#kang minhyuk imagines
june-pop · 1 year
The Penthouse Headcanons
Hey!! This is my first post I’ve ever done. I never thought I would actually make one here but here I am😭 anyway I’m making this because I really love this k-drama but I don’t see a lot of stuff about it in here so I’m doing some headcanons….because I can
- Most of the Hera palace kids don’t know how to cook except Rona, Jenny & Eunbyeol
I just get that vibe from them. Minhyuk and his dad rely on their mom for cooking and cleaning. The twins have their own maid who does that. Seokhoon might know basic stuff but not enough. I definitely think Jenny cooks with her mom sometimes. Ha Eunbyeol learned to try and impress Seokhoon. Rona definitely helps her mom around the kitchen
- Seokkyung can’t sleep when there’s thunder and lighting at nighttime.
This ain’t exactly a headcanon, Seokhoon confirmed that in season 1? I believe. I remember he said that to his father. I just felt like this needed to be brought to light
- Shin Suryeon’s love language is definitely quality time. You can’t tell me otherwise
- Seokkyung and Seokhoon definitely find comfort and security in each other.
I feel they both suffer from nightmares due to multiple reasons so I can imagine one of them waking up to the other texting or calling in the middle of the night about how they can’t sleep, and the other person shows up at their room a few minutes later and they just end up talking or cuddling to sleep
- Mari definitely saw Rona as her own daughter when Yoon Hee died.
She took her in and even left her husband because he didn’t want to have anything to do with Rona. That’s some motherly love right there.
- Shim Suryeon took many self defense and fighting classes
Have you SEEN the way this girl handles Joo Dantae sometimes😭the lord knows getting into a fight with her will leave on the ground with a broken nose.
- Ha Yoon Chul takes Eunbyeol to go eat out secretly behind Seojins back
Seojin only has her daughter eat certain and extremely healthy foods that are “fit for singer”. Yoon Chul just wants to make sure his daughter can enjoy all types of food and take her out so she doesn’t stay cooped up inside the penthouse.
- Kang Mari definitely likes women👌🏾
I rest my case….
- Jenny had a crush on Rona at one point, but it eventually went away
- Yoon Hee and Rona have karaoke nights
- Min Hyuk had a biiiiiigggg crush on Seokhoon
That was actually revealed by min Hyuks actor that it was originally written for min hyuk to be in love with seokhoon
That’s all I could think of😅 what are some of your headcanons?
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
Idol Advent - Day 18
For the first twenty-five days of December we will be opening up a door on the Idol Advent tree to see who is behind it and waiting with a drabble to share!
To find out who is there for Day 18, click the keep reading!
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The Best Representation - Minhyuk
“Get up here!” Minhyuk called, gesturing with his hand for you to come closer. Unlike your boyfriend, heights scared you and the concept that you were on the side of a snow-capped mountain was already overwhelming. Now that he had strayed from the track, you wanted nothing more than to head back to the train that had brought you here. “Y/N! This will make for a great Christmas card photo!”
“Can’t we just be like normal couples and take it on flat terrain?”
“Are you scared?”
“How many times did I tell you on the way up here I’m petrified of heights?!” you exclaimed, crouching down and hugging your legs.
Minhyuk laughed heartily before coming to your side. “Would I let anything happen to you? We only need to stand there for ten seconds. That will be enough time to get a photo.”
“You better not change your mind!” you bargained, shaking as you took his hand and followed him over to the mountain’s edge. You tried your best not to look scared but a gust of wind picked up right as the camera shutter clicked and you clamped your eyes shut.
“Did you smile – Y/N!”
“I did it!” you squealed, dashing away immediately.
Once back home from your trip to Switzerland, you were going through the photos you took with Minhyuk, stopping on the one he had hoped to send out on Christmas cards. You had scrunched up good whilst Minhyuk grinned excitedly behind you. It made you laugh to look at.
“We can’t send that out, look at you!”
“I told you I was scared. Unlike you, who isn’t afraid of suspended bridges between mountains and ridiculous heights, I--”
You stopped when he screamed, suddenly leaping up onto the couch beside you in fright.
“B-Bug!” he managed, climbing even higher so he was holding onto the roof. Getting up, you inspected the area.
“There!” he pointed and you snapped a photo quickly on your phone before taking care of the bug. Once it was gone, Minhyuk breathed again. “How could you?!”
“I know how to fix this. It’s the best representation of us,” you announced, quickly editing the Switzerland photo and matching it with Minhyuk’s one.
Minhyuk laughed as he hugged you when you were done. “Well, no one else will be sending out cards like this.”
To read who is next, check back at 8am NZST daily.
[Christmas 2019 Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
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noona-clock · 4 years
What’s Your Sign?: Cancer
Genre: Roommate!AU
Pairing: Minhyuk (CNBLUE) x You (Female!Reader)
Warnings: Mentions of nudity, Cursing, Robbery/Attempted assault
Words: 6,203
Author’s Note: Since I’m so fascinated by astrology, I decided to do a Zodiac series! I will be writing a one-shot fic for each sign featuring different members from different groups (and even an actor!). Each story will be posted on the 5th of the month during that sign’s season. Please reblog, comment, or send in an ask with your feedback! Thank you for your support 💜
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No one ever really knows when they wake up in the morning that the upcoming day will change their life.
If you had woken up this morning and known that... well, you weren’t sure what you would’ve done about it, but at least you would’ve been prepared. At least you would’ve gone about your day knowing that things wouldn’t be the same when you went to sleep that night.
But you hadn’t woken up this morning and known that today would change your life. You hadn’t been prepared whatsoever.
In fact, you weren’t prepared for the next few days!
But, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We still need to get through today.
And let’s start with the backstory.
After graduating from University, you and your best friend/roommate/partner-in-crime had signed a lease for a beautiful apartment and had been roommates for the last five years. 
You’d had many, many wonderful times in this apartment with her. Movie nights, dinner dates, board games, dance parties...
And then she’d gotten married.
Don’t get me wrong: you were happy for her! Thrilled! There was nothing you wanted more than for your best friend to be happily married to the girl of her dreams.
But that did mean you'd been left without a roommate in a two-bedroom apartment.
You had a fairly good job with a fairly good salary, but you still couldn’t afford a two-bedroom apartment by yourself.
You’d had to find a roommate -- and fast.
Since you hadn’t trusted simply putting an ad out on the internet or finding someone on some random message board, you’d asked around. You’d asked your friends, your family, your co-workers, and thankfully, the receptionist at your company said he had a cousin who was currently in your situation: looking for a roommate.
He had very quickly warned you that his cousin was a guy, but you dismissed the fact with a wave of your hand. 
You were old enough and mature enough to handle living with a guy! As long as he was clean, respectful, and paid rent on time, you didn’t really care who your roommate was.
He gave you his cousin’s contact information -- Kang Minhyuk, his name was -- and you messaged him as soon as possible.
It had taken you less than a week to know you wouldn’t have any problems having Minhyuk as a roommate. Most of the time, he texted you back within minutes which meant he was responsible and observant. If you ever texted him somewhat late at night (meaning after 11), you didn’t receive a response back until the next morning which meant he was probably on the same sleep schedule as you. And he used emojis which meant he wasn’t some “I’m too cool for emojis” dude.
Honestly, what more could you ask for?
Minhyuk had moved in two weeks after your first message, and the two of you had been cohabitating pretty peacefully for over a year now.
He was no replacement for your best friend, of course, but you would be lying if you said you hadn’t gotten close to him. He was an incredibly nice guy, and while he did kind of keep to himself most of the time, you basically never saw him without a smile on his face. He always did the dishes whenever you cooked a meal for both of you, he always opened the very top cabinet when you couldn’t reach it (which was all the time), and he even insisted on answering the door if anyone ever knocked on it after dark.
Really, the only somewhat negative thing you could say about him was the fact he could -- and did -- play the drums. But he didn’t even have a real drum set in his room; he had one of those electric ones, and whenever he played them he plugged in his headphones so you could only hear the soft thud of his sticks and nothing more. I mean, unless you specifically asked to hear him play, which you had quite a few times. The guy was good!
He was also super good about grabbing something you’d forgotten after you’d already left the house and running down to meet you in the parking lot to give it to you.
Which, sadly, happened more often than you liked.
And which, sadly, had happened just now.
Today, it was your watch. And, yes, you could totally just use the clock on your phone, but you were just the kind of person who liked wearing a watch. You wanted to be able to just glance down at your wrist at a moment’s notice and not have to worry about finding your phone or reaching into your pocket or seeing all of the notifications you had to go through -- emails, messages, Tweets, Instagram posts...
You just liked wearing a watch! And if you weren’t wearing one, you felt weird.
So, once you rolled up to the first red light after realizing you’d forgotten to put one on this morning, you grabbed your phone and quickly sent a message to Minhyuk. He usually replied within seconds, and just after you pressed ‘Send,’ the light turned green again. After tossing your phone onto the passenger’s seat, you moved into the turn lane so you could turn around and head back to your apartment building. You knew he would see your message, go into your room, grab the first watch he saw, and head out to the parking lot to meet you -- it had happened several times before, and it was going to happen several more times after this, of that you had no doubt.
But, just a few minutes later, when you pulled up to the spot in which you usually parked, you didn’t see Minhyuk out there with one of your watches in his hand. You didn’t see him at all, actually... 
Even though it would probably mean you would be a bit late for work, you pulled into the parking spot, turned off your car, and headed inside.
You began to get more concerned when you didn’t even run into Minhyuk on the way to your front door, and as soon as you unlocked and opened it, you called out his name.
“Did you get my message?” you asked, heading back to your room.
Just as you left the living room and turned the corner, you heard his bathroom door open. You could hear the shower running, and before you could even register that Minhyuk was walking toward the linen closet with absolutely no clothes on, you realized that was why he hadn’t been waiting for you outside. He had been getting ready to take a shower, so he hadn’t --
“Oh god!” you cried, your eyes widening before you quickly brought your hands up to cover your face. “Sorry!”
You heard Minhyuk’s astonished -- and embarrassed -- cry, and then you heard the rapid sounds of him opening the closet and grabbing a towel.
“What are --”
“I forgot my watch,” you explained hastily. “I texted you, but I didn’t know you were -- I was just coming in to -- I am SO sorry!”
“I was going to take a -- but I forgot --” he stammered.
You peeked through your fingers, seeing he had successfully covered himself with the towel he’d originally forgotten, but you still decided to put him out of his misery -- put you both out of your misery, actually -- and end the awkwardness.
“No -- no worries,” you said. “I’ll just --”
And you practically tripped on your own feet as you dashed to your room to grab a watch. (You actually grabbed two watches so you could keep one at work for when this happened again -- and you knew it would. You would much rather just have a backup watch in your desk drawer than risk this ever happening again.)
By the time you got back out into the hallway, Minhyuk was gone, and his bathroom door was closed.
Thank god.
You got back in your car and drove to work in a daze, your mind both completely blank but also filled with the image of a completely naked Minhyuk.
But it wasn’t until you actually arrived at work and sat down at your desk that you realized...
His body? Absolutely banging.
You truly almost screamed out loud when you thought that.
No! You should not be thinking that about your roommate!
You should not!
Not ever!
...Even though it was true.
Stop it right now!
Stop thinking about his very well-muscled arms.
And his broad shoulders.
And his sturdy chest.
And his lean waist.
And his --
You blinked hard, squeezing your eyes shut in hopes that it would make all of these highly inappropriate thoughts vanish from your mind.
But, of course, it didn’t.
In fact, you went through your entire workday unable to not think about Minhyuk’s body -- his naked body. And, needless to say, you also went through your entire workday with flaming hot cheeks.
When your watch beeped to signal the end of your shift, you truly almost collapsed onto your desk and cried.
How were you supposed to go home and face him?! How were you supposed to act normally around him?! How were you supposed to look at him and not imagine him with no clothes on and not imagine him holding you with those well-muscled arms and kissing you with his sweet lips and carrying you into --
Your eyes widened.
...Oh my --
Why had you --
Oh no.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
...Ah, yes. In case it hasn’t become obvious, today was the day when you had woken up in the morning and hadn’t known it would change your life. Today was the day you had absolutely not been prepared for -- the day you had accidentally seen your roommate naked.
And now you had to go home and see him and try to hide the fact you had been thinking about his body at work all day and also that you’d kind of imagined him kissing you and carrying you to his bedroom while he was still naked.
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You took a deep breath as you stood at the door of your apartment, one hand resting on the doorknob. Never in your life had you thought you would ever have to prepare yourself to walk into your own apartment, but here we are.
“Just be normal,” you whispered to yourself. “Normal is not that hard. You’re normal every other day of your life, so just --”
“Hey,” Minhyuk interrupted, sounding a bit confused as he walked up behind you.
You jumped at his sudden presence, scrambling to turn around as your heart nearly leaped out of your chest.
“Oh, sorry!” he replied with slightly widened eyes. Obviously, he hadn’t thought you’d be so scared by his simply greeting you, just like you hadn’t thought he wouldn’t be inside the apartment! “I didn’t -- Are you okay?”
“Yes!” you assured him hastily.
“You just... were standing there for a long time. Did you forget your key?”
Oh, god, why had he used the word ‘forget’? It only reminded you of what had happened this morning. Did you now have a reputation of forgetting things?
“No, I --”
But you didn’t even bother coming up with an excuse. You simply whirled back around and opened the door.
It wasn’t until you got inside and hung your bag and jacket up in the coat closet when you realized Minhyuk was carrying two boxes of pizza.
You opened your mouth to ask him about it as you closed the closet door, but he began speaking before you got the chance.
“I hope you’re hungry for pizza,” he said, and one glance at him awarded you the view of his very sweet but very awkward grin.
“Yes,” you answered. “Always. Of course.”
“Good. I figured... I wanted to apologize --”
“Oh my god,” you intervened. “No, you don’t need to -- I should be the one --”
“I usually wait until you’re --”
“I should’ve known when you weren’t out in the parking lot --”
“And I hardly ever forget a towel --”
“I called your name, but I guess you couldn’t hear, and I --”
“I’m so sorry,” you both said at the same time.
