#just some mean amity blight
nostalgic-bee · 1 month
I think about this moment from WILW a lot
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It’s one of those moments where even when Amity was keeping up her mean girl facade we see that deep down she is someone who is actually super kind and cares about those around her which is clear because when she messes up badly she feels enough guilt that she gives up something that she clearly enjoyed (at least we can assume she genuinely enjoyed playing grudgby) and if she didn’t love it she was at least passionate about it and good at it since she was the captain.
And we don’t know how long ago she was the grudgby captain, but clearly it’s before the events of the show (at least a year or a few months). Amity didn’t suddenly start being a nice person once she met Luz. Deep down she’s always been a truly kind person who cares about those around her, it’s just that her parents tried so hard to take that away and change her into someone who was uncaring.
Amity as a character has always been kind and compassionate, someone who cares about others. Her parents tried to take that away, but when she met Luz she gained the courage to change and to fight against what her parents want her to be. She allowed herself to change and embrace the kind person she’s always been.
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lollytea · 1 year
The Blight family are so interesting IN THEORY. In execution they are....😬
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spinner-moko · 1 year
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eda and amity. wish toh was more shaped waaa
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kraviolis · 1 year
i can tell when the author of a fanfic im reading had a peaceful childhood
#krav talks#not to pull the 'i have actual ptsd from a traumatic childhood' card but im gonna be real#i dont think some of y'all understand exactly what hunter's childhood was like#belos also most likely was not the verbally abusive type of parent. he was physically and emotionally abusive FOR SURE. ABSOLUTELY#but theres no shot he'd just yell at hunter. he doesn't get angry like that#case in point: What Happened To Caleb#hunter isnt gonna start crying from someone yelling at him out of anger. he'll get triggered MAYBE#hunter gets fighty if he gets triggered by ANY older authority figure. kikimora and lilith werent exactly kind to him either#the only way hunter cries is when his friends are around bcus he feels so safe with them#you know who would cry over being yelled at like that??? amity.#sure later in her life she probably got into screaming matches with odalia#but if u think even she wouldnt burst into tears if she got yelled at by any older female authority figure in her life#then u r wrong. sorry#hunter was not allowed to be vulnerable. it was too dangerous to be. he also had NO ONE while under belos's thumb.#amity had her siblings. they probably gave her safe spaces to cry it out after getting verbally abused by their mom#if lilith lost her patience and raised her voice at amity (not in a mean way bcus lilith would literally Never but no one is perfect)#amity would start crying for sure. and then lilith would feel like the worst person in the world. scum of the earth.#and god forbid hunter sees this exchange. he'd rip lilith a new one even if she'd already apologized#he wouldnt stop chewing her out for even daring to speak to The Amity Blight so disrespectfully unless amity physically pulled him away.#and then he'd threaten lilith and flash step amity away and immediately call luz#now if a MAN tried to yell at amity she would be three seconds away from throwing hands#but she wouldnt even need to worry about getting her hands dirty bcus hunter would already be shoving the man to the fucking ground#and threatening to end his entire life if he even stepped foot into hunter's field of view ever again#this is why its hard for me to imagine hunter living with darius post-belos... darius wasnt kind to him at first either.#and i think hunter living with someone who had actually had a role in his traumatic childhood would make him. regress#he'd fall back into old behaviors without even noticing. im not entirely sure darius would notice either#i love darius and i love darius & hunters bond so much#but it makes so much more sense and would be so much better for hunter to live with the nocedas for a while#not permanently. camila did great with paying for 6 kids under her roof but she was one emergency away from financial devastation#and i dont think hunter would want to live in the human realm permanently either
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teethbomb · 1 year
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alador blight fan mood board
#Im trying so hard not to engage I feel like a bomb#I know his arc was handled badly but the shortening of the owl house should be the give away#And I personally think that the boards weren’t only cut for time!!#People are really mad he was redeemed at all but I think we forget that this guy was intended to portray a victim of abuse#Abuse shouldn’t have to be physical for it mean something#No I am not excusing what he did what he did was shitty but what I am saying is I don’t think he knew that#He thought what he was doing was in the kids best interest and when amity confronted him his eyes opened#I’ve seen people call him spineless and “woobified” and that is lost on me entirely#He stood up to Odalia and broke everything when he found out about her goals#He still has his temper he’s just not lashing out on his kids#Claims of him being turned soft don’t make sense to me because he’s been chasing butterflies the whole time! He was under Odalia s thumb#Until he learned it was hurting his kids and he stood up.#His arc isn’t perfect it’s far from it but the guy was in an abusive relationship for most of his life#I Can see the disconnect some are having but I think we’re really focusing too hard on some cut scenes#I Can see people getting upset with him especially those who relate to amity but I think it’s ironically pushing blame#Not everything can be pinned on Odalia but I think we should let abuse victims grow no matter their age#I guess it just makes me sad to see a character I see so much of myself in being dragged like this lol#Alador blight
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smokestarrules · 2 years
The double standard that will never fail to piss me off is how some parts of the fandom will happily criticize Amity’s past behavior and downplay her parents abuse but will get angry if you ever dare criticize Hunter’s terrible behavior. Dude almost got Amity killed two times in Eclipse Lake and explicitly threatened her girlfriend. But god forbid you ever bring that up while watching someone else bring up the stupid “Amity almost got Luz dissected” argument for the thousandth time that doesn’t actually hold any weight.
