#just for all those qualities of his to be the exact thing that pushes him to do this
yuutito · 1 month
I know everyone’s talking about Gojo as he’s the fan favorite but I really do think if this plan kills Yuuta it’s the most brutal death in the manga by a mile. And it’s so sad to me that no one’s really talking about that besides the few Yuuta fans out there.
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beabnormal24 · 2 months
My hot takes on this gp:
1) Donald Trump thing
Edit: I might rewrite this ‘cause I’ve been thinking about it a little bit more.
I know that it was not right of Lando to say nice things about Trump, but I also know that him and all the other drivers on the grid are completely PR indoctrinated, and I sincerely believe that he just went with what the team told him to say.
In top of that, I also sincerely think that he wasn’t thinking at all about his own words with all the adrenaline of the win, which might not be a complete justification, but it’s still a reason why he would say those things.
Apart from that, I also feel like I can’t talk about this in primis because it’s not something I’m an expert in, so this is merely my opinion.
2) Carlos’ penalty
First of all, can we all appreciate the show him and Oscar put on? Incredible racing, just top quality, so so beautiful, I got the chills for every single lap and held my breath every time Carlos tried to make a move and Oscar just closed the doors for him.
I loved it a lot.
Second of all, I won’t say if the penalty was deserved or not ‘cause I’m not a steward or anything, but what I do want to say is that Oscar did indeed push Carlos off the track at first (that doesn’t mean that Oscar is a bad driver, I’m just stating the obvious).
On top of that, Checo not receiving a single penalty for that basically “dive-bombing” is… I don’t even have the words for that, really.
And it’s not only them but also Lewis’ move during the sprint that basically took Lando and Lance out both and finished Fernando’s race.
So, maybe, when these things happen together, you start really thinking that when Fernando Alonso says “Because he is not a Spaniard” then maybe he might be right, you know?
3) Carlos saying that he was frustrated with Oscar
It is like- the most normal thing he could say?
He said the same exact thing about Daniel in the sprint! He appreciates their skills, but obviously got frustrated that he could not get past them (in Daniel’s case, literally, in Oscar’s case, because of a penalty).
He never said he hated Oscar, he never said anything similar, and neither did Oscar! If they did on the radio, then please go in and be calm on a radio in a car going around 200kpmh while fighting another car, let’s see what you can do.
They were both really calm after the stewards’ office and they did not say anything bad about each other anymore, why do you feel the need to stir unnecessary drama all the freaking time?
Carlos even went to the McLaren garage to congratulate the engineers. And for those who are saying “he should apologise to Oscar”, uh, no? Why would he?
It’s the sport, it’s how it works! I sincerely think that Oscar would be more offended if Carlos went and apologised to him for that, ‘cause that’s racing. And also, if you’re thinking like that, then Oscar should also apologise for pushing him off the track and almost causing him a proper incident.
But they don’t apologise because it’s racing, simple as that.
Good God, just please think twice before writing hateful comments about Carlos or Oscar.
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sakumasmut · 1 month
Enstars x Reader NSFW Month Day 10
Himeru x Bunny!Fem!Reader
late again, but I promise it’s worth it. Lily when you see this, hope you enjoy (and maybe be inspired to write a continuation wink nudge)
tags/warnings: breeding, vaginal sex, mating cycles
The coming of spring meant several things. Sunny days, floral breezes, gardens and parks full of color, and an uptick in sneezing from the unfortunate souls with pollen allergies (poor Koga was wearing a mask every time you saw him). For those with more primal instincts, the warmer weather meant it was the start of mating season. For the bunnies in Ensemble Square, it was time to either avoid contact with everyone and quarantine themselves, or get busy until all their cravings were satisfied.
You assumed heats were a necessary evolutionary trait thousands of years ago, but in the present day when your main source of stress was working an office job in a capitalist economy, your part-rabbit body throwing a hissy fit over not having a mate just made things even more stressful. The current situation you were in was a prime example of what problems the mating season could bring to the table, kneeling in front of a newer producer and comfortingly stroking their arm as they quivered in their seat.
“Stay here until the taxi arrives.” You spoke calmly to them. They were shaking and flushed red, not having expected to go into heat in the middle of work. “Once you get home, stay there until all the symptoms go away. Don’t worry about work; I’ll take care of it, m’kay?”
“Thank you, senpai.” They quietly sobbed, squeezing and rubbing their long ears to soothe themselves.
They were extremely lucky you happened to notice them hunched over in the hall and escorted them to a safe room before their vulnerable position attracted the wrong type of person. Mating season clouded people’s senses, you knew that too well. Married hybrids usually mated during March, to get it out of the way, but for single people, it was mostly just a waiting game until your body decided it craved a mate. You hadn’t gotten your heat yet, but you felt prepared to lock yourself in a room and call a taxi the moment you felt any sort of onset, to avoid ending up in the exact situation you were helping your coworker out of. For now though, you felt as fresh and (relatively) not horny as ever, and so said goodbye to the younger producer once their lift had arrived, escorting them to the car before rushing off to the meeting you were already late for.
“Sorry I’m late!” You quickly spoke as soon as you pushed the door open, the only person in the room looking up from the sound of your voice.
“Don’t worry, Himeru got your message.” The idol replied cooly, demeanor as nonchalant as ever. “The emergency situation you were dealing with, is it alright now?”
“Yes, yes, it’s all good.”
You were glad Himeru was an understanding person. It was a quality you liked about him, among other things. Maybe you were biased since you had worked with him for a few months on his solo jobs, but he always treated you kindly. You did notice he was harsher with his rowdy unit mates, but it only made you giggle more than anything, seeing him as the sort of person who gave as much respect as he received.
“If it’s not rude for Himeru to ask, what was it you were preoccupied with?”
“Ah, just some rabbit related stuff. You know how spring is for us.”
He frowned and knit his brows together as he looked you up and down.
“Producer, you aren’t feeling…ill, are you?” Himeru asked, “Himeru wouldn’t want you to be in a public place if you’re experiencing such symptoms.”
You flushed, realizing his misunderstanding. “No, ah, it’s not me! I was helping a younger rabbit who went into heat!” Being all red in the face and running into the room covered in sweat didn’t help with your case, as you could tell from his unchanging expression.
“Trust me, I would not be anywhere near here if my heat started! It usually starts pretty late in the spring, so I’m safe for a while.”
He nodded, expression relaxing at your assurances.
“It would certainly pose a large problem if it did. Though, if you ever find yourself in an unpleasant situation like that, Himeru would be glad to assist you in any way possible.”
“Huh?” You blinked at his words. What did he mean by that? Surely he meant that you could rely on him during emergencies, right?
“Now, shall we talk about your latest proposal?”
“Ah, yes!” You smacked yourself on the cheeks to rid yourself of those thoughts. “Here, I have the paperwork. Look over it and tell me what you think!”
You certainly weren’t lying when you said your heats came rather late into the season. People always complained about getting them early in March, but at least when they got them, afterwards they could go about their lives freely with no worries about getting sucker punched by their bodies. For you, spending a good two months worrying about the possibility that it’d come earlier was always a source of stress you had to push in the back of your mind, until finally it did come on a sunny May morning.
You woke up in a sweat, despite having taken a shower the previous night, and everything felt warm, way too warm. Funnily enough, you were meant to meet up with Himeru that afternoon, just as you did last month when you dealt with your coworker going into their own heat. You remembered what he had said about helping you if you ever found yourself in this situation, and thinking about the idol’s words made your horny mess of a brain wander to very obscene thoughts, which you had to smack yourself on the head to rid yourself of. No! You weren’t thinking clearly! You did struggle to understand what he meant, until you considered he likely referred to helping you with calling out of work and telling your clients you’d be unavailable. Having someone do all that for you rather than struggle with forming coherent sentences through a slog of calls sounded great right about now, and so you dialed him up once you managed to grab your phone. He picked up immediately after the first beep.
“Good morning, producer. Do you need Himeru for something?”
Just the sound of his alluring voice was making your body heat up. Stupid horny brain.
“Yeah, sorry this is sudden, but I need help with my heat.” You muttered, before realizing how it sounded without context and backtracking, “I meant—I need help with work, because I’m in heat! I need to tell my clients that I’ll have to reschedule, and you said that you could help, right?”
There was silence on the other end, and for a second you worried that maybe you had offended him somehow, before he responded with an “Understood, Himeru will inform everyone he needs to.”
You thanked him gratefully, and recited a list of people for him to message or call about your situation. That was a big weight off your shoulders, and now you could sink into bed and deal with your heat…all alone…
“Producer, can Himeru help in any other way? This time of year must be quite exhausting for your kind.”
Indecent thoughts of him came flooding back, of scenarios where Himeru could help you in ways your body needed the most…
“Perhaps you’d like him to bring you food and other supplies?”
“T-That’d be great, thanks.”
You hung up after giving him your address, and flopped yourself back onto the sheets, skin feeling sweaty and mind replaying how his voice sounded against your ear, wanting to hear it again after only a few seconds. The professional in you was already regretting saying yes to his offer, asking what kind of producer would invite an idol to their house in the middle of their heat, but the other part of you who saw him as a friend, perhaps a bit more, did really want the company. It would still be a while before he got here though, especially since he promised to do some of your work for you, and you wondered if your impatient body could even last until then.
A wave of desire washed over you, making you shudder. You tugged one of your long ears over your face, rubbing circles soothingly on the pink insides as your legs kicked your blanket off the bed. Your body was way too hot, yet no amount of ice would cool it off, only another person’s own heat enveloping your own would make it go away. You began to grind your hips against your pillow, whining into it, trying to pretend it was another person’s body—specifically a certain blue-haired idol. If you shut your eyes, maybe you could pretend he was already here in your house, comforting you with his presence.
You wondered how it would feel grinding against his thigh, imagining his yellow eyes watching you with immense interest. Yes, you could envision it so well in the blank space of your hormone filled brain. His hands would rest on your hips, holding you in place so you couldn’t climb off as you bucked against his leg. He’d see the wet mess pooling from your crotch area, dripping onto his pants, but rather than chastise he’d praise you, encouraging you to keep humping his leg until you came all over him.
You whined to yourself, the friction between your thighs and the pillow only making you feel a dull ache. You kept trying to chase an orgasm, anything to make your tensed up body feel better, but with only air for your cunt to clench around, you couldn’t bring yourself to. The buzz of the doorbell snapped you out of your daydream. How many minutes had passed? Were you so immersed in the scenario in your head that time had flown without you realizing, or was Himeru just that fast in getting to you? Your legs were shaky as you stood up, each step making your body wobble forward. You doubted you’d be able to leave the bed if you fell back onto it. You opened the door, and as expected Himeru was there, holding a plastic grocery bag.
“Good morning, producer.” His eyes scanned your form, and you did your best to stand upright without shaking. “Are you feeling alright?”
“I-I’m fine. Come on in.”
You tried to look composed as he entered, trying to keep your ears upright and hoping that he couldn’t sense the pheromones your body was releasing. If he could, he didn’t give any indication, expression as blank as ever while he placed the bag on your kitchen counter.
“Himeru admits, he doesn’t know much about your situation. But he tried to get things that could help.”
He took out some snacks and drinks, ones that you immediately recognized as your go-tos in the break area of the ES building. You smiled softly, touched that he would remember your preferred foods.
