#just hit me that all of my oc's are absolute whores
narlowemcfarlowe · 11 months
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"I wouldn't consider myself as one to start shit. I know that past Irken leaders have a reputation for exploiting those around them and I really want to make it up and treat others with respect. My tallests can admittedly be somewhat of a nuisance, but I honestly can't blame them. None of us were ready for such high positions of authority, it was mere fate that brought us here. With that in mind, I always make it a priority to contact them on the Massive and see how they're doing, I'm sure deep down they get stressed too... I definitely would. I like building relationships with my assistants as well, I want them to know that I see them as more than drones working for my benefit and that I truly care about them. However, I've been getting some "criticism" from the control brains for this. My pak has been upgraded to where I'm capable of seeing their physical projections. Thankfully they don't berate me much, as they see me of being little worth, but when they do It's always maddening.
I despise Kii the most out of the three. Don't get me wrong, Soxx and Hitz are miserable squares as well, but whenever they badmouth me, they're straightforward and snappy about it. If one were to ask them for any sort of excuse, they'd be the types to go "because I said so" and leave it at that. But Kii is an absolute lunatic; even in her immortality and limitless power she still finds a way to be a miserable hag. Whenever she's mad she resorts to insulting me, insulting my appearance or calling me a slut for what she perceives as me "seducing" my colleagues when I'm simply building rapport with them, only to turn around and make herself the victim, constantly whining about her past experiences like a spoiled child trying to get her way. Sometimes I'm ashamed to be a woman because of her.
Again, I don't like to start shit, but after having her hit me below the belt so many times, I decided to do the same to her. So I asked her in a sarcastic manner, "Why are you calling me a whore for wanting to make friends, when you were the one to sleep with five different men for your selfish desires of having your own little toy soldiers?".
She showed me her true colors after that, going absolutely ballistic and barking about how disrespectful I was for daring to question her. I stood there unimpressed in an attempt to threaten her irrational authority. I could feel my brain cells deep frying themselves every time she said something along the lines of "I bled for days!". It amazes me hearing drones say such positive things about her appearance, as if she were some awe-inspiring heavenly entity, when all I saw in her contorted, teary-eyed grimaces was one word: hypocrisy.
I don't regret it one bit and I'd do it all again just to see her act like the absolute scum she truly is."
Just an idea I had with my OC Kreit lol
Kii belongs to @messinwitheddie
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txemrn · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
If you already got this - feel free to ignore it! 😉
Cari! I am sending you the biggest hug through my screen! Thank you so much for including me on this Ask... and good gracious, this was tricky! And... don't shoot me: it's more than 5. 😬 Not because I think I have great pieces, but I have a lot of fics with great memories in 3 different fandoms. And you already know: I don't follow rules very well. lol I don't even know if they are the "top", but they are fics I love. 🖤
The Nanny Affair
Once... Always... Part 1 (m!Sam Dalton x MC)
There he is, her faithful, wonderful, and loving husband, Sam Dalton, in a nanny affair. Again.
Che Bello!
She whistles through her teeth. “Damn, Robin. You lookin’ to get laid tonight?” He chuckles, blushing as he saunters to her side.  He squats next to Brynn, his dark eyes meeting her stormy gray gaze.  "I think you stole my line."
The Royal Romance
Pour Two Glasses, Chapter 1: While You're in the World (Liam x Riley)
"...This award right here was a team effort, and it serves as proof that you are not adequate. No. Listen to me carefully. You are anything, but just adequate. You, my queen, are abundantly able, completely sufficient, surpassing every need and desire perfectly with unbelievable beauty and exquisite grace. The crown should be honored that a woman like you humbled herself, and chose to wear it. To my wife and eternal peacekeeper: thank you for making tonight possible. I love you.”
The Missionary's Daughter, Prologue: It's Over (TRR; Liam x Riley; Drake x Riley)
“Oh, c’mon, Drakey,” Leo chuckles in disbelief. “Anyone with two eyeballs–” he snickers again,”–more like anyone with two ears knows you and Liam’s prized American whore fucked.” Leo mimics a spanking motion in the air as his voice becomes breathy and whiney. “And fucked. And fucked–” “Shut the fuck up, Leo!” Drake growls at Leo, grabbing him by the collar. His other arm hangs low, tensed and ready to strike. “Go ahead. Hit me. I’m not the one who betrayed my best friend–”
Faded (TRR; Leo x Madeleine)
It’s been seven weeks since that awful morning. Seven weeks of silence and darkness. Seven weeks of broken dreams and false hope. Seven weeks of only one absolution: Leo had found his freedom. He wasn’t coming back.
Open Heart
Ricochet, Prologue: a New Boss (Ethan x f!OC)
Tatum freezes, the hairs on the back of her neck standing on end. She knows that hauntingly deep voice: a voice that once made her giggle incessantly during the day while he purred her name late into the night; a voice that encouraged her, comforted her, believed in her all through medical school; a voice that once laid claim to her hand and her heart–that is until that voice found her in bed with his best friend. She knows that frigid tone anywhere.
Everything We Need (Ethan x f!OC)
Ethan quickly grabs Tatum’s shoulders, pulling her into a tight embrace. She buries herself into his shoulder, her breath hitching in her chest. “Hey, hey–” he whispers, pressing his lips against her tousled waves. “Shhh, none of that,” he chuckles to himself, massaging intimate circles against her back. “You know it’s family tradition.”
Thanks again, girlie!
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itssuppertim3 · 3 years
Some OC Headcanons:
Since I never talk about the poor fools.
Remeir: (Dunmer)
The corny main protagonist.
Pretty much the most vibrant of all of my characters.
Aweful cook. The woman's go-to is cabbage soup since it's the easiest to make. Still sucks, though.
She tries a bit too hard to seek approval from her peers. She does everything in her power to make others happy, and in some cases it costs her own.
Explodes in a whole waterfall of emotions when pissed off.
Terrible singer. It's just offtune screaming, mostly.
Kicked Miraak's ass and then proposed.
Myuri: (Dunmer)
Remeir's side bitch.
She's the quiet friend who walks in the grass whereas the rest of the group walks on pavement.
Deeply in love with her career as a professional thief, as well as an Agent of Nocturnal.
Her dream goal is to live in a tiny cabin cloaked by tall trees and brush where no soul can trace her nor the dozens of feline friends keeping her company in said tiny cabin.
Despises any form of magic. Something about trauma?? I don't know anymore.
She likes men, preferrably the kind that use profanity, drink, burn things... preferrably Teldryn Sero.
Trez/Ivory: (Breton)
The witty assassin a.k.a. asshat.
Her top priority is to piss off as many people as she can and live.
Likes stabbing, slicing, jabbing, puncturing, etcetera, etcetera.
She wasn't exactly flamboyant as a child. Her parents often bought her dolls in order to encourage her to act a bit more... "girly." Trez disliked the dolls because of how much they reminded her of herself. Long story short, they were reduced to sliced bits, her parents soon following :D
Major resting bitch face.
She'd be the one sending memes to the groupchat at 5am.
Seri: (Bosmer)
College of Winterhold dropout.
Short, cute, bright-eyed, will invert your kneecaps.
Absolutely terrible with a bow. Offer to take her hunting and she will cringe.
She is incredibly blunt, yet doesn't know what the hell is going on around her most of the time.
She could be talking someone's ear off for hours, and then fall into an eerie silence after getting lost in thought. Since Inigo is one of the only people she really speaks to, he'll grow unsettled and ask if she's having some sort of breakdown. He does this a lot, actually.
Likes nature, just hates sleeping in it.
Passive aggressive.
Lumi: (Nord)
Vampiric slut.
Unknowingly puckers her lips when in the presence of the male sex.
Much of her life is a blur because she's in the fast lane and not because she's been in hibernation mode for the majority of her existence. Sorry Serana, but she gets the gold metal for this one.
Obsessed with velvet material, and would definitely smother herself with it when given the opportunity. Would also be wearing velvet to her funeral.
Misses her blue eyes. Misses the sun :/
Too expensive for mortals.
An-Ei: (Argonian)
My only male OC thus far?????????
Underlying drinking problem.
Used to be a sailor. Hated every second of it. Especially when the ship wrecked. Especially when he had to swim all the way back to shore...
Dramatic dog lover.
"I just need a strong man in my life. Some brandy, too."
Survived a slaughterfish attack as a boy and has vowed to never swim again if he can help it, which kinda counteracts with the whole sailor thing.
Jericho: (Redguard)
The mangy mute.
Devout follower of Hircine. The clap of his ass cheeks swayed her over.
She can't speak, but she'll cuss someone to the Oblivion gates using obscene gestures alone.
In love with the guy who sells good mead for cheap.
Doesn't really know exactly how she lost her voice, but she just shrugs her shoulders and moves on.
She isn't a dog person, she is the dog.
Aelia: (Altmer)
Sick chick or whatever.
Ancano's little sister-- Ancano's little sister who hates his guts.
Mommy/daddy/sibling/everything issues.
Cool lightning strike scar on her chest. Wonder how it got there? Oh yeah. Ancano.
Bossy, but just want's people to listen for a change.
She has a knack for enchanting rings in order to give her health a boost, which is pretty neat since her hands are just *bling, bling, bling*
Insane sweet tooth. She's surprised she's never had cavities. Probably because of her intense badassery.
Anastasia: (Imperial)
Miss busty fugitive witch.
Killed her rich dad and is now on the run.
Somehow brought an unlucky Whiterun guard into her misfortunes. Ask him how he got tied in and he will cry.
Alchemist at heart.
She really takes joy in disecting things. She'll do a little giddy dance and everything.
Has a love/hate relationship with Solstheim, but she'll pretend to like it out of spite because her guard friend loathes it.
Sharp-ass nails. Golly.
Tro: (Nord)
Starla from Regular Show.
Has an odd fascination with Orcs. She'll say she just likes their culture when she really just thirsts over them.
Likes cute things, will bash your head in using her thumb.
She should really take a bath......
Bipolar issues.
Be glad she isn't Dragonborn, because if she was, the world would be facing annihilation long before Alduin could even attempt to throw hands.
Lots of fist fights and arm wrestling.
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mrs-gucci · 3 years
Gucci’s Girl [REPOST] {Maurizio Gucci x Reader}
author’s notes: hellooo! I originally wrote this story as an ‘x OC’ because that’s what I was writing at the time, but I decided to change it into an ‘x Reader’ story since that’s what more people like to read!
**I used a translation application for the Italian in this story. Apologies if there are any typos and/or incorrect sentences/grammar. Italian sentences/words are in italics throughout the story with translations after the sentences in parenthesis.
**This is MY OWN INTERPRETATION of Maurizio Gucci’s character, as portrayed by Adam Driver in the upcoming film, House Of Gucci.
warnings: smut. fluff. grinding. multiple orgasms. pretty vanilla sex.
(possible) tw’s: infidelity (he’s engaged, not married).
SMUT under the CUT!
“Tesoro” means “Treasure” in Italian (an affectionate nickname).
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“Y/N, will you stay after for a bit?”
Mr. Gucci walks over to your desk.
“I need to ask you something.”
You nod, smiling up at your boss.
“Of course, Mr. Gucci.”
Inside, you were panicking. 
He’s never asked you to stay after work before, except on your first day, which made sense.  But this doesn’t make sense… 
He returns the smile.
“Excellent. Just come to my office.”
You continue to work, faxing and typing away until the clock read five. 
Everyone else begins to pack up and bids you farewell as you make your way up to Mr. Gucci’s office.
The wooden door has never looked more intimidating than it does in this moment, as you raise your knuckles and knock.
“Entra in.” (Come in.)
You take a deep breath before you turn the handle, forcing a smile on your face.
He looks so scary and intimidating when he sits at his desk, a fact that, when you told him, made him laugh.
“Ah, yes, Y/N. Come in, sit down.”
The chairs in his office are top-of-the-line, a refreshing change from the less-than luxurious chairs out on the floor.
Mr. Gucci lights a cigarette and takes a drag before standing up and walking around to take a seat in the chair next to you.
When he sees your confused expression, he laughs softly, taking another drag.
“I know you think I look scary sitting back there, and I don’t want you to be scared of me.”
Your eyes go wide.
“O-Oh, that’s not what I meant—“
“I know, tesoro.”
He chuckles, eyes flickering over your face before he speaks again. 
“So, the annual House of Gucci Ball is coming up, as you know.”
You nod.
“And, I was wondering...would you want to...come with me?”
Your stomach drops.
The CEO looks incredibly flustered and anxious, a new look for him.
“My fiancée isn’t feeling well and as the head of the House, I really don’t want to go alone…”
In a bold move, you reach out and gently place your hand over his. He looks up at you, and you smile.
“I’d, uhh, I’d love to go, sir. It would be my pleasure.”
The corners of his lips tug up into a genuine smile and his eyes dart away from yours as he takes another drag.
“I’ll have the company tailor come in tomorrow and take your measurements for a gown. And you’ll come here three hours beforehand in order to have hair and makeup done.”
You’re still partially in shock as he discusses dresses and makeup and hair. 
It’s become clear to you over the past few weeks that he has feelings for you, and you think they’re the same feelings that you have for him. 
But obviously, neither of you can act on them, no matter how badly you wish you could. He’s set to be married in a few months, and there’s a very strict company policy that forbids relationships between workers and their supervisors.
So, it left this unresolved tension between the two of you, and you literally just agreed to spend an entire night at an event with him.
The reality hits and you feel lightheaded.
Oh my god, I’m going to the company ball with Maurizio Gucci.
Four Weeks Later
The elevator dings and you step out into the now-vacant office. You see several people standing around a portable salon setup, and they all turn to look at you.
“Miss Y/N?”
One of them asks.
You nod.
“Si.” (Yes.)
They quickly sit you down in the chair and begin applying makeup and doing your hair.
You’re tearing up a little bit as you look at yourself in the mirror. Clad in a long, form-fitting gown and in full hair and makeup, you look and feel like a princess.
The stylist hands you a small accent clutch and almost immediately after, the elevator dings, and Mr. Gucci steps out, clad in a snappy black suit, not unlike what he wears at work everyday. 
That man is never not in a suit, you’ve learned.
His eyes go wide as you step down from the small platform. Your cheeks warm under his intense gaze.
The stylist looks nervous as his eyes roam your figure. 
She speaks up a moment later, voice meek.
“Il vestito e il trucco soddisfano i suoi standard, signore?” (Does the dress and makeup meet your standards, sir?)
He tears his eyes away from you, and nods at the stylist.
“Ha superato le mie aspettative.” (It’s exceeded my expectations.)
You’re blushing madly now, unable to meet his eyes as you feel him looking at you again.
Soon, the stylist packs up and leaves just you and Mr. Gucci alone. 
He clears his throat, breaking the silence.
“You look...beautiful, absolutely beautiful, tesoro.”
You bite your lip as you look up at him, absolutely starstruck by his handsomeness. He somehow manages to look better and more attractive every time you see him. 
“You’re too sweet, sir.”
He takes your hand, kissing your knuckles. 
“Please, I’m Maurizio tonight.”
You nod, trying his name on your tongue. 
Mr. Gucci smiles as he releases your hand.  “We have a few minutes before the car gets here...would you like some water? Espresso?”
“I’m alright, but thank you.” You say. 
A few moments of sexually-charged silence lingers between you two.
“Thank you for agreeing to join me tonight.”
He says suddenly.
“I always enjoy our time together, Y/N.”
You smile.
“Me too.”
“Really? You do?”
Maurizio blushes slightly.
“It’s just...I’m an old man, you’re a young woman...”
You chuckle as you reach out to hold his hand.
“You’re not old, sir—Maurizio. And yes, really, I do enjoy our time together.”
“I’m glad.”
He says, eyes flicking down to your lips as he leans in a little bit.
Wait...what? Is he gonna… Fuck, oh god, this can’t happen...
He flinches at the sound, standing up straight and clearing his throat.
“I guess the car is here.”
You chuckle nervously as he holds out his hand, and you take it, walking alongside him to the elevator. 
It’s a short drive to the hotel and when you two arrive, there are swarms of paparazzi, all crowding around the car when the driver pulls to the curb. 
Maurizio clearly sees your overwhelmed expression and tension, reaching over to squeeze your hand. 
“Don’t worry, tesoro. Just stay by my side and don’t answer any of their questions, yes?”
You nod and he gets out, walking around to open your door and help you out of the car. Immediately, when the press sees that you’re not his fiancée, the cameras flash even more rapidly and voices overlap one another. 
“Sei la nuova fidanzata di Maurizio?” (Are you Maurizio’s new girlfriend?)
“Maurizio, dov’e la tua fidanzata?” (Maurizio, where’s your fiancée?)
“Strumento a mano.” (Gold digger.)
“Puttana americana.” (American whore.)
They were all basically on top of you, asking so many questions and saying so many things about you, it was incredibly overwhelming.
Suddenly, Maurizio’s voice boomed through the crowd, and everyone fell silent.
“Lasciala in pace!” (Leave her alone!)
His arm wraps tighter around your waist, pressing you even further into his side as he walks you both into the building. The cameras and crowds were almost completely silent, still, and you were just trying to process it all as the two of you walked into the event, you still tucked into his side.
He stopped just inside the door and let you go, taking your hands instead, eyebrows furrowed with worry. 
“Are you okay, tesoro? They didn’t hurt you, did they?”
You shake your head, still trembling a little bit. 
“N-No, I’m okay, just a little shaken up.”
“They’re vicious and relentless...mi dispiace. I should’ve warned you about them beforehand, but I’m relieved that you’re okay.” (I’m sorry)
“It’s okay, Maurizio, really.”
You smile sadly.
“Thank you for helping me.”
He wraps an arm around you again, gently squeezing your hip before rubbing it lightly. 
“Of course, anything for mi tesoro. I’m indebted to you for joining me tonight.”
You’re blushing, eyes darting away from his. 
“Oh no, that’s not necessary. It’s an honor to accompany you, and I’m sorry that my presence caused so much trouble for you, with the press.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
He smiles, eyes lingering on you for a moment before guiding you into the massive ballroom. 
You’re absolutely stunned by the beauty of it, the chandeliers glittering on the ceiling as they illuminate the entire room. 
Maurizio seems to notice your staring, and pauses as well, chuckling softly. 
“It’s very pretty, isn’t it?”
You turn to him and nod, smiling. 
“It’s beautiful.”
Once you get inside and take your seats, Maurizio is immediately flocked with people wanting to speak with him. Some of them give you a judgemental glance or gaze, and you just look away, taking another sip of your wine. 
This is gonna be a long night.
Naturally, Maurizio has been talking to people nonstop all night, which was expected of course, but for some reason, you’d sort of hoped he’d make some time for just the two of you. You genuinely enjoy his company, he’s actually really kind and funny when he’s not in ‘work mode’. 
Why would he do that for you? You’re just his replacement date, Y/N, nothing more.
So, you sit back in your chair and casually nibble at the new dinner course that was put on your plates a few minutes ago. 
A dance song begins to play and suddenly, Maurizio stands up and holds his hand out for you. 
“Would you like to dance, mi tesoro?”
You blush, biting your lip as you stand up.
He places his hand on the small of your back as you two walk onto the floor. You wrap your arms around his neck while he places his hands on your waist, holding you close as the two of you begin gently swaying to the slow tune. 
“It’s nice to step away from the table for a bit.”
He says, chuckling. 
“I only see these people once a year, so they always want to talk the night away.”
You laugh. 
“I understand, and I’m happy that I could provide an excuse for you to get away, even if only for a few minutes.”
“You’re anything but an excuse, Y/N.”
Maurizio says, blushing a bit. 
“I’ve been wanting to make some time to spend with you, but I haven’t gotten the opportunity. I’m sorry for that, this must be tedious for you.”
You shake your head. 
“No, it’s alright, although I do respect your fiancée much more now that I understand what happens at events like this.”
You jest, and he laughs.
“But, in all seriousness, I’m fine. You shouldn’t feel any obligation to keep me entertained, I understand my role for tonight.”
His face sinks ever so slightly, but he still smiles nonetheless. 
“I did hope to spend some time with you, though. Like I said, I enjoy spending time with you.”
The song suddenly ends and a much more upbeat one takes its place. 
Maurizio’s face seems to light up, and he smiles widely. 
“Are you ready?”
“Ready for what?”
You’re suddenly lifted up and spun around. You laugh the entire time and he continues spinning you. 
The whole world seems to fade and suddenly, it’s just you two on the dancefloor. 
Your eyes are glued on one another as he sets you back down, and you don’t think you’ve ever seen him smile so genuinely. You briefly wonder how many of these moments he gets to have with his job.
You’re still laughing as he takes your hand and tries to twirl you around. He’s laughing along with you as you start to twirl, but you forgot how long your dress is, and you start to fall backwards.
A strong arm reaches down and scoops you up before you can hit the floor, and suddenly, you’re centimeters away from his face, his breath tickling your skin. 
He’s still smiling as he slowly stands back up with you in his arms. 
“Be careful, tesoro. We’re not taking any trips to the emergency room tonight, okay?”
You smile, unable to bring yourself to take your eyes off of him as you’re placed back onto your feet, his arm still around you, holding you close. 
You allow yourself, for the first time since your internship began, to take in all of his features. You let your eyes drink in his beauty and it feels like time has stopped. He’s even more handsome up-close, his pale skin a stark contrast to his dark eyes and the freckles sprinkled across his features. 
Before you know it, he leans forward and rests his forehead on yours, his lips so close now.
“Voglio davvero baciarti, tesoro.” (I really want to kiss you right now, treasure.)
He whispers.
His voice is so deep, yet soft and full of yearning. It sends a chill down your spine.
“Non ti fermero, bello.” (I’m not going to stop you, handsome.)
“Bene.” (Good.)
He leans forward the rest of the way and your lips connect in a tender embrace. 
You close your eyes and let your hand reach up to cradle the side of his face. 
He soon pulls away, a face-splitting grin on his face. 
You’re wearing a similar expression.
“Mi chiedevo quando l’avresti finalmente fatto.” (I was wondering when you were finally going to do that.)
You giggle, nuzzling your nose against his slightly.
Maurizio laughs softly.
“Mi chiedevo quando avrei dovuto farlo anch’io.” (I was wondering when I was going to do it, as well.)
The moment is quickly ruined when you realize exactly where you are, and you’re afraid to know how many people saw that. You quickly stand up straight and so does he, both of you taking a small step away from each other as you straighten yourselves out. 
When you turn back towards the table, all of the people stare right at you, and you feel your face get hot. You look up at Maurizio when he comes up beside you.
“I think I’ll just catch a cab back to the house…”
You say, looking down.
He looks over at the table, seeing his work colleagues giving you judgemental glares. His finger gently lifts your chin until you’re looking up at him again.
“Let me take you back, tesoro. It’s the least I can do, and we can talk about...everything.”
You nod. 
“I’m really sorry about this…”
Maurizio shakes his head. 
“No, tesoro, it’s my fault. I shouldn’t have done that in such a public space.”
Your cheeks get warmer. 
“Are you saying that you still would’ve done it?”
His cheeks go pink as he looks away. 
“Yes, I still would’ve kissed you, Y/N.”
Is this real?
He clears his throat, placing a hand on the small of your back.
“Why don’t you go up to the front while I retrieve our stuff from the table? I’ll make sure that no one says anything or thinks poorly of you.”
“Thank you.”
You say, smiling. 
“I’ll get them to call us a cab.”
He’s at the table for about five minutes while you wait by the door, anxious for what’s to come. 
“Sorry, mi tesoro, they tried to tell me that I shouldn’t leave early. But, I insisted on seeing you safely back to your house.”
“If you need to stay…”
You begin, but are quickly stopped.
“No, I’m going with you.”
You’re so flattered that he would leave the biggest company party of the year just for you. You.
The cab arrives shortly after and you two walk out into the warm Italian night air, hopping into the car. His hand rests gently on your thigh as the car pulls away from the curb. 
He sighs.
“I’m sorry that I got you involved in this. My life is...complicated, especially as someone constantly under the public eye.”
You don’t even want to ask this next question, but you have to.
“Maurizio, are you still engaged?”
His head turns away to look out the window.
“I’m not sure.”
Your eyebrows furrow. “What do you mean, you aren’t sure? It’s a yes or no question.”
“Patrizia left me last night and she hasn’t come back.”
He says, choking up a bit.
You gently put your hand over his and he looks over at you.
“I’m really sorry, that’s...terrible. Did she say why?”
“I told her that I was taking you tonight, and she got upset.”
He sighed. 
“She asked me if I had feelings for you, since I talk to her about you almost every day…”
“You talk about me?”
Maurizio smiles softly, nodding. “Of course I do. Ever since you’ve been here, the office has been...happier. I’ve been happier.”
You take a deep breath, trying not to freak out over what you’re hearing.
“S-So, when she asked you if you had feelings for me...what did you tell her?”
He turns fully to the side, bringing a hand up to cup your face.
