#just two pals being pals and having a great time :D
2aceofspades · 11 months
trick or tre- wait where did all this toilet paper come from
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thewertsearch · 4 months
NEPETA: :33 < […] i know for a FACT that you are still f33ling b100 (h33h33) from losing aradia […] NEPETA: :33 < it may purrk you up to know that i had a dream about her during my last catnap! […] NEPETA: :33 < yes, she had these purrty wings and a splendid hood, i think she might have b33n cosplaying much like friska has b33n! […]
Derse is gone, so Nepeta presumably met Aradia in the Furthest Ring's dream bubbles.
Really, it's a bit of a no-brainer that Aradia would end up there. Her session's in tatters, and she's clearly not returning to the Veil, so where else can she even go?
NEPETA: :33 < she was so happy, just like she used to be, and she said she would s33 you soon!
Me: "Ok, maybe I'm being too much of a downer. If he's lucky, Equius might survive the coming-"
Aradia: "Equius is about to enter Homestuck's afterlife."
EQUIUS: D --> That's a nice thought, and thank you for sharing it EQUIUS: D --> But it was only a dream, and will surely have no consequence in reality […] NEPETA: :33 < are those f33lings i an detecting with my wiggly whiskery nose? EQUIUS: D --> Maybe NEPETA: :33 < then we must take this to the pile, scratching-posthaste!!! ;33
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This is sweet, but in light of what I'm increasingly sure is about to happen, it's also a little heartbreaking.
These two never had much screentime together, and it's becoming increasingly obvious that they never will.
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Honestly, this is kind of a look. I actually think she wears those glasses better than Equius himself.
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EQUIUS: D --> :33 < The e%posed belly commands to be scratched […] NEPETA: :33 < D --> RAWR, HULKING BRUTE NO OBEY COMMAND, TOO STRONG FOR TOUCHY CUDDLY STUFF PURR USUAL! BPP EQUIUS: D --> :33 < The scruffy haired, saucer eyed smart alec takes issue with the tone of the girl currently posing as said hulking brute EQUIUS: D --> :33 < She/he wonders if he/she appurreciates that the pawerful nobleman currently meow%querading as her/him would be more than happy to accommeowdate said cuddly stuff, outrageous STRONGNESS purrmitting
Just tell her you're having fun, dude! Tell her how much she means to you, and how much you unironically enjoy your roleplay! It's the last chance you're ever going to get!
NEPETA: :33 < equius, dammit! why do you always have to make this so cerebral! […] NEPETA: :33 < […] you dont always have to announce who you are purrtending to be in every line! and you dont always have to point out that its just purrtend! […] EQUIUS: D --> I was having fun EQUIUS: D --> The line about the belly scratching was e%ceptionally playful, and I am to be commended EQUIUS: D --> You will commend me, I command it NEPETA: :33 < yes yes, ok youre right. that was really great! […] EQUIUS: D --> I think I'm out of material though EQUIUS: D --> I don't actually know that much about cats
How one can be Nepeta’s moirail for any length of time and still be ignorant about cats is a greater puzzle than twenty pen-pals combined.
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peanutbubba · 15 days
Hii could you do Buggy x male reader hcs? (maybe like a partners in crime vibe!) Thank you!
Buggy x M!Reader Head Canons
Buggy x Male reader, partner’s in crime, Marine Ford Spoilers, Buggy is called your wife, left ambiguous on wether they’re still pirates or not
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Being with Buggy at all, especially in a romantic relationship, is quite literally a wild card.
You never know what’s going to happen, but you’re sure to keep on guard.
You guys are more like a crime syndicate then anything, with you being the head and Buggy as the mascot.
Everyone thinks it’s the other way however.
Buggy often gets the credits for your evil schemes, and he never corrects anyone, he always breaks in a cold sweat though when you look at him unimpressed.
Many people have understood to give you the same amount of respect as Buggy though.
You’re less forgiving then Buggy is, mostly because you have the power to back up whatever is you’re doing.
Buggy remembers one time how you broke one of those punch machines out of pure strength alone. He has his whole future of just being your male wife planned.
Speaking of him being your male wife, you guys are not legally married for obvious reasons.
One day someone was asking around for you, referring to you as “Buggy’s husband”, he was never the same after that.
Immediately got you both matching wedding rings, which he absolutely stole, and gave one of them with a red face.
He’s your little male wife, meanwhile you’re his husband.
Also, this man is demanding! Like, you’re scary but Buggy’s terrifying.
Happy wife = happy life, please remember that y’all.
This man does not play when he’s unhappy, suddenly it’s like he got strength out of thin air, and he is absolutely not afraid to beat some sense into you. At the moment…
He goes through like the 5 stages of grief afterwards, while you’re twitching like a bug on the floor from his ass kicking.
He has an undeniable fear that one day you’ll, or he, will get careless and caught.
Eventually it does happen, with Buggy getting caught and sent to Impel Down.
He very much yaps the other prisoners ears off about how great he was, including his flashy husband.
When he does make his escape it’s unfortunately aided by Monkey D. Luffy…
He hates him, can’t stand him, but is also crying inside because this kid is so gullible and thinks they’re friends.
When he does get out of Impel down and is reunited back with you and his pals he is beyond over joyed.
Immediately shows you off to the new recruits, then steals you away into your shared bedroom and talks about how flashy his adventures were in the prison.
Also comments about how he met his ex best friend and his pupil all in one day, yeah he was not too happy about that.
Clings to you a lot more after that because he was imprisoned for months and couldn’t see or touch you.
Bonus is that he shows you the mini Buggy Ball, it’s great.
You guys also just have all these damn recruits now that think of Buggy as they’re savior, it’s crazy.
Everytime you see Buggy lying his ass off trying to make himself seem all great you get a good laugh out of it.
You can obviously telling how much this man is sweating, especially as his fame sky rockets even more because now he’s an incredibly wanted criminal after escaping prison.
Over all being this man’s lover does make for increasingly interesting moments, but neither you nor him would give it up for the world.
But, I’m back now so let’s get cracking on these requests I got stacked up. (I’m so sorry again.)
Anyways this was pretty fun to write, thank you for the request. I hope y’all enjoyed, Pea’s out!
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antariies · 7 months
how to build a chair........... director's cut ∠( ᐛ 」∠)__ this is about to be a very long very self-indulgent post where i just talk about my own writing. i also doodled on all the pages i think it makes the whole thing more fun to go thru. welcome to my ted talk
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SIKE before i begin. credit where credit is due, this post was the start of it all. it changed my brain chemistry my jaw was dropped i was in awe i was obsessed and before i even finished it i knew that i would eventually have to make something similar for the commander or else i would be cursed to think about it for the rest of my life. and i Was cursed for like two years every day i would just be like........ is today the day i sit down and draft the commander chair fic of my dreams....... maybe tomorrow......
and then i got accepted as a writer for the gw2 zine ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ the chair idea was actually my backup option in case my first idea didn't pan out, and thank god it didn't, bc this one worked so much better. (still working on my initial idea, just turning it into a full fic! it was wayyy too long to be a zine submission.)
this is the chair i used. i downloaded the assembly instructions and tried out a bunch of different free pdf editors until i found one i liked, which ended up being sedja. if anyone's interested in doing something like this, i recommend printing out the pdf and writing directly on it! it was a lot easier for me to just figure out everything on paper first and then digitalize it after :P here's a picture of my physical copy
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okay actually getting into it for real this time !!!!!
1. yeah i could've just erased the ikea logo and left a blank space but then i realized i could turn it into an in-universe joke. and then i ran with it.
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2. i ripped this straight from the product description on the website. thanks ikea
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3. i'm not sure if anyone went and looked it up, but it's a real item code!
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hehe :3c
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4. if your commander willingly goes to therapy i'm happy for them but TO ME? you'd have to drag the commander kicking and screaming. it's not that they don't know that something is wrong with them, they know, and they know YOU know. you're just never supposed to talk about it. they don't look at their own psych eval results bc that's none of their business.
