#just me fangirling as usual
darabeatha · 4 months
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/ I've noticed that at this point I'm not even writing on any blog anymore, I just come and yell about some blorbo and leave. Rinse and repeat my lieges
#;ooc#ooc#me: -sleeps-#also me: -SUDDENLY JOLTS BACK AWAKE- I haven't expressed my love for x in some time#/usually i would feel pretty guilty about this! but lately i've been zoning out in the sense of just vibing#/im not dropping writting; im just doing something else ! when i feel the inspiration i'll drop by#would like that to come soon; i do miss writting hehe#the power a blorbo can have on a person can be a very profound and moving energy truly-#recently one of my 8376733 m.octezuma fanarts got reblobbed from some artists from aaaall across to japan and#it made me feel so giddy like!!!! no way you also like this one character that isnt even on the game!?#i haven't seen other artists being obsessed over him! he's kind of forgotten in the lb cast; it was so fun reblobbing each other's posts!#we may have a language barrier but we all love m.octe and i find that to be a lil heartwarming moment#it made me thonk;; there are so many ways to bond with people; of connecting in general#even without speaking to someone directly; there is a bond there#like i knew this existed; but experiencing it again makes u go like waow! im not alone ! not in at least one (1) way!#that there are other people out there in this big big world that would enthusiastically talk to you about the same fictional character you-#like; with a lot of love and interest#i've seen people making their own t.ezca and d.aybit plushies and putting them in cute lil clothes#or people posting about museums they got interested on visiting bc they've done a collab with f.go#its all very cute to me#its like the same energy i saw from this tktk where two girls randomly met on the street#and saw that they both had the same ita bag and they got all happy and started laughing together#or that time i was selling my stickers and someone came in and said how glad they were to find h.ypmic stuff!#if hy.pmic is quite niche nowadays; its even more from where i live!#or how excited i get if i meet someone who also plays id.v#its all a cycle of fangirling; pure joy; connections are so important!#important to know that whatever you are facing; that no matter how 'weird' you think you might be; there are a lot of people out there that#are like you and me; and its also why i like roleplaying#its like we all pull our blorbos and talk about them and get excited about it all like dolls#the sweet thing about rping is precisely the part where u connect with others
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*I’m about to do a whole lot of nonsensical rambling so feel free to ignore*
The theory that Jaime Lannister will join the Night’s Watch at the very end of the story has always intrigued me, mostly because of the very visual changes that would encapsulate his series long character arc up to that point.
Because from the very first time that we see him on page, he’s always been in colors that are bold…or even glitter in a way? His main characteristic has been that of a man of the kingsguard - a highly prestigious institution. The highest point a knight could reach I guess. Not only that but he’s also one of the greatest living knights in the land as far as sheer skill goes. But just as we’re introduced to his place in this illustrious position, we’re immediately told that he’s a kingslayer. He’s a knight whose main job is to protect the king, but he killed the damn guy (then sat on his throne as if rubbing salt in the dead man’s wounds). And it’s not badass or anything. This monicker is one given to him through mocking.
He does some pretty messed up things too (like the defenestration of poor Bran Stark). So it’s shocking (and lowkey poignant) when the very thing that helped him rise to his illustrious position (his sword hand) is taken from him and he has to in many ways start from scratch. And this starting from scratch even opens up a path to redemption for him. And an important aspect of that is the introduction of Brienne of Tarth, who to many readers represents the ideal of what a knight should strive to be even though she isn’t one necessarily: Brienne whose “no chance and no choice” lives up to the basic knightly vow of protecting the weak.
So Jaime is a white knight. A white knight in shining armor who historically is presented as an unblemished hero. But this shining knight’s white cloak is soiled - by his own admission. Then he loses his knight’s hand and goes on this journey and to a lot of us, it seems like he’s now trying to be a good guy and trying to live up to the actual idea of being a “good knight” (whatever tf that means). He’s also struggling with keeping all these vows that he swore. We as readers can’t help but to cheer for Jaime. We want him to find redemption. We want to say, “look how he made his white cloak anew! Look how he actually became the white knight in shining armor that he yearned to be”.
