#just stick to fangirl please
soobberries · 1 year
I think the charm of the 02z line in enhypen is actually that they're all just some average dudes in terms of the energy they give off, but when you see them on stage it's like every single inch of them is on fire and they're shining on stage. Like the truest x factor type of situation.
Like Jake is your next door neighbor, kinda dorky cute, smart guy that your hypothetical mom would tease you about marrying and wanting him as a son in law.
Jay is the mysterious nice guy that intrigues everyone because he has a handsome look and may be aloof but he's actually super sweet to many and very attentive to people as well as unexpectedly goofy. Despite all this, many may turn a blind eye because it's 'just another guy on campus'
Sunghoon... This poor guy is like an endearing 'loser'. He has weird rumors about him and his childhood friends expose every embarrassing story about him. He's awkward and gets flustered easily and perhaps gets overlooked due to people not giving him a chance. But give him a chance and he's actually the guy that's focused, and hardworking.
Still, these are like tropes they fit into. A stereotype because that's really the vibes they give off... If you search enough you'd theoretically find guys like them...
But that's what makes seeing them on stage more worthwhile. They become so mesmerizing, capturing many just by the energy they exude while performing with passion... It's actually insane. If you ever have doubts about them or see the 'average joe' energy, it'll be changed immediately when you eye them on stage. You'll just have this new found respect for them...
That's crazy idk.
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scarletaqua · 1 year
Trophy (18+)
G!P Bada Lee x (Jam Republic) Reader
I’m so obsessed with her😭
Some of the scenarios here doesn’t follow the first episode of SWF2. For example, I put Jam republic seats across BEBE.
Bada won the trophy…
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Y/n’s POV:
“I’m so nervous. Everyone is so intimidating”
Being in the same group with ‘THE Kirsten’ is probably the best thing that happened to me. She taught me everything there is to know about dancing. I started dancing five years ago, hence the nervousness.
“Girl, you got this. Why do you think I picked you to join this competition?”
Kirsten’s reassurance calms me down a bit. But I still can’t help to overthink scenarios in my mind. Especially when I’m trying not to fangirl over Bada Lee. She’s the reason I pursue this career, it’s feels like a dream knowing that your idol is sitting across you. And staring at you.
The Mc’s voice rang through out the place meaning the break’s over and we’re now starting with a freestyle battle. Audrey asked me what’s happening and why are the other contenders suddenly looks serious, i told her that they’re starting the show with a battle. Knowing how to speak Korean is a blessing to me and my teammates. I thank duolingo.
“So why does everyone look like they have beef with each other?” Audrey whispered.
“For drama”, I whispered back to her.
“Guys, listen.” Kirsten pulls all of us out of the conversation to listen to the host. I didn’t even noticed that Latrice and the others were listening.
“Nod your head y’all, like you understand what he’s saying”
“Great thinking, Latrice” , Emma responded.
As the battle of ‘No Respect’ comes up, a girl from 1million, Redy, challenges Bada to a battle. Which of course Bada won, they must have some sort of past relation when Bada answered Redy’s ‘No Respect’ challenge with ‘Subin-ah, you’re still an eight grader to me’.
After Kirsten’s battle against a girl from Mannequeen, everyone took a break.
“Hey, someone’s looking at you” Ling suddenly pointed out to me. And the girls of course turned their heads to where Ling is looking. Bada went back to her position talking to her members before I even see her looking at me.
“She’s probably a fan of Kirsten, Ling” I told her, but then she just smiled at me as if she knows something. “What? I’m just saying”
“Stop it. I’m gonna go to the washroom”
I stood up from my seat and skim my way through the crowd of staffs. I finally found the washroom and went inside to fix my make up. I can’t believe I saw Bada. She’s so tall and charismatic. And her dance against Redy is something that would probably stick in my mind even after this show. As i was re-applying my lipstick the bathroom door opened revealing Bada. I tried not to look at her when she washes her hands beside me. More likely I can’t, I’m like frozen in spot.
Oh my god, she’s talking to me. Okay be cool, be cool.
“Hello” I responded in Korean, as I bowed to greet her.
“Oh you can speak Korean, that’s great” I look up at her to see her smiling down at me. It’s a great sight to see. Like God’s blessing. “So, you’re from Jam Republic right?”
“I’m Bada by the way. Bada Lee, from BEBE” she holds out her hand for me to shake.
“I’m Y/n L/n. And I know who you are, I’m a fan”
I gently shook her hand and she seems pleased with my respond. Stop looking at me with that smile, I’m gonna melt. I was going to let go of the handshake when she pulls me a bit closer to her.
“Can I take you out to dinner?”
“I’d like to take you out on a date, if it’s okay with you”
My Lord, Save me.
Actually don’t, but pray for me. This woman is too much. I can’t believe she asked me out. I must be dreaming. No, I need to calm down. I have to think this through. Girl! What’s there to think about this is Bada Lee!
“In one condition, if you win another battle. I’ll go on a date with you” Why did i say that! I should’ve said yes!
“You can’t back out now. Pick you up at 8.” She slowly let go of my hand and gave me a smile before walking out the door.
I can’t breathe
I went out after 10 minutes to calm myself down. I then sat down with my teammates, Ling once again looked at me with a teasing smile.
“Your admirer went out looking for you, did you guys meet?”
~Timeskip after the battle~
“So, I’ll be seeing you at 8 then”
Of course she won, I should’ve said yes earlier, now my teammates can’t stop looking at me.
“Yes, actually you can take her now”
“Ling! Oh my god, don’t mind her please” Bada laughs at them and then looked at me waiting for my answer. “I’ll text you my address” , I gave her my phone to type her number in.
“I’ll be waiting for your text”
Bada went with her teammates to their dressing room, skipping happily like a kid. I watched her vanish from my view as my team and I made our way to our room.
“Did not meet, my ass”
“Shut up, Ling”, I tried to walk faster so I can think about what just happened.
“You should invite her to your apartment here, I mean her dinner is there”
“Please stop.”
“Kirsten please make her stop”
“Nuh-uh, I’m enjoying this”
Kill me now
I texted Bada my location as soon as I got home. I bought an apartment here in Korea when I attended a dance class for half a year. I immediately took a shower and pick out my outfit. I ended up with a red satin fitted dress and matched my make up with it.
I’m now sitting in my couch waiting for Bada to arrive. She haven’t texted me back but she read my message so it’s okay. As I was skimming through Netflix on what to watch while waiting for her, my doorbell rang. She’s pretty early, it’s only 7:30pm. I opened my door revealing a drenched Bada.
“Oh my god! What happened to you? Come in!”
I immediately took a towel from my cupboard and gave it to her.
“It’s okay its only my jacket that is wet. It’s raining so hard outside, we might have to re schedule our date.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know. It must have been a hassle getting here.” How did I not notice the weather outside, now I feel bad for making her come here.
“It’s alright. I brought some wine, and these are for you”, she handed me the flowers and set down the wine on the coffee table. She looks so good drying her hair.
“You didn’t have to you know, but thank you. I appreciate it”, I stood up and put the flowers on a vase. I was gonna put it on the dining table when I bumped into Bada.
“Careful now”
“Sorry, I didn’t see you behind me”
“Let me take those, you want it in your dining table right?”
She took the vase from my hand and put them on the table. I did not notice what she was wearing when she came in earlier, but now that I have time to check her out, she look so handsome in a button up shirt and black slacks. I did not notice her calling my name, as I was busy thanking the lord.
“Y/n, you alright?”
“Huh? Oh yes. I was just thinking, we don’t have to reschedule our date.” Bada looked at me waiting for me to continue.
“We can just order food and have our date here”
‘…her dinner is there…’ out of my head, Ling.
“Uh, sure. We can do that. What do you want?”
We decided on Chinese food and sat down ourselves in the living room. Bada standing in front of the tv looking for a movie to watch while I look at my messages. I ignored the one from my teammates, they’re probably wondering what’s happening.
“Hey, the food place is running late on schedule. They said it might take a while because of the rain.” Bada informed me, as she typed in her phone.
“That’s okay, we can watch a movie while waiting for the food”
I poured the wine on our glasses and handed hers. I took a sip of my glass and looked at the tv. I can’t believe how she can look so charismatic while looking for a movie. Oh Lord. I’m down bad. This is bad. I took another sip of my wine, it’s honestly sweet, I leaned forward to looked at the brand of the wine when I heard Bada asked me about a movie.
“Y/n, what about this one. It’s abou-“
I looked up at Bada waiting for her to continue what she’s saying, only to see her looking down past my face. Or rather my chest. I quickly leaned back fixing my dress a bit.
“I’m sorry. I- I didn’t mean to stare at your chest”
Bada is now blushing furiously, it’s unusual to see her like this. All flustered and stuttering her words. Interesting.
“It’s alright, sit beside me. Let’s watch your pick” I said as I pat the space beside me on the couch.
Bada sat beside me, with at least two feet between us. I laughed at her and told her to sit closer. She did sat closer but her face is still red from the event earlier. The movie starts playing it’s a horror film with Jenna Ortega in it. I think it’s called ‘X’. The thunder and rain outside fits perfectly with the movie. I looked at the person beside me, watching the movie so intensely. I can see her side profile perfectly, her sharp jaw, her tall nose. Everything about is so attractive. I saw her clenched her jaw, while watching the movie.
“Ohh~ baby. Just like that~”
I immediately turned my head towards the tv and saw what’s happening. They’re having sex. That’s why she was clenching her jaw. Oh my god.
Third Person POV:
Y/n can’t help but noticed Bada’s response to the movie. She saw Bada quietly took a pillow and put it on her lap. She thought it was probably to help her be more comfortable. What she didn’t know is Bada was trying not to react to the movie. Bada’s grip on the pillow harden, turning her knuckles white. And this time Y/n ask if she’s feeling okay.
“Y-yes. Just feeling a bit hot”, Bada answered trying to not look at the gorgeous girl beside her.
“I can turn on the air conditioner if you want”
Y/n stood up trying to find the remote for the AC, and she found the remote beside Bada.
Y/n leaned forward to reach the remote but failed. She then gave up when Bada told her not to turn the AC on. Bada then poured more wine to her glass and downed it in one go. The movie continues now with the horror scenes. Y/n is a scaredy cat. Bada learned that tonight, when she felt Y/n screamed and hug her. Bada gave in and hugged Y/n closer to her. Her perfume intoxicating her, leaning herself towards the smaller girl. Y/n not noticing the effect she had on Bada, she climbed on her lap replacing the pillow on Bada’s lap. Y/n heard Bada groans thinking she hurt the girl.
“I’m sorry, did I hit you?” Y/n pulled away and asked worriedly.
The taller girl did not answer and just looked at her in the eye. Y/n was surprised at the close proximity between them. She was going to get up from Bada’s lap when she was pulled back in the old position.
“Stay, Y/n”
Bada leaned her head on Y/n’s shoulder pulling the smaller girl closer to her. This gave her more opportunity to smell that intoxicating perfume once again. Turning her head towards Y/n’s neck, she places a small kiss and pulled away. Y/n now understanding what’s happening, blushes and covers her face. She can feel it underneath her. Bada just got more attractive in her eyes.
“Don’t hide your pretty face from me”
Y/n slowly remove her hands away from her face. Her breathing became heavy, she looks down at Bada’s lips then back at her eyes. The way she looks right now is the one thing that Bada will never let anyone see. Her arms around her neck, hands on her waist, it’s perfect.
