#just know I’m not very big on the ship personally
tsams-confessions · 2 days
Ok, so I noticed quite a few people calling an anon stupid for saying some people were getting too comfortable shipping problematic things. & I just wanna preface that the anon could very well be talking about the people who will harass someone if they don’t ship their ship/those who don’t make it an au. They could also be talking about those who don’t properly tag their shit (because that’s a big problem in the fandom)
They can also be talking about the Aphobia that some people will excuse as their ships.
They weren’t talking about every shipper or every person who does ship something that is objectively problematic.
I view shipping any of the celestial of the sun and moon show as a minefield, considering how much of an unholy wreath the family trees to the point where the only ones that aren’t related to the family are ruined and his creations (copy blood moon and copy eclipse)
I have blocked the tags for most of these ships excluding sun X moon because I ship canon security breach sun and moon. But I know that I will inevitably encounter solar X moon, or earth X eclipse because there are people that don’t properly tag their things and just leave it in the main tag. I also know that there are people who have and will harass others for stating they’re uncomfortable with the ships.
I have seen people harass a minor over being uncomfortable with the ships. There are some people who ship these things I’m not comfortable with that know how to stay in their lane, that don’t harass others and properly tag their things and make sure it’s an AU and separate it from Cannon. Those people are clearly not the ones being talked about in that post.
people who are most likely calling the anon stupid. And I know for a fact there’s at least one person in there that called that anon. Stupid who wasn’t being talked about. I’m not gonna say who it is because I don’t want to send harassment to anyone, I just want you guys to understand that calling someone, stupid because they were just mentioning how some people were getting a bit too comfortable with something they found problematic makes you guys problematic.
And you guys can go ahead and call me stupid for stating this, but you’re proving my point. If you’re offended by this, then you’re probably the person I’m talking about.
Yes, they are fictional characters, but people can still be uncomfortable by it. And that’s something some people in the re-blogs of that post didn’t understand. It wasn’t anyone, I know Me and a few others were agreeing with the anon, but some people completely missed the point of that post it was not only someone voicing something they were uncomfortable with, but it was also most likely talking about people that try and force it down everyone’s throats.
I just wanna say this, now as well, the shippers consistently tell the people who are uncomfortable with it to block the tags and block them and go about their day, most of the people uncomfortable with the ship will do that, however, however, a good amount of the shippers who tell us that don’t even follow it. They will harass people for making can an accurate fan art. It’s not cool. It’s problematic. It’s making me regret joining the fandom. Originally I was thinking of using my anon account to link the post I’m talking about, but now I’m thinking that might not be a good idea because one, people will get harassed and number two, I don’t want my anonymous account being harassed.
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oblivionsdream · 2 days
Hey @oblivionsdream !
I have 2 questions - bear with me…
As you know, I love your work, but have only just recently started actively engaging with it.
I actually first came across you and your Jester x knight OC’s at least a year or two ago, when a fellow DinLuke shipper tagged it with #dinluke, so it showed up on my feed. If you aren’t into Star Wars and are unfamiliar with it - that’s the romantic pairing between Din Djarin (the Mandalorian) and Luke Skywalker.
For a while, I actually thought that it was a medieval DinLuke au because there are quite a few fanarts exploring that ship in different universes (including ours) and different timelines, etc.
One of the things that lent credence to this idea was the fact that the king looks so much like the Jedi, Quinlan Vos.
The characters do also closely match the personalities that a lot of the fandom have collectively given Din and Luke on tumblr - like Luke actually being a feral mischievous gremlin underneath his serene Jedi facade, and Din actually being the more composed (and often lovingly exasperated) of the two.
It was a surprise when I looked more into it and realised that they are original characters, completely unrelated to DinLuke and Star Wars as a whole.
So I guess I’m just curious what was the inspiration behind the Jingly Menace and his steadfast, taciturn knight? Was it a song or a meme or just watching a medieval show and during a scene with a jester, you had a sudden burst of creative juices like “Eureka! Pretty jester x hot knight!”
Sorry if you’ve already answered this and I’ve just missed it while scrolling through your page.
My other question (this I know has been queried to JM himself but he nervously evaded the question) when JM is shown crying in one of the first pictures you posted of him, what was the actual reason that you had in mind behind it? Was it just simply because his attempts to get the hot mysterious knights attention had thus far been unsuccessful (from his perspective anyway) and he succumbed to a private moment of vulnerability?
Every time I look at it, I’m dying to know!
Anyway, love you! Hope the JM comic is still on the horizon at some point - coz I would buy and read the crap out of it!
Hey there!
I honestly had no idea what DinLuke is though I've seen the tags. My knowledge of Star Wars comes from whatever I have absorbed against my will being online and when my best friend made me watch the prequels a few years ago 😂
So Jester solely came to be because I've loved jesters for many years at this point. I just find them fun but there's never enough content for them out there so I just wanted to make my own oc. I also just love trickster characters- anything fae like or I always adored Loki in Norse mythology so he's very based into those kind of mischievous vibes and humor.
Augustine was purely accidental. I saw some Tumblr post about a knight or maybe it was about a jester and a knight (I no longer remember) so I thought it would be funny to doodle Jester with a random knight being a menace asking him about his big sword. Augustine was never supposed to be a character. But then I just kept coming up with other ideas for Jester and this random knight whose face he never saw and whelp here we are.
Soooo the crying. It was definitely a private moment no one else was supposed to witness. Part of something I find interesting with playing with Jester's character is the idea that sometimes the seemingly happiest and funniest people are also the saddest but they just cover it up with a smile. His backstory before coming to the castle is still something that affects him but also he feels lonely at court. He constantly craves the validation of attention he didnt really get as a kid and is constantly surrounded by people but also he feels very lonely in court. He is in a strange place of being neither noble but also not quite a commoner/servant. Nobility will look down on him and not take him serious because he's just a silly guy but the servants are wary to get too close because of his close relationship with the king and the fact that he technically has a higher status as Court Jester. He is one of Monty's closest confidantes but his own secrets keep him from being fully honest with his king. It's a strange place of feeling alone in the middle of a crowded court where everyone sees his silly jester persona and make up but no one sees beneath it.
I still hope to make a comic! Just trying to find the time to get all my ideas in order. Thanks for liking my silly guys!
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ihatebnha · 3 years
nah nah nah cause you definitely had a point with what you were saying, so many fics have descriptions that only apply to white women...the silky long hair, the pink nipples or blushing red like those characteristics do not apply to women of color at all and that should be said. aside from all that most descriptions ARE for “fit and toned” people so you made ur points even if people aren’t personally offended it’s just the truth.
LITERALLY... like I wasn’t trying to be rude at all but facts are facts whether people like them or not...🤷🏼‍♀️
Like really... just do better and stay alert, it’s not hard.
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heavenpierceher · 2 years
esoteric friendships that i’m certain exist in mtmte but we just don’t see them:
rodimus and tailgate have a big brother/little brother style relationship. like in the “rodimus is a rowdy jackass” way but also he allows himself to express like 0.004% more genuine affection towards tg than other people because i mean cmon look at the little guy. the symbiotic return that tailgate receives in this relationship is being carried places like a purse dogy
swerve and cyclonus rewatching 80s slasher films “why does tailgate call you babygirl” “how about we stop talking for a little while”
cyclonus and ratchet’s mean old crotchety bastard solidarity. in the back of the club arms folded cuz i don’t agree with the music selection
tailgate and first aid will occasionally meet up just to sort of go “ohhhh my gooooddddd oh my fucking GOOOODDDDDD OHHH my GODDDDDD FUUUUUCKKK oh my gooodddddddddd” at each other. they both know exactly what they mean but it’s impenetrable to anyone else
drift is operating under the delusion that he can fix whirl (platonic). whirl is having a GREAT time fucking with his head by pretending to have spectralist visions that entail him getting free drinks
skids is surprisingly very open to being climbed on physically. another free ride for tailgate
chromedome and ratchet’s “oh my god my husband is so fucking exhausting oh my god” solidarity
speaking of which, rewind and tailgate bond over their mutual struggle to unravel their husband’s 27 million emotional firewalls and also watch early 90′s anime reruns
swerve and whirl argue with each other like letterboxd users on twitter. there’s a lot of screaming but trust them it’s a bonding exercise
chromedome and skids have occasional “i have done unspeakable things. we are not going to acknowledge this and instead i will watch you play fallout 4 in total silence” meetings. they both benefit from this experience somehow
magnus and ratchet’s mean old crotchety bastard “oh my god all of you people are fucking insane oh my god” solidarity
putting rodimus and swerve in the same room is an occupational hazard (positive connotation). they are known to escalate games as minor as uno into ship-spanning wagers, usually involving other people’s stuff. rodimus once punched a hole through a wall over wii sports
fortmax and the minibots are bestieeeesssss :3 (they help her forget about The Everything and she lets them be like 50 feet tall)
once drift and cyclonus get over the whole “sorry i played bad cop with you in a misguided attempt to impress the guy crushing on me” thing they like to practice swords with each other. drift always offers to get him a drink afterwards and cyclonus is always like “no” and then shows up an hour later and doesn’t talk to anyone but he’s still there so that counts
tailgate and drift rewatching jidaigeki movies “why does ratchet call you babygirl” “how about we stop talking for a little while”
tailgate and nautica, in a moment of drunken unfiltered weakness, discover that they both have the same sort of “i feel like no one takes me seriously and my emotional openness is offputting to people when all i want is to make genuine emotional connections with others and also when left alone i have a tendency to spiral from feeling useless and like people are only tolerating my presence and don’t actually care about me as a person and my self doubt is tearing me apart internally” thing going on
she also likes carrying him around
everyone likes carrying tailgate around
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korasonata · 2 years
I always kind of laugh when people ask how I got into Hermitcraft because I really just stumbled upon it completely by accident. The video that got me to watch wasn’t even Hermitcraft related, it was Grian’s “7 minecraft shipwreck house ideas” video which happened to show up in my recommended one day. Didn’t even know who Grian was, just saw cool house designs and clicked. And of course the first design of the video was his shipwreck in a bottle. I was trying to replicate the design but was struggling with the dimensions and he just so happened to mention that this was the design for his starter house in season 6 of “Hermitcraft” and I was like “cool, don’t know what that is but I’ll just watch the episode so I can watch him build it and get a better grasp of the design”.
And of course he doesn’t start the actual bottle until episode 2, so had to watch the first 2 for sure, but he also doesn���t really finish by episode 2 either. The bottles sort of done, at least enough for me to get the shape, but the episode also kind of ends on a cliff hanger so I’m like “ok, just one more episode just to see how it turns out.” Episode 3 ends and by this point I am thoroughly invested. Binge the rest of Grian’s episodes over the next week, right up to the very first battle of the civil war, at which point I have completely caught up with releases and the videos stop. Suddenly finding myself deprived, desperately wanting more Grian content, I have an epiphany. You know who Grian spent a lot of time with this season?
Mumbo Jumbo.
Which is when I realize that Grian will also be in Mumbo’s episodes. Start watching Mumbo with the intent of finding scraps of Grian, realize that Mumbo is also hilarious and binge the rest of Mumbo’s videos. And once I catch up on those I proceed to re-watch Grian’s entire season, at which point I stumble across a collab that he did pretty early on with a Mr. Iskall85 where he tours his underwater mine and I am once again completely enthralled by this absolutely gorgeous base.
Start watching Iskall.
And as the videos progress I start taking note of some of the other builds in the area. Like that pirate ship with the rainbow sails, that looks amazing I wanna build it! Wait a minute, Grian passed that ship in episode one, who did he say was building it?
Start watching Cleo. And Cleo, as it so happens, lives right across the water from this absolutely gorgeous purple aqua duct, I definitely want a closer look at this thing.
Start watching FalseSymmetry.
By this point Grian is uploading again and I start watching his new videos. They’ve decided on a game of capture the flag to settle the war, and he is building his flag room. He gets someone named Stressmonster101 to test his traps and OMG I have never laughed so hard in my life, WHO IS SHE she’s HILARIOUS I need to see more of her!
Start watching Stress.
Watch these people until the end of the season and throughout season 7. Episode 1 Grian pranks someone named GoodTimesWithScar with a zombie spawner, oh this is hilarious I need to watch this from his perspective. Watch Scar’s episode, quickly realize that he is also fantastic.
Start watching Scar.
The Big Base Swap happens and everyone suddenly swaps bases (shocker). Cleo rapidly skyrockets to one of my favourite Hermits. You know where to get more Cleo content?
Joe and Keralis.
Stress goes MIA mid base swap and her reactions aren’t really recorded on her channel. But you know where you can see her reactions?
My Tumblr is now a Hermitcraft blog by this point and I see someone make a post about the first Hermits Helping Hermits stream where everyone helps Ren put down lava and custom terraform his Star Wars biome. The person who made the post is talking through some highlights of the stream, at which point I am sold. There is a link to RenDog’s perspective and I watch it.
I now watch Rendog.
Start dabbling in the odd fanfiction here and there. Read a few, write a few, at which point I stumble across ✨The Scattered AU✨ A collection of prompt like posts on Tumblr which detail a list of proposed events in an imagined fanfiction where the plot is simply that every Hermit starts at a different spot on the map and simply has to find each other without the use of communicators. The prompts merely detail possible scenarios that each Hermit finds themselves in. And I am inspired. I want to write it. I will write it. And each chapter will be told from the perspective of each Hermit. And to properly convey each character you’re going to need a proper grasp on their personality, which means you’re going to need to do some research.
Better watch them all.
All of this because I wanted to make a shipwreck in a bottle.
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Hi, this is very random but I'm actually writing a dissertation on Harry Potter Fanfiction and I'm looking for the 'big' fics, i.e. fics that lots of people in the fandom read - the most popular/famous ones that might even have their own sub-fandom (All The Young Dudes for example). Do you know of any Drarry ones like this? Thanks in advance!
What a wonderful topic for a dissertation @realistic-but-optimistic - I would LOVE to read it if you ever publish/want to share. And I definitely have some recs for fics that have their own mini fandom and/or are ‘The Drarry Classics’
What We Pretend We Can't See by @gyzym [131k words]
Seven years out from the war, Harry learns the hard truth of old history: it’s never quite as far behind you as you thought
This is THE fandom classic almost everyone has read and talks about. It features a redeemed, slightly obsessive, charming Draco. Grimmauld Place plays a huge role in the fic and Ron/Hermione are wonderful. Overall 10/10.
Running on Air by @tinyhistory [75k]
Draco Malfoy has been missing for three years. Harry is assigned the cold case and finds himself slowly falling in love with the memories he collects.
I genuinely do not know if any fic rec can do justice to this masterpiece. It’s so beautiful and poignant and somehow nostalgic. The language, the plot, the pining and the mystery are all breathtaking. You have to read this one yourself to believe me. This is definitely a major fandom classic.
Tea and No Sympathy [70k] by who_la_hoop
It's Potter's fault, of course, that Draco finds himself trapped in the same twenty-four-hour period, repeating itself over and over again. It's been nearly a year since the unpleasant business at Hogwarts, and Draco's getting on with his life quite nicely, thank you, until Harry sodding Potter steps in and ruins it all, just like always. At first, though, the time loop seems liberating. For the first time in his life, he can do anything, say anything, be anything, without consequence. But the more Draco repeats the day, the more he realises the uncomfortable truth: he's falling head over heels for the speccy git. And suddenly, the time loop feels like a trap. For how can he ever get Harry to love him back when time is, quite literally, against him?
If you like Groundhog Day style fics, this is the winner! It has over 32k kudos on AO3 which is INSANE! It’s super well written and keeps you hooked until the very end. And it’s not just this one, every fic by this author is a classic in its own right. Especially ‘written on the heart.’
Right Hand Red [73k] by @lqtraintracks​
Harry felt Malfoy's breath on his lips as they came together over the bottle, hands firmly planted on the floor as though they each needed their familiar soil, refusing to cross into enemy territory.
Except that Malfoy no longer felt like his enemy.
Malfoy felt inevitable.
No rec list can be complete without an eighth year fic. The fandom is FULL of eighth year fics and they’re perfect for anyone craving a Harry Potter continuation but with Drarry. This is one of my absolute favourite ones. It features a lot of party games and it’s really nice to see Harry and Draco have a chance at a normal school year for once, something they’ve been robbed of for so many years. There’s a lot of pining and healing in this one and I felt all the feels when I read it. 
Away Childish Things [151k] by @letteredlettered
Harry gets de-aged. Malfoy has to help him.
This one. This one. THERE ARE NO WORDS BUT I WILL VALIANTLY ATTEMPT. I love it. It explores Harry’s childhood in a way very few fics have managed to and it really really tugs at the heartstrings. It’s gorgeously written and evokes so many emotions. Please read this one.
Stop All the Clocks (This Is the Last Time I’m Leaving Without You) [44k] by @firethesound
Living with Draco was difficult; living without him is unbearable. But if there’s one thing Harry learned from the war, it’s that even when one life ends, the rest of the world goes right on living.
Full disclosure- I haven’t read this and I don’t know if I ever can. It features MCD (main character death) and I really struggle with reading fics that don’t have a happy ending. Having said that, it is a fandom classic and everyone who has read it, RAVES about it. They say it’s gorgeous and beautiful and devastating. What I can confirm is that firethesound is an amazing author and I have read several other fics by them which could also be considered fandom classics. Especially ‘All Our Secrets Laid Bare’ which is the ultimate Auror partners fic and ‘A Convenient Impracticality’ which is the ultimate fake dating/friends-with-benefits fic. 
Dwelling [83k] by aideomai
Curses, James and Lily Potter ride again, several Ministry balls, a teenage Summer of Love, a grim young adult dystopian winter, a few different Draco Malfoys, secrets and the problems re: not having any, alternate lives, impossible lives, real lives, allusions to Dirty Dancing, and just because it's not called the Mirror of Erised doesn't mean you shouldn't know better.
Oh my goodness, this fic ruined me. In the best possible way. If you want a glimpse into how Harry’s life could have been if his parents had been alive and if Harry and Draco had been friends from the start, this is the one. There's a huge twist which makes the fic EVEN better. I don’t want to spoil too much but this one is worth a read. Another fic by the same author, ‘Far From The Tree’ is also gorgeous. It’s a newer fic so I wouldn’t say it’s a classic yet but the plot is SO unique. It features Harry’s grown up kids coming back into the past and how that could affect Harry/Draco’s relationship. All the characters are super well written and it’s one of my personal favourites!
Other notes:
I made a Drarry rec list when I first got into the fandom. I would say almost all the fics on this list are also classics/very well liked. 
Another great way to find classics are through this link. They are Drarry fics on Ao3 (30k+ words) sorted by the number of kudos they’ve received. I would say all fics on the first five pages can be considered classics. 
Here are three other SUPER adored authors in the Ao3 fandom: Bixgirl, Saras_Girl and GallaPlacidia
All works by Bix and Saras_Girl are considered classics. GallaPlacidia started writing for the fandom only a couple of years back but she has such a knack for writing both these boys, it’s absolutely insane. I’m 100% confident her fics will be considered classics in a few years! Especially ‘The Bucket List’ and ‘Ship of Theseus.’
Enjoy and hope this helps!!
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crumbledcastle28 · 3 years
Din Djarin: Hours
Pairing: Din Djarin x fem!reader
Summary: Din reveals some incredibly personal feelings and desires to you while intoxicated, but you can’t help but hope for even a drop of truth in his words…..
Warnings: SMUT, Din is drunk, like very drunk (but not during sex), pining, love confession, a decent amount of swearing, sweet love making :)
A/N: After the Leo smut I just wrote, how could I not write one for Din?
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“You’re…..what?” you said to Mando as he stood wobbly at the entrance to the Crest.
“I…. I think I’m….drunk,” he said, then really almost fell over. You ran out the door into the cold night and wrapped your arm around his torso to keep him upright. His metal armor was cold around your body, but the smell of alcohol radiating off of him was even more jarring.
You had been working with Mando for a couple of months before this night, and you had always known him to be the strong and silent type. Like the kind of guy who lightly scoffs at jokes and is all work with no play. He was incredibly good to you: buying you food, keeping you warm, and drastically overpaying you.
Not only that, but he kept you safe. With the way the galaxy was these days, you really couldn’t ask for anything more.
You didn’t realize, however, catching him before he dented the side of the ship was part of the agreement.
“Wow wow, careful,” you said to him with an awkward laugh. His arm wrapped around your back as you caught him and his head slumped to the side. He was extremely heavy.
“I-I don’t. I don’t know what happened,” he mumbled through his helmet, and your heart-rate accelerated.
Did Mando get…. drugged?
“Ok. It’s alright. Were you drinking?” you asked him, and he lifted his helmet a bit to look at your face.
“I mean… yeah. But not a lot,” he said, and you shook your head with a laugh.
“Jesus Mando. You scared me there for a second,” you said to him, but he just kept looking at your face.
“M’sorry,” he said. “Never want to hurt you,” he said, and that’s when you realized just how close he was getting to you. How close he had been to you this whole time.