“Le ho detto la verita, che mi sono sentito per te sin dal primo giorno in cui sei entrato in ufficio.” (I told her the truth, that I’ve felt for you since the first day you walked into the office.)
You can’t help but smile as your face warms again, eyes darting away from his as he continues.
“Sono un uomo migliore con te nella mia vita, tesoro.” (I’m a better man with you in my life, treasure.)
“Maurizio, I…”
You begin, trying to find the right words.
“Lo so che non dovrei, ma mi sento anche per te.” (I know I shouldn’t, but I feel for you, too.)
He smiles, leaning in closer.
“Qual e la ragione dell-amore senza rischi?” (What is the point of love without risk?)
This time, you close the gap between your lips. His other hand comes to hold your face as you kiss, so much passion and want in every movement of your lips together. 
You move closer, legs draping over his lap.
Just as you make a move to sit on his lap, the cab pulls up to your house, forcing you apart.
Both of you are panting softly, eyes staring deep into each other’s.
“Tesoro, ti prego, faccio l’amore stasera.” (Treasure, please, let me make love to you tonight.)
He leans in and crashes your lips together again, this kiss filled with urgency, with lust, with need.
You nod, biting your lip.
“Ti voglio. Ho bisogno di te, per favore.” (I want you. I need you, please.)
Maurizio smiles, paying the driver before quickly hopping out of the car, rushing around to let you out. As soon as you step out, you’re swept up off your feet and carried bridal-style to the front door. You unlock the door and he quickly closes it with his foot. 
You reach up and begin planting kisses on his neck, enjoying the way he sighs softly. 
“Which one is yours?”
He asks, breathily.
“Upstairs, the loft.”
He makes his way up the small flight of stairs. 
“Is anyone else here?”
You nod. “They’re all on the first floor.”
Maurizio hums, gently placing you down on the bed before shedding his suit coat, hanging it on your desk chair, followed by his tie. He takes off his loafers and socks, placing them beneath his other clothes.
You’d barely gotten your heels off at the point. He laughs when he turns around and sees you struggling to get the shoes off. He quickly pulls it off and tosses it on the floor, holding your foot while he kisses your ankle and calf. 
He takes a moment to look at you laid back on the bed, once neatly done hair loosened, makeup a bit smudged. His lips pulled up into a smile, teeth playfully scraping at your ankle bone. 
“You have too much on, mi tesoro.”
You smile, standing up and turning away from him, silently asking him to unbutton and unzip your dress. He steps up behind you, breaths hot on your neck as his fingers work the buttons. 
His lips begin planting kisses on your shoulders, soon undoing the zipper, freeing you from the dress. You step out and stand before him in just your underwear, looking away as his eyes rake over your figure. 
Your cheeks grow hotter when you look down to see the tent growing in his dress pants.
“Etereale.” (Ethereal.)
He mutters, fingers working the buttons of his shirt, gently tossing it with his other clothes before working at the buckle on his belt. 
“Formidabile.” (Gorgeous.)
The leather belt was soon tossed onto the growing pile of clothing. He unbuttons his pants before stepping forward again, now almost right up against you. 
His hand wraps around your wrist and brings your palm to the tent in his pants, growling softly when it touches. He leaned forward, lips at your ear.
“For you, tesoro. All for you.”
You shudder as his lips plant kisses all over your neck while his hands roam your bare body, fingers teasing your breasts.
“You’re so sensitive.”
He breathes, hands squeezing your breasts gently. 
“When was the last time someone touched you like this, hm?”
“It’s been a w-while.”
You say, gasping when his thumb rolls over your pebbled nipple. 
Maurizio grins, placing one more kiss on your neck before standing up straight, tugging his pants and boxers down. You watch in amazement when his length bobs as it’s exposed, mouth watering at the sight.
He smirks. “Do you see something you like?”
You reply, biting your lip. 
He laughs softly. 
“Well...would you like to touch it?”
His cheeks flush pink. 
You nod, reaching to wrap your hand around the base. His eyes flutter shut at your touch, and he sucks in a breath when you begin stroking.
“Mmmmm, davvero buono.” (so good.)
His head falls back when you increase your pace, hips gently rutting forward. His eyebrows knit in the center of his forehead, small moans escaping his lips.
Suddenly, he pulls away, letting out a shaky breath as his length stirs at the loss of contact.
“You are too good at that, mi tesoro.”
He bites his lip, fingertips teasing the lace waistband of your panties.
“May I touch you now?”
You nod, jumping softly when he all but tears the material down your legs, exposing your folds. He reaches down and cups your center, eyes widening when he feels how wet you are.
He whispers, fingers tracing up to rub your clit.
“Tesoro...you’re so excited already, and I haven’t even touched you.”
Your hips suddenly buck forward out of instinct, and Maurizio chuckles breathily, rubbing a bit faster. You gasp, breath catching in your throat. 
You allow yourself to get lost in the pleasure, head falling forward onto his chest. The small noises falling from your lips get increasingly louder as you draw closer and closer to release. 
His fingers suddenly push up into you, and you almost cum right on the spot. His digits feel so much better than yours as they begin plunging in and out, scissoring occasionally. 
“Lasciatemi prendere, tesoro, e ti acchiappero.” (Let go for me, treasure, and I will catch you.)
He whispers breathily, stroking faster. 
“Andiamo.” (Let go.)
His fingers curl up inside of you, and after a few rubs on your g-spot, you’re coming with a soft cry. 
“Maurizio...oh mio dio…” (Maurizio...oh my god…)
Your knees buckle and you begin to fall, but he catches you immediately, smiling down at you as his fingers continue to work you through your climax. He leans over to kiss you again, slowly and gently pulling his fingers out. 
“Lay back, mi tesoro, and open your legs.”
He whispers against your lips, standing back up straight as you sit down on the edge of the bed before laying back. 
You spread my legs, ready to receive him, and he smiles as he climbs on top of you. He’s still wearing his glasses, and while you find that humorous and quite frankly cute, it’s also incredibly arousing for some reason. You don’t dwell on it, wanting to focus on the moment unfolding before your eyes. 
Maurizio strokes his hardened length a few times, grunting softly, before rubbing himself across your folds. His eyes shut and he takes a shaky breath as your slick spreads across his cock. He starts pressing and rubbing the tip against your clit for a bit, smirking when your hips buck up against him.
He looks down at you, lining himself up with your entrance. 
“Are you ready? I’ll go slow for you, tesoro.”
You nod and he pushes in slowly, growling softly. He shivers, stopping when he’s about halfway in.
“Is it still okay?”
Your legs wrap around his waist, pushing his hips forward while you scoot closer, pushing him in the rest of the way.
“D-Does that answer your question?”
You chuckle.
He laughs breathily, nodding. 
“Indeed, it does.”
You take deep breaths while you adjust to his size, soon nodding, letting him know that it’s okay for him to move. He pulls about halfway out before pushing back in again, exhaling loudly as he establishes a rhythm of slow, deep thrusts. 
“O-Oh, cazzo, sei fantastico.” (Oh, fuck, you feel amazing.)
Your jaw hangs open, body bouncing with each of his inward thrusts. You hold onto his biceps for dear life as his pace increases ever so slightly. 
You breathe, looking up into his eyes. 
“Keep going, please.”
The bed squeaks as his hips’ movements grow more desperate. 
“Tesoro, I--cazzo--I’m not going to last.” (fuck)
He says, eyebrows knitted on his forehead.
“I h-haven’t done this--merda--in a w-while.” (shit)
You nod in understanding, moving your hands up to cup the sides of his face.
“It’s okay, M-Maurizio, it’s alright.”
His eyes meet yours as he growls softly, shaking his head. 
“No, it’s n-not. You deserve better, t-the best, Y/N.”
Your thumb swipes on his cheekbone as his eyes tear up with a mixture of pleasure and frustration.
“Y-You already are the best, bello, and I w-want you to cum, no m-matter if I have o-or not. I want you to p-pleasure yourself, okay? Don’t worry about m-me.” (handsome)
He smiles softly, falling onto his elbows, lips connecting with yours as he thrusts get harder. He grunts deeply with each thrust, breath hot and heavy on the side of your neck.
“Oh tesoro, I’m...close. Where…”
He searches for the right words, mind clouded with lust. He groans in frustration.
“Dove vuoi che sborra?” (Where do you want me to cum?)
You tangle your fingers in his hair, tugging gently. 
“Sono sulla pillola. Puoi sborra dentro, se vuoi, bello.” (I’m on the pill. You can cum inside, if you want, handsome.)
These words seem to awaken something in him, his eyes going black, hips suddenly rutting quickly and desperately into you. 
“Cazzo, sei incredibile, sei perfetto, tesoro.” (Fuck, you’re amazing, you’re perfect, treasure.)
Maurizio buries his face into the crook of your neck as he reaches climax, moans and gasps muffled by your skin. He buries his cock deep inside of you, painting your walls with his release, rutting them desperately as he fills you up.
“Y/N, oh dio, prendi tutto per me. Bene, sei bravissima, mi tesoro.” (Y/N, oh god, take it all for me. Good, you’re so good, my treasure).
As soon as he finishes, his hand reaches down to rub your clit in circles, eyes meeting yours.
“C’mon, let me pleasure you now. Let go, tesoro, give yourself to me.”
Your back arches and your hips grind against his fingers, mouth full of whimpers, whines, and gasps as his fingers rub you. You grab onto his bicep when you cum, looking up into his eyes. 
“Yes, oh Maurizio, yes!”
You gasp, moaning softly as your release spreads throughout your body.
He continues to rub you through it, cock twitching slightly where it still sits inside of you, causing him to growl softly. 
After both of you take a moment to catch your breaths, he slowly pulls out, and you can see that he’s already hard again. He blushes, looking away for a moment.
“I...I’m sorry, that’s never happened before…”
You chuckle, shaking your head.
“Maurizio, you don’t need to apologize. It’s actually sort of flattering, that I can do that to you.”
He smiles softly, laying down next to you, pulling you back against him. You didn’t realize exactly how hard he actually was until you felt him pressed against your back, and you felt bad.
“Do you…I mean, I can...”
You trail off, a bit embarrassed, hoping he got the point.
Maurizio immediately shakes his head. 
“No, tesoro, don’t worry. I will be okay.”
Your teeth sink into your bottom lip before you speak.
“If you wanted to, you could...rub it against me.”
You feel his member twitch at your proposition, and you turn around in his arms, looking up at him. His cheeks are bright red.
“Will you show me?”
He asks quietly.
You smile, nodding. 
“All you have to do is start moving your hips against me, using my skin to rub on.”
He experimentally rolls his hips, jaw clenched as he tries to contain himself. 
He tried it again, growling as his cock dragged along your stomach.
“Tesoro, it’s…”
You can’t pretend that this isn’t incredibly arousing for you to watch and feel. His tip was already red and leaking, so you knew he wasn’t going to last very long.
“Does it feel good, Maurizio?”
You feel him nod, hips moving faster now as he looks down at you. 
“Yes, cristo, it’s s-so good.” (christ)
His lips crash onto yours and he loops an arm behind you, holding you still as he begins rutting against you, growling into your mouth. He moves his head down to kiss and nip at your neck.
“Your s-skin is so soft, mi tesoro.”
He whispers, grunting with each forward motion now. 
His leg lifts up and lays over your hip, allowing him to thrust harder, hand still on your lower back. He’s close, you can tell, and you attentively watch the way his face contorts as he reaches orgasm. 
He suddenly hugs you tight, a choked sob against your neck as his seed spills all over your stomach and his.
“Ah! Ah--oh--cristo!” (christ)
You run your hands through his hair soothingly as he comes down, trembling slightly. He slides down your body a bit, resting his head between your breasts, kissing them gently. 
After a short while, he looks up at you. 
“Grazie, Y/N, grazie mille.” (Thank you, Y/N, thank you so much.)
You smile. 
“You don’t have to thank me, Maurizio, it was my pleasure.”
He reaches up and connects your lips in a tender yet passionate kiss before he pulls away, cringing when he feels the stickiness between you. 
“I’m sorry, fuck, I’ve never...that’s never…”
You kiss him again, cutting him off.
“No worries, we can just clean it off. I’ll get a wet washcloth.”
You stand and come back a moment later with a wet washcloth, reaching down to wipe yourself off before Maurizio’s hand wraps around your wrist, stopping you. 
“Let me.”
He smiles, taking the cloth from your hand, cleaning up the sticky substance before doing the same to himself. 
Your cheeks are warm as you look up at him.
“Thank you.”
“No problem, mi tesoro.”
He suddenly looks away, frowning softly. 
“I-I can’t stay tonight, Y/N, I’m sorry. If someone catches us…”
You shake your head, holding the side of his face.
“No, no need to explain. I understand.”
Maurizio nods silently, sighing as he begins to redress. You slip your panties back on, along with an oversized t-shirt and you pull your hair up into a ponytail. 
When he’s ready, you offer to go first, in case anyone’s still awake. He agrees, and you make your way down the stairs, looking around, not seeing anyone. You look up the stairs and nod, indicating that it’s okay. He makes his way down and you walk with him to the door. 
“Do you have a car coming?”
He nods. “My driver is already outside.”
There’s a moment of silence before Maurizio suddenly grabs your hips, pulling you against him as his lips crash down onto yours, the kiss desperate and full of longing. You wrap your arms around the back of his neck, pulling him down closer. 
He pulls away slowly, eyes fluttering open. 
“Alla prossima, tesoro.” (Until next time, my treasure.)
You smile, biting your lip as he sneaks out the door, rushing down and hopping into the car waiting for him. 
As you watch his car pull away from the curb, only one thought occupies your mind:
Holy shit, I just slept with Maurizio Gucci.
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
Falling for you ( Falling from Grace) Jungkookx OC ( Complete)
Chapter 1
[ Read the rest here : Chapter 8 ( Final)  
Rated : 18 +
Warning : . Fuck buddies? Or rather enemies that have sex. They just really hate each other but also can’t keep their hands off each other. 
Sweat dotted the edge of my hairline and I felt like my entire body was on fire. I was wet, so fucking wet and the sound of him ramming into me, over and over again was absolutely obscene in the quiet of the bedroom. I was on my back, a thin black tie cutting off my vision and all I could feel was the steady staccato of his dick pounding into me. 
“Oh fuck.. Fuck...Just like that Jungkook fuck....” 
I could barely recognize my own voice. Wrecked and ruined, breathy and almost a whine. 
My shoulders ached from being stretched up, wrists almost numb from the handcuffs that held my body up to the head board. I felt like my shoulders were gonna pop out and I panted, fuming at him internally because he’d done it on purpose, locked the handcuffs a rung higher than usual which meant that I wasn’t lying comfortably on the bed as usual . 
“Look at you.... look so fucking filthy like this angel....” He smirked down at me, fingers like a vice around my waist holding me up and almost off the bed as he pounded into me, each thrust carrying the entire weight of his muscled body. It hurt so bad it felt good. My thighs ached from where they stayed wrapped around his slim waist. 
“Fuck...don’t stop...” I felt my head fall back, the ache in my back intensifying. I was so close....so fucking close, I could feel the heat as it built up, licking its way up my spine,  The angle was perfect, his cock had a slight curve to it when he was fully hard and that just meant that he managed to hit my sweet spot every time he pistoned in. 
And God we’d been at this for so long now... almost a whole damn hour and my senses were frayed, my body so sensitive and wrung out that all I wanted to do was cum. 
So, of course Jungkook being the supreme asshole that he was, chose that moment to stop moving completely. 
My heart jumped to my throat in panic, my body lifting off the bed, chasing friction and his hold on my waist tightened, so much that I was sure he had bruised me. 
“Hmm.... Don’t think you’re in any position to be telling me what to do, baby....” He drawled, voice husky in a way that made my ache worse.
“What- no..wait you fucking asshole ...” I screamed knowing what was coming and refusing to accept it. Fuck i hated him... Fuck Fuck....
He gripped my waist and slid forward again , but instead of sliding in he slotted his cock between my thighs, pulling my legs together so he could fuck into the gap and yes, it was really fucking hot but I was so close....I needed him inside me ......
“Please....Jungkook please don’t...” I begged, dignity forgotten because I was not a fan of delayed gratification. 
“Shush shush.....What’d I say about taking what I give you.....and to be fucking honest, I’m not sure you really like my dick all that much...” He said, sounding thoughtful and my head swam in confusing. What the fuck was he even on about?
“What? Are you kidding me? I let you fuck me almost every damn night why would you-”
“So why’d you go have dinner with Namjoon hyung?” He pinched my nipples', both at the same time, twisting and pulling till I whines, eyes watering enough to soak the silk of his tie. 
“What -- That’s... We’re not fucking dating....I can have dinner with who I want....” I snarled in disbelief, tugging fruitlessly on the handcuffs. Why the fuck had I agreed to this?? 
“Not after cancelling on me, you can’t... And certainly not with my brother, angel..” Jungkook snarled right back and I flinched when I felt his hand come down near my face. For one horrifying moment I thought he was going to slap me but what he did was rip the blindfold off me. Momentarily still blinded, I blinked till he came into focus and felt that familiar and unwelcome swooping sense of attraction. 
Jeon Jungkook with his long midnight hair and ivory skin. Doe eyes that carried entire galaxies in them and those soft, thin lips that smirked at the drop of a hat. 
 Fuck him... Fuck him for being so fucking attractive that my heart stopped every time I saw him. 
He was staring at me and the raging anger on his face really shouldn’t make me wetter but it did. I wanted to sob as my entire body clenched, aching empty and desperate to be filled again. 
“You sent me a fucking dick pic... “ I whined in despair. “ You were literally in the office when I was at dinner with him , how the fuck was I supposed to know you wanted to see me....!!!?” 
Jungkook reached down and began stroking himself and I felt my eyes widen in disbelief. 
“Jungkook....” I warned, feeling the desperation morph into genuine anger now.
“I wanted you to suck me off in my office. Isn’t that part of what my dad pays you for?” He drawled and I felt fury bloom. Jungkook knew just the right words to say, whether he wanted to turn me on or make me feel murderous....  
He scooted forward , straddling my chest and I bucked hard, trying to throw him off but it was fucking impossible. I flinched when he slipped a palm under my head, gripping my hair and yanking my head up till his cock pressed up against my lips.
“You owe me a blow job, princess.....gonna open up?” He gripped my hair harder and the pain made me keen. 
“If you stick your dick in my mouth I will bite it off....” I growled, resisting the urge to thrash because it only made my scalp hurt more. He laughed at that and I stared at him, the pink of his dick right on my lips and for a moment I almost had a pavlovian response to it. Almost opened my mouth and took the hard delicious length of it into my warm mouth. 
Shaking my head just enough to dislodge the head off my lips, I glared at him , my stomach clenching as he stared down at me, wicked dark eyes gleaming with satisfaction and pretty red lips parted in that sexy infuriating smirk of his. He gripped himself harder, groaning as his eyes rolled back a bit at the stimulation. I stared at how his long fingers wrapped around his length , the way he was so shameless in chasing his pleasure. His thumb traced the head, finger dipping lightly into his slit and he moaned, almost shuddering at the sensation. I wanted nothing more to touch myself, at least relieve some of the excruciating pressure between my legs but Jungkook had planned this, had put me in handcuffs fully intending to leave me high and dry . 
I stared at him and he glanced back, his face momentarily open in pleasure, lips spit slicked and parted and tongue poking out as he let out a breathy, ‘ fuck’ and i knew he was close. 
He always looked like a fallen angel when he was close to his orgasm. Fucking beautiful son of a bitch.
But no matter how gorgeous he was, Jeon Jungkook was an incorrigible jerk and I knew exactly what he was gonna do,.
I pursed my lips shut and turned my head away when he came , snarling when the hot wetness coated my face. Jungkook always came like a fucking hose and I could feel globs of it cling to my face, even my fucking eyelashes. 
When I turned back , snarling and ready to unload on him, he was already crawling away, but not before scooping up the last of his release on his fingers and reaching down to grip my cheeks with enough force to get my mouth open.
I whimpered when he stuck his finger in, the familiar taste of his cum only making my body thrum in desperation. I hated him. Hated him so fucking much. 
“Taste good, baby?” He drawled softly, chasing his fingers with his tongue and licking into my mouth, swirling his cum all over my tongue with his. 
“My filthy little slut...” He whispered against my lips, voice tinged with so much feigned fondness that I nearly bit his lip. 
“Take the handcuffs off, you fucker.” I growled, watching as he slipped on his boxer brief and his jeans. I fully intended to grab the vibrator on my desk and get myself off the minute he let me out of the handcuffs. 
And next time.... 
oh, boy next time Jungkook was going to be on his knees begging me to let him cum.... 
He was sweaty and looked like a mess but he never stayed around long enough to even take a shower. Now that I knew I wasn’t getting fucked my attraction for him was gone, replaced by homicidal fury. 
“Hmm.... I’ll think about it.” He shrugged, reaching for the white button down on the floor.
My eyes nearly bugged out.
“What the fuck do you mean you’ll think about it?” I snarled. 
“Your sister told me she’ll be dropping by at around five today..... I’ll leave the key on the dining tanle. She’ll help you out...” He grinned at me wide and I felt my heart drop through my throat. 
I spluttered as he dangled the key tauntingly , whistling as he moved to the door. 
“Do I even want to know?” My sister stared at me in honest disgust and I knew I must’ve looked a sight , with dried cum all over my face. But i was barely listening to her. I knew exactly what I had to do....Knew exactly what I could do to have Jeon Jungkook frothing at the mouth. 
“Areum? Are you listening..?” She called out when I raced to the bathroom. I quickly turned on the hot water , grabbing a washcloth to scrub at my face. Jungkook was going to regret this. 
When I finished taking a shower, scrubbing myself clean and stepped back out, my sister was airing out the room.
“Mom has been talking about setting you up with people and here you are , whoring around with that Jeon brat....” She rolled her eyes at me but I ignored her, moving to the closet with my lingerie.
My mother had high hopes for me. After blowing through my dad’s entire legacy with her fancy clothes and expensive bags, she was now panicking. She wanted me to marry big and granted, Jeon Jungkook came from a filthy rich family but he was still the prodigal son and his father made it plenty clear that unless he danced to the older man’s tune, he would be out without a penny to his name.  
But that was none of my business. I wasn’t going to marry the dude. I didn’t even  like  him. 
All i really cared about was getting him back for leaving me unsatisfied today. 
 I grabbed the most scandalous piece I had, black and completely sheer. It left absolutely nothing to the imagination and I felt saliva pooling at the back of my throat just thinking about how Jungkook would react to this. The first time I had worn it, he had held me up against the wall and fucked me senseless.  
“Why are you here anyway?” I asked my sister as she began picking up the different pieces of clothing scattered all over the room, dropping them in the laundry basket on her hip. 
“Can’t I just come check on my beautiful baby sister? “ She smiled and I rolled my eyes . 
Hana was the perfect daughter in every way. She was a professional artist, married to the gorgeously successful surgeon, Dr. Kim Seokjin who happened to own the largest hospital in the country. 
And it was hard to hate her because she had endless patience for my shenanigans'. Because to be honest, this wasn’t the first time she had walked in on me lying debauched, courtesy Jeon fucking Jungkook. 
Which brought me to my current mission. 
“Okay. I’m fine. I’m actually on my way out so you can either crash here for a while or you can leave...” i waved dismissively, running to the bathroom to slip the dress on.
I rang the door bell again, feeling my body thrum with impatience. Why the fuck wasn’t he answering the damned door? I was wearing simple summer dress. The fastest thing I could take off. 
“Areum?” Namjoon’s surprised face barely registered on my face. He was in his sweatpants with a glass bowl filled with chips and he looked completely thrown by my presence. 
 I shouldered past him, moving to stand in the middle of the living room. 
“Is everything okay? What’s wro-”
I grabbed the hem of the dress pulling it over my head and tossing it away on the couch. 
Namjoon dropped the bowl and if it weren't for the ridiculously thick fur rug underneath us, the thing would have shattered to a million pieces. 
His eyes were wide in disbelief, mouth slack in shock as he stared at me and i could actually see his dick swelling in hi sweatpants as I stood in the completely see through babydoll. 
“Where’s the bedroom?” 
‘Fuck, yeah...that feels so fucking good...” Namjoon growled , gripping my waist as I rode him, his thick cock stretching me out so good that I moaned in relief. Stupid fucking Jeon Jungkook.... Namjoon wasn’t bad per se but he didn’t know the nuances of what I liked. Jungkook had this sinful way of rolling his hips up into mine when I rode him and it always made me see stars. But no matter....this wasn’t the main reason I was here. 
“Don’t cum... I want you to come on my face .” I whispered softly and Namjoon shuddered, grip on my waist tightening.
“Fuck..yeah,.yeah,.,.,okay,,.,anything you say.,...” He stuttered.
I reached down to rub my clit because I wanted to cum too and I sighed in sweet blessed relief as my orgasm washed over me, my walls clenching around Namjoon as I rode it out. 
