#just ignore it ahahhahaha
viola-ophelia · 1 year
turn week day 5: cursed dinner party!
i can’t remember if the prompt was CURSED dinner party or just dinner party, but i’m doing a cursed one lol. i think that the absolute worst table with the worst seating arrangements would be (with the first and last people seated next to each other around a round table): 
simcoe, robert rogers, andre, benedict arnold, richard woodhull, abe 
simcoe and rogers would be trying to kill each other bc simcoe thinks rogers is culper and rogers is mad that simcoe took over his rangers and shot his eye out
rogers would be weirdly threatening andre and just generally being a creep
andre and arnold would be pointedly ignoring each other but the mere presence of the other would put them both in a HORRIBLE mood
arnold and richard would be having a really annoying debate about The Law TM where somehow both of their takes are god awful
richard would be lecturing abe and high key implying that he’s a spy and abe would be doing a horrible job of denying it
and abe and simcoe would both be trying to kill each other 
thoughts? anyone i should add? AHAHHAHAHA
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lovermase · 4 months
You’re talking to someone; a colleague he presumed from the familiarity of their presence around each other while they engaged in their conversation. You’re doing most of the talking, like you always does and he’s standing there attentively listening. You had that certain way of demanding everyone’s attention whenever you spoke or walked inside of a room. You was unsure of this effect or power but Mason was well aware of it. EHEHEHHEHE MASON LIKES HER OPSSSYYY
It was effortless the way your beauty captured people’s attention, the authoritative way you walked in the room, your smile, wide and comforting. Eyes; beady and alluring. You were one of the most gorgeous women he’s ever laid eyes on. AHAHHAHAH HE IS AT HER FEET
Bringing the bottle up to his lips, Mason chugs down the remainder of his drink then sets the bottle aside leaving it forgotten on the bar counter. He stands to his feet, sliding his hands inside the front pockets as he begins to walk over to the refreshment. HE IS JEALOUSSSSS 🚨
‘Sorry, the line in the bathroom took forever.’ He murmurs apologetically against your ear but still loud enough for you and the colleague to hear. He lifts his head, arm still wrapped around your waist. He narrows his gaze on the guy, giving him a condescending smile. OMG WAIT WHAT IS HAPPENING
When he’s out of the view and somewhere on the other side of the room, Y/N whips around to face Mason. You shoves his hand off of you, folding your arms across your chest. ‘I don’t need you to defend me.’ You retort. YOU DO
Mason chuckled wryly, shaking his head. ‘A simple thank you would’ve been enough, little one.’ LITTLE ONEEEEEEEEE
Your friends started to call you ‘little one’ as a joke because you were the shortest one out of all of them and that nickname just stuck til this day and you knew Mason only called you that to rile you up and he succeeded everytime he called you by that nickname. AHAHHAHAHA HE OBVIOUSLY DOES
Clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth and tilting a curious head at her, Mason hums in amusement. ‘We aren’t friends but we are something much more intimate than that. Aren’t we sweetheart?’ He teases, the tone of his voice is flirtatious and that makes your stomach tighten and your toes curl. OMG SI THEY ARE FWB WAIT A SECOND
‘You’re just someone I go to when I need to relieve my stress, nothing more.’ You answer with a shrug. It’s kinda harsh but you know that’s the only way to get him all riled up and angry.OHHHH THAT WAS MEAN
Truthfully, he was just more than sex. As time progressed you found yourself actually liking Mason’s presence around you for more than your sexual desires. You chided yourself for developing feelings for him. This thing between us was supposed to be strictly sex only no feelings whatsoever. That’s what you initially intended when you first seeked him. Somewhere down the line however you found herself falling for him. OHHHHH SO SHE LIKES HIM TOOOO
‘Missed me?’ He quips teasingly as he pushed himself off of the wall. He could see the outlines of your silhouette as you approached closer. ‘Don’t flatter yourself, Mount. I’m looking for the bathroom.’ You inform him, rolling your eyes at his arrogance. Your footsteps however stop and your standing directly in front of him.‘Why are you out here anyway?’ You questioned. ‘Why did you stop here when you were supposed to be looking for the bathroom?’ He quips in a quick wit ignoring your question and causing another blush to colour your cheeks. THR TEASINGGGG
‘Why do you keep talking to me when you claim not to like me?’OMG OMG OMG
‘You know, little one,’ your nickname name rolls off of his tongue in a way so sexy that you didn’t even have time to berate him for using it again. He’s standing in front of you; the smell of his cologne fills in the air around you. His body towering slightly over yours a few inches. ‘I’m starting to think that you care about me more then you let on.’MASON MOUNT OMGG
You nod your head, giving him approval and consent to proceed. AHHAHAHA SHE CANT SAY NOOO
Because holy fuck; you’re so perfect. So beautiful. And he wants to tell you that he wants more, a real relationship with you. But he wasn’t good with words. Nor with relationships. And he didn’t want to risk the possibility of ruining this; not the sex, the time he spent with you. OMG MOUNTTT TELL HERR
He knew the rules of their situation when they first agreed to this. No relationship, no emotions. Though he fails greatly at the latter, he would continue to be used as something to help you fulfil your needs when you need a release. OMG SWEETHEART
It was no telling how long they would be out there but damn it, Y/N was almost finished and you could no longer wait. You reached down and picked up your underwear, stuffing them inside of Mason’s mouth. ‘Don’t make a sound.’ You whispered in caution, he answered with a head nod. OMG🥵🥵
His light chuckle is only the slightest bit smug. He shrugs a shoulder, hands reaching up to rub soothing circles against your back. Something about it seemed so intimate. They didn’t do that. They didn’t cuddle after their hookups. They talked and made jokes but never cuddled. The fondness of it scared you. OHHHHHHH🤭🤭🤭
‘Hey, is everything cool? You’re acting weird.’ He’s worried standing to his feet as he pulls his own clothing back on. His usual teasing tone was absent and replaced with one of worry. OPS OPS OPSSSS
I MISSED READING THESE!! I promise part 2 will be worth it 🤭🩷
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miserye · 2 years
Are you seeing this
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mejomonster · 3 years
Guys got any tips for nonstop fatigue when I cannot call in sick to work
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books-and-catears · 3 years
Showing the brothers their human world namesakes (Beelzebub)
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MC: I mean yes he's not represented as he is-
Levi: It's not fair!! Anime is my thing!
