#to be forced to take over your sensei’s corpse with the very last bit of life in your body
yuutito · 1 month
I know everyone’s talking about Gojo as he’s the fan favorite but I really do think if this plan kills Yuuta it’s the most brutal death in the manga by a mile. And it’s so sad to me that no one’s really talking about that besides the few Yuuta fans out there.
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sevenmikento · 3 years
Hello! May i please request a jjk hc or imagine where the mc is yuujis childhood friend that can see curses and has a powerful curse technique?? Yuuji knew since they were kids but kinda forgot about it cuz he didn’t really understood and mc never tried to bring it up again to keep him safe. And after coming to tokyo when the sukuna thing happened- yuuji recommended his bestfriend to gojo so they could study together. Thank you so much!! 💕💕
A/N: omg okay so i distinctly remember receiving this request while i was in bed reading angsty haikyuu fics and then i was hit with such a big brain idea for this that i made a draft of it bc i knew i would forget otherwise. also omg im so sorry but i made this a lot angstier than expected but it has a happy ending!! ;––;
genres: angsty with a fluffy ending, hurt/comfort; 1.5k words
come with me [Itadori Yuuji X Reader]
“You’re moving?” you repeat the words just spoken to you, unafraid to let the disappointment in your voice show as you feel your bottom lip begin to quiver and the back of your eyes burn up in tears. “To Tokyo? So suddenly?”
As if the news couldn’t get worse: first you learn that Grandpa Itadori passed away and now your only friend is leaving. Not to mention the fact that in between all of this, your high school got wrecked in some kind of freak incident–though you know better… the school had always reeked of cursed energy. You’ve even had to deal with some cursed spirits on your own volition before morning practices just because you could never stand them staring at you from the corner of the volleyball court.
“Wow, is it just me or did it get a lot less stuffy in here?” you overheard your senior saying once. You wish you could brag about it, about your heritage and your accomplishments as a Jujutsu Sorcerer but you can’t, not without putting yourself and the people–the person–you love in danger.
“You’re my only family left,” you can’t help but blurt out, hanging your head in shame. Ah, you think to yourself, this is bad, I’m starting to beg, aren’t I? This is dangerous territory. “I thought we promised… we…” You stop yourself from completing the sentence but you both know each other well to understand exactly what you’re referring to.
Your parents had always told you to keep your emotions in check, to ensure everything you feel is always under your control. Cry if you must, be angry if you cannot help it, but never allow your heart to rule your head.
At least that’s what they used to say a lot before they ended up cremated in urns too heavy for you to carry together at the same time. You were ten.
‘I’m the only (L/N) left,’ you thought to yourself, unaware you’d spoken out loud. You were also not aware of the boy who’d just entered the room, dressed in a black shirt a bit too big for him, his cheeks covered in dried tears.
“No,” he huffed, sitting down beside you. “I won’t let you be alone. You aren’t the last (L/N).” He said, completely misunderstanding what you’d meant. He wasn’t wrong but ultimately, you were more worried about your Jujutsu heritage linked to the name rather than the name itself. “When we get married, I’ll take your surname.”
You said ‘okay’, too young to understand the significance of marriage. All you cared about was that he was there and you weren’t alone.
Yuuji remains silent, an immense wave of guilt washing over his body, leaving behind a sensation that is both hot and cold at the same time. Although you continue to cry silently, your arms still move, helping him fold his clothes and place them neatly in his luggage. Your hands tremble in a way he hadn’t seen ever since that fateful day so many years ago–the day of the promise… The one he will have to break.
He wishes with all his heart that he can tell you about the events that have occurred over the past two days. He wants nothing more than to just hug you to his chest and spill all the secrets he’s been burdened to keep: the existence of cursed spirits, the attack on the school… his transformation into the vessel of Sukuna. The execution. The compromise Gojou sensei made for him. The hell he’s chosen for himself.
When the white-haired Sorcerer offered the two choices to him and asked Yuuji to choose his hell, he very ignorantly assumed that hell was knowing when he was going to die. But now, as he watches you bid him a tearful farewell while you wear the sweater he left behind for you–knowing that, even though he promised to visit, he probably will not have the chance to–Yuuji realises this is the real hell.
“Yuu-cchi, there’s a monster!” you cried, hiding behind the boy who was merely a few months older than you, your small hands clenching tightly onto the sleeves of his shirt. He gazes around and sees nothing.
“Where?” he asks, his own arms held out in a defensive stance, ready to take any hit from any monster coming to hurt you.
“There! There!” you continued to sob in such genuine fear that even though Yuuji himself couldn’t see the monsters, a part of him knew you weren’t lying. Though, to be frank, even if you weren’t scared, he would’ve believed you anyway.
“Don’t be afraid, (Y/N)! I will keep you safe!” he declared, waving his fists around madly. “Where is he! I’ll beat him up!”
“What’re you so deep in thought about?” Fushiguro Megumi’s voice snaps him out of his reverie, the defeated cursed spirit’s corpse dissolving into ash right before their eyes.
“Yeah, what are you thinking of?” Gojou butts in, wrapping an arm around Yuuji’s shoulders. “You looked all happy and dopey for a second then became all sad and depressed the next. Friendship problems? Or–OH! Relationship troubles?”
“No, it’s just…” Yuuji mumbles.
“I can’t sleepover this weekend.”
“Huh? Why not?”
“My parents want me to train.”
“Yeah, they’re teaching me Juju—Judo.”
“Eh? That’s too bad.”
“Just?” Gojou pushes, realising he’s very likely on the cusp of discovering his new student’s deep, dark secret. For a second, he thinks it’s to no avail but before he knows it, Yuuji’s grasping his arms and looking him dead in the eye (eye? blindfold?).
“I think there’s someone I need you to meet.”
You curse under your breath as you hear footsteps echo from the floors beneath you. Right now? The stupid local delinquents want to explore this stupid building right as you’re on the edge of exorcising a stupidly strong cursed spirit? You can’t help but laugh humourlessly at your luck nowadays. It seems as though ever since Itadori Yuuji left your life, you’ve been doing nothing but exorcise spirits. Maybe you’re just bored and have nothing to do or maybe you’ve become a magnet for spirits with your increased levels of cursed energy.
“I’ll visit you when I have the time,” he said. But you knew he was lying. Just by looking at his dumb face you could tell he never intends on coming back.
A bitter taste crawls up the back of your throat and the cursed spirit cackles, elated by the frustration emitting off of you. You just know that if you could read its mind, it’ll be thinking of how powerful it could become by consuming you.
“Not a chance, you fuck!” you snap, feeling the familiar sensation of warmth crawl up your body as you harness all of your cursed energy to both your hands. Blue flames ignite from the centre of your palms, as you utilise your cursed technique: “Hinokagatsuchi!”
You charge towards the cursed spirit, ready to melt its skull into nothingness when a familiar voice calls out your name.
“(Y/N)!” Yuuji’s fist reaches the spirit before your technique can, the force of his punch so immense that it slams the corpse of your foe into a wall, forming a crater of shattered concrete.
“Hinokagatsuchi, huh?” A man with stunningly white hair walks into the room. “Haven’t heard that one in a while. “Are you from the (L/N) clan, by any chance?”
Before you can respond, a pair of warm hands clasp your face firmly but with a notable tenderness. The same hands that Itadori Yuuji used to kill a cursed spirit with a single punch now cradled your head, his thumbs carefully caressing your cheeks.
“Are you okay? Did you get hit? Are you injured anywhere?” he frets, his fingers combing through your hair before he pulls you close, hugging you to his firm chest.
From behind you, the white-haired man whispers: “actually I think your friend had it very much under control.” But he goes ignored.
