#just reposting from my other blog
codenameseance · 1 month
[kicks down the door] AND ANOTHER THING!!!!
why the FUCK did they include a shot in ep1 of Klaus pulling his dog tags out of the box of artifacts and staring at them longingly (why the fuck did he lose them in the first place? the same reason his tattoos disappeared? because steve blackman said 'fuck it'?) but then HE DOESN'T EVEN WEAR THEM FOR THE REST OF THE SEASON????
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like, it's one thing to forget about a character's entire existence (rip Eudora Patch) but it's like. so unbelievably disrespectful to purposefully include an acknowledgement of one of the most important people in klaus' life and then just.......throw it to the wayside?? it genuinely would have hurt LESS if they didn't even do anything for Dave in the first place.
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blitzwhore · 1 month
Reminder to all that it's very bad fandom etiquette to repost someone else's fanart. Unless you have the artist's permission and you are giving them proper credit (naming the artist and linking back to the original art), you should not do this.
Why? Because when you do this, you're receiving likes, comments, and reblogs for art that isn't yours. Meanwhile, the artist, who spent time and effort on their art in hopes people would like it and share their love for it, won't see any of the love that your repost is receiving. This is extremely discouraging for artists, and does often drive them to stop wanting to make fanart at all. I've seen it happen countless times in other fandoms. And honestly, who wouldn't feel discouraged if their art got 5 likes on their page, but 2k likes on someone else's?
And if you see fanart and notice it's reposted (eg. if the handle of the person who posted it isn't the same as the handle in the art's watermark), don't reblog it. Speak up. Let the OP know you don't support reposts of other people's fanart without their consent and knowledge.
Don't forget about fandom etiquette, folks. Don't forget that other fans aren't fanwork machines—they're real people, just like you and me. If you wouldn't like it if someone took your personal creation that you spent time on and reposted it where you can't see it and received tons of attention for it, don't do it to others.
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fiendishartist2 · 2 years
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i'll be on my "mob kicks ass at fighting games" grind till the day i die
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putterphubase · 3 days
hot take and ill give anyone the benefit of the doubt once but i feel like someone who saves a gif off of someones blog and then reposts it into about 15 fandom tags with the intent to get internet points knows what theyre doing is probably not proper etiquette and doesnt really care as long as theyre not being too heavily called out on it. and sometimes even then they still dont.
with that being said, i dont think any gifmaker on this site should have to give a huge disclaimer not to do this, because like i said, i think most people who do it just dont care. so this is my official stance, if you do this to me even though i havent made an official disclaimer knowing full well that its wrong, i am assuming that your official disclaimer is that im allowed to come to your house and steal your playstation or whatever i find interesting in there. so if you are reading this you endorse this message and i will be seeing you soon if the conditions are met. thank you.
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sanji-piss-hell · 11 months
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One Piece - G8 Arc (Episodes 196 - 206) Part 2
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ssreeder · 3 months
Dude you’ve peaked.
I just found LIAB fanart on PINTEREST.
(it was fire btw but it didn’t have a watermark so idk who did it sorry)
i have very mixed sentiments about finding liab art on Pinterest because if it’s the post I’m thinking about it’s reposted art from @gentletrees. Who has done some AMAZING WONDERFUL CRAZY GOOD art for liab but i’m pretty sure someone reposted their original art on Pinterest :/
(I think MOST art on Pinterest is reposted from the original artist which is a big big big no no no no bad bad bad bad. so yeah I’m very anti reposting artist art on other platforms without their permission)
Sorry I couldn’t get excited with you <3
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bxtonpxss · 1 month
Nasty Plot || Headcanon || Thor's Sisters
Just some insight on Thor’s sisters and what they’re doing now. They are listed in order from oldest to youngest, excluding Thor obviously.
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Nilla | Pikachu ♀
Status; Alive
Location; Sevii Islands, Four Island
She lives with the owners of the Daycare Center on Four Island, being something of a surrogate older sister to all the younger Pokemon they happen breed/adopt/acquire and has also given birth to several litters during her time there. Turns out, Glitch is actually one of the kits she birthed. Her life on the island is very peaceful.
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Pepper | Pikachu ♀
Status; Alive
Location; Traveling around various regions.
Pepper is owned by Bonnie, a young trainer who lives for adventure and battles. How Pepper and Piper managed to stay with each other this long is anyone's guess but Pepper is content with traveling with her trainer. Pepper wants to help Bonnie achieve her goal of defeating all the Gyms in their home region Sinnoh and facing the Elite Four then moving on to other regions.