Somehow, that seemed to break the awkward ice, and both of you let out a soft, relieved sigh.
“So,” Minhyuk said with an adorable grin. “Pizza?”
A grin of your own tugged at the corners of your lips, and you nodded. “Pizza.”
And you thought it was truly resolved. Honestly, you did.
But then Minhyuk suggested watching an episode of the drama the two of you were watching together, and you both plopped on the couch with your pizza, and even though you weren’t sitting that close to him -- like, you weren’t even touching him at all! -- just the fact that you could reach out and touch him was enough for all of your thoughts from earlier to come rushing back into your brain.
I mean, it didn’t help that he was wearing shorts and had a penchant of stretching his legs out to prop his heels up on the coffee table.
Minhyuk had definitely worn shorts before, and you had definitely seen his bare legs before -- why were you just now noticing how wonderfully sculpted they were?
He had definitely worn short-sleeved t-shirts before, and you had definitely seen his bare arms before -- why were you just now noticing how exquisitely toned they were?
It had to have been because of the drumming thing. That absolutely accounted for his muscled arms and bulging biceps --
Wow, the word ‘bulging’ was absolutely not the best word for you to be thinking right now. In fact, it might even be the worst!
Suddenly, Minhyuk let out a burst of laughter, and you jumped yet again. You, apparently, had been so lost in your own head that you hadn’t been paying enough attention to the drama.
And Minhyuk noticed.
After his laughter died down, he glanced over at you with a somewhat concerned expression. “You okay?”
Your eyebrows shot halfway up your forehead, and you nodded hastily. “Yeah, I -- just zoned out a little. Work was hectic today.”
Good save.
Minhyuk lifted his heels from the coffee table, setting his feet gently down on the floor in front of the couch and looked as if he was going to reach for the remote. “Do you wanna just finish this another time? If you’re stressed out, you should go relax. Take a bath or something.”
Why had he suggested a bath?! It was bad enough that you had seen him naked; you certainly didn’t want to give him the opportunity to see you naked! Or even think about it!
“No, no, I’m good,” you choked out. “We can finish this.”
And you shoved a piece of pizza into your mouth before you could say anything else. Your mind was so chaotic with thoughts of Minhyuk naked right now, you were actually terrified you would unintentionally blurt out something you would immediately regret.
Somehow, you managed to make it through the rest of the show -- though, you’d ended up eating almost an entire pizza as a way to distract yourself both from thinking so much about Minhyuk with no clothes on and saying something about it.
Minhyuk had, of course, mentioned that you’d eaten the whole thing. Not in a bad way, of course. He was rarely ever mean-spirited. In fact, if he ever had been mean-spirited, you hadn’t been there to see it. He had simply chuckled and pointed out that your day must have really been stressful.
You had just chuckled in return and nodded before taking another huge bite.
So, yes, while you had made it through the rest of the show and had headed off to get ready for bed without letting slip what it was that had you so bothered, you were now flopped across your bed with the fullest stomach you’d probably ever had in your entire life.
You were definitely going to regret this tomorrow. Actually, you were going to regret a lot of things about today. But you were also going to learn from your mistakes and make sure they never -- ever -- happened again.
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Your eyes shot open in panic.
“Oh, my god,” you whispered in-between heaving breaths as you slowly sat up in your bed.
The clock on your bedside table beamed out five AM, and you knew immediately you wouldn’t be getting back to sleep. Your alarm was going to go off in an hour and a half for work --
...Except. It was Saturday.
One of the two days you could sleep in, and you ended up waking up even earlier than you did during the week!
All because of this dream.
Oh, this dream.
It was the reason why your eyes had just shot open in panic, and the reason why your chest had been heaving trying to catch your breath.
It will be no surprise to learn that the dream had been one of the more erotic variety, and it had starred Minhyuk.
Of course.
Of freaking course!
Could you be any more obvious?! Having a hot and sexy dream about your roommate the night after accidentally seeing him naked. Wow.
Well, there was really only one thing you could do right now. Since you weren’t going to be able to fall back asleep, and since your hormones and adrenaline were both raging at the moment, you dragged yourself out of bed and got changed into your workout gear.
You were in the perfect mood to exercise, and since this so rarely happened, you needed to take advantage of it.
So, once you got changed and filled up your water bottle, you hauled yourself over to the complex’s gym in the main building. Unsurprisingly, as you got onto an elliptical and put your headphones in, you thought in the back of your mind that Minhyuk had to visit the gym very regularly to get a body like that.
You quickly set the time and intensity on the machine as high as you dared; you would have to go long and hard to get the images of Minhyuk working out expelled from your brain.
And now you would probably have to add ten extra minutes because of the words “long and hard.”
As you’d expected, the adrenaline you’d gotten from your dream had been the secret ingredient for a workout that you’d usually been missing. If you ever found a) the time and b) the energy to exercise, it was typically right before you went to bed, and your adrenaline was basically non-existent.
So, suffice it to say, this morning workout was without a doubt the best workout you’d had in quite some time. When you got back to the apartment almost two hours later, you were exhausted and energized and disgusting.
But at least you had elliptical-ed your Minhyuk dream out of your brain.
...Kind of.
It was still definitely there, but more like near the back. Not right in the forefront. Not screaming out for attention. Not standing right in front of you making a smoothie --
Oh, wait.
Since it wasn’t even seven in the morning, you had expected to come back to a quiet, empty apartment -- not truly empty, of course. You’d just thought that Minhyuk would still be asleep. Because, as we established earlier, it was Saturday. And we all know why you were awake this early on a Saturday, but why would Minhyuk be?
Alas. He was. He was in the kitchen in a sleeveless t-shirt and shorts, standing in front of the blender and making a smoothie.
He jumped a little when you opened the front door, glancing over his shoulder and looking both confused and relieved when he saw you.
And he also looked sweaty.
Just what you needed right now: a sweaty Minhyuk who was showing off his arms and legs. Great!
He stopped the blender and said, “You’re up early.”
“Yeah, I -- I woke up and couldn’t go back to sleep, so I thought I might as well go to the gym,” you explained.
“Oh, yeah? I just went on a run.”
Which accounted for his sweatiness.
“Do you want a post-workout smoothie?”
You had been kind of sneaking your way to your room, but when he asked you that, you paused. “Oh -- no. No, thank you,” you answered.
Minhyuk then turned around fully to face you, leaning back against the kitchen counter and frowning at you. “Are you sure you’re okay? You’ve been acting really weird since --”
He stopped talking, and your heart stopped along with him.
Oh, god, this conversation was about to get really awkward, wasn’t it?
To your surprise, though, he simply nodded slowly to himself before turning back around and grabbing a glass for his smoothie.
Without another word, you hurried to your room to get ready for a shower.
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Quite early on in your roommate relationship, you discovered that Minhyuk was a homebody. If he wasn’t going to work or over to his parent’s house for dinner, he usually stayed home. Most of the time, he was in his room either practicing his drumming or reading or something. Sometimes, he watched movies out in the living room, and he also liked to spend time in the kitchen. 
And this is exactly why, after showering and getting ready for the day, you headed out.
You went to visit your best friend/former roommate and her wife. You went to visit your parents. You went to the local mall to do some shopping. You treated yourself to a movie and some dinner afterward.
Basically, you did whatever you could to stay away from your apartment.
Working out had helped temporarily -- mainly, it had pushed the dream you’d had from your mind and made it less vivid. But it really hadn’t done anything about what had started it all. You still saw Minhyuk’s unclothed body every time you closed your eyes, including when you blinked. And you saw it in extreme detail.
But it was now getting dark outside, and you’d done everything you could think of to keep yourself from going home. Everything short of spending the night with your parents, of course, and you weren’t quite so desperate as to do that.
A deep sigh escaped your lips as you exited the restaurant where you’d just had dinner, and you clutched the strap of your bag as you headed out to the parking lot.
You began to rehearse what you were going to say to Minhyuk if he asked where you’d been all day -- and he would, of course. He was just like that. He cared about your life, and he seemed to genuinely enjoy hearing about your day if you did anything out of the ordinary. You knew you needed to be careful about what you told him because you didn’t want him to get the wrong idea.
You weren’t hiding from him.
You were just... 
...Well. You weren’t exactly sure what you were doing because it certainly seemed like you were hiding from him.
But you weren’t! You were just --
All of a sudden, you felt a presence behind you. You blinked rapidly and turned to look, but before you got the chance, you felt a strong grip on your bag.
“Wha --” you gasped, your body jerking in shock as the strong grip began to tear your bag away from you.
Before whoever it was could fully take it from you, though, you reached out and grabbed onto it as tightly as you could. You whirled around, your heart stopping when you saw some guy you’d never seen before. He was wearing a dark turtleneck and hat with sunglasses covering his eyes even though the sun was almost fully set.
“Stop!” you cried out, trying to yank your bag out from his hands. 
When he wouldn’t let go, you kicked one of your legs out in an attempt to knock him down -- but he was too quick, and he, apparently, thought your idea was a good one because he followed suit.
He kicked you right in the thigh, and you went flying down onto the asphalt.
You cried out in pain, and when you saw the guy running away with your purse tucked under his arm, you cried out again. “Stop! That’s my --!”
But the pain was becoming too intense now -- you realized just how hard you’d landed on the ground and how hard he’d kicked your leg.
Tears pooled in your eyes, and they began to stream down onto your cheeks as you thought about the fact he now had your bag.
Your keys, your wallet, your work ID card... everything you needed for your daily life.
But, thankfully, not everything.
Your phone was still in your back pocket, and even though you had fallen squarely onto your butt, when you gingerly lifted one side to take it out, you found there were only a few minor scratches. Thank god.
You first called the police, explaining to them as steadily as you could that you’d just been mugged. You were relatively okay -- no ambulance was necessary at the moment, but he’d taken off with your bag. You gave the best description of the guy you could muster as well as a very detailed description of your bag and its contents, and they promised you they would be there within ten minutes.
When you hung up with the police, you called the first person you could think of: Minhyuk.
“Hey, what’s up?” he answered, and you heard the muffled sounds of a movie in the background.
You hated to interrupt his movie night, but... this was kind of important.
“Hey,” you sniffled.
Before you could even get another word out, Minhyuk said, “What’s wrong?”
“I --” you stammered, feeling your throat closing up. “I just -- I had dinner, and I was just walking out to my car, and this guy -- he -- he took -- and he kicked --”
“Are you all right?”
“Kind of. He kicked me down to the ground, and -- and he took my bag, but I don’t think anything is broken or bleeding,” you told him, your voice thick with emotion.
“Did you call the police?”
“Yes,” you nodded.
“Where are you?”
Your heart began to race inside your chest as you told him the name of the restaurant, and after promising he would be there as soon as he could, you told him to bring your spare key. Even if you didn’t drive yourself home tonight, all of your purchases from your mall shopping spree were in your trunk -- you sure as hell weren’t leaving without those.
“Do you want me to stay on the line as I’m driving?” he asked. You heard the sound of the front door closing behind him, and even though he wasn’t physically here with you yet, you felt so much better just knowing that he was on his way.
“No, it’s okay,” you assured him.
“All right,” he answered, though he didn’t sound too convinced. “I’ll be there soon, just hang tight, okay?”
You hummed in response, and when the call ended, you slowly pushed yourself off the ground to stand up.
Thankfully, your car wasn’t too far away, and you managed to limp over to it before anyone going into or out of the restaurant could see you. It would be embarrassing enough to have Minhyuk see you like this -- you didn’t need strangers to!
And, now that you actually had some time to think about it... why had you called Minhyuk? Why hadn’t you called your best friend or your dad? Was it because he had been in the back of your mind all day? Because you basically hadn’t thought of anyone else since... oh, yesterday morning?
I mean, yeah, he was a guy. He was strong, and it would have been really helpful if he had been here just a few minutes ago. But there was nothing he could do about the situation now. He couldn’t chase the guy down and tackle him to the ground to get your bag back.
When you saw blue flashing lights in the distance, you suddenly realized that you’d called Minhyuk because he was the only one who had access to your spare car key!
Of course! That was totally the reason why! Your key was in your bag, and your spare key was in the apartment, and Minhyuk was also in the apartment, and that was it!
You almost let out a sigh of relief at finally having figured it out, but the police were approaching you, so you had to get your wits about you to give your statement.
You greeted the officers quietly, assuring them you were all right and repeating the description of both the event and the perpetrator you’d given over the phone.
Just as you’d finished telling them the color of his turtleneck, you heard the squeal of brakes on tires, a car door opening, and --
Your heart jumped up into your throat, and your eyes darted over to see Minhyuk getting out of his car and jogging over to you.
Your eyes filled with tears again at the sight of him, and before you knew it, he had reached you and enveloped you in his arms.
“Oh, my god,” he breathed into your hair as he held you carefully. “Are you okay?”
You nodded even though you were currently crying, your fingers clutching the back of his shirt.
And you knew this was why you had called him. Not because you needed your spare key -- though that was true. 
You’d called him because you needed this. You needed his arms around you, you needed his comforting, familiar scent surrounding you.
You needed him.
“Thank you, ma’am,” the officer interrupted. “I think we got all we need. We’ll give you a call when we find him so we can return your things.”
You were so deep in Minhyuk’s embrace, that you couldn’t even lift your head to say ‘Thank you’ or nod at them in response, so Minhyuk did it for you. He thanked them for their time, and as they left, one hand moved up to cradle the back of your head.
The two of you stayed there for at least a few minutes after the police drove off, though it seemed like much, much longer.
When Minhyuk finally pulled away, he took your face in his hands and began to examine you for injuries.
“I’m okay,” you assured him, your voice raspy and soft.
“Where did he kick you?” he asked in harsh, clipped tones.
“My -- my leg. I had tried to kick him, but he dodged it, and then he kicked me.”
“You’re sure nothing’s broken?”
You nodded, and Minhyuk’s hands moved to your shoulders.
“You don’t need to go to the hospital?”
You shook your head. “I just --” Tears began to fill your eyes once again, and you swallowed down the lump forming in your throat. “I just want to go home.”
