozen on the spot. "Y-you look stunning! You always look beautiful, but just tonight you're so pretty, not that you usually aren't-its just-" You cut him off, pressing gentle fingers to his rambling mouth. "I understand, thank you." You tipped towards him and gave his a chaste kiss, heading towards his car. He hurriedly followed after you, holding the door open for you before he got in the driver's seat. You both made light conversation on the way to the restaurant, you trying to ease his nerves and him rambling. When you arrived at the destination, your eyes widened in surprise and wonder. It was the nicest restaurant in all of Japan, reservations were almost impossible to get unless you were literally made of money. "Izuku Midoriya, how much did you spend?" You gaped at him, now it was your turn to be in shock. He shook his head, grabbing your arm to lead you to the entrance. "Don't worry about it. Anything is worth it for you." Izuku smiled brightly, his smile so wide and bright it almost blinded you. A fancy-looking waiter scattered you to a very nice table, surrounded by decorations and people that just screamed money. The rest of the dinner he wasn't as nervous, he was blushing the entire time, but you could hold a real conversation with him. When he drove you home from the dinner he paid for, (despite your many protests) he stopped you before you could reach your door. He ran to the back of his car and pulled out a bouquet of roses and a teddy bear in your favorite color. "Izuku." Your eyes softened, and he tentatively stepped up to you. "I wanted to give these to you at the start, but I thought it'd be better to surprise you at the end." Izuku admitted while he tried to hide his head in his shoulder. You grabbed his face and pressed your lips against his. He was surprised at first but quickly melted into the sweet kiss. You pulled back, hands cupping his face while you two just gazed at each other silently. The moment was beautiful, he was lit by your porch light, highlighting him against the dark night sky, he was your light in the darkness. Izuku knew it was too late for him, the night casting you in a shadow, giving you a beautiful halo. You were his angel, sent from heaven up above. "Best first date ever." You smiled at him, and he just pulled you in for another kiss.
Bakugo - Better Than Anyone
Katsuki Bakugo who doesn't realize his feelings for you at first
Someone else has to point out his own damn feelings, which he denied to no end at first
'If you don't like them, why are you making their favorite meal right now?'
He may or may not have blasted them away, now thoroughly pissed off
He would never like anyone, they'd just get in the way of his dreams
Plus, you were too weak for him anyway, you could never be on his level!
So why was he making your favorite meal at eight AM for you to take to for lunch later?
Why was he texting you to make sure you ate, what time you got out, what your schedule was
Whatever, it was nothing! Just something he did to make sure your dumbass ate
It took you almost dying for him to realize how much of a dumbass he was, and he immediately told you to go out with him
Yeah, told you
Thankfully you agreed, and quickly your relationship grow and form
He already talked about you a lot before, but now it was ten times worse
It seemed like he was shit-talking you, but don't be fooled by his cruel words
-"What the hell did you just say." Katsuki Bakugo growled. His shoulder hunched over and teeth gritted while he loomed over the offending person. A new intern at his agency, some random high schooler from that shitty hero school in the west. They were now cowering in their chair, hands gripping the sides as they tried to sink into it. "I-I was just agreeing with you, sir. Your partner seems to be very annoying-" They stuttered, now panicking. "You don't know anything of my partner, you little shit. If you ever talk shit about them again, I will personally make sure you never become a hero." His thick gloved hands now caging them in, face dark and scary as he threatened the young student. "Y-y-yes sir!" They squealed and managed to run away from his terrifying form. Katsuki glared at their fleeting form, fists clenched at his sides. A hand found it way to his shoulder, and he mean mugged the offender. Eijiro was giving him a nervous smile, more concerned than anyone else. Katsuki shrugged him off and started to stalk off. Katsuki internally groaned when he heard the other man's footsteps catching up to him. "What?" He snapped, and Eijiro just gave him a face. "What was that about, man?" He asked, hand pointing behind him. The other man just growled and glared at anyone who met his gaze. "They were talking shit about my partner. I'm not going to allow that." He replied as if it were the simplest thing in the world. Katsuki expected Eijiro to readily agree with him, to say something about how it was the 'manly thing to do' or some shit. Instead, the words that left his mouth made Katsuki stop and slowly turn to him "Yeah, but so were you?" At those words, Katsuki blew up. Literally. "The fuck I was?!" He shouted at the top of his lungs, "I love my dumbass of a partner! They may be stupider than shit, but they're better than everyone in this building combined!" Katsuki's shouting continued, his blasts getting more and more violent. Eijiro backed up, hands raised in the air in defense. "Hey man, I was just saying!-" "Well then shut the fuck up!" Over time, everyone in the office would realize just how important you were to the angry man.
Kirishima - Your Friends Too
Eijiro Kirishima who would be kinda oblivious to his feelings for you
He genuinely wouldn't question why his heart would race around you, why he felt so hot and nervous all the time, or why he would consistently check up on you
When you two started dating, you realized he was oblivious to a lot of things
He'd always have this need to protect you, and it was annoying at first, but you knew he was just trying to love you
Eijiro knew his friends could be a lot, and would try to introduce you to them
If you were the shy type you'd be immediately overwhelming with their large personalities and volume
If you were extroverted, you'd feel left out with their numerous inside jokes
He wouldn't notice that you were uncomfortable, and it would take you or someone else saying something to notice
-"And then!-" Mina tried to say between laughs, doubling over while holding her stomach. "When your foot got stuck in the goo! Like the time when you got caught in melted tarmac! Or when-" Mina kept going, everyone else joining in on her rumbustious laughter. Eijiro was practically doubled over, tugging on your arm while he gasped for breath. All the while, you just stood there fake giggling to at least feel included. The conversation had started how their day went and then turned to all the crazy and silly stories they had gone through as heroes. You job hopped, constantly switching between one profession to another while trying to find the one. But even with your extensive job history, being a Pro Hero was not on the list, and there was no comparison you had to that job. The closest one was a cop, which you had never had, of course. So you stood there awkwardly listening in to their history they all shared. Hell, even Bakugo was smiling fondly at the loud group, seemingly happy as well. "Aww, babe, I'm sorry. You just had to be there." Eijiro stood back up fully, wiping a tear from his eye while rubbing your shoulder in reassurance. It did nothing to sooth the ache in your chest and the tight feeling in your throat. "It's alright, I understand." You said, trying to brush off the negative feeling. Your smile was fake so as not to show you disappointment. Still, you were quiet the rest of the outing. At home, Eijiro questioned why you had turned mute during the impromptu hang out. "It's just, they're you're friends Eij, they're not mine. We have no common interests, and I can't relate to your stories." You admitted, sadness pricking the corner of your eyes. Humiliation filled you at such a childish feeling. "Babe, I'm so sorry you felt that way." He was at your side at an instant, strong arms enveloping you. "I never want you to feel that way. My friends are your friends, they really like you. Even Kats likes you! And he doesn't like anyone." You both laughed together, and he grabbed your hand. "Tell me if that happens so we can include you more, 'kay?" He kissed your cheek and squeezed you tight. "Thank you." You whispered, voice teeming with emotion. "Of course."