Mammon: Oi Levi shut it! Let us watch in peace! We haven't even started!
Satan: Here we go again...
Asmo: It's always these two.
Belphegor: Ignore them MC, let's watch.
Beel: *happily munching on food patiently waiting for the show to start*
Lucifer: Is that Beelzebub? That black haired man with a strange baby?
Levi: He looks so tired and grumpy.
Mammon: Just like Lucifer!
Lucifer: Mammon.
Satan: Well Mammon isn't wrong. *Chuckles*
MC: No that's not Beelzebub... That cute baby is.
*long pause*
Satan and Lucifer: *trying hard to stifle laughter*
Belphie: All of you SHUT UP! *throwing pillows*
Beel: It's okay Belphie hehe MC thinks the baby is cute
MC: Aw don't worry Beel that's not all...just wait.
*Baby Beelzebub almost kills an enemy with electric shocks*
Belphie: *smirks* Ah..
Levi: Oh. Oh no. That baby is dangerous.
Mammon: *shaking and hiding himself behind MC*
Satan: Wow I'm impressed.
Asmo: That's a strong baby alright, I wonder what he looks like grown up ;)
Lucifer: *impressed smile as well*
Beel: *quiet*
MC: Beel What's wrong? Do you not like it?
Beel: *sad and looking down* I don't want to hurt anyone like that MC. Am I really that scary?
Levi: But you're the one who-
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
TWST Wonderland: s/o with a moe gap personality (Floyd Leech)
Hello! SO I decided I wanted to complete the whole moe gap s/o with Octavinelle series and so far I have Jade and Azul (feel free to read-) So, I’m going to complete the Octatrio by adding Floyd into the mixture! I hope you enjoy!
It so happened when you came to Octavinelle, trying to fix whatever Ace dragged you in. Azul immediately tried to make you agree to a contract which you immediately told him off rather harshly.
The look on Azul’s face that was disheveled and offended just made Floyd burst out laughing.
Koebi chan just knows how to make Azul lose his composure, don’t they?
Floyd decided that it be a good idea to disturb and interrupt any conversation you had with the Adeuce combo while you were in Monstro Lounge.
You coldly shrugged him off, however, only glaring at him and returning back to the conversation, even sliding in a few sarcastic remarks about the troublesome eel.
Half of him was displeased, your no fun to be with! All you do is ignore him which was slightly irritating. Apart of him was amused. You have some guts insulting him, and at that, right in front of his face, don’t you koebi-chan?
Well, even if you don’t seem to talk to him, he still persisted anyways. He talked to you in Monstro Lounge, before class, after class and so on.
Eventually, you got used to the Leech twin’s constant pestering and eventually warmed up to him. You greeted him back when he greets you, and actually communicated though it was sometimes a string of insults or just with really little words.
He was weird, and still found that cold attitude of yours attractive for some reason.
Yay! Koebi-chan finally spoke to him!
As much as Floyd loves the fact that you finally talked to him, he can’t help but wonder if you could ever smile. You never smile with anyone or with him! Hmph! 
He tried various schemes but to no success.
One day, you and Floyd were having a conversation, which Floyd initiated by annoying approaching you as per usual.
Then, three Savanaclaw students came in and disrupted the conversation you two had.
“ Pfft, look at the eel freak! He got along with another freaky chic! Suits the both of you!” The other two snickered and threw more insults.
While Floyd didn’t really cared about the insults thrown at him, he was angered by the insults that were thrown at you, and the fact they were interrupting your conversation.
Before he could even squeeze them to death, you stood up, and look dead into the Savanaclaw students.
“If the only purpose of your existence is to make useless and baseless comments about others, then I say you three I quite pathetic. Quit insulting my friend. He’s much more unique than your worthless souls.”
that was hot.
The three Savanaclaw students were speechless and embarrassed, and they just scrambled out of the Monstro Lounge.
You turned back to Floyd.
“Are-are you okay?”
Did he just heard you stuttered?
Floyd just nodded his head, still taken aback by the sudden events.
You sat back down and pulled a snack out of his pocket and placed it on his lap. You said you were worried  because of the students’ pathetic opinions insults might give him mood swings.
Floyd felt a small blush crept up his cheeks when you slightly smiled at him before grinning.
“Now where were we?”
He was taken aback, but flashed a wide grin with the pink blush of his cheeks still present.
Koebi-chan is just full of surprises.
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kasey-writes-stuff · 3 years
13 with lee!Quackity ler!Bad for the prompt thing :D
You have to wake up
Quackity was visiting bad IRL and it was officially his third day there and so by now his jet lag should’ve stopped and he should be fine ready to go places, that’s actually what him and bad talked about the first day he got there!
They had agreed that by day three he should be all good to go but here we are day three it’s nearly eleven o clock and Alex was still asleep
Bad slowly approached the guest room door knocking softly at first but upon hearing no response he knocked louder still no response
So he carefully opened the door peeking in and had to awe to himself at the sight before him of Quackity sleepily clinging to the bed covers
Bad slowly made his way over to the bed and began trying to gently shake him awake “Quackity… Quackity it’s time to get up, you said you wanted to go out today and it’s already almost eleven so you should wake up”
Quackity grumbled softly “no I don’t wanna get up, just give me five more minutes please bad?”
Bad shook his head “no can do last time this happened with skeppy I gave him five more minutes and it turned into five hours! So come on get up!”
