#kangmin fanfic
slytherinshua · 5 months
genre. fluff. highschool au. warnings. kangmin is whipped and in love he's so loser coded lil baby :( and he gets extremely shy. mention that reader wears lip gloss. pairing. kangmin x fem!reader. wc. 523. request. no. a/n. totally didn't write this just for @heavenfilm to see her die noooo def not 🤷‍♀️ i would never do smth like that 🧐 enjoy ur loser kangmin <333
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Kangmin was quite sure his heart had just fallen out of his chest as he stood on the sidewalk, shoes glued to the pavement, mouth open ajar in shock. He had been walking you home after the soccer team practice ended which was already a hard enough task. Whenever he was around you, especially alone, his heart would thump rapidly in his chest and his breath would hitch just from the close contact. His massive crush on you did him no favours— he was a complete and under mess as soon as you so much as glanced at him.
He had tried to work on it, maybe even gather enough courage to confess his feelings to you with the help of Dongheon and Gyehyeon. But their advice made no sense, and they always seemed to contradict each other. Dongheon swore that he had to just take the shot and ask you out immediately, while Gyehyeon was convinced that he needed to drop subtle hints otherwise you would feel that it was too sudden.
In the end, Kangmin wasn’t able to do either.
He felt like such a loser, unable to even form words if you looked at him for too long. God forbid you smiled at him; he needed a good 10 minutes to recover from that. He was so incredibly whipped for you that he didn’t even mind the constant teasing from his friends about how lovesick he was. It was the truth, after all.
Everything had been going smoothly, and Kangmin was even proud of himself for being able to hold a smooth conversation with you on the walk home. Your laughter and smiles still made butterflies swarm in his stomach, but he didn’t let them distract him too much. He was confident that maybe he was even building up the courage to ask you out. That was, until you turned onto your street.
It was the last thing Kangmin could have ever expected— that instead of saying goodbye and going into your house like normal, you decided to bid him farewell in a different way.
A kiss. To his cheek.
You disappeared behind your front door before Kangmin even had time to process what had happened. The only thing his brain could do was replay what had just happened again and again. You turned around, smiled, and he was so sure you were about to say goodbye like usual, but instead you were stepping closer to him and going up on your tip-toes. And then your lips reached his cheek.
Your soft lips on his cheek.
If any of Kangmin’s friends saw him right now, they would be able to tease him for the rest of his life from just how red his face was. He tentatively touched his cheek right where you had kissed, as if to see if it had really happened or if he was just dreaming. It definitely was real, because he could feel the slight stain of your lip gloss; and that made it 100 times worse.
Kangmin was pretty sure it would take a little longer than just 10 minutes to recover from this.
↳ verivery taglist (bolded could not be tagged): @eternalgyu,, @minholing,, @ddeonudepressions,, @candewlsy,, @weird-bookworm,,
@haecien,, @lexeessmith,, @zarazmnie-cos,, @seunghancore,, @heavenfilm
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verrerdises · 3 months
my house | verivery one shots masterlist
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7 short fics inspired by verivery's "my house" performance cover ! all are SFW and mainly fluff.
rated 16+ for minor language throughout.
shangri-la | dongheon x reader
curtain call | hoyoung x reader
trust my love | minchan x reader
privacy | gyehyeon x reader
drunk-dazed | yeonho x reader
come hang out | yongseung x reader
adore u | kangmin x reader
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quandaryyy · 2 years
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Verivery ficlet master post:
1. Body swap: G, Yeonho and Yongseung wake up in each other’s body
2. Game night: G, the group comforts Minchan after coming back from their scheduling that he had to miss
3. Kangmin the little witch: G, forest witch Kangmin finds a new friend
4. Minchan has a death wish: G, minchan finds a pair of handcuffs and chaos ensues
5. It was at fifth glance: G, little vignettes of Dongheon falling in love with his neighbor Hoyoung
6. First snow: G, the boys celebrate Hoyoung’s first snow
7. Gazing at Glitter: G, photographer Yeonho is mesmerized by model Yongseung
8. Instructions Unclear: E, Gyehyeon and Minchan spend the afternoon together
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mckeeziiie · 1 year
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the boy from the summer before
verivery’s yongseung x verivery
yongseung is caught in a loop of midsummer’s love
inspo ~ summer is for falling in love - sarah kang
The raven-headed boy opened the sliding door and stepped into the crisp evening air. It was the middle of summer, and a gust of cool wind felt relieving, a gracious gift almost, and it gave the boy's lips a quick twitch. He leant up against the metal railing of his balcony, ignoring the paint chips scratching his forearms, and rubbed his thumb across the glass in his hand. It was a cold, and relatively tall, glass of lemonade he made himself. It was a tad too watery and sweet - for he liked his lemonade tart and ulcer-inducing - but it oddly fit the mood: soft sunset, soft wind, and a soft glass of lemonade.
He took a sip and sighed out in delight; his first week back at college was more stressful than he remembered it being, however a summer of partying can really clog the brain. His classes, contrary to what his seniors told him, were a lot harder, but he liked the challenge, for it gave him a spike of determination and a sense of accomplishment when he finally, after 4 tries, got that damn report complete.
The boy snorted, took another sip of his drink because it was strangely addicting, and flicked a strand of dyed blonde hair off his eyelashes. His eyes wandered the streets down below: cars (too many of which were red) lined the sidewalk like ants standing guard, the trees swayed with melodic movements and the wind picked up, almost shooing the remaining people into their homes, their nest for the automotive ants to protect. And the sunset, the beautiful, candied and honey-glazed sunset that made the boy miles away feel warm.
The wind carded through his hair with such gentleness and care that it brought him back to a certain someone with a smile as warm as the sunset against his cheek, yet that sunset reminded him of someone with hair as wild as the colors painted across the sky, and yet those colors, vivid and rich, made him remember the radiant innocence of another someone, but yet that childlike personality reminded him of another someone that acted all to similarly to himself.
Yongseung has had a peculiar past four years; their fall's were refreshing, their winter's were bitter, and their spring's were bright, yet each summer felt like he got hit with a wave, smacked by someone new each season that he held onto for way too long, only for another person to whisk him away and make him forget about the person from the summer before all together, but that was until they left too, twirling with the wind like a god weaving through threads of time.
It was a vicious cycle, meeting another boy that was perfect in Yongseung's eyes, and having him watch that boy leave at the end of each summer, with a bittersweet smile that was almost as familiar to him as the feeling of regret, the feeling of longing and the feeling of melancholy, yet the melancholy had a source: the boy from the summer before.
He looked down and saw that his lemonade was almost gone, so he stood up straight, popped his back, and begrudgingly went back inside.
He can remember the first summer of this series of golden boys too clearly for his liking: it was his first day at his first ever job. He was working at a fast food restaurant as a front counter helper for this boy a year older than him. He remembered him in such detail that it unnerved Yongseung a tad, but how could he forget a person with such a radiant smile?
He remembered the boy to have deep brown hair that always fell in thin vines across his forehead; he wore a pair of torn up red Converse with the laces of his left shoe way too long that he tended to trip over, and a smile akin to sunlight; its was a bit poetic for Yongseung, but the fast food cashier he worked alongside during the summer going into his senior year had the most dazzling smile, the softest voice, and the warmest eyes he's ever seen.
It was obvious as to why Yongseung grew so attached to the boy: he acted as his older brother. Yongseung is an only child, and having the boy next to him giving advice for his senior year and college years to come, rustling his hair when he punched in a customer's order correctly, or simply giving him a hug when his report card was straight A's sent his heart into a tornado of emotions that still left an ache in his chest, like a scab ripped off to early, the blood sweet like cherries.
His attachment to the older soon grew into something deeper; he found himself looking at him longer than anyone else, feeling like he was floating by a simple squeeze on his arm, and an action as small as a giggle sent Yongseung spiraling into a hole of an unknown emotion he only figured out when the older left for college. He understood he had a crush on the older cashier, but whenever he sat with him during their break and watched him shovel french fries into his mouth whilst scrolling on his phone, he couldn't make himself break what they had.
He was scared; Yongseung was terrified to shatter the closeness of their friendship by telling the cashier about his growing crush that he waited too long and lost him completely. He could picture the day so well that it made him feel sick: he was in front of the boy's car - for he had just got his driver's license and the older wanted him to "see what he’s learned" - and the older was not but a couple inches away from Yongseung.