“I’m sorry, I should’ve realised it sooner. I should have told you everything.” Yuuji presses his lips to the crown of your head. “I… I should have come clean and it would have spared us both the pain.” He laughs humourlessly. “I feel like a real dumbass, not realising what you’ve been hiding all these years even after I get dragged into the Jujustu world myself.”
Everything is happening so quickly, you find yourself rendered utterly speechless. Is he really here? Did he just kill a cursed spirit with a single blow? How did that man know about your family?
Your hands slowly creep up his back as you wrap you arms around him and close your eyes, relishing in the warmth of his body and the familiarity of his scent. He hasn’t even been gone for more than a week and yet you feel as though a lifetime of loneliness had been cured with just his return.
“I love you…” you can’t help but admit, though you have a feeling it wasn’t very much of a secret to begin with.
“I love you, too,” Yuuji replies, kissing you on head once more. “Come with me. Come with me to Tokyo, to the same Jujutsu school. Teach me everything you know and become stronger with me.”
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Diff person- bUT I really loved how you write the sick inumaki!! I wonder can I ask abt the second years but as the first year where it is their first time dealing w/ inumaki injured throat? And he also got a bad fever and fatigue as a side effects. Thank you!
Aw, thank you, you're so kind!!
TW: blood & injury, suffocation, fever.
1.1k words, Gen.
If Cursed Speech worked on himself, Inumaki would definitely use it now. He'd force himself to stop, to leave it to the others or engage hand-to-hand combat. Instead, command after command, he fights on, restless, determined to get the job done with minimal damage to his surroundingsー a small but populous neighbourhood near the hillsー and to the citizens.
Maki and Panda are not far, busy fighting against a horde of minor cursed spirits that must be stopped nonetheless.
But the one in front of him doesn't relent. Which doesn't make sense. Inumaki's ability has never failed to hit the target, not once, it has never slipped out of control. He curses under his breath, mouth filled with copper as he spits some onto the pavement. 
His vision is tunneling, swirling horribly, whole body shaking as Inumaki's grip onto consciousness is rapidly fading, weak, the tether thin. He doesn't, not yet.
Distant, his friends' voices call out his name, distracting the spirit with their presence. The young sorcerer takes advantage of the split second of confusion and lunges at the threat, grabbing at its head, nails sinking into the muddled skin, the creature's anthropomorphic body lanky but so very strong, much stronger than him, physically at least.
The cursed spirit futilely tries to wiggle out of the teen's vice grip, but there's only so much it can do when Inumaki all but smashes his forehead against the spirit's.
"Explode!!" he yells, crimson pooling in his mouth, choking him.
He lets go of the thing, taking a couple of tentative steps back before he trips and falls, back colliding with the floor, hard.
Chunks of dead meat fall from the sky, and he realises that at least his last attempt was not to no avail. His relief is short-lived when Inumaki comes to the painful, chilling realisation that he can't breathe.
He coughs and sputters, eyes wide and glassy, his lips tinged in blue and red as he desperately makes an effort to roll over, failing at the task.
He feels like he's drowning. He's fairly sure he is, actually. He chokes, sputtering, face up as tiny specks of his own blood get spat at the sky and fall back onto his ashen, cold face. Lilac eyes shift out of focus, the sky fading out, pale orange clouds melting in the endless emptiness above him, one last glance at them before he gets dragged down into the void.
It doesn't last.
Vertigo claws at his guts as his whole body is propped into a sitting position, strong hands hitting his back and making a sliding movement from the bottom of his spine to the base of his neck, repeatedly.
And Inumaki heaves rivers of thick blood trickling out of his respiratory system and onto his own uniform pants. Voices fill his ears, but the boy doesn't quite remember how to function now, how hearing noises and understanding their meaning is connected, how it must be processed.
He vomits the blood, already-pale complexion grey, skin damp and clammy. 
It's only an eternity later, or what feels like it, that whatever has gotten ahold of him lays him down, onto his side. Inumaki pants, breathing through his mouth, his lungs on fire, drained. 
"...ge, Toge!! Hang in there, okay? We called Gojou-sensei, he'll be here soon. Alright, buddy?" 
Inumaki lets his gaze shift, squinting. He coughs, harsh, immediately hissing at the pain. His throat stings.
Warm tears trail down his cold face and onto the blood-stained floor, but he blames the overexertion. Definitely not the near-death experience taking a toll on him.
"Can you sign?" Maki asks, crouching next to Panda, in front of Inumaki, "It's okay if you can't, or don't want to. Focus on breathing." she adds, softer.
"I can." the movements are clipped, shaky, "I'm okay. My throat is injured. It's my ability's fault."
"Oh. Is this... an ordinary occurrence?"
"Yes. It will heal. I'm tired."
"So you're sure you're not bleeding internally?" Panda frets, facial features scrunched up in worry.
"I'm sure. It's my throat. I'm sleepy."
Maki and Panda exchange a few hushered words, and Inumaki decides to let himself drift.
"Oh. You're up."
He glances around, confusion washing over him. Inumaki's in his own room, in his own bed, in his own pajamas, too. Hastily, he sits up, chest tight in panic.
The world tilts and swirls horribly around him, and a pair of strong hands push him down onto the thick pillows.
"Idiot, don't. You're running a high fever, and the painkillers are bound to make you feel dizzy. Lie down." 
Inumaki takes a deep, steadying breath, then another. Maki's blurry form is sitting on the edge of his bed, her hand stretched out to fix the cold patch on his foreheadー he hadn't noticed it upon waking up, which, he realises, is probably a good, reliable indicator of how out of it he is.
"Fever?" he signs, eyebrows arched in confusion.
She nods. "39,7°C last time I checked. You also did a number on your throat, and Ieiri-sensei prescribed you enough painkillers and lenitive syrups to take out a horse."
Maki then gets up, getting closer to him. She adjusts the pillows so that her friend is sitting up a bit more, and hands him a glass of cold water.
Inumaki takes it gladly, but when he gulps down the water he realises that it tastes like copper, he cringes, setting the half-full glass down. A hand absentmindedly shoots up, fingers brushing against his throat, almost scared to make contact with his own skin.
"...I'm sorry." 
"And you should be." Panda's voice comes from the door, and he steps in, holding a transparent bag filled with yoghurts and jelly packets. He lets it fall. "Why didn't you warn us!? Why didn't you tell us aboutー whatever that was!?"
He hesitates, eyes low. "I don't know." 
After a second, he raises his hands again, still shaky. "I never thought I'd have to go that far. I'm sorry."
"It was really fucking scary to watch you puke blood, man." Panda pushes, "I thought you'd died. You almost choked to death on your own blood!!"
"Panda." Maki's stern voice leaves no place for arguments. She returns her gaze to Inumaki, "Panda is right, it was scary to watch. But... I think it was scarier for you. So, we will talk about it once you're ready and well. Right now, all you need to focus on is recovering your strengths."
She pauses, shooting a knowing look at Panda. The Cursed Corpse hums.
"We're... glad you're okay."
"Yes, we are."
Inumaki smiles. He feels like he's floating, body light, head empty, filled with clouds, aware that he will have the chance to see them again.
Let me know what you think of this, please!! Also, if you have ao3 and want this fic to be gifted to you, let me know.
September 5, 2021.
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justagirlwithapen32 · 4 years
Wrong Spot
Obito went back in time to change things, but this was not the point in time he’d intended to go...
Stupid jutsu.
Obito scowled at the corpse before him as he cursed the inefficient jutsu that had him standing here, once again.
After everything that had happened with the Fourth Shinobi War, life hadn’t exactly been ideal for him. Chucked into prison (not that he didn’t deserve it, because he definitely did) with his only human contact being ANBU guards and sporadic visits from Kakashi, when the village could spare him. That happened more and more infrequently once his old friend took up the Hokage hat. Not that it was on Kakashi for the shortened visits, no. Obito knew that was on the council.