I know this isn't the point of your ask but I really do love it when people try to say Amity was going to assist in the murder and dissection of Luz in that episode, because it's just so clearly not the case at all. Like. At all.
Anyway. I do think, yeah, there's sometimes a bit of a double-standard that can be irritating. You can't force anyone to enjoy the same characters you yourself enjoy, but I understand the wince you can get when someone dislikes them so intensely that they're wrong about the characterization.
On the other hand, Hunter's actions should not be excused, but they can certainly be explained. So can Amity's. They're two sides of the same coin, explicitly paralleled in that way, and it is--odd to vehemently dislike one of them when you praise the other for the way they've risen above their abusive tendencies.
Most of the Hunter fans that I see are just "meh" on Amity, which is obviously fine. I'm personally just "meh" on Hunter. I think it's mostly Those Shippers that tend to villainize her, and that's when you just block :) curate your own internet experience! It's so much nicer when you do.
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evilminji · 1 year
Here I sit, considering Blood Blossoms.
It can be safely assumed, that the species originally developed their Anti-ghost properties to drive HUMANS and other things with, well, SOULS? Away? But as some enterprising human likely did, was selectively bred for purely Anti-ghost properties.
As with most things in nature, we can only assume it was originally to allow for unfettered spread of its seeds. Likely even had an effect on other PLANTS, allowing it more soil in which to grow. A "Blight Blossom" if you will. Or "Life's Bane".
But! That is not what I wonder about.
I wonder about the OTHER end of the evolutionary niche. Like plants with berries, meant to entice birds and other animals into carrying their seeds to new and fertile grounds.
Are there Ghost ATTRACTING plants?
And I don't not mean, drugs, though that certainly WOULD be one means of attracting potentially symbiotic relationships. I mean plants that smell unusually good. TASTE good. Have developed around high ectoplasmic areas.
Do they only exsist in the Realms? Or are such plants possible to find in the living Realm?
If I found them, dug them up carefully, and transferred them to a brand new home, freshly built on untouched land... would it be haunted in short order? Or would the plants die, because the environment could no longer support them?
The most LIKELY contender to exsist? Would be some sort of extoplasmic berry. An EXTREMELY hardy and slow growing vine, that likely grows in places of high extoplasm. Such as old war zones, grave yards, old hospitals, and cities with particularly high death counts. Or Amity. Really, anywhere it can find a LOT of Ectoplasm.
I imagine the berries would literally glow. Like neon battery acid. Reminiscent of blackberry bushs with long creeping vines and hooking thorns. Darker, red black leaves.
DEEPLY lethal if the living ingested. The comparison to battery acid being not made lightly.
The berries, I imagine, would basicly be sugar water and ectoplasm. Sweet ecto. The plant "realizing" that ghosts need ectoplasm. If it HAS ectoplasm, they will come get it. And if the form the ectoplasm is pleasing? They will cultivate the plant to get more.
Because that's what it does. It passively gathers ectoplasm from the air, water, and soil.
Into a nice, neat, EDIBLE little treat.
After all, it's not like there's a hole to the Zone just lying around! Do you know how hard it is to luck out and find a natural portal? How are we to feed ourselves? Sit here and suck air?
Yes, the portal makes the plant effectively redundant. But! Much like pigeons? It doesn't stop EXISTING just because ghosts aren't using it now. Just going unharvested.
Which? Is probably why there are so many new ghost animals. They ARE berries after all. Danny should probably talk to people about that. It's irresponsible to just up an leave lethal fruit where humans might find it.
@hdgnj @nerdpoe @ailithnight @the-witchhunter
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picturejasper20 · 2 months
I’m pretty sure tons of other people might’ve said it, but based on what I’ve seen from A New Wish, Dev is giving me some Amity Blight vibes except even more messed up.
Funny how i was just minutes ago talking with some people about this on Discord.
But, yeah, you can see that by watching a few episodes FOP A New Wish takes quite a lot of inspiration in recent DTVA shows from the latest years.
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Amity seems to be one of the first examples that comes to mind. She was quite cold at the start of the series and over time, through different series of events, she got to know Luz and learned that she could do better than just following what her parents told her to do.
