#just make sure i dont end up dead in a ditch right
st0ryf1lms · 1 year
fallen ➳ hal jordan
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pairing: hal jordan x reader
word count: 523
genre/warnings: fluff, i guess??? a bit of angst if you squint, open ending but i might make a part 2 if i dont get lazy
synopsis: what if hal jordan told you that he’s fallen? based on fallen by lola amour.
a/n: OH MY GOD GUYS IM BACK FROM THE DEAD!! it’s been so hard trying to write while keeping up with the honor roll at the same time so i went ia for over a year 😭 this one’s not really that good but oh well better than nothing ig i swear i’ll do all the reqs in my inbox this summer anw enjoy this short drabble of my fave test pilot!! <3
edit: part 2 is now up!
Hal Jordan was not a man of commitment. Never was, never is, never will be. He deemed himself "too busy" for a committed relationship. Well, you couldn't really blame him, he actually is too busy for a relationship. Aside from being a test pilot, he was also a Green Lantern (more or less, a space cop). Being a Green Lantern meant he'd have to be at the Guardians' beck and call, even if it means ditching a flight that could pose as a real problem for his life as Hal Jordan.
But honestly speaking? He'd rather be at your beck and call. That's right, yours.
You may not know it, but you have Hal wrapped around your little finger. Heartbroken because of a date that went south? No problem, he'll fly over to your place in less than a minute with ice cream and watch some romcom movie while you cry your heart out to him. Stuck in a conversation you don't like? No worries, he'll scoot over to you and pull you out of it real smooth. Did I mention he's also your best friend? Yeah, as cliché as it sounds, Hal freaking Jordan fell real hard for his best friend.
Harold "Hal" Jordan, the notorious serial heartbreaker would rather be at your beck and call. So, is he too busy for a committed relationship? Yes, he is. But a committed relationship with you? He's definitely considered it and his answer is no. No, he'll never be busy for you.
Numerous nights he's practiced in the mirror, went to go grab a drink that turns into six and gets a really bad hangover the next morning, imagined you with other guys and beat up the bad guys a little bit too hard. It's not really a healthy outlet but he has to make do with what he has.
"-Jordan. Earth to Hal Jordan. Paging Hal Jordan, you there?" You waved your hand in front of him as he quickly snapped out of his reverie. Damn, he must've zoned out again. "Yeah, yeah, right here. Sorry, you were saying?" He shook his head slightly and stared back at you, giving you the same heart eyes he always does. Not like you'd ever notice anyway.
"I was saying, a co-worker of mine asked me out and I'm not really sure if I should go but I kinda like the guy, know what I'm saying? I don't know, I just wanted to ask you for advice." You started rambling on again and he stared blankly into space, his surroundings blurring.
What? Someone finally beat me to it, he thought.
His mind was like an over speeding car, running at 100 miles per hour, gears turning and crashing down as he tried to process what you said.
"Hal, come on, I'm being serious." Your voice brought him back to reality again, the gravity of the situation actually sinking in. No, you can't go because I've been in love with you ever since the day we met and I can't let you get away because I'm a coward.
Oh, no, he must've said that out loud.
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radgalniya · 5 months
“it should’ve been called the love doctor”: a ‘how to date billy walsh’ movie review
i really only watched this bc charithra was in it, but also sometimes you just get in the mood for a cheesy teen romcom.
1. anyway. i hate archie’s character. he is the worst friend ever. like are you sure you like her??? bc hes so mean to her. he basically called her an ugly loser and made her fucking cry and then STILL chose to pretend to be the love doctor, lie to her face, and saboutage her the entire process.
2. that scene where amelia does the whole school girl outfit and then struts past everybody is so cute love her character. i’m so mad it didnt end well for her then they called her splat face girl like yall are DEAD WRONGGG lmaoo
3. yknow ik shes crazy for being in love w/ billie after 10 hours but hes fine as hell so i mean.. i get it.
4. mean girls in movies need to have better digs. they were not intimidating. NO BARS. but when archie said “if i throw a stick amber would you chase it”?!?!?! he ate this one lil thing and the bitch responds w/ “sorry i dont speak nerd” girl pls move on. and then he said “we’ve got geography and these bitches are history” BARSSSSS
5. i’m sorry i’m back again to shit on archie. he is the WORST. it’s so hard to watch amelia take his love doctor advice on her date with billy brooo it’s painful i had to keep pausing. i’m praying she uses her brains and they end up dating at the end bc i stg if somehow archie gets the girl after treating her like shit i’ll throw up.
6. i’m ngl billys you dont know me speech reminded me of that riverdale scene where the guy is like i had to drop out of the fifth grade to push drugs to support my nana or whatever he said
7. i’m sick of millenials making teen movies and shows and putting every cliche they can. no one uses hashtags anymore outside of tumblr like pls get real and then the overuse of emojis boooo
8. i feel like they forced this whole billy and amelia arent right for eachother thing and it makes no sense. like they pour their hearts out to each other for what…for him to judge her for a fear fart pls…like archie is an asshole stop trying to make fetch happen!
9. she ditches him… at her house… right before the dance…ykw maybe i was wrong maybe amelia and archie are made for eachother. both so unnecessarily mean
10. he said “ive never been broken up w before so can i stop u right there” lmao iconic. love billy walsh. he is the best character in the movie. nobody deserves him. ig i forgive amelia tho cus she apologized.
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2braincellslz · 2 years
request for billy x (trans?)male reader do whatever you want with it >:3
Tell Me, Sweetheart.
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Gif by avenging-fandoms
Desc: you, your friend, and Billy hang out for the day after ditching school. After a bit, Billy gets you alone he tells you how he really feels in a unnaturally soft moment.
Ship: Billy Hargrove x Male Reader fluff
Warnings: a very small reference to looking feminine, gets kinda steamy at the end, not reviewed, tread lightly bc I cant remember everything.
Notes: V exited for this. I'm also quiet proud. I might write a second part later if yall want. Probably one of my longest fics. Also, I tried to make it fit in to both Trans readers and Cis so-
Y/n tapped his pencil against the desk. If he had to listen to one more person drone on about their 'historical hero', he was going to lose his mind.
He glanced around the class and noticed that a few faces were missing. Richard who he knew was sick. Linsey who had 'gone to the bathroom' with her boyfriend, Mitch. Keith who was most likely skipping and stoned. And ofcourse, Billy.
Y/n was sure Billy only showed up once maybe twice to class.
Y/N knew Billy. Well, 'knew' wasnt the correct world. He had spoken to Billy maybe once or twice. He complimented Y/ns car once. Y/n had made a joke to his basketball friends and Billy laughed, patting Y/N on the shoulder. Y/N was very proud of that. He would never admit. Hell, if he did admit it, who knew what would happen. Probably, the worst possible outcome. So, the only option was to be his friend. But you couldn't right now while you were listening to fucking Timmy Little rant about Alexander Hamilton.
"Can I use the bathroom, Ms?" Y/n asked, standing up.
"Raise you hand, Mr. L/n. But yes. Make it quick." She waved you off.
You nodded, glancing to your friend with a smile. He smiled back with a wink.
Once out of that classroom, you huffed, crossing your arms. You paced a little bit, glancing around a bit to make sure there was no teachers walking by.
"Hey, man." You friend shut the door behind him.
"Hey, dork. Wanna hit up the mall or a convent store?" Y/n asked, walking with your head down as he pulled out a pack of new cigs.
"Mall. Definitely the mall." You handed your friend a cig before pulling out your own.
"Mall it I- oof" y/n had walked in to something. Something? No, someone.
He quickly backed up, looking up. "Eh, sorry uh..." it was Billy. Why did it have to be Billy?
"Sorry Billy." Y/n said, staring at him.
"Hey, dont worry about it." He smiled, taking one of your cigarettes. "Light?"
"Oh yeah." Y/n pulled out his lighter, holding it up for Billy.
"Thanks." And then he left.
Y/ns friend watched as Billy walked away and then glanced over at you.
"Really? Billy?" Y/ns friend (who's name was Justin) knew about your interests. Knew you were fruity.
"Shut up!" Y/n laughed, shoving Justin away. "What's wrong with Billy?"
"What's wrong with Billy? What isnt? You have no chance and even if you did shoot your shot, he would... well."
"Yeah, But hes pretty." You smiled and you both burst out laughing.
Justin and Y/n sat in YNs car. Y/n groaned as he tired the key again only to be met with the sound of the car struggling to start.
Y/n shiged, sitting back in his chair. "Great. My car is dead."
"We could walk?" Justin suggested, also sitting back.
"We would have to walk all the way back here and we would still have a dead car."
"So we are shit out of luck?"
Y/n let his head fall back with a loud shigh. Might aswell just go back in and stay in class.
Suddenly, there was a tap on YNs side of the car, causing him to sit up, startled.
Yn looked over, expecting a very angry teacher, but it was only Billy. Yn let out a long shigh and fell back in yn his seat.
Billy let out a chuckle. "You need help?" He smiled.
"Yes. God, yes. Thank you."
He steped back and YN steped out. Yn glanced over at Justin. He raised his eye brows and smiled, giggling.
You rolled your eyes and closed the door.
"Sorry. I didnt know the batter was so low. I let a friend borrow it the other day and... well now it's dead... "
"Dont worry about it, sweetheart."
Yn nodded. Then pause. Sweetheart? What was that about? Did he mean it? Was it a joke? Was he waiting for a reaction? Did he think Yn was... no. Definitely not. YN looked back over at Justin who just shrugged. Guess he didnt hear.
YN looked back back over at Billy, setting up the jumper cables. Jesus, who knew such a simple task could look so... Hot.
Billy steped back from the cars and then go in to his own. He started up the car and then your cat was shocked to life.
Billy got out of his car. "There you go, babe. Where are you heading."
Yn watched as Billy lick the back of his teeth. He had such strong eye contact, it was making YN nervous.
"Oh um, we are going to the mall. Probably going to buy something nice or whatever."
"The mall, huh? Mind if I tag along." Billy shut the door and walked around to your car, resting his arms on top of the car.
"Um. Yeah, definitely!" Yn smiled. Yn could felt Justin's eyes boring in to his head but Justin can trip on a knife.
Billy climbed in to the back seat and you got back in to the drivers. You rushed out of the school parking lot, desperately praying to whatever god there was that no teachers saw.
"Mind if I play something?" Billy asked, leaning over the center console to pull out the tape yn had in and push in his own. Rock filled the car. Justin was quick to sing along followed by Billy and YN.
After a quick drive to the mall, the three of them got out and started toward the mall. YN walked between the two, joking with Justin as Billy took out a cigarette. Before he knew it, Billy's arm was being wrapped around YN's shoulder. Yn didnt say anything, though he felt like he was going to faint, but he did silently tell Justin to 'Fuck off!' When he started giving YN the 'ooooo' eyes.
Billy walked around the mall etheir touching YN, holding YNs arm to show YN something, with his arm wrapped around YNs shoulder, or very close to YN. Maybe he left YNs side once or twice but it was very rare.
YN was dying little by little. A guy the YN had a crush on for some time was finally showing him affection. It didn't help that Justin had taken it apon himself to make it worse for his so called 'best friend'.
The group found themselves in the food court eating the food the Billy payed for. Billy was right next to YN, their shoulders were practically touching. YN payed no mind as he tried to finish his burger.