“We can stop, if you want-”
Y/n captured her lips before Bada even finishes what she’s saying. Bada responded with the same passion. They both kissed liked they’ve been starved for years. Y/n grinds herself to Bada earning a groan from the other girl. Bada’s grip on Y/n’ waist tightened as she helps her grind on her crotch. Bada’s hands pushed Y/ns dress up and caress her thigh. Y/n’s hands began unbuttoning Bada’s shirt, throwing it on the couch once she got it off of her.
Bada trails her kisses down to the other girl’s jaw and neck. Earning a moan as she sucks on the skin. With gentle hands she pulled the strap of the dress down Y/n’s shoulder as she kisses her way down. Y/n elicited a moan when Bada sucked on her nipple. Covering her mouth in response, Bada saw this and grabbed her hand and pulled it away from her mouth.
“I want to hear everything tonight”
Bada continued to ravaged her body not missing any skin untouched. Y/n on the other hand work her way through the taller girls belt. Unbuckling it was the easy part, reaching down to unzip it is not. Bada pulled away and let the girl do what she wants. Y/n got down to her knees and unzip Bada’s pants. She then pulled it down along with the boxers. Bada’s hardness slaps against her stomach startling the kneeling girl. Y/n wraps her hands around the length and looked at Bada. She then starts to move her hands up and down and leaned herself forward kissing Bada.
Bada threw her head back when she felt Y/n sucking her off. She felt incredible, her hands find their ways on Y/n’s hair pushing her down her lenght.
“Almost there baby”
Y/n bobs her hear faster as the grip on her hair tightened. Bada came and watched the girl swallows her cum as she praised her.
“Atta girl”
Y/n removed all the clothing from her body, she looked at Bada’s crotch seeing that it’s hard once again. Bada couldn’t take it anymore, she pulled Y/n down and lay her down on the couch. Bada’s hands found their way between Y/n’s legs.
“No, I want you. Inside”
Y/n looked at Bada as she lined Bada’s cock to her entrance. Bada pushed her tip in feeling the way Y/n arch her back. Bada was gonna let Y/n adjust to her size, but right now all she wanna do is fuck Y/n hard.
“I’m sorry”
And she did, Bada slams all her length inside Y/n. She was going on a rough pace and Y/n was loving it. She leaned forward to sucked on Y/n breast as she fucks her roughly. She kissed Y/n passionately whispering praises to her. Bada then leaned back to admire Y/n. Y/n’s glossy eyes looking back at her, her boobs following the rhythm of her hips, and her moans. This stirs up something in her, seeing Y/n getting fucked senselessly by her. This made her thrust her hips faster, causing Y/n to let out a chocked moan. Y/n pulled her down to hold on to her. Y/n’s moans are now by her ears, making her groan.
“So-so big. Harder”
Y/n pleaded and Bada complied positioning herself deeper and hitting the spongy part inside Y/n. Y/n’s moaning is getting louder as Bada kept hitting that part.
Y/n pushed Bada and try to make her stop thrusting her hips.
“I-I think it’s the-the food..fuckk”
“Then open it” Bada suggested
Bada pulled out and let Y/n answer the door. She saw her hiding behind the door trying to cover her naked state. Bada quietly walk towards Y/n as she closes the door and locking it. And before Y/n can turn around, Bada pinned her to the door, pushing herself inside her once again.
“W-wait Bada. He-He’s still out- fuck..”
Bada returned to her previous pace, holding Y/n hips and pulling her back a bit. This new position is hitting Y/n in all the right places. Bada’s hips thrust faster and harder wanting to hear Y/n break and moan loudly.
“Let me hear you, baby”
Bada’s almost at her limit and she knows Y/n is too by the way she clenched around her. She didn’t want this to end but seeing Y/n struggling to stand, she knew she had to. Y/n leaned her head back to Bada’s shoulder, and arching her back allows Bada to fuck her faster.
“Cum for me, Y/n”
Bada whispered to her, and like a switch her body complied. Moaning loudly as she felt Bada finished inside her as well. Y/n’s body collapsed as Bada carried her to her room. Y/n felt Bada slip in beside her spooning her as they drifted to sleep.
They found their drinks outside the apartment the next morning…
This is my first story and I can’t believe I made this. It’s prolly trash
Bada got me on a leash.
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runaeveena · 8 months
Your dashboard if you were in a d&d fantasy world still involved in fictional erotica discourse part 2
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⛰️ berenicesblade Follow
now that the new Mountain Angel volume has come out can we please tag spoilers, some of us are still waiting for our pigeon mail
🦚 faeynadaughter Follow
you can access the volume in full on TomePlane!
🎭 bardcampistrash Follow
until TomePlane acknowledges that its interplanar storage is made possible by binding aboleths to the plane and killing them then we are going to continue not using that platform, thanks
🦚 faeynadaughter Follow
aboleths killed my cousin who was a royal cleric. ill never understand why theres a whole movement to protect abyssal creatures when theyve caused so much damage to our kingdoms. and disliking a pocket dimension which provides thousands of people access to books? your attitude reeks of anti literaturism and mal-aligned virtue signaling and im not sure which is worse
🫒 tenthday237 Follow
Aliizya gets pregnant on page 62
⛰️ berenicesblade Follow
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🏰 finchtruther Follow
okay but the way that faelor finch writes every song that perfectly fits pennbiel liiike its giving closet fangirl
🧭 waywardwarlock
seriouslyy!! like what else is "give me your unmarked hand / in the shadowfell we won't be a secret" supposed to be about if not pennipher and corabiel
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🌫️ cloudgiant-snailboy Follow
yall please dont fill up the unseen servant tag with your super fucking weird smut posts im just looking for tips on how to find my unseen servant
🪡 scç-writer
the search function on tomeblr does need to be updated but we dont have to kinkshame :)
🌫️ cloudgiant-snailboy Follow
the site is being overrun by virgin degenerates
🍯 treebarkhookhandwagondoor
sounds like you need Wilam the Wizard with Wandering Hands to help you summon the unseen stick in your ass
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🗝️ crypt-princess Follow
so whose going to be the first to commission a painting of that scene with Aliizya and the beholder 👀
🍎 bloodmaledickening Follow
i already asked my local artisan he said he's gotten two other commissions for the same scene lmao
🐁 softbarbarian
girl i commissioned a tapestry
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🕯️ andersfirelight Follow
friendly reminder that devil deals are a real thing that a lot of people fall victim too and that demons are malicious and do destroy peoples lives if theyre not careful so please be careful when consuming works like Hellionfinity which romanticizes devil deals and fiendish soul contracts
🌾entangled-farmer Follow
imo any work of fiction that involves a romance between any type of fiend is not just problematic but harmful
🕯️ andersfirelight Follow
i used to be indifferent to books that had devil romance interests because like thats their whole thing theyre seducing people to get their souls and the mc overcomes it, but reading through the replies i see that Hellionfinity actually ends with the devil character as the main romantic lead which is super problematic in terms of power imbalance and the fact that he has a redemption arc is so out of touch especially since our military is finally recovering from the azgurian assault
helliofinity also has a scene where the main character uses a soul coin that an imprisoned mortal gave him and he uses it to bring the devil out of avernus so he doesnt fully die and no one in the book mentions it or talks about how messed up it is to use soul coins and we never see the now bound to hell prisoner ever again
🕯️ andersfirelight Follow
hellionfinity officially cancelled on my end!
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☘️ celest-ial Follow
moment of silence for all the customers waiting on drink orders while the tavern wench gets her back blown out by a new guy every night ✊😔
🦁 king-killa Follow
the gods work hard but Girthy Gladys gets worked harder
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🎲 beholdersbeholdingme
paladin and warlock romances are OUT! cleric and necromancer romances are IN!
🪭 royalcoinpurse Follow
the only thing a cleric should do to a necromancer is beat him to death so she can revive him and kill him again
🎲 beholdersbeholdingme
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❇️ arch-dryad Follow
i think we need to analyze why we're so quick to place women in categories of devious seductress or healer in romance novels as if that hasnt been the pervasive trope that holds magic-touched women back in our actual society
🍯 treebarkhookhandwagondoor
why do you assume these fictional tropes are mf couples only? can a gay cleric not beat his gay necromancer boyfriend to death?
🎲 beholdersbeholdingme
and off! beat him off cmon guys
5,275 Notes
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🧀 weremouse Follow
yall ever be talking or whatnot and feel like no one understands you
🪨 sebrenenogdon Follow
ᛄᚠ ᛡᚢ ᚳᚪᚾ ᚱᛁᛞ ᚦᛄᛋ ᛡᚢ ᚺᚪᚠ ᛏᚢ ᚱᛁᛒᛚᚪᚷ ᚦᛄᛋ
🧀 weremouse Follow
say that shit fr (<- looking around clueless)
🪨 sebrenenogdon Follow
60 Notes
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🌠 crownofstars
remember when that person made a call out post for the author of ilairepeler for using a ghost writer and it turned out the author was an actual ghost. writing. like a literal ghost writer. like.
🍄gnomestool Follow
arent you the dwarf that fucked a slaad
🌠 crownofstars
how would you like to become a ghost so you can write more witty comments like this for eternity
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beiasluv · 2 years
sully boys sleeping trope 😳
a/n: this is the product of daydreaming before bedtime, enjoy! 🤍
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jake (2009)
such a cuddler 100%
he loves being a big spoon for u, anytime, anywhere. it makes him confident that you are sleeping soundly in his arm
jake, jake, he has a trauma of waking up in his old human body 😭 he always hold onto your waist or arm, when he first wake up. then, opens his eyes to his home, Pandora.
what about before bedtime? well, glad you asked, he loves cuddling with you under the starlight. he loves listening to your soft voice telling things about your days or just giggling together.
he loves loves snuggling your head into his neck and resting his chin onto your head, inhaling your sweet scent
“jake, you know i haven’t wash them yet this week,” you pushed him away
“i don’t mind, I love your scent, my mate’s scent.”
100% braiding his hair when he can’t sleep.
when you have nightmares, he’ll wake you up in his embrace 100% awhhhhg
when you first sleeping together he was nervous asf.
your boy sweating and everything. even trying to hold your hand, he was red RED.
you accepted his hands swiftly and hugged it against your chest. he loves for you to hug his arm 100%
me personally, neteyam might seems like a protective typa guy but he loves being the small spoon deep down. I KNEW HE IS
childhood trauma enters the chat, kinda like that. all his childhood, he is expected to be the golden child, the oldest brother, but all he need is a little bit more love and affection.
your boy needs, you provide.
hugging him from behind is so comfy all the time.
i am guessing he has a cold body, and that clashes with the heat of your body. he loves to be snuggled in your heat and radiation
before you guys sleep = massaging each other and relaxing together
you’ll massage his scalp, down to his face, neck, and even his shoulders. he’ll purr in satisfaction, which, of course, we LOVE IT
he’ll try to hide it :( but we love a supportive significant other
“hm…y/n…t-thank you,” he shivered in your touch.
“your welcome, nete, but we know you are trying to hide your purrs,” you giggled. “please, I love them, don’t hide them,” a peck on his nose calmed him down and unlocked his door.
from that on, neteyam became neteyam the purring cat to you. Slay
he’ll return the action as well. basically you guys both massage each other to sleep, drifting away together to the dream world.
definitely shy boi when you guys both sleep together. he’ll be stiff as a stick.
so, of course, you have to make the first move.
you tapped his shoulder slightly to gain his attention, “lo’ak, are you sleeping?”
“no?” he turned to face you, his yellow eyes glowed in the dark.
“I am cold, can you hug me?” you suggested and giggled.
“erm…yeah, of course,” he awkwardly hugged your waist and rested his head on your head, while you snuggled up against his chest. “this…this feels nice.”
“doesn’t it? we should do it more often,” you pecked his lips.
