#just something about luffy waking up and looking up at zoro bc he knows he will tell him what he needs to know immediately
beaulesbian · 8 months
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One Piece ep. 219 || "He had us worried the entire time."
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asliceofzosan · 8 months
because i woke up today still thinking of zosan's baby girl, here are some stuff about it that are now my roman empire:
none. i repeat NONE OF THESE STRAW HATS know how to hold a baby. sanji figured it out due to dormant maternal instincts alone. and more than half the time he has to yell at everyone to not hold her up by the calf or the ankles ("i'm looking at you luffy please for the love of the all blue do NOT gum gum whip her around like a toy—")
unlike both her dads, ayari is actually being extremely picky with food in the beginning. she hates certain textures and cries like its the end of the world when her baby food isn't heated to the right temperature. funnily enough, one of the few times she ate something she didn't want is if chopper is next to her eating the same thing and telling her its yummy. dw none of the baby food goes to waste. they're all re-used somehow in the week's menu. or zoro just ends up eating it.
ussop made a lil wrap around cloth for ayari so that sanji could cook while carrying her hands free. or zoro could have her strapped onto his back and nap while he does pushups.
robin could be seen reading books to ayari when both zoro and sanji are out cold and exhausted from being first time parents. one or both of them would wake up to find robin telling little ayari histories of the islands they visit, or the countries they've saved. she tones down some of the darker elements until she's old enough to grasp it. ayari grows up with auntie robin's love of wanting to know the world.
nami started doing her makeup with ayari on her lap. she shows all the different little products to her, letting her touch her brushes and everything. nami even "does ayari's makeup" too aka she just tickles her face with the brushes and pretends to put makeup on her so she feels like she's doing it too. when she's a little older, ayari asks sanji to join them and more often than not, sanji is making lunch with a full face of makeup done by ayari.
ayari's teething toy is a little plastic mouth sword. zoro is infinitely happy about it.
in the beginning, sanji tried to take up most of the parental responsibilities up until the point that he got too sick to even stand. he was stressed and exhausted beyond belief, actually pushing zoro away a lot. but when he collapses one day sporting a fever that was highly too reminiscent of when nami was sick after little garden, it scares him enough to finally seek zoro out for help.
and its not like zoro has not Tried to take the load off. its just that sanji was still fighting all his repressed feelings for zoro and this undue pressure hes put on himself to become a better parent than judge ever was to him. that he could raise this child with love and attention and devotion, completely forgetting that hes not the only parent.
zoro and sanji have a heartfelt talk about how the wish that was granted on that island was a blessing beyond belief. that theres a reason ayari looks like both of them. that she takes after both of them.
they both wished for this child in the deepest depths of their hearts. they wanted not just to be together but to have someone that grows up loved by them. cared for by them. not a restart or a replacement for a lost loved one like they first thought it was. but a child who sees them — zoro and sanji — and will one day wish to have a love like theirs.
oh also "luffy" is ayari's first word because zoro and sanji say it so often to stop their captain from doing dangerous shit while he's holding her. in line with that, her second word is "stop" so the first sentence she ever says is "luffy stop!"
the crew are hysterical over it. sanji stares into the void bc he wished for ayari's first word to be "dada"
he settles with the little joy of her fourth word being "marimo"
because her third word was "curly" (something he nearly strangled zoro for)
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beanghostprincess · 3 months
I'm gonna shamelessly drop some silly headcanons for the Cross Guild and also Shuggy:
• Shanks absolutely told Mihawk to his face "hey I think you and my boyfriend should hook up"
".... Excuse me?"
"I said you and Blue should hook up! :)"
".................. what percentage is that rum-?"
"I'm not drunk! I just think you'd like him!"
"Shanks. Redhair. I begrudgingly think of you as an acquaintance with whom I am not averse to spending time with, but if you ever insinuate I would "hook up" with a clown of all things, I will sever your other arm and beat you to death with it."
".... hot."
"You need professional help."
• cut to several years later, Mihawk is looking at Buggy, laid out on the ground on his tummy and playing with a baby humandrill. Oh, he thinks, watching Buggy coo and smile, quiet for once, sweet and unfiltered, oh no
• falling in love, for Mihawk, was a gradual decline, slow and steady until he suddenly got kicked off a cliff roadrunner style. He was warming up to the clown, was beginning to see what perhaps Shanks saw in him, was growing begrudgingly fond. Then one day, he happened across Buggy curled over onto a desk late at night, his cartoonishly large red outfit loose around him, drowning his limbs. With a touch of something approaching compassion, he designs to move the other to the couch at the very least, but then he sees Buggy is kneading the spare fabric in his sleep, not unlike a cat. When Mihawk scoops him up, the swordsman almost drops him because humans do not purr, and yet... shit. Shit. The Clown is cute. Who authorized this? Seas damn it all, he owes the Red bastard 250 Berri
• Crocodile resisted love with all the aplomb of a feral koala on crack. He outright REFUSED to fall for a clown, let alone THIS clown in particular. Then Buggy goes and does something absolutely mundane but cripplingly sweet like making his coffee PERFECTLY and then asking about the newest batch of strawberrywanis that just hatched. Croc gets affection aggression and is fuming over how much he wants to kiss this dumbass.
Buggy goes and makes it worse by making a soft comment about having been looking into their care himself out of interest and brings up maybe looking into expanding, what with the 'Wani yield, something Croc has been debating for future endeavors because while the current set up is okay and will remain alright, it won't always be. He is frothing. He is feral. He wants to kiss the clown. Shit. SHIT. How dare he?!
• Buggy is simply Oblivious. He has Shanks (and wowza if that hadn't been nice, seeing his boyenemy again after a highly traumatic experience like prison-and-then-war), and he knows he has a bit of a crush on his new business partners, but there's no way they'll like HIM back. It's simply not a Thing. He'll make do with self indulgent fantasies for now.
• Shanks is across the new world, sipping rum out of a sippy cup and grinning at the denden bc He Knows. He knows damn well that nobody is immune to his baby's charm. Nobody Is Immune To Buggy.
• Luffy wakes from a nap in a cold sweat like "my sand dad is about to kiss my clown mom. Zoro. Zoro wake up your dad is about to fuck my mom. Zoro-"
My favorite thing about Cross Guild falling in love is the inevitable way in which both Crocodile and Mihawk swear on their life they will NOT IN A MILLION YEARS fall for somebody as pathetic and ridiculous as the clown. And yet. And yet, they fall and it is painful to go through and they hate every second of it. But it goes from "I wanna kill him" to "He's okay" to "I guess he is cute" to "I would kill for him" in, like, months. Which for them feels like seconds. And they want to die.
And Buggy is completely oblivious, of course, he thinks they hate him. They are just two neurodivergent men who do not know how to communicate their feelings because they have been on their own for too long. So they are just. They're idiots.
Also, Luffy and Zoro reacting to Bughawk has to be the funniest things in the world-
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syrupfog · 4 months
AU where Sanji never actually left Germa, and Judge made him a test subject early on, successfully getting rid of his empathy after years of torture.
But like, he has those years of bullying from his brothers first, and his empathy’s gone but his anger’s still there. Also with no Zeff, he fights with his fists and doesn’t treat women Like That. Because Zeff’s the one who instilled in him to never hit a woman (and made it weird but that’s not the point).
He’s out on some mission in the Grand Line when he runs into the Straw Hats and he sees Zoro’s green hair and associates it with Yonji and he just haaaates him on sight.
The fight is super evenly matched and Zoro manages to knock him out eventually but he’s like what’s the guy’s DEAL. Wtf is his problem.
Maybe Law’s with them when it goes down and he recognizes that costume and fanboys…
Oh actually yeah— Law’s with them! And after Zoro knocks him out, Law goes into Creepy Surgeon Mode and is like for the love of god please let me get my fingers in that chest cavity
And everyone else (bar Robin ofc) is like Σ(゚д゚lll)
But Law gets a room going and finds all sort of odd Germa technology literally implanted in him and starts pulling it out and messing with it and suddenly Sanji wakes UP and he’s— he’s scared. And overwhelmed. He’s in real time having to reckon with years of torturing people.
And Law’s like oh the emotional part of this is not in my pay grade this is not my job anymore and dips.
So Sanji’s there in the Sunny’s infirmary like “I’m a monster I need to be put down oh my god” and Luffy shows up like HEY you’re cool as hell join my crew.
Zoro is not a fan of this option and also it turns out neither is Sanji BUT sanji has nowhere to go so he makes a deal to sail with them until the next habitable island. So Zoro watches him like a hawk bc he’s like “you’re definitely faking this and are gonna turn evil and try to kill people again right”
But instead he just keeps finding Sanji being really pathetic and sad and looking longingly at the kitchen (Robin doubles as the cook and her food is damn near inedible but that’s just the life of a pirate innit)
Late one night Zoro comes off watch and he sees Sanji sneaking into the kitchen and he thinks OH he’s going to try to POISON US so he sneaks in after him and confronts him, swords and all. And Sanji, who knows what an awful person he’s been and knows he deserves death, just starts crying and is like “yeah you can kill me just let me cook one thing once I just want to remember what it feels like”
So Zoro lets him cook, and is like yeah I’m killing you after this, and Sanji spends a long time sniffling as he re-familiarizes himself with pots and pans and spices and knives and ends up making something garlic-y and delicious that smells strong enough to wake up the crew, and everyone traipses in enraptured by the smell. So Sanji serves them and Zoro tries it first because if it’s poisoned he’s not letting EVERYONE go down. But it’s not poisoned and it’s really good, and anyway Zoro can’t kill him now in front of everyone.
But three nights later the same thing happens— he sees Sanji sneaking into the kitchen and follows him and Sanji says “I know you should’ve killed me last time but you couldn’t, I get that, but I’m dangerous. So let me cook just one more time and then you can kill me.”
And it doesn’t happen of course. Everyone comes in and everyone eats and Zoro watches Sanji recover a little of himself.
And so it goes. At first every few nights and then every other night, and then every single night.
And whenever Zoro comes in, Sanji says, I know I deserve to die but let me cook just one more thing.
And at some point Zoro stops thinking about killing Sanji. He’s a part of the crew now. He’s proving himself, and anyway Zoro can beat him and hold him down and Law can reverse whatever it is again if needs be.
So it’s just a thing they do. Zoro lightly threatens him and Sanji begs for his life and they move on. It’s routine but it doesn’t actually MEAN anything anymore.
That is, until one really bad night where Sanji doesn’t show up in the kitchen like he always does, and Zoro goes looking and finally finds him deep in the steerage, and Sanji says, “I can’t keep living like this, please just kill me. I can’t keep living knowing I’m going to die the next day.”
And Zoro’s like ???? You’re not gonna die the next day wtf
And Sanji says, please, just get it over with.
Zoro realizes that Sanji has continued all this time assuming Zoro really is coming to kill him every night
But it’s been MONTHS at this point. Surely he wouldn’t still think—
But Sanji’s wracked with more than a decade’s worth of guilt, is so sure he deserves the worst the world possibly has to offer.
Too bad Zoro’s a little in love with him at this point. And says anyone who wants to kill Sanji will have to go through Zoro first.
Which Sanji DOESNT UNDERSTAND and he doesn’t understand the kiss Zoro follows it up with, but he returns it. Greedily.
Because as much as he knows he deserves death, he also relishes every moment of life, every chance to feel the emotions he wasn’t allowed. And Zoro goes from jailer to protector in his mind. Slowly. Hesitantly.
He spends years working through the trauma, decades really, but the simplicity with which Zoro sees the world helps. Zoro doesn’t blame him. Zoro loves him. Sanji doesn’t know much but he knows he’ll defend this ship that saved him with his life.
And he knows Zoro wouldn’t let Sanji defend HIM with his life, because Zoro views his life as precious and important.
Which is something Sanji is still learning.
He’ll get there.
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aetherdoesthings · 5 months
Hello! I'm diving into your posts and everything is so lovely!
So I'd like to know if you're interested in writing about a reader who isn't sure why they were recruited, since they don't participate in the battles and are an ordinary person; The reader is always trying to prove their worth to their romantic interest in some way and sees this opportunity when, alone on the boat, other pirates invade the vessel and deciding that this was the moment, the reader tries to fight all of them and gets very hurt.
It may sound a bit confusing but the main idea would be something like "I want it, I get it", giving the idea that the reader was simply recruited by the cliché of love at first sight.
It's okay if you turn down the idea, find it boring, or just don't respond at all! I just thought it would be a cool and very emotional idea, cute confession and with a unique touch of each character, you know?
