#just look at jin guangyao
lgbtlunaverse · 11 months
Modern aus are a lot of fun and i do understand the narrative signifcance of power and class in mdzs and to preserve characterization you may find the need to replicate that in a modern story but please stop making Nie Mingjue a ceo. Why would you do that to him? Stop taking him out of his natural habitat (in the forest chopping wood with his shirt off) the office environment does NOT provide him with enough enrichment!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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The musical episode.
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3cosmicfrogs · 3 months
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Guy on fire since 5 minutes old: "Stop complaining. Being on fire is fine actually. Why don't you just set yourself on fire."
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pink-linoleum · 3 months
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piecing it all together
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zelkam · 1 year
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— the untamed (2019), episode 23
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luobingmeis · 1 year
anyways thinking abt the amount of people involved in jin zixuan’s death is gonna make me a little insane. like u have wen ning who physically did it. wei wuxian who lost control. jin zixun who planned the ambush. jin guangshan who gave the fucking order to kill wei wuxian in the first place because his son *checks notes* wanted his wife to be happy. the many other people in jinlintai who knew that the ambush was going to happen. and then jin guangyao. oh boy. jin guangyao knowing about the ambush, being involved with the hundred holes curse, hating jin zixun, and then sending jin zixuan to the site of the ambush like. buddy how many birds did u kill with that stone.
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littlesmartart · 1 year
I've been thinking about this song + JGY for a long time ("I get my hands dirty, I show up so early, they show me no mercy, so I just keep working" hello???? hello??????), and I would like to personally thank ZZJ for his wonderful face and brilliant acting 🙏
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reblorzelska · 3 months
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And the award for the most... interesting MDZS take I've had to see today goes to this person on YouTube who, among other things, maintains that JGS welcomed JGY into the family with open arms.
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ultfreakme · 11 months
Need way way more content of Jin Guangyao and Jiang Cheng co-parenting Jin Ling because its CANON. It’s not even an exaggeration like that’s what HAPPENED. They shared custody each for half a year BRUH.
(on that note do you think Lan Xichen was dying inside because Jiggy and Jiang Cheng had some amicable coparenting situation going on with no problems though they barely knew each other before but despite his best effort he just COULD NOT make JGY and NMJ get along without it getting messy for like 10 seconds?)
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thatswhatsushesaid · 7 months
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"of course, anything for you"
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lgbtlunaverse · 7 months
A slightly unhinged case for jin guangyao knowing about the core transfer while WWX was still alive
Ok. SO. In chapter 101, during guangyin temple, Jin Guangyao clearly knows about the golden core transfer. He uses it to bring Jiang Cheng off-kilter and stab him and simultaneously reveals to wwx that jc himself now knows about the golden core transfer.
I've always wondered exactly when he figured it out. The most obvious explanation is that he pieced it together after hearing about Jiang Cheng asking everyone to unsheathe suibian (also? jgy? how the fuck do you know that? You were already going to/at Guanyin temple at this point! Did you just have people listen in on rumours from Yunmeng and report back to you for that?? Did you tell your spy network where you were going? My whole kingdom for a retelling of this arc from the pov of these random jin disciples seeing their sect leader start spiralling. He's diggin up random tombs? Fleeing the country? And threatening the heir's life?? What was random Jin cultivator #6 thinking of this before Nie Mingjue turned him into minced meat?)
The first time I read that line I was like "oh so he's known for a WHILE." I mean, the line "I've always found it peculiar [that wwx never took his sword anywhere]" does indicate he's been thinking about this for a while, but it doesn't have to mean he knew back then. So I absolutely can't say with certainty that my instinct was right. But I DO have some decent canon backing for how he might have potentially figured things out as early as before Wei Wuxian's death. Specifically, after the discussion scene that takens place when wei wuxian does his thing with the wens and dissapears.
Cause, see, Wen Chao would definitely have bragged about Wen Zhuliu crushing Jiang Cheng's core to his father. He killed the current sect leader, and then permanently disabled the only heir. He did it! the Jiang are gone! I bet he was very loud about it until, a few weeks later, Jiang Cheng suddenly strolls up to the battlefield, with Zidian on his finger, cultivation very much intact, looking for Wei Wuxian.
That must've been fucking baffling if you were Wen Chao and/or Wen Zhuliu and/or any other cultivator who was there and definitely saw Jiang Cheng's core get crushed. They must have assumed something went wrong, or he faked having his core destroyed, but we've never heard of something like that happening before, and they tortured him for hours! It wasn't a quick batle where Wen Zhuliu must have missed in haste, he would've noticed!
