#Septic Showdown
andaboop · 1 year
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Ý̼͚̙̫̤̗o̱̘̦͙̱̬̣u̻̭ ͖͚̜̗̘͉͠u̙̬n̺͙͞d̝̫͖̭͜ḛ̳r̤̘͉̙͚͞e͎̬͕͝s̠t̘i͇̥͉͢m̫̮͓͞ą̗t͏̬̮̠̩̘̤e̜̫̗̫̟ ̫̲̦̣̩͔͓͟m͏͉̖e̷̹.̛.̹̤̠͘.
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ladywaffles · 5 months
Mav and Rooster for #13, please!
mav & rooster + nudging the other one
i still do not know the meaning of brevity. send me a pairing and a prompt!
It should be a joyous occasion.
The prodigal son has returned home. Neither he nor Maverick died on their mission from hell. Ice, with his non-existent immune system, survived a lower respiratory infection, which turned out to be pneumonia, which nearly went septic. None of them managed to start World War Three, despite the fact they were all grasping at straws by the end of it.
And yet…
Maverick, Ice, and Bradley sit gathered around the dining table. It’s the same table Bradley remembers from his childhood, pockmarked with Sharpie stains, key scratches, and one notable gash from the summer Ice taught him how to properly use a steak knife.
They’ve all taken their usual seats: Ice at the head of the table, Maverick to his left, and Bradley to his right. When his mother was still alive, she would flit between sitting next to Maverick and Bradley on a whim. She’d always say she never could choose between her two boys.
Dinner is on the table in front of them. Maverick pulled out all the stops and made a spread fit for a holiday party. A rib roast, roasted potatoes, garlic green beans, and a slice of coconut cake for each of them from Ellen’s Diner across town.
They sit in stilted silence, looking at each other. Ice is glaring at Maverick. Maverick is staring at Bradley. Bradley is resolutely trying not to make eye contact with Maverick. He does not dare look in Ice’s direction; Ice is the Iceman after all, and he can feel Ice’s cold gaze from his own chair, thank you very much.
Ice taps his fingers on the table. Bradley’s learned, in the weeks since he came home, that it’s how Ice gets Maverick’s attention so he can sign. Maverick does not look at Ice at all, continuing to have a one-man Western showdown with Bradley.
Bradley trains his eyes on the table. He can just barely make out the outline of his sophomore year campaign posters for student government, if he squints. He’d tried new markers that year, in hopes of sparing the poor table more Sharpie stains, but the ink bled straight through the poster board and settled into the wood, permanently.
Ice taps the table again.
Maverick raises his eyebrows at Bradley, then kicks his ankle under the table.
Ice signs Maverick’s name, adapted from the sign for pilot: a sideways I-love-you with the fingers facing out like bull horns, and each hand forming an M instead of the normally straight palms. Maverick kicks him under the table again.
Out of the corner of his eye, Bradley sees Ice look up to the heavens, as if to ask for divine intervention to get Maverick to behave. Bradley bites the inside of his cheek. Ice knows better than anyone that Maverick lives up to his name. He might have mellowed out some with age, but he’s still Maverick at heart.
The F-14 that’s currently parked at North Island should be more than enough evidence of that.
Ice clears his throat and opens his mouth.
“Don’t!” Maverick whips his head to Ice. “The doctors said five more days before you try to talk again!”
Ice raises one perfect eyebrow, as if to say, Gotcha.
“Ice wouldn’t do that,” Bradley fills in, the words muttered under his breath. “He’s not stupid.”
Maverick kicks him again, but Ice looks pleased. At least one of you has some goddamn sense in this house, he seems to say. He feels the air moving as Mav winds his leg back, but he’s getting wise to his old man’s tricks, so Bradley beats him to the punch and sends the toe of his shoe straight into Maverick’s ankle.
Maverick smiles, a glint in his eye. Before he can act, Ice grabs both of their wrists.
The message is clear: knock it off.
“He started it,” Bradley says, throwing Mav under the bus.
“I did not!”
Ice rolls his eyes. They all know very well who started it.
“Why are you kicking me?” Bradley asks.
“Because when I went with you to get the replacement parts for the Bronco last weekend, you said you’d ask Ice what you told me when we had dinner this week.”
Ice turns to look at Bradley head on. He might be almost forty years old now, but sitting in his chair at this dining table from his childhood, with Ice’s full attention trained on nothing but him, makes him feel like a naughty teenager again.
“Oh, yeah,” he says sheepishly, glaring at Maverick as he does. “Yeah, I did say that, huh.” Thanks for throwing me under the bus, Mav.
Maverick only smiles. I give as good as I get, kiddo.
“Well, you know I’m rotating back Stateside for my next deployment, and I was wondering… Well, I wanted to ask…”
He bites his tongue. Why is it so hard to ask this of Maverick and Ice, the two men who raised him? His parents, for all intents and purposes?
“That is, base housing sucks. And I’ve still got Mom’s house, but I’ve been meaning to get the carpet ripped out and new floors put in for literal years now, and if I’m gonna do that, then I might as well get around to all the other updates and renovations I’ve been meaning to do for literal years now, and—”
“Bradley wants to know if he can move back in for a few months while he gets the house fixed up,” Maverick cuts him off.
Ice huffs a laugh.
“Yeah, yeah, yuck it up, you old geezers,” he sulks. He’s sure they enjoyed his squirming. It was probably the highlight of their very boring week.
Ice reaches out and squeezes his hand. Yes, he mouths. Of course.
“Sucks to be you, Maverick,” Bradley says as he serves himself a generous helping of potatoes. Ice tries to hide his smile in his own plate, but he isn’t fast enough.
Maverick smiles. “See? I told you! What did I say? Come on, let’s eat.”
Ice glares at Maverick again. He signs something that Bradley can’t translate for himself yet, but he’s been in the hot seat with Ice enough to know that Maverick is not even close to off the hook for whatever it was that Ice wanted to talk about.
Maverick scowls at them both, and then kicks him under the table. Again.
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septictankbacteria · 5 months
The Lone Star Showdown: Conquering Texas Septic System Woes with BioForce Combo Special.
The Lone Star Showdown: Conquering Texas Septic System Woes with BioForce Combo Special.
Chapter 1: Beneath the Texas Twang, a Hidden Septic Tank Hero Battles On Imagine a serene Texan haven – sprawling ranch land under a vast sky, a cozy cabin nestled amongst the pines, or a suburban home boasting a blooming backyard. Beneath this idyllic setting lies a hidden hero – your septic system, silently battling waste and ensuring your comfort. But like any hero, it faces its share of…
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leadpaintrose · 6 years
SepticEgos Fighting Game - Damage Resistance
I’m taking this SepticEgos and MarkEgos fighting game idea, and running with it. My next installment: Damage Resistance for each of the characters. That is, which damage type to which they have a natural resistance.
This the list of resistances for each of the Septicegos. 
SepticEgo Attacks here
SepticEgo Defences here
MarkEgo Attacks here
MarkEgo Defences here
Mark Ego Damage Resistances here
Each resistance gives a base -5% damage sustained from attacks with this damage type
You can’t poison the Virus
Dr. Schneeplestein
I vill protect and save him at all costs! I don’t have time to vorry or be distracted!
Chase Brody
You don’t develop an iron liver by chance. It takes a lot to get him more than buzzed nowadays.
Being a superhero does have its perks - especially one that runs in punching and kicking as the first move
Marvin the Magnificent
As a Magician, it’s imperative that he can’t get fooled by the simple tricks of others
Jameson Jackson
Silent movies specialist in slapstick humour, so physical comedy is his best skill
I love @viostormcaller​‘s suggestion for a SepticEgos-only game being called “Septic Showdown”.  My working title for a game with SepticEgos vs MarkEgos is “Bruised Egos”. Let me know if you have better suggestions for the second one! 
