#just to get jj jameson to stop yelling at him every other second
miskatebishop · 3 years
peter parker has internalised arachnophobia, in this essay i will-
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everydaymj · 4 years
Number One Fan - Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
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Summary: AU where Peter doesn’t know Tony and is working for the Daily Bugle and is the photographer for Y/N Stark’s interview. To say you hit it off is an understatement. 
Being a freelance photographer I took all kinds of pictures for the paper, most of them ended up being of Spider-man but occasionally I was brought along with a reporter for specific pictures JJ wanted.
Today was one of those times, I was just about to leave after dropping off my latest folder of Spider-man shots when I heard someone yelling at me. Or about me, more like.
"Just take Parker, he's not totally useless. I want some good shots, this is the first interview she's agreed to do in almost a year and she picked us. I want details, something nobody else has! Now get the hell out of my office!"
A very worn down looking Anderson, lead reporter for the celebrity news section at The Bugle, walked out of JJ's office with a sigh. Scanning the room, he smiled when he locked eyes with me.
"Parker, you're with me. Come on."
His tone left no room for argument so I followed him to the elevator.
Once the doors had closed he turned to me with an appraising look.
"I've seen your work, you're pretty good kid. Too bad Jameson hates Spider-man so much, the shots you get of him are almost unbelievable. Could make for a great story of New York's underdog hero."
I grinned. He would never believe me if I told him how I got them, so I guess they were a bit unbelievable. And he didn't seem to blindly bend to JJ's opinion that I was, erm Spider-man was a menace to society.
"Thanks. I like to believe that someday he'll come around and see that Spider-man isn't all that bad. So what am I supposed to get pictures of? I could hear him yelling about an interview with someone but that's about it."
Anderson snorted.
"Kid, I think the entire building could hear him. But yeah, apparently he somehow landed a one on one with probably the most private celebrity in New York."
I raised my brows, wow that's pretty big.
"Who is it?"
He smirked as the elevator doors dinged and we stepped out into the lobby.
"Y/N Stark. She's a recluse compared to her brother, so the fact that she agreed to do an interview is almost unheard of. Every paper in the city has been asking since she got back from helping in Sokovia with the relief effort and that was four months ago."
Everyone in the city knew who she was, New York's darling as the celebrity fluff pieces liked to call her. There was always some kind of story about her in the magazines and tabloids, her volunteer efforts, the latest party she'd been spotted at, and of course speculation on who she was or wasn't dating.
I can't imagine growing up in the spotlight like she did, it would have drove me crazy.
I looked up as Anderson whistled sharply, hailing a cab.
"Look alive Parker, time to go."
Shaking my head, I jumped in the cab with him as he told the cabby to take us to Avengers Tower and step on it.
"So it's a big deal then?"
He rolled his eyes and smiled.
"In the grand scheme of things? No. But in the world of celebrity obsessed who are dying to get even a sound bite from this girl, yeah it is. You ever done something like this before?"
I grabbed the door as the cab took a very sharp turn and the cabby started yelling at the car who just cut us off.
"No, but how hard can it be? Just a few shots and we're done right?"
He laughed.
"Cute, you obviously never had to deal with bratty socialites and stuck-up divas. Lucky for you she's supposed to be the exact opposite of her brother. But yeah shouldn't be that difficult, a few shots of her smiling or something and we're golden."
Didn't sound too hard, should be a piece of cake.
I smiled at him as the cab screeched to a halt in front of the large imposing building that was Avengers Tower.
"Sounds easy enough, let's do this!"
Grinning at me, Anderson slapped me on the back.
"Your optimism is nauseating Parker, but it might just get you places."
I just followed him inside as he made a beeline for the receptionist at the large desk in the lobby. She didn't even look up at us but pointed to the elevator on the other side of the room.
Muttering under his breath about rude women, we got on the elevator.
"You must be from the paper; Miss Y/N is expecting you. I will direct you to the meeting room."
I jumped at the sudden voice coming from nowhere.
Anderson just chuckled.
"Stark's AI, practically runs the place. It's weird at first but you get used to it. Freaked me out when I came here to interview Pepper Potts a few years ago."
Okay, that actually really awesome. Nodding I started fiddling with my camera, making sure I'd be ready, while Anderson went over his notes and list of questions.
The elevator slowed to a stop and the disembodied British voice broke the silence.
"Miss Y/N wishes me to inform you she's running a bit behind and will be meeting with you on her floor instead of the conference room. If you'll wait just one moment."
We stepped out and the first thing I noticed was the huge wall of glass that led out to a balcony loaded with plants. Before either of us could say anything, a hurried female voice could be heard.
"JARVIS are they here yet? Tell them I'm sorry, got caught up with Tony and I completely forgot."
A short Y/H/C blur whipped around the corner.
"Miss Y/N, I implore you loo-"
Before I could move out of the way she slammed into me, knocking both of us to the ground.
The AI sighed exasperatedly, was that even possible?
"Look out…A useless endeavor I suppose. The men from the paper are here, as you can see. I'll leave you to it, let me know if the boy you just trampled is in need of medical assistance."
I could hear Anderson laughing and started to get up but a weight on top of me kept me from doing so.
Blinking I looked up at her and met Y/E/C eyes that seemed to sparkle.
Oh wow…
She was sprawled on top of me with a dazed expression, her hands spread out on my chest as she slowly realized what had happened. Very quickly she scrambled off of me, as a horrified look spread across her face.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?!"
Taking the hand Anderson offered I stood up and checked to make sure my camera was okay. Seeing that it was I looked back at her and nodded, hiding a smile at how worried she looked. It was kinda cute, she was really cute actually.
"Yeah, I'm fine. No worries."
She frowned and took a step closer.
"Are you sure? I can't believe I did that, really I am so sorry."
As I was about to tell her one more time that I was fine, Anderson cleared his throat catching her attention.
"Trey Anderson, The Daily Bugle. Now that you and my photographer have been acquainted, how about we get started?"
He eyes widened and a slight flush appeared on her cheeks.
"Oh right, of course. You don't mind if we go out on the balcony do you? It's such a nice day after all."
She motioned to the large glass wall that had first caught my eye and started towards it, the sliding door opening as she did. Anderson and I followed her outside and he sat down on the nice outdoor couch, while I strayed closer to the edge of the large balcony so I wouldn't bother him. And that way I could get some pictures without interrupting them.
"Once again I'm really sor-"
Cutting her off from apologizing once again, Anderson started his recorder.
"So why now? Why agree to an interview now when the press has been begging for one for months?"
Somewhat taken aback at his abruptness she raised her brows in surprise.
"Well, I…I'm not as outgoing as my brother but I'm not a hermit. I've been incredibly busy since I got back from Sokovia helping organize benefits and put together the rebuild relief and then time just kind of got away from me. Tony kept telling me I'd have to talk to the press sooner or later, I guess it just ended up being later."
Anderson nodded.
"Understandable Miss Stark, now I'd like t-"
She smirked and stopped him.
"Call me Y/N."
He grinned.
Okay then, Y/N, tell me about your time in Sokovia."
Her eyes lit up and without any more prompting she started talking about the people of Sokovia, waving her arms and motioning with her hands. I snapped several pictures of the animated look on her face, half of them ended up blurry due to her moving around so much but the other half weren't bad.
As they talking about Sokovia and her other volunteer and charity work, I kinda zoned out and just looked at her.
She was a lot shorter than both of us, had to be just over 5 feet tall. Her wild Y/H/C hair was down, a lose strand peeking out from behind her ear as she constantly pushed it back out of her face. Very minimal makeup, a dusting of freckles on her nose and cheeks.
I smiled looking at how she was dressed, jeans and a plain green shirt. So much for stuck-up diva, she seemed so down to earth.
She was a knockout.
I kinda wished I'd at least been able to introduce myself but Anderson was quick to get down to business.
It was only later after all the bases had been covered, that I tuned back in when Anderson brought up something that made me perk up.
"So, because the entire city wants to know, are you currently dating anyone?
I don't know why I was so interested in her answer, but I looked up to see what she'd say.
She rolled her eyes.
"Why is that always what people want to know? Who are you wearing? Are you dating anyone? It's ridiculous!"
Anderson grinned.
"What can I say? The people want what the people want. So any juicy details you wanna divulge?"
She shrugged and I snapped a picture right as she smiled.
"Sorry to tell you, I'm single. And kinda boring, so there really isn't much to tell. I stay in and binge watch Netflix and eat pizza just like everybody else."
He looked at her skeptically.
"Okay but what about the guy you've been spotted with in Hell's Kitchen? Some tabloid got a fuzzy picture of you two arm in arm coming out of a diner. What about that?"
She frowned for a second and then laughed.
"That? Oh that was my friend Matt, we meet for lunch every once in a while. I met him when I was visiting a friend of mine from med school a couple years ago."
"I dunno Y/N, you two looked pretty cosy."
Narrowing her eyes, she looked over his shoulder at me and smirked.
"Did I forget to mention? Matt is blind. I was helping him get back to his office, he's one of the founding partners in a law firm just a few blocks from the diner we were at."
I held back a laugh as she seemed to be enjoying the uncomfortable look on his face. She grinned at me and I snapped another picture as she winked at me.
Anderson looked a bit embarrassed at his blunder and quickly moved on.
"So no boyfriend, got it. The boys of New York will be happy to know you're still on the market."
She just groaned and shook her head.
He clicked off his recorder and stood up with a smile.
"I think that's about it. If you'll just let Parker here, get a few more pictures of you then we'll be out of your hair."
She snapped around to look at me, recognition in her eyes as she stood up.
"No problem! This wasn't nearly as bad as Tony always makes it out to be."
He laughed and shook her hand.
"Okay off the record, I gotta know. Why did you pick the Bugle out of all the papers asking to interview you?"
She looked down as a slight flush came over her face.
"You really wanna know?"
He nodded, curiosity in his eyes.
"Yeah, not that I'm complaining but the Times and the Sun were just as eager to have this interview. Why us?"
She bit her lip and glanced at the city below us with a small smile.
"Well, the Bugle always has the best pictures of Spider-man and I kinda have a little crush on him so…"
Wait, what?
I froze as her gaze turned to me, a huge smile on her face.
She had a crush on me?!
Well Spider-man, but still!
Ignoring the amused smile Anderson was sporting she walked over to me.
"You're the one who takes them all? Peter Parker right? I see your name in the Bugle all the time. I'm a big fan, the shots are amazing, and the angles you get are incredible!"
I found myself at a loss for words, she really didn't have much of a sense of personal space because she was about a foot from me and anything I would have said flew out the window with her big Y/E/C eyes staring up at me like that.
She really was pretty, I wonder if…nah no way I stood a chance with a girl like her.
Finally finding something to say I stuttered out an answer.
"I…uh, y-yeah that's me."
She leaned ever closer, excitement on her face.
"Have you met him? Like talked to him?"
I couldn't concentrate because she was way too close to me to think straight.
Before I could try and answer her, Anderson cut in.
"Wait, you live with superheroes why the fixation on the web slinger?"
She tilted her head in thought as she moved away from me.
"Well I guess when you live with someone they don't seem as fantastic when you see them every day, not to say my family isn't awesome. But really, once you see Thor with bedhead you can't un-see it."
Chuckling at the thought, Anderson spoke up again.
"So you like Spider-man because he's mysterious and different?"
She shook her head and furrowed her brow.
"No it's not that. Of course that is cool but I like how he sticks up for the little guy, the Avengers save the world one catastrophe at a time but Spiderman is out there stopping crime every day. I just admire that and think he shouldn't get as much crap from the media as he does.
She grinned again, looking smug.
"And you can quote me on that."
I just looked at her in shock, did she really just say that?
I finally found my voice as we all walked inside, Anderson already heading for the elevator while Y/N waited for me.
Smiling at her I messed with the strap on my camera.
"Not many people would say that about Spider-man, I'm sure he'd appreciate knowing you felt that way."
She blushed and looked away.
"I bet not, I'm just one girl out of an entire city."
I felt the corner of my lips turn up in a grin.
"Nah, I think you're wrong, everyone likes knowing they're appreciated."
She looked up at me and smiled.
"Maybe you're right. Gosh knows Tony likes it, he adores the high he gets from being Iron Man."
I laughed and ignored Anderson's look when she put her hand on my arm.
"Yeah, what's that like? Having Iron Man for a brother I mean."
She rolled her eyes and sighed.
"It's never boring that's for sure. I've been kidnapped a few times, that's always fun. Um, let's see, Tony likes to go flying and scare the crap out of me by bringing me with him. Oh and we both make it a game to try and steal Cap's shield when he's not looking. Always something with him, usually something loud and explosive but it keeps things interesting."
Surprised at the info dump, I picked up on one thing that didn't seem to fit her vibrant personality.
"You're scared of heights?"
She playfully shoved my arm and laughed.
"No, I just don't like flying with Tony. It's too loud and he likes freak me out by almost crashing into stuff. I'd love it if it weren't for that, heck I went wing suiting in Rio for my birthday last year. I'm a bit of an adrenaline junkie."
Y/N Stark was just full of surprises.
Getting an idea, I innocently looked down at her.
"So swinging around like Spider-man would be more your style?"
Her eyes sparkled and she grinned.
"Absolutely! He makes it look so easy and smooth, gliding around like that, swinging around the city would be a dream come true! Much better than how my brother buzzes around in a tin can."
My eyes widened in surprise and I bit back a laugh.
She gasped and looked up at the ceiling.
"JARVIS don't you dare tell Tony I said that! He'd flip out!"
That same British voice with a very amused tone answered her.
"If he asks, my programming prevents me from hiding it from him. But until then your secret is safe with me Miss Y/N."
She sighed and shook her head.
"Well let's just hope he doesn't ask. Wouldn't do for him to find out he's not my favorite hero right?"
It was nice to have someone say I was their favorite. Especially someone as cute and funny as Y/N.
I grinned and rubbed the back of my neck.
"Yeah, can't have Iron Man being jealous of Spider-man."
Her eyes seemed to glint with mischief and she put a finger to her lips.
"Our little secret then, I'll trust you not to rat me out to Tony."
Just as I opened my mouth to reply both of us jumped at the barking voice of Anderson.
"Parker! Time to go, we've taken up enough of the lady's time. JJ's gonna want this as soon as possible."
I looked over at him and felt a flush on my face as he nodded at Y/N and smirked at me.
Oh great, I'm sure I'd be hearing it from him on the way back.
Turning back to Y/N, I saw her smile fall as she looked down.
"Oh, right. I'm sure you both have more important things to be doing. I'll let you guys get going."
I frowned at Anderson, of course he would ruin the moment.
Looking back at Y/N, I sighed.
"I guess he's right, we should go."
I really didn't want to go, here was a beautiful girl that was actually giving me the time of day and I had to leave. And unless she agreed to do another interview with the Bugle then we most likely wouldn't cross paths again.
Life just wasn't fair.
The elevator dinged cheerily and I wanted to glare at it for getting here so fast. Anderson stepped inside and as I moved to follow him I stopped short as Y/N's hand shot out and grabbed my arm.
"Peter wait! I mean, uh…I was wondering if maybe you'd want to hang out again? I'd love to see your pictures sometime and um…oh I could show you around the tower! The view from the penthouse is amazing! I mean if you wanted, like we could just go for coffee or something too."
It was like she was trying to convince me when I totally didn't need convincing to want to hang out with her. I felt a stupid smile cross my face as she continued to argue her case.
It was adorable.
Then as if just realizing her hand was still on my arm, her eyes widened and she trailed off with a flush on her face.
I smiled, trying my best to not be an awkward dork as I answered her.
"Yeah! Uh I mean sure, we could totally hang out sometime."
And there was the awkwardness, way to be cool Parker.
She beamed at me and all but shoved her phone in my hand that she had whipped out of her back pocket.
"Really?! Awesome, just give me your number and we can go from there."
Almost dropping it as I handed her my phone, I typed in my number saving it with a camera emoji next to my name. That wasn't lame was it? Oh well, too late to take it back now I'd already handed her phone back to her.
Before I could check and see what she'd saved her number as, Anderson grabbed the back of my collar yanking me into the elevator.
"Thanks for your time Y/N."
I glared at Anderson and looked back at Y/N as the doors started to close.
"See you around Peter, bye Trey."
I waved at her, smiling as she laughed. Then the doors were closed and I could feel Anderson staring at me, so I looked at him just waiting for it.
He only grinned and slapped my back.
"When you 'totally hang out' be sure to tell me how it goes okay?"
I just rolled my eyes and shoved his hand off as I started looking for her number in my contacts.
I grinned as I saw her name, this was turning out to be a really great day.
Stepping outside to water my plants, I looked out at the skyline of New York City and sighed.
"Yes Miss Y/N?"
Letting my little rose bush have a drink I frowned.
"On a scale of one to Tony when he's drunk how stupid did I sound today?"
"I'm assuming you mean when Mister Parker was here correct?"
I could feel the amusement in JARVIS's tone and I rolled my eyes. Leave it to my brother to create a sassy AI.
"Yeah that's what I meant."
Walking to where I'd put my night lilies, I stood next to the rail of the balcony as I poured water over the soil.
"You came off more endearing than anything, nothing to worry about I'm sure. If I may ask, why are you so bothered about this?"
I set the watering can down.
"I don't know, something about Peter…he was different. He seemed real, not faking it because of what my last name is or who my brother is. I guess I just really liked him that's all."
"Well, if his flushed face elevated heart rate was anything to go by I think he likes you too."
Smiling at the thought, I felt a blush come over my face as I leaned on the rail looking out over the city.
"And oh my god he was so cute, like what a babe! That whole sexy nerd thing really works for him."
I heard JARVIS sigh.
"This sounds like a conversation Miss Potts would be better suited for, shall I get her instead?"
Laughing I shook my head.
"No, just let me ramble."
"Very well Miss."
Sighing dreamily at the thought of the adorable photographer, I wondered if I should wait for him to text me first.
"Penny for your thoughts?"
Not looking up I bit my lip and smiled.
"Oh I was just thinking about a very cute photographer and hoping he'd call me."
Wait a second…there wasn't anyone out here but me and that wasn't JARVIS.
Looking up I scrambled backwards at the sight before me.
Spider-man was lazily sitting on the side of the building, looking at me.
I'm sure I looked ridiculous, standing there with my mouth hanging open just staring at him.
"I um…you're Spider-man!"
He chuckled and hopped of the glass window and onto the balcony with me.
"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you. But I was swinging by and heard you talking to yourself and wanted to check it out."
I could feel my face turning bright red.
"I wasn't talking to myself! H-how long were you there?"
He shrugged and I got the sense he was smirking at me.
"Not long. I didn't know nerds could be sexy though, guess you learn something new every day."
Oh god this is so embarrassing! But I wouldn't let him get the best of me, hero crush or not I wasn't just gonna stand here like a star struck dork.
Channeling Tony I beat down the blush on my face and grinned at him.
"I guess I have a type, what can I say?"
He took a few steps closer, as if testing to see if I would back away. I didn't move, watching him as he moved closer.
"Everyone does, like I've always had a thing for Y/H/C."
My eyes widened.
Was he flirting with me? No, he couldn't be I had to be reading into things.
Shaking off the idea that Spider-man could be flirting with me I smiled.
"Okay so I met your personal photographer today, and I have to say he really knows how to catch your good side."
While I couldn't see his face, I got the distinct feeling he was grinning.
"Did you now? He wouldn't be the aforementioned photographer now would he? Cause if he then he's one lucky guy."
Looking out at the city so he wouldn't see the blush that was threatening to take over, I ran a hand through my windblown hair.
"Well I don't know about that, but I think there's something there."
Watching him in my peripheral vision, I tensed as he got a little closer.
"What makes you say that?"
He sounded curious, like he genuinely wanted to know so I answered him.
"I don't know really, I'm probably over thinking things and I literally just met him today but I feel like we were supposed to meet each other."
Shaking my head, I looked back at Spider-man and smiled.
"You're pretty nosy for a superhero you know that?"
He laughed.
"Don't you know us hero types live on gossip?"
Snorting, I grinned.
"Makes sense, my brother is the worst. Always wanting to know everyone's business and be a part of it."
Surly he knew who I was, I mean it's not like my face wasn't all over the tabloids with stories about Iron Man's little sister. It was highly unlikely Spider-man didn't know who I was.
Pausing, I smiled thinking of how caring my brother really was.
"Not in a bad way though, Tony just wants to help most of the time, make sure everyone is okay. He's actually a lot softer than his Iron Man persona would lead you to believe."
There was a beat of silence before he responded.
"Yeah, the few times we've crossed paths he did come off as a bit of a busybody to be honest but I'll take your word for it."
I snorted, Tony definitely had some busybody qualities to be sure. Before I could say anything, he spoke up.
"So how some come you aren't out there flying around in a suit of your own? You strike me as the type of girl to want to be out there with him."
I turned to look at him and wished I could see his face
"Well Tony would never in a million years give me the tools to go out and do crazy dangerous stuff like he and the team do. But you're right, I would be out there with him if I could. So I do what I can, the Sokovia relief organization has been my main focus lately."
I grinned at him, remembering my conversation with Peter earlier today.
"And it's not like I never get to fly around, Tony takes me with him sometimes. Not that I particularly enjoy it, what with his suit not being the most comfortable ride, but the flying thing is pretty cool."
I started as he hopped up on the balcony rail, somehow balancing perfectly as he stretched his hand out to me.
"Well I can't fly per say but I bet I can show you a view of the city you've never seen before. Whadaya say, wanna see New York like I do?"
I looked at his offered hand in shock.