You could feel your breath off his helmet, that’s how close he was. His big, strong arm was wrapped around your shoulder and your hand was placed in the middle of his chest. You had never been this close. Ever. His body was completely encompassing you he was so large-
Not the time. Not the time.
“It’s alright Mando,” you responded nervously. “You’ve never hurt me.”
Once those words left your lips, Mando sucked in a breath through his nose. His body became tighter, and he looked….frozen?
“I think it’s time we go inside,” you said with a laugh. You try to move him inside, but his body is…firmer than yours. He wasn’t budging, no matter how hard you tried.
You looked towards his face again, slightly confused as to why he wasn’t moving. His body was still slightly slumped and the booze scent was still admitting from his body, but he looked like he was trying to be sober. Like he all of a sudden realized his walls were down and he just put them back up again.
“You alright?” you asked him. He stared at you for a heartbeat, then shook his head slightly, and started walking forward with you.
You moved him inside and sat him down on his cot. This came with a few stumbles and curses from Mando’s mouth, with you giggling at his side of course, but once you finally sat him down, his shoulders slouched slightly. It looked like he finally….relaxed.
You weren’t sure you’d ever seen him like that until now.
“Ok. All set,” you said, standing in front of him on his cot. “I’ll grab you some water and medicine to take before bed, and you’ll be as good as new in the morning, yeah?”
Just like he had been seemingly all night, Mando just stared at you. It was starting to get a little annoying. Sure he was pretty quiet on most days, but he was just really acting really strange. Like you had something on your face or you were a ghost or something. It was weirding you out.
“Okayyyy I’ll take the bone-chilling silence as a yes,” you said to him and turned around to leave the room. “Goodnight—”
“You know…” Mando started, and you turned back around, sighing slightly in frustration.
“Yes?” you said, and Mando tilted his head slightly.
“Have you ever noticed how beautiful you are?” he said, and you could’ve sworn your breathing stopped.
Your heart, your mind, your bloodstream. They all just… stopped.
“You are just so….. beautiful. The most beautiful person I have ever seen. Ever. That’s true hands down. And you’re so funny too like God, you make me laugh more than anyone I’ve met in my life. Like that bone-chilling silence thing you just said? How the hell did you come up with that? You have got to be pretty smart to be that witty. Which you are, of course. Your mind is my favorite part about you. Next to your face, of course-“ Mando said, but after a while, your heartbeat was pounding so loud in your ears that you couldn’t even hear him.
You felt like an idiot. Like a joke. This man was drunk out of his mind right now. Probably the drunkest he’s ever been in his life up to this point, and here you are getting flustered over what he’s saying. There’s no way in the world he could mean what he’s saying. Absolutely no way….
….but yet again, maybe he does? Maybe he has felt this way for a while but some good old fashioned liquid courage actually gave him the guts to say it? Why are you getting your hopes up. It’s just going to be another let down.
But no one had called you beautiful the way he did. The way it simply and matter-of-factly rolled off his tongue. Your entire body was pounding.
“……and you know how much you deserve, right? Like you deserve so much more than getting thrown around in this old ass ship with me. You deserve everything you could ever dream of. You deserve to be worshiped. Praised. Knelt in front of—”
“God I would praise you for hours if I could.”
And with those words, another quite sensitive muscle in your body started pounding.
So many thoughts just entered your head at once. Mando seeing you stripped bare. Him throwing you on the bed, kissing you like he meant it. Like he meant every word he just just drunkenly revealed. And how he would kiss all down your body, biting and licking every crevice of you, moaning at the taste of your skin. And when he finally got to the area you needed him most, he would lick and kiss it so fucking good—
“Ok,” you said to him. “You’re obviously very drunk right now so I need you to go to sleep.”
“What? Are you saying you don’t believe me?”
“What I’m saying is you won’t remember anything you just said tomorrow.”
“I will Cyarika, I will,” he said, and with that you turned off his lights and marched out the door.
That night was one of the worst sleeps you have had in a long time.
By the time you actually calmed yourself down to actually fall asleep, it was passed 4 am. So, at most, you got about three hours of sleep. You just couldn’t stop thinking.
You were convinced Mando was just drunk and horny. He had to be. He’s never said anything like that to you before and he gets little to no “action” so to speak so he just needed to blow some steam off. He didn’t even know what he was saying.
But, as much as you hated to admit it, that made you hurt. You wanted Mando to want you like you want him. You didn’t want him to use you, you wanted it to be real. Having his body and his face and his voice so close to you last night proved to you that you want him in every sense of the word.
And the fact that he wanted you, even just for a little bit and definitely for the wrong reasons, made all the difference in the world. You hated how happy it made you. You don’t deserve to be used like that after all the things you do for him.
So as much as your body ached and your heart cracked, you got up and carried on with your day, determined to forget last night ever happened.
You made some breakfast, fixed up the kitchen, woke The Child up from his nap, played with him, made lunch, and set him back down for his next one. Throughout this span of time, Mando never came out of his room. You assumed he was sleeping off his hangover, and you honestly couldn’t blame him.
After The Child went down for his nap, you took some time for yourself to relax. You read a bit and tidied up your sleeping space. You then cleaned the kitchen from lunch and took a quick shower before dinner.
Mando still hadn’t left his cot.
By the time you began cooking dinner is when you really started to worry. He hadn’t eaten all day, you have no idea if he took the medicine and water you left for him, he probably felt awful. If he hadn’t been drunk before last night, then his body was in desperate need of some food.
You finished dinner and set Grogu down to eat. He was enjoying his food, that’s for sure, but your appetite has been basically nonexistent since the night before.
The fact that Mando promised you hours. Hours of his undivided worship and love of your body. Your stomach was in knots.
You placed your fork down on your napkin on the table and picked up Mando’s plate. You filled it with his serving and then carried it to his room.
You knocked on the door softly, waiting for a response. You waited a couple seconds, listening for any signs of life, before knocking again.
“Mando?” you asked. “I made you some dinner. You really need to eat.”
“Mando please. I know that you feel sick and probably just want to stay in there but you’ve gotta eat.”
You waited a couple more seconds before sighing and beginning your walk back to the dining room table.
“I know,” you hear from behind the door. You turn around and see Mando for the first time since last night.
He looked exactly the same. His radiant armor was gleaming in the sunset-like glow of the light in the Crest. His shoulders were slumped slightly and he sounded tired.
“I’m sorry. I’ve been slow today,” Mando said before walking through the doorway and into the dining room. You walked behind him, watching and analyzing his body language.
He seemed to be the same old Mando. Tall, silent, and stoic.
A part of you missed that, but a part of you wished that something had changed in his comfortability around you. You didn’t know why you expected him to be more talkative or more…anything, but you did.
There goes hope number one.
“Thank you for making dinner,” he said and sat down next to The Child. He turned around in his seat and you turned around in yours, allowing him to take off his helmet and eat with you. You turned The Child away as well.
This was a part of your routine. You presented this idea to Mando about a month ago. You always felt bad that he had to eat all secluded and by himself, so you thought something like this might help.
If only you knew how much it did.
The three of you ate in silence, as usual, with frequent wines and babbles from the baby. Mando usually ate pretty quickly, so you weren’t shocked when you heard his fork hit the table only a few minutes after dinner began.
“Look Y/N…” Mando began, and your heart plummeted down to your stomach.
“…I’m…really sorry about last night,” he said, and you didn’t know how to respond.
Ok? Me too? Why? How?
“W-why?” you managed to choke out.
“I just feel like I… made you uncomfortable. It’s not your responsibility to carry me inside my own ship and lay me down to bed because I’m so wasted. That was immature of me,” he said, and you scoffed.
“I thought it was kinda funny to be honest,” you giggled, but he just sighed.
“There’s nothing to apologize for,” you said to him, and he straightened up on his chair, causing it to creak.
“Yeah, there is. I revealed to you some…really personal feelings and I just hope that I didn’t…ruin this,” he said.
“Cause I need this. I need you,” he said, and you could feel your pulse in your wrists your heart was beating so hard.
Does that mean he….remembers?
“So…,” you began, “you’re saying you remember? What you said?”
Another beat of silence passes. The only sounds now were the subtle groans of the ship and the creaking of Mando’s chair under his weight.
He had always been good at completely disappearing from all the senses, but you really wished now was not the time. You really wanted to know the answer to this. Not even wanted, needed. It had been killing you for hours upon hours.
This could change everything. Everything.
“Every word,” Mando whispered, and the breath you were holding finally released from your lungs.
He fucking remembered.
You sat there and just breathed for a few moments. The excitement and anxiousness you had been feeling suddenly did an entire 180°. Now….it was all want. The want for him. All of him.
For hours.
“Really?” you breathed out, and he mumbled a “yes.”
“Thank god,” you whispered out, and you could almost hear the confused look on his face.
“Because I need you, Mando,” you said, and the tension in the room stiffened. Your ears were almost ringing.
“Fuck I’ve needed you for so long,” you said. “Ever since I stepped on this ship and watched you walk I’ve wanted you. All over me. And your words last night…” you started, but didn’t feel the need to finish.
Mando was observant. He could see what was happening to you. His gloves were squeaking from gripping the sides of his chair so hard. He had to calm himself down. He needed to play this right.
But fuck was it gonna be hard. Just your silent breaths got him going, but the fact that you wanted him too…
“I was so nervous you didn’t feel the same and you were just drunk, but now I know you meant what you said, I feel the same Mando. The very same,” you stated, and the room went quiet. It was almost eerie. The baby started making little noises again, and you stood up abruptly to get him.
“No no,” Mando said to you. You were still turned away from him, you were just standing now
“I’ve got him,” he said huskily. You didn’t even tell him about his voice. His voice without the helmet was rare, but it followed you everywhere you went. His voice was great underneath the helmet alone, but when it was raw and vulnerable, it kept you up at night.
You could barely stay standing with how much your blood was pumping still. You heard Mando pick the child up and bring him to his crib before returning back to the table. You heard him lean on the wood and his presence behind you was enough to make the blood start pumping elsewhere.
“I’m gonna do something. If you don’t want it, we don’t have to. Ok?” he asked sweetly. He was closer to you now, leaning towards the back of your neck. He was so tall and big that he could stretch across the table just by leaning.
“Ok,” you said, and as soon as the words left your mouth you were completely surrounded by darkness. You gasped in surprise, but your other senses became sharpened and you became used to the light change pretty quickly.
You could still only hear your deep breaths and pounding heart before, very faintly, a silhouette moved in front of you. You knew it was Mando’s body immediately. His beskar was still on, making him even more broad. You hated yourself for it immediately, but your eyes wandered towards where his face would be. You saw the shadow of curly hair and a sharp nose, but nothing else.
He moved his body closer to yours, forcing your head to move up and up as he did. He was so tall but so quiet.
He moved close enough so that your breath started hitting his chest before he moved his head down slightly. The skin on your forehead started anticipating how close he was gonna get.
Within seconds, his nose brushed yours and a pulse went through your entire body. Your hands were in fists by your side to keep you from breaking this fucking tension, as were his.
“My name,” he whispered against your lips, “is Din.”
And with that, he collided his lips with yours.
He felt rough and inexperienced at the beginning. He was desperately trying to get your mouth against his as quickly as possible, but after a few seconds, he got the hang of it. Your tongues met and that was when you allowed yourself to touch him. You glided your hands across his firm chest all the way down to his stomach.
Man-, or Din’s, hands slid to the back of your neck and massaged into your hair. You breathed out of your nose at the feeling, and he groaned into your mouth.
You made him groan.
He started kissing you harder and the scruff from his face made it so much better. You started arching your back into him to pull him impossibly closer and he moved his arms down to your waist. You two were so close that your chest was basically against his and your breathing started becoming heavy from lack of air.
Din noticed this, of course, and pulled away to start leaving feather light kisses against your cheek all the way down to your neck. You let out heavy breaths, moaning and sighing in his ear, and his dick was throbbing.
“Din,” you moaned when he got to your sweet spot on your neck, and that’s when he broke. Every rational thought left his brain at the sound. He had imagined it hundred of times at this point.
His name….moaned…from your lips
He let out a mix of a sigh and a moan against your jaw.
“Can I take you to my bed, Y/N?” he asked huskily. You knew what he was implying, and your entire body tingled and heat flushed through you at the thought.
And with that, Din lifted you up and threw your legs around his hips. His lips collided with yours once more, and he walked you to his cot.
You were so dizzy and love sick you barely even realized what was happening. All you could feel was your lips on his and his breath and his arms and his dick and his hair. You couldn’t even think.
He got to the bedroom and laid you down with his tongue still dancing with yours. He climbed overtop of you immediately, and you were completely surrounded by his body.
His sheets were comfortable and his bed was squishy, but that wasn’t what was turning you on. It’s the fact that you were surrounded by not only his body, but his scent. Everything smelt like him. You had never really smelled his real scent before. Only in laundry and maybe one day when he had just a shirt on. But this was different.
You were completely encompassed by Din.
His kisses slowed down a bit when you got settled lying down. He dragged his tongue against yours slower and more passionately, as if he was trying to taste you as long as he could. His hands skated around your hips and up to your breasts.
“Can I, Cyarika?” he asked you as his hands hovered over them.
“Mhmm,” you said with a nod of your head. It was still dark, but you swore you saw a faint smile on his lips. You grabbed the back of his head, feeling his desperately soft and curly hair, and pulled him back against your lips.
Fuck you could stay here forever. Never again will you leave his bed. Not if you can help it.
After a minute or two more of just kissing and feeling, Din broke away.
“Can you take off my armor?” he asked you, pulling away a bit farther from your mouth.
“Yeah,” you whispered huskily. “If that’s ok?”
“It’s more than ok,” he replied, and then you got to work.
You stripped his chest piece first, then his arms, then his stomach, and all the way down to his legs. You slid them off carefully and with care. This armor protected him when he needed it, and beskar is incredibly rare. It had been fought over and died for. It deserved respect.
Din watched you do this, heart pounding and chest heaving. You could feel both of these things as you were feeling his undershirt, and you smiled at how frazzled he was.
You just stripped a Mandalorian. One of the most dangerous and powerful people in the Guild was desperate for you.
You couldn’t deny how good that made you feel. The fact that Din trusted you like that.
“Undress me now, please,” you said, and Din audibly gulped.
“Really?” he said, and you giggled.
“You promised me hours, right?” you said, and Din chuckled. Darkly.
“I did,” he said, and then pulled your shirt over your head. Then your pants. Then your bra. And finally your underwear.
You were completely bare for him. Raw and nude.
“God if I could see you right now,” he growled, and you held his cheek.
“One day?” you asked him, and he paused. Just his breaths filled the room.
“Yes. One day,” he said, and sunk back down to leave hickeys all over your breasts.
As he did this and listened to your moans and sighs, he thought about what you were actually asking him. You were saying you wanted him. Forever.
You were an educated woman, he knew this. Meaning that you knew the only way a Mandalorian could actually see their partner and their partner could them is under marriage.
You had asked him to marry you. His heart grew and his desire for you went off the charts.
You dragged your fingers through his hair as he licked and bit your breasts. You moved them slowly down to his back and felt his shoulders moving and twitching underneath his undershirt. You wanted to feel his skin.
He felt you doing this, and leaned back onto his knees to pull his shirt off before returning back to worshiping your breasts.
His chest was firm and his back was muscular. Everytime he moved his muscles would flex. You felt it all.
“You’re so fucking beautiful, Din,” you moaned out at the feeling of him. Din bit down on your collarbone a bit harder at your words.
“Please let me taste you. I really wanna taste you,” he mumbled into your shoulder. You nodded and mumbled a “please” yet again.
Din then started to move his kisses down your body. From your stomach down to your thighs. Once he hit the inside of your thighs, you started shaking and pulsing under him.
“Tell me to stop if you want, ok?” he asked, and you nodded.
“Ok,” you responded, and that’s when his tongue hit your heat.
It was everything. He was slow and tender and kissed and licked everywhere. Everywhere you needed him. Your legs shook and he massaged your knees to try to calm you down. He breathed and moaned against your folds at the taste of you, and you moaned loudly.
“Fuck, Din. So good,” you said, and Din moaned back.
It didn’t even take you a minute to come undone under him. He continued licking and kissing you as you orgasmed, and once you were done, he pulled away. He allowed you to catch your breath and wipe the sweat from your eyes before kissing your thigh once more.
“Still a long way to go,” Din said, and you laughed.
“I’m serious. I keep my promises,” he said, and you sighed.
“I know,” you said.
And then he did
You don’t even know how long he went down on you for. It could have been days for all you knew. You just kept coming over and over and over again and Din never stopped. He just kept kissing and biting and getting better every round. He had to have come in his pants at least twice from the moans he would release, and it only got you off faster.
After your fifth or sixth orgasm, he came back up to your eye level and pecked your lips. You could taste yourself on his mouth, and if you weren’t so exhausted, you would try to return the favor. You could barely keep your eyes open.
“Sleep, Cyare,” Din mumbled against your forehead after giving it a light peck. You hummed against his neck before you let yourself drift off.
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sableseb · 3 years
bestie bestie please please hardcore angry enemies rough bucky smut with spitting slapping degradation daddy kink and all that shi PLEASSEEEE god maybe him as the soldier? or not thats your choice hskshsjs if you want i really NEEEEEEED some i'm starved 😭 i will love you forever favourite writer your smut has me in a CHOKEHOLD
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STOP IT.😭 Ugh. I’m not worthy of you.🧎🏻‍♀️I’m living for this request. I really, really hope you enjoy!💕 Ilysm.x
word count: 2.3k
warnings: smut, degradation, dirty talk, slapping, pussy slapping, spitting, thigh riding, spanking, cum eating, choking
tags: @fuckandfluff @bucky-soldat @stucky-my-ship @meetmeatyourworst @greeneyedblondie44 @sparksforkoo @bemine-bucky @thewritingdoll @harrysthiccthighss
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It was supposed to be a simple extraction mission. Get in, get the hard drive, get out. Easy enough. She’s a very efficient person. But something went wrong. So horribly wrong. Because she’s no longer in the Hydra building. She’s somewhere dark and damp chained to a stone wall. Great. She thinks. Who’s ass do I have to kick now?
Her arms are starting to ache from being suspended, ass numb from sitting on the unforgiving, cold floor. How long was she out? She couldn’t tell. The son of a bitch ambushed her.
She’s never been ambushed before. She can hear an enemy three floors down. Whoever it was they sent, they’re good. She’ll give them that. But, she’s better.
As she’s trying to move her bound wrists out of their confines, thuds catch her attention. She stops her movements to focus on the sound that’s coming from the end of the corridor. It’s black in this place they stuck her in. The only source of light is coming from the cracks in the ceiling. She can’t see a single thing from afar.
The thudding gets closer and she soon realizes it’s the sound of boots approaching her. She gets a tinge of excitement in her chest at the prospect of seeing her captor. She wants to see who she’ll ruin once she gets out of her restraints. Feel their skull crack underneath her boot.
“Ya know,” she states to the unknown figure, “You’ve made a big mistake. I don’t take too kindly to people knocking me out and chaining me up.”
She looks up to a hulking figure cast in shadows. He’s dressed in gear just as dark as this stupid low kept torture chamber. She watches carefully as he crouches down in front of her. It hits her then. This isn’t just any man. It’s the Winter Soldier. 
A smile breaks along her features as she sees him now. Hair long, mask covering his face just like the last time they met, figure all lean muscle. He’s her dirtiest wet dream and her favorite enemy. What an honor to escape him once more.
“Oh. So they sent you after me again. Haven’t they learned that even the Soldat can’t contain me?”
He always hates how mouthy she is. She’s the only one who’s ever talked down to him. Does she not realize he could kill her without a second thought? The only reason she’s breathing is because his superiors want her alive...much to his dismay.  “Last time I checked, you enjoyed being restrained,” he spits.
“Mmm. I do. I’m in the mood to be freed today though. Why don’t you let me go and show me what you can do with that metal arm?” 
God, did she want to take the brunt of that shiny arm. She wants to be strangled, slapped, groped by that appendage. He’s intimidating, she’ll give him that. Unlucky for him, the fear his presence brings turns her on. She’s curious as to what lays underneath that mask. Is he horribly burned? Scarred? 
He works the shackles off her wrist. He needs to drag her out of here and fast. She’s working on his last nerve and he’s not sure he’ll be able to keep her alive for his commanders.
He wraps a firm hand around her arm and hauls her up to her feet. “Knew you couldn’t say no to that,” she grins.
“It’s my order to retrieve you so they can beat information out of you...and I can’t wait to watch every minute of it.” He says while dragging her roughly through the corridor.
She knows his weakness. Her. She knows just which buttons to push to get him sidetracked and ultimately escape him. Hand to hand combat is always out of the question. She can hold her own, but not for a very long time with him. He’s skilled and nothing but brute force. But, she’s more cunning and unashamed than he. It’s almost too easy with him.
“Is that what they do to you? Beat you if you don’t comply? What happens every time I escape you? They must really hurt you for being such a fuck up.”