Next up, I’m working on a couple of defence moves ;)
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baka-monarch · 3 years
I notice Tommy has been grinding for stuff a lot lately for his final showdown with Dream,., what if he figures out a way to make a,., special,., potion to ensure that he beats Dream,., even if it means that the effect is permanent,.,
I know you're hinting at giant Tommy I know you're hinting at giant Tommy I know you're hinting at giant Tommy-
My brain immediately went to shrinking Dream so after he's beat he can't bother anyone else because he'll be stuck tiny then-
Like, you want to manipulate Children?
Oh cool- *JAR*
Oh, your trying to gain power over everyone in the server?
*slams foot down* I don't think so
You want to destroy and entire area of land that alot of people now call home?
*traps in pocket* and prevented
Mcyt g/t tag list:
@nomynameisanon @trashpumped @loriepoptale @encaos @i-am-a-weeb @wyforyu-gaming @shy-septic-dragon @5unfl0writ3r @colorfulsiren @moonmwah @iwasgoingtohellanyways @echoslime
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I know they were pretty much meant to be filler while the development team found their lost belts, but to be honest, the Epic Of Remnant Pseudo-Singularities are so fun and varied in story!!
Descend into madness in the cursed land of Salem! Save a sinful city from imminent destruction in Shinjuku! Feel what it’s like to skinny-dip into a septic tank in Agartha! Defeat evil swordmasters one by one in epic showdowns in Shimousa! SO MUCH VARIETY!!
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moonlite-fangs · 5 years
The Egos as Lemon Demon songs
Septics: Jackieboy man: Action Movie Hero Boy Anti: Cabinet man Henrik: Earn My Life JJ: Sundial/Gadzooks Chase: White Bread Boyfriend Marvin: Fine Ipliers: Yan: Knife Fight/Bill Watterson Eric: S.A.D Bim: Sweet Bod Harold: Touch Tone Telephone Wilford: Lifetime Achievement Award A!Mark: When He Died/It Can Get Lonely In My Mansion The Jims: Aurora Borealis Host: Eighth Wonder/Vow of Silence Google: Redesign Your Logo/One Weird Tip Randall: Really Cool Wig Dark: Mask of My Own Face Bing: The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny Derek: As Your Father I Expressly Forbid It Doc: Spiral of Ants (I know I missed some ipliers. I dont know why I made this. Dont question me.)
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was-that-a-fanfic · 6 years
Rapheesi: Mother Of Mutations
Read On Ao3
Summary: The ridiculous idea of what if the Squirrelanoid that was reproduced inside Raphael stuck around and thought Raph was it's mom.
Notes: The title is a play on the game of thrones character Khaleesi Mother of Dragons and Raph's line in the episode "Mother of Mutation!" because I like to pretend i'm funny.
:Rapheesi: Mother of Mutations:
"Welp, that whole mess is probably gonna haunt me the rest of my life. "
Raphael cringed as he plucked yet another squirrel hair from his mouth, a wholly alien experience for the hairless turtle and a disturbing reminder of his earlier intestinal companions.
"Sure as shell not eating popcorn again for a long time, I'll tell you that."
Mikey, still curled up on the couch spouting horror comic wisdom periodically, gave what Raph considered an entirely unwarranted relieved sigh stating
"Oh good! My kernels are safe."
As he uncurled and revealed the popcorn bag he'd been guarding, only for Leo to swipe a handful against his baby brother protests.
Raphael blanched.
"I can't believe you guys are eating that."
Despite Mikey's continued attempts to defend his snack, Donnie stole a handful  as well with relative ease  and toss them into his mouth with a shrug.
"Well, none of us had any squirrel babies munching on it in our upper intestine. So that makes it pretty easy actually."
He munched a few more pieces with a smirk as his brother glared at him and growled out
"I did not have squirrel babies."
"Raphael, a new life came into existence within you-" Donatello intoned like it was something natural and beautiful, before swapping back to teasing
"You totally had squirrel babies!
He didn't make it very far before the red masked turtle dive-tackled him. And from there the resulting wrestling match didn't last more than a few minutes before he admitted defeat, mostly because Raph was sitting on his shell.
"I feel like we're missing something, like there's some important detail we overlooked."
His sibling's considered, Donnie tapping a finger on the concrete floor that he was flattened against, offering up.
"Is it what Master Splinter said about the squirrelanoids getting out of the septic tank?"
"Mmmm, I don’t think so, you said that it hold him for a while anyway. Right?"
"Then naw that's not it."
It wouldn't stop nagging him, the feeling that they'd missed some relatively small but important detail.
Donnie sighed, pulling out his phone to pass the time as he served as an impromptu stool.
"Well if you figure it out let us know."
He mumbled a passive acknowledgement but was lost in thought replaying the earlier showdown, trying to find the discrepancy.
"Hey Leo! Do you still have that issue of ~It Came From Beyond the Beyond~ I lent you?"
Mikey shouted from the couch.
Leo, who had started up on the pinball machine considered, not taking his eyes off the ball but after a moment called back.
"I gave it to Raph."
Mikey turned his best 'I need it or I'll die' puppy eyes to the new target.
"Yeah yeah I'm gettin it, it's in my room."
Donnie celebrated his freedom is Raphael went to retrieve the comic, still mulling over his memories trying to figure out what about that last battle hadn't quite added up.
It was just there on the tip of his tongue as he swung his bedroom door open.
A monstrous, skeletal, red face perked up from where it had been snuggled into the blankets of his bed, giving him a warm chirp.
The door slammed  shut again.
"Guuuyyyss? I figured it out!"
All attention turned to Raph, shell pressed to the door and body quaking as they eyed him curiously.
"That last fight?" He explained shakily "There were only three Squirrelanoids."
Alarm lit on his siblings faces at the news.
"But where could the last one go? We've got to find it!"
"Nope, we don't"
"What are you talking about, of course we do! If that thing gets to the surface it'll cause complete havoc!"
He was not a turtle who showed fear often but there it was written all over his face, still waiting expectantly for a slam from the other side of the door as he squeaked out.
"Already found it."
He hitched a thumb over his shoulder toward his room and understanding dawned alongside the alarm and blossomed into fear.
"It…it's in your room?"
"It's. In. My. Room."
Slowly, ever so slowly the bedroom door inched opened. 
A face peeked around the door frame.
The Squirrelanoid yawned widely, perking as the door inched open and the scent of kin that had first drawn it here when the others had seen fit to attack came closer.
The face yanked back out again.
"Not that I'm complaining, but-" Mikey whispered from by Raph's elbow "Why isn't it attacking?"
"I don't know!" Raph hissed back, more confused then angry at the question. "It's just - just layin there! Oh shell what if it tries to eat spike! I'll never forgive myself!"
"We won't let that happen." Leo assured him, already switching into leader mode.
"Donnie, swing right. Mikey, go left, Raph you get Spike out of there then get back to help us."
A round of nodded acknowledgment answered him. silent, tense, and ready for action with eyes whited out by protective third lids.
The fight did not go at all how they expected.
After they threw the bedroom door open the room exploded into chaos, Squirrelanoid jumping in surprise at the sudden intrusion and scrambling as three of four turtles attacked it from all sides, but instead of retaliating it leapt up, dodged around them, and went straight for Raph.
To cower behind him.
Raphael had froze, pet tortoise cradled protectively to his plastron in one hand and sai half raised in the other, staring down at the massive monstrosity that was making pitiful little noises as it cowered into the back of his legs.
There was a very long and uncomfortable silence, the only sound the Squirrelanoid's fearful chitters.
Until it was broken by Michelangelo's stage whisper.
"STILL not complaining but why isn’t it attacking us and WHY IS IT SNUGGLING RAPH?!"
Staring straight ahead he didn't answer and didn't dare to look at the bright red and sharp sharp teeth that was behind him as he very slowly eased away from it. A second after he broke contact it squeaked in fear and quickly pressed itself against him again.
"It's scared?"
"It's a ten foot long murder machine, why is it scared all of a sudden?"
"Yeah, it had no problem attacking us earlier, what changed?"