Alex groaned again as he rolled over facing away from bad
Bad scoffed softly and attempted to rip the blankets off of Quackity! In the process tho his hand accidentally poked Alex’s side making him squeak and jump as a tired giggle slipped out
“EEK! Nahaha!” Quackity despite still being very sleepy felt his face heat up and his breathe hitch, part of him hoped bad wound ignore it and leave him alone but a bigger part hoped he wouldn’t ignore it and would instead explore it
Bad’s eyes widened and then he smiled as he says “oh Quackity I think I know just how to get you awake”
Bad quickly ripped the covers off him while he was still slightly flustered and immediately began squeezing and scribbling up and down his sides
Alex squeaked as he fell into frantic giggles “EEK BAD WAIT Nhahhahahahhahaah!”
Bad snickered softly “wait for what muffin head you to get out of bed? I did wait I waited for hours and you never came so now I have to make sure you get out of bed one way or another!”
Bad curiously moved his hands up to Quackity’s armpits scribbling and vibrating into the middles!
Alex shrieked as loud laughter began pouring out of him “AhAH BAD NOT THERE AHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHA!”
Bad’s eyebrow raised softly “oh does someone have ticklish armpits? Well maybe if you promise to get out of bed maybe I’ll stop”
Bad shrugs “alright muffin it’s your funeral I’ll just stay here and tick tick tickle you all day!”
He curiously removes one hand and eyes over Alex’s body quickly scanning for a new area to add into the mix, eyes lock on Alex thighs … bad curiously gives one of his thighs a firm squeeze
Quackity loses it squealing and immediately pleading “EEEEPP BAD BAD BAD NO NOT THE THIGHS THEYRE EVEN WORSE!”
“Oh are they now?” Bad smirks softly as removes his hand from Alex’s armpit and places it over his other thigh and says “are you gonna get out of bed?”
Alex shakes his head giggling residually and in anticipation as he says “nohoho!”
Bad shrugs “alright then muffin head you asked for it!”
Bad quickly got to work squeezeing all around Alex’s thighs! After the squeezing he quickly switched to vibrating being sure to focus on the inner parts and after that he switched to scratching focusing on the backs of his thighs!
Bad immediately stopped and ran his fingers through Quackity’s hair to help calm him down “now see was that so hard”
Alex softly glared at bad “yehehss yehehess ihihittt whahass” he waits a moment for his giggles to subside before smiling deviously as he says “you know what’s not hard though?”
Bad tilts his head curiously “what?”
Quackity grins as he says “revenge!”
And so they may not have went anywhere that day but rest assured it was still a great day
The end
Gonna try and pretend like I haven’t forgotten what font I used to separate things for each one of these Xjjzzu anyways I hope you like it!
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carcinized · 3 years
Hey hey hey I don’t have Tumblr BUT I saw your post about C!Tubbo dissociation headcanons and here I am, asking for them. And possibly more C!Tubbo headcanons. Preferably angsty. Just. Any of them. Please. Thank you.
oh, a fellow starved c!tubbo enthusiast. hello there, i do have some headcannons to spare luckily, hope you enjoy!! mostly this is the dissociation ones but i have some miscellaneous ones & songs at the end for you :]
so obviously uhhh tw for dissociation/depersonalisation/derealisation in this post!!! also going to put them under the cut bc this is long lmao
oh and disclaimer: this is very much based off my own experiences with (near constant) chronic dissociation so it might be different from other experiences!! yeah.
oh ALSO this is disorganized and probably missing stuff because i am going through a bad bout of spaciness as of right now, so apologies if anything is confusing, feel free to ask for clarification!
idk background timeline stuff so it fits into the story
at first he didn’t even realize he felt disconnected from things. it started off as a coping mechanism during combat and felt so similar to the feeling of being “in the zone” he’d known before that he didn’t question it
after a bit, it spread from only being there during battle to during conflict in general. still, he didn’t mind it—it actually made arguments more bearable because they felt almost secondhand.
eventually he came to use it as a crutch so much that it became constant.
that was when he started wanting it to go away.
and then because i can’t bear to give my precious c!tubbo constant dissociation he probably gets breaks from it sometimes idk lmao
his experiences:
gaps in memory
auditory processing issues
lots of depersonalisation and not recognizing himself in the mirror (which is even more fun/terrifying if you add in shapeshifter headcannons)
a lot of the time he feels like his actions aren’t his, which helped him to feel less bad doing morally ambiguous things (spying, exiling tommy, hunting technoblade, etc)
after it all he was left with near constant dissociation almost all the time.
it nearly always feels like the world is secondhand to him and he has no control/impact (ironic considering the power he has, and he knows that, but)
often wonders if he is dreaming and just waiting to wake up from a coma he’d gotten from one of his many battles.
when things get really bad he wishes he could just wake up from it.
often doesn’t recognize his hands looking down at them, especially with the burns he has now. they’re not his hands, right? but they are. they’re his hands. huh.
uhhh examples of where it could have been shown in plot if you squint lol
for example, that famous clip of him dancing while wilbur and tommy argue in the background would be a physical representation of him zoning out (dissociating) to get out of/away from an argument.
the whole yes man thing could have either been an auditory processing issue where he replied yes to wilbur without hearing what wilbur had asked OR a gap in memory where he didn’t remember telling tommy the opposite
he pulled away for like 5 months into snowchester and talked to hardly anyone but his husband and son. dissociation is hard to interact with people during because you feel so isolated for so many reasons—sometimes you feel you’re the only real thing there, sometimes it feels there’s a glass wall between you and everything else that IS real. and even ignoring that, most people can’t relate to feeling that way, leaving you even more alone. he could have pulled away because it was too much too keep going through that (i did that don’t recommend it tubbo JSJD)
miscellaneous headcannons that i don’t see very often:
after winning a battle, his instinct is to play a disc and look out at the sunset because that’s what he and tommy always did (see his lore yesterday (june 18th)—he did it with ranboo despite tommy not being there)
i’m rather fond of my original-l’manberg-citizens-consider-haircuts-and-fixing-up-appearances-affectionate-because-wilbur-did-it headcannon so i’ll add that here—basically wilbur gave everyone military cuts and new suits and everything. and while that was just for war, it was also because he cared about all of them. ever since, they all considered fixing up someone’s appearance an act of love.