She knows it was a low blow, but she’s willing to say anything to get his full attention. And full attention she gets because suddenly, he slams her, hard, up against the rock wall. 
The air leaves her lungs and she can’t suck in more, his metal arm is enclosed around her throat, dangerously close to crushing her windpipe. He leans into her body menacingly. Even through her choking, she can comprehend his bulge brushing against her hip as her toes barely touch the ground.
She shouldn’t be turned on, she shouldn’t. But, she can’t deny she’s always wanted him to take her, mark her, fuck her then leave her to capture her another day. She craves the chase, the cat and mouse dynamic they seem to hold. It’s what drives her to make him hate her. She loves the terror, the fact that he could end her life in an instant makes her pussy drip with a sick need.
“Listen, you dumb bitch. You know nothing. You better keep that mouth shut before I kill you myself.”
Just the reaction she needed from him. “Make me, soldier.” She chokes out while grasping the cool metal.
She brings a knee to his stomach, making his grip loosen slightly before she swings a blow to his face. He drops her, but she doesn’t even make it a foot away before he drags her down against the floor. He places all his weight on top of her, pinning her arms above her head while he takes in her form beneath him.
“You really shouldn’t have done that.”
She gets a hand loose from his grasp and brings it to his mask, ripping it off his face. Big mistake. He’s gorgeous. Even with the pure rage etched along his features.
This woman doesn’t have a single ounce of self perseverance. She keeps digging herself deeper into her own grave. He wants nothing more than to end her. It’ll save everyone some time. Even if he’d be punished later, it’d be worth it to finally shut her up.
But, she’s ruts against him. And suddenly, he feels something he hasn’t felt in a long time. He feels pleasure. She’s sick for wanting him. He’s dumb for wanting her. But the way she keeps dragging her cunt over his thigh, the urge to kill her subsides for now and pure need overtakes him.
“You’re fucking insane you know that?” He tells her while she gets herself off on his leg. All she does is laugh dryly.
“Aren’t we all?”
He sees that glint in her eye, the sly smirk. He forcefully shoves his mouth against hers. She drinks him in eagerly. It’s all teeth and tongue and anger. He starts tearing at her suit, mouth never leaving hers as he rips off everything until she’s left panting in her bra and panties.
He bites her lip harshly causing her to let out a moan against the pain that shoots straight to her core. He brings his hand to her cheeks and squeezes them, parting her bruised lips before spitting into her mouth.
She rubs herself against him again, faster with her tongue hanging out. His dirty slut wants more. He spits onto her tongue once again and watches as it slowly runs down her slick muscle before she swallows. It makes his dick jump, how foul she is sends him into a frenzy.
“Always knew you were a filthy girl,” he groans.
“What gave it away?”
His hand cracks down against her face. The force sends her head whipping to the side. She can taste blood along her tongue from the hit. He grips her hair and pulls her forward so she can look into his eyes.
“You don’t get to talk to me that way. You’re gonna do nothing but lay here and take my fucking cock.”
His words mixed with that menacing snarl makes her completely compliant. She’s getting wetter by the second, the thought of him fucking her hard and fast has her mind completely fogged.
He flips her body over and has her on all fours. In a trance, he watches as she spreads her legs wide, presenting herself to him. He sees the way her ass moves with each sway of her hips. He craves to feel that soft skin under his rough palms. He reaches out and grabs two handfuls of the bouncy flesh. 
He moves it around and spreads her open, watching as her wet cunt sucks the fabric of her panties in before landing a smack against her cheek. She sucks in a breath at the impact. The sting spreads down to her thigh, she wants more.
She pushes herself up against his front and he slots his thigh between her legs from behind. To his utter amusement, she starts to grind against his leg again. Pleasure sparks inside her as she creates a sweet friction on his rough pants.
He lands hit after hit on her backside. She can already feel bruises forming from his onslaught. And her poor clit, she’s rubbing herself raw as she chases more of those little jolts.
“Look how desperate you are...you only ever think with that pussy.” He grits as he connects his palm to her ass. He relishes in the sound of her squeals, the sight of her cheeks colored an angry red as the skin ripples with each hit.
She feels a tug on her panties before she hears the rip. Cool air brushes against her swollen pussy and inflamed ass. It’s only a slight reprieve. She feels his cock rub through her folds, the tip pressing against her clit each time. 
He watches as he passes through her puffy lips, coating himself in her arousal before teasing her entrance. He repeats his motions until she visibly shakes from his constant torture. He wants to hear her beg for it.
“Who’s my stupid slut,” he grins.
“I’m your stupid slut.” Her voice starts to crack, she needs to be filled before she loses her mind.
“And what does my stupid slut need,” he continues.
“She needs your cock! Please, just fuck me.”
Without a second thought, he slams his hips against hers. Both let out ragged moans at the sudden sensations. He can’t remember the last time he was balls deep inside someone so tight. And she’s never taken anyone as thick or long as him. She can feel him so deeply that she believes he may bruise her internally.
He sets a rough pace, only chasing his pleasure. He’s not too worried about the girl underneath him, he knows she can take it. And he knows she’s enjoying it as her walls throb around his shaft after each intrusion, he can’t help the grunts and growls that he emits. 
Above her, he sounds like an animal. Which, isn’t that what he is? A caged beast? She’s never felt so full and so utterly fucked as she does now. He’s taking her apart dangerously fast. His balls kiss her bundle of nerves with each thrust. The concrete is digging into her hands, her chest, her knees. She can feel a new piece of skin tear open each time he sends her jolting forward.
The grip he has on her hips is vice-like. He’s using her like a doll, fucking himself with her body, keeping the pace fast and unforgiving as he feels a knot wind up in the base of his stomach.
Her moans continue to grow, her noises are getting on his nerves. He takes his metal hand and wraps it into her hair, pulling her up so her back is flushed with his front. He takes his flesh fingers and shoves them past that tantalizing pout, putting enough pressure on her tongue to muffle her cries.
“I need you to shut the fuck up for once.” He snarls while furiously fucking up into her. He can’t wait to watch his seed drip from her when he fills her up. He’ll make sure she takes every last drop in her pretty pussy.
All his miserable life he’s wanted to lay his claim to something. Own something rather than being owned. He finally has that something since you came along and he’s not letting you go any time soon.
She can hardly breathe with his fingers shoved down her throat. He makes her gag with them ever so often and it causes her to clench around him as she heaves. She loves how feral, how nasty he is. He’s everything she dreamed of and more.
He finds that certain spot deep inside her that makes her knees buckle. Once he hits it, he doesn't let off it. Tears stream down her face as her body quakes. Heat bursts along her back, between her legs and when she feels that cool metal spank her clit, she cums with a whine. The pain sending her over the edge.
He feels her constrict around him as she reaches her climax. He continues to over work her as he keeps smacking and rubbing her pussy. The pulses she makes with each hit has his eyes rolling into his head before his balls tighten and he cums inside her.
She’s limp in his arms as he pulls out of her. His load starts to run down her thighs. He removes his fingers from her mouth and catches the white trail before shoving it back inside her. He brings his slick covered fingers to her mouth once more and instantly, she sucks and licks until he’s clean.
“They should keep you around. I need to cum in a tight cunt once in a while.” He says while tucking himself back into his combat pants.
He doesn’t notice her standing up, he doesn’t register her swift kick to his temple until it’s too late and darkness envelops his vision. He lands on his side with a soft thud. He looks so gentle while he’s asleep. But, she knows he’s far from it. She learned that in the best way possible.
Men. So easy to use, so easy to escape from when you have a pussy. Even the master class assassins can’t resist the temptation of sinking their dicks into a tight hole. She gathers her torn clothing and makes her way down the tunnel with a limp, sparing the soldier one last glance.
She smiles, eager for when he finds her again.
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virginburial · 2 years
.·:*¨༺    me and your mama.      ♱   adrian chase   ༻¨*:·.
SUMMARY: in which you hate your mom jokes or alternatively, in which you, a member of the 11th street kids, try to crack down on butterflies, but get distracted by Adrian, which pisses you off.
SHIP: fem reader!adrian chase WARNINGS: explicit content (minors stay out), p n v, mommy kink, angry/passionate sex, public? sex i think this counts, unprotected sex, explicit language, random storytelling/porn with a plot
SONG: https://open.spotify.com/track/31tf1qEai5o5f4r66Kd0pU?si=243fada4a6d3487c
A/N: i’m writing this right before i have to go to work so i was not able to proofread all of this, so i apologize for any repeated words, incorrect grammar, and redundancies! anything for my best boy Adrian. yes this is based off the childish gambino song, sue me. REBLOGS, NOTES, AND COMMENTS ARE ALWAYS APPRECIATED !!      
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It was painfully obvious Adrian had a crush on you.
You joined the gang right around the same time he did. You weren't a vigilante or a hero, just someone stuck in a very sticky situation, like your best friend being a butterfly and also being close to Goff and the other powerful butterflies. It pains you to have to stop your best friend's plan for world domination. You once joked around that the world was yours - ours, it was ours. But the person you recognized as your 'bestie for life' wasn't there anymore. All it was, was a body with a parasite. Peacemaker and the other 11th Street members had to break it hard. Maybe it was your resilience and rebellious nature towards authority really stepped up when you decided to skip the grieving process and help Peacemaker stop the butterflies.
Peacemaker was a class act, a douche if you will, but the more time you spent with him, the more you realized that the behavior he adopted was just that; adopted. It wasn't his own. You wondered how he could've turned out if he had at least one decent parent in his life. Or better yet, not raised around American propaganda. Dye-beard - sorry, Economos, was just as pathetic as Peacemaker but on the opposite side of the same spectrum. You can admit that the beard is dyed, Economos. It's not that big of a deal. Harcourt was a brick wall, but you two had your similarities, leading to you being close with her. the daddy issues can hit home for any woman as standoffish as Harcourt; she was the kind of friend you'd get drunk with a fuck, and then never talk about it again, but knowing it brought you two closer than before.
Now, Adebayo was your substitute best friend.
Your personalities seemed to clash together perfectly, and your sense of humor meshed well, despite being two different people. You'd whisper and gossip to each other. Even if Leota claims she isn't much of a gossiper, she was. something you hated her for was whispering producer tags to you while Murn was going over plans to take over the Butterfly factory. Nothing can break the ever-so heavy silence than Leota gently saying: "We got London on da track!" in your ear. this usually upsets Murn, but you, Leota, Adrian, and Chris find it hilarious. Murn hates it. But he doesn't hate you and trusts you with some of the intel that he would rather keep from Adrian and Chris.
Then, there's Adrian.
Psycho, idiot, psycho-idiot hybrid. Adrian was a lot of things, including in love with you. eugh. Apparently, he's had a crush on you longer than you had even known about his existence. It was something Chris drunkenly told you; before your best friend was a butterfly, and you were happy and not involved with government conspiracies, Adrian would watch you eat at Fennel Fields with your best friend. He would just be so captivated by you that his boss would have to get on his ass about getting back to work. At first, you were slightly flattered by how Adrian would stare you down; you weren't used to the attention. Then he would say something so obnoxious that it would turn you off, or better yet, you pushed his advances to the side because you felt like even if you had Adebayo and Harcourt and Peacemaker and Vigilante; it won't replace the giant hole your best friend and others left for you. Maybe you were doing that thing where you feel like since you don't deserve the love, you push others away - something you have done in the past - or you were doing that thing where you sabotage the chances of something ever happening because it was outside of your comfort zone - once again, something you were guilty of doing as well. Besides, Adrian might've been heads over heels, but it's not like if anything was going to sprout between you two, it would last. For crying out loud; Adrian was a psychotic vigilante whose mouth operated faster than his brain, and you were...well, you. There was no fixing that.
Regardless of Murns distaste for the sound of your laughter and Adrian's obsession with you, you liked being a part of the 11th street kids, and they liked you. Yet, the butterfly issue was the only thing occupying your mind as you skipped out on going to the bar with the gang and stayed in the office to finish up some work. Economos nearly gave you a talking to about how to look up information on the database and how to properly cite sources and what not - not like you aren't familiar with Amanda Waller and knew how to do most of this already. Harcourt and Chris did try to drag you out for a night off with them, but you knew that Harcourt just wanted you there to be a buffer between her and Chris. Meanwhile, Chris owed Adrian a favor and thought he could play wingman for him. You rather skip out on that dumpster fire knowing that Adrian would make foursome jokes.
The LED lighting showed how your makeup had worn out throughout the day, but you still managed to look fresh. You were typing away at the computer on Economos desk. There wasn't much to it besides maybe one framed photo and a mug full of pens. You were typing away, researching some lead you got from your best friend's new friend - loosely use the term 'friend.' Your best friend had recently picked up a job at a factory three towns over. You knew better from the last factory bust that these had to be butterflies - that, and your friend as a college degree in anthropology and had a stable job in your state's capital as a museum curator. The job was your friend's passion before becoming a butterfly. As you start to narrow down your search, you hear the door rattle. You look up to see Adrian: knocking on the glass and trying to peek through the tinted windows. you feel your chest tense up with severe annoyance as you got up and swung the door open. "you left something in here?"
Adrian takes a second to think. "no-"
"then what are you doing here?" you ask.
he points down the street to the bar. "Peacemaker gave me twenty bucks to fuck off so he could be alone with Harcourt. I was bummed until I remembered you were having a sleepover here." his lips curl into a goofy smile. "what makes you think I want you here?" you retort. But Adrian just leans against the frame of the entrance. He doesn't seem to care all that much whether or not you wanted him around. He was just there, and you were going to have to deal with it. "would you rather me sleep at your mom's house?" he cracks up. You sigh. Adrian recently has taken up the opportunity to make Your Mom jokes every time and any time he could. It makes him seem very middle school the same way Axe body spray does, which he wears. It burns your nose. the old you would've laughed at his jokes, but you were too preoccupied with work to do so. you reluctantly moved away from the door as he entered. "don't distract me, Adrian, this is serious."
"promise I won't sidetrack you!" he confidently spoke as he sat down in front of Economos's desk and put his feet up, like some delinquent in detention. Vigilante was a delinquent, though, you didn't expect more or less of him as you sat down at your desk and began typing at the laptop. You tried getting back into your mojo, the whole reason you joined in on this operation. But having vigilante around makes it hard for you to focus. Adrian is a distracting person, both in the sense that he can get easily distracted and in the intent that he could cause others to get distracted. You carefully watch Adrian pick up the mug with pens and mess around with the one pen capable of many colors, watching him try to press down on all of them at once. The clicking was driving you crazy as you tried to combat it by loudly typing on the keyboard.
Adrian moves on to the fidget spinner.
You told Economos that those things don't work unless you had severe ADHD, which he didn't have. Leota also told him to get rid of the fidget spinner because it wasn't "2017" anymore. Now, it was in Adrian's possession, the one thing that worried you more than him trying to talk to you. You were starting to wonder if he was trying to get your attention, like he's done in the past. You bite your lip in frustration as the endless spinning of the spinner starts to occupy the space, the noise filling the room to the brim with annoyance as you stop typing and look at Adrian, who was so engulfed by the fidget spinner as it lit up and sparkled. You stared at him for longer than ten seconds before he noticed, in between then, studying his features, the craters, and freckles on his skin and his glasses. Of course, he wore grandma's glasses, like any average eighties serial killer. You wonder if he wore those under his suit as well. You snap out of your thoughts of what Adrian looked like under his suit as he snaps his attention over to you. "shit, sorry, Y/N." he says as he places the fidget spinner down.
you just kept staring at him, deadpanned. "...why are you here, Adrian?"
"peacemaker wanted alone time with-" "-I didn't ask what peacemaker was doing, I dunno why you're so codependent on him," you called out as you began writing down notes on whatever was showing up the screen. it didn't matter what it was; you were more focused on Adrian's response. "I am not codependent on peacemaker, and he's my best friend. we fight crime together-that's the reason I'm here." he expresses. "I don't think it's a crime to want to spend time with you and get to know you, you know," he mumbles under his breath as his fingers run across the rim of the fidget spinner. You suddenly start to feel bad, considering how you see peacemaker push vigilante aside a lot of the time. You thought it was because Chris had other things he needed to worry about, but giving Adrian money so he could fuck off and try to bang Harcourt? Low blow, and not a best friend. you sigh and close the laptop. "thought you knew everything about me already? y'know, being a bit of a Joe Goldberg and all."
"what?! no, gross. I would watch you eat at fennel fields with your friend, then watch you get into your car and drive away. Just because I know your favorite thing on the menu, the model and make, your mom's number, and your license plate number, doesn't mean I'm a literal stalker. Stereotype much?" he calls you out, sliding in another your mom joke as you lean back in your chair. You hate that he has a point, and you hate it even more that he knows all that information when you can't even remember your license plate number. you sigh a little. "guess you have a point...okay, fine, doesn't match up with how you wanted no one to know your secret identity-"
"my secret identity is Adrian. My real identity is Vigilante-" "-that's concerning, don't you think it should be the other way around?" you ask, seeing the look on his face change when he realized. you stare at him. "besides, Adrian seems a lot more interesting than Vigilante."
Once he hears you say that, his cheeks turn red. he couldn't even make eye contact with you after that comment. "Okay, um...I love being Vigilante. It's fun to beat up and kill bad guys. I mean, they were going to die anyway, but I rather it be me killing them than Batman stealing my thunder. I've worked at fennel fields since I was a teenager. It's just an easy way to make money. It's better than going into debt. plus, my mom wanted me to go to Gotham for college, would rather chop my nuts off." he starts opening up a little. "oh! my favorite movie is Kickass!" he said with a goofy smile. "I like PC games, I used to play dead by daylight before deciding to become vigilante, and I always play as-or main-GhostFace. I wanted to be president of India when I was six, don't ask me how I thought it would work. I just thought it would...I like Jimi Hendrix, but I think the best song in the world is Bedrock by Young Money."
You raise an eyebrow.
he glances at you. "you know...okay, I get it. Lemme think I guess it's my turn, maybe it's time to put this pussy on your sideburns-"
"-Adrian, I knew what song you were talking about. I was just surprised that that's your favorite," you explained. "I guess it's not the most shocking thing about you, despite you suddenly going manic pixie on me..." he gives you a lazy grin. "it's your mom's favorite song, too." he cracks up a little. You don't know how to explain to Adrian that a joke as repetitive as 'your mom' can only be funny the first few times. You decide to play his game, though. "oh yeah? That's not what your mom told me last night." you smirked at him, but he stares at you; does he not get his own joke? you ponder this as he narrows his eyes at you. "wait, what did she tell you-?" "-no, Adrian, I was joking around with you. I don't know who your mom is," you clarified again.
He looks down, smiling a little at what you told him, but you can tell he had something else on his mind; you weren't entirely sure what it was, but it managed to shut him up. You figured that maybe Adrian does have a social battery and that it was running low, or perhaps he preoccupied his mind for once so you could go back to work. You open back up the laptop and began typing again as Adrian started fidgeting around with his fingers. It was back to silence until he spoke up again.
"do you think I'm codependent on peacemaker?"
There it is. You gaze down at the keyboard, unable to say anything until you finally force it out of you. "sometimes, yeah...look, man, I get it. I'm putting my life on the line for my best friend. But peacemaker has some issues of his own and treats you poorly. If you ask me, he's not really a good friend to you-" "-what, and you are?" his eyes fall to your lips. "you seem really annoyed every time I talk, you don't listen to me, you don't laugh at my jokes, you let Adebayo convince me to go kill peacemaker's dad, you told me not to use the chainsaw-" "-you're a grown-ass man, Adrian, you can make your own choices." you nearly scolded him. "besides, you say the same your mom joke at any given moment. You don't understand my sarcasm, which is my sense of humor. So of course, I'm not going to laugh. You don't try hard enough." you exposed, you thought you were being a bit harsh on him, but no one told Adrian to come and bother you. he did that on his own.
"...your mom doesn't try hard enough."
"that's it!" you grumbled in frustration, having it finally catch up to you as you slammed your hand on the desk. "you are officially getting on my fucking nerves! Do you not realize that the only person I have left in my life is my best friend? Was my best friend? this is important to me, literally. What will it take for you to shut up?!" you started to get angry. Adrian looks at you as you keep on angrily rambling. "I'm getting a weird feeling that you're stressed-" "-of course, I'm fucking stressed! Can you not follow directions or something, Adrian?!" you start to feel anger rise to your throat. "can you just stop being distracting? What do you want? My full undivided attention? My number? do you want a kiss?!" in a moment of impulse, you lean over the desk and plant a sweet kiss on his lips, feeling him hesitate before kissing you back, but you were too angry with him to enjoy the kiss, and pulled away once he started kissing you back. "there! you can leave now." you push him back to his chair, seeing his cheeks turn bright red as his eyes pleaded for you to kiss him again, having them wander down to your body as if he was mentally undressing you. the anger you had was slowly turning into sexual frustration as he finally speaks.