“Fuck, I’m close...” Namjoon whispered and i clambered off him to kneel between his legs.
“Take a picture.” I grabbed my phone and turned on the camera , pressing it into his hands. 
“Wh- What?” His pacing faltered and I didn’t let him think too much , lest he change his mind...
“I want a picture of me choking on your cock , Joon oppa.... A picture with you painting my face with cum..please...please...” I blinked up at him through my wet lashes and I could almost see his mind disintegrating at the visual. 
“ Shit okay.... okay...”
I wrapped my lips around his cock, sucking quickly and taking him in deep, my mind swimming with glee as he clicked away. 
“Fuck, I’m cumming...” Namjoon began and I pulled away, opening my mouth, sticking my tongue out just as he came , making sure I stared straight into the camera as the first few spurts hit me, right across my tongue. I stuck a finger in my mouth, making a show of sucking it and Namjoon groaned, clicking away more pictures.
“Fuck...tell me I can get these pictures...” He moaned and I laughed, crawling up to kiss him. 
“Sure baby.” 
I called Jungkook first, simply to give him a chance to redeem himself. 
The thing with Namjoon was impulsive and  while i didn’t regret it per se , i didn’t want to drag Namjoon into this without just cause. 
“what the fuck do you want?” Jungkook’s annoyed voice made my hackles rise.
“A fucking apology for starters.” I snarled into the phone. The fucking audacity!!!
“Listen , I’m on the way to Sana’s place.... So I don’t have time for your toddler tantrums. I’m hanging up”
And he actually hung up. 
I stared at the phone, shaking in disbelief.
I quickly flipped through the photos I’d taken , trying to find the one that would make him furious enough to ditch his fuck for the night. Sana? Who the fuck was she anyway>?
I picked the one that was most obscene, you could see my sheer bodice, my nipples and the curve of my breasts, Namjoon’s cock resting against my tongue, spurts of his cum over my tongue and my cheek bones and the highlight- my eyes staring right at the camera in defiance. 
Nothing riled Jungkook up more than defiance. 
I opened snapchat , sending him the pic. 
I stared at the caption in satisfaction. 
 Your brother tasted better. 
I relaxed against the pillows, glancing at the clock over the door. It was a little past eleven but knowing Jungkook.... he’d be here within the hour. He had a key to my apartment so I locked the bedroom instead. 
“Kim Areum!!!!!!!!” Jungkook’s voice rang through the apartment rousing me from my nap. I blinked groggily and stared at the mirror.
11.25 PM.
I felt a smile creep into my face. A new record. 
The door into my bedroom shook on its hinges as he knocked on it. Hard. I moved to stand close to the door , reveling in the fact that Jungkook was on the other side, likely losing his everloving shit . 
“I’m too tired, Jungkook...your brother really put me through the wringer...” I whined piteously and the knocking stopped.
“Open the motherfucking door, Areum or I’m gonna fuck you so hard its gonna  put you in a fucking wheelchair .....” He growled. 
I smiled. 
“Good night Jungkook. Oh and you better leave soon...my sister is sleeping in the guest bedroom.” 
Ignoring his frustrated snarl , I turned the lights off.
Kim Areum- 1.
Jeon Jungkook -0 
 Author’s note : I was just really inspired by that pic of pic of Jungkook in the see through shirt. Lemme know what you thought :-* 
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angynomadsimp · 2 years
My lovely friend @noirapocalypto and I talk a lot about her OC, Renato, and my OC, Thalia.
This was an idea we have discussed a few times that I absolutely love!!!
Bit of a TW: of a client that... did not treat her well at all. Please enjoy!
It was the same dream over and over again. Well, it was a nightmare. Thalia reliving that night with that client, again. She could hear him screaming at her, telling her she was nothing but a slut, a whore, a piece of dirt. She could still see him, still feel him as she tossed and turned in the bed. Renato had woken up when he heard Thalia shout ‘stop’. He had been an extremely light sleeper since he helped Thalia move in, always making sure she was okay. She had nightmares often and lately, they have gotten worse. 
“Thalia?” Renato asked quietly as he crossed the room and sat on the edge of the bed. The blanket was thrown to the side, tears streaming down her cheeks. It was the dream, again. Renato knew. 
“No! Stay away!” Thalia shouted, crying to herself some more as Renato very carefully went to grab her hand. His touch was soothing, causing Thalia to calm down. Only for a moment before she screamed again and shot up to sit in bed, tears rushing down her face. 
“Hey, it’s okay. It’s just a dream.” Renato had pulled her tightly into a hug and let her cry against his chest. He was used to this, and knew that things had only gotten worse after losing both Jackie and Evelyn within a few weeks of each other.
“I-I’m sorry. Did I wake you?” Thalia asked, now fully aware and embarrassed of what had happened. Renato smiled, wiping away some tears with his thumb.
“It’s fine, Thalia. Really. Are you alright?” Renato asked as Thalia wiped the rest of the tears away. 
“Yeah, I-I guess. Sometimes it feels so real.” Her hands wrapped around herself, rubbing her arms as if she could feel the bruises again. This nightmare just felt too real.
“You’re fine. You’re safe with me. He’ll never come around again. You’ll never see him again. I promise.” Renato knew that was true. What Thalia didn’t know was that Nato, as Oro, had hunted down the guy that night and made him pay for hurting Thalia. He wasn’t going to allow someone to hurt her, even if he barely knew her at the time.
“I’m sorry I woke you, Nato. Really.” “Stop apologizing. It’s fine, I promise.” He smiled brightly at her, which caused a small smile to move over her lips. “Well, if you’re feeling better, I'll go back to the couch and go back to sleep.” He watched the smile slowly fade from Thalia’s lips.
“Can you stay? Just a bit longer.” She asked as Renato nodded. Of course, for her he’d do anything. Renato moved to get comfortable in the bed, laying on his back as Thalia moved to rest beside him. Her head resting on his chest, listening to his heart beat. Renato slowly moved his arms around her, holding her close as they just laid there.
Renato didn’t know how long they had been laying there but he thought about moving back to the couch. He didn’t want Thalia to wake up and think that he could have done something to her. He went to move, but Thalia was gripping his shirt tightly in her fist. He was stuck there but he didn’t really mind. He glanced down at Thalia and noticed she had fallen asleep on him. A small smile moved over his lips as he watched her. She looked so peaceful, beautiful, and finally at ease. As he watched her, Renato placed a kiss on her forehead.
“Good night, hermosa.” Renato smiled as he whispered, watching as a smile moved over Thalia’s lips as she slept. Chuckling, Renato gently rubbed her back as he closed his eyes.
And then it hit him, he was falling for Thalia.
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malfoymanortings · 4 years
What a Shame
SUMMARY: Draco breaks up with Wrenly out of nowhere for Astoria Greengrass after they dated for two years. When she sees her opportunity to get revenge, she takes it.
PAIRINGS: Draco X fem!OC, hinted one sided Harry X fem!OC
I’m so bad at writing summaries, I apologize! Inspired by the song What a Shame by Leyla Blue
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Draco had his hands on Astoria’s waist as they walked into the Great Hall, his lips near her ear as she laughed as though he had just said the most hilarious thing in the world. It made Wrenly sick, to see the two of them so close.
It appeared Pansy shared her sentiment, as she turned to Wrenly and stuck her perfectly manicured finger down her throat in mock disgust. “How pathetic. If her laugh were anymore annoying, I swear she could be a mandrake.”
Wrenly smirked in amusement, a chuckle slipping from her lips. Draco’s head moved in her direction, his eyes meeting hers. When he saw the amusement in her eyes, he scowled, a crease appearing on his forehead. Wrenly’s smirk simply grew bigger.
“Wait, which one is she again?” Theo asked, sliding in next to Pansy. He took her hand in his, his lips brushing against her knuckles.
“They all look the same, don’t they?” murmured Wrenly, stirring her tea. “Guess I’ll never understand the thinking of a man.”
“If you could call Draco a man.” Pansy snorted, leaning against Theo as he pressed a kiss to her forehead.
Wrenly sighed in annoyance, standing from the table. “As much as I would love to continue sitting here and discussing my ex’s love life and watch the two of you be so disgustingly cute, I have to go get ready for tonight.”
She picked her tea cup off the table, walking away.
“You can’t leave with the silverware!” Pansy called after her, covering her giggles with her hand.
Wrenly ignored her, instead flipping her off as she left the Great Hall. She could feel Draco’s eyes on her as she left, and she let her finger linger in his direction for a moment before she left.
What a shame.
She brought her tea outside, sipping it as she sat on the lush green grass. It was an unusually warm spring day, and she shed her robes, leaving her in her white school blouse and plaid skirt. It was a Saturday, but she didn’t feel like picking out something special. She would safe that for later, when the party would commence. It was the second Saturday of the month, which meant the Slytherin’s were throwing their rager. All houses were welcome, the only catch was that you had to be invited by a Slytherin. There was usually a decent mixture there.
“Hello, Wrenly.”
The dark haired girl turned to see Harry Potter coming up behind her, a piece of toast in his hand. He held it out for her, and she took it with a grin.
“Thanks, Harry.”
He nodded, smiling, and sat down next to her. She munched on her toast, polishing it off along with her tea, while Harry sat with her in compatible silence.
“So, I saw Malfoy this morning,” he said awkwardly, tapping his fingers on his knee. “Looks like he’s moved on.”
Wrenly made a noise of discontent agreement. “It would appear he has. With a basic bland bitch.”
Harry laughed at her words, his green eyes crinkling at the corners. She was quiet for a moment, her brown eyes examining him. She supposed he really was handsome, with his wild hair and gorgeous smile. An idea came to her in that moment, and a wide grin cracked across her face.
“Harry, there’s a party tonight in Slytherin. Would you care to come?”
He looked taken aback for a moment, before nodding quickly. “Brilliant! That’d be brilliant.”
“Marvelous. I’ll be waiting outside for you.”
Harry nodded, grinning at her with that damn smile. She smiled back, something in her chest stirring.
Wrenly chose her outfit for that night carefully, a low cut black dress that clung to her ample curves like a second skin, lavender fishnets, and black ankle boots. Pansy did her makeup, a sultry brown eyeshadow look with mascara that made her eyelashes go on for miles. She knew she looked good, and she knew this dress was one of Draco’s favorites on her.
Wrenly entered the party with Pansy, although the girl quickly left her for Theo’s arms and his never ending supply of firewhiskey. Wrenly didn’t plan on getting drunk tonight, she didn’t need liquor in her blood to say what she wanted to say.
The same couldn’t be said for Astoria, who looked to be rather tipsy as she kept whispering something not PG13 in Draco’s ear, to his obvious annoyance.
A grin lifted her lips. What a shame.
She turned her head, her dark curls swishing around her face, to see Harry walking towards her looking out of place in the sea of thumping music and swarming bodies.
She greeted him enthusiastically, holding him tightly in a hug. As she pulled away, she saw his eyes dart down to her cleavage before darting back up to her face, swallowing hard as he did so. She smirked knowingly, and gave him a swift kiss on the cheek.
“I’m so glad you came, Harry,” she made sure to bring him by Draco, noting the way the blond’s jaw clenched. “It means the world that you came.”
“You asked me to,” Harry said simply, smiling at her. “Of course I’d come.”
“Let’s dance!” She exclaimed loudly, pulling him towards the moving bodies.
Draco noticed, of course, and the look on his face made her absolutely ecstatic, especially when he harshly shoved Astoria away from his ear. The girl had seemed to be nibbling on it, and pouted as she was denied the action.
Wrenly had a lovely time with Harry, and the chosen one had even grown so bold as to place his hands on her hips as she grinned her hips in his direction. He played his part perfectly, even if he didn’t realize he was in the game. Draco’s eyes rarely left them, and she made sure to give him a show with the flip of her hair and the gyration of her hips in Harry’s direction. Her night got even better when Astoria had to be led to her dorm room, the girl had gotten cross faded and thrown up on her older sisters shoes.
The party soon died down, and Harry reluctantly left to go back to Gryffindor. He seemed as though he wanted to tell her something when she walked him to the door, but instead gave her a tight hug, and left. She didn’t dwell on it. Her mind was somewhere in the boys dormitory where the stand alone room for prefects were.
It was four in the morning. She had no liquor in her system to justify her decision, but she climbed the stairs anyways, soon finding herself outside of the smooth oak wood with an emerald green P on the outside.
Wrenly rapped her knuckles against the door harshly, instantly regretting her decision. What the fuck was she doing here?
Draco opened the door, looking unsurprised to see her there. He leaned against the doorframe, raking his eyes up and down her body.
“That was quite a show you put on there with Potter.” he finally spoke, his words hard and his tone cold.
Wrenly shrugged in indifference. She knew what she had been doing.
“But your eyes never left me, couldn’t help but notice.”
Again, she shrugged. What was there to say? She had no idea what she was doing there.
He stepped back, motioning towards the inside of his room. “Come on, then.”
She stepped inside, and he shut the door behind him. She half expected to see Astoria lounging on his bed, perhaps still sloppy drunk like she had been before.
“I’m surprised your little toy isn’t here with you.” she kept her tone even, neutral. But she couldn’t help the smirk that lifted her lips as Draco tensed, his eyes flashing in annoyance.
“I don’t need her to throw up in my bed.”
“Little girl can’t handle her liquor,” she taunted, walking over to the edge of his bed. She sat down, crossing her legs as looked at Draco. “Coulda been with me instead of what’s-her-fucking-name.”
His jaw clenched, and she took it a step further.
“What a shame, baby, what a shame,” she tsked, glancing down at her nails. “Had a winning here but you threw away the game.”
A frustrated growl left Draco’s throat, and before she could react, he charged at her. He pushed her down on his bed, his hands roaming her body. He pulled down her dress, revealing her chest, and he grabbed at her tits harshly through her lace bra. She moaned at the contact, her nipples pebbling and her core becoming wet.
“You’ve gotten mouthy without me to keep you in line,” Draco muttered, his lips pressing against her neck. “I’ll have to fix that.”
He slid her dress up, exposing her already damp thong and her fishnets. He looked up at her, an amused smirk on his lips. “You dirty whore.”
He pulled down her panties and fishnets, spreading her legs apart. Her stomach clenched in anticipation, it had been far too long without him touching her. Maybe that was why she came tonight.
He slid a finger inside her hole, making her breath hitch. He slowly slide another finger in, and as his pace continued slow and steady, he leaned his head down, and started to lick at her clit. She threw her head back against the bed, parting her lips at the sensation.
He hummed against her, beginning to suck at her clit at the same time he licked it. She felt breathless, her eyes twisted shut, and as he slid a third finger in, she felt a knot slowly beginning in her stomach.
His tongue began making circular motions around her clit, all the while his fingers continue pumping in and out of her, making her eyes flutter shut again as a string of moans left her mouth. She resisted the urge to tangle her fingers in his hair, instead she clenched the bedsheets.
His tongue pressed harder against her clit, as his lips sucked harshly on her. He added another finger, his mouth still working on her sensitive skin. The knot in her stomach grew tighter, and as a string of moans left her mouth, she knew she was close to coming.
Draco knew this as well, and he lifted his mouth from her, causing her to whimper at the lack of contact. “You better not come until I say you can. Beg me, whore.”
“Fuck,” she gasped out as his fingers curled inside her, hitting a new sensitive spot that sent stars to her eyes. “Please, please daddy, please let me come.”
He smirked. “Not good enough.”
His mouth once again pressed to her clit, sucking harshly, and she cursed as she felt the knot in her stomach grow taught. She was so close.
“Please, please daddy, let me come,” her words came out in a gasp, and her thighs began to shake. “Please let me come.”
Draco lifted his head for a brief moment. “Only because you asked so nicely.”
As his mouth returned to her clit, and his fingers continued their movements, the knot broke, and she came with a loud moan, grinding her hips against Draco’s fingers as she rode out her high.
Their eyes met, and Draco slid his fingers in his mouth, not breaking contact as he sucked himself clean of her. When he was satisfied, he reached for his pants, hurrying to undone the belt, and she sat up.
His brow furrowed, and he gave her an odd look. “What are you doing-“
“Gave you a million chances,” she was still somewhat breathless from her orgasm, and she stood unsteadily, pulling her pants up and giving her dress. “You don’t get no more. I can’t wait forever. I’m getting bored.”
“Are you kidding me?” Draco exclaimed, glaring furiously at her. “You’re just going to leave after I got you off?”
She shrugged, indifferent. “I guess the only thing that’s left to say is... what a shame.”
Wrenly brushed past him then, ignoring his shouted protests as she exited his room. A smirk crossed her lips, and she felt like patting herself on the back.
Once back in her dorm, her dress discarded and her pajamas on, she lay under her covers staring at the top of her four poster bed. She had thought she would feel empowered, and on some level she did. But she also felt empty, hollow.
What a shame.
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bebepac · 3 years
Ri-Liamo de Bergerac (Happy birthday Zoehanji )
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Happy birthday @zoehanji​ !!!!!
Original Post date: 04/27/21 at 9:52PM EST  (4/28 where you are celebrating your birthday!!!) 
I have no idea when we started talking but we did, somewhere in the beginning of my writing journey on this site.  Even though I still consider myself to be a beginner here. Thank you for being my friend and being a fellow long distance cousin, as our relative in common would be Drama Whore!  Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha   🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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I hope you enjoy this.  I know that Fast Forward has always been one of your favorites.  
The Book:  TRH and Beyond
Pairing: Liam x Riley  /  Maxwell x Taylor  (Maxwell x F!OC)
Warnings:  Sexual Innuendo  and fluff. 
Word Count:  1889
Summary:  Maxwell and Taylor go on their first date.  Both are nervous and ask Liam and Riley for an assist.  
A/N:  This is a little similar version of Cyrano de Bergerac, not in the take that someone has a big nose, no one does, but the aspect of someone getting help in a conversation by using someone else’s words.  I did ask around to see if anyone had done something similar to this.  No one recalled of a similar story, so any similarities to anything currently on the fandom is completely unintentional.  
I also used @theworldofprompts  prompt: "All my life I've been searching for an answer as to where I belong. Then I met you and everything changed. You treated me like I deserved to be treated and you made me feel like I had a home. I don't want to lose that. I don't want to lose you." which will appear in bold.  
Song inspiration for this.  I heard this song while i was desperately needing to calm down while i was listening to the calm station on my pandora and I came across this song and enjoyed it so, so here it is for you all to enjoy too. I feel like it has a little sweet nervous energy, but then the music builds like you’re getting used to being with someone. it’s truly a beautiful piece.  
First Love by Yiruma 
I don’t own rights to the music. But i’m quickly becoming a Yiruma fan.  Every song was amazing that i heard today and it had such a unique feel.  I could pick them when they started playing on pandora.  
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Riley raised her eyebrow at Maxwell. She saw him pacing nervously as he kept glancing in Taylor's direction. Taylor was completely oblivious as she had her nose buried in a book she'd gotten from the estate library.
Finally Maxwell had psyched himself up. He walked over to Taylor sitting in the lawn chair next to her.
"Hey Softie."
Taylor put down her book, as did Ellie as she was sharing the oversized lounge chair in the sun with Taylor. Both lifted their sunglasses to their hair.  
"Lord Playlist?"
"So I was wondering if you want to have dinner tonight."
"Silly Uncle Maxwell, we eat dinner every night."  Ellie confirmed matter of factly.
"What Riley Jr. said."  Both Taylor and Ellie picked up their books again, sliding their glasses back to cover their eyes.
Riley laughed to herself.  Oh my God Taylor she thought. She is absolutely adorably clueless. 
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Liam laughed softly.  He gently rubbed Riley's stomach.
"Aren't you glad we're married? We don't  have to do that."
"You were never like that."
Liam blushed.  "I felt like that when I talked to you the first time. I don't even remember what I said on the street to you. I was so dumbfounded by your beauty."
"You don't remember me being so awkward, Liam?"  
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Liam shook his head. "You… were perfect, is all I remember, My Love."
A light blush hit Max's cheeks.  
"What I meant Softie, was you and me alone, away from the estate."
Taylor slowly lowered the book again, her eyes slowly meeting Maxwell’s.
"So like a date?"
"I mean date is a strong word, but it could be an accurate one. Two people dressed nicely eating food together at the same table. I mean I'm not opposed to the idea if you are."
"Auntie Taylor likes food, and to dress nicely. You should see Auntie Taylor's dress for the ball. I picked it!!!!!"
"Excuse me Miss Crown Princess read your book."
"So… whaddya say Softie? Dinner tonight?"
"Sure. Riley Jr. nailed it pretty much."  
"Great! I'll meet you out front at seven."
"I swear this baby likes to just sit in there and poke my bladder for fun." Riley tried to roll out of the lounge chair she was on. “A little help Liam?”
Liam immediately jumped up to assist Riley to her feet.  
"You just went thirty minutes ago."
"You tell your daughter that."
Liam affectionately rubbed her stomach, kneeling to plant a soft kiss on it.
"Little One be nice to Mommy. She has kept you safe all this time and we still have a few weeks to go. Let Mommy relax.."
Riley had stepped out of the lavatory only a few steps when Taylor descended on her like a ninja.
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"Jesus Christ! Taylor you almost scared the crap out of me, and the way this baby has my bodily functions out of whack it could have legit happened!!!"
“Ew. Riley. Gross.  Another reason I won’t procreate.  Did you see, Maxwell asked me out!!!! On a date!!!!"
Riley laughed.  "Because he likes you, and you like him."
"What are we going to talk about alone?!?!"
"You guys talk, and you are texting back and forth all the time."
"We talk in a group Riley. All Me and Maxwell do via text is meme war each other."
"Our whole texting conversation… nothing but memes!!!"
She swiped on Maxwell's conversation in her phone it was nothing but pictures.
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"It's okay, I'll get an ear piece set  from Nico, and help you.”
“You’d do that for me?”  
“Of course I would.  Can’t have your first date with the guy you like nothing but uncomfortable dead air.”  
“Thanks Ri.  Can you keep this between us?”
“Sure! Do you need help picking an outfit for tonight?"
"Nope, with the outfit, you kind of already did when you gave me my new wardrobe. If I can’t pick from there, I’m truly an idiot."
Little did Riley and Taylor know Maxwell and Liam were having a similar conversation.
“Liam I didn’t think she would really say yes!!!  She said yes!!!! She said yes…..” 
Then it looked like the gravity of the situation crashed into him.  Maxwell looked like he was about to hyperventilate.  
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“Calm down Maxwell.  Taylor likes you.  It’s easy to tell from the trained eye.  She lets down her guard around you.”  
“What are we going to talk about?  I can’t talk about peacocks all night.  Or Memes. She’ll think I'm a complete buffoon.   I don’t even have reservations anywhere.  I asked her on a nice date and I don’t even have reservations ANYWHERE!!!! What am i going to do?!?!?!
Liam grabbed Maxwell by the shoulders.  “Get a hold of yourself man!!!!  And take a breath, your face is turning blue.”  
Maxwell took a few cleansing breaths.  
“Don’t worry about the reservations, I can handle that.  It’s good you are friends with the King and Queen.  And for conversation I can got it.  I’ll get an earpiece from Bastien, and you’ll be fine.”
“Don’t tell Riley.  She still hasn’t let go about the fact of my baby hippo tattoo.”
“Nor will I thank you for reminding me of it.”  Liam laughed loudly.  
Maxwell and Taylor left on their date.   Both Liam and Riley made excuses to not be in the other’s company for the evening.  
Both Liam and Riley were pleasantly surprised being a whisper in someone’s ear how well the night was going.  Both couldn’t stop thinking about how natural the moments between the two of them felt, and how perfect they were for each other.  
“I can’t tell you enough Taylor how beautiful you look to me tonight.  And I know you’ve had trouble seeing yourself that way when it comes to that word. But you are Taylor.”  
She heard her sister softly gasp.   Tears filled Riley’s eyes.    
Tell him Thank you, and that you wanted to look nice…. For him.”
Taylor parroted her words.
Taylor starred at the menu. None of it was in English and she had no idea what any of it meant.
I wish I had your eyes right now Riley. Taylor thought.  
The conversation was sweet and romantic. It was the perfect date.   Maxwell reached across the table taking Taylor’s hand.  
“Would you like to dance?”
As they danced,  Taylor started relaxing in Maxwell’s arms.  
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“You know I have a hard time sharing my emotions sometimes. All the time..”  
“I know. And that’s okay.  We can take this slow.  There’s no rush Softie.”  
This felt familiar to Liam..  Too familiar.  He knew those words…..her words.
Riley felt the same way but she couldn’t be sure.  
Both had gotten up from their desks to investigate to see what the other was up to.  
Taylor had never felt like a moment was so perfect and what Riley said, she really felt in her heart.
"All my life I've been searching for an answer as to where I belong. Then I met you and everything changed. You treated me like I deserved to be treated and you made me feel like I had a home. I don't want to lose that. I don't want to lose you."