Anyway, thanks for reading and have a great day/night! ♡
(the characters in question would be Zoro, Luffy and Sanji)
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hello R~! i chose to only write for zoro bc i've been writing sanji a lot and i haven't really done a lot of zoro fics, so yeah! apologies if you wanted luffy or sanji!
forethoughts: kinda rushed, it's 1am and i have to wake up at 7 tomorrow 😭. this req will be a mixture of headcanons (bullet points) and text. also just as a question has any of y'all listened to ado before?
notes: gn!reader, zoro that doesn't know how to show emotions but being blunt about it.
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You really had no idea what your life would become when a scrawny boy walked up to you and asked you to join his pirate crew. No reason at all, just ‘hey join my crew’.
You were an ordinary person. That’s all. Can’t fight, can’t do anything, really. But you did so anyways, since maybe life on a ship would be much better.
You tried to get along with the crew and show your worth, but there wasn’t anything you could really do. There were already three very formidable fighters, a navigator, an archaeologist, a craftsman and snipe, a shipwright, all the jobs were already taken. So what could you do?
Thank God Luffy always called you to play tag with him and Usopp and Chopper, either having you chase them around, or find them in a game of hide and seek.
But one day, while the Straw Hats were exploring an island, you were tasked to guard the ship. You tried your best, hoping no pirates would come to attack you, but you had the worst luck in the world.
A band of pirates came towards the Sunny, and got on board. You had no experience in fighting at all, except for a couple of times Zoro would drag you into the gym to practice your punches and increase your strength. You never asked why, he just forced you to put on boxing gloves and begin hitting a punching bag. 
You knew that if you managed to hold them off, you could prove your worth to the Straw Hats, so you balled your fists and striked at a pirate.
You get knocked out and beaten into a blood pulp within an instance, 
Fortunately the Straw Hats came back early, and quickly subdued all the pirates and recovered anything stolen, as Chopper rushed to take you back to the infirmary.
When you gained consciousness, you saw a green haired man standing next to your bed, his arms folded.
There wasn’t anyone else in the room. Just you and the swordsman.
“Zoro?” You murmur.
“How do you feel?” He asked.
“My body hurts…” You try to sit up, before getting stopped by a blade.
“Move and I’ll slice your throat.” Zoro looked at you, his eyes narrowing. You lied back down on the bed, looking at the swordsman as he sheathed his sword.
“Where’s everyone else?”
“Fixing the ship and recovering everything.”
You felt guilt filling your heart, as you frowned. “I’m sorry… I really tried… I just can’t fight… I’m not good at fighting… I’m sorry…”
“You idiot, don’t be sorry. And don’t even think about moving.” The swordsman snapped. But underneath his words, you can tell his voice was shaking. You stay still, lying down on the bed.
“Why did Luffy recruit me? I’m just some ordinary person. I can’t even fight. I can’t even do anything…”
“That’s bullshit.”
“I’m sorry?”
“That’s bullshit. You’re not ordinary. You can do things.”
“But I can’t fight…”
“You don’t need to know how to fight to be on this crew.” Zoro looked at you intensely. “You’re already doing enough on this ship.”
“What could you possibly mean by that?”
“You’re doing enough on this ship by being on this ship.”
“You’re confusing me.”
“I like you, hear me? I love you a lot.” Zoro gripped onto your chin tightly, looking at you in the eyes. “I saw you on that island while back. It was like love at first sight. And when I want something, I’ll get it. So I got Luffy to let you join.”
“Wait, what?!  You like me?”
“Yes, I do.” Zoro looks at you. “So don’t ever dare call yourself useless. You have a use.”
“Being your girlfriend?”
“Mhm. Whatever I want, I always get it.”
Life was certainly going to get interesting for you now.
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blacklegsanjiii · 5 months
Okay but- I'm not the same asl+sanji brothers au ask but I'm thinking about this a lot
Like, is said that Sanji run away when they were in the East Blue so, what if be accident the sea makes he go to Goa? Like, Luffy and Makino finds him in the beach, hurt and with a metal thing in his head and Luffy calls Ace and Sabo, and when they see how this boy is they are horrified.
The first weeks are hard, Sanji is always scared and flinchs at everything. Until Sabo mention something about a sea creature or cooking and Sanji is, for the first time, really talking with them and not flinching much.
Some time later, during the night when Luffy is already asleep, the 3 start to talk (more Ace and Sabo since Sanji don't really talk unless 'necessary') and Sanji ends up telling them everything he went through and- both older boys are so mad.
After this, Ace and Sabo start to be more protective of him since, well- their 'little brother' suffered as hell and still is really traumatized.
In this, Sabo don't lose his memory (he still has the scar and meet Dragon, but he ask to go back to his brothers and end up saying something about 'Makino' and Dragon drops him in the place without anyone notice) but has 3 brothers hugging him while the two younger cry their eyes out.
Since Sanji is raised with these 3 feral boys who he started to call brothers, he is more feral than in canon. But I also think he wouldn't be the way he is in canon with women, in truth, probably he would fight one just like Luffy.
In Marineford, Sabo still has his memories and manage to enter and help alongside Sanji and Luffy (I hc that even if Sabo don't go with Dragon he would still be a Revolutionary bc of like, discovering about and liking it). All of them are hurt but if it's to save one of them, is worth it.
(Zosan bonus: when the strawhats first meet Ace, he is always with Luffy and Sanji, and for Zoro who already has a small crush in the cook just make him jealous)
(WCI arc bonus: when everything with the Vinsmokes hapoens, there's no way Ace and Sabo don't go to drag their brother back, because after all the Vinsmokes did to Sanji, they aren't letting him go with them – even if to save his crew)
That's a whole timeline split. Damn. Alright. For Sanji to show up on the beach with the fucking mask??? And no one knowing where he came from having someone have to pick the fucking lock to get it off would traumatise everyone around. He's skittish and jumpy and they quickly learn to tone down the violence. This twirly browed kid who mumbled his name is 'Sanji' and is so quiet even with Makino.
When they mention having to cook that's the first time Sanji starts talking with them. They managed to convince Sanji to cook for them and it's over from them on. Sanji is theirs, dammit! Sabo, Ace, and Luffy are all about protecting Sanji and Sanji is weirded by that and Luffy is fucking rubber so ya know. They're better than his blood brothers that's for sure.
And yeah one night Luffy is asleep so the elder three are talking and at some point Ace asks about the helmet and why Sanji was wearing it when he showed up. Ace has no tact and the look Sabo gives him as Sanji's eyes well with tears that freely fall as he explains he'd been in it for two years in a dungeon in his kingdom. That his father did it to him when he failed to kill him, that his blood brothers would hurt him constantly, that he was the shame of the Germa kingdom and of Vinsmoke Judge. Ace and Sabo are crying too and holding Sanji and claiming him to be their brother and they seal it when Luffy wakes up with a drink.
If Sabo keeps his memories and comes back with Dragon, Luffy's dad who all the boys tilt their heads at because what the fuck but also Sanji and Luffy are crying because Sabo's home! He's home but Sabo explains he talked to Luffy's dad and is going to join the revolutionary army but he'll visit, a lot! So much! And he does! He's there for every birthday and event and stuff. When Ace sets off they're all happy and waving.
Also basically if Sanji isn't raised by Zeff/only by Zeff he's fighting anyone and everyone. Also imagine a Sanji who's still just as good of a cook as he usually is but just as feral. Sabo gave him a bunch of cook books and normal books so like Sanji's got the book smarts for the Strawhats and Luffy's got the emotional intelligence because if they weren't together it would be chaos and truthfully it's probably best that Sanji and Luffy set off together.
In Alabasta everyone is like laughing cuz that's Luffy's brother how cool! Why is he also hanging off Sanji? And Zoro is getting insanely jealous and Sanji, the flaming bisexual that he is like, "oh I'm Luffy's other brother! There's a fourth one of us too but he's with Luffy's dad rn! No need to be so jealous, Moss!"
Marineford shows Luffy, Sabo, and Sanji showing up. Garp is staring at his three grandsons and he's with the fourth one on the execution platform. Sabo, Garp and Ace see Sanji catch his legs on fire with no fruit and it's all. And then when they save Ace and escape with the White Beard fleet.
WCI is going to be a fucking threat if Sabo, Ace, and Luffy are all descending on to Tottoland to get Sanji back. I imagine Koala and Nami are having constant heart palpitations, Brook can't cuz he's dead and he can't even bite his finger nails, cuz, ya know, he's dead.
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drowninginblox · 7 months
OPLA! Roronoa Zoro Drabbles- how you met + how you joined the crew
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I am drunk off this man right now. If he'd let me, I'd love to get to know him over a bottle of wine and a sirloin steak. Even though he's more of a booze man ofc. Below are some stray thoughts I have about him since I am slightly obsessed lol. I hope y'all enjoy my romantic/self-indulgent drabbles. One more thing- all of these HCs will surround an MC who identifies as Female.
Edit: hahaha umm.. happy late borth Zoro. Sorry for being late lol
I don't think you'd meet Zorro when he was young. Rather, you'd be on an otherwise unremarkable island or boat somewhere on the east blue, make your way to the grand line (ya fucking idiot). For some reason, to him anyway, you'd be the most remarkable thing about that rest stop. That one girl in that one bar he had a conversation with.
Whenever he thinks back on you, your smile would always be the first thing that comes to mind. Then your laugh. And then that side-eye glance you'd send his way when you ask him what he's thinking about. Usually after a contemplative sip of whatever you were indulging yourself on.
There are a lot of things that Zoro enjoys in life, but as much as he is the strong and silent type of guy, I think he enjoys a worthwhile conversation far more. So long as it means something to either of you. He hates pointless banter if there's nothing backing it.
When you see Zoro again, it's on the mainland shortly after the beginning of the time skip (haha spoilers 'LA watchers. We're in for a two-year time skip at some point in the series). You two meet up on land, just a skip away from where you two were gonna break away to your respective destinations. Completely on accident btw
Yall decide to spend the night together. Nothing zesty happens, Only wholesome cuddling and a long conversation that drifts into the early hours of the morning.
Yall wakes up at noon. He lets it slip that he's gonna train for a bit before meeting up with some friends at a very remote port god knows where, and you promise yourself two things.
You're not gonna drag this man down
You're gonna be one hell of a worthwhile pirate
So when y'all break away, promising each other that this definitely isn't gonna be the last time y'all meet, you decide to become a pro marksman. The gun kind, not the slingshot kind (don't wanna come after Ussop's brand lol)
So you do that for a year and a half before you make your way to the meet-up spot. You get there a day early, and during breakfast, you see Zoro and this blond bitch running somewhere. Naturally, you dropped everything (literally dropped your food back on the table) and jumped from the balcony to chase these mother fuckers to the docks where (spoilers) the sunny was parked.
It isnt until Zoro's halfway up the ship that you yell his name. He turns to see you, and it's like that night from a year ago all over again. He's got half a mind to jump down to you, but Luffy looks over and asks what's going on.
Everyone's teasing Zoro's ass bc of "the side piece he's picked up"
Ussop and Choper are asking him what your name is and where he found you
Sanji is on you immediately
Nami is asking for a fee to get on the ship
Franky is wondering why you built differently compared to every other girl he's seen (I like to make my OP OC's anything but Oda's depiction of the fem. figure. Mostly cubby and/or built. Sometimes both.)
Robin is wondering what's in your backpack since you look well packed (It's books. Fuck you I'm making physical fanfiction canon to one piece)
Zoro, meanwhile, is (mostly) worried about Luffy since he's captain.
Luffy looks you up and down, asks what you can do, and you say you're an alright marksman. Ussop is up and arms at this and Luffy backs him up saying that yall already have a marksman (and that you're a girl anyway so that isn't even the right term)
You say that you're knowledgeable in medicine and you're done your fair share of odd jobs since you've picked up a few things as a barmaid.
Luffy ponders this, countering that they already have a doctor but could always use the support when needed. He looks back to the crew and asks them what they think as well, wich surprises you a little. Nami and Robin would appreciate another afab person on the crew but supplies are tight as is, Franky thinks you're cool, same for Chopper. Sanji comments on supplies as well but he wouldn't mind if another girl is on board. Ussop is a little threatened by your presence and is against your addition entirely.
Zoro almost yells at him but before he starts, you get on your knees and properly ask him, along with the rest of the crew to stay. Luffy asks you why, and you say that you want to live. Live life with people you know and do it to the fullest. You then look back to Ussop, who is staring you down. "I didn't come to replace you. I came to follow, and hopefully live up to the people he adores," You glance over to Zoro, who is surprised you admitted that in front of his (totally not) family. "He holds you all to such a high standard. I wanna be a part of that."
