#just...need to get the desk built so I know what will work for that space
ms-demeanor · 3 months
Can you offer any advice for avoiding hoarding when part of the problem is that trying to deal with the clutter and garbage and dirt causes paralyzing anxiety? I want my house to be clean and cluttered because it's stuff I like, but instead it's full of trash and stuff that had a place but doesn't seem to fit back in it after being used.
I can absolutely offer advice about that.
Short TL;DR:
Select the room you want to clean and make a map of it.
Divide the room into small segments like "top of desk" or "cabinet under sink" or even "half of junk drawer." SMALL segments.
Designate bags "trash," "donate," and "consider later."
Schedule a time to work on cleaning each segment, don't just assume "i'll do it next week." Write down an assigned day for each area.
Go into your target area and sort things into those bags.
Optionally, create a bag for memento items to put into a specific memento box/book.
Take bags out of the space when they are full to make more room to work and to see progress.
Do the section for the day and stop. Don't get overwhelmed by a ton of stuff, stop when you've done what you planned for the day (unless you've got good momentum built up and continuing will energize you.)
Long TL;DR:
Go someplace where you are not looking at the mess. You want to draw a map of the room, but you do not want to be in the room. Work one room at a time.
Divide the area you want to clean into very small spaces. You aren't cleaning an entire desk, you are cleaning one drawer of a desk.
Take three containers with you for each section: one trash bag, one donation bag, and one bag of stuff to consider later.
Plan out time to work on the space. Don't say "I'll do the whole thing this weekend" or "I'll get to it after the holidays," sit down and write out a schedule. There's a version of this called 40 bags in 40 days that people do for lent (that was the version of this i first found and followed the first time i did it), but you could do it in ten days, or a hundred, just try to stick to working on each segment on the day it's scheduled.
In each space, keep the stuff that's obviously meant to go there in that space, so if you're cleaning a desk drawer and it has a stapler in it, the stapler can stay there but if the staples and paper clips and rubber bands are a mess put that stuff into the "consider later" bin. Same thing with papers; if you've got a bunch of papers and you may need to keep some and may need to trash some, put them in the "consider later"
THERE IS AN OPTIONAL BIN FOR PEOPLE WHO WANT TO HANG ON TO A MILLION MEMENTOS AND CONCERT TICKETS AND SUCH. I make them by getting gallon freezer bags and filling them up with business cards and concert programs and scraps of wrapping paper and birthday cards. This isn't quite "consider later" because it's probably stuff you know you want to keep, this is "I don't have a home for this thing right now but it's not trash" so this is a temporary home for that category.
Remove stuff from the space as you work. As you fill up a bag of trash or consider later or donate, take it out of the space so you aren't looking at it and you can see the progress you're making on the space.
Do each section as you come to it on your schedule and then call it quits. If you cleaned out the counter next to the sink and that was your area for the day, you don't have to worry about the area under the sink unless you have the energy and enthusiasm for it.
Philosophical musing about why this works
The reason this kind of plan works (for me) is by pre-managing several things. You know you're working with a limited area, you know what you're going to do with the stuff you find in that area (put it in one of your bags or leave it where it is if it belongs in that area), you're working on a limited time so this can't stretch out forever it's just a little chunk, you're thinking about the space as you build your plan so you're visualizing the anxiety inducing thing outside of the space that actually gives you the anxiety which hopefully allows you to detach slightly from the anxiety, and you're getting your steps lined up ahead of time so there's no muddle of "what do i do now, how do I get started" - you get started by grabbing your bags and you go to that day's scheduled section.
The whole thing is constructed to prevent you from getting overwhelmed.
I used to try to clean my room as a kid and I would find something that needed to get put away but I didn't know where it went so I'd spend a bunch of time trying to make a space for it and I'd end up getting lost in the weeds of imagining how I'd use the item and if the new place for it was accessible, and oh look at the items that I found in this other place where I was going to put this item and this method cuts off all of that. Where I am putting the item is in the bag, where it is going is the "consider later" pile and when I've cleared out most of the space I can consider where things go when I've gathered all the uncertain things into one place instead of continually unearthing them and disrupting the process of going through stuff.
What it means to Consider Later
The reason you're working room by room is because you should be isolating the consider later pile by room. If you're cleaning out the bedroom you may end up with stuff that belongs in the kitchen or the office, but you'll end up with a lot of stuff that belongs in the bedroom. When you've worked through all your segments, you can sort the consider later pile and now that you have all the objects together, you can consider whether some of them belong together in a space in the room.
For instance, when I first did this there were a lot of books that needed to go on bookshelves, but my bookshelves weren't accessible in the early parts of the process. So books from the floor and the bed and the nightstand went into the consider later pile and after the whole floor was clear and there was no trash on my desk and all the books I was donating had been pulled from my bookshelves, I was able to organize all of my books at once instead of stumbling across a book every four minutes and trying to shelve it.
That's what spawned the memento bags for me; there was a ton of stuff in my consider later bags that didn't precisely have a place but weren't trash and needed a place made for them. If I'd struggled to find where each item went as I cleaned it would have completely stalled me out.
I kept finding yarn as I went but I didn't have a dedicated yarn spot, so I just put yarn in the consider later pile and at the end I found a basket for it and put it on a shelf in the closet that had been cleared out when I'd donated old clothes. If I had tried to find a spot for the yarn before donating the clothes, I would have had to move it once the better spot opened up, so saving all the consider later stuff for later saved me from having to move stuff several times.
If you're in a small space or if you're living with people and you can't make a pile of stuff in another room for two weeks, at the very least remove the trash and donation bags as you go and designate an area for your consider later pile; maybe a laundry basket or something similar so that you can keep it mobile as you clean.
It's kind of like moving in to a new space. When you move in to an empty room, you have all your stuff in boxes and you need to figure out where it goes and that can take a while, but it's sometimes easier to find a place to put things in a new environment than it is to put things back "where they belong" because maybe you've added a dozen skeins to your collection and they don't belong in the little yarn bag anymore.
What to trash, what to donate, and what to consider later
Trash should be immediately obvious as trash. Anything that is trash goes in the trash bag right away.
If you find yourself thinking "but I might use this plastic fork that came with my value meal," or "this receipt may be important," put it in the consider later pile and don't think about it right now.
The donate bag should be for stuff that will still be useful for someone, but won't be useful for you. Clothes that you don't like, books you hated and won't re-read, toys you don't want to keep, all of that goes in the donate pile. If you think you might want to keep a piece of clothing but you want to make sure it doesn't fit, don't stop to try it on now just put it in the consider later pile and you can sort it into the donate bag later.
"Consider later" is for anything that requires more than thirty seconds of thought or effort to handle. If you're looking at your desk and you've got a keyboard for your computer on your desk that keyboard is staying there and doesn't need to be considered. If there's an empty takeout cup on your desk, that cup is going in the trash and doesn't need to be considered. If there's a receipt for your computer sitting on your desk, you may want to save that for record-keeping purposes but may not have a place to put it, so that is what you consider later.
Some guidelines on what is or is not trash
You might look at a sturdy plastic cup from a gas station and say "that isn't trash, I could use that, that's still good" but unless you have a specific purpose in mind for it right now, that is trash. If you wouldn't put it in a donation box to be used for some ambiguous future purpose, you don't need to keep it.
If you have a specific purpose in mind, like using an old milk jug to make a watering pitcher for your plants, it may not be trash. But only ONE is not trash; more than that is trash.
If you wouldn't need to have a hard copy of a paper and you have an electronic copy, it is trash. This means receipts for most everyday purchases like groceries and fast food. Don't keep receipts for items past their return period, don't keep receipts for items that you have a digital copy of unless that item cost over $1000.
Nice cardboard boxes (or good glass jars, or sturdy plastic takeout boxes, or cleaned food containers) that you don't have a use for are trash (or recycling, depending on where you live, but still in the trash category).
If you know someone who is specifically looking for an item (like maybe the neighbor kids are asking for cardboard tubes for a science project, or you work with a meal delivery group that could use extra packets of takeout utensils, or you have a friend who is into canning and has asked for jars, or if you make your own soup stock and need containers to put it in, or if you have a friend who is moving and needs lots of good cardboard boxes) then these items don't *have* to be trash but if you are just keeping them in your space and not giving them to people who want them or putting them to use yourself, they are just trash in your space and you should throw them away.
Memory Books/Memento Bags
I make memory books out of the little items i collect into one gallon storage bags. They allow me to hang onto the stuff that I want to keep because it brings me good memories without having a pile of random junk and sometimes without having to keep the item, or having to keep the whole item.
If the thing I want to keep because it brings me good memories is bulky, perhaps I can take a put a picture of that item to put in the book. If it is a worn out shirt, perhaps I can cut a patch off the shirt to put it in the book. If it is a card, perhaps I can cut out just the front of the card, or I can almost certainly just throw away the envelope and put the card in the book.
If you have things that do *not* fit into the memory book, like costume jewelry or rocks or a weird toy you got out of a coin machine on a really fun family vacation, you can also make a memory box; I have some of these and they've got a bunch of truly random crap in them, but I *like* having the nametag from the four hours that I worked at Denny's, or the keychain from when my mom took me to the morgue training class. It's fine to like these things, and to keep many of them, but you want to keep them someplace that they won't stress you out; that might be a display case for nice things, but it also might be a pretty velvet bag that you periodically pull out of a drawer and sort through like a magpie, or a wooden box that you painted.
You can also be selective about this stuff. You don't need every piece of costume jewelry your grandmother owned; keep the pieces you really like or the ones you have strong memories of or the ones that are very nice or the ones that are in good shape. But look, my mom was a teacher and she had a wide variety of goofy holiday jewelry that she wore in the classroom and I don't need to hang onto that. I don't need the big plastic ghost earrings that won't fit in my plugs, but I'll hang onto the spider brooch. She collected cheap watches - I don't need all of her four dollar watches, I can keep the nice ones, or the one that she got for ten years at her job. Do the same thing with stuffed animals and baby clothes and magazines and children's books. You don't need to keep all of it, and keeping all of it isn't going to help you remember that time more, or remember that person better.
Do you really want to keep it or do you feel obligated?
Youtuber Caroline Winkler (who has some great videos about home organization that I like a lot, in particular "this is why your home is a mess" - with the caveat that she likes closed storage and my ADHD ass loves open storage) has a really great tip on getting rid of stuff that works a LOT better for me than the Marie Kondo "Does this spark joy?" question and it's the Red Wine Test. Instead of asking if an item sparks joy, you ask yourself "If a bottle of red wine spilled on this (or if it was in some other way damaged) how hard would I try to fix it?" If you wouldn't try very hard, or if you would be *relieved* then you can get rid of that item. If one of the Venom mugs I have on the shelf fell down and broke, I wouldn't try hard to fix it. If my cat stuffed animal from when I was a kid tore open, I would immediately be looking for my sewing kit.
.... I should recycle those cheap teal glasses, actually.
Some general tips that may help to get you started that work for me and my ADHD and may work for you and your anxiety:
Start a timer for a short time. You don't have to clean your whole house, you are just going to pick up for five minutes. Then you can stop, and you only have to face a *little* bit of the anxiety.
5-4-3-2-1-go. Don't overthink it, count down quickly and then get up and do something. Keep going in as long a spurt as you can manage without getting too upset, but cutting down on the time for pre-game fretting might help with the anxiety.
Do the smallest amount possible. You don't have to clean this room, you just have to take one dish to the sink. You don't have to do all the dishes, you can just unload part of the top tray of the dishwasher.
Some general tips on trying to keep a space clean:
First, encouragement: It is a lot easier to maintain a clean space than it is to create one.
If you're thinking that something needs to be done and it can take you under five minutes to do it and it's right in front of you, do it. I do this with my dishwasher. It turns out unloading the dishwasher is the main thing that stalls me on dishes and keeps my sink full, so now when I'm waiting for the kettle or letting my tea steep, I unload whatever I can get done in that time. If I have the vacuum out and I did my living room but the hall and the bedroom could use a quick pass too, I vacuum them while I've got the machine in my hand.
Set success traps. Success traps are things that let you fall into succeeding by front-loading the effort (or executive function) of cleaning with planning. Trash collects in your living space? Put a bunch of little trash cans everywhere. Cleaning your bathroom takes extra time because you have to go get glass cleaner and paper towels from another room? Keep a bottle of glass cleaner and a roll of paper towels under the sink. You never sweep because it is a pain in the ass to get the broom out of the broom closet? Hang the broom from a mount in the kitchen. It takes too long to clean the counter because you have to pick up a bunch of makeup brushes and bottles and soap? Put that shit on a tray and now you only have to move one thing to clean the counter.
And for your specific question, with "things never seem to quite fit back where they came from" sounds like you're playing storage tetris, which is when things have a place and it is a *very specific and exact* place that doesn't have a lot of room around it. You may need to think about downsizing for your space, or, more likely, think about more efficient storage. That Caroline Winkler video I linked has some tips on this ("don't store things in a way that will make you angry like putting your common use objects on an out of reach shelf or you'll never put things back because it's hard to put them back" and "maximize your weirdo spaces" speak to your situation, i think) that I've put into use, particularly in my kitchen. It was hard to keep the counter clear because it was hard to put my stand mixer away because the rack for the stand mixer had a wok and a bunch of cast iron pans and a panini press and a chafing dish on it; I put the panini press and the least-used cast iron and the chafing dish and the wok in a more out-of-the way cabinet (because i basically never use them but they're very useful when I need them) and now that shelf has a little grill, my more commonly used cast iron, and my stand mixer so putting away the stand mixer is a lot less effort so my counter stays clear. I wasn't using the top shelf of my dish cabinet for dishes because it's too high up for daily use, but it's perfect for the rice cooker, waffle maker, and food processor that I use less than my dishes but more than my george forman grill.
And anyway, the TL;DR for all of that:
Work a little bit at a time, be nice to yourself, don't keep things that aren't worth keeping, and configure your storage in a way that works for you (by keeping your lifestyle, the way you use things, and how easy it is to put away into account before deciding that's where something lives).
Good luck!
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astraysimp · 5 months
Future Producer
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Future Producer
◛⑅·˚ ༘ ♡ Hello, hello ,hello, my lovelies! I am back with the last edition of my personal dad!skz series, finishing off with a Bahng! ( I DO have another series planned) 
ੈ♡˳Summary: Chan, ever the hardworking man he is, takes baby Bahng to the studio( or his in house studio).....um I think that’s it
ੈ♡˳Warnings: Dad! Cha, fem!reader, fluff fluff FLUFF, tiny baby and appa chan (he is no longer foive),pet names, playful teasing Chan about losing his hair , idk what else ੈ♡˳
✎ (❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈) ༉‧              ♡*.✧✎ (❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈) ༉‧               ♡*.✧✎ (❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈) ༉‧                            ♡*.✧
You and Chan were adjusting to parenthood well. You loved it, and he did too. A baby Bahng– Haneul Rei Bahng– Chan’s proudest accomplishment. But, he missed the studio, which was why he had a studio built into your shared house.
That’s exactly where he was right now, with a tiny Haneul on his chest. At only 1 month old, she was already in the studio, though she just wanted to be with her appa. It was midafternoon, and you had woken up from a nap. Usually, you were met with Chan singing to Haneul or her crying……but, the house was quiet. Too quiet. Sitting up on your bed, you stretched and kicked your legs over the side of the bed, Chan and Haneul nowhere in sight. “Hm? Where are they?” You asked yourself, throwing one of Chan’s hoodies and slippers into a pair of slippers. You checked her nursery, no one was there. The master bathroom? Think again. So, you  wandered downstairs, singing to yourself. “ Where is my Channieeeeee? And my princesssss?” You hummed.
The kitchen. Empty. The living room? Nope. The laundry room? Still, no luck.
So, you wandered to the basement. Where the main gathering area– for game nights and movie nights to be held with his bandmates– was empty. As was the basement bedroom and half bathroom. Smiling to yourself, you saw the door to his studio closed. Softly knocking, you peeked your head in– wanting to respect his space because his studio was his safe place(other than with you). “Channie? Bubs, you in here?” You asked, as you gently pushed the door open.  He was,but he couldn’t hear you, and he was focused. Fingers clicking away on his soundboard, adjusting, rearranging and editing different sound clips. “Does that sound okay, Haneul?” You heard him whisper. She just gazed up at him, her cheek against his chest with a pacifier in her mouth. He chuckled, “Then again….you don’t know what these sounds are.” He giggled, kissing her forehead, before he adjusted her on his chest. Humming to himself, he went back to his work, writing down notes in the notebook on his desk. “Frick…..that doesn’t sound right,” he mumbled. “What if I……put it…….here.” He tapped his chin, eyes scanning over the screen, as he moved the clip to another spot and listened to the playback. “Aaaaah, yeah. Better better. Okay.” Haneul was growing sleepy, her afternoon nap time approaching. “Ooooh, is Princess Haneul tired,hhm?” He cooed, soothingly patting her back, humming a lullaby at her. “Somewhere over the rainbow.Way up high.There's a land that I heard of.Once in a lullaby,Somewhere over the rainbow.Skies are blue,” Chan sang, running a gentle finger over her cheek, as her eyes fluttered shut.
Deciding to step in, you smiled, walking over and kissing his cheek. “Hi, my love.” You whispered, sitting in your designated chair. Yes, you had a chair because you also spent a lot  of time in the studio with Chan. Slightly jumping, he smiled and pressed a kiss to your lips. “Geez scared me, baby. Didn’t see you come in,” He giggled, eyes crinkling up. “Mhm, woke up from a nap to be met with an empty house,” You pouted , leaning your chin on his shoulder. “Sorry, darling. Had a song idea, and needed to get in here.” He chuckled, still patting Haneul’s back. Smiling you nodded, nuzzling into him. “Speaking of naps, is our  baby girl asleep?” You asked, leaning down to press a soft kiss to the top of her head. Looking down to where she lay on his chest, Chan nodded. “Think so, oh she’s so cute.” He cooed, seeing his baby asleep on his chest. 
You, too, have fallen asleep in the studio . Whether it was on his lap, on the small couch or in your chair. You looked at Haneul and smiled. “She reminds me of when you fall asleep in here,” he chuckled. “Your lips all pouty and your cheek squished against the couch or chair or my chest,” he cooed at you, pinching your cheek. “Yah, don’t blame me.It’s so cozy in here, smells like you and is so warm, plus you take so long.” You giggled, sticking your tongue out at him. Shaking his head, he booped your nose. “That’s how I feel about being in your arms, so warm and cozy and you smell so good, darling.” He smiled, pecking your lips before adjusting a now sleeping Haneul. “She’s so precious. Aw, look at her little cheeks,” you cooed, finger softly running over her cheek, her hand gripping Chan’s shirt. “She is, just like her mummy.” Cha smiled at you, saving the file to his computer , and turning to you.
“Do you think she’ll be a producer in the future, darling?”
 Playfully, flicking his forehead you sighed. “No, I will not have my baby doll losing hair at the age of 25,” You pressed him. Pouting, he cuddled Haneul closer to him,”mummy is so mean, mentioning my hair, doll.” He whined, cuddling her to his chest. Giggling, you pinched his cheek. “I still love you, though, even if you are losing hair, Channie.”
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rhadamanthes · 2 months
Made with love. Toji x reader
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word count : 2,8k
warnings : kitchen sex, fluff, praise, bakery AU, food play, breeding kink, soft toji, forced proximity, single dad toji, slowburnish.
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"Thanks for that, I owe you :)" You sigh, reading Shiu's message. You accepted one of his friends to work with you for a time. Toji, your new coworker starts today, you couldn't be more nervous. For the past 4 years, you've been working alone. You own a small pastry shop downtown, key word being small you don't even know how two people are going to fit in. You fidget nervously waiting for someone to show up. Shiu didn't even take the time to send a picture of the said friend. So you're just looking like a creep observing every passerby trough the window of the bakery waiting for someone to stop.
And when they do you can't help but gasp. A black haired man, built like a brick, is looking at the facade. That must be the guy. You open the door and pass your head through the crack.
"Toji?" you call hesitantly.
His head drops to meet your gaze and he nods. You're taken aback by the beautiful shade of his eyes, a deep captivating green. You feel the heat cripping to your cheeks but invite him inside.
"Did you find it easily ?" you start to break the ice.
"Yeah it's the only pastel colored shop in the business district" he laughs
You clear your throat in embarrassment, what's wrong with pastel color ?
"Anyways, so I suppose Shiu told you that I'm specialized in dessert and stuff, do you have any experience with that ?" you ask nervously.
"Not really in sweets, I used to cook for the army."
"Oh nice so you have some basis, I'll give you a quick tour."
The shop is small and only has a few seating tables so it goes pretty fast, pushing the swing door you're now behind the counter, and your fear comes to life. With the way he's built this feels like you're stepping on each other's feet. You open the door to the kitchen in a hurry needing to have some personal space again, it's the biggest room in the shop, and you walk him through it.
"So that's it, if you have any questions before we start don't hesitate and- oh! I almost forgot here is your apron, it's a spare of mine so I think it's going to be small but I'll go shop for others tomorrow." You say handing him the white colored clothes,
Now That you think about it, it also has lace details on the hem, you purse your lips the idea of this mountain of a man wearing a way too small apron with girly little details on it. Toji nods his head accepting the piece of cloth.
"So are you going to watch me change ?" he asks teasingly.
"N-no! Not at all the door here it's the break room, you can change there"You stutter over your word.
You put your own apron on, taking the ingredients that you need out of the fridge.
⠀༺ ✤ ༻
The morning rolls around fast and you're satisfied with Toji's way of working, he learns fast and is independent. The first customers start to walk in and you decide to put Toji at the desk to see how he interacts with them. And it's kind of catastrophic, not a smile in sight, no greetings or basic customer service sentences. You put your hand over your mouth looking at him. You go behind the counter, tapping his shoulder lightly.
"Toji, you know it would hurt anybody if you smiled a bit" you whisper not to expose him in front of the client sitting at the tables. "Look how I do with the next ones, yeah ?" He nods without saying a word.
Waiting patiently for the next customer, you rearrange the displayed goods, telling Toji how you like them to be presented. The bells at the doors ring and you put on your customer service smile, fading quickly when you realise who it is.
"Get out" you hiss.
"That's how you greet your friends now ? I just came by to see how the partnership is going" Shiu answers in his usual mischievous tone.
"It's great, now turn around and go away"
"Hmm i'll have the fondant aux poires please" you roll your eyes at his request serving him anyway.
"You're lucky i don't have tomatoes in here i'd ruin your suit"
"One day you'll thank me~" he says in a singsong voice handing you the cash "So toji how do you like it so far?"
"It's nice," he answers flatly.
You can't help but wonder if he really keeps this monotonous tone, and stone cold expression even with his friends. You turn around to meet his eyes and he's already looking at you, neutral expression, just grazing the scar on his lips with his fingers.
"Well I'll leave you to it then" Shiu says bidding you both farewell.
"So can I threaten the next customer?" Toji says leaning back on the counter.
" "Hello", and "have a nice day" will do, Forget about the smile" you say, hitting his arm lightly, going back to the kitchen.
At the end of the day you show Toji how to leave the kitchen ready for tomorrow, and everything clean. Outside of the shop you're both standing in front of each other awkwardly.
"Well i hope you enjoyed today" you laugh nervously "I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Yes, 8 am again ?"
You nod your head.
"See you then" he says, turning around going his ways.
Looking at him disappear, you think that this might not be as terrible as you thought, nobody ever denies a little help. This will do you think, this will do.
༺ ✤ ༻
You quickly get used to Toji, it's not like he's talkative, or particularly joyous but his presence makes you feel less lonely. He's less trouble then he seems, during the lunchbreak the two of you usually sit next to each other in the break area, when you were alone you would always put on some TV reality show to unwind. Now that Toji is here you still do, but he made fun of you for the first few days. Now he silently watches it with you, making comments from time to time.
Work wise you couldn't be more satisfied he quickly followed your rhythm and rarely complains. The only thing is that in such a small space you stopped counting the number of times you bumped into each other especially when behind the counter, he would always make snarky comments about how it's not an accident and you just want to feel his muscles. You always shut him off but he likes to see you so flustered.
One day Toji came to you looking thoughtful. You immediately pick up on it asking him what's wrong.
"Would...it be a problem if my son came to eat with us today ?" he asks, scratching his neck.
You're a bit dumbfounded, he has a son ? Of course Shiu didn't mention it.
"Hum yeah sure no problem" you says realising how few you really know about him
"Thanks, i should have warned you sooner but he only decided it a few minutes ago" he says avoiding your gaze
"It's fine, really, let's get back to work" you shut him off.