Slowly their weapons had lowered as the  Squirrelanoid continued to not act even the tiniest bit aggressive towards any of them. Content, it seemed, with its place 'hidden' safely behind Raphael's shell.
"Dudes - what if it wasn't?" confused looks shot Mikey's way "Like, did we actually ever fight all four it once after we first saw 'em? The other three coulda done it all on their own. It could've been sleeping in here the whole time and we wouldn't'a known!"
As they discussed the strange turn of events Donatello observed the creature intently, watching as it nuzzled its weirdly elongated face lovingly into his brothers knee almost knocking him over, gears turning over every possibility.
Slowly, very slowly, he inched forward and around his brother to get a better look at the thing.
"What are you doing!?"
Raphael hissed desperately, still scared to move in case it trigger a sudden change in attitude.
"Testing something." Donnie explained bluntly "Now shush."
It watched him wearily, gaze darting to the back of Raph's head every now and then like it was looking for reassurance and shifting to keep as much of its chosen turtle between them as it could manage.
The closer he got, the more it grumbled, and when it couldn't back any further around Raph's side without exposing itself to Mikey and Leo it snarled and took an unexpected snap toward him.
Raphael's reflexive reprimand was nearly as surprising, especially when the Squirrelanoid reacted like a chastised child. Pouting and leaning toward the shaken Donatello pointedly not looking at him but somehow giving off the feeling of being reluctantly apologetic.
"Welp, it definitely likes Raph best."
"But why!?"
"Okay so I'm just tossing this out there but, what if it's yours?"
Raph stared at Donnie
"Excuse me?"
"The one that went in your guts, it reproduced, made another one. That’s the only Squirrelanoid that was created inside another mutant. Maybe - I unno - ambient mutagen or some nonsense made it different. Made it actually have something like a parental connection to you. It's the only thing I can come up with I'm kind of flying blind on this one."
Raphael starred at his brother with a mix of confusion and horror, then down at the massive monster cowering behind him, pressed against him like it was seeking comfort.
Hesitantly, he placed a hand on the things weirdly elongated head and was surprised when it  calmed.
To add even more surprise to this bizarre turn of events instead of the sticky sinewy grossness he expected to feel the thing actually was silky soft, the bright red that had put him in mind of blood and gore wasn't exposed skin or muscle it was a thin layer of velvety fuzz.
"It's okay buddy, they're not gonna hurt you." he comforted, petting it awkwardly.
It nuzzled into his hand, relaxing immediately and churring happily.
"I dunno, dumpin it into the septic tanks with the other ones just doesn't feel right."
Morning training had been canceled in favor of discussing what to do with the rogue Squirrelanoid
"But what else can we do with it? We can't just let it wander the sewers, even if it's more subdued then the other ones it's still dangerous, not to mention the damage it would cause if it got to the surface."
They'd tried to lock it in Donnie's lab for the night, after moving his more delicate experiments out of course, It went in easy enough, and seemed relatively content but that hadn't lasted long. The thing had broken out surprisingly quickly  after they'd all nodded off and made a B-line straight to Raph's room, shoving it's way between him and the wall like a toddler after a bad dream and after the second failed attempt to convince it to leave he'd simply given up and slept with the mass of pointy edges curled up at his side, fluffy tail spread over him, and Spike on the pillow by his head.
"Well we just gotta make sure it doesn't wander around?"
"And how do you propose we do that?"
Currently, the Squirrelanoid in question was scampering around the lairs main room, curiously inspecting the space and periodically returning to the couch to nuzzle at Raphael and get the 'parental' affection it seemed to crave.
"I unno, just something better then flushing it I guess…"
It swung around again, proudly presenting Raph with it's latest discovery.
He offered it a hum of approval as he took Mikey's skateboard and set it aside, scritching it under the chin. It chittered happily and flopped down on the ledge behind him and stretched out.
"Dude's, this is just like my comic, How To Tutor Your Wyvern!"
Raph came so so close to blowing Mikey's ridiculous statement off, but after how on-point he'd been about everything yesterday he instead found himself asking
"And how is this just like your comic this time Mikey?"
Honestly he zoned out after the first few minutes of the orange masked turtles complete I scattered retelling of the entire comic plot. But the little he did catch wasn't to far off, his thoughts had started to drift to what kind of treats he should get Spike to make up for all the drama going on lately when his attention was dragged back to the present by Mikey's excited shout of
"-And I should get to name it!"
Leo and Donnie had tensed at Raph's shout, obviously expecting the Squirrelanoid to go on the defensive in response, but it only perked an ear as it glanced over at them, then laid its head back down again obviously unconcerned.
"Yeah, cause I'm the best at naming stuff! Ooo! How about Brad!"
"I'm not naming it that!"
"Aaawww why not it’s such a good name."
"Why do I not want to name it after Dogpound? Really!?"
Mikey had obviously forgotten that tiny detail and sheepishly backpedaled with
"Well what about Brian instead?"
"Too close."
"You called the one in my room Creepster, that's not a bad one."
"I was insulting it!"
The argument went on, names fluctuating between surprisingly mundane to downright bizarre as the other two brothers watched with mounting confusion.
Donatello threw his arms up, motioning to the argument and demanding
"Am I losing it or is this thing starting to sound like a pet?!"
"No, no, I'm getting that impression too."
"I've got it!"
Mikey looked so proud of himself as he stepped up onto the couch, put a foot on the ledge above, and motioned dramatically to the sleeping Squirrelanoid.
"We shall call him… Tim?"
He dragged the name out, checking for a reaction.
And wasn't let down as Tim looked up as soon as he said it and focused right on him.
"Huh, I think you got a winner there bro. C'mere Tim."
It perked again, attention turning back to Raph now, and scampered down to sit before him chitterlings curiously.
"Good job buddy lookit you!"
"We can't possibly be considering actually keeping this thing!" Donatello lamented as Raph and Mikey started to talk it through various simple tricks. Raphael just gave him a shrug as Tim rolled over for him.
"Hey you said these guys are our responsibility. We lost the mutagen that made it this way, its our job to fix it."
"I didn't mean by adopting one!" He looked frantically to Leonardo for backup but even their leader had a look that said he was considering it.
"It might actually be our only option." he conceded after a moment "If it was smart enough to get out of your lab, It's not too much of a stretch to think it's smart enough to get back out of the septic tanks. At least we'd have an eye on it if we kept it here."
"Bu-How would that even work though? What would we feed it?!"
"We keep Mikey fed."
As if on cue Tim's stomach grumbled, the Squirrelanoid huffed and pushed itself up, bounding from the living room and into Donnie's lab.
"Oh great what's it doing now!?"
They followed it, Leo with weapons ready and Donatello berating them every step about all the horrible things it could get into in there.
Warily, they peeked into the lab, ready for the worst.
Only to find Tim happily chowing down at the algae pool, greeting them with a chirp before returning to its meal.
"Donnie, I think you owe Tim an apology."
Donatello buried his head in his hands, groaning at the ridiculousness of the whole situation.
