#just fur that darn dog
verm1c1de · 11 months
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purroblems and solutions
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zhongrin · 1 year
“honey, can you… get us a pet?”
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◇ characters ◇ zhongli, al haitham, childe, tighnari, kaveh, pantalone, cyno
◇ tags ◇ fluff, crack, dragon!li
◇ a/n ◇ all i want in life is a zhongli and a al haitham with their chosen pets is that really too much to ask
𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 ⬙ 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 ⬙ 𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡
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zhongli, predictably, brings back a dog. before you ask, it’s a very normal dog that isn’t the size of a mountain and is unable to control the elements. it’s a common house pet, a sign of luck and auspiciousness, plus he’s a very good boy!
………. just. don’t coddle rex jr. too much, okay? rex sr. is still a half-dragon after all.
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al haitham brings back a pot of some rare plant he got at the grand bazaar... what? plants are pets too. an even better version, he argues, especially since this particular one should bear small edible fruits when they grow enough. plus, they’re quiet and will let him read in peace.
hey, it’s your fault for never specifying what kind of pet you wanted him to get.
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childe brings back an otter. where did he get it? no one knows. don’t ask. where will he put it? uhhh. no worries, he’ll put the otter in your bathtub for now, but he’ll commission someone to dig up a pool for them to float around! it’ll be fineeee!
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tighnari sits you down and lectures you about the responsibilities of a pet owner for two straight hours to make sure you truly understand what you’re asking of him first. adopting a pet is a huge step in your life and he wants to make sure you fully understand what you’re getting into.
plus, you might want to take into consideration that your fox hybrid lover inherits that territorial behavior from his ancestors…?
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kaveh jumps at the opportunity. to him, that’s like you’re giving him the green light on bringing animals home. a mistake on your part, honestly.
it’s day three and you’re now housing: an unexpectedly tame dendro slime with a withered flower on its head, two very weakened and starving desert foxes, one forest fox with one eye, and a little bird with a broken wing.
good luck.
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pantalone merely chuckles yet the very next day you find the most elegant, purebred siberian forest cat delivered straight to your lavish shared abode’s doorstep. she’s groomed to perfection, well-trained, and a joy to be around.
the most beautiful cat for the most breathtaking person in his life - he thinks it’s very fitting.
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cyno unexpectedly brings back a rabbit; a snow-white furred darling with ruby-red eyes that fits on top of your palm. such an innocent-looking, wee little being has become a lethal weapon in cyno’s hand. whenever you deny him of something, you will now see two pairs of eerily similar-colored eyes looking up at you with wet bunny eyes.
darn it.
like father like son, you suppose.
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© zhongrin | 2023 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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◇ taglist ◇ @thestarsofenkanomiya | @genshinparty | @abyssmal-skies | @hamdehlesmis | @depressivecomforts | @sophiethewitch1 | @why-am-i-here-someone-save-me | @sunnshineflxwer | @heartonthemoon | @yuutasbabe | @percyval-archives | @carbs-need-more-love | @rebeccka | @queen-belial | @stygianoir | @silentmoths | @niktwazny303 | @dustofthedailylife | @herdrops | @diebischesther | @marina-and-the-memes | @angryhope | @mixed-kester | @shuangxo | @fiannee | @lordbugs | @anonymousficreader | @shizunxie | @ladylofspades | @sup-zfam | @ansy-tea | @irethepotato | @nachotrash | @algrimmammon | @sassy-cat-in-town
3K notes · View notes
potionpeddlerpatchy · 2 years
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word count: 7.2K
paring: Bokuto x fReader
warning(s): panty stealing, male masturbation - in several locations (shower, bedroom, laundry room), scent kink (wasn't my intention but it's in there), hint of obsessive behaviour oral. Bokuto is a perv in this, so be warned.
authors note: well, it has finally arrived - this darn fic I have been spending way too long on; to put it into perspective I started this in July. But anyway, what started as self-indulgent fluff morphed into something completely different and I am pretty happy with it! Hope you all enjoy this new side to our favourite volleyball playing himbo~ 🔮
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Life always had a way of making itself just a little difficult, no matter what you did; even if the answer led to the best possible solution and outcome for you; you had to make sacrifices so you could succeed in a world that was always trying to see you fail. This was one such occasion.
You just moved to a new neighborhood, one that was far away from family and friends for your career. In order to move ahead, to gain the comfortable life you always wanted for yourself, you had to move away from all that you knew. It wasn’t easy, the decision taking you weeks to accept. At least you had your move, the unpacking and organizing of your new apartment, and your work to keep you busy; to keep your mind occupied on things that didn't revolve around how alone you felt. 
But that could only last for so long, a temporary solution for an abiding problem; you knew it wouldn’t last. And after all the boxes were unpacked, all your furniture was properly arranged - and rearranged, and you finally found your stride at work; you couldn’t distract your mind any longer. That getting up and ready for work became a task that grew harder and harder to do every day. After a few months of adjustments, you just couldn’t bear the loneliness you felt whenever you came home; to emptiness and silence.
It wasn’t something you were used to and you knew you would never become. It never happened before in your life, never was a constant, even if your family was away you could always hop onto chats and spend your nights laughing with your friends.
And now? Well, you were halfway across the world. When you got up, your friends were fast asleep, and when they finally sent you a message you were on your way to bed. There was no real way to quell the ache that you felt in your heart in the traditional ways you knew how; you knew you needed a different solution.
 And there was really only one solution you could think of.
You got yourself a dog.
A little lapdog with a goofy, but sweet, personality from the shelter nearby. A scruffy thing who couldn’t contain the hopeful wag of his tail as you walked by his kennel; one that couldn’t help but jump on the chain link barrier that separated you both, and then onto your legs when you went to greet him. One that filled your face with almost desperate kisses when you finally bent down to say hello; to give him a chance at a new home.
And it seemed you both were made for each other. Out of all the ones you saw that day, this one looked almost as lonely as you. But now? Well, the loneliness that etched across your sweet dog’s face no longer showed, just as the heaviness that clouded and weighed your heart down started to fade away.
No longer would you come home to emptiness, instead you had a ball of fluff and fur to greet you with enthusiasm as they wagged their tail and jumped on you in excitement to see you once more. And no longer would your little friend ever have to worry about sleeping all alone on a cold cement floor, with only a thin bed to keep him from getting a chill, wondering when someone would take him home and give him a warm bed to sleep on.
A match made in heaven, you joked as you snuggled up together each night on the couch to watch your favorite TV program after enjoying a nice dinner. Though your little furry friend always broke up your cuddle session, and your show, in the middle as they whined to go to the bathroom.
You would always oblige, and soon it became a part of your schedule. You began to enjoy the fresh air and routine it gave; to where 5-minute walks would turn into 10 and then into 15. Now your evenings consisted of 30-minute walks with your best friend by your side, trotting along as you mapped out all sorts of new paths to take, new sights to see, and new parts of the city to explore.
You finally, after a few months of exploring with your enthusiastic little friend, found a route that fit both of your needs. Lots of beautiful scenery for you to enjoy with limited hills and roads to cross so your aging dog didn’t lose steam too quickly. 
Every night you did this little song and dance, to the point where if you ran even a few minutes behind your little friend would start giving you attitude. You also surmised that the time you did go on your walks was perfect as you never really ran into anyone, or their own dogs, or had to worry about anything else in the world that would break your stride. For all you knew, it was just you and your dog - no one or anything else mattered.
Well, turns out there was one other person in your world, though he had yet to make it be known.
Besides, Bokuto had not meant for this to be a daily occurrence.
He noticed you a few times whenever he got home after practice, your walking figure catching his eye whenever he moved about in his apartment. He never really gave it, or you, much thought.
That was until he injured his leg and had to be on bed rest for two whole weeks. Not being able to move, not being able to practice and play volleyball - the one thing he loved most - was nearly unbearable. But that doom and gloom would be alleviated, just slightly, whenever you would walk by.
Bokuto wasn’t sure why, maybe it was the consistency? The reassurance then whenever your recognizable figure crossed through his window meant that he got through another day. Maybe it was because it gave him something to do, he did find himself casually watching other dog walkers that passed by throughout the afternoon and evening. Or maybe it was because it was specifically you. Bokuto couldn’t put his finger on why, but something drew him to you.
“Probably because she’s new around here.” That was his reasoning. Made sense to him, a new person in the neighborhood would cause some added curiosity.
But he knew that wasn’t the case. It’s not like he knew anyone in his neighborhood, let alone his apartment building.
Bokuto truly had not meant for all this to escalate out of proportion; to peer out his apartment window every day until you showed up. And now here he was, weeks after being healed, rushing to get his shoes off and throw his stuff to the side so he could watch you pass by. It was pathetic really, to be so enthralled by someone who walked across the street every day, but his heart kept pulling him closer to the window.
His friends had teased him about it, one day after practice as he rushed to get home with them by his side so they could drop their stuff off at his place before going out for the night. Watching him as he got all flustered at a person across the street.
“Dude, it’s kinda creepy, ya know!” Atsumu laughed, arms laying across the taller man's shoulder as he leaned on him - peering out the window to see you obviously unaware of their stares “Watching this girl obsessively.”
