#just finished chapter 5 and i'm!!
sezja · 1 year
anyway read Solstoria
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tecchan · 4 months
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Mammon you have nice tits and all but PLEASE stop coming home, you're blocking the doorway at this point
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queerweewoo · 4 months
When there's now this thing in your life, a new thing between you and another person, a thing you can't quite put your finger on to be able to try and describe it.
When you start to become so comfortable with this person that they start to become your person, and before you're really aware that anything has changed between you, you've just suddenly become one hundred percent theirs.
When you then get so close to that person that you don't really realise that things have shifted so significantly between you, because it's so infinitesimally and yet so dramatically all at once, and because everything just feels so damn right all the time and exactly the way you feel things are supposed to feel, so why would you ever think about changing it?
When it dawns on both you and that person—maybe one of you gets there before the other, maybe both at the same time?—that the two of you have moved on from being just friends and are morphing into something else, so seamlessly and with such ease that you don't have to question it, because it is just a thing that sort of is now.
When your touches become lighter, lingering things, softer and warmer and more frequent than before, and occurring much, much more and in a very different way than with anybody else in your life.
When you and your person and this thing that you now share become more wanting and more needy, and yet somehow so unerringly steady, and also so wonderfully and assuredly grounding and immovable, all as one, all at the very same time.
When together, you become more.
When you find you have found your way to your person, and to this thing, the thing that you now mold and nurture and that molds and nurtures you, slowly; unwaveringly; absolutely; discovering that it's helps you to move in new ways and to unfold as a person, to breathe, to settle into yourself.
When you have this thing (all of these things) in your life and realise that this is it, this is the thing they've been writing about throughout the ages.
When you realise that this thing—your thing—is a thing called love.
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missmorwen · 3 months
Chapters: 9/10 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Black Widow (Movie 2020), The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Natasha Romanov, Yelena Belova & Natasha Romanov Characters: Natasha Romanov (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Yelena Belova Additional Tags: Post The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV), mostly - Freeform, Not Avengers: Endgame (Movie) Compliant, Fix-It of Sorts, Black Widow (2020) Compliant, also mostly, Retcon, NATASHA ISN'T DEAD, Steve didn't abandon his friends, Not Hawkeye Compliant, Shameless Smut, Cunnilingus, Hand Jobs, Bucky's favorite meal is Nat Summary:
This was wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Someone was messing with her head. “No.” Natasha's voice came out as a whisper. Somewhere far off, a familiar voice said, “A soul for a soul. An everlasting exchange. That’s what you told them.” She knew that voice and the man behind it, but no name came to her, only colors. Garish and bright. Red, white, and blue.
A Fix-It fic where Natasha comes back to life when Steve returns the Soul Stone to Vormir. Now she needs to figure out her place in a world that thinks she's dead and gone.
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miladylocksley · 2 months
Warble me to death with the sweetness of your song
Simon is seduced by a siren with the ability to take the shape of whoever its victim desires most.
Why is he in the water?
Baz always stays away from the water. The merwolves scare him. He’d deny it, but I know they do. Plus, there’s probably some creatures rivalry, if you ask me. 
He’s just standing there, soaked up to his knees, but he’d obviously dipped all the way fairly recently by the state of his shirt. It clings to him like a second skin. It’s grey and thick enough not be see-through even when wet, but it cannot hide Baz’s broad shoulders and strong arms bulging underneath the long sleeves. His hair is slicked back and looks longer than usual, like it does when he comes out of the shower, always neat and untangled. And he’s wearing jeans. Black, tight, snug jeans. 
I’ve never seen him wear jeans before. I wonder why because he must be aware of how good he looks in them. Not that he needs the help. 
Why is he just standing there?
There’s no sun peeking through the clouds and Baz is uncommonly cold in warmer weather. I approach the water slowly. He doesn’t seem to be shivering. He wears the same smirk he always does when he’s looking at me, like my entire existence dictates his perpetual sneer, but as I come closer I finally notice his eyes. They’re wrong. 
Baz’s eyes are usually a clear grey, unlike any I’ve ever seen, but they are darker when he leaves our room late in the evening. To hunt. He’d deny it, but I know he does. 