-I wrote this as a ficlet but there was a bunch of stuff I wrote and really liked but couldn't fit in so i'll probably add a bonus chapter with the bits, toss me some ideas if you want me to write about anything or have any questions you want answered. -'How to Tutor Your Wyvern' is indeed a reference to How To Train Your Dragon. -'It Came From Beyond The Beyond' on the other hand I just made up. -My friend @theserif thought to name it Tim because Monty Python and the Holy Grail is awesome - @lizardprincce thought up the Brad and Brian options
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unadventurousjulie · 6 years
Team Septic Shock’s extensive master post of children’s shows
The following list is the result of the team’s nostalgia trip earlier tonight (and it took me 30 minutes to type this out, so you better apprecciate it)
Reading rainbow - Read between the Lions - CyberChase - Fetch with Ruff Ruffman - Legends of the hidden temple - Lloyd in space - Harold and the purple crayon - Dare - Guts - The American dragon Jake Long - Dragontales - Word world - Mickey Mouse club house - Sideways stories of Wayside School - Catdog - Arthur - Hey Arnold - Courage the cowardly dog - Maya and Miguel - Rollie pollie Ollie - PB and J - Recess - Johnny Bravo - Proud family - Wacky racers - Perils of Penelope Pitstop - Powerpuff girls - Dexters laboratory - Smurfs - Snorks - Scooby Doo - Teen Titans - Martha speaks - Power Rangers - Bear in the big blue house - Clifford the big red dog - Jem - Charlie and Lola - Max and Ruby - Chalkzone - Foster’s home for imaginary friends - Ed Edd n Eddy - Invader Zim - The grim adventures of Billy and Mandy - Kim Possible - Phil of the future - That’s so Raven - Drake and Josh - ICarly - Wizards of Waverly Place - Suite life of Zack and Cody - Totally Spies - My teenager’s a robot - Robot boy - Tom and Jerry - Moomin - Pokémon - Code lyoko - Codename: kids next door - All that - 64 Zoo Lane - Dino squad - The land before time - Tai chi chasers - Mister maker - Beyblade - Bakugan - Yo gabba gabba - Big time rush - Spy kids - Shark boy and lava girl - Jimmy Neutron - Fairy odd parents - Danny Phantom - Spongebob - Digimon - Cory in the house - Wonderpets - Life with Derek - Buzz on maggie - Talespin - Koala brothers - Jojo’s circus - Brandy and Mr. Whiskers - Imagination movers - Noah’s Island - Zaboomafoo - Lazy town - Blue’s clues - Barney - The Wiggles - Teletubbies - Goof troop - DuckTales - House of Mouse - Aladdin - The Little Mermaid - The Animals of Farthing Wood - The secret of Kells - Sesame Street - Sesame Station - Fraggle Rock - Winnie the Pooh -Gummy Bears - Care Bears - JJ the jet plane - Thomas the Tank Engine - Bratz - Animaniacs - Tiny Toon Adventures - Baby Looney Tunes - Stanley - Chip and Dale - Franklin - Hannah Montana - Oswald - Caillou - Rugrats - Doug - Rocket Power - The wild Thornberrys - All grown up - Angry beavers - Real monsters - Kablam - Action League Now - Mighty B - Rocko’s modern life - Hi-5 - Camp Lazlo - Lilo and Stitch - The Emperor’s new school - Static shock - Xiaolin showdown - My gym partner’s a monkey - The Magic School Bus - Dora the Explorer - Go Diego Go - 6teen - Dave the Barbarian - Krypto the Super Dog - Angelina Ballerina - Puffy Yumi - Kick Buttowski - Bob the Builder - Postman Pat - As told by Ginger - Fireman Sam
(I apologise for the weird format. This was the only way tumblr would let me post the entire list)
@septicshitpost @butterlover328 @starlightcrystalgem @a-lil-freakin-nerd @septiceyeandstuff @sunnyicebomb @sigma-time-lord @dabthesinaway @chocolatefrogcollector @kyerriosideblog @jaysflight
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alexross123 · 7 years
My dear royals, thank you for all of your votes, it moves me that you actually want me to keep writing, and I just want to say that I love you all!!!
Get ready my royals, cause I will only give you 2 hours to vote, this is the ultimate showdown, because in the week, a new fanfic will arise, choose well my royals......
taglist: @awesomelissawho @novagalaxy4real @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @penstarz96 @bobatea-boi @septic-italian @bubblycricket @random7happens @unadulteratedkryptonitetidalwave @letsdraw1234 @shyrinhabits @penstarz96 @willibeableto @momolinia @kaleidoscopekai @swiggtyswag19
Prinxiety: Fashion for the Heart
Summary: Roman Vargas is a world renounced Fashion Designer; he has made the most gorgeous gowns for the most famous artists, and has made suits for the most exclusive people in the world.
Virgil Dawson is a Barista in a local coffee shop by evening, makeup artist by day.
One day, both guys will cross paths and their lives are going to change drastically!
Logicality:country boy
Patton was raised by a normal country family, he always had a passion for cooking, writing and sewing, that's why Collin university laid eyes in him.
Logan is a smart boy since birth, he always aspired to go to Collin university, the most prestigious university of America!
What happens when these two boys are paired together as roommates?
Logince:The prince and the teacher
Our tale goes back to 16th century, prince Roman is forced by his mother to marry a young princess in order to take over the thrown, but he doesn't want to......
Logan is the teacher of prince roman, only being older by months.
One day, sparks fly between both of them, but what is the price of love?
Summary: Patton was born and raised in a Cristian household, he was taught all of gods standards.
Virgil is a bad boy, having to endure being a foster kid, he landed in a home with two dads, something that made Virgil's cold heart melt.
What happened when good and evil like each other?
My royals, VOTE!!!!!
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kindaangelic · 7 years
BatFam Week Day 1: Family
Its Batfam Week! Bats ahoy!
Day 1 Prompt: Family
Jason had barely been back in Gotham, wreaking havoc as the Red Hood before the Bats got wise to him. After his showdown with Bruce, Jason had overthrown the drug trade in Gotham, and had made a nice, cozy, place for himself as the young crime lord who occasionally bought the children in Crime Alley food and killed their oppressors. He was reasonably happy with his new reputation and life, but all looked to be lost when Dick Grayson entered the picture.
Nightwing had made it his personal mission to capture the Red Hood, and by capture, he meant fling himself at Jason and cling to his back while whining at him to “come hoooome, Jay, I miss yoooou”. Red Hood simply trudged on with his crusade, eliminating anyone who crossed his path, with Dick hanging off of his back. Nightwing occasionally helped in this respect, and was good for fleecing after patrol meals off of.
“You’re so thin, Jay!” was a constant worry of Nightwing’s, as he dragged his hulking, taller and broader than Batman, brother to a diner or ice cream parlour for an early, early morning snack.
Jason looked at Dick over his pancakes and one night and asked, “whatever happened to capturing me, huh?”
“I already have,” Nightwing replied earnestly, taking Jason’s hand. “I’ve captured your heart.”
Jason was stunned into silence for all of a minute before he burst out laughing, enjoying the pout on Dick’s face. “Sure, Dickface,” he muttered, eliciting a squeal and a hug from the older man. Jason pinched some of Dick’s bacon behind his back.
“Sure you have.”
Tim was the worst.
Jason sped up while walking, acutely aware of Red Robin’s eyes on him. He couldn’t see the fucker, but somehow, somewhere, that creepy, little, stalker was watching his every move. This was going to be his eternal retribution for trying to kill that stupid kid, Jason knew it. He was going to be hounded for eternity by a spindly, little, grasshopper his entire life.
When he was eating dinner, Tim was watching. When he was fighting crime, Tim was watching. When he was trying to jack off - no, Jason didn’t do that anymore, because Tim was watching. Jason had a terrible case of blue balls that made itself known every minute of the day, and today was the day that he put an end to it. He suddenly turned around and looked up, spying Red Robin with a pair of binoculars, watching him from on top of a building. As Jason started to scale the building, the little bugger had the gall to wave.
Jason clambered onto the roof and snatched Tim’s binoculars out of his hands. “What do you think you’re doing, you creepy little prev?” He gritted out. “Are you looking for weaknesses so that you can capture me and bring me home to daddy, all trussed up like a turkey? Or is this you getting your freak on, so you can go and beat off to my image later?”
Tim stared at him blankly through his domino, and slowly pulled out his earpiece. “It was on speaker,” he said evenly, flicking a switch. “It’s off now, but just to let you know, B heard that bit about beating off.”
“Well, B can go and drink out of a septic tank-”
“Alfred too.”
Jason shriveled and died inside, thoroughly embarrassed at the thought of his grandfather hearing his language. It took a minute to compose himself, and he attacked Tim once more. “Why’re you following me, birdbrain? Are you looking to capture me?”