Here was Spider-man, my hero crush offering to take me swinging around the city. Was this not exactly what I'd been talking to Peter about earlier?
This was crazy!
But there was no way I was gonna turn him down, so I slowly took his hand with a raised brow.
"Bring it on web head."
Laughing he pulled me up on the rail with him making me cling to him so I didn't fall. Not that I thought he would let me fall, but oh god this was high!
He raised the hand not securely wrapped around me and shot a web at the next building over as I put my arms around him.
"Hold on."
Just as I was about to give him a sassy retort he jumped off the rail and we were free-falling.
Squealing in excitement, I gasped as the web went taunt and we swung upwards.
It was so exhilarating! The wind whipping through my hair and the city blurring around us was absolutely amazing.
Effortlessly he switched arms, now holding me with the other and had shot another web yanking us in a different direction.
"Okay check this out."
Before I could ask him what he meant, he'd swung over to where we were parallel to one of the glass buildings a block over from the tower.
"You ready?"
I furrowed my brow even though he wasn't looking at me as I felt his arm tighten around me.
"For what?"
He just laughed and suddenly we were running on the side of the building. I looked down at out reflections in the mirrored windows and couldn't believe this was really happening.
Letting out a whoop of pure glee, I stretched my hand out feeling the wind rush through my fingers. This definitely beat anything I'd ever done before, what a rush!
And then before I could catch my breath we were back in the air, gliding through the city.
I got the idea he was showing off a bit and I didn't mind one bit because this was beyond amazing.
It was only later when he landed us on top of one the taller buildings in the city, that I realized we had circled back around and were pretty close to the tower, I could see my balcony from here.
Looking out at the city I couldn't help but be blown away at the view, it was just starting to get dusky out and the sunset was fantastic.
"So what'd you think? Cool right?"
Spinning around to look at Spider-man who was a yard or so away from me, I threw my hands up in the air motioning to the view around us.
"Are you kidding me?! This is way beyond cool! I can't believe you get to do this whenever you want, like I'm so jealous!"
He snickered and rubbed the back of his neck, something about it reminded me of someone but I couldn't place who.
"It's not a bad gig that's for sure, bad press aside I wouldn't trade it."
I wrinkled my nose and tucked my hair behind my ear.
"I don't get that, like all you do is help people, the fact that you get such crap from the press is unbelievable! All of them are idiots, don't listen to word they say. I think you're amazing."
Realizing I just said that out loud, I felt a blush starting to appear on my face and I once again wished I could see his face. If only to see what his expression was.
"Haters gonna hate right? But really, thanks. I know not everyone believes what they say about me but it's nice to hear. And it never hurts when a pretty girl says they think you're amazing."
I blinked owlishly, was he flirting with me again? Deciding not to think about that I focused on something else.
Grinning at him, I raised a brow.
"Did you just quote Taylor Swift?"
He held up a hand and I could imagine him to be smiling under that mask of his.
"Hey don't be hating on my girl T Swift!"
I giggled and shook my head.
"Oh never, I love her! But you didn't strike me as a Swiftie."
He snorted and tilted his head.
"I'm a surprising guy, and I have to shake off most of what's said about me so… Besides, I'll have you know that under the mask I'm rocking some hella good hair myself."
I doubled over laughing, while he crossed his arms, rolling his eyes most likely.
"Oh my god, you are such a dork!"
Looking up I tried to compose myself but the thought of Spider-man swinging through the city rocking out to Shake it Off was too much and I couldn't stop laughing.
"You know I could just leave you here."
Wiping my face to get rid of the tears that had leaked out when I was laughing, I smirked at him.
"But you won't, for one my brother would probably start a city wide spider hunt for leaving his baby sister on the top of a building, and two, you like me too much to just leave me here."
Hey who says I wasn't allowed to flirt back?
He sighed and started walking towards me.
"I guess you're right, having Iron Man out for me isn't on my list of thing I really need to happen. You being really cute doesn't have a thing to do with it."
I was about to reply when he darted forward and grabbed me by the waist and jumped off the roof, completely taking me off guard.
I shrieked in surprise, latching onto him as he chuckled, swinging us over to my balcony.
As we landed he very gently let me down and perched on the rail about at eye level with me.
I glared playfully at him.
He just shrugged and if I had to guess, I'm pretty sure he was grinning.
"You know you love me."
I snorted and smiled at him.
"Just call me your number one fan."
He leaned forward and was suddenly very close to my face.
"I wouldn't mind that."
I flushed at how close he was but I didn't back away.
While I still had a bit of a crush on the masked hero in front of me, thoughts of a fluffy haired brown eyed photographer lingered in the back of my mind. Maybe my thing for the web slinger was more of an infatuation because I found myself wishing it was someone else's face I was this close to.
Smiling, I tapped him on the forehead pushing him back in just the slightest.
"Hmm, well it's too bad you aren't my type. You sure know how to impress a girl though, this was amazing!"
He seemed like he was holding back a laugh.
"Right, that nerd of yours has no idea how lucky he is. Looks like I'll have to settle for number one fan."
I smiled softly.
"I don't know about that. But I'll always be the president of your fan club, guess I'll just have to get in more trouble so this isn't a one-time thing."
He shook his head.
"That won't be necessary, I think I can make an exception for you. See you around!"
With that he stood up and back flipped off of the balcony rail and started swinging off to who knows where.
As soon as he was out of my line of sight I felt my phone start to vibrate in my back pocket, pulling it out I felt a sappy smile on my face.
It was Peter.
While I had the time of my life swinging through the city with Spider-man and would do it again in heartbeat, Peter Parker was the one I couldn't stop thinking about.
Grinning I answered my phone.
"Hey Peter, you're never gonna believe what just happened to me!"
@imagine-what-would-happen​ @r-does-stuff​ @captainamericasdaughter​ @fxnfarra​ @unstablewritings​ @intoomanyfandomsblognstuff​ @starlight-starks​ @glenn-the-cinnamon-roll-rhee​ @tom-holland-is-spiderman​ @hello--zuko-here​ @peterfromqueensny​ @rubberducky-jrr​ 
Let me know if you want me to add you to the tag list! 
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marsupials-of-mars · 4 years
A gift for @cyanacity and her hounds AU!
Warning: gore
Chase grabbed the corner of the wall and swung into the hallway. His surroundings pulsed red and static hissed, drowning out his tinnitus. Between pulses of light it was dark, and every time he could see he did a head count. Shneep, JJ, Jackie. Shneep, JJ... where's Jackie? THERE. JJ, Shneep, Jackie.
His heart raced as he ran. They were lost, the halls twisted and warped and every turn sent them further into a labyrinth of red as the static grew, and the barking got louder. Chase could hardly think, as if the glitching was reaching into his brain and robbing him of his thoughts.
He looked around again. Shneep, Jackie... JJ?
Chase whipped his head around, but found not even the faintest sillohuete of...
"JAMESON?!" His voice was hoarse from panting and he gasped for breath after expelling so much. "JJ!?"
He didn't know what he was yelling for. JJ couldn't respond. Easy prey. A quick first course to pick off. They were being toyed with. Just like last time. When he was on his own. When he lost his...
His steps slowed. There was no use running. He couldn't go forever, and suddenly he knew, more strongly than he had ever known anything, that running was and never had been a viable option. The glitch just liked to watch them think that it was. He stopped.
"CHASE?!" Jackie grabbed Henrik's shoulder and whipped around to look at Chase, stood in the middle of the hall, turned to look the oncoming barking dead on. It grew louder. Deafening. Barks, whines, howls, noises bubbling up through the foam of frothing maws.
And they arrived. Chase watched as the tidal wave of hounds burst around the corner, crashing against the wall, sending some up the side with the momentum, clawing plaster before they tumbled back into the swell and rounded the corner.
Right before they reached him, he heard a whistle.
An eerie, static whistle which seemed to shift tones rapidly with each glitch, though prolonged. The dogs immediately stopped, as if there were an invisible wall five feet from Chase. Henrik and Jackie looked on with bated breath, fifteen feet ahead. The lights ceased to pulse and instead maintained the hall's ominous mood lighting.
"Aw, boo. My puppies prefer chasing their prey." The voice echoed through the hall. Another whistle, quicker, and the dogs parted down the middle like the Red See.
There he was, taking his sweet time, letting his hands trail over the nearby dogs' heads as he walked. At his touch, the dogs' pushed into his hand, whimpering when he passed them without a second glance.
"We're not going to run anymore." Chase crossed his arms, plastering a determined scowl across his face, trying to hide his terror and persistent tremors.
"Smart. When did you get so smart? Marv, can you believe this?" A small white cat stepped out from the sea of dogs, ruffled and covered in drool. It leapt onto the tallest dog's back and onto Anti's shoulder. Chase tried to catch his former friend's eye but he turned away, masking his shame by beginning to lick his paw. He wouldn't take his real form. That would require face to face confrontation of his wrongdoings. And he was far too much of a coward for that. Anti chuckled and ruffled his pet's fur, not ready to allow him any dignity. "So cute."
Chase ignored the traitor. "Where's Jameson?"
Anti looked around with mock bewilderment. He clicked his tongue. "JJ? Jameson? Where are you buddy? Oh, I know!" He beckoned a dog from the crowd. "This fella's a bloodhound, he'll find him." He smirked and his nose crinkled in hardly hidden malice. "Go on boy, find Jameson."
At his word, the dog launched off and bounded off into the sea of hounds, long, frantic nails scrabbling across the floor.
Excited barks rang out among the crowd and the bloodhound reemerged into the aisle, gripping an ankle in its jaws. It dragged Jameson up to Anti and dropped his leg at its master's feet.
"Good boy!" He grabbed JJ's vest and yanked him upright. As soon as Chase could see his face he could tell that it was tearstained and bloody. "Use your legs, puppet."
Jameson tried to stand, pushing himself up with one leg. He grasped his other thigh tightly; it was clear he couldn't stand. Anti rolled his eyes and flicked his fingers, catching JJ with materialized strings. He contorted his fingers expertly as if puppeteering a marionette, and JJ jerky followed his motions, one leg up, than the bad one. He winced at the pain, baring his teeth and clenching his eyes shut, but stood straight and attentive. As his hands left his leg, blood coursed down and coiled into his inner thigh. It originated from what Chase could only assume was a vicious bite from the rottweiler that stood nearby, on which Chase could now make out bloodied jowls.
"How did you already do all that?!" Jackie yelped from a few feet behind Chase. Chase hadn't noticed that they had made their way forward, still focused on the wound. He processed Jackie's words, "all that", which confused him until he noticed the glisten of blood, which shone from not only his friend's leg, but also his arm, his forehead, his ankle... bite marks of all shapes and sizes, and they were deep. The red lights made the darker red of the blood look almost black, like oil pooling on the ground.
"Oh, I didn't lay a finger on him. My dogs just get a little restless from time to time. Especially her. Don't you Stacy? Yes you do!" Anti praised the bloody rottweiler as if he were talking to a baby.
Chase, too astonished to process the familiar name, looked back up to Jamie's eyes. They were terrified and dull with pain, but he caught Chase looking at him. He darted his eyes quickly to Anti, still distracted, before quickly pounding a fist into an open palm, thumb extended, pleading.
"Ah! Jamie, Jamie, Jamie, what did we talk about? Quiet hands."
Jamie stiffened and crossed his hands against his chest, shaking his head frantically. Anti jerked his fingers and one hand was pulled away from JJ's body, fingers splayed.
"See lads, Jamie here agreed with me that puppets don't talk. And he knows how much it annoys me when he breaks his promise." As he spoke, he wound his wrist as if pulling in slack. JJ struggled to pull away but however effortless Anti made it seem, his will was unbeatable. In a moment, Jamie's trembling hand was positioned in plain view for everyone to see. Anti raised it up as if preparing for a magic trick. Instead, he let out a breif whistle.
In a fraction of a second, a sturdy German shepherd lunged forward and locked its jaws around Jamie's hand. He screamed silently, face contorted in agony. There was a chorus of cracks and pops as bones snapped, ligaments tore, and flesh was mangled. The Shepard shook its head, teeth piercing further until they met in the middle.
"JAMESON!" Chase choked the name out between horrified ramblings of "holy shit" and "fucking Christ". Jackie accompanied him but, rather than words, he let loose a chorus of visceral, gut-wrenching noises.
Henrik pushed past Jackie and ran forward. He had had enough. He reached out for Jamie but, before he could make contact, another dog tackled him to the ground. Strings of foam splattered across his face and across his bared teeth. It lunged for his throat but he rolled just in time, taking a pair of pearly husky jaws to the shoulder, where they dug in and stayed. He screamed through his teeth and kicked at the dog, the heel of his shoe knocking the wind from its ribs, but it still held strong.
Jackie's hero instincts finally kicked in and he ran to Henrik's aid, wrapping his arms around the husky's torso and yanking it off. It flailed its paws and whipped its head back and forth, jaws snapping in search of anything made of flesh. Jackie let out a war cry and threw it aside. It tumbled across the hardwood but quickly regained its footing with a panicked scrabble of claws. It growled and leapt, catching Jackie on the side of the neck as he reached down to assist Henrik.
Chase, now panicking and unsure what to do, stumbled forward toward the Shepard on Jamie's hand and took each side of it's jaw in his fists. He pulled, his biceps strained, but he managed to loosen its grip enough for Jamie to pull his hand out. The dog ran back into the crowd proudly gnawing on something, and it didn't take more than a glance back toward Jamie to realize that it had taken his index finger as a trophy.
Chase wasted no time wrapping his arms around Jamie and pulling him a few strides down the hall, away from Anti. He fell to the floor and wrapped around Jamie protectively, not daring to try anything else. He felt JJ trembling in his arms and could feel a mixture wet tears and blood soaking his shirt. He blocked out the barking and screaming. All he needed was to protect somebody, anybody, like he hadn't been able to the last time.
And as quickly as it began, it was over. Anti shouted something and everything fell still.
"Drop it!" Chase lifted his head to see Anti scolding the husky with Jackie's throat in its teeth. It released him and licked its teeth before hanging its head submissively. "It's no fun if you kill one of them. Shoo." The dog ran back into the pack with its tail tucked, the two others that had joined the brawl following after it.
Jackie held his neck and Henrik cradled his shoulder and kept one eye closed. They each had several bites and claw marks down their faces and arms, just beginning to fade from white to dark pink.
"How well did that go for everyone? Good job rescuing my puppet's hand, hope it was worth it."
Chase looked down at Jamie's hand, mangled, crushed, and missing a finger, then to the rest of the group, not much better off.
"Three for the price of one. Thanks for the impromptu show." Anti giggled, its tone shifting and warping into something indescribably inhuman. "Now for the main act."
He reached to his shoulder and grabbed Marvin (who had buried his face into the back of Anti's hair for the duration of the battle) by the scruff. He yowled and hissed sat the sudden manhandling, but quickly quelled the impulse when his eyes met Anti's. The demon grinned, fangs glinting in the red glow. He turned the cat to face the carnage and held him out at arms length.
Marvin's pupils dilated and his spine arched inward, legs pulling to his stomach and tail tucking between his legs. Chase could read feline body language. The traitor was terrified, horrified, and... guilty. Chase began to rethink what he'd assumed of his former friend.
"Okay kitty kitty, Since you've been so patient... how about you pick our new pet? I've been thinking we're due for a new one. Thought we could swing by and pick one up."
Chase blinked. What was he talking about? He scanned Marvin's face to glean any context. His ears fell back flat and his pupils shrank to slivers. His tail bushed. Bad signs.
"Come on Marv, you wouldn't waste my time, would you? This visit has already taken far longer than I hoped, what with all the running and the teaching of lessons. But I guess if you don't feel like picking, it could always just be you..."
Marvin flailed his paws and his tail waved wildly ass he craned his neck back to look at Anti's sly grin. He meowed as if trying to negotiate, but Anti just shook his head calmly and began to swing him back and forth by the scruff.
"Tick tock, tick tock, what'll it be?" Anti began to mumble as if thinking aloud as Marvin panicked. "I wonder what breed would fit you. Chihuahua? Fox terrier? Poodle? You are the flashy type aren't you..."
Marvin scanned the wounded group desperately, as if weighing options, pros and cons.
"Ten seconds. Ten. Nine."
Marvin yowled, overwhelmed by frustration and panic.
"Eight. Seven. Six."
Marvin was trembling, eyes flicking between the four, trying to spend a lifetime with each of them within a hundredth of a second at a time.
"Five. Four. Three. Two-"
"JACKIE!" The cat had spoken. He fell limp and his tail curled between his pathetic, limp kitten legs. Anti grinned and dropped him.
"Good choice."
A flash of light from the ground, and a caped man sat on his knees where the cat had fallen. He lifted his head, useless tears rolling down his face.
"I'm sorry Jackie. Everybody." It was barely audible, but Chase could hear it.
With a flick of Anti's wrist, two Bulldogs came bounding up to Jackie, each taking a shoulder. Weak from blood loss, he could hardly retaliate as he was dragged, limp and bloody, into the sea of slobbering canines.
"We'll be seeing you. Next time, don't try to run." The demon flashed a final toothy smile before turning and vanishing into the hounds as they all stood and began to run back to wherever they had come from, barking, howling.
The sounds grew fainter and fainter, until they were gone.
One less head to count.
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trashyswitch · 4 years
Jameson Jackson has discovered his natural ability to walk quietly, and scare everyone around him. So...he takes advantage of this!
Recently, Jamie investigated a fact about himself that he was sorta familiar with: he’s really quiet. Now, Jamie was well aware of how quiet he is. But what he didn’t know, was that he could scare people with his quiet nature.
There have been moments where Jamie is capable of walking into a room, staying quiet, and waiting for someone to realize and freak out.
He remembered one time a couple months ago, when Jamie was walking into Dr. Schneeplestein’s office. He remembered Schneeplestein being focused on his doctor notes, when Jamie simply touched his shoulder. Schneeplestein let out the loudest squeal he had ever seen, before shouting “VÖGELN” right after. Jamie had bursted out laughing at the reaction, and wounded up forgetting what he wanted him for!
Another moment occurred, when he was grabbing a snack from the fridge. Chase was leaning on the island, looking at his phone as Jamie opened up the fridge door. Just from the sound alone, Chase gasped, dropped his phone and hissed the word “Jesus” before laughing in embarrassment. Jamie signed the word ‘sorry’ over and over again, and even though Chase forgave him and laughed it off, he still felt slightly bad.
One of the best reactions, was when he had walked up to ask Marvin something. He had been just sitting on a chair, watching TV. He was surprised that he hadn’t seen Jamie coming from the TV. One simple hand on the shoulder, sent Marvin flying! He jumped right off the chair, and yelled a mixture of giggles, mumbles and curse words. The only words that could be understood properly, were the words Jackie let out right after: “WHAT THE FUCK REACTION WAS THAT?!”.
The truth was, there was another fact no one really knew about Jamie: the dapper boy really liked hearing people’s laughs. So, Jamie’s ability to scare people, also made laughs come out of the reactions. So, Jamie decided to take advantage of this talent. Every time he would try to get someone’s attention, he would tickle them to get some laughter out as well. So, Jamie waited for the perfect day...
One day, it came! From the moment he woke up, Jamie knew: he wanted to tickle some people. So, he set off around the house, looking for his first victim.
The first person he had found, was Marvin in the living room. Jamie senses the magician would be here, as this was his favourite spot to hang out. He was currently reading a biography on what looked to be Harry Houdini upon first glance. So, Jamie snuck up behind his chair, and...
Squeezed his stomach on both sides!
Marvin let out a squeal. “EEEEEK! NOHOHO! MYHY BOHOHOHOOK!” Marvin shouted through a newfound laughing fit. Jamie didn’t remove his hands, but instead worked themselves up to the sides of his bony ribs. As soon as the first row of ribs was felt, they were pushed and scratched with a pair of curious fingers. “WHOHOHO’S TIHIHIHIHICKLIHIHING MEHEHEHEHE?!” Marvin shouted, before running forward right off of the chair and onto the floor.
After letting the 5 second giggle fit pass, Marvin looked up and noticed who it was!
“JJ...I should’ve known...” Marvin muttered.
‘Surprise!’ Jamie signed.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, surprise and whatever...why?” Marvin asked.
‘Your laugh is cute.’ Jamie replied, signing the word ‘cute’ by placing the index finger and middle finger on his chin, and pulling his two fingers down into his hand, like a loose fist.
Marvin froze for a moment, unable to take the compliment at first. In an attempted reply, Marvin could only whine and cower in embarrassment. Though, he could only cower for so long, because Jamie had soon ran over, uncurled the magician and started tickling him further.
“GAHA! Hahahaha! Jahahahamie! Cohohohome ohohohon!” Marvin said through his giddy laughter. To help with the attack, Jamie took Marvin’s magic wand, and pulled the white lid off the top. Suddenly, a bunch of feathers popped out! This was supposed to happen, since the wand was designed that way. Jamie had decided to take advantage of this design choice, and wiggle it in the air for Marvin to see.
Marvin whined. “W-ait! Ple-please...not that...” Marvin begged.
Jamie tilted his head to the side, like a confused puppy. Instead of asking the question ‘why’, Jamie started shaking it lightly in front of him, to check for a cat toy bell. Hilariously, there was one! Jamie giggled at a thought that went through his head, before deciding to try it. He tried teasing Marvin with the wand above his head, treating it like a cat toy.
“Dude, I’m not a cat-“ Marvin said, before falling into a curious trance. His eyes dilated bigger, as he stared intently at the feather toy. When Jamie moved it left and right, Marvin would follow it wherever it went. When Jamie shook it above him, Marvin would giggle with a toothy smile. When the feather was brought up and down, Marvin would follow it up and down as well. And, Jamie even booped Marvin’s nose with it! Marvin in response to the nose boop, ended up going cross-eyed to see his nose. This made Jamie laugh.