tubbo refused to let anyone cut his hair after the red festival, not trusting anyone. he would probably let ranboo do it now, only he’s rather attached to the way it hides his burns and some of his horns and keeps him warm in the freezing snow.
he builds walls like how tommy builds cobblestone towers—a reflex, a coping mechanism, a habit. he built the l’manberg walls and ever since the defense has been second nature, whether for the best or the worst.
ive been waiting forever to share these i have way too many. i pass the hours staring out the window listening to misterwives and imagining c!tubbo animatics to it and now i have a chance to share them oh my god
so without further ado,
c!tubbo animatics i have in my head:
whywhywhy by misterwives: ok this one isn’t chalked out but it has him vibes
alone by misterwives: just him and ranboo. figuring things out. helping each other heal. i legitimately have an entire animatic in my head to this lyric by lyric and could make a fucking storyboard for it if only i could draw. if anyone wants me to write out lyric by lyric what it WOULD be though feel free to send an ask aHAHHAHAHA
over the rainbow by misterwives: a montage of c!tubbo just. finally going apeshit. that would be so cathartic alright and it’s such a badass song he deserves it
it’s my turn by misterwives: pretty much any times that tubbo finally got to do something back at someone who wronged him—the butcher army going after technoblade, him yelling at quackity about borders saying “well don’t i get to put my foot down too?” the lyrics “i know you’ve got your version of the story, i’m sick of saying sorry, i’m sick of always having to explain” during his spy arc PLEASE he had to justify everything he did and the “are you happier?” comment and schlatt breathing down his neck aAAAA give my boy a break (also the instrumental uses a lemon demon-type sound which makes me think of ranboo so i love imagining a cool bee dup building the outpost montage there snhshagahffn)
find my way home by misterwives: idk the vibes just fit man
oxygen by misterwives: hhhrnggg clingy duo angst oW
i did say i spend a lot of my time listening to misterwives and daydreaming c!tubbo animatics didn’t i?
anyways yeah. here’s some c!tubbo content to help us poor starved c!tubbo enthusiasts :’D also misterwives propaganda go listen to them female led band with a fucking badass lead singer with banger songs and incredible vocals and lyrics ANYWAY
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def-initely-soul · 4 years
Hey bootiful, can I get the hooking up with a stranger and then looking for the person with that costume + that person being the cop that (on another year) interrupts the party and OC makes inappropriate comments thinking it's a costume with sexy yuta? 😘
one sexy yuta coming right up! ;)
pairing: yuta from NCT x reader (f.)
prompts: strangers who hooked up at a party while in costume but tbh i might be in love with you so i’m gonna walk this earth looking for the right woodland nymph & you’re a cop here to break up the party but i thought it was a costume and may have made some inappropriate suggestions regarding your handcuffs
genre: humour; slice of life
warnings: mature language; suggestive themes; sexual content; drunking; weapon mention
words: 1.4k
“Y/N? Y/N?”
You jump in your spot, finally hearing your best friend yelling into your ear from next to you. “Huh, what, what?!” you yell as well, taken aback as the Annabelle next to you narrows her eyes at you. And that would’ve been completely creepy if you didn’t know your friend was behind the costume.
“You’re still looking for him, aren’t you?” she remarks, crossing her arms on her chest and your eyes widen.
“AHahhahaHa, what?! Nooooo,” you rush to reply. Even though you both know you don’t sound at all convincing.
Your friend takes a breath, letting her arms fall down, eyes following the crowd. “If we both search, maybe we’ll find him faster.”
You give her an appreciative smile. Last year, on your friend’s, Doyoung, Halloween party you hooked up with a handsome stranger dressed as Legolas from The Lord of the Rings trilogy and it was possibly the best sex you’ve ever had in your life. He somehow knew exactly what to do to make you putty in his hands and to be honest you’d connected in both a physical and emotional level. You’re pretty sure if you had another chance with him you could hit it off. 
The only problem is you don’t know his name. Truth is you were a bit too preoccupied fucking to share each other’s names last time, a mistake you’ll make sure won’t repeat itself this year.
Hence why now at another one of Doyoung’s famous Halloween parties, you’re searching for the boy with the long blond hair.
“What does he look like?” your friend brings you back from your reverie and you quickly describe him to her, even though you’ve done so a thousand times before.
You spend more than half the party scanning over the crowd for the mysterious stranger, although you don’t spot him anywhere, and Doyoung is too preoccupied in his spot as the host (or just too fucking drunk) to give you any useful information.
The sensible thing for you to do would be forgetting about him and hook up with someone else; you had the choice if you wanted to. Your costume as a sexy nun had a lot of people walking your way and asking for your name.
But you weren’t feeling it. You were still stuck to the blond elf that knew how to push your buttons right.
You sigh in remembrance of that night, that helped you get through many lonely nights of your own.
The way he held you close, full of passion and intensity, the way his hips drove into you as he choked you, making you lose any sense of self in that time spent together, it all came back all the time, making you wish you’d at least learned his name before you’d left.
At that moment, the music stops suddenly, drunken people confusedly staring at each other at the sudden halt. Your friend looks over to the door to see Doyoung talking animatedly to someone dressed as a cop. You follow her line of vision only to stop in your track when you realise who it is.
It’s him! It’s the guy you’ve been looking for, the guy who rocked your world.
You nudge your friend in shock. “That’s him! Oh my god, he came! Fucking finally!” you exclaim before walking towards him, ignoring your friend who for some reason sounds too panicked.
As you approach Doyoung and the elf, now dressed a cop, you hear his deep voice addressing Doyoung. 