For the rest of the morning you can only think about Toji and his son, how old he's he ? Is it the reason why Shiu insisted for you to engage him ? Before you can think anymore about it the door opens, ringing the bell. You can see a small form rushing through the door and an adult following close behind, telling the kid to slow down.
"Megumi!" Toji beams as he takes the kid in his arms "Giving Tsumiki a hard time?" he laughs ruffling the hair of his son. The kid doesn't answer, hugging his father.
Tsumiki, the woman you suppose was following behind, is out of breath.
"Sorry about the cub, did he make you run around town again ?" Toji asks.
"No that's fine" she whispers, slowly breathing back to normal. "Enjoy your meal and I'll pick him up after hmm?"
Toji nods and she makes her way to the exit giving you a warm smile and a wave of her hand. You mimic her still not realising what happened.
"This is my son Megumi" Toji states awkwardly "Megumi says Hello" he whispers in his hair.
The kid turns around waving, not saying a word, well if it wasn't for the fact he's his dad spitting image, the attitude gives it away. You chuckle at the scene before you, leading them to the break room.
Dinner with the father and son duo was fun, they act exactly like each other, but Megumi is a bit more talkative you would say, he went on and on about the dogs he has back home and his friend Yuuji. This is the most information you have on the Fushiguro's. For dessert you offered Megumi a pastry and he happily devoured it. Tsumiki went to pick up the kid and the two of you resumed your shift. Since Toji brought a part of his private life here you allowed yourself to ask him a few questions, you learned that his wife passed away giving birth to their only son, and that Tsumiki is like a big sister to Megumi.
༺ ✤ ༻
Toji is not used to praise, or simply people talking to him without a second thought. To him, your sweetness hides something, so when you're both preparing the sweets of the day and you tell him how good he's doing, he snaps.
"Stop doing this" he tones. His harsh tone takes you aback, you furrow your brows.
"What are you talking about?" you ask genuinely intrigued
"Your stupid words of encouragement i'm not a toddler i don't need this, or your pity"
"This shop is all i have i don't care about your personal feelings, i care about your performance if you were doing bad i'll tell you too, you know what next time i'll tell you to fuck off when youre done with one of your task" you scoff losing patience.
Turning your back to him, you keep on decorating the cupcakes. The rest of the day was silent. Toji felt stupid for even mentioning that. He won't say it out loud but the silent treatment you're giving makes him miss your voice. He'll accept anything now, even the oversweet words.
༺ ✤ ༻
Today is the end of the week, on friday customers are rare in the afternoon. This is usually the day you take your time to try new recipes. Sitting on the counter you're eating a blueberry crumble with cream on the top.
"Solitary pleasure ?" Toji's voice interrupts you.
The both of you quickly made up after the little fight and everything is back to normal, even his little teasing. Heat creeps to your cheeks at his comment and you clear your throat.
"No just trying some new stuff" you stammers
"And can I have a bite?" he smiles.
You nod, extending your hand. A normal person would have picked up the sweet from your hand but not Toji, supporting your hand with his, he dips his head low, eating straight from your skin. The feeling of his lips and tongue on your skin makes you shiver. What is wrong with him ? He looks at you through his lashes and you instinctively close your thighs. He straightens his back, licking his lips.
"Don't close your thighs on me darling" he purrs with a smirk growing on his lips.
You hit him with your feet, getting off the counter to wash your hands in the nearby sink. The water runs against your skin and you try to forget what he feels like against you. But he seems to have other plans. Caging you against the counter, Toji takes your hands in his, spreading the soap on your limbs. His chest feels like a wall behind you, he's hot and strong, you relax in his touch and wonder how his tongue would feel on every part of your body. He keeps on massaging your hands as he rubs against your ass.
"Toji stop" you blurt in a meek voice, you're not even convincing yourself.
"You sure you want me to stop? you have goosebumps all over" he whispers in your neck. "And I can tell you want me, everytime i pass behind you you clutch your little thighs or your cute little apron," he adds, kissing your neck.
You moan out loud at the feeling. He stops the water, drying both your hands on the closest piece of clothes. Toji turns you around, locking your lips in a heated kiss. You completely let yourself go at his contact, locking your arm behind his neck as you start to grind on him too. He places a knee between your legs and your clit catches at every fiber of his jeans making you squirm. You can already feel yourself getting wet, as well as he's getting hard under your ministrations.
Lifting your hips, Toji places you on the counter. You shiver against the cold marble. Breaking the kiss you get rid of your apron and his. He rips open your blouse, attacking your nipples with his warm mouth. Your back arch off the counter in pleasure, as his tongue twirls against your sensitive bud. With his free hand toji reaches for the bowl of cream you used for your cake he places the cold mixture on your other tits lapping hungrily at it.
"Fuck Toji" you cry at the hot and cold sensation.
You're getting wetter by the second and want to feel him inside of your pussy right now. You let your hand travel to your pants working the zipper down. Toji lifts your lower body off the counter so you can properly take it off. He does the same for himself and you pat him through his boxer. Fuck he's big, you bite your lips.
"Scared ?" he asked with a grin.
You bite hard on his neck as an answer, he chuckles. You stroke his cock a few times and spread your legs when you feel he's hard enough. The tip of his cock runs against your folds and you clench his shoulders. Slowly entering you, you let your head fall backward at the stretch feeling.
"God that tight little pussy" he rasps in your ear
"You like that? you taunt petting his hair
Letting your back hit the counter once more, he hides his face in the crook of your neck as he begins a slow pace in your cunt. His big cock pushes your gummy walls all the way. It's been a long time since you've been fuck like that. The faster he gets the louder you moan.
"Shit Toji, just like that, good boy"
His hips stutter at your words and he groans.
"Say it again" he growls.
"You're a good boy," you say, kissing his jaw.
"My good boy" you purr right next to his ear.
A defeated sound escapes his mouth and picks up the pace ramming into your pussy full force. Each thrusts lock you harder against the counter while you dig your nails into his muscular back. Turning you around Toji places you in a doggy style position. Your hair is firmly locked in one of his hands while he pounds into you. He's close you can't tell. you're not far away either. He keeps rutting into you, the knot in your belly is getting closer to snap with each thrust.
"Make me cum Toji please be good to me" you moan on the verge of your orgasm .
A few more thrust and you cum undone, face pressed against the cold counter. Your muscles squeezing around his length make him shoot all of his cum deep inside of you. YOu're both moaning, and breathing heavily. His head rests against your sweaty back, you can feel his dick twitching inside of you.
Catching normal breaths you straighten your back.Toji is locking you against his torso in the process, his beefy arms resting on your belly. You're glad he does because your legs feel like jelly right now. Catching a few of the whipped cream with your finger you raise it to his mouth he licks it looking at you in the eyes.
"What a good little boy, you want more ?" you taunt
He squeezes his arms tighter around you and you apologize, laughing a bit. Guess you really have to thank Shiu for that.
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otakubimbo · 3 months
Fake Love, Fake Rage
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Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x f!Reader
Contents: Yelling. Anger. Cussing. Mentions of fake dating. Angst. Mean Miguel. Miguel who can't talk about his feelings. Harassment. Unresolved argument.
You didn't think your life would turn out like this. What's the problem with a little white lie anyways? Miguel had a huge problem with that little lie.
Sticky Note: This is part 1 of 2, there will be a happy ending but let's get some angst in the meantime <3. Not proof read, if I missed any content warnings let me know. K. Thanks. Mwah.
Nothing could have prepared Miguel for the words that were going to come out of Jessica’s mouth that afternoon.
“So, you finally confessed to her, huh? About time.” Jessica says as she drops a stack of reports on his desk. He immediately looks up with an irritated confused grunt.
“What are you talking about?” He questions picking up the papers she just put down, turning his attention to that instead of her.
“You and Y/N are finally dating. It’s the word around the society.” She huffs, a smile painted on her face as Miguel's head snaps up and he stares at her wide-eyed.
“Que carajo? We are not dating. Who the hell is saying that?” He questions, eyes glowing red as his face heats up at the thought. Well yes, the two of you were close, as close as someone could be to Miguel, but dating? No, absolutely not. Of course, he’s thought about it. You had a genius that rivaled his own, you were beautiful, talented, competent, serious but funny. Miguel shook his head at the thoughts.
“Everyone’s saying that she said it. That’s why I thought you finally confessed your feelings for her.” Jessica shrugged casually, mildly amused at this.
“I do not have feelings for her.” He grumbles standing up from his desk to find you and ‘fix this’. Both Jessica and Lyla exchange looks at each other as he storms out of his own lab to yours, the one he personally built for you because he doesn’t have feelings for you. He absolutely has feelings for you.
As he makes his way to your lab, he can hear all the whispers of people about the two of you dating. Mostly people are shocked but can see it with the amount of time the two of you spend together and the things he does for you. There are some whispers about how you’re obviously too good for him and how he could ever convince you to date him with his personality. But he already knew that he already knew that you were too good for him. All of this just made him angrier as he neared your lab. You could feel him before you saw him, without the need for your spidey senses.
“Yes O’Hara?” You question, not even looking up from your task of working on a watch as Miles holds a light for you and Hobie is handing you tools. You, of course, could do these tasks by yourself but you enjoyed their company.
“Why the hell are you going around telling people we are dating?!” He barks at you; you still don’t lift your head from your work.
“Tone, O’Hara.” Is your response that makes his nostrils flair. He takes a deep breath; he knows your stubbornness will not allow you to communicate with him if he’s yelling at you. You made that very clear in the early stages of your ‘friendship’.  Miles looks back and forth between you and Miguel while Hobie looks amused as usual. You had already told Hobie the incident that brought upon Miguel being in your office right now and he told you Miguel would be pissed.
“Why are you lying to people saying we are dating?” He asked in a calmer tone which surprised Miles, he’s never heard him speak so calmly but of course, this was usually reserved for spaces when it was just the two of you.
“Ben Riley wouldn’t take no for an answer, so instead of making him lose his teeth I told him we were dating.” You say nonchalantly still not looking at him.
“So, are yall dating?” Miles quietly asks more to you than to Miguel.
“We are not. Now hold still so I can finish these modifications.” You respond shifting his hand back in place.
“You would be lucky mate to even fake date her. She is one of the most fit spider women around.” Hobie jokes which just makes you roll your eyes.
“Everyone out!” Miguel growls at Hobie and Miles, now you finally lift your head to scowl at him.
“This is MY lab, O’Hara. You can’t just command them out during the middle of my work.” You huff, eyes narrowed at him. You and Miguel glare at each other.
“Ooof” Hobie huffs as he stands up from the desk behind you, putting your tools back. “Let’s leave the lovers to quarrel alone, mate.”
Miles nervously puts your light down while Miguel glares at them as they leave the two of you alone. The two of them didn’t even get out of earshot before you started yelling at Miguel.
“You think we should of just left?” Miles asks, worried about you.
“Oi, yeah absolutely nothing worse than getting in-between a couple's fight.” Hobie says as he casually puts his hands in his pockets.
“But she said they weren’t dating.” Miles looks confused.
At this point, you were truly heated at what his problem was. He could simply just deny that you two were a couple, there was no need to storm into your lab when you were in the middle of working.
“Miguel, I’m seriously too busy to do this right now. If you want me to be able to go on any missions, I need to work on this.” You gesture at your exposed watch on your desk.
“You’re the one who’s going around telling everyone we are dating because you can’t just reject someone.” He snaps back, towering over you. You roll your eyes deciding to just ignore him and get back to your watch.
“I told you; he wouldn’t take no for an answer, and you’ve been clear about spider-on-spider violence.” You respond with a roll of your eyes, whispering how he’s a hypocrite for the whole Miles situation. Miguel aggressively rakes his fingers through his hair, eyes going a light red annoyed with your instance that you weren’t in the wrong.
“And now, I’ll be getting back to work.” You say now having to adjust your stuff since your help was told to get out.
“You do realize what people are saying right?!” He grunts as his hand slams on your workstation.
“If it’s really that bad for people to think we are dating then just simply tell everyone we aren’t. I really don’t care that much truthfully; I just said the first thing that came to mind.” You don’t even acknowledge his tantrum anymore, tools in hand going back to your watch.
“Seriously?” He asked, his tone is different than before, it sounded saddened? That makes you look up at him, and really look at him. His brows were furrowed, and his teeth were clenched but there was something in his eyes that you couldn’t understand.
“What’s actually wrong, Mig?” Your voice was soft, gentle, the voice you only used when he was in one of his moods which seems like right now.  Your eyes gazed upon him in worry and concern for him. He hated that. He hated seeing everything fade from around you, that all he could see was you. Your lips pressed together, plump and soft, your eyes shining at him as if he was the only important thing right then, the nickname you gave him falling off your lips making his pulse pick up. He almost let himself get caught in that until the voices of the other spiders played in his head, what Hobbie said played in his head, he was no where close good enough for you, he would never be. You deserve something better than the monster that he is. He breathes out curses in Spanish as he grows more frustrated with everything, mainly himself.
“Mig, you know I haven’t taken those Spanish classes yet. What is going on?” You ask even more gently than the last time, you could tell it was more than you pretending to date him. There was something else, something he wasn’t telling you.  “Talk to me, you know you always can.” You say when you don’t get a response from him.
You reach out to touch him, like you always do when he gets too into his own head.  He pulls back quickly, scowling at you.
“Have you ever thought about keeping me out of your shocking business? This stupid fake dating shit. And of course, people believe it because you’re always forcing yourself around me. I don’t want to be in any of your stupid drama, for shocks sake. Leave me out of your shit. Have you ever thought that shit was annoying? Because it is, it’s annoying and pointless. You’re here to do your job and that’s shocking it. ”  He spits at you and your eyes go wide.
 He’s never spoken to you like this before. Yeah, he had a temper and could even get frustrated with you but you thought maybe it was different between the two of you. The conversations you’ve had, all the time you’ve spent with just the two of you. You thought you were at the very least friends.  You could feel your eyes starting to burn, but you refused to cry, especially in front of him.  You grab your deconstructed watch and all your things in grabbing distance.
“Fuck you, Miguel” you say as you shove your way past him. He fucked up, he knew he did so he let you walk off. Hoping you could calm down enough to let him speak to you again, but he didn’t know when that would be. He saw the tears starting to form in your eyes when you pushed past him, he heard the crack in your voice, but he said nothing to stop you. No apology, no explanation, nothing.
When you left your lab, you went directly to Spider Byte, your watch wasn’t working currently since you took it apart and you just wanted to go home. You hadn’t started crying yet but she could see something was wrong when you walked up to her.
“Hey Margo, my watch is kind of out of commission right now. Can you get me home?” You ask breathy, your chest tight in an effort to keep your composure.
“Of course, girl but are you good?” she asks, concern written all over her face. You wave her off dismissively.
“Yeah, I just got some stuff to take care of at home. I’m good. I’m good.” You say through your gritted teeth, hoping she would drop it and she does, going into start to bring up your home universe.
“So, you and Miguel?” She questions, an eye looking up at you hoping this wasn’t your problem.
You take in a deep breath, “There’s definitely no me and Miguel, absolutely not. That was just a lie I came up with to get Riley off my case ya know.” You respond trying to keep your voice steady and reassuring.
“Yeah, yeah I get ya.” She replies, dropping that topic also as she pulls up a portal to your universe. “Thanks, Margo, I’ll catch you later.” You say stepping into the portable before she could even reply. And that was the last time anyone had seen you.
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haechvn · 1 year
Stop Trying
Pairing: Shuri x F!Reader
Warning: Prepare to get your heart ripped out. Shuri did. The angstiest angst I feel like I’ve ever written.
Word Count: 1.5k+
Summary/Request: Shuri and reader getting into an argument cuz Shuri has been in the lab for a while (2 or 4 days idk) angst ending please
Author’s Note: I wrote this on the plane back from Thanksgiving. I did something like this before but this is more realistic to me and we need Shuri to be held accountable for her actions. The reader is always black in my head y’all. Part 2 is here! Enjoy!!
Taglist: @melodykisses @blackhottie25 @tonakings @coalmistyy @szalipcombo @prettyluhlaiiii @yelenabelovasgf @callmeoncette @clqrosmgc @beautybyfire @theblacksuccubus @cherios @killmongerskeeper @shuris-whore @nut4shuri
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“My love. Please reconsider this,” Shuri whispered, hands desperately reaching to grab onto yours with every step you took back. Her shoulders fall when she sees how easily you start to reject her, her body unfamiliar with such obscene behavior. She had never fathomed that there would be a time that you’d ever resist her touch. “Don’t give me space. That’s the last thing I need from you.”
It had become less lonely but more disrespectful at this point. Sure, Queen Shuri has many responsibilities since taking on the title as the new sovereign leader of Wakanda but that does not excuse her from halting communication with her partner. The two of you have been together for the last three years so you are overdue an explanation as to why your partner has not answered any calls or text messages. She never even reached out to you once.
Upon discovering from Okoye that it was simply due to her being glued to her science work and her desk in her lab, you decided enough was enough. You are Shuri’s number one cheerleader and you have been since the day you met. Never once did you overstep her boundaries and all you always wanted to make sure she felt heard and seen especially when it comes to her work. But for her to have put her technological achievements over the precious bond the two of you have built, something needs to be done. You didn’t like where your mind went.
It started when she missed dinner with you. Aneka would always try to assure you that “Nothing is wrong my Queen. The Queen will be back soon. Please don’t worry. This too shall pass.”
You continued to find yourself on your own in the excruciatingly large dining hall, eating in silence and scraping your utensils on your plate in annoyance. The Dora had been more present in your life recently than your own lover.
Then one dinner became four and then slowly turned into lonely, sleepless nights. On the fourth night, you found yourself imagining what it felt like to have her arms around you again, lips caressing your collarbone and fingers dipping languidly into your cunt. Then you snapped out of it. As two grown and fully functioning women, there is no reason why Shuri could not have just sent you a quick message to let you know her whereabouts. Constantly reaching out and receiving nothing in return to only stop by her office and find it empty triggered thoughts in your mind you have never had for the entirety of your relationship. Separation. Moving forward without her.
You aren’t some insecure little girl who is going to put up with her time being wasted and have it thrown to the back burner. You are a woman of grace, poise and elegance but you are also a woman with sense and self-respect. Thoughts of infidelity never crossed your mind as you knew Shuri adored you too much to behave in that way but she clearly didn’t adore you enough if giving you radio silence for the third time in a row was something she didn’t mind serving you.
And that’s what lead to Shuri kneeling down in front of you, hands shaking with tears pouring out of her eyes as she tried to come to terms with what you were insinuating. Take a break? Breakup? This is one equation that she can’t seem to find the solution for. Her heart felt as though it would implode on itself as she tried to steady her breathing with no avail. Her mind never anticipated that the more she worked on her scientific experiments, the results would lead her to neglecting to put you first. Her Queen.
Everything she does is for the goodness of you and your well-being but none of that matters if she couldn’t even find herself to appreciate what was standing right in front of her.
“Shuri,” you called, knowing that referring to her by her first name brings nothing but discomfort and hurt to her heart,”How long will this go on for? When you were planning on returning to me? We can’t keep playing this—“
“You… you never had a problem with this before. W-with me working long hours and I don’t—-“
“That was before when you actually communicated with me. Your partner. Now,” you seethe, nose flaring and eyebrows creasing in annoyance, ”you just decide when it’s convenient for you to show up in my life. We are not young, dumb and in love anymore Shuri!” Your blood was boiling and the pent up anger was taking control of your words instead of your logical mind.
“How long do we need to be together for you to know this type of behavior will not fly with me?! If I had spent even one day not letting you know where I am or what I was doing, you would literally shut down the entire country just to find me.”
She knew you were right. Every word spilling from your beautiful lips she craved to feel on hers was correct. Yes, the world needs her technological advancements and efforts but what happened to you being her world? When did that change? It’s not as if she was burying herself in work due to grief. She had always been able to open up to you and visit her therapist when it all became too much to bare but this. She had no explanation whatsoever.
That’s why her vision was blurred beyond measure. Her purpose wants to leave her. You want to leave her and she can hardly even find the words to comfort you the way she knows you deserve.
Shaking the tresses of curls that lay on the top of her head, she began to slowly crawl on her knees towards you again, having repeated this action about five times already. The only thing her mind told her to do was to hold her, knowing that that is what she longed for and that would may make you melt. She forced her head onto your lower stomach with her arms wrapped so tightly around the back of your legs, body vibrating and unable to stay still as heavy sobs racked through her chest. All she could do was cry. The very last thing that has been keeping her sane in the midst of her crazy life— no. She cannot lose you.
Though your words and tone was sharper than her panther claws, you stood your ground. You value yourself too much to deal with this sort of nonsense, even if it was from the fellow Queen of Wakanda.
“Shuri, I’m tired. I’m tired of your lack of empathy for how I feel. I’m tired of having to have these conversations over and over again with you and most importantly,” you ran your hand through her hair grasping on it harshly, causing Shuri to whimper at the sudden feeling of discomfort. You forced her head up so she could see the hurt in your eyes, with yours being met with bloodshot irises and rivers of tears flowing down her face.
“I am tired of you. Get off of me right now. We are done.” You lowly growled, using all your might to push her away from you, sending her backwards and landing on her backside.
Her eyes widen, arms stretched out on the sides of her body with her mouth ajar in disbelief. The way you used those sweet lips to dismiss her like she was nothing. Ironically, that’s what she loved about you. She adored how you always put yourself first in every situation because you had a strong belief that if you weren’t at peace and things didn’t serve you, it is your responsibility for you to cut them out for your well-being.
She’s being cut out. I’m being cut out. I’m being cut out. I’m being cut—
You spun on your heels, exhausted from this exchange with your now ex partner, exiting her lab before slamming your kimoyo bead bracelet and kiyomo engagement ring to the ground. Using all of your might, you found yourself jumping in the air just to crashing down on the pieces of jewelry, both under your shoes and wanting nothing more to do with Shuri or any of the technology she held above you.
“Don’t you dare reach out to me or try to find me. I already changed my number.” And with that, you disappeared from the lab.
Silence suffocated the room. All of the oxygen had been sucked out of the lab the moment you slammed the door shut. Shuri’s eyes hadn’t left the reminants of the destroyed handcrafted jewelry she’d made for you two anniversaries ago. Her heart resembled the broken shards of material that laid before her. She grabbed a fistful of her top where her heart lays beneath the cloth and let out a blood curdling cry. She screamed and cried. Over and over. Begged you to come back. Spoke to the ghost of you that remained in the room with her. She felt as though she shed more tears now than when her mother passed, with past memories of the two of you littering her mind at the most agonizing moment of her life.
“I’m alone,” she whispered to herself, barely able to get the words out and not believing any of the events that occurred mere seconds ago, “I’m all alone once again.”
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ikkosu · 24 days
Archie's @archie-sunshine knightformer's prowl brain rot (drabble) inspired by @pinkanonwrites I am so soft for him.
(this was supposed to be tagged along with the drawing but I forgor omghr🙉)
Little fairy would stick to prowl like glue : perching on his shoulders, tugging on his cape even though he explicitly states he does not like it.
They're such pests. So playful, always petty and, unfortunately, even his bland disposition is unspared as he managed to nabbed one of their attention.
"Space. I need space." He'd clip out and a little waggle of his hands would try (gently ) to deter them elsewhere.
Fairy only latched onto his fingers, breedling with a huge smile before proceeding to do exactly what he had told them not to : invading his space.
"Oh, for — Primus's sake. I don't have time for this."
Though, despite his chastise, he never says a word when they'd burrow on the spot between his shoulder and the underside of his chin.
He finds the little bundle of warmth, purring and nestling on the crook of his neck, a sedative to his usual taut, coiled-up irritation to the world.
And, he'd relent, a finger tapping on their plush little cheeks as they squeal and play around with his hand.
In his office, he'd built a mini-fairy spot just for them, since they're so hell-bent on following him everywhere ( fairy followed him almost seven miles without his knowledge when he was travelling from village to village for a job)
That's the most concerned kind of look you can get out of prowl.
While he's tinkering away at his paperwork, from his periphery, the sparkled puffs of yellow would dart around in their make-shift fairy abode.
Paper work would be an excruciating endeavor if not for his little companion keeping him sane. They'd waddle across his desk, pushing his quill pens neatly into place, arranging his documents and stationaries Prowl doesn't seem to mind. In fact, as long as they don't bother his work — fairy is welcomed to stay.
"That's a little too heavy, no?" He raises a brow at the sound of strained huffing.