Ussop just tells you to stand up and looks at Luffy. Luffy lets you on board, with the condition that you show off your skills. You do so.
Zorro helps you on and holds your hand as y'all are leaving port.
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sleepyrayray · 1 year
We Go Where No One Goes - One Piece HTTYD AU (What Dragons would some OP  characters have)
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A/N: First thing I have written on tumblr. I’m really addicted to How To Train Your Dragon right now so I thought I’d do headcanons on what dragons I think some characters would bond with/have.  I might make an x reader series of this au as well. I’ll do more characters at a later date!! Also I don’t know how to work things exactly but this is my best shot hopefully it works. I’d love some feedback about this as I am very interested in turning this into a series of sorts or even multiple. Hope you all like it!!
Content Warning: Can be read as an x reader in some parts (as I use the word you in some places) though gender is not specified!! Can also be read as platonic or romantic in those parts, whatever you see fit. SFW!! Fluff. Dragons!! How To Train Your Dragon AU. Mentions of fighting as well as dragon attacks. There probably will be grammar and spelling errors here. Some characters may be a bit OOC. I think that’s all but tell me if there’s anything I should add.
Characters: Monkey D. Luffy, Roronoa Zoro, Nico Robin, Eustass Kid, Killer, Trafalgar D. Law (All seperate).
Monkey D. Luffy
- A Nightfury. That’s it. He’ll have a nightfury.
- Now we’ll see something COMPLETELY different from hiccup’s and toothless’ relationship simply because... you have double the trouble now.
- I can see Luffy and his Nightfury getting into trouble every day like they are partners in CRIME, two peas in a pod... honestly one would think they share the same brain AND the same stomach because both of them will eat a shit ton of food (fish for the nightfury).
- No sharing though. Luffy refuses to share his food with his dragon best friend (He tries to steal his nightfury’s food but everyone has to stop him as they dont want him to get sick from eating raw fish).
- Honestly count them to be dirty by the time they get home in mud and such.
- They also go out flying and adventuring together almost every day!! Discovering new places, meeting new people!! Everyone else going with him just to make sure he doesn’t get captured by dragon hunters.
- Though when it comes to battle, there is a chance you’ll see a more serious side of him and his dragon, especially if someone he cares about has been captured or hurt in some way shape or form!!
- Sure it may be a bit fun in games at the start but as the fight goes on they both get more serious.
- He makes sure everyone gets out alive, no one gets left behind on his watch, even if he and his dragon have to fight every single person on an island and/or ship.
- Yeah the bad guys are not winning in the end if he shows up, especially if he brought the gang with him!!
- Then there’s a party right after with them and their dragons as well!!
- Oh did I mention he’s the chief of his island...?
- Yeah who made him chief... (It was shanks.)
- The villagers question it every day... but they have no say in it now...
- But look on the bright side!! There will never be a boring day in the village since Luffy is chief!!
- He also tends to neglect his duties...
- Well, they get done somehow!!
- Just make sure you stay prepared.
Roronoa Zoro
- Triple Stryke. Yes, he has a triple stryke.
- A dragon that uses three tales to slash and take down it’s enemies screams zoro to me. They litterally train together with zoro’s three sword style and the dragon using it’s tail.
- They take naps together. Though don’t wake them as his dragon will try and snap at you... 
- Without his dragon, Zoro would get lost a lot more then he already does.
- His dragon is litterally Zoro’s guide at times and will drag him with it’s tails when Zoro is going the wrong way.
- Zoro uses his dragon as a pillow as well, sometimes doesn’t even sleep on a bed bc it’s so comfy and warm.
- His dragon and Luffy’s dragon often play together and have fun together.
- Is the one to get seperated from his dragon the most though.
- Might be seen to be a bit cold to his dragon but if you look closely you can see him giving it small pets or even some of his food.
- Tries to keep the affection in private or when no one isn’t looking, though he does fail at times and gets teased for it.
- He also is probably the one who runs the blacksmiths and helps makes the weapons, saddles and other things the village may need.
- Somehow he gets it done in time even with some (many) naps inbetween.
- Honestly you get the best made stuff in the village.
- They often see people from other villages as well just to get their hands on what he makes.
- I feel like he’d be one of the most serious in battle.
- Litterally fights back to back with his dragon, both covering eachother’s blindspots.
- It can be hard to land a hit when Zoro and his dragon are fighting together.
- 2nd guy you do not wanna face.
Nico Robin
- She would have a Boneknapper. - Since Robin is an archeologist and a Boneknapper is basically living history since it is covered in bones I feel like they’d make a perfect fit. Also who knows what kinds of bones that the Boneknapper has on it!! Could be anything!! I can see Robin studying the bones and see where they originate from such as from a dragon, human, animal or something else entirely!! - Robin probably has an area outside of her house where the dragon has stored all kinds of random objects, some aren’t even bones and are just random things that interested it!!! - Robin has like 1000000000000000000000000+ complaints from the villagers because her dragon keeps taking their stuff(it even took someone’s roof one time... that was an entire ordeal....). - Always ends up scolding her dragon but... it never learns and proceeds to continue to steal. At this point Robin has considered her life options when it comes to her boneknapper. - Well great news is that she has found many discoveries from the bones on her dragon’s body which has advanced their knowledge in dragons and humans a like!! - Not the most comfortable dragon to ride on but Robin made it work (Somehow). With the help of Zoro she had constructed the perfect sadle for her dragon! - It can be a bit difficult to fight with her boneknapper as it will often try to add whatever it sees onto itself if. Sometimes it’ll try to take a person with it (remember how stormfly acted with that one guy from httyd 2?? Eric the son of Eric?? I see it as that.) But it works as a great decoy to get everyone distracted and busy!! It is also great at destroying things with it’s tail. - Also most people run away when they see it as they’re terrified of it when in reality it is just a big giant puppy especially when it plays human fetch!! - I see Robin as the person who documents and keeps the village history as well as any other history she finds out. She writes it down and stores it so those in the future can read it!! - She has written many books and you bet she’ll let anyone read it!! - Her books are very accurate, you can trust her writing 100% as she makes sure to tell no lies. 
Eustass Kid
- He would have a monsterous nightmare. I am partnering him up with a dragon that can set itself on fire as it matches his personality.
- Kid would just be walking around the village and his dragon would be following him, menacingly staring and sometimes even growling at the other villagers. It has a bit of an attitude problem.
- When Kid yells at someone, his dragon will yell with with him or it will laugh/chuckle at the person being yelled at.
- His dragon will sometimes mess something up and then blame someone else just to get another person in trouble.
- Kid will have his dragon with him as he works on different inventions of his as well as making things for himself and even for the village. His dragon is great for lighting up the fires so he can heat up the metal!! And acts as a heater when it is cold outside.
- He has no problem fighting anyone who threatens his village, friends, his dragon or anyone else that might need protecting. Though he might begrudgedly help a stranger out but he always says it’s because “I did it since it benifets me.” when in reality he couldn’t stand to see another person and their dragon get captured.
- Is a very strong fighter, always setting hunter’s boats and other enemy villages ablaze alongside his dragon. He has won around 89% of the battles he has faced. The other 11%? We’ll go into that later. Though let’s say he was extra mad/grumpy/tense right after those losses which resulted in him yelling even more or just staying inside his workshop at the forgery.
- He has two jobs!! He’s both the chief and the blacksmith!! According to his words he takes on being the blacksmith as well because “No one else is talented enough to make the gear the village needs” when in reality it is because he really wants to make things and it gives him the chance of creating his own inventions!!
- He and Zoro are competing to be the better blacksmith.
- He already believes he’s the best chief around.
- He also recieves a lot of requests for things to be made even from people from other villages.
- He’s a busy man.
- He would have a Changewing as his dragon. Changewings like to hide by camouflauging themselves, and with how Killer keeps a mask on it is as if they are both hiding in some way. Also I feel like they would get along very well.
- Changewings can be quite territorial so I can see it not liking it when other’s enters the home it lives with Killer in, so it either has to be outside or Killer has to keep it calm. Though it doesn’t mind Kidd coming over, it quite likes kid. You could see it even seek pets from kid which would in turn make Kid’s dragon a bit jealous.
- Changewings can also be a bit mischevious and Killer’s will play pranks on it’s rider. You will litterally see it poke Killer and then camouflage itself as Killer looks around to see who poked him. Though one time it camouflaged and stayed silent for a while. Killer thought it ran away or something and spent the whole day running around the island, panicked, looking for it when it was just resting at home. Let’s just say it got a big scolding when Killer got home (and a punishment of not having it’s favorite fish for a while). It never did it again.
- It will also mess with the other villagers.
-  1000000000000000000000000+ complaints part 2, but you might as well double it as he gets complaints about two things. One. His dragon scares the kids at night (as well as the scardy cats of the village) causing them to scream and wake up the village. It also randomly knocks things over, destroys things, pokes people while camouflage so it isn’t seen making people think they’re seeing things or there actually is a ghost haunting the village. Though at this point they know the culprit. 2. It loves taking things, it’s a curious creature!! It will take anything that raises it’s interest!! Even if it is a human being!! It once took someone’s child and tried to act like it’s parents... it took 5 hours to get the dragon seperated from the child and another 5 to calm down the angry parents...
- Killer questions how the village hasn’t tried to kick his dragon out yet...
- Though on the bright side they make a good fighting pair!! While Killer is focusing on beating hunters or other enemies up with his punishers, his dragon is camouflaging and taking out the enemies as well! There has been quite a few times where Killer’s dragon has saved his life as well.
- Though bewhare... it might try to hypnotize you. It has done so on many enemies in order to defeat them, as well as some villagers in order to mess with them. It’s hypnotizing is very powerful as well, though it rarely uses the ability.
- Also beware of it’s acid, it can melt almost anything. Though it can’t melt normal metal but it can melt dragon proof metal!! 
- They trust each other and know how to fight!! Sometimes they get seperated but they both find their way back to each other.
- Oh! Killer works as Kid’s second in command!! He helps Kid out with some of the workload he gets so Kidd can have some free time to work on his gadgets and such.
- He has fun working as Kid’s second-in-command as he couldn’t wish for anything more after growing up as Kid’s best friend.
Trafalgar D. Law
- He would have a Tide Glider. While it is only seen in the games, I feel as if it fits Law the best. This is due to the fact it is known to be calm as well as peaceful and has healing capabilities!!
- Due to being a Doctor, having a dragon that is able to heal others is a lifesafer. Think of how many lives he could save with a dragon that can heal wounds with its saliva?? That is why he bonded with the Tide Glider. 
- He lives a peaceful life with his dragon, as his dragon is also a giant sweetheart and you’ll see it push him to take care of himself. Sometimes it’ll lay on top of him just to make him go to sleep when it deams it time.
- His dragon acts like a mother toward’s him at times, it just wants to make sure he’s okay.
- His dragon gets into no trouble at all, it just follows Law wherever he goes and helps him with whatever duties he has with that day.
- He always ends up giving his dragon presents and such, he doesn’t show it but he really adores his buddy.
- Will pet his dragon often every day, mostly while he is at home.
- They have a very sweet bond with eachother, you can guarantee they’ll be best friends forever.
- Now when it comes to fighting, they’re both also very good at it. Though Law is very keen on his surroundings. If he notices anyone injured that’s on his side he’ll send his dragon over to provide some healing. His dragon also knows when to attack, and is very good in fighting in the sea as well due to being a dragon that is known to live in the water.
- Oh it can also spit out acid.
- Have I mentioned that the water it spits out is poisonous?? Just don’t wash it with water, it’ll make it worse. Yak milk is said to work, but it might not work with every tide glider poison you come across so you just have to be lucky and hope it works.
- They trust eachother greatly and you’ll definately be able to see it on the battlefield.
- As of jobs, I have mentioned that he is the doctor of the village but he is also the Chief!! There are other doctors in the village of course, he’s just the best one and the main doctor in the village.
- He does both duties which causes him to often get sleepless nights and to not take care of himself. But don’t worry! His Tide Glider is there to make sure he takes care of himself. As stated before, it will force him to sleep by laying on top of him against his will. That includes picking him up and bringing him to his bed!! He may not like it but somehow he does fall asleep, although begrudgingly. His dragon will also bring him anything he deems edible (even raw fish at times) just so he can have something to eat.
- Overall you’re witnessing best friends for life right here.