“...I’m sorry buddy, I’m just checkin’...” he says, somehow remorseful as another guy dressed as a cop next to him scans the house as the music comes back on.
“Well, well, look who’s here…” you announce your appearance with a teasing smile on your lips, making sure to sway your hips just enough to entice him. And you’re indeed successful judging by the way his eyes widen and his mouth drops open. 
Last time he saw you, you were dressed as an undead cheerleader, your legs were bare, free for him to marvel upon and enticing enough to draw him in. While this time, even though the dress is ankle-length and long-sleeved, there’s a slit on the fabric, just below your panties, revealing one leg and a bigass large keyhole neckline revealing the top of your breasts. You’re pretty sure he’s done for.
He, in turn, is dressed in a pretty standard cop outfit, dark blue uniform that fits him just right, tight around his chest and thighs and you feel your mouth salivating. There’s even a gun on his holster and a pair of handcuffs hanging from his belt.
Which gives you an idea.
“I, Uhm- H-hey!” he stumbles to reply, visibly affected by you and you internally gloat at the fact. The other guy next to him raises an eyebrow that for some reason doesn’t sit right with you. So you ignore him in favour of the fine piece of ass in front of you.
“I was wondering where you were, you know…” you whisper lowly as you smile seductively at him, dragging your finger down his chest.
The handsome stranger gulps under your ministrations, somehow too flustered to answer you and the guy next to him presses his lips together as if to conceal a laugh.
His presence next to the two of you makes you self-conscious but you decide to pay him no mind.
As your hand lowers down his body, your fingers meet cold metal and you glance down to see you’re touching his handcuffs. You smile.
“Came here prepared, did we?” you bite your lip as you stand at your tiptoes to get closer to him and whisper against his ear. The guy next to him finally looks somewhere else and your confidence returns tenfold when the handsome stranger lets out an affected breath.
“I’ll let you use them on me if you give me your name…” you propose and lean back to find him completely red, not at all as you remembered him from last time and when you’re about to ask what wrong, there’s a noise coming from his pocket.
“Officer Nakamoto, report your status, over.” comes the muffled sound from his pocket and he rushes to grasp the walkie talkie hiding in it.
“All clear here, sir, over,” he responds immediately at the walkie talkie and your eyes widen when the realization hits you.
He’s not wearing a costume.
“Shit…” you mumble quietly to yourself as the guy next to him who’s probably his partner is barely keeping it together. Or at least until their superior signs off and the walkie talkie goes silent.
Then the guy bursts into laughter, holding his belly as he literally shakes from his giggles and you stare elsewhere completely embarrassed.
“I’m sorry I didn’t know, I’ll leave know…” you say in utter shame as you turn around to leave, cursing yourself for your carelessness when a hand wraps around your wrist.
“No, wait…” you turn to see the object of your affections pleading you with his eyes before he turns to his partner. “For fuck’s sake, Taeyong, just of wait in the car,” he reprimands him and the other guy walks away with his hands raised in defeat. Although you can still hear his chuckles as he walks out of the house
Then your handsome stranger turns once more towards you and realizing he’s still holding your wrist, he lets his hand fall. 
“I’m sorry about him, he’s an idiot…” he chuckles quietly as if it’s something only for the two of you and you feel your heartbeat rising at the small bit of intimacy.
“And I’m sorry about all of… that,” you say making a motion with your hands to gesture at the whole of you as the cause of the previous awkwardness. But he simply smiles.
Then he takes a step closer and when your eyes meet his, you see once more that predatory glint in them that became familiar with last years.
“I’ll tell you my name if you give me your number…?” he asks expectantly, pushing his unlocked phone to your direction and you bite your lip to suppress a smile. Not very successfully though.
You take the phone from his hands and punch in your number while adding your name in the contact as well. You give it back with a lopsided smile and he’s quick to read over your name with a smirk.
You cross your arms on your chest. “Now for my reward?”
His smirk grows. He leans in, his cologne infiltrating your lungs, hypnotizing you as his breath fans over your ear.
“You can call me Yuta.”
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greekbros · 4 years
"greek-Bros: The Return of an Old Enemy"
Chapter 5: One Man's Weakness is his Own Wife
The preparations for the Dionysia was underway; maenads, satyrs and villagers decorate the streets with flowers, purple and gold ribbons. The amphitheater was being prepared for this year's theme of "The Downfall of Troy", a theme that Apollo earlier in the month repeatedly objected towards but Dionysus completely forgotten why Apollo didn't approve of....until the Dionysia.
Dionysus was helping his theater troops with the set. "A LITTLE TO THE LEFT!" Dionysus shouted to two stage hands movie a large crude cut-out of a very angry Zeus, "NO THE OTHER LEFT!" he shouted again.
The stage hands were at this point a little confused on where to go, so the both of them just stand completely still to see if Dionysus actually noticed. Dionysus tilts head head to see if the angle is right and stares at the cut-out. "..... perfect, now all need to do is fix the curtains an-" he suddenly felt a light tap on his shoulder, he turns around and sees Apollo we a stern look on his face with Ariadne next to him with a look of concern.
"Um.... Dionysus....is THAT supposed to be dad?" Apollo questioned as he pointed to what basically was the equivalent of a child's drawing of Zeus with sharp teeth, a unibrow and a few inaccurate details that would be obvious to most people.
"Um yes. Yes it is.", Dionysus defended the depiction with all his heart, "I made it myself....with Kale's help, he's been extremely helpful." He points to Kale, who ironically is the director of the play for Dionysia, helping with choreography with a group of maenads. He turns back to Apollo and Ariadne, he steps past Apollo and goes straight to Ariadne, romancing her with the same vigor as if it was still love at first sight.
