#just finished watching episode 10 and cried my eyes out
dragon-wisteria · 1 year
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Note: request by @bubblyabs! thank you so much!! I hope you'll like it!
Warnings: SKMD SPOILERS. fluff/smut 18+, a lot of fourth wall breaking and my infamous attempt at humor.
pairing: SKMD!Sihtric x Modern!You (f)
summary: The fictional man of your dreams was suddely not so fictional anymore.
wordcount: 5,2k
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'You looked really hot there.'
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There you were again, wrapped in a blanket on your couch, ready to once again finish another binge rewatch of The Last Kingdom. You just couldn't stop yourself. Ever since you became obsessed with the show, you could watch nothing else. No other series appealed to you anymore, and you kept going back to the very first episode, pathetically anticipating the second season, because that's where your favourite character comes in; Sihtric Kjartansson. The man needs no introduction, if we're honest. 
You don't know what exactly it is about him, but you were smitten. Each time he appeared on screen, you needed a glass of water and a cold shower afterwards.
You thought the actor who played him was cute too, you just couldn't really recall his name, you only remembered he had some complicated last name, Federsomething. However, cute or not, nothing was better than the rugged look of that pretty Danish rat boy in that medieval Netflix show. And so, only several weeks since your last rewatch, you were watching the movie again, which was the very last taste of the entire show you would ever get. Until they'll make some lousy remake in 10 years or something, which you would obviouslly not watch because you couldn't stand the thought of all those actors being replaced. Not on your watch.
Anyway, you had cried your absolute eyes out during the movie when you saw it the first time. But more importantly: whoever was responsible for Sihtric's haircut in the movie, was an actual blessing from the lord. Every time you saw his very first scene in that movie, where he walks up to Uhtred, with that long, loose hair, you simply just slide down your couch, being a whole hot mess. The things you would do to get that man in your bed, and the things you would do to him… oh, if only he wasn't fictional. You'd let him rail you, but alas.
And that made you groan each time. The most beautiful and perfect man you had ever seen was freaking fictional! It seems ridiculous, but Sihtric just ticked all your boxes.
He was funny, brave, loyal, adorable, hot, sexy, maybe not the smartest but you had no problem taking care of that man, he was good with weapons, he was protective and a real family man. What else could a you possibly want? You cursed Bernard Cornwell for coming up with the character and whoever casted that actor, as they are clearly responsible for you being forever single. Because you would never settle for anyone who was not Sihtric Kjartansson; fictional character and the goddamn love of your life.
And just like two weeks ago, you finished the movie and switched off your tv, while being a sobbing, snotty mess once again. Your three week holiday had just started, and your initial plan was to stay up late each night, but you had a headache from crying, so you decided to go to bed when it wasn't even close to midnight.
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The next morning you woke up early because of some loud banging. You figured the toddlers of your upstairs neighbours were at it again, banging their fists on the wall, running through their apartment. You could hear their little gremlin claws stomp and scratch everywhere they went. But you had to admit, they were louder than usual today, and it actually sounded like they were kicking and stomping at your front door.
You groaned and got dressed for another day of simply doing nothing. You started your coffee machine and opened the door to your little hallway, which led through the front door. You hadn't checked for any mail downstairs in a few days, and it was time to leave your cave for that little adventure to the main hall of your apartment building.
But you would not get there, at least, not any time soon. No. You were about to get the biggest jump scare of your life, to which you would scream so loud, it would without a doubt wake up the entire city. And after that, everything would turn black in front of your eyes.
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During your unconscious state you had the weirdest dream. You had opened the door to your hallway and found the cause of that weird banging noise. The noise came from your own apartment. The noise was created by a man, kicking at, and rattling your door, in a pathetic attempt to open it. And it wasn't just any man. 
You recognised him from the back within a split second. It was the fictional man of your dreams, dressed in the red-brownish leather armour he wore when you last saw him on your tv, his hair braided and his face bloody and bewildered. You screamed so loud when you saw him, that someone probably called the cops, because it was a horrible, distressing sound. And it also scared the hell out of Sihtric, who turned to face you while reaching for the hilt of his sword as he stepped closer. But after a second, his expression changed from anger to astonishment, and he stared at you, all confused and wide-eyed. You stared into his mismatched eyes as he was merely two paces away from you. 
'Lady?' he said, with the voice and accent that simply set your body on fire whenever you heard it. 
And you randomly thought how Sihtric looked taller on tv than he did in real life, in your hallway, and then everything just turned black.
And it turned out that it wasn't a dream. But it all had actually happened before you passed out, in your hallway. Sihtric had been quick to catch your fall and caught you in his arms. While still completely confused, and in shock, he had carried you into your living room and carefully laid you down on your couch. And as it would take a good five minutes before you regained consciousness again, Sihtric took a quick look around your apartment, growing more confused and concerned with every passing second.
And you suddenly opened your eyes again as he had his back turned to you.
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You blinked rapidly, your eyes trying to focus on the backside of the man in armour, which you recognised all too well. It hadn't been a dream, it all actually happened. And it was still happening apparently. How the fuck was this possible? Did someone prank you? Did someone pay a ridiculous amount of money to hire the actual actor, just to scare the shit out of you and to mess with you? Breaking your heart in the process as you could never be with the man of your dreams? What a sick joke.
While that medieval looking hunk stared at your family pictures, you quietly took your phone from your pocket and opened instagram. Your eyes grew wide when you saw that the actual actor, who you knew played Sihtric in the show, had posted a story just a minute ago, announcing that he was currently in some country, far away from yours, at a comic con.
'No way,' you whispered, 'but then who the fuck-', you looked back at Sihtric again, who had made his way over to your Last Kingdom book collection. 
He stared at it, but as you couldn't see his face, you had no idea what he was doing because you remembered he shouldn't be able to read. You followed his movements with huge eyes, completely in shock, and without realising it, your phone slipped out of your hands and dropped on the floor with a loud thump. You spooked Sihtric, who slightly jumped, and was quick to turn around, again ready to draw his sword.
'Where am I?' he asked, trying to sound calm.
'W-what… uh, England?'
'E-England,' you said again.
'What is the year, lady?'
'No, sorry! Sorry, I- I mean 2023!'
Sihtric stared at you, and you thought if he wouldn't blink soon, his eyes would dry out.
'H-how did you get here?' you asked.
'How did you get here?' he asked cautiously.
'I… live here?' you frowned.
You blinked. 'Because… I… pay to live here?'
'Oh,' Sihtric said, then nodded, 'that seems fair. What is that?' he asked, pointing to your tv.
'It's a t- uhh,' you figured that if for some reason this really was Sihtric, the medieval dude from your favourite tv show, he would not know what a tv is, so for the sake of playing it safe, you lied, 'it's a… art.'
'Yes, like a drawing,' you panicked.
Sihtric looked at the tv, then back at you, and said, 'but it's all black?'
'Well, it's… modern… art? It's really expensive,' you said, hoping he would not try to break your tv for whatever reason.
'Yes,' you said, 'it's, uh, over a six hundred poun- pieces of silver.'
Sihtric looked back at your tv again, scratched his forehead, and then locked eyes with you again, 'Lady,' he snickered, 'I think someone has fooled you. That drawing is not worth that amount of silver.'
You smiled, simply agreeing, while anticipating his next move.
'Is that,' he squinted his eyes and walked over to your kitchen, 'Uhtred?' he frowned, looking at your coffee cup which had a picture of Uhtred's face on it, 'why?' Sihtric asked as he looked back at you.
'I, uhh…' were you going to tell him they didn't have a cup with his face on it, and that you had sent an angry email to the company? Maybe not. You cleared your throat, but before you could speak, Sihtric's eyes found the large framed poster of him, Finan and Uhtred on your wall. And his eyes grew wide. 
'Where did you get that? Why am I… why are… wh-,' Sihtric stopped talking, then eventually said, 'who made this painting?'
'... Google?' 
'Who is Google?'
'It's, well, so,' you stammered.
'You paid six hundred pieces of silver for this too?'
'Wha- no, more like…seven.'
'Seven hundred?' Sihtric gasped, 'lady,' he smiled, clearly flattered.
'No! I mean like seven pou- bloody pieces of silver!'
'Seven?' he frowned, suddenly offended, 'only seven? Yet you paid six hundred for that?' he pointed at your tv.
'Sihtric, look,' you sighed.
'How do you know my name?' he asked, frightened.
Okay. This had to stop, right now. What the fuck is going on? 
You told Sihtric to shut up, a little harsher than you really meant, but so be it. You took his hands and sat him down on your couch. For some reason he kept holding your hands, which you obviously didn't mind, and you tried to explain how you knew who he was while desperately not trying to get distracted by his appearance. Those tattooed fingers, the tattoo on his neck, and all those scars. He was even more handsome in real life. If this was real life, of course.
'You… you have seen my life?' Sihtric frowned, 'on… the black painting?'
'Yes, it's called a tv. Here, I can show you,' you took the remote, and Sihtric gasped when he suddenly heard noise and saw moving images on the previously black screen.
'Sorcery,' he whispered with big eyes, squeezing your hand.
'No, not sorcery,' you said, remembering how awfully superstitious he was in season 3. And how cute he looked in season 3. Well, he was cute in every season.