Billy had finished a bit ago, not getting much else other then a thing of fries. YN watched as Billy glanced around the food court, winking at a group of girls that were also most definitely skipping. YN went back to his food, completely focused of the damn good burger he was practically making out with. That was until he felt a pressure on his thigh. He looked down to see Billy's strong hand resting there, gently rubbing his thumb across YNs jeans.
YNs face was definitely tomato red. He glanced over from Billy to Justin. Justin gave a knowing smiled before going back to his nuggets.
Billy wasnt even looking at YN . He was talking to a blond at the next table over. He gave YNs thigh a quick squeeze, almost telling him the Billy really was here just for YN.
Yn swallowed hard and went back to his burger.
School had ended by the time you droped Justin off at home. Lucky bastard lived with his girlfriend so he didnt have to worry about nagging parents like you.
Billy had switched seats for the ride home. Arguing that because he would be switching to the front when Justin left, it only made sense that he would take the front. He also called shot gun.
So there YN was, driving back to the school to drop Billy off at his car.
"Hey sweetheart." Billy piped up, turning down the music. "Turn here."
Yn slowed, eyeing where he wanted you to turn. It was a dirt path that led down to the creak. YN and Justin would go there sometimes to get high and skip stones and bitch about life.
Yn shrugged and pulled in to the drit road, driving down a bit till he couldn't drive anymore, being stoped by the trees.
YN stopped the car, Billy was already gone, walking down the path to the creek.
Yn got out of the car, catching up to Billy. They walked in silence down to the creek. Yn occasionally glanced over at Billy who was stone faced, staring forward.
Today was a fever dream. Billy has never talked to YN before today and yet Billy was treating him like his best friend. More then his bestfriend.
The walk to the water wasn't long. Soon, they were sitting by the creek. Occasionally someone would throw a rock in to the water.
"Billy... um, why have you been so... uh..." YN swallowed. He could feel Billy's eyes staring. Yn tried to force the words out of his mouth but the right words weren't there.
"So?" Yn looked over at Billy who wore a soft smile.
"Sweet on you?" Yn felt Billy's hand on hid back.
"Why am I sweet on anyone?"
"You know I'm a guy, right?"
Yn stared long in to Billy's eyes, waiting for someone to just out from the woods with a camera.
"I did know you swang that way." Yn chuckled, glancing over at the woods. Waiting.
But nothing happened. Yn's smiled fell, his lips parted slightly.
Billy took YNs chin in his pointer and thumb, guiding YN to look at him. "This isn't a joke, L/n"
"Not a joke?" Billy pulled YN closer, their noses just a inch apart. YNs face was burning red. So was Billy's.
"I see how to stare. You arnt suttle."
"You saw?" Your blush darkened.
"Every time you stared at my arms as I leaned over a girls desk. Every time you started at my lips when I smiled. The way you blushed as I laughed at your joke."
"Billy..." Yn mumbled, his voice dropping just below a whisper.
"Tell me. Tell me how much you want me. Tell me how much you need me." His voice was rough, sending shivers up YNs spine.
"I need you. You are so handsome and so perfect. I cant stop staring..." YN mumbled, glancing away from his eyes to his lips. He pulled YN closer, pressing his lips to YN's and a soft and tender kiss.
On of Billy's hands snake around the back of YNs neck, pulling him closer. The hand on his chin left and moved to YNs waist.
YNs arms moved to Billy's shoulders, resting loosely around neck.
Justin is going to lose his mind when he hears about this.
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hirik0 · 1 year
You always meet twice part 6
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
Ghost sits in Price office waiting for the Captain. He's nervous unsure what Price wants to know from him, he hates this. "Sit down Simon", Price tells him before he closes the door, Ghost hears the clinging of glasses. He was right with his drinks and cigar therapy session. He sits down, removed his masks, its better to just answer all of Price questions, he learnt this by now. Price pulls them both a generous amount of bourbon pushing one towards Ghost. "So tell me about the first time you meet Soap", Price tells him. "We meet at a illegal rave in Glasgow some of Tommys scum friends told him how to get in. Tommy got away from me, hid on the dance floor to get to the bar. He was 17 at the time, but as long as you pay they don't care about your age. They already meet at the bar, when I found Tommy. Got ditched as fast as possible front both and they found someone that sold them Ecstasy and I had to make sure they got save on the train. After that Soap and Tommy would go on raves together. But I was in Iraq so I don't know what they were up to." Ghost takes a big sip of his drink. "The second time I meet Soap he was freshly 18 and about to get in a fight with two dealers. Got the two idiots away from the situation and told them if they do it again, I will drag them out of the building. That night Soap drank so many coloured shot he thrown up, must be shortly before he enlisted, because Tommy stopped talking about him 2 months later. But if we talked about Soap he sounds the same he sounded at the beginning of me joining the military. Don't think they saw each other again before Roba", Ghost ends the short story, nervously spinning the glass in his hand. "How your doing, son?", Price asks, knowing Ghost tells for having pushed himself to far for a mission like the back if his hand by now. Concerned that he sees all of them. "I... meeting Soap again so unexpected and returning to Mexico was a lot harder then expected. I thought for some time I finally lost my last screw, but then Graves betrayed us and I felt less crazy about all of it", Ghost admits not looking at Price, finding a intresting stain on the floor. Looks like melted chocolate, could also be dried blood. "You need some leave?", Price asks further and Ghost laughts at this. "Thought half our stay in Mexico that I need to go on leave. Still need to, need some time to get anything in in my head in order." "Chicago?", Price finally adresse what that's really about. "He stood in front of my door, drunk. Pulled him in to the room, tryed to get him to go back to his. But he looked at me with puppy eyes and I let him stay. We watched some animal documentaries before he fall asleep." "Will this become a problem Simon?", Price inquires further not sure yet what he means with problem. "I dont know", Ghost admits the silence in the room is uncomfortable but he has no more to say. Price lights up his cigar taking a deep inhales of the smoke. Not liking that Ghost also dont know if it will become a problem, so it deffently will become one later on. But it also shows that Simon is still in there not only the empty husk that the Ghost is, that only ask who his target is and where to kill it. He will have to keep a eye on this situation, but for now he will wait how thinks are developing. "Maybe it's good for you to be more then the Ghost, Simon. If you think it becomes to big to handle we will figure something out." "Thanks Price." "And now pack your back your on leave for two weeks, you look like shit Simon." "One." "You will take the full 14 days Simon. That's an order." Ghost rolls his eyes at the pulling rank of Price, he lost this disgusion.
Ghost don't even remember when he stayed in the small flat the government rents for him. Legally dead people can't rent or buy flats. He packs his bag like Price ordered, fuck two weeks is way to long. He dont need to think about everything that long. But a order is a order and he will follow it. He rembers the disgusion in the hotel lobby. 'What a way to tell him Tommy is dead.' He drops on his bed knowing he will not sleep this night. Price is probably right he should tell Soap that Tommy is dead, someday not now, not when his brain is utter chaos and old wounds are about to tear open again.
Soap is in his room looking at the empty search bar in his browser. He dont even know what to put in it. He knows Tommy is from Manchester and his name, it will probably not show him anything but it's the only think he has. The way Ghost said they don't talk anymore leaves a bad taste in his mouth. He tips in 'Tommy Riley Manchester' pressing enter. Thinking he will be linked to a bunch of abandoned face book profiles. His heart drops when all the top entries are links to old news paper articles. Oh, oh no. His hand is shaking when he clicks on the Times article. Murder scene 4 death on Christmas oh fucking shit. He reconices the name of Tommys mother Linda, Tommys the other victim are he assumes Tommys wife Beth, no way if that's the same Beth from back then? And is heart breaks as he reads Joseph Riley (7). He closes the browser felling like he's about to throw up. His blood is ice cold, shit maybe he should have let this rest, because this is uterly depressing. Well he will not mention Tommy anymore that's for sure. Some knocks at his door and shortly after Gaz walks in. "You good Soap? Your really pale", Gaz asks concerned. "Yeah, just saw a horror story video and it was a bit to close to Las Almas", Soap lies closing his laptop. "So spill about your night if our Lieutenant", Gaz says after dropping on Soaps bed. "There is nothing to tell Gaz, we watched TV and I feel asleep", Soap groans annoyed but still glad for the distraction. "So did you sleep in the same bed or did Ghost sleeped on the couch for your drunk ass?", Gaz interrogat. "We.. we shared the bed", Soap stammers out, caught of guard. "Oh." "Don't oh me Gaz, nothing happened." "But you wanted that something happened", Gaz accuses him, with the littel behaviour he over saw. Soap fells himself blush at this, stammering out nonsense, before he finally closes his mouth. "You're not the first having a little crush on the LT", Gaz tells him shrugging his shoulder out of every FNG group atleast one a crush on Ghost. Soap stays silent this is not just a little crush, this was a little crush when he was 17, now its a raging half love. The whole Hasan ordeal made the crush gigantic. "Oh, oh", Gaz says when he figures out why Soap stays silent. "Your down bad for Ghist huh?" "Yes." "Yeah, this man is a enigma, no idea if you can crack it, better don't try." "Thanks Gaz." "No, I work with Ghost and Price for a while now, never saw Ghost even entertain the thought of a hook up and not for a lag of people beeing intrestet." "Gaz." "Some of them are really hot, you know way more attractive then you." "Fuck of Gaz! Are you saying that I'm ugly?" "Soap I like you, I really do, but some of these people were super model hot and you're in comparison barely above swamp monster", Gaz explains. "Shut up Gaz."
Ghost reaches his flat in London late in the afternoon. He got a flat here because of better access to international flights and because he refuses to live in Manchester again. "Ah Sam, you're back", the nice elderly lady that lives across from him greats him. He lives here under the name Sam Winters and he's works as some sort of spokes person for a big firm and traveles a lot for work. The last part is not false. "Mrs. Smith, good to see you again, how are the cats?", he asks politely. "I told you to call me Margaret so often now. Mr. Mittens is getting old, don't get up on the furniture that good anymore. Angel is her usalself", Margaret answers the question happy. Angel is in Ghost opinion the meanest cat he ever meet, a demon disgusted as a cat. From all the cats Margaret had this one is straight up evil. They both agree on it. "Well had a long flight and I need to rest. Good to see you", Ghost ends the small talk. "How long your staying Sam?" "2 weeks." "Then we need to have some tea soon." "Of course." He opens the door to his flat and walks in. He knows that every week some cleans while he's away. So he's not suprised by the lag of dust. The flat is a cold place, nothing here to tell anything of the owner. The most personal item in here are his books. He only stays here to when he absolute has too. His last stay was 7? months ago when he had medical leave for a broken collar bone. He drops his two bags in the small bedroom before he checks if all the weapons are still at there place. Because of the regular cleanings he had to become a bit creative with the hiding spots. Not wanting to freak out the cleaner with a small weapon stach in the appartment. So he only keeps knives here. When he sees that all weapons are still where they are suposed to be he text Price he is in his flat now. He sits down on the couch looking through the memes that Gaz send him, he don't understand most of them, but well its important to Gaz to share them with him so he looks at every singel one.
