#just me things
fruit-teeth · 1 year
Me: maybe I’m not cut out to be a writer…idk what if I’m not good enough
BookTok romance writers: ‘what if you were just a normal school teacher…but the MINOTAUR wanted to get you PREGNANT’
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rq-producerperson · 2 months
So, coming out of hiding from my shadow account to be fair to @anouchard @rqbossman and @jonnywaistcoat whom I have been following for a while. Also, because I enjoy Tumblr asks and the MAG fandom in general.
For those that don’t know me I’m the head producer at RQ and Make the Things via whip-cracking Jonny and Alex. (I also do a lot of the artwork for the show, and assistant direct)
If you’re curious about how things go at Rusty Towers drop an Ask. I may update rules if things get to be a lot, but tbh I don’t expect the kind of overwhelming attention more front-facing talent like Anusia, Jonny, and Alex get, so go nuts.
For now just note:
1) This is my own personal account, not an official RQ one, so it’s just me sharing my own personal insight and opinions. As usual, some questions may be best suited for the [email protected] address.
2) I won’t answer spoilers. You’re welcome to ask whatever you like, but be prepared to be underwhelmed with “guess you’ll have to wait and see”
3) possibly other notes to be added
~April Sumner
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sweetjijisama · 5 months
I feel like I don't want anything anymore...
It feels like I am "living" (surviving) my last few days or weeks on this earth...
Even if my life hasn't really started yet...
Like there is no future..
I can't imagine having one...
I don't want one anymore...
I want to want things...
But I can't for some reason...
That's just it.
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thegayisveryreal · 4 months
every now and then I think about what the ships situation would be like in the supergirl fandom if cat never left (because of dumb cw location change 🙄) because like without a doubt supercat was THE sapphic ship (if not just general ship) for season one and like if you check ao3 they have a fairly decent amount of fics (3,371) for a ship that is considered “dead” (never in my heart though) and was only super prominent within canon for one and like a half season with little bits and pieces here and there so I’m just really curious in terms of how supercat would have fared vs supercorp had cat stayed for the whole series and we got more interactions and storylines between her and kara
like would supercorp still be the most popular ship on the show (and pretty much the sapphic scene atm based on fic numbers) or would supercat stayed as the most popular ship since season one? I mean I know for a fact there would have been ship wars all of the place but ignoring all of that I’m definitely super curious about what would/could have happened had cat stayed in terms of ship dynamics
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maleficent-toadstool · 3 months
So, I went with my aunt to the Rat Casino (Chuck E. Cheese) this evening.
We were going to go to a family movie night, but it got cancelled at the last minute and while we were discussing what to do, I said "it's too bad that grownups can't go to Chuck E. Cheese."
"says who?" my aunt asks.
We go to Chuck E. Cheese. And at first it's awkward - most of the people there are lower than my hip, which, when you're short, is *saying something*. I had to sit on my knees to find the start button for most of the games. We played skeeball and basketball shootout and Halo and a bunch of games that were just gambling but for children. I even tried my hand at a speed-moving-walking game, which absolutely knocked my dumb ass out with exhaustion (but I won).
While I and my adult auntie were at the prize counter deciding what to get (I ended up asking for some of her points so I could afford a pinball toy) she said something she's oft repeated to me.
"It's never too late to have a happy childhood."
You are not too old for Chuck E. Cheese or the rainbow slug at the dollar tree or whacking your friends with pool noodles or sleeping with stuffed animals. It's not too late.
Go to the Rat Casino. It's never too late to have a happy childhood.
(just don't waste all your tokens on that godforsaken Pharaoh game)
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cbartonscoffee · 9 months
My favourite thing about Good Omens and everything that went into creating it, is that I can't see the characters as their actors. At least not Aziraphale and Crowley. I literally can't. What do you mean that's Michael Sheen? That's Aziraphale, they're an angel. That Crowley is who? He's just a good ol' demon. And I say this sincerely, I can't overlap the characters and the actors. The costumes, the mannerisms, they just exist as a separate entity. Crowley and Aziraphale on one side, David and Michael on the other.
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justpretendygood · 6 months
There is nothing, NOTHING more frustrating than when you're supposed to be writing something for university (an important paper, a thesis in my case) and you're INSPIRED by some series of an angel and a demon who constantly flirt and go on unusual dates (like bodysnatchin') throughout history.