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Blitz | Raichu ♀
Status; Deceased
Location; Decomposed somewhere near Blackthorn City
Blitz was owned by a terrible man who participated in illegal Pokémon death battles. Blitz was their prized fighter and made her claim to fame in the underground, due to her deadly quick kills and fast knockouts. Her evolution into Raichu was forced upon her for the sake of more power and speed. Blitz became much more ruthless and cold as her years spent fighting went on but she also grew tired of the constant fighting and death and wanted to get out. The only way out was death, so she blew her big match by taking a Poison Fang to the throat. Angered and distraught at his "loss", her owner leaves her on the side of the road for the scavengers to pick at her poisoned, bloody, and beaten corpse. Died with a smile on her face.
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Piper | Pikachu ♀
Status; Alive
Location; Traveling around various regions.
Piper is owned by Bonnie's older twin sister Betty. Piper is also very content with her situation and likes that she still has some family around. She has been trained to be a performer rather than an aggressive battler like her sister.
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Shaka | Raichu ♀
Status; Alive
Location; Hoenn, Dewford Town
Shaka was traded a lot after her initial capture due to her original owner being tricked into trading her for what she thought was going to be an extremely rare Pokémon. Going through various trainers and never staying in one place for too long, the Pikachu never really got her hopes up whenever she'd meet a new person. Eventually, she was given to a sporty young man in Dewford named Terrance who loved to surf. They've been together for years now and Shaka has come a long way since they first met, reaching her final form and being a bit of a rarity amongst her species for knowing how to Surf.
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seninthebin · 1 year
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acgames · 7 months
I feel like crap and depression hit me hard, but I am trying to fight it. Anyways, this gentleman is a huge help so I made motivational meme for myself:
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Also I can't post it to instagram, but maybe someone too need a motivational poster of fictional murderous Irishman for their morale like I do...
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irl-leafbugarchive · 2 years
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•°•♡Pronounced as: where-boy/where-girl♡°•
•°•♡Genders associated with werewolves in a masc or fem aligned way. It gives the feeling of your gender being inhuman while still being masculine or feminine. Generally feeling like your gender is a werewolf creature and/or your gender transforms in a way related to werewolves. Just!! Any werewolf associations really, go nuts w/ it!!!
•°•♡Wereboy and Weregirl were created bc I couldn’t find any masc werewolf xenogenders so I thought I’d make a masc and fem version of Werewolfgender :P The flag colors have no meaning btw I just thought they looked cool <33
Read My DNI Pretty Please! (In Carrd) ♡
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dunkzech · 1 year
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uhhhhh i dont make gifs anymore but i made a rosebird playlist amongst the million things i’ve done during the years i wasn’t blogging in here...... i was 16 when i had this blog? mother arryn followed this blog?? im 24 now and all my gifsets are still popping off??? LOL. 
find me on twitter as @kususappho @qiyanators if u need me to somehow be right about everything in rwby for the nth time............ i totally called adam and yang being foils to each other btw <3
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sentmail · 5 months
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Although dependent on your own limits involving mana, something that the Science Department quantifies as MP, magic and materia affinity is a skill like any other.
If you don’t care to put the work in, in a best-case scenario casting something as simple as a cure for a scrapped knee will have you feeling spent, and in a worst-case scenario, any attempt at elemental based magic will lead to an uncontrolled spell that turns on you and spends the entirety of your magic reserves at once, leaving you susceptible to burn out.
When he started out as a 3RD Class, Kunsel never had much exposure to materia outside of the pair of Restore and Esuna that his mother owned in case of an emergency, and even then it was hammered into his head that he shouldn’t rely on magic should he get injured. (Some things are best left to the hands of qualified professionals, and magic cares not if something heals wrong as long as it heals.)
His stats, as well, weren’t particularly awe-worthy – slightly below average for his age range, even. But while others were busy underestimating just how much power a shiny orb held, Kunsel listened. He followed instructions.
It came easy.
Although limited by his MP, Kunsel’s instructor said he showed promise, and that alone drove Kunsel to study it further – part of him said that it was so that he could help others learn, while another, smugger part of him just wanted to be better than them.
SOLDIER 2C KUNSEL ZANTOS   [ AGE 18-21 | LVL 64 | HP 5589 | MP 507 ]                 MATERIA: [ LIBRA ] [ EXIT ] [ RESTORE ]
By Crisis Core, Kunsel has somewhat reached a plateau in his leveling. He’s found what works for him, and little out there challenges him in an engaging way. He has very little interest in becoming a 1ST CLASS operative, and so his time and focus are spent elsewhere: teaching others and snooping.
For materia, this means that although his equipment changes depending on each assignment, always keeping in mind a location’s fauna & their abilities/weaknesses, there are three that Kunsel always has on him.