Aizawa - Lazy Sundays Are My Favorite
It's not that Shouta Aizawa doesn't want a relationship
He just doesn't have the time
He has two jobs that take up both night and day
But somehow, along the way, he found you
And it didn't matter what time it was with you, as long as he had you he was okay
Shouta isn't one for big fancy dates or grand gestures
Hes definitely words of affirmation and quality time kinda guy
He secretly loves praise and love just existing with his loved one
Most of all, he values you above anyone, and everyone teases him and calls him whipped
-You groaned, tugging Shouta closer to you. You could feel his strong fingers trying to pry you away, but your grip was unrelenting. "Just stayyy." You whined, pushing your head into his neck. His dark hair tickled your face, but you stayed persistent. "I have a meeting, let go." Shouta sighed, still trying to tug you away all the while attempting to sit up. "It's not mandatory." You peeled open your tired eyes, vision blurry while you tried to look into his dark eyes. "Please? I've missed you. It's been so long since we've had a day together." And it was true, it had been weeks since both you and Shouta had even just one day where neither of you had work. You barely had dinner together, let alone breakfast and lunch. Shouta called your name softly, pressing a soft kiss to your temple. You softened your grip but still continued to stare at him. "I know, but I'd rather learn what's going on first-hand than relying on Kayama or Hizashi." Shouta finally pushed himself up, sitting on the side of the bed while he rubbed sleep out of his bloodshot eyes. "I'll be back before lunch, I promise." He said and turned around when his response was met with silence. "You say that all the time, and then something comes up, and then you're not even home at dinner." You said while playing with your hands, too emotional to look in his face. Shouta was going to shoot something back, how his job was important, or that you can't be so emotional, it comes with the job. But really, when was the last time you both had breakfast together? Or lunch or even dinner? How long had he been able to take a break with his spouse and just watch trash TV while doing nothing. Shouta got up with a grunt and left to go into the bathroom. He heard your disappointed sigh while he left, and it made his dromach twist in guilt. He picked up his phone and dialed his boss, "Shouta? Will you be able to make it?"No, I've got a stomach bug or something. And I can't make it into work tomorrow either, I've got a family emergency." Shoutas voice was blank, leaving no room for lies or argument. "Ah, I see. Well, I'm just glad you're spending more time with your partner!" With that, the little mouse hung up, and Shouta stared at his voice in muted shock. He shrugged and walked out of the bathroom and crawled into bed. Shouta tugged on your curled up form, pulling you into him. He pressed kisses up and down your neck, and you jolted at the feeling. "Sho? I thought you that meeting?" You turned around and faced him. He shook his head, "They'll be fine without me for a day. I also got tomorrow off." You smiled, and pulled him into your chest. "Thank you." "Of course, I missed just spending time with you."
Denki - Anything With You
Denki Kaminari who subtly hits on every girl in all his classes/that he meets
You miss all the shots you don't try, right?
Well, when you reject him the first time, he'd usually give up and move on
But he doesn't
Instead, he pestered you until you gave in
And by that time, it was too late
He was madly in love with you and would spend all of his time with you if he could
If you like video games, great! He'll find all the two player/multi-player games for you two
If you like movies, he'll sit down and watch all your favs and more
The list goes on
But what if you like something mundane and 'boring'?
Something that would leave the electric man all wound up with excess energy?
-"Baaabe? What'cha doinnnn?" You heard your boyfriend's voice call out to you from somewhere in the depths of your home. For the past year or so, you two have been living together in bliss. The weekends were a time you both had together. You didn't go to a fancy hero school like him, so your climb to the top was slow. Not that you wanted to, though. The life of a billboard hero seemed stressful, so you were content with being a local hero. On the other hand, Denki often had his week loaded with the work of a pro, so you understood that he was out most days. So, most weekends were your downtime to just relax around one another. Usually, Denki played games with his online or irl friends, and you read out in the book nook. Content with just each other's presence, but when you heard the padding of his feet come closer to you, you knew he had a devious idea planned. He called out to you, and you marked the page of the book you were currently reading to look up at his bright form. "Whatcha doin'?" He rolled back and forth, hands clasped behind his back. "I'm readin' Denki. What are you doing?" You smiled all the while looking at him with suspicion. "Nothing." He crawled up beside you, snuggling into your side. "Will you read to me?" You made a surprised face, but you couldn't resist his puppy dog eyes while he pulled you closer to him. "I'm really far into the book. You might be confused, but....yeah, I will." True to your promise, you continued to read but aloud this time. After a paragraph or two, he seemed to grow restless. He started to play with your hair, then moved to pulling threads of the plush cushions, and just couldn't stay still in one position. "Denki? Are you alright?" You questioned, confused at his restless state. "Yeah! I'm just...fidgety, I'm sorry." Denki immediately stopped his movements and sat up, his attention now one hundred percent on you. "It's alright, you just don't seem very interested." You replied, mouth pulling to the side in a neutral motion. "It's not that! I just, I want to spend more time with you, and I know you're not super into video games, so I thought if you read to me then it'd be cool, but I just can't stay still. I'm sorry." His shoulders were hunched down, and he looked genuinely apologetic and sad. "No, it's alright, I should've figured someone so active would be bored by this." He perked up at your words and was about to protest before you cut him off. "Why don't I just read in your gaming room? Body double with you?" You asked, open to the idea. Denki immediately shot up at the idea, turning into an excited puppy. "Hell yeah!" He shot up and dragged you by the hand to his room. Later, he'd show his gratitude with cuddles and kisses.
Hizashi - Working Days
Hizashi Yamada works a lot
For an easygoing and loose guy, he really does have a shit ton of work
He tries to make time for you, he really does
He did warn you before you started dating that his job(jobs) were important
He wasn't just a celebrity pro, no, he did pro work, on top of being a radio host, on top of being the head of director for the emergency broadcasting system and the director for all hero communications, on top of being a teacher
So yeah, he had his work cut out for him with four fucking full jobs
Least to say he was exhausted most of the time
He made as much time for you as he could, he really tried and he really loved you
He just worked, literally everyday
He tried to be as attentive as he could be, but being as hyper and stretched thin as he was
He was forgetful
-"Hizashi." You called out to him from the kitchen. "Hizashi?" You called out again when you were met with silence. You peeked out from the kitchen, trying to search for him in the early hours of the morning. Suddenly, he burst out of the darkness, and you wanted to laugh at the hilarity of him. Hizashi was hopping around, trying to put his leather pants on while trying to lace his shoes and trying to brush his teeth. "Amor, stop." You laughed, putting two hands on his exposed chest. He looked up at you and mumbled a response through a toothbrush and toothpaste. "One thing at a time, remember?" You leaned down to tie his shoes for him, and Hizashi continued to scrub angrily at his teeth. You continued to dress him, pulling up his pants and butting his shirt. When you made eye contact again, you kissed his cheek. Hizhashi then rushed to the kitchen and spit out the foam. "Thank you love, he pressed a toothpaste-y kiss to your cheek, and you rubbed it away. "I made you lunch and breakfast." You whispered, voice still croaky from last night's dreams. "Oh, thank you so much, I don't have time this morning to prep, and I didn't last night." He rubbed his mouth clean and disappeared to the bathroom to finish his hair. You sighed in disappointment, feeling a little sad at the thought Hizashi might’ve forgotten what day it was. Today would mark three years of your relationship and two years of living together. You sighed and turned back into the kitchen to reflect over to the empty sink. You knew Hizashi was a busy man. The money he made from his jobs was enough to show for it. You just wished he had more time for you, but most importantly, for him. No one knew he had dark eyebags. The concealer he wore every day hid his exhaustion. The coffee and energy drinks he basically lived off of hid his sluggish nature. Truly, he was a living, breathing facade. If it weren't for you, you weren't even sure he would even eat. You heard him rush out the bathroom again, adorning his usual get-up. You met him at the doorway, swaying with sleep. Usually, you didn't even get up before ten, but for him, you got up at five to make sure he got out in time. Hizashi kissed you, and the both of you stayed there for just a moment. He pulled back and looked into your eyes. "Swing by for lunch, alright? I have a surprise for you." He smiled, and even though you couldn't see the crinkle of his eyes, the sound of his mouth growing wider assured you it was real. "Okay." And with one last kiss, he left. Later in the day, when you did infant, swing by, you were greeted by cherry blossoms and the whole of UA lining up to greet you. At the end of the line, where students and staff threw the sweet leaves at you, was your darling boyfriend. Hizashi said your name with such emotion that it made you tear up. "I've loved you the moment I saw you, and I knew you had to be mine the second you opened your mouth. All these years, you've stayed by my side through hell and back. So, in honor of our three year anniversary, I wanted to ask you an important question. Will you marry me?" Bursting into tears, you babbled your answer. Even though Hizashi's work schedule was hellish, you knew he'd stick by your side no matter what. Every opportunity he tried to spend time with you, and he was always an adoring and attentive husband. Willing to do whatever you wanted, whenever. So, the answer came easy to you. "Yes!"