I should be focusing on Jean Jaurès' speech on colonialism, not Crowley changing Aziraphale's point of view on colonialism!! IT'S HARD!!
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aromantic-angel · 3 months
Ok hear me out, crack-but-not-crack-ship for silm: maglor x ossë
Listen- they meet during maglors beach cryptid era and at first osse wants to kill him (bc he canonically dislikes the noldor because of Alqualonde) but he doesn't and ends up listening to maglor singing and feels Sympathy for the guy.
Plus I'm pretty sure it was mentioned that osse used to follow melkor but left and repented before he got too Bad. Also he's definitely killed some folks due to being the Storm Boi so he n maglor can bond over regrets and murder!
Yeah ok this started as a joke but bro I don't think it's a joke anymore-
Edit: I forgot osse has a wife orz. There's 2.5 options here: first is to ignore canon and say no uinen is not his wife, shes like his bestie or a lavender marraige or whatever. The second is Polyamory: Osse has two hands! (Extra points if uinen x maglor)
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pasta-connoisseur · 2 months
New deep purple album is outttttttttt
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veloursdor · 2 months
im writing again. probably (definitely) not what people want me to write (fslseaes, step-dad au) but i'm writing again
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raindrops-on-concrete · 5 months
my mum: this sewing project will help you get over your perfectionism
me when I'm supposed to cut off *approximately* 1cm of the fabric: I cut off exactly 1cm, no millimeter more or less
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fruit-teeth · 8 months
Being in a bad/upset mood and then realizing “oh wait it’s because I haven’t had enough sleep” is always wild to me because like…I’m really just a baby that got more complicated huh
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rq-producerperson · 2 months
What tma fear do you think you'd be aligned with??
Ahh, I’ve given this some thought before and I definitely think I’d be prey for the Corruption as I find the most fear in it. Both from bugs and filth but also the concept of toxic attachment.
However, as an avatar, I’d serve the Vast. I find a lot of comfort in the views atop mountains and images from the deep ocean. It’s unsettling, but in a comfortingly fascinating way. I loved being in the middle of the ocean when I worked at sea, just miles and miles of nothing is so peaceful in a weird way.
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sweetjijisama · 2 months
Currently vibing while not having an actual personality or identity.
I am truly nothing deep inside except simple consciousness and emptiness. I feel at peace every now and then even if I am deprived of basically everything.
Its very weird but I like it and I am actually glad being nothing.
I feel relieved knowing that everything I thought and used to believe about myself is not actually real and has nothing to do with the real me. It's all just a concept. A lie.
It was never me.
I was never me to begin with.
I still feel all the emotions and all the pain deep inside but it feels like the pain of someone else who isn't alive anymore. Or never was real to begin with.
The trauma stored in this body is still real. Even if I wasn't really me.
It feels liberating. Similar to dissociation and yet very different.
You don't have to understand. And if you do then HOLY SHIT!!??
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thegayisveryreal · 4 days
if you think about it pitch perfect and descendants are kind of tethered
both musicals. both have a hit first movie that introduces a group of misfits within an establishment that is completely against them. both have a main character with parental issues and is a big reason why they move to a new place due to an agreement and they plan on leaving said place once they’ve accomplished what they came for only to change their mind because that place ended up becoming a place of comfort for them. both have a super gay grumpy x sunshine besties trope. both have an aubrey/audrey that hates the main character who become obstacles for them to get through both main plot wise and romantic plot wise along. both have a boring and bland white male lead that’s kind of just shoved in there because of cishetnormativity and also serve as a way to get the main character to “open up” about themselves and question their worldview
both have a second movie that is better (imo) and gayer than the first with also better production and budget. they also introduce a new group of antagonists that are deemed the same as the main group but viewed as superior to the main group. and they also have the main character question their place in their already established new normal and they try to keep it a secret from everyone else. there’s also a supercharged gay break-up and then make-up moment between the two gay besties (space between and the retreat scene also the tent scene beforehand). oh and there’s like an awkward new couple that gets introduced and established throughout the movie as like a side romance plot in both.
both have a third movie that isn’t really as good as the other two and solely really only exist for the fans and is sort of just there to vibe and have fun and be campy
like idk they’re just so tethered to me
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maleficent-toadstool · 4 months
I'm playing Morrowind which is making me want to play Skyrim which will make me want to play Morrowind which will make me want to play
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