#just vibing and chilling and having a good time with the time i spend online because i can at LEAST get that
serpentmessmer · 8 months
sometimes i really get the urge to fire off some quick follower number lowering gunshots of posts but the problem is, at this point, i have amassed a following of people who are either entirely tolerant of me being a fucking freak or ARE fucking freaks right alongside me so those don't work anymore and the only real option i am left with is firing off my haterass opinions
and there are two problems with that:
i make an effort to be generally a positive poster on the dash, i like the ecosystem to be chill
i might have to hear other peoples oppositional opinions and i will only be able to respond with "i don't give a fuck, make your own posts."
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moonastro · 6 months
Juno persona chart
venus in the houses
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what is a juno persona chart? looking into juno persona chart gives more detailed insight of how the relationship and marriage overall of you and your spouse will be like. it also describes them in a sense as well. The Greek Goddess Juno is described to rule over love and marriage and hence why the asteroid is looked into for that theme.
venus represents beauty, aesthetics and values. within the juno persona chart, venus signifies the love within the marriage, relationship style and the beauty that comes along in the marriage.
reminder: this is my interpretation from observations and first hand experiences, so don't take this to heart.
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**also this can also be used for signs as well, for example if venus in persona chart is in sagittarius, read what applies to the 9th house as it may resonate as well.
venus in 1st house: lots of embodying of one another. quite literal the definition of worshiping your partner. this placements loves their partners independence, courage and fiery aura. this placement is very protective and encouraging of their partner, they act as if they are their soldier, their guard. are quick to act upon when their spouse needs attention of any kind, are always willing to put their partner first. this placement may love how their partner matches their vibe very well but keeping their identity and staying true to themselves at the same time. they lovee their partner body, yes the appearance may play a big part here also and loving how their spouse looks and presents themselves but its more how they do it and not what they see at that moment if that makes sense.
spouse can have natal venus in aries, 1st house, fire sign or fire house.
venus in 2nd house: this placements way of showing love to their spouse can be by cooking a home cooked meal, buying tiny meaningful gifts to them also. can also be by organising a comfort space for their loved one after they are having a bad day or had a hard day at work. the aesthetic of the marriage is very chill, the couple have a comforting aura towards each other, they can be each others comfort space. income is valued amongst themselves and money matters a lot to this placement. this placement may spoil their spouse and may have a mindset of its only acceptable if i spend lots of money on the person that i love in order to show that i truly love them. this placement may value objects and may have a collection of some sort that they keep, perhaps its crystals, books, scarfs, earrings etc etc whatever it is it is very special to this placement and it is very appreciated when others acknowledge their love for objects and even better when someone adds to their collection.
spouse can have natal venus in taurus, 2nd house, earth sign or earth house.
venus in 3rd house: love is very much shown by hobbies and words. lots of words of affirmation 'you look beautiful today', 'i love you' and so on. lots of strolls through the neighbourhood and doing things and spending time within the neighbourhood. for example the couple could easily just go out on a walk around their neighbourhood and go on a creative venture. sharing love through buying latest technologies and sharing some technical skills to each other, it may be internet influenced approaches as well like going online shopping or buying majority of house items from online. the couples may value the arts of writing and their relationship with ones siblings, perhaps this placement has a solid connection with their siblings and may be a big part of their life and perhaps the other also has good relations with their spouses siblings and so forth.
spouse may have natal venus in gemini, 3rd house, air sign or air house.
venus in 4th house: love between the couple is caring, sensitive and very protective. this placement tends to be very protective of their spouse and almost to the point of they'll do anything for them. literally if their spouse gets upset they get upset and want to fix it. nothing is more important to them than them being happy. the couple value their family traditions and most likely will pass it on onto their kids and will make sure to teach their kids the importance of their homeland and heritage. this placement may love how invested their partner is about their ancestry and is always wanting to find themselves. the couple may connect by relating to they way they were brought up and may agree on many things. this placement may have good relations with their family and therefore may appreciate their spouse doing the same. the aesthetic of their home is very important for this placement, it provides not only comfort but a chance for them to create special memories that they'll remember forever and pass it on for generations to come.
spouse may have natal venus in cancer, 4th house, water sign or water house.
venus in 5th house: this placement may love how fun, independent, well spoken and creative their spouse is. the love between the couple are seen by many, they are not afraid to show their love to each other in public and are proud to show off their partner to other people. the aesthetics in this relationship may be part of an entertainment business, lots of creativity in this marriage, arts, singing, dancing, writing, anything that requires to be creative is valued among each party and may be a very important part of their identity and who they are. this placement enjoys pleasure so expect them to get their way and no other, this placement will do anything in order for them to feel satisfactory and the same goes with their partner, they may want only the best for their partner and will go all out for them to make sure they are happy and satisfied. this placement may enjoy intimacy like no other, being intimate in their eyes is art itself, it connects both parties and this placement may find it beautiful how the whole thing plays out.
spouse may have natal venus in leo, 5th house, fire sign or fire house.
venus in 6th house: this couples way of showing love is definitely through acts of service, this placement is ready to literally do anything for their spouse just to show how much they love them. taking care of their spouse is how they express their love for them for example if they are sick in bed or, if they are back from a long day in work and so forth. this placement may romanticise their lifestyle and put in as much effort into it in order to satisfy their needs and their partners. this also may refer to loving their other half's flaws and insecurities, being in love for who they are and not what they are, not caring what may be wrong with them as others may put it. this placement may provide and show love by factoring lots of labour for their partner also which quite literally can mean that they may perform services for their spouse whether its doing what they ask, going out of their way to do extra work for instance when it may not necessarily be needed.
spouse may have natal venus in virgo, 6th house, earth sign or earth house.
venus in 7th house: the love shared between the couple is romantic, everlasting type of love, the love you see of an long lasting marriage of an elderly couple. the couple may express their love through physical touch like holding hands, hugging, holding onto your arm and so on and anything that requires skin to skin contact. i feel this placement also loves to keep their peace and keep everything within the relationship fair. the aesthetic of the relationship may be very peaceful and full of luxurious items in the home, so the home can be very organised and every single item is picked out precisely to the tee. they love to go out shopping for the tiny luxurious things such as perfume testing or going to shop for artistic supplies. this placement loves when their partner goes all out for them and drops everything for them, the definition of having their full attention.
spouse may have natal venus in libra, 7th house, air sign or air house.
venus in 8th house: love can be shared in secret, i feel like with this placement they show love to each other privately so the public may not see that side of the marriage. the sign its in can tell how the couple may express it privately, so for example in aquarius, there may be lots on and off moments. the couple may get along when it comes to shared money so they may get along more when one one gets a bonus at their work, or if they got extra money and so on. this couple may not be seen in public together either, whether its due to each others work schedule or their routines, most of the time they keep it low. may appreciate when their partner trusts them especially when they open up about their trauma and difficulties in life.
spouse may have natal venus in scorpio, 8th house, water sign or water house.
venus in 9th house: love is shown through interest in topics in what their spouse has to say, for example if they have learned a new thing and they share it with their spouse and this placement is in full attention mode in order to show their full interest in what their other half has to say. this placement reminds me of 'did you know this' and 'did you know that' sort of thing, always sharing what they know to their spouse. this couple may value their higher education and are proud of their success in that field. this placement has a special spot for journeys and if their spouse takes them on a journey they will take that as in that they love them. they love it whenever what they say or teach to their spouse how they use that knowledge and share it with other people, this placement appreciates it and its a sign in their eyes that their partner believes and trusts them.
spouse may have natal venus in sagittarius, 9th house, fire sign or fire house.
venus in 10th house: the couple show their love by working hard and proving themselves to beyond expectations over and over again just to prove how much their spouse means to them. reputation has a lot of value, so this placement will spend lots of money to make sure their partner looks the best and feels the best. they may love it when they are exposed to others and them seeing the love that they have for each other. the couple appreciates the maturity of one another in professional situations, they know when to draw the line when it comes to professional titles. this placement loves and is proud of their partners career choices, they find it very motivating. this couple may like to show off lots, their luxury, their home, their cars, anything that may require competition, they like being on top as it shows their validity as respectful human beings.
spouse may have natal venus in capricorn, 10th house, earth sign or earth house.
venus in 11th house: the love between the two is known amongst social groups, everyone knows them as the couple. this couple may be role models and may be know online (the sign in which venus is in can tell you why, for example if in cancer the internet may view how caring one is for each other and how protective and family oriented they are and so forth). this placement may love how their partner is independent, how different they are from other people so they may feel like they hit the jackpot with their spouse. the relationship may be filled with lots of unconventional things and find beauty in those areas in their lives such as roles that are not usually done in a traditional way, they have their own way of finding the glam and beauty in their marriage, different from the stereotype couples.
spouse may have natal venus in aquarius, 11th house, air sign or air house.
venus in 12th house: the couples way of showing love to each other is dreamy and can make the other nearly read ones mind and make their desires of the way they want to be loved come true which makes it feel like their dreams have came true. but on the other hand there is lots of creativity in this marriage, lots of ethereal aesthetic and lots of desires to make their partners dream come true, so with this placements there is most likely going to be lots of travel surprises such as them buying a ticket and saying to their spouse 'yeah, we are going to this place in two days so get ready' but it might be a dream destination for their spouse. others may view this relationship to be a dream come true, there may be lots of illusions for other people that this marriage is perfect. this placement may love how creative, imaginative and out of this world their spouse is, perhaps their spouse is someone they have always dreamed off and they are the perfect representation of their perfect one.
spouse may have natal venus in pisces, 12th house, water sign or water house.