The older signed out a laugh and set his hand on the younger's shoulder. "I'm going to miss bossing you around."
It was so bittersweet that Yongseung wanted to puke. "I will too." He looked up and met his eyes, feeling his chest explode. "Please call and text me. I wanna hear all the wild stories and stupid shit you get into."
He smiled, and oh did he look like an angel beckoning him through pearly gates. "I'll try. College is pretty time consuming."
"You said you'll always have time for me." He pouted.
He felt a hand ruffle his hair and rest itself on the nape of his neck. "And I do, so quit making this so hard on ourselves."
Our. He wanted that word to apply to the both of them so bad; he desperately wanted that word to mean something so much more.
"Goodbye Seung." He flicked his hand outside his car window.
"Goodbye Dongheon."
Yongseung blinked and found himself sitting at his dining table, a plate of leftover pasta before him and another glass of lemonade next to it. He looked up and saw that the flowers he bought a couple days ago were still as lively as ever, and when his eyes landed a bright blue carnation, it reminded him of his second summer.
When he walked into his AP Computer Science class at the start of senior year, he was filled with unfaltering determination and jittery anticipation with a looming sense of anxiety. He glanced up at the white board, saw that there wasn't a seating chart taped up, and turned to search for an empty seat. As he walked between the tables, he threw smiles at people he remembered from classes the years before, like one girl he thought dropped out of the pathway, and gave others quick high-fives and punches on the shoulder.
Yongseung entered the class late - the teacher wasn't there and a few other students walked in after him so he was in the clear - so the seats he wanted were all taken. So, with the snickers and silly faces of his friends behind him, he had to settle with the seat against the left side of the class at the very front; he didn't mind sitting where he was, for he was just a row behind his friends and the boy he sat next to piqued his interest. He had rich blue hair and it baffled Yongseung how the other didn't get reprimanded, but then again, his school's policies were pretty lax.
He remembered the boy looking up from his phone and dropping it on the table, giving Yongseung a thin smile as he shrugged his backpack off and the teacher strutted into class.
"Get to know your tablemate," The bearded man announced. "Because you'll be doing an assignment with them at the end of the year.”
The howls and hollering cries his friends let out when the bell rang still minutely stung; they pitied Yongseung, pleaded for him not to beat the others up and promised that they'll work hard and not leech off him for the answers to this year's assignments.
"Still can't believe you're going to have to work with the pretty blue boy."
"Shut the hell up! He's not as bad as everyone makes him out to be. Right?"
Yongseung was right, for the most part however; his classmates told him that the blue haired boy was sassy, arrogantly smart, and strangely pretty.
Yongseung, throughout the course of his senior year, came to realize that the things his classmates whispered to him or what his friends would tell him across the lunch table were only half truths. The boy was sassy, but sassy in a charming and charismatic way; every joke he mumbled would always have Yongseung snickering through his hand or smiling while rolling his eyes. The boy was smart, but not so much in an arrogant way as other students perceived, but in a confident way; he knew his stuff, and the things he found easy he vocalized in hopes for a challenge, and Yongseung really admired that. And lastly, when people said the boy was strangely pretty, they should omit the strange because to Yongseung, the boy was gorgeous. It was something about his eyes, he kept telling himself, and how they matched perfectly with his personality: cat-like, wicked, like a poison-dipped apple.
His senior year flew by and it was summer before he knew it. His final project as a high school student was to create a face detection system between the two of them that could recognize them both. Easier said than done for the blue haired boy, a bit harder and time consuming for Yongseung. But, the boy stayed back and helped the latter the entire time, giving him helpful advice when needed and times where it came off as cocky. They would both stay up till 4 a.m. trying to wire the system up when the blue haired boy would fall asleep on Yongseung's shoulder, energy drink almost about to tip over, when he would freeze and feel his chest blossom with an emotion he only ever felt last summer. He'd drop his tools, fall back against the side of the blue haired boy's bed, and sigh.
But it wasn't like last summer, for the previous boy was much older, so Yongseung idolized him. As for the blue haired boy, he felt like he had a genuine connection with him and became so close over the course of a month and a half that the feelings he was festering felt different from the ones before.
They, both him and the blue haired boy, felt young, felt happy, felt like they were meant to be, and that's why it hurt so much more to leave him.
"You're going to get into HSU, trust me."
Yongseung had his hands clasped around the others.
The boy nodded. "I know I will." He let out a weak sigh and looked up, meeting Yonseung's stare with wide eyes. "Why'd you have to pick a college so far away?"
"It's only a two hour plane ride, chill out."
"That's an entire college student's lunch money right there." He wiggled his hand free and aggressively poked Yongseung's chest.
"C'mere." The younger pulled the now orange haired boy in for a hug that lasted way longer than a couple of seconds, and the both of them knew that neither one of them wanted to let go. But they had to in the end.
He shut his car door and gave one last glance at the boy; his hair was dancing in the wind.
"Bye Yongie. Hope college treats you well."
"Bye Gyehyeon."
He rubbed his eyes and saw before him his T.V.; he was in his bedroom bundled up in the blankets atop his bed, semi-wet hair kissing his eyebrows and yet another glass half empty of lemonade on his nightstand. He flicked his eyes over to the drink, casting them to the ceiling as he thought about how it was as if the second he started sipping it, he started reliving every summer prior. He looked back at the T.V. and found it playing some reality show. He snickered when a woman started hollering about some nonsense, but got washed away in thought for the nth time that night when he saw a man that looked eerily similar to a boy he met during his third summer.
Since his parents were generous enough to send him off to college with plenty of money, but not fortunate enough to have a scholarship like others he knew, Yongseung had to room on campus; he wasn't bummed in the slightest, for truly experiencing college was to live on campus for a year or two right?
The midnight dorm parties, waking up to someone creating a nightclub two doors done with music loud enough to rattle his laptop, the late night chats with the neighboring room, it all sounded so fun to Yongseung. And it was; he had the time of his life freshman year, persistently accompanied by his roommate.
He clearly remembered his roommate being a child.
No, he wasn't actually a child, but the passionate, nearly electrifying innocence that radiated from his wide grin and his little giggles that sounded like a baby's were enough to convince the boy that his roommate was most definitely on the boyish side.
Yongseung vividly remembered the boy's smile; it was wide, it was bright, and it was always plastered on whenever the older was around. It was a bit hazy, but he remembered his hair being a plum color - because that was his favorite color, and boy did that make Yongseung coo for the other more. It was like coming home every day after classes to his little brother, sitting cross legged on his bed with a beaming grin, elated that his older brother returned and excited to tell him everything that happened that day. He was like a puppy, and that was the love Yongseung had for the boy: puppy love. Sweet, adorable, beautiful puppy love.
Now while the older didn't think the younger boy worshiped him, it was obvious that whenever Yongseung shuffled through the door, the boy would instantly perk up, cast his pencil aside and scoot to the edge of his bed and ask the same question he always did: "What did you do today, and don't leave anything out”
Most of Yongseung's third summer in this incessant cycle was spent on the boy's bed; the younger insisted upon it, that it felt weird without him on it. And so, with a fake scoff and a secret blush of his cheeks, he sat on the boy's bed doing everything (juvenile) you can imagine: homework and projects that made him want to pull out his hair, - why did he choose the hardest major? - reading series after series from his favorite author while the younger took peeks every so often and asked what was going on, eating both of their kitchen creations that left their oven so messy that they had to play rock-paper-scissors to see who had to clean it - spoiler alert: it was always Yongseung.
Their bond grew so strong that summer that it was probably the hardest to leave the boy. He got accepted into his dream school, and the older was beyond happy for him. And when he told him that he'll be leaving in a month, Yongseung knew it would sting, but what he didn't know was how much of that hurt he was going to carry with him for the months after. Sure, it hurt to leave the previous two boys, but something about the boy's pearly eyes and infectious smile made it so incredibly hard to let the boy out of his arms.
"You can let go of me Yong, I'm not going to die."
"But I will without you." He lent back and met the boy's eyes. They were glassy, and that made Yongseung's chest tighten. "Hey, no crying, you've done enough of that."
