#kai and onision
I haven’t posted in a year, over a year !
I’ve been watching strange eon’s video about onion boy’s new book and I do find it fascinating that it’s like reading all of his previous books but an extended video. Everything he referenced in his past book are things that allegedly happened in his life. And that’s so nauseating
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onisiondrama · 5 months
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Legal updates curtesy of LC. I am trusting these anons’ summaries/ interpretations of the legal paperwork since I don’t know anything about bankruptcy.
- Sarah’s lawsuit against YouTube was dismissed.
- Onision and Lucas/Kai’s bankruptcy filing was approved.
- Sarah and Regina’s lawyer objected to the confirmation of bankruptcy.
- Trustee agreed with Sarah & Regina’s lawyer and denied the confirmation. They need to amend their plan by May 17th.
- Onision applied for more time because he needs to hire a new lawyer.
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opinated-user · 9 months
Lily (along with a TOTALLY real ‘anon’) are making fun of you for reblogging some of Cypher’s older posts. I say this not to just inform you more about Lily’s desperate attempts to shame you into silence and be able to be the only one controlling the narrative about herself again. But also to tell you that I found these posts very enlightening and informative about just what a manipulative MONSTER that Lily can be. I had honestly forgotten about/just not been able to see several of those older posts about LO’s extremely abusive behaviors/tantrums, and want to thank you IMMENSELY for bringing so many of these perhaps-forgotten posts back into the limelight.
I mean, fuck, Lily obviously REALLY does not want those fucking posts to be seen/talked about by anybody else again, so you must be doing SOMETHING right with this!
i had forgotten myself that at some point LO did really try to accuse Cypher of "grooming her" by... trying to be a good friend to her. even though the one openly thirsting over her was LO. i had also forgotten entirely the kind of role that MO played in the Cypher situation. always being there to try to soften LO's outburst, being the pacifier, the "friendlier" face that people could turn to... it brings me to mind to the role that she had with KP. if it wasn't because because MO seemed so nice, KP would have stopped hanging out with LO a lot more sooner than she did. i don't know, it's really giving me kai, the husband of onision, vibes that i do not like. it's uncomfortable indeed. it was extremely ironic that MO listed a bunch of old friends that LO had since before meeting her, as some kind of proof that LO is not that hard to hang out with ... and some of those names have completely dissapeared from her circle today.
she's probably upset too that i'm sharing the posts that have archived evidence of everything they say.
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socialjusticefail · 2 years
I wish the annoyingly unbearable assholes on Twitter would stop defending awful people simply because they’re part of an oppressed minority (Chris Chan, Onision’s husband Kai, LovelyPeaches ect.) as if that stops them and absolves them of all the things they’ve done.
I think all of us do wish they would not do that.
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I don't know if this comparison has been made before (probably) but Lily honestly reminds me of Onision. With the only difference being Onision owns his shitty writting, LO screams nuh-uh that wasn't me despite the evidence. Even her partner's (Mikalya? TBH I forgot) reminds me of Kai.
She's been called the Onision of fandom before. Its an apt comparison imo.
I wouldn't go as far as to compare Mikhaila to Kai. Kai knowingly participates in openly grooming minors. Mikhaila isn't that deep in it as far as I know.
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hollyhayes · 10 months
Irrelevant side note: they actually have 3 kids, not 2 (2 sons and a daughter). All 3 of them are said to have behavioral issues:
1. Onision lets his oldest son hurt his younger 2 children (particularly the daughter): for example, he once pushed her off of the couch head-first.
2. Doesn't let them socialize with any other children. The last friend that they had was Madison Decambras' daughter, and that friendship ended in 2019.
3. Onision and his former spouse fought around the children constantly; and even when they weren't fighting, they were telling sexual jokes around the kids (such as joking about him fucking her doggy style).
4. Greg once argued with a woman (I believe that her name is Maya) over why she didn't want to fuck him while he was holding one of his sons in his arms.