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sharkboygirlish · 3 years
Word Count: 1414
Disclaimer: One Piece and all it’s characters belong to Eiichiro Oda, I just like to write about them.
Warnings: None.
Rating: T
Author’s Notes: I was thinking about how luffy absolutely for sure has ptsd from his insane childhood & how he probably deals with nightmares from time to time bc of it. i like to hc that he goes to cuddle with various crew mates when he’s having a really hard night; and that he started doing it bc of the very first night he and zoro spent in the boat together so I wrote about it, lol. 
this is mostly from zoro’s pov & honestly now that I’m writing this post I might make this a series alternating between luffy’s pov and the rest of the straw hats when he comes to them for comfort bc I love writing cuddle fics. we’ll seeeeee.
Summary: Zoro’s not used to comforting people, but for his captain? He could learn to be. 
Lost somewhere in a foggy dream land, Zoro woke when he was startled by what sounded like soft cries drifting into his left ear. ‘What the hell?’ 
Cracking one groggy eye open, the swordsman turned his head in Luffy’s direction to find him thrashing side to side with his arms thrown over his face like he was defending himself. 
Were they under attack? He sat up to get a better look but he didn’t see anyone else in their boat. ‘So Luffy… Was still asleep? Should he try to wake him up?’
“Oi, Luffy! Wake up, you’re just dreaming.” 
He must not have spoken loud enough because Luffy didn’t react. Instead, he started twisting even more violently to the point that the boat rocked with him. It sounded like he was mumbling the phrase, “I won’t tell you,” over and over again but Zoro hadn’t the faintest clue why.
“Luffy! Wake UP!” Zoro tried again, this time louder, and when that didn’t work he swore. ‘The hell else was he supposed to do?!’ He had to put a stop to this before Luffy capsized the both of them.
Without many other ideas, or options really, he decided to plant one of his knees on either side of Luffy’s thighs, trapping them. Then he reached down and grabbed one of the rubber boy’s wrists in each of his hands, pinning them to his chest and pressing his whole torso against the bottom of the boat.
“Snap out of it Luffy, you’re havin’ a nightmare!”  To his great relief, Luffy’s eyes finally fluttered open but his pupils were like pinpricks, his breathing erratic, head whipping around like he wasn’t sure where he was. 
When his eyes landed back on his first mate, Zoro noticed how his pupils dilated back to their normal size. “Zoro..?” He managed to slow his breathing as he looked up at him, slightly confused but considerably less scared. It was almost like recognizing Zoro’s face had been what calmed him down.
The pirate hunter heaved a quiet sigh, releasing Luffy’s wrists and sitting back on his heels a little, regarding the boy lying beneath him with something in his expression akin to sympathy. “Does that happen a lot?”
Luffy was quiet for a while, gaze sweeping off to the side like he was remembering something he didn’t want to. Stuck to his eyes were a layer of tears that made them sparkle like the stars above their heads. His voice was quiet when he finally did answer. “Sorta.”
That was troubling for more than one reason. Zoro furrowed his brows, concerned, arms moving to cross over his chest before he realized that he was still straddling the captain’s thighs. ‘Shit, fuck, whoops.’ 
Blood threatened to burn his cheeks as he quickly moved off to kneel next to him instead. This time he knotted his arms together because he was self-conscious.
Luffy didn’t seem to think anything of it as he sat up and hugged his shins to his chest, resting his chin on his knees. He looked so… Tired, and small. 
A stark contrast from the fearless captain that had leapt in front of a flurry of bullets to save him from execution without thinking once. It hurt his heart to see Luffy like this. ‘But what could he possibly do to help?’
“Is there… Anything that’ll make them stop?”
“Well…” Luffy knit his brows together as he thought for a moment, looking in Zoro’s direction. “It never happens when I sleep with someone.”
Zoro stared back at him with slightly narrowed eyes for several seconds.
‘He couldn’t possibly be talking about sex, right? There was no way. Did -- Luffy even know what sex was? Never mind - he must have meant literally sleeping next to somebody else.’
“What, so like… Cuddling?”
“I guess, yeah.”
He was blinking so innocently over at Zoro that the swordsman felt his heart wrench like he’d been stabbed. “…Why cuddling?”
“Dunno. Just makes me feel more safe.”
There was no reason that he couldn’t do that for his captain. None that weren’t rooted in machismo ideals about when/how it was appropriate to comfort or be affectionate with other men, at least. 
“I…” He began and then hesitated, glancing anywhere but directly at Luffy. ‘Why was his pulse spiking like this? What the hell was he so nervous about? Knock it off, idiot.’
Zoro bit the inside of his cheek to punish himself for being so out of control of his own body. Hard as he tried he just couldn’t keep his face from turning red as he spoke. “I’ll sleep with you, Luffy. If it’ll make you feel better.”
If he noticed him blushing his captain didn’t comment, but he did lift his head into a slight tilt. “Are you sure? You don’t have to, you know.”
“Of course I know that, dumbass,” Zoro dragged a hand through his hair, his face burning even hotter than he thought it could. He started to chastise himself for being so stupid and embarrassing but then Luffy smiled at him. 
Not the wide grin he tended to give out during the day, though. This one was smaller, less in his mouth and more in his eyes. Zoro calmed almost instantly, the tension leaving his shoulders and untying his knotted stomach. ‘Why did Luffy’s smile make him feel so light and sunny every single time?’
“Okay,” he seemed relieved, like the offer had been exactly what he needed, “Thanks Zoro.”
Zoro heaved a heavy sigh when he was sure that most of the blood had drained from his cheeks, looking back at his captain with feigned irritation. “Shut your mouth.”
Luffy giggled, beaming with both eyes scrunched up as Zoro stretched out beside him, placing both hands behind his head. Then he moved to join his first mate, draping an arm across his torso and tangling one of his legs with his. His head settled onto Zoro’s chest, cheek pressed right over the space where his heart pounded quicker than its owner would like to admit.
“Night Zoro.” Luffy mumbled fondly, eyelids slipping closed as he nuzzled his forehead against one of Zoro’s collarbones.
‘Damnit. He was too goddamn cute for his own good.’ Zoro bit the inside of his cheek again, gazing silently up at the dark clouds shifting above his head and wondering why on earth he’d just referred to Luffy as cute. That wasn’t a word men were supposed to use to describe each other...
But for fuck’s sake, he was cute. He was fucking adorable. He was like a little kid that needed Zoro to protect him -- and he could do that. He would do that. He would do anything if it meant keeping Luffy safe. 
“Yeah,” Zoro murmured after a while, folding one of his arms securely around Luffy’s waist and pulling him in till the top of his head was nestled under his chin, “Night, captain.”
Luffy hummed back softly. A few minutes later he was snoring peacefully while the swordsman’s eyes remained trained on the rapidly thinning clouds. 
Somehow in the span of just a day this.. kid had become the most important person in his life and Zoro refused to let death take him like it had taken Kuina. He hadn’t been there to catch her when she fell -- but he would be there for his captain. He vowed to himself and the stars winking down at him that he would always protect Luffy. 
If he fell Zoro would catch him. If he was thrown into the sea, Zoro would dive after him without even thinking once. If he was captured Zoro would break him free or he would die trying.
He felt Luffy shifting against his side and at first Zoro thought he might be having another nightmare -- but then he just snuggled closer and buried his face in his neck. ‘So fucking precious.’  A small smile pulled at his mouth that he didn’t fight off.
Holding Luffy felt nice. No, it felt really nice. It gave him a sense of purpose and made him feel needed, wanted. The only other time he felt something remotely similar to this was when he got his hands on expensive sake -- but this feeling was so much better. Maybe... It was okay to relish in it for a while.
If only under the cover of night where it was just him, his captain, and the nearly endless sea.
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asexualzoro · 4 years
list of reasons i find Brook ridiculous
for brook’s birthday, ive decided to follow up my other two posts of this genre by dragging yet another idiot swordsman. i have everybrook open on my phone next to me. here we go
- first and foremost his most ridiculous crime is existing. as he’s already so ridiculous as a character, im going to talk only about things hes done
- i want to know, did Brook make a conscious effort to change his laugh to sound like his favorite song? how long did it take? what was the in between period like? what did his crew have to say about this? the rumbar pirates were big on playful teasing, did they let Brook live this down? 
- ALTERNATIVELY: was brook’s laugh already like that? is that why bink’s sake is his favorite song? is that why it was York’s favorite-- oh we only made it two bullet points before i made myself sad
- relatedly i cannot make fun of anything Brook did in his backstory it will make me too sad. hes spared for now
- i DO want to say from a writing standpoint its so fucking ridiculous to me that he mentions twice being a convoy captain in the past and it never comes up again. oda?? why even bother to include something that cool if you weren't even going to do anything with it?? you could have said hes just always been a pirate but no. oda?? oda
- there was that bit where a bunch of people thought Brook was satan and addressed him as such (i think Satan-sama in the original, and the translation i read was like... Lord Satan or Lord Demon or something). not only did Brook never correct them, but he also ran with it and later used this case of mistaken identity as a reason to threaten to eat a man’s heart 
- also both men and women were showing him their underwear in that bit. bi rights
- those satanists let Brook get kidnapped while saying they would try to summon him back. do you think they're still at it
- Brook is older than... basically every old man in the series. Garp, Whitebeard, Rayleigh... all of them. something about that is so weird to me and i cannot place why
- Brook has seen and can prove the existence of an afterlife in One Piece canon and its then never addressed again
- Brook missed so many huge events while being dead. im looking at a timeline rn and these include the obvious, like, roger’s execution and subsequent effect on in-world culture and society and whatever. but also things like the destruction of ohara (which was in his home sea), the founding of the world power known as the revolutionary army (which was about 20yrs ago), and the births of every other member of his crew. wack
- he seems to know about stuff related to the pirate king post time skip, and i wonder if thats because someone told him or he’s just playing along now. maybe he just thinks Luffy made up the term pirate king cuz it sounds cool and he wants to support his captain’s interests
- if he DID ask though, like, who did he ask? his managers? did he pull aside some fan asking for an autograph at a concert like “hey, you look like a knowledgable young lad, mind helping me out?”
- i would love to be there when someone takes the time to explain roger, the pirate king, raffle, the One Piece.... and Brook asks them “what is the One Piece?”.... and someone has to look him in the eye (...or not) and tell him “i don't know” 
- Brook has technically died of fright (his soul left his body), like... at least once? it was luffy’s fault
- Brook was an urban legend on the florian triangle and i doubt he even knows that about himself
- when they're heading to fishmen island Brook gets all scared when they encounter a possible ghost ship and Usopp slaps him
- when captured by big mom he sleeps so godamn soundly and securely that he is harder to wake up than she is and this fact nearly gets a bunch of his crew killed
- Brook is the only character i can think of who has ever broken the fourth wall. he only did it once. maybe seeing the afterlife means he now knows hes in a manga. or maybe being isolated for 50 years just made his head be not screwed on right
- speaking of, there’s a bit in WCI at the wedding where Brook is decapitated. i don't know how it goes in the anime, but in the manga like... no one is shown to have decapitated him. his head just pops off. maybe he was just having fun
- also the bit where he rips the fake face off in wci. when someone calls him gross he cries
- there’s a bit in fishmen island where Brook is trying to ask Nami if he can see her panties (disgusting bastard) and he inadvertently protects her from being dehydrated by some guy they were fighting. except the panel setup reminds me a lot of / mimics ace protecting Luffy from Akainu, and it haunts me
- speaking of bits from fishmen island that haunt me, there's a page where it’s strongly implied Brook fucked a mermaid (maybe two). i will of course include the page here
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- yeah. sorry. 
- when Brook first meets the strawhats he invites himself inside because “it’s cold out!” but he later admits in punk hazard that he cant feel cold. he was just lying
- no one introduces himself to Brook except Luffy for the entirety of thriller bark
- half related, Franky cradles Brook in his arms / carries Brook around for like a full scene in thriller bark 
- there's a link two second bit in film gold where the crew is just relaxing while they're planning for how they're going to get Zoro back and they're all shown eating burgers from pirate mcdonalds or whatever. and Brook is eating a burger and hes so messy that hes got burger on his forehead, and Franky is next to him just looking at him
- Brook also wears fake skin in that movie
- Brook has a running gag where he gets upset when things refuse to eat him and i was going to make a joke about it but im wondering if maybe hes just afraid of being left behind........ made myself sad again
- he cries when a dragon won't eat him tho
- Brook admits to reading monster hentai when talking to Sanji and Kin’emon and if i have to be burdened with knowing that so do you
- when hes trying to figure out the weakness of the zombies on thriller bark he overhears one ate a salted fish and lost its shadow and immediately assumes “oh, must have been the fish!” idiot man
- where does his sword cane go when hes not using it. it just appears. where does he store it
- there's a bit where the strawhats all use a combo attack at thriller bark and the first step is firing an electrically charged Brook in a slingshot through oars/oz. he ends up in a wall and no one ever pulls him out. i don't even think the manga shows how he got down
- enemies post time skip regularly assume Brook is dead when they manage to knock the crew out and it makes me wonder how popular of a rock star Brook actually was
- Brook goes on a mini rant to no one while they're descending to fisherman island where he wonders aloud how he sees without eyes and it makes me lose it
- this isn't Brook technically but Nekomamushi is based on a song Brook’s voice actor wrote about his cat.