“Thank you. This means a lot.”
“It’s not a problem. Is there anything else Himeru can do for you while he’s here?”
He kept asking that same question, if he could do anything for you, and the short answer was that he could. But you were too scared to make the first move, in case he actually wasn’t interested in going further than your relationship as an idol and producer. Surely he’d cut ties with you if he didn’t mean it that way, and not seeing him again would hurt more than the rejection. Your body heated up again, as if begging you to voice your desires. You had to bite your lip to stop yourself from audibly whimpering, something Himeru noticed.
“You look quite feverish, perhaps you should go back to your bed to rest?”
“Y-Yeah, maybe I should. Let me just put these away first…”
You took a step towards the counter to take some of the food away, but immediately stumbled. You braced yourself for the impact, but Himeru’s hands moved quickly to catch you. One hand grabbed your shoulder while the other circled around your stomach, pulling you up against his chest. A moan couldn’t help but come out of you at the warmth of his touch, cutting through the sexual tension like a knife. You froze up when you realized what you did, the silence following making you almost certain he heard it.
“S-Sorry, I’m just so…” You stammered, trying to come up with excuses. “out of it.”
His hands were still on you, the mere contact making you want to collapse into his chest. You really didn’t want him to let go, you wanted to imagine his arms wrapped around you forever, so you wondered when you were going to be hit with reality and have his arms release their hold, expecting him to excuse himself and leave you to deal with your heat alone again. Except, they didn’t. They stayed on your body, and you swore he even pulled you closer.
“…Forgive Himeru for being unprofessional, but I can’t bear to leave you in this state.”
You looked up at him in surprise, only now noticing how hungry his gaze was as his eye bore directly into you. He moved the arm that was around your waist underneath your legs to scoop you up into a bridal carry. All the snacks went ignored as he brought you into your bedroom, having decided to have a taste of something else. You squealed as he dropped you onto the mattress. You would be embarrassed by how messy your bed was if your heart wasn’t beating out of your chest from the sight of Himeru leaning over you, face so close to yours you could hear his breathing. You truly felt like prey, his prey.
“If you want me to leave, tell me so now.”
His voice was husky, looking at you with a deadly serious expression that made shivers run down your spine. His presence was intoxicating, you couldn’t let him leave now. You needed him here, with you, to satisfy you. You kept your lips shut as you stared straight at him, and your arms uncrossed themselves from above your chest to rest on either side of your body.
“Stay. Please.”
His expression softened at your resolution, and he reached a hand out to stroke your long ears gently, gliding his fingers upwards along the fur. You whimpered, thighs squeezing together. Himeru noticed, and gently placed a hand on one knee to pry your legs apart. A wet spot on your crotch area gave away your arousal, and he hummed.
“Poor girl. May I take these off?”
You nodded, and he carefully pulled your pajama bottoms off, exposing your soaked pussy. He pressed a finger against one of your swollen lips, already glistening with your juices. You trembled as he brought it to his mouth, making eye contact with you as he licked it clean.
“So wet already…your body must not want to waste any time.”
He didn’t either, as his gaze momentarily left your body to focus on the buttons of his pants. Seeing the tent that had formed in the short time it took to bring you here filled you with a sense of satisfaction, eased that he was enjoying this as much as you were. Once you saw his erection pop out from his boxers, your body seemed to clench even tighter in anticipation, unable to resist the idea of having it stuffed inside you. Your instincts told you to get onto all fours, knees spread wide to present yourself to your mate, and Himeru cooed at your eagerness.
“Good girl. Such a good bunny for me.”
His words went straight to your cunt, feeling it throb even before his dick was anywhere near it. Being reduced to the bunny in heat you were, his bunny, just felt right. You weren’t a producer right now, you were a helpless rabbit that was begging to be bred. He parted your folds with two fingers, coating them with your slick and rubbing it on his length, lubing it up as you squirmed impatiently, your tail’s movements giving away your excitement.
“Tell me what you want.”
Even now, when you were so close to what your body craved, your lips refused to move. He leaned in close to your ear, close enough that you felt them brush against it when he spoke.
“Do you want me to mount you?”
You whined, babbling affirmative noises as he chuckled at how his words left you quivering in anticipation, lifting your rear high into the air to ask him to take you already. The warm feeling of something pressing against your entrance followed. He pushed himself in slowly, much too easily with how wet you were. Every nerve in your body was focused on the feeling of his length sinking completely into your wet cunt, all the way to the hilt, before slipping back out. Even in your wildest wet dreams you never thought he would be making you feel so full, so complete.
The noises you made were all quiet, either cut short by them catching in your throat or muffled by the pillow you were burying your face into. If he were going any faster, surely the squelch between your union would make a wonderful sound, but at his current pace the only sound in the room was his breathing and your muffled whining.
Himeru’s hands kept your hips steady as he pushed in and out of you, each thrust making the butterflies in your stomach flutter. Being filled by him just felt so right. This was what you were craving, cock stuffed inside you, body weight pressed down to make sure you couldn’t escape. Yet despite how your body trembled, how your legs were spread so wide for him, Himeru was still taking it slow, trying to make sure he wasn’t pushing you too much. It was still relieving your desire, but the slow jolts of pleasure weren’t enough, you needed something more primal to satiate yourself.
“What’s wrong?” He hummed, rocking his hips back and forth, “Is Himeru’s little bunny still needy?”
“Hah~ Meru…” You whined. “Faster, please, I want to feel you deep inside me~”
Who was he to deny you when you sounded so desperate underneath him? He pulled his cock out almost entirely before sinking balls deep inside you, making sure to do it harshly enough that your toes curled when he did. A louder whine escaped you, and it found itself joined by more as he slammed himself into you over and over again. Your short tail brushed against the skin of his stomach, flicking back and forth with each thrust. He reached out to take it in his hand, and you mewled when he lifted it up.
“So you’re sensitive here.” He hummed, gently stroking the white under-fur with his thumb.
“A-Ah, w-wait, mmh~”
Your eyes nearly rolled back in your head, knees wanting to give in from his touch, but he made you keep your hips upright, your back falling to a downwards slant as your arms gave in. You cried out when the first orgasm of your heat finally came, and through it all he just kept fucking you into the mattress, his own grunts of effort filling the air as he focused on the feeling of your warm walls trying to milk his cock.
“Bunny, you’re so tight.” He grunted. “You’re going to make me finish, too.”
“Inside, do it inside!” You whined, pushing your hips back towards him. Being in heat meant you were the most fertile you could’ve ever been; if he came inside you, surely it’d end with carrying his litter. But instead of being terrified of the idea, in the haze of your heat you wanted nothing more than for him to fill you up with his kids, as many as he wanted. He seemed to hesitate, noticeably slowing down.
“I-Himeru shouldn’t do that.”
“Hah, Meru, please!” There were nearly tears in your eyes as you turned to look back at him, pleading. “Breed me, knock me up, just give me everything!”
Your voice was so desperate, your body so eager to take his seed, to become his breeding bunny…he couldn’t help himself, his movements becoming more erratic as he growled out your name. He didn’t seem like he was going to pull out anymore, that was sure.
You mewled as his cock continuously pressed against the entrance to your womb, as if trying to coax it to open a bit further for the oncoming delivery. You chanted his name, the only noise reaching your ears your pitiful “Meru”s until he finally let out a loud groan, eyes shutting tight as he came inside you. The warmth flooding into you made your body and brain equally fuzzy, leaving you unable to think as you both came down from your highs.
“Did that satisfy you, bunny?” Himeru murmured against your ear, lips brushing over them and almost kissing them. He was still inside you, and you were sure he could feel how you clenched tightly around his cock at his words, wanting to feel it grow hard again.
“My my, seems like it didn’t.” He tisked, lifting your hips up high and forcing your shaky knees to support the weight of his hips pressed flush against your ass with a half-hearted whine. “You’re making me work overtime, producer. So all I ask is that you reward Himeru appropriately.”
If the reward he wanted was to make you swell with kids, well, it was practically already fulfilled. After all, he wasn’t going to leave his bunny alone after only one load, was he?
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erinelliotc · 4 months
Some people (including myself) are Eddy apologists for this exact reason too- they can understand why he acts as he acts, where do come from his anger and insatisfaction with his life, and how he often gets a pretty unfair treatmente in some episodes (To Sir with Ed, Sorry Wrong Ed, X Marks the Ed, Who let The Ed In, The Good, The Bad and The Ed). On other side other characters (the kids) act just as bad as him and (almost) always come go unpunished. There several years ago Eddy got lots of hate, he was demonished and treated like a real monster and a sociopath by the fandom, devoid of any redeeming qualities. People who feel sympathy for him for his background and some of these episodes began to come to his defende and shows how he is a great character with a lot of good moments and a heart deep down.
Edd, on other side, always had the ''elite treament'', he was a angel, a perfect princess, who can do anything wrong in certain fans's eyes. Not to mention he pretty much overshadowed every other character on fanfics and fan arts, was everything about him. Another fans (usually Eddy fans) naturally got sick of this and started to push his flaws, the moments were he acted like a jerk, and how he's not above anyone on the show. And how not all his actions are (indeed) justifyable. Summing up, people were just sick of seeing Eddy being treated like a psychotic monster and Edd as the Jesus Christ figure.
Politely, just clarifying this to you. Good afternoon.
First of all, thanks for politely telling me all this! I wasn't really aware of all this because I only joined the fandom 5 months ago. And I totally get this, that's why I made the post. I saw some posts of people talking about those people who think Double D is an innocent little angel and I started to wonder if people think that about me, if I ever sounded like that, and I started to worry that someday I would sound like that in one of my future texts and videos talking about him. I hadn't thought about it when I made the post, but I hope it didn't come off as rude or an "attack" (???), I was just afraid that people would mistake me for one of those annoying people and just wanted to clarify that I'm not, because I really like this fandom and I don't want people to think that I'm annoying or that I make superficial analysis of the characters (because I personally think that oversimplifying Double D as good and Eddy as bad is something people do when they watch the show very superficially). I tend to be that type of person who feels the need to always clarify and justify myself for fear of others hating me, and also, I'm a little traumatized by Twitter where people tend to be very aggressive and mean to you for everything and assume things about you and not explain things to you etc etc... so I was a little anxious after making my post, afraid something like this might happen, but from everything I'm seeing, people on Tumblr seem so nice and kind in general. So I want to thank you again for being so kind and actually explaining the whole thing to me :)
Eddy is a character who's very easy to be wronged and misunderstood because he has great depth, several layers, insecurities and traumas that he covers with his false confidence and "jerky" attitude that he tries to copy from his brother. Obviously not justifying people treating him like a monster, just explaining that unfortunately we live in a world full of superficial people who aren't concerned with paying attention to details and stopping to really interpret and analyze things carefully and attentively, and understand that people are complex, characters are complex, and Eddy is a highly complex character. To these people, it ends up being more comfortable and convenient to just be content and cling to the character who, if seen superficially, is the "perfect little angel" who "suffers at the hands" of the "evil Eddy". I love analyzing and reflecting on things deeply, and it really irritates and frustrates me that people don't make the effort to do the same, and that happens in real life too. People quickly judge and have difficulty understanding that people are not simple and have different reasons for acting the way they do. I know it's hard to deal with people who act like jerks, I have a hard time myself, but I just wish there was a little more empathy in the world. That's one of the things Big Picture Show teaches us, right? Don't judge people because sometimes the jerk person is actually a very broken, insecure and frustrated person who just wants and needs to feel loved and accepted and doesn't really understand that. I think it's so important to learn that because it's true, sometimes people act mean not because they're actually mean, but because of so many other reasons that they themselves don't comprehend or don't want to show, and the "mean" disguise is just the way they found to defend themselves and survive.