‘You’re a little kitty!’ Jamie reacted.
“No I’m not.” Marvin replied, obviously lying.
Jamie nodded. ‘Yes you are.’ Jamie told him.
“No I’m not.” Marvin repeated.
Jamie shook the wand. ‘You really are.’ Jamie reminded him.
“Am not- Hehehehey! EEEEK! Stahahahap thahahahat!” Marvin tried to argue, before bursting into more laughter. Jamie had managed to catch him in his argument by wiggling his fingers on his belly.
“Aww! Does the little kitty want a belly rub?” Jamie asked, pulling out his dialogue slides to tease him further.
“Whahahahat?! Ihihi’m nahahat aha kihihihitty!” Marvin argued through his giggles.
Jamie narrowed his eyes and smirked, before giving his mask a couple pokes.
‘Cat mask.’ Jamie signed, before grabbing and shaking the feather wand in front of his face again. Jamie pointed to the feather wand, and pointed at the cat mask. ‘Cat.’ Jamie concluded.
Marvin, utterly embarrassed that Jamie was calling him out on his cat-like antics, started looking away from him. Jamie, feeling slightly bad, tapped him on the shoulder, and grabbed his face lightly to get him to look at him.
‘You are cute.’ Jamie started with a smile. Marvin let a slight smile appear on his face as well. ‘Cute is good.’ Jamie told him, fluffing his hair before getting off of him. After helping Marvin back into his feet and picking up his book for him, Jamie walked away and looked around for his next victim.
After a bit of walking, Jamie soon found his upcoming victim: Jackieboy Man. Jackie was currently practicing climbing in the climbing corner, set up on the top floor of the house. The climbing corner consisted of different types of monkey bars, surrounded by nets and mats to save a person if they fall. Jamie hid behind a patted pole, and watched as Jackie climbed from one side of the room to the other, using ropes onto monkey bars! It was very impressive to watch.
Soon, Jamie’s opportunity arose when Jackie had grabbed a red, spinning, wheel bar. Jackie was currently spinning on it with his back (unknowingly) towards Jamie. The dapper boy let a smirk grow into his lips as he jumped out of his hiding spot, before taking off in a quick sprint. He sprinted as quietly, yet as swiftly as he could. With Jackie’s body getting closer with every step, Jamie took a risky leap and got ready to tackle the superhero down from behind.
Suddenly, Jackie felt a load of...someone hit him from behind! Completely unexpecting it, Jackie let go of the wheel bar and allowed himself to fall onto the mat. Despite not expecting the fall, Jackie still landed onto the mat, in the classic superhero landing. Jamie managed to land safely as well, but no landing could truly prove its elegance like Jackie’s did. Despite that though, Jamie grabbed his feet in one arm, and start untying the shoelaces.
“HEY! Who the hell do you think you are?!” Jackie yelled, attempting to kick and wiggle his feet out of the person’s grip. It didn’t take long for his shoes to come falling onto the mat. Soon, Jackie’s yelling was replacing itself with giggles, while his kicking was turning into squirming.
“Let go of me! Lehehe-AAHAHA! NOHOHO! Dahahahamn ihihihit!” Jackie yelled through his laughter. It didn’t take long for Jackie’s mat to be assaulted with his fists as he laughed and attempted to pull his feet away. But, Jamie wasn’t letting go. He knew how much strength Jackie was capable of, so he wanted to see how much he can weaken the man with tickles alone. So, he paused his fingers, placed his hand out and let his appearing magic do its thing. Suddenly, a cloud of dust filled his hand. Once the dust had faded, Jamie smirked at the item in his hand.
A tripod-shaped mini massager.
Jamie just knew that this was gonna tickle like hell! So, he clicked the button on the top and let it vibrate.
“OOOOOH GOD, WHAT IS THAT?!” Jackie shouted, utterly terrified to find out. Fortunately, Jackie was find out a lot sooner than he thought. Not even a second later, Jamie placed the vibrating massager onto his feet. “AaaAAAAAH! DOOOOHOHOHOHOHON’T!” Jackie shouted. Jamie’s smile grew wider as he moved the massager towards his heels. “PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE DOHOHOHOHOHON’T!” Jackie shouted further. After a bit more time spent at his heels, Jamie moved the massager up up up, to his toes! “EEEEEEEEEEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE! NOOOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Jackie shouted, completely controlled by his own ticklish laughter.
To top it all off, Jamie decided to bring one of the massager legs onto the big toe, and drag it down to the baby toe. When it reached the baby toe, he would drag it back up to the big toe, and start again. It was like he was playing the 5 piano keys C, up to G and right back down to C again. It was this action, that caused Jackie’s laughter to go silent. Jamie took this as a sign to stop. He turned off the massager and placed it aside, before laying himself down beside Jackie, to reveal himself.
“Hmm, it was you...you’re lucky I’m exhausted, because otherwise I’d be pounding you right now.” Jackie told him, laying down. Jamie gave him a crooked smile, and sat back up to walk away.
Now, he was onto his next target. He knew just where to go, to find him: the studio. Shawn was always hanging out there. He was always painting things and doing crafts in there. Jamie opened up the door as quietly as he could, and managed to get in without getting his attention. Then, Jamie slowly and quietly, started walking up to Shawn, in his chair and surrounded by his desk of supplies. When he got up as close as possible, he very quietly peered over his shoulder, and noticed him painting. Not wanting to mess up his painting, he decided to wait a bit till he took a break.
2 minutes passed
5 minutes passed
Soon, 10 minutes past. Finally, Shawn placed his brush into the water cup to soak, and laid back in his chair to take a break. He stretched his arms out, before resting his head on his hands. It was here, that Jamie decided to strike. He slowly reached his hands around the sides of the chair, and...gripped his sides.
“AAAAAAH! WHO-“ Shawn yelled, before turning his body around to see who was behind his chair. Shawn’s eyes locked with Jamie’s. It was only for a few moments. Then, Jamie gave Shawn a toothy smile, before wrapping his hands around Shawn and spidering his belly. “HEY! Nahahahaha! Jahahahahamihihihie!” Shawn said through his brand new giggles. Jamie’s toothy smile widened, as his ears absorbed the laughter and processed it excitedly. Shawn rarely laughs, so this was a rare treat!
Suddenly, before Jamie could stop it, Shawn pushed himself back, and made both the chair and his body come crashing onto the floor. The chair, surprisingly, didn’t break! And unsurprisingly, Shawn didn’t either. For Jamie, this was just a grand opportunity to cover him in more tickles! So, he did just that!
“Whyhyhy ahahahare yohohou tihihihihicklihihing mehehehehe?!” Shawn asked.
Jamie stopped his fingers for a minute, so he could answer him. ‘Your laugh is cute! I want to hear more!’ Jamie signed, before resuming his spidery tickle attack.
“Nohohohoho ihihihihihit’s nahahahat! Yohohohour lahahaugh Ihihis cuhuhuhuter!” Shawn argued.
Jamie froze. What did that man just say?
‘You...think my mute laugh is cute?’ Jamie clarified, unable to believe such a thing.
“Uh, ya! It’s so adorable!” Shawn reassured.
‘But-‘ Jamie signed, staring into space as he struggled to process such a thing. ‘...I don’t have a laugh.’ Jamie reminded him.
“Mmm...maybe not, but...you do have reactions. And those, are much more adorable than any laughter your voice could ever create.” Shawn replied. Jamie could feel his cheeks glowing a light red. It didn’t take very long for Jamie’s hands to come up and cover his mouth. In pure embarrassment, Jamie decided to give his hands something to do. He removed his hands from his mouth, and started squeezing and wiggling his fingers all over Shawn’s belly.
“Hehehehey! Juhuhust behehecahahause yohohou’re embahaharrassed, dohoesn’t mehehean yohohou get toho tihihihickle mehehe!” Shawn argued through some more laughter.
Jamie rolled his eyes with a smile, and stopped his tickling to continue signing. ‘I have the best visual reactions! But you! You have the best auditory reactions!’ Jamie declared, before continuing to tickle and squeeze.
“Nohohohoho Ihihihi dohohoho-AAAHAHAHAHA! NAHAHAT THEHEHEHERE! JAHAHAMIHIHIE NOOHOHO!” Shawn suddenly shouted amidst his protests. Jamie gave Shawn a little smirk as he began digging his fingers, specifically his thumbs, into the artist’s hips. Shawn’s giggles had turned into howling laughter, and his subtle squirming had become super frantic! He practically became a human-sized wiggle worm!
Jamie grew wide-eyed before hopping onto his friend. He didn’t quite expect the man to be such a squirmer! So, he steadied himself on Shawn’s waist, and started to squeeze one hip with his right hand, while squeezing his left side with his left hand.
“STAHAHAHAHAP! IHIHIHIHIHIT’S TOHOHOHOHOHOO MUHUHUHUHUCH!” Shawn shouted, attempting but failing to curl in on himself.
“Vhat’s vizh all zhe noise??” Someone said through the open door. Shawn paused his hands, and turned around. He recognized the accent. Sure enough, it was Henrik.
‘I’m tickling Shawn.’ Jamie explained. Henrik chuckled and scratched his forehead.
‘Vhy?’ Henrik asked both amused yet confused at the same time.
Jamie pointed at Shawn. ‘His laugh is cute! Therefore:’ Jamie said. Immediately after signing the last word, Jamie shoved his fingers back into Shawn’s hip and side, and started digging and squeezing once again. Shawn abrupted into even more laughter!
Jamie nodded his head, and looked towards Henrik for agreement.
“Oh my god...I mean, he’s not wrong. Your laugh is cute.” Henrik told him with a smile of his own. Jamie pointed at him in thankfulness. He agreed with him! His laughter IS cute! However, Henrik didn’t stay for long. He soon decided to walk away from the doorway and head back to his room.
Jamie lowered his arm and shrugged his shoulders, before changing hand positions. His left hand was now digging into Shawn’s left hip, and his right hand was now squeezing Shawn’s side.
Jamie could tell he was growing tired, so he stopped his fingers and hopped off the man.
“Heheheheh...th-thahahank yohohou...thank yohohohou...” Shawn said through some leftover giggles. Jamie smiled, and took the time to push Shawn’s messy bangs back in place. Then, Jamie walked away to move onto his next victim.
Jamie walked down the hall, looking at the door he was gonna open up. By now, the original idea of scaring everyone, was thrown out the window, and now this was just tickle attacks all around the house. Jamie opened the door to the Doctor’s room and looked to the left towards Henrik at his desk. He gave him a short wave.
“Hallo Jamie. Done tickling Shawn?” Henrik asked.
Jamie nodded.
“Great. I’m guessing it is my turn?” Henrik asked in a monotone voice, turning his head to Jamie. Henrik immediately noticed Jamie’s growing smirk, and started growing nervous.
“V-Vait a minute...I vas yust kidding! Ha ha funny Yokes?” Henrik asked, attempting to be cool and collected. But, Jamie was walking closer and closer to him. This drove him into panic mode. “Vait-VAIT!” Henrik begged, attempting to make up an excuse before it was too late.
Unfortunately for Henrik, it was already too late. Jamie had grabbed his reached-out arm with two hands, and pulled him into his arms.
“YAMIE! NEI-HIHIHIHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NEHEHEHEHEHEIN!” Henrik yelled, bursting into hysterical laughter. Jamie began clawing and digging his fingers into Henrik’s ribs, and the spaces in between the ribs. “LEHEHET MEHEHE GOHOHOHOHOHO! IHIHIHIT TIHIHIHICKLES!” Henrik commanded.
However, Jamie was stubborn. He has refused to let go until he has heard a large amount of laughter from the man. Henrik was always so stressed. So, some laughter could definitely do him some good!
“ZHIHIHIHIS IHIHIS NUHUHUHUHUTS!” Henrik shouted further. Jamie tolled his eyes and shook his head with a smirk on his face. He paused his fingers for a moment and thought up a speech slide with dialogue on it. Then, he made it appear in his hand, before handing it to Henrik.
“‘This isn’t nuts. This is amusing’- Ey! Fuck you and your fuckin’ cards!” Henrik yelled, growing annoyed by Jamie’s antics.
Jamie let out a gasp. Jamie’s jaw dropped, and his eyes had narrowed to make a dramatic offended face. In reaction to such language, Jamie grabbed Henrik’s arms and lifted them above his head.
In one swift move, Jamie used his magic to tie Henrik’s hands together above his head. Next, he brought Henrik’s arms above Jamie’s head, and around his neck. Now, Henrik was stuck with his hands extended behind Jamie’s neck! And; arms in place and armpits exposed, Jamie skittered his fingers all over Henrik’s armpits.
“YYYAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HALT! HAHAHAHALT! EHEHES KIHIHIHITZELT!” Henrik begged as much as he could through his laughter. His movements were somewhat restricted because of the position he was in. But, it didn’t stop the poor, ticklish doctor from squirming and wiggling as much as he could. “BIHIHITTE HÖHÖHÖR AHAHAHAUF! ICH FLEHE DIHIHIHICH AHAHAHAN!” Henrik yelled, reverting back to his native language.
Jamie’s eyes widened. That was A LOT more German than he actually knew! But thankfully, a translating dialogue slide managed to help him out:
‘Stop! Stop! It tickles! Please stop! I’m begging you!’
Jamie nodded in understanding, before moving back to the previous spot. Now, Jamie wanted to try the top, middle and bottom of Henrik’s ribs. Jamie moved down to the first couple ribs on the bottom, and clawed a couple fingers into it. “BAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! VAHAHAHAHAIT!” Henrik shouted, reverting back to Jamie’s English language. Jamie soiled at this. Strange how Henrik will go from one language to the other. It was kinda cute, actually.
Next, Jamie moved his hands up to the middle of the rib cage, and squeezed them. Henrik let out a loud high pitched squeal, before giggling in that same high pitch. After that amazing reaction, Jamie reverted back to the clawing strategy, applying it to the middle ribs.
‘Too tickly!’ The dialogue slide read.
Jamie practically squealed at the adorable reaction! It was like he was tickling an adorable man-child!
To end things off, Jamie shoved his hands back into Henrik’s armpits for one more tickle.
“EEEEHEHEHEHEHE! IHIHICH BRAHAHAHAUCHE EHEINE PAHAHAHAHAUSE!” Henrik shouted one last time, staying in German.
‘I need a break!’ The dialogue slide translated.
Jamie nodded in understanding and stopping his fingers. He allowed Henrik to breath in as much air as he could, before pulling Henrik’s arms over his head and undoing the rope. Though, Jamie should’ve gotten ready for the fall, because almost immediately, Henrik’s exhausted body completely collapsed onto the ground.
Surprisingly, Henrik didn’t react in pain. He...bursted into more giggles! Was some of the giggles in his lungs blasted out from the sudden fall? Or was Henrik growing loopy from all the dopamine going through his head? Jamie couldn’t tell you.
Either way, Jamie scooped up the giggly man bridal style, and started heading down the hall to take him to his room. But, halfway through the walk, Henrik started leaning his head against Jamie’s arm and cozying himself into Jamie. Jamie let a little quiet chuckle leave his mouth.
“Mmmm...so comfyyyyyy.” Henrik mumbled in a baby voice. Jamie smiles genuinely, and turned the corner into Henrik’s room. There, Jamie slowly placed the man down onto the bed and tucked him in under the covers. But right as Jamie was tucking in the other side, Henrik decided to pull a Buddy Elf move and start a revengeful tickle fight right there.
Jamie squealed and curled away, as Henrik jumped out of his blanket and started tickling Jamie on the bed. Jamie only laughed, kicked and occasionally attempted to wiggle himself away. But, there was no escaping that doctor.
To make matters worse, Marvin and Shawn had followed Henrik’s laughter and finally found the pair in Henrik’s room. Noticing that Henrik was getting revenge on Jamie, they decided to join too! Shawn hopped up onto Jamie’s hips and started squeezing his sides, while Marvin came up to his ears and started lightly scratching the back of his ears.
By now, Jamie was squirming absolutely everywhere! He couldn’t get away from any of them! If he tried, he would be pulled back in and tickled again! And the crazy part? Soon, Jackie had found them and joined them. He ended up seeing if Jamie’s feet were ticklish. Sure enough, his toes were really bad!
And so...Jamie’s tickle fight was long-time overdue...But, it happened and that’s all that matters.
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victory-cookies · 5 years
Out Of Time
A/N: @obsidiancreates suggested last night that I write a hero au fic where Schneep and JJ have to help out Marvin... it’s spiralled out of control from there. 
I have forgotten my entire taglist... uhh @a-humble-narcissus @kairomancerr @egopocalypse @dakotathewhale oh please let me know if I’ve forgotton you or if you want to be added/removed  
“Timekeeper?" Marvin asked quietly, watching the figure slowly step forward out of the shadows of the alley. 
The Glitch smiled behind his mask as the man moved to stand next to him. "I'll give you a choice, M͘agn̕͞i̧͝͡f͢i̧c͘e̛͟n̨t̵: join my ranks, or I'll let my pet here show you what a mistake you've made."
Marv growled. "You think I'd ever join you? Bullshit." He let a small flicker of flame slowly climb up his arm, readying himself for a fight. 
"I was̢ w͠o̶r̀ŗi̸e͡d ҉y͢ou'̵d͝ saỳ t̴h̢a̸t..." The Glitch grinned, and his eye flashed green. 
The Timekeeper's head snapped up violently, and he took a step towards Marvin. 
The magician raised his hand. "Not a step closer, buddy, or I'll— what the—?"
The Timekeeper cocked a grin, and the flames in his hand disappeared. He felt bile rise in his throat, dizziness sweeping him as he tried to light the flames again, only to have them snap off a second later. All he could feel was déjà vu. 
"He could keep doing this forev͢e̛r҉, you know? Throwing you back a few seconds, back to when you didn't have your magic flowing," The Glitch said, giggling. "You'd n̷e̷v̧er ͞wįn."
Marvin scowled. "Well, you won't win this, Glitch."
The masked man threw his head back and cackled. "I have time on my side, Magnificent! I've already ẁo҉n͡!" He snapped his fingers, and the Timekeeper nodded. 
Marvin screamed. 
All Jameson could hear was the ticking of a clock. His head was filled with static, and all he could think of was the ticking, loud and constant. 
Loud and constant and his. 
The man in front of him had steel in his eyes and flames at his wrists, but as he looked at JJ through his cat-shaped mask, betrayal and fear flickered across his face. 
He was causing that fear, the expression deepening every time he wound back time on the man, extinguishing his flames. The static told him to be proud. 
He was. 
Suddenly, he felt it push him towards the man, so he walked. As he grew closer, the ticking grew louder and the static grew thicker. 
And then it told him to take. 
The ticking rang in his ears and he knew and he wanted to take 
take everything take it all it was his it was his it was all his to do with as he pleased every second every minute was his he needed to tākę i͜t͠ 
He needed to take everything. 
He barely registered the man in front of his screaming as he pulled the years from his life, slowly syphoning off every minute, watching them twirl around him in a delicate dance until the man collapsed to his knees and then onto the ground, no life left to give. 
Static and satisfaction settled into his chest. It was his. 
The ticking rang in his ears, loud and constant. 
Then the static came and whispered in his ear, stoking his hair gently. "Good job, little Timekeeper. Such a good little p̢up͡p̧et, taking and taking and taking," it whispered. JJ nodded, not feeling the tears dripping down his face. "You did so well..."
The static rushed in, and he blacked out. 
Jameson came to, head spinning. His whole body ached, and he sat up, head spinning. What had just—
Magnificent lay, unmoving, on the pavement in front of him. 
All at once, the memories of what had just happened came crashing in on him, and he struggled not to throw up.
"No, no, nonono," he cried, crawling over to the hero. "Magnificent, wake up, wake up!" His slides flashed rapidly as he shook him, although inside he knew it was pointless. 
Magnificent was dead. 
And he had killed him. 
His breath caught, and he felt all the blood drain from his face. 
He killed someone. Took every second of time they had from them. 
And he'd enjoyed it. 
His breathing began to speed up, and he grabbed his hair, rocking slowing back and forth. Slides flickered in the air beside him, filled with apologies and denials and silent pleas for help. 
With tears pouring down his cheeks, he wished desperately that he could scream. He needed help he needed help he someone god help
Everything around him shattered. 
Ticking rang in his ears. 
help who could help he needed them here now he needed help what had he done? 
He pulled. 
One moment, Henrik was quietly enjoy a cup of coffee, and the next, he found himself next to the Timekeeper and Magnificent. 
One of whom was panicking, the other dead. 
Schneep's heart dropped. Swirling around the Timekeeper he could see bright orange of panic, laced with the muddy reds and purples of grief and fear. 
And around Marvin was nothing. 
The Timekeeper looked up at him, desperation and mania in his eyes. "Please, Medic, you must heal him! I've done something to him, taken all his time, but I know that you can save him! Right?"
Henrik looked down at the two of them, colour draining from his face. "Mein freund... I cannot heal someone who is already dead."
The Timekeeper's face dropped. "No, you must. I couldn't have killed him, no... No, no, no..."
Schneep took a step back, feeling something around him start to shift. 
"No, I couldn't have, no, oh what have I done whathaveIdonewhathaveIdonewhathaveIdone?"
With that, something fractured. 
Henrik stumbled backwards, only to be pulled back to where he was a few second prior, and then to find himself with his hands pressed to Marvin's still chest. The Timekeeper seemed to be experiencing the same thing, jumping forwards and backwards in time, his expression rapidly changing. Schneep managed to find a second to look up, only to see the time of day begin to change, jumping from night to day like a skipping record. 