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5. i normally avoid specifying the commander's race when i write them bc i enjoy the challenge, but for the zine i was assigned to write about a norn commander! as a human main i was uhhhh very ill-equipped. but that just meant i had to study up on my norn lore (•̀ᴗ•́)و i spent hours on the wiki, then went around interviewing norn mains for their opinions, which was great fun :D it all helped me narrow the focus of my piece: joining the war on commander objectification on the side of commander objectification (ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡ and no one self-aggrandizes quite like the norn commander!
and to balance that i knew my narrator had to be patronizing as shitttt. they've clearly been following the commander since the beginning and seem to know a lot of intimate details about their life, despite not thinking very highly of them. wonder who that could be :3c
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6. i can't stop making references. so the original part number is actually #122620 in the manual but i've changed it here (and on the previous page!) to #082812, as in 08/28/12, the date gw2 was released! no real reason for it, @dalennaugw suggested it for funsies and i liked it. if you're my pal and i show you a wip and you have a cool idea for it, chances are i Will put that shit in. hi dale if you're reading this
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7. another thing about me. i loveeee repetition. here the word "over" is repeated four times to match the picture. honestly a lot of the creative process for this piece was just staring at the pages and figuring out how to tie the pictures to the commander in ways that weren't extremely corny or trite. idk why i enjoy writing like this when i could be frolicking in the beautiful prosaic meadows of a word doc instead but. it's like i see a tiny little restrictive box and i'm like OH BOY can't wait to think inside of that thing!!! i like when the format matters just as much as the content and in some cases informs the content. am i making any sense here. well all you need to know is that i'm a virgo and my favorite book is house of leaves
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7. aw fuck just realized i wrote 7 twice. whatever i'm not changing it this is 7 part two now. the theme of my piece is glory, what it means to the norn commander, and how far they're willing to go for it.
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8. does norn culture place emphasis on seeking individual glory Yes are norn also very community-oriented Also Yes. i think it's common to see norn kids napping together in a big pile, usually after they've worn themselves out playing games outside. it makes sense practically (apes together warm) and socially (pack bonding good) but that's just my hc. growing up i used to share a bed with my cousins all the time so it's normal to me.
a young, naive not-yet-commander, with no real combat experience, has no point of reference to compare a "blaze of glory" to. but the way everyone talks about it, it must be a good thing. a wonderful thing. a reward fit for a life well-fought and a legend hard-earned. so they imagine it must feel like falling asleep surrounded by the people they love, who love them in turn.
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9. .........i was playing a lot of ace attorney when i wrote this page. i wish i was joking 👍🏼
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10. ohhh shit the truth come OUT this whole chair thing was all a ploy just so i could write about the departing. again.
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will i ever stop thinking about her. reply hazy, try again later.
11. out of all the pages, this one has the most emphasis on text placement, like comparing the enlarged picture of the screw to a sword, the numbers counting the screws, and "up up up" being arranged to mimic a wisp of smoke.
i also wanted to lean into the viking/norse mythology influences with my word choice.
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12. more nods to norn culture. i didn't know they referred to the six human gods as "spirits of action" until i was doing the research for this piece :O
and the domain of the lost is called a hall of ghosts....... cause valhalla.....
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i'm sorry this so funnyyy. SAYS the guy who literally clawed their way back to life for a rematch.
me when i'm in a sore loser competition and my opponent is the COMMANDER!!!
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14. arms as in "limbs" and also arms as in "armaments" :•]
15. haha get it because the picture makes it look like there are two mirrored speech bubbles while the text paints two opposing interpretations of the norn commander. one that's selfless and humble versus one that's selfish and vainglorious.
16. and the best part is IT DOESN'T MATTER which one is true bc at the end of the day no matter what their motivation, balthazar is dead by their hand. ofc i'm of the opinion that the most compelling interpretation of the commander is both, simultaneously. contradictions are good for the soul.
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17. i could've name-dropped kas, the only person present that would do something like that, but i felt it was better to leave it ambiguous.
18. low-hanging fruit. the metaphor was so obvious here but i had to do it. for the culture
19. the alternate title for this piece was "THIS COULD BE GLORY". "how to build a chair" was only supposed to be a placeholder title til i figured out a better one, but the innocuousness of it grew on me. also i came up with the other one too late and had already advertised under the chair title lol
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20. my first instinct was to end it with something more reassuring, like "what you have built so far is enough" but that would've been an ooc switch-up for a narrator who has been nothing but snide and detached this whole time. gotta stick to my guns
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obligatory chair joke as the last line. for realsies though it’s meant to be an earnest appeal to the commander to take a break, to have a seat, but it’s also a challenge. are they willing to lean on their friends? are the bonds they’ve forged strong enough to hold their weight? are they willing to put their faith in someone else’s hands? are they brave enough to try? well. only one way to find out.
also guess what that wasn’t even the real last page of the manual. it's THIS
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but no way i was letting this be the image we ended on. IT LOOKS LIKE A DICK AND BALLS!!!
and on that note, THANK YOU if you made it this far!! a very special shout-out to @hawkepockets, my lovely boyfriend and beta reader, without whom this piece would not be nearly as polished. i would bring him pages to look over and he would say Scrap half of those lines you can do better than that. kill your darlings. i would complain and argue for a few minutes then we would revise. rinse and repeat until we had honed this thing to perfection. i can't stress enough the importance of having a second pair of eyes on your work throughout your creative process, even better if it's someone who challenges you. i don't even pay him 🫶🏼
and if there was anything i didn't cover that you still have questions about, please feel free to shoot me an ask! (ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡ thanks for reading! see u later dudes ;P
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onepiece-polls · 1 year
One Piece Shipping War - Round 3 Side D
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Propaganda under the cut.
Propaganda for Doflamingo x Crocodile:
they had one interaction in the entire manga/show but it gave such Divorced vibes. they just kept staring and glaring at each other like,,, ok. they definitely have a History. doflamingo (depending on the translation) kept saying allusive things like “Let’s hook up!” and “You’re teaming up with Whitebeard? Don’t make me jealous!” like he has it down baddd for crocodile. also don’t get me started on when Oda drew a “What if they teamed up?” scenario where doflamingo has his arm around him, while crocodile wears both a flamingo and a crocodile wearing crowns on his jacket.
I just like awful dilfs in love 😔
two fuckin freaks lmfao
I like the potential for very toxic dynamics also the comedy of their clashing personalities
Honestly, I just think they’re really funny. Weirdass middle aged men, twice divorced, in spite of never being married in the first place. The drama and darkness of it all is great too; but mostly they’re funny.
Most divorced
I really feel like doflamingo flirting at marinford.
Propaganda for Nami x Vivi:
Yes, Nami has a new girlfriend on every island, but her heart belongs to Vivi. Vivi in turn refuses to marry, because her heart belongs with a pirate ❤
THEY’RE LESBIANS! IN LOVE! another point: my friends who are watching OP for the first time came to me and asked “so Nami and Vivi… they’re gay right?” So it’s pretty apparent to even newcomers
I just think they’re neat! And in love. Nami gave up money for Vivi that’s True Love
Anyone who saw them can just tell they’re gay. Like Nami gave up money for her
They're one of the rare lesbian ships in op, they care for each other so much !!
They were so gay that Luffy offered to share food to cheer Nami up when they were separated.
i dare you to read Baroque Works through Alabasta without shipping them. the way Vivi and Nami are so affectionate with each other, and Vivi putting saving her nation on hold to get Nami healthy again ???
Let’s go lesbians!!!!! Ok but actually, I think Nami saw a lot of herself in Vivi (ha) especially when Igaram “died” and then throughout their journey together Nami really encouraged her to open up to the crew. Nami showed Vivi it was ok to ask for help just like Luffy showed her.
Vivi was Nami's gay awakening and you cant change my mind. Nami was in love with Vivi and Vivi def had some kind of feeling for Nami. They were so close and they were more then just 'gal pals'
Lesbian Pirate Supremacy! they clearly care a lot about each other and considering when nami meets vivi she is probably one of the first close female friends she gets to have.
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icedragonlizard · 5 months
More information on the three new dream friends for the "Friendship Really Does Shine Like A Star"
If you've yet to read the AU, here's the link for it.
Anyways... this post will provide more info for Gryll, Drawcia and Prince Fluff in this AU! More specifically, how they interact with each other and how they interact with the rest of the dream friends.
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You know how in my normal verse, all the dream friends in a wave are buddies? That the wave 1 dream friends are all pals with each other? Same for the wave 2 dream friends being pals with each other, as well as the wave 3 dream friends being pals with each other?
That stays true for this AU. Those friend groups still exist in this AU. And not just that, but these three are a friend group together as well!
Yes. Gryll, Drawcia and Prince Fluff are all buds with one another.
They met and grouped up before they joined Kirby and the rest of the dream friends. This group started by Gryll witnessing a portal open up that Drawcia came out of, and then they both saved Prince Fluff from being subdued by the cult shortly after he left Patch Land to start his quest in helping out. He was incredibly grateful to the both of them for saving him, and that's how these three became buddies.