“All right,” he whispered. “I’ll drive, and I’ll come to get your car later, okay?”
“Wait -- I have some bags in the trunk. I -- I went shopping earlier.”
Minhyuk nodded and reached into his pocket for your key. He unlocked your car, popped your trunk, and grabbed all of your bags before transferring them to his own trunk.
You managed to get into his car by yourself, wincing and groaning as the pain got even more acute and obvious. 
You were not looking forward to how you would feel when you woke up tomorrow.
When Minhyuk joined you in the car, he turned the engine over, put the gear in drive... and then he reached for your hand.
He took your hand and brought it over into his lap, his fingers grasping yours tightly.
But you didn’t even have time to process what he’d done -- what he was doing -- before he asked, “You didn’t know the guy?”
“No,” you murmured.
“So, it was just random,” he stated rather than questioned. “It doesn’t make it better but at least we know you weren’t a strategic target.”
“He -- he does have my license now, though,” you pointed out. “He knows where I live.”
“Don’t worry. I’m not going to leave your side until he’s found and arrested.”
...Oh, boy. You’d spent the whole day trying to avoid seeing him, and now you would have no choice but to see him.
Maybe it was the adrenaline or maybe it was the feeling you’d gotten from being in his arms... or maybe it was something else entirely, but you felt the very strong urge to tell him everything. Tell him why you’d been out all day. Tell him why you’d woken up so early.
...So, you did.
“I stayed away from the apartment all day because I didn’t want to see you,” you admitted. “The... the situation yesterday just -- it really threw me for a loop. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you, and I woke up so early this morning because I had a dream about you, and now I don’t think I’ll be able to stop thinking about how it felt to be in your arms, and if I had just not forgotten my stupid watch, none of this would have happened, and --”
“Wait,” he interjected, squeezing your hand. “You... you haven’t been able to stop thinking about me?”
...Why did he not sound totally freaked out?
“Uh... no,” you gulped.
And, believe it or not, Minhyuk let out a sigh of relief.
A sigh of relief!
“I thought I had traumatized you,” he said. “Like, in a bad way. I was honestly waiting for you to tell me you were going to move out or something!”
You would be lying if you said you hadn’t thought about that, but hearing him say it actually hurt your heart. You hadn’t realized until now that moving out was the last thing you wanted to do.
But, still. You couldn’t quite believe that he was relieved.
“No, you didn’t traumatize me, but... I mean, you heard me say I had a dream about you? And, like, in the dream you were very much in the same... outfit as you were yesterday morning. If you know what I mean.”
“I know what you mean,” he chuckled.
Chuckled! He chuckled! Why was he being so nonchalant about this?!
“So, why are you still holding my hand?” you asked, your brow furrowed as you stared at his fingers linked through yours. “Why aren’t you grossed out?!”
“Because I like you!” he answered, sounding as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “And, I swear to god, if I ever find the guy who did this to you, I will kill him.”
Your eyes widened. That certainly wasn’t the Minhyuk you knew. He barely argued with the landlord when something in your apartment was broken, and you definitely could not imagine him ever wanting to kill someone.
But one look at his face told you that he was incredibly serious about his statement.
Which meant he really must like you.
Why else would he get so... protective? Why else would he state his murderous intentions and promise you he wouldn’t leave your side until the robber was caught?
“...You -- you like me?” you asked meekly.
Minhyuk glanced over at you and dipped his chin in a small nod. “Yeah,” he answered. “I... have for a while now.”
And, despite the throbbing pain in your thigh, hip, and back, despite the fear in your stomach, and despite the fact you’d spent the last two days wishing it had never happened, you said, “Well, you should have made me walk in on you naked earlier, then.”
Minhyuk burst out laughing, and the sound of it made your heart glow. He brought your hand up to his smiling lips, placing an amused kiss on your knuckles as your heart glowed even more.
You knew there was quite a serious talk you had to have when you got home -- maybe not tonight, but certainly very, very soon. There were boundaries you should establish, feelings you needed to flesh out, and decisions you needed to make.
But, right now, you were more than content to sit in his car, hold his hand, and finally -- finally -- let yourself think about him with no clothes on.
It would probably be a while before you saw that again, but hey -- at least now you didn’t have to feel creepy about it.
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✧ CNBLUE as Cats ✧
✧ CNBLUE all members ✧ genre: misc, fluff ✧ more parts~
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Jung Yonghwa:
incredibly beautiful long haired cat with tiger stripes
white paws
amber eyes 
seriously you could swear you’ve never seen such a beautiful cat before
always has that chill expression on his face that tells you he’s never thought a mean thought in his life
...or so you’d think
is the kind of cat who will always be at the worst place at the wrong time
got an assignment due in 30 minutes? doesn’t matter, he’ll sprawl out on your laptop anyway
trying to cook dinner because your date will be over in an hour? guess who decided the stove is the perfect place to take a nap on?
if he wants attention he wants it now, and he will get it
try to pick him up and put him elsewhere, he’ll be back to his original position within seconds, ready to unknowingly bother you
needy, but also very silent (he annoys in a different way lol)
*wanders across shelf* *makes sure to knock over every single thing that’s placed there*
when he jumps down he proudly looks at the mess he created and then runs up to you purring, expecting you to praise him and give him chin scratches
pretends to be picky about his food
but also you’ve seen him steal very strange food choices for a cat on multiple occasions
like pickles or bread
loves fish, almost as much as he loves himself
nr 3 on the list of his favourite things would be sunbaths, sprawled out across the floor in the middle of the room of course, so that he can take up as much space as possible lol
Kang Minhyuk:
little grey cat with short fur
big eyes that watch everything with great interest and just the right amount of suspicion
follows you around wherever you go
seriously you could take him on a stroll through the city without a leash and he’d focus on nothing but you
does get distracted by food sometimes, especially meat and whipped cream
if it’s greasy he wants to at least smell it
might try to lick it with his lil pink kitty tongue and then decide if it’s too fatty or if he should go over to phase 2 and figure out how to steal it
very balanced energy levels, despite being super attentive to his surroundings
also pretty simple to please
it’s play time? cool, let’s play!
time for a nap? sure, just don’t wake me up!
I’m getting fed? yay, be right there, just lemme stretch real quick!
sometimes he makes you wonder if you really own a cat or a dog
surprisingly fine with the vet, so long as he’s used to going there
a little shy when meeting someone for the first time
give him time until he approaches you first, and soon he’ll curl up on your lap and let you pet his head and back
don’t touch his belly if you want to still be able to use your hand tho lol
his favourite toy is a little blue bouncy ball that you got him for his first birthday
but he also likes other kinds of toys like little mice or bird toys
very active at night, especially if he’s allowed to go outside
is usually home by morning though, and loves to curl up at the end of your bed to nap for another hour or two, before you get up to feed him
Lee Jungshin:
black cat with short fur and a white dot on his chest
on the bigger side, but very slim
super friendly with anyone
whether he’s known you for ages or you just met for the first time, he’ll excitedly run up to you and smash his whole weight against your legs to rub his body against them
loves pets, but is easily overstimulated and bites if you don’t take your hands off him on time
does he love belly rubs or does he hate them? you really don’t know
will willingly throw himself on the ground and expose that fluffy belly
lets you touch it but also attacks your hand with his paws and teeth
starts whining if you stop petting him ksajdflak
not always in the mood for playing, but when he is, nothing is safe from him
sometimes chases things that aren’t there multiple rounds through your whole living space
just let him be lol
comes to sleep next to you afterwards, but almost never on your lap
if you lift him up to sit him down on top of your legs he’ll most likely get up and curl up right next to you, so that you can feel his body still touching you
sometimes in the middle of the night you hear him meowing loudly, and when you get up to see what’s happening he’ll just be sitting there in front of a wall, screaming at it
as you can see, he does very weird things sometimes, but usually he’s chill
still spends the majority of his day sleeping, just like any other cat
loves doing the thing where he curls up on a high shelf or a platform on his cattree and the only thing visible from below is the tip of his nose and his paws
also starts drooling when you pet his head right between his ears, or when he’s having a good nap
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CNBLUE Shaving Them
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Because I’m weird, hush. :P       
2PM Version
Yonghwa – Would find this an odd request and tease you. Like was this some new fetish he should be concerned about? Were you going to start shaving him in his sleep? He’d have a lot of fun with it. After he got his jokes in and if he didn’t have a schedule he’d let you do it. He’d be surprised at the feeling of intimacy of the act, something he really hadn’t considered beforehand. For all his earlier teasing he’d end up really enjoying the experience.    
Jonghyun – The main issue with this would be getting him to shave, not that it was you doing it. He’s not a fan of being clean-shaven when he doesn’t have a schedule to worry about. But, if you really wanted to he’d agree telling you the idea was cute. Thinking he was humoring you it would catch him off guard when it turned him on. Big time. Something about being taken care of in that way would stroke his male ego and he’d respond to it.
Minhyuk – May not let you do it. It’s not about trust or that he thinks it’s weird. He would be uncomfortable being under that much close scrutiny, even if it was you. Minhyuk would be a smiley, blushing ball of fluff at the suggestion. Ultimately if you asked repeatedly he’d cave. As you shaved him his embarrassment would eventually fade as he noticed you were focused on your task. Seeing you concentrating on doing a good job would turn him into a puddle of goo.
Jungshin – A mixture of Yonghwa and Minhyuk. He’s going to balk at the idea in the beginning. You want to do what? Then, like Yonghwa he’d tease you. If you were seriously asking he’d go with it, because why not? But then as you were preparing to shave him he’d get a little self-conscious and wonder if it was a good idea. He also would be amazed at the feeling of intimacy that came about from this small thing. But he wouldn’t really relax enough to enjoy it, at least not until you’d done it a few times.  
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nct-jihee · 3 years
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#STAGE NAME⸻ Jihee ( 지희 )
#BIRTH NAME⸻ Um Jihee ( 엄지희 )
#INSTAGRAM⸻ ummjihee
#TWITTER⸻ NCTsmtown_127
#FACECLAIM⸻ Miyeon from (G)I-DLE
—★ GENERAL% ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
#DATE OF BIRTH⸻ May 28, 1997
#AGE⸻ 24 (international), 25 (korean age)
#BIRTH PLACE⸻ Incheon, South Korea
#LANGUAGES⸻ Korean (fluent), English (fluent), Chinese (semi-fluent), Japanese (semi-fluent)
#HEIGHT⸻ 165 cm (5'4")
#WEIGHT⸻ 45 kg (99lbs)
#PRONOUNS⸻ She / Her
#GENDER⸻ Female
#SEXUALITY⸻ Straight
—★ CAREER% ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
#COMPANY⸻ SM Entertainment
#OCCUPATION⸻ Idol and Actress
#GROUP⸻ NCT (since 2016)
#SUB—UNIT⸻ NCT U and NCT 127
#POSITIONS⸻ Main Dancer, Lead Vocalist, Sub Rapper, Visual and Face of the Group
#DEBUT AGE⸻ 18 (international), 20 (korean age)
#TRAINING PERIOD⸻ Four years (2012 - 2016)
↳ why? she loves them, she always wears something related to them and even has a tattoo.
—★ RAKING% ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
( Jihee began her acting career in 2017, playing a small role and then climbing until 2019 when she landed her first main role. She knows that she is still a rookie actress and has a long way to go to make a name in the acting industry. )
While You Were Sleeping
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RELEASE DATE: September 27, 2017
A young woman has visions through her dreams of terrible things that will happen to people in the future. A prosecutor tries to prevent these dreams from happening in real life.
Sky Castle
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RELEASE DATE: November 27, 2018
Housewives living at the exclusive Sky Castle community use every way they can think of to get their children into Seoul National University.
Extraordinary You
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RELEASE DATE: October 2, 2019
A teen seeks to change the fate that's been set for her after gaining awareness that she's just a side character in a made-up world.
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RELEASE DATE: October 17, 2020
Seo Dal Mi has dreams of becoming Korea's own Steve Jobs, and with her genius first love, an investor, and a business insider by her side, her dream may be closer than she thinks.
—★ HER FAMILY% ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
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#NAME⸻ Um Byungchul
#BIRTHDATE⸻ July 9, 1972
#BIRTHPLACE⸻ Seoul, South Korea
#OCCUPATION⸻ Chemical Engineer
#NAME⸻ Oh Jinhee
#BIRTHDATE⸻ July 28, 1974
#BIRTHPLACE⸻ Seongnamsi, South Korea
#NAME⸻ Um Minhyuk
#BIRTHDATE⸻ December 7, 1992
#BIRTHPLACE⸻ Incheon, South Korea
#OCCUPATION⸻ Veterinarian
—★ TRIVIA ! ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
The day of her audition, Jihee was so nervous that she made several mistakes, so they asked her to come back the next day.
During her years as a trainee she seriously thought about giving up being an idol and just focusing on acting, that was because several people told her that an idol actor did not have the same treatment and opportunities as a normal actor.
SM Entertainment already had everything planned about what kind of group and concept NCT would be and have: co-ed group with unlimited members, so the teachers always had their eyes fixed on various girls, including Jihee.
Some of the guys (Taeyong, Johnny, Yuta, Ten, Jaehyun and Hansol) knew that a girl would debut with them and they prepared themselves for it, that's why they were always nice with all girl trainees.
In 2014 Jihee found out that she was never contemplated to debut on Red Velvet and that she would be in SM's new project, a co-ed group.
However, Red Velvet kept thinking that she was going to debut with them later, just like Yeri would.
That was the year Jihee began to doubt about wanting to be an idol, for several months she imagined just giving it up and focusing on acting.
Although the boys were good to her and got along well, she still had her doubts about the group.
During NCT LIFE in Bangkok and NCT LIFE in Seul she was very shy and quiet, only listening to what the guys said, therefore she had little screentime. Now that Jihee looks back, she says that she had to act that way so the public would not hate her for being close to the boys.
Jihee debuted on NCT U - The 7th Sense as a main dancer and lead singer.
After her debut there was a lot of hatred and she was not seen again for a long time, so the haters thought they had won.