“Riley?”  But she had the feeling, it wasn’t Maxwell’s question.
Taylor pulled away from Maxwell.
Liam and Riley stared at each other in the hallway.  
He touched her ear feeling her ear piece and she touched his, feeling the same. 
“I knew it was you.” They both said in unison.
“I could feel your heart Riley, through the words even though it wasn’t you saying them.”  
“I could feel you too.”  
From the earpieces they could hear Liam and Riley kissing and the sounds of commotion.
“Bedroom, now?”  Liam's voice deep, rumbling with desire and need.
“YES LIAM!" Riley cried out.
"OH GOD!" Taylor shrieked.
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Both Maxwell and Taylor ripped out their earpieces.  
“Well that escalated quickly.”  Max cleared his throat looking at their earpieces that were laying on the table.  “Won’t be using those for the rest of the evening.” 
“Why did you think you needed help on the date Maxwell?”
“Because I’m awkward, when I’m around you.”  
“No you’re not.  You’re funny, and really nice.  I’m the awkward one. I don’t know how to do this normally.  I’ve never had a healthy romantic relationship before.”  
“That’s okay.  I haven’t been in many relationships before either.  We can learn together.”  
“So can I be honest with you?  I have no clue what the hell I ordered.  This place is nice but it’s too much for me.  I’m guessing it was Liam’s idea?  Can we go somewhere else?”
“I know just the place.”  
Maxwell and Taylor left that restaurant, and when they got to the second place, Taylor’s smile widened.  
“Now stop me Softie if you’ve ever heard this one,  a dashing noble wearing a squid tie with an affinity for peacocks, and a Queen of Cordonia lookalike walk into a bar…….”
Date one for Maxwell and Taylor part two was them dressed up like they were going to the ball, eating burgers and drinking cheap Cordonian Beer, playing pool.  And it was perfect.. For them.
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No. Dead. Air.  Conversation flowed easily between the pair.
“Wow.  I can’t believe the earpiece stayed in.”  
“You don’t think they heard anything did they?”  
“I’m sure they probably took them out.”  
"Can I ask you something?"
He could hear the slight sadness in Riley's voice. "Sure, you can ask me anything."
"Do you think I'm cool?"
Liam laughed out loud but abruptly stopped when he saw the look on Riley's face.
"Of course you are Riley."
"Then why is Ellie my sister's shadow right now?  Why do I feel like she wants nothing to do with me?"
"Riley… it's not that. This pregnancy has been rough on you.  You know how active our children are, and how active you were with them. Even while you were pregnant.  Well….Taylor fills that spot  for what you aren't physically able to do right now. Before it was me. I think you notice it more now because it is her.. But yes, it is clear Ellie adores Taylor. They have bonded and really love each other. “
"It was just so hard when I came back from California  Liam. She hated me."
"She didn't. She loved you, and it was my doing that put a wedge between you and her. She was hurting Riley. I did that to her. Not you. I’m sorry for that."
“It’s okay Liam.”  
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*^*^*^*^*^*  Breakfast next day *^*^*^*^*^*^*
“How was dinner last night Taylor?”  Riley asked.
“It was great.  We went for Burgers and beers.”  
“That’s nice.”  
Liam lightly cleared his throat.
“We didn’t hear anything.  We both ripped our ear pieces out when we heard where things were heading.”  
“Riley you’re about to pop, how is that even aerodynamically possible right now?!?!?!”  
“Oh it’s possible!”  Liam chuckled.  “God yes it’s possible.”
“Taylor it’s like when the amusement park is about to close and you want to get on your favorite ride one last time.  Even if you’ve had too much food and you’re full and you might throw up.  You got to get on that ride one more time.”
“You went to a carnival Mommy?”  
“No, she just went on a royal scepter ride. God did I say that out loud?”  Taylor slapped her hand over her mouth.
“Oh my God!!! Can we change the subject now please?”  Liam inquired, beads of sweat were forming on his face.    
“Yes please because this conversation went incredibly awkward!”
Riley laughed looking around the table.  The adults looked like they wanted to climb out of their skins and her children looked either confused or unaware of what was happening.
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norisxfics · 4 years
NCT 127′s Dorm Maid: Ch.3 - Johnny
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Title: NCT 127’s Dorm Maid
Genre: smut
Chapter: 3
Characters: Johnny x OC/reader
Chapter masterlist
Previous Chapter
Contains: fingering, thigh riding, slight choking, dom johnny, squirting
Summary: When NCT’s Dorm maid falls ill, her niece takes her place and becomes NCT’s new dorm maid. NCT weren’t unfamiliar with the girl as she has substituted for her aunt many times before. But this time it was different, this time she was going to become their permanent dorm maid as her aunt was forced to retire because of her health. NCT members quickly grow fond of the girl, but little did she know this also meant that she was going to be a hell of a lot more busy than she expected.
Authors Note: It would be really nice and appreciated if you guys could reblog this if you enjoyed it so that I can get more readers. Liking a post shows me you enjoy it but no one will ever see a content creators content if all you guys do is like the post. Especially now since I’ve heard the tags are being fucked up and not all posts are showing up in the tags
When the boys found out I also play video games on my time off we would often play together online whenever we weren’t busy. We mostly played games like PUBG and other FPS games, sometimes MMO’s. Haechan was the one who most often played with me, he would thank me for playing with him and then proceed to whine about how sometimes the boys won’t play with him even if they’ve got nothing going on. It was cute.
Often times when I’m doing my job he would ask me to watch him play or join him. I would usually tell him to wait until I finish my job but then he would whine and hug my arm, trying to act cute, as he would beg me “It’s just for a few minutes!” It never did end up being only a “few minutes” but I guess you could say those moments are like a break for me. 
This time it was both Johnny and Haechan asking me to watch and play with them. I would often help Haechan out as well whenever they played games going against each other I would even lean over Haechan to show him some tricks on the keyboard he could use in the game, Johnny would call it cheating, but I would fight him back saying there was no rules against assisting. 
“Noona, you play for me, show him how hard you can beat him like you did to me the other day,” Haechan got off his chair and I chuckled “don’t mind if I do, time to get wrecked Johnny,” I took my place in the chair and started a round with Johnny, and let’s just say that I totally wrecked Johnny. When the round was over Haechan high-fived me and and Johnny let out a sigh “You only won because I let you,”
“Only a sore loser would try to claim that,” I gave a wink and smirked at him, he raised a brow at me. 
“I have to go, the dreamies wanna hang out, you guys have fun!” Haechan said as he grabbed his phone in wallet, sliding them into his pockets. 
“Bye Haechan, have fun,” I turned to Johnny when he left and smirked “one more round?” Johnny immediately sat up on his chair and we started yet another round. Guess who won? 
That’s right me. 
“Hah! Get wrecked Johnny, I just made you my bitch,” I gave him a smug smirk and dusted off the non-existent dust off my shoulders. I stood up and fixed my skirt “anyway, I should get back to work, I’ll let you cry it out while I clean,” As I turned to walk away Johnny grabbed my wrist and I turned to him. He stared at me with a brow raised “hold on just a minute, who said you’re dismissed?”
“Huh? I mean, I have to get my work done...” 
“You work for us so you answer to us, besides I have somethings to talk about with you,”
“Well, technically I work for SM, SM is the one sending me payche-”
He rolled his eyes, suddenly pulling me to sit on his thigh “First of all I’d like to talk about what you’re wearing today, it’s kind of inappropriate don’t you think? Wearing a short skirt while doing a job that requires bending over a lot,” I had forgotten about that honestly, I intentionally wore a skirt to catch their attention. Ever since that day with Mark my sexual demon that I’ve been suppressing as been slowly coming out. It was exciting, that night, the risk of getting caught, it excited me. 
I wanted to tease the boys. 
I wanted the excitement. 
But I had forgotten about all that while we were playing games, so I was now genuinely surprised. 
“Um...well, I can exp-” 
“Who said you could talk? I’m not done,” 
He gripped onto my thigh, hand slowly moving up “not to mention your actions today as well, the way you were on your knees earlier, wiping the floor in front of me, I bet you did that on purpose, you wanted me to see didn’t you?”
He was absolutely right on point, when I was cleaning the floor I lifted my ass up more when I saw Johnny enter the room, I wanted him to look at me. 
I subconsciously licked over my bottom lip, biting down on it as his hand moved up my skirt and over to my ass, while his other hand moved to caress my cheek “and what was that just now hmm? Bending over in excuse to help Haechan, your ass right in my face, you’re just asking for it aren’t you?” 
I didn’t answer, I was too distracted by his dark and firm tone of voice. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t wet right now. 
His hand soon moved to my throat, thumb caressing against my jawline before he gave a small squeeze to my throat “Answer me.”
I tried so hard not to squirm “Y-yes,”
“Yes what?”
“Yes, Sir...”
He gave my ass a squeeze, his other and moved to the back of my head, pulling me closer to him as his lips lingered over mine for a moment, half lidded eyes looking down into mine before his lips finally connected with mine. Our lips moved in unison as a it slowly get deeper, and more desperate, more desperate from my side that is. My hips involuntarily began to move, grinding against his thigh in a slow pace. 
Johnny broke the kiss and mumbled “eager little kitten aren’t you?” he gave my ass another squeeze as he encouraged me to continue riding out his thigh. I held onto his shoulders as my gaze went back to his lips, our lips soon connected again, resuming back into a heated kiss. He tightened his thigh muscle, pushing his thigh up against me, a whimper leaving my lips and into the kiss. 
“Fuck you’re so wet right now baby girl, it’s leaking through your panties,” I could feel my cheeks turn red “such a dirty little girl,” he smacked my ass and I jumped a little, biting down on my lip “you like that huh?” he smirked and I nodded.
He buried his face in the crook of my neck, kissing and softly sucking on the skin. I let out a soft quiet moan, followed by another as he spanked me again before gripping my hips, pushing my down harder against his thigh. My hips began to move more eagerly against him. 
He then held my hips in place and I let out a whimper as he stopped me. 
“Stand up,” he ordered. 
And so I did. I stood in front of him. 
“Lift your skirt up for me, baby” 
I gripped onto the hem of my skirt, lifting it up from him to see me white lace panties. He tapped my inner thigh, I took that as a signal to spread my legs more, so I did. He hooked his fingers into my panties and tug them half way down my thighs. 
“What was that you said earlier? That I’m you’ve made me your bitch?” 
His fingers slipped between my thighs, softly grazing over my wet folds. 
“I think you got it all wrong, because I just made you my bitch,”
I shuddered at his words. I was a huge sub and Johnny seemed to know that. I guess a dom will always know a sub when he sees one, right?
His middle finger slipped in between my fold as he dragged it from my entrance to my clit, teasing it a bit before he paused. 
“Want me to keep touching you? To make you feel good?” 
I nodded “Yes, sir,”
“Then tell me who’s dirty little bitch are you?”
“Yours, sir” 
“My what?”
“I’m your dirty little bitch,”
“Good girl,” 
I let out a whimper when those two small words came out of his own mouth. He began to rub my clit, pressing his fingers against it, he moved his fingers in a circular motion pressing firmly against me. I gripped tightly onto my skirt, pursing my lips to muffle my moans. 
Hi moved his finger between my folds and began to tease my entrance “you’re such a little whore, getting so damn,” he pushed his finger into me, a moan escaping my lips “wet for me,” his finger pumped inside of me, pressing against my wet walls. 
“What am I gonna do with you?”
He added a second digit into me, pumping his fingers faster and harder inside of me. I let out a louder moan, covering my mouth quickly with one hand. 
“Even your moans sound so dirty,” he chuckled. He curled his fingers up against my walls, finding my sweet spot. I bit into my hand to muffle my moans and whimpers. My hips were shaking and it was becoming hard to stay on my feet. 
“Do you wanna come for me, baby?”
“Y-yes sir...”
“Then beg for it,”
His fingers began to move painfully slow, I let out a whine in protest “Please...please don’t stop, please let me cum daddy,” 
“daddy huh? I like the way it sounds coming from your dirty little whore mouth, say it again,”
“fuck, daddy please, please make me cum for you daddy,” I begged desperately, as I squirmed. 
“Good girl,” 
He inserted a third digit and began to roughly and quickly thrust his fingers into me, making to to curl them against my sweet spot, hitting it repeatedly I gripped onto his arm, moaning loudly, forgetting to keep myself quiet, as my body shook with pleasure, my walls tightening around his fingers as I reached my climax. 
My juices squirting out onto his hand and onto the floor. 
“Fuck...you’re squirter huh?”
He pulled his fingers out and I sunk down onto my knees, catching my breath. I looked up at him to see him licking his fingers clean as he grabbed his phone before pointing it at me “can I take a picture? You know, in memory of who exactly wrecked who tonight,” he smirked down at me and I blushed. 
“I’ll take your silence as a yes?” He held the phone up at and angle and took a photo. I didn’t mind of course, or I would have said no. 
“You should clean your mess up and get back to work,”
I nodded.
I had a feeling he was going to start teasing me about this, and I was right. The next time I played a game with him and Haechan online and “get wrecked” would be mentioned, he would text me the photo with a reminder “You mean like how you got wrecked the other night?”
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kindness-bliss · 3 years
New Beginnings Ch. 10
Timothy Thatcher x OC
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
 Maya sighed as she sat in the and leaned her head back against the headrest “Why did you lean in to kiss me ?” she finally asked  
 “I just felt the moment was right, you held my hand on your own and I thought maybe it was a good idea. I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable, I just did what I felt was right in the moment” he explained “I apologize, I really do. I would never wanna make you feel like it was forced”
  “Don’t do it again” she said softly “Now hurry up so you can drive me home and we can both change, you got your outfit ?”
  “Yeah, just um a black long sleeve button up and black pants, that okay ?” Marcel asked
“Perfect” she grins as they got out “Also feel free to loosen up tonight, I can handle my drinking”
He raised a brow as he pulled in and followed “Do I need to remind you about what happened in Berlin ?”
  Maya widened her eyes as she blushed and shot him a look “You said you’d never bring it up, so don’t start now”
  “Sorry but you causing world war 3 at a club at 2 in the morning that led to us running through the back door isn’t exactly a small thing” he laughed as he brought his bag in “I’m not even drunk ! I’m fine, let’s go dance !” he mocked in her voice “and then suddenly a fight about who knows what and bam we’re in a taxi. How you weren’t some kind of fighter in your life still shocks me”
  “I felt like it” she shrugged “she insinuated my Cartier bracelets were fake so I let her have it, period. Oh yeah and she hit on you right in front of me, she deserved it”
He laughed, shaking his head “how about none of that tonight ? Just fun, enjoy yourself with your friends and celebrate your cover”
“I invited Fabian” she blurted out, taking out her curling iron to touch up her hair “he said he’s coming, I gave security his name”
  Marcel nodded as she took off his t shirt and ironed his shirt “That’s cool, glad he can make it”
“If you two don’t say sorry and make up tonight I swear” she groaned. Yeah they had been friends for a little over half a year but that didn’t mean him and Fabian were back together. Those two were like a married couple and seeing him without Fabian made her sad, he wasn’t the same without him and it killed her inside
  “I can’t promise anything but if he’s there obviously he knows I’m going to be as well so who knows” Marcel admitted as he fixed his hair
  “Lay off the gel, you look you belong back in Germany in some grade school with this haircut” she laughed fixing her eye shadow “Plus it’s gonna be hot in there”
    “Then I’ll take my shirt off,” he smirked. “I think some girls there would  really like to see that, don't you think ?”
  Maya rolled her eyes, going into her closet and picking out a body con sequin dress, something to make her stand out from the others. She wanted to be absolutely sure she looked better than anyone else there, especially after what Tim had told her. Tim. As if that Dickies wearing, missing tooth asshole knew anything about fashion she shook her head. “No one cares Maya, he doesn’t matter at all” she repeated in her head turning and widening her eyes as she saw Marcel changing
   “Wow...wow” she muttered quietly as she hid behind her closet door and peaked, taking a look at his perfectly tan body and abs, watching him check himself out in the mirror while buttoning up his shirt. He had to me the most vain individual she had ever met yet there she was hiding so she could admire him from afar. Her, the actual model, hiding in a damn closet to stare at him of all people. She quickly snapped out of her own thoughts and changed, putting on her heels as she walked out
  “Alright all-” Marcel stopped speaking, practically stopping his breathing when he saw her
“Hey” Maya grinned softly as she saw his face
“Maya….I….” he took a moment to think clearly about what he wished to say, not wanting to make himself seem even dumber than he already did 
“I-wow” he chuckled out finally as he put his hands in his pockets 
“You...you look beautiful, stunning”
  “Marcel, you’ve seen me in dresses but thank you” she giggled 
 “You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve seen, ever” he said sincerely “you look beautiful every single day but tonight is just wow”
She looked at him, trying her best to keep her look calm and friendly but part of her wanted to jump him right then and there. “Come on, let’s get going it’s late” she grinned as she went back out with him to the car and allowed him to take a picture of them to post ******
  “So now explain” Johnny said as he sat with Tim in the living room of his home “why exactly did you um...snap ?”
  “I did not snap” Tim responded calmly as he pet their dog Pawdme 
“I...words didn’t come out as well as I hoped okay, that’s all”
  “Um...you went to college right ? like graduated, correct ?” he asked
Tim nodded as he gave a confused look “uh yeah, I uh have a degree in Journalism, worked at a newspaper company for years. Actually” he chuckled “when we met in evolve I was stil- wait what does this have to do with anything ?”
    “So you’re telling me you’re college educated with a degree in JOURNALISM of all things, like as in good with words and writing yet you don't know how to speak to a woman !” Johnny exclaimed “You legit use big ass words and write pages yet when a girl clearly is giving the whole “take me in the back seat of your car now” eyes you insult and demean ?” “Johnny, enough” Candice spoke up “He gets the point, clearly he’s upset and mad”
“Thanks” Tim nodded, “and to answer all your questions, yes, I get it. I acted like a moron and well here I am trying to think of ways to apologize once again and convince her I want her with me”   
“Well we can all talk about this tomorrow, we got somewhere to go” Johnny stood up dressed in a button up and black jeans along with Candice in a black dress
  “A funeral ?” Tim asked confused as he looked at both of them “sorry for your loss, whomever it may be”
 Candice let out a soft sigh as he looked at Johnny and nodded towards Tim with her head “tell him…”
“Okay, first it’s “Johnny, shut up!” and now it’s “tell him” he mocked in her voice as he put his hands on his hips and looked up at Tim 
“We’re…..we’re going to Maya’s cover launch party, she invited us a month ago and well we RSVP’d and honestly I won’t lie, it looks like a lot of fun, man. She rented out the entire club. It's at EVE and I mean we don’t get to do shit like this, it’s the best club in the city and we’re on the list and I feel special alright ?”
  “Wait wait, what ?” Tim asked bewildered “You two are going ? Like actually going ? This isn’t some sick joke right because if it is I got pranked” he put his hands up “the act can stop now, I get it”
Johnny and Candice looked at each other as they both turned and gave him a sorry look as Candice’s phone buzzed “sorry Tim...we gotta go now, Oney’s waiting with Joanne”
 Tim scoffed as he nodded and opened the door, catching Oney about to knock  “I know, don’t even try to explain” he said as he shut him up before he could even speak
  “Well damn” Oney shot him a look “Guess that means, you don’t wanna be my plus one….”
“What ?” the other 3 asked in unison as they looked at him
“Joanne can’t make it, she has work so that leaves me with a plus one” he showed the message “Maya never said I couldn’t bring Tim” he gave a shrug
“Wait…. He can’t go like that” Candice emphasized “babe quick, go look for a bigger shirt and Oney, switch pants with Tim and Johnny will give you another pair…..NOW !” she raised her voice at the 3 of them as she watched them scurry and go to her bedroom
    “Wow, who knew you could clean up so nicely” Johnny smirked “let me do your hair now, you can’t go out looking nicely dressed with messy hair, oh and cologne, you gotta smell good in case ”
“You’re not serious ?” Tim asked
“You want her to see you looking good right ? So listen to me, if you look good and smell good she’ll like fall in love with you, she won’t even remember you insinuated her work was cheap, or that bikini models are whores or that-” Johnny gulped when he saw him glare at him “here just..just add a little gel and um see you downstairs, hurry up”
  Oney chuckled as he watched him get ready “If this doesn’t work, then I don’t know. Not gonna lie you look….nice. You really do, this is probably what she wanted to see”  
 “Whatever” Tim shrugged as he finished buttoning up the shirt “I just wanna talk to her that’s all, talk to her and get this settled and we’ll go from there” he nodded as he followed him back to Candice and Johnny’s Uber and sat down 
  “Wow” Candice grinned “look at you, I mean it. You clean up so nicely Tim, you really do”
“Thank you” Tim said softly as he gave her a small grin. “How the hell did I get myself into this ?” he thought to himself. None of this was him, he could feel the sweat start to build up in his arm pits as he moved around in his seat lifting his head up when Oney offered him a mini bottle of Patron
“A roadie, to loosen up before we get there. You could use it, need a chaser ?” he offered some seltzer water widening his eyes as he watched him chug it down in one gulp
  “Give me another, now” Tim nodded as he reached out his hand, taking the second bottle and downing it “there, much much better”. No not really all that better but at least it calmed his nerves slightly as he watched them pull up to the club. He looked through the crowd to see who he recognized, some were definitely other models but lots were from work. She really had invited everyone but him, not like he expected it anyways.
    “Remember, leave no later than 3” Candice said as they got out and reapplied her lipgloss “Jesus, she’s popular look at all these people”
  “You don’t say” Johnny looked around “And she invited US, that means she really does like us and thinks of us as friends. She’s SO nice”
“She is. She really is something” Tim whispered to himself as he stood with them ************
“I love seeing you two so happy and together !” Maya smiled a little tipsy already as she put her arms around Fabian and Marcel’s shoulders 
“The two besties are back together ! You can go back to taking your little sexy shirtless gym pictures now !”  
 Fabian chuckled “well thank you I think ? Thanks for inviting me again”
“Yeah yeah of course, anything to get you two back together” she sipped her martini, feeling slightly buzzed as she sat next to Marcel and put her hand on his thigh “oh my god, you look so cute tonight I can’t believe I didn’t tell you already” she pouted
  Marcel chuckled as he placed her hand back on her lap gently “Thank you, you’re telling me now and to me that’s all that matters”
“Maya maybe, maybe we can stop the martini’s for a bit” Fabian suggested as he motioned for the waitress to come over and order them waters with lemon
  “What a complete party pooper, I thought Italians were supposed to be fun. This is NOT how Jersey Shore made it seem” she rolled her eyes, pulling out her compact to look herself over as she watched Fabian just laugh at her
 “Hey... still very very pretty,” Marcel grinned as he closed it for her. “There’s no need to keep looking at yourself when you look perfect, now have some water so you can sober up a bit and enjoy your night. Everyone’s here for you”
  Maya stood up and fixed her dress when she saw Candice walk towards her “hey, oh my gosh you look beautiful !” She gave her a hug and smiled, tilting her head when she saw Johnny take a selfie with her custom cake “why...why is he ?”
  “Listen he’s telling everyone we know he’s at a celebrity party and how you’re his friend, he’s truly living it up” she admits with a chuckle
  “I just...I like how you guys came, you two are so kind and nice and to be honest I kinda like you guys here more than the others my agent made me invite” she smiled softly “Can I offer you a drink ?”
  “Oh yeah sure, I’d love one of those fruity ones you’re having” Candice grinned as she walked over to the bar with her “Listen before we enjoy the night, I have to tell you that Oney’s girlfriend couldn’t make it so...so he brought Tim”
    “What ?” she spat out her water “He’s here ? As in right now ? Candice what the hell ? After what happened earlier ?”
Candice sighed as she took her drink in one sitting and got up “Long story short he feels horrible and wants to talk to you, really talk to you. 100% serious this time, no insults nothing so when you’re ready you let me know and I”m getting you two together to talk even if it’s the last fucking thing I do” she nods
  “I just wanna enjoy my night and maybe when I’m a little more drunk so I can let his ass know everything I’ve been feeling” Maya nodded as she cheered her and took what she believed was her 15th shot of the night 
    “So are those real ?” Candice asked as she pointed to her revealing dress “because they look real but they also look way too perfect to be real”
Maya laughed as she touched her shoulder with her arm “They are, but did you drink before getting here ?”
  “May have had a couple roadies” she admits as they continued to drink together, getting rowdier once everyone else came to join
  “Let’s give it up for Maya !” Johnny yelled as he raised his champagne glass “MY friend is a model and she’s on an ACTUAL magazine and on a billboard !”