For five years …Maybe? Yes, five years… he sat in that prison, content with his fate, knowing he deserved it. He did the whole ‘reflecting on his life’ thing, going over his mistakes, and how he’d change things if given the chance. And it was that last bit that had him recalling a certain jutsu he’d heard of, one that Orochimaru had created. Obito remembered that the Sannin had started the research for it while he was in Akatsuki, and had heard over the years that he’d figured it out as well.
After some serious back and forth contemplation on the idea, Obito eventually decided that he would track down the snake and get the jutsu from him. He’d make sure to change things so thousands didn’t lose their lives because of himself, Zetsu and Kabuto. That the jinchuuriki were never ‘harvested’ for their bijuu. And most importantly, that Kaguya was never resurrected.
It took a bit of time to track down the Sannin, but eventually Obito found him.
“Obito,” he was greeted with that smooth, slightly creepy, voice. “I’d heard you’d run off. And you came here to me, I’m honoured.”
“Cut the crap,” Obito snapped. “I’m only here for that jutsu you created, the one for time travel.”
A single eyebrow rose in what Obito was certain was mild amusement. “My jikandōrini ryokō suru jutsu?” he asked, his tone most assuredly amused, with a touch of intrigued. “And what exactly do you want with that?”
“I intend to go back and stop the war from ever happening,” Obito said. “And other things that led up to it as well.”
Orochimaru chuckled. “Such a noble pursuit,” he mused. “I must admit, it’s an intriguing idea. Just one of the reasons I created the jutsu in the first place. However, as enticing as it may seem, I was never actually tempted to use the jutsu myself. Too many uncertainties, not knowing what price I’d have to pay, and no guarantee that it would actually change anything in the end.”
“What do you mean by that?” Obito demanded.
“Simply the fact that there’s no way to know for certain what the effects and consequences will be,” he was told. “For instance, you could end up creating an entirely new time line, which would leave the time you left behind still intact. Or you could indeed end up changing everything, destroying what had previously been instead. That also carries the risk of vanishing once something is changed, or even wiping yourself from the time line altogether. Not to mention the fact that if you go back to a point still in your lifetime, there’s no way of knowing whether you’ll go back as yourself, or end up in your younger body.”
“Necessary risks,” Obito decided to dismiss. “Even if I do not change this time line, things here are stable enough to move forward, and if I do disappear, well… It’s not like this time line would be at a disadvantage without me.”
Silence for awhile, and the two stared one another down. Finally, Orochimaru sighed, and said, “Never let it be said, anymore at least, that I’m never willing to help out. Very well, follow me.”
He led Obito through his base to a secret room with scrolls lining a book case against two of the walls. “This is where I keep all of my more… interesting research, whether they’re deemed useful, or not. Now, where is it?”
He strode along the shelves, searching until he came across one of the scrolls. “Ah, here it is,” he murmured. “Jikandōrini ryokō suru. Roughly paraphrased, to Travel in Time.”
“How exactly does it work?” Obito asked once the scroll was in his hands.
“The directions are simple enough to follow,” Orochimaru spoke. “So long as one understands basic sealing and comprehends space time ninjutsu. Neither of which you should have a problem with. Once you activate it, you’ll need to choose a destination, but be warned, the accuracy could use a little… fine tuning.”
“Fine tuning?” Obito scowled.
“No need to worry,” Orochimaru said. “It shouldn’t put you off more than a few months. So you should make sure you leave yourself plenty of leeway.”
No more than a few months, pfth! Obito glowered at the corpse before him… This was years off where he’d wanted to end up! Still, at least it solved one problem, even if it created more. He’d performed the jutsu perfectly, according to the instructions. It had taken almost all of his chakra, but he’d done it. Barely. But this time and place prevented him from saving the one person he’d wanted to save the most.
Undoubtedly this was the universe’s way of punishing him for everything, and for violating the rules of time and space.
Rin was dead. Dead. He knew that, because right in front of him was Uchiha Madara’s corpse. The old man had kicked the bucket, dying right in front of him after bestowing the name of Madara upon Obito, like it was some sort of honour. He sneered down at the corpse. Stupid fucker! He kicked the old man’s leg.
Obito sighed, then reached down to take one of Madara’s eyes. They were stolen sharingan already, his forefather having already pilfered them from some unknown Uchiha back when he’d had his own implanted into Nagato in preparation for his plans. Thanks to the combination of Senju and White Zetsu cells in him, it was easy enough for Obito to implant the sharingan into his left socket, along with using basic medical ninjutsu to aid the process.
Then he shot a katon jutsu at the old man’s corpse and watched him burn, until not even Kabuto would’ve been capable of bringing him back.
Turning around, Obito searched out Black Zetsu with his senses, finding him some distance away. Using his current absence to his advantage, he activated his Kamui and transported himself to his other dimension, settling in to meditate so that he could accurately pinpoint the control seal that Madara had put on him. Once he had, he stood, focused his Mangekyou, then stepped to the right, feeling immensely satisfied to sense its absence from his body.
At least now Black Zetsu couldn’t use it to control him.
Next came the White Zetsu attached to him. Obito forced them out of him, a much easier task than removing the control seal.
“Wh-what?” one spoke as three of them emerged from his body. “But how…?”
“Did you really think I hadn’t noticed you there?” Obito snarled at them, pulling out a kunai. “Please. I’m not the naive boy you expect me to be.”
In swift movements, he took them out. Once they were dead, he jumped back into Madara’s base, and immediately headed off for the Gedo Mazo statue. Once he located it, he activated his Mangekyou, sending it to his Kamui dimension.
“Why did you do that?”
Obito turned to see that Black Zetsu had returned.
“Because I had a change of heart,” he told him, obliquely referring to the control seal, then used the Mangekyou once more to sever Black Zetsu in half. He quickly followed up by sending the remains through to that acidic dimension that he’d discovered while searching for Sasuke during the war.
Once that was done, he had no trouble hunting down every last White Zetsu that existed, and once completed, he wondered what was next. Should he continue to find those who had contributed to war, however directly or indirectly, such as Danzou, Nagato, and others? Should he go back to Konoha? He found himself to be more than a little terrified of that last idea.
The Uchiha still lived. Minato-sensei and Kushina-nee were also still alive. Even though they all thought he was dead, how would they react to seeing him again? He knew that Kakashi had been devastated as he lost comrade after comrade. The old Obito thought he deserved it, for letting Rin die. But really, it was his own fault in the first place, blabbing to Madara all about Rin. Her death was on both their hands.
He was hesitant to return, worried about how he would be received, especially at this point. If it was known he was alive, well… Technically that would make him a nukenin. He supposed he could play the ‘I was a prisoner’ card, which wasn’t all that far from the truth. He’d only gotten out in time to witness Rin’s death because Madara and Zetsu had orchestrated it.
Feeling mentally and emotionally (and perhaps temporally) exhausted, Obito ended up deciding to sleep on it. Come morning, he would either return to Konoha, or continue working from the shadows, this time in order to prevent the type of war he’d waged the first time around.
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quietlysatan · 5 years
An Invincible Summer - ShanaStoryteller, AO3
Link: Here!!
Rating: T for read the warnings, but don’t worry too much because of them
Favorite Quote(s): I legit wanna tattoo this next quote on me somewhere
"Oh, the things that can be accomplished through ignorance of their impossibility," 
And this Straight Up Fact
“There’s no such thing as cheating as long as you win,” Natsu says, and the brat’s not wrong.
This one’s just funny
“Chouza,” Inoichi forces himself to say evenly, “Your teachings produced Ebisu and goddamned Gai.”
“Genma’s pretty normal though,” Chouza sighs, “I never could get through to that boy.”