But Jihee was actually preparing for her second debut with NCT 127 - Limitless and her acting debut.
She has been more exposed to the public and has gone on variety shows because SM want people to get used to her.
She started to practice rapping more and SM ended up making her sub-rapper of the group.
She has written songs that have been rejected by the company because "they are not 127's style."
She has co-written songs for NCT.
NCT 2018 and 2020 was too much for her, she loves them so much but a room full of guys screaming and making a lot of noise made her mad. It was on those occasions that she understood what her family must have felt growing up with her.
In NCT 2020 she was seen quiet and in corners along with Jaemin.
She was going to be part of SM's new project "SuperM" but at that time she was busy with "Extraordinary You".
Fans of other groups throw hate at her when they attack NCT.
However, Jihee is not afraid to answer to haters.
She has repeated many times that she is completely focused on NCT 127 and acting, so a solo debut is not part of her plans right now.
127 don't know how she does it but whenever she enters a place she ends up making several friends.
Taeil and Johnny used to help her with homework.
She also tried to help the dreamies but she always got stressed and just gave them her support.
She is the biggest Weishennie.
Not even she can escape her members and their teasing due to romantic scenes.
She likes to joke that she is Jisung's older sister, at first he just laughed at her but now he says it too and her heart explodes a little.
Jihee wants to be a good example for the younger and future members.
She sees NCT 127 as her family, NCT DREAM as the little ones, and WAYV as the cool but slightly out of control friends.
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blu-joons · 4 years
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As I continue to near 10,000 followers, I have decided to give myself a huge challenge to celebrate, and hopefully do something that you can all enjoy too! 
Under the cut are 100 prompts to write into 500 word drabbles! When I reach 10,000 followers, I plan on doing 100 pieces of writing in 100 hours! It’s going to be tough, intense, but I really want to challenge myself and do something huge to say thank you! 
If you’d like to request one of the prompts, please send 1 prompt, and the idol you want it written for to my ask box! I will be doing each prompt once, so keep an eye on the list to see updated details! As always, if you have a specific storyline in mind, then do attach that too!
Saying ‘I love you,’ just doesn’t feel like enough - JEON JUNGKOOK
I swear I talk to a brick wall sometimes - LEE TAEMIN
You’re wearing my shirt? - YUTA
I’ll dedicate my win to you - JEON JUNGKOOK
If you want aegyo, all you have to do is ask - KIM NAMJOON
I’ll give you ten seconds to run - VERNON
I thought you said this was supposed to be a holiday - SEO CHANGBIN
Look at you! You’re perfect - JUNG HOSEOK
I’ll save a hoodie just for you - TAEYONG
You’ll be surprised how handy a light stick can be - KIM TAEHYUNG
I wonder sometimes how you’ve managed to get here - KIM JUNMYEON
Don’t move, please - HWANG HYUNJIN
Can’t you just wait five more minutes? - KIM TAEHYUNG
I can’t make it, I’m sorry - MARK TUAN
So this is what responsibility feels like - KIM YUGYEOM
The weather forecast didn’t say it was supposed to rain - DK
If something’s on your mind, tell me - KIM NAMJOON
Your hands are so cold, why? - PARK JISUNG
If only your fans could see you now - MIN YOONGI
Trust in me, and I’ll make you happy - IM CHANGKYUN
I thought you said you’d brush my hair - KIM NAMJOON
Don’t worry about a thing - KIM NAMJOON
I asked you to sing for me, not scream for me - JACKSON WANG
Sorry, I didn’t realise you were trying to be funny - LEE DONGHAE
I never imagined I’d be able to make this work - JAY PARK
This isn’t the life you promised - CHOI MINHO
You. You’re my reason - LEE MINHO
Stop making my heart skip so many beats - JOHNNY SEO
What’s life without love? - LEETEUK
Can you go five minutes without mentioning their name? - PARK JIMIN
I always thought you’d make a great dad - JEON JUNGKOOK
The sun is always shining with you - KIM TAEHYUNG
So, will you marry me? - PARK JIMIN
I thought you said you’d leave that behind for me - KIM SEOKJIN
Oh, bite me! - CHOI YEONJUN
There’s no way I’d do this without you - KANG YOUNGHYUN
I told you that I’d protect you - PARK JINYOUNG
No, I’ll drive you to work - LEE JOOHEON
My whole life is one big comedy - PARK JINYOUNG
I thought date night was for two? - KIM SEOKJIN
Share the story and you’re dead - MIN YOONGI
This is my family now - KIM SEOKJIN
I can show you the door if it’ll help…? - PARK JIMIN
You fill my heart with happiness - JEONG YUNHO
You think he’s better looking than me? - MARK TUAN
Love is a funny thing, don’t you think - KIM SEOKJIN
I can feel you staring at me - MIN YOONGI
My shoulder is free - KIM KIBUM
Are you even wearing makeup right now? - YOO KIHYUN
How do you plan on explaining this? - HENDERY
This isn’t the road trip that I had in mind… - LEE FELIX
Have you ever even read a fanfiction? - KIM TAEHYUNG
Who said that? - LEE TAEMIN
If I wanted to dye my hair, I’d go to a stylist? - LEE MINHYUK
Are you the star? Or am I? - PARK JINYOUNG
You did all of this for me? - SON HYUNWOO
I prefer the night, because you’re the only thing that lights up then - LUCAS
The colour of your cheeks is perfect for my bedroom walls - BANG CHAN
I wasn’t calling to speak to you - KIM NAMJOON
How did you manage to get it so wrong? - WONHO
Y/N, you’re shaking… - KIM NAMJOON
Fly to America… - JACKSON WANG
I’d love to slap you in the face - YOON JEONGHAN
You’ve got guilt written all over your face - KIM NAMJOON
Do you even know what love is? - MIN YOONGI
I get to do what thousands wish they could do - PARK SEONGHWA
And you call yourself an idol? - OH SEHUN
Well, I wouldn’t say no... - IM CHANGKYUN
I’ve been without you for far too long - MARK TUAN
They say that dreams are real - PARK CHANYEOL
I never knew love, until I met you - SON HYUNWOO
How do you manage to make me laugh and cry? - LEE MINHO
Which do you think is more beautiful? - THE8
Anyone would think you were a songwriter? - CHOI YOUNGJAE
Get up them stairs - BYUN BAEKHYUN
I can’t look at you - KANG YUCHAN
All I’ve ever wanted to do is make you happy - LEETEUK
I never imagined things would get this bad - LEE JIHOON
It’s cold outside, don’t forget that - MIN YOONGI
You stink of jealousy right about now - PARK JIMIN
What would you do without me? - PARK JISUNG
Just call my name, and I’ll be there - JAY PARK
What did you just say? - BEOMGYU
I asked you for space… - IM JAEBUM
I have to admit, you weren’t my first bias - LEE TAEMIN
Clown me one more time, I dare you - CHAE HYUNGWON
I can’t believe this is finally happening - EUNHYUK
I’ll stick that hotdog somewhere else if you’re not careful - JEON JUNGKOOK
You’re lucky your face is so handsome - BANG CHAN
Babe, I can’t reach, help… - VERNON
Do you reckon if I close my eyes now, I won’t have to go? - QIAN KUN
Travel the world with me, that’s all I ask - HAN JISUNG
Do you think fate truly exists? - JUNG HOSEOK
I only have to take one look at you - JOSHUA HONG
Damn, pretty girl - PARK JIMIN
I never want to leave this place - LEE HOSEOK
If you’re going to snore, sleep in the garden - CHO KYUHYUN
Thank the lord for smoke alarms - TEN
My footprints are bigger than yours - PARK JISUNG
I can’t help the fact that I’m in love with you - IM JAEBUM
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rnm-magic-space-xsd · 3 years
6, 9, and 15 for the ask game!!!
Wow! Thank you for asking!! This was fun!
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6. Saeran - Kang Minhyuk Star
Star that shines in the sky
Star that shines far away from me
Seems like you came down to my heart
Star engraved in my heart
Star that shines in my heart
I think that might be you
Can you hear a quavering voice?
Oh star
Can you feel my passionate heart?
you’re my star
From a very long time ago
I know that you are the love I’ve been dreaming of
Let us always be together
Even if time passes
(hope that you)
Always shine on the same place
My heart, will only be given to you
Star engraved in my heart
Star that shines in my heart
I think that might be you
Can you hear a quavering voice?
Oh star
Can you feel my passionate heart?
you’re my star
From a long time ago
I know that you are the love I’ve been dreaming of
Let us always be together
Even if time passes
(hope that you)
Always shine on the same place
My heart, will only be given to you
The star engraved in your heart
The star that shines in your heart, I hope that is me
Forever I will love you
My eyes will only look at you oh
oh will you only look at me too
Let us be each other’s star
Jumin - Exo K What is Love
Girl, I can’t explain what I feel.
Oh baby my baby, baby, baby, baby. Yeah.
Making a day
feel like a minute.
With you, I’m the main character of a movie.
As if I’m about to film an action scene
to come see you,
as if I’ve become a hero.
You’re perfect to me, I imagined.
How would it be if we were together?
If only you say okay,
everything is perfect. Oh baby.
I lost my mind.
The moment I saw you
Except you, everything
get in slow motion
Tell me. If this is love.
Sharing and learning countless emotions
everyday with you
Fighting, crying, and hugging.
Tell me, if this is love
All the guys in the world are jealous of me
They must be jealous to death of me
for having you.
Even after the sun goes down
and moon goes down, it will never change. Woah~
You will find out that
I’m a guy whom you can trust
I don’t know why, this unconditional emotion.
Did I ever imagine?
Next to me, you shine more brightly
As I become a better guy.
I lost my mind.
The moment I saw you
Except you, everything
get in slow motion
Tell me, if this is love.
Sharing and learning countless emotions
everyday with you
Fighting, crying, and hugging.
Tell me, if this is love
If you wish and wish earnestly,
will it come true like the fairytales?
A never-ending happy ending,
happily ever after
I will trust you, protect you and comfort you.
I will be on your side. I will never leave your side.
I lost my mind.
The moment I saw you
Except you, everything
get in slow motion
Tell me, if this is love.
Sharing and learning countless emotions
everyday with you
Fighting, crying, and hugging.
Tell me, if this is love
All the guys in the world are jealous of me
They must be jealous to death of me
for having you.
My babe, baby babe, baby. Baby-
I can tell, is this is love?
I will make you smile often like a child
I will make you feel the most comfortable,
like a friend.
My babe, baby babe, baby. Baby-
Tell me, what is love-
9. Write out your love story- blog post style (then consider emailing it to me so I can post it).
His sorrow called out to me, seeing how his father couldn’t see the pain through his sons’ eyes. Changing girlfriends every month. And they all seductively charmed their ways into his thick wallet. And towards Jumin it was the same. My heart who’s known him for mere days, yet felt like we’ve known each other for years, cried for his pain. It tore at my heart so deeply.
Yet when I went to comfort him; when the door to his penthouse opened, revealing my first true love, my heart fluttered seeing his beautiful silver eyes in person. He was so romantic and charming, yet I could feel his loneliness and distrust in the people around him, how he carefully hid his vulnerabilities so no one could take advantage of him for their own ulterior motives and it hurt my heart to realize that he’s been mistreated his whole life. I wanted to be his strength, to comfort him and love him forever.
She helped me cope with the numbness and pain I’ve felt for years, the gaping void that was only ever soothed or filled by my dear friend Jihyun, or Elizabeth herself, my dear cat companion who makes each day of mine filled with love and happiness.
Actually, it was more than that. She opened my heart to feel the spring of my life, she taught me to bask in life’s richest colors. Her warm heart is filled with so much compassion warmth and love and it taught me of the sweetness of this world. Of childlike innocence.
She listened to me ramble about Elizabeth and cats in general, loving the way my eyes lit up at the mere mention of them, and it was like that for me as well. We both were so passionate about animals, and cats in particular. Just seeing her smile made my heart fill up with happiness. A rare occurrence in my usual day to day life.
She’s an angel and we’ve been together for four whole years, 15 Good Endings and a couple dozen of dates later we got married.
We live together now and we’ve travelled the world together. The Maldives, our honeymoon trip, was the one she loved the most [We enjoyed our time in the open hot bath, just kissing and making sacred love together in it] - almost as much as she loved our Tokyo Disneyland date and Summer Festival Date when we were dressed in yukatas ( Shiri: and Juju, after a lot of trial and error, won me a small plushie of a panda bear ! And Juju was so handsome in his yukata!
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And so did I! He was blushing so much when he saw me in it for the first time!)
15. On the day I was raped by my stalker. That day especially, haunts me to this day. I was so pure and innocent, I was so scared and hurt when that happened. It felt like my soul was sucked out. I needed Juju’s support, protection and love by my side. And honestly even now when most of our honeymoon phase of love has faded out I still crave his love, adoration and protection.
