#just start using she/her pronouns
megapwnus · 2 years
I don’t trust anyone who uses the phrase “female transformers” like……… they don’t have a different biological sex they just use different pronouns and arguably have - in some cases- distinct gender identity. But they’re not “females” …. Nor are any of them “male.”
But also it’s super annoying to have the contrast be “transformers” vs “FEMALE transformers”
I mean. C’mon.
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erigold13261 · 1 year
id like to see your take on transfem raz :3
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My transfem Raz would probably have idolized Milla a lot more and so made her clothes look more like her's instead of like Sasha's.
She'd also get hair extensions until her hair was long enough on its own and wear blue eye shadow like Donatella!
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bonefall · 8 months
Advice for clanmew speaking structure: just say it in a Yoda voice. If it vaguely sounds like Yoda's speaking structure you did it congrats
This is accurate because that is actually how they make Yoda sound so odd. OSV (Object, Subject, Verb) word order is the rarest default order of all languages, to the point where it was once thought it didn't exist.
It does exist though! In some Amazonian languages, AND in some sign languages. But, anyway, point being that it's so rare that it's almost universally odd.
So if you make a character use OSV, like the writers usually do with Midnight in canon, you can tell there IS grammar, but that it isn't "normal." Either that they're not speaking their native tongue or wording their sentences in an uncanny way.
English, and Lakemew, are SVO. Clanmew is OSV.
English/Lakemew: Midnight teaches math
Midnight is the Subject, the thing that is doing. Teaching is the Verb, what she is doing. Math is the Object, the thing being done unto.
Clanmew: Math Midnight she-teaching.
See how they have swapped? And how there is a pronoun attached to the verb? You are ALWAYS expressing your relationship to the Subject in a Clanmew sentence. Their language is built around affirming in-groups and out-groups.
(Honestly she probably forgets about the lack of a first person pronoun pretty often and accidentally refers to herself in the third person a lot... making a mental note to self.)
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the-kestrels-feather · 7 months
Donna Noble is out here threatening homicidal maniac aliens because they were disrespectful to her daughter, meanwhile my mom won't even change my contact in her phone to my proper name.
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itsabee · 5 months
Will y’all ever make a fic with a fully They/Them pronoun using reader or a male reader?/Gen
Asking as someone who loves your fics but doesn’t use She/Her.
We don’t plan on writing another fic after this one tbh. We think we have exhausted all of our idea.
We have tossed around a male x reader so we could finally romance Liu but I don’t think a lot of people would read it nor would we have the time and energy to finish it as I don’t even know how long HO1C is gonna be.
Also I don’t use she/her and Reagan is a butch lesbian, x readers are more popular when you use a woman and I don’t really have a problem with it. Sometimes you just gotta do what will alienate the least amount of people and that’s she/her pronouns.
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coquelicoq · 6 months
did i tell u guys about how my family, who have been lukewarm at best and vaguely antagonistic at worst about using they/them pronouns for my nonbinary sibling, did a complete 180 upon learning that my sibling is also good with she/her...like i can't even tell you how hard it's been to get them to even just try to use they/them and then they hear she/her and a switch is flipped in their brains that goes "you are an asshole actually" and all of a sudden my mom is buying PROTECT TRANS KIDS t-shirts and my grandmother's apologizing to me when she messes up. okay i'm glad you got there eventually but if this capability was inside you all along i don't understand why you couldn't have been doing this with the they/them set. like my grandmother told me a couple years ago that she wasn't even going to make an effort because she was probably going to die soon (<-completely made up excuse; obviously any of us could die at any time, and she is old, but she's in good health and her mother lived to be 100) and therefore wouldn't be seeing my sibling often enough for it to matter??? but she/her is worth the effort where they/them was not, apparently. like again i can't complain about the outcome but i am very much complaining about how we got here. what even is this.
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viric-dreams · 3 months
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I may have lost this painting when I quit my drawing programme, but I can offer a small writing snippet to accompany the WIP screenshot, so it's not all gone to waste:
“What are you painting?”
Tamara hadn’t heard Ockham come in, but the way the corners of her vision shift around her, harsh lines of light softening to a dreamy blur, she should’ve realised it much sooner.
“It’s the view from my bedroom balcony. In Varchas,” she says, choosing her words carefully in a tongue that still feels foreign and clunky.