Fairy, with their whole body against an inkpot, struggles to push it to where it lays below his hand. For better reaching, he assumes.
"Keep going, then." He muses and doesn't notice the scrunched up pout darted his way.
Sometimes when his migraine wouldn't let up, he'll saunter over to the alcove and observes the little fairy as they potter away.
If they're not asleep, often times they'll breedle and chatter off to him as though they know the same language. often times prowl just nods and follow what they tell him to do : like, say, planting mini-ferns in their mini-garden.
And, he'll have to just make a hole with a simple tap of his index. Fairy seems incredulously envious of that.
If they're asleep, gently, they're scooped into his palms and he'd saunter to his bedroom where he nestles them on the plush cushion of the blanket. He kicks of his boots, put down his sword and after changingi nto something comfortable, he goes under the covers.
With fairy close to his neck, his hand gently curls over them like shelter and slumber drifts them off, and away, to sleep.
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levmada · 1 month
hello! how r u doing?
can u write something angsty with either no comfort or comfort at the end (whatever u want). basically, reader has been having a pretty shitty week and has been working nonstop, and is the type to not about what's bothering them until they can't contain it anymore or they're calm enough to talk about it because they know they can get snappy and say some very sharp words that can be very hurtful. levi of course knows that, because he is our observant pookie, and leaves the reader alone, just acts normal. one night, let's say levi maybe says something snarky or whatever, that the reader has been some pretty bad attitude which is unlike them, and usually reader wouldn't take his words seriously and know that he's perhaps trying to help them open up. this time, it doesn't go the wau it's supposed to, and reader just fully snaps at levi and say some very harsh, petty and hurtful words to him. the rest is up to u!
and thank u btw, i love ur content❤️
yes, yes i can. ty for such a detailed rq :) this became angstier than intended😭but it's ok bc it was 10x more painful to write being mean to levi.
reader/us also has a distinct personality kind of built off the way you described, so i hope it's what you expect😅
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➥ pairing: Levi x gn!reader
➥ c/w: college!au, Levi pov, Levi not realizing he has trauma for 1400 words, apologizing, selective mutism...?, heavy hurt and some comfort
➥ wc: 1.4k
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If ever he ranked cleaning activities in his mind (which he has), organizing isn’t very high, but it doesn’t occur to him not to help you out with the little things when your week has been poisoned with the dual evils, shitty and exhausting.
Ever since you got back from class, you’ve sat there at your desk. He’s kept you in the corner of his eye, and that same scowl from an hour ago is still there, illuminated by the light of your laptop. You’ve paid it more attention than to anything else—which is not at all, even to your basic needs. 
It’s best to give you space when that look is on your face, and has and will continue to, but not when it comes to eating and-or sleeping. Other than that, he’s content in the background. Whatever he does to help out, you always notice, and tell him thank you with a weak smile, but not today—today when you look particularly like you’re at your wit’s end.
When he finished organizing the apartment (including the fridge), he bypassed your desk and sat on his computer playing solitaire for a solid half-hour. Inevitably, he gets bored, and he’s giving you as much time as he’s willing to before he drags you out to eat something.
Unsatisfied without the job completely done, he rolls up his sleeves and starts at the end of your desk by emptying your pencil sharpener, making a face at how full it is.
To his satisfaction, your focus hardly wanes. Which is good, but he knows how you like everything anyway. With an undistinguishable but distinct fondness, he notes your quirks; even the way you hold your pen melds with your existence in his mind. 
Or no, maybe that’s wrong. You’re a part of him; not a visitor, or even a resident, of his heart and mind.
“Levi, I need those pencils; leave them there.”
You’re referring to the plastic tin of a few colored pencils in his hand, which sat near the middle beside your computer. He looks at you, but you’re definitely serious about it, so he sets it back down.
“If you say so.”
You say nothing and go back to your work. Skipping the tin (which he wants to wash because of all the gross graphite smears and shavings at the bottom), he takes the pencil case beside that, and pops it open. An eraser found its way into a sea of colored pencils somehow somehow, as well as crayons—probably Hange. Not too long ago you had them over working on a class project. He starts picking out these imposters.
“Levi,” you huff, your expression severe as you look daggers at him. “Just leave it alone.”
“Tch, you’re kidding. You’d rather I waste my time sorting the bookshelf in reverse alphabetical order instead? That’s stupid, so why?”
He always gets ‘Are you okay?’ wrong, but this time you turn towards him with your fist tightly curled over your notebook. He doesn’t look startled, but he barely catches the beginning of your revile.
“Stop messing around!—I just told you to stop fucking with it, so quit being a fucking idiot and get out of my space!! This is so stupid, do you not see I’m busy!? ‘Cuz you clearly can’t listen!”
Ironically the angrier you sound, the less emotion shows on his face. Only at the end—you already look guilty—amidst silence like a bomb’s fallout, he wears the scowl of a frightened animal.
He waits until your lips start moving to turn around and leave. 
At the door, he stops again with his hand clutching the knob, and glares at you over his shoulder. When your lips go to form his name, he slams it harder than necessary.
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This is so stupid.
That was far from the first time someone has yelled at him in his life, and besides, is getting yelled at not an experience absolutely everyone’s had?
Even so, he can’t seem to make himself do fuck-all besides quietly sit, sit in your dark kitchen at the dining table, his legs folded to his chest. He feels like a gargoyle—odd, ancient, and unthinking. 
Maybe he just never expected you would ever lose your temper, which is naive of him.
He doesn’t know what to do, until, your voice speaking softly makes him bolt up straight. 
“I’m sorry, can I turn this on…?” you ask softly.
For now, your profile is merely a black shadow in the doorway, with your back illuminated by the one in the tiny hall. The switch you’re gesturing to would light up above the oven, rather than the whole room.
He opens his mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. But it’s not a no. 
Despite the nature of turning on a light, it feels so slow.
He must’ve sat a while, because he even cringes, blinking feverishly. Before his vision even adjusts, the guilt etched into your expression is almost painful for him to look at, like a cavernous gorge shoveled into the earth miles wide and deep. You’re holding something to your chest.
“I’m so sorry for snapping like that. You didn’t do anything wrong at all. I’m so sorry, Levi. I’m never, ever too busy—fuck, I was frustrated and I never should take it out on you, not in any way, ever. I’m the one who’s an idiot.”
As you speak, you come until you’re by the table, standing like a magnet constantly being repelled from it. 
Then you set what you were holding down in front of him—one, an expensive piece of paper (the kind that bends, not tears) with a drawing of some sort he doesn’t want to look at right now, and a rice cake wrapped in clingy wrap. 
His favorite. 
“I’m so so sorry,” you continue apologizing profusely. At this point your eyes are wet, but they keep darting away, with your nails surely leaving half-moon-shaped indents in your knuckles. You pray very quietly, “I’ll do anything ‘cuz you’re everything.”
Wide-eyed, he can’t seem to respond except for a raw sound in his throat after you say that. An instinct seems primal, as much as pumping blood is, that if he says anything, the likelihood that you’ll leave him will increase an unknown amount. 
Normally he’s so calm under pressure, and he didn’t say anything before either—you’ll get the wrong idea. The best thing he can think of is to robotically slide the offerings closer.
You’re still trying not to cry when you go. 
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He stays there, just as he was, for another little while. He’s not really feeling anything, but at the same time, he’s running out of breath from the effort to calm down. 
The way you clearly felt is probably what you get, but he doesn’t want that for you anyway. Even if you did mean any of it.
But you didn’t.
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It’s midnight or so—too early for Levi to usually be asleep but very late for him to be coming to bed—when he taps the bedroom door open with a few fingers and slinks inside. To prevent from waking you up, he did most of his business in the bathroom in the dark. 
It now helps him make out the shape of you under the covers on your side of the bed. He comes like a wraith, so much that he’s near-silent crawling into bed beside you, and using the edge of the covers to slip under.
Your back is in front of him. He wants to make sure you know it’s okay… but he doesn’t know how. He closes his eyes and rests his forehead right between your shoulder blades and the thin material of your tank top, the only place you’re touching. You’re warm, you smell good. 
By the slight hitch in your breathing then, you know he’s here. 
After a while, he brings his hand up to your waist, or rather a bit before it. It’s not long before you gently rest your fingers on top of his. He lets them slot in-between.
His eyes are heavy. He doesn’t bother opening them as he reaches around, bringing you his way, with your head nestled in his chest. That’s the only time you make a move, since he made it clear it’s okay for you to.
He holds you tightly and breathes you in. You both relax.
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Levi masterlist | main masterlist
71 notes · View notes
staytinyville · 7 months
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Stay Alive (6)
BTS poly!ot7 x Reader
Magical Creatures AU
Series Masterlist
Warnings: None
NOT BETA READ (I did try the best to my ability. If you would like to be my beta reader feel free to DM me :)
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Walking into work in the morning with a tired sigh, you were feeling a bit drained from the night before. You had a massive headache from not finding sleep due to another massive headache. It seemed like there was something trying to push at your mind, wanting to worm its way into your brain. It left you restless.
“(Y/N).” Suho called you the moment you walked into the office space. You looked up, trying to give a friendly smile. “Doctor Hanseol would like to see you.”
That seemed to take care of your headache right away. Your eyes went wide as you nodded your head, making haste to get to the office on time. You had dropped off your things at your desk before making your way to the elevators to take you up.
Once you reached his door, you sighed and tried to get a grip on your tired nerves. You knocked on the door, hearing a call before entering.
“Hello, sir.” You bowed your head, waiting for him to tell you to sit. When he gestured with his hand, you moved to take a seat in front of him.
“Hello, (Y/N).” Your boss greeted. “How is everything going with Jungkook? Is he behaving?” He smiled, laughing a little.
You played with your fingers in your lap, chuckling quietly to make it seem like you found his joke funny. “I couldn't imagine him misbehaving. He's a really great patient to look after. I find it hard to believe he's even here. He is quite healthy.” You explained absentmindedly.
Hanseol hummed, nodding his head. “Yes, well, you will find most patients in the facility are healthy. It's just certain mental problems or life long issues we are looking to heal.”
“I understand.” You spoke up. 
The man left you unsettled. You didn’t know if it was because of the presence he had around him or if it had to do with the fact that he was your boss. You knew your past employers sometimes made you feel worried about your work ethic but Hanseol made you feel insignificant. Like just your breathing was bothering him. 
It was only your second time meeting with him and both times you noticed how he carried himself. He was arrogant–a man who looked like he was only helping the less fortunate because it gave him money. But you couldn’t say anything, he was the one to give you the job. And if it wasn’t for that you wouldn’t have met the boys. 
“It seems you've built quite the reputation at the facility.” Hanseol continued on.
“I'd hope in a good way.” You laughed stiffly.
“Certainly for you.” He smiled, moving to look at a file on his desk. “It seems we had another problem with a patient of ours.” He dragged the paper over to you. “He seems to want no one else but you. He's posing a problem to us because he won't do what we ask. So I have decided to accept and put you to be his personal nurse.”
You looked up from the file, frowning as you tilted your head in confusion. “What about Jungkook? Or my job up here at the clinic?” You asked. 
“You won't have to work here in the clinic.” Hanseol shook his head. “As you have probably gathered by now, we have a large number of patients in the lower levels. I only have 15 nurses stationed there for the 50 patients. Each one is often given at least two—sometimes three to take care of. You will still be Jungkook's nurse as well. Because of this I have decided to make you a full time nurse for the In-Patient care facility.” He explained to you.
You looked over the man’s file, the large 001 next to his name caught your attention. You had studied to become a nurse and help others who needed it. Filing papers wasn’t exactly something you wanted to do, so you felt you got lucky with getting Jungkook’s file by accident. You also owed it to the boy for throwing a tantrum to get you as his nurse. Getting another patient would add on to your experience and your position would be changed officially. 
“It would be an honor.” You smiled at Hanseol, bowing your head in thanks.
“I knew you would accept.” The smile the man gave you made you almost falter. “I expect you to take very good care of this patient. He was our very first client when I first started this company. He means a lot to me.” 
While his voice was normal, there was an underlying tone that made you shiver. Maybe it hadn’t been directed towards you, but the way he spoke about the patient made it seem like the man was troubled with them. 
“Of course, sir. I'll do my best.” You bowed your head one last time before moving out the door, file tucked closely to your chest. 
You sighed deeply as you moved to the elevators. Instead of going directly to your desk, you began to make your way towards the lower levels. You figure it would be best to get acquainted with your new patient. 
Going down into the facility, you were quick to come up on the door you knew belonged to the person you would be in charge of. You sighed to yourself, a smile on your face as you knocked. “Come in.” A voice called roughly from the other side. 
“Hello, Mr. Kim.” You greeted, walking in. “I'm (Y/N). I'll be your new nurse!”
Your new patient was sitting comfortably on the couch, book in his lap. He looked up from the pages when he heard your voice call to him. He calmly took his feet off the couch and placed his book down. As he stood up, you smiled bashfully as you took in how tall he actually was. It made you a bit intimidated by his height. 
You remember Jin was probably the same height however Namjoon seemed to have a harsher stare and a passive look on his face. “I know. I asked for you.” He told you, walking closer. 
You nodded your head, feeling stupid for introducing yourself that way. “Right.” You said. “Do you mind if I ask why?” You asked.
“Jungkook told me about you.” He had reached you, looking at you as though he was sizing you up. 
You rolled your shoulders back to calm the anxious nerves racing through your body. “I'm sure that boy has told everyone about me.” You smiled at the thought of the younger boy. “He's really sweet.”
“He is.” Namjoon’s lips curled up slightly as he thought about the boy. “Very kind.”
You had to stop yourself from giggling at the dimple that appeared on his cheek. It was absolutely the cutest thing you had ever seen. And it was only a partial dimple. 
“Would it be alright if I go over your vitals?” You shook your head, looking down at the file given to you. “I have to do a check up.”
“As they normally do.” The man waved you off, moving to sit at the bed like Jungkook had that first day. “Get on with it.”
You sighed deeply at how the man’s attitude was passive. He didn’t sound like he had any emotions to give to you. You figured he was still trying to come up with his own analysis of you. “Yes.” You nodded, moving to put the file on the table before getting all you needed to check his vitals.
When you gathered all you needed, you moved up to him. “Is it okay?” You asked, gesturing to his arm. He held it out for you, waiting for you to put the band around his arm. As you moved to touch him, you noticed how warm he was. However it wasn’t something you would find to be worrisome. What you did stop to frown at were the skin lesions on his arm. 
The skin looked like the epidermis had been peeled back in small patches the size of pimples. It didn’t seem like he was bleeding, however the skin was red. It reminded of you of a blister wound that had been peeled back.  It looked painful and it made you shiver at thinking about having an open wound like that on your skin. 
“Did they put anything on these wounds?” You openly scoffed and momentarily put down the heart rate padding. You had a frown on your face and Namjoon watched as you huffed and turned around to rummage through his cabinets. 
“They should put something.” You angrily mumbled to yourself.
“What are you looking for?” He asked, watching you huff and puff at not finding whatever it was you were looking for. 
“An ointment.” You told him. “Something to fix the breaking skin.”
Namjoon’s eyebrows raised, glancing down to the picked at skin on his arm. His hands smothered down his legs, feeling the fabric of his clothing rub at the raw skin on his thighs. “I'll be fine.” He sighed.
“I read in your files that you're here for a skin condition.” A grin overtook your face when you had found the first aid kit. Namjoon looked at you from the bed as you pulled a box out and dropped it onto the floor to look through it. 
“You're a patient and I'm the nurse.” You explained, jumping up as you came into a stand. He flinched back at your sudden movements, but kept his eyes on your grin. “I have to heal your wounds.” You walked closer holding up a bottle of some medicine and some gauze. 
As you moved to reach out, you froze before looking up at him. “Is this okay?” You asked, waiting for his response. He slowly nodded his head, his lungs seizing up for some reason as he took in your scent. While he could clearly smell your perfume, there was something else that seemed to catch him by surprise. 
As your hands were softly touching him, his eyes closed as he allowed your kindness rush to through his nerve endings and into his chest. His empathetic nature seemed to intertwine with your aura. 
“I'll come by tomorrow to check up on them.” Your voice brought him out of his stupor, the man looking down at you with hooded eyes. “If you feel itchy you can take them off yourself but I wouldn't recommend it, the ointment needs to soak up.” Your smile made him dizzy. 
“Everything should be good now.” You told him after you wrote down all his vitals. You looked towards him, a smile on your face as you tilted your head at his dazed expression. 
“You smell nice.” He blurted. 
Your face turned beet red, choking on air. “Thank you?” You giggled.
“Sorry.” He shook his head when he heard you laugh. “I've never met someone like you. It made my senses fog up.”
“I'm flattered.” You continued to laugh, your cheeks hurting from your smile. “Is there anything I can do for you?” You asked before you left. 
“No.” Namjoon stood from the bed, seemingly back to normal as he walked you to the door. “I should be okay.” He finally gave you a smile which showcased his dimple. 
Your eyes crinkled as you swooned over it. “Then I'll be on my way. I have Jungkook to tend to.”
“Yes, you should go before he comes to find you.” Namjoon playfully rolled his eyes.
“I hope you have a good day, Mr. Kim. Goodbye.” The smile you gave him made him swallow.
He knew that all of them had started to become desensitized in this place that only seemed to take from them. They had given up all hope for a better future. A future where they were able to return home. It seemed so long ago that they were brought in as children and tested on until they could no longer feel anything. He knew there would come a day when Hanseol would no longer need them, everyone ran out of magic at one point. Who knew what would happen to them then. 
But hearing you say such kind words–touch him with such kind hands–he knew he wanted to get out. He had suffered so much and meeting you made him remember what it was like in the first place. He was going to find a way to get out. He was going to find a way to save everyone. And he knew you were the one person who would help him do that. 
“Of course.”
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Series Masterlist
276 notes · View notes
ronwestbreeze · 1 year
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pairing: jake sully x reader
summary: in which you are forced to be in the same vicinity as jake sully for months
warnings: none!
word count: 3.9k
author's note: yay another chapter!! :))
AO3 | prev | next
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It had been a few weeks since the last time you had stepped foot in Hell’s Gate and ever since your conversation with Quaritch. Still, you had sent a few vague video messages for Grace and the newbies about the culture of Na’vi. The videos were mostly for Jake since Norm seemed well educated on the culture and language. It was easy for you to do and get out of the way one day a week. This was you being the tutor that Quaritch tried requesting. And technically you weren’t disobeying orders. But you did find yourself a loophole to avoid the Gate and Jake Sully all together.
That was until now.
“Tinkers…” Grace sighed.
“Hell no, Augustine!”
You never thought you would find yourself yelling at Grace in all the time you’ve met her. It almost felt wrong. There was so much respect between you two, there was just never any way that you thought you’d be arguing with her this hotly, this irritated. Sure, there had been clashes in the past but those were tame and intellectual.
Now it was almost like a child snapping at their mother for the first time. You didn’t want to but your frustration and irritation had built up over time until it finally made you explode.
“He’s found and met the Omatikaya people, Tinkers. This could be our chance to rebuild a relationship with them if we do this right.” Grace's voice was cracking through the radio that you held in your hands. “And to do that we need a good set up, a good foundation away from the Gate. We have to have some distance, especially from Parker and Quaritch.”
That had made you stop. Your hands, which had been previously tinkering with your project, stopped moving as you focused your attention on the radio. “Why?” The question had come hastily, making you cringe at yourself. “I mean, what does this have to do with Quaritch?”
Grace responded in a lowered voice through the radio, “For some odd reason, I feel like you already know the answer to that, Tinkers. Which also explains your sudden attitude toward Jake. Yeah, don’t think I haven’t noticed, kid.” You rolled your eyes, knowing she was talking about your obvious steps to make sure you didn’t interact with Quaritch’s new puppet. And your lack of a response only confirmed Grace’s guess.
Really, there was no point in denying it. Grace knew you. And she knew Quaritch just as well as you did. She knew the tense relationship between you two, it was hard not to over the years of you being on Pandora. Which was one of the reasons why Grace had taken you under her wing, which was why you had always followed her around like a lost puppy in your first few years in Pandora. There was no hiding anything from Grace Augustine, especially when she decided to look after you when no one else would.
“And you think bringing everything up here, crowding my space…” Despite yourself, you glanced down at your project which was nearly finished.  “How is this a good idea again—”
“We’re coming, Tinkers.” Grace said sternly. “You can stay cooped up in your lab all you want but we’re still coming, and kid, sorry but you’re going to have to deal with Sully’s presence whether you like it or not.”
She wasn’t wrong. Yes, your lab was connected to the mobile link station Site 26 which Grace and the others were free to use if they wanted. But this lab was your solitude, your own world of secrets.
You didn’t want Quaritch’s little spy anywhere near it.
“Meet you up there, kid.” Grace said before the radio went silent.
For a moment, you stared at Project Pandora. Then you got up and started cleaning up the desk you had been working at for the past few hours. Carefully, you placed the project in the cabinets beneath the desk and closed it, locking it with a padlock.
Perhaps you were being a bit paranoid but you couldn’t risk it. Hell, you couldn’t even risk Grace seeing it either. She’d try to talk you out of it if anything.
Hours had passed until the helicopter had arrived with Grace and the others. Despite your previous annoyance toward the new situation, you went out to greet them as they got off the helicopter.
“Hope you took care of the place since I left.” Grace commented as you fell into step side by side with her. “I’m not going to see a whole hoard of shit everywhere, will I, Tinkers?”
“I know how to clean my own shit.” You grumbled when stepping into the station. “If anything you’re more messy with me. Most of you shit is in there anyway.”
Grace rolled her eyes, setting her things down at an unoccupied desk. Norm trailed in, looking around with wide excited eyes. “So you’re telling me you’ve been staying up here in the Hallelujah Mountains for months now? How are you not amazed by this every day?”
You shrugged as the link beds were rolled in, “I guess you get used to the view every day.”
That wasn’t necessarily true. Still to this day you found yourself always amazed at where you were and how you often remembered that Earth was nothing compared to this. And that you didn’t miss the former planet one bit.
Norm shook his head in disbelief, “Have you ever explored more of this place?”
“On my own? No.” You found yourself chuckling self-deprecatingly. “Pandora may be beautiful but it's also dangerous, especially for those unskilled to handle it.”
As soon as you said that, Jake wheeled in. He took in his surroundings the same as Norm until your gazes connected. There was an unreadable expression on his face when he nodded toward you in acknowledgment, “Doc.”
“They haven’t killed you yet, I see.” You hummed, raising a single brow. “Can’t really tell if I’m impressed or disappointed.”
He gave a sarcastic smile, “Thanks for the vote of confidence, Doc. Have any more half assed advice for me?”
“Yeah, right up your—”
“Alright, kids.” Grace interrupted, glaring at the two of you. “If we’re all gonna be stuck here together for the next few months, we’re gonna have to suck it up and get along or else this whole thing is for nothing.”
You roll your eyes, before leaving to go back to your lab. That was your only place where it would be your solitude after. Seconds later your lab door opened and in came Grace who already wore a maternal stern look on her face upon looking at you slouched in your desk chair.
“Why are we even still working with him?” You hiss in Na’vi. “It’s like you said on the radio, you and I both know he’s working with Quaritch. We can’t trust him!”
“He will start learning their ways and they will accept him if we play this right, Tinkers. Think about it. Sully could be our chance to rebuild our relationship with them, to get them to trust us again.” Grace glanced over her shoulder at the now closed door before continuing. “And if it works maybe things will start to fall in place when it comes to Quaritch.”
You stood, shaking your head. “You have too much faith in him, Augustine. Whatever relationship you think we could salvage with them, it’s gone. They will never trust us again after what happened. And now letting him enter their clan as an outsider, lying to them, that is what you think is going to help?!”
Exhaustion fell onto her face as she placed her hands on her waist, switching to English. “You’re gonna have to trust me on this one, Tinkers. I need you to work with me here, I need you on my side.”
This was too reckless. All of it. And no matter what you did to stay out of it, somehow you were always dragged back into it. You were always hurt again. You didn’t want to be hurt. You didn’t want what happened last time to happen again. Not to the Na’vi. Hell, not to Grace. You can’t stand seeing her heart broken after what had happened again.
“He is not on our side.” You whispered, pointing to the door.
Grace did not respond and the conversation soon ended when Norm called for her. Before leaving your lab she gave you one final stern look, “Play nice. This place is about to be stuffy, kid.”