“I can’t capture you,” Tim said quietly. Jason grinned at Tim admitting his relative weakness. “Alfred says it’s not polite to capture your siblings.” Jason deflated. “And since I can’t bring you in physically, I just have to do it through my surveillance. It’s how we know that you’re safe, and it stops Alfred from worrying.”
Jason stared at the twitchy little bird in front of him in shock. After a while, he thumped Tim on the back and then broke his binoculars for good measure. “I can take care of myself, Little Red, but thanks for the thought. Don’t spy on me anymore. I’ll report to Alf myself, you hear me?” Tim nodded, frowning down at his broken binoculars.
Jason shot out a grappling line and turned back to Tim. “You’re not half bad, kid,” he said, before swinging away.
Tim watched Jason swing away, content with the knowledge that he hadn’t found the voice recorder in his bathroom yet.
Who would have guessed that Jason could sing so well?
Tim was not the worst, Jason silently amended himself. Damian was the worst.
Jason struggled against the bonds on his wrists as Damian tied up his ankles. “Mmmph!” Jason screamed against his gag, which could be translated loosely as what the fuck!?
“You are a vexing creature, Todd,” Damian remarked as he dragged Jason across Gotham towards Wayne Manor. “I can’t imagine why Grayson pines after you so much.” As an afterthought he added, “I am a good brother. He’d better be grateful for all the trouble I’m undertaking for his sake.” Jason stopped struggling as his five hit a Cobblestone. That’s right, it was Dick’s birthday today. “How tall are you? I need to find a large enough box.”
Jason screamed through the gag and began to fight his bonds in earnest, which sparked a thought in Damian. “Oh,” he said, turning around to pet Jason’s head like some overgrown puppy. “Not like a coffin. A gift box. You are to be Grayson’s gift this year. Why he asked for you, I don’t know. I should be an exemplary enough brother that he should not want for another. I keep wondering when he will cut Drake off. Oh well,” he sighed, shooting Jason with a tranquilizer.
“Sweet dreams, Todd.”
“Happy Day of Emerging from the Birth Canal, Grayson,” Damian said as he led Dick over to a large, red, gift box and stood by, waiting for the cuddles and kisses that would no doubt follow.
“Oh, Dami!” Dick cried happily, administering the anticipated cuddles and kisses. Damian grinned, froglike, through the kissies and huggies, eyeing Tim triumphantly. Four kisses - that was one more than Drake had gotten. Content with his victory, Damian pushed open the lid to reveal his present.
The room was stunned into silence as Jason emerged from the box, kicking and screaming. “Where is that brat!? Where is he? I’ll rip him to pieces!”
Dick came over faint, as Damian ran to hide behind Alfred, leaving Bruce to attend to his bewildered eldest and Tim to restrain Jason. After recovering from the shock, Dick strode forward purposefully and pulled Jason into a Dickie HugTM and bounced around happily, squeaking incoherently.
Jason was shocked into stillness, and slowly began to accept his situation. An hour of Dick fawning over him like a baby and Alfred’s dinner? As far as abductions went, it wasn’t too bad. Nonetheless, Jason felt obligated to glare at Damian, who was basking in the glow of Dick’s affection, and felt his anger ebb away. The kid was so starved for affection that he was willing to go to the lengths of kidnapping to get some. Who was Jason to refuse him that?
In the end, Jason settled for taping Damian to the t-rex and gagging him, leaving him there until Bruce found him while investigating whether the skeleton had gained consciousness.
Jason was such a good brother.
And maybe, with time, Damian would be a decent brother too.
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nikobancat · 6 years
Showdown at the Soul Food Bistro: Garrett Dennis takes on Lenny Curry
Dennis, a Democrat who often is alone in a battle against the Lenny Curry administration and Curry's political machine (the Venn diagrams of which overlap), was not invited to the lunch event: a celebration of capital projects in Northwest Jacksonville that ranged from septic tank phaseout to an ... from Google Alert - Septic tank https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://floridapolitics.com/archives/255129-showdown-soul-food-bistro&ct=ga&cd=CAIyGjhkNzcyMWM4YzFlNGI3OTU6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AFQjCNHCkES7lhfiUYc_1Gcs6iXBTQiz2g
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leadpaintrose · 6 years
Egos Fighting Game - The Masterpost
This is the amalgamation of all the Attacks, Defences and Damage Resistances of both the SepticEgos and the MarkEgos, from the various posts that I have been making. The idea was for a Mortal Kombat-style fighting game, but I suspect it would work equally well as a card game (things may be happening around this idea - maybe). The idea is that you’d pick one of the Egos to play as, and would have to play against a different one.
Possible game modes include:
Septic Showdown - JackEgos against each other
Make Your Mark - MarkEgos against each other
Iplier Incursion also a suggested name for this one
Bruised Egos - JackEgos vs MarkEgos
I’ve tried to be fair and even with abilities, but if this ever got produced, there’d be lots of tweaks needed. 
Damage Types
Physical Poison Psychological
Basic Attack
Weak Damage
Secondary Attack
Weak Damage
Extra Effect
Charge Attack
Moderate Damage
Build up damage points over time to use it
Strong Damage
Build up damage points over time to use it
Standard, every character has it
Speed standard, but buffed or debuffed by movement-affecting Attacks or Passive Effects
Moderate success chance against Basic Attack
Basic Defence
Can only defend against Basic and Secondary Attacks
High success chance against Basic Attack
Moderate success chance against Secondary Attack
Low success chance against Charge Attack
Used once per match
Cannot be used to defend against Ultimate
Passive Effect
Effect existing without needing to be used throughout match
Can be temporarily cancelled by some Attacks
Base -5% damage sustained from Attacks with this Damage Type
Basic Attack - Slash
Knife slice
Physical DAmage
Secondary Attack - Insanity
That laugh is enough to make you so insane
Losing focus, vision blurring, slower reaction speeds
Psychological Damage
Charge Attack - Glitch
Moves him to a random spot in the area
Produces multiple copies of himself
Each copy does a small amount of Poison Damage
Opponent must kill all copies before they can attack Anti again
Ultimate - Obsession
You’re all just WATCHING
Opponent can’t Attack or Block
Multiple Basic Attacks - hijacks opponent’s synapses, causing them to “not see him”
Forces opponent to not notice him, so that he can Attack directly in front of opponent
Weak Poison and Weak Psychological Damage
Passive Effect - Sepsis
Slow Poison Damage over match
Eventually produces false visions
Resistance - Poison
You can’t poison the Virus
Basic Defence - Phase
*glitchy laughter*
Becomes incorporeal just as Attack hits
Attack passes harmlessly through him
I’ve always been in Control
Opponent stops Attacking as strings appear on their wrists and pull them back 
Dr Schneeplestein
Basic Attack - Incision
Scalpel slice
Physical Damage
Secondary Attack - Medication
I vill save you!
Injects opponent with something that makes them woozy
Poison Damage
Temporarily cancels Passive Effect of opponent
Charge Attack - No. 1 Doktar in ze World!
I am ZE No. 1 Doktar in the World!
Charming smile stuns opponent for 2 seconds
Psychological Damage
Ultimate - 100% Real Doktar
I am definitely a 100% qualified Real Doktar *cough*
Administers heavy sedative to opponent, freezing them for 5 seconds
During freeze, he does a modified version of Incision - Surgery
Surgery - Physical Attack, incredible speed and precision, Strong Damage
Passive Effect - Heal
Regains small amount of health over time, up to 75% of total health
Resistance - Psychological 
I vill protect and save him at all costs! I don’t have time to vorry!
Basic Defence - Mask
Puts surgical mask on
Ve must maintain proper hygiene protocols! What kind of Doktar do you take me for?
