#just fucking...take your kids to the doctor as often as you are able
dredshirtroberts · 1 year
so i know getting to the doctor is hard when your insurance plan is shitty and i know it's tricky to make sure there's enough money for emergencies *and* for fun things.
but like. my parents could have tried a little harder and maybe i wouldn't have suffered my whole life and could have known what life is like when i don't have to struggle and fight through all my body's signals that something is wrong.
Also apparently eczema is a result of an over-active allergy response in your body, because my immune system is either too good or is very bad at its job. either way.
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marleyybluu · 2 years
Pedro Pascal x fem!reader
WC: 1.4k
Another quick one
Warnings: just cute fluffiness, Pedro being a soon-to-be dad, pregnancy
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lol this is such a fucking cute pic omg
"Hi YN, how are you?" One of the cast members greeted, you pushed out a smile despite the tiredness you felt all over. A bulging belly was all you were, you had two months left and you were ready for them to come and go, you loved most of your pregnancy— it was a beautiful experience for the most part. The little moments where you'd feel her feet kicking you, when she'd rotate to make herself comfortable, it was a slap in the head to realize you were growing an actual person inside of you.
"I'm great, how are you?" You conversed. "Doing good, how is baby Pascal?" You beamed every time someone referred to her as such, it was a gentle reminder that you chose the best partner to make another human with. "She is doing good, we brought some food for dad. Is he on his lunch yet?"
She nodded. "He should be in the makeup room with Bella."
Today you decided to surprise Pedro on the set of the new series 'The Last of Us.' You had told a bit of a fib this morning telling him you wouldn't be able to visit due to a doctor's appointment you had around his lunch break. Well, it wasn't a total lie you did have an appointment but it was in the morning way before his lunch, so you bought some food and drove out to the set. You were hoping he'd be excited as you were. You made your way down the hall to the makeup room, saying hi to a few people who you were fond of, you were finally approaching the room when she heard Bella, his co-star, mention your name.
"So are you excited to have a baby? Will you guys let me know when she gets here?" 
You quietly chuckled, Bella was a sweetheart and honestly the way their personality was set up you would think Pedro and yourself had created them. When you told them the news about the baby they couldn't stop smiling, texting you the next day that they could barely feel their cheeks and their reaction to being asked to be your child's Godsibling really set it in stone for you. The three of you spent a lot of time together, you loved how they and Pedro got along so you figuratively adopted them as your own.
"Yeah I'm excited, maybe a bit worried, but excited nonetheless."
You frowned. Worried about what?
"Worried about what?" Bella asked, taking the words right out of your mouth. Pedro shrugged. "You're great with kids though."
He nodded. "But it's different when it's your own, you have to be a great example of what she should be, a role model and what if I'm not the best example?"
You placed your hand on your stomach out of habit, why did he never say this to you before? You had told him your doubts about becoming a mother and he reassured you every time, surely you'd do the same for him. You straightened yourself up and knocked on the door frame peeking your head from behind the wall. "Hellooo."
"YN!" Bella exclaimed, they sprinted out of their seat leaving Pedro in the dust, and they carefully engulfed you in a loving embrace. "How's it going, honey?"
"Good, just shooting and talking to the old man here."
You looked up at Pedro who had a sheepish smile on his face, you bent your lips in attempting to hide your own grin but you couldn't help it, every time you saw him it poured a bit more joy into your soul. Bella's eye ran between you and Pedro and they grimaced. "I will leave you two to be gross, bye baby." They planted a kiss on your tummy and another on your cheek before leaving you and Pedro alone. You reached out hoping to receive a hug which he gladly delivered. He nuzzled his nose into your neck and planted a small kiss on the side. "Hi, mama."
"Hi baby, you okay?"
"Better now that you guys are here." He never left out his unborn child, often referring to you as two people now. You two pulled apart, you lifted up the brown bag containing your meals and gently shook it. "Was hoping we could have lunch together."
Pedro's eyes sparkled with love at the way you said that. "Always. No drinks though?" You closed your eyes in immediate defeat, you knew your hand felt empty but you didn't know what was missing. "They're in the car, sorry, mommy brain." He playfully pouted laying his palm out and asking for the keys. "No, it's cool I'll get them." You reassured.
"YN." That tone was stern, he barely wanted you holding that lunch bag let alone waddling back to the car for drinks, you kissed your teeth and handed over the car keys. "Meet me in my trailer?"
You agreed and watched him vanish. You took your sweet time navigating back out of the hallway and maneuvered around the set until you arrived at Pedro's trailer outside, thank goodness Alberta's weather was tolerable today, it wasn't too cold but half the time you couldn't tell anyway. The constant hot flashes had you boiling in your own sauna for one minute and freezing your ass off when it died down. You made your way inside, you huffed completely exhausted from your little trip, after catching your breath you sat down on the couch and placed the bag on the table.
As you took the contents out the door swung open revealing Pedro holding the tray with your drinks and a little bag in his hand. "Thank you." You took the tray out of his hands and placed it on the table, you nodded toward the bag. "What's that?"
"They had red velvet cupcakes at the snack table and I know that's been one of your cravings lately, so I... snatched an unopened container..."
You shook your head. There really wasn't anything he wouldn't do for you. You thanked him and placed the treat next to your food. The cushion next to you sank as he sat down, you could feel his gaze on you but tried your best to avoid it. He raised his hand and proper his finger under your chin to turn your head towards him. "I knew you were coming."
"Shut up no you didn't."
He gave you a quick kiss on the lips, you whined wanting a longer one. "Yes, I did." He replied. "How was the appointment? Everything's good?"
You nodded. "She still has ten fingers, ten toes and a big head."
He frowned. "Don't talk about my baby like that." You laughed kissing his head as an apology. The two of you finally dug into your meals, talking about what was new even though you didn't have many updates. Pedro talked about how the show was going and how much he was enjoying filming. You were proud of him, his career had really skyrocketed recently and though it kept him busy you were happy to hold down the fort for him.
After you finished eating you made yourself extra comfortable on the sofa, leaning against the armrest with your legs laid out on the cushions. Pedro chuckled at how exhausted you were, it was cute, it couldn't be easy carrying around a boulder all day. He assisted in removing your crocs and letting you rest but not before crawling between your legs and gently relaxing his head beside your belly. You absentmindedly ran your hands through his hair and rested it on the back of his head.
Slumber was near and you tried so hard to fight it but judging by how quiet you'd become, it wasn't hard for Pedro to tell you were dozing off. He planted a light kiss on your stomach with a gentle poke at your belly button which earned a kick from the baby. "Yeah, I know you're in there." You smiled at their communication. "I'm ready for her to be out here." You mumbled sleepily. "Me too."
"I chose the best person in the world to create life with, you are going to be an amazing father Pedrito. You spoil her and she's not even here yet, you've shown her so much love that at this point I am just carrying her for you and you only." 
He looked up at you figuring you overheard his conversation with Bella. "I don't think baby Pascal would've chosen us for no reason."
The reassurance gave him a bit of a boost, slowly melting away whatever doubts he had earlier today. "I love you." He cooed. "I love you too, baby."
He rubbed your belly and nuzzled his nose on the side. "And I love you, mi corazoncito." 
If you're new here (hi how are ya) I have this thing where I like to write my boys as fathers so expect a lot more of this. Especially with Pedro because... I mean, it's him. also I heard Bella Ramsey is non-binary, correct me if I'm wrong though i don't mind if you liked this fic, feel free to like this fic. Comments and reblogs are appreciated. I will be going back to the regularly scheduled program of the main 3, but we'll circle back to Papi Pedro soon dw😏 peace and love
tags: @skyesthebomb
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AITA for refusing to be a surrogate mother for my ex?
IDK if the phrasing is ok, english is not my first language and I have a headache.
This was years back but I dreamt about it a couple of nights ago so it might still bother me.
My ex(25M) and me(25F) had a 2y relationship, we had known each other since middle school but became close and dated until college.
Those 2 years were nice and lovely, I have many good memories and wish him the best.
The last months were very rough, we were having problems and we weren't communicating, I won't go deeper into that.
I didn't know he was planning to propose because marriage was not talked often or at all for that matter. So, when I cut him off, in person, well it was obviously not nice. We still talked but he was very hurt.
A year or so later he told me he wanted to talk to me in private but I kinda had a feeling so I told him whatever he wanted to say my partner would know because we talk about everything.
He was hesitant but accepted.
He revealed he had been having health issues, doctors told him he had just a few years left. What he had exactly he didn't reveal.
He told me before that, yk, dying, he wanted to have a kid but not with anyone, it had to be me. (!?!?!?)
I was... Shocked and also very worried about him, but also what?
He hurried to clarify he would pay for in-vitro procedures so he was not asking for sex, he would pay and cover any expenses, I did not have to be the kid's parent, actually that it was better if they didn't learn about me at all. Nothing would be asked of me a side from lending my uterus and an ovary.
I have to clarify he was/is very dear to me, so I was not through the initial shock of learning he would die soon.
My reaction was probably a bit intense and fucked up. I asked the following:
Why would you ask to have a kid knowing you'll be gone soon??
What will happen to our kid when you pass?
Who will take care of them?
He told me it was almost all planned, his family would take care of the kid he just wanted to experience paternity and leave "a piece of myself" behind.
I thought it was bogus.
Why make that to a kid?
I understand having a kid is a big cornerstone for lots of people but if you know your life is ending why leave a kid behind on purpose? IDK it felt wrong.
It was already WILD for him to ask me, an ex, already in a relationship and a kid, to give him a baby just out of the blue without further explanations than "I'm going to die soon".
I told him I could not answer right away , I had to talk about this with my partner. I was already leaning heavily on denying as it all felt wrong.
When talking over this with my partner I noticed I was very concerned about this not even existing kid and I would not be able to keep myself away knowing they would be orphaned prematurely. So the answer was obvious.
When meeting again I tried to be very polite, I made it clear I didn't agree with his plan and I was not going to partake in it cause I felt it was unfair for the kid.
He was clearly hurt, tried to push a bit(not violence tho) to make me understand what he was going through and how this could be beneficial for his mental health.
It all ended there, he didn't take it well and was very disappointed.
Some additional info that could be relevant, we're now on our 30's, last time I talked to him it was 2 years ago and he seemed fine but almost never answers my messages checking up on him.
Him or his family are not rich nor am I so the concern of his elderly parents having to care for the kid was also a big factor.
He was never too big on having kids when we dated, so this came very out of the blue.
So, AITA for not giving my ex a kid knowing he would die young?
What are these acronyms?
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Can you tell me what hurts? - John Marino
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Word Count - 5.5 K
Summary - Always struggling with having a abnormal menstrual cycle, and doctors not seeming to care. It sort of became the norm for you to just not really know what's going on with your body. After meeting John, you were worried if he would get scared with how sick you really got so often and run. Or would he be the one to stick around and try to help you figure out what's wrong?
Warnings - mentions of shitty doctors, a mental breakdown, some minor fighting, mentions of blood but I feel like that's a given, PCOS diagnosis
Author's Note - Thank you for always supporting me. I literally wrote finished this segment today because well life. If you have read the other segments of the 'Let me love you' series then you will know that this one is written in a different style. PCOS is one of those things that affects many different parts of life and so this segment does have more time jumps then I normally write. I just really wanted to do a good job of presenting PCOS as a whole, and not only one part.
let me love you masterlist. main masterlist.
Not having a regular menstrual cycle wasn’t something new to you. Never once in your entire life have you ever had a regular period. Fighting with doctors off and on until you ran out of willpower to try to figure out what was wrong with you. Why were you on birth control since you were a freshman in high school? Why was it if you let your body get off the medication you wouldn’t have a period for an entire year? Why would the pain from your natural period put you in the fetal position on your coach? Why was it so hard to lose weight compared to others? Why did you grow body hair three times as fast as others? And why did no one else seem to give a fuck to run the proper tests? 
Fighting with doctors since you were fifteen you ran out of willpower to fight, what was the point. Both of you knew that you had PCOS but they were too scared to diagnose someone so young with it. They didn’t want to have to tell a 19 year old at the time that you might struggle to have kids one day. So you did what you were told, you took birth control and every year like clockwork when your body becomes used to the drug, and your period wouldn’t stop for a month you would change your medicine and start the endless cycle over again.