I think (at least I hope?) it's noticeable in some of my posts that I also love Eddy (as a Double D kinnie I think it makes sense to be in love with him xD just an EddEddy joke to lighten up, but honestly I think people like Eddy are my type), I love analyzing and reading other people's analysis of his character and story, but my sympathy for him just grew in the last 5 months in fact, when I became hyperfixated on EEnE much more intensely than before and finally started to get to know about the whole story and characters. I even made a post once talking about thinking that he was my least favorite Ed, because before he actually was, but after rewatching the entire show now as an adult (the last time I watched I was a kid who didn't even understand a lot of the things that happened) and starting to analyze and read about it, now I'm very obsessed with him, I think his character is so interesting and deep, that he has the most interesting backstory and the best character development, and I even make more edits with him than with Double D (I think I tend to be obsessed with controversial and complex characters who are full of content to analyze from a psychological point of view like Eddy. A good example is Jinx from Arcane, I just love her character so much). I also recently realized that he's a lot like my brother, no wonder our mother often misunderstands him. But I get it, they (Eddy and my brother) are just people who are very hard to deal with because they carry several issues that you need to have good maturity and emotional structure to deal with, but it's so good when you can get to know a little more about them and help them get through these things when they open up and allow themselves to be discovered and helped.
Today I came across a post (which was honestly the trigger that made me make my post) from @eddfumo saying that they think Double D wants to be like Eddy in some way, and you know what? This is so true! I'll use my own experience to relate to him and explain him again, but anyway, I'm so envious of people/characters like Eddy. Even though they tend to irritate me and I even disapprove of many of their actions and decisions, they also have a determination, confidence (even if it's false, they're still able to act like confident people), attitude, audacity, strong personality, rebelliousness, extroversion and "not giving a shit" energy that I so wish I had too. I really admire these traits and I think Double D deep down does too (I like to headcanon him doing the same as I do and secretly fantasizing imaginary and hypothetical situations and discussions in which he acts more like Eddy, and he feels so good about himself afterwards, but feels frustrated that he doesn't have the nerve to do this outside of his imagination in real-life situations). Even though they have questionable morals, this type of person are so inspiring and you can still learn so much from them. It's no wonder Double D grows so much and becomes a more confident and less people-pleasing person because of Eddy's influence.
So yeah, it sucks when people simplify characters and see them as black and white, good and bad. The EEnE fandom is unfortunately not very big, but luckily here on Tumblr, at least currently, it's full of people who do in-depth analyses, and that makes me very happy!
EDIT (I'm editing to add one more thing because I forgot to mention another topic that complements what you said about the other kids acting badly too and not receiving any punishment): One of the many things I plan to do after rewatching the show a few more times to properly absorb everything (I need to rewatch things at least twice to really take it all. Plus, I rewatched it the first time with the Brazilian dub because nostalgia and now I want to rewatch it with the original lines) is count how many times the Eds do real scams. Because honestly, there are a lot of episodes where we can't really call what they're doing "scams" because they're not actually scamming anyone, they're just selling something honestly and without harming anyone, but things always go wrong even when they're not doing anything wrong (often because of the Kankers, for example) and this is frustrating as hell to Eddy.
Since I haven't rewatched everything twice yet (because I'm still in the process of subtitling the entire remastered version of the show to rewatch it properly because English isn't my first language), I don't remember all the episodes accurately and clearly. But the last one I subtitled was "In Like Ed" (season 2, episode 9), so it's the example I have freshest in mind, even if it's not the best one. I know, the Eds were inconvenient in this episode crashing Jimmy's party (even though I think it's so lame that they rarely get invited to anything because the kids exclude them), opening his presents and everything, but one thing that stuck in my mind was the fact that when Eddy opened the present in front of them and revealed the sewing machine, Jimmy just said: "I'm so misunderstood. I wanted a pony!". He didn't say anything about them ruining the surprise or anything, he just started crying and ran away because he didn't get a goddamn pony. He just complained about someone's present, despised the present right in front of the person, and all Kevin said was "There goes the birthday boy. You dorks wrecked another party!". Like?? Jimmy cried because he didn't get the present he wanted, and not because of the Eds. I could even consider the possibility of them giving him "preferential treatment" and ignoring him because he's younger, but there are times when Kevin doesn't give a shit about Jimmy being younger, like in "Know it All Ed" (season 2, episode 1) when he uses the squirt gun on him, mock him and call him "twerp". Anyway, regardless of being younger, he was so rude and no one gave a shit, and not only that but they even acted as if it was the Eds' fault that Jimmy cried and ran away.
So yeah! The kids (especially Kevin) always blame the Eds (especially Eddy) for everything that goes wrong, even when it's not really their fault. And as you said, they also act badly, but nothing happens to them.
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asimplevampire · 6 months
so thanks to angelapleasant's take on Buzz in Something Wicked (brilliantly written btw), I've been thinking about how I want to do the Grunts, because I was never satisfied with how I was writing them. If I ever bring back my modern uberhood (I have the canon URL!) or if I want to play them in medieval PV or what have you. and well.
I do like the fanon more than she does, but I also want it to be more. complicated. tastier. a bit less... teenage. and seeing angelapleasant's depiction of Buzz and Tank made it click, the exact dynamic I want.
so in order to make this work we first need to accept a postulate: all the Grunt boys are neurodivergent. yes, all. None of them will ever get a proper diagnosis while they're living under Buzz's roof. But...
Buzz is the kind of middle-aged white guy who yells at everyone if he can't keep to his strict routine, and only eats three foods, and has Strong Opinions about sportsball statistics. He's very invested in Looking Like The Right Kind Of Person-- he's constantly masking, honestly-- and very invested in Being Normal. (Incidentally, this is why Buzz hates PT- not aliens in general, PT and the Smiths. He can't stand that someone so Weird is better at Being Normal than his family.)
Tank takes after his dad, and also has the profound misfortune of Taking Ideas Seriously. When Tank believes in something, he genuinely believes it with his whole chest. This is a rarer quality to have than one might think. It is also a deeply unfortunate quality to have in a place like Strangetown.
Ripp doesn't like routines. Or being told what to do. Or having to focus on anything but the, like, three things he cares about. And none of those things are Normal- he likes art and music and writing terribad romance novels. He's also flamingly bi, and since he's a Romance sim, he's not very good at keeping it under wraps. He started talking about having crushes on boys in kindergarten.
Buck has exactly one interest (pet fashion!), is also an incredibly picky eater, doesn't like loud noises or crowds, and can't tie his shoes or tell time on an analog clock. He talks a lot with family and friends, but completely clams up around strangers.
And so we've got this family dynamic where...
Buzz is harder on Ripp than he is on either of his other children. Buzz desperately wants Ripp to be Normal, for both selfless and selfish reasons. The world's a cruel place to be Not Normal, after all... and it's a cruel place if your kids reflect Weird back on you.
Perhaps a bit too hard. Perhaps pushing into the realm of "asking Ripp to do the unwise or impossible". Perhaps getting worse and more unreasonable the older (and surlier) Ripp gets.
Ripp resents this, ofc, and pushes back. They've got a vicious cycle going where Ripp rebels harder every time the General puts more expectations on him, which makes the General push back harder with more expectations, which makes Ripp rebel...
Tank has been watching this horrible cycle his entire life. And no one bothered to tell him that the expectations Buzz puts on Ripp are not the same expectations that Buzz wants him to live under.
And Tank takes ideas seriously.
So Tank is desperately struggling to live up to this impossible ideal that no one asked or expected of him. He's trying to be the perfect soldier, get perfect grades, be perfect at his job, keep his room perfectly tidy, be Better At Being A Good Normal Person than anyone else in the family, hate the people the General wants him to hate...
If Buzz knew what Tank has internalized, at this point, he'd be horrified. He mostly just wants his kids to do their best... and mayyyybe not publicly embarrass the family.
Buzz is also easier on Buck than either of his other children, because he's the baby and you just kind of ... instinctively want to take care of him. It doesn't hurt that Buck looks more like Lyla than either of the other kids...
So Tank is desperately struggling to live up to an impossible ideal that no one asked him to live up to; Ripp is desperately kicking against the pricks of an impossible ideal that everyone seems to want him to live up to; and Buck is alternating between Getting Forgotten and Getting Spoiled Rotten.
You've got this horrible, horrible family dynamic, that could probably be resolved with, like, three honest conversations and some honest renegotiation around expectations. But all of these men (except maybe Buck?) are incredibly emotionally constipated and Will Not Talk To Each Other without some severe goading from an outside force.
idk, that's just where I'm at at this point, and I don't think I've seen anyone else with this specific headcanon. especially not neurodivergent!Buzz.
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beautifulxboy · 10 months
Oliver and Elio - our own island (closed starter)
He's there but he isn't there. Oliver's body was lying in the hospital bed, the large ceiling fan overhead rustled the papers clipped to the end of his bed, the hot midday sun beamed in from the window making him sweat, the line into the arm dripped endlessly but his mind was elsewhere. The gravel and chalky dirt road crackles under his bike tires. Elio tells him they must get to the bookshop before it closes. They turn a corner. The low sun blinds him. Screech of tires. A wall of metal coming towards him unable to stop. Oliver sucks in a breath of air. His heart pounds a few heavy painful thuds. He must protect Elio. He reaches out and pushes Elio's small frame off of his bike and onto the grass verge. It gets closer. It's not stopping and his last thought was "Protect him, don't let him watch me die". In those few seconds, he sees everything that has made up his life to this point. The things he is proud of, the things he regrets, the people he has loved right up to this incredible summer he had spent in Italy and Elio, just Elio. He was dying a man who knew what the writers meant by soul mates. He knew what it meant to give himself over completely to another person and for that, he felt grateful. The metal wall hits him. The crunch and cracks are deafening and he can't tell if it's the bike or his own body before everything goes black. Oliver had lost count of how many times he had relived that pivotal moment that had changed everything. A tourist bus that was out of control on the usually deserted roads of northern Italy. It was coming up to be 48 hours since the accident had occurred. The nurse had told him he was lucky to be alive, he wondered how many people she had spoken those exact words to in her career. Oliver's morbid thoughts brushed on the two options that he was fated with, being wheeled into an ambulance or scooped off of the dirt floor into an undertaker's car. The disconnection from his body and mind gave everything such a dreamlike quality as if a part of him was protecting him from the wreck his body was in. Oliver had 2 questions and got 2 answers he was looking for as soon as he woke up. Elio was okay and Oliver was most likely never going to walk again. Elio being okay and at least being alive seemed to overshadow his own fate. The reality of it all not quite settling in. Oliver was having visitors. He considered getting dressed but the wound dressings across his upper body needed to be accessible. He could at least run a comb through his hair and shave with a little mirror on his bedside which he achieved with the help of a nurse who had taken a liking to Oliver and his charm. Oliver only realised his arm was in a sling when he tried to lift it and then was informed he had dislocated his shoulder but it had been put back in while he was under. Now all he had to do was wait. Keep his mind focused. Keep his heart from racing. Keep the fear of what was to come at ease. @wehavefoundthestars
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bloogers-boogers · 1 year
I truly believe Kyle is a chubby chaser, the episode were he supposedly started ‘realizing’ (i still don’t believe he actually liked her like that) his feelings for Heidi she was already gaining weight, a chubby girl.