The first couple of weeks, you mostly kept to yourself in your lab, working on your project, video logging for yourself, or just other smaller projects. Just to keep yourself distracted and away from the main station. When you did come out of your lab, you’d mostly speak to Grace and Norm and kept your interactions with Jake to a minimum. Which most of the time included snarky remarks and or cursing at each other.
“She keeps calling me, skxawng.” Jake muttered one day while eating his breakfast before he’d hop into the link unit as usual. During his stay here, you had learned that Jake had met Neytiri, the Omatikaya clan leader’s daughter. You recognized the name mostly because you had met her in the past, her and her mother Mo’at, the Tsahik of the clan. It had been a while since you had seen either of them. “What does it even mean?”
“Moron.” You muttered, eating some of your yogurt.
“Yeah, right back at you, little shit.” Jake retorted.
Norm shook his head, hiding an amused snort behind his bowl of breakfast. You turned to Jake and raised your brows, “Skxawng, means moron, asshat. Though it’s pretty fitting for you, don’t you think?”
“Bite me.”
“Very mature.”
“Both of you sound like children!” Grace snapped from her spot at the desk in the corner. “For god’s sake, you’re adults! Act like it!”
“Tell that to her.” Jake commented.
You flipped him off.
But as time went by, you can admit that Jake was making bits of progress when it came to integrating into the Omatikaya. Some days, when you wanted a break from spending so much time in the lab, you’d be sitting on one of the cots watching Norm struggling to teach Jake the language and get easily frustrated at his slow learning.
“Oel ngati kameie.” Norm repeated for what sounded like the hundredth time that evening. “I see you. You almost had it on the ninetieth try.”
“Fuck off.” Jake rolled his eyes. “Oel ngati—”
“No, no, no!” Norm grumbled while you hid a smile behind the book you were reading.
“I’m saying exactly what you’re saying right now!”
“No you’re not—you know what?” Norm breathed out a sigh before pushing away from the table he was at, “Let’s take a really, really long break, yeah?” You watched as Norm exhaustedly rubbed his face and left the room, mumbling to himself in frustration.
Jake huffed and went quiet for a while. Right now it was just the two of you sitting in the room. You made no move to say or do anything, mostly just kept to yourself like you had been for the past week. While reading, you heard him start to mumble the same phrase over and over again, though his pronunciation was wrong each time.
And despite wanting to ignore him, your need to correct him eventually won.
“You really do have a thick skull, huh?” You commented. Jake turned his wheelchair away from you, pettily ignoring you. “You're sooo funny. Apologies for trying to help.”
“And since when have you ever tried to help me?” Jake snorted, glaring at you over his shoulder.
“Did you not watch the videos I sent you?”
“Fuck off.”
A small, amused smile tugged at your lip before you closed your book. “Quaritch did tell you to listen to me, make sure you survive and whatnot. Or are you not taking orders from him anymore?”
Jake didn't reply right away, instead he turned his chair so that he was facing you again, studying you with an unreadable expression. “You hate him.”
You scoffed, “Great job, Sherlock.”
Jake tilted his head, giving you a look, “He’s mentioned you a few times. Asks about you.”
Not really wanting to hear any of this, you got up and grabbed your book. “We’re definitely not having this conversation, especially not with you of all people.”
“Okay, then make something clear to me.” Jake called, rolling after you. “I don’t get it. He acts like the two of you are close and treats you like a family. And then there’s you, you can’t even stand to be in the same room with him.”
Now you were scowling and turned back to him, “Yes and it’s been a pretty great relationship so far. What’s your point, Puppet?”
He frowned at the nickname but continued, “It’s because of the school, isn’t it?”
That, you hadn’t expected. Really, you didn’t even know that he knew about that. Then again, Grace might’ve told him at some point. Still, the question threw you off. Enough that Jake could read the expression on your face, which confirmed his question without you having to say anything.
“I, uh, noticed the pictures with you and Grace’s avatars, with the kids.” Jake continued but a lot more carefully than before. “Grace told me about, um, Sylwanin and the other kids that died.” You winced terribly, barely able to hide it as you turned your gaze away from him. It had been awhile, no, a couple of years at least since it first happened.
You just never bothered talking about it again, never bothering to go back into your avatar form unless you absolutely needed to. Those deaths had weighed down on your shoulders forever.
Jake was still watching you as he spoke, “You blame him.”
“They were on his orders.” Was what you said, willing your voice to remain firm. Crossing your arms, you continued through gritted teeth, “If he ever thought of me as family he wouldn’t have allowed that to happen that day. Those were my friends he had gunned down.” You turn to look at Jake, frowning. “Could you forgive that?”
Surprisingly, his response was immediate. “No.”
Quietly, you watched him the same as he did you. And then you stopped, not wanting to read into anything more. Not wanting to discover anything more despite the growing doubt settling in as this conversation kept going.
“What else has he said?” You found yourself asking after a while, quietly. This now surprised Jake. “About me?”
Now it was his turn to look away from you for a moment before shrugging, “Says you guys used to be close, practically an uncle to you or something, I don’t remember.”
You nod, not protesting that. Despite everything, that was true. Your parents were both dead. Quaritch had known them both and you since you were young. He was a family friend. An uncle. The only person that cared for you that was left in this world.
And with everything that had happened between you two, that’s what broke your heart the most. No matter what, he was the last one left for you.
You walked toward the door to your lab but stopped before glancing over your shoulder toward Jake.
“It’s oel ngati kameie.” You pronounced slowly, doing the hand movement along with it. “You’ll get it at some point.”
“Wait!” Just as you opened the door, Jake had wheeled closer. “The way you say it, it’s different from how Norm did it.”
You shrugged, “Norm’s a bit too formal with his translations. Spend a little time with the Na’vi and listen to how they communicate with each other, that’s when you start to sound like them.”
Jake grinned a bit, “Why don’t you teach me? Call it a truce, you and I. Let’s make this work, yeah?”
“I don’t know.” You hummed stepping into your lab. “I still don’t like you very much.”
He raised a brow, a smirk on his lips, “You’re warming up to me though.”
“In your dreams, Puppet.”
“Video log, 100-something…I don’t know but I miss you guys.”
You say quietly to the camera. It was around night time in Pandora. The other should’ve been fast asleep by now or Jake was still in the link bed, parading around the forest with his avatar.
“It’s been a few months…since I’ve logged in, I think. I know I should be keeping up with them. And it’s been five years today since you guys left…Mom, I’ve improved and kept your work going. Hopefully I’ve done you justice…you know…I can’t exactly replace you. Your brilliance…everyone looks to me now that you’re gone…I don’t know how to feel about that. I’m not ready for it-I really don’t understand how these people think I could live up to you….”
There was a muffled sound outside of your lab. Someone was probably moving around. Whoever it was, you waited for a few seconds before you didn’t hear anymore thuds. You turned back to the camera.
“I think it was a mistake leaving me to Quaritch…and I know he’s one of your oldest friends Dad, but…this isn’t working anymore. Pandora has really shown me the truth. Something I was too naïve to notice before…but now that I do know the truth, I’m not sure….I’m not sure if I was ready for it…”
Knowing that these videos were being watched by the higher ups, you decided to cut the camera off before the tears came. The last thing you wanted was for them to see your vulnerability. To see how much their mission practically broke you. They wouldn’t have cared anyway. But it was embarrassing to imagine either way.
All you knew was that you never wanted them to ever see you cry. You would not grant them this.
The last thing they would see of you was not tears. No.
It would be a grin made of gasoline. And the fire you started in your wake.
Norm and Jake were arguing. You didn’t know what about but if you had to guess, it was probably Norm getting frustrated with Jake while he was supposed to be helping him with the language. And you were betting Jake was responding back like the smartass he was.
It wasn’t long before Grace jumped in to scold them like a parent. Now it would’ve been entertaining to listen to the three of them go at it, but they’re dumb fight was distracting you from your work, which was in itself a sin.
When the fighting never ceased, you gave up with the work you attempted to refocus on and stomped out of your lab. Outside of it, Jake and Norm were back at the small table in the corner going at it while Grace scowled and snapped at them from her spot across from them.
“—it’s like you’re trying to be dumb on purpose! How can you not get this?!” Norm snapped.
Jake scowled, “Kind of hard to listen to you when you’re talking out of your ass!”
“My god! Am I just surrounded by children these days? What the hell is wrong with you two?!” Grace glared at them.
You stood to the side and watched as they fought, both annoyed and intrigued.
Norm suddenly stood up, “You know, I don’t get it. I’ve studied and prepared myself for this for several years and he gets this chance in one go, why? What the hell has he done to even earn his place here?!”
“Spellman—” Grace sighed.
“So you're jealous?” Jake smirked, leaning back in his chair. “What, mad that I got the chief’s daughter and you got horseshit?”
You could tell Jake was just trying to get a rise out of Norm and the latter took the bait easily, “I deserve to be out there. I fucking speak the language—”
“Quaritch chose him.” Grace said simply, growing tired of the fight. “There’s nothing we could do to change that. And complaining about it sure as hell isn’t going to solve anything.” She then looked at you with a frown and spoke in Na’vi, “Are you just gonna stand there or are you going to add anything to this conversation?”
You shrugged indifferently, “You seem to have a handle on things.”
“Would the two of you stop that!” Norm snapped exasperatedly. “I can understand you! You’re not being secretive by talking in another language I know!”
Grace frowned, “Nobody said anything about being secretive, Spellman. Take a deep breath, alright? Yes, you are good at the language, which is why I need you to help Jake out here.”
Norm glared at Jake. Jake glared back, raising his brows provocatively.
You rolled your eyes before smacking Norm’s arm, “Go. I’ll take over.”
Grace raised his brows while Jake stared at you curiously and another expression you couldn’t make out. “You sure, Tinkers?”
“If it’ll get the two of these idiots to stop arguing, yeah, I’m sure.” You say, replacing the seat Norm had been sitting in before.
Norm scoffed, “Whatever.” He disappeared in the back.
“Let’s see here.” You say, looking at the notes that Norm had scribbled down. “Eywa ngahu.”
“What, no hello?” Jake grinned at you.
“Eywa ngahu.” You repeated sternly.
Jake rolled his eyes, “Eywa ngahu.”
“Good, good.” You nodded before glancing down at the papers, “Jesus, what is this handwriting?”
Jake leaned forward to get a better look at it, a little too close for your liking. He pointed to one of the phases, “Oel ngati kameie. I see you, right?”
You nodded while Grace from her corner of the room narrowed her eyes at him, “Just a few minutes ago you were struggling with it when Norm was teaching you.”
Jake shrugged innocently, “I guess I learn fast.”
“Bullshit.” Grace scoffed. She glanced from you to Jake with a strange yet knowing look before shaking her head and going back to work. Muttering under her breath, “Idiots…”
Now it was your turn to narrow your eyes at him. Jake just continued to stare at you innocently. You glanced back down at the papers noticing the red marks next to some of the phrases.
“Those were the ones we were gonna come back to.” Jake pointed out when he saw the question practically forming on your face. “They were the ones I struggled with the most.”
“Mmm.” You said for a moment. “Let’s go down the list. Ngaru lu fpom srak.”
“Ngaru lu fpom srak.”
“Fyape syaw fko ngar?”
“Jake Sully.”
You blink and Grace makes a sound that was suspiciously close to a snort. “You understood what I said?”
Jake nodded, “Yeah, it was a lot clearer when you said it.”
Bullshit. You pushed the papers away and leaned back in your chair, “Jake, were you purposefully acting obtuse just to get rid of Norm? Because if you were, that has got to be the most idiotic shit I’ve ever witnessed.”
In the corner of your eye, you could see Grace sneaking a look toward the two of you, waiting for a response.
“It’s not idiotic if it worked.” Jake winked, leaning forward on the table.
You shook your head in disbelief. And despite yourself a smile grew on your lips, “You’re such an asshole, Puppet.”
“I know. But you’re still here.”
“Shut up.”
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taglist: @luvvfromme @sully-stick-together @dazedshoon @jakesullylvr @s-u-t @erenjaegerwifee @ssc7514 @cheari
692 notes · View notes
to-thelakes · 3 months
built to fall (1)
pairing; luke alvez x fem!reader
series summary; after having a rough month, the feelings that you had been harbouring for your co-worker finally come to the surface
series warnings; fluff, hurt/comfort, smut (later on), mutual pining, discussions of mental health, reader gets drunk, vomiting, suggestive themes, sexual tension, cases that the bau work are also mentioned so the usual warnings for the show apply
warnings for this part; drinking, discussions of poor mental health, reader is an insomniac, suggestive towards the end
notes; okay, this one-shot series actually still isn't done but it's like 27k words at this point and i'm beginning to feel under the weather again so i thought i might as well share the parts i have that i'm happy with so that you can enjoy them while i try and get the rest of it done before the end of the month! please enjoy! <3
tags; @smurfenijsje12 @xoxomoonlightbabe
ao3 / masterlist
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“This is the fourth time this week everyone has left before you,” Luke said as he walked past your desk, stopping to one side. He had his bag slung over his shoulder and a hoodie pulled on over his button-up. He looked so comfy and cozy but you hadn’t even turned back to look at him so you didn’t get a chance to admire his casual state.
“I’m behind on paperwork,” You dismissed before you flicked through the files. You looked over what you had written, relatively satisfied with the work that you had done for now. There was still a million other cases that needed reports written up but you tried not to think too hard about it.
Instead, you then nudged back in your chair to get up and grab a coffee. The coffee was the only thing that was power you through the days at the moment. Between the insomnia, the fear of sleeping and the desperate attempts to distract yourself with work, you didn’t really get as much sleep as you probably should have been getting.
“Oh, come on,” He said, “You sure that’s the reason?” You rolled your eyes and got out of your chair, heading towards the kitchenette. But before you could even take a step, Luke grabbed a hold of your wrist. He pulled you back slightly, forcing you into his personal space.
“Yes, that’s the reason.” You didn’t want to deal with this right now. Luke was lovely but if he kept digging, he was gonna find shit he didn’t like and you didn’t want him to find. But his grip on your arm didn’t let up despite your words.
“So paperwork is why you’ve been so snappy this week?” He asked curiously. He cocked an eyebrow and your head shot back. The surprise was written across your features and that made him smirk. He knew that something was wrong but everyone else seemed convinced that everything was okay. But he knew you. He knew that something was up.
He chuckled and tugged you towards him slightly, letting go of your wrist, “Yeah, I noticed. So, what’s going on?” You didn’t know what to say and so, simply shrugged. You and Luke were friends and you were definitely attracted to him - it was hard not to be considering he was built like a Greek fucking god - but you didn’t want him to know. You hadn’t told Emily, JJ or Spencer so you weren’t going to spill your guts to the (not so) new guy.
“Just had a bad week. Now can I get coffee?” You had attempted to soften your voice but you knew that the annoyance was still coating every single word that came out of your mouth. It wasn’t directed at him, more at his unrelenting stubborn nature. It was good sometimes but not right now. Not when you wanted to be distracted.
“What about a drink?” He asked. You shook your head. You then turned to walk to the coffee machine again but Luke’s voice made you stop.
“I get it,” He said. Your eyebrows pulled together, “Not wanting to talk about it, avoiding it, throwing yourself in the deep end just to stop yourself from thinking about it. If you don’t wanna talk about it, that’s fine. But this ain’t gonna make it any better.” You let out a ragged sigh. Was it really that obvious? Were you that obvious? You lifted your hand up to your face, rubbing your eyes. The tears were threatening to spill but you couldn’t do that. Not here and not in front of him.
“I don’t kn-” You began, trying anything to get him off your back but he interrupted you before you had the chance to finish;
“You’re on a team of profilers,” He explained simply. You ran your tongue across your teeth before you squeezed your eyes shut. You were really glad that your back was too him because you weren’t sure you could have kept up your composure if he was looking at you.
“Like I said, it’s just been a bad week,” You decided, glancing back at him for just a second. Luke narrowed his eyes but didn’t bother to push it. You were clamming up the more he insisted and so he took a step back. He put his hands up. “Alright. Just get some rest tonight, okay?” Those were his parting words and you didn’t know what to say. So, you simply nodded and walked over to the coffee machine. You probably wouldn’t get much sleep but you hadn’t been getting much anyway. 
So, it honestly wouldn’t change a single thing. Luke didn’t need to know you were sleep-deprived and nobody else seemed to have noticed your shift in mood which meant that you were home-free. You could keep going and everything would be fine.
If you were at work, you didn’t have to think about the anxiety dreams or the worry you felt for your mom or how much you missed your dad. If you just sat at the desk, you didn’t have to worry about anything but making sure your reports were as accurate as your memory.
As much as you tried to hide it, Luke noticed that your bad week quickly turned into a bad month. But he didn’t want to push it. He had a pretty good idea of what you were going through even if you hadn’t admitted it to him and he knew that you would talk when you wanted to. He knew that questioning you made you clam up and he wanted you to be better. He didn’t want to make it worse so he kept an eye on you.
You continued to stay late and he let himself stay just a little later too to make sure that you were okay. He glanced over at you when nobody was looking to make sure that you weren’t spiralling. You seemed okay most of the time. You laughed, smiled and joked like nothing had changed but he knew that something wasn’t right. You were distracting yourself and he wanted to help but he didn’t know how. 
So, he simply did the little things. Sometimes he’d come in early and find your coffee mugs still on the desk with bits of coffee leftover from your late night paperwork filing. He’d take the dirty dishes and wash them up before setting up his own desk for the day. He didn’t know how to approach you and so his gestures went unspoken between the two of you. Nobody else seemed to notice your sudden change in behaviour. 
Apparently, you, Tara, Emily, JJ and Penelope had gone on a girl’s night and you had been fine. Though, you had been the designated driver so none of the girls had really been in a state to judge your character. But there was a faux fondness to how you spoke about the night yet Luke could see through it. You knew that he could.
You noticed what he was doing for you, he cleaned up your desk before you got in, he made you cups of coffee, he brought you lunch when you forgot it. He was talking to the girls about you and you appreciated it but you also hated it.
It wasn’t because it was him. In fact, some part of you loved that he cared enough about you. The part of you that had been crushing on him from the moment he joined the Unit was singing and dancing at the fact that he was paying this much attention but you didn’t want it. You didn’t want him to worry, you didn’t want him to think about you. You didn’t want him to know that you were depressed but he knew.
Thankfully, the cases kept coming in and you’d get a few hours on the jet and you’d stay up working the cases until they were done. Knowing Luke knew that something was wrong just added another thing to worry about so the more cases you went on as the month drew past, the later you’d stay. The more determined you’d be to finish the case.
Like right now, you were determined to get this case done once and for all. You’d been down in New Orleans for the past few days working on a string of home invasion homicides. You were working on the assumption that the guy was a family annihilator but you were stumped. The entire team was stumped.
There were no connections between the families. The guy crossed race lines which was considered unusual in cases like this. There didn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to what he was doing and it was driving the whole team up the wall. Everyone had taken off already to go get some sleep in the hotel room but you hadn’t yet. You were still mulling over the case file with a warm cup of coffee in your hand. 
The PD station coffee was frankly awful but it had enough caffeine to keep you buzzed for hours. It made it easier to focus on the case, not think about what would happen when you fell asleep. It also meant that you could still talk to your dad even if he was across the country.
You flicked through the case files with your free hand as you took a sip of the coffee. It had been going on for months and nobody was close to finding a lead.
There were multiple days between his kills and realistically, he could have been holding the families but that just didn’t seem plausible to you or the rest of the team. His cool-down hadn’t decreased even with the news that the FBI was in town which meant that the team had time to work the case without the body count getting too high. It was a relief but you were all still trying so hard to understand this guy, profile him and find whoever it was.
But it wasn’t exactly going well.
You had placed your coffee down to flick through some crime scene photos but when you went to pick up the mug again, it was gone. Your eyebrows furrowed. Surely you weren’t that tired already. You glanced around the table before you looked up to see Luke stood in the doorway of the conference room with your mug in his hand. 
“Didn’t you go back to the hotel?” You asked. 
You knew why he was here but if you played innocent, you could get out of this alive. It would be fine and there would be no questions about how you were, why you weren’t sleeping. You’d just be free to work this case and present what you had theorised to everyone in the morning.
“Yeah, you see, I did but then JJ said that you were still here. So, I’m cutting you off,” He said simply, placing the cup of coffee on the table on the outside of the conference room. You stared at him, blinking slowly. 
With a shake of your head, you returned to the case files. You flicked through more photos and grabbed the list of offenders that the office had given over. Reid had already read through all the files and nothing seemed to stand out but you were hoping you’d notice something that boygenius didn’t. You wouldn’t but you could hope.
Luke pulled up a chair next to you. He glanced over what you were looking at, trying to decipher what your mess of documents meant. He wasn’t about to admit it but he had been watching you for the past five or so minutes before he snatched up your mug. You kept huffing and sighing and scribbling and flicking photos around. 
He knew you and he knew that those rapid movements meant that you were figuring something out and he wanted to know what.
“So, what’s your angle?” He asked curiously. You sighed and pulled your jacket off, discarding it on the chair beside you. With Luke here, you just knew that it was going to be a long night. Whether you talked about your mental state or not was to be seen but for now, you wanted to focus on the case. Not him, not you. Just the Unsub.
“Are we really doing this?” You retorted, “Don’t you need to get some sleep?”
“Tell me what you got,” He reiterated. You glanced at him and then the files again before you gave in. It really was going to be a long night.
“So, we’re working on the assumption he’s a family annihilator which yeah, that works. But what if the rest of the family are just collateral?” Luke hummed, urging you to go on. You flipped through the crime scene photos you had been looking at and spread them out in front of the two of you. You began to talk him through your new angle;
“He had a few days between cool-downs even with our presence which means he’s a lot calmer than we would expect from an annihilator. Mission-orientated, probably. Not even the FBI presence is gonna sway him away from his goal. There’s no sign of speeding up until he gets to his endgame. He isn’t driven by media coverage or anything seemingly egotistical. It’s the mission. His mission. But he’s crossing race lines. If he’s going after families because of, let’s say, his trauma. An abusive parent, parents, siblings or somehow he was wronged by his family. Then, why would he cross race-lines? None of these families really have much in common. They’re all cookie-cutter suburban families but they all look different.” Luke nodded along to your assumptions, flicking through the photos that you had been looking at.
“Maybe that’s his problem,” Luke posed. You let out a ‘mhm’ and flicked through the crime scene photos that you were both looking at.
“But we already ran through that scenario and it just doesn’t make sense. In family annihilator cases, it’s usually the father that’s killed last. I know that’s not always the case but that’s the precedent. Fathers have the the most power so our unsubs usually want to see them broken down by witnessing every single member of their family die. But in this case, the ME said that it was the mother who was killed last. The father was killed first, then the kids and then the mother, hours later,” You continued but Luke was quick to interject;
“We assumed that he was letting the mother bleed out hence the difference in time of death.” You tapped your finger against the pictures of the beds where all the mothers were found. The sheets were drenched in blood, marks splattered everywhere..
“And I still think that’s right but I think it’s more than that. I don’t think he just let them bleed out. I think he either sat and watched them bleed out or he tortured them for the hours before finally letting them bleed out.” Luke nodded.
“But that doesn’t explain why he crossed race-lines. If he was going after a particular woman, he would stick to a type,” Luke challenged. You nodded and went to reach for your coffee, forgetting that Luke had taken it away. He gave you a look that you decided to ignore, flicking back to the information that Penelope had sent you over on the tablet.
“Garcia sent these over before she headed home for the night. Dating profiles for all the women that were killed,” You flicked through them, giving Luke a moment to take them all in. Garcia had sent them over just as everyone else had gone to the hotel but you had decided to go through them since you knew that you weren’t gonna sleep. Part of you also hoped that it would lead to a breakthrough, a suspect of some sort. You weren’t so lucky but, “All of these women were cheating on their husbands. Garcia found some encrypted chat logs and the night that their families were killed coincided with a night where these women cheated.” Luke fell back in his chair, looking at you. 
“So, whoever they were with is our guy?” He suggested. You shook your head.
“No, I don’t think so. Garcia said they all met with different men but someone who knows what these women are up to, didn’t like it. Enough to kill them and their families.” You finished. Luke nodded his head and he shuffled forward, sliding the tablet towards him so he could flick through the text and call logs that Garcia had managed to uncover, “See why I was still here?” The case wasn’t really why you were still here but you hoped that you had managed to convince him.
“We need to work this angle. This is a whole new set of parameters,” He stated. You nodded, glad that he seemed to have forgotten the reason that he came here at all.
