#kamisato ayato x black reader
blissfullyapillow · 1 year
A beauty that transcends the Sakura Blooms
A beauty that transcends the Sakura Blooms
Genshin Impact
Kamisato Ayato x female reader
wc: 10,128~
Notes: fluff with spice because that’s my special formula (lmao), self indulgent (at this point what isn’t?), black/mixed reader, reader is mentioned to have small hands, reader is eluded to be shorter than Ayato, I wrote this inspired by a tiktok I saw talking about how black readers are typically portrayed in fanfics lol, self love is an avenue to personal growth and new opportunities <3 
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   ♡ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Living a peaceful life as a black individual in Teyvat is easier said than done. Being black is not the only part of my ethnicity, but my skin color and black identity is the first and most essential aspect of myself that others see first. 
I’ve traveled to many nations, and the piercing stares have become the norm for me. It makes blending in difficult, but over time I’ve come into my own and developed my self esteem, so I no longer care for the curious glances in my direction. 
Although, having self confidence doesn’t make the insensitive questions any easier to hear. People have asked me, “Why is your skin color brown?” or “Why is your hair like that?” I’ve even heard people make passing comments like, “I’m surprised her hair isn’t braided” and “Oh my, her skin is so exotic, I want to touch her hair.” One of the most interesting comments I’ve received was, “Wow, your lips are so full. I’ve never kissed a woman with full lips before. How about you be my first?” 
I think that one speaks for itself. 
I shake my head as I focus my attention on the task at hand. Currently, I’m in Inazuma browsing through the various dyes at Ogura Textiles & Kimonos. I tend to buy dyes, kimonos, and high end silks from Ogura Mio, the shop owner. 
The first time I stopped by to find materials for my next project, I overheard her talking about “new” dyes with a blonde traveler and floaty.. thing. 
After the interesting duo left I asked her if I could try one of her “new” dyes, but she refused. I convinced her by agreeing to trade silk flowers from Liyue, since at that time the sakoku decree was still in effect which put a strain on outsourcing. She agreed to this trade deal, and ever since then I’ve been a regular with my usual haul of silk flowers. 
“Oh, Name! You’re back! I have a new dye to show you and- oh Name, how many times do I have to tell you I don’t need you to bring me silk flowers anymore?” Ogura scolds me like an old friend, but she gratefully takes the flowers from my small hands. In return, she completes our usual exchange with a new batch of her experimental dyes. 
I spot a beautiful hue of blue in the pile, and I’m sure my face reflects my obvious excitement. “Do you need any silks? You’re my only customer who gets a special discount, so make sure to put it to use!” I eagerly eye the new silks Ogura has in stock, and I pick out a natural white shade of silk. I make sure to get a feel for the silk before purchasing it, and I thank Ogura for her dyes and her business. 
“No worries Name, we’re friends, you know. Now, let me know how the dye turns out so I can…” Ogura’s eyes widen like saucers, and her voice comically dies mid sentence. I snort at her expression and open my mouth to tease her, but before the words can escape my lips a voice from behind interrupts me.
“My, it certainly seems business is booming for you.” Wait a minute.
My eyes widen as I make eye contact with Ogura. She raises her eyebrows in shock before she fixes her expression to be less comical. As she addresses the man behind me I feel my heart skip more than a few beats.
There’s no way she’s talking to the person I think it is, right?
I hold my breath before I slowly turn my body to glance at the man. His light blue hair reflects the beaming sun above us as his eyes roam over the various silks and dyes offered by Ogura. I almost can’t believe my luck. The esteemed Kamisato Ayato, or Lord as I should say, is here in the flesh. My cheeks flush as I gratefully take in his natural beauty.
Ayato turns to look at the kimonos, and his purple eyes temporarily meet mine. My cheeks instantly heat up as I freeze in place. I notice the soft chuckle he lets out as he sends a wink in my direction before his eyes return to their previous target. 
Oh, my heart.
I silently will myself to calm down and stop being so awkward when Ayato speaks up. “Would it be alright if I request a custom order?” Ayato’s question shocks not only the shop owner but me as well. 
Ogura, you’re so lucky!
Ogura looks a bit conflicted as she ponders her answer. “I’d love to, but I already have a lot of custom orders for the upcoming festival. I can do a custom order for you, but it may take a bit longer than you’d like Lord Kamisato.” Ogura apologetically bows, but Ayato’s small smile remains on his pretty lips. “It’s alright, no worries.” His simple response dictates the end of the conversation. 
Ogura looks remorseful as I watch her mind work a mile a minute. Her eyes scan the faces of people out and about before they land on me, and her eyes light up.
Oh no. No.
My palms sweat as I aggressively shake my head ‘no’ at her, but she dismisses my concerns. “Lord Kamisato, if you’re interested I know a friend who can fulfill your custom order with the finest of silks. Actually, she just bought silks that I’m sure will suit your tastes.” My feet are rooted to the spot as Ayato takes great interest in her words. “Oh? I’d be delighted to meet them.” With that, I turn on my heel in an attempt to make a break for it.
Ogura knows me all too well and is one step ahead, as I feel her arm link with mine as she all but drags me back to her shop, right in front of Kamisato Ayato- or well, Lord Ayato- no wait, Lord Kamisato. My eyes nervously trail over his elegant clothes until they meet his eyes. My observations were brief, but his clothing seems like a fusion of traditional Inazuma clothing and a suit, an item of clothing I’ve seen on my travels to other nations. 
Ayato smiles gratefully in my direction, and he moves a bit closer to study the silk and dye in my arms. I feel flustered with his body so close to mine. I try to calm my rapid, pounding heart with subtle deep breaths. “Ah, I see. Yes, this silk will do, and the dyes look splendid. Of course, this is all only if you are willing to accept my commission…” Ayato looks at a loss for words as his eyes suddenly look into mine, silently asking for my name, and I hope my nerves aren’t as obvious as they feel. I open my mouth to offer my name, but my nerves hinder my ability to respond.
“Name!” Ogura offers my name for me, and Ayato’s eyes shine with a mischievous glint. 
Hmm, what is this man planning?
“Ah, I see. Well Name, it would be my honor if you accept my custom commission.” Ayato ceremoniously bows in front of me, and some onlookers look at us in awe. I feel embarrassed and way more elated than I should. 
It takes me a moment to respond, but once I do I nod my head in compliance. He curiously tilts his head, no doubt wanting verbal confirmation, and I swear to the Archons if this isn’t the one of the most adorable things I’ve ever seen I’ll personally confiscate my vision. 
“Yes! The honor would be mind, Lord Aya- Lord Kamisato!” I embarrassingly correct myself quickly, and bow my head so he can’t see my flushed cheeks. It’s silent for a moment, and I don’t dare raise my head. Ayato’s sweet laughter cuts through the awkward atmosphere, and Ogura isn’t far behind as her own laughter reaches my ears. 
I slowly raise my head and admire the beautiful expression of joy on Ayato’s pretty features. His melodious laughter gradually calms before his eyes gleam in amusement. “Name, you’re an interesting individual. Thank you for accepting my commission. I will reward you with a generous amount Mora once the commission is complete.” In an unexpected action, Ayato moves closer to me and extends one of his partially gloved hands in my direction.
I watch with intense rapture as Ayato gently holds my free hand in his. Ayato gently leans down to press a chaste kiss against the back of my hand, and Archons know it’s taking every fiber of my being not to show how flustered his actions are making me feel. 
My eyes catch Ogura’s wide ones, and although her eyes express shock she’s quick to change her tune and give me two cheeky thumbs up. 
I giggle at that. 
Ayato raises his head to look into my eyes and I admire the resolve that I see swirl within his mesmerizing orbs. 
“Thank you, Name. If you don’t mind, would you accompany me to the Kamisato Estate? Time is of the essence, after all.” Ayato’s words ooze refined elegance and charm, and I find myself agreeing with his words instead of denying his request like I want to.
It’s not like I don’t want to go to the Kamisato Estate, but this is all so sudden! THE Kamisato Ayato is in front of me right now, smiling and actually talking to me, and he even kissed my hand!
In all honesty, I expected him to dismiss me once his eyes roamed my figure. I thought he would turn his head away in disgust as he inevitably looked elsewhere for a commission from someone with a lighter skin tone. 
“Wonderful. If you’ll excuse us, Miss Ogura. Thank you for your business and for the delightful referral.” After a swift exchange of bows between Ayato and Ogura, Ayato leads me to the infamous Kamisato Estate. 
As I pass Ogura I mouth my thanks. I also use the opportunity to express my shock with what I’m sure is an incredulous look on my face.
She simply sends a wink in my direction with a silent “good luck” in reply.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   ♡ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
The trip to the Kamisato Estate is a leisurely one, and this is reflected in the hues of orange and purple displayed with the setting sun. The scenery around us is bathed in a beautiful golden glow, and I admire the golden rays' majestic glow on my skin.
I have to admit, my arms are getting a bit tired from holding all of my materials. Despite this, I refuse to voice my concerns to the Lord mere inches ahead of me. “Name, are your arms tired? I can hold your silks and dyes for you.” My head shoots up to look at Ayato in pure disbelief. 
Ayato chuckles at my expression as I scramble for a reply. “...Can you read minds?” I cautiously pose my question. Ayato blinks owlishly at me for a moment before his melodic laughter graces my ears yet again.
He wordlessly removes the materials from my tired hands, making sure to take it slow in case I rather keep my things to myself. I let him remove the silks and dye from my arms with no resistance. “Thank you, Aya- Lord Kamisato.” I graciously voice my appreciation. Ayato hums to himself for a moment before he voices another question. “Name, what’s your first and last name?” I feel my cheeks warm and I hope he isn’t getting ready to scold me for being improper. Maybe I should start referring to him as Lord Kamisato in my mind so I stop slipping up when I talk to him.
I make sure to speak up before I’m silent for too long. “Name L/N.” I reply. I carefully watch his expression, and it morphs into one of genuine intrigue. “Ah, I see. Such a lovely name for a charming lady such as yourself. Name, if it’s alright with you, may I continue to call you Name? I happen to like how it sounds.” Ayato’s genuine compliment fills me with joy. I’m glad he seems to be accepting of my unexpected last name rather than close minded..
“Of course! I apologize for slipping up with my formalities, Lord Kamisato. It’s very rude of me.” I bashfully apologize to Ayato as I make sure to keep pace with him by his side. Ayato thoughtfully looks off in the distance, and I follow his gaze to what I’m sure is the Kamisato Estate. 
Ayato speaks up, and when I turn to look at him his intense gaze makes it hard for me to look away. “Normally that would be considered rude, but since I’ve been referring to you by your first name all this time I believe it is only right that you refer to me by mine. You may call me Lord Ayato if you wish, but Ayato is just fine.” My jaw drops as I lose my footing, and Ayato is quick to reach a hand out to steady me before I eat dirt. 
I quickly regain my balance. Once I’ve steadied myself, I notice that Ayato skillfully maneuvered all of my materials to his other arm in order to catch me before I fell. 
I also notice that Ayato still hasn’t let go of my arm. 
I feel his eyes on me as I attempt to control my erratic breathing from my near fall. “Sorry.” I mumble. “No worries. Although, I think it’d be wise if I continue to hold onto you. We can’t have you almost falling again.” I look on curiously, wondering what he means by that, and a feeling of bliss explodes in my chest as his gloved hand slowly trails down my arm until they rest against the back of my empty hand.
His hand moves to intertwine with mine. He begins walking again, so I have no choice but to follow. I intently stare at our intertwined hands for the remaining duration of our walk.
I fail to quell the incessant flame that colors my cheeks red. I can only hope he doesn’t catch sight of my burning cheeks.
Although I’m beyond elated at this turn of events, it’s hard for me to believe Ayato doesn’t have any ulterior motives behind his actions. Ayato not only accepted a commission from someone whose skills he knows little about, but he kissed my hand and invited me to the Kamisato Estate, all on day one. On top of that, he’s allowing me to call him by first name.
What is this? A fanfic?
I let that absurd thought leave my mind as Ayato and I finally reach the Kamisato Estate. 
Hopefully I can get answers as I complete Ayato’s commission.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   ♡ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“Ah, milord! You’re back. Just in time for dinner- oh? Who’s this?” I look at the cheerful blonde man in front of me, and his welcoming energy helps to ease the tension in my muscles.
“Ah, Thoma. Thank you, I’ve found someone to fulfill that commission I mentioned to you earlier.” Ayato looks at me in lieu of gesturing in my direction as both of his hands are occupied. For some reason, we’re still holding hands as he has yet to let go.
Thoma, supposedly the cheerful blonde man in front of us, catches sight of our intertwined hands as his eyes glance in my direction. 
A spark of recognition flashes in his eyes, and he sends a dazzling smile in my direction. “Oh, welcome! Since you’re here, why don’t you join us for dinner? Lucky for you, I made extra today.” Thoma’s smile dispels any anxious thoughts I would have, although his recognition doesn’t escape my watchful eyes. 
“Thank you Thoma.” I smile at him, and Thoma returns my smile with a cute laugh. “Well, if you’ll excuse us.” Ayato leads me away, and I wave a temporary farewell to Thoma as I’m guided through the halls of the Kamisato Estate until Ayato leads me into an empty room. 
I gasp as I take in the beautiful interior design of the room. Ayato slowly lets go of my hand as he sets my materials down on a lengthy table in the center of the room. “I apologize for bringing you here so suddenly, but I’d appreciate it if this commission was completed sooner rather than later. If it is alright with you, my retainers can arrange a change of clothes and a bath for you. You may stay in this room for as long as you wish, but I ask that you reside here in the Estate as you work on your commission. That way, you can take all the measurements you need and make adjustments with ease as you progress.” As Ayato relays this information to me, I admire his form as he sits down on the floor below.
I follow suit and sit down across from him. His watchful eyes observe my form.“Of course, I understand. This is honestly a lot, but I’m really thankful for this opportunity so… Thank you. Although, I am curious since you have yet to tell me, and I hope you don’t mind answering.. What exactly do you want me to commission for you?” I curiously eye him, and his calculating gaze catches my interest. 
“Well, I’d like to commission a kimono from you, for myself. I hope that is acceptable.” My eyes widen in surprise, and a giddy giggle slips past my lips before I can stop it. No way! I can finally make a kimono for someone other than my small group of friends, and I’m getting paid for it! 
Wait, before all of that..
“Ayato- I mean, Lord Ayato… um, sorry. I want to ask you another question.” His eyes prompt me to continue, and so I do. “It seems as if Thoma knew something unspoken when you mentioned why I’m here, and your kindness towards me doesn’t make sense at all, considering I should be a complete stranger to you.” Ayato’s eyes glint, and he seems impressed by my astute observations.
“Well done, Name. I’m impressed. Those questions all have an answer, and in due time those answers will be revealed to you. I will return to this room to give you my measurements tomorrow, although if you’d like to begin earlier we may start after dinner.” With that, Ayato stands, but not before he gently brushes his hand against a wayward strand of my hair. 
I’m glad he turns away so he can’t see the goofy grin on my face.
I watch his graceful form leave the room, and I will my heart to slow its rapid march.
Almost immediately after he leaves I hear someone knock before they enter the room. It’s one of Ayato’s retainers, and I’m quickly whisked away for a bath and a comfortable change of clothes. Mere moments later, I find myself seated beside Ayato, Thoma, and Lady Ayaka for dinner.
I don’t even know where to begin, but my addled brain and hungry stomach can only muster enough energy to enjoy the delicious food before me, courtesy of Thoma’s skillful hands.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   ♡ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
I approach Ayato privately after dinner and tell him to meet me in my room. His eyebrows raise and a tease smirk settles on his luscious lips. I realize my mistake, so I quickly backtrack before he can tease me about my suggestive choice of words.
Although, I wouldn’t mind being suggestive with the head of the Kamisato Clan.
Okay, I’m getting way too ahead of myself. 
With minimal teasing on Ayato’s end, I lead him to my temporary room. 
I’m elated when I return to my room to see measuring tape and all the necessary materials I need neatly organized across the center table. “Alright then Mr. Kamisato, are you ready for this?” My confidence finally presents itself as I’m now in my element, ready to get to work.
Ayato chuckles in amusement as he dutifully follows my instructions.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   ♡ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
I have to admit, being close to Ayato like this in nothing but his undergarments is really doing things to me. I know I need to be professional right now, so although I want to admire his physique I focus my attention on acquiring the numbers I need to work on his commission.
It isn’t long before I finish, quite used to this process and Ayato was pleasantly still for me. 
I raise myself up after measuring the length of his legs, and I ask if it’s okay if I finish off by measuring his bust and waist. As I gauge his reaction, I’m blessed with the sight of his flushed cheeks. A rare sight, I’m sure.
Ayato awkwardly coughs before he nods, giving me the go ahead. I cautiously move in closer in case he wants to back out.
That time never comes, and it isn’t long before I’m finished with everything. “All right Ayato, you can get dressed again-” A muffled sound of surprise escapes me when I accidentally slip on the measuring tape whose length reaches the floor below.
I stumble back into Ayato, and I feel his firm chest against my back as his arms wrap around my frame to steady me. “You appear to be quite the klutz, Name.” I abhor the laughter I can hear in his voice, so I turn around to refute his accurate claim. “For your information, Lord Ayato, I’m sleepy and tired right now. I know you need this commission finished as soon as possible so I wanted to get your measurements tonight, but that doesn’t mean I…” My words get caught in my throat when my eyes raise to catch a glimpse of his face.
His purple eyes are burning flames as they travel across the expanse of my face, and I hate how ecstatic I feel as his eyes trail a bit lower, before returning to my face. “You perv, what are you looking at?” I mumble. Ayato hums, and I have to tear my eyes away from his intense stare. “Name, you’re the one fully clothed. If anything, you’re the perv. You were awfully close to my waist you know? You even had your hands all over my person.” I chuckle in disbelief at Ayato’s choice of words.
Ayato laughs at my befuddled expression, and he pulls me in closer. I relish the feeling of his warm skin against me as I close my eyes in content. 
I know I should pull away and conduct myself in a professional manner, but… this feels nice.
Ayato’s laughter dies down after a few moments, and a comfortable silence envelops us. I keep my eyes shut, unintentionally drifting off to sleep. “Name?” Ayato's husky voice simultaneously arouses me and makes me sleepier. “Hm?” I softly reply. 
He’s silent, and I can feel the rise and fall of his chest against my own. Soon, I really am on the verge of being lulled to sleep. I feel his body shift against me, and soon his arms are around me as his breath fans against the shell of my ear. 
“Thank you for your accommodating attitude, Name. May the Shogun bless you with dreams that reflect the beauty of the sakura blooms.” I swear he presses a kiss to my ear before he pulls away and carries me to the bed. 
Butterflies soar the open skies of my thumping heart, and in a breathless whisper his name falls from my lips.
I feel the way Ayato’s body stiffens, so I slowly open my eyes.
His purple orbs hold a softness I formerly believed they were incapable of holding, and in one swift movement he sets me down on my bed. “Rest well Name, I shall visit you in the morning.” I stare into his eyes, and almost as if we can read the other’s thoughts, we both lean towards the other.
I abruptly stop moving, surprised by my own actions. What has gotten into me? I don’t know this man, I know of him and his reputation, but not him. There’s no need to be hasty here, and in the first place I shouldn’t be thinking about my employer like this.
Ayato watches my movements with hooded eyes, and it seems he has an inkling of what my current thoughts are. He slowly leans forward to press a gentle kiss against my forehead. His hand hovers over my head, but he withdraws it before he whispers a cordial “goodnight” before he moves away. 
I shut my eyes as he dresses himself, and I hear his soft footsteps as he leaves.
It isn’t long before I drift off to sleep with more questions than answers and conflicting feelings fluttering around in my chest. 
Unbeknownst to me, Ayato was pressed up against the nearest wall outside, flushed  cheeks covered by his pretty hands. His closed eyes concealed the whirlwind of emotions that blew the soft petals of sakura blooms into the welcoming winds of his heart.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   ♡ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
I had a surprisingly refreshing rest, and my dreams were unexpectedly sweet. Of course a certain blue haired lord was at the center of my dreams, but I think I’ll keep that tidbit to myself. 
My morning is more or less uneventful, as the same retainer from before brings me a change of clothes along with breakfast. It isn’t long before I continue working on Ayato’s kimono.
I ask the retainer if I can see Ayato whenever he is available, and the retainer dutifully leaves to deliver my message. Minutes later, Ayato knocks before entering my room.
“Oh! You’re here earlier than I expected. I won’t take much of your time. I just wanted to know what your favorite color is.” I wait for his response to reach my ears as I mull over the array of dyes I have to choose between, including the ‘new’ blue dye I acquired from Ogura. 
“You’re my favorite color.” My head shoots up and my ears pound as I take in Ayato’s fond expression that’s blatantly directed at me. He moves to sit beside me, and he carefully observes the array of dyes spread out before us. 
I heard that incorrectly, right?
It isn’t long before Ayato hands me the dye of his choice, and of course it’s the ‘new’ blue dye I picked out with Ogura. He picks a second option, an elegant deep hue of purple that graces my eyes. “Ooh, I can work with this! Thanks, Ayato. I know you’re busy so you can leave now. I’m going to get to work.” With that, I begin to work on Ayato’s Kimono.
He stays for a while and watches the process before he stands up to leave, wishing me a pleasant farwell. I finally let out the breath I was holding as my face explodes in a beautiful burst of red.
I would’ve believed I heard his earlier statement incorrectly if he hadn’t whispered the words again in my ear, flustering me all over again.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   ♡ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Three hours of peace pass before I hear another knock. I place my work in progress down on the table as I stand up and stretch. I voice a greeting, and lo and behold Ayato walks through the door with a stack of papers in his hands. 
As I stretch my legs I watch him walk into the room with obvious intrigue. He wordlessly makes his way over to the lengthy table I was previously working at. He sets his paperwork down on it before he joins me in stretching. I eye the way his arms stretch above his head, and the satisfied sigh that escapes those pretty lips as his stretch comes to a conclusion.
I admire him for a moment longer before his eyes flutter open, and I quickly avert my gaze in hopes of not getting caught staring. I finish my stretch before I return to the table, but not without catching Ayato's knowing smirk as I walk past him.
Ugh, whatever. 
Once I’m comfortable I continue where I left off. Ayato sits himself down beside me. It takes a moment, but Ayato takes a single sheet of paper from the large pile of papers he brought in. He sits up as he carefully reads it over, pen in hand. 
I come to the sudden realization that he brought all of his paperwork with him to visit me; He fully intends to do his paperwork beside me as I work on his kimono. 
I ignore the flip of joy my heart does as I focus my attention on completing Ayato’s commission.
I pretend I don’t notice the way Ayato subtly moves closer to me.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   ♡ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
I allow a yawn to escape as I safely store my work in progress. Ayato only has a paper or two left to sign, and I’ve made decent headway on his kimono. I have to say I adore the contrast of the beautiful blue hue to the natural white silk of the kimono. I’m taking creative liberty with the design, so it’s taking me a bit longer than anticipated to precisely sew intricate blue camellias along the kimono. 
Despite the intricacy of the design I’m sewing, it should only take another measly two hours to finish, three at most. Actually, I should relay this information to Ayato. 
I turn around to do just that, but I wind up staring at Ayato as he reads the words on the paper in front of him. His brows are furrowed, and whatever’s written on the paper is clearly causing an internal dilemma for him. 
Okay, I’m a bit curious..
I return to my previous position beside Ayato, and I sit down beside him. He doesn’t say anything, but one of his hands gently reaches over to rest on top of mine. I ignore how delightful his hand feels on mine in favor of stealing a nosy glance at the paper he’s reading.