I know, childhood trauma again. BUTTT lo’ak, being love deprived he is, needs affection 100% and you were there to provide them to your boy
he loves to snuggle up with you from then on.
you guys favorite position is definitely facing each other and back away from the outside. it seems like there are only you two in the world, and that’s all it matters
you’ll sing his mother’s song chord to calm him down, and plays with his hairs. he’ll rub your back to calm you down as well.
today’s a great day to take care of yourself! 🤍
@rosaryos / @bumblinbumblvee / @loudcolorwolfgarden / @nyotamalfoy / @fangirl-2610 / @astablacksword / @lokisblueskin
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multifandom-worlds · 5 months
Party Like a Rockstar....Fuck Like a Pornstar
Genre: Almost smut? Like, smut adjacent.
Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: Alcohol, fairly descriptive talk of sex, mild derogatory language
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x reader x Theodore Nott
Authors Note: This is my first fic for this fandom. Probably pretty out of character for them. Please let me know if there is anything I missed, anything I should do differently next time, etc. Thanks for reading!
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“I don’t understand why they prefer to spend time with her rather than with us?”
You listened to a group of random Slytherin 5th years as they fawned over Theodore and Matthew, watching them at their Quidditch game against Gryffindor. You were used to other students wanting your boys, even though the three of you did not keep your relationship with each other a secret. It just came with the territory—you had two of the hottest Slytherin boys wrapped around your finger, doing whatever you asked of them as the obedient little dogs they really were. 
“Look at her, seriously? Look at all the hickeys on her neck. She’s so trashy!”You chuckle to yourself, stretching out in the bleachers and enjoying the sun on your face. If only they knew how you got those hickeys, how fuck drunk you were on their cocks just the night before as they ruined you, leaving you a dripping, overstimulated mess on Theo’s bed. If only they knew how you had Theo whimpering,  begging to be touched while you rode Mattheo’s face. 
You watch, along with the other fangirls, as they fly around overhead, watching their muscles contract. You press your thighs together, feeling heat start to grow between them—they were losing, and you knew whenever they lost, especially to Gryffindor, they would be angry and take all that pent-up emotion out of you. Not that you mind, you had no issues being their little fuck toy, mainly because they would shower you with praise once they felt better. 
While you were daydreaming, Slytherin had caught the snitch and won the game. The entire Slytherin bleachers erupted into hoots and hollers as they descended on the field. “Party in the Slytherin common room!” Blaise shouted above the din. 
You watch as that gaggle of 5th years swarm Mattheo and Theodore, pressing themselves all up over them, batting their eyelashes and flirting relentlessly. 
“You played so well!”
“You looked so hot up there!”
“Come back to my dorm, and I can help…relieve those sore muscles of yours. I’m really good with my hands.”
Theo dramatically gags, hearing what they have said, causing the rest of the team to laugh. He turns his attention to the 5th year directly in front of him. “And what’s your name?”
“Lacey, Lacey Goldrun. You’re Theodore Nott! My friends are Tara, Serena, Elena and Sophia. We have been yours and Mattheos' biggest fans ever! We come to all your games and know your whole schedule, even where your dorm is!” One of them responds, her face lighting up at the fact that Theodore Nott was talking to her.
Mattheo looks at them suspiciously. “That’s stalkerish.” 
“Well, Lacey Goldrun,” Theo began, looking down at her, eyes boring a hole into her. “You must be new here because everyone knows Matt and I are spoken for, so if you dare touch me again, I will…” 
You stick your finger and thumb in your mouth, letting out a high-pitched whistle, attracting the attention of every person on the Quidditch field. Theo draws his eyes away from Lacey before he and Mattheo begin to push their way through the crowd to you. 
“Walk 'em like a dog, sis!” Lorenzo shouts as you begin to walk back to the castle.
“Walk am like a dog!” Draco echos, erupting into a fit of laughter.
Both of them roll their eyes and flip the group the bird before diligently following you back to their dorm for their after-game ritual. Most would assume they planned on bedding you, but the reality was much softer. They took turns taking a shower to clean off all the sweat before the player who scored the most points in that game got to steal you for a nap.
Theo came out of the bathroom, a towel draped around his hips, seeing you and Mattheo fast asleep on his bed. The faintest smile pulled on his lips before he kissed both your cheeks and went to get changed and go for a smoke. “He scored one more point than I did, cara mia; how is this fair?” He chuckled to himself before leaving the dorm.
You moan into his kiss as he presses his body into yours from the front. You could feel just how hard both of them were, and it was all because of you. With Mattheo’s lips on your neck, your free hand slides down between your bodies to palm Theo through his jeans. 
Hours later, the Slytherin common room was packed - drunks were flowing, music was blaring, and the party was in full swing. You were grinding against Mattheo, your arms around his neck while his hands were on your hips, holding you tight against him. “You’re so fucking perfect, mon petit coeur. This dress..” He trails off, his hands sliding down your legs, playing with the hem of your admittedly concise dress. You continue to gride on him, making eye contact with Theo, sitting a few feet away.
“Fuck, cara mia, you look so fucking good griding on him like that.” Theo groans, walking over to you and Mattheo. He grabs your cheeks in one hand, forcing you to look up at him before he claims your mouth, his hand falling from your cheeks to your throat, squeezing gently. 
“Merlin, I wish that was me,” A very drunk Lacey whines. She was trying to make it look like she was talking to her friends, but she was staring straight at the 3 of you. You pull yourself away from your boys, strolling over to her before leaning in close to whisper in her ear.
“You want to be this trashy, do you little one? You want to be so cock drunk that you don’t even know your name, and you can’t sit on your ass for weeks because of how many times their hands came down on your ass?” You give her a quick once over, clicking your tongue in disgust. “You couldn’t handle this being you; you’d break before they even got started.” 
Lacey looks at you, eyes glassy in her drunken state. You squeeze the bridge of your nose. She didn’t understand a single thing you just said to her—which is probably a good thing. You didn’t necessarily want to traumatize the poor girl. You turn to her friends, “Take her back to her dorm; make sure she stays there. I don’t want to see any of you until morning. Do you understand me?” 
The other girls nod quickly, fear prevalent on their faces as they quickly pull Lacey away, disappearing into the crowd. You walk back to Mattheo and Theo. “That was one of the hottest things I have seen you do in a long time,” Mattheo says, grabbing your ass and pulling you close, stealing the words right off your tongue. 
You hardly had a moment to breathe before Theo's nicotine-stained lips made contact with yours. Mattheo lets go of your ass, disappearing into the hordes of people. You were so lost in Theo’s kiss that it barely even registered that he was gone. 
He bites your bottom lip, pulling away every so slightly before letting it go. “If you weren’t so drunk right now..” He began, hands on your ass, “I would drag you update and fuck that mouth of yours. Matt was right; that was one of the sexiest things you have done in a while, telling people what kind of perfect slut you are for us.” 
You go to say something, but you are interrupted by a shot glass getting shoved between your tits. You know who that hand belongs to - you look up at Mattheo, fire whiskey in his hands. “Celebratory shots, Theo?” He questions, pouring the alcohol into the shot glass.
“After you,” Theo says, taking the bottle from the other boy's hand. Mattheo smirks, shoving his face between your tits, wrapping his lips around the shot glass before lifting his head up and back, downing the liquid in one swallow. He takes the glass out of his mouth before handing it to Theo.
“My turn, Cara Mia, be a good girl now, and I might reward you when you sober up,” Theo says, placing the shot glass back between your tits. He poured some fire whiskey until it was overflowing. “Whoops,” he smirks before he, too, shoves his face between your tits and takes the glass between his lip.
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arkhammaid · 6 months
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fandom. formula one & mcu
about. ollie and y/n talk for the first time... even if it's over text. takes part right after the strategy reveal
content warnings. smau, not edited/proofread
notes. have this first chapter before i dip into my holidays hehe
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hey y/n! i hope you don't mind me reaching out, but i thought it would be good, since we're the only rookies and never properly met :) to a good season!
oh hi oliver! i don't mind at all, thank you for the message. to a good season for us
are you busy with preperations as well?
ferrari is definitely a step up from f2, haven't had a free minute for weeks now
welcome to f1 lol 😂
leclerc treating you well? it must've been a mess with sainz...
no worries, charles has been very welcoming, i'm really honored to be his teammate. and the thing with carlos... yeah, it was a bit, but we actually get along well
good good, wanna see you racing and not getting distracted by some bitch fighting in the garage
lmao 😂😂
nah nah, all good. to be honest, he's still a bit prickly about how ferrari and lewis handled those rumors... but well, it isn't really my business
good good
have to run, dad wants to wrap up our moves to ny
but we'll see each other soon, yeah? lemme know when you have time for a proper talk, we definitely have to stick together as rookies
the grid can be a cruel world
alright, have a nice day! don't know about free time yet, but the lastes we'll see each other will be in bahrain
awesome, till then oliver :)
you can call me ollie
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let's meet up in bahrain
hello to you too, y/n
hello ollie
so, let's meet up
i'll be there a few day earlier, you as well?
i actually planned to come with ferrari, but i can come earlier!
awesome. you can entertain me then :)
what about the rest of your team?
kev is back with his family and doesn't want to leave them too early, my dad is busy because the president is an incompetent fuck, harley and peter are working on publishing a paper before they join and the rest is just generally busy
damn. alright, as long you plan everything? i have nothing prepared lol
sure! we can go training together and i know a few nice places we can hit before the stress begins
i'll send you the data later, don't worry, i'll pay for the hotel
you really don't have to
i don't care, you're hanging out with me, i will pay for stuff. i know you could stay at home but you're gonna spend time with me so shut it
hehe, until bahrain. can't wait!!
until then, y/n 😊
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taglist. @lilypadlover , @adorablezhui , @peqch-pie , @keyz-writes , @obsidianjewel , @themercyverse , @lehm-hhn , @akiraquote , @kiiyoooo , @nichmeddar , @nothingfuninthislife , @minkyungseokie , @fionaschicken , @lyrasconstellation , @spideybv28 , @keii134 , @starssfall , @tpwkstiles , @fangirl-dot-com , @lady-laura-speaks , @nikifiguerido , @hinamesgigantica , @brakingboundaries , @almostjollypizza , @yoremins , @raizelchrysanderoctavius , @celesteblack08 , @watermelon-sugars-things , @lighttsoutlewis , @radiantdanvers , @vellicora , @sterredem , @hiireadstuff , @jolixtreesunn , @mypage-myfandoms , @nelly187 , @greeneyesandsunshine ,  @fulla02 , @welovediaaxx , @whyamireadingthis , @67-angelofthelordme-67 , @blueberry64857959 , @winchesterwife27 , @six-call , @skywalker1dream , @mellowarcadefun , @cherry-piee , @peterholland04 , @motorsportloverf1 , @renarots , @msbyjackal , @leclucklerc , @yl90
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ghostlykeyes · 10 months
Hello! :)
First, I'd like to say that I've been enjoying your works so much! They're so well-written and fun to read ^^ I especially loved the one with Kayn and a cute partner, it was so sweet! <3
If it's alright (and there's no worries if not!), may I ask for either Sett or Yone with a shy, soft-spoken partner? Both seem like they'd make a cute pairing! Just completely sfw please.
