#kanjigar lives au
albentelisa · 5 months
Hi! Here's an interesting ask.
So what if the day before Kanjigar dies in the show, Vendel manages to persuade him to test out one of the past Trollhunter's stone?
In an attempt to save his life, the stone pulls him into the amulet while he jumps to stop Bular from getting it.
As a result of that, Jim gets a very confused but thankfully alive Kanjigar when he speaks the incantation on it.
Due to Jim being the next candidate for the amulet, he can summon the amor still. It's very confusing for his enemies.
I can swear I've read a fic with a similar premise...
Anyway, let's call it Retired Kanjigar AU. Basically, Jim is still the Trollhunter but Kanjigar lives too. It creates so many complications though.
Kanjigar isn't happy as he was actually ready to sacrifice himself, and now it looks like he shoved his responsibility into a literal child, which doesn't sit well with his principles or morals. It also hits his reputation at the Trollmarket as some trolls start to call him a coward.
But the worst is the situation with Draal. Draal was upset even in the canon, but he's twice as pissed in this AU after realizing that he could possibly succeed his father without his father dying. The fact that Kanjigar starts to train Jim (in the hope of fixing the mess at least a bit) only adds fuel to the fire.
Jim still has a death match with Draal and wins. He insists that Draal talks to his father, but the talk doesn't happen for a while.
Kanjigar is the main Jim's teacher in this AU and Draal eventually joins as a sparring partner.
Kanjigar initially tries to find a way to get his mantle back and liberate Jim from the burden, but only until Jim defeats Bular. After that, Kanjigar makes peace with his current status.
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yellowmagicalgirl · 8 months
5 headcanons from a Trollhunters AU of your choice?
So there's this AU that I've had vague ideas about for a while, a roleswap where I swap all the canon ships (not counting Word of God ships and ships where we never see one of the characters). Do note that while the canon ships are getting swapped, the only canon ship that definitely gets together in this AU is Jlaire. (Staja and Darby are both maybe's, but I'm leaning no because IDK how much sense they'd make in this 'verse. Everything else is a NOTP for me.) (Also due to the amount of canon ships, you get more than 5 headcanons.)
Stricklake: Waltolomew is Jim's dad. Jim's bio mom walked out on them when Jim turned five - she accidentally saw Strickler in his true form, and she just wanted to escape. She was concerned that Jim wasn't human either, and she didn't want anything to do with him. (She was right that Jim wasn't fully human, though that didn't manifest as anything other than a very mild iron allergy until he got possessed by Morgana.) Meanwhile, Barbara is a local doctor who ends up getting roped in after she sees too much going on with the local teen defenders, and also after she ends up as Jim's foster mom when Strickler went missing.
Jlaire: The last battle between Kanjigar and Bular took place in a slightly different location, one that Claire was able to ride her bike to. She picked up the amulet and wasn't detected as quickly as Jim was in canon due to Strickler not going into the women's locker rooms. This allows her to have just enough time to learn to fight without Bular killing her for not knowing her way around knives like Jim does. Jim, meanwhile, has recently had the truth of his heritage revealed to him. If he serves the Janus Order well enough, then he can undergo the ritual that could make him a polymorph. (He never goes through the ritual but gains the ability anyways thanks to Morgana.) In the latter half of season 1, he became Team Trollhunters' man on the inside because he can't accept a world where Gunmar reigns (and also because Claire is very pretty in her armor.)
Dromura: Nomura became Kanjigar's apprentice, and while she didn't 100% expect to become the next trollhunter, she is miffed that this human girl with no fighting experience became the next trollhunter instead of her. She also briefly had a fling with Draal, who's human form works with Barbara under the alias of Dr. Aalbregt. Nomura once tried to get Kanjigar and Draal to meet in the hopes that Draal would change sides, but Kanjigar claimed that the impure was not his son. Ouch.
Staja: I'm not saying that Aja is the school bully, but she is rivals with Claire & Mary for popularity, with Claire & Mary being the femme popular crowd and Aja being the star quarterback. (Aja and Darci were neighbors growing up, so they're slightly more cordial.) She also teases Eli, but in a more friendly way since he's her little brother's BFF (and also Eli might have a crush on Krel). Eventually, the Tarron twins + Eli find out the truth. Steve on the other hand is the slightly spoiled heir to House Palchuk of Akiridion V. Seklos help us all.
Nanavex: Varvatos used to babysit Darci and the Tarron twins, sometimes at the same time, because he lives near all of them. He taught them to fight and can tell that something is going on. He doesn't know what. Nancy's son, husband, and daughter-in-law were all killed by the Zerons, and she was left to raise her grandson on her own. Between this and
Darby: I just can't see Darci getting the gravity cursed hammer, and I also can't really see her using a bow in this AU despite her using it in my seasonal amulet AU. I'm gonna say that instead she stole a fancy looking flute from the museum at the end of the second battle of Killahead. This flute was actually the flute that belonged to the Pied Piper, and it allows her to control small animals... and also goblins, because of the long-running raccoon joke. Mary never gets quite as involved in trollhunting as the others do due to being squeamish around violence, which causes her to grow distant from Claire and Darci. The coup happens earlier, Toby makes a cool bracelet for her, and Mary is selfish enough that she decides to befriend this foreign weirdo in order to get cool bracelets. (Due to the coup happening earlier, the two supernatural groups meet earlier. Toby gets to meet Vendel, who is more impressed with him than in canon. Vendel also likes Toby better than Steve.)
Stuart x Gwen: "The bounty hunter (Stuart) you (Morando) sent after us (Steve, Nancy, and Toby) became part of our found family." Meanwhile, I have two potential takes on Gwen. The first is that she's an untrustworthy rogue agent, willing to sell alien tech but also willing to sell secrets to whomever she thinks can get her the best deal. The other is that I replace Gwen of Gorbon with Guinevere, who was an alien all along in this 'verse, and Arthur thought that this foul creature killed his wife when he saw her in her true form. (In the latter case, there would be parallels between Guinevere/Arthur and Waltolomew/Jim's bio mom.)
send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it
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rosebloodcat · 1 year
The Things We Thought We Knew (But We Really Didn’t)
Wrote this on a lark after reading some stories that floated the au idea that (for one reason or another) Blinky and Jim were related. Either from him being James Lake Sr but not knowing it, or from Merlin's magic randomly choosing one of Jim's mentors be the "base" for Jim's half-troll form and Blinky was the one picked.
I know that, for one of those fics, the author had some interesting evidence they put forward on their tumblr for how Jim and Blinky resembled each other from the start and how it was just MORE OBVIOUS when the two were the same species.
I thought it was fun and decided to throw my own hat in the ring, but with my own twist.
In 1995, around the start of spring, Blinkous Galadrigal went missing.
He had gone to the surface to help the current trollhunter, Kanjigar the Courageous, by collecting some more research material that had been dropped by traveling trolls that came to visit Trollmarket. He didn’t return before dawn or in the following days. The only hope that the worst hadn’t come to pass, was that his remains had not been found.
Something that Arrrgh, his closest friend, would point out each time he left to search for him again. He refused to give up hope.
The same morning that the scholarly troll vanished, a man was found unconscious in a back alley wearing nothing but a set of ill-fitting, brown overalls and rushed to the Arcadia Oaks Hospital.
He’s unconscious for several weeks and the doctors can’t find any records for him. They dub their patient “James Doe”, and wait patiently for him to come around and hopefully give them insight into who he is and where he came from.
When James finally awakens, he can’t answer them. He can’t remember where he came from, how he ended up in the alley, or even what his name is.
He’s a man that doesn’t exist and, while the staff can theorize for hours based on speech patterns and accent (a middle-american scholar that may have spent some time in England? Apparently the way one speaks can tell a lot about where they came from), they still have no answers.
All he can do is climb to his feet and move forward.
After James is cleared to leave the hospital (and stumbles on the surname “Lake” to use for his paperwork), he gets new clothing in his size and temporary residency in the Arcadia Homeless Shelter.
He also makes a friendly acquaintance with a kind volunteer by the name of Barbara O’Neil, who helped him find those options in the first place and gave him someone to chat with numerous times during his hospital stay.
Several Months later, and a stronger friendship forged between the two, Barbara learns that a friend-of-a-friend was looking for an assistant for his job and hasn’t had much luck finding one. So she passes along the suggestion to James.
Norman Polk is a friendly, relaxed man despite his intimidating height and many scars. Most shockingly, he can wield magic as easily as he breathes and seems fairly sure James has some too.
Mr. Polk is a detective, who works to help the everyday person with his gifts as much as he can but has trouble keeping track of the many papers, books, and research that come with the work. And, for James, he’s willing to give him a chance even with his mysterious background.
The work comes easily to James, hunting for the truth and searching for answers is familiar in a way he can’t explain. Handling the paperwork and research is laughably easy.
He gets the job.
(When his new boss learns that he’s been living in a homeless shelter, he insists that James move into the spare room in Norman’s office/house.)
Two years pass, and James transitions from being Norman’s assistant to his business partner. The sharp-eyed researcher to Norman’s people-wise instincts. They work well together and have a reputation that can’t be sneezed at. It’s something both of them view with pride.