However, i would say Dev leans more to be like characters like Scratch from The Ghost and Molly Mcgee and Max from Camp Camp, specially Max. Both Max and Dev have similar ways of speaking, coming off as dry and rather insensitive towards others. Dev has this ¨pessimistic worldview¨ and he would rather pretend he doesn't care about things.
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Both Dev and Max also can be power hungry,they have very chaotic energy and don't care about breaking the rules at all. Just Max, Dev often has problems with treating other people well, we see this with how he treats Peri in some episodes.
And of course, both have parents who are very neglectful to them and they both show different signs of abandonment issues as result in different occasions.
Other comparisons i could make are Jason and King Xavier from Craig of the Creek, a show the main producers worked on before working on this show. Dev feels like a mix of both of these characters, so i wouldn't be surprised if they were inspired from there.
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I could make more comparisons, but yeah. I think Dev is intended to be more a ¨deconstruction¨ of characters like Amity, Andrea, ect that shows that just because he made a friend it doesn't mean that all his issues were ¨fixed¨ and in fact he still can get worse even after becoming better in some ways.
It is a more ¨realistic¨ take on neglectful parenting/ abandonment issues than you see in other animated family shows. It shows how badly it can mess a kid up and it isn't something that goes away so easily.
I think another factor that plays a role here is that Infinity Train writers worked in this show, so they probably wanted to do something quite different with Dev's character and her relationship with Hazel. People who worked COTC as well, since that series tackles themes like complicated and toxic friendships.
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crimeronan · 24 days
At some point Amity does accept that she purrs (it's actually a survival mechanism! Yeah it's not a sign of comfort & content, it means that although her body is at rest, her guts are still revving like an engine ready to fight at any moment! For survival! Stop giggling Luz!) and she of course gets into heated competitions with Hunter over it. Who can purr the loudest? The most rumblingly-ist? With the most oomph?! Who sounds the most vicious?
They try to get Luz to judge but she seems to be Unable To Hold It Together (Stop giggling Luz!!)
this is very funny. i know i established at least once in the fic canon that hunter can growl in animal ways that luz can't replicate with human vocal cords, so i'm just picturing, like.
luz: hunter, that's growling. you're cheating :/
hunter: i am NOT >:(
luz: i KNOW what a growl sounds like, hunter!!
luz: well, i don't know about that! i haven't heard her purr OR growl as often as you. maybe her purrs just sound like that 💕
amity: yeah, hunter. maybe you shouldn't be so judgy 🙄
hunter: i just want you both to know that i'm Fully Aware you're trying to wind me up. and also it IS working.
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disillusioneddanny · 1 year
Spread the Love Fic Recs <3
There's been a bunch of negativity lately and I think that means we as a fandom need to spread some love around. If you get tagged please add some fics that you think deserve more love, only request is that they aren't insanely popular fics (think like fics with less than 50k hits) this way we can get some other fics out there for others to read and enjoy!!
1.) Premeditation by Chromatographic (Lia)
The problem is that so few people are even able to see what the problem really is. The problem is that things that manage to find the balance on the knife’s edge of life are so, so hard to kill. The problem, Jasmine Fenton realizes, two weeks after she moves into Gotham, is one that almost no one, in any dimension or realm, is able to solve. The problem is simply put, though, even if it’s almost impossible. The problem is this: The Joker is a Halfa.
this fic has the hardcover ship (Jazz/Jason) and everlasting trio (danny/sam/tucker) it's beautifully written and keeps you on the edge of your seat as you watch the story progress. Absolutely amazing. The writing is just amazing, Chroma sucks you in with beautiful storyline that just blows my mind. And the ending is just absolutely perfect!
2.) Halves by TourettesDog
Jason wasn't sure why Dick thought it was a good idea to drag him along with Tim to Amity Park. His brother seemed to think the strange case would offer a decent opportunity to bond-- without Gotham (and Bruce) close at hand, perhaps it wasn't the worst idea he'd ever had. Unfortunately, Amity Park is far stranger than Dick anticipated, and Jason hasn't quite been himself since they arrived. Going to FentonWorks for answers was their first big mistake.
honestly one of my favorite fics atm, I just love Gothamites going to Amity Park, i'm just such a sucker for the idea and we just don't see it enough so this fic is just my dream come true!
3.) Pitch-Dark Shades by SummersSixEcho
Danny Fenton is trying to build a new life in Gotham after closing up the connections to the Ghost Zone. Not that all connections are entirely broken, still being able to perceive shades and give them strength when he connects to one of their prized objects. Tim Drake is trying to find his own place in the world, focusing on becoming a better detective by solving cold cases in his spare time. When Tim and Danny meet, a new (begrudging) partnership starts to bloom to solve even the hardest of cases. Or it would if only they told each other the truth.
I truly just love Danny and Tim together in literally any kind of capacity. They just cause so much chaos together and it's amazing. This fic is just absolutely lovely and the prose is amazing. Summers fics are truly enrapturing and just pull you in so easily.