"Timekeeper!" he tried to yell, feeling his words get swallowed up by the jumps. He was thrown to his feet again. "Timekeeper, you must stop this!" 
He threw himself forward, arms wrapping around the smaller man. With a thought, he grabbed hold of his emotions and began to reign them in, trying not to be too harsh about it, feeling a little bit guilty about using his powers without consent. 
"Let us calm down now, ja? It is alright," he whispered, patting his back. "You can explain to me what has happened, and then we can see what can be done."
The Timekeeper nodded slowly, his breathing still shaky, and Henrik gently pulled out of the hug. 
"Tell me what has happened."
The Timekeeper took a deep inhale. "Something had me not in my right mind, doc. It told me to..." He looked down, breath hitching. "It told me to take the Magnificent's time from him. And I couldn't say no, so I drained the living right out of him, year by year. And now he's gone and it's all my fault and—"
Schneep shushed him. "It is not your fault, Timekeeper. It is, I will assume, the Glitch's. He is an evil, evil man, and it is not your fault what he made you to do."
"Of course not. You were not the one in the controls of your own mind. What you can control for, though, is what you do now, ja? If you could take the years straight out of him, then why not see if you can put them right back in his little body?" 
"I could try..." replied the Timekeeper tentatively. 
Henrik kneeled to the ground, placing his hands on his friend's still body, praying that the plan would work. "I will do the healing of him at the same time, to help. Now, work your timey-wimey magics! Little Marvin is not done on this Earth quite yet!"
The Timekeeper took a deep breath and placed his hands on Marvin's body as well.
Marvin awoke to a ticking, loud and constant. His body and mind ached, and he swore as he sat up, feeling like he'd aged a hundred years. 
He pried his eyes open to see two very tired, very relieved looking people beside him, their hands lingering near him. 
"It worked..." said the Timekeeper. 
Marvin blinked, shocking away. "What worked? Are you not still evil or possessed or whatever now? Am I missing something here?"
Schneep patted him. "Perhaps it is best if we explain later. You have had a long day."
He shrugged. "Whatever you say, man. I just need a nap."
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huffle-dork · 5 years
Dr J tortue prompts? Ooooooh *rubs hands together** 12 on the kidnapper list please with a good old 'Get out of my head!' if you please
(I like the way you think anon ;)c)
Jameson’s head hardly rose as the heavy steel door to his cell opened. He just huffed and then continued to stare down on the floor before him. It was filthy and dusty. But, better than looking that scumbag in the eye.
“Oh another day of the cold shoulder, Doctor? I must say that hurts my feelings...” Magnificent chuckled as he strode further in the room.
“Die in a fire-“ Dr. J snipes back, his eyes not leaving the floor.
Magnificent whistled and clapped slightly, “Ohh so feisty~!” Then, his cheesy showman-like smile falls off his face in an instant and he drives his foot straight into Jamie’s stomach, causing the therapist to double over and gag, the contents on his stomach threatening to spill. Even if there wasn’t much...
The dark magician kneels down by Dr. J and tugs him up by his hair so the smaller man can look him in the eyes. Once, their gazes meet, Magnificent’s face softens slightly and he shakes his head and he makes Jameson’s shake as well.
“JJ, JJ, JJ...” He sighs, now cupping the doctor’s chin in his other hand and lifting it up. “Why do you still fight me so? I have had every other one of your pathetic friends held in my power... caught in my strings- and yet, you stubbornly refuse to fall under my thrall.” Magnificent’s fingers trail across Jameson’s beard and the Doctor shivers, gritting his teeth at the demon before him. “What makes you so special, Doctor Jackson?”
“People depends on me-,” Jameson snaps, fire burning in his eyes. “And my will and talent is stronger than your magic drivel. It’s practiced and cultivated from years of studying. Unlike your unnatural curse-“
Magnificent’s claws suddenly dig into Jameson’s skin and he yells out in surprise in pain, blood dripping down his neck and forehead. The cat masked man’s eyes are glowing bright neon green and his teeth are gritted in rage. Jameson’s heart is beating fast in panic but he’s trying not to show it. He won’t let this second rate performer intimadate him.
The dark magician leans in close to the doctor’s ear and whispers threatening, “I will break you, puppet. I will break your defenses. I will drown you in your worst nightmares until you can’t remember your name anymore. I will make you dream of rescue and take it away from you by turning all your friends against you- they are mine... YOU. ARE. MINE. Understand me?”
Jameson looks at him with fear in his eyes, his limbs starting to shake. But yet, his voice doesn’t shake as he whispers back, “I belong to no one. You will not change that.”
Magnificent is silent for a second before he chuckles and lets Jamie go and the doctor’s head falls and he nearly falls backwards from the shift of balance. The magician gets to his feet and waves his hand, and suddenly Jameson finds his vision turning green-
“We’ll see about that, Jackson. I have allll the time in the world...” the villain laughed as he travelled out the door.
Jameson’s vision suddenly flashed and before his eyes he could see rapid fire images from his life- his memories. Stuff he loved, things he never wanted to remember. It was going so fast he felt sick and almost feverish. He tried to get to feet to follow after Mag before the door shut, but the chains holding his arms back and connecting him to the wall yanked taunt and sent him spiraling to the floor.
“W-Wait s-stop!” Jameson shouted after his captor, “y-you can’t d-do this- g-geT OUT OF MY HEAD!!!”
Magnificent merely smirked at the doctor’s screaming as he walked away.
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anothersillyfanblog · 5 years
A dead faerie has no bounds (tff, tfs part 4)
The faerie found, the faerie saved part four. This one is shorter than most of the others, but I have a plan for the next chapter. I don’t really like this one, so any feedback is appreciated. Taglist: @the-yandere-kitsune @musical-in-theory Part one   Last part  Next part The paint in the motel was pealing off of the walls, revealing the old bricks underneath. Suffice to say, the rest of the motel was as you’d expect; loud, grimy and not really up to much. JJ’s eyes flickered open.
His chest heaved and he quickly turned over, vomiting on the floor of the motel room. His head spun, his body felt limp and numb, and he felt it hard to remember what had happened. It had been days, right? Days of hunting down those people in the office and then…
“Where the fuck is he?” Chase screamed. He’d always been protective over Jameson, and now the young gentleman was missing, he was erratic. “One of you must have seen him- one of you!” It was only Jackie, Chase and Marv at home (Henrik was at work). Well, those three and one other- Jack. They were all collectively yelling at one another, when they heard a thump from Jack’s room. They all stopped.
Jack had a habit of hiding in his room for months at a time, without making a sound. No-one knew how he got food, or why he stayed up there. Marvin furrowed his eyebrows. “What is he doing up there?” the magician murmured to himself. Jackie shrugged and Chase seemed to smile sadly. They heard the door upstairs swing open and footsteps approaching the stairs. Everyone looked toward the stairs.
“Hey. What we all talking about?” Jack asked casually. Once again, everyone started screaming at one another. “Talking? Talking?!” Chase exclaimed. “Jamie is missing, and you’ve been hiding upstairs! What the hell?” Jackie asked. “I don’t think talking is an accurate description…” Marvin remarked. Jack blinked in surprise for a minute, then cleared his throat. “Did you say… did you say JJ had gone missing?” Jack asked quietly, looking scared.
The glitch had made the first move towards the end. For the second time, everyone in that goddamn office was dead, and now he thought it best to summon the spirits of his people before they faded away. He had to show that he could make it up- he had to do this.
Summoning a fae, under normal conditions, can be completed even by humans. The same can be said of the dead. But summoning a dead faerie is something that is a little bit harder and for good reason, too- fae’s are tricky, flighty creatures that fade quickly after death. That, and they almost never go peacefully. Anti had to work quickly to succeed, and he had to work well. What he did is as follows-
Go to the place of death.    
Take soil/earth from the place of death.
Place soil in faery circle (i.e. ring of mushrooms)
Invoke the spirit through a means of personal choice. This is ghost summoning stuff, so it should be easy enough.
“I͏͠'m h͟er̷͡e̢.̡” The glitch crackled. There was no response, just a feeling that hung in the air. “We̸l̶l͡?̕ It͝'s ne͝ar̛ly ̛done, I͘ ́k̀ill͝e̕d ́t͘he g͟u̕ilt͘y ̨ones̵ ͞a͟nd ̡hav͜e ͜one fro͟m th̢e ̕h̀o͡u͜se̛…”  this caused the faint light of the spirit to flicker into view, rapidly. It seemed to be laughing, getting louder and louder. “Ẁh͟at̡? ̨Wha̕t̷'s ̡goin̴g̛ ͝o̡n?” Anti asked, confused and a little scared. “Fool…” The elder fae pointed a paper-thin finger at Anti. “You really did it! Don’t you see?” it jeered. “W̸ha͞t do ͠you ͠mean̨?” “I mean that you’ll never be forgiven!” the fae laughed. “Yo͢u̵ ̀t͏rick͠ed̨ m͏e̢?̴ Bu̷t ̸we ca͢n't ͠l̀ie͟...͟” Anti growled. “In life, we cannot lie, o traitor! And you never stood a chance.” The fae was laughing louder and louder, as it faded away into the night, leaving the stunned glitch in the centre of the faery ring.
Anti sunk to his knees. Everything was gone… all that blood for nothing…
At least Jamie wasn’t dead. He stood up, clenching his fists, and twitched every muscle of his body before fizzing into some kind of portal.
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bookwormscififan · 5 years
Ink - Marvin Appreciation Week
I said I was gonna write a fic for Marvin.
Based off the bongo cat Marvin ask I got yesterday(?).
Word count: 1694 words
Chase had called and scheduled an appointment for Marvin to get a tattoo. Sean had left the name of his tattoo parlour out so Chase was able to use that.
He went with Marvin to get the tattoo, asking him numerous questions about what type, where and why he wanted one. Marvin never answered the queries.
“Chase, everything will be answered when the tattoo is on my skin. I promise. Did you bring money?” Chase nodded, digging his hands deeper into his pockets. They never usually went out in public, but Marvin had made this sound like an emergency.
“Sorry, sir, but we only allow one per room for the appointment.” Chase nodded and reluctantly sat down outside. Marvin followed the artist into the room, rolling his sleeves up as he went.
Sitting outside the room, Chase flicked through his phone to pass the time. Having not actually been through the sensations of getting a tattoo, he was apprehensive as to how it would feel. When Sean got the second tattoo, it just appeared on the egos’ skin.
He looked up as the door opened. Marvin walked out, smiling and thanking the artist. Chase couldn’t see where he had gotten a tattoo, but Marvin had rolled his sleeves back down.
“Chase will pay, won’t you, buddy?” Chase nodded, shaking himself out of the side tracking his mind had taken.
They walked back home together, and Chase couldn’t stifle his curiosity any longer.
“Marvin, where did you get the tattoo?” Marvin smirked, scratching an itch under his mask.
“I’ll let you know when everything works out.”
The two returned home, and Marvin immediately climbed the stairs to his room. Chase watched him go, then walked to the kitchen to chat with JJ.
“Are you making pies?” He watched as JJ mixed ingredients in a bowl, shirt already covered in flour.
This is the second batch. First one is in the oven. Plum pie. Robbie is outside, I do not know exactly where. I sent him out so he would not take any pie filling. Chase smirked, then looked around.
“Jackie?” Went on patrol. Schneep is in his room. Chase nodded, heading for the staircase.
“Hey, Schneep. You doing alright?” Schneep looked up from a seemingly tense game of Operation, and sighed.
“Ve are doing well. I vas hoping to try and make zis game work properly. But I do not think I am cut out for zis.” He looked at the game with dejection, a face full of defeat.
“Maybe not. Let me help.”
Marvin sat in his room perusing all his books to find the perfect spells and potions. Feeling an itch on his upper arm, he rolled his sleeve up to inspect the new tattoo. Multiple lines curled and curved around the surface, and a small cat’s face could be seen within the twining blue lines on his arm.
After mixing the potion, he gently traced the lines of the tattoo with it, feeling the potion sink into each stripe of ink. When he got to the cat face, he only traced the outline of the head and the eyes. Wincing as the mixture sank fully into his flesh, he exhaled slowly as the potion made its way through his bloodstream, feeling it lace and twist itself into the already existent magic and body chemistry. Opening his eyes, a momentary flash showed in them, making him look almost cat-like behind his mask.
“Hey, guys! I have something awesome to show you!” Marvin called as he raced down the stairs. He had changed into a new blue shirt and rolled his sleeve up so that the tattoo could be seen.
The egos followed his voice down the stairs, then all gathered in the living room to look at him expectantly. He took a deep breath as he showed them the tattoo.
“I realised that accidentally making myself a cat was becoming less of an accident, and more of a desire to make myself a cat. I did some research, and I found that I could enchant a tattoo to change my form. Watch.”
He began to recite the spell in his head, letting out a small hiss as fire began to burn inside him. The other egos huddled closer together as the tattoo began to glow. Slowly each line grew bright, and new lines began to trace their own paths down Marvin’s arm.
He opened his eyes. When did I close them? The egos gasped at the cat eyes Marvin now had, the pupils beginning to glow, brighter and with more intensity each second. Within a minute, the egos were all coated in a bright light, and each covered their eyes.
When they opened them, there was a cat in the area that Marvin once stood. The coat was pure white, bright blue eyes looking at them and a faint green tinge to his inner ears. Chase stood first, kneeling before the cat and gently looking at the collar around his neck.
Swirling patterns and blue lines swept across the collar, all intertwining in the middle to join a charm. The charm was almost a duplicate of Marvin’s tattoo, each detail so intricate that the small cat face was even there.
“…Marvin?” The cat rested his paw on Chase’s knee, looking up at him with joyful eyes. Chase gently picked the cat up, bringing him over to the others, who were sitting in stunned silence.
“Guys, it’s just Marvin.” Slowly, the other egos began to move, reaching out to see the collar.          
Choruses of ‘Marvin’ began to sound in the room, and the cat jumped from person to person, rubbing against some and purring in others’ arms. When he got to JJ, he sat comfortably in the mute’s arms, purring with closed eyes.
Chase watched as JJ sat down again and began to stroke Marvin’s fur. He looked up at Chase and smiled, joy clear on his face. Within minutes, Marvin had fallen asleep in JJ’s lap. Chase grinned.
“Guess you’re sleeping here tonight. I’ll get you a blanket.” JJ nodded, staring down at Marvin with kindness.
The following morning, JJ woke to a heavy feeling on his lap. He felt with his hand and opened his eyes when he felt human hair under his hand.
Marvin had returned to human form in his sleep, forgetting he was sleeping on JJ’s lap. The mute smiled, then gently shook Marvin to rouse him.
“Mmh…” The magician stretched, mask askew as he looked up at JJ.
“Morning, Jamie.” JJ smiled, waving before signalling he needed to get up.
“Oh! Sorry, buddy. Here, I’ll move for you.” He sat up, watching as JJ stood up and stretched.
“How did you like my trick? Pretty good, huh?” JJ nodded.
It was very nice. I have not seen a magician change his form before. Marvin grinned, then stood up and headed for the stairs.
“I’m going to go change. I’ll be back for breakfast.” JJ nodded, heading for the kitchen to make pancakes. Marvin ascended the stairs, running a hand through his hair and collecting it all at the nape of his neck.
“Morning, James.” JJ turned and smiled as Chase stood watching him from the doorway, hair a mess.
“Got any coffee?” JJ pointed to the kettle, a mug sitting in front of it with steaming liquid inside.
“Thanks. Is Marvin still a cat?” The mute shook his head. He turned back overnight. He went to get changed. Chase nodded, taking a sip from the mug before spluttering.
“Too hot. Marvin did a great job with the magic stuff. Really impressed me. I didn’t know he could do something like that.” JJ nodded, putting two pancakes on a plate and handing it to Chase. I really liked it. Reminded me of the old ‘tricks-of-the-eye’ magic they had in my time.
“Must have been a great thing to remember. I think Marv was really proud he made you happy.” He stopped and looked at the door. Robbie stood there, peering cautiously around.
“Problem, Robbie?” The zombie nodded, making a dart for JJ’s side.
“Cat…?” Chase shook his head, chuckling slightly.
“Nope. Marvin turned back into the human last night. No more cats. Until he decides to pull that trick again.” Robbie nodded, taking a pancake from the plate that JJ offered him.
“Morning, can’t stay, there’s a big problem downtown.” Jackie raced past, taking a pancake and waving to everyone before disappearing. The egos looked after him, confusion on their faces.
“Anti…” The others turned to Robbie as the half-eaten pancake in his hand glitched away.
“Anti! If you wanted a pancake, you could have come down to eat it!” Chase yelled up the stairs, jumping slightly as Schneep descended them.
“Morning, Chase. Vhere is my coffee? Jameson, my friend, have you made enough pancakes?” JJ nodded, handing him a plate of four pancakes. Robbie took one from the top hesitantly before looking at Schneep.
“Do not vorry, Robbie. You can take vone of mine.” Schneep smiled at the zombie, then headed to his office, coffee in one hand and pancakes in the other. Chase opened his mouth to see if he needed help opening the door, but Schneep had already managed it without him.
“Morning, everyone! I hope you enjoyed the trick. I made sure to put all the shapeshifting spells in a separate corner of my room so no more accidents will happen.” Marvin walked down the stairs, devoid of a mask, and smiling from ear to ear. He took the plate that JJ offered, then sat on the other side of the counter to eat them.
“I also ordered a new mask to suit the tattoo.” He smiled as the egos began to ask him questions about the new mask, but refused to answer any of them. As he ate his breakfast, he let his mind wander.
The magic of the shapeshifter tattoo flowed through his bloodstream, merging with every fibre of his biological makeup. The tattoo itself burned with a need to be used. Marvin sat feeling all this and thought about his new mask. Wouldn’t the audience get a shock to see me now?
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10th-no-name-person · 5 years
Okay, so this is something I wrote a couple of weeks ago, so I figured it’s the perfect time to post it given that the community once again is on fire haha. @thebluehearted I hope you enjoy it! 💚
It’s been a while since Jack was able to enjoy the holiday season. He found himself sitting across the fireplace which was killing him and the rest of the Egos warm. Chase, Jameson and Marvin were all cuddle up together with blankets on the floor. Jackie was all bundled up with Sam on the small chair, while Schneep had his head resting on his lap. It was a very hard decision between spending Christmas in his dimension with his family or with the Egos. He chuckled to himself as he remembered how their eyes lit up with happiness and excitement when he told them he would spend the holidays with them.
He then carefully pulled his phone out of his pocket to check the times he was surprised to see the Egos sleeping so early. Maybe he should do the same, get a little rest before it was time to open gifts. His eyes free hacker the more he stared at the cracking flames at the fireplace.
“Isn’t this lovely?” Static filled the air around the cabin, his body tensed up when he heard Anti’s voice echo through the room. He wiped his head around, but there was no sign of the demon, but he then noticed that no of the Egos where around. He jumped to his feet, panic rising in his chest and blinding his senses.
“Guys?” He called out, but what he got in response was a sickening laughter. The cabin started to melt away in front of his eyes. What kind of sick trick was this? Jack sprinted out if the cabin and found himself in the snowy woods.
Chase walked downstairs carefully holding two mugs of hot chocolate, he knew it was Jack’s favorite and it was already that time of year. And on top of that it was his turn to keep an eye on him. There we so many things he wanted to tell him, maybe this time he would react to his voice. The more he got closer to the basement the louder the machines monitoring Jack got.
“Hey buddy, it’s me again.” Chase walked closer to him, he swallowed hard the knot on his throat as he gazed at his creator. “I umm, I-I brought you some hot chocolate. I know you can’t drink it, but maybe the smell of it will spark something.” He then sat down, leaving the mug on the nightstand next to him.
“It’s Christmas Eve, the rest are upstairs finishing up decorating. Even Schneep offered to help.” He forced a chuckled, “He never leaves your side, it’s the first time in months that he does, only because you…” Chase sighed, his eyes focused on the slow rising and falling of his chest with every breath he took, his heartbeat steadily beeping on the machine. “I recorded a video today, for your channel I mean. When you wake up, I hope we can collaborate together. I’ve gotten better at it. Hell, Stacy even the me see the Kids a few days ago. I wish you could see how much they’ve grown.”
His voice cracked a little, but it didn’t stop a smile to find its way on his face. It was such a nice surprised when Stacy showed up with them, it was so unexpected from her. He never felt so happy, but soon enough he was brought back to reality when the sound of Jack’s heartbeat started increasing with each passing second. Another nightmare, “Jack, you are safe.” He hushed to him, “is just a nightmare.” And then Jack started shivering, his breathing becoming shaky and rapid. Was he cold? Chase quickly grabbed his hand, the blood drained from his face, he was freezing. “Henrik!” he yelled in terror.
Jack walked further into the forest, arms were wrapped tightly around his body to keep the little heat he had left. The further he walked in the harder the snow fell, he couldn’t keep his teeth from chattering from the cold, hell, he only had a sweater on.
“Are you cold, Jack?” he heard Anti’s glitchy voice fill the air. “I can make that go away, all you have to do is give me what I want.” Then his glitchy form appeared in front of him, knife in hands and a wide crazed grin on his face. “That whole scenario was lovely. Although, it kinda hurt I wasn’t included. I’m part of the family after all.” he said sarcastically.
“I’ll n-never give y-you what you w-want.” Jack said between shivers, he knew from the beginning this wasn’t real. He needed to keep Anti trapped in his mind so the others could be safe from him, but he also knew his body and mind grew weaker with each passing day. He knew that soon he had to wake up.