He’s also realized that he’s fallen for his friend Barbara. Hard.
With the encouragement of their mutual friends, they try dating. It works out better than either of them had expected.
James proposes at the end of 1998, their wedding the following summer of 1999.
In the Spring of 2000, they learn that Barbara’s pregnant and James Lake Jr. is born on October 10th.
The new parents are delighted with their baby boy, despite the anxiety and sleep deprivation throughout. He’s nicknamed “Jim” and he’s a healthy, active little boy with loving parents who work hard to care for him.
Life is good for the small family.
Until Jim’s 5th birthday, when James and Norman are called away for an emergency case. James Lake Sr. never comes home.
That night, the missing Blinkous Galadrigal is miraculously found by Kanjigar wandering the sewers of Arcadia in a daze, clutching a bag of assorted magical items in one hand and a minuscule bit of broken metal in another.
He has no memories of where he’d been for the past 10 years, what he’d been doing, or why he’d vanished.
Once he’s confirmed to be the real thing, he’s brought back to Trollmarket, where those lost 10 years remain a mystery. The strange possessions are tucked away in the back of his library, and teased at the back of his mind from that day forward.
On the surface, the disappearance of James Lake Sr becomes an unsolved mystery and a rampant story in the Arcadia rumor mill.
The rumor sting, weighing heavily on the remaining members of the family. Especially as those rumors spiral beyond control, becoming progressively more vicious as time goes on.
Norman tries to keep the hope alive, showing Barbara magic that shows that her lost husband is still alive even if they don’t know where he is. He keeps searching for clues, hints, anything to lead him to his missing friend. He reiterates, over and over, that James wouldn’t just abandon them. He loved Barbara and Jim far too much to do that to them.
Three years later, his search is cut tragically short because of an accident with a drunk driver that took his life. The accident hurts  so much,  and Barbara’s hope fades with each following year.
But her friend, Allison (and her husband, Thomas), pitch in where they can to help with the burden. And her neighbor, Nancy, gives her a place to go when her home is too much. With their help, she doesn’t fall apart, even when the rumors and snide remarks become too much.
When Jim turns 12, eight years after James went missing, she decides she can’t keep waiting.
She files for James Lake Sr to be declared legally dead.
(The rumors abruptly die at that. Something small and spiteful in her chest is pleased with that.)
She can feel her heart breaking throughout the process and she finally lets herself grieve at the end. The most she can gather herself together to say to Jim is that she’s not married to James anymore.
Now she’s a widow raising her son on her own, and the only route left is forward.
The year of Jim’s 15th birthday, Jim is chosen by the Amulet of Daylight to become the first-ever human Trollhunter and his life is turned upside down.
The following three years of his life are chaotic. Filled with magic and monsters, joy and fear, history making triumphs and soul crushing losses. There is so much happening he can barely handle it.
It’s surprising how comfortable he is with his new mentor, Blinkous “Blinky” Galadrigal. Something about the troll just- clicks with him and he can never seem to put it into words. Blinky puts those feelings into words for him, the day the troll calls him his son.
(A small, buried part of him wonders if this was what he could have had if his own father had stayed.)
Barbara finally opens her heart again and tries to build something new. Even as her mind whispers how similar Blinky sounds to James, how much his human form resembled her missing husband, how much he and Jim resemble each other no matter the form either of them were in.
There’s no way to test if a human and a troll were related, and she doesn’t think her heart could take being wrong if she let herself hope again. No matter how badly she wishes she could finally have an  answer.
(James had built his life from amnesia that had been potentially caused by magic. Norman had warned them when they started dating that, if that magic broke or was reversed, he could lose his memories again. Blinky was a troll, but a troll could be turned human… No, she couldn’t let herself be wrapped up in theories.)
But, eventually, the losses became too great.
Loss of friends, loss of family, loss of home. One Pyrrhic victory after another that weighed them down.
When the true purpose of the Krohnisfere offers Jim the chance to go back and save the precious people they’ve lost, he takes it.
In the hearts of his surviving friends and family, they all hope it will work too.
It’s 1998 and James Lake bolts awake in the middle of the night with a strangled gasp, as if from a terrible nightmare.
Laying in the dark of his room at the house that he shares with Norman, his heart racing a mile-a-minute as his eyes adjust to the darkness, he remembers.
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characcoon · 2 years
Ask and you shall receive (more trollhunters au questions):
1. What is Splinters job in this au? Is he a doctor like Barbara?
2. Is there anyone who plays the roll of Strickler in this au? What’s their relationship with April (is it similar to Strickler and Jim’s father&son dynamic?)
3. I want. More info on Casey being Nomura. Does she looks all friendly when working at the museum? Cause that would be HILARIOUS lmao (DO YOU HAVE A DESIGN FOR HER? absolutely not bc I’d like to draw her or anything…unless?)
4. Does April try to learn Hindi to ✨romance✨ Sunita? (PUNK-VIBES SUNITA IS SPECTACULAR BTW. Do you also have a reference for her?)
5. Since Leo is Draal in this Au, how do the twins adapt to having this (handsome iconic) guy living in their basement? Whats his relationship with Mikey like?
6. Does Señor Hueso make a cameo at some point?
7. ANGOR ROT IN THIS AU? does he exist as himself or does someone take on his role? (I LOVE ANGOR SM)
I love your art and your Au! Thank you for sharing about it :D
(Remember to stay hydrated!)
1, we have two versions of Splinter in here. One is Yoshi Hamato, adoptive father of Mikey and April, and a nurse (Barbara). The other is Splinter, Leo's father, the former Trollhunter (Kanjigar).
2, That's gonna be Big Mama! Who else could be a changeling and be in a romantic relationship with the MC's parent, amiright? Her relationship with the twins is more of a cool auntie rather than a mom.
3, Casey's human form is of an older teen, very punk, very Douxie looking. She works as the janitor of the museum, diferent from Nomura's historian tour guide job. Shes a little bit of a cleaning freak. If someone litters inside the museum she will bite and maim and yell. I dont have her ref yet vkdkvks I gotta get back to this au more often.
4, OMG yes oh gosh Hindi is so difficult that would be a disaster, it's canon now. I dont really have a proper ref for her? But I doodle her a lot, so. She has two diferent sets of regular clothes. One looks more like her Rise design of the puffy dress with frills, and other looks more like Claire's fun purple tuxedo. The tall punk demonica boots are always there, so is the tiara and the bazillion hair pins. Maskera on fleek.
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5, Leo, upon getting his ass beaten into the next sunday by April and being casted out of Troll Market, stays in her house as Guardian and starts training April (and Mikey) in battle techniques and such. Since there is no need in having Raph taking care of Mikey because Leo can keep an eye on both the human kids at the same time, he isnt there. But, since Leo has a clear preference for being around April, and Mikey and Raph bonded a lot very quickly, Mikey sneaks out a lot to hang out with the big guy, often sneaking him into the house too. Mikey taught Leo how to prank and make puns.
6, Oof, excellent question. Havent thought about Hueso yet.
7, THAT'S DRAXUM BAYBEE!! Magic old men!! Woo!!
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pinkytoothlesso11 · 1 year
Hi there! Here's another vampire AU for trollhunters.
• The night before sophomore year of high school, Jim is forcibly turned into a halfling. He does not remember who turned him.
• Barabra had went missing in his freshman year. Due to this, he is living with his Aunt Morgana.
• Morgana is a vampire, but she had nothing to do with her sister's disappearance. However, she used it to her advantage.
• The amulet chose Jim in this AU. Kanjigar was not happy with a halfling Trollhunter, despite Jim refusing to drink human blood.
• Claire and Toby both find out Jim is a vampire at some point. Not sure how. That part is up to you.
• Jim finds out his aunt is a full vampire. When Morgana learns her nephew is the Trollhunter, she keeps him a prisoner.
• Eventually Claire is brought to Morgana, and Morgana bites the girl. She releases Jim from the chains she had him in, but forces him to make a choice.
• The choice was to convert into a full vampire, or she would let Claire die. He chose to convert but refused to join his aunt.
• As a halfling, Jim can hide his fangs. He could only be invited into someone's house if they let him in. Strickler is a full vampire, and Morgana's servant. He switches sides upon realizing Morgana wasn't afraid to use her own family members or hurt them if they refused to join them. Jim only survived his aunt's wrath upon refusing to join because of Strickler helping him and Claire escape.
I do not know if Barabra is eventually found, but she definitely wouldn't be happy to find out Morgana hurt her own nephew.
How the rest of this goes is up to you. I will say this: Morgana is the one who ordered Jim to be turned. Merlin also doesn't find out his own Trollhunter is a vampire until Jim reveals his fangs during a huge argument. Douxie had 'mysteriously' forgot to tell him.
Well at least this time Barbara isn't dead lol.
Even then, her having gone missing for a year can't have been easy on Jim. Since likely if not directly Morgana who has Barbara locked up somewhere so she could try and (unsuccessfully) control Jim and make him one of her vampires, it's someone who equally wants to control Jim. So either Merlin, Angor Rot or Arthur. She would DEFINITELY be found though.
Strickler helping Claire and Jim escape, even knowing he would become a target too goes to show how he cares for Jim (and Claire) a lot. Although unfortunately Jim is a full vampire now. At least Strickler can help him adjust to that transition.