Gently Gai casually caring about Kakashi’s well-being is my entire reason for living, speaking of which if someone wants to come be my Gai that’d be really fucking nice because us Kakashi’s don’t do too well on our own
He hesitates, but says, "Not that I do not find your newfound mentorship to be a most youthful endeavor, but -"
"I don't know," Kakashi interrupts his friend, "I met her while she was taking her genin exam and she, I don't know, adopted me or something. She just keeps showing up."
Gai nods thoughtfully, "Stubbornness is a useful skill to have when trying to cultivate a friendship with you." Kakashi elbows the other man, but doesn't protest besides that. "She's a good cook."
And this one because I love it when people Get It, ya’know?
That's really why he won't say anything, why he won't reveal that the Kyuubi's container and the fourth Hokage's child is still alive: they already killed him once. Naruto and Shikamaru are the same age, they would have been in the same class, and the idea that anyone could want to harm his innocent, precious son makes his blood boil 
And this one, for accuracy
"This sounds like a most youthful endeavor. I will bring Anko! She will fan the flames of youth in our young Konoha blossom!"
Both Itachi and Kakashi look at Gai, horrified. "Please don't," Itachi says weakly, like he knows it'll fall on deaf ears but he has to try anyway.
"Don't worry," Gai attempts to assure them, going into his Good Guy pose, "They will produce youthful flames of feminine excellence!"
"They're going to burn down Konoha," Kakashi says flatly.
Gai's hair and teeth sparkle in the sunlight, and he doesn't attempt to deny it.
Another important one
"The world is a terrible place," she says, and she has to swallow before she speaks again, "and it's full of terrible people. But I don't have to be one of them." 
I love that Natsu-chan has great balance, this is my number one favorite character trope, and I wish more people would write it
She bends down to look at him upside down, and Itachi can feel that she's not using chakra to stick onto him, and sometimes her balance just isn't logical. 
I just love the idea of tiny genius Naruto, and I love that Natsu-chan is a seal master at like, fucking seven and a half lol
Itachi knows it's actually far more complicated than that, but just as he does not tell her minutia of the past shinobi wars in their history lessons, she does not overcomplicate her explanations of sealing. Usually he's grateful for that, but when she appears to break every known law to sealing and chakra, he's not.
"That's," he blinks and he's not going to tell her it's impossible because it clearly isn't, "new," he settles on.
A mood honestly
Inoichi now feels the urge to bang his head against the table top, because 'a huge pain' to Natsu is 'literally impossible' to everyone else.
Another mood honestly
Inoichi watches his former genin dig in with resignation. “When are you guys going to start picking up the tab? Feeding you all isn’t cheap you know.”
Hana swallows her mouthful, “Sensei, I am but a lone healer’s apprentice –“
“I have been a chunin less than a month,” Kabuto pouts, wounded, “and already you seek to profit-“
“Do you have any idea how much sealing paper and ink costs?” Natsu demands.
“Okay, okay,” Inoichi grumbles, but it’s not very effective considering he’s smiling, “I take it back, jeez.”
Okay so, since this is a 100k+ word fic, I’ve been doing this thing lately literally just now on this fic review where I only feature quotes from the first chapter (Depending on length.) but, I’m making an exception because I’ve never seen these three characters and my thoughts on them summed up so well by someone I don’t know which is to say anyone, no one I know cares about my interests really lol
"Maybe a little," he admits grudgingly, "Sakura's really smart, but she acts dumb for some reason. And her endurance is really bad. She probably would have been failed on that alone if she didn't have such good aim with shuriken. And Sasuke's good at like, everything, I still don't get why he didn't graduate earlier. He's just so-" Kiba rubs his hand over his face.
"So what?" Hana prompts, even though she's heard this particular complaint before.
"Sad," the genin sighs, "He's miserable all the time, and he works hard and if you yell at him for long enough he'll work with you, but - crap, I don't know. He's got this really great poker face so you think he's just a big jerk, but I can smell his emotions, the big idiot, and he's just this sad lonely kid who won't listen to anyone."
Hana hums, because if she opens her mouth she'll probably start cursing the Hokage and his dumb rules and his dumb ideas, and that is not the type of thing that leads to a long life.
Just one last quote because dudes, guys, pals, friends of mine it’s important and you should all stop and read it.
 “Thanks for being cool with – everything. I’m really happy you’re not mad at me for not being honest with you.”
“You are my friend,” Gaara says warmly, “and you have always been honest about that.”
Words & Chapter(s): 136,306 words of greatness, and 6 full chapters of nicely done completion
Summary: When Naruto is five, he's gutted by a drunken civilian and presumed dead.
Six months later a girl with ash pale hair and dark blue eyes enters the Academy. 
(Guys I swear on my cool as fuck username, and all around internet personality as practically satan and probably Lucifer and whatnot that nobody we like stays dead or severely injured)
Score: 13, this is one of my favorites for a reason, this is actually my second technically third time rereading this in as many weeks
Pairing(s): Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka, background Haku/Zabuza, but don’t worry anything you’re thinking of is addressed quite nicely in the fic ultra background but still there’s a lot of relationships and I’m not going to tag them all
Warning(s): Naruto technically dies more than once because this is Naruto we’re talking about but they also technically don’t??? You gotta read it, but basically temporary character death, only the bad guys stay dead in this one.
Nobody knows that Naru-chan lived so there’s that angst for you, however, to be fair it’s not like this whole story is just characters mourning and crying and whatnot, at this point it’s mostly just passing thoughts and memories which, again, to be fair, does almost feel worse at times... Huh, regardless it’s not overly angsty
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Kakashi is adopted whether he likes it or not by Natsu-chan, we love both of our emotionally fucked over fair-haired ninja in this house so you won’t have to worry about that sorta fic coming outta nowhere from me BTW... but anyways, Kakashi freaks out a bit, much like the abused dog he always reminds me of, but Natsu is the sweetest and most gentle, yet forceful person he could’ve possibly caught the attention of. (This is canon)
The Akatsuki are still bad, BUT ITACHI ISN’T technically SO WHO FUCKING CARES!!!! (The Massacre still happens tho...)
Mentions of The Flower District and what that implies, and also things a Kunoichi might definitely do
Oh my fucking god the Hyuga... Who would willingly do something so horrible as that? Of all the things... Warning for... The Hyuga branch family situation, it’s dealt with nearly as soon as we are informed but, gods, my blood ran cold, and my face whited out, my sister thought someone had died when she saw my face haha,,, who the fuck does this? And do they die? In canon I mean? I think I only watched up to the chunin exams or Pein’s attack, I can’t remember which tho...
Natsu cries because people are nice to her sometimes. And honestly that’s fair, I burst into to tears once because I imagined someone kissing my forehead softly so, Natsu is completely valid... Sidenote, I’m touch-starved and have no cure for this beyond younger siblings and my cat because I don’t have the ability to ask my mom for a hug without literally gross sobbing and I have A Thing about embarrassment sooooo... yeah if anyone has some therapy justu for me that’d be nice
Mentions of Gross Men that apparently want to have Natsu’s increasingly growing collection of the absolute most dangerous people she can befriend pay them a visit. And by that, I mean an old fuckwit has the gall to leer at a TEN-YEAR-OLD and a FUCKING THIRTEEN-YEAR-OLD!!!!!! Ugh, I hate those kinds of pathetic worms.
On that note, there is technically underaged things going on, but they are also Ninja soooo???? They’ve killed people and are technically in their version of an army, and by the laws of their lands they’re all adults, actually I’m pretty sure by shinobi life expectancy Kakashi is middle-aged, Inoichi is a senior citizen, and Hiruzen is a walking corpse tbh
Alcoholism??? I don’t really think it is but I’m not sure, but some characters do drink often, and usually when stressed courtesy of Natsu and co. but still... I don’t actually know if it is because it doesn’t actually happen much, more like every few weeks/months
Mentions of past sexual assault, and attempted past sexual assault, neither happen in fic or to any of our main characters, the experiences are not graphic though they do talk about it in chapter five, it’s not to graphically described.