Anti gripped his knife harder, “I am growing tired of your games” he hissed, “You and I both know you can’t keep me here forever running in circles, around, and around, and around!” he kicked Jack down, amusement evident in his eyes. Jack yelped as soon as his body made contact with the snow beneath him, his trembling escalating every second.
“You think I haven’t noticed? You are growing weaker.” He sneered, the dark entity knelt in front of his defenseless creator. “You know why I haven’t killed you?” he asked while proping his head on his hand. “B-because y-you will d-die too.” Jack whispered, Anti clicked his tongue, annoyance evident in his face. Anti brought his knife closer to his arm, Jack’s panicked expression reflecting on it. With a swift movement he made a deep cut across his arm, only to cause Jack to scream in agony.
“We need blankets, now!” the doctor yelled at the others. “Anything that you can find we need to keep Jack warm.” It was the first time Schneep saw something like this happen before. He could hear his teeth chattering hard, and his body was trembling nonstop. Whatever was going on in his mind was killing him faster, and he could not let this end like this.
“Marvin, I need you to cast a spell to keep these blankets warm for him!” he barked at him, Marvin nodded and made his spellbook appear out of thin air. “What the-?” the doctor heard the hero yell, “What’s the matter?” but he didn’t wait for an answer, out of nowhere a long deep cut spread through Jack’s pale arm as the blood followed to drip fast out of it. In a heartbeat Henrik searched for bandages and tightly wrapped it around the wound to stop the bleeding.
“Doc, what the hell is going on?” Jackie yelled, panic written in his face. “I-” he looked at Jack, his eyes rapidly moving side to side under his eyelids. It can’t be a simple nightmare, the only thing that would get affected, and occasionally he would get a fever. Chase and JJ came back with what looked like all the blankets around the house.
They both carefully placed them on top and around Jake while Marvin casted the spell on them.”Hang in there, friend.” he whispered as Jack’s shivers continued.
“Oh, did that hurt?” Anti asked stifling a laugh. He walked towards Jack, who was trying his hardest not to cry, Anti couldn’t be more satisfied than this, it wouldn’t take long for him to give out to exhaustion. “You must be very exhausted, Jack. Why don’t you take a break?”Anti purred.
“N-never…” he breathed, frustrated by the creator’s stubbornness, he picked him by the collar of his sweater. His heart started hammering hard against his ribcage, he never had an encounter with Anti before, his blue eyes made contact with Anti’s black cold ones, “You will lose, Jack. I will get what I want and after I do, I will be unstoppable.” Anti snapped his fingers and with that the rest of the Egos appeared in front of them, his eyes widen in terror at the sight of all of them with red strings wrapped around them, their glassy eyes staring at nothing. Jack wriggle his way off Anti’s grip and fell hard on the snow, wincing at the burning wound in his arm.
“Tell you what, if you don’t give me what want.” he said as he prowled around the egos. He grabbed the red strings of the 5 slumped egos, pulling them up so they could rise. “I’ll have to hunt your precious little boys. One. By. One.” Marvin, or the shell of him, raised his head, his eyes glowing a neon blue. “Tick Tock, Jack.”
“Da, is Mr. McLoughlin going to be okay?” Jameson signed to Chase with quivering hands, his eyes traveled to Shcneep, Jackie and Marvin who were surrounding Jack’s medical bed. Chase wrapped his arm around the younger Ego. “With all the blankets and Marv’s magic we were able to warm him up. He’ll be okay” He said reassuringly, “And doc here will keep an eye on him, right?” Schneep smiled weakly, “His temperature is stabilizing thanks to all of you. But, I must keep an eye on him, his heart rate is all over the place.” He rubbed the back of his hand across his forehead, it was going to be a long night for all of them.
“Marvin, what are you doing?” he heard the hero shout, all of them turned their attention to them which struck them with horror, Marvin was holding a knife to the hero’s throat. “Marv, what has gotten into you!.” Chase yelled, Marvin didn’t respond, the only thing that could be heard on the room was Jackie’s panicked breathing, “Marv, put the knife down, please.” the hero whispered with shaky breath, then the magician smirked and with a swift move he slashed Jackie’s throat who instantly tumbled to floor. Schneep let out a shriek of horror, feeling the burn in his own throat.
He stumbled to Jackie’s side, who’s eyes were foggy and his blood was pooling around him. “Now, who’s next? The failure of a doctor? The pathetic vlogger? Or the innocent dapper boy?” Marvin hissed, there was something sinister in his voice which sparked terror in the doctor’s chest. “Chase, get out of here!” the other two Egos ran as Marvin glided towards Shcneep and crashed him hard against the wall. “L-let go…” he gasped as he threw kicks trying to free himself from the magician’s grip. “You don’t know how long I’ve been wanting to do this, doc.” Marvin sneered while he locked his grip tight around the doctor’s throat, as he noticed a subtle glitch in his voice.
“Please, stop this!” Jack almost sobbed as he watched how Anti moved the strings wrapped around Marvin’s limbs. “Then give up control, Jack and better decide quick, doctor here seems to be running low on air.” Anti said casually as he Made Marvin tighten his grip around Schneep’s throat.
Tears stung his eyes, he couldn't let them die because of him but it would be the same if he gave up control. There was nothing else to do, Jack hung his head, trying hard to ignore the void and pain growing on his chest. “Fine! I’ll give you what you want!” he exclaimed, tears finally streaming down his numb cheeks “Just… stop hurting them, please… Don’t hurt them…” he whimpered, his bottom lip quivered uncontrollably. Anti let out a cackle as he made everything around them disappear leaving them in darkness. With a short wave of his hand, Anti wrapped red strings around Jack’s body like snakes, tightening around his wrists, legs and neck. A maniac grin spread on his face as he lifted Jack’s head with his knife, defeat evident in him. “Is time to wake up.”
“You are no use to me-” Marvin was cut off as someone knocked him out with a chair, he fell to the floor dropping Schneep which took a big gulp of air, it scared him how used to he was getting to near-death situations. Jackie stumbled while grasping his throat, Marvin didn’t cut deep enough so it gave him enough time to heal. “Jackie!” the doctor croaked, staggering towards the hero, “Let me take a look.” he removed Jackie’s bloody hand off the wound, what was left was a scar and some inflammation around it. Relief washed over him, then both of them glanced at the unconscious magician, how did Anti managed to possess him out of nowhere. He’s been gone since Jack… But why now?
Jackie crouched next to him and sighed, “He’s going to have a killer headache after this.” as he said it Marvin stirred awake, a pained groan escaped his lips “W-what happened?” he mumbled. Jackie helped him up as he clutched his hand over the back of his head. “Do you remember anything?” the hero asked hesitantly, Marvin furrowed his brow and then every drop of blood drained from his face as he noticed the noticed the red streak on the hero’s neck. “D-did I do t-that?” Marvin asked terrified, “That looks a lot similar like…”
“You were possessed by Anti.” Schneep stated as his hand traveled to his now bruised throat, “That’s impossible, why now?” Jackie snapped, “Anti’s been missing since Jack was comatose!” He yelled at them, usually Schneep would intervene and try to calm down the hero but this time he had to let him feel this anger. “Maybe it’s all connected…” they all turned their attention to Chase who was rubbing Jameson’s back, “Maybe Anti sent us a warning that he’s coming back.” He whispered. “If it’s all connected then Jack should be able to wake up! But he hasn’t! He’s in the same state that he has for a year!” Jackie’s voice cracked, tears threatened to escape the hero’s eyes which he quickly wiped away.
And then they all heard it, the room went completely quiet when they heard Jack take his first actual breath as his blue eyes opened. All sort of emotions ran through the Egos, happiness, excitement, relief but also concern. Schneep was the first one to make his way to him who was trying to hold his tears back. “Jack, do you know where you are?” The doctor asked, it took a few seconds for him to registered the question, “Jack? D-do you remember us?” Chase asked with a trembling voice.
Jack’s breath started quickening, his eyes widening in terror. “No, this is not right… I can’t be awake, not now!” He screamed, all of them were stunned at this, “Jack, my friend, you’ve been… in a coma for a year. We need to ru-“ Sncheep jumped as Jack grabbed his arm and squeezed it with the little strength he had. Schneep looked at him in terror, not because of his action, but because of the horror hunting his eyes. “Jack, you are safe here. No one is going to hurt you.” Schneep soothed him.
“He’s coming! I can’t let him win! I need to-“ he stifled a painful groan while gripping at his head. “Jack, look at me. Look at me!” Jackie cupped his face, it pained to see his creator so vulnerable. “I c-can’t p-protect you from him…” he whispered while blinking tears away. “You’ve been through enough, let us take it from here.” Jackie said with a reassuring smile, “We will protect you, Jack. Now, let doc here check up on you, we are happy to have you back.” Schneep walked towards him, “ Alright, why don’t you guys go get dinner and bring it down here? Jack must be hungry, and I need to run some tests first.” He said turning to him, he couldn’t believe he was awake after all those sleepless nights and constant panic that he might not make it to the next day.
Schneep couldn’t help himself and hugged him, “I’m glad that you’re okay, Jack. It’s been a rough year.” He whispered, after a few seconds he pulled away. “Let me go get my tools and we’ll start examining.” Schneep disappeared in the depths of his lab.
Jack’s hands ventured to his throat and touched it gingerly, a wide grin spread on his face as he didn’t feel the open wound on his throat. “Nice try, Jack. I’ll give you credit for trying to warn the others.” He said, feeling odd since his voice sounded normal, not a glitch in sight. “But you’ll be punished for that.” He sneered, “Do whatever you want with me, but please don’t hurt the others…” he heard his faint voice in his head, he giggled, “You lost the right to ask me anything when you made that attempt. Now, who will I corrupt first?” He asked as himself, “I really want to make you suffer-“ he then heard something falling from the stairway, perfect timing “Who’s there?” Anti said mimicking Jack’s concerned voice to perfection.
A trembling Jameson rounded around the corner, his hands moving frantically as he picked up the silver tray that slipped from his grip. Anti couldn’t make up what he was trying to say, he’s SL was very rusty. “I’m sorry, Mr. McLoughlin. I didn’t mean to startle you.” That’s all he managed to catch from the trembling mute, Anti knew who his first victim was and it made him buzz with excitement. “Jameson? C-can you s-stay here until Schneep comes back? I don’t want to be alone.” He said with a hint of panic, Jameson fell for Anti’s act and rushed towards him which he immediately regret it. He noticed the fast flash between blue and neon green in his creators eyes. The color on Jameson’s face drained as he realized what was going on. He grasped at the young Egos arm before he could run away and pulled him closer to him.
“Shhh don’t be scared, puppet, good ol’ Jack is still here. He’s just taking a break.” He purred, Jameson’s eyes widen in fear, he needed to get the others, he needed to warn the others. “You’re not going to tell the others, are you? Because if you tell the others I might have to make a brief visit to Chase.” Anti said casually while Jameson’s heart threatened to burst out of his chest. “He’d be so disappointed in you for making such accusations, and we wouldn’t want that, would you?” Anti smiled, but it wasn’t a wicked smile, it was a friendly welcoming smile. One that many would fall for, even Jameson himself. He nodded slowly, his body still trembling fearing Anti might hurt him. “Good puppet. Jack won’t hurt you, Jack will protect you.” Jameson felt sleepy all of the sudden, as if Anti’s words were some type of spell he was getting tangled in. “You are in for the ride of your life.”
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writing-nebula · 5 years
Aura: Chapter 1, Roll Call
To say Jack’s life was exciting would be an understatement. There was never a dull moment in the Septic and McLoughlin household, his egos made quite sure of that. The house was never quiet between the six of them, someone always awake at odd hours of the night. Sometimes the noise would make it difficult to record, especially when they decided to play Mario Kart, that game was both a blessing and a curse. but the boys made sure to keep it down usually, and always found endearing ways to make it up to him if they didn't.
Today was a little different, it wasn’t common for the boys to outright forget that he was recording, but Jack could hear yelling through his headphones. And not the excited kind. It wasn't uncommon for playful fighting, but this sounded too heated to be the usual bickering. Jack groaned, rubbing his hands over his face, he just wanted to get through this recording, then he would go check on them. His head was killing him all of the sudden, and the accompanied dizziness almost  making his face have a close call with the desk.
It stopped as suddenly as it came. That was his first clue, his second, the deafening silence in the other room. Jack stopped everything, nearly tossing his headphones in the rush to get them off and get out the door. The egos were never this quiet, and to be so so suddenly was not good. Especially after a headache like that, the last one had been a little over a month ago. Resulting in Jamie's appearance.
He finds everyone in the living room, Henrik and Chase in the middle of the room, so close they’re nearly touching. Jackie, Jameson, and Marvin are off to the side on the floor, their card game now abandoned. They were all staring at something behind Henrik and Chase.
He checked over them, making sure that everyone was ok, “Morning everyone.” The sudden noise startled all of them, Jackie and Marvin are on their feet in a second, moving to loosely shield Jameson. Chase and Henrik quickly move apart from each other. There, in the corner of the room, just behind the two, about as stable as a newborn fawn, stood Anti.
He hasn’t taken notice of anyone yet, too busy trying to get his balance, Jack can’t help it, Anti’s noise of triumph, over finally finding his footing, is adorable. Even more so when he being finally notices everyone, “Hi.” It was almost shy, but his face split into an uncharacteristic smile. He doesn’t miss Chase’s flinch, nor Anti’s.
He feels bad, nobody is willingly going to greet him, so he takes the initiative, “Hello Anti.” The smile that splits across the demon’s face is so uncharacteristic and genuine, that Jack can’t help but smile too. Anti bounces on his heels a bit, like an excited child, and a glitch distorts his body for a second. Just long enough to make the other egos uncomfortable, their quiet murmuring slows, and for Anti to completely freeze.
It's concerning when he sees real fear in every move that Anti makes while examining himself. And it hits him, Of course Anti has no clue what’s going on, unfamiliar with everything even himself, and his stress is just causing more glitches to rip through his body. Causing him to jolt, small sounds of distress leaving him with each wave.
The others are standing closer now, when had they started moving to shield him? “Guys, you need to chill.” The silence that had held all of them is suddenly broken, and everyone is trying to talk over each other, still trying to keep mostly quiet.  JJ was signing too fast for anyone to read, but Jack swore he saw ‘calm’ multiple times.
Chase is the first to be heard clearly over the others, his voice a harsh whisper, “Chill? This is Anti we’re talking about! Do you not know what he’s done to all of us!?” The anger and anxiety was practically bleeding off of him.
Jackie was quicker, “You seriously cannot be asking us to be calm around that glitch!”, interrupting before Jack could explain. They were all talking over each other again hushed tones slowly getting louder.
“Enough!” That got all of their attention, “Guys! He has no idea what’s going on, for fucks sake he barely knows who he even is!”
“How do I make it stop?” It’s barely audible over everyone else, but just like that everything is silent again. There are tears pouring down Anti’s face, a hiccup making his body jolt slightly, yeah no, that was enough of that.
Jack’s hurried over to the glitch before anyone else can react, gently gripping his arms to try and give him something to ground himself. Speaking in a low voice, he attempts to comfort the new ego. “Hey, Anti, I know you’re freaking out, but I need you to listen to me. Take a deep breath, ignore everyone else, and listen to my voice.”
Another glitch rips through Anti at the contact, but he looks up. Green, tear-filled eyes meet calm blue ones, and the ego shakily follows Jack’s instructions. He takes a deep breath, and another few for good measure, then twists his hands to grab at Jack’s arms in return, the static and stray pixels slowly fading as Anti focuses on Jack’s steady form. The tension in the room slowly dying the longer Jack holds Anti and nothing happens.
The younger shifts slightly, his body mostly hidden by Jack’s, but now peeking over his shoulder. “...Why are you all scared of me?” Jack can hear the others shuffle around behind him, that was a loaded question. He stole a glance at them, Chase had grabbed Henrik’s hand, Jameson had put a hand to his own throat, and Jackie and Marvin were shoulder to shoulder comforting each other subtly. He could only begin to imagine what it had brought up for the others.
Anti’s body had begun to shake again, “It’s too much.” his grip was getting tighter on Jack’s arms, not enough to cause pain yet though.
“Anti?” His breathing was picking up again, it was confusing, he had just calmed down. Why was he panicking again? Jack didn’t understand what was going on.
“Please make them stop,” The younger was starting to cry again, “it’s too much.”
Jack may not have understood, but this poor boy had cried too many times in his extremely short existence. He turned them slightly, so he could address the others. “Guys, I'm gonna need all of you to leave the room please. We'll talk more later, okay?”
Nobody moved, staring at him in disbelief. Jamie's slow movements caught his attention, the young man suddenly nodding to himself. Moving so his signing can be seen, ‘I trust that you know what you're doing Jack,’ he's gently grabbing Chase's hand, making slow circles on it with his thumb while signing slowly to the overwhelmed father ‘why don't we go play a game?’ Chase looked to him quickly then to Henrik before nodding, the two walking out, Chase quietly mumbling to Jamie.
Marvin managed to heard Jackie out of the living room mere moments after, with the promise of whatever ice cream Jackie wanted.
“And then there were three”, Henrik just stood there for second before sighing defeatedly, finally moving to leave, the urge to get away from Anti had won out now that everyone else had left. “I'll be taking care of some papers,” Henrik lingered in the entryway, his voice laced with worry and fondness “If you need anything Jack…”
He couldn't help but smile, they were all just concerned for his safety after all, “I'll call for one of you, Henrik, I promise.” but they also had faith that Jack could handle himself.
With that the two were left alone, and he could finally get a better look at the newest ego. Anti was small, maybe the smallest of everyone in the house. He wasn't really that different from his canon, but his hair was a lighter green, almost blonde. And though he had yet to see Anti's neck clearly, Jack hadn't seen any blood.
It took some maneuvering, but they'd ended up on the couch. Anti curled up, leaning into his side, practically melting as Jack ran his fingers through his hair, “Are you alright now Anti?”
Anti’s voice was muffled, “Thank you...Jack, Sean?” he pulled away slightly, finally relaxed again, to Jack's relief. Anti had pulled back enough to just make his neck visible. Thankfully there was no cut, but there was a scar, it wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. Just a thick, pale line across Anti's neck.
“You can call me either, I'm sorry about all of that though.”
“They were loud?” Anti looked confused, like he wasn’t quite sure what he was saying.
He'd ask Anti about that later, but right now Anti deserved some rest. “Hey, how about I show you your room?”
The youngest ego lit up instantly, “I have a room?!” only to grimace as his excitement caused a small glitch.
Jack rubbed his back to soothe any aches Anti may have had. “Of course, well it’s a guest bedroom, but you can have it.”
The room was cozy, baby blue wallpaper, a small bed in the corner, and a dresser up against the opposite wall.  “What do you think? Closet is a bit small, but you have a nice dresser to make up for that.”
Anti looked on in wonder, already walking over to the bed, “It's really nice, thank you for letting me have it.” a yawn interrupting him.
“Of course Anti, dinner is in a couple hours, but I'll come let you know when it's ready.” Anti had laid down, already half asleep, trying his hardest to keep listening to Jack. The first day was always the hardest on the egos, he went digging through the closet for a blanket. “I know you probably have a lot of question, but we'll get to them later ok.”
“ok.” Anti rubbed at his face tiredly, and Jack's heart just about melted at the sleepy tone. He threw out the blanket over Anti and tucked him in, his breathing had evening out almost instantly. And as Jack turned out the light, ready to leave, he lingered in the doorway.
“Welcome to the family Anti, rest well.” the door clicked gently shut, bathing the sleeping ego in quiet darkness.
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poppyknitt · 5 years
Payback, part two- A Darkness and Desperation tale
Summary: JJ is still in and out of the hospital for the injuries he received back in the fall of the previous year, and since it’s now Boy Scouting season, Marvin plans to enact his revenge as soon as the bullies are separated from everyone else.
Marvin clutched his knife tightly in hand, his teeth gritted and eyes narrowed as he waited for the scout master of the troop those damned brats were in to leave the troop alone for a bit. He knew where the boy scout camp was, since Jack used to be one as well, so getting there wasn’t an issue.
The leaves swirled in the trees and bushes, making hypnotic patterns, as though trying to draw in anyone who watched so their commander, hidden away somewhere in the sky, could devour them alive without being seen.
He knew that, when they saw him, the boys would probably underestimate him greatly. They’d gotten into fights before, and he usually lost, likely because of how skinny he was. However, what they didn’t know, was that Marvin had been practicing something new, ever since he first found out about their treatment of his baby brother. Something... they didn’t believe in.
Finally, at long last, the final remaining adult had left, and he could get to work. His hand twitched absently for a moment, but he didn’t seem to notice. He rehearsed the spells he’d practiced and prepared heavily for this day one last time in his head, and stepped out into the open.
Barrier. Sound entrapment. Illusion. Cloaking. Paralysis.
Those were the spells he’d learned. Those were the spells he’d need. He had to go to the darkest sides of town just to get the necessary books for some, because most who sold and used books on magic spells avoided dark magic at all costs. Not him, though. Dark magic was the only magic that could help him here. Who cares if it corrupts him? He’d already been plotting to brutally slaughter eight of the nine kids there in cold blood, and leave one alive, but with horrible, horrible mental traumas for eleven months. Not to mention that he had another spell in the back of his mind that would ensure that no one ever believed the poor kid when he screamed and cried, begging them to convict Marvin Peter Reid, the true killer, no matter how hard or how much he begged. He doubted he could get any worse.