This took,,,,so long LMAO I was in the middle of a miguel fic and I got this request and I was like awww. This was a BEAST. Writing fics on mobile is a B.I.T.C.H, plus YELLOW DOESNT FUCKING EXSISY ON HERE SO I COULDNT COLOR DENKIS STUFF but anyways,,, here yalls go
edit;; fixed the missing yellow now that I'm home
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desafinado · 2 years
Damnn i like s/o wife hcs so much can you do the same to zhongli and diluc👉🏻👈🏻 also hope you have nice day
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𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 happily ever afters (?)
°。⋆ zhongli, diluc, kazuha x reader (separately)
°。⋆ suggestive like literally the word, sickening fluff once again
note: ofc, and thank you, hope your days are well too. added kazuha bc while i’m here, might as well… i'm glad y'all like the first one, and if there’s anyone else you’d like to see, don’t hesitate to leave an ask!! also... depending on whether i got the courage to post it alr, a 50 followers celebration is coming up, (its here!!) so feel free to join in ^^
(alhaitham, ayato) | (zhongli, diluc, kazuha)
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zhongli ♡
all his years on teyvat, and you’d think he’d get used to all of the beauty it has to offer… but you still catch him off guard when you boop his nose first thing in the morning.
though he couldn’t have asked for a better way to wake up, it gives him the perfect excuse to shower you with kisses.
i feel like he’d easily slip into the so called “married life” as well as being the perfect husband (or as i like to say, malewife)
he cooks, he cleans, he makes you feel all warm inside…
he even visits during work, or vice-versa. you both have lunch with whatever he had initially packed just for you (you insist for him to join you).
on the less busy days, you both might even go for a walk by liyue harbor, taking in the stunning view of the ocean amidst the work on the docks
another spot you both would frequent is the path to the golden house, which might be a harder trek, but the views of the mountains as well as the history scattered around is very much worth it.
early on in your relationship, he already took note of your affection for certain dishes, so now he knows which ones to cook when you come home feeling celebratory, fatigued, frustrated, or just sad.
he lulls you to sleep (cuddled together ofc) with some old liyue tales and folklore, forehead kisses every now and then.
expect a lot of road trips along liyue or even to other nations. he wants to experience teyvat, now that he isn’t very preoccupied being an archon, and he wants to experience it with you.
even if it's just for a weekend, he makes sure that it’s something you’ll both treasure.
while on these trips, your favorite pastime is just taking candid pictures of him; they either turn out absolutely stunning and jaw dropping…or just plain goofy
“hehehe…” “what are you giggling about, my love?… oh. wonderful picture nonetheless ,my darling, though i apologize you caught me at a bad moment.”
you sighing at him in content, as he recounts his own experiences about the location you’re both visiting.
since, he’s always recounting to you his experiences in the past, you make it a point to introduce to all the newer advances in the world… whether it be technology or gastronomical breakthroughs
“so you’re saying… they put a whole dango in this milk? and people drink it? that doesn’t sound very…” “healthy? yup, but the raiden shogun herself approves of it so…”
though it might not suit his tastes or its emergence into culture, he’s happy trying whatever you have to offer him.
you’ll also tell him the history and cultures from your own homeland! he’s gets very excited about it, because he’s always up for learning something new, especially when it’s something near and dear to you.
he just wants to spend as much time as he can with you; he of all people knows how short human life can be. he’s willing to spend it making sure you’ve lived a good one.
he’s been more silent than usual; you’ve been talking for a good 20 minutes now. he’d usually ask you questions or share his own insights from your sharing, but he’s been totally silent, only giving nods of affirmation. you pause your ramblings for a moment to check on him.
“dear? you haven’t spoken this entire time, i have to admit it is quite strange.”
he exhales softly, shaking his head.
“does it make you uneasy? i apologize, i was just… captivated by you.”
a blush spreads from your cheek to your entire face; he never did fail at making you feel like a middle-schooler with a crush. you hit his chest playfully, trying to play off your flustered state. he just giggles, admiring you under the golden sunset.
“it is only the truth, my love. it seems that everyday my love for you only grows stronger.”
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diluc ♡
you’ve never seen lovesick, until you see diluc come home everyday to collapse in your arms.
he’ll often rant about rowdy patrons at the tavern or pompous businessman he had to meet that day, you just try to get him to a better place… or at least you try to.
“he annoyed me to hell, darling. he acted like he owned the place…” “but you do, dear. next time, you should just kick him out. don’t they know they’re keeping you from me?”
his embarrassed state is something he only lets you see… and well, cause. it just baffles him that you'd go to such lengths or say such things to demonstrate your love for him.
when you both have a day off, you both spend it around the estate, enjoying each other’s presence.
reading books in the library, baking a batch of cookies, picking grapes or braiding his hair. he absolutely craves these moments of normalcy, and you’re happy spending it with him.
braiding his hair is especially fun, because it gives you the opportunity to run a hand through his soft locks. you also steal a kiss or two on his neck.
if you two have a day or night out on the town, you can be sure that he might hold your hand a bit tighter or rest an arm around your shoulder the entire time.
it’s not that he’s necessarily jealous, but it's a small reminder for him that whatever he can face, he can face it with you.
so if a certain knight comes along, teasing him, he doesn’t feel at all embarrassed, because his love for you is nothing to be ashamed of.
but back to coming home, it's especially satisfying after spending a day with you. it’s a good kind of tired, the tiredness you’d feel from an overload of serotonin.
if he decides to go on some darknight hero business, you’ll be there to see him off and make sure he’s ready for whatever he might come across.
he’s even discovered a snack bar or two in his coat pocket.
bloody, bruised, or unscathed, you’ll be there to welcome him home. he’s told you to go on and sleep without him, but you’ve refused every time.
the first time he found you, he felt the guilt go straight to his head. you assured him you were fine though, and you’d only feel sorry if he wasn’t the last thing you saw before you slept.
if time and fatigue truly forbids it, you’re sure to find him in morning light, his arms around you.
he never wants you to worry over him… more than you already do.
to him, you’re the only thing worth coming home for, the only reason he’d want to come home in one piece. between all the loud crowds causing him a headache or bloody battles he’s fought, he imagines you waiting for him at the place he knows as home.
“oh my god.”
his voice is deep and almost shaky, seeing you reading a book and sitting at the edge of your shared bed. the sun was set to rise in an hour or so, but here you were, waiting for his arrival. he dropped whatever he was holding, not caring for the loud thump it made; he immediately brought his arms around you, the both of you softly falling to the bed.
“d-did you wait this long for me? you didn’t have to… i’m so-”
you bring a palm to his cheek, guiding his gaze towards you. your eyes did look sleepy, but a lazy yet bright smile ran across your face.
“it doesn’t matter, my dear. i’m just happy you’re home, here, with me. that’s all that ever matters.”
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kazuha ♡
you both compromised on a long distance relationship for the majority of your relationship, but when marriage came up, you knew you couldn’t keep it that way.
rather than him having to come visit you every few months, he gradually stayed longer and longer, until he truly did live in your own home… or well, both your home.
that didn’t stop his wandering ways though, in fact, he had a newfound goal to show you everything he had seen.
expect him to be taking up all your vacation days, planning a thorough and perfectly personalized itinerary.
if time allows it, you’ll even travel for a month or so, just wandering around, before coming back home.
when kazuha came back home, you’d always be there and make him feel at him. he was literally coming back from a long-winded journey after all.
he wanted to do the same for you, so he’d push through his fatigue to take care of you once you both return. he’d run you a bath and make some comfort food to help you relax.
sleeping in until tomorrow afternoon, your bodies lazily entangled with one another. if you even try to get up, he’s quick to pull you back down, encouraging you to rest.