The hand on his cheek raised as he smiled. "I'm going to miss the late night marathons. “
"I will too," Yongseung said, now holding onto the boy's shoulders. "But you'll have so much fun. Trust me."
He nodded with a tight lipped smile. He looked over at his car, inhaled, and glanced back at Yongseung. "I'll call you once I arrive."
"Please, I wanna hear all about it." Yongseung grinned. "And don't leave anything out!" He tapped the younger's nose.
The boy giggled; he was pulled into a tight, almost bone-crushing last hug and when Yongseung blinked, he was seated in his car.
His fingers were white around the steering wheel.
"Bye bye Yongs."
"Bye bye Kangmin."
Yongseung flipped over and pouted. He couldn't sleep funnily enough; he wonders why. He glared up at the empty glass on his nightstand, sparkling like crystals as the moon hit it from his parted curtains. Curse his addiction to sour foods and drinks alike.
He looked away and stuffed more of the blankets into his arms, curling them into a ball and squishing them against his chest. It was a habit of his, one he thought only he had until he entered his sophomore year of college.
No, Yongseung told himself. Not again.
But much like his endless summer rhythm, he couldn't stop his mind from drifting back to the most recent boy, one he left just weeks prior. Screw you, addicting lemonade!
His Introduction to Programming class was, if he remembers correctly, very lively. He sat with a girl he knew from his earlier classes and her boyfriend and they - for the most part - got their work done and even had a couple outbursts themselves, miniscule in number to the amount the rest of his class had. He expected it every time he opened the door, he expected it every time the professor stopped lecturing to take a sip of water, and he definitely did expect it when he gave them five minute breaks between extra challenging concepts. They weren't annoying outbursts, just harmless pranks and silly gags that even had the professor laughing, so all in all, his Programming class was pretty fun; and it quickly became his favorite class, but not because of its liveliness, but a certain boy caught his eye.
The blondie always sat with the loudest group of guys; and as much as he disliked how inconsiderate they were of other students around them - all they did was talk and sometimes, Yongseung wanted to throw his keyboard at them - that certain boy was always focused and wrote down everything the professor said, as if the other four didn't exist, like he was the professor personal, diligent translator. It baffled him because no matter how hard he tried, he would always miss something due to the group's squawks.
It irked Yongseung beyond reason, and yet each time he thought about it whilst fisting his hair in frustration, his thoughts always trailed back to the irresistible blonde. He looked like a cartoon character: large, round eyes, rosy cheeks, toothy smile. It was adorable, Yongseung admitted, but he merely would stare a tad too long then shake his head and get back to work.
That's how it always was: mentally cursing the group of five, thinking about how pretty the boy was, then blinking before clicking away on his keyboard.
One time, however, when Yongseung was in the back of the library the boy appeared; the younger had handfuls of black hair clamped by his head and eyes gawking down at his paper when a laptop slid itself into view. He nearly flew out of his chair, and the boy laughed like church bells.
"Need help?"
Yongseung was fixing his notes when he replied sheepishly, "Yeah. You look like you understand everything Mrs. Min is telling us." He weakly chuckled. "And I don't."
He couldn't quite understand how they got along so well that afternoon. It was strange because it never happened to him before; he never had the ability to strike up a conversation as effortlessly as he did, become friends with someone in a matter of minutes.
They fit together so perfectly, Yongseung thought, and that's what made it the most difficult to leave.
Since their encounter in the library, the blondie proposed it be routine: get out of class, swing by the cafeteria or coffee shop down the road, and plop down at a table near a window to finish the work they didn't get done in class. Yongseung loved it, treasured the time he got alone with the boy and the other enjoyed it all the same (as if locking pinkies under the table wasn't an obvious sign enough). He adored everything about the blondie, things as cute as his crooked teeth and things as stupid as ordering a hot chocolate, only to set it aside and drink it later.
"Why don't you just get chocolate milk?"
Yongseung asked as the boy pushed it to the center of their table.
The boy smiled and said, "Because I like the taste of it lukewarm and cold better than it burning hot." He flipped open his binder and the other felt a knee caress his. "And because I don't want to be called a child."
Oh, but the pair were more like squealing toddlers than the young adults they really were; they loved stuffed animals as much as they did food, their diet consisted of fried batter and sugary drinks - mainly because the older hated any green food -, and they regularly watched animated kids shows or movies together. It was sort of blissful; it was like he was reliving his childhood with a boy that felt like his clone, his twin flame. Yongseung - in his entire 22 years of living - has never met someone else who likes flat drinks compared to carbonated ones, who removes the tomato on their BLT because it got in the way, who drowns their pizzas and pastas in marinara sauce because, God, is that stuff good.
And, as Yongseung stared up at his dorm ceiling whilst listening to the boy snore and petting his hair, he realized just how hard it was going to be to leave him this summer. He was moving; he bought an apartment down in the city, and it just so happened - just so perfectly happened to fit into this miserable repetition - that the boy couldn't follow him into the city, for he only wanted an associates degree and he got a life-changing job offer in a different city.
It hurt. It hurt more than leaving the previous summer dreams, and Yongseung sounded like a broken record at this point, but he knew, both of them knew, it was because they liked each other. But no one wanted to admit it; not even when they were sitting on the steps of their campus building.
The boy sighed. "I'll miss this."
Yongseung blinked and looked at their intertwined hands. "Same here." He almost choked on the lump in his throat. 'I've heard those words so many times that I think I'll get sick.'
A white car pulled up to the entrance; the boy's mom. The younger felt their hands slip away. "Fuck."
"Hey, don't make this a bad thing." Yongseung pulled them up to stand. "You're going to work on government computers. You should be excited." He smiled, but it was strained, like he was moving his lips against a high tide of guilt.
He could tell it hurt the other too, but it was cute nonetheless. "But you won't be with me."
Yongseung could have broken down into tears right then, but he just chuckled. "You should stop watching those dramas, they're having a negative effect on you.”
The boy hummed and nodded. The car suddenly honked, and that caused the boy to leap into Yongseung, coiling his arms around the younger and squeezing him so tight that he was sure he'll pop.
"Please, please, please call me tonight." His voice was muffled. "It's the only way I can fall asleep now."
Yongseung weakly chuckled. "Those dramas are really taking over huh? Such a charming little man you are." He caressed his highlighted hair.
"I hate you" They pulled apart and locked eyes.
Yongseung watched him approach the car, look back and wave with a toothy grin. He only now left the emptiness in his hand.
"See ya Kim Seung!" His shout echoed down the road.
"See ya Yeonho."
When Yongseung rolled over and rubbed at his face, he only then felt the tears; he couldn't understand why he was crying, but as he was brushing his teeth the next morning, it came to him: maybe he was just lonely. Maybe he was remembering his past summer crushes because his body was finally taking charge and saying 'Hey you lonely fuck! Time to get you a partner!' But, as he massaged his hair dry, he felt ill when thinking about it. He, for some reason, couldn't picture himself in a relationship, and he reasoned that to be because of his summer cycle. His body, though longing for something different, didn't want to change, too comfortable in its debilitating routine that he felt scared, but he morphed that into a form of excitement because he shouldn't be worrying about his past flings on his first day at his new job.
Yongseung fixed his tie in the bathroom mirror. He had about 3 more minutes until his work day started, and in all honesty, he was intimidated by everyone here, the receptionist included. This company was just so high-end and everyone felt so entitled and the floors were too shiny to be normal - Yongseung was panicking to say the least. He flicked his wrist and his watch flashed '9:59.’
"Here goes nothing." He smoothed his hair and tucked it behind his ears. "June 5th. Computer Programmer for...a big company, I don't know, they pay well."
Yongseung exited the bathroom and made a beeline for the meeting room. The receptionist said he'll meet one of his team members there and he'll escort him around and tell him his duties from then on. As nervous as he was, his excitement was through the roof: he got to have his dream job working alongside pretty - or so Yongseung believed - people. Why that’s was something he was excited about, beats him, but it was a point of contention nonetheless.
He was proven right, for when he opened the glass door and stepped inside, a man with wavy brown hair tied in a messy knot looked up and smiled. As he stood up - he was hunched over the table - his glasses almost fell off his nose, and they both shared an awkward chuckle.
"Yongseung right?"