Attack does no Damage
Special - Vacation
Wishing You Were Here
Disappears just as the Attack lands
Chase Brody
Basic Attack - Shoot
Nerf Gun
Physical Damage 
Secondary Attack - Tea Bag
Throws a handful of tea bags at opponent
Poison Damage
Charge Attack - Hat Spin
The Ultimate Trick Shot
Throws hat which spins around opponent, causing large damage across multiple strikes
Physical Damage
Ultimate - Bro Average
Excited yelling, as if he has made a great trick shot
Yells at opponent, stunning them for 2 seconds
Chest bumps opponent for Physical Damage + extra Physical Damage if they hit a surface
Passive Effect - Whiskey Bottle
Every glass numbs the pain
Gains resistance to Damage over match
Resistance - Poison 
You don't develop an iron liver by chance. It take a lot to get him more than buzzed now
Basic Defence - Dodge
Ducks under opponent's Attack
Special - Please Don't Go
I'm trying, ok, I'm working! 
Opponent cannot finish Attack, avoids all Damage
Basic Attack - Punch
It's bad technique, but it works
Physical Damage
Secondary Attack - Kick
Higher Damage the closer the opponent
Physical Damage
Charge Attack - Superhero Landing
Jump and landing – so cool!
Physical and Psychological Damage
Ultimate - Slow Motion
I am Jackieboyman!
Starts with cutscene of pulling down the mask over his eyes
Slows down opponent, leaving them open to a flurry of fast attacks that have a low chance to Block or Defend
Physical and Psychological Damage
Passive Effect - Flight
Ok, it's really more floating
5% quicker than opponent
Resistance - Physical
Being a superhero does have its perks – especially one that runs in punching and kicking
Basic Defence - Deflect
Physically deflects Attack, generic martial arts style
Deflects all Damage
Special - Fly
Ok, so maybe it's a really good jump!
Avoids opponent's full Attack
Marvin the Magnificent 
Basic Attack - Magic Blast
Abracadabra! (Those sparks are definitely intentional)
Magic Wand attack
Psychological Damage 
Secondary Attack - Cape
Cape throw
Wraps around opponent, stunning them for a second to get it off
Physical and some Psychological Damage
Charge Attack - Pick a Card!
Opponent has to select a card from Marvin's hand – each causes weak Damage
Physical, Poison, or Psychological Damage, depending on the card chosen
Ultimate - Make it Disappear!
Makes the opponent disappear and reappear in another part of the area
Slows opponent for 5 seconds
Psychological Damage
Passive Effect - Awe
That's SO cool!
Opponents have 5% slower movement
Resistance - Psychological
As a Magician, it's imperative that he can't get fooled by the simple tricks of others
Basic Defence - Misdirection 
Fake Attack from Marvin throws off opponent as they Attack
Attack completely misses
Special - Sleight of Hand
Ta Da!
Attack appears to hit the centre of his chest, but Marvin sustains no Damage
Puff of smoke appears from his hands after Attack hits
Jameson Jackson
Basic Attack - Fob Watch
The wrist strap will never catch on
Ranged, targeted attack, using the fob watch and chain as a whip
Physical Damage
Secondary Attack - Bow Tie
One must be dapper at all times
Throws a bow tie that sticks on the opponent's throat for one second
Physical Damage
Charge Attack - Rewind
Let's do another take, shall we?
Turns back time to before the opponent's Attack, restoring health and any status effects to that point
The opponent's Attack still happens, but JJ can Block or Defend, as he knows what's coming
Ultimate - Silent Movie
Everything turns Sepia toned
All opponent's Attacks become dialogue cards, and do no Damage or other effects for 5 seconds
Passive Effect – Nostalgia
Everything was better back in my day
Opponent's Attacks lose power over the duration of the match
Resistance - Physical 
Silent movies always had a lot of slapstick humour, so physical comedy is his schtick
Basic Defence - There's no Time for That!
Checks fob watch and shakes head, tapping the watch
Skips opponent's Attack, negating any Damage
Special - Stop!
Produces a large Stop Sign out of nowhere
Opponent cannot finish their Attack
Avoids all Damage
Basic Attack - Cracks and Pain
Opponent is surrounded by bleeding colours, high-pitched sounds and painful pressure
Psychological Damage
Secondary Attack - Do You Remember?
Do you remember who this belongs to?
Cane Attack
Physical Damage
Some Psychological Damage 
Charge Attack - The Places You Don't Want To Go
Transports opponent to random place in the area
Causes reduced reactions and attack strength for 2 seconds
Psychological Damage
Ultimate - You Just Need to Let Me In
Control opponent for 5 seconds, including passive abilities 
Can make opponents attack, turn off Passive abilities, or defend– or nothing at all while Dark attacks
Passive Effect - I've Been Waiting
What do you really want?
The colours and fuzzed edges of him tire your eyes quickly
Opponent's Defenses lose strength and speed over match
Resistance – Psychological 
Your mind is his plaything. Do you really think you can push back the same way?
Basic Defence - There's Nothing You Can Do to Stop Me
Saturation of colours around Dark deepens, making him look more solid and stable
Negates all Damage from opponent's Attack
Special - Manipulation
You're mine, aren't you?
Makes opponent miss their Attack on purpose
Wilford Warfstache
Basic Attack - Shoot 
Physical Damage
Secondary Attack - Tickling
With a Knife
They're fine!
Physical Damage
Charge Attack - It was all a Joke!
I didn't kill you!
Psychological Damage
Some Physical Damage, should opponent attempt to attack during Charge Attack 
Ultimate - It Was An Accident
Opponent unable to move for 5 seconds
Psychological Damage, costing some health from Warfstache
Passive Effect - Painful Past
Reduces effect of Physical and Psychological Damage of opponent's Attacks over match
Resistance - Psychological 
He dealt with the question of sanity a long time ago. He's already far too unstable for anything else to affect him. Besides, what more can you take from him?
Basic Defence - No. Stop.
Halt's opponent's Attack as Wilford starts interviewing them, talking over the top of them
Negates all Damage
Special - You Almost Had Me
Doesn't believe he's been Damaged
Attack does no Damage
Basic Attack - Short Circuit
Electrical shock attack
Physical Damage
Secondary Attack - Rewire
Slows opponent's movement speed for 2 seconds
Charge Attack - Upgrade
Which function would you like to access?
Creates multiple copies of himself, each in a different colour
Each copy does some amount of Psychological damage – amount randomly generated
Copies collapse after 2 seconds
Ultimate - Secondary Objective
Destroy Mankind
Controls opponent's movement, while inflicting Psychological damage through latching onto electrical impulses throughout the brain and body
Passive Effect - Information
Learns opponent's Attacks and formulates most efficient defence 
Reduces opponent's Attack strength over match
Resistance - Physical
His body is really just an imperfect human-built vessel to contain his vast intelligence. Destroying it would really only be doing him a favour.
Basic Defence - Connection Lost
Something went wrong: please try again later
Attack passes straight through Googleplier, damaging the arena/environment behind him 2 seconds later
Special - Firewall
From a reputable provider, of course
Image of a literal wall of fire appears in front of him
Stops Attack completely, including all Damage and effects
Dr Iplier
Basic Attack - Injection
This will definitely make you feel better
Hypodermic Needle
Poison Damage
Secondary Attack - I Know What's Best
Delivers devastating information about your life (not necessarily medical)
Psychological Damage
Charge Attack - I'm Sorry
That tone causes you to freeze, waiting for the bad news you know is coming
Freezes opponent for 2 seconds
Psychological Damage
Ultimate - You're Dying
Makes opponent's Attacks wild and desperate for 5 seconds, hugely reducing chance for opponent's Attacks to land, or Defences to be successful
Passive Effect - Heal
Regains a small amount of health over time, up to 75% of total health
Resistance - Poison
Have you ever tried to poison a doctor? Turns out, they know how to cure sickness
Basic Defence - Head Mirror
Attack strickes Dr Iplier's Head Mirror
Reflect Damage harmlessly to the arena/environment
Special - I'll give you some Privacy
Pulls curtain across in front of him
Absorbs all Damage from opponent's Attack
The Host
Basic Attack - Tragic Story
Narrates damage being done to your body. Graphically
Psychological Damage
Secondary Attack - The Author
Metal baseball bat
Physical Damage
Charge Attack - Backstory
The past is important motivation for the present
Freezes opponent for 2 seconds, whilst their backstory is narrated by The Host
Ultimate - It's My Story
Dictates next five seconds of opponent's play, including Attack, Defence and movement
Can Attack during this time
Passive Effect - Foreshadowing
I already know what's coming
Basic and Secondary Attacks do 5% less damage
Resistance - Physical
The bloody bandages should be enough proof that whatever you can do to his body will not be enough to stop him
Basic Defence - Twist Ending
You didn't see that coming, did you?
