#just to ultimately die because of his obsession with villian
kay-then-i-guess · 9 months
I don't know how many dsmp-ers agree with this, but from a storytelling standpoint, c!Dream is just. A bad villian. I think it's a big reason why the ending is so universally hated.
I think in the beginning, it was okay, because we were all expecting more depth to get added to his character later. I saw so many fancomics and theories and analyses that gave such good ideas for a solid character, motive, and overall, a good villian. But we never really got that payoff.
He starts off with a basic "control obsessed" trait. He opposes the L'Manbergians for a mildly valid reason, and then only gives up the fight for control over Tommy (the discs). Then, Schlatt gives him the revive book; he gets even more control crazy. It's a good setup, but it never pays off in the way we want it to. The ending is unsatisfying for many, and nobody really stops to pity Dream, even though that's what they're trying to do. They're trying to pull this "aw, what a tragic character" card, but it's ultimately unsuccessful. Why? Well...
As I said, the setup is good, but things get muddled in the middle. After Dream gets the revive book, there is not a single moment where he's protrayed in any positive light. In fact, after this point, people's view of him gets worse. He slowly becomes more and more unforgivable. The problem with this is that after a certain point, characters cannot have a redemption arc. Or, at the very least, it would be very, very difficult. Dream hits this point. Once he hits that, the ending that people are expecting for him likely ends in death, or worse. The most satisfying ending for the audience is for him to die in a dramatic fashion—kind of like what happened with Schlatt. Schlatt's a good villian with a good ending; it's a satisfying end for a villian while still making it clear that our protagonists' stories are not over. We expected something like that for Dream, and frankly, nothing else would make sense. He had become so evil that the only option was death. There was no pity.
After he escapes from prison, we were ready for this ending. Clearly, it was ramping up for some big finale. And then, he never shows up. I recognize that there were other things going on behind the scenes that led to the lack of content, but it got to such a point that I was beginning to doubt if it ever would get an ending. I started to think that the dsmp would just fade away, all because their lead villian would not show up. All that build up to a dramatic death was, well, dying off. It was taking too long.
And then, when the ending did come along, it only pushes his "evilness" more. He reveals his revive book experiments and his end plan for Tommy and Tubbo. For a moment, the fact that he was gone for so long disappeared. The tensity is back.
And then they pulled the pity card.
It felt like a cop-out. There was no build up to it, no extra scenes with him before this moment where we stop to see his stuggle. No earlier streams where we can see him in an even slightly positive light. It just doesn't happen. So, of course, when they pull the "why can't things just be simple?" we all are yanked from the illusion of the world.
There are a lot of problems with the ending, but the failure to understand Dream's character, role as a villian, and audience expectations for him definitely harm the ending more than others.
I'd love to hear if you guys agree or disagree or just have anything to add! This is just my opinion, so I'd love to hear if anyone thinks differently. I like analyzing <3
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yandere-wishes · 4 years
Disney villains as Yanderes
These are yandere headcanons for Genderbent! Cruella de Ville, Genderbent! Ursula, Genderbent! Maleficent, Shan Yu, Hades, Humann!Scar and Human! Shere Khan. Also, try to imagine them the way they look in fanart rather than the Disney movies I find that helps a lot
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Cruella de Ville
Cruella is just the most sadistic yandere you'll ever meet, his treatment of his darling is only slightly better than his treatment of those poor pups. He keeps her chained up in his room, forcing her to wear the most decorative monochrome collar with the heaviest iron leash, limiting the poor darling's movement. 
But his tournament is just beginning. For some sick, demented reason Cruella just loves to humiliate his "little puppy". He'll make you eat and drink from a bowl on the ground, make you sit at his feet begging to his attention if you want something. It's disgracing, soul-crushing even, but for him it's power! It shows that he controls all aspects of your meaningless life. It's the ultimate proof that YOU BELONG TO HIM. 
"Little puppy what is it that you want?..."
There are days -few and scattered- where the wicked man can be almost called nice. He won't start treating you like a human being but more like the favorite pet instead of some runt. On these sacred days, he'll have you sit on his lap as he sketches out a new design, sometimes even drawing a cute dress or skirt for you to wear. On days where he's feeling generous, days where you've proved that you are indeed his sweet little pet. Cruella will take you to the outside world, a place your memory can just barely recall. The two of you will spend the day shopping through the luxury boutiques. The black and white-haired man will make you try on everything that catches his eye, he may be cruel but he's not unreasonable he always wants his cute puppy to look their best. 