5. Ayalla, after she left in 2016, said that she's never met any children who cry as often as his kids do.
6. Greg didn't even speak to his children until they had learned how to speak back (seriously). KIDS LEARN HOW TO SPEAK BY BEING SPOKEN TO.
He also once let Madisons' toddler daughter sit in a soiled diaper for several hours while she was out shopping with his spouse and he was supposed to be babysitting her. She was about 2 years old at the time. I think he just genuinely doesn't like children (or women). (I also think that he's incapable of caring for pets; but that's a different point entirely. He's killed or given away at least 3 pets (Lou, Dobbs, and Reptar). He let Madisons' daughter sit in a dirty diaper for so long that she ended up developing a diaper rash.
7. The kids are already showing signs of having extreme behavioral issues, even at this young age. One of the boys has spit in Gregs' face and pushed his sister off of the couch head-first.
8. Greg and his partner have sex while their children are laying in that exact same bed. Seriously.
9. One of their sons has already lost some of his teeth by the age of 2 because he was being breastfed at night without having his teeth brushed afterwards.
9. They leave expired food out in the open where their kids can access it. In one of their videos, one of the dogs walked past with a moldy piece of food in its mouth. Onisions' partner didn't even know where it came from.
10. Onision gets mad at his spouse for turning up the heat, even in December.
11. Their daughters' hair is a mess. It looks dull and unkempt.
12. They routinely tell their children to go play on an iPad instead of interacting with them. For example, there was one vlog that Kai did during a blackout where you can see one of their sons hiding under a table with an iPad.
This is all information that I've learned from people who have stayed there, himself, and police reports.
His spouse lets all of this happen knowingly, because they care more about their relationship with Greg than they do about their own children.
My Mom also has Narcissistic Personality Disorder and has done many neglectful things; but this is SO far past the point of abuse that it's crazy.
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onioncritic · 2 years
Do you have any plans making a detailed outline regarding Onision's social media smear campaign against Sarah, Shiloh, his victims and everyone who stood against him? I would love to see that and to get some of his confusing crap cleared and debunked... Thank you, whoever you are...
maybe. i've actually started a wiki of my own* because i started working on a book about greg and needed a place to keep everything. chances are, if i do anything like that, it would be put there whenever i get to it.
right now, i've been working on researching his early childhood, but rest assured, i have a bot that privately archives his tweets, so i can review them when i'm ready to. i'm a touch out of the loop about why he's specifically making the claims he is since i've been away since 2020, but i will be looking into it eventually.
from what i remember, most of his claims are:
since he can't pretend he didn't have sex with sarah given the evidence we know about, he has to twist the situation to make him look like the victim (hence the rape claims).
he still obsessively talks about shiloh because she (like all victims of abuse) is a flawed person and uses anything she's ever done wrong to paint her negatively. this year will mark 11 or 12 years since they broke up for the final time.
claims he "has never met" regina, which while technically true, he does know who they are and likely had access to kai's accounts and saw anything regina sent to him. regina has every right to go after him and kai.
that's a bit of the short of what i remember and what i've seen reiterated on twitter when i check it. i don't think that the overall gist has changed of these claims, but i'm sure there's plenty of minor inconsistencies to pick through. he did a livestream recently that i'm sure is littered with them.
*no shade to life of onion. onisiondrama can run their site however they like and i think their wiki is an incredible resource! i just wanted to cultivate a space where anyone can contribute. plus i needed a space where i can put my research down with super robust sources while i'm working and it seemed practical to just make it a publicly-facing wiki.
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xandriagreat · 2 years
The Paw | chapter 7
First chapter | Last chapter | Next chapter 
Notice/Warnings: food/eating, yelling, caps
Diane, with Olive, and Ms Tarantula entered a small but tall bedroom with gray walls. There was not a lot there, just a few bunk beds, a drawer, and a window.
“This is somewhat interesting.” Daine said as she walked over to a bed.
“I’ll say.” Ms Tarantula said, walk across the floor to a bed. Diane puts Olive on a bed and then she stretches before she looks at Ms Tarantula. “So, want to explain why you’re staying for tonight?” she asked, tilting her head to the side.