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rule-number-3 · 1 year
Hello, I hope you are well, I have a question to kill boredom, how would you imagine if Kanjigar was Jim's loving father and was Barbara's exemplary husband? Since Jim needs a father and Kanjigar is his real father
Kanjigar scream dad material. Level headed usually, mature, follows his heart. Even estranged a bit from Draal he still cares about and supports him.
I'd love an au where Kanjigar doesn't 'die' as much as he retires and lives with the Lakes as Jim's trainer and surrogate dad because the amulet still picks him. Draal would be super jealous but still hang out because he's convinced even with Kanjigar training him, Jim won't last a day as the trollhunter.
Barbara gets some help and Jim and Draal can be bros for realsies. Fun times.
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yokuimmobylen · 2 years
In order not to accidentally lose posts, I will collect them here
1. Stolen Baby AU
Kidnapped Prisoner Belua Meeting with Kanjigar  Adoption  First meeting with Draal  Lesson with Galadrigals  Shackles  Belua and Healing  Father who has lost a child  Recognition Wedding gumm gumm royalty  Gumm Gumm Queen  New heir of the Oppressor Even the word ‘hopeless’ is not void of hope  Dictatious and Stalkling  An uninvited guest in the changeling nursery Trollhunter-Human in the Trollmarket 
Two disciple of Bodus. Piggy troll and Changeling  Return of the Ring  Trio of travelers. Taming the Angor  Exposing Alcamene  Trio of travelers+scars
2. Kodanth lives AU 
Plan Meeting Kodanth Loss of a familiar  Don't you dare blame yourself for my familiar's death  Kodanth meet TrollhunterS Discussion  Hatred of Galadrigal Scars  Lots of scars First meet Barbara Barbara and Kodanth Janus Order leader's brooch  Kodanth comes to JO for the first time Kodanth and JO  Be prepared Kodanth with an grenade launcher  Kodanth spends time with Nomura "Interrogation" of a spy Court. False accusations  Ungrateful role of babysitter  Trollmarket negotiations with Changelings Appearance of Bodus Cooperation with Bodus  Training with Otto  Training with Otto 2 In Merlin's tomb In Merlin's tomb 2 The Battle of Eternal Night The Battle of Eternal Night 2 The Battle of Eternal Night 3 The Battle of Eternal Night 4  Victory  After the fight
3. How to train your Gumm-Gumm
First meeting  Trolls are dangerous
4. Bodus Trollhunter AU
First reaction  Bodus' special armor  Sunglow armor XD  Suspicions
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Parent/Mentor Swap AU
The swaps:
Aaarrrgghh – Bular
Blinky – Nomura
Barbara – Strickler
 Yeah so this was meant to just be a short explanation but it’s not so please enjoy my 2500ish word backstory for this AU. (Jim will still be the Trollhunter.)
Shortly before the Battle of Killahead Bridge Bular is talking with his father about their plans for their future kingdom. In the course of the discussion Gunmar reveals that he wants to eliminate all humans and bring about a literal Eternal Night. (Gunmar has talked about the Eternal Night before but Bular assumed it was a metaphor.)
Bular doesn’t like humans per say. He definitely agrees that their numbers need to be reduced. He certainly wants them to be cast down into the dust and subjected to the rule of trollkind…
But he doesn’t want them gone.
The thought has frankly never occurred to him.
Humans are pests but they are tasty and create useful things. The world will be worse off without them.
The second point is even worse. Bular may be rash at times but he is not a fool. Trolls may not survive under the sun but they won’t survive without it either. Bular has traveled far and wide recruiting trolls for Gunmar’s cause. He’s seen what the Northern Lands become during the winter when for a time the sun ceases to rise.
Based of off that he has a fairly good idea of what the surface will become like under the Eternal Night and it is not desirable. There is no point in taking over the surface only to decimate it.
He tries to argue these points but his father will not listen. Eventually shutting the conversation down entirely with a warning snarl.
Bular is left uneasy. He wonders if it is wise for Gunmar to be the ruler anymore. He wonders if there might be more substance to the rumors of his father’s madness then he thought.
As the War comes to a head and the Battle of Killahead Bridge draws near, Bular tries to convince his father to change his mind. He receives only growls, sneers and a couple beat downs for his trouble.
Eventually he decides that other measures must be taken.
He considers starting an uprising but he doesn’t want to kill his father. Eventually he learns of Deya’s plan to banish Gunmar into the Darklands and decides to assist her. He thinks that spending some time in a world without humans or the sun might bring Gunmar to his senses.
Unfortunately Gunmar learns of this.
Bular, not wanting to fight his father, flees. Gunmar can’t leave to pursue his son, so he sends a detachment of soldiers lead by his most trusted general Aaarrrgghh after him.
Centuries later he comes to Arcadia. He is not accepted by the local troll population for a very long time. They don’t believe he’s really changed sides. It also doesn’t help that unlike Cannon!Aaarrrgghh he is not a pacifist. (He has sworn off eating humans however.) He eventually wins them over by helping the Kanjigar protect Trollmarket. He’s brought into the market for the first time because his energy drops to dangerously low levels (he’s completely catatonic when Kanjigar finds him) because he hasn’t been near a heartstone for centuries and doesn’t eat humans anymore. (I headcannon that eating humans allows for trolls to live away from a heartstone because humans produce a similar energy but in very small amounts).
Aaarrrgghh’s origin story is the same as in cannon: he was given to Gunmar by Usurna to be his champion.
In this story he doesn’t switch sides at the battle of Killahead. Seeing the destruction wrought by humans on uninvolved trolls leads him to believe that Gunmar is in the right about wiping them out. When the battle of Kilahead happens, he and his detachment of soldiers become the only Gum Gums outside of the Darklands (or rather the only known Gumm-Gumms) because they were hunting for Bular at the time.
Aaarrrgghh works rather loosely with the changelings as well as doing “recruiting” of more trolls to the Gumm-Gumm cause. (More like threatening into obedience).
Aaarrrgghh comes to Arcadia when he learns of the Trollmarket and Trollhunter’s presence there.
Aaarrrgghh’s presence combined with his small battalion results in more skirmishes with Trollmarket than in cannon. Bular and Draal work with Kanjigar to protect trolls that go out to scavenge against the Gumm-Gumms. The Janus Order has their hands full keeping the constant fighting secret.
Aaarrrgghh generally stays in Barbara’s basement which has a tunnel connecting it to the sewer system. (Disguised with magic so Trollmarket trolls and maintenance workers don’t find it.)
He often leaves the window open and tries to lure cats in for him to eat. This is how he meets Toby.
Toby happens to be looking for one of their missing cats. He finds paw prints leading to the open basement window. He attempts to get in the window but is shoved back by a pole. (Aaarrrgghh has been told repeatedly to not eat the neighbors since this will draw to much scrutiny and they will have to find him a new den if he does.) This distracts him from the cat as he is now more interested in learning about the strange something living in the basement of what he thought was an unoccupied house. He starts asking Aaarrrgghh (who he can’t see) questions about himself and Aaarrrgghh (who isn’t quite sure what to do in this situation) awkwardly responds.
Eventually Toby falls into the habit of visiting Aaarrrgghh’s basement window in the evening and jabbering to him about his day. He brings him little treats and will occasionally ask him questions.
Aaarrrgghh ends up growing fond of him and decides that while he doesn’t like humans in general this one is okay and he starts making plans to keep Toby alive after Gunmar returns.
  Blinky (Bartholomew Georgiou)
Blinky is given as a whelp to the Gum-Gumms by his brother Dictacious (who was working as a spy for Gunmar at the time) and made into a changeling. He’s slightly older than Barbara.
Blinky works at the Arcadia museum. He is in the habit of swapping out old, rare books with exact replicas so he can horde the originals in his secret library.
He has an incredible collection of books from many ages and places. He guards them zealously. Entering his library without permission is suicide and generally ends in the offender being blown to pieces by one of Blinky’s booby traps.
He has very few books of Trollish origin and would do just about anything for more.
Nomura was stolen by the Gumm-Gumm’s when she was a child but her parents survived the initial raid and several decades later they are able to rescue her. Her time with the Gumm-Gumm’s have left its mark, however, and she no longer fit the other trolls in her clan. Her family eventually moves to Dwoza Trollmarket.
She doesn’t really fit in with the younglings her age there either but she makes friends with the archivist. He eventually takes her on as his apprentice and when he passes she takes over as the Trollmarket librarian. She takes her job very seriously and does not tolerate loss or abuse of books.
She becomes friends with Draal (due to having similar temperaments) and later she becomes the first troll to truly accept Bular in the Arcadia Trollmarket.
Barbara is a 700(ish) year old changeling (equivalent of 40-50 human years) and the head of the Janus Order. She’s still a doctor and has the most knowledge of how troll and human bodies work of any one person on the planet. This is partially due to how long she’s been alive but also to the large number of often highly unethical experiments she’s carried out on both species.
Barbara meets James Sturges when she’s working on retrieving a piece of the Killahead Bridge in Maine (officially she’s just a nurse at the hospital named Janet). They hit it off and start dating. Barbara finds his expectations for how she’s supposed to act a little annoying but it suits the role she’s currently playing so she goes along with them.