I catch a glimpse of the word ‘marriage’ and I abruptly look away. 
Marriage was not the word I expected to see. I feel my cheeks burn as I imagine this isn’t the first time Ayato’s received a letter like that. Why did I think for even a moment that- “Name, I apologize to ask this of you after you graciously agreed to my previous request, but may I ask something else of you?” I feel Ayato’s hand gently curl around mine, and although I know I should pull my hand away I curl mine around his in reciprocation. 
“Yes, you may.” Is my verbal response. I study Ayato’s handsome features, and I take joy in the noticeable way his eyes soften at the sound of my voice. “I originally needed a Kimono for the upcoming festival, but now there seems to be a delightful change in plans, if you will permit.” My eyebrows raise in curiosity, and as a prompt for him to continue. 
Ayato smooths a gloved thumb over the back of my hand, and I watch as he clearly contemplates his next words.
“To be frank, I’m quite tired of all these marriage proposals, and it just so happens a suitable candidate is already by my side. So, if you would do me the honor..”
My mind struggles to process Ayato’s words as he turns his body to face me, and he tenderly grapes both of my hands in his. 
Bashful doesn’t even begin to describe how I feel. I avert my eyes so I don't fall prey to his captivating features, especially his stupid beauty mark.
Ayato leans in close to my ear to whisper against it, “Name, look at me.” I take a steadying breath before obliging his request, and the emotion that swirls in his eyes inadvertently makes me squeeze his hands. He squeezes mine back before he finally voices his additional request.
“Would you do me the honor of being my wife?” My entire body explodes and I’m sure I’m unfortunately as red as a shiny red apple. Ayato studies my reaction for a moment before he bursts into laughter. My heart sinks, thinking he’s toying with me, but before I can remove my hands from his he tightens his grip on my hands as he pulls me against him.
I let out a yelp of surprise as I fall against him. He laughs as his arms wrap me in a hug. “Pardon my bad manners, but your face was utterly adorable. Yes, I want you to be my wife, but only for the night. If rumors circulate about me having a fiance, these pesky proposals will all but disappear from the incessant pile of paperwork I must look over.” 
I contemplate his words, and although the word ‘temporary’ and the fact he is indirectly using me leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, I decide to agree on one condition. “I’ll be your ‘fiance’ under the condition that you tell me the real reason you asked me of all people to sew your kimono.” I look up to see the way Ayato’s eyes reflect genuine excitement and subtle surprise. 
“My, insistent aren’t you? Alright, I agree to those terms.” Ayato loosens his hold on me, giving me the opportunity to escape his arms if I should choose. I remain in his arms and lean my head against his chest. Ayato hums a tune to himself as he holds me against him. 
“I’m sure it won’t come as a surprise to you if I say I may have had some… influence on how we met.” My eyes widen, and my heart pounds against my chest. I honestly suspected as much, as things had gone a little too smoothly with someone as high caliber as the head of the Yashiro Commission. 
“I will mention I’ve seen sparse glances of you around Inazuma, and you have piqued my interest. Not for the ill intent you may be thinking, I assure you, but for other reasons I do not wish to divulge. Not today, at least.” I can’t help but giggle a little at how sheepish that last sentence sounded, and Ayato awkwardly coughs to cover up what I’m sure is a bit of embarrassment.
“Regardless, I have been eager to get to know you personally, and our meeting at Ogura Textiles and Kimonos was just a wonderful event ordained by fate. Does this answer satisfy your curiosity?” Ayato slowly runs a hand along my back as he waits for my response. 
Honestly, it does, but I still have one question. “Why did you want to get to know me?” My words come out a little strained, and I hope he doesn’t question it. As much as I’ve enjoyed my time at the Kamisato Estate, I would hate to realize a man of such power only intended to use me. I’ve endured enough mistreatment from others already.
“Oh dear, it seems I’ve only managed to distress you instead of alleviate your concerns. Alright then, I’ll be completely transparent with you.” Ayato gently places his hands on my shoulders before he slowly pulls me back to look at him. I tentatively look into his elegant purple orbs as he speaks. 
“Do you recall a kimono you sold through Ogura? A furisode kimono with a Same Komon pattern?” I quickly rack my brain. 
A furisode kimono? I previously sold some of my designs through Ogura, which she gave me the mora for, just to see how well my designs would be perceived with the people of Inazuma. Fortunately, they sold out rather quickly, and one of the customers was a sweet young lady who returned to Ogura Textiles and Kimonos just to relay her thanks. 
Oh, wait, that same young lady was the one who bought the furisode kimono I made. From what I remember she was very pretty, kind, and well mannered. ..Now that I think about it, she resembled Ayato in many ways. 
“Yes, I remember. A respectful young lady personally gave me her thanks after buying the kimono. Why? Do you happen to know her-” Suddenly the words die in my throat and my eyes widen in realization. Ayato smiles at me since I finally put two and two together.
“That young lady is my younger sister, Kamisato Ayaka. Remember we had dinner together? Honestly, I learned of you and your work through her. I thought I’d catch a glimpse of the person who made Ayaka’s kimono, so I attempted to locate you. I used some outside help, but I managed to catch sight of you walking the streets of Inazuma. I have to say, when I saw you for the first time you were truly breathtaking, and a beautiful sight to behold.” Ayato all but gushes his admiration of my work and my perceived beauty, and I may as well be putty in his hands.
“O-Oh…” Is all I can shyly mutter. Ayato gently trails a hand down my arm as he silently gauges my expression. “I see, that makes a lot more sense. I’m so sorry for being suspicious of you, I’ve just had a lot of bad experiences with others across the nations and I..” I gulp and take a moment to catch my breath, as the delicate emotions I’m feeling cause my voice to waver. Ayato traces unknown shapes on my arm, and remains a comforting presence as I gather myself. 
“I just don’t want to be hurt again.” I whisper. “I understand.” Is his compassionate murmur of perception.
Although it’s silent afterwards, I feel like a weight has been lifted off my chest. I usually brush off offensive comments made about me, and I’m used to suppressing my feelings in order to cope with the many stressors of life. Some of those daily stressors are things that others will never experience in their lifetime. 
So to hear genuine understanding and empathy in two simple words, well…
I truly feel that he understands what I mean. 
I close my eyes as I rest my head against his chest yet again, and he happily complies with my actions. “Ayato…” I breathe. “Hm?” He hums in question.
“I’ll happily be your wife.”
His hand pauses its soothing motions on my back, and I can feel more than hear the way his breath hitches as his chest stills on inhalation.
A beat passes before he exhales. His free hand trails down my arm to hold my smaller hand in his bigger one. 
“I’d love nothing more.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   ♡ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“Ayato, aren’t I just pretending to be your wife?” The only response Ayato offers to my question is a muffled “yes” against the juncture of my neck.
I shiver as his breath fans across my sensitive neck, but I make no effort to move.
I can hear the gentle pitter patter of the rain outside as Ayato comfortably snuggles against me.
“Wouldn’t this be deemed ‘inappropriate behavior’ by your retainers?” I ask. “It doesn’t matter, I am perfectly able to comprehend and make my own decisions.” Ayato gives me a response that isn’t muffled this time.
With a blissful sigh, I finally relax against him as he pulls me impossibly closer to him. 
Our limbs are tangled together on my bed. Ayato visited my room earlier, and after a few swift knocks he entered my room and plopped himself down beside me.
I was still groggy and not fully awake yet, so I didn’t completely register everything that was happening as I welcomed Ayato into my arms with a soft giggle.
I was tired.
And totally not thinking straight.
Despite that, this does feel nice. Being held like this.
I detest the way my heart beats a steady rhythm against my chest as I feel more at ease than I have over the past couple of days. “Isn’t today that fancy event thing you’re supposed to attend? With the kimono I sewed for you?” I gently run my hands through the light blue strands of Ayato’s hair, and he releases a dreamy sigh against my neck.
“Yes, but that doesn’t occur until later, and that is where you will be presented as my fiance.” My hands suddenly stop moving through his hair. Ayato grumbles disapprovingly at this. He reaches up and uses his hand to guide mine in continuing their former movements.
“W.. Wait, but aren’t I supposed to be trained for that? What if I say something wrong or I make a bad impression? I don’t want it to affect you or your reputation..” I verbally voice my concerns, but Ayato doesn’t reply. 
“Ayato, I’ll continue if you respond.” Ayato’s response is quick after my words reach his pink tinted ears.
“You do not need to worry yourself over something so miniscule, Name. Whether they like you or not is none of your or my concern. From what I’ve seen of you over the course of these past few days, I have no concerns. I’m sure that you’ll be able to handle yourself just fine. You naturally conduct yourself in a manner that is suitable to be my fiance.” Ayato’s words subdue my anxious thoughts, but they have the added side effect of making me blush.
I resume running my fingers through his soft hair, and he hums in satisfaction. “You’re really clingy to someone you hardly know.” “Well, let’s change that.” “What do you-” I cut myself off as Ayato removes his head from my neck to send a charming smile in my direction. 
“You know my favorite color, but what is yours?” Ayato watches my face closely. “I, um, purple. I love the color purple, especially light purple. I like all shades of purple though.”  I answer. “Hmm. How lovely, purple is an elegant and graceful color. It is befitting for an individual such as yourself.”
“I swear to the Archons, Ayato!” I bashfully cover my mouth with my free hand as I look away, and I feel the way his chest rises and falls, pressed against mine, with his boisterous laughter. 
“Are you not used to such genuine compliments, Name?” Ayato teasingly trails a finger down my arm, and I refuse to look at what I know is a teasing smirk on his lips.
“W-Well yes, and um.. you’re really handsome, so hearing those words from someone like you is a dream come true. You’re a genuinely good person as well, so it’s kind of hard for me to believe that you can see me in that way.” I whisper. I close my eyes and take a deep, calming breath before opening them again.
When I look at Ayato’s face, I’m graced with the presence of a pink blush on his cheeks. I pointedly look at his beauty mark that is oh so close to my face, and it takes a lot of willpower for me not to lean in and kiss it. 
I watch as Ayato awkwardly coughs in an attempt to cover his embarrassment, and that action is what leads me into a giggling fit.
How can this man tease me relentlessly, yet the moment I compliment him in return he’s a flustered, blushing mess?
I’m almost tempted to compliment him again, if only to see what other pretty expressions he can make.
Ayato continues to smile at me fondly as my laughing fit slowly dies down. 
My next action is honestly out of my control. I can’t help it when he’s smiling at me with such profound adoration in his eyes. 
I give in to the urge and quickly lean in to press a tender kiss against his beauty mark, and I gaze deeply into his eyes as I pull away.
He’s frozen for a moment.
Or two.
Before his entire face is redder than I’ve ever seen it as he sputters and tries to come up with something to say, only to be at a loss for words. 
“Ayato? Are you okay?” I jokingly ask him. 
It feels very empowering to know I can fluster him just as much as he flusters me.
Ayato covers the lower portion of his face with his bare hands. He looks at the bed in favor of looking at me. 
“Can you give me a second? I need a moment.” Ayato’s bashful words elicit a grin out of me. 
I watch in amusement as Ayato visibly takes a few deep breaths in an attempt to collect himself. “This is a sight I could get used to.” I tease. 
I lean my head against a propped hand, and Ayato’s eyes reluctantly follow the action.
A few moments later, Ayato shyly moves closer to me, and I allow him to wrap his arms around me yet again.
“Please speak of this to no one.” 
“No promises.”
“No promises.” 
I love the way he groans in acceptance as he chooses to bury his face in the juncture of my neck again. 
Oh, this is fun.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   ♡ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“Don’t apologize.” “Sorry.” “Name.”
This is the fourth time tonight I've apologized. This time it was because I clumsily bumped into Ayato. 
I’ve been sticking to Ayato’s side like glue as he talks to various important figures of Inazuma, and I’m doing my best to remain calm under the pressure of so many judgemental stares.
Ayato has more or less been my rock throughout this entire evening, and I’m beyond grateful to him for it. I can’t help but think that I should show him how much I appreciate his guidance tonight in some way, granted he is the reason I’m in this situation to begin with. 
For some stupid reason the thought causes a perverted smirk to present itself on my face.
I quickly catch myself when Ayato turns to look at me, and his eyes widen at my expression. I wipe the smirk off my lips, but it’s too late.
A similar smirk to my previous one finds its way onto his pretty lips. I can’t help but notice the way his smirk lifts the cute beauty mark near his lips. 
Ayato leans down to whisper in my ear. My cheeks warm as his tall figure lowers to my height. “Wow, Name. I never imagined I’d see such a lecherous look on your face.” Ayato’s breath tickles the shell of my ear, and the feeling causes a pitiful whimper to escape me. I enjoy the way Ayato’s breath catches at the sound. 
Ayato and I are taking a breather in a secluded area so I’m not too worried about someone spotting us, although it’s still a possibility. 
Ayato brought me out into the empty halls earlier when he noticed my stiff shoulders, and the small act of his hands wrapping around mine as he led me away from the prying eyes of the crowd… well..
Let’s just say my heart skipped a few beats. 
And my eyes may have sparkled.
My mind is drawn back to the present when his nose grazes the skin of my neck. I let out a gasp at the feeling of his soft lips pressed against my neck. “Ayato-” I grasp the sleeve of his kimono in a futile attempt to ground myself. 
Ayato groans as his lips slowly trail sweet kisses down my neck. 
I jump when the sound of footsteps reach my ears, and my heart lurches.
This is super improper! It’ll be bad for Ayato if someone sees us like this.
“Ayato, someone’s-” The rest of my words are incomprehensible as Ayato gently sucks on a sensitive spot on my neck. Now both of my hands are gripping his kimono, and I hear a startled noise from a few feet away.
The sound of footsteps fade away, accompanied by an awkward cough. I almost care about the fact someone saw us like this, but I can hardly muster the energy to as Ayato’s lips cast a captivating spell on the skin of my neck. Ayato pulls away once the sound of footsteps can no longer be heard. 
Ayato tilts his head up to look into my eyes. “Name.” My name sounds hoarse on his lips, and his name escapes my own in a hushed whisper.
My body acts before my mind can catch up, and I find myself leaning into Ayato’s welcoming lips. Ayato’s groan reaches my ears once our lips finally meet, and the stress from this entire evening leaves my body as I melt into Ayato. 
Ayato’s arms wrap around me to gingerly hold me against him as his body all but sinks against mine.
Our lips mold together perfectly, and if I wasn’t so engrossed in the kiss I would feel embarrassed by the moan I let out.
Ayato’s hand slowly trails down my body until it rests against the small of my back. 
As much as I’m enjoying the kiss, my body’s demand for oxygen becomes too much. I gently tap Ayato’s shoulder for him to pull away, and he languidly breaks our kiss. 
Ayato’s wistful sigh elicits a giggle out of me. We stare into each other’s eyes as our heavy breaths mingle in the short distance between our lips.
“Ayato, shouldn’t we return-” 
His mouth steals the rest of the words from my lips. I squeak when he slowly pushes me back into the solid wall behind me. 
This time I’m the one to pull away, and I blush when his lips chase mine in a desperate attempt to continue our kiss. 
“Ayato, wait please.” His lips abruptly stop chasing mine, and he groans in reluctant compliance. I take in his hooded eyes and ruddy cheeks, and that’s when I know.
This feeling is indisputable, but I still try to resist it nonetheless. “Name, I’m sorry if I got carried away… I..” Ayato trails off, and I quickly correct him before he can misunderstand my actions. “Ayato, honey, you didn’t do anything wrong. If you couldn’t tell, I leaned in too. I just broke the kiss since it may be a bit improper for the Yashiro Commissioner to be caught fervently kissing his fiance against the wall. If you’d like to continue, we’d have to go somewhere private.” Ayato’s eyes widen at my bold words, and I can visibly see the moment he finally registers that someone did in fact walk in on us kissing.
Instead of the panicked reaction I partly expected to see, a devilish smirk upturns his captivating lips.
This man is almost too attractive for his own good.
Actually, no, he is. And he knows it too.
“Alright. Then if my fiance permits it we shall return to the function to give our farewells. It is getting awfully late, and I’d hate to neglect the needs of my pretty wife.” A furious heat blazes across my entire body at his suave words, and he watches my reaction with amusement and another emotion I can not name.
“Ayato, did you only kiss me so someone would see? So they couldn’t question whether I was actually your wife- or, well, fiance.” Ayato’s eyes lower at my words, but I catch the hurt in his eyes.
I hate the way my heart hurts at his saddened expression. He begins to pull back a little, but I tighten my grip on his sleeves and pull him into me again.
“I-I don’t want to doubt you Ayato. I’m sorry, I just… I’m sorry, it’s not you. I believe your actions and your words, you’ve given me no reason to doubt them thus far.” Ayato sucks in a breath, and he allows me to press a kiss against his lips.
My kiss tells him the rest of the words that get caught in my throat. He immediately accepts my kiss, and overwhelming relief relaxes my tense shoulders. 
His acceptance tells me that he understands all the words I couldn’t say; he accepts me nonetheless.
When we part again, this time I’m the one who chases after him. Ayato chuckles as he allows me to kiss him again. “I understand. I don’t mind, we’ll move at whatever pace you are comfortable with. Whatever it is my wife wishes, I am more than happy to oblige her requests.” Ayato pulls away from me, and I watch as Ayato gets down on one knee in front of me. I allow him to tenderly hold my shaking hand in his.
My eyes water as he presses a sweet kiss against the back of my hand, and a tear slides down my cheek when he turns my hand over to press a delicate kiss against the palm of my hand. 
Before he can rise to his feet I practically throw myself into his arms.
“My, what’s gotten you so emotional?” Ayato knowingly murmurs the question despite knowing the answer. He silently holds me against him as more tears travel down the valley of my cheeks. 
It takes a few moments before I allow Ayato to see my tear stained face. He dutifully wipes my tears with a handkerchief. 
There’s no judgment in his eyes, and a well meaning smile placates any concerns I would’ve had. 
Once all of my tears are dried Ayato and I return to the function to give everyone our farewells before Ayato escorts me back to my room for the night.
He follows me inside my room, and he comically walks over to my bed and flops down onto his back. I can’t help but smile fondly at the sight of the esteemed Kamisato Ayato spread out like a starfish on my bed.
“Name, you can do more than just stare. I give you permission to touch.” The teasing lit to his voice immediately causes me to fluster. 
This man will be the death of me.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   ♡ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
The first thing I register is the soothing sensation of fingers playing with my hair. I coo as I snuggle closer to the smooth skin of my pillow. 
My pillow doesn’t normally have smooth, warm skin….
I slowly pry my bleary eyes open. I struggle to adjust to the dim lighting of the room as I change my position. “Shh, go back to sleep.” Ayato’s low voice murmurs against my ear. 
I’m silent as Ayato hums, and my thoughts run a mile a minute as I try to remember what happened last night. 
From what I can recall, we changed into our nightwear before sitting side by side on my bed, just talking about how we feel about everything that’s happened and what we’d like to do moving forward. 
Unfortunately I fell asleep during the conversation. I was really tired, and Ayato’s steady pulse against the shell of my ear only encouraged me to rest. 
Now, I all but purr as Ayato plays with my kinky hair. “Did I give you permission to touch my hair?” I joke. Ayato's hand stops its soothing motions. Before he can completely withdraw his hand, I whine and place my hand over his to return his hand to its previous position. 
Ayato lets out a booming laugh as he continues to play with my hair. “It certainly seems as if our roles have been switched, hm?” I can only laugh as I recall an earlier time when Ayato was the one in my position. 
“I don’t mind, it feels wonderful.” I snuggle against his chest. My hand eagerly intertwines with his, and he willingly weaves his hand with mine. As his thumb rubs soothing shapes into the back of my hand, I splay my free hand against his chest. 
My eyes open again, and this time it doesn’t take me long to adjust to the dim lighting. I look at his face to gauge his reaction as I basically feel him up.
I adore the way his eyes squeeze shut and his face explodes in a delightful burst of red. 
“A-Ah, Name, I didn’t take you for the handsy type..” I snicker as he makes no attempt to stop me. 
A comfortable silence accompanies the peaceful atmosphere. My mind wanders, and it isn’t long before I voice a question. “How do you think last night went?” I ask.
Ayato squirms as one of my fingers brush over his nipple, but his hands don’t falter in my hair and his thumb continues its comforting movements. “I think everything went over smoothly. The individual who saw us made it much easier to get the point across; I’m a taken man.” Ayato sighs in content when my hand trails up to play with the baby hairs at the nape of his neck.
Ayato’s hand mimics my action, and I involuntarily shiver when he gives a playful tug to the little hairs on the nape of my neck. Ayato doesn’t say anything, but he resumes his previous playing of my hair, minus the hair tugging. 
I pout.
He isn’t tugging my hair. 
I think back on his words, and my cheeks warm when I remember what he said. “Wait- what do you mean by ‘I’m a taken man?’” “Name, aren’t you my fiance?” “I mean, in theory, yes-” 
I’m stunned by the sound of surprise that Ayato makes in response to my words. 
Did I say something wrong?
Ayato removes his hand from my hair to lift my chin. My eyes swirl with overflowing emotion as his alluring purple orbs stare deep into my eyes. 
“Yes, you were correct when you said ‘in theory,’ but I believe we should change that.” Ayato lets go of my chin and untangles himself from me. 
I sit up in bed as I watch him walk over to the possessions he left here the evening prior. “Ayato..?” He doesn’t respond as he riffles through his things until he finds what he’s looking for.
I get out of bed to see what he’s found. Before I can walk over to him he’s in front of me.
Except he’s kneeling before me on one knee, just like he did last night. 
He wordlessly slips something on my finger, and then he kisses the back of my hand.
“I know we’ve only known each other for a short period of time, but if you’ll allow me, I’d love to know you more intimately. From what I have seen you are an exceptional woman, Name. I have no qualms with letting go of my inhibitions around you, and this is normally a feeling that eludes me in many of my personal relationships. I’d be elated to have you as my fiance Name, not in theory, but in reality. Alas this is only if you’ll grace me with the honor of-” “You’re talking too much.” Ayato’s head shoots up so fast at my words that it’s almost comical. I immediately seal the deal with a passionate kiss against his lips before he can ask the meaning behind my words. 
I lean into the kiss until I fall against him, and he easily catches me in his warm embrace. When we both pull away for much needed air, I give him the verbal confirmation his eyes wordlessly ask for. 
“Yes, I’d love to be your fiance. Hopefully one day I’ll be your wife, if you will ever be so kind as to bless me with the opportunity…” I giggle as I mimic his previously formal tone as he basically proposed to me. His cheeks light ablaze in a color I’m slowly growing fond of.
“I am grateful to have you in my life. Thank you, Name.” “Yeah, yeah. Now kiss me again. Oh, and tug on my hair. I love that.” Ayato’s incredulous facial expression makes me laugh. 
As my bubbly laughter sounds throughout the room Ayato’s fond smile makes me feel at home.
He lifts himself off the floor with me in his arms before he gently places me on my bed. He’s quick to cuddle with me as sunlight streams into the room. Pure elation causes my eyes to water as the sunlight gleams against the ring he placed on my finger.
I close my eyes as I listen to Ayato’s heartbeat. A goofy grin presents itself on my lips, and I’m sure it’ll be a long time before it leaves.  
I feel a tug on the little hairs at the nape of my neck, and a mewl slips past my lips at the pleasant sensation. “Oh? Now that’s a sound I can get used to.” I playfully swat Ayato’s shoulder as his body shakes with laughter.