The bond between these three grew stronger over time. They introduce each other's interests to each other. (Gryll is into board games, magic and trickery, Drawcia is into art of course, while Prince Fluff is of course into yarn and everything else going on in Patch Land)
Gryll and Drawcia are a duo of lunatic women that love causing tomfoolery together. Or at least, to an extent. Sometimes, Drawcia can get ahead of herself, and Gryll has standards and will try to get Drawcia to stop if she goes too far. But otherwise, they love having fun together. Drawcia helps Gryll become a more artistic person.
Gryll is basically a 'big sister' figure to Prince Fluff. She teases him a lot, although she also drags him out of his comfort zone to have some fun. She also respects him a lot for being capable of governing the land he hails from. They like each other's level of spunk, and Gryll lets Fluff playfully mess with her little onion minions sometimes.
Drawcia can either be considered another 'big sister' figure to Fluff, or she can be considered an 'aunt' figure instead. Either way, lol. A lot of collaboration of art and yarn stuff going on between these two. Drawcia was eager to help innovate Patch Land with more paint, and while Fluff was hesitant at first, he relented and gladly allowed it.
Drawcia has grown a soft spot for both Gryll and Fluff to the point she's protective of them. If you hurt either of them, she'll destroy you. Both Gryll and Fluff definitely appreciate her very much for that.
Kirby loves all three of them as he's super glad and thankful that they joined him on that big adventure. Fluff has always been buds with Kirby, and that's still going on strong! Gryll nowadays loves doting on Kirby and gives him noogies. Drawcia became friends with Kirby during that adventure, and they've been on great terms ever since.
Now, how do these three interact with the rest of the dream friends? I'm to begin going over that! Although I'm not going to write dynamics for how they interact with all of them on an individual basis... that'd make this post insufferably long, so I'll do lots of summarizations and mention highlights that are worth mentioning.
Gryll gets along very well with some of the other ex-villain dream friends. She's especially close buddies with Marx and Magolor, as she's their favorite candidate of a third person to form a mischief trio with. She's friends with Taranza, too, as they got together for their overlapping nature interests. Susie is a little bit more distant by comparison, but she and Gryll also get along pretty well by virtue of the mutual friends they share. Gryll likes Daroach as well, as the two of them have a knack for deliberately pulling fast ones on each other.
Most of the team doesn't have any real issues with Gryll. Dedede, Bandee and Meta Knight are fine with her. As are Adeleine, Ribbon, Gooey and the animal friends. The dream friend that Gryll gets along with the most poorly is Dark Meta Knight, as she sometimes pranks him and he hates it. He hates Marx and Magolor for annoying the heck out of him with emo jokes, and Gryll's joined them in doing that.
When the Mage Sisters joined the team, they came to like Gryll! The one that Gryll gets along with the best is Flamberge due to sharing similarly high energy. They all enjoy Gryll's cackle, as it's alike theirs.
Drawcia is by far the most contentious one out of this trio when it comes to interacting with the other dream friends. While she's "redeemed" in at least being friends with Kirby, she's still an incredibly morally grey and unhinged person to the point it puts some of the team on edge about her. Combine that with the fact she has by far the most unhinged laughter out of anyone in the team and that she's huge in size (she's literally just as big as wasp Sectonia), a lot of the other dream friends are honestly pretty afraid of her.
That even includes Adeleine. Despite the fact that she and Drawcia have the thing in common where they're both really into art, she's honestly still a bit uncomfortable of the gigantic paint sorceress. The banshee laughter and chaotic tendencies of Drawcia is more than enough to put even the fellow younger human artist quite on edge.
Prince Fluff is unafraid of her because she saved him when he was under attack.
The only ones in the team that aren't afraid of Drawcia at all are Marx, Susie, Taranza, Daroach and DMK. Among them, Drawcia has been able to form friendships with Marx, Taranza, Daroach, and a decent acquaintanceship with Susie. Marx enjoys Drawcia's levels of unhinged-ness, Daroach thinks she's quite cool, and Taranza likes her because he likes big scary women ahahahahahahaha. Susie being best friends with Taranza allows her to get along okay with Drawcia.
Imagine Magolor hiding behind either Taranza or Susie at the sight of Drawcia.
When the Mage Sisters switch sides, they aren't really afraid of Drawcia. Or... mostly. Flamberge and Francisca are fine with her. Zan Partizanne on the other hand is cagey around Drawcia, because she's weak to paint. And she remembers when Drawcia kicked her butt HARDCORE when she was still the enemy. So uh.... lololol yeah!
Prince Fluff was very curious to know all of the various dream friends. He grew to like many of them! He of course remembers Dedede and Meta Knight back in the day, and he's come to quite like Adeleine, Ribbon, the animal friends and Taranza. He ESPECIALLY loves Bandee and Gooey. Fluff considers both of them to be his homies.
That being said, Fluff is a little bit conflicted when it comes to the ex-villain dream friends excluding Taranza. He likes Taranza for having similar royalty vibes like him, but the others put him on edge a little bit. He's weirded out by the behaviors of Magolor and Susie. He's a bit uncomfortable of Daroach and DMK due to their shady aura, and he especially thinks Marx is too much with his wildly chaotic nature.
Which makes it ironic that he's buddies with Drawcia, but again the reason why they became close is because she saved him from getting rekt by the cult one time.
Fluff got pissed off at a few of the pranks that Marx pulled on him.
But Fluff knows that Gryll is friends with some of these other ex-villains, and so he tries his best to not be rude around them. Thankfully, Gryll became courteous enough to help Fluff keep his distance around some of them, especially Marx. In fact... Fluff even came to the decision that he doesn't really want Marx, DMK and Daroach to visit Patch Land. Marx and DMK for self-explanatory reasons, and Daroach out of fear that he might rob from Patch Land.
Honestly, even after the Mage Sisters joined the team, Fluff is still not a fan of them. He was EXTREMELY angry when they kidnapped Kirby while they were still the enemy, to the point he's had a hard time forgiving them for it. He's accepted them for at least wanting to do better now, but he still doesn't really want to be near them, and he wouldn't really want for them to visit Patch Land either. That he's still cagey around them because they kidnapped Kirby shows how much he stans Kirby!
After Forgotten Land, Elfilin came to like Fluff and Gryll. He thinks Drawcia is terrifying, however. Whoop. Sorry to Drawcia that she failed to make a friendship with Elfilin. She's kinda scary and mean.
I think that's basically it for this post.
Out of my AUs, I think "Friendship Really Does Shine Like A Star!" can be considered one of my more ambitious ones since it's massively rewriting Star Allies' events, slightly rewriting Forgotten Land, and introducing a whole new dream friend wave during Star Allies' events.
Thanks for reading if you did!
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tgr-2x5-roleswap-au · 6 months
You've Got Mail - Chapter 1
Chapter 1 - Pen Pals (April 1964)
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Goodbye Fat Controller - Season 19 Episode 25
Word Count: 933
He wrote back.
James didn't think Emily's idea would work. Sure, it had worked fine for her but that was her sister. It was someone she knew. Edward was, in the end, a foreign stranger. Yet—
"He actually wrote back!" James exclaimed, seeing the closed envelope Fred, his driver, waved in front of him with a smile. "What did he say? Can you read it, please? Please?"
James' driver chuckled at the ecstatic engine as he looked around. The engine and his crew were in a siding, with a brake van and guard in hand, awaiting clearance. There was a disturbance up the branch line. "I don't see why not, chap. We have plenty of time."
"Open it, then!"
"Calm down!" he scolded. "Not that long ago, you were brooding about."
With a snort, James retorted, "No, I wasn't!"
"We nearly missed the boat."
James huffed, letting his cheeks burn. "Ok, maybe a little."
Satisfied, the elderly raven head pulled out his pocket knife and cut the envelope open from its side. He grabbed it from the opposite end and tapped it against the palm of his hand, getting the letter out. It took a bit but it eventually slipped out and into his hands. The Englishman was about to unfold it, only to see another letter slip out. With a quick reflex, he was able to catch it before it fell onto the tracks and under James. Unlike the first one, there was writing on the outside.
Curious, Fred cleared his throat. "From Quinn Burns, a volunteer of the Furness Railway Trust," his driver read aloud, just as George, James’ fireman, quietly approached them. "I'll read this one first."
"But-!" James began.
"It could be context for what Edward has to say," interrupted his driver. "Might as well know who wrote it for him."
James hummed impatiently, receiving an eye roll from his fireman.