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My Fangirl Life
I think being a fangirl was one of my talent hahaha because I have been able to withstand anything. I have been a self proclaimed ACTIVE fangirl since 2009 it has been over a decade so I though maybe I can list all the artist that I have supported throughout the years (I am a fan of a lot but I will only list those artist that I have an active participation to): 1. AJ Perez (PH : 2009) - as far as I can remember he is the one whom I really thought of liking, because of his handsome face and acting who will not like him. So imagine my reaction when I heard he passed away, I am clearly shocked as when I woke up my cousins told me about it with the phrase 'di ba siya yung gusto mo'. After that I remember following all the news and even her gf then on any updates. I wanted to visit his funeral that time but I can't coz my parents won't allow me. Fun fact : I never stopped following AJ's twitter until now. 2. Melai and Jason Francisco (PH : 2009) - They are the reason I was hooked with Pinoy Big Brother before. Their uncanny lovestory made my heart giddy back then. I remember creating a PEX (Pinoy Exchange) account just to chat with my fellow fans, even though I am just in high school. 3. Ivan Dorschner and Fritzie Bercede (PH : 2010) - Just like MelAson, this hype was caused by PBB as I am already in PEX looking for this threads are easy already. I made a lot of things for them and I even sew their couple name (VanZie) 4. Mario Maurer and Baifern Pimchanok (TH : 2010) - As I can say the first foreign act I put as my profile picture. I am already unto KDrama that time but they just passed by. This love team made me feel happiness. They reason why I knew them because my 4th year High School adviser made us watch Crazy Little Thing Called love and just like that I was hooked. Even time have passed I still love and follow them on their sns. And that one time they visited Manila I waited for hours just so I can see them upclose (I am in the barricade). Especially now they will be back together made me happier and excited. 5. Jhake Vargas and Bea Binene (PH : 2011) - One of the most unforgettable artist for me. As I always say , I may not be able to stay but they always have a special part in my heart. Because of them FIRST TIME in my life I am not treated just a fan but also a friend. The feeling for the first time the artist knows ypu in person and never forget you. I am thankful for them as this was the time I was full on fangirl. I learn to go out because of tapings and mallshows. I learn how to organize events as I was an active part of the fanbase. I also knew the local stations here how they operate a show and treat artist. These two brought happiness toy freshman years and I am grateful for them, I am always here watching them grow and I was happy and proud. 6. Demi Lovato (US : 2011) - This was the time I was so into the Disney shows and this girl caught my attention because of her vocal prowess and her chemistry with Sterling Knight made me swoon. Because of her I experienced my first ever concert. My active days with her was short but I never stop looking forward to her works and continue to listen to her songs. 7. Ella Cruz (PH : 2012) - Liking her came as a surprise, to be honest at first I was just curious to see her because of Aryana (drama) that I enjoyed. So I tag along with my friends and met her after that when she welcomed us with open arms. We decided we should support her as she is an amazing actress and a humble person. I am proud to say that I saw her when she was still a teenager and saw her grow into this wonderful woman she is today. Until now I am still part of Ellamazing and do not regret every second of it. Because her and her family didn't just treat us as fans but also as a friend and family. She even is very supportive of my K(everything) addiction. What more can I ask for an artist, right? 8. Girls Generation (KR : 2012) - After the constant push of my friend to watch their performances and even reality show, I finally gave in to the trap. I think I made a decision after I watched Hush Hush by Taeyeon. I said this group has talent and they are very new to me. My active days for them might be a brief moment but they are still a very dear to my heart and still follow their releases. I even made effort to see Sooyoung (my bias) when I visited Korea last year. They are still I can proudly say, my best girl group. 9. Henry (KR : 2013) - This is the first guy I called ny husband, because I was into support ships or girls this is a step up. Because of the bubble of SM Family, I got to know Super Junior but instead of liking the principal members this guy caught my attention. Because he can speak so many language, can play different instruments, can sing and dance at the same time, a composer, a cook, an actor, a comedian and a sweetheart. I have never seen a guy like that before that is why I was head over heels for him. Right now, I still follow his activities and even watched his vlogs. I may just be a quiet supporter but I still cherish this man. I can and will never forget. 10. BTS (KR : 2014) - It is already very visible that I really like BTS. I joined a lot of fanclub activities even hosted and volunteer on events. More over out of all of the artist I liked they are the longest I have been very active to, for foreign artist. But this is the group I am the most dedicated to. And to be honest, I already gave myself the ultimatum that they will be the last artist I will support like this, and will not add anymore because when the time comes I already want to focus on myself. This group for me is one for the books. These other artists below are they artist I liked in between of the 10 at the top : - Seichi and Pamu (PH) - Jonas Brothers (US) - Debby Ryan and Cole Sprouse (US) - 2NE1 (KR) - 2PM (KR) - CNBLUE (KR) - BAP (KR) - B1A4 (KR) - BTOB (KR) - EXO (KR) - SISTAR (KR) - TroubleMaker (KR) - Kim Bum and Kim Seo Eun (KR) - Jeong Eun Ji and Seo In Guk (KR) - Park Shin Hye and Yoon Shi Yoon (KR) - Kim Yoo Jung and Park Bogum (KR) - Jung Krystal and Kang Minhyuk (KR) - Lee Sung Kyung and Nam Joo Hyuk (KR) - Park Bo Young and Park Hyung Sik (KR) - Song Joong Ki and Moon Chae Won (KR) Hope you can try and check out the artist I put up, and give them a chance. Share me your stories if you also supported one of them.
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
A Christmas Date
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Summary: When Minhyuk finally convinced you to see his band play this Christmas, you were hesitant to allow your heart to be swayed any more than it already had been.
Pairing: Kang Minhyuk x reader (ft. CNBLUE)
Genre: Christmas au / fluff / co-workers to lovers au
A/N: Welcome to Christmas in July! This mini collab with @this-song-thats-only-for-you has been so much fun to create! Since Minhyuk’s birthday was the same day as Daehyun’s, I chose to write for him now. And I hope @noona-clock doesn’t mind, whenever I think of Jungshin/CNBLUE, I naturally think of her story Something’s Brewing and so a couple of details in this stem from that world. I highly recommend you go read that story if you haven’t some time!
Word count: 3754
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“You’ll be there, right?”
Glancing up to meet Minhyuk’s expectant gaze, you smiled weakly. “Christmas in the Park? Listen, Minhyuk, I-”
“You’re not going to ditch me again, are you?” he intervened, shooting you a pout. Oh god, not the pout. He then grinned and your heart began to thump noisily in your chest.
You were doomed.
Working with Kang Minhyuk was a blessing and a curse. You hadn’t expected when the tall man walked into your florist one day with a resume under his arm that you would be struggling this much six months later. He was capable in every way, and whilst that meant you could trust him to ensure that business went well whenever you weren’t in the shop, it also made you aware of all his little mannerisms. How his smiles were able to make everyone who walked into the store feel a little weak at the knee, his arrangement skills impressing even the most sceptical of people that flowers could be more than just beautiful. He was polite yet playful, generous with his skills and his time, and incredibly thoughtful.
How such a man existed, you weren’t sure, and knowing that he had other talents in life seemed completely unfathomable. It was highly unfair that Minhyuk was able to do so much, remain humble and be utterly gorgeous on top of all of that.
And that was why you had a hard time accepting doing anything with him outside of work.
“Y/N,” he called, the slight whine in his voice making you wish for the ground to open up and swallow you whole, and yet you wanted to relish in the sound for the rest of your life as well. It was ridiculous the effect Minhyuk had over you, and as his boss, you struggled with maintaining the incredibly fine line between being professional and falling at his feet.
“I don’t do well in crowds,” you mumbled feebly and whilst it was the truth, it was an excuse and he knew it.
“You’ll have fun, I promise. I’ll make sure that you’re with Jungshin’s girlfriend, Becky, the whole time. She’ll look after you; she’s a seasoned pro at coming to our gigs and at avoiding being stuck in sticky crowd situations. Plus you promised me. This is a huge deal for me and I want you there!”
Staring up at Minhyuk, you could tell you were blushing at that last sentence. Why did he want you there? You knew if you went it would be game over for your heart. He was passionate about his music, that much you could already tell. And with how much you had already fallen for Minhyuk within this garden bed of roses, you knew if you stepped outside with him, away from what you knew, that it would be impossible to maintain your working relationship. Seeing Minhyuk out of this florist could make it harder for you to see him in it the next time. And with it being so close to Christmas, well, you needed him. Orders were only going peak over the next week, and he really did the best arrangements.
“It’s Christmas time, where’s your generous spirit, huh?” You huffed at his question and he chuckled, knowing he was getting under your skin. “I’m not going to let you get out of this, Y/N. You told me that you’d come to see us perform before the end of the year.”
“I have no choice?” you asked and Minhyuk nodded firmly. “What will you do if you make me come and I don’t enjoy your music?” He was genuinely surprised by your statement though he recovered quickly, laughing as he nudged you playfully. “What will you do if you love it?”
You would die, you were certain of it. But you couldn’t tell him that, smiling softly to yourself instead. “I guess there’s only one way to find out.”
“So you’ll come?!”
Ignoring the puppy-like excitement now filling his features, you nodded once, confirming your attendance.
Though you were truly worried about what you had gotten yourself into.
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The day of the event, you had attempted to get out of going. Your bedroom looked like a riot had gone off within it; clothing was strewn across your bed from countless deliberation of what to wear. You didn’t know how to dress for such an outing and since this would be your first time appearing in Minhyuk’s world not as his boss and fellow colleague, you were conflicted further. What if you wore something that he would tease you about on Monday? You were so used to wearing blouses and dress pants or dresses in his company that you almost opted for one of your work attires just to ease some of your anxiety. Yet, Christmas in the Park was an outdoor music event, and you would be spending quite a number of hours out in the cool wintry air.
That left you with not a lot of fashionable pieces to extenuate and to opt for comfort over style. You still wanted to look good, however, scolding yourself for wanting to make a good impression on not only Minhyuk but his friends too. This wasn’t a date, and yet your brain was convincing you otherwise. Settling on your favourite pair of jeans, a woollen jumper, your dress coat and a pair of boots, you fumbled your way through your makeup, picking up your phone and writing multiple renditions of plausible excuses to Minhyuk along the way. You felt uneasy as you did your hair, worrying that you would look clearly older than him and his friends. What would they think of you as his boss? It was nerve-wracking and when your phone suddenly went off in your hand as you thought over how to word being sick in a believable way for the umpteenth time, you shrieked. Managing to only drop the device into your lap and not onto the floor, you retrieved it and opened up the message you had received.
1:13pm Minhyuk: You better not think of a single excuse to send me. I’ll see you at three!
Groaning at his innate ability to read you even this far apart, you sent him back a can’t wait response and stared at your reflection before letting out a big sigh.
You could do this.
Arriving at the park that the event was being held at, you were pleasantly surprised by the atmosphere. It was your first time attending the event, normally opting to remain indoors when it was this cold. Despite the crowds that were already forming, it seemed more welcoming than you expected. Families were setting up their designated spots and fuelling their children with hot food and drinks from their packed bags, and wrapping blankets over their legs. Teens gathered together by the edge of the stage gossiping about the hottest bands that would be attending tonight. Adults like yourself seemed to be relieved for a break from the office and to socialise with ease among their peers, and even elders were set up in camping chairs, discussing how many years they had been attending the event. You eased somewhat until you heard your name being called.
You turned, Minhyuk jogging over to your side with a grin plastered over his face. You mirrored his expression, blinking a couple of times as you took in his attire. Without thinking too much about it, you reached out for his bare arms and chastised him. “Where’s your jacket, aren’t you cold?”
“Oh, I left it backstage, we just had rehearsal before and I got a little hot,” he explained, his gaze on your hand. You slipped it back and he dug his hands deep into his jeans pockets, his skin now flushed. You assumed it was due to the cold and his sudden approach toward you and wrapped your hand around your other wrist, rocking back on the small heel of your boot. Minhyuk cleared his throat and grinned again. “I’m glad you came.”
“Me too.”
“I was expecting some kind of excuse about being too sick to get out of bed,” he continued and you snapped your gaze up to his, shaking your head profusely, hoping you didn’t let on that was exactly what you had been attempting to do.
“Of course not, you told me to have some Christmas spirit, so here I am. Though, are you just performing Christmas songs tonight?”
Minhyuk chuckled, shaking his head. “There will be some groups that do, and at the end of the show there’s a big Christmas medley happening, but most people are just singing their own songs.”
“Oh, so I’ll get to hear what CNBLUE is all about?”
“You will,” Minhyuk assured, his smile ever-present. And then he seemed to process a thought, launching forward to grab your hand and pulled you towards backstage. Focusing on remaining upright and not on how warm his hand was on yours despite the low temperature outside, you were shuffled past various people and tasks going on in the bustling atmosphere backstage until you came to a stop in a waiting area that was for Minhyuk’s group. Immediately you were greeted by a great voice, your movement stilling as you listened to the way the man sang.
“Yonghwa, Y/N’s here,” Minhyuk mentioned and the man you had just been in awe over stopped singing, turning to see you there. He grinned, coming over to shake your hand enthusiastically. And that was how your greetings with Minhyuk’s friends went. Yonghwa was loud and vivacious, much like his voice was. Jonghyun greeted you with a smile and Jungshin teased Minhyuk for bringing his boss to his work for the night. It was then that you met Becky, who not only reminded her boyfriend of where they once met before dating and then came over to your side and shyly reached out to befriend you. Her reaction eased you immediately and you relaxed into the new company, soon forgetting all about your worries of coming tonight.
“We’ll go out and get a spot by the stage,” Becky announced and you waved the men off, following Becky back out and finding a spot that had a great view of the stage without being too close.
Becky then smiled at you and you returned the gesture. “Thanks for looking out for me.”
“It’s no problem. I remember the first gig I went to, though it was in a small bar. They’ve come a long way to do stages like this.”
“So they’re really good then?”
Becky blinked. “You haven’t heard their music yet? They have albums out.”
“Uh, no, this will be my first time.”
“Well, you’re in for a treat. They’re really talented,” Becky grinned. “Oh, and I’m not saying that even though I have the opportunity to be biased. All four members are amazing at what they do. Their music is the kind that gets right into your soul and makes you addicted.”
“Ah,” you said with a nod of your head, hopeful that you would be able to agree with her evaluation when the night was over.
Becky looked at you for a moment and then smiled again when you caught her eye. “You know, this is the first time Minhyuk’s invited anyone to see him play.”
“He talks about you too. You must be a really good friend to him.”
You contemplated her assumption, wrestling with disbelief. You eventually shook your head. “I’m just his boss.”
“I doubt that,” Becky refuted and then pointed to the stage. “Oh, here they come!”
Much like the attitude backstage, Yonghwa was vibrant and hooked the crowd immediately. And when Minhyuk held up his drumsticks before dropping them to start the beat, you were a goner.
Becky was right; you didn’t know who you were by the time the first song was over. Although you didn’t remember the names of the songs, you attempted to take in every detail, whilst your eyes frequently soaked in Minhyuk in his element. This was unlike in the florist. On stage, he seemed to shine brightly, his smiles as effortless as his skills were. You gasped when he started singing the backups as he continued to drum away and you glanced at Becky, her energetic nod telling you that she understood.
CNBLUE was definitely addictive.
