#just let me void scream
merriclo · 2 years
link’s house in hateno village never fails to make me overly emotional bc wtf do you mean there’s an apple tree and a stable, and just down the path there’s a little pond to fish in??
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distant-screaming · 2 months
I love media that is about parents. the way it always leads back to the way characters have been raised, been loved, been taught to love. media about about fathers and expectations and understanding and cultural roots holding it all together, about rekindling relationships that never had a chance to exist and letting go of grief over relationships that don't exist anymore. media about mothers, and burdens, and shelter. media about generational cycles and legacies and futures that are dictated by the past, and media about nature vs nurture and the way they have lived. media about the wealth and family and what is important and when. media about family of blood and family of choice and family of convenience. I love media about history and inheritance and, most of all, parents.
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share-the-damn-bed · 2 months
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nocek · 8 months
Do you want to hear a funny story?
So you know that I was drawing spiderverse comics lately. Because they are fun to do. And I think people like them. I mean the most popular one has like 4K notes? That's lot for me when I usually dwell in tiny fandoms made out of like 3 people and their dog. So it's nice, everybody is having fun and I'm grateful.
I just found out that somebody took few of that comics. Cut them up and run the text through ai reading voice and posted it as reels on fucking youtube.
And it's not even that I'm stumped why even turn 4 pictures into video. First time I see such a time wasting thing but ok. People do like different things.
And even lke some effort was done to erase text from speech bubbles so it appears as the ai spews it aloud but it's not even about it
I had pictures taken and posted somewhere else. Usually without credit. At least this time it was credited? I guess I should be grateful.
What fucking gets me is that those comics have several hundred thousand views and few hundred comments each.
Like fucking seriously.
I don't know what's the point
I don;t know what should I feel about this
I mean unless you can make money on youtube reels? Then I can at least be pissed about it. Nice clean feeling?
Because what gets me is that most of those comments are nice so I should be happy about it? I guess? But I feel like a pathetic peeping tom looking for appreciation that wasn't given to me actually eve if I did the thing
I'm just tired
this day was already shitty so i guess it's time to give up and take a nap
next comic will be delayed
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eurydia · 5 months
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Your pastimes consisted of the strange And twisted and deranged And I love that little game you had called "Crying Lightning"
detail + musings below
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I haven't been able to stop thinking about that trailer! I'm so unbelievably hyped for this and Kojima's next espionage game (MGS 3 is one of my all time fave games! ahhhh! ❤️)
I miss the old Higgs' design, it was very strong but maybe this clown will grow on me, who knows lol. I can't believe I actually wanted to draw those equations on his forehead (I used to find it tedious. I took them for granted 😭)
something cool I noticed when drawing this: the makeup below his eyes appear to be inspired by the stripes you see on Nemes - the striped headcloths worn by pharaohs. unrelated to DS but about the song I chose: it's one of my fave Arctic Monkeys songs, I heard it live and I haven't been the same since - it gives me Higgs vibes! one of the interpretations on Genius suggested that "crying lightning" refers to the streaks that form on someone's face when their mascara runs.
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iiep-wop · 2 months
Not to get sentimental on main but I actually love the Tumblr Red Dwarf fandom so much
I've not been here the longest, I will admit, in the time I've been here everyone I've chatted to or interacted with has been so sweet. I don't think I've ever seen any massive discourses or arguments (actually I don't think I've seen any on here(Tumblr specifically), but that's just cause I don't think I am good at noticing when drama happens haha)
And there's almost never ending fanart's and theory's which you can find from years ago, buried in the site which means that although at the moment theres maybe 30 of us (at a stretch) who'd consider ourselves to be part of the fandom, there's still so much to explore and find
There's so many talented people creating gorgeous art, comics, edits or fics and I feel so lucky to be able to know you guys, genuinely y'all are amazing
We're all just a bunch of silly little guys enjoying our stupid silly space sitcom <33
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wayward-sherlock · 2 months
I UNFOLLOWED HER ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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i-have-zero-chill · 2 months
and when Buck dances with Tommy at the madney wedding and Eddie watches from afar all by himself with a longing look on his face THEN WHAT????