Tysm! 🩷💫
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HEARTSTEEL SETT/ SHY READER ♡ Gender Neutral ♡ SFW ♡ No TWs ♡ YESSSS I'm so excited to write for Sett ! While the amount of Kayn content might indicate otherwise I have ALWAYS been a Sett main and I will ALWAYS maintain he is BEST BOI ♡ Thank you for your kind words anon! Hope you enjoy ~
Wonderful, sweet Sett—he can tell exactly when you're worried about a social situation. All it takes is a look, and he knows that you're stuck in your own head, stressed about meeting new people or replaying the last conversation you stumbled through. "Hey," he says gently, bumping you with his shoulder. "You okay?" Sett listens as you talk through your concerns, rubbing a comforting thumb over your knuckles. He's silent until you finish. "I know other people can be rough" he says once you've expressed your struggles. "But honestly? Screw what anyone else thinks about you. You're sweet, kind, cute..." Sett continues the list until he coaxes a smile out of you. "But for real," he says, once you feel better. "I think you're the greatest. If someone else can't see that just because you're a little shy, that's their loss."
Sett knows he's got those Scary Boyfriend Privileges and he's not afraid to put them to work for you. Trapped in a conversation? He'll stand behind you, arms crossed, and glare. Usually the other person says their goodbyes pretty quickly. Need to confront someone? Any disagreement, big or small; say less. Sett is there, definitely not flexing menacingly. And asserting yourself? Well, telling your roommate to do their own dishes is a hell of a lot easier with over six feet of solid muscle backing you up.
Whenever you've got something to say, Sett shushes everyone so that you can speak. It's a little embarrassing, suddenly having all the attention suddenly on you. You do have to admit, though, it's nice to have people actually listen to you for once.
Obviously he can't avoid fans approaching him, but Sett feels so bad whenever you're out together and someone recognizes him. You've already got limited social energy, and now you have to waste it playing nice with heart-eyed fangirls ogling your boyfriend? He understands it's not pleasant. "Sorry, baby," he says to you. "I'll make it quick, I promise." After taking a selfie or two with them, he politely but insistently makes an excuse to leave. "Awesome to meet you," he smiles, winding his fingers through yours, "but we gotta go. Heartsteel schedules, man!" After you make your escape, Sett bends down to kiss your forehead and apologizes for the unwanted attention.
The best way Sett supports you in social situations is through his body language. He comforts you with the soft pressure of a hand on your back, or a reassuring thumb rubbing circles over your knuckles. When you speak, he turns his head to you, fully engaged. And, if you're in a group, he always makes sure to angle his body so that you're included in the circle.
When introducing you to his mom, Sett sticks to you like velcro. The two people he cares about most, finally meeting? Of course he wants it to go well! He practically hovers over you, trying to give you as much support as he can. You can barely go to the bathroom without him chaperoning. Bless his heart, though—he's so nervous and eager to please both his mom and you that it actually ends up making you more withdrawn. Thankfully, his mom—angel that she is—notices how nervous you are. She gives you a comforting smile (the exact same one her son often offers you, you note) and tells you both to relax. "Don't pressure yourself, my dear," she says to you. "My son adores you, which means I do, too. You've already got my approval." Her kindness and warmth is incredibly disarming, and you find it's very easy to come out of your shell around her.
God help the poor soul who tries to speak over you. Sett gets so pissed whenever anyone cuts you off. It doesn't matter if it's a Heartsteel member, or one of your friends, or, fuck it, your own damn mother—Sett's jaw locks and he gives them the dirtiest of dirty looks. "Uh, hey? I think they were trying to say something," he interrupts them, voice firm and eyes hard. And with Sett glaring down at them like that, all bulging muscles and barely-concealed growls and pissed-off-boyfriend energy? They usually quiet down pretty quick, and you're free to continue. They're on Sett's shit-list for the next couple of days, though. He's giving them a glare every time your back is turned.
While Sett loves his bros in Heartsteel, he knows that they all have really big, loud personalities. It can be a lot to deal with, especially for someone so shy. So, he invites you to everything—music video filming, birthday parties, movie nights— but he makes it clear that he completely understands if you don't want to come. Oh, but if you do show up? He's over the moon, and he'll do anything to make sure you're as comfortable as possible. Feeling overwhelmed and need a social break? He'll step outside for a walk with you. Kayn's teasing you? Sett's got him in a 'friendly' headlock in .2 seconds. Said something embarrassing? Don't worry. Sett will immediately distract everyone, even if he's got to say something twice as embarrassing to change the subject. Whatever you need, he's got you.
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lynnlovesspidahman · 1 year
peter parker x reader
word count : 901
warnings : none :) just happiness.
summary : swinging with peter. — not that swinging you perv. web-swinging (bad joke.)
i did write this with insomniac’s peter in mind but any one of them can work here!!
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“What? Why?” Peter pouted at yet another decline of his offer, his bottom lip sticking out.
“Don’t make that face. You can’t convince me into this one.”
Peter’s been trying to talk you into swinging across the city with him for a long time now, ever since he had first told you about his alter ego.
You absolutely refused.
“Okay, 1. You know how I get with heights,” He rolled his eyes as you continued, “2. What if you let go of me? I mean, how am I supposed to even hold on?”
“I would nev-” He motioned his arms to form an X.
“Hush, I wasn’t finished. And 3. What if someone sees us? Then I’ll really be in danger. All of your “fangirls” would come for me.”
“Very valid reasons, honey. I love the way you argue with me to get your way every time,” He sarcastically remarked.
“Whatever, Pete. I’m sorry I don’t wanna die early,” You crossed your arms and let out a hmph.
“You saying you wouldn’t die for me?” He put one hand on his heart, pretending he was hurt by your comment.
You didn’t answer, the best you could do was stay quiet and ignore his antics. No way in hell would you go swinging with him, no matter how hard he’d tried to persuade you.
“Oh, so now you’re ignoring me.” He took a step to close the space between you, “I’m sorry, honey.”
“What?” You raised an eyebrow, and turned to face him, “For what?”
“For this.”
He grabbed your waist and hoisted you onto his hip, “Hold on tight,” He smirked as he pulled his mask down.
“Peter,” He ignored you. You wrapped your arms around his neck, trying to grip onto him as tightly as possible.
“Peter, I swear to God if you ju-”
He ignored your warning, and jumped off of your apartment building’s rooftop.
As you were free falling, you screwed your eyes shut completely. You would’ve screamed, if it weren’t for the fact you were focusing on trying to securely wrap yourself onto your boyfriend.
You heard his web shooter make a thwip noise as you felt yourself floating upwards now. And downwards again.
“Open your eyes, honey.” Peter whispered, he seemed so relaxed. On the other hand, your stomach was still doing flips.
You peeked one eye open, and were immediately in awe.
New York has never looked so beautiful.
The sun was setting, and was peeping through the many buildings along the horizon. Each building had so many little squares of lights, from their windows.
“It’s amazing,” You let out a breathy laugh, and looked over at Peter through his mask.
“Is this what you see everyday?” You beamed, if you weren’t as high in the air as you were, you would’ve been jealous of him.
“Yeah,” He let out a breath, “This is why I’ve wanted you here. This is what I’ve wanted you to see.” He looked back at you.
“Eyes on the road, don’t let us crash. Please.”
“Okay, okay,” He laughed.
He started to swing a little higher, and you couldn’t decide if you wanted it to be over or not. It was breath-taking, but terrifying.
He aimed at the roof of a building, and stuck the landing, luckily.
You still had your legs wrapped around his waist, and your arms locked around his neck. Whether you were on stable grounds or not, it was still high up.
“You can let go now, honey, I promise it’s okay. We’re done, now.” He reassured you as he giggled at you still being scared.
“I’m okay, after that, I don’t even think I can trust the ground. How did you do that?” You made eye contact with him through his mask.
“Do what?” He cocked his head to the side.
“Hold onto me for so long! While swinging!” You widened your eyes at him.
“Super-strength, sweetie,” He winked with the eye of his mask. You almost hit him, he was so corny. But he was so adorable.
“Peter!” You were in a fit of giggles.
“Did you have fun?” He pulled his mask up just enough so you could see his lips and the tip of his nose.
“Yeah, somewhat,” You let go of him, finally. “But don’t you ever — and I mean ever — surprise me like that again.” You made your face all serious, to show you really meant business.
“Alright, alright. I’ll try and warn you in advance next time,” He stuck his hands in the air, as a surrender.
He was so cute, you thought.
“I love you,” You smiled at him and stood on your tiptoes as you leaned into his face.
“I love you, too.” He leaned into you, and kissed you.
You wrapped your hands around his neck, as he grabbed one of your cheeks and the back of your head.
Ending the kiss early, you pulled away and brought him into a hug, swaying him back and forth.
“My place?”
“Sure,” He smirked.
“No. We’re walking this time.” You took a step back. He didn’t stop smirking.
“Peter- No, please!” You begged him as you both laughed.
He grabbed onto you and jumped before you could let go.
You hated him for a moment, but as soon as you felt his grip on you, you forgave him immediately.
Swinging isn’t so bad, but you wouldn’t tell him that.
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just a short lil fluff for yall. i’m so addicted to playing spiderman again and i just can’t stop writing. 😗
(john bubniak marry me)
hopefully you all enjoyed!!
likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated!! 💗💗
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piakae · 7 months
babys-breath ☆— k. jungwon
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synopsis ➔ jungwon decides to make a bouquet for you.
pairing ➔ florist!jungwon x fem!reader
genre ➔ fluff!!!
word count ➔ idk why i put this here
warnings ➔ stressed jungwon, incest NOT BETWEEN THEM OMG
a/n ➔ can’t spell jungwon without win. or whatever
The oak wood table with splinters and thorns sticking out of it rests under Jungwon’s gloved hands, flowers of all shapes, sizes, and shades popping out of various baskets around him. His laptop, that was over decorated with brand stickers, was displaying an unknown website’s article about flower’s meanings and messages.
You’d think he knew all about it, working as a florist and all. But when he curated custom orders and new arrangements for the week, he either copied photos or did exactly what the customer wanted.
Something about this arrangement caused a drop of sweat to appear, his fingers to rake through his already messy hair, and hands to shake with uncertainty.
It was for you.
Only yesterday were you watching a romcom in class, fangirling over the beautiful bouquet that the male lead gave to the female lead, all while Jungwon was critiquing the colours and choice of flowers that the man chose.
The boy on the screen, his name was Tim, totally blew his first confession, something Jungwon had visually cringed at.
You blow some hair out of your eyes, the strands distracting you from the drama, also leaning in closer to the screen. Jungwon’s cologne tricked you into thinking that’s how the male lead smelt, and the smell of your shampoo tricked Jungwon into thinking that’s how the female lead smelt.
‘Tim, I told you that we can’t be together.’
‘Why? Tiffany, you are the only one for me.’
‘Tiffany, please–‘
You both inch closer, practically connected at the hip.
‘We’re cousins, Tim!’
Jungwon smiled at the memory of your disgusted face, deciding that he needed to get this bouquet over and done with before the sun went down, hoping to get it to you that afternoon. He let out an anxious sigh and eyed the several flowers surrounding him, feeling like he was about to be ransacked by some daisies and roses.
His eyes shined against the sunset cutting through the stores windows, a perfect bouquet held in front of him. It was the fifth one he made. First was too yellow, second was too big. Third was just sad (he then decided to buy a coffee), fourth was too happy. Fifth was insanely large.
This one was perfect. Yellow, orange, pink, white flowers perfectly clustered and spread, wrapped in newspaper because he ran out of plastic wrap and tissue paper on his fourth try. Jungwon bit his lip, nodding his head in pride.
He grabbed his bag with his fresh clothes, locked the store, then unlocked it because he forgot the bouquet, then locked it again.
“Jungwon?” Your voice rings out, pausing him in his steps. He shoved the bouquet behind him and looked up at you nervously. Fiddling with the stems behind him, he turns.
“Hey Y/n.” As you look him up and down, never seeing him in his uniform before, he suddenly realised he may have others things to be concerned about. “I’ve just- uh- finished my shift.”
