#just gonna ramble about this here feel free to skip
popping-greenbean · 2 years
my stupid silly little brain is sprinting in circles trying to decide which characters fit each others roles best for yet another random musical crossover/au idea
#greenbean talks to plants#just gonna ramble about this here feel free to skip#the basic idea is.yanfei as elle woods ykyk#ive had basically no trouble with the whole cast except freaking.warner#like ​i dont want to subject a nice character to take warners role hes a..some guy#on the other hand i wont hesitate to put zhongli in as callahan bc fictional gods deserve to be evil sometimes just for fun#shinobu as emmett :) bc lawyer geefs :)#if it doesnt fit canon just shhhhhh#liyue + pyro girls as delta nu sisters#beidou and ningguang as paulette and kyle maybe bc its funny#still not completely sure about enid but fischl is my top candidate currently#yelan as vivienne bc they are scary girlboss that ends up actually rlly sweet#keqing as brooke windham also bc its funny#there are too many funny options for nikos and carlos but so few that make any sense...#idk there are more characters that my brain isnt pulling up rn but.yknow i just think.legally blonde is so fun and emotional and clever and#and theres also been that hadestown crossover thats been tucked in the back since like last year and ive been thinking about it again#bc maybe ei and miko fit better as hades and persephone than zhongli and guizhong just bc we dont have a clear idea of guizhong#except 'lord of the earth and underworld and riches' suits zhongli more but the relationship with persephone is like the main idea#and also.sealing inazuma lines up better with hades control of the underworld#and like.i feel like venti and diluc.again.fit best as orpheus and euridyce but.its sad#but ofc i think venti best fits having silky smooth choir boy singing#but im gonna stop now if anyones reading this ily goodnight#genshin has rooted itself so deeply in my brain its terrible
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moeblob · 2 months
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Happy Birthday to Ferdinand von Aegir!
I actually made 33 emotes, affectionately known as Aegirglyphics to some, for my own personal use on discord. However, I figure why not share some of them! They're free to use for discord servers/icons/pfps or whatever. However, my only request is Do NOT use them as subscriber emotes on Twitch. You can make them free follower emotes but you are not to make them locked behind a paywall.
#fe three houses#ferdinand von aegir#discord emotes#i thought long and hard about this bc idk the actual want for emotes i made ages ago but#i still love my son and its his bday ad so i should be nice and share#since i no longer have nitro and can no longer use them myself#the fact i can technically post 30 at once was tempting but#some of them arent living up to my standards and also just might not be easy to use in most contexts#so those im gonna skip on lol#whoever wants 21 aegirglyphics tho have at em#i think i might have posted some before? but only 10 and i dont recall which ones#if you want a secret the last three and the middle on the second row are my favorites to use#i used concernednand (the upper one) so much#the internet concerns me guys it was a valid use every time#debated sharing heartnand but honestly the world could benefit from it imo because gotta spread that love#fun lil trivia i love making emotes and so when i was in a server and people knew me as the ferdinand fan and artist#someone was like why hasnt salmon made a ferdinand emote yet#and im like bc i dont run the server and i cant just demand they add my art#and then a mod was like i didnt wanna put pressure on salmon but i thought about it so i was like bet#and then drew a server exclusive happy ferdinand emote#and that was the start of me somehow being able to have like.... ten emotes in that server#some of them were just me joking and then mods encouraging me#cause i used to use felix for every single art prompt theyd give and one week someone said the prompt was pog#and i just was so upset because dude why would i wanna draw felix for that hes not pog#so a mod was like hey if you make a pog felix emote we ill add it to the emotes here#so i once again was like bet and then posted it and then they really added it lmao#anyway sorry for so many rambles please feel free to use them on discord in whatever server#i cant really expect everyone to credit me but also im not really concerned since i fear people know my nands a mile away
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fakeoutbf · 11 months
#hi i’m gonna ramble a little feel free to skip over this#i’ve just felt so lonely these past few weeks#like the closest friends i had both went out of town and neither told me and i had to find out through instagram#and like idk if it’s my fault for always being so closed off and not reaching out to ppl more or if they just … don’t wanna talk to me#and i’m happy that they’re doing stuff that makes them happy and that they’re doing well but like#they both have bfs which is fine but that means that they almost automatically have someone else to do shit with#and they have closer friends too so they hang out with them more i guess#all this to say i don’t really have anyone i’m close with so i just … don’t have anyone to do that stuff with#like a coworker was saying they wanted to go to the beach with their cousins or siblings or they went on vacation with friends recently#and the only person i’d wanna do those things with is my mom … and then we can’t go bc we’re broke and have other things to pay#and i wish i could travel on my own but it’s not safe here and ngl i don’t have money to go out of the country besides needing paperwork etc#all this to say that: did i fuck up choosing a bsf in hs that was thousands of miles away that now i don’t have a genuine connection with#anyone in the same area i am?? should i have opened up more to ppl overall?? should i have tried harder??#or is it just fucked up that the only ppl i know who like the same things i like and who bond with me over them live so far away??#like is it me?? am i the problem??#i just wanna go to the beach man … i wanna go on vacation and relax and not think about fucking dying alone#no one even cares about me i swear#if i got fucked up in a car crash or something and landed in a hospital or fucking dead for all i know who would even care
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cooki3face · 10 months
their last dream of you ☁️🔒
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Y’all know how obsessed I am with King George and Queen Charlotte and I’m equally as obsessed with period pieces, especially romance ones. I watched the whole show some time ago and I loved it so much and I felt it really resonated with me and reminded me of my divine masculine and I’m so tempted to watch it again because it’s so beautiful and they love each other so much against all odds so that’s why I chose them for my banner today and chose to use hands with loving energy from period pieces for my pile choices. I’m about to start giggling lmaoo, I’ve got all this bubbling nervous energy about this reading I know it’s going to be a good one. Okay, enough of my useless rambling, I talk too much feel free to skip over this! Love you, enjoy! 💛
Omg, I'm gonna start yelling!! I haven't even shuffled out the cards but someone part of this collective as well as their person is very sentimental. Someone really loves someone in such a timeless manner. In every lifetime, in every era, in every universe, a great love is shared here. Like I feel that ache in my chest that you get when you really really love someone and want to be near them. I really want to say buttons are significant, someone collects something or is prone to or has a tiny habit of holding onto things, even the tiniest most minuscule of things because it's in their nature to hold on and not let go. Someone could have a level of childhood trauma here too, a lack of instability makes them feel unsafe or they may struggle sometimes when they don't have all the answers or don't know what all is going on because it makes them feel very afraid and anxious and I hear someone is going through this right now.
You could be in separation with your divine counterpart and your person is mirroring you. I'm hearing “Don't misunderstand them. Don't judge them harshly or hold their actions to their spirit.” just because they're not speaking to you right now or just because things aren't extremely clear doesn't mean they don't love you or want to be with you and wouldn't go to the ends of the world for you. You know them as you know yourself because they are you. Show them mercy. Offer them compassion because I know how you love them and I know you couldn't really truly be upset with them even if you tried because you love this person so deeply and if you ever are upset it's only because you're afraid of not receiving the outcome you desire.
Oh, and you know what in the show Queen Charlotte there's this really cute part where George says that he's good with buttons. This person is good at the things you have trouble with, and this person really compliments and completes you, I'm hearing from this message that this person also wants to tell you that they appreciate everything you do for them and they think everything you do is perfect and beautiful. You could make no mistakes, you could do no wrong you're this person's angel. I haven't even shuffled the cards yet, this energy is SO strong I'm channeling from the heart to you. Ceramics, arts and crafts, or a fondness for aesthetics and the arts (music, dance, singing, etc) can be very significant to this group. Your person wants to enjoy the things you enjoy. I can't stop channeling, this person has so much they wanna say to you. HELP!!! 🆘!! Okay. I’m gonna actually start. Doing it in the form of a channeled message from your person about their last dream about you.
This person wants to speak to you through music by the way or they speak to you through music and through lyrics this person wants to tell you, especially if you have a playlist about them or if there’s music you’ve shared with them or they’ve shared with you to listen to it because they’re listening to it. “Please listen to it.” Something is coming in about the way this person talks to you on the phone or the things they call you “my love.” There was a time you talked to this person on the phone and their voice, their words, almost took you out the game. I had to get it off my chest I’m sorry! They’re like wanting to say so much.
This persons message about their last dream about you:
“I dreamt that I finally learned how to follow my heart and that I was finally the man (person) I wanted to be all this time for me and for you. In my dream, I finally got away from all the things that kept me away and kept me hurt and drained. Everything was changing. In the past I tried so hard to control my feelings for you and how things went because I was too scared to lose you if I tried to come to you and really put my all into us and our connection. I dreamt that finally was strong and I was able to come towards you and I did, everything was possible, everything was okay and I made things right. I said I was sorry and I told you how much I love you and how much I want to be with you and I did exactly that. I made a choice to be with you and it was the best choice I ever made.
I was free. I found freedom. I finally got away from all those karmic people and karmic cycles that I had trouble getting rid of in my waking life and I made time to focus on you, to focus on us. We spent lots of time together, and we went out and did things and learned things together. In my dream, we went to go do art together and we sat on the beach together and we just held each other and it was beautiful. And you looked so beautiful like you always do when you come to see me. I felt your skin, I could feel your breath on my neck when you hugged me, I could hear the sound of your heart when I laid down on your chest, and I heard your voice. And you laughed with me and you told me how much you loved me and about all the things you wanted to do together and I felt so loved and appreciated. I know that nobody loves me the way you do, I understand now.
In my dream, I finally had the courage to stop living for others and start living for myself and go after the things I want. I dream of you every night. Every day, I walk around in a dream state, thinking of you and you're motivating me even though you’re not here, I know I love you because you aren’t doing anything and I feel so drawn to you. While I’m asleep, I can feel your kiss. I feel the warmth of your lips on my mine and I miss it. I miss kissing you and holding you. I’m so afraid that you’re moving on from me or that you’re going to leave me. Please don’t leave. You’re my moon. I feel so blessed to be loved by you. In my dream, I dreamt that we were happy and we were married and had children together and had all the things you told me you had wanted. I remember all the things you said. In my dream, the past, those people, old versions of our connections, the pain, the fear, was all gone. It didn’t exist anymore.”
About to start crying for real. This person feels like crying, they've been crying. I'm like at a loss for words I'm typing one single letter per minute right now- hold on to your hope pile one. Justice is coming.
Pile one was so big, I feel so guilty, I feel like I spoiled them. But anyway, I'm gonna do this in the form of a channeled message, your person is going to tell about their dreams of you. I'm getting immediately that this person really craves you pile two or they crave your touch. This person has deep romantic undertones for you, so much gentleness, compassion, and love but recently something has really made them wanna get down with you. I didn't think any of these readings were gonna take this turn but I just see this person fast asleep late at night thinking of how close to you their gonna get when they get the chance. I see this person really missing you. They may feel you spiritually and they may really love you emotionally but they want so badly to hold you, to be near you, their losing their minds trying to contain themselves waiting for the next time they see you in person. You've stirred up so much love in this person that they have nothing more to do with it than put it on you. They can't think of another way to show you their appreciation except to show you just how much they appreciate you.
I hear this person thinking to themselves and even telling others in the past or trying to describe to you the way they feel when they're near you and it's impossible. You light a fire within this person. They don't know what to do with all of it because there's plenty. This person could burn entire cities to the ground with the amount of fire they have within themselves because of you. It's greater than arousal. Don't get me wrong, this person is very much attracted to you, very much wants to be intimate with you but this person feels that heavy sensation in their chest about you, they feel their sacral chakra begin to activate, they feel the heat rising. If you've ever heard the song Melting by Kali Uchis. And I’m hearing this person saying that nobody can make them feel this way. This person wants to fuse souls with you. This person knows that you’re their person. You could’ve not seen this person in a long time, even if they’ve seen you recently I hear them telling me it’s all the same. They cry when you’re not around, they don’t like it when they can’t see you. “Why do I cry” by Margo Guryan is a good representation of this persons feelings.