The driver quickly tucked the first letter and the envelope into his pockets. He opened the second letter, pinched the opposite corners between his fingers, as if it were a scroll, cleared his throat, just to get a kick out of James, and read what was written with ink on the thin sheet of paper…
"Greetings to James' crew! 
When the Furness Railway Trust received your engine's letter, we were quite surprised, especially with whom it was addressed. While we were aware of the mishap that led to FR 21 being on the North Western Railway by accident, we were unaware that he had made a friend. And for that, we are very grateful for!
For one, Edward didn’t have, shall we say, stable relationships in the past. When Old Coppernob was around for the Great Railway Show, Edward didn't get along with him. He ignored him the moment they met, so he's been a loner since. Considering what little he's told me about his "prime" days, I can see why.
And two, I don't think I and the rest of my colleagues have ever seen him this happy before, compared to how he reacted when we told him he'd partake in the Great Railway Show once again. Edward told me everything that happened while he was in the NWR. He was initially apprehensive about James but with the little time he spent on the island, he enjoyed his company. We're glad that he's made a friend.
Quinn Burns"
Fred chuckled at seeing James’ face scrunch up, curious by one piece of information, joined by George.
“‘Once again’?” repeated James. “He's been to the show before?”
“Sure seems like it, old chap,” replied his driver, folding the letter back up and tucking it back into the envelope. He proceeded to do the same to the other with no writing on the outside. “Let's see what your friend's got to say,” he continued as he opened the letter, the paper audibly wrinkling.
“Hello there!
In all my years, I didn't expect a letter. Much less from another engine, so I would like to thank you for that, James.
I would love to be ‘pen pals.’ And I have managed to find a way, as you can tell. Mr. Burns is a very nice man. I talk to him the most and he was there when the letter came in.
How have things been? I know not much time has passed but still. We might as well start somewhere, should we not?
By the time this letter reaches you, I’ll be at the British Transport Museum. I'll be there until May. Then I'll go back to Derby for a short while. Until then, I won’t be able to answer. I’m truly sorry. I will try to respond as soon as I get back.
FR 21 Edward
James huffed out steam in a heavy sigh. Of course, something was going on, he thought.
His "Day 1” crew picked up on the disgruntled engine. “Cheer up, old boy,” whispered his fireman, ignoring James’ “I'm not old!” “At least we know when he's going back.”
Knowing Mr. Turner was right, James snorted, eliciting a chuckle from his elderly crew. While this behavior bothered others immensely, this was the norm for the trio. No other crew knew how to handle this particular iron horse.
“We can write back later,” noted Mr. Quill as he heard a nearby shrill. He looked at the source of the sound to see their guard waving his flag. “The line's cleared.”
Satisfied with the suggestion, James agreed. Once his crew settled in, Mr. Quill opened James’ regulator with practiced ease, beginning their journey to the next job.
Alternatively: James and his "should've retired by now Day 1" crew.
They have tried recruiting a new crew for years by this point (Fred + George have been working with James since their late 20s) but previous candidates just couldn't get along with James, and the NWR wasn't about to risk an accident from happening because of that. The NWR will take accidents caused by the engines over the ones caused by the crews ANY DAY.
The way Edward speaks in his letters versus his actual dialogue will be different (but progressively will be the same) since someone is writing for him, as well as guiding him with what he is trying to say.
Correcting myself with this one because I didn't say what I meant to say: Edward DOES know how to speak but the reason why he's speech is broken is due to the sudden change in his life. He did not have to deal with socializing for 4 decades (1923 - 1963), losing that practice. Now that he does interact with others, its become overwhelming. Times have changed, and so has the world around him. He has a lot to adapt to, such as social standards.
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Being An Older Sister Figure to the Party
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Headcanons for being an older sister to the party from seasons 1 to 3 (for now, I'll probably add more ideas that pop into my head, especially for season 4). I might even do a part two if someone requests it.
You’ve been babysitting Will since he was nine and as a result you’ve become very protective of him and his friends. 
You and Jonathan have always worked as a team to make Will feel accepted. You started coming over every weekend to watch movies or listen to music with the two of them, making sure that it was stuff that he liked. 
You listen carefully when Will tries to explain D&D to and you smile at the way he talks about “Will the Wise” and the adventures he goes on with his friends. Eventually Will’s party gives you a rundown of how to play and you participate sometimes (usually reading lines for an NPC Mike wrote beforehand).
Dustin and Lucas really like having you around. They always try to impress you with random references and facts that are pretty cringe-worthy but you find them charming. 
Even when Joyce couldn’t afford to pay you after Lonnie left you still stick around because you care about Will so much. It kills you to see how he and his friends get bullied and you try to help any way you can but it doesn’t always work. 
You and Joyce have always been really close and she treats you like a daughter. 
After Will came back from the upside down you visited him every day in the hospital and brought him a box full of his favorite things (art supplies, books, his favorite movies). 
You never really recover from what happened but you try to be a pillar of strength for him. 
When Max moves to Hawkins you quickly get wind of her home life. You make it your mission to make sure she has a place where she can feel comfortable, letting her stay over at your house whenever she needs a break from Billy or Niel. 
Max has never been traditionally “girly” but you help her feel comfortable in her femininity. Painting her nails, braiding her hair, taking her shopping for clothes because her mom is too overbearing, etc. 
She’s always struggled with finding positive female role models but you show her the strength in being vulnerable and tell her that she doesn’t have to act tough all the time.
When Steve Harrington enters the picture you’re a little skeptical. He never seemed like the kind of person who would spend his time worrying about anyone but himself and his asshole friends. You’re especially worried about Dustin trying to emulate him but soon enough you come around. He shows you that he cares about the kids just as much as you do even if its in a different way. You start to bond and anytime he worries about people still seeing him as “King Steve”, you assure him that he’s a great guy who’s doing his best. 
Eleven is your baby. After season two you make a point of treating her like a normal preteen girl. When she grows out her hair you buy her clips and look in every magazine to find hairstyles that she can wear. 
When Lucas and Max get together they break up constantly which leads to Lucas crying on your doorstep begging you to help him get her back. Lucas insists that he did it himself because he’s just that smooth (and he’s embarrassed about blubbering in your arms about missing Max). 
When Dustin comes back from camp you’re the only one who believes him about Suzie being his girlfriend. You even talk with her on Cerebro and quickly become pen pals. 
After season 3 you like to keep tabs on Erica. Mostly just to check if she’s having any problems sleeping after what happened on the Fourth of July, or sometimes just to hear her rant about her D&D character. 
You and Mike have an interesting relationship. He’s been Will’s best friend for as long as you remember and has been one of the only people who’s ever made him feel normal but at the same time he’s put that boy through the emotional wringer. 
He annoys you a lot of the time but at the end of the day you know he’s a good kid and who doesn’t have a lot of love in his life. 
Sometimes Mike comes to you about stuff he doesn’t tell anyone else. He sees you as one of the only older people in his life who won’t scold him for his mistakes. You always tease him or set him straight but at the end of the day you let him know you care.
You're the first person Will ever comes out to, and you make sure to guard that secret with your life.
At the end of the day all the kids love you and feel like they can come to you for anything, especially end-of-the-world stuff <3.
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worftism · 5 months
*wanders up to the playground with two toddlers as confused as I am* hey is this the star trek OCs playdate
anyway yeah hi :) I have some pals to introduce
Anna (they/she)
Denobulan-human mixed species
Entomologist (bug science :D)
So so autism
I like making up things about alien beings that canon doesn’t necessarily contradict, so her Denobulan physiology means that the number of times she’s gone hey cool bug :D and got bitten/scratched/stung means she’s become immune to many toxins
has loved Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea ever since they were little (their human mum showed it to them, probably on a computer screen to keep them entertained, but they kept wanting to watch it again and again) (could probably recite the whole script)
The name Anna was chosen as it’s fairly similar to Denobulan name sounds so easier for their family to pronounce
Regards Anna as their full name (Denobulans don't have surnames)
However being listed in files as Anna [surname, probably Baker or Bryant or something] and as both an English and Denobulan language of some sort native speaker, she gets addressed as [title/rank] [surname] more often than [title/rank] Anna, which would be correct
I couldn’t remember why I liked the idea of a Human-Denobulan mixed character so much but then I remembered the thing that inspired this is the whole sleep thing
(If you don’t know, Denobulans hibernate for a week or so once a year and do not sleep outside that. Humans sleep every 24 hours.)