Meeting John in your mid-20’s, he had no idea that you struggled almost fighting your body every month. Even if you didn’t have your period you still had the side effects of birth control.  Whether in pain from the medicine or crying out of frustration that you were deemed to take a pill for the rest of your life and no one seemed to care to figure out what was actually wrong with you. John still doesn’t know that your body seems to hate you not being able to regulate your own period. Both of you have only been seeing each other for about 6 months. He knew you were on the pill, and you both have been tested and have been having unprotected sex. But he doesn’t know that about once a year your body becomes a crime scene constantly covered in blood, not being able to have a maxi pad on for more than 30 minutes at a time. Although your body doesn’t seem to have any routine, the one thing it has down is when your body becomes used to the brand of birth control you’re on. Every November, your period came and it didn’t stop until after labor day, sometimes the first week of October depending when it came. As each day passed your stomach started to hurt more and more not sure if it was cramps warning you of what’s coming, or your one anxiety in the fact you were about to enter a month of hell and possibly a few ER trips before you could get in to your gynecologist.  
Sadly it was the first as you went to the bathroom to find that your period had indeed started. Sighing to yourself you reached under your sink and grabbed out a maxi pad and put it on. After you’re done using the bathroom, you go to the kitchen and grab some Advil and take 3 hoping it does something to ease the pain you felt. Cursing to yourself as you remembered that you had a date planned with John tonight to go to the movies. No longer feeling like leaving your apartment you decide to call him to cancel, and of course he picks up on the first ring. 
“Hey baby I was just about to leave my place.” sounding rushed. 
“Yeah about that..” taking a deep breath, feeling terrible about canceling but knowing that if you forced yourself to do too much now no way would you be able to last your usual month of hell. 
Johnny softly asks “What’s wrong y/n/n” it’s clear in his voice that his own anxieties are rising and you officially feel like a piece of shit girlfriend for canceling so last minute and not being able to be one of those girls who can just push through having their period. 
Closing your eyes as tight as they go, and gripping your uterus with your free hand you sigh loudly on the phone. “Johnny.” barely above a whisper. “I don’t feel so good.” trying to get the message across that you feel like absolute shit without having to tell him that your period from hell has arrived. 
“Are you sick honey? Do you need me to pick something up from the pharmacy? Can you tell me what hurts? So I can get the right medicine baby.” It’s easy to hear the shuffling in the background, knowing that he is probably slipping on his shoes now to leave. 
“It’s not that kind of sick Johnny.” you shyly admit. “I’m just on my period.” you whisper as you hear Johnny no longer making any sounds on the phone. 
“Okay well, I am still coming over.” he decided.
“Johnny you don’t have-” 
“No, I planned to go to the movies with my girl, so the movies will just have to come to her place instead. Are you craving anything baby? I can stop at the grocery store, do you need anything? I read somewhere once that a heating pad helps. Do you have one?” firing off his questions in seconds, it was sweet but overwhelming a little having someone care so much. 
“I don’t have any cravings, get whatever you want and yes I have a heating pad, but it’s too far away and I’m being lazy.” you softly chuckle your confession. 
“I can instacart snacks I’ll come straight over.” Suddenly you hear the door to his car close. “And before you protest you are in pain Y/N and you won’t grab your own heating pad that will help you so I will.” He hangs up the phone before you can even open your mouth. John spends the night with you, showering you with love, he does make faces of discomfort when you make a face that you're in pain. But he doesn’t say anything, you told him you're fine, nothing out of the ordinary. Which it wasn’t for you when you got your period. John was so sweet and caring the entire night it really did make you like him even more than you already did. Maybe even fall a little more in love with him, even though it was too early in your relationship to say the “L” word. 
Two weeks have gone by and your period hasn’t lighted up, if anything it has only gotten worse.  Thankfully Johnny has been very involved with hockey the past two weeks that when you are together, you're at least able to hide the frequent trips to the bathroom, or popping Advil like it’s candy. But tonight John asked to spend the night and as much as you missed your boyfriend you really didn’t wanna admit to him that you’ve been sleeping with a towel under you because you don’t want to ruin another pair of expensive sheets or worse get a stain on your mattress. When you tried to make excuses that you had an early morning tomorrow, he said he didn’t mind waking up with you. When you tried to say that your apartment was messy, he said it couldn’t be as bad as last week when he went to Luke’s apartment since Jack has been in Michigan recovering from shoulder surgery. When you said you didn’t have any food in the house, he asked when that’s stopped you both before from ordering in, and that he will wake up even earlier to go to your favorite bakery tomorrow. Honestly you couldn’t think of any more excuses so you reductively decided to let him come spend the night with you. 
As soon as you got home from work, you took a much needed shower and changed into some sweats. Deciding to attempt to clean your much neglected kitchen since you have been feeling like absolute shit. Starting with the dishes you loaded the dishwasher, and cleaned by hand all your pans. Wiping down all the counters, and doing a quick mop of the small kitchen floor you started to feel better. 
Just as you were dropping the water into the sink and putting the mop away, John buzzes to get into your building. Walking over and letting him up, you speak into the mic to let him know your door is open. Deciding that you're suddenly feeling lightheaded probably because your iron levels are starting to be affected. Trying to make it to the coach, you almost make it when John walks in locking the door behind him. 
“Hey I went ahead and picked up-” stopping mid-sentence when he notices you sitting on the coach hunched over in pain. “Baby what's wrong?” he asks, sliding his shoes off, slowly making his way over to you. 
Sitting up you put the best fake smile you can muster. You say “nothing just needed to stretch out my back is all.” Feeling terrible about lying but you also would have felt more uncomfortable telling John who you’ve only been seeing for six months about your menstrual problems. 
“Okay” although you know he doesn’t believe you, but you’re thankful he’s letting it go at the moment. 
You have never been more thankful that John said he was tired after practice and rather not leave the coziness of your apartment. Deciding on a movie, both of you were cuddled up together on the coach, you only have to pay attention trying to put some pressure on your uterus so it wouldn’t hurt so bad. Now John was only half paying attention because everytime you shifted to try and lessen your pain level, you subtly rubbed against his dick and now he was starting to have what was a semi into a fully hardened dick. Feeling another cramp coming you shifted your body again trying to ease the pain. But before you could, John's hands stopped your hips, his mouth going to the side of your cheekbone. “Baby if you don't stop moving I think my dick might get permanent damage.” he whines, as he leaves little open kisses down your face. 
“Oh sorry” you blush trying not to not to move your hips too much. 
“Or we could let it happen.” As he starts leaving little kisses starting at your temple and then going below your ear, his hand going under your hoodie, inching closer and closer to your waistband. 
“Johnny I can’t” squeezing your eyes shut as hard as they possibly can until you see stars because you really didn’t wanna have to tell him this now. 
“okay.” laying back down against the couch. John would never push you if you weren’t in the mood but you could tell by the tone of his voice that he was confused.
“I'm still on my period.” you shyly admit.
Sitting up more now as if his brain is doing the math, “wait didn’t you have your period like two weeks ago?” he questioned. 
“yeah.” Turning your back now to face him better. 
“Baby is it supposed to last that long?” he rhetorically asks. All you do is look down at your hands and he gives a knowing tone. “Baby, are you okay?” he asks gently, trying to hold you in the awkward way you're half laying down, half sitting down on the coach. 
“Yeah this just happens sometimes. I made an appointment with my doctor, okay.” you mumble, obviously wanting to drop the conversation and your thankful thank John lets both of you focus back on the movie. 
As the movie continues you couldn’t help squirming a little, as your back started arguing and your body suddenly felt even more fatigued probably from the low iron levels. Knowing that you should probably get some nuts or something from the kitchen. But all you can do is wince in pain, as it feels like someone is holding a sharp knife inside your stomach and every time you attempt to turn they twist the knife to cause more pain. 
“Baby?” You can hear John’s voice but you can’t process him speaking to you and breathing through the pain. Finally the pain subsides and you answer a very frantic looking John. 
“Yeah.” answering a little more weakly than you would have liked. 
“Can you tell me what hurts baby?” His brown eyes look so soft, full of care and also worry for you. His arms are going under your hoodie to attempt to deeply rub your stomach. His care made you want to cry because how can this boy be so caring. 
“Nothing, just my stomach. And I think my iron levels are low.” attempting to softly smile at your caring boyfriend but the worrisome look he’s giving you back, your smile must have looked more like you were in pain. 
“What do you need? Do you need to go to the hospital? Do you want me to grab your heating pad for the pain? You should probably be drinking more fluids love, can I get you some water?” generally asking.
“No, they aren’t gonna do anything. I have some painkillers in the kitchen and some nuts that should help with my iron levels. If you want my heating pad on my bed but you don’t have to, I can get up and grab it and the nuts.” As you go to get up, he gently places you back on the couch. 
“You must be really sick if you think I’m letting you leave this coach.” He says, leaving a kiss on your cheek and half climbing over you, half pushing you off of him. 
“What am I supposed to do when I need to go to the bathroom?” you yell to him as he disappears to go into the kitchen. 
“We will cross that bridge when we get to it.” He yells back in between the slamming of a ton of cabinets trying to find what he was looking for. 
A small chuckle leaves your lips at how demanding John is that you need to stay on the coach. “Johnny, we're gonna get to that point in a few minutes.” you tease him, although you are getting to that point where you need to change your pad. 
“Okay baby hold on.” He comes back with every single type of nut that you had in the cabinet; peanuts, mixed nuts, cashews, even peanut butter and a giant glass of ice water. Putting everything on your coffee table. 
He bent down so his eyes were on the same level as yours and he didn’t tower over you as you laid on your side on the coach. “Do you wanna go to the bathroom now or do you want me to go grab the heating pad and we can cuddle?” he softly asked, as his hand went to your hip and squeezed it while he waited for your answer. 
“Bathroom.” you whisper, slowly making your way to sitting up again.
“Okay will you please eat something first to help your lightheadedness, I don’t want you to pass out or something.” biting his lips is a nervous habit he picked up years ago back in his prep school years, a clear sign that he was having anxious thoughts due to your physical state. 
Now fully sitting up, you nodded your head no. “Johnny, I need to go to the bathroom.” your stern voice leaving no room for debate. John only let out a sigh as he turned around on the balls of his feet, now his back facing you. 
“Hop on baby.” he says he turns his head to try to make eye contact with you still at this odd angle. 
“What?” letting out a breath that could have passed for a giggle and a sigh mixed together. “I can walk Johnny.” 
“Baby please.” almost sounding like a whine. He continued softly “please let me take care of you.” he begged. 
“Okay.” Putting either leg on Johnny’s he stood up, walking you to the master bathroom. Softly he placed you on your feet when you got there. Quickly leaving so you could use the bathroom. Once you were done everything you needed to, you were leaving the bathroom, expecting to make it back to the living room where you expected John to be. 
But instead as you opened the bathroom door, you saw that John put all the nuts he got earlier, and your glass of water on a tray and it was now sitting on your bedside table on your side of the bed. He was currently turning on your heating pad for you, his back turned to you. 
Out of pure shock at how he was acting you gasped, it was enough for him to turn around in a second, practically leaping towards you asking “baby please can you tell me what hurts?” His arms closing around you pulling you towards him. 
“Nothing” you whispered. “Nothing at all. I just have never had someone care this much is all.” Holding onto him as tight as you could to attempt to share how grateful you were for your boyfriend. 
“Well get used to it.” he whispered in your ear, gently lifting you up and carrying you to the bed. “Please eat some nuts, and if you feel any worse I am taking you to the hospital.” 
“John, they aren’t going to do anything.” Not trying to pick a fight with him, but rather tell him what you already knew, even if your tone came out sounding a little condescending. 
“You don't do that Y/N.” he tried to counter argue but all you did was bring your hand to your face and pinch the skin on the bridge of your nose, trying to rub off the frustration that was starting to build up again. 