This persons message about their last dream about you:
“I dreamt that we finally reconciled and decided to try to have everything we’d ever dreamed of with each other. I dreamt that we talked and we had forgiven each other. You’d forgiven me. I’d forgiven you. Our past was behind us and we finally were ready to move forward and see things from a different perspective. We saw that everything we’d been through, everything we feared, all the pain we felt, and all the times we were in separation were all a part of the divine plan all along and for a good reason. I dreamt that finally, we loved ourselves the way we loved one another, I dreamt that we were confident and we had finally come into ourselves and our power and knew what we came here to do and knew that we loved each other and would not ever want to spend our lives or our time with anyone else.
I dreamt that finally we were in alignment with each other and the disconnection had ended and we didn’t have to struggle anymore. Outside of each other, with other people, outside of ourselves with our fears and our beliefs and feelings. I dreamt that we were finally doing everything we said we’d do and that we finally had it within ourselves to put all of our ambition and all of our dreams to good use in all aspects. I dreamt that you had abundance and you’d found your happiness and your purpose and I dreamt that I overcame all my fears and finally was able to do what I was meant to do and achieve all my goals. I dreamt that we were abundant and happy and successful. All of our dreams and wishes came true. And in all, we had each other and that’s what mattered most.
I dreamt of how beautiful it felt to be loved by you, I dreamt of being made love to by you. I dreamt of your kisses, of your touch, of your body heat. I felt your eyelashes against my cheek, I could run my fingers through your hair, I remembered in my dream what it felt like to look into your eyes and how nervous and flustered that always made me. I remembered how much I love you. How you made me feel. How irreplaceable you are. I remembered how much I needed you for me. How unable I would be to ever be satisfied and content without your love and your presence. I miss your hands. I miss holding your hand. In my waking life, I wonder why you haven’t texted or called. When I wake up from a dream about you I find myself calling out your name or expecting you wholeheartedly to be there because the dream of you is a very real and vivid experience that can’t be denied. I’m sad when I wake up in the morning and you’re not there. It makes me feel like I’m in love with a ghost. I feel you, I hear you, but I can’t see you.
I feel you so strongly. My intuition tells me you’re near. I can’t shake the feeling. All I feel is raw emotion. You’ve left a big gaping hole in my heart that nobody else can fill the shape of but you.”
Let’s all just sit down together and cry. Pile two, your person is giving off this nervous energy. Their so nervous it’s like they’re almost embarrassed by how much they love you and how attracted to you they feel. This person is just a little melty puddle around you. That could be significant. Them melting into a puddle lol they may have told you something like that before. Ugh. Breathe. Take deep breaths!! Everytime I finish the channeled message for a pile, I almost don’t want to start the other group. I don’t want to leave. I hear this person hides from you pile two, they hide how much they feel or they hide the effect you have on them because you make them so nervous. This person may look away from you when they speak to you because if they look at you they'll cry. Or this person really loves your eyes and the way you look at them makes them feel so vulnerable and weak in the knees. This is def a music group. Getting “weak” by SWV. Ugh. Unhand me immediately y'all are making me so nervous. I don't wanna talk to you anymore.
GirlUH! -, I had to take a deep breath and go scroll around on TikTok and consume a bunch of nonsense just so I can have a break and pull myself together after piles one and two. Forgive me. I feel like I've been ambushed.
This person could really feel like they miss you or haven’t fully been able to let you go. I’m getting “still think bout u” by A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie. This person could've been hurt by you in the past or experienced a lot of heartbreak in your connection but still hasn’t fully been able to release your relationship and let you go although you and this person may have been broken up for a while here if you and this person are separated and not together. I feel very antsy and nervous energy coming through with this person but it’s so strong that it almost makes me want to ignore it or push it down out of fear. This person may suppress or repress their own emotions and then try to up-level themselves or spend time with other people or throw themselves into work to try and make themselves feel better when they’re in pain. Their technique is to be productive and I hear this isn’t working for this person. This person wants to see you pile three they feel like they have no other choice but to be with you even though you hurt them because that’s the only way they see the pain going away.
There’s a complicated energy here and for some of you, you’re like “…” like you don’t want to hear from this person because they may have broken your heart too or caused you pain too and you’re like over it but you feel them tugging on your energy or manifesting you... you may know this person is going through shifts here or isn’t the same and they sense that within themselves or the people around them sense that they aren’t the same. They keep looking for ways to take the edge off and not have to think about you anymore and it’s not working. This person may reflect on memories you have together or the happiness and safety they felt when you were around despite some sort of hardship within your connection. This person is conflicted and is sending you their energy for you to feel because they want you to feel it with them. I avoided starting this pile for a fat minute too. Like I was like “I'm not ready, I'm not ready.” You have this person nervous...
You and this person could’ve hurt each other or not have ended well or there was something that happened that left this person feeling bad about themselves and feeling unhealed and unsafe. I see a situation where they might’ve been vengeful and tried to get back at you for something or could’ve done something bad or deceptive and you called it quits and this person didn’t really expect you to leave for real or leave things so quickly and wash your hands of the situation. I'm SICK!! LOL, this person is sick, you're sick or you were. Sick of this. Sick of the way they feel.
This persons message about their last dream about you:
“I dreamt that I was working and trying to balance out my life and take things and myself seriously. I dreamt that I was a better man (woman). I want to be a better man (woman). I want to feel secure in whole within myself. I dreamt that Id achieved all the things that id been manifesting, everything physical and tangible but still I didn't feel fulfilled and I remembered all the things you'd told me about how the things we want aren't really about the things we want and the feelings that we’d feel if we had them. I'd dreamt that even in all my accolades love was missing and safety was missing and you represent that for me even though you hurt me and I caused you pain too. And in my waking life, I sometimes think about you and I sometimes miss you even still, even after everything but I know you're done with me and it’s best I just stay away. I've been sending you messages, or trying to manifest you so that you could remember our relationship and the good things we had and maybe forgive me and miss me too but I feel your resistance. I feel that you know my presence in your mind is not your own doing.
I dreamt that my manifestations were successful and that you came to me and told me that you missed me and wanted to talk to me again even after all this time apart. In my dream, you told me that you felt the same way like all the work you've done so far had been for nothing if we didn't have each other, and that you wanted to grow with me and work on what happened between us and that we would be together this time and be happy with each other. In my dream, you felt in your heart that we were meant to be and so you were motivated to come forward. To come to me. There was so much possibility for improvement. I was so glad. And we talked about our memories together and our experiences together and they weren’t all for nothing. They meant something to you. They meant something to us.
In my dream, any competition that existed, anyone who you were with you decided you didn’t want to be with anymore and you wanted to be with me and we were going to build together and be successful together. And I told you how I understood everything you said to me before and how much I had learned from you and how much you meant to me all this time and I told you how sorry I was and how hard for me it was to try and replace you and be happy without you. We were gonna be together. Everything was going to be okay. You had forgiven me. We’d forgiven each other.”
I hear this person having a lot of wishful thinking, they have this fantasy in their minds of what things could be like if they wanted to settle down and be in love and I think that you played a huge role in being a primary example of what that was to them but I think they let you and your relationship slip through their fingers perhaps. They may not have been the best to you, may have closed themselves off or cheated on you or broke your trust due to you accidentally causing them pain or giving them a hard time in the past. And I think this person is still very much attatched to you and the idea of you and in their own minds they love you. And I say in their own minds because I don't believe you believe this pile three after their behavior.
What's really interesting is the significance of pride and prejudice coming up. You could’ve watched this movie with this person or tried to share this film with this person during a rough time in your relationship and the way they reacted to you or the film may be significant but I also think that the characters are significant. Mr. Darcy has a horrible way of showing that he loves someone and communicating and he does things that can be really hurtful and do hurt Elizabeth and she’s like absolutely completely expressive that she does not want to be with this man under any circumstances (even though she does) and his half-assed attempt to come towards her and express himself (even though it was really good for his character because you know..) turns out being successful and Elizabeth ends up giving him a second chance and marrying him just as he had asked her to because she loves him but like you’re not Elizabeth and you’re not going to settle for the bare minimum and be like WELL, he said he was sorry!! BOO! YOU WHORE! 🍅🍅🍅! I love pride and prejudice I really do but at the same time. Elizabeth deserved more. Anyways anyways I’m getting carried away.
Hope these were enlightening and you enjoyed these. Def gonna need a nap to recover from these. I love you so much and I appreciate all the support I've gotten with the readings and me sharing my gifts with you. I racked up a decent following on here off of opinions and aesthetics but I hadn't realized how much of myself I’d been hiding away. I'm excited for what more I can share. Anyways, if you ever want a personal reading from me you could go to my Instagram either @cooki3face or @cookiefacetarot on Instagram and click the link in my bio <3 bye, my hands have permanent dents in them now from typing for so long!
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octanesprohoetype · 1 year
no strings attached – genji shimada
a/n: hello, first post on my new blog >:3 this note is gonna be long and ramble-y so feel free to skip it. to begin with, everything about this fic was unplanned. i never planned on my first post here being overwatch related, nor did i plan on it being porn, but here we are with overwatch porn. and then, i was only trying to write a short 1-2k word valentine's day smut, but it is 2 days after valentine's and this fic is 5.5k words long with layers like a cake. this is the first thing i've written for overwatch, and also the first smut i've written in 2 years, so i may be rusty. i hope you enjoy it anyway.
word count: 5.5k
tags/summary: porn with plot (kind of), mild angst?, idiots in love. you invite genji over, hoping that having sex with him would help you get over the annoying feelings you have for him. that doesn't happen for you.
warnings: no pronouns used for reader, female genitalia is vaguely described tho, unprotected sex
edited to add: this fic is now on my ao3 as well! thanks to @smol-dragon for reminding me :3
"damn it. fuck."
you lock your phone and squeeze your eyelids shut, forcing the screen out of your vision, and throw your head back against the pillow in frustration. this is so, so stupid, you tell yourself, and it is stupid, yet you can't let it go.
you were an adult– you shouldn't be having inner turmoil about how you wanted to have sex with someone. it wasn't anything you hadn't done before, but for some reason, it was suddenly impossible to navigate.
"damn you, genji," you mutter, slapping one of your hands against your forehead.
this was all his fault. you'd never felt the urge to have sex with a coworker, honestly, the thought had never even crossed your mind... or at least, that was true until you met genji. you ignored your attraction to the cyborg at first– sure, he was nice to look at and had an alluring air of danger about him, but he was no different from cassidy in that regard. you figured whatever attraction you had to him would quickly dissipate into nothing, as it did with the cowboy, but to your dismay, it only grew stronger.
at first, you found yourself admiring the intricacy of his cybernetic body parts, and then his combat style. then, you found yourself staring at him for much longer, entranced by his form and the way he spoke.
genji himself did absolutely nothing to alleviate you of your newly-contracted disease. in fact, it almost seemed that he intentionally made it worse. he'd jump to your aid in combat, ghost his fingers across you in passing, and you caught him casting you lingering glances, though you could never tell what thoughts were going on behind his actions.
you told yourself it was probably nothing, that you were being delusional and trying to convince yourself that your crush (if you could call it that) was reciprocated. you were almost successful in convincing yourself to let it go, but the interaction between the two of you today not only reignited your thoughts of him, but intensified them.
genji had been in one of the sparring ranges at headquarters, dutifully practicing his aim, though you didn't really think it was necessary. you were observing, over-exaggerating your interest in his technique as an excuse to be around him, and offhandedly made a comment about wishing you could use a sword.