“Well, well, well! Look who it is, boys! It’s little baby Marvvy Petes!” Charley Sanders, the one who brought the bat, taunted, grinning evilly at him. He smiled back, and delighted mentally as Charley was visibly confused by his reaction.
“Hello, darlings...” His voice was light, but laced with a faint, toxic bitterness and hatred.
”What do you want, you moron?” Samuel Thompson, the kid who used steel-toed boots on Jamie, scowled, looking supremely pissed.
“I’m only here to play a little game with you boys! Nothing too serious~! After all, you really seem to like it when people get hurt, right?” His voice was chillingly sweet, as if he were trying to comfort a two-week old kitten that had been crying in despair for the past hour.
”What the hell are you talking about, creep?” Luke Wells, the one who used the textbook, looked both scared and annoyed. Marvin’s head jerked a small bit, and his grin widened.
”I’m talking about my little brother. Jameson. You boys sure took a lot out of him back in August, when you beat him so hard he nearly died!” He still sounded kind. Too kind. Several of the lessers in the group were starting to look scared already.
“D-Died-?!” Thomas Kendall, one of the ones who liked to watch and laugh as the others kicked and beat the shit out of 5 year olds, whimpered.
Charley interrupted him, “Shut up, Tommy. I wanna hear him out. Little kitty boy’s actually got my attention for once.”
“A wise choice, Charley-Darling~” His grin turned sour and twisted as he spoke. “I’m going to play a little game with you boys... A game I like to call... Hide and Go Reap.”
“... What...’s the goal..?” Sammy asked.
“For you? Hide, and hope you don’t get found. For me? Well... I get to murder whoever I find.”
The boys all went quiet for a moment, all nine of them looking somewhere between screaming and pissing their pants, until Charley finally spoke, clearly trying to sound brave. “Oh yeah? A-And what if we don’t play, or r-run off?!”
“Then I will hunt you down, and torture you so much, you die a slow, horrible, and painful death.”
Charley froze. He honestly looked like he was going to piss himself, and it was taking most of whatever resilience Marvin had to not start laughing maniacally at the stupid look on that idiot brat’s face.
“You have sixty seconds to hide. Choose your places wisely~!” He sung, and cast the Sound entrapment, barrier, illusion, and cloaking spells, much to the absolute terror of the bullies.
”Where’d he go?!” Luke yelped. Charley said something under his breath to Luke, and yanked him away, as all the boys scattered. Marvin grinned sadistically, standing in place for a full minute, as he’d promised.
When time was up, he yelled to them, “Time’s up, boys~! Be ready to die!” in a much too cheery manner, and skipped off in a random direction. He knew they couldn’t have gone anywhere or run off; he’d put the barrier in a circular shape, with about a 125-meter radius all around. They couldn’t see it, nor could they escape. If any of them tried, he would immediately know.
Sure enough, one of the boys was trying to get out. He could hear him crying and yelling in hopeless terror to be let out. He skipped to the source, and, smiling wickedly, revealed himself again.
”Georgieeee~ It’s time to play~” He sang, his voice unnaturally high pitched and bone-chillingly melodious, as his head tilted over to the side. George Edison, the kid in question, turned around and sobbed hysterically at him, begging him to spare him, saying that he didn’t do anything to his little brother. Marvin already knew that, though.
He used another kind of illusion spell, this time using one that would force the others to watch as he killed their friends one by one, and tackled the smaller boy, stabbing him a numerous number of times in the chest once it was done, watching as the blood sprayed and seeped out of the 7-year-old’s wounds with glee. Some of the fresh, warm blood spattered onto his clothes, and he didn’t even flinch back from it. He could hear another kid distantly shriek Georgie’s name out, which he assumed was Micheal Jay, given the pitch. He grinned sadistically, knowing at least one of the boys was going to break eventually.
He continued on his way, a twisted grin painted on his face as he searched the circle for his next victim, his newfound total enjoyment of murdering another person driving his mind further and further to entirely merciless relentlessness. After a few moments, he found Kaden Foster cowering in a bush like he actually thought it would protect him. Once he spotted him, though, Kaden bolted, screaming and crying for help. Unbeknownst to him, however, this only delighted Marvin, and he gave chase, laughing in total derangement as he gained on the terrified 9-year-old. He tackled once again, stabbing the kid twice as much as he’d done to the youngest of the group, and making each one hurt more than the previous. Kaden’s shrieks and screams of pain and terror brought absolute joy to him, the adrenaline of the two consecutive, chaotic murders rushing through him and making him more and more deranged as he laughed maniacally as though he had heard the funniest joke ever after having never heard even a single funny thing for his entire life. He continued stabbing until every movement and sign of life had faded from the kid’s body, not even feeling a single drop of remorse or disgust for what he’d done or for the bloody mess he’d caused. The faint smell of iron was already rising from the blood he’d spilled, but he didn’t care. The only reaction it got was a small twitch of the head, but once more, it went unnoticed by him.
He imagined some of the boys would be crying by now, as he watched the blood pooling around and on top of his now dead, and horribly mutilated victim. It seemed that, with each minute that passed, his grin got more and more twisted, more and more disturbed.
He got up, and left the scene, unsure who he’d find next. He didn’t care, though; he just wanted to kill all of them but whoever he found last. After all, what better way to ruin a person than to force them to watch you mercilessly slaughtering all 8 of their friends in brutal ways, and then leave them alive with the knowledge that this never would’ve happened had they decided to be a good person?
He heard Connor sobbing in the distance, and grinned more, picking up the pace, and following the sounds. Connor screamed for Micheal to run, and the older boy got up, not even hesitating for a moment to disappear into the foliage. Connor jumped out of the tree, shaking heavily as he gripped a slightly sharpened stick as though his life depended on it never leaving his hands. Marvin paused, and laughed at him.
”Aw, how adorable! You really think you can hurt me with a measly ol’ stick?” He taunted sweetly, a deranged look on his face. Connor was still trembling, terror written all over his face. The poor boy was having trouble breathing, too, probably because of his asthma. He’d be merciful on this one. Besides, it wasn’t like Connor was worth the effort; he probably was never destined for success anyways.
He disappeared with the cloaking spell, and climbed into the treetops, purposefully rustling the leaves around him to give the kid a bit of extreme paranoia in his last moments. He stopped making noise at random intervals and circling, now silently heading to a place he could drop down behind the kid and catch him off guard.
He undid the cloaking spell, and not a single second passed before his knife was skidding through the back of his prey, as Connor let out a scream of pain. The older boy collided with the ground, palpitating forward a foot or so, as a faint trail of blood followed him. He hoisted himself a few inches from the ground with one hand, coughing up a few drops of the thick, glistening, red juice of life that kept him going, and then turned his head and body to better look at his attacker, eyes glittering in terror. The sadistic joy from before returned to Marvin’s twisted grin, like a loyal dog returning to its owner. Oh, this was so fun! He should do it again some time...
Connor whimpered fearfully, probably thinking he knew exactly what was going to happen to him. Marvin did initially plan it, however... He had remembered something that one of the bookkeepers told him about magic- “If you find yourself able to use the magic, you may want to explore with finding out more about your abilities. In my experience, most true magicians have their own special abilities.” He grinned to himself at the thought, already knowing full well what his was.
He raised his empty hand, delighting as Connor recoiled a little in fear, confusion mixing in with all the other apprehensive emotions littering his expression. Purple, glowing strings spun and twirled around the tips of his fingers for a moment, before settling so that he could control them.
“I’ve decided to give you a purpose, sweetie... After all, no one else believes in you, right? So, who better to prove them wrong than little old me~?” He trilled, his grin softening to a cruelly sweet smile. He walked to the boy, and knelt down in front of him. The strings seemed to disappear, as he cupped his hand around Connor’s chin, and took control of part of his mind. “... From now on, you’re going to work as my puppet, and my puppet alone... Or else.”
Connor’s expression went blank, and, after he healed his new toy, he helped him up, still smiling. He gave him a knife, and winked at him, whispering the name of who he wanted him to kill into his ear.
Marvin lead the way, somewhat dragging Connor by the wrist, as they searched for MJ. His twisted grin returned, as he thought about all the ways Connor might kill his friend. Ooh, but what a twist that would be! He could barely begin to imagine how horrified that would leave the others... Especially because MJ was supposedly Connor’s best friend.
They found Micheal standing in front of the barrier, probably confused and definitely feeling hopeless. Marvin’s grin became even more twisted, as he beckoned his new pet forwards. Connor’s eyes were dark and empty, showing that even if he was even slightly autonomous, he likely wasn’t in control of his actions just yet.
“You weren’t paying attention, were you, MJ?” He asked, his eyes empty, and smile filled with twisted joy. Micheal turned around, his eyes wide as they flicked between Connor and Marvin for a second, only resting on Connor as he calmed himself enough to process what was happening.
”...C-...Connor? Connie, bro, c-can you hear me..?”
“Sorry, Mikey~. He doesn’t answer to you anymore, sweets~” The strings around Connor’s limbs and neck revealed themselves briefly as he spoke. Panic set in all over MJ’s face, as he stumbled over his words.
“Y-You- Wha-What-? H-How did-?! W-Wh-What di-did you d-do to him, y-y-you freak?!”
Marvin paused, his smile fading for a second at the insult, and then returning as an even more twisted grin, “How rude! Didn’t your mama ever teach you any manners, dearie~?”
“D-Don’t-! S-Stop calling me by those st-stupid pet names!” Micheal was hyperventilating anxiously, which amused the aspiring magician to no measurable extent.
”Hm.” His grin fell a small bit, and he gestured for Connor to start, “As you wish, Micheal~”
“W-Wh’did you-?! W-W-What was that-?!” Micheal started, but Connor attacked him mid-sentence, much to his despair and horror. Marvin grinned sadistically as he watched Connor throw attack after attack at his ‘best friend’, who was trying his hardest to dodge as many attacks as he could.
I suppose I... Ought to help... He thought, still grinning. He waited a few moments, until MJ’s back was to him, and then grabbed him from behind, yanking him down to his level and driving his knife into the bully’s shoulder and tearing it back out, delighting in the screams of pain that resulted.
MJ stumbled away from them, clutching his limp, nearly severed shoulder in his hand. His eyes were glimmering with tears of either pain or fear, as he continued to try and back away from the approaching duo out for his blood. Connor was the first to attack once again, running at MJ and attempting to cut a diagonal slash wound into his chest, but barely skimming the other’s arm as he jumped back. Marvin followed up from the other side, stabbing into his gut with a big grin on his face as he made eye contact, relishing in the pure terror that covered the older kid’s face.
MJ fell to the ground, still hyperventilating, though, his breathing was more desperate and broken now that he was losing too much blood. Marvin’s face was almost entirely blank, aside from the huge, psychotic grin that had been plastered on it since he joined in, as he and his puppet loomed above the slowly dying kid. He raised his free hand a little, and Connor stepped on his lifelong best friend’s chest, pinning him down, slit his throat, and let him go. MJ started choking on his own blood, eyes wide and face draining of color as the blood rushed out of his veins and arteries, spilling into his throat, windpipe, and onto his neck and chest. He started coughing and gasping for breath, tears spilling down his face and mixing with the blood as they spilled onto his throat, only quickening the suffocation. Marvin made sure Connor didn’t have to hear his friend suffocating, knowing he would only be traumatized by the memory of the sound once his mind regained a little awareness of what happened.
Once MJ was dead, Marvin stepped lazily over his limp, broken, blood-bathed corpse, and dragged Connor along as they went to look for one of the others. Connor stumbled over the other kid’s body, but Marvin didn’t care to stop. He had things to do, and brats to kill.
Thomas Kendall and Jordan Smith were quick kills, and thankfully close enough to each other that Marvin and Connor could split up the task of killing them. Marvin wound up playing a fun game of chase with Tommy, obviously winning in the end by stabbing into the skull of his victim after taking his sweet-ass time to torture him. The kid’s body was nearly unrecognizable by the time he decided he was done with him, though, he left the face mostly alone, so his family could properly identify their son when they found his cold, dead body discarded uselessly on the forest floor. Marvin let Connor stay wherever for the last three kills, wanting to kill the ones who hurt his brother the most that day with his own hands.
Sammy was an easy find, having wound up standing alone and confused in a clearing, his back turned to Marvin and vulnerable to any attacks. He ran at the taller kid from behind, his target only managing to turn around and look before he gutted him viciously. He landed on top of Sammy, once again finding himself mutilating his body, but this time, he used his magic to keep Sammy alive until the very end, so he would feel any and every stab, regardless of how much blood he lost. Once he was done, and a fresh, deep crimson color stained his clothes almost unrecognizably, he stood up, and left, searching for his final two victims.
He found them together, when he heard Charley scream “no” from somewhere beyond a cluster of bushes and trees, and looked past them to see the two huddled against each other. His grin grew, as he walked through the plant life, and stood before them, knife still held in his hand. Charley began sobbing hysterically, clearly having a panic attack, and Marvin had another idea.
PTSD. He knew he could leave Charley alive, and have him eternally stuck living with crippling fears of human contact and other things he would associate with this day. That would be much, much worse on him than anything else he could possibly do to the boy. He made a small, unnoticeable gesture with his hand, and Connor walked through some other bushes. He looked at his puppet, and ever so slightly tilted his head to tell him to hold Charley back while he murdered Luke.
Connor did as commanded, and Marvin walked towards Luke, as the boy scrambled back, hit a tree, and began to cry as well. Marvin kicked him in the gut, and then pulled him up by his shirt, briefly narrowing his eyes at the kid, and then throwing him into a tree that was a few meters away. Charley screamed hysterically for him to stop as he violently stabbed, beat, and occasionally slammed his friend into things, but it was no use. Within a few minutes, the entire back of Luke’s head and almost his whole face were drenched in his blood, as well as the tree and his clothes. Marvin‘s grin became a bit less psychotic and a bit more normal, as he was proud of himself for the good job he’d done on punishing all of the boys who tormented his brother.
He turned to Charley, and walked to him, as Connor released the older kid. He gave the boy a sweet, sickeningly sympathetic look, the insanity still lacing the edges of his expression. Charley started begging him not to kill him, which only made his smile grow more twisted. “Aw, don’t worry, Charley-Darling~! I’m not going to kill you! After all, you’ve won! You’re the last one I found! So, as your reward, you get to live!” He paused, “However... You will be the only one who knows that I did this. I will make sure that, should you ever try to tell even a single soul that it was me, they will never, ever believe you, no matter how solid or fool-proof your evidence is. So, don’t even try it, because it’s not gonna work.”
Charley nodded desperately, and Marvin smiled triumphantly. “Come on, Connor, sweetheart, let’s go clean ourselves up and blow this joint! I’m excited to bring you home! But remember, you gotta act spooked, okay? That Charley kid’ll probably be off to tattle as soon as the barrier goes down, so if you’re acting unfazed by it, they might think you did it!”
Marvin watched the news, subtly delighting in the fact that for the past few days, all anyone could talk about was the murders of those seven boys, and the mental states of the two survivors. He’d let Connor resume autonomy, but made sure he knew that if Marvin detected him even thinking about telling someone, he would snatch it away quicker than you could say “Psychopath”. Charley had gone almost catatonic, and had to be pulled out of boy scouts for extensive therapies that just weren’t working anymore. Most likely, he would never be back in the public school system again, because of his severe traumas involving that fateful day preventing him from setting foot outside his home without having a severe panic attack within the next five minutes.
Charley had been constantly begging everyone to believe him as he sobbed and cried that Marvin was the killer, but as he’d promised, no one believed him, even with all the evidence presented against him in comparison to the slim amount of evidence for him. So far, Jamie hadn’t seen the news, so thankfully, he wouldn’t have to lie to him just yet.
He heard a knock at the door, and smiled to himself, as he knew who it was. He got up, playfully skipping to the door, and opening it.
“Aw, hiya, Connor~! I knew you’d come today!” He sung happily, a subtle, twisted glint sneaking its way into his eyes as he spoke to his new toy.
Congratulations, now everyone has as much about Marv to fear as I do. Please, join my suffering, because I’m terrified of my son, just like you should be.
not tagging anyone because this shit is highkey fucked up so i don’t wanna spoop my normal taglist peeps
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leadpaintrose · 6 years
Egos Fighting Game - The Masterpost
This is the amalgamation of all the Attacks, Defences and Damage Resistances of both the SepticEgos and the MarkEgos, from the various posts that I have been making. The idea was for a Mortal Kombat-style fighting game, but I suspect it would work equally well as a card game (things may be happening around this idea - maybe). The idea is that you’d pick one of the Egos to play as, and would have to play against a different one.
Possible game modes include:
Septic Showdown - JackEgos against each other
Make Your Mark - MarkEgos against each other
Iplier Incursion also a suggested name for this one
Bruised Egos - JackEgos vs MarkEgos
I’ve tried to be fair and even with abilities, but if this ever got produced, there’d be lots of tweaks needed. 
Damage Types
Physical Poison Psychological
Basic Attack
Weak Damage
Secondary Attack
Weak Damage
Extra Effect
Charge Attack
Moderate Damage
Build up damage points over time to use it
Strong Damage
Build up damage points over time to use it
Standard, every character has it
Speed standard, but buffed or debuffed by movement-affecting Attacks or Passive Effects
Moderate success chance against Basic Attack
Basic Defence
Can only defend against Basic and Secondary Attacks
High success chance against Basic Attack
Moderate success chance against Secondary Attack
Low success chance against Charge Attack
Used once per match
Cannot be used to defend against Ultimate
Passive Effect
Effect existing without needing to be used throughout match
Can be temporarily cancelled by some Attacks
Base -5% damage sustained from Attacks with this Damage Type
Basic Attack - Slash
Knife slice
Physical DAmage
Secondary Attack - Insanity
That laugh is enough to make you so insane
Losing focus, vision blurring, slower reaction speeds
Psychological Damage
Charge Attack - Glitch
Moves him to a random spot in the area
Produces multiple copies of himself
Each copy does a small amount of Poison Damage
Opponent must kill all copies before they can attack Anti again
Ultimate - Obsession
You’re all just WATCHING
Opponent can’t Attack or Block
Multiple Basic Attacks - hijacks opponent’s synapses, causing them to “not see him”
Forces opponent to not notice him, so that he can Attack directly in front of opponent
Weak Poison and Weak Psychological Damage
Passive Effect - Sepsis
Slow Poison Damage over match
Eventually produces false visions
Resistance - Poison
You can’t poison the Virus
Basic Defence - Phase
*glitchy laughter*
Becomes incorporeal just as Attack hits
Attack passes harmlessly through him
I’ve always been in Control
Opponent stops Attacking as strings appear on their wrists and pull them back 
Dr Schneeplestein
Basic Attack - Incision
Scalpel slice
Physical Damage
Secondary Attack - Medication
I vill save you!
Injects opponent with something that makes them woozy
Poison Damage
Temporarily cancels Passive Effect of opponent
Charge Attack - No. 1 Doktar in ze World!
I am ZE No. 1 Doktar in the World!
Charming smile stuns opponent for 2 seconds
Psychological Damage
Ultimate - 100% Real Doktar
I am definitely a 100% qualified Real Doktar *cough*
Administers heavy sedative to opponent, freezing them for 5 seconds
During freeze, he does a modified version of Incision - Surgery
Surgery - Physical Attack, incredible speed and precision, Strong Damage
Passive Effect - Heal
Regains small amount of health over time, up to 75% of total health
Resistance - Psychological 
I vill protect and save him at all costs! I don’t have time to vorry!
Basic Defence - Mask
Puts surgical mask on
Ve must maintain proper hygiene protocols! What kind of Doktar do you take me for?
Attack does no Damage
Special - Vacation
Wishing You Were Here
Disappears just as the Attack lands
Chase Brody
Basic Attack - Shoot
Nerf Gun
Physical Damage 
Secondary Attack - Tea Bag
Throws a handful of tea bags at opponent
Poison Damage
Charge Attack - Hat Spin
The Ultimate Trick Shot
Throws hat which spins around opponent, causing large damage across multiple strikes
Physical Damage
Ultimate - Bro Average
Excited yelling, as if he has made a great trick shot
Yells at opponent, stunning them for 2 seconds
Chest bumps opponent for Physical Damage + extra Physical Damage if they hit a surface
Passive Effect - Whiskey Bottle
Every glass numbs the pain
Gains resistance to Damage over match
Resistance - Poison 
You don't develop an iron liver by chance. It take a lot to get him more than buzzed now
Basic Defence - Dodge
Ducks under opponent's Attack
Special - Please Don't Go
I'm trying, ok, I'm working! 
Opponent cannot finish Attack, avoids all Damage
Basic Attack - Punch
It's bad technique, but it works
Physical Damage
Secondary Attack - Kick
Higher Damage the closer the opponent
Physical Damage
Charge Attack - Superhero Landing
Jump and landing – so cool!
Physical and Psychological Damage
Ultimate - Slow Motion
I am Jackieboyman!
Starts with cutscene of pulling down the mask over his eyes
Slows down opponent, leaving them open to a flurry of fast attacks that have a low chance to Block or Defend
Physical and Psychological Damage
Passive Effect - Flight
Ok, it's really more floating
5% quicker than opponent
Resistance - Physical
Being a superhero does have its perks – especially one that runs in punching and kicking
Basic Defence - Deflect
Physically deflects Attack, generic martial arts style
Deflects all Damage
Special - Fly
Ok, so maybe it's a really good jump!
Avoids opponent's full Attack
Marvin the Magnificent 
Basic Attack - Magic Blast
Abracadabra! (Those sparks are definitely intentional)
Magic Wand attack
Psychological Damage 
Secondary Attack - Cape
Cape throw
Wraps around opponent, stunning them for a second to get it off
Physical and some Psychological Damage
Charge Attack - Pick a Card!