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thank you so much for your time, i hope you have a good day like always>
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moooncats · 8 months
✿ Astrology Observations ✿
✿ Through the eye's of a Virgo 🧿 ✿
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✿ Sun in Aries ✿
Funny, Confident, Fighter lmaoo (don't talk ish about anyone they consider family cause they'll knuck and buck in 2.5 seconds bwahaha), Attractive!!! 🔥🔥 Aries are usually loud/opinionated and have this lets live life like its the last day we're alive. They are usually the ones who will dance like theres nobody watching hahah very tik tok star vibes. Go go go energy. You guys love to travel! ✈️ Its giving me Carmen Sandiego Vibes. ʕ→ᴥ←ʔ
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✿ Sun in Leo ✿
Popular (Irl & Online), Funny af never met a leo that wasn't good at jokes. Great hair/makeup/style 💅 oh and music taste gives me hype in the club vibes. Creative! Never met a leo that didnt dabble in the arts. Ya'll really love to spoil your love ones and friends and as a virgo I appreciate you! Seriously so sweet and caring. Gift giving is most likely your love language. (✿◠‿◠)♡ I would also like to add SOOO good at making food/pastries like this one leo friend I had would make flipping macarons in hs and they were BUSSIN BUSSIN. I also know its super hard to make them? Like sheeesh your creativity never fails to make a presence! Keep it up my lovely leos! ♡
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✿ Sun in Capricorn ✿
2-3 jobs lmfaoooo, boujee, yall are secretly freaky af!!! Most capricorns I know have only fans on the side yall aint fooling no one with that good girl fascade hehe do you tho! Make that money puuur. 💰💋 Homebodies unless they're out with their lover yall settle down QUICKKK bwahah. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 It's giving me I'm busy at work and I'll get to you when I get to you vibes. 🫡 Also lets not forget most Capricorns I know are lowkey know it alls! Lmfao yall try to hide it but your expression gives it all away. There was this Capricorn that I could never beat at Skip Bo (a card game) she really knew the in's and out's of all numbers. ʕ→ᴥ←ʔ So quirky!
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✿ Sun in Taurus ✿
Grounded, Stable, FOODIES. If they cook or share food with you they really fucks with you. Can be stubborn but I think it's awesome they just know what they like and its usually of ✨️ higher taste✨️. IYKYK. Lover of art but usually natural art or anything natural. Anything to do with the 5 senses they are IN THERE LIKE SWIMWEAR. Homebodies af. Sleep is their go to de stresser with eating, skin care, spas, hikes, anything nature that looks beautiful lmao it's giving me ethereal fairy vibes. (๑ > ᴗ < ๑)
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✿ Sun in Scorpio ✿
Always needs to be the coolest person in the room, secretly wants to be loved but has high AF standards lol. Usually has lots of piercings/tattoos they LOVE to color their hair lmao. Probably can be the spoke person for Manic Panic or any other hair dye company. Scorpios can drag someone to filth and it always makes me laugh cause they're straight up and to the point with it. They don't just spend their time with anybody they're picky af. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Most scorpios I know are in the LGBTQ community. It's giving me I know I'm the prize and I'm cool as shit vibes. ʕ⊙ᴥ⊙ʔ
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✿ Sun in Cancer ✿
Loves to match vibes with people, usually quiet unless they feel comfortable with the energy, good afff music taste deadass I can play any song from my random playlist and they'll know it word for word haha. That's about it tho- sorry I don't really know much about cancers personally. It's giving me- very nice and formal vibes & will understand the assignment (can be loud/chill/outgoing/whatever you want them to be) vibes. 🦀🦎 Chameleon.
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✿ Sun in Aquarius ✿
Eccentric AF in a good way bwahaha ʕ⊙ᴥ⊙ʔ, very IDGAF energy we loveee, caring they only bad mouth people who have wronged them in a bad way other than that- they usually can see both sides of a situation yall give good advice, very humanitarian vibes. Aqua's also are so good at technology! Leave it to an Aqua to find information on ANYONE on the internet they keep receipts also lmfao. Most Aquas I know are apart of the LGBTQ community. 🏳️‍🌈 It's giving me Alien hacker/detective vibes. 👽 Also side note, every aqua I know eats this one thing thats soooo random for ex one of my besties, eats pizza with no cheese just sauce and veggies lol. Random af I love it.
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✿ Sun in Pisces ✿
Never met a pisces who didn't sing lmao! Come thru vocals (you're going to hollywood!). Yall usually draw too or do poetry/sew/paint anything artistic. ╰( ▪‿▪)╮ Yooo I noticed yall always have drug addictions too tho. I honestly think that's why your head be up in the clouds/ lost in the sea void 24/7 😆 Quick Tip: Did you know that when you're under the influence things just hit harder? So why be in that toxic relationship/situation and intensify your emotions when you know it'll be harder to come back from it as a water sign... ahhh. Lemme give you a hug you'll get through this! 🫂 It's giving me XXXTentacion Vibes (listen to his lyrics you'll get the vibes yuh). 💀 Seriously Pisces lemme give you another hug. 🫂 I'm rooting for you, you'll get out of the haze surely enough.
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✿ Sun in Libra ✿
Boujeeeeee!! Never met a libra that didn't dress nice af. Usually uniquely too. Hair game is always on fleek. Yall love to play devils advocate though. I don't think I've ever had any libra talk bad about anyone they were friends with they're loyal and good vibes. Libra's can also be sooo funny!╰(◕ᗜ◕)╯ They love to make everyone feel included so they will play the part to make sure people aren't left out. It's giving me Actor vibes. Also most libra's I know smoke mary jane 🍁 and are on top with their workout routine. Lmfao munchies who??¿ Also Libra's are a lover of beauty never seen a libra date someone who wasnt aesthetically pleasing to the 👁🖼. It's giving me main character/actor Vibes.
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✿ Sun in Gemini ✿
SMARTTTT. Yall know so much in that head of yours. Seriously never had a boring conversation ever with a gemini, great story tellers as well! So effing creative, If you really get to know a Gemini you'll find that they're so good at every flipping hobby like I honestly feel like their mind is hardwired differently from most people. Also very friendly and CHILL. (ノ≧ڡ≦) It's giving me, Golden retriever vibes! 🐕
(Sorry reached the gif limit but picture a cute fluffy doggie! Nyaaa! (: )
✿ Sun in Saggitarius ✿
VERY ACTIVE/OUTDOORSY but accident prone bwahaha! Why are yall always in the damn hospital or sick? 😅 (ᓀ‸ᓂ) Be careful while skating/doing sports/LIVING damn. GOOFFFYYYYYY. Yall have jokes for days lmao. You know so much about philosophy and other topics its refreshing to have deep non surface conversations with you. As a virgo it's giving me if I was stuck on an island I would survive and probably understand the hidden meaning of life in a fever dream I had from eating poisonous berries vibes. 😆🫐
(Sorry reached the gif limit but imagine a cute wandering explorer not caged down by society! ╰( ▪‿▪)╮ Yuhh)
✿ Sun in Virgo ✿
Wallflowers.(๑・◡・) We love to observe everyone/everything while also making sure we look the part. We can deadass find anything that's lost. 🔍 Lover of art as well, we love anything to do with the aestethics. Book worms 🐛haha, also we always have one thing/hobby that were really in to that we focus on almost 24/7 in a weird obssesive way. This can be good and bad. Good if its a hobby, bad if its a person RIP. Most virgos I know are popular and chill gives me grounded vibes. It's giving me I'm okay with being a side character unless you want me to be the main character then I'll pop off vibes.
(Sorry ran out of gifs but imagine a hermit who was idulging in books and anything that could make them better themselves as a person ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ)
✿ Mahalo for reading my 2nd ever tumblr post! How exciting. Hope you all enjoyed this, it was really fun to articulate my feelings as a Virgo sun. Who knows, maybe I'll make more astrology observations hehe. Till then, take care my beautiful earth angels! Moooncats out. (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ✿
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goodluckclove · 2 months
I have a theory that being angry and complaining online is the default for most because it's inherently scarier to be earnest and vulnerable. So I invite whoever reads this to reblog and tell me about something you love un-ironically that doesn't make you look more intelligent or conventionally hip.
The rules are if I see anyone giving each other shit over a thing someone likes I'm going to send them an ask that's just a picture of wet, sad cat with zero context. Same if someone claims that they like to complain and it's their god-given right to do it as often as they like and wherever they want. Of course you do. It is not interesting to defend your right to talk about all the small things you hate when no one is really challenging them in the first place. You can complain forever until you die and that's totally fine.
Anyways I'll start.
I love Jimmy Buffett.
It's not because his music is so bad I think it's amusing. I actually think his music is really good. If he was still alive I'd absolutely spend money on a Jimmy Buffett concert because that sounds like a super fun time.
Fruitcakes is a fucking banger. Breathe In, Breathe Out, Move On is only one of his many songs that give big Good Dad energy when shit is rough. People mostly only know him for Cheeseburger in Paradise - but honestly? That rocks too. Sometimes I also want a cheeseburger.
People try to give me shit because he sold his likeness to the Margaritaville restaurants and hotels. I'm not even upset about this. The man struggled to be financially stable enough to play music in the beginning of his career, and sold his name to get money to make music and play concerts. He did a good handful of charity shows. He delivered tents to Haiti after the earthquake. He's not like known for philanthropy, but the vibe I get from him is that he's a pretty good guy who just wanted to make music and hang out with his loved ones.
He was literally in the middle of finishing an album when he died last year. He just made music as often as he could right up until it was his turn to go. His last words, according to one of his daughters, were have fun.
You can tell me you don't like his music, but you can't listen and tell me you don't think he'd be a fucking chill hang when the only real answer I got from searching "Jimmy Buffett controversy" is that he got caught with a bunch of ecstacy in '06 and paid a fine before being released. I don't even do ecstacy but holy shit my one exception would be trying it with Jimmy Buffett can you imagine??
Anyways. Your turn, friends.
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rip-headphones-users · 3 months
pls tell me abt your personal scenelights headcanon/storyline
(Rubs my hands together with evil intent) This is gonna be a long post, everything will be under the cut. I’m still early into my Regretevator mental illness arc so a good chunk of this will more than probably change.
So Kasper and Lampert have been friends since elementary school age (I’d give 8/10 years old).
Their friendship started with Kasper crying over something (he gives strong “i hate my stepdad/stepmom” vibes), and Lampert, who is not really great at soothing emotions through words, distracts him by turning into various objects. Kasper is like YOOOO THIS IS THE GREATEST THING IVE EVER SEEN and from then on out they’re inseparable. Kasper always pushes Lampert to do things he’s scared of, and Lampert will always do his best to calm and ground Kasper when he’s unstable. (I hc Kas as being impulsive, esp when angry/sad) Also, Lamp is just happy to have someone who genuinely enjoys his company beyond the use of a light source for the first time in his life.
Kas did online school, with and lamp being like??? An a young entity of the elevator??? And having like no obligations or responsibilities beyond being anthro furniture, the two of them spend most of their time either exploring/chilling in the infinite rokea, or playing games in Kaspers house.
(Oh boy group angst begins now)
Lampert has almost always had a crush on Kasper, (He cant help it, cute scene boy) and it only got worse into their teens. Boy was pining HARD, and was always pretty sure that Kas never liked him back, or that he was closer with other people.