“i’m not that tired anymore…” “hmm, well i still am, very much.” “okay, then let-” “i need you here though, else i’ll never get up.”
you know he’s exaggerating and simply being clingy, but maybe you should indulge him, as well as yourself.
when it’s back to business, you can expect him to be taking care of the house. he’s already decorated it in trophies and memories he’s brought back from his own adventures, but he focuses on showcasing the memories you and him have had.
he’ll also be passing time, writing poems about his life with you, or just you. you are his muse, after all.
the moment you come home, you can expect him to be clinging on to you, as if letting you go would mean that he would lose you.
after one particularly long day (you left without giving him kisses :( rip ), he just carried you in his arms to your shared bedroom. he didn’t let you leave until he showed you just how much he missed you (kisses and cuddles or something more suggestive oh my).
or you know, he’ll just tell you with all the poems he’s thought up while you were gone… maybe even through song, if he’s feeling especially heartstruck.
he realizes how you must’ve felt when he went on those months long journeys, so he’s trying to make up for it now.
he realizes how much he’s been missing you too, all those nights he spent alone feeling like something was missing… it was you.
“that was beautiful, ‘zuha.”
your head is snug against his chest, and your voices are pronounced against the night breeze, river splashing and crickets chirping. the tent kazuha pitched gives you the privacy you two very much deserve.
“the poem? the view? or… could you possibly even be talking about me?”
he smirks at his last suggestion, you can only giggle softly. you snuggle deeper against his touch, trying to etch this moment in your head.
“all of it, beloved. everything about you is beautiful. i…”
he only shakes his head, giggling right back at you. he welcomes your closeness, resting his head on your shoulder.
“all i do, all i see, all i am, they are only possible with you. you, my dear, are the most beautiful soul that i am thankful to be graced with.”
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requests are open!! please do not reposts on other sites.
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bilbosmom-belladonna · 2 months
I wrote this for @steddiesongfics' July challenge!
Also on AO3.
Make Me Weak
Length: 1000 words | Rating: T (for language) | CW: Infidelity, Eddie Munson/OFC | Tags: Future Fic, Rock Star Eddie Munson, Established Relationship, Eddie POV
The song is Lips of an Angel by Hinder (no one ever said it had to be a good song) and the included lyric is "Honey, why you calling me so late?"
Eddie stumbled in the front door laughing, his arm tight around Ally’s waist as she leaned on him, giggling.
“Okay, okay,” she gasped out, “you were right. Next time we’ll get a town car.”
Eddie grinned as they took off their jackets. “I told you.” He pulled her close to him, leaning down for a kiss that became filthy fast. He trailed kisses down her throat as she squirmed in his arms. “I believe I was promised something very fancy under this dress,” he muttered against her skin.
Ally hummed low. “Yup,” she agreed, “it’s a special occasion.”
Eddie lifted up his head to answer when the phone rang.
“Ugh, who’s calling at this hour?” Ally grumbled as Eddie let go of her to pick up the receiver.
“Hello?” he said, a little impatiently.
“Hey man, I need to borrow you for a minute,” Steve said on the other end.
Eddie frowned. “Can it wait? Not a good time,” he said, watching as Ally took off her heels and headed toward the bedroom.
“Nope, gotta be right now,” Steve replied firmly.
“Shit, okay, give me a second,” Eddie said. He pressed the hold button. “Gotta take this,” he called down the hallway. “I’m gonna be in my office. Five minutes, I promise!”
“It better be!” Ally called back. “Or I’ll get started without you!”
Eddie laughed and took the cordless phone with him into his office. He shut the door and—hesitating for just a second—locked it too. He transferred the call to his second line and sat down at his desk.
“Honey, why are you calling me so late?” he asked Steve.
“Like you weren’t awake,” Steve grumbled. He sounded a little off. “Come over.”
Eddie sighed. “I can’t,” he replied. “It’s our anniversary.”
“Oh, an anniversary?” Steve asked sarcastically. “This one made it a whole year, huh? That hasn’t happened in a while.”
Eddie didn’t answer, just rubbed his eyes tiredly. He fiddled with the three Grammy statues on the shelf above his desk, pushing them into a straighter line.
“What about our anniversary, huh?” Steve went on. He was slurring his words a little. “Twelve years! Beat that, Anna.”
Twelve years was a hell of a lot longer than any of Eddie’s other relationships had lasted. Maybe relationship wasn’t even the right word—they had started fucking sometime during the band’s first Midwest tour in 1988 and never really stopped.
“Our anniversary is next month,” Eddie said quietly. “I’m taking you to the Bahamas, remember?” He sighed again. “Are you drunk, baby?”
“So what if I am?” Steve said belligerently. “You’re not here, I can be drunk if I wanna.”
Eddie sat back in his chair. He was three years sober, his best stint to date; Steve had always been supportive, especially after Eddie had fallen off stage a few years ago. He didn’t drink when Eddie was with him, especially when they were out on tour. It made for quieter nights after the shows ended but they were getting into their 30s now anyway, partying hard had lost some of its appeal. And they could make a night-in pretty fun, just the two of them.
The nice thing about fucking your manager, Eddie had always thought, was that he could get them adjoining rooms when he booked the hotels
“I’m sorry I can’t be there tonight, sweetheart,” Eddie said into the phone. “But I’ll call you tomorrow, okay? Maybe we can find time to get a hotel next week.”
“Oh, sure,” Steve sniped, “go back to your girlfriend, asshole.”
“Last I checked,” Eddie said, a little annoyed, “you had a girlfriend too.”
“Ha!” Steve cried. “Check again, dickhead,” he slurred.
Well, that explained it. “You and Michelle broke up?” Eddie asked.
“Fuckin’—yeah,” Steve grumbled. Eddie could hear glass clinking in the background. “We had a big fight after I got home last month and it never really ended.” He sighed, crackling through the phone line. “She was sick of me traveling so much.”
“You could have brought her on tour,” Eddie offered reluctantly.
“Fuck that,” Steve snapped back. “When the fuck would I ever see you if she was there?”
There was some rustling, then a clatter and Steve cursed distantly, far away from the phone. Eddie leaned his elbows on the desk and rubbed his free hand over the back of his head.
“Baby,” he said. More clattering on the other end. “Baby?”
“—eah, I’m here,” Steve finally said.
“I gotta go, honey,” Eddie said gently.
Steve made a pathetic noise. “I miss you,” he whined. “I hate being home.”
“I know, sweetheart,” Eddie said. “I miss you too.”
“I love you,” Steve said. He sniffled a little.
Eddie closed his eyes. “I love you too, baby.” And he did. For all the ups and downs of the last twelve years, the fame and the travel, the girlfriends and the fights, the awards and the secrets, loving Steve had never been hard.
It was just never simple.
“Get some sleep, honey,” Eddie said softly. “Drink some water. I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?”
Steve hummed and mumbled something, then there was a click and the dial tone. Eddie hung up the phone, stood up, and took a long, slow breath. He left his office and headed toward the bedroom.
“Sorry about that, gorgeous,” he said loudly as he approached. “Steve had some questions about tour dates.”
“That man works too hard,” Ally called from the bathroom. “You should send him on vacation.”
“That’s a great idea, babe,” Eddie said as he started unbuttoning his shirt. “But I don’t want to talk about Steve right now.”
“Mmm, me either,” Ally said as she exited the bathroom. She was wearing lingerie, a lacy red and black number that had Eddie’s fingers itching to get his hands all over her. “Happy anniversary,” Ally said, looping her arms around his neck and stepping in close.
Eddie smiled. “Happy anniversary,” he replied as he leaned down to kiss her.
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hey pookie
can u do smth abt Minho pleaseuuuuu
like tbh I'd love some Minho fluff :3
If not, make it extreme smut :D
Ily and ur works <33
Bye byeee
Title: Beautiful (Just like you😻)
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Ofc pookie! I kinda suck at writing smut so I’m gonna do fluff!
Pairing: Lee Know x genderneutral!reader 
Trope/Genre: Fluff, Established relationship
I took a couple phrases from this fluff prompt masterlist! Check it out for some good prompts
Warnings: A teeny tiny suggestive comment at the end, use of pet names
622 words 
Summary: You, like the dumbass you are decides to say that you never get flustered, so in an attempt to prove you wrong, Minho showers you with compliments and praise.