“That’s textbook stalker behavior~” Kuroo would join, also laying his weight on him, poking his flushed cheeks in a teasing manner.
“N-no it’s not! I am just making sure she passes my block safely! It’s dangerous to walk at night, you know!” Bokuto would shoot back.
“Ya’live in the safest neighborhood in the whole city!”
“Yeah, and besides whatta gonna do from all the way up here?”
Bokuto just shrugged them off, mumbling more to himself some sort of excuse for his behavior - some sort of made-up plan he had in place should the need to rescue you arised. But he knew, as much as they did, that there was no plan - or excuse - he just liked knowing you walked by him every day; that you were in his life for a brief moment.
At the time, he didn’t think much of it; at how alone he really was. Thinking that when he caught your eye briefly and grew a little bashful was out of embarrassment and not because it made his heart flutter. But it happened once again when they were hanging out, a little get-together before leaving on tour, how Bokuto would keep looking out his window with worry in his eye before they would soften into a form of sweet longing, that same woman walking by.
“Just go down and ask her out!” Hinata's bright voice would encourage him.
“Not like she’ll turn you down!’ Atsumu would add with a wink
The teasing would continue, even after you passed, of how much of a love-struck chicken he was for not talking to you. About how he was a little creepy for just staring at you and your dog as you walked by without a care in the world.
“I know,” Bokuto would sigh, longingly, in agreement “I’m just waiting for the right moment is all.”
Then, months later, after the winter tour had ended and the world was in the warmer, but rainier, spring weather, Bokuto would finally get that opportunity. When you accidentally dropped your pair of gloves that were stored in your pocket; an accident you didn't notice as you were too busy getting, and opening, the doggy bag that also resided in your cute little coat. Quickly, without truly thinking, he ran out to grab them. Waiting until after you had turned the corner off his street to make his way to where they lay, his bare feet becoming frozen on the concrete as he trotted over. He didn’t want them to be stolen or swept away with the wind to be forever lost. Gloves were expensive after all! And besides, given the cute design they had, he could tell you would miss them. A small sense of victory filled his being, as he now had the perfect chance to talk to you.
But that chance never really did come.
You came by the next day, earlier than normal, making Bokuto curse as he contemplated running out of his apartment in nothing but a towel; figuring against it as it would not be the best first impression or look good on his character or reputation, and he knows Iwaizumi would kill him if he got sick doing something so idiotic.
So, he figured he would get the chance to meet you tomorrow. That he would make sure to be ready early just in case you decided to pull a stunt like that again. But as he eagerly waited by his window, gloves in hand, the next evening you never did appear; you figure never walking down his street. He waited until late that night, just in case, but you never showed. Not the next day, or the day after that.
Soon days turned into weeks and then into months, and you had never once appeared in his window, walking on that sidewalk across the street. The gloves, tan in colour and with bright pink pom poms, lay untouched as they would greet him by his door every day, waiting for you as much as him.
Bokuto wondered where you, and your little furry companion, had disappeared to. He hoped it was somewhere good. Couldn’t help but have his mind wander to where you were and to all of the things you were getting up to, and couldn’t help but dream that it involved him as well.
Maybe you were in the countryside, enjoying the vastness and peace they gave as their winds swooped over the wheat fields and across your cheeks. Or perhaps in the mountains, enjoying their trails as you hiked up and down them, your dog in tow trying to keep up with a tree branch in their mouth. Or maybe you were in some onsen, inhaling the steam with a happy sigh as you soaked in the hot, soothing, waters.
Bokuto always had to stop his brain from continuing when he thought of you at hot springs; ignoring the strain of his cock as he thought about how soft and warm your skin would be - how he wished to be bathing right next to you, to feel every curve of your body.
He had to stop, he didn’t want to defile you like that; not without even knowing your name.
Bokuto just wanted you back. Even if it was only for the mere moments, the few seconds he got when you strolled on by with your happily trotting dog; strolled on briefly through his life with that pretty smile.
You hadn’t meant for your trip back home to last as long as it did. What started as a simple voyage home early for the Easter holiday extended considerably to having you stay. With your family’s urgent needs overtaking any reason you may have had to leave. You were lucky the job you had was flexible, able to accommodate you in your time of need, and that you had your dog with you; unable to bring yourself to think of what might have happened if you left him in a kennel all those months.
Now you were just lucky everything ended well and that you could finally get back to your cozy apartment and the routine you had made for yourself and your sweet dog; the one you neglected for a long time, and were sorely wanting to get back to.
You sighed in delight when the fresh air you longed to return to, that only this city could provide, hit your face as you made you trek out on your usual route once more; the sereneness you felt was like seeing an old good friend after years apart, as your feet began their first steps on the pavement while you enjoyed the late October breeze.
It was a long and grueling practice and Bokuto truly couldn’t think of a better way to end his day than crawling into bed and forgetting it ever existed. Kicking his door open with a groan, practically throwing his bag by his coat closet with a loud thud, and placing his keys in the bowl on the little table he kept nearby. He eyed the gloves too small for him briefly, eyes and body filled with a sense of sadness as he regaled at how he let his opportunity go.
Kicking himself internally he sighed, hands rubbing his face as he groaned once more, this time in frustration, as he walked further into his home.
“Why didn’t I just go out there? Not like I was naked…” he grumbled as he began shrugging off his coat, slowly making his way to his bedroom and walking by that cursed window.
His eye caught movement, one that made his head turn slightly out of impulse. But never fully, he knew it was of someone walking by, so he ignored it at first. Assuming it was someone just doing a late job, running an errand, or stopping by to get their mail. Whatever the case was, he didn’t want to think further of it - to have those thoughts lead to you.
But something inside him told him to take another glance; compelling him to go to the window like he once had many times before and to take a proper look, his heart aching at him to try just one more time.
And there was you. Appeared at long last when all hope seemed lost, leaving him dumbstruck as he stared out at your form with his jaw slack and his eyes wide.
It didn’t take long for him to break out of his surprised stupor, rushing out of his apartment as he fumbled with his coat, falling with little grace as he tripped over his duffle bag but with no care about the poor downstairs apartment that had to endure the loud thud or his now aching knee or whether he had grabbed his keys to prevent him of being locked out. All that mattered at that moment was you, and the tan gloves that you had lost and which would grant him the opportunity to finally talk to you.
Bokuto called out to you, his voice he was sure louder than expected as you jumped in scared surprise, as he dashed across the street to where you stood in a stupor. He was out of breath, he knew, and he also knew that while he stood there panting to try and regain it was not helping his case.
This was truly the last thing you were expecting, normally your brief counters with people were a polite smile as you passed each other, briefly sharing the sidewalk. And it was so far and few in between that you never really thought much about it or the people you passed; them always being a blur in your memory.
But this? Well, you would be sure never to forget this moment. Not only was your heart racing, the loudness of the man’s shout before you startled you to the point you were sure you would keel over with a heart attack at any moment. But that he was incredibly tall and imposing and…..handsome.
You couldn’t help the way your face warmed at the sight of him, both out of bashfulness over how close he was and how his golden eyes bore into your own, and in embarrassment at how little your fight or flight response acted; just allowing you to stand there frozen with a dumb gaped look on your face.
“I- I’m really sorry for scaring you!” Bokuto apologizes, moving his open palms up to showcase he meant to harm “You just um - uh you dropped your gloves a while ago and I-I uh grabbed them, which I guess sounds bad, but I just didn’t want them stolen or anything, and I- I have been meaning to give them back to you so um…..”
Bokuto gently, but with little grace as he fumbled for a moment, pulled your gloves out of his pocket, holding them out for you to take “Yeah… here. Sorry, it took so long to give them back…”
You found his eagerness, and nervous fumbling adorable, as you timidly laughed; gingerly reaching out to take your old gloves from his grasp.
“Thank you…” You mumbled, your voice unable to break higher than that “But I suppose it wasn’t your fault. I’ve been gone for a while, family stuff ya know? But um, again, thanks. It’s really sweet of you to wait so long to give them back.”
You had a hard time meeting his gaze, embarrassed even more over the fact that you not only lost your gloves, but that you forgot all about it and that the poor man before you had kept them for months, waiting to get rid of them and back to you, and that said man was staring so intently at you - you had never been looked at in such a way and you didn’t know what to do.
“Of course, it’s only the neighborly thing to do, right?” Bokuto smiled, making your knees buckle more, “I’m Bokuto Koutaro, I live in this building here! And who is this?”
“I am so sorry!” You squeaked, trying to gently pry your dog off his legs “His name is Rufus, he’s so terrible about jumping on people, he just wants pets, I’m so so sorry!”
“Hey, don’t we all?” He laughed, crouching down to give your dog the attention he so cutely asked for. “Aren’t you a cutie! So, Rufus, are you new around here? New to the neighborhood maybe? Cause I have seen lots of cute dogs but never seen you before!”
“Kinda,” You giggled, laughing at how your dog had thrown himself on his back for belly rubs and the cute way this stranger - well not technically stranger anymore - was indirectly asking you questions “We moved here almost a year ago, but only really started walking this route for a few weeks before, well, we had to leave for a bit.”