'The… the people,' Sihtric suddenly said, 'are they s-stuck?'
'Are they stuck in the painting?' he asked, concerned.
'What? No… no, it's… oh god,' you sighed, 'the people are fine,' you smiled.
You quickly switched on Seven Kings Must Die, and you thought Sihtric was going to pass out. He jumped up when he saw Finan and Ingrith, near the beginning of the movie, in Uhtred's hall, your favourite scene, and he ran to the tv.
'Finan!' Sihtric yelled, 'is he stuck?' he looked back at you, worried, 'can he… can he hear me?'
Sihtric turned to the tv again and pressed his fingers against the screen.
'No! Don't touch the screen!' you yelled, worried he'd damage it with his rough fingers, and Sihtric was quick to pull his hand back with a flinch. And you felt horrible for making him flinch, but before you could apologise, Sihtric had composed himself again.
'But… F-Finan?' he asked, 'is he okay? Where is he?'
'Finan is fine! He's not stuck! This all already happened… right?' you grimaced, hoping you were right somehow.
Sihtric looked at you, confused, then back to the screen, and he stumbled backwards when he saw his own face appear on the magic painting. He watched the scene unfold, and he didn't know what to say, he just stared at the screen as he reached for your hand again.
'You looked really hot there,' you blurted out, and you felt yourself blush.
'Hot?' Sihtric frowned, 'I wasn't hot, lady. It was a cold night! Can't you see the furs?' he scoffed.
'No, I mean, you- … no, you're right. It must've been… really cold that day.'
'It was,' Sihtric said sternly, and looked back at the screen again, 'I remember this,' he gasped, 'Finan said he only fell asleep once,' he said, just seconds before Finan said the line on tv.
'See!' Sihtric gasped and looked at you again, 'he actually has fallen asleep many times, lady,' he grinned.
Holy fuck. You didn't even think about that. Sihtric obviously knew everything that had happened, the whole story, not just the bits and pieces you saw from their lives on tv.
'H-has he?' you asked, cautiously.
'Yes, lady,' Sihtric said, 'it often happened because he had too much ale the night before. And because he's old,' he winked with a grin.
'Oh,' you snickered, 'I see. And… you never fell asleep?'
'Me? no, never,' he said with confidence.
'Are you sure?'
'Yes, lady.'
You hummed and skipped to the scene where both Finan and Sihtric had fallen asleep, while Uhtred was awake.
'So…' you smiled, pointing at the tv.
Sihtric gasped, 'No, that… see! See, I'm awake. I was merely resting my eyes, I was… in deep thought,' he lied.
'Okay,' you laughed, 'if you say so.'
You watched Sihtric's face, which went from mildly ashamed to a light chuckle, and soon he laughed softly along with you. He still had no idea how it was possible that he could see his own face on your expensive painting, but Sihtric was a simple guy; he saw a pretty lady and he was smitten, not caring about much else anymore, except for winning your heart. He clearly didn't know you were basically ready to marry him on the spot. And for some reason you both just seemed to accept the situation, no questions asked. You watched the rest of the movie together, and it was surreal. Sihtric remembered everything, told you little anecdotes and simply seemed to enjoy seeing his friends on your screen.
'So… did Uhtred die?' you asked when the end credits were shown on screen.
'Uhtred died?!' Sihtric gasped.
'What? No, I mean, I'm asking you!'
'Uhtred was alive when I last saw him!' Sihtric said, and so you found out Sihtric had ended up in your world only hours after that heartbreaking last scene in the movie.
'Okay, then I'm sure he's, uh, fine,' you tried to convince yourself as much as you tried to convince Sihtric. 'Also,' you cleared your throat, 'what happened to your wife and kids?'
'Oh,' he said, 'we had a rough divorce. She broke my heart and took the kids,' he shrugged.
'Oh,' you blinked, surprised, 'I'm… sorry?'
'Are you married?' Sihtric blurted out.
'Uh, me?' you chuckled, twirling your hair, looking the handsome Dane up and down, 'n-no, I'm not. Why?' you kicked your feet.
Sihtric stared at you, he just couldn't believe his luck after being strangely teleported into a different year and world, ending up with a beautiful lady who wasn't married. But then he thought that was odd, because why weren't you married yet? A pretty lady who was clearly rich, at least that's what he thought, who lived in a nice home, was of marriage age, who was also very kind and funny, and with a body which he would undoubtedly be thinking of later that night. Why has no one married you yet, he wondered.
'Are you cursed?' he said without thinking.
'Cursed,' he said again, 'you're not married. Why?'
'Uh, well,' you cleared your throat, 'I'm… picky.'
Sure, picky. You were simply in love with the medieval, fictional man on your couch, and you would never settle for anything less. 
'Picky?' Sihtric frowned.
'Yes,' you replied, 'only a certain kind of man could win my heart,' you grinned, mindlessly twirling your hair around your fingers again.
'Oh?' Sihtric raised an eyebrow and smirked, clearly intrigued.
And he thought of it as a game now, a game he desperately wanted to play, because he wanted to know if he could win. And gods, how he wanted to win you and take you back home with him. Or stay here with you, he really didn't care, not after you just batted your eyelashes at him. No, he would do everything for you now.
'So,' he cleared his throat, shifting a little closer next to you on the couch, 'what kind of man would that be?'
'Hm,' you hummed, thinking as if you weren't looking at that specific man, 'a man who is… kind,' you said, 'loyal and brave,' you smiled at him.
Sihtric hummed and licked his lips as he gave you a playful look. He knew he was kind, loyal and brave, so he figured his chances with you were pretty good right now.
'And… someone who is not afraid to take charge,' you teased, seeing if he's willing to take the bait.
Sihtric grinned and slightly adjusted his position.
'He also has to be protective,' you said, 'and strong,' your eyes trailed down to his clothed biceps, knowing very well what's underneath all of that fabric he was wearing.
'Well,' Sihtric smiled, a little cocky, 'I might just be the man for you then.'
'You think so? I'm not sure…,' you played it cool, but inside you were going stark raving mad, this surely had to be a dream.
'I think I am,' he gave you a smirk and winked.
You were absolutely ready to pull that man in your bed, but it was only noon, you had just met him a few hours ago, and everything was just really freaking weird. So you held back. You told him you'd think about it, to which he frowned, playfully offended. You bickered a little and eventually ended up discussing what on earth you two were going to do now. He had nowhere to go, and you didn't want to kick him out, but he was still a stranger. Even though he had lived in your head rent free for years already. You told him first things first; he had to get into different clothes. Which he agreed to. You did some digging and found some sweatpants you had bought online years ago, which turned out way too big for you, and you had forgotten to return it, which came in handy now. Unfortunately, the sweatpants were pastel pink, and Sihtric clenched his jaw, exhaling sharply as he grabbed them out of your hands. You snorted, and to make it worse, the only thing you owned which he would possibly fit in, was a matching sleeveless crop top.
'No,' Sihtric said sternly, looking at the top you held in your hands.
'Guess you're not brave enough for me then,' you taunted.
Sihtric huffed and snatched the shirt out of your hands. You pointed him towards your bathroom, where he stayed for quite a while, simply admiring every foreign object before he even thought of changing clothes. And when he finally walked out, you thought you were going to pass out again.
He had untangled his previously braided hair, wearing it down now, which you loved so much, all while wearing that sleeveless crop top, which barely covered half of his insanely toned upper body. And the matching sweatpants hung on his hips, low enough to reveal he wasn't wearing any underwear, which made sense, as you had no underwear that would possibly fit him. 
He raked his fingers through his hair, exposing even more of his trained torso when he did, and every single filthy thought you ever had about that man crossed your mind at once. You desperately tried to shake your thoughts and took him back into your living room, where you sat down and simply talked. He wanted to know all about you, and even though he didn't understand a lot of the things you mentioned, he knew he was going to marry you. Somehow.
Later you made him dinner and as promised, Sihtric slept on the couch. And you had to fight the desperate urge to find him in the night and lure him into your bed, which Sihtric would have gladly allowed to happen.
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A few days passed and Sihtric seemed to adapt decently. He was not as dumb as Uhtred and Finan always made him seem, but he was definitely as clumsy as expected. Knocking over drinks, breaking small objects which he wanted to look at but his hands were too rough, things like that. But you couldn't give a shit, you were madly in love with him, and you couldn't wait for him to break you-... your bed.
Sihtric was very flirty too, and loved brushing his fingers over your face, arms, or well, anywhere he could really, whenever he could. But he was also a true gentleman, and slept on your couch each night, for nearly a week. 
One evening he asked if he could see one of those Last Kingdom episodes you had talked about, and you agreed.
It was still unreal to watch an episode with the one and only Sihtric Kjartansson next to you, and it still felt like a dream. You switched on a random episode, and it happened to be the one where his father, Kjartan, ends up getting killed. At first Sihtric had been watching in awe, amazed that he could relive parts of his life like that.
But when he realised where it was going, his face became more and more deprived of emotions. You noticed it quite late and wanted to switch the tv off once you saw it, just before Kjartan got killed, but Sihtric stopped you by taking your hand in his. And he held your hand tightly as he watched the scene unfold. He showed no emotion, which told you he was more or less at peace with it, but it still was a rough moment to sit through.