Minho had just finished brushing his teeth when he came into your room and lay next to you. He cuddled up under the covers while you gazed at him. The moonlight perfectly shone on his face and he looked heavenly.
“I could just stare at you forever.” You said looking into his beautiful brown eyes. “Creep.” He rolled over so you couldn’t see his face anymore. 
“You suck.” “I love you too.” He replied. “I want to keep looking at you!” “No!” “Why!” “It makes me feel weird!” “Weird good or weird bad?” “Wouldn’t you like to know?” “Yes, that's why I asked.” He turned over to look at you.
“Whenever you try complimenting me it never works.” “What never works?” You questioned. “You can’t fluster me.” “I’m not trying to!” He glared at you. “Most of the time, I’m not trying to.” “Mhm, sure. More like you’re trying all the time.” “It doesn’t matter anyway because it never works…” “I know. It’s amusing seeing you try though.”
 “Why is it so hard to make you blush? It’s insane!” “You know what’s even more insane?” “What?” “The fact that you get flustered so easily. It’s cute.” You felt butterflies in your stomach at his words and he had an amused look on his face.
“See, you get flustered easily.” “Yeah, I guess…” “You guess? I could just compliment you and your face would heat up.” “You’re exaggerating a bit.” “Oh, I’m really not.” “You literally aren’t even that good at flirting.” He seemed a little offended by your words. 
“Okay let's do a little experiment. I’m going to try to flirt with you, and you have to try your best to stay composed, which apparently, you do constantly.” “Alright sure, we have nothing better to do anyway.” He stared at you like you did when he first came into bed and said nothing.
“You're so creepy.” “What? I’m just giving you a taste of your own medicine.” “Please stop.” He moved his face closer to yours. “Make me.” “I’m too tired to do that, just keep staring.”
You sat there in silence until Minho spoke up. “I don’t tell you how stunning you are enough.” “Huh?” “I don’t think any amount of my compliments could ever represent the amount of beauty you have.” “It’s giving Shakespeare.” He rolled his eyes and grabbed your hand and interlaced it with his.
“You’re breathtaking. Honestly, you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.” “I feel like you’re just saying this to prove you’re right.” You joked.
“No, I’m not. These are all things that constantly cross my mind. I never knew how much I could miss someone before I met you. I never knew how much I could enjoy being around someone before I met you.” He took a short pause and kissed you. “I never knew how much I could love someone before I met you.”
Your face was getting redder with every single word he said. Unlike most of the other flirting attempts he’s used in the past, this time you could feel the sincerity seeping through every sentence. “I can’t imagine my life without you, and I’m so proud of you.” He looked down and then back at you. 
“You okay honey? You’re acting a little strange.” “Yup! couldn’t be better. Just a little hot. Are you hot or is it just me?” He laughed. “Yeah, it’s just you. I’ve never seen you this flustered.” “I was expecting a lot more innuendos to be honest.” “I can be sweet when I want to be.” You sighed. “That was a lot to take in.” He smiled.
“You’re so pretty when you blush.” “I’m not blushing what do you mean?” “Whatever you say beautiful.”
Author note: Thank you so much for the request! I loved writing this so much! Like always, constructive criticism is wanted! If you liked this, please follow me for more fanfics like this one <3 Thank you!
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messrsbyler · 2 years
byler headcanon where…
mike, who loves writing as we all know, also loves to read (duh) and one of his favorite books is the hobbit and, well, he kind of loses it when will confesses to him he hasn’t read it yet. so next day at school mike shoves his copy into will’s hands and tells him to read it so they can talk about it soon. and will reads it… but he’s not as fast as mike and he kind of dozes off the pages a lot when a scene gets really stuck in his head. next thing he knows he’s doodling in the margins of the book whatever just happened in the previous chapter with a pen nonetheless.
ofc will panics bc he knows mike loves to have his books in pristine condition and will didn’t mean to basically deface mike favorite book? so as soon as he’s back home he rushes to his room to check his savings and see if he has enough money to get mike a new copy. he doesn’t. maybe jonathan could help him out, or his mom, but it feels wrong to make them responsible for will’s mistake. besides, that would be lying to mike, and that’s something will won’t do.
next day mike is waiting for him at the school’s entrance with a bounce in his step and vibrant eyes. he wastes no time to ask “so? did you read it? did you like it? what was your favorite part?”.
will bites his lip and mike’s eyes drop to the book he’s holding in his hands. “uhm, mike. i-"
“i sort of got distracted… while i was reading and i… uh-"
“hey” mike smiles at him and bumps their shoulders together. “it’s not big deal if you didn’t finish it yet. it’s a long book, after all. sorry, i didn’t want to pressure you.”
“you didn’t!” will rushes to say and mike’s brows spring up in surprise with a curious glance. “i mean, i haven’t finished it. but that’s not what i wanted… to say.”
“oh.” mike frowns. “so… you haven’t liked it so far? you don’t have to keep reading if-"
“i am liking it! a lot. but i also… i just… uhm, here. it’s better if you look by yourself.” will hands mike the copy did the book and glues his eyes to his shoes. his neck and cheeks prickle with heat at the same time something cold pools in his stomach. “sorry.”
“why are you-"
“just open it, mike.”
mike keeps quiet for a second and will can feel his eyes roaming through will’s body. and will knows mike is probably biting his tongue not to ask if he’s okay, if something happened, if it has to do with the upside down. he doesn’t ask, though, and will breathes a little better like that.
“okay, then?” and mike opens the book. and there, on the very first page at the title there’s nothing. mike keeps thumbing through the pages, probably confused. and then, “oh.”
yup, there it is. between the ending of a chapter and the beginning of another, will’s first doodle in the margins of the page. an illustration of what is happening in the pages with some of the blue ink smeared where will’s hand hovered too close to the paper and the smell of his ballpoint impressed on the page.
will looks up with his bottom lip still stuck between his teeth. mike’s eyes are pinned to the page, mouth barely parted and a frown barely hiding under his bangs.
“i’m so sorry, mike. i know you like to have your books as they come from the bookstore.” that is true. mike is the type of guy that rejects things like dog ears for marking a page or a broken spine. let alone a drawing in fucking blue ink in the middle of the book. “i- i kinda dozed off while reading? and i started doodling without noticing and then i saw what i did and it’s ink so i can’t erase it and- i thought on getting you a new copy. maybe next month? i probably can save enough by then-“
mike’s steady hand on his shoulder shuts will right up. he freezes under mike’s touch until his body recognises mike’s shape, the curve of his palm and the length of his fingers right where will’s neck connects with his shoulder. mike’s hand has been a constant weight there throughout their friendship. an anchor and a comfort, and so after the initial shock he gets whenever someone touches him (a little thing the upside down left him), will melted under the touch. his muscles go slack and he breathes out.
“will, i’m not mad.”
will blinks. he didn’t think mike would get mad. it’s hard to make mike mad, after all. well, no. that’s not true. it’s extremely easy to get mike worked up, but not for will. it’s as if mike has a few extra doses of patience reserved only for him. so, yeah. will didn’t expect mike to be mad, but he also didn’t expect to see mike smiling at him in that soft way of his, with a faint blush creeping up his neck and cheeks.
“you… are not?”
“of course not! are you kidding? will, this is so cool!” mike looks down at the drawing and his hand leaves will’s shoulder and a cold spot behind. mike’s fingers trace will’s defined lines in blue ink and it looks so… intimate. hell, is the sun suddenly hitting will with all its might? because he’s feeling a bit too squirmy and tickly on the back. and also a bit hot on the face. maybe he’s coming down with a fever. or maybe mike wheeler is being a menace to his health as always. “this drawing… it’s exactly what i see when i read the book.”
“really?” oh, great. just fantastic. more blushing.