The jet was quiet and everyone else had fallen asleep except you and Emily. You were flicking aimlessly through your tablet at the table with Emily sat across from you. Garcia had sent over some comic book pages for you to read since you had been desperate for something to distract your sleep-deprived mind. But you didn’t get much further than the first set of strips before Emily spoke up;
“You did good work today,” She said. You looked up and sent her a tired smile. It was clear that you were exhausted. All of you were exhausted but considering you had spent most of the previous night awake with Luke, it was hitting you hard.
“Thanks,” You said softly. Emily smiled, reaching out to squeeze your hand. The touch was comforting and you felt your shoulders sag a little. 
“I know you’re tired, you should get some rest,” She insisted. You shrugged and glanced back down at your tablet. You knew, logically, that you should sleep but the thought of it just made you feel anxious. You knew that it was ridiculous, sleep was good but you had been getting weird, anxiety fuelled dreams all month. You really didn’t want anymore.
“I’ll be okay ‘till we get home,” You retorted. Emily sighed and she glanced around the jet before looking back at you again.
“We don’t have to talk about whatever it is that’s bothering you but I need to know that you’re okay. You’re one of the best members of this team and I need you to be feeling up to this,” Emily said. Her tone had softened significantly and her hand was still rested over yours. You glanced towards Luke who was asleep on the seat across from the table. You frowned. 
“I’m up to this, I’m just tired,” You responded. Part of you wanted to spill your guts out to Emily. It was Emily, after all. You had known her for years and when you had first joined the BAU, you had became fast-friends. But something was stopping you from telling her. You didn’t know what it was but you just couldn’t bring yourself to say it.
“Well, if you ever want to talk about what’s going on, you know I’m here,” Emily said. You nodded and she retracted her hand from you. The brunette then shuffled backwards so that her head was rested against the side of the plane. It seemed that she was just as exhausted as the rest of the team.
When you had agreed to go out with JJ to the bar for a few (probably too many) drinks after another in the latest line of incredibly demoralising case, you hadn’t expected for most of the team to have joined the pair of you. Usually, when you went out, it was just the girls. Tara only sometimes joined and Spencer and Alvez rarely did. Spencer preferred his own apartment and Luke liked to get some sleep in so he could get Roxy early the next morning. That was usually the case.
But not tonight. 
When you walked into the bar after having changed at your apartment, you faltered at the sight of everyone at the table. Well, you faltered at the sight of Luke with his back to you and a bottle of beer in front of him. 
There was nothing wrong with Luke being here, obviously there wasn’t but you got touchy when you were drunk. You knew that while your sober self didn’t cross the bounds of friendship with Luke, your drunk self would completely obliterate that line if they had the chance. 
You took a moment to assess the situation from the door. Garcia had her usual fruity cocktail that was always a dangerous choice of drink, Emily was nursing a whiskey on the rocks, Spencer and JJ both seemed to have vodka-cokes. Alvez had a half-finished beer in front of him and Tara had a glass of wine.
Nobody seemed to have drunk too much yet which meant that you weren’t about to walk into a battle zone. You hesitantly stood at the door but before you spiralled any further, JJ spotted you. Her face lit up and she waved you over with a grin.
“What took you so long?” JJ asked as she patted the seat between her and Luke. It was clear that it had been saved for you. If you had a choice, you would have not chosen to be so close to Luke. The drunker you got, the more touchy you would get and you didn’t want to risk Luke being at the end of that. 
But you didn’t want to make a fuss so you simply accepted your fate. You just prayed that your drunken self would have some self-restraint for once in their goddamn life. But that was really unlikely considering.
“Needed to pick the right outfit,” You shrugged with a wry smile sent her way. You had decided on a short black skirt and a long-sleeved cream bodysuit that showed your cleavage off. Realistically, you had been dressing up for the girls and you always dressed better when you expected it to just be the girls. But now everyone had a view of it, so you had to own the look even if your confidence was wavering a little.
“It was Luke’s round,” Tara said, “So, go get the girl a drink.” Tara had a smile on her face before she took a sip of wine. Luke rolled his eyes and then looked to you, for your order. You were suddenly paralysed by the choice.
“I’ll go look what they have,” You said quickly. Luke nodded and as you got up so did he, “What are you doing?” You asked after a beat, confusing lacing your tone.
“It’s my round,” He stated as if you were being stupid which quite frankly you were. Of course Luke would come with you but part of you was worried about being alone with him. He could always see right through you so would he call you out? Would he notice how jittery you felt? A familiar pit of dread was forming in your stomach at the thought. 
JJ and Emily exchanged knowing glances before you nodded, sucking up your pride. You and Luke headed up to the bar and you leant against it, checking out the spread of alcohol. You didn’t even consider that it was pushing your cleavage up and you didn’t notice how Luke quickly averted his gaze away from you. 
You ran your tongue across your teeth, pursing your lips as you contemplated your drink choice. Realistically, you knew that you shouldn’t get too drunk but you also needed to. Alcohol made the pit of anxiety practically disappear and it meant that you could act more like a normal human being. So, you needed something strong and something that would get you drunk quickly. Especially if you were going to be sat next to Luke for most of the night.
You glanced back at the group as Penelope took a sip of her fruity cocktail. You were pretty sure it was a sex on the beach and you realised that maybe a cocktail was the way to go. 
They were dangerous little things and you weren’t entirely sure what it was but a cocktail always got you drunk the fastest out of every drink you’d tried. You glanced over at the menu, written on the blackboard on the other side of the bar, searching the menu before you decided. A Woo Woo was probably the best way to go.
“You, uh, look nice,” Luke said after a beat of silence. You hadn’t even realised he had spoken at first before your brain seemed to slowly catch up. You sent him an awkward smile.
“Thanks.” You didn’t know what else to say. Luke was never really one to compliment anyone and you couldn’t help the way your stomach flipped. It wasn’t uncommon for Luke’s attention to make you feel squirmy but you were really trying not to think about it.
After another moment of contemplate, you gave Luke your order and the two of you waited in awkward silence before the cocktail was placed in front of you. You smiled at the bartender and the two of you headed back to your seat. The rest of the group were chatting as you two sat down. Garcia stopped mid-conversation with Spencer when she spotted your cocktail.
“You’ve joined me!” She exclaimed excitedly. You chuckled and nodded your head.
“They’re dangerous but I think it’d be worth it.” The wry smile on your face seemed to grow and even under the watchful eye of Luke, you managed to keep the anxiety at bay for now. It was hard to ignore the growing anxiety in your gut but the second that the alcohol touch your lips, you began to calm down.
But you would quickly learn by the end of the night that cocktails truly were dangerous. As the night crawled to a finish, you were just a little bit gone. Not so gone that you blacked out but you were pretty gone.
The alcohol had killed your anxiety and the good company of your friends reminded you that some friends were worth your time and effort. The lingering dark cloud had let up and you had spent so much of the night talking about comics or sharing facts with Spencer or (jokingly) flirting with JJ. The filter between your mouth and your brain had completely eroded and whatever you were thinking was spilling out. Your usual overthinking had been killed off completely
The alcohol also meant that when Emily and JJ had asked you to get on the dance floor, you had actually done it. It took not even a second of convincing before you said ‘fuck it’ and joined them. Then one of your favorite songs came on and you danced and sang with the pair. All your inhibitions and anxieties floating away as you belted out the lyrics. Eventually, Garcia joined the three of you, cocktail in hand and a grin on her face. Then, after a little convincing from you and Garcia, Luke joined you too. 
You had gotten a lot more touchy with Luke throughout the night and although some part of you was still sober enough not to completely let your guard down, you weren’t being as defensive as you had been recently with him. 
You held his hand to drag him around the dance floor, you sang at him with a grin on your face and he even held onto your waist when you went up to the bar. Though, you both pretended it was under the pretense of protecting you from any creeps who tried to hit on you,
But eventually, after the group had tired with dancing, you returned to the table where you scooched closer to Luke than your sober self would have. But your drunk self used the excuse that he was warm and his laugh was cute and you liked holding his arm and resting against him as the drunkenness turned into sleepiness. 
Your sober self felt a little guilty about how touchy you were the next day but your drunken self really didn’t care. Usually, JJ or Emily became victim to your touchiness and your bursts of affection but Luke had fallen victim tonight.
He had only had a beer or two by the end of the night so while you were gone, he was basically completely sober and fully aware of how care-free and touchy you had become. Usually, you could get away with it more because JJ and Emily would both be drunk too. But not tonight and your drunken self hadn’t even considered that.
The only reason he chose to keep basically sober was to make sure that everyone got home safe and while in your drunken state, you thought it was incredibly adorable, your hungover self hated him for it.
When the night drew to a close, the bartender called for last orders and everyone slowly began to filter out of the bar. Everyone was at different stages of drunk but Spencer got a cab with Emily and JJ to make sure they got home safe since he hadn’t drunk too much. Tara and Garcia grabbed one together since Garcia was a lot more gone than Tara was. 
But that left you with Luke whose car was in the garage a few blocks over. He was also completely sober by this point.
You had hugged everyone as they went out - even Spencer - and by the time they were all gone, the sadness had settled back into your chest. It was only made worse by the alcohol that heightened the emotions you were already having
“Come on, let me take you home,” Luke said as he pulled his jacket on. You looked up at him, tears brimming your eyes before you nodded. He frowned but you didn’t give him a chance to ask what was wrong before you were walking out of the bar.
It was colder than it had been when you headed out and you were shivering as you sped ahead of Luke. You wanted to get to his car as soon as possible, you didn’t want to have to think about him or how lonely you were or about how sad you were and the quicker you got home, the easier that would be.
“Hey!” Luke called from behind you, “You’re going the wrong way.” You paused in your steps, frowning deeper. Your plan had been thwarted by fate and you looked around, slightly confused. Then you turned around and he practically ran into you. 
“Watch it,” You muttered. You waited for him to indicate which direction to walk but instead, he looked down at you, silently observing you, “What are you looking at?” You almost snapped. You weren’t angry with him but the frustration was building in your chest. You wanted to go home and you were cold. Your shoulders were hunched, the cold air seeping into your skin. You really didn’t dress for this weather and it was fucking freezing. And the more he stood and gawked at you, the colder it was gonna get.
“You cold?” He asked. You nodded, staring at the pavement as you waited for him to move. You didn’t have the energy for this anymore, “Don’t argue.” You lifted your head and stared at the jacket he was holding out to you. You scrutinized him for a moment. “I said don’t,” He reminded as you opened your mouth to rebuke his offer.
With a huff you took the jacket, “Thanks,” You muttered. He nodded and once you had it on, he gestured for you to follow him. 
The two of you walked in silence down the block. 
Your mind was full of too many thoughts to make anything coherent but the more you walked, the more tears began to build in your eyes. All you could think about was your dad being on the other side of the country and that your mom hated when he was away and that your friends had been off with you all month but you didn’t know why. You missed your dad and you wanted your best friend to just come and see you and hug you but you weren’t that lucky. Instead, she dodged your texts and avoided any plans to meet up with you. Of course you respected that but it didn’t make it hurt any less.
And then you were crying.
“Woah, hey, hey,” Luke quickly stopped the two of you. You swiped the tears away from your face, giving him a teary smile and hoping that he wouldn’t question you. He didn’t need to know about this. You couldn’t tell him but also you knew that if he asked you would spill your guts, “What’s up? You’ve been off all month. You gonna tell me what’s going on or are we just gonna ignore it again?” You stared down at your feet, kicking the pavement, “Please.”
“I wish I could ignore it,” You mumbled bitterly. Those words just seemed to make it worse and before you even knew it, tears were slipping down your face again. When you glanced up, Luke was frowning which only seemed to break you more, “I’m really fucking lonely, Luke. My best friend from home, she just doesn’t seem to want to be my friend anymore and I don’t know what to do about it. What am I supposed to do? I just want to see her and hug her and I want her to tell me that she does still care about me but that just doesn’t seem to be the case. And like, logically, I know that she’s busy and she’s got this new boyfriend which seems to be really serious but it’s so fucking lonely. And, and I’m just so tired all the time but I can’t sleep because if I sleep-” Your voice cracked at that, tears spilling down your face, “then then I get these horrible like dreams and I know that they’re just anxiety dreams. I know that none of it’s true but it’s so hard. I don’t- I don’t know what I’m supposed to do and I just wanna talk to my dad but I can’t and my mom’s health is just getting worse and my dad is in fucking Olympia looking after his parents and I’m like fucking 30 so it shouldn’t be this hard but it is and everything is just making it so hard to sleep. Like why would I wanna sleep if I’m just getting pseudo nightmares but I need to sleep. But I frankly sleep like shit anyway and I’m tossing and turns for hours and-” 
You abruptly cut yourself off with a sob, “I’m so tired,” You choked out. Your hand moved to cover your mouth as your shoulders shook and the tears raced down your cheeks. Your vision was blurry and when you looked up at Luke, he was just a splodgy figure. You felt like you couldn’t breathe and it was all too much. 
Luke grabbed your shoulders and pulled you into his chest and something about his warm comfort made it worse.
You completely broke and sobbed even harder. Your whole body shook with every ugly sound that fell from your lips as you gripped onto the back of Luke’s shirt. You didn’t understand why you were so upset and you knew that you would regret the alcohol in the morning. And the thought of having to deal with this in the morning just made you sob harder.
“I’m sorry,” You managed between sobs. Luke hushed you softly, running his hand down your back in soothing circles, “It never gets easier-” You got out, “I thought it would get easier.” Luke frowned, “Why isn’t it easier?” You continued to blubber as you sobbed against his chest. He hushed you again, resting his head against yours.
“It’s okay,” He insisted softly. You shook your head against him, gripping onto him tighter. You felt ridiculous, you knew you were ridiculous but you couldn’t stop yourself. None of this was okay and the second that thought came to your head you sobbed even harder.
“It’s not okay,” You blubbered, “I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong, I just want to be okay, I’m sorry,” Luke kept a hold of you, holding you through your blubbers of apologies as you sobbed and shook against his chest. He didn’t know what else to do other than hold you. Snot was dripping from your nose and you were breathing raggedly, barely able to get oxygen in between the sobs. But he didn’t care, he just held you.
It took a few minutes but between his soothing words and soft hushes, you managed to calm down. The tears began to dry up and you squeezed your eyes shut, taking a few more deep breaths to calm down your system.
You let out a mumble of apologies but he shook his head, “Come on, let’s get you home, it’s not safe out here.” His voice had softened significantly and you nodded, trying to control the sobs as you slowly pulled away from him. He lifted his hand up to wipe the tears from your cheek and he gave you a soft smile. His skin against yours soothed you and the way he was looking at you made your stomach flip in that funny way.
Part of you wanted to kiss him right in that moment but you couldn’t even if your faces were only inches apart. You weren’t going to do that to him. That would be weird and made going to work tomorrow even more awkward than it was going to be.
He stepped back from you and the two of you then walked up to where his car was parked and he opened the passenger side door for you. You slipped inside and settled into the seat. It wasn’t until that moment that you realized you were surrounded by the smell of him. It seemed to keep the tears at bay for now.
The jacket smelt like him, the car smelt like him and the quiet as Luke strapped himself - and you - in gave you time to think. Too much time and you began to think about how nice Luke was being and how nice he smelt but that you could never find someone like him. That you were going to be alone forever and the tears began to fall again. 
You tried to keep it in but it was hard. Luke noticed almost instantly, a frown spreading across his face. He leant over the center console to try and get you to look at him but you turned away. You used your fingers to wipe away the tears and he moved back into the driver’s seat.
Part of him wanted to get you to talk about it but you were drunk, vulnerable and not in the right mindset. So, he asked if you could give him directions to your place and you nodded, face still turned away. Once the car started, you quietly directed him through the streets and he parked up in front of your apartment building. You both got out of the car and he watched as you typed in the code for your building.
“You don’t have to walk me to my apartment door,” You muttered. The crying had sobered you up a little and the guilt was creeping in. You wanted him to walk you to your apartment, you wanted him to stay with you but you didn’t want him to feel like he had to.
“I’d feel better walking you” He retorted. You nodded and the two of you walked into the building together. Your arms wrapped around yourself. His jacket kept you warm and you used it to cover your front, already feeling too emotionally exposed. 
You gave the security guard a smile and a nod of your head as you walked to the elevator. Luke kept close to you, glancing around but neither of you said anything as you got into the elevator. The tears had dried up on the drive again but everything was just too much. As you stood in the elevator, your thoughts were left to wonder again. You let out a sudden sob, shoulders shaking as you tightened your arms around torso. Luke’s head snapped to you and within a second, he had pulled you into him again. The guilt, anxiety and sadness swirled in your gut and you blubbered out apologies. 
But the tears kept coming and the sadness turned into frustration with yourself. You rested your forehead against his chest as you sobbed and tried to control your breathing but it was impossible, “Why do I keep crying?” You sobbed, frustrated and sad. He couldn’t help the soft laugh that escaped his lips.
“You’ve drunk too much,” He said simply. You rolled your eyes, tears spilling down your cheeks before you let out another choked sob-chuckle. Luke was so comforting and he held you, keeping an eye on the floor that you were on.
“I just miss my dad y’know,” You mumbled against his chest, holding back the sob. He nodded and rubbed your back softly.
You took a shaky breath. You couldn’t sob again. You needed to keep it together and so, as the floors ticked by, you kept taking deep breaths. You kept trying to make yourself better. By the time the elevator doors opened for your floor, you felt a little better. 
You led Luke towards your apartment door, “I can’t believe I’m fucking crying over my dad at 30. It’s pathetic,” You mumbled softly. Luke shook his head and watched as you tried to open the door. Despite the fact that the sobs had stopped, your vision was still blurry and the drinks were making it hard to get the key in the door. Your hands just wouldn’t stop shaking no matter how much you tried to get them to stop.
“Let me,” He offered, holding his hand out for the key. You passed them over to him without even a second of thought and stepped back, wrapping your arms around yourself again, “Do you need me to come in or are you okay?” He asked once he had managed to get the door open. You stared at him for a moment before looking at your apartment. You then stared at your feet.
Luke could see the thoughts running through your head, “You don’t have to let me in.” You knew that. You knew that he wouldn’t be offended. But it was whether you wanted to be alone that was really playing on your mind. You hated being left alone with your thoughts but you still felt guilty for ruining the end of his night.
“You don’t have to but I don’t wanna be alone yet. So, could you come in?” You requested. He nodded and then gestured for you to head inside. He walked in behind you, closing the door and putting the keys on the side. Your apartment was probably the cleanest it had been in a while. Ever since you started implementing random boxes that you could put stuff in to sort out at a later date, everything was much cleaner. But you weren’t really thinking about that when you walked in. You didn’t even think about the fact that Luke had never seen your apartment before.
“Want a glass of water?” He asked. You nodded, brushing your tears away with the edge of your thumbs. You felt so silly.
“I’m just gonna go change,” You mumbled. He nodded as he wandered over to your kitchen. He then began to search the cupboards for a glass while you stripped out of your clothes in the bedroom. You hung Luke’s jacket on the back of your door before adding the jeans and bodysuit to your dirty washing basket. You hadn’t even thought that you should probably give his jacket, your mind too distracted with everything else that was swirling in a dangerous tsunami through your brain.
You grabbed a pair of pajama pants from the clean basket and pulled them on before you grabbed the Metallica shirt that you liked to wear to bed. It used to be your dad’s and he had given it to your years ago while you were in college. You had kept it ever since and wore it whenever you missed him. Like tonight.
You headed back out of the bedroom to see that Luke had a glass of water ready for you. He placed it down on the counter just as you reappeared. He took in your appearance and he seemed to pause for a moment. Though you didn’t think much about it, more concerned with getting to the glass of water. Your throat was dry and the crying had started to give you a headache.
“You into Metallica?” He asked. You shrugged and picked up the glass of water.
“My dad is more of a fan than me but I’ll listen occasionally,” You responded with a small smile on your face. When you were younger, your car rides were filled with Metallica, Iron Maiden, AC/DC, all the classics. Your dad loved listening to them and you had grown to love them just the same. Not so much now that you were older, but still.
“A man of good taste,” Luke said as he watched you fiddle with the glass. You then took a long sip of water before downing the entire glass. You clearly needed it and you were quick to refill the glass before Luke could get the chance to offer. 
So, he took the opportunity to glance around your apartment. He noticed the boxes of random stuff but didn’t say anything. He wasn’t sure if much of the team had seen your apartment but it was neat. It smelt just like you and it was like someone had taken your personality and thrown it at an apartment. All of it screamed: you. 
There were bookshelves of books, CDs, collectable vinyls and comics. Each shelf was decorated with trinkets that you had collected over the years. Pop figures, figurines from when you were younger, silly little things that your mum bought you for Christmas. It was so you.
He would say that your apartment was worse than Penelope’s but nothing could beat the well-loved clutter of Penelope Garcia’s life. You were more modest in your love but plants, posters and paintings still hung in every part of your apartment.
“Do you paint?” He asked after a moment. You glanced away from the fridge that you had opened in search of snacks.
“Uhm, sometimes. They’re mostly crap and I do it when I’m depressed more than anything. My sister’s better at it than me, I just, do it for fun,” You explained as you turned back to the fridge. The water had made you feel a little better and though the guilt still lingered in your stomach, you felt soothed by Luke’s presence more than anything. 
You grabbed some red grapes from your fridge and quickly began to pick them off the stalk and eat them as you continued to debate what to eat before you went to bed. The grapes didn’t taste as good as they had before you left for the case but they were still good.
Luke had gone quiet as he walked out of the kitchen to admire your paintings through the gloom of the apartment. Neither of you had bothered to switch the lights on, you hated the big lights and there was enough light that you could both move around without an issue.
You placed the grapes back in the fridge and began to search through your boxes of leftovers before you spotted your leftover pizza from a few days ago. You let out an excited squeal as you placed the box of leftovers on the side and grabbed a plate.
“Leftover pizza, my beloved,” You mumbled as you opened up the container. All the slices were perfectly intact and you could have kissed your past self for saving you the delicious goodness for tonight. You did the mental math to make sure that the pizza was still good and as far as you remembered, it would still be good.
So, you transferred the slices to a plate, Luke watched with a suspicious eye as you went to put the plate in the microwave but he quickly said;
“Woah, woah, what are you doing?” He rushed back to the kitchen. You were still holding the plate of pizza slices before you turned back to look at him. His face was half-lit by the moon and you tilted your head to the side.
“Heating up my pizza,” You responded. Your eyebrows were slightly furrowed as you looked at him like he was a dumbass. In reality, he often was a fucking idiot but not with this.
“That is a crime against pizza. Give it here. Where’s your frying pan?” He asked as he walked over, holding his hand out for the plate. You practically glared at him - not happy with him depriving you of your midnight snack - before you passed him the plate, reluctantly. Microwaved pizza was always good to you but you would let him make the stupid pizza how he wanted to.
“That cupboard,” You gestured over. Luke nodded and you watched as he grabbed the frying pan, turned your stove on. He then glanced back at you and sent you a smile.
“Go lie down. I’ll bring it over when it’s done,” He said. You frowned but reluctantly gave in and trudged to the couch. You dropped down onto it and curled up, grabbing the remote. You flicked on Netflix and curled your head into the pillow as you put on your comfort show. You could hear Luke clattering about in the kitchen and he flicked the under the cupboard lights on while you sat in relative darkness.
Time passed like molasses and yet, it clearly wasn’t as slow as you thought because suddenly Luke had your reheated pizza on a plate waiting for you. He warned you that it was hot as you reached out for a slice. He was right and you had to drop it back to the plate, pouting. But the pizza was crispy and you could already tell from just looking at it.
“You’ll never go back,” He insisted with a small smile. You rolled your eyes and picked up the slice again, blowing on it before taking a bite. The cheese was definitely still a bit too hot but he was right. It was better than you could have expected. The crunch on the crust was to die for and the meltiness of the cheese was better than when you had first cooked it. You could have died right there. You stared at Luke, baffled by how good it was.
“I would drop to my knees and do unspeakable things to you right now,” You stated, not even thinking before the words had tumbled out of your mouth. It quickly became clear to you that even though you had sobered up, the filter between your brain and your mouth was still very much gone. The two of you just stared at each other. 
His eyes widened slightly at your confession and he blinked slowly at you. It was very clear to him that your filter had been obliterated. He had been expecting it after the stories. But not like this. That was. He didn’t know what to say.
But he managed to compose himself, clearing his throat and saying; “But you’re drunk so you’re just gonna eat the pizza,” He said. You nodded, quickly turning away from him and you returned back to the pizza, munching on it as you focused on the episode. Luke couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face. He was happy that you were and he sat with you as you ate the pizza. 