- Brook literally doesn't have a brain. like i know we all know that but its so fucking funny. we make jokes about other strawhats only having one braincell or whatever but Brook straight up 100% just has a seashell where his brain is supposed to be 
-  why does he have rubber glove looking hands when hes haunting the castle at wano i fucking hate them
- relatedly, there’s a bit where Brook mentions he’s been, at kinemon’s interaction, sitting in a well for like... possibly days? is he okay
- honestly i love everything about Brook’s actions as a ghost in wano bc its so fucking funny but my FAVORITE fact is that Brook is in the wikipedia article about starving skeletons
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im leaving you with that. appreciate ur local skeleton today
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luccislegs · 4 years
alsjlskzjs, I loved the Law/maleso/Luffy, you wrote it amazingly! Can I ask for a continuation, maybe with a little interatcing with the crew and their ghosts, but as a little time passes, Male reader finds himself accidentally using the ghosts powers or skills? like, they are at dinner one night, and sneezes fire. Or after getting startled, they silnce the whole ship for like 3 hours? or like, hes talking to Robin and can read the Ponglyps for a few mineuts (Robons mom) and they freak out?
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sorry this took me so long! i really had to take and do this in chunks bc my brain would fry trying to figure out all the little details for everyone. i don’t think sanji has anyone important to him in his past, so he isn’t here. also the first four are the longest bc they play an actual part in some things, and also theirs have the most obvious powers and drawbacks. i hope i did this enough justice to warrant the wait lol
Over the course of the few months you were on the sunny, more ghosts began to show up, like they were drawn to you. Some spirits, like ace and rosinante, sought you out before you ever met whoever was keeping them tethered. Others, like Olvia and Tom, seemed to sense when you met their loved ones, and then sought you out.
Or that was what you guessed anyway, since they didn’t seem to have an answer for it either.
Regardless, there were now half a dozen ghosts following you around, and new symptoms had shown up on top of that.
Safe to say, you were losing your mind.
You were just cuddled up with Luffy on the couch in the aquarium, his head in your lap as you chatted back and forth about the next island.
The urge hit you out of the blue, and you turned your head to the side to avoid sneezing all over Luffy.
That went right out the window as a huge column of flames shot out of your nose when you sneezed, lighting the curtains beside you on fire.
You immediately jumped up, knocking Luffy onto the floor as you panicked, smothering the flames with the other half of the curtains. 
Luffy, helpful dolt that he is, laid on the floor upside down staring at you in awe before jumping to his feet and picking you up in a hug
“That is so cool, ___. I didn’t know you could do that! You looked just like a dragon!”
To be fair, you didn’t know you could do that either. Over Luffy’s shoulder, you sent ace a murderous glare, to which he happily responded with a shoulder shrug, a smirk, and laughter.
You never actually got a chance to figure out what the hell had happened because, mid-hug, you fell asleep right in Luffy’s arms.
A few days after the incident with Luffy, something else happened. You were beginning to think you needed to screen the ghosts before you agreed to help them from now on.
You were hanging out quietly in the boy’s room with Law, who was busy reading over a medical text from chopper, and Rosi, who was lounging on the other end of the couch smoking a transparent cigarette (which, by the way, was pretty funny when he managed to light himself on fire, freaked out, then realized he couldn’t actually burn) when Franky came bursting into the room with Usopp hot on his heels.
You weren’t even sure how it happened, it was like reflex. Rosi jumped and floated up to the ceiling, you jumped off the couch and hit the floor, and then all of a sudden everything was dead quiet.
You could clearly see Franky and Usopp yelling about…something, but you couldn’t hear anything.
Law, on the other hand, was looking at you with curiosity, like he knew exactly what was going on.
“Er, Law…?” you asked, and you heard yourself perfectly fine, but he didn’t react.
Rosi floated down behind you, and you nearly jumped out of your skin when he spoke. “I think you may have just silenced the ship. Seems you can use my calm calm powers, ___.”
You sighed. “Yeah I was afraid of that. how do I fix it?”
But Rosi only shrugged before floating over to law. “Come over here and see if he can hear you.”
You didn’t understand how moving closer would help, but did as told. 
Or tried to. You tripped over the floor mat and tumbled, smacking your head off the floor and blacking out before you could get there.
Your next stop was to see Robin, and you found her in the library, looking over a charcoal shading of some strange symbols. She looked up as you entered and smiled.
“Well hello, ___. What can I do for you?” she asked. She always had a knack for telling when someone was actively looking for her and when you just happened upon her.
“Well…I have a problem. and I think you might be the most able to help,” you said, sitting beside her.
You glanced over the sketches in her hands absentmindedly, and a word popped into your head.
“Those are Poneglyphs, right?” you asked, pointing to them.
Robin froze, then nodded slowly. “How did you know that?” she asked, staring at you with a guarded expression. She had never mentioned them to you before, or in your presence, and she was pretty sure that no one else would have a reason to.
“Uh, that’s sort of why I’m here,” you answered, pointing over your shoulder to the– to her, empty– space where Nico Olvia floated. “I think I may be spouting some of the spirits powers out. It just started. I almost burned the library down a few days ago, then just earlier I muted everyone like Cora used to do.”
Robin looked stricken at the mention of her mother for a moment, as she always did, before it turned thoughtful. “I’ve never heard of that being possible. Although Blackbeard stole devil fruit powers, he can use them freely. You can only use them momentarily, right?”
You nodded, looking back down at the papers. Some of the words you could understand, but most of them just looked like gibberish. Slowly, more came into focus, as if your brain was automatically learning another language. 
Before you could really start to piece the words together though, everything seemed to explode into agony. You couldn’t breathe, as if your lungs wouldn’t expand. The edges of your vision turned black, and you collapsed.
Robin’s voice sounded very far away, and there was Chopper’s alongside hers. As you came to, you could start to make out what they were saying.
“…he just blacked out? What was he doing before then?” Chopper was asking.
“We were just talking about the new powers he developed, and he was looking at the pictures of Poneglyphs, and then he was on the floor gasping.”
“Look, he’s waking up.” That was Law’s voice, and he sounded very concerned.
You opened your eyes just a crack, testing whether that was a good idea. Your head felt like it was splitting open, and Law helped you to sit up slowly. 
“What happened?” he asked, and you shrugged.
“I don’t know. I was talking with Robin and then suddenly everything hurt, like I’d been beaten, and I couldn’t breathe anymore,” you said, looking around at everyone. It was just you, Robin, Chopper, and Law in the room, and they all looked like you felt.
Robin’s gasp broke the silence, like a lightbulb had turned on. “It sounds like you were experiencing what my mother did before she…I wonder if you aren’t taking their powers but also some of their personality too,” she said, looking at you curiously. “What happened after you used Ace’s and Cora-san’s?”
Law broke in before you could answer. “He fell asleep in luffy’s arms after lighting the libary on fire, and tripped and knocked himself out after silencing our room. Which is exactly what they used to do.”
You nodded in agreement, but Robin still looked perturbed. “It seems like you experience more than just their quirks, but their deaths too. That can’t be good. I’ll do some research and see if there’s anything about your powers, but you need to be careful too.”
This new development was slightly detrimental to your health. You couldn’t figure out a rhyme or reason to how your new powers worked, or when they would, but you were keen to find out. 
The safest way, you figured, was to try practicing with a sword and seeing if you couldn’t channel some of Kuina’s swordsmanship at will.
It didn’t work. At all.
You couldn’t seem to find any trigger for making it work, swinging the sword as you normally would have. Zoro seemed disappointed as well, having hoped to have a decent match against someone besides Law for once. It didn’t matter that you explained to him you could only use it for a few seconds.
Only when Franky, who was working on something on the mast, accidentally lost his grip on a drawing knife he was using and sent it flying towards you did those “instincts” kick in. Your vision went a little blurry, as if you were seeing things through water, and you lifted the sword and swung with more grace than you ever had, knocking it aside before it could reach you.
Zoro clapped in impressed surprise. “I guess you need to be in danger to use it,” he said, watching you stumble and fall to your knees. “Are you alright?”
“No, I uh,” you struggled to think through the screaming pain that was lancing through your back. It wasn’t nearly as excruciating as Olvia’s death, but your head was still swimming from it. “Can I ask how Kuina died?”
Zoro paused, looking like he swallowed a lemon. “She fell down the stairs.” He sounded bitter, so you nodded and moved on.
“I think I’m experiencing some of the things the others did in their lives, deaths included. Earlier, I could read Poneglyphs, but right after I went through Olvia’s death. This is…a little scary,” you admit, just as Luffy and Law came onto the deck. 
Franky had gone to fetch them when you collapsed, and they pulled you gently to your feet. 
“Are you alright, _____?” Luffy asked, just as Law asked, “what the hell is going on?”
Explaining it all over again, you sighed tiredly. “I just want to go lay down now, if you don’t mind.”
Nothing happened for a few days after that. At every turn, though, you were expecting an outburst followed by some type of mayhem. Practicing with Zoro a little more revealed that only when something dangerous you weren’t expecting happened did you channel Kuina’s excellent swordsmanship. Needless to say, Zoro was disappointed.
Nami’s first experience happened when you were helping her trim her tangerine trees. It was one of the only pleasant experiences you had, because for some reason– maybe you were just relaxed enough that it was flowing– Bell-mere’s knowledge of tangerines was flowing freely. 
For nearly an hour, you and Nami chatted about the best ways to take care of the trees. You could see Bell-mere floating aimlessly through the trees, and knew she was listening but never once did she input anything to the conversation. 
The only negative side-effect you experienced was an overwhelming craving for cigarettes.
Franky’s was another pleasant experience, since you were able to channel Tom’s knowledge of shipbuilding. It didn’t last as long as Bell-mere’s, but it came much more frequently than Rosi’s or Ace’s. 
You were beginning to suspect that the physical aspects took a different type of catalyst compared to the knowledge. Unfortunately, you were unable to physically put any of Tom’s knowledge into effect, but Franky enjoyed talking with you while he was working.
Chopper’s was another unpleasant one.
Channeling Hiriluk’s medical knowledge was a struggle at best, because even though you knew what was going on, you didn’t really understand, and it gave you a headache. 
Combine that with the fact that you spent almost 30 minutes doubled over from unbearable stomach cramps– which you found out was most likely what Hiriluk experienced before he died from eating a deadly mushroom– and his knowledge really wasn’t worth the experience.
Chopper couldn’t even really enjoy chatting with you about it because you were just so miserable, but the catalyst for Hiriluk’s knowledge was pretty much just entering the medical bay, so you suffered quite a bit from that one.
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springwritess · 5 years
mr.cook | sanji vinsmoke
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anime: one piece
word count: long, but not as long as zoro’s
note: im going to write mini fics for each strawhat (including my boy jimbe hopefully) which is gonna be a zombie apocalypse au. not all of them will be romantic bc some characters are hard to write romantically. i doubt you’d really fall for someone you just met right? anyway either luffy or usopp is gonna be next.
tags: zombie apocalypse, sanji fluff, cooking, hunger, dehydration, sanji being the dork he is, recruitment (sorta)
The hunger was ever-present; from dawn to dusk it gnawed at you. Food was your constant obsession. You couldn't look at an animal or plant and wonder if it was edible. You didn't care if the food was tasty, just as long as it could make the stomach pains go away for awhile.
You sat there still, like an elderly person. You started to wonder whether you were going to die from starvation or from the zombies. You were too tired to move, or do anything really. You ran out of water and there was no fresh water source. It was only time for your death to approach. You couldn't even sleep either, because sleeping meant a chance for zombies to attack and devour you alive.
You were in the middle of the forest. You were camping in there after being driven out of your home. You took what you could find and left the city as fast as possible. You needed to get away from people as much as possible. Staying alive was horrible, you ran out of the food you stole from the city. You didn't possess the abilities or tools to be able to hunt or cook animals. You were such a shifty cook that you didn’t know how to make fucking tea. You couldn't stay there forever however. You needed to get off the island soon. Your stomach rumbled again.