Soap hates the news that Ghost is on leave for 2 weeks. He wanted to spend time with the Lieutenant. They are a team for fucks sake. Gaz asks him several times to stop moping. Price told him Ghost requested the leave and to go train the recruits. So he does, but he wants to train with Ghost, can probably learn a lot from the older man. But no he needed to run away, likely from him. Fuck, he made it into 141 because of his skills just like Ghost, they work perfectly together, so why is Ghost running away? Because he is a reminder of Tommy? He didn't even had time to talk with Ghost about it. He dont notice Gaz aproaching he is sudenly standing next to him. "Here, so you can stop moping", Gaz says holding out a piece of paper to him. "I'm not moping Gaz for fucks sake", Soap complains taking the paper. He looks at the phone number, puzzled why this should lift his mood. "It's Ghost number", Gaz says before walking away. Oh, well that is a mood booster.
Soap lays on the bed, Ghost number now saved in his phone, the piece of paper long burned. He's debating with himself if he should text Ghost. It's just so that Ghost has his number, no big deal. Its not like this is the only way he can reach Ghost for 2 weeks.
>>It's Soap, Gaz gave me your number.<<
Ghost is not responding why should he? And it still disappoints him. Maybe Ghost only answers when he needs to come back early to base. It's probably nothing personal. Ghost stars at his phone reading Johnny's text. It's simple just to inform him where he got his number from. But it's also temping to text back, to talk with Soap all the time over text for the next two weeks, but this is not why he is here. He's in his flat, because he needs to figure shit out and Soap is part of the shit. He puts he phone down no he will not text Soap toll he figured this out. He's afraid when he starts ones he will not stop and he told himself in Chicago that Soap will not get any special treatment anymore. Time to stick to this, because texting over non work thinks? Special treatment. A small voice in his head tells him that Gaz constant memes are also not work related so it wouldn't be special treatment. He ignores the voice.
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moon-silvered · 2 years
Wrong Number
It was supposed to be a burner phone. Jake bought it new after he ditched his last one after the last job. The only use for the phone was so he could call Crowley or Duchamp or the various underworld contacts he had. So the last thing Jake expected to find when turning it on, were a series of texts berating him.
Listen asshole, nxt time we go out ur paying last time you stiff me w/bill
See u next week
Jake brushed it off as a fluke and deleted them. Either the number belonged to someone else and it was a remnant text finally reaching the newly activated old active number, or they typed the wrong number and they'll correct it when they get no response. But he gets another series of texts the next time he turns the phone on again. Clearly sent while the phone had been off. It was from the same sender.
hey asshole!!!! u fucking ditched me Wtf I waited like 3 hrs
if u dont want 2 do this nemore I get it
just have the decency to tell me 2 my face
w/e ur probably gonna ignore these
as usual
felt like an idiot waitin all night for u
Jake contemplated seriously sending them a message that they had the wrong number. His thumb hovered over the t9 keypad, but instead he doesn’t. He closed it and rubbed the scruff on his chin in thought. Sue him, he was curious if the sender would keep texting. Obviously, whoever this person was texting was meeting up with them despite never getting the texts. But each one was a little blip into this stranger’s date life with this person that clearly missed the mark. 
Jake had to admit, there was a certain level of Schadenfreude in reading the texts. They were short. Barely three messages, sometimes five. But always detailing a horrifically awful date or being left high and dry. He laughed at the mental image of some pendejo being that stupid. And then he’d get mollified when a text mentioned a good night out. He grew to look forward to those texts, waiting for him every time he turned on his phone.  
So it came as a bit of a shock when instead of being sent while his phone is off, he gets it mid case. He was investigating some disappearances that Steven and Marc had hit a dead end on. So he pulled out his phone, got in his cab and had just picked up his informant when his phone vibrated three times in quick succession and the small screen lit up with: Three unread messages received, sent today . 
He’d be lying if he said his curiosity didn’t burn. So he opened the phone while he listened to an ex-gangbanger informant tell him what they saw. 
He flipped the phone open and clicked into the messages to the last message received and very quickly had to slam it shut when he saw there was a picture. 
‘Jake?’ Steven asked from their shared headspace.
'What was that?’ Marc’s internal voice rose, intrigued.  
Jake said nothing as he tucked the phone into his pocket. 
‘Don’t think Jake wants to share with us.’ Steven mused, a note of curiosity in his words. If he let him, Steven will find out. They were all investigative like that, but Steven was more persistent.
‘Whether he wants to or not. He’s gonna share. Who was that?’ Marc butted in, almost taking control of his arm. 
‘No one.’ Jake mumbled to them, wrenching control of their body back. He concentrated on the gangbanger. ‘Just a wrong number.’
‘A wrong number?’ Steven was incredulous, disbelieving. 
‘Uh-huh. Right wrong number.’ Marc snorted and laughed. 
‘it looked like a naked picture-’ Steven began. 
‘They’re called nudes, Steven.’ Marc corrected. 
‘Yes I gather that, but who sends a nude and doesn’t make sure it’s the right number?’
‘My question exactly. Well Jake?’
‘It really is a wrong number.’ 
‘You expect us to believe that?’
‘Oh for fuck’s sake. Would you two shut ya traps, I’m working the case.’ Jake snarled toward them, trying to tune them out. 
‘Sure Jake. But don’t think you’ll get out of telling us about your piece. And I don’t mean your gun.’ 
Jake rolls his eyes, but thankfully they stop and let him get the intel. Unfortunately they don’t forget it or drop it.  
At the end of the night, as the sun was rising, Jake was smoking to relieve the tension and edge of pain the suit hadn’t yet healed when Marc and Steven butt into the silent reverie. 
‘So...who’s your friend?’ Marc’s teasing tone is enough to make Jake relinquish control to him and then punch him in the face. 
“Ow fuck!” Marc swears and Jake grins before resuming control. He feels the sting of the punch but he doesn’t care.
Worth it.
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pesterloglog · 10 months
Rose Lalonde, Dave Strider
Act 5, page 3937-3939
TT: I am piloting the moon through the Furthest Ring right now.
TT: At the moment, it's passing through a dream bubble. I am visiting your dream in person.
TT: Or, you are the one visiting me as I travel, in your sleep. If you'd rather look at it that way.
TG: ok
TG: so all those questions you asked me
TG: getting me to remember
TG: you were just stalling me werent you
TG: so i wouldnt wake up and try to stop you
TT: Not entirely.
TG: this sucks
TG: could you just please turn the thing around and come back
TT: Why?
TT: I'm already out here. Might as well go through with it.
TG: we agreed id do it though
TG: or at least you pretended to agree
TG: just before going into a major league wind up with your nap yarn
TT: A major league wind up?
TG: sports
TT: It's always been pretty sad that I seem to know more about sports than you. Which is really saying something.
TG: all im saying is
TG: no one likes a basketball hog
TT: It's probably just "ball hog."
TG: i just think you should know
TG: that in the athletic arena of competitive achievement
TG: its a widely known fact that cherry picking posers get showered in nothin but boos
TG: you dont gank the rock and steal the big mans thunder on his raucus drive to the hole
TT: Oh lord.
TG: is that the sort of ignominy you want
TG: see you didnt consider sports you never consider the sports
TT: The last thing I want to do is come between a big man's thunder and any particular hole he might prize.
TG: and yet
TG: such has been whats happened
TG: it like the tight end was going long down the yard in sudden death
TG: its me im the tight end
TG: and the quarterback sniped the fieldgoal just before the nfl buzzer went off
TG: the greedy qb is you
TT: That's not even close to being a thing in football.
TG: but instead of winning the gold sports prize you just fucking die and nobody cares and it didnt mean anything
TT: Which prize is that?
TG: the football prize
TT: You mean the most vaunted accolade associated with the gridiron, known as "Stanley's Cup?"
TG: no come on
TG: its called the bruce bombardi trophy or something
TG: for best pile squad
TT: I'll take your word for it.
TG: and even though youre dead all these fat millionaires in helmets just leap on your corpse anyway and pile up and i mean WAY up
TT: How high do they even have to be?
TG: the sport pile doesnt stop from getting taller
TT: Does the officiator have a means of measurement on hand?
TT: I wouldn't want to be crushed by a nonregulation sport pile.
TG: what do you care youll be dead like the mission thieving poser you are
TT: Poser?
TT: So not cool.
TG: yes poser it should be my torso getting pulverized by that avalanche of overpaid beefcakes and you know it
TT: I forget what we were doing exactly.
TT: Were we pursuing the hackneyed debate over who has the best claim to self sacrifice,
TT: Or seeing who can out-dumbass the other with obtuse sports lingo?
TG: there obviously stopped being a difference between those things the question is offensive
TG: almost as offensive as you stalling me while you peel out of here in your dumb moon
TT: I'm the one stalling?
TT: The moon is probably just a speck in the sky now due to your strange beefcake harangue.
TG: yeah but i dont know how to wake back up is the thing
TG: how do i wake back up
TT: I guess I could wake back you up, if you really want.
TG: ok then do it
TT: But you have to promise to stay put.
TT: Don't try to stop me. Just let it go.
TG: but this was my mission
TT: It really makes no sense for you to go. This was never your preoccupation.
TT: They selected me a long time ago.
TG: that doesnt make sense
TG: why would they drag me into it just to have me make a map and then let you ditch me
TG: theyve obviously been gunning for me too
TT: Yes, they helped you chart a path through the Ring. And they will open that path for a pilot they have marked.
TT: I believe I fit the description. I'm not sure about you.
TG: why do you think that
TT: I am the pilot. That's all there is to say on the matter.
TG: but i dont want you to die
TT: Help John and Jade.
TG: this isnt right
TT: Then I'm not going to help you wake you up.
TT: I'll stall some more.
TG: so you admit you were stalling with all that bullshit
TT: I said not entirely.
TG: what do you mean
TT: It's going to be a long ride through all this nothingness.
TT: Maybe I just thought some company would be nice.
TT: Before it's all over.
TG: ............
TT: So what'll it be?
TG: what
TT: I'll wake you, but only if you promise to rejoin the others.
TT: Could you give a message to John for me?
TG: sure
TG: but
TG: if im promising not to chase you down then theres not really any hurry to wake up
TT: Aw, are you sure?
TT: I was looking forward to bowling another wicked googly with the yarn.
TT: Sportsways.
TG: nah ill stay asleep a while
TT: Ok.
TG: what did you want me to tell john
TT: What was that?
TG: what
TT: Did you hear something?
TG: no what
TT: I thought I heard something outside.
TG: whos this douche dag
TG: i mean bag
TG: im stuttering this dude is making me nervous
TT: You don't remember him?
TG: no
TT: Then I guess this isn't a memory.
TG: so hes actually here with us on the moon
TT: Not with us.
TT: Just me.
TT: You're still on Derse, remember?
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spacedhead · 1 year
homestuck reread #13 act 6 p4
still in these conversations where the kids reveal their true feelings about each other except not TO each other but to someone else. this dirk one is so true though roxy has been the goat of their session and the one fucking thing holding them all together. god i love roxy
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wow so cool they all ascended at the same time! surely nothing bad will happen immediately after
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theyre finally arriving. holy shit . theyre COMING THROUGH THE WINDOW. JOHN AND JADE
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yeah ok so jade showed up and her and jane immediately got turned evil
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this is a CLASSIC dave/karkat mess around. if you know, you KNOW . shit had me ROFLing.