Also, a bunch of off-screen lemon
A Thing (That I copy-pasted from the author so that all of you will see it and not say a single word against it.): If you thought Natsu was too mature for her age - she has seen and been through some really horrible shit. But also: my cousin has, since he was like 4, hung out with kids that were about 4 years older than him because those were the kids that were in his neighborhood or whatever. Point being, even after he started school, his main group of friends was consistently older than him. He very quickly adapted to that, and to this day (he's 12) hangs out with that same group, and considers children his own age 'kids' because he adapted to the behavior of the group he was surrounded with. I hardly believe Natsu would be any different.
And also
4. Quick little note because some people mentioned liking my portrayal of the Sandaime. I base his decisions/motivations (and Itachi and Danzo's to a certain extent) around this quote by Clementine von Radics: "It is so hard to live half monster, to hurt everything you love by trying to protect it wrong."
Pros: Watching Natsu just casually disregard the idea of gender with little to no thought is the greatest thing anyone will ever experience beyond, I dunno, the party we’re all gonna collectively throw when soggy Cheeto dies (I still haven’t decided which song we should make chart number one when that happens)
Given that I’ve technically read this three times you should already know the writing is fucking amazing, like, whoa, mind blown type of amazing, like, wow, so good, I usually hate rereading something I’ve read before, and especially so soon after the fact but geez Louis is this fic amazing
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Natsu is just as easy to fall in love with as Naruto, and they are still the same people with slightly different personalities as is to be realistically expected with a situation like Naru’s was.
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The author manages to convey a very realistic genderfluid character in an incredibly believable manner, while also still keeping Natsu/Naruto themself. They’re still the Naruto that we knew and loved, but they’re different too, as is to be expected. when Natsu is a girl no-one stumbles, she is a girl without a doubt, even the author doesn’t trip up on societal expectations, and when Naruto is a boy there is next to immediate acceptance of this fact with absolutely zero (0) Zero bullshit from transphobes, which, as a genderfluid person myself, is always fucking nice to see. You’ll have to read it to know more though.
Natsu running around creating seals is honestly the greatest thing ever, and the end scene with the village made me cry a lil bit, and dammit this fic is so fucking good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, there’s a scene, where Natsu heals Kakashi, and the way the author handled explaining the intimate not sexual relationship between two of my favorite characters ever is just, so subtly beautiful, the sibling-bond these two have is beautiful, and a part of me wants to cry sometimes when I read it, and usually do cry a little when I get to this scene, and only partially because of what happened directly before it.
I love the way everybody just gets up and moves past their trauma and just decides to politely ignore it, oh they still have it, they still deal with it, but they care, and they are careful about it, and even though it hurts them like a knife-wound to the kidney in slow-motion they still get back up and keep fucking going. That’s hella admirable and I can respect that, I can respect even more that they slowly but surely let themselves heal as time moves on. This fic is beautiful on so many different levels but it is this one perhaps, that is the most magnificent. Perhaps.
Sasuke is adorable and depressing and adorable and I love it. And Ino is still a bad bitch but she’s a kid so we only see it like a handful of times in the first two chapters. The Akimichi/Yamanaka/Nara are all great, and I occasionally pity Inionchicause like, he’s putting up with a well-informed seal genius that’s still hyper, a slightly frightening medic-kunoichi with giant dogs, another slightly more frightening medic-nin who isn’t the greatest fighter but damn can he be intimidating and also really good at pointing out “Certain Things” while judging you about them which, honestly, is my greatest pastime. Itachi is so sweet and then so tragic oh my gods, and Natsu never even considers giving up on him. Kakashi is so sweet, and he slowly becomes less of a beaten dog as time goes on and I just love all of these characters.
Except for Hiruzen. Well, no, I still love this particular incarnation of Hiruzen, for all that he’s got one hell of a pathetically small backbone, I get why he does shit. But that doesn’t make me happy. Still, he’s better than dumbledouchebag. Granted that’s not difficult, and you might have to actively put an effort in to be as bad as that guy, but still. Plus, his hearts in the right place, and he’s less about the greater good then... certain disgraces to teaching and being in charge of a large group of people... Hiruzen is actually kinda sweet and admits he has issues and actually has an excuse that’s understandable for the shit that he pulls which is great, if sadly uncommon.
Anyways, Sakura is terrifying, and I remembered why I had a crush on her. She’s so badass, also, she ends up Princess Mononoke basically which, honestly, is fucking great, and the best thing we could’ve asked for, I love all of these characters so much!!!
Aesthetic: It reminds me off beefy stew (We don’t eat beef, so we used vegan soy beef stuff instead, and it was just as good.) it reminds me of the warmth, and friendship, and home that I felt after my mom and I make dinner together with nothing but a little music on and jokes passing back and forth between us. It reminds me of scraping my knee and having my friends help me to their mom, it reminds me of loyalty and compassion. It reminds me of dancing outside at night, alone in the forest with nothing but the moon for company and wind for music. It reminds me of the first time I realized that I could love someone despite their gender and that I should despite mine. It reminds me of finely spun handmade lace, and all it’s delicate while also reminding me of the sturdiest of steels, it reminds me of so much. It reminds me of acceptance, and understanding, and so much more. If I were to say what food and drink it reminds me of, I’d say chicken noodle soup, and sweet lavender-lemon tea.
Music Aesthetic: So, I made a playlist while I was reading this the first time around, and instead of a gif or twenty like I would usually prefer to do I’m going to add that playlist. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbhXmTSBbAyjk0m1b4BZUp3t0RHL83LDK
But if I were to add a gif or two it’d be these
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Because something about this fic reminds me of rainy days with tea and baggy clothes.
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Every time Natsu/Naruto decided to fight ever, to be honest.
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Crazy - Chapter 22 (Previous Chapters)
Rated: T
Chapter Summary: April takes off with Casey and Raphael is not prepared to confront the possibility that he was right all along…
"Hmm…that's rather peculiar…" Donnie muttered to himself; index pushing his glasses further up his snout as he stared at the alarm system near the entrance of the lair. Thick fingers rubbing the nibbled wires between his digits and staring upon the destruction that was caused.
It had been three days and the alarms within the lair had been sounding at all random times of the day and night.
Yet when the group arrived at the source, whatever had been there to cause the damage was already long gone. Simply maddening and confusing for all involved as they tried to figure out the source of the problem. Even the security cameras they had up had been glitching out during those times and these occurrences were getting more and more alarming and frequent…
"What is it, Donnie?" Leo asked, peering over the genius's shoulder.
"This is the fifth time this week; exact same scenario occurring." Donnie mumbled, eyes trailing over the damage on their security panels, "Whether it was the security panels or water heater…last week was the electricity bracket going out…I just don't understand how the blizzard, as intense as it is, could case this to happen so frequently…" his voice dissolved into mutterings as he got lost to his work and his three brothers and their rat father looked on.
"Ya can fix it though, right?" Raph asked, rubbing at his blurry eyes. His sleep schedule had been absolute hell. The situation with April was bad enough and now he had to deal with all of this shit on top of it.
"Certainly. I just need a good seven hours to redo all the wiring, electrical hookups, exchanging the paneling, and-"
"Alright. We get it…" Raph grumbled, sorry he asked.
"Yikes, bros. You think we got some huge, mutant super rats with a vendetta against us?" Mikey asked as he looked over Donnie's shoulder.
Splinter cleared his throat.
"Nah, not like you, dad. Just a huge rat infestation problem I bet! Right, Don?"