Narrates a dramatic miss of the opponent's Attack
Special - Bandages 
Wraps fresh bandages around his eyes – they immediately become bloody again
Fully heals Damage from Attack
Those bandages over his eyes are always bloody, yet he continues on. What are those things made of?
Bim Trimmer
Basic Attack - Incorrect!
You got it wrong!
Psychological Damage
Secondary Attack - Delicious Burgers, Just for You!
Feeds opponent "burgers"
Definitely some kind of meat (and totally not human)
Poison Damage
Charge Attack - Meat Grinder
Self-explanatory, really
Physical Damage 
Ultimate - Hire My Ass!
Opponent's Attacks are ignored, as Bim lists their bad qualities 
Reduces Passive Effects of opponent for duration
Psychological Damage
Passive Effect - I'm Bim Trimmer
Reduces Psychological Damage sustained by 5%
Resistance – Poison 
By what he feeds his contestants, it's fair to assume he's built up a resistance by frequent exposure over the years
Basic Defence - Game Show Host Smile (tm)
Stunning Smile – light glinting off his teeth
Reflects Damage harmlessly to the side
Special - You're Running Out of Time!
Buzzer sounds
Stops opponent from Attacking for 2 seconds 
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cleopatrarps · 6 years
Ireland quietly comes to terms with dramatic change after abortion…
DUBLIN (Reuters) – Irish people paid homage on Sunday to an Indian immigrant woman whose death inspired a historic vote to repeal Ireland’s strict abortion laws while the Catholic Church rued the outcome saying it showed indifference to its teachings.
Messages are left at a memorial to Savita Halappanava a day after an Abortion Referendum to liberalise abortion laws was passed by popular vote, in Dublin, Ireland May 27, 2018. REUTERS/Clodagh Kilcoyne
In a referendum on Friday, the once deeply Catholic nation voted to scrap a prohibition on abortion by a margin of two-to-one, a landslide victory that astonished campaigners as citizens of every age and background demanded the change they had spent decades fighting for. [nL5N1SX06F]
The vote overturns a law which, for decades, has forced over 3,000 women to travel to Britain each year for terminations that they could not legally have in their own country. “Yes” campaigners had argued that with pills now being bought illegally online abortion was already a reality in Ireland.
Hundreds of people on Sunday continued to leave flowers and candles at a large mural in Dublin of Savita Halappanaar, the 31-year-old Indian whose death in 2012 from a septic miscarriage after being refused a termination spurred lawmakers into action.
Katy Gaffney, a 24-year-old baker who traveled home to Dublin from Berlin to vote, stood silently in front of the makeshift memorial crying.
“I am relieved but devastated that it had to come to this,” she said.
Others, many with tears in their eyes, pinned messages to the wall. One read: “I’m so sorry this happened to you before the country woke up. My vote was for you.” Another: “I’m sorry we let you down. It won’t be in vain.”
“It’s not a high. It’s more of a relief,” said Lynda Cosgrave, a 35-year-old legal associate, wearing the black sweatshirt with ‘Repeal’ in white that become the symbol of the youthful “Yes” campaign.
“I thought when I came in last night it would be jubilant, but it was a bit down. It’s a bit sad. I don’t think we ever thought it would actually happen.”
The campaign was defined by women publicly sharing their painful experiences of going abroad for procedures, a key reason why all but one of Ireland’s 40 constituencies voted “Yes”. [nL8N1SF6HI] [nL8N1SG368]
Messages are left at a memorial to Savita Halappanava a day after an Abortion Referendum to liberalise abortion laws was passed by popular vote, in Dublin, Ireland May 27, 2018. REUTERS/Clodagh Kilcoyne
The government of Prime Minister Leo Varadkar, who campaigned to repeal the laws, will begin drafting legislation in the coming week to allow abortions with no restriction up to 12 weeks into a pregnancy by the end of the year.
Many lawmakers who campaigned for a “No” vote said they would not try to block the bill.
The outcome was a new milestone on a path of change for the country of 4.8 million which only legalized divorce by a tiny majority in 1995 before becoming the first in the world to adopt gay marriage by popular vote three years ago.
With the vote making newspaper frontpages across the world, French President Emmanuel Macron wrote on Twitter that “Ireland has once again made history.” He called the vote an essential symbol for women’s freedom.
In Britain, Prime Minister Theresa May faces a showdown with ministers and lawmakers in her Conservative party after refusing to back reform of highly restrictive abortion laws in the British province of Northern Ireland which has a 500 km (312 mile) land border with Ireland. [nL5N1SY0DL]
Slideshow (4 Images)
Ireland’s push to liberalize its laws is in contrast to another traditionally Catholic European country, Poland, where the ruling conservative party and still powerful church are seeking to ban most abortions. [nL8N1R56KA]
In Ireland though, the once all-powerful Catholic Church, which has seen its public influence collapse since the 1980s after a string of child sex abuse scandals, took a back seat throughout the referendum campaign.
In churches across the country on Sunday there was only regret at the outcome.
Archbishop of Dublin Diarmuid Martin told parishioners that the church had to “renew its commitment to support life.”
“Many will see the results of Friday’s referendum as an indication that the Catholic Church in Ireland is regarded today by many with indifference and as having a marginal role in the formation of Irish culture,” Martin said in a homily published by the Archdiocese of Dublin.
Bishop Brendan Leahy of Limerick called the result “deeply regrettable and chilling for those of us who voted ‘No’.” He asked those attending mass to pray for healing in Irish society.
Calling on colleagues to move quickly on legislation, Minister for Children Katherine Zappone reminded lawmakers that Irish women would still have to travel across the water to Britain for terminations until they acted.
“Women are leaving the country today,” she told national broadcaster RTE. “We have to be aware of that and have that sense of urgency in order to legislate as soon as possible.”
Reporting by Padraic Halpin; Editing by Richard Balmforth
The post Ireland quietly comes to terms with dramatic change after abortion… appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2IPD85J via News of World
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newestbalance · 6 years
Ireland quietly comes to terms with dramatic change after abortion…
DUBLIN (Reuters) – Irish people paid homage on Sunday to an Indian immigrant woman whose death inspired a historic vote to repeal Ireland’s strict abortion laws while the Catholic Church rued the outcome saying it showed indifference to its teachings.
Messages are left at a memorial to Savita Halappanava a day after an Abortion Referendum to liberalise abortion laws was passed by popular vote, in Dublin, Ireland May 27, 2018. REUTERS/Clodagh Kilcoyne
In a referendum on Friday, the once deeply Catholic nation voted to scrap a prohibition on abortion by a margin of two-to-one, a landslide victory that astonished campaigners as citizens of every age and background demanded the change they had spent decades fighting for. [nL5N1SX06F]
The vote overturns a law which, for decades, has forced over 3,000 women to travel to Britain each year for terminations that they could not legally have in their own country. “Yes” campaigners had argued that with pills now being bought illegally online abortion was already a reality in Ireland.
Hundreds of people on Sunday continued to leave flowers and candles at a large mural in Dublin of Savita Halappanaar, the 31-year-old Indian whose death in 2012 from a septic miscarriage after being refused a termination spurred lawmakers into action.
Katy Gaffney, a 24-year-old baker who traveled home to Dublin from Berlin to vote, stood silently in front of the makeshift memorial crying.
“I am relieved but devastated that it had to come to this,” she said.