"i'd be happy to teach you," genji had replied.
you jumped at the offer, but severely overestimated yourself in terms of your sword-wielding capabilities. it looked easy, but maybe that was just because you'd only ever seen genji do it, and he made it seem effortless. after failing miserably, you were ready to crawl into a hole and die of embarrassment, but genji seemed determined to teach you.
he'd walked up behind you, using one hand to correct your posture, and the other to guide your hands into the correct position along the sword's hilt. you were almost literally on fire underneath his touch, and it was suddenly very difficult to focus on what you were doing.
"i think this might be a waste of time," you'd commented, staring down intently at the sword in your hands so genji couldn't see how red your face was. "i'm afraid i may be a difficult person to teach."
"i'll gladly teach you about anything you want to learn," genji said, standing entirely too close to you with his hands on your shoulder and wrist. "no matter how difficult you may be."
(y/n.exe has stopped working.)
you stared back at him, wide-eyed, with every functional part of your brain failing you. fortunately for you, your phone rang, interrupting the uncomfortable sexual tension that had suddenly filled the room. mercy was calling, requesting your help with something 'important'. after pretending you were really sorry for leaving so abruptly, you practically ran out of the room, silently thanking the doctor for calling you at the best possible time and giving you a get-out-of-jail free card.
you sat through the tactical meeting with mercy and tracer, though you had absolutely no helpful feedback to offer. your mind was fixed on genji the entire time, and your skin still felt hot from where his hands had been. i really need to get laid, you thought, this is pathetic.
now, even though it was hours later, you were still in the same predicament. try as you might, your brain absolutely refused to focus on anything or anyone besides genji. your television had long since blurred into background noise, bits and pieces of some stupid rom-com becoming the soundtrack to your turmoil.
maybe i should just text him... you think, for the millionth time. it was easy, or at least, it should have been easy. finding someone to screw wasn't usually this difficult for you, and you usually didn't care one way or another, but the thought of genji rejecting you was terrifying. even worse was the thought of having to see him again afterwards.
your mind goes back to the sparring range, and you swallow harshly. 'desperate' was never a word you'd use to describe yourself before, but now... when it came to genji, it was kind of an understatement.
"fuck it," you say aloud, swallowing your pride and unlocking your phone.
- hey. are you busy?
he starts typing immediately. how scary.
- i am not. do you need something?
- kind of. i have... a question.
"i am such a fucking loser," you mutter as you watch genji's text bubble appear on the screen.
- what is it?
suddenly, you didn't want to ask anymore. maybe you could go out for drinks with cassidy instead of doing this. you stare blankly at the screen for a while.
- ???
- actually, nevermind. it's embarrassing.
- surely no worse than your attempt at swordsmanship?
- sorry, that was a joke.
- wow, okay. definitely not asking now :'(
- come on.
- okay. do you wanna...
- have sex? with me?
you watch in horror as he starts typing, then stops, then starts again.
- are you serious?
- that is entirely dependent on your answer.
- why... are you asking me?
- i don't know how to answer that.
- i'm definitely taking that as a no.
- i didn't say that.
- well, you didn't say yes either...
- i'm not sure i understand what you're getting at here
- not sure what you mean by that. i'm just asking to have sex
- for the record, i'm not expecting you to be my boyfriend or anything
- just a one time thing. no strings attached
- no strings attached? lol
- okay
okay? okay? what the hell was 'okay' supposed to mean?
- are you there?
- yes. an answer?
- if you're gonna say no i'd like to go ahead and get it over with so that i can go get drunk enough to forget my shame lmao
- that won't be necessary.
- the answer is yes. obviously
your heart almost stops beating for a second. surely this, too, was a joke.
- seriously? like... actually?
- ...
- yes?
- wow! unexpected.
- are you free? like... tonight, maybe?
- i'll be there. 20 minutes?
twenty minutes? was that enough time to prepare? you immediately scramble out of bed to your dresser, searching for something risqué to wear. you owned an obscene amount of lingerie, but for some reason, none of it seemed good enough for the occasion.
you knew enough about genji's past to know that he'd been with more than his fair share of people, and though you weren't inexperienced by any means, it had been a while– most of your time had been dedicated to overwatch lately. you were sure that the names and faces of genji's old lovers blurred together, and although you specifically said 'no strings attached', you wanted to make the best possible impression. even if you never slept together again, you wanted to be memorable, at the very least.
eventually, you realize you're running short on time and opt to put on your personal favorite set. it had never steered you wrong before. you quickly change into it and throw on an oversized hoodie with some random game logo on it– very basic, you noted, but you didn't want to look like you were trying too hard, although you definitely were.
after checking the time, you wander aimlessly around the house waiting for genji to arrive. you definitely weren't nervously pacing from room to room, overanalyzing every aspect of this situation– no, that is not at all what you were doing. before long, you hear a knock at the door. your anxiety spikes through the roof, but you do your best to get a hold of yourself as you walk to the foyer to let genji in.
when you open the door, you see genji, as expected, and he looks the same as always. there was nothing special about his outfit (because why would there be?) and you're very glad you didn't decide to wear something over-the-top. he's also wearing a mask, as usual, but you can actually see his eyes with this one.
"i like your shirt," he says casually. "good game."
you blink at him, having been completely lost in the crimson pools of his irises.
"oh, yeah, it is," you reply, nodding in affirmation. "um, come inside."
he laughs quietly as he steps through the doorway, and you furrow your brows at him in confusion, but decide to ignore it and move on. you lead genji through the house, mentally grasping for straws as to where to go from here. to be honest, you didn't think you'd get this far, so you're at a complete loss.
"sorry, i feel like this feels really weird. i don't usually... sleep with my coworkers," you explain as you reach the bedroom.
genji's eyes are fixed on you, and despite having a clear view of them, you still can't tell what he's thinking. it proves to be very anxiety-inducing.
"i didn't think you did," he says.
"thanks? i think?" you reply, unsure of how else to react. "i'm going to warn you that this might actually go really, really badly, because i haven't slept with anyone in a while, and you kind of make me really nervous, and i also don't–"
you're cut off by genji moving closer to you and moving his hand towards your face. the action causes your words to vanish and your train of thought to come to a screeching halt. you stare at him with wide eyes as he moves a stray strand of hair from your face and brushes it behind your ear.
"i make you nervous?" he asks, an amused tone to his question. "you? nervous?"
you can feel heat rush to your cheeks, and you're hyper-aware of his hand lingering near your face, but despite this you try your best to sound cool. "yeah, i know, it's pretty hard to believe! but it's true."
genji laughs. "you're funny."
"i am?"
"yeah," he replies. his dark eyes are sparkling a bit, and although you can't see it, you can tell that he's smiling beneath the mask.
you look away from his face, your gaze falling to his hand. it's still in the air, close enough to your cheek that you can feel the warmth, but not quite touching you. he seems... strangely hesitant to touch you, so you decide to take the initiative.
genji's eyes widen a bit as you reach out and cup his face, brushing your thumb across the sleek metal of his mask.
"are you planning to keep this on?" you ask.
genji freezes in place, visibly caught off guard by your question. "i–"
you giggle at his reaction. "hey, no pressure. it doesn't matter to me. i'll still think you're hot either way."
"i fear you'll change your mind about that," he mutters.
you frown, unsure of what to say. "there really isn't anything that could make me change my mind about you, genji. but seriously, do whatever you're comfortable with."
he makes a quiet noise in response, and you can see in his eyes that he's thinking carefully about what to do. after a few seconds of silence, he holds your wrist and moves it away with one hand, then carefully removes his mask with the other. you can't help but stare, not only because you're surprised that he actually chose to remove his mask, but because he's even better looking than you had imagined– scars and all.
he looks at you, eyes filled with uncertainty, and clearly a bit uncomfortable.
"you're staring. sorry to disappoint. i can put it back on, if you'd prefer..." he says quietly, as if he's ashamed. it's sad, enough so to distract you from your mission of keeping things clean and simple.
you shake your head and wrap your arms around his neck, staring up at him with a reassuring smile. "i'd prefer if you didn't, actually. i can't believe you didn't tell me you were so good-looking underneath that mask."
"i... don't think that's a term i'd use. not anymore, at least," he says, not meeting your gaze. "but i'm glad that you think so."
genji hesitantly puts his hands on your hips, his eyes fixed on the logo on your hoodie. he doesn't seem to know how to react to your compliments, but there's a shy smile on his face nonetheless.
"i mean, i thought you were hot enough before. it never occurred to me that you could manage to be even hotter," you tell him with a smirk.
he looks up at you, blushing profusely, and you're filled with a sense of satisfaction. "i, um, didn't realize you felt so strongly about me."
you look away, deciding to ignore that comment, and begin to trail one of your hands from his neck to his collarbone, then down his abdomen, which was unfortunately covered by his clothes.
"well, the mask is off. that's one thing down," you say, toying with the hem of his hoodie. "just a few more to go."
genji doesn't hesitate to reach down and tug off the hoodie, discarding it on the floor. he wasn't wearing a shirt underneath, and he also wasn't wearing his usual metal plating. his right arm and part of his right upper torso are still made of flesh, as well as most of his midsection. the left side of his body is cybernetic, but it ends just above his hips. you find yourself staring at the intricate and seamless fusion of metal and muscle, your attention focusing in on the sharp outline of his hip bones.
a question pops into your head, but you don't have the audacity to say it out loud– is his dick cybernetic? the thought had never occurred to you before, but you also had never seen just how much of him was still made of skin and bone. honestly, it didn't matter to you either way, but it was an interesting thought. guess i'll find out soon, you think.
genji is staring at you with a strange look on his face, and you're suddenly worried you may have said something out loud.
"something wrong?" he asks. "you look... confused."
"i do?" you ask, surprised. "i was just... curious. about the cybernetic stuff. i've never really seen it up close."
"i see."
you walk over to the bed and climb on top of it, beckoning genji over to you. he follows, but stands still beside you.
"come here," you say, reaching for his hand. "i want a closer look."
he smirks and nods, quickly climbing into the bed and positioning himself on his knees between your legs. you trace the outline of his abs, running your fingers along the border of skin and metal, taking in every detail, and then you realize that he's staring at you again.
"what?" you ask.
"you're overdressed," he says. "i want to look at you, too."
"oh," you pause, realizing that you were in fact still (mostly) fully clothed. "you can take the hoodie off."
genji's hands immediately move to pull at your top. you reposition yourself to make it easier, and you watch as he tosses it into the now-growing pile on the floor alongside his own jacket.
you can hear his breathing grow shallow, and you look back up at him nervously. he's staring down at you with wide, dark eyes, with his hands clenched into fists atop his thighs.
"damn," he breathes. "you're... really the most attractive person i've met."
it's not as though you had notably low self-esteem or anything, but genji's reaction was far more than you expected, and the attention makes you feel embarrassed.
"that definitely feels like flattery, but i'll let it slide," you reply. you're mostly teasing him, but you're also kind of serious– 'most attractive person i've met' is an extremely bold statement to make, especially coming from someone with a track record like genji's.
"flattery? you really think so?" genji asks, seeming to be genuinely taken aback by the accusation.
"mm, it doesn't really matter," you reply, desperate to cut this conversation off before it derails. come on, y/n do not get your feelings involved in this, damn it.
genji leans over you, propping himself up with one arm and lifting your chin with the other. he stares at you with an intimidating intensity, but you can't bring yourself look away from him.