"No…" Donnie muttered. "I doubt it's any sort of rodent. I've placed multiple traps but they never alarmed and there's no feasible evidence of any sort of infestation. If it simply was a rat infestation, we could have identified corpses, traces of hair, droppings, etc. …but there's nothing to indicate anything of the sort is present."
Leo's brow ridges furrowed, "…they could have just not left evidence - couldn't they?"
"Highly improbable. They're not the cleanest creatures." Donnie shrugged almost helplessly. "If it was a rodent infestation, they would definitively left some evidence behind….but…it just doesn't make sense…"
"...So, what do we do, Donnie?" Leo asked.
"Monitor the situation as best we can." Don shrugged, "There's not much else we could do. I'll go ahead and set up more surveillance equipment and traps; perhaps they're mutated from the mutagen spill we had a few months ago. Although highly unlikely, I propose that may be the problem as little of a chance, I suppose anything is possible. Not exactly probable, but possible." Donnie let out a sigh; scratching at his mask in sheer frustration and lack of sleep that haunted all of them.
"Thank you for your tireless efforts to remedy the situation, Donatello. Your work is very much appreciated." Splinter spoke up as he approached his genius son and placed a hand on his arm.
"Thanks, dad." Donnie sighed but flashed his father a tired smile.
"I'm sure you're doing your best, and please, if there's anything your brothers or I can do to help, do not hesitate to ask - and they will do ask asked. Am I clear, my sons?"
"Hai, Sensei." Leo, Mikey, and Raph replied with a slight bow.
"Good. Run along now, there's quite a bit to do. Might as well get started." Splinter ordered; the whip of his tail had the turtles jumping into motion.
Raphael took a long, shaky breath as he exited the shower; steam licking at his scales as he wiped off the excess water that remained attached to his hide.
The day had been long and arduous by the time they finally fixed what was necessary. It was only obvious that a hot shower was in order after all the strenuous work he'd been put through today. Lifting heavy material and clearing out new areas of tunnels to add more security cameras and back-up generators. Donnie could be a bit melodramatic and panicky in situations where the electricity (especially his computer monitors) were endangered, so it was only obvious he'd put in back-ups in case there was another incident later on.
"No such thing as too prepared!" his genius brother's motto weighed in on his tired mind.
As strange as the past few days had been with the failing equipment and damage, there was one thing that was forever constant in the forefront of his mind - April. Let's face it, these past three days had been hellish for him. Dealing with his own emotions and Mikey's words still fluttering around in his mind and he was still trying to figure it all out.
Trying to understand what his next move, if any, should be.
Raph was just so damn confused by it all! Trying to explain away all of April's touching, spending time with him, bringing him food and drink, asking him over, calling and texting him, and treating him kinder than should have been necessary. Spending the better part of the past few days trying his damnedest to wrap his head around the small gestures she made. The tender caress of her hand on him when she thought he was asleep. Hugging him around his neck, brushing her nose over her, and the one time she kissed his cheek…it was all just too much to absorb at once.
Allowing his heart to calm a bit, Raphael finished wiping off his body before putting on his clean clothes and dumping the dirty ones in the overflowing hamper.
"Fuckin' Mikey." Raph growled under his breath upon seeing the mountain of dirty clothes and knowing it was his youngest brother's turn to do the laundry this week, "Always makin' me pick up after dat little shi…" he started but his voice drifted off.
Silently recalling that conversation with his youngest brother and that was there it hit him the hardest. For Michelangelo to be so forward; to say words that he would have never believed would be uttered from anybody; let alone his absent-minded little brother… A sudden pang echoed deep in his chest and he allowed a breath to escape from between his lips. Temporarily swallowing his anger, he picked up the hamper as well as a few stray clothes littered around before heading to the laundry room.
Once there, Raphael began wordlessly separating the whites and darks and placing them in different piles before dumping one set into the washer. Screwing off the top of the detergent and pouring the correct amount in, he started the machine. As he stared down into the churning motor, Raph allowed his mind to wander. To think about things he'd been putting off for days; facing facts and options he really didn't want to deal with but they flooded in anyway.
Before long, his head began to ache and he knew a full nights sleep was in order. Yeah, it was barely after 6 o'clock, but dammit, he was tired! Pushing away those thoughts he'd rather face more rested, he entered the main area of the lair and heard something he was not prepared for.
"You busy, Raph?" Donnie asked and the red-banded brother clenched his jaw. Forced to stop mid-step on his way to the bedrooms was not exactly welcomed right now.
"Nah. I was gonna patrol for awhile to get some air." Raphael lied. That was typically the easiest route; couldn't a guy just get some shut-eye without being interrogated?
"In that case, do you mind swinging by April's place and fixing her dishwasher? When she called me tonight, she sounded pretty damn desperate."
Raph froze; body in a state of limbo as Donnie's question left his throat. Thinking back these past three days, he realized now that he hadn't received a single message, text, or even missed call from the pretty brunette. Whereas she would contact him multiple times a day, she hadn't reached out to him at all since that night…and yet, Donnie spoke to her?
April called his brother - but not him…?
…his heart suddenly clogged his throat.
"You can do it, right? Or am I gonna have to go?" Donnie's sardonic voice was deadpanned as it broke through Raph's clouded mind and he immediately clenched his jaw and fists to keep from smacking the smart-ass Donatello into next week.
If there was anything Raphael hated more, it was being demeaned - something Don knew all too well and sometimes he liked to get under his shell to make him squirm. Raphael didn't exactly blame him as he took in Donnie's purple bagged and red-rimmed eyes. Ultimately chalking it up to Donnie's bad mood from lack of sleep - it always tended to make Don a little less pissy than a rabid coyote with a huge, cutting vocabulary.
"Don't fuck with me, Don." Raph growled, "Ya know I can."
The genius didn't bother a response; just shrugged and motioned to a nearby tool kit before going back to work on something or other.
Raphael left the lair in a huff.
The air, if possible, seemed further chilled than last time.
Harsh winds and sleet digging into his scales and he inwardly cursed at his predicament.
Raphael was not at all prepared to face April tonight - hell, probably not for at least a week, but here he was. Slowly moving toward her apartment as fast as the blizzard was allotting him. It didn't take him as long as he would have liked when he soon found himself atop her apartment and scaling down the fire escape.
In front of her frosted window, he peered inside. April was no where in sight when his knuckles subconsciously rapped on the pane and he waited in silent anticipation for her to open it. Silently preparing himself what to say; never could have predicted what awaited on the other side…
"Thank God you're he - Oh! Raph?! H-H-Hey." April said with wide, confused eyes; the brunette appearing apprehensive and nervous as she lifted the window for him to enter.
Raphael didn't think too much of it since April had been under a considerable amount of stress lately with her job; so ignoring the tone of her voice, he slipped in through the window. The wonderful warmth of her apartment a welcome change to the blizzard happening outside.
"Hey. How are ya?" he asked, placing the toolbox on a nearby kitchen counter as he wiped some excess sleet from his massive shoulders.
"I-I'm fine - b-but what are you doing here any -" April started but was interrupted when someone else in her apartment made their unwelcome presence known.
"Hey! Raphael! What's up, man?" Casey fuckin' Jones slipped into view and Raphael's stomach plummeted into his bowels. "Haven't seen you for awhile. How have you been?" the vigilante asked with his hand out offered for a handshake; seemingly not caring about the hostility reeking of Raphael in waves.
Raphael tried his damnedest not to show his dissatisfaction at the man's presence but it was fuckin' hard not to.
Just what the HELL was he doing here?!
Raphael knew it was stupid to ask that for Casey had been to April's on numerous occasions, even alone, but Raphael did not ponder that in fear he'd murder the man in cold blood just for breathing the same air as April. But this was strange for him to be here considering how things were going between himself and the brunette recently, at least in Mikey's opinion and perhaps his if he allowed himself to think about it further. The last person he expected to see at her place was the wannabe detective - yet, here he was.