When the episode was over, Sihtric looked at you, and you could finally do what you had always wanted to do after seeing Sihtric in that terrible scene; you pulled him in your arms and held him tight.
'Are you okay?' you asked after a moment.
'Yeah,' he said quietly, enjoying the feeling of having his arms around you.
He softly hummed as you brushed your fingers through his long, wavy hair, which was simply another dream come true, and he held you tightly for a long time.
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'Can I stay with you?' Sihtric suddenly asked a few evenings later as you had just watched another episode.
'What?' you asked.
'Can I stay here? With you? I mean… I- I like you. I like being here,' he said, 'and, unless we find out how I got here, I have nowhere to go.'
'Y-you want to stay here? With me?' you frowned. 
Sihtric wasn't wrong, he truly had no place to go and you also still had no idea how on earth he had gotten here, which you both quickly stopped questioning as it drove you mad. And naturally you wanted him to stay, but it would be a hard thing to explain to your friends and family, who knew all about your (unhealthy) love for Sihtric, who was, until last week, non-existent in the real world.
'I'd like to stay,' Sihtric smiled sweetly at you, 'with you, lady.'
And you just couldn't resist him anymore. With his long, wavy hair, those mismatched eyes, that smile, and the pink crop top he kept wearing once he realised you liked it on him. He did swap the pastel sweatpants for a black one, after you had bought it for him a few days ago. He was simply the most mesmerising man you had ever seen, and before you knew it, your lips crashed together into a heated kiss. And you tore each other's clothes off as fast as you could. You've been waiting years for this dream to become a reality, and you absolutely would live your fantasy to the fullest right now.
Sihtric seemed just as desperate as you, but before he pulled your panties down, you ran to your bedroom. He was still a medieval man, who knows what he caught in those days and you wanted to limit the risk of catching something as much as you could, and also you did not want a baby, yet, so you grabbed a condom. Sihtric frowned at the package, and you quickly understood he had never seen such a thing. You chuckled a little awkwardly and opened the package.
'It's protection,' you explained, but you didn't want to spook him by talking about STDs, knowing he would probably think it's a curse, so you simply said, 'it's so you don't put a child- I mean, pup in my belly,' you frowned a little as you said the ancient words.
'You do not want my pups?' Sihtric asked, and he almost sounded hurt.
'N… I… well,' you cleared your throat, 'not yet,' you admitted.
Sihtric started to ramble and question you, and you politely asked him to stop talking. You asked if he was okay with everything, to which he then nodded with a smirk, and he allowed you to put the condom on him. And the low hums he let out when you did so, were enough to turn your insides into jelly, and the pressure between your thighs was immense and unbearable. And as you wanted to take your hands off him, he quickly held onto your arm, keeping your hand in place.
'Please,' Sihtric said with big, darkened eyes and a sly smile.
And you understood he seemed to like the feeling of your hand working his length. You had to admit, all those fanfic writers did not lie about his size; you had nothing to complain about here. God, the way you enjoyed having this man on your couch, completely naked, except for the Mjölnir pendant around his neck, with his head thrown back as he smiled while soft moans escaped his slightly parted lips, enjoying the way you made him feel. And it didn't take long before Sihtric came, and the sound of his low groan was pure bliss to your ears, and even more arousing than you already had expected it to be. 
After a short moment, Sihtric was quick to push you up and make you sit back against the couch. He kneeled down in front of you, on the floor, and he carefully spread your legs with a smirk. He threw one leg over his broad shoulder, and before you could grasp that your wildest fantasy was coming true, his face was already buried between your thighs. He nipped your sensitive skin with his lips before he softly kissed your wet folds, followed by running his tongue over your core, making you exhale sharply as your hands found his hair. Your body trembled in no time as he sucked, kissed and licked your clit, as if you were the most delicious thing he had ever tasted in his life. And just like Sihtric, it didn't take long before you came with a desperate moan, pulling his hair to which he groaned.
You both ended up laughing softly as Sihtric sat back next to you, giving you some time to recover, while you both realised how insane this was. But in less than a minute he already took your face in his hands and pulled you closer, wanting to kiss you like there was no tomorrow. And as soon as you felt like you could take him again, you climbed on his lap, to which Sihtric smirked. He watched you with half open eyes as he bit down on his lip. His hands settled on your hips while yours found support by holding onto his muscular shoulders. His body was even more impressive than you imagined, and you cursed Netflix for never giving the audience a shirtless Sihtric scene. 
And then you finally sank down on his cock, you both gasped at the feeling, hands desperately squeezing and scratching each other to display pleasure. And Sihtric was vocal, moaning and cursing with a smile as he enjoyed the way you were riding him, his eyes fixated on you, darting between your eyes, your lips, your breasts and down to your core, loving the view of how you took his length.
'Gods,' he moaned, out of breath, and then he hummed with a light chuckle.
'Fuck,' you muttered under your breath, digging your nails in his shoulders as you tried your hardest to not finish right there and then.
'Hm, I want to fill you up,' Sihtric whispered with ragged breath, and your attempt to not finish before him was to no avail, as his words were enough to make you cry out his name while your walls clenched around his throbbing cock.
'Fuck, sorry,' you said, panting, riding out your own high while feeling a little embarrassed you finished so fast. 
But to your surprise, and pleasure, you felt Sihtric's grip on your hips tighten up and he let out another hard, deep groan as he threw his head back, finishing only moments after you, just as he had hoped he would. You both tried to catch your breath as you embraced each other for a little while. Then you took a shower together and dressed in some comfy clothes. You grabbed a few drinks and some snacks, and made your way into your bedroom, telling Sihtric to come with you. And on your bed, you'd talk and joke around for hours, if you weren't too busy kissing each other or cuddling that is.
'If you had the chance,' you asked, hours later, as Sihtric held you in his arms, 'would you go back home?'
'Only if you'd go back with me,' he said, without any hesitation or doubt, and he squeezed you a little tighter against his chest, 'but if you wish to stay here, then I will stay here, even if I could go back.'
'Why?' you asked, surprised but happy to hear his answer, and you felt a little emotional all of the sudden.
'Because,' Sihtric smiled, moving up a little to look into your eyes, 'because I like you,' he lovingly brushed his fingers over your cheek, 'I have lived my life there, back home,' he said, 'there's not much there for me anymore. I would rather stay here and have you, have someone to take care of and to provide for, then going back without you and just… feel alone again at night.'
'I love you,' you suddenly blurted out.
Sihtric's jaw dropped slightly as he looked at you with big eyes, and then he smiled softly, 'I love you too,' he said, 'and I just want to be wherever you are.'
'Sihtric,' you whispered, cupping his cheeks as you stared into the warrior's vulnerable eyes, 'I will simply follow you anywhere you decide to go.'
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taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylas-the-grim @bubbles-for-all-of-us @andakth @bel-bottoms @willowbrookesblog @lady-targaryens-world @skyofficialxx @diosademuerte @elle4404 @alexagirlie @sweetxime @solango @gemini-mama @cheyennep3107 @little-diable @jennifer0305
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nerdylittleguy · 2 years
Transformers Earthspark theory - how Knockout could actually be Mr Smelt
....or ideas about it, anyway. Enjoy my observations!
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So uhh here's where the neurodivergent urge to consume media and hyperfixate on it has lead me! Please, feast your eyes on my flow chart/ mind map of madness™.
I know the text is really small, if you click and zoom it could be easier to read. I did try to split the original image into quarters, hope that makes it a little easier to read. However, if anyone needs a transcript I'll do my best to sort it out, my only concern is that I have no clue how to link ideas if they're just bullet points (the idea of having a way to link ideas is what lead me to make this in this format :) )
Perhaps a bit of an explanation as to what lead to this?
A few weeks ago, I saw the Earthspark season 1 part 2 trailer and hey... Who's that?? Breakdown?? Of course, I immediately wanted to watch what existed of the series so far, and imagine my pleasant surprise when I heard Knock Out's (tfp) VA voiced a side character!
Anyway, I started watching the series, finished it in 3 days, cried tears of happiness over Nightshade's pronouns (for those of you who say representation doesn't matter, it does. You probably just feel represented), fell in love with Megatron, etc etc. But imagine my absolute, brain-rotting madness when I couldn't find episode 7 on youtube!
Meh, like that would stop my theory brain. Using various episode summaries I found on youtube (first and foremost this one, as it was short and had good attention to detail! But if anyone has any recommendations for other good summaries feel free to let me know), I started to slowly make a mindmap. That evening I found @transformers-earthspark's blog and the where-to-watch resources... Firefly I cannot thank you enough!!! You're literally amazing!! You have no idea how happy I was to find ep 7!! You do so much, give yourself a pat on the back and a nice snack :))
Anyways, armed with my new access to ALL the earthspark episodes (1 - 10, anyway, as only they are available atm), I remade some of my mindmap, added to it, made more points. Over the last few weeks (aka less than two) I polished my mindmap, did some colour-coding, added images, links, details etc until it could apparently fit on an A3 sheet?? What??? So many ideas from silly old me??
Obviously, I don't think I'm completely right. As a matter of fact, I think I made many assumptions and links that were a very big stretch (blame this overactive imagination of mine. I keep thinking of potential plot lines and then forgetting that actually, I made them up and they're not canon). However, I hope I made a few points that will inspire someone to make their own theories, or just have fun thinking!