It only took the two of you a few minutes until you had settled back into that comfortable feeling and you shuffled up to him. You offered him a slice and he happily ate it as he indulged you. Your head rested against him as you wrapped an arm around his, keeping it hostage for yourself.
The two of you watched a few episodes of the show before the pizza was finished and you eventually fell asleep snuggled up to Luke’s side. It was probably the fastest you’d fallen asleep in months and he was just glad that you were asleep.
Once he was sure you were knocked out for good, he picked you up from the sofa and carried you into your bedroom. He tucked you into bed and then closed the door. He washed up the plate and the frying pan as quietly as he could before writing a note on a sticky note he found on your coffee table. He then quietly left your apartment, the door clicking shut behind him.
He didn’t want to risk waking you up so he was as silent as he could be.
next chapter
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Hiya! Not sure if you’ve answered something like this before, but if you feel comfortable answering, I’m wondering what tips you might have for writers with ADHD/ADD.
I haven’t been able to write well for years and thought it was laziness/lack of self-discipline, but it very well could be that my brain just wants to work a certain way and I didn’t know about it.
Of course, there’s no “one-fits-all” answer, but some ideas about where to start the journey of understanding what works for oneself would be nice.
Writing with ADHD
There are three sub-types of ADHD (inattentive/formerly ADD, hyperactive, and combined), so tips depend somewhat on which type you have. As luck would have it, I'm combined type, so I have tips for both. (And these tips can be helpful even for writers who don't have ADHD but still struggle with keeping their butts in the seat...)
Writing with Inattentive ADHD
My biggest struggle with writing is difficulty staying focused and getting sidetracked easily. Here are the things I do to work around that:
Dedicated Writing Time/Place - I'm fortunate to have a writing room with a desk, but even if you don't, just having a dedicated space for when you write can be really helpful. It also helps to make sure your chosen writing spot is tidy and free from built-in distractions, like people traffic or a distracting view. And, if you can aim for the same general writing time each day, that can help train your mind to go into writing mode when you sit down to write.
Minimize Distractions - this is a "must do" for me when I sit down to write. Phone goes on silent, no TV, no music with lyrics, no social media, and if it's a busy day outside I close the shades and put on headphones. Also, nicely ask anyone else in the house not to distract you during your writing session.
Regulating with a Timer - When I'm really struggling, I've found that timers are very helpful in keeping me on track. If I need to stop to research something along the way, I set the timer for 10-minutes. If I can't find out what I need to know in that time, I note it for later research and keep going with a placeholder. I'll also set the timer for breaks, writing sprints, or anything that might pull me off course.
Scene Lists & Timelines - Having a scene list to follow was a real game changer for me early on in novel writing endeavors. When I start to feel my mind wander, just putting my eyes on the scene list to see where I'm supposed to be and where I'm supposed to be heading can be enough to get me back on track. Checking off each scene and plot point along the way makes it more task-driven which also seems to help keep me on track. You could do this with a timeline, too. And even if you're not a planner but like to write organically, you can still keep kind of a general scene list or timeline to keep you on course.
Writing with Hyperactive ADHD
My biggest struggle with the hyperactive side of my ADHD is fighting the constant need to get up and be anywhere but in my chair typing. I've actually been working on this post for an hour because I haven't done any of my safeguards, so I've been out of this chair probably 20 times since I hit the answer button. Here's what I could have done to prevent this...
Start Writing on a Full Stomach - Nothing gets me out of my chair more often when I'm writing than feeling like I'm hungry. So, I get up, eat a small snack. Sit down and type for a few minutes. Then decide I need another small snack. Whether you write after you've eaten a meal, sit down to write with something to drink and munch on, or just make sure you've got your big water bottle there, eliminating hunger pains as a reason to get up makes all the difference.
Do Writing Sprints - Set a timer for anywhere from five minutes to an hour, and write as much as you can during that time without stopping to edit or evaluate your work. Writing sprints are a great way to focus your energy to make sure writing is getting done. Five-minute intervals work great for me, but sometimes I can do ten-minute intervals. When the timer goes off, I set it again and get up to do a few things like stretch or get something to drink. Preferably anything that won't take longer than the timer or snowball into something else. This way, if I'm only writing for an hour I still get a solid 30-minutes of writing in even if I'm up and out of my chair every five minutes.
Keep a Basket of Fidget Toys - This doesn't always work for me, but sometimes it helps to have something to fidget with during the moments when I pause to think. Thinking putty, fidget spinners, stress balls... Anything you can do for a second while you're thinking and immediately put back down. That way you don't get up out of your seat looking for something to direct that energy toward.
Speech to Text App - If you really need to be up and moving, try getting a speech to text app for your phone and writing your story verbally while you do other things.
I hope that these tips will help you be able to sit down and start writing again. If you need ideas for exactly how to outline your story or general ideas for how to get started, see my guide to How to Outline a Plot as well as my Plot & Story Structure master list of posts.
Best wishes on your ADHD writing journey! ♥
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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guilty-pleasures21 · 3 months
Yooooooooouuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!! You SUCK!
Can you feel it? Can you feel how close we're getting? 😏
0. The slow burn
1. There's too many. TOO MANY!!
2. It NEEDS to be EVEN sssslllllooooweeeeerrrrrr.
3. Sometimes, I really hate myself.
Part 1 - the arcade
Part 2 - the rooftop
Part 3 - the canon
Warnings: None.
     She sat at the desk, typing away on her laptop studiously, tongue sticking out slightly as she focused on the screen. She was always so cute when she was concentrating. Even cuter when she was concentrating on him. He leaned over, trying to sneak a glance at her screen to see what she was working on. “What are you typing, arañita?” 
     She looked up, startled by the sudden interruption. Then her lips curled into a smile at the sight of him, her eyes trailing over every dip and curve of his muscles, highlighted by the thin material of his suit. She bit her lip, then turned back to her laptop, glancing over at him occasionally as she continued typing. “Nothing …”
     He narrowed his eyes at her, even more determined now to find out what, exactly, she was writing. He reached out to grab her laptop and tug it towards him, but she curled herself around it quickly, foiling his plan. 
     “Miguel! Stop!” she chided him, her entire body heating up in embarrassment. Oh, now he definitely had to find out what she was trying to hide from him. He slid his chair over to hers and slung one arm over her, trying to pry her off of her laptop. 
     “¡Arañita!” he chastised her in between insistent tugs. “What are you … trying to hide … chica?” 
     “Nothing!” she continued to lie to him. “Why do you even care?!” She huffed in irritation, refusing to let him see her laptop. But he didn't care, not really. Not after he'd wrapped himself around her, her small form fitting so perfectly against his chest. He laid his head on her shoulder, breathing in the sweet strawberry scent of her perfume and feeling so completely at home. 
     “Because you're getting so defensive about it,” he whined, his tone teasing.
     His voice was muffled by where he'd buried his face in the crook of her neck. She tried to wriggle out of his grasp, but he seemed happy enough to just stay like that, curled around her like he belonged there; like he didn't want to be anywhere else but right there with her. She sighed, relaxing into his hold and taking comfort in him in the same way he was taking comfort in her. She reached up after a while to run her fingers through his hair, the dark strands soft between her fingers, then she bent over to press her lips to the top of his head in a gentle kiss. 
     He hadn't expected that, feeling her lips on him. And it felt nice - too nice - so he released her, loosening his grip on her reluctantly so could put some space between them again. He swallowed hard, nervous, then lifted his gaze to hers, finding everything he wanted to say to her right there on her face too: ‘I love you.’ ‘You make me feel safe.’ ‘I feel at home when I'm with you.’ ‘No one else could ever make me feel the way you do.’ ‘I'd let the whole world fall apart if it meant I could be with you. Just you. Only ever you.’ That last one was what scared him the most. She swallowed carefully, her brows furrowing with nerves. Then she whispered, “I love you, Miguel.” 
     He clenched his fists, his chest warming at the words. Then he whispered, “I know.” 
     “No, I …” X set her lips in a frown, her features scrunching up as she built up the courage to say the words, to make him understand what she wanted from him - what she needed from him. “I'm in love with you, Miguel.”
     Her voice was firm as she said it, resolute, like she wasn't going to give him an out anymore. But then her features crumpled with nerves again as she continued. 
     “Like, a lot,” she admitted softly. “I really love you. I … I don't …” She clenched and unclenched her fists, her hands starting to tremble as she felt the tears begin to build up behind her eyes. She turned away from him, not wanting him to see her so vulnerable, and steeled herself for his response.
     ‘I love you too,’ he wanted to say to her. ‘So much. So much that it terrifies me. So much that I find myself unable to fall asleep anymore when you’re not lying in my arms. So much that I'd be willing to let the entire multiverse fall apart if it meant that I could keep you with me forever.’ But he couldn't do that. So he opened and closed his mouth, trying to come up with something that he could say to her. 
     She felt her heart sink lower and lower into her stomach with each second of silence that passed by. Finally, she stood up, unable to take it anymore. She grabbed her laptop and tucked it under her arm, turning to glare at him. He continued to remain silent, peeking up at her once to flash her a guilty look before he lowered his gaze again. Her lip began to quiver, the pressure behind her eyes increasing as the tears threatened to slip out. Did he really not love her, then? In the same way she loved him? In the way he'd led her to believe for the past few weeks? Panicking over almost losing her, inviting her to sleep over at his place, spending time with her to pick her up when she was feeling down. Had it all been a lie? Some cruel joke he'd played on her because he'd been bored? She tried to huff in irritation, to let him know that she was done, and this was it for her. But it just came out as a sob, and she spun on her heel, doing her best to maintain a steady pace as she walked over to the exit. 
     “¡Arañita!” he called after her quickly, shooting out of his seat. She could hear the pain in his voice, the desperation, so she stopped, but didn't turn around, waiting. Always waiting. Honesty, he decided, he owed her that much. “I'm scared.”
     She inhaled deeply, then let it out again, sighing heavily before finally turning back around to face him. She let out an incredulous snort. “And you think I'm not?” 
     But she was brave, so much braver than him, baring her heart out to him even though she was absolutely terrified as well. He tried again to say something, to tell her the same - that he loved her, that he was in love with her too - but again, the words refused to make themselves known. She clenched her fists at his silence. 
     “Okay,” she murmured. Then she turned and left. He collapsed into his seat, holding his head in his hands as his insides twisted and churned with guilt and fear. 
     “Miguel?” Lyla questioned, popping up beside him. “Your vitals are increasing. What's wrong?” He ground his teeth together as he replayed her words in his head, over and over again, his heart squeezing at the quiet sobs she'd tried to hide from him so he wouldn't know how much he'd hurt her. Again.
     “She told me …” he began softly, hearing the words echoing in his mind again, “that she's in love with me.” 
     “Well, duh!” Lyla responded, folding her arms across her chest. “Everyone knows that.” But did everyone know that he was in love with her too? He hunched over again, shaking his leg beneath the table as he continued to ruminate over it. He shifted his gaze to the door and questioned himself how he could have let her go, just like that? ‘Because you couldn’t ever be together,’ that infuriating voice in the back of his head reminded him. Because they were from two completely different dimensions. He clenched his fists, getting sick of the excuse himself. 
     “Why does this have to be so difficult?!” he finally groaned. 
     “Why do you have to make it so difficult?” Lyla challenged him. 
     “Because!” Because he couldn't fall in love with her, he couldn't. How could they possibly ever be together without breaking some sort of canon event? Without … Without costing everyone their lives? “We can't … We're not …”
     “Not what? From the same dimension?” Lyla supplied, floating around the room on her back like she was swimming. 
     “Yes!” Miguel exclaimed, not understanding how she could be so casual about this. Lyla popped back over to him and shrugged. 
     “So what?” Miguel's jaw dropped in horror. 
     “So?! So it could tear the whole multiverse apart!” His shoulders slumped in disappointment at the thought - at the memory. “Again.” 
     “That's kind of romantic though, don't you think?” Lyla grinned and swooned dramatically. “A love that could tear the entire multiverse apart!” 
     Miguel raised an eyebrow at her reaction, suspicious - it was too much like something X would say. His chest tightened at the thought of her. “Has someone been rewriting your code?” 
     “No.” Lyla flickered back over to him, eyes wide with innocence. Then she grinned. “I'm a self-learning AI, remember? Programmed to assist you? I've just been collecting data on whatever - or whoever - you respond to best.” Right. He'd have to fix that. He didn't think he'd be able to handle it if Lyla started telling him she was in love with him too. 
     “Miguel?” Peter called out to him, entering the room hesitantly. “Everything okay, buddy? I heard you yelling from outside.” Miguel didn't respond as Peter webbed up to the platform. So he turned to shoot Lyla a questioning look instead. She sighed.
     “He's too afraid to tell X that he's in love with her too,” she revealed. Miguel tensed up at her words.
     “Lyla!” Peter smiled and reached up to give his friend's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. 
     “Don't worry, Miguel - we all know it already,” he confessed. Miguel flashed him a puzzled look and he grinned knowingly. “Why do you think I always call her when you get mad?” Miguel rolled his eyes at that. Peter sat down, taking the seat beside him - X's seat. 
     “So?” Peter asked him gently. “What's the problem? Why don't you just tell her?” 
     He made it sound so easy: just tell her, just tell her that you're hopelessly in love with her too. Miguel tapped his fingers on the desk, afraid to say it out loud. Finally, “what if it's not in the canon?” 
     So that was what had been bothering him, Peter realised finally. Of course he was afraid! What if he did something to lose someone he cared about? Again? It had affected him so badly the first time, Peter knew he wouldn't be able to go through that again. He considered his friend's response carefully. 
     “Well, have you checked the canon?” Peter suggested. Miguel felt a lump form in his throat. No - he'd been too terrified to do it. Petrified by the thought that she might leave him someday; that he might be forced to go back to living in a world without her in it. Peter turned to Lyla. “Hey, Lyla, can you pull up Miguel's timeline or something? To see if X is anywhere in it?” 
     The AI gave him a little salute. “Roger that.” 
     She disappeared for a minute, and then the room lit up with glowing neon threads, surrounding them with a web of Miguel's entire life. Peter stood up, heading over to check the canon. 
     “So there's you as a kid. Aww, you were so cute! What happened to you?” Peter twisted his head back to look over at Miguel, snickering at his own joke. Then he returned his attention to the timeline. “There's you as a teenager. Glad to know you went through that awkward phase too. Oh! There's you in college - getting closer.”
     Peter moved along the timeline, turning around to call back to Miguel every once on a while. “There's you setting up the … What was it you called us? The strike force? There's … There's you a year ago. And there's you meeting X for the first time. Wait. You didn't get that canon event notification thingie?” 
     Miguel froze. Mierda, he'd completely forgotten! The first time they'd met, when he'd rescued her from Molten Man. His watch, it had lit up, it had notified him of the successful occurrence of a canon event. He'd just assumed that it had been because they'd stopped Molten Man from messing up the timeline. Not …
     “Oh! There's when you guys fought that Loki!” Peter exclaimed, still following Miguel's timeline around the room. His eyes widened as he remembered a slight flash of green in the corner of his eye - a signal he'd been too focused on X to notice. “Hey, there's another one here! It looks like you guys are on a rooftop? Somewhere? I can't make out what you're saying to her, but she looks happy.”
     Miguel finally turned around to see for himself what his timeline looked like. He didn't remember this scene having played out before, but Peter was right: she did look happy. Her eyes lit up, her lips stretched wide, her expression adoring and overjoyed as she watched him fiddling with his hands nervously, mumbling something to her. What was he saying to her? He pulled his gaze away, not quite believing it - that they might just end up together after all - and then his eyes landed on another event. 
     She was lying in a hospital bed, her hair matted to her face with sweat, her features contorted in pain and frustration. She was holding onto someone's hand, though he couldn't tell who it was since they were out of the frame. Judging by the fact that she was in the middle of labour, however, he guessed that it was probably her husband. But why would that show up in his timeline? Finally, the baby arrived, crying and healthy, and an expression of relief overtook her exhausted features. She smiled up at her husband, treating him to that same ecstatic and adoring look she'd given him on the rooftop, and now he saw that the man standing next to her … was him. He gazed down at her in awe and bliss, his lips stretched wide as he shared her excitement. He bent over to press a kiss to the top of her head, never letting her hand go, not until they'd cleaned and weighed the baby - their baby, just like she'd said at the arcade - and placed it in his arms. Their son. Their very own son, so tiny in his father's arms, his eyes wide and curious, just like his mother's. He was beautiful - the perfect combination of himself and the woman he loved. Miguel felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to find Peter, smiling up at him happily. Then he realised the sudden wetness on his face and reached up to find a tear running down his cheek. He wiped it away, trying to compose himself, then he cleared his throat. 
      “How do we …” he began hesitantly, still a little afraid to believe it. “It might not even be her. It might just be another version of her.” 
     “Lyla,” Peter called her back. “Can you check which version of X this is?” 
     “Yup! Pulling up her timeline now.” She disappeared again and suddenly, a beam of yellow light raced through the room, twining itself around the red light representing his timeline. And then they were surrounded by a jumble of all the canon events he and X would share together. Lyla reappeared in front of the two of them. “So, I can confirm that the X who shares your canon events is X, Black Widow of Earth-2. She's your X, Miguel.” 
     A wave of relief swept over him at her words and he fell back into his seat once again. His X, his arañita, for however long they'd have together. ‘I have absolutely no choice, Miguel,’ she'd said that day, that first night they'd spent together, no questions asked. ‘I'm going to have to marry you. Don't worry - I think we'll be okay.’ He pinched the bridge of his nose, a huge weight finally feeling like it had been lifted off his shoulders. She'd been right; she'd been right all along. He had to tell her, he had to find her, he had to … He turned to Lyla, features set with determination. “Where is she?” 
     “She went home, according to her watch,” she replied. Miguel keyed her location into his watch immediately. 
     “I have to find her. I have to tell her …” His lips curled at the ends and his voice went soft as he finally said the words out loud,” that I’m in love with her too.” 
     “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!” Peter stopped him unexpectedly. Miguel raised an eyebrow, confused. “Don't you want to make it special? I mean, she's never had a boyfriend before, remember?” 
     Right. He'd forgotten about that. But it didn't really matter what he did now anyway: she was his canon, the two of them together, always. But then … why had it taken them this long to find one another? And why had they needed to find each other in the first place, traversing space and time just to get to one another? His stomach roiled with apprehension. 
     “Lyla,” he began slowly. “How far along can you predict our timelines?” 
     “Well, considering that the two of you are … a little different to most of the others,” she pointed out uncertainly, “twenty years?” 
     His heart began thudding in his chest as he posed the question, terrified of considering the possibilities. “And what happens then?”
A little holographic tablet appeared in the AI’s hands as she considered his question. 
     “Oh my gosh!” she squealed excitedly, turning her tablet towards Miguel. “Your kids are so cute! Wanna see?” 
     “Nothing significant,” she revealed before popping back over to his side. “X stops being Black Widow though, after you guys have your first kid. But then you take over as Spiderman for her city.” Suddenly, she gasped loudly, causing Miguel's heart to skip a beat in terror. 
     “I want to see!” Peter exclaimed, rushing over to Lyla. “How many do they have?”
     “No! Don’t!” He swiped at Lyla, trying to wave her away. “You can’t just go around telling everyone their canon events!” Lyla hopped around the room, trying to ignore his desperate pawing. 
     “But you do it all the time!” she pointed out, settling herself on his desk, her tiny legs dangling over the edge. Miguel frowned.
     “Yeah, well, not everything has to be … Some things can still be a surprise!” he argued, his stomach bubbling with excitement in anticipation of their kids. Their kids. Kids plural! He couldn't wait to see their tiny little faces and carry their tiny little bodies in his arms. Actually, he could wait. He wanted it to be a surprise, just like he'd make sure it would be for her.
     “A few surprises,” Peter commented, exchanging a knowing smirk with Lyla. Miguel groaned, then took hold of Peter's shoulders, guiding him towards the exit. 
     “Go … take care of your own surprise, Peter,” he grumbled.
     “Hey! Mayday was planned!” Peter yelled in response, turning his head around to look at Miguel.
     “Doesn't mean she doesn't need looking after!” Their bantering voices faded away as they made their way down the corridor. Lyla let out a dramatic sigh once they'd left. 
     “Men,” she muttered. “You'd think they'd grow up after having their own kids.”
Tags: @leahnicole1219 @heubstr
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chaoticpuff17 · 11 months
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chapter 2
Min Yoongi was a patient man. At least he considered himself to be so. He may not have been the most charming or the most skilled, but he was patient. He’d built his empire from the ground up through sheer power of will. He’d waited six years for the woman he loved to return to him. He should be able to give her space, to allow her to calm down, but he found himself on edge in a way that wasn’t natural for him. He was going crazy knowing that she was so close and yet not within his reach. 
He’d lost her once. He wasn’t willing to lose her again, especially over something as trivial as his business endeavors. She’d understand. He knew she would, and if she didn’t, he’d just have to make her see things his way. 
She had been a stubborn woman when he’d known her, and he couldn’t imagine that that had changed much over the years. It was one of the things he liked best about her though. Despite her stubbornness she wasn’t completely unreasonable. She could be brought around to see things from a different perspective. The problem would be getting her to agree to see him at all. 
Jung Tae-il and his wife were as dear to her as any blood relative. If he’d known that one of his underlings had made a deal with the old man, he would have given them better terms simply for her sake, but that’s not what had happened. The deal had gone unnoticed by him, too insignificant in the grand scheme of things for him to pay it any mind. Why would he have? It was just one more person coming to beg for a loan when the banks wouldn’t give them one, another sob story. He couldn’t count the number of times someone had come begging for money to help a sick relative. They were beneath his notice, but this hadn't just been any other loan, and he was paying for that now. 
It wasn’t completely hopeless though, not in  his estimation. Despite the situation, despite her anger, this whole mess had brought her back to him. He knew where she was now, and there was no ocean separating them. How long had he waited to see her again? How often had he wondered if he’d ever get the chance? 
Much like his number had changed over the years, so had hers though in a different way than his had. When they’d fought all those years ago, she hadn’t seen the need to give him her American number before she left. They hadn’t been on speaking terms, and her Korean number was of no use to him when her SIM card didn’t work across the ocean. She’d slipped away from him leaving him no way to contact her, no Whatsapp or Kakaotalk, nothing. 
Seeing her again had felt like a weight had been lifted from him. The missing piece of him had come home. All of his regrets and the what ifs didn’t matter anymore because she was back, and he could fix it. He could fix everything. 
He was good at it, fixing problems. It was why he had gotten taken on in this business in the first place, and it was why he had built up an empire of his own so quickly. He was quick. He was clever, and he was very good at fixing problems. Her ire was nothing he couldn’t handle and nothing he hadn’t dealt with before. He was confident in that. 
“Boss?” Minhwan interrupted his reflection, entering his office nervously. “I have the file you requested on Margot.” Quickly, he placed the manila folder on the desk, rushing to explain himself as his boss had been in a foul mood since the woman had first been brought to his attention, and a Min Yoongi in a foul mood was an especially dangerous Min Yoongi. “I have her address, her phone number, email address, her place of work. I could probably get access to her medical records given enough time.” 
Yoongi ignored his sputterings and picked up the file, thumbing through it to ensure that all the requested information was in fact there, and pausing briefly on the picture attached to the file.
It was recent, probably an ID photo for work, but it was recent. It was the first photo of her he’d seen that wasn’t from six years ago, and while it was stiff and formal, it was her as she was now. 
“I want a security detail on her at all times. Something subtle that she won’t notice.” He ordered, eyes still fixed to the photo.
“Sir?” Minhwan asked, unsure why this woman was so important or why his boss wanted a detail on her, but it was all highly unusual. 
“If a single hair on her head is harmed, I’ll skin you all alive.” he warned, a strange glint in his eyes as he delivered the warning that made it perfectly clear that he would follow through on it. 
“Of- of course, sir!” Minhwan stuttered, unsure what to make of his boss’s sudden order, unsure of what to make of most of his behavior in the past few days. “I’ll get someone on it right away.” 
Yoongi breathed a sigh of relief as he left, leaning back in his chair with her photo in his hand. 
Even if she didn’t want to see him at the moment, he wanted her safe. She’d probably murder him if she knew, but he couldn’t bring himself to care about that so long as she was safe. If she wouldn’t let him be with her, this was the next best thing until he got the situation handled properly.
“Sir…” the man began hesitantly. “If I can ask… why is this woman so important?” 
A Cheshire grin spread across Yoongi’s face at the question. “That, Minhwan, is the future Mrs. Min.” 