Kasper? Not so much. He likes Lampert too, sure, but is in the biggest state of denial over it. His search history is full of “is it gay to want to kiss your best friend???” Lmao. He is also terrified that he could ruin his friendship, again- he tends to be impulsive so he’s scared of hurting lamp in any way. He just. Keeps that portion of emotions stuck in there. Tight under lock and key.
Lampert asks Kasper out. Kasper rejects him. They remain close, but something seems… off about Kas sometimes.
The infection takes Kasper slowly after he agrees to let the parasite in. (A whole other set of headcannon I have in mind haha) and things are normal for about a year or so. As the parasite begins taking more resources from him, Kasper begins to drop weight, sleep for 12+ hours in a day, mumble to himself about insane things, and become more forgetful. And Lampert is TERRIFIED. In an attempt to elevate his spirits, he asks Kasper out on a date. Saying that it didn’t have to be something romantic, but just to get Kasper out of his house. He’s practically locked himself in his room for days at a time now.
Infected agrees, having completely forgotten why he was so scared of being with Lampert in the first place. He remembers the emotions of being with lampert, the joy he brings him- but doesn’t know how to place them into memories. He sees lampert as a kind new friend, who he sees and is immediately filled with hard to place unbridled joy- and so happens to know everything about him, how to make him laugh, how to calm him down, his favorite foods and games and places to go… (AND HE’S CUTE??? SCORE.)
LAMPERT. IS. TERRIFIED. He is so, so scared. His best friend, the guy he sees as the love of his life finally reciprocates those feelings with him, but only because he isn’t in the right state of mind to deliver those feelings properly. Lampert is the first to notice infected has taken place of Kasper, and is the first to attempt to being him to a hospital. Infected just kinda discharges himself, he’s an adult now and not necessarily a danger to himself or others (yet). And doctors can’t place what is wrong with him.
So, lampert is holding off on whatever romance he feels towards Kas until he can figure out what’s going on with infected. (Also in tandem with his own germaphobia) he has become extra wary of illness and the spread of germs within the floors of the elevator because he fears the other residents potentially catching what Infected has, or his illness mutating or something.
He also realizes eventually that Kasper and Infected are sorta two things inhabiting the same body. When Kas is more lucid/the parasite has less control, they can be addressed separately. Usually the parasite has more control though, shambling around and using the body as a clumsy vessel.
Lampert absolutely hates the parasite, and will only ever address Kasper as Infected when speaking directly to the parasite (screaming at it for taking his friend from him while it laughs in his face) he is of course, disgusted, but will do anything to save Kas.
Kasper is hardly there mentally. He disassociates whenever he feels infected is essentially piloting him. He hears lamperts voice, but ever only answers when he has the energy anymore. It’s sorta okay though, he did let this happen after all.
Infected is still getting used to existing in a human(?) form. It shambles about like a zombie. The thing can hardly keep its own brain from melting out of his nose. Ofc when it speaks it sounds like a bad mic. Its only recently learned it needs the vessel to eat so that they both live! It likes Lampert though, though he only ever insults it (it finds him funny). Maybe if it learns to act more like Kasper, whatever that means, Lampert might like it too.
So anyway Lampert is in this Queer-platonic relationship with his crush and by extension the parasite pretending to be his crush, because he doesn’t know if the real Kas would truly want to be in that deep of a relationship if he were fully lucid.
(Thanks for coming to my ted talk i hope this makes some sense, I’m way better at explaining things via 100+ pages of fancomic.)
((This took like an hour to write lmao))
Btw this song is them. To me.
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hueningsloverr · 1 year
౨ৎ playing roblox w/ txt !
pairing : ot5 x reader  summary : how i think roblox with tubatu would go!! word count : 0.4k
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choi soobin -
he's a natural disasters kind of guy
like an og, 2015 roblox player
i think he probably played a LOT with kai during their trainee days
he doesn't really branch out and try new things
controversial, but most likely to get his account banned
he'd rage, once in a while
just let it all out
kai and gyu wouldn't listen during practice today? tyun wasn't feeling good? jjunnie was out doing something else?
bottled up emotions would come just flying out
very quick to apologise + very embarrassed
choi yeonjun -
flee the facility type of guy
“its not that serious”
screams, cries, and throws his computer across the room
tyun at some point has had to restrain him
but he always spares you whenever you're on diff teams <3
until he doesn't
so quick to switch up
but at the end of the day, to him it is actually just a game
he'll use it to make destroy gyu or kai sometimes
but he doesn't care that much
he just likes getting to spend time with you
choi beomgyu -
he would BEG to play adopt me
lowkey would just want to scam kids
but you would do it together <3
would also adore those silly roleplay games (where he gets to grill 7 year olds taking their online relationship too seriously)
whenever you two play you have to make sure he doesn't say anything that would get his account banned
def has like 10 burner accounts
he rotates hating on kids and getting suspended
most likely to have moa find his account tbh
he like barely hides it
kang taehyun - 
he would be so contempt playing some sort of chill vibe game
you guys would sit for hours just chatting away listening to the music
then he'd ask to play toh
would beat ur ass
and would laugh abt it.
gyu is definitely his mentor
you will catch this man 'studying' each map
learning how to beat the levels as fast as possible
just wants to prove he's the best in some way🤧
huening kai -
the type to play royal high and love it
he'd have a cute little avatar and everything
the type to buy female sets
100% an og player
and 100% hates the new updates
“its so expensive~”
has over 2M diamonds
literally has every gamepass under the sun
probably started playing with hiyyih while he was a trainee
so they could still bond and have their ‘special’ thing
but of course you're allowed to play
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authors note: im in such a slump right now that all ive been doing is homework and playing roblox, so take a 3 AM draft all about txt and roblox 😻
©2023 — all rights reserved to hueningsloverr , please do not plagiarise or translate any of my work
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foul-milk · 1 year
Thank you @yesterdayiwrote for tagging me!😊 I love your blog, you always have the best opinions.
Last Song: Listening to Riders on the Storm by The Doors as I'm writing this. I love these kind of chill vibe songs when I'm studying. And I have to study a lot right now because I have the biggest exams of my life (so far) coming up.😓
Last Show: If this question is referring to concerts, then I don't have an answer because I've never been to one, and I don't think I'll go anytime soon because I don't like crowds.😅
Currently Watching: To be honest I haven't really had time to watch movies or a series because I've had a really busy year so far. (read above about the studying😆) But the last series I tried to binge watch was Breaking Bad. I watched the first 4 season like 2 years ago (and I really liked it), and last summer I tried to get back to finishing it, but I kind of failed. I don't know why, but I just don't have the patience to spend a lot of time watching episodes. It makes me feel guilty because I feel like I should be doing something productive or resting. Now that I think about it, I probably have to work on letting myself relax...
Currently Reading: Once again, I have a school related answer.😅 I'm reading Fatelessness by Imre Kertész as a required reading. (Original title is Sorstalanság in Hungarian, which is the language that I'm reading it in, as it's my first language.) It's such a tragic story, but the more I read from it the more I realise why Kertész received a Noble Prize for it. I don't want to go into the story too much but what I'm enjoying the most about the book is the wording of it. That's what really distinguishes it from other books about this topic. I don't know how good the English translation is, but I hope it can convey the same feelings that the original text can.
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(This is the cover for the movie adaptation, which is not as outstandingly good as the book, but the art is so beautiful, I had to share.)
Current Obsession: I'm going to have to go with the Read Dead Redemption 2 game. It's just so good. The story is such an emotional rollercoaster, and I'm even really enjoying the online mode. I normally play it with my younger sister and we have so much fun terrorising other players and NPCs and then spending all our hard earned money on new clothes.😂 The graphics are so beautiful. I can ride around on my horse for hours, just looking at the view. I could talk about this game forever because I just like it that much, but I don't want to bore people so I'm just going to say, I can really recommend it.😚👍
tagging: @fluffbyday-smutbynight @feistytrashpanda @grbambi63 @prienova @blimeycrikeygeorge @grussell63 @russell-63 @lipe-drugovich @thisisyourdriverspeaking and anyone else who wants to do this tag game!❤️
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merlumina · 1 year
hi there, tumblr
So after quitting all other social media (twitter, instagram, facebook), I found myself 1) pretty lonely tbh and 2) at a loss for how to keep myself creatively motivated and inspired with nowhere to share my work. I'd heard from several people that tumblr is way more chill these days, and while I hesitated at first, I finally decided to give it a try. After a few weeks of waiting from tech support to regain access to my account (pro tip: don't sign up for anything important with your college email address), I regained access yesterday and spent some time doing some tidying up (i. e. deleting most of my old posts and likes).
So...hi! Feels weird to be back. Life has changed so much in the past seven years. It was interesting going back through old posts to relive those times. Since I was last here, this is what I've been up to:
hollowforest and I got married in 2020. While he was unfortunately not able to propose to me at MAGFest after a particularly victorious round of Gundam Xtreme VS, which would have been rad, we settled for eloping at county jail, which is also a cool story.
Ringo, my cat, is still with us! But now we also have a dog, Haru (named after Persona 5 Haru). Yeah I like dogs now. I like pitt bulls now. 2012 me would never.
After years of self-doubt and self-loathing about my life choices, I actually became what I wanted to be when I grew up - a software developer! In late 2020 I took the plunge to do a coding bootcamp and got really lucky being hired into an apprenticeship program before I'd even graduated. Now I'm making those big coding $$$ working from home, literally living the dream and still kind of in awe.
I joined the Diagnosed with ADHD in My 30s club! (Also, I'm in my 30s now)
We bought a house in October, 2022! I did not think it would be possible for the longest time, but due to the big job upgrade we were finally able to afford it.
I've played a lot of video games, but not beaten that many.
I picked up game dev as a hobby and have made a few small games during game jams.
My mental health is overall a lot better now! Part of that is from therapy, part of that is from self reflection, part of that is maybe just growing up. See also: quitting aforementioned social medias.
Improved mental health aside, my hangups about my artistic abilities and creative capacity still haven't improved any in the past 10 years. It's one of my biggest personal insecurities, but also one of the reasons I'm trying Tumblr again! I wanted somewhere to post my practice routine to keep myself accountable, as well as a place to get inspiration from other artists.