This ends up meaning this character doesn’t sleep as often as a normal human, but when they do, they are Fast Asleep
So they’re awake for maybe 5 days or so, then simply collapse for a few hours and can function again
I can’t believe I forgot to include this until now, this is such an integral part of this character to me it just feels obvious
They always have their hair in a buzz cut and have done ever since they were old enough to express that their hair being too long caused them discomfort because Bad Sensory. this is 100% because at the time I was first coming up with them my hair was getting too long (it’s usually short but long enough to be curly) and itching my skin and I kept thinking mmmmmm want to cut it all off
I actually renamed her since writing this draft!! they're called Esk now (yes after the Discworld character, long story short her human mum loves Discworld)
Another interest of theirs is baking! Will elaborate on that another time as well
You Love Her. You Have To.
Unnamed (she/her)
Klingon traditional weaponsmith!
Whole Backstory Stuff around how she inherited this
I need to look into both Klingon family stuff and history to find out exactly how this would work but a loose timeline is
Weapon making traditionally not a women’s job (I don’t know if this is accurate to Klingon culture, it genuinely just felt like a good conflict to add)
However smol [unnamed] really wanted to learn from her uncle, so begged and nagged at him until he gave in and taught her stuff
Both verbally bothering him and just constantly being around the workshop, walking there every day, doing the cleaning jobs just to show up and show she was determined
Also necessary to this story is traditional weapon-making methods are dying out, but are preserved in something around a high- or moderately-high-status warrior having their Own Blade, rather than a copy (replicated) or a hand-me-down (unless it’s a very famous one with a great history, though still that might be presumptuous to think you’d live up to that legacy)
This has been her family’s (House’s) traditional job since anyone can remember, but only one lineage had still preserved it
Uncle is training his son to take over, but at some point when [unnamed] has been learning for a little while, this son dies in some sort of battle, leaving her as the only heir to the family’s tradition
From the little I’ve read on Memory Alpha, women couldn’t inherit a House’s title except under special circumstances, so I think she and her uncle will have to fight for her right to inherit the name and lineage
Would probably regard herself as aroace if she had the vocabulary for that, however restoring a dying craft in a remote part of a planet doesn’t leave much time for such questions
Still knows what she wants, has no intention to marry or have children, but to keep the craft being inherited she will adopt someone as a full member of her House who she believes is worthy of carrying on the tradition
This is actually a really interesting point as it shows how she regards the respect and dedication to the craft as making somebody more a part of her House than blood does
There’s a whole loosely defined thing about how she has some distant relatives who want to claim that house’s title despite having been fully prepared to let go of their house’s craftspeople’s legacy
Is actually quite short for a Klingon, maybe 5’4? and also fat and muscular, so she’s still quite a presence
I have got to do more research
(wrote this ages ago and did not post it. also haven't done research. but I want to post my Characters! so here you are :) these are works in progress and I'll keep adding to them but it's nice to get out what I have for now)
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wifelinkmtg · 2 years
Who’s Hot in New Capenna
Okay! Streets of New Capenna was set in a glitzy 1920s Fritz Lang-style metropolis ruled by a bunch of different criminal syndicates. Its major contribution to Magic is that it introduced jazz to the multiverse, and was otherwise a substandard draft set anchored to, presumably, a story? I’m almost positive there was a story, but I’ve never spoken to anyone who knows what it was. They juice angels to make drugs? Vivien shows up, because where is Ms. Park Ranger more at home than Industrialized Urban Environments? Urabrask is also here?
Anyway the frequent badness of Magic story is tempered by the fact that we mostly encounter it in isolated pieces of cardboard with killer fucking art and are free to derive better ideas about story and characters and setting than you would get if you actually read the story, most of the time. It’s also tempered by the fact that girls!
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Night Clubber (art by Joshua Raphael)
Ask me how I know Moustache here is from Queens. Go on, ask me.
Cause if he was from Brooklyn, he could dodge ‘er!
But seriously, folks: arms like fuckin tree trunks here. That is delectable. And just because you’re heading out for a night of swinging baseball bats at the heads of tourists with expensive wristwatches doesn’t mean you don’t dress to the nines, or at least the eights! Or like realistically maybe just the sevens - the pinstripe trousers are great, the lip color’s great, and I adore the extreme sleevelessness, but it’s clear her clothes have seen better days - which is maybe why she’s out here with the bat.
Also, baseball is canon in the MtG multiverse now! That’s fun. Maybe the Gatewatch could put together a company team, if any of them are left at the end of the current storyline. “Take Me Out to the Holodeck” but it’s our favorite surviving planeswalkers against, like, Freyalise’s supremacist elves. Chandra struggling to swing a bat without immolating it. Kaya getting into an argument with the umpire about whether ghosting through an opposing baseman holding the ball counts as being tagged out. Garruk-as-Worf yelling DEATH TO THE OPPOSITION. This bit was about a specific episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine; I really appreciate you reading my horny Magic blog, and I am not going to be respectful of your time.
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Dapper Shieldmate (art by Greg Opalinski)
Okay, on a strict practicality level, having a plate mail waistcoat that leaves your neck and sternum covered only by a starched collar and a tie is basically just a chainmail bikini for lesbians. I can imagine Beige Sonja here thinking “well, I’ve got pauldrons on my pinstripe suit, for safety, but I’m worried I don’t look like enough of a dyke, so I’m going to make sure to roll my sleeves up,” because that’s the sort of thought process that often guides my sartorial choices as well. I also love the “I don’t particularly care about my appearance” messy hair on top combined with the “I really actually desperately care” glossy waves on the side. She’s trying way too hard, and honestly, that’s hot.
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Glamorous Outlaw (art by Maria Zolotukhina)
Okay, there’s trying too hard, and there’s “I rented a panther for a date” trying too hard.
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Venom Connoisseur (art by Marta Nael)
This isn’t a subtle piece of card art, but sometimes it’s enough to get your tits most of the way out and slap a python on em. Convincing someone to shake a hand with at least two venomous snakes coiled around it probably requires a substantial distraction, so: this cleavage is actually tactical, did you know?
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Psionic Snoop (art by Marcela Medeiros)
I’m not going to lead with “oh, you’re psychic? can you tell what i’m thinking?” because I’m sure she’s heard that a hundred times from a hundred different slimeballs, but also she definitely knows it was my first thought, which is pretty embarrassing. Actually it is probably a bad idea for me to try and sleep with any kind of telepath unless she’d be remarkably tolerant of the sort of anxious inner monologue where I can’t ask a pretty barista’s name without first getting sidetracked into a long thought process involving Martin Buber and the alienation of capitalism, culminating in not asking her name and coming back another day, by which point it turns out she’s moving to Colorado and I’ve missed my shot, and all I got out of the whole thing was pretty good music recommendations (Khruangbin, in point of fact.) Hm. What were we talking about?
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Jetmir’s Fixer (art by John Thacker)
Rakish, flamboyant, good with explosives: the cat’s hot, sorry.
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Caldaia Strongarm (art by Randy Vargas)
Ma’am. Your arms.
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Jaxis, the Troublemaker (art by Zoltan Boros)
Look I’m just a simple, honest lesbian, you know? End of the day, I want what we all want: a ripped, sweaty woman in suspenders with the world’s most utterly contemptuous sneer, the kind of sneer that stomps all the way down your spine with cleats, the kind of sneer that’ll slam you against a wall, spit in your face, and leave you bruised for a month. Yes, it has been entirely too long since someone beat the hell out of me, thank you for asking!
We’re almost caught up, folks. New Phyrexia is very, very soon.
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hhhhhh thanks I'm glad you like the 10 class system! But now I'm gonna go a step further: we have Night Fury for Strike, Deadly Nadder for Tracker, Gronckle for Boulder, Monstrous Nightmare for Stoker, and Hideous Zippleback for Fear. What if there were riders for the other 5, what species would they ride? I'm thinking Death Song or Dramilion for Mystery, Razorwhip or Timberjack or Hackatoo for Sharp, Snow Wraith for Frost, Triple Stryke for Toxic, and Thunderdrum for Tidal.
Continued from this post!
All those proposed dragons are great for a larger rider group. Especially, I love your inclusion of Razorwhip, Thunderjack, and Thunderdrum. And not just because I like those dragons (though that bias is there <.< haha).