Opponent has to select a card from Marvin's hand – each causes weak Damage
Physical, Poison, or Psychological Damage, depending on the card chosen
Ultimate - Make it Disappear!
Makes the opponent disappear and reappear in another part of the area
Slows opponent for 5 seconds
Psychological Damage
Passive Effect - Awe
That's SO cool!
Opponents have 5% slower movement
Resistance - Psychological
As a Magician, it's imperative that he can't get fooled by the simple tricks of others
Basic Defence - Misdirection 
Fake Attack from Marvin throws off opponent as they Attack
Attack completely misses
Special - Sleight of Hand
Ta Da!
Attack appears to hit the centre of his chest, but Marvin sustains no Damage
Puff of smoke appears from his hands after Attack hits
Jameson Jackson
Basic Attack - Fob Watch
The wrist strap will never catch on
Ranged, targeted attack, using the fob watch and chain as a whip
Physical Damage
Secondary Attack - Bow Tie
One must be dapper at all times
Throws a bow tie that sticks on the opponent's throat for one second
Physical Damage
Charge Attack - Rewind
Let's do another take, shall we?
Turns back time to before the opponent's Attack, restoring health and any status effects to that point
The opponent's Attack still happens, but JJ can Block or Defend, as he knows what's coming
Ultimate - Silent Movie
Everything turns Sepia toned
All opponent's Attacks become dialogue cards, and do no Damage or other effects for 5 seconds
Passive Effect – Nostalgia
Everything was better back in my day
Opponent's Attacks lose power over the duration of the match
Resistance - Physical 
Silent movies always had a lot of slapstick humour, so physical comedy is his schtick
Basic Defence - There's no Time for That!
Checks fob watch and shakes head, tapping the watch
Skips opponent's Attack, negating any Damage
Special - Stop!
Produces a large Stop Sign out of nowhere
Opponent cannot finish their Attack
Avoids all Damage
Basic Attack - Cracks and Pain
Opponent is surrounded by bleeding colours, high-pitched sounds and painful pressure
Psychological Damage
Secondary Attack - Do You Remember?
Do you remember who this belongs to?
Cane Attack
Physical Damage
Some Psychological Damage 
Charge Attack - The Places You Don't Want To Go
Transports opponent to random place in the area
Causes reduced reactions and attack strength for 2 seconds
Psychological Damage
Ultimate - You Just Need to Let Me In
Control opponent for 5 seconds, including passive abilities 
Can make opponents attack, turn off Passive abilities, or defend– or nothing at all while Dark attacks
Passive Effect - I've Been Waiting
What do you really want?
The colours and fuzzed edges of him tire your eyes quickly
Opponent's Defenses lose strength and speed over match
Resistance – Psychological 
Your mind is his plaything. Do you really think you can push back the same way?
Basic Defence - There's Nothing You Can Do to Stop Me
Saturation of colours around Dark deepens, making him look more solid and stable
Negates all Damage from opponent's Attack
Special - Manipulation
You're mine, aren't you?
Makes opponent miss their Attack on purpose
Wilford Warfstache
Basic Attack - Shoot 
Physical Damage
Secondary Attack - Tickling
With a Knife
They're fine!
Physical Damage
Charge Attack - It was all a Joke!
I didn't kill you!
Psychological Damage
Some Physical Damage, should opponent attempt to attack during Charge Attack 
Ultimate - It Was An Accident
Opponent unable to move for 5 seconds
Psychological Damage, costing some health from Warfstache
Passive Effect - Painful Past
Reduces effect of Physical and Psychological Damage of opponent's Attacks over match
Resistance - Psychological 
He dealt with the question of sanity a long time ago. He's already far too unstable for anything else to affect him. Besides, what more can you take from him?
Basic Defence - No. Stop.
Halt's opponent's Attack as Wilford starts interviewing them, talking over the top of them
Negates all Damage
Special - You Almost Had Me
Doesn't believe he's been Damaged
Attack does no Damage
Basic Attack - Short Circuit
Electrical shock attack
Physical Damage
Secondary Attack - Rewire
Slows opponent's movement speed for 2 seconds
Charge Attack - Upgrade
Which function would you like to access?
Creates multiple copies of himself, each in a different colour
Each copy does some amount of Psychological damage – amount randomly generated
Copies collapse after 2 seconds
Ultimate - Secondary Objective
Destroy Mankind
Controls opponent's movement, while inflicting Psychological damage through latching onto electrical impulses throughout the brain and body
Passive Effect - Information
Learns opponent's Attacks and formulates most efficient defence 
Reduces opponent's Attack strength over match
Resistance - Physical
His body is really just an imperfect human-built vessel to contain his vast intelligence. Destroying it would really only be doing him a favour.
Basic Defence - Connection Lost
Something went wrong: please try again later
Attack passes straight through Googleplier, damaging the arena/environment behind him 2 seconds later
Special - Firewall
From a reputable provider, of course
Image of a literal wall of fire appears in front of him
Stops Attack completely, including all Damage and effects
Dr Iplier
Basic Attack - Injection
This will definitely make you feel better
Hypodermic Needle
Poison Damage
Secondary Attack - I Know What's Best
Delivers devastating information about your life (not necessarily medical)
Psychological Damage
Charge Attack - I'm Sorry
That tone causes you to freeze, waiting for the bad news you know is coming
Freezes opponent for 2 seconds
Psychological Damage
Ultimate - You're Dying
Makes opponent's Attacks wild and desperate for 5 seconds, hugely reducing chance for opponent's Attacks to land, or Defences to be successful
Passive Effect - Heal
Regains a small amount of health over time, up to 75% of total health
Resistance - Poison
Have you ever tried to poison a doctor? Turns out, they know how to cure sickness
Basic Defence - Head Mirror
Attack strickes Dr Iplier's Head Mirror
Reflect Damage harmlessly to the arena/environment
Special - I'll give you some Privacy
Pulls curtain across in front of him
Absorbs all Damage from opponent's Attack
The Host
Basic Attack - Tragic Story
Narrates damage being done to your body. Graphically
Psychological Damage
Secondary Attack - The Author
Metal baseball bat
Physical Damage
Charge Attack - Backstory
The past is important motivation for the present
Freezes opponent for 2 seconds, whilst their backstory is narrated by The Host
Ultimate - It's My Story
Dictates next five seconds of opponent's play, including Attack, Defence and movement
Can Attack during this time
Passive Effect - Foreshadowing
I already know what's coming
Basic and Secondary Attacks do 5% less damage
Resistance - Physical
The bloody bandages should be enough proof that whatever you can do to his body will not be enough to stop him
Basic Defence - Twist Ending
You didn't see that coming, did you?
Narrates a dramatic miss of the opponent's Attack
Special - Bandages 
Wraps fresh bandages around his eyes – they immediately become bloody again
Fully heals Damage from Attack
Those bandages over his eyes are always bloody, yet he continues on. What are those things made of?
Bim Trimmer
Basic Attack - Incorrect!
You got it wrong!
Psychological Damage
Secondary Attack - Delicious Burgers, Just for You!
Feeds opponent "burgers"
Definitely some kind of meat (and totally not human)
Poison Damage
Charge Attack - Meat Grinder
Self-explanatory, really
Physical Damage 
Ultimate - Hire My Ass!
Opponent's Attacks are ignored, as Bim lists their bad qualities 
Reduces Passive Effects of opponent for duration
Psychological Damage
Passive Effect - I'm Bim Trimmer
Reduces Psychological Damage sustained by 5%
Resistance – Poison 
By what he feeds his contestants, it's fair to assume he's built up a resistance by frequent exposure over the years
Basic Defence - Game Show Host Smile (tm)
Stunning Smile – light glinting off his teeth
Reflects Damage harmlessly to the side
Special - You're Running Out of Time!
Buzzer sounds
Stops opponent from Attacking for 2 seconds 
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trashyswitch · 4 years
Appreciating the Classics
[Jameson Jackson listens to some classic 1900’s music, and Chase joins him! While dancing, JJ discovers a cute, little secret.]
Jameson Jackson eagerly grabbed his gramophone (A.K.A Record Player, according to Marvin) and placed it on the table. He grabbed a big black disc, placed it in with the needle through the middle hole, and placed the stylus onto the record. Pretty soon, the music started playing, and the brass intro to You Make Me Feel So Young
JJ started lip-syncing the lyrics as he danced around the room. His feet turned into jazz-type steps, as his arms moved around in a smooth motion.
🎶And every tiiiiime I see you grin,
I'm such a happy...in-dividual!🎶 JJ lip-synced.
As he danced around, he grew more and more distracted by the song, and the joy it gave him! He was so distracted, he didn’t realize that his friend, Chase Brody, had stopped throwing Teabags so he can watch the dapper boy. Chase smiled as he leaned his shoulder against the door, and watched. At the most perfect time possible, JJ noticed the one person audience.
🎶You and I are just like a couple of tots-🎶
JJ took a few dance steps towards the guy, and held out his hand. Chase smiled and took it.
🎶Running across the meadow.🎶
JJ and Chase moved to the middle of the room. JJ bowed, and watched as Chase did the same. Then, they got into the proper beginning position.
🎶Picking up lots of forget-me-nots.🎶
JJ and Chase started waltzing around the room, with a jazzy twist added to their steps. Chase was fairly new to this style of dance, and his red face showed it. But Chase knew JJ was very good at this, and trusted he would lead the way for him.
🎶And even when I'm old and gray
I'm gonna feel the way I do today
Cause you make me feel so young.🎶
JJ lifted his hand in the air, and started moving Chase in a couple traditional spins. Chase chuckled as he spun. He rarely did this! And when he did, it was so much fun. They went back to their original position.
🎶You make me feel so young
You make me feel so spring has sprung
And every time I see you grin
I'm such a happy individual 🎶
As they danced together, JJ couldn’t help but lip sync the lyrics. Chase really enjoyed that, because he was used to his hands doing the speaking, rather than his lips. his lips were never used for anything other than keeping food in his mouth.
🎶The moment that you speak
I wanna go play hide-and-seek
I wanna go and bounce the moon
Just like a toy balloon.🎶
JJ started spinning Chase again. Chase went wide-eyed! These spins were a lot faster than the last time! JJ watched him spin, and grabbed his hand at the moment they faced each other once again. JJ started smiling wider and silently laughing at Chase, who was dizzy and struggling to keep his balance. He pushed a bit of hair back in its place, and let go of him so he could sign.
‘You okay?’ JJ asked. Chase nodded back.
“I’m okay. I just wasn’t expecting to go so fast.” Chase replied. JJ laughed silently as he guided Chase back into the rhythm of the song.
🎶You make me feel so young
You make me feel there are songs to be sung
And bells to be rung
And a wonderful fling to be flung🎶
Chase and JJ moved around across the room, before spinning Chase (a lot slower than the last one) one more time. Then, JJ led Chase into a final dip.
“You’re so good at thi-Aah!” Chase said, before interrupting himself with an instinctive yell. JJ’s face changed from content, to puzzled in an instant. He pulled chase up to his feet, and let go.
‘What happened?’ JJ asked. Chase’s face turned red at that question.
“Nothing.” He quickly replied. Too quickly. JJ decided to try the move again.
“What-“ Chase started, before trailing off. JJ took Chase’s hands, spun him around once, and dipped him.
“I don’t-Wah! Careful!” Chase yelled, as his arms flailed a little bit. Thinking his positioning was causing it, JJ looked at his hands. Both hands were holding him up in the right position: around the sides tightly. JJ lifted him back up.
‘I don’t understand. Was it the way my hands were?’ JJ asked.
Chase didn’t know how to answer. “Uh...kinda?” Was the only thing that came out of his mouth.
‘My hands were in the right position. So unless you’re sensitive there, it shouldn’t have caused a problem.’ JJ signed to him.
“Shit...he knows!” Chase thought. He bit his lower lip as he thought of what else to do. He was trying as best he could, to hide his ticklish body from his duet partner. But the more he tried, the closer he got to the realization.
‘Do you happen to be ticklish on your sides?’ JJ asked.
There it was: the dreaded question, but worded differently. Chase hung his head as he hid his blush. His blush appeared as soon as at the sign for ‘ticklish’ was done. The sign for the word was embarassing. It involved wiggling fingers in the air, which would drive anybody insane, really.
Chase looked at JJ, who had an evergrowing smile on his face. Chase made a break for it. As JJ chased Chase (haha! Chased Chase.), he did the sign for ‘tickle’ over and over again. At one point, they flew past Dr. Schneeplestein, who had been writing on a clipboard in the entrance of his bedroom door. Very soon, JJ caught up to Chase, and tackled him onto the carpet floor.
“Wait! Bro! let’s talk about this like the civil men we are!” Chase offered. JJ thought about it for a moment, before holding his hand out. In a sudden gust of smoke, a big feather appeared in the boy’s hand. JJ gave a cheeky little smirk, before wiggling the feather against Chase’s sides.
“Wahahahait! Nahahahat fahahahair!” Chase yelled as he squirmed below him. JJ was surprised! How did he manage to keep this a secret for so long? Being this ticklish, it would’ve been hard to hide.
Next, he moved the feather to the left side.
“JJ! WAHAIT! Hahahahaha! Nohohoho!” Chase said through his laughter. Damn it all! Why did he have to be this ticklish?!
Up next, was the neck. Wiggling his feather, JJ realized that tickles to the neck caused high-pitched giggles to slip out. Soon, JJ got bored of the feather, and threw it away. Then, he attacked his sides with full, wiggly fingers.
“NAHAHAHAHOHOHOHO! JAHAHAHAY! STAHAHAP!” Chase exploded with laughter. JJ let go and jumped backwards, due to the explosion of laughter jumpscaring him. This gave Chase a chance to get revenge.
“MY TURN!” Chase yelled, before tickling JJ in the sides. Chase watched as JJ’s eyes went wide, and a wobbly, toothy grin appeared on his face. As soon as JJ’s teeth opened up, Chase heard quick exhales leave Jj’s body. Chase couldn’t hear any laughter, but he could feel JJ’s body start shaking with laughter. Even though he was distracted with forced laughter, he still tried to communicate with him.
‘Stop! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!’ Chase signed as he laughed.
“Oh, cut the bullshit. You’re not sorry one bit.” Chase teased.
Next, Chase tried the ribs. He watched JJ’s back curl up, and his eyes widen. Before long, JJ’s squirming was worse than before, and his signing grew frantic and shaky.
‘Not there! I’m too ticklish!’ JJ signed through his squirming.
“Aww! Is wittle Jay Jay tickwish? Citchy citchy citchy gooo!” Chase teased. He used to use this teasing tactic on his kids, before they left. Now, this worked just as well! The more he teased him, the more red JJ’s face became.
“Hmm...what about those pits of yours?” Chase asked outloud. JJ quickly sat up with wide eyes, and continuously signed the word ‘no’ over and over again.
‘Chase! No!’ JJ begged.
“Um...Chase! YES!” Chase replied, before attacking his buddy’s armpits. JJ’s arms came clamping down. His mouth was wide open, and his whole body was moving left and right. It was an adorable sight to see.
And then suddenly: A snort was heard and a hush went over the 2-person crowd. By now, JJ’s hand was covering his mouth, and Chase was staring at him in awe. 5 seconds later, Chase completly lost it. He came crumbling down into a puddle of hysteria. He was laughing so hard for almost 10 minutes straight! Meanwhile, JJ was recovering from his torture, and attempting to hide his big blush on his face. Soon, Chase managed to calm himself down enough to stop his aching ribs.
“That was...the best noise I have ever heard from you! Ever!” Chase yelled, before dogging his right hand into JJ’s armpit again. Another snort rang through the room, followed by another laughing fit. After Chase calmed down, he tickled JJ one final time, to get one last snort out of him.
It was then, that JJ struck again. But this time, he tried tickling Chase’s neck with his finger, rather than his feather. Suddenly, another sound filled the room! It wasn’t a snort, but a big, high-pitched squeal! JJ smiled as he continued tickling his friend’s neck.
“EEEEEEEP! NOHOHOHO! STAHAHAHAHAP IT! AHAHAHAHA!” Chase screamed. JJ was having the time of his life! He was tickling his friend to bits, and laughing along with him!
Soon enough, this tickle war turned into a snort vs squeal war. Which one was cuter? Snorts? Or squeals? Near the end, both of them were WAAAYY too tired to figure it out.
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Silent Night: Part 6
I hope you guys like it!
Masterpost with all parts here
Marvin jumped, his pulse spiking, adrenaline numbing his body; he dropped Jackieboy, drew his wand, looked around frantically, where where where where where-
“It was a car backfiring you stupid fuck!” Schneeplestein yelled, running past Marvin and almost hitting him in the face with Jack’s legs, “come on!”
Marvin swore under his breath, pissed at himself for being so on edge, then picked up Jackieboy who seemed ten times heavier than before, and took off after Schneeplestein. He followed him down the block, across the street, down another block, around the corner, before finally reaching their base, an old abandoned apartment building that had long been forgotten. Schneeplstein threw the door open and he and Marvin  stumbled inside, dragging themselves up a  flight of stairs, both of them leaving behind a trail of blood, their wounds screaming with every movement. They reached the first apartment and Marvin slumped Jackieboy against the wall before yanking out his key and frantically trying to jam it into the lock, wiping his hair out of his face, his hand shaking so much that all the key did was scrap against the doorknob, leaving jagged scratch marks in it’s wake. 
“Hey. Marvin. How about you take longer.” Schneeplestein muttered.
“I’M TRYING!” Marvin screamed, his breaths shallow and ragged, his body so adrenalized he could barely feel his fingers, every thought frantic and desperate and barley comprehensible. He finally got the key in, twisted it, and the door opened so suddenly that he was pitched forward and nearly collapsed onto the ground. He ran back down the stairs, picked up Jackieboy, and stumbled through the door, Schneeplestein already inside with Jack.
“Alright,” he gasped, “alright we’ve gotta...we’ve gotta...”
“Cut ze power.” Schneeplestein said, dropping Jack‘s unconscious body to the ground before pulling Jackieboy’s broken, bloody body from Marvin and starting to stumble away, “kill the internet connection, make sure zere’s no electronics turned on, shut ze blinds, shut off ze power, make sure no one is logged onto Reddit, and turn on the firewal. And do it quickly! I’ve got to help Jackieboy!”
Suddenly chase stumbled through the doorway, doubled over and looking just as out of it as before, “W-W-Where’s JJ? Where’s JJ?” He whimpered, slowly collapsing onto the floor as Marvin kicked the door shut behind him.  
“I have no fucking idea where Jameson is!” Marvin spat, “but that’s not fucking important right now! He can handle himself, he’s stronger than the rest of us!”
“Jameson vill be fine, friend.” Schneeplstein said, managing a weak smile, “you just help Marvin make sure Anti can’t come barging in here to mess with my perfect set up, okay? Now go!” He glanced down at Jackiebiy, “I’ve got to make sure zis motherfucker doesn’t die.”
He crossed the room and opened the door to the makeshift operating room, something he had thrown together years ago, tossing Jackieboy onto the hospital bed and rushing around the room gathering vials and bags of different liquids, muttering feverishly under his breath, “don’t vorry Jackieboy!” he gasped, juggling an armful of syringes, “I...I will not lose anozer patient tonight!”
Meanwhile Marvin raced around the living room, he yanked out the TV cord, ripped out the cable box, then hesitated for a second before smashing it into the TV screen over and over again, “Chase!” Smash “CHASE!” Do you know where the generator is?”
Chase was slumped against the back of the couch, staring off into space, his face empty. Marvin groaned and dropped the cable box, then ran over to him, grabbed his shoulders, and shook him roughly, “Chase! Come on...” he muttered, “come on!” 
No reaction. Marvin growled under his breath, then dashed out the door, back into the lobby, then threw open another one marked ‘employees only’ and sprinted into the basement, despretly looking  for anything that looked even remotely like a power source. He gave up within seconds, fear making him too anxious to not be doing something, and he grabbed an old shovel and started smashing it into aything with wires. Sparks exploded out of the metal boxes and singed his arms and shirt, every crackle they made taking him back to Anti’s glitches ripping through the fabric of reality. Adrenaline sliced through him, making his knees weak and his thoughts muddled, shivers racing up and down his spine because every noise in the dimly lit basement sounding like Anti coming for him, coming to glitch apart his body and rip away chunks of his flesh and sew him back up like a doll, magic isn’t real, magic isn’t real, magic isn’t real, ma-
He shook his head furiously, bit the inside of his cheek to bring him back to reality; he tightened his grip on his wand, wishing again for his mask, and then he sprinted into the back of the basement, found the shining red button labeled only for emergencies- or to fuck with Marvin, cursed Schneeplestein under his breath, and slammed it down as hard as he could.
Nothing happened, nothing he could see, but he hoped that invisible things were in motion despite that. JJ had constructed this years ago, creating a machine that would create a sort of firewall around a small area, in theory keeping Anti out. In...theory. That was one of the reasons they chose this place as their base, it was the biggest thing they could find that would be completely protected by the firewall. That and it was completely abandoned, meaning they could do whatever the hell they wanted with it and in it and no one would question them. Marvin stared at the button for a second longer, and suddenly all he could think about was Jameson. What happened to him, where did he go, was he okay? He couldn’t...he wasn’t...
He shook his head, bit the inside of his cheek, and then he whipped around and raced back up the stairs again, sprinting back into the first apartment room, rounding the corner to face the operating room and yelling “Schneeplestein! Is Jackieboy okay? Schneeplestein!”