"Ah sweet pea, you made it" he gives a small kiss her hand, "-listen I have been dieing to get your opinion on the set up for act 3 ," gives another kiss up her forearm, "-the maenads have helped with casting pretty well so far buuuut I may need-" kisses again up the arm, "-someone to fix the costumes for Ares and Heracles though, mostly because it's a little too small for the both of t-" again Dionysus was interrupted mid sentence with Ariadne placing he finger on his lips. As much as she adored Dionysus's courting and him in general, she also equally adored her subjects as any queen would. She lets out a sigh and gives Dionysus kiss on his nose.
"Dionysus, love, we need to talk.", stated Ariadne, "It's about the festival, we HAVE to call it off and continue on another day." she continued. "Apollo told me everything about what's been going on. If it's not safe for the public to be out as soon as the sun goes down, than we must postpone the festival." she argued.
He couldn't believe his own ears, first his brother and now his own wife attempts to convince him to cancel a celebration. So he attempts to continue his 'counter measure', he continues to woo her. He picks her up in his arms. "Oh don't worry my little pomegranate seed, things aren't THAT bad, it was probably the cats being naughty.", he tried to convince her as he started to nuzzle her neck. His stubble tickled Ariadne, she lets out a few giggles, suddenly the two are now locked into a battle of dodging the topic and inappropriate amounts of "pda". The two went back and forth on topic of canceling the event for the safety of the residence. It was between the traditions to party hardy or to prevent a possible mass animal attack that has yet to be resolved.
Meanwhile Apollo is standing three feet away completely growing tired kf the two's public displays of affection, mostly because he personally feels not only is this a massive waste of time but also it makes him feel internally irritated knowing he doesn't have anyone to do this with at moment... subsequently feeling left out. "You two DO realize it's four hours until sunset, I need to at least know you two will be safe before I leave." He interjected.
The two were currently locking lips with each other, Dionysus knew full well this couldn't go on much longer. Dionysus finished his kiss with Ariadne.
Like most men, he didn't like his mind or his plans changed. "How about....we make it during the day?" he suggested, he reasoned that since the attacks have mostly happened at night that there was plenty of time to celebrate.
Ariadne nodded her head no, "No, Apollo had mentioned some these animals have attacked during the day too. He's seen them occasionally, we have to postpone. Maybe during a day that..." She thought about her request...." No nevermind.", She blurted.
Dionysus was confused, was there truly a way out of this annoying cancelation? "... nevermind what?" He asked.
Ariadne has set her trump card, "oh, maybe...just to make the people feel a little bit safer... invite your father to the Dionysia?", she bashfully asked.
Dionysus stood there with a blank expression, a few seconds later, he started laughing. "Ahahhahaha, oh Ariadne, that's really fucking funny hahaha!" he laughed continuously, he looked up and saw Ariadne's face, she wasn't very happy. "Ohhhh you're serious." He realized what she was suggesting wasn't a joke, but a genuine suggestion. "Look, I'm NOT going to bother my dad to babysit us. Delphi honestly isn't in any danger, and we've had two attacks....in three months!" He argued. The conversation started to get a little more serious.
Ariadne let out a small huff, "I know you want to keep the festival going but the safety of people are a little bit more important than tradition right now. I don't care if it was two, or three or a thousand attacks, you know very well that the festivities will be ruined if someone gets hurt.", she told him. "Please I beg you, not just for my sake but the sake of whomsoever might get hurt. It's either you get your father to come over to make sure nothing bad happens....or no sex....for a year, plus no cuddles either. Seriously Dionysus, if someone gets killed over this I swear I probably won't talk to you afterwards!" She was at her limit, if Dionysus was going to be stubborn about festival, than she was going to be stubborn with him.
Dionysus was at an impasse, he couldn't risk making his ultimate wine-wifu upset and to top it off he could not stand the idea of being ignored by her for such an undisclosed amount of time. He also couldn't just CANCEL one of the most important holidays in Greece, mostly Dionysia was also a performing arts contest, and Delphi has been going strong for several years against Delos and Sparta so his ego was on the line. He turned around and pondered to himself, hoping to figure out a way he could make both parties happy. "What if I raised the defenses around the town?....what if I can make wine bombs....that makes wolves too drunk to attack people?" he suggested,.
Ariadne stood there speechless, trying to decide if she was shocked or not to hear this from Dionysus. She motioned to one of the maenads to hand her a prop. A maenad handed her a peacock feather, mostly she didn't want to be responsible for any injuries the Dionysus could probably sustain from this. Ariadne with a gentle smile, worked with what she got, started whipping him with the feather. "YOU. ARE. SO. DAMN. STUBBORN. WINE. CAN'T. SOLVE. NOT. BEING. ALIVE." She shouted as she 'mercilessly' hit his shoulders and back.
Dionysus couldn't help but defend himself by curling up and blocking his face. At this point, he was already in hot water with Ariadne, so he decides to pretend to actually be hurt and start screaming.
Apollo was now just sitting on a director's chair that was provided but one of the stage hands, in fact the whole amphitheater's staff and volunteers were watching this incredible marital dispute. It was rare to see Dionysus and Ariadne fight, some even started to provide snacks to each other. "HOW ABOUT THIS-" Apollo announced.
Dionysus and Ariadne both stop and looked at Apollo. The two pausing midway through their dramatic theatrics.
Apollo stood up and let out a long sigh, "look, if it makes you feel better Dionysus.....as compensation for losing a day-" he said mid sentence.
"A WEEK" Ariadne shouted, she hoped to at least wait a week to make full sure what ever has been going would be solved within the week.
"NO. THATS TOO LONG!" Dionysus furiously responded but was again getting pelted by Ariadne's peacock feather. "AAAH NO NOT AGAIN!" he shouted.
Apollo continued on, "..... loosing a week of the Dionysia, I will make it sunny....for a whole week....just so that you celebrate...none stop...for a whole week." Apollo knew he was going to make BILLIONS of mortals completely confused, ruin many people's sleep schedule...but all to convince the god of wine to cancel a party.