Ockham squints, studying the painting with a furrowed brow, and the expression suddenly reminds her of her auntie. Tamara shakes her head, dismissing the illogical comparison. They clearly look nothing alike. They shouldn’t, at least.
Ockham’s hand traces along the line of a wall of mirrors, where it intersects with a planter containing long dead greenery, careful not to touch the still wet paint. She’s suddenly aware that the perspective on the planter is off, and makes a mental note to fix it as soon as she’s able.
“It is not a very nice view,” Ockham finally says.
Although it’s a somewhat rude thing to say, it’s not entirely wrong. There was nothing special or aesthetically pleasing about the view. She’d barely paid it any mind herself, in all of the years she’d lived and slept in that room. The part of her brain that had been slowly developing since she’d picked up this new hobby urged her to move some elements, give the piece stronger tones than the monotonous muddy yellow characteristic of Varchaasi evenings. But that would go against the aim of painting it in the first place.
“It is not a very nice view, no. But it’s the one I had, and if I don’t paint it how it was, I fear one day I won’t remember how it really looked like anymore.”
Ockham’s studying her now, and she wishes, not for the first time, that she had any insight into her flatmate and companion’s mind, whether it even worked the same way as a real person’s would. If Ockham would find her thought offensive.
“Ok?” she repeats, confused.
“Ok,” Ockham nods, then moves away from the painting towards the door, “I go now to the market. Is there something not on the list that we need?”
She nods no, then catches herself and changes the motion.
“No, nothing.”
Ockham is gone again. This time she hears the door click closed. With a sigh, she draws her brush across the canvas, determined to fix that planter before it cements itself as warped in her memories.
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queerofthedagger · 7 months
I've been (mostly) out for years but sometimes there's moments like. over the last two weeks both of my clients, for some reason, just casually asked me if i had a boyfriend or girlfriend, and it's like. of course they would I've literally been to pride with one of them and all that! but also I'm really just out at work and get asked if i have a partner of any gender without the slightest awkwardness and as an early 90s kid that dug their way through an absolute cesspit of biphobia and bi erasure it maybe still makes me want to sob into my pillow a little, every once in a while like. fucking hell. a lot of shit still sucks but a lot of shit also got so so so much better already
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darken-hollow · 2 months
Welp I feel awful
So I been trying to figure out my gender for a while but the one thing that I’ve always came back to is that I’m a man, and so I told my mom this (for some context I have said I was using like they/them or she/they pronouns before but wouldn’t ever correct them because they would always say it’s hard when they would never use the right ones and I just stopped at a certain point) and so I told my mom how I wanted my hair and she asked why and I told her because I identified as a man and wanted it short again and she legit said “fine but I’m not calling you a he” and like I knew she wouldn’t she never did and she says she supports me being me but hearing that from her really does upset me and makes me feel awful
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retordedd · 3 months
I never use this blog because the eddsworld fandom is genuinely the only fandom I've been completely fucking miserable trying to engage with. It's full of trans people and yet the community is SO hostile towards non-afab or non masc aligned in some way trans people. I've had people blatantly refused to respect my pronouns after saying they would. I've been misgendered in a server full of trans people where literally no one else was misgendered because there were pronoun roles. In that same server, while I was uplifting trans people making jokes about being proud of their bodies, they made fun of me for not having breasts. I've had multiple people debate my boundaries like it's a topic of discussion because I asked not to be called dude, a GENDERED TERM. I've had people gang up on me to the point of tears because I dared to describe my experiences being raised with an unconventional relationship to gender. I've been accused of holding grudges and being aggressive for even daring to speak up when I'm tired of being treated this way
And these events don't refer to a bunch of random assholes, they refer to people well known in the fandom. People I've seen on multiple servers. People whose names you say and it gets recognized
The eddsworld fandom has a HUGE transmisogyny problem and it needs to be discussed. The way I constantly feel unsafe when in a fandom surrounded by trans people is completely unacceptable
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girls-and-honey · 2 months