"Yes sir.”
"Great! I'm Minchan, and I can't wait to start working with you."
first post eeeeeekkkk
hope u enjoyed her!!! she was crossed posted from my wattpad with some minor revising, so she’s looking and feeling her best rn 😽😍
would love some feedback!! and ive got another short in the works tewww!!!
~ feeling like i’m in heaven now, yeah ~
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thecoreseven · 2 years
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७ Yoo Kangmin (verivery) - Random
७ caso pegue, curta ou reblog/if you get it, like or reblog ♡ icons por @woojiniepk
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yangmi1989 · 3 years
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Quem comeu o pudim do bebê Kangmin?
》 Capa para @baddieyang e @VERRERNation no Social Spirit.
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alsoimjaebum · 4 years
Verivery Scenario: Yoo Kangmin
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Summary: you and Kangmin have been dating for some time and you've never seen his jealous side, but this time you got the chance and he's just so cute
Word count: 500 (short)
Warnings: none, very healthy relationship
Gender neutral scenario ^^
A/n: hope you like this one, I did my best to put Kangmin's main characteristics and I hope you guys like it.
Kangmin wasn't usually the type of person to get jealous, you could tell that by the way he looked at your interactions with the members or even your friends. He was usually an angel and would always consider your happiness before anything else, so even if he felt a little jealous, he'd brush off that feeling and quickly change his thoughts.
Althought he had that in mind, on that particular day, your interactions with the members were a little too much for him. He got pissed off not only with them asking you to do that, but also with you touching their cheeks.
You knew Kangmin was going through some harsh stuff, school and carreer problems, and his train of thought was definately changed. So on that day, he was zoning out on the corner of the practice room, looking at nothing and thinking, when he saw that the members asked you to tell them who had the most hidrated skin and you went touching and caressing their face.
Kangmin frowned and narrowed his eyes, already altered. He went to you and grabbed your wrist, making you look at him.
-Hm..? - you asked, without understanding.
-You... - he started off, but cut himself - uhm... I'm sorry, but what are you doing? - you smiled at him and looked at the members.
-Oh... I am checking who gets the best skincare here, but it's a tough question, because all of you take good care of your skin.
-Can you... - he paused, looking at the ceiling - come with me for a second?
-Sure... you need something?
-Yeah... - he answered and moved, both of you going out of the room and leaving some confused members behind.
Kangmin made sure to look around when you two left and sighed, turning his glance on your expectating eyes.
-What is it? - you asked, curious
-Ahn... - he stutered, turning a bit red - I just... wanted to spend some time with you... - he said and brushed the back of his neck awkwardly.
-Eyy, I doubt that... - you said, moving your hands in denial - what is it?
-I don't know actually... i just didn't like it.
-You touching their faces. Why do you need to do it? Can't they check their skins themselves, because I do this - he confessed, his rhythm getting faster as he stated more arguments, but your laugh awakened him - what is so funny? - he asked, his serious face suddenly softening and bringing his usual smile.
-You're so cute...
-Why so suddenly? - he asked confused, but following your smile.
-I guess that's... what people call jealousy.
-Oh... is that it?
-Ohh Yeah. I guess you did get jealous - you joked, giving his arm a poke while he flinched and beamed, slightly embarassed.
-I'm sorry... - he apologized flushed.
-It's okay, actually you can be a lot cute like this.
-I don't think so. It's ugly to disrespect your freedom.
-Hey, it's true we gotta have some freedom, but when it bothers one of us, then we need to talk about it. You did nothing wrong - you stated, carresing his cheeks - besides, I didn't want to tell them this, but your skin is the best, my baby face!
You both laughed and smiled at each other.
-You know... I love you.
-Hm? Say that again - you asked, pretending you didn't listen it.
-I l-o-v-e y-o-u - he said giving a lot of space among the letters.
-I love you too, you pabo.
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veriincorrectvery · 4 years
I wanna make a VERIVERY fanfic but im too dumb :")
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cael1004 · 7 years
Title: Untitled
Groups: TRCNG, B.A.P
Characters: Lee Hakmin, Kim Kangmin, Moon Jongup, Choi Junhong/Zelo
Word count: 746 words
Type of fiction: Drabble
Tags: High school AU, friendship
Prompt: Inspired by @aalaiases-pen saying: “Honestly, I kinda feel like Junhong and Kangmin look like they could be related. Like cousins or something.”
Hakmin stumbled, almost losing himself in the throng of bodies around him if not for a strong grip on his wrist. “Are you okay?” Kangmin asked. “These things can get pretty wild.” The older boy just nodded, thinking to himself, ’pretty wild?’
He’d never been one for parties and such; preferred being with a small group of close-knit friends. The only reason he’d came when Kangmin invited him was because he’d heard his favourite dancer, Moon Jongup, would be performing. Of course, Kangmin had invited the others, but none of them were all too interested except for Wooyeop, who couldn’t come because of a math competition later that week, and Hyunwoo, who declined when he heard there wasn’t going to be any free food. Hakmin was starting to regret his decision when they emerged into a small, free space close to the stage.
“You said your cousin was performing?” Hakmin questioned and younger boy nodded. “Yeah, my cousin, Junhong, likes performing at these kinds of events. I saw him choreographing this performance. It was amazing.” Hakmin had never met Kangmin’s cousin, but he’d heard stories of how he was in a dance crew and went around performing all the time. A few performances later, the crowd was going wild when the lights dimmed. Two figures — one taller and one shorter — entered the stage. Music abruptly started playing, an erratic, yet smooth beat; playful yet at the same time mature.
Suddenly, his clothes felt all too tight. He needed to move; needed to dance. But he couldn’t — not with the sea of screaming girls around him. So he did what others were doing instead and jumped in tune with the beat. He was doused in sweat — some of it his and some of it from those around him — but he couldn’t care less. It was the Moon Jongup and Zelo performing in front of him. The exhilaration was almost too much for him to handle.
Their moves were perfectly in unison. One would think that with their difference in height, it would detract from the beauty in their moves, but it only enhanced it. Whereas Zelo was full of ease in his moves, smiling at the audience and sending winks towards the girls, Jongup was full of power, his intense gaze sweeping over them. Hakmin thought they locked eyes once, but dismissed the idea for fear he might faint.
By the end of the performance, he was so lightheaded that Kangmin had to pull him out of the crowd. The younger had a silly smile on his face, and Hakmin was sure his own face mirrored it.
“Kangmoongie!” a deep voice shouted in the distance, coming from a man who stood at least a head taller than the crowd. For a moment, Hakmin didn’t recognize him, but when he did, his jaw dropped. Tugging on his friend’s sleeve, he whispered, “You didn’t tell me that your cousin was Choi Junhong. Like, the Choi Junhong that goes by Zelo and performs with Moon Jongup.” Inwardly, Hakmin was panicking but Kangmin just responded with a shrug. “I thought you knew.”
Zelo approached the two of them, his nose piercing gleaming in the dim lighting. He slung an arm around Kangmin’s shoulders, side-hugging him. Hakmin looked at Kangmin, then back at Zelo — Junhong — who was at least a head taller than he and his friend. What a wonder genetics were. Still, they both had the same childish and innocent looking face.
He was about to comment on their similarities when a head popped out from behind Junhong. Hakmin felt like he’d been punched in the gut. It was the Moon Jongup in the flesh. The same Moon Jongup he’d admired since his preteen years was standing before him, smiling and holding out a bottle of water to Junhong. “Kangmin, you made it!” he spoke, “I thought I saw you in the crowd but…”
Junhong smiled and shook his head. “You’re not wearing your contacts again, are you?” In response, Jongup turned towards Hakmin, who was staring with his mouth agape. “Are you his friend?” Moments of silence passed by before Kangmin took pity on him and answered, “Yeah, he’s a big fan.” At that exact moment, Hakmin wanted the earth to swallow him whole.
Hakmin breathed in, his hands clammy and an awkward smile-slash-grimace on his face. Jongup extended a hand, smiling. “So, if you had to choose between two cheeseburgers and a double patty cheeseburger, which would you pick?”
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yooncleves · 2 years
there's this thing i always do in every fandom im in where i give characters or people a different name so people dont know im writing fanfic about them. I've done it with bts and txt. Now I'm doing it with ninjago.