"your mom kisses better than you-"
at that moment, you leaned over the desk again and smashed your lips against his, shutting him up as he eagerly kisses back. the kiss was rough, teeth clashing with each other as your noses bumped. heavy breaths colliding as Adrian hungrily bites on your bottom lip, you let out a small groan at the pain before pulling away, a small a trail of saliva leaving your lips as you noticed how crooked Adrian's glasses were from the brief yet intense kiss. his cheeks were bright red as his eyes lazily fall back to your lips. "woah..." he hums out. "i knew you needed to blow off steam but i didn't think it was like that-" "-stop talking." you reprimanded as you crashed into him again. the kiss was heavier this time, your jaw unhinging as you allowed his tongue to slip inside, letting him explore your mouth as you felt your lower back get warm from all the tension. Adrian lets out a small whimper as you grab a hold of the collar of his shirt, realizing how sensitive his skin was around his neck.
you pull away from the kiss and began panting as your eyes glance down at the desk between the both of you. a huge part of you wanted to push the desk away and attack Adrian with your lips again, but Adrian had a better idea. in swift fashion, Adrian wipes everything off the desk as you climb over it, he catches you in his arms, his hands finding solitude on your hips as he attaches his lips onto your neck. you sat on the desk and wrapped your legs around his waist. you were almost glad the windows on the outside were tinted, so none of the drunk bystanders and pedestrians could peek in and see sinful ways you were letting Adrian touch you. even though you were the one on the desk, you wanted Adrian to be the one not doing all the work, you wanted to shut him up, not the other way around.
your hands found their way into his curls as he continues to kiss down your chest, taking off his glasses since they were digging into your tits and getting in his way. you look down at him as his hand slowly goes up your shirt, feeling you until his hands stopped on your tits. a small moan left your lips as he excitedly tries to pull your bra off, having a little problem with the hook before you stopped him. like previously mentioned, you know that once he sees your tits that he wont stop talking about how perfect they were. the last thing you wanted to hear was how much he loved your figure, even though you knew he had a crush on you. you pull him up to face and kissed his lips before whispering: "let me take over." you could feel his face get warm against your skin. he nods as your hand run down his chest, stopping at his belt.
you let your hands glide up his shirt, feeling scars he probably got from his vigilantism and his toned muscles. "off. now." you ordered as you lifted his shirt up, helping him take it off as you lean forward and start nipping at the skin around his neck. Adrian immediately lets out a moan. "o-oh..." he whines out in surprise as his hand grazes the inner working of your thighs. you knew his skin was sensitive there. your teeth lightly graze the sweet spot before sinking them down his skin, breaking the first barrier as you suck a bright red and purple hickey on his collarbone. "fuck, Y/N-" he mumbles out as you feel his cock hardening against your thigh. you let his hand crawl up to your clothed clit and let him rub you.
chills ran down your spine as a small amount of pleasure started to consume you. you were so busy with what was going on with the butterflies, that you haven't really had much time for yourself. you haven't been to the gym in weeks, you would sometimes skip meals, and you haven't had time to please yourself because you stay up all night researching butterflies. Adrian sees right through you, and probably knew how sexually frustrated you were. you squeeze your thighs around his hand as that small amount of pleasure starts to overwhelm you and cloud your judgement. you wanted Adrian out, and now all you could think about was letting him in. you buck your hips and gently hump his hand before he plays with the zipper of your jeans. annoying both horny and not horny.
you leave another giant hickey adjacent to the first one you made, marking your territory as he tries to get into your pants both literally and figuratively. you pull away and glance up at him as you noticed how much he was struggling to get your pants up. you hold onto his shoulders as you lift your ass up, letting him pull them down to your ankles and exposing your red lace panties. "holy fuck...would it be weird if i called you mommy?" he looks into your eyes, you could see how big his pupils got when he looked at you, almost like he wanted this to be a thing you two could do every night. you breathlessly laughed, your hand finds his hardened cock as you softly squeezed it, running your fingers along his shaft as the friction from his jeans and boxers rubbed his lip. you felt his breath hitch as you forced Adrian to look down at you. "i don't give a shit j-just fuck me~" you whined.
"o-okay but i don't have a condom-" he stutters, sounding like a car struggling to turn on. but you didn't care. "i-i don't care." you told him. now it was your turn to mess with his zipper, unzipping it and sticking your hand in his boxers, trying to find the sleeve so he could just fuck you and get on with it. "fuck, mommy-" he whines out as his lips attached themselves back onto your neck, your hand trails along his boxers, caressing his cock through his boxers before eventually finding the sleeve and sticking your hand inside, causing Adrian to let out a loud groan. he was big, and no, not big in the way peacemaker is big (don't ask how you know, you just happen to know by accident) it was big both in length and width. you could feel it twitch in your hand as you spread your legs for him like it was a reflex. Adrian knew that you wanted him now, he wanted you just as badly. he pulls away from your neck and glances down at your panties, how wet they were getting as his middle finger slides through your clothed folds. you gasped. "fucking shit Adrian just fuck me already-"
without hesitation, he moves your panties to the side and gently slides into you. moans escaped both of your lips as Adrian rests his head on your shoulder, your hand going to the back of his neck as you hold onto the bottom of the desk, your fingers curling around the wood as Adrian's wood starts sliding in and out of your slowly. he was going too slow. and it was starting to bother you. you shake your head. "no no no, pull out." he does. "did i d-do something-?" he asks, but instead of answering, you just push him back to the chair. Adrian carefully watched you as you climb onto his lap and sit down on his cock, taking it all in and hearing another desperate 'mommy' leave his lips as he stares up at you, almost like he worships you. "you're so tight..." he whines out as you squeeze your walls around his cock.
it's almost like he belongs inside of you, how perfect it all felt that he was inside of you. without caring, you start to quickly bounce on his dick, picking up the pace every time he gave you a loom that told you he couldn't take it anymore. you knew that Adrian was sensitive sensory wise, so this was going to be easy. groans escaped him as his hands quickly go to your hips, trying to steady you and slow you down when you deliberately speed up. both of your cheeks turning a deep crimson as his tip starts to hit your G-spot. you let out a loud moan. "Adrian..." you cry out for him as he watches your tits bounce with each thrust. he was completely enamored with you.
"good fuckin' boy-" you moan out as he harshly holds onto you, creating bruises on your hips as the sound of your skin hitting his jeans echoed throughout the small red room. your clit hitting the button of his jeans with each hop was driving you over the edge as you felt adrian's thighs tense up. your stomach started to feel warm as you closely approach your high, but you stop yourself; seeing Adrian finally catch his breath. he begins to grab your ass, squeezing it as he stares up at you. you cockwarmed him, squeezing your walls but not moving an inch as Adrian groans. "don't tease me like that mommy-" he begs, before you raise your hand and slap him. you don't how what came over you to slap him the way you did, and you were almost sure that Adrian wasn't okay with it. you covered your mouth, your eyes widening. "holy shit Adrian i'm sorry i dunno what overcame me-" you try to apologize.
that was, before Adrian's eyes started to grow dark, you could feel his cock twitching around inside of you; he liked that. what a fucking sleaze. your mind started racing, wondering what else to do before Adrian decides for you. before you could say anything, Adrian quickly becomes dominant and picks you up, a small gasped left your mouth before he slams you onto the desk, hurting your back a little as he holds down your hips and starts thrusting into you furiously. his eyes glazed with lust as he grabs a hold of the red laced undies, he pulls them, marking your skin before completely ripping them off.
"oh fuck!" you moan out as Adrian hits every single spot you could think of. he was magic, because you were completely enchanted by how rough and amazing he felt. you should've slapped him a long time ago. your body begins to jolt with each thrust as Adrian's hands squeeze your shaking thighs. you don't know what over came you, but you wanted more of him, grabbing his hand and squeezing it as you started to cry out. his heavy breathing started to become apparent as sweat glistened his forehead. "i'm so close-" he mumbles. you didn't want to say it out loud, but it was obvious that you were close to. you squeeze your walls around his fast cock, hoping he'd cum in you because it was hot; also, you were going to go to the drug store later anyways, now you had a definite reason to go. your back arched as you felt your rolling orgasm hit you, your wetness leaked out onto the desk and onto Adrian's jeans, staining them as you let his hand rest on your stomach.
Adrian kept sliding in and out of you for a whole minute after you came, causing you to get turned on again, but you were exhausted, you suddenly felt your hole get warm as he let out a raspy moan. he came inside you, heavy breathes and all as he slowly smiled down at you, slowly pulling out and watching as cum slid out of your hole. he doesn't hesitate to scoop up the cum around your folds and stuff it back in you, his fingers curling and hitting the spongy part of your hole, causing you to arch your back. you were already so sensitive, that when he did it one last time, you felt your inner thighs tense up as you squirted a small amount on his hand. you couldn't help but helplessly stare up at him as you were sprawled all over the desk, both of you in complete shock at how quickly you guys went from being annoyed with each other to fucking each other. maybe your pent up rage for Adrian really was sexual attraction you refused to acknowledge.
Adrian props you up on the desk as you finally came down from your high, you watched as he got dressed, staring at him as you found yourself suddenly having feelings for him. you raise an eyebrow. "leaving already?" you ask. but Adrian shakes his head. "it feels weird to have my dick out and cuming in you with my pants on." he clarifies. "you're way better at sex than your mom is." he says with a lazy smirk. the you before you fucked Adrian would've begged him to shut up, but instead, you managed to crack a smile.
"fuck off."
buy me a coffee ૮⸝⸝> ̫ <⸝⸝ ა
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yeeunjia · 2 years
▬▬ [ENHYPEN] reaction to you getting shipped with another member !
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idol!enha x idol!fem!reader
▬▬  enha masterlist, here. i write for both kpop and genshin! for feedbacks or requests send them here! (●'◡'●) feedbacks, reblogs, follows, or likes are appreciated! ▬▬  warnings : cursing/swearing ! ————————————————————————— lee heeseung 이희승 :  - no no no, because like the audacity you had to even say “really?” when the hosts said that you and jay would look cute together (ꐦ𝅒_𝅒) you didn’t even mean it in a bad way or anything but this bambi would get all gloomy (•ˋ _ ˊ•)  heeseung would only glare at you both then at the hosts while the other members (including yours!) would definitely be the ones who get scared ..  starts getting a bit closer to you, but only if you’re comfy with it, though. honesty hoping that this would make the hosts have second thought and ship you and hee instead !!  park jongseong  박종성 : - you and jake got a little too close while playing games on a vlive!! this obviously made fans think that the little chemistry you two have going on is too cute. especially with how jake doesn’t even fail to make you laugh because of his jokes? ꧆◡꧆ jay is an attentive person, so of course, he would notice this right away. he’s a bit annoyed but also very very jealous. like.. “what the fuck lady, i’m still your boyfriend atleast pay a little more attention to me?? (;へ:)” probably wouldn’t even talk to you afterwards but gives in after a period of time, anyways. you’re too cherished by him!! ^_^  sim jaeyun  심재윤 : - as soon as he sees little videos of you and sunghoon having “cute” moments he can’t help but pout and sulk so much. we all know that jake’s an absolute sweetheart and won’t even dare to question anything. it was normal for him considering the fact that your relationship is still private.ヾ(^-^)ノ still, despite being a big sweetheart this baby is also probably the biggest flirt you know. won’t mind it much whenever you’d get shipped with sunghoon again but eventually starts acting bolder around you (even in public), which eventually catches tons of fans’ attention!! you’re just there internally screaming and dying.. (┬┬_┬┬) park sunghoon  박성훈 : - i don’t even think he would even give care much at first... he knows that you’d choose him no matter what. but i mean, he eventually started overthinking especially because of the fact that you and heeseung knew each other first and all. he was a bit scared that he would actually be able to take you away from him. the way he’d look at you and hee whenever your little chemistry would be called “cute” would even be viral, actually. it eventually causes tiny dating rumors between you and hoon at first which sooner gets huge anyways. the company had to choice but to just reveal your relationship !! (。ᐤヮᐤ。) yang jungwon  양정원 : - he’ll try so hard to not lose it ╥﹏╥ i am telling you, literally glares at you and sunoo 24/7 though. if jake understands why, then he’s stuck between actually understanding + accepting it or understanding + still not even accepting it. (not even one bit, actually ..)  just don’t tease nor annoy him regarding that specific topic. he may be all pouty about it but you may even be in a hospital for weeks.. /hj still, he may not be too jealous since he does know that you only have eyes for him and him only. that won’t be much of a shocker  (*゚ᗜ˚) kim sunoo  김선우 : - i’m sorry but both fandoms would literally notice his mood changing from this cute and happy mood  from an awfully sassy one. that clip would honestly become a meme .. if jake and jungwon understands, he can’t and won’t. he knows that there were a bunch of dating rumors between you both but why the sudden change and start shipping you and niki?? he loves you and niki but judges you both from the bottom of your souls anyways.  (・-・) probably forgets all about it once your ship name with sunoo becomes viral again anyways. (⭑→ 𓎟 ← ⭑) nishimura riki  西村 力 :
- where do i even start with this one? honestly, you and jungwon don’t mind it much, assumptions are quite normal anyway. but niki would be a big baby. he obviously cared about it. literally every single inch. he would be lying on your lap and later shoves his phone in your face. of course you got confused for a second until you saw the article about you and jungwon.  (。≍‿≍) “why do they even think that you and jungwon hyung are a couple? it’s clear that you’re both just close friends!!” he pouts, making you giggle in response. ————————————————————————— author’s note : grammatical erros and typos !! aND I’M FINALLY BACK AGAIN??? SAGHBJDNSAD
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lavendertales · 2 years
Tempter [prequel: the meeting]
pairing: Din Djarin x mechanic!f!reader
summary: an intimidating, beskar-covered warrior seeks help, but manages to intrigue you instead.
word count: 2.4k
A/N: the prequel to this lovely installment over here bc so many people wanted more. truly hope you enjoy the story, my loves! 
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gif: @starwarsblr​ 
series masterlist | AO3
Life hasn’t been a grand adventure for you. You’ve never even went off planet. You grew up normally, had your father teach you everything there was to know about being a mechanic, and now, that’s what you did. You owned a little shop where creatures of all kinds could purchase their needs for ships, houses or protection, and that was it for you. It was as exciting as it could be. But at least you were gratified. You were happy with your quiet life.
But then you started thinking… maybe you misunderstood what happiness was.
Maybe you just said that you were happy for the sake of dodging annoying questions from strangers. Plenty were the times you’ve been asked about settling down or traveling, but those were things out of your sight. You haven’t really given them much thought. Truth was, you didn’t think there was much else for you out there. You simply figured some beings were meant to have a content, fulfilled life and you were more than satisfied with that.
You didn’t remember much from your childhood. Your mother died as she brought you into the world and you vaguely remember your father going for a job—big payer, from what he mentioned, big job—and never returned. Growing up, you always assumed he had been killed, given that Tatooine wasn’t the most peaceful place during the Empire’s triumphant times.
Then you met Peli. You were just a wide-eyed kid, hungry and desperate for answers from a higher power, and Peli turned out to be the family you needed. She took great care of you and continued to teach you where your father left off. The only thing you knew about yourself were your name and that you were a foundling. She didn’t care about your past, which was one of the greater things about her. She looked after you like you were her own and that’s what made her family.
You suppose you could say that Peli had been both a maternal and paternal figure in your life. She loved you like a mother (and loved denying that even more) and taught you how to work on every piece of metal like a father. She was all the family you knew, and it made your desire to return to the past lessen with each day.
Perhaps the most exciting part of your life was whenever you had a new client come in, or when Peli sent some of her clients over to you when she didn’t feel like dealing with them. You learned along the way that she was mostly doing it so you could earn extra credits and specialize yourself in the business, which you never told her that you figured out, but appreciated nonetheless. At the very least you made sure to treat her to a grand barbeque once in a while.
Yes, you’ve grown more than appreciative of Peli’s gestures, but often times you still felt as if she was doing it all for her personal fun. Seeing you all confused as to why she was shipping potential clients to your shop and expertise must’ve been her way of passing time and getting some giggles.
“There’s a guy coming in soon. Why don’t you take that appointment for me?”
You huffed, staring at her, hopelessly trying to figure out her angle. “I’m starting to think you’re trying to sabotage your own business, Peli.”
“Look kiddo, you gotta eat too, right? I’m just trying to put some credits on the table for ya. I’m a big person like that.”
You couldn’t help but grin at her. Peli was the closest thing you had to family. Safe to say that she was very lovable in spite of some of her quirks. You knew that everything she said and did came from a good place.
“And I appreciate that,” you said.
“Good! As you should.”
“So who’s the guy?”
“Bounty hunter.”
Your smile faded, replaced with concern. “Bounty hunter? Those are dangerous.”
“No Bantha crap! I know that, kiddo. But this one’s different. Trust me. He’s one of the good guys.”
“That’s not really comforting.”
“Nothing to be intimidated about, alright? I promise you, it’ll be fine. This guy’s a softie on the inside. Just don’t let him know you know that.”
So you decided to trust Peli once again, believe her words and seek comfort in them. You trusted her and agreed to watch over the hangar, waiting for some guy.
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An enthused beeping noise caught your attention, unintentionally bringing you back to the present, on Tatooine.
“Whoa, hey, easy little guy,” you tried to coo the small droid. “What’s going on?”
More beeping noises, followed by tapping of feet. “If you’re gonna be all dramatic about it, lead the way.”
You figured it’s your appointment. Or rather Peli’s. The BD-1 unit was easily scared, yet only the most peculiar clients managed to instill that kind of sentiment out of the little guy. But you didn’t think much of it and followed BD.
The shop was quiet and empty for a Wednesday afternoon. Normally, all of your clients came in through the shop to pose their request so you expected nothing less out of this bounty hunter. You took a better look around, yet no silhouette emerged. You stared at BD with a frown.
“I’d better take a look at you today, buddy,” you told him sweetly. “Some of your wires must’ve gone loose.”
BD protested in his usual beeping manner, to which you responded with a fond chuckle.
“I don’t care what your complaint is, there is no one here so I might as well—“
An unfamiliar noise caught your attention, succeeding in its endeavor to surprise. It was no blaster, nor any weapon you’ve ever heard go off. It was strong and sharp, deadly just by the sound of it.
Your eyes widened with shock and fear as you were met with the source. The broad, dark silhouette gripped what appeared to be a shiny blade, holding it against you. The BD unit was long gone, probably hidden underneath one of the drawers in the shop.
Your hands went up in the air on instinct, meaning to show there was no harm to come from your side.
“Please don’t hurt me, I work here!” you said in almost one breath.
The silhouette became clearer with each step it took towards you; the shape was less dark, but no less intimidating. At least you could see he was covered in armor from head to toe with—kriffing hell. Beskar?
A Mandalorian.
You’ve seen a few before, saw them stopping by on rare occasions and you knew the tales. The most skilled and feared warriors in the galaxy, they said. This one standing before you now proved the truth behind said tales.
“I’m a friend of Peli Motto. She told me to take care of you,” you added.
Upon hearing that, the Mandalorian removed the blade with ease, making it fade out of existence, it seemed, and approached you. Only then did you lower your hands, still unsure.
“Are you the bounty hunter?”
Your eyebrows rose in surprise upon hearing the presumed hunter’s husky, velvety voice. Somehow you hadn’t expected his voice to be so… smooth, and it took you aback in a whole other way than it did a minute ago.
“Where’s Peli?”
“She does this a lot, skipping the shop to do Maker knows what. Or she just does it to me, hard to say.”
You swore you heard the Mandalorian chuckle underneath the helmet, a sound so pleasant yet fugitive that you were half-convinced of the fact that you had made it all up.
“What do you know about ships?” he asked, helmet carefully tilted to the left as if to inspect you.
Somehow incredulous, the Mandalorian walked around the shop, gazing at the spare parts and weapons available. When he didn’t provide you with further information regarding his presence in your shop, you took it upon yourself to stir the conversation in that area.
“So… what can I help you with today?”
“I busted a wing. Might need extensive repairs. Can you do that?”
Slightly offended, you stared at him. “Like I said, I know everything about ships. Fixing things is what I do for a living.”
Mandalorian schmandalorian, but he sure is easily irritable.
He led you to the back, revealing a compromised X-wing. You approached the ship along with him, intently observing his gloved hand grazing the ship. The single action built a knot in your stomach, much to your surprise.
You cleared your throat, leaning in to examine the wing. “What caused this damage?”
“Can you fix it?”
You threw him a doubtful look. “For the third time, I know everything about fixing things. This is a two day job, tops. I’m asking you so I know exactly how to treat it.”
The Mandalorian cocked his helmet to the side, studying you yet again.
“Close shave in a canyon.”
“That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
You smiled. Underneath the helmet, Din Djarin felt his heart racing speedily, temples sweating and body afire. He has never felt this concoction of emotions all at once, never had this kind of reaction from seeing a person. Like his blood was boiling right underneath his skin.
He forced himself to remember that he was there on business.
“Two day job, you say,” he repeated.
“Yes. At most.”
He hummed, making you unsure if that was his approval. Your eyes followed him intently, lingering one second too long on his controlled body movements. He seemed like the type of person to be overly cautious, always on the lookout for anything and anyone and highly aware of his surroundings.