He presses a multitude of tender kisses all over my face, and there’s nowhere else in Teyvat I’d rather be. 
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dat-bruv-person · 1 year
༉‧₊˚. not your average ayato arranged marriage trope.
a/n: so you know those ayato fics where you guys get in an arranged marriage but you live him and he doesn't live you back? Yeah... this is one of those but MY way. (My way or the highway)
gn!reader, poc!reader friendly <3 reader has a dendro and electro vision.
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
So, the story starts with you. This whole thing started because you wanted more money and power and status, because who doesn't? Now, what sets you apart from the other clans is that you care for your workers and pay them well, so naturally, your reputation is very high in Inazuma. However... money is the reason we exist! Everybody knows it, it's a fact - kiss kiss <3 Now, which other clan in Inazuma has a handsome, rich and highly respected leader? I know! The Yashiro Commission, or the Kamisato Clan. After a few talks, papers were signed and arrangements were made for you guys to be wed.
Ayato was only doing this because a lot of other suitors were on his sister's heels, and he cared too much about her to just let her be thrown away. So, he signed the marriage contract with no feelings for you. We all know why you signed, gold digger, so everything is in place.
The first date was... interesting. You both arrived, looking very attractive, and stood there. Awkwardly. Now, don't get me wrong, you are a wise and powerful person, your dendro vision is very strong when used simultaneously with your electro vision, and Ayato is no doubt a dangerous person with a chilling smile, yet you two just plastered your fake smiles on your faces and kissed each other on the cheek. A long day was ahead, discussing how your clans would be linked, a dinner date, more discussing, brunch, even more discussing, and then going home. It seemed more like a school day rather than an outing. Nevertheless, date 1 was completed.
Date 2: a stroll by the docks, hand in hand. You turned out to be very good at being a fake ass bitch/bastard because even Ayato believed that you were truly in love with him for a second or two. Poor him. His poker face remained, though, never cracking.
Along the way, you two had a little run-in, shall we phrase it that way, and a gang of nobushis were surrounding a small girl. Ayato simply... looked the other way. First of all, how dare he? A small, helpless girl was in danger, and he just decides to... ignore it? Rich people sometimes. You hastily stepped in and wielded your weapon with grace yet brutally slayed the nobushi. Oh, how overjoyed the little girl was that you were there to save her! She clung to you and cried, her parents were dead, they were gone forever! You didn't mind Mr Kamisato telling you that this is unprofessional and you should just leave her so that the Tenryou Commission can take care of her, you decided to take her back home with you.
Despite the interruption, you two carried on your... I don't even know what to call it anymore. You just hated him with your whole heart. How do have the audacity to tell someone not to save a child, call it unprofessional to her face, and side-eye you the entire walk back? Honestly. It's for the money, you told yourself - it's for the money.
3rd date: everything just falls apart. There's you and him throwing passive-aggressive comments at each other, you winning the argument and muttering the slyest little insults known to man at him, and there's Ayaka, who accidentally asked if the little girl was yours and Ayato's. She did have your skin tone, and her face did resemble the latter, having pretty, long, blue hair - anyone could've made that mistake! But, here we are. You: disgusted with the man sitting in front of you, and Ayato: quite displeased with you. There was still hope, you got your benefits, a daughter that isn't actually yours but you loved her nonetheless, and a nice house. Amazing.
Fast-forward to the present; you've been married to Ayato for 2 years now and every day he comes home tired and not wanting to talk to anyone. Fair enough, everyone has their bad days, but this was more than that. He just seemed... bored. Your life with him wasn't your favourite thing about being a part of the Clan, but your daughter - Aarya - and all the extra money you got were keeping you sane. So, you smiled to yourself.
Life was okay.
443 notes · View notes
m1d-45 · 2 years
the thoma one, god i love him. what a sweetheart :') but like.......what would happen if we went to the kamisato estate with him. and like. the siblings caught us. would they be on our side or would ayato call for our arrest immediately. would thoma still try to help us once he realized or does his loyalty override that. i am dying to know 👀
silent conclusions
summary: the kamisato estate is welcoming, thoma and ayaka are kind, ayato is… ayato.
word count: exactly 4000. very cool
-> warnings: spoilers for inazuma archon quest, exactly one (1) swear word, ayato is a little shit (affectionate), if your name is maple uh… whoops?
-> lowercase intended!
taglist: @samarill || @thenyxsky || @genshin-impacts-me || @5sos-wdw
@yoshikuno and @alexteea asked for part threes- sorry if you didn’t wanna be tagged
<<first part || < masterlist >
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teleport waypoints, despite being incredibly convenient, take large tolls.
the moment your feet were on solid ground again you reached, latching onto the closest person as your vision swam with vertigo. bile rose in your throat once more, exacerbating your nausea. though you managed to wash out some of the saltwater with the tea—shockingly sweet, from what you remember of green tea—it still soaked your tongue.
two people are talking, voices just out of focus, and the person you grabbed sets their hand over yours.
you’re thankful they give you a moment’s pause, and you take deep breaths. slowly, the stone beneath you is less blinding, and you can see that you’re outside the kamisato estate. the white and purple walls are tall, imposing, two guards stationed in front of the entrance. it looks like light security, but you figure nobody could be bold enough to try anything anyways.
you pull your hand from your support, hoping your gaze show your apology as you look at-
he glances at you, eyes flicking over you once before returning to his talk with hisashi.
oh fuck.
thoma appears from your other side and takes you by the arm, walking for the entrance to the estate. “come on, let’s get you inside.”
you follow in a daze, still thrown off by the fact that you grabbed the arm of the yashiro commissioner after teleporting. you’re certain that most people would be knocked off in an instant—or worse—if not by him then by those around. you can’t tell which is more shocking: the fact that he didn’t seem upset afterwards, or that hisashi let you get so close in the first place.
the courtyard is full of life, plants lining the outer edge and the raised patio-like platform in the middle. the various workers around the area stare a little more at you than you’d like, but since thoma is besides you they don’t give you much trouble. the emblem of the kamisatos ripples on the flags they’re printed on, moved by a silent breeze.
the guards in front of the door eye you with more suspicion, and step inwards over the door as you approach, spears crossing in an X. thoma’s steps halt unnaturally, and you can see confusion on his face out of the corner of your eye.
“who is with you, retainer?”
right. ayato had directed the conversation at the teahouse to your charges, not to you. you never got a chance to tell your name—not that you would have told the truth, incase history tried to repeat itself.
“the commissioner has employed new help,” he said, wisely keeping back the part where you were being hidden from the shogunate. “i am to show them to their quarters.”
the guard’s eyes narrow further, and you can’t find it in yourself to blame them. you don’t look fit for work by a long shot, let alone for somebody as prestigious as the kamisatos.
“come on souta, when have i ever been untrustworthy? the commissioner himself is just behind us, if you don’t-“
the door behind the guards slid open and they rushed not to block the way, glancing first at each other and then to the open doors.
ayaka is standing in the open doorway, barely-concealed curiosity evident in her eyes. in one hand is a fan that covers the lower half of her face, the carefully painted design matching her eyes.
your mind flashes back to when you were introduced to her, when she was sitting behind a screen and thoma said that that was the traditional way to greet guests, or something similar. sure, you’re less of a guest and more… maybe blackmailed is a little too harsh of a word, perhaps more coerced-
“m- my lady?” thoma steps forward, tugging you behind him, and you can’t tell if it’s meant to be protective towards you or her. “what are you doing out here?”
“indeed, it is rather rare for you to be out. i told you i was bringing home somebody, ayaka.” ayato’s voice once more comes out of nowhere, and you turn to see him and hisashi walking up. the latter looks more tense than you’ve ever seen him, and you don’t blame him. considering ayato gave a… warning..
…wait a minute-
“it’s well past when you said you would return,” ayaka points out, voice far more diplomatic than you’d expect from a conversation between siblings. “is it wrong of me to go for a stroll?”
an odd expression flashes over ayato’s face, but it melts into acceptance quicker than you’d expect. “that is fair. i apologize. negotiations took longer than expected.”
you have to bite your tongue to keep from saying something smart in return. the threat of salt also helps, but not nearly as much as the fear of angering him.
something like a laugh comes from ayaka, but you refrain from turning. even if you’re ‘allowed’ to, it feels polite. also, you really don’t want to upset ayato. after everything he’s done, he feels like the largest threat.
(your mind reminds you of how kind his hand was when it settled over yours outside of the estate. you arrive at the conclusion that ayato is strange.)
“come in, then. hisashi, you are dismissed.”
hisashi bows, then sends a questioning look at ayato. the latter nods, and the former turns neatly on his heel, leaving with barely a sound to his footsteps.
thoma pulls at your hand again and you turn to follow, keeping your eyes on his shoes. you figure it’s better not to snoop or get distracted, and considering thoma’s following ayaka…
ayato’s eyes weigh on your shoulders as you walk.
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for the second time today, you’re sat in front of tea you have no intent drinking.
it’s smells a little more flowery, and you think you remember catching the word rose, but that could very well be referring to the flower arrangement in the center of the table.
they’re nice. pale pink, in a soft green vase. they still have their thorns, surprisingly, a detail that distracts you from the conversation happening at the table.
first, ayato filled in ayaka on your conversation at the teahouse. second, ayaka asked for thoma’s recount of how you met. third… third you had zoned out, distracting yourself with the details of rose petals.
“-what do you think?”
you jump slightly at thoma’s voice, the sound closer than before and obviously directed at you. glancing around the table reveals no indication of the former conversation, only two other sets of eyes. soft silver looks with genuine feelings, and pale lavender looks a little too smug for your liking.
the latter picks up his teacup. “we’re assuming you don’t want to reveal your name,” he says, taking a drink. you wish his gaze wasn’t so knowing.
nonetheless, you nod.
“thoma was considering maple, since it’s a pretty neutral name.” wait, what did you just agree to? “it’s not inazuman, but it’s also not anything else either. it’s.. an interesting choice, considering its also the name of a tree common on narukami, but i believe it will hide you nicely.”
oh. that’s better than you thought, considering who it’s coming from.
you give a half-shrug and a nod in response, the pen under your hand not worth picking up for such a simple reply.
“well, maple,” ayaka pauses, but the name doesn’t sound awful, and you let her continue, “thoma can show you around, and you’ll start either tomorrow or the day after, depending on how long it takes you to get used to the place.”
sounds reasonable enough. you nod, and thoma speaks up next, nudging your notepad.
“do you have any preferences for where you’d like to work? i’ll keep you out of anything involving a lot of other people-“ you send him a silent thank you “-but just so i know…”
you pick up the pen and write down your choices, hesitating at the bottom before adding ‘but anything’s fine if you’re there.’ is it cheesy? probably, but he’s the person you’re most comfortable around here. he’s been nothing but open and kind, and doesn’t have a reputation to uphold or an agenda to fulfill.
he reads over the paper when you pass it to him, and a quiet pride comes over you as he flushes a bit at your end comment.
“a- alright then! i’ll show you around today, you can shadow me tomorrow, and the day after we can finalize things. sound good?”
you nod, and neither of the kamisato siblings have anything to add either, both silently showing their approval.
you feel yourself smile.
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thoma’s work is surprisingly simple.
not that it was easy, of course, because what else would you expect working for a third of inazuma’s government, but it’s… shockingly simple.
he’d warned you the night before that you’d need to wake early, but he wasn’t angry when you didn’t wake up on time. he seemed upset, almost, regret lacing his words as he tugged you out of bed. even as you delayed him further by struggling with the uniform—the nightclothes were easy enough, but this one had so many folds and ties that you got lost embarrassingly quickly—he wasn’t upset. he just led you to the kitchens, where he explained every step of how the lord and lady liked their teas.
ayato prefers black tea, he says, carefully measuring out loose leaves. he takes it with no sugar, and as hot as it can be.
ayaka has been trying new teas from liyue, he mumbles, voice quieter than he intends to be as he stirs in honey. she’s quite fond of dragon’s well, but anything from there will do. feel free to experiment, just be sure it’s not too sweet.
he shows you their respective offices, and you wince at the amount of paperwork on both of their desks. they both greet you with a smile, but you can see how tired they are. absently, you wonder if that same exhaustion is why ayato likes black tea.
thoma’s interactions with them are short, and you waste no time in following him to his next task.
the day passes by easily, thoma’s easy conversation—despite your hoarse voice—easing the load of the work. floors are swept and shelves are dusted, and when he quizzes you on their tea preferences at dinnertime you get it right on the first try.
he beams from his post at the stovetop, bright green eyes shining in the same way dew does on grass. you feel your own smile form in response, and he makes you sit and wait while he delivers dinner—yes, to their offices—no matter how much you protest. he returns swiftly, pulling over a pot that you didn’t realize wasn’t empty and ladling out two bowls of soup.
he slides one over to you, and together you share dinner.
the next day is much the same, as is the next, and the next, and you slowly fall into a routine.
you wake up, the knots on the uniform more familiar than they were at the start, a simple way to start a simple morning. you tidy yourself up and meet thoma on the way to the kitchens, chatting about a dream you had the night before or a diplomat that had arrived yesterday for a meeting. water bubbles and you share a breakfast, the two of you preparing tea side by side.
today you decide to make ayaka a new king of oolong tea that had just come in a few days prior. after all the various security screenings, you could finally make it!
thoma encourages you to take the large platter this time, and you comply, however nervous. you’re watching it more than you are the hallway, making sure that nothing spills, and it pays off when you make it to ayaka’s office without incident.
she looks up with a smile as you come in, and you flash one of your own as you set down the large plate.
“good morning, lady ayaka.”
“good morning, maple. how did you sleep?”
you eye the bags under her eyes as you push over her teacup. “i should be asking you that, my lady.”
she chuckles, picking up the cup for a smell. “this doesn’t seem familiar.. what kind of tea is this?”
thoma looks to you from where he’s sorting out a stack of scrolls, and you recite the information off the box.
“it’s tieguanyin, also known as iron goddess, and is a type of liyuen oolong. it seemed sweet by the smell, so i didn’t put much honey in.”
her smile turns sweeter, an oddly genuine happiness taking you by surprise. “thank you.”
there’s a weight to her words, some other information tucked between the lines that you can’t reach. with a smile and a nod, you pick up your tray.
ayato’s office is strangely far from his sisters, something that confused you the first day and still does now. the only difference is that now you’re familiar with the sprawling layout of the estate, and you can take the right turn without missing it.
he’s much more tired, evident by the delay between when he sees you and speaks.
“maple, thoma. good morning.”
your hand paused over his teacup. ayaka… she hadn’t greeted thoma, had she?
you’re fairly certain there’s an implication there, something that ties into the heaviness of her voice when she thanked you, but you don’t have time to think it over. thoma nudges your side and you snap out of your thoughts, moving ayato’s tea and breakfast off the tray.
“is something wrong?”
you shake your head. “no. something.. caught my attention. i apologize, my lord.”
he picked up the cup with a grin, “oh? i do hope you’re not trying to pry into any yashiro documents.”
you shake your head and he drinks, but thoma catches your arm as you turn to leave. his lips part, something worried shining in his eyes, but ayato cuts him off.
“what is this?”
oh no.
ayato’s black tea was easy to brew, tea wise, and with thoma watching over your shoulder you had assumed it wasn’t burnt.
the housekeeper seems just as confused, the both of you turning back to ayato’s desk. he’s staring at the tea in his cup thankfully not with disdain, but certainly with confusion.
“it’s wakoucha, my lord,” you say. “no sugar. hot as can be.”
“is it a new kind?”
“it’s from the same box as yesterday’s, and all of last week’s.”
he looks to thoma, who nods. “the only difference is that maple brewed it.”
ayato’s eyes flick between the tea, thoma, and you, still not accusatory, for which you’re grateful. you’re not sure you could hide from poisoning the yashiro commissioner as easily as you could hide in liyue.
the cup is passed to thoma, who hesitates before trying some. he’s easier to read than ayato—most anybody is—and you can pick out the emotions in his eyes clearer. shock, delight, and then a careful sort of confusion.
“it’s very strong, though the flavor is perfectly intact… even without sugar, it’s still sweet.” you don’t know enough about tea to discern what that means. “but how? i was watching you the whole time…”
you’re tempted to say something stupid—‘well, i hear that nightshade can be pretty sweet’—but wisely hold your tongue, watching the cup return back to ayato’s hands. he stares at the rim of it for a moment, then a flicker of a smile crosses his face.
“well done,” is all he says, and after another sip, the cup is set down in favor of his pen, the prior conversation dissolving back into the air with nothing more than a glance. “and if you two are planning on going to the city today, do stay away from the docks.”
“are the tenryou receiving a shipment?”
“nothing of the sort, thoma, what do you mean? what reason would i have for directing you away from them?” ayato looks up from his paper, some stupid little scheme glinting in his eyes. “i’ve just received news from the shuumatsuban that the imposter is likely in the area.”
you can’t help the way your shoulders tighten, the office suddenly seeming smaller. though you had admitted as little as you could about why you were hiding from the shogunate, you had never brought up their accusations on this front. intentionally, too, because you knew that no matter how kind anybody could be, religion was a heavy topic in teyvat, inazuma especially.
and when you were staring down a man that held loyalty in high standard, it was wise not to admit such a thing.
the corner of ayato’s lips twitch into a smile. “do be careful, maple. i’d hate for you to get caught up in another incident.”
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you cling closer to thoma’s side than you normally would when you two go into the city, your hand linked with his as he speaks with the various vendors. you’re not sure why you two are even in ritou, honestly, but didn’t bother with asking questions.
he’s speaking with a kanjou officer, which he’d addressed by name, oddly, and you’re standing behind him, looking around the city. the maple trees are a pretty pink for spring, making the island look a lot kinder. sure, the outlander affairs agency likely still has the area in a chokehold, and sure it’s run by a literal puppet government, but something could be said about its beauty.
“what do you think about lunch?” thoma asks, and you look back in alarm only to see the kanjou officer long gone, his eyes focused on you.
“we’re gonna be out for most of the day, and there’s a little food stall here that i like. granted, we could eat at shimura’s…”
you shake your head, “here’s fine, thanks.”
he brightens, pulling you along once more. “great! ryouko makes the best dry-braised fish, or she has fried tofu in a miso broth, if you’d rather?”
you make and tell him your choice, and he nods as you walk down sets of stairs, making note of it. people wave at you two as you pass, and though it’s mostly at thoma, you do see some smiles directed at you. probably just because you’re with him, though.
thoma leads you to the left of the main courtyard, taking you down another small set of stairs. it’s… familiar, the tree behind the sidewalk reminding you of something you can’t pin.
“hello ryouko!”
“hello, and welcome! care to have some specialty snacks?”
you keep a hand on his as you look around, letting him order for you. the food stall was backed against a wall, in a tucked away corner, near the port… if you turned so that you faced the staircase, it clicked.
this was where you met thoma. it was months later, at a wildly different time of day, and you were in a much better place… but you were back here. back when he held your hand much as he did now, in a drastically different context but for much of the same reasons.
guidance. security. promise.
“first time in the city?”
you turned to the close voice, jumping slightly when you see the owner. maroon hair shadows grassy eyes, ones that seem to pick you apart—much like ayato, but a lot less subtle. the blue of an anemo vision shines behind the baton of a doushin, and you can feel your heart stop as you face down the best detective in inazuma.
you tug on thoma’s hand and he turns as well, apparently recognizing him. “doushin shikanoin? what are you doing out here?”
heizou crosses his arms with a heavy sigh, some of the tension in the air fading as his eyes fall to the floor. “on ritou, a failed mission. here in particular… well, ryouko’s one of the only in inazuma that makes a good katsu sandwich, and i’m in the market for a pick-me-up.”
“really? what happened? do you want eat with us and talk about it?”
“no no, please. there’s no need to interrupt your little excursion on behalf of little ol’ me.”
what is it with inazuman men with blue visions that makes them adore implying things most would rather say aloud?
“well we’ve got time while our food’s being made, don’t we?”
“mmm…” one of heizou’s hands comes up to his jaw as he thinks, tapping a steady beat. “i suppose i can tell you. after all, it was your boss that tipped me off.”
oh no. who could have ever seen that coming.
“ay- ah, i mean the commissioner?”
“indeed. you see, he’s been using his connections to keep the tenryou updated as best as he can, something any detective would appreciate, even if sometimes the information can be a bit lackluster. recently, he’s gotten a tip that the imposter was planning to leave inazuma tonight through ritou’s port, and madam sara sent me out to check it out. i, of course, looked over his evidence prior to coming, and though it was a little shaky, it’s the best lead we’ve had so far. i even heard from some fishermen that they saw somebody shady boarding a merchant boat, but… no dice.”
thoma’s grip on your hand adjusts, and he squeezes once. you don’t have much time to think it over. “i’m sorry to hear it. i can promise that we’re putting all of our effort into solving the situation as best as we can, and i regret letting them slip from our grasp.”
his voice lacks the usual depth behind it, like… like it’s rehearsed, almost. like he was prepared for this.
heizou’s eyes flick to you, jade green seeming to cut into your soul. “oh, naturally. this is such a pity, don’t you agree?”
subtext laces his words, and you’re left floating in the pause between his sentences. even as it stretches, his mouth slips up in a suppressed grin.
“after all, weren’t you the one who told him?”
you blink.
you didn’t do that. you didn’t tell ayato anything, you never even left the estate unless thoma—or, on occasion, ayaka—was by your side. you never had time to collect information, and you certainly didn’t give it to ayato- didn’t he say that the shuumatsuban gave it to him? didn’t he…
’i’ve just received news from the shuumatsuban that the imposter is likely in the area.’
’he’s been using his connections to keep the tenryou updated as best as he can, something any detective would appreciate…’
‘after all, weren’t you the one who told him?‘
you can see when heizou notices that you get it, the sharp light to his knowing gaze. he rests his chin in his hand and passes you a cheeky wink, one that makes you laugh.
kamisato ayato.
what did you expect?
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prettypinkpuddles · 2 years
Secret Picnic Date
𝔸/ℕ- 𝕀 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕𝕟’𝕥 𝕙𝕖𝕝𝕡 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤, 𝕀𝕧𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝕔𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕖𝕕 𝕓𝕪 𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞, 𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕤𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕥𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕘𝕠𝕕𝕕𝕒𝕞𝕟𝕖𝕕 𝕧𝕠𝕚𝕔𝕖! 𝕐/ℕ 𝕚𝕤 𝕓𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕗𝕚𝕔
ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕤- 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕝𝕪 𝔸𝕪𝕒𝕥𝕠 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕠𝕟 𝕒 𝕤𝕖𝕔𝕣𝕖𝕥 𝕕𝕒𝕥𝕖, 𝔸𝕪𝕒𝕜𝕒 𝕚𝕤 𝕒 𝕓𝕚𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕒 𝕕𝕚𝕥𝕫 𝕠𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕣𝕖𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕡 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕓𝕣𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣, 𝕋𝕙𝕠𝕞𝕒 𝕚𝕤 𝕒 𝕤𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥/𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕖 𝕙𝕦𝕤𝕓𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕀 𝕘𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕒 𝕘𝕖𝕠 𝕧𝕚𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟
𝕋𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕘𝕖𝕣 𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘- 𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘, 𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝕀 𝕛𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕫𝕖𝕕 𝕨𝕙𝕪 𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕕 𝕦𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕗𝕠𝕟𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥...
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‘‘Where are you taking me?’’ you giggled as you stumbled over a dip in the road. Ayato held you by your left hand as he guided you to your surprise.
he told you it was a secret that he put together himself so you were really excited to see it. soon he stopped you and let you open your eyes and there it was. a small, quaint setup; a blanket, a picnic basket and a few cushions. the scenery overlooked a beautiful landscape of the rest of the world, you could even see the Jade Chamber. you gasped in astonishment, the sky burning a color that resembled a perfect peach cobbler.