Then James makes the mistake of breaking one of Barbara’s rules and goes through some of her off-limits stuff, so she kills him and disposes of the body.
She assumes that’s the end of that but about 4 months later when she tries to shift into troll form she can’t. Aside from a curse, there is one thing that will prevent a changeling from shifting back into a troll. A trip to the local pharmacy confirms it: she’s pregnant.
This is certainly a dilemma.
Until she’s done with the pregnancy (one way or another) she’s trapped in her human form.
In the past she would have had an abortion without a second thought, but with Gunmar’s release and the destruction of the human race drawing closer and closer this will probably be her last real opportunity to experience pregnancy. So out of pure scientific curiosity she decides to go through with it.
Quite a few arrangements have to be made but soon she’s on her way to her hidden cabin out in a remote area of Alaska.
The pregnancy and birth go well and soon she is the mother to a little boy. She names him James after his father, figuring that will keep her from getting attached. She plans to keep him for two or three years to observe his growth and see if any changeling traits manifest after which point she’ll drop him off at an orphanage or something. As far as the Janus Order can tell human-changeling unions produce completely human children, but one can never beat first hand observation and experience.
She initially chalks up the warm and mushy feelings she’s getting to hormones. It isn’t until Jim is about two and a half that she’s tucking him into bed one night and Jim gives her a sleepy smile and leans into her hand that she realizes that she really truly loves him.
This was not in the plan.
After Jim is asleep, Barbara calmly goes outside and devotes an hour to cursing. (One of the perks of living centuries is that she’s had ample opportunity to amass an extensive collection of swear words.) After that she feels a lot calmer and more ready to look at the situation in a rational manner.
The fact of the matter is that she genuinely cares about Jim. She’s developed feelings for people in the past but it’s always been something she’s been able to pass off as part of her cover. (She still misses her pirate crew sometimes). Jim however is not. Barbara has a lot of enemies. If Jim’s relationship to Barbara is discovered he will never know peace and if Barbara keeps Jim around it will be discovered.
So it’s with a strangely heavy heart that Barbara realizes that this changes nothing: the best thing for Jim is for her to give him up.
On his third birthday she gives him some tea that will make sure he stays soundly asleep. Barbara can’t go through the legal process of giving up a child because: A. Jim does not exist in any legal manner and B. As changelings are everywhere and Barbara is well known (infamous really) there is a very real possibility that someone would find out. So she leaves him on the doorstep of a foster family she has carefully vetted out as responsible and trustworthy and keeps watch from some hidden cameras until she knows he has been found and is going to be taken care of. With him are a note with his date of birth and first name and a necklace with a pendant carved from Barbara’s own stone (Barbara isn’t very good at magic but she was able to enchant it with a simple protection and luck spell.).
Once she’s satisfied that Jim will be cared for she goes on her way and forces herself to not look back.
Nine years later she moves to Arcadia and three years after that she is very shocked to find a found add describing the Amulet of Daylight of all things. She calls the number but is told that the amulet was already claimed. Further investigation reveals that the amulet has chosen its first human bearer (or so everyone thinks). Barbara feels a bit of a twinge in her heart when she learns that the new Trollhunter is about the same age her son would be and that his name is Jim but doesn’t think too much of it. There are a lot of Jims in the world after all and she left hers in Alaska.
She immediately arranges a very minor “accident” as an excuse to make contact with his father in order to keep an eye on him.
Walter Strickler is a history teacher at University of Alaska Anchorage. He enjoys his life and his job but there’s one thing lacking: he’s always wanted a child.
He’s had a few relationships over the years but none have ever stuck. He’s also of the opinion that he shouldn’t go into a relationship specifically with the end goal of having a kid.
He weighs his options and decides that he’s financially very stable at the moment. His work hours are consistent and he can afford to cut back a little; especially since his stock investments have been doing well in the recent years. All things considered: he decides he’s in a place that he can be a single parent.
He begins looking into adoption.
Eventually he finds Jim. As Jim has no parents or relations on record, the adoption is relatively simple.
Jim is very shy at first (having spent his life so far out in the woods with only his Mom for company). Eventually he warms up to Walter and then becomes very clingy. Living with only one other person for his early years and then being left behind has left Jim with some attachment issues.
Walter ends up taking him to his classes where he sits in the back and doodles while Walter lectures. He’s a rather quiet kid (most of the time) so this works out well. Walter’s students adopt him as the class mascot.
When Jim is five, right before he’s ready to start Kindergarten, Walter’s mom falls ill. Walter is an only child, so after some debate he ends up moving back to his hometown of Arcadia, California to care for her.
He meets Nancy Domzalski through the chest club and through her Jim meets Toby. The two boys become fast friends.
When Walter’s mother passes away four years later, he decides to stay in Arcadia. Jim is well settled and Walter enjoys his job teaching history at Arcadia High School.
Things are going well.
Then his son finds a strange blue amulet in the canal. It looks fairly expensive so Walter puts a found add up and assumes the owner will give him a call. Then settles down to work on grading papers.
He is definitely not prepared when his son, sitting across the table from him, reads an incantation off the amulet and starts floating.
He is even less prepared when a large stony monster the size of a large grizzly barges into their house.
Bular attempts to explain the situation to the father-son duo but they both faint from terror.
Not quite sure what else to do he wraps them up in a tarp and takes them to Trollmarket. He figures Vendal can sort it out.
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gotmilk5101520 · 2 years
You talked about the Battle of Arcadia, Jim Doesn't Exists and My Boyfriend The Giant Troll Beast. But nothing about the Gumm-Gumms Win. I like to hear how this goes
Glad I got this now cause I've been getting ideas for this au.
I mentioned before that this au takes inspiration from Attack on Titan and Tokyo Ghoul. Well another series has influenced me. It's JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. More specifically Part 3 Stardust Crusaders. Now onto the au.
The Battle of Killahead has been going on for a while and the Trollhunter Deya has been fighting the Gumm-Gumm leader Gunmar. Deya was about to open Killahead and imprison Gunmar and his army when Gunmar gets unexpected help from the mysterious Arcane Order.
With the Order's help, Deya is killed and the Trolls begin to lose the battle and dying one after another. This includes Kanjigar. The Arcane Order uses the Amulet to open Killahead Bridge and traps the Trolls inside. Gunmar has won, and now no Troll will stop him. All he needs is the Eternal Night and then the Gumm-Gumms can rule the world.
However the Order tells him that Morgana was sealed by Merlin, but they tell him that the Amulet was made from a piece of Morgana and they can use it to free her. But the Amulet has disappeared. With it gone, Gunmar decides he will find Morgana, free her and bring the Eternal Night himself. And since all the Trolls are trapped in the Darklands, the Amulet has no one to chose.
A few years later Gunmar leads his army and attacks the humans. But one human stands up and fights them. Seeing this one man's courage, other humans begin to fight the Gumm-Gumms. This human that influence the people to fight was named Jack.
As the centuries passed and the threat of the Gumm-Gumms becomes known to the world, many countries began to come together. Borders were removed cause of the Gumm-Gumms. However despite the advancement of technology, nothing can defeat Gunmar. Because Gunmar is unbeatable, a lot of humans began to side with him and act as spies for him. These humans would later form the Janus Order.
In a small town in California called Arcadia. A boy name Jim Lake Jr wakes up from a dream where he saw a bridge, weird creatures fighting Gumm-Gumms, three figures, someone getting killed, a weird light, a man talking to someone, and an amulet. But he wakes up and brush it off as nothing. Jim gets ready for the day.
Jim lives with his mom Barbara Lake, a doctor. He goes to school with his best friend Toby and has a crush on a girl name Claire. Jim learns how to fight in order to protect his mom should a Gumm-Gumm show up.
One day Jim notices his family heirloom, a weird amulet, begin to glow. This heirloom has been in his family for a long time and is said to be a good luck charm. Jim picks it up but it still glows and strange words appears.
"For the glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command"
After repeating what is on the amulet, Jim is floating in the air and put into a suit of armor. Then a sword appears from thin air. Jim becomes confused by this and what his family heirloom is. He shows Toby and even he's confused, but thinks it's cool.
But a Gumm-Gumm shows up by the hospital that Jim's mom works at. Jim rushes over to save her. But he's unable to defeat it. Then the amulet begins to glow and active on its own. Without thinking, Jim ends up stabbing the Gumm-Gumm with the sword and it turns to stone. Now Jim is left with more questions. Unbeknownst to Jim is that he was being watched by one of his teachers. Walter Strickler, a member of the Janus Order.
Jim tries to go to sleep but can't cause of what happened earlier. He grabs the amulet and asks for answers. The amulet glows and Jim is taken back to the bridge he saw in his dream but he sees the whole thing. He learns about the Trollhunter and the Amulet of Daylight and what really happened at the Battle of Killahead.
The next memory is a boy finding the Amulet and taking it with him. Next thing the boy knew his life began to get better. The boy, who has grown into a man, was there when the Gumm-Gumms begun their attack. The man picks up a weapon and starts fighting and encourages everyone to join and fight. Jim realizes these are Jack's memories.