So him joining the Night’s Watch is not something a lot of people would say they predict for him; I certainly didn’t at first! That’s a black cloak, not a white one. Many of us want him to mend the pretty white cloak, not don the black one that has so far not represented anything positive in the story. The kingsguard is an illustrious order whereas the NW is everything but. The kingsguard holds skilled knights but we’re told that the NW is full of unskilled old men and green boys. A man of the kingsguard has great reputation but a man of the NW is at best a criminal. You join the KG for a taste of glory but are sentenced to the NW which is essentially a suspended death sentence - there is no future and you swear a vow to win no glory AND your honor goes to shit; which is absolutely hilarious because two things that are representative of Jaime as a knight, his horses, are named for ‘honor’ and ‘glory’.
But then think about it: it seems so simple right? Jaime starting out in an institution that is high in honor (theoretically) but then ending the story in another that hasn’t seen any honor in millennia seems like the very sort of thing that GRRM would do. The visual dichotomy of moving from a white cloak that is soiled to a black one that cannot be soiled is pretty neat as well - I mean you could argue that a black cloak can still be soiled just that the stain is not visible, but I choose the interpretation that whatever blemishes there are do not remove the base purpose or identity. And again, black can represent purity.
So the white -> black shift is thematically very neat…but then I always get stumped because well wait, what will the NW look like at the end of the story? And an extension of that question is who will Jaime be as a member of this NW?
The NW from the very first page of the series has been rotten to the core. It started out with this noble higher purpose (to guard the realms of men against the Others), but it has long forgotten it’s true purpose and has (in a very caricature-like performance of duty) spent thousands of years fighting against the very people it was sworn to protect. Not only that but this once great institution that housed hundreds upon hundreds of great knights (men who were once exalted from all corners of the seven kingdoms) now houses hundreds and hundreds of criminals: rapers, thieves, political prisoners, etc, from all parts of the seven kingdoms. The people who exist outside the social contract are the main part of the NW.
The NW sucks ass but(!) it’s true purpose still remains. Winter is coming and in true GRRM fashion, the very men who will have to protect the realms of men are the ones who have been cast away, damned, and forgotten by the people they’re sworn to protect. Then in comes Jon Snow (a bastard, mind you, who also exists in the fringes of society) who tries and fails to restore the NW to its true purpose. The result of his failure is well: stabby-stab-stab. Due to the mutiny at Castle Black (and the general state of the Watch up until Jon’s last chapter in ADWD), many Jon fans want the Watch to be completely destroyed. It’s rotten so might as well just get done with it…
But I’m not so sure that the total annihilation of the Watch is necessary. I’m a firm believer that the fallout from Jon Snow’s assassination (and possible death) will be the important catalyst needed to uproot the decayed moral center of the Watch. I believe that the Watch as we know it will die…but sometimes, things must die in order to be reborn. And what better way for the Watch to be reborn than with the death and rebirth of its most important member, Jon Snow? I’ve said many many times that Jon in ASOIAF is the very embodiment of the cycle of life after death; the cycle of death and decay then eventual renewal. Jon’s arc has been about taking charge of the cripples, bastards, and broken things, the criminals and the unwanted. He takes and leads the ones who are othered. And then he takes them and gives them purpose. Arms them and empowers them. Sam and the NW recruits, Arya, the wildlings, etc.
So given what Jon represents in this story and his relation to the NW (let’s be real, the NW storyline is Jon’s) I don’t think it’s fitting for the NW to be destroyed and cease to exist. Rather, it makes sense for it to die and be renewed into something closer to its true purpose: to protect the realms of men. And since I’m a firm believer that the NW will be remade, I’ve always believed it would be repurposed post WFTD to be an institution that guards the survivors and helps rebuild the land/community. The seasons will be balanced so that means that winter/death will still be coming, but first the men of the NW must live.
I not sure yet what these changes will entail but I do know that the issue or vows will come up. The swearing and keeping of oaths and vows is an important motif in both Jon’s and Jaime’s arc. Both of them struggle with the weight of keeping vows they’ve sworn to their respective institutions, especially because they’ve some times been made to perform actions that are against those vows.
In my ideal world, the entire business of swearing vows is done away with once Jon restructures the Watch. We see time and time again in his arc that there is a difference between saying and keeping oaths/vows. One of my absolute favorite scenes in the entire series is when Jon faces off against Marsh and co. in ADWD and then proceeds to recite the NW vows from start to finish because while his detractors know the vows by heart, they do not keep the spirit of them. In fact, many advocate for actions that would be the exact opposite of their vows. The lesson here being that just because you swore to do something, doesn’t mean you’ll actually follow through in ways that count.