LIBRA, MASTERED a SOLDIER specific iteration of a Sense materia, giving information that could overwhelm those not familiar with its specialized functions. EXIT, LVL 2 it’s important to always have a back-up plan, and Kunsel likes a dramatic exit. RESTORE, LVL 2 if you don’t have a restore materia with you, no matter the mission, you’re asking for trouble.
He’s got secondary favorites, and these are Barrier, Elemental, Time, and Seal. To Kunsel, materia is just another tool, and he uses it more to enhance himself and drag others down. (An advantage is an advantage.) 
Other materia depends on what he’s going to be fighting, but even so, Kunsel tries to switch his materia out regularly – they can only level up through use, and he wants them all to be around the same level of usefulness.
Whatever duplicates he can find Kunsel ‘donates’ it to the Materia Fusion department, where he’s got an 'acquaintance’… which means he’s made friends with one of the scientists that work in this subdivision of Weapons Development, and that even though only 1ST CLASS SOLDIERs are given permission to work with it, Kunsel has been messing with it for a while. Though if you ask him, he’s only been giving “suggestions”, and been allowed to keep the spoils.
SOLDIER 1C KUNSEL ZANTOS [ AGE 21-25 | LVL 85 | HP 8080 | MP 771 ++ 1066 ]               MATERIA: [ LIBRA ] [ HEAL ] [ TIME ] [ DESTRUCT ]  MATERIA: [ RESTORE = ALL ] [ BARRIER = ALL ] SUMMON: [ PHOENIX ]
Whether he was planning on ever reaching SOLDIER 1ST didn’t matter. Kunsel gets promoted two years post the Nibelheim mission where two great SOLDIERs were (supposedly) lost. A genuine effort on his part? Recognition for his efforts in teaching others? A desperate need to rebuild the numbers in a program left to rot when Professor Hojo loses interest in it? That didn’t matter either. Responsibility is thrust upon him, and Kunsel accepts it. Who better than him, to give the ranks direction? To set an example to follow?
Of course, he had to adapt how he worked and thought about combat, but always having been a schemer (or more nicely put, tactician) at heart, it doesn’t take Kunsel much time to settle into a new normal. Instead of solely focusing on buffing himself, Kunsel gives his entire party advantage, and this makes him and whoever he’s working with at the moment a bitch to deal with.
Some might wonder if this wouldn’t be heavily taxing on his MP reserves, and the answer is yes, definitely. If it weren’t for Materia Fusion, there is no way that Kunsel would’ve been able to keep any of this up for long without burning out. Years were spent mastering and fusing MP ++ materia after materia, and then experimenting with fusions until he got it right.
As his work is often team focused, Kunsel forgoes elemental materia of his own, and instead plans missions out accordingly with those in his party. Most of his is already mastered anyway, and any opportunity to cast magic is an opportunity for those below him to sharpen their skills.
So, for most intents and purposes, Kunsel’s usual pick looks something like this:
LIBRA, MASTERED HEAL, LVL 3 TIME, MASTERED DESTROY, LVL 3 RESTORE, MASTERED = ALL, MASTERED BARRIER, MASTERED = ALL, MASTERED both All materia have been fused with MP UP++ materia in the past, leading to a passive increase of 75% per materia, up to a total of 150%
The end result? Kunsel is a glass tank, a play on 'glass hammer’. He is his party’s backbone, and his extensive MP pool means he can and will outlast most encounters that they come across with barely a scratch on anyone, but he can be weakened and tired out. An exploitable weakness, should you figure it out, is that although immune to the Silence status, he is harshly affected by having his MP taken, to the point where he’ll actually take physical damage as well – a trade-off for how much he’s buffed himself to be an asset.
The best bet to dealing with Kunsel is to drain him of his MP, and you can either manage that with spells or abilities of your own, or much more riskily, attempt to steal his materia. If successful, the immediate loss of MP will stagger him and leave him open to attacks. (And he’ll have one less magic buff.)
If the fight drags on too long and he’s not knocked down, should Kunsel be below 25% with most of his party down, he will pull out one last desperation move: 
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poststealer · 11 months
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cinema-wasps · 1 year
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they should start a band
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apollos-boyfriend · 2 years
i forgot links dont work in anon @/permadeathz
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this was in the replies to that person specifically and it’s so funny to me because no 😭 this blew up WEEKS ago. it’s barely gotten traction now. twitter just doesn’t know how to coordinate and can only steal content from each other (and tumblr, apparently)
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All three of them (El, Lucas and Max) lying on their tummies under the big, cozy blanket, watching El’s favourite opera dramas  
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