"i'm not that kind of man anymore," he says, his tone serious. you look down at his lips, and before you can form a response, he kisses you.
the kiss is just as intense as the stare he'd been giving you, and it takes a moment for you to register that it's even happening. once you kiss him back, it grows into something more needy. his tongue finds its way into your mouth, and you try your hardest to suppress a whine. you reach to tangle your fingers in his hair and subtly pull his body closer to yours, while genji cups your face with his free hand, the cool metal a stark contrast to the heat radiating from your cheeks.
the kiss seems to go on forever, progressively becoming more sensual. you're so lost in the moment that you temporarily forget that you need to breathe. eventually, both of you pull away for air, lips slightly puffed, and eyes half-open, filled with desire.
you press one of your hands against genji's chest, the other still toying with his hair. he's slumped against you, now leaning against his elbow instead of his hand. your body is flush against his, and you can feel his hard-on pressing against you. you softly grind your hips against him, creating just enough friction to cause you both to inhale sharply.
genji looks down at you, his eyes slowly grazing over your body. he sits up, leaning back on his haunches, looking as though he was deep in thought.
your voice doesn't draw his attention back to your face, but he responds, brows still furrowed. "yeah?"
"touch me," you tell him, almost begging. "please."
he smirks. "sure."
he leans back over you, his face so close to yours that you can see every detail of the scars that paint his skin. the two of you stare into each others eyes, and he pushes your underwear aside without even glancing down. his human hand cups your face, and the metal one assumes its position between your legs.
the sensation of cool, smooth metal against your clit elicits a gasp from you, and genji seems hesitant. he draws his hand back, staring down at it with a forlorn expression.
"sorry," he says. "i... kind of forgot."
you reach for his wrist and pull his hand back to where it had been, shaking your head.
"no, it's fine. you don't need to apologize," you tell him. he still looks unsure, but he doesn't argue.
genji toys with your clit with expert precision, and as much as you enjoy it, your patience starts to wane. as if he can tell, he directs his attention elsewhere, carefully and almost hesitantly inserting two of his fingers into you. you whimper at the feeling, clenching around the unfamiliar texture. it's an entirely new feeling– putting metal there was never something you thought to do, nor did you ever really imagine what it would feel like– but it's good. it's obvious that genji is worried he'll hurt you, or that you won't like it, and you have what you hope will be an easy solution to his concerns.
you bite your lip, looking up at him with your best 'fuck me' eyes, and let go of the restraint you were trying to show. you didn't want to look desperate, but clearly he needed more reassurance that you wanted this– that you wanted him. a string of swear words, interrupted by panting and lewd noises, leaves your mouth, and you rut your hips against his hand, urging him to go deeper.
it seems to work. the dark look that was lingering on genji's face was replaced with a spark, and his movements become more free, no longer limited by the shackles of his insecurity. his well-earned confidence starts to shine through, and you smile in satisfaction, but only for a moment. with genji now seemingly returned to his former playboy glory, you find yourself unable to think straight, too busy writhing under his touch, crying out his name and clenching at the sheets.
"i could get used to hearing you say my name like that," genji comments, a teasing grin on his face.
oh god, please shut up, you think. it was almost as if he wanted you to fall in love with him or something, which was definitely not a part of your plan– in fact, it was the exact opposite of what you wanted.
"don't... say– fuck," you want to tell him not to say things like that, but you're overwhelmed with the feeling of your fast-approaching orgasm. what unfortunate timing. "gonna cum."
genji picks up the pace, unable to decide if he wants to look at your face or at his fingers as he pumps them in and out of you. you attempt to clench your thighs together, though genji's body blocks the action, and as you come undone, he decides the best thing for him to look at is your expression.
you squirm beneath genji, eyes squeezed shuts and knuckles turning white from the force with which you're grasping at your bedsheets. he watches carefully, taking in every minute detail of the way you look when you cum, while still fucking his fingers into you as you ride out the high of your orgasm. once you still, he slides his fingers out, the matte grey now slick and shiny. you open your eyes just in time to watch him pop his fingers in his mouth. he looks back at you through half-lidded eyes, a devious smirk on his face as he watches your already blown-out pupils widen at his actions. to add icing to the cake, he licks his lips, and suddenly you think 'wow, i'd let him do anything to me'.
"god," you mutter, shifting awkwardly. you were trying to rub your thighs together at the thoughts coursing through your mind, but genji was in the way.
you trail your eyes along his body, coming to a halt at the bulge in his joggers. you reach for the waistband of his pants, tugging them down to the middle of his thigh, but the position he was sitting in prevented you from getting them any further. genji climbs off of the mattress and yanks his pants and boxers off himself, then proceeds to do the same with your underwear. the intensity of the hunger between the two of you was so thick it was almost physical, and you can't pull your eyes away from him.
to your surprise, his dick was made of flesh. not that you had any complaints either way– it was just unexpected. you take a moment to admire him, then reach out to pull him back into the bed with you. genji resumes his position between your legs, lifting them up so that your knees are at your chest. the two of you both look down, watching in anticipation as he slides inside of you. he slowly pushes himself in farther, continuing until he bottoms out.
you both moan, almost in sync, at the sensation, and make eye contact again. genji positions his arms on either side of your head and touches his forehead to yours, staring into your eyes, as you dig your nails into his shoulder. one of your hands finds its way back to his hair, gently tugging at the spiky black tufts, keeping him as close to you as you could.
it doesn't take long for genji to find a good rhythm, his thrusts deep and and on the slower side. each movement coaxes noises out of you– his name, mostly, but a few mewls and downright pornographic-sounding moans as well. he kisses you again, lustful and passionate, and slides his hand into your hair to cradle your head. he pulls away, trailing kisses from your jawline to your collarbone, a few of which will surely leave some faint marks. you're not worried about that though– the only person who'd have the gall to comment on it was cassidy, anyways.
"you sound so pretty," he mumbles into your neck.
your breath catches in your throat at his words, and your grip on his hair tightens slightly. he sounded so so hot, it sent a shiver down your spine. "mm," is the only response you can manage.
one particular thrust hits perfectly, and you short-circuit, digging your nails deep into genji's shoulder and whimpering his name. he lifts his head to look you in the eye, his eyes honing in on your lips. his movement becomes more insistent, and he kisses you again, muffling your moans.
for the next few minutes, the only sounds in the room were that of your needy whines, genji's panting and occasional grunts, and the soft skin-on-skin contact. genji was surprisingly much more gentle than you'd anticipated, affection dripping from every action. it was enough to make you start to feel a bit of regret about the whole 'one time only' spiel, but you couldn't really focus on that when he was looking at you, and touching you, and fucking you the way he was.
with the stimulation of genji inside of you, and the way he was purring praise and sweet nothings into your ear in between the barrage of kisses, it didn't take long for you feel your climax coming up. from the way genji was beginning to become more shaky and haphazard in his movements, you could tell the same was true for him.
"genji," you whisper. "i'm gonna cum."
he hums in response, furrowing his brow. "me too."
a few seconds of silence pass, and then genji looks... lost. "uh, where should i...?"
"wherever you want," you say, not really thinking. 'inside' was the first thing that came to mind, but that felt weird to say. was it weird to ask your coworker cum inside you? yeah, probably, but it couldn't be any weirder than the fact that you were having such intimate, needy sex with your coworker in the first place, right?
genji slows down and looks at you with wide eyes. "what? no preference?"
"um, i mean," you cut yourself off, biting your lip to suppress a moan. "i was gonna say inside, but like... up to you."
"are you serious? you want me to..."
so it was weird, you think, instantly regretting that you spoke. "do whatever you want."
genji stops moving, and you let out a pitiful involuntary whine.
"i'm asking, what do you want?"
does he want me to spell it out for him? you wonder. fuck it.
"i... want you to cum in me, genji," you say, looking him in the eye with a serious expression. you ignore the fact that your cheeks are almost literally burning, and also opt to ignore the little voice in your head chastising you for being so awkward.
a choked noise escapes him, and his face turns pink. he promptly hides himself in the crook of your neck again. after a few more thrusts, you can feel the burning pleasure of your orgasm reaching its peak, prompting you to cling tightly to genji. he leans back to watch, and as you clench around him, he loses his composure as well. a soft chorus of each others' names and 'fuck' fills the room as genji fucks you through your orgasm, neither of you breaking eye contact. genji leans in for another kiss as he cums. this time is somehow even more passionate than the others, and you immediately miss him when he leans back and pulls out.
you almost let an 'i love you' slip out, but immediately realize how stupid that would be, and opt to just shut your mouth entirely instead. a silence falls over the room, with the both of you breathing heavily and casting shy glances at one another as if you didn't just have passionate, unprotected sex. genji moves first, sliding into the bed beside you and propping his head up on his hand.
this is definitely going beyond what this was supposed to be, you tell yourself, but really, you're not mad about it. sure, the plan was originally for you guys to have meaningless sex and then pretend it never happened, but that plan started to crumble almost as soon as he walked through your door. you were still worried that you were reading too far into it– maybe he was like this with everyone he slept with.
"can i... be honest with you?" he asks. you nervously look over at him, an overwhelming sense of dread filling your stomach.
"yeah, of course," you reply casually. acting calm and collected when you were pretty sure you were about to hear something you really didn't want to hear was a trait you'd quickly adapted as an overwatch agent, and damn, were you thankful for it right now.
"i... haven't been with anyone in a long time," he admits. "like... since the accident."
you stay quiet. you're unsure of what to say, and you can tell he's not done talking, anyway.
"i couldn't fathom anyone wanting to be with me, considering... you know," genji sighs and averts his eyes. "i've liked you for so long, but i didn't think you'd be interested in me at all. i'm... barely even human."
you're still quiet, trying your best to process what he's saying.
"oh, yeah, sorry. i know you said this was a one time thing, and that's fine. i just thought you should know that you treating me like a person... and making me feel wanted... it means a lot," he continues. "even if it was just sex, i enjoy being around you."
"i'm... really in over my head," you mutter, mostly to yourself. "this is really unexpected, honestly. like, all of it. everything."
genji's face falls, and you realize that you misspoke. he shifts uncomfortably and starts to sit up, obviously preparing to leave. you reach for his arm, wrapping your hand carefully around the metal.
"not unwelcome, just unexpected. i... didn't want to get feelings involved because i was sure they wouldn't be returned," you explain. "you seemed kind of unapproachable. i was taking a shot in the dark."
genji laughs a little. "i seem to give that impression. it's not really the case... or at least, not with you."
you gently pull him back to your side, holding his face in your hands and giving him a quick kiss. you can't find the words to convey the emotions you feel, so you hope that touch would suffice. he presses his forehead against yours and wraps an arm around your waist, and the two of you just lay there, basking in each others' presence. this was... an unplanned turn of events, but you were much happier with this outcome.
"hmm. so much for the whole 'no strings attached' thing, huh?" you say quietly. "looks like there's definitely strings. lots of them."
genji laughs again, and you find your heart skipping a beat at the look on his face. yeah, there were so many strings tethering this man to your heart. you wanted to tell yourself that weren't sure how exactly you ended up like this, but the moment you saw him take off his mask and show you his most well-kept secret, you knew there was much more than sexual attraction there, and that there was no going back.
"thank you," genji says, pulling you out of your trance. "for... overlooking my flaws, liking me as i am. you're truly the most beautiful person i know."
you smile at him, feeling your heart quite literally melt at the way he's looking at you.
"you're beautiful, genji," you tell him. and he was. the scars and metal that made up his body weren't flaws– they were a part of him, therefore they were beautiful, too. they weren't something you had to overlook to find him captivating, but you'd tell him all about that at another time.