  “To me ! For being really fucking pretty and having an amazing body !” Maya exclaimed drunkenly as she leaned on Marcel
    “And with REAL boobs !” Candice added as they all cheered together and moved to the dance floor as the DJ played a playlist of mid 2000’s songs
Everything was great, perfect actually until Oney spotted Tim talking to a girl, a little too close for comfort in his eyes as he left and sat down keeping a close eye on him
  “So what brings you here, do you know Maya ?” the girl asked Tim as she grinned and sat too close to him at the bar
  “In a way yeah, you ?” he nodded trying his best to keep up straight as the alcohol from the car ride and the beers he had consumed were beginning to hit him
  “well she won this cover over me. Some thing about brunettes over blondes, Kara by the way” she reached her hand out “and you are ?”
“Tim” he responded as he turned around and faced her, looking her up and down as he raised a brow at the less than favorable red number she had on “drink ?”
    “Vodka soda” she smirked as she ordered “oh is this your friend ?”
“What ?” Tim asked confused as he turned and saw Oney with crossed arms standing behind him
  “You’re drunk, come with me”
“He’s fine with me” Kara smiled sweetly “Don’t worry, your friend is perfect with me here”
“I’m fine” Tim shrugged “You go and continue being stupid, I’m fine here with her”
Oney shook his head and sighed as he left him alone and went back as he sat down on a couch and watched
 Maya pulled Marcel close to her as she turned around against him, moving to the beat of the music as she felt him move with her, putting his hands on her hips both swaying to the old Ice Cube song that played loudly in the club. They had gone to multiple clubs in the past and danced to way too many songs but this time something was different and they both felt it  
  Marcel felt the jolts in his body as he touched her hips and felt her backside press right against his groin area. Gulping to get rid of what felt like a ball stuck in his throat he made sure to keep his hands there as they moved
  “You good ?” she asked not realizing what was even going on with him as she looked up
“All good, we can keep going” he nodded
He was positive his once black shirt was now soaking and see through with sweat as he tried his best to make sure he didn’t get hard as he squeezed her sides every so slightly. As he heard the song end and change to what he recalled was an old Lil Jon song, he groaned feeling her move quicker.  Part of him felt like it was best to just leave to the car and handle what he needed to do but the other part said he needed to be composed for her. All that went out the window the second he looked down and saw her dress slowly ride up as she moved lower and lower
  “I...I gotta go to the bathroom” he blurted out as he turned her around and saw her eyes, he knew better than anyone what that look meant
  “We….we should go to the bathroom” she whispered as she laced his fingers with hers and leaned in to kiss the corner of his mouth gently
   Marcel shuddered as he looked around and noticed everyone too busy to even notice them gone, he quickly took her hand and rushed to the nearest bathroom with her as he pushed her against the wall and crashed his lips onto hers, moving his hands up and down her hips as he moved down to kiss her neck feeling one of her hands on the back of his neck and the other immediately trying to undo his belt
  “Not...not here” he whispered as he stopped her hands and held them in his as he kissed each of them “This...this is cheap, I don’t want it like this with you. You deserve more”
“My place” she kissed his lips again not wanting them away from hers any longer “You and me, my place. I want you, I need you Marcel” Marcel looked in her eyes trying to see any doubt , going with his gut as he nodded and walked with her, hitting a stall with his shoulder
“Busy” a female voice groaned “um really busy”
  “Sorry” Marcel apologized quickly, cursing as Maya tripped against him causing him to fall against the unlocked door, widening his eyes at the view in front of him
  “What’s going-” Maya stopped speaking immediately as she felt her heart drop to her stomach as she saw Tim entangled with a girl doing way more than kissing. She felt her legs turn into jelly as she watched him kiss and move her against him, at her party of all places.
   Tim heard her voice and immediately opened his eyes as he pushed Kara off and fixed his pants and shirt “Maya ! No…..No listen I-I” he stuttered struggling to form a cohesive thought as he reached his hand towards her earning a hard punch across the nose and kick in the groin “Fuck that hurt !” he grimaced in pain not sure if he needed to grab his balls or nose
  “Marcel, why is she crying ? what’s going on ?” Johnny asked concerned he watched Candice going after her “Did someone hurt her ? Tell me and I’ll knock them out !”
  “That, that’s what’s going on” Marcel said coldly as they both looked at Tim and Kara exit the bathroom both disheveled with Tim’s more than obvious broken bleeding nose
“I told him to stop” Oney spoke up “He didn’t listen, brushed me off. The second he saw me talk to Johnny is when he left”
  “It wasn’t your job to babysit” Johnny answered disappointed as he stared “Grown men can take care of themselves, or so we thought”
“You’re not getting a foot near her !” Oney exclaimed, fed up “How fucking dare you do this to her ? At her own fucking party ? Was this what you wanted all along ? To just come here and ruin her night ?”
Tim shook his head as he held his nose with his hand “I….I can’t….I can’t even talk, where is she ? I need to talk to her now” “You’re getting you and your little prost-.....friend the hell out of here NOW” Oney ordered
  Tim snarled as he felt her touch his hand “get the fuck away from me”, scaring her enough as he watched her walk away quickly and hurried out the door. He looked at the guys and pleaded with his eyes as he watched them walk away from him
Marcel clenched his fists in anger as he calmed himself down for a second before walking quickly to the parking lot of the club searching around space by space as he found Candice consoling Maya on the pavement and rushed over
  “Maya, Maya come on let’s get you home” he said softly as he kneeled in front of her and dabbed her face full of mascara tears with his sleeve. His own heart breaking as he saw how devastated she looked. Nothing mattered more to him than making sure he got her home and safe
  “Listen to Marcel, he’s gonna take you home sweetie” Candice whispered as she helped her stand up as Johnny, Fabian and Oney joined them with sorry looks on their faces “It’s brisk” Fabian said softly as he took off his suit jacket and put it over Maya’s shoulders to cover her up  “I’m gonna, I’m gonna take her home now, is that okay Maya ?” Marcel asked as he pet her head gently 
Maya simply gave a small nod as her eyes stayed glued to the floor, her whole night and heart done for.
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15 and 18
15 - If you write OC’s, how do you decide on their names?
Just answered that one here!
18 - Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them?
Oh my God, I have so many!! Beware, this is going to be a very long answer. Click on the thingy to read more!
Last year, back when I first started writing fanfiction, I had a lot going on in my mind, and at one moment I had to choose which stories I would actually work on, and which ones I would have to drop it for now. There were five stories in total, and I dropped three of them.
Two of those five stories evolved and they became When The Levee Breaks and Map of the Problematique, the other three are still unnamed and undeveloped.
I'll give you the main summary of them, because why the hell not?
The first story is a pretty fluffy one, I've abandoned it because there are already a few stories like these in the fandom and because I got too invested writing my other stories. Also, a huge chunk of it is written in the first person, because I started writing it at the beginning of the last year, and I've learned that I don't really like writing in first person anymore... Writing WTLB is hard enough already lol.
This story would narrate the beginning of Jackie and Hyde's relationship while Donna and Kelso were still in California, but there are a few twists: Eric doesn't mope around in his room most of the time, and he develops a really nice friendship with Jackie (that friendship would turn into a small crush later), and Eric and Donna would not be endgame.
There's a lot going on at first, in this story, Hyde actually plans on "wooing" Jackie once he's sure she's over Kelso, they flirt a lot and he's aware that he's going to make a move on his best friend's ex. Jackie's also very interested in Hyde, but for a while, she thinks he'd never be interested in her.
Their flirting wouldn't last long though, I had planned on making them get together at the beginning of the story (I think it was in chapter five?), the rest of the story would narrate them hiding their relationship from their friends and how close they are getting to Eric and Fez.
I've planned on writing lots of sweet friendly moments between Jackie, Hyde, Eric, and Fez. In fact, there are quite a few scenes written out already, and in one of them they're all in a circle and it's the first time Eric realizes that Jackie's not as bitchy as he thought she was. Here's one of the circle scenes I've written:
"You know what?" Jackie announced, ignoring Fez's sobs and passing the joint to Hyde, thanking God that he was probably too high to notice how goosebumps rose all over her body when his fingers brushed against hers "I hope Michael gets syphilis from a random beach whore and goes blind."
"Odds are pretty good of that happening." Hyde nodded as he took another hit "Of him getting an STD, I'm not so sure about becoming blind, but I'm sure once he gets back to Wisconsin we can convince him to stare at the sun long enough for that to happen"
Eric snickered "Yeah... I hope Donna just... Never comes back, I hate her... Yeah..."
"No, you don't," Jackie said flatly to him "You'll probably marry her if she ever does come back."
Eric stared at Jackie for a few seconds before sighing dejectedly "... yeah, you're right..."
"But, hey, we can bash on Michael some more if you like, it's fun!"
"You're right, it is fun! " Eric nodded, smiling at the petite girl sitting next to him on the couch and wondering when did he start to actually enjoy her presence.
The whole google doc for this story has over 7k words of random dialogues and random moments I came up with. I'm not going to lie, it has potential, lots of it actually, but I don't have the time to work on it now.
The story would be overall a light read, it would've been M-rated because I did start to write a sex scene, but it would be overall something funny and cute. For example, one of my favorite moments is this one where Eric almost catches Hyde and Jackie:
"Oh my God…" Eric muttered in awe, glancing at the two very guilty-looking people sitting on the couch.
Hyde and Jackie exchanged a look, they were caught. Crap.
"Is this what I think it is?" Eric said
"Look, Eric…" Jackie started to explain, but stopped when she saw the huge grin forming on Eric's face. She looked at Hyde and apparently he was just as confused as she was.
"You're watching Star Wars!" Eric said in glee "You're geeks!"
"What?!" Hyde protested and looked at the TV, where he could clearly see Leia and Luke kissing on the bridge "We're not geeks, you're crazy"
"Steven, stop," Jackie said "Fine Eric, you caught us, we like Star Wars"
This story would end in a nice place, but... well, there would be a lot of changes.
Here's the thing, I was kind of really hating Kelso (and Donna too, a little bit) when I started writing this, so I chose to write something that might be a little weird for a few people. In this story, Donna and Kelso would have a fling in California, and Eric would catch them on the spot when he arrives to get Donna back.
It's not something Eric would be able to forgive. And even after a lot of talking, he wouldn't be able to get back together with Donna after seeing her with Kelso.
Coming back to Point Place, Eric would try to make a move on Jackie, he would kiss her for like, two seconds, and she would've pushed him away and blurted out that she's in love with Hyde. Hyde would arrive at the basement a few moments after that, and Eric would be completely freaking out. It's a funny scene lol.
Things would get messy for a while, but in the end, Jackie and Hyde would go public and have the happily ever after they deserve, Eric, Fez, Hyde, and Jackie would continue their friendship, Donna would move to California for good, and Kelso wouldn't hang out with them anymore.
There are a few stories that are somewhat similar to this one, like Summer Lovin' by leoasc, One Difference: Donna and Kelso Have a Fling by MistyMountainHop, OPERATION: REBOUND by ShanghaiLily, and there are probably a few more that I can't remember the names right now.
The second story is a heavy one, like, really heavy.
I got the idea of writing this story when I was watching a Grey’s Anatomy episode, so yeah, its a dramatic one lol.
The episode that inspired this story is the one where Richard is in between life and death, and Meredith is the one he chose as his next of kin. Which means that she’s the one the doctors report to, and she’s the one who decided how he was going to be treated. Meredith took some risky decisions and they’re literally the reason why Richard is alive.
I remember that when I saw this episode, I was also reading a fanfic... Being more specific, I was reading The Right Road Lost by zpplnchick, and an idea just popped into my mind... What if Jackie was the one with the memory loss? How would Hyde deal with that in a post s8 universe?
I know there are a few fics that deal with that subject, like Steven Who? by kezztip and Redemption Road by SkittlezLvr79, but believe me, my story would’ve been waaay different than these ones.
Here’s the main plot: Jackie and Hyde talk things out, and Hyde asks Jackie if she could ever take him back, promising her that he would never, ever give up on her again. She says no, because y’know, she’s a freaking self-respecting woman, but this talk would make her think, a lot, because she can see that he actually meant it every word, and she has never seen him this determined before.
As she was driving home, she would crash her car, and things would get pretty serious pretty quickly.
Her situation would be very critical, I planned on making Hyde suffer a lot in this, guys. I’m just downright cruel to him, because I believe that nothing would hurt him more than seeing the person he loves the most going through absolute hell.
Decisions would have to be made, and that’s when they find out that Jackie’s next of kin is no one other than Hyde. After her mother left her and her father went to prison, Jackie asked her father’s lawyer to provide her with a few papers that put Hyde in charge of her well-being if something ever happened to her. She forgot about it after they broke up, and well... She is going to be very thankful for that later.
Hyde’s shocked, but very pleased to find out that he’s responsible for her, especially since everyone seems to think that her death is inevitable and that they shouldn’t prolong her suffering.
After a very enlightening conversation with Mrs. Forman, Hyde decides that he’s not going to let anyone tell him what to do, and that he’s going to follow his gut.
The next few months would be complete hell, Jackie’s situation is very critical, she would go through a lot of complications and Hyde would’ve been a complete mess. He would watch quietly as Donna, Kelso and Fez stopped showing up to see Jackie, disgusted at how quickly they just gave up on her. He would listen as Donna rambled about how what he was doing to Jackie was torture, and that he must really hate her if he’s not willing to just let her go (which would end up causing a major fallout between Donna and Hyde), but he would never question his decisions. He just knew that he was doing the right thing, and no one but the Forman’s seemed to understand that. 
Hyde showed up to see her at the hospital every single day for months. The whole hospital staff knew him as “the Sleeping Beauty’s prince”, and he hardly ever left Jackie’s side.
After a few months, she wakes up, and he’s right next to her when that happens. It’s honestly a pretty touching scene, he’s just so happy and so relieved to see her awake after everything she went through, and they have a beautiful moment.
Seriously, I cried hard when I wrote that.
They would both cry, share “I love yous” and a few kisses, and it would’ve been beautiful, but the magic’s killed when Hyde realizes that Jackie thinks that they’re in 1978. She doesn't remember the nurse, the “get off my boyfriend” incident, Chicago or Sam. The last thing she remembers is him driving her home after they emptied her family’s ski cabin.
Hyde is divided between telling her the truth and losing her, or not telling her and being with her again.
He would let her think things were okay between them for a couple of days, until Eric shoves some sense into his head and he comes clean about everything. After telling her everything that happened, he also tells her that he loves her and he wants to be with her, but that he completely understands if she never wants to see his face again.
It’s safe to say that Jackie’s absolutely crushed. This breaks her, but she had the Forman’s by her side to help her go through everything, and Hyde also never leaves her. Sure, he gives her some space, but he doesn’t stop checking up on her, and slowly, they begin to form a nice friendship.
He takes her to her physical therapy appointments, and her doctors appointments, he helps her in every possible way he can, and she falls in love with him all over again.
The story would end with her making a full recovery and giving them another chance.
I've abandoned this story for three reasons, reason number one being: I was at a point where I really disliked Donna, and her character is not a nice person at all in this. Now that I understand Donna's character better, I refuse to publish a story where she behaves the way she did in this one. I could've changed her behavior, but the whole point of the story is "Hyde is the only one who hasn't given up", and having Donna acting like herself (nice and supportive) would kind of kill part of the plot.
Reason number two is: There’s already too much drama in Map of the Problematique, working on this story along with WTLB and my other WIP’s would drive me nuts.
And the last reason is... I didn’t know if people would like reading a story like this. I was afraid that some people might think that all of this determination is extremely OOC for Hyde, and I can kind of see why they would think this way. 
The third story would’ve been an angsty one, and I started writing it after I finished watching the first episode of season 6. You guys can probably already guess why I was inspired to write an angsty story after that episode...
Here’s the thing: I absolutely HATE the way Hyde treated Jackie in the first two episodes of season 6. I hate that he cheated on her and had the audacity to be offended that she didn’t take him back right away. I wanted to kick his ass for acting the way he did, it was truly disgusting of him and he did not deserve to be with her again after everything he’d done.
I do like that Kelso was the one that brought them back together, but the rest of that storyline is just... yuck. I truly hate it.
I wanted to fix that. I wanted to give Jackie a very girlboss moment, and I wanted to see Hyde groveling to get her back, so well... I came up with a story idea.
The story would be a short one, it would have 10 chapters, 15 if I got too inspired, and it would consist of Hyde groveling while Jackie didn’t give him the time of her day.
Sure, Jackie and Hyde would be endgame, because it’s me and I would never write a story without a happy ending, but Hyde would have to fight for it, a lot.
@snookstheallmighty is currently writing a story that is very similar to the one I was working on. It’s called “Friday I’ll Be Over You”, and it’s pretty great! You should totally check it out later! I’ve sent her a few parts of my story draft a while ago, and I gave her full permission to use it on her story!
I think this is pretty much it... I have plenty of story ideas and many, many google docs with random drafts and dialogues that popped up in my mind out of nowhere, but these are the ones I’ve fully abandoned and will probably never work on again.
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thejudgingtrash · 4 years
You know those Estelle child of Poseidon/Neptune aus and such? I feel like those are just a more accepted version of the trend of oc Poseidon/Neptune kids. bc since now folks like to discount those ocs as cringe 2012 shit but now Estelle is a canon vehicle for Percy sibling dynamic funsies, people wanna project it on her instead bc ocs have been deemed cringe. Personally, I love both cringey ocs and demigod Estelle, but I can’t help but think that’s what’s happened, you know? Just random thought
No, I absolutely think it makes sense what you’re saying. I’m guilty of that “another sibling of Poseidon/Neptune” or “Estelle as a child of Poseidon” wave because it’s fun and a mostly harmless headcanon. Also, the fanfics we used to read back in those days? Rough, my friend, completely rough.
Personally, I do think that the way Estelle was brought up set her up to fail.
It’s just not believable to me that Percy would have a sibling all of a sudden. Not only that, but a sibling with an incredibly large age difference. Percy could technically be her father age wise. That much of an age difference. The minute Percy moves out they’d probably see each other realistically on birthdays and holidays, so not that often. That hinders a deep sibling bond (and Sally having a free babysitter I guess). What’s a college kid going to do with a kid that isn’t his? Hit up the clubs and leave her there? Nah.
Estelle is not a character, she’s a plot device which could be easily discarded. She’s nothing more than background information which doesn’t even bring that much to the plot. I have seen posts from bipercabeth, blackjacktheboss and others touch on that topic but I don’t really think people dove that much into Estelle and mostly made their points about Sally, which is fine and makes sense as the only true connection we have to Estelle as a “character” is through her mother.
Estelle’s essentially Riordan‘s OOC OCand completely unnecessary? There is no need for her. If you’d scratch her out of the PJO universe would that leave any sort of dent? No. Even that wacko and “Camp Jupiter’s version of Jeffree Star” Octavian has a larger significance (regardless whether you hate him or not) than Estelle. And yes, I do believe that many people use her as a projection punching bag. We don’t know anything about her apart from the fact that she Naruto ran out of Sally’s vajoochie, so there’s really not much essence to her, but there’s so much people could just pile onto her. I’m interested to see if there’s going to be a little bit more info about her in the Tower of Nero (or a standalone novel), but I doubt it.
I think the factor that Riordan as a white Christian male wanted to portray the fantasy of the perfect happy family that rose from the ashes comes into play. We’ve seen Sally and Percy growing up in disfunctioning partially abusive households which bonded them together as Riordan decided “as a making up gift” to give Sally a harmless husband for a change who she’s marrying after only two goddamn years (also here’s my old Paul rant for free if you’re interested!). The problem is - it’s so incredibly rushed and sidelined it really doesn’t make that much sense to me? Sally got barely any rest with Percy. He had a strong demigod scent which made monsters chase him since he had been a toddler and things only got worse once he became a pre-teen to a full blown teenager. Sally has been through hell and above and then her son goes missing and she’s pretty much getting pregnant around that time or a little bit after? I know people call Sally strong and all of that blablablabla. But... there’s no need to rush with further family planning in the context of the plot? Isn’t she like in her mid-thirties? So yeah, she could still pop out a kid or two, but damn sis. Relax for a bit, will ya? Cooch won’t run away.
Pregnancy, giving birth, babies and having/raising children is not as fun and sweet and cute as romanticized Hollywood movies are trying to sell you (and that’s coming from someone who actually likes kids). Screaming, all kinds of gross fluids, being tired and sore from giving birth, close childcare for the first two years and I don’t know what Paul’s family is looking like - Sally has no one apart from her adult son who is trying to manage his own life and wants to grow into adulthood. It could be overwhelming. While I don’t think money would be the issue it’s just that the bond between Percy and Estelle that would probably not be as close-knit as some people headcanon it. Especially if the former leaves for college.
The only way I could see Estelle work as a character would be if the Heroes of Olympus or the Trials of Apollo saga would be rewritten. It would make more sense if Estelle is a child of Poseidon/Neptune with no association to Percy. That would mean that one of the two series (or both) would have to be pushed further into the future as while Poseidon said/joked about unleashing his inner whore after The Last Olympian, it would still take a while (at least a decade) for Estelle to grow and move into either camp. That would automatically mean that Percy is an adult in his late twenties at the bare minimum (but we know Riordan, he refuses to age his characters and he refuses to dive into YA, which is his right, but trying a continuation with the same rules doesn’t always work out in your favor, Slicky Rick). Still means that there’s not much of a bond for Estelle and him. But it would make her appearance... more realistically?
Additionally, if people are against the thought of demigod!Estelle, they should be against Estelle entirely as a sibling because why are people thinking that Percy near her toddler ass wouldn't put her into danger? Unless there’s next to no sibling relationship of course. But that would be probably also not the way most people would love to paint the narration. Can’t please everyone. But please people. Try to enjoy your headcanons. They can be fun and nonsensical or on the more realistic side.
PS: Estelle’s also a kinda funky fugly name. I thought she was named after her maternal grandmother who was named Laura? Then again, could also be her paternal grandmother’s name but I don’t know?
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immacaria · 4 years
  Hello there! So this for Sangchengber Day 5: Family and it brings as a jealous Nie Huaisang, a amused and overprotective Nie Mingjue and a tired Nie Zonghui. There are some OCs of mine in there and I ask for forgiveness right now if their names are horrible or shitty. I hope you enjoy this and have a nice day!
  For almost two years, Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng were living together now. Almost two years that Huaisang had to deal with his roommate’s beauty and stupid. Really, how come that he didn’t notice Huaisang’s pining over him? More than two years and Jiang Cheng didn’t ask or did a thing to acknowledge him for goodness’ sake! Not a thing at all! Now, he was here, attending to a fucking wedding party while his crush was back at their house doing God knows what!
  “A-Sang!” An aunt of his father’s side sang on his ear, throwing an arm over his neck. “My little A-Sang! How big you are!” She laughed, taking a full gulp of her drink. “Another wife, do you believe it? Your uncle has no shame!”
  “Auntie, I think you have drunk enough.” Huaisang said, getting the glass from her. Just because he didn’t remember that one, didn’t mean he wasn’t going to look after her. ‘Well, until she passes out or go pester someone else. Whatever comes first.’, Huaisang thought as she nodded in agreement.
  “But it’s true, you know?” She said, leaning into him, looking at the recently married couple bitterly. 
  “What’s true, Auntie?” He sighed, looking around for a savior. Anyone would do, truly.  
  “The rumors. That your uncle is marrying again because the first one couldn’t have children.” She explained, looking at the groom strangely. “Poor Mei, that’s what I think.” She breathed deep. “Poor Mei didn’t deserve this. She loved this asshole too much.” 
 “What do you mean, Auntie?” Alright, even if Huaisang didn’t like being there, the last family gossip always lifted him up. Even if it was just a little. “Do tell more.”
  “Please, sweetie.” The woman said, looking directly at him, strange and suddenly sober. “Everybody knows that your brother and the oldest of the twins Jades of Gusu are nothing but boyfriends. One’s already out for love.” She chuckled, looking around for Mingjue. “And you, everyone knows that you are way over hills for the youngest of the Jiangs.”
  “What do you mean, Auntie?” Nie Huaisang turned fully to her, curious and intrigued. 
  “Oh, sweet and innocent A-Sang. Once your father is dead, Mingjue is going to take over the business. But after his death, what happens?” 
  “I will still be here?” Huaisang said quietly, not liking what was going to happen next already. 
  “Oh, dear…” She said, touching his cheeks, eyes filled with pain and pity. “Everybody knows that you know nothing about your family’s business.” She whispered, stroking his eyebrows sadly. “Nobody expects you to, A-Sang. That’s why your uncle is marrying that whore. Anyway, enjoy the party, A-Sang. While it lasts.” She disappeared in the crowd, leaving Huaisang alone with his thoughts. ‘Why? Why would that woman do that to me?’ He groaned, turning to the waiter passing by. 
  “Do you guys still have whiskey?” He asked.
  “Plenty of it, young master.” The waiter smiled at him, before vanishing in the kitchen, chuckling with the gentle ‘thanks’ of Huaisang. “Here it is, younger master Nie.”
  “Thank you, Wu.” Huaisang smiled at him. “Bring me the whole bottle, would you?”
