#kaminari: aw thanks man!
reallyromealone · 10 months
No pressure but maybe some more
BABYHAUL? Maybe some class 1-A babysitting shangins?
It's not babysitting shenanigans but it is babyhaul time
Fluff, baby reader, male reader
Yamazawa family x baby reader
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(name) was sick, poor thing whined as he lay on whomever was willing to hold him, currently clinging to Shouta as the man graded homework single handedly "I know, your other dad is getting you more medicine" Shouta said kissing the boys head, giving the babe extra attention to calm gim. "Hows he holding up?" Hitoshi asked as he came into the dorms, often hanging here when he's not in his own dorm and was worried about his baby brother dealing with a nasty flu "he's less than thrilled, his tempature is steady" Hitoshi took the little babe who grunted but didn't stop it as the teen carried him "want me to take him for a walk? Get some air?"
"If you want kiddo" Shouta looked a bit relieved as he watched the two, Hitoshi took his role as big brother very seriously to both Eri and (name), he was thankful the two didn't see the boy as the son of overhaul but their baby brother who loves custard and giving kisses.
Hitoshi wandered around the dorms with (name)s little bag, the babe just staring at passerbys who cooed at him "poor thing" a student said as Hitoshi rubbed the boys back, shushing his whine "it's alright bud, let's head back yeah?" Pops should be back by now.
"Toshi?" A voice called out and the purple haired teen turned to see a few of 1-A together "oh my gosh! It's (name)!" Mina said barreling to the two as (name) whined "awww what's wrong with him?" She asked and Hitoshi looked at Izuku who looked focused on the kid, mumbling something he couldn't catch as Kaminari poked the babes cheek "he has the flu, in just giving him some fresh air" he explained and Kaminari stopped poking him when he heard flu. "Well, we better head back... Later" Hitoshi still didn't really know how to interact with his classmates "I'll join you!" izuku said almost abruptly as he bid his classmates goodbye.
"This might be a loaded question but... Is he related to... Overhaul?" Hitoshi halted for a second before glancing at his classmate "come with me"
The Yamazawa parents were surprised to see Izuku with Hitoshi, the teen handing the babe off to Hisashi who wasted no time giving the boy his medicine "Izuku... He has a question I don't know if I should answer" he said awkwardly and the teachers gave their full attention to the green haired teen "is (name) related to overhaul?" The room was silent after Izuku spoke those words "he is" Aizawa said softly after a few beats of silence "though you will now have to sign an NDA about this, for his protection"
"So he has his quirk?"
"Possibly, we won't know till the future"
"He's gonna be able to help a lot of people...!" Izuku said excitedly and the two adults looked pleasantly surprised at the reaction "he sure can problem child, he's no longer the son of that scum though... He is a Yamada-Aizawa now"
Izuku grinned at the babe "no wonder Eri was so protective of him"
The group continued talking and Izuku got to hold the little one who frankly wasn't having it as he turned to look at Aizawa tearily and reached out "papa..." He whined and the room looked in awe "that was his first word"
"And it was directed at you!" Yamada pouted playfully as Izuku handed the boy to his teacher "no more tears yeah?"
(Name) cuddled into his sweater and eventually Izuku left the family "papa..." He mumbled as he fell asleep, safe in his dad's arms.
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mintsbubbletea · 3 months
𝐃𝐞𝐧𝐤𝐢 𝐊𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢 - 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐆𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐖𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠
Word Count: 302
Contains: kissing
Proof read and Edited
A/N: Just wanted to post a small Drabble since todays my birthday 🐸💚
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You sat at your desk, idly scrolling through your phone during the short break between classes. The room was buzzing with activity as everyone waited for the lesson to resume. Suddenly, Denki appeared at your desk, wearing his signature goofy grin, clearly up to something mischievous.
"Hey Y/n," he greeted you eagerly, catching your attention. You glanced up from your phone to see the blonde boy standing before you. "Yes, Kaminari?" you inquired, curious about what he had in mind. "Let's make a deal," he proposed, placing a water bottle on your desk. "If I flip this and it lands, you owe me a kiss," he declared with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. You blinked in surprise, not expecting such a request. "Uh, why?" you questioned him, puzzled by his sudden boldness. "Just say yes."
You rolled your eyes, giving in to his playful challenge. "Sure, fine. But I highly doubt you'll actually land it," you remarked, resting your head on your hand. Denki smirked, taking hold of the bottle by the cap. With a swift motion, he flipped the bottle, watching intently as it spun through the air. It came tantalizingly close to landing upright but ultimately toppled over, rolling off the desk. "Aw man," he pouted, disappointed by his near miss. "See? No kiss for you, Kaminari. It didn't land," you pointed out, feeling relieved.
However, before you could protest further, Denki seized you by the shoulders, drawing you closer. "That's not the deal," you insisted, he cut off your objections by pressing his lips to yours in a quick, unexpected kiss. You were taken aback, eyes widening in shock as he pulled away, a smug grin on his face. "Wow, thanks Y/n," he quipped, sauntering back to his seat, leaving you flustered and mortified "What the fuck?"
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tags: @slayfics @tootiecakes234 Lmk if you wanna be added 🐸
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biggestxsimps · 2 months
A Night with Izu
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Third year Izuku x male reader!! (same age.)
A/N: This was requested on our wattpad. Hope you enjoy!!
It was your typical day at U.A High School, and Class 3-A busy with activities. Izuku was busy training with his classmates, pushing himself to become the greatest hero he could be. However, amidst all the hustle and bustle, something caught the attention of his friends.
As they gathered in the common room after training, Mina noticed a notification pop up on Izuku’s phone, which was lying on the table. Curiosity got the better of her, and she leaned in to read the message. Her eyes widened in surprise as she read ‘Can’t wait to see you this weekend love!’ -Y/N.
“Uh, Midoriya?” Mina called out, trying to sound casual before her excitement got the better of her. “Who’s Y/N?!” she called out, a small grin on her lips.
Izuku just returned from the kitchen, holding his glass of water in his hand tightly, almost dropping it. His face turned red. “Uh, It’s… uhm, well…”
Kaminari perked up, he was always up for gossip. He grinned and chimed in. “Come on, Midoriya! Spill the beans! Do you have a boyfriend?”
The room went silent as everyone turned to look at Izuku. He nervously fidgeted with his hands, avoiding eye contact. “Yeah, I do..” he admitted softly.
Within seconds, a bunch of questions erupted from his classmates.
“How long have you been together?” Uraraka asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.
“How did you meet?” inquired Iida, adjusting his glasses.
“What’s he like?” Todoroki asked, his expression calm, but his interest piped.
As questions followed each other, Izuku took a deep breath, trying to answer to the best of his ability. “A year nearly now. We met at a convention; he was showcasing his art last year. He’s really talented and popular.” he smiled
“That’s so cool!” Mina exclaimed, letting a soft laugh fall from her lips. “You should invite him over sometime.” She hummed out.
Izuku smiled shyly, reaching a hand up as he rubbed the nape of his neck. “Actually, he’s coming to visit this weekend..” he trailed off, his friends filled with excitement, continuing to ask questions throughout the rest of the week.
The weekend came quickly, and Y/N arrived at U.A, excited to see his boyfriend. He was greeted by All Might in the teacher’s room. 
“Welcome to U.A, young man.” Toshinori spoke up with a small smile. “Midoirya speaks very highly of you. It’s good that he has someone like you.”
“Thank you, All Might.” Y/N replied, feeling a bit starstruck. “It’s an honour to meet the symbol of peace himself..” he whispered.
“Likewise. Non-sense, no need for formalities. Call me Toshinori.” he spoke, making small talk with Y/N, impressed by his talent and rising popularity within the art industry. Eventually, he had to return to his duties, waving goodbye as he left Y/N to wait for Izuku.
Y/N pulled out his sketchbook, beginning to draw. His pencil moved deftly across the paper. He was drawing a detailed and dynamic piece featuring Izuku in action. The drawing depicted Izuku in his hero costume, mid-battle, with energy crackling around him as he released One For All. His expression is fierce, yet determined. Y/N added subtle details to the drawing, including a small heart in the corner, a personal touch that hindered his admiration for the other male.
“Y/N!” Izuku called out as he entered the room. 
Y/N looked up from his sketchbook, his heart skipping a beat at the sight of his boyfriend. He stood up and walked over to Izuku, pulling him into a gentle hug. "Izu," he responded fondly, holding him close for a moment.
"Sorry to keep you waiting," Izuku said, his cheeks still slightly flushed from training and excitement. "I had to finish a few things in class."
"It's okay, Izu. I was just working on a new piece," Y/N replied, holding up his sketchbook to show Izuku the drawing he had been working on. The detailed and dynamic piece of art.
Izuku's eyes widened in awe. "Wow, Y/N, this is amazing!" he said softly, feeling both proud and touched by Y/N's talent and dedication.
"I'm glad you like it," Y/N said with a smile. "I wanted to capture how incredible you are as a hero."
Just then, the door opened again, and the rest of Class 1-A burst into the room, unable to contain their excitement any longer.
"There he is!" Mina exclaimed, rushing over to greet Y/N. "Welcome to U.A! We've heard so much about you!"
"Yeah, Midoriya talks about you all the time," Uraraka added with a grin.
"It's nice to finally meet you," Todoroki said, extending a hand.
Y/N shook Todoroki's hand, feeling a warm sense of belonging. "It's great to meet all of you too. Izuku has told me so much about his amazing classmates."
After a lively evening filled with laughter and stories, the energy in the common room began to wind down. One by one, Class members headed to their dorms, leaving Izuku and Y/N alone, nestled comfortably on the couch.
The room was dimly lit, casting a warm glow over the space. Y/N and Izuku sat close together, their bodies intertwined under a cosy blanket. Y/N’s head rested gently on Izuku’s shoulder, his breathing slow and steady.
Izuku glanced down at Y/N with a soft smile. “You know, I’m really glad you came to visit. I didn’t realise how much I missed you until now.”
Y/N looked up, his eyes shimmering with affection. “I missed you too, Izu. Being here with you and your friends, it feels like I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be.”
Izuku’s heart swelled at Y/N’s words. He leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on the top of Y/N’s head. “I’m so lucky to have you.”
Y/N’s cheeks flushed slightly, and he reached up to cup Izuku’s face in his hands. “And I’m lucky to have you.”
The two shared a tender kiss, their connection deepening in the quiet comfort of the common room. As they pulled away, Izuku wrapped his arms around Y/N, pulling him close.
“Do you want to stay like this for a while?” Izuku asked softly, his voice barely a whisper.
Y/N nodded, snuggling closer. “I’d love that.”
-Written by owner 2
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t3ag3rs · 6 months
g e n s o - 0 7.
gahdayum its mi papi down there ↓
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"hello everyone, ive been waiting for you!"
you let out a gasp as you see the space hero, thirteen. "thirteens one of my favorite heroes!" squeals uraraka, "i cant wait to show you whats inside! follow me!" she leads the class into the dome-like building. you stare in awe at the inside of the building, holy shit... theres basically every environment in here..! 
"i created this training facility for you to deal with different types of disasters." she pauses, "i call it the 'unforeseen simulation joint' but you can call it USJ!" she exclaims proudly. you stare at her quietly, huh thats just like 'universal studios japan'... you smile inwardly.
"excuse me, but shouldnt all might be here..?" asks aizawa, "apparently he did too much hero work on the way to school this morning and used up all his power... hes resting in the teachers lounge." she explains quietly to aizawa, but your overhear it. 
"that man is the definition of irresponsibility..." sighs out aizawa. he turns to face the class, "clocks ticking, we should get started.." thirteen steps up and begins to talk again.
"listen up... before we get started im sure your all aware that i have a powerful quirk, its called 'black hole.' i can use it to suck up anything and turn it into dust. my quirk could also very easily be used to kill- like some of you all. in our superhuman society all quirks are certified and strictly regulated so we all often overlook how unsafe they can actually be. please dont forget that if you loose focus or make the wrong move, your powers can be deadly."
"thanks to the fitness tests and the combat training you all did, you should know your limits and potential. carry what you learn and use them now, today youll be learning how to use your quirks to save peoples lives- after all... that is the main purpose of heroes. thats all i have to say, thank you for listening." she bows her head silently.
the class erupts in cheers, and you smile proudly, tightening your fists, man she really knows how to fire us up..! 
"alright now that thats over.. lets get started." starts aizawa before the lights cut out.
you look up and narrow your eyes, suddenly a portal forms near the fountain. "stay together, thirteen protect the students!" yells aizawa. you widen your eyes when you realize that an actual villain attack was happening.
"whats happening?!" exclaims kirishima, "its a villian attack...!" you reply loudly as villains walk out and you ready yourself.
"if they got in without alarming the systems they must be jamming communications, kaminari use your quirk and try to contact the school" instructs aizawa.
he jumps down and thirteen starts moving you all away, you run to the exit but the same purple portal covers the exit. "its a pleasure to meet you all, we are the league of villains." the voice pauses, "now where is all might..? i believe he was supposed to be here to take his last breath."
you gasp, "theres no way theyre planning on killing him..." u whisper quietly. you analyze his quirk as he talks, his quirk was what teleported the villains here... and he can move around quickly, but i dont see a physical body that belongs to him.. he must have some sort of mutation or transformation type of quirk.. warping maybe?
suddenly bakugou and kirishima jump at the villain to attack, "wait, stop...!" you yell trying to hold them back. bakugou sends an explosion at the villain, "did you think we were just gonna stand around and let you tear this place to shreds?" kirishima grins as he stands in a defensive position.
you quickly run up behind them "move outta the way!" you try to pull them to aside, but the purple portal circles the entire group. 