You seemed to be returning from the library, still clad in your school uniform. Still beautiful to him.
You nod with a small smile, leaning to peak behind him. A baby’s breath flopped down, as did you smile.
“Are those flowers for someone?”
“What flowers?”
“The ones behind your back?”
He looked over his shoulder to the bouquet, and put his lips into a thin line. Your hair had perfectly fallen, one piece of it in your face that you promptly blew away. It reminded him of the drama, your concentration, your reaction to the disastrous confession. He did not want to be the Tim in this situation, especially the cousin part.
“These… are for you.”
You blinked, “What?”
“You liked the bouquet from that drama we were watching, the one with the cousins- you know how it was like terrible and weirdly incest-“
“-Yes! Yes I know, Won.”
He sighed and smiled, “So I made you this.” Jungwon brought it out from his back and nervously darted his eyes between the flowers and your reaction. A soft smile crept up onto your eyes, a shade of pink painting your cheeks.
“Thank you Jungwon.”
You stepped towards him and took the bouquet, smelling them, eyes glittering.
“This is amazing. You’re way better than Tim.” Your heart thumped at his laughter, and Jungwon looks down to where you’ve slipped your fingers with his too smoothly, blushing like crazy. “And I’ll give you extra brownie points if you pay for my muffin, we’re going to the café.”
@raevyng @enhacolor
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creativewritersposts · 4 months
not true - Luke Hughes (part two)
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PART ONE; click here
summary; Luke Hughes x reader.
Luke reads your fanfiction and wants to prove to you he's not a bad cook.
warning(s); maybe grammar errors, angst, fluff
author's note; if you like it - let me know ♡ happy weekend!
You got three hours to clean the house, clean every room and get yourself new clothes on. You wanted to change your clothes. You forgot the time because you had to clean literally everything.
Nothing happens the way you wanted. Your hair is sticking up, you're not shaved and your kitchen still looks like a bomb explosion. You're not a messy but the last work shifts were so exhausting and you just wanted to sleep.
Nobody could know Luke Hughes wants to visit you.
And your worst nightmare comes true - the door bell rings after three hours.
Luke Warren Hughes is standing on your door and you're barfeet with a mickey mouse shirt on. The door bell rings again, you feel how you want to sink into ground but here you are, opening the door.
A tall, skinny man looks on your shirt. "Ehm..eh..hi?",he nervously jiggles with his right feet. He's wearing a dark jeans and a lumberjack shirt. It suits him. It suits him well.
"Don't say anything", you warn him. Your cheeks getting heated, embarrassed about yourself.
This man is your celebrity crush for 8 months nonstop and you're standing in this shape in front of him.
"I'm sorry for being late..I had to fill my car with gas because I forgot to do it beforehand and i needed to go grocery shopping", he holds a plastic bag in the air with something greenish in it. Ew, it looks damn healthy. You thought he brings some chicken nuggets from McDonald's or something like that.
You wink him in the house, no clue what you're doing with this man now. In your fanfictions you would grab his arms and kiss him until you both can't breathe anymore but this situation is awkward.
"Do you want something to drink?", you ask politely, "water, please", he thankfully smiles and steps into your house.
How can his smile look so cute? How is he real?
How the fuck is he so tall?
You give him some water and sit down in the kitchen. His cheeks are burning too and he's quiet. This man wrote you, a fangirl, drove over three hours and now he's speaking about nothing.
"What are you cooking today?", you start the conversation. "Oh I'm cooking one of moms receipts", he talks with a voice crack. "You'll like it!", his eyes sparkle enjoyment. "It looks really healthy ", you touch the broccoli like it's poison, your face expression says enough.
Luke stands up and swiping on his phone after the receipt, "it is but I bought us ice cream after this", his calm voice fills the room.
"Wait, you're staying after dinner?!", you're shocked. Shit, you wanted to call your parents.
"Oh, I can leave after this. Don't worry", he bites on his lips, he looks insecure like I hit him in the face. "no no-", you want to save your situation. So bad.
"It's okay", he shows you thumbs up and turns around, preparing the broccoli and cheese. And green things, you never saw before.
"What do you want here?", your voice sounds powerful. Inside you're afraid to hear the real reasons.
"You're a talented writer", he answers. "And?", you re-ask him. "is it a bad thing to visit a fan? Some would pay money to see me", he shrugs his tall shoulders. He's cooking besides talking, avoiding your eye contact.
"it's weird", you stop the silence between you two. "I know", he looks in your eyes.
"Ok you have ten minutes to ask me every question you want to know about me", he starts with a new topic.
"Do you have a girlfriend?", the words fall out of your mouth. "Nah", he stirs in the pan. The green something. Whatever this is.
"Why not?", you are interested, "it's not easy to find out which girl truly loves you when your older brothers are good looking and famous and you're the baby". Your face looks completely out of mind. It makes sense. "Do you like roleplay?", you're asking without thinking.
"What?", he turns around. Poor pookie.
"Sorry, forget that one", you smile.
"Do you read fanfictions?", "yes". It surprises you. "Why?", "why not?".
The food is ready and Luke put the pan with the food on the table, ready to eat. To be fair, it smells good.
You take your first bite, and it's an taste explosion. "Thank god for Ellen", you groan in heaven for this green food.
"Maybe you'll meet her one day", his ears turns tomato red. "I love your fanfictions, I really do", he smirks. "thank you?", it sounds more like a question than as a sentence. "but you're right, you're not the worst cook".
"It sounds weird but I think you could be a really good friend", he explains, ignoring your last sentence. His plate is empty. How can he inhale so much food in seconds?
"a good friend?", you're ready to go, crying in the bathroom. It's more than you ever imagined in your life.
"Yeah I mean friends, dating, you know..all the same", his voice cracks begin to get more.
"Dating?!", you stand up in your shirt, ready to pass out. Omg if you pass out, Luke has to do CPR. Jackpot.
Your phone is vibrating and playing the song 'boombastic'.
"Luke i need to-", you get hectically. "Hi mom! Hi dad!", you fake a smile, turning yourself around to hide Luke in your kitchen with the dinner.
"our baby girl! How are you doing?", mom replies lovely. Luke loudly breathes in, because he choked on his own food.
"Who is the guy in your house?!"
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billskeis · 5 months
Hi, would it be fine, if I ask you for bill angst?
I don't want the reader to forgive so easily too 😫😩
Thanks, pookieboo.
ᡣ𐭩 bill’s stupid priorities
“i want to break up.” bill said. he said it so easily, as though he’s been thinking about it for a while. you stand there in the middle of the living room, dropping your glass of water, glass shattering to the floor as you physically feel sick. suddenly all air is lost in your lungs as you force your body to swallow the boulder forming in your throat from becoming any larger.
mouth agape before you could speak. what’s gotten into him? everything was fine before, but.. now all of a sudden he wants to end things? you sit down on the couch beside him, he inches himself a distance from you, your heart stings at the action, oh he’s serious.
“can you tell me why?” you hold onto your knees to prevent shaking, your breath already doing enough of that.
“i..i just want to focus on the band—and don’t get me wrong—i know you said you don’t care about me putting the band before you.. but, i can’t. i don’t want to do this to you anymore.” he begins to sit up from the couch, a hand of yours instinctively grasping onto him.
“but i never once asked you for anything more! please, i’m content with what we have just—please don’t leave me,” tears welling up in your eyes as they begin to cloud your vision, “this, we’re stronger than this, bill, it’s been years. and you want to drop it all now?”
he shakes your hand off of him. stepping further and further away from your apartment as he gathers his things.
“‘m sorry y/n. it’s over.”
“how long?”
“how long have you been thinking about this? how long were you gonna wait and plan to tell me this while i naively loved you, craved you. and cherished every single moment we’ve had with one another before you meant to break up with me.”
you’re now stood up to his level, on the balls of your feet that began to ache with impatience. as your now ex-boyfriend stands there without a single word to say. wow, so he’s been thinking about it for a while then.
you sit down on the couch, elbows propped up onto your knees as you begin to sob into your hands after emitting a small “fine. do whatever you want,” and with the click of the door shutting, it all came raining down on you as your heart bore the loss and pain of love that you had with your person.
all you could think about were the happy memories of your time with bill. it started off as meeting in elementary school, protecting him from the ruthless bullies that bothered him and tom. escalating to a vow where the three of you are bound to stick and stay together forever.
it was clear that over the years you and bill’s bond were, in short words—closer— than you and tom. sometimes during your weekly hangouts alongside georg and gustav, you and bill would secretly escape and elope to god knows where. sharing mcdonalds together, watching movies with one another. hand holding whenever it felt right, which was, all the time.
you were there with bill when times were tough and tokio hotel got an immense amount of hate. the morales were low and bill felt as though he lost all hope, but you didn’t let him. did everything in your power, actually, to get him back on his feet and now tokio hotel are back stronger and better than ever! so.. did that all mean nothing to him?
when he all of a sudden just decided to spew at you that he wanted to break up? why did he get to make such a decision himself?
oh, how poor you wish you knew ..
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
during their performance everything was going super smooth! fans were chanting, guitars were going and the set was perfect. well, the three of the members thought the flow was going perfect. whilst singing it’s second verse, bill scans the crows to see a bunch of fangirls and boys screaming and crying for the young rockstars.
all but one face, the face he yearns to see is missing. leading him to stumble on a line where he completely banks out on his line.
he quickly picks up the pace, backing his track onto the song as he shares a glance with tom. tom, who’s jaw is clenched as he strings his guitar, mouths a ‘what the hell’ to his younger brother as he then focuses on the crowd in front of him, staging a facade to not start any unnecessary drama for the media to feed and bank money on.
“what the hell, bill!?” tom throws his empty coca cola can at bill, who successfully dodges as they now sit in the dressing room post-concert.
bill scoffs as he uses a small towel to wipe off the sweat and dripping mascara off his face, “you just completely fucked up our tempo. like you’ve been doing for the past couple of days, s’wrong with you??” georg plops himself down on the couch as he swings an arm around his band member. “betcha it has something to do with y/n.” he teases.
tom quirks an eyebrow, “the fuck did he do?” gustav slips in, “he broke up with her,” tom, left in complete and utter shock, not cause he was the last to know but the fact that his brother let the only person who loved his brother so much to the point they’d kill, he broke up with, “are you fucking insane!?!”
“take a shot every time tom said ‘fuck’ or ‘fucking.’” georg snorts.
“please georg, now is not the time. and yes, i did break up with them. i made it clear that i wanted to focus on the band and that.. they were a distraction.” this time, tom threw a decorative couch pillow at bill, who again, successfully evades the blow by catching it within a hold.
“you’re fucking stupid.”
“how am i stupid? how am i stupid for wanting to focus on the band? isn’t this what we would’ve wanted?? no distractions, whatsoever. you even decided to stop taking in groupies because it fucked with our tempo.”
“it fucked with MY tempo. nobody else even noticed. but you, bill, are our lead singer. and with your tempo fucked, so is everyone else’s. look at you man, you can’t even deliver your lines without messing up, it’s been like this for the past couple weeks! what will the media think?? what will our fans think?? you were never once like this when with y/n. they, in fact, helped our tempo.”
“i..i thought it’d help us..”