Who disappears until well after midnight—and not for a clandestine meeting with a secret lover? The answer doesn’t immediately scream vampire, but combined with his dubious eating habits, cold sensitivity and wardrobe choices straight out of Dracula? I’m not stupid. I’ve read books, though Baz doesn’t believe me. 
His eyes look like that now: dark and wide. Hungry. 
“Baz?” I ask tentatively. 
He doesn’t answer.
I try again. “What are you doing out here?” 
He turns around and walks back deeper into the water. I stand still, watching as his body slowly disappears, and only move once the water has reached his hips and those jeans are hidden beneath the waves.
I don’t know why I go after him. I just know it feels wrong not to. 
And he actually does. 
The water has reached the middle of his back now as he turns to face me. I want to ask why he’s here again, but as soon as I glimpse his face he sinks below the water. 
The moat is somber and the sky doesn’t provide much light. I can’t see Baz anywhere. I try to spy movement in the water, but everything is so still. I’m ready to plunge ahead when his head breaks the surface right in front of me. 
He doesn’t even need to catch his breath. 
The rest of his body follows and he stands less than a step away from me. He still won’t say anything, just looks at me. He looks at me the way he always does, he’s just never been this close when he’s done it, or when I’ve looked right back. 
I’ve never witnessed this much scorn. Baz is always scowling, and smirking when he sees how much it bothers me, but he’s never seemed this cruel. It’s wrong. He’s all wrong. 
But he keeps looking at me and it’s impossible not to do the same. I’m scared of what will happen if I turn away. I’ve never been afraid of Baz, just cautiously on my guard whenever he’s around, which is quite often when you’re cursed with sharing a room. 
But I’m scared now. I feel like the slightest movement would break this stand-still we seem to have found ourselves in. Like a pause, an actual rupture in time where it’s just Baz and me and our breaths between us. It’s like being taken out of time and put on a singular moment that will define what happens next. 
This is what Baz and I facing each other looks like. This is how I imagine it will be when the time—the real time—comes. Though I don’t know why we’d be in the water. Or without wands. 
This is how I imagine someone who wants me dead looks like. This isn’t Baz. I want to know what’s changed. Why he’s acting this way. Why he’s letting me come close enough to touch him. 
He looks half-asleep. Why lure me here if he isn’t going to do anything? I feel like screaming. Why is he doing this? 
Why does he hate me?
I put my hands on his face. He’s cold. He’s always cold. I want him to push me away. I want him to tease me for the idiot that I am. I want Baz.
I want Baz? 
I gasp—now I surely look like an idiot—and bring my fingers to the back of his neck and through his hair. I’ve dreamed of this. 
I must have dreamed of it because it feels eerily familiar. And, like in my dreams, he doesn’t push me away. Rather, his arms encircle me and he’s encouraging me to do exactly what I’ve been curious about trying. So, I do. 
I pull him to me and crash my lips against his. It’s not gentle or slow; I’m devouring every one of his breaths. He’d been pretty passive so far, but his body lights up and he pushes against me as we’re kissing. 
I’m kissing a boy. I’m kissing Baz.    
And it feels so good. Unlike any dream. 
I feel flushed as his teeth keep tugging on my lips, but my body is cold. Probably a combination of Baz’s body and the water both enveloping me. 
The water is up to our chests now. That just means Baz’s shirt is floating beneath the surface and rising up and up enough for my hands to slide on his skin. He’s so cold.
And it feels so good. 
I don’t want to stop, I only want to be closer to him. But the closer I get, the colder I feel. My clothes are clinging to my skin and I feel shivers down my back and up my arms that have nothing to do with Baz’s tongue, though it doesn’t help. 
I pull away to look at him. Why isn’t he shivering? This is another instance where I notice that I’ve spent way too much time watching him under a pile of blankets trying to battle the chill that I wholeheartedly welcome. But he isn’t bothered now. He’s wearing his trademark smirk. I kiss it away. 
I let the water leap at our skins, let the droplets touch my sweat and carry it away so that the water always remembers us. I want this engraved onto the very ground of Watford. Where I first felt at home. With Baz, at the top of a tower.