"you students should be more careful, ill scatter you all across the facility and let you face my colleagues and your deaths!" you feel someone pull you closer to them as you cover your face protectively. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you put your hands out to stop your fall as your drop down into the 'collapse zone' followed by kirishima and bakugou. standing up you dust yourself off and get into a fighting position, "we got company you two.." you inform staring at the villains crowding you three.
"looks like we hit the jackpot..! get rid of the two boys first... the girl should be easy to get rid of!" chuckles a villain. 
you narrow your eyes, and stomp your foot down creating a boulder around the villain holding him in place. Then you hit him with a right hook to the head leaving him unconscious. "i wouldnt be so sure of that..." you smirk. "now whose next?" you ask opening your water pouch. 
the villains start to run at you three and you all fight them off. Suddenly, bakugou sends an explosion and the whole building shakes. you yell over the noise, "bakugou we're in the collapse zone, so be mindful of the explosions..!" you propell yourself forward and freeze your water around another villain.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you stand up exhaustedly, body aching slightly "everyone alright...?" you turn to look at kirishima and bakugou. 
"we should go find the rest of the class, if we arent out yet then the others probably arent either. we caused this mess so we need to make it up..!" exclaims kirishima looking at bakugou.
"if you wanna go track the rest of them idiots you can, but im going for that warping bastard." grits bakugou as you sigh rolling your eyes.
"bakugou you do realize that he doesnt have a physical body right..? even after the explosion you threw at him, he was still fine. if your gonna go throw more of them you can practically guarantee it wont do shit." you state as you stare at him. 
"shut up! as if you know what to d-" you shove him away and throw a flame of fire at the invisible villain beside him letting it fall. 
you turn and face bakugou smirking, "yeah what was that about me not knowing what to do..?" he scoffs rolling his eyes, and you turn back to the villain, "i almost feel bad for them, their so bad they got beat by a bunch of high schoolers.." 
"man y/n your so badass..!" praises kirishima, you chuckle blushing slighly and rub your neck. "thanks man..." 
"bakugou since when have you been so calm and rational, usually your always like 'die! die! die!'" questions kirishima. 
you let out a chuckle, "im always calm and rational!" screams bakugou. you slap his head, "geez shut up..! youre just proving his point!" he glares at you with his palms smoking.
"calm down you two..!" exclaims kirishima getting in between you two. "find the rest of the idiots if you want, but im going to the warping bastard." states bakugou as he walks away.
"then we're coming with you!" cheers kirishima running up to bakugou, dragging you with him.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you three run quickly to go help all might. theres no way he'll last long..! hes already at his limit... if we dont do something now, he may actually be defeated..!
you see deku running to help all might, but the warping villian appears in front of him. "izuku..!" you yell. 
suddenly bakugou goes in front and send an explosion to the back of the villain, you propell yourself up to reach him quickly. he slams the villain down by the metal part near his neck to the ground, "guess i found your body this time you smokey bastard!" he yells.
you and kirishima rush towards the other villain with the hands surrounding his face. you throw a gush of frozen water at him, but he moves away before both of you could land an attack at him. you pull your water back to yourself and glare at the villain infront as you stand by the other students.
all might may die one day.... but today wont be that day...!
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previous parts: pt. 0 0 / pt. 0 1 / pt. 02 / pt. 03 / pt. 04 / pt. 05 / pt. 06 next parts: pt. 08 / pt. 09 / pt. 10 / pt. 11 / pt. 12 / pt. 13 / pt. 14 / pt. 15
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dira333 · 9 months
Pretty Woman Sneak Peek
tagging: @misfit-megumi @the2ndl @cup-of-fluff @alienaiver @shoulmate
“Well, I mentioned that one of my kids has a Bubblegum Quirk, right? That’s Kaori. Her little sister Uta is with me now. She got her Quirk today and she was so disappointed that it’s also Bubblegum.”
“Why? What did she want?”
“Her Dad can create giant Soap Bubbles and she wanted to be like her Dad. She was heartbroken, and it got worse when-”
“Oh…” Izuku stops in his tracks, eyes fixated on a spot on your neck. “You’ve got some Bubblegum stuck there.”
“What?” You swipe for your neck only to find his hand there, peeling away at it.
“Just pull it off.” You tell him, sounding braver than you feel. “Like a bandaid.”
The sting isn’t that bad, but it still brings tears to your eyes.
Izuku huffs softly. “I’m sorry. That’s going to leave a bruise.”
Someone clears their throat pointedly behind you.
Izuku flushes. “M-Mina, h-hi.”
“Hi. I’m Y/N.” You stretch out your hand, press your shoulder into Izuku’s in the hopes of calming him down. “I’m a childhood friend of Izuku.”
“Oh yeah, I heard about you.” The pink-haired girl grins widely as she shakes your hand but her eyes do not leave Izuku’s bright red face. “I was hoping to meet you.”
“Likewise,” You lie. You have no idea who she is.
It’s a mess of faces after that. You’ve never been that great with memorizing names and Mina’s rapid-fire way of introducing you isn’t helping at all.
“Kirishima?” You ask a man with grey hair and large, tentacle like arms twenty minutes later, having already lost sight of Izuku.
“Uh, no. I’m Shoji.” He doesn’t seem to mind the mix up though. “If you’re looking for Midoriya, he went to get you something to drink.”
“Oh, thank you. You’re… a Pro Hero too?” You ask, overly aware of your lack of knowledge in that area.
“Yeah. I’m the Tentacle Hero: Tentacole. But you probably haven’t heard of me, I’m pretty low in the ranks so far.”
“Oh, no, I’m just awful with following the news.” You apologize quickly. “I didn’t even recognize Izuku when we met the first time.”
“You didn’t?” Shoji asks curiously. “I can always tell it’s him just by his hair alone.”
... (And because I know that Alienaiver cannot live without Shinsou)
You open your mouth to talk when someone bumps into your back.
“Oh sorry,” you turn around to apologize only to spot a head of purple hair. The groan leaves your lips without your intention.
“Watch where you’re going, punk.” You sniff, try to sidestep but fail. Shinsou’s already got you in a headlock.
“Get off me!” You try to bite him and he laughs until you manage to slam your heel into his foot. His grip loosens and you slip out of it as fast as you can. “You’re the worst!” You groan, too aware of the eyes that are on you now.
Izuku’s only a few steps away, eyes flitting from your face to Shinsou and back to you.
“Dude!” Someone with yellow hair - was it Kirishima, Kaminari or Koda? - asks loudly. “What are you doing with Midoriya’s girlfriend?”
Shinsou stiffens, avoiding Izuku’s eyes. “Old habit. As a big brother, it’s my duty to annoy her.”
“We’re not related.” You remind him. “Besides, you could just grow up.”
Shinsou sticks his tongue out at you and you roll your eyes back at him. 
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katsukikitten · 1 year
All I can think about today is @saturnsorbits and Denki getting caught in the rain at the only train platform that doesn't have a covering or awning thanks to repairs.
It's a sudden shower, the kind that comes when the day is unbearably hot and you have to wear your stuffy business clothes today since you'll be on the floor instead of tucked away with the artifacts in more comfortable clothes.
Denki, a stranger in a suit beside you, groans audibly when the sky suddenly opens up. The two of you soaked to the bone in seconds while his electrifying honey gaze searches for shelter. Eyes glued to the spot as he instinctively grabs for you, pulling you along gently, although quickly through the torrential down pour until the two of you are squeezed under the smallest awning known to man, so small some of the rain still pelts into Denki's shoulders while he tries to keep you dry.
Well as dry as you can be for a drenched cat.
"Weather man didn't say all this. And when I've got a big exhibit to open." He laughs it off, "Sorry sweetheart ya got caught up in my shite luck."
"An exhibit? "
"Oh yea right. Fossils from Argentina and the ones scattered around North America. Cretaceous Period juvenile dinosaur feathers trapped in resin and the like. " He leans in close like he's sharing a secret, one he's proud of, "I've got an amber the size of my head with a fully intact lizard."
They way he speaks instantly gives you deja vu, your mind's eye only able to recall your computer screen and a series of sporatic emails exchanged between a partner from another museum. He wasn't the easiest to work with, his descriptions on the pieces varying on his interest and what seemed to draw his attention at the time.
But that didn't mean he wasn't the most fun.
"Denki Kaminari?" You tilt your head with your question and he pats down his dripping jacket.
"Damn did I leave my badge on again? They'll kill me if I need another replacement." When his clammy hands come up empty he narrows his eyes as if he too were hit with realization on who you are.
"Wait." He laughs loudly, "Don't tell me."
It's like he can't catch his breath from how hard he howls. It's infections and doubly so when it echoes back around the two of you before thunder tries to steal his lime light.
But it doesn't, not even the flash of lightning can take away from his sunny disposition that in turn makes you giggle.
"Saturn, aw love I've got us caught in the clouds on our big debut." He's laughing again holding his stomach before he finally goes into a light chuckle, exhaling while wiping the tears from this eyes.
"How did you get us caught in this mess?" You're ringing out the jacket you've shed and thunder rolls in the distance in warning that although it was moving away that his brother could strike.
Denki smiles, the air about him going from playful to serious for just a moment, for a few seconds you think you miss. Seeing his sunshine golden eyes darken and lighten just as quick as the passing storm. He tucks some hair behind your ear and that odd air still lingers even with his broad soft smile just as solid as the grey clouds floating over head.
"Because love, where I go the clouds are sure to follow."
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nights-legacy · 1 year
Take Care of It Myself - Kaminari x Reader Pt.2
Masterlist MHA Masterlist #2
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Part one
1779 words
Warnings: Mentions of anxiety, yelling
+ You have left UA and gave your seat in the class to someone else. No one but the teachers know you're leaving until Denki finds a letter from you. When he comes down to the Class in a frantic, Denki finds out from Kiri why you. That you heard him and broke you trust for him. But maybe there is still hope?
The rain was pouring outside. The smell was soothing but why does it always seem to rain when things go to shit. I was sitting on my window seal with the window open. I sighed, setting my head on my knees while twirling my hand through the rain drops.
"Pretty." I muttered. I had been home for a few days and my mood was still shifty. Aizawa and All Might were beyond confused when I told them I wanted to drop out.
"What?!" They both asked loudly. Aizawa flew out of his chair.
"Why? I mean..." Aizawa walked around his desk. "I can't really stop you if that is what you want but what happened to cause this?" He asked.
"Well..." I took a big breath. "We all know that I have anxiety and social problems. I thought I could get past it and learn how to balance it. But I can't."
"Miss L/N..." All Might spoke up.
"Please, it's alright. I knew becoming a hero was a long shot. I honestly didn't think I would make it this far. I am so thankful for the opportunity you have given me. But I would rather someone who I know will be great in this class in my place."
"Alright." Aizawa sat against his desk. "Have you spoken with anyone about this? Your mother? Kaminari?"
"Kaminari and I are not speaking as of right now. I did speak with my mother and she wants what is best for me. To me, leaving is what's best." The men shared a look.
"If that is what you want, we will honor your decision. We'll start the paperwork, and you should go start packing."
"Yes, thank you." I went to leave. "And please do give my spot to Shinsou. He's been working so hard to get here. He really deserves this."
I had my room packed up before the end of the day. I didn't leave until the next day after everyone else went to class. I wrote a short letter to Denki and stuck it in a box of his things. I can only imagine what his reaction was when he found the box. Arizawa said he wasn't going to announce it until the drop out was official.
"Honey. Lunch is ready." I heard my mother call.
"Okay." I got up and closed the window. I checked my buzzing phone and saw Denki. The only person I've responded to from class is Kiri. He told me the class went nuts when they found out I left.
* A few days ago *
It wasn't announced by Aizawa but the whole class knew something was up. You never missed class. No one had any idea until Kaminari came down from his room in tears.
"Y/N is gone! They dropped out!"
"What?" A collective uproar took over the class.
"What are you going on about Dunce face?" Bakugou snapped.
"They dropped out of UA. They said that they wouldn't be able to continue with their social anxiety not getting better. That they didn't deserve to be here. I don't understand. I always told them..." He ran his hands through his hair roughly.
"Aw man..." Kiri muttered under his breath.
"They could have come to me..." Kami started but was cut off.
"No they couldn't Denks!" Kiri yelled suddenly. Everyone went silent in surprise.
"What do you mean, Ei?"
"Because they don't trust you anymore! Okay?" Kaminari's eyes widened. "Remember how they acted on movie night? How they didn't want your help? You want to know why?"
"Kirishima? What are you getting at?" Midoriya asked.
"What I'm getting at is that Y/N heard you and Mineta last week. What you said about them. That's why they acted that way, why they don't trust you anymore." Kaminari paled at Kiri's words.
"What did you say, Denki?" Mina asked firmly.