"...You better be ready to beg for it."
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Ursula is so so manipulative to the point where talking to him becomes an exhausting task. He's so good with words, twisted every single word until it better serves him. At the end of any conversation, you're left bewildered, trying to retrace your words to find just how you got here. 
The sea witch had no need to kidnap his beloved darling all he had to do was speak. Through radiating words, he promises you all that your heart desires. He promises a straight forward easy contract but instead, you're given nothing but misery, locked away forever in his somber cave. 
"You poor unfortunate soul tell me...."
Even if you do try and escape, Urusal will just send his lackeys to retrieve you, they are even given the pleasure of "toying" with you a bit. Leaving little nibble marks along your arms, drawing a bit of blood along the way but never anything too devastating no that pleasure is left for Urusal and Urusal alone.
The Cecelia's punishments are harsh, they aren't exactly painful...it's more the gut wrenching feeling of guilt and fear that Urusal is able to install in you that makes them particularly fearsome. No matter what you are being punished for, the end is always the same. Somehow cruel heartless Urusal is always the innocent victims while you are the ungrateful, conniving leech that is never satisfied. Poor Urusal just gives and gives wishing only a loving companion in return but what do you do? You run away! Throw a tantrum breaking some of his rare potions just because he was looking out for your safety and wouldn't let you go out. He should chop off your tail! Leave you on land to shrivel up and die!... Oh but he just can't bear losing his little lover! Maybe just for once, he'll just lock you up in a cage made from megalodon teeth, a tiny punishment for your huge crime!
"...Tell me what it is your heart desires?"
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The dark fae is a rather caring protective, who is very lucid about the predicament of his relationship with his darling. He knows that they don't love him, he knows that he stole them away from their old life, he knows. But he's just so good at justifying his actions! He took you from the company of those humans because they are all corrupt! They hurt all that is pure in this world! It's just better if he keeps you locked up in his castle far away from those monsters!
Now unlike the majority of the Disney Villian, Maleficent isn't cruel or sadistic. The only reason he kidnapped his darling is to keep them safe! Why would he do anything that could jeopardize their happiness and safety! No, no Maleficent would never find amusement in your pain, never lay a hand on you cause you latched out. If ever the need arises where he had to punish you, then he'll lock you up in the dungeons. A couple of days alone in darkness will have you behaving like the sweet innocent lover that he wants!
"I love you (y/n)..." 
At some point, after a great deal of time has passed from your kidnapping, Maleficent will grant you the freedom to roam around the castle. There is still the lingering rule for his darling to never step foot outside even when Maleficent is with them. But that -along with most things- is just a countermeasure to keep them safe! 
".....No power on earth can change that!"
All in all, Maleficent is one of the better yandere to have, he's caring to the point where he seals every door and windows so nothing dangerous can get in, he's overprotective to the point of following you around everywhere, he's loving to the point where he's willing to submerge you in endless darkness just so you see his perspective! Yes! All so very loving! And very soon you will see it that way too.
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The god of the underworld is a very bizarre mix, he's possessive, so very possessive that he probably killed you himself! Just so you could never leave him! But at the same time, he's very delusional, seeing your murder as less of a crime and more of a romantic gesture akin to marriage. 
Hades' love for his darling is so sick and twisted that some may not even call it love! It's just pure mania! One minute the fiery god is cooing at you, complimenting how gorgeous you look in the black toga he got you. The next he's screaming, hair burning a staking red as he yells about how quiet and cold you're being! How you don't love him as much as he loves! Truth is Hades' doesn't want your love exactly, better yet he doesn't know what love is. He just wants you to be as obsessed with him as he is with you! 
"Look (y/n) this whole relationship this is easy!...." 
Hades' punishments are also very fierce. The lord of the dead gets offended quickly! The slightest offense can drive him into a mad rage!
 He'll do practically anything to teach his darling a lesson, from burning them to disembodying them and then stitching them back together. The idea of inflicting pain is just so enjoyable to him! The thought that he has full control over how you feel! Oh, how he loves "playing" with you controlling your every move.
Eventually, Hades' darling will get so used to his temperamental moods and sadistic behavior that they just end up not caring. He's going to burn your right arm until it's limb? Okay, cool is that before or after your date to Skopelos? Oh, he's threatening to feed you to Cerberus? That's fine just don't forget I want Tomatokeftedes for dinner. Not much really fazes you at this point.