“I remembered you told me about your travels to Monstadt, Liyue and Sumeru before coming back here, so i wanted to give you a view that would show them.” he said with a timid smile on his face. you grabbed his hand and urged him to sit down so you could eat. he opened the basket and picked up a bunch of dishes, from his specially made shrimp tempura, a few dishes from Monstadt and Sumeru, along with your favorite, bamboo shoot soup. (i personally like it, as i’ve tasted it’s irl counterpart)
“Thoma helped me make the hash browns and Ayaka contributed to the pizza… and i asked Aether to help with the other dishes. i didn’t wanna disappoint..”
you looked at him and saw how truly nervous he was right now, his cheeks were topped with a rosy cloud, his eyes weren’t meeting yours, he was playing with the hem of his gloves and his voice wasn’t as confident as he usually was. you grinned and reached for his left hand, ripping an audible gasp for him. he looked away from you, quickly avoiding your serene gaze, the rosy color on his face spreading like a romantic infection.
“just calm down, Ayato….” you held onto your bowl of soup. “i love this, this is perfect, i can see everything, but i can see you. this is perfect, so let’s just enjoy what you made by yourself.”
he took a deep breath and calmed himself, squeezing your hand and putting on a sweet smile. the two of you finished your picnic as he talked about all his commissioner duties and how strange it was for him to be treated like a prince in some way. you managed to finish your share of the food quicker, immediately deciding to occupy yourself with styling his hair. you put it into a set of braids to give it a crimped or curled look, then as you undid then you put some on his shoulder as he usually did. you giggled and kissed his cheek when you finished, he flashed you a smile and began packing the dishes away. you two began to walk back to the Kamisato estate, Ayato dropping off the basket and saying hello to some of the workers while you stayed behind a wall to stay hidden.
as lovely as it was to be the girlfriend of the Yashiro Comissoner, for now it was a secret, even from his sister….
“ughhh- i hate walking up this mountain…” you groaned as the two of you finally reached the Grand Narukami Shrine. Ayato chuckled at your comment, taking your hand and leading you to the Sacred Sakura tree.
“it’s so quiet… you think we should-!” you paused as you felt Ayato pull himself into you. you grinned, leaning your head into the crook of his neck. his arm wove themselves into a scarf for your neck, the wind softly billowing. a few sakura petal were plucked from the branches of the trees, finding their way into your and his hair. he took hold of your swaying locs, seeing how the sakura would get entangled with the billowing hair.
“my, my….. what do we have here?”
you recognized that voice, even if you were drunk from Snezhnayan alcohol, you’d know that voice. you froze, almost eliciting a squeak of surprise. the sound of heels hitting wood, made you go numb, the intense presence you felt from your left was so strong you wanted to collapse.
“Guuji Yae…” Ayato looked at the pink haired kitsune, a sly smile pulled onto her pink lips. she stepped toward the two of you; her ears bouncing with each step she took.
“who would’ve thought…. the Yashiro Commissioner and a mere traveling girl… intriguing, oh so intriguing.” she took a step toward you, drinking your form in.
“L-Lady Guuji…” you couldn’t even get the words out, “please don’t-!”
she stopped you and looked up at Ayato. “what a cute one, i must say. but why not tell the rest?” she waved to the rest of Inazuma. “is it because you’re scared of the backlash? or… ashamed…?”
You knew good and well she was just trying to get under Ayato’s skin and start a bit of drama. she always did that, it’s all she wanted, you weren’t really all that important to her, as she is thousands of years old so you’re just entertainment to her for this current century…. which made you pissed.
“not true!” you puffed. “Ayato is honest and genuine with me, he cares about me, he doesn’t want the people’s negativity to affect me so he’d just avoid it all together! you can’t control the peoples’ words, especially with someone like you influencing people every chance you get!”
you took a step every few words, growing closer to the tree; pushing Miko back toward the plant. you hadn’t even realized you were making tiny spikes with each step you took. you stared right into the violet spheres of Miko, anger burning from each of your cells. you had no idea you could get so mad, especially at Lady Yae. you wanted to hit her, to slam a rock right into her smug face. but… she wanted you to get angry, to tell her off, just for the fun of it.
you turned around, feeling a hand on your wrist. you turned to see soft blue hair, a pair of azure eyes looking at you. your muscles relaxed and you lower the hand you didn’t know was raised. in lowering it, you heard a deep rumble, making Miko giggle. you turned and walked away, keeping yourself from responding to any of her comments.
“don’t let her get to you.”
you looked at Ayato, a burning and itchy feeling crawling it’s way on your face. he chuckled and pulled your head towards his, placing a simple kiss on your lips. you were sure you looked like a complete ditz, but the laugh he gave and the abundance of kisses he was smothering you with, you felt like you looked not so ditzy.
oh and here’s the view from the picnic, i circled the jade chamber for you guys
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yzashaven · 8 months
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2023 KINKTOBER︰10﹒01 / 10﹒02
꒰ —♡ B R E E D I N G ﹒ PART 1 ꒱
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FEATURING ! ayato, xiao, diluc, kuronushi x fem!reader
WARNINGS ! breeding obviously, shibari, some anal, cum overflow :0, overstimulation, praising, think that's all + VERY SHORT HELP
NOTE ! like only one of these were proofread LMAO anyway~ splitting this into 2 because i couldn't make the time to finish all 8 of the characters 😭 + THANK YOU FOR 700?!?!?! + sorry to those i couldn't tag :( and for posting this late omg
event taglist— @yukiitaooo @scara6 @peakalatus @kanaedd @returningluv @im-the-ruler-here @scarafixation @kateybuggi @hanni7 @asimpforpeople @ju1yyyzzz @saturnsapothecary @alexiassleeping @cheeze-noo @supercoolusernameomg @shining_dhei @uchihaeirin @black-rxse @3herri-berri @anon-eu @gojoswife201 @abeitriz @chlebek1 @mechanical-lily @breadybuu @dawning-bliss @poisonedmoonl1ght @scaraismybbgreal @nothingfuninthislife @hellithides @eunchaeluvr @doumastip @pandash @cuntz0ne @zomzomb1e @bitchylillyrose @apocalypticchimera @wolfiafan10 @zxdksimpo
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he's a very family oriented man, you're well aware of that, so of course it's no surprise that breeding is one of the commissioner's top kinks. even just the mere thought of filling up your cute little cunt with his seed is enough to drive him insane.
"you're gonna give me an heir, yeah? right, my love?" ayato seductively whispered into your ear as you tiredly nod your head in approval. he has been pounding into you nonstop for the past 2 hours or so, filling you up with his cum over and over again, making sure that it'll reach your womb. "you feel so good~ this is your reward for being such a good girl for me, so take it. take it all~" his thrusts begin to quicken, urging yet another orgasm for him and yourself before grabbing your ankles to bring your legs over onto his shoulders; allowing him to push his dick even deeper than it was already reaching previously.
"fuck—i'm sorry for pushing your limits, sweetheart, but i won't waste my chance in finally getting to breed you real nice~"
him being a yaksha and practically spending his whole life fighting; xiao never really got to know or experience much when it comes to intimacy. but god, the moment you stepped into his life, it became the thing he couldn't live without.
"o-one more, please..." he groans out, thrusting deep into you at a slow pace, his tip kissing at your cervix ever so slightly. your whimpers and pleas falling onto deaf ears as his gaze was fixated on the way your thighs trembled under his touch as his hands kept your legs spread wide just for him, drunk on the sight of his cock disappearing within your warmth with each buck of his hips. an obvious squelching sound could be heard along with the mix of your fluids overflowing from the sides, "if i pull out, it'll all go to waste, won't it?" xiao mutters out, pulling back until only the head of his cum coated cock remained, just to slam back inside and have you scream his name for the nth time that evening.
"this won't be enough, baby... need to fill you up some more~"
trust me when i say that breeding is one of his top kinks, probably around the top 3, i'm sure of it :3 he just adores how pretty you look taking every single drop of his seed; the way you look so perfectly fucked out is enough to bring another feeling of euphoria to him.
"m-my love, so pretty~" diluc's eyes were focused on your trembling figure beneath him, cunt already completely full of his cum yet he's still pumping more and more inside for 'good measure' as per his words. "i know you're tired, i'm sorry—you feel too good for me to... pull out-ah~" the sensitive head of his cock kissed all the deepest parts of you with ease; giving you so much more pleasure, along with the way he was constantly pushing his cum back inside further.
"...so perfect for me, my good girl~"
shibari. his specialty, his favorite. he decided to try a new position instead of the usual mating press you two did; having you situated on the bed with your ass up and face buried in the pillows while your wrists were bound by a red ribbon behind your back.
"that's it, keep moaning for me like that~" kuronushi coos, hips slamming against your body as his cock thrusted in and out of your ass at a steady rhythm, fingers rubbing roughly at your swollen clit, continuing to drive you over the edge. "fuck—your voice truly is the best instrument~ and your moans... the most majestic melody i've ever heard~" he says in between uneven breaths before finally cumming inside you, abruptly pulling out and pushing into your already filled to the brim cunt, a dark chuckle escaping his lips upon hearing you moan at the sudden entrance.
"just made sure to fill up both of your holes, love~"
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komitomi · 1 year
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Only you — ayato x f!reader
based on this request! i actually kind of went all out for this request cause it liked it very much, I did change a few things tho! sorry for the wait anon :(.
MDNI, NSFW WARNING! this fic contains; p in v sex, oral (f.receiving), p*rn with too much plot 😭, fingering (f.receiving), virginity loss, hymen breaking, slight mentions of blood, gentle!ayato, kinda ooc?, purity culture (?), reader is almost hit (not by ayato), infidelity (?, reader is engaged but her fiancé is a dumb cunt), angst to fluff to smut to fluff! + not proofread cause I had to rush this a little.
WC: ??
“So what did you say to the proposal?” The old and annoying voice of an elder reached ayato's ears, making him sigh out loudly before he put his brush down and looked up to the older man.
He was one of the few elders who oversee the tri-commission of inazuma together, there has been news that two of the clans have produced heirs and settled succession, the one lacking behind is the kamisato clan, the eldest son wasn't even betrothed.
This obviously led to immense pressure for heirs on the clan, everyone was urging ayato to get married and begin producing children, many proposals have come forward, which he rejected.
“I refused.” Ayato simply says, with a bored expression, he thinks this whole ordeal is stupid, he obviously still had many years left on him, he can produce heirs slowly, there really was no rush.
“Ayato,” the old man pauses and licks his lips before continuing, “I know you think we are being stupid, but by marrying and producing heirs, the kujou and hiiragi clan have indirectly said that they will continue to be a part of the tri-commission and that they will never be replaced. You, however, refusing to even simply marry has led to common folk of inazuma to spread rumors that the position of the kamisato clan have become weak.”
“Those are just rumors, we still have the same power and position as before.” Ayato retorts back before picking up his brush before dipping it in black ink and continuing to finish writing on the scroll.
“There are vile rumours surrounding the clan, both on political and personal matters, some even suggesting that you are barren and impotent—” the man seethes which makes ayato grip his brush so tightly that it cracks in the middle, the old man composes himself as he notices that.
“—which is why you aren't getting married, or have any bastards you can legitimize, they speculate.” he finishes and clears his throat, ayato looks at the scroll below him, the writing now messed up.
“I will take care of those rumours, there is nothing to worry about.” he answers calmly even though he was filled with anger, how dare they question him like that? whoever started those rumours clearly intended on sabotaging the clan.
“Ugh, at least marry off your sister.” the old man says frustrated which makes ayato glare at him, “Her children will be just as rightful heirs to this clan.” he taps his feet impatiently.
“Watch your tongue, besides, she is too young.” ayato says as anger starts spilling out of him, he was already filled with rage due to this entire ordeal, now suggesting that he marry his dear sister off when she barely just became of age filled him with fury.
“Listen my Lord, I know that you were angry with this but consider it, there are many fine men—” before he could finish his sentence the scroll that ayato was writing on was lifted and thrown in the man's direction, missing his face by a little gap.
“Get out!” ayato shouts, breathing heavily as he tried to contain his anger, the old man quickly scurries off in fear, leaving ayato alone.
He breathes a sigh of relief and relaxes his body, resting on the table in front of him, dozing off as he slowly recollects what just happened, he sighs heavily once again before holding his head in his hands, thinking about what to do.
Stress brought him to where he usually doesn't dare going, a red light area or more commonly known as the entertainment district, various forms of entertainment can be found here, but mostly it's sexual.
He didn't really know what he was doing here, he had gone out for a walk to clear his mind but found himself further away from his home and on the streets of the entertainment, he looked around to see many people, the sun had set only awhile ago yet this place was crawling with customers who frequent this area.
Maybe he was offended that people would even question his manhood, deeming him barren and impotent just because he didn't produce any heirs or father any bastards, he scoffed. He wasn't that experienced yes, but he had bedded a few women.
He entered one of the popular brothels in hopes of relieving his stress while also hoping rumours would circulate that he visited this area which will put an end to those vile rumours, as he made his way further inside he spotted a woman sitting there and playing an instrument while humming to herself, his eyes widened slightly.
She was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid his eyes on, for some reason it felt like the world just stopped moving as he took in her beauty, the way her hair is slightly disheveled, dressed in a plain and simple kimono, she looked absolutely perfect to him.
The owner of the brothel notices him, immediately recognizing him as the lord of the kamisato clan due to his posture and clothes and mainly the sigil.
“My Lord.” she bows to him which makes him snap out of his trance and nod in acknowledgement.
“What brings you here? If it isn't rude of me to ask, you are a very esteemed person after all.” she compliments him, to which he responds with “Oh, just to relieve some pent up stress.”
“Oh! You're at the right place then my Lord, we have many fine women— mina is one of–” as she starts suggesting she is quickly cut off by ayato. “I prefer her.” he points to the girl he saw before.
“Ah, her?” she asks and he nods, to which she replies with a sigh, “what is the matter?” he asks and the owner looks up at him with a frustrated expression, “She is a hassle, last time a customer requested her, she punched him, but then again it isn't her job to sexually please customers anyway.” she speaks up.
“Elaborate.” he simply says, “She isn't one of the brothel whores, her main job is to sing and play instruments to entertain others, they say her singing ability is so great that it has the ability to calm people down, which I can vouch for—”
“— but she also has a fiancee, well, he was practically the one who 'sold' her off here to make money, he visits every other day to take the mora she has earnt through her capabilities,” she scoffs at the thought of that moron “and she's also a virgin, so she won't be that great in bed.” she finishes and watches as ayato's expression turn sour at the mention that she has a fiancee.
“Ah, I see, well then tell her that I have requested an acquaintance with her, not with the intention of bedding her here.” he tells the owner and she simply nods as he watches her go to the girl and whisper to her.
The girl looks around the room and finally meets his eyes, his breath hitches in his throat at the eye contact, he quickly breaks it away and goes into one of the rooms, looking back to see her following him.
You watched as the esteemed man enter the room, the owner had told you that he had no intention of bedding you and that he simply wants to have a talk with you, which reluctantly believed because who knows what will happen behind closed doors.
You quickly follow him inside and close the door behind you, your heart beating frantically due to fear of what will happen, you turned around to give him a smile, which he returns to your surprise.
“So what's your name?” he asks and you gulp, “Y/n.” you reply shortly.
“Nice to meet you y/n, you may sit.” you quickly sit across him on your knees and clasp your hands together, he watches as you fiddle nervously with your fingers before clearing his throat.
“My name is ayato, kamisato ayato.” he introduces himself, your eyes widen, you knew he was an esteemed man from his attire but didn't really expect him to be THE kamisato ayato, to be fair, you never really saw him in person as both of your worlds were completely different from one another.
“My apologies Lord.” you say quickly and bow and ayato nods, “It's okay, you must be confused as to why I requested you here?” he asks and you nod, “Well I had heard about your story by the owner and it seems that you're stuck here.” and you nod frantically, tears welling up in your eyes as you recall the main reason you're here.
Ayato quickly consoles you by rubbing your back as you look down while tears flow down your cheeks, “Hey, it's okay, I'm here if you want to talk” he coos gently and you look up at him, silence falls between you two with only your sobs breaking it from time to time as you calm yourself down before speaking.
“I- apologies for my messed up demeanor, it's just— I was forced to work here by my idiot of a fiancee, he is a moron who has a gambling addiction, I was forced into an engagement with him by my father, and now I'm permanently stuck here because if I try to leave, he will simply find me and only archons know what will happen if he finds out that I've escaped.” you open up, voice cracking in between sentences.
Ayato was fuming on the inside, who knew this beauty was put through so much? He felt mad, her moron of a fiancee didn't deserve her at all, she's way too nice, kind and beautiful for him.
“Do you wish to escape this place?” he asks and you look at him, you blink your tears away before wiping them with your hands and nodding.
“I can help you, but I'm afraid this method would not be to your liking.” he sighs, “what is the method my lord?” you ask and he ponders for a bit before deciding to tell you.
“The only way for you to escape this brothel would be to marry me and break off your engagement with your fiancee.” he says and looks at you, analysing your face for any answer but you show none.
“Your grace, as much as I love the idea, it seems it's rather too impractical, considering you are head of the kamisato clan, and I'm just a mere common girl, and it would be too much of a burden on you.” you say while looking down, you loved the idea, being able to escape this place and marry someone who isn't a gambling addict but rather a decent man, yet you knew your place.
“You won't be a burden, and it doesn't matter if you are a common girl, you're perfect as the role of my wife.” he speaks up.
“But why me?” you ask, he hums before answering “Like I said, you're perfect to be my wife and I know it for sure, but also because I've developed quite the fondness for you, believe it or not but you were the first girl who made me feel a certain type of way.” he confesses, and you blush.
“If you say so my Lord, I'll accept your proposal.” you say which brings a smile to his face before he nods, a comfortable silence falls between both of you and you decide to break it by starting another conversation.
Ayato didn't know how long the conversation was, but as each moment passed by and everything you revealed about yourself, he fell further and further deep in love, he never believed in love at first sight, but after seeing you, his mind had completely changed.
At first he was awestruck by your beautiful features, but by the end of your conversation with him, he was madly in love with the entirety of you.
“Shall we go back to my house?” he asks and you nod, “Very well.” he says as he gets off the floor and stands up, you following him, you both exit the room and he looks at you, “Wait here, I will speak with the brothel owner and settle things.” he says and goes to her.
The brothel owner looks confused before her expression is replaced with shock and she finally nods, agreeing to whatever he was saying and he gives her a smile before coming to where you were standing, “Let's go.” he smiles at you and holds his hand out for you to grab and you guys finally leave.
The walk back to his house was peaceful, he learnt a lot more about you, and his judgement was right, you were the perfect candidate to be his wife.
All other proposals he had received didn't suit his tastes, the ladies of those families are spoiled to the core, narcissistic and outright annoying, maybe it was fate that he had met you, never in his life was he so thankful for his impulsive decision.
You were currently in his chambers, sitting and waiting as ayato brought out a scroll and spread it on the table in front of you, “Write your name here.” he gives you the brush and ink.
“If you write your name down here, you will officially and legally be wedded to me for this moment onwards, we can do the ceremonial procedure later on.” he says and you nod, quickly dipping your brush in the ink and writing your name down.
He takes the brush from you and writes his name down as well, he waits until the ink dries, blowing on it before he scrolls it and ties it and stores it in a drawer, “That will be legal proof that we're married.” and you look up at him, now all the nerves finally kicking in.
You didn't feel nervous while writing your name on the scroll, it seems like the feelings were delayed and now suddenly you're anxious and fidgeting with your fingers, ayato notices and puts a hand on your shoulder, “There is nothing to be worried about, wife.” he says, the word wife rolling off his tongue with such affection made your stomach leap.
He slowly took your hand and kissed it before he noticed an engagement ring, his expression turned sour before he pulled it off from your finger and threw it away, as he continued to kiss up your arm.
“Now that we're married, shall we consummate it?” he asked, looking at you with his dark bluish eyes, you felt your heartbeat getting faster before you gave him a nod, “I need you to speak up, my wife.” he says and you take a deep breath, “Y-yes.” you nervously say. You had no idea what to expect next, this was your first time after all.
You felt butterflies erupt from your stomach as ayato gently undid your kimono, leaving you in your underclothes (hadajuban), he guided you to his bed, helping you sit on the edge of it.
You studied his face, eyes travelling from his mouth to his nose, to his eyes and back to his mouth again, you had'nt noticed it before, but now that you look at it closely– you realised he had a beauty mark below his lip which made him even more attractive.
The shuffling of ayato's clothes take your attention off of his face, you watched as ayato undressed, soon after, he was also in his underclothes, he leaned in to kiss you, making you move further unto the bed so he can rest his knees in between your thighs as his lips engulfed yours.
His lips were gently pressed against yours, you kissed him back, he almost moaned at the sensation of how soft your lips were against his, he bit your lower lip causing you to gasp which gave him an entrance to shove his tongue inside, you felt his tongue inside your mouth, swirling against yours as you sat there not having any idea what to do, he pulled back, “don't be nervous, just relax and let your body do its own thing.” he said before he rested his thumb on your lip, gently caressing it before kissing you once again.
This time you were the one to tongue-kiss him first, he was taken aback but quickly returned regained himself as his hands trailed down to undo your underclothes, untying the knot that was holding your top in place, he slowly slid it off you and your breasts were exposed to him, feeling shy you try covering yourself but ayato grabbed your arms pining them to your sides and he pulled away from the kiss.
“Don't hide yourself from me, dear wife, we are married now.” he says and you nod, he trails kisses down your neck down to your breasts and stops there, slowly kissing and biting the flesh which made your face burn with heat.
His hands leave yours and trail down your outline before he reaches your underskirt before slowly pulling off you, you were completely naked now, nothing covering you, you felt so vulnerable but ayato's gentle touches and coos made you feel safe.
He slowly took off his underclothes as well, leaving him bare, he did this so you don't feel ashamed or vulnerable anymore, indirectly conveying that it's completely alright and there is nothing to feel embarassed about.
You looked at his body, it was toned perfectly, he was slender near his waist but had wide shoulders, your eyes further trailed further down, gasping when you spotted his dick, it looked like it was about to burst with the way it was hard, his tip was pink and leaking precum, he was thick and decently long down there.
Your mind went back to when your mother taught you how intercourse works, that thing was supposed to go inside you, you looked up at him in panic “I-it won't fit.” you say nervously and he just chuckles, “It will, just let me prep you first okay?” he replies.
“Prep?” you ask him curiously, “Yes, we have to get your cunt nice and leaking for the entry to be easy.” you blush at the choice of words, you had only some basic idea of how intercourse worked and that too was told to you after your engagement with that moron, but even then, he never touched you, so you had zero to no experience when it comes to actual sex.
He pushed you down on the bed, making your head hit the pillow as he settled himself on top of you, with him inbetween your legs, you looked at him, the way his blue locks surrounded your face as he gave you a reassuring smile before he leaned to kiss you again, you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him back, he pulled away from the kiss and supported himself with his arms as he trailed kisses down your abdomen, before he stopped at your heat.
You felt his hot breath on your core which sent shivers down your spine as you watched what he was doing, his hands spread your thighs further apart before one of it leaves your thighs to spread your pussy lips, you felt yourself clenching around nothing at the contact.