"He said that Y/N's need for comfort during a drain or attack was annoying. That it gets old when they ask for help. He wondered why they couldn't go to someone else or take care of it themself." Bakugou answered gruffly and in turn, sounds of surprise and disappointment went through the room. 
Loud words of anger could be heard and Denki began to flinch at every voice and word. He began to shrink into himself. Bakugou noticed the reaction and remembered that Denki wasn't without his own anxieties.
"Hey! Quiet down! No need for an ambush." Bakugou snapped at everyone else. They all began to back off and go quiet. Denki shot Bakugou a quick thankful look which got a small nod in return.
"They went to you, Denki, because they trusted you. You have always been there for them. They couldn't go to anyone else because none of us know exactly how to help them." Kiri took a big breath. "I've learned a lot on how to help but there is only so much I can do, Denks."
"I, I, I..." The room was silent for a long minute.
"I mean it is kind of annoying. Am I right?" Mineta piped up.
"Shut up, Mineta!" Kami screamed. "I should have never listened or agreed with you! I just lost my best friend in this entire world because of my own stupidity and your self centered perverted backwards attitude is not needed."
"Denki... why did you even say that? You should have gone to them if you were feeling overwhelmed with it all. I know they would understand. Like Ei said, We would help in any way we could." Mina walked up to Kami. At this point, every one but the Bakusquad had left the area, realizing that this was getting into something more private.
"I know! I d-don't know. I had gotten into it with my mom and got the grades talk from teach again. My grandma was being overbearing again. I just wanted people to stop needing something from me for the moment. So I was venting the frustration out. It's not an excuse and I am not trying to make it one. I, I, I just..." He collapsed on the couch, head dropping into his hands. "I royally screwed it up in true Kaminari fashion. I can't believe I hurt them like this."
"Kami..." Mina sat next to him. She pulled him into her side.
"I love them more than anything and I did this." He was crying heavily. Mina shared a look with the rest of the squad. Ei was still upset but he was worried.
"Maybe it's not too late to make this right." She said. Denki looked up at her with glossy eyes.
"Yeah. Y/N is really understanding. I'm sure they'll hear you out." Hanta gave him a small smile. It dropped into a stern stare and he pointed at the blonde. "That doesn't mean you're out of the deep end. You still have to make up for this."
"Of course! Of course!" Kami nodded wildly. Hanta gave a stern nod before turning to Mineta.
"Now you! I think we need to have another chat."
Since I left UA in the middle of the semester, I was too late to go anywhere else. Mom and I agreed that I would go back when the new semester started. I was currently searching through surrounding high schools for specifications.
"Hey honey?" My door opened behind me.
"Yeah mom?"
"There is a boy here to see you." I turned to look at her, eyebrow raised in confusion. "He says his name is Kirishima and he has bright red hair."
"Oh, yeah. He's a friend from UA. You can let him in."
"Okay." She smiled and walked away. I got up and followed her to the living room. "Come on in young man."
"Thank you, Miss L/N." I saw him step inside. He immediately found me in the room. "Hey, Y/N/N."
"Hey. Come on." I waved him to follow me. He kicked off his shoes and took the slippers I offered him.
"How are you doing?" He asked as I cracked the door after entering my room. "Oh, is your mom okay with..."
"Yeah. She's cool. Denks and I hang out with the door closed all the time." I paused before sighing sadly. "We used to at least."
"Yeah." He looked around before stopping next to my laptop. "Looking for a new school?"
"Yeah, I won't start until the next semester but it's better to be prepared." I plopped onto my bed and he sat in my desk chair. It was silent for a minute.
"Oh! I'm doing okay to answer your question."
"Oh, good." He nodded. There was an awkward pause. "He feels terrible, you know." 
"What?" I looked at him.
"Denki. He feels terrible. I am by no means excusing what he said at all but he does feel terrible. I laid it into after he came down with your note and the rest of the class was upset at him too... Minus Mineta but he got what was coming to him." I laughed a little.
"I probably should hear him out..." I said softly. I looked down and wrung my hands. "I mean I didn't even explain to him why I was upset. You had to do that. He is, was, I mean is my best friend and he deserves to at least be heard and..."
"Hey, hey, hey. Slow down. First of all, I was happy to rip him a new one. He may be one of my best buds but he was still in the wrong. And.." He moved in front of me. "Just remember that you don't have to do anything you don't want to do."
"I know. I want to. It's only right. Plus, just because I'm hearing him out doesn't mean I forgive him. I'm still extremely upset with him."
"Precisely." He sat down next to me. "And if you want, I can stay with you while you talk."
"Thanks, Ei but I think we need a one on one talk first." I sighed. "I love the boy more than anything and I miss him so much right now."
"I'm sure you two can work something out." He hugged me. I nodded with a quiet thank you, hugging him back.
3rd POV
While sitting there hanging out with Y/N, something hit Kiri in the face. The two both said they love each other. They both admitted they loved each other more than anything. Kiri had to hide the smile that wanted to split across his face. Y/N gave him a look when an excited laugh escape but he just waved them off.
Tag List: @lilparcheesie @dxnaii-rxse @iris-shihabi @l0vely-lee
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layelli · 2 years
BNHA Boys How They'll React If you Asked to Sew with Them
[xreader if the characters were brutally IC]
Thanks @sasdavvero for the prompt <3
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You sat on the couch in the common room and placed your sewing kit on the table. Your uniform had an ugly tear and buying a new one would really be too expensive; especially because you could sew it yourself.
You had just started when Bakugou's screaming made you jump on the couch. Kaminari came running down the stairs with a yellow toothbrush in his hand. "Can you believe that Bakubro eats his toothbrushes?!"
"Me too! Oh, whatcha doing?"
"Sewing back my uniform jacket, it tore, see?"
Kaminari got close and looked at the almost repaired jacket in awe. "That's sick!"
"Do you want to help?"
"Sure!" He sat beside you and you showed him how to put the thread in the needle. He kept trying and kept failing and you were almost done with your sewing job when a few things happened:
Kaminari exclaimed: "I did it!"; Sparks flew from his hands; Your uniform caught fire.
You both jumped away from the couch and thankfully Todoroki was nearby to put out the fire.
"Woah! Who's that?"
You were sitting on the common room couch trying to repair your favorite teddy bear. You smiled at Kirishima, "It's Kuma-chan! It tore."
"Oh, I'm so sorry. Can I help?"
"You know how to sew?!"
Kirishima laughed, "No!"
You sighed and started to teach him the basics, he was a quick learner and, besides using his quirk even when it was not needed, a really good student. Finally you could spend some time alone with him.
"Yo, Sero! Look how cool this is! Come join, man."
Or not.
After Sero, Kirishima invited Mina, Kaminari, Uraraka (who already knew how to sew) and Bakugou. Maybe you two weren't alone but it was a fun evening nonetheless.
Sewing wasn't how you planned to spend the night, but you lost five of your shirt buttons and you had class tomorrow. At least you could have some peace and quiet.
The loud noise of something crashing to the ground came from the kitchen. Of course. You went to check, your quirk ready in case there was an intruder and froze on the door. Shinsou Hitoshi, the guy from the ordinary course, was looking at the remains of a mug as if they had personally offended him.
"What are you doing in our dorm?"
"Coffee." He sighed and got another mug from the cupboard.
"How did you get in?"
He kept making his coffee, "Why are up, anyway?"
"I was sewing my shirt… you didn't answer!"
He took a sip of his coffee, "You of the Hero course have a lot of free time, uh? C'mon hero let me see what you can do."
You should be offended, right? "What, you want to help?"
"Pft– No."
You shook your head and went back to what you were doing. He followed you and watched you work while he drank his coffee. By the time you finished he had fallen asleep and a soft smile appeared on your face.
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torracattos · 8 months
What If Class 1-A Had A Chatroom
The Class 1-A Group Chat Fic
Yeah. Its THAT kind of thing. A few have been done, but I got inspired a while ago to do one and its just been sitting in my google docs for a couple years. I finally decided to finish it and post it here for fun.
-Tenya Iida created group chat: Class 1-A Group Chat-
-Tenya Iida added Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, Ochacho Uraraka, Eijiro Kirshima, Shoto Todoroki, Denki Kaminari, Yaoyorozu Momo, Tsuyu Asui, Fumikage Tokoyami,  Kyoka Jiro, Mina Ashido, Rikido Sato, Yuga Ayoama, Minoru Mineta, Koji Koda, Toru Hagakure, Hanta Sero, Mezo Shoji, and Masahiro Ojiro.-
Tenya Iida: Greeting, my fellow classmates! As your class rep, I thought creating this group chat would be useful as a useful means of communication in need of emergency or help. If I see any harassment of any form, foul language, or anything not safe for work, I have the right to remove you from this chat.
Ochaco Uraraka: Hellooooo~ Thanks for creating this, Iida! It’ll be fun for all of us!
Izuku Midoriya: Hi everyone!
Denki Kaminari: YOOOOOOOO!
Eijiro Kirshima: What’s up, everyone?
Mina Ashido: HIIIIII!!
Mezo Shoji: Hello.
Kyoka Jiro: Hey everyone.
Hanta Sero: Hey there!
Rikido Sato: How's it going?
Yuga Aoyama: Bonjour!
Momo Yaoyorozu: I think this is a wonderful idea, Iida. 
Tenya Iida: Thank you! 
Tsuyu Asui: I give it a day before Iida has to shut this down. Ribbit.
Izuku Midoriya: Why do you say that, Tsu?
Tsuyu Asui: See. Ribbit.
Katsuki Bakugo: SHUT UP, FROG GIRL!
Izuku Midoriya: Kacchan…
Eijiro Kirishima: Easy, Bakugo!
Tenya Iida: Bakugo, this is not the kind of behavior I will allow in this chat room. If you continue, I will not hesitate to remove you from this chat.
Eijiro Kirishima: C’mon, man! We gotta keep the fam together!
Denki Kaminari: Translation: I do, but I’ll never admit it.
Eijiro Kirishima: You know you wanna be here, Bakubro!
Katsuki Bakugo: I AM NOT YOUR BRO!
Toru Hagakure: THAT’S SO CUTE!
Kyoka Jiro: Is there something you two aren’t telling us?
Katsuki Bakugo: FUCK YOU, EARS!
-Katsuki Bakugo was removed from the chat-
Izuku Midoriya: Come on, Kaachan…
Eijiro Kirishima: I’ll  go check on him before he blows up the dorms.
Momo Yaoyorozu: Iida, you’re not gonna let him back in are you?
Tsuyu Asui: I’m glad that’s over, ribbit.
Tenya Iida: Of course not, Yaoyourozu. I will not tolerate such rude behavior in this chat. 
Fumikage Tokoyami: The darkness has descended upon this chat already.
Ochaco Uraraka: Aw c’mon, Tokoyami! Why act so glum right now.
Shoto Todoroki: I can hear him yelling below my room…
Fumikage Tokoyami: I rest my case…I’m logging off.
Ochaco Uraraka: I think I saw Kirishima heading towards his room.
Izuku Midoriya: Anyway…
Izuku Midoriya: Let’s just…move onto something else?
Ocaho Uraraka: Sounds like a good idea, Deku! What were you thinking?
Denki Kaminari: I mean…I think you already know where this is gonna go lol
Minoru Mineta: I heard some juicy gossip about Nejire Hado >:3
Momo Yaoyorozu: Don’t you dare, Mineta.
Mina Ashido: Sweetie, do you really wanna be the next one kicked from the chat?
Izuku Midoriya: Anyway, I heard All Might is gonna be on TV tonight! I heard he’s going to be doing an exclusive interview on TV tonight!! I heard online they were going to go into his days in the United States when he was in Los Angeles, California! I’m so excited!
Denki Kaminari: @Ochaco Uraraka See! 
Masahiro Ojiro: That’s Midoriya for you!
Denki Kaminari: He sure knows a lot about All Might.
Ochaco Uraraka: His room is full of All Might.
Izuku Midoriya: Let’s not talk about my room…
Denki Kaminari: Hey, dude, you said let’s talk about something different and we are HAHAHAHAHA!
Hanta Sero: Kinda creepy that you got that much All Might merchandise and talk about him so much, dude.
Shoto Todoroki: I still think he’s All Might’s secret love child…
Izuku Midoriya: NO!
Kyoka Jiro: PFFFFTHAHAHAHA Anyone notice he’s even said Detroit Smash sometimes when he attacks??
Tsuyu Asui: Me. Ribbit.
Mina Ashido: ME ME ME ME!!!
Denki Kaminari: ME!
Mezo Shoji: Of course.
Yuga Aoyama: MOI!
Shoto Todoroki: I have.
Momo Yaoyoruzu: I mean, you’re not wrong.
Izuku Midoriya: This is so embarrassing!!!
Ochaco Uraraka: Aw, c’mon, Deku! I think its sweet!
Tenya Iida: Is it really appropriate to tease Midoriya like this? 
Fumikage Tokoyami: I log back on and this is what I see…I really hate this chat…
-Eijiro Kirishima added Katsuki Bakugo-
Eijiro Kirishima: Sorry about disappearing, everyone! 
Tsuyu Asui: Here we go again. Ribbit.
Eijiro Kirishima: Hey c’mon, man! He’s a part of the class too! 
Momo Yaoyorozu: I thought you banned him, Iida.