“Yes I do.” Slightly raising your voice, despite the fact that John was sitting right next to you on the edge of the bed. “This happens every single year okay. My body gets used to my birth control, I sometimes end up in the ER, occasionally for a blood transfusion an-” Johnny cuts you off before you can even finish the ‘and.’
“A WHAT?” His voice is much louder than it has been all night. “We are going to the ER, you are weak and lightheaded, and your period has been here for two weeks. What's that 14 days, you need medical attention.” 
A sigh leaves your lips as you explain to your very caring boyfriend again how they aren’t going to do anything. “Okay I only needed a transfusion once, and I usually don’t go to the ER till I hit 30 days okay. And it’s not like they give me medicine to stop it. I have to go to my doctor for that, but she’s booked up for a few weeks. It’ll be fine.” Trying to reach for him not sure if it’s to bring him comfort or yourself. “ Johnny, will you come lay with me?” Seeing his beautiful brown eyes soften. “Please” you beg, knowing you probably sound pathetic but you didn’t know if he was mad at you, thinking he could be because you said no to the hospital, still navigating the dynamics of your almost 7 month relationship. 
Nodding his head, he finally slips his shoes off not having time earlier he just realized due to worrying about you. He climbs over, turns on his side facing you and brings his hand to your cheek as you face him. 
“Hi” he whispers. “better y/n/n?” as he still lays over the covers. 
“I wish you could get closer.” you shyly admit. 
“What? Do you wanna lay on top of me baby all you had to do was ask.” Kissing you gently and pulling you on top of him. 
“No I can’t.” trying to get off of him.
“What do you want Y/N” sounding confused but also sighing, probably getting a little frustrated at the scatteredness of your mind tonight. 
“I wanna lay on top of you, but I-.” Taking a deep breath you deepen your face into his shoulder. As quiet as a mouse you spoke, “I’m scared of bleeding through my pad during the night. I don’t wanna get blood on you.” 
“It’s okay baby girl.” 
“No it’s not.” speaking at a normal tone. 
“Y/N. I am telling you that it’s okay, if you want we can use the towel I saw when I was turning your heating pad on.” 
“You saw that.” Almost sounding like you were close to tears, you face now in his neck, too scared to pull away because he would definitely see the embarrassment written all over your face. 
“Hey hey shh honey.” wrapping his arms around you, bringing you comfort for the first time since you exited your bathroom. “Please just let me love you for tonight.” he confessed as he attempted to kiss as if your face wasn't hiding. Shaking your head, yes that’s exactly what he did, turning off your heating pad. He spent the night whispering random little stories into your ear until you fell asleep, John not far behind you as the tiredness of the day lured him to sleep.
Finally today was the day of your doctor’s appointment with your gynecologist. Sadly, it had gotten to the point where you had to call out of work yesterday, because you felt so weak. It felt as if your body was rejecting you, the blood clots that were passing were huge and you felt sick to your stomach. Johnny has been staying at your place for the last week because “ I can’t leave you alone when you're like this Y/N.” So he just came home from morning skate to find you still curled in bed, half consciousness, craving sleep that just wasn’t coming. He practically shoved the phone in your hand to call out. Thankfully you had taken today off because of your appointment because there was no way you would have made it into work today. Slowly getting up to eat something and take a shower before you had to leave, surprised to open your bedroom door and hear the T.V in the living room softly playing along with what smelt like breakfast. Finally begrudgingly making your way into your kitchen you were shocked to see Johnny at the stove making breakfast. 
“Johnny, I thought you had practice.” as you softly pad your feet over to him wrapping your arms around his bare stomach, resting your head on the back of his shoulder blade. 
“I did but your appointment is today.” Speaking in a confident tone, like he didn’t need to be anywhere else. 
“okay..” Questioning your boyfriend's logic but before you could ask any questions he turns around and responds. 
“Listen you have been feeling like actual shit for weeks and I wanna support you by being there. Plus I don’t want you driving after yesterday.” Speaking in a comforting tone, it made you want to cry because you’ve never had someone care so much about why your menstrual cycle was so out of whack. 
“Oh okay go sit down baby. I made you breakfast.” excited about his creation even though you couldn’t see it. “I woke up early today, to read about foods that are high in iron to help you before we find out what’s wrong. So I had eggs and then I had a spinach salad. And before you start, just eat some of the salad baby. I know you hate raw spinach but I made a dressing that’s supposed to be good and-” Finally looking over to you with your plate in his hand to see tears in your eyes. 
“Oh no babes.” Rushing over to where you were sitting on the bar, abandoning both plates of food in the kitchen. Carefully taking the pads of his thumbs to rub comforting circles on your cheeks and wipe any tears. “baby can you tell me what hurts?” The worry in his eyes so evident as he looked down at you. 
“Nothing.” you choke out, pulling John closer to you to almost standing between your legs as you sit in the breakfast bar chair. 
“Y/N/N I can’t fix ‘nothing.” softly chuckling, he whispered the next words so soft you barely heard him. “Why are you crying honey?” 
Finally removing yourself in the comfort of his chest, “ it’s just no one has ever cared like you before.” Looking up at him. 
“Well you better get used to it baby girl. Cause I’m gonna be here until you don’t want me anymore which I pray never happens.” Both of you share a soft smile, as he glances at your lips and gently leans in to share a gentle kiss.  
John stayed with you the entire day, even at the doctor's office holding your hand as the doctor was explaining how the ultrasound worked to see if you did have any cysts on your ovaries. The doctor was in the middle of asking him to step out so they could do the test, but you just tighten in his grip. “I am not leaving unless Y/N wants me to.” he states. 
“I want him to stay please.” your voice shaking from the level of anxiety you felt in the pit in your stomach. “Please Dr. Smith” your eyes pleading with the middle age white woman. 
“Okay Y/N. The tech will be in any minute okay.” softly speaking trying not to raise your anxiety any higher. John held your hand the entire internal ultrasound whispering in your ear how proud you were doing, even though it was definitely adding to the pain you felt. He held your hand the entire way home. He didn’t say a word, just kept rubbing his thumb over your hand. All you did was stare out the window, your mind replaying the words of your doctor. 
“Well as you know Y/N this could be a couple of different things, you could have PCOS - now what kind we would have to figure out. You could have some other type of hormonal disorder and I can recommend you to a hormonal doctor. But either way Y/N I am going to be honest, based on your previous scans and bloodwork it will be very hard for you to have children one day.” Her eyes went soft out of compassion but all you could think about was how compassionate could they be when you were probably the 100th woman she ever told this to. 
“What’s the percent?” you whisper, your eyes reducing to look at John. Your relationship many be new but you didn’t want anyone else but him and you knew he wanted children. 
“It’s hard to say, we will have to wait for new scans to come in.” Dr. Smith says, as she stadn to exit the room. 
Now in the car staring at the window you let the tears fall, you might have never known if you ever wanted kids before John. But once you met him, you knew you wanted to and the fact that something that you might not have even wanted until a few months ago may never be a possibility makes your silent tears turn into a sob as John parks the car in your apartment’s underground parking garage. He turns off his car, as he buckles his seatbelt and turns to you. But you refuse to look at him, you didn’t want comfort from the man whose dreams of becoming a father you might have just shattered. 
“Y/N.” you could hear John’s scared begging voice, but you still couldn’t bring yourself to turn to him. “Y/N please don’t shut me out.” he whispered, his voice strained with pain that was the final straw that broke you turning your head. John’s head was leaning against the headrest as he looked at you, his brown eyes even darker filled with emotion. After a few minutes of you refusing to speak to him, he asked you a simple question. “Baby do you trust me?” as he leaned closer to you, as if he was on the edge of his seat. Shaking your head, yes, it was as if your body moved in an instant. Struggling to see through your tears, all you could feel was John unbuckle your seatbelt and pull you over the middle console, pushing his seat back as far as it went. Somehow you fit in the small space that was left in his lap. Both of you lost track of time, but eventually you calmed down playing with the strings of John’s hoodie, as he put one of his hands under the back of your shirt drawing random shapes on your skin. 
“Hey Johnny?” Finally feeling like you can speak despite the rawness of your voice and the scratchiness of your throat. 
“Yeah baby?” he whispers, scared that if his voice goes above a whisper you will start pulling away from him like a few minutes ago. 
“Please don’t leave me.” Putting your face as deep as it goes in the crock of his neck. 
“What?” he breaths out. “Why would you even think that?” His hands suddenly squeeze you tighter, almost as if he started becoming scared that if his grip on you wasn’t tight you would slip through his fingers. 
“I can’t be a mom and you wanna be a dad.” Although the logic made perfect sense in your brain all John could do at your confession is scrunch his eyebrows together. 
“Again what?” His hand that was resting on your thigh moving you guided your face to look at him. 
“You really wanna have kids one day but you heard the doctor what if I can’t.” you admit your fear and all it does is give you more anxiety as you await an answer from John.
“Baby is that why you’re upset?” A big smile breaking out on his face, his toothless grin as you nod your head yes. “Baby I have always said I wanted KIDS with YOU. I didn’t even have kids on the radar until that family skate where I saw you with all my teammates kids’. I never even thought about and the idea of leaving you fuck no.” Both his heads going to hold your face. 
“And baby I am pretty sure I said I wanted to have kids one day with you. If we have trouble getting pregant we can do IVF okay. And if that doesn’t work we can adopt I don’t care if our children are biologically ours or not. I just wanna raise kids with you ONE DAY, not today.” John finishes his speech and all you can do is say okay and as you crash your lips in a kiss as a thank you to him. 
A Few Weeks later…..
John held your hand the entire time in the waiting room while your doctor read your results, he practically held you when you went back to the room for the results of your updated bloodwork and ultrasound. The nerves of what was the possible next step was getting to you, you couldn’t stop your leg from shaking. John gently put the palm of his hand on your knee as a gentle reminder that you aren’t alone in this. 
Eventually Dr.Smith walked in, she told you that it was very obvious through your ultrasound that you had PCOS and she found it odd that no one had diagnosed you up to this point. She did tell you that unfortunately there was no cure which you already knew. She spent the next 30 minutes in your room, not answering your questions but John’s. When she told John that a Mediterranean diet was best for women with PCOS he immediately went to Amazon. He lightly demanded that Dr.Smith tell him which cookbooks were the best and from that moment on you didn’t really cook. John always cooked for you or with you, he even changed to a mediterranean diet. Johnny would always make sure he had made plenty of meals that you could easily heat up, or dinners that he froze that you could eat when he was on long roadies. 
Johnny always took care of you, of your intense cycles, crazy mood swings, special diet, working out with you. Although he stopped when he realized you couldn’t stop undressing him with your eyes. Johnny was with you the entire way, you felt relief not only because you had a name for what was happening to you. But because you had a support system within John for the crazy rollercoaster that you were on due to having PCOS. 
Every single day, you find yourself being even more grateful for listening to Johnny all those weeks ago when he asked you if you would just “let me love you.”
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duskier · 2 months
Someone gives fem soap a squirting dildo as a joke but now you have a lesbian who already was a horny fucking mess begging to breed you and so fuck dumb that she gets actually confused when you have to pause her humping to refill it with more cum and it takes Significant aftercare to remind her she didn’t actually get you pregnant.
(She goes begging to her teammates for some of their cum to fill her new strap with so she can actually impregnate you. She says they either agree or she breaks into a sperm bank. They can see in her eyes she’s not kidding. She will get you pregnant with her strap and she will fuck herself dumb enough often enough to genuinely gaslight herself into thinking she did a medical miracle instead of blackmailing her teammates into helping her. Her teammates learn not to bring it up because of the look she get in her eyes when they try to “umm actually” her is the scariest thing they’ve ever seen and they’re pretty sure she’d kill them just to keep her delusion of strap-based miracle pregnancy going)
Soap, standing on a rooftop, yelling into the sunset: STRAP CAN GET YOU PREGNANT!!!
cw themes of pregnancy / starting a family below
Soap absolutely is a nightmare because she's got both a breeding kink and genuine baby fever. Her family is HUGE (I'm a huge MacTavish family truther sorries) and it's like her sisters or cousins or aunt or friend-of-the-family are popping out another baby every three to six months. Soap wants to be a mom at the end of this- she never joined the military to die in service, not really- she wants to see you as a mom, too.