4.) Beneath A Different Light by AKelaNakamura, SummersSixEcho, TourettesDog
When a convergent event hits unexpectedly, Damian and Danny find themselves in the last place they’d expected: In the body of the twin they’d thought long dead. With the after effects still coursing through them and danger lurking in both cities, the brothers must figure out who they can trust—all while slowly learning about the life their twin has led without them. Or, none of these bastards can catch a break.
Demon twins. Just--just Demon Twins my beloved. This fic is two chapters in and i'm just so utterly in love with it. Summers, Akela, and Dog are just a match made in heaven when it comes to cowriting a fic. The fic just yanks you in so easily and you find yourself thinking about it even after reading the fic. Just a wonderful fic!
5.) Come Little Children by Die_Erlkonigin6083
American Chestnuts were once one of the most important trees along the East Coast. The blight destroyed most of them, but not all of them. There was one chestnut tree, one that entranced a child, and then, what it wrought, enchanted an entire city or two
YALL when i tell you that the storytelling in this is absolutely breathtaking I'm serious. This fic has brought a tear to my eye because of just how beautifully it's written. It's got cool fantasy aspects to it, it's based off of an old fairy tale, it's just so amazing and it's one of my favorite fics to reread if i'm having a bad day. Just truly a lovely fic.
Now, I would like to see @halfagone @spite-sapphic-starlight @noir-renard and @midnightenigma recommend some of their favorite fics if they're willing <3333 let's spread some more love in this fandom!
also even if you aren't tagged--please feel free to recommend any fics you enjoy!!
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toastling · 19 days
Ever wonder what would've happened if The Owl house aired in 2013?
That's right.
We would have had an OWLSTUCK.
They would've been rendered accordingly and there would've been a short-lived comic spoken of fondly by both fanbases.
Anyway here are some kids and their classpects.
Luz Noceda - Page of Light. Duh. Most obvious one on this list. You *could* make a very strong argument for Page of Hope too, but aside from her name literally BEING Light, I think it fits a bit more. Too bad you can't multi-aspect. Though let's be real, if anybody COULD, it would be Luz Noceda, so who knows, maybe that's her special Snest (in-world Sburb variant) given gift.
Amity Blight - Witch of Breath. Breath is a lot to do with one's self in the sense of self-actualization and understanding. She needed a lil help getting there but I feel Amity fits this quite well!
Willow Park - Mage of Life. In Homestuck, Life as an aspect is most closely tied to healing, but it can also be quite literal, as we do see Life aspected characters resurrect dead friends. I think if any aspect would allow one to wield life in the most literal sense via battle plants, it'd be, well, Life!
Gus Porter - Seer of Mind. This is a class and aspect wombo combo that fits him to a goddamn T. He's far sharper about others thoughts and natures than people think, including himself. Learning to trust in his intuition is his arc. He has a pretty good grasp of others, even if he does tend to try to focus more on the good bits than the bad, even when the latter may be pertinent.
King Clawthorne - Prince of Blood. Literal royalty in name and nature, with the Blood of the Titan running through his veins whether he realizes it or not. A Prince is an active destructive class with incredible offensive capability, one that destroys its aspect or through it, in this case, Blood. As a Titan, that potential is there for King. But we know the little guy wouldn't use it unless he had to. Right?
Hunter - Heir of Time. Of all the characters, no one fits the aspect of Time better than Hunter given his relations and just how many of him have existed throughout the ages. And as for Heir, I mean, could it be any more obvious?
Vee - Sylph of Space. Conceptually, Space means a lot of things in Homestuck, and is seen by the fandom as one of the "fundamental" aspects. A common theory is no game has a potential to win without both a Space and Time player. But one thing Space represents is Form and Boundary. It is the amorphous stage the play of reality is set upon. What better for a shapeshifter? Sylphs are essentially a Healer class.
Masha - Rogue of Doom. A Thief steals for their own benefit, and a Rogue for the benefit of others. Masha Stole Doom from the entirety of her Reality Check Summer Camp crew, *especially* Vee, giving her her very first friend, potential crush, and a new home and lease on life.
The Collector - Lord of Void. He is Everything and Nothing and can create or uncreate both at will. The Lord embodies their aspect to the absolute. They are a Master class, all-powerful and uncontested in their domain. He is a leftover from a previous game of Snest, one played between just two people, the other, of course, being...
Papa Titan - Muse of Life. We've never seen an adult play any variant of Sburb. But to deal with the Collector and his games, I think he may have had no choice. A Muse, too, is a Master Class, but far more passive. The Titan is how all life in the Demon Realm exists. The Titan *is* the Isles. How much more Life-aligned can you be? And as effectively just a corpse at this point, obviously, he's pretty passive.
Emperor Belos - Knight of Rage. A perfect mastery of his aspect to both directly harm and to manipulate, a truly terrifying foe. Again, adults aren't normally players, but, you better believe he's the reason this whole damn apocalypse happened in the first place.