Ms Tarantula looked at her and replied, “Lou saw that you sounded uncomfortable and you’re probably going to stay here until the gala. And you probably want some company. So, yeah… that’s why.”
Diane hummed softly. “Okay… Who is Lou and how did he know?”
Ms Tarantula's mouth went to an ‘O’. “Um… It's Mr Shark.” she said, looking up at her after a long while. “He’s an actor and knows who's acting or not. Even if it looks too good.” 
Ms Tarantula laid down on a pillow and was about to sleep as Diane hummed again and thought for a bit. “He does look like a Lou to me.” she said after a bit.  
Ms Tarantula chuckled softly and asked, “Out of curiosity, what are you going to wear at the gala?”
Diane’s ears went up in surprise as she looked at her, eyes widened. Then she rubbed the back of her neck and said, “I don’t have a dress with me and I can’t go out and get one because I can’t leave the compound without the Professor or a cop.”
“Oh? I can see if I can get Lou to make an outfit for you in time for the gala.” Ms Tarantula said as she laid down and yawned. “Well, let's talk about this tomorrow, ‘kay?”
Diane nodded. “Okay, Ms Tarantula.”
"Call me Stefanie." 
Diane smiled at her, nodding, as she laid down with Olive and fell asleep.
In the middle of the night, Diane woke up to a swoosh sound. She looked at the time. 
5:41 AM
She sat up and looked around the room. She saw another teammate, Joy Doom on the other top bunk bed while Stefanie was asleep on the bottom bunk.
“Joy?” Diane whispered. 
The raven did a lazy army salute to her and flew down to her bed. “Hey, Diane.” Joy said when she landed softly on the bed. Then she looked at Diane’s onise. “You look funny.”
“Yeah, thanks for noticing.” Diane replied flatly with a smile.
Joy smiled back and looked at Olive, who was still asleep. “He’s a cutie.” 
Diane nodded. “He is.”
Joy nodded but then started to frown as she looked at Stefanie. “What do you think about her?” she asked, looking back at Diane. 
“Oh? I think that she’s good. Along with her teammates and leader.” Diane replied, smiling softly. Then her smile became a look of confusion when she looked at Joy. “What’s wrong, Joy?”
“What do you think about Him?” Joy said, ignoring what she asked as she points at the door. 
Diane was confused for a moment and asked, “You mean Professor Marmalade?”
The raven nodded.
“I think he’s okay.”
Joy looked worried at her and commented, “Diane, your guard is down.”
“What? No, it’s not.”
Joy nodded. “Yes-”
“Ya leave her alone, Hon.” a deep female voice called out.
Joy and Diane looked over at the door to see another teammate, Emily Lou Hogwilde.
“Emily Lou.” Diane said softly as the pig walked over to them. 
Emily Lou smiled and asked, “How about we get up and practice dancin’?”
Diane got confused and asked, “Dancing? For what?”
“The party gala thing!” Emily Lou exclaimed. 
Diane put a finger to her mouth, made a shush sound, and looked at Stefanie.
The Tarantula appeared to be still asleep.
Diane looked back at Emily Lou and Joy, who went to the door. 
Diane got up and went out of the room with them.
Little did she know that Miss Stefanie Tarantula was awake, pretending to be asleep. 
Stefanie Tarantula got up at 6:00 AM, so it looked like she was sleeping, called Lou to come over in about two hours with Pepe, and went with Olive to look where Diane was.
Diane was in the living room, dancing to some music. Her dance was almost encateing with the music playing. Stefanie felt like she was in a trance as she saw her dance. Then she shook her head to stop herself from staring at her. 
Diane stopped dancing when she saw Stefanie and Olive. “Oh hi!” she exclaimed, smiling as she turned the music off. Olive ran up to Diane and Diane picked him up. She looked at Stefanie and asked, “How are you this morning?”
“I’m doing alright.” Stefanie said as walked over on the wall to be at eye contact level. “How about you?”