See, I think parts of the NW vows are very important (i.e., protecting the realm, being a shield, etc). But other parts seem unnecessary. A man may be doing a bang up job of wearing no crowns or winning no glory but is he actually performing the actual job of the NW: to protect the realms of men? Part of me has always felt that an ideal NW wouldn’t need any vows to be sworn. As long as any man or woman has the will and zeal to perform the basic function of the Watch, which is to protect the realm, then no vows are necessary (might be an unpopular opinion I know).
I guess it sounds like my ideal NW is basically the BWB in its foundation: a band of people who were joined under the common goal of dispensing the king’s peace and justice; and this tracks because Jon and Beric are parallels so it shouldn’t be far fetched for the NW and BWB to also mirror each other. AFAIK, the BWB swears no fancy vow despite its noble purpose.
So I was just thinking that wouldn’t it be interesting for Jaime, a man who has struggled under the weight of a dozen vows (I’m probably exaggerating) to join an institution where no vows are necessary, but to uphold himself to a standard where he will keep the spirit of the vow anyway? Before he was made a kingsguard, he was a knight. And a knight swears to protect the weak. The NW’s purpose is to protect the men and women of the realm, with the understanding that there will be no personal benefit/gain. There will be no honor or glory, it’s just what one should do.
And I got to thinking about Jaime’s AFFC arc. This is a little reductive (forgive me for that) but he travels the Riverlands trying to establish the king’s peace. But he’s supporting a rather corrupt regime and going around with his horses named Glory and Honor, wishing and calling himself “Goldenhand the just”. He is rebuilding Westeros after the W0t5K, though this is being done under the banner and interests of the Lannister regime and under the umbrella of Lord Tywin’s legacy…which isn’t great to say the least. He, a damned man, covered up the loss of his knight’s identity with a golden arm. And while he understands that this is renewal for him, he can be something different now, he hasn’t really understood just how different he could/and needs to be.
So I’d like a reversal of his AFFC arc. But instead of a white cloak, he has a black one. There’s no honor and no glory to be won. But he decides that he wants to help rebuild Westeros the right way. There’s no benefit for him. But he will be living up to the Ser part of his name. It would even be more poignant if he’s doing this under Jon Snow, whether Jon is the 1000th LC or Lord of Winterfell or whatever. Because Jaime gains his dishonor by killing Jon’s grandfather Aerys. He donned the white cloak for Aerys. But to find honor (though unexpectedly and not out of self interest) and wear the black cloak under Jon is such an interesting continuation; let’s also remember that Jon is Ned Stark’s spiritual heir in many ways, and Jaime has a uh complicated relationship with honor as it relates to Ned Stark.
Btw I’m not advocating for Jaime to be Jon’s lapdog or anything. He’s a wholly different character whose arc exist away from Jon. I’m just mentioning Jon because there are thematic intersections, and I fully expect him to still have a relationship with the (renewed) NW at the end of the story. Thus, their arcs could possibly clash at some point.
So yeah, jaime joining the NW is something so wonderful to me because the thematic closure is actually quite rich. He doesn’t have to die for his to be a good story, and he doesn’t have to get an absurdly happy ending that ignores the things he must atone for. He’s one of my favorite characters (a solid top 5), so I have to admit that I very much want him to live. But I do want him to live and find himself at a place that provides him a purpose that he thought had eluded him. He can still be a knight, maybe not the one he wanted or expected. But it would give him the opportunity to effect some real positive change that he tried and failed to do in AFFC. A knight is sworn to protect the weak. And Westeros will be battered and bruised after the Long Night. It will need to be rebuilt, especially up north where the othered wildlings could be. So I’d like for jusrt Ser Jaime to find his purpose helping those he probably never even acknowledged.
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frau-wilhelm-klink · 3 months
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For anyone who wants and/or needs Burkhalter in a towel, here you go. (My apologies for not enhancing them, but none of the pictures have ever came out right when I've tried it in the past.)
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copiawife · 17 days
i will say. i have a passphrase in my carrd but if you're a self-shipper i don't really worry if you don't send it in i mean i do appreciate it but it's mostly for fandom folks who want to follow me because they're on thin fucking ice and if they're going to follow they need to know and agree to respect my boundaries
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spectrum-color · 2 years
I can’t get over the fact that Bee is Fitz and the Fools magic love child. This is like something from a fanfic (affectionate) only it’s in an actual highly acclaimed series
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bugeyedfreaks · 1 year
(Last Anon) Definitely agree, I think I saw an old post that said Blossom seems to be the favourite/popular depending on which side of the fandom you’re in.