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holy davesprite . i havent seen this mf since like RIGHT AFTER cascade. literally its been eons
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TRUEE i think its a strider lalonde thing they looove to go on and on about random bullshit
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hey its these bozos what up yall
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waitt theyre being friendly to each other? breath players CAN get along!!! this is huge news. especially for me.
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this actually would be a hard ass shirt fr i need that shit
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this is the reaction i get when i bring up minestuck to my friends... and im like guys please its actually fun i promise... .(im lying)
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yo its the fan trolls what uppppp
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okay nice meeting you
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this is all very silly :D
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YES!!!!!!!! OKAYYYY TAVROS!!! stand up for yourself girl you are serving like crazy right now. i think maybe this is more meaningful than when he tried to kill her, cause that was just a too little too late type of thing where he wouldnt have actually accomplished anything by succeeding, and also had no chance of doing so. BUT realizing his CONFIDENCE and his FREEDOM actually is meaningful and it will accomplish things later on!!! :D YAY TAVROS
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insane behavior
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i think i agree with john here, i dont think it is out of line for him to hesitate in giving you the life ring. you dont have to be a good person to be a hero. but you do have to do... heroic things? like, ever? maybe once in your fucking life? when is the last time ANYTHING you did could be considered "heroic?" when you were alive, all you did was make everyone around you suffer. they had to kill you just to make sure you didnt doom them all. when youre dead, sure youre hunting down a weapon to kill the big bad monster, but you dont even seem to care about the millions of troll lives you are mind controlling against their will to be bait for your big mission. who the hell are you trying to save? the heroes that are alive in this story literally NEVER encounter the version of the villain that you are trying to stop. whats more, this big plan to use the your ghost army FAILS because the one who was doing basically ALL the legwork mind controlling most of the ghosts ditches you, and the only reason you still have an army by the end is because the guy you fucking bullied the whole time when you were alive (and a lot of the time you were dead) BAILS you out by ACTUALLY being a hero and a genuinely good person that doesnt need to MIND CONTROL PEOPLE to get them to follow him. look. i understand everything you are saying. about not having time to deal with the morals and ethics of what you are trying to accomplish. because the ends justify the means. but the thing is that NONE of it matters. YOUR PLAN FAILS. YOU GIVE UP and have an actual SATISFYING character arc. then it gets retconned and the main version of you goes back to being Worse. and then her plan...? succeeds? i guess? if succeeding means literally EVERY ghost in the army gets obliterated, the secret weapon deploying the four beta kids who are almost all killed by LE, and randomly davepeta being the one to throw him as well as themself into a blackhole. i guess if that counts as success, then congrats. you didnt even get to see that happen though, because you got ejected from the fight frame one. HOPE IT WAS WORTH IT!
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anyway... what was i doing. oh yeah look at this. this is a bit sad
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okay this is pretty real. even if it is nonsensical, and maybe a little bit problematic?
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me talking about myself three images ago
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i like this panel. poor john cannot find his friends
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this is a very cool panel as well
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my worst nightmare
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fucking scary ass motherfucker please get a grip. also brown contacts .
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well. things are pretty bad right now! jade is evil jane is evil everyone is on random planets with no memory of how they got there john is missing. if i didnt know any better this might seem like the beginning of something really bad . but what do i know. anyway catch you on the next one. or catch me? joff i will see you next time. ok joff bye joff
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polyamorouspunk · 1 year
Anon from the really long post, first off, thank you for your comments, its nice to hear other perspectives on it. And you absolutely dont have to respond anymore if you dont want to, I know its kinda a heavy-ish topic.
Like I said, I’m not necessarily waiting for him or ‘planning’ on dating him once he is single. But I certainly have feelings for him and if we do happen to both be single at the right time, I certainly wouldnt say no to dating him. Though I suppose I can’t speak for him on the matter. We really haven’t spoken in depth about our feelings on the matter since his first confession. But because we are really good friends, I am also kept very up to date on his current relationship and his planned timelines for getting out of it and all that
I also feel the need to clarify (not that it actually changes things). His current girlfriend hated me LONG before any of this. And she will probably hate me long after. We had actually been on decent terms and I invited her over my campus house once during a party where I confided in her about my feelings for him. And then a month later she started dating him and acting like she had no idea. Then she really blew up when I called her crazy after she trapped him in her room for a few hours the first time they broke up when he tried to collect his belongings. After they had gotten back together again, there was a good 2 month where he wasn’t allowed to talk to any female friends, self included.
That’s fair, but it does seem like he’s planning on dating you from what he’s said. And that’s okay.
I can understand wanting to make someone whose dumped you’s life a living hell. I’m not saying it’s right or that I would but I would be lying if I said I haven’t texted my friends being like “yeah if my ex ended up dead in a ditch I wouldn’t care”. If *I* still had to see my ex after they dumped me they would be getting death glares and shit said behind their back from me. There was a time when I was seriously unhealthy I might have gone off the rails enough to lock someone in a room. My mom spent months locking her bedroom door at night because she thought I was going to kill her in her sleep. I know what it’s like to be extremely jealous and unhinged. So like I get her side. I really do. I don’t support or condone it but I’ve been in a spot where I would have done the exact same shit she’s done, and I would have blown up at you if you had called me crazy too.
I don’t think I’ve hated any of my ex’s friends except when THEY went crazy on him. I mean he literally hid me from them because he was afraid they would freak out and finally they did and ended up bullying him so he came crying to me and while he forgave them *I* did not. But overall I want to be supportive of my partners having friends but also I have bpd meaning that if my partner is hanging out with friends outside of me I’m going to feel really insecure. I’d like to think I’d just handle it like an adult and suffer through it silently while venting and crying to my other friends with bpd about it but honestly who knows. My ex didn’t have a lot of friends and I’m sure he’ll tell you it’s because of me but I also introduced him to all of my friends and connected him to people who he could talk to outside of me when he needed people to relate to and I couldn’t.
I’m not going to armchair diagnose her but I see a lot of my younger self in the things you say about her which leads me to think she probably has some sort of personality disorder. I can’t sit here and judge someone’s actions when I know that it could very easily be me, but I can say “I don’t condone it or my past actions either”.
Do what you want. Don’t let others talk you out of what you want. I know people are going to say “wait a bit” but I’ve never seen the sense in waiting unless you or the other person aren’t feeling ready. If you both feel ready then go for it if you want if it comes up. Things happen at their own speed, though. Don’t force it if it doesn’t feel natural.
And here’s Eev’s response to your ask:
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humanmorph · 1 year
outer wilds thoughts on time loops (at the end of the universe)
whats interesting about being able to die now (because you can stop the ash twin project and break the time loop), is that you as the player are in fact still looping. its just not experienced by the player character anymore.
like, the time loop reset is something that feels really neat and cool because it is an in-game explanation (that the game revolves around!) for a very basic videogame concept of respawning after death. everything you do, and go through, is also actually experienced by the character that i am controlling. our experiences line up 100% which makes it so easy to get really immersed. (the same applies to the in-game UI, too. aside from the button prompts, you only get a health/oxygen display/map/etc when you get in the suit. i think i could use the word diegetic here?) as the timeloop, well, loops, you also experience the flashback thing, which is again, an in-game experience aswell. the main menu screen says “continue expedition”.
this gets broken by dying after you break the timeloop. theres a “YOU ARE DEAD” screen and the credits play (no music, just the text scroll). ive never sat through all of them so i dont know if theres anything else at the end, but if you press a button it brings you right back to the main menu, which now says “load previous save”. and thats just so. it breaks the immersion from before but in a way that i think is interesting, if jarring. at its most critical moment (the endgame! well, im fairly sure it is at least.) i am through my failure reminded that This Is A Video Game. (theres of course another choice the devs could have made here, which is to set a failure at this point of the game as a definitive game over. it would make sense if you would look at the in-game lore and how the gameplay has presented itself so far. the reason they didnt of course is that that would suck. its hostile to players. which is a choice you can make, and it can work for an art piece, but i AM glad it wasnt made here. it probably just wouldve meant that people would find a way to load a save anyways or that way less people would finish the game at all.)
oh, and to get back to my original point: im still looping. the game resets for me. but the experience of me and the experience of the player character do not line up anymore. they did not in fact get to The Eye Of The Universe only to fall in a ditch and wait around to die. (or, well, they did, but only /i/ know that. they didnt retain the memories of that, which was was the point of the ash twin project, to send memories back). this all is very cool to me. i love time loops and video games are such a ripe medium for them anyways & outer wilds does great stuff with it.
these are all things im sure smarter people and actual critics have said better (and i think i will search those out after i finish playing) but well! i wanted to type it out. thanks for reading
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Watching the Rise of the Titans movie and I'll be documenting all of my thoughts/reactions here. [Spoiler Warning]
So instead of reblogging every new update, I'm just going to have this post up on my phone as I watch and type my reactions in a bullet list format.
Nari's human disguise is so cute. As someone who does have a cottagecore aesthetic, I want to cosplay her so bad
Are Skrael and/or Belroc non-binary coded? Regardless, I'm also obsessed and I want to fuck Skrael and be Belroc.
STEVE CARING ABOUT JIM BEING HURT YESSSS!!! My god his redemption has probably been one of the greatest there is because he doesn't just suddenly go from being a bully to a completely good person. You can see the gradual shift in learning better throughout the shows which is awesome.
The mugshot montage reminded me of season 1 of trollhunters when toby and Jim were arrested at the museum.
STRICKLER PUT A RING ON IT??? HE'S THE ONLY DILF IVE EVER ACTUALLY AGREED WAS HOT WYM I CAN'T HAVE HIM??? well I'm still really happy about his arc over the series probably one of my favorite character growths.
Eli my guy got his growth spurt!!! As an 18 year old who is still 5'0", I'm happy but envious for him
So I went into this movie without watching any trailers or promo, but I doubt anything could have prepared me for the existence of mpreg. In fact, I wasn't going to document my reactions until I saw that.
The coach teacher just called the kids zoomers so I have to dock one point from my final rating just because of that. Unforgivable
Those husky animation models suck lmao
Oh fuck the titans got power ranger zords!!
God why did they include the mpreg??? This movie would have been perfect without it.... After that plot point being revisited only one time I'm already beyond done with it
Like it's bringing me back to the v*ltron days where they're was a suspiciously high amount of klance omegaverse and mpreg fics and art created and it physically hurts because Steve and Keith's voice actor is the same person meaning this is especially cursed to me since I was unfortunately in the v*ltron fandom and remember all of that
But like on another note, how old are these characters again??? I haven't checked any wikis because of spoilers but is Steve an adult??? I know aja might be technically a lot older than 18 because alien but is whatever age she is equivalent to an adult as far as emotionally and physically in Akaridion development??? IS THIS A TEEN (M)PREGNANCY IN A KIDS SHOW????