"You just got to make me the center of your world and ba-bing ba-boom we're an official couple!" 
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it's always blood and guts with him 
always screams of agony and frustration 
always his word above all else 
always him
Scar is one of the worst yanderes, cause he can make pain feel like nostalgic, welcoming even. With only a few sugar-laced words he can turn your own mind against you. He's cruel and calculating never permitting you to do the smallest thing for yourself. If you want something you have bat your eyes and beg real nicely so he'll consider ordering someone to do it for you. It's such a rare, practically precious accurate if Scar ever decides to do anything even remotely nice for you. If ever he fetches you your or dress you or even toss you a gift. You will have to treasure those moments. 
" Be prepared (y/n)..."
Everything is a quid pro quo with him, the black-haired man never does anything out of the kindness of his heart. He makes you thank him for the simplest of things like letting you eat, or giving you a bed to sleep in. 
Despite how horribly Scar treats his darling he still expects them to love him unconditionally. He wants to be the only thing his darling thinks. In a rather twisted way, he really does try to prove that he loves you, even if it's though scratch marks that are just a little too deep to be considered "scratched" or love bites that draw too much blood. He does love you, you know he does!...or maybe it's all just a mind game. 
"....For I shall always remain your king!"
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Shan Yu 
Shan Yu borders somewhere between protective and obsessive. he knows his darling can protect herself, they're strong, capable, but the truth of the matter is he doesn't want them to! He wants you to depend on him, to make him feel wanted. It's very likely that his darling is a soldier in his army (from what I've heard women from the Hun tribes could join the army) which permits him to start a "casual affair with them. It's nothing at first, a passe time between fleeting moments of peace. But it turns dark quickly when he notices them "flirting" with some other soldiers, touching them, smiling at them, things she should only be doing with him!
He doesn't so much kidnap his darling as "claim" them either through a straightforward declaration to his tropes or through "love marks" that he leaves over their body. It's a sudden kind of thing, one moment is preparing for battle-ready to strike down anyone that stands in their way the next they are being dragged to Shan Yu's tent and being told they aren't permitted to fight anymore!
"I tire of your arrogance, (y/n)..."
Shan Yu isn't exactly cruel per se...he's just a tad bit aggressive. He takes every tiny disobedience as a sign of rebellion! And he's more than willing to strangle the resistance out of you. He hates to punish you, hates to see you in any form of pain but how else is he going to get you to be his trusty loving darling?!
At some point, he'll let his darling on the battlefield, only for battles he knows for certain that his team will win. Shan Yu adores the way his darling gracefully swings their blade at anything in sight! Cutting enemies with practiced elegance and wearing their blood like a dress made from the finest silk.
"....You belong to me why can't you just accept that?"
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Shere Khan
(Fun fact his name translates to "Lion King" in Persian. Shere being the direct translation of lion and Khan being a prefix (such as majesty) to a king or ruler. )  
Shere Khan is a complex yandere and can't really be nailed to a specific "type" he's protective of his darling, willing to kill anyone that so much as looks at them wrong. On the other hand, he himself adores tormenting his darling. Sometimes it's just flirting, making them flustered, other times it's raking his claw-like nails over every inch of their body until they're a bloody mess. Then there's just how obsessed he is with his darling, how they infiltrate his mind every second of every day. Even when the poor man is asleep all they can think of his lover.  
The important thing to remember about Shere Khan is that he doesn't mean any malice, he doesn't do what he does out of spite or hatred but rather for both love and "fun", he's a bit like a puppy that doesn't understand that biting his harmful and instead sees it as a game. "hurting" his lover is just claiming them, heck Khan will be thrilled if his darling left their own marks on his body.  
"No matter how fast you run..."  
Khan is a rather cold lover, never really showing you much of his emotions, he's secretive, quiet. But he makes up for that with the gift that he buys his darling. Khan insists that his darling always dresses in the most lavish, flowing dresses. They must always look their best, after all, he deserves only the best.  
There are times when he'll be nicer towards his darling taking them out for walks or maybe even cuddling with them. He does love the feeling of warmth that his darling radiates. His favorite thing to do his lay down in the sun with his arms wrapped tightly around his lover and just drift off to sleep.  
"..I Will always find you!"