Dragons like the Thunderjack and Thunderdrum I think of as "more common," containing a higher population near Berk. That's my headcanon, but how I got it: The Thunderjack was introducer sooner into HTTYD lore, so I think of it as "more standard" than "exotic." The Hairy Hooligans knew about and talked about that dragon for a long time before anyone went off venturing, ergo, it's around them lots. Similarly, Thunderdrums were introduced earlier in HTTYD franchisedom, and between Thornado and the babies Bing, Bam, and Boom, we've seen enough Thunderdrums I suspect they're frequent around Berk.
When dragons are native to Berk and populous, they're more likely to become a rider's dragon. When making headcanons of future hypothetical riders, I prefer sticking to "more likely" dragons.
There's a cool narrative appeal to hitting all 10 classes, as you were saying. So, going by your premise:
Hiccup: Night Fury (Strike Class)
Astrid: Deadly Nadder (Tracker Class / Sharp Class)
Fishlegs: Gronckle (Boulder Class)
Snotlout: Monstrous Nightmare (Stoker Class)
Ruffnut and Tuffnut: Hideous Zippleback (Fear Class)
Heather: Razorwhip (Sharp Class)
New Rider A: Changewing (Mystery Class)
New Rider B: Snow Wraith or Woolly Howl (Frost Class)
New Rider C: Triple Stryke (Toxic Class)
New Rider D: Thunderdrum (Tidal Class)
Honorable mention: Speed Stinger as a non-rideable Toxic Class pal, like the Terrible Terror messenger dragons they had.
You already had such good ideas I'm sticking close to them!
In a hypothetical world I had full control of creating five new riders, I wouldn't hit all classes of the proposed 10 class system! I'd have doubles. Why not three Nadders and two Gronckles? That's more likely than each dragon class being represented once! It wouldn't have the cool narrative factor you're working with, but I'd enjoy doing an underappreciated duplicates thing, too.
Because I'm a book!HTTYD lover, whenever I consider creating HTTYD characters / content, I slip in as many book Easter Eggs as possible. So there's also a chance I'd give new rider characters the dragons book characters had. (Heck, just put Camicazi, Thuggory, etc. into the "new riders" group!)
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Episode Five: Random Rewatch Observations
1. Little stumbles as he enters the room to speak to Fitzjames and it melts my heart every time.
2. Interesting to note, given what is spoken about between him and Crozier later in the mutineers camp, that Goodsir happens to be translating the Inuktitut word for ‘Feet’ when we first see him in this episode.
3. That ‘frozen toe clinking into a bowl’ sound effect really is something!
4. I really like that little detail of Dr MacDonald lifting down a chair from a special hook on the wall. It’s so cool to see all the ingenious little ways they would’ve had to save space on the ship historically.
5. I love Hartnell so much in Dead Room scene – willing to hoist a whole-ass heavy corpse on his shoulder and man-handle it along singlehandedly just because his pal was scared.
6. Also love the combination of Blanky’s double face-palm at Crozier’s unreasonableness and Little’s indignant head-shake and pleading look in Blanky’s direction. I’m sure they must have talked at length with one another before about Crozier’s bullshit – I would so love to have seen more of both their working relationship and their personal one.
7. It’s hilarious to me that Crozier’s first instinct when challenged about the whisky is to deny everything like a naughty schoolboy – “I did no such thing!”
8. Also hilarious that, on closer inspection, not only does he not appear to actually land his punch but he also goes flying into a door/wall right afterward.
9. I’d also love to see more of the relationship between Blanky and MacDonald – two good dudes just trying to get on with their jobs.
10. A great hero moment for Hickey battering off the caulk and being the first one up on deck! He’s another good dude getting on with his job at least in that moment and he’s so ready to help, no hesitation. Heart-breaking stuff!
11. A good hero moment for Hodgson too! I don’t really like the common characterisation of him as a garrulous cowardly dumbass – he’s a good lieutenant and is perfectly ready to charge back into the jaws of Tuunbaq-related death. That’s bravery!
12. God I love that moment of quiet tension when they’re all looking up, totally powerless and trapped as Hickey batters away at the door. It reminds me of a platoon of soldiers all crammed together in a landing craft on D-Day. Just waiting.
13. A possible goof! Little takes his hat off twice in the same scene – once when the toast is called then two seconds later when they’re all gathering in to hold Blanky down.
14. Also, I’ve never noticed before but Little appears to already be in the room with Crozier when the other three – MacDonald, Fitzjames, and Jopson – enter. I’d give anything to hear what could’ve been said between them, but it seems more likely they would’ve just been sitting in oppressively angry exhausted silence at that point. It’s so interesting and weird to me that he’s totally blocked from view for the majority of the scene too, completely inscrutable.
15. Also dramatic, interesting, and very weird for Crozier to order so specifically that the whisky be poured over the Tuunbaq’s blood on the ice. There’s surely a deeper meaning to that though I can’t parse at the moment what exactly it is.
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apoptoses · 1 year
Re: the poly relationship anon and the Reddit thread that mentioned Marius being in a relationship with Pandora, Bianca AND Armand at the end of the series lmao I think I have an idea as to how they might’ve reached that conclusion. It's worth noting though that I think it's a gigantic reach and not really what Anne meant when writing about Marius’ interactions with any of these characters in the last trilogy but let's see... I remember Marius referring to both Pandora and Bianca as his “wives” at some point (perhaps even in the same time?) in the PL trilogy, and it’s clear his relationship with both of them is romantic in nature and in great terms by the time the series ends. Bianca pursued him pretty relentlessly, Pandora is always referred to as his love/his great love and Marius is extremely pressed when she gets back together with Arjun + everything that happens with Arjun later on, etc. Armand isn’t involved in any of this mess (for once) beyond snatching Daniel back at some point during RoA. His relationship with Pandora is pretty much nonexistent, and even his relationship with Bianca is left incredibly unexplored post-Venice (a crime, obviously). The relationship between Armand and Marius is strained/tense at best, explosive at worst (even though the love is there, will always be there), but as we all know by the end of the series Marius feels confident about them finally being able to have a conversation and Armand's heart being "open" to this happening. We never see said reunion/conversation but if said Reddit person interpreted all of this as them getting back together romantically (which again, I don't think it's even on the table for these two right at the end of the series, and realistically it's going to be a long road for them in terms of being able to have a healthy relationship) and THEN added Marius' situationship with both Pandora and Bianca... then I guess you have a poly relationship scenario, sort of? lmao it's the only way it kinda makes sense but even then they're reaching for the stars.
You're extremely right when you say that in terms of "endgame" couples (or as endgame as it can be under these circumstances), Louis/Lestat is the only ship that could be defined in those terms, given how explicitly their reunion/romantic interactions were made. It's said that Armand and Daniel reunited and Daniel ended up moving into TG to live with him but as far as we know, they could be living together as vampire pals (the mere thought of this is fucking hilarious tho imagine them going through all of that just to be roommates djshkjssk). Just like for all we know, the relationship between Louis and Armand might have been entirely platonic while they lived together at TG. Just co-parenting. Conscious uncoupling kings!
Anyhow who knew I had so many thoughts about this!!! xoxo a highly caffeinated DA ❤️
Yeah it's a huge reach lmao Like it says Armand's heart is open to a conversation with Marius and I personally read that as a conversation where they could attempt to heal the rift between them over Marius giving up on rescuing him from the cult/making Benji and Sybelle against his will. Not that it would be an instant 'getting back together' talk.
It's funny because I'm so so SO down bad for them in the Venice years in TVA/their reunion scene in QotD but I wouldn't be surprised if they couldn't be more than platonic ever again. They've become such different people and tbh their original relationship was very physical, and it seemed like once the newness of Amadeo being a vampire wore off like...what did they have to talk about together? To me that's the real tragedy of their relationship.
Not that I'm against shipping it!! I mean I've read some good post-canon fic of them. But anyways I digress lol
But YEAH exactly Anne wrote it so that you could interpret any of these relationships minus Lestat/Louis any way you want at the end. Though lmao @ the idea of Armand having his exes living in his house like a bunch of divorced couples who refuse to move out and separate their lives. Conscious uncoupling indeed 🤣 Though probably still better than the inevitable shitshow that Auvergne will turn out to be, with dozens of polyamorous vampires with metric tons of baggage and strained relationships will be like-
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Picturing Daniel ending up like Alice in the L Word trying to chart out who is fucking who and who is broken up at any given time lmao He'll have to be sure to write this shit in dry erase marker because every three nights the lines will need swapped around. A mess!!
Bless Anne and her inability to have any of these vampires keep it in their pants (mouths? considering all the biting) I swear.
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littlemisstfc · 2 years
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Hello boyos, gorls, and nonbinary pals. It’s been a while since I’ve written a huge writing on this silly platform, huh? Lol.