Boom wrote that up in like 20 minutes, welcome to my special hell.
If by chance somebody actually *likes* this and wants more for some godforsaken reason, I'll give the kids a strife specibus too.
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xjulixred45x · 2 months
Since you write for TOH and write for Character!readers too, can I request Luz, Amity and Hunter with an Angel dust reader? I saw the one you wrote for a Stolas reader and I was hoping if you could do this too.
Hello! Yes that's right! Thanks for the Request
Luz Noceda, Amity Blight and Hunter with a Angel Dust Reader
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: male
Warnings: Reader has a horrible family life so acts like a jerk to cope, it's not a excuse thoug. References to toxic relationships on both sides, fluff-comfort.
Luz Noceda
Luz was probably the second to interact with the reader. just sharing a table in the beast handling class.
reader specializes in controlling small animals and insects, mainly arachnids.
so OBVIOUSLY Luz was VERY interested in it right away.
However, it was quite difficult to interact with the reader.
not because he distanced himself from people, at all, but rather that he used extreme...methods to get attention.
like using a giant spider creature to tie someone to the ceiling for example (and refusing to let them go for the rest of the week) or stealing things from other people's cabinets with small spiders.
and of course, there was the reader himself.
He acted extravagantly and exaggeratedly, but Luz could tell that he really just wanted attention, no matter if it was positive or negative. It made her sad.
so she decided to be his friend!
They're like Angel and Charlie fanon basically.
The reader goes to the owl house when he wants to get away from his own family, to the pleasure of Luz and the concern of Eda.
He is partly a bad influence friend, but more than anything because he doesn't know better (or rather his own family doesn't want him to improve no matter how screwed up he is).
Luz teaches him more about empathy and respect, so he tries to apply it to certain situations that he finds favorable. and to a certain extent it works, he no longer messes with the students like before.
READER.LOVES.A.KING. She tickles him, she holds him like a baby, she makes him spider-themed clothes, she finds him so adorable!
Luz sees this and KNOWS that there is something good with reader, it is a fact.
Luz is also very protective of the reader when it comes to her family or certain relationships that put her in trouble, she won't think twice before getting in front of the reader and taking out the glyphs.
and Luz also defends him from those who still hate him for his bad jokes or previous attitude. He is learning and improving, but really appreciates the extra help.
although he still needs help to know that it is not just a project for Luz and that they are still friends:'(
Imagine the reader speaking in Italian (context: Angel from the pilot is from the Italian mafia) and Luz speaking in Spanish together🥺some words are similar, so it would be fun if they spoke a strange mixture to tell inside jokes without anyone understanding(Eda is very proud).
Luz and reader have definitely pulled a few pranks on Hootie in retaliation for eating some of reader's pet spiders (may they rest in peace) and have a good time.
Hootie no but that's another story lol
reader is definitely the guy who makes Luz THIS FACE 😏 when he notices her crush on Amity and collects information about her as if he were the fucking CIA and the FBI TOGHETER.
he's a surprisingly good wingman lol.
Overall, it is a very healthy and sweet pair.
Amity Blight
oh boy...
probably the one who first met the reader.
and even A LOT OF POTENTIAL as he could.
since the reader's family is full of gangsters - I mean, BUSINESS MEN, so it wouldn't be strange to think that Odalia would be interested in their... services.
and thanks to this Amity has interacted with the reader since they were both children. both with their different demons to deal with.
On the one hand, Amity had her toxic mother and absent father, but at least she had her brothers as allies...sometimes.
That was the first thing she noticed as a reader.
He doesn't have ANYONE.
His brothers reject him, his father hates him and his mother does not even figure, he is alone against them, against the world.
He and Amity identify with each other and become "allies" from a young age.
not friends, just allies.
allies for when the other needs something, whether socially or...in other things.
I would say that while Amity is a bully, reader is a mean Girl. and who Amity genuinely likes, since they understand each other in more personal ways.
Thanks to this, the reader has more immunity to his practical jokes and even Amity finds some of them funny when they are directed at the right person.
but eventually Amity matures, and so does the reader, and they begin to see each other more closely, because if there is anyone who knows what they go through, it is the other.
Amity fears being rejected, yes, but it is something that the reader also feels, they both demonstrate it in different ways. one seeking approval, one seeking attention.
so Amity tries to make it clear to the reader that you don't have to be special or fall into a category to get attention, you just have to be genuine with it.
They both definitely go to the library to relax, I don't think the reader reads Azura but he listens to Amity rave about her.
Amity will also probably suggest that the reader get a job there so they can be away from their family. like her.
The reader, even with all her flaws, makes it clear to Amity that she doesn't have to be outstanding either, in fact he likes her more when she's a book nerd or when they're out of school, when it's THEM.