“well, it didn’t. and y’know what. i know you regret it. i saw you. i saw the way that your pathetic little gaze scanned the crowd in hopes to see them. well guess what, they weren’t there. you betrayed them. betrayed us, remember that vow? how could you do this? i thought you loved them.”
bill looks down as his hands, empty. as if they’re missing something. someone, someone who fits and moulds to them completely and perfectly. tom was right. he did love you. bill just thought, by breaking things off would help with his career, singing is his life, tokio hotel, the band, his fans, are all his life. but so were you.
the only thing that bill could imagine at that very moment was the touch of your hand atop of his head, comforting him to let him ‘know everything would be okay.’
all he wants, is a caress from his girlfriend.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
you stare at yourself in the mirror, waiting for your friend to come out the washroom to reveal her own outfit to you. “wow. you look amazing babe!” she giggles as she twirls you, hand holding your arm above your body in your tight-skin dress. “thanks, but ‘m not sure if i’m ready to go now..”
“are you kidding?? take all the time you need. oh! but not too long i wanna be there early enough there’s still free alcohol.”
you bite your lip. you didn’t really want to go out. after the breakup all you did was stay inside, watching movies, binge, watch more movies, stay in bed. hell, you didn’t even shower for a few days! it took hours and hours of convincing for your best friend to finally persuade you into going to a house party.
she looks at you and softens her gaze, arms wrapping around your body as you simple stand there, “i know. i know you originally weren’t planning to go out. but you need to. you need to finally get back into the world and realize that a world without bill is still worth living. hey! maybe you’ll end up finding someone else while we’re out.”
you snicker at her and pat her back for her to let go, “you know i don’t want anything else but bill. but hey, you’re right. i deserve this, and i’m worth more than bill and i’s relationship!” you pump yourself up as your best friend cheers for you, “that’s the spirit! now let’s go get our drinks on!”
“w-wait y/n!! where are you going!? we didn’t even get our third shots yet!” your friend chases after you in the crowd as pushes away the people preventing her from getting to you so easily. you stop in your tracks and turn on your feel to face her, “he’s.. he’s here! sophia he’s here i—i gotta go.”
she tugs on your hand to hold you back from leaving any further, “so what? the night is still young and there’s so many people around. he won’t notice!”
in despite of all the commotion of the people dancing, making out, laughing and drinking, smoking and grinding, there you stood in the hallway with your best friend as the two of you bickered. bill’s eyes widened in shock as he saw you here of all places. but why did it matter to him? the two of you were broken up.
he stared in awe at how you looked. glowing. the way you shine in such a dimly lit environment almost had his knees buckling. if it weren’t for the publicity of it. bill would’ve already been on the floor, a full on prayer for you to take him back. he would’ve done it, if it weren’t for the multiple spilt drinks mixed with the dirt and germs tracked onto the floor of the somewhat fraternity house. one could say it was even worse than the club.
“and that’s when she—bill? where’ya goin??” tom asks with a blunt accompanying the corner of his mouth.
“to get my girlfriend back!” he looks back to his older brother who’s already shooing him off, a proud smile plastered onto his face at the sight of his determined younger brother. as bill made his way through the crowd of people, one girl attempted to grab onto his arm, caressing it, as he quickly shut her down her pick-up line, cutting her off with a ‘not interested’ as he now stands in front of you.
oh fuck. oh fuckfuckfuck he’s right in front of you. god, he looked amazing. and you bet if you inched a bit closer to him he’d be wearing that cologne you loved so much. oh who are you kidding he probably doesn’t wear that anymore since the two of you aren’t dating anymore. he is wearing it
“hi.. y/n. can we, talk? please?” he shoves his hands inside his pockets, standing there awkwardly.
sophia had to slap your arm for you to realize that you haven’t said anything for a minute. dissociating as you haven’t grasped the fact that your ex boyfriend was standing right in front of you, and he wanted to talk??
anger bubbled within your core. he wanted to talk?? after all this time, and after all these weeks, he wants to talk?? it took everything in your body to not tackle him. right then and there, and just completely claw at his body for how he’s left you. the man that promised you, a forever and together.
then, you saw it, in the flashing lights for a moment. eyebags, eyebags so bad you’d know he’d only get from the lack of sleep, they were different that others, y’know? the kind that only form when something truly keeps you up at night. if you stared a little harder, you noticed too that his eyes were puffy, and he seemed.. frail.
you let in a deep inhale, and patted the sides of your thigh where your arms rest to comfort you into not lashing out at him, “five minutes, you have, five. fucking minutes. bill.” as you grab his hand and lead him into the washroom.
locking the door, you push him onto the toilet and stand in front of him, feeling a little guilty for the wince he let out from how you’ve manhandled him, “speak. and use your words fucking wisely because i did not want to spend my night talking to the man who broke me, kaulitz.”
and it was the way you said his last name. the way that your voice held so much sorrow and angst from how much he broke you. in an attempts to not sound shaky, you croak while speaking to him. but how could you not? just seeing his stupid fucking face just makes you want to crumble down, as all the flashing memories of your life together came together in a timeline as you saw him.
“i—fuck y/n, i’m lost without you.. i don’t know what i can do to get you to believe that i can make us work together, it was stupid of me to break our vow.”
“yeah, it was.”
“but, but now, i want us to work. and i don’t want to give up. i did that once and—well, i’m here now. i’m here in front of you because it was the wrong choice. please, schatzi.. give us another chance.”
“no! no—don’t you fucking call me that because you don’t get the right.”
he frowned, and it hurt to see him sad. but he had to understand, that you were sad to. and he thought that maybe, maybe by him letting you let out all the anger that you’ve held against him for the past few weeks, will allow you to forgive him. for him to yours once more.
“i gave you my heart. my fucking soul. i gave you my everything and then you up and left.. how could you!? how could you do this to me.. it’s your fault.. it’s all your fault. and now, i don’t feel as if i could ever love anyone or myself as much as i loved you bill.”
“i..i still think your my person, y/n. and i’m hoping, that i can become yours again.”
he reaches out and arm to hold your body within his, he yearned for that caress that you’d always done for him. just to be held in your arms once again, like old times. but you slap away his hand, “get away from me,” you hissed. you unlock the door and look back at the pitiful figure that sat still on the toilet seat, music somehow blaring into the small space that only encompassed the two of you. you stare at him, completely lost and unknowing of what you want to do.
“your five minutes is up, goodbye bill.” slamming the door behind you as you left bill, who notices the tears that began to fall and stain the fabric of his jeans.
i think this was so shit
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no ending of them tgt cuz im evil :p would write a p2 but im also so lazy and have so many reqs , bare w me
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the-golden-comet · 21 days
✨🥘WIP Food Questionnaire🥘✨
Ooooh a fun new game from @dearunreliablenarrator ? Yes please!!
Rules: Answer the food-related questions provided in this link using the voices of your OCs. The yummier the descriptions, the better!
what is one comfort meal that'll change your whole mood for the day?
Ali’s baklava. It’s got a flaky, buttery crust that just melts on your tongue, a thin layer of chocolate and hazelnut spread between the sheets of sweet dough, topped with a thin drizzle of hot, chocolate syrup and powdered sugar. Sometimes, he adds a few sliced bananas to it and the flavor is, mmmm. ✨-Noah (YWIMC)
what is an experience (good or bad) that has turned you off or on to a food completely?
Oh God, I cringe at the memory….Harley had me go fishing for our meal once, and the squish of fish fry between my fingers is a feeling I will not soon forget. The smell of raw fish, bait, rust from the sea-weathered equipment. Ugh. I’ll stick with potatoes and fruit, thank you very much. I know Peter will try to force me to eat a protein, but I can’t stomach looking at the face of a dead fish. Mmmm…perhaps if it was in a stew…..-Benjamin (Peter Hart)
if you could eliminate one piece of produce, meat, dairy or sweets off the earth what would it be?
Oh Gosh!! Off of all of EARTH? Mmmm…that’s a tough one…..do drinks count? I’d get rid of all that gross alcohol immediately. It burns my throat and makes me feel dizzy. And…maybe dark roast coffee. It’s waaaaay too bitter….unless you add a lot of cream, sugar, milk, caramel….chocolate….
Itazura:….Tenshi. Focus.
…..Oh! R-right. Just coffee though? Blegh! Add some sweet to it, and it’ll be perfect ✨-Tenshi and Itazura (Tenshito)
and dessert is normally saved for last, but if you could what would you order for your entree at a restaurant?
Oh OH! Can I answer this one too? 🪽✨
Mmmm, there’s this one thing that is SOOOO good! It’s an ice cream with red bean paste—
Itazura: —Mochi? (餅)
But, it has some fruit and it has beautiful designs! It’s reeeeeally good!! ✨
Itazura: Ah, Wagashi (和菓子). Yeah that’s pretty good.
cooking is a life skill, why haven't you started learning yet!?
Well, I would….but SOMEONE decided to ABDUCT me 😡 -Tyr (ITROG)
I will very gently tag the following (if you’ve been double tagged, whoops. I’m a silly goose 🪿✨): @tragedycoded , @sableglass , @cowboybrunch , @gioiaalbanoart , @wyked-ao3 , @alinacapellabooks , @yourpenpaldee , @ominous-feychild , @lychhiker-writes , @rotting-moon-writes , @saturnine-saturneight , @marlowethelibrarian , @jev-urisk , @kaylinalexanderbooks , @katenewmanwrites , @badscientist , @eccaiia , @smellyrottentrees , @lavender-gloom , @paeliae-occasionally , @honeybewrites , @drchenquill , @theink-stainedfolk , @willtheweaver , @aintgonnatakethis , @musicismymoirail , @nczaversnick , @oliolioxenfreewrites , @autism-purgatory , @finickyfelix , @writercoracain , @moltenwrites , @rivenantiqnerd , @leahnardo-da-veggie , @noxxytocin , @thecomfywriter , @theaistired , @mauannacreates , @tildeathiwillwrite , @mysticstarlightduck , @the-letterbox-archives , @houseplantblank , @mundanemoongirl , @minamaybe , @fantasy-things-and-such , @ragin-cajun-fangirl , +open tag! ✨
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Somewhere Out There
Tom “Iceman” Kazansky x Wife!Reader
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Synopsis: Deployments are hard, but when you have someone to come home to, someone to love, that makes things easier, painful as it may be.
Warnings: Maybe a little bit of angst, I guess, offscreen sort-of implied married-people-doing-married-people-stuff 😉😉, minuscule cursing, a PG-13 use of the F-word, and a crap-ton of fluffy, lovey-dovey goodness.
Author’s Note: I don’t write reader fic.
I really don’t.
I write ship fic and gen fic, and I’d say I’m pretty decent at it, judging from the comments on my stories.
But then, @valmare came along, and we just clicked.
Mostly through screaming about Top Gun, naval aviators (*cough*tomkazansky*cough*), and our mutual appreciation for Val Kilmer.
And I knew I wanted to write something for her, especially since she was celebrating 300 followers!
Unfortunately, deep down, I knew I couldn’t write a ship fic for her.
I would have to write a reader!fic.
So, because I love her, I delved into the uncharted (for me, at least) waters of reader!fic.
I’m honestly not sure if this is any good, I wrote it in a perspective I’m not used to, and I hope and pray it makes any kind of sense.
Title is from the song of the same name, “Somewhere Out There”, from An American Tail.
To my dear Mir, I swear I began writing this yesterday, but I touched on things that you did in your own most recent fic, however, I couldn’t for the life of me, find another way to put what I wrote.
I promise on Goose’s grave that I did not plagiarize you.
All I can say is… fangirls think alike?
Please don’t hate meeee!!!!
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this attempt at wading in the waters you so expertly navigate, my dear!
Happy 300 Followers!!!
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The mist was rolling in from the sea, she absently noted, while the rising sun caught the minuscule droplets of water in the air, making the very wind shimmer.
Even inside, she could smell the faint tang of salt in the air, one of her favorite scents, but it was missing the key part—so much was missing.