Apologies if this all sounds garbled or if it's difficult to understand, I am tired and I have two languages running around in my head (that I'm fluent in, I've also tried to learn 5 others. Lingual hell!!!)
Have a good day/ night and enjoy the theories!
Also a quick note and thing to add: I wrote this on Monday the 27th (I draft just about everything in my notes ok), before I woke up on Tuesday and saw the new images from the episodes, including the one with Breakdown!! AHHH!! /pos So I guess I was right about something? And I mean... Breakdown and a theme of racing in one episode? If this is a coincidence and Knockout is not chilling somewhere in the background then I don't know what to say.
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keiskake · 2 years
more than enough kitty.. (shinso)
hitoshi shinso x gn!reader 
fluff, comfort, shinso being the greatest boyfriend ever, sleeping together (very end)
wordcount ~ 878
summary ~ its one of those days when you just don’t feel like a good enough hero and you’re doubting your ability. but don’t worry, shinso knows how to make his kitty feel all better.
a/n ~ wrote this instead of working, anigomi shinso asmr inspired me to write for the cutie.
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shinso had just come home after a dinner with aizawa, he hollered down the hallway that he would be taking a quick shower before he’d join you on the couch to watch another episode of your drama. he was finished in about 10 minutes, walking out in matching cat pj’s you brought for the both of you on valentines day and a towel over his lavender hair. he rubbed his eyes and walked into the living room, calling out for you. “y/n? where are you kitty? i’m done with my shower so are you ready to watch?”.
no response. 
the silence and your lack of presence signalled to him that there was something wrong. something he needed to take care of as your boyfriend. shinso knew that when you were upset you would run into the bedroom and hide in your blanket fort, cuddled up against your white cat, flakey. your muffled sniffles confirmed his worries, and it guided him into the bedroom. 
the sound of a blocked nose and rubbing of tears from your cheeks seeped through the covers of the blanket. he lifted the covers up and snuck himself into your fort. “there’s my precious kitty..” he cooed into your ear, pressing his forehead onto yours and cupping your wet cheeks in his cold hands. you were trying to hold back your cries, but when shinso wrapped his arms around your waist it all came pouring out like a river. a river of emotions. the feeling of not being good enough. never being good enough. 
“hey, hey it’s okay sweetheart, just let it out. i’m all ears for you, promise.” he spoke gently, trying not to shake you up anymore than you already were. he tightened his hold on you, and that brought you great comfort. you felt safe. 
“i- i just don’t... don’t feel good enough shinso- not a good hero..” your words were scattared, your tears and heavy breathing created pauses for your emotions. it hit hard. it wasn’t easy to admit that you also had the thought in your mind, overthinking the idea for the past few days. you had worked so hard to become the best hero you could possibly imagine, being in the top 20 was a miracle in itself. needless to say it didn’t come without hard and disciplined work, training and motivation.
shinso had watched you fight for your dream, chasing the stars and the planets to become the hero you’ve always dreamed of. the air was dampened, shinso’s sadness came from the fact you couldn’t see yourself the way he did. his love was at first admiration. great admiration for the hero who was the top student of UA and now climbing the ranks of the hero world tirelessly. he pulled down the fort, unwrapping himself from you and pushing you back so that you were staring face to face. shinso’s purpose was to make you loved. to make you safe. and seeing you belittle your own efforts broke him. “y/n you’re all wrong, so very wrong.” his eyes were firm, the same way his words were, the same way his grip on your shoulders were.
“you’ve worked harder than anyone else i’ve ever known, and i’ve watched since day one. i won’t let you look down on yourself and disregard all your efforts. you are the best y/n. there is no better, you are the most amazing, selfless and beautiful hero ever to have stepped foot into my life. hell, you’re the most amazing partner i could’ve ever dreamed of.” his words were magical.
words that untangled the knots of thoughts in your pretty little head. words that lifted your hearts into the horizon of happiness and love. and those words came from shinso, who’s always been by your side. who will always be by your side no matter what. flakey purred, curling into your lap and snuggling into shinso’s sweatpants that you had stolen. “shinso...thank you handsome, you always know what to say when i’m down. how do you do it.” you let out a soft giggle as you wipe away any remains water marks on your cheeks. your cute yet stupid giggle was all shinso wanted to hear. he wanted to hear you happy, just like his pretty kitty cat deserved. 
“i’ll always be here sweetheart, not getting rid of me that easily.” he smirked, pushing his lips on your head and laying you down on the bed. “lets get some rest y/n, it’s been a long day and you deserve some good rest.” you nod whilst snuggling into the warm covers and relaxing your head on your fluffy pillow. shinso slides in next to you, putting his arm out so that you could lay as close as possible to him. he knew he’d have a sore arm the next morning but that didn’t matter. all that mattered was you. keeping you warm, safe and close. 
“night night shinso...~”
“goodnight kitty cat, sleep dreams. and y/n, you’re more than enough.” you’re laying on his arm, head buried in his chest and hands wrapped around his neck. he nuzzles his lavender head onto yours, placing another gentle peck on your head before the both of you drift off to sleep. in the comfort of one another.
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moaserendipity · 2 years
My Top 10 BL's of 2022
I am Back with my BL drama top 10, I might’ve been quiet but I have been actively watching BL dramas. Remember this is my opinion and you might not agree with it but I made up my mind and these are my top-tier BL’s of 2022😎❤️‍🔥
10. Cherry Blossoms after winter 7,8/10
This heartwarming BL was something that I needed when I watched it. I wished it was again longer though because it just didn't feel finished yet and was sometimes a bit rushed. Like I would love to see more about them as high schoolers, especially with that bully storyline, and then the College part was also short or the acceptance of his mom, that could've gone better I feel. But other than that I loved the chemistry between our main leads. The tension was there every time, so that was a big plus, and just their whole relationship, it made me feel warm.
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09. To My star 2 8/10
We all know what I am going to say...Again way too short, also I was super confused when I started watching. The sudden jump in time and then back. I was so confused and heartbroken as well. Thankfully everything got clear throughout the other episodes but yeah. This BL definitely did not disappoint as sequel and I can't thank them enough for making it because I feel like we finally got real closure and to see them, in the end, being happy together made me feel so warm and for a change, I didn't feel sad when it ended because they were happy and I felt that happiness. These two actors are definitely amazing together.
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08. Cutie Pie 8,5/10
I wanted to watch this because of Zee and mainly for Zee but when the first episode aired I was hooked. I love Nunew and his chemistry with Zee but not only them, also the friends were amazing. I fell for Syn & Nuer even though I disliked Nuer at first because he was after Kuea but that changed when his attention went to Syn, and from that moment they had my heart. Of course, we can't forget about Nat and Max who are playing Yi and Khondiao because they were brilliant as well. Now I have to admit that I probably said every single episode that I was in love with Zee, which isn't a lie because this man can act, the way Lian looks at Kuea, I think I drowned every single time. The reason I give this an 8,5 is simply because of miscommunication, also the sudden change from hate to love was like huh? like why you tell him you don't love him but the next day you suddenly do. The purposely hurting your lover just because you want to see who he really is? yeah, it didn't sit well with me but that being said it's still a good BL for sure!!
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07. Love Mechanics 8,9/10
The BL that I have been waiting for, for what is it 2 years!! Did I maybe overhype it in my head, yes I did. Now I have to say that I think what they did was brilliant because the NC scene in the first episode wasn't forced anymore, because both were under influence, still not completely okay but it's better than before.. I love Yinwar because their chemistry has always been on point but with this 2-year gap it's nice to see how much they grew and the acting was so much better. Now what I didn't like and this is kind of a pet peeve of mine with BL's is the lack of communication and with this BL that was definitely the case, no one wanted to listen to one and another, which left to heartache which wasn't necessary at all and also the Yeehwa involvement which often led to the misunderstandings, was annoying to me but other than that I loved Yinwar portraying Vee and Mark because together they were brilliant.
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06. My Only 12% 9,1/10
When I started watching this, I knew I was set up to cry a lot and that was not a lie the first few episodes, I cried a lot. I really have to give it to Earth & Santa because I was completely invested in their relationship. Earth is really a brilliant actor and knows how to make you cry your eyes out! I think the sudden change in character was brilliantly done. the way the roles were reversed in which Cake was now the one that got treated how he treated Eiw first. I loved that a lot. I think Santa was brilliant in expressing the jealousy he felt as Cake for Eiw and I do think it's good that he actually spoke his mind, even though it hurt Eiw. I love how Cake is there for Eiw even in the most difficult part of life. I just loved it. I just really think this was a seriously good BL.
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05. The Eclipse 9.3/10
The Eclipse, another GMMTV BL, which is brilliant. Now I only knew Khaotung as a light-hearted goofy character so I was pleasantly surprised to see him being this badass guy who isn't afraid to stand his ground and then he was paired up with First, who played the brainwashed perfect. This is amazing and I love how they change when they are together. Now I must admit that I am not crazy about their school being this crazy ass cult, I just hate Cults and everything surrounding it, it's creepy to me but other than that this is an amazing BL. I love seeing people fight for what they believe in and their rights, and I am totally on board with it. I also have to praise Neo for his character in this BL, I LOVE seeing him play a serious character, it just suits him so so much better and I love that he is paired up with Louis, they have such great chemistry! I do hope we get more projects with Khaotung and First because they are perfect together.