Amity definitely goes straight to violence when the reader's family tries to hurt him :)
They are definitely both divas when they are together.
I can see the reader being that friend who helps you choose an outfit, and does that with Amity constantly (or helps her dye her hair)
They both match lol.
The reader likes Amity's palisman, constantly putting it in a bag and walking it (much to Amity's concern).
When Amity goes through the situation with her family, you can bet that reader has an army of spiders after him as he breaks into Blight Industries😅
and he is also the one who cheers the loudest for Amity in the fighting tournament.
in general, two children from dysfunctional homes being functional with each other💜
definitely the one who met the reader last.
and probably by the time he had already settled into the Hex squad group.
or else..
Let's say they met when the Flyer Derby happened. reader decided that he would give Willow a hand because he couldn't find Luz or Amity (and thanks to his familiarity with spiders, he can imitate several of their movements IN THE AIR very well).
and Hunter knows him like that, like a teammate.
Similar to Vainy, Reader relies primarily on defense, but uses something...peculiar.
Yep, he can basically launch spiders like they were projectiles.
Hunter must have been like "look at that potential"
although in general everything was half ruined when he wanted to make them have the secret of the emperor's coven and all that...
The next time the reader saw Hunter was in Hollow Mind, because he was at Luz's house.
He definitely laughed at how Hunter was talking to Flipjack🤣
but when Luz and Hunter returned from Belos' mind, reader could SEE the trauma in Hunter's eyes, the PURE FEAR.
and he felt...bad for him...
Let's say that thanks to this he is one of the quickest to accept Hunter into the Hexquad, not only because of his genuine repentance, but because he reflects a little of himself in him.
and Hunter is no stranger to this.
When Hunter asks the reader why, he is honest, telling him how he used to do exactly the same thing as a defense mechanism, hurting others to feel better, to satisfy others...
...and they still hurt you and leave you behind...they make you feel worse about yourself...
Hunter can relate this to Belos, but realizes that the reader goes through this with his own family and also empathizes.
Both are a strange duo, Hunter alternates between being the most intimidating to being the one who protects the reader tooth and nail (for a change)
Hunter definitely has trouble understanding reader humor, but he thinks her spider-themed outfits are incredible.
low key, he envies her ability to sew, but eventually they both embroider things to pass the time and do bonding.
Without realizing it, Hunter begins to adopt some humor to joke with his reader😅 everyone fears for their lives.
The reader definitely teaches Hunter certain mechanisms that help him in a healthy way to manage trauma and panic attacks, whether it is mind fullness, breathing, physical exercises, lists, etc.
reader LOVES Flipjack and you can bet he makes him clothes (and he also makes clothes to honor him when what happens happens :')).
I think they could even both do sparring or play flyer derby when they're very bored, or the old cabar un oyo, boy stuff.
In general, Hunter empathizes with the reader on another level, and both work based on that. a good pair of friends without a doubt :3
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daystarvoyage · 1 month
I often see fans demonize some characters like Belos,The Blights, Camila, into far worse versions of themselves like fans portraying Camila as abusive since she wants Luz go to Reality Check Camp to correct her behavior and certain people interpret that of her sending her to a conversation therapy camp or the Blights while they are bad parents for sure they are sometimes depicted as physically abusive or homophobic despite that sort of thing not existing in the boiling isles and Finally Belos gets made into a bigot who is sexist,racist, homophobic because he a white Christian male despite not making any insults for Luz being a woman or POC while his stance of sexual orientation or gender identity is unknown the fact he didn’t insult Luz for being a woman or POC is remarkable progressive for a Man who is born in the 1600’s also He FICTIONAL and we already have enough of those people in real life what do you think?
I do say this, people need to start separating the art from the artist and fantasy from reality,
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this type of writing and fictional perspective, a lot of viewers and fans sit through, its been done throughout animation, Even in real life affecting how we see our adult figures.
hope i say this, the best way i can cause the show did the adults and supporting characters dirty with its ill pacing in storytelling and character exposure
The Fans Of their favorite media love to exaggerate disliked characters (be it villains or unpopular ones) cause of how there perceived physically or in writing in the creator's eyes. We get this at the start of the first episode introducing Camila (whos a great mother who I relate to cause, I also was on the spectrum being raised by a single mom) I feel I look at her as a character who carries a burden with her being a single mother) yet relatable cause she does her best to take care of her daughter on earth cause she to is a single mother protecting her daughter from the harsh reality cause its not all huckydorey (like the ending of the show),when she wants luz to conform. the way fans see luz assomeone needing protecting, might villanize camila firsthand(DEMONIZING ADULT MOMENT BY FANDOM) as a cheerful person luz is, fans forget that she's also impressionable, impulsive, don't think far on consequneces and needy, might gloss over the fact she needs proper mannerisms (to get by in the world at times), cause shes young & fits the viewers mold of perception, that no one should be punished cause of sexuality, it might show she doesn't need help. Let's be clear the fans are gonna gloss the fact shes a troublemaker who brings harmful items to school WHICH fans should be concerned, i mean neurodivergent character doesn't mean good personality,
2. The blight situation I swear they did Odalia dirty with this GRRR & how talented and amazing Rachel MacFarlane is (Her VA voicing hayley from American Dad.)