She wants a baby that's a carbon copy of you, and then another that's a mix of the two of you, and then one that's a little Soap. And then probably one more kid for good measure- that way when you go to amusement parks everyone will get to sit next to someone. She's got a page in her sketchbook of baby names, some crossed out over time.
Let's be real it was probably you who bought her the squirting dildo because Soap fucks like she's trying for a kid every time and that's when it devolves into a conversation accidentally full of heart and Soap cries a little- distressed she's not able to give you a biological kid.
You tell her that you could adopt, that you'd still be a real family, and that you know Soap would take care of her family. That whoever you adopt would still be loved the same. It's like magic, how the words make her calm so quickly. It takes some coaxing, but it finally gets through to her that you will have a family, one way or another.
(It would be REALLY funny if she hounds the team to donate sperm because all of them are like "this is the weirdest thing I have ever done"- they never acknowledge them donating because it irks the life out of Soap-- those are HER kids, hers and YOURS!! You lovingly think your wife is nuts to use her teammates sperm- and to fuck it into you herself rather than go through a doctor-- moreso because you know that's gonna make some chunky babies)
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forksianbeaute · 11 months
Bleed Me Dry | C. Cullen | Prologue
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𝚈𝚎𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚊 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚏𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚒𝚗 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚊𝚗 𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐.
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Warnings: This entire story is intended to be read by those who are at least eighteen years old. This chapter itself doesn’t contain any mature content, but I will block all ageless and underage blogs who interact with this post.
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It’s still early — too fucking early. The sun has not risen above the horizon just yet, though from what you have been told, you figure that it wouldn’t really make the scene look any different even if it had, since there’s a thick, dark curtain of clouds veiling the skies of Forks more often than not.
Glancing outside, you take a brief moment to appreciate the beauty of the picture that opens right behind that steamy, clearly never-washed window of the Forks Hospital’s break room. It’s something you’re not used to viewing as beautiful, but now — looking at the endless sea of dark green and gloom, and seeing how both of those elements tie the picture together whilst somehow only adding to one another’s beauty —, you’re beginning to think you’ve never seen anything as beautiful in your life.
“I would like for all of you to meet the newest addition to the team.”
It’s one of the board directors — one of those four people, who actually have a say in what goes on inside the walls of Forks Hospital these days —, who introduces you to the entire staff.
You’re not quite sure what kind of a welcome it was that you were expecting to be greeted with upon arriving, but it surely wasn’t anything like this.
A couple dozen pairs of tired, still half-closed eyes staring back at you. Unimpressed, perhaps even a little bored expressions carved onto the features of what seems that is literally every single person present. Coffee cups in the hands of most — the smoky aroma of that freshly brewed, nearly black liquid that is supposed to knock some life into the employees of this hospital now lingering in the air.
Forcing an awkward smile onto those cherry-red painted lips of yours, you say, “Hi.”
It’s not that you’re shy, or not-that-good with people, because really you’re not either of those things — you’re quite the opposite, actually —, but something about seeing those nonchalant, ‘Can we go now?’ looks on the faces of your new colleagues seems to shove every single thing you thought you could say to them down your throat — making sure that this situation is way more awkward than what it needs to be.
The board director, Samuel White, gives his throat a rather loud clear, making it evident to everyone present that he doesn’t approve of this being the kind of a welcome new employees are greeted with here, at Forks Hospital.
Noticing that his efforts don’t really make a difference — noticing that not a singular person straightens their spine, or even tries to fix the look on their face —, he sighs, the audible exhale loud enough to be heard over the steady humming of the air conditioning unit that you’re sure runs on full speed all day and all night, just to be able to keep the humidity of this rainy city outside the hospital’s walls.
“Anyway…,” he then says, bringing his hand up to scratch the back of his neck. “She’ll be with us until the end of her residency. She’s a damn good doctor and surely a great addition to the team, so… Be nice.”
It almost feels as if you were eleven years old again. Standing in front of the classroom, with a backpack full of heavy books resting on your shoulder. An awkward smile tugging the corners of your mouth upwards, while waving at your new classmates — something that the teacher insisted you do.
Come to think of it, the situation which you’re in now isn’t that much different, actually. Only now you’re standing in front of a hospital’s break room instead of a classroom. Only now the room is brimming with highly educated adults instead of kids whose parents have spoiled them rotten — who they either don’t seem to give a flying fuck that you’re here.
Though it is something you don’t notice, at one of those flimsy-looking, white cafeteria tables that someone with poor taste has decided to decorate the break room with, sits Dr. Carlisle Cullen. There is no coffee cup in his hand like there is in the hands of many others, but instead a few patient files sitting in a nice and neat pile before him, patiently waiting for him to start his day by going through them.
With both of his elbows resting on top of that god-awful table, and with one hand’s fingers curled into a loose fist that is now positioned right before his nose and mouth, he sits still — not really having it in himself to do anything else because God, that’s how good you smell. And though every single person in this room kind of does smell good to him, this is different. You are different.
He has been around for a while. He has treated more patients with open wounds than he cares to count, and thus has become very familiar with the scent of fresh blood and the iron-like tang there is to it that tickles his nostrils each time he allows air to flow into his lungs at work.
Yet still, right here and now — with the air conditioning unit circling the air that to him now smells like a mixture of fresh coffee, you and the scent of that sweet, floral perfume of yours —, he feels the need to excuse himself.
God, it’s going to be a hell of a long next few years.
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yanderecrazysie · 11 months
Breeding with Kita
This is a day late because my internet was down.
Kink: Breeding
Pairing: Kita Shinsuke x Reader
WARNINGS: NSFW, NON-CONSENSUAL unprotected sex, yandere themes
“Promise you’ll use a condom,” you demanded, hand pressing against Kita’s bare chest before he can go any further.
Kita seemed mildly surprised, “I thought you had birth control?”
“I did! But I lost it somewhere and haven’t been able to take it in a while. I have to talk with the doctor to put in a new order.”
The man tried to act surprised but, in reality, he knew that from the start. After all, he’s the one who threw your birth control pills away.
He frowned a little. He had hoped you would trust him enough to just pull out, but you were being insistent on the use of a condom. 
He couldn’t very well breed you through plastic, could he?
“Of course,” came his smooth reply. He rooted through the nightstand, preparing to lie and say there were none and, oh no, I guess I’ll have to just pull out.
But then you were handing one over to him, smiling, saying that you came prepared.
Kita tried to keep his expression from souring. You just didn’t understand what you were meant to be. You were just confused.
Kita had greater plans for you than finishing college or working your way up in some useless career. He knew where you truly belonged- as his wife and the mother of his children.
You were meant to stay home and take care of your kids, only ever leaving to go grocery shopping or to appointments. That was the traditional dream Kita had for you and he would get it one way or another.
Kita tore open the wrapper with his teeth and pulled the condom out, rolling it down his painfully-hard cock with a hiss. How disappointing. 
Then, an idea occurred to him and he bit back a victorious grin. He wasn’t going to give up. He was going to get his way.
He pushed you back onto the bed, glad that the two of you had already done all the foreplay before putting on the condom. He needed his head clear to do this right. He grabbed your legs and hooked them around his waist before sliding in with a groan.
You were always so tight, no matter how often the two of you had sex. Your walls hugged him snugly any time he pushed into you, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. 
You let out a little moan when the head of his cock purposefully brushed against your g-spot. He’d had sex with you enough times to pinpoint exactly where it was in any position. He backed up a little before pushing back into the spot at full force. You moaned louder.
Kita did everything he could to focus his thrusts into that special spot, anything so you’d reach orgasm quicker. He reached between you both to rub at your clit, making you arch your back and practically scream in pleasure.
You hit your high even faster than he’d anticipated, and he had to hold back from following you when your walls rhythmically squeezed his cock so tightly. Instead, he waited until you were fucked out enough to pull out and turn you over onto your belly, pulling your hips up into the air to meet him. At the same time, he shimmied the condom off, pretending to miss your hole a couple of times in “excitement”.
Finally free of the plastic entrapment, Kita pushed back inside, groaning the whole way. Without the condom, everything felt so much better. Your pussy clenched around him and him alone.
He wrapped his arms around your waist, fucking into you harder.
Once you were pregnant with his kid, you wouldn’t be going anywhere. And he’d make sure to keep you well-bred at all times.
He had worked himself up far too much and was approaching his own end now. Without the condom, it felt like his cock was encased in velvet.
He dug his fingers into your hips and pumped forward a few times before slamming home, holding you still as he flooded your insides with cum.
Kita smiled and waited for you to realize what he’d just done to you.
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cts-ryu-writing-desk · 2 months
Big Toy for Ivy's Big Boy
Beau met Ivy as a freshman in college. It was a slow fall but the two fell hard for one another. Over the next five years, they were a sweet loving couple. Learning each other's faults, accentuating where they shine. Ivy was the first to say it to him, she was the first to say how much she loved him. They were an adventurous couple with their hobbies, her standing at one hundred and forty-nine centimeters compared to Beau’s one hundred and fifty-five centimeters. Their eventual wedding came as no surprise to anyone. A winter wedding, a honeymoon to the mountains, their love a shining beacon for the approaching spring.
Naturally, the happy couple began to talk about the prospect of kids. As a cruel twist of fate, their doctor revealed due to complications Ivy was unable to conceive or carry a child. It nearly tore her to pieces. Beau wouldn’t let her give up hope. In this day and age, there were alternatives. Their doctor talked it over with them thoroughly, “your husband can be the one to carry your baby,” their doctor told them
Ivy didn’t know what to say. Beau didn’t hesitate. “I’d do it. I’d do it in a heartbeat if it means you get to be a mom,”
Ivy started to tear up. It would take time, and he would need a year of specialized treatments for his body to be able to accommodate his new womb for their baby to grow in. Assuming of course that his body didn’t reject the treatment. Four months in, his body was fully accepting of the treatment. His womb was forming perfectly according to the doctor's projections. Throughout his treatments, Ivy began to daydream about their baby. Wondering how Beau would look with a pregnant belly. One thing Ivy hinted at was how they were going to do it. This led them of course to experimenting.
A little spanking with a riding crop, a little rope bondage, and toys eventually lead Ivy to one thing. Ivy and Beau gave pegging a try. It started with just a simple curiosity, one loud violent spray of cum as she scraped against his prostate and sealed it - they were going to be doing this more often. It wasn’t like he had ever played with his hole before, but once he got over the initial penetration he was sold on it.
The year of treatment came and his womb, now fully developed, Beau was inseminated with an egg they generated from Ivy and his sperm. The doctor was optimistic but assured that it doesn’t always take on the first try. True to her word they went on to schedule them for two more visits. Baby finally took after the second.
Ivy was overly excited as Beau started showing symptoms. She loved her husband dearly and it wasn’t anything he couldn’t get used to or force himself to ignore. Well except for the sudden vomiting to certain foods. Not like anyone could get used to that. 
The first trimester was a nice little cakewalk for Beau. The baby was growing nicely and appeared healthy from the ultrasounds. Reaching the stable second trimester allowed them to explore themselves sexually. Their passions ignited with the boost of his pregnancy hormones. Beau felt like a teenager again, suddenly having a throbbing erection without warning. Between fucking his wife, and her pegging him he got off rather frequently. Ivy loved feeling him inside her but loved seeing how he’d moan as she’d fuck his ass.
Beau’s baby bump was getting bigger by the day, stretch marks became visible under his body hair. Ivy tried to offer ointments and lotions to help clear them up. But Beau proudly accepted these marks on his body. A memento of him carrying their baby. When they found out Beau was carrying a little boy, Ivy was overjoyed. Their first child wasn’t even here yet but Ivy was already asking if their little boy should have a sibling. “Can we wait till he’s here first?” Beau asked her nervously
He was getting into the third trimester and the wilder activities were getting hard to do easily. He needed to be comfortable and change positions often from something as simple as sitting. But they made due. Ivy planned out baby showers, and maternity photo shoots, and decorated the nursery. She got to do everything she wanted as a mother to prepare for the baby. Beau slowed down at work, resigning himself to desk work during his later pregnancy.