As the years pass Jack continued fighting the Gumm-Gumms and teaming up with and befriending a wizard. Jack eventually got married and had kids. He looked at the amulet, as he realizes that it's been something of a good luck charm. Then the amulet begins to glow and an old man shows up. The old man introduces himself as Merlin the Amulet of Daylight's creator.
Merlin explains to Jack about the Battle of Killahead Bridge and how the Trolls lost the battle and are trapped. Merlin tells Jack that there are no one who can become the Trollhunter. But there is hope. Merlin reveals that in the future a human will be born and they will be the Trollhunter, free the Trolls, and end Gunmar once and for all. Merlin tells Jack that the human is one of Jack's descendents. After hearing all this, Jack agrees and that he and his family will keep the Amulet safe until his descendent is born.
Jim returns to reality and is shocked at what he learned. The Trollhunter, the Trolls trapped, he is Jack's descendent, the truth about his family heirloom and that he was meant to be the Trollhunter.
Because of this Jim makes the decision to free the Trolls by going to Killahead Bridge all the in Scotland (Well it takes a while before he decides to go there) He is joined by Toby and Claire and the three go on a journey to free the Trolls and end Gunmar. However Gunmar has been informed about the Amulet choosing a human and he has now send his troops after Jim and his party.
Truth be told I do have plans for Aja Krel and Douxie. But they don't show up till later. But that's the Gumm-Gumms Win au.
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ladyfluffbutt · 3 years
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Name: Irizhia (No Last Name)
Nicknames: Rizzie, Miss Rizzle (used by Toby as a joke. NEVER says it to her face)
Age: Unknown (Appears mid 20s-early 30s)
Species: Amalgam (closed original species. Working on description)
Height: 6ft 4in (human form)
Titles: Forest Witch, Fire Witch
Location: Somewhere in the woods outside of Arcadia
Powers: Specializes in fire and lightning magic (uses various opals. Mainly Dragon Fire/ Dragon’s Breath Opal)
Weapons: Fire/lighting magic, double edged short sword (summoned with magic), chain whip with dragon fire opal tip (explodes on impact. Also summoned with magic), shapeshifting
Hobbies: Combat training, metalwork art, acting, singing, hunting
Likes: Swimming, cold temps, flying, tea (earl grey), reading novels, sailing, puzzles, rain, soft blankets
Dislikes: Most Trolls, Hot temps, onions, crowds, the Trollhunter, most humans, bagpipes, flash photos, most Changlings
Hates: Gunmar, Gum-Gums, being ordered around, being surprised/spooked, being pestered about her personal life
Personality: With strangers she’s a bit hotheaded and quick to anger/get annoyed, especially if pushed to try and open up. She’s not afraid to let ya know that ya piss her off or what she thinks about you. With those she knows well and family she’s more open and parental. She’ll joke and be playful, especially when it comes to kids. She still expects to be respected though, which is why Toby will never mentions the “Miss Rizzle” nickname to her.
Irizhia is only one of a few remaining creatures known as The Amalgam. Their so few that they’re in the single digits. She’s the appointed leader of them and protects her adopted siblings as fiercely as all those who have come to her for safety.
She has a settlement deep in the Arcadia woods where a number of defected changlings and children, troll, human, and Changling alike all live alongside here. Their home is protected and hidden by a powerful magic barrier. Most refer to the place as “Eden”.
She and those under her keep close eyes on the goings on in both TrollMarket and the Janice Order for their own safety and interfere only when absolutely necessary and always in disguise.
Trollhunter Irizhia (oh yeah Kanjigar lives too)
Irizhia is taking her adopted son Jim out for tracking practice when they stumble upon the stone statue of Trollhunter Kanjigar lying under a tree.
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She comes to the conclusion he’s been afflicted with Creeper’s Sun poison and, with some begging for her to help him from Jim, takes Kanjigar back to the settlement to administer the cure before taking a dazed and delirious troll back to TrollMarket.
He moments of kindness backfire as the amulet, thinking Kanjigar dead, now chose her as the Trollhunter and she’s NOT happy about it.
Instead of having Kanjigar as her ghost Mentor I thought it’d be fun to throw a certain descendant of Blinky’s at her since their personalities are very different.
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Araknak annoys the hell out of her lol. So optimistic and carefree and touchy, ewww! And he’s trying to be her friend so hard, double eww.
She’s fighting to keep her truth hidden but something has to give. Here’s hoping TrollMarket stays in one piece.
TrollSon AU
Irizhia finds and rescues a 7-year-old Jim from a horde of vengeful goblins and carries him back to TrollMarket, only to be stalked and charged at by Bular looking for a meal. It soon ends up with Bular, Stricklander, and Nomura verses Irizhia and Kanjigar in the canal.
Irizhia takes a blow for Kanjigar and is dragged into TrollMarket for safety and treatment. Now she has to keep her cool while tending to her blinded eyes while they heal.
Doesn’t help with the Trollhunter, Blinkous, and Vendal constantly grilling her about her use of highly dangerous and unstable Dragon Fire Opal and how she learned to use it so masterfully. Not to mention the sweet little human boy who’s asking her questions as well.
If she doesn’t wind up ripping someone’s head off by the end of the day, she’ll be surprised.
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albentelisa · 8 months
Hi! So here's an interesting ask.
What if Jim was born as a wizard, with Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan as his teacher?
Jim's magic woke up at five. Barabra is accepting of Jim's magic, but James Sr is disgusted at his son being a wizard and calls him 'an abominal freak of nature who should be wiped off the earth' which is what led Barabra to divorcing James.
I'll say that Jim's magic power seemingly came out of nowhere in this AU (well, his ancestors possessed magic, but Barbara for example had no idea magic was real). Jim's magic is too strong for someone born in this era. His element is light too, which is rather rare.
After her divorce, Barbara does her best, trying to find a good magic teacher for her son despite having no connections to the magic world. She does so because Jim's magic goes out of control frequently and she's scared he might harm himself. Initially, her attempts are futile as she only finds all kinds of con artists.
Barbara finds out Douxie by accident when she catches a glimpse of his magic and realizes that it's as real as Jim's. Initially, Douxie is reluctant to teach Jim (as he isn't a master wizard), but as he realizes that there is no one to show the kid the proper way to do magic, he accepts the mentor's role.
Jim likes Douxie tremendously, though he thinks of him as his big bro rather than his teacher (and well, Douxie is fine with that - he just fails to be strict or formal).
Toby learns about Jim's secret relatively fast - once Jim starts to believe that Toby will react adequately. After learning about the magic, Toby often joins Jim during his lessons at GDT Arcane Books (though he mostly fools around and annoys Archie).
Jim (and Toby too) tries to join Douxie in his occasional monster hunting, but it's where Douxie is really strict (as they are still kids and he feels responsible). Not that it changes a lot though as those two sneak out and hunt small creatures (like goblins) rather often. During one of those outings, Toby and Jim meet Blinky and Aaarrrgghh and befriend them. Another reckless hunt leads to meeting Kanjigar, who isn't happy about kids risking their lives. Kanjigar also learns that Douxie (who is Merlin's apprentice) is in Arcadia.
Since then Douxie, Jim, and Toby become regular visitors at the Trollmarket. Kanjigar is fine teaming up with Douxie sometimes, but it's a big no for Jim (and especially Toby) to join.
Ironically, that is the reason why Jim and Toby bond with Draal. Those three have a lot of secret missions together, which resulted in several changelings' deaths.
That activity picks up Strickler's attention. He knows that there's a wizard in Arcadia, but has no idea who it is. Still, he decides to awaken Angor Rot and use him as a bodyguard.
Strickler also decides to find and force Angor to train a shadowmancer to counter the unknown wizard's light magic. Angor picks up Claire and Strickler switches Enrique with NotEnrique to force her to cooperate (and have an overseer).
Meanwhile, like in the canon, Kanjigar dies. And in this AU Draal succeeds him as the next champion. Jim is obviously part of his team by that time - those two are basically brothers-in-arms. Draal is also more cooperative as he has learned to work in a team before becoming the Trollhunter.
Unfortunately, Strickler accidentally learns that the mysterious wizard is Jim (they are close in this AU too). He plans to use Claire to convince him to switch sides (as he knows about Jim's crush). Strickler also approaches Barbara to have a backup plan (and ends up falling for her).
Claire is conflicted once she learns that Jim is a wizard, like her. Because of her circumstances, she hates her own magic and sees it more as shackles. Initially, she thinks that Jim is also forced to practice magic, but soon realizes he is free. Since that moment, she starts to hope that Jim might help her to escape and gives him small hints (she cannot tell him openly as Angor is watching her from shadows). Alas, Jim is slow and doesn't catch those right away, but eventually realizes that Strickler is the enemy and Claire is also on the villains' side (initially, he doesn't realize she has no choice).
As for Draal, he discovers that Nomura is also in Arcadia (there is some more bonding between Jim and Draal as both fell in love with an enemy).
Claire manages to have a proper talk with Jim (which Angor deliberately 'ignores') and explains everything. They both have a plan that Claire works as an inside agent and helps the team defeat Bular. However, Strickler catches her and uses her as a hostage to lure Jim (he plans to use him against Draal later).