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thebisexualdogdad · 1 year
Tom!peter and his boyfriend actually getting caught in school by a teacher + aftermath
Peter Parker x Male!reader
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● Peter Parker was not someone who skipped class
● but after a particularly hormone inducing gym period where he had to watch you play basketball in a game of shirts and skins (you were on the skins team) he was desperate to get you alone
● so now here you were, making out in the bathroom instead of sitting through a history lecture
● you could feel his throbbing boner through his pants
● so you undid his belt and tugged his pants down around his ankles
● just as you were about to let his boxers join his pants a teacher on their free period walks in
● "you've got to be kidding me," the teacher sighs, "put your pants on Parker and go to the principal's office"
● the two of you are sitting in the principal's office and Peter is freaking the fuck out
● "Oh my god what if they suspend us?? What if they call May?? Shes gonna be so mad!!"
● "Calm down Peter, it's going to be okay. We just got caught making out it's not like we were drinking alcohol or smoking weed"
● when you finally see the principal Peter's face is so red he looks like he's about to explode
● "so I hear the two of you were caught… being inappropriate in the boys bathroom"
● Peter is rambling off an apology pleading to not be suspended
● "Mr. Parker please take a deep breath I'm not going to suspend either one of you"
● "Wait really??"
● "you and Mr. Y/L/N are two of my brightest students and neither one of you have ever gotten so much as a tardy. I will however be giving you detention for a week and do expect this to not happen again"
● "Oh my god thank you, thank you so much I promise it won't happen again"
● "good now get to class and report to your first detention after school"
● you and Peter are standing in the hall outside of class
● "told you it was going to be okay"
● "I'm sorry for overreacting I've just never been in trouble before"
● "I know Peter, you being the complete opposite of a bad boy is one of my favorite things about you"
● Peter laughs and kisses you quickly when his phone dings
● it's a text from May that reads 'just got a call from your principal saying you have detention for making out with Y/N in a bathroom. Come home right afterwards we need to talk.'
● "Oh crap, they called May"
● Peter ended up getting grounded (and a very unwanted sex talk)
● he never skipped class again
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newkatzkafe2023 · 5 months
What if Y/N was like pepe la pew she is very romantic, she always pounced on him and kissed him a bunch of times while giving him a bunch of mushy lovely knit names.
It stinks to be single😫😫😫😫
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(Lmk Wukong) Heart eyes heart eyes for days. This man was just minding his own business until you got bombarded by a very affectionate and cute demon girl. He was being called things like my cute little peach. My sweet ray of sunshine, my adorable little monkey? Such a handsome monkey and how cute he is and With how hard and how much is blushing he feels he's gonna pass out. Oh no you're giving him kisses he's not going to survive this.
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(Mk Reborn Wukong) His face is so red with fury and embarrassment. He can't do anything or be anywhere alone. Because now you're over here sticking to him like my gum got stuck at his fur. At first he thought you were looking for a fight. What with all the nicknames and the lovely w language? You were talking to him and that unfortunately isn't the case. You always tell him that your lover not a fighter. And that you simply want to grant him some much needed attention in love. You once said he was an adorable little monkey Which caused him to blush so hard steam came off his face. He will let you ramble on and on about how you'll be such a loving wife to him and that you will take care of him for as long as you guys love which is forever because of the and immortality. Eventually, over the years he learns to tolerate you when you're antics and text and don't tell anyone but he loves you too.
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(NR Wukong) Oh man you picked a wrong one. Well in your case the right one but let me explain. This guy would break With Any kind of affection you give him A kiss? A hug a bunch of nicknames. You give them the fact that even though he would probably run away from you. You were just gonna hop, skip and jump towards him in such a teasing nothing manner. And by the end of all that, you're gonna find yourself Running Away from him. Because you may have over did it with the kisses and affection.
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(HIB Wukong) The man he can deal with you and whatever to help. This is right now but he is forced to. First of all, he's blushing and angry. Because you said that he was such a handsome monkey and The most adorable demon you've ever seen. P has to think you're mocking him. Because when people see his face they usually stay to hell away. But no, the second you see him. You ran towards him pounced on him Adam attacked and smothered him with so much affection. He had to think this was a joke. What no you were softly calling him all these nicknames like peaches, my Sunspot, My wonderful warrior and the second you also called him your king. Blushy and teary but only you've got to see it.
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(Netflix Wukong) Hell no he ain't gonna survive you and your love. I mean, he knows he's great and all. But he's never experienced anything like this before. There's a demon girl who was very passionate and loving towards him. And that excites and terrorizes him a little and not to mention. You would just come out and nowhere with that. Sometimes he has to go into hiding the second. He heard oh chestnut my heart is sizzling for you i'm coming. Boy had to bolt out there Because you were shouting that from across the village and hopping around just looking for him. But between you and me I think he likes the chase that you chase some down just so you can love on him. The dude could really use it
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declawedwildcat · 29 days
ok gonna ramble my actual thoughts about yesterday's new screencap just to get it all out of my head onto a plate
As unlikely as it is that this is anything more than the artists playing around with making fighting game alt palettes of the characters, I want to pretend that the red-eyed Kuras is a timeline where he drank from the seaspring. We learn from Mhin that Ais hasn't forced anyone to drink yet, but maybe when things start heating up towards faction warfare he takes any power he can get his hands on, even from those he considered friends. Or, conversely, Kuras is just tired of his whole cycle, this endless quest for redemption, the divinity and power and mistakes. His resentment outweighs his trepidation about the seaspring, and he decides to try and get rid of it the only way that seems powerful enough to finally free him.
Of course this then also comes with the insinuation that people who join the groupmind get a thematically recolored evil-twin version of their everyday outfit courtesy of Ais, which is pretty hilarious 😌
it's definitely a strange choice for a placeholder though imo, generally a placeholder should be something that's eye-catchingly obvious so that even someone who's not familiar with what's supposed to be there can immediately catch it at a glance if it gets left in and let whoever is in charge of changing it out know. That's why you often see that eye-searing shade of magenta on placeholder assets. I would think a simple in-engine color layer (like the accidental green Leander) would be more useful for that purpose since black and white would blend with the normal sprites when left on "skip", so this feels like either an inside joke the team put in for their own amusement, or it's just staged for the screenshot lol
But! all theoreticals and wishlists aside, what this actually shows us is two things:
Kuras has a short hair asset, so he could potentially get a haircut at some point in the story. Of course, as anon pointed out this could be just part of how the model is divided, but in my experience modular parts don't usually have covered-up lineart at their division points, they just extend past the point that should be covered to fill any seams. It's a tiny detail, but to me that says they intend to have both hair variations accessible for them to use on finished sprites (whether this is one or not). I haven't worked on a professionally-produced VN though, so maybe their pipeline is different and I'm completely wrong!
Assuming this is not MCR Kuras being introduced here, that means we're seeing a different character's introduction, one that warrants a sprite but doesn't have one yet. Someone's monster form could make sense for MC to vaguely recognize without being able to immediately place them, but having anyone wander around the middle of the Wick in that state seems fairly unlikely. A smaller side character who happens to get an appearance? Or perhaps meeting Elyon? 👀
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abiiors · 8 months
halloween 🎃 // george daniel x reader
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promptober '23 - day 31
a/n: omg the last one 🥹. bbf!george, this one's for you!! and also hehe i have been evil, as is the theme for halloween :) cw: suggestive so i'm just gonna add the mdni anyway wc: 1k
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george startles and almost drops the joint he’s been quietly smoking in the alleyway behind his house. it’s quiet at this time of the evening—well, as quiet as it can get with a bunch of people partying inside and screaming louder than the music thumping through the speakers. 
it’s especially loud this year considering they just moved out and into a little matchbox apartment. 
but it’s theirs. 
it’s george’s own space, free from his parents and free from matty’s (as much as he loves denise and tim). downside though—he hasn’t seen her, in quite a while. 
and now here she is, shit-eating grin on her angelic face (literally, she’s in all white with a crooked halo hanging off her head for dear life). there’s glitter on her eyelids that blinds him in the moonlight. and george can’t help but grin back. 
“hi, sweetheart,” he approaches her, a bit shy for some reason and about to say something when she launches herself at him and engulfs him in a bear hug. 
“i missed you!”
his heart skips a beat. she missed him… she missed him. 
she smells faintly of alcohol, maybe even a cigarette and george stops to think about how much she’s changed in the last few months, how much she’s come out of her shell. 
“i missed you too, sweet girl,” he murmurs in her hair and closes his eyes. “you could come by more often you know…”
she laughs in his chest. “i love my brother but not enough to stop by every week.”
she’s teasing, george knows she’s just taking the piss, but it stings regardless. because of course, why would she stop by their place if not to see matty? as far as matty is concerned george is just casual friends with her. someone she hangs out with along with matty’s other friends. 
“besides,” she continues, “your flat is on the third floor. can’t exactly climb the pipe up, can i?”
“i—” george clears his throat and pulls away. the joint dangles between his fingers, burning away and crumbling to ash by the minute but he doesn’t necessarily care about it at the moment. 
“you don’t have to…” he murmurs and clears his throat. “you don’t… we could, we should tell matty…”
she stares at him for a moment and george suddenly feels stupid. tell matty what exactly? it’s not like she’s his girlfriend. fuck, maybe he should start by figuring that out first and then—
but then she breaks into the most breathtaking smile he’s ever seen and for a moment george stops breathing. 
“you want to? i mean what would we even tell him? that we want to try dating? god this feels like being in the 50s! it’s not like i need his permission,” she rambles on, pausing very very briefly to take a deep breath and george stifles his smile. 
“it’s not like i’d ever expect him to ask my permission if he wanted to date one of my friends. actually no, scratch that, matty with one of my friends, that’s nightmare fuel. but oh my god, let’s not tell him about the… you know… about us—”
“having sex?” george grins and she shiftily looks away. 
“yeah,” she whispers, “yeah that.”
he flicks the joint aside and takes a step forward, towering over her until she’s pressed against the wall and looking at him through her eyelashes. a flush spreads over her cheeks, right under her artificial blush, subtle enough that he would have missed it had it not been for her biting her bottom lip nervously. 
that makes him groan. 
“fuck, sweetheart,” his hands rest on the wall on either side of her face. “i love it when you blush.”
“i wasn’t–i was—” but george is already cutting her off with a kiss. 
his teeth tug on her bottom lip, hands sliding down to her waist so he can pull her closer. public alleyway be damned, he needs to feel her now. he needs to swallow all her soft sounds and feel her giggles reverberate into his chest. when her fingers tangle into his hair, he almost groans with pleasure. 
fuck. she’s kissing him back just as hungrily. fingers playing with a few strands of his hair while her hips grind against his and fuck, he wants to have her now but not here, not like this. and so george continues to kiss her like a man starved, trying and failing to find the willpower to pull away. just another few seconds. just another minute. 
“shit, shit,” she pulls away first, looking at him with wide eyes and lipstick smeared around her mouth. “george, i–fuck, take me back to your room?”
“now?” he tries not to sound to eagers, not to freak her out but really he wants to fucking whoop with joy. 
almost like she can read his mind, she tugs him towards her once again for another quick, searing kiss. another one that knocks the wind right out of his chest. 
“now,” she confirms. the word half disappears onto his lips. 
and then she pulls away, grabbing onto his hand. 
if george had turned even a second sooner, he would have missed it—missed the way her face goes from flushed and eager to pale and grey. would have missed the way her breath hitches and she practically stumbles into the wall. 
if george had turned even a second sooner, it might just have been him stumbling into the wall instead. 
“fuck…” she whispers again, sounding absolutely nothing like she did just seconds ago. “matty, i—”
but the words die on her throat. 
and at the mouth of the alleway, matty’s jaw drops to the floor. 