“I’m good.” Diane said, petting Olive. Then she looked at Olive and asked, “How about you? Good?”
Olive nuzzled her and meowed to say ‘yes’.
Diane chuckled softly as looked at Stefanie and offered her hand to her. Stefanie looked at her hand and slowly got on her hand.
They started to go to the kitchen and saw Cuddles making breakfast. 
“Oh, hi!” Diane and Stefanie exclaimed.
Cuddles smiled and waved at them. 
The smell of the food cooking smelled very good.
“Oh, good morning student of goodness!” Professor Marmalade exclaimed as he entered the kitchen.
Diane looked at him and said, “Oh, morning Professor.”
Diane got Olive food before she went to the table and had breakfast.
While everyone ate, Professor Marmalade told Diane and Stefanie that he’s going to be out for the rest of the day, getting the gala ready for tomorrow. “I’ll see if the chief would send a few officers over.” the Professor said. He looked a bit sad, like he didn’t want to do it. 
Stefanie saw it was a chance to tell him. “Don’t worry about her being alone,” Stefanie said after swallowing, “I called Shark and Piranha to come over so that the officers wouldn't have to stress about watching her.”
Professor Marmalade looked at her surprised. “Oh? You sure that’s okay? Because they’re supposed to be protecting Moe.”
“It’s alright. Wolf said that they can have a day off for today because there’s not a lot happening today.”
Professor Marmalade hummed, “That’s nice of them.”
When Professor Marmalade went out with Cuddles, Daine sat down on the couch with Stefanie. 
They’re both dressed. 
Stefanie is dressed in her suit and Diane is in her normal regular outfit.
“Just to let you know, Fox. Lou doesn’t mess around when he’s making an outfit.” Stefanie said, warning Diane.
“Oh, okay. Thanks for the warning.” Diane replied before looking out the window with Olive napping on her lap while she held her handbag.
“Um… if you don’t mind me asking but… do you sleep talk?” Stefanie asked, looking at Diane.
The fox looked at her, confused. “Hm? Um… maybe… what makes you say that?”
Stefanie rubbed the back of her neck and said, “I-uh… I heard you talking, like you were having a confederation with someone or someones.” 
Diane was thinking for a moment and said, “Um… It does happen and I sometimes sleep walk to sleep dance. That’s why you saw me dancing earlier.”
Stefanie hummed and the doorbell rang. 
Diane got up, putting Olive and her handbag on the couch, while Stefanie got on her shoulder and they went to open the door.
When Diane opened the door, she was surprised to see Mr Shark with two big bags and Mr Piranha on top of his head like a hat. 
Stefanie could help but chuckle and whisper, “Told ya.” 
Diane hummed and nodded slowly, stepping out of the way to let Shark and Piranha in. “Okay, how are you two this morning?” Daine asked as they went inside.
“Great!” Shark replied excitedly. “Yeah.” Piranha agreed, nodding. “How about you two?”
“We’re good too.” Stefanie said, smiling. Diane nodded in agreement.
When they went to the living room, Shark put the bags down on the floor and faced Diane. “Alright, let's get you ready.” he said, smiling, getting a tape measure out. 
Diane smiled back a bit nervously and took her vest off of herself. 
Lou Shark measured her and wrote down the measurements in a notebook, Stefanie was on the couch, working on her laptop, while Piranha looked at the statue in the main hall. “Why is the statue covered and not the butt?” he asked out loud.
Stefanie and Lou sighed loudly like it was asked a thousand times while Diane couldn’t help but snicker. “It’s a heart, Pepe!” both exclaimed, looking at the Piranha who came back in the living room.
“Then why does it have cheeks?!” Pepe exclaimed, pointing at the statue. “I’ve never seen a heart with cheeks!”
Diane started to laugh loudly and everyone looked at her. “I- ahahahah! Sorry! I didn’t expect this-ahahahah!” she said, trying to control her laughing.
The three of them looked surprised at her, quiet for a moment. “It does sound funny if you think about it.” Pepe said, breaking the silence and started to smile. Lou and Stefanie stopped, thought about it, and started to smile. 