“Yes…. I see, that’s very interesting Rufus, thank you.” Bokuto nodded, sticking his chin out further to get some of the kisses your dog was trying to give “Now tell me, what’s your pretty owner’s name, hm?”
“O-oh uh um!” You fumbled, caught off guard by the compliment, but still managed to provide him the response he was looking for; giving forth a shy smile to his more bright one.
“Well, that’s a pretty name, isn’t it Rufus?”
“T-thank you, um we-we um should get going, the sun is starting to set and stuff… don’t want to take up more of your time.” You mumbled, tugging your dog gently, and successfully, away to slowly start walking your route once more.
“H-hey, wait!” Bokuto called out, taking a few steps to close the small gap that was made between the two of you “Would… would you like to grab a coffee or something sometime?”
His request caught you off guard, your gaping mouth that you had to shut quickly (and loudly) proof of that, but not in a bad way as you nervously cleared your throat 
“Y-yeah, that sounds really nice,” You smiled excitedly, almost giddy as rummaged in your pocket for a moment to pull out your phone “Give me your number and I’ll let you know when I’m next available.”
You didn’t have to tell him twice, his eagerness once again making you giggle and his bright smile making your knees buckle, as he grabbed hold of your phone, waiting not a second to input his number along with a cute nickname before handing it back.
“Text me soon, okay?”
“O-okay!” You agreed, your smile almost mirroring his own as you gave him a final wave goodbye, tugging your dog gently off his legs one last time to resume your walk.
You both felt weightless as you walked back to your respective homes. You were unable to weaken the dumb, broad, smile that was glued on your face as giggled to yourself over your encounter with that handsome man, as you kept glancing down at the gloves he so kindly returned to you - whispering your thanks as you held them to your heart.
Bokuto’s legs felt like jelly as he sauntered back over to his building, fumbling with the intercom to try and gain access to the complex; his own dreamy and dumb expression never leaving his face as he almost incoherently asks to be let back in. Stumbling his way back up to his floor and through the threshold of his home, he thought of you and your cute smile; how he wants to see it again and soon. Excitedly he broke out of the trance you left him in to furiously type his text to you; the same one you receive as soon as you walked through the door
‘Please tell me I can meet you tomorrow!’
How interesting it was, how time could move so slowly and so quickly at the same time. How hours seem to fade into days, which fade into one another, and then all of a sudden a month will have passed and you never even realized it - like a blink of an eye.
It’s a combination of things, for time to move like this. For if it was just passing by quickly it would mean either life was so dull that things just blended together and time would then be wasted; or it could be the opposite, that all sorts of fun and excitement were happening at once that you could barely keep up. But if it is both, those days seem to drag on but weeks seem to end swiftly, then it’s a mixture of the two.
And really, that was the perfect explanation for it all.
During the day as you worked the hours seemed to drag on, but in the evenings whenever you had to walk your dog, or on the weekends, it was like time was doing everything it could to make the day anew again; to subjugate you to the long and drawn out hours of boredom work provided.
But whenever you weren’t at work, you found yourself crossing paths with your handsome new friend Bokuto. That was probably why time seemed to pass on by, it always seemed to move fast whenever someone was having fun. And you couldn’t lie that you were having the most fun you had in months while you were around that exuberant man, His positivity and brightness were contagious, and no matter how run down you felt, no matter how bad the day was, once you saw his smile it was like nothing bad happened at all.
Ever since you took the leap and replied to his enthusiastic text with one of your own stating a time to go out with you the next night to help you walk your dog, it has been a whirlwind of that bright fun.
Going to cafes to get coffee, trying out new restaurants that popped out of nowhere, trying out the hiking trails that you never knew existed, and exploring hidden corners of the city you had yet to explore. All while he held your hand tightly and dazzled you with his beaming smile every time you went out with him.
On top of it all, every weekday, after you finished work,  Bokuto would try his best to meet where it all began. To wait out in front of his apartment building in hopes to catch you, to then continue on walking with you for the remainder of your trip home; taking hold of your dog’s lead as he happily tucked your arm underneath his instead - his excuse was always  “gotta make sure you make it home safe” smiling down at you if you ever tried to complain.
Before you knew it a month had passed. A month filled with good morning texts, evening walks in the cool autumn air, and weekends filled with little dates. Your days consumed with the attentions and affections of a man you never thought you would meet, let alone be romanced by so energetically. It was all so sudden, almost overwhelming, but so welcomed all the same.
Though, with all the affection and time spent together, you couldn’t definitely say what you were; if you were his girlfriend or not. You couldn’t say there was nothing between you both, not with the small nervous gestures he gave you, like all those lingering kisses he would press to your forehead whenever he dropped you off. Never actually pressing his lips to yours, as if he was afraid of overstepping a boundary.
Due to this, you couldn’t claim to be official, that he was your boyfriend, that you were going steady. Which made butterflies form in your tummy when you asked him for a large favor; not sure if he would be okay with it all. After all, you hadn’t even kissed yet.
A work event was approaching, and it was mandatory that you go to it. Which meant you had to leave for an entire weekend. Normally, weekend trips were fine, as you could bring your furry companion with you. But you couldn’t bring your dog with you, the hotel your work arranged for you to stay at wouldn’t allow it. And you didn’t want to spend hundreds of dollars to send your dog to a service, or allow a stranger into your home to take care of them; who knows what they might look at or steal.
You decided to bite the bullet when the week of the event came up; figuring that the worst-case scenario was Bokuto would say no - but given how close you had gotten over the past month you had high hopes.
Besides, he was the perfect option. You would feel comfortable with him in your home, he had been over a few times before, and your dog adored him. And, he lived close by too, so if something were to happen or if he didn’t feel comfortable staying at your place for a few days it wouldn’t be the end of the world; he and your pet would just a few blocks.
You asked him, on a particularly warm Tuesday night for October, and he said yes without hesitation. You didn’t know why he agreed, perhaps it was in the bashful manner you asked, or maybe he could sense the quiet desperation in your tone. But, overall, it didn’t matter to you, just as long as your home and precious pet were safe.
But just as your life had started to slowly be consumed by him in all those little ways he had woven himself into your daily routine; Bokuto’s was completely taken away by you.
He couldn’t help it. Bokuto found himself thinking about you all the time, at almost every moment of the day. While grocery shopping he thought of what you might buy, and what dishes you might make yourself. At practice when he was supposed to be listening to his coach, or paying attention to the plays happening before him, all he could think about was having you sit on the bleachers cheering him on. Even late at night after you had sent your last text of the day, wishing him goodnight, he was thinking about you, almost obsessed by you, though he figured it was inevitable given how borderline obsessive he was before he even knew you; when he would just watch your figure pass by his window every day.
That was probably why he said yes to your request; not wanting to say no to your cute face or to possibly jeopardize his future chances of being with you. Besides, he loved your dog, and the chance to be in the place you called home, for longer than a moment to drop you off, was far too tempting.
“My goodness, again, thank you so much for doing this!” You gushed once more as you rushed to get the last of your things together, pushing Bokuto further into your home.
“No problem at all! Happy I could do this for you” He beamed, still holding onto the bag you had practically thrown at him when you opened the door to greet him.
“I know, I know…” You took a breath, finally taking the proper moment to actually acknowledge him “But still… figured I would let you know how appreciative I am; so, thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He responded in kind, his smile was so gentle that it made your heart skip a beat.
“R-right! Um… I wrote a list of what Rufus needs. His feeding schedule, walk schedule, all that kind of stuff. It’s on the kitchen table, so take a look.” Your voice went faint, though Bokuto could still hear you, as you walked away from him into your bedroom “It, it also has the passwords to my streaming services, should you want to use them.” You let out a small huff, as you dragged your suitcase from your bedroom “You are also free to have whatever you like from the kitchen! Nothing is off-limits, so go nuts. And um… you know if you wanted to bring your girlfriend over to hang out that’s cool with me too!”
You took your bag from Bokuto’s hold, taking a moment to peer inside to double-check you had all you needed in there. As well as looking at your suitcase to take a second to recall all you put in; trying to see if you had forgotten anything; doing your best to try and play it cool over what you just said.
“Well, that won’t be necessary,” Bokuto mumbled, doing his best to look at you but not stare. a hand fiddling with one of his hoodie’s drawstrings “The girlfriend thing I mean… don’t have one so… yeah.”
His nervous chuckle made you follow suit making you pause your tireless item shuffling to glance up at him; your smile was small before growing wider alongside his and you shared a brief moment - on that you both couldn’t really put a name to, but knew it was a good one all the same.
“Alright, I think I’m good to go!” You bit your lip, taking hold of your suitcase; extending the handle for easier use.
“Safe travels, okay? Text me when you get there!” Bokuto asked, opening the door for you to avoid any further struggles
“Don’t worry, I will!” You leaned up, placing a quick peck on his lips before walking through your threshold  “Thanks, again! I’ll see you in a few days!”
Bokuto watched you leave, down the hall, and into the elevator with a dumbstruck look on his face; if you weren’t in such a hurry you might have laughed at that. But as soon as you were out of sight that shocked look turned into one of dumbstruck love as a goofy smile crossed his face as he closed your door with a goofy-sounding chuckle.