"Nothin'." Raph grumbled out a reply, hoping one word answers would halt this unwanted conversation-in-progress.
"Aw, that's a damn shame. Haven't cracked any good skulls lately?" the charismatic Jones asked with a breathy chuckle and Raphael's fists itched to punch him in his pretty boy face with all those perfect white teeth flashin'.
"No, but I plan to..."
April butted in quick when the conversation seemed to be growing worse, "Hey, Raph, what are you doing here? I thought Donnie was going to come fix my dishwasher." April asked, probably completely unaware of how unbelievably rude she sounded.
"He was, but got caught up tryin' to fix our security systems and since I'm da only one else who could do it, I figured I'd come over for ya." he responded, surprised he wasn't grinding his teeth at just how uncomfortable all of this was.
"Wait…You can fix my dishwasher?" she asked and Raphael's heart ached at the question and her insinuation he was somehow incompetent.
"Course' I can!" he growled.
"Well, I've told you about it a half a dozen times that it was a piece of broken shit, yet you never offered to fix it before."
"Ya never asked me to!"
"Was I supposed to? I-I've told you how frustrated I've been with it and…" April voice trailed off as she sighed, dainty fingers squeezing the bridge of her nose.
Raphael was silent as the words came from her mouth. Never had April spoke to him as she was doing now; she seemed tired, stressed and angry for no apparent reason. Eyes lifting to the clueless vigilante staring nearby, he supposed that could very well be the cause and that depleted any confusion on his part.
"Look. I'm sorry, Raph. Thanks. Um... I was just on my way out, so sorry if I can't stick around to help." April muttered, brushing back her hair off her shoulders as she barely spared him a glance.
"'S fine. I got it. Yer leavin' too, right?" Raph grumbled toward the human male.
"He's the reason I'm leaving." April explained, suddenly sounding a bit more chipper, "Me and Casey are heading out but if you need me, just call me on my cell."
Raph was too shocked to speak as Casey interjected.
"Yeah, dude! Too bad you can't come too. It's my big local hockey playoff game and I'd rather not ask my poor elderly mom to come, April was kind enough to offer her support."
"Hmm. I dunno, Case. I may just be rooting for the other team." April laughed and Raphael hoped his face remained calm even as his heart staked permanent residence in his throat when Casey laughed; suddenly moving his arm around April's shoulders.
It only slightly alleviated when April promptly pushed his arm away but in that playful way she did it only intensified the growing pain in his chest.
"Heh. Yeah. But anyway, we're gonna be late if we don't get going." Casey chuckled, eyes suddenly glued to Raph's. "It was nice seeing you, Raphael. Don't be a stranger, okay?" the detective asked with his hand offered but Raph did not have any intention on shaking it.
"..." Raph was too lost in his own musings and heart being squeezed distressingly to really react to anything but the intense pain.
"Alright. Uh, anyway… I'll see you later, Raphael." Casey chuckled, moving to grab his coat by the door as Raph was suddenly left alone with April.
"Sorry for running out on you like this, Raph." April seemed like her normal self in those seconds, "If you want something to drink or eat, there's some soda and snacks in the fridge. Help yourself, alright?"
Desperately afraid to speak in fear he'd say something egregiously stupid, Raphael just stiffly nodded.
"Great. See you!" April smiled, turned around to leave but froze for a second. She turned around to face him again; a flash of something he didn't catch in her eyes as she spoke again, "Um…maybe if you're still here when I get back - we could, um…Tell you what, I-I'll just see you then. …okay?"
"Ape! I'm gonna be late!" Casey announced; voice carrying from where he'd exited her apartment and was waiting in the hall. The nickname he gave her had Raphael's intestines twisting uncomfortably.
"Coming!" She shouted back at the detective before her eyes met Raph's again. A sudden hand was gently placed on his forearm and his heart accelerated without his permission.
"Thanks, Raph. I'll see you later, okay? W-We'll catch up; just wait for me, alright?" beautiful smile lifting the edges of her pink lips. With a soft pat on his arm and a spin, she headed out the door with a wave. A click of the lock and she was gone.
The flowery scent of her long, flowing hair infiltrating his nostrils prolonged after she had already left. Heart hammering uncomfortably in his chest, he felt strangely at ease by her words. April would be back later on - she said she would. They were only attending a hockey game after all - something her and Casey were known to do together. It would be like all those other times and she'd be home within hours - that was it. Raph was certain it was.
Encouraged, he slowly got to work on her dishwasher; taking his time with multiple breaks to watch a little television or take something out of the fridge, he soon found himself watching the clock rather than the late night news or the few sporting events.
Raphael watched as the minutes and hours ticked by until it was midnight.
The dishwasher was long since fixed and he was on his fifth soda. Steeling himself with excuses of overtime and maybe they went out for a bite to eat afterward. Raph still waited even as it became after two o'clock and he'd eaten the remainder of some re-heated old Chinese take-out she had left.
Soon, he found himself pacing back and forth; steps heavy and loud. Her downstairs neighbors probably thinking she'd acquired a pet elephant but he didn't care at all right now as more time slipped through his fingers.
A strange pain building in his chest as four o'clock came and went. Nervous and full of trepidation as the sun began rising and filtering through her frosted windows…
...and still, April never came home...
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talesofgrandia-blog · 5 years
Call to a Curious Wager, part 1
I was just observing over Grandia as usual. But then from the grounds below, I heard a voice calling up. My existence among the people was not unknown, but everyone knows that I don’t normally interact. But this one seemed willful enough to call out loud enough that I could hear them from above. I wonder what this is all about. (author’s note: anything in Italics is considered to be spoken from me, Lazarin, to the reader.)
I’ve once that there would be many lulls of action amongst the worlds at a time. But I was soon almost completely proven wrong. I rested amongst my lens in the stars watching upon the worlds below once more. Keeping an eye and record of major happenings. Occasionally just relaxing for a moment to look upon the stars around me. Still wondering when this game will end and Astarah make her return. At this point I did indeed miss her presence. She was the one that imbued me with this power attunement and ability about two thousand years ago.
But as I digressed in my solitude, I heard a faint cry. It sounded like it came from a very far distance. Odd, I never usually hear anything in this small vacuum of space. But then I heard it again to curve my suspicions and I began to look and search. Narrowing it down to Run-fa. It was when I looked much closer and followed the voice when I saw him. Gizemeh Notoki was standing in the very ruins of his old home. The city of Kurai. He was the only survivor of that tragedy with nowhere else to go. It makes sense he’d go back. 
A quick survey showed he was standing in what looked like the old arena of the city. Being as big as it used to be, the city did host a wide variety of events including a tournament as a display of skill, strength and courage. I could just imagine the crowd that would gather to spectate the spectacle. But then I heard his voice again, even watching him yell it. So much will and determination to get my attention has allowed his voice to travel all the way up here and to my ears. I was both astonished and impressed all at once. So I thought to entertain this. I used my usual form of travel through teleportation of some kind. Though from my Oculoso it was in the form of an orb as I traveled. I landed in his view, appearing from the light of the orb amidst the results of an impending chaos. The arena was covered in rubble. The large square ring was cracked and crumbled in a majority of its surface. And looking around I could see of what was left of the gallery. Even still laid with the bones of a few of his people. It was enough to drive almost the most sane people to the sense of unnerving. Or even worse the feeling it would give to someone who had once lived here when it was very much alive. And that is something I very much could see in his eyes as he stared at me from across the way.