“Oh, you're already wet.” he states, slowly tracing his finger up from your hole to bring the slick up to where your clit resides, you gasped when he pressed it lightly before he took his hand away and engulfed your clit.
You let out a whimper at that, hands gripping the sheets on your sides as his lips worked magic on your core, he moved in a skillful manner, swirling the bud around his tongue and sucked on it from time to time, the lewd noises of your whimpers and him practically making out with your cunt filled the room.
You felt him shift as he made room for his hands to rest near your entrance, before he shoved one of his fingers in gently causing you mewl at the sensation, he slowly pumped his finger in and out, giving you time to adjust while he was simultaneously eating you out.
You felt him add another finger once you were loose enough to take one more, you gasped, immediately clenching around him, he groaned with your clit in his mouth, which sent a shiver up your spine due to the vibration.
His moved his fingers in and out, curling them and pressing upwards which hit a certain spot that made you arch your back in order to aid him hitting it again, ‘bingo.’ he thought to himself and fastened the pace of fingers and his mouth.
You felt some type of tightness beginning to form your lower abdomen as he continued to keep the steady but fast pace with both his fingers and mouth, pushing you to the edge.
Ecstasy filled your body when the tightness in your abdomen snapped, pushing you to the brink of your climax, you saw stars as you arched your back and moaned loudly, your hands flew up to his hair as your hips moved by themselves to ride the orgasm out.
Your vision was clouded as you were gasping for air, the foreign feeling leaving your body as you came to your senses, ayato pulled away from your core to look at your expression, your eyes were hooded as you looked up at him with a lewd expression which made his dick throb.
“I never felt anything like that before..” you mutter which catches ayato's attention and he smirks, “So that was your first orgasm?” he asks and you nod, “Kind of- I touched myself before, but wasn't able to finish.” you admit shamelessly, oh god if your mother had heard this conversation then she would've fainted.
“I see, well, that certainly won't be your last.” he says cheekily before supporting himself on his arms, each by your side, and leaned in to peck your face.
“I'll put it in now okay?” he coos, brushing away small hair strands from your face with his hand, the very same hand travels down to his cock as he lines it up against your entrance, you can feel it's head poking the opening.
“Mhm.” you say gulping, preparing yourself for what's to come, you felt him enter inside, stretching your opening, you gasp as you grip his shoulders and look at him, it fucking hurts.
He is only barely halfway in yet it hurts like hell, you close your eyes as the pain of him stretching you open was too much to bear, he halts which makes you shoot your eyes open and look at him once again, “Relax your body okay? I'll be gentle.” he kisses you on the forehead and whispers in your ear.
You do as he tells you, the pain subsides slowly, but it immediately comes back as he fully pushes himself inside you, he doesn't move yet, waiting for you to adjust to his size, you take deep breaths, looking down at where you guys are connected and trying to relax, it was so nerve wracking.
“Shhh, it's alright, just relax and don't worry, darling.” he wipes away your tears with his hand gently, the way he said darling made you melt, you felt safe with him, the pain was slowly starting to go away, “Can i move now?” he asks and you nod, “Y-yes.”
He gives you a comforting smile before he starts thrusting, he tries to be slow so you can adjust but the way you felt around him was driving him insane so he immediately started moving fast, which made it hurt slightly.
You felt that area burning with the way he's moving but slowly the burning goes away as you adjust and relax around him, your hands leave his shoulders to wrap around his neck and you pull him in for a kiss, you moan into the kiss as you feel pleasure replacing the pain you felt prior.
“F-fuck— the way your cunt is wrapping around me, darling. Its— it's. It's driving me insane.” ayato moans, pulling away from the kiss, your arms fall from his neck to your sides, his hands quickly move to grab yours, his fingers intertwining with yours as he makes love to you.
He fastens his pace up even more and looks down curiously, but gasps immediately when he sees blood, it seems your hymen broke at his impact, he slows down thinking you're in pain but you whine, “H-husband.” you utter out which makes him look at you, he felt his dick twitch at the title you had addressed him as.
“C-can you move faster?” you ask– oh so innocently, he lets out a low groan and fastens up his pace once again, the way he had barely met you only a few hours ago, yet he has fallen way too deeply in love for it make sense, everything about you was perfect, your face, your body, the way your pussy wraps around his cock.
The noises of skin slapping, high moans fill the room, the way his cock is hitting all your right spots, making you feel so good, his hands left yours to grab your boobs, the flesh in between his fingers when he squeezes them looked so perfect.
His thumbs rub over your hardened nipple in a teasing manner as you whimper, he slowly plays with them, rubbing it between his finger and pinching it occasionally to draw a gasp or two out of you.
You feel a familiar tightness forming again in your stomach as you feel ayato hitting the same spot from earlier, the way he felt inside you was making your stomach churn in pleasure, you fit him like a perfect glove, your pussy was practically taking his cock like it was created solely for it.
And he wouldn't doubt that, considering the events earlier, it seems that you were infact, made for him.
“Mhmpf! A-ayato! I'm— I'm near my peak!” you yell out which makes him moan and his hands leave your breasts and rest on your hips as he pulls himself up and grips your hips before rutting into you relentlessly.
He was also near his peak, your moans, whimpers all sound like music to him, especially the way you moan out his name, as if chanting a prayer to the archons, he moans your name too, reciprocating your dedication.
Your arch your back as your mouth opens wide and a loud moan leaves your throat, eyes once again clouded as black dots appear in your vision, you come undone beneath him, repeating his name as if your life depended on it.
Oh and it pushed him to the edge as well, his thrusts becoming sloppier until he thrusts one final time before spilling his seed deep inside you, grunting at the sensation, he moves slowly and rides his orgasm out before pulling out to see your juices, blood and his cum mixing together, he collected some of it on his hands before tasting it.
You watched him do that in confusion and slight disgust because of the blood but he only just hummed pleasingly when he tasted it, licking the rest off his fingers as he looks down at your form with his piercing eyes.
“Darling.” he utters as he leans down to shower your stomach in kisses, you felt tingly. You let out a breath you did not now you were holding, he plops himself down next to you and pulls you into his arms and kisses your forehead and looks at your face, eyes taking in your beauty, oh archons he could literally spend hours like this, you give a small smile which made his heart fill up with joy.
You both soon fell asleep in each others arms, for the first time in your life you felt safe and loved by someone, if someone told you a few hours ago that your life would play out like it did now, you would have laughed in their face and told them to stop drinking, but what was happening now was real and you felt at peace.
But that peace didn't last when you were woken up by commotion, you sit up and your eyes scanned the bed for any signs of ayato, but he wasn't there, you rubbed your eyes open and looked around the room to find few servants that were cleaning the room, “oh! the lady is awake.” one of them says, and they all rush over to you.
You were currently in front of a mirror as they had finished cleaning you up and were now dressing you in noble attire, an outfit that mimicked your husband's, whites and blues, which you assumed to be the major colors for formal attire of the kamisato clan, a small gold pin which contained the clan's symbol that seemed to resemble a flower, specifically a camellia flower, was pinned right above your breast, and then it finally dawned on you, the way they kept addressing you as 'lady', colors that mimic your husbands outfit, and now wearing the clan's crest, you were now officially the lady of the clan, kamisato ayato's lady wife.
It felt so surreal, you didn't know what to do or what to say, the servants sat you down on a stool before they began to do your hair, gently brushing and detangling it, that was when the door was slid open, ayato was in his formal attire as well, he watched as the servants greeted him before they turned to quickly finish doing your hair.
You felt his gaze burning through your back, the servants finished up, bowing before they left and closed the door behind them, you got up to face ayato and he immediately hugged you before leaving a kiss on your forehead.
“Where were you?” you asked curiously, tilting your head, he lifted your chin and leaned down to kiss your lips before answering, “I was dealing with the higher ups, working out a few issues oh, and also our marriage is officially now legalised, you are now the lady of this house.” he smiled.
You smiled back at that, before resting your arms on his and just enjoying this romantic moment, “I have to go now darling, there is still a slight settlement that needs to be done, I will be back soon.” he tells you and gives you another kiss, you nod and wave him goodbye as he leaves the chamber.
It has been a while since ayato has left, you were walking as there was nothing to do in the chambers, you decided to familiarize yourself with the residence until a servant rushed up to you, “Lady, there seems to be a guest for you, they are demanding your presence.” the girl says, “Oh? Take me there.” you say and she nods before she tells you to follow her which you do.
Your heart drops to your stomach in dread as the servant opens the door of the waiting room to reveal your fiancé, well, ex fiancé, 'what was he doing here now.' you think bitterly, he gets up and turns to face with a scowl on his face.
“Look who's finally here, the slut that seduced the head of the kamisato clan.” the servant gasped at hearing such degrading words directed towards you by him, “What do you want.” you speak, annoyed.
“what DO I WANT?! why was our engagement called off huh?! and i heard from the owner that you quit your job there!? I always knew you were a whore.” he yells, gritting his teeth in anger and he launches towards you, harshly gripping your shoulders, he reeks of alcohol.
“Let go of me!” you say pushing him off you, making him stumble, he seemed to be shocked by this and laughs, “It got to your head huh? Listen here, just because the clan head slept with you doesn't mean you're any important, he'll probably just dump you, and now nobody else will want you for marriage as you lost your virginity to him.” he laughs in a drunken state, you just looked at him confused, didn't he know that you were now the lady of the clan?
“There's still a chance you know? I will take you back, I don't mind that he took your virginity, you just have to work again and I'll marry you.” he chuckles and now it's your turn to laugh, “You think I'll go back to you? Oh please, I'd rather die.” you scoff, you see his face contort with anger, “You bitch—!” he launches towards you, raising his hand to hit, you close your eyes and turn your head to the side anticipating a hit but nothing comes.
You open your eyes to see ayato holding his hand in a tight grip, “Watch your tongue.” ayato warns, shoving him away from you and standing next to you, “Oh- oh Lord, my apologies, it seems my fiancé here has pleasured you deeply for you to care about her, but I'm here to take her back.” he bows, and ayato scoffs “Take her back? She's my wife now.” as soon ayato finishes that sentence, your ex fiancé's head shoots up to look at him in shock before he looks at you again, you stare at him with a raised eyebrow.
“I-” before he could speak, ayato draws his sword and rests it on his neck, “Should I have your tongue or your head for uttering such slanders towards my wife?” he asks genuinely, chest heaving with anger and you look at him, silently conveying through your gaze to not go that far.
Ayato lowers his blade, and immediately without waiting a second, your ex fiancé rushes out, running away, you scrunch your nose in disgust as the smell of alcohol passes through the air when he rushed past you.
“Thank you.” You say to ayato, he looks at you, you give him a tight hug and feel himself relax against you, “If the servant hadnt come to get me, he would've harmed you.” he mutters and sighs as he hugs you back.
“Seriously how can he treat someone as beautiful and amazing as you this bad?” he pouts and rub his back as reassurance, “But hey, now I have you.” you say and smile up at him, which he returns before leaning down to kiss you on the lips.
He pulls away from the kiss before gazing at the direction your ex had ran off to, “Maybe I'll have his head on a splatter.” you hear him say darkly and you punch his chest lightly, “No, Love.” you say sternly and his stomach erupts with butterflies.
Oh how you had him whipped and lovestruck.
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lillaluna · 3 months
how I met my cat
Pairing: Neuvillette, Ayato, Childe, Dottore, Zhongli, Pantalone, Itto x f!Reader
Walking down one of Inazuma's streets, which was being lit up by the midday sun, Ayato spotted what he would say after "that misunderstanding" sitting on the edge of a wooden bridge, looking wistfully at the carp that were splashing in the clear water. The kitten looked like the very personification of sunshine. His red hair was sticking out in different directions, and his face was as silly as it was cute.
The guy froze for a while, following his gaze to the picture in the water, which the red kitten was studying with such care. The noise behind him attracted a small animal, but remarkably, he did not rush to run away, he just looked at Ayato's tall figure with his big green eyes, the size of a tea saucer. The poor kitten was so overzealous with raising his red head, due to the tall stature of a representative of the Kamisato clan, that he fell funny, turning a somersault, which made him look even more disheveled.
"How clumsy you are," Ayato said, and after taking one last look at the animal, he went about his business.
What was his surprise when he noticed a red-haired, disheveled spy who followed him from one planned place to another, and eventually escorted him to the Kamisato estate.
That day, Ayato ordered to feed his personal guest, as a reward for his perseverance and endurance, because he had come a really long way with his tiny paws. And then a terrible thing happened… Ayaka saw the kitten.
Ayato swears he has no affection for the silly ginger cat, but Toma, who works late into the night, often sees Yashiro, the head of the commission, allow the animal to nestle in his lap and soothe it with his purr.
Pantalone left the restaurant, and the first thing that attracted him, even across the street, was a sprawled black spot that contrasted with the snow-covered street. While the man was putting on gloves, he saw how on the well-fed body of the "spot", which turned out to be a cat, black fur was waving from gusts of wind, but he stubbornly and motionlessly lay. At some point, Pantalone allowed the idea that the animal was frozen, but he was surprised enough when he saw a sluggish movement and a prolonged "meow" when a worried young girl came out of the shop in front of the cat and put a thick and fresh sausage in front of him. She cooed while squatting next to him, stroking his soft fur and saying how poor and unhappy he was. Pantalone chuckled and went home.
There might not have been anything remarkable in this story, but Regrator noticed the cat several more times, each time he left the restaurant, the animal lay motionless near the bench, waiting for his saviour.
"Sly," Pantalone said to himself and headed across the street.
Sitting down in front of the animal, the man smiled, because from this distance you could see thick, beautiful black fur, and the fact that the cat was very well-fed.
"Very clever," said the man again, and was about to leave when the cat opened his green eyes. Perhaps sensing that he was not going to get a handout from Pantalone, he did not meow as he usually did, but sat up gracefully and blinked a few times.
No matter how funny it sounded, Pantalone invited the cat to go with him, and no matter how funny it sounded, the cat agreed and gently trotted through the snow after his recognized master.
Despite the fact that the cat has been voluntarily domesticated and now needs nothing, he likes to sneak into the kitchen and act out scenes of "hungry" fainting in front of the cooks, who are happy to feed the sly cat.
The staff of the Pantalone estate often loses a cat and they go crazy looking for it, thinking that they have missed the beloved pet of one of the Harbingers, while the animal sleeps on its owner's clothes merging with it. As soon as Pantalone calls his pet by name, he fluffs his tail and goes to greet him or keep him company, purring peacefully during long working nights.
The eccentric head of the Arataki gang was a second away from deciding to jump into the arms of Kuki Shinobu, who was walking next to him, when a small pack of yard dogs rushed at him from the alley, but he froze in surprise when he realized that they were dispersed … by a cat. A white, somewhat skinny cat with a torn right ear and piercing orange eyes. He drove the dogs away with unshakable confidence, accompanying all this with a shrill "meow".
"He's just a demon in cat form," Itto exclaimed mischievously, watching the cat disappear around the bend.
It took several days and all the skill of the Arataka gang to find the white cat, which, unfortunately for the members of the group, Itto was delighted with.
The found animal and the "drama lover" Arataki Itto quickly found a common language and stuck to each other. The cat loves to relax, like a fluffy collar, on the shoulders of its recognized owner, in some unthinkable way, It taught him to hunt beetles and look for only the best specimens for fighting.
Despite the fact that Kuki was skeptical about the appearance of the cat, even she relented when the sneaky cat began to bring them small goodies from nowhere. That's how he became a full member of the Arataka gang.
Dottore had to go to Sumeru himself, in order to purchase components sold only there for his experiments. And it was there, in the market, that the man saw a white cat holding a mouse by the tail with a fluffy paw. Dottore froze and watched with interest what would happen next. In an instant, the cat easily lets the mouse go and desperately watches its well-aimed run.
"This is a failure," the man said to himself, already about to look away from the snow-white cat, as he looked at him, as if he had heard a remark. Multicolored eyes, one yellow and the other green, looked accusingly at the man, and with light leaps the graceful animal began to chase the mouse, which had just found hope of salvation.
Waving his fluffy tail, the cat was rapidly approaching the small rodent, playing with him in a feline version of hide-and-seek. Observation and dexterity do not give the poor mouse a chance. On the move again, the cat instantly grabs the mouse with its paws, which are glistening with snow-white fur.
This little game moment is full of energy and grace, and is a reflection of the sincere joy and enjoyment that the cat gets from his favorite mouse game. And it was after that that Dottore decided that the snow-white cat from the Sumeru market belonged to him.
Morax sat in one of the gazebos near Li Yue Harbour. The man was drinking fragrant tea in silence, watching the ships that were going on a long journey. Preferring to spend time in peace and quiet, Zhongli often chose this particular gazebo, on top of a fairly high mountain. Accustomed that no one would disturb him here, the man was extremely surprised to notice a majestic fluffy red cat lying on a smooth stone ledge enjoying the rays of the sun. His bright coat shone against the background of the surrounding green cover of nature. The cat stretched out relaxed, enjoying the pleasant peace.
It would seem that over the years of his life, Morax had seen many cats, but there was something subtly regal about it. Birds were flying around the cat, singing their songs. They felt safe next to this powerful, compared to them, animal, which never harmed harmless creatures. It seemed that the mice and birds knew that this cat was not just a predator, but also a patron, calmly allowing them to be in his vicinity.
However, one little mouse decides to test the limits of the exclusivity of its security. Sneaking up unnoticed, she approached the cat and, trying her luck, tries to bite him. But it was courage, for which the little girl paid dearly.
The cat, suddenly feeling the mouse's teeth on its fur, reacts reflexively to the attack. He instantly gets to his feet and easily deals with the rodent, leaving impressive evidence of his power in front of the others.
Raising his head in proud relief and dignity, the cat turned his gaze to Zhongli.
"You can't make concessions when there is a contract. If the contract is not followed, it will be violated," the man said and motioned for the animal to sit closer to him.
The judge already believed that he had committed the most reckless act in his entire life when he succumbed to Furina's persuasions to take a kitten from the shelter so that he would keep him company and he would not be so lonely.
Neuvillette often watched as a gray ball of fur, trying to catch its tail, bites it, from which it then meows plaintively, as it crashes into furniture from a running start, as it clumsily falls from all surfaces that it can reach. Sometimes it seemed to him that he had sheltered a kitten with a maximum of one brain cell. This playful prankster chases after him and clings to his clothes. He attacks Neuvillette from around the corner, hisses at his shadow and hiccups funny.
"You vaguely remind me of someone," states Neuvillette, taking the kitten in his arms to go with him to his office, because it seems to him that he does not want him to leave.
This is not the first time that Neuvillette's new pet stays with him at work, and all employees adore and gladly pamper this clumsy, cheerful and active ball of fur.
One day, coming home after a brutal trial, when it was raining heavily outside, Neuvillette found a picture that made his heart skip a beat. Somehow, the cat got stuck in a paper bag, and mewing piteously tried to run to him right in such a standing position. The rain has gradually subsided, and Fontaine's relentless judge can't help but smile when he has to tear open the package to free the kitten.
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darlingsblackbook · 1 year
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Kamisato Ayato x Reader
Summary : A choice made by your parents without your knowledge, ended up uniting the two of you in an arranged marriage.
Wordcount : 2500
Warnings : Panic attack, arranged marriage, bad relationship with parents and angst? I have not reached Ayato's quest yet, so this might be ooc. Let me know if it is, please :')
A/N : I used to love writing but eventually stopped because it started feeling like a chore instead of a hobby, but now I'm back >:) I have never written for Genshin Impact, so this was new for me! Also, english is not my first language, so if there are any mistakes, feel free to let me know :)
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Gravel crunched underneath your feet as you silently followed your, now, husband to your new home. The whites of the heavy dress, adorned by your body, unfortunately being dirtied as it dragged behind you on the ground. You could not bring yourself to care at this moment, not when there were many things running through your mind to worry about.
Your heart hammered against your chest, you truly feared it would fall out at any moment now. Raising your hands up, you clearly see the tremors in your hands. Every step you took, filled you with more and more fear, leaving you gasping for air. And as you saw the guards and the lights of the estate, from a distance, you could no longer control the expression on your face. You could already feel the tears trying to force their way out.
You didn't want to take any step further, you truly wanted to stop right there and then. You didn't want to enter the estate, it was not your home, filled with strangers. That included your husband, you didn't know him, you knew of him and the fact he was feared by many, but that's it. You had never talked to him before, the first and last words you had uttered to him until now were your wedding vows.
What a joke
Your parents just gave you away as if you meant nothing. Just an object to exchange for more power and status. The dress, your makeup, jewelry and your hair styled to perfection felt like nothing more but a big, red bow on a present.
You always knew, it was clear from the conversations you were always left out of, the trips where you were left behind, the love and affection you were deprived of, you were the black sheep amongst your siblings.
You never understood it, you never asked them for anything, always did everything they wanted, always did your best to excel in all subjects and yet they could not find it in them to give you - even the tiniest - bit of praise.
It's not fair.
How could they just leave you with a stranger, just like that, without any care? How could they decide who you would spend the rest of your life with, without the slightest care of your own wants and dreams? Did they not care to think about your own feelings, how utterly terrified you would be? To leave the only place you've ever seen, to go live with a place filled with strangers, even share a room with one-
I mean, come on, even if you were the least favored one, you must have at least meant something to them, right?
You could no longer hold your tears back, they softly fell, leaving a shiny trail behind. You slowed down a bit, fearing Ayato might hear you, fearing how he might react. He was a complete stranger to you, you had only heard rumors about the commissioner, you had no idea what to expect from him.
Your anxiety spiked, all kinds of scenarios running through your mind. There were just too many things you didn't know, the images fabricated by your mind filling up the blank spaces.
"Good evening, commissioner." You were snapped out of your haze by the voices of the guards. You had not even realized you reached the estate. You hurriedly wiped any traces of tears on your face but, judging by the looks on the guards' faces it had no use.
They did their best to give you an assuring smile, "Welcome to the estate, my lady.", they bowed.
You managed a small smile, thanking them for the kind gesture. You wiped away any traces of the emotions raging inside of you. There were maids everywhere in the estate, you could not risk being seen like this, it would leave a bad impression.
You couldn't help but look around in awe, the Kamisato estate truly was beautiful and much bigger than your former home.
You were so distracted, your footsteps slowed down even more, you hadn't noticed Ayato had stopped in front of a door. Nor had you noticed the softness in his eyes as he gazed at your form, the corners of his lips quirked up in the tiniest smile. "Y/n."
"Huh?" You turned your head so quickly, you were pretty sure you had a whiplash, not that you could help it. It was the first time he spoke since leaving the event. You immediately straightened up, fixing your posture and raised your head as an attempt to look confident. "Yes, commissioner?"
A certain glint appeared in his eyes at the title, if you didn't know any better you would have said it was amusement. He did not comment on it, simply sliding the door open and stepping inside the room.
You took a deep breath and followed him inside. It was a simple room, a huge bed, a closet and a vanity. On the left side of the room you could see another door, probably leading to a bathroom.
Was this his room? The room you were supposed to share with him? The bed you were expected to sleep in....with him? Your cheeks turned a bright red just at the thought.
"Is the room to your liking?" Ayato asked, after seeing you examine the room. You looked at him and silently nodded. "I'm glad to hear that, if there's anything you're not satisfied with or would like to change feel free to let me know."
"Thank you", you quietly responded. You fiddled with your finger and looked around the room to keep you busy as an awkward silence filled the room.
Until... a rustling sound was heard, followed by the sound of something soft hitting the floor. Your gaze automatically drifted in the direction of the sound, only for you to immediately slap the palms of your hands on your eyes.