‘Our first kiss’ was all he could think about as he wandered over to your couch, plopping down on it as he absent-mindedly pet your dog as he relived the way your lips felt over and over again. Hoping that when you came back, he would be graced with another one.
The first night went without a hitch. Due to your late afternoon departure, all Bokuto had to do was put Rufus out for the last time, and then enjoy the night in. Ordering food and choosing a movie to play in the background as he absent-mindedly scrolled his phone - sending a good night text your way once you confirmed you made it to your hotel safely. And given that Iwazumi was so hard on him, and his team members, in training earlier that day, he didn’t think twice about hitting the hay once he got back from that final walk with your furry friend.
However, the next morning would prove to be his downfall.
Though it wasn’t like it was his fault really. It was just, sleeping in your bed, being surrounded by the smell of you - the whisper of floral from the shampoo that you use lingered on your pillows, the faint smell of your laundry detergent that comforted him as he snuggled deeper in your blanket, and the scent of your faded sweat the clung the deeper he sunk into your sheets -  all of it was so uniquely, perfectly, utterly you that his body acted without thinking.
And maybe it was because he was laying in your bed, surrounded by the same sheets that clung to your body in ways he could only imagine, could only dream about. That such an innocent act was something far more intimate than he, and more than likely yourself, thought it could be. It was something that got to him more than it should.
No matter how much he tossed and turned, tried to think of anything else, his body betrayed him. And as the sun’s rays hit his eyes, signaling a new day, his stiffened cock stood proud, barely contained by the fabric of his boxers, just as it did when he first crawled into your bed.
“A cold shower would do the trick,” Bokuto whispered to himself as he dragged his body into an upright position, keeping an eye on your dog to make sure he was still asleep. “Always works before a game….”
And it did. Well… whenever he was about to play a game, or away on tour and needed to get rid of his morning wood before meeting his teammates. This was proving to be a different case all entirely. And he was only a man.
A weak, weak, man too easily trumped by temptation.
He would apologize, and beg to whatever god that was above, for your forgiveness and understanding but he couldn’t help but stroke his cock to the thought of you. How your skin would look all lathered in bubbles from the body wash he was currently inhaling; never once thinking the smell of hibiscus would make his eyes roll to the back of his skull. Imagining how he would bend you over, pressing you against the cheap tile wall, and fuck you so hard that your neighbors could hear the sound of your moans over the water; how pretty your pussy would look after he came so deep inside, how his cum would slowly seep out and down your pretty legs before being washed away down the drain.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” Bokuto hissed, as his hipped jerked into his hand, his release overtaking him making a mess of his hand, chest, and your shower wall; silently, and shamefully watching it go down your drain - disappointed over the reality of it all.
The rest of the day went decently enough. Bokuto avoided your room and everything in it, even your bathroom for most of the day in fear of having to take another hour-long shower. Instead, he occupied his time by taking your dog out on a nearby, local, hiking trail; one that traversed close to and alongside a river. Your dog loved it, and Bokuto made sure to keep a mental note to take you out here soon before the weather got too cold and the river would freeze over.
He also spent his time, the majority of his evening, catching up on the latest TV drama Hinata was begging him to watch; keeping the younger man updated on which episode he was on, and taking small breaks to feed your dog or to take him on his needed walks for bathroom relief.
But Bokuto knew he couldn’t avoid it forever; that when night fell, he would crack once more. He knew he should have slept on the couch, to deal with the aches in his joints, the soreness in his muscles, and whatever back pain he would inevitably have by huddling and sleeping in such a still position on your too-small couch. But the allure of sleeping in your sheets - to be surrounded by the same comfort you allowed yourself to enjoy every night - was too enticing.
It was a sleepless night, once again.
Though this time it was not spent like the night before, where he was tossing and turning to try and settle down to get a proper night's rest. Bokuto knew that it would be pointless to try. Instead, fueled by the faded smell of your shampoo that lingered on your pillowcase, he took hold of your fluffiest pillow, and slotted it between his legs; against his weeping and aching cock. No longer able to help, or ignore the heat that coursed through his veins.
His whimpers, though muffled, echoed within your empty bedroom as the sound of your headboard softly hitting the wall behind accompanied the sinful symphony as his body crushed your favourite pillow; hips desperately trying to keep that wonderful friction it gave to get him over the edge. Bokuto thought about how you would look folded into a mating press as he pinned you in place with nothing but his weight; how sweet you would look with tears in your eyes as you babbled on about how much you loved his cock.
“Yeah, just like that…. fuck, you’re such a good girl….nngh!.... You like taking my cock, huh? You like how my fat cock stretches you out? Come on… come on say it, please?”
It went on all night long, and when the morning sun finally hit his tired eyes did Bokuto finally feel spent; finally felt like he got all his pent-up frustrations out of him. Though his body screamed at him to not move, to lay down and rest, he had to ignore it. Had to take your soiled bedding - pillows, sheets, and blankets - off your bed so they could be washed. If he had more energy he would wince in shame over how much cum he managed to spill out onto it all; but right now he couldn’t give a damn. It was more than worth it to him.
Bokuto blessed the gods above that you had a washer and dryer within your cute apartment; how thankful he was not to have to take them all the way down flights of stairs and possibly run into one of your neighbors. He quickly went to put a load on, knowing he had to take care of a few last things around the house, for your little dog, and place some new sheets on your bed to dissuade any suspicion before you got home.
And oh what a blessing your little laundry room was.
There, sat atop your dirty laundry within the hamper you kept so neatly tucked away, sat a pair of pretty pink lace panties. He knew you had worn them, knew that they were meant to be washed, knew you had not left them there to tease him but instead discarded them like anyone would with used clothing, and he knew he should have just walked away from them. But they were so pretty, Bokuto couldn’t help but grab them for a closer look.
Couldn’t help but enjoy the way the soft fabric felt against his calloused fingertips. Couldn’t help but bring them up to his face, couldn’t help the way his mouth watered from the musky smell that greeted him, and certainly couldn’t help what he was about to do.
He knew it was wrong; he only has a few hours before you came home for Christ's sake. But this whole weekend was a perfect example of how little control he had when it came to you. That despite how wrong it all was, how he was violating your privacy and taking advantage of this situation, he couldn’t quell his lust as he took another deep inhale of your scent that stayed on that flimsy piece of fabric; his loose athletic shorts slipping past his hips as his angry-red cock sprung free once again.
“Gotta be quick…. gotta be quick - fuck!” He kept muttering to himself as he furiously pumped his hand up and down the length of his cock; doing his best to finish quickly and move on to what he was supposed to be doing.
He thought of you on top of the washer; sitting like the good girl you were as he knelt before you and ate you out like his last meal - your moans and mewls shaking in rhythm to the vibrations of the machine below you. The whole image being brought to him in a clearer focus in his mind due to the constant inhale of your fragrance.
Bokuto came with an unexpected groan, finishing much faster than he anticipated; not realizing just how effective those pretty panties of yours were. He collapsed against your wall with a deep and satisfied sigh; doing his best to calm his heart and breathing down. He could hear his phone go off from the other room, the specific chime meant it was you - clearly texting him that you were almost home. Bokuto sighed one last time, knowing he was not in an even bigger hurry to clean things up; starting with the panties he had balled in his fist.
Maybe… maybe you won’t notice if they are gone….
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or perhaps maybe you will
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internutter · 8 months
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Challenge #03940-J288: Looks Innocent Enough
The human is albino, white hair, pale skin, pink eyes. Their much taller havenworlder friends that they are protecting have white fur and light colored eyes. The human wears the same colors as their crewmates for a uniform. The Pirates learn the lesson of the "hidden guard dog" the hard way. -- Anon Guest
The lighting on the ship was dim. They liked it that way. Their homeworld was, as some might say, slightly frosty. Thus, things like pale colouration and a coat of fur made sense. Their Ships' Human was the same colour as them for completely different reasons.
They called it Spacer's Albanism. In environments with artificial light and little in the way of natural radiation, those who spent generations on stations or in ships tended to lose all need for melanin. Those who had it ranged from blond and blue-eyed to white as the proverbial sheet with pink or even red irises. That was just one reason why Human Ness fit in with his crewmates so well.
Those familiar with Humans know many of the others. They may be self-sacrificing, terminally curious maniacs, but they're our self-sacrificing, terminally curious maniacs. It's that darn pack-bonding of theirs. It gets everywhere.
[Check the source for the rest of the story]
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108garys · 7 days
*slides in* werewolves eh? Well seeing how you've done the Clarke family would you mind doing the Milton family? You can either make Mary a werewolf or not I don't mind, the image of the other two protecting her like guard dogs is amazing, not the mention the lore aspects it could imply. But also puppy werewolf🥹🤲 I just love the Miltons a normal amount and werewolves are my love language lol
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That image of Mary being watched over by her siblings spoke to me so no werewolf pup this time, unlike the rest of the wolves I liked the idea of Tabitha(left) and David(right) mirroring each other although I did put in the effort to differentiate between them with subtle differences in fur texture and eye shape(tabi's eyes bigger and David's fur wavier)
And of course Mary(centre lol) is as cute as a button(her face is so darn tiny on my phone when I was drawing her so she needs a close up because even though she is human a lot of effort went into her appearance)
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Beyond the protection angle I wanted to show the Milton siblings bound together as its one robe tethering all of them and it's also giving "parent birds see their new egg for the first time" at any rate I'm going to need you to imagine that Mary is standing on a big rock given the scale of them all
I will again say that I've gotten more werewolf asks and less time than anticipated as something came up a little after, this isn't to say people should stop sending them so much as to be mindful of the time I may take to do them 😊
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yandere-kokeshi · 11 months
Yandere Izuku, Katsuki, Kirishima and Hawks with a gn darling who has a service dog
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Warnings: yandere behavior
A/N: this was requested. Sadly, I couldn't get to the request as the person deactivated.