  “Of course, young master.” He smiled, simpatectelly. After he brought the bottle, Huaisang decided that nobody would ruin his already horrible night even more, not even his own family. Maybe that was the real reason why he went to the dance floor, maybe it was the alcohol, but the fact was that he went to the dance floor, fearing nothing. 
  As his favourite music blasted through the speakers, he let his body move on his own, not caring for what the others were saying, doing or thinking. His heart was already broken, his head still full of thoughts, horrible thoughts. ‘No!’, he thought. ‘Tonight nobody can hurt me!’ he smiled as Blackpink started to play. ‘Not anymore.’
  “A-Sang!” A cousin of his called, waving at him. “Do you know the choreography?” She yelled, throwing her stilettos away, almost hitting a cousin of theirs.
  “Of course!” Huaisang answered smiling widely as Kill This Love blew through the amplifiers. “Uhuu!” He laughed, dancing and singing along with the other girls at the wedding. He kept dancing and singing as all the playlist played out, drinking and joking around with everyone, caring even less if Jiang Cheng liked him or that girl in his class with every passing second. “Let’s kill this love!” He chanted, dropping a little of the whiskey on the floor. 
  “Huaisang!” Mingjue screamed over the noise. “What are you doing?”
  “Dancing!” Huaisang laughed, drinking a little more. He didn’t care if he passed out, he was having the time of his life. And nobody would stop him. 
  “And drinking!” His cousin, TongTong, said beside him. “Do you know I love you?”
  “Yes. And I love you too!” He yelled back as Mingjue threw him over a shoulder. “Da-Ge!” He turned to him, completely ultraged. “What are you doing?” 
  “Getting you home.” Mingjue retorted, putting the nearly empty bottle on a table nearby. “You are too drunk, Huaisang.”
  “No! I was having fun!” He reached for the bottle. “Funkiller!” He screamed at the top of his lungs before dissolving in a mess of giggles. 
  “You’re absolutely wasted.” He sighed, dumping his little brother in the backseat of the car. 
  “No, I’m Huaisang.” Giggled as Mingjue started to leave the parking lot. “Da-ge…” He called, lifting a hand to him. “Auntie said that Uncle is marrying that whore so he could take over father’s business.” 
  “I’m still here.” Mingjue patted his head. “As long as I’m here, you will be fine. And father’s business too.”
  “But, Da-Ge…” Huaisang groaned, turning to him. 
  “Go to sleep, A-Sang. No uncle of ours will take over father’s business.” The older one threw his own jacket over the other’s shoulders. “Da-Ge will resolve everything.” He stroked Huaisang’s hair, smiling sadly at his sleepy brother. “No need to worry.” Was the last thing that Nie Huaisang heard before dozing off to a dreamless sleep, the first of many nights since he moved on with Jiang Cheng. 
  Sincerely, he didn’t know the exact reason him and Cheng had moved in. At first thought, Jiang Cheng’s brother, Wei Ying, was moving in with his boyfriend, Lan Zhan, and Nie Huaisang needed a place near the Art Institute after he got accepted. At second thought, Da-Ge could always buy him an apartment, but he prefered to go living with his long-life crush and best friend.
  Now, here he was, sleeping on his older brother’s backseat while he drove around the city, giving him time to think, sleep or do anything Huaisang wanted to. But, what Huaisang wanted to do right now was go home and hide from all the world for the rest of the weekend, just eating and watching Netflix with Jiang Cheng. And, yet, he really didn't want to deal with Jiang Cheng saying that he was irresponsible, that all he and Wei Wuxian knew was to party and just get themselves fucking wasted and a lot of other things. So, nah, not coming home tonight. 
  Because of that, when he woke up, Huaisang looked through the window in front of him, trying to calculate if they had already arrived at his apartment or not. He really didn’t want to deal with Jiang Cheng’s grumpiness and all of the Jiangs brothers’ dramas tonight (nor the rest of the weekend, to be true).
  "Da-Ge…" He whispered, getting up slowly. "Where are we?" Huaisang asked, putting Mingjue’s jacket on.
  "Almost at your home." Mingjue answered, making a soft turn. "Your husband called four times already." He smirked as his little brother came to sit on the seat next to him. “Apparently, you are two hours past your bedtime.”
  "Who?" Huaisang asked, putting the seat belt on. “I don’t have a husband. Nor bedtime. I’m not living with you anymore.”
  “If you say so…” The older smiled fully, stopping in front of a small building. “Here we are.” 
  “I don’t want to go in, Da-Ge.” He whined, turning to him slowly, after some time. 
  “Why not?” Mingjue asked, entering in the overprotective mood instinctively. “What did that Jiang do to you? And don’t you dare lie to me, Huaisang, because I know he did something to you. You never drank how you drank today, Huaisang! Actually you never drank anything stronger than… Than… I never saw you drinking before, Huaisang!” He waved around, looking terrified. “So, please, please, what happened? You can tell Da-Ge. Da-Ge will protect you from that monster!’ He held Huaisang’s hands, searching for the younger’s eyes. 
  “Da-Ge!” Huaisang looked up to him, exasperated. “Jiang Cheng did nothing wrong!” He huffed, feelling the little squish Minigjue gave to his hands. “It’s not Jiang Cheng’s fault I still have a crush on him, beside I got worried about you and dad…” But Mingjue wasn’t hearing anymore, too shocked to process anything else. “And you aren’t even listening.” He sighed, rolling his eyes, before yelling. “Da-Ge!” 
  “What do you mean ‘still have a crush’? When did you get a crush on that kid?!” Mingjue grabbed him, pulling him closer. “And he doesn’t love you back? Fuck business’ friendship, I’m going to commit a murder.” He whispered in Huaisang’s hair. “Don’t worry, A-Sang, Da-Ge is here.” He patted his back.
 “Da-Ge!” Huaisang pushed him away. “He doesn’t know and neither do I want him to.” Huaisang murmured, leaning back into his seat. “Just… Just take me to another place, please.” He closed his eyes, not working the energy to talk with Mingjue or anyone else and, yet, expecting him to argue. But the older one just hummed in agreement and drove away (still shooting a murderous look at the small and beige building). 
  After that, the Nie brothers went to an old apartment of theirs. Even if Mingjue wanted to stay and take care of his younger brother, he had responsibilities with their dad’s enterprises, trips to do and new deals to make. Nie Huaisang didn’t blame him, he did all of it so he didn’t have to, that’s all. His Da-Ge only wanted him to be happy, doing what pleased him. 
  At first, he planned to pass only a day there, but then a day became two and, suddenly, it was Wednesday and Huaisang had even put a foot out of the loft since the party. Nie Mingjue came to visit him everyday, not commenting on what he was doing, nor saying what was happening in the world around them. 
  "You really didn't check on your phone since we got here?" Mingjue sighed after Huaisang asked how TongTong was doing along with Zonghui. 
  "No, it died three days ago. The only charge here is from my old one.” He shrugged, making coffee for them. "And I couldn't find my old one."
  "I see." He took the mug from Huaisang's hand. "Have you explained why you didn't go to college this week?" 
  "Nope." He chuckled, popping the "p". "I didn't even manage to work up the courage to get out of here, Da-Ge, let alone actually talk to someone.”
  "And what the hell were you doing here all this time?" Mingjue sighed, putting the mug down.
  "I'm painting again. And drawing. I forgot how cool and relaxing it was, to just paint and don't worry about anything else." Huaisang smiled, playing with his cup. "Do you want to see them?" 
  "Yeah. I do, A-Sang." 
  “C’mon, they are in my room.” He led the way to his bedroom, even though it was usually the other one who used it in his freetime. Seriously, since he had moved in with Jiang Cheng the only places he went to was the college, Mingjue and Xichen’s house, Wei Wuxian and Lan Zhan’s apartment and his own apartment, beside the shopping nearby. ‘When did I get so old?’, he thought as he showed some drawings he had made that week. ‘When did I get so domesticated? And A-Cheng still says that the only thing I do is partying.’ 
  “These are pretty cool. Thinking about putting it in your portfolio?” Mingjue asked, smiling to the scenes of birds and bees, to the neighbour’s drooling dog smiling back at him and to the… “Wait, what’s this?” He squinted his eyes, not quite believing in himself. “Is it Jiang Cheng--”
  “Nope, this is personal, Da-Ge!” Huaisang pulled the paper from his hands, hiding it beneath his pillow, breathing deeply. “What about the other ones? Did you like it?”
  “Yes, but I’m more interested in the one beneath your pillow.” He crossed his arms, smirking at him. “Was the young Jiang here these days?”
  “No, Da-Ge, A-Cheng is at home, studying and, probably, hitting on a girl in his class.” 
  “Why do you say that?”
  “Because he only talks about her! He’s always like Hua Mei this, Hua Mei that. She is gentle as a morning breeze and smooth as a petal.” He murmured, pouting. “That little shit didn’t even notice that it was always me, me, who was there for him. Not Hua Mei.” 
  “A-Sang, don’t take it wrong, but you should get back because your man asks me about you every single day!” Mingjue said, sitting on the bed. “Every single day, the Jiang boy asks where are you? Why aren’t you going to class?”
  “He does?” Huaisang turned to him, momentarily forgetting his paintings.
  “Of course, he does.” Mingjue huffed, rolling his eyes. “It’s getting annoying.” 
“Oh!” He said, fidgeting his nails, stopping for a while. If it was true what Mingjue was saying, maybe, just maybe, Nie Huaisang had been a little bit too blind too, but nothing he couldn’t handle. He just had to muster up the courage to get out of the loft and actually talk to his crush. “Do you know if he is in class now? Or something like that?”
  “For what I know, he is currently in class, sending you messages a mile per hour.” Mingjue fished the phone from his back pocket, looking at its screen for a second. “A cousin of us does the same classes as Jiang Cheng and said she would keep an eye on him for you.”
  “Which cousin? A-Hua? I remember she wanted to be a veterinarian.” He said, laying behind him. “Or it was A-Liang?”
  “A-Hua. Wang Hua Mei.” He smirked as realization came to his didi, his eyes widening with every minute. “Yes, our little cousin Wang Hua Mei who is a lesbian and a veterinary student.” 
  “I was jealous of A-Hua? The little A-Hua?! No!” He hid his face with his hands, howling dramatically. “I can’t believe this! Please, tell me TongTong don’t know this.”
  “Of course I know this, sweet cousin. I know everything that happens in this crazy family, including the affairs and jealousy.” TongTong laughed, smiling. “Aaand you should thank me too. I made damage control on that video of us dancing. In the wedding.” 
  “What video?” Huaisang looked between his fingers, fear cradling at his insides. 
  “The one where you scream Fuck Jiang Wanyin so many times it became the name of the video.” Nie Mingjue said, smiling too. 
  “And to best everything, Let’s Kill This Love is blasting in full volume.” TongTong sat by his head, caressing his hair. “You really know the choreography, uhm?”
  “Of course I do.” He mumbled, trying to hold the tears back. Now Jiang Cheng wouldn’t look at his face ever again. “I really screamed Fuck Jiang Wanyin?”
  “It’s the name of the video, A-Sang, dear. What do you think?” She sighed, eyes looking fondly at him. 
  “Oh, gods! A-Cheng isn’t going to look at me ever again, Da-Ge!” Nie Huaisang groaned, trying to not scream too loudly. “What am I going to do?” 
 “I don’t know, fight back, try to talk with him, change your name and move to the USA.” Nie Mingjue shrugged, getting up. “Either way you choose, you will have to get out of this loft, get your things in your apartment and know that your family is by your side. Now, get up, hand me that painting of the Jiang kid and let me be the judge if it will go to your portfolio or not.”
  “What painting?” TongTong said, perking up. 
  “Da-Ge!” Nie Huaisang screamed, but pulled the painting from beneath the pillow nevertheless. He may not know what he was going to do right now, but he knew that his family was going to be by his side at any circumstance. Because that’s what you do when you are part of the Nie family, you take care of each other and let yourself be taken care of. 
  Okay, maybe the idea of bringing Nie Mingjue, TongTong, Nie Zonghui and A-Hua wasn’t the greatest idea Nie Huaisang ever had in his life, but they were family and certainly would intervene in the talk he was about to have with Jiang Cheng. If they did, then he would accept Nie Mingjue’s advice and move to the USA as quickly as he could because they were going to start screaming with Jiang Cheng and one another and Nie Huaisang would be kicked out of his home. And if there were a few things that he couldn’t stand, being humiliated was on top of them all. 
  “Okay, listen. I’m going to talk to him, okay? No need to shout or intervene or pull any weapon I didn’t manage to find before we came here, alright?” He turned to them, trying to look like the personification of calm and collected. “It’s just a talk, nothing that I can’t handle. There’s nothing to panic over. Everything is fine.”
  “A-Sang, dear, you look like you want to be everywhere minus here.” TongTong said, passing him a fan. “Here, you forgot this at the party.”
  “Thank you.” He said, breathing deep as he looked for the spare key they usually let hidden on his plants. “Ah, here.” He pulled it out, shaking it a little. “Breathe, Huaisang, it’s very unlike that he is going to be home now.” He whispered, behind his fan, looking to the sides. “Everyth--”
  “Nie Huaisang.” Jiang Cheng growled, coming out of the kitchen, hearing an apron and yielding a knife. 
  “Da-Ge!” He yelped, running to hide behind Nie Mingjue. “Help”
  “Haven’t you said that you didn’t need our help?” Nie Mingjue snickered, looking at him over his shoulder. “It’s just a talk, nothing I can’t handle. It was something like that, right?”
  “Shut up.” He murmured, making himself look smaller.  
  “Hold yourself, kiddo.” Nie Zonghui rolled his eyes, a hand inside his jacket. “Put the knife down, Young Master Jiang.” 
  “Why the hell didn’t you answer my calls?! Or my messages?!” He said, walking to him. “Excuse us. Can you leave?” 
  “Ooh, I like him. He has no brain cells, just pure and beautiful anger.” TongTong whispered to A-Hua, smiling like crazy.
  “Jiang-xiong has brain cells, he is just too worried with Huaisang-gege and kind of angry too.” She whispered back, laughing behind her hands. “They are kind of cute together, don’t you think?”
  “Yeah. Good propaganda too.” 
  “TongTong!” She slapped her arm as the other just shrugged. 
  “Let go of the knife and I will step back.” Nie Mingjue said, looking amused at him. “Now, Wanyin.”
  “Fine.” Jiang Cheng turned around, scowling as he put the knife on the small cafe table Jiang Yanli gave them. “Happy now?”
  “Yeah…” The oldest Nie of the room stepped aside, smirking at him. "For now." 
  "Why didn't you respond to my messages, Huaisang? Just because of that video?" He said, furrowing his eyebrows. 
  "Yes?" Nie Huaisang said, hiding behind his fan. 
  "That's it? Yes?" He crossed his arms. "No more explanation?" 
  "I panicked, okay? I thought you weren’t going to look at my face ever again and hide.” Nie Huaisang started, knowing fully well that he would start rambling. “I was angry at you, okay? Every single time you opened your mouth, you would talk about Hua-Mei this, Hei-Mua that and I was getting jealous, alright? To worsen everything, when I arrived at the party, my fucking aunt simply glued on me and would let go, insisting that my uncle was marrying another woman so he could get children and usurp Dad’s company because Da-Ge insists that he is not dating Lan Xichen. But everybody knows that they are dating. And nobody believes that I could command it because I’m just the ‘poor and innocent A-Sang’!” 
  “Huaisang. Huaisang. NIE HUAISANG!” Jiang Cheng screamed, clapping his hands together. “Breathe!” He instructed when Nie Huaisang looked at him. 
  “No! Now that I started, I will finish. I was angry at you, I was angry at my poor Aunt who did nothing more than tell me gossip and I was angry at Hua-Mei without reason.” He pointed at her, fan furiously coming back and forth in front of him. “So, I started drinking and Wu brought me a bottle and I got another from who knows who and then TongTong asked if I knew how to dance Let’s Kill This Love. Of course I know how to dance it. I remember dancing, drinking and not caring even when Da-Ge put me on his shoulder and carried me out of there.” 
  “Why didn’t you come home?” Jiang Cheng crossed his arms again. 
  “Because I couldn’t look at your face, see you praising someone else and deal with the Jiang brother’s drama while drunk and dealing with my own drama and drinking. I was fucking wasted, A-Cheng, my hangover was horrible and I didn’t left the loft for nothing but do go get some groceries.” He answered, rubbing his face. "That 's it! Happy now?”
  “So you're telling me that you got jealous over me and Hua-Mei, who is a lesbian and have a girlfriend…”
  “And cousin.” The girl added, smiling. 
  “I didn’t know that at the time.” Nie Huaisang grumbled. 
  “And cousin, angered yourself in the wedding, got yourself drunk, started dancing with your another cousin and screamed Fuck Jiang Wanyin seventeen times in a row while singing Let’s Kill This Love?” Jiang Cheng carried on, lifting one finger to each action he quoted. “That’s why you didn’t answer my messages?”
  “My phone died and I didn’t have a charger nearby.” He shrugged, still slowly fanning himself. “Sorry.” Jiang Cheng stayed silent, looking at him with furrowed eyebrows. Some moments passed and nobody said a thing, just looking at each other as if trying to determine what was going to help next. 
  “A-Cheng, say something, please.” Nie Huaisang begged, when it all got too much for him. 
  “So, you like me?” Jiang Cheng said, looking uncertain of himself. 
  “Yes, A-Cheng, I like you.” He smiled as TongTong groaned behind him and A-Hua chuckled. 
  “Good, don’t this again or last time I will break your legs.” He took the knife back, walking to the kitchen. “I’m making dinner, put the table.” 
  “Okay, okay.” Nie Huaisang smiled, following him, chuckling when he heard Nie Mingjue said begrudgingly. 
  “Did he just use my threat?” 
  “Yeah, he did.” Nie Zonghui said, chuckling too.
  "I'm liking him even more." TongTong said as A-Hua agreed with her. "We are staying for dinner, aren't we?"
  "Yeah. I'm fucking hungry." Nie Mingjue said and Nie Huaisangī wouldn’t be happier than he already was. 
  “Just so you know, I like you back. Since we were in school.” Jiang Cheng whispered to him, nudging his arm with his elbow. 
  “Does this mean we are dating?” He whispered back, a smile forming on his lips. 
  “I think so. What you think?” He smiled back, returning to where he was cutting the vegetables before. 
  “Yes! I love you!” Nie Huaisang jumped at him, kissing his face. 
  “Careful, you idiot, I’m holding a knife!” He screamed, but soon he was laughing too. And if Nie Mingjue and the others looked inside the kitchen and screamed at them for delaying dinner with their smooches, Nie Huaisang didn’t care because now he was truly happy! He was dating his childhood crush, his family were by his side and happy for him and even if there were things that were kind of bad in his life, it was nothing he couldn’t handle. Alone or not. 
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gophergal · 3 years
Hooooo Boy! This took longer to write than I though, but with the help of @bucketofcowboys ​ , I did it! (Encouragement from @bisexual-horror-fan was also a major motivator) enjoy this second chapter <3
I’m Not Lonely - Chapter Two
Word count:4 000+| Rating: M |  Michael Myers x OC | M/F
Morning came, with all that entails. In the midst of her freshly awakened delirium, Jean was sure that the previous night's events had just been a strange dream. She'd been known to have dreams like that, especially when she was stressed. The paranoia induced by the news I listened to on the way home must have been the basis, she told herself. She had been exhausted and what she did in that dream was absolutely ridiculous. Never in a million years would she be so stupid as to do what she did. That would be like one of those foolish horror story protagonists that Jolene liked to tell her about. With a light chuckle, Jean changed out of her pajamas into the brown sweater and jeans she liked wear on cool mornings like this. There were plenty of things to do today, but none of them could be done on an empty stomach, so off to the kitchen it was.
As she reached the bottom of the stairs, the living room came into view, and suddenly her train of thought came to a screeching halt. The coveralls, with their dark stains and tears, lay on the floor, mocking her for her stupidity. Their owner, however, was absent, with no sign of his presence. Jean's heart began to beat far too fast in her chest as her mind raced with all the things that could go wrong. She turned suddenly to leave the room and crashed into a solid mass, stunning her for a moment. At once, she was hit with a wave of embarrassment as she was pressed against the chest of her uninvited guest.
“Oh! Excuse me, I didn't see you there,” She exclaimed, taking a step back from the man. Now, in the daylight, she could take the moment to realize how tall he was. He was about a whole foot taller taller than her, built like a football player, and, when she'd been pressed against him, solid muscle. “Um, I, well, I'm going to be making myself some breakfast. Would you like to join me in the kitchen?” He didn't answer, unsurprisingly, but she could feel his presence as she moved toward the other room. Her mind was a storm as she flipped an egg in the skillet. What am I even doing? She wondered, I don't know who the hell this guy is or what he did last night before he broke in.
Jean set a plate of eggs and toast in front of the stranger, then sat across from him with her own steaming plate. The air was heavy with tension as they sat, the man staring at Jean as she struggled to force her mouth to form words. Neither of them reach for their food and Jean feels the need to squirm in her seat. She spots her notebook and pen.
“Ah, I- Um, I never caught you name,” she pushed the paper and writing instrument toward him gently, “Mine's Jeanette. Jeanette Parrish. Well, I just go by Jean, because that's what everyone calls me.” She stuttered out. She would almost feel embarrassed if he weren't watching her in such an intimidating way. Like an owl watching a mouse scurry across the forest floor, waiting for the moment to swoop down with its talons bared.
Stop that, she thought to herself, you're working yourself up over nothing. The little voice of common sense returned, Or not. He very well could be dangerous. After all, how many good men just break into a person's home covered in blood, refusing to speak? Feeling a bit overwhelmed by the thoughts racing in her head, Jean pushed herself up from the seat a bit too forcefully, nearly knocking her half eaten breakfast off the table. She needed air. Somewhere without his eyes on her, forcing her mind to spin wild thoughts. She went outside to the utility shed, a basket of dirty laundry (she'd grabbed the filthy jumpsuit without thinking on her way out) pressed to her hip as she exited. The washing machine was set up to cycle and she leaned against it as it filled with water.
She let out a shaky breath, tapping her fingers against the cold metal as she calmed. The machine hummed and shook as it worked, the rhythm of it lulling her into a sort of relaxing trance, broken by the buzz signaling the cycle's completion. On autopilot, she removed the garments from the washer's drum and took them to the line, performing the repetitive motion of hanging them up to dry. When done, she went back inside, seeing no sign of the man when she did. He wasn't in the kitchen, where she had left him, the only sign of him being on the table, where his empty plate sat beside the notebook. Jean was amazed to see a name written down on the paper in a childish, unpracticed scrawl. “Michael,” she read softly to herself. Well, that answers one thing, she thought, but leaves a lot more for me to wonder about.
Michael watched from threshold undetected as the woman, Jean, flit around the kitchen tidying things up and washing the plates and silverware. She moved with purpose and care, reminding him much of the few nurses who cared for him in the sanitarium. One question kept coming to him, however: how stupid was this woman? When she first saw him, she did not scream or beg, or even run away. No, this one stood her ground against him, a thing of pure evil, silent and horrific. Admittedly, it intrigued him, her strangeness. He realized that she lived alone, yet appeared no older than his escaped prey, Laurie. Young women didn't tend to live alone, only old women and men did. She would have been an easy kill, had he chosen to do so.
Why hadn't he? Well he hadn't wanted to, of course. Why hadn't he, though? Enough. He wouldn't waste time on this line of thought for longer than he needed to. Only because you have no answer, The Shape spoke. He supposed that was true. He felt the same urges he had when seeing those girls Laurie surrounded herself with. The same urge he felt when he was young, seeing the life leave Judith. Jean was beautiful, and  there was only one thing a devil could ever do to beautiful things: destroy them.
Jean felt eyes on her back as she put the clean, dry plates in the cabinet. She twirled around to see Michael in the threshold, head cocked ever so slightly to the side. She started to move again, not even noticing the pause she made in her movements. She walked past Michael into the living room, deciding to straighten the book shelves and sweep the floor. The usual intense focus she would fall into refused to come, the presence of another body too distracting for her to push from her mind. Why won't he leave, she wondered quietly.
Eventually, she gave up on the endeavor, choosing to flop onto the couch, frustrated. She picked up the book on the end table. Well, I could always start that book Jo recommended to me, she considered as she opened the book. She'd only gotten a few lines in when she felt breath on her shoulder, causing her to hesitantly look to the source. Michael stood, head tilted like a confused pup. She swallowed and pointed to the book, “Have you read this one? My coworker said it was good, but I'm not very fond of scary stories,” she said, “but, if you wanted, I could read it aloud and we could experience it together? You might want to sit down if that's the case.”
Truthfully, she just wanted him to stop hovering uncomfortably behind her like a cat ready to pounce. To her surprise, he did, though a bit closer than she was comfortable with, a closeness which was increased by gravity pulling her to the low spot made by his superior weight. She cleared her throat, “Well, I suppose I should start then,” a pause as she readied herself to read, “Chapter one: Job Interview. Jack Torrance thought: Officious little prick...”