Their due date was coming up, but their baby seemed to think differently. There wasn’t even the slightest hint of labor. “That’s fairly normal. Your baby is healthy. There’s no need to force them out. Let them cook a little longer.” their doctor told them
Three weeks later and still no baby. Even as Beau’s birthday came there was still no hint of their baby boy coming. Ivy had one present she was hoping to give him. Beau had a hint of it. Beau had been working on finishing their sling, he took his time over the last few weeks making sure it was sturdy for the two of them to use. This was his gift for both of them. Ivy had a special one for him, a kiss on the cheek she headed to the bathroom to get ready.
Beau was finishing up. Now done with the tools he stripped down confident that it would hold. And the couch cushions he placed under it would make sure it was safe. Beau felt a little hand push against his skin. Beau gently pressed down on the spot where he felt the baby. He felt it again. A cute little smile when he heard her call out.
"Okay birthday boy," Ivy said with a warm touch of seduction "Are you ready for your present?"
Beau stood in front of the new sling bolted firmly to the frame. He was looking at the bathroom door. Ivy turned into the doorway, her supple perky breasts bouncing as she took her stance. The new shiny leather strapon attached at her hips a new deep purple ribbed dildo set in place. It was easily the biggest dildo she pulled out, most of their anal toys were rather skinny, but they were comfortable for him. But looking at that ribbed purple dildo sent a shiver down his spine. Beau was a little excited seeing her with it on. It had to be just a little fatter than his cock. Ivy smirked at Beau, seeing his face turn red and his cock twitching to attention. 
Ivy got a good view of her naked husband standing next to the sling. She got to see the tufts of hair he had on his chest and stomach. The dark body hair was unable to hide his very prominent stretch marks. Ivy licked her lips and bit her bottom lip, her lustful gaze fixed on Beau. "Wowie!" Beau couldn't help but let out
"Hehe," Ivy let out striding to him, "Does this Daddy like?"
Beau got in close, his lips hovering just above Ivy's. She could feel the heat radiating from him. With a staggered sigh, Beau responded sensually "Very hot,"
Ivy felt shivers roll down her spine. Beau didn't waste time, carefully climbing into the sling. Once into position pinned down under the weight of his baby bump Beau got his legs placed up and his ass now presenting to Ivy. Beau made sure it was low enough for Ivy to reach him, she stood in place the tip of the dildo almost perfectly lined up with Beau's winking hole.
Ivy coated the dildo in a touch of lube, a soft wet sound as she stroked up the shaft of it. She lined up pressing the tip against his hole. Beau let out a nice deep "Mmm"
Grabbing onto Beau's hip with one hand she guided the dildo into her lover. This was nothing new for Beau, his ass was hungry for the sensation. Ivy barely pushed it in yet it seemed like his ass was swallowing the purple ribbed dildo whole. Feeling her hips push against his showed how deep he could take it. 
Ivy groaned at Beau "God, I love you." 
Beau's soul fluttered with warmth. He wiggled his ass, signaling Ivy to begin thrusting. She responded by easing into it. Ivy started making slow easy strokes building in a rhythm. Beau's heavy breathing matched each thrust. Ivy went in deep, and that sent the most delicious sensation running down his spine like he was having a whole new experience.
Encouraged by his moans, Ivy got more aggressive. With a slight yank on his hips, she pumped harder. Her thrusts became desperate, matching the wet slaps of her pelvis against his ass. Ivy could see the sweat permeating from Beau's body as his face contorted from ecstasy.
"You can go harder," Beau moaned out. 
Ivy did just that. Lust surged through her veins as she gripped his hips firmly. Slamming her strapon into him, she could hear his deep moans of pleasure.
Beau's cock was fully erect, throbbing, and pulsing as it slapped against the underside of his pregnant belly. He closed his eyes, letting himself get lost in the sensations that Ivy was giving him. He could feel the baby shifting positions, and though uncomfortable he endured thinking only of the pleasure his wife was giving to him. Ivy was grunting and moaning, her panting breaths mixed with the slapping sounds of the dildo entering and exiting Beau's ass. 
Ivy lost herself hearing the hypnotic symphony of his moans, exciting her further and heightening her aggressive thrusts. Ivy felt so wet, she could feel pussy drooling down her inner thigh as she pounded away at her husband's ass.
Beau screamed suddenly. His cock helplessly leaked pre cum all over his pregnant belly.
"I... I'm..." Beau let out
"Don't hold back, cum for me!" Ivy said in an aggressive tone as she thrust with fervent frenzy
Beau's moans turned to whimpering as the pleasure swept over him like a tsunami. His cock flared up, his eyes started to roll to the back of his head, and his body tensed up one final scream was all Beau could let out as he finally burst. Threads of cum shot out of his cock with violent vigor flying up into the air. His ropes of cum landed on his pregnant belly and a little on Ivy. Beau's manly moans became more girlish as he helplessly begged her to stop. During his orgasm, Ivy kept up her frenzied thrusting. 
Finally listening to his pleads Ivy stopped. Beau was panting heavily as Ivy tried to catch her breath. Beau was still coming down from his intense orgasm. Beau groaned, feeling the baby kicking violently against the tightening of his body. Beau whimpered softly, still coming down from that orgasmic high. 
"Did it work?" she asked him breathy
Shaking his head gently Beau managed to reply "No,"
Ivy groaned in frustration. Poking gently at his pregnant belly. "This is supposed to be an eviction! You hear me?!" She shouted at Beau's pregnant belly
Beau let out a little giggle. His baby bump jiggled slightly. "He's stubborn.?"
"But he was supposed to be here three weeks ago." Ivy groaned at him
Beau placed his hand on his bump. Tracing over the stretchmarks and cum rubbing it in like lotion. "He'll come out soon enough,"
"Maybe we should use a bigger dildo," Ivy said pulling out of Beau
Quickly Beau retorted "No! We're not doing bigger. You're just trying to induce labor not crush the poor boy,"
Ivy put on her puppy dog eyes. "But I wanna see him,"
Beau asked her warmly to help him out of the sling. Ivy assisted her overdue husband to his feet. Beau spoke to her sweetly, "It's fine baby. We'll try again, I mean how hard is it to induce labor," He said rather amusingly
Ivy thought back on the previous attempts: three nights of extra spicy curry, two relaxing spa sessions, four hikes, and now eight rounds of aggressive sex. Ivy began to think their baby boy wasn't going to arrive anytime soon. 
Ivy helped Beau clean the lube and cum out of him. She wanted to climb into bed with him. She cozied up into him. She still liked being his little spoon. It wasn't long before Ivy was out cold. Beau however lay there, he could feel their little boy was resting lower than he had been days earlier. The baby was practically sitting on Beau's hip bone. 
Beau barely slept at all, the discomfort of their son on his hips, the constant feeling of needing to pee, and the onset of Braxton Hicks' cramps. In the early hours of the morning just as the sun was starting to creak through their window, Beau was waddling out of the bathroom once again. He felt like he needed to pee again. But like most of the night, nothing came. He was in a feverish sweat, his body exhausted struggling to waddle back over to the bed. Ivy rolled over arm reaching out trying to feel for Beau. 
Ivy patted around at his usual spot, shooting right up once she realized he wasn't there "Beau?" she called out quickly looking around their room half asleep.
Beau called out to her, struggling to hide his discomfort, "I'm right here,"
Ivy looked at him quickly, "Are you okay?" she asked him
"Yeah just needed the bathroom is all," Beau said
"Is he punching your bladder again?" Ivy asked him curiously as she moved to the edge of their bed.
Beau stepped forward again before he could answer. He felt something, something leaking practically gushing out of him. He looked down, Ivy looked at his feet. She could see a wetness pooled around his feet in the carpet flooring. It took them both a moment to realize what was happening. Their blank stares turn to sudden excitement. Beau cracked a smile "Guess he's finally ready,"
Ivy shot out of bed bolting around the room tossing around clothes and pulling their pre-made hospital bag ready to rush him to the hospital. Beau kept up his breathing, he knew he still had some time to go. Shuffling out of the house in a crudely fitting shirt and sweatpants. One neighbor waved at them excitedly shouting over "Is it time?" she shouted at Beau
"Yeah," Beau said waving back at her
She excitedly responded to him though Beau was trying to deal with Ivy's excitement. She got him in the car and took off. Beau said she didn't need to speed. Sitting in the back seat tracing his hands over his baby bump. The contractions had started up. He groaned in discomfort, he couldn't time out the time between contractions. 
Once at the hospital, Beau continued to struggle with his contractions for another six hours before he delivered their healthy baby boy. Nine pounds, fifteen ounces. Ivy took to motherhood instantly, she held their son close to her in a tender loving embrace. Beau loved seeing her so happy, crying tears of joy as she held their baby in her arms that first time. Finally, Beau was able to rest, he thought to himself, "Hopefully she gives me a good amount of time before she asks for another."
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samuel-star · 9 months
Disability isn't "adult".
The fact of the matter is that, even though they would just love to deny it, able-bodied people think that disability is a sign of your age. They avoid acknowledging any sign that a child could have a physical disability, even if it is screaming in their face. An 8 year old is in pain after failing the pacer test and complains that they have shin splints, the bridges of their feet hurt, they feel dizzy. And their able-bodied PE teacher tells them, "that means you don't run enough, those things will go away if you work out more often." And that child will believe them. That kid will internalize that. "All of this pain I feel is my fault. I run around the playground with my friends, but maybe it's because I sit down more often than them. If my shins hurt when I run, but running will get rid of that pain, what am I supposed to do?"
And it takes years of assuming that all of this pain was normal, everyone would experience this if they were lazy, for them to finally go to the doctor. Years of avoidable pain. Years of feeling lazy. And that kid, the child that never learned that the pain could've been relieved, will never forgive those teachers. And those teachers won't give a shit. Of course they won't, why would they? They told a child that they were normal, told a kid that it's something that can be fixed easily with the very exercise that hurts them, that teacher was clearly in the right. Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. A connective tissue disorder that explained everything that they had experienced, down to the smallest thing, even the constant joint popping every time they move. The shooting pains that they would get in a random joint for weeks on end which would randomly just dissipate.
At this point, I don't know why I'm writing this. Maybe I wish I could go back, tell that kid that he should tell his mom about the pain in the bridges of his feet. Something that would've helped me in the long run. Maybe I should've told my doctor about my "zombie foot", where I turned my leg 180 degrees around while standing in place.
Because of those teachers, I have to relearn my own limits, understand that if I'm in pain and there's a way to relieve some of it, fucking do it! I know that I've grown as a person since I learned about my disability, but now I'm seeing the rage I never released and I wish I had half as filthy a vocabulary when I was in 3rd grade as I do now! Even just a good "fuck off" would be nice. Knowing that I didn't just take what they were saying as fact. For anyone who read through all of this, you're fucking awesome, and there isn't a person who deserves chronic pain. Nobody "deserves" it. No one is "at fault" for a chronic disability. I'm not disabled because I'm lazy. I have to rest and heal because I'm disabled. Because I'm human!
I'm going to use my wheelchair in public because I know that my hips stop hurting when I use it. I'm going to sit down if my feet hurt because I know there might be less pain later if I take care of myself. Self care shouldn't be something you shame people for, and to anyone who thinks that the validity of my disability depends on how much pain I'm in, fuck you. Fuck you, go learn basic human empathy and get back to me with an apology. I have nothing to prove to strangers, I'm living my life to the best of my abilities, and that means using my wheelchair. Thank you guys for reading, have a fucking awesome day, and drink some water.