I'm going to make a concerted effort to keep this blog focused on art and personal things that make me happy. After I left Tumblr in 2016 I started working on myself and trying to focus on bringing more empathy into my interactions with others. Whether or not I've been successful at that is another matter, but in general it has helped me be a happier person. I am not interested in participating in Discourse. I don't think you can judge the "goodness" of a human based on a handful of things they've said/done online, and I won't be made to cast judgment on anyone. I think we should spend less time tearing down people in our own communities and more time asking why it's so easy for the people in power to trick us into fighting each other. In general, the overall vibe that everyone's social media account is a personal soapbox where they can make declarations about what is Right and what people Should be doing makes me uncomfortable. So I'm going to try not to do any more of that here. I do like still having those discussions sometimes, but I prefer a more personal venue, where I feel like I'm talking with people rather than at them.
Let's be cool to each other! -Liz / merlumina
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motleyfolk · 2 years
Examining How I Use The Internet
Prompted by this page I’ve realised I’m doing a lot of mindless scrolling and procrastinating a lot with the internet. Time to fix that. Mari Kondo’ing this shit.
Reddit: I mindlessly scroll and always gravitate to drama subs like AITA, which just depresses the life out of me and drags me into negativity. 
Solution: Block the bad subreddits with stayfree and use it to put a limit on how much time I spend on there, so I can still access useful and informative subreddits but not doomscroll. Stayfree did heehaw but I found a simple extension that blocked the subreddits and then used Ublock to hide popular posts so basically it’s just my specific feed now. Win!
Tumblr: I also mindlessly scroll here, albeit less. Sometimes on instinct I feel the need to put on a persona or post certain things or overly clarify things to appease spectators I’ve crafted in my head or feel a need to perform. Makes using this site stressful.
Solution: Remind myself this tumblr is my digital journal and while I’m open to making friends this is not something I’m doing to get clout. I am here to collect, learn and explore. 
Twitter: I rarely go on it anymore, and I just don’t like it. The only things that were on it that I liked were cute and cozy aesthetic accounts, but even then nah.
Solution: Delete it. Twitter gone woo crab rave
Discord: I use it the most to talk directly to irl and online friends, have a bookclub and get updates on random stuff. Sometimes it feels like a void.
Solution: ?? Need it to talk to friends. Just meditate or smth. Like tumblr, don’t feel the need to perfom or put on a persona. Vibe only.
Youtube: Also started procrastinating by going on there with the intention to watch this One Specific video and then I’m on the 4th Im Skylar White Yo lego video. 
Solution: See if there’s something that can block the yt homepage and just see subscriptions or smth. ABSOLUTE UBLOCK W HOW IS THIS SO EASY AND I NEVER KNEW?!
Emails: I’m scared to even touch my gmails bc of the amount of spam mail I’ve accumulated since I was 8.
Solution: Buckle up and start unsubscribing to junk mail and clearing them out THEN switch from gmail to literally anything. Done techgirl email
Internet In General: I think I use a decent not centralized browser. I use yt adblock like a champ. But I really need to go over security notes, find a vpn, make sure this browser is cool, download that torrent browser thing sometime. 
Solution: Find vpn, get torrent browser thing, use throw away emails or card info.
I also generally feel like I have to put on a performance. Is this down to that one time I was a microceleb in this one niche shitty instagram community? Maybe. Theres a voice at the back of my head like “Will this get notes? Will people laugh at this? Does this fit? Will this slightly put someone off?” and its exhausting because I’m not here to get clout I’m just wanting to chill!! I do however want to make friends and meet like-minded folks, don’t wanna create an echo chamber for myself. Hm...
Solution: Recognise this behaviour, the thoughts. Listen to them, deconstruct them, let them pass. Do this constantly. Do not engage them or let them influence you. (realising this sounds like some spc lmao)
I sometimes skip posts with hardly any upvotes or notes because unconciously Im only paying attention to bigger posts. This means I miss out on tons.
Solution: Use good ol ublock to hide note and upvote elements.
Spotify: Love music. Like the spotify wrapped thing. Hate spotify, it is evil company. I don’t even pay for it thanks to my bestie. But...
Solution: Compile music elsewhere (where ?)
Instagram: I’m not actually active on it, I just still have it bc it has tons of cool anime edits I’ve saved over the years. But I hate zuckergram.
Solution: Export the sick edits and delete zuckergram. I will do this on my phone.
End Notes
Compared to a year ago I’m much more aware of how I’m using the internet. My phone usage is down to nilch, it’s almost like I never spent 16 hours a day on instagram straight as a kid.
Having a path still ahead to walk down doesn’t negate the mountain I climbed before.
The sites I use most are Reddit, YT, Tumblr, Discord. Thats four I’ve whittled it down to, which is actually an ok number, not too bad. One for solitary reading, one for spooks and funny videos, one for semi solitary blogging, one for communication.
Should come back to this later and re-examine things and not forget to do these things.
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toast-tales · 1 year
❣️ - What are their love languages?
🌙 - What’s their sleep schedule like?
🎁 - How do they feel about their birthday/birthdays in general?
☂️ - How do they feel about rain?
💤 - What do they absolutely need to have to fall asleep?
💀 - How do they feel about horror movies?
💖 - How and how often do they try to impress their partner(s)? How and how often do their partner(s) impress them?
🥰 - What pet names do their partner(s) use for them? How flustered do they get by them?
For Sam~
For the love of everything you don't have to answer all of them, I just couldn't choose, sorry T~T (the partner stuff can just be platonic with friends)
❣️ - What are their love languages?
Quality time! They really like to go out of their way to plan things and spend time with the people they care about. They don't like being alone. The nature of what they do with friends (whether that be chilling at home or going out of town) isn't as important to them as the fact that they're spending time with people. They get energy from others.
🌙 - What’s their sleep schedule like?
What sleep schedule?
🎁 - How do they feel about their birthday/birthdays in general?
They are 100% the friend that hypes up their friends' birthdays and likes to plan surprise parties at the last minute. Their own birthday is just an excuse for them to plan a thing with a lot of people at once, so they enjoy it for that reason.
☂️ - How do they feel about rain?
They prefer sunny days as rain can sometimes limit the things they're able to do with others. They don't like staying cooped up in their room by themselves, for sure. But they could vibe with it if they stayed home and got with their online friends for rainy day video games. Or if they had a friend with them.
💤 - What do they absolutely need to have to fall asleep?
Ha. Haha. Sleep? They need a miracle and a prayer to get sleep most nights. If they actually go to bed instead of staying up talking to people or playing video games, they end up tossing and turning a lot. The only thing that's ever helped is having a human inside of them, which is part of why they got into renting them so frequently.
💀 - How do they feel about horror movies?
They LOVE horror movies. And they love teasing their friends who get scared while watching them. They've definitely somehow convinced Christopher to watch one or two at some point, and poked fun at how tense Christopher was during them. (Christopher no longer trusts Sam's movie recommendations.)
💖 - How and how often do they try to impress their partner(s)? How and how often do their partner(s) impress them?
This will be a platonic answer as they've never been in a relationship before and have no plans to at the moment, lol. But they're actually not so much one to try to impress others, as someone who hypes up other people. They tend to shift attention away from themselves because they love making other people feel special.
They're really invested in the people they care about, so as a result, they're easily impressed because they tend to see the good qualities about people and what makes them special.
🥰 - What pet names do their partner(s) use for them? How flustered do they get by them?
Lmao I don't think anyone's ever used a pet name with Sam before. The closest thing I can think of is when they started going by "Sam" instead of their deadname back in high school. Anyone who called them Sam made them feel really good. Luckily, they've surrounded themselves with a lot of good friends, so the name doesn't have the same effect as when they started using it years ago.
Any "pet" name or nickname that's not overtly feminine would probably make them cease to function, though. They're super awkward when it comes to any form of affection - they give out a lot of attention but when someone turns that on them and gives them the same amount of attention in return, it means a lot to them but they also don't know how to handle it at times. Especially from humans.
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firstdivisiongirl · 6 months
Heyy, I’d like to request a match up from Tokyo revengers. Specifically a boy.
My pronouns are she/her.
I’m a Sagittarius. (Not sure if that helps in any way)
I would say I’m ambiverted. I enjoy my time alone and need time to recharge, but I also love to see people and be social. I usually attempt to initiate conversations with people I meet, but usually if they fall on the more quiet shy side I don’t really put in the effort unless I’m rlly interested in developing a friendship/relationship with them.
I talk about anything under the sun once I get the vibes that we get along and that we are comfortable w each other. I could consider myself a funny person (at least that’s what I hear from most ppl I hang around). I would say I have a dark sense of humour, but only indulge in it if I know that person is comfortable and finds that kinda stuff funny as well.
Likes: I rlly enjoy trying new foods, I’ll pretty much each anything, but I stay away from dairy stuff, rlly strong tasting vegetables, are meats with the gooey fat in it. Sometimes the oils in the fat is way too rich for me and the texture makes me gag.
I rlly rlly like going out to dinners w my girl friends
Love amusement parks and night markets
I enjoy going on trips to wherever, love the idea of travelling with friends or a significant others,
I’ve been trying to stop, but I love drinking with friends. On weekends I’m out with friends at the club or a random persons house or wherever the night takes us. Usually get home at 3-4am.
On weekdays I like to chill out, I’m either working, at the gym, or shopping online for clothes or grocery shopping. I try to do something productive everyday, even if it’s something small.
I rlly rlly enjoy the gym, I feel like it’s the perfect place for my favourite things. I love music and I can do that while lifting on the smith machine or going on the treadmill and just zoning out and day dreaming 😂also a perfect excuse to not text anyone back and to not have anyone bother me. I rlly like to check myself out in the mirror once I’m done. I feel like after u lift heavy weights on ur glutes ur ass gets rlly pumped😭😭
I love shopping online on FaceTime with my friend. Sometimes it can take hours, but whatever. Love to buy new make up and try new things for the weekend. Probably have a bad spending habit, but it’s ok the money will come back.
I enjoy reading. Usually stuff about psychology, philosophical stuff, business or any sort of fiction. It’s hard for me to start, but once I do I can’t stop.
I love deep talks with people, I feel like sometimes it’s hard to come across that. Usually ppl have small talk or surface level conversations, while it’s not a bad thing I don’t particularly enjoy it as much. But, I don’t necessarily hate it.
I love to just drive around aimlessly so I can listen to music. If I could I would just walk around outside for that, but I feel like I would look dumb walking on the same street back and forth. I like any kind of genre as long as it’s pleasant to my ears.
I like cooking as long as I have all the right ingredients.