VSB seems to be the more casual/animation fans’ least favorite episode, they usually put it on the same level as the worst episodes from season 5/6 (the audacity! Lol) Blossom is usually ranked the least favorite, I guess it goes to show that they don’t understand her character at all or refused to accept her as anything but flawless. Also yeah, never understand why Town n Out is up there too, honestly it does felt like these people don’t understand the show they’re watching and claimed to love so much.
It actually never occurred to me that she’s a bad liar, since all 3 Girls are pure and good I thought its a trait they all share, but I guess Blossom would probably have a hard time with it than her sisters. I think she’d be smart in deflecting and not telling the whole truth but also not lying either technically.
I think I’m just dreading for all the weird tweets Craig’s going to receive when the reboot comes when those fans sees their favorite characters not act or act in a way that doesn’t fit their headcanons. Lots of super weird takes on twitter about “buttercup would hate this” or “bubbles wouldn’t do that” etc etc they only know the flanderized version of these characters, its almost like how the reboot2016 sees them…
Re: not understanding Blossom, I’ve known people who told me she’s their favorite character because she’s an unfeeling, uncaring killing machine who doesn’t let emotions get in her way (???) and others who’ve said they love Blossom for her docility and strong emotions and susceptibility to fall for evil (also ???). Legitimately bad takes about Blossom are weirdly common. I don’t get it! She’s so awesome but there’s so much rampant mischaracterization from fans with her (even the reboot basically just made her Lisa Simpson and added that unfortunate character I think all of us don’t want to talk about as an unnecessary love interest, sheesh…).
And yeah, Blossom’s definitely the most goody-goody of the three girls, and sometimes to a fault. I always think of her in Fallen Arches where she sticks soooo hard to what she strongly feels is morally correct to the point where a bunch of elderly people end up beating each other up and have to go to the hospital. And Bubbles and Buttercup are pissed after telling her how dumb of an idea it was the whole episode. 🤣 Or when she (initially) refused to use her ice breath power to save Townsville because she didn’t want to break the vow she’d made to never use it again while her sisters were frantically trying to tell her why it was okay to use when a freaking meteor was headed towards the town. Her sisters don’t normally have those same reservations she does despite also being good kids. I think all that stuff (plus the bad lying lol) all stems back to her pride and her desire to be the most perfect and goodest good-doer who ever did good. …and again, haha, I love that and it’s entertaining to watch when she struggles with stuff like that.
To be fair, if any of the more out there asks I’ve gotten over the years (especially the ones asking me to pass along stuff to Craig) have taught me, I think he’s already gotten enough weird messages about the PPG and seen enough wild takes to last a lifetime. 🤣 I mean, people were angrily messaging him about the 2016 reboot and that he needed to change it STAT. Someone will find something to complain directly to him about and I’m sure it will more or less be ignored.
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which yakuza dude do you think has the most deranged fangirls
yall gotta stop askin questions we know the answer to
#snap chats#‘fangirl’ isnt a good word to use cause i dont even really see fans that identify as women#like. now that i think of it i genuinely cant think of the last rgg fan i saw that identified as a girl aside from my bestie#so ig majima fans 😔#LMAO JKJK but am i.#i will just be talking about fans in general tho cause i cant think of the last time i saw a girl say she likes rgg#see thats hard to gauge see the main text was a fuckin lie cause /i/ dont even know#in my heart i should say majima fans since thats usually the answer but like#like the most ive seen from them is them ragging on LaD8 before it even came out because yokoyama said majima wasnt gonna have a huge role#aside from that i dont see much..#kiryu fans scare me#i dont see em a lot but when i do they scare me#and then i dont have to talk about daigo fans right. ive done that enough.#aoki fans are second place but thats more affectionate#cause the most ‘deranged’ things they do is go into cartoonish detail bout how they wanna beat aoki with a rubber mallet#and thats really funny but by definition a lil deranged but also hilarious and fine so im letting it slide#in review i guess i would have to say daigo fans but like.#thats like being like ‘whats your favorite fruit’ and the only fruit you have access to is bananas or somethinf#like of course ill say the one i see the most of so my opinion isnt really concrete ig?#but yeah. just from what ive seen ig#edit: i just remembered nishiki fans existed and theyre strangling daigo for the number-one spot
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ezralva · 9 months
And please...Gege had stated long ago that JJK won't be a happy ending for all. Even Yuuji, as the mc, is not guaranteed to live. If you can't accept that then perhaps think again before starting it. You can dislike how the story goes or the characters, but throwing hate or insulting the mangaka directly by using his name, questioning his ability of doing his professional job he has done for years, on social media which are public places, are honestly such immature acts and reflect your own lack of manner, reading comprehension, personality, or even mental capacity.