The warmth of her husband behind her, for one thing, as they watched the sunrise on this window seat, her legs bracketed by his, his arms around her, the scent of spice, bourbon, and jet fuel which was all him, surrounding her.
God, she missed Tom.
Right now, he was halfway around the world on a ship, and she was watching the weekend sunrise without him, for the first time since they got married.
She knew this was part of being married to an active duty naval aviator, but it didn’t make the ache any better.
She tugged the collar of the USNA t-shirt up to her nose, but the scent was so faint from when Tom had tossed it to the floor the night before his deployment.
She sighed; she could still remember how he’d made her feel that night—he’d made her body sing, playing her like an expert musician would his instrument.
She’d felt him for days after, and if she focused enough, even now, she could almost feel his hands on her, the paradox of how gentle they were, despite the callouses on his palm, his lips on hers.
For all that he was called “Iceman”, she never saw an iota of the reasoning; with her, he was never anything but unfailingly warm, gentle, kind, loving, and passionate.
It had been nearly a week since she dropped him off last Monday at Miramar, exhorting Mav and Slider to bring him home to her.
The grave promise in the two men’s eyes as they readily agreed, had to be comfort enough, and wordlessly, they hauled Tom’s seabag between them, a strap in each of their hands, cheerfully bickering as they went, to give her a chance to say a more private goodbye.
She didn’t know what to say to him—this had to be one of the most painful things she’d ever done—giving her husband up to the sea and sky for ninety days, not knowing if he’d return to her alive, safe, having to trust only in his skill on the stick and his wingmen to bring him back to her.
Tears stung at the corners of her eyes, and Tom’s eyes softened, as he drew her into his embrace. “I’ll come back to you, lyubimaya moya,” he whispered in her ear, all too aware of how dangerous it was to speak Russian on base, outside of the safety of the walls of their house, but aware that she needed the comfort.
“Promise me—promise you’ll come back to me, Thomas Kazansky,” she fiercely murmured, drawing back to look at him, taking the opportunity that she would shortly not have.
No matter what, no matter what oceans part us,” he replied, an intensity which would frighten others, but which soothed her, in his crystalline eyes.
She gasped and desperately tugged him to her, his kiss piecing her heart together and breaking it, all for knowing that it was the last time she’d feel it for three months.
He’d taken her soul with him the moment he let her go to do his duty.
Back in the pain of her present, a sob masquerading as a sigh tore from her lips—it wasn’t enough; it would never be enough until she had him back in her arms, back in her bed, back in this house, where she felt like a shade of herself, a modern-day Eurydice.
Her legs reluctantly carried her to the kitchen, where she prepared her weekend coffee, narrowly resisting the urge to pull out two mugs instead of one.
But when she picked up the can of Maxwell House, she fumbled it, because it was far lighter than it should’ve been—heavy, but not the still-full can it should have been.
Tentatively, she opened it, and gasped when she saw that the can was filled with folded-up pieces of paper, each marked with dates on them, in Tom’s careful, exacting writing.
She tipped the can over, and the papers came spilling out—there had to be at least three months worth of letters here, one for each day of his deployment.
She frantically searched through the pile, looking for today’s date.
Upon finding it, she dashed back to the window seat, deliberately peeling the tape holding it closed, unable to treat the letter with anything less than the utmost care.
She quickly noticed Tom’s writing here was cramped, as if he were trying to fit everything he wanted to say on this one small piece of paper.
“Hello, solnishko,
If you’re reading this, it means that you’ve found the letters I wrote for you; one for each day of my deployment.
As I write this, I am next to you in bed, looking at your beautiful face, so peaceful in sleep, but the mere thought of my impending departure already tears me apart more than I thought possible.
I won’t have thought of anything else but you since the moment I left your arms, I am absolutely certain.
You know all too well why I joined the Navy—my search for a home, a real home, one not plagued by unattainable standards and harsh words.
I eventually found one in the sky, and for the longest time, she was enough, with her freedom, her thrill, but there were still demands, still standards, though the words were kinder.
Then I met you.
And you changed everything.
You are my home, lyubimaya moya; with you, I don’t have to be Iceman, or Lieutenant Kazansky; with you, I can be Tom.
Just Tom.
Your Tom.
I can’t wait until I can be your Tom again.
Eighty-four days, zhizn moya; and I’m yours again.
Yours forever,
She pressed her hand to her chest, careful to avoid crumpling the paper beneath her hand, a tear slipping from her eyes, the ache of his absence soothed with the absolute confirmation that he was thinking of her just as she was about him, and intensified, knowing that he was so far away.
Eventually, she sniffled, brushing away her tear tracks, wishing it was Tom’s hand, and gathered herself.
Eighty-four days.
Eighty-four days, and she’d have him back—a short eternity, to be sure, but a small price to pay for what she’d get back at the end.
Until then, she’d count the sunrises, holding him and the words he’d written for her, close to her heart.
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Tom stared out at the horizon, watching the sun come up on the relatively quiet deck of the Enterprise.
It meant that he lost a good thirty minutes of sleep, but it was worth it, just to know that his wife was looking at the same sunrise, or she would be, at any rate, given the time difference.
The horizon spread out before him; endless, and the fleeting, errant thought that she was just there, beyond the beyond, entered his mind.
So far—a little over six thousand nautical miles, more or less, depending on the course and speed of the Enterprise, further than any F-14 could fly—and yet so near, because she was never far from his heart.
He’d never thought he could love anything or anyone more than her—among his other endearments for her was zhizn moya, because that was what she was to him: his life.
Tom idly twisted the band of gold around his left ring finger, more proud of that simple ring than the hard-won blue-jeweled Annapolis ring on his right.
God, he missed her.
“I thought I’d find you here.”
Tom turned to see Mav, coming up to lean on the railing beside him, none of the usual cockiness on his face.
“You shouldn’t be up yet, Mav.”
A haunted expression lingered on the edges of his wingman’s face as he searched for anything but the truth to tell, and Tom knew. “The usual?”
“Yeah,” Mav rasped. “I—I checked on Merls and Sli, but I got—got worried when I—I didn’t find you, so…” the black-haired pilot trailed off, before continuing, “you okay?”
“I should be asking you that, but… yeah, I am, just…”
“Just missing her,” Mav nodded sagely, almost wistfully.
“How do you even handle that?” Mav asked, frowning.
The sunlight made him feel more honest than he would probably otherwise be, Aurora’s kiss a comforting benediction, reminding him of all he had to come home to, and he replied, “What makes you think that I am?” He shook his head, “Doesn’t really feel like I’m even here, honestly.”
Mav good-naturedly smirked, “You left your heart in San Diego?”
Tom side-eyed his wingman. “Yeah, actually.
You’ll understand it one day, when you meet the right one,” he sighed, thinking of his wife’s beautiful smile.
“I dunno, Ice, I’m not sure if I want to be you, or be thankful that I’m not.”
Tom scoffed, unable to help his grin. “It’s the worst feeling in the world, to be away from her, to exist without her, after knowing what it’s like to be with her—”
“Not exactly selling it, Kazansky,” Mav interrupted.
Tom rolled his eyes, “I wasn’t done, dickhead.”
At Mav’s grin, Tom continued, “As I was saying, it’s the worst feeling in the world, to be away from her, to exist without her, after knowing what it’s like to be with her, but knowing that I get to come home to her… that makes it all worth it.
I hope you get this someday, Mav.
You sure as hell deserve some fucking happiness in this life.”
Mav smiled weakly, but honestly. “Maybe one day, Ice.”
The two of them smiled at each other, before Tom clapped Mav on the shoulder. “We better get going—the guys should be awake now, and if we don’t get to mess, Slider and Merlin might just take all the good stuff.”
“Good is relative,” Mav scoffed, making him laugh.
“Okay—the better stuff.”
They laughed, beginning to make their way back in.
But just before he stepped through the door amidships, he couldn’t help but look back at the horizon, the sun shedding the last of its dawning gentility, to turn into the harsh, blazing light that it was in this part of the world.
Eighty-four days.
Eighty-four more sunrises holding her only in his heart until he could also hold her in his arms.
It was a high price, to be sure, but in the face of having eternity as hers, what was eighty-four days?
Until then, he’d count the sunrises, holding her close to his heart.
“Hey Ice, you coming?” Mav called.
“I’m coming,” he replied.
And with that, he stepped inside to do his duty, eagerly awaiting the next sunrise, each consecutive one bringing him closer to his home, to his beloved wife.
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I headcanon Ice as having Russian descent, but quite frankly, you can tear Slavic!Ice from my cold, dead hands.
To me, he’s either Polish or Russian.
Russian Glossary
Disclaimer: endearments and translations taken from Google—please don’t hesitate to correct me if I’m wrong, which, odds are, I am.
Lyubimaya moya: my darling/my one and only sweetheart
Solnishko: little sun
Zhizn moya: my life
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siren-sashimi · 1 year
Uchiha Petnames and PDA Headcanon list [Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Obito, Uchiha Shisui x gn!reader]
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Contents and warnings: fluff, allusions to possessive behaviour, repressive behavior, mostly sfw but with allusions to mature themes!
Uchiha Sasuke Note: Public and private (meaning, only the two of you, and maybe in front of your children in the future) are two strictly separated spaces for Sasuke. Partly it's due to his upbringing in socially high standing family that taught him to not appear too lax in front of others. Partly it's him being uncomfortable displaying intimacy publicly. • He might warm up to some handholding or letting you holding on his arm in public. Keeps the fangirls at bay and you're close by his side. • Can and will possessively touch or put an arm around you when someone's mean or flirting with you. It's not your fault, you can't help being the best being with the prettiest smile in the world, it's others that can be trusted around you. • But please respect this separation of public and private space, that boundary's important to him. • In private Sasuke needs some time to let his walls crumble - like with everything that is a form of intimacy to him. • In private Sasuke will let loose for once. Be it leaning on you while you read, sew, cook, paint, or any hobby requiring you to sit down and barely moving. Wrapping his arms around you while you fold laundry or prepare your meals. Curling onto you when sharing your bed. • At home, Sasuke is a weird mix between Koala and cat. He isn't clingy but he enjoys sharing the same space with you, even if you don't talk all the time. Might lean onto or hug you without needing anything but your proximity. • If you're into pet names, you will have to lower your hopes with Sasuke. • Even in private it took quite a while before he could get comfortable with your first name combined with familiar honorifics. That will be the most you'll get out of him in public spaces. • In private he will address with first name without any honorific, even casually slip a "love" or "dear" when feeling cozy around you. • But between the sheets... Pet names are a perfect way to  tease you or to utilize for dirty talk. • More tolerant with you using petnames on him. But don't push it. "Honey" sounds sweet to Sasuke but jokingly ridiculous ones like "boobsie" or "Boo-bear" irritate him. • Once you playfully called him "Sa-chan", and weirdly he found himself enjoying you calling him that, even when you're going out. It's casually intimate. • Wouldn't address you with nicknames himself but doesn't mind with you use nickname variations for him. Uchiha Itachi Note: Similar to Sasuke, Itachi has a reputation to maintain, comes from a conservative family, therefore He won't be too explicit in his PDA but is less strict in this matter as his little brother. • Quiet a romantic, Itachi enjoys holding hands or you leaning on his side when going out. • Still he comes from a traditional family so PDA will remain chaste. Might let you get away with a quick kiss on the cheek if you're very quick and giving him innocent smile afterwards. • At home Itachi can get really gooey, peppering you with kisses or swiftly kissing any spot of yours when you just pass by. • Loves when you lean on him while he's reading or writing something. He likes to cuddle when you go to bed. • Usually he isn't raunchy but by times he might enjoy giving you a light slap on your ass or casually caress your arms when he's getting in the mood... • Loves when you play with his hair. Secretly, Itachi is quiet proud of his meticulously kept hair. • Even in public Itachi calls you "sweetheart", "dove", "lovely", "baby", "honey"and so on. He does it so casually, it feels casual and saccharine at the same time. • One petname for sticks in particular . It was inspired by running gag between the two of you. • Not much into nicknames. In fact, you can only use the short form of his name in the bed room when he wrecks you enough for you to be unable to speak coherently. • Itachi's use of nicknames is limited to maybe a shortened form of your name and only this one will remain. His Strict education is still engrained in him. Uchiha Obito • Obito has always been a bit of the black sheep of the family. So he's bold and open about PDA. • By times it can be more demonstrative to show that yes indeed, his relationship is very real, nobody could not not witness it. • Handholding in public is basically obligatory. At first it Obito's hands were terribly sweaty, more a demonstrative gesture. When Obito calms down from his first high of actually having scored a date, his hands become dry. • His hands are big. He touches your hands like something delicate. • Expect randomly receiving little kisses on your temple or on top of your hand. • So perfect to lean onto, Obito is like a cozy rock. • Take care to bring sunscreen and soothing cream for Obito's scar tissue when going out. He might be neglectful about that matter, having stayed for such a long time isolated from the outer world. • At the beginning of your dates, you were a bit unsure to continue dating because Obito was a too deliberate with PDA. The Public display part felt more important than the affectionate part. That was until you learnt that he's inexperienced, therefore he behaved like a hormone driven teenager. You need to talk with him first about boundaries. He does sulk for a bit but comes around eventually. Afterwards handholding, little public kisses are just as common although more natural, spontaneous, and less about going through all the cliché things to signal dating. • Calls you ridiculous nicknames just for the sheer fun of it. They aren't mean, they're just funny. You're totally free to come up with fun ideas too. • Saccharine terms of endearment are earnest moments or home. • When he addresses you with first name, no nickname, no honorifics, you know who wants to tell you something serious. • The moment Obito calls your name like this, you know that he sincerely, deeply loves you.