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babyyweebbitch · 2 years
Helping simon with a panic attack
:3 the flashbacks are dark btw 🧍🏾‍♀️
content warning : female reader , childhood trauma , panic attack , crying , flashbacks ,
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simon gets panic attacks and flash backs a lot — sometimes it’s just one and most of the time it’s both at the same time. it’s PTSD from his childhood and he never got help for it because he didn’t wanna be looked at as “weak” or “a sissy” in people’s eyes. he was always told men deal with their stuff by themselves and he now knows that’s not true after dating you for so long and you takings him to the doctors every so often and signing him up for therapy. he usually has you schedule the therapy sessions for when hes home for long periods of time. they even gave him medicine that he forgets to take alot
simon was home for about a few months since he had a pretty bad injury and he needed to heal. you somehow got your job to let you work from home so you can take care of him and work at the same time. recently he’s been doing pretty good on his own, he’s been able to walk himself, eat, bathe and he even started working out a little bit just to get some strength back slowly.
one night you were working in your office, typing away at your laptop and going through paperwork. simon was left in the bedroom trying to sleep and he knew you were working later tonight so he tried not to bother you, but he wasn’t feeling well — mentally. he was alone so his mind wandered. at first it wasn’t bad. he was thinking about innocent things at first that slowly turned into dark thoughts and then he got flashbacks of his childhood… to when he was being hurt by his father and how he made him do things he hated.
simon tried his hardest to not think about it so he got up and went to go make a sandwich. on his way he passed by your office seeing a glimpse of you working made him feel slightly better. he almost went in to check on you and start a conversation but he again didn’t wanna bother you. while he was getting out all the stuff to make a sandwich he looked down at a slice of meat and got a flashback to a dead animal his father made him kiss. he closed his eyes and shook his head before slowly backing away from the counter and leaning against the fridge. he heard his father’s voice
“c’mon simon! it’s just a dead snake! wont do nothing to you” the voice said. simon put his hands over his ears trying to block out the sound but it didn’t work. he started breathing heavy and felt tears form in his eyes
“go away…. go away — fuck go away!” simon yelled out and his yelling alerted you in the office. you got up to see what was happening and when you entered the kitchen area you saw the sandwich stuff laying out and then as you got closer you saw simon against the fridge in a panicked state. he slid down the fridge and put his head on his knees as if trying to protect himself from something. you know it’s never a good idea to touch him unless he asks or does it for if he’s having a panic attack so you speak instead, inching closer to him
“simon? what’s happening?”
“h…he won’t leave! he won’t go away! please make him go away!” he looked up to see you and he was full on crying now. when he got like this he felt like a kid — a defenceless child, not the big scary man with military experience and has killed hundreds. in the state he was in right now he didn’t know the difference. you immediately went over to him and once you were close enough he grabbed onto your arm as a way of protection.
“simon, nobody but us are here right now — what you’re seeing isn’t real, my love. you’re having a panic attack and it’ll pass by soon” you used that kind voice you’ve used with him over the years. he wrapped his arms around you and placed his head on your chest. he started crying — full on sobbing into your shirt and you held him as tightly as you could without suffocating him. and honestly at this point he probably wants to be suffocated
after a few minutes of him crying and saying how he was being hurt but you immediately put him back on track and told him nobody was hurting him he calmed down a bit. he obviously didn’t let go of you though
“what’s on your mind now, honey?” you asked rubbing the back of his head with one hand and making little circles on his back with the other
“you have to get back to wo—“
“work can wait, Simon. you’re more important”
“but i — your boss will get mad at you”
“and? i don’t care — you are the only thing on my mind right now. you are the most important thing to me. i will always help you and make sure you are okay before ever thinking about anything else” simon looked up at you and then he hugged you once again. these are moments he feels he doesn’t deserve such a nice person like you. he took a deep breath before he sat up all the way and you wiped his eyes for him “now — i can make you something to eat and drink and you can sit in my office until about 1:30 or i can stop work early and we can go sleep”
“the first option sounds nice…” he said. you smiled and helped him up from the floor. you went to make him a sandwich and made him some tea the way he likes it, simon kinda just lingered around you until you were finished. you put everything back in the fridge/cabinets before you and simon waddled back to your office like little penguins. simon had the tendency stick around you for a long time after a panic attack because you made him feel better. he also didn’t want to sleep because he was scared of having a panic attack mid sleep. it’s happened before and he hated it because he wasn’t home around you (he lingered around soap for a few hours after because he was the only one he trusted besides you)
during the rest of the night you and simon talked about random things as you worked to ease his mind. he was staring at you every time you spoke about something from work or mumbled something on your computer/paper to yourself during moments of silence. he was admiring you and he still thought he didn’t deserve a person like you. you were literally the definition of perfect to him and he couldn’t trade you for the world. he honestly wonders what you saw in him to be this nice to him
the next morning you ended waking up before simon. he had the habit of sleeping in pretty late and he was also a deep sleeper at home, so unless you were in danger and he sensed it or the house got broken into to or the house is literally burning to the bone — he’s not waking up. he also sleeps hella heavy meaning he’s like a sand bag, if his arm is over you while he sleeps your fighting demons trying to get him off and if he senses you’re moving his arm off you, he’ll plamp it back on you and somehow it’s heavier than last time
after you were done wrestling his arm for about 20 minutes you got up, took a shower and went to go make breakfast — but not any breakfast his favourite breakfast. you had the tendency to baby him after a panic attack — you both don’t know why but simon likes it, even though he pretends he doesn’t but we all know he does.
simon woke up to the smell of bacon and the sound of you singing to yourself. he got up dragged himself to the kitchen, he was rubbing his eyes and saw you dancing around in the kitchen, singing and waiting for the toast to pop up from the toaster. he literally felt like he was in a movie and this was the opening scene.
“whatcha makin?”
you jumped at the sound of his voice randomly behind you and you turned to see he was standing there. he chuckled at your getting startled and he went to sit at the table
“your favourite breakfast — also you gotta give a girl a warning!” you joked as you got the toast from the toaster and went to make his plate “how’d you sleep?”
“good — but you were wrestling my arm for 20 minutes”
“you were awake?!”
“yep — i gave you a hard time on purpose”
you stood there with your hand on your hip and one hand on the counter tapping it with your finger
“what? it’s funny” he said half laughing
“hmph — maybe you don’t get breakfast today” you said with a fake attitude
“that’s rude — i was shot… seven times”
“guilt tripping?”
“and it’s working”
you both stared at each other for a second before you laughed and gave him his plate
“dork, eat up and eat as much as you want — i made alot because i’m gonna have to go to the office today for some stuff and i’m not gonna be home until one.” you said grabbing your bag and putting your shoes on “if you need anything call me and i’ll change your bandages when i get back”
“you just changed them yesterday”
“simon, i changed them monday”
“what day is it today?”
you went over to give him a kiss on the cheek and you went off to the office. simon watched as you left and he got up to try and clean up a bit so you came home later to a clean house
in conclusion — he big boi and he loves you
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darkbluekies · 2 years
Can I request your OC’s with a darling who has an accent? Like they grew up in speech therapy and they get made fun of for it sometimes and that causes them to not like their voice and stay quiet?
[I kinda want to make Hedwig's and Jerry's ones oneshots. They're my favorite :>]
Warnings: violence, threats of cutting of tongues, genitalia, fingers and heads, arson, knives,
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You don't talk often and when you do, you only talk to him. Silas adores your voice. He encourages you to speak everytime you're together. He loves everything about it — everything from how you stutter slightly to how you pronounce your words. When you gather enough courage to tell you about the kids that used to make fun of you in your past, you can tell that something in his demenour shifts.
"Those little fuckers. Y/N, you're going to tell me their names with that wonderful, sweet little voice of yours and I'll pay them all a personal visit. I'll cut their tongues out, see how they feel about not being able to speak 'correctly'. Or better yet, I'll make them never be able to talk again."
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Dr Kry:
As your personal doctor, Dr Kry has taken it upon himself to become your speech therapist as well (even if he doesn't have the license). He sits with you everyday and comforts himself with the thought that it's only him you actually talk to when he doesn't get many words out of you. He often compliments your voice and when you let him know that he seems to be the only one who likes it and that others have said something else ... he scoffs.
"Those kids were childish. You'll never have to speak with them again — you'll never have to speak to anyone again. If you really don't feel comfortable with your speech, I'll do it for you. I'll take every conversation ... if you just talk to me. I adore your voice. I love to hear it. I'll never mock you, okay?"
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King Edmund:
There's much he doesn't know about you, but you know all about him. He wants to learn more about you, but you never open your mouth. It pains him like knives through his heart. He wants to talk to you more than anything. He wants to learn about your childhood, your family, your interests and where you're from — because he's noticed the accent, but he can't tell where it originates from. But when you do open up and he gets to know the horrors you've been through, he suddenly stops you.
"They'll pay. I'll tell my secretary to fix a public behading! Their heads are going to roll to my feet and I'll cut their tongues and grill them for supper! Don't worry, my queen, they'll never hurt you again, not as long as I'm here."
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She doesn't pressure you to talk. When you're ready, you'll talk. She has looked up your personal information, but e few pieces of paper can't tell her everything. She wants to know more. One night when you're lying in her bed, skin touching and breaths trying to calm down you take the opportunity to tell her what she wants to hear now that you feel so warm. Jerry has placed your head on her bare chest and runs her fingers through your hair. Her acrylic nails feels like heaven. You can feel her tense.
"Who are these lowlives, hm? Tell me their names. Come on, baby, I'll revenge you. What should I do to them? Cut of their fingers? Their dicks, maybe? Why don't you want to tell me? Use your pretty, little voice and tell me. Don't protect them, they don't deserve it." As soon as you've told her, she gets up from the bed and starts dressing herself. "Don't stay up, I won't be back for quite a while. I'll give them what they deserve. Fuck, how much I love you. I'm the only one allowed to mock you."
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Hedwig takes care of everything for you. You don't want to talk? No problem. She'll talk for you. You'll whisper what you want to be said in her ear and she'll say it out loud! She's waiting for you to finish your sentences while you stutter and talks back to the teacher when they ask you to answer a question. When you one day tell him why you're so quiet and why you switched school ... she explodes. She forces you to tell her the names. While you're sleeping, she calls her private hitman and asks him to help her. Just a few hours later, five houses are set aflame and Hedwig's standing on the road with a smile on her face.
"That's what you deserve. That's what you all deserve. I'll never let anyone hurt my sweetheart."
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 years
I'm obsessed with this series. I'm such a sucker for love that's given often and shown so freely. Andy and Reader are each other's world. I feel like they're the type of (one day) elderly couple who if one passes, the other is following right behind in a few days to months.
I can't wait to one day read a little drabble about them when they're old and retired, maybe having their kids and grandkids over for christmas and their kids' POV watching Andy and Reader sway and canoodle under a mistletoe.
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At Last...
Summary: True love stories never end...
Warning: the following answer contains talk of death as well as celebrations of love and life. Read at your own risk. Takes place in my ongoing Growing Pains Series. __
Thank you. It makes me so happy that you've fallen in love with Growing Pains as well as Andy and Reader's love story. Those two are so incredibly and irrevocably devoted to one another - they really are each other's entire world.
If I'm being honest, I have thought about what the end of their time on this planet would look like. And Baby Girl always outlives Andy. Not just because she's a few years younger than him, but because there is just no other way.
He could never live without her. Not even for a month, or a couple of days. So, when the time comes and life finds him on his deathbed, they make a plan.
They're both such stubborn people, you know? So damned headstrong even up until the very end. Andrew Barber doesn't want to go.
Not yet.
But while his spirit remains young, his body is old. After all, fighting your way into your nineties is no easy feat. But he's also got four children right here in this realm to take care of, and an errant wife to look after who is just as much of a brat as she's always been.
And the doctors, well, they don't understand how he's made it so long. From everything indicated on his chart, he should've left this world days ago. But somehow Andrew Barber continues to defy the odds.
That stubborn ass ogre.
But he's also in pain. Even as he's fighting, refusing to give in. However, it's not sustainable. And Reader knows that her Big Man needs to rest. She spends every day by his bedside, rarely leaving for more than a few minutes at a time. It's been a few days since she's been able to catch a glimpse of his beautiful blue eyes, every once in a while, she's treated to a gentle squeeze of her hand.
Baby Girl knows her husband better than any other person on the planet. She knows that in order to leave her behind, even for just a little bit, she has to give him a purpose. So she crawls into bed with him, bad hip and all, and tells him her plan.
It's just between them - this task that she gives him.
She tells him to go on ahead and get their home ready - their dream home. And start decorating it the way he knows she'll like. She even promises not to get mad if the color schemes aren't quite right, because she'll just fix it all when she gets there.