Anyways, quick updates: I’m releasing a new video sometime this month, which is me ranting about the misogyny of the Bayverse. Fun times. Fun times. :D Also, I’ll be at TFCon LA 2023 next week for Saturday and Sunday. Feel free to come by and say hi to me. :)
Back to the review…so….the 2010s to early 2020s has been a very weird decade for Transformers. Not only for the Bayverse movies (my beloathed), but for the tv shows. While Age of Extinction is my guilty pleasure and Dark of The Moon is legitimately good, the movies are declining in popularity and quality, thus resulting in a huge reboot to fix up Bay’s mess. That resulted in Bumblebee (2018), a gem that was the light at the end of a very frustrating tunnel. Transformers Prime started strong, but then turned into a mish mash of wasted potential and became a frustrating chore to watch by the end. RID 2015 is a show that exists. Rescue Bots is great, and Academy is fine for what it is. If you read my review of BotBots before the accidental deletion, that show is pretty good. However, it’s a show where someone might gotta have to take it or leave it. In the middle of the downward spiral of the Aligned continuity and the movie universe rebuilding itself from Bayverse’s mess, Transformers Cyberverse is the true outlier. It’s so great I made an entire video about it that you can check it out in the link below. 🤭
Now, I wanted to bring this up when talking about Earthspark because ngl, I was worried about the potential likelihood of the show falling into the pittraps of the Aligned continuity in the first round. Now that I’ve watched the show, I can confidently tell you that IT’S EVEN BETTER THAN I EXPECTED. WE HAVE A FUCKING MIRACLE AT THE END OF A TURBULENT DECADE.
This show is thankfully so much amazing and cool and wholesome, JUST LIKE IT HAS NO RIGHT IN BEING THIS GOOD. True, like I always say, there is no such thing as a perfect show. This show definitely have flaws, but they’re not detriment to the show’s quality. It’s basically everything I ever want from a Transformers show, including even subversions of the Transformers formula like Cyberverse.
Let’s go on this little journey together on everything I like and dislike about the show. Spoiler warning here since this show is best experienced blind and I’m not like some people who decided it’s a good idea to not put spoilers behind a tag or filter. Don’t be like these people. Don’t spoil the show for those who cannot access it. Don’t do it. 🙂
Anyways. 3, 2, 1, Pingu.
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The Good, The Bad, The Skullcruncher:
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Let’s get the elephant in the room clear: the art style is…an art style that exists. It’s not for everyone and it did take me a while to warm up to it. However, over time, I’ve gotten used to it since the amazing animation and fight choreography are great enough to make up for the art style.
The school episode is meh. It’s nothing interesting of note except the Terran parts and frankly, I find the two bullies pretty annoying. However, it does deserve points for having the amazing Daran Norris back in a Transformers show. At least it is not boring, but it’s not worth noting.
The humor sometimes doesn’t land, especially since modern humor such as the iPad environment we’re in is a delicate line these days. The humor is Yeessss tier most of the time though.
I’m glad that Hashtag didn’t keep her weird accent when she first appeared. That’s a plus. 👍🏽
Bee did come across as a bit of an asshole at first, which was admittingly something I wasn’t vibing with. However, thanks to the power of good character development, I warmed up to him. However, a counterpoint is that it’s a unique subversion of how Bee is introduced from other Transformers media.
I have no idea how to feel about Mandroid. It feels like he really doesn’t have much of a significant impact on the story, since GHOST are the main antagonist and the Decepticons being more of a morally gray chaotic neutral type characters. After the end of the first part, I only have questions of where the hell is he. It’s such a shame, since he has a lot of interesting potential and he has a banger voice actor behind him. At least he came back in the finale episode for reasons I’ll get to in the positives section of this review.
Anyways…yeah, that’s all I have to talk about in terms of critiques. Let’s move onto the good stuff: EVERYTHING ELSE. 🥳
A Night of a Thousand Bumblebees:
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This show gets points for referencing the Optimist Prime and Negatron meme.
The main characters are just so charming and lovable, I WILL PROTECT THEM WITH MY LIFE. The Malto family is the main human characters done right. Dot is such a badass with such an enduring friendship with Megatron, along with being a loving mom and best wife to Alex. She’s also really great disability representation, showing that even with the prosthetic leg, she’s still a badass. Speaking of Alex…this man has no right in being such a lovable dork who loves his family and having so much swag. I want that Bumblebee suit. Mo and Robbie are very likable and adorable, especially regarding to their relationship with their Terran siblings. Speaking of the Terrans, they’re just utter darlings and a joy to watch. Twitch is hyperactive and cute, Thrash has a lot of funny moments and a likable personality, Hashtag is surprisingly enjoyable considering her powers of the Internet, I would die for Jawbreaker, AND NIGHTSHADE IS THE AUTISM CREATURE. I fucking love them, not only for being already being great nonbinary representation but also has a lot of relatable quirks such as their mechanic hyperfixation and their difficulty in having social interactions with other people. And…THE SCENE WHERE THEY SAY THEY ARE THEY/THEM HAD ME SOBBING SO HARD. It’s just amazing to see the franchise that helped me out so much throughout my life validate my existence and the existence of so many others like me. ✨😭✨
Bumblebee took a while for me to warmed up to him, but he eventually becomes the Bubblewrap we all know and love. Also, his relationship with Breakdown, although brief, is so wholesome. 🥺
Other things I love is the voice acting, including the welcomed returns of Transformers alumni such as Steven Blum and Roger Craig Smith, the animation is beautiful, the fight scenes are bonkers and well choreographed, the humor is yeesss tier, and overall, the messages such as having a good relationship with your family and good teamwork. Delicious food. ✨
I really love what this show is doing with Megatron and Optimus. Their relationship is perhaps my favorite part of the show. You can definitely feel not only how close they are as fwiends, but you can see both sides of the idea they represent: what if every bot deserve second chances? I appreciate the nuance to the Autobot vs Decepticon conflict, something that is definitely built up from Cyberverse. Here, it explores in depth about the more gray and complex areas of the conflict, where neither side is right nor wrong. However, it’s a reasonable two sides of a coin story that is explained well enough to appeal to both kids and adults. I also like how Megatron and Optimus are willing to hear each other out even through their disagreements. Optimus is also very likable and adorable, being a big ol dork you cannot help but be charmed by. Now…let’s focus on Megatron now.
I thought “Decay” was my favorite episode for exploring Optimus’ and Megatron’s relationship in depth, and bitter divorce ex Soundwave…until “Warzone” came out. This Megatron manages to fix the main issue of Autobot Megatron: it makes sure that he has to work hard to earn trust in his journey of redemption. He is someone with a lot of regrets over how much destruction and devastation done to Cybertron, because of his actions. It doesn’t sugarcoat the realities of his redemption: there are people who are not gonna accept that he wants to end the war nor understand how much the war costed the Cybertronian people everything. The cherry on top of his lessons to the baby boo boos about not repeating the same mistakes the Transformers did is the presence of the flowers from the IDW. Quick summary: they represent how much lives are lost in a conflict. Just…the way it fell from the monument at the Spacebridge Memorial to Megatron gently picking it up and putting it back on it, symbolizing how much he truly changed for the better. After the fight with Shockwave, including all the heartbreaking LAYERS of the gravity of Megatron’s redemption, it concludes on a beautiful message that many people came learn from, especially in these current times. you cannot change the past, but if we learn about it, we will be able to not make those same mistakes ever again. Thus, “Warzone” is my favorite episode in the entire season. In fact, I want to dedicate an entire essay to how this series portrayed Megatron once everything is done and finished. We’ll come back to the topic soon, lads.