*Katsuki Bakugo has been timed out for 1 hour*
Tenya Iida: Alright, so I decided to make a compromise. Kirishima is right. He is a part of our class, but if I see ANY ounce of this behavior, I am timing him out in the chat. That applies to everyone else as well. Also, because Kirishima decided to add him back in himself, I realize now that admin privileges have not been set up prior. I have decided that I will be limiting admin privileges to me, as well as your vice class rep, Yaoyorozu.
Hanta Sero: Problem solved. Thank fuck.
Tenya Iida: Language, Sero!
Mina Ashido: C’mon, Iida! Lighten up!
Denki Kaminari: Yeah, chill, Iida! 
Tenya Iida: I expect the highest degree of professionalism in this chat. There is no need for that kind of language.
Toru Hagakure: Oh, come on, Iida! Let us say fuck!!
Denki Kaminari: LET US SAY FUCK! 
Hanta Sero: LET US SAY FUCK!
Mina Ashido: LET US SAY FUCK!
Minoru Mineta: LET US SAY FUCK!
Ochaco Uraraka: Oooooookay, not what I expected to walk back into.
Masahio Ojiro: This is a bit much
Izuku Midoriya: I can’t believe I’m witnessing my classmates starting a rebellion over whether or not they can say fuck.
Izuku Midoriya: WAIT WHAT!? I mean, I don’t use it really, but why am I legally not allowed to say it!?
Momo Yaoyorozu: This is highly unnecessary.
Eijiro Kirishima: It sounds wrong coming from you, Midoribro! No offense!
Ochaco Uraraka: Uh, guys, you do see Iida typing, right?
Mina Ashido: Midoriya, you’re what the internet would call a beautiful cinnamon roll. Too good for this world and too pure.
Izuku Midoriya: I guess it sounds nice when you put it that way, but am I really?
Tenya Iida: ENOUGH! Yaoyorozu is right. This is highly inappropriate and I will not let this chat devolve into such chaos and debauchery. I did not create this chat for this. If you want to scream profanities, there are other chats for that. This is not the right place. I created this chat to be strictly for emergencies, as well as others seeking help when it comes to school matters. Now, for the time being….
*Mina Ashido, Denki Kaminari, Minoru Mineta, Kyoka Jiro, and Toru Hagakure have been timed out for 30 minutes*
Masahiro Ojiro: Well…That just happened.
Koji Koda: Sorry I’m late to this, but…what mess have I walked into.
Momo Yaoyorozu: Apologies, Koda. Things got a little out of control here for a moment.
Shoto Todoroki: It seems more fair to simply time them out than removing our classmates.
Tsuyu Asui: Agreed. Ribbit.
Tenya Iida: Anyway, I shall be logging off for the night. Good night.
Izuku Midoriya: I think I will head out also! I don’t wanna miss All Might’s interview!
Ochaco Uraraka: See you guys later!!
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ladyravenjadethe2nd · 2 months
Camie and Iida MHA
So I just tried out writing a new ship in my humor story for the lols and I kind of love it. They are adults in this and Iida is taking his 'nephew' Kaminari's kid out to eat.
Let me just drop part of Camie's point of view here from it and see what you guys think.
Camie like was not at all about her job right now. The hours sucked, her boss sucked, and there was way more dirt, blood, and guts to deal with on a day to day bases then she was expecting. No cap.
Not that she couldn't handle it. She was a Badass capital B, but her fights just weren't sexy enough on TV to get those sweet top 100 perks and that was not lit fam.
So she was lowkey husband shopping.
Boyfriends she could get. They lined up for her inspection, but again and again she found them lacking.
They were all such boys! Broke, rude, and immature, but she was not about old men fam.
Where oh where was her young muscled hunk, that wanted to get married and be both a Dad and a Daddy? One that would support her regardless of if she wanted to stick this Hero business out or retire to be the hottest housewife on the block?
Uh! And here she was looking so fire, and where was her man? The first time she lowered her standards and where was he? New thang was less hot then she deserved and older then her ideal, but he had said he wanted to 'treat' her. She just wanted a gentlemen and the pictures on his phone of him playing with his nieces were totes adorbs!
It had been 20 mins....maybe she should just go home?
With a final glance at the restaurant she had been waiting to go to with a special someone she spun on her attractive name brand heel and laid eyes on wide shoulders in a fitted suit. Yum.
He was tall with shoulders straight back. He gestured with his arms letting her enjoy the size. He had a narrow waist and firm thighs. Oh baby, Momma wants to smack that ass.
Hey she knows those legs!
There was something about a man in a full suit, but with pant legs short enough to show off his calves that was doing it for her. Like yes it was because of his quirk, but those muscles around his engines were firm fam. Did he rev up in bed?
Bet she could them to start smokin'.
The kid next to him was the deal maker. Camie was like gone on him. She loved a man that was good with kids and the little lecture he was giving about manners was like the cutest thing for real.
"Oh. My. God!!!! Tenya! It's been ages! No cap!" She used the opening to get her hands on that arm. So firm. She had to look up to talk to him even in her highest heels. A lady didn't chase after a man, but for this hunk a bitch might powerwalk.
"Ah Utsushimi- er Camie-san! What an unexpected surprise!" Awe he remember she preferred her first name! They hadn't had a chance to talk very often and when they did it was as Heroes. His bulky Hero costume did not do this man justice.
"It's like highkey totes great to run into you fam! You over here flexing that dad vibe." She was over doing it on the slang again, but it just burst out sometimes. Especially if she was just a little flustered.
"I'm not sure what that means, but thank you! You um....you look very nice. Are you here with someone?" Oh putting his arm up like that did great things to his outfit and was that a hint of a blush?!? She was melting.
"Thanks babes! I know this dress just slaps. I like was shook when I saw it! Would you like believe that I was supposed to have a date here, but got stood up? I'm like totes salty about it."
She took the opportunity to draw attention to her....dress and tried to make her tone more flirty and fun then upset about her circumstances.
Tenya gasped in genuine offense on her behalf.
"That scoundrel! It's unforgivable for your time to be wasted like that! It can be so difficult for a Pro Hero to get time off as it is." For a moment he looked almost panicked before he settled into rather red faced determination.
"I insist that you join us for dinner! No gentleman should allow a beautiful lady's night to be ruined!"
Fuck it, she had found her husband.
She agreed quickly because she was not in the mood to play hard to get. No she was in the mood too- where was the kid?
She liked kids and already knew she would like this kid. Mina had tons of stories about him to tell at work. Of course she had recognized little Hisoka on sight from all the pics going round at work.
They had been ignoring him for just a bit and she wanted to introduce herself. Prove how good she was with children and maybe she could have a little fantasy at dinner that she was here with her family and this was just her everyday life.
Hard to do that without the child though.
"Tenya, I totes don't see Hisoka anywhere fam." Had he gone to the restroom? On his own? He was a little young for that wasn't he?
"Hisoka? Hisoka!" Tenya Iida called in a commanding voice that did things to her and with his impressive height he must have spotted the child.
"There!" He pointed into the restaurant and took off.
She slipped her heels off and followed, but not without keeping her eyes on that impressive backside. What was that bitchin song she heard on the radio this morning?
Something like 'She walk past, I press rewind. To see that ass, one more time.'
Yeah babes it was something like that.
This was totes turning out to be a lit first date after all!
Anyway I just find this ship so fun and cute! A commenter called it PrimPop which I love. Anyone have a fic they know of with this rarepair?
I can also see a bit of drama with people assuming she's a golddigger, but really Iida is just a clueless rich boy and if he's going to invite her to a gala it's only right to give her a small present. Something common and useful like Oh diamond earrings! He's mother says they are for all occasions after all.
The full chapter won't make much sense to you if your only interested in this ship, but I'll drop the link anyway.
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minoru-wife · 1 year
Defending Mineta Minoru - Sexual Assault (short version)
Welcome! I am pissed off! :) Today's post defending the purple man is about: Sexual Assault But not the sexual assaults he actually commits on the shows.
This blog has no intention to attack anyone or/and the fandom (although this time it will really look like it is). It's simply to bring awareness to the community to something that isn't noticed by many. It's just an opinion. Also keep in mind that I stopped watching the anime around the time [spoilers ahead, maybe] Deku found his extra abilities with One For All, so pretty much everything is based on things I remember.
I was just now watching a video of a mha fan saying why Mineta is awful. Fair. I know very well people don't like him and I want to hear what they have to say. But then they made me mad!
Listen to me very closely, if and when you wanna talk about Mineta sexualy assaulting a woman DO NOT USE THIS MOMENT AS AN EXAMPLE!
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Look at it very closely! You see his arms? You see how he has his arms fully stretched out? He's trying to hug her, but (oh my what a surprise) his arms are short! This, this right here is an accident!
You have tons of moments where he's being a pervert and you choose this time to demonstrate it? Are you kidding me?
I grew up with two mellons attatched to my chest, I have been grabbed accidentally many times, I know what an accident looks like and this right here is an accident!
When you're accusing him of sexual assault do it again and do it right! And let me help you with that, cause I don't want to see this fucking mistake again!
Times Mineta was innapropriate, a pervert and committed sexual assault:
Being a perv around a woman underwear drawer = Inapropriate
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Grabbing a woman's body = Sexual assault
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Peaking to the girls locker room and making comments about their bodies = Sexual assault
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Wanting to see the girls taking a bath = Sexual assault attempt
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Looking at Yaoyorozo butt = Inapropriate
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Rubbing his face on Tsuyu's chest and comment about it = Sexual assault
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Pranking the girls = Inapropriate (And if I remember correctly it was Kaminari idea even)
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THERE! Use this moments instead!
Thank you for reading my words. I may be a fan of Mineta, but I don't defend his pervert actions and I'm the first to admit he's nasty during the show. This post wasn't planned to happen so soon, but I had to make this situation clear. Next time we will see Pervert Characters and understand why many pervert characters aren't judged by their actions and deemed problematic by the fandom, but why Mineta is the exception at the fandom eyes.
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mintsbubbletea · 9 months
𝐃𝐞𝐧𝐤𝐢 𝐊𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢 - 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐨 𝐛𝐨𝐛𝐚
Word Count: 1k+
Contains: Gender Neutral reader, kissing, not sure if I missed anything.
proof read and edited.
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Kirishima chuckled, his laughter filling the room as he glanced at the frustrated blonde. "Come on, Denks, don't start lying now," he teased. Denki pouted, his mind racing with frustration. No matter how many times he mentioned having a partner, his classmates just wouldn't believe him. "But I'm not lying! I really do have a lover," he whined, feeling exasperated. "Their name is Y/n."
Mina raised an eyebrow, her finger resting on her chin as she pondered. "Y/n… like the violin player?" she asked, her curiosity evident. Denki shook his head, slamming it on the desk in frustration. "No, not like the violin player. They are the violin player," he explained, his arms hanging limply at his sides. Bakugo scoffed, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I highly doubt a professional violinist would go for an idiot like you," he remarked. Denki sighed, feeling defeated. He didn't know how to convince them otherwise.
Suddenly, Sero spoke up, offering a glimmer of hope. "I'll believe you when we see them," he said. Denki's head shot up, a spark of realization in his eyes. "Why didn't I think of that sooner? You're so smart, Sero!" he exclaimed, quickly grabbing his phone and checking his calendar. "Are you guys free after school?" he asked eagerly. Kirishima nodded, followed by the rest of the group. "Yeah, I should be," he replied. Denki's face lit up with excitement. "Y/n has a performance today. I can take you guys to meet them," he said, his voice filled with anticipation.
Iida chimed in, remembering something he had seen. "A performance? Isn't their band's concert quite expensive?" he asked, recalling a poster he had seen on the streets. Momo grinned, his eyes gleaming with pride. "Yeah! My family gets invited every year. We always make sure to attend their shows here. I'm really close to Y/n, and they haven't mentioned any of you," she said, causing Bakugo and Kirishima to burst into laughter at Momo's remark.
'We've only been together for a couple of months! This performance is completely free, and it's only Y/n performing"
Mina smirked, "I'll tag along just to see if you're full of it as usual." turning her attention back to the front of the class. Sero chuckles and nudges Bakugo, "I wonder if he hired someone to be his partner." Deku smiles and places a hand on Denki's shoulder, "I believe you, Kaminari, I can't wait to tmeet them" Denki gives him a grateful smile, saying, "Thanks, man"
After school, Denki convinces half of his class to come and watch you perform on the streets. They walk for a few minutes until they hear a beautiful melody echoing off the walls of the buildings. "That's them!" Denki exclaims with excitement. The class gathers in front of you, watching as you close your eyes and let the music flow through your body. The song fills the air, and you can sense the presence of more people around you, which only fuels your performance. Your fingers dance swiftly and effortlessly on the strings, and as the song nears its end, you can't help but smile at the gasps of awe from the crowd. Many people play the violin, but you've been told that you possess a special talent.
You stood out from the rest, even though you never quite understood why. But that didn't stop you from giving it your all, as if every performance could be your last. As the applause filled the air, you opened your eyes and bowed, acknowledging the small crowd and the passersby.
Your gaze shifted to the people who approached and dropped money into your jar, offering them a warm smile. But then, your eyes landed on a familiar face - Denki. "Denki!" you exclaimed, handing your violin to your manager before rushing over to him. He welcomed you with open arms, and you embraced him tightly. It had been a few days since you last saw each other, with his school life and your work life keeping you apart.