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lemme know what you think <33
taglist: @scooby-doodoo @partoftheairforce @justgoatsbreakinghearts0855 @beachesgetpeaches @you-muppet @mcabister @alexmarie29 @at-her-very-foreign @hfkait @squishysoupy @sierraeslaprincesa @harrie-fic-center @alien-girl-violet @thereisaplaceintheheart @kennedy-brooke @lolidontknowanymore @theoriginalwhatsername @celestcies @sugarkane1001 @ari-turner @thewaywewereinsaigon @daphnesutton @beliefandsayingsomething @ros3chu @nothingrevealedeverythingdenied @zzzhealy @mattymybeloved @fck-off @indiaamars @sofaritsalrightt @k4tie75 @wondersecret @humptyhoran @indierockgirrl
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honeyfizzly · 3 months
Posting my spicy scarlet hollow hot take.
I will warn this is gonna be about me not liking reese romance so if you don't wanna read that, just skip this post and don't click the read more.
Okay just to clarify I don't think the reese romance is bad or badly written nor do I think people who romance reese are bad or whatever, it's just really really not my thing tbh. I think my biggest problems are A. How sheltered he is and B. How quickly it can go toxic.
I'll elaborate a bit more- with A reese barely gets human interaction so like of course he'd latch on to the first person to show him romantic interest and kindness.
And idk I just feel like he deserves to go out in the world and explore and figure out what his actual type is instead of settling for the bare minimum of kindness and interest?
For B I'm uncomfortable with how much potential the relationship has for toxicity. Like I get some people like their fictional toxic relationships and I get that, I'm not judging, its just once again- not my thing.
It made me very uncomfortable once reese starts talking about how he needs to protect me, and when you click something like "I don't need you to protect" he completely disregards that!
And this isn't to say I hate reese, I adore him as a character he is my second wet cat- but this is to say I don't like how overly protective he is (and before anyone says anything- I don't like Wayne romance either).
Reese, after the routes where he kills his mom, is in a mental state where I don't think he's properly ready to be in a romantic relationship imo. Like that guy just killed someone who was incredibly important in his life and now it's changed forever, I think he belongs in a therapist's office to discuss these feelings not in my bed 💀
Sorry if this was just ramblings and hard to understand 😭 I just wanted to get my thoughts out here. Feel free to disagree with me lol I don't mind, just don't like uhh tell me I should die or something EUWBWHEUQ hopefully this fandom is more mature than that. Hoped yall enjoyed reading and have a nice day :D
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lolawassad · 2 years
Ben hargreeves x female!reader
this is kinda bad sorryyy kinda went off request sorry :((
Based in season 3 so spoilers! same tw as TUA reader cries
Hi 🥹 Could I request Ben Hargreeves x Reader where reader used to be in a relationship with the old Ben before he moved on into the afterlife and sparrow Ben catches on to their trauma and falls for reader and does everything he can to be good for them, I know it’s weirdly specific but I just thought it’d be cute 🥺
Luther has you thrown over his shoulder while Diego Lila and Five follow behind "Lila dont let him do this to me! i thought we where in love" you yell out making Lila "oh baby we are in love thats why im letting him do this"
Diego scoffs "why are you so nice to my little sister and not to me what is this?" he asks making Lila scoff back "look at her" she says poiting at your pouty face "I DONT WANNA SEE BEN" you yell out making Sloane look at you
"Y/n i dont know why you dont like Ben but you need to get over it-" she goes to say but is cut off by the door opening to the house "finally you oafs are here" Ben says
"Put y/n down" Allison scolds making Luther glare at her before putting you down, you quickly walk over to Allison ignoring Ben and let her lead you to the living room
When everyone is in the living room you walk over to Five before sitting down on the floor in front of him and putting your head on his thigh "i dont wanna be here" you whisper softly
Ben is talking to Fei and every once in a while his eyes shoot towards you, before he sends a glare to Five who is now playing with your hair "lover boy keeps glaring at me" Five tells you with a chuckle
You open your mouth to reply but are interupted by a "where is he?" "Viktor" someone says
An argument breaks out and Ben plops down on the couch next to Five "20 on the little one" Ben says "Ill take that action" Five replies before leaning down and placing a kiss to the top of your head and sending a smirk to Ben
The latter scoffs making your head turn to him before it quickly turns back around, hand squeezing your dress tightly "i know Harlan killed all our mothers"
You let out a gasp, free hand reaching for the first thing it can hold, which happens to be Ben's knee, his eyes shoot to your hand in shock before he reaches and holds onto your hand, squeezing softly with a soft look on his face "Viktor you didnt tell us, hes the reason we are in this and you lied to us.. to me about it" you ask, face filled with hurt
"y/n look thi-" Viktor starts but is cut off but you raising your hand that was squeezing your dress "just please dont Viktor"
Five looks from Viktor to you before seeing Ben holding your hand, Five sends a glare to Ben before he peels your hand out of Ben's and holds it in his own, he leans over to Ben and starts whispering "dont touch my sister, a version of you hurt her before im not gonna let you hurt her aswell" Five sneers before pulling you onto his lap, arms wrapping around you protectivly
You squeeze his hand softly and let him hold you "SHUT YOUR MOUTH" you hear Allison yell making you flinch in Fives arms "how are you doing this without saying i heard a rumor?" Five asks shocked
"just a little residual gift from Harlan" Allison replies
"Allison you need to stop" you gasp out looking at your sister choking your brother "ALLISON" you yell out when she doesnt stop, you jump up and throw your arm in the air, a vine shoots out and softly hits Allison making her lose focus and release Viktor
Five grabs onto your waist and pulls you inbetween him and Ben and when they notices Allison glaring at you they glare right back
Small time skip
You look at the kugelblitz "i could just make a box, no need to endanger Christopher i mean what if it goes wrong" you ramble "its like if it explodes the vines ill only feel a small burning in my veins, if its inside big C HE WILL DIE" you yell the last part, you start pacing "i mean we already lost so many people to this fuck fuck, we dont need to lose more"
Ben grabs your arm and his other hand grabs your face softly "Hey dollface calm the fuck down, everything is gonna work out just fine" he whispers and you melt into his touch, his face turns into shock, ever since you have gotten here you have barely even looked at him and now your melting in his touch
"Have you ever moves a nest of bees?" Sloane asks Lila scoffs "No because thats weird"
You step away from Ben "Lila you have remember when i summoned all those flowers and bee nests n you just threw one at me its probably like that" "its not like that at all dont give her ideas please" Sloane is quick to shut your idea down "kinda rude" you mutter before walking over to Diego, you manhandle his arms so he is holding you against his chest
"you couldve just asked me to move my arms you know that right? why are you and Lila like this?" Diego asks making you snort "its because Lila and i are soulmates, when this is over she and i shall marry"
"Thats true!" Lila says "Okay lets do this thing, i got a girl to wife up"
Diego lets go of you, he presses a quick kiss to your forehead and pushes you into Ben "she gets hurt im fucking killing you" Diego spits to Ben before he walks up to Grace who has just appeared
You burry your head into Ben's chest who holds onto you tightly "Look" he says while walking backwards until he hits the wall and is out of Grace's sight "I dont know what that other Ben did to you, but im not like him okay? Please give me a chance, i mean its the end of the fucking world, please give me chance" he begs softly "i can see that he hurt you but i would never hurt you" he confesses
Grace shoots fire in your direction and Ben goes to spin you around so his back is towards Grace but you break out of his grip, you put your arms to your side before pulling roots from the ground and wrapping her up fully in the roots, you throw her to Five who blinks them away
Ben grabs onto your wrist and spins you around "she couldve fucking hurt you" he scolds "but she didnt, see i can do things, im useful!" you beam making Lila yell "HELL YEAH YOU ARE" making Sloane scold her "focus!"
Christopher closes the Kugelblitz inside of him and Lila falls to the ground, you rush out of Ben's grip and run to Lila putting her head on your chest "fuck yeah love boobs in my face" Lila says with a smirk making you snort "OKAY YEAH ENOUGH THATS MY SISTER LILA" Diego yells "stop hitting on my sister why are you like this?" he asks her
Another small time skip
Everyone is now in the living room, people are dancing, Viktor is on the couch, Allison in the doorway, and y/n is laying on the floor surrounded by flowers and holding a bottle of soda, bees and butterflies flying around her
Footsteps approach her before someone lays down next to her "you not drinking?" Five asks her "no one of us idiots should stay sober" you tell him making him hum in agreement, he puts his arm around your shoulder "i love you, thank you for being here for me" Five says his words slurring a little
"i love you too little man" "I AM NOT LITTLE" Five yells out making you laugh "sure Five sure" you say before getting up, placing a kiss on his forehead
You walk outside the living room into a hallway and outside the door, you lay down in an empty field, the field fills with colorful flowers immediately
Its then a shockwave hits "I FUCKING TOLD THEM" you yell before running back towards the building, you run into Diego and Lila "Hotel hotel hotel" they yell out while pointing towards it the three of you run towards the hotel
"im done" you yell out when you enter the hotel, you throw yourself on the hard floor "leave me here to die!" you dramatically exlaim Ben walks up to you and sits down pulling your head onto his lap "so what now genius" he sarcastically asks Five "Paws off my sister, knock off, also that was your plan so its your fault" he fights
"NO FIGHTING" you yell "you guys shouldve just let me used my vines but nooo nobody ever listens to y/n because people cant be pretty and smart acording to you, you guys are all just.. just y/nphobic?" you ask "yeah y/nphobic" you say before getting up and sitting at the bar
You listen to everyone and when Ben and Diego start fighting in another language you turn around "thats kinda hot" you loudly say making Lila agree
Ben turns to look at you with a smirk and he walks up to you "yeah no" he is quickly stopped by Luther "not my sister" he says "SAYS THE GUY WHO IS DATING MY SISTER" Ben yells out
"can you guys stop" you say before walking over to Ben and put your head on his chest, he softly holds onto you and places a kiss on the top of your head
"can we all just be nice to eachother? we are all gonna die" you ask them "please" you beg softly, voice cracking tears filling your eyes, Ben softly rocks you "dont cry flora" he whispers
Ben walks backwards and sits down on a chair pulling you to straddle his lap, you put your head in the crook of his neck
Luther clears his throat "we've uh got a little announcement to make" "we are engaged!" they finish together, you giggle against Ben's neck "the world is ending lets get married!" you mock softly making Ben smirk
Its then Klaus walks up "KLAUS!" you yell getting up from Ben's lap and jumping onto your brother "I thought you died!" you say making klaus laugh "IM IMMORTAL" he yells spinning you around "Okay nathan young" you say making Klaus laugh
"yeah not to interupt the reunion but can i have my girl back?" Ben asks looking at you and Klaus "yeah ofcourse benerino!" Klaus says carrying you over to Ben "WAIT YOUR GIRL?" Klaus asks dropping you "OUCHIE" you yell out with a pout "Klausie why do you hate me?" you ask
Ben walks up to you and holds his hand out for you before pulling you up and dragging you back to the chair and onto his lap again "touch her again and ill kill you okay?" Ben says to Klaus making you slap his shoulder "be nice thats my favorite kinda gay sibling" you tell Ben making him lift his hands in the air "sorry doll"
"you gotta be nice to my family" you say before letting yourself fall from Ben's lap "wait why did you bring dad?" you ask klaus with a pout "We dont like that guy"
Ben goes to reach out for you but Five sends him a glare and blinks to you before blinking you both to a chair
Time skip to the buffalo room on the other side
When you get separated from Diego and Lila you go to find them, you end up in the lobby where you fall to your knees and you start crying, you hear loud footsteps run into your direction before you are pulled into someones arms "I got you doll, let it all out" Ben whispers
"Its too much Ben its too much" you sob out holding onto him "i know angel i know" he says holding onto you tighter "its almost over, i promise you, my love, and when this is over i hope you will let me show you how good we would be together"
Diego walks up behind Ben "y/n whats wrong?" he asks, you go to reply but only sobs come out "shes overwhelmed" Ben tells him "Its fine i got her" he continues making Diego nod at him before he walks back to Lila
Its then the ceiling smashes, Ben pushes you so you slide and land next to Allison, Five starts yelling about stars and they all get on one, when the life starts draining from everyone you get up, tears still rolling down your cheeks "im not losing him again" you whisper before using your powers to find a apple seed inside reginalds stomach, you focus on it growing
Reginald falls to the ground with a tree growing from his mouth, you rush over to Ben and pull his head to your chest "are you okay?" you ask him, Ben just smiles before he pushes his head up and just as his lips are about to hit yours you are all teleported
You frown and walk out of the elevator only to be pulled in someones arms "IM ALIVE!" Luther yells while squeezing you, you sniffle tears dried to your cheek, you slap Luther "how dare YOU DIE ON ME" you ask before bursting into tears again "i thought i lost you you dumb oaf"
Luther looks around shocked, Ben walks up and gets me out of Luther's arms "Hey flora its okay" Ben says while stroking your hair, Diego and Lila walk up to you "we are leaving, you wanna come with us?" Lila asks "we can finally get married!" she beams making you giggle "no you guys go ahead" you say
Diego frowns "you gonna go with Viktor or Five?" he asks making you shake your head "i would like to go with Ben if he is okay with that?" you ask looking up at Ben whose face breaks into a smile "really? course im fucking okay with that my little angel" he says before lowering his head and pressing his lips on yours
"NO THATS MY WIFE" Lila yells "y/n your cheating on me now?" you hear Lila's voice fade and Diego scoff
"stop sucking faces with my sister" Five says making you pull away from Ben "oops" you softly say making ben chuckle
"Listen Ben, you hurt my sister and i will personally be the cause of your death okay? and ill make it look like an accident" Viktor threatens making you shiver in Ben's hold "Im not gonna hurt her, she means the world to me" he says before he starts pulling you with him
"Lets get started on our new life Flora"
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peach-and-bugs · 1 year
That is very good, feeling extremely gay is the best.