I like watching those drama reality tv shows when I’m alone or with a girl friend. Like love is blind on Netflix. Idk if you’ve heard of that but it’s messy and entertaining. Not rlly a good thing, but sometimes I like to watch ppl argue😭. I love horror movies, but ONLY if I’m with a significant other or a group of friends. I like actions movies etc all of them. Not rlly a fan of the dark drama movies unless I’m feeling emotional and it fits the face of the day.
Dislikes: not rlly a fan of hypocritical ppl.
I don’t like ppl who get moody easily or if they’re having a bad day they make sure EVERYONE is having a bad day. If ur mad go b mad by yourself.
Don’t particularly enjoy it if smo doesn’t know or like to have fun. Everyone has their dislikes and I can respect that, but for me I’d like to b around smo who can enjoy things.
I don’t like it when ppl r unnecessarily loud. Pipe down. More specifically (shion and sanzu)
Don’t like guys who can’t have fun w their girl’s girly stuff. Like just have fun.
I don’t get along w ppl who can’t take a joke or can’t joke around. Ppl who r dead serious all the time.
I get annoyed w ppl who don’t rlly have common sense. If they ask a question w a very obvious answer. Smth like that. Or create a problem for themselves and I offer a very much different easy solution and they just don’t like it.
I don’t like ppl who r very goody two shoes. It’s not bad to have a good head on ur shoulders, but through my teen years I’ve always been surrounded by a lot of trouble makers. The girls I would b with are much like me, yk normal but quite accustomed to messed up things. A lot of the guy friends that I have/had have been to jail or been involved w not so morally good things. It isn’t a good thing to say or what not, but for a good portion of my teen hood and a little now I’ve been surrounded by a lot of immoral stuff that I didn’t realize it was because it was so normalized. ( this is not me bragging because I rlly don’t think it is smth to brag about). But, I’ve realized that because of all this I’ve noticed I find it very hard to truly get along with ppl who have grown up in a more clean environment. I’ve always felt I had to bite my tongue or not truly b able to say the things I wanna say. At my work I’ve let things slip and I can tell my coworkers r sometimes a little taken back. I myself don’t indulge in those stuff, but when we r talking stories n stuff I don’t realize that the stuff I am talking about r not normal. I always feel like I can’t rlly open up about personal stuff and etc because that other stuff that I have seen or been associated with is going to b a part of it. It’s like telling a story to ur mom and stopping halfway cuz u realize ur about to snitch on yourself😂
I always feel happy when I’m able to find smo who can relate or have similar experiences and I can rlly unveil myself. It feels very freeing and comforting.
I dislike hot n cold ppl.
My type:
I am rlly fond of guys who r cold on the outside, but are the sweetest to their significant other or ppl they love. Makes u feel extra special😂and it’s also cute
I like guys who joke around and can take a mean joke.
I like playful guys
I like guys who will worship the ground u walk on
I like guys who r happy to spend money on u
Very turned on by a guy that would protect u and will fight for u.
Unfortunately, I do like those bad boy types😭BUT not to me. That’s a no no.
And add on is if he has status. Not a must have but it would be nice. Like yes baby pop off 😭🫶🏼
I love men who lead the way for u. Initiates plans, wants to do things w u. Like to go out w u. Brings u home. Basically I don’t have to use my brain around him.
Love a man who wants u to meet his buddies. Brings u to his house etc
I want a man who will go to the gym w me. Let’s build our booties together.
This sounds messed up, but I’d like a guy who has been through smth😭I only say that because a lot of the time ppl who have been through smth traumatic become perceptive to other ppls emotions what not and it would b easy to bond and relate to things. Basically I want a guy who can see through me.
I like tattoos. Not a must, but it’s nice.
I’ve been described as a bitch when I first meet ppl because I have a rbf, unfortunately. But, when they get to know me they say I’m quite kind. Sometimes I am taken back because I do feel over the years I’ve gotten a little cold and I do believe that ppl do feel it sometimes. I’ve very quick to cut ppl off despite knowing them for many years. In the past, I would definitely believe in second chances, but if u did what u did then that’s it. Although, from ppl that I got to know very closely they say that I’m very sweet many many times. I remember one of my coworkers was kinda just staring at me and she was like “ur actually a very sweet girl inside”. I was rlly taken back but it was nice. Same w my mom and best friend. Literally that word “sweet” has been used over and over I’m not sure why. Maybe I rlly do come off as a cold person and I don’t realize it😭
I would say I’m very polite and good at reading ppl.
Im pretty straight forward. I make jokes out of any situation even if it’s bad. But, if ik it’s serious I’ll give heart felt advice and words. I would say I’ve reserved my sympathy and love for ppl that I choose. It kind of goes against about me saying that I’m a sweet person, but that’s what most other ppl were saying so we’ll go w that.
While I do keep my walls up for ppl on the outside, when it comes to ppl I choose to be in my life I would do anything for them.
I have been called a “player” by most of my friends, but idk I’ve never seen it that way. If I know a guy isn’t good news I will mess around w him, as he’s probably doing the same. Although, if I know a guy genuinely has good intentions for me I’ll open my heart up to him and treat him w the same respect and so on. A lot of ppl misunderstand my character a lot and sometimes it does bother me, but it’s whatever.
I can tease ppl quite a bit, and sometimes it annoys them, but I find it quite amusing. I will make sure to apologize after though 😂
Sometimes ppl think I’m mean because I can be a liiiittle too sarcastic and may come off as me being dead serious, but I’m not.
I make out of pocket jokes all the time and say things that ppl want to say, but don’t. And I’ve grown comfortable w doing that because they do laugh since ur saying what everyone is thinking. A little confusing, but yk😭
I would say I’m quite a confident person with new ppl. When it comes to guys I don’t feel shy even if they’re rllyyyy cute. Although, if I genuinely like a guy I do get very flustered and nervous. With guys I don’t have any intentions with, I feel like I usually lead the way, but w a guy im talking to I feel like a little girl😂
I find a lot of things fun and always make smth out of nothing.
I’m pretty in control with my emotions and can be very analytical w my thoughts. But, when it comes to ppl I genuinely care about I’ve noticed all of that goes out the window.
I can feel pretty jealous when it comes to a significant other, but then my thoughts contradict that. For example I’ll FEEL jealous but I’ll be thinking “lol why would he ever have his eyes on another girl when he has me, personality, looks and everything”. Basically saying that it’s impossible for him to do anything grimy.
I am very understanding and smart with other ppls emotions and decisions. (If that makes any sense)
When I get angry I don’t allow myself to take my anger out on whoever. I always calm myself down and then talk to them calmly and rationally.
Sometimesss I can be a little selfish without realizing it. But, I make up for it when it’s pointed out or when I realize it. It’s been a work in progress.
Looks: I got black long hair. Might cut it a bit shorter for change who knows.
I have lash extensions, but not those heavy butterfly lashes.
I get my nails done. Pedicure manicure.
I have a cursive script tattoo on my collarbone. Wanted to get smth a little classy looking. I have a nose stud. Used to have a ring but switched it.
I also have Japanese kanji between my b00bs. It’s hidden so only for a special smo to see. It sounds funky, but I promise it looks good😂
I wear jewelry, not tooooo much though. A good amount.
I have an average amount of b00b. My bum is quite there. Time at the gym has rlly been fruitful😗
During chill days, I would say my style is more laid back, but put together. I usually wear a small purse w whatever I have. Very feminine looking especially during the summer and spring. I like wearing long or short skirts. The long ones I like tight so I can show my curves. Summer and spring varies between clothes like that. Winter time I would say smth more comfy. Usually converse w those tna flare pants. And a nice cute top. Usually smth loose. Maybe a knitted top.
On weekends I go all out. When I go to the club I wear heels and smth tight😭 usually curl my hair or straighten it. Nice winged eyeliner etc
If we’re drinking and we don’t go to the club I’ll wear smth nice but with shoes.
If me n my friends r going to those expensive restaurants, I’ll wear smth classy looking. Have my hair in a blow out if I can accomplish that. It’s very hard, so usually I’ll just curl it. I feel like curling hair softens ur features and makes u look more approachable.
Anyways that was very long. I didn’t mean to make it long, but I got carried away😭I hope u can respond 😋<3 (plz don’t give me draken, kaku or mikey. But, if u do it is what it is🫡OR HANMA N KISASKI)
Hi. As I’ve said before, I take all characters into consideration when I do a matchup. Lucky for you, you didn’t get any of those characters you didn’t want. I did give you a more controversial character though. So, I hope you like it.
You Got…
Taiju Shiba!!
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First off, he has tattoos. And you cannot tell me you get abs like that from not working out!
SPOILER ALERT 🚨: He ends up owning a restaurant so he would only take you to the finest!
I think you would be able to calm him down if he gets really angry since you understand being angry.
I picture rooftop club dates.
I will argue anyone who disagrees with me on this. I think he is secretly a softy. He just had to grow up too fast. He cared enough to leave them because he knew he was always going to be a monster.
Lastly, he’s been through a lot.
This man is literally your ideal type!
0 notes
voyeuristicvixen · 1 year
Capt’s Log No. 41_ FrEeEeEEe
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Meroe’s Juneteenth Jam was a great success! Lots of people came out and enjoyed the festivities and all the performances were so inspiring! One day we had 100+ people touching down on the sim and at the end of the event, Strawberry Linden herself came through, it was a highlight of my whole SL experience not gunna lie. Strawberry is a humble and gracious person and Secondlife featured our event on their socials the next day. It was all just really fun and it also happened to be my first time helping to plan and execute an event for the museum in my pops Ras’s absence. It felt really good to know I made him proud. .
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H.E.R performed! I absolutely love the messaging in her songs, it was the perfect way to open up the festival and to solidify the vibes of Meroe moving forward. Juneteenth is not a holiday that my pops, or I, celebrate like that... for us, the movement is a constant endeavor. We dont stop with juneteenth in the unifying of our people and diaspora, or in the upliftment and teachings. Its something that has to continue until we are truly free in mind and spirit. We are almost there! But there is still a ways to go.
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Father’s day was a difficult day for Yemi and I, her dad has not been able to get online and I honestly didn’t feel or think he would care anymore about us or her. We talked today though and are friends so when he gets back on the grid, he will spend time with her. He said she will always be his daughter. That made me feel good, I told him that now Yemi feels more like mine than before because we get to spend more one on one time together. Lol But shes still a daddy’s girl at heart.
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We still in our pink lady era though, I feel like since I lost my old IG page and went through the break up with Wav, people who were following our work and union have since been on different vibes with me. LMAO. I resonate with the pink ladies because they have rumors spread about them and reputations that are controversial or tarnished in some way by the general public and yet they give no fucks and they continue to do what they do regardless. Thats how I feel. People will talk and say whatever they want, FUCKEM.