When their set finished, you felt as if your body had become heavy. You were rooted to the spot, the ringing of the last part of the set replaying within your mind. It was Becky who nudged you out of your stupor, tugging you along with her to go find the members backstage. You needed more time, more air, maybe a drink of water to sober up, but before you knew it, you were in front of the four men, Becky leaving your side to hug Jungshin affectionately.
“So, what did you think?” Yonghwa asked and Jonghyun chuckled.
“Give her a chance to process it.”
“Why does she need time? Y/N either liked it or disliked it,” Yonghwa continued, turning back to face you. Smiling gently, you nodded a couple of times.
“I liked it.”
“Liked what, which part?” Yonghwa pulled you to sit down and eagerly waited for your response which was hard to formulate.
“Let her breathe,” Jungshin instructed and nudged Minhyuk pointedly.
You watched as the man you knew the most retreated. You had expected him to be like Yonghwa, after all these weeks of asking you to come see him play. It seemed surreal to see him hesitate, reserved with his approach. His usual smile was missing and you stared at him a little longer before turning back to Yonghwa and answering his questions as best as you could.
The night was still young, and yet you were wondering more about Minhyuk’s thoughts right up until the time you eventually crawled into bed.
You hoped he would share them with you when you next saw him.
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Monday morning arrived and you were a mixture of emotions to see Minhyuk again. He had texted you the day before, thanking you for coming to the concert and spending your night with Becky and the members. It seemed odd that his reaction was so formal when you had been laughing and enjoying yourself within his friends’ company until you had gone home. And yesterday you had followed all their social media accounts, grinning when everyone followed you back. You had downloaded the content that you could purchase online, and spent the day cleaning your home and bopping along to CNBLUE. Even on your way to work, you were singing along to Between Us, having played the song so much you could almost sing it word for word.
But now that you were in your usual setting, your mood seemed to resolve, resuming back to the quiet and polite version of yourself. You greeted your supplier gently, carrying in boxes of fresh flowers one after the other until on your final run; they were taken out of your arms.
You blinked. “Minhyuk.”
“Good morning,” he greeted softly, carrying the carton into the back room and opening them up to see what needed to go in which floral cooler.
You stood at the edge of the bench, wondering what to say.
“What did you do yesterday?”
Minhyuk didn’t look up. “Mostly just relaxed.”
“I downloaded your music,” you blurted out and he paused in shifting a box of lilies into the cooler. You took it as a sign to continue. “I really like it.”
“I’m glad.”
“Are you?” you retorted, staring at him as he stood back to his full height. Neither of you spoke and yet you could tell he had a lot to say.
“Hello, is your store open yet?” a voice called out and broke the spell, Minhyuk stepping around you and going out to serve the customer.
It was like that for the rest of the morning, both edging around what happened on Saturday, yet neither coming out with anything productive to say. It was driving you mad and by the time Minhyuk had gone to take his lunch break, you were completely frustrated.
“Why invite me out if he’s going to be this awkward with me?” you scoffed, arranging a Christmas themed bouquet with a little more vigour than usual. “I should have made an excuse after all. Hanging out with his boss clearly was a bad choice on his behalf.”
You grumbled for a few more minutes, your frustration shifting towards despair. It was hard not to feel a sense of rejection. Although you had been invited out as a friend, you had hoped for some kind of reaction from Minhyuk to understand why he had asked you to come. Did he want to be more than just co-workers? Or was he just proud of his achievements and wanted to show you? None of it made sense and as you unravelled some ribbon, you thought of the worst.
“Did I embarrass him? Did I say something wrong to his friends?”
“You did nothing wrong.”
You squeaked at the sudden reappearance of Minhyuk, snipping the ribbon blindly and catching your finger in the process. Your hand was immediately within his and Minhyuk led you out the back, right over to the sink and ran the water over the wound.
“Keep it under the water whilst I prepare the band-aid.”
“It’s not that bad,” you mentioned but the look he gave you made you push your hand back under the flowing water. Minhyuk then reached for your hand and wrapped a towel around it to gently pat it dry.
As he dealt with the wound, you sighed. “Why did you invite me to the event if you were going to be like this with me?”
“I didn’t know I would struggle either.”
“You’re struggling?” you asked and the vulnerable emotion within his eyes was quickly removed much like the backing of the band-aid was. “With what?”
Focusing on his handiwork now that the band-aid was over your wound, Minhyuk continued to hold your hand. You went to pull away but he gripped on. “With how much I like you.”
“Me?” you echoed and Minhyuk nodded. “You like me? Me?”
A small smile played upon his lips. “Should I not?”
“No… well yes. I mean, why would you like me?” you babbled and Minhyuk laughed softly, capturing your attention. You stared up at him, your confusion softening. “You like me? Since when?”
“Since I first met you.”
“But wait, that was…”
“Seven months ago.”
You frowned. “I hired you six months ago.”
“I know but we met before then.” You didn’t respond and Minhyuk smiled. “I was a customer before I chose to try my luck and get a job here. I did need a new job. Working with Jungshin at the coffee shop wasn’t really working out for me when I would have to go to band practice after work too. And I genuinely do like working with flowers too.”
“You came here pointedly?” you breathed and Minhyuk nodded. “Because of me?”
He nodded again. “You mean, I’ve spent all this time trying to avoid how I felt when you’ve been here because of me?”
“To be fair, I wanted to get to know you first. Sure, I could have asked you out on a date as a customer,” Minhyuk mused and then grinned at your still startled expression. “But with how hard it’s been to actually get you to come out with me, I doubt you would have accepted my request from that position.”
“I’m still back at the part where you came here with the intention of getting to know me.”
Minhyuk finally let go of your hand and you blinked away from your reverie, a slight ache within your hand now that he wasn’t holding it.
Logically, that was probably due to the injury you had sustained.
“Seeing you out of the florist was overwhelming for me. And then how easily you fitted in with my friends, I could see this becoming something regular. I wasn’t prepared to cope with how much I felt on Saturday. That’s why I was quieter.”
“Oh?” he repeated and sighed. “Just oh?”
“You’re the one announcing you have feelings for me, how am I meant to react?”
Minhyuk was thoughtful for a moment and then leaned down into your face, smiling brightly. You blinked repeatedly, unsure if you should step back or grip onto him with how giddy you suddenly felt. “Will you come out with me again if I ask you, Y/N?”
“Where to? I thought that was the last performance you had scheduled for the year.”
He nodded.
“On a date, just you and me this time. They say that dating around Christmas time is much more magical than any other time of the year.”
You eyed him carefully, the smile on your lips forming slowly. “Really, why’s that?”
“Because it’s the season where dreams come true.”
“That’s really cheesy,” you told him with a giggle and Minhyuk pulled you into an embrace, your laughter startled into hiccups.
“I know, but you seem like the type to enjoy cliché romance like this.”
“Where the girl gets the really attractive guy that everyone fawns over?”
Minhyuk chuckled within the embrace. “Not everyone fawns over me.”
“Oh really? Have you seen how our clients react when you start smiling and pointing out flowers? I’m sure half of them would prefer to purchase you then the bouquets they walk out of here with!”
“Are you jealous?” he wondered with a smirk and you tried to slip out of the embrace Minhyuk held you within, your answer evident by your actions. “There’s only one person who I have eyes for, and it’s definitely not a client.”
“One date?” you surmised and Minhyuk gaped at you.
“I’m holding you in my arms; do you think we’re only going on one date?”
“Two dates?”
“If you’re trying to protect yourself from thinking I’ll suddenly change my mind, might I remind you I got this job because I liked you. I haven’t changed my mind since.”
“You’re blinded by the beauty of this place,” you complained and Minhyuk nodded softly.
“Because you’re here.”
You wondered if dating Minhyuk would be a blessing and a curse as well. But admittedly, you were hopeful that the Christmas spirit would help you out a little with that magic. Because you wanted this dream to remain a reality for a long time.
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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Christmas In July: New Traditions // A Christmas Date // Cliche Christmas // With A Bow On Top
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noona-clock · 6 years
CNBlue when you throw them a Welcome Home party
Thank you @cramelot for the idea!
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the gifs used in this post.
-Admin B
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Yonghwa would pretend to be surprised, but he would’ve known all along that you would do something like this! He would’ve been expecting a party with all of your friends and family to celebrate him being discharged from the military, but to appease you, he would be all “Oh my goodness! You did all this?! For me?! Wow, I can’t believe it!” And then the two of you would party would the night away with your loved ones!
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When Jonghyun comes home from the military - permanently - and sees you’ve hung up a ‘Welcome Home’ banner and made treats, he would playfully scold you. “What is this? You rascal, you’re throwing a party, aren’t you?” But when you assure him the party is just for you and his cats, he would wrap you up in the biggest hug and whisper how much he missed you.
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Minhyuk would get so shy and happy when he sees you’ve prepared a ‘Welcome Home from the Military’ party for him! He would smile that sweet, sunshine smile of his and act all embarrassed and adorable. It would be just his closest friends and family members at the party because you know having a huge party would be too overwhelming. When everyone leaves, he’ll be more than happy to spend some alone time with you, though.
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Unlike Yonghwa, Jungshin would have no idea that you were throwing a Welcome Home party for him. He would be genuinely surprised - very pleasantly surprised. He’ll be constantly smiling and thanking everyone for coming, and when he sees Simba wearing a party hat, he’ll whip out his phone and take so many pictures. The party will definitely be documented on social media!
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kachulein · 5 years
tagged by: @staytion-nine 💖
[name] Laura
[birth year] 1999
[zodiac] aquarius
[height] 5′8.5/174cm
[first four songs to play from your playlist]
Eun Jiwon - I'M ON FIRE (feat. Blue.D)
Coogie - Hooligans (feat. Bill Stax)
niahn - Broken Hurt
I.M - Fly With Me
[page 23, line 17 of the closest book to you]
"d.h. die Variable mit dem XY-Test gemessene Intelligenz zur Zeit t nimmt einen der Werte an: 70, 71, 72, ..., 143, 144, 145."
(don't mind this, it's just from my statistics book and it's blah blah about variables😂🙏sadly studying psychology involves doing a lot more mathematics than I'm motivated to do lmao)
[ever had a song/poem written about you]
Actually, yes.^^
[last time you played the air guitar]
uhhhh as a child :')
[celeb crush(es)]
Im Changkyun, Yoo Kihyun, Lee Minhyuk, Shin Hoseok, Han Jisung, Hwang Hyunjin, Choi San, Kang Yeosang, Min Yoongi, Xu Minghao, Dacre Montgomery, Gavin Leatherwood, do I need to list more or is it already obvious how much of a hoe I am? :)
[sound you hate/love]
love: music, ki and kyun's voices like damn I need ki to serenade me to sleep and kyun to do some asmr whispering into my ear to get them tingles, birds chirping, ocean waves, downpour, etc
hate: scratching on chalkboard, thunder, loud voices/yelling, sirens, coughing, the sound of someone gagging like I literally cannot handle that
[do you believe in ghosts] kinda, yeah
[do you believe in aliens] kinda, yeah. I just can't imagine that there isn't anything else out there...
[do you drive] driving lessons are too expensive man, I can't afford that (plus, I've been in two car crashes already, I'm high-key afraid of driving)
[last book you read] Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
[last movie you saw] wait wait wait I think I just recently watched a movie? uuuuh or did I? I think I wanted to watch one and then I didn't- sooooo yeah, I can't remember hhhhhh
[do you like the smell of gasoline] ew nope, why is this even a thing eye-
[do you have any obsessions] kpop, astrology, loa
[do you hold grudges] oh hell yeah but I'll never tell
[are you in a relationship] ...............................does an imaginative one count?
tagging: @littlefallenrebel @jinniesmeow @marriael @jjunhos @190629seonghwa and anyone else who'd like to do it💫💖💫💖💫💖
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vanillainverse · 6 years
of course, he's my best friend | In Gukdoo
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Type: Oneshot Genre: ANGST, Fluff Summary: Bong Soon and Minhyuk are engaged and Guk Doo is in the process of moving on. During one of his visits in Ainsoft, he meets a fierce, hot-headed employee and develops a love hate relationship with her. A murderer suddenly sets his eye on Y/N and it becomes harder for Guk Doo to stay away from the short tempered female.
A/N: I literally just recycled this from my kdrama scenarios in wattpad. lmao. I’m lazy, I know. Anyways, hope you enjoy? Also, should I post my other scenarios here from wattpad or just keep it there?Anyways, I worked so hard for this and really enjoyed the process of writing it. Requests are always open if you guys wanna go ahead and request.
Strong Woman: Do Bong Soon
It was my first week in the company and I was both grateful and unhappy at Minhyuk for setting up a small office for me while my actual one was getting renovated It was a kind gesture, really, I wouldn't even be complaining if it wasn't for the fact that my temporary office for the rest of the month was the area beside him in his office. Even Bong Soon gets enough distance from him, shouldn't I get some too? Unfortunately not I suppose.
I was at the states after Ainsoft became a big company. I helped Minhyuk with the entirety of his life and the problems that came with him became mine too; so when I knew that Ainsoft was finally doing well, I knew it was time for me to leave him in the limelight and try to build myself more to become the person he needs to stand beside him. I enjoyed my time abroad. I got into photography and that's when I met the man who inevitably made me want to stay there, Kang Chul. Long story short, the relationship did not go as intended, but Chul and I parted ways civilized and with our friendship still intact. I wasn't really that brokenhearted to resort to leaving the country; but as soon as I heard what transpired in my best friends' life while I was gone, and the emotional pain he went through, I boarded the plane after a few hours of tossing stuff into my luggage. I nearly lost him once, I would never forgive myself if he were to get hurt and I wasn't around to tend to his wounds; that would mean I have failed to keep my promise to his mother.