He’s into smart girls (rebecca) thats for a fact, cute (nichole; she’s smart but she was a new girl when Kyle asked her out so he didn’t know her like that), someone he can protect/help (Leslie) and lastly he’s shown to not care about a girl’s weight unlike *cough cough* Butters im still not over what he said to lisa boi got no filter (atleast he was honest ig)💀
Heidi had all those qualities! (Smart, cute, need protection/help and~ chubby)
You know who’s also smart? Cartman (he can be stupid and very ignorant in many things, but boi got brains when he sets a goal in mind)
Cute? Cartman (As much as we hate to admit it, the boy got that charming look, he literally manipulated chutulu with his ‘cuteness’)
Need of protection/help? Cartman (boy is messed up as it is, It’s obvious he needs help but he also needs someone to guide him in the right path/ be the one to give him that push for change (I’d say a ‘light push', but it’s gonna be a rough ride being fr here), but most importantly also someone he’ll actually listen; Kyle. Believe it or not Cartman does listen to Kyle and he also is the first Cartman looks firstly for reassurance (like in gluten free and in jewpacabra). Cartman never takes Kyle's word for granted.
We’ve seen Kyle protect him from snooki, save his ass by being frozen and drowned. (Kyle has a weak spot every time he sees a vulnerable Eric Cartman).
Chubby? Cartman (we all know he’s from a heavier scale than the rest of the boys but we’re shown Kyle doesn’t seem to care about that superficial stuff)
You cannot tell me most of the kids in that school aren’t shallow they literally have a table that separates the ugly kids from them. But Kyle has been shown to look into more in the depths of a person (getting to know them) things like that than superficial. Like the times the boys were complimenting the girls photoshop pictures and Kyle mentions about Annies eyes being beautiful while the others were talking about their physics.
These are all things Kyle is seen interested in a girl for what I gathered watching the show.
And we return to what i mean when I say Kyle is/possibly could be a chubby chaser. Theirs a trait about kids resembling their parents in some ways
Stan got addiction problems like his dad, he got them image/ego issues too, he actually kinda resembles Randy alot in the deep learning/ post covid episode/specials when it comes to his relationship with Wendy or his pessimistic attitude. I only conclude from this is that Wendy is Stan's 'Sharon' an Stan is Wendy's 'Randy'.
And it confirms for me with the last episode of season 26 when Randy calls Sharon cause he's just a wreck with out her, just like in the post covid special good ending Stan and Wendy meet up and seem to have a sorta thing still going on (she isn't even with that Darwin guy either, atleast he wasn't shown).
He’s very emotional and cares deeply for things that matter to him, he definitely got that from his mother (the school shooting ep we’re shown how emotionally wrecked sharon was bc of it but no one else seemed to care not even Stan himself, and just like with the whales no one else seem to care BUT Stan and that pissed him off)
Also, let's not shrug off the fact that Randy and Sharon marital problems have been a thing since the early seasons. There was points when they divorced/seperated two times (three house, assburgers episode), points were their marriage was on breaking points like with the shakeweight episode or times when we taught it'll be finally over between the two (when Randy was sent to jail) and in post covid good ending he's shown to still be apart of Stan's life and I wouldn't be surprised if both actually kept it together for this exact consistency.
Matt and Trey have a thing to keep adult parings with an interesting dynamics, it isn't all sweet and sugar coated, they tend to show these issues in many other marriages of sp aswell.
Like Kenny's parents (abusive alcoholics/ argue all the time), Butters (closeted man/ sad pyscho wife/ strict parents), Cartman's (single crack whore mom/ deadbeat absent dad (decease now)/ lonely and financially struggling while raising a psycho kid) and even Kyle's (asshole dad/ overbearing mother/ have intimacy issues).
Kenny, he resembles his parents, yes he does. The fact that he likes to get high (frustrated and gets angry/doesn't care, once his already influenced deep in it; cat piss, sexual healing ep) We've seen he's willing to push his friends aside when his already lost into that type of crap or cares little of what his family would go through once he technically kills himself for some 'great' orgasm or being giving a blow job (these are reasons for his curse ofcourse cause he knows he'll come back, but still, his addiction and attitude are still the same throughout the show) and is a porn addict (the magazines, and sexual knowledge he knows for his age).
We've seen these qualities in both his parents.
They don't care being seen drinking or taking crack, like Kenny who doesn't care to be seen by his friends getting high with cat piss. They're very oblivious/don't care about the worries their children go through when they get into it, Kenny doesn't care. I mean c'mon, once he was done with the cat piss he didn't learn his lesson there he straight up went to get high with some flowers infront of his already relieved friends back to square one getting them concerned again.
I suppose we could say he got addiction problems just like Stan, but in a different way. Stan's more of a genetic thing because of his family history/ depression. Kenny on the other side is more of the shitty household he lives in, a copping mechanism.
And Cartman resembles his mom in the artistic side. We're shown that both Liane and Cartman love to sing, Liane also likes to paint. Cartman is more of a photography lover, drawing, singing, song writer, instruments (violin, harmonica) these are all artistic qualities.
Liane is manipulative with the magic of pampering and food. Cartman is manipulative with a sugarcoating voice and has skill on knowing what would get somebody convinced.
And I have a suspicion that Jack Tenorman was some narcissistic lying bastard okay? If he cheated on his wife and was willing to lie about his true identity to his sad desperate son who just wanted to know who his dad was just for a broncos game, then he ain't good.
I'm gonna mention these, just cause these are the few couples I recall being shown in the show.
Tweeks; they're coffee addicts/ seem to be caring and understanding (sorta). (He's very emotional/caring, and a very stressful/nervous kid because of his anxiety/coffee addiction)
Tuckers; they got that same 'I don't give a fuck' attitude literally flipping themselves off at the table. (Craig definitely resembles his dad the most, and in post covid his appearance aswell)
Blacks; they're chill people don't seem to want to get into much trouble. (Tolkien doesn't like to get into conflicts he'd rather chill on the sidelines)
Donovans; dad is passive, while his mother was a little overbearing. (Clyde can be passive/emotional on times but they're times he goes overboard like in the stick of truth game)
Now, with that said, it's Kyle's turn. We've been countless times reminded how Kyle resembles his mother the most. But when it comes to Gerald were only told that he looks like him. Atleast I don't recall anything else.
Kyle's parents are very opened when it comes to talking, experimenting. Have you seen how Sheila always ready to talk to Kyle about things he doesn't know? Or how comfortable she is talking to Gerald freely, that even Gerald had admitted to her that he likes to watch porn on his computer? How Gerald let Sheila have her way with chef (chef aid ep.)
It's shown their relationship is the strongest/ got their shit together among the four main parents. But ofcourse it's not perfect.
Gerald has this fear of pissing off Sheila, and Sheila well, as much as she's a good mother. She's overbearing and can go all crazy.
Qualities Kyle has. He fears his mom's wrath but also is the most similar to her.
He isn't like his dad who's some manipulative asshole behind his wife's back. Kyle's caring and wants what's right but has a temper so he kinda goes overboard and messes up sometimes.
This is were I come to the conclusion, that he may resemble Gerald in the fact that his in love with someone many wouldn't choose.
Like in the ups episode there was a ongoing joke that 'damn someone was willing to do it with Kyle's mom' type of joke.
Kyle's mom is overweight so the joke could be mostly aim from there, but if you think of it clearly. Many are afraid of pissing her off because of her 'bitchy' attitude. And she also has a past of being well, from Jersey.
Now. She's overweight in both that time and now, and I wouldn't be surprised that in the times we're she lived in jersey she was a complete bitch by the picture were shown in a jersey thing episode. She seem disastrous back then.
So meeting Gerald changed her. Gerald fell in love even when she was like that; a 'jersey monster'. They moved to South park and got away from that place, and Sheila has mellowed down from those jersey genes. I have no doubt he probably found that personality hot and thrilling at the time, he probably likes that sorta thing tbh. I feel like Gerald was a dweeb back in those college years, focusing on his carrier and stuff, taking things serious, being very uptight in a sense. Something I feel Sheila would be interested in, someone different, opposite of her. Cause we know she didn’t like that jersey in her but she couldn’t help it and being around other jersey folks just worsen her so it was inevitable for Gerald to stand out from the crowd. He was different. And for Gerald she was different; probably not the type of girl he’d pictured himself being with, yet still did.
(I also hc Sheila not being Jewish she was Christian until she met Gerald and got a wider view/ got closer to the religion falling in love with it.)
Being drawn to each other like opposite magnets.
And well, that redhead with brunette theory going on if u know you know;)
I feel I can resemble this with Kyle and Cartman. Cartman is disastrous, he’s a mess. And somehow Kyle's drawn to it, Cartman is a person not many would choose but I feel Kyle would. He’ll fall in love with both crazy Cartman and redeemed Cartman, cause i genuinely cant see anyone else help Cartman actually change for the better that isn’t Kyle (atleast to get a good ending for all main 4).
Cartman has also been shown to be in a mixture of being confused/ conflicted on what to believe when it comes to religion; switching between Chatolic, Christianity and Judaism it's been like that through the course of the show. Out of the four it's him and Kyle who are only shown to question their religion/ beliefs. It kinda feels like the show is trying to imply something?
And i also don’t picture their relationship to be all cute, it’s a well balanced relationship between healthy and toxic. If that makes sense?
Kinda like Gerald and Sheila’s, they’re not perfect but they balance each other out and yet even with those imperfections they’re still so in love with each other.
They also make a good dynamic.
Qualities i see a kyman relationship being.
Its funny to see Sheila being a bitch just like it’s funny to see Kyle be all pissy. Gerald is an manipulative ass? Guess who’s also a way worse manipulative asshole, yet still funny af and brings humor to the show? Cartman
It's funny to see Gerald be scared shitless of his wife just as funny when we see how scared Cartman is to actually piss Kyle off.
Kyle and Cartman are the perfect mixture of both.
But in personalities; Kyle his mother and Cartman Kyle's dad. Atleast relationship wise and how I feel the pairing dynamics work.
Cartman being Kyle's "Gerald" and Kyle being Cartman's "Sheila".
Technically the main dads (main fours) are the boys insight of what could be of their future partners, atleast that's how I view both Randy and Gerald's similarity on to Stan and Kyle (who are the main boys): both best friends, have a respective partner (Sharon, Sheila) along their side and fathers (Stan and Shelley, Kyle and Ike).
Post covid good ending gave me some more fuel to this about how Kyle only had TWO children; one boy being the eldest and a little sibling while Cartman had three instead of going full on stealing Cartman's past family. Gerald also had two children Kyle was the eldest son a boy and had a little sibling and I have no doubt if Stan were to get with Wendy they'll have two children aswell; their first born being a girl too like Shelley and a little brother like Stan.
Anyways my mind is kinda on a brainrot rn I need help, this ship is gonna end me
I just don’t see a good all flowers and rainbows actual healthy relationship in south park universe. Not only isn’t it realistic but it isn’t the type of dynamic i believe matt and trey would aim for.