Jim seemingly cooperates only for the rest of the team to barge in and defeat Bular. Nomura still ends up in the Darklands (she is close to switching sides though) and Strickler escapes with the help of Angor.
Claire is now free and Jim promises her to free her brother. He is slightly concerned that Draal won't agree to open Killahead only to discover that Draal also wants to go there to save Nomura and kill Gunmar, no matter what everyone else is thinking. Draal asks Douxie to upgrade the amulet (he believes that Merlin's apprentice can do it), but Douxie thinks it's impossible for him. Meanwhile, Jim and Blinky discover the information about triumbric stones and the quest for Eclipse begins.
Strickler never leaves Arcadia in this AU. He lies low though as he's scared that both Claire and Jim will look for him to kill him (and even if those two forgave him, Draal wouldn't). Besides, Strickler doesn't believe that the Trollhunter and his team can defeat Gunmar - he thinks that they will only free him, which will result in disaster (for him as well as he failed Gunmar). Strickler decides to prevent them from opening Killahead and later dispose of the team (even though he regrets that Jim is among them). He also uses a binding spell on Barbara to ensure his safety.
Meanwhile, Angor contacts Claire and makes a deal with her. In this AU Claire knows that Angor is a victim of circumstances and can relate, so she isn't against freeing him.
As for her shadow magic, she is reluctant to use it as it's connected to her unpleasant memories, but as both Jim and Douxie (who took over as her magic teacher) encourage her, she is more willing to give it another try.
The Janus Order betrays Strickler (they also send some stalkings after him), and he is on the run. He has no choice but to come to Jim for help. Jim agrees to help him but asks to free his mother and Angor first.
Actually, Strickler half-expects that Jim won't keep his word so he's surprised when the Trollhunter's team actually gets rid of stalkings.
Barbara in this AU is aware of mostly everything minus the fact that Strickler is a changeling and about the binding spell (as Jim decided to keep it from her so that his mother wouldn't be heartbroken). Strickler confesses everything to her himself, seeking her forgiveness. While Barbara doesn't forgive him at once, she is willing to give him a chance to atone.
Despite the plan, Draal decides to go to the Darklands alone as he feels that it will be tough there for everyone else (and previous trollhunters kept reminding him that the Trollhunter should stay alone). Jim manages to tag along at the last second.
They find Enrique, and Draal sends Jim towards the exit. Jim gets Enrique out (like in the canon), but gets captured and ends the next cell to Nomura. Gunmar doesn't kill him for now as he plans to mind-control Draal and force him to kill Jim (and mind-break him entirely).
What Gunmar hasn't expected is that Jim teams up with Nomura and helps Draal escape. The other teammates arrive just in time to help them too.
Still, Gunmar is out of the Darklands like in the canon. Angor Rot goes alone to fight him and ends up mind-controlled. Gunmar also contacts the Janus Order and Usurna, starting to gather his forces. Gunmar contacts Morgana through Angor's mind as those two have a link and also takes over the Trollmarket.
Everyone who escaped is slightly desperate and decides to contact Merlin.
In this AU, Merlin doesn't destroy Jim's life, but he's pretty much willing to sacrifice Draal if that means defeating Gunmar for good (and Draal actually sees no problem with that until Nomura beats some common sense into him).
Jim and Claire decide to try and power up the amulet using their powers (as they both instantly dislike Merlin). It's rather dangerous for them as both are inexperienced and the power up is temporary, so Draal only has some limited time until it stops working.
Still he manages to win (with everyone's assistance).
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discordiansamba · 3 years
playing around with some ideas for half-troll jim for my AU! his physical appearance will be the same as in canon, but there’s things I’ll definitely be toying with too
the sun won’t actually burn him like it does full trolls, but it’s still not exactly comfortable... especially at the height of the day, when its at its peak
he can eat more human foods, but typically not things people would consider eating- like guzzling an entire bottle of olive oil (and then eating the bottle)
he ages extremely rapidly compared to actual full troll younglings- basically at the same rate as a human kid, except ofc he’s taller and stronger than any human kid his age would ever be. it’s unknown if his growth rate will stay consistent with humans or if it will slow down as he reaches adulthood.
he’s homeschooled by Barbara. sorry kid, there’s no escaping academia.
toby brought a recording of one of the school plays during freshmen year and he fell in love with Claire at first sight. some things never change.
still cooks for Barbara but there was... definitely a lot more trial and error involved seeing as he couldn’t really taste his (most) of his food. he got it though!! eventually!! and he only drastically overspiced the food once!!
(there wasn’t nearly enough milk in the house that day)
he knows there’s trolls in Arcadia, but for a variety of reasons, he avoids them. the trolls also know about him, and though while they are curious, they keep their distance.
(kanjigar keeps distant tabs on him, but generally doesn’t interfere. living with a human is... unconventional, but they’re at least careful enough that there shouldn’t be an issue of trolls becoming public knowledge)
there’s... definitely a part of him that wishes he were more normal (read: more human) but he keeps it to himself bc why deal with your emotions when you can bottle them up!
(some things really don’t change)
and then the amulet calls to him, and the rest is history.
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wizardouxie · 4 years
Trollhunters but it’s a figure skating au
So Jim used to skate when he was younger
But he left the rink to take care of his mom after his dad abandoned them
Weirdly enough it was his dad who originally got him into ice skating
But it was for hockey and not actual figure skating whoops
Steve constantly tries to bully Jim about it
Apparently it’s a “girl” thing
Toby on the other hand tries constantly to get Jim back into the game
“Come on dude, you used to fly across the ice! It’s super cool,”
“You know I left that behind Tobes,”
When they find out Claire is a skater Jim is Interested™
Toby notices LMAO
Jim kinda wants to but at the same time he doesn’t really have the motivation for it
Or a coach…
Because it’s Blinky and Aaarrrgghh!
They’re really good coaches
Well Unkar begs to differ but THAT’S NOT IMPORTANT
Aaarrrgghh actually teaches Toby to skate as well
“Jim look I’m doing it!”
“That’s great Tobes! A couple of years and maybe you’ll reach my level!”
“Haha nice joke!”
“I was being serious –”
Draal gets lowkey pissed that Jim is trying out for nationals cuz he’s been working up to this to prove to his father Kanjigar
Who by the way, was the one who always faced off Gunmar in the finals
However Bular beat Kanjigar one competition and ever since then the pro skater has given up his claim to glory
Anyways there’s a regionals competition that Jim and Draal are competing to win because after that they can move onto state
Toby somehow lands himself as a commentator for the ice skating competition so you can bet your money he’d yell into the mic over Jim 
Eli is the other commentator
Jim beats Draal fair and square
Draal grudgingly accepts defeat and decides to help Jim on his journey to winning gold
Trollhunter amulet? Nah. Ice skates that make Jim feel confident? YAH.
No they are not enchanted nothing is enchanted in this AU
They’re his lucky skates leave him be ‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚
Meanwhile Strickler is Bular’s coach
…They really don’t get along
Strickler and Nomura try to spy on Blinky and Jim to see what routine and music they’re planning to use
They also steal Jim’s skates cuz they notice how he some gets better with them in comparison to his practice skates
Blinky and Jim find the skates in their bag and exposes them
Lmao doesn’t stop them from sending Angor Rot to do their dirty work
Angor also steals Jim’s skates and Jim’s like bruh
Jim breaks something of Angor’s and Angor freaks but the adult is quickly taken away by security and now banned from all local skating rinks
Jim breezes through state competition thankfully
Unfortunately so do others 
Here comes the Return of Gunmar and Morgana
Aka the two of them getting back in the competition because Bular repeatedly FAILS to demolish Jim and Morgana wants to claim the win she was denied before
They both “need” a coach so Usurna backs Gunmar while Morgana has Dictatious
Blinky is appalled to see his brother fraternizing with the enemy
The Tribunal (without Usurna) are the judges of the competition
Meanwhile Jim really wants to impress Claire
He hopes she’s watching him from home
But get this, she’s going to nationals for the women’s division
Small world we live in, huh?
NotEnrique is her coach but they have a hard time getting along with each other
For the most part she’s been studying Morgana’s routines from past competitions and borrowed some sequences while putting her own spin on it (literally)
Jim loves to see her practice and the feeling is mutual from Claire’s side!
Even if it meant seeing Jim always tripping on his feet
And getting his skates stuck rip
She finds it cute lmao
They begin to fall in love yada yada yada PAIR SKATE
They do a pair skate to Eres Tú for fun
At one point Merlin pops in to give Jim advice and everyone freaks
He’s an ex Olympics gold medalist what’s he doing here???? OMG???
He takes Jim to another room… and tells Jim to switch his entire routine
“Gunmar will easily defeat you with that mediocre performance,”
Jim is Offended
But after some consideration he takes Merlin’s new routine, shuts out everyone from the rink to practice on his own
Quickly reaches brink of exhaustion, like he’s caked in sweat
Still keeps going at it despite the shouts from the other side
Blinky is yelling at Merlin and Claire is trying to break through and it’s BAD
Meanwhile Jim is tearing up because he’s gotten this far and he’s trying his best and everyone is rooting for him
He can’t let them down, he just can’t
He collapses on the ice the same time the door is broken down
The press learns about this and the headlines are raging about whether Jim will participate in the finals or not
“I’m going to win,”
“No, you’re going to hurt yourself,”
“I don’t care,”
“But we do!”