“yeah. did you draw more?” mike thumbs through the pages and finds other two doodles, and he looks equally fascinated with both. “i… i love them, will.”
will could basically be classified as a new type of tomato right about now with how hot his cheeks burn. “you do?”
mike snorts and nods, looking up at will. “of course! why wouldn’t i? you know i love all of your art.”
deep breaths, byers. it’s not a good idea to hyperventilate right in front of your best friend you are in love with just because he loves your art. will clenches his hands and hides them in his pockets.
“uh, well. i just- i know you like to keep your books like brand new so- and that’s your favorite book too.”
“it for sure is my favorite one now.”
mike tilts his head and his eyes narrow to block the sunlight coming from will’s back. “well, because now you are in it, of course.”
“that’s- cool.”
“yeah. cool.” mike smiles and will smiles back, feeling like he’s standing on air, as light as the clouds and about to float away at any second. but, well, even if he did, will knows would be there to keep him grounded and next to him. the thought is a bit dizzying and will pushes it away. “so… i’m guessing this is why you didn’t finish it? spent all the time doodling the scenes?” mike lifts the book and wiggles it in front of will.
will sighs. “yeah. maybe it was that.”
mike considers this for a moment and… okay, will isn’t sure what mike is even considering. next thing mike is snapping his fingers and giving the book back to will.
“tell you what. why don’t we head to mine after school?”
will tilts his head. “to read?”
“just trust me.”
the day comes and goes and before will knows it the last bell is ringing and he’s pushing his bike out of school and down the street to mike’s house with mike right beside him. will notices not lucas nor dustin follow them beyond their own houses. will also notices mike stops at lucas house for a few minutes before coming back next to will so they bike to his home. oh, okay. so this is a mike and will thing, and not a party thing. cool. that’s cool.
will isn’t sure what mike has in mind as they climb down to his basement. they slump down in the couch and mike opens his backpack right away.
“get the book,” he tells will and will does.
when he sits back up and look at mike, will is surprised to find another copy of the hobbit on mike’s lap. that one looks more worn down, with a broken spine and yellow-ish pages. definitely not mike’s.
will tenses and then melts when he feels mike’s thumb running up between his brows.
“stop with the growing,” mike laughs. “you are going to start to look to much like me.”
will rolls his eyes but can’t help the smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “and what a tragedy would that be.” mike snorts and mike points at the book on mike’s lap. “where did that one come from?”
“i borrowed it from lucas.”
“oh. uhm, why?”
“so we can read! well,” mike gestures with his hands on the air like he does a lot when trying to get his point across. it’s a cute gesture will always notices. “so i can read while you draw.”
mike looks down at the book and there, again, there’s a faint shade of pink crawling up his neck and cheeks. mike shrugs and takes a breath in, looking back at will.
“i just thought i could, you know, read the book to you. out loud. i love the hobbit after all and a reread was long overdue. besides, like that you can keep drawing on my copy while i read to you.”
will’s eyes go a bit wide and he blinks in surprise. will knows mike as well as the palm of his hand, but there are moments when his best friend still manages to throw him out of balance in surprise.
“you want me to… keep drawing on your book?”
mike shrugs. it’s shy and contained, as if he was trying to make the gesture as small as possible. “if that’s okay with you.”
“is that okay with you?”
mike nods. “hell, yeah. like that, next time i read my copy i can see your drawings. i just… i don’t know… i think that would be pretty… cool.”
will stares into mike’s eyes and goddamnit his heart better not throw him under the bus by jumping out of his mouth directly into mike’s lap. “okay. yeah, let’s do it.”
they find a comfortable position on the couch that ends up both of them laying on it in opposite directions, each of them resting their head on a couch arm and getting a pretty good view of the other. it’s a bit of a tight fit, especially since they aren’t little kids anymore and the couch didn’t care to grow along with them during all these years. but will is comfortable right where he is, with his hip pressed against mike’s hip, his legs being mike’s arm support, and just having mike this close at all.
it’s also not the most comfortable position to draw and will’s hand is about to cramp like hell, but he’ll choose to be haunted by another demogorgon before suggesting to move even an inch from where they are.
so, with his blue ballpoint in hand and both books opened at page 64, mike starts reading and will sinks into the melody of his voice, butterflies flapping against the edges of his stomach when mike makes voices for each character and when he sings under his breath the songs in a made up melody. mike’s voice wraps around will and guides his strokes on each page. will absorbed every word, every sentence, each one being carved in his brain with mike’s voice. his heart is pounding behind his ribs, fast but gentle at the same time, and soon he is dragged into a world of fantasy where the only ones from hawkins who remain to exist are him and mike.
they keep going like that for about a hundred and something pages and before they notice it a couple of hours have gone by.
“stay for dinner? we can keep reading after,” mike says as he stretches his arms up. his feet push against will’s shoulder.
“doesn’t your throat hurt reading for that long?” will asks, noticing mike’s voice as turned a bit raspier in the last hour. not something he hates, by any means. but, yeah. will notices.
“nah, i’m good. so, do you wanna?”
will smiles and nods. “yeah, sure.”
they don’t finish the book that night, but will doodles on many pages and by the time he gets home, he can still hear mike’s voice bouncing inside his ears, comforting and soft and just so… mike’s.
will slumps on bed face first and smiles into his pillow like the idiot in love he is. his fingers ache for keep drawing, but he doesn’t want to keep reading what’s left of the book without mike. this is their thing now, something they share and will wouldn’t have it any other way.
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nukabrain · 5 months
Confession Series, Benny
Benny Gecko x Courier 6
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“If you get together with me, you’ll be the first person to shoot a person in the head, and then date them later, and bragging rights too! Not everyone can shoot me and get away with it.”
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Hello, nukabrain here, I decided to start a series where I go a bit beyond the "hey I was hoping we can be more than friends." cause what the hell is that. I wanted more! Of course there will be special cases, like Benny from FNV and Nick Valentine (ofc). Requests from other Fallout characters that are not companions will be accepted, but will be put on the back of my list. I don't write a lot, so it will take some time (also sorry for bad writing, trying to get back into the grove again. NOT PROOFREADED I WAS IN RUSH OK-
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“Ugh, this trip was exhausting. If it weren’t for you sweet-talking them out of a high price, we probably would've been gunned down.”
Benny gave me a weird look. “But you would win against them anyway, right? You’re just saying that so you have a reason to take me on your trips.”
“True, but it saves me bullets, y’know!” I huffed, crossing my arms in protest. “So you’re coming with me on the next trip.”
Benny went to unlock the suite doors to head to the bar, grabbing the first thing off the shelf and pouring himself a glass. “You know the caps they received aren’t yours?”
“Yup!” I plopped on the nearest stool.
He let out a sigh of defeat, “Still don’t know why you haven’t shot me yet.”
I gave it a good thought before opening my mouth.
“Why waste a bullet-” “Why waste a bullet- HEY! If you knew the answer, why did you ask me?” :C
“Baby, you’re so predictable. Maybe I actually blew your brains out and it's just a hollow hole up there,” Benny sighed, taking another gulp of liquor.
“It is NOT hollow up there. I mean, if it was, I wouldn’t love you.”
Benny stared at me blankly, took another shot of whiskey, and looked at me again.
“What in the goddamn? Are you right in the he- right you aren’t.”
“I mean what I said,” I laughed at his reaction. “If you get together with me, you’ll be the first person to shoot a person in the head, and then date them later, with bragging rights too! Not everyone can shoot me and get away with it.”
“You twisted fuck. I like women so I'm not sure what you're doing,” Benny shooed the courier away but snuck in a glace at the man before him
Benny took in the courier’s dirty hair, his lips looking very kissable, and his eyes looking straight at him-
Maybe it’s the liquor.
He shook his head.
“Not happening, kid.”
“You were thinking about it!” I leaned closer to him.
“Was not.”
“Was too!”
Benny turned around in protest.
“Fine, I was. Are you happy?”
Courier's face instantly sparkled, to the point Benny thought he was staring at a second sun.
“Try not to smile so wide, baby. You might break your mout-.”
He was suddenly cut off with a quick kiss on the lips.
“I’m very happy you thought about it,” the courier whispered, holding his face.
Benny stared at him blankly.