She read until she could read no more, Michael sitting as still as a cold marble slab next to her on the old couch. When she looked up, throat scratching from the use, she noticed that it was quite dark outside and, upon looking at the clock, realized that she had missed dinnertime and her stomach was quick to confirm. Dog-earring the page she was reading, Jean set the book back on the table, rushing to the kitchen to get something to eat. She eats a plate of leftover meatloaf that had been in the refrigerator, and left a plate for Michael, should he decide to have some. With a yawn, she turned off the light in the kitchen, slinking up the stairs and looking over to the couch where Michael still sat.
The bedroom door was shut firmly behind her and she turned the lock to give her peace of mind while she slept. Are you so sure that will keep you safe, her common sense questions, when he's so close by? She pushed it from her mind, it's all she could do if she wanted to sleep. Besides, becoming paranoid wouldn't serve her well either. The bed wasn't comfortable enough to counter her stress and confusion over the situation she'd gotten herself into.
Jean awoke abruptly, horribly aware on this morning that the previous day and night were not, in fact, dreams. She was also horribly aware that she would have to leave her room at some point that day. Oh shit, she thought, I have to work tonight. Snuggling further into the soft comforter on the bed, she grumbled internally. She didn't hate her job, but she sure as hell didn't like it. Annoying, entitled customers weren't the only thing she disliked about it, but they were a big part of it. The next man to call her “sugar tits”, “babydoll”, or anything overly familiar was going to have to get her fist surgically removed from his face. She was a waitress, goddamnit, not a whore! And even whores deserved more respect than that. Both she and they were just working women, after all. How could that ever be undeserving of basic human dignity?
Rolling out of bed, she hissed at the cold hardwood under her bare feet. The weather is cooling rather quickly, she noted as she put on slippers, unlocked the door, and braced herself as she tiptoed down the stairs. There was no sign of Michael, which seemed to be the norm with him. She half expected to run into him again as she had the previous morning. He wasn't in the kitchen either. Or the bathroom. Or the closet. Not hiding behind her like the shadowy creature in an old monster movie. Finally, she checked the backyard, only to see that the man's coveralls were missing and in there place the clothes he'd borrowed had been lazily draped over the line.
It was- surreal in a way. He was gone just as abruptly as he'd appeared. It was almost sad to have him gone, in a strange way. The house felt emptier, like it was missing something. She shook her head. No, this was the way it was meant to be. She could only hope that he didn't decide to return. That settles that, she thought to herself, now I can just live my life in peace. All that left for her to do was get some breakfast and enjoy some time to herself. Same thing as every day. Eggs and toast. Get dressed. Tidy the house. Sit and read. She felt odd picking up The Shining again. It's rude to read ahead when you're trying to share a book after all. She put it down without a second thought. Picking up an old favorite, she began to read it all over again. It must have been the- what? Tenth time? Something like that. It was a comforting book to read, after all.
Soon enough, it came time to ready herself for the long shift ahead. Her clean, wrinkle-free pink blouse and black skirt reflected back at her in the mirror as she pulled  her hair into a half ponytail in the back. She dragged herself to the car, an old gray clunker that had to be from the last decade or so. Jean didn't really know. It was granddad's from when he was a younger man, but she remembered how her brain would shut down every time he tried to talk cars at her. At least she knew how to change tires and oil, the mechanic could worry about everything else.
The door to the diner section of the truck stop swung open as Jean walked in. There was only one patron sitting at a table, a plate of meat and potatoes set before him. He looked up at Jean and gave her a friendly nod, which she returned with a smile. At least he wouldn't be a nuisance tonight. She walked back into the kitchen where Jolene leaned against a counter top as she chatted with Gus, the cook. He was a big man who's heart was as big as his biceps. He was an amazing cook too and, oftentimes, it made Jean wonder why he hadn't become a chef at some big fancy restaurant. He noticed her and grinned.
“Hey Jean, did you have a good day off?” he asked, deep voice carrying over to her. Jolene seemed to light up, turning to look at Jean.
“Yeah, it's never as fun around here without you!” she said. Jean smiled.
“Oh, y'know, same old, same old. I started reading that book you recommended to me though!”
“Really? What do you think? I know you're not one for scary stories, but I thought you might like this one.”
“Pretty good so far, actually. I didn't think I'd like it, but I've enjoyed it quite a bit. I like the atmosphere the author's set.” Jolene smiled at that.
“That makes me really happy, Jean. Now if only you'd just-”
The redhead was cut off by the jingle of the door as a customer stepped into the establishment. Jean flashed her a small smile as she made her way over to where the man sat down. She knew exactly what Jo was about to say next and felt as though she'd dodged a bullet when she got away. Now she'd just have to be sure she wasn't hit by the ricochet when they took their break. “Now sir, what can I get you?”
Finally, a quiet moment came where no customers sat in the dining area. Jean took the moment to join Jo as she left out the back door. Jolene stood in the light of the small bulb that flickered above the back door. She puffed away at a cigarette that she clenched between her peach toned lips. A grin quirked up to her lips when she noticed Jean, who sighed as she prepared for the usual lecture Jo liked to give her.
“Oh Jean, you wouldn't believe the guy that came in here yesterday,” Jo began, taking a pull off the dwindling white stick, “guy waltzes in like he thinks he's hot shit. Couldn't be any older than, what? Sixteen, I'd guess. Just some dumb fucking kid. And he says to me Ay, dollface, how's 'bout you get me a beer?”
She throws her hair around, “As if he thinks we won't card him, ha! I tell him about as much and say I'll bring him a soda, so Mr Tough Guy gets pissy, but agrees. When I leave to go get it though, the little bastard grabs my ass! What a pig, am I right?
Well, I know he's lucky that you weren't here because you would've been on him like that!” she snaps for effect, “well, Gus just threw him out and made sure I was ok, but still, what a little creep!” She finishes, throwing her hands up in the air as she did.
“Wow,” Jean began, a bit confused as she always was when Jo would go off on a rant like that, “the nerve of some people! You're right, I would've taught him some manners right then and there. Little bastard.” She swore.
“It's no big deal, I guess. It's not like I'm hurt or anything.”
“That's not the point! You know I can't stand when people like that act like they can just do whatever the hell they want.”
“I know, but there's no need to worry about it. Gus took care of it.”
“Not as harshly as he should have.”
“Well, you know that's just not how he rolls.”
“I do.”
“Oh no.”
“Don't you Oh no me! You didn't call my buddy Robert back!” She threw her hands to her hips, her brows furrowed.
“Jo, please-”
“You promised me that you'd give him a chance, Jean.”
“I did. We just didn't hit it off, I guess.”
“Ugh, that doesn't mean you get to be rude to the guy. The best thing to do is tell him up front.”
“I'm sorry,” and she was. Jo was just trying to help her, in her own way. This was the third guy she'd set Jean up with. It was sweet of her, but the help was unneeded and very much unwanted.
“I'm just- Well, I'm just worried about you. I don't want you to end up a lonely old woman, bitter because you never found anyone.”
“According to you, I'm there already,” Jean said, chuckling.
“Laugh it up, but when that happens you'll think: Oh, how I wish I listened to Jolene! She's always been so smart, why did I disregard her advice!” she danced about dramatically as she said this, throwing an arm over her head with the last word, making Jean snort-laugh.
“Alright, alright, you have a point.”
“Yes, I do! Now do you promise to keep an open mind?”
“Of course.”
“Pinkie promise?”
“Yes,” she said, holding out the finger, which Jo hooked with her own. The door opened gently and Gus stopped it with his foot.
“Something I missed?” he asked softly.
“No, no,” Jo laughed, “nothing at all!” Gus rolled his eyes.
“A'right then, well your break's up, ladies,” he said, holding the door open more so that they could enter.
Jean felt light as she drove home from work. Her shoulders were relaxed as the blackness surrounding her passed by. Talking to Jo and Gus was like therapy for her. She could almost push Michael and his intrusion from her mind. Almost. She was still a little worried that he'd show back up in the night. Thankfully, there was no figure on her couch when she unlocked and opened the door (making very sure to lock it back after her). There was no man sat at her table, no towering mass in her corner with intense black eye holes that made her feel weak and small. And that was how it stayed for days. That's how it stayed when she woke up to eat eggs and toast. That's how it was when she went to work and when she got home. For about two weeks.
She got home after a late shift, more tired than she had been in a long while. It had been the stress, she guessed, of Jo reminding her that she had no plans for the holidays that were rapidly approaching. No loving husband and in laws to fill her home with joyful voices and good memories. Being alone had its downsides, it seemed. She flopped straight into bed with a muffled groan of annoyance, then fell asleep with ease. It was also with ease, however, that she was awoken. First slowly by the creaking of her window and the cool breeze that came through it, but then abruptly by the sudden presence at the end of her bed.
The foreboding black shadow just stood there, the moonlight obscuring the figure in silhouette. She at once felt panic rush through her veins as she kicked her legs out. They connected with the figure's abdomen, forcing a deep strangled grunt from it. She flipped out of the bed, staggering to her feet as they tried to carry her to the exit. Her arm was grabbed, causing her to slip and nearly fall, had she not been pulled roughly to the figure's solid chest. She struck out with her free hand wildly, which was caught in a vice-like grip and, using the leverage gained from having her hands in its grasp, the figure pushed her roughly against the wall, pinning her and knocking the air from her lungs. The figure breathed heavily.
Jean squirmed helplessly against the wall, her torso bared vulnerably to her attacker. She squeezed her eyes shut, turning her head away and holding her breath as she waited for the inevitable. When nothing happened she opened her eyes and looked back, catching the sight of a telltale white mask and blue coveralls. “What the hell, Michael?” She breathed through a clenched jaw. He responded with a head tilt, as though he saw no issue with the situation at hand.
“You can't just do that!” She yelled, which amused him because he could, and he did.
“Can I at least have my arms back?” She asked, as he pretended not to hear her, keeping her arms in his cruel grip.
“I'm sorry I kicked you, but you have to understand that I was afraid I would really be killed- Or worse!” Were he any other man, Michael would have chuckled. Not yet, Jean, the Shape supplied for him. That would have to wait. Regardless, he released her wrists, which she rubbed gratefully. She left the room, pausing to look over her shoulder expectantly, almost like she was waiting for him to follow her. And so he did, down the stairs and into the living room where she plopped herself down on the couch. He sat beside her, feeling as she leaned against him at first, then readjusted herself on the couch.
“It's been a while, huh?” She said softly, peering at him nervously. “Well, I'll admit, I can't get back to sleep with all this excitement. I'd like to read our book. Would you like that?” He tilted his head, first to one side, then to the other, which she took as a yes of sorts. She cleared her throat, then picked up the book, “Alright-y, where were we? Aha! There!” And she began to read.
Michael didn't pay much attention to what she was reading to him. On occasion, he would tune back in to her words to catch bits of the plot. Not that it interested him, but her voice, on the other hand- It was mesmerizing. He'd heard women's voices before. Obviously. Usually they held the tone of disinterested disgust, much like the nurses at the sanitarium. Sometimes it was in the midst of a pleasured moan, much like his sister, Judith mere moments before her life ended. Best of all was their fear, their pain, their death. The sound of it intoxicating, filling him with a sense of control and satisfaction. Something about Jean's voice, however, was very different.
When he heard her voice, regardless of what he would think on first seeing her (that being the desire to snuff her out like a candle), he would begin to feel a sense of calm wash over him. He felt like a child again, hearing his mother speak to him in soft tones. Mother. She wasn't quite like his mother, this woman, but it was a closer comparison than to either of his sisters. She was caring. Not like the nurses, with their fake chipper tones and needles filled with numbing drugs. No, she was real. For a moment, when she bandaged his wounds, he remembered Sunday school and the stories of angels he was told. Is this an angel? He asked the Shape. No, it responded angrily, this is flesh and blood. This is for you to rip and shred. To break into a million pieces. But not now, not yet. Now you wait. Now you remain patient.
And so he did.
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cutesuki--bakugou · 4 years
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Main Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Koge Naegi (OC)
Story Rating: Explicit
Genre: Fluff / Romance / Domestic
Story Warnings: Bondage, Sex (vaginal and first time anal), Anal Toy Use, Dirty Talk, Degrading Names, Master / Slave Roleplay, Choking, Tit Fucking, Throat Fucking, Spanking, Quirk Play, Squirting, Overstimulation, PWP 
Words: 4,245
Written for the @bnhabookclub​​ ‘s members bingo event!
Crossed off: Ass Play
Bingo Masterlist
BTW, please blacklist the tag cutesuki-lemons if you do not want to see this content from my blog. I will no longer be tagging with specific keywords for this type of content.Thank you~
Due to the nature of this post, the characters are 18+
Art in banner by me
“You’re finally home, Master. Please untie me, you promised you would!” 
Bakugou stood in shocked silence in the doorway to the bedroom he shared with his lover, unable to truly process what was happening. Sure, he and Koge enjoyed making love with each other, and even more they liked to play a little rough. Koge, he had noticed over the years, had quite the affinity for being totally and utterly dominated, to be treated as roughly as he wanted. She would let him do nearly anything, and they both loved it. 
Roleplay was never something particularly high on their list of things they enjoyed, but bondage was. Now, he was suddenly subjected to both things, propped up on the bed and displayed to him. How in the hell she had gotten herself that tied up, he was unsure, but he found he couldn’t quite get his eyes off the way the rope squeezed the plush areas of her body. Arms behind her back, Koge had her backend up in the air while her upper body rested down onto the mattress, completely helpless with the way she was bound. She even had rope running right between her legs, fit snuggly into her sex and between her cheeks. 
Damn it was sexy. It hit him so hard that he didn’t even care about how, when or why, finding that he only wanted to push her around a little. Well, more than a little, if he were honest with himself. He truly wanted to use and ruin her, and if he were her ‘master’ as she had said, then that gave him full permission to do as he pleased. A little roleplay mixed in there couldn’t hurt, either. Being called something like that brought a fire to his chest, very similar to when she called him by his hero name during sex and… praised him. He liked it.
“I promised no such thing, you little fucking slut.” Bakugou dropped his duffel bag onto the floor, leaving his belongings from the day discarded to be dealt with later. He shut the bedroom door behind him out of habit, even if they did live alone in their apartment. “What gave you that idea?” 
“I-I’m sore from the bindings, Master.” Koge looked upon him with pleading eyes, giving him a bit of a show as she struggled against the ropes. He did have to admit she was very convincing, but if she truly wanted out, she wouldn’t keep up the farce. With a scoff, Bakugou made his way over, letting his hand slide across her backside. She was dressed in his favorite pair of leggings that showed off her curves just right, and from what he could see, the only thing she wore on top was a sports bra. In particular, it was the blue one that didn’t fit, and he couldn’t wait to flip her over to see. 
He let his hand come down hard onto her ass, making her squeak in surprise. “Good. But that means you had tried to escape. Did you?” 
“W-what? No, no I would never-- a-ah!!” She gasped out loudly as Bakugou slipped his fingers beneath the two strips of rope that was settled between her legs, pulling it tighter against her sex. 
“What’s that, my little whore? Are you lying to me?” He continued to pull up, lifting her hips as Koge’s body trembled, struggling to speak through the mix of pain and pleasure. 
“I-I’m not, I swear! I didn’t struggle at all Master!” An audible sigh of relief left her lips as he released her, though it was immediately swallowed by another yelp as a new firm slap was given to her. “I sat here like a good girl, just like you told me to!” 
Unable to help the smirk on his lips, Bakugou ran his thumb down the length of the rope, pressing against it with a firm touch. He could feel that it was slick and wet with her essence, as were the pants she wore. How badly he wanted to rip a hole in them and fuck her senseless was nearly unbearable, but he held himself back. If not for the fun, then for her, to make sure she got the most out of this experience she had brought upon them. 
“And what did you do all day, hm?” He let his thumb slip between the strips of rope, teasing and rubbing her clit. He let his other hand travel up the curve of her backside, loving the soft feeling of the fabric beneath the rough texture of his palms. 
“I-I laid here and thought about you, Master. I always think about you, about how good your cock feels when you fuck me. I’ve imagined what you would do to me after you came home.” Koge couldn’t help but let out a soft moan at his touch, rocking her hips back against him. The slight pain of the rope digging into her skin and the pleasure from his touch was euphoric, excitedly awaiting every new moment. She knew that she had taken a risk with this whole adventure, but she was glad he hadn’t laughed at her or been angry when he came home. Now all she wanted was for him to touch her, to use her and degrade her as he pleased. 
“And what did you imagine.” Bakugou gripped the rope that tied her arms, pulling her upper body off the bed and back against him. With the movement, her ass pressed into his hips, prompting her to grind against him just to feel his member that was straining against his pants. He was so turned on by the way she looked and how she acted, her pleading gaze filling him with a fire he hadn’t felt in quite some time. Feeling very dominative, he reached up and wrapped his hand around her throat, giving her a decent squeeze as he growled in her ear. “Don’t fucking move your hips like that, you little whore. I’ll decide when you deserve to feel pleasure. Now tell me what you imagined.” 
Koge’s rocking instantly stopped at his command, gasping a bit against the grip on her neck as she struggled to speak. “I-I imagined you throat fucking me and letting me taste your cum. It tastes so good and I’m so thirsty, Master.” She eagerly licked and sucked on his fingers as he slid them up to her mouth. “I imagined you finally fucking me in the ass. I’m all ready for you.” 
This was something that caught Bakugou a bit off guard, as anal sex was something they had only talked about. Koge had always enjoyed using the occasional toy along with regular sex for a bit of double penetration, but they had yet to take the full plunge. Curious as to what she meant about being ready, he let his hand slip between her legs, moving the rope aside as he ran his finger along her sex. When he got to the hole in question, he quickly found himself presented with a hard object, which was round with an uneven surface. 
So, this is what she bought that plug for. How long has she had this whole thing in mind? 
With a bit of off and on pressure to the base of the plug, he moved it around inside of her, instantly making her shudder and moan softly. “I wish that was your cock inside me!” 
“Well if you’re a good girl, maybe you’ll get your wish.” Bakugou nipped at her ear as he roughly moved the rope back into place, giving it another good tug to force a sharp gasp out of her. “But for now, I want to fuck that pretty little throat raw.” He forced her down onto her back and into the position he wanted, where only her head was hanging off the side. Since he had been standing at the edge, she was at the perfect angle. He could tell that her arms behind her back had her a bit uncomfortable, but the eager way she kept her eyes on the bulge behind his jeans told him that it didn’t matter. 
They weren’t new to this position, so when his member was finally exposed, Koge took him into her mouth with ease. Though, this required very little participation from her, as Bakugou propped himself up on the edge of the bed and began to slowly thrust his hips. His t-shirt making it hard for him to see her, he was quick to rip it off, keeping his eyes on her neck and the way it bulged with each thrust. “Oh fuck, that’s it… You’re such a cum thirsty little whore.” As his thrusts became rougher, he wrapped one hand around her neck, loving to see her body bounce. She was so submissive and receptive to anything he wanted, and he had to admit that he already wanted to cum. He knew that he could last a couple of rounds, especially if she kept it up, which he knew she planned on doing no matter what. 
If Koge could talk, she would surely let him know that she was absolutely elated. She adored having his dick in her mouth, completely smitten with his taste and the way he pulsed against her tongue. Sure, it always made her mouth horribly sore, but that was of little consequence. Just to have him like this was enough to fulfill her, even if he decided that’s all he wanted to do. It seemed, though, that the plug in her ass excited him enough to go further, so she would gladly let him have his way with her. 
Feeling himself getting too close, Bakugou removed himself from her mouth, smirking as she coughed and the sight of the mess he made. “Not so fast. Your tits are way too fucking irresistible to ignore.” Stepping out of his jeans and boxers completely, Bakugou shifted her body fully onto the bed, straddling her torso once she was in place. The sports bra she wore was too small, so it squeezed her breasts to where there was overspill on the top and bottom, threatening to burst free at any moment. Tugging the bottom up a bit, Bakugou slipped his cock between her breasts until his tip was visible on the other side. The fabric of the bra didn’t touch him, so he began to thrust his hips again. 
Koge kept her pleading gaze locked with his, soft gasps and moans escaping her lips. Her eyes were teared up from the rough throat fucking, making her look even more irresistible to him. He did have to admit that her tits were feeling oddly better to him in that moment, and he found himself needing to cum just as quickly as before. 
“Please Master, please give me your cum! I want it so bad!” 
“Then open your filthy mouth.” The instant Koge obeyed, Bakugou let go of his control, spraying his cum all over her face, neck and chest. Licking what she could from her lips, Koge swallowed her prize before smiling up at him. 
“Thank you, you’ve made me so happy. Did you enjoy it?” 
“Yeah, my little slut, I enjoyed it.” Keeping his still hard cock nestled between her breasts, Bakugou took hold of the zipper at the front, slowly pulling it down. He didn’t even have to unlatch the zipper at the end before it burst free from the pressure of her breasts, which spilled out with a light bounce. A deep groan escaping his lips at the sight, Bakugou took hold of them both in his large hands, squeezing and massaging them against the girth of his cock. Holding them tightly in place, he began to rock his hips again, his cum and her sweat that coated her skin making it nice and slick for him. “Such sexy fucking tits.” 
Koge gave a soft whine with a particularly rough pinch to her nipples, biting down onto her bottom lip as she watched the tip of his cock vanish and reappear within the soft plushness of her chest. “Please, Master. Do what you want with me. I’m only here to make you feel good.” 
“Why’s that?” 
“Because I’m your little slave. I’m nothing but your personal cum dumpster, for you to fuck and use however and whenever you want!” Koge turned her gaze up to her lover, gazing up at him with a pleading, tear filled expression. His blunt nails digging into her soft flesh and the increased pace of his thrusting told her he was into what she was doing, and so resisting letting a smirk cross her lips, she continued. “I’ll do anything for you! You’re so perfect and you fuck me so good, all I ever think about is your cock!” 
“Damn right. You’re mine. All mine. And I’ll make sure you never forget that. Now,” Releasing her chest, Bakugou flipped her over, propping her back up the exact way he had found her. Spreading open the rope to expose her cunt to him, he dug his nails into the fabric, getting hold of it before ripping it apart with ease. The glittering blue jewel at the end of her buttplug immediately caught his attention, glistening and complementing the shine of her essence that coated her skin. Her cunt was absolutely soaked, clit puffy from the abuse of the rope and her own need for pleasure. “You have such a pretty pussy. But I think I know where I should fuck you today.” Taking hold of the base of the plug, Bakugou began to pull it out slowly, smirk crossing his lips as Koge moaned and shivered with its removal. 
“Damn, you little slut, that’s a big plug you’ve kept up your ass. So fucking hot.” When it was completely removed, he tossed it aside on the bed, using his thumbs to instead spread her cheeks apart and open her up wide for him. Just watching both her now vacant holes twitch in anticipation of his touch brought a fire to his chest, licking his lips as he shifted himself in closer. “I hope you’re ready for me to ruin that cute little asshole of yours.”
“Do whatever you want with me, Master.” Koge’s voice trembled with her excitement, unable to properly see him from her position bent over with her head resting on a pillow. How badly she wanted his cock inside her was making it difficult for her to keep up the roleplaying, already to the point of screaming his name and sobbing in her anguish. “P-please, put it in me!” 
“Put what in you?” Bakugou began to torture her with slow, teasing rubs of his tip up and down along her sex, stroking her clit and putting light pressure against her holes. “And where? Tell your Master what you want.” 
Koge whined and wiggled as his tip slipped into her cunt, using the tightness of her entrance more to pleasure himself than her. “I want your fat cock! I want you to fuck me in the ass- a-ah!” Koge’s voice spiked as he sunk his entire length into her pussy, his hands holding onto her hips tightly while he gave her deep, slow and rough thrusts from the tip to the base. Each snap of his hips pushed all the air out of her lungs, and since her arms were tied together, she had nothing to grab to anchor herself. “M-Master, please--!” 
“Beg harder, slut!” Bakugou leaned over her, digging his fingers into her hair to grab a fistful, pulling her head back and forcing a gasp from her throat. “You want me to fuck you in the ass, you had better convince me.” 
“I want it!” Voice cracking, Koge was completely at his mercy, unable to move an inch. As his thrusts became faster, her eyes rolled up as the sparks of pain and pleasure attacked every nerve in her body. “Please! Please fuck me in the ass! I’ve been waiting for it all day, Master, I just can’t wait any longer! I want to feel that fat cock stretch me open and fuck me until I can’t breathe!”
Seemingly satisfied, Bakugou shoved her face back down into the pillow, and in one swift movement, he removed his cock from her pussy and slipped his tip into her ass. A sharp gasp erupted from Koge’s lips the instant he was barely inside, the body tensing and trembling. Hissing through his clenched teeth, Bakugou had to pause for a moment, giving a low groan into her shoulder. “Fuck, relax, you stupid bitch!” 