Funny cz nobody asked you, Gege-haters, to keep reading the manga or following the leaks (if you don't even read the manga or just watch the anime) he puts effort every week to publish. People really think that creating original story with abundant unique characters and drawing them on weekly deadline-paced and selling them in shonen jump for years and even be one of the best-selling mangas worldwide is easy?? Sad that people are so quick to defend when there are fan-based creators getting hate but not when it's the original creator themselves. If you feel so great that you think you can write the storyboard better than the original creator than by all means write your own story or draw your own manga and see if you can sell more than 90 million copies worldwide like how Gege does (excluding the online chapters). Most of them don't even give constructive criticisms. Just plain (sometimes veiled) insults or underestimating comments so I suspect this also has to do with how they don't actually understand the story itself.
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ashtcnirwin · 1 year
#sometimes you gotta use your tumblr blog to monologue🧡 or often if you're me#one of the interesting things about going from being a young adult to just a straight up adult is how in a matter of 3-4-5 years---#---the foundation of your daily life can and usually will change so drastically#i think back five years and except for my boyfriend. none of the cornerstones of my day-to-day existence back then exist anymore#the friends i saw on a regular basis no longer live here. they've all moved to other parts of the country#work friends aside i now have...four friends left here. as opposed to the 10-12 i had back then#they're scattered all over the country and i'm lucky if i get to see most of them once a year#the job i loved and adored is no longer one i'm working#it actually doesn't exist at all anymore. the building was torn down and the patients scattered all over town#the path i'd gotten started on in life in terms of education and work is no longer one i'm pursuing#the lifestyle i led is a far cry from the one i'm currently leading#and it's funny is all cos you don't realise that all of these changes are happening in the moment#you just look up one day and realise that a whole part of your life is over#this is starting to sound very sad but that's not it at all#cos truth be told youth is no guarantee for happiness. not in my experience anyway#is there a part of me that looks back and feels a little wistful about the carefree existence i had back then? absolutely#but do i wish to be in my early 20s again? no i do not cos at the time i was fighting battles that i've now overcome#and i have far healthier and more fulfilling sources of joy and happiness in my life now than i did back then#i do think 2018 me would have been lowkey horrified to hear that 2020 me got back into the fangirl lifestyle and that 2023 me is still there#cos i'm fairly certain 2018 me thought that was a past chapter#and that i should've long since grown out of it#but i'd never wanna be without all the good things that faceplanting into the 5sos fandom has brought me#like...even not counting 5sos themselves and everything they are and everything they do---#---i'd NEVER wanna be without all the amazing experiences and encounters that being a fan of theirs have brought me#now i'm just sidetracking cos i'm getting a lil emo#point is that the passage of time is very welcome but also very odd when you take a step back and look at the bigger picture of things
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gawayne · 2 years
ughh SORRY BUT I HAVE TO SAY IT the people you meet in engineering are just by and large so unpleasant I hate it here
#DONT get me wrong there are at least three very cool eng students here#but fuckign. come on we have to admit it. the structure of the program makes you worse and more annoying#out of stress out of competitiveness whatever#yknow what I’ve never heard in english class or art club? earnest discussions of crypto#elon musk fangirling#clique-forming based on whether you have a fucking pilot’s license#using gay as an insult like it’s 2014#physical assault#etc#christ be normal for a bit!! talk about something that doesn’t make me wanna kill myself!#tbh think the issue might be that smart mean rich kids either go into mech/elec or medicine#and there’s nowhere else in the country for aero freaks to go so they all end up here. revving their audis at 10pm and cutting off busses#no joke every few months I’m like huh I should try to make friends in this program. and I go to a social event or talk to someone or w/e#and then I remember that they are not fun to hang out with because I don’t invest or like cars or want a plane or drink#and I am not willing to sit thru that discussion until someone brings up something more interesting. usually there isn’t anything#see our capstone group works bc it’s full of adhd bitches. today we talked about eggs for an hour#ughhhhh. genuinely I think it’s weird how many ppl don’t have hobbies beyond gaming drinking and investing and I fundamentally can’t get#along with them and that’s why all the cool engineers are found in art club#or maybe I’m just insane and annoying who knows
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deadsince1973 · 1 year
your poll genuinely makes me mad when i see it because meng yao was voted out so early! He's perhaps the prettiest person I have ever seen, and he was voted out 4th?!? and people keep voting for wen ning! Stop it!