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04. Not Me - 9,5/10
Not me was a surprise to me because I had kind of forgotten about it until I suddenly saw the trailer popping up again. I loved this cast and especially, Offgun & First, Fluke, they really were outstanding. The rest of the cast of course! I love how Off finally played a serious character instead of the goofy player kind of person because he can pull it off so well. I was very impressed with every episode. Gun also was outstanding as Black & White, I love it when he plays characters like this, it really suits him, and also he was playing a twin. Then we have the side couple Fluke and First, they were brilliant, I felt their emotions through every scene and when that scene with Yok in the hospital happened I was a sobbing mess. The reason I gave this a 9.5 is that I already knew who put Black in the hospital and also I felt somewhat disappointed with Grams character, I was so convinced that he was in love with Black but then he suddenly wasn't but other than that this was brilliant and refreshing!
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03. Semantic Error 9.7/10
Semantic Error, what a fantastic Korean BL this was. I was hooked from the start and loved the dynamics between the two main leads Park Seoham(Jaeyoung) & Park Jaechan(Sangwoo). I cannot express my love for this drama enough. I was obsessed with it and it's now one of my comfort BL's. I love how Sangwoo's hate changed into Love. It was definitely a battle within himself and the way Jaeyoung stayed patient with him, was just amazing. The reason why it has a 9.5 rating is that for me it was too short but this is always the case with Korean BL's, I do have to admit that I was already happy that the episodes were a bit longer this time around but yeah other than that it was a perfect warm BL.
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02. KinnPorsche La Forte - 9,9/10
This Bl was THE BL that I had been waiting for, for over a year if not more and it did NOT disappoint. It took me on a real rollercoaster of emotions. I went in for KinnPorsche and I enjoyed them a lot. I laughed a lot because they might have the worst bodyguards, but who cares. The chemistry between Apo and Mile was amazing and I couldn't help but feel flustered at times....like that scene in the bathroom..but yeah they were amazing. I also fell for KimChay. These two cuties, one that loves too much and one who didn't know how to accept that love, very Taylor swift if you ask me but I loved every second of it and I really hope they will give them their own side story! Now Tankhun..This man was brilliant, I never laughed this hard while watching a BL, I applaud Tong for his brilliant acting! Now the couple that took over this BL and that was VegasPete. The way I fell for them was no joke. I was obsessed and still am. The angst between them and the way they fell for each other and then that scene where Vegas got shot. Everything was perfect. Now you are wondering why 9.9. I think they started too late with VegasPete's story and I want more of KimChay!
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01. Love In The Air - 10/10
Love in the Air was THE surprise of this year, at least for me. I didn't know much about this BL until I randomly came across it a few weeks before it would air BUT boy did it leave an impression. BossNoeul & FortPeak did terrific jobs, especially since they are new actors. I have never seen a BL Drama where there was so much love and communication. PayuRain didn't really have a plot but this was not something that I missed because I thought their love story was wholesome. everything was perfect. Their Chemistry was top notch and I just loved everything about them! FortPeak also was amazing. The way Peak portrayed Sky was brilliant; you could feel his pain and how Fort showed how Prapai changed for Sky was amazing. The pain Sky had been through and for Pai to be the one that opened his heart again and even saved him, I have been in awe and pain and in love the entire time while watching this BL, so I think it's fair enough that this BL is at the top of my list for 2022. In my eyes, this was the best one!
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mysteriousmissfsart · 2 months
BNHA Rambles #1
I would like to thank Horikoshi-sensei for creating Boku no Hero Academia. I appreciate his hardwork and effort that he has put into his work. Thank you.
However, I am incredibly sad about episode 11 of season 7. Episode 10 as well.
I warn anyone reading this that there will be spoilers if you are not caught up with the anime or the manga (up to this point).
This post is just me rambling about a few things. (I mean a lot of things, actually)
Do tell me what you think as well!
Spoilers under the cut!
Like, Endeavor lost his right arm??? Now Bakugo is most likely not going to be able to use that arm as well???? Are we drawing parallels between those two? Is their redemption in not being able to use one side of their body???? This is sad???????!!!!!!!! I was literally rooting for Katsuki to become a pro hero by the end of the series.
Like, is my boy dead? (I already know the answer so please, no need to tell me. Also, I really had to know, okay?)
I basically grew up with this guy???? (I was 14 when the first season came out and now I'm 22)
Am I literally going to be watching bnha without Katsuki? He was literally the reason why I watched it in the first place! I could see where his character development was headed and I knew that it would be good! Yes, the other characters are amazing as well and I am going to watch the series anyway, I don't like leaving things unfinished unless its really bad. I am happy about Shinso getting some good screentime, though. Hope he doesn't get hurt in some way, seen or unforeseen.
(Fun fact: There are only two series I have dropped and will never finish watching; 1. Kuroko no Basket. 2. Shingeki no Kyojin. Reason: For Kuroko, the only characters that were interesting to me were Kuroko and the Blonde guy, I literally forgot his name, I also didn't like the cherry stem girl really. Overall, didn't find it appealing. For Shingeki: Only character I liked was Levi, still like him. It has too much gore, I didn't know that when I was told that it was a masterpiece. I couldn't stomach anything everytime I watched an episode. Bnha is MILD in comparison to whatever was going on in Titan land. Also, I always disliked Eren with a passion. If you know you know. My friend and my sister have already told me the whole thing. I was right about you Eren Yaeger!!!!)
I never expected his heart to get pierced????? Why did we have to do that?????
I was peacefully eating dinner today when I was shocked by the sheer evilry that scene presented. I have not cried this much over a character death before. The first time I cried over one was over the death of Hiccup's dad from how to train your dragon (I was maybe 11 at the time). But, never like this. Never like somebody I know has died. It's strange that I felt so connected to him. I don't know, my emotions never make sense really. Like, my breath literally hitched and my eyes just teared up and flowed down my face???!!! Like, what???? Why did he have to be done like that? The scene with him talking to All Might's Shadow (ghost, spirit????) and that tone change. We have never heard Katsuki talk in that way before, he seemed like himself there and not the tough facade he always dons.
The scene at the end when we see his heart get pierced and then when Jeanist realizes what has happened was just heartwrenching. I couldn't stop crying. He doesn't deserve this, none of them do. I literally made myself pretend that didn't happen but when Jeanist pointed it out, all I could do was stare in disbelief at the screen. The saddest part of all of this? His mom realizing that it will rain and saying "that kid doesn't like the rain". Why? Because that's when Jeanist realizes that his heart has been pierced by Shigaraki/All for One. IT RAINS WHEN THEY REALIZE THAT KATSUKI'S HEART HAS BEEN PIERCED.
Sad, I'm just unbelievably sad.
I just wish this series ends on a happy note.
To Horikoshi-sensei,
If you are reading this, may your readers' tears soon dry and there be a happy ending to your series. I am truly a big fan of this series and how it has turned out. I never expected to stick around for so long but it has been interesting. This series has kept me on my toes and has fed into my love of mystery solving. I loved discovering things along with the characters as well as figure things out on my own. The angst and horrifiying theme has been carried out so well. I hope I will be around for the ending as well.
Thank you!
What did you all think of this episode and Katsuki's development? I am dreading the next episode. Were you shocked by this scene? I literally couldn't keep my eyes on the screen. It hurt too much.
See you again sometime!
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fierceyetflawed · 4 months
AHHHHH finally finished derry girls and oh my god what a show! absolutely loved it to bits. it's going to be a comfort watch i just know it.
started watching it because of its humour (brilliantly funny, this show) and with time the emotional connect with each of these characters grew and BAM! I'm crying at dialogues like "she's our dick!!!!" and "IM A DERRY GIRLLLL" and as if nailing the humour and the heart wasn't enough this show is political in the most beautiful way. it doesn't preach you about what's right and what's not, it shows you! loved the episode where clare comes out it's hilarious, yes! but it's SO real with its depiction of fear and acceptance. I'm between laughs and giggles when I'm hit with these realizations about the violent realities of living during 'the troubles' and resistance it ensued. as someone who knew only the basics of the Irish resistance it was such an eye opener. i shed tears when the ceasefire was called, i cried my eyes out when the good friday agreement was voted on. it gave me hope. it gave me joy. free palestine! 🍉
kudos to lisa mcgee, what a beautiful piece of art!
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oh and 10/10 for that soundtrack!!!
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chrisevansonly · 2 years
Could we have soft and angst request for little arlie where she ran and fell on ground, causing to get a boo boo on the knee, chris and momma help her out
Arlie’s Got An Ouchie Headcannon Below
You don’t think in all the years you’d been with Chris that you’d see the day where he ran this fast, and it’s all because Arlie got an ‘ouchie’
It started outside, you were checking on the flowers while Arlie ran around with Dodger, Chris was doing some simple yard work
It was a nice day out, the sun was shining, the air was warm, perfect for your little family to be out and about
Everything was fairly calm until it wasn’t when Arlie let out one of the LOUDEST cries you’d ever heard, the sound enough to make you drop everything and run to her, Chris already beating you to it
“hey now baby, hey…what happened my love? Did you fall?”