His legs grip my hips and pull me closer. Closer and down. I could sink into him. I do. 
We’re kissing so much that I can’t breathe. 
I can’t breathe.
Baz is pushing me down. I grip his thighs, but he doesn’t move. He keeps kissing me, pushing into me until there is nothing else grounding me but him. It’s aggressive. It feels wrong and unlike Baz. Baz who’s a bully and a vampire. But Baz who isn’t actually a monster. Yet, he’s dragging me, not letting me breathe or move until I’m underwater. Until I’m choking on the water and on his lips.
And he’s grinning. Wild and vicious. Unlike Baz. 
I want to scream, but my throat is on fire. I can feel us sinking deeper and Baz still looks unaffected. Gleeful, even. Vampires can’t breathe underwater, can they? 
Except he doesn’t look like a vampire now, save for the fangs. His eyes are bloodshot around a black abyss. His nails are digging harder and I can feel his arms stiffen to trap me in. I struggle, but his grip doesn’t lessen. He looks like one of those scary mermaids the stories never talk about. A siren. 
This isn’t Baz. 
This isn’t Baz, I keep telling myself and as I do his face slowly changes to something equally beautiful but terrifying in a way I never found Baz. 
This isn’t Baz, I think again and, at once, my sword is in my hand, and I watch the siren’s eyes grow wide as I plunge the sword into its body. A piercing scream fills the water and the waves thrash in response. And I think, if the siren didn’t get me, this surely will.    
I manage to get away from the siren, but I can’t see where I’m going. I try to get closer to the surface, but I’m constantly being pulled one way or another. My eyes hurt trying to stay open, my body is cold, but my throat is on fire. For one terrifying moment, I think I’m actually catching fire because, even so deep beneath the waves, I can feel the smoke. My eyes hurt even more now. I try to keep them open. 
I try to—
I tr—
When I open my eyes, I think the siren must have followed me. It doesn’t just take on the appearance of whomever it wants, it gains their abilities too. It can walk on land. It can grow fangs—I mean, different fangs, vampire fangs, not terrifying serpent-like mermaid fangs. 
I try to get away, but my body can barely move. Maybe they’re venomous too. The siren doesn’t try to stop me. Their lips are moving like they’re trying to say something. That’s new. My ears are buzzing but I can make out the word from having seen it enough times. From those same lips. 
My name.
Not Simon. 
“Baz?” I can feel how scratchy my voice probably is, but he understands me. His eyes widen and he extends his arms before stopping suddenly. He looks down and I notice how square his jaw is beneath his full cheeks—fuller than usual. I look down. I’m covered in blood. Not an unusual sight. But, “it’s not mine.” 
“I know,” Baz says. I wonder if I should be creeped out. “Can you move?” he asks. 
Only a little. I wiggle my fingers. 
“Not what I meant,” he says unimpressed. 
I manage to shake my head. Baz sighs in frustration and looks around. There’s no one there except for the two of us. That’s when it hits me. “Did you pull me out?” I ask him. 
More jaw-locking. “Yes,” he mumbles. 
“No one gets to kill you but me, Snow.” 
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queenofbaws · 5 months
there are already roughly a million posts like this already circulating, but man. just. sometimes you really do have to step away from something you're working on and come back to it later.
creative buds, please. please. no one is worse at taking my advice than i am, believe me, but seriously, if you've been feeling down or frustrated or stumped with something you've been working on lately, take this as your sign to maybe take a little break. a week, a month, whatever. you've been looking at it too long, you've read it too many times, you've erased that same line so many times you've lost count - you need to come back to it with a rested brain and fresh eyes.
however rough it feels to you now, i promise, promise, promise that it'll feel so much better after a little distance. <3
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keets-writing-corner · 4 months
finally, I can get into 4 and 5 more.