While I'm here (since I was gonna request this last night/yesterday but I fell asleep), do you have any thoughts/head cannons on Adult!Yellow Jackets (whether you include cannon adult YJ's by themselves or as well as the others that died ((Jackie, Laura Lee etc)) is up to you) as parents/how they are around kids.
Just a thought, since Mama Lottie is the only thing I've been able to think about for weeks and I'm super excited for chapter 2 (no pressure on releasing it of course), and thought this would be cool.
If not don't worry I'll 100% understand if you don't xxx
Oh my gosh, this is absolutely perfect for me, thank you so much for asking me to ramble about the girls as moms/aunts. It's my favorite thing to think about. Some of these will expand upon what I said in my SFW alphabet
Yellowjackets as parents/with kids
tw: food shame/judgment with Jackie religious themes with Laura Lee (all positive endings)
✰ Jackie had a very strict upbringing to me. She was obsessed with being perceived as perfect and model all the time and I can only assume that was instigated by her parents (mostly her mother)
✰ She seems like the type to have kids, but she's always trying to improve upon how she grew up because she knows how that pressure feels and doesn't want that for her kids
✰ For whatever reason, I see her as a girl mom whose last kid is surprisingly a boy and she's thrown for a loop because she's so used to having girls, and having a boy is suddenly so different
✰ but as a girl mom, she tries to be really open for her daughters. She wants them to see her as just a normal person because that's how they'll then look at themselves. She's also that mom on holidays or family gatherings that lets her kids have control over what they eat
✰ I headcanon her mom was one of those almond moms who was always talking about what Jackie was eating or looked like and she's not gonna let that happen to her girls. She wants them to have a positive relationship with food from the start so they don't have to learn it like she did. She's opening up the pumpkin pie at thanksgiving before dinner is served and giving each of her kids a slice and noone can stop her
Laura Lee
✰ Laura Lee is still very involved in her church and faith in her adulthood and I can see her wanting that for her children too, but she makes it very clear that that faith for them doesn't need to be strictly Christianity. I think she'd probably take them to church when they're little, but she'd be really open to letting her kids know if that's not something they want, they can tell her they no longer want to go
✰ I can perfectly envision her as one of those moms at pride with the free mom hugs shirt on and proudly holding up her sign about how god made everyone beautiful as they are. She's also taking in any kid who needs a roof over their head and a hot meal, no questions asked
✰ I see her wanting to fully or partially home-schooling her kids. Can't really explain why, but it feels fitting
✰ We already know a lot of how I look at Lottie as a mom, given my mama!Lottie tag and fic, Bean Sprout, but I'll never skip an opportunity to gush about her more!
✰ she's the epitome of the crunchy granola mom who's taking her kid out to the garden with her, encouraging them to dig in the dirt in their rain boots and overalls to find worms and other bugs and taking them on hikes with the dog. She's got her kid and her dog with her all the time.
✰ She's the kind of mom who wants her kid to try everything at least once, but not in a pushy way. She thinks it extremely important for confidence development that her kid knows that it's ok to try and fail because you can always get right back up again
✰ She's also really good with other people's kids. She likes watching the way kids think and the best way to see and understand that is by getting to know them on their level
✰ Misty's awkward around everyone, and that extends to kids as well, but she's a little better with kids than she is with adults. She babysat back when she was a teenager, so she still knows a thing or two
✰ part of me can see her as a mom while another part of me doesn't. I think had the crash not happened, she'd be more likely to have or adopt a kid of her own, but in the crash timeline that feels far less likely
✰ that or it's a situation where she thought she wanted to be a mom when she was growing up because "that's what everyone wants" but as she gets older she realizes that no, she really doesn't want to be a parent
✰ but I do think she enjoys being around children to some degree due to her babysitting days
✰ So Natalie is an interesting one because my immediate reaction is always no, in no world does she like kids, but then I remember that she's actually pretty chill with kids and we see that when she goes to Kevin's son's soccer game
✰ In no way do I think she'd have a kid of her own, but she can definitely be the favorite aunt, that's for sure. She's gonna teach her friend's kids about the reality of the world, maybe how to get away with some very petty crime (but if they actually do it, she'll be pissed) and she's gonna go and take them to do the things they aren't supposed to, like getting sweets before dinner
✰ I think Shauna prefers younger kids. She's definitely having a hard time with Callie and the teen years, but based on how she talks about Callie when she was younger, she enjoyed the younger days
✰ She seems like one of those moms who had trouble making other mom friends, but it's alright because she's go her little girl keeping her company
✰ I feel like Callie was her little mini-me, which makes her growing up harder
✰ she's definitely one of those moms who kept a baby journal when she was pregnant, writing to her baby nearly every day and she managed to keep it up throughout a good chunk of her childhood. she's planning to give it to Callie when she graduates high school
✰ Tai gives me the vibe that having a kid wasn't something she initially considered when she was making her life plan, but now that she has Sammy she'd never go back
✰ I'm really hoping we get Sammy and Taissa again in season 3 because when she's in a good space and caring for herself she really is a good and caring mother, and it made me sad to lose that completely in season 2
✰ I personally think Samone carried Sammy and Tai stayed by her the whole time, making sure her wife got the best care she possibly could when they were in labor. After he was born and she got to hold him, she got this overwhelming feeling realizing that yeah, she's a mom now and this is her little guy to take care of
✰ she's definitely an only-child mom to me. I don't personally see her wanting another kid. can't really explain why on that one
✰ Very much like Natalie, Van gives off chill aunt or step-parent energy to me. I don't see her having kids of her own, but she's definitely really good with kids. The only way I see her as a mom is if she gets into a relationship with someone who's already got a kid
✰ She'd be willing to babysit her friend's kids as Aunt Van and she loves hosting them at her house for sleepovers. Breakfast is always fun at the Palmer house, and it's guaranteed to be very sugary
✰ I mentioned it before, but I can imagine her hosting summer parties in her backyard and grilling lunch with a bunch of kids running around playing with water balloons and squirt guns
✰ she's definitely got a box or closet full of cool toys for when she has kids visit. She also loves teaching them about the movies she liked growing up and taking them out on all kinds of outings
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SequenceShift Dina
So, been working on SequenceShift and I finally got something for Dina that really clicked with me, and I needed to gush about it since she's probably my favorite character at the moment. So, what's our favorite bartender up to in this AU?
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Well, I have said that Dina is a member of the Feisty 'Five' (aka the Royal Rangers), but I haven't really gone beyond that.
Dina started off as the simple bartender lady she was in the original game, not much of a change there, aside from her being childhood friends with Starlo and Ceroba. However, after Kanako had passed, Dina joined the Royal Rangers as a way of keeping an eye on Ceroba.
This led to an encounter with a particularly nasty human that killed a lot of monsters and wrecked half the Wild East. It also resulted in the Feisty Four beaten to near death and Starlo reluctantly killing the human. Such a process ended up breaking him with the harsh realities of being a lawbringer (more on that later) and it goes without saying that the Wild East was reduced to a Ghost Town. Dina recognized this and brought the human SOUL to Ceroba in his place. From that day on, she modeled herself into being the Underground's 'Hangwoman'. She realizes how painful it is to take a life (hell, most monsters crumble in front of a mere human kid), so she's decided to take these matters into her own hands, should another particularly nasty human enter the Underground, so no one would have to go through that type of pain ever again. Essentially, she modeled herself into a Western anti-hero. Okay, granted that could apply to most of the Feisty Five, but she's definitely a darker shade of grey compared to the others, like the protagonist in a Red Dead game or a Clint Eastwood film.
Now, as for her role in the story, she roughly takes the Sans role of the AU Post-Lakeside. She appears in a variety of locations, even being a temporary vendor here and there as a way to relive her Wild East days. She spends a lot of the story watching over Clover and trying to get a read on them.
This eventually leads to her having a boss fight on the slopes of Frostpeak on the Neutral and Geno runs (Pacifist skips the conflict). On a neutral run, she eventually decides Clover doesn't deserve to die for their actions. On Genocide, though? Well, let's just say, she's definitely gonna live up to her Hangwoman title.
And I'll leave it off there for now. If you wanna know more about her, feel free to send me an ask. And if you've gotten this far, thank you for hearing me out about my ramblings for a favorite character.
P.S. she still has the snakes on her, literally.
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frenchgremlim1808 · 3 months
hello rats! (if you don't wanna read my bullshit skip to my official ranking of the cast, i know you want to)
Today i wanted to thank you all for the 100 subscribers i am truly thankful for all of you, i'm just out of words like, i don't even get why you all like subscribed to me, i just make random ass crazy rambles on a silly game! you know that's like insane! i also wanna thank you all for the constant support and advice, i'm not the most healthy person around, i'm very fragile and i often break down so life is not really the easiest, but this game, this community fells like an escape from that. Sometimes, often i get very negative thoughts about myself and like life and this blog kinda made me smile, it brought me a bit of light in my either meh or shitty life. So like thank you all truly, huh, also like i'm was finally able to talk with my mom about my like 99% chance of having autism, and she said yes for me to get a diagnosis, so like thank you shin too i guess since you were weirdly the reason i started questioning myself. I know i'm rambling nonsense but like i'm like feelings lots of stuff. I really had a bad week all around so like i'm not sure i'm gonna post this week that much. So like THANKS!
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so i wanna clarify that expect from exceptions i like most of the cast of yttd, i do not really hate anyone, except midori. While i shared my distaste of sheep boy i actually just find him mid, he's not really interesting to me. Also this is purely subjective and does not count how well written the character is, for example i have mixed feeling about keiji but i think he's an amazing character+he has the best free times in YTTS. i repeat, this is only an opinion, but i would love to have people tell me their opinions on some of the characters and maybe defend them. Differing opinions is good anyhow. So here it is:
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k4g3hika · 2 years
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HOME WRECKER ━ imagine!