I'll also be sharing some headcanons:
Cole - Lakas Batumbakal. Full name translates to "Strong Lodestone". Also it's filipino bc I headcanon him as filipino
Jay - Xiao-Qing Yuan. Full name roughly translates to "small blue park" depending on the character used. I headcanon him as half chinese half white. He still uses Jay in some occasions
Zane - Fuyuki Yukimura. Fuyuki means "winter tree" and Yukimura means "snow village". I headcanon that he was taken in by a nearby japanese village after his memory switch got flipped
I didn't change anything about Kai and Nya. I just gave them the surname Hua which is "flower" in chinese. I found it really pretty that their names both mean "water flower"
Lloyd - Kangmin Eum. Kangmin roughly translates to "jade river". Eum is the korean equivalent of Yin, as in yin yang. You can tell i headcanon him as korean
That implies Garmadon and Wu's names are Eum and Yang respectively. I dont think i need to explain why
I could be wrong about the translations, sorry about that. I might have also did this thinking that these are their real names and the canon names are the whitewashed versions
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slytherinshua · 10 months
genre. fluff. warnings. kissing. pairing. kangmin x reader. wc. 589. a/n. i got this idea from this post by @verivery-incorrect and rly wanted to turn it into a fic!!
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It was a nice sunny afternoon, not too cold, not too hot. You and Kangmin liked to spend days off at home, in each other's company, but not actively together. You were both lying down on your bed, Kangmin scrolling through his phone, your nose buried in a book. It was peaceful and quiet. You liked these moments with your boyfriend. Even if you didn’t say anything, just having him next to you made any activity one hundred times better. 
The feeling of a soft kiss pressed to your cheek was enough to pull your attention away from the book you were reading. You looked to your left at the obvious culprit, but you found him scrolling through his phone as if nothing had happened. You smiled and went back to reading, choosing to ignore the fluttery feeling that developed in your stomach from the mere gesture. 
It was peaceful in the room again and you read another 2 pages in silence.
Until you felt another soft kiss landing on your cheek.
You looked over again, quick enough to catch the slight smile on Kangmin’s face. There was no way he could keep pretending as if nothing happened now that you had caught him, yet he continued typing on his phone as if he wasn’t even aware that you were lying next to him.
“Why do you keep kissing my cheek?” You asked, your eyes going back to the page of text, scanning the paragraphs to find where you were. You heard Kangmin shift to his side and presumably turn off his phone. You could see him now lying on his side and looking at you through your peripheral vision. 
You looked back at him, maintaining eye contact for a few seconds, silently watching to see who would break out into a smile first. It ended up being you, Kangmin following suit a second later. He leaned in a bit and pressed another, longer kiss in the same spot before answering your question.
“Skin care.” 
You immediately smiled at his response. Kangmin always had the cutest explanations to everything he did. The stuffed animal was clearly lonely, and that was why he had to carry it around everywhere. The salt and pepper always had to be put on eggs together because they were a couple— you couldn’t have one without the other. 
His little explanations weren’t even the tip of the iceberg for how Kangmin’s brain worked, but you loved to find out the more time you spent with him. And each time you just felt yourself falling deeper and deeper. 
You both giggled as he continued to press kisses all over your face, continuing the delicate “skin care” that your skin so clearly needed. It felt nice to have his lips on your skin. His touch was gentle, as was everything about Kangmin. The kisses were light and fleeting, but still long enough to cause butterflies to erupt in your tummy.
He was about to press another kiss to your forehead when you stopped him with a finger resting against his lips.
“I didn’t get this spot yet, though.” He whispered, smiling lovingly. You could feel his minty breath fanning over your face as he was still so close to you.
“It’s your turn.” You countered, pressing your first soft kiss to his cheek with an airy laugh. Suddenly, the tables were turned, and you were the one giving the kisses, and Kangmin the one receiving them— butterflies forming in his stomach and his heart racing just like you.
↳ verivery taglist: @yeonjuns-redhair,, @skz-minchan-enthusiast,, @ddeonudepressions,, @edensgardenn
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verrerdises · 3 months
adore u | kangmin x reader
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Summary || You were dragged by your friends to some guy's birthday party. Bored, you made the choice to walk around the overly grand ballroom, only to bump into a flustered young man who dropped his wallet.
Word count || 2.4k
"Aw, sorry, Kangmin, but I'm with my boyfriend,"
"Haha, you're so cute! Maybe next time, 'kay?"
"You're a bit on the younger side for me..."
Kangmin rested his face between his fists and huffed as the conversations replayed in his head. What's wrong with trying to pursue a relationship? He simply wanted to go on cute little dates, hold someone's hand, pepper them with kisses! But everyone around him still viewed him as some dumb little kid! 
Sure, he's only 21, but that shouldn't hinder his potential so much. Or maybe it's because some believe he's not mature enough for a serious relationship. Minchan even told him others might see him as some kind of heart breaker or player.
But Kangmin's intentions were pure! Honest...
The young man eyes wandered around the ball room. It was Dongheon's birthday, and he believed there may be a person or two that could catch Kangmin's eye. At least someone was holding out hope for him. He quietly watched as couples around him formed. Hell, he even helped the birthday boy find his special someone just a moment ago, so why couldn't he be given some grace?
Another defeated pout left him and his head sank into his arms. All of these people, and not a single person tried to approach him.
"Hey, did you drop this?"
He slowly rose his head to meet the gaze of a stranger. A well-dressed stranger. A... really cute stranger... His eyes glanced down at the wallet they held out. "Oh! Wow, I didn't even notice," he smiled brightly at them and took it. "Thanks."
A gentle smile spread across their lips in response. "Yeah, no problem." In no time, they turned around and walked off. He wasn't sure why it took him so long to react; he jumped out of his seat. "Wait!" he tried to call out to them, but by the time he reached where he last saw them, they had disappeared into the crowd. 
He scowled to himself. Agh, how could he be so...? Oh, he hoped they hadn't went too far. He couldn't help it now; he had to find them. 
Kangmin walked around the crowd and stood on his tip-toes to try and spot them. He thought he noticed the familiar outfit, so he chased after it. He had to give a few pardons and excuses as he pushed through. He would call out, but he didn't want to embarrass himself any further.
Just as he freed himself from the crowd, who else but Minchan stepped in front of him. "Minchan! Come on, I'm a little busy right now-"
"Whoaaa, busy with what?" Minchan showed that stupid grin. The one that says he was well aware of what's going on. "Never seen you in such a rush." He laughed. But Kangmin tsked and tried to push past him, only for Minchan to hold an arm out and pull him right back. 
"Hey!" Kangmin's smaller self barely managed to nudge the other. "I don't have time to play right now. They could be leaving-!"
"They?" The other rose a brow. "Aww, did our baby Kangmin finally find someone?" He tapped his chin, "A mysterious figure who caught your eye that you are now trying to chase." He sighed and shook his head, "Acting like a lovesick puppy."
Kangmin glared up at him. "I am not! I'm old enough now!"
"Ah," Minchan held a finger up, "actions speak louder than words. And you know better than to yell at your elders."
"Then let me go." Kangmin frowned. "... Please."
Minchan examined him carefully then slowly lowered his arm. "Huh. Guess you are growing up." His annoyingly cheerful smile returned. "Okaaay, I'll help the little man out. You talking about the one who just walked past?" He then briefly described the stranger. 
Kangmin's eyes lit up. "Yes!"
"I think they went to talk to their friends. I was about to bring them drinks." He nonchalantly explained.
The little man's brow furrowed. "You? Bringing people drinks?"
"Well," Minchan's smile turned sheepish; a first for him, "I kinda talked with one of their friends. And, funnily enough, Dongheon was dancing with the other. Odd how connected we are, like a perfectly written plot of a novel..."
Kangmin stared unamused at them. "Anyway, thanks for telling me." He quickly brushed past him, except Minchan continued to call out to him. "Hey! What're you even gonna say to 'em? You're not exactly an expert..."
The other huffed and answered over his shoulder, "I'll... think of something..." Oh, great. That didn't exactly scream confident. When he spotted the same stranger at the table with their friends, his feet suddenly froze. Damn, Minchan was right... He doesn't have any experience in this field like he does. And he can't exactly go up there and potentially embarrass himself in front of their friends! Even worse, in front of Minchan.