"You came," you sighed happily.
"Of course I would. You know I always try to make it to your performances," he replied, releasing you from the hug. You couldn't help but smile, but then you noticed the curious onlookers around you. "You guys must be class 1-A! I've heard so much about you all. It's nice to finally meet you," you said, extending a friendly smile.
"Wish we could say the same, but we didn't even know you existed until today," Kirishima admitted, scratching the back of his head.
"Nuh-uh, I've been talking about Y/n for a month or two. Not my fault you guys don't trust me," Denki chimed in, rolling his eyes as he stood by your side.
"Momo, it's great to see you again," you said, spotting the tall girl and pulling her into a hug. Momo returned the embrace with a smile. "Likewise, Y/n. Why didn't you tell me you were dating my classmate?"
You shrugged. "It must have slipped my mind. You know, these past few months, I've been stuck at the studio."
Mina slumped in defeat, resting her head on Sero's shoulder. "I can't believe Denki found someone before me," she sighed. Bakugo, with his usual brashness, questioned, "How did you even meet that idiot, Dunce Face? Did he bribe you or something?" You turned your head towards Bakugo, the ashy blonde guy Denki had mentioned before. "Well, Bakugo, he didn't pay me. Denki would always come to my busking performances after school. He would watch me play and I couldn't resist his smile," you playfully nudged a blushing Denki.
"After each performance, he would treat me to boba, especially taro since he knows I love it. We would hang out and talk until we felt like it," you explained.
"Wow, Denki, I never knew you were such a romantic," Uraraka giggled at the shy boy, who hid his face from his classmates. "It's really sweet," Momo added. "That's what I love about him. No matter how busy we are, he always makes time for us," you smiled fondly.
Mina couldn't hold back her tears any longer and burst into sobs. She hugged Momo tightly, crying her heart out. "When did you become such a man?" she sobbed. Momo comforted her and said, "Excuse us. We'll see you soon, Y/n. Feel free to come over anytime." With a smile, Momo walked away with a crying Mina. "Yes, please come to the dorms. We'd love to get to know you," Kirishima said, giving you a friendly pat before he and the others bid their goodbyes and walked away.
"Did they really not believe you?" you playfully asked Denki. Denki glanced at you and burst into laughter. "I swear, they didn't! I was about to give up today, but then I thought of bringing them to meet you." You nodded, a small smile forming on your lips, and gently cupped Denki's face, planting a tender kiss on his lips. "Mm, I could never get enough of your kisses, bubs," he said, smiling warmly in your embrace. "Well, I still have a few more songs to perform before I have to leave. Would you like to stay?" you asked, walking back to your manager who handed you your violin. Denki grinned and replied, "You already know the answer to that. I'll go get us some boba."
"I love your way of thinking, Denks."
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writersmorgue · 2 years
Day 28 - you're safe now
Day 25 on Ao3
Day 28 on Ao3
word count: 1048
TWs in tags
note: this is a continuation of day 25! I recommend reading that one before this. Thank you for bearing with me this month! Proud to say I completed my second year of Febuwhump <3
Katsuki awakes to darkness. 
Godsfucking- another escape nightmare. He shifts, adjusting himself in his restraints. 
“Wait, son-”
“No- you promised you wouldn’t touch my parents!” He growls, arms flexing where they’re strapped to the… bed?
Since when did he get a bed?
The blindfold is removed from his face, revealed to be fluffy gauze taped over his eyes. 
He squints, head jerking backward, “Wh-”
A figure comes into view, out of focus and way too close. “Hey, fuckin’ get away, asshole.” 
“Katsuki, you’re in the hospital baby.” The woman, his mother, says softly. Definitely Toga, there’s no way his mom would sound like that. 
The straps holding him down release altogether, and he pops his quirk a few times. 
“Now hold on, they’re going to re-strap you if you do that.” A man says from his side. 
He turns his head, blinking as everything begins to focus, “Dad?”
“Gosh brat, your hair got so long. They stuck you in a fuckin’ ponytail.”
Well the league doesn’t have two Togas which means maybe-
“Katsuki, brat, you’re at UA. You came back two days ago in the middle of the godsdamn night.” His mother sniffs, dabbing a tissue to her eyes. “An’ If you ever bring this up again we’ll fuckin’ bury you again and we’re not undoing it this time.”
She lunges forward, managing to not activate Katsuki’s fight or flight in a way only his mother could. 
Shit, he really is home. 
“Wait,” He frowns as she digs her face into his shoulder, “it’s been two days?”
His dad nods, looking teary-eyed, “Yeah, you slept a long time, bud.”
“Well, after they pumped you full of meds,” His mom snorts, leaning back and wiping Katsuki’s face where she probably got him all gross and snotty. Eugh, emotions. 
“Right,” He mumbles, examining the room for the first time since he woke, “What day is it?”
“Sunday, October 12th. You’ve been gone awhile, Kat.” Masaru smiles sadly, “Izuku was so worried about you he forgot his own birthday.”
Katsuki hums, “Speaking of the nerd, Is everyone ok? I don’t remember much about when they took me, but I know I was out with fr- classmates.”
“Yet another reason why I’m never letting you out of my sight again, Bakugo.” A deep voice comes from the doorway. 
Aizawa’s scruffy face observes him, any emotions carefully hidden under a layer of annoyance, “I’m pretty sure I told you to be safe before you left.”
Katsuki scoffs, “Unlikely.”
“I brought some of your friends if you want to entertain them for a moment.” He gestures to the hallway behind him, where Katsuki can already hear the idiots whispering to each other.
He nods, propping himself onto a pillow. His parents excuse themselves to make room (and probably avoid the noise).
Kirishima flies in first, darting straight to Katsuki’s bed to crush him in a hug. 
“Shitty- Can’t- brEATHE!” He wheezes after a few moments, patting the guy’s back a few times. 
His red eyes are overflowing with emotion when he pulls back, and his sharp teeth are worrying his bottom lip. “Bakugo you have no idea,we thought you were dead man…” The dam breaks and he begins to cry in earnest, “I didn’t know what to do- we didn’t know where you were!”
“BLASTYYYYY!!!!” Another body slams into his side, curly pink hair tickling his cheek when Mina hugs him, “Blasty if you ever do that again I’ll kill you!” She sniffs.
“Awe c’mon, are you all crying?” Katsuki grimaces when Mina grabs his arm, clinging like a small child.
It’s not… unwelcome.
“Sero’s not!” Kaminari chimes, also covered in snot and tears.
Sero nods, waving casually, “I did my crying when you were kidnapped, I’m afraid I can’t get it up anymore.”
Mina nods solemnly, “It’s true, he was a mess.” She stares at him, reaching a manicured hand out to caress his face, “We were really worried, Bakubabe. Kind felt like our fault since we’d been the last to see you, but you said you wanted quiet, and when we went to get you you were gone and-” She sobs, pressing his palm to her forehead. 
“Hey, c’mon horns, I’m here now.”
“Yeah,” She agrees tearily.
Kirishima takes his other hand, staring at the empty space, “Is your hand okay? We knew they sent something, but Aizawa wouldn’t let us see so we assumed it was bad, especially when they said it was pretty likely you were dead.” 
Katsuki shrugs, tugging his hand away softly, “It’s not infected if that’s what you mean. It just feels weird, like it’s still there but it’s not. It’ll take some getting used to, but my quirk still works fine.”
“Are you coming back to class soon?” Sero asks, sitting on the edge of his bed with Kaminari.
“I dunno, probably just for the boring stuff ‘til I gain some weight back. Lost all my progress.” He grumbles, staring at his noodle arm with disdain, “It’ll be back to normal soon, and the next time I see Toga I can punch her fuckin’ teeth in.”
“That’s the spirit!” Mina cheers.
Denki smiles sadly, picking at the ratty hospital blanket, “I’m really glad you’re back, dude, we were- it was really rough.”
The rest of them nod, and Katsuki can only feel so tired before he just collapses. 
“Well, I want a fuckin’ nap.”
“Oh!” Kirishima nods, standing, “Right, we can come back la-”
“So you guys better fuckin’ get comfortable, cuz I ain’t movin’.” He grins, sinking back into his pillow expectantly. 
Mina’s black eyes go wide, “You mean-”
“I ain’t fuckin’ sayin’ it.”
“SQUAD CUDDLE!!!” Denki shouts, leaping onto Katsuki’s legs and curling up like a cat. 
There are only so many people you can fit on a hospital bed, but somehow they make it work. 
Mina curls up to his side, Kirishima on his chest, Sero on his other side, and Kaminari by his legs. He’s completely surrounded by the people he cares about most. 
He doesn’t even care if it’s a dream anymore, this is the happiest he’s been. 
Kirishima nuzzles into his chest, grunting sleepily. Katsuki lets his eyes slip shut, and he doesn’t even bother yelling when his parents sneak in to take pictures.
Yeah, he's finally safe.
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z-iridest · 6 months
My Hero Academia- I am Phoenix:
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Chapter 19- Confrontations and Encounters:
Just as I got back to the screen room, the announcement came that Uraraka and Aoyama had passed the final too. "Uraraka's judgment was great! I can't believe she thought to use her opponent's power to get in close!" Izuku was fawning over her. Awww, how cute! I thought.
"Ribbit, I don't know... It looked to me like Ochaco just lost focus and let go for a second." Tsu replied as I stood on Izuku's other side.
"Oh, really?" Izuku asked her. 
"Uh-huh, the two of them were talking." Tsu pointed out.
"If that's the case I wonder what Aoyama said that shocked her so much..." I mused, unintentionally making my friend jump.
"Hino!" He squeaked.
"We really need to put a bell on you, ribbit." Tsu told me. I grimaced.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." I apologized. That was when the door opened.
"Uraraka won, not surprising. I'm happy for her." Iida joined the conversation as he and Yaomomo entered the room. 
"Yeah, and all three of you guys passed too! Congrats!" Izuku told us, Tsu giving a ribbit of agreement. The three of us nodded.
"Thank you for your enthusiasm." Iida replied. 
"Now that this match is over, which team is taking the field next?" Tsu asked. 
"Ashido and Kaminari are paired up for the next battle." Yaomomo answered. I grimaced again.
"Yeah, against our principal." I added.
"It's rare we get to see someone like him in action..." Izuku mumbled.
"We'll have to watch this round carefully." Iida brought up. 
"Yeah." Izuku and I replied as Tsu gave another ribbit of agreement.  We watched as Kaminari and Mina went up against Nezu. The longer we watched, the more I realized just how sadistic our principal was, and how awful it would be if he ever turned to the villain's side of things. Depending on what he destroyed with the crane he was using, he caused chain reactions, taking out all possible escape routes for our classmates. I could barely watch before it finally ended, the speaker announcing that Mina and Kaminari had both failed their exam due time running out.
"In the past, humans conducted horrible experiments on Nezu. So, in times like this, he gets his vengeance." Looking from our school nurse to my friends, their faces reflected the same thought I was just thinking. We'd be screwed especially if Principal Nezu went bad... Then again, hearing even a little of what he went through, he had every right to become one... 
"So, it's over... They lost."
"They never even saw their opponent.... I can't imagine how frustrated they must be." Iida commented. Just then, the doors opened again.
"What?! Mina's team lost their battle?!" Ochaco asked in shock as she joined us.
"Yeah, they ran out of time." I told her. 
"The principal's game plan was flawless, they just couldn't beat him."
"That's terrible! Oh man, they must be so crushed!" She exclaimed.
"But, you passed." Iida was quick to try to cheer her up.
"Congrats." I added. She smiled back.
"Thanks, you guys too." She replied. 
"Ochaco. What were you talking to Aoyama about right before the end of your match against Thirteen?" Tsu asked. I could wager a guess judging by how red Ochaco suddenly turned. I snorted when she suddenly went into panic mode, saying it was nothing and that we had it all wrong. It was made even funnier by the fact that Iida pointed out how red she had gotten... Tsu and I exchanged looks, we'd have to confront her about it later... But, before we could launch into our interrogation mode, the buzzer went off for the next exam.
"Team Koda and Jiro, practical Exam. Ready... Go!" The computer announced.
"Here we go." I turned to the screen, hoping for Jiro to pass.
"The practical exams match students up with teachers they're supposed to have a hard time against. That's the whole point, right?" Iida asked.
"At least one of the reasons, yeah." I answered, looking at our class president for a second.
"And it's easy to see what this team's weaknesses are." Midoriya added.
"I agree... What are they gonna do against Present Mic?" Tsu asked.
"Both have sound-related Quirks. But, their opponent will be able to drown out everything around them." Izuku replied. I nodded.
"Animals would be scared away by Present Mic's volume, and even the ones that aren't wouldn't be able to hear Koda use his Quirk. Jiro might be able to lessen the blow of Present Mic's volume, but her sound wouldn't be loud enough to completely drown him out." I continued. I covered my ears as Present Mic began using his voice.
"YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" We couldn't hear anyone else, how the hell was Present Mic's voice able to come through the damn thing?! "Hurry up and COME OUT! I'M GETTING BORED! HURRY UP ALREADY!" Present Mic used his Quirk over and over again. How were our friends supposed to beat him?! I got lost in my own thoughts for a second, trying to think of possible plans before it hit me like a freight train. Sound doesn't travel underground! If Koda could control insects to attack Present Mic from below ground and allow them to pass right through the gate. Admittedly, it was a brutal strategy, but, if Koda could pull it off....