"I'm sorry! I did not mean to look!" You gasped, the feeling of embarrassment causing your cheeks to turn a bright red.
You heard a chuckle, followed by footsteps and then the warmth radiating from a body - Ayato was standing right in front of you.
Warm hands gently curled around your wrist, softly pulling your hands away from your face. "Don't be embarrassed, you may look as much as you desire to."
"Wha…you…I-", speechless, you were truly speechless. What were you even supposed to respond with? Was he trying to cause you a heart attack?!
"Or do my looks perhaps not satisfy you enough?" Ayato said with a raised eyebrow.
Kill me now
You frantically shook your head, just giving up on even attempting to speak. You couldn't look him in the eye, neither could you look down as his chest was right in your face, you just settled to look at the closed bathroom door behind Ayato. That's until he raised his hand and put a finger under your chin to raise your head up. "Oh? My looks don't satisfy you?"
"N-no that's not it! You look….fine…commissioner" You managed to say.
"Ayato." He said, after a moment of silence. An intense look in his eyes.
You blinked at him, "Hmm?"
"You may call me Ayato." He clarified, "We are husband and wife now after all. It would be…unusual..for you to call me by such a title."
"Oh.." you again averted your eyes to the door behind him, "I..apologize."
"There is no apology needed." Ayato cleared up and suddenly his smirk was back on his face. "Say, why won't you get ready for bed? You must be tired."
"O-oh, uhmm..o-okay" you quietly answered. Ayato finally lowered your hands and let go of only one, continuing to hold onto the other. You looked at him in confusion before a yelp escaped you as you were suddenly spun around. Your clothed back gently landed against his bare chest, his arm around your waist, holding you close.
You couldn't help the shudder that ran through your body or the soft gasp that escaped you at the feeling of his warm breath against your sensitive neck. Looking in front of you, you saw that he had turned you in the direction of a full body mirror. "L-lord…Ayato…"
The hand that was not holding onto you raised up and gently took out the hairpiece holding your hair up. The strands of hair gently fell down and framed your face perfectly. The same hand gently stroked your hair, feeling the softness and the faint scent of flowers of your shampoo wafting to his nose.
You looked up at him through the mirror, surprised at his gentleness. You had heard all kinds of things about Ayato, hushed stories that were passed from one maid to the other and had reached your ears. You were still scared, your shaky hands the proof of said feeling and reminder of how close you were to having a panic attack. Still, seeing the way he had treated you until now managed to somehow lessen the fear.
There was still one thing you were panicking about…
Ayato's eyes met yours in the mirror, he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear before he took a step back and completely let go of you. Your eyes stayed locked on each other. "Do you need my assistance in preparing for bed?"
Your eyes widened at his offer and you frantically shook your head. "N-no! I mean, I'll be fine."
"Very well," Ayato said, "then I shall continue to get ready as well."
You took a deep breath to slow your hammering heart, you would have to undress yourself. You raised your shaky hands to grab onto the outer layer of your wedding kimono. You turned your head to look in the mirror, only to be met with Ayato bare back as he himself continued to change into his sleeping clothes. You could faintly see the small scars scattered on the expanse of his back and the strong muscles as he moved.
You quickly turned your head away and hurriedly started to change into your nightwear, rushing to get clothed while his back was still turned to you as you did not feel comfortable enough yet to bare your body to him. He was still a stranger after all.
Even though it went against the advice given to you by your personal maids.
As soon as you pulled your nightgown down, you looked into the mirror again, seeing Ayato turning around right on time. His eyes briefly wandered across your form before he met your gaze.
Ayato started walking towards you until he was right behind you, his eyes still on yours. He raised his hands up and gently pulled all of your hair behind one shoulder. You held your breath when you saw his hand lowering to the back of your neck, until you felt him unlock the necklace around your neck.
His expression was unreadable and the look in his eyes so intense, you couldn't help but break eye contact. Your chest raised up and down at a fast pace, resembling the pace of your heartbeat.
"Why don't you get in bed?" He asked, breaking the tense silence. He took a step back and walked towards the vanity to store the necklace away.
You silently walked past him, to your preferred side of the bed and shyly sat down. This was the part of the night that could not leave your mind and had you scared the most.
Were you just going to sleep or did he expect a certain thing from you?
You harshly gulped, clasping your hands together as you felt the bed dip behind you. The same overwhelming fear threatens to take over again. You bit your lip, a nervous habit of yours, to distract yourself.
A warm hand landing on your left shoulder had your whole body stiffening up, you barely managed to hold yourself back from flinching. Ayato softly pulled your shoulder back in his direction, "Turn around, y/n."
You did as he said, turning your body in his direction but your head lowered as if the design on the sheet was the most interesting thing ever. Again, you could escape his gaze, he took your chin between two fingers to meet your eyes.
Did he….want-, your train of thought was cut off as you saw him leaning in. You softly gasped when his nose softly bumped against yours, his warm breath softly hitting your face and when he leaned even closer you tightly closed your eyes.
One, two, three seconds passed and then you felt it. His surprisingly soft lips placed an equally soft kiss on your forehead. Your eyes snapped open in bewilderment, that was the last thing you expected.
One, two and after three seconds, Ayato pulled away not too far though. Again he held you so close your nose almost touched his, "I do not intend to go anywhere you're not ready for yet. I understand how troubling so much change in so little time must be and the difficulty of being from everything that's familiar to you…. It may not feel like it yet but this is your home as much as it is mine and I want it to feel like such to. I do not wish for you to feel fear or unwelcomed in your own home, so if anything or anyone dares to trouble you, let me know and it will be dealt with. Do you understand?"
You could only offer a nod. A soft sigh escaped Ayato's lips before he pulled away from you. He blew out the candles on the nightstand at his side and silently layed down with his back turned to you and pulled the blanket over his form. You followed his actions and shyly rested your head on the pillow next to his, you had turned your back to him as well.
The tremors in your hands had disappeared. The pounding beat of your heart slowed to a steady rhythm and your breath evened out. The panic and fear in your body was pushed to the background as a warmth blossomed in your chest.
Still, as your lower lip trembled, you could not help it as tears welled up and softly fell. This time, they were not caused by your parents' mistreatment and neglect, neither by the aching loneliness or absolute fear and hopelessness of your future.
Instead, it was Ayato's thoughtfulness, it was the way Ayato clearly had made you his priority (despite you technically being as stranger to him too), he respected you and your feelings - just the fact you had noticed your inner turmoil and had not ignored it and done whatever he wanted ( like everyone else in your life ) was enough to reduce you to tears.
While you held your hand tightly clasped on your lips, keeping any sounds of escaping you, to avoid disturbing Ayato's sleep….
Said man was wide awake, his heart strangely aching at the sound of the soft sobs you could not hold back…
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ganyuslily · 1 year
“i hereby declare that i am opening s/o applications! i can offer a poem, a brownie and my unconditional love. if you’re interested, please fill out this form!”
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(platonic/romantic) ayato, albedo, childe, kazuha, an anonymous sender x gn!reader, chiscara cameo lmao
comedy, fluff, modern!au, high school!au (?)
for valentine’s day…. i love valentine’s day i LOVE PEOPLE IN LOVE!!!!!
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“this is so dumb,” your best friend xiao mutters under his nose. “i’m not even talking about the fact that you came up with the whole significant other form thing or the fact that it actually worked,” he looks with an indescribable look in his eyes at your phone, “i can’t believe you used google forms to make it. really? google forms?”
“what else was i supposed to use, genius,” you retort while opening the submitted applications. “i’m more impressed that i actually got so many answers. i think my brownie has bewitched them, their body and soul,” you say jokingly while stretching.
xiao looks at you with a blank face and you only shrug. he looks like he’s mere seconds from a breakdown. you wonder why.
“well, i’ve gotta say this is perfect! valentine’s day just around the corner, y’know? would be nice to have a partner even if they would break up with me like two days later. i can’t keep pestering you to be my valentine every single year.” he simply sighs and rubs his eyes. he seems annoyed. you’re not sure why though but you know he’s not annoyed at you. he never is.
“alright, enough talking, let’s get to it! time to see whose application was the best!” you declare enthusiastically and start scrolling.
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TELL ME SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF: i’m not particularly sure what contents should be placed here.
TELL ME ABOUT YOUR PERFECT DATE: a meeting in the park sounds quite nice. obviously, it would depend on the weather. however, if it would be nice, strolling and talking while walking between trees and flower seems quite lovely. i’ve always wanted to try it.
TELL ME THE REASON FOR YOUR APPLICATION: you seem like a very nice and competent person. we’ve worked on a couple projects before and even if we wouldn’t end up dating, i would still appreciate becoming friends.
TELL ME A FUN FACT: oh my, i’m really bad this. i’m sorry. could i perhaps ask you a question though? do you know if i perhaps did anything to offend your friend? he’s been glaring at me since the time we first teamed up for a project.
[…do you think thoma and ayaka put him up to it?] [that is quite possible.]
[aish, that’s too bad. do you think he’d still like to meet up though? i’d like to get closer to him.]
[what? why on earth would you like to do that?]
[why not? it could be fun. also, addressing his concern, do you have anything against him?]
[…no, not in particular.]
[alright, if you say so…]
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TELL ME SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF: oh come on, we’ve known each other for so long. i’m sure you already know it but but when i was a child i accidentally dyed my hair black — my mother was terrified. on the other hand, i was quite thrilled. maybe i should do it again.
TELL ME ABOUT YOUR PERFECT DATE: a study date? perhaps. i’m sorry, this probably sounds quite boring. in my defense, i am quite a boring person. i’m open to anything though.
TELL ME THE REASON FOR YOUR APPLICATION: we’ve been lab partners since the beginning of high school, haven’t we? i’d like to think we get along quite well PLUS i don’t have a valentine this year either and if i’ll have to listen to my mother’s nagging again i will lose it. if you want to, i can give you extra chemistry lessons — an agreement with mutual benefit, if i can put it that way.
TELL ME A FUN FACT: did you know ajax screamed when he saw that you put out the forms? i’m not particularly sure why but i felt as if my eardrums were about to explode. even my noise canceling headphones didn’t work.
[can’t believe he’d try to use me again to get rid of his mother’s talking his ear off.]
[if it annoys you, i can take care of it.]
[your definition of taking care of something is quite doubtful, if i’m being honest. and no, you don’t have to. i love helping him anyways. he’s a good friend and he explains chemistry perfectly.]
[i could also give you some extra lessons from it.]
[xiao, you are literally failing the subject.]
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TELL ME SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF: i’m good at sports, obviously. i’m also fantastic at learning. i’m also handsome. generally speaking, i’m perfect (and taken).
TELL ME ABOUT YOUR PERFECT DATE: simply spending time with my lovely boyfriend (if he’d hear me call him that he’d slap me in the face).
TELL ME AND THE REASON FOR YOUR APPLICATION: i’m trying to help my friend but i’m not sure if he won’t murder me in exchange if he does please put forget-me-nots at my grave i beg!!
TELL ME A FUN FACT: i once put a lightbulb in my mouth because i didn't believe it when they said you won’t be able to get it out. had to go to the hospital and shit — oh and by the way did you know there is someone close to you that HAS A CRUSH ON YOU PLEASE OPEN YOUR EYES I CAN’T KEEP ON ENDURING IT ANYMORE
[a crush? on me, out of all people?]
[why are you so surprised?]
[why would i be not? it’s not like i’m popular or anything. considering you, who has been my friend for the longest time never developed one, how could a completely random person do it?]
[…who knows.]
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TELL ME SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF: i think you know everything you should already, considering you’ve seen most of my poetry.
TELL ME ABOUT YOUR PERFECT DATE: finding a place the both of us have never been to before and exploring it together. making memories with a person you like is always pleasant.
TELL ME THE REASON FOR YOUR APPLICATION: i just want to get closer to you. and who knows where it will lead us.
TELL ME A FUN FACT: did you know they opened a new café just around the corner? perhaps that could be our destination.
[kazuha is as sweet as ever. straight to the point too.]
[…too straight to the point.]
[did you say something?]
[well, you do remember you’re supposed to visit the café with me though, right? we’re supposed to do it tomorrow.]
[of course i do.]
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TELL ME SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF: what would be the point of me submitting myself as anonymous if i’d describe myself in great detail here
TELL ME REASON FOR YOUR APPLICATION: i’ve liked you since that one time where you reached out my hand to me in kindergarten and asked if we could become friends. i’ve kept on liking you when you went through your first breakup. i’ve kept on liking you when we were spending valentine’s day together every single year. i’ve always liked you. i still do. and i don’t think i’ll stop
TELL ME A FUN FACT: would you believe me if i told you that out of all the possible people ajax was the one that made me do this. i’ve threatened him that if this fails i’ll tell scara that he’s had a crush on him since sixth grade
[is this you?]
[silent as ever, huh.]
[what if it is me?]
[because if it is, i like you too. i’ve liked you for a very long time now.]
[…yes, it is me.]
[oh, thank the stars. i can’t believe i had to do this whole thing to see if my feelings were one-sided.]
[huh? what did you say?]
[…nothing! so, how would you like to spend our first valentine’s day together as an official couple?]
[what, you don’t want it?]
[wait, xiao, did you just blush?]
[…we can visit that café.]
[whatever you want, my dear boyfriend.]
[…stop talking.]
720 notes · View notes
sayakaskokofish · 7 months
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Hey! So while everyone is waiting for my Diluc X Reader one shot, I decided to make a small treat for you all 🩷 (I worked hard making it all pretty so I really hope you like it, and I'll try doing more stuff like this after the Diluc oneshot as it will look way different, as I have had it for a long while sitting in there sobs)
Characters selected!
➤ Nilou! 🌊💃🪷
➤ Tighnari! 🪴🦊🌱
➤ Kamisato Ayato! 🌊🧋🗡️
➤ Xiao! 🍃👹🍮
➤ Zhongli! 🪨🪙🍵
➤ Scaramouche/Wanderer! 🍃🫐👶
Content: Reader being a ballerina and them seeing the performance (because I've been obsessed with the black and white swan recently 🩷)
Readers gender/pronouns: Gender neutral, They/Them (but you are 100% free to place your own pronouns here as it is for readers!)🫧
Hope you enjoy! ღゝ◡╹)ノ
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𝗡𝗼𝘄 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴: Nilou!
"Hips don't lie - Shakira" // sped up ☆
02:10 ━━━━●───── 03:39
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻ ♡
🫧✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚
• Nilou, being a dancer herself, was super excited! She loved seeing other people dance. It gave her full happiness when she saw you come up on stage wearing a pretty costume. She watched every second of the show in awe. Candace, Dehya, and Kevah who were sitting next to her could see stars in her eyes as she watched your performance.
• She couldn't help it! She was enchanted watching you dance every single time! Sure, she could dance well.. but watching you dance was so much better. Your movements, Costume, even the way your hair was made her light up as she watched you. She happily ate the small snacks Dehya has snuck in for the small group.
• After your performance ended, she went straight up to you, leaving the others behind as she hugged you tightly. She spewed only kind words as she told you how great you looked and how pretty your dance was. Afterwards, she helped massage your feet from dancing. Even as you both fell asleep, she couldn't help but think about your dancing. She was truly mesmerized.
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Next Up: Tighnari!
"Just a cloud away - Pharrell Williams" // sped up ☆
01:15 ━━━━●───── 02:56
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻ ♡
🌱‧₊˚𖦹 ࣪.𓋼𓍊 ☘️
• At first he didn't think he even had time to go see your performance. But after Collei had asked, he gave in and they went to go see it. He regrets nothing. Him and Collei were sitting a good distance away to where they could see you properly, and they were snacking on the overpriced snacks that the place had sold as they watched you.
• As Collei was watching, she had turned to look at Tighnari, looking to see if he was paying attention.. only to find his tail wagging back and forth in the chair. His eyes were entirely on the stage. She gave him a (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠) look before looking back at the stage with a huge smile on her face.
• After the performance, Tighnari was holding Collei's hand as they walked to where you were resting, taking off your shoes. He had saw a small bruise on your foot and once the three of you got home, he praised your performance as he massaged your feet and aided the bruise, his tail still wagging.
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Continuing: Kamisato Ayato!
"Carless Whisper - George Michael" // sped up ☆
02:43 ━━━━●───── 05:01
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻ ♡
🌊.𖥔 ݁ ˖🧋₊ ⊹
• His sister had asked to go see one of your dances and while he was busy.. he was able to cram the rest of his work in two days so him, Ayaka, and Thoma could go see your performance. After getting in the good seats they had paid for, they watch the show. Ayaka had a huge smile on her face as she looked over to her brother who had a small smile on his face as he drank the boba he had snuck in inside his sleeves.
• When the performance had ended, they all went to go see you and afterwards, they spent the rest of the day going getting food and relaxing since he now had a few days of free time.
• He had decided that he would get you a custom costume and pair of shoes made for your next performances. Ayaka had helped him with it, finding accessories for you.
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Next Up: Xiao!
"I can't handle change - Roar" // sped up ☆
02:36 ━━━━●───── 03:18
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻ ♡
🍃* ೃ ༄
• He denied coming to your performance due to his duty to protect Liyue as it is in his contract, however.... If you looked hard enough, you'd see him in the back just watching. Amazed.
• As the performance hit the best part, Xiao was stuck there, watching with stars in his eyes. Even if his face didn't show it, he was glad he came and watched you. He would've regretted it, especially if he had saw the face of disappointment when you couldn't see him.
• After the performance, you were met with Xiao with a small Qingxin in hie hand. He shyly held it out to you before saying he liked your show, poofing into the greenish teal smoke and with that, he was gone. Only this time like the rest, his face was a bit pink.
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𝗡𝗼𝘄 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴: Zhongli!
"Two Slow dancers - Mitski" // sped up ☆
01:03 ━━●─────── 03:59
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻ ♡
🪙`∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠° 📃 合約 🪨
• Zhongli is a big fan of performances and watching them, he always spent time watching Yunjin and some of the other traditional dancers perform so he was quite delighted to accept your invitation!
• Hutao has invited herself along since she haven't had any customers the whole day, the two of them had sat down and waited, Hutao had snuck food inside because both her and Zhongli aren't paying that much for the food they are selling (💀).
• They watched as you danced around gracefully, Hutao had thrown some of her snack at some people who wasn't paying attention in-front of them. And after the performance ended, Hutao shoved a Lily in your face with a big smile and Zhongli stood behind her, his hand about to grab her pigtail as he complemented the preformance.
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𝗡𝗼𝘄 Listening to: Scaramouche/Wanderer(hoe)!
"They're only humans - death note: the musical" (the English version) // sped up ☆
01:55 ━━━━●───── 02:38
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻ ♡
🎐🍃 ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ 🫐⚡
• He said that it sounded stupid as d that he wasn't going to go. That was 3 hours ago, Nahida told him to go anyways, because even if he didn't like it, him going would make you happy. He said hell no and left.
• Now he's sitting on a bench with Nahida beside him as every was talking, waiting for the preformance to start (it wasn't really anything big, just a small outside performance for people to sit and watch) as he crossed his arms, slumped. He was cursing the small archon beside him who had to get a few cusions to even see, which he laughed at.
• Nahida had looked over to her side as the preformance was going on, she was met with Wanderer/Scaramouche with a tear rolling down his eye. Throughout the whole preformance, he could only think about the story his deceased friend had told him which he had called stupid. The nutcracker and ballerina. In that very seat, he felt like the nutcracker and he hated how he felt, but he couldn't resist watching you dance beautifully.
• After the preformance, Nahida and Scaramouche were holding hands (much to his dismay and embarrassment) as they walked to where you were sitting, massaging your feet. Scaramouche's eyes were slightly red but after whispering to Nahida she had told you that he liked the preformance, to which he denied, his face as red as his eyes.
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Hello! I hope you liked this treat. And no, scaramouche didn't get favoritism 😭 was just able to write more for him, plus my emoticon website thing stopped working for me 😭 (so him and Zhongli are kinda half-assed with that small part) I'm getting used to having something that looks so pretty (in my eyes at least) so please bare with me, requests are open ❤️ Diluc oneshot may be a bit delayed however. Also, for requests, feel free to request a song (not a songfic) or have me give you one for the character(s) 🫧💗
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actiniumwrites · 1 year
synopsis: it’s ayato’s birthday and all he can hope for is for you to finally go out on a date with him. 
character(s): ayato x gn!reader 
wc: 838
warnings: angst to fluff, hurt/comfort, the ending is happy i swear 
notes: i think this is the first birthday fic i’ve ever written for a genshin character lmao. honestly i keep forgetting their birthdays until it’s too late so i’m glad i remembered his was sometime in march. anyway, i’m pretty happy with how this one turned out. happy birthday to the better kamisato sibling! jk jk...unless 👀
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Three knocks sound at the door to Ayato’s office.
It snaps him out of the flow of work he’s been sucked into for the past — wait. How many hours had it been? He sighs as he realizes he worked for way too long again and sets down his fountain pen, stained with black ink as a few drops escape onto the paper below it.
You come waltzing in a few moments later.
“Apologies, my lord.”
“What for?” he asks curiously. All the while he’s assessing what you’re wearing. It’s a nice outfit, one that looks well fit for a night out — a date perhaps. He notices the colors you’ve chosen to wear, the ones you always looked best in. You were even wearing the bracelet he had gifted you for your birthday last year. The sides of his lips tug ever so slightly as he spots it on your wrist.
“For one, arriving back to the estate so late,” you begin sheepishly, hoping to stay out of trouble,” and two, for coming in without waiting for a response. The lights appeared to be off and I was concerned you had fallen asleep while working again.”
Ayato clears his throat and averts his eyes. Although, he’s not sure if the reason he did it is because something was in his throat or because jealousy was beginning to creep up on him.
“That’s alright, [Name],” he says softly. You don’t miss the sadness in his voice as he continues, “So, who was the lucky guy this time?”
The only light that seemed to keep the room from being in complete darkness was the little oil lamp that was lit at the corner of his table. Your eyes widen slightly, but not enough for him to see.
“Oh, I wasn’t—“ you start, flustered by his assumptions. It was true, you had been going out on dates, but you hadn’t gone on one tonight.
“Hey,” he half whispers with a smile, “I was only kidding.”
But you know he isn’t.
You stare at him in disbelief before scoffing and reaching for something behind you. Soon enough, a pale blue gift bag made its way into his vision as you carried it to his desk. It’s not just any shade of blue he notes, it’s his favorite shade.
“I was out getting you this,” you quietly admit, “Happy Birthday, my lord.”
Ayato glances between you and the bag before back to you again, “Please, I’d really prefer it if you would just call me Ayato.”
Your heart speeds up, but you don’t say anything. You honestly weren’t sure what you could say to it. You were his personal assistant who worked alongside Thoma. To call him by his last name would mean you meant something far greater to him than you ever could’ve imagined.
“I…how did you manage to get these? Thank you,” he says in disbelief as he finishes opening the gift. It’s an expensive pair of gloves, ones he had been wanting for ages. They never seemed to be in stock, yet here they were, sitting carefully in his bare palms.
“I spent all day getting the store’s clerk to get them for me. You have no idea the hassle I went through to get my hands on these,” you faintly laugh for a few seconds. It fades out as you remember his melancholic expression earlier. “It was certainly no date,” you add quietly.
“I apologize. It was wrong of me to have assumed,” he says sincerely.
“It’s alright. I would never go on a date today anyway…not on your birthday.”
“Even if it was with me?” he asks with a smile. Your words are once again caught in your throat as you fail to answer him. You realize he’s being just as genuine with his question as he was with the apology.