Lou continued to work on the outfit by getting out three sketch designs and showed them to Diane.
There was one that stood out to her. It was a strapless sweetheart dress but the skirt was like a cape and had pants attached to it.
“I like this.” she said, picking the sketch and showing it to Lou. “It’ll show that I’m not wearing my spy suit and I feel like myself.”
“I can make that.” Lou said, smiling. He got out some light blue fabric and explained, “Sorry but this was the only fabric that we had at home.”
Then Pepe and Stefanie burst out laughing. “You have like twenty different fabrics, Lou!” the both of them said union.
Diane raised her eyebrows and felt the fabric while Lou exclaimed at them, “Hey, I like my fabric!” 
The fabric felt smooth. “This fabric is nice.” Diane said.
Lou looked back at her, smiling. “I’m glad that you like it.” 
Lou started cutting out some fabric, got the fabric pin, and sewed together. Diane got to help by being the model. 
When the dress was done, Diane went to try it on. Lou, Stefanie, and Pepe were cleaning up the fabric scraps off the floor while Olive was playing with some of the scraps.
“Okay, I just got it on.” Daine called out. Lou, Stefanie, Pepe, and Olive looked up to see her enter the room and the three teammates were in awe while Olive ran up to her.
Diane looked beautiful in the outfit. 
Diane smiled and picked up Olive as she looked at the team members. “So, what do you think?” she asked, smiling as she pets Olive. 
“You look amazing!” the three teammates said together and went to her. Diane chuckled softly as Olive nuzzled her. 
After Daine changed back into her clothes, she noticed the teammates talking to each other. 
“I STILL DON’T KNOW!” Pepe yelled, then he plopped onto the floor. Stefanie and Lou looked at each other, a look of uncomfortableness and worry on their faces. 
Diane tilted her head and went to them. “What are you guys talking about?” she asked.
The three of them looked at her and Pepe said sadly, “I’m planning to sing at the Gala tomorrow but I got nothing new songs…”
Diane thought for a moment and she smiled when she got an idea. “I think that I have something.” she said as she went to her handbag.
She got a piece of folded paper out and handed it to Pepe. “This was made a long while ago by one of my friends and teammate, Emily Lou.” Diane said, smiling softly. “I know that she wouldn’t mind if you sing it.”
Pepe took the paper and unfold it to read it. “Hm… ‘Good Tonight’? I like it!” he exclaimed excitedly, smiling big. 
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onisionofficial · 2 years
re: the pits of the onision iceberg adahdhsh omg bless you!! okay my adderal kicked tf in so here’s a whole list of my confusion lmfao (no pressure in answering or reading this <3): gwedla i’ve accepted though i don’t have context lol, discord cp sounds self explanatory (and straight upsetting) enough to me, does the one divine thing have to do with his hs cult?lol, his dad and any speculations about him is a complete mystery to me though i know a bit about his mom, the two just above gwedla idk much about though rape is also self explanatory and upsetting as well, evil twin sounds amazing i have no clue what it is, abuse against kai doesn’t surprise me unfortunately, scat fetish sounds crazy, and the 2026 date is wild too lol
Tw clearly
So keep in mind, I didn’t make the iceberg and sometimes the bottom layer has a few jokes in it, like “all copies of mario 64 is personalized”
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The rape can refer to two things that I can think of off the top of my head.
1. What he did to Adrienne, she doesn’t consider it that, but he definitely pressured her. He also said she basically couldn’t be raped bc of how many partners she had. That statement got him banned from Vidcon.
2. What he accused Sarah of doing. He wanted her to sign an NDA and she said something like “give me something to sign an NDA over ;)”, they had sex, Sarah broke it off, and he accused her.
One Divine Community is what the name Onision means, but I think that a different Onision.
Idk much about Greg’s father, but I know Greg was doing dipper content for a minute which ties into the scat thing.
The Greg beats Kai thing comes from some bruise Kai has had.