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Hi! Could you write about yandere gundham competing with yandere fuyuhiko for a gender neutral darling? ♥️
Of course! I did headcanons for these, hope that’s fine by you ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎
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•This is going to be a strange fight. They’ll try to keep the actual battle far away from your eyes, both of the, trying not to sully yoir impressions of them, but when you’re not looking it’s bad.
•Fuyuhiko is literally the ultimate yakuza and has Peko at his disposal, listening to his every command, so he’s certainly one to be wary of. He’ll probably be looking to take care of Gundham himself, partly as a matter of principal and partly because he’s assigning Peko to protect you and keep Gundham far, far away from you. He may even get Peko to try and persuade you that Gundham is actually dangerous so that you willingly stay away from him.
•Gundham won’t go down without a fight though. He’s a boy strange, but he’ll try and use his own talent with animals to try and pull you in. Chances are, if Gundham is obsessed with you, you really love animals. Considering his own views it’s unlikely you aren’t a fan yourself, so he’ll use that shared interest to get your attention.
•Fuyuhiko is more violent while Gundham is manipulative. In Fuyuhiko’s case, he’s going to stick to the world he knows, which is basically “take care of” anybody in his way. Thus, he’ll be trying to eliminate Gundham. Meanwhile, Gundham is paying attention to bringing himself closer to you, and making Fuyuhiko’s job difficult because of it. Fuyuhiko isn’t looking to scar you for life by having Gundham die in front of you, but he’s always too close for him to actually make this work…
•Gundham’s also going to basically try and make you hate Fuyuhiko, and catch him doing something bad; “the yakuza can’t change” type of angle, while he swears to protect you no matter what. It’ll also help because if you catch Fuyuhiko doing something he’s not supposed to, not only will you end up turning away from him but you’ll probably turn him into the police. Gundham’s basically trying out Fuyuhiko’s yandere behaviours, while keeping his own hidden, passing off anything small you match catch as just part of his “lord of darkness” act.
•Fuyuhiko’s not dumb though, and by dragging Peko into the mix can throw a wrench in Gundham’s tactics. Getting rid of Peko also is no small feat, which would act as an advantage for Fuyuhiko- especially if you’re friends with Peko. If you’re not in the game, then Fuyuhiko would even pull some strings and have the rest of the yakuza after Gundham in order to get to you.
•It’s a bit of a tossup who would win, really, but I can see it going Fuyuhiko’s way easier than Gundham’s. Particularly because he’s got more manpower on his side. Gundham’s not weak- he did beat robot Nekomaru after all- but if you’ve got the yakuza aiming at your head? That’s going to be difficult to get out of. It depends on if he can get you to hate Fuyuhiko or not, basically have him villianized in your eyes so you run to him instead.
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cafedanslanuit · 3 years
This isn't important but I've been thinking I might have ADD or High Functioning Autism
So like, Himiko Toga my beloved
As we know, her parents weren't accepting of how she was.
I mean, her quirk is considered "villainous" for it's nature and as we have seen with her, quirks may affect how the person behaves.
Toga has an obsession with blood from a very young age and her parents are worried how it will affect them (idk, haven't read that chapter in a while but they seem like the people who would tell their kids to behave a certain way around people).
Now, anyone, not just a kid would not like this. I can't remember much from what I read on her back story but I now there was an incident in middle school where she killed a boy that she liked and there was an image of her over his body and covered in blood.
I think that's when she left home or whatever.
I should really reread these chapters to get a better grasp on the characters.
Because of that chapter, it makes you realize why she likes the blood of people she admires. It's because she wants to become them in a literal sense.
People with "villianous" quirks are usually forced to keep it to themselves or be shunned from society but I like how Toga is just doing what she wants most of the time.
I wish we got to see more of her awakened quirk from that fight with that lady I can't remember the name of during the liberation army fight arc.
Stain may have a blood related quirk but I'll go more into detail about him after Twice (the way I love Twice omfg 😭)
Twice and Toga had such a cute relationship I wish he didn't die ;-;
And the way she got so freaking pissed when she heard what happened to him I was literally like: YASS QUEEN! STAB THOSE HO_S!