A sudden scream burst from the monitor speakers made me jump out of my thoughts and when I looked, I saw Koda looking white as a sheet next to Jiro, who had an ant on her hand. When Jiro put it closer to him, he screamed again and took off running, this time behind a tree to hide. Well... so much for that idea.... "THERE YOU ARE!" I covered my ears again as Present Mic's voice came back through the speakers, Jiro using her Quirk to try to block him out this time. "LET'S MAKE SOME NOISE! HEY!" Oh for Pete's sake.... I watched as Koda's face went from terror to absolute worry because Jiro's ears were bleeding. From there, the plan I had in mind played out... And it was more brutal than I thought since Present Mic absolutely went whiter than Koda did as soon as the bugs were on him.
"That's tough, even for a pro..." Iida sounded strained.
"Wow, Koda... Harsh move." While Izuku seemed just as shocked as our other friends, Recovery Girl just looked pissed.
"He let a bunch of bugs beat him?!" She exclaimed in disbelief. But, Jiro and Koda had passed thanks to the harsh attack, so.... We watched as Toru and Shoji went up against Snipe next. Shouji dodged bullets before going right toward Snipe and surrendering, leaving Toru open to cuff Snipe. 
"Just as expected! Hagakure is the best there is at stealth ops!" Yaomomo exclaimed in admiration.
"And Shoji has the guts to face Mr. Snipe head on and be their distraction!" Izuku added. Ochaco and Tsu both nodded in agreement as the computer announced Toru and Shoji passing before it was Sero and Mineta's turn... Oh boy... 
"Hey, Deku? Isn't your match up next? Shouldn't you be waiting in the exam area?" She asked, turning to Izuku. 
"Oh." He nodded. "Probably, but I wanna make sure I see everyone else fight. It's definitely interesting to see how each team uses their Quirks. But, I also feel like I'm getting stronger watching them. Our classmates are just so amazing, even if they didn't pass, they fought until the very end. Everyone of them embodies what it means to be a UA student!" Ochaco and I exchanged smiles at how passionate Izuku was. We both nodded.
"Well, uh..." Iida trailed off.
"Mostly." Yaomomo finished, turning our attention to the screen. 
"Looks like one of our peers is giving up." Tsu commented, the three of us turning to see Mineta crying and running away.
"What... the... Hell is he doing?" I asked as I watched.
"But, he was looking forward to the training camp so much. Why is he ready to give up now?" Izuku asked.
"I don't know if he can bounce back from this." We all turned to the school nurse as she talked. "As far as the practical exams go, All Might, Present Mic, Cementoss and Midnight are especially hard opponents for you kids to best. It's not hard to imagine someone feeling as though they have no possible way to win." Recovery Girl pointed out. When I turned back, Mineta was crying tears of blood now. What the hell, Grapehead? I thought, and looking at my friends, they were thinking the same thing.
"Mineta..." Izuku trailed off.
"It might be hard for a kid like that to make it out of this school." Recovery Girl piped up again. 
"Wait, what'd you mean?" Izuku asked as he turned to her.
"UA is constantly making new obstacles that our students have to overcome. In order to keep moving forward successfully, students need a concrete goal to focus on. If your desire is just to be a hero for no reason, your path isn't going to be easy. If someone who's only wish is to become a hero reaches their goal, then they have no real future. I wonder... Is there a goal in that child's heart he can focus on to win?" Recovery Girl pondered. I thought about it. Mineta was perverted, and often chased after girls when he wasn't harassing one of the girls in our class... About a second later, I was snapped out of my thought process by Recovery Girl. "Well, that's straight forward." She commented. Mineta looked lost in thought before I grimaced as Midnight whipped Mineta, snapping him out of it and making him tremble as she approached, her eyes those of a predator stalking their prey.
"Move it, idiot!" I shouted, watching as he was frozen in place as Midnight used her Quirk. After a second, he finally snapped out of it and ran for it. We all watched as he ran and hid behind a rock. After a second, he came back out, armed to the teeth with his sticky head balls in hand and Sero's tape over his mouth and nose. Just as she used her whip again, Mineta tossed his head balls at it, getting it stuck where it landed so he could run for the escape gate, one even sticking her hand to her whip. "Damn, Mineta..." I trailed off.
"He managed to trap her far away from the gate! Midoriya exclaimed, looking excited for our classmate. "There's no way her Quirk can stop him now!" 
"Oh, so he's pretty clever. I think that kid pulled one over on all of us." Recovery Girl added.
"Yeah." I agreed. The little shit... I added in my head as I watched Mineta tear the piece of tape off his mouth and carry Sero through the gate. The buzzer went off.
"Team Mineta and Sero have passed the exam!" The announcement came from the computer.
"All right, they did it!" Iida happily exclaimed.
"Mineta actually had a solid plan!" Yaomomo sounded happy but surprised while Tsu gave a ribbit of agreement. That was about when I noticed that Izuku had already left for his match... I felt nervous all over again for him. It wasn't going to be easy, and unless he could get Bakugo to agree on a solid plan, it would be near impossible for this team to win...
"Team Bakugo and Midoriya. Practical Exam. Ready, go!" The computer came over the speakers again as I wished my friend good luck in my head, praying that some kind or miracle would cause Bakugo to work with Izuku. I watched as Izuku tried to reason with Bakugo, but the blond was having none of it. Recovery Girl sighed.
"Oh, dear. There's absolutely no teamwork between those two. Don't they realize the trial that's ahead of them?" She said.
"You're telling me, that's probably why Mr. Aizawa put them on the same team." I replied. I watched painfully as the two began to argue and were interrupted by my Dad making his attack. I've said it a thousand times before, but...
Watching my Dad fight as a hero had always filled me with comfort and hope. But watching him as a villain, even if it was just a simulation.... It terrified me. He would be the one villain I never would have been able to fight, even considering I knew his weaknesses. He was the man that raised me to be who I was, the man who cared for me like his own. How could I fight him if he turned evil? We watched as Bakugo tried to stun my Dad before charging. My Dad caught him and held him up by his face, only for the explosive blond to blast him several times. We all gave groans as we watched Bakugo get slammed to the ground. I watched as Izuku got scared and used his Quirk to jump into the air, but was bumped into by Bakugo, who had gotten up shortly after Dad had turned to Izuku. "One wants to defeat All Might. The other only thinks of running. The latter probably admires the man too much. To Izuku Midoriya, All Might is like a god. Untouchable. It's true that I don't know much about this other boy, but based on his grades and the Sports Festival, he has amazing combat sense. I wonder why he's in such a rush to win this." I watched as Bakugo stood back up, looking more pissed than ever. I watched as Izuku once again tried to reason with Bakugo as the blond went right past him. Izuku once again tried to stop Bakugo, but the bickering only let Dad get another attack in. This time, he pinned Izuku with a broken part of a fence, making sure Izuku was trapped between the bars. Bakugo went to blast him again but I groaned as Dad punched Bakugo in the gut, causing the blond to throw up before he rolled and landed face first. 
"Dad, you're overdoing it..." I mumbled, watching as the boys struggled to get up. I couldn't hear what Dad said to him as he walked over to Bakugo, but whatever the blond said in retaliation... It pissed off Izuku so much that he managed to get free and punch Bakugo just as Dad was going to knock Bakugo out. What the hell did the blond dumbass say to piss off Izuku that much? I thought. I just hoped that Bakugo would pull his head out of his ass now. Bakugo rolled again before Izuku grabbed him and went into an alleyway, carrying the stubborn blond. "Can Bakugo get his head out of his ass already? It's getting old." I commented.
"I wish he would, but you know how stubborn he is." Yaomomo told me. 
"I know, I know..." I trailed off. Before I could say anything else though, Bakugo popped out of the alleyway he'd been carried down. I watched as Bakugo blasted Dad over and over again. "Least he got his head out of his ass..." I mumbled under my breath. But, looking closer, I saw that one of Bakugo's gauntlets was missing. That's weird... Where's the other one? I wondered. I didn't have to wonder for too long, considering Izuku popped out of the alleyway armed with Bakugo's other gauntlet. Just as I realized what their plan was, Izuku pulled the pin on the gauntlet, firing off a giant explosion like the one Bakugo has let loose during our first day of combat training, even limiting the damage to the city to places Dad had already destroyed. It was already a big improvement from the first combat training. As the boys ran though, they started arguing again, much to my own disappointment. Just when I thought they had finally learned to work together.... I watched as Dad caught up to them before they reached the gate and destroyed both gauntlets before either of the boys could fire off another blast. He kneed Bakugo in the face, making me grimace again. Izuku tried to run after him, but got caught by Dad. Bakugo launched himself toward Dad again, but he used Izuku to slam both of them to the ground. I heard Tsu and Ochaco whimpering. When the dust cleared, Dad had his foot on Bakugo and was holding Izuku by the arm. "Come on, you guys..." I murmured, holding out hope for them. Izuku kept struggling, until Dad threw him, keeping his foot on Bakugo's back. After a minute though, Bakugo let a giant blast out of his hand, knocking Dad off him. We couldn't see anything for a minute before another huge explosion went off and we say Izuku flying out of the smoke, and it didn't miss my gaze that Bakugo grimaced in pain after the blast that threw Izuku across the line. "He's gonna make it to the escape gate!" I shouted. If Izuku could make it through, both of them would pass due to them working together. But, that was shortlived because Dad used a smash to get clear of the smoke and ended up knocking into Izuku again, this time hurting Izuku's back. I grimaced as it caused Izuku to fly off course and hit a bus before hitting the ground. Bakugo let off another blast, but he was definitely in pain, even as he kept fighting, letting off big blast after big blast. But after Bakugo tried to protect Izuku, Dad grabbed him by the face and slammed him into the dirt again. I watched as Bakugo still tried to fight back, even though he was hurt. Izuku used One For All to charge Dad, punching him before grabbing Bakugo and running through the escape gate as Bakugo passed out. "YES!" I jumped into the air, pumping both arms as our friends cheered. 
"Team Bakugo and Midoriya have passed the exam! All matches for the practical portion of Class 1A's final exams have now been completed." The computer announced. Recovery Girl and I locked eyes and she nodded toward the door to the Infirmary. I went with her. True, she probably didn't need my help to heal either of the boys, but I wanted to chew out my Dad for going all out like that. He could have killed one, if not both of, the boys. Then again, I had no idea if Bakugo would have accepting passing if Dad hadn't gone all out... Probably not considering he wanted me to go all out on him during the Sports Festival, but still....
As I used my healing tears to heal Bakugo, Recovery Girl used her own quirk to heal Izuku. "Thank you very much, Recovery Girl, I think I feel better." He managed to get out. 
"You're not getting up right now, though." I mumbled under my breath. 
"All Might, you really don't know how to hold back! If you'd hit these boys any harder, they'd have permanent damage! Midoriya's back was horrible. I was barely able to heal it." She sighed as she and I traded places so Recovery Girl could heal the rest of Bakugo's internal wounds. "Bakugo probably won't wake up for a while. For now, the two of you should stay here and rest." 
"Yes, ma'am. Thanks again." Izuku responded. 
"You're so much stronger than when we first met that sometimes I hardly recognize you, Young Midoriya. And the same goes for you. Young Bakugo, do you realize that you were able to smile in the face of defeat? I can't wait to see how much stronger you both get." Dad told the boys, and I couldn't help but agree with him. Both boys were stronger than when I had first met them, and I couldn't wait to see how far they went either...
The next day, Mina, Sato, Kirishima and Kaminari were all miserable. "E-everyone... I'm looking forward to hearing your stories of how fun camp was." Mina sobbed.
"Maybe they'll let you go. There might be a last minute twist or something." Izuku tried to reassure them. 
"Stop, Midoriya. By saying that out loud, you're just jinxing them." Sero told him.
"They said whoever failed the exams would have to skip training camp and live in summer school hell. We didn't pass the practicals, so we're doomed. Don't you get it, Midoriya?! Or did All Might knock all the brains outta you?!"
"Whoa, Kaminari, take it easy." I tried calming our electric blind friend down.
"Yeah, ease up, Kaminari. I'm not sure I'll get to go, either. Our team only passed thanks to Mineta. I got knocked out and since we don't know how they're scoring stuff, I might have flunked." Sero brought up, Mineta looking smug as he listened in. 
"At least bring back lots of camp souvenirs, please?!" Kaminari exclaimed. Before anyone else could promise that they would, the classroom door swung open. 
"Once the bell rings, you should be in your seats!" Aizawa called, causing most of our classmates to scramble into their seats and a silence to fall in the room. "Morning." He greeted us. "Unfortunately, there are a few of you who did not pass your final exams. So, when it comes to the training camp on the woods... Everyone is going!" 
"We really get to go to camp?!" Kirishima questioned in disbelief.
"Seriously?" Mina teared up happily as she followed up Kirishima's question.
"Yeah. The good news is that no one bombed the written exam. Five failed the practical badly. Two teams, of course, and then Sero as well." Aizawa replied. I shot a glance toward Sero, who had covered his face with a hand.