If it helps at all, some of the people who vote for Wen Ning say something like, "He's cute but not handsome." Also, the most popular poll yet by far was the one where someone added a picture of a bunch of the tags defending Wen Ning, and everyone who reblogged that poll was doing so to agree with the tags. So I don't think that there isn't a lot of love for Wen Ning out there. ^_^
As for Jin Guangyao, I don't have a lot of comfort to offer you, I'm afraid. A lot of people said in the tags that they voted for him because "his evil makes him ugly." If it helps, a lot of JGY fans seemed to make peace with his being voted out by pointing out in the tags that JGY IS pretty (as you said), but not *handsome*. Maybe that's something for you to hang on to? :/
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everiistence · 2 years
. i really do not appreciate how stressful school is sometimes ngl
#lol rant time!#probably gonna delete this later#just stupid grade crap lmao read at ur peril?#things i am mad at: myself#as per usual#but also my english teacher. for inputting a 93% as an A- like bro about to drop my gpa??? took him THREE MONTHS to grade my essay#and the semester is ABOUT TO END and he goes and gives me a 50/60 which tanks my 103% (love extra credit) to a 91%#and if all the other assignments he hasn't graded yet get 100s then i have a 93 point something#WHICH IS AN A-#but apparently fanfiction is our final? so i mean maybe i can get away with that. but then again he prob wants us to put freud concepts in#this man is a freud fangirl??#istg#he gives extra credit a lot though bc quantity over quality#he's kinda weird#anyway i know an A- isn't the end of the world but i have tiger parents amen#also i can't deal w english rn i have to work on raising my chem grade it's like .20 away from being an A but i might have#just bombed yet another test#which could tank me depending on how bad i did#and if i have anything lower than a 91% after the test goes in it won't raise#back to english though im kinda pissed bc he left a comment praising my writing for like 2 paragraphs before going back in and saying BUT#welp anyway if i don't have a 4.0 gpa after this semester my parental units will be forcibly making me quit all my extracurriculars so 🥰#i don't understand this man tbh sometimes he tells me what im doing is good and then the next day he changes his mind#chem is better bc im actually just bad at it#english is like idk if i can satisfy the schrodinger's grading scale#time to go 1k over the word minimum on every assignment for that extra credit tbh#tbh i was not prepared for high school whatsoever. people think im smart but im just good at bs and memorizing crap#whatever
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callilouv · 6 months
once ir reached 3am im gna plsay ml
#everybody is half asleep every time i play matches on ml at that time and its fuking hilaruosu#even me too cuz the enemy cld be right in front of me and ill miss all of my skills like What (rlyl happened and i was embarrassed cuz that#was quite litrly a free kill)#uehm ill try playing tank ig (very Ew unless its esme my queen<3)#i have tigreals special skin but ugghugurhg i wanna play pretty girls!!!!#only dude im allowing myself to play is nolan n cyclops and THATS IT#my nolan skills have degraded terribly tho i used to be so good at him when he first realessed#but he started getting banned every match and overtime i just forgot how to use him</3#+ i prefer to play more sustain junglers now like esme cuz id rather last long in a clash than die w just 1 wrong move#thats why im esme's Biggest Fangirl Ever (real)<3333#but i fucking hate playig as the jungler so thats that ig#I MISS MY MARKSMAN ROOTS but at the same time playing mid is saur fun#i need to sharpen up my luo yi skills cuz i wan buy oracle of sol skin w the promo dias#actually idk how promo dias work#like can u buy any skin or will there be like options to choose from idk#but either way i want to buy oracle of sol soooo bad just bc it looks so pretty#halloween lylia is alr but..... oracle of sol fx...... :(#oh help im looking thru my heores rn and i literally forgot that i have novaria#why did i even buy her bro im so shit at aiming my skills (see: first few tags)#same way i want to play selena but i know that aiming my skills i sjust . not it for me HWKJFGH#ermmemrm for marksman i doubt ill be going back to being a mm main any time soon#and if i hav to play mm in a match ill pick ixia anyway butttt i rlly rlly wanna learn how to play karrie#cuz the pro karrie players i get matched w are literally so scary liek i Cannot farm properly . they alwys zone me out!!!!#and its scary cuz once i get out of my tower she'll fucking punish me for that and i die !!!#one day one day#oooh also beatrix i wanna learn but just looking at her plethora of guns has my eyes confused#so sadge but uhhh i also rlly kinda wanna play melissa but it just seems that shes rlly rlly squishy#like she just has that kill them before they kill u kind of strat and most of the time it works but#i literally get like 20 heart attacks when i see my hp drop below 50% and i usually fumble my skills after that hhaaha#uhm anwyay i think i rambled elong enough her
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lucientheartisticfox · 11 months
whenever i see something about which ship for a character is better i'm always just like, "why not both?" bc polyamory. like, every ship war ever could be fixed by just. making the characters poly. bc then you can have both! especially since not everyone in a poly relationship has to be dating! so if you ever can't pick between ships, just do both!