In reality, the only reason you had been going on dates were to try to erase your feelings for him. He was your boss and you felt it would be inappropriate to harbor such feelings for a man like him, with his status and all.
“Well I—” you stutter out. You don’t even finish your sentence before he’s walked around his desk and right in front of you. He pulls your hands into his and brings you closer to him.
“Please don’t tell me I’ve been reading into this the wrong way,” Ayato says, his tone dropping back into a whisper, “Please tell me you really do have feelings for me.”
It takes you a second, but you nod. Your eyes are on his and you’re smiling. A deep breath escapes him and he’s laughing with relief. But more than anything else, he’s smiling brighter than you’ve ever seen him smile before.
His eyes glance to the tiny clock in the corner of the room before he’s looking at you again, “If you don’t mind granting me one more birthday wish, would you let me take you out tonight?”
“Of course,” you say, “Happy Birthday, Ayato.”
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yandere-wishes · 1 year
⋆  ⋆ ℕ𝕖𝕨 𝕄𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥 ⋆  ⋆
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Masterlist for newer, more polished stories. You can look up older stories/fics HERE. There’s a wider selection there 
💜Honkai Star Rail
ɴᴇᴏɴ ɴɪɢʜᴛꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ɴɪɢʜᴛᴍᴀʀᴇꜱ
It's late and you're tired. Trapped within a dreamlike trance trying to figure out if you're sick or just in love. Although to Blade you're just confused and need a little more persuading of how much he loves you.  
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Plot: There's a slick black-clad little gal who's been missing with his bounties recently. Boothill's been dying to rustle her up and take a bite
💜Genshin impact
Racing Au (Wriothesley, Neuvillette, kamisato Ayato)
Some racing snippets from the tracks w/ our fav genshin men.
1:00 am 
Dottore isn't the best at words, especially when it's past midnight and you both have an assignment due first thing in the morning. Yet as the clock tics onwards, he grows a bit bolder.
Comedic Tragedy
Dottore is lovesick and desperate. Reader just wants a life away from from the Akademiya. Neither get what they expected. 
2:00 am 
The Tsaritsa sends two of her finest assassins to take out the head of the Kamisato clan. It's funny how repressed emotions and forgotten memories resurface at the worst times.
Do Not Weep Hydro Dragon
There's a crack in Neuvillette's heart that bares your name. He sheds a tear for you each day. Yet once you return to Fontaine with your fiance. The cracks and tears begin to grow. 
Sinking into the Depths
Freminet is desperate to take you diving with him. You are rather reluctant. 
▹▹ Baizhu
Yandere Headcanons
Just some headcanons setting up a longer story.~💜
Sweet like morning-glory
There's a melody humming within your bones. A tune Baizhu strums with his needles and drugs. The ballade sings of a love more deadly than any toxin.
▹▹ Rosaria
▹▹ Lynette
Yandere Headcanons
Yandere Lynette is such a conniving sweetheart!!
▹▹ Wriothesley
Heritage pricks Wriothesley like a valley of thrones, it's unnerving to find someone with the same pains. 
Yadere!Werewolf! Headcanons
Wriothesley has a secret...it's a pleasant surprise to find someone who harbors the same burden.
💜 Obey me 
▹▹ Leviathan
Levi’s caught in a trance, tempted and bewitched by the devildom’s new resident. Someone who’s self hatred rivals his own. Someone who might just comprehend his pain...
💜 Twisted wonderland 
▹▹ Leona Kingscholar
My Queen My Prey
You and Leona are opposites that keep getting in each other's ways. And yet there isn't a single damn thing Leona wouldn't do for you.
▹▹Idia Shroud
Idia wants to prove the world wrong. To show that there is more to life than good and bad, villains and heroes. But somewhere along the way, he falls in love with what he is trying to prove.
Just Like The Gods
Idia falls in love, death and destruction soon follow. He can’t really help it, it’s in his blood.
How To Be A Villain In Seven easy Steps (Riddle, Leona, Azul)
It’s easy to be the villain when life has already casted you for the role from the day you were born...
💜Record Of Ragnarok 
▹▹ Nikola Tesla 
Tesla doesn't sleep, can't sleep. He has something he needs to finish, something to fulfill. Maybe for once in his miserable existence, his inventions can be acknowledged for what they truly are. You're trying to prove yourself before the world comes to an end. And if that means absorbing every form of toxicity your childhood crush has to offer then so be it.
💜Jujutsu Kaisen
Monsters aren’t born they’re made, but Sukuna stumbles across the rare exception…
Love of my life (Yandere x-men 97)
Why is it so hard to say I love you?
▹▹ Miles Morales 
Imposter Syndrome
Miles is the villain. You are the hero. You two shouldn't be in love...
The Perfect Girl
Somewhere along the line the villain won and the hero lost. Now your life is nothing more than a cautionary tale.
The Spider's Web
You are a hero, you feel it within your bones. Calamity may strike and villains may rise. But you are still a hero, it's time to start acting like one. 
▹▹ Miguel O’hara
Comic Book Love
You finally realize that you and Miguel are stuck inside a comic book romance.
Spider Love Bite
Miguel loves you, this you know. But neither the story nor the hero ever stops long enough to wonder if you love him too.
▹▹Michael Morbius
Late Night Calls
Sometimes Morbius is lucid enough to remember your name...
He's Just Ken
You're just Barbie, perfect on the outside, dead on the inside. He's just Ken, neither perfect on the outside nor on the inside. 
💜Moriarty The Patriot
▹▹William James
Reader is an anomaly. A noblewoman of foreign descent. She doesn't belong here. But oh how she wishes to burn the world down just like William.
💜Star Wars
Our Pretty Little Girl (Yandere!Anakin Skywalker x Reader x Yandere! Darth Maul)
You try to escape from two fearsome Sith Lords. Surprisingly they take it rather well.
▹▹Darth Maul
Yandere! Darth Maul Headcanons
What's Darth Maul like as a yandere? How does he treat his darling?
Yandere Darth Maul Headcanons (Ft. Darth Talon)
You're Maul's little doll. Trapped between two scary sith lords.
▹▹Anakin Skywalker
I love you, It's ruining my life
When they realize they love
Desert Rose (Yandere! Paul Atreides x reader x Yandere! Feyd Rautha Harkonnen)
You miss the desert. Miss the sun and the sand and the place where they buried your heart. So you run and pray that they won't catch you. 
💜Wuthering Waves
I might just be in love
Wuthering waves men and how they treat their darling
Superstar AU
He's the hottest new talent and he's only got eyes for you. Based on the movie Priscilla.
A Confession letter
Dear Dracula...
▹▹ Monster High
Yandere! Monster High Ghouls
There's something ancient within you. Lost and forgotten. You're an eldritch creature living amongst monsters. A piece of you lives within each of them. And a piece of each of them lives inside you...
180 notes · View notes
nc-vb · 1 year
𝐎' 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐧, 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞
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So... this is a culmination of that monster dream I had a few weeks back, and the weed-induced dream I had of Ayato a couple of nights ago, that no one asked for, nor was it even in my wips until two days ago... yeah. Uh, it didn't exactly go in the direction I was meaning to send it, but I think it's still good enough to post. Haha.
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pairing -> body-snatched!kamisato ayato x afab!reader
warnings -> 18+ (minors & blank blogs dni), afab/fem-bodied reader + no pronouns used (unless i missed any, pls lmk); modern Genshin AU, major character "death" + mild description of a dead body; mild-yandereism + identity theft (is not a joke); noncon -> dubcon segue (agreement/contract involvement); mild smut (honestly like barely, ok), tentacles... not beta'ed.
notes -> "Ayato" is a body-snatching shapeshifter w/tentacles bc my dream told me so. -> it & he pronouns are used interchangeably-- "it" for the body-snatcher & "he" for "Ayato". -> italics are used for when it is specifically the "creature" speaking; normal text is for when the "creature" is using Ayato's voice.
word count -> 6.2k
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No matter how stubborn you could be, the creature knew you would never be able to hold out against him indefinitely. Lately, you seemed intent on treating him no differently than a housefly, like some pest that needed to be swatted away— ignoring him when he hovers almost too closely behind you to watch you complete a task, ignoring him when he watches you bathe, when he watches you change clothes, just watching, it seems, all done to discomfort you, you’re sure, for to speak is to grant permission.
He knows you can see him, though. And the times he made it so you couldn’t see him were the times he enjoyed you most.
When you met his eye for the first time, it had been less than two weeks after the funeral service you’d attended. The sad, sorry part of your mind would tell you that you’d finally snapped; that the news and the loss and the forced acceptance of your fiancé’s death finally embraced the effects of the sheer insanity you’d been forced to engage in. An assassination? Despite the overwhelming proof, it’d been too much to try and accept so soon. By the time you bothered to, it arrived.
Maybe it was for the pure shock and awe of things, why it arrived carrying Ayato’s stiffened body in its numerous arms in the dead of night, like it only waited for you to turn the lights on in your formerly shared home so you could tie up the garbage bag and drag it to the curb— it waited for you, so you could see with your own two eyes as it absorbed the love of your life into the blackness of its own body. You’d only just begun to grieve. So why? Why… something so awful? So horrific? And why couldn’t it just finish the job?
Thinking back on the incident, you clearly lost your mind; not checking into a hospital’s psych ward for an obvious psychotic break was a mistake, wasn’t it? Maybe that had been the case before it proved itself to not be a hallucination from over-exhausting yourself. You’re stuck, now, latched onto by this being all because you acknowledged it once as your former lover— you’re stuck, and you know it. It knows this, too.
At half after five in the evening, you’d finally returned home from your place of work, the rush hour traffic at least a little forgiving on behalf of you and your sore feet. But rather than take an immediate break as you wish you could’ve, and as the creature expected and hoped that you would, you’d trudged into your room to change, only to stumble back to the kitchen to begin tackling last night’s dishes that needed soaking after you’d had the oven on too high, only reminded of them after catching a whiff of burnt food from your attempt at a veggie deep dish.
If it wasn’t such an awful smell, I’d have left it, you think, draining the overnight water into the “dirty” half of your dual sinks. But I can’t afford to be distracted.
You don’t even need to raise your head to know that the shadow looming over half of the kitchen belonged to the creature. You do your best not to react, not to look up at it and see just what kind of face it wears behind your back. Its own, or… Ayato’s.
“Perhaps I should have tossed the thing and done you a favour. Then you could put all of your focus into ignoring me the second you walked through that door rather than tending to such a tedious chore...”
Save for its eyes, the creature is mostly formless, able to twist and contort its obsidian-shaded body in all the ways the physics of reality should and do deem perverted. But those lilac eyes it wore, like a trophy of sorts, could not be touched, the “windows to the soul”. You’d wished this weren’t the case. You wish it would’ve “taken” his eyes, too. You wish that you wouldn’t have to see them again— not like this, anyway.
In forcing away a particularly stubborn piece of broccoli with your steel wool scrubby, your own eyes teary and burning, your elbow rams itself into the waist of the creature hard enough that you flinch; he, however, chuckles in faux discomfort.
“Ouch,” the creature says. “Though I can appreciate just how much energy you’re putting into cleaning this dish, you might end up injuring yourself, while you’re at it… Calm down, dear one.”
Don’t call me that, your thoughts hiss, and you only wish he’d been the type of creature who could read minds. Don’t call me that with his voice.
What on earth is with this strange concern of his— ah, its…? If anything, it’s only done you more harm than good— receiving such warm regards by something that shouldn’t exist by any means, using someone’s voice that should no longer have one, and yet it’s attached itself to your home like black mold— to you, like some true fungus. And somehow, it still allows you to leave it, believing in your return.
Is it because it absorbed Ayato? Whatever similarly human feelings it displayed for you must be because of this, must be because it has taken on his former memories and thoughts, his former feelings— at least, every science fiction movie you’d ever watched encourages this belief. So then, it must also mean that this is why you keep returning to your home, because despite such an impossible situation, this creature still has his body; it still defiled Ayato’s grave to retrieve it and claim it like a prize…
Really, what was stopping you from leaving and never coming back? No other person had been around that it could bother to threaten in order to keep you shackled to it— not that you received many guests ever, anyhow, but the mere mention of “plumbing issues” had been enough for your family and coworkers to steer clear of your home. It had never displayed any signs or actions of malice; it never made to harm you nor even the random strangers who would approach your home with their business agendas, and not even the sweet Shiba Inu pup you and Ayato purchased just months before his untimely passing.
What agenda did it have, itself, then?
“What a sour expression you’re making. Oh, if only I could read your mind, my love,” the creature laments. You rinse the scrubbed away food from within the dish before submerging it in the opposite, sud-filled sink— the current the movement creates beneath the foam has it slam into the sides.
You sure you’re not playing dumb? you think, embittered by the coincidence.
“Then I might know of the hate you covet behind those beautiful eyes of yours for me— the hate, and perhaps, the depravity.”
My ass. It takes every inch of willpower stored up within you during your time away not to slam the dish into the draining rack.
“Perhaps you think of me as often as I think of you while you’re away. I know I was never present when I was… well… you know.”
The creature shifts, carrying the wind with it when it leans further over the counter. You do your best not to move, other than in regards to your dishwashing, focusing whilst reciting an ad-libbed internal monologue on the history of glass-blowing— the molten glass, with a consistency of molasses, gathers at the end of a hollow pipe to be inflated to a bubble, where it is then formed by blowing, swinging, or rolling along a smooth marver — whatever you could remember from the old How it’s Made television show that would pop up on one of those free cable channels as a kid. It does little to distract you from the warmth now curled against your spine or the strangely comforting scent it suddenly begins exuding, such a familiarly sweet spiciness that has you breathing in just a little deeper—
You shake yourself out of your stupor, wincing. Thankfully, it isn’t full-bodied.
“Perhaps you think of me as deeply as I do of you… And isn’t it just so kind of me to allow you to leave this place and return, as if nothing? “Absence makes the heart grow fonder”— you humans and your silly little phrases. I quite like this one, though.”
There is another shift, one that moves into and past your peripheral vision in front of you— two black tendrils, dark as the charr you’d just discarded, dark as the rest of him, creep toward where your hands remained busied rubbing away bits of florets of broccoli from your colander beneath running cold water, and tear the dish away from you to rinse, himself.
“I do believe I’ve been quite patient for you,” he whispers from above you, voice still carrying into your ears from a distance. You watch the water from the tap roll over the tendrils as they twist beneath it, another desperate attempt to remain distracted. “I’ve kept my “hands to myself" and minded your privacy per our agreement…”
The tendril releases its grip on the colander, placing it loudly into the draining rack. You jump.
“But the longer you choose to ignore me, the more severe your circumstance at the end of our agreement will be.” You fear your lip will split with how hard you bite down on it is. “I now ask of you… to amend our agreement. To add another clause to it, even.”
It doesn’t continue speaking. It won’t be the first to do so now. Even the strange hum-like purr from deep within its chest cavity ceases. And you know why. This isn’t an offer. It’s an ultimatum. It’s the true meaning behind “fuck around and find out” to the nth degree. The longer you choose to ignore this creature, whatever secret plan it had in store for you would only be made worse by your stubbornness. You also know what it means for you if you do speak.
Your original agreement was simple: allow the creature to remain at your side, within the confines of your home; to share the same space you and Ayato once shared; converse and engage with it, and in return, it won’t harm you. But after spending the past few months forced into an exchange of dialogue that had you on the verge of tears whenever it spoke in Ayato’s voice, you could barely bring yourself to get a word out besides the odd, dry response to appease it, until radio silence.
The creature didn’t like this. Still, it never resorted to violent acts to frighten you. As if it drew inspiration from Ayato’s memories, it followed you through the halls and rooms of your home, keeping a conversation going one-sidedly, and studied your expressions and body language to its heart’s content. Whenever you expressed annoyance, anger, or petulance, this had been something Ayato did while alive, too, until you would cave in and discuss the problem.
It wants me to renege our contract? you bite back the scoff that tries bubbling out of your throat. What worse can it do than keeping me an emotional prisoner?
Because as much as you do wish you could flee, this creature still has Ayato’s body. Your Ayato. It has his voice, and his eyes. How can I possibly abandon him twice?! You find your brain is close to tearing from the weight of each choice hanging from either half— renege, or take whatever consequences might eventually come out of your refusal.
You grit your teeth and reach for the hand towel you’d tossed onto the clean part of your counter prior to starting, pat your sudsy hands dry, and turn on the spot. You don’t immediately look to the creature, your gaze focused on any other part of him— its narrow-but-still-large waist, its broad chest, the tendrils floating through the air from all part of its body, wiggling and writhing with such eagerness that makes you writhe uncomfortably in return.
Your esophagus burns, bile threatening to rise and spew out on an almost dramatic scale, when your eyes finally meet. They still belonged to the man you once loved, after all. To see them free-floating within the voidal mass has been… an incontrovertible pain to be felt.
Its eyes narrow down at you, too obviously pleased by your submission through its intense and perverse stare. You know it’s just thriving; simply by making itself tall enough to look down at you (by nearly four of your own heads) provided it with the control over you it so obviously desired. Despite the forms you’d seen it take, “human” was never one of them— until you submitted, you don’t think it would bother. Not until you submitted.
All of which, explains your confusion, as the creature before you starts to morph.
You’d never seen it happen first-hand; it had always been while you were away at work or to run errands (the only two tasks it permitted you to perform as it meant keeping you alive) or while you slept, both circumstances meant to provide shock and awe (questionable) to its target (read: victim). And yet, in all of its threatening forms, it never once harmed you. Too obviously so, it yearns for you, and it still does, hence its desire to have you change the agreement.
The first night it appeared, it made this known through its visceral ignorance of your personal space— standing before it now, closely enough that you could feel its warm breath bear down on your neck where it indulges in you — you, your own human warmth, your scent, the pulse hidden beneath your jawline — you’ve only allowed it to do so again.
“The amendment,” you say, your voice catching from its disuse. “What… what is it.”
The creature smiles at you, a barely noticeable split appearing where its mouth should be. Strangely, it’s one full of mirth, of relief that you’d consider its new proposition.
“First,” it says, that strange purring in its chest beginning once more. “Revoke our current agreement. One cannot be made as another exists.”
You refrain from sighing at it, and instead draw your arm up from where it’d been tucked between your bodies, recalling how the previous deal had gone down— an exchange of handshakes. “Fine. I… I revoke our current agreement.”
Your first mistake.
The creature chuckles almost excitedly, and it draws your gaze up from your own hand to look to him, eyes wide with expectant fright when its tendrils rise altogether. “Excellent.”
There’s simply too many to count, too many to try and evade or fight off when they curl and unfurl toward your flailing limbs. You’d turned at the last possible second in an attempt to break past the barricade it’d managed to create with its body, even bothering to half-climb the counter for a height advantage against it. The tendrils free-floating near its head reach out for your waist, wrap around it and tug, dragging your one leg bent along the counter’s surface away and along with the rest of your air-suspended body.
“S-Stop!” you shriek, your panic clear and evident in your expression and tone, in the way your arms flail around to squeeze at the closest tendril, in the way your nails dig as deeply as your flesh would allow to no obvious effect. “Let go of me—”
“______, I thought you loved me,” the creature nearly trills; you’d caught the way Ayato’s voice warbled out of pitch with what you could recall the creature’s original voice to sound like. “We’re getting married next month, aren’t we?”
You tremble in its grasp, your eyes quickly filling with tears of frustration. Its hold on you is unrelenting, but not painful— it only restricts your movements and prevents any semblance of freedom as the rest of the tendrils join in, wrapping around your middle and pulling you into it— i-into, into h-him?
“______, dearest.” Ayato calls out to you, his kind lilac eyes shadowed by his pale blue bangs— not only would the creature intend on violating your — broken — agreement, but it would defile Ayato’s memory, your last memory of him. Hands still freed, you brace yourself against the creature’s body and meet his stare, and the tears accumulated on your waterline finally fall. “Why do you cry?”
You sniff loudly; Ayato reaches over your lap to grab the small package of tissues tucked into your nightstand’s drawer and hands you one. “Weren’t you watching the same movie as me?!” you weep, your hands rising to press into your eyes.
“Of course, I was, dearest,” he answers. “I chose it, after all.”
“You could have warned me it was going to be sad!”
“I-In hindsight, I suppose it would have been smart of me to warn you, but I just didn’t wish to spoil it for you…”
“I’m not mad or anything; gosh, I just—” your eyes drift down to the end of your bed where Taroumaru watches the two of you, only whimpering when you meet his eyes, and your eyes begin to water again. “I could’ve used a warning…”
Ayato pats his lap once, and ever faithful, Taroumaru rises to lay across yours— Ayato knows that when your cries grow a little louder, it’s out of relief for their tag-teamed comfort, and you squirrel a little deeper into his chest.
“Hm… Wasn’t that one line nice?” Ayato hums, only to rest his cheek atop your head. “You should never forget anyone you have loved”… If Hachi wasn’t the embodiment of loyalty, I couldn’t say what else is.”
“… h-he really was so loyal,” you say, voice muffled by his sweater.
“Then why do you cry, dearest?” Ayato thumbs away the freshly fallen tears. “What can I do?”
“... you can let go of me.”
You’d stilled, hands still resting upon its voidal form— once more, you avoid its eyes, Ayato’s eyes, because beyond it is the pale flesh of Ayato’s face; seeing it and knowing what truth exists for it is too much to bear.
They creep up carefully, these smaller tendrils that have deviated from the one curled around you, slithering across your cold, trembling skin with an unfortunate vigor until they reach your neck, your chin, your lips— you shudder, eyes squeezed shut when your head is tilted up and forward.
“Do you no longer value my loyalty?” it inquires in Ayato’s voice. You leap in its grasp when what feels like a thumb swipes across your lower lip before it rubs away a fallen tear. “It’s all I’ve wanted since my death… to return to you… to prove my loyalty… to show you I haven’t abandoned you.”
“You’re not him. You’re not Ayato. Y-You’re not… what I want, I-I don’t want your loyalty!”
“Isn’t this enough?” Two “hands” take hold of either side of your face and force you to face him. “Isn’t it enough to see his face and hear his voice?”
“They should still be buried six feet beneath the cold earth!” you shout at it. “What you’ve done to his body…! There’s nothing loyal about it! What the hell are you that you can’t comprehend this?!”
“I… I am… Kamisato Ayato.”
Is it… confusion? Is it instinct? It never explained why and how it chose your fiancé out of every other corpse that lies in that graveyard. Had it been because he was the newest to be lain there? More nefariously, did it see you and stake a claim on you?
“You… are not him,” you spit. “You stole him. Get…” You raise an arm, the only free one, to try and rake at the creature’s face. Instead, it grabs your wrist and forces your palm flat against its cheek. “… get… off… s-stop—”
“I have Kamisato Ayato’s mind,” the creature says. “I have his voice. I have his face— his whole body. Now, I have the human he loved. How… am I not Kamisato Ayato?”
A sob trapped in your throat escapes you, fuelled by the creature’s sudden decision to begin morphing again. It shrinks, though not by much, and the pale flesh of Ayato’s skin spreads lower, down its neck, into its broad chest, into its arms and torso, lower and lower and lower— your trailing eyes snap upward and away as it manifests all of Ayato’s former self. He is naked, unlike the way you saw him that night it appeared to you by the curb, cradling your dead lover in its arms.
“Do you not miss him?” the creature asks. “His voice? His face? Are you not… loyal?”
“Do you not miss his touch?” Ayato’s hand squeezes yours. “You loved these hands… and he… thought about it so often…”
“S… stay out of his memories—”
“— thought about you so often—”
“— get out—”
“He loves you dearly. When I claimed his body… and assimilated with him… it was his last thought before his death.”