Simple as that.
And while he's taking care of the house, the next thing she wants him to do is find Jacob. Wherever he is. Because she expects him to be at the dinner table sharing a meal with them for her first night in their new home.
And in return for doing all of that, she'll handle everything else with BiBi, KitCat, RoRo, and A.J. and all of their precious grandbabies. She swears that she will make sure that every single little detail is taken care of, and when it's all done...
She'll come find him. And when she does, they'll share a dance in their kitchen to the tune of their favorite song - At Last by Etta James. Baby Girl goes on to assure him that it will be the first of many.
Some time later that night, her sweet Andy Bear takes her up on her offer. But not before opening his eyes one last time to see her sleeping in the chair at his bedside. Now that makes him crack a smile.
Because in the last dream he had he could've sworn he told her fine ass to get to bed. A real bed. Not a chair.
His sweet, beautiful girl never fucking listens.
Reader knows when he leaves. She later describes it to their children as feeling his lips brush her skin, right behind her ear. His favorite place to kiss her.
She and the kids keep the actual ceremony small, but then they throw a party - a celebration of Andy's life. And after that, Reader spends the next two years making sure everything is in order.
Just like she promised.
Andy comes to her in her dreams every now and again. And in those dreams he always looks like he did when they first met - her handsome man.
And when it's finally her time, Reader passes on surrounded by their babies. But she tells them not to worry, because their father has been sitting by her bedside for the last few days. She knows they can't see him...
But she swears he's right there. And he's brought along Jacob. She tells her sweet babies that she's finally ready to join the love of her life. They even share a little laugh when she tells them how their father keeps pestering her all because she owes him a dance.
And when she takes her last breath, the sweet sound of Etta James is playing softly in the background. Bianca and her siblings sit there quietly for a few minutes after her passing holding hands and reveling in the fact that they know their Mama went home.
She's finally back in the arms of the man that she loves. They have no doubt that their Mama and Daddy are finally sharing that dance. And wouldn't you know it...
Somewhere in the great beyond, they were right. Their Mama made it home at last. And she left the light on for them too. Just like she told them she would.
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aintgonnatakethis · 2 months
Writing Interview Tag!
Big thanks to @moltenwrites for the tag! I've seen this going around and was hoping to be tagged at some point. *rubs hands together* There'll be a readmore at the bottom with the templates for both desktop and mobile.
About me
When did you start writing?
Very young, around 5-6. I remember there was homework where the teacher gave everyone a list of words and asked us to write a sentence with each word. I would turn in a paragraph for each instead 😂 When I was 14 I was writing a lot of Doctor Who fic on FFnet (I can't believe that was 16 years ago 💀) and during the lockdown I started writing again for something to do.
Are there different genres or themes you enjoy reading other than the ones you write?
I don't think so? Sorry, that's a really unsatisfying answer, I know. It's like when you're asked what your favourite book is and you instantly forget every book you've ever read 😂
Is there an author you want to emulate, or are compared to often?
Is this gonna be weird? Probably. Am I gonna fight through the anxiety anyway? Sure, you betcha! @septembriseur is one of the best writers I have ever had the pleasure of reading. Your Telford is second to none. Thank you.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
Just sitting in my bed cradling my laptop. Despite only being 3 and a half years old it's got a whole host of things wrong with it, the most problematic being a loose connection somewhere inside the charging port. To be able to charge I have to sit in a very specific position and stay still, with a metal water bottle braced against the charging cable to keep it pushed in, another cable tied around it with an elastic band and hooked over the opposite side of the laptop. It's... honestly not the best lol. But it's a gaming laptop so getting it fixed would probably be expensive and I just don't have the money.
What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Am I allowed to say drugs? 😂 I'm prescribed ADHD meds and Pregabalin for anxiety, and they both help me focus enough to get words down on the page. I'd be pretty screwed without them tbh. I had an appointment with a doctor today and am getting an instant release ADHD medication added to my prescription as the extended release wears off by mid-to-late afternoon, so maybe I'll be able to get another daily writing session in when I take that!
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and/or places you write about?
Hn. I want to say not really, but it must have influenced me in some way, right? Kids are sponges and will soak up and mimic the behaviours of the adults around them, and often people will reach adulthood with opinions and ideas that they don't even realise were created by an outside influence.
Are there any reoccurring themes in your writing? If so, do they surprise you?
QUEER! And no, it doesn't surprise me at all. 😂 I love writing about self-discovery, characters figuring out they can grow outside of the box society has built for them.
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character?
So, uh, I'm just gonna link y'all here, where I ramble on about David Telford from Stargate Universe for fucking ages. He's in my brain spinning plates as we speak. (He never stops.)
Which of your characters would you be friends with in real life?
Well, in real life I wouldn't want to be friends with anyone in the military. While the US military is a special interest of mine because of Stargate, I am very aware that these characters are not realistic when compared to their real life counterparts. Realism in this area is one reason my favourite of the series is Universe, but even then these men aren't... Well, let's just say that - just like in politics - you don't get far in the military if you're a good person.
Which characters would you dislike the most of you met them?
😬😬😬 I mean, the fact they're dislikeable is part of the draw, ya know? I think irl-Young would suck absolute balls. 😂
Tell me about the process of coming up with your characters?
Not super applicable as I'm a solely fandom writer, but the parts of the characters we're not given by the show come to me as I write, like puzzle pieces slotting into place. A good back-and-forth conversation is another excellent way to dig deep into them.
Do you notice any reoccurring themes/traits in your characters?
QUEER! But being serious, I've given both Everett Young (SGU) and John Sheppard (SGA) intrusive thoughts...
My writing
What’s your reason for writing?
Escapism. Creativity. The characters are in my head screaming at me.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment from readers that you find particularly motivating?
Ooh, the long back-and-forth conversations! I'm here to talk endlessly about these little fucking blorbos and I will ramble about them to anyone!
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
Taking this very seriously: a man. I know that fandom is typically a woman-dominated area and I've met quite a few other trans people through Stargate, but yeah. I know there are cultural differences with what are generally considered gender neutral terms around the world, but I do not want to ever be referred to as a girl or with woman-coded terms. I've had to fight hard to be able to be myself: man, dude, bro, there are a lot of choices.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Hmm... consistency? I set the New Year's resolution to write something every day in 2022. That year I missed 2 and half weeks because I had top surgery and while beforehand I thought 'awesome, I'll have plenty of time to write!' it turned out that recent wounds almost in my armpits makes it quite painful to move my arms... 🤔 In 2023 I wrote every day and so far I've kept that up in 2024. It's not always a lot of words, but it's always something.
What have you been told is your greatest strength as a writer is by others?
Characterisation. I've been told I've got my SGU boys (Telford, Young, and Rush) down to a tee.
How do you feel about your own writing?
There's a cycle where I look back at stuff I've written and compare it to what I'm currently writing and think 'this new stuff isn't as good', but in 3 months the stuff I'm currently writing will be what I think is good so... There are pieces I'm especially proud of, of course. If you'd allow me to plug for a moment, I think a memory, a distant echo is one of the best things I've ever written. Mind the tags though.
If you were the last person on earth, would you still write?
Yeah sure. I write primarily for myself so I don't see any reason why I'd stop. I wouldn't live long though lmao
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, do you write purely for yourself, or is it a mix of both?
First point of contact has to be with me, always. If something doesn't resonate with me, I can't write it. Forcing things is going to make writing unenjoyable and for me it's one of the most joyous things I do and I want to keep it that way. That said, if there's specific interest in a certain idea I have, that of course does motivate me. Feedback is the nectar of writers!
Tagging: @fortunatetragedy @bagheerita @frostysfrenzy @adriankyte-writes @frostedlemonwriter
@gioiaalbanoart @septembriseur @authorcoledipalo @anonmadsci @the-golden-comet + OPEN
@wolgerrswraith @chaniis-atlantis
About me
When did you start writing?
Are there different genres or themes you enjoy reading other than the ones you write?
Is there an author you want to emulate, or are compared to often?
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and/or places you write about?
Are there any reoccurring themes in your writing? If so, do they surprise you?
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character?
Which of your characters would you be friends with in real life?
Which characters would you dislike the most of you met them?
Tell me about the process of coming up with your characters?
Do you notice any reoccurring themes/traits in your characters?
How do you picture your characters?
My writing
What’s your reason for writing?
Is there any specific comment or type of comment from readers that you find particularly motivating?
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Have you been told is your greatest strength as a writer is by others?
How do you feel about your own writing?
If you were the last person on earth, would you still write?
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, do you write purely for yourself, or is it a mix of both?
About meWhen did you start writing?Are there different genres or themes you enjoy reading other than the ones you write?Is there an author you want to emulate, or are compared to often?can you tell me a bit about your writing space? What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse?Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and/or places you write about?Are there any reoccurring themes in your writing? If so, do they surprise you?Characters: would you please tell me about your current favorite character? Which of your characters would you be friends with in real life?which characters would you dislike the most of you met them?Tell me about the process of coming up with your characters? Do you notice any reoccurring themes/traits in your characters?How do you picture your characters? My writing: what’s your reason for writing?Is there any specific comment or type of comment from readers that you find particularly motivating? How do you want to be thought about by your readers?What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?have you been told is your greatest strength as a writer is by others?How do you feel about your own writing?If you were the last person on earth, would you still write?When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, do you write purely for yourself, or is it a mix of both?
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kiame-sama · 1 year
Yandere OC's during your darling's pregnancy
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Walter Woods;
"I'm so excited for this next chapter in our lives. Do you think they'll be interested in medicine?"
- Walter is thrilled to have this next part of your lives together. He is happy to spend countless hours thinking of names and planning out early life activities to do as a family. It is clear that Walter is going to give you the best at home care and he will try to do everything in his power to keep you happy.
- Whatever you are craving or wanting, he will happily go get it for you regardless of what time it is. He has all of the maternity items you will need to be comfortable during your pregnancy. Walter is a doctor and will be obsessing over your health at all times, you should just let him because it is his way of showing his love.
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Evan Rothchester;
"Fuck, I don't think I'm gonna survive this."
- Brings a whole new meaning to the saying "we're pregnant". Evan is so stressed over the pregnancy that he is worrying himself sick. Odds are this is the first time since his father's death that anyone has seen him this distressed and emotionally worn.
- Don't get him wrong, he's thrilled that you're pregnant, but there is so much to worry about when it comes to pregnancies. Blood and family means more than anyone would admit when it comes to mafia families. Evan had been the sole head of the family since his father was killed, now he is the patron of the family. He has to emotionally mature rather quickly, so the stress is getting to him.
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Carlos Vargas;
"Kid's gonna grow up with a zoo for a family."
- Carlos is excited to have a family with you and wants to make sure that the fur-children are nice to the human-child. He knows the kid will grow up feeding elephants and watching their father lounge with the tigers. There is little doubt the house serval, Mimis, will be able to resist the baby crib and will be the most excellent babysitter to the infant.
- The elephants somehow know you are pregnant and the matriarch will be using her trunk to examine your belly often. The dogs will sit with their noses to your stomach and guard you fiercely. Carlos is keen to remind you that even if you guys can't get to a hospital quickly due to living in a wildlife rescue, he can still help you deliver your infant.
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Jackson Locklear;
"I couldn't be happier!"
- Jackson loves the idea of having a kid with you, being able to teach the kid about his culture. It does make him sad to not have his tribe with him to share in the birth of his child, but he will do what he can to stay strong. There is a chance Jackson could fix things with his community through his child, but all he wants is for the kid to be happy and helpful.
- Jackson will make whatever you are craving and is the kind of guy to give you a massage and take care of you every day. He will be sure to get you to your appointments and checkups on time. Whatever he can do to help you, he will.
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Orion Medici;
"Our very own star. They are destined for great things."
- Orion is proud as a blackbird and will be so thrilled to meet his child. No doubt he will try to keep the family naming theme going, so expect a bunch of star themed names for your kid. Since Orion is a powerful and proud man, he will no doubt hold his child to high standards and will do what he can to give them the world.