"Aw! Crap, I knew it! Mineta made it to the gate, but I didn't do near enough to pass." He mumbled.
"Allow me to explain. For the practical battles, the teachers made sure to leave a way for the students to win. Otherwise, you never would have stood a chance. We were interested in observing how you each worked together and approached the task at hand." Aizawa explained.
"But, didn't you promise that the teachers wouldn't be holding back?" Ojiro asked. 
"That was just to get you on edge." Aizawa answered him. Besides, the training camp will focus on building your strength. Those who failed need those lessons the most. We were never going to separate you that was just a logical deception we used." The class burst into an outbreak, Iida most of all.
"Mr. Aizawa, this is the second time you've lied to us! Aren't you afraid we'll lose faith in you?!" His voice cracked as he jumped upward out of his seat with his arm raised. 
"Uh, little blunt there, Tenya..." Ochaco replied, and I had to admit that I agreed with her.
"That's a good point. I'll consider it." Mr Aizawa continued, "But, I wasn't lying to you about everything. Failure is failure. We've prepared extra lessons for the five of you." His words cut five of my friend's celebration short. "Frankly, they'll be far tougher than what you'd face at summer school." He told us. 
"This is gonna be great! I'm so glad we're all going together." Ojiro said a few hours later.
"Looks like we'll be at the training camp a full week!" Iida exclaimed.
"I've gotta find a bigger suitcase..." Izuku trailed off. 
"Yeah, I don't even have a bathing suit, guess I need to buy some stuff." Kaminari added. 
"Like night vision goggles!" Mineta snorted, something I hit him for. 
"Well, guys, since we're off tomorrow, and we finished final exams, I have the best idea! Why doesn't Class 1-A go shopping together!" Toru suggested.
"That's a great idea, Toru!" I told her. 
"Hey, yeah! We've never hung out as a class before." Kaminari buzzed excitedly.
"Bakugo, see you there, right?" Kirishima turned to the blond.
"I can't think of anything more annoying." Bakugo replied.
"Aw come on, why do you have to be a buzz kill?!" I asked, looking at him before I turned to Todoroki. "You'll come with us, won't you, Todoroki?"
"I visit my Mom on days off." Todoroki answered. I looked down, a bit disappointed that neither Bakugo or Todoroki were going. 
"Oh, that's right..." I trailed off.
"You party poopers! Don't you ever get tired of being so serious?!" Mineta yelled.
"Can it, grapehead!" I snapped at him, forgetting my disappointment for a minute. The next day, we met up at the mall, dressed in casual clothes. 
"Oh, man do I love this place! It's got a ton of different stores to shop at, and they're all super cool and hip! The Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall!" Mina squealed. I didn't know why I suddenly had a bad feeling just being there, but I tried to just ignore it and enjoy the day ahead of me. 
"They carry designs for all body types, and have a range of gear for everyone from teens to seniors. The logistics of..." Izuku started off on another ramble tangent.
"You're going to scare the children, stop." Tokoyami told him before Izuku could really get going. 
"Whoa! Aren't those UA students?!" A civilian cried out. Oh no...
"I saw 'em on TV!" 
"The Sports Festival was so good!" I felt sheepish under everyone's gaze, and out of habit, my wings popped out and tucked around me in a protective cocoon. Ochaco laughed nervously.
"I can't believe they still remember that." She said.
"I wanna track down a new duffle bag to bring to summer training." Kyoka was talking to Yaomomo.
"Oh yeah? Maybe the two of us should browse together." She replied. The pervert grapehead was mumbling something about a lock picking kit and a small drill before he wandered off on his own. 
"Guess I should probably buy some outdoorsy shoes for this thing." Kaminari mused.
"Oh, that's smart, me too!" Toru exclaimed. 
"The guide said your shoes should already be broken in though!" Iida exclaimed, ever the mother hen. "But, wait. Perhaps it's not a mistake to factor utility into the equation..." And there goes him convincing himself of the opposite of what he was saying a split second ago.
"So then, why don't we split up and look around? We can meet here again when we're done." Kirishima suggested. The bad feeling came back stronger than ever. Why did I feel like this?! 
"Great idea!" Mina replied.
"Perfect. Let's say we're all back around three?" Kirishima questioned.
"Sounds good!" Everyone but me chorused, my bad feeling keeping me quiet. Before I knew it, it was just me, Ochaco and Izuku left.
"Looks like it's just the three of us left." Izuku pointed out.
"Yeah..." Ochaco trailed off.
"So, what're you gonna shop for today? I wanna find a few heavier wrist weights so I can up my training." Izuku asked her.
"I mostly just need bug spray." Ochaco answered before she turned red and suddenly took off running. "Yep, gotta keep those pests away!" 
"Do you mean me?!" Izuku asked. "We came together as a class, but it's just us now by ourselves..." I shook my head before the bad feeling got stronger. What's going on with me today? I thought. "Whoa, Hino, you okay?" He asked. I looked at him, tucking my wings away again.
"I'm fine, I just..." Before I could finish my sentence, the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end at a raspy voice.
"Oh, it's someone from UA, nice. I want an autograph." A guy about Todoroki's height approached us, and the bad feeling I'd had all day cranked up to a twenty as he put an arm around me while the other went around Izuku. "You were the one who got beat to hell at the Sports Festival, right?" He asked Izuku, who looked awkward before the guy turned to me. I couldn't see his face, but his skin was fairly pale and his hair was a greyish blue that hung in his face... Just like... "And you were the baddie that won it all." The bad feeling turned into a sickness at the pit of my stomach. 
"Uh, yeah." Izuku answered as the guy turned back to Izuku.
"Aren't you guys two of the students who ran into the Hero Killer in the Hosu Incident, too?" He looked between the two of us. "You're practically famous."
"You sure do know a lot..." I trailed off.
"What can I say? I'm just a big fan of the two of you." He responded. "I can't believe I'm running into you two again." That last part put Izuku on edge, I could see it in his eyes. That was the moment both of us realized who we were dealing with, and it confirmed everything my bad feeling was trying to tell me... "It makes me think it might not be a coincidence. No, no, this feels like it's destiny." Before either of us could react, his hand grasped our throats, but he was careful to leave one finger up. Shit, shit, shit! I thought. If we were truly alone with no civilians, I could have easily burned his hand off of me, but with everyone around us plus Izuku in harm's way, I wouldn't be able to do anything without someone getting hurt or killed, whether it was by my own flames or Shigaraki's Quirk. "Oh right. From your point of view, we haven't met since the attack on UA." A growl left Izuku, and he sounded more pissed than I had ever heard him before. "Why don't we spend some time catching up, Izuku Midoriya and Hinotori Yagi?" Shigaraki lifted his head so we could see his face. His eyes were crimson red, his face wrinkled with a scar over the top of his lip on the left side. "Act natural now, don't make a scene, either of you. I'm just an old friend who ran into you at the mall. Calm down and wipe that look off your faces. I think we should have a conversation, is all. A friendly little chat. Oh, and of course if you two try to run or fight me in any way... Well, it'll be fast." His middle finger wiggled dangerously close to touching our necks, but he kept his fingers up. "Soon as all five of my fingers touch both your necks, your throats'll be the first thing that disintegrates. In a matter of seconds, both of you'll be nothing more than dust and powdered bone."
"You'd never get away, though. The heroes would catch you and if you did anything to hurt him, I'd turn you to ashes in seconds. I can ignite my entire body if I wanted to." I told him.
"Are you sure you can ignite your Quirk is fast enough to stop your own body from disintegrating? Do you really want to test that? Besides, just look at these sheep. Any one of them could use their Quirks and start a massacre whenever they wanted. And yet, they're all here, smiling. They think laws and rules will protect them, because they assume everyone has their same morals. They're convinced nothing bad could ever happen to them. After the 2 of you, I could kill 20... 30... Maybe even more before a pro showed up and managed to stop me." The thought chilled me to the bone. My entire body trembled, and I grit my teeth.
"You little snake..." I trailed off, knowing he put us in this position on purpose. Unlike the attack on the USJ, he had thought this out...
"We get it... Let's talk." Izuku's fist relaxed, though he looked just as defeated as I felt.
"Just don't hurt anyone." I added. What choice did we have? Shigaraki chuckled in response.
"This is nice. A real moment. Let's go grab a seat and get comfortable, why don't we?" He asked, leading us over to one of the big plants off to the side of it all and sitting down with us on either side of him, still holding onto our necks. I mentally kicked myself. If I had just pushed Izuku toward Ochaco and made him go after her, he wouldn't be in this position too... Instead, we were both in trouble and our classmates had no idea that Shigaraki was here... "When it comes down to it, I hate basically everything. But, the Hero Killer pisses me off the most right now." Shigaraki revealed to us.
"Isn't he one of your guys?" Izuku asked. 
"Not technically, but that's what the media made it look like. And that's what my problem is. It's like suddenly, everyone is obsessed with that stupid Hero Killer. The attack on UA, the Nomus I released on Hosu- He upstaged all of it. No one's even giving me a second thought. Why is that? Despite what he claims to believe, all he did was try to get rid of whatever things he didn't like." He leaned into Izuku and then me, the closeness of him making me shudder slightly despite my every attempt to look calm. "What do you two think the difference is between us, Midoriya? Yagi?" 
"What's the difference?" Izuku asked.
"You we don't understand. Your goals, and your villains... We don't agree with anything you do."
"Neither of us agree with the Hero Killer either, but we can understand him. At least, sort of. Because the Hero Killer and we have something in common. All three of us are inspired by All Might. That night, he even saved me from the flying Nomu." 
"He might be a maniac, but he doesn't destroy things just because it sounds fun. And when things were looking bad for him, he didn't abandon his mission the way you did. Even if the way he acted was wrong, he held true to his beliefs..." 
"That's the difference." We both looked at him as he finished at the same time, but the look he gave us... If looks could kill, both of us would have died then and there and this story would have been over before things truly got nuts. 
"Ah... That's like a weight off my chest. I see it now... All the dots connected. Why he makes me so angry, why you both irritate me so much- Everything makes sense." A wicked smile crossed his face. "It's him. The problem is All Might. Yeah, yeah, that's it. That's the most rational explanation." A laugh left him. "I didn't see it, even though it was right on front of me the whole time. What was I worrying about so much? It's simple. He's why these morons are able to smile thoughtlessly!" I could barely breathe as Shigaraki's grip on my neck grew tighter. "They feel so safe because that garbage pro is smiling thoughtlessly, as if there's no one in the whole world he can't save! Oh, I'm glad we had this chat. I feel better, I can't thank either of you enough. I don't need to change my ways after all." I reached up, grabbing his hand and attempting to pull it off of me. "Whoops, don't struggle now, either of you, unless you both want to die. You want all these people here to crumble as well?" He threatened.
"You said you'd leave them alone if we talked." I barely got out.
"Uh, Deku? Hino?" We both froze at the sound of Ochaco's voice and panic struck me. No, no, no, no! "Is that a friend? No, that can't be right." Shigaraki turned toward her and I felt my panic get worse. "Uh, hey, let go of them..."
"This is nothing!" Izuku shouted, trying to calm her down before anything could happen. 
"Everything's fine, Ochaco." I forced my voice to sound calm despite the panic I was in and the panic Izuku had just blurred out. "Just stay back, no closer." Shigaraki suddenly let Izuku and I go, the boy dropping to the floor.
"Oh, you two were here with a friend? I didn't know, sorry about that." Shigaraki said as Izuku and I both coughed, gingerly touching our throats. "I'll see you soon, little bird. You and I are due for a more private talk." The last words Shigaraki spoke to me that day chilled me, and it was said in my ear, too quiet for either of my friends to hear. "If you try following me, I'll get angry." He told the both of us as he got up, putting his hands in his sweatshirt pocket as he began to walk away. As soon as he passed Ochaco, she rushed toward us. 
"Deku, Hino!" She sounded worried.
"Shigaraki, wait." I managed to speak, getting up as Izuku kept coughing. Ochaco gasped.
"Shigaraki?" She looked at him.
"We have a question too." Izuku got out.
"What's All For One after?" I asked as my friend coughed more. He was quiet for a minute, looking at his shoes.
"Who knows, really. But here's a little word of advice, friends. Be careful. The next time we meet, Midoriya, I'll likely have to kill you." He warned us. Ochaco gasped in fear, but Shigaraki disappeared into the crowd after that. I pulled out my vial of healing tears, making Izuku tip his head up. 
"Open." I told him, and once he did, I put a drop of it into his throat to heal any damage done to him by Shigaraki, though I doubted it was more than maybe a red mark from where he was grasping us so tight. 
"Hino, are you okay?" Izuku asked.
"I'll be fine." I shrugged him off, but I didn't have to look at either of them to know they were worried. Ochaco reported the incident and the shooing mall was temporarily closed. The heroes and police in the area conducted a massive sweep, but there was no sign of Shigaraki. Later that day, Izuku and I were taken to the police station. Uncle Naomasa, who was investigating the League of Villains interviewed us both, though he nearly had a heart attack when he saw me. Izuku and I told him everything we could about Shigaraki's appearance and the conversation we had. 