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eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: dustin has a teensy, tiny, crush on eddie’s girlfriend and will do anything to talk to her. maybe even bike all the way to their house after school, even though an impatient eddie waits for him.
genre: crack/fluff
wc: 1650
warning: mention of p**dophile! only once, if you feel triggered, feel free to skip over!
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“Hi Y/N!” Dustin waves enthusiastically at you, giving you one of his biggest smiles. You smile back at him, leaning against the doorframe with your arms crossed. “How are you?”
He couldn’t believe that he was here right now. Dustin got this sudden idea in his last period class, amidst the moment when he just couldn’t stop thinking about you. It wasn’t like he was hopelessly in love with you…no! 
“I’m great Dust! I just finished a batch of cookies, you want some?” He nods, hopping inside the Munson trailer and walking up to the kitchen. 
Dustin likes Y/N. In a friendly, nice, genuine, best friend-ey way! Totally not in an ‘I want to date you’ way of course. 
He totally doesn’t wake up in the morning and think of you, and your food, and your smile and laugh. 
“I’m actually really proud of this batch. I put more than M&M's! I ground some Hershey’s and put some inside, I’ve been craving chocolate lately…I’m not sure why.” As you ramble on and on, Dustin puts his chin on the palm of his hand. He stares at you in a way that you can only decipher if Eddie looked at you, but from Dustin? It looked a bit weird. 
Dustin knew he shouldn’t be doing this. First off, he has a girlfriend. Don’t get him wrong, Suzy was amazing! She’s a fucking genius and absolutely beautiful…but she was so far away. And you were right here! This gorgeous, caring and smart person, that accepted him regardless of his awkward braces and personality. 
But besides that, the most crucial problem of his dilemma is that you are Eddie’s girlfriend. His idol Eddie’s girlfriend. It was so unfair!
“Hold on, didn’t you just come from school Dust? Did you bike all the way here?”
“Y-Yeah! But it’s fine. I’d do anything- I mean! I love spending time with you.” You raise your eyebrow, a bit curious as to why he would bike all the way to the trailer park. 
“You do know that Eddie isn’t here right? He’s at school, for the D&D campaign. Shouldn’t you be there too?” 
“Yup! I’ll just bike back there. It’s okay.” You gasp, shaking your head and grabbing the jacket that hung by the counter. It was his turn to get confused now, seeing you gather your things and looking around the living room area. “W-What-”
“Dust, I’m not letting you bike back. I’ll drop you off and you can just come home with Eddie to pick up your bike.”
“Yes! It’s okay, besides I want to drop off the cookies for Hellfire. And,” you sing, handing him a cookie with a napkin, “you can be the first one to try it. You know, my special tester for my new recipe.”
Dustin feels like he’s going to drop down to his knees. 
“Where is Henderson?!” Eddie shouted, looking around the room and sensing the empty chair. Yes, he was upset about the junior’s absence, everyone, hear Eddie’s emphasis on everyone, needs to be here for the campaign tonight. Though every single other campaign is important, this one shines brighter than the others. He spent extra long on this campaign, in no way shape or form was any of the Hellfire members missing out on this. 
“I don’t know man, last I saw him was last period. He said he was gonna go on a short adventure.” Eddie feels his anger rise more. 
How dare he be late for the battle against Lord Soth! Eddie is going to kill him when he sees him. Absolutely wring him-
“Y/N!” Eddie’s head lifts up at Jeff’s proclamation, surprised with your presence. He was about to shout out your name until he witnessed the smaller figure that pops out from behind you. Of course, he’s happy that you’re here, don’t get him wrong, but why the fuck did Dustin come in with you?
“Hey, guys! I hope you’re in the mood for some sweets because I brought some!” The room erupts with cheer at the sound of your baking and you giggle, passing around the container. Eddie’s curiosity begins to slim, and he feels a growth of warmth in his heart, until your next statement, “Dustin tried out my new recipe and said it was delicious! I hope you enjoy-”
“WHAT?!” Everybody jumps at Eddie’s shriek, including you. He slams his hands against the table and faces Dustin with a livid expression, pushing the boy to fear. “You little, fucking- HOW DARE YOU?!?”
“Eddie-Eddie, wait!” Eddie inhales, stomping toward Dustin and grabbing the collar of his shirt. “No! Wait-”
“I do that! I try Y/N’s recipes! Why do you bike all the way to my house and visit my girlfriend?!? Alone?! Are you crazy!” Dustin starts to tear up at the elder’s aggression because if everyone was being honest, it was pretty scary. Sighing out of frustration, you drop the container down onto the table and rush to the ‘fight’ brewing. 
“Eds! Eddie! Stop!” You pull at Eddie but fail because of the amount of strength that was given to Dustin. “Eddie! Behave!” Your words fall on deaf ears since Eddie continuously shakes Dustin with fervour. 
“Prick! Get your own fucking girlfriend-”
The room stills. Nervously, Eddie puts Dustin down, who scrambled to his Hellfire seat next to Mike. Your eyes seem to flare at your boyfriend, grabbing his hand and pulling him. 
“Outside, now!” Opening the door, you push him outside, shutting the door behind you. “What was that?! That is a fourteen-year-old boy!” Eddie crosses his arms and looks down onto the ground, hiding his face with his long hair. You huff, putting your hands on your waist. 
“Hello??” He groans, messing around with his hair more and more. You could tell that he was too shy to tell you but you didn’t care. You’re going to break it out of him, once and for all. 
Unfortunately, all your efforts, which were, pulling at his arms, begging him, and pulling at his jacket, were simply not working. You groan even louder now, all your anger leaving you, but now being replaced with frustration. 
“Eddie, please. Please just tell me why you were so mad.” He rolls his eyes, standing tall and facing you. 
“You tell me, Y/N. A boy, I don’t care how old he is, went to our house, to see you! My beautiful girlfriend, all alone. And does what? Eat a cookie? No…” Eddie stomps against the floor, “Fucking, tries, one of your, NEW, COOKIES! You said I could try it when I got home! You promised! I was excited! Fuck, I was thinking about it all day! ‘What is Y/N gonna put in her cookies this time’, ‘what new, amazing thing is Y/N gonna add’? And then,” Eddie breathes, 
“I HEAR THAT ONE OF MY HELLFIRE MEMBERS, TRIES IT BEFORE ME-” Eddie shuts up, yelping out of surprise when your plump lips land on his. He could feel your hands latching onto his neck, while he naturally move to your waist. You pull away and see his surprised facial expression. Laughing to yourself, you brush his hair back and kiss his cheek. “What…?”
“Eddie, you’re so cute when you’re jealous. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to let Dustin try those cookies before you. It slipped my mind that I promised. Besides, you really have nothing to worry about, especially with Dustin.”
“Psh, I know-” you put your index finger on his lips, immediately shutting him up. 
“I know, you know. But in there, you were acting like I was gonna leave you for him tomorrow. And I’m saying, you have nothing to worry about. I have a pretty clean criminal record and I do not want my first one to be, paedophile.” Eddie laughs at you, kissing your lips again. “You’re such an idiot.”
“Only around you to be honest.”
“Now,” you rub his cheeks, but snatch his face and push it closer to you, “go apologise to Dustin for strangling him like a maniac.”
You already left, leaving the container for Eddie to bring home. Eventually, the campaign went extremely well, Eddie won’t lie about that. But, he hasn’t said ‘sorry’ to Dustin, which was a task weighing heavily on his shoulders. 
However, you told him to give Dustin a ride back to the trailer park for his bike, so Eddie guesses that he can just apologize to the home-wrecker there. 
“Henderson,” Eddie honks his horn, “you comin’ with me.”
“O-Okay.” Dustin hops inside the van, clutching his bag to his chest. The ride begins in silence. 
Dustin was going to hop out of the window. He couldn’t stand the betrayal going on inside him right now. He felt so bad for one, having a crush on his friend’s girlfriend, and two, even having the guts to bike all the way to Eddie’s house, knowing she was home. 
“Listen Henderson,”
‘Oh god, oh god, this was it’ Dustin internally panics, ‘he’s gonna kick me out of Hellfire! Oh, Jesus fuck!’
“I’m sorry about earlier buddy. I didn’t mean to grab you or anything. Completely my fault.” 
Eddie pulls into the trailer park, and the fear within Dustin begins to dissipate. He could almost feel a small smile grow on his face, opening the door quickly to grab his bike and go home. 
“Thanks for the ri-”
Until, Eddie grabs the handle of the passenger’s door and shuts it close. Dustin pauses, confused as to why Eddie would do such a thing. He releases the door, turning around to face Eddie, who had a calm, but clearly angry, look on his face. 
“If I ever hear, about you coming to my house, with Y/N all alone? I’m fucking chopping your head off.”
Okay, never mind. The fear came right back up his ass.
@crunchcake @buckwbarnz @bookobsessedfreak
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blindmagdalena · 5 months
Hiiii it's me again!
I just wrapped up a full-on binge of your series with Homelander and Layla, and honestly, I've got to get a few things off my chest about these two. I'll try to keep this short, but there's a lot to unpack, and if you're not up for the essay I'm about to write here, feel free to skip it. Starting with Layla's profession — genius. It just clicks, right? With a job like hers, it's totally believable that she'd cross paths with a guy like Homelander. That guy's desperate for any scrap of affection he can get, doesn't really matter if it's genuine or not. And in your story, it feels like we get a dash of both. It's refreshing because usually, OCs just snap their fingers and suddenly, Homelander's all about them, which feels a tad forced.
But Layla? She's different. Their first serious meet-up perfectly demonstrates her patience. And her smarts? She's ten steps ahead, seeing right through Homelander's act — you know the one where he pretends he's too cool for the room. Her ability to play him like a fiddle from the get-go, just by stroking his ego, is just so spot on. It's not just her cunning that stands out, though. Layla knows exactly when to use emotional leverage, she's insightful about Homelander's neediness, hence the booked meeting. She's not your typical 'strong woman' character — thank goodness we're not talking about those overdone, one-dimensional types that come off as watered-down male heroes. Love that she's profoundly intelligent, perceptive, and strategic in her emotional connections. She's an exemplary character not wedged into the role of being “strong” but one who utilizes her understanding and empathy as powerful tools.
I'm sold on her character (if you can't tell.) And I'm really going all out here because as I revisit the first chapters to talk about this, I keep finding new reasons to appreciate her more. I want to dive deeper into my thoughts, but I'm probably just rambling now, so I'll cut myself off. You've single handedly got me working on my personal oc again lmfao. Just a last note, it's cool to see an original character who isn't some superpowered being for a change. It adds layers to the world you've built that I'm just here for. I'm gonna read a few other fics you have linked about your ocs — I came for the x reader fics and stayed for the ocs LOL.
— 💌
you genuinely took my breath away with this! my heart is so full and warm, i could cry. i can't tell you how many times i reread this this morning! i'm very tender-hearted when it comes to my original characters, and i was quite nervous starting an oc fic, but this makes me SO happy that i did!
please don't ever apologize for writing essays like this, i honestly want to print this out and hang it on my wall. thank you SO MUCH for not only reading my fic but taking the time to send me such an incredibly thoughtful message about my girl Layla. it really does mean the world to me!!! and i really can't wait to get back to writing Eat Your Ego.
i'm really happy that she's coming across so well! i knew that i would have to be careful in how i wrote her for the fact that she IS human, and there's a very delicate balance to be had in interacting with Homelander. there's a tension there that yeah, one wrong move and she really and truly has no defense against him aside from her wits, so i needed her empathy and intellect to be sort of a super power of their own.
i was worried she would come across as omniscient or meta, so i tried to lean into the fact that Homelander's ego and power trips really do just have him behaving like the type of men she would regularly encounter in her line of work.
aaahhh, gosh, even responding to this i reread it a whole bunch. thank you so much, darling. i'm going to treasure this message! 🖤
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