“Peli wouldn’t have left me in charge if she didn’t think I’d be up for it,” you added, hoping to sell him on it.
“Think you’re up for it?”
His question wasn’t mean. It was laced with strong, thick tension, a craving for something more that you failed to understand, but something that made your knot twist painfully in your throat.
It was unfamiliar and bizarre, yet it thrilled you in ways you had yet to discover.
“I know I am,” you replied, vocal chords suddenly dry.
Without further ado, you got your toolbox, sliding under the ship and stealing glances at the mysterious armored man.
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The next couple of days went by so fast you might’ve just as well believed it was all in your head. Turns out, fixing the ship right next to a Mandalorian was quite the fun task—if you were into that kind of stuff.
He wasn’t really talkative. Except for the occasional “hand me that”, or “where’s that”, the Mandalorian was exceptionally quiet, yet polite. He thanked you and BD after each time you helped him with something as mundane as it could be, which did nothing more but pose additional questions for you.
Questions you didn’t dare ask him.
It could be argued that you were selfish in some way. You stole glances at him when he was cooped up underneath the ship. Not that there was much to see, but his presence was oddly enticing for some reason. His voice was awfully soothing, his gloved hands were careful and skilled, and… well, truthfully, that was all that you knew for a fact was attractive about him.
Attractive? Where did that come from?
“Looks good.”
His voice snapped you back with your feet on the ground, and you realized you’ve been gazing at him for perhaps too long.
“Yeah,” you agreed. “It looks really good.”
You also realized he’s been talking about the ship, admiring it from afar and closely alike, ensuring it was suitable for flying again, and you felt embarrassed, cheeks flushed with the burning ache of your thoughts.
“Thank you for your help,” he addressed you.
“Of course. It’s what I do.”
A third realization hit you, and you instantly became sad at the thought that your strange connection to this man had come to an end. Somehow you’d hoped you’d see more of him, get to know him should the situation allow for it, but by the looks of it, it was all over.
It was just another job.
He tossed you a bag and you weighed it carefully in your hands, shook once again. “This is much more than what the repairs cost.”
“Take it.”
He was firm, yet decisive, and you could not argue against that, but you wanted to. You really wanted to for some odd reason.
“It’s too much.”
“You deserve it.”
Still reluctant, you smiled politely and thanked him with a nod. The moment of departure had arrived and there you were, flustered and unable to think of something half-convincing to say to him that would inspire him to stay longer.
“Uh—be careful when you maneuver the switch. Had to tighten the screws so it’s… a bit sensitive.”
The Mandalorian hummed. The sound’s tender vibration rushed through you, causing you to gulp.
“Maybe I’ll see you again sometime. You know, when you come in here with the other wing busted or something.”
In a surprising twist, he chuckled this time, audibly so, and you held your breath. It was such an ethereal, pleasant sound, you were nearly dying to hear more.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he added, hand grazing the now freshly polished ship.
Mouth agape, you stared at him in utter disbelief. “Tomorrow?”
“I’m gonna need spare parts. You know your stuff.”
Accompanying your dropped jaw came a furrowing of your brows, even more confused than before.
“Thank you,” you replied. “I mean, yes, of course I know my stuff. I’ve been fixing things since I was a toddler.”
“See you tomorrow then.”
The Mandalorian took a few steps in your direction, each more secure than the last, lingering for one excruciatingly short, yet seemingly never-ending moment. In that one spare moment, there was nothing else but you and him, a spark in your eyes as if begging to be ignited.
Your eyes didn’t leave him even when he was far out of the shop. You licked your lips in anticipation of something that failed to come.
A curious beeping noise made you stare down. “Don’t give me that look,” you told BD. “He’s… nice on the eyes.”
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quotessharry · 2 years
Vettel jr, (3/3)
Finally last chapter! 
this is chapter 1 and this is chapter 2:))
word count: 8.3k (I got carried away)
warnings: smut, choking, unsafe sex, praise kink, age gap
Daniel arrived at the Mexican Grand Prix , his head turning around looking for specific someone. He was very well aware it’s unlikely but a little hope wouldn’t hurt. It was still practice session so he decided to keep the hope up. He tried to walk around with his signature smile on his face cause he didn’t want to cause any unnecessary gossip. 
He sat down in his driver’s room, with his custom made Beats by Dr.Dre headphone listening to “I’m on fire” by Bruce Springsteen. In these past two weeks he has reviewed the same memory to the point that even God was tired of it. 
He didn’t see nor heard anyone entering the room until his headphones were ripped  off his head  “Dude we’ve been knocking for 5 minutes, you’re gonna be late come on” Michael stood there staring down at his friend who looked like as if his ships had gone down. 
Michael extended his hand and he stood up “Cmon you have a race” he shook his head but didn’t move. 
“Still thinking of her?” 
Daniel rubbed his eyes “I don’t know man it’s just-“ he didn’t know how to finish it 
“It’s ok I understand, if you needed someone I’m here” 
Both exchanged a hug and Daniel went ahead. 
After the first practice he ran into Max. 
Max didn’t miss the way his usual smile didn’t reach his eyes and how he seemed out of his head.
“Hello Maximus, how are you in this warm Mexico weather?” Another smile 
Max rolled his eyes at the nickname habit both Daniel and her had developed for him, both being unaware that the other one was doing it “that’s what she calls me, I think she has my name saved like that” 
As soon as she was mentioned, Daniel’s face basically lit up, the smile finally reached his eyes.
“Yeah? She does?” 
Max got closer and whispered “you ok there?” 
His face fell “is it that obvious?” 
He slapped his friend’s back “don’t worry it’ll be ok”
“You know something I don’t?” 
Max didn’t want to give away anything from the call “no why would I?” 
He was right, why would he? 
Max caught Charles in the paddock and the pair started walking. For sure the medias were very curious about why these two were such a close friend all of a sudden. 
“I talked to Daniel” Max talked in a low voice, careful not to get caught by anyone
“How was he?” 
“Not as good as he seems, I’ve never seen him this way” 
“Neither have I, you sure she is coming? I don’t see her around” 
“Yes, but she didn’t say when”  
Daniel decided it was enough, he put aside all his thoughts got in the car and went for qualifying with his mind being nowhere but on the road and focused on having a good session. 
It worked, at the end of the day he qualified P7, qualifying 3 positions above his teammate was a cherry on top. He got out of the car, weighted himself and took of his helmet. Team members came to him with congratulations, hugs and smiles and lastly Michael appeared, hugged him and whispered “that’s the Daniel I know, keep it up man” 
Finally it was the race day, Daniel woke up in his hotel. He didn’t stand up immediately, instead his hand grabbed his phone and unlocked it only to be met with a new post by her. It wasn’t anything big, just a picture of her reading a book in library but his eyes lingered. He still didn’t move, he scanned the picture for any potential details that a normal person would miss because they don’t care enough. His finger threatened to double-tap the picture but he decided against it, locked the phone and buried his head between the soft pillows, swearing and kicking his legs like a little kid who wasn’t allowed to have chocolate on Halloween night. He was frustrated in every way that a man could be. He felt like there was no escaping the rut he was stuck in. With another swear he sat on the bed, ruffled his hair and decided to get on with the day. He knew damn well his mind wasn’t in the right place that day but he could only hope for the best. 
He didn’t like the way he looked around in a hope of catching the sight of her with that flawless smile and those eyes who would look at him like- like he couldn’t even describe it but whatever it was he loved it more than he let on. 
He was thankful on a busy race day no one would pay attention to him enough to interrogate what was going on. He did the routine, warmed up put on his fireproof cloth and race suit. Lastly played a song on his headphone and headed for the car with a deep breath. 
She don’t know how she did it but she did it, found someone to replace her at the hospital, packed ,got a one way ticket to Mexico, called his dad and Max to tell them she has decided to come and made sure to tell them she’ll be late. Due to the schedule being tied she couldn’t have her car in Mexico but that was her least issue for now. She changed into her Mexican style off shoulder top and white pants, on her way out she caught Nina in the elevator
“I don’t know what happens but I’m more than happy you are going, was getting awkward seeing you eye fucking Daniel’s posters” 
She jokingly punched her shoulder “hey I wasn’t that bad” 
Nina pretended she was thinking “no, oh wait you were worse. You literally made Max Verstappen to fly here” 
“That’s fair”
“But really, you made the right choice, things will go perfectly, don’t forget to tell me the news and have a safe flight” 
“I will, thank you” 
“Go get that boy, bet he’ll love the top” they both laughed and separated ways. 
She had a night shift day before, and for some reason she was too busy that she barely got any rest let alone sleeping. Due to her luck at that time of the day the streets were empty and she didn’t have to endure horrible airport traffic. The ritual before the flight went well and she was never this excited about a first class seat because all she wanted was some decent sleep, and it didn’t take her long. 
By the time she woke up, the plane was about to land. 
The first person she called was her dad 
“My dearest father, I have arrived” 
Sebastian was still in disbelief “i still can’t believe you’re convinced let alone you’re here” 
“Dad, that’s not point. I need you to come get me at the entrance I don’t have a pass” 
He didn’t miss the layer of happiness in her voice, she sounded like a totally different person than two weeks ago. 
“Alright alright”
“And one more thing”
“Can you sneak me in?” 
Seb made a face that she couldn’t see “sneak? What are you a thief?” 
She rolled her eyes, unwillingly sharing the answer “I wanna surprise Dan when his race is over” 
He couldn’t hide the teasing smile on his lips “oh it’s Dan now? Not Daniel?” 
“Dad please, I’m gonna get the car I rented and I’ll call you ok?” 
She settled for a 2015 Nissan Altima, set the location on the GPS. She could already feel her heartbeat being higher than normal and her legs were bouncing with anticipation of seeing Daniel again. The closer she got, the more questions attacked her mind, would he appreciate her? Would he like her to be there? What if he doesn’t care anymore? Or worse what if he hated her for leaving that night? 
While the questions were spiraling in her mind, she called Seb. She used the time to put on some makeup and picked the red lipstick, someone knocked on window and she rolled it down, focusing mainly on doing a perfect lipstick. 
“Change your sit” her dad called out 
“What? Why?” 
He pointed at her “you’re not me and I don’t see a pass around your neck” 
They exchanged the seat and he drove the car to the parking. Her heart was thumbing loud in her chest that she thought her dad on driver’s seat can hear it. 
“Hey calm down it’ll be ok” 
She sat straight and shook her head, denying his statement “I’m calm” 
He glanced at her and did one of his famous laughs “no you’re not, it’s just Daniel nothing to worry about” 
“What if-“ 
“No don’t, no ifs” he interrupted her and parked the car, throwing her pass at her. 
“Now get out, we got a race to attend” 
When they arrived to the security, max was waiting, impatiently pacing around 
“Can’t believe it took you 3 days to show up, poor boy is dying without you” 
“Max what are you doing here?” 
“I messaged him dad, Maxton sweetie some of us have other professions and college”
Max laughed at his new nickname and looked her up, she looked different with  off shoulder Mexican style shirt, white pants, her hair tied behind her back, her face hidden behind big sunglasses and mask.
“What’s with the disguise?” 
Seb sighed “she doesn’t want Daniel to see her yet” 
“You know what, I’m not even gonna ask more questions” 
She settled inside the motorhome in front of a tv, there was no way she would meet Danny before the race, she didn’t know what to do or what to say and she certainly didn’t intend to ruin his race. 
Her eyes were glued to the screen to catch Daniel until she saw a head full of curls with headphone, her heart dropped and she gripped the chair’s handle tight. She didn’t realize he had that type of effect on her. Her throat felt tight and a tear left her eye. She knew she was overreacting but she couldn’t stop, in that moment she realized how much she had fallen in love with him. 
The race started, she watched Valtteri and Max taking off until Max had the lead and she fist bumped the air, but when Daniel’s car touched Bottas’ and they both fell back in positions she couldn’t help but to scream a loud fuck, thankful no one was around to hear, after all Daniel not doing good still hurt her. 
By the last lap when she realized nothing gonna change and positions are all the same way, she left the motorhome to catch Daniel (plus her dad, Max and Charles). 
Max won the race, both Charles and her dad finished top 10 and she was more than happy for them but she needed to see someone else. She stood in front of the McLaren garage, sneaking glances at what was happening and waiting for drivers to show up. She fixed her big sunglasses and breathed in the air. The weather was pretty nice. 
As she was waiting, Michael came out of Daniel’s side, and looked at her, then walked to her and started speaking “it’s you, I know you”
She raised her eyebrows in curiosity “oh?” 
“Daniel can’t shut up about you, by the way I’m Michael” 
Her chest swelled with butterflies at the thought of Daniel talking about her. She extended her hand for a handshake “yes yes I know, nice to finally meet you” 
Michael looked at her thoughtfully “actually you know what, I have an idea that he might like it” 
That’s how she ended up next to Daniel’s team radio, with big orange headphone over her head waiting for signal to talk. Tom, his engineer gave the last orders and signaled her to start speaking. The corner of her lips curled up at the thought of what she was about to say.
“Daniel Ricciardo what the fuck is this result? Should I rip all your posters off my wall?” 
Daniel swallowed hard, the race was over and the result was not good, in fact it was very bad. As usual he said “understood” to last words and started doing the cool down lap until he heard it, her voice in his ear, for a slight second he thought he had gone delusional but no, it was her voice, in his team radio. Despite the bad result he giggled, a genuine laugh roused from his chest, his heart leaped and he felt euphoric, smiling wide under his helmet he said “enchanté, mon amour” 
She laughed when she heard his famous “enchanté” followed by him calling her “my love” 
With that comment a bomb exploded, in commentators room they heard a girl’s voice in a driver’s team radio and they knew they had to play it “now we are hearing some exciting words in Daniel Ricciardo’s team radio, let’s see what’s going on” 
At her comment the whole garage tried to stifle a laugh, even Andreas had to use his hand not to laugh loud. The whole thing was too exciting that some team engineers told their respective drivers about it.
Daniel was shaking with excitement in his car, feeling like a giddy little boy when he parked it. 
She walked out the garage, eyes searching for him. 
Daniel jumped out of the car and went for weighting. Then he started walking towards the McLaren garage with big steps, undoing his helmet. She watched him coming, her heart was beating so loud that she could swore it would score a best lap. A small crowd had gathered around, all waiting to see how the moment would unravel, even some drivers hung around to see what was going to happen. 
Words failed to describe the moment they both stood face to face, Daniel clumsily handed his helmet to someone and stared at her, a laugh skipped his mouth, the P12 long forgotten “it really is you” he was afraid to touch her, what if she would disappear, what if she was a picture his mind draw to distract him from a depressing result?
She laughed in return, her heart beating in her ear and her body shaking in excitement “it is really me” 
Without further thinking he put his hand on her face and leaned down for a long waited kiss, without a care in the world she slipped her hand in his sweaty curls and kissed back. Oh how she has missed his soft lips, the way he would subconsciously suck her lips and his tongue dancing in her mouth, the feeling of his beard sent goosebumps all over her in the hot afternoon.
Cameras didn’t miss this moment, photographers frantically took pictures, multiple cameras captured it, fans cheered and drivers smiled at the scene. No one thought it was possible to see Daniel Ricciardo happier than how he always was but they were wrong. In that moment he was flying, her lips on his, her hands tangled between his curls as he sucked her red lipstick clean. Before pulling away completely, he leaned down and left a kiss on her bare shoulder, gaining “awww” from the audience and pulled her into a hug. Everything felt so magical, his arms wrapped around her as neither could stop smiling, she adored the way he hugged her, keeping her too close as if he was scared she would runaway. 
“Oh my god what did we do?” She asked when reality hit.
“I just know I don’t regret it even though I’m gonna get buried in questions. It was totally worth it” 
For last time, she stood on her tiptoe and kissed his cheek, his smile was so wide that she felt it under her lips. 
“You should clean up the lipstick probably” she whispered
He touched his lips and chin, staring at the red color on his fingertips and laughed again. Anytime she heard his laugh, butterflies would go insane in her belly and her eyes rolled backwards due to the amount of joy. 
“Let’s give them something to talk about huh?” Daniel said mischievously, reaching his hand and took hers, both their fingers playing with each other. 
“We talk after I’m done with media duties, right?” The wink he sent had her brain going feral “yes yes we will” 
Seb stood aside and watched all of this from aside, smiling at how happy his daughter looked in a long time, and beyond that happy he didn’t just sit aside and watch. She walked to him with shy smile, to prove her it’s all right he pulled her into a hug, she gladly accepted and hugged him back tightly murmuring “are you mad?” 
“No why would I be?” 
They separated but stayed close to each other “you look happier than ever, that’s what I care about alright?” he continued with a soft smile, not wanting to make her feel bad or ashamed that she kissed Daniel in front of him. 
“Yes alright, thanks dad” 
Max watched it all from the cooldown room with two others drivers, he wouldn’t mention it but he was too proud of the work he did to make the make out session happens, cherry on top was Daniel walking around with red lipstick around his mouth and chin. 
Charles watched it from the garage, he was dying to see the result of his plan but didn’t want to make it obvious, when he saw the kiss he couldn’t hold  in his happiness and let out a loud “yes!” 
Daniel in fact got buried under questions from every interviewers, there was no sign of sadness cause of his result, he could swore he hadn’t felt happiness like this since his win in Monza. As much as he wanted to keep the whole things lowkey his happiness made him chatty and he gladly answered every question he was asked. On the other side Sebastian kept being asked what he thinks of the whole things and he said he is happy as long as her daughter is.
During one interview Daniel and George were side to side, the interviewers were so excited about what happened and they couldn’t help but to ask for driver’s reaction. George glanced over at Daniel and said “Daniel must have a big balls to go for Vettel’s daughter” followed by a laugh he continues “Danny Ric is off the market and I never got the chance, what a shame” 
Daniel turner to him and patted his back, laughing histrically.
After the media duty and before going for debrief, she got to Daniel and told him about Max and Charles, that how Daniel made his way towards the RedBull garage to see Max. As he approached he spotted Charles there, without replying to their greeting he crushed both men in a tight hug, smiling so wide that his cheeks hurt.
“Mate you’re kinda suffocating us” Max barely made out a sentence due to how hard Daniel was hugging him. 
“Daniel we have a contract to drive” Charles growled, trying to talk louder. 
Daniel finally let them go, still not talking but only smiling widely.
“What’s the reason for the sudden affection?” Max asked, raising eyebrows at him.
“She told me what you two did, man I’m speechless, didn’t see it coming, I don’t know how to thank you both” 
Charles giggled at what he was about to say “ I mean next time we’re racing you can let me pass without a battle “ 
Max made a face and looked at him “that’s genius, I can say for sure that you are not stupid” he couldn’t help himself, he had to mention his famous team radio, the sentence costed him a fist to his shoulder by Charles.
“Now let’s not get carried away guys” 
“Oh my you three should have a threesome, I’d just watch” she announced at the sight of her favorite trio of drivers, staring at them fondly. 
“I’m too jealous to share you with two more men I refuse” Daniel flirted, happy he didn’t need to do it secretly. 
Charles and Max made a disgusting face at them “already being so possessive? You haven’t even taken her on a date” Max joked, acting like he wasn’t happy for them. 
“That doesn’t change anything, she is still my girlfriend” 
Her heart teared up at his answer, he just called her his girlfriend, it sounded so smooth that it felt like he has been saying it for years. She blinked hard to contain herself while her brain kept screaming “oh my god”. 
Daniel was so satisfied with his answer when he saw her expression, her eyes grew big and she stared at him like the first time she saw him. He loved when she looked at him like that, it made his chest fluttered. His brain went completely empty when he took her sight again, he felt like he just wanted to stay there and look at her till eternity. 
She made her way to the small group, pulling Max into a hug “I’m so proud of you Maximus you did well” this time Max couldn’t hide his happiness and gladly hugged her back, they hugged for few more seconds and she let go. Charles felt like a little boy when she hugged him as well saying “you did good too” 
He returned the hug tighter “Ferrari should hire you as hype woman, you’re so good at it” 
Daniel jokingly separated her and Charles, causing everyone to erupt into laughter. 
“Ok you two piss off, I’m gonna spent time with my precious girl” 
Her brain locked up like the wheels of a F1 car, his words switched on something in her, her stomach flipped and in that moment she knew she would be on her knees for this man right then and there, it took everything in her to play it off cool and follow Daniel to his driver’s room. 
Both threw themselves on the sofa, Daniel closed his eyes and took a few deep breathes to try and get some rest before going for debriefing. She laid her head on her arm, shamelessly staring at the man in front of her, a small smile tucked  at the corner on his lips, his Adam’s apple bobbed when he swallowed and she wanted nothing more than to kiss his perfect neck. 
“It’s rude to stare sweet, you know that right?” Daniel teased, eyes still closed. He knew what he was doing with all these praises thrown at her. 
“Who cares you’re too handsome not to, can’t help it” 
Daniel’s hand snuck around her neck and pulled her close without raising his head. He opened his eyes and stared at hers. 
She was losing it at this close distance. She brought her free hand up and touched his face, his beard tickling her fingertips but she didn’t stop, giggling softly when she ran her fingers over the bridge of his nose. 