I'm so tired 🙃
chapter 1=18k chapter 2=32k chapter 3=52k
I hate this so much, I never write chapters like this but for the purpose of how I planned this fic, it can't be any other way
the only good news I have is that I thought I was losing momentum cuz it was taking me so much longer to post 3 than the other 2 but uhhh now it makes sense. 3 is over the combined length of chapters 1 and 2, and it took me more or less the combined time of writing those to write 3, ergo, my writing speed is EXACTLY THE SAME
here just have the Lucilith fic as they establish themselves in hell after being banned from Eden
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insurged · 1 month
gege is so done with jjk and that's totally fine ( ´ ω ` )
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jackwolfes · 4 months
Hii<33 will you tease us with hints of your current projects?
hello! 👀 due to a number of things happening off-screen for me i would say that i'm currently in "fucking around" mode without a huge number of actual tangible projects going on? like im doing a lot of "open new doc > write down vague idea > add 1,000 odd words > don't finish the project" which. doesn't feel great. but hey ho.
the biggest thing is that i'm doing a merlin big bang and am trying to wrap up the details of that project because i've committed now, except i can't give any details about because it all needs to stay anonymous 😅 either way that'll be out in like, august!
yeah in terms of other fandoms that i have written more stuff more in the past im just sorta,,,, languishing i guess??? like i'm still writing but it's really hard to be excited about WIPs and tell people & have them get excited and then just never finishing anything 🤷
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meownotgood · 4 months
decided to make a fantasy fic so I could write about a cute and handsome prince aki, and here I am writing extensive lore about the history of magic and devils and humans / elves instead......... lord help me
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rllybadfanfic · 4 months
You know what, actually? As a writer, I just keep going back to writing the things that people comment on. I had one fic that I was so excited for and it got absolutely zero reception and you know what? I haven't written anything on it since. I have another that I updated after a couple years, immediate enthusiastic response, I haven't been able to stop writing for it.
If you like a fic, leave a comment. That could be the difference between seeing it finished or seeing more from that author in your fandom in general.
I actually kind of regret signing up for a fandom event in one fandom bc I'd rather be writing this fic for another bc the other fandom reliably comments more and it is a spike of endorphins every time. That is especially effective for me bc I have ADHD, the 'can't produce endorphins correctly' disorder.
If you don't know what to comment, literally just key smash or leave a smiley face or quote your favorite line. You could literally leave the same comment on every fic or every chapter, it doesn't matter as long as you leave something. It's just to show that you were there and the time you spent meant something to you.
Thank you to every single person who comments on fics, you are really making someone's day.
And P.S. to fic writers, when you get a comment, responding goes a long way in making people want to continue to comment. Even if you just slap a 'Thanks for reading!' and/or a 'I'm glad you liked it!' when appropriate.
Fandom is about community interaction, so don't be afraid to interact with your community!
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sentientcave · 5 months
your new chapter of retirement party was amazing! i love how price was tender w/ reader even if she tried to escape. i need to know what he told the boys i know he berated them good. thank you so much for an amazing chapter as usual!! also sorry english isnt my first language :<
First off, never apologize for your english, you speak more than one language, which puts you one up on me! You're doing great
And I'm so glad you're enjoying it! Writing Price is so much fun, dancing between insidious and charming and leaving everyone wondering if he's a good guy or a very bad one is downright delightful. And we do find out some of what he said to the boys in one of the next few chapters! I can't wait for the yelling people are going to do about it. >:)
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So I’ve been thinking about your videos on you reading your comic (which is very fun btw) and you keep mentioning on how small and round Link was compared to how he is now, and I have a very stupid scientific reason on why he went from round to lanky
In the beginning of the comic when link is a squishy little thing, it is winter time, to put it simply, he was more round and compact in order to conserve body heat. Obviously. And he gets more lanky as the comic goes on in order to cool off since it’s getting warmer. Link’s just do that naturally.
😂😂😂 I love this so much! It's just nature taking its course. Logical.
An alternative naturalistic approach would be the travails of adolescence hitting him hard and fast, kind of like a bird, forcing him to go from this:
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To this:
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(The guy with the orange slacks is obviously Gan)
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altruistic-meme · 5 months
going THROUGH it reading tsc but im taking a break to eat and probably try to sleep, so here is a highlight from my reading thus far
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thedemonscrawler · 6 months
its been a bit of a hot minute but
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dont-offend-the-bees · 3 months
Slightly concerned that chapter 2 of my critically acclaimed new fic might be a bit shit...
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