“He iz going to be fine, don’t vorry !” Schneeplestein’s voice came out muffled through the shut door, “Ze good docter vill take care of him! I just need to- oh fuck.”
A shaky voice floated out, barely audible, “where...what...wh...oh god. Oh god oh god oh god oh god oh-”
“Oh my- okay, back to sleep with you, Jackieboy!”
“Schneeplestein!” Marvin ran up and pounded his fists on the locked door, “What is going on in there?”
“Nozing, everyzing is fine! Just a tiny mix up with the anesthetic, but it vill...uh-oh.”
The trembling voice came back, weaker than before, “oh god, where am I? Oh...oh my god...oh god…”
“Seriously! Go ze fuck to sleep!”
“God dammit, Schneeplestein!” Marvin roared.
“Look!” He yelled, “I am ze doctor here, yes? I vill handle the patient, you sit tight out there and try to make sure Chase doesn’t start prematurely balding! I just need to- oh fuck-”
“Where am I!? What’s going on...what’s going-”
“Oh, come on!” Schneeplestein screamed, “Vhy the fuck are you awake, Jackieboy? I put you under anesthetic for a reason! I put you under, you come back, I put you under, you come back! You make a mockery of my doctor skills! Vell, try coming back after zis, eh!”
“There. Zat should do it.”
“What the hell did you just do, Schneeplestein?” Marvin screamed.
“I made sure the patient vould follow my orders! Now shut up, stop backseat doctoring! I have got zis!”
“Damn you….” Marvin growled, shaking his head before walking back into the main room, glancing over at Chase, “come on, we’ve gotta make sure there’s no other ways Anti can get into the house.” Chase didn’t move. He just kept staring at one spot on the floor, never looking away, rocking back and forth. Marvin rolled his eyes. “Or you could just sit there and be a useless sack of shit. Your call.”
He was halfway across the room when Chase whispered, “He was all I had left.” He was staring at Jack’s unconcise body, a body that had little hope of ever waking back up.
Marvin sighed exasperatedly and looked over his shoulder. “Buddy. He was all any of us had left.” And then he walked away.
Masterpost with all parts here
0 notes
poppyknitt · 6 years
Collapse- A JSE Egos Fanfic
**WARNING: Yes I know this one begins with a joke in the recap but that’s because the final four to five fics of The Unraveling are super duper tense and have a fair bit of violence in them, and what better way to make it a bit less serious than to make a stupid joke? Also yeah just by the way if you get triggered by violence and slight gore you might not wanna read these final four or five. Especially the last three. Those are pretty heavy in violence. Just... overall proceed at your own risk kind of stuff.
(The Unraveling will have, at least, 15-16 parts. Maybe 14 if I scrap today’s fic. It will end when the Anti’s Birthday Special ends. From there, everything will be relative free real estate for me, so expect less violence, at least, until like, maybe november or december. I dunno. Depends on how long my sanity can survive on just emotion and character-sanity-based angst.)
Recap: Marvin’s plans are proceeding fairly well, as so far, he has managed to gain control of two other egos, Jackieboyman and Chase, indirectly driving Signe out of the picture in the process, and has presumably done some other stuff that we don’t know yet. Seriously, I don’t even know. I’m literally writing most of this out as I come up with it. Now the four remaining egos wait in fearful silence, doing their absolute best to hold everything together as the uncertainty of what Dark, Anti, and/or Marvin may do next drives them all to desperate measures. Will Henrik be able to escape the future foretold by Seán’s dreams? Will Marvin realize what he’s doing before it’s too late? Will Robbie ever manage to help JJ and Henrik heal from the traumatic experiences they had when they were Anti’s puppets before it’s too late for them? Will Seán be able to stop Marvin? Will JJ and Chase ever get to see the full beauty of the night sky when no lights within at least a 100-kilometer-radius are on? Find out on thise episode of Seán-y Ball J!
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[October 8th, 7AM]
JJ looked to Henrik one last time before the doctor went to work.
“Are... Are you sure you’re okay to bring them in on your own, Henrik..? I.. I know your scars have been bugging you recently...” JJ signed worriedly to the doctor. Henrik had begrudgingly asked the younger ego to assist him with getting Chase and Jackie out to the car that morning once he realized he wasn’t going to be able to do it alone, because of the recently-reagitated scars he had initially recieved back during his 9-month vacation.
“No, JJ. I have assistants to help me vith zhat. You finish getting your morning routine over vith, and zhen you and Robbie vill go to Seán’s house, and spend zhe day zhere, since, vithout Chase, zhere is no one else vith zhe luxury or time to stay here and make sure Marvin does not harm you two, yes?” Henrik said. JJ would have objected, however, he knew Henrik wasn’t asking, at least, not this time. He went back inside as Henrik drove off to the hopsital, only to be “ambushed” by a glomp from Robbie as soon as he walked ten paces from the front door. The tackle-hug sent poor JJ to the ground, but thankfully, the landing wasn’t really all that painful.
“Robbie, what on earth did you have to hug me so violently for?” He signed, even though the zombie probably couldn’t see it.
“Jamie look sad. Mavvy used to say hug make sad better. So I hug Jamie. Jamie happy now?” Robbie explained.
“... Will you let me go eat my breakfast if I say yes?”
“Yes. Do not want to keep Jamie from food. Hunger not pleasant.” Robbie said, provoking a small, genuine smile from JJ.
“Okay. I’m happy now, see?” He pointed to his face, and Robbie smiled, letting go of the older ego. JJ stood up, and helped his brother up, too, before going to the kitchen to get himself some food.
Honestly, aside from having to help Henrik with getting Jackie and Chase’s unconscious bodies into the doctor’s car, the morning had been fairly normal for JJ. He’d gotten up, put on daytime-appropriate clothes(though, it was pretty much the same basic outfit he worr every day), gone to Robbie’s room to check on him, walked downstairs and made sure Henrik had gotten enough coffee and food, gotten hugged(though, be fair, this one was a little more violent than the regular hugs he got) by Robbie until he smiled, and got himself some breakfast. Had it not been for Jackie and Chase’s unfortunate ...situations.., he probably would have gone to check on them, too. Actually, speaking of which, Chase had been unusually quiet this morning. JJ didn’t seem to remember the locator’s screen lighting up as text slowly appeared on the screen even once since he went to sleep last night.
It wasn’t until he heard Marvin’s voice behind him that he realized not asking Henrik if he could take the two of them to Seán’s house on his way to work was a bad idea.
“It’s good to see you again, Jameson.”
Jackie did his best to help Henrik and the other staff at the hospital get Chase set up with life support and such, but of course, since his vision was still heavily clouded by whatever spells Marvin had used on him, the most he could do was help stabilize the equipment. When they were done with that, Jackie went over to the empty bed in the room they had been placed in, and sat there silently, as still as a statue, if you ignored the slow movements of his chest as he breathed.
He listened to a couple of nurses conversing with Henrik beyond the now-closed door, having nothing else to do.
“What should we do about the one that is still able to move around?”
“Surely he’s stable enough to continue to stay with you, or perhaps even his family?”
“Vell, at zhe moment, yes, he is stable. But I am afraid he has been treading the line between zhat stability and instability since he vas... attacked. I do not fear for him vhen he is awake, however, I am afraid his brain likes to vander into and out of unconsciousness as much as he did vhen he vas here last. He has not shown signs of needing life support vhen zhis does happen, as it never lasts longer zhen a few hours, but I do not vant to take zhe risk zhat he vill not get vorse.”
“What about their eyes? Is their condition a result of some sort of horrible, undiscovered disease?”
“No, no. Notzhing of zhe sort. I am afraid zhat zheir conditions are not somezhing ve can heal vith medicine. Ve can only vait, vait and hope zhey get better.”
Well, at least the doc had some faith that he would heal.
JJ stood between Marvin and Robbie, his eyes wide with fear as Chase desperately tried to figure out a way to save them without violence, since none of them really wanted to hurt Marvin. Initially, Marvin’s intentions had clearly been nothing more than to sit down and have a friendly little chat between two friends, like old times. JJ had foolishly accepted the proposal, wanting to believe that maybe Marvin had decided that he had caused enough destruction and pain.
That idea had only changed when Marvin refused to let the two leave for Seán’s house.
JJ struggled against the Magician’s grip, his eyes wide as he realized just how much of a mistake it had been to stay in the house as long as they had once Henrik left. Robbie was hiding behind him, as Marvin’s painfully strong grip on his arm prevented him from leaving.
“Please, Marvin! You don’t have to do this! I- We were just trying to go to the park, I promise!” JJ signed desperately, tears of pain threatening to spill from his tear ducts at any second. Marvin briefly narrowed his eyes at the younger ego, before loosening his grip on his arm just enough so that it wasn’t painful, but was still strong enough to keep him there.
“Sorry, Jamie. I’m afraid it’s too dangerous for you to leave. I’m sure Seán would understand why you didn’t come if you told him you had to stay because we were afraid that Anti would be prowling outside, waiting for you to leave, so he could capture you again.” Marvin smiled. For some reason, something in the back of his mind that sounded a whole lot like Chase told JJ that he could trust Marvin. He relaxed a bit, thinking that Chase had figured out how to communicate with him without using the locator.
“... I... Okay. We’ll stay here, Marvin... Just... let me go, okay..?” He signed, still a bit terrified.
“Good. I’m glad that you two still trust me.” Marvin’s face read nothing more than pure happiness and gratitude as he spoke.
“I gave you a choice, Jameson. You still have time to change your mind, you know.” Marvin said, his eyes entirely emotionless, as the threatening purple aura of magic surrounding him pulsated strongly. He had been storing magic since he took control of Jackie, because he knew the confrontation with Anti he had planned was going to require much more magic than he’d ever even used in his entire two years of existence.
“I won’t help you, Marvin! What you want to do is wrong, regardless of the fact that we have the same enemy! You’re only going to be making yourself out to be as bad as him if you go through with this!” JJ signed, still protectively blocking Marvin from getting to Robbie. He realized that he probably shouldn’t have said that last part as soon as Marvin responded, and braced himself for whatever came next.
“Fine! Have it your way, then!” Marvin spat angrily, and before JJ could even realize what was happening, Marvin had used some unknown kind of spell to violently slam the younger ego into a wall, dazing him instantly.
Robbie yelled for JJ, and begged Marvin to stop, but he was just shoved aside as well, hitting the wall head on with a sickening CRACK!. JJ ran to the now-unconscious form of the zombie, wishing he could scream for Robbie to get up, too terrified and dazed to sign to anyone or anything at this point. He scrambled back into a corner with Robbie cradled in his arms, tears flowing down his face, as Marvin approached his shaken form.
“I’m sorry, Jameson.” Was the last thing he heard, before his brain briefly exploded into a frenzy of pain, as everything went black.
Jackie’s eyes snapped open, bringing his consciousness back into the physical plane as he felt a brief jab of pain envelope his brain. Something in the back of his mind told him something was seriously wrong, so, on instinct, he got up, and half-blindedly made his way out of the room. The hallway was mostly empty, as the nurses and doctors were mostly checking up on other patients or in the ER or something. He made his way a bit hap-hazardly up the stairs, using the astral plane to send a message to the locator he knew was with Henrik as he did so.
“Henrik! I’m heading to your office now! I need you to be ready! It’s urgent!”
“Vhat?! Vhy?! Jackie, I told you to stay in zhe room ve gave you!” The response came fairly quickly.
“No time to explain. I’ll tell you more when I get to you!”
Once he got to Schneep’s office, he knocked urgently on his door.
“Vait! Be patient, Jackie! I am coming!” He heard the muffled voice of the doctor through the door. With each passing moment, Jackie only got increasingly anxious about what could possibly be happening back at the Egos’ house right now.
Seán slammed the door to the Ego’s house open, not even bothering to shut it as he frantically searched the place for any sign that JJ and Robbie were alright. It didn’t take him long to find them, luckily, but that was because the room they were in looked like someone had set a bomb off in it, and they were huddled up together in a corner. Robbie was half-awake, clinging desperately onto the unconscious form of his dapper brother, just like he had been in the most recent iteration of the hospital dream. The only difference between this and the dream, however, was that neither of them appeared to be under a mind control spell like Jackie and Chase were.
As he called the hospital, the only thing Seán could think of was how he could have prevented this if he had decided to come check on them when he realized it was two hours after the time they had set for when they would get there by- JJ was never late- instead of just brushing it off as them having a slow morning.
Part Twelve of
The Unraveling
(A very big chapter in a slightly darker version of the Jacksepticeye & Markiplier Egoverse)
Part Thirteen
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poppyknitt · 6 years
Hopeless Purgatory- A JSE Egos Fanfic
Recap: Because of recent events, Jackieboyman is left half-blind and mostly under the control of Marvin, Chase is left kicked out of his now unconscious body, which is presumably also under the corrupt magician’s control, Jameson, the only known tie Chase’s spirit has to the physical plane, is unconscious, with the likelihood of his survival unknown, Robbie with a cracked skull, and Signe, otherwise known as Wiishu, still missing in her attempts to discover every detail of the plans that Dark, Anti and Marvin have for the egos.
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[October 9th boyos]
Chase wandered around the empty house that he called home, having been left entirely to his own devices as a ghostly dad bro after JJ was brutally knocked out of the equation by Marvin only 19 hours earlier. He noticed that the locator he’d been using to talk with the others was missing from the place he’d left it, so, naturally, he decided to try and talk to whoever had it now. Surely it’d be better than just flat out suffering in solitary silence, right?
“Hey, bro. Dunno which one of the two-Well, three, technically- you are, but, uh, I noticed you took the locator?” He asked skeptically.
“Oh! Heya! I didn’t realize that’s what this was. Wait, who is this? How are you talking to me?” Signe’s voice responded from the other end of the connection.
“Uh. Hey Signe. It’s me, Chase. I’m kinda a ghost right now.”
“What? How? Are you dead or something?! What on earth have I been missing?!” She responded.
“Not quite. Marvin accidentally kicked me out of my body. And, uh, everything. We’re down to just Seán and Henrik being left totally in control and not in a hospital bed.” He deadpanned.
“Oh no! Are JJ and Robbie okay?!”
“Robbie’s skull is cracked, but otherwise he’s fine. Jamie, on the other hand... oh god... He... We don’t know if he’s going to wake up or not. He’s sorta in a coma right now.” He cringed at the memory of the two youngest egos clinging onto each other in the unconscious, horridly bruised states they were in when he last saw them.
“Hey, wait, if you’re a ghost, doesn’t that mean you could technically go to Stacy’s house and see your kids every day without her knowing?” Signe asked.
“Oh my god. I didn’t think of that. Signe, you are a freaking genius!” Chase beamed, instantly forgetting the memories of the aftermath of Marvin’s attack on JJ and Robbie.
“I know!” She chirped, “But there’s still the question of how you would communicate with them..”
“No idea, but if they’re like most other kids, they’ll probably be able to interact with me, unlike Stacy or any of the other adults I’ve seen so far.” He shrugged, forgetting she wasn’t right there with him.
“So... You’re relying on your kids’ ability to see ghosts, and only their ability to see ghosts..?” She asked.
“Pretty much, yeah.” He said, already making his way to Stacy’s house.
“Why am I not surprised?” She laughed.
Chase snuck into his ex’s house by ghosting his way up to the balcony in the back, on the second floor, which conveniently happened to lead straight to his son’s room.
“Gray?” He cautiously called his son, using his nickname, so he would know it was Chase.
“Dad?” He heard the 11-year-old’s response, and the little man poked his head into his room.
“Grayson! Bed!” He said, raising a finger to his lips, so the kid would know to whisper.
“Grayson? Is your dad here or something?” Chase heard Stacy’s call from down the stairs.
“No! Sorry, mom! I just thought I heard his voice. Guess I forgot to turn the TV off!” His son called back, and then came into the room, silently running over to Chase and trying to hug him. When he just fell onto the bed next to his father, Grayson looked at Chase in confusion.
“Sorry, kiddo... Dad’s in a bit of a ghostly state at the moment.” Chase sighed, feeling really bad that his son couldn’t hug him anymore.
“Oh... That’s awesome! And super concerning. But mostly awesome!” Grayson beamed, grinning childishly. Chase laughed, and did his best to hug his son, despite the limitations brought by his lack of a physical body.
“Hey, Gray, can you do me a favor and go get you sister?” He asked when he finally stopped hugging his son, smiling softly at him.
“Yeah! Hang on, I’ll be right back!” Grayson said, and darted off to his sister’s room across the hall. When he came back a few minutes later, Samantha was following him, and they were carrying some paper, crayons, and other art materials.
“Daddy!” Samantha gasped when she saw Chase, and dropped everything she was holding. Grayson held his little sister back as she attempted to go hug her father, like he had, explaining the situation to her.
“So, basically, we can’t really hug Dad right now. But I bet he can color with us! Right dad?” Grayson finished his explaination, and looked up at his father for confirmation. Chase nodded, smiling happily.
“Yay!” Samantha cheered quietly. The three of them went onto the balcony, and the kids set up the art supplies so they could spend the rest of the day coloring and doing all the other fun things they would normally do on the weekends he was allowed to have his kids over.
When the day had flown by, and the sun was finally beginning to set, Chase found himself alone on the balcony, as Stacy had called the kids down to eat dinner. Normally, he would have gone down with them, and attempted to hug Stacy, but she had a new boyfriend now, and he knew that she would probably never let him that close to her ever again, not unless she really needed a friend, and had no other options. So, instead, he sat alone on the balcony, sullenly watching as the sun set before him.
“It’s really pretty out right now, isn’t it?” He head Jackie speak up behind him. He whipped around in surprise, finding that Jackie had indeed briefly taken his spirit out of the astral plane and into this one.
“Jackie, what on earth are you doing here?” He asked.
“Well, a little bird told me that you were spending the time you have stuck like this with your kids, so I thought it would be nice to join you as a ghost, since I doubt seeing their Awesome Uncle Jackie in the state his physical body is in at the moment wouldn’t exactly do their mental health much good.” Jackie grinned, his joke managing to provoke a laugh from his “little brother”.
“Yeah, it probably wouldn’t.” He chuckled, and patted the seat next to him, “Come sit down, bro. I’m sure the kids would love it if you helped them color a picture.”
When the kids got back upstairs, the four of them spent the last few hours left until Samantha and Grayson had to go to bed playing around, coloring, joking, laughing, and just having a lot of general, all around childish fun, despite the situations that had brought them to this moment. Once they were called to bed, though, Jackie said it was time he got to sleep, too, much to the kids’ disappointment, and left.
When Stacy neglected to come upstairs and tuck Samantha and Grayson in, Chase decided he would be the better parent now, and went to Samantha’s room first. She was climbing into her bed, so he gave her a little bit to get situated, and went to the side of her bed.
“Hey Sammy. You doing okay?” He asked, crouching down so he could look closer at the 6-year-old and make sure she wasn’t injured or anything. He knew Stacy wouldn’t do that to the kids, but honestly, he didn’t trust the new boyfriend just yet. He just had to be sure.
“I’m okay, daddy. Don’t worry.” She replied innocently, though, something about the way she said it didn’t feel right to him.
“Okay... But Sammy, if anyone, grown-up or not, hurts you, you gotta be sure to tell me, alright?” He said, tucking her in, and she just nodded in response. He smiled, and did his best to kiss her on the forehead, despite being a ghost at the moment, “Always remember that I love you more than anything else, alright kiddo?”
“Okay, daddy. I love you too.” She smiled. He walked out of the room, instinctively hitting the lightswitch, which only made the lightbulb break.
Shit! He thought, as Stacy called up to them, asking if everything was okay up there.
“We’re fine, momma! Rocky just knocked something over, that’s all!” Grayson yelled back. Chase felt his heart soar, because the fact that Grayson used the robotic dinosaur toy he’d gotten for him as a birthday present back when he was Samantha’s age in his excuse meant that Stacy had kept the toy.
“Okay... Just make sure you clean the mess up and turn him off, alright Grayson?” Stacy’s response came.
“I will, mom!” Grayson called, winking at his father to let him know he had his back.
“Thanks, kid.” Chase said, putting a hand on his son’s shoulder.
“No prob, dad. Though, you may wanna clean that mess up before mom or Alex come upstairs in a couple hours... Otherwise I won’t be able to lie for you again.” He said, giving Chase a big, cheeky grin.
“Well, I should hope you won’t have to do it again, regardless of whether I clean up my mess or not!” Chase grinned back, as his son got into bed.
“That depends on how much else you plan on breaking while you’re visiting in your ghosty form.” Grayson joked, and Chase ruffled his hair.
“Alright, ya rascal, time for bed. Don’t make me break another bulb to get you to sleep, young man.” Chase joked back, while also putting his dad-stance on.
“Okay, okay! You’re making my head cold!” Grayson said, turning his lamp off and getting under the blankets.
“Good night, son.” Chase smiled, tucking him in.
“G’night, dad.” Grayson said, and fell silent, as he closed his eyes. Chase left his son’s bedroom, and looked around the upstairs for a bit after he cleaned up the shattered lightbulb pieces. He didn’t really think much had changed since he last saw the place, at least, not until he got to the master bedroom, and saw a couple of fist-shaped dents in the walls. He felt his heart drop, as his suspicions about the new guy were confirmed.
If he really did still love Stacy, Chase knew he was going to have to do everything in his power to get this man out of the house before JJ woke back up, or else he would have to drag his brothers even further into this mess- And that was not something he intended to do.
Thank god I have the ghosting powers required to do this then, huh?
Part Thirteen of
The Unraveling
(A very big chapter in a slightly darker version of the Jacksepticeye & Markiplier Egoverse)
Part Fourteen
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