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We got a new dog, Orion! It took me forever to settle on a pupper that fit me and finally found this guy. My first choice was so opposite him, was a doberman! But I love Orion’s personality! It shines through more than any of the other pets I saw in the RezzRoom!
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I usually write my little caption paragraphs under the photos and I realize these have all been above. I wonder which flows better. So I got accepted as a Secondlife Mentor! \o/ I literally signed up as soon as I saw the flyer I wasted NO TIME. Its something I was already doing on my free time anyway, so to be official with the tag and training it means so much to me, manifested that shit!
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Last week I also got to witness my first probate, I have never been to one before and I know so little about SL greek life. It is a whole other world to me. I like how they raise money for RL causes. I think that is really dope and powerful thing that a virtual roleplay organization can still create real life change through their endeavors. It was such a honor to be asked by Gigi to witness that momentus occasion in her SL journey.
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I legitly cried IRL. Anything that has to do with sisterhood, it hits home for me and triggers me deeply. I wish that someday I can be apart of that but I wont hold my breath! lol
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I think its really cool that I am suddenly apart of a SL family, we’re so chill laid back and unofficial with how we do things. We dont all have to share the same last name we just uplift and support one another. I got my pops and my brother and my mama bear, DONT MESS WITH US!
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The closing ceremony of juneteenth featured this great “Enter the diaspora” exhibit which is still up and you should go see it this week! This was curated by Valentine and she did an amazing job on it! I ended up DJing the party, and it gave me a chance to get in some much needed practice. I look forward to collabing with Jamrock and building up the mystory connections to its best!
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The theme was comics, black and queer. I dressed as Nubia! Did you know that Nubia is a lesbian? I did not know that till I came to this exhibit. Theres so many hidden gems here!
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Storm block the wind so I can light my joint! XD
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ixcaliber · 1 year
Oh fuck oh god it’s Zelda month
1. Search All - Foxes
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I have been enjoying playing chill find all the hidden objects type games recently so I couldn’t resist getting this one filled with foxies to find.
So this is a single scene with roughly 100 foxies hidden in it. It took about 10 minutes or so to find all of the foxes. This game was on a big discount but regularly costs more than the I Commissioned Some Bees series regularly does, and those games offer 10 full scenes.
What I will say in this game’s favour is that a) the scene is really good. It has a nice black and white sketchy aesthetic. I like the busy streets, i like the way the perspective curves. it’s a very pleasant scene to search through. and b) the foxes are part of the scene and don’t disappear when found. In Bees for example, and also A Building Full of Cats, the scenes feel like complete works that then have the findable objects overlaid onto them and then the bees or cats disappear when you find them. Here the foxes are highlighted red but they remain as they are an intrinsic part of the scene.
Having said that this game and the others in its series just don’t offer as much value as other hidden object games.
Once I’d found all the foxes ten achievements all popped at once and I was suddenly put in mind of those weird low effort achievement spam games that exist for some reason. It was this weird vibe that led me to discover the other games in this series such as Search All - Adult where you find all the hidden dicks and Search All - Bitcoin where you find all the shitty memes. So yeah this game is trash or at the very least adjacent to trash, so close to the trash pile that I feel a little unclean for having played and enjoyed it.
2. Oneiros
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I’m pretty sure only I remember Only If - a semi-fascinating disaster of a video game where an irritating teen boy protagonist navigates an absolutely incoherent world while being shouted at by an equally irritating mobster dad antagonist. This game isn’t a one to one comparison - there’s no foul mouthed mobster dad to constantly call you an idiot, though there is a bird that has very similar energy in one of the levels - but it is surprisingly close.
Its closest to an escape the room kind of puzzle game. You spend most of your time searching for keys, passcode fragments or components to rebuild your car, and occasionally sometimes you just get dragged into sections where you wander around an ugly abstract maze or brought to an empty void to do some gravity changing based platforming for a little bit. All while listening to the irritating and unrelenting commentary of the protagonist whose voice seems engineered to present maximum self satisfied douche vibes.
Given the name and how this game describes itself as surreal it’s kind of surprising that the environments you encounter are 1) movie theatre 2) your own bedroom 3) maze with ugly patterns on the walls 4) empty blue void 5) the outside of your house but its on a floating island 6) the same movie theatre as earlier but with a harsher polygonal filter over everything. Every environment is either so mundane or so abstract as to be uninteresting, except maybe the house on the floating island but even that sort of comes across as an easy way to stop from having to render a surrounding neighborhood rather than an interesting location.
3. Two Girls Make A Game
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It wouldn’t be one of my monthly lists without an npckc game on here somewhere. This one is a short visual novel about a developer and an artist working together to try to make a game for a game jam. Its cute and wholesome with a couple of different endings based on your actions throughout.
I love and relate to the character of Shiro, a girl who is shy and reserved in person but bubbly and expressive online. I loved to see her and Ella’s growing friendship.
4. Autumn Wish
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I think I got this one from the Trans Witches are Witches itch.io bundle. The art style is a little rough, but the characters are fun and the main mechanic of the game is interesting.
The game is played with mouse and keyboard, the keyboard for movement and interaction with objects, the mouse how you cast spells. When you go to cast a spell the screen is split into nine squares and you click in each of the squares to form a rune, then position your mouse in the direction you want to cast and right click to cast.
This game is really short. In the intended path there’s only like a couple of fights before your done. It’s apparently like a demo/proof of concept for a main game that I would love to see.
There is however a side area you can go to and fight a secret boss, which is a genuinely really neat fight. Part of what makes me really excited for this to be a full game is the way this fight plays with the mechanics a little. There’s one attack this boss can do where the background music warps for a second and then any points you have drawn on your rune grid become projectiles and start falling down the screen. I love this willigness to play with the mechanics and how its already present in such a small slice of game. It makes me really excited to see what the full game would be like.
Also the girls are gay.
5. The Case of the Golden Idol - The Spider of Lanka
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A pretty good little DLC for Case of the Golden Idol. It has three new cases to solve and the quality sort of varies from case to case.
The first case - The Overly Enthusiastic Card Game Tournament in the Yellow Lily - is a pretty good reintroduction. The only thing I’d say against it is that one of the aspects it wants you to solve is the relative values of the cards used in the card game featured in the scene.
What its actually asking for is actually fairly easy to get. I worked it out from looking at just one of the three card games you can examine. I misread the prompt in the solving screen and tried to put them in lowest value to highest value instead of highest value to lowest value which is what it wanted. This led me to thinking I’d gotten it wrong somehow and I subsequently spent ages further examining the scene in growing bewilderment, before eventually realizing my mistake.
That’s my mistake though, the thing I’d criticize about the case is that I sort of wish the game was asking me for the exact values of each of the cards - something that would require me to examine all of the available evidence before I could give an answer. Otherwise good first case.
The second case - The Unfortunate Accident at the Raja’s Court - is a great case. A very complex situation which requires some digging before you even begin to understand what was supposed to be happening here, nevermind how it went wrong and why. Loved this one.
The third case - In The Web of the Spider - is the weakest. It acts as like a final exam of the events of the DLC, similar to how the last case of the main game requires more detailed knowledge of the full narrative, except on a much smaller scale. I’m not opposed to that, but this case felt a little disjointed, half an actual case in its own right that isn’t fleshed out as much as it could have been (there was a whole map most of which isn’t really important to the case itself), and half a recap case that doesn’t have a lot to recap. I feel like I would have been much happier if this one was split into two full cases. It could have given both halves room to breathe and feel complete.
The narrative is strong, with a clever connection to the main game that becomes more obvious the longer you play and the more you unravel. A good DLC. I’m just happy to have more Golden Idol to play.
6. Every Letter
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Made by Violet Fairy - the dev who made the previously mentioned Autumn Wish - this game is inspired by Violet Evergarden, an anime where an ex-soldier lady starts working as essentially a scribe, writing letters for those who cannot write or are looking for help expressing themselves.
In this game you play that role. You are given a selection of different prompts from which you can try to write a letter. Some of them are very straightforward and matter of fact, some of them are more emotional and subjective in what they want you to write. Then you write that letter.
You’re writing on a typewriter so you can’t erase and the game doesn’t give you the option to start again. It assures you that if you misspell something it’ll be caught by a copy editor or something and it’ll be fine. You aren’t graded in any way for your work. Obviously the game doesn’t really have the capability to read your letter and determine if you adequately expressed the inner feelings of the sender. The joy is in the act itself, in trying to express one girl’s love and appreciation for her penpal friend, or the bittersweet joy of one lady writing to her deceased father telling him her new name and how her life is changing.
The game is kind of beautiful and I did tear up at the final letter request (it’s a fairly short experience. you write four letters total in a playthrough, though there are a decent selection to choose from).
7. What’s Wrong With The Girl’s Staircase
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Another game from the Trans Witches Are Witches itch.io bundle. Really short visual novel which takes a really kind of dubious concept from the Awful Wizard Franchise and examines it with a trans positive lens. Cute character designs. Neat little experience.
8. Therapy With Dr. Albert Krueger
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A little game where you have a Dream Therapy session with the titular Albert Krueger - sort of like if Freddy Krueger was a therapist and aspired to become a tumblr sexyman. Tonally it is really straddling the line between comedy and horror, though skewed a little more towards comedy and sometimes using over the top horror elements for a comedic effect... I think.
The game consists of multiple different therapies from solving math problems (i don’t remember how this is supposed to be a therapy) to trust exercises and rorschach tests. How well you do on these therapies determines your ending and the game does reward replays to see the different endings, with some dialogue changing each new playthrough. Not as much as I’d like but enough to be engaging.
9. Cats Are Liquid: A Light In The Shadows
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I don’t know why a fairly uninspired minimalist 2d platformer about a cat that can change states of matter is about how depressing it would be to be stuck in a fairly uninspired 2d platformer.
It plays fine, though early on it gives you the ability to float which when used properly negates many of the platforming challenges the game actually presents to you. Its just that the narrative is really jarring and offputting.
10. Kirby and the Forgotten Land
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(I talk a little spoilers at the end of this one, just in case you’re wanting to avoid any late game discussion feel free to skip past)
Love a good little 3d platformer. Not a problem with this game specifically but playing this I really became cognizant of how much I prefer 3d platformers that have open worlds instead of individual levels.