Daniel’s gaze intensified, her heart raced when she saw his serious face expression, she got closer to kiss him but his grip tightened at the back of her neck, keeping her in place. He frowned “uh uh” he whispered in low voice, still not getting enough of looking at her face. He saw the way her face changed and her breath hitched in her throat, gulping as if to regain her calmness. 
She felt like she was out of breath, something in the way his hand was gripping her neck, made her feel things. He moved his hand and tangled the pile of her at her neck, pushing her closer, whispering “come here” before catching her lips in a  kiss. 
A breath left her chest when he kissed her, her hand desperately grasped at his biceps when his hand pulled her closer as if it was possible, to deepen the kiss. He tried so hard to contain himself but he lost it and bite down on her lower lip causing her to whine into his mouth. She felt a wave of pleasure going straight to her core. She broke the kiss and dragged wet kisses along his jaw, wanting to make her man feeling good. Daniel threw his head backwards to give her more space, his hand left her neck and landed on her back, softly rubbing up and down. She left small kisses on his neck that had him breathing heavily and gulping hard. She stopped by his ear, her finger tracing the vein popping out, she whispered “who left the blue vein of your throat unkissed, mio caro?”
Daniel’s flattered open at her last word, heart beating rapidly that he could hear it in his ears, slight blush made it’s way to his cheeks.
“Daniel you have 5 minutes to come to debriefing” Michael shouted, not opening the door to find them in that position. 
He purses his lips, licking them wet “you’re so mean, how am I supposed to go out with a boner?” 
She shook her head “I’m no better than you ok, just wear a long shirt” 
“See you after I’m done?” 
She put her hand on his hand “Of course, I’ll just go out to walk around a little” 
She walked at least 5 laps before catching her dad, both hugging as she congratulated him on his decent result.
“I didn’t see you around, were you with Daniel?” 
She had to get used to talks like this “yes, we were talking with Max and Charles” she tried not to make it obvious what they were doing before and the effort was successful. 
Seb decided not to question her any further “ok honey I’m going  to my hotel, you’re not going back tonight are you?” 
She laughed, flash back from two weeks ago rushed to her “no no I’m not” 
“Hey Seb” 
Daniel’s voice filled her ear, he rushed to them greeting Seb firstly. 
“How was debriefing?” Seb asked 
Daniel made a face and replied “a bit difficult considering my result today” 
The older man touched his shoulder “don’t worry about it you’ll bounce back” 
She was more than happy to see things are not awkward between them. 
“I’ll see you both later alright?” 
“Yes dad of course” 
“See you later man” 
Daniel turned to her “now it’s only two of us” 
He stood in front of her, smiling like an idiot, the sun was about to set and the weather wasn’t as hot as before. Sun was behind Daniel and he looked like an angel sent from above, she looked at him smiling just as idiotic. In that moment they looked like two idiots in love and that’s exactly what they were. 
George was passing by when he saw these two, as ready as he was he took out his phone, with wide smile he snapped a shot saying “I would have told you to get a room but you two are adorable” 
She turned her head with a cheeky grin “you’re welcome to join” 
“No you’re not” Daniel fastly disagreed with poker face. 
George laughed at them and walked away, Daniel screamed “SEND ME THE PICS RUSSEL” 
Both of the men laughed, at the sound of his laughter, she could swore she fell in love even more. 
“So what do you say I take you on a date tonight?” 
Her eyes widened “it’s not necessary you have a race next week, you need to rest” 
“So? I have a race after that, it’s triple header”  he took her hand, lacing their fingers “it’s fine by me, come on we need our first date” 
How could she resist saying no to the man like him? She couldn’t. 
“Ok we will go, but we should stop by the hotel first, because I haven’t checked in yet” 
She took her time in her room and changed into a mini skirt. Daniel got rid of his black skinny jean and changed into one of his shortest shorts with a baggy shirt. He finally knocked and the she opened the door, eyes immediately roaming each other. 
Her eyes caught the sight of his thigh tattoo and she couldn’t stop staring. 
Daniel was mesmerized by the way her tight skirt was hugging her hips and her legs was on full display. He took one step forward, his hands softly grabbed her waist and he leaned in. She put her hand on his tattooed thigh, loving the smooth skin. She bit her lips and slid her hand up until she was met with the hem of his underwear. Daniel closed his eyes and grabbed her hand, stopping the motion “bad girl, not here” 
That word went straight to her corecand she felt something, in that close distance Daniel could see every little reaction her face made to his comment. She shook her head in silence, afraid her voice would betray her. 
Both intertwined their hands and left the elevator to the exit. It was getting late but neither of them cared as they started laughing loud and talking about anything and everything. Daniel led them into cobblestone and narrow streets that no one would ever walk. She was loving the empty alleys, moon shine and Daniel’s hand gripping hers tightly. If she could, she would stop the time then and there, everything felt perfect and it felt so right to be with him. 
Daniel was bursting with happiness, two weeks ago he was in his Monaco apartment, staring at the sea and thinking of the girl he would never meet but here he was, gripping her hand so tightly that he felt if he let go she will disappear. Going astray deep into the city and getting lost in the bliss of love. After they passed few more alleys they heard the music and walked towards the sound only to be met with a small restaurant with tables outside. 
“I wouldn’t mind to eat something” 
“Sure, I won’t tell Michael what you ate don’t worry” 
They took their sit behind the empty table for two outside, A black lady made her way to their tables. 
They both had zero idea how to order a food in Spanish, the lady looked at the way Daniel was trying his hardest to articulate a sentence.
“Ma boy, you ain’t gonna get it right hit me up in English” 
They giggled in relief and Daniel started speaking “thank god, we want a bottle of Carignan and two tacos” 
“Coming right away kiddos” 
She put her hand under her chin to support her head and lovingly stared at Daniel “this place is so nice, I’m glad we are doing this tonight” 
“What can I say anything for my girl” 
There he goes with his sweet words and soft voice, and all she could think of was the way he will be in bed and now her inside was a mess as well as her underwear. 
She blinked lazily and picked her glass, gulping down whatever was inside and put the glass on the table. Daniel smiled in victory and reached his hand, touching the side of her face affectionately without a fuck that they were in public “you love it when I talk to you like that don’t you?” 
She leaned into his warm touch “yes I do” 
They were fast to stop it all when they saw their order coming on their way. The smell made their mouth water and without further comment they dug their food. Everything was better than they expected, the pair silently stole glances from each other, drunk on wine and each other’s company. When they were done, the music changed to Lambada and two people stepped in with full costume, hips swaying and bodies spinning expertly with the music rhythm. The music mixed with people’s voice and laughter and some dancing felt like something out of books in late 80s. 
“We should dance Danny” she screamed through the loud music
“I don’t know how to dance” 
She didn’t care, she stood up and took his hand, bringing him to the middle. The couple made room for them and they started dancing ridiculously, gaining a laugh from audience. She put her hand on his back, his hand landed on her side. They tried to copy the dance mildly successfully and at the end they managed to do a nice spin. Next song brought more people in, they filled their wine glasses and danced until drop of sweat made its way to their bodies and they were out of breath. 
Once they were back to the dark narrow alleyways, they were giggling like high schoolers. 
In one move Daniel pushed her, her back softly touched the wall, their face so close together, he whispered “pretty” and kissed her, soft and passionate. He felt like he had enough, he held it inside in past two weeks and he couldn’t keep it anymore he stopped the kiss, his thumb tracing her lips when he said “I fucking love you so so much”
Suddenly emotions rushed to her and she felt a lump in her throat. She successfully swallowed and found her voice to speak “oh god, I fucking love you so so much” 
 The next thought wasn’t too hard to read, they both sped up to get to their hotel as soon as possible, impatient to have each other out of clothes. When they were in elevator she felt like she can’t no longer take the tension. 
As soon as they stepped into the room, first thing they did was getting rid of each other’s clothes. Daniel took his shirt, his hands immediately grabbed the hem of her shirt and soon that was gone. He raised his eyebrows when he saw her braless but couldn’t deny‌ how much that turned him on. 
He felt like he can’t stay away from her skin for a second, his hand softly grabbed her throat and he started leaving marks, whispering against her neck “Please tell me you’re on pill” 
“ I have IUD” she managed to get the words out but it felt too hard with Daniel’s finger tracing her neck while kissing it.
His head fell on her shoulder and his hands wandered anywhere he could reach, her fingers dug into his back when his lips touched her neck again, his fingers caressed her side boob and she felt frustrated second by second. He started sucking on her soft skin, deep breathing her scene that had him going crazy. 
Her hand made its way to his curls, tugging softly and swearing under her breath. Daniel couldn’t hold himself back and breathed her in, murmuring “you smell like a rose”
She threw her head back involuntarily, giving him more space. As he continued his soft kisses, his hand unzipped the skirt, the piece pooling around her feet, he pulled down her fully wet underwear, touched the wet spot there and licked his finger, she just watched and felt her come running down her thighs. He gave up on her neck, his hand gripped the back of her head and kissed her, rough and wet, she gladly welcomed his tongue and sucked on his lips “you are so gorgeous damn” every word that left his mouth, had her going insane. She dared to pull down his shorts and underwear, both finally fully naked. Her white skin was in perfect contrast with his tanned body. She started kissing his neck,needing desperately to leave her mark on his perfect neck. Her hand itchedto touch the skin ,her fingertips tracing his astronaut tattoo. The sight of him all naked with his tattoos on display took her breath away. She dragged her lips down until she was on her knees in front of him, eyes looking up at the way he was looking at her with honey eyes full of lust. Her hand pumped him few times, she kissed the pre-cum that was dripping, he thrusted his hip forward and she took it all so beautifully and perfect that his eyes rolled backward “that’s it, you’re doing great girl” his praise had her sucking his cock faster. Nothing compared with the feeling of her soft lips wrapped around his hard cock, sucking like her life depended on it. With another force he had her on her feet and pushing her backwards until her back touched the wall, he sucked her collar bone and went lower, she writhed beneath him, desperate to get something but his strong hands pushed her back. 
“Daniel I- oh fucking hell” her sentence long forgotten when she felt his teeth on her sensitive aroused nipple, his free hand massaging the other, she felt desperate when he found her sensitive spot, she tried hard to keep her voice low but when he did a hard suck, a loud moan left her throat, he smirked in victory and  let go, burying his head in the valley between her breast “I love every inch of you so damn much” his voice laced with lust when he whispered more praises for her. He was up kissing her again, teeth digging into her lips when he pushed her towards the bed. She looked like an angel, sitting on the edge of the bed, thighs painfully rubbing together in hope of creating a friction and a relief. He just stood there and watched the way she was needy for him, she looked up, locking eyes, a new found arrogance in her eyes, smirking at him. He kneeled in front of her, softly grabbing her leg, his hand rubbing her calf, he turned his head and kissed her skin, coaxing a whine out of her mouth and made him dizzy with lust  “god, the voices you make is driving me nuts” 
She arched her back when he licked the sweet spot under her knees “glad to know- fucking hell” she was caught off guard when he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her towards himself, only an inch apart from her thigh “complete your sentence, you can do that for me right?” 
She didn’t think she could, her mind clouded with his presence and what he was doing that she didn’t think she had it in her to speak “glad to know it worked” 
Daniel smiled at her proudly “my good girl” he licked off her cum off her thighs, nudging her to open her legs further
“This is a dream come true” she didn’t know what made her to confess this. Daniel took a moment to thrive on the fact that she had a wet dream about him. 
“Oh yeah? do tell, what was I doing?” he didn’t do anything, just watched her, waiting for her to continue. She threw her head back, hiding her face “you were rubbing me-fuck just like that” she cried out when his finger made contact with her wet pussy, fingers rubbing her with pressure but he stopped, she whined desperately “why did you stop?” 
“If you stop talking, I’ll stop” he stated as a matter of fact, he knew he was being a big tease and her reactions encouraged him to go on. 
“Then you slipped a finger inside, oh yes! Don’t stop” his finger slipped in easily, thrusting few times before adding a second finger “is this what you wanted all night? My fingers in you? This is why you’ve been a needy little thing all night?” His words had her wet more, she felt herself gaping around his fingers. Soon his mouth joined in, his tongue ruthlessly flicking her clit, sending jolts of electricity all over her body. She arched her hip involuntarily and in one move, he had her pinned against the sheet unable to move. Her hands grasping the bedsheets when he curled his finger and she screamed “harder! Fuck” but he didn’t feel like listening, he let his fingers rest and he continue sucking on her lazily. She said fuck it in her mind “I beg you Daniel, please” 
“My baby wanna come?” 
She shook her head but it wasn’t enough, he curled his fingers once more to urge her answer “yes! God yes please, so bad”
He finally increased his speed, soon enough felt her walls closing in around his fingers and she came with a moaning his name rapidly. He didn’t let go, he kept his mouth on her and licked her clean till the last drop. He climbed on the bed and flipped her on her stomach, without protesting she let him handle her, he touched her pussy, causing her ass to jump, next his hands lifted her hips and pressed her face into the pillow. He stood back and watched, she looked like a goddess in that position. 
His big hands spread across her ass cheeks, when he saw how wet she was again, he leaned in and left a kiss on her wetness, she hissed at how sensitive she was but she needed this, she needed him to fill her up. 
He positioned himself and thrusted, feeling how tight she was around his cock “you’re so tight, no one’s ever fucked you this good huh?” She didn’t bother to answer, too lost in the feeling of him finally filling her up. 
His hand curled around her throat, tightening until her eyes went black with pleasure, her own hand landing on top of him to encourage the act, he thrusted deep and suddenly stopped, loosening his grip on her throat, she swore she could cry, she wanted nothing more for him to go on. His touched his her side and back, watching the way she crumpled the sheet in her hand. The tip of his cock robbed against her almost torturously “answer me darling, no one’s ever fucked you this good huh?”  She felt tears in her eyes and bite down in her lips, barely forming a sentence “no” 
He finally thrusted in hard enough that her whole body moved “no what?” 
“No one’s ever fucked me this good Danny” 
He flipped her over, needing to see her face anytime he would fuck her. She opened her legs, waiting for him to thrust again, sighing in pure relief when he rode into her, she hissed in pain and pleasure with each thrust, her eyes peered at him, sweat dripping of his body, curls stuck to his forehead making him look absolutely sexy.
His hand landed on her belly, gripping hard to keep her down “that’s it baby, taking me so well, you love it?” 
Her eyes fluttered close as she replied “yes! Fuck yes I love it, please” she didn’t know what she was begging for but she couldn’t stop. He loved the way he was inside her, perfect and wet, the thought made his cock twitched and he knew he was close, he thrusted deeper and rougher until he spilled inside her. Her loud moan turned into small desperate voices and he knew she was close. In an attempt his thumb started rubbing the bundle on nerve on her pussy, tears running down her face when she came hard around him “shhh it’s ok you did well, that’s my girl” She let out a sob when she heard his last words “god Daniel I love you” 
One more thrust had her breath hitched in her throat, and he pulled down. Laying next to her on the bed, both breathing and panting heavily. 
“You ok? Was I too rough?” Daniel asked, leaving a kiss on her cheek. 
“Oh my god, that was the best sex I ever had” she answered, dragging herself on top of him, hiding her head in crook of his neck shyly. 
He giggled, his hand tangling at her hair “I’m glad you enjoyed, we should do this often” 
Her laugh was stiffed in his neck “yes we should” 
She brought her head up, staring at him “please tell me my dad isn’t in next room” 
“No he is in another floor, Max made sure of that” 
They laid like that in bed, complete silence, pressed against each other skin to skin. Both sweaty and smelly. 
“How about I run a bath for us? You know I’m not quite ready to sleep yet” Daniel still didn’t know when he will see her again and he preferred not to dwell on that fact yet and just enjoy their first night fully. 
“You know what I would love that” 
She rolled off him and he got up, making his way to the bathroom running the water while pouring shampoo to make a bubble bath. She laid on her back, enjoying the feeling of sheets against her naked form. Daniel walked out when he saw her like that, spread out against sheet, looking all pretty and gorgeous, bruises starting to form due to how hard his fingers gripped her had his stomach twitching. He stood there and watched and got embarrassingly hard again “you know what I can totally get used to seeing this, actually I take it back because I’m having a situation” 
When she saw him walking out, looking like a fucking Adonis, she wasn’t doing any better. 
She followed her into the bathroom, her eyes widened at the sight of bubbly bath 
“You like it? I’m so proud of it” 
“Yeah definitely more proud of this than your P12, sorry too soon?” 
Daniel clenched his chest faking a pain “damn, right in the heart” 
He got in first, followed by her. She sat with her back pressed against his chest, he positioned himself so she’d be comfortable, with his hand around her waist, caressing her belly. 
She couldn’t hide the smile forming on her lips at the touch of his hands, she looked up, still in complete awe at how handsome he was. She nuzzled her head against his chest “you’re so handsome Daniel Ricciardo” 
“And you are so beautiful, Vettel jr” 
“That’s my official name now huh”
“You bet your pretty ass it is” 
They fell into a comfortable silence, but her mind was racing with questions, the same issue she talked with Max was still there nonetheless.
He hugged her tighter, leaving a kiss on her head “yes?” 
“We can make it work right?” 
He wasn’t ready for this conversation but it was inevitable, might as well get it out of the way. 
“Of course we will, i don’t care what it takes but I believe we can and we will make it work, I can always come over to you cause I obviously have more free time, you can come to Australia or Monaco or even my house in LA anytime you have the time” he cupped her cheeks, making sure she fully believes everything he said. 
She woke up as hungry as a bear, last night’s activity had her craving food like crazy. She tried her best to sneak in her room, put on new clothes and making her way to elevator, hand in hand with Daniel. Max and Charles with her dad were the only people left, when they arrived Max was already sitting down. 
“Hello you two” he turned to her, teasing smile on his lips “you weren’t too loud last night, I didn’t hear you” 
There was no secret that she got embarrassed, she exchanged a look with Daniel and they decided to play along. 
“Mate you have no idea, she was so fucking loud”
She shook her head, speaking seriously “can confirm, I was there” 
“We should tell Paris that her hotel’s walls works perfect” 
“Why we should say that to Paris Hilton?” Charles asked, arriving mid conversation. This was the second time he was arriving in the middle of conversation that she didn’t want to repeat, was almost becoming a thing. 
“I was telling them I didn’t hear them last night”  Max took the duty to keep him up to date. 
“Oh” was all he could manage to say, caught off guard by the topic. They were all saved when Seb showed up and they could finally order breakfast. 
She was in such a hurry to consume food as fast as she could, Charles noticed and leaned across the table “I take it last night was intense?” 
She choked on her coffee and lightly shoved Charles. On the other side Sebastian looked like he had a traumatizing experience “why, just why did I hear that” 
Daniel was choking on his pancake from laughing too hard, she just wanted the earth to swallow her alive, Max and Charles were having the time of their life watching it all. Yet deeply they were happy their matchmaking worked out. 
Few years after
Daniel paced around in his Monaco apartment, Max was looking at him with that intensity in his eyes. 
“Mate sit down nothing bad will happen, you’re giving me headache with walking constantly” 
Daniel turned to him, stress and frustration written all over his face “what if they don’t accept it? We waited so long for this, to finally share this house” 
“I know that better than anyone, but it will be fine ok just sit down, she is a Harvard graduate doctor nothing to worry about” 
They made it through Daniel’s awful luck, his championship, her entire med school and graduation. Even though she couldn’t spent a lot of time in Monaco, she still had stuffs in his house, he wanted to be reminded of her anytime he was alone. 
The door finally opened and she walked right in, standing in the middle of the room, her face beaming with happiness. 
“They accepted! I’m a part time surgeon and officially a physician for F1, you guys gonna get tired of seeing me” 
While Daniel was in pure awe, Max used to time to give her a hug and congratulate her. 
Daniel hugged her as hard as he could, not quite believing after all she was finally with him throughout the whole year.
anddd this is it! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it:)))
Tag list: @dreamer-grl @ccloaned @rosee-sensuelle​ @itsjustmyopinionf1 @flyingmushroomss
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sabo-has-my-heart · 2 years
Hey hey!! I'm your new follower (I followed you as soon as I saw you make OP's content gosh), especially for the donut boy (Katakuri)! May I request a fluff scenario (romantic) of Katakuri x GN!S/O where S/O goes out for a long mission from Big Mom and gets back with a lot of donuts for Katakuri? I don't know, I feel like he needs it— THANK YOU 💕
PS. Don't forget to take care of yourself too!
Warnings: Gender Neutral reader, so fluffy!
Word Count: 1070
I’m happy that you sent in a request, I really love writing when my brain doesn’t hate me, lol. Don’t worry, I am taking care of myself, which is why this took so long to get out. Thank you for being patient with me. Katakuri, like many of the characters in OnePiece, does need love, he doesn’t get enough in his world so those of us in our world need to make sure that he knows he’s loved.