-Sir Kile
it is important, it’s a long journey to discovery since it’s often misdiagnosed, but you got this! <3
yes toga is such a good character and i love how they have her talk with uraraka who has almost an opposite way of seeing things.
an example of this the other way is shinsou, who also has a ‘villanous’ quirk and he’s shunned from the hero course and mislabeled as a bad guy. now what do toga and shinsou had different that made them choose different paths? shinsou has aizawa. his other classmates. he had the support toga didn’t have and that’s what ultimately changed everything. it’s not because she’s evil and he isn’t, it’s just because he got lucky enough so someone could help him out.
i loved the relationship between toga and twice as well, they were so cute :’)
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How I’d rewrite the original Spider-Man trilogy.
Okay, so I have just finished rewatching all three Tobey Maguire Spider-Man films, and I have spent a lot of time over thinking about how such an promising film franchise had such a bad ending, and I think I have come up with a pretty brilliant fix-it solution to make me slightly less angry...so here goes.
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First of all, the first movie (way back in good old 2002) was pretty damn amazing(...haha). It is 100% the best out of the whole franchise because it had a solid plot, decent characters, and a good villian. There are only a few changes I’d make, like getting rid of the incredibly awkward dialogue and cutting out a few pointless scenes (BECAUSE DAMN THAT MOVIE WAS LONG). 
I’d also give MJ a little bit more of a backstory. Honestly, her whole abusive father storyline could have really given her a lot more depth but they decided to literally ignored it so freaking much throughout the whole franchise. 
Finally, I would wholeheartedly replace James Franco with Hayden Christensen. He’d play the part of a whiny rich kid so well and it would effectively save his career before it had any chance to go to hell...so you’re welcome.
Now we move on to the second movie. It was just okay TBH. It is most def. a disappointment compared to the first movie and really showcases the beginning of the end for the franchise because of its weak characters and plot. Here’s how Imma gonna fix it: 
I’d start out with Harry still royally being pissed at Spider-Man and blaming him for his father’s death. I’d also still have MJ and Harry dating. This would effectively cause a rift between the group because Harry would still be upset at Peter because he “knows” Spider-Man and also Harry would be angry at Peter because deep down he knows that MJ is in love with Peter and not him. Harry still takes over at his father’s company and works with the future Doc Ock. BAD STUFF HAPPENS and Doc Ock is born and Harry begins his fall from grace. With nothing left other than MJ, Harry becomes obsessed with finding out who Spidey is and dedicates all his time to the search. 
On the other side, we have Peter who is still struggling to maintain his two different selves and essentially still disappoints everyone around him. He still gives up being Spidey for a time being and in my version, this is where they bring in Gwen Stacy. Gwen tutors Peter because he has fallen behind in class and needs help. Since MJ is with Harry, and Pete is trying to “be normal” he starts dating Gwen, even though he is still in love with MJ (keep in mind I’m going off of MJ being the main love interest...not the comic books). MJ gets super pissed because she doesn’t understand why Peter can be with Gwen and not her, which further creates a rift between Peter, MJ, and Harry. 
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At some point during this, Peter has been watching Doc Ock being an ass and running rampant around town...he talks to his Aunt May and decides that he can’t give up being Spider-Man forever, so he goes and has an epic battle with Doc Ock...and thinks that everything will be peachy keen.
Harry, desperate to save his relationship with MJ decides to propose. This does not go well for him, and MJ says no. There is no creepy dad ghost guiding Harry into finding The Green Goblin in my version and instead he finds it all out after he proposes to MJ and she rejects him. He throws the ring box at a mirror and shatters it, and that is how he finds his father’s Green Goblin stuff. (OH NO)
At this point, Harry has kind of been smart in his obsession with Spider-Man and has looked at the signs that Peter has been carelessly leaving, and begins to suspect that Peter is THE SPIDER-MAN (DUN DUN DUUUUUN). In a fit of rage, he decides to draw Spider-Man out by becoming The Green Goblin and kidnapping both MJ and Gwen.
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Somewhat similar to the choice Peter had to make in the first movie, The (Harry) Green Goblin gives him the choice between either saving MJ or saving Gwen. Peter tries to save both girls, but ultimately Gwen Stacy dies. MJ still finds out that Peter is Spider-Man and understands why they can’t be together. Neither Peter or MJ knows that Harry is now the Green Goblin, so MJ goes back to Harry and accepts his proposal. Peter, fueled with grief by letting Gwen die (and also not being in love with her) gives in to revenge and dedicates himself to finding the new Green Goblin, thus setting up the third movie. 
Now let’s get into the big failure of the franchise...Spider-Man 3. The biggest disappointment of my life. In my version of this film, first of all, there is no sandman. There is just too much going on, and we do not need him.