Ariadne was very happy about the idea but it was something. "DEAL!", she shouted, she stopped whipping Dionysus with the feather. Dionysus stood up, not even feeling anything, with his ego a little bruised having had his will be bent. He begrudgingly decided to the agreement, "Fine. But I better get a summertime blow out during that week dude." He conditioned.
Apollo could breath a sigh of relief, he had at least avoided disaster for the citizens of Delphi. Now it was off to Delos to arrange some defenses around the countryside. Delphi may not have any 'wolves', but he was worried of Delos did. "Well, good to see we're at an accord. Dionysus, please be careful tonight and good luck to you, Lady Ariadne." He waved as he went to find his chariot.
Ariadne and Dionysus waved goodbye to Apollo. Ariadne looked up at Dionysus and tried to tickle him the the peacock feather on his neck. He tried to not crack a smile but he couldn't resist being ticklish let alone be mad at his wife. "Hahahehehe, ok ok, sorry sweetie. I just really hate canceling anything." He apologized.
Ariadne chuckled and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "it's ok, but your brother is right you know." She assured him. "Come on, I'll help you pack a few things up." She went on to help put away some of the decorations. Dionysus turned around, "Ok pack up the small stuff everyone! Dionysia is cancelled for the week!" He announced. The staff and followers were all shocked and some started to comment amongst themselves. "Don't worry, the party will continue next week with a full week of sunshine and hardcore partying. As of tonight...um...just like... don't go out at night. Stay home and get wasted indoors my dudes." He finished off his announcement, turned to went to help with putting away some of the things.
Kale had finally comeback from a 45 minute wine break and was completely confused as to why everyone was putting away everything. "Ok seriously I need to lay off the marlot because WHAT THE FUCK did I just FUCKING nap through the Dionysia?!" He shouted. A satyr walked up to fill Kale in, "um nah brah, Dionysia is cancelled until next week....after that its party time on steroids." Kale at first was frustrated because he worked on the dance routine for the play, until he realized there was a whole week to make some changes. "GASP! I must go, improvement awaits!" He dramatically left to come up with another part of the scene.
End of Chp5
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utterlyinevitable · 4 years
Now that Miss Doctor Becca is being ignored by Ethan sometimes, how does she get her own back?
a) accidentally leave her FATL fanfiction out so he realises that in an AU he loses her
b) replace the photos of them together with her and David Gandy photoshopped versions
c) swap her number with Leland Blooms in his phone so Bloom gets Ethan's dick pics.
Love you ❤️❤️
Ahahhahaha this is brilliant omfg ♥️
tbh I can see her doing all of them in certain situations 😂
Okay soooo canon Becca right now at this point in book 3 (the canon Becca that isn’t still getting it from darling bryce 😔) would be kinda petty. Ethan’s still making time for sexcapades but not much else and she’s just *heavy eye rolls at the camera* kinda done. So B.
she makes not so subtle hints that she’s young and hot and has many other options. And Ethan being Ethan has no ducking clue that guy in the photos is a model, and is actually kinda hurt by how easily she changed all her wallpapers and screensavers and whatnots. He’d never tell her that though. And beccas friends were sworn to secrecy not to out her when she put one of those photos up on Picta one evening ethan was being super insufferable.
She’s kinda sadistic and enjoys the little game for a week but Ethan totally hated it and after a few days asks if he’s upset her with the undertone of asking if they’re still together — they’ve never had the proper exclusivity talk and he doesn’t want to presume but... he knows how he feels and thought they were on the same page now he’s finally caught up. She calls him out on his behavior and he tells her it’s not intentional and he’s bad at this and she needs to understand he hasn’t been in a relationship in a few years and it wasn’t even that deep of a connection, if she wants a first hand account Harper has loads of stories. And Becca bites back that she knows, the two of them keep bringing up the stories all the time. And while she likes hearing about these bits of him there’s a time and a place and it’s certainly not when they’re supposed to be working on a case so maybe they all should go out for dinner? Yadda ya they make up and go out to dinner with Harper later in the week and it’s so fun!
Now, if Ethan was pulling this ignoring bull halfway through third year, Becca would be making FATL happen. She’s given this man 2.5 years of her life and nothings coming of it? Bye. Gonna go do me and he can continue living in solitude. She’s got so much self respect she ain’t gonna wait around for this man no more, especially since her time at EB is coming to an end.
This was so so fun thank you so much, love 😘💕
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icedthoma · 4 years
omg I’d probably say saeyoung 🥺🥺 I love doing his route even if it doeS hurt but I love him 😭
He’s also my favorite to draw uwu
I’m also too broke to afford another story so I haven’t done saeran’s yet 🥺
send me two characters and I’ll tell uou which one is rather date !
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flrtwoo · 3 years
get to know me !!!
tagged by: @jeongjaebae AAAHH thank u so much for the tag 🥺 it was so fun reading urs and BTW i hope ur okay from ur scar story 😭
tagging: u who's reading this :p (why am i so shy to tag ppl AHHAHAHA I WILL GET THE COURAGE ONE DAY FUK)
what is your birthday?
i'm a scorpio !!!! october teehee but definitely do not fit the scorpio stereotype HAHAHAHA
what is your favorite color?
yellow <3
what's your lucky number?
i don't have one :<<
do you have any pets?
nope but I WANT A DOG >:(( i love dogs but my mom is allergic <///3
how tall are you?
..... 4'11 .....
how many pairs of shoes do you own?
uhhhh idk 5 or 6 ??
favorite song?
i have TOO MANY rn but if i had to name one, probably i went out by kyle lux !! IT'S SUCH A FUN & GROOVY SONG please give it a listen i swear it's so GOOD !! as for kpop i don't have one specific song in mind, i just listen to my kpop playlist on repeat LMFAO
favorite movie?
tbh idt i have one ??? but i did watch this movie recently called "knives out" it's really interesting n cool !!! i love pretty woman too omg ONE OF MY FAVES
what would be your ideal partner?
my biases ahahahahhaha jk 1/2 :"D
someone funny, respectful, and empathetic !!! i love it when someone can make me and my friends laugh, someone who knows their boundaries, and someone who'll take care of me when i'm a mess :>
do you want children?
have you gotten in trouble with the law?
no and hopefully never ? :"D
what color socks are you wearing?
my feet r naked atm B)
bath or shower?
showers >>>
favorite type of music?
as of the past few months, i love groovy music !!! it's just so fun to vibe to hihi
how many pillows do you sleep with?