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anonumber123 · 1 year
Appreciation Post (Vocaloid, SynthV)
Hey. I'm 'bout to get a little...*sentimental*, hahaaaaa.... I'm sure nobody will read this, but this is my first true post that I have ever made on this account that isn't a reblog, and I'm making this for one reason. As you can see from the Touhou and Super paper Mario stuff I reblog, These have been my two main interests for the entire time that I had this account. I've known Touhou for about 9 years now (2014), and Super Paper Mario for almost 5 years (2018). There are also other interests that I've had besides those two, but I never showed them on this account, One of them being the main thing that this post is about!
Out of all the interests I've had, Vocaloid is the one that goes back the farthest, all the way back in 2012! I would be in the third grade when I would've discovered Vocaloid! I was really impressed by the artistry on display with every single song I came across, even when I couldn't understand the lyrics of, like, 50% of the songs I listened to. However, I would say that I would've stopped being an active fan some time in 2019 or 2020, (probably because Touhou Project had practically taken over my brain lol) and I considered Vocaloid as being a phase. Something that definitely took a huge chunk of my life, but, ultimately, couldn't stand the test of time.
That is, until the Big Dog came along, and my new passion, SynthV.
Now, I've known SynthV prior to this year. I first got introduced to SynthV with Eleanor Forte. Everyone was talking about how she had "such an amazing voice" and how she was "so clear!", but I just couldn't see it (or hear it lollolol). I thought she sounded like just another English Vocaloid, and I never really like how they sound in the first place. However, this was a few years ago, and that story is *different*.
Fast forward to This year, not even a week ago, I listened to a cover made with Kasane Teto's new SynthV voicebank for the very first time. Now, I did hear a lot of buzz that surrounded her about a month prior, but I didn't know, or even care for, what it was about, but because I was a huge fan of Vocaloid, it also made me a fan of UTAU by proxy, so, of course, I knew who Kasane Teto is, as well as her infamous voice. I had no Idea what I was truly in for, or even that this was a new Teto. I caught a whiff before, and now, I had a taste of Teto, and it was at this point that I finally get it!
This new Teto sounded like something that I would never, in a million years, could imagine would come from her, and I was blown away! It was so...heavenly. This choppy, robotic UTAU voice of hers has been made into something of higher quality, and I could not be any happier. This was something that I have been wanting from Voice synthesizers for the longest time, and I never thought we were gonna get it anytime soon. Even with all that I was learning and getting to know about the new her, I was still not prepared for the fact that she could sing in three different languages, with the proficiency of native speakers...I could not handle it. My heart could not take it...! I WAS IN LOOOVVE~~~ Love that I have never felt for a voice since Gahata Meiji, my literal favorite UTAUloid of all time, and the closest thing I had to having a crush on something as a kid (lol)
I could not believe that Vocal Synthesizing technology has advanced to the point that all of this is now possible. Because of Teto, I have now fully delved into the world of SynthV, and I can never go back. I found so many other voices that I have fallen in love with, like I did Teto. SynthV has impressed me so much, that it even got me back into Voice Synthesizers as a whole! This is now a Resurgence period of Vocaloid, and I have SynthV to thank for that! I would also like to thank Dreamtonics for making this possible, and for making my dream come true! (okay but seriously if dreamtonics sees this by any chance I am so sorry for the pun it's just- **cries**) This reignited one of my oldest interest, and I am so happy. I really hope somebody out there reads this and can share these same sentiments I have right now...
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