If it isn’t either good/ but kinda chaotic sometimes or it’s nothing but down bad toxic/ bland/ has no real attachment to the characters.
Even creek has had their fair share of course they’re not toxic but like in the buda box theres some small ups and downs yk. I feel like some personal space would be the issue here cause Craig seems to not always want to deal with tweek's shit. But yk that’s just Craig not knowing how to establish it. (Yet their relationship has no affect in the course of the show/ main four dynamic)
Stendy relationship has communication issues. (Has no affect in the sidelines)
Clybe relationship has more of a complicated label. Bebe using Clyde for shoes or Clyde being an uncaring asshole using ai for convos. (Has no effect in the show/ main four)
Kennys relationships are only seem to last little but kinda okay until Kenny wants to escalate things further while the girl’s completely oblivious about it. (Has no effect in the sidelines/ use as a joke)
I think butters relationship with Charlotte is fine until Butters misogynistic side comes out. (No affect in the sidelines)
Heiman relationship was a toxic relationship. (Did have an affect on the show/ main four dynamic; Kyle) there was a lot of shifts in Cartman's personality that it was just painful to keep watching for both Heidi and Cartman.
Kyman relationship wouldn’t be just a neat-o relationship, i see it being very flexible in that aspect and I don’t see it changing their dynamic between the two or the main four. Cartman also wouldn’t change for the sake of keeping a relationship he’d actually change for good reasons. Having someone who already knows him wont make him feel like he’s cornered or forced to change/lie about being a good person, but being around a good influence (kinda) in his life could shape him in different ways. Healthy in a sense.
Their relationship could be use in a humorous way and a serious one!
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complicatedsquishy · 1 year
The Voltron Rant - Or My Issues with the Portrayal of Lance
I jokingly refer to this as my trauma. Because watching Voltron and being in the fandom as it self-destructed was sort of traumatic. Anyhoots, I wanna talk about one character: Lance.
Voltron was a show that was diverse and about found family which is my type of shit. Not to be obnoxious, but as a Latina I tend to look for latine characters in media especially when I was teenager. 
Lance was one of my favorite characters. Not just because he was Latino-coded and Cuban according to the paladin handbook but because he was relatable. He was a funny guy who talks himself out of trouble and struggled with his insecurities. Once again my type of shit. Him being latino-coded was like the icing on cake for me.
And then the show just kept going.
As the show declined in narrative quality, I felt as if the portrayal of Lance declined in an almost detrimentally stereotypical way.
For instance, Lance referred to himself as a player or a lover boy. But, in the first few seasons, it was suggested that he wasn't really. For me, I thought this was a push against the Latin Lover Stereotype.
For those who are unfamiliar, this stereotype was popularized in early Hollywood with Latino/Spanish actors and excotized them. It led to the stereotype of Latin men being passionate and romantic and great lovers. It's not necessarily bad but it does tend to lead to fetishizing of Latino men. It reduces their characters to be based on pure physicality and ignores any other part of their character.
So imagine my reaction to the showrunners leaning into this exact stereotype as the show progressed from the other characters calling him "lover boy lance" to the paladin show where he does this whole sexually powered ariel dance routine. It was weird for me but it wasn't necessarily painful or damaging. But I still think it's worth pointing out as Lance's later character in season 8 is revolved around his relationship with Allura.
Moving on, the slap to the face for me is Lance's epilogue.
Lance is a farmer.
The only Latino character on this show becomes a farmer.
If that is not upsetting to you let me unpack that.
First off, I'm not saying farming is a bad thing. I come from a family of farmers and ranchers and field pickers. It's a position that's commonly associated with Latine and mostly Mexican immigrants in the US.
However, Lance made no verbal declarations that he wanted to be a farmer. That he missed farm life. All we know about his experience is that he knows how to milk a cow.
What we do know, is that Lance wanted to be a pilot. He loves being a pilot. He was honored to be chosen by the blue lion. He was heartbroken when she shut him out. Lance wanted to be a top pilot. He wanted to be the team's sharpshooter. In a way, he wanted to be a defender of the universe.
So I get, him turning away from fighting/being a soldier after the Galra are defeated and Allura dies. I don't understand him becoming a farmer. There was no set up that he loved farming like Hunk loved cooking.
It felt to me, like the showrunners said Latino + farmer sounds good!! There was no consideration for the Latine children/teenagers watching this show and trying to find their representation.
Further-fucking-more, it suggests that Lance's goals and motivations were tied solely to Allura. Which flashback to the earlier section is just reinstating the latino lover stereotype. That there is nothing more to him than his sexuality. 
I hope this doesn’t come off vengeful and hateful, it wasn’t my intent. Voltron maligned a lot of people hoping to see representation. This is how they upset me and why it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. Why even voltron fanfiction is hard for me to swallow. I don’t see anyone talking about this flaw in the show so I wanted to put my piece out there. 
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ninepentz · 1 year
Missing submarine
Forensic astrology chart reading
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As we know, pieces of the titanic tour submarine have been found. Authorities believe it imploded, meaning it crushed from the inside from too much pressure on the outside. They've confirmed there are no survivors.
I'm curious what exactly happened, someone who knew the person operating the submarine said that the time connection was lost with the sub would most likely be the time when this all happened, so let's see what that tells us.
This is only an astrology reading based on the last time victims were seen, date and location. I'm not trying to assume anything about this situation, this is just my personal opinion from what I can see below.
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Their descent started at 8am, so let's take a look at that chart to see what was going on. Chart above
Cancer ascendant:
This represents the victim in a crime chart so, the ruler of cancer is the moon so we look there to get more information.
Since we have a cancer moon in the 12th at the time, maybe the focus was a lot on the son at this time. Out of all the people in the submarine he was the youngest and the only one who prob hasn't done anything like that before, so ofc everyone is kinda watching him soak it in and who wouldn't want to see him have a good time. Those 4 men (not sure about dawood) knew the excited feelings he must of been feeling bc they were once that giddy young kid too.
Sun-moon in the 12th:
So in this chart the sun and moon are seen in the 12th house, so maybe it was visible and going according to plan. Everyone saw that they were entering the water, everything seemed fine. Nothing out of the ordinary, they felt safe.
Mercury in the 11th:
Maybe there were social media posts, something to do with groups of people, social type things, being online with friends/networks. This could also explain that they were in communication with the crew above water who are making sure everything is going smoothly and accordingly. Multiple people were involved joined together
Venus/mars in the 2nd house:
Maybe things got quiet from this point, they could smell their surroundings as they were inside the submarine, they were descending slowly.. you can hear every little thing. The bubbles, under water sounds, you can feel the quality of the submarine.. it felt like a supreme simplistic experience. At this moment, there was not a lot of talking. Mostly just taking everything in.
Jupiter in the 10th:
Maybe with this aspect they thought this would be an adventure to remember and be able to brag/show off/add to their list of accomplishments. 10th house is basically the MC so this was an important moment. Maybe at this time whoever knew of the titanic best was explaining the details and history of it to the passengers.
Feel free to stalk Hammish Harding's instagram where this placement is described perfectly. He would often boast about his risky adventures that had even landed him on Guinness world records. He's done many risky, monumental things. His ig is posted above
Saturn in the 9th/pisces in the 9H:
They were very interested in what was going on in the water, the fish and what exact species they are, that kinda thing. They planned on going very deep this time it seems, with saturn in the 9th. I feel like they were determined to keep going and push through steadily. Stockton rush, I'm sure knew his submersible almost like how we know the ins and outs of our phones, fav places, songs, etc.. for him he felt like he was very familiar with his submarine so in a way he was also experimenting with how deep it can go and what reactions come from the vehicle when he does certain things. He was very technical about it.
He should of probably not taken passengers while in the process of experimenting still but what do I know. But they were determined to get it to work out well, he had no fear or thought in his mind that something as bad as what happened could go wrong.
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So this is the chart of the exact time connection was lost, June 18th at 9:45 AM. I'm going to treat this like a missing persons case, we start with the ascendant representing the victim.
Leo ascendant conjunct venus and mars which are in the 12th house.. scary stuff.
This reminds me of the kylie rodney case, her chart had mars in the 12th house too connecting to the ascendant.
What I think happened here was a very sudden explosive accident-
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When reading a crime chart, the ascendant and what it aspects gives you a picture of the situation.
So now with this new chart, it's now almost 2 hours later since they entered the water, it looks like the sun and moon moved into the 11th house.
Sun-moon 11H:
The crew was now aware of something, not sure exactly what. Maybe they were trying to locate the vehicle, idk if they have sonars on their side but I wonder if they were looking for them on the map.
Mercury/uranus both in the 10th:
Maybe since mercury is in gemini it was common for communication to go in and out so, there was nothing too alarming.
Jupiter/chiron/NN in the 9th:
Coming back to this one and finishing up the rest.
Ascendant conjunct venus:
I feel like venus is representing the submarine here, it seems like they created it to look pleasing, fun, to be a big eye catcher with the remote control and all but it wasn't built to take so much pressure or atleast the focus was more on the aesthetics/money. It was just supposed to be like for leisure type of use.
Uranus square venus:
Something unexpected happened, there was friction happening where things didn't function smoothly, prob technical difficulties, it was not pleasant or predictable, things were very rocky. With venus being in the 12th house it was something unknown to them, they couldn't figure out what the problem was. If it was an implosion like everyone is saying, their deaths would of been so quick and instantaneous, that the victims wouldn't have even had time to register what happened to them before passing away. I think the placements in the 12th house def support that, they would have probably felt drugged or some weird pressure 1st if any pain at all.
Uranus in the 10th house-
So maybe it wasn't uncommon that the submarine had it's problems, it would be unpredictable. It also was probably exciting for whose ever idea this trip was or whoever chose this particular vehicle bc it's not like typical submarines. That's why it was interesting for them, it was almost like something you normally wouldn't try but your curiosity, the novelty, the unknown was alluring.
Apparently one of the warnings said "this is not for tourists, this is for adventurers." So that means it's for people who are feeling risky.
This next video clip literally just blew my mind. The founder of the oceangate company/submarine operator and some comments from titanic film maker.
Uranus-innovation, rule breaking, defying standards. This was pretty much an experimental craft.
Ascendant square uranus:
There was always the potential for danger/unpredictability with this submarine, as the founder above was saying, this isn't something you were supposed to do but he did it anyways bc he thought that he could make something better than anything else that's been done before.
Mars square uranus:
Prob this just wasn't thought through, wrong timing, rushed thinking, rushed actions, prob someone was being too bold/confident, they wanted to have fun and test limits (mars) unfortunately that didn't end well (uranus)
It could be that all the men here were too adventurous for their own good, like they've been on wild adventures often enough that you start to feel invincible as if nothing could happen to you bc it is rare for these types of accidents. If even the oceangate founder was on board obviously he didn't know or expect this would happen, so it could of been that they knew it was a risk but they weren't concerned enough. Sometimes you can get carried away by wishful thinking or just plain ego.
Mars is in the 12th-
So they weren't paying attention to detail, they were missing the signs, maybe even the lights went out or something like that. Bc the 12th house would be completely hidden, unknown, unseen, invisible, unconscious.
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Neptune in the 8th house:
Anytime I see neptune in a crime chart I always think of water, but it could also represent, gasses, drugs, confusion. A pressure malfunction could def be something when in relation to neptune, the 8th house would describe being too deep.