So now, here I am, glaring at the puffball beside me who wouldn't stop talking selfies. "Why aren't you smiling? I haven't seen you for years and all you do is glare at me?" Minhyuk whines after taking another selfie with me. "If I had known you'd only be torturing me after I came home, then I should've just booked a one way ticket to Mars." I rolled my eyes. Yes, he indeed was my best friend, but that doesn't mean I won't cringe every time he would act clingy or show me affection. "What do you think of Bong Soon?" Minhyuk sighs, suddenly letting go of my arm and looks at me seriously. "Well, how does she make you feel?" I ask looking back at him. "She makes me crazy. She makes me want to be a better person that I know I can be and she gives me the happiness that fills up the void in my life that you gave me when you left." He answers, smiling at the thought of her, though still confused why I asked. "If she makes you want to become a better version of yourself and makes you happy beyond imaginable; then have her know that I already consider her my sister. All my life I have never wanted anything more than to protect you and to be there for you; but because of that, I disabled your ability to grow without me, That's why I had to leave, while desperately praying that you'd find a girl who would protect your heart as much as you'd protect hers. I'm glad you finally found her my brother." I start to tear. Never in my life have I ever had heartfelt conversations that made me tear up unless they were with Minhyuk. He was the distraction my angel gave me to forget about my insecurities and problems; he was my solution and I promised to be his. Our relationship was never romantic, nor will it ever be, but it is a bond that bears no bounds.
After the long awaited chat I had with Minhyuk, I went down to the cafeteria to ponder and mentally organize every thought I have for this day. It took quite awhile for me to do so, but now I'm on the elevator on the way to Minhyuk's office. As I walk by, I notice the stares.
You think ya'll are so subtle?
 It seems that upon my arrival, the attention Minhyuk has been showering me with has raised suspicion among his employee's that lead them to believe that I was his 'mistress', and that Bong Soon is just too naive to notice. I sigh at the thought, they couldn't be more wrong. I agree, Minhyuk's beauty is truly mesmerizing, but dating him, let alone liking him, would be like admitting you like your 13 year old baby brother intimately, and I don't condone incest.
Opening the door, I was greeted by the small, lovely face of Bong Soon, and Minhyuk. They were huddled together on the couch, a look of worry plastered on each of their faces. "What's up with you two?" I ask, casually leaning on the closed door behind me. "There's a murderer on the loose. My police friend, Guk Doo, will be coming here to talk to us about some of the details and check up on us." Bong Soon smiles. I nod and smile back at her. I open my mouth to ask when he'll get here when I stumble forward as the impact of the door's nudge sends me to my knees. I look back and glare at the culprit. The person walks in, smirking at me. "CEO Ahn, I need you to sign this for me." After Minhyuk signs and quickly dismisses her, I lean back onto the door, only to have the same fate repeated. "Oh my! I'm so sorry Ms. Y/L/N." Secretary Gong apologizes, helping me up. I fake a smile as I nod. The pain of getting hit twice, ever so evident. "Why do you keep leaning on the door anyways? There's a lot of space in the couch and other areas to lean on in here." Minhyuk says, shaking his head at my apparent display of idiocy. "I'm going to the bathroom. I need to clean up." I mutter, turning my back. As I place my hand on the nob, the door opens harshly, hitting me on the nose, not hard enough to cause it to bleed though strong enough to create a light bruise. I glower at the handsome stranger in front of me. "What the fuck?!" I scream in frustration. He looks at me, bewildered. "I'm sorry, let me help." He scurries to help me but I swat his hand away. "Don't touch me." I leave the room. "Who was that?" I hear an unfamiliar voice ask from inside the room. "Y/N. Y/N Y/LN."
I re-enter the room with an ice pack on my nose. "You're finally here." Minhyuk says cheerfully. "Are you okay now?" Bong Soon asks and I nod. "Y/N, this is Officer, In Gukdoo." Minhyuk says. "Police officer?" I look at Minhyuk, then the said man. "Yes. It's nice to meet you. I'm sorry about earlier." Gukdoo says formally. "I don't like Policemen." I state, making Minhyuk chuckle and Bong Soon choke in a laugh. Gukdoo scoffs, a faint smirk on his face. "You and Minhyuk seem to be quite alike." He sates and I smirk back. "Of course, he's my best friend after all." I say. "I hope I won't be seeing you often, Mr. In Gukdoo." I say, turning to leave. "Unfortunately, I don't think that would be possible." I hear him reply and I swear, I've never whipped my head back as fast as I did upon hearing those words. "What do you mean?" He looks at me seriously. "What I mean is that there's a killer on he loose and both Bong Soon and Minhyuk wanted me to make sure you get home safely everyday." I look at the two, eyes wide with shock and astonishment. "I live in a penthouse in the hotel nearly 3 blocks from here, you think I wouldn't be safe?" I ask. "It's for your safety. Trust me, I wouldn't even think about leaving the police in charge of you but I want you safe too." Minhyuk explains. "Hmmp." I turn my back, grabbing the doorknob and yanking at the door hard, only to find it still closed. "Ugh. The door's stuck." I whine. A hand then suddenly reaches onto the knob and opens the door with ease. I look at the owner of the hand to find Gukdoo's face inches away from mine. He smiles triumphantly and I scowl at him before turning to leave.
In Gukdoo. That name made me feel a lot of things all at once. I was annoyed at him for some unknown reason, but I think he's profoundly attractive. So every night, when he picks me up from work and does a room to room check in my penthouse, I can't help but feel giddy at his presence. "I don't think it's necessary for you to keep checking the rooms, Gukdoo. We both know I'll be safe." I face him and he nods. He turns to leave but I grab his hand. "I haven't eaten yet. Do you wanna eat ramen with me? I can cook" I offer and he smiles back at me, genuine, something you rarely receive from people nowadays. "Sure. I haven't had the chance to eat, either."
We cooked side by side, cooperating as one. It was a nice contrast to the bickering we always share in his car. We eat heartily, sharing bits of stories from our past and that's when it happened. We both finished eating at nearly the same time. We didn't know what to do next. It was awkward. Nothing like our previous encounters. We look at each other in silence. Not really knowing what was next for us. Slowly, with all the courage I could muster up, I start to lean in, and for a second, I think he does to. Our faces were only millimeters apart from our lips colliding, then he looks away. "I should go." He says. With embarrassment and hurt, I snap back at him. "Yeah, you really should." I spit out, venom dripping with every word.
That night, I couldn't sleep. I felt so ashamed and stupid. I really thought he liked me back. And a big part of me I wish he did. So the next day after work, instead of waiting for him at the office, I avoided any run ins with him at all costs and resorted to walking on my way to the hotel. It wasn't long until my lack of brain cells started to kick in and I realized, I had no idea where I was, I knew I was still near Ainsoft, but I didn't know which way I should go to get to the hotel. The street I was in was nearly deserted and definitely dark. I started to walk faster in any direction that I could when I heard light footsteps behind me. I made the mistake of looking back and saw a tall, hooded man following me. I ran as fast as my feet could take me, not caring about my surroundings, and that's when it hit me. Quite literally. My body collided with the car and sent me down onto the ground.
My vision was cloudy, but I knew I was in the hospital due to the beeping of the monitors and the smell of sterilized floors and tools. I felt a hand grasp mine and I look up to see Minhyuk's worried face. "Thank God you're awake. You didn't get hit that bad but you do have a broken leg and a concussion." Minhyuk smiles sadly. "I'm just glad you're okay now." I remember that night. It wasn't long until it all dawn on to me. The reason why I ended up here. "The man. There was a man following me, he had a sinister smile, like he knew he'd get me. So I ran, I ran so hard until I got hit by that car."  I say frantically. Minhyuk's face hardens at the information. "I'm going to find that bastard." He grits his teeth. "Who took me to the hospital?" I try to change the subject, knowing Minhyuk would only be in danger if he got more involved in this. "Gukdoo was looking for you when you jumped out of nowhere and hit his car. Luckily he wasn't driving fast in hopes of finding you on the street. He took you here immediately. He feels so bad for it." Minhyuk says, chuckling at the last bit. "He should." We both laugh at my remark. "You should rest." I nod my head as he kisses my forehead and leaves me alone in the room. An hour later, the door slowly opens to reveal Gukdoo. "Minhyuk says you encountered a man, that's why you were running." Gukdoo states. "Why do you care? Oh right, you're with the police, it's your job to care." I snap and look away from him. I hear him sit beside my bed and take my hand in his. I attempt to pull it out of his grasp but he holds it tighter. I turn to glare at him, only to see his face completely torn. I can see it now.
He was crying.
"I could've lost you tonight." He looks at me and his face is absolutely broken. "I'm sorry. About the other night. I didn't know what to do because I was scared." I look at him, fighting the urge to cry. "Scared of getting hurt? Yeah well, I guess it's better to hurt me then, huh?" I imply. "I was scared I wouldn't be the man you needed and ended up hurting you. It was never about me. But in the end, I hurt you more than once." He hangs his head low. " Even after everything, after the humiliation I felt, I still wanted him. "Is it bad that no matter how much I get hurt, the second I get to rebuild myself, I only want to run back to you?" He looks at me and I can feel all the stars align. "I don't think I'd be able to live with myself if I didn't tell you how much you mean to me." He says. "Then don't." Within seconds, his lips were on mine and it was a mixture of tears and happiness. Bittersweet. "It may be too fast, but I want you to know that I like you more than an average person should." He says, leaning our foreheads against each other. "Don't worry. I like you too." I reply. "I thought you hated the Police?" He jokes and we both laugh wholeheartedly, forgetting everything but what was right now.
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rkkangjoon · 6 years
.jealousy  |  skj eval solo
ROYAL’s White Lotus         presents Monsta X - Jealousy Position: Center; Lines: Kihyun & Shownu Team: @rkxjongsuk as Wonho, @rkkmh as Jooheon, @rkseokwoo as I.M, @rkmeiqi as Minhyuk, NPC as Hyungwon
he admitted he was probably the sloppiest dancer among all royal trainees, despite being with the royal garden for almost 2 years. it still held him up to choose a song he liked to perform for this month’s evaluation because he was greedy enough to try and show his sex appeal. this greed would be probably his doom, because he would look like a joker within his rooster of fellow trainees that promised to help him out with his center performance. he in return had volunteered in their performances. equality was important, wasn’t it?
the month had passed in the blink of an eye, with all the hours spent in the practice rooms, he felt his at the beginning sour body becoming stronger than ever. he looked at the bunch of people behind him and gave them a encouraging nod, when he entered the practice room. he of course had told them beforehand how much of a klutz he felt when it came to dancing, but still wasn’t willing to give up just because of this handicap. he wasn’t honestly not sure how long he was in love with the idea of becoming a trainee and would return to his original dream of a pianist and actor, but as long as his heart was longing for this goal, he had to give it his all, despite all hardships.
kang joon felt like a masochist, when stood in front of the trainers, stating which song his group would perform, since he had entered the room with people who actually knew how to dance. he had tried his hardest to copy the movements as smooth as he could, asked the others for their help, especially meiqi who had been willing to stay with him until his dance moves were acceptable and pulled all-nighter after all-nighter. this was supposed to end bad. and if it wasn't bad enough like this, kang joon couldn't help but glance to seokwoo, whenever he had a chance. they had befriended each other again, but kang joon was still curious about how his ex-boyfriend did during this eval and how sexy his dance would look.
the male stepped forward, giving the others a signal to get to their positions. breathing in deeply, he told his heart to calm down. the music began and kang joon let his body remember the dance routine.
standing in the center, he lifted his right arm, in sync with his team mates, slowly waving the straighted fingers. sensually he put his hand down, holding it in front of his face, glancing over to the trainers with his amber coloured eyes. this part was good so far. as soon as the beat began, he dropped down to the ground, turned around, supported himself with his arm. meiqi had helped him out a lot, he couldn’t lether down now. kang joon pushed himself forward, thrusted his hip.
(Ye-ye-ye-ye-ye-ye-yeh) We’re not anything but what is this? (Ye-ye-ye-ye-ye-ye-yeh) Why do you keep coming into my eye?
everyone changed their positions smoothly. kang joon’s eyes didn’t dart from one trainer to the other anymore, he kept on staring straight, trying to hold his facial expression while doing his best to get the performance right. he really liked the song and the sexy keydance, so this was his main motivation to perform. 
A little, jealousy The way you look at someone Other than me Jealousy Stop talking 
as soon as the chorus began, kang joon was in the center position again, jumping effortlessly, switching to the said keydance, head slightly tilted, a cheeky grin on his lips. he wasn’t the best dancer, but his charisma was no joke, he was confident when it came to that. 
Stop talking to me about other people Stop it
A little, jealousy Let’s get closer Let’s fill this gap between us Jealousy I can’t even imagine you Being with someone else
kang joon was a jealous man, and he supposed it gave him some kind of advantage as he knew how to express himself, maybe even earning him the needed points after a just average dance routine.
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jaxonah · 7 years
Mark Tuan
chubby gf
Im Jaebum
chubby gf
stressed (part one)
stressed (part two/final)
comforting you during a thunderstorm
Jackson Wang
chubby gf
no take backs
try again
ideal date
Park Jinyoung
chubby gf
take it
Choi Youngjae
chubby gf
home town visits
chubby gf
cat bed
Kim Yugyeom
chubby gf
Favorite body part
helping you relax after a long day
turning them on in public
8th female and youngest member
pouting and whining and wanting to be kissed
8th female and youngest member (you’re sick)
8th female and youngest member (you get leg cramps)
Kim Seokjin
chubby gf
Min Yoongi
chubby gf
dating someone from Argentina
dealing with your eating disorder
recovering from your eating disorder
birthday surprise
Jung Hoseok
beauty and size
chubby gf
for you
dating a foreigner from Africa
dating a latina from Mexico
dealing with your depression
Kim Namjoon
chubby gf
dealing with your depression
snow day
by your side
Park Jimin
chubby gf
insecure about your body
disney land
go go
Kim Taehyung
chubby gf
dating a latina from Argentina
new father
Jeon Jungkook
the fans
stares and numbers
chubby gf
hard to get
pinky swears
foreign youtuber gf 
her (part one)
her (part two/final)
finding out you have an ed
take away
dating a non celebrity
asking their crush out
favorite body part
waking up
first dates
dating another idol
zombie games with idol crush
8th female and youngest member
american singer girlfriend
trying to turn them on in public
8th female and youngest member (crying in your room at night)
8th female and youngest member (you’re sick)
getting lost in your eyes (maknae line)
8th female and youngest member (you faint on stage)
private and romantic vacation together
NCT 127-
Lee Taeyong
younger gf
Johnny Seo
helping you through your ed
Yuta Nakamoto
Son Hyunwoo
Lee Hoseok
chubby gf
Lee Minhyuk
chubby gf
long nights and early mornings
Yoo Kihyun
scared of storms
Chae Hyungwon
right here
Lee Jooheon
chubby gf
 a kiss
day off
Im Changkyun
chubby gf
waking up
dating a non celebrity
Kim Minseok
comforting you with an eating disorder
Kim Jongdae
chubby gf
Park Chanyeol
chubby gf
here now
Do Kyungsoo
chubby gf
Kim Jongin
harsh words
security and love
Oh Sehun
chubby gf
giving and receiving hickeys 
latina gf
Brian Kang
chubby gf
Choi Sungcheol
telling him you’re pregnant
Yoon Jeonghan
chubby gf
Joshua Hong
new father
Lee Jioon
eating disorder
Kwon Soonyoung
chubby gf
Bang Yongguk
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noona-clock · 6 years
Office Blues: Epilogue
The finale to our collaboration series!