Like with this game I’d start up the game, play a level, look at any objectives that I missed (I wish the game would just show you all missing objectives after your first completion instead of one at a time) and then replay to complete those objectives and then by that point i’d be like ‘well that was fun, that seems like enough for today’ but the game has so many levels. It is a big game. Its just the discrete level structure keeps providing exit points and my adhd brain is desperate to take them even though I enjoy playing the game and want to keep playing it.
Its good though. I loved the big copy abilities, especially driving kirby around as a car. I love the variety of levels and the modern/post apocalyptic aesthetic of the world. I love the creepy obsessive atmosphere when you enter the den of the boss in the desert, and then the reveal of Sillydillo as an enemy. I love the scene where King Dedede sacrifices himself to hold them back. I love the tone and aesthetic of the final area. I love the ultimate conclusion of the game; the final confrontation between Ultimate Lifeform and Angry Truck.
11. The World Begins With You
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This is a 3d game that has sort of the same vibes as like... I want to say like Inside or Limbo or one of the games like that, but it isn’t really trying to kill you as much as one of those games. You’re exploring a linear area with a beautiful aesthetic and sometimes solving a minor puzzle. Maybe more like Journey, except I personally didn’t like Journey and thats a discussion for a different time. Something like that though, maybe.
It’s neat. It is a beautiful little world, with a sense of world, a sense of there being something greater to this place that we never quite see.
The only major negative is there’s a part where you get on a little boat. The boat moves slowly and passes a couple of dangers. You need to position yourself to be safe or instantly die and restart the section. It’s not the most difficult but each of the dangers caught me by surprise the first time and then as I continued to replay the section, the little wait at the beginning started to irritate me and I got more prone to making mistakes and I was stuck repeating this section more times than I would have liked.
I appreciate it doesn’t checkpoint you on the moving boat and the boat isn’t so fast you can’t easily switch positions but my brain sure did interact badly with this part of the game.
12. Size Matters
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Size Matters is a randomly generated puzzle game where you are shrinking and you need to make an antidote to stop yourself before you get too small and then die or something. This game isn’t about narrative. It’s about presenting one scenario to you with multiple adjustable levels of difficulty and letting you mess around with it.
The challenge isn’t knowing what to do. Every level you need to find the chemicals and the notebooks that tell what to do with the chemicals in order to produce the antidote parts.The challenge comes from how much you are shrinking, how quickly and how much that will impact your ability to move around and mix the antidote. It can be quite tricky especially on higher difficulties.
Its a silly little diversion. Its short length, repeatable challenge and escalating difficulties sort of give it the vibe of being a party game, except it doesn’t really have any functionality to play with other people. And though it has some replay value I can’t see myself wanting to engage with it past the preset scenarios it presents.
13. To The Wolves
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A little twine based interactive narrative from the Trans Witches Are Witches itch.io bundle. An interesting little narrative where you play as a villager chosen to become a sacrifice for the good of your village. You flee and disappear into the woods, surviving in spite of your designated fate and choosing what you want to become now.
14. The Cottage, The Witch and the Wordle
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A little single page solo TTRPG from the Trans Witches Are Witches bundle. It’s a cozy little worldbuilding exercise where you are a witch that can conjure your dream cottage, all you need to do is work out the magic word.
You play a game of wordle (i prefer to play via septle nowadays) and work out your score based on how well you did and then build your dream cottage from a whole listing of furnishings and features.
It’s a very simple little experience with no real payoff save for the enjoyment of imagining your own cozy cottage. At first I thought that the wordle as a little gimmicky and it is, but also its a neat alternate to rolling dice for a game like this.
15. Hook
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Hook is a minimalist puzzle game where your goal is to remove all the hooks from each level. Each one might lie on top of, or hook onto another one so its a game all about carefully examining the level and working out which are safe to remove and when. Of course as it progresses there are more little ideas added in to increase the complication of this process. You’ve played this type of game before, you know how this works.
It’s neat. It’s all fairly intuitive and it introduces those new elements or changes the way each level is presented often enough that it remains engaging.
16. Wizard School Woes
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A short little visual novel from the Trans Witches are Witches itch.io bundle. Made by Jane Titor (of The Light at the End of the Ocean). It’s fine.
It’s about helping this wizard boy, Ambrosius, with a magical ritual that he’s struggling to get to work properly. It’s a pretty simple little story and it’s fine. There’s nothing wrong with it I just didn’t connect strongly because I’m gay and there’s no girls to latch onto.
17. Sackboy: A Big Adventure
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Fun competent little platformer. It really does retain the feel of a LittleBigPlanet game, with all the options to dress up your character, some repeated elements and ideas and the overall structure of the game and the variety of the levels.
And the 2 player levels that lock me out of getting 100% completion.
The characters you meet along the way are fun. I really like Scarlet, this boisterous older lady who used to be a ‘knitted knight’. I also really like N.A.O.M.I. an AI for the future place that you go to who has this cool glam rock kind of aesthetic. She has the best level in the game (One Track Mind), a level where she’s being infected with a virus by Vex, the game’s villain (who is also pretty fun), and as you make your way through the level a version of Toxic by Britney Spears plays. Maybe even a better use of the song than that one episode of Doctor Who.
I wish there was some kind of option that would allow me to change the name of the main character. You can dress your ‘sackboy’ however you like and like self expression is a big part of the franchise. And I know sackboy is the name of the character and the name of the game and like a whole brand name or whatever it would just be nice to have the option to be Sackgirl or Sackling or something. Just as a consideration to those of us who are not comfy being referred to as a boy.
18. Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
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I didn’t finish it yet.
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maglors-anion-gap · 2 years
15, 22, 32
[from this ask game]
15. How do you write smut scenes? Do you get very visual or detailed? How important is it to be realistic?
In the technical sense, I outline smut scenes the way I outline most scenes: I start with my brainstorm outline, which is very basic physical blocking, very plain subject verb object style.  Then I add emotional indicators.  Then I add dialogue.  Then I go back and edit for all of the good and juicy bits, figurative or otherwise evocative language etc.  I workshop the grammar a little bit, vary things up a bit.  I like to pick an author to ape, see how close I can get to their pastiche.  You've read it already ;) but my MSV fic is coming out tomorrow and I tried to mimic cormac mccarthy (all the pretty horses) - I don't think I super succeeded, but it was a fun exercise and I like what I produced. 
I'm getting better at being detailed.  In general I have an issue writing anything lengthy, but as I get more comfortable with writing I get more comfortable with this too.  And I have a certain amount of stylistic liberty with fic that I wouldn't have with original fiction because fan communities are pretty chill about viewing erotica as a valid means for communicating themes.  I'm not a big fan of erotica that is very physical/visual to the point that it's not detailed in other ways?  I'm very big on, like, the atmosphere and character introspection, openness or reticence between characters, what is communicated between the character and reader, or narrator and reader.  I like to include those sorts of details, and physical details that are metaphorical or fantastical.  I spent a lot of time thinking about horses during the aforementioned MSV fic, and wildness and skittishness and beauty like that, the equine and the erotic etc etc.
Paradoxically, I like to be realistic but I love to write things that aren't realistic.  Like, there's a certain amount of eroticism to the fantastical and the unachievable, you know?  People don't have inflation kinks because they think it's attainable, it's just hot (to them, ig). I kind of just expect people to go into the scene with good faith like "is this hot? then it's good." Tiresomely picking apart the realism of a scene is boring to me and annoying.  Don't yuck other people's yum.  Otoh I definitely draw from real life; one of the best things I read recently was a treatise on gay sex written by a gay guy who likes reading gay fanfiction.  It was kind of validating to hear him say "no you don't need three fingers... or any fingers... I don't know where people got this idea," because I was like "gotta include the fingers, or people will accuse me of being a Fake Gay Guy and an Irresponsible Fetishist" (people love saying this about trans men online) - when like.  yeah ymmv but many ppl really don't need the fingers.
22. Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
Hmm so I really hate the hard and fast "you should never do X" rules.  The general rule I operate on is that anything is valid if you can do it really really well.  Make that rule your bitch. I just don't labor under the delusion that I'm good at everything, and because this is a fannish pursuit of mine I don't spend energy honing the styles that I don't enjoy all that much.  So that said, I don't do first person POV.  I dislike writing first person POV for the same reason I don't enjoy reading first person POV or reader insert fic - I don't want to be in the story, I am not there, I am a voyeur.  Is this dysphoria? Is this a desire to dissociate (?) completely into the character themself?  Sure.  I don't write second person, but as much as some people hate it, this is actually less off-putting to me than first person, and there are a couple writers who have successfully broken the mold and done the impossible - really good second person pov fic.  Maybe I like it better because it has the same vibe as those narrator monologues from the Iliad or Shakespear - "speak, oh muse…" etc etc.  I'm not sure why.  It's the "being ordered around" of it all - it's your POV but it's being dictated to you, you're being steered around by the narrative, you're a puppet not a person (no, don't do anything freudian with that, aha). I won't say there's a trope I won't do, but I'm not a fan of high school, and I rarely do modern AUs.  I'm very confused why fanfiction.net had a special genre tag for "westerns." 
32. Name three of your favorite fanfic writers.
You know this is a really difficult question, right?  And there are zero right answers?  There are less fraught questions posed by mothers in law. (ily)
Actually, you're one of them! You have no idea how often I refer back to your ecology master lists!  You really occupy this niche that no one else is; no one is doing the secondborn-posting like you are! except maybe user Elwing, so I'm gonna say the two of you are tied for "my favorite secondborn writers in the fandom." 
Something really cool I saw recently was in a fic Skyeventide wrote, using a ton of footnotes? It was like, part fic, part research paper, there were notes all over the place explaining linguistic etymology and settings and stuff like it was an in-world text? I'm probably not remembering this quite right, and this is not really sounding super flattering, I promise that it is.  I love that sort of style and it was really cool to read because my favorite thing is to read annotated books (shakespear, jane eyre, translations of non-english texts) where I can flip back and forth and read the commentary and exposition as I go through the book.  What is lost in the translation, or changed in the translation, or what is unique about this idiom and what can we learn from that, what are the double meanings, what is the impact on the tone, etc etc.  There was just a lot of effort put into it and it was really cool.  Also, separate fic (i think), convinced me that eol and curufin hooked up once and yes. i'll integrate that into my worldview.
person number three is i-am-a-lonely-visitor because no one else is doing trans porn, trans tears, and trans love like i-a-a-l-v.  Singlehandedly gotten me on the trans man celebrian bandwagon. singing your praises kissing your feet etc etc. 