“— no… I—”
“He could not tell you then, and so I…” The creature’s hold on you slackens, allowing you to rest on your bare feet again, but despite your adrenaline, your knees buckle— instead, the creature raises two thicker tentacles to hold you up beneath your arms, Ayato’s hands still cupping your face.
Don’t say it, your thoughts plead.
“I love you.” Lilac eyes flicker between your teary ones and your trembling lips. “He… I… I love you…”
Ayato dips his head low to capture your lips, this time, and easily spreads yours apart to slot his own between them. You grab for him, fingers squeezing along the length of his forearms from his wrists, traveling quickly up the naked expanse of his chest and up to his face where your fingers curl beneath his jaw to hold him closer.
Oh, god… what am I doing?
“You—” your mumbling against its lips is nothing more than a nuisance to it; this, you know, by its insistent attempt to shove its long tongue into your mouth to silence you “— are not my Ayato…” Gently but firmly, you shove him away with a sharp exhale. Ayato licks his lips. “… but you have him, and that has to be enough for me… or I’ll lose my mind. You aren’t going to let me go, I… I know this! And so I… I have to accept this… but…!”
The creature draws back, its eyes so focused and trained on you that it becomes less unsettling, and more so embarrassing after you’d allowed it to kiss you.
“Don’t think of this like that,” it says, once more reverting to using Ayato’s voice rather than its own pattern of trilling and warbling. “This is a second chance with your beloved Ayato. Is this not what you’ve dreamt of?”
Another tentacle emerges, wriggling around from behind Ayato’s back to press against your abdomen. Through your teeth, you seethe.
“S-Seeing his face and body being used by some… tentacle m-monster—” you inhale sharply, the tendril’s reach extending into the pant leg of your shorts; it squirms itself past the hemline of your panties with clear intent, and curls in time to dip into you. “W-Why…!?”
Ayato hums disapprovingly as it twists in your entrance.
“You’re too dry down there, dear,” he notes, his own human-like hands falling to hold your hips, thumbs rubbing the line of your waist with anticipatory fervour.
“Why wouldn’t I be,” you demand through your teeth, and when the tendrils push just a little further, your eyes slam shut— you fear not even your glass-blowing knowledge will distract you. “Do you think any of this i-is… a turn on?”
“… I do suppose you have a point.” The tendril retracts completely from you, disappearing behind Ayato’s back; you’d winced. “If I want your understanding, your… affection… I don’t think we’ll be able to proceed with anything but him present. So, I will wait my turn.”
Somehow, the creature manages to shrink down to a more human form, this time, the same height of Ayato’s own body. Your fears shift priorities. The eyes that once contained so much adoration for you that now held inhuman perversion; the flesh that would warm your own so easily, now cooled and pale, not even bordering life and death when his body already met and crossed its threshold; the hands that once cradled you so delicately, so intently— you fear the truth in the creature’s words: With Ayato present, you know it will get what it wants.
“Why,” you start, hands shakily rising to try to push his thin wrists away when his hands slide down your thighs, dragging your shorts and undergarments down with you. While alive, Ayato had been averagely strong, yet you were still able to put up a fight in times where it mattered— too much teasing, too many tickles. This strange, gentle strength the creature displays while in his form doesn’t even allow you to budge a finger of his— “why me? W-Why Ayato? I-I don’t—” and as a result, your clothes are dropped to your ankles.
“Going after this man was not so specific, you must understand,” Ayato says, his fingers skirting across your abdomen, your body twitching at each touch. “My kind simply are attracted to the warmest body.”
“A-Ayato was dead,” you try to reason awhile pinning your shirt at your side— his eyes flit up to yours, lidded in a silent warning. Hands off. You lose your hold, lips spreading thin as they instead reach to hold the counter behind you almost bruisingly tight. “… he was dead… h-he was cold—”
“I did not mean him. Choosing which body to inhabit comes down to how soon after it dies— how much time has passed since they took their last breath. Crossing paths over his ceremonial burial had been a coincidence; it could have been any other body newly buried in that cemetery.”
Frustrated, flustered, and confused, the creature deigns to continue its explanation.
“You deceased humans are either burned or buried, and when you are buried, your organs are preserved during the embalming process. It is sometimes difficult to find humans so recently intact; many times, the organs are missing from their bodies for donation to other humans. When we inhabit their cold bodies, they never feel the same warmth they would while alive— their hearts do not beat, so their blood does not circulate, nor is there any blood to circulate. But they can sense another’s warmth. A lover’s warmth.
“At the time, I still hadn’t fully been able to understand humans and their need for a true connection. My kind doesn’t normally ask politely. But you were there that day— his lover. Your tears, your cries, your warmth, is the reason he was chosen. I desired your warmth. Your love. Your tears. I wanted to sense them for myself.”
“… and you thought using his body for your desire was the best way?” In steeling yourself, you cast a look at the creature, at Ayato, and this time, you don’t bother to attempt to keep the tears at bay.
You really messed up. You knew this earlier, but now... the realization of it just senses like having a sledgehammer connect with the back of your skull, like experiencing severe whiplash or like having been stuck upside down on the loop-de-loop of a rollercoaster— all uncomfortably painful things you pray you never have to experience firsthand. You’ve seen enough painful things play out in the movies and television shows you’ve watched, and so you’ve been fine with playing it safe in recent years— you’ve tempted your god with your arrival far too many times as a teenager and, for the most part, you’d have learned your lesson since.
Almost as if by means of a hallucination, you can just see Them standing in wait for you, at the end of your failed pursuit of euthymia. Breaking your agreement to “coexist” was a catastrophic mistake. Because now, coming to terms and accepting your fate is what your definition of euthymia has turned into. Coexisting is… likely no longer a viable option. It has become almost wholly one-sided, to be caught in a net made of tentacles. To embrace it all as you’d tried to moments before is to turn your back on whatever god you can bring yourself to believe in, to turn your back on your weak idea of overcoming your grief and moving on.
“It is like I already said,” the creature murmurs, much closer to your ear than you cared for, “my kind doesn’t normally ask politely.”
It just doesn’t seem possible anymore.
You feel them before you see them— the tentacles. They extend toward your limbs with a will, curling around each limbs tight enough to elicit a gasp past trembling lips— “Ayato” leans forward into you, forcing your lips apart with an abnormally wet tongue, an abnormally long tongue, that has you wondering if it’s the saliva or its length that chokes you as they both slide down your throat. You squirm in his multi-appended grip, body fruitlessly thrashing against his unmoving form; you can’t even draw your head back with the cool grip he has on either side of your head.
Your gag is loud, messy, and it makes the creature shudder, Ayato’s eyes rolling back slightly when its tongue travels just a little deeper down the back of your throat, swirling and curling along, tasting; testing. Your chest lurches forward, unable to ignore the awful gagging and tickling the creature had been intent to end your life with any longer, and with a sharp gasp, he’d finally retracted it. Your heart seems to race at the same speed your rapid breaths take, and you can’t seem to will it to grow calm again, not when it begins to matter most.
There’s no longer a barrier of clothing barring him from you, your blouse and brassiere lifted away during the brief respite the creature gave you to breathe, tongue extracted quickly and with an all-too unsettling, devil may care expression to match.
It’s unfair, you think, shutting your eyes once more so you don’t have to see it approach you with its tongue again. This is so unfair.
This time, he is gentle, not so intent on stealing your submission and instead curious on how best to earn it— it’s already learned the trick of getting you to respond, the trick being using your former lover’s image to stoke your flames, using his memories to recall what he’d last done for you while in the throes. Strangely, it feels shame for doing so— the last time you’d spent tangled together had been the morning of the incident. Human emotions are… complicated. But it is not without the understanding of loss.
His hand rises to rest along your sternum, a delicate gesture that sends a different kind of tingling down your spine. Your eyes snap open to find Ayato’s staring back at you, and your skin grows hot under his lilac gaze; surprisingly, when you pull away, he allows you to.
“W-Why are you looking at me… like that?” you demand, panting heavily. “S… stop looking at me like that…”
“He loved to look at you,” the creature answers. You swallow harshly. “Out of everything he had and everything he owned, you were his most prized possession. Ah, he also knows you don’t like that word.”
“That’s oddly hypocritical of you to bother saying.”
“… perhaps. But he thought you to be most beautiful. Hm, yes…” The creature’s eyes lower for a moment as if in thought. “Yes; most beautiful.”
Once more do you flush with heat. How cruel.
Still under its hold, the creature feels you go slack rather suddenly— Ayato raises a brow in confusion. Are you planning to give in again? This time, honourably? A part of it wishes you won’t. Not for the sake of winning the fight, but to have won you over. To have earned your loving gaze the way the real Ayato did; to have earned your warmth. It’s aware it may be deluding itself into ever receiving such a gift.
“… all of this has been for your own benefit… with zero consideration of me, the source of that warmth you so desire…” The palm resting at your collarbone travels past it, sliding up the curve of your neck until it reaches behind your head, his fingers running along your scalp as if to soothe. You bite back the whimper that tries to claw its way out of your throat, the anticipation of the creature’s next move almost too much to bear waiting for, and instead of drawing away, you force yourself to lean into his palm.
Ayato’s eyes widen— the creature is sure that if the man before you had any blood still pulsing through his body, he would be flushed pink.
You hate that the feeling of being held this way doesn’t make you angry— the acid in your stomach doesn’t bubble, doesn’t rise up into your throat and burn along the way. And you know why.
What desperation existed after you’d heard the news to find him the day of his attack, to be with him, to help and promise him that he’d be alright, to tell him that “it’s not as bad as it seems” and hold his cheeks with your hand— the guilt of being at his side would eat at you, even up until this moment.
By some sick twist of fate, Kamisato Ayato stood before you once more, offering the forgiveness you would beg any god to receive from him. This creature is not a manifestation of the heavens— this, you also know. Guilty of the crime of body snatching to its apogee but untouchable by humanity’s laws, you were stuck with him. You, the only person made privy to its secret. No longer would you be able to look his sole living kin in the eyes and share your feelings of grief without thinking of the monstrous betrayal of trust you’d just committed by not telling her of such a truth, but Ayaka would never be able to accept such horrendous news. You, alone, are the lucky one, now saddled with the grandest of burdens to bear.
Your mental state already carved as a rickety slope, what is one more notch to its road?
“Have it, then. My warmth.” The creature’s surprise by your words is made obvious by the flickering in his visage; for a moment, the skin of his face goes pitch black, a nod to its natural voidal form, only Ayato’s eyes remaining and seemingly hovering in the center of it. “Our new agreement… whether you’re willing to be capable of it or not… No harm is to come to me nor anyone around me. You can’t leave this apartment, not until I c-can… figure something out. You can’t be seen; Ayato was too well-known.”
“I understand,” the creature says, nodding, and its visage slowly gradients itself back into Ayato’s palette. Bound by the parameters surrounding the creation of your contract with one another, the creature’s tentacles are forced to retract— you ignore the subconscious curiosity that questioned his intent, his next moves, and instead force yourself into collection — while his arms remain on either side of you, pressed into the counter. “But… your exchange… you said I have zero consideration for you. I don’t wish for that to be truth. What… can I offer?”
“Time,” you immediately answer. “Your patience. My pain is overwhelming and you have done nothing but… sow its seeds and encourage the speed of its growth! And don’t manhandle me! That’s the whole reason that first agreement was made. D-Don’t… You can’t do scary things like that anymore, okay?”
“I—” the creature huffs in response, casting Ayato’s gaze down at the floor between you almost… petulantly? He was just chastised, and probably for the first time. “I will refrain.”
You exhale, yourself, adrenaline still coursing through your veins like fire in its attempt to keep you on high alert. It truly took making a deal with the devil to keep it at bay; at least now, you know your general safety is secured.
If I truly have no choice… if this creature were to simply follow me for the rest of my life… at the very least, I’ll live that life on my own terms.
“G-Good,” you nod, turning slowly on the spot to face the small pile of cookware remaining,. “Then… let me finish these dishes… They smell.”
You nearly shrivel up when in the corner of your eye, you see his elbows bending, and soon, you feel its cool breath on the back of your neck before its icy lips land at its curve.
“… that’s not quite the smell I was hoping we’d prioritize, dearest,” Ayato murmurs into it. Another smaller breath escapes you.
How cruel, indeed.
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© nc-vb/niicevibe 2022-2023 please don’t repost! reblogs & comments are always appreciated.
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287 notes · View notes
lacedupforyou · 1 year
🄿🅁🄾🄿🄴🅁🅃🅈 |Yandere Kamisato's|
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| Yandere Ayato x Reader X Yandere Ayaka | (No Thoma..)
(Obviously, No Inc!st, Shit's nasty. Reader has an anemo vision)
You were a lovely performer who danced in Inazuma often, Wether on stages, Private shows at teahouses, or on the street. The breeze in your dress and in your hair had drawn people to your elegance. It was like everyone knew your name.
Using your Vision to have the wind work in your favor and your moves had drawn the attention of everyone in Inazuma. You had gotten a letter to preform for the Kamisato siblings! And that you would be paid highly. Ah! You couldn't help but jump for joy. High pay and to perform for such important people!
The day had arrived to preform. You had your fans, your dress was on, makeup applied. You were ready to do your best! You had given them your best performance. The power of Anemo flowing through your hair and your dress. This had to have been your best performance yet! As the lights faded and it ended You walked off and spoke to a few of the staff before packing your items for leaving. That was until you noticed both of the Kamisato siblings standing in front of you smiling, Atleast you hoped ayaka was smiling by the way she used her fan to hide her mouth.
You greeted them politely and they offered you to join them for tea! How could you refuse? You walked with them and sat yourself down. You sipped the tea they had given you and discussed matters as they complimented your dancing with blushes adorning your facial features.
The room felt dizzy. The incense, The makeup on your face starting to sweat off, and your eyes drooping. You felt yourself black out. Ayato catching you and holding you with a smirk admiring your soft sleeping features.
You awoke next to someone. Your arms and wrists bound up. You look to see..Ayaka..? You groggily try to fully wake but the drug they slipped into your tea still had some effect. Ayaka's arms slipped around you holding you close. You could feel yourself shaking from fear and confusion.
"Shhh..Sleep your performance was awfully tiresome I presume.." Ayaka speaks breaking the silence. Her arms holding you close. "You're so beautiful..I knew when I saw you I needed to hold you like this. You're always so kind to others, Your innocence is so pure. My brother and I want to protect you from this cruel world"
Her words sent shivers up your spine. You heard footsteps and the other sibling entered the room. Ayaka glared. "It's my turn with her y'know. You held her and restrained her so I get to sleep next to her.." She reminded her brother "Thoma has made breakfast I've brought you some Y/N" It seemed to be normal miso soup. He slipped the spoon into your mouth and it tasted heavenly for some Miso soup.
"W-why am I here..?" You had finally managed words. "Your producer has made you ours. We are here to keep you safe. Disobedience will result in punishment. Now eat. Say Ahhh"
You open your mouth and he fed you more of the miso soup. Ayaka's arms still around your waist. "I want to go home.." You whisper to them
"Flower, You are home. This is your home. You are never, ever leaving us. No matter where you go we will be here."
(Part 2? I need to know people like this or want more!
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love-marimo · 1 year
periwinkle angel ♡ (kamisato ayato x reader)
ㅡ hehe, just a little something for the birthday boy, ayato ♡ although it's a bit late ~
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He is quiet but graceful. Calm but mischievous. He is dutiful but cunning. Yet, even with these stark differences in his character, and behind his all too familiar and gentle smile he displays as a farce for everyone to see ー a facade as hard as the bedrock, a protection he wears due to his strong distrust on most people ー you captured him. You stole his heart, like a Mirror Maiden having him wrapped around your finger.
Kamisato Ayato is a noble who leads like an emperor. He is obsessive and diplomatic, but he is also loyal and kind. Within the chambers of the Kamisato household, he inspires his loved ones with warmth and he reaches great lengths to fulfill your favors.
If that means cancelling all his plans as the Yashiro Commissioner to spend a pleasant afternoon bubble tea and latte tasting with you? Then you don't have to worry as he just hit two birds with one stone.
If there are three things he loves in all of Teyvat, then it would be his bubble tea, his lovely little sister Ayaka and you.
Oh, dear you.
He sits by the terrace with a lovesick look on his face as you name all the drinks that Thoma and the other maids have prepared, all to your liking. Freshly brewed and mixed, all for the both of you to enjoy.
"Although it is a bit late, I asked Thoma for help in preparing these drinks for us. I love latte as much as you love bubble tea, but it would be lovely if we try out other flavors and indulge on these pastries on your special day." you chimed happily as you sit across the table.
Oh, you. He is going to melt because of you. Ayato almost forgot that it's his birthday due to how swamped with work he truly is. You weren't going to let that slide, and he loves you more for it.
"These are lovely selections my love, perfect for the current weather too. Summer is fast approaching and you couldn't have picked a better time." He beams, clasping his hands together as he sets his gaze on the array of drinks before you.
"Oh, that reminds me, we have been preparing for the Spring festival. Bubble tea tasting would be a splendid activity for the young folk to enjoy." He adds, deciding to take a sip of the chocolate bubble tea.
"You really think about work all the time, Ayato. But, I agree. These took quite some time to make though." You say, also deciding to pick a drink of your choice.
"Hmm, this one has a slight bitter taste to it, but it is complimented by the sugary flavor of the pearls. This would be cocoa?" Ayato inquires.
"Yes, the cocoa used was imported from Fontaine a few months ago. How do you like it?" You reply.
"It's just right, the taste of the chocolate is a bit too strong for me. I'll try this blue one next."
"That one's blueberry. It matches the color of your hair doesn't it? I told them to brew it until it reaches a periwinkle shade, to match!" You chuckle.
Ayato looks at you fondly. His lips curved into a smile, one that is not reserved for diplomatic affairs, but one that screams "I love you" all over it.
It's silly, really ー how he turns into a love bug when he's with you. How he seemingly lets go of any formalities and displays his pure nature, all for you to love and embrace in your arms.
The sun is setting in a lovely shade of pink and purple. You have tried almost all of the drinks and have shared countless conversations about the days that passed that you weren't together. And that ends with one resolution:
"I think I still like my matcha latte better." You say, finishing the said drink after. Ayato laughs.
"I would say the same. Nothing competes with the classic flavor of Black bubble tea."
You took a seat next to him and asked, "Did you like this fun little date?" holding his arm and looking up to him, expecting the obvious.
The periwinkle angel smiles and kisses you lovingly.
"Naturally. I wouldn't mind doing this again at the Spring festival."
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ー Lolita
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quicksilverster · 1 year
walk me home ❀ ayato
⋆⑅˚₊✎ genre(s): fluff ⋆⑅˚₊✎ description: Ayato decides to walk you home. ⋆⑅˚₊✎ pairing(s): ayato x gn!reader ⋆⑅˚₊✎ word count: 922 ⋆⑅˚₊✎ a/n: never wrote an x reader before, so i don’t know how this turned out. also inspired by the song walk me home by said the sky, illenium, and chelsea cutler. ⋆⑅˚₊✎ dedication: @aodjslksck hehe (HOPE U GET AYATO NEXT TIME)
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“Hey,” Ayato calls.
Despite the rain, you can hear Ayato clearly through the noise, almost as if he is whispering right into your ear. You turn around, but he is on the other side of the estate, his hand gripping a purple parasol.
“What?” You demand. You aren’t sure if he heard you, but he answers your question anyway.
“There is no way I’m letting you walk home in the rain alone, darling,” he says, stepping forward. You wince, both at the nickname and how quickly Ayato’s countless layers of clothing absorbed the rainwater that made its way under the umbrella.
“I’m not your darling,” you snap.
“I’m aware of that, darling,” Ayato makes his way towards you, positioning the parasol exactly above your head. You closed your eyes, feeling your heart stutter at how close Ayato’s chest was to yours.
“Let’s get going, then.” You say, turning around before Ayato could catch the blush scattered on your cheeks.
It is not so bad, you decided, having the young head of the Kamisato Clan and Yashiro Commissioner walk you home on a dark, rainy night. A few hilichurls were waiting around the path down from Mount Yougou, but Ayato made short work of them. You averted your gaze when he grinned back at you, sweat and rain dripping from his face and hair. His clothes were pressed against his skin, exposing lines you didn’t know existed.
You live on the foot of the mountain, alongside a few other houses belonging to people who work at the Kamisato Estate. Even though there was a good enough number of people who settled there, the area was not large enough to be referred to as a town or village, so most people referred to it as the Yougou Settlement. You were on the outskirts of the settlement when you stopped Ayato, pressing your hand against his chest.
“This is where we part,” you insist, ignoring the dampened surface of Ayato’s jacket. “It is not befitting for the Yashiro Commissioner to be seen with a common girl.”
Ayato laughs as if you had cracked a funny joke about lavender melons or sakura blooms. “You know people don’t care about that stuff anymore, right? Especially those from around here.”
“I cannot be seen around you,” you continue to insist. “It is late, anyway. You should go home now.”
“At least let me walk you back to your house.”
You only relented because Ayato took both your hands in his (umbrella handle nestled underneath his arm), and you did not know how to respond.
You and Ayato manage to arrive at your house without anyone spotting the two of you, much to your relief. At the door, however, Ayato did not budge from the front steps even after you entered your home, and when you inquired him, he answered, “Well, I’m rather drenched from our encounter with those hilichurls. Don’t you think it’d be courteous if you invited me in to clean myself?”
You almost swore at him then and there, but you let him in.
As Ayato occupied your bathroom, you lay on your bed with a book on your lap, reading from the dim light of the torch behind you. When the doors of the bathroom swung open without warning, you nearly jumped; Ayato had emerged with a towel on his head and his seven layers of attire stripped down to a single black shirt and navy blue shorts.
“W-what are you doing?” You yelp, visibly scrambling backward as Ayato climbs onto the bed.
“Keeping you company,” Ayato shrugs as if his answer must have been obvious to you. “Thoma told me you lived alone, and that you wished there was someone who could stay with you. That is what I am here for.”
You closed your eyes. Dang it, Thoma. “Is this why you wanted to walk me home?”
“Well, I did not want you to walk through the rain by yourself and without an umbrella, so I decided this would be a bonus.” He is by your side within seconds, his warm torso pressed against yours as he rested his towel-clad hair on your shoulder. “What are you reading?”
You clear your throat, nervous at the comfortable weight on your arm. “Just… a novel Ayaka got for me from the Yae Publishing House.”
“I see,” Ayato mumbles. He seems to be falling asleep. “Read me some of it.”
You want to object, but ultimately decide to go for it anyway. As you read lines from the romance novel in your hands—making sure to avoid all the spicy scenes—you feel Ayato’s towel tumble from your shoulders, his sky-blue locks pressing against the bare skin of your neck. You close the book as you watch Ayato’s sleeping form, comforted at the sight of his peaceful expression. Without thinking, you press your palm against Ayato’s cheek, exhaling nervously when he does not budge. You try to suppress a smile; it has been so long since you have seen Ayato without stressed brows or mischievous eyes.
“Sleep well, Ayato,” you whisper, pressing a kiss on the side of your temple despite your every nerve telling you not to. This is the head of the Kamisato Clan after all—who are you to kiss him? Yet you did so anyway, ignoring the corner of your brain nagging you about the inevitable consequences of your actions. You snuffed the light and placed your book next to it, before circling your arms around Ayato as you both dreamed of places far away.
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© silver newton┊ ༑ ࿐ྂ。
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