2 pillows and 1 stuffed toy ><
which position do you sleep in?
on my side
what you don't like when you're sleeping?
i don't like it when i want to sleep but i just CAN'T it's so frustrating :(((
what do you have for breakfast?
peanut butter on bread :D
have you ever tried archery?
nawp but it looks cool !!!
favorite fruit?
i don't each much fruit but probably mangoes hehe
favorite swear word?
fuck or if a swear word in filipino, then gago HAHAHAHAH
do you have any scars?
i have one on my knee and one under my chin !!! both scars were caused because i could not see shit and i was being stupid LOL
are you a good liar?
i'd like to think i am when the situation calls for it?
what's your personality type?
esfp !!!! fun fact: my parents and i have the same mbti LMAO
what's your favorite type of girl?
as long she isn't toxic af 😃
innie or outie?
left or right handed?
right handed !!
favorite food?
too many . BUT fine if i were to choose rn, i'm craving ice cream, steak, or flavored french fries (POTATO CORNER <//3)
are you clean or messy?
DEPENDS i like to be clean/organized most of the time but sometimes i just don't give a shit and i end up leaving my room (and myself) looking like a mess
favorite foreign food?
japanese or italian food omg
how long does it take for you to get ready?
15 minutes if i don't shower, 30-40 if i do AHAHHAHA
most used phrase?
"omg" or "WTF"
are you a good singer?
i think i am ?? idk HAHAHHA
do you sing yourself?
i used to take singing lessons when i was younger and was even part of my school's chorale for a year or two !!! now i just idk casually sing wherever i go HAHAHAHA it's become natural
biggest fear?
being alone/ignored when i need people the most ig ??
do you like long or short hair?
uhhh how about mid-length hair? HAHAHAHA
are you into gossips?
..... most of the time HDSJDSJDJ I KNOW IT'S BAD but sometimes it gets juicy ok 😔
extrovert or introvert?
extrovert afff but i'm not the super duper duper friendly kind that i can say hi to u first in a party u feel HAHAHAHA but yes generally super extroverted
favorite school subject?
i'm not so familiar w my subjects this year since we just started, but last year it was organization & management and business math !!! (bmath was like hella easy HAHAHA)
what makes you nervous?
who was your first real crush?
i guess REAL real crush like kinda in10se was grade 6 i think ?? we were in the community together HAHAHHA i don't like him like that now tho ,,, and we're really good friends rn so yay !!
how many piercings do you have?
2 !! one on each ear :>
how fast can you run?
idk tbh not that fast HAHAHAHHAHA
what color is your hair?
black !!! i dyed it black over the summer but before that it was a lighter brown !! that was a dye job too HAHAHAHAH
what color are your eyes?
dark brown
what makes you angry?
when people don't commit, when they freeload, when they're toxic, MANY MANY THINGS IN LIFE </3
do you like your own name?
ig ??? i can't imagine my name being anything else HAHAHA
do you want a boy or a girl as a child?
any ig !!
what are your weaknesses?
sometimes my body goes emotions over common sense so lyk ,,,,,,,
what are your strengths?
i'm usually pretty positive and i'm empathetic !!! also protective over the people i love :<
what is the color of your bedspread?
color of your room?
pink HAHAHA i would repaint but i like the life it brings to my room ^^
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agingerismblog · 5 years
you cant always believe in ‘dreamt’ :)
I chose not to.
its been awhile im not write up anything in here. so, welcome back to myself! haha. Alhamdulillah everything was fine and good. Life? Alhamdulillah, it was smooth around. hehehehe. Well i just want to share about this kind of on going mimpi yang tidak sempurna. chewah! HAHA.
Well, im a type of person who have always ignored about mimpi. for me its not the important situation that need to be focus on.i assumed it always as mainan tidur. but currently, i just felt weird since he kept appeared in my dream and i dont know why. he was my past and I DONT EVEN KNOW what he up to. I stopped. Like I stop myself not to figure out why on earth I have to find out why kan? 
Maybe got any good hikmah or he’s gonna get marry ka what. I just can pray goods to him and gf. I moved on. So do him. I believe we’ve found our own ways of happiness. Alhamdulillah. that must be real good for both kan? It just my past hanging around here, I survived in our ‘cinta monyet’ before. All the ups and downs i’ve gone through by myself. You didnt even to mention about “betangisan”, that’s all beyond me. ahahhahaha. Im glad that i ended everything in a happy ending like he even saw my graduation moments and the success that ive created after he left me. 
Girls, it does not matter how long youve been with someone. If that guy was play you around, please stop make yourself hurts. You got choices in your life and please think it wisely and make sure DO NOT PICK UP ALL THE PIECES ALONE. it leg-idly painful in the inside guys. hahaha. Just back up and stay focus with life! 
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queenkepner · 7 years
"I'm used to people thinking their name or rank can result in any superiority over me" - PREACH APRIL, SO MUCH HIM AND HER, UM FRIENDS! Her one liners still kill! I'm glad he's being a good guy for once, but this still stands "He isn't a hero, that she's come to learn" - I do appreciate what he said though.."I'm sorry I ignored our past to have an easier present." - WOW, JUST WOW. NO WORDS. Maybe..APRIL IS THE BEST OF BEST! Like, her words, and no Jackson! You don't even deserve one more night!
ahahhahaha. he was asking her for one more night not really for himself but also bc he could see she needed to lose herself and her reality for a little bit ;)
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