He clenched his fists together and began to take some steps forward. Unfortunately, Dongheon arrived at the table with the remaining friend. Kangmin quickly stepped aside and hid behind a pillar. Nope. No way. Publicly embarrassing himself is bad enough, but if he did it in front of Dongheon?? Having the most awkward one out of their group tease him is a death sentence. 
He'll... just have to find a way to get that stranger by themselves. Somehow. 
He sighed heavily and rested his head against the marble. His brain was trying to come up with solid ideas, but all of them sounded either pathetic or stupid. Man, maybe he is a little hopeless.
"Oh yeah, where did you go?"
"Huh? Oh, I just walked around. This guy dropped his wallet, so I gave it back. That's about it."
"... Was the guy cute?"
"I mean-"
"Drinks are here!"
Kangmin peered around the pillar as Minchan announced himself before he took a seat. The stranger, they mentioned him! But they only referred to him as "this guy". He pouted silently to himself. Maybe he should listen in a little and see if he can find a way to insert himself naturally. 
"Guy dropped his wallet? Sounds like something Kangmin would do," Minchan snorted. The guy who dropped his wallet immediately frowned. 
"It... might've been him," the stranger pointed out. "He was a bit taller than me. Dark hair, long-ish bangs."
"Hm, did he have this lost look in his eyes?" Dongheon asked. "Like a lost puppy?"
He felt himself warm up at the sound of giggling. He doesn't look like some lost puppy...
"Y'know what, yeah," the stranger laughed lightly, "but I thought it was cute."
Kangmin's ears perked up. He readjusted himself to take a better look at them. They held that same gentle smile. His posture relaxed. At least the giggling didn't hold any malice behind it. And, well, if they think it's cute, then... maybe there's nothing wrong with it. 
"Ohh, be careful," Dongheon chuckled. "That's how he gets you."
"Yeah," Minchan interjected, "he wants to be a little man now. The guy's been getting rejected left and right all night though. Honestly, I thought that'd be happening to Dongheon-"
"Hey!" Dongheon frowned. 
"What?" Minchan laughed behind his glass. "You were the one with this super specific fantasy in your head."
"And it worked out, didn't it?" The other grabbed his partner's hand. "Maybe it was like a prophecy and not some fantasy."
Minchan snorted. "Okay, That's So Raven, settle down." His partner sitting beside him had to put her drink down, shaking her head and attempting to swallow before she started choking from laughter. Dongheon's ears burned red, but his partner gave him a few sympathetic pats against his hand as she bit back her own laughs. 
Kangmin continued to watch and listen for a while. It... sounded like they were having a lot of fun. But what would happen if he were to join it? Wouldn't it become awkward? 
"... In all seriousness though," Dongheon's voice softened, "Kangmin's a good ki- guy. Good guy."
Minchan nodded then pointed at the stranger, "Aren't you single? Looking for somebody- ow!" He frowned as Dongheon reached over to lightly bop his head. "I didn't even hit you that hard. And you can't just ask people that!"
"Whaaat? I was curious! And trying to set Kangmin up. Poor kid can't do it all by himself."
The stranger awkwardly shifted in their seat. "Y...Yeah, technically speaking. I dunno if I'm ready for a relationship though."
Minchan waved his hand in dismissal. "It doesn't have to turn serious. For real, he's really nice. A little confused but got the spirit. He... should be around here somewhere, actually-"
Kangmin ducked once more as the other started to scan the area. His heart rate picked up. This is all too soon! He's nowhere near ready. God, his worst fear right now is one of them finding him and dragging him out. It's too many expectations set for him!
Since he was caught up in his own head, he hadn't realized his stranger had gotten up and left the table. Something told him to open his frustrated eyes. He tensed up as he caught them walking past. He let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. Curious eyes watched as they turned and walked out to one of the large balconies. 
His feet moved for him as he silently followed behind. 
Once again, he found himself peeking around the corner. They stood alone, arms resting on the railing of the balcony as they took some deep breaths. The opportunity basically presented itself. And... if they needed some space, he was understanding enough to know when to bow out. Okay. You can do this, Kangmin. Just... talk to them as a normal person would. 
He took in a big breath then sighed. Quietly, he approached from behind.
"I was wondering when you'd show your face again,"
He stiffened at their voice. After taking a peek behind him, he realized that there was no one else they could possibly be referring to. He turned back from hearing them laugh, and they moved to face him. "Yeah, I'm talking to you. Who else?" There was that smile again. 
A nervous laugh blurted out of him. "Right! Yeah. Who else but me?" He cleared his throat then joined them in leaning against the railing.
"You're Kangmin, right?" they asked. He silently nodded. 
"(y/n)." They introduced themselves. "... Don't talk much, do you?"
The realization hit him. "Oh! Sorry, I was just... yes! I talk a lot - wait no, that's a bad thing-" His ears began to burn red when they started giggling. "Sorry... I don't... do this often." he sighed, "Most people turn me away the second they see me."
"Why?" They rose a brow. "You're pretty cute. And funny."
The heat spread to the rest of his face. He awkwardly rubbed his neck. "I guess my age? I'm 21, but everyone treats me like a kid." His gaze shifted to the scenery in front of him. "I just wanna know what it's like. To have someone."
"Huh. Didn't peg you as the romantic type." They follow his gaze. "But yeah, I see it. Kinda scary though, isn't it? I mean, if you get into a relationship, it's either gonna work out and you'll get married, or it'll end in heart break and you start back at square one."
"Maybe..." Kangmin answered, "But I wanna experience that kind of love, even at the risk of heartbreak. High risk, high reward, right?"
They become silent for a moment. He worried he may have said something wrong. "You make a good point," they finally responded. "I guess I'm a bit... scared of going through that heartbreak. Just sounds like too much."
He quietly observed them. He could spot the twinkle of eagerness in their eyes. He found himself shuffling a bit closer. "Won't know until you try." His voice came out in a murmur. His attention was briefly drawn to the dancing crowd inside. He returned to (y/n) and leaned down in an attempt to get a look of their face. "Hey... have you been asked to dance yet?"
He spotted their eyes flickering to him then back to the scenery. "...No."
"Would you..."
He blinked feverishly at their sudden response, otherwise, a soft smile emerged. A hand was held out to them, one they stared at for a second before cautiously taking. He made sure to be gentle in pulling them towards the center of the wide balcony floor. Luckily, the music was loud enough to reach the outside, so he quietly followed along. 
Although there was silence between them, he didn't mind it. He could tell this was their first dance, and he patiently fixed the positioning of their hands. His fingers found themselves interlacing with theirs at some point. His smile turned into a gently amused one at their refusal to make eye contact. 
He's not sure what came over him, but he leaned in to whisper in their ear, "Why hide your beautiful face?" As he pulled back, it was hard to suppress a laugh at their flustered expression, but it allowed him a chance to see them. It felt like his heart melted at the sight. Perfectly illuminated by the moonlight. 
He found himself leaning in again, but their voice stopped him. "What are you doing?" they whispered frantically. He pulled back some, earnestly replying, "Sorry, am I making you uncomfortable?"
"Well, n... no..." They stumbled through an answer. "No, you're not. I... also don't do this often." He exhaled softly but gave a nod of understanding. "Okay, I won't do anything else without your permission." His heart beat picked up as a sudden thought came through. "(y/n)...?" They anxiously focused on him. 
"Is it okay if I kiss you?"
Their grip on his hand and shoulder tightened. They stopped their swaying, but their eyes refused to leave his gaze. He swallowed a small lump forming, fearing he may have pushed his luck. But, to his amazement, they gave a few nods. "Yeah... Yeah, it's okay."
A wide smile quickly spread, but he doesn't let his excitement take over completely. Their comfort was his number one priority. He tilted his head and slowly leaned in until he felt soft lips brush against his own. The contact sent butterflies through his stomach. He pressed forward slightly; his hands silently moving to link their fingers together. 
Honestly, he thought it'd only be a quick little kiss. They surprised him by returning the favor, tilting their head up to continue. He wasn't sure how long they stood there, all he knew was that they eventually had to pull back for air. 