Enjoy regardless :]
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Deku / Izuku Midoriya:
Extremely supportive and respectful when he figures out about your dog - No matter what, he still looks at you like he does every day. He finds you unique, especially after he learns about your diagnosis.
He makes sure to help you get ready in the mornings, especially if you two (or three) are going to be somewhere in public. He always helps you pick out their collar. Before leaving, he always kisses your head and promises to see you later; reminding you to keep your phone recording in case of incidents.
If you’re in public and you have an episode, Izuku is quite frantic the first time. But, he’s learned to stay beside you and let your buddy do their work, leaving to get you a water bottle and covering your body with his jacket in case paparazzi comes around.
Almost becomes a different person in public with you. From your confession and his chances of meeting people in non-friendly animal places, he knows how selfish and idiotic people can be. With this said, Deku gets more protective of you and the dog; not letting anyone touch or distract your dog. Out of the rest of the guys, he’s nicer in reminding people. But rather still blunt and can come off as passive-aggressive.
Spoils the dog like the one of the Kardashians when they’re ‘off duty’. Only buys the best treats, and looks on Amazon for hours for the perfect sweaters and collars that match yours and his outfits. He may have stolen your dogs on a few instances, cuddling their body as he babies them with more treats.
Izuku is the guy who suggests dying your dog’s fur in colorful shades. Whether it’s holiday themes, bright but unique patterns, or simply your favorite color; Deku is more than happy to help you dye them, giving them peanut-butter biscuits afterward.
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Dynamight / Katsuki Bakugou:
At first, Katski was rather distant and nonchalant toward your dog. He didn’t know how to react. But now, he loves the dog as much as he loves you. He’s proud of them and more comfortable with an individual who’s capable of taking care of you, and keeping you company, especially in rare occurrences, when you go out into public without him.
He’s incredibly cautious near the dog. Bakugou always makes sure to never bother or get in your way while you two are in the same room. At times, he acts as if the dog has the plague.
On times he’s away and on hero duty, whenever the two of you call, he makes sure to ask how the dog is and makes sure they’re treating you right; promising to bring treats home. And that he does! Brings a whole box full of goodies just for your 1st greatest hero.
While Katsuki may seem detached from the dog, he loves the dog incredibly much. The minute he gets home and gets an okay from you to start cuddling with them, Katsuki rubs their ears and kisses their snout as he praises them for doing a good job; it’s darn cute watching the both of them sleep on the couch after a hard day at work.
If you’re into safely dying your dog colors, he may suggest drawing a skull on their back or doing his colors (black, orange, and green). As cliché, as it sounds, he thinks it’s cute. Nevertheless, he’s more than happy to help you dye the doggo’s fur if you’re fine with it.
Whenever the two of you are out in public and he sees a fake service dog, he’s more prominent to yell out that it’s bullshit and that they shouldn’t be there. With his broad voice and high structure, high chance whoever the dipshit is, they scurry off in fear. And if someone decides to challenge his patience by petting the dog? All hell is loose and he gets really scary - which, is not a pretty sight from the obnoxious-explosive hero.
On rare occurrences, Katsuki does get jealous of the dog. But, with him being slightly more mature, he just gets over it and demands cuddles the minute he gets home - staring down your dog as if they ate his shoe. But don’t worry, he means well.
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Red Riot / Ejiro Kirishima:
Pretty calm considering how nervous and worrisome he is with you. Whether the dog is there for physical or emotional needs (or both!), Kirishima worries like a mother hen; he always fears you will hurt yourself, even if he trusts the dog 100%.
Watching your dog do tasks is remarkable to him. Whatever they do, whether that’s doing crowd control, holding the groceries (or items), doing specific alerts, or simply doing their everyday deep pressure therapy, he’s always looking at them with an awed look and tends to tell you how great of a dog they are.
Is ready to throw slurs whenever people come up to you or simply try to pet the dog. Like the fuck? The vest has big bold letters - don’t touch the dog, dumbass. Rarely does Kirisima get angry, especially in the public eye, but when he does, it’s quite mean and harsh. He doesn’t understand people and their unnecessary ways.
Having disabilities is rough, especially after having a flare-up or an episode. With this said, Ejiro will try to never let you or your service animal get separated. He always makes sure to place trackers on the both of you, as he can see if you two need help and so on.
The first time he sees you have an episode, whether that’s PTSD, SIB, or a disability flair-up — he immediately starts to freak. But, with growing and realizing that he doesn't need to help at the moment, he’s learned to get you a water bottle, comfort you or the dog when needed, and wait for you to calm down/or get to a point where you two can talk it out and leave safely.
On Halloween, expect Kirishima to be the dog dad where he will beg you to let him dress them up, specifically safely dye their fur to look like him or a cute fireman
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Hawks / Keigo Takami:
He’s pretty excited to meet the dog but respectful of the whole ordeal. He asks multiple questions about surrounding the dog – such as what it’s trained for and what he can do to help not distract your dog from working.
As he’s a trained hero, he’s seen service dogs before. For this reason, he never looks down on you or the dog for needing help; he finds the dog amazing at what it’s doing. Keigo always reminds you daily that you’re amazing and nobody should give you crap for that. You just need extra steps with help and there’s nothing wrong with that.
Being a handler is tough. He’s seen it, especially with the way you come home all mad with your experiences. Keigo is always there for you to rant, wrapping his wings around you and letting the pup affectionately cuddle you.
Gets a new type of anger when he realizes how stupid people can be. Whenever he goes with you, Hawks makes sure nobody – including kids – touches you or the dog. While his smile is always charming, his hands and eyes are always showing his hateful and annoyed emotions. At times, it’s terrifying.
With episodes, they’re random. And when they do happen, Hawks will let you rest and do what your dog is trained to do - let him have the time to run down to the nearest 7/11 to get your comfort drink and snack. And if this happens in public, he makes sure to stay in front of you; covering you with his wings in case photos are taken.
While I believe Hawks isn’t much of a dog person, he’ll still love on your doggo like he loves on you. At times, he’ll come home from work with extra toys, treats, and colorful
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© yandere-kokeshi 2023 — Do not copy, modify, edit, repost, or use my works for ASMR readings, tiktoks, or other content.
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
OMG HIHI superr duperr sorry i was Like the anon that like requested “kitsune! Reader” and i just realized like OMG.. I NEVER TOLD EM THANK YOU?? How rude of me 😞
BUT THANK YOUU FOR THE HCS and I was wondering if you would be comfortable enough to do a Pomni x Fem! (Or gn ofc) Kitsune! Reader? OFC IF YOU DONT MIND BOOKIE🫶 HAVE A GOOD DAYY THOOO
Pomni x kistune!reader !
dont worry about not thanking me! im kind of not used to people not thanking me if they dont do it in advance when not sending it with their ask (this is not a gripe at anyone by the way, i kind of get it plus i dont really expect it) with that being said i hope you enjoy! post being referenced
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oh... youre mischievous just like a certain someone else... oh boy
okay but this does make me have to think, how does pomni handle little tricksters? i mean we dont see her suffering jax's wrath much within the pilot so i dont have much of a basis
with that said i think she would have some level of tolerance for it, i mean she has much larger issues with being new the circus. shes going to have to either accept that this is her new home for the rest of her life, or try to find an exit so she can return to her old life in the real world
but with tolerance comes limits, so there will likely be times where she may get a little irritated with you. nothing too too terrible, but she might strain her voice trying to tell you to give her space or knock it off... speaking of space, that might be something she will need if you go a little far
as for your fox bits! i think she would pet and scratch around your ears! do foxes like ear scratches like dogs and cats do? well for the sake of the post lets say yes! thinks its cute when your ears start twitching
mutters a soft "oh no..." when she sees you start doing the airplane ears. love the idea that you as the reader do that when youre cooking something up in your brain; be it mischief or otherwise!
probably messes with your tail when youre nearby and shes feeling anxious; mostly just petting the fur and running her fingers through it
youve probably accidentally smacked her in the face with it when turning... you didnt mean it! shes just so darn short!
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kunikinnie · 2 years
requested by: @stygianoir
with an s/o who's ability is similar to Natsume's
featuring: Poe, Chuuya, Lovecraft x GN!Reader
WARNING: contains spoilers for S3!
Edgar Allan Poe
He thinks it's an adorable ability. Seeing you in a "convenient size" brings him comfort for some reason.
His affectionate side will naturally come out (it always happens with animals) but he tries his best to hold back since it's technically still you.