“Oh fuck, kiss me again.”
Courier did not need to be told twice as he kissed him deeper, holding his waist and neck. When they went for air, the courier instantly loosened Benny’s tie, leaving a trail of kisses down the neck, and sucking on the collarbone, leaving a dark mark.
The man let out a sharp sigh, as his skin felt like it was on fire.
Before they could go any further, someone knocked on the door. Benny instantly got up and fixed his tie.
“Y-Yes? What the fuck do you need? I’m a bit busy here.”
“Sorry, boss, but there’s something you should double-check downstairs.”
Benny grumbled some unsavory words before giving a reply.
“Fine. Give me a minute.”
As the footsteps faded away, Benny finger-combed his hair a bit before getting up.
“Hey, so that’s a yes, right?” I asked, smirking.
“Baby, of course, it’s a yes. Otherwise, you would’ve been shot in the head twice.”
I laughed and gave him a kiss, which Benny grumpily took in.
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“Hey, boss, are you really dating the courier that you shot?”
“Yeah, wh- hey, how the fuck did you find out?”
The henchman just pointed to the courier skipping happily, saying, “Ben-ny is my boy-friend,” in a sing-songy voice.
FOR MY POOKIE @songsaa
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mochiimadness · 1 year
and if you're open for requests, can you maybe do a ROTTMNT Leo x reader?
It's where April(my queen) has a bestfriend who is also a mutant(which she doesn't know) A kitsune mutant perhaps? Reader went to visit April and unfortunately got into a sticky situation 😔 but ofc reader can fight.
It was when April received a message late from reader saying they got into trouble
So they went to rescue her purrr
But all they encountered was a Mutant fighting one of the member of the Foot clan
👀and Leo was amazed by her.
(It's corny I know, and if you're not interested or uncomfortable with my request. You can completely ignore it! ♥️) - from a queer reader☕
The city lights shone brightly in the night, practically lighting up every corner of New York city- well, nearly every corner. You had been on your way to meet up with your best friend, April O'Neil, at her apartment. Unfortunately, instead of enjoying the nice, chill walk to her place, you had been dragged into a bit of a tight spot.
Having decided to cut through an alley way to get to her apartment quicker, you'd rounded the corner and stopped short at the sight of a foot clan operation. A few grunt ninjas carried boxes containing who knows what from what seemed to be the fire exit of a ... paper shop?? (Ah, it was probably paper in those boxes then.) Into the back of a rather fortified looking vehicle.
Among the foot soldiers stood a bulky man, barking out orders to "Hurry up and load these boxes, we have places to be!" at the soldiers. A bright mystic flame hovered above his head, casting light onto the orange foot print in the center in his face. Had someone stepped in orange paint and kicked him??
Just as the leader looking dude started to turn his head in your direction, you dove behind a dumpster to avoid being seen- just barely hiding in time. Digging into your pocket, you yanked your phone out and shot a quick message to April saying you had gotten into some trouble. Whatever this was, you knew you would be late and did not want your friend to come looking for you and run into this. Just as you finished typing and hit send, a large shadow loomed over you. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?"
Looking back over your shoulder, you flashed a toothy grin in your best attempt to seem nonchalant. "Uh, hi? Just inspecting this dumpster here, yup- seems perfectly fine so I'm just gonna head out-" you said, cringing at the obvious lie (what- you had to say something-) and jumping to your feet to make a break for it.
A large hand grabbed you by the back of your collar and yanked you back before you could make your escape. "Hey, we got some more dumpsters back here that you need to check. Can't have any loose ends, right?" The foot leader said, snapping his fingers to get the other soldiers attention. They dropped the boxes (some looking rather relieved to drop the boxes they had been carrying), each pulling out varying weapons and stalking closer to the two of you.
At this, you reached up to grip at your cloaking device, lips pulling back into a grimace- your teeth looking noticeably... sharper compared to your grin from earlier. "Yeah, I guess you're right." You sighed, before yanking the device off, magic looking mist enveloping you in a bright flash.
"Guy's we've gotta go!" April shouted, barging into the lair with her phone held high. The turtles looked up from around the lounge, faces stuffed full of pizza. Raph was the first to pipe up, swallowing his pizza down quickly and jumping to his feet.
"What's wrong? A break in? Is Mayhem in trouble again??" The red masked turtle asked, stepping over his brothers to meet April halfway.
"What? No- look my friends in danger. We were supposed to meet up but she just sent me this message saying she got into trouble! We gotta go!" April said, shoving her phone towards the others to show them your message (which specifically told April not to come help).
"I'm sure they're fine, they probably just ran into New York's famous traffic or something." Donnie hummed dismissively after reading your message, taking another bite out of his slice of pizza. April and Raph turned towards him with a glare, to which he turned away from.
"Well, April says we gotta go, so let's go just in case." Leo piped up, rising to his feet and stretching briefly. "And if it's nothing, she can buy us another pizza." He sent a grin towards April before grabbing Donnie and Mikey to haul them up- each hurrying to finish their last slices.
April rolled her eyes at this but turned and rushed out of the lair. "Yeah, yeah, deal- let's just go already!"
When April had told them about her friend being in possible danger, Leo had expected a mugging at most. Or maybe even some minor mutant trouble- after all, there were still several mutant silverfish on the loose.
What he hadn't been expecting was several foot clan soldiers sprinting out of an alley- screaming.
"Eough boy- this definitely isn't nothing." He grimaced, glancing at his brothers and April as they each pulled out their weapons. "We should probably hurry-"
"No kidding!" April interrupted, readying her bat and charging into the alley.
"Wait- shouldn't we- oh forget it." Leo started, before lifting his katanas and rushing after April- only to skid to a stop right beside her.
There, further in the alley, was a giant fox fighting Foot Brute- and winning. There were several other soldiers scattered around the alley, most unconscious- some scrambling to get up and run away. The foot brute himself was yelling in panic, attempting to block several powerful looking hits from the fox's tails-
Multiple tails.
Mouth agape in shock at the sight, he glanced at April. "By any chance- did your friend say anything about a giant fox mutant?" He asked, turning his gaze back to follow the fox's- admittedly impressive- attacks.
April shook her head, glancing around in search of you. "Nope- definitely no fox mutant mention-" She paused, spotting your cloaking device and bending down to snatch it up.
"Kitsune." Donnie corrected, pulling out his phone to take a quick photo of the mythical creature- for documentary reasons, of course. "That's an actual real life kitsune!" The flash of Donnie's camera going off caught the attention of the kitsune and Foot Brute- both whipping their heads around to see where it came from.
Leo watched as the kitsune locked its gaze on April, freezing for a moment in what looked like a mix of surprise and exasperation, before seemingly remembering it had just been in the middle of a fight. Whipping its head back around to face Foot Brute, it dodged a rather powerful punch with ease before spinning to slam its tails into the brute.
And he went flying.
"Woah-!" Leo jumped back in shock, watching the foot brute sail over their heads and land with a loud crash. A glance around showed that his brothers and April were in equal states of shock- a single hit from those tails was enough to send a mystic powered brute of a man flying like a softball!
Looking back at the kitsune, Leo stared in a mix of awe and slight fear as it walked towards them slowly. "Uh... we don't want any trouble- just looking for her friend." He said, smiling nervously. He could actually feel his heart rate speeding up the more as the creature got closer (though, he wasn't sure if it was just out of fear).
It was beautiful- each of its tails were raised, looking as though they were flowing in invisible wind or water and seemingly harmless (he might have believed them to be, had he not just seen them literally send one of their enemies flying)
Not to mention, its fur was reflecting the city's lights- shimmering slightly in a way that seemed magical. Surely there must have been some mystic element, Leo had never seen a creature's fur shine like that naturally.
Leo snapped out of his train of thought when April waved slightly, the girl stepping back and slowly raising her bat. "Yeah uh- haven't seen her, have you?" She asked, half expecting the kitsune to charge at them.
Instead, it paused with a roll of its eyes and sighed loudly. "Yeah actually- pretty sure I told you not to come, April."