Behind him any could lay eyes on a statue of a lion that seemed to stay mostly intact looking upon us. Looking upon me as though it were even judging me in this sacred place of battle and prowess. Though I didn’t have much time to dabble in the still standing antiquities of this place. So a start with a grasp of the obvious at least to me would be a good start here. “I’m impressed. Such will and determination to get my attention that your voice almost carried through the very vacuum of space. I’m sorry if I’m impressed at this, since this is the first time it has happened. But seeing as I am typically a very busy person, what can I help you with today?” I opened up sternly to him. Showing that this tattered place was not new to me, but his ability to call to me was actually intriguing. “I have summoned you to challenge you Lazarin. To a duel.” Said this ninja, quick to the point of the reason to calling me out here. Though it did not phase me at first, I did confess it to him. “I see. By the rules I follow I have to accept this challenge. But what is it you are dueling me for? Currency? Power?” I went down the small list of usual things many would challenge me for in the sense. But he caught me by surprise. “Answers. That is what I want. I know that you can at least see all. So I want answers.” He said sternly and without hesitation. The request caught me by blatant surprise. I was not expecting that to be the wager and it completely made me curious. I even took the moment to look into him for a moment as to wonder why he would want answers. And then I saw it. I saw a glimpse of the moment he was talking about. The attack on his people. He was ambushed and was knocked unconscious and beaten. He wasn’t truly killed as he was presumed dead. Whilst his body lay amongst many dead corpses. His memory faded at that moment. He doesn’t even know the truth about his Sensei Serein Fahrin. “If it is answers you seek. If you defeat me, I will give answers to your deep questions. But know I won’t make this easy, ninja. Knowledge is just as valuable a resource as anything.” I confide to him, not even making a wager of my own. I haven’t need anything from him. But I summon forth my weapon. And in a flash of blue its hilt hovers just in front of my right hand. A rapier of sorts was my choice weapon. Very blunt all around except for its point. But my rapier’s point was more dangerous as it slightly distorted reality around it. Anything hit by it would take more damage from the dangerous part of my blade. It was my pen. They say the pen is mightier than a sword, but the pen is my sword. I thought as I looked to him. I controlled the blade mentally. But it always had to stay next to my hand even if it floated. This was power I was able to use and wield. I had no need to grab its hilt physically. “So your city’s own arena is where you chose to do this duel? Or at least what is left of it. Seems very fitting. Home field advantage. Let me clean this up.” I state as I swing my arm and swinging the rapier horizontal in front of me as a large wind passes by. And a force clears all rubble from this small arena, making it a fair duel in this. “Any special rules in this challenge?” I inquire to this warrior as I see him draw one of his blades. Holding it ceremoniously as he bowed to me in pure respect and honor. As one should in the Korai arena. As he stood he explain it to me. All with such tact as if he was waiting for a day like this to come for which he could battle here. “This challenge will be a Korakai. Not a challenge to beat the other into submission. A Korakai is another test of restraint among high strung Korai warriors. As the object to win is to make your opponent ring out. Many warriors who were too heavy for their own good, and were dismissed. As making your opponent give up, would cause both to fail their test in this ring.” He looked to me afterward, already readying himself into a fighting stance with the single blade. It was a unique set of rules for warriors of a place who used to be very brutal in their techniques. But I knew that tactic was to draw in the much more level headed fighters into their ranks, allowing them to give leniencies to a few of the men. But that didn’t last too long until Serein got into the mix. “I understand. And I am ready when you are.” I was ready. Standing sideways in a bit of a fencer’s stance towards him. My rapier floating and awaiting the command of my normal arm. “Let this duel. Begin.” My voice echoed on that last note as to give official annunciation to this event as Gizemeh wasted no time dashing towards me. I had foreseen this and easily blocked his strike with my rapier. The clash of metal rang out around us as he quickly backs up to be ready for another attack. But oddly, sheathing his blade. “It’s going to take more than my blades to get past your defenses. I must use my more powerful techniques.” he said as I took it as odd. But I made an attack anyway. Allowing myself to air dash close to him, but not using my rapier I attacked him with a kick. My leg backed by a bit of my energy to add more impact. And a loud crash is heard as my kick was caught with Gizemeh’s bare hands, of which he used to counter me, and sending me spinning into the air. It was very discombobulating until I got my center in the air, only to be met by a ninja who had leaped above me. And that’s when I saw his potential. In the air, Gizemeh’s arm began to glow as in the next moment I was sent back into the arena floor with an impact that echoed. Clearing the fog around us. I was not worried since I could not feel pain. But that didn’t mean my form held up well.
As I stood up. I could tell that my form had near shattered. My human looking appearance had looked like it had cracked like glass. Cracks scattered throughout my face and it even appeared on my clothes as well. And Gizemeh had stopped to look at me. His right hand still cooling off from that last attack as my cracked form regenerated slowly before him. “You spoke truth. You aren’t completely human anymore.” Gizemeh stated as he had seen my cracked form. Though still ready to attack again. I could only reply and ready my next strike. I was sure to have him off his guard. “I haven’t been human for more than at least a couple millennia by now. Pain is nothing to me. Only time and passing.” I responded to him. Then I surprise him. I used his attack to gauge my own to match his. I put on my monocle over the left eye. My Oculus Arbitrae as I’ve been told its called. Or at least, its name came to me that way. And my gauge was set.
“I am using my time and my presence here as both a way to protect this set of worlds from any oncoming doom. But also as a hope for any future humans. And so far, I am most impressed. But let’s see you, a warrior, show me the determination I’ve come to expect from you.” I firmly challenge Gizemeh, pointing my finger, and thus so is my rapier. “Fine then. I won’t hold back otherwise!” He wastes no time after that sentence with an extremely fast attack with both of his blades. I swiftly and easily block them with a quick side swipe of my rapier. The speed at which I caught his attack surprising the ninja. His eyes quickly focus as I sense his speed increasing. His body using the carbanic infusion to use. He came at me with a flurry of attacks from his blade each swing getting faster and faster. I managed to keep up only slightly as his movements kept ramping up. I had to counter him and I did with a swift hard kick. Having to use every part of me in this duel threw excitement through what is my body as I countered with my own chain of attacks. Both strong and light attacks to push him back a bit. And then we came unto another lull in our attacks. Both of us pushed to a distance by our attacks. Gizemeh was showing signs of exhaustion, but I noticed a glow in his attire. It was glowing yellow by his shoulder as he seemed to get his energy back extremely fast. And with a warcry he charged me again with near blinding speed.
I matched it. Back and forth our attacks clashed with an echoing explosion all over this small arena. Both of us stopping in the center with my rapier pushing against his blades. Causing many sparks to fly everywhere around us. “We may be too even a match Gizemeh.” I tort at him. Trying to get him off edge a bit more angered with me. And it seemed to work. I could see the fire in his eyes. But something happened to end this quickly. In our clash I heard something. It echoed in my ear the voice of someone familiar. Whispering.
“There is a time to win, and a time to lose.” whispered the voice like wind. It took me a moment to process but I knew it was Epoch that said it. And his voice distracting was all it took.
Gizemeh lashed out, taking advantage of my distraction to unleash a heavy underhanded attack. Slashing my shoulder to pieces as I fly backwards by a wave of energy that came from his swords.
I fly far and land in the singed grasses and earth that lay outside the ring. But I do not delay getting up from it. I felt no pain. And my body is just a form to make me portrayable. But the cut was large and underneath was a dark and bright glowing form of my true cosmic form. The regeneration of it only took but a second to begin as my usual look slowly retook as I gazed upon the arena. Seeing Gizemeh sheath his swords and start calming down. I could sense the heat he was generating from his infusion. That combined with his will and determination, can either make a brilliant enemy, or an invaluable ally.
“I see. That we have a deal then.” I say clapping my hands as I reapproach Gizemeh. “Well fought. You would do your ancestors proud for sure.” Reassurance as I begin to form my holographic tome into my relic palm. Leaning back and floating whilst looking into it. “So. What answers are you looking for, Notoki?”
To be continued….
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