If there was an implosion for a fact, what would of happened was similar to an explosion, but inverted, they would have been vaporized and crushed.
Google says 👇 and link for more info about it below
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They did mention on the video above that there's only 3 other submarines like this one in the world that can go deep enough to see the titanic. So it's rare
Jupiter conjunct MC:
Since stockton rush was the owner and operator of this craft and knowing what we know now, I get the impression that the father and son + 2 other business men were the ones "visiting" if that's the right word.
They really didn't know what they were getting into, they don't operate submarines, they don't know what the company was all about/legal requirements etc, they were just there for a new experience. Jupiter would be the father and son, possibly Hamish and paul henri as well since they are like foreigners here and MC would be the person in charge of the craft, the "authorities" that represent it.
For some reason I thought all 5 of them were friends of eachother but I don't think that's the case, it was like a business relationship.
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Quote above from a recent article... would you have gotten into this craft if you knew it was experimental? Most likely not if you want your life. What a shame tbh.
Other links/newest updates I find related to this case👇
06/28/23 NEW UPDATE! Human remains found(1st vid) along with photos of the submarine debris.
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Youtuber Dallmyd, vlogged their titanic tour experience on the SAME titan submarine that went missing just days before👇
He never got the chance to complete the dive bc there was complications with the submarine the whole time he was there. Wild
Below stockton talks about he wanted to add more technology to the sub, I think he had great ideas tbh but this was def a disaster..
Someone from a different dive with stockton rush describes their difficult experience with the submarine
Shazada dazwoods sister speaks about who him and his son were...
RIP to everyone who was on board...what a horrible way to go
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Suelman, Shahzada Dawood, Stockton Rush, Paul-Henri Nargeolet, Hamish Harding.
For now this is all I got, hope that helped someone to understand the reality of what happened. There's still some aspects I didn't go through yet but if you're curious to know more, leave a like and I'll go more in depth. I have stockton rushes birthday info so I def want to look at that too
✨️Nine of Pentacles✨️
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
those were great depictions/examples of the assertive triad. its subtle but i could see the image/head/gut differences too. if you don’t mind, do you have real life examples like that for the withdrawn triad? i imagine they’re almost the exact opposite of the assertive triad in terms of being active and proactive in the way you described since doing is repressed and i’m curious what it looks like irl for each of them!
Yeah, being doing repressed is difficult for the withdrawn triad.
The problem with giving examples is that I know of only two 4s in real life who are actual 4s (as opposed to all the 6s and 9s who think they are 4s) and no 5s outside of e-mail interactions, so it's hard for me to sum up examples when I mostly just know a ton of 9s.
I asked a 9 what doing repressed feels like the other day and he said it's never assuming that there's anything you can do to fix whatever problem is happening in your life. To him, it feels like being a passive participant swept along in events beyond his control, because to take action would feel like over-asserting himself and causing separation from others; it's much easier to go along with their agenda. But the more he does this, the more anger and resentment builds if he winds up doing things of no interest or personal benefit to him.
That being said, I'll do the best I can.
5 doing repressed -- a 5 I know had severe health problems and so he contented himself with a fantastical inner world and pushed away the outer world completely. He was an intuitive, and the more he got pulled into his dominant Ni, the less tangible reality had an affect on him in a meaningful way. Everything in it automatically became bleh in comparison to his lofty ideas and concepts. He became disdainful of people who were 'doers' instead of philosophizers. Me, and my manic energy and drive to accomplish things, he saw as 'lacking a rich inner experience.' He thought I would benefit from an hour of meditation per day, if not more. He also loathed my 6ish/Neish contradictions. His N combined with his 5ish tendency to abandon reality for inner imagination meant that he did very little, even on abstract things such as a novel. 5s do not possess the push that tells them they are ready; they are always refining, or learning more, or thinking about it more, rather than acting on it. He had lots of lofty ideas and thoughts to share, but never got around to putting them into an accessible form that anyone else could benefit from.
4 doing repressed -- the 4's doing repression combines with their eternal frustration to create a type that often dwells in the negative things that have happened to them and expresses them in a context of drawing attention to their broken quality, but not allowing you to touch it -- and refusing to do anything about it. The idea that they could overcome their wounds and heal does not occur to them; they see their wounds as eternal, but also part of what makes them so precious and different and beautiful that you cannot understand or touch them. It makes them different. If they were to fix it, that would be denying their inner experience. Both 4s I have known where very fixated on their 'wounds' (abuse, being born with defects, growing up in hospitals, not having normal childhoods, etc). But they do not want therapy, which would be the 'doing' way to move past it. In the same way it did not occur to the 9 to fix the problem, it does not occur to a 4 to be proactive in moving beyond their trauma. Even the idea of it disgusts them. That's what normies do and need, not me.
9 doing repressed -- this is probably the most relatable example for any 9s reading, but their chronic 'laziness' in terms of doing is often what creates the conflict they were hoping to avoid. 9s think or hope that by ignoring a problem, it will go away or resolve itself, when many times, ignoring it makes it worse. Let's say a 9 receives an urgent e-mail or text that is somehow significant or soul-bearing for the other person or includes something that should be responded to quickly (maybe someone's aunt died). The 9 does not immediately answer it, because they get distracted or it seems like it would take too much effort to compose their thoughts, so they decide to do it later. The next day, they think a lot about that person, but do nothing about it. Thinking, 9s tell me, sometimes make it feel like they acted, but they didn't (daydreaming about a friend is not the same as calling them). This goes on for a while and then one day the 9 checks their e-mail again, and finds THAT e-mail still there, and looks at when it was sent and feels a small jolt of panic, because it has been two weeks! And now they are afraid to answer it, because what if this person is mad at me?? But the 9 now has to answer it, because to leave it any longer is going to make it worse. They do so with fear and trembling, masking their anxiety by being sweet or cheerful. Or maybe the 9 doesn't notice how long it's been, and answers it, and then their friend is mad at them, so the 9 gets mad about this and feels angry about others feeling entitled to an immediate response!
In each way, the doing repressed withdrawn type suffers due to their lack of assertiveness. The 5 is thinking productively in terms of analysis and objectivity, but is not being rational in their lack of ability to act on these things for their own betterment. The 4 is thinking with their feelings but not rationally, because they are preoccupied with protecting their self-image of fragility. The 9 is refusing to set their own agenda in favor of going with the flow and then creating the emotional upsets within others that they were hoping to avoid.
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russellius · 6 months
i just know next season will be different for george, he just needs a fresh slate. it was probs very difficult mentally to face everything weekend after weekend, singapore to japan to qatar to austin to mexico to brazil to vegas omg. like something went wrong or there just wasn't any pace almost every one of those races. ad23 was a good ending thank god but yikes he's a stronger person than me i would have parked the car and gone home in brazil.
we will probably see a very different george racing wise next year because he has something to prove now more than ever.
mercedes better deliver the car, strategies and pitstops though
but see the thing is, he had shown that he has the pace even in some of the "difficult" races. in brazil he got a quali dub, his sprint race was very good, and in the main race he had the same pace as hamilton until his engine decided to give up. he was faster in vegas too, and was on course for a podium. austin wasn't the best weekend with all the penalties, plus he had fuel problems in the main race, so his hard stint was rubbish, but even there, on the mediums at the end he was once again back on the pace. and he qualied within 2 tenths of his teammate for the gp iirc. and it was the first race after the upgrades. singapore and qatar he was fast as fuck too. japan wasn't anything spectacular, but his pace was close enough to ham's and... who knows what could have been. then he was pushed off the track and he was put on a different strategy rip and mexico, well. mexico had no redeeming qualities lmao... plus he had some brake issues too to top it off. these races happen.
but honestly, as painful as it was, i am super encouraged by the second half of his season. exactly because of this. like, a lot of things went wrong, with bad luck, mechanical problems, mistakes, but he got back up after every single disappointing weekend, and he showed incredible resilience in what was a very difficult situation. i don't know how the hell he did it, i can't imagine how tough it must've been for him. but i've honestly never been prouder of him and i have also never been more excited for him!
so he isn't chatting shit when he says that he isn't lacking pace etc. i can't remember his exact words now, but he's made this point several times; it's not about pace. it's just about things working out, ironing out any potential mistakes, just tying everything together. and it'll come.
so yeah, i'm emo about racer george, i miss him and i truly can't wait to see him back on the race track, because i know he will only get better and better. i just hope he has a great winter break, similar to the one in the summer :)...
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owl-with-a-pen · 2 years
how’d you think nia would react to brainy having her as his lock screen on his phone? I’d love to see a story abt this!
Yes absolutely! I hope you enjoy!
For all the tech savviness Brainy boasted by just existing, he lost his phone a lot.
Nia wasn’t all too sure it wasn’t on purpose. If it hadn’t been for the fact that Alex had outright banned Brainy from using his holograms to scare the crap out of her whenever he had an announcement that really could’ve – and should’ve – been a text, Nia was certain that he never would’ve acclimatised.
A lot of time had passed since then of course, and Brainy had made strides in his assimilation to all things twenty-first century. Sure, he still griped and groaned about internet speed and overall signal quality but, with Nia’s guidance, he’d become something of a pro at the cryptic language known only as emoji. He’d even gone as far as adding some rudimentary memes to the equation.
So, y’know, the important stuff.
That didn’t mean Brainy still wasn’t prone to leaving his phone behind from time-to-time, or, well, most of the time, but hey, it was still progress.
Clearly, today was one of those days.
Apartment keys had been snatched straight up from the ceramic bowl, the grocery list no doubt memorised to Brainy’s thought tracks seconds before he’d marched out the door. Phone, though? Well, that was still sat all lonesome on the kitchen counter.
Nia rolled her eyes half-heartedly the moment she saw it, scooping the device into her hand. It wasn’t like he’d be gone long, but she didn’t exactly feel like astral projecting to the dairy aisle just to inform him she’d forgotten to add milk to the list.
She sighed, turning the phone over idly in her hand.
It was almost comical comparing Brainy’s phone to literally anyone else’s. Most people’s phones had endured a few love taps over their lifetime, and Nia’s phone was certainly no outlier to the rule, but Brainy’s? Brainy’s might as well have been fresh out the box for all the use it’d seen. No personalised case to withstand the test of time, or scratched up ports from chargers and headphones. There wasn’t even a single crack in the glass screen. The phone was about as generic as they came and – if Nia had wanted to snoop – she knew that the contents of his phone would have looked no different.
She could almost see it now: Bare-bones apps that came pre-installed with the device, sat in the exact same order they’d been in the day Brainy had first bought it.
Not that Nia cared how Brainy used his phone. He could do with it what he liked.
She just wished he’d bring it out with him more often, so that she didn’t have to—
Nia was thrown from her thoughts when Brainy’s phone buzzed in two short starts against her hand. She glanced down reflexively, only to freeze in place by what she saw.
Because… it was her. Staring right back up at her from Brainy’s phone.
Nia swallowed, a hot rush warming her face as she studied the image in front of her.
It wasn’t a particularly old photo, maybe a couple of months at a push. Brainy was a little camera-shy when it came to picture-taking and nearly always opted to be the photographer whenever they went out as a group. She remembered that photo well, especially how Brainy had grinned so proudly once he’d taken it. At the time, Nia hadn’t thought much of it, it was just one of many photos Brainy had snapped that night.