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koolatron · 2 years
Mini Fridge: The Latest Craze To Hit The Bars
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Bartenders all around the nation scrambled to get their hands on Coca-new Cola's mini fridge when it was unveiled in February. A coca cola mini fridge is ideal for busy bars because it allows bartenders to keep drinks cold and ready to serve without having to constantly rush to the back of the house to acquire additional supplies when they run out.
A minifridge stocked with Coca-Cola?
Mini fridges that specialize in dispensing Coke goods are known as "coca cola mini fridges," and they are compact enough to fit on a kitchen counter. They are gaining popularity as a cold refreshment choice in pubs and clubs. The Coca-Cola mini fridge is a curiosity for some, and a practical accessory for others who want a cold beverage whenever they need it. It hasn't won everyone over just yet, but it's gaining traction.
In What Way Does It Operate?
Mini refrigerators stocked with Coca-Cola are all the rage at the moment at nightclubs. It's a mini fridge uk stocked with Coca-Cola drinks that plugs into any standard wall outlet. The nearest bar or you may order one online. Because it has an adjustable thermostat, the Minifridge may be kept at whatever temperature you choose. Along with the items, it also features an LED light that indicates their state. The Minifridge has a door on the front and a sliding drawer on both the front and rear for convenient access. Many people appear to like it. They love it for those times when they're craving a Coke but don't have any at home, and they love that it doesn't need them to lug about a bulky mini-fridge. They also remark that it's amusing to purchase one online and check what pub has one available.
The Advantages of a Coca cola Minifridge
A cold drink is welcome on a hot day, but why not experiment with something different and revitalizing? A Coca cola mini travel fridge is the right alternative! An inexpensive minifridge stocked with Coca-Cola is a great alternative to pricier establishments that provide upscale beverages. If it breaks, you don't have to worry about spending a lot of money fixing it since you can just get a new one. Get a Coke from the tableside refrigerator and find a seat promptly. There is no need to look for an ice machine or wait in a long queue. Coca Cola minifridges are becoming more popular among bars and pubs since they're so simple and handy to use. People really like how novel and interesting they seem to be.
In whose hands should it rest?
Coca cola small fridges uk are the ideal item to flaunt to your friends and family that you're hip to the newest trends. This coca cola mini fridge can fit on a kitchen counter and is spacious enough to store all of your beverages of choice. Customers at bars are increasingly gravitating for the Coca-Cola Minifridge. It's convenient for grabbing a drink on the run, and it keeps liquids chilled for a long time. Furthermore, I have never met a person who didn't like a perfectly chilled glass of Coca-Cola. Look at some of the top deals on the internet if you want to buy a Coca-Cola Minifridge. You may find versions with cup holders and even speakers built right in, so you won't even have to get out of your chair to sip your beverage of choice.
The Coca-Cola compact portable fridge is the most popular accessory in nightclubs right now. If you want to give your pals the impression that you're chill and hip, then you need one of these in your bar. In addition, when placed here, they give off a really contemporary and stylish vibe. In fact, many establishments will give them out for free if you ask gently. Why not give this new trend a go and see how it goes?
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moemammon · 4 years
Could I request HC of MC falling asleep on the brothers and someone asks them to do something but they don’t want to move bc of MC🥺 kinda like how it’s illegal to move if an animal is asleep on you🥺💕 thank you!
I'm soft for stuff like this tbh
The Demon Brothers react to GN!MC falling asleep on them
Lucifer has found that he works best when you're near him. Something about your presence calms his old soul. So it's become a habit that he has you near while he's going through paperwork, always touching you in some fashion.
Today, you were resting your head against his shoulder in the late afternoon, the warmth of his body and the sound of his pen scribbling on paper lulling you into a sense of peace and sleepiness.
He looked over after noticing the added weight against his side, and found you'd drifted off to sleep. And man.... this man realizes just how soft he is for you. Like, can you BE any cuter??? You're gonna kill him.
He feels a warmth swell up in his chest, not only from his affection for you, he the way you seem so peaceful sleeping against him like that. The fact that you feel secure with him, while others only seem to fear him, makes his heart fill to the brim.
But now he can't move, or you'll wake up. And to make matters worse, he just heard a loud ass crash in the hall right outside, and the sound of Mammon cursing under his breath. MAMMOOONNNNN-
As much as it pains him, he doesn't have the strength to get up while you look so content and secure sleeping against him like this. Besides, he can always kill punish Mammon later. He’d just text Beel to string him up from the ceiling until then.
It's not unusual for the two of you to chill on the couch together, and he doesn't even care that you're all over him. Actually, he's probably the one that pulled you into such a position.
You're laying on his chest, and he's got his arms around you while he plays around on his phone. And that's when he notices the tiniest of snores coming from you. He looks down and sees that you've fallen asleep.
FUCK does that make him wanna scream. His heart is so full of love that he's literally trembling. You were so.. sO CUTE. IT SHOULD BE ILLEGAL. HE LOVES YOU, DAMN IT.
But then he gets a text from Lucifer, asking him to go back to RAD to fetch some documents. Why'd he have to be his errand boy all the time? Why not Satan??
Mammon is no stranger to Lucifer's wrath though, so now he has a strong need to get you off of him, yet an equally strong need to hold you close.
Especially when you mumble something that sounded vaguely like his name in your sleep. Maybe... it’d be fine to let you rest a little longer? It's not like those lousy papers were going anywhere, right?
You????? Felt comfortable enough to sleep on him?????? In the middle of a movie he put on????
There's practically steam coming out of his ears. He's short circuiting. He's going to die and it's all your fault. WHY ARE YOU SO CUTE YOURE JUST SLEEPING ON HIS ARM AND YET THE MOE IS TOO STRONG-
Seriously though, he's so red up to his ears that you'd think he might die. The only thing that keeps him from death is that you aren't awake to look at him. He was safe!
But then a notification pops up on his D.D.D, and he suddenly remembers he’s got a tournament to compete in with a couple of online friends! He promised them!!!
Maybe... he'll wake you up? No no no, he'd really die if that happened! You can't wake up yet!! But the game-! The dungeon run-!! The loot!!! What can he do?! There's no way he can ruin this 'straight-out-of-an-anime' moment!!!
Levi's never been one to miss a chance to game, so why was he so conflicted?! Now he was thinking that maybe he could just reschedule the match? Besides, when was the next time he might get to see your sleeping face so close to his own? He wonders if he could sneak in a picture or two...
Satan's entire room, albeit cluttered, has a cozy vibe. Just the way he likes, as a man who prefers to keep calm and indulge in the wonders of books. And he's invited you over to indulge with him, per usual
Though he'll admit it IS a little late, so he understands that you're sleepy. It doesn't even surprise him when you slump against his arm from your position next to him, the book on your lap sliding to the ground.
As much as it pains him to see the book fall like that, he quickly realizes he can't bend down to grab it, or you'll wake up.
And he hasn't had a chance to really look closely at your sleeping expression, so he has to get his priorities in order. He could get that boom later, anyway.
He laughs at you, and how easily you've fallen asleep. Why didn't you just tell him you were tired? He’d walk you back to your room so you could sleep. Yet you wanted to spend time with him so badly that you pushed through?
He closes his book and leans his head against yours with a soft sigh. Peaceful days like this were all he could ever ask for. He wished he had a spell to preserve this moment forever.
Helloooo? Are you even listening anymore?? He was in the middle of telling you about the time Beel ate his entire collection of bath bombs, and you fell asleep right on his lap!
Probably because he was making you lay there while he dabbed products onto your face. "This one is a great toner. Doesn't it smell good? And this moisturizer here is sooo creamy!"
He can't help but notice how peaceful you look laying there, fast asleep. He could just eat you up! Catch him leaning in to kiss you a million times, wondering if you'll wake up.
He's gotta put that kissing on hold when he realizes he has a photo shoot to get to in an hour! He'd need every single minute to get himself ready of course, so he needed to start now. The only problem was... you. On his lap.
He can't get up or he’d be cruelly abandoning his precious MC! And there was no way he’d be that heartless. But that photo shoot was pretty important... How else would he give the devildom its dose of his gorgeous face???
Cue Satan coming in and finding Asmo doing his skin care on his bed, straining to see his reflection in the far away vanity mirror... all so he wouldn't disturb a hair on your adorable little head.
Beel had asked if you'd lay on his back for extra weight while he did his planks, but he never expected you to fall asleep there. Belphie does the same thing sometimes, so he's no stranger to having to stay still for someone else's sake.
The warmth of your form draped over his back makes him smile, and he wonders if you're cozy laying like that. Wasn't his back kind of hard?
He was fine with waiting until you woke up, since being stuck in a plank for an unknown amount of time would be a great workout, what wasn't so great was the gnawing of hunger slowly starting to creep up on him.
Beel was hungry. Starving, even. And he was stuck because you fell asleep on him. He tried muttering a soft "MC, wake up" as a means to gently wake you, but when you didn't budge, he wondered if he might die like this.
The longer he waited, the more his hunger built. It was five minutes. Ten minutes. Twenty, and then- he lost it.
You wake up to being suddenly dumped onto the cold floor, and you only catch a glimpse of the avatar of gluttony rushing off to empty the fridge of its contents.
He'll apologize when he's full, okay? He promises he loves you, but his hunger is no joke. Promises to treat you to Madam Scream's later as an apology.
Not unexpected that you'd fall asleep while in Belphie's care. He had a knack for that sort of thing, bringing the air around him to a sleepy halt and making your eyes heavy with that smooth voice of his.
You were listening to him talk about the old days, when he and Beel would sneak away from their brothers to have their own adventures. Then the next thing you knew, you were drifting off to sleep.
Belphie immediately noticed when your head leaned against his hand; he’d been toying around with your hair and occasionally stroking your cheeks. This was one of those moments he didn't feel like bullying you, after all.
But now he kind of does. You were so innocent, and so vulnerable right now! He could tickle you awake at any moment and you wouldn't be able to stop him at all... Though he doesn't.
He instead looks up when the door opens and Beel pops into the bedroom to ask if Belphie can help him find his jacket. There's no way he’d deny his brother, sooo sorry mc. He hesitates for two seconds, but he's leaving you.
Belphie is a sleep expert, and that includes his mastery of the art of not waking people up, so somehow he's managed to carefully maneuver around you so you're still fast asleep.
Leaves you with a little kiss and tucks you into his bed. He'll come tickle you to death later 💕
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