First however, you needed food.
There was a crunch of leaves and twigs behind you. Each footstep crackled. There was someone coming. You dove behind a tree that was close by. You grabbed a large stick. It wasn't much of a weapon, but it was enough to try and knock the person out to steal their food. You closed your eyes and waited for them to draw near. Each step felt like a ripple in the ground.
You jumped out behind the tree and lunged forward. It was a blonde-haired man who was idly walking by. You attempted to land a strike across his cheek, but he jumped back. You tried again, but he dodged it. He was fast on his feet.
“What's going on?" He asked as he continued to dodge all of your attacks. "I don't want to fight a women."
"Give...me your food!" You growled as your grip tightened on the stick.
You lurched forward again and landed a blow across his left cheek. The man fell to the ground. He didn't get up after that. You ripped the bag off his shoulders and shifted through it. Your pupils dilated.
"No..." You said with a hint of panic in your voice.
You went through it again, this time your hands were fumbling. Your fingers jumped rhythmically, as if in a spasm. Your bowels suddenly churned. Please let there be food in there, you prayed. This couldn't happen...not now. Your heart was in your mouth. You couldn't speak.
“No! No! No!" This time you said it much louder, "please...I just need food."
Your heard some shifting and then a grunt come from behind you. Blood drained from your face as you turned your head around. The man was getting up. He took a cigarette box and a lighter from his breast pocket. He lit a cigarette and placed it in his mouth.
You grabbed the stick and gripped your two hands on it. You held it up in the air in front of you. You glared at him.
"S-stay...a-away or I'll hurt you!" You warned. Your hands were shaking as you fumbled on your words.
He took a breath and smoke floated up into the sky. "I'm not going to hurt you. You're hungry right? I'll make you something. I'll never let someone stay hungry."
You felt your stomach grumble again. "Liar! Y-you're going to kill me!"
He gave you a grin. “I'll never hurt a women. That's what a shitty old men taught me."
Your stomach rumbled again, this time loud enough for him to hear it. You fell to the ground and clutched your stomach. It felt as if someone pierced your stomach with a sword. "It hurts....I'm going to die."
He ran over to you. You didn't have the energy to run away. "Shit...you're malnourished and dehydrated. Is there no fresh water source here?"
You didn't have the energy to answer him, so you simply shook your head. He picked you up with his arms and started to run through the forest. You had no energy to protest or push him off. You were barely conscious at this point too, as the trees were starting to become a blur too.
After what seemed like forever, you started to smell cologne mixed with the smell of cigarettes. Your eyes fluttered open. You were still in the forest, but instead in a part that wasn’t covered in trees. There were no creatures around. The light from the sun hit your skin. Your eyes shifted to the side. You were laying on a black jacket. Ah so that’s where the smell was coming from.
You sat up. Your throat was extremely dry too. Your stomach was still hurting, but you ignored the pain. You looked around and the man was nowhere to be seen. You weren’t in any mood to talk to him anyway.
Your lips were cracked from dehydration. Your hair was matted with dirt and your clothes were were smeared with grass stains and dirt. You looked terrible. You needed a shower and some fresh clothes. You felt the bottom of your lip quiver. Will this be your new life? You no longer had the same luxuries you used to have. You took them for granted, and you only realized how lucky you were when they were gone.
You laid back down and turned to the side. You couldn’t afford to cry, because that would just make you even more dehydrated. Drowsiness overtook you. You closed your eyes and eventually fell asleep.
You were greeted with a sweet, savoury aroma that wafted through the air as you started to wake up again. The smell mixed in with the fragrance trees and grass. Your stomach clenched with hunger at the thought of devouring whatever food that was creating the smell.
You sat up and saw the blonde man making stew using ingredients from the forest, plants and animals you’ve seen before. He somehow was able to find bowls to give pour your stew in. You stated at him for awhile, transfixed by his ability to cut various vegetables and plants. He was so swift with his fingers.
He removed the cigarette from his mouth and exhaled the soft tendrils of smoke. His gaze shifted to you. The man gave you a smile.
“I’m so glad you’re awake.” He said softly. He came cover with a bowl of water. “I’m glad I had utensils and bowls in my bag. The water is still hot too because I boiled it. Please be careful.”
You moved the bowl of water around. The water swished back and forth. There was steam floating from it. It was definitely still hot. You sniffed the bowl of water. There didn’t seem to be any poison. Immediately after examining it, you guzzled down the water within mere seconds. You ignored your throbbing lips and your throat which felt like it was on fire. You sighed in relief. It was nice.
He finally handed you a bowl of stew. Taking in the sweet aroma, your stomach rumbled again. Every part of you wanted to lurch forward and devour the bowl. You couldn’t however. It didn’t feel right. You clenched your fists.
You spoke up. “I don’t understand.”
The man raised his eyebrows. “You don’t understand what?”
“Why are you doing this for me?” You asked again. This time with your voice shaking. “Why are you helping a complete stranger? I don’t know your name. I don’t know where you’re from or who you are. I..I don’t have any money if that’s what you want.”
He took the cigarette out of his mouth and breathed out. “My name is Sanji. I’m a cook on a ship. I already told you. It’s because I can never ignore someone is hungry. I don’t need money from you, so you can eat up. Besides....”
“Besides what?”
He gave you a smile. “Your cute face is enough of a payment for me.”
You rolled your eyes but felt a smile creep up onto your face. “Thank you Sanji.”
You ate your food in silence. You quickly finished it in mere minutes, but you were too embarrassed to ask for more. Much to your surprise, Sanji took your bowl and filled it up to the top. He handed it to you. He lit up another cigarette and sat next to you silently. Your cheeks flushed up in embarrassment.
You cleared your throat. “Aren’t you going to eat to. I’m fine really...”
Sanji shook his head. “I’m fine. I ate before I came to this island. I also have a few questions about it, if you don’t mind me asking.”
“Oh sure. Also I didn’t introduce myself yet. My name is (f/n). I worked as a mechanic in my mother’s shop. It was apart of the family business.” You rubbed the back of your head sheepishly. “I’m not the greatest cook, so you saved my life. Thank you so much. I’ll help you with anything you need.” You said. You gave him an awkward smile.
“What’s happening on this island? The city I was just in, it was a wreck. Did something happen? I was also attacked by a group of people. I need answers. I was separated from my crew too, so I also need a map.”
The smile from your face immediately vanished. You managed to forget about everything that happened for awhile, but the reality didn’t change.
“A group of pirates brought this virus to the island. Their crewmate was dumped here. He was rushed to the hospital.” You explained. “He survived, but the virus seemed to induce range and the need for human meat. He bit the nurse that was treating him and she started to act the same. I’m not sure, but I think the virus probably travels through saliva.”
“They’re like zombies, but still alive?” He chucked. “They aren’t as smart as the ones on Thriller Bark.”
You cocked your head in confusion. “What? You aren’t scared?”
Sanji shook his head. “I have a damn skeleton who can walk, talk, eat and even take a shit on my ship. There’s nothing that surprises me anymore.”
Your eyes narrowed. You weren’t sure if he was joking or not. The Grandline is full of surprises, so anything could happen. Speaking of which, why was this man traveling on the Grandline? Is his boat a restaurant ship that floats around by any chance.
“What kind of ship do you work on..?”
“A pirate ship.”
Your stomach dropped. Of course. He’s a pirate. You felt anger churn deep within you. A pirate was the one who destroyed this island. You tried your best to ignore it. He did save your life. Perhaps he wasn’t like the others.
“What about you? Why are you here in the forest? Where’s your mom?” He asked.
You were silent for a moment. “She died three years ago. After she passed, I took over the business. My shop is probably rubble right now.”
“That’s a shame. Do you want to go take a look to see if there’s anything left? There must be something.” He asked.
You shook your head and chuckled. “It’s whatever I guess. I gotta get used to how I’m living now.” You got up from where you were sitting. “Also, I should have a map in my bag. Let me go check.”
You got up and went to grab your bag. There were mostly essentials: empty water bottle, first aid kit, a change of clothes. You let out a grunt. There was no map in sight.
“Sorry about the map. I don’t seem to have any.” You rubbed the back of your head sheepishly.
“It’s fine.” Sanji stood up and stretched. “We should get going then.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Going where?”
“To your home of course. Seeing it might give you a sense of relief. You’ll never regret not taking the chance to see if there was anything there.” He replied. He lit another cigarette into his mouth.
You were at a loss for words. “I...”
You shook your head. “I can’t go.”
“Why not?”
“Even if I do get a sense of closure from seeing my home, where would I go?” You bit the bottom of your lip to stop from crying and took a deep breath, “I have nobody left. I don’t have a ship nor do I have the skills to travel to another island. I also don’t trust you. You’re a pirate. What if you try to hurt me?”
The tears splashed forth and trickled down your cheeks. The thought of your home in rubble and the memories of your mother came flooding into your head all at once. You tried to quickly wiped your tears away, but they kept coming.
“Shit I’m crying. I’m sorry about that.” You chuckled.
Sanji gave you a smile. “It’s okay to cry. Everyone cries. I also won’t lay a finger on you.” He looked up into the sky. “Regarding your future, it’s up to you. You can do whatever you want. I won’t try to stop you (f/n).”
Hearing him call you by your name caught you off guard. You got up. “Let’s get going then Sanji.”
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twinkluffy · 7 years
Forgotten island [Fantasy AU]
Day 1 of the Zoluweek2k17, Fantasy Au: Merman Luffy and human Zoro.
Hi, i wanted to take part of this week so badly that I ignored how much I suck on english, bc is not my first lenguage and even when I can read it without trouble when it comes down to write long things I get a little nervous = a lot of failures. So, if there any misspelling i’m very very sorry ;_; and i hope this counts as fantasy
some facts about this one shot: Antemoesa was the place where mermaids habited (well virgilio, the poet, says so) and there is a the oddyssey reference too. Luffy is very old but look young, he is a fatalist (because he has seen so much and being in solitude for so many years tends to mold you in that way) but still is very hard too think about luffy like that so a very ooc luffy 
Warnings: ooc, and none other mayor warning, this pretty sane oneshot in my standars 
After several hundred years life in Antemoesa became boring. I’ts no wonder, after all it is a small island forgotten by the gods in the middle of the wide sea and whose exact location is only found in ancient texts in an already extinct language. He’s older than time but not as much as the creation, product of the boredom of the gods who sought to mortify the humans who had the audacity to sail the seas belonging to Poseidon.
 He can walk on land and breathe underwater; If he is hurt, his wounds bleed but his own tears are able to heal him; He can bring wisdom and knowledge to humans but can also destroy them for no reason at all. Luffy is no longer mortal, but a scourge of immortality, terrible, painful, wild and invincible but also doomed to spend the remaining time on earth in the flowery meadows of antemoesa waiting for new humans who seduce through his singing.
That is the price that Zeus demanded to pay to save the life of his older brother, whose face has forgotten over the centuries but whose warmth still remembers vividly. The conditions were simple, seduce with his singing the humans who listen but never approached near enough to be affected by them, according to Zeus, sometimes humans can be kind and this is painful for beings like him.
(Because Luffy is not a human nor a fish. He can walk on the ground and breathe underwater)
Not that it matters too much by now, hundreds of years have passed since the last time Luffy  saw a human and sincerely, he doubts to see one in the coming hundreds of years he has remaining.
At first, when he saw a deplorable ship floating in his direction, he thought it was just another unfortunate ship that had crashed against the rocks or an old ship whose crew died in the midst of the treacherous sea, but to his utter surprise he heard the sound of groans Coming from the ship, without even thinking twice he dived into the sea and swam until he was next to it, where a human man struggled to breathe.
Clutching the railing with all his strength, he began to move his fin quickly, dragging the boat with him to the edge of the beach where his tail turned into two legs when they make contact with the sand. He held the human in his arms and laid him down on the sand, knelt beside him and removed those strange clothes that covered his chest where now stands a brutal wound that comes from the right side of his waist to his left shoulder , From where the blood seems to have ceased to sprout but would end up becoming infected if it is not taken care of.
Luffy buries his nails in his arms until small drops of blood begin to slide down his arms and tears make his vision cloud, he leans over the human and let his tears fall on the chest of the man whose wounds begin to heal leaving behind a huge scar.
The first human who passes here after hundreds of years and is half dead," Luffy says in a sigh, sitting down next to the human whose once laborious breathing has returned to normal. "You can’t seduce a half-dead man.”