But, it was the one he’d looked at for the longest, the one that had made him smile the largest and the one that had strayed his focus so far from what he’d been doing that Kara had had to playfully interject.
And now, that photo was saved as Brainy’s lock screen.
Something exhilarated inside her stomach. Nia smiled, biting her lip. She took it all back, Brainy was using his phone perfectly.
“Is it anyone important?”
Nia’s head shot up so fast, she nearly made herself dizzy. She hadn’t even heard the door open, let alone see Brainy stride back into the apartment, groceries in tow. He was halfway through unpacking them by the time he’d opted to speak up, a quietly amused expression lingering on his face.
Nia cleared her throat, blinking quickly as she clicked off the phone. “Huh? Oh, no – no you’re good. Just a notification.” She glanced over to him, eyebrow half-raised. “You know you can turn those off, right?”
In answer, Brainy raised his hand towards the phone in a perfunctory gesture. Nia inhaled when she felt the phone buzz again in her palm.
“Done,” Brainy said dismissively, turning back towards his groceries, although Nia could see the air of cockiness in his smile.
Nia smirked. She didn’t think she’d ever get tired of seeing Brainy use his powers like that.
When Brainy was nearly finished with the groceries, Nia idled her way towards the breakfast bar, making a show of sliding the phone across the counter with her index finger. “So… uh, I saw your lock screen.” She raised her chin, offering him an approving wink. “Good choice.”
The bravado in Brainy’s expression quickly faded into a sheepish smile. He took the phone, slipping it back into his pocket. “Ah. I’m- I’m glad.”
“I am curious, though,” Nia continued, leaning forward on the counter. “Why the sudden change?”
Brainy’s expression grew unexpectedly pensive as he considered Nia’s question, twisting his ring thoughtfully around his finger. Finally, he straightened up, making his way over to Nia’s side of the breakfast bar, taking a seat at her side.
“Do you recall the conversation we had last week?” Brainy asked slowly, glancing up at her as though to gauge her reaction. “About the photograph you picked for your lock screen?”
“Oh.” It was Nia’s turn to sober. “Yeah.” A thickness caught in her throat at that particular memory. She made an effort to swallow it down. “The one I found of me and my mom.”
Brainy’s eyes were as gentle as his voice. “You told me then that seeing her a button push away brought you great emotional comfort, and that… that is what many people use their lock screens for. To keep the people they love close.”
Nia’s stomach clenched. “Brainy…”
“I have no photos of my parents,” Brainy admitted, “and even if I did… they are not who I wish to carry with me.” His expression softened. “You are the person I love most, Nia Nal, and-and I thought it only right that—”
Before Brainy could say a word more, Nia leant forward, pecking him quickly on the lips. She found her boyfriend’s hand, half clenched across the counter, and laced her fingers with his, squeezing tightly.
The moment their lips parted, Nia grinned. “You’re adorable.”
Brainy’s eyes clouded with endearing befuddlement at the compliment. Still, he lowered his head in earnest. “Thank you.”
Nia snorted, resting her head against his shoulder, feeling that exhilarating warmth thrill inside her all over again.
Of all the progress Brainy had made with twenty-first century tech, this was definitely her favourite.
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arrancxr · 2 years
I don't know if someone asked for this before but what do you think Yammy would want in a partner?
To begin with, Yammy isn't quite aware of what he wants in a partner. That sort of thing has never been an option, and even once it's possible, he just assumes that a "partner" relationship is a stupid idea for someone like him. He's strong enough on his own, so why would he need somebody getting in his way? With his "push through problems until they stop being problems" attitude, Yammy doesn't see much of a point in a relationship. And on some deeper, more subconscious level, he doesn't feel like he's capable of having one. He's massive, destructively strong, and constantly angry— wouldn't he just scare anyone who tried?
But that in itself is the biggest thing. Because he can't manage gentleness on his own, Yammy wants it. He doesn't consciously recognize that want, but he'd be drawn to someone who treats him softly no matter how big and loud and frightening he is. Anger is both Yammy's shield and the thing that causes him the most suffering. All he's ever had is his rage to make him grow stronger, so the presence of someone who makes that anger disappear and puts peace and safety in its place does things to him emotionally that he can't make sense of at all. Bravery is an excellent quality for his partner to have, as are patience, persistence, and the emotional intelligence that he completely lacks.
Yammy wants someone who will treat him with care no matter how much he tries to resist it. It feels wrong to have nice things (all he's ever known is hurting and hurting and crushing everything in his path), but it's those exact nice things that eventually leave him desperately attached to their source. You have to be strong-willed to get through to him, but ultimately, his ideal partner is someone who just wants to see him happy.
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meissashush · 1 year
11, 13 26, 28 for your OT5
OT5 = Gladio, Ignis, Rosea, Noctis, Prompto
This also got extremely long, so I'm putting it under a cut.
11. Which member is more physically affectionate?
By quantity? Prompto is always touching someone. It's 80% over-eager ADHD and 20% genuine expression of affection. Most days he's not even thinking about how many times he's slapped Noct's butt or grabbed Ignis' cuff to get the tactician's attention, but that doesn't mean it doesn't count as affection.
By quality, however, is Ignis. Four out of the five of them had been raised in the 'no-touch' environment that is the Citadel, so idle contact is something most of them don't even consider, let alone do absently the way Prompto does. Ignis noticed this, as Ignis notices everything, and made it a personal challenge to initiate small forms of physical affection whenever appropriate. A gentle hand at Noct's elbow when offering advice, a lingering grasp when helping Gladio up from where he had just thrown him to the floor during a spar, a careful finger pushing back an errant hair that had fallen into Rosea's face; Ignis has a talent for making each and every motion feel 10x more intimate than it has any right to be. His self-satisfied smirk whenever the object of his attentions starts to blush definitely doesn't help the matter.
13. Which member steals borrows the other ones clothing?
Unfortunately, due to the circumstances of wildly varying sizes, some people just can't borrow clothes while others have a wealth of theft opportunities.
Gladio is the unfortunate target of most of it, though none of his clothes really wander that far. It's not like any of the thieves can steal one of his shirts and be able to wear it outside without risking flashing a poor pedestrian due to the over-large neckline. Ignis is the only one who can wear his shirts without it looking like a dress, and Ignis is not the sort of man who would be caught dead wandering around in a Cup Noodles Limited Edition Anniversary T-shirt. Rosea, however, is all about that shit. She just has to use a hair-tie to tighten it up a bit.
Ignis' clothes are likewise highly unlikely to be stolen, less due to size restrictions and more stylistic concerns. Sure, Noct, Prompto, and Rosea have stolen a button-up to wander around his apartment, but other than a spare few Crownsguard kit, the only comfy clothes Ignis' owns are for sleeping. And the consequences for stealing Ignis' sleeping clothes are dire.
Noctis and Prompto swap clothes pretty much all the time, except for when it comes to Prom's muscle-tees. Noctis is not about showing that much arm. Noct is slightly larger in the waist, and tends to wear cargo shorts, so Prompto doesn't usually steal his pants overmuch, except that one pair of jeans that makes both their asses look fantastic. He steals those as much as he can. It's been basically impossible to tell who owns which band-tee or videogame-tee since high school, so those are considered 'communal'.
Rosea occupies the exact opposite of the spectrum as Gladio, in which the world is her oyster and none of the guys can fit into her clothes. Well, Prompto and Noctis can fit her shirts, but they're tight in a way that's awkward rather than sexy, so they don't. Her over-sized sweatshirts are sometimes up for grabs, but Prompto is the only one who is willing to sport a bright-pink sweatshirt that says 'DEATH BY PASTA'. That said, she's not a fan of the muscle-tees either, so she's fighting with Noct for clothing real-estate most days. They usually settle disputes by way of Noct lending her his 'good sweatshirt', which is a black hoodie that matches the sixteen other ones he owns, but is inexplicably softer and warmer despite them all being by the same manufacturer.
Rosea is also the main Ignis-shirt-thief. She has a deathwish.
26. How do they comfort each other?
Gladio isn't the best with his words, especially when it comes to times of extreme stress, but he is confident in his ability to do things for others. You need laundry done? He can put things in a washer. Too tired to buy food? Grocery store is a short walk away. Just need to pretend the world doesn't exist for a bit? He can be distracting, any way you need. Just tell him. Please just tell him what to do to help.
Ignis, similarly, is one to do things for others, but he is going to look for the things left unsaid. He'll schedule doctors appointments, make funeral arrangements, contact school/work. He'll pick up the heaviest emotional load he can find and try to carry it. If it is for his partners, he will move mountains.
Noctis doesn't know how to do the manual things, but he knows how to be there. Just, physically, he will be there. With a video game, a movie marathon, or just a quiet place to nap. Noctis shows he cares by showing up. It's all he ever wants from anyone else, after all.
Prompto, surprisingly, is the one who will talk about it. He spent most of his childhood dealing with the hard stuff on his own. He knows how hard it is not to have anyone to talk to. He also knows how hard it is to start. He'll lead the conversation away from the rough stuff if it feels like it's too much, but he'll try to keep the conversation flowing. And if he can make the other person laugh, then he will count that as a win. Laughter cures all wounds, right?
Rosea is sort of a mix. She grew up around Noct, Ignis, and Gladio, so she knows when to just take over everything and when to not touch things. Her best trait is her ability to feel out what the other person needs, and do that. If she's honest, though, the only thing she wants when she's in need of comfort is a hug. Physical affection, though something she struggles with initiating, would be her go-to.
28. Do they get along with each other’s friends and family?
For obvious reasons, their relationship is somewhat of a secret. Ignis and Gladio are a known quantity, having declared their relationship long before the polycule had formed and out of necessity for the sake of their jobs. Noctis and Prompto occupy that weird liminal space of; they are are totally dating but Noct is the Crown Prince so absolutely no one is going to say it. Rosea is sort of the odd-man out when it comes to people being 'aware' of the relationships, to the point where she's almost a reverse-beard; her being around them is but not 'dating' any of them pretty firmly cements their whole deal as platonic, even though it very much is not.
Gladio and Ignis' Uncle have an odd relationship. This is because Ignis' Uncle is awkward on purpose, for his own amusement. Gladio is doing his best, and one day will realize Avernettus is fucking with him. Until that day, however? Until that day, being in a room with these two is either extremely uncomfortable or extremely funny, depending on who you are.
Gladio and Noct's Dad have a very good relationship, given that Gladio has known Regis most of his life. It's awkward when Regis stalwartly (ignorantly) insists that Gladio call him Uncle Reggie, a thing Gladio has never done and will never do, but otherwise it is pleasant.
Gladio and Cor have a friendly student-mentor relationship. Gladio is terrified that Cor will murder him if he ever finds out Gladio is dating his daughter. Nyx is a wild-card, operating more as a co-worker than a mentor to Gladio. Nyx is also the only one outside of the relationship that knows Rosea is involved with him (specifically Gladio and Ignis), which means Gladio is maybe minding himself more around him than he might otherwise. Nyx thinks this is hysterical.
Gladio has not met Prompto's parents.
Ignis gets on well enough with Clarus, though it is a rather formal relationship. They don't acknowledge the logistical problems with Ignis' dating Gladio (the need of an Amicitia heir), and being co-workers of a sort makes the situation necessitate formality at most points, but Clarus is admittedly fond of Ignis, even if he struggles to show it.