Always asks if he can touch or pet you. Even if you've already given him the go signal he'll still ask just to make sure you don't think it's weird or anything like that.
If you leave by yourself in cat form, he'll be extremely worried. He trusts you but not the world around you - what if you get caught or hurt and can't get home? No one will be able to help you if something does happen.
As for him becoming a cat: he actually likes it a lot.
For one, he can hide in more places. Under a table, on top of a cabinet, in your arms-
Another reason is that you touch him much more often. Whether it's simply stroking his furry body or carrying him altogether, his little heart might explode from the thrill.
Nakahara Chuuya
Of course he'll just say it's hella useful for espionage and hiding. Convenient at times, definitely.
But he won't admit that he adores you in cat form. Even if he's a dog person, he certainly enjoys a little furball walking around and hopefully brushing against him.
Pretends he doesn't like it when you're on his lap, but you're glued there for hours without him complaining.
Aside from your safety, the only other thing he's worried about is your food. The thought of you eating random stuff disgusts him and he makes sure you eat something normal before going out on a mission.
Now as for changing him into cat...
It's annoying that you call him cute and all especially he's gotten even tinier. You'd dote over him, raise him in the air like a baby, and carry him around. His masculine pride doesn't appreciate that.
BUT his simp ass for you loves the attention and how much you touch him. It feels so good, especially when you pet his head and his cheek.
He'll run away if he catches himself purring, though. It's so gosh darn embarrassing.
He'll also hiss at people he doesn't like - maybe even bite or scratch them (especially Dazai, if he could)
HP Lovecraft
He likes cute things, so that definitely includes your ability.
It fascinates him that you can turn into something so small (since he's used to the opposite).
But since he's not too familiar with furred animals, he might not do much and just leave you alone to do whatever you want.
Except the cat toys. He loves using the cat toys with you.
Now if for some reason, you manage to turn him into a cat...
He'll still retain his tentacle powers and morph whenever he wants. Being in an agile but not-so powerful body makes him feel weird, so he'll use his tentacles if wants to reach something.
It's one of those things that he doesn't know if he likes or doesn't. Even if you've done it several times it just feels... strange. It took some time to adjust to a human body so a cat body is even harder.
He's definitely going to take the best naps tho. Somehow the quality of sleep he gets as a cat is so much better than his usual (both human and sea monster), and it's nice not feeling so vulnerable.
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blackbloodteeth · 3 days
Snippet Sunday? On my Monday? It's only Monday until I go to bed, baby.
Anyway hah, thank you both @amberlehcar and @silluuuu for the tag! Got my 100th (published) fic still cookin', and I started just randomly typing this up in general chat because I am a diddly darn ping pong ball haha (might still toss out that scene I had in my head last night, but for now here's... mop).
Soul spins his head around, taken completely aback at how a floor can be a ceiling before he jolts in place like a deer and nearly trips as he looks directly down at… a dog? It might be a dog. It might also be another version of him, and if he stops to keep thinking about it his face is going to scrunch into oblivion (unfortunately he can't stop thinking).
"Oh don't worry about that one –" The… adult him said that. "– he looks a lot like a sentient mop with its face smashed in, but you'll find a lot of those types end up just being lazy."
The… mop dog lets out an almost bored-sounding whine before licking its tongue over its nose from beneath all the bottom fangs sticking out, a curious look on his own face leaning to take a full gander at the sheer amount of wild, white fur taking over its body except for the darker face and red eyes staring back. Soul goes to wave at it and gets surprised when it immediately stands(?) up, a smile creeping up his dang face when he remembers he's still holding that cool wizard stick he grabbed on the way in here. The adult him rolls his eyes, but gives a half-arsed gesture of 'try it and find out.'
Soul, of course, throws the stick.
An unstoppable wave of delight consumes his grin as the mop-dop scrambles to chase after it, the sound of little claws scraping against the stony wall-flooring and then grumbles of triumph when it hoists the staff between its teeth, clacks of it wandering back his way soon following. He can't help but laugh when it finally just waits in front of him, butt floof wagging behind it, even as he shakes his hand off after retrieving the stick and all the drool that comes along with it.
"Ew, come on…" Its tongue just flops out from the side of its mouth. "You're a real slobber monster."
His scrunched smirk looks up at his adult self just folding his arms at him like some kinda movie poster, which he chooses to ignore the 'found out' look of. "Does it have a, uhh… nickname too?"
"Slobber monster works," he laughs. "He'd prob'ly say impatient, if you're still wanting to hold onto that."
Soul glances between his hand and the drool dripping from the mop's mouth. "…That's fair. Slobber Monster it is, then. –"
Giving the stick an even better throw, he doesn't even register the adult him's amused sigh while the childhood whimsy of playing with a dog he's never gotten to have sucks him into forgetting about anything else, even if it's a weird dog and on a wall that's also a floor in a room that's like, between worlds or something.
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cmweller · 8 months
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Challenge #03940-J288: Looks Innocent Enough
The human is albino, white hair, pale skin, pink eyes. Their much taller havenworlder friends that they are protecting have white fur and light colored eyes. The human wears the same colors as their crewmates for a uniform. The Pirates learn the lesson of the "hidden guard dog" the hard way. -- Anon Guest
The lighting on the ship was dim. They liked it that way. Their homeworld was, as some might say, slightly frosty. Thus, things like pale colouration and a coat of fur made sense. Their Ships' Human was the same colour as them for completely different reasons.
They called it Spacer's Albanism. In environments with artificial light and little in the way of natural radiation, those who spent generations on stations or in ships tended to lose all need for melanin. Those who had it ranged from blond and blue-eyed to white as the proverbial sheet with pink or even red irises. That was just one reason why Human Ness fit in with his crewmates so well.
Those familiar with Humans know many of the others. They may be self-sacrificing, terminally curious maniacs, but they're our self-sacrificing, terminally curious maniacs. It's that darn pack-bonding of theirs. It gets everywhere.
[Check the source for the rest of the story]
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summertimemusician · 6 months
Things are gonna be quiet here for a lot longer than anticipated, and I am sorry for that. Well... It's better for me to get it out of the way quickly.
One of my dogs passed away this morning.
At the time I'm writing this it's been at least a couple of hours since I found her. I would have been... Not prepared, per say, if it was my eldest dog, because frankly who the heck is ever prepared for the death of their pet, no one ever is. But I wouldn't have been surprised, she's an old but good girl and I'm terrified every day I'm going to wake up and see her gone, but it wouldn't have been a surprise.
It being one of my youngest to go first was a surprise. And definitely not a good one to wake up to when you are just trying to go to sleep.
Her name was Crystal. She was a soft good girl, quiet and with the fur the color of ivory and gold. She was really gentle and affectionate, every time I was home she'd immediately come bounding over, tripping over her own paws to pat at my legs for pets and hugs and kisses. She has an elder sister which has the fur opposite to hers and is incredibly hyperactive but just as sweet, but I've been raising them both since they were pups with my eldest dog as their resigned surrogate mom and a stray I was raising at the time as their brother.
She was such, such a gentle and kind girl. And I... I don't even have any words, she was alright yesterday you know? The rest of this week in fact, running around, barking and playing and cuddling with her sister while my eldest watched on because she has no patience for puppies but Lord willing she'll let fights break out and I had to hold their brother back because he's too big and he'd bowl them both over and I was still trying to teach him how to not accidentally crush them because he's a silly but good boy and I just... Can't process this right now. I just can't. I don't know why or how she passed away and it just... Hurts, I'm numb and I'm empty and I'm so, so, so darn tired I wish I could just tear the pain out of my heart but unfortunately if I tried I'd just find a useless organ that is used to pump blood onto my body so it has oxygen to continue working. Grief is always such a clawing, biting, gritting, cutting thing and it destroys anyone from the inside out and I'm tired of it, I wish I didn't have to mourn again and that she was still here but well, the thing about wishes is that they don't come true.
... But that's not important right now. I'll always, always miss her. I loved you so, so much Crystal, still do. Probably always will though we've barely spent a full year together. I hope you know that, that you're happy wherever you are now and hopefully not in anymore pain, and that you won't worry about your useless owner. I'll make sure to watch over your sister and everyone as best as I can, so just rest in peace okay? Wherever she is, I hope she doesn't worry about me.
(I'd give you guys a picture of her, but she was also my mom's since she helped take care of her and she's... Well, devasted is too soft to put it. Out of respect to her wishes I won't be putting it here.)
... I might go silent here for a while due to this. I know I was going to post a lot more Linktober stuff I didn't yet because I hate to leave stuff incomplete, among other stuff and projects and asks I've been working on. And for those who have read and liked my writing I'm sorry I won't be able to post anything any time soon, and for the unanswered asks in my inbox, I was getting to them in between essays and well. This happened. I... Need to take some time for myself, and to keep an eye on my dogs and on my mom too to make sure they're going to be okay. I'll probably be writing and rewriting a lot in the meantime, writing was and always will be one of the better ways I coped and it's the only way I really can get this out of my system since somehow I doubt I'll have the proper space and time to properly grieve. Hopefully I'll be back soon and until then my apologies, hope you all can be patient with me until then.