Peter is still obsessed with getting revenge for Gwen’s murder and is fueled by rage. This leads him to make questionable choices and leads him down a dark path. Similarly, Harry is still obsessed with getting revenge for his father’s murder and is pulling even farther away from MJ. MJ is getting scared because she is seeing similarities between Harry and her abusive father and she doesn’t know what to do. She still loves Peter, but she can’t get through to him so she continues to plan her wedding to Harry, but considers calling it off.
As we know, Harry is now in charge of Oscorp, and that is where Venom comes in. In my version of events, he “retires” from being the Green Goblin and pays BIG MONNNNNEY to get a sample of the mysterious Venom “goo” and develop a formula that he hopes will take Spidey DOWN. 
Eddie Brock is still there and is an asshole. He still tries to take Peter’s job by framing Spider-Man for doing something bad and Pete catches him. He also hates Spider-Man because Eddie dated Gwen at some point and was in love with her and believes Spidey to be the reason Gwen is dead. 
As we know, the Venom suit needs anger and Harry, being a sneeeeaky sneak finds this out and convinces Eddie to take the Venom suit he has made, and masquerade as the “NEW BLACK SUIT SPIDEY” and does a whole bunch of bad things to bring Spider-Man down.
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Peter talks to Aunt May about all his lady troubles and revenge seeking, and gets pretty much the same lecture he got in the actual movie about not letting hate define him.
Eddie, fueled by Venom and his hatred for Spider-Man, double crosses Harry and decides to stike out on his own to kill Peter Parker.
By this point, MJ has had enough of all the sneaking around and all the harsh anger and such, so she calls off the wedding from Harry, which leads Harry into a rage-fueled Green Goblin moment. MJ runs away scared and calls Peter to tell him that Harry is the Green Goblin, and during the phone call Venom kidnaps her (cuz duhhhhh).
Events now play out similarly to how they did in the actual Spider-Man 3. Peter goes to Harry and begs him for his help. Harry refuses and then finds out that Peter isn’t the reason his dad is dead.
MJ is trapped in a car or whatever, and Spider-Man goes to save her. Stuff happens and he begins his final BOSS BATTLE with Venom. The Green Goblin comes to help and still gets stabbed. Harry apologizes to MJ as he lay dying. She forgives him. Spider-Man figures out how to defeat Venom and Eddie dies. Peter goes to Harry and Harry tells him that he is sorry, and Peter forgives him. Harry dies. 
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The funeral happens and Peter has another convo with Aunt May. He realizes that he can’t stop living his life just because he is Spider-Man. He finally embraces both sides of himself. He finds MJ right as she is about to leave for something. He swoops down and picks her up and like takes her someplace SUPES romantic. He admits that he loves her and that he is sorry for being an ASSHAT she accepts the apology. They do the upside down kiss again from the first movie and they live happily ever after.
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serenagaywaterford · 6 years
#5 here again... So Fred, yeah, I want him dead, too. In fact, one of my predictions was that Fred would die early in the season, episode 3 or 4. I read a couple of articles about Joe Fiennes, I had this feeling that the character had taken a toll on him mentally, that he didn’t seem to be enjoying it. So I thought, okay maybe he wants out, which is fine by me. I want to see June do something else for a change, also Serena flying solo is very appealing to me.
I am hopefully that she’ll remain a central figure on this show. However, after seeing some pictures and videos of them shooting in DC the other day, I am not so sure... looks like Fred is gonna get promoted, well that makes no sense, I hope that’s not the case. Who knows. As far as Serena’s redemption is concerned, I am on the fence. I would love to see one, but I really see her as a tragic figure.
If this was up to me, I think I’d have her die trying. So I am not sure I want to see coconuts and treason, and beaches, and her own baby. I see her so ashamed of what she’s done, ends up killing herself when presented a chance to finally be free. Gilead is within you, amiright? Of course this could easily change tomorrow though!
I had no idea about those Fiennes rumours! Truth be told, I wouldn’t be at all upset if Fred was gone from the show this season. Unlike Serena, (imho anyway), his character has sort of run its course. Like, he wasn’t a totally bad guy --OR so we thought!-- and now he’s despicable and getting worse by the episode. Like... what’s his next step? It’s not like his story is getting more complicated by taking a villian and trying to vaguely redeem them in some way. It’s more like taking a villain and just making him a flat out supervillain. For sure, they can make Fred 100x times more awful. It doesn’t take a great deal of effort or imagination to make him worse. But it also really flattens the character and it’s getting... stale? So, if it was taking a toll on Fiennes, then I say, “Yes, leave.” Not just for his own mental sake, but because he has such sway with the writing/showrunning team that he’s using that influence to fuck up other character’s stories cos he personally isn’t comfortable with them. (*AHEM* I think we all know what I’m still pressed about here...)