Ignis also has a very good relationship with Regis, though with the same issues as Gladio has. He also refuses to call him Uncle Reggie, much to Regis' unending disappointment.
Ignis and Cor are friendly, though the relationship has always been rather distant. Mostly, Cor feels weird knowing this kid has been his 'co-worker' since he was six and 'employee' since he was sixteen, but they work it out. It helps that Cor is completely oblivious when it comes to his daughter's relationships. Nyx and Ignis have a much more convivial relationship, though Nyx has given Ignis the shovel-talk and maybe hits him a bit harder in spars than he used to.
Ignis has only ever met Prompto's parents in passing. They are pleasant, if absent.
Noctis obviously knows Clarus, and notably did call him Uncle Clarus when he was much younger. He pretends he doesn't remember this. He still finds Clarus to be somewhat annoying, but they are close.
Noctis and Avernettus are a weird combination, as Ignis' Uncle is considerably more formal with the prince than he might like. This is evened out as Noctis gets older and realizes half of what Avernettus says is a thinly-veiled dick joke.
Noctis is friendly with both Cor and Nyx, but more-so Cor. Nyx is still working his way into Noctis' trust, as the Drautos Situation has left a sour taste in his mouth that he just can't shake. It also doesn't help that Nyx is a bit of an ass. It's growing on him, though.
Noctis has never met Prompto's parents.
Clarus scares the shit out of him. There is nothing the Lord Shield can do to lessen this fear, not that he has done anything to really try and mend it. Clarus feels that a healthy amount of fear is good for the boy. Given his anxiety, however, everyone else agrees this isn't strictly true.
Regis also scares the shit out of Prompto, but less because he is scary and more because he is the King and that's a perfectly valid reason to be concerned thank you very much. Regis thinks Prompto is a good boy, and is glad that Noctis has such a good friend. No one is sure if Regis realizes Noct and Prompto are more than friends. No one is willing to ask.
Cor and Nyx also scare the shit out of Prompto. Are you sensing a theme? To be very fair to Prompto, he does have the worst end of this relationship when it comes to parents. Nyx is doing his best to break Prompto out of his shell, however.
Prompto has never met Avernettus, and Ignis intends to keep it that way.
Clarus and her don't get on. She's 80% sure he hates her guts, and she does everything in her power to stay under his radar. Clarus doesn't actually realize she misunderstands him to such a degree, but he does think she's reckless and a bit childish. In his mind, she's just Cor #2. Which, while not an entirely incorrect approach, does nothing to account for the fact that she has zero positive memories of him to outweigh the 'tough love'. It's going to be weird when this particular bubble bursts.
Regis adores her. He can't help it, he's a father at heart, and he still remembers when she was a little toddler strapped to Cor's chest. Rosea is acutely aware that His Majesty sees her as a baby, and probably always will, and does her best to navigate this despite it being extremely fucking annoying. She has never called him Uncle Reggie, and he's long since given up trying. He's just happy if she calls him Regis, instead of Your Majesty.
Rosea and Avernettus have a silent respect for each other. They can have an entire conversation of dick-jokes without ever seeming like they have said anything crass. Ignis does everything in his power to keep them separate, since he finds the whole thing deeply embarrassing.
Rosea has only met Prompto's parents in passing. They are fond of her, specifically because she helped get Prompto's literature grades up. She doesn't like them, but she's civil.
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hostilecityshowdown · 2 years
"Swear to me," Roddy and Adrian ;_;
Like Saskatoon, Poughkeepsie was cold, but New York cold was a totally different kind of cold. Up North, a chilly night slid between your ribs like the concealed blade in all your worst nightmares but, down in Upstate, the cold wind just seemed to want every warm-blooded thing to get the hell out of its way. Despite his ability to be comfortable in his blue jeans and beat up flight jacket, Roddy was more than happy to move aside as soon as he could get up the courage to do so.
Rubbing his hands together, he paced the concrete outside the Edison motor lodge, walking from one side of his shared room's window to the other and back again. Shut away behind off-cream curtains and, hopefully, tucked under the olive green comforters was his travel buddy, but the words spoken to him hours earlier replayed in his mind like the man was still shaking him by the shoulders and spitting them at him. They'd taken on a cassette quality, popping and grainy as the tape rolled, rewound in a supernatural mili-second, and started playing all over again. Tinnitus was starting to ring in his left ear and Roddy smacked at it a few times to ward the sound off, his pacing grinding to a halt with his hand still flattening his unruly hair to the side of his head when those gaudy curtains fluttered. An edge was pushed aside and, clearly not nestled in bed dreaming of sugarplums and knocking out teeth, Adrian squinted out at him. They stared at each other until Adrian jerked his head backwards, not unlike a shotgun cocking, and released the curtain.
"Yeah," Roddy muttered, more than a little miffed that his four AM fretting session was rudely interrupted. He hadn't even been pacing long enough to sport chilblains for his efforts. Regardless, he marched to the faux birchwood door. "Get me a house, and build you a room with a view! Only thing you love more than a front row seat is the limelight."
By the time he'd eased the door shut behind him, Adrian had already illuminated the light bar over both beds. He sat on the one Roddy was more likely to claim, arms crossed over his golden shirt so faded, it took Roddy months to decipher the words that had once been boldly printed across it. Now, "I'm afraid there's no denyin', I'm just a dandy lion" was about as legible as the quote's speaker was cowardly. Somehow, the shirt perfectly coordinated with the ruby slipper red carpeting, the deep brown wood panel walls, those fatigue green bedsheets that looked emerald under the sickly wall lamp, and the fresh egg-coloured curtains. Adrian looked like he belonged here, despite his expression so serious it darkened his eyes to the exact shade that sent shivers down Roddy's spine, head to tail. He eased out of his beat up work boots without loosening the laces and toed them off to the side, shrugging his jacket off before Adrian's stare made him overheat. 
"Now, I know for a fact those curtains are too thick for-"
"Piper." The growl was enough to shut his trap, chin almost dropping to his chest. All at once, the exhaustion of the day came rushing in. The gruelling travel schedule, the cold, his earlier outburst, Adrian's commands so assertive, calling them advice was a laughable mistake- Just this once, he wanted to climb into bed behind his buddy, curl up around the small of his back, and go the hell to sleep without worrying himself into tossing and turning for hours. Instead, he stood there, emulating the effect of looking up at Adrian through his eyelashes and wavy bangs despite still standing. Adrian inhaled deeply and took him in, contemplative, before patting the bed. "Siddown."
Roddy complied, collapsing heavily beside the other man and refraining from telling him how much he loved the way New Yorkers spoke, sure, and Buffalonians and Manhattaners and whatever, yeah, but he especially loved the way Adrian spoke. Instead, he let the pathetic mattress slide him down until he was shoulder to shoulder and hip to hip with Adrian. He smelled like stale cologne, greasy diner food, and Downy. Instead of turning his head and burying it in that scent like he wanted to, Roddy fell the rest of the way backwards and scoot until he was awkwardly half on and half off the bed. His hair cascaded over the opposite side. Adrian's hand clapped down on his thigh and squeezed hard before rubbing a circle into the denim so softly it hurt.
"You better take my advice to heart. So help me, if you think I was kidding-"
"No," Roddy sighed, one hand smushing and rubbing at his own face. He needed to fidget but couldn't get his feet on the ground like this, not like Adrian, whose heel tapped a staccato rhythm on the carpet that looked plusher than it was. "No, I know. Get a house. For the family."
"For you," Adonis snapped, thumping his fist on Roddy's hip. Instinctively, he jerked his leg up, bent at the knee, and had nowhere to drop it but against his friend's firm side once the tension drained back out of him. "You get the house for you. For your stability, for your family. So you can wear trenches in your floors without freezing your ass off, you moron."
Roddy snorted a laugh. He wiggled up onto the bed more and oriented himself more comfortably, half behind Adrian, calves and feet still hanging off the ledge. His hand fell against Adrian's back, where his shirt was torn in the perfect way to show off a few scars. Palm pressed flat against him, they felt cooler than Adrian's unmarred flesh and softer than the over worn t-shirt. They felt familiar. Safe. He sighed and shrugged, knowing the motion would be felt. "You're not so bad, Adri."
The brunette twisted, kept twisting until he was a tornado, one leg over Roddy's so his knee was jammed into his inner thigh and their ankles crossed, one hand fisted in the front of his shirt but tugging and pinning it to the bed at his waist, one hand under his chin with a finger aimed like a pistol. Adrian was looming over him, his eyes hurt and scared but his face stern. "I am not trying to get rid of you. You hear me? If I wanted to get rid of you, oh, daddy, you'd already have a box in the cold case department." 
Unsurprised and unafraid, Roddy pat Adrian's pointing hand. He opened his mouth to speak but Adrian swat his hand away like an angry cat and doubled down, eyes boring into his, noses almost touching. "You swear to me. You swear to me, Piper, you'll make a home for your family better than in all your wildest, starving desperado dreams - That you'll go and you'll stay for them. You- You better swear, so help me god, you won't stay now or go then for me, Roddy. You put them first, you hear me?"
"I hear, I hear," he replied, grabbing Adrian's hand in his and wiggling his fingers until Adrian's were between them, callouses squeezed together. Frowning, Roddy knocked their elbows together gently, not trying to accomplish much more than giving himself some time to process everything. "Alright. I swear."
"You swear what?"
"You didn't let me finish." He couldn't help but grin, carefully turning his leg until his friend wasn't cutting off circulation in it. "I swear I'll put my family first. But, Adrian-"
"No buts."
"But," Roddy insisted, bringing his elbow up and gently knocking his forearm into Adrian's jaw and shoulder. Willing to play along, he toppled sideways, dragging Roddy with him until they were laying side by side on the comforter. Up close, Roddy realised it was the colour of green carnations, the little white pansies dotting it, the pattern so subtle as to be conspiratorial. No doubt, it was something Adrian noticed when they booked the room. He always noticed everything, and the thought made Roddy smile with his teeth no matter how much Adrian glowered. "You're family too, you know."
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ivarthebadbitch · 2 years
I’m curious and would like your own theory. What would happen if Aethelwold did become King?
ok this is sort of funny, because I actually included this exact scenario as part of the s1 iseult lives au I wrote not that long ago so uh...you can check that out, I guess? but here's the thing: in order to really game this out (as opposed to just saying, like, 'oh he'd probably suck at it'), you have to first ask under what set of circumstances would aethelwold become king? did aethelred designate him as his heir instead of alfred? did he kill alfred (or edward)? because those possibilities would lead you in very different directions, you see?
but setting all that aside to just focus on aethelwold's personal qualities: I think the key to understanding his character is that aethelwold does not really believe in anything except that he should be king. he does not want the actual job or responsibilities associated with being king, but he wants the respect and he wants nobody pushing him around; he wants to be king because he's got nothing better to do. he doesn't have a big ideological project like alfred. he's not out to convert the heathens. he's got feelings of shame around not living up to his father's expectations like edward does, but he doesn't have edward's twitchy rage that motivates him to do shit like take over mercia and eoferwic. he wants to be king just because.
in short, what aethelwold would do as king is pretty much what he does the rest of the time when he's not king--being a rich kid with no particular purpose or prospects, party rocking his way to the throne.
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