Till next time guys. And thank you everyone who liked any of my writing until now.
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trainofcommand · 1 year
Tell us more of the cowboys and golden retrievers retrieving a weird scientist
Well, okay then! :)
Cracky flash ficlet: Retrieved, with Science (Cam Mitchell, Jonas Quinn, Rodney McKay, two golden retrievers, cowboys 1950s AU).
"Those are some dumbass dogs for a cowboy," some idiot once said to Cam, his face scrunched up with disgust and derision. "Dumbest cowboy dogs I ever seen," he'd reiterated, drawing out the 'dumbest' into a slow drawl, and punctuating it by spitting a mouthful of tobacco on the ground.
The dogs in question – Killer and Fang – had looked up from where they'd been curled on the stoop of the little cabin where they all stay in the off-season, their mouths open, panting happily, exhausted from a long day of doing whatever the heck Cam had wanted them to do. He'd looked at the dogs, looked at the idiot who was talking, and figured to hell with him. Then he'd punched that idiot right in the mouth, smiling the whole while.
He'd kept on smiling while the guy spit out blood and a tooth, and smiled a little wider when Fang got up and ambled to stand between them, tail wagging, canines showing.
"Oh darn," Jonas had said when he came 'round the front of the cabin, buckets of fresh water from the well in each hand. "Insulting the dogs, huh?"
"Yup," Cam had replied, wiping his bloody hand on his shirt.
In the evening light, Killer and Fang's fur had gleamed golden, and so had Jonas's sun-bleached hair, and the idiot had looked at them all, thought better of trying anything, and walked away.
The truth is, golden retrievers make great dogs for a couple of cowboys out on the range.
They're loyal.
"They sure are," says Jonas.
They're energetic.
"Oh, definitely," Jonas agrees, as he bends to give Killer a good scratch.
They'll chew a man's leg off, just for the fun of it.
"Well, I'm not sure I agree with that one." But Jonas is smiling, so Cam doesn't have to argue about it.
And finally, they look fantastic in bandanas. Wholesome. Fetching. Downright red-ribbon-winning. "Heck yes, they do," Jonas says, nodding vigorously as he ties a new red bandana around Fang's neck. Cam likes it – the red looks great against Fang's fur, it makes her easy to spot from a distance, and it'll hide any blood after she sinks those teeth into an interloper's arm, or leg, or whatever's in biting distance that gets in her way.
"Ah, sure, Cam," Jonas says, stepping away and observing Fang's new look.
"Well, this is interesting," Jonas says, the evening that Killer trots up with what looks like a stick in his mouth. Turns out it's not a stick at all, unless it comes from a tree made of metal and covered in numbers and lines. Cam's seen a lot of trees out on the range, and he's never seen a tree like that.
Killer's path is followed, a few minutes later, by a guy who's huffing and puffing a little bit, his face red, his hands dirty, and his mouth yelling.  
Cam listens for a while, arms crossed, taking in the swearing, the exclamations about their sub-standard camp, the demands for something to eat, the admonitions that their food stores are inadequately out of reach from invasive wildlife, the complaints that it's now too late to safely get back to his own camp so he's going to have to stay with them for the night, and the accusations that Killer took an instrument that cost more than 'whatever the hell it is you two are' make in a month, which is really inconvenient, because there's science that needs to done.
Eventually the guy stops talking, mostly because he's alternating between chewing on a biscuit and tearing into some dried jerky. But even as he's eating, he's looking expectant, like he's waiting for some kind of response.
So Cam shrugs, reaches down and takes the metal instrument out of Killer's mouth and says, "Not like we can expect much else. He's a golden retriever."
Jonas nods and holds out an apple, just in case the scientist-guy is still hungry. Jonas is real welcoming like that.
Science-guy scowls but he takes the apple.
Cam doesn't listen much while science-guy and Jonas talk details. Mostly it's boring. Plus there are golden retrievers curled up on either side of him, the cattle are lowing in the distance, the sun's starting to sink below the horizon, and all together, that's just bound to make a guy sleepy.
"That is very interesting, Dr. McKay," Jonas says excitedly, not for the first time. "Right, Cam?"
Cam just hums because it'll make Jonas happy, and leans back against a tree stump, already dozing off.
Science guy heads out in the morning with several warm, freshly-baked biscuits wrapped in a bandana in one hand, his metal stick instrument thing in the other, two apples in his pockets, and what Cam guesses must be the minimum amount of grumbling and complaints that he allows himself each morning. He leaves behind some a whole bunch of quiet, which Cam is real grateful for, and a jaunty wave from Jonas, accompanied by, "Have fun with your science, Dr. McKay!"
He doesn't leave behind Killer, who gamely gets up, stretches, and trots off after him, tail held high and wagging. And that's a real son of a bitch, because Fang is going to get lonely, and Killer was wearing Cam's third-best back-up emergency bandana.
"So much for loyalty," he mutters, watching man and dog disappear into the edge of the forest.
Beside him, Fang rolls onto her back, kicking her feet into the air and flashing her fierce canines. "Don't worry," he tells her. "Next time we meet him, I'll let you gnaw his leg right off." She kicks her back feet a little harder, baring all her teeth, and wagging her tail so hard it makes her lose her balance, rolling onto her side.
Then she picks herself up and shakes, loose fur and pieces of grass flying everywhere, and she looks deadly as hell.
Cam feels real proud.
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Evening Glow
An anonymous request this time, so I won’t tag anyone, but here be Jellydots. :) All my love to those who read/like/reblog! ♥
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Warm evening sunlight hit Jennyanydots’ nose like an affectionate kiss and coloured her whiskers in a wispy honey tone when she left her junkyard den after darning the last sock in Mister Mistoffelees’ ever-growing collection.
She slow-blinked at Bombalurina and Cassandra as she passed them and they took the time to wave back, hunched over a list of some sorts as they were. Demeter dozed nearby, peaceful and undisturbed by the gaggle of kittens climbing onto her and pouncing on her spotted tail.
Jenny had spoken to her just recently, pleasantly surprised at the ease in her voice, the relaxed softness of her shoulders and the giddy spring in her tread when she returned to Bombalurina’s side afterwards.
Then again, it never took even the most hard-boiled strangers more than a week or two to lose the tension between their shoulder blades and eyes, and even less for them to dare and raise their voice, steps guarded and diction stilted, mind, but gaining confidence with every passing second, the songs of the Jellicles unburdening their hearts and relieving their fears of bodily contact and affection as easy as a kitten finding their mother through her purr alone.
Our cats, Old Deuteronomy said often, immeasurable pride in his voice. Jennyanydots would only smile and purr in response, warmth filling her chest until she was sure her pelt was glowing like Mistoffelees’ during his most daring performances.
Nonetheless, it was good to see her enjoy herself. Jenny nodded contently to herself and righted her flapper dress, untangling one of the tassels with the tip of a claw. Normally she wouldn’t dare to think of wearing it to venture into the depths of the city, lest it get dirty or torn, but today was a special occasion, and special occasions called for deviations every now and then.
As Bustopher always said; it was only healthy to break routine from time to time.
She left the junkyard, flitting through the legs of one of the smoking guardsmen standing at the gates. She heard nothing but a soft “Oh, it’s you” and a chuckle, then she was off.
Traffic at this time of day was, quite frankly, unbearable, but Jennyanydots swallowed her annoyance and waited patiently at the traffic lights, admiring their colourful lenses and wondering what they were for, only moving across the street when the humans did, cooing over her dress and reaching out to pet her. She pointedly ignored impatiently grasping hands, only allowing touch whenever a polite (and clean) hand was presented to her to sniff at first.
The number of pedestrians only multiplied the closer she got to her destination, making her lose sight of her way more than two times. She jumped up a fence, almost hissing when a surprised passer-by swatted at her with a newspaper.
“Terribly sorry,” he said, putting the newspaper away.
“Meeaurgh,” Jenny answered indignantly.
She did end up hissing at him when he had the audacity to try and pet her, balancing on the fence, a few tassels helplessly tangled from all the stir.
“Why, I ought to…” she grumbled as she turned a corner into a side street, hoping to find easy access to the roofs.
The baying of a courageous poodle grated on her very last nerve. She turned around to give him a severe scolding, when a scent wafted from the other side of the street, calming her fiery temper so quickly that she almost felt drowsy with it.
The poodle had stopped barking as soon as she had turned around and hid behind his human’s legs, who sighed as if this was a regular occurrence.
Jennyanydots honestly did not give an obscene word about the feelings of this meddlesome dog, instead crossing the street and burying her nose in the soft fur behind Jellylorum’s right ear faster than Jellylorum could say the abbreviation of her name.
“Being tardy is truly not your style,” Jellylorum commented drily, nuzzling the area of Jenny’s head that she could reach in their current position.
“Can you blame me, love? You know how seldom I leave the junkyard to visit other places than my humans’ humble abode, and everything until now has only served as a painful reminder of why I avoid the city centre.”
“There, there,” Jellylorum snickered, pulling back a little to groom Jennyanydots’ ear, “no need for dramatics, dearest. The world is big and improper, but that’s hardly news to us, is it now?”