Unfortunately his mind is set
Blinky and Aaarrrgghh can only watch him push himself
Now for the moment you’ve all been waiting for: The Grand Prix Nationals
Jim goes up against Gunmar and Claire goes up against Morgana
Jim takes his chances before getting into the rink
“No lucky kiss for me?”
Claire raises an eyebrow and then kisses him on the cheek
“Go get em tiger.”
After that Jim is absolutely feral on the ice
Homie is out for blood
The commentator remarks that he’s not even human at this point with his new routine
Merlin watches with approval, stroking his beard
Blinky has a strong urge to pull it but Aaarrrgghh holds him back
Jim finishes his routine while looking at Claire and Toby and they give him a thumbs up
Gunmar does his performance and it is definitely professional, after all he’s been doing this for a long time
He ends by smirking at Jim
But let the results speak for themselves
Drum roll please!
And so Gunmar dies figuratively (HA get it figure skating fig- okay nvm)
Press goes nuts that the rookie beat a pro
Suddenly cameras and mics are shoved towards Jim and Toby is loving it
Toby, certified public relationship agent
Blinky is so proud of Jim
“I knew you had it in you.”
Now we move onto the women’s division
So Claire definitely has a few tricks up her sleeve
She pulls off a costume change and her outfit goes from white/gold to black/purple
Then she pulls off a move that Morgana attempted in a previous comp but failed to perform which leaves the crowd shocked
Morgana is utterly stunned to the point it affects her performance
She over rotates, trips, slips, every ice skating nightmare, you name it
Everyone watched the Grand Prix thinking Morgana would win and came out just knowing Claire would seize the gold this time
Morgana is humiliated with a bronze… again
Afterwards Jim and Claire are yelling at each other because they won nationals together
Merlin walks up to them and offers to coach them for Olympics if they’d like
Blinky and Aaarrrgghh definitely tag along
Merlin isn’t about to get all the credit
Toby unfortunately has to fly back to Arcadia while they train :((
But no worries, he can always commentate on the ice skating performances at home!
*sigh* They’re not as fun though, mostly showcases rather than competitions
But one day a new rising skater from Cantaloupia shows up to the rink and changes everything
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bastet-c-haddock · 3 years
ToA Cyberpunk AU 1/?
"Attention citizens of Arcadia..."
That uneasiness takes over, that voice roaring through the dark city thanks to the speakers located throughout the streets.
"The city's center will be closed down to the public from tomorrow until further notice. The reason for this has yet to be explained, still, no one is allowed into the main state building, the plaza and the clock tower. Be tuned for more info down the line"
Sometime ago, that voice used to be good news, a bright light at the start of everyday. Now, sounds hollow, almost dead, as if the joy was sucked out of it since the day the sun stopped shining onto this town.
A black bubble encapsulates the city, making each moment eternal.
Sunlight was replaced by LED and Neon Lights, placed into every corner of the town just so anyone could see where they where standing in this black hole. The town grew more in the last 3 years than in all of its history because it became a Sanctuary to every living creature. Troll, human or...akiridian. From a small town to a city, Arcadia was no longer the place I grew up on. Now, it is a place where forest are scarse and the air is hunted by the ghosts of the past.
How did we end up like this?
The eternal night didn't took hold of the world, as Gunmar wanted. Morando's threat over humankind was vanquished as well. But the Arcane Order...was too much for us...for me...
I was no longer the Trollhunter, I couldn't be the one on the frontline guiding the attack. I was left sitting on the bench, looking as everyone I loved perished because I wasn't able to wield Daylight or...Excalibur for that matter...
Despair drove me to keep hidden where I once lived, now...I'm nothing more than an urban legend living on a wreckage of a house.
Me...the last Trollhunter
Me...James Lake Junior, the ghost of Merlin's champion...
I still remember when Kanjigar told me "I had to fight on my own". I proved him wrong so many times but...at the end...he was right. How could I be so blind?
. . .
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Her voice as calm and soft as always, her gentle embrace helping me get by once I was my old self again. Everything was shifted, my height and weight were smaller from what I had been the last year or two. Being human again after being half troll was...weird. Claire, against everything, was there. "Last time she saw you, you were...different. Don't you think she'll be worried?" Concerned, yet sweet.
"She's right, Jimbo!" Tobes replies, as concerned as her. "Wouldn't you like to rest before confronting Dr. B?" For once, Toby was trying to make me change my mind, maybe with a reasonable logic. An hour before, I was a monster, lost in a magic indused rage, and before that, I was wounded with a magic shard for a little over a month, even before all of that, I wasn't able to properly sleep for...who knows how long! Weirdly enough, that only fueled my desire even more.
"Guys, I only want a thing right now..." as I said that, a glimpse of a very familiar and nostalgic sight can into view. "My home..." I whispered as I desperately wanted to run to the front door. Claire and Toby followed me, seeing as I tripped over the sidewalk, drunk on my homesickness. I could already feel the warmth of the living room, the clean smell of the kitchen, the dust on the basement, the fabrics of my bed and most of all, the sweet scent of my mother's loving embrace.
I bumped into the door, trying to keep balance as I tried that night 2 years ago, the night I came home as a half troll. As that memory ran, I stopped my hand from opening the door. She was going to have a thousand questions about how, why, when. Everything...
"Jim?" Claire whispered from behind, placing her hand on my shoulder. "Is everything ok?" Confused because I was hesitating after running down the street to get there.
"I'm...scared..." I reply, remembering how worried my mother was when I fell over that night. "What if...I...she..." my mind was running, my anxiety was making my thoughts blurry. Once again, Claire looked at me, her dark eyes being my beacon of light.
"Everything is going to be ok" those worlds coming from her, made me throw my anxiety aside for a moment. I was still nervous but...the only way to find out how everything was going to play out, was by entering the house.
I open the door, hesitant, someone's in the kitchen...
"Walter! You returned earlier!" Her voice, as warm as ever. Sweet, like a nursery rhyme. Walks from the stove to the open square on the wall that lets her see directly to the entrance. "How was your...day?"
Our eyes clash for a moment, her expression changes from happiness, to disbelief. And there I stand, like the eighteen year old youngster I was once, frozen by a sight I never thought I could get to see again and I now wish I still had.
She walks slowly, from the kitchen, to the access directly in front of the entrance door. Her face doesn't change, but her eyes glisten. She comes closer, slowly, fearing her eyes were lying to her.
"Jim?..." she muttered in disbelief, getting closer by the second. Her hands slowly moving upward, until they embrace my face, carecing my scarred cheeks. "Jim, is...is it really you?".
I could only left out a nervous giggle, trying to keep my tears at bay. Her touch makes the clock run back in time, back to those good old days, when there was only me and her against everything. When I promised her I would never leave...
"Hi, mom...It's me..." only those worlds leave my mouth, as I try not to whimper like a kid, but that dumb smile in my face, alongside my glistening eyes speak volumes. Luckily for me, she looks the same.
At a moment's notice, she hugs me like she had never done before, stroking my hair with her hands shaking like crazy. I can hear her weeping her heart out, but she's also giggling. I hug her back...
"I missed you!" I whimper as my silent tears run across my face.
"I missed you too! I missed you so much!!" She replies, as we let the clock go by endlessly, trapped in a melancholic bubble. Her embrace is all I ever wanted since I left to New Jersey, her warmth, her sweetness, every last piece of love I always got but never fully appreciated. Just being with her, already felt like home.
"Welcome home, kiddo" . . .
. . .
I no longer remember how she passed away, I guess my mind blocked it so I could keep my sanity. Was it that bad? I no longer know...
And now...here I stand, alone in this empty house. Few things still work, others have become dust gathering ornaments. Against the bright city surrounding me, this feels stuck in time. The walls are cracking, the paing is rotting away and the dust stains everything with its gray color. A color that fits me perfectly now...
Heavy footsteps come and go through the house, all coming from my tired feet, who no longer wish to act as intended. My body moves around only when needed, like when I need go search for something I can eat.
Since I'm dead to the public eye, I have certain liberties. I can steal anything I need, since tracing me always comes to a dead end. It isn't something I enjoy, but I don't have any other option.
When social structure was reorganized, humans were left at the bottom of the priority list. Because they used to be the former residents of the town, they soon became the hosts for the refugees, specially to akiridions, who felt no shame whatsoever on having their hosts turning into servants. Other aliens came by, reinforcing the control over us, because they were stronger than us. As far as I know, there are still groups who search for some level of equality, but none have spoken up. I can't give you names, mostly because I don't know any, but sometimes, while going through the streets, I can see a symbol on some walls: Two circles one inside the other with a line crossing them horizontally. Seems familiar but...I can't put my finger on it.
Sometimes...I wonder how everything could have been if I had fought.
If I had been the Trollhunter when the Arcane War came upon Arcadia. We would´ve won? I don´t know...but...I miss them...I wish I had protected them like I did before. If only Excalibur had given me a chance...
. . .