Like bruh I saw a singular post on here before going into the movie that was like "rott spoilers without context" and there was a pregnant belly but I was absolutely not expecting the actual context of it. I'll find the post after I finish and edit this post to tag the creator right here: @makoden
This entire post is just gonna be me ranting about mpreg huh
Anyway I love the whole roundtable allusion to the legends of king arthur (not the toa version but the one he's based off)
THERE'S 3 TO 5 BABIES????? I need to take a break bruh this is just too much
Alright I've taken a 30 minute break got some food and did some things i love (decompressed by tactile stimming with some owl plushies and watched some videos on my favorite owl, Garu. He lives in Japan with his owner and is a domesticated eagle owl who basically just acts like a sky cat. If anyone else needs some eye bleach, here is their YouTube channel)
Blinky and ARRRGHHH!!! saying their "if one of us doesn't make it" talk my god one of them is going to die I can see it and I will be utterly crushed. Jim can't lose another father figure and Toby can't lose his wingman again I will riot if this happens
On a similar but unrelated to the movie note, can we just talk about how toa started with Jim having 0 dads and (if strickler and blinky live to the end) will end with 2 dads? Like I just really feel happy for him that he has two dads who actually figured out how to put the past behind them to not have any infighting between them so that both of them are healthy father figures. Jim has already been through literal hell and back losing his actual humanity in the process so if he loses one of them, I'm going to be really pissed because at this point, this is just Jim torture porn. Y'all know how as SpongeBob SquarePants went on, the show just became Squidward torture porn? It's starting to feel that way for toa and I really hope they cut the shit by the ending
Jlaire is such a good ship but like I feel like it's too perfect they never disagree with each other
YESSSSSSS Someone finally doesn't treat toby like a fat waste of space who messes stuff up!!! I think out of all the characters that would have been most deserving of a rewrite, it's Toby. Sometimes I just feel he's only comic relief and any heartfelt moments he's had in the series was also born of stupidity (ie his flour baby project being unharmed was seen by him as divine intervention from his parents but was actually just Eli and Steve behind the scenes).
Ohhhhh yesssssss Archie's father!!! I was hoping I'd see him again because we got so little of him last
Ooooooooooh Asian trollmarket!!!!!
Oh never mind slavery trollmarket
Bruh titanic camelot
I feel like we're not seeing enough of the villains because I completely forgot about the power ranger zord things
WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh thank God I don't want to know anything about that person
For the record, I call that man Jim's sperm donor because he has no business being called a father to him. All he did was donate some swimmers to the creation of him and give him abandonment issues
Oh another blind troll elder???? This fucker is just if vendel was a bad guy
Bruh I was grieving
PACIFIC RIM WITH GUN ROBOT VEX AND THE BELROCZORD? I've never seen that movie but I know the reference
Bruh Blinky doesn't read horoscopes? Does he realize conspiracy theories are just the manly version of horoscopes?
Oh thank God he's okay
oh never mind they're just gonna coup de tat I believe in them :))
But I want to see him again
But I'm glad to see vex
Yay they're in arcadia!
But yeah I wondered why the trolls and Merlin didn't keep the whole "daylight doesn't hurt trolls" feature from the eternal night but now Guillermo del Toro I see you were playing the long con in that just to kill my girl Namora :(((
Oooooh I love the animation of the Narizord over Chihuahua!! It looks very good and realistic (if only they could have put some of that into those huskies from before smh)
Bruh the character designs of the arcane order are so good I want to be them
Nari making sure the Skraelzord doesn't crush the bus
Bruh I'm just glad we finally have an answer on why arcadia had everything going on as opposed to literally anywhere else!! I always found that as a weird coincidence for plot convince.
Oh that's real convenient that the ninth configuration meant all of them. Way to not decide which character gets more attention. Though it probably was a smart way to not have any infighting in the fandom between each character's stan group.
Bruh I just realized where is Barbera did they just ditch her on the Camelot ship???
And where are the other trolls that migrated at the end of trollhunters s3? They said something about new jersey but obviously Jim and the other main characters got on Camelot instead.... This feels like a plot hole
And we never learned the process of how changelings are made and bonded to humans and stuff. We just know it's super painful but I'm curious ffs!!!!
Plus the main audience for this series is little children (the rating for the movie is literally TV-Y7) so even though my adult ass is not in the target audience, I STILL DONT UNDERSTAND WHY WOULD MPREG AND ANAL BIRTH WOULD BE AN IMPORTANT THING TO 7 YEAR OLDS???? THIS IS A LITERAL FETISH HIDDEN IN KIDS CONTENT ITS ELSAGATE ALL OVER AGAIN Y'ALL 😭😭😭😭😭
Though it's probably hypocritical of me to think fetishes don't belong in kids tv when I've openly admitted to thirsting for strickler and namora
Alright good job just missed the directions at first but you fixed it
SEVEN KIDS?????????
T O B Y ????????????
TROLLHUNTER TOBY????? You know what forget the whole rants I had on how toby was written they just redeemed it all
And that's all! I'd rate it a 6.5/10 because it's definitely the weakest of all the sequels but still had amazing animation and some good plot points. It's just really hard to look over the bad stuff enough to rate it any higher.
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bonecorn · 3 years
I love your anatomy/references posts & I love skulls and skeletons & I would love to know how you convince people to give you their animal heads to clean. Also any bone cleaning tips for suburban areas?? When I was living on a farm it was easy to leave stuff out and let the bugs take care of it but my parents said hard no to dead things bleaching on the porch
Oh this is very easy!
Find a friend or acquaintance with land and leave your stuff there. Bug cleaning and tub maceration don't need a lot of hands-on attendance so you can check in however often you like.
There's also "hot water maceration" where you simmer (dont boil!) fresh heads in hot water and remove the cooked meat by hand. Make sure you scramble the brains first and then cook away inside or with a camping stove on the porch. And "bleaching" which is done with hydrogen peroxide can be done inside since the skulls are already clean by then anyway.
I don't actually convince people to give me their pets. For livestock, I ask because most people aren't emotionally attached to their livestock.
For pets, I wait to be offered the remains. More on that under the cut.
TLDR: Know the pet owner, wait to be offered bodies rather than asking. Make sure they are always in control. Ask for livestock no problem. Don't let scavengers eat euthanized meat.
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holy crap lol
I don't ask for pet bodies. The trick is to be very open and excited about what you do so that people who know you know about bones and know that you are respectful of animal remains. Then, when a beloved pet dies, they might think about you.
Open up the conversation on death before it's relevant
You can also plant the seed ahead of time during a conversation about bones while the pet in question is alive and healthy. "Sometimes I do pets if their owner is ok with it, though most want to bury. Have you ever thought about that for Baxter?" It's in SUPER poor taste to do this while an animal is dying, when you'll need to be way more tactful.
Know your friend well enough to guess their feelings on it
It SUPER depends on the person and how they view bodies and death. My ex's dog passed away and he was always queasy about corpses. I comforted him and cried with him while his beloved 15 year old dog declined and passed. I didn't ask or even mention it because I knew him enough to know that he would say no, and that asking would be painful and upsetting for him to think about. Same with my dear friend and her 20 year old cat. She had a beautiful pet graveyard with headstones and everything. You just know not to ask some people because traditionally laying bodies to rest is important to them.
Other pet owners are chill about it, ESPECIALLY if they come from a livestock background. Livestock people are used to sending their animals to be recycled into glue and wax when they die, because it's generally not feasible to bury or cremate a horse. If someone does plan to take that on, you know they are absolutely dedicated to traditional burial and won't give you anything.
Make it their choice to offer, rather than it being your request
Anyway. If you know the person, and you know they might be ok with giving up their pet's body due to how they view bodies and death, then you work on making them think about you. First, you comfort and do everything you can to help the person through their grief. If you weren't already planning on doing that, then you have no business asking for their pet. Do not comfort someone in order to get something out of them. That's disgusting. Just straight up ask them for their pet and know that they will view you as tactless and rude, but its better than manipulating them.
What I do is not manipulation, it's reminding people what you do and then letting them make their own decisions. When your friend is feeling a little better and is not crying, you can ask about logistics. I ask "What do you plan to do for burial/with the body?" and that usually makes them think about me and what I do with bodies. If they already have a meaningful spot picked out to bury or scatter/keep ashes, then that means the body is important to them and I shouldn't ask further.
At this point, they should realize what you could use the body for and think about how they feel about that. This is when my sister (who has a livestock background) offered her dog to me. We talked about how she thought of bodies, and she thought that the soul is the only thing that matters and once her dog passes there's nothing important left. I did not say anything to convince her, these were all her own thoughts.
It's very VERY important to respect and love the pet owner because they're extremely vulnerable and emotionally raw. That's why I don't straight up ask, because when you're losing a pet, you don't want to feel like someone is trying to gain something from you.
If your friend says they don't know or haven't decided what to do for the body, you can gently say "Let me know if you want me to help bury it, to take it with me, or to just be there for you." This is a close-ended statement and not a question. A question means that your friend has to come up with an answer right there and then, while an offer is actionable. This puts the power and autonomy in your friend's hands, so that when they make a decision it comes fully from their wants and needs and is not about you and what you want.
Be there for them even if you get nothing out of it
If they don't offer at this point, they're not going to. Now hold up your end of the bargain and continue to comfort and help through the grieving process. Again, if you aren't already invested in this person enough to want to soothe and comfort and be there for the human person in the equation, then you have no business asking for their pet. When a pet dies, your first concern should be to the person. If it's not, then you aren't close enough to ask for goodies.
Helping someone grieve is not payment for their pet's body. If you realize they aren't going to give you something in return for your comfort and so you abandon them, you're a terrible person using their grief to manipulate them for your own gain. Comfort is not payment. Closeness in grief is a metric by which you measure "Do I have any business to ask?"
The pet owner runs the show, not you
Throughout this process, stress that the owner can change their mind at any time. You don't want the owner to think "I hate this but I can't back out now because I promised..." Even when they animal is all wrapped up an in your vehicle and ready to go, quietly tell the owner that they can still choose what happens and if they have second thoughts, that's ok and you won't be mad.
My sister let me be there for putting her dog down and it was all about her and her love for her dog. She carried him out and laid him in my trunk and we stood in the rain and talked and hugged. She then told me she was happy that he could bring happiness to someone in life and now still in death, but that she didn't want to know anything. I agreed not to tell her or post anything about processing her dog, so for her it would be like burial. The same thing happened with my other friend's horse. She spent some time with him and then as soon as he passed she drove away and let me do what I wanted. She didn't want to hear Any of it. Again, I didn't ask or even offer, she came up with the idea of giving me the body all on her own even before I knew he was dying.
Horse people are much closer to pet owners than livestock owners, but they are used to sending their friend's bodies off to a different kind of processing (at Tallow factories, livestock remains are ground up, cut apart, cooked, and spun around to extract various substances that become soap, glue, candles, etc) so they know not to think about what happens after death. It still depends on how well you know the owner and know how they think about death, but if you offer to handle logistics like dealing with the tallow guy, they can actually save money by letting you have it.
You're actually doing livestock a favor
Livestock people are generally chill and have a much more utility/asset view of their animals. If the animal doesn't even have a name they probably don't care what happens when it's dead. In fact, most farmers will jump at the chance to give you their animal for free because calling the tallow company to haul it away costs them money. This is also why in areas with lots of livestock, you sometimes find bodies dumped in ditches or left on the side of the road, because the farmer didn't want to pay to get rid of it so they made it everyone else's problem. Even pet animals like dogs and cats are more Utility than pure companions on a farm, so you might have a better chance of getting remains from a farmer than a neighbor.
One more thing about pets and livestock.
When I find a dead deer, I flay it open and let the vultures eat it. For domestic animals, they are often put to sleep via chemical/drug.
Seriously. If you like nature, you need to protect it. Deflesh it yourself, throw all the meat/blood/offal away or bury it 6 feet down. Idk what it does to the environment so I always freeze it and then throw it away on garbage day.