Smiling, you looked out at the waters surrounding the island you called ‘home’. Big Mom had sent you out on a mission, a rather long one. You understood that it had to be done, but you missed your beloved Katakuri. Being away from him was hard, even with everything you tried to do to make being apart easier, it was still lonely. There was so much you missed about him. His warmth, the way he wrapped his arms around you protectively, the soft kisses to the top of your head, his head in your lap as he ate his beloved donuts, doting on him as he indulged in his treat. Sighing, you headed back inside the ship. You had a little longer before you reached the island and the donuts should be cool enough to glaze and decorate. The mission had put you on an island perfect for gathering rare, exotic, and wonderful ingredients for Katakuri’s favorite treat. You’d been experimenting and working for days to get everything just right, from the flavor of the donuts themselves to the fillings, glaze, and decorations, everything would be perfect. Stepping onto the island, you smiled and looked around. Katakuri would inevitably be busy right now getting ready for his merienda, meaning you had just enough time. The chefs had been notified about the change in schedule and you’d been told where to find Katakuri. Hurrying towards the training yard, where Katakuri had apparently spent a lot of his time lately, you carefully pushed the large cart filled with a larger than usual stack of donuts. Had you gone overboard with making donuts? Maybe a little, but they were for the love of your life, how could you not? Finally, you reached the training yard, spotting the mochi house, Katakuri waiting in front of it. You were a couple minutes late, but you knew that since it was you he wouldn’t mind. The fact that you were back, had made him donuts, and your love for each other would mean that you could probably be an hour late and still be fine. 
Katakuri looked at the pile of donuts, they weren’t the usual donuts the chefs made and they were late. Is this why they were late? Trying out new donut recipes? Wasn’t there a better time for that than now? During his merienda! Even if the pile of donuts was larger, they were still late! The person on the other side of the cart huffed, clearly worn out from having hurried over.
“You can leave now.” Katakuri said, using his mochi powers to move the donuts into the mochi house.
“Aw, but then I can’t see if you enjoy all the effort I put into making you some very special donuts.” a familiar voice called, drawing Katakuri’s attention away from the sweet treat. Looking at you, he smiled behind the scarf.
“It’s good to see you home.” Katakuri said, wrapping his arms around you, pulling you close, “I missed you.” he whispered, holding you. You smiled, wrapping your arms around him, enjoying his embrace.
“So do I really need to leave? After all, I just got here with some very special, homemade, rare ingredient donuts.” you said, trying not to laugh. Katakuri just smiled, picking you up and carrying you into the mochi house, sitting you down on the couch before laying his head in your lap.
“I missed this. You make my meriendas all the better.” he said, closing his eyes as he took a moment to simply enjoy the peace and happiness of having you there once more. You simply shook your head, pouring him some tea before grabbing one of the donuts on the pile.
“Say ah!” you said, holding it above him. A smile spread across his scarred mouth as you fed him your donuts. They were even better than his usual donuts, better than some of the ones you’d made him in the past. You often tried to make his donuts for him, or at least make a good number of them, but it was a lot of donuts and you were one person. 
“They’re good. Very good.” he said softly, smiling as he looked up at you, caressing your cheek. 
“I’m glad, I worked hard to get the flavors just right. I wanted to make something amazing for you.” you said, leaning into his large, calloused hand.
“You could have just walked here then, you’re the most amazing thing in this world, more amazing than any donut.” Katakuri said, the safety and seclusion of his mochi house allowing him to be sweeter with you. A small blush ran across your cheeks at his sweet words, he was so different when it was just the two of you. Kinder, softer, sweeter, more relaxed, happier. Biting into another pastry, he stared at you.
“They’re perfect though, until they learn how to make a donut that embodies you, no other donut will ever compare.” he added once he’d finished. 
“Don’t say that! What if regular donuts are no longer good enough!” you said jokingly you knew he’d still love his regular donuts. Katakuri chucked, the sound turning into a pleased sigh when you ran your fingers through his hair, the both of you simply enjoying the moment. 
“Nothing will ever compare to having you by my side. I’d give up all donuts for the rest of my life to stay with you.” he whispered, letting the peace and contentment wash over him. The two of you sat there for a moment, no donuts, no words, nothing but the soft sounds of breathing and two heartbeats that seemed almost intertwined. 
It was a little while later, the donuts gone and the tea finished, that Katakuri carried you out of the mochi house, head nuzzled up against his chest as you slept. The two of you had taken the time to just cuddle, quickly putting you to sleep, head resting over the large man’s heart. The journey had been a long one and you were tired, so Katakuri would let you sleep, carrying you inside. He’d take the rest of the day off so he could spend it with you, he’d missed you since you’d had to leave, trying to find some way to deal with your absence. Even his meriendas weren’t as enjoyable without you. He chuckled, looking down at your slumbering form, of course his meriendas weren’t as enjoyable without you, you were his donut.
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fozmeadows · 3 years
race & culture in fandom
For the past decade, English language fanwriting culture post the days of LiveJournal and Strikethrough has been hugely shaped by a handful of megafandoms that exploded across AO3 and tumblr – I’m talking Supernatural, Teen Wolf, Dr Who, the MCU, Harry Potter, Star Wars, BBC Sherlock – which have all been overwhelmingly white. I don’t mean in terms of the fans themselves, although whiteness also figures prominently in said fandoms: I mean that the source materials themselves feature very few POC, and the ones who are there tended to be done dirty by the creators.
Periodically, this has led POC in fandom to point out, extremely reasonably, that even where non-white characters do get central roles in various media properties, they’re often overlooked by fandom at large, such that the popular focus stays primarily on the white characters. Sometimes this happened (it was argued) because the POC characters were secondary to begin with and as such attracted less fan devotion (although this has never stopped fandoms from picking a random white gremlin from the background cast and elevating them to the status of Fave); at other times, however, there has been a clear trend of sidelining POC leads in favour of white alternatives (as per Finn, Poe and Rose Tico being edged out in Star Wars shipping by Hux, Kylo and Rey). I mention this, not to demonize individuals whose preferred ships happen to involve white characters, but to point out the collective impact these trends can have on POC in fandom spaces: it’s not bad to ship what you ship, but that doesn’t mean there’s no utility in analysing what’s popular and why through a racial lens.
All this being so, it feels increasingly salient that fanwriting culture as exists right now developed under the influence and in the shadow of these white-dominated fandoms – specifically, the taboo against criticizing or critiquing fics for any reason. Certainly, there’s a hell of a lot of value to Don’t Like, Don’t Read as a general policy, especially when it comes to the darker, kinkier side of ficwriting, and whether the context is professional or recreational, offering someone direct, unsolicited feedback on their writing style is a dick move. But on the flipside, the anti-criticism culture in fanwriting has consistently worked against fans of colour who speak out about racist tropes, fan ignorance and hurtful portrayals of living cultures. Voicing anything negative about works created for free is seen as violating a core rule of ficwriting culture – but as that culture has been foundationally shaped by white fandoms, white characters and, overwhelmingly, white ideas about what’s allowed and what isn’t, we ought to consider that all critical contexts are not created equal.
Right now, the rise of C-drama (and K-drama, and J-drama) fandoms is seeing a surge of white creators – myself included – writing fics for fandoms in which no white people exist, and where the cultural context which informs the canon is different to western norms. Which isn’t to say that no popular fandoms focused on POC have existed before now – K-pop RPF and anime fandoms, for example, have been big for a while. But with the success of The Untamed, more western fans are investing in stories whose plots, references, characterization and settings are so fundamentally rooted in real Chinese history and living Chinese culture that it’s not really possible to write around it. And yet, inevitably, too many in fandom are trying to do just that, treating respect for Chinese culture or an attempt to understand it as optional extras – because surely, fandom shouldn’t feel like work. If you’re writing something for free, on your own time, for your own pleasure, why should anyone else get to demand that you research the subject matter first?
Because it matters, is the short answer. Because race and culture are not made-up things like lightsabers and werewolves that you can alter, mock or misunderstand without the risk of hurting or marginalizing actual real people – and because, quite frankly, we already know that fandom is capable of drawing lines in the sand where it chooses. When Brony culture first reared its head (hah), the online fandom for My Little Pony – which, like the other fandoms we’re discussing here, is overwhelmingly female – was initially welcoming. It felt like progress, that so many straight men could identify with such a feminine show; a potential sign that maybe, we were finally leaving the era of mainstream hypermasculine fandom bullshit behind, at least in this one arena. And then, in pretty much the blink of an eye, things got overwhelmingly bad. Artists drawing hardcorn porn didn’t tag their works as adult, leading to those images flooding the public search results for a children’s show. Women were edged out of their own spaces. Bronies got aggressive, posting harsh, ugly criticism of artists whose gijinka interpretations of the Mane Six as humans were deemed insufficiently fuckable.
The resulting fandom conflict was deeply unpleasant, but in the end, the verdict was laid down loud and clear: if you cannot comport yourself like a decent fucking person – if your base mode of engagement within a fandom is to coopt it from the original audience and declare it newly cool only because you’re into it now; if you do not, at the very least, attempt to understand and respect the original context so as to engage appropriately (in this case, by acknowledging that the media you’re consuming was foundational to many women who were there before you and is still consumed by minors, and tagging your goddamn porn) – then the rest of fandom will treat you like a social biohazard, and rightly so.
Here’s the thing, fellow white people: when it comes to C-drama fandoms and other non-white, non-western properties? We are the Bronies.
Not, I hasten to add, in terms of toxic fuckery – though if we don’t get our collective shit together, I’m not taking that darkest timeline off the table. What I mean is that, by virtue of the whiteminding which, both consciously and unconsciously, has shaped current fan culture, particularly in terms of ficwriting conventions, we’re collectively acting as though we’re the primary audience for narratives that weren’t actually made with us in mind, being hostile dicks to Chinese and Chinese diaspora fans when they take the time to point out what we’re getting wrong. We’re bristling because we’ve conceived of ficwriting as a place wherein No Criticism Occurs without questioning how this culture, while valuable in some respects, also serves to uphold, excuse and perpetuate microaggresions and other forms of racism, lashing out or falling back on passive aggression when POC, quite understandably, talk about how they’re sick and tired of our bullshit.
An analogy: one of the most helpful and important tags on AO3 is the one for homophobia, not just because it allows readers to brace for or opt out of reading content they might find distressing, but because it lets the reader know that the writer knows what homophobia is, and is employing it deliberately. When this concept is tagged, I – like many others – often feel more able to read about it than I do when it crops up in untagged works of commercial fiction, film or TV, because I don’t have to worry that the author thinks what they’re depicting is okay. I can say definitively, “yes, the author knows this is messed up, but has elected to tell a messed up story, a fact that will be obvious to anyone who reads this,” instead of worrying that someone will see a fucked up story blind and think “oh, I guess that’s fine.” The contextual framing matters, is the point – which is why it’s so jarring and unpleasant on those rare occasions when I do stumble on a fic whose author has legitimately mistaken homophobic microaggressions for cute banter. This is why, in a ficwriting culture that otherwise aggressively dislikes criticism, the request to tag for a certain thing – while still sometimes fraught – is generally permitted: it helps everyone to have a good time and to curate their fan experience appropriately.
But when white and/or western fans fail to educate ourselves about race, culture and the history of other countries and proceed to deploy that ignorance in our writing, we’re not tagging for racism as a thing we’ve explored deliberately; we’re just being ignorant at best and hateful at worst, which means fans of colour don’t know to avoid or brace for the content of those works until they get hit in the face with microaggresions and/or outright racism. Instead, the burden is placed on them to navigate a minefield not of their creation: which fans can be trusted to write respectfully? Who, if they make an error, will listen and apologise if the error is explained? Who, if lived experience, personal translations or cultural insights are shared, can be counted on to acknowledge those contributions rather than taking sole credit? Too often, fans of colour are being made to feel like guests in their own house, while white fans act like a tone-policing HOA.
Point being: fandom and ficwriting cultures as they currently exist badly need to confront the implicit acceptance of racism and cultural bias that underlies a lot of community rules about engagement and criticism, and that needs to start with white and western fans. We don’t want to be the new Bronies, guys. We need to do better.  
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soupgoose · 2 years
Do this for me.
A request from the lovely @peachy-is-obsessed 
Summary: When the glass façade that surrounds the captain falters and shatters around them, an old friend helps them pick up the fallen pieces. 
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, some good ol’ fashion fluff, one-shot (just a really long one-shot)
Word count: 5,700+
Paring: (Sort of) Wilford Warfstache/[Gender Neutral]Captain/Reader, written platonically but it's up for interpretation. ;)
Surprise guest from U.S.A Lady and from the infamous man in red! Granted their appearances are only brief. Wilford and the reader are the main focus.
Trigger warnings for: slight cursing, getting shot at, hand injuries (not gory and not described with a lot of details, just felt like I should add it just in case), identity crisis/mental breakdown (once again, very simplified and if these aren't the right terms please let me know!) 
(A/N: This one gave me a bit of trouble, but I feel quite happy with how it came out! Definitely long, but I can’t help myself. Also please give a big thank you too @peachy-is-obsessed for this request. I absolutely had some more ideas with the broadness of the request, so there might be more coming soon! Once again, if you have any critiques or ideas on how I can improve in the future please let me know!
Happy Reading!
-Soup :D)
The sight of the wormhole’s blue walls once again filled your sight, taking you away from Yancy’s performance. The sound of his singing becomes clearer as you drift further and further away from the visitation room.
“I really wanted to be there for him…” Disappointed and more than a little annoyed, you couldn’t do much else than allow your body to be carried by the wormhole. 
Yelling at nothing, you fumed, “You could have at least let him finish before you drug me away again!”
You cross your arms across your chest, waiting to be dropped off in yet another universe. However, unlike the last time, you were not presented with a choice of left or right. Rather, the wormhole opened up back in the Universal Stability Agency, only to find it looking abandoned and in a state of disrepair. Alerts to evacuate sounded through the glitched intercom, and filled the facility with a sense of dread. Lights, the ones that were still on, flickered desperately. Panels from the ceiling dangled in the lobby, being held only by a few wires. 
“What in the world happened here?” you spoke quietly to yourself. 
You pushed past some of the hanging wires and lights, moving towards the open doorway in front of you. As you approach, you take note of the person sitting inside the room, clutching a gun in their hand. You inch closer to them, hoping not to startle them too badly. The last thing that you needed was another gaping wound. Something cracked under foot, causing them to jump at the unexpected company, gun now aimed directly at you and charging up for a shot. You quickly raised your hands in front of you as you took a step back, trying to show the person that you were not there to hurt them. 
With a sigh, they lowered it, waving their hand, beckoning you closer to them. You recognize them immediately as the Lady that had interrogated you and Mark a while before. The same Lady that had cornered you in many other universes. However now, they looked less damaged, and much more distraught than when you had first seen them. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t think that anyone was still here-” They began to explain what had happened before they stopped.
“Wait. Oh my god.” She said in a low voice.
They had finally recognized you, spewing questions as they scooted closer. Stammering that your ship had vanished. Despite you being brought back to your ship multiple times through various loops and wormholes, no one else could find it. In every universe they checked, no one could get to it.
“So how are you… here? How?”
You didn’t have an answer. The device around your wrist took you where it wanted to, with no rhyme or reason. If you did, you would have told them, being just as confused as they were.
They became frantic, demanding for you to give them the device, threatening to shoot you if you didn’t. “I swear, I promise if you give it to me I can fix this.” 
You felt the crystal glow against your palm as you backed away from them . Sure, maybe they'd be able to fix the shit show that you were starring in, but you had a plan. And you couldn’t risk ruining it. 
“Warning. Potential paradox detected-” 
“I am- I am begging you.”
“-Please Avoid”
The monotone voice pounded in your head, competing over the Ladies' pleas. “I refuse to believe that this is intentional. No one is that evil. Come on!”
“Initiating emergency abort.” 
A wormhole opened, causing you to fall into it. And you could hear them crying out behind you, demanding that you come back. 
Thinking that you had gotten away from them, you were startled as blue shots raced past you, the sound of the ammo whistling by your ears. You spun around to face them, shocked to see that they had jumped in after you. They had managed to catch up, grabbing a hold of your wrists. “Why are you doing this? Why do you want to destroy everything?” 
You really didn’t. In fact you wanted the complete opposite. If they’d only let you explain, then maybe you’d be able to work together. But before you could try, the device separated itself from you, and the Lady fell with it. 
After they had disappeared, you remained in the wormhole for longer than you deemed necessary, as a feeling of apprehension began to pool in your stomach. The area around became brighter with the crystal’s increasing glow. You could feel it pulsing in your palm, simultaneously filing your ears with a painful ring. The longer you were floating there, the worse you felt. Dizziness and nausea were followed shortly by the clouding of your vision. 
And all in a single moment, there was suddenly nothing. Everything around you went dark. You couldn’t feel your body anymore, and you weren't sure if you were able to move. 
“There is blood on your hands Captain. Who’s to say you’re any better?” 
Your vision returned. A seemingly endless stream of bodies floated before you, slowly being brought in and engulfed by the open wormhole. 
It glowed unbelievably bright, as you felt the light from it singe your eyes. Even though you wanted to look away, you couldn’t. The wormhole beckoned your attention, and the universe was forcing you to look at each and everyone of your mistakes, as they laid out clearly in front of you. 
“No, no no-” You thought. Your voice echoed in your head, pounding against the inside of your skull. “I did what I could. I just wanted to help, I-I didn’t want this!” you pleaded, hoping that whatever was in control would allow you a chance to explain yourself. Hoping that maybe it would let you wake from this never ending nightmare. That’s what this had to be, right? There's no way that you were responsible for that many deaths. You were doing what you could, you were just trying to help.
“No no no no no no no no no no no no no no-” 
The light emitted from the wormhole grew brighter, blinding you with your mistakes. The ringing still accompanied your thoughts, and while it started out subtle, it was now much louder than your own voice.
“please… stop”
The Lady couldn’t be right. You never wanted this. You needed to find Mark, you had to fix everything that had been broken. 
You just wanted all of this to stop.
Surprisingly, it listened. Instead of being blinded, you were now again completely surrounded by an inky black, as if someone turned off the lights via a switch. 
You could feel your body now. However, you were still unable to move it. You tried to lift your arms, but they felt glued to your sides. Your legs at a slight bend, and your shoulders were tight. From what you felt, there wasn’t a floor you could have been standing on, and there was no pressure against your back to indicate to you that you were laying down. You were simply just existing in this void. Paralyzed by it. 
The ringing didn’t stop. If anything it felt much closer than before. Your skin now reacted to it, feeling like the static of an old T.V screen, or the numb tingle you’d get when one of your legs would fall asleep after sitting for too long. Except now it was everywhere. 
This dark wasn’t the kind of dark that your eyes could adjust to, despite their efforts. 
After a moment, something sparked deep inside of you. A memory so far back in your mind, it was obvious that you had purposely blocked it out. But this place, this hell, wouldn’t let you suppress it any longer. And the void around you began to feel...  “Wait. No. What is-” 
“All too familiar isn’t it, old friend?” A voice interrupted your thoughts. “And here I thought that you had forgotten all about little old me. How cute. Coming to visit, are we? And after all this time you thought you were ready to move on.” It dripped in venom. 
You felt uncomfortable, not being able to see the person who’s voice accompanied you in this place. While you wanted to figure out who they were, the dread that had pooled earlier pulled at your heart, and filled your lungs, keeping you from speaking. And that same spark begged you to leave.  
“How rude. After all this time you won't even speak to me. And here I thought you were more than that. So many adventures, so many stories, you and I have shared. And now you think that you can just leave it all behind? Leave me behind?” He almost sounded offended. 
Panic grew in your chest, your breathing became uneven and unproductive. He was getting closer to you, you could feel it. While you weren't sure of who he was a moment ago, you were certain of it now. And by no means did you want to be here with him. “No I can’t be here, there's no way-” you thought.
“Oh but there is, in fact, a way. Did you seriously think that I’d let you move on? Let you go live a life after all that we’ve been through? I was pulled much too early from the spotlight, and now you think you can steal it from me? No no, you don’t get that chance. I haven’t finished playing yet. And you haven’t finished playing your part, Captain.”
You felt his breath on the back of your neck. The hairs stood at the unexpected chill. His presence no longer felt alive, you couldn’t even call it human. He had ascended far beyond what he used to be all those years ago, and the person that you used to know wasn’t there anymore. 
“Your friend took everything from me,” he shouted, causing you to flinch, “and I am going to do the same to him. The same to you. That night was an accident. It won’t be this time” His tone shifted drastically as he cleared his throat, now coated with a false sincerity.
“Did you like your little break? I felt that space would be such a beautiful vacationing spot. However, I didn’t expect it to break so easily. Honestly, you did a much better job than I thought you would! And now I’ve got a better opening, so many more options I didn’t even think were possible! I should really thank you.”
The darkness felt suffocating, pressing at your sides, your breaths now turning into gasps for the non-existent air. 
“It’s not fair is it?” He stood in front of you, towering over your form. “I let you have your fun. Now that you're back, it’s my turn.” His face was hard to make out, except for an eerie smile that was plastered across it. He leaned in slightly, bringing himself down to eye level. “Welcome home, friend”
He turned, walking away from the spot that you were frozen to. It took all of your effort, but you managed to get something out, a desperate attempt to not be left alone in this place again.