Saturdays, when school wasn’t in session, Margot liked to go to the hospital to sit with Maria in the mornings. Tae-il still had work, and it was nice for someone to come and keep the woman company even when she was only sleeping. It was more for their peace of mind than Maria’s anyway.
The treatments had left her more than a little worn out these days, and a good portion of her time was spent resting. Margot didn’t mind though. She was no stranger to hospitals or what happened in them. It was the reason she always came prepared with a secondary activity such as a book or some sort of craft. Today she was working on a cross stitch. It was an activity that Maria herself had introduced Margot to when she had been in college, and she still kept up with it, finding the repetitiveness of the motions soothing as she created a picture on the aida cloth. 
“You know you don’t have to come every Saturday.” A scratchy voice chided her from the bed. 
Without even looking up from her stitching, Margot replied. “Of course I do. Where else am I going to find peace and quiet and some decent conversation?” A wry grin twisted her lips. 
“Such a silly girl.” Maria shook her head fondly. “Now tell me what’s got you stabbing that cloth as though it kicked your dog.” 
Heat rose in her cheeks as she refused to meet Maria’s eyes. “It’s nothing.” she mumbled, stabbing her needle through the cloth again. 
“It’s never nothing.”
“It could be nothing.” 
“Margot.” Maria prompted gently.
“It’s fine.”
“It’s nothing.” Margot peaked up, looking to see if Maria was leveling her with that stare that demanded an answer. “Really, it’s nothing.” Maria continued to stare at her. “I saw Yoongi again.” Margot relented after a few moments after that stare. 
“Yoongi?” Maria asked, clearly trying to remember who the name belonged to. “What Yoongi? Not the one from university?” 
“That one.” she admitted, stabbing her needle through the aida cloth again so she didn’t have to look at Maria. 
“Isn’t that a good thing? You two were good friends.” 
Bitterness rose in her throat. They had been good friends, but a lot had changed since then. It hadn’t seemed like anything had changed at all when he’d first come to the restaurant. They’d slipped into old patterns as naturally as if the years hadn’t separated them, and then the bomb had dropped ,and the illusion had shattered. 
The Min Yoongi she’d been so excited to see again was not the same one she’d known when she’d been studying abroad. This was a man who she was solidly sure wasn’t involved in anything very legal when it came to business, especially if he was willing to terrorize people in the name of a loan, a loan she was also sure was less than legal after her conversation with Tae-il following Yoongi’s appearance. 
She just couldn’t wrap her head around how the Yoongi she’d known had turned into some sort of loan shark. He’d always been quite, kind of private. Some might have even described him as stand-offish, but he’d always been so sweet to her. When you got to know him there was a sweet and at times goofy guy under that hard shell. It didn’t make sense to her that he was now working on the other side of the law, that he was the cause of so much fear in Tae-il. 
“He’s not the same boy we all knew.” 
Maria shrugged. “None of us are the same as we were six years ago. Time changes people. It’s natural.” 
“Not like this. This was…” she paused, trying to think of the right words without giving too much away. Tae-il had been very clear that Maria didn’t know, and he didn’t want Maria to know. “This was something else. He’s not someone I would want to be around anymore.” 
Maria nodded in understanding. “Sometimes that happens, and you two haven’t seen each other in a long time. It’s natural you drifted apart, but that doesn’t mean it hurts any less.” Margot peeked over at her. “You and I both know you loved that boy.” Maria said, wagging a bony finger at her. “It broke your heart to leave him behind.” 
“He didn’t need to be such a jerk about it.” Margot reminded her. 
“No, but he was also heartbroken that you were leaving. That boy would have done anything to convince you to stay.”
She scoffed in disbelief. “He wasn’t heartbroken, and he knew there was no way for me to stay. I had to go home.” 
“He may have known that in here,” she tapped her forehead. “But here, that’s a different story.” she placed her hand above her heart, and Margot rolled her eyes, setting aside her stitching.  
“You’re acting like he was in love with me.” 
“He was!” Maria exclaimed with far more enthusiasm than a woman in her condition had any right to have. “Everyone could see it!” 
“He was not!” 
Maria shrugged again, pulling her robe around herself a little tighter. “Believe what you will, but that boy was crazy for you.”
“I think the meds are making you hallucinate, auntie.” Margot brushed her off, trying to ignore the heat that had rushed to her cheeks.
“Is it really as bad as all that? Can’t you two find a way to reconcile, get to know each other again?” She asked, peering at the younger woman curiously. “You two were such good friends, thick as thieves if I remember right.” 
Margot hesitated. She wanted to. She really did, but knowing what she did, she just couldn’t see a way to do that. “I don’t think so. I think that we’re both just too different now. He’s on a path that I want no part of.” 
“That’s a shame.” Maria sighed, leaning back into her pillows. “He really was such a nice boy. 
Part 3
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kaunis-sielu · 1 month
Dangerous Places: 11
When you get to the office building Bucky drives into the underground garage. When he parks Steve opens his door and you follow him out of the car. He offers you his hand again and you take it. It’s a little alarming being outside of the house and knowing that he’s right there has been more comforting than you’d thought. You’re starting to worry that you might be Belle in Beauty and the Beast, starting to actually like your captor.
You ride the elevator in silence and when the doors slide open you follow Steve’s lead into an empty floor.
“My office is the only one on this floor.” He says as you walk through the space. There’s a desk in front of a large door and one off to the side. “My assistant sits there and that’s for Buck when he actually hangs out here. Come on in.” You follow him into his office, you’re fairly sure it’s bigger than the main part of the house. You let go of his hand and make your way to the windows, the view out over the city is stunning. You feel him join you at the window,
“Let me guess, you rule everything that the light touches.” You tell him and he laughs softly,
“Yes Simba.” You’re glad he caught your Lion King reference.
“It is a beautiful view.”
“Thank you. If you want you can watch tv or read, just kinda hang out?”
“How long will you be?”
“A couple hours.” He says rounding the desk and sitting down, “let me know if you need anything. The bathroom is there.” He says pointing at a door over his shoulder. He puts a remote on his desk, “for the TV.”
“Thanks.” You’ve missed baking shows more than you care to admit so while he works you watch the baking channel. You get comfortable, laying down on his couch, before you know it you’re drifting off. At one point you wake briefly, there’s something draped over your torso and it smells like Steve. You roll over, choosing not to worry about what Steve is doing or what’s now draped over you while you sleep.
“Hey Bunny?” Steve’s soft voice draws you out of sleep. “You wanna go?”
“Yes please.” You tell him, he’s crouched in front of you at the side of the couch. You sit up and his suit coat slips off of your body, you hand it to him, “thanks.”
“Yea, I’ll get a blanket for in here for next time.”
“You’re going to let me leave again?”
“Yea, things are going well but,” he pauses, “do you want to know?”
“No.” You say and he nods,
“I didn’t think so, let’s go home.” He tells you standing and you follow getting up off of the couch. He offers you his hand again and you take it, his hand is so much rougher than yours, calluses are built up on his fingers.
You’re not paying much attention to where you’re going, at least not until Bucky pulls up to a high rise.
“Where are we?” You ask as he drives the car into a garage.
“My place.” Steve says without looking at you. “Figured it was awful late to take you all the way home.”
“What’s wrong Bunny?”
“I don’t have any of my supplies here. What if I go low or high?”
“I have stuff.” You blink at him in surprise,
“You, you have insulin and needles?”
“Yea, and juice. Was gonna bring you the insulin before it expired so it didn’t go to waste either.” You’re irritatingly touched by this information.
“Should we go to bed?”
“T-together?” You squeak and he smiles softly down at you.
“Not if you don’t want to. While I’d love to see you in my bed I won’t make you uncomfortable.”
“Okay you’ll sleep in my bed?” You nod and he smiles, god he’s so handsome when he smiles. Steve brings you down the hallway then into his bedroom. It’s all dark colors and weirdly warmth,
“I’ll get you something to sleep in.” He says before disappearing through another door, you take the moment to study the room. The walls are a deep green and the comforter is black. There’s a window seat and all the furniture is dark wood, Steve comes out of what you assume is a closet and hands you something to sleep in. “Bathroom is there, I think I have a new toothbrush in the middle drawer.”
“Thank you.” God you’re so tired. You go and get ready for bed then crawl into Steve’s bed. You’re asleep before he comes back from the bathroom.
“Cap!” The door flies open and Steve shoots up leveling a gun at the intruder, the African American man from the first day, Sam is standing at the doorway, his hands up by his head as Steve registers he isn’t a threat.
“What the fuck do you want?” He growls, putting the gun down.
“They’ve taken the bait.”
“Excellent.” Steve swings his legs out of bed and when you go to follow he turns and presses a soft kiss to the top of your head. “Stay Bunny.” Sam looks pleased and you lay back down to go back to sleep.
When you wake for a second time the curtains are letting a little light into the room. You wander the apartment, not really sure what you’re supposed to be doing. You’d almost expected someone to be somewhere in the apartment but it seems like you’re alone.
You make some breakfast, dosing for the omelette that you make then you wander his home again. You’d never know that a mob boss lived in the penthouse.
When Steve comes back he’s furious. You can almost taste his rage as he storms into the space, the door slamming behind him. Your heart races, were you supposed to stay in the bedroom? You thought you could make yourself comfortable. He stalks toward you and you stand from where you’d been sitting on the couch, gaze to the floor heart racing in your chest. He pulls you to him, arms wrapping around you, his face buried in your hair.
“Thank fuck.”
“He got away.”
“We fucking lost Rumlow.” That was what you were afraid of. “They were all there. They were all fucking there Bunny and somehow he got away.” Your heart plummets, every time you think that this is going to be over it isn’t. “I’m gonna get him Bunny.”
“U-use me.”
“Use me as bait. He’ll come out if he thinks he can get his claws back in me.”
“I’m not going to do that to you. I’m not putting you into danger.”
“I’m already in danger.” You argue, “please, please I just want this over.” You feel him take a deep breath,
“Fine. I need to dress you for the club then.”
“We’re going to go out, like we’re celebrating. We’re going to act like a couple, then I’m going to make it look like I’ve left you in my private room. He’ll come.”
“He will.” You agree so that’s what you do. Steve calls Wanda and she comes to glam you up, she brings several dresses, make up, hair supplies and a few pairs of shoes. Steve makes sure that you eat while Wanda preps you for the night.
“I’m going to give you a tracker.” She says, as she swipes lip stain on your lips. “This is gonna sound nasty but it’s going in your panties. It’s less likely to be found. We’ll wrap it in a condom and go from there.”
“Oh, okay.” You’re suddenly very nervous.
“He won’t take you, it’s just a precaution.”
After you’re ready, a tight black dress, hair straightened, face fully done, black heels on and a tracker in your underwear, you head to the living room to meet Steve.
“Fuck me.” He breathes eyeing you, “you look fucking incredible.”
“Oh, thank you.” You tell him softly, “you look good too.” He smiles at you then holds out a hand for you. You take it and he pulls you toward him,
“I’m gonna kiss you now. So we can be convincing as a couple.” He says but you don’t completely believe that’s the only reason why. Steve kisses you softly, one hand curled around the back of your head and the other on your lower back. You’re pressed against him and you’ve never felt safer.
“God Bunny.” He breathes, “Been wanting to do that for weeks.” You give him a little smile, while you’re more comfortable than you used to be you’re still not completely comfortable with him. “Okay?”
“Yea, just nervous.” You tell him and you are, you’re so fucking nervous.
“I’ve got you Bunny. He won’t hurt you again.” He promises and you nod, you believe him.
Tag list:
@andahugaroundtheneck @connie326 @also-fangirlinsweden @lumar014 @loving-life-my-way @pagina16ps @emdying @dumblani @valsworldofcreativity @blackwidownat2814 @vicmc624 @abschaffer2 @patzammit @inkedaztec @sophham
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changingplumbob · 2 months
Coming this rotation, a new High School!
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In my mod frustration I took a break from gameplay and rebuilt my old very square high school. I changed the time of day for taking photos and cheated the weather to sunny about 5 times but it kept raining so we're just going to roll with it. I mean at least it shows off the covered walkways?
As you walk on to the grounds the building on the right is the first stop. It is the reception area of the school and features the first aid room and principals office. We may or may not see the principals office depending on how evil a certain sim will be once they age up to a teen.
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If you exited the office and went past the picnic tables to a side walkway you would find the basketball court (yes this is 100% here because @matchalovertrait character Dulce played basketball which made me remember most high schools have a court). The end of the walkway has a group cheer mat which Onyx may or may not use, obviously not in this weather, they like their hair too much. Opposite this is a proper sized pool inspired by the wonderful high school build done by @stargazer-sims (seriously wanting a pool even close to yours was a main drive of redoing the place).
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What? We can walk from the pool to the main building without getting rained on? How convenient in this deluge! As we turn to look back at the pool notice how the watcher solved the empty space problem by chucking down a whole skating rink. Back into the main building and we're greeted by a pride flag because this is an inclusive school even if the principal is an arse gosh darn it!
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I thought I couldn't get a more colourful cafeteria then I went and built it! Please notice the pride flag wall (please let me know if I forgot any key ones and I'll add them), colourful menus and a security camera to keep track of who really starts those food fights.
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Double doors lead to an outside eating area, once again covered and- who put a waterslide back there? Seriously questionable building taste (it's me, I have questionable building taste). There's also a couple of swing sets because you're never too old for swings.
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The other set of internal double doors lead to the library which is kindly being modeled by the default principal. Space for group study and comfy reading. I liked the idea of taller tables and normal height tables coexisting in the space. Room to work on projects together or study alone.
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What's that you say? I've never looked into voidcritter lore despite owning kids room stuff? Me neither my friend. Didn't stop me from decorating the locker section with them though. If we continue clockwise- oh look, a full length mirror! How convenient for image obsessed teens without them clogging the bathrooms. You can also see the space on the opposite side of the cafeteria where there is a mural outline in case sims want to fill it in (I'm looking at you art lover Carson who still managed to get a low boost to his exam despite not having art knowledge). Anyway back to clockwise, this is my math class. Math diagrams because math.
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And then we come out of the side hallway where the entrance to math was and face back towards the front entrance. Let me just take a minute to highlight that all bathrooms here are unisex individual spaces. Gender is a social construct and honestly making a group of young people who are already self conscious get changed in the same space is... not a great plan. The bathrooms in the pool also look like this. Down our second side corridor and I wonder what could be here. Oh look at that art, it kind of looks like something @eljeebee reblogged yesterday... silver and yellow... (I swear I forgot about seeing it until after I finished the build and I rechecked tumblr and saw it again. It's not my fault Lana is being an influencer)
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Through the door you will find the graphics studio/art class. Hopefully it can inspire the students a bit. Alas not much room for easels but in graphics in high school all we needed was blank paper and a good desk.
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Then we have business class right by the front entrance. Why is it so feminine I hear you say? Because business is for women to! Eliza is proving that. And I fell in love with the colour scheme and ran with it... And I wanted to try different style individual desks in different classes. Have you noticed this is the third room with different style desk? Probably not as this is the first time I'm mentioning it.
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To the other side of the entrance we have two more classes (these are bordering the cafeteria). First up, computer science! Not a single computer in sight! Because when I tried to put computers at desks the students just sat in a huddle by the door and all got yelled at by the principal didn't they (I am sorry about that detention Onyx and Carson, my bad). Next we have social studies, one of my school favourites! Broke out the dino wallpaper and some maps to go with historic pieces. Fun fact, I'm useless at geography, couldn't find anywhere on a map really.
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Now upstairs may seem a bit of a jumble... But that's just because it is. The main landing connects with a small workout area. Here we have a punching bad, some yoga mats, and the traditional exercise machine and treadmill for those before class tasks. Of course we have a sneaky bit of unicorn art as tribute to the queen of unicorns @azuhrasims herself.
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In one of the upstairs corners we have our Language Studies room. And look, there's the big blank spot on the wall I couldn't decide decor for, oops. I have a film poster in here because my English teacher had film posters up and I loved them! Then we have a chill hang out space with a variety of comfy seats to choose from. These wall murals really set the vibe I wanted. A place to relax indoors that wasn't the cafeteria.
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Next corner we have the science class where I definitely did not go overboard with green, nope not me. I wanted to chuck some chem labs in here but I also wanted each class to be able to sit 10. When I play the Pancakes next both teens will need to be in the same class so I'm going to run that week with a larger mixed class, they'll each have 4 friends of their own age in their class for company. Then we have what I assume was the builder's attempt at a Foreign Language classroom? Between quilted floor tiles and gingham walls I'd guess they were out of ideas by the time they got to this room (yeah I kind of was, plus I just don't know what to put in a foreign language class when all simlish is foreign to me)
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And finally we have Olive Grim! Wife of the reaper who is kindly testing my build out for me in the photography save. I should have had her test a shower in the bathrooms but hindsight is 20/20 or whatever the saying is. She's chilling in the most bland boring room I could make for my sims to have to sit exams in. No inspiration and no cheating off classroom posters!
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Thank you for coming on my tour. Once again I am sorry about the rain! I even skipped forward a whole other day and it was still there... at least we're putting the covered walkways to use I guess?
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popcornforone · 8 days
Handling the Situation
A Dave York Fan Fic
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Damn it Dave… why are you the best person to write. I mean I’m not complaining. I enjoy it, it makes me feel good. But I always think I take forever now to write him as it needs to be right. So here we are on another Dave York Saturday, getting our fill of our favourite stabby murder daddy.
Synopsis:- You are Dave Yorks handler & have been for 2 years since an injury meant you couldn’t be an assassin anymore. You both have mutual feeling for each other which neither of you have decided to explore until now.
Work count:- 7200
Warnings:- DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 18! DAVE YORK COMES WITH HIS OWN WARNING! Lack of consent, unprotected sex, boss employee relationship, mutual pining, stalking, murder, assassin stuff, car jacking, PIV, masturbation, cum tasting, fingering, swearing, cheating & adultery. Dave being controlling but what’s new there 🤣.
Yea this was something to right. I hope you all enjoy peoples. Thanks for the read.
“Wait a second” Dave York scowls as he looks at the Mismatching maps he’s got in front of him . One on his screen, & one as a hard copy. “This map is dated from 1998, why do I have a copy of this” his big brown eyes dart between the two. You let out an exasperated sigh.
“Mr York if you’d have let me finish my sentence…” you start before he interrupts.
“Is it hard being the smartest person in the room?”
“I wouldn’t know, is it?” You scoff back & get up from your chair on the other side of his desk & make your way over to him. He would have rolled his eyes at your comment but after 2 years of you being Dave’s handler you’ve both got bored of it. Even though you like the little smirk he pulls afterwards. There’s mischief deep inside this killer. You get to his computer screen & stretch the map. A small sniff of his cologne always arouses you. His warm breath filling your personal space. Your hand grips his over the mouse. It still makes you shiver but not as much as it used to. “Now hold the old school map up to the screen Mr York” Dave does as you requested & you then turn the screen into dark mode. It’s clear now why you had provided him with the older map.
“Are those tunnels?”
“Yes from where they built the subway network” you look at him & he nods. “A third exit should you need it & Thompson isn’t alone or there’s other interested party’s, if you follow this one…”You point & explain that it will lead him a mile away to a power plant.
“Clever girl” he says & he smacks your bum. You try to not moan. Dave flirts with everyone, because he is the best assassin he gets away with it, also his job does require some intimate work from time to time but he has never seen you more than the best handler for him. You used to be an assassin as well until someone sliced off half of your trigger fingers nuckle . But you always planned your own missions before that, so when you decided to become an analyst & handler, Dave practically begged for you. He knew you’d keep him alive. You know what he needs to do to stay at the top & in one piece.
You both then finalise the next few bits of next Wednesdays mission so you can type it up this afternoon for him. It should then be approved on Monday & then the two of you(well mainly you) can get everything in place for Wednesday to take Thompson out. Dave is always impressed with your dedication to the cause he does wonder if you ever switch off. As you remove the usb stick from his computer, along with his signature on the initial report, so you can proposes the final changes, you head to his office door.
“Anything else I can help you with Mr York” you say in a chirpy tone. He usually will say nothing or just ask for another coffee.
“Nah your alright…” but then as you go to leave Dave then chirps up “… weekend plans?” Dave’s never asked you about your weekend plans before. You a little bit stunned. You both keep home & work separate hence you only call him Mr York.
“Erm yes… I do” you turn back to face him gripping your lap top. “My boyfriend wants to take me out for dinner for our 1 year anniversary” Dave looks shocked at this.
“A boyfriend? You kept that quiet”
“You never asked” you giggle “also we’ve actually been together 20 months, but he says it wasn’t official until he’d met my parents & my parents live in Texas”
“Hmm man’s got principles I guess, what does he do”
“He’s an accountant” you say with a sigh ”boring I know but safe, no one’s gonna look for an assassin or a handler with a boring jobed partner.” You say. You know Dave is married, Carol you believe from what you’ve found online about her, that she works as a manager at the big grocery store out of town.
“True, you hoping he asks the question, so you can be more committed” Dave asks. You can’t help but blush at that.
“Well every girls dream is to say I do & walk down the aisle in a white dress so why not,”
“You’d say yes”
“Absolutely, I love him” you suddenly realise this is the most Dave has asked you about your life in the 2 years you’ve been by his side. Pinning for a man you know is unavailable in both your worlds. No sex with coworkers you have always had that rule & keep work & home separate. “What about you Mr York”
“Work & I might watch the golf, might even go up to the cabin I haven’t decided yet” he reply’s he picks up his phone & his lips bite the side of it. He does this from time to time. It always arouses you & you try to not let it affect you. “I genuinely do hope he asks you, I hope he deserves you”
“Thank you Mr York, have a nice weekend yourself” you then do a little smile & leave, once his office door is closed you sigh & calm down. Dave was genuinely nice to you & made you feel seen. You’re angry at yourself for getting aroused while he was being polite. You shake your head & walk back to your desk, this proposal won’t write itself.
Dave sits there in his car, watching. He’s been following you for the last 6 months, since you wore that daisy dress to work when you were going out to a birthday afterward & he saw the real you, you let your guard down that day at work & were care free & happy. Dave’s wanted to get to know the real you from that moment. Since then with his own skills he’s followed you around. At a safe distance of course & cleverly. After all Dave is the best assassin in the world he easily goes undetected.
He sits there outside Donatello’s the Italian restaurant, a place you & your other half often frequent & he’s looking at your face. You seem bored & disinterested in the conversation. It’s also not just you as you had said to him on friday, there are friends around you, but by the looks of it mostly his friends. You politely laugh back & smile but the look on your face as you dig into another okayish carbonara says a million things. This should have been your special night but no it’s turned into him & 6 of his mates & 2 of their partners around the table too.
Dave can see your eyes show no emotion in them. You’re not giving anything to this. This was not how you thought your Saturday night would go & neither did Dave. He is half tempted to get out the car, walk into the busy restaurant, March up to you lift you over his shoulders with no explanation to anyone, put you in the back seat of his car & fuck you there & then. That’s what Dave wants. That’s what he’d do in this situation & he now pretty sure from the look on your face that you’ve not cum in months. Obviously standard & safe isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
“Fuck” Gus moans as he fills the condom up & rolls off you. You’ve not cum it’s been months & he keeps persisting on using a condom. You like that he practices safe sex but it would be easier for you to be on a birth control that was half decent. He had said no & actually went with you to the doctors to say that you wouldn’t be going on it unless it was injections. You’re seeing the doctor on friday for your next round.
“Well baby that was a decent day” he says & he softly kisses your lips & gets out of bed tying the condom of his already limp penis as he put his boxers on. “& you as always were so good then”
“Yea it was good” you lie to Gus, today had all been about him & his mate Harry. He bumped into him when he was on his morning run & suddenly a day you thought might be romantic & passionate turned into a lads day. You like his friends but today should have been about the two of you & what is happening right now proves it. He’s getting dressed.
“You know you can stay Gus” you say as you scoot along the bed & massage his shoulders to help him relax & start to kiss his neck. “Maybe I want morning cuddles maybe I’m not done yet”
“Baby I’ll be surprised if you can walk after what I just did to you, you’re clearly in a sex haze” you are glad he can’t see you roll your eyes. 9minutes that’s how long he lasted before he came, you clit was neglected & he just humped his way through it. When you do cum it does feel good but it’s been lacking a lot recently. He’s not the sex god he takes himself for.