Rot bacteria and beetle larvae dermestids don't mind. In fact, dermestid droppings and pupa shells can be analyzed for toxins by forensic scientists to determine cause of death. Neat! Just make sure that if you process outdoors, the remains are EXTREMELY SECURE and cannot be opened by vultures, coyotes, or wild pigs.
Remember the living, human person
I know I look very clinical by picking apart human emotions, but I respond, feel, love, and grieve just like everyone else. I didn't plan how to get any of the animals in the above stories, I just acted on instinct and these are the ones where that paid off well.
Most of the time if I go "huh. I feel that may not go over well" I can then take that feeling apart and figure out why. So hopefully explaining how my feelings work it can help you listen to your most useful and most compassionate ones.
The living person is always more important than a dead pet. Sometimes you can get the dead pet without distressing your friend, sometimes you shouldn't even try.
Respecting the dead
A final note on working with pets vs wild animals. This is someone's family member, so don't play puppet with it like you might with a skunk skin. Don't take pictures of any part of the process until they are rendered to bones. Pictures of dead pet species are even more distressing to the general public than wild animals, and sick freaks might take your photos and send them to people for kicks or attention. Better to just not have photos than for that to happen.
What processing a pet feels like
Working on a pet is always going to be different for you, the vulture, than a wild animal. Everything you see is touched by human hands. My sister's dog was... beautiful. You don't really realize how moved you're going to be by seeing the perfect amount of healthy fat covering, or beautiful muscles that speak of exercise and attention. She rescued this starving pup and turned him into the healthiest animal I have ever seen. She's a vet assistant and the care and love she put into this dog had me sitting there crying while I held his paws; with their perfectly maintained clipped and sanded nails. I'd only met the dog once for a few minutes when he was alive, but his body was a canvas and every inch was painted with layers and layers of love. It made me so, so sad that his neurological issues couldn't be helped because his body was proof of someone who would stop at nothing to cure what could be cured, and that the last months of his life were happier than he ever imagined.
On the flip side, pets whose bodies show signs of neglect and abuse are going to hit you harder than any deer could. The dog I found discarded in a garbage bag on the side of the road had rotten teeth and nails so long they curled over themselves into hoops. An overgrown and suffering deer is just the sign of nature taking its course. An overgrown and suffering dog is the sign of human cruelty, of shirked responsibility.
Most pets you get will between these two dogs. No owner is perfect. Most old dogs have lost teeth to rot, sick cats too weak to scratch properly may have overgrown nails.
Death as beauty
A pet's body usually a beautiful story full of ups and downs; of owners doing things wrong and then doing things right. A vulture or an artist can read a body like rings on a tree and feel the heart beat in their chest that tells them how strong and full of love this life had been. You need to be ready for this part. Every detail is a message from your fellow human and even though we are all animals and we decompose into the same dirt, we're meant to connect to each other here and now.
Keep your emotions open when working with remains.
Listen to what they have to teach you.
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tigris-types · 3 years
In Defence of Marcy
True Colors Spoilers
First off, imagine youre in first grade and you and your best friend in the whole world are just playing at a playground. You then get bullied, which isnt great, but then you get saved by another first grader, which is great! Your best friend immediately makes friends with the newcomer, and eventhough youre a little shy, you become friends with the new girl through association.
Over the years, your parents pressure you to excel academically and so you naturally have less time for friends, and your only friends are your best friends forever! And its no big deal~
But then Monday morning comes around and while you spent a weekend working on the group project, your BFFs were out having fun! Without you. When you should have been working together, but it's no big deal~
But it happens again and again, and soon you realize even though you try to share your interests with your BFF's, you realize you're kind of being brushed off but you have no other friends so you stick around, trying so hard to seen. Are your best friends, nah, is your best and first friend even still your friend anymore? You dont know. But you know you would do anything for them and would do anything to prove what a great friend you are. And how useful you are. Because if your not useful, you're useless, and you'll be abandoned, but you dont like thinking about that or facing that reality.
So you fall hard and fast into the world of fantasy. Youre time is divided between the reality school and trying to avoid that reality, with increasing pressure from your parents. You get left behind more and more, and still get updated about it. It sucks, but thats not really a conversation you can have. You are only 13 and can't really find the words.
So when your BFFs ditch school for the day without you, you feel a little left behind but whatever, it's no big deal ~
You study as usual at the library, find a fun fantasy book thats makes you laugh, then head home to hear you're bring ripped away from your only friends and it's already been decided. You havent made new friends in years and youre going to be alone forever. Your worst reality is coming true. Your parents don't understand, but maybe your friends will, so you run away. You have to find them. You have to tell them. Plead with them. Maybe they can make your parents change their mind.
Then, you find an atefact from the book. Maybe its real, dare you hope? Its probably a prop, but we have a laugh about it! And if it works, the three of you can be together forever! Youve all complained this reality at some point or another, and with your game/fantasy knowledge any adventure will be a breeze! I mean, you have bad parents, Sasha has bad parents, Anne's parents are nice but thats probaly only when guests are over, like your own parents.
So shenanigans ensue, your friends steals it (which i cant defend) and you go to open it.
You expect nothing with happen. After you hear the music from the box, you'll tell your friends the truth. You'll all have a laugh about its "magic properties" and then you'll tell them the bad news. Maybe you can just move in with one of them instead of moving away.
But then, the music box turns out to be real. And you and your friends have been separated across this new land. You didn't know that! You didnt know this would happen! You were supposed to be together!
But you get brought in front the king, your not sure how to act, so you act like someone else. The king becomes your friend, says he'll help you in your quest to reunite your friends, (because that is the quest of course, to find each other and return home with a better appreciation for your friendship) and your fantasy adventure starts! Surely your friend must have landed im similar spots yeah? And surely they are having their own fantasy adventures!
So the king tutors and maniulates Marcy by letting her go on quests and slowly "leveling up" her abilities. He is training her and manipulating her for his own gain, but Marcy is so happy to finally have a friend that listens to her and values her and needs her, that she tells him everything. And he uses that.
Of course the king knew Anne was in Wartwpod and Sasha was in Toad Tower, the toads reported it, and I'm sure that report made it to the king. I'm sure he kept Marcy far away so he could keep molding her into the person he needed her to be for his own plans.
And Marcy is none the wiser. She is so exicted to see Anne again! But she also sees how close Anne is to the Planters. Anne calls Sprig her best friend, and wait, what? That cant be right. You thought you her best friend? But again, and again, and again, Anne chooses Sprig over Marcy. Marcy is jealous, but she buries it, cause it's no big deal ~
She just has to prove how useful she is to Anne in this world! Obviously that's the issue. Anne just doesnt know. And once she proves how useful she is, Anne will be her friend again!
Except the king reveals Marcy's intentions in a negative light and Anne see this as Marcy's betrayal. Marcy sees her worst fear come to light, her best friend in the world, the person she would do anyrhing for, the person she built her life around (probably) is leaving her. All she wanted to do was be best friends forever and go on amazing adventures! No more expectations! No more parents! Isnt this what theyve all dreamed of? But this wasnt Anne's dream, and Anne is shocked Marcy would do this. Anne doesnt see Marcy as a friend.
And this is Marcy's breaking point. She gave Anne everything! Shes proven her worth! That means Marcy should get Anne's friendship!
But that's not how friendship works. And the status quo changes, the new quest becomes the old quest, of get home. A fight ensues, and well, Marcy ends up "dead". She regrets everything, not because she died, but because she broke Anne's trust.
She never meant for anything of this to happen, she just didnt want to be lonely. And thats not really something you can blame her for, can you?
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom episode 4-7 Thoughts: (under a readmore because, these got kinda long!)
-the outfit danny had to buy for dash's party. CLASSIC 2000S i cannot stop laughing. And also showing up to the party and everyone is dressed like the trio is hilarious. and further proof that everyone looks good dressed goth.
-dash has a closet full of cute lil bear plushies?? LOVE that. adorable. also his response to danny trashing his room fighting a ghost was SO valid if somone BROKE MY BED IN HALF ID BE PISSED TOO.
-technus being like 'oh smart, u should be a tutor!' then later being like 'forget tutor, be a teacher!' :) supportive king <3 I also really like his upgraded suit/design. AND SPOCK CAMEO??? HELLO??
-the music in this show is super. its so funky. I looked it up and the guy who does it, guy moon (awesome name) also did music for other cartoons like fairly odd parents, barnyard, chalkzone, billy & mandy, AND some actual movies like FIGHT CLUB??? the whiplash I got from reading that)
-sam being rich explains a lot about her, actually.
-I know the moral of the episode was supposed to be 'dont ditch your friends for popular people/spend a lot of money on clothes that arent You to Fit In'. but tbh. it wouldve been easy for danny to have been like 'well, okay, ill come but only if my friends can!' but I get. that hes 14. so. not a lot to say there.
-BOX GHOST IS BACK!!!!! also, danny sitting up and wearing the dress/wig/makeup. umm thats how I dress everyday LMFAO. unironically me. (hate the jokes that boil down to 'haha funney man in dress' tho. but this is a look)
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-jazz being protective of her brother once again being like NOOO YOU GUYS BETTER NOT STAKE OUT HIS (actually haunted) LOCKER!! shes aware of how people perceive him and she wants to help :( which is also probably why she told dash to invite him to that party even tho she had no interest in going!! she wants to help him out :(
-gotta say im with tucker on the whole 'should danny use his powers to get back at bullies' debate. 100% yes. let him teach kids to fight back. making dash throw his food at paulina out of the blue? no. but when hes actually about to pick on someone? yeah! for self defense? YEAH! if dash and his friends just threw food at him, I think rather than. idk doing sneaky shit with frogs he couldve just threw it back and not pulled punches if they tried to fight. I kNOOWWW its a kids show so they are like 'if u fight back ur just as bad!! violence bad!!' but. theyre HIS POWERS. WHO CARES.
-like my only gripe is that dash really isnt LEARNING ANYTHING WHEN DANNY GETS BACK AT HIM IN THE MOST PETTY INDIRECT WAYS. whatever they had to add a bully psa episode I guess. I hate it and I hate the way cartoons usually handle it because these methods simply Do Not Work. 'aND YouRE USinG YOur poWErs FOR EVill???!' this is Not Evil. even when poindexter takes dannys body, theyre only being 'nice' bc hes stealing soda for them!! bitches deserve what they get (nothing too brutal bc theyre high schoolers but damn, if they pick on danny he doesnt need to be the 'bigger person' he needs to start biting people)
-SAM TRYING TO SMUGGLE FROGS OUT OF THE BIO LAB?? girl in middle school when we had to dissect frogs we could opt out, also, they came to us already dead and preserved...
-sidney's lingo and the fact hes in black and white is sending me. also, danny is a ghost celebrity apparently for being a halfa?? ok. thats interesting to know
-I LOOOVE the trope of 'wishes gone wrong'. not crazy about the stereotypical genie, or the use of the dreamcatcher looking design. (also, I KNOW theyre scientists but the way theyre handling a cold...are the fentons ANTIVAX)
-the genie. she. whitewished paulina. JKASDFHKJ. (the ghost literally just being hello kitty???? im dying) 'why do i feel that im special and wonderful? because I AM! <3' paulina ilu self worth queen. felt bad for her also getting possessed by (2) boys later who were arguing INSIDE HER. WTF.