#okay so random tag post even though it's been ages#me thinks the current place i work is actually decent a la accepting-queer-ppl so?? miiiiight. consider actually putting my#pronouns in my email signature (which hardly gets used but shh) but like. the actual ones not the society/people assume anyway ones#idk i attended a virtual tech focused event for trans dov (yes early but they didn't want to put the event on sun) and you know when#everyone is just sharing their stories and experiences and it's just like... an overwhelming sense of community? anyway that#and since it was hosted by a professional org the topics were all workplace focused and mayhaps that's something i'm thinking abt for#this year. at least within our pride group I might be ready? wild bc for a long time tumblr has been the only place I feel comfy being 100%#myself. but hearing real people's stories makes me feel like that kind of community would be nice to have elsewhere too#and the whole looking to others also turns around into the leading by example thing bc then we had some breakout groups at the end for#networking which is not my favorite but! i did my intro and said I use she/her for work but will use she/they for this group and#then the next person said he/him at work but for this group he/they so that made me wonder if it was bc of me saying so first?#which if it was is kind of like oh. the way I'm looking for those people for me.. I can also be that for someone else#anyway this sounds dumb typed out but irl/professional me has always separated out queer identity so it's new to me#i'm allowed to be giddy okay. just a little. as a treat (is tumblr still using 'as a treat' i really hope so)#oh shit is this what gender euphoria feels like#alright that's it for now i think#gah emotions and whatnot#missed you all btw i'll start actually being online again soon#personal
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inevitablestars · 6 days
starting to feel a little bit weird about me
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oozeandgoo-art · 5 months
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old drawing I never posted. i like these two freaks, I should draw them more
#rubin#skironir#oc#rukaan#humanization#skironir is fully on board with the murder for the record. She likes rubin because he loves to kill people and she thinks it's cool and fun#someone warned her when she was like human-nineteen (im not sure how to translate caribou ages to humans LMAO could've been#anywhere from 19 to 25ish) that there was a weird loner freak eating out of the garbage and threatening people with knives and she went#'damn thats crazy. hes kinda hot. im gonna be his friend'#rubin (also approximately the same age as her) was like 'ive never had a friend before and im not going to start now. fuck off'#and then failed so hard at not having any friends that he fell in love like an idiot and now he's stuck with her forever and she can't get#rid of him. which works for skironir because she would be very sad if she did get rid of him#im not sure im gonna keep the she/her pronouns for skir. in all the stuff i've written for the deer game with skir i use he/him#but rubin using he/him pronouns in the mg!au also trips me up a bunch because i keep being like this is girl rubin he's a girl i made him#into a girl and now he's a girl. and then i get lost in the pronoun weeds LMAO#you undrestand#anyway i enjoy them a lot#very straightforward characters. they roll into town. they cause problems. they kill someone. they leave#i should make magical girl katjaana straight up just a dude. for balance. a dude who uses she/her and turns into a magical girl also#or maybe i could go full tuxedo mask with her.... idk
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gem-in-the-horizon · 2 months
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I hold a good deal of frustration towards trans friends I have who complain about being misgendered, then continually refer to me as "they" to "play it safe"
congratulations! those aren't my pronouns!
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svtskneecaps · 2 months
it's still genuinely funny to me that the only eggs to use "she" pronouns decided their pronouns themselves lmfao
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weird take but I’m fascinated by the use of pronouns in pop music and I think they’re really important and telling
#who are you speaking to? who are you talking about? is it real?#do you mean it?#there’s a range you know#I was thinking about Kelly for example and there’s literally only two times I believe she’s speaking to a real person#and it’s about her dad and that one Christmas song where her ex-husband’s presence is truly felt#Lorde has never spoken to a person in a single song EVER#which used to be fine but then she started telling people to worship the sun and it was like lorde pls#Olivia rodrigo DEFINITELY talking to a person but it was the same one and a very milquetoast person and so it was like girl pls#Maisie is interesting because she’s drifting away from really personal use of pronouns#to something where it’s more about the statement she can make AT them#and it’s personally not working for me though she is actually capable of being very personal#this is honestly why I hate Boy#You can tell she created it in a void just to be mean to an idea of a person#and it’s not about the Person actually being real! because outdoor pool is i believe fictional#and it’s SO true and personal#John Hughes movie too#but lost the breakup (a song I enjoy) not sung to a real person!#and then of course there’s Taylor the most personal user of pronouns there ever was#she can make you feel someone’s whole presence with one use of a pronoun!#like the other girl in girl at home. Or the Great War t b h !!!!#(Katy Perry has never sung to a person in her LIFE but has never pretended to. Adele pretends to but doesn’t. Her one exception? Her kid!)#Okay done speaking on this#This is just how I experience the world akskkdkdjdjdjjejejehehe#If you’re talking and you say ‘we’ or ‘they’ or ‘you’ my heart is just so touched!
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