#kara will never sleep on that mattress again
owl127 · 11 months
Now that you opened the can of worms, how about a prompt about Kara’s bed ? 🫠
It had been a tough game.
Kara's back ached, and the light sprain on her ankle would hurt for days. She was happy to spend the rest of the weekend at home, where she could relax and not worry about food, laundry, or cleaning her room. She threw her bag behind the door and sighed, turning on the light.
Something was off.
Kara scanned her room under the bright, cold light, her eyes jumping from her desk—impeccable—her closet (closed), and finally, her bed.
Coffee, the family cat, purred happily while he napped on the clean sheets.
But Kara was supposed to get new sheets this weekend. Weird.
She joined the cat, scratching his dark ears. "What happened here, buddy?"
The cat blinked lazily, stretched his butt up in the air, and licked a spot on the mattress. Kara leaned down and sniffed on the spot, pulling the fitted sheet to check under the mattress.
A new stain.
But what…
Lexa's grin crossed her mind and Kara groaned, yelling, "Clarke! What the fuck, Clarke!"
"Language!" Jake yelled from his office down the hall.
Lexa was going to pee blood for a week after Kara was done with her.
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demonicbaby666 · 8 months
The Couch
One shot | Supergirl Masterlist | Masterlists
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Fandom: Supergirl
Pairing: Supercorp
Genre: Fluff and eventual smut
Words: 4.3k+
Warnings: 18+, minors DNI, Kara being an absolute cutie ig, fingering, oral sex, overstimulation (it's unintentional)
Summary: Just two friends casually sleeping together far too regularly on a worn-out couch. What could go wrong?
A/n: She’s not perfect, but it’s been a month and I desperately needed to get something out there! Promise to be more on my writing game. Also a big thank you to my wife @hotchscvm for being my beta reader and hyping me up <3
The first time was an accident. After too many potstickers (on Kara's part) and too many pages read from her spell book (on Lena's part), they'd ended up on the couch, dozing side by side. In retrospect, it was late, and while staying up to spend more time with each other sounded like a good idea, it probably would have been a better idea to host the impromptu feast at one of their apartments. But that is neither here nor there because the fact still remained: they'd always feel so at home with each other that falling asleep on concrete would probably come as easy as it would a plump mattress. 
Sometime in the night, Lena had managed to topple over on her side, taking her best friend down with her, and either Kara was too exhausted to care or too sleepy to notice because the half-arsed excuse of a cuddle was taken in kind with one muscled arm slipping around a curved waist. Kara had never shied away from intimacy, especially with Lena, but as she groggily slung her arm around her best friend, happily snuggling into her fragrant neck, the beginnings of something very not platonic began tampering away in her chest. It all felt daunting, yet wonderfully and irrefutably natural. 
Everything was all well and good for a while. They both slept better than they had in weeks. That was until a few hours later, when the sun had just started to peak over neighbouring spires, and the pair rose from their sleep to discover the true meaning of back pain. Of course, neither pointed out that if they had gone home rather than finished the duration of their uncomfortable slumber in each other's embrace, the agony would have been much more manageable. Still, once again, this was never mentioned. Instead, Lena took to teasing Kara about the drool drying at the corner of her mouth, and Kara's rebuttal was to mention the bird's nest atop Lena's head.
The second time was a week later when Kara returned from a nightly patrol to find Lena snoozing alone. The brunette had taken advantage of the couch's full length; her legs bent to accommodate the sparse leg room, and she had a cushion wedged under her head that had definitely seen better days. Other than that, Kara was reasonably convinced Lena seemed comfortable. Kara did try not to stare, but after minutes spent wandering about and trying to find something to do, and there definitely was bound to be something if she was actually looking as hard as she had convinced herself she was, Kara relented and returned to Lena. 
She watched as the brunette's chest rhythmically rose and fell, how her mouth was slightly parted to allow tiny sighs to tumble out, and couldn't help but smile as her chest warmed at the sight of the way Lena had her arm flung over her forehead, hand flying over the side of the couch. It was a sign, Kara recognised, that meant Lena was, for once, having a rested sleep rather than the usual - broken and fragmentary. That was why she told herself she didn't wake her or risk it by flying her home. There was nothing selfish about it. In fact, she was being selfless by relishing the notion she was probably one of the very few people who got to see Lena that way - open and bare, not always on guard or the look for any sign of danger. Of course, Kara saw glimpses of it when they were together, but it was rare. So, getting to truly see Lena when she was so unguarded was remarkable in Kara's eyes. 