Her arms reached out to you and you took her from Chris who looked like he’d just about seen a ghost
“ouchie momma ouchie!”
Her sniffled were muffled by your long sleeve
“okay baby, can you show momma?”
Arlie nodded and moved a little so you could see her scraped knees, luckily they’d only need some bandaids
“Daddy make ouchie go away?”
Her little fists rubbed her bloodshot eyes as you kissed her cheek, Chris smiling sadly at her
“course I can little duck, let’s go inside with momma and we’ll fix you up!”
The three of you walked into the house, you sat Arlie down on the kitchen counter and got a cloth with some water and a bit of peroxide to clean the cuts
“Momma’s gotta clean your ouchies a bit, remember how it feels a little stingy?”
Arlie nodded, her bottom lip jutting out
“Remember why we have too?”
“Keep the bugs out”
You smiled “that’s right baby, it’ll only be a few seconds”
You cleaned her knees as gently and quickly as you could, only a couple more tears spilling out of her eyes. Chris coming with two bluey bandaids and some cream to help the cuts
“Oh look daddy brought bluey bandaids!”
Arlie giggled “we watch bluey daddy? pease?”
Chris pressed a kiss to her forehead
“As soon as I’m done fixin you up, we can go watch some bluey princess”
Almost and instant mood change could be seen with Arlie who hummed happily as Chris fixed her knees up, finishing with some kisses that covered her face
“All done duck, you feeling better now?”
“Ouchie gone momma!”
You smiled rubbing her cheek gently with your thumb before she and Chris went to the den to get settled for some bluey. By them you really meant Arlie because Chris would be knocked out cold 10 mins into the episode 🤍
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sidprescot · 2 years
i uhhhh finished 1899
(spoilers for all episodes below the cut, don't read if you haven't finished watching!)
GOD this show!!!!! i have been screaming internally for like 10 hours now and this is going to be so incoherent sorry
who else thinks the space ship at the end is just another simulation and the start of another loop? the season beginning and ending with maura waking up to a 'letter' from her 'brother', the ship also being called the prometheus, the technology also seeming out of place for the time period, being trapped in the vastness of space instead of the vastness of the ocean but it's still a prison.... could be totally wrong and it's just parallels but i trust nothing and no one on this (space)ship
literally every character on this show is so fucked up (affectionate) i am studying them all like bugs
i did guess that the boy was maura's son but i thought daniel was either an older version of him or her brother, the husband reveal fully knocked me on my ass because up until that point i was convinced they were setting up a maura/eyk romance which i 100% think was intentional clearly they have some connection outside of the simulation and the heart wants what it wants when you have amnesia lmao it's so valid of her tbh i too am making eyes at andreas in that coat
also hear me out what if daniel and elliot are both dead in the original reality (or never existed at all) and the versions of them that we see are actually AI created by maura to cope with her trauma... seems like elliot at least is dead or dying considering the grave bunker and his memory in the chair... if maura is the creator of the simulation, maybe she's also their Creator? what if she can wake up but they never can
tinfoil hat firmly ON
or alternatively what if daniel is actually the antagonist leading her deeper into the simulation OR maybe they're both literally exactly what they seem to be and he's just a guy who loves his wife and wants to save her from herself and also her fucked up family and also maybe loves his son sometimes i am sooooooo full of shit lmao it's 3am bestie
also i was NOT expecting olek and ling yi to fuck me up like that... they speak the language of LOVE ok do not perceive me
and speaking of that i've seen some people say that they feel like the simulation reveal took away the gravity of the death scenes but it didn't at all for me, for one everyone jumping overboard like lemmings off a cliff while you hear their bodies thunk thunk thunk was fucking haunting and that was the bulk of the deaths, but also i just think the implications of the whole thing fuck me up more on a psychological level when it comes to the main characters... they are all doomed by the narrative, new liver same eagles, this is going to happen again and again because they can't escape their emotions, they can't escape love or hate or rage or fear or desire or grief, they can't escape what it means to be human no matter how deep into their dreams and nightmares they go at the core nothing ever changes and it's fucking tragic
in other words, i ugly cried through most of ep 7
and then there's the triangle symbolism, the tattoos, 'what is lost will be found', 1011, some of the names being anagrams, etc etc
everything is too real nothing is real at all they're alive they're dead they're in purgatory they're in a hell of their own making they are the glitch in the matrix they are the (literal) bugs in the code i am going to scream
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actual footage of me making this post
also i am definitely going to gif the show but i have a really busy week coming up and i'll be out of town for most of it so it might be a while unfortunately but just know the gifs are coming eventually they are living in my little brain as we speak
ok i'm going to shut up now if you read this far thank you, i love you, and i'm sorry lmao
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granitenotgranted · 2 years
I'm gonna need ur reaction and thoughts about the RaM finale once you've watched it
I only watched it yesterday so im not gonna have any hot and spicy new takes for yall but ya girl DID have some thoughts lets go (obviously spoiler warning)
thank you SO SO much for asking!! I’m honored that you want my takes<33
Listen I hate to say it but I KNEW IT WAS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE!! GOD!!! 😭😭😭
I just need to come out here and say this but first of all I dont think Rick replacing himself was really a bad thing,,,, like at all LMAO especially knowing that it was Rick who made him I mean it was more than just a replacement he was made to be the grandpa he wants for morty but he just knows he can’t be right now.
I can fully understand how it would absolutely feel like a betrayal to Morty but looking at it as a viewer I mean Rick was fully spiraling, to me his intentions were completely pure. Also I thik im just grateful they gave us a time stamp for when the swap was made so we didnt have to wonder forever how much of Rick this season was Rick. He still did piss master, he still kept Jerry blissfully ignorant just out of good will, he STILL WILLINGLY WENT TO THERAPY. All these wouldve been out the window if theyd overlooked that detail. 
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Him recognizing that he was starting to go off the deep end again and not only removing himself but having his familys best interest in mind ( “Im no good to anyone until I resolve this” ) while doing so AND literally while mad at Morty is still INSANE character growth from where we started but this way is REALISTIC character growth. It was WEIRD how black and white the difference between literally yhe last two episodes and even just the rest of the season (which has famously been Rick in his peak good grandpa career) was. At some points it felt like I was reading fanfiction.
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(Why do his knees look like that oh my god) Rick is fully capable of recognizing where he can be better, he always has been, he is not stupid *however* he is CLUTCHING onto the idea of being more logical than sentimental by the fucking neck rn. Men will literally build an anatomically flawless ai to be the perfectly calculated percentage nicer to their grandson and to be the man they wish they were before just going back to therapy.
Someone else mentioned this but ill also point out how much I appreciated just seeing Rick working? Like just in his space completely focused building shit with his brain and hands that hit the fucking spot. 9/10 times we only get the finished product and idk if its just me but I love when we SEE Rick living up to the Rick Sanchez tm reputation.
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And Morty... my sweet summer child. It is not at all a shiny new take to say oh he’s so done with ricks shit we all know that but I really really want to point out something that I’m not really sure what point I’m trying to make with but have we noticed almost a switch morty flips when on adventures? He cried because Christmas was ruined like not even a full 6 hours before he was fully ready to kill a man while looking him in the eyes. Maybe the two were cause and effect idk bht I think that’s definitely something present in other episodes too this sorta “just get it done” attitude.
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Also how much he sounded like rick this ep? That whole “don’t be too flattered he’s been actively trying to die” sounded EXACTLY like a Rick line I literally had to play it again. And the complete apathy for robo rick wanting to die until he ACTUALLY lunged himself into the void was also just textbook rick bullshit. Like grandfather like goddamn grandson.
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The ending to me was a little disappointing tbh I think I was hoping for a more,,, structured? Cliffhanger? Like we dk what’s gonna happen in this storyline instead of the introduction to a new storyline yk? MAYBEEE I’m just salty we have to wait another year for more you can’t prove anything.
Rick being borderline manic ab RP at the end was my favorite it’s nice to see him just rant ab anything really and like not make some bullshit elaborate Halloween house to take his anger out but just legit vent ab what this guys been doing to him for the past fucking 40 years. I didn’t even notice the ep was over when the credits rolled in my mind we were only like 10 minutes in and I lost my MIND when mr poopy butthole pulled up again good to see he’s thriving (kinda)
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On a final note when he called him Rick prime please let me know if I’m off but is that not an internet term for him? Like the fandom came up with it? Rick and morty writers are tumblerinas confirmed question mark?
And lastly: Neurotypical. Cooties.
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I have nothing to currently watch, so yeah I went back to Grey's Anatomy. I didn't finish it and the cast has a funny scenes. I don't need to explain myself.. but I will 😭
☆: I watched Calliope downfall 😭 unfortunately and I hated what her character became. She used to be so fun. She's a shell of what she once was.
☆: Stephanie grew on me, I didn't care about her during my season 1 to season 10 watch, she's such a fun character and I love how she's everyone's favorite resident. She made season 13 very enjoyable for me.
☆: I feel I had nothing really to say about Owen and Amelia, I don't like either character. I felt bad none of her family showed up to the wedding.
☆: the dead Derek jokes were funny.
☆: I didn't really cry for Derek, I cried for Meredith losing her husband, and people losing their friend. It was more so teary-eyed, then actual crying.