-imagine being the guy trapped in his now flying car. he thought danny and tucker were HALUCINATIONS. imagine being trapped in a flying car with two, what you think are imaginary arguing 14 year olds convinced ur gonna die. i WOULD say this dude is gonna need so much therapy, but he seemed totally fine and excited when they landed (I would be happy too if a chicken was on my head. chickens rule) stoner rights
-sam's bat slippers??? iconic. SO cute.
-I think desiree's backstory is so :( do all ghosts have messed up sad backstories?? poindexter's was sad too...cannot imagine box ghost has any kind of fucked up backstory. but what if. his mom got pushed off cliffs by boxes...........a la cruella... anyway her 'no man may lay a hand on me' iconic. ilu
-I know danny has no concept of how much bras cost but my god dont attack tucker with some girls bra. those are so expensive.
-its really. well its not a GOOD THING he went into the portal and got fucked up, but its good danny was the one to do it rather than sam or tucker. because even tho he was being influenced by desiree and kept getting more malicious and it prob wasnt 100% him...he sucked as a ghost like most the people he 'pranked' were innocent ppl just Chillin and he didnt want to help anyone at all. I think danny is the most responsible out of them but also, hes 14 and shouldnt HAVE to feel obligated to fight every ghost. hes a good kid and wants to, but I also feel like he feels like...responsible for the portal turning on?? because his parents did give it up,, but it was an accident and not his fault (if anything, why was the on switch on the inside. why was it that easy. why was there no safety measures. that seems like smth OSHA needs to hear about). like thats my son. hes a good boy. and hes never done anything wrong in his life, ever. if anyone hurts him im killing everyone in this room and then myself. etc.
-danny's curfew is 10PM????? DUDE. when I was 14...shit I couldn't be out that late, I had to be back at like, 8 at the latest, and my parents had to know exactly where and who I was going with, AND i had to call/text them regularly...is this a case of my parents being overbearing, or the fentons sucking??? the only time i could EVER be out that late was if I was at an overnight sleepover or smth...
-the vultures have lil fezes. why do they have fezes...theyre so fuckin funny 'ask him for directions' 'I KNOW WHERE IM GOING' these ghost vultures are my new grandpas. pick them up, put them in the adopt box.
-'I wonder why those guys were trying to waste dad!' THEYRE GHOSTS. YOUR DAD HUNTS GHOSTS. why is that not a conclusion you'd immediately jump to??
-*jazz voice, clearly disgusted* WISCONSIN???
-mrs fenton with the lab coat and leg warmers and PERM. YESSS STYLISH.
-was going to say 'ew billionaire' @vlad but. super valid he used his powers to assumedly steal and cheat to get that money, thats how all billionaires do it! but ew hes a SIMP. and spending your billions on FOOTBALL STUFF?? you are Not Valid overall. I DO respect the fact you have a castle instead of a mansion. in wisconsin. if youre going to be stupidly rich might as well go all out, torches on the wall and all. I DO like his ghost form's little kitty ears. catman. and his cape! every design can benefit from a cape. and how different his forms look, like danny looks the EXACT SAME IN BOTH FORMS ASIDE FROM COLOR CHANGES. vlad's is like,, I could believe they were different people!! also I love the drama. but dude you are fighting a 14 year old. lame. also he was like, telling danny he wanted his mom and him and like, wanted him to renounce his dad?? WHAT ABOUT JAZZ?? bitch. those r MY kids and they are both important and special. I do agree they need better parents but thats not u sir <3
-I thought vlad's 'little badger' nickname for danny came from the football mascot of the packers, but google says they have NO MASCOT?? so now I'm like?? is it because his hair is sometimes black and sometimes white?? I hate to give him props but thats a PERFECT NICKNAME. theyre also tiny and vicious!
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-why did I get so excited that Skulker is back!! its been like. 2-3 eps LMAO. AND THE DAIRY KING. ICONIC I LOVE HIM. hes the nicest guy ever :) more nice ghosts please. danny cannot be fighting alone everytime with no ghost buds like every ghost being hostile sucks :(
-mr. fenton knew vlad was controlling him, but a few episodes ago he had no clue danny was doing the same thing...is it something about how malicious the ghost is?? he just seemed to think his memory had gaps the first time, this time he was INSTANTLY LIKE 'GHOST'. then again in this ep when danny did it again he was just slightly confused but not immediately freaking out like he did with vlad possessing him!!
-'my parents will accept ME NO MATTER WHAT' so. so why haven't you come out to them yet, danny?? if you really think that?? if theres no harm, and you're sure??? if vlad is a real problem, wouldnt that make dealing with him easier, to expose him???? SO WHY HAVENT YOU COME OUT YET?? COULD IT BE,, MAYBE YOU HAVE DOUBTS ABOUT WHETHER YOUR PARENTS ACTUALLY WILL ACCEPT YOU??? 🤔 ... 🏳‍🌈 I get why people say He Is Trans. I totally totally get u danny.
-sorta unrelated, but it just occurred to me in one of these eps they go to casper HIGH not casper middle school??? theyre 14?? dont highschools usually do ages 15-18? (I didnt go to hs so I might be wrong, if I am ignore this...) freshmen are usually 14-15, could just be a case of them not turning 15 yet but they will sometime in the school year (I say they because tucker said he was 14 too)? I know the show has 3 seasons, so by the end of it will they be older? thatd be neat but usually cartoon characters stay the same age...I love shows where you can see the characters age and grow up, though...three seasons seems like a long time to spend on like, 1 year...
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peanut-in-the-goal · 4 years
Remus is in the dorm screaming and pulling on his own hair while he cries.
“I trusted you! I fucking trusted you!! And what I hate the most is that I still love you, you asshole!” 
After the prank, and James and Peter are forced to listen to their friends’ brother’s cries at night because he cant sleep peacefully without the comforting presence of Sirius by his side. And they have to do everything they can to keep him from accidently hurting himself from fury and rage.
they dont think he’s going to make it to the next moon. A blue moon, because the fates are against him and there were 2 that month
Sirius hasn’t been seen much since the prank. He doesn’t come by the tower much anymore, when he does it’s for a change of clothes. No one ever sees him. One day his trunk disappears from the end of his bed.
It was getting too hard to go back every so often and hear his friends laughter as he waited outside the door for them to go to sleep.
James is worried. He forgave Sirius ages ago, even when he knows he shouldn’t have. But the guilt is destroying Sirius, he can see it. But he cant do anything about it. He had to pick a side and he picked Remus.
As much as he loves the werewolf as his brother, he hates to admit that he cares more for sirius. So now he’s stuck with deciding if he should stab someone in the back to save another.
He knows why Sirius did it, and his reasoning. It was reckless and stupid and cruel, but now it made sense as to why. 
Sirius has been staring at the wall for the past hour. He thinks it’s been an hour, time doesn’t feel very real. There’s nothing to fill it, no friends, no laughter, no people.
He’s finished his homework by now, he’s had it done hours ago. Now he just stares at the wall as the clock keeps ticking on.
The only coherent thought that circulates in his head if I fucked up. He hates me and it’s my fault.
It’s not the first night that Sirius falls asleep with tear tracks on his face. It doesn’t matter, no one knows where to find him anyways.
They can’t find him, Sirius.
Remus has been looking. He knows he shouldn’t he knows he should hate shim. But he can’t. Not when he’s in love with the idiot. James has started to help too, both of them scanning every room that they enter.
But they can’t find that mop of black hair anywhere. He’s not in the dorm, the dining hall, or any classes. They’ve check the astronomy tower a thousand times over but he’s just gone.
The map has disappeared a long with him. Sirius obviously doesn’t want to be found.
The stars seem dimmer. They have been for a while now. James sits in the quidditch stands. It’s long after curfew, but sometimes he has to escape too.
it’s hard acting like everything is okay all the time for his friends when he’s crumbling inside. He hasn’t seen his best friend in weeks, going onto a month. They’ve never gone this long without talking, much less seeing each other. 
He just wants to make sure he’s okay, and not off dead in a ditch somewhere. He knows Sirius can dig himself into a ditch when he wants. He blames himself for everything, or blows things out of proportion.
A lot.
He’s worries, so beyond worried at this point. He isn’t sure if that worry lessens or increases when he sees a thing dog gallop across the quidditch pitch in the dark.
Sirius doesn’t sleep much at night anymore. He doesn’t sleep much in general, not unless he can’t help it. Unless he’s exhausted and will collapse if he doesn’t sleep now. 
Sometimes at night he turns into Padfoot and just runs. He’s always hoped since he was young that if he could run fast enough, that he’d be able to leave, and escape.
But he’s never had the heart to. Not since he’s met the rest of the Marauders. They were the first people he saw as family. Real family, people who loved him and wanted to be around him.
But he fucked that up. He lost them, and they never wanted to see him again.
He had to accept it.
Sirius grew up around people who didn’t want him. He thought his family were just ignorant prats, but it turns out that maybe, it was his fault. He really is an unlovable mutt.
James shot up onto his feet. But the dog was already lost into the forest. At least James knew he was alive, but it wasn’t enough. Something didn’t see right, the dog was too skinny. His ribcage didn’t use to stick out that much...
Remus paced his dorm. He had to find Sirius. He had to find him, he had to find him, he had to find him.
James told him about what he saw that night, about the skinny, sickly looking dog. He wouldn’t let Sirius ruin himself because of him. He loved him more than he wanted to admit.
He would find him.
Sirius collapsed just on the edge of the forbidden forest, by Hagrid's hut. He was chased by the centaurs, again. It gave him a a thrill that he couldn’t get anymore. Made him feel alive.
Although it always left him dead tired. Sometimes it was good, it means he was able to get to sleep that night. But dawn was breaking at and the sun was rising over the trees. It wouldn’t be long before someone found him.
He barely registers the fact the he turned back to human form as his eyes drift shut.
Hagrid finds him that morning. This boy who is usually larger than life, with a smile that is blinding, was reduced to skin and bones, with matted hair in just a few weeks.
He lifts the all too light boy and makes his way to the Hospital Wing.
Sirius wakes up to white walls and bright lights.
It smells an awful lot like antiseptic and potions. He hates it because he can recognize where he is immediately. 
He’s grateful that none of his friends—no, not friends. Classmates— aren’t there. He doesn’t expect them to be, although it still kind of hurts seeing as they don’t care.
The others weren’t told that Sirius was in the Hospital Wing. Madam Pomphrey didn’t think they’d want to know, nor would they care. She sees the way Sirius has changed. How skinny and underweight he is.
No doubt they’re the cause for this change. They’re the ones that shunned and exiled him.
Although their responses weren’t uncalled for. She herself was reluctant to treat the boy at first, knowing how he hurt Remus.
But this was far more serious then she had originally thought.
The only reason that James found out where Sirius was there was because he had to help bring a quidditch teammate. Their keeper blocked a shot wrong and sprained his wrist. There was an upcoming match against Slytherin this weekend, so he wasn’t taking any risks.
He saw Sirius laying unconscious in the hospital bed. Well he thought he was unconscious.
Sirius woke to James’ voice. He hasn’t heard that voice in so long. He misses him.
His eyes stayed shut, he wonders if he had opened them would James have stayed?
He heard James’ look curse, before heavy footsteps and the door to the Hospital Wing slamming shut. He can’t help but be disappointed that even just his appearance is enough to make someone flee.