I mean, sure, we wouldn’t have got some of that good stuff from the latter half of S2 without him around, but lbr, he shoulda died in that bomb. It’s such plot armor BS that he was barely injured and just back to his old self in an episode or two.
Serena flying solo is also very appealing for me too! I think it would give them SO much opportunity to explore her character cos literally we’ve never seen her as JUST herself. It’s always been Fred & Serena, the terrible twosome, even when Fred wasn’t physically around in 2x08, he was still there, ya know? I do have to wonder what would happen to Serena and her standing in Gilead if Fred were to just die...
Okay, I’m going to digress here (sorry!). WHAT HAPPENS TO OLD PEOPLE? Like in that one episode Fred mentions Serena’s going to visit her mother and like... Why? How? What is the point of keeping a barren old lady around? I guess she’s married and they think the husband can still knock up a young Handmaid? But they said “mother” and not “parents”. So, I dunno. It’s weird. As for a widow, I see no reason why she wouldn’t be sent to the Colonies or made a Martha/Aunt. She’s of no “use” to marry again if she can’t have kids (which is the assumption even if it’s patently untrue.) So, if Fred dropped dead, what would happen to her? She really has no use to Gilead and it would be a waste of resources to just keep her comfortable in that house if she’s not raising a child.
ANYWAY LOL It’s just something mysterious I can’t figure out. I’m sure we’ll find out this season since apparently Serena’s mother is going to be shown.
Back to your message! IKR?! It does look like a promotion, doesn’t it? Which, ITA, IT MAKES ZERO SENSE. His household is a consistently scandalous dumpster fire (literally??? lol) and he gets a fucking promotion? It’s insanity. But either way, that scene looks terrible and I’m dreading it.
To be frank, I see every single woman as a tragic figure (except at this point, Lydia but who knows where that is gonna go by the end). I have a hard time believing any of them, including June, will get a “happy” ending. First up, they’re all so traumatised and think all their previous relationships (maybe not friendships, but romantic relationships) will be fucked up forever. So, at the very least, even if they don’t die, I can’t see it as being a happy nice ending. (Although this is American TV and American TV has this obsession with unrealistically happy endings at the expense of believablility.*)
I really don’t think they’re gonna give Serena her happy ending coconuts. I suspect and I could be completely wrong but I think they are going to rake her through the coals, make her suffer, if I had to make a guess. I don’t put it past THT to ultimately have her die, either for the rebel cause or because of what she did in Gilead/punishment (by a mob or govt?). I suspect that’s likely where Serena is gonna end up. But personally, I don’t want a suicide. I don’t really have a reason why. I just... don’t? LOL. I think that’s just my personal attachment to the character that I really just don’t want to have to see that after ALL the horrors that we’re guaranteed to see in the coming seasons. I especially don’t want to see it if she is actually redeemed somehow. (If that’s even possible. I’m not 100% convinced THT will actually go there with Serena at this point. They just... I dunno what’s up with S3 but what little we’ve seen doesn’t seem promising. I’m just so accustomed to disappointment lmao.) 
I honestly don’t want any of the women to die, as silly as that is. (I’m not even sure I want Lydia to die. I want her to suffer for the rest of her life tho?) But I know that’s a ridic idea cos they’ll probably end up killing at least half of them. 
But I mean, like you, sometimes my feelings change day to day. And really, how I feel about Serena dying will rely entirely on what happens in the coming seasons and where they take her character arc. Maybe I’ll change my mind again!   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
*This makes me sound like I hate happy endings, and I honestly don’t. They’re much harder to do well however but when done really well, they’re great. And I find most shows that attempt them when starting from such an incredibly dark place don’t really manage to do it in any satisfactory way. For me, anyway. I like sort of middle-of-the-road sort of endings? Like not too unhappy, but not perfectly happy either. (Broadchurch is an example of something I can live with contentedly. (Although the conclusion of the final case grates on my nerves but that’s neither here nor there.))
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