- You are going to have to be the one to scold or punish your child because, in Orion's eyes, your kid can do nothing wrong. He will never oppose to how you want to raise your child, but he will spoil them and always dote on them. Even if he is wealthy, he will insist to be part of his child's life and let them know he loves them.
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Hahne Yamare;
"Do you think they'll want to learn about the mafia?"
- Hahne is only joking... Kinda. He won't expose your kid to the mafia until they grow up a bit more. Sometimes he will bring home work, but he will still do what he can to spare the kid from dealing with anything illegal.
- Whatever you may be craving or you may want, he will make sure to get it for you as soon as he can. He may have to leave you alone for a bit to do his job, but his boss- Evan- is quite understanding about the whole thing. You can always bet that Hahne is going to be doting to you the entire pregnancy.
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Amira Woods;
"Okay, I scheduled the consultation appointment for between my Business in Environment lecture and my Finance IV class."
- Have no fear, Amira has amazing planning and organizational skills. She will be excited to plan out appointments and classes, but she may be a bit more stressed during this time. Amira is working quite hard on her education, but she sees you and the life you carry as far more important. She won't choose if she doesn't have to, but she will always choose you.
- Amira will likely call her big brother for help because she trusts him and knows he will drop everything to help if he isn't working. She wants to be present for everything she can be present for, but please try to be flexible since she is balancing education and parental rolls.
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Kaya Braziel;
"The most rare and stunning flower in the garden."
- Kaya is a bit new to this whole parent thing, but she will happily face it head on because it means she can spend more time with you and help raise the life growing inside of you. The house will change practically overnight as she puts the dangerous or toxic plants in the locked greenhouse and makes sure the plants in the house are safe or out of reach. Every corner of the house will be baby-proofed long before it needs to be.
- Many of the names Kaya suggests will be plant names or have some kind of horticulture importance and meaning. Every book on properly taking care of you and the infant will be read cover to cover. Expect for Kaya to be quite the mother-hen about the whole situation.
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Julie Winter;
"How is our little clay-pot in the kiln?"
- Julie is excited and draws great inspiration from the prospect of raising a family with you. She will swoon and coo over your stomach, talking to it frequently while praising you endlessly. More of her recent pieces have to do with maternity and the potential that new life carries, some of her most abstract ideas yet!
- When the kid is born they are likely going to be a very creative soul as any art material they could want is right in their own home. She will likely suggest names more common in European countries as opposed to artists or famous people. She wants the kid to make their own name have meaning instead of being assigned meaning due to relation with famous artists or otherwise.
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Hada Yamare;
"Goodness, our little shark certainly is restless today!"
- Hada absolutely LOVES talking to your stomach and she fondly refers to the life inside of you as a 'little shark'. It is her kind of endearment and affection as she adores sharks in their many forms. She wants to talk about a water birth as there are many benefits to it as opposed to a normal birth, but she recognizes that it is completely up to you and not her.
- Hada goes into extreme protection mode when it comes to you and she will certainly send any hecklers or general jerks right into the hospital. She will hover and try to take good care of you even if she is a little lacking in personal space with you. Good luck trying to do anything without her insisting that she can take care of it for you even if it is something simple like watering plants.
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angelsanarchy · 1 year
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Glass Houses: Jack Thurlow x Y/N Series CH 11 -> CH 12
"Are you knocking over a pharmacy?”
“Medication alternatives.”
Tagging: @roryculkinluvr @thatsthewrongwallcraig @icarus-star @cc-luvr @madamemaximoff06 @shady-the-simp @quicksilversg1rl @s-0lar @kristennero-wallacewellsver @ophelialaufey @mayathepsychic1999
Jack made sure to get up at a decent hour so he could shower and give Ace an impromptu bath. Nothing special, just a quick rinse and fluff. Jack wouldn't exactly say he was trying to earn some brownie points but he hoped that if he returned Ace in top condition, maybe Y/n would bring him by more often to stay.
Jack was sitting on a lawn chair in the backyard tossing the ball to Ace when Y/n came around the corner, sunglasses pushed up to hold her hair back.
"Well look at you two, looking especially fluffy." Y/n handed Jack his coffee and took the seat across from him.
"I gave him a quick rinse this morning." Jack nodded as Ace jumped up on the seat giving Y/n kisses.
"Ah yes, thank you for washing the stench of your lust from my dog. I'm sure my mom would appreciate that." Y/n tossed him the burrito and he kissed the aluminum it was wrapped in.
"You are my new favorite neighbor. Have I told you that?" Jack complimented.
"Considering you don't talk to literally any other neighbors, I will accept that begrudgingly." Y/n reached in the bag and pulled out her own breakfast burrito so they both could eat.
"Oh I also brought you this." Y/n reached into her bag and pulled out a slip of paper, handing it over. Jack eyeballed it unsure of what he was reading.
"Are you knocking over a pharmacy?" Jack joked and she shook her head with a mouth full of food.
"Medication alternatives. I don't know what your exact ailments are but if they're psychological, these can absolutely help with negative side effects." Jack examined the list and noticed she had put little notes next to certain medications.
"Wow this is...extensive. You must think I'm really fucked up." Jack tried to play it off as a joke but she shrugged.
"The whole world is mentally ill, Jack. The only truly sane people are the ones smart enough to realize they need the help. There's nothing wrong with that." She took another bite of her burrito.
"I've been fucked up since I was a kid so medication has always been a part of my life. As you get older, shit changes and you've got to adjust some things." She roots around in her bag and pulls out a pill bottle.
"I've had manic depression since I was about 15 but by the time I was 18, I had asked my doctor about the longevity of the pills and he acted like a fucking prick about it. Who was I to question his methods as an actual doctor. The bastard took me off the meds cold turkey and I spiraled. It was fucking hell." Y/n had no hesitation explaining her medical history.
"After I changed doctors, I had to start taking medication for an extreme anxiety disorder that was caused by the bullshit he put my body through, which in turn completely shut off all sexual desires until I was at least 21." Jack's attention piqued.
"You had zero sexual desires going into your 20's? I feel like I fucked more at 20 than I have in my whole life." Jack commented.
"It just wasn't there. I would watch porn, read it, try different kink scenes and nothing even got me remotely turned on. Plus the anxiety meds dried my pussy out to an insanely uncomfortable level. It was like sandpaper just trying to masturbate." Jack winced.
"Jesus...what did you do?" He was enthralled now. She was so open with him and it felt good to be able to talk to someone who experienced some shitty medication side effects. He felt less alone in the struggle.
"After being sexless for almost 6 years, I finally said enough. Told my doctor it had to change because I was too young to not get off and I was tired of feeling like my cunt was a wasteland for tumbleweeds." Jack almost spit his coffee from a chuckle.
"Slight medication adjustment and you'll be happy to know I broke the sexless streak and have never been wetter." She held up her coffee cup and Jack clinked his cup to hers.
"Well I'm happy that you've regained a wet pussy and all the sex a nurse has the time for." Jack smirked and she tossed a hash brown at him.
"No pressure obviously. I just think it's stupid to put yourself through bullshit for no reason. We have mental illness but they don't have us. Fuck those stupid chemical imbalanced bullshit. Take back your life, man." Y/n continued to encourage and Jack nodded.
"I really appreciate this. Thank you. You didn't have to do all this but I really do feel like I might be able to use it." Jack tucked the paper into his pocket and Y/n nodded feeling accomplished.
"I will not only commend you on the strides of being able to finally jerk off but to be able to multitask while doing so is pretty impressive." Y/n continued to pick at her food and Jack pinned his eyebrows together confused.
"Multitask? It's pretty simple: point and shoot." Jack chuckled.
"No I meant jerking off while smoking. I would probably set my bed a blaze." She teased making crimson creep up Jack's neck.
"You...how did-"
"Smoke rises sweetheart. The window was open and you weren't exactly being a church mouse." Y/n crumpled her trash and threw it into the brown bag. Jack covered his face with his hands and wanted to silently melt into the chair.
"You're welcome by the way for the free show. I was going to buy you a new ashtray but since you said you were able to cum, I feel like I've completed my job on that one." Y/n reached out and tugged on Jack's elbow.
"Don't be embarrassed. Next time don't be such a tease and get naked yourself." Y/n waited until Jack looked at her before smiling.
"Yeah...I'll be sure to do that...if I don't just throw myself out the window first." Jack scoffed as she got to her feet and whistled to Ace.
"Where's the fun in that?" She smirked giving him a wink.
"Enjoy your day, Thurlow." She called over her shoulder as Ace followed closely behind her. Jack watched her hips sway as she walked away, ass bouncing in light washed jeans. It was the little shake she gave that made him shake his head.
She knew he had seen her. She had seen him. She still got naked. He owes his doctor a fruit basket.
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
Imaging a baby mushroom rolling around 🫠😩So cute! Would we be able to have more headcanons on having a baby with Morell? Would the baby be raised at the Clergy?
[Adding onto this post basically.]
More kid headcanons with Morell
The baby most likely would not be raised in The Clergy's Eye. As a worker there, Morell knows firsthand how dangerous the place is and the sights you'll find there. Nothing a kid should see. Luckily, he never got rid of his cabin, he's got very supportive parents and a friend who's more than ready to babysit if need be. This is good for you, because it means you'll be actually getting fresh air and not just growing mentally exhausted by The Clergy's ambiance.
Morell's never been that much of a worrywart, but you'll never see him as panicked as he is when you're having your cesarean. The shroom was tense enough to break the chair's armrest in the waiting room. He's just... If anything went wrong, he wouldn't forgive himself.
The moment doctors find out his child is the poisonous kind like him, your pregnancy is considered one of high-risk, and you'll have to take certain types of medication to prevent getting poisoned yourself. These, of course, won't affect the baby itself. This has him very on edge as well, but it doesn't show usually.
If there's one thing that baby's going to be, it's hungry. Really hungry. Everyone in Morell's family is big and eats well- Your appetite during the pregnancy was absurd because of this little bugger, and now you're going to have to deal with your kid wailing in hunger every hour or so. It's ridiculous, but Morell assures you that's just how it is. You're never going to have enough milk for them, even the chef knows this, so he stocks up on the best brands of formula he can find.
Bernice is going to wordlessly, solemnly pat your back one day when she finds you breastfeeding her grandchild. You won't understand the look of pity until your kid's teeth develop and they bite your poor pepperonis so fucking hard you bleat like a goat. Feel free to crush Morell's hand while you endure this.
Speaking of teeth, most monster babies need a lot of oral stimulus, so get some sturdy pacifiers asap.
Once again, don't freak out if you see Morell rolling the baby around. They need to learn, you know? He'll sit you down on one corner of the room and sit on the opposite one with the baby, then roll them towards you. You'll go back and forth a couple of times before the baby starts doing it on their own. Much later on, you'll have to do the same thing but for crawling, as they'll need to grow out of that phase fast when their cap begin becoming more proportionate.
Speaking of the cap, that's something you have to pay a lot of attention to as a parent. The health of a shroomling is often determined by the state of their cap (in adults as well, but to a lesser degree). Make sure it's always hydrated, moderately spongy, and has no odd growths or discoloration. Morell will teach you how to palp properly.
It's probably really funny seeing your kid toddle after Morell, following daddy into the kitchen so they can watch him cook like a confused donkey in a desert. Morell probably has all sorts of photos of them trying different things and reacting to the taste.
At some point, your kid will assume your hair is actually your cap, and you'll find their dad wheezing on the floor as they ask what's wrong with mommy's fluffy cap.
No matter how much you protest, Morell has it in his head that the kiddo will have to learn to either do wood carvings or set traps. Those are family skills and he's not giving them up.
Even if they're a hybrid, you should expect your kid to be quite taller and possibly broader than you. A result of their hybrid nature will likely show in them having a lighter face, as opposed to the purebred shroom's usually pitch black "head". They'll likely also have a much more manageable, smaller cap.
Onto the less pretty side of things, you will have to fight tooth and nail if you'd like the kid to not eat humans. Morell and his family will be upset by this, but you have some room to argue here, given that the kid has human genes, meaning it really would be a form of cannibalism and could bring about negative consequences. It's best not to let them get a taste to begin with, they might be too much like daddy and enjoy it.
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