Uchiha Shisui • Addressed you in informal ways very quickly whereas you barely knew him, you still addressing him in an informal way. • He does this to get you flustered and nervous. • And yes, there is something sexy when you stammer "U-Uchiha-san" while he teases you cute nicknames. • It should be said, that he never does this when you aren't in the room. He wants to get your attention, not undermine your authority. • Calms down remarkably when you begin to date. Shisui has a way to speak out your first name like it was delicate. Somehow that feels far more intimate than his former impoliteness. • Only uses nicknames as a joke but usually simple variations of your name. • Pet names aren't particular either. Shisui likes to use simple ones like "honey", "dear", "love" like he would use your name in a conversation. • Just you wait until you use pet names on him. Being addressed as "sweetheart" gets his heart racing. • It should be noted that petnames are an intimate thing for Shisui. Even though he might seem to use them casually, he won't give anyone but you pet names because after all, he's an Uchiha, he can't get gooey with anyone else. Even if you call friends fun petnames he might get a bit hung up about it. • PDA might also seem very casual but is only reserved for you. • Shisui does public hand holding or putting his arm round your shoulders, or letting you cling to his arm. • Kisses  in public: Gives you kisses on the top of your head, letting you lean onto him or leaning onto you but lip kisses or cuddling is not something he will do in public. • Again, the Uchiha name comes with certain social expectation, even if he isn't from the mainbranch, Shisui has a reputation he wants to maintain. • In private Shisui is all kissy-kissy. Kiss on the shoulder, quickly grabs your hand to kiss your knuckles, kiss on the cheek, small kisses he can casually reach. In-between meals, while folding the laundry, when you wake up, when you go to bed, when you return home. • When he's tired all he longs for is leaning onto you or being hugged gently. • Surprisingly chaste with private touches. Shisui's touches are all about intimacy and comfort, it feels like being embraced in a warm home.
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Imagine Jason Holding Your Hand While You Struggle To Walk Beside Him
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Jason Voorhees X FemReader
Rating: T+
Warnings: Mentions of death, blood, abuse, bodily injuries
Word Count: 940
(A/N:) Happy Friday the 13th sick things! I'm here to bring your boy Jason as a favor to my friend! She loves the franchise and this masked slasher! Guess he's her equivalent to my Michael Myers. I had to write something for her and I really wanted to post it today because duh! So hopefully this will make the other Jason Voorhees fangirls happy! Until next time happy reading! ~Countess
Your parents had forced you into being a camp counselor at the newly reopened Camp Crystal Lake. Despite your protests at having to spend summer with cruel students you went to school with, you were shipped off and left to fend for yourself. It didn't take long until the horrible things that they did to you during the school year began to happen at the camp. It didn't matter how many times you told the overseers of the camp, your dilemmas fell on deaf ears. Two days into your camp stay and you escaped to your cabin and refused to come out. You locked the door, letting the pleas of the staff go ignored. Thankfully your mother had packed you snacks, so you had no reason to leave.
That second night you had been holed up everything changed. You had fallen asleep, the sounds of night bugs filling the silence until a scream pierced the air. You jolted awake, a shiver going down your spine. Several moments passed as you tried to steady your breathing, your mind chalking it up to the others trying to get you to come out of your cabin. Laying back down you tried to go back again, when another scream froze your blood. You could hear thundering footsteps as the door to your cabin began to shake. One of the counselors beat upon the door, pleading for you to let them in.
"Haven't you tortured me enough," you shouted pulling your blankets over your head. "Go prank someone else!"
Another scream as a machete pierced through the wood of your cabin door and blood splattered across the frosted glass. You choked back a scream, trying to keep as quiet as possible, praying that whoever on the other side would go away. No such luck as the door shattered letting in the attacker. You shook violently at the giant of a man standing before you. Your eye had been blackened from your fellow counselors throwing rocks at you and the palms of your hands had scabbed over where they had tripped you on the gravel.
"Please," you whimpered. "Don't hurt me."
Though he didn't treat you the same as the now dead girl on the ground in front of your cabin, he didn't just leave you alone. You found yourself walking beside the tall killer through the camp that now was stained with the blood of his victims. Your legs felt like jello as you tried to think of some way to get away. He put a hand at the small of your back, trying to be careful of your bruises. No one had treated you so gently but you really didn't want to go into the woods. He was adamant as he pushed you further. How he could see you didn't know as the moon was hidden by the dense foliage of the trees and small bushes. Sticks cracked under your bare feet and despite his large size he stalked through the darkness in absolute silence. You tripped over roots, sticks snagging on your hair, and thorns scratching up your already battered face. He patiently waited for you to catch up, never letting you fall too far behind. The further in the woods you got, the more exhausted you became until every step you took you were tripping. You couldn't see your hand in front of your face and the terror was beginning to swallow you.
The adrenaline you had before was keeping you going, but now that wore out and you were exhausted. You watched the large man disappear in a thick brush. Letting out a relieved breath you hoped that your luck was finally beginning to change. That didn't last long as he returned not seconds later. Seeing you on the ground he slipped the rusted bloodstained machete under his belt and holding out a scarred and bloody hand. You reclined away from his hand. He grunted wiping his hand on his stained pants before reaching out again. He wasn't going to leave so you gave in, placing your much smaller hand in his large palm. He pulled you upwards, getting you back steady on your feet before starting forward again. A few steps in and you noticed that he hadn't released your hand. It was much easier to walk and keep up with him as long as he held your hand tightly. The coolness of his skin against your warmth was a pleasant contrast it had you shivering.
You lost track of the time and how long you had been walking before exhaustion once again nipped at your heels. Despite him leading you, you were beginning to falter once again.
"I'm tired," you mumbled.
Wordlessly and in one motion you were lifted and held in this stranger's arms. He carried you tenderly making sure no branches snagged in your hair or struck your face. He seemed tireless as he pressed forward. Though he hadn't said a word or made any sort of motions to harm you, it had been the nicest you'd ever been treated. The horrors at the camp, not just from his killing spree, seemed to melt away as exhaustion overtook your body. You fell asleep in his arms as he kept walking forward with a purpose. Thoughts of what everyone would think with you missing was at the back of your mind until you were swallowed by sleep. You couldn't bring yourself to worry as you finally felt safe at last, you melted into his embrace and let yourself be carried away. The unknown before you vast and uncharted, but maybe it would be better. Time would only tell.
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sephirthoughts · 1 month
1, 2, 13 and 49 for Genesis, please! 💜
Oooooh Genesis! Yayy I love him! Thank you for the ask!!
1. Canon I outright reject
That his actions in Crisis Core were insane, evil, or in any way made him a villain. Genesis may have been envious of Sephiroth, to a point, but he had hero-worshipped him since childhood. Some people seem to forget that context when they talk about the interactions between the three Firsts in Crisis Core (also the terrible English localization destroyed the plot of that game).
Genesis was a huge Sephiroth fangirl, as a kid. He wanted to be a hero too. He was told he would be. He spent his life up to that point training and working his ass off for Shinra, only to find out in the worst way possible that A: his entire existence was an intricately constructed web of lies, and B: he was going to die before he even got to start living. And it was all because of something the people he'd trusted and dedicated his life to did to him.
Of course he freaked out and ran away and started attacking Shinra, he was in a panic and doing everything he could to find a way to survive. Zack is the protagonist of Crisis Core, so Genesis is the antagonist, but Zack is working for the evil moustache-twirling villains, who are the real cause of all the conflict. Genesis never wanted world domination, he just wanted a fair goddamn chance.
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
transmasc Genesis i will die on this hill come at me cowards
13. Dumbest thing they’ve ever done
Ok real answer: The dumbest thing he ever did was that shitty way he approached Sephiroth in the reactor, when he wanted his cells. However, I don't see it as the nasty, bitter verbal attack people seem to translate it as. That would make ZERO sense in the context of their friendship and even just the rest of the conversation.
I actually get the strong impression that Genesis was trying to do a "shock him with the cold hard truth and he'll see the light" thing. Also I think he truly thought that if Sephiroth understood that Shinra did the same things to him, he'd rebel against them too, and come to his side. He wasn't saying "you're a monster" he was saying "you're a monster just like me."
Tragically, he didn't bet on how mentally and emotionally fragile the "big strong hero" Sephiroth really was, or how deeply it would shatter him to be told he wasn't human. Sephiroth's mind rejected it so hard he had a psychotic break, after all. Of course he reacted badly to the way Genesis approached him.
But I don't think what Genesis said was meant to be as horrible as it sounded. His delivery was flippant and bitter because he was fucking pissed off at the world, not because he was really trying to hurt Sephiroth. It was a case of two well-meaning people crashing headfirst into each other's deepest wounds and disaster ensuing. A perfect tragedy.
49. Favorite toy as a child
Genesis was given pretty much whatever he wanted, as a child, and subsequently, didn't place much value at all on things. His fancy toys and games gathered dust in his too-large bedroom, that was filled with all the gifts his parents gave him in place of love and attention. The only way to get approval was to earn it, by constantly being exceptional, and better than other kids.
However, he had a wooden sword (rough hewn and amateurish in design, hardly more than a stick) that he clung to like it was the most valuable and precious object in all the world. His parents had no idea where he got it wanted him to throw it out, but he was fiercely protective of it.
He left it in his bedroom when he left Banora to join SOLDIER, and it can be assumed that it burned with the rest of the town. There is absolutely no proof that he went up to his old room and carried that one worthless little thing away with him, that would become the symbol of both the childhood dreams and the childhood friend, that he could never get back.
Thank you so much for the ask!! I love talking about Genesis!! ♥️
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