☆: Maggie losing her mom was sad.
☆: found out about the beef with Nathan, Meredith and Maggie. Maggie said she liked him, but by the time she told Meredith, Meredith had already slept with Nathan multiple times. They should have been adult about it and just been like we had a thing, instead of having Maggie looking stupid.
☆: The April and Jackson episode that shows their beginning and end was sad. I didn't expect that for their story. I'm pretty eh to both characters like April is an amazing doctor and I love when she yells at people.
☆: I already spoke somewhat about it, but Alex beat the fuck out of Andrew, like so much so that he could have lost his eye sight, and the characters felt bad for Alex?? Not the young student that was there to learn. Yes, these actors look the same age, but the character is younger then Alex and should have been protected. Yes. Alex assumed the worst however Jo told him to stop and Andrew wanted to explain.
☆: I haven't reached that season yet, but I don't get how Andrew would date Meredith after that. She's the ride or die for the man that almost went to jail for beating the fuck out of you.
☆: She should have dated Link..
☆: kind of fucked up how they killed both of Meredith love interest off. I hope she's not experiencing any sort of trauma from that.
☆: I enjoyed season 13 for Stephanie Edward's, she is the best resident. She reminded me of Christina the most. She focused on the work. Ben and Jo always had something else going on so they weren't always 100%
☆: Ben was annoying for not realizing the privilege he gets for being the chiefs husband.
☆: the old man jokes about Ben are so funny.
☆: He does a lot though, on greys anatomy and station 19 like chill.
☆: as much as I liked Nathan and Meredith, I get that the Meredith’s actress did not and I understand why they had Megan come back.. though I think it’s weird they made her get back with Nathan just to have them break up again.
☆: I feel like Maggie doesn’t get that even though Meredith is her sister, she’s not entitled to everything. Like when That Andrew| |Alex thing happened and Meredith said she didn’t know anything about it . It makes sense that Meredith wasn’t going to tell Maggie the person who had a thing with Andrew, what went down. Because I don’t think she has any really strong ties with anyone at the hospital especially not Alex. so obviously she wasn’t going to protect him from the cops.
☆: everyone is getting therapy but Owen… Alex could probably also use some
☆: how many times has Owen been married? Like 5?!? He needs to quit being a doctor and go find himself somewhere else. He needs to stop marrying doctors.
☆: it’s kind of weird, Maggie and Jackson don’t try to be like “we’re family.” Or anything. I mean Maggie calls Amelia for sister but then there’s nothing for Jackson. Like for Jackson this is his first sibling. I know the show is setting them up and them saying anything or even almost sorting alluding to the fact that they’re sort of siblings aka family is gross. Like they’ve been step siblings for two seasons and yet here they are episode 23 season 13 talking about sex. I’m just so uncomfortable. If Jackson and his mom both die and then Richard dies, does Maggie not get the Avery empire? Or does Richard have to legally claim her for that? Also none of the cast has teased them about being siblings..
☆: with Meredith she was like “I’m your sister. Pick me. Choose me.” And with Jackson it’s like 🤷🏾‍♀️😍
☆: if anyone on Grey’s Anatomy deserved a hero episode, I’m glad it went to Stephanie. She deep fried a r*pist. Saved herself and a little girl. Good 4 her.
☆: I wish they showed more of Nathan and April’s friendship.
☆: I’m happy with the ending Stephanie got but I wish she would have at least finished her residency. She was almost done and now all that hard work is gone. Unless are they allowed to pick up where they left off?
I said I wasn’t going to watch anymore yet here I am. Stephanie became a favorite character. I only watched season 13 for her episodes in all honesty.
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t4tklonoa · 1 year
I want to know about some of your favorite moments from Digimon! I still want to watch through the whole show, even if I haven't gone back to finish OG Adventure yet.
AHH WILL. happily share !!!! haven't rll rewatched digimon in a bit (besides tamers) so I may miss some ough. also I watched digimon in spanish so I'll call the digimons and kids by the name they are called in the spanish dub XP
also Idk if ur okay with spoilers so I'll put moments from othe finale of adventure, and all other seasons beside the that under the cut :3
- Patamon's/angelmon's sacrifice is rll. the first taste of how wild digimon is and prolly why I got so obsessed with digimon as a kid... it's just such a cool moment that it rewrired my little kiddie brain
- Gatomon meets with the kids for the first time. after u get more familiar with how digivolution works and bigger equals stronger in ur mind, seeing gatomon solo all the kid's digimons is. sooo cool. u rll don't expect gatomon to be in adult level (that also made gatomon my fav as a kid :3)
- The moment where wormmon dies and Ken realizes what's he's done to digimon it's just. so good... it scared me a lot as a kid but I still watched it so many times. the contrast of Ken receiving the crest of kindness too, along with a partner digimon dying like patamon did to save their kid.... expldoes
- when Ken and wormmon reunite again.... I cried sm at that part as a kid
Tamers: (get ready itis my fav season I may aswell put every single moment of the show here dkndkd)
- Takato and Guilmon meet. the first point tamers wants to show u is that. digimons aren't entirely friendly, they are like animals and especially guilmon who was just created doesn't get what's happening around him. THE PUREE horror Takato feels when Guilmon kills the rats is so awesome also, especially when he was so happy to see Guilmon seconds ago
- Takato finds Guilmon after he scapes for the first time. Takato crying his eyes out after Terriermon tells him his not fit for the tamer title... and him hugging Guilmon. it's too much it makes me explode
- the little moment Impmon and Renamon have at the billboard thing... they are so funny
- Suzie and Antylamon meet. just look atthe episode is there anything else to say. they are so cute
- THANK U GOD !!! ^_^
- WHEN RENAMON CONFIRMS ALL DIGIMONS ARE AGENDER !!!!! WOOOOO (and then Rika's mom is shitty as usual but we don't talk abt that. but I want Rika's mom dead that's all I'm saying)
Ghost game:
- Hiro's and Gammamon's meeting. I'm not a super fan of ghost game but this episode definitely convinced me to keep watching. Hiro's dad telling him that gammamon is now his little brother isso <3
- gulusgammamon's first appearance (kinda). he murdered a digimon isn't that the coolest thing ever. BUT aside from that the whole episode is just a FUCKING. ride man... from Bokomon's death to the fucking.... digivolution of gammamon. the way u can tell something is wrong when everything pauses for a second. IT'S SO GOOODDD
I think the build up to that episode could have been done better, but what we got is still pretty good tbh. I rewatched that episode like 10 times and was obsessed with gulus for such a long time man
ANNDDD I'LL STOP HERE ! would like to add more but I've been here for like. one million hours I need to do other stuff skkdkd
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drama-pop · 9 months
Dramas I Watched in 2023
There was a lot more time between dramas this year and except for 1, all of them were new to me this year.  I ended up watching 9 dramas again, like last year.  Here are the dramas I watched this year and I what I thought of them!
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Dream High (7/10)
2nd watch – My sister and I watched this through winter break and finished early in the year.  It wasn’t as fun as I remember it being in my first watch, but I still enjoyed it a lot.  It took several episodes for my sister to be convinced that this was going to be worth watching.  The fashion, camera quality, and acting hasn’t aged that well, but the music and desperation of youth still endures.
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Hometown Cha-cha-cha (6.5/10)
1st watch – I have a love-hate relationship with this drama.  I liked it a lot at the beginning and end, but once Hye-jin started on her whiny “Hong Banjang,” I kind of stopped caring about her character.  The townspeople are quirky, yet lovable.  I thought they did a good job fleshing out the character of the second male lead as well.  I cried a lot in the final episodes of the show though!  It’s worth a watch.  “Romantic Sunday” is an excellent driving song on a sunny day, just throwing that out there.
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Little Women (7/10)
1st watch – I had to watch this one in small doses because it was quite disturbing at times.  The acting was very strong all around.  If you’re like me and developed a crush on Wi Ha-joon after Squid Game, I’m happy to report that he’s looking as fine as ever, even though I wasn’t sure if I could trust his character (or anyone else, for that matter!).  Had the show been the traditional 16 episodes, I would not have made it.  12 dark episodes was enough for me!  If you like mystery thrillers, I recommend Little Women!
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Crash Course in Romance (7.5/10)
1st watch – I liked a lot about this drama.  Jung Kyung-ho and Jeon Do-yeon were fantastic and it was refreshing to see a cast with older leads (despite my initial hesitation).  Sure, there were a few twists that felt a bit contrived, but it’s a K-Drama!  What was I expecting? This is one where I couldn’t wait to start the next episode and find out what would happen next.
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Mystic Pop-Up Bar (9.5/10)
1st watch – This was the highlight of the year for me.  I loved the characters as individuals and as an ensemble. The casting was perfect, in my opinion. The overarching story was mysterious and the cases that Wol-ju had to solve were touching.  One episode in particular had me bawling my eyes out.  This drama is one that you can enjoy casually or one that could inspire you to reflect on your life and the people in it that you love.
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King the Land (7/10)        
1st watch – Sadly, I can’t recall much about this one.  I remember that I liked the characters, especially the lead and how hard she worked.  It had a nice balance of silliness and touching moments.  One thing that I thought this drama did well was develop the female lead’s friends.  They had their own side stories and shared a genuine friendship.  And this show has a vacation episode, which I live for!