I definitely believe Greg was molested by his mother, he mentioned that he thought it was okay to give Billie a naked massage bc it’s platonic to him bc his mom used to give him naked massages as a kid. That sounds like he made it up until you know his mom is a weird bitch.
The pedo ring is about the Onision forms being for pedos.
This is the “I’m going to destroy you” tweet.
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heathermason1983 · 5 months
I'm obsessed with onision rn I genuinely think he might be slightly mentally challenged after those two traumatic head injuries as a small child. Still waiting on him to kay himself after threatening it numerous times.
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Gregory (James) Jackson (Onision)
accused of: grooming underage fans, sexually assaulted underage fans, harassed partners, fans and friends, crossing state lines to have sex with a minor, letting his two year old fall out a second story window, wanted someone to get a tramp stamp of "I'm a liar" because they smoked weed and also wanted to lock this person up in his basement, having a 15/16 year old girl live with him and his husband(his husband Kai flirted and cuddled with her), and more
a. Onision's "Relationships" (grooming, harassment, crossing state lines, more)
b. The Fall Of Onision by TRO
c. Daughter falls out window
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Here you go Greg, here’s the attention you so desperately crave
(CONTEXT: onision has been faking his death I guess! He had also been making 2+ hour videos saying his victims lied and he’s been falsely accused, but who really watches onion boy anymore?)
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onisiondrama · 7 months
The way Greg treated Sarah is eerily similar to Billie. Billie was originally supposed to be there just for Kai, but Greg weaseled his way into their relationship. When Kai became distant towards Billie, she instead gravitated towards Greg since he was nice to her. She wasn't ready to have a threesome with Kai and Greg but was coerced into it, and years later expressed regret and uncomfortableness over their sexual encounters as she simply following Greg's instructions and putting up with the situations to avoid conflict. Greg initially 'defended' Billie from Kai's jealousy, but after successfully grooming her for sex then turned on her. Suddenly she was a 'home wrecker' and trying to 'steal' Greg from Kai. He shamed her for her sexual activities, outed her private information, and accused her of being a criminal. It really does seem like Sarah went through a similar ordeal albeit it's made worse by Greg and Kai's grooming of Sarah from when she was still a child.
It’s because he devised a way (not a good one lol) to go about his relationships with thirds. Trick everyone into thinking the third is for Kai/Lucas to get Kai to finally agree too allow the third into the relationship, inserting himself, playing the third and Kai against each other, then when things go too far and Kai starts to have grounds for divorce- turn on the third, throw them under the bus, bond with Kai over the “home wrecker” third.
We know he’s done this with other women as well, but he didn’t make it to the Kai accept them into the relationship stage. He tried to skip that and move them in before that so things ended quicker.
Edit: It really puzzles me because if he didn’t try to play games with everyone and was upfront about everything, the relationships could actually work better. I guess when it’s built on tricking Kai into that sweet spot where he finally agrees, Onision has to keep him always on edge so he doesn’t have clarity in what Onision’s part in his unhappiness in the three way relationship is ? He has to keep the third as the villain in Kai’s eyes and to make that work he has to make Kai the villain for the third. Either that or Onision just enjoys messing with Kai and the benefit of the bonding over mutual hate for the third phase after is just that great. They do always say something to the effect of “our marriage is better then ever” after every major public breakup with a third/potential third.
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nobomofodo · 4 years
Are we just going to ignore the fact that onisions channels are slowly getting their views up.  On one of his channels he’s getting over ten thousand views each video. Hellooooooo!!!!!!
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socialjusticefail · 2 years
It’s not just Yaniv, Twitter users have made it a habit to defend horrible people simply due to their gender, sexuality, skintone ect. I remember them being all out in defending Onision’s husband Kai after both him and Onision were exposed for grooming minors. They’ve also defending Chris Chan, who despite wether or not she was forced to by trolls, still went through with raping her elderly mother with dementia. Twitter seem to thing being in a minority excludes you from doing bad things.
I wish people would not do this.
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oriwynn · 3 years
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