"Huh... From what I'm hearing, it sounds like they're not a monolithic organization. And it sounds like his desire to defeat All Might hasn't changed one bit." He replied after we had told him the whole story. I glanced down at my hands. I wanted to tell Uncle Naomasa about what Shigaraki had told me low enough for only me to hear, hut I figured doing so would scare the crap out of Izuku... "Anyway, thanks for the report, you two. This helps." 
"Oh, sure." Izuku answered. 
"I just wish there was some way we could have detained him..." I trailed off. 
"Don't worry, you both did a great job holding it together when so many lives were on the line. Most people would have panicked and lost their cool in that situation. No one got hurt today because you were both able to remain calm." Uncle Naomasa told us. While Izuku was leading the way outside the station with another officer, I figured it was a good time as any to bring it up.
"Uncle Naomasa, there's something else... Shigaraki told me he would be seeing me again soon..." I told him, keeping my voice low enough for only him to hear. He looked pale.
"It sounds like he's going to try and target you again, that's not good..." He trailed off before he collected himself. "But, try not to worry so much. I doubt he'd try anything so soon after pulling something like this, it'd make it too easy to catch him." 
"I'll try not to..." I replied, but I still felt uneasy as we stepped out into the night air. 
"Young Midoriya, Hino, Tsukauchi!" Dad sounded out of breath as he approached, like he'd been running. 
"All Might? But how?" Izuku asked.
"I needed to talk to him anyway." Uncle Naomasa replied as I ran over to him. He wrapped me up in a tight hug, and I had to hold back tears as my Dad held me tight. Dad sighed heavily, almost like he was letting out a breath he'd been holding.
"What a relief, I'm so glad both of you are all right." I felt Dad let go of me with one arm to place a hand on Izuku's head. "I'm so sorry I couldn't be there to protect you and the others." I felt a pang of guilt as I remembered what Dad had said about the last time he hadn't been there to protect someone dear to him. I had gotten myself in trouble and I could have died easily... 
"It's fine." Izuku told him as Dad moved his hand. After a minute, he spoke again. "Um, All Might?"
"Yeah, what is it?" He asked. 
"Do you ever have times when you can't save all the people that you want to?" Izuku asked. The look that crossed my Dad's face... I knew he instantly thought about Mom. Considering Uncle Naomasa got the same look, I knew they both were thinking about Mom.
"Yes, I do. And often." Izuku looked surprised, but I should have figured he would be since he didn't know how my Dad had felt about my Mom. "Someone could be injured and calling out for my help anywhere in the world right now and I would never know about it. I know it's frustrating, but we're only human. There are always going to be people beyond our reach that we can't protect. But, that"d all the more reason to stand tall and smile. So that the "Symbol of Justice" is always there. Even when I can't be, a flicker in people's hearts, whether they be a hero or a villain." 
"They're both worried about what Shigaraki said. But, that was likely the villain's resentment talking. All Might has never failed to save someone after arriving at an emergency. Think we got everything we need, so you're both good. We're all done here." Uncle Naomasa told us.
"Izuku?" My friend and I both turned to see Inko standing there with Officer Sansa.
"Mom?" Izuku asked. She raced to him, grasping his hands as soon as she was close enough.
"Izuku! My baby! I can't do this anymore. I don't think my heart can handle another scare." She sniffled, and I turned my head away as tears stung my eyes, thinking how worried and scared Mom would be if she were here. Nothing scared that woman, but from what Dad had told me, anything bad that happened with me scared her to death. 
"I'm sorry, everything's fine. I'm okay, Mom, there's no need to cry." Izuku reassured her. "The heroes and the police have been taking really good care of Hino and I all night." He told her. She looked at me, tearing up all over.
"Oh, thank heavens you're both okay!" She sobbed as she pulled me into a hug. I hid my face as I hugged her back, feeling like crying that she had worried about me too. As her cries died down to sniffles, Dad spoke.
"I'm so sorry to intrude, ma'am, but since I have to talk with Detective Tsukauchi here but after what happened, I don't feel comfortable leaving Hino home alone... Can I ask that you keep her for the night?" Dad asked. 
"Nonsense, Hino's safe with me and welcome anytime." She answered without missing a beat. I had admit, I had been a bit surprised by it.
"Sansa, make sure they get home safe." Uncle Naomasa ordered. 
"Sir." Officer Sansa saluted in response before ushering me away from my Dad and Uncle. As we drove away, I couldn't shake the threat Shigaraki had told me in my ear before he'd disappeared again. Was it a threat of another attack? Or was he planning something else? 
"I know it's not very comfy, you two, but I figured you two would have more space in here." Inko told us as she set up the couch and a sleeping bag for us in the living room. 
"It's okay, Mrs- I mean, Inko." I changed my trajectory the minute she gave me the look, and it turned into a smile when I called her by name.
"Now, Hinotori, if you need anything, you tell me or Izuku, okay? You both need rest considering what the two of you went through today." Inko told me.
"Thank you for everything." I told her.
"Of course." She smiled, giving her son a kiss on the head before she went to her room. Izuku fell asleep fairly quick after that, but I couldn't sleep. 
How could I with Shigaraki's threat hanging over my head?
(Taglist: @qweenexplosionmurder13 @iheartbarbie )
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hinatastinygiant · 7 months
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8 | Thunderstorm
Pairing: Kaminari x Fem!Reader
Null & Void
On the small stage, a man with blond hair and bright red sunglasses holds a microphone.
"Um, uh, how can you make a mouse smile?" he pauses before quickly adding, "By saying cheese!"
You and Kendo exchange looks of disappointment and confusion, then quickly look away.
"Well, uh, why was the cheese feeling so happy? Because it's gouda brie a good day..."
"Oh my god, it's the worst joke I've ever heard," you groan, just before the audience begins cheering suddenly. You can't tell if they're just drunk, or if they're genuinely enjoying his shitty jokes.
"No way that's actually funny," Kendo adds, shaking her head.
"It was awful, wasn't it?" you sigh as you lean your back against the bar, waiting to hear the next terrible joke come out of his mouth. "I don't know about this place, Ken, it looks good but we should probably be careful just in case they lied to get us to leave that, uh..."
"Fuck warehouse," she grins, owning the crappy word.
"Please don't say that again," you groan, tilting your head to the side at her.
Just then, the bartender approaches from behind you and asks for your drink order. Without looking at him, you request a Manhattan.
"Water's good for me," Kendo smiles softly at him.
"Water, really?" you tease. "You should loosen up before they wonder why we're even here."
"I want to be on alert in case something does happen," she counters.
"Yeah, alright, suit yourself."
Just then, the horrible cheese comedian as you've dubbed him in your head, gets off the stage as some other woman with pink skin shoos him off.
"So, I did have a notebook of jokes to impress a certain someone with how funny I am, but I accidentally melted my own notebook with my quirk. But hey, it's no biggie. He laughed about it when I told him," she begins, her voice raspy. "So I guess that's it for tonight. Goodnight and enjoy your drinks!"
However, she doesn't get off. Instead, she starts dancing. You and Kendo watch as she then makes her way back to the mic. "You know, if I was in trouble with a surveillance officer, I'd just show them my moves. I bet they'd be so impressed they'd just surrender. Why fight 'em when you can dance away the crime?"
"She's not much better," Kendo whispers to you.
"I don't know, she's not bad," you shrug.
Just then, the bartender returns with your drinks. When you turn to face him, you nearly lose your words. You hadn't been expecting a handsome blond man about the same age as you to be staring back at you.
"Thanks," you smile awkwardly, taking your drink.
"No problem," he smiles softly, holding up two thumbs up as he walks away.
"Did he just forget to make us pay?" she chuckles. "I think you flirted away the charge."
"Oh, please," you roll your eyes. "He was a total weirdo."
"Can't say I don't agree," she smiles.
Despite what you've just said, you can't help but watch as he walks out the back door. "Come on," you nudge her in the arm. "Got a lead."
After quickly downing your drink, you go around the side of the building to corner the bartender. There, you pull a knife to his throat. "Hey, you!" you shout.
"Y/N, what the fuck?!" Kendo nearly shrieks before covering her mouth to avoid any attention.
"Are you part of any activist group in this faction?" you ignore her and continue to press.
"Oh my god, he's not going to admit it with you putting a knife to him? Where did you get that from, anyway?" she asks softer this time.
"I swiped it from that warehouse," you admit, not keeping your eyes odd the blonde man.
"Ew, that could have so many diseases on it!"
The man before you starts to tremble and shakes his head. "I, uh, I'm not involved in any group, I swear."
"Bullshit, I heard that girl on stage and I know damn well she wouldn't be comfortable just saying that anywhere," you counter.
But before you can get any further, he begins to emit a bright glow and crackling sound. Remembering you're now in a place where quirks exist, you quickly back up. Minus that time in jail with Stain and Sen from the warehouse, you've never seen a quirk before. You have no idea what this man could be capable of.
When he notices you falter, he elbows you in the gut, grabs your knife, and spins your arm around the back. The wind is knocked out of you as he pins you against the brick wall, pressing your cheek to the cold surface.
"Tell me who the fuck you are!" he shouts.
"Hey, hold on!" another man's voice calls out. From behind Kendo, you see the man from the warehouse approach in a hurry. "Kaminari, it's cool. They're cool. Don't hurt her, she's with me."
"Huh?" Kaminari turns to him.
"What?" you breathe as Kaminari drops his hold on you.
"Wait, who the hell are you?" Kaminari asks as you grab the knife back.
"They're quells," Sen gives away for you both, earning a small scowl from both you and Kendo. "They're from the eighth. I think they just need a place to stay for the night, am I right?"
"Yeah," you agree.
Kaminari looks the two of you up and down before letting out a sigh. "Follow me," he mutters, leading you back into the bar. Inside, he opens an employee's only door and leads you down a set of stairs.
At the bottom, you step into a room with dark metal flooring. There are a few bunks scattered across the space, but what catches your eye is the large amount of puddles with cable wires sticking out of them.
You cautiously approach the center, stepping over the water which almost looks electrified. Yet, Kaminari walks plainly right into each and every one. "Who are you?" you then decide to finally ask him.
"I'm the owner of this place," he smiles as he spins on his heels. "My name is Denki Kaminari."
"And you may already know, but I'm Sen Kaibara," Sen nods, introducing himself properly.
"I'm Kendo and this is my best friend, Y/N. What the hell is all of this, though? It's, uh, not exactly a shelter," Kendo chuckles, obviously a bit unnerved. But before he can say more, another woman comes rushing in. Immediately, the two of you go on guard.
"What's going on in here?" she asks with big, round eyes.
"It's okay," Kaminari says, holding out his hands. "Sen's vouching for them."
Kaminari then walks closer to the woman and pulls her to the side to chat privately. Less than a minute later, another person walks down the set of stairs. This time, it's the pink woman you saw from the stage before. She grins as she sees Kaminari talking to the round-eyed girl.
"Hey, I'm Mina," she smiles. "Guess you two are new recruits or somethin', huh?"
"No, no, no," Kaminari shakes his head. "We're not going big or anything, Mina. They're just staying for the night."
"And I'm Uraraka," the round-eyed woman introduces herself with a polite smile.
"What is this place?" Kendo then asks. But you decide to pay more interest in the side conversation that Kaminari and Mina are having.
"Did you ask Uraraka yet?" she smiles mischievously at him.
"N-No," he mutters.
Just as you're about to interrupt their conversation, you step right into one of the odd puddles on the ground. Immediately, Kaminari shoots electricity out of his body and Mina glares at you.
"Y/N!" Kendo shouts.
As you turn to face your friend, you see she's floating in the air. Immediately, you pull your knife out and point it at Uraraka. "Put her down!" you shout. "Now!"
"Woah, woah," Kaminari rushes toward you.
"Don't get close!" you yell at him before turning back to Uraraka. "I'll hurt you!"
But unfortunately, Kaminari's speed is no match for your reflexes. Before you can realize what he's done, he's zapped the back of your neck with electricity. You hear Kendo call your name once more as you drop to your knees and pass out.
Null & Void
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chidoroki · 2 years
My Hero Academia S6EP1
aka: a recap in disguise
Only a few seconds in and totally vibing with the new OP song.
Alright alright, I enjoyed the art style of the first half of it and thankfully the whole thing didn’t even spoil too much, or anything at all really, which is good. I’m up to date with the manga but I haven’t revisited this arc since their chapters first released, so I only vaguely remember some scenes and whatever else might happen.
Of course I’m happy we’re getting right into the action and they’re not using the first episode as a recap/filler like the past few seasons had.
“Oh, thanks for always being so nice to me, Hawks! You really are a good guy!” But I do remember enough to know hearing that from Twice is gonna hurt later on.
Because of everything that’s going on in the manga now, I’m gonna be so upset whenever we see Edgeshot.
Speak of the devil, there he is. Edge!! You wonderful man! You’re amazing!
Oh yes, and Midnight as well. You kind soul, you deserved so much better.
Chill out Kaminari, you’ll do just fine sweetie!
Although it’s great it isn’t a filler episode, we sure are doing a whole lot of chatter here huh?
God I can’t wait til we get to see Mirko go all out! We’ve waited long enough!
Aw Todoroki siblings! I wanna hug them.
Ah right, that foctor was indeed a fake, oops.
Yeeaah Mirko! Let’s go girl!!
Mhhmm ending song is also nice but oohh Gran Torino’s cape! I forget stuff with him happens, oh no.
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