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Crash Landing on You (7.5/10)
1st (full) watch – My mom and I tried to watch this one in 2020 and completely gave up on it after the first episode.  I know in my heart not to judge a K-Drama by its first episode, so we gave it another try this year.  It was really well done and the ensemble is fabulous.  Seriously, if you only watch it for Captain Ri’s soldiers (or for Captain Ri…what a handsome guy), I wouldn’t blame you! While I had a hard time warming up to the second female lead, I thought that the way she was written had some refreshing twists. She's not the confident woman you'd think she is from her appearance and ice. The show made some choices near the end that I didn’t agree with, but it was an overall great watch.  I’m glad I gave it another try!
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Touch Your Heart (7/10)
1st watch – I loved seeing Yoo In-na and Lee Dong-wook back together again and with a happier ending than in Goblin!  The drama was a little silly at times and took a while for me to get into, but I grinned a lot at their cute relationship.  If you like seeing your leading male looking confused and lovestruck, this is a good one!  Lee Dong-wook makes the most endearing faces.
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Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol (4/10)
1st watch – I’m so sorry.  I wanted to like this drama a lot and kept watching episodes hoping that it would grip me, but it just didn’t.  There were a lot of plot elements that I couldn’t get behind and some that I flat out said, “that’s it, I’m not watching this show anymore.”  Of course, I did finish, but it took everything in me not to give this drama up. I personally know someone who puts this as her top drama, but it just wasn’t it for me. Mimi the dog is too cute to be real.
And that’s it!  I hope that you have a happy new year and that 2024 brings good things for you!  Feel free to send me any drama recs!
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I have watched a few more episodes now (just finished episode 12) and AHHH
Episode 10: VEE IS ADORABLE, hope she stays and comes back later, Vee being such a great human that she got cool friends is pretty funny
fucking conspiracy theorists the main villain again as they should be (/j)
I am glad Luz could talk to her mum, even through reflections and such, hope she manages to convince her mum to visit the demon world, because Eda is cool as fuck who wouldn't want to visit her
Episode 11: LOVED the amity and willow interaction, i want to see the new friendship more especially with how they used to be friends and all
WHAT DID THEY DO TO MY PAL RAINE!? Don't memory wipe them! Bless them, I hope they get their memory back soon, AND DAMN IT WE DIDN'T GET A CHEESY ROMANTIC REUNION BETWEEN RAINE AND EDA! smh, the angst wins over fluff again (/j)
Little miss grumpy pumpkin (Kikimora) the little traitor, like bro, nobody likes you, even your own side!!!
Hooty and King the dynamic duo, did so well as a convincing float
Poor Amity, spending the whole episode thinking her girlfriend was lying and hiding things from her (she was), glad they got it sorted out in the end <3 my girls!
Episode 12: AHHHHH Lilith is back <3, love you queen, glad you are back even for 1 episode, you ARE Cool Aunt Lilith
Philip IS a dick, fuck him, throw him in a pit BUT I KNEW HE HAD SOMETHING TO DO WITH BELOS
Listen, I am likely VERY wrong, BUT, its the owl house's fault for adding hints that I am correct, and either Belos is a decent from him OR they are affected by the same curse or something
Didn't they say he had a brother? There was 2 of them that went? I gotta keep an eye out for that
AND EDA DAD INTERACTION! Adorable, 10/10, I knew this season was the season of parental issues, I feel so bad for him, I will admit I almost cried, BUT I DIDN'T , I am WINNING this race to see how long it takes for me to cry at an owl house episode
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tagged by @phoolhearty
1. are you named after anyone? yes! both of my grandmothers. although my mom likes to joke that my dad's lucky his mom had the name she already picked out for me, because it was going to be my first name one way or another. she's a virgo, she plans well.
2. when was the last time you cried? according to my cry tracker....last night. we watched the latest ted lasso. i think i've cried at 8 out of 10 episodes of the latest season.
3. do you have kids? i was once a step-parent, but not anymore. and i don't plan on having any.
4. do you use sarcasm a lot? often! i actually remember learning how to use it as a kid and i became insufferable because of it.
5. what’s the first thing you notice about people? it depends. if i'm immediately close to someone, i notice their smell, if they're wearing perfume, if their skin/hair products have a specific fragrance. but if i meet someone with distance or online, speech patterns/speaking behaviours (do they talk with their hands? move their body/facial features a lot?).
6. what’s your eye color? green
7. scary movies or happy endings? why not both? i love a HEA, but i also enjoy the thrill of a scary movie. also, scary movies that have a nice, tidy happy ending are nice. a reminder that you can survive The Horrors.
8. any special talents? i'm very good at learning and retaining a wide and varied trove of knowledge, and i'm also very good at finding information i don't already have quickly and easily when a question is posed.
9. where were you born? central texas~
10. what are your hobbies? writing (currently finishing a book); computer games (valorant, fortnite, sims 4, loads of sons of the forest lately); watching valorant pro games with my wife (currently watching VCT americas); photography (expanding into film rn!); kpop girl groups (more of a special interest at this point)
11. have you any pets? what a fun way to ask this question. yes, i have two dogs, a beagle and a beapitt (beagle-pitt mix). i really want a cat, but we have some logistic concerns to resolve before we can do that :C
12. what sport do you play/have played? i played tennis and golf, i also technically did shotput and discus but like i was bad at those, even though that was the only time i was on an official school team.
13. how tall are you? 5'4" baybee
14. favorite subject in school? at the time i was in school, it was a toss up between english and french. in hindsight, i definitely got the most enjoyment out of creative writing, science, and orchestra, but i was really bought into the image of being literary and scholarly, even though i actively hated writing essays and struggled to finish the books in time for discussions.
15. dream job? ehhh like leah said, i don't dream of labour. i have had a really hard time figuring out what i want to do with my life, to the point where i keep stalling out on whether or not i want to get a degree because i don't know what i would even go to school for. i'm just certain i want to publish my book, so. published author would be nice.
tagging @sarah-crewe @punk-aziraphale
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baked-hylian · 2 years
Tagged by @hirazuki -- thanks buddy!
1.Three ships?
Two off the bat are Wangxian from MDZS and Hualian from TGCF, the third would be Zelink from the LoZ franchise.
2. First ever ship?  
Zelink was baby Carl's first ship
3. Last song?
In the Backroom by Syudou I will die on the hill that it's the best song used for the endings in the csm anime
4. Last movie?
Sonic the Hedgehog on Netflix, I really am not up to date on movies much anymore
5. Currently reading?
Well I literally just finished the second book in the Burning Kingdoms series, The Oleander Sword, by Tasha Suri. Now I'm currently on re:Zero volume 20.
6. Currently watching?
I've been rewatching Naruto. So much Naruto. Way too much Naruto tbh in less than six months I've plowed through the first part and most of shippuden (on episode 367 meow.) Although it helps that I'm skipping episodes that only contain filler content.
Started the new Trigun reboot and I really enjoy the use of CGI in it so far, tbh it's way better than I had anticipated and arguably, I think it looks better than the current Berserk reboot. However the pacing in the new Trigun feels, a little whack at times.
I'm also slowing watching The Untamed, as I can't get enough of Wei Ying and the actor playing him does such a wonderful job (same with Lan Zhan's actor)
7. Currently consuming?
8. Currently craving?
The motivation to repot my one plant that is in desperate need of being removed from the terra cotta one I got it in before it dries out entirely because I can't be bothered to ever to remember to water it regularly.
15 Questions 15 Mutuals
Rules: answer the questions and tag fifteen mutuals.
1. Are you named after anyone?
A soap opera character, Days of Our Lives iirc
2. When was the last time you cried?
Last night because I was laughing so hard at my cat being stupid about something (this is a regular occurrence with her)
3. Do you have kids?
I mean, if you count the kind that walk on all fours and bark or meow at you? Then two.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I've never used sarcasm once in my life, ever.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their body language and how they carry themselves
6. What’s your eye colour?
Atm, a like blue-y green-y grey-y mess, with a hint of orange. Usually just depends on the lighting but I've never had a consistent results
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Horror movies
8. Any special talents?
Stupid luck. I don't win contests, or prizes, but I have the best luck when it comes to procrastinating something and still getting it done with the results I needed just in the nick of time. Getting my driver's license is a good example as it was only a week out from expiring after my booked drive test. Which I booked during covid, and when everyone was struggling to get booked within a reasonable amount of time, but I managed to luck out with the one time slot left available in my city.
9. Where were you born?
10. What are your hobbies?
Writing, reading, annoying my cat
11. Have you any pets?
We established earlier that these are my children, one cat and one dog
12. What sports do you play/have played?
I used to be pretty good at volleyball, but I was short and could barely spike the ball past the net, so I didn't make the team after the first year.
13. How tall are you?
About 5'4''
14. Favourite subject in school?
Writer's craft. It was the creative writing course offered at my school, but I mainly liked it because I had spare before it so I would always go home and get stoned before coming back to write lol
15. Dream job?
Ever since I was a kid I wanted to be an author. It's something I still kinda struggle with due to something stupid that was said to me when I was 12, but I'm overcoming that.
I tag whomstever wants to do this! Because I don't have enough mutuals for it
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