Others, many with tears in their eyes, pinned messages to the wall. One read: “I’m so sorry this happened to you before the country woke up. My vote was for you.” Another: “I’m sorry we let you down. It won’t be in vain.”
“It’s not a high. It’s more of a relief,” said Lynda Cosgrave, a 35-year-old legal associate, wearing the black sweatshirt with ‘Repeal’ in white that become the symbol of the youthful “Yes” campaign.
“I thought when I came in last night it would be jubilant, but it was a bit down. It’s a bit sad. I don’t think we ever thought it would actually happen.”
The campaign was defined by women publicly sharing their painful experiences of going abroad for procedures, a key reason why all but one of Ireland’s 40 constituencies voted “Yes”. [nL8N1SF6HI] [nL8N1SG368]
Messages are left at a memorial to Savita Halappanava a day after an Abortion Referendum to liberalise abortion laws was passed by popular vote, in Dublin, Ireland May 27, 2018. REUTERS/Clodagh Kilcoyne
The government of Prime Minister Leo Varadkar, who campaigned to repeal the laws, will begin drafting legislation in the coming week to allow abortions with no restriction up to 12 weeks into a pregnancy by the end of the year.
Many lawmakers who campaigned for a “No” vote said they would not try to block the bill.
The outcome was a new milestone on a path of change for the country of 4.8 million which only legalized divorce by a tiny majority in 1995 before becoming the first in the world to adopt gay marriage by popular vote three years ago.
With the vote making newspaper frontpages across the world, French President Emmanuel Macron wrote on Twitter that “Ireland has once again made history.” He called the vote an essential symbol for women’s freedom.
In Britain, Prime Minister Theresa May faces a showdown with ministers and lawmakers in her Conservative party after refusing to back reform of highly restrictive abortion laws in the British province of Northern Ireland which has a 500 km (312 mile) land border with Ireland. [nL5N1SY0DL]
Slideshow (4 Images)
Ireland’s push to liberalize its laws is in contrast to another traditionally Catholic European country, Poland, where the ruling conservative party and still powerful church are seeking to ban most abortions. [nL8N1R56KA]
In Ireland though, the once all-powerful Catholic Church, which has seen its public influence collapse since the 1980s after a string of child sex abuse scandals, took a back seat throughout the referendum campaign.
In churches across the country on Sunday there was only regret at the outcome.
Archbishop of Dublin Diarmuid Martin told parishioners that the church had to “renew its commitment to support life.”
“Many will see the results of Friday’s referendum as an indication that the Catholic Church in Ireland is regarded today by many with indifference and as having a marginal role in the formation of Irish culture,” Martin said in a homily published by the Archdiocese of Dublin.
Bishop Brendan Leahy of Limerick called the result “deeply regrettable and chilling for those of us who voted ‘No’.” He asked those attending mass to pray for healing in Irish society.
Calling on colleagues to move quickly on legislation, Minister for Children Katherine Zappone reminded lawmakers that Irish women would still have to travel across the water to Britain for terminations until they acted.
“Women are leaving the country today,” she told national broadcaster RTE. “We have to be aware of that and have that sense of urgency in order to legislate as soon as possible.”
Reporting by Padraic Halpin; Editing by Richard Balmforth
The post Ireland quietly comes to terms with dramatic change after abortion… appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2IPD85J via Everyday News
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dragnews · 6 years
Ireland quietly comes to terms with dramatic change after abortion…
DUBLIN (Reuters) – Irish people paid homage on Sunday to an Indian immigrant woman whose death inspired a historic vote to repeal Ireland’s strict abortion laws while the Catholic Church rued the outcome saying it showed indifference to its teachings.
Messages are left at a memorial to Savita Halappanava a day after an Abortion Referendum to liberalise abortion laws was passed by popular vote, in Dublin, Ireland May 27, 2018. REUTERS/Clodagh Kilcoyne
In a referendum on Friday, the once deeply Catholic nation voted to scrap a prohibition on abortion by a margin of two-to-one, a landslide victory that astonished campaigners as citizens of every age and background demanded the change they had spent decades fighting for. [nL5N1SX06F]
The vote overturns a law which, for decades, has forced over 3,000 women to travel to Britain each year for terminations that they could not legally have in their own country. “Yes” campaigners had argued that with pills now being bought illegally online abortion was already a reality in Ireland.
Hundreds of people on Sunday continued to leave flowers and candles at a large mural in Dublin of Savita Halappanaar, the 31-year-old Indian whose death in 2012 from a septic miscarriage after being refused a termination spurred lawmakers into action.
Katy Gaffney, a 24-year-old baker who traveled home to Dublin from Berlin to vote, stood silently in front of the makeshift memorial crying.
“I am relieved but devastated that it had to come to this,” she said.
Others, many with tears in their eyes, pinned messages to the wall. One read: “I’m so sorry this happened to you before the country woke up. My vote was for you.” Another: “I’m sorry we let you down. It won’t be in vain.”
“It’s not a high. It’s more of a relief,” said Lynda Cosgrave, a 35-year-old legal associate, wearing the black sweatshirt with ‘Repeal’ in white that become the symbol of the youthful “Yes” campaign.
“I thought when I came in last night it would be jubilant, but it was a bit down. It’s a bit sad. I don’t think we ever thought it would actually happen.”
The campaign was defined by women publicly sharing their painful experiences of going abroad for procedures, a key reason why all but one of Ireland’s 40 constituencies voted “Yes”. [nL8N1SF6HI] [nL8N1SG368]
Messages are left at a memorial to Savita Halappanava a day after an Abortion Referendum to liberalise abortion laws was passed by popular vote, in Dublin, Ireland May 27, 2018. REUTERS/Clodagh Kilcoyne
The government of Prime Minister Leo Varadkar, who campaigned to repeal the laws, will begin drafting legislation in the coming week to allow abortions with no restriction up to 12 weeks into a pregnancy by the end of the year.
Many lawmakers who campaigned for a “No” vote said they would not try to block the bill.
The outcome was a new milestone on a path of change for the country of 4.8 million which only legalized divorce by a tiny majority in 1995 before becoming the first in the world to adopt gay marriage by popular vote three years ago.
With the vote making newspaper frontpages across the world, French President Emmanuel Macron wrote on Twitter that “Ireland has once again made history.” He called the vote an essential symbol for women’s freedom.
In Britain, Prime Minister Theresa May faces a showdown with ministers and lawmakers in her Conservative party after refusing to back reform of highly restrictive abortion laws in the British province of Northern Ireland which has a 500 km (312 mile) land border with Ireland. [nL5N1SY0DL]
Slideshow (4 Images)
Ireland’s push to liberalize its laws is in contrast to another traditionally Catholic European country, Poland, where the ruling conservative party and still powerful church are seeking to ban most abortions. [nL8N1R56KA]
In Ireland though, the once all-powerful Catholic Church, which has seen its public influence collapse since the 1980s after a string of child sex abuse scandals, took a back seat throughout the referendum campaign.
In churches across the country on Sunday there was only regret at the outcome.
Archbishop of Dublin Diarmuid Martin told parishioners that the church had to “renew its commitment to support life.”
“Many will see the results of Friday’s referendum as an indication that the Catholic Church in Ireland is regarded today by many with indifference and as having a marginal role in the formation of Irish culture,” Martin said in a homily published by the Archdiocese of Dublin.
Bishop Brendan Leahy of Limerick called the result “deeply regrettable and chilling for those of us who voted ‘No’.” He asked those attending mass to pray for healing in Irish society.
Calling on colleagues to move quickly on legislation, Minister for Children Katherine Zappone reminded lawmakers that Irish women would still have to travel across the water to Britain for terminations until they acted.
“Women are leaving the country today,” she told national broadcaster RTE. “We have to be aware of that and have that sense of urgency in order to legislate as soon as possible.”
Reporting by Padraic Halpin; Editing by Richard Balmforth
The post Ireland quietly comes to terms with dramatic change after abortion… appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2IPD85J via Today News
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