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astrobei · 4 months
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agir1ukn0w · 7 months
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demodraws0606 · 10 months
I really apologize for the two rapid Whit post back to back but I just got the zoomies and hyperfixating on Whit really bad and found a kind of small detail that I will overanalize for as long as I can.
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Look other colors were also tied to the characters in a lore way so it wouldn't be out of pocket for this to be little cheeky foreshadowing.
Like, no one else use the specific word boring/boredom for their dislike of colors ??? And the word boredom is everywhere in the mysterious text ???
It's been a rough day guys, I see Whit everywhere and I don't know if it's on purpose or I've just spent too long thinking about him so I associate everything to him.
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momentomori24 · 4 months
From now until march, along with KOSA and support for trans folks/tumblr's transphobia, I'm only going to be reblogging posts about Palestine, Congo, Sudan and the potential other countries that I'm unaware of subjected to atrocities and genocides all at the same time (because just when you thought you've seen the depths of human vileness you learn about something else happening that makes you realise no you didn't). My blog's pretty small so this probably doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things, but since I didn't completely go through with the strike this time around I feel like the least I can do is this. General reminder to not stop talking about the genocides, donate if you can, write/call up your MPs, show support for the trans community and spread as much awareness as possible about all these issues mentioned. Stay safe, everyone.
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distant-screaming · 1 month
the fact that nueng on the beach is unable to sleep without music, and yet it takes him very little time to adjust, to have the thing he can't sleep without become palm. the fact that when he goes back, all alone, he tries to fall asleep curled up around palm's abandoned shirt. the fact that it was never about the music, but about connection and feeling loved instead. the fact that nueng is just - so desperately lonely.
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peaches2217 · 2 months
Two things:
I FINALLY GOT AN ESTIMATE AND EVEN IF I HAVE TO PAY ENTIRELY OUT OF POCKET I CAN AFFORD AT LEAST THIS FIRST VISIT! Thank you Planned Parenthood 😭😭😭 (They knock a good chunk off of your total if you’re uninsured, so that’s the price that’s on display for me right now while they verify my insurance information! Hopefully it’s even cheaper… fingers crossed!!)
I still don’t know what I wanna call my newest fic. I went ahead and published it with what felt like a relevant title because I had it ready to go and figured I could always change the title later, but now there’s a tiny voice in my head screaming “You picked the worst possible title, now no one’s gonna bother reading it and those who DO read it will hate it” and like? Silenzio Bruno, I’ve never hated a fic based on title alone, I don’t think many people truly care what it’s called 😭 That said, if it IS bad or offensive or anything of the sort, please don’t hesitate to call me out! Worst case scenario I can just revert back to its working title and leave it at that. It’ll be a few days (hopefully not more) before I post the first proper chapter, so surely by then I’ll have my mind made up!
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ahollowgrave · 5 months
thank you to everyone who left a nice comment or DM'd me or whatever yesterday I didn't reply because I get very embarrassed when people show me compassion when I very clearly need it. But I read each one and saved them for next time and I am blowing you kisses and avoiding eye contact, you understand. depression is a known liar and you can't trust her. she is very convincing, however, and so when it gets to you please know I am there holding your hand.
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xskyll · 3 months
I just need to vent. Someone made a podfic of one of my fics a short while back. Yesterday, they told me they were monetizing their channel and asked permission to put ads on their podfic of my story. I'm very glad they asked permission, so I could say no, but all the same, I can't help but feel so angry. I would never go to someone and say, "Hey, do you mind if I make money reading aloud your story that you spent months and months slaving over, while you don't make a single cent? Do you mind if I throw ads on this thing you poured your soul into, turning your love letter to fandom into another cog in the capitalist money machine?" I just imagine someone listening to my description of Shouto fighting Bakugou and listening to him bare his soul about his toxic behaviors—I scene I tried to craft with such care—and just before Izuku kisses Shouto's black eye, an ad for a Kia plays.
Part of me is wondering if I'm overacting—I know some people would say, 'it's just fanfiction, calm down'—but a larger part of me is like, "The absolute gall! YOU making money using MY heart???"
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