Kangmin let out a small, breathless laugh. He even hopped a little in glee. Just like a dumb little kid. (y/n)'s blush hardly faded. If anything, it may have gotten worse. They squeeze his hands. "How am I supposed to go back and face my friends like this?" They mumbled. 
"If it helps," he chuckled, "my friends are there too. I'll get teased regardless."
They hummed in response, took a deep breath, then sighed. "Okay. Then... let's go face them together."
That sounded awfully nice.
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henlex · 3 years
Let's talk about ships!!
First off, I post a lot about ships here, always have. 9/10 times to me that means these two are close look how cute they are.
Ships have always helped me get into new groups. It's way easier for me to like and care about someone if I see other doing it: i/e look how affectionate kangmin is😭 what a sweetheart💕 and then I get all warm and mushy and BAM that's a bias
And no I don't think all ships are secretly in a relationship....that's not how it works. There's only been like 3 times when I 👀👀👀 Like what's going on there. But that's not kpop ships are to me
Also two people having a ship name makes it a thousand times easier to find content about them (even if it's not "shipping" oriented)
Now I totally understand not liking ships when it goes too far. I'm assuming that's what all ship haters are talking about. I've been around here for a long time so ofc I've seen dumb fans lowkey put a strain on members relationship. BUT there is a Big gap between those two! Me posting some gifs here, someone writing fanfics is not gonna get back to them. It's the people scream ship names at them at fansigns and send things in their Twitter replies.
Also people getting into fight over ships is not it. I don't care if they ship your fav with someone that's not your otp. Just walk away.
So I 100% support non toxic shipping!! It's a big creative outlet for a lot of people and I dont think anyone should shame anyone for that! Draw your favs cuddling! Get that seratonin when they hug! The world is crazy and if something makes you happy, dont let anyone stop you💖
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restlessmaknae · 3 years
hey~ 3, 13 and 19 for the fanfic ask game ^^
Thank you so much for asking, Kathy! ❤️
I got a bit carried away, to be honest, so I’m gonna insert my answer below. 😂
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
When I asked you this question, I was like ‘you know, that’s an easy question’, but coming to think of it now, it’s not. 😂 Anyways, I’ll cheat a bit, and say my top choices for lines and scenes instead of choosing only one.
✒  ‘stars are bright but only because of the dark’ (feat A.C.E’s Yuchan)
“I’m sorry, I should have seen the signs. I messed up.”
“And I was messed up, so what’s the difference?”
Why? These were the first lines I’ve written for this story, and I think it leaves an impact.
✒ I’m really cheating at this point, but from ‘messy hearts, messy chords’ (feat. TXT’s Yeonjun), I would like to share two:
“Leaving is sometimes for the better.”
“Because staying is sometimes more painful than leaving.”
Why? Because I think this is very very true, and the fact that the characters themselves were the ones to say it about their own life makes the whole thing even more powerful.
“I want to stay in your life.”
“With everything that I am?”
“With everything.”
Why? Because this whole confession is like the climax of the story, and it sums up so much of the dynamics between Yeonjun and the reader, and Yeonjun’s doubt towards anyone loving him and accepting him as he is, and broken boy Yeonjun finally accepts that he can be loved after this (let me just sob in a corner, okay...)
✒ ‘loving you is a losing game’ (feat. VICTON’s Sejun)
“Revenge was my reason to live.”
“And you are mine!”
Why? This is kind of like the first confession in the story, but the reader purposefully misinterpretes Sejun’s words after he saves her even though she doesn’t want him to, and the tension is just aaaaah. I can’t put it into words, but this!
✒ ‘no barriers’ (feat. NCT/WAYV’s Xiaojun)
“I can go another time, but I’m afraid you’ll run away if I let you go now.”
“What makes you think I will?”
“Your cheeks say it all,”
Why? Just one comment: shut up, Xiaojun! Let us blushing introverts live!
✒ ‘how to cross the line?’ (feat. Enhypen’s Jake)
the scene where Jake puts banana milk in front of the reader, she says that she doesn’t want to take it away from him, but then he confesses that it’s for her because he thought of her at the convenience store AND he also asks if she would like to see him play
Why? Because Jake is the most precious boy, and writing that scene and then re-reading it while proofreading made me swoon so much. (The whole story did tbh, but hiiiiim!!)
✒ ‘half to your half’ (feat. VERIVERY’s Dongheon)
the scene in which he first gets to the kids’ dance class and feels so out of place, and it’s so funny with Kangmin being a pupil there, and also Dongheon having the same kind of ‘again! again! again!’ scene as in Road To Kingdom
Why? Because the whole ‘again! again! again!’ thing is so iconic.
✒ ‘falling over, falling into’ (feat. NCT/WAYV’s Hendery)
the confession scene where Hendery is hit by the realisation that he’s in love with the reader, rushes to her dorm room and tells her while panting
Why? I think that’s just so like him (also the iconic falling over with his bike scene is worthy to be mentioned)
13. favorite writing song/artist/album of this year
I’ve listened to Duncan Laurence’s Arcade so many times while writing angsty stories (and it also inspired ‘loving you is a losing game’). Also, I really loved listening to Ashe’s songs whenever I wrote stories that centered around realising that you’re worthy more than others say so or going through tough times (you know, while writing my so-called real-life bittersweet stories).
19. any new fics to start next year
Aaah, there’s always so much. I don’t know which one I’ll start with, but I’m very much tempted to get cracking on my prince!Sunghoon story (that was also most voted in my survey) or my soldier!Yeonjun one with elements kingdoms because that’s kind of already mapped out in my head, I just need to put the structure of it together.
Aaand I was just recently hit by an idea that’s kind of bittersweet because the male lead (don’t know who so far) and the reader are on the verge of a break-up when Covid hits, and they are kind of forced to stay beside each other, and there’s going to be lots of frustration, doubt and also solving conflicts and reconciling, so that’s kind of like a different outcome from what we’ve heard of couples being in lockdown together and breaking up or divorcing. Yet, there’s going to be tears and arguments and such, so it’s going to be mostly angst even though it’ll be evident from the start that they’ll make up (I’ll put it in the summary just how I’ve told you now).
fanfic end of the year asks
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verrerdises · 2 months
Curious About You ! ( About Me )
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◇ Leo ( she/her ) ◇ 23 ◇ INFJ-T ( "Advocates are quiet visionaries, often serving as inspiring and tireless idealists." ) ◇ Dongheon biased... ◇ Verivery stan since 2022 and counting ◇ Can also be found on twt ( @.palatial_mind ) :] ◇ Certified yapper !! Would love to chat about anything vrvr related ♡
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verrerdises · 2 months
Nowhere Else | Kangmin x Reader
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Summary || Your boyfriend takes you on a date to a place you've always wanted to go.
Word count || 2k
Kangmin only wanted the best for you. Being his first partner, he didn't want to mess up. However, he had no clue on what couples do. They make it look so easy on TV. And he must've looked especially pitiful, for Dongheon noticed his sulking and nudged his shoulder. "Something on your mind?" he asked. 
"Mm?" Kangmin absentmindedly ran his finger along the rim of his glass. "Oh, well, it's (y/n)."
"Troubles already?" Dongheon laughed. "You've only been dating for, what, a month?"
The young man's shoulders sank, "Yeah... and I don't even know if I'm doing it right." He honestly wasn't sure if his worrying was a good or bad thing. Is it normal to worry this much?
His friend's words pulled him back, "Do they seem happy?"
Kangmin lifted his head up, brow furrowed. "Huh? Oh, I... I think so? I hope so," he answered. Dongheon shook his head in return. "Have you even taken them out on a date?"
The other was taken aback by his sudden question. "Wh... What? Of course I have!" He then awkwardly scratched his cheek, "We went out to eat like... last week-?" His voice rose a pitch. 
"Kangmin!" his friend exclaimed. "I meant an actual date. Not just taking them out to lunches or dinners--" Except Kangmin quickly interrupted him, "Didn't you take your partner out to lunch yesterday?"
"This isn't about me!" He protested. Then, he sighed, "It doesn't have to be somewhere real fancy. Something simple, even better if it matches their interests." Kangmin tilted his head to indicate he wanted to hear more. Dongheon couldn't hide that little smile from growing; he loved knowing his advice will actually be heard. "For example," he continued, "my partner loves movies, so we often go to the theater, then we find somewhere to wind down and talk about it." Almost too quickly, the man lost the plot and began to gush over his partner. Luckily, Kangmin tuned him out so he could think.