Luffy sighs again, defeated, while the human emits snoring sounds with both arms scattered at the height of his head, without any concern that he was about to die and that his salvation has been what many call the voice of the doom of the Seas.
When the human wakes up three days after his arrival he seems surprised to be alive and not that Luffy blamed him after seeing the serious wound in the man’s chest. When his dark eyes, black as night meet the intense green eyes sharp as a sword, that an epiphany hits him like lightning, leaving him breathless. He sees the bright future that awaits this man who was born to obtain greatness and a title that positions him above all the other swordsman in the world which falls comfortably on his shoulders, as if it couldn’t have been otherwise.
But noy yet - He still so weak, so fragile … that if Luffy were to press a little he would collapse completely along with all that awaits for him in future.
“You helped me?”  the human asks with a frown
“Yes, but I don’t really did that much”  Luffy responds easily taking away importance, as if it were a matter of everyday that a creature like him saves stupid sailors to die of an infection
“My name is Roronoa Zoro”  the human says, bowing his head lightly in a gesture of respect and gratittude “Thank you for helping me”
“How did you get that wound?” Luffy asks, curious to know how this man, Zoro, arrived in such a state to his domains
"Fighting for my dream," Zoro answers immediately, with a confident smile and a gleam in his eyes that the merman can identify, having already seen him before in a human. Like that stubborn man, Odysseus, which was tied to the mast of his ship so as not to succumb to the charms of his voice because he was fully convinced to return home.
“There you can find fruits to eat” says Luffy raising his arm to point the forest a couple of meters beyond
The human nods, placing a hand on the scar that crosses his abdomen to rise and walks lazily in the opposite direction that the merman points
“It's the other side, stultus!” Luffy shouts at Zoro, who looks embarrassed while now if he walks in the indicated direction  “I found a very troublesome human” Luffy sighs, defeated.
“Aren’t you a little too young to live alone on this island? Did you get lost at sea or something?” Zoro ask, hours later with his arms crossed under his head looking to the sky  
Luffy can’t help laugh, he doesn’t remember how much time has passed since the last time he did it and the human looks confused
“I have more years than you'd know count or you could get to have”  Luffy answered, taking an apple to bring it to his lips  “This island belongs to me, was created by Zeus himself just for me”
Zoro looks at him incredulously as he shakes his head, believing it to be a joke on the part of the black-haired man, Luffy does not bother to insist and simply shrugs.
With the passing of the days are installed at a comfortable pace of coexistence, where Zoro would offer to go find things to eat and return with Luffy on the cliff where the dark-haired sit for hours watching the sea while singing softly. Zoro usually remains silent, taking a nap or trying to annoy the merman to kill boredom
"Why are you on this island, Luffy?" - Asks Zoro, with both arms under his head while looking at the sky  “doesn’t get kinda lonely?”
"I'm on this island to sing," Luffy replies, not taking his eyes off the sea as he tilts his head slightly as if trying to see something beyond  “that's all.”
"You're a strange child," Zoro replies, looking at him out of the corner of his eye for a reaction that soon arrives
“I tell you, I'm older than you could imagine!”  answers Luffy annoyed, no longer looking at the sea but the man next to him “You’re a child compared to me!”
“I don’t know” says Zoro, sitting and putting a hand on his chin as if he was seriously thinking about something “I would say that you are definitely a child and a very short one”
“Don’t make me hurt you, brat!” shouts Luffy, completely forgetting his composure and pouncing on the human who only laughs at the hilarious reaction of the raven
There are times when Zoro joins him and makes him company while watching the sea, the eyes of the human acquire a nostalgic glow as he watches the distant horizon, it is then when Luffy remembers that the dream and goals of Zoro are not in A place as boring as Antemoesa, but on the open sea fighting against powerful enemies that help him develop his skills until he becomes the best but every time he is about to open his mouth to say something the human will simply watch him and start to annoy him about his height or age.
One night, meanwhile Luffy is looking at the sea, Zoro sits beside him and begins to talk.
The human tells him how left his home in search of his dream, how he lost his way back  and in a way that he couldn’t no longer get back and his only option would always be moving forward. He speaks of the places he has seen, the things he has eaten, of a drink called sake that is the most delicious of the nectars and about some kind humans and other not so much. He talks about a rival with empty cold eyes and sword handled as it were a extension of his rival body, about an humiliating defeat because of his arrogance and his newfound determination to become even stronger when he leaves this island.
He talks about a future together, both of them, out in the vast sea searching to make their names reach heaven together, because they can go anywhere… the sea is freedom when you want it to be.  
(that is what Zeus had mean, the painful but so warm gentle nature of humans)
but he can’t leave, not because he doesn’t wanna but because he made a promise so many years ago for a brother whose face he doesn’t remember anymore yet he’s still holding that promise, until he dies, until the whole world ends and he welcomes the final end singing.
Luffy makes a decision that night while he look the peaceful face of the swordsman.
When the sun comes out the next day and the swordsman wakes up, stretching his arms and yawning is that Luffy asks him to follow him, after walking in silence they reach the shore of the beach where Zoro seems confused to see his boat in good condition.
“You have to go now” The merman says, taking a step forward and taking the swordsman's face in his hands “Just follow right in direction of the sun for a few days and find dry land, your dream is far from this place... you say you want your name reaches so high to be heard in heaven, then make the name of Roronoa Zoro be heard on this island too when you become the best swordsman in the world”
“What about you?” Question Zoro “Will you stay here, alone?”
“I made a decision hundreds of years ago, which I do not regret, and if I left this island, I would be breaking my promise” Luffy explains, the human has a frown ready to argue when the merman interrupts him again “I have been hundreds of years alone… please don’t feel sorry for me”
Zoro seems to think what to say before a smug smile forms on his lips
 “When I become the best swordsman in the world I will come back and stay with you, so we will both fulfill the promises we have made” 
he says, wrapping him in an unexpected hug that lasts too little for Luffy's taste, the swordsman turns his back on him and begins to move away towards the ship on the shore, to climb and begin to row, without looking back even once while hile with every movement of the waves that move the ship, Luffy's heart sinks a little more because he knows that it is not a promise that Zoro can fulfill.
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authenticaussie · 7 years
if you're still taking prompts from earlier, how about headcanons for a NaVi AU where one or both can use magic? (witches, wizards, whatever term you like)
i loveeeee magic aussssssss. Or even just not AUs, just UAs, (sometimes UAs are even BETTER bc u get to see how it fits with canon hehe ;u;). JUST. MAGIC.
This is actually part of show me skies on fire !! Bc I don’t get a chance to talk abt the magic system and that thing is so indepth it’s. Yep. So complicated. And I don’t get to rant and I love it.
ANYWAY Witches in the skies world have magic that they imbue in objects!! They can get it to do different things, and layer magic to make the object more powerful, so like, Nami’s weather staff has been imbued with weather magic for years, basically ever since she was a kid. And witches have less instinctive/explosive power than fae but? If their imbued objects have been given enough time to collect power they can beat a fae? So it depends.     
Regardless, in Skies most witches form into covens! Bc then they are with people who are like them and they have more power together than alone and can share spells - because witches can create new spells but it’s Harry Potter style spells with specific words and gestures rather than just BAM! power like the fae - and Nami gooottttt. Inducted into one early? Like you’re meant to be able to choose but Nami got…shoved into it so she could get more power from the witches, and the witches she was pushed into joining weren’t the Best (most witches…aren’t?? They are very. “our opinions are right and yours are wrong and to prove it we shall kill people!” Which is. Shitty.)
ANYWAY Luf ended up breaking up the coven and beating people up bc he and Zoro got hired by the townspeople to get rid of the coven and Nami said she was going to tag along with them and Luffy was like oh. Uh. Okay then!! What can you do???
“Steer better than you, probably,” she says, but doesn’t reveal about all the magic she’s shoved into her weather staff for years and years until after Luffy refuses to let her go into a bar on her own to get what they need bc it’s Dangerous and she Obviously doesn’t want to do it. 
Vivi’s actually a princess from another land!!! They’re neighbours and so Vivi’s land kiiiind of have fae?? But they’re not like, exactly fae, they’re more like elves? Vivi’s an elf!!! She was meant to meet with the Council to go over trade agreements but they were Dicks and confined her ship to harbour when she got message that her father was in danger and so Luffy + crew agree to help her get over the mountains and the smaller sea to the other side of their land to get to Vivi’s and it’s SUPER dangerous but Vivi is Desperate ™
Luffy is like. Hm. U could help Ace. Cools. and agrees to help her and they travel to the mountains from the sea and Nami is Standoffish bc like….she’s not a fan of nobility??? A lot of nobility drive out peaceful covens and turn them cruel and she’s still…heard lots of shitty tales from her coven and even tho she knows they weren’t trustworthy they were still her family for years??????
So anyway they end up getting all seperated while crossing part of the mountains and there’s this forest that. Literally throws you together with someone/something you hate/fear and vivi and nami end up together and vivi’s like seriously?! after they escape the forest bc she hears about how zoro and sanji had to work together and luffy was all alone and. yeah stuff like that but DURING the forest they’re arguing with each other but also stabbing things and Nami’s trying to fight things back and then like growls in frustration and grabs Vivi and pulls her really close and then. Lets loose a lightning bolt. 
And vivi is like WHAT WHY DID YOU DO THAT WHY ARE WE SO CLOSE (why do you look so fucking beautiful with lightning in your hands????????/) and nami just huffs and tosses her hair back and daintly steps over a tree root or w/e they were fighting and is like do you want to die????? bc u would have if you hadn’t been close to me.
And Vivi doesn’t really know what to say to that bc like...she’s still Distracted by. How powerful & gorgeous Nami looked it Wasn’t good for her heart
so we start having like....pinning vivi??? a bit??? who knows she has an Aesthetic crush but nami is an asSSSSS omfg
But like......There’s Robin, Zoro, Sanji, and Luffy and Luffy and Zoro are always talking in shit that no-one understands and Sanji’s....ugh. And Robin is Cool but also not very talkative. So Vivi and Nami end up talking a little bit and slowly realising stuff abt each other and vivi ends up apologising one time to nami and nami’s like?????? what???? 
“for the nobility. for how you were treated. fo whatever I did to hurt you.”
“You haven’t- hurt me.” Nami goes cautiously, and doesn’t add but you might and knows Vivi can probably hear it anyway when Vivi’s expression softens with pain. 
Anyway they reach the sea that separates their land from Vivi’s and!!! Robin ends up being a spy and double crosses them ((but then later ends up double crossing crocodile?? uhhh, lots of double crossing, man))
SHE MAKES OFF W/ VIVI. Nami is Not Alright with this shit, for fuck’s sake, goddamn, sTOP, they were just starting to get along damn!!! it!!!
Nami almost electrocutes Robin but the wind stunt took a lot out of her and Robin dodges until Nami runs out of power and faints and Luffy looks at Robin and looks about ready to fight her but then robin’s just like “sorry, captain.” and he kind of goes ohhh,,, and stays by Nami’s side instead
When nami wakes up it kinda like alabasta except it’s like. five ppl overthrowing the entire revolution/Crocodile in a very blatant. Rescuing Vivi and Nami like. Punches someone out
ummmmm Vivi ends up socking crocodile in the fucking face
Vivi gets her kingdom back and,,,,like Luffy and crew aren’t technically bad guys lol so they stay in alabasta and Vivi ends up showing Nami (well, technically everyone but’s 95% for nami’s sake) the city and her favourite places and exploring libraries filled with how their magic works (bc it’s slightly different to fae/witch/demon magic) and they end up becoming,,,pretty friendly?? bc nami can see Vivi really,,,isnt as shitty as most of the nobles and they hold their nobles accountable instead of like what the Council does but
Luffy ends up getting antsy again and they have to move on, and Vivi offers to travel with them and show them more of alabasta but she’s needed to help repair the city and stuff and so nami promises to send her letters and that’s what happens for about a yeaar ish??? With na/vi slowly,,,getting closer to each other in letters,,,,missing each other bitterly, unhappily-
But then Luf always celebrate’s ace’s birthday at the tower so they pass back through alaburna to say goodbye and Nami feels so happy to see Vivi again and Vivi feels the same way and when Nami half-picks Vivi up in a hug when they see each other she doesn’t end up letting go and so they’re pressed super close and nami’s heart is beating super fast and she’s like oh. 
“So I know this would be a bit late, but heroes can usually score kisses from damsels in distress.”