She also over exaggerated for being ( DEMONIZED BY FANDOM cause SHE's an ADULT) to being just an abusive mother, but however others will see it is a character who was a dark and humorous character at least & she has great writing tools to be & alador was just a plot device to make amity look good even the twins, & get rid of odalia even though her had his hand in amity's abuse, which I feel no one in the blight fam is not innocent (neither was amity, also which the twins didn't get fleshed out more & used as plot device for lumity, Which fans at times gloss over. Fans will over-exaggerate that Odalia was physically abusive to the kids but NEVER WAS! cause that's a negative perception on the fandom that (We have a adult hater situation nowadays of how this new age of Gen Z & alpha kids are raised,
i also wrote a post on the matter btw
The Belos Treatment (we al know how the creator treated him, such good potential DOwn the Drain.)
Bruh or GiIIIRRRRLL, I commend the Belos fans for being on their own ship supporting and adding more to his BG in fanfic & art
Belos was an intriguing villain who rivaled not only Frollo, the horned king, & Prof. Screweyes. This man also has a perception amongst the fans who followed the creator's way of how he was written (basically the new Chloe bourgeois treatment from miraculous.) He was only a character who was hell-bent on piping witches out and saving his humankind NOT BEING Racist Homophobic, or BIgoted, However, Chloe made racist & prejudiced remarks To Marinette in the cooking episode,(BUT BELOS DIDNT!) So he's an equal villain Who is all about equal rights means equal fights (falls under the neutral evil cause of how he was depicted into a person of tragedy upbringing to now a one-sided character (getting tired of how creators write villains in a one-sided manner.) oh and some people need proper knowledge of the 1600s cause belos was born in that era and I heard someone saying he was born in 1700s which I feel the show does suffer from anachronisms.
And don't get me started of how the fans go about Darius cause that has angry black man written all over it, along Manny being ONLY relevant in Luz's dire moment not being explored more,
hope i put down a lot of tea & crumpets for everyone hope you also can look at my video essay on my YouTube.
hope you enjoy comment and subscribe for more.
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tohwitchesduels · 1 month
SECOND ROUND OF WITCHES DUELS - Battle 10: Amity Blight vs Willow Park
Disclaimer: This is not a popularity contest or which character you prefer, in this tournament, you decide who is stronger/better/smarter/etc. opponent.
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information for both opponents under the cut to those who don't know what they can do in their battle:
Oh boy, here we arrive at the battle of the century and probably the most anticipated battle of this tournament that could even be worthy of being the final battle. Kinda sucks it has to be the second round but I already postponed it from the first round so it's already overdue. Without further updo, let's get into this battle and see for ourselves what happens here.
Now, unlike battles of the first round, here I will just post links instead of expositions as they would be too long and wouldn't fit all pictures here, but I will write here at least some details regarding both opponents.
During this battle, both of them are allowed to use their Palismen.
Amity Blight
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Amity doesn't necessarily know if she can truly do it. After everything they've been through, it does pain her to face her childhood friend after just rekindling their relationship and having to be terrible to her her entire life. Her heart isn't entirely in it because of that. But at the same time, she's come to realise how much Willow flourished and grew and how she's not helpless, a broken soul she once knew and she wants to do her justice, she wants to give her the duel she deserves, without patronizing her skill anymore. She also promised Luz she would meet her in the finals and she wants to keep that promise, even if it means she has to defeat Willow, but can she bring herself to do that?
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Amity may not possess as much raw power and brutal strength as Willow, but she compensates for it with her skill and creativity when it comes to the usage of her abominations. Both of them are capable, talented warriors, and Amity possesses an ambitious streak and pragmatic poise that helps her dominate the battlefield. Her abominations proved in LR to be able to block Willow's vines and slow down their rampage, and her fire spell could burn through Willow's plants. Granted during this battle Willow is on offense and Amity's foundation is shaken meaning she fights mostly defensively in this battle unlike offensively as she did in the first round.
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However, if Amity recognizes how both she and Willow are approaching this battle with the wrong mindset, she could reach out to her and assure her that she believes in Willow, that there are no hard feelings, and that the past is in the past. This could allow her to get the second wind and give Willow the battle she deserves while also letting Willow control her powers better.