“I-I’m sorry!” Koge closed her eyes tightly, taking in deep breaths to do as she was told. “It’s just… It’s bigger than the toys-!” Whining into the pillow, Koge’s toes curled in as Bakugou began to sink his cock into her slowly, unable to stop her hitching gasps with every breath. “Fuck, fuck-!” 
“That’s it, my little slut.” Bakugou used his grip on her hair to force her head to turn a bit, placing a rough kiss against her flushed and tear stained cheek. “Take your master’s fat cock like a good girl. Take it,” Right as his hips met with the plush form of her ass, Bakugou didn’t waste another moment in beginning to thrust, instantly sending Koge into a new round of strangled moans. “Take it! You want it so fucking bad, I’ll give it to you!” 
“Ka- Katsu-!” Koge found herself unable to think with only the wave after wave of new pleasures fogging her mind, moaning and crying freely into the pillow. His cock was so deep inside her and his balls slapped against her clit with each thrust that she could already feel the hints of an orgasm building up rapidly, though it wasn’t anything like she was used to. It was so hot and rough, paired with the painful rubbing of the rope against her fair skin and her hair balled up in his fist, and she could already feel her mind slipping into that familiar and suffocating haze of intoxicating pleasure. 
“You know damn well you’re not allowed to say my name, whore.” In punishment, Bakugou’s large palm came down onto her ass, activating his quirk just enough to create light crackles to bring just the right amount of heat and pain that he knew she loved. The burning smell of charred sugar and singed fabric filled his senses only for a moment, his focus completely centered on the sounds she made and the sight of her submissive body. “Who gave you permission?” Another crackling slap had her crying out, moans mixed in with frustrated sobs. 
“I-I’m sorry! I’m sorry, Master! I’ve been bad-!” Koge was cut off as Bakugou snatched her by the arms, pulling her body up off the bed and back against him. With her back arched, he was able to reach even deeper inside of her, his pace quickening as he wrapped one hand around her throat, the other holding her hips firmly in place. Pressing his lips against her ear, he took a moment to bask in the pleasure, her body only further squeezing and sucking him in. 
He was beginning to feel close to his peek, but this time, he refused to cum until she finished first, and by the look of absolute pleasure on her face, he knew she was close. She needed just a little more pain, he figured, so he tightened his grip on her throat. “You have been bad. So impatient and trying to weasel your way into getting what you want. I shouldn’t even give it to you.” 
“N-no-!” Koge was barely able to squeak out a single word, her eyes rolled back and mouth open in endless choked moans. “Don’t… Please-!” 
“You want to cum, huh?” Bakugou slid his hand around to the front of her hips, beginning to rub her clit vigorously. “You want to cum all over my cock like the little whore you are? Come on, then. Fucking cum, you dirty slut-” As her body began to tense with the building pressure, Bakugou slipped three of his fingers into her dripping wet cunt, digging them in as deep as he could and curving his fingers to make sure they rubbed against her inner walls with each thrust of his hips. “Come on! Cum for your master!” 
Unable to move and unable to resist him, Koge’s entire body erupted with an overwhelming rush of pleasure, not even able to make a sound against the twitching and arching of her body. So lost in the pleasure, she didn’t even feel the rush of liquid that gushed out of her pussy, but Bakugou was quick to take note as he cursed in satisfaction of the incredible release. 
“Oh fuck, that’s it! Squirt for me,” Since his fingers had been pushed out of her with the pressure, he instead slapped and rubbed her clit, finally forcing cries from her throat and sharp jerks of her body as she tried to shift away from him and the overstimulation. “No way, you whore, you stay right there. I’m not done with you yet.” 
The pleasure still ripping through her body with each thrust, Koge couldn’t move or even think of how to respond, her core aching with the intensity of her release. She didn’t have to wait long, however, as Bakugou buried his face into the side of her neck, completely taking over her body for his own pleasures until he finally peaked. His release inside her was hot and deep, his last few thrusts snappy and rough, though he was quick to calm and slow himself down. His groans and grunts of pleasure with his release filled Koge’s mind, pulling her out of her haze enough to lean her head against his, finally taking in deep and steady breaths as they came down from their high together. 
His hand releasing her throat, Bakugou let his fingers softly trace along the curves of her body, his lips leaving soft trails of kisses along her neck and up to her wet, flushed cheeks. “Mm… Fucking hell, Utsuro… You made me go a little wild.” 
Koge nibbled at her bottom lip as he slowly pulled his softening cock from her, the hot feeling of his cum leaking out of her sending goosebumps along her skin. “A little wild is exactly what I wanted,” she paused to clear her throat, her voice hoarse from the throat fucking, choking, and endless moaning. “But damn, Katsuki. I didn’t expect all of that.” 
“Did you even notice that you squirted?” Sitting down on his legs and allowing her to rest on his thighs, Bakugou went to work untying the ropes at the source around her arms, working with careful and gentle fingers. “That was damn incredible.” 
“I did? Really?” Koge struggled to keep herself sitting up, trembling from head to toe. “Wow, no wonder it’s all wet. I thought I died and went to heaven with that orgasm, babe. Fuck.” 
Bakugou chuckled, carefully pulling the rope off her body in sections as they loosened. “Well, I guess your ass is really fucking sensitive, then. All this time now knowing how to do it, and all it took was a good ass fucking.” 
Koge stretched her arms out to her sides, letting her sports bra fall off her arms to discard it off to the side before leaning back against him. “A good ass fucking is an understatement. Katsuki, that was damn incredible.” 
Kissing her shoulder softly, Bakugou ran his hands up and down her arms, rubbing the dark red marks where the rope had rubbed her fair skin a bit raw. “You’re the one that’s incredible. How the fuck did you even get all tied up like that?” 
“Curls came over and helped you, didn’t she?” 
“She did,” Koge leaned her head back, smiling up at him. “Nene left about ten minutes before you got here, actually.” 
“So, you weren’t tied up all day? You lied to me.” Caressing her neck softly, Bakugou placed a kiss on her lips, before scooping her up and laying her down on a clean area of the bed. “And why the hell are you letting her in on our sex shit?!” 
“It was something I wanted to try, but I couldn’t tie myself up like that! And I wanted it to be a surprise.” Koge shifted her hips up as Bakugou removed her ruined leggings and the rest of the ropes around her legs, leaving her bare. “It’s not like she was all in on everything that was gonna happen, I just needed her help tying me up.” 
“Tch, well next time, I’ll do it.” Bakugou caressed her cheeks, leaning in to kiss her lips gently. “She didn’t tie you up very well, anyway. The ropes were too loose. I’ll be sure to really bind you up.” Smirking against her lips, Bakugou gave her cheeks a playful pinch, bringing soft giggles from her. “Maybe hang you from the ceiling if you let me.” 
“Ooh, sex from a swing, huh? That’ll be fun!” Koge let her weak arms wrap around his neck, keeping him down so she could pepper his lips and cheeks with more sweet kisses. “We can do whatever you’d like. Master.” 
“I think right now, your Master wants to go take a hot bath and scrub his obedient little woman clean. What d'ya say?” 
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theangriestpea · 4 years
Teacher, Teacher | Sweet Pea
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Summary: Sweet Pea is ready for date night but Lavender decided to surprise him to something a little different than dinner and a movie... <ao3>
Pairing: Sweet Pea x OC 
Rating: Mature // Explicit
Word Count: 3.8k+
Warnings: Smut, Oral, Deepthroating, Anal, Vaginal, Sexual roleplay, Teacher/Student roleplay, Dirty talk, Unprotected sex, Hair-pulling, Rough sex, Aftercare
A/N: My second installment for @riverdalebingo​ Winter bingo! My work is out for two weeks due to covid19 so...I have way too much time on my hands. Hence why this was written in about a day. Sweet Pea and Lavender are aged up in this, think early 20s. Teenagers are terrible at aftercare, you can’t change my mind. 
“What is taking you so long, Shanna?” Sweet Pea’s annoyed voice echoed in the trailer from the couch in the living room. In their bedroom Shanna (aka Lavender as she was more known as) was getting dressed for their date night….what he didn’t know was just what she had in mind for their supposed date. Thinking she wanted dinner and a movie, Sweet Pea had already made reservations and bought the movie tickets. However, if she took much longer then they’d be late to both.
“I’m almost done!” She called back as she put the finishing touches on her makeup. This had been something they had talked about off and on for months now and tonight was the night that she was going to dive right in.
She was wearing a short pleated miniskirt that barely covered her bottom. A nearly see-through white button-up blouse with no bra underneath. It was too short, exposing a few inches of midriff. On her legs were thigh high stockings hooked to garters and a lacy black thong. Her hair was in pigtails making her look very Brittney circa 1998. Most thought she’d be too young to get the reference. But she wasn’t.
Finally she put her highlighting brush down and walked out the door. She put one hand on the doorframe and cocked her hip to the side. “I’m ready.” She purred to him, voice sultry yet sinister. The tone she took whenever she was up to something naughty.
Sweet Pea turned his head, jaw dropping at the sight of her before he got ahold of himself. His mouth closed and formed into a wide smirk. So this was what was taking her so fucking long. It was well worth the wait...and the wasted money on tickets to a movie they most definitely were not going to see.
He pat his thigh with one hand adorned with his usual set of rings. “You’ve been a naughty girl, Miss Rhodes. Why don’t you come sit on your teacher’s lap?”
Lav bounced over to him, plastering a look of innocence onto her face as she sat down on his lap. She blinked up at him with hide hazel eyes, pupils dilating with desire. Sweet Pea put his hand on her knee before slowly moving it upwards. It caressed the outside of her thigh, squeezing slightly before disappearing under the short fabric of her skirt. “Bend over.”
The metal of his rings were cool on her warm skin, the sensation sending shocks of excitement up through her. She bit her lip, pretending to be disappointed. “But, Mr. Pea, what did I do to deserve punishment?” She asked, her voice thick with forced upset.
His hand suddenly moved to grope her ass, the grip of his fingers tightening. “This skirt is entirely too short. Only bad girls wear outfits like this. Don’t you agree?”
She got up and turned so that she was now laying across his lap. Her skirt had ridden up so that her bare cheeks were showing, the only thing providing any coverage was the thin strip of fabric from her thong. It was hardly visible. “So, this is for a dress code violation?” She asked, purposefully being obtuse.
“Yes,” Sweet Pea said, his voice turning gravely and hard. “And what happens to bad girls who violate the rules?”
“They get spanked.” Lavender answered, doing her damndest not to show how much she wanted him to hit her. What she didn’t particularly want though was for him to keep his rings on, the metal adding to the sting.
Unfortunately for her, Sweet Pea was a little annoyed with wasting his money and decided she did deserve some actual punishment for changing plans on him without informing him first. With one hand he pulled the skirt all the way up so it couldn’t protect her and with the other he smacked her hard. A red handprint almost immediately began to show on her light skin.
Lav jumped, having not anticipated how hard he was going to hit. She let out a small whimper of pain that was ebbed with pleasure. A beautiful mixture of sensations. His hand reared back and he hit her a second time. “Who’s a bad girl?” He asked with the same dark tone.
“I am, Mr. Pea.” She said, her voice toeing the line between a whine and a moan. The sound nearly made him go absolutely primal. One of his few weak spots that she actually did not know about. He managed to keep himself in control.
“It's time for a math lesson. Start counting.” He said and she noticed something different in his voice. Something teetering on the edge of losing himself. She had to bite her lip in order to keep from smirking. She didn’t know about it before, but she sure as hell knew about it now.
He hit her again, this time harder. Lav jumped a second time and tried not to squirm from the stinging of her skin. “That was number three.” She said, her voice the same as before.
Sweet Pea took this as a taunt. He knew her all too well and he could always tell when she was pushing his buttons. He hit her even harder. Her ass would definitely be black and blue in a few hours.
“Four.” Lav whimpered, and this time it was a literal sound that conveyed the pain she was in. He changed tactics, knowing if he pushed her any further then she’d have to tap out. Of course, he didn’t want that so he quickly back pedaled. His palm and fingers lovingly moved across her blistering skin gently.
He did this a few times, feeling her relax on his legs. She knew the worst of the pain was over and that was all she needed to know in order to continue. Sweet Pea pulled her skirt back down, though it still didn’t cover the bright red skin of her lower buttock. “Now. Tell me what bad girls do really well?”
This was really a question in disguise. In truth he was asking what she’d like to do next. If she wanted more foreplay of if she was ready to just simply fuck. He had no way of knowing just how far he had pushed her unless he asked in this subtle way.
The purple haired girl turned to look at him, a grin on her lips. “Sucking teacher’s cock.” She said, voice nothing like the whimpering whines of before.
Sweet Pea loved this answer most because what man didn’t love getting good head? He leaned back against the couch, the pads of his fingertips still brushing against the tender area he had just hurt. “Show me.” He demanded, taking back control of the scene.
She slid off his lap in a languid motion to her knees. He spread his legs for her and she got between them like a good girl, nimble hands moving up to undo his pants and gently pull out his hard cock. She stroked it once before giving him a fake bashful look, “Mr. Pea is already standing at attention. Guess he likes bad girls.”
“Enough talking.” He said, the smirk on his face turning into a scowl. He wouldn’t punish her again but he had to at least pretend that he would in order to stay in control. “Open that annoying mouth of yours and put it to good use.”
Lav did as he said and opened her mouth wide for him. He put a hand on the back of her head and guided her downward so that he could put his dick into her mouth. A small grunt escaped him at suddenly being enveloped in her warmth.
She didn’t take her eyes off of him, knowing how he almost demanded eye contact when she went down on him. The only acceptable time to close them was when he was cumming on her face.
Lav took as much of him into her mouth as she could. The tip of his penis was pressed against the back of her throat as she worked her tongue swiftly along his shaft. Sweet Pea’s head leaned back and he let out a low groan. He used the hand that was on the back of her head to grab both pigtails tightly.
His eyes stayed glued to hers as she began to bob her head, sucking hard while she continued to move her tongue. One of her hands reached for his scrotum and she gently began to massage his balls, causing a second moan to escape him. This one was much louder than the first.
He bucked his hips, thrusting into her mouth and effectively choking her. Lav couldn’t help but gag, however she did not stop her ministrations. She increased her pace again, never breaking eye contact.
“You enjoy sucking teacher’s cock? Taking the whole thing into your mouth like a dirty girl. I didn’t know I had such a whore in my class.” He said between grunts and other mixed sounds of pleasure. He thrusted his hips harder, “Teacher loves fucking your pretty little mouth.”
Lav felt herself growing more and more aroused by his words. Tears pricked her eyes as he hit the back of her throat again and again, however she did not gag after the first time. It wasn’t long before he was cumming on her tongue.
She licked him clean before sitting back on her legs, mouth open for him to see the white semen pooling on her tongue. He gave her a proud look, “you may swallow.” She quickly obeyed.
Sweet Pea relaxed again against the sofa as he let go of her hair. Lavender continued to look up at him, “Mr. Pea, don’t I deserve a reward now?” She asked, wanting some kind of release from the intense emotions she was currently feeling. He couldn’t help but give his signature smirk in response.
“Get up here and lay back.” He ordered, shifting to the edge. Lav got up and laid down, skirt pooling around her upper thighs. He looked at the display before him hungrily before running his hands up her legs again and spreading them as he settled between her thighs.
She bit her lip to try and quell her anticipation. It did not help. His eyes flicked up at her as his thumbs rubbed circles in her inner thighs. “I’m so wet for you, Mr. Pea.” She said, hoping it would urge him to take action instead of just taunting her with his touch.
His smirk only grew as his hands disappeared under the fabric of her skirt, only reappearing once they had grasped the elastic of her thong and pulled the thin lace down. She quickly adjusted her position so he could take them off of her fully. They clung to her left ankle and were promptly forgotten about.
He hiked her skirt up so it was around her waist in order to see her spread out before him. His head lowered and he gently kissed up each thigh, switching between the left and right periodically until she was whining with a silent plea for him to kiss something a bit more sensual.
Sweet Pea finally obliged and ran a circle around her clit with his tongue slowly. Lav was gripping the edge of the couch so hard that her knuckles were turning white, a needy mewl coming out of her mouth.
His tongue moved further south as his thumb continued to rub her clit. It teased the entrance to her pussy, going in slowly before coming out quickly. A moan came out of her then and she couldn’t stop the light movement of her hips, wanting to feel more, needing to feel more before she went absolutely insane.
He allowed this, not stopping her movements for once as he could tell how worked up she was. Punishment always made her so fucking needy. Not that he minded in the slightest. Sweet Pea increased the speed of his tongue, fucking her with it thoroughly as his thumb rubbed faster.
Lav’s grip on the couch somehow tightened even more as her toes curled at the sensation of the incoming orgasm. Her vision began to grow hazy as she cried out to him, “yes, teacher, eat me out just like that. You’re so good to me. Oh my god!” She suddenly hit her peak when he switched places. His mouth was on her clitoris again, sucking and licking while two fingers pumped her core at an impossibly fast pace, faster than his hips could ever go.
Wave after wave of mind number pleasure washed over her, her vision nearly going black with the sheer force of it. As she collapsed back into a puddle of near satisfaction, he gingerly licked her clean before giving her his fingers to suck on. She did so eagerly, tasting herself on him and loving it.
“Mr. Pea isn’t giving up on my punishment already, is he?” She asked coyly, regaining a bit of strength back. His smile back to her was sly and mischievous.
“No. Not quite yet.” He answered honestly as he sat back, pumping himself slowly to get himself ready for the next round. He was almost there.
Lav sat up, an equally impish smirk. “Good. Because I want teacher to fill me up with so much cum that I have to change the sheets tomorrow because I couldn’t stop it from leaking out of me all night.”
Sweet Pea tried not to laugh. He shook his head, snorting out a light chuckle. “Bend over then, Miss. Rhodes and I’ll see if I can fulfill that wish.”
She rolled over onto her stomach before popping up onto her knees with her back arched. Her hips wiggled at him teasingly as he got up. He took his pants and boxers off before assuming the position. One foot was on the ground while the other leg was bent so his knee was on the seat of the couch. He ran his tip down her slit, running across both her pussy and up to her ass.
“Should I make it a surprise as to where I fuck you first?” He asked, voice dangerously low. He knew where he’d go first, as for health reasons, but he wanted to taunt her nonetheless.
“Hmm,” Lav hummed back at him, pretending to be deep in though. “Do bad girls deserve a warning beforehand?” She asked, already knowing the answer.
He let out a growl, “Not at all.” He said before suddenly pushing in past her labia. She whimpered at the sudden pleasure of him filling her up and stretching her out. He was the perfect amount of length and width to satisfy her. It was like they were a match made in heaven.
Sweet Pea grabbed her hips and began to thrust into her. He was slow, then fast, and then slow again. She was already coming undone from this, although what she really wanted was for him to just let loose. He was not about to do that though. Not without a bit of fun first.
“Miss Rhodes, you’re so fucking tight around my fat cock.” He groaned, quickening his pace as he grabbed a fistfull of hair and yanked it. Lav moaned in response, pushing back against him in order to make his thrusts hit harder.
“You were dripping wet for me before I even touched you, weren’t you?” He asked, not really expecting a coherent answer. Naturally, he only received another moan in response. “You’re such a dirty fucking girl. I want you to cum all over me so I can tear your ass apart.”
Lav was reaching her climax again in no time as he picked up the pace for real this time. He was no longer slowing down periodically, pounding into her with only a modicum of restraint. He gave her hair another pull before reaching around to grasp her throat, pressing hard on her pressure points with his thumb and forefinger.
She gasped out a strangled cry as she came. His thrusts grew arrhythmic and sloppy before he spilled into her. He pulled out and watched the cum drip out of her with amusement. He took his phone out of his pants pocket and took a quick close-up to save to his personal spank bank.
Once he was satisfied with his work he laid back on the couch. “I’m not done with you yet, clean my dick up while I warm up that tight asshole of yours.”
Lav listened as she moved on top of him. Her face was over his crotch as she straddled his head in a sixty-nine position. He kissed her clit sweetly, making her shudder. She grabbed the lube from the end table and handed it to him. Having sex in the living room was such a frequent occurrence that they more often than not left one out.
She tenderly licked the head of his penis, tasting a mixture of their flavors. Sweet Pea put lube on his fingers and inserted one into her ass slowly. Lav bit back a moan as she licked down his shaft at the same speed, dragging her tongue down along the prominent vein there.
He shuddered beneath her as he began moving his finger at a steady pace. She quickly relaxed, having been a fan of anal since the beginning. It never took long to get her ready to take him. His lips planted lazily kissed across her lips in order to further her torment. The saltiness of his own seed on his mouth now. Lav’s thighs were already starting to quake. Her downtime was always much shorter than his for obvious reasons.
Her licks turned into kisses which turned into light sucking. Sweet Pea added a second finger as he felt himself starting to get hard again. She moved her mouth to his balls and began to suck on them instead, her hand lightly stroking his shaft.
They were both ready for the next round in no time at all. A few minutes max before Lav was moving her hips against his hand and mouth and was nearly deepthroating him once more. “Get up.” Sweet Pea told her as he covered his cock with plenty of lubricant.
“Reverse cowgirl?” She asked curiously, unsure of what position he wanted to take. In truth he had control no matter how they were poised. Even when she was on top he was the one doing most of the moving.
Sweet Pea didn’t respond verbally. He gripped her hips as she was still facing away from him and placed them where he wanted. He jerked her down so his tip was pressed against her anus. “Reverse schoolgirl.” He finally said before thrusting up into her.
Lav couldn’t help but wince at his size. It was a quick adjustment, one that he didn’t allow her the grace to have by stopping. He slammed her hips down on top of his, making the sound of their skin slapping reverberate off the thin walls. The pain from her spanking earlier returned with a quick jolt, though she paid it no mind.
He was controlling the majority of her movements, only allowing her to move her hips as fast as he wanted her to. His thrusts were deep, fast, and hard. He held himself back earlier so he could go all in now. Her ass was his favorite hole to fuck.
“You like teacher’s dick up your ass, Miss Rhodes?” He asked, voice breathy instead of stony like before. He always lost quite a bit of concentration when he was inside her tightest orifice. “What’s a fucking slut you are. I bet you do this with all your teachers, don’t you?”
She panted out a whiny moan, her eyes slipped shut as she bounced roughly. “No, Mr. Pea. Only you.”
“Yea?” He hissed, “Not even Mr. Fogarty?” He smacked her ass at the coming lie.
“He doesn’t get my asshole, Mr. Pea. Only you.” She said back as he pulled her down onto him even harder. Her entire body was shaking now as she reached down to trace rhythmic circles around her clit so she could come. Sweet Pea didn’t seem to notice.
Sweet Pea was very pleased with her answer. Of course, he had forbidden Fangs from anal with his girlfriend so it wasn’t really a surprise per se. It was just nice to hear out loud.
“Fuck,” He groaned in an exhale, already about to cum inside her again. He was currently pounding out most of the cum already within her core as it was leaking down onto him now.
Lavender was close as well, increasing the speed of her fingers exponentially until she came completely undone. Her moans were so loud that people right outside the trailer could probably hear them. Neighbors had certainly made that complaint a few times. Neither cared enough to tone it down.
Her muscles tightened around him and with one last thrust he also unraveled. A thick shot of cum spilled inside of her before he gently moved her off.
Sweet Pea pulled her down on top of him and she turned over so their stomachs were touching. She rested her head on his chest as they both breathed heavily for a few minutes in order to catch their breaths. She was still trembling slightly and he could feel more cum spill out from her and drip onto his thigh. It was such a lewdly comforting sensation.
His fingers trailed softly up and down her spine as she practically melted against him. Her head was on his chest, eyes closed while his other hand took out her pigtails so he could run his fingers through her hair.
They bathed in the afterglow of the intense scene. Sweet Pea continued to kiss the crown of her head and lightly pet her, whispering words of praise to her for how well she did. She was nearly asleep when he finally stopped.
“Come on, let’s fulfill your dream of ruining the sheets.” He said gently.
Shanna giggled and sat up, scooting off of him so he could stand. She held her arms out to him cutely in a silent plea for him to pick her up. He smiled lovingly and gladly scooped her up in his strong arms and carried them to their unmade queen bed.
He set her down, “I’ll be right back, I’m going to clean up. I’ll get you a rag.” He kissed her forehead before disappearing into the bathroom. After a few brief moments he came back, now completely naked, and cleaned her up himself after removing the rest of her clothing.
Once satisfied with his work, he threw the dirty washcloths into the hamper and laid down beside her. Sweet Pea pulled her close so that they were spooning, his arm secured around her waist and face buried into her hair.
Lav let out a sigh of content as all the tension left her body. His body heat was giving her all the warmth she needed as her eyes slid shut and she drifted off into slumber. Mr. Pea wasn’t far behind her...
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