“I’m not in distress, and you’re no hero.” Vivi says, and when nami’s face falls quickly adds, “You are good at stealing what you like, however. And I wouldn’t put up much of a fight.”
and she grins and Nami looks at her and then grins back and quickly kisses her and viVI LIKE,,,, TOTALLY ENDS UP FLUSHING A LITTLE BIT BC AH. WOW. THAT WAS. NICE. RLLY QUICK AND SOFT BUT JUST SHE CAN’T STOP SMILING
They still send letters back all the time and Nami goes to visit her whenever Luf passes by the mountains, and travels back that way occasionally by herself to see,,,vivi. Vivi sends ships to pick her up bc it’s Faster ;u; and safer lol. 
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luccislegs · 5 years
Idk, I think it might be bc you're early on in the series/are a new blog? Just a guess, since a lot of people like Ace/Law/Kid or whoever. Anyhow, could I have some headcanons of Sanji with a crush who hides their mouth under a slip-on mask? They were told were told by their village elders that they have a disturbing grin and the mask doubles as a partial disguise while going out. Hope you get more requests soon!
i can appreciate that actually. also if that’s the case i should probably dip lmao i hate having to beg for asks. i do however appreciate you trying to help! also explain to me where you get these ideas bc they are stellar
You jumped a little as a voice sounded from above you. Out of pure habit, you reached up and adjusted your mask, making sure it hadn’t slipped. When you looked up, you found a young man in a straw hat hanging upside down from the lowest branch of the tree you were seated under.
“Hello,” you said hesitantly. He wasn’t blinking as he stared, which would have been unnerving enough, but the straight line frown he wore made the whole of his upside down face downright disturbing. Closing the book in your lap, you prepared to run.
“Why doesn’t your mouth move when you talk?” he asked. His voice was deadpan, with little to no curiosity, which was in opposition to the fact that he had asked you a question that bordered on too personal.
You weren’t sure what possessed you to answer. Maybe it was that he seemed a bit dense, maybe it was the fact that he made you feel normal, but whatever it was, it made you say, “It’s…a mask.”
With that, he flipped out of the tree, landing on his feet in front of you. His mouth stretched into a wide and silly grin, instantly putting you at ease. “Why are you wearing that?” His question, though asked with no malice, set off alarm bells in your head, and you began to shut down.
“That’s none of your business, straw hat. I have to go.” But that wouldn’t be the last you saw of him.
You met the rest of the crew later on in the week, at the same time you found out they were pirates. It didn’t take them long to realize that the villagers seemed to avoid you unless absolutely necessary, and that you wore that mask like it was a defense against them. Each of them asked, at least once, and though you were less frosty than you had been with Luffy, you still made it abundantly clear to them that the topic was off limits.
They took the hint, and took it well, which maybe attributed to why you agreed to join their crew the day they decided to leave port. That, and they didn’t act like you were a freak for wearing it, even though they had only ever seen half of your face. They didn’t pressure you to remove it, to let them see it. They accepted that you may never show them, and invited you anyway.
You didn’t turn around to wave goodbye to anyone on the island, you knew that no one would be there waiting to see you off. It was likely only your imagination, but you thought maybe you could hear the whole island breathe one collective sigh of relief as you sailed away on a boat full of relative strangers. You did, too.
One person that seemed to care less than any of the others was Sanji. He treated you just like any of the others on the ship, except maybe Zoro. You weren’t sure what that was all about, but the others seemed to ignore it, so you did too.
You had been on the ship for a few months when you began to notice a change in his behavior, however. It was such a gradual change that you didn’t notice it at first, in fact, you weren’t really sure why you noticed it all of a sudden. You just did.
A big tell-tale was less flirting with Nami and Robin. Not that he didn’t still freak out periodically, but it was just…less.
A less obvious tell, and one you thought you were imagining at first, was that he began to watch you. More than he was before, and in a different way than before. It wasn’t suspicious, maybe concern, maybe confusion, you weren’t sure. But the more you watched him, the more he watched you.
It wasn’t long before it began to bother you, and you began to grow paranoid. Maybe he was finally wondering what was wrong with your face that you had never shown it, maybe he was going to demand you reveal yourself. Panic filled you at the thought, and you began to contemplate jumping ship at the next port of call. You wondered how long it would take them to notice you hadn’t come back, and that thought made you feel so lonely it was almost unbearable. It was the first time you had actually felt like you belonged somewhere, with no one judging you, no one casting dark looks over the shoulder as you passed, not ducking down alleyways as you approached.
The idea of leaving left your head swimming, and it was as you were starting to drown in it that Sanji approached.
The call of you name snapped you out of it, just enough that you could respond, but realizing that it was him sent you spiraling again. He wore a serious, contemplative look, the cigarette between his lips casting a strange shadow across his face.
“Woah, what’s wrong?” he asked, stopping just shy of your personal space.
“Nothing,” you said, a little to quickly, and even to you it sound hollow and untrue. But you couldn’t think of anything to add, too lost in your own negativity as you were, and you were content to stay there, until he spoke again.
“So, uh, we’re going to be landing soon. I was wondering…I have to go shopping so…do you maybe want to go into town with me?” he asked, his cheeks a flaming red that only grew brighter the more words tumbled out of his mouth. He was scratching the back of his head, his eyes flicking towards your face but never quite meeting yours.
Whatever you had expected him to say or ask, it wasn’t that, and you began to gnaw at your bottom lip as you considered his request. Throwing caution to the wind in the wake of the relief that filled your chest, you nodded, allowing a small, shy smile to creep up onto your face.
You shut it down just as quickly, slamming the happiness down as hard as you could before it could really manifest itself. It was too much to hope that he would go any further, too much to hope that it was more than it seemed. But still, you couldn’t help the tiny spark that lit in your chest.
From that moment until the time the anchor dropped at the dock, your heart fluttered against your ribs like a trapped bird, hope and despair playing tug-of-war with your nerves the whole time.
They eased a little when Sanji looked to you and offered his arm, which you took hesitantly but quickly came to enjoy. As you strolled through the square, he chatted amicably, like you were his best friend, and you found yourself reciprocating with ease. It was easy to forget for a while that you weren’t like everyone else, Sanji just treated you like that.
The facade was broken by a child screaming out, “What is that freaky mask your wearing? Are you ugly?”
As soon as you registered what was said, you deflated and sunk in on yourself, hunching your shoulders as you used your hair to hide your face. On the verge of tears, you yanked your arm from Sanji’s, wanting nothing more than to run back and hide on the ship. A strong hand on your wrist prevented you from escaping, and to your astonishment he began to yell at the child, calling him rude and demanding he apologize.
Unable to look up, you missed the terror on the boy’s face, followed by his mother ushering him away in a hurry, casting scathing looks back at your companion.
The grip on your wrist relaxed, and his thumb began to rub circles on your skin. “Hey, don’t listen to him. I don’t have to see your face to know you’re beautiful.”
It was such a typically Sanji thing to say you couldn’t help the snort of laughter that escaped your lips, but you quickly clamped your hand over the mask covering your mouth and cast a quick glance at Sanji.
“You can laugh. I’m not offended,” he said with a shrug. His hand slid further down, linking his fingers between yours before he began to pull you along in the direction you had been heading before the rude child called out.
You let him, watching the back of his head in bewilderment.
That initial outing didn’t establish a pattern exactly, but it quickly became apparent to everyone that something more was going on between the two of you since that day. Gentle hand brushed, a hand on your lower back as he passed by you, and soft smiles in your direction were too obvious to miss.
He still had his outbursts about Robin and Nami, but now they seemed reactionary rather than attention seeking, and even they could see the difference. Something about you had enamored him, and all without him ever seeing your full face.
The idea that he ever would filled you with dread. So you began to pull away.
He didn’t give you very long to try, though, and approached you about it exactly one week into your avoidance scheme. Naturally, you tried to duck away from him, but his hand around your wrist stopped you. It reminded you so strongly of that first day, that date, as you had begun to think of it, that you wanted to cry. It hurt to be so afraid of something as natural as this, but you couldn’t take the rejection if he decided, like your village had, that your smile was too unnatural to be normal.
“What’s wrong? Why are you suddenly avoiding me? Did I do something wrong?” he demanded, but he didn’t sound angry. Just hurt.
It twisted your heart, and you stopped trying to pull away. He was so kind, and funny, and charming, and all that coalesced into as strong a pull as you had ever felt towards someone before, and that frightened you. “No, Sanji. It’s– I–” You sighed in frustration at the words that wouldn’t come. You wanted to let him down easy, but it was impossible when you didn’t want to let him down at all. “I think– it’s better this way. I have a lot of…problems, from my past. I don’t want to drag you down.”
“It’s about that mask, isn’t it?” he asked, pulling at your wrist so you would turn around to face him. You went willingly enough, but wouldn’t look him in the eyes. “I don’t care about what’s under it. If it’s a scar or– or you have big lips or–”
You snickered at that, placing the back of your hand to the mask to stifle the noise. A flicker of a smile appeared on his face as well, but fell quickly.
“I mean it. I don’t care what’s under the mask. I like you, I want to get to know you better, if you’ll let me?” It was more question than statement; he was asking permission, and that endeared him all the more to you. For such a flirt, he sure was polite.
You looked up at him, trying to gauge whether he was lying at all, even though you knew from his tone that he wasn’t. He was only every this serious about food and fighting. And you, it seemed.
Trying to tamp down the rising panic in your chest, you began to reach up towards the ties that held your mask in place, your head starting to swim as your breathing became more shallow. Hands on yours stopped your progress though, and through the fog you could hear Sanji say, “Hey, you don’t have to show me. Not until you’re ready.”
Tears sparked at the sincerity, but you shook your head, words coming out in a hoarse tumble. “I need to know you’ll accept me as I am, before I get too attached and you hurt me. It’s better this way. Believe me.”
You could hardly see him, but thought you saw him nod, and the hands slipped from yours. The ties came loose a second later, and you cradled the mask gently in your hands as you brought it down from your face. It was the first time in many, many years that you had allowed someone to see you without it, and it felt like you were standing on the deck naked without it.
Sanji remained quiet as he stared at you, drinking in your face in it’s entirety like it was his first sip of water in a week. “Well, I don’t see any big lips, or a mustache, so–“
You cut him off with a snort, your lips curling up in a smile before you could stop it. Immediately, you clapped a hand to your mouth, barely daring to look at him but needing to know what his reaction was.
His brows furrowed, and his hand came up to tug gently at yours. You reluctantly allowed him to pull it down, clasping it in his like he was afraid you were going to hide behind it again if he let go. “Is that what you’re so afraid of? Your smile?”
The nod you gave him was a forced one; it felt like a weakness admitting it. The villagers never expressly made you wear the mask, but they made it clear they liked you better behind it. It became an unspoken rule that you had to wear it, and pretty soon you began to believe something actually was wrong with your smile, and with you. But the way Sanji was staring at you, not with disgust but with confusion, made you believe, just for a second, that maybe nothing was wrong.
“I don’t see anything wrong with it. Maybe it isn’t exactly like mine, but that doesn’t mean you have anything to be ashamed of.” His free hand came up and pushed a curl of hair out of your face, his fingers tracing a gentle path down your cheek afterwards. “I understand if you’re afraid, but my personal opinion is that you’re gorgeous. Wear the mask if it makes you feel better, but you don’t need to be ashamed of anything.”
More than anything, besides the fact that he didn’t outright run from you in horror, you were relieved that he didn’t diminish your fears. They were long kept and deep rooted, and they weren’t going to be conquered in one night. But even with just one person on your side, by your side, you felt better already. Like maybe one day you would be able to face everyone without your mask.
“Thank you, Sanji,” you whispered, your voice thick with unshed tears.
“You’re welcome, princess. You gonna stop avoiding me now?” he asked, flicking you gently on the forehead.
You giggled, and before you could even consider lifting your hand to hide it, it was already coming up. But then his was wrapped around it, squeezing gently. “We’ll work on that,” he said, leading you into the kitchen. “I think it’s time we celebrate to seeing that pretty face of yours.”
let me explain something to y’all it is 11pm here and this got wildly out of hand and it’s too mushy and i have an extreme paranoia of characters being ooc without meaning for them to be event tho sanji is hella easy but this was also super fun to write
also i suck at endings but tbh this one is like, top 5 for me so kudos me ima pat myself on the back. i’m posting this now bc idk what a schedule is :^)
also x2 i realized i didn’t edit this stupid thing, then i reread the ask for the third time and realized you asked for headcanons so long story short no headcanons, just scenario, and one very tired, incapable of reading admin
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