Somewhere that matches (y/n)'s interests, huh... He suddenly recalled a past conversation with you, one where you were sitting on the floor and endlessly scrolling on your phone--
Kangmin was laying on the couch behind you as he caught up on something he was reading. Except he started to feel his eyelids become heavy. In the middle of a yawn, you gasped then mumbled, "I want to go," He forced an eye back open to see what you were talking about. "Mm? Oh, there? I heard they just opened a new exhibit." he spoke softly.
"Mhm," you responded, "I've been wanting to go there for a while though. Just once."
Another yawn from him. "Maybe we'll go someday..." His eyes closed again; he heard shuffling as you quickly replied, "Really? You mean it?" Except he heard nothing more as he quickly fell asleep.
He held his head with a hand. How long ago was this conversation? Oh man, he felt like a complete jerk for stringing you along like this! It's decided, then. He whipped out his phone to swiftly search up the name of the place and buy tickets. 
Dongheon seemed to finally notice and paused in his rambling. "Figured it out?" 
Kangmin nodded and gave him a smile. "Yep! Thanks, Dongheon!"
"Of course!" the other beamed, "What kind of big brother figure would I be if I didn't have good advice?"
"So, is the big brother going to pay for the drinks?"
The two of them turned their heads to Yeonho behind the bar, who held a mildly annoyed expression. "You two been sitting here, taking up space for the past 2 hours. And all you ordered was lemonade. At least leave a good tip." he huffed. 
Kangmin was quick to point at his "big brother," "He invited me here."
Dongheon couldn't even argue. He sighed in defeat. "Fine..."
Within hours, you found yourself outside with an excited Kangmin hovering his hands over your eyes. "What?" You couldn't help but laugh lightly at his giggling. He blew up your phone to ask if you were home, and when you said you were, he arrived at such speed. He told you that you were going out; the sudden news almost overwhelmed you, but he looked so eager to go; you had no choice but to entertain him.
"Can I look now?" You asked with a playful huff. 
"Mhm!" He finally pulled his hands away. You squinted from the light of the setting sun hitting you, but once adjusted, you noticed the most important word - aquarium.
You stared at the building with your mouth slightly agape. There's no way he... Did he actually...? You felt a small lump forming in your throat, but you shoved it down, for everyone's sake. "We're really going?" You questioned in a soft voice. 
His brow furrowed. "Of course we're going! See?" He pulled out his phone to show the e-tickets. "Sorry for it being last minute, but..."
"No! No, it's okay." You took a deep breath. "Let's go." He smiled at you in return and offered his hand, which you slowly took. You had always wanted to go to an aquarium. You've seen so many videos online and heard people's stories, but for one reason or another, you never had the chance to go through one yourself. And, honestly, you had not expected Kangmin to have paid so much attention. You mentioned it mostly in passing... Was he really that attentive?
You tried not to think about it too much. For if you do, well... you frankly really don't want to cry in front of people, let alone him. 
You could only stare in amazement as he happily pulled you along. There were smaller exhibits that contained a variety of fish and pond creatures. It was hard to suppress the wide smile from spreading across your face. Although, Kangmin did have to quickly usher you away from the frogs at one point. You're not the biggest fan of them -
The further you traveled through the aquarium, the darker the colors became. It was a bit unnerving, honestly, so you stayed close to Kangmin. Meanwhile, he was reading off the information on his phone. "Ohh, so it's getting darker because we're going deeper into the ocean. Cool! We-" he paused upon noticing your behavior. "Hey," he stopped his walking to turn to you. He tilted his head to try and meet your gaze. "You okay?"
"Yeah, I just... got nervous, is all." You begin to chew on your nail. "Also, is this a bad time to say I have, like, a deadly fear of sharks?" The words rolled out rapidly, so you were unsure if he even understood. Silence lingered for a few moments until he let out a quick chuckle. "No, it's not a bad time at all! Although..." he awkwardly scratched his cheek, "having a fear of sharks is kinda ironic..."
"Right?" You laughed anxiously. "But yeah. We haven't seen sharks yet, so I'm kinda getting-"
"Scared?" He answered for you. All you could do was nod. 
"Aw, don't be scared," he kept his smile. "Look, the sharks can't hurt you. They're behind a glass, and you can always use my hand to cover your eyes if it's too much, okay?" He raised a hand and silently asked for permission to touch your face. You gave him a nod, allowing him to rest it against your cheek. "This is supposed to be fun," he muttered to you, "but if it gets too overwhelming, don't be afraid to let me know. I want your comfort to come first."
It took everything within you not to cry right then and there. Despite only being together for less than a month, he's acting as if the two of you have been together for years. He's too sweet... You shake your head to stop even a single tear from escaping. "Okay, I'm ready." You told him. 
He retained his warm smile and kept a gentle hold on your hand as he tugged you into the next exhibit. The area was not as dark as you had expected it to be. You had kept your eyes forward, footsteps echoing as you walked. However, out of the corner of your eyes, you spotted a wide tank that took up most of the current area. Your blood suddenly ran cold, and you sharply turned your body away. 
"Ah, there're the sharks," Kangmin sighed. "Come on, I can guide you thro-"
"N...No, I want to see them." You surprised yourself at the words spilling out of your mouth. You continued, "It's like you said, they're just behind a glass. They can't... They can't hurt me." You silently curse to yourself at your voice trembling. Kangmin squeezed your hand. "If you're sure, then... we can just stand right here, okay? We don't have to get any closer."
"Look," You stiffened slightly at his hand covering your eyes, "I'll turn you around," he explained, "And you can peek through my fingers. I'm right here with you,"
You took a deep breath then sighed. Your eyes were glued shut as he slowly shifted the two of you into position. You rubbed sweaty palms against your clothes as you kept repeating to yourself - they can't hurt you, they're behind a glass, they can't hurt you-
Kangmin is right here.
You almost jumped as the thought shot through your mind. But it's true; he's being incredibly patient with you and trying to sort things out. The least you can do is try...
"Okay," you slowly peek an eye open. The shark swam into view. At first, you shut your eyes again, but you repeated your little mantra as you regained the bravery to peek once more. The second time wasn't as bad - you managed to keep your eyes open for more than 10 seconds before shutting them again. 
As you prepared to do it a third time, you felt Kangmin's hand shift. You panicked for a second, thinking he was removing your shield, but then you shuddered feeling his whispers tickle your ear, "You're doing great, (y/n)."
If you weren't in such a precarious situation, you would've pulled away at lightning speed. You were stuck between feeling flustered and absolutely scared shitless. You weren't sure now if you were trembling from the sharks, or from feeling the warmth of his body barely pressing against your back. Hah, you even had the thought to not open your eyes ever again, if only just to stay in this exact moment a bit longer.
Eventually, your eyes open again for a third time. Through the gaps between his fingers, you watched the shark peacefully wade through the water. Other, smaller fishes tailed under it, going in endless circles. The longer you stared, the more your heart began to relax. 
Just as you were adjusting, Kangmin started to pull his hands away. Instinctively, you grabbed hold of them to keep them over your eyes. He chuckled softly. "Okay, the fear's not totally gone, but hey, it's a start!" He turned you around so you had your back to the tank before removing his hands. "I'm really proud of you," he squeezed your hands. "And I think we've had enough for today-"
You silently nodded, starting to feel exhaustion wash over you. He could only laugh quietly to himself as he guided you back out. But not before making a stop at the gift shop. You furrow your brow as he told you to wait outside, but you obliged. 
It didn't take him that long to return with a brown bag. A bag that he selfishly kept to himself until you both made it back to your place. "What's in the bag?" You asked for the 10th time.
"Geez, we barely made it in!" He laughed at your slight glare. "Okay, okay, here-" He finally handed it to you. "A reward for today."
"Reward?" You echoed curiously but otherwise took it. From within, you pull out something soft - an adorable plush of an orca. You gasped softly and wrapped your arms around it, hugging it tight. "This is so cute...! Thank you..." Your smile grew wider as he pressed a quick kiss against your head. 
Honestly, what did you do to deserve someone like him?
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