“So why are you leaving? Why can’t you stay”
“Work starts at 6am on Monday but budget meeting at 8am, so I can’t have distractions tomorrow I need to be at mine”
“But baby it’s…”
“Shhh go to sleep beautiful & I’ll let you know I get home safe”he doesn’t even kiss your lips. It’s your cheek & he heads out of your apartment. You know safe & boring is best but you can’t be doing this for the rest of your life. You need 1 last adventure before you settle down & Gus isn’t hitting the spot in lots of ways at the moment. Once you hear him lock the door behind him, you get out your newest vibrator, & build up the settings as it pleasures your naked body as you rhyth in bed. As you climax on your favourite setting, you giggle at the name that escapes your mouth. You hand & toy are coated in your slick as you moan the name “Dave!” As you reach the best high you will have this weekend.
“Morning Mr York” you announce as you walk into his office with his usual black coffee & information for him on the missions approval. It’s the usual Monday happy patter from you. If you start off happy it might rub off on the moody Dave. You notice him in his light blue shirt scrolling through his phone perched on the edge of his desk, deep in thought.
“Morning” he reply’s not looking up. Lost on his phone. He briefly looks up as you shut the door & then he stops & looks up again. You’re in a very nice floral green dress which is buttoned all the way up & stops just above the knee. Your hair is in a messy bun & you have a small heel on. Dave has a double look, your shiny legs sticking out as you hand him his coffee.
“What Mr York, can’t I put in a bit of effort from time to time” you say as he keeps looking you up & down as you hand him his coffee.
“Obviously, it’s just there’s something different about you today,” he says with a smile & then bites on the corner of his phone trying not to think about what he would do to you. “But I notice something hasn’t changed..” he, once he’s put his coffee down, grips your left hand stroking across your fingers “… I see & feel no ring unless your picking one together” Dave sees your face drop a little, your chirpy mood moves on as you sign.
“Yea, turns out my boyfriend wanted it to be more of a friends thing for our anniversary than just us” you say “I still had a nice dinner…”
“& a good fucking?” Dave interupts & you turn bright red straight away.
“Mr York!” You shriek.
“What? You’re a woman you have needs, just like all men & women have needs” he says with a smirk. The hand that was holding yours now brings the coffee cup to his lips, always looking so plump. His phone is on the desk as he strokes his thigh. “So I’m guessing you didn’t have a moment of pure passion then”
“Mr York, there’s a reason we keep our work & private lives separate, I don’t think I want to talk about my sex life with you”
“What if I as your boss asked you to?” He says & winks before slurping more coffee.
“& here I was thinking this was going to be a normal Monday meeting to approve a few things before Wednesday” you scoff & smile. “Let’s just say that my man thinks he gets my needs met but once he’s happy that’s that”
“Damn, a man should always look after his woman first, preferably with oral or fingers strumming her cunt open”
“DAVE!” He pulls a face as you shout this at him “sorry… MR. YORK!” You shout again & then both laugh.
“don’t worry about it sweetheart, I’m amazed you still formally call me Mr York, I’m not gonna murder you for a slip of the tongue like that”
“I’d like to see you try” you respond back instantly.
“Oooh fighting talk, I like that” he says with a devilish smile. “& if I’m honest you’d give back as well as you took” somehow you now know this isn’t talking about fighting talk. Your minds gone dirty.
“Well what can I say, I think all things should be equal, giving & receiving, don’t you?”
“No I like to be in control” he says abruptly almost cutting you off. “I like to know where I stand with everything, so that when I give, it’s given good”his hand forcefully grabs your wrist . “That’s why you’ve not applied to be an Assassin again.” You look dumb struck at him.
“I don’t think that’s any of your business Mr…”
“But it is my business, your my business.” He tugs you towards him as he stands up his right hand grips your chin, firmly. “Imagine if we were a team, 2 assassin working together, the world we could create the missions we could achieve, doesn’t that sound good to you” he whispers all of this in your ear seductively. Your breathing has hitched. You feel his hand start to drift yours to his bulge.
“Dave… I”
But before your hand makes contact & you do something you might regret, the phone in the office rings.
“Fuck” Dave basically launches you out of his personal space & leans over the desk to grab the phone. His moody tone is there. “York, this had better be good” you stand there awkwardly while he berates someone on the phone for not doing the vehicle clean at the weekend for Wednesday. He then smirks at you & says down the phone. “I’m sure my handler can handle the situation, she likes all things being equal” before he slams the receiver down.
“I’ll go deal with that then Mr York, here’s the files for Wednesday” you say & don’t even really look at him. Had he sexually harassed you before that phone call? You hadn’t kissed or touched him. Was it his power over you? As much as he knows you can do what he does, does he enjoy those moments.
It’s not long after you sit behind your desk sorting out the last few things that for Wednesday’s mission that you get a message from him.
We good? Y
You smirk & reply.
Nothings changed Mr York, let’s concentrate on the mission
Glad you’re handling all of it so well. He reply’s
Dave lies in his bath on Tuesday night. He always has a bath the night before a mission. It calms him down. Carol always moans that he takes too long, but she lets him off, she knows he has “an important client” tomorrow. He should have asked her to join him in the bath, get his frustrations out on her, but he didn’t instead he’s got the last 5 days cctv from work of you, watching you bend over to pick up files, that little giggle you do with the tech guys & then he watches all the interactions he’s had with you. His length is pulsing, throbbing in his hand as he listens via his ear pods, a few suggestive things said between you both.
“Fuck baby” he growls as the bath water which was starting to get a bit too cold, now has lashes of his cum added to it. He almost knocks his iPad into the bath, as he jerks away mumbling your name.
“Coms check” you say as you get out of the car to set up your own radar to do the mission on Wednesday afternoon.
“Loud & clear sweetheart,”
“Good, although we should still use the code names Boss, not sweetheart, no matter how nice that sounds” you say as you look roughly at the spot he will be setting up his sniper rifle. It’s a clear day, not as many people about as you thought & Dave should have a clear shot to take the target out. Everything is going to plan, a little too well to plan you have in the back of your mind. You slip into the back seat of your Audi with the blacked out windows & connect the additional radar to your set up so you can monitor everything as the doors lock.
“Well I’m okay with calling you Hand if you want, I mean I am the boss,” he jokes back to you once he sees you are safe in the back of the car & looks through his site at the building 2 blocks away from you. “But what would you really like me to call you” he says & you can heart his breath hitch in your ear piece. Is Dave flirting with you on a mission?
“Boss, I’m gonna call you Boss” your trying to keep focused, it’s your job to keep other things entertained while Dave does his killing & to let clean up know when he’s done & to also check for possible complications.
“Well I’ll make sure you do call me that on every occasion, & I can hear your eyes rolling” Dave chuckles. His tone then changes. “Package has arrived” you’re always so amazed that Dave can switch it on & off so quickly. The target has arrived in the building & that’s now his main objective. You & carol could be scissoring in front of Dave right now & he wouldn’t notice at all. You’re glad he’s back in the zone.
“Traffic is good, from what I can see his next lot of security should arrive in 11mins, but oooh no” you click 8 buttons to cause lights to go Green & cause 2 traffic collision “looks like they will be delayed by 6mins taking the alternative route.” You click your timer for 18mins & so does Dave, you hear the beep from his watch down the phone. You both know that being 2 blocks away means you can get back to Dave before that time, but Dave’s got to make sure he doesn’t get spotted & if he needs to additional hits need to happen.
“Copy that” Dave says & you hear the clicks & snaps of the rifle ready to take aim.
“In your own time Boss” you say & then you hear one of your favourite things in the world. You’d never tell Dave this but it’s the way he breathes as he slows his heart rate down to get the perfect clean shoot. It’s not all bang like in the movies. Dave can do that, obviously with all the drama & can kill at close range & get into a fight if he has to, but him sniping someone & the way those lips softly part at each exhale, it’s so attractive. His eyes dilated in concentration too. You enjoy it for a few seconds you get to hear it before the burst of noise. Dave makes the shot after only 2minutes after the timer started.
“Clean, precise, call clean up” Dave declares down the radio.
“Confirm target down”
You then switch to your clean up squad who are on the ground floor of the building (hence why tunnels were needed on your map originally, but they were a final back up for Dave) & you tell them to move in with their timer set for 5mins there’s 4 of them so they can do it that quickly. You can hear Dave packing his gun away.
“4 no 6minutes, the lifts not working”
“Copy” you quickly leap out the back seat of the car & get back into the drivers seat & put your foot down. This means Dave expects to be coming out of the back door of the rendezvous at that exact time. Your car should be there so he can get out of the door & into in it 10seconds before you drive off. Your sat nav is linked to the set up in the back of the car for the best route, to avoid all the issues you set up with traffic earlier.
“Clean ups just confirmed clean & identification Boss” you say to him with you being 2 minutes out. Dave doesn’t reply, if he’s got that many stairs a to run down, he’s conserving energy. You eventually approach the building next to the one Dave took his shot from & slow down to do a reconnaissance loop, everything is clear, so you put the car in reverse ready to go & collect Dave. You pull up 20 seconds early & hit the unlock button to the car door, when suddenly the door flys open & two large hand drag you out.
“Fuck” your scream grabbing the keys & putting it in down the back of black leggins.
A burly face looks at you but your now more concerned that there is cold steal of a barrel now against your forehead.
“Keys now” a voice screams from the side of you. You realise that you’re about to be car jacked. It’s the second man who screams this. & you just shake you head at them, as your eyes fill up with water. These guys must have seen you do a loop & waited for you to pull up. They can’t have this car for so many reason.
“Seriously gents, you’ve picked the wrong day & car to Jack. Just walk away & it won’t cost you your life” you say calmly, but you gulp. they both have masks covering their faces but you can see their eyes. The one with the gun pointed at your head his hand is slightly shaking. The one who has you gripped against the door frame is much firmer, but you can tell my his eyes & hair he’s no more than 19. You don’t want Dave to have to kill these two who have just got lucky today in your 3 second lapse of concentration. It’s most unlike you. You’re also speaking very clearly because you know Dave will be picking this up.
“Ha” the one holding you cackles. “& what makes you think we won’t shoot you & take the car anyhow” you quickly side eye the barrel & realise they are blanks which will still hurt but won’t kill. You can also hear Dave counting down from 20 in your ear, he’s clearly waiting for his moment.
“Because” you stutter as the grip around your neck gets more as your hand reaches to the back of the car seat which has a small knife in the head rest. “Your amateurs…”
“We’re pros” click. Dave has snuck up to the one holding the gun behind him his gun firmly against his head. “& you picked the wrong day to do this”. The other man looks in shock his grip lessens. It’s enough time for you to wiggle slightly & grab your knife, in all of 4 seconds its plunged into the man with the guns thigh. The scream he lets out is ear piercing.
“Where the fuck were you?”
“Why were you early?”
“Why did you not tell me there were people near?”
“Why the fuck didn’t you check for blind spots & randoms?”
Dave & you have been going back & forth for all the way back to HQ since the incident.
Luckily you were both covered enough by your faces that you didn’t need to kill the two kids. Taking them hostage was never plan. Instead you took the two of them who you both injured & dropped them near an emergency room. The smell of piss & vomit you get used to, but it’s still not nice, the car valet will not happy that they have to deal with that. But they were just kids trying to car Jack with a fake empty gun. Anyone else would have given in but they just happened to go for you.
“Because I did so I did my slow loop & came back to your exit, & in the time after I’d checked the back mirror & unhooked my seatbelt to come & open the door he’d sprung up”
“But from where” Dave demands.
“I don’t fucking know Dave okay!” You snap back, a little too harshly.“Another door or behind a bin or over the fence, I don’t have a clue, but the car wasn’t stolen & we completed our mission”
“& to think I was…” Dave then pauses & rubs the back on his head his black beanie hat coming off as he does it. He the looks you up & down. You’re sat on his desk in your black skin tight leggins, black vest top & you still have your own beanie on. Your jacket hanging off the door.
“Say it Dave” he knows your as pissed at him as he is with you. You’ve used his first name twice now.
“No it will just piss you off even more”
“Well I’m already angry & moody so you may as well…”
“I was gonna fill out you application to get you license back!” He interrupted abruptly & the room falls silent, those words hanging in the air.
“Dave, you… you were what…” it a soft tone that leaves your mouth for the first time in about an hour.
“I was going to apply for you to be a full time assassin again.” He shrugs “but if your gonna get jumped by some kids maybe your not up for it, maybe you have lost your game & nerve” he’s rubbing his neck as he says this. His chest is heaving. That skin tight black tshirt is stuck to him. He’s taken off his Kevlar vest & is looking mighty fine, everything clearly defined, including the outline under his black cargo trousers.
“Dave I… I don’t know what to say, thank you & also fuck you for saying I have lost my nerve”
“Well if I’m honest…” his voice trembles “…I’m not sure I can have you being my handler anymore” that shocks you. You freeze, time stops, you don’t breath, your heart doesn’t pump. You eyes fill up.
“What!” You panic. This job means the world to you, if Dave doesn’t want you as his handler something must have happened. He stares at the floor. “You can’t just say that Dave & not fully expect me to understand without an…” you don’t get the word explanation out of your mouth. Dave marches across the office & grips your chin before his lips vigorously clash with yours. You lean on the desk, stuck in the spot, you minds tell you no for so many reasons but it only takes a second for your hand to trial down his side & rest of his hip. His own hands are holding & caressing your face. Kissing you like his life depended on it. You feel alive for the first time in a while at someone’s touch & you instantly feel arsoual taking over.
“Dave” you mumble as you push him back slightly. “We can’t, for so many reason. You’re my boss I’m your handler, I have a boyfriend you have…”
“When did he last make you cum?” He says bluntly.
“Exactly” you aren’t wearing a belt his hand slides straight down your leggins under your panties & straight for your clit. He smirks that it is so slick. “Good girl” you gasp, as he calls you this the friction has started.
“Mmmmmm fuck” you moan before Dave’s lips find yours again, he nips a few times at your bottom lip while he sees to you, his tongue more than welcome inside your mouth.
“Dave… stop I’m gonna … i… I…”
“Let go sweetheart let Dave handle the situation for a change” you then feel two long fingers slip inside you & the friction is intense.
“Oooooohhhhhhh fucking fuck” you gush & cry as he makes you cum harder than you have done at any point in the last 3 months with Gus. He is delighted how quickly he got you off as you are perched there panting. “Fuck Dave, we we shouldn’t. Your married”
“It’s not technically cheating as long as I don’t cum inside you”
“What!?” You say in shock, before he lifts you up & he pulls you leggins & panties down in one movement, his eyes light up at the mess you have both made.
“Oooh fuck baby” he growls before he Burries his head between your thighs lapping away at the wetness dripping down.
“Dave stop”
“We shouldn’t”
“You really want me to stop? What does your body tell you?” He lifts his head as he removes your shoes so everything comes off from the waste down. It gives you a few second to think.
“My body is enjoying it & my head says I deserve it, but my heart…”
“Gus doesn’t deserve you, you’ve been miserable, let me take care of you”he says as he strips off his black skin tight tshirt. You know the man is Broad & well built but this is a feast for the eyes. You lick you lips expectantly.
“Wait…” you pause”how do you know my boyfriends name”
“You don’t wanna know” he says with a smirk before he unbuckles his belt. You’re not sure if you should move in pure fear or consent to your boss fucking you.
“Dave I…” but he grips your chin as his belt slides out through his other hand.
“Sweetheart the only words I want from you are your consent & your moans, don’t make me shut you up with this belt.” He hits the desk with the buckle. His eyes fully dilated full of desire. Those black cargo pants are not hiding his erection to well. you softly nod. “Vocally sweet heart “ your head is lifted more.
“Promise not to cum inside me”
“Promise, let’s get your uncorking situations sorted.” Dave’s lips meet yours again. He lifts you up & carries you to the sofa in his office. His hand gripping your arse so hard as the two of your mouths feast on each other. He lays you down & you go to shimmy off your top but Dave rips it if your body.
“I might have needed that Dave”
“Bollocks to it” the long noise of his fly unzipping has you rhything “ooh baby I don’t even have to touch you to see that body desperately craving a real man’s touch.” You fling your bra across the room. You no longer care that you are about to cheat on Gus. Your fantasy that you’ve had for the last 2 years is about to happen. Dave York your assassin your boss is about to fuck you until you can’t move.
As he drops his trousers & boxers your legs part more. The site of his long girthy penis sends shivers down your spine. He’s definately going to pinch.
“Impressed?” He says as he slips in between your thighs, he licks his fingers & they start to strum your sex making you moan.
“God I’ve wanted to do this for a long time” he groans, as he teases your clit with his cock. The pre cum dripping mixing with your own arousal. “Gonna make you realise your worth sweetheart” he moans before he fully in one long deep push goes balls deep inside you first time.
“Oooh my god, fuck oooh fuck” you moan grabbing the grey sofa materials. The sting feels magnificent. You feel like any movement he makes your gonna cum straight away. He’s looking at your erect nipples on your breasts, your chest & tummy heathing, the little sweat beads forming on your head & then he slowly starts to move his penis out. “‘Mmmmmm ooooh”
“Take it that’s good”
“Fuck yesss Dave… oooh god” he slams in again & hits the spot, everything tingles & your senses are exploding.
“Does Gus do this?” He says as he does the same move again. You shake your head.
“No mmmmmm” you can’t stop moaning each time you mmm or ohhh Dave smirks. He’s getting naughty noises out of your mouth. He wondering would that small mouth of yours take his cock. How far could he ram it down your throat.
“Man doesn’t know how to make a woman feel good, doesn’t deserve ooooh fuck” Dave feels you clamp around him. Almost milking him if his seed at this early stage. “Hold off a bit longer sweetheart please” he lifts your leg & puts your left foot on his shoulder & then he finds his rhythm. He’s in the zone.
“Oooh my god god my god oooh fuck” you don’t know what you’re moaning. Even though Gus isn’t the best lover none of your other lovers or partners before him have felt this good. Dave’s working & rolling his body. The happy trail from his belly button down to the base of his length due to his hip action, is hypnotic. The man can move. He concentrating so much but you can also hear from his own moans that he is getting pleasure out of this too. “Oooh baby”
“Fuck oooh come on girl give it to me,” one arms stretches while another caresses your breasts. He wipes the sweat from his brow with the hand not holding your leg in place before he returns to your neglected clit. As the friction grows you can’t hold on anymore.
“OOoh shit shit shit” you cry “fuckkkkk” you scream as you climax, drenching Dave inside you. Dave look on in wonder as you scream, he’s sure people know he’s fucking you. He doesn’t care.He looks as you lie there spent but he’s not done yet.
“Oooh sweetheart we can do more than that” he says as he quickly withdraws then flips you onto your front.
“Fuck” you scream as he lies on top of you, his balls already banging as he’s deep inside you again. You go to turn your head to look at him but he pushes it into the sofa.
“Fuck your even tighter baby.” He snarls, his rhythm is unrelenting.”how bad is your boyfriend”
“Mmmmm” is all you can get out muffled as he fucks pounding away. He fees so good. You can feel the next orgasm approaching already.
“Fuck fuck fuck Dave” you groan, it leaks down your legs your cum, you know this sofa isn’t new but it’s going to have stains on now.
Dave’s a machine, fucking you hard for over an hour all sorts of positions. You enjoyed it each time he withdrew & covered your arse or belly in ropes of his cum. He was being true to his word. He wasnt cumming inside you. He didn’t care what you thought anymore & actually neither had you. He was giving you the pleasure you had craved for the last few months. Boring Gus with his very safe sex wasn’t going to cut it anymore.
As you bounced up & down in the cowgirl position, Dave licked his lips. You’d been exactly what he had hoped for. He knew what he was doing was wrong but with you being so willing to give it back to him he was enjoying pleasure too.
“Gonna cum once more for daddy” he asked, sweat covering his body.
“Mmmhmmm yes boss” you say still calling him the code name.
“Think you can handle me”
“I always do”
“That’s my girls” he slapped & then grabbed your arse cheek & this made you clamp around his cock so hard. It made him moan “fuck” he did it again & again. Each time you moved more, each time the slap was harder, each gasp you made was more erotic. He’s struggling to control his urge.
“Oooh Dave, more more more” if anyone was recording this it would be a blur At the pace he is going. He’s hitting the spot each time, your previous arousal leaking out. It’s too much. His moves, your pants, the way your boobs jiggle. You’re both gonna explode.
“Oooh fuck baby”
“Yes just like that” you whimper as he sticks two fingers in your arse, he’s not claimed that but it’s enough.”yes yes yes yessss yesss oooh fuck Dave!” You scream & cum, eyes rolling into the back in your head. Squeezing him with all your might.
“Oooooh fuck fuck fuck!” He cry’s, he can’t withdraw in time. He cums & fills you up, painting every inch of you. Both your slicks mixing together inside you “fuck yes” he growls before he kisses you firmly. Neither of you have realised what Dave has just done. Your both on a come down, slowly rocking into each other, panting & giggling in between kisses. Sweat from you dripping onto his chest. He sucks your left breast to calm down before he slowly & delicatly unseats you & puts you on the sofa as he goes into his desk drawer for some wet wipes, for you to both clean up. It’s only as he starts to wipe his dick, his face drops.
“We… oooh fuck” he stumbles upon his realisation.
“Yea we’ve both been unfaithful Dave”
“I’ve never cum inside someone before, other than a girlfriend or my wife, on missions I cum in their mouth or on their tits, why couldn’t I stop with you?”
“Well you did the first few goes…” he then abruptly interupts.
“Your on birth control right?” Your face drops it’s Friday you see the doctor. He freezes”you are right”
“My period ended yesterday & im getting my birth control shot on Friday” you say which is a partial lie, you begin ovulating tomorrow, Dave could have just got you pregnant. You both glaze over, Dave at the fact that he’s cheated after years of being “careful” with lots of targets for information & you for the fact that your Boss could have impregnated you. You both stay silent as you get dressed unsure what to say your relationship no longer the same. Once dressed you put on your jacket & do it up so that when you leave his office you aren’t just in your bra. You stand up & stroke his face.
“Is there anything else I can do for you mr York?” You say as if nothing haa changed but everything has. You sound sad.
“No, I’m all good” he doesn’t even make eye contact with you & you leave. You head straight to the women’s bathroom & throw up, sick to your stomach at what you just did, even though it made you feel to good.
You sit in Dave’s office on Monday morning waiting for him. You’d tried to work together on Thursday & Friday but it was awkward. The genie was out of the bottle, the dynamic different. You’d then been to the doctors & then spent the weekend assessing your life. You’d come to some decisions that would change a few things, but you thought it was best to be truthful with Dave first. When he walks in he’s shocked to see you waiting.
“Morning Mr York we need to talk” you say. Your sat on the sofa you consummated your passion on & Dave comes & sits beside you. He looks white. On the table by the sofa is both you coffees some paperwork & a little box. Dave looks at the long thin rectangular box suspiciously.
“Can I…” you nod & he unpacks the box. There is the pregnancy test you took before the doctors. He sighs deeply. “Thank god for that” he says looking at the negative test.
“I took a morning after pill to be safe as well Dave” you then hand him the envelope. “That’s for you too” Dave without hesitation opens the envelope. His head is still processing that you aren’t pregnant. It takes him a few minutes to realise. He grabs your knee straight away when the realisation hits.
“I won’t allow it”
“Youre the best handler I’ve ever had, I can’t lose you, not over a couple of hours of sex”
“Dave… I”
“No you can’t, it’s stupid”
“Will you let me explain” you shout. Dave looks shocked. He’s never heard that tone before from you. “I spent the weekend thinking things over, I want to take my license again, I want to be an assassin, or at least a full time driver or back up & I want….” You gulp “& I want to do it with you” Dave’s face is stunned. His face then lights up & he hugs you.
“Ohhh really, you want to go back to this, you want us to be a team a real team”
“We always were a team Dave, I just need to stop living the safe life, see where I belong, get back to what I’m good at, I was holding myself back, but after that mission & then when it almost went wrong & the the rush & the passion, I can’t give that up”
“& Gus…” he asks
“Well let’s just say safe isn’t for me.”
“& I am” he asks raising an eyebrow, “you know I’m married right”
“I do Dave”I then smirk”but it’s not cheating unless you fill me up with cum” he laughs back at that.
“Naughty bitch” he scoff “you’ve got the grips of this whole situation havent you?”
“Isn’t it good to be the smartest person in the world?” You ask.
“I don’t know does it?” He can’t hold back & his plump lips crash either yours, his hand goes up your skirt & he’s amazed when he realises you aren’t wearing any underwear. “You tease” he says as that large flat thumb starts working your clit. You moan instantaneously.
“Only for you mr York, only you”
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