Remus is seething by the time he gets down all the stair cases and reaches the hospital wing. James had rushed up to tell him that Sirius was there and he was breathing.
He wasn’t in the best of shape but he would be okay. They could help him and make him okay, even just a little bit to make him feel better.
The door to the Hospital Wing swung open as Remus and James storm in.
Sirius startles from where he’s trying to fall back asleep. He wasn’t being very successful anyways. 
He sits up quickly, looking towards the source of the sound. His head is pounding slightly and his vision dances before his eyes before blacking out for a moment from sitting up too fast. 
When it clears, he can finally see. And what he sees terrifies him.
Both James and Remus are storming towards him, a matching unreadable expression covering their faces.
Sirius wanted nothing more than to shrink up and melt into the Hospital bed.
“The hell were you thinking Black??” James’ voice was loud, he only ever yelled when he was joking or really fucking pissed. Sirius didn’t think it was the former with his luck.
He flinched away from the voice,
This was the first time he’s been addressed in a long time. The first time someone was actually trying to communicate with him in something other than glares in weeks.
But you deserve this. They hate you. They should hate you, you fucked up. You shouldn’t be here, lying in this bed. You don’t deserve it.
He tried to get the voice in his head to shut up, but it wouldn’t. It was right anyways.
Remus looked at his best friend. Someone he used to call his boyfriend. He wished he still did.
Sirius looked tiny in that bed. Like a spooked animal with wide eyes, frantically looking around for an escape. He merely shrugged at James’ question, eyes dropping down at his hands as to not have to look at them.
Remus’ heart broke.
I did this. He thought. I love him so much and yet this is my fault. I reduced him to-to this!
James didn’t know who he was more mad at. Sirius or himself.
Then again, Sirius only did what they asked. They told him to stay away, to stop talking because they didn’t want to hear it. 
Sirius really couldn’t be blamed for running.
They spent the rest of the day in the Hospital Wing. Making sure Sirius stayed and ate, and maybe one day he be okay.
Sirius couldn’t believe it when they said he was welcomed back. That they didn’t hate him. He cried.
He got his friends back that day, he had his family again.
Madam Pomphrey was relieved to see the gang back together again. Although she might be seeing Mr. Snape a lot more...
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drabbles-of-writing · 3 years
Okay drabs so thank you for giving us are society Au food but I want seconds if you dont mind so PLEASE more society Au rants and facts but add some angst cause Im a sucker for some tragic information 😔 also happy April fools day
smh y’all the kirby’s of society au of course I’ll feed you tw for minor graphic details 
Luz: hey. when I die, make sure my face is like. never seen again. I want to be so hidden and buried that my face will never see sunlight after I die Eda: ....why? Luz, who had just returned from finding a decaying human body in a ditch and made the mistake of curiously turning over the body to see a half-eaten blank expression like it was nothing more than a prop after god-knows-what killed it, and then hastily made a makeshift grave for it because she felt bad and also never wanted to see it again: no reason
the amount of times that the gang has catapulted into the nearest body of water in order to escape being caught. immeasurable. it got to the point that they have 5 changes of clothes at every single safehouse and they search all bodies of water for air pockets/ways to hide while still breathing. yes, even shallow bodies of water work they have gotten Very good at blending in and just laying Flat. this also means its resulted in many, Many instances at first where they’d jump into the water and have to wait down there for Far Longer Than They Should because mind-controlled people/guards/scientists were still looking for them on the surface. this has resulted in many near-drowning incidents. Gus most of all, he has tiny lungs and is extremely stubborn. he’s had to have CPR multiple times after being hauled out unconscious. 
slap on a Tally Hall song and that fits a lot of scenes in society au. my fav rn is Spring and a Storm (demo) bc I can just imagine Luz jamming to it and hitting/strumming random objects she comes across as shes patrolling n singing n having the time of her life. I like to think she might have a button on the side of her mask that can connect to a radio station miles away that seems to have nobody manning it, but it still plays a song every now and again
there was that one instance where Willow was stuck in the train tracks as a train was barreling by and everyone thought for a few horrifying seconds that she’d been hit, but she’d actually managed to duck down and press herself against the tracks and survived with just a bit more trauma and scrapes. its a trick they now like to play every now and again when a trains coming and they need to get out of a situation Fast. except for Willow, the first time was enough for her
Ed & Em knew that running around and causing trouble for both sides was a bit dangerous, but it never really hit them how much. sure they were still mostly on the scientists side, but they still ran around with nothing showing whos side they were on so often that they’ve been ‘mistaken’ (sometimes there are people who really truly hate them on either side) for someone on the other side when its the opposite. they’ve been hurt before, like when Emira first met Viney, but never overly severely. finally hit ‘em when Ed & Em were causing a bit of a ruckus during a flickering electrical surge with guards, scientists, Luz’s gang & the double-track kids all running around a mostly abandoned facility. they were just being little shits when dodging everything until the guards were trying to take care of the two gangs causing problems in the form of guns, which happens quite frequently. Ed ended up getting shot twice, once in his left shoulder, and another on his way down to the lower right side of his back. nobody even noticed he’d gone down and thought he was just one of the hurt/dying scientists/guards and left him there as they fled and he bled out, barely conscious. he eventually managed to start trying to pull himself out of the divot in the ground he’d landed in, covered in dirt, mud, blood and the like. he’s ninety percent sure he collapse and bumped into a few bodies/other dead things from the surge. eventually Eda and King showed up to scrounge up what they could bc they always did that after places are abandoned, finding the near-dead kid and yoinking him back to the others to get patched up. Em hadn’t even noticed he wasn’t just hiding out or elsewhere until Amity called her in a panic because she had just been informed by Luz that Ed was currently down with gunshot wounds and, had Eda not shown up when she did, he would’ve died within the hour. neither of the sisters had even thought to look for him. very bad day all around
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Dick Gr.ay.son x Lyell ( s/i )
WARNINGS: titans season 3 spoilers, mentions of death and loss, angst.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: wrote this after today's episode because it has me feeling™. this takes place before dick travels into the woods and goes through with his plan to lure in Jason, which he omits mentioning, for obvious reasons. not sure how good this is but I wanted to post it since I am rarely commit to and finish fics this fast.
"Where are you going?"
Dick had swiftly grabbed his car keys off the entryway table, and made a b-line for the door, only stopping dead in his tracks upon hearing the other's voice. He looked back quickly, and seeing Lyell stood there with expectant eyes, he relaxed, his gaze turning softer.
"Nowhere you need to worry about." He assured them. Lyell had inquired only with a innocent curiosity, but was met with a hardened expression that made the smile on their face fade a little. Dick may not have been the most expressive person (though admittedly, in their eyes at least, he had been opening up a bit more these days; wearing his heart on his sleeve more, even if only slightly moreso than before). But they knew when their boyfriend's head was somewhere else. They could practically feel the tension he had built around himself , despite not even knowing what had brought him into this mindset in the first place.
"Hey," their words suddenly went gentle as they walked over to him, eyes laced with concern. " You doing okay? "
Dick knew if he looked into them his tough exterior would be rendered useless, and in a last ditch effort to hide his true intentions, he averted his eyes elsewhere, anywhere but at theirs. He had plans he was set on, after what Jason did, not just to Hank, but to Dawn and Conner, to all of them, to his family -- he wanted to take down Red Hood, once and for all. Even if his means weren't exactly safe, or legal. They were impulsive, but he wasn't about to say that to Lyell.
After all, that was their brother. Though they had danced around talking about it with him, he knew they still held some sort of care for the former titan. He could remember the sickness they expressed when they had found out Jason was Red Hood, that Jason was not only alive, but trigger happy at that, having turned on them and killed innocents in what seemed like unwarranted yet elaborate attacks. And the horror in their eyes when Hank advocated for killing Jason (before he could cause anymore harm) was vivid in his mind. No doubt now, after the death of Hank at Jason's hand, was Lyell feeling an internal confliction. One that, despite everything, they did their best to suffer through alone.
Hypocritical, maybe. But, after what Bruce put him though, it was a coping mechanism that Dick could fully sympathize with.
"I'm fine," he settled on as an answer. "But I might be gone a while."
Lyell furrowed their eyebrows. Even now, in a private moment with the person he felt understood him most, he chose to close himself off from them. This wasn't an answer that was uncommon for them to receive from him. But, after what they'd been through together up until this point, and all the times they opened up to him, it felt like this time ... it hurt a little more.
"Is it that bad?" Lyell asked. Their way their voice faltered felt almost as they had given up stopping him already. "At least let me go with you."
"I'm out of options. I dont have any other choice." Dick spoke his words carefully in hopes it would calm their nerves. But knowing Lyell, they'd worry about him regardless if he wasn't right there with them. "You should stay here, keep an eye on Gar and Conner. Make sure they're doing okay after what happened. But I dont want you getting hurt at my expense. I can take care of myself just fine on my own."
It was a dangerous plan that came to him after Barbara had called him earlier that day; at a vulnerable moment, after having to part ways with Dawn, a close friend who had stuck with him, no matter how many times he had given her a reason not to. Though Barbara had also asked him how he was doing, he had dismissed her just the same. What was important now was doing what he hadn't let Hank do -- apprehend Jason before its too late. Or, in this case, it already was too late.
"Just because you can doesn't mean you have to," they wanted to say so badly, but the words felt thick in their chest, unable to come out. Deep down they knew once he had his mind set, there was no persuading him.
Feeling no other choice, Lyell pushed themselves into Dick's chest, wrapping their arms around him in a tight hug. They clinged to him as if he would vanish the moment he walked out of that door.
"Just ... don't do anything stupid while you're gone ... okay?"
There was a moment of surprise that quickly turned into adoration. It was only for a moment; but as Dick returned the gesture and held them close, he felt understood. Trusted. They didn't attempt to stop him, regardless of their worries, despite the many times he had disappeared on them before. Letting himself melt into their hold, even if only for a second, he pressed his lips to their temple in a ghost of a kiss.
"of course not." he whispered.
Their embrace lasted only seconds before the moment fleeted. Dick slowly let go of them. Lyell lingered a moment, hesitant to let go, but eventually did. They kept their gaze low; They didn't want to look at him, because they were afraid to confront that maybe that would be the last time they'd ever get to. After all, they weren't stupid. They knew whatever he was putting himself up against, it had to do with Jason. And they knew what their brother was capable of. It wouldn't be the first time he tore someone close to them away without leaving them even as much as a goodbye. But they trusted Dick; They've invested their whole heart in him with the belief that he would do his best not to break it.
But boy, how they already began to miss the warmth, the safety, and the certainty of holding onto him.
" Lyell ... "
Dick felt like he should say something. But before he could, Lyell turned away, disappearing down the long hallway without giving him a second look. Before their emotions could get the best of them and spill into his view.
There was a moment of reconsideration, but it didn't last. Dick decided against going after them. Instead, he watched them leave with solemnity. In the end, he didn't want to involve them in such a risk. He didn't even know if he was going to bring Jason back alive. Or if this would backfire and he wouldn't return himself. He knew well, if he got the chance, Jason would kill him immediately. And it was better him than Lyell -- he had already suffered so much loss of so many close to him for his age. He couldn't lose them. He couldn't lose Lyell.
But Dick wasn't going to waste any time overthinking it.
He was going to stop Red Hood once and for all.
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