She was joking, of course, and Jenny muffled a laugh in Jellylorum’s well-groomed fur and pulled her head back.
“You can say that again.” She turned around halfway to bare her teeth at the poodle again, just to make a point. She was almost impressed at how he managed to completely conceal himself behind his human, even though he was fairly big. Plato could learn from him, she thought.
“Well, no matter. I do hope you know a way to our destination far away from the streets? I just might end up losing my mind and scratch someone, and-”
“Certainly,” Jellylorum interrupted, her stuttery, throaty purr washing over Jenny like a calming wave, smoothing down her raised hackles and slowing down her agitated heartbeat. “Right up here, if you please.”
In no time at all, they were on the nearest garage roof, and Jennyanydots took the time to untangle her tassels anew. Jellylorum helped, pointing out and admiring the new shiny lace that adorned the hem of the dress. (Jenny had added it after she had tripped over a bunch of loose threads; the dress was getting a little old. But no-one needed to know that.)
On their way across the roofs of London they passed two or three sweepers hard at work, a dovecot and a very surprised and dusty little boy, who came flying out of one of the chimneys.
Jellylorum meowed at him to ask if he was alright when a little girl shot out of the very same chimney and almost landed on the two cats, small face covered in soot and hands reaching for the boy, who seemed to be her brother.
“Don’t be scared, Michael, everything will be alright,” she said comfortingly as her brother smeared damp soot from his face into his sleeve.
“Come, my dear,” Jellylorum said to Jenny, who looked concerned, certainly wanting to stay. “They seem to have it handled.”
True to her word, the chimney spat out two additional humans, clearly adults as seen by their size. The man even winked at them and doffed his cap.
“Oh,” Jenny said, relieved, “These two I remember! You’re right, Jelly dear, they will be just dandy.”
On and on they walked, balanced and climbed, and Jennyanydots relished in the exercise. Not that she got too little of it, training mice and cockroaches and, most recently, ants every night, but she hadn’t been up on the brim of London’s black, grimy top hat for far too long. How quiet it was up here, how endlessly the roofs stretched in all directions, how much the chimneys reminded her of dark forests from fairytale books.
“Here we are,” Jellylorum said at last, crawling up the last metres of the new theatre’s copper roof.
They sat on one of the wooden windowsills of the dome, snacking on the pastries that Jenny had stashed in the pockets of her dress (she would have to thank Peggy for this simple but ingenious design choice) and waited, comfortable silence surrounding them like a down quilt.
“A very good choice of day,” Jennyanydots remarked after a while, wrapping and unwrapping their tails, voice only interrupted by her impressively loud purr. “There will be no clouds tonight; we will certainly have a good view of the stars. If you don’t mind staying for a while longer, that is.”
“With the utmost pleasure,” Jellylorum answered, and the smile on her face was so fulfilled that Jenny couldn’t help but bury her face in her mate’s fur once more.
“Would you mind taking up a new habit?”
“You are speaking my mind, love.”
“Then it is decided,” Jellylorum said brightly, and pulled back just enough for her lips to meet Jenny’s in a kiss.
Behind them, a shower of fireworks lit up the night sky, and through the cheer of the humans on the streets sounded Jellylorum’s throaty, stuttery purr, in sync with Jenny’s soft titter, and they both glowed like Mister Mistoffelees’ pelt during his most daring performances, unable to tell if it came from the fireworks or if they had created it all by themselves.
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"Peggy” originated here, in case my meta references are becoming too confusing. ;) This was calming to write, I do love myself an established relationship. Not much needs to be said, they can just... be. :) And I always challenge myself to write as proper and old-fashioned as possible for the oldies group jsfksdf it’s a lot of fun! Thank you for reading! ♥
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poke-entomology · 10 months
Chapter 6, Finale
*crunch* A red claw grabbed Alexander’s arm in a Vicegrip and twisted! The sound of bone snapping was drowned out by the man’s scream. Lifting him high, Skeeter looked him in the eye. The monster raised it’s head, a Durant’s gnashing maw reveals itself! Saliva and strands of silk splash over Alexander as the mandibles smash together with a metallic crash, just inches from his face. He aims a kick at the monster’s torso, but only succeeds in getting his leg caught and bringing the monster down on top of him! Pain ripples through his leg and arm both as teeth and claw rend flesh from bone.
The ranger struggles to free himself, to reach out for the broken styler, but only finds exposed wiring that burns even with his electric resistance. The weak charge is barely enough to make Skeeter flinch as he slams it into it’s face over and over again, desperate to find some way, any way to end this fight! No use, no escape.
Wild Skeeter used Bug Bite
*rip* Yellow spines fly and prick Alexander’s face, “No!” He cried, the ranger’s prized Jolteon struggling in the monster’s mouth, it’s needles crunching as the insect continues chewing on it’s white neck fur, just barely holding back the mandibles from tearing open it’s neck.
“Stop! Stop! Please, no more!” The monster Ditto’s mouth opens wide for one more crunch, the hollow sound of a Durant's trap jaw clicking into place, a telltale sign that they’re about to come crashing down!
No time to waste, Alexander pulls a hand back, drawing on the last bits of power he can pull out of his belt, and swings.
“SCREEEEEE!” The sound of hundreds of bugs screeching all at once rings through the room. The mutant insect reels, it’s body flexing and morphing, attempting to push the jagged plastic from the styler out of it’s eye. Alexander rolls free, clutching his fainted pokemon close as shadows from the twisting amalgamation dance in the spinning light. It’s scythe flails wildly and slices the bulb in two, leaving all three in perpetual, roaring darkness.
*spark* The faint light of Jolteon’s failing electricity provides a slight beacon, one small flash at a time. The things seen in those flashes… it’s better not to describe. But seeing his chance to escape, Alexander makes for the stairs! Heart pounding in his ears louder than the sound of his shoes on the aged wood deafen the ranger. Almost there. Almost free!
“No…” A thousand red lights flicker through the forest.
Alexander was hurt by Infestation!
“Get off of me! Get off!” Ripping himself away from the swarm he slams the door of the abandoned building closed, the sound of chattering limbs pounding against wood finally returned sound to his ears. But it did little to distract from the horror making it’s way up the stairs.
A mass of bloody limbs, constantly forming and reforming stalks it’s way up and into view. In the center of it all is that bloody eyed face ;)
The mass charges into him and all at once Alexander is consumed by pink mass! A thousand tiny mouths too numerous and too painful to describe on their own tear into him like a blender. Gurgling, the ranger reaches out for something, anything… *click*
Light surges into the room! A red explosion at first, then smaller blinks accompanied by the sound of a tiny ball rolling. Rolling. Rolling… *crash* The ball explodes! But it held for long enough. Jolteon weakly climbs to it’s feet, having been revived in those brief seconds the pokeball granted. No moves left, the two pokemon used struggle! Again and again they clash until it looks like the tiny dog looks like it’s about to keel over again.
Alexander used Struggle!
Alexander was hurt by recoil…
Alexander whited out.
“Say what?!?”
“I don’t get what’s so darn hard ta get.” Skeeter, once more covered in bandages from head to toe, leans over to the opposite hospital bed. “When a wild pokemon wants ta be yer friend, it’s gonna battle ya!”
“I’d hardly call THAT a battle! I’m gonna be having nightmares for weeks!” Arm in a sling, Alexander sulked next to his Jolteon. The little guy was already back to full health and lapping up hospital jello from a cup.
“Heh, sorry bout that! I forget ya can’t just smash humans through one of them pokecenter machines. You’d think I’d know by now, after pretendin ta be one for so long.”
“I still don’t get that. Why’d you have to ‘test’ me in the first place?”
“Yer a smart guy. I figured after you kept asking all those questions it was only a matter of time fore ya found out about me. And well, we can’t have just anybody figuring us out, ya see?” Everyone in the room turns to face him :) [except for one very confused Rattata]
“R-right. But you’re not gonna go around testing just anyone like you did with me, are you? …Skeet? What are you writing?”
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rjalker · 1 year
it's illegal to grow your own cotton in Georgia. darn. I was gonna say can I literally just grow cotton plants to make yarn out of to make stuff with? nope. so I guess it'll just be milkweed fluff and dog fur...
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ratsoh-writes · 2 years
Mhmm, thanks, that doesn't sounds like a catchphrase of a serial killer at all
*the car came to a close infront of a large building, many people were entering, some of them were reporters* a rayos (a darn it) I forgot these guys
*quickly take a potion out of my bag to change the color of my hair to blonde and my eyes green, and I also pull out a fake prosthetic nose* What? I still like that not many people know what I look like
Fey chuckles and just shakes her head at you
As you walk in, many rich monsters are milking around chatting. You stick close to fey and your body guard, an adorable corgi dog monster. Luckily apparently king Asgore had entered the building just a minute earlier so the reporters are distracted enough to let you and fey pass by quietly
You take maybe five or so steps inside before you hear a rather flamboyant voice call out to you both
A slightly chubby grey furred bunny monster saunters over to you both like he’s at a casual party, not a serious business meeting. Another grey bunny monster follows after him with a much more serious look on her face. There’s also a kind looking middle aged man with them. He gives Marcelo a half fond half exasperated look
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