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Willow Park
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Willow knew this would happen sooner or later and she was looking forward to it. She's not necessarily happy, she knows she has to do it if she really wants to win this tournament. Unlike Amity, however, she's not this pained to fight Amity as she waited a long time to actually get her comeuppance after everything Amity. Not that she holds a grudge against her best friend anymore, after all, Willow's strength enhanced because she rekindled her friendship with Amity, but Willow really wants to prove to her one more time that yes, they're equal, and yes Willow is capable of winning this tournament and she's not going down easily and she would never be pushed around by Amity again for being "too weak". Willow has the drive, determination, and ambition to win this tournament and be declared the most powerful teenage witch of the Isles now that she has a chance to prove it.
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Amity as far as Willow remembers always looked down on her and hardly knew how capable she was until LR. So she's willing to go all out and reveal now all her tricks so Amity sees it for herself, even if at a disadvantage. She's putting everything she has on the table whether or not Amity already knows about her tricks, and she may not for all we know. In the same vein because Willow is putting everything into this fight to defeat Willow she may at times overcommit and she could most likely make strategic errors, even though she knows what to expect from Amity and does try to play her cards smartly, but her desire to win could potentially blind her to be outsmarted if she acts too reckless and is not careful enough in the name of proving her own strength Willow is on offense during this battle but has a very strong defense as well.
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While Willow has great control over her powers, there is a possibility she could lose control if the emotions during this battle (especially knowing what is at stake for her) are too intense and the plant magic could act against Willow as well.
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Return to the Masterpost.
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actually one thing that I think makes it the true reason I dislike huntlow as a ship is that it's not foreshadowed at all like how lumity was. both Luz and Amity expressly talk about romance in SOME way, even not in relation to eachother. Luz's wizard dream having a prince she was pseudo-into. Amity's diary and mentions of romance. both had clear romantic wishes, even if it was among the other ones such as be a witch and have a life outside of the blight name. willow and hunter *never* speak about love or anything like that, and if Hunter's like. aim was to have Belos love him, or *anyone* love him, I think it'd actually make the arc make sense and if Willow had that insecurity with being a teenage witch with no date or love to be found it'd make sense and I'd actually SEE huntlow being viable rather than shoehorned in where it made both of their personalities make zero sense for the scenes they were both in together
exactly! i always headcanoned willow as aroace because she literally shows no romantic interest in anyone? even her interest in hunter seemed so artificial. she just blushes and tells him he means a lot to her and… that's it? then they proceed to blush whenever they're around each other and there's literally nothing else to indicate a romantic interest.
meanwhile hunter seems less "in love" with willow, and more like he's worshipping her. it's a little reminiscent of how amity treated luz at first but even then, i feel like luz and amity were more on equal footing. we still see amity talking to luz casually, while all hunter does is blush and stutter around willow. i get it, young love and all that. but considering that hunter used to worship and idolize his abusive uncle, i can't help but feel like this kind of relationship is not right for him. i wouldn't say willow is a stand-in for belos or anything but i just don't think their dynamic works.
not to mention, both characters act horribly out of character with each other. willow was this kind but strong girl who only attacked or fought people who deserved it, but she's somewhat forceful and dominant with hunter. (i wouldn't go as far as to say toxic, i don't think she's abusive towards him or anything.)
meanwhile, hunter was this sassy and sardonic child prodigy who was trained in combat from a young age, but somehow he's always a damsel in distress when he's with willow. i have to clarify, i have no problem with women saving men or being stronger than men. but it just doesn't make sense for these characters because hunter isn't just some guy, he has supposedly gone through extremely torturous training and is a very proficient fighter. meanwhile, willow is just a normal highschooler who happens to be skilled at plant magic. how is she the stronger one here?
and of course, the fact that this ship was just shoved into the narrative with no development or chemistry just doesn't sit right with me. no hate to huntlow shippers but i really don't understand how people don't see how rushed and underdeveloped it is.
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smokestarrules · 3 months
When Luz helps Willow cheat that makes Amity lose the top student badge, Amity is mad and wanting to find out the truth - fandom's reaction: Oh no, Amity is so mean. She's irredeemable.
When Luz lies to Amity a few times and Amity forgives her - fandom's reaction: Amity is such a laid-back. She is nothing but Luz's gf and crazy fangirl. She should have got mad at Luz.
Ppl want more complex female characters and they can barely handle Amity Blight.
Unfortunately I have also seen some of these takes. Like, obviously Amity's overall behavior in ep3 is inexcusable, but what makes her character great is that there's so much more going on during that episode than just jealousy. I've spoken at length before about how Amity rises above a lot of her character tropes with the mere fact that her mask shatters rather early on in the show, and even in the first episode she's introduced in, you can see that there is so much to her.
This is something ToH's incredibly good at with any character, really. They're consistently inconsistent in the most realistic of ways, and so much of that is attributed to many of the characters having some sort of façade that has to eventually come down. It's just good writing.
(Also, I immediately do not trust anyone who gets mad at Luz for not initially telling the full truth in Reaching Out. Just say you don't understand the entire point of the episode and go. Amity did.)
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