Now, by the time Meng yao arrives, wen zhuliu and wen chao are both long dead, but that kind of thing would at least still be a source of gossip among the other Wen. The only time the core melting hand ever failed!
It might be something that, say... a very careful spy with a perfect memory looking for information... might pick up on in his stay with the Wen, no?
So, Meng Yao has heard the rumour that sect leader Jiang got his core crushed but somehow managed to... still have a core.
Independantly of his, Wei Wuxian is being really weird and refusing to carry his sword. His primary concern there is wwx stirring shit up, he has no reason to believe these things are connected yet.
But then Wei Wuxian runs off with a bunch of Wen, and before he is cut off, Jiang Cheng tells everyone that after the siege on lotus pier, he and wei wuxian were helped by Wen Qing and Wen Ning! Jiang Cheng doesn't get to say how, which is good for jgy in this moment because he's trying to steer the conversation as such that no one gets mad at the Jin sect for all the war crimes, but even if his goal is for everyone else to forget Jiang Cheng said that, he'd remember it.
So... after the moment where jiang cheng, according to rumours that were contained to the wen, lost his core, he was helped by wen ning and wen qing, who is a really good doctor. And, in canon, had written theoretical proposals on core transfers before, just never experimented on them. Were these available for others among the Wen to read? Did jgy read them? We have no way of knowing. But if he did, he remembers them. Either way, he knows her reputation.
And Wei Wuxian disappeared right round that same moment, only to resurface with his demonic cultivation, at which point he never touched his sword again. Not even in the middle of a dangerous war. Not even when he was public enemy number one and it would do wonders for his reputation if he was seen cultivating the traditional path. When doing so would have made not just him but the 50 people he was shielding safer! if Jin guangyao was somehow in his position, he'd immediately do everything he could to counteract the narrative of beign a dangerous madman who'd left the straight path. Wei Wuxian has been in absolutely desperate situations and still refuses to pick up his sword...
The saying doesn't exist yet, but i'm sure someone like jgy, more competent than everyone around him, is intimately familair with at least the sentiment of "never ascribe to malice what is adequately explained by incompetence" He is helping spread the narrative of Wei Wuxian as a violent madman, sure, but does he believe it? If it makes no sense for wei wuxian, no longer a privileged young master but an outcast, to not pick up his sword again out of arrogancy, the most reliable explanation is that he... can't.
So Jiang Cheng, who got his core melted, got help from Wen Qing, an incredible doctor, after which he coud cultivate just fine but Wei Wuxian, no matter how desperate, never used traditional cultivation ever again...
Hm. interesting!
It's likely no one else in the jianghu outside of the wen even knew Jiang Cheng lost his core to begin with. And Jin Guangyao was never given wwx's excuse of Baoshan Sanren owing him a favor like Jiang Cheng was. He has all the puzzle pieces in front of him and... if anyone as gonna put them together, it'd be him.
And that's my unhinged case for why I believe Jin Guangyao knew Wei Wuxian didn't have a golden core anymore years before anyone else did. He just never told anyone, because why would he?
I think this adds a whole other level to his speech to Jiang Cheng about how everything could've worked out if he'd just trusted Wei Wuxian more and stood by his side. He saw it all play out in real time knowing there was more going on beneath the surface!
Now the really interesting question becomes: When did he figure out Jiang Cheng himself wasn't in on it? Did he piece it together immediately from remembering seeing jiang cheng berate wwx for not carrying a sword, a thing he should've known he couldn't do? Or was it not until later, maybe the fake yunmeng bros fallout, or the REAL fallout when Jiang Yanli died? Or was it still the news of Jiang Cheng going around and asking everyone to unsheathe subian that made him realize that oh my god this stupid bitch had no idea the whole time.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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Let the revenge games begin.
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That moment in the Donghua where LXC was so distracted by submissive MY that he couldn't react fast enough to stop NMJ lunging at him with his saber
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symphonyofsilence · 1 year
Normalize people not wanting to be miserable anymore as a solid motivation, and not an immoral, dishonorable, weak one.
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little-meowyao · 6 months
"He was twenty-three and I was thirteen going on thirty" what if I ate the walls, huh? What if I set the house on fire. What then
This is about CQL nieyao's age gap btw. And that JGY edit to All You Wanna Do
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wolfriver777 · 4 months
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once again inspired by @digitalstowaway 90's sitcom au, specifically their fanfic that mention's Jin Guangyao having an after school job. im not exactly sure what his after school job is. but my brain immediately jumped to supermarket cashier, we all know he's a customer service girlie ToT
[ ref in reblog via @ribloop ]
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