You screamed at him, "Stop!” 
He stopped in his tracks, before turning once more to face you. 
“You’re no better than myself, Captain.” He smirked, “There are no other villains in our stories, except for you and him. I’m just doing my job, as the hero, to fix what you so crudely broke. You can’t blame me for your choices.”
With that, your body simultaneously woke up, dropping you to your knees. You had little time to catch your breath, as you desperately attempted to race after him. You weren't going to let him leave you in this place again. But by the time you had gotten to your feet, he was already gone. Leaving only a sheet of broken glass in his wake. 
You ran up to it, pounding your hands against its shattered surface. Failed calls and cries never quite left your tongue, seeing the inside of the manor through the mirror. He stood in a red suit, looking quite pleased with himself, “Now now there friend, it’ll be alright. I’ll be sure to come back to visit,” He cooed, before adding a mocking “one day.”
You watched helplessly as he walked through the front door of the manor. After seeing him leave you stopped trying, realizing that there was no one that could hear or see you. You looked down at your hands, noticing that they stung from the small cuts and gashes caused by your senseless beating against the broken glass. You clenched your fists as you looked back up. The mirror had darkened and the view of the manor disappeared. The small amount of light that trickled through it, faded, and you fell to your knees. Only this time you had no intention of getting back up.
Tears poured from your eyes, and blood dripped from your fists. Memories were tricky as it was, but now? Everything was a mix of being too fuzzy to see clearly, and too clear to forget. 
How many lives had you led, only to be brought back here? Placed back on a shelf like a forgotten toy. How many people, loved ones, friends, had you lost? How many had abandoned you? 
Your mind raced, filling itself with memories you weren't certain were your own.
And in that moment you remembered Damien. You remembered all of the fun that you had with him during your days at university. And how he and Cleine had left you behind in the mirror in the first place. 
You then remembered William, the gunshot, the fall. Was that really Wilford? Did he recognize you during the interviews and meetings with him? Or had your face been long forgotten as well. 
Many more jumbled faces entered and exited your head, each with their own story, and each with their own set of shared memories, that only one of you could remember. 
Did all of what you had been through really mattered? 
You still remembered Mark and your crew, all of the years of training and schooling you had gone through to earn your title as “Captain”. 
But if these memories were yours, then you were also a District Attorney, a prisoner, an adventurer, a date, a museum robber... Was any of that real? Did any of it really happen?
In a moment of desperation you questioned if you were real anymore. How much of yourself have you forgotten over the years? And how much had you lost? 
The “floor” rumbled beneath you, and as you looked up you saw violent cracks break through the surface. Very much like the glass of the mirror, the world around you was shattering, with you still in it. You tucked your head down, your hands grasping at the back of your neck, mumbling broken “no’s” as you felt everything crumble. 
With a final crack of the floor and the sound of crashing in your head, you felt your body shoot up.
You were sitting upright, with one of your hands gripping your shirt tightly under the collar. Your eyes, throat, and chest, burned, as you tried desperately to breathe. You gasped for air, wheezes fighting against violent sobs. 
You had no idea where you were anymore. Or even who you were for that matter. 
The ringing felt just as present as it was in that hell, just now accompanied with an unwelcome headache. You knew that it must have been real, as the sides of your hands ached and throbbed. 
“Hey, hey, it's okay.” You hadn’t realized that you weren't alone, feeling your other hand being held and slowly caressed by the unknown company. You looked to where the voice came from, which happened to be sitting beside you in a chair, just barely able to make out their silhouette. 
You struggled to take in your surroundings, vision fuzzy, as your eyes began adjusting to the soft light of the room, which you found came from a window behind a cracked curtain. 
You looked around, trying to observe where this unknown person had taken you. Everything was soft and calming colors, which somehow brought a much needed comfort. Plush blankets and pillows surrounded your body, some of which fell to the carpeted floor after the sudden movement.
You looked back at the person, now able to see a little more, however some details were difficult to make out. He was dressed in a yellow button up, and had colorful suspenders draped over his shoulders. “It’s alright now, we’ve got you.” He spoke in a hushed voice, and for some reason you felt surprised at how gentle it was. You tried to look at his face, but your tears prevented you from getting a clear view, however, you could tell that he had a mustache. 
He pulled you into a small hug, trying to hold you as closely as he could, considering the fact that you were still sitting. 
“It’s alright now, ol’ wilffys gotcha. No more of that horrible place.”
For a brief moment you froze, hoping that you had heard him right and it wasn’t just a trick that your mind was playing on you. “Wilford?” you questioned, voice breaking in the process. He leaned back, allowing you to look at his face more closely. It was him. 
His slightly curly mustache with its pink tips, and his dark brown eyes that were laced with worry and caution, gazed back at you. The expression he wore was something you hadn’t seen since… 
“The one and only!” He said, giving you a comforting smile. Hands now holding you by your bicep and shoulder.
It took you a second to process what was going on, but upon releasing that Wil was in fact here and in front of you, you felt more tears sting at your eyes. You collapsed into his side, tears soaking the yellow dress shirt. He scooted on to the bed next to you, in a half kneel-half sit, and pulled you onto his lap. He wasn’t known for affection that wasn’t spontaneous and energetic, with most of the hugs that you did get were ones that were tackles or surprise attacks from behind. So in a moment where you felt so unbelievably broken, he had just enough wherewithal and sanity to understand that you just needed someone to hold onto you. 
So that's what he did. 
He mumbled quietly into the top of your head, reassuring you that it’d be alright, repeatedly saying “I’ve gotcha now” and, “you're okay.”. He rubbed circles into the small of your back, rocking you back and forth ever so slightly. This was a completely new side of the energetic and, quite literally, insane, Wilford Warfstache, and had you been more aware of what was going on, that might have worried you. But right now all that mattered was that you weren't alone. 
As your breathing began to steady, he took a moment to promise you that, “I’ll be right here until you're ready, okay?”
Once you had calmed down he began to tell short stories and jokes that he knew would distract you, and hopefully make you laugh a little. Just because he “may sometime commit mass murder, dosent make him a lier!” But you knew that already, he never did anything to outright lie or hurt you in the past. And that one exception wasn’t intentional. You knew that he only did the things he did, was because he had lost himself to madness. Not being able to believe that anything was real anymore. Besides, he could bend reality as you knew it, and…
But, you didn’t know it. That’s why you were upset to begin with. Your identity and memories were falling apart in front of your eyes, and nothing felt real. Everything was spiraling out of your control. Granted, how much of it had actually been in your control in the first place?
He was about to start telling you another story, “The great escapade of 1987! Or was it 83…” before you stopped him.
“Wil?” you asked hesitantly.
“Yes Sugarplum? How may I, The Wilford Warfstache, be of assistance?”
“Is… Am I real? Is any of this…real?” You opted to speak slowly and cautiously. He was known to avoid this topic of conversation, and when it was unavoidable he would become distant. He was looking towards the door, as a silence washed over him. It was like watching a computer that froze, as you could almost see the gears turning in his head. His mouth was opening and closing every few seconds, looking for the right words but coming up empty handed. 
Just as you were about to tell him to forget about the question, he cleared his throat. 
He sighed, moving you around on his lap so you could look at him straight on, while still being close enough for him to cradle you. 
“Reality is… oh how did Darky put it? Complicated. It's all *infinite* with countless existences and things the-such-is-and-the-like-as-that.” He scoffed, fumbling the last few words quickly. “But as for you being real? I’d say so! Well as “real” as anyone could be. Just because you’ve experienced a great lot of the *Multiverse*, doesn't mean that you’re any less real of a being.”
He looked deep into your eyes, making sure that you knew that he was being serious. He brought you back in for another hug, this one being a little tighter than the last. Your ear was pressed against his chest, and there was a soothing rumble as he spoke. 
“My dear friend, I was worried when you didn’t show up to schedule your interview, and when I asked ol’ Yancy, he told me that you had just vanished during his performance. He looked quite upset at first but he said that he understood that you probably couldn’t stay for long. And I swear- I was going to be patient and wait for you to show up, but I noticed that those wormholes you had been traveling through hadn't opened for a while.”
His tone became softer, more serious, losing the playful undertones, “I thought you had…”
He paused, not bearing to say it. You gave him a firm squeeze, allowing the man a moment to collect himself.
“Anyways, I asked Darky if he’d let me check the ‘Void’, wherever that is, and that’s where we found you. Kind of, in between universes, I guess. You were unconscious, and from the looks of it having a very bad time. I mean, we had to get Dr. Iplier to wrap those hands of yours when we got you back here. I'm sure you’ll remember him later, but now's not the time.” 
You tried to pull away from him, but you were unsuccessful, as he only held you tighter, wrapping his arms around you. His chin now resting on top of your head, you could feel his breathing hitch and his throat tighten. He tried to stop his own emotions from spilling over but, 
“I-I was just so worried. I know that I’ve lost you before, and while I don’t fully remember it, I don’t know if I could go through that again.” He again tried to clear his throat to stop it from cracking, but to no avail he too had tears to weep. He didn’t quite sob like you had, but you felt him struggle to keep his composure. So there you two were, letting withheld emotions out of their containment, holding on to each other like a lifeline. 
Wilford was one of the only ones left that had been there that night, and the only person other than yourself that was still mostly intact. He, despite changing his entire personality and his identity, was still in that god-forsaken manor all those years ago. And while you weren't sure how long he had the ability to warp and mold the universe around him, he was still affected by what happened. He watched as all of his friends either disappear or die, meanwhile getting blamed for it all. And right now you understood just how horrible that felt. 
The only other time you had seen him so concerned, was that night. After he watched your body seemingly rise from the dead, he couldn’t believe that you had survived it. You could see the fresh trails of tears on his cheeks, and the guilt in his eyes was evident. That was also the last time you saw him with his sanity. You witnessed him break, just as he was watching you begin to. It was almost poetic.
“Do you think I’m going to end up like you, Wil?” You managed to joke, like he had only moments before. He scoffed, feigning offense at your question. 
“After all I do for you and you just insult me?! The nerve!” He exclaimed, a small croak escaping with it.
He finally let you look at him, eyes red and watery, face stained with streams of tears. He looked awful, though you could say the same for yourself. You took a moment to wipe the tears from his cheeks, thumb gliding over the warm, puffy skin. You brought his forehead down to meet your own, pressing them together. Eyes closed, the two of you sat there in complete satisfaction and comfort. Wil cared about you, he just had odd ways of showing it, you could trust him. You snickered as his breath and mustache tickled your face as he talked.
He reeled back before exclaiming, “God I hope not! The universe can really only handle one of me, if that!” you let out a hearty laugh, always a fan of his dramatics.  
He waited for your laughter to settle, obviously pleased that he had been able to cheer you up. He brought his hand up, and reached out to touch your cheek. He smiled as you pressed your face into it. 
“I’m going to do whatever I can to help you. I promise. I was afraid of what you were going through, from what I heard you mumble in your sleep.” he sighed, “Cupcake, if there's anything that you take away from this it's that, you are as real as it gets. And just because you have lived, quite frankly, many lives, does not make you any less real. You continue to learn and improve yourself, and you have changed the lives of so many. I mean just look at Mr. Yancy! He’s going on parole, just because of what you said, because of what you managed to do.”
You felt your throat tighten, “Wil, please-”. You tried to look away but he moved his hand to your chin, tilting it up so you’d look at him. 
“No, I’m not done! You are going to listen to all of this! I know that memories get hard to recollect after a while, believe me I’ve been there, but that’s not your fault! You never asked for this, you were simply handed a broken universe and then told to fix it! But you’ve done so well with what you’ve been given. You aren’t a bad guy, you’re just trying to fix what's broken. And you, my dear friend, are not in any way broken. Glass shatters, and chips, and cracks, but it can always be mended.” He leaned forward, bringing his voice down to just above a whisper so only you could hear. “Allow yourself to be mended, allow yourself to heal from your heartbreaks. Please. If you will not do it for yourself, allow me a moment of selfishness and do it for me. All I’m asking is that you don’t give up, okay?”
He had made you cry again, not saying that you had completely stopped in the first place. The fact that he was being completely genuine, no jokes, no pranks, no guffaws, that he genuinely cared about you, and was willing to step out of his comfort zone to comfort you, broke the rest of the damn. 
He let you cry against him again, only this time it wasn’t as extreme. The both of you chuckled at your failed attempts at saying “okay”, as most of them were interrupted by hiccups or gasps. He was there for you, and you were there for him. And in that moment, that’s really all that the two of you could do. He couldn’t fix it for you. He was unable to pick up the pieces that fell from your person, even though he wanted nothing more than to do so. But he could be there to provide the much needed support and care that you deserve.
After you had no more tears left to cry, you didn’t leave his embrace. Feeling absolutely drained, you drug him down so you’d be lying next to each other, rather than sitting. He complied, now being able to pull you the rest of the way in, pressing all of him against all of you. Your legs were tangled together, and you had your face buried in his chest. You could hear his breathing, and his steady heart beat against your ear. His arms wrapped around you, one across your back and one around your waist. You had missed his hugs tremendously, but this was definitely a start to making up the ones that you had missed out on.  
The two of you joked back and forth, throwing occasional burns at each other as you had in the past. He felt whole, more present and sane than he had in years. And when you were ready to start talking about your memories and various identities, he was there to listen. When you needed confirmation or specifics about a “life” he would try his best to bring some clarity. And when he began to feel himself slip, you would change the subject. 
It was harmonious, the way the two of you interacted. What comforted both of you was the fact that you had been through everything together. Both seemingly very different beings, yet experiencing the same set of circumstances, and had just processed them a little differently.
 By the time you had felt more comfortable neither of you could tell how long you had been laying there. Not that it mattered, you felt safe next to the friendly neighborhood lunatic. 
Time, as it was, didn't feel right, partially because of the constant changing of universes, and partially because of the time you had spent in space. Wilford claimed that Time no longer had an effect on him and therefore didn’t matter, which you couldn’t exactly argue against. He didn’t look like he had aged a day since back then. Of course his appearance had varied as he dipped further and further into his insanity, but not much else physically had changed. The creases that formed in the corners of his eyes when he smiled or laughed were still there. The way that he always had a certain cadence with all of his actions and speech haven't faded. And while no longer being the colonel you knew way back then, he was still your beloved friend.
He didn’t have to tell you that you needed to get going. You were, as Will had put it, “Running behind on a very specific schedule that the universe has set up for you. And it’ll only wait for so long.” You watched his smile falter, remembering what your purpose was at the end of the day. And despite neither of you wanting to separate, you had to finish what was started. Begrudgingly, he let you get up from the bed, and he shortly followed suit. Making various inappropriate jokes about the situation as you were getting prepared to leave. “I don’t think I’ve been in bed that long with anyone! And I was known for the great Ned Affair!“ 
You elbowed his side, gaining a very over exaggerated grunt from Wil.  
“I’ll see you soon right?” You asked, reaching out for his hand. Your fingers interlock with his, and you feel him gently squeeze back.
He smiled at it, then at you. 
“Of course you will.”
The two of you stepped into the open area of the room, taking a second to mentally prepare for more of the awful wormholes and loops that were coming your way.
“God, I hate that that stupid wormhole took me away before I could hear the rest of Yancy’s performance. I bet that it was really good.” You were only half-joking, not expecting anything to come out of it.
“Well no spoilers, but it was. Maybe-” He sighed, tapping his free hand against his chin, “…ugh I hate making you anymore late for our meeting, but maybe I can take you back to see the rest of it. I’m sure that the universe will give you a little more time before the “end”. Not like there is, or will ever be, a true end. 
You chose to ignore what Wil had just said about there not being an end, because had you stopped to think about it you may have lost the rest of your dwindling sanity right then and there. You smiled, giving one more firm squeeze. “I think I’d like that.”
A wormhole opened in front of you, only now it was pink. You stared into the swirling chaos, not fully ready to jump back in. He felt you hesitate, “Go on. You have the whole multiverse to save after all!” Noticing that his point did little to encourage you, as you shot a glare at him, he brought you in for one last hug. “You’ll be fine. After all, you can’t keep me away for long.” He whispered to you. 
Taking a step back, you approached the wormhole again. Looking at him one last time, he nodded, smiling, and you stepped in. 
Disco music surrounded you, and with only one tunnel to follow, you let yourself relax. 
So what if you had led a thousand lives before this one, you knew that no matter where you were taken, Wil was never too far away. And that was all the motivation that you needed. 
You had been through enough of this, and it was time to finish it. 
(A/N: FINALLY FINISHED! THANK GOODNESS! I have been struggling with this s.o.b for at LEAST a week. And finally, I think its as ready as its going to get. I hope you enjoyed, and if theres any critiques or ideas that you think might help me improve please let me know! And @peachy-is-obsessed, thank you again for the request! This, despite me wanting to throw my computer into the sun, was really fun to write! I hope that it meets your expectations! 
-Soup :D)
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eyrieofsynapses · 2 years
…maybe an unpopular opinion, but I think I like Eliot's hand-to-hand fight scenes more than the ones in big-box movies.
see, I was rewatching a bit of Captain America: The Winter Soldier (yes I've seen some of the MCU, no I have not seen Infinity War or anything past it because I refuse to watch it without other people to cry with and my friends haven’t been available) before I rewatched Rundown. and guys, I adore TWS. easily in my top favorite films of all time. the fight scenes are fantastic! holy heck, the emotional weight! if you asked me which movies I love hand-to-hand in the most, that'd be at the top of the list, easy. Steve and Bucky in that final scene? ohhhhhh my gods.
but then I bounced over to The Rundown Job and just… y’know the bit where Eliot takes out the guys after Hardison signals him at the elevator? it feels so much more fun. I can't pin down exactly why, but it feels closer, more personal, more impactful. probably some of it comes from how Eliot is having--maybe not exactly fun, but how he likes doing his job. there's something about it.
and it's not just TWS that I can compare this back to, either. off the top of my head, I love it more than The Batman's hand-to-hand combat (which is admittedly rough because it's early-years Bruce, but still) and probably most anything else I've seen out of the MCU. animation isn't live-action, obviously, but I've seen some really solid combat in DC's animated work too. like, I haven't seen a ton of hand-to-hand work (it seems the film industry is understandably more fond of sword fights and such), but personally I find that when it comes to sheer fun, Leverage is really hard to beat.
now I'm not gonna compare it to sword-fighting or things like that. that's another ballgame. but hand-to-hand specifically… I'm not a violent person, but I dunno, y'all, there's just something about how Eliot fights that makes him fun to watch in a way I'm not sure I see elsewhere. probably it's partly that I'm just ridiculously fond of him. it is absolutely in large part because Christian Kane a) does his own stunts and works with the choreography, b) actively integrates Eliot's character into his work, and c) is just an all-around fantastic madman of a person.
but! they get so very clever with it! all the different things he'll grab to improvise with! I mean, where else do you get somebody who uses umbrellas, pipe organ pipes, whisks, screen doors, golf clubs, appetizers, literally anything to take opponents out on a regular basis? hauling people up over his shoulders and his back to toss them into dumpsters? comments like "if I'm not honest with you, you can't improve"? counting every single dude in a massive ship and then counting down as he takes each one out? barreling out of nowhere to tackle a dude? who else gives us lines like "that's what makes it fair" to the dude who laughs at him for not carrying a gun?
and it's hardly like we don't know Eliot's going to win--Eliot always wins--but there's still tension to it. he's not so good as to be perfect. he struggles, he comes back with bruises and cuts and the occasional broken rib, it's not like there's nothing at stake here. we've seen him have to let somebody go or otherwise mess up. too many opponents or too much muscle make him wary. he's competent as all hell, but he has to be sly and tricky and clever about how he fights as much as he has to deliver enough force. Eliot doesn't just fight well, he fights smart. he uses his surroundings and knows when to play possum and how to target an opponent's weak spots.
like. goddamn. I can watch him versus Roper in The Carnival Job a hundred times, and it still shakes me to the core to see him go down for that brief moment. in that second, you can believe he's in real danger. and he does come out of it hurt and limping and covered in blood. but we still have no doubt that he's an absolute badass!
oh yeah, and also: he has fun. there's always that little smile he's got when he's about to take down a bunch of unwitting thugs. laughing at Quinn when he's got bruised ribs and bloody teeth. looking at the pipe from the pipe organ in Van Gogh in surprise when it rings when he hits a guy before giving it an appreciative grin. sizing up Mikel and running through each situation (and, you know, that little make-out in the basement). staring at the dude in Lonely Hearts and going "fisticuffs? seriously?" with that tone of amused disbelief before flipping the guy into the harbor.
it's his job and he's not fond of hurting people, exactly, but he takes pride in it and he enjoys proving himself over and over. he enjoys the challenge. and it's kind of impossible not to love watching him beat it every. single. time
anyway yeah, if you ever ask me "who's the most fun to watch fight hand-to-hand?" it's probably always gonna be Eliot, tbh.
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