Also, I really love how the show is exploring the not so bright side of having bots on planet Earth. The finale episode is perhaps the episode that rivals “Warzone” for not only bringing more amazing nonbinary representation in the form of Sam (looking forward to seeing her and their relationship with Nightshade in future episodes), but for managing to tell a story of how to deal with racism (through the Terrans being treated as outsiders in the big city) without sugarcoating it and telling it in a way that kids can understand. Hashtag feels the most pain in being treated as an outsider, even with her family there to tell her that everything will be okay. Then…perhaps one of the darkest scenes of Transformers as a whole is when Mandroid took over her as an attempt to get rid of the baby boo bops and try to get Bumblebee’s parts, and feeds into her insecurities over whether or not she has the right to live on Earth. Through the use of mind tricks, he is a representation of all the disgusting ignorance and stupidity plaguing our real world right now, trying to “prove” that marginalized people, who are represented by the Terrans here, have no right to exist. However…then the Malto kids used the power of the Green Prime to reach out to Hashtag and let her know that everything will be okay. True, not everybody is going to be compassionate and understanding of people who are different from them. There are genuinely evil and hateful people who will never be negotiated with and will never understand the concept of being a decent human being. However…it doesn’t mean that you should let them get to you. You deserve the right to be yourself and live your life the way you want to live it. You are surrounded by people who love you and understand what you’re going through. You are not alone. You are good enough. In a time where we experience such amount of racism, misogyny, and homophobia in places in and out of the Transformers fandom…we need this message more than ever. We should not follow Mandroid’s hateful ideology. Instead, we should be the Maltos. Love will triumph over hate, and no matter how much the world tries to crush you, you are more than meets the eye in beautiful ways.
Conclusion: This is number three on the Transformers ranking list as of the time I am writing this. 💕
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Transformers Earthspark is incredible. It has no right in getting everything so right. It’s a fantastic love letter to the Transformers franchise as a whole. Let the haters talk smack. I am confident in saying that this show is the ever rare Ultra Yesss tier 10/10.
Please check it out if you have accessibility to the show on any platform. I promise that you’ll not regret this fantastic start of a promising new future for Transformers. ❤️
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doodlebloo · 2 years
Can you talk more about your c!tubbo origin headcanon?
The short version is that Lady Death and Ianite made a bet over who would be the better father, Sparklez or Philza, and Sparklez ended up being the better dad so Lady Death gave Tubbo her eternal blessing (described further below), eventually she realizes that this blessing might lead to a lot of survivor's guilt for him and as consolation she blesses the baby piglin he's grown attached to (Michael), which makes the effects of zombification slowly dwindle until the kid can grow up big and strong.
Lady Death and Ianite are goddess pals who have tea sometimes and talk about their silly lil champions (Sparklez and Philza). On one of these days the topic of fatherhood comes up. c!Wil is still fairly young and Mumza is talking about how good of a father c!Phil is shaping up to be, Ianite reckons that Sparklez would make a pretty good father too.
Well as gods tend to do they end up making a friendly little wager about this. They'll find a baby, Sparklez gets to parent him for the first 6 years of his life and Phil gets the second 6 years, they see which did a better job. Whoever's champion was the less good father has to use up some of their power to bless the child on their 18th birthday.
So they find little orphan c!Tubbo as a baby and Ianite gives him to Sparklez. She explains everything and is honest abt the fact it's a wager, he's not a huge fan of the idea but isn't gonna NOT take care of the baby, plus he'd rather the kid gain the favor of Ianite than of Death. c!Tubbo has a pretty great early childhood with him, not perfect bc Sparklez has never BEEN a dad before so there's some bumps but overall the new prince of fallen kingdom has a nice life.
At age 6, c!Tubbo is taken, his memory is wiped and he's left in a box on the side of the road for c!Phil to find. c!Phil has no interest in adopting him but Lady Death convinces him to at least try. c!Phil begrudgingly takes c!Tubbo home, but a combination of factors (c!Crimeboys already being a handful, c!Phil's desire to be a nomadic adventurer with c!Techno, c!Tubbo's lingering feeling that this isn't His family) leads to c!Tubbo's childhood being less than ideal. He isn't necessarily neglected, he just doesn't really click with his new family the way Death hoped he might (except for c!Tommy of course, but c!Phil doesn't really consider c!Tommy his son.) Tldr, c!Phil makes an effort but doesn't really bond with c!Tubbo that much and ultimately decides not to stop him when he and c!Tommy (both aged 13) leave home to go exploring.
Now that c!Tubbo is thirteen, it's time to pick a winner, and after some deliberation they both agree that Ianite wins this one. As a result Lady Death must bless c!Tubbo. She ponders over what blessing to give him, and by the time she checks in on him again he's already lost two lives and she quickly realizes that he needs her blessing NOW, not at eighteen like they'd previously agreed upon.
Lady Death blesses c!Tubbo with the gift of survival on the day he becomes president of New L'Manberg. It isn't that he CAN'T die, just that his odds of survival in any given situation are much higher than average. An unintended side effect of this is that c!Tubbo feels strangely at ease when discussing death, not always taking it as seriously as he needs to.
Lady Death figures her job is done and goes about her business for another six months (which to her is like five minutes) before she sees c!Tommy appear in her domain. He's in limbo, and, knowing how important he is to her pseudo-champion c!Tubbo, debates sending him back before he gets yoinked back on his own.
(Lady Death doesn't appreciate whoever's messing with the laws of life and death down there, but c!Phil doesn't seem worried so she leaves it be.)
She checks in on c!Tubbo (she tells herself it's out of curiosity but really she's started to care abt him a bit) and finds him doing an absolutely terrible job of processing c!Tommy's temporary death, and she realizes that because of her "blessing" and the dangerous place c!Tubbo has settled down, he's very likely to outlive all of his loved ones.
She feels kind of bad about it, because while Death is a natural part of life, she figures that since she had a hand in kind of messing with his childhood she should at least help shape his future. It takes her a LOT of power to mess with the code of a Player (blessing c!Tubbo took a lot out of her) but blessing a mob is a lot easier, and luckily c!Tubbo has gotten absurdly attached to a little zombie piglet recently.
Lady Death bestows Michael_B with the same blessing as c!Tubbo, survival despite the odds, and said blessing also applies to his zombie curse. His parents' attempts to cure him work like a charm because of this increased likelihood of survival, and he's cured within a year.
As for c!Tubbo, he continues to be surrounded by death at every turn and has come to think of death like an old friend for reasons he can't articulate. Also for reasons he can't articulate, he feels like he does have someone else out there who cares about him but can't put his finger on it since his early childhood memories are so blurry.
(Sparklez, meanwhile, asks for regular updates on c!Tubbo and has more than once requested to be sent to help c!Tubbo fight. He knows he isn't c!Tubbo's dad anymore but he still finds himself caring about him a lot because they bonded so tightly in c!Tubbo's early years. Quietly, he plans to break into c!Tub's home SMP when no one is looking because he'll be damned if c!Phil gets to meet c!Tubbo's kid and he doesn't.)
((Fuck the canon ending. In this au c!beeduo reconcile and c!Tubbo reconnects with c!Sparklez and his family takes a lil vacation to Fallen Kingdom and all is well <3))
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erzbethluna · 2 years
Six Sentence Sunday (the lie of lies because are rough sketches duh)
¡Hello Pals! :)
It's been one of those weeks you can't wait for them to reach an end. My city was struck by several earthquakes since Monday, and stress has been at it's peak here. Fortunately, everyone around me is ok and only two of the movements were really strong, the others were milder but noticeable.
Sadly in my city this phenomenon is kinda 'normal' but never in the history of earthquakes we have had so many in such a short period of time! So anxiety around my city (and other cities too, because the Monday movement was noticeable in a great part of Mexico) is big. But we are ok! Sadly two people lost their lives and a few constructions fell, but overall is not a big disaster as has been in the past.
Phew! 🙌 Anyway, that's the context why I have been a bit away from here and Discord 🥺 thank you so much for the people who got in touch, specially the Spanish CO channel :D you guys are gold! ✨
Sooo! I'm working in several mystery projects!!! 🙌🙉✨ I'm still not able to give them away, and I just can say I'm so glad and honored and heart warmed to be able to work with such amazing writers <3 here have a little sneak peek! 😈
@confused-bi-queer ¡Somos el equipazo! :D ¡Esto está escalandoooo!!!
@hushed-chorus I'm so glad I'm being able to work with you Demi, it's been a delight!
@ileadacharmedlife I send you a hug and a big thanks for trusting me in your project! <3
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Thanks for your kind tags
@sailor-blossoms @confused-bi-queer @artsyunderstudy @facewithoutheart @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @bucketfishy @martsonmars @hushed-chorus @ileadacharmedlife @ionlydrinkhotwater @excalisbury @kohatenz @asocialpessimist
I choose you!
@cattocavo @henreyettah @yeonjunenby @asticou @palimpsessed @stitchyqueer @wellbelesbian @bookish-bogwitch @letraspal @fatalfangirl @krisrix @tea-brigade@raenestee @castawaypitch @brendughh @cutestkilla @stardustasincocaine @cynopoe @skeedelvee @frjsti @wolfywordweaver @johnwgrey @simonsnowsfreckles @thewriterxj @takitalks @bazzybelle @moodandmist
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