Everyone's jaw dropped at that.
Plucking your cloaking device from April's hand with careful claws, you fixed it back onto your person. Mystic mist enveloped you for a moment, before revealing your 'human' form to April and her... friends?
April sputtered for a moment, gesturing at you and blinking rapidly before throwing her hands in the air (narrowly missing a turtle with her bat). "Excuse me- hello?! When were you gonna tell me you're a fox-"
"- kitsune mutant!?" She asked, correcting herself.
You shrugged at that, chuckling nervously. "I wasn't really planning on telling you- but you weren't going to tell me you had mutant friends either, were you!?" You pointed out, gesturing broadly at the four turtles. The one with the blue mask was staring rather hard at you. Raising an eyebrow at him, he quickly looked away.
Well, that wasn't awkward at all.
April cleared her throat, "Well- uh, yeah you got me there." She admitted, rubbing the back of her neck briefly before smiling at you. "You looked cool, by the way! Where'd you learn to fight like that?"
You glanced around the alley way littered with several foot soldiers- some of them starting to stir. "I'll tell you about it later- we should probably get out of here before they wake up."
"You can come to our place!" the blue masked turtle blurted, voice a little too high. Everyone looked at him in varying degrees of surprise. He cleared his throat at this and put on a rather winning smile. "I mean, if you want to. Any friend of April's is a friend of ours, right guys?"
His red clad brother nodded in agreement. "Yeah- plus, you just took out a bunch of those foot guys no problem- and you're a mutant. That gives ya the all clear in my book!" He turned towards a manhole cover, and gestured at it. "C'mon, we'll lead the way."
You smiled at this, beginning to follow after them. "Thanks that sounds pretty good, I appreciate it."
While waiting for them to move the manhole cover, you noticed the blue clad turtle step beside you.
Waving, he flashed you a bright- slightly nervous looking, smile. "Hey, I'm Leo, by the way." He greeted, sticking his hand out towards you. "You looked pretty awesome fighting out there."
You returned the smile, reaching out to hold his hand and shake it as you told him your name. "Thanks, cool swords." You added, glancing at the katanas strapped to his shell.
Leo spun around slightly to give you a better look at them. "Thanks- maybe you can try them out sometime, if you could teach me some of those moves you were doing?" He offered.
You blinked in surprise, pausing for a moment before grinning. "Sure, sounds like fun." You agreed, taking him up on that offer. Who knows, he seemed like a chill dude- it could be fun. Plus, the smile he gave you at that was admittedly pretty cute.
With that, Leo stepped aside to let you go down into the sewer before him, reaching a hand out to help you in.
How sweet!
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Hey! I hope you enjoyed, sorry for the super long wait!
This ended up being way longer than I thought it would be. I don't usually write long one shots, so I hope it turned out alright!
Updated and edited as of February 16th, 2024
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psychelis-new · 2 years
pick a pile: "Valentine's day"
take a breath and choose the photo/number that calls you the most to read about what may happen during this Valentine's day or the first Valentine's day you will get to celebrate with your person (this reading is for current/next partner, which can ofc include your fs/fp). for further insights about your "Valentine" (a.k.a. your person), check my instagram (@/psychelis.new) on Monday.
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not called by any pile, let this reading slid as it may not hold messages for you. if you're called by more than one, there may be messages in each of those piles. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. energies can change and readings are based on present ones (as you read); you're always in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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pile 1
Your Valentine's day will probably be a one out-of-the-book. Love and passion will be the main subjects for your day. You may enjoy a candlelight dinner or just a cozy date in a pub with your person, after which lot of kissing and 18+ stuff (that I won't mention in this reading) may take place. You and your person (or one of the two, as a surprise for the other) may have organized something special to celebrate: it really feels like you two are gonna spend the whole day (or as much as you can out if it) together and alone (meaning: there may be other people around like in a restaurant, but no one you really know). As mentioned some may enjoy a romantic dinner or date, others a one-day vacation to a special place (I'm seeing a spa/private pool/ water: it could mean simply lot of emotions but also that it will take place near water and water is gonna be pretty important), others may even get the chance to get a proposal on this date. Whatever will happen, it's gonna be very emotional and you'll love it. Back to the water-bit: it may involve indeed lot of deep conversations about your feelings and your goals as a couple, where you want to go, how you feel with the other and so on... lots of compliments, lot of love. You'll both feel good, complete, with the other. as if you don't need anything else. You'll realize how balanced is your relationship and that it's gonna worth it to fight for each other and to keep trying and get wherever you dream to be with the other. This is why I got a proposal but, for those who don't plan to get married, it may just mean the promise to be together for your whole life (or try to).
songs: thinking out loud | ed sheeran; everytime i close my eyes | babyface, kenny g
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pile 2
There is a huge stress about getting a message or something. Like.. probably your first Valentine's day you won't really be dating this person or you will be apart, and you'll only get to celebrate "online". For some others, it may be a difficult moment so you may not be able to celebrate on that day (mild illness or unwellness that may keep you apart: even just a very strong cold). It's weird cause I have lot of saliva atm and your pic is about dust... fels like you will try to fight over this "block" you may encounter about celebrating your Valentine's day with your person. It feels like maybe one of the two will find a way to take a trip and visit the other or even organize something like a serenade under the window despite being far away, or even sending flowers + a special video. Yup some of you may be finding ways to take care of your person on that day, cause they may not be feeling good (it could be vice versa). It will be a caring day, cute and sweet. Like you're gonna taste real love meaning. Some other, you may be fighting against other types of blockages, like your past traumas or some issues. Maybe you had a small quarrel with your person or sth, but either you will try to see things from a different perspective or they will approach you with a loving gesture to ask for forgiveness (I'm again seeing someone under the window, with a bouquet of roses, yelling/calling for someone, maybe singing too). Whatever will be going on, you'll feel calmer at the end of the day, more aware of your relationship and what/how you can work on to make it better (also, if it's you needing to work on your fears or not feeling good enough, your person will let you know they're by your side in this and that they won't rush you in anyway -they like you a lot, btw, exactly the way you are). Yeah I do feel many of you won't (and don't) feel enough for your person (love in general) and the message from them is about showing you this is not true (they're a keeper!!! js).
songs: quiver | lonas; young and beautiful | lana del rey
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pile 3
Hello sweet pile 3. Your Valentine's day may happen in a cozy environment like either of your homes, you may be even cooking together. Very cute and comfy and "best-friends" vibes here. You'll also have fun with your person, you may watch a movie or play a game or sth. Sweet, innocent, cute type of love. Lot of smiles, some random flirting... I cannot find many other words to express this. Feels like you cannot see it coming as for now. And you're supposed not to. You may have been working on a lot... differently from pile 2, but still you have been through many trials and tribulations, and you have been dreaming of love, of someone to feel cozy with, to be yourself, no masks, nothing, your pure self with. And be appreciated for that and loved. You know you deserve love (or you will realize it soon). You know you can get that... it's just a matter of realizing that it will happen, that it won't be always just a dream. That you're now able to change, and move towards this dream, this person, and change the result (maybe in the past you have been left down by your crushes or never really experienced love, a true deep conenction, probably not even with friends... you feel kinda lonely atm, right? I'm sorry, you shouldn't feel that at all, you're a lovely person.. but al that happens, happens to teach us something and this was to teach you how much you worth). You deserve much more, you deserve to try, to allow yourself to try this new experience, to be vulnerable and to let this person in, fully. They will find you, that's out of the question: you'll have your dream. Just believe in yourself, startbeing yourself (no people pleasing, stand your ground) and allow yourself to make a change in this sense. A change inside. You're not stuck in your past, you're grown from there. And so will your experiences and your life. Probably you'll have to spend next Valentine's day by youserlf but showing yourself the love and appreciation you deserve: gift yourself whatever you like and want, treat yourself, love yourself. Your person will copy that once they'll arrive.
songs: bland | jonathan keevil; love of my life | queen (I also got freak me | another level (cover) for your person so I mean... 18+ messages here)
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