Genre: Office!AU
Pairing: CNBLUE x You
By Admin B & @cramelot
Read the series here: Jungshin, Minhyuk, Jonghyun, Yonghwa
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“I told you we didn’t have time to drop my stuff off at your place,” you playfully nagged as Yonghwa drove the two of you to your first official date.
“Well, who knows how long the reception will go. I didn’t want you to have to worry about unpacking after a long evening. PLUS this way we can kick off the sleepover as soon as we’re home!”
“Hey!” you said, shoving your elbow across the console of the car and into Yonghwa’s ribs, making him laugh and grab your hand.
He twined your fingers together and rapped out a beat to the song on the radio with your hands on his knee. You looked out the window at the city that had slowly begun feeling like home to you since that first moment you’d touched down at the airport. Thinking back to around three months ago, your gaze shifted to the man in the driver’s seat.
You had the same thought you had on the first day you’d met him. All dressed up in a black tux for the wedding, he was undeniably handsome. And he was all yours.
At least, I think he’s mine? you thought, realizing that after months of late night phone calls and plans for the future, you guys hadn’t actually confirmed any relationship titles. I mean he invited you to a wedding for your first date and you already had things at his place, so that meant you were boyfriend and girlfriend, right?
Your brows started to knit together as your mind kept confusing yourself with your own situation. You lightly rubbed at your forehead, making Yonghwa look over at you.
“Is everything okay?” he said, pulling your hand up to his lips for a quick kiss.
But instead of pulling you out of your thoughts, that actually made it worse. Because the two of you hadn’t kissed yet either. You’d been traveling for some other clients, hence all the late night phone calls. So if you were on your first date, hadn’t kissed, and hadn’t clarified your relationship, were you even in one yet?
Pulling up in front of the venue, you pulled your hand back so you could unbuckle. Still stuck in your own thoughts, you missed Yonghwa hopping out of the car and running around to your side to open your door until he was already helping you out of the car.
Placing his hands on your shoulders, he made you look him in the eyes.
“Y/N, what’s going through your mind right now? Where are you?”
“I just am a little bit confused I guess,” you answered, shying away from explaining yourself but, when you saw his own brows knitting together, you knew you had to be straight with him.
“I just started thinking ‘what are we?’ I mean we’ve been talking on the phone as much as we could for months now. I’m your date to a wedding and my stuff is at your place, but we’ve only ever actually been around each other for a few weeks? Are we dating? Are we flirting? I don’t do this so I’m just not really sure -”
Abruptly, Yonghwa pulled you to him and pressed his lips to yours, stalling your brain and silencing your motor mouth. They were sweetly soft as the plucked against yours. He didn’t move to deepen the kiss, only seemed to be enjoying breathing you in.
You had clutched at the lapels on his jacket, so hard in fact that when he began to move back you had moved right with him, eyes closed, chasing after his lips. With a chuckle, he obliged and moved back in for another quick peck before separating the two of you.
He pulled your hands from his jacket, only to hold them both in one of his while his other hand brushed under your eye and across your cheek.
“I’m sorry if I hadn’t made my intentions clear.” he started, looking you sincerely in the eyes. “I want you to be my girlfriend. Not just because you are intelligent and beautiful and kind and independent, but because who else is going to get my blanket obsession and tease me about how I look at myself in mirrors?”
You laughed at his quirky version of a confession. But I mean with the way he’d asked you on your first date, you shouldn’t be surprised.
You pulled one of your hands out to fix the little bit of your lipstick that had smeared on a corner of his lips and Yonghwa playfully chased your finger to kiss the pad of it as you pulled your hand back.
“Well, then I guess that clears things up for me. We should probably head inside to grab our seats now,” you said, starting to walk away with a smirk.
“Wait!” Yonghwa said, catching up to you. “So are you my girlfriend? Really?”
Reaching down to grab his hand and pull him along, you turned to the side and gave him a smile.
“Yes, Yonghwa, I’ll be your girlfriend.”
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There it was. The music you’d picked out to play as you walked down the aisle.
All of your bridesmaids had already strolled down ahead of you, and now it was your turn. If Jonghyun hadn’t been waiting down at the other end of that stretch of carpet, you probably wouldn’t be able to work up the nerve to do it.
Your heart was pounding, your palms were sweating - you were fairly sure your bouquet of flowers was going to slide right out of your hands - and it was a very real possibility that your shaking legs were not going to make it all the way to the altar.
But knowing the love of your life would be there to greet you gave you the strength you needed to put one foot in front of the other. God, that sounded cheesy, but… it had always been that way. Ever since you’d met him, he’d made you a better person. And he would argue (very calmly and sweetly) that you had done the same for him. Why else would you be marrying each other, pledging to spend your lives together for as long as you could?
When the doors opened, you took a deep breath. You looked up, your eyes immediately finding Jonghyun’s, and although you weren’t quite close enough… you could tell he was crying. Or, at the very least, he was tearing up. So, of course, you teared up. And by the time you’d made it to him, a tear had slipped out and was now trailing delicately down your cheek.
Jonghyun reached up to wipe it away, a watery smile tugging at his lips as you quickly handed your bouquet off to your maid of honor.
“You look so beautiful,” Jonghyun whispered, taking your hands and squeezing them gently.
“Yeah, except you’re going to ruin my makeup.”
He let out a whisper of a chuckle, shaking his head slightly just before the officiant began to speak.
“Ladies and gentleman, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of two souls…”
All throughout the ceremony, you found you kept holding your breath. As if you weren’t sure this was actually real, and if you breathed too much, you would wake up.
But Jonghyun’s hands were really holding yours. His eyes were really gazing at you. His smile was as bright and sparkling as ever. His words of love, his vows, rang through your ears so powerfully that you were certain they’d never leave your memory. There was no way this was a dream.
And then the cold metal on your finger. “I now pronounce you husband and wife.” The kiss. The applause. The music.
All of a sudden, you were holding your bouquet again and walking back down the aisle. Though, this time, Jonghyun was by your side. Not as your boyfriend or your fiancé, but as your husband. Officially.
“Okay, we’re married now,” you said in slight disbelief as the photographer began directing you where to go. 
“Yeah,” Jonghyun said softly, the smirk on his lips undeniably adorable. “We are.”
You could no longer hold back your excitement at the prospect of actually, finally being married, so you let out a squeal as you stood on your toes and threw your arms around Jonghyun’s neck. He caught you easily, of course, squeezing and hugging you tightly.
“I love you so much,” he whispered into your ear. “I can’t wait to spend forever with you.”
And there went your tears again. 
Good thing your makeup artist hadn’t left yet.
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You couldn’t remember the last time a smile had hurt your face so much. Ever since the “I now pronounce you husband and wife” bit you had been grinning like a fool. You were sure you had been the very first to start clapping as the couple walked back down the aisle because you could barely contain yourself.
And Minhyuk? He was right there with you.
When the two of you had stood up at your reception table to applaud as the happy couple walked in, he had been nudging you in the side while laughing because honestly, he was just as excited as you were.
Throughout the reception, you had been walking around introducing him to all of your coworkers. They all fawned over him but Minhyuk was good about continuously keeping his arm around your waist and bragging about you. Most people would think he was posing as the enamored boyfriend, but really that was just how he was all the time.
He always liked touching you in some way when you were out in public (and a whole different way when it was just the two of you at home but that was a whole nother part of his teasing flirty personality you could not let yourself think of at a wedding). The two of you just couldn’t get enough of each other, as cliche as it sounded.
Since your first date, every weekend without fail you’d met up for movies, day trips, picnics, amusement parks, laser tag, a park fair, you name it! And in the evenings, Minhyuk almost always was waiting outside Code Name for you so you could go to each other’s places or out for dinner and drinks (and dancing!)
You were both young and full of energy and it showed. From couple tees to Eskimo kisses, you both enjoyed doing the mushy romantic things. And the best part? Minhyuk would still bring you treats at work! Only now you rewarded him with cheek kisses along with waters or teas depending on the weather.
And because you guys were practically inseparable, most of your coworkers had seen him around even if they hadn’t officially met him. So when you were properly introducing him at the wedding, your face was constantly red as coworkers kept bringing up all the times they had seen the two of you flirt at the company. And Minhyuk was eating it all up, glad that everyone not only knew who he was, but also that he was with you.
“Alright, I’d like to see all the unmarried females on the dancefloor for the toss of the bridal bouquet!”
You popped up on your toes to give Minhyuk a quick kiss and then took off for the floor. You loved weddings and even more you loved flowers, so of course, you were going to try and go for the bouquet.
Everyone was crowding around and, as the bouquet came flying, everyone jumped. But you thrust out your elbows to give yourself some space. Two of you seemed to grab it, you say seemed to because you immediately yanked so that the bouquet was all yours.
The whole crowd laughed as you turned to wave the bouquet around in Minhyuk’s direction, but instead of seeing him laugh at you, he just seemed to be giving you a look.
The look.
The look of someone who has something big on their minds.
You walked up to him, wiggling your eyebrows slightly trying to make him laugh.“What’s going on in that head of yours, Minhyuk?” you said, raising the hand not holding the bouquet to smooth down a stray eyebrow hair of his, then trailing your finger down his cheek only to leave your hand resting on his shoulder.
Wrapping his arms around your waist, he pulled you closer until the only thing separating you was the bouquet.
“It just hit me all of a sudden.”
“What did?”
“Your smile.”
“My smile? Minhyuk what is going on with you?”
You saw him take a deep breath before he said something that took your own breath away.“I just realized it’s a smile I could look at for the rest of my life. That’s all.”
You couldn’t think of how to respond, because you knew that whatever you said now couldn’t match up to his sweet words. So you did the only thing you could think of.
You kissed him, starting to realize you could smile with him for the rest of your life too.
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It didn’t matter who it was getting married - you always cried. Anyone who didn’t know you well would be shocked to see the tears in your eyes; you were so quiet and reserved, and you barely ever showed your emotions on your face. Your heart was most decidedly not on your sleeve.
But Jungshin did know you well. You’d been dating for almost six months, and you spent time together practically every day. It was one of the benefits of working for the same company.
As you sniffled away a tear, you felt Jungshin’s hand come to rest on your shoulder, squeezing it gently in reassurance.
“Sorry,” you whispered guiltily, rolling your eyes at yourself. “The first dance always gets me.”
Jungshin simply chuckled softly and leaned in to press a kiss to your temple. You were more than grateful to have him in your life, more than you’d ever imagined when you’d simply had a crush on him. He was… pretty much the perfect guy for you. It was amazing but kind of scary at the same time.
The DJ came through the speaker then, inviting any couples to join the newlyweds on the dance floor. 
Normally, you would refuse. You weren’t a dancer, and you didn’t like to be the center of attention. But when Jungshin stood and held his hand out to you… you couldn’t say ‘no.’ You still felt your cheeks warming as your boyfriend led you onto the dance floor, though.
“Don’t worry,” Jungshin murmured as he took you into his arms, his hand resting on the small of your back. “There’s a bunch of other couples up here, too. No one’s looking at you… except me.”
Of course, this made your cheeks warm even more, but that had most certainly been Jungshin’s intention when he’d said that. He was cheeky like that sometimes. You actually loved that about him.
“Thank you,” you said softly after a few moments of dancing in comfortable silence (save for the music).
“For what?” he murmured, pulling you just a little bit closer.
“For… being you. For being my wedding date. For being mine. For all of it.”
“You’re welcome.” Jungshin leaned in to press his forehead to yours and let out a soft, contented sigh.
You closed your eyes, drinking in this moment and burning it into your brain. But your thoughts were interrupted by his own “Thank you.”
“Thank me?” you asked in slight confusion.
“Thank you for being claustrophobic.”
“What?!” you laughed. “What are you talking about?”
“If you hadn’t panicked when we got stuck in that elevator, you probably wouldn’t have confessed. And I was too stupid to figure it out on my own --”
“Hey, that’s not --”
“So thank you for being claustrophobic. And for being beautiful and funny and smart and caring and helpful and thoughtful and --”
“Okay, okay!” you chuckled. “I get it, you don’t have to --”
“I love you.”
Those three words, spoken so softly but so confidently, stopped you in your tracks. Your mouth hung open, slightly agape. Your heart forgot how to beat. And you thought you had lost all power to talk, but all of a sudden, you heard yourself.
“I love you, too.”
The smile which appeared on Jungshin’s lips started your heart back up again, and a smile grew on your own lips.
“I love you, too,” you repeated. And you realized… you’d never said it so easily before. In the past, you’d always been too anxious or had completely overthought the situation. But right now, the words left your lips as if they’d simply been waiting, ready to say to him at a moment’s notice.
Jungshin leaned in and pressed his lips to yours; you could feel his smile, and your heart actually soared. You’d liked Jungshin for two years, yes, but you honestly never thought he could make you this happy.
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