The night falls over the city -my only marker of that is on the clock I still have on my room- And my time has come to go gather the essentials: Food, water and maybe a rogue to deal with. Those have become abundant for the last month, probably because of that treaty everyone is mumbling about. 
Supposedly, the queen of Akiridion 5, among with other heads of state, will sign a document. No one knows why but the sole temptation of a big fish roaming through the city has caused some criminals to rise. I have no doubt that a revolution is coming, I can sense it. This comes as an opportunity to “recover the town”, but I think we lost it a long while ago. Either way, I won´t get involved.
From the old streets of the phantom of a house I live in, to the bright lights of the city that we still call Arcadia. I go by with the same old blue hoodie, one of the few good memories I still hold close. Obviously, my face is covered. I don´t fear being recognized, It just makes it easier to blend with the crowd. Another gloomy 21 year old who survived the war and stuff like that.
My head is empty while I scout around, looking for a good target. 
Most are other people who buy for themselves, “hosts” to some other alien who gives them permission to go for groceries. I don´t bother them, they might have more problems than I do. Some faces are familiar, from school, from our old daily lives, maybe from my mishaps as the Trollhunter, but none of them recognize mine...Luckily keeping me off the radar.
“Ow!” lost in my own thoughts, I don´t notice someone coming straight at me until we bump into each other. They react at impact, stumbling for a bit, the same as me. “Kleb, look where are you going!” their voice seems awfully familiar...why? I turn my gaze to see this stranger. A guy with dark hair, copper like skin and a backpack, he´s taller than me, his hair on a half man bun but his eyes...strike my memory like...Lightning...lightning in a bottle...LIGHTNING ON A BOTTLE! Krell?. . .
Our eyes lock for a moment, looks like he recognized me as well. Damnit!
“Jim?” he asks, a smirk forming in his face. Suddenly his eyes shine, with hope? Why?! “Jim Lake?” asks again, hoping I will answer. What do I do? I stay silent, when suddenly...
“HELP!” a stranger screams close, as the fast steps of a burglar run past me. “Help me please! Everything I have is on that thief´s hands!” screams once again, this stranger saved me without knowing it. As fast as I hear that, I run past Krell, towards the thief. This is my chance!
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yellowmagicalgirl · 3 years
Kanjigar lives au?
Kanjigar does not investigate the changelings
However, he is eventually lured out
Gladys Groe does not try to kill Toby, so she survives to help bring Gunmar out of the Darklands
Kanjigar does not have the Eclipse sword, so he can’t defeat Gunmar (just like Deya, and all the trollhunters before her because while Callista is great her arc doesn’t really fit the lore of Trollhunters so therefore Deya is not the first trollhunter in this au)
Draal gets mind controlled by Gunmar and is forced to fight his father
Send me a potential AU and I’ll tell you a minimum of five fun facts
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feather-dancer · 4 years
Trollhunters Fanfic Recommendations - Part 3
Somehow there is now a third one of these because I read far far too much fanfic and have no regrets about it. It’s with great pleasure I can also announce I’ve been digging around for Trans Jim fics and found some gems while I was at it that have been included below.
You can find Part 1 of my fanfic recommendations here!
And Part 2 here!
Plus one shameless plug for my own current fics.
General Trollhunters
(And you're my Arcadia.) - All you need to know is it’s Jilaire post Season 3 and one line in particular made me burst out laughing.
Bitter[sweet] - Sometimes the thing you need most is just a really good friend when your body plain sucks. Contains Trans Jim and is delightful.
the red book - Far beyond the humble days of Season 3 and after living beyond his human family and friends, Jim has started to forget who he was and that he was ever just a human kid.
The Halls of Arcadia High - When Strickler disappeared in Season 1, his absence was felt in many ways even in the form of a humble piano left un-played.
Not - Not!Enrique isn’t his name yet it’s what they call him anyway. An albatross reminding him of what was taken before he even had a chance to start.
On the Radio  - The final telling of the Janus Order.
Gay stories for Tales of Arcadia - Yeah I’m pretty sure you can guess where this is going, LGBTQ+ rep!
Through the Fires - There was a before time, one where Gunmar still roamed free and Deya had yet to be chosen let alone felled. These are the words of the humble witnesses of that war, from the changelings to the trolls who would oppose them.
Trollhunters: A Series of Disjointed Drabbles - This is so cute and fluffy I might just spontaneously combust.
Insomnolence - It is after the final battle and Jim has a lot of thoughts.
another tragedy - Anxiety is a bastard, it gives a lot of bad thoughts but sometimes there is a little bit of truth buried beneath it all and it whispers all about how you can keeping doing the wrong things for the right reasons. Season 2.
i will always hold you close (but i will learn to let you go) - Sometimes the hardest thing you can do is learning when to let go. Sometimes however, even when you want to they hold back even tighter. Season 2.
your eyes look like coming home - Toby has been the witness from the start of just how close Jim has been to death multiple times over and how Jim he is about the whole thing. It scares him how this time might be it, again and again. Season 2.
The Collected Tellings of Shigir and Other Changeling Folktales - I don’t actually know which category to put this under so I’m going the to heck with it route instead. Does exactly what it says on the tin for your Changeling lore needs, some of which will be off-hand mentioned or outright appear during the fantastic Terpsichore - The Comedy of the Danse Macabre - ACT I.
Please note: The main fic is Stricklake if that’s not your cup of tea, the folktales however can be enjoyed regardless.
all that dazzling dawn has put asunder - The sequel to in my sleep i dreamed of waking, this is filled with delightful fluff, internal panicking and the joys of trying to explain how you’re a not and how that does not change the fact Strickler is still a was. Being a changeling in these strange after times are difficult even before the other baggage involved but at least you're still here to start.
Two Pisces in Alto Mare - When in Rome as part of a study trip abroad, you meet the most curious people sometimes and  by fluke or nature you may even do so more than once.
Filling The Gaps - Possibly a bit of an unusual mention but! These are little pieces of Fallout that were going on while our eyes were following elsewhere and boy it can hurt.
Rehearsals and DvD Bonus Features - Another from the home of Terpsichore - The Comedy of the Danse Macabre - ACT I which is being listed here because it does have Stricklake in it. Some things don’t make the cut with writing fanfic, either because the plot wandered off, it doesn’t fit right or it’s some backstory you haven’t quite figured out where it can be naturally brought up yet and in this case they’ve found themselves a home. Be warned, one particular chapter is explicit and has been marked as such in warnings in the chapter summary.
Alternate Universes
(Un)Becoming - Not technically an AU in the conventional sense but I’m putting it under here anyway. It’s Unbecoming, as ever the road to hell is paved with good intentions but as Jim threw in the towel the storm that’s coming will not be stopped. However, what if others caught glimpses of a world that still had a human Trollhunter to defend it?
Steve the Kind - Steve became the Trollhunter but how the adventure unfolds differently than when Jim was at the helm might just surprise you. Very slow burn Steve and Jim that in a rather refreshing change doesn’t throw Claire under the bus for it to happen. Praise be.
31 Days in the Darklands - Strickmar that somehow kinda works?? It helps with Gunmar having the space to breathe outside of getting Morgana out and be more of his own character. Storywise, in order to rescue Jim from the Darklands Strickler broke a deal that would cost his own freedom and now has to somehow maintain a treaty between three very different factions all the while keeping his own neck intact. The intense distrust in changelings continues on to boot but hey, nobody said politics was easy.
Building Bridges - So Gunmar is distinctly of the more Eldritch variety with dream powers, the ability to easily see through lies for the true emotions and thoughts, Bular has the Insight as well to a lesser extent and everyone has somehow managed to hop onto Stricklander’s bandwagon of we must protect Jim Lake Jr. at all costs. Now the race is on as both sides try to sway the young Trollhunter to their way of thinking and the Trollmarket has no idea how dangerously badly they’re doing so far.
Lost Souls - A fic written in variable snapshots. Jim was kidnapped and changed by Merlin far earlier to be his Champion to ensure he did the “right thing” while Barbara in desperation to find her son falls into the hands of Morgana thus mother and son become enemies without even realising it.
Faithfully - Barbara died overseas and yet somehow Jim still managed to make his way back to Arcadia to become the next Trollhunter. This road is far harder for it as a seemingly homeless orphan though on the flipside he keeps on acquiring dads. Contains Trans Jim, timeline variable snapshots and I love it very much.
The Burning - There was a fire, it killed Barbara and Jim was thought dead as well. Nobody could have guessed the feral half changeling that is running around like a cryptid is the very much alive Jim.
Finding Daylight - Jim is a very low ranking changeling, terrified of Bular and his home amounts to little more than a spot in the woods. Things started to go pear shaped for him when he accidentally stumbled over Blinky and only more so when the amulet picks him after Kanjigar is felled. Tis not a kind world for a changeling child out there and he has nobody really to help watch his back until he stumbles on a potential maybe.
The bonus shoutout for an excellent MSA fic   
A Sleep Like Death - Who wouldn’t want to go visit a tower you’ve inherited apparently and has haunted as all hell all over it? Not Vivi that’s for sure. Poor Arthur is just along for the ride and then things start to get really weird when they find it’s still occupied and thinks Arthur is his jailor.
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