It felt right when she walked over and knelt beside the roughspun fabric of the couch to get a closer look, like there was some injustice to picking out the details of such a pretty picture from afar that had been corrected. Now, if it had been anyone else, Kara would have worried her behaviour was bordering on creepy. Still, it was Lena, her Lena, and simply listening to that strong, steady heartbeat warmed Kara's chest. It quieted all the clattering and commotion of National City. The conversations, the arguments, the music, the car engines, everything fell silent to Lena's familiar heartbeat, and Kara would be damned to ever apologise for finding calm in that, so she continued to watch. That, she could admit, was selfish. 
As much as sleep may dull one's senses, Lena was becoming keenly aware she wasn't alone. Usually, her first instinct would be to fight, but when she blinked her eyes open and was met with the human version of a golden retriever, she couldn't help but smile sleepily. 
"Hi," Kara whispered, placing both knuckles under her chin and continuing to stare with childlike wonder sparkling in her eyes. 
"Hi," Lena replied weakly. Only she found she was not weak from sleep or the dull ache in her cramped legs. She was weak from the way Kara was staring. It made her feel naked and exposed like she was on trial for the crime of being known and still loved. She saw it in those blue eyes - pure adoration and devotion, and it terrified her how Kara could look at her like that when she'd seen her at her worst, when she'd hurt Kara in unforgivable ways and carried the same genes as people who damn near wanted her dead. 
She was weak for losing herself in the blue whirls of her best friend's eyes, the golden flecks that circled her pupils - yet another thing that made her seem unreal. Her fingers twitched as she mentally traced the little scar by Kara's left eyebrow, wanting desperately to reach out and feel the mark of a distant memory from Krypton. Lena thought better of it, knowing the intimacy of the act would mean stepping into dangerous territory. Instead, she shuffled to the side, cramming herself against the back of the couch and extending a silent invitation, one Kara understood immediately, and if her joyous smile was anything to go by, she was more than happy to accept. 
Kara lay flat on her back, staring up at the ceiling and trying not to think of how good it felt to have the warmth of Lena's body so close. After a few minutes in her log-like position, she cautiously raised an arm in question. The proximity between them was nil, so what was the damage in being a little closer? Her bravery was instantly rewarded with a weight falling on her chest and a slim finger tracing the raised fabric along her chest. And as many a time before, everything around her, except Lena, ceased to exist, and Kara found herself lulled by the steady thrum of a familiar heartbeat. 
The third time, Kara told herself, it was completely and utterly necessary. Suppose she didn't comfort Lena when she felt like utter shit. It would quite literally be the end of the world. She was sure of it. Solely because of that, Kara hunted the brunette down, finding her in a dimly lit room, a set of fresh tears trickling slowly down her cheeks. A series of angry lines marked Lena's blanched cheeks rouge, the colour of heartbreaking remembrance. There was a distinct look in her eyes, resembling a wounded pup. Only Lena had never been helpless like one. She'd been alone the majority of her adult life, fighting. And she'd come out the other end stronger for it; that was undeniable, but what would always remain were the chronic wounds of her hardships. 
Kara remained in the doorway, unsure her presence would be welcome. The more she saw, the heavier her chest felt. The details were the worst: the way Lena clasped her hands so tightly together, yet they still shook, the glossed-over sheen to her eyes, the way her jaw shook with each silent cry, and most of all, the raw hiccups that only Kara could pick up, wearing away at Lena's throat every time she tried to keep herself quiet. 
Clearing her throat, Kara lightly padded over. The brunette's mind was so far away that by the time Kara was crouching down and delicately separating her woven hands, taking each within her own, she'd just about registered that she was no longer alone looking with puffy eyes. Kara tried to offer a sympathetic smile, but it was excruciatingly painful when the woman she adored radiated so much pain she felt within herself, too. She was helplessly searching her mind for something to say, anything that could encompass what Lena was feeling or take it all away, but she knew nothing in her vocabulary could. 
Kara got to her feet, taking Lena with her. There was no complaint. Lena simply complied, no energy left in her to fight, no reason to fight someone wholly trusted. She let herself be taken from one room and led into another, her mind turned off and tuned only to how soft the hand guiding her forward felt - how it was already calming her racing pulse. 
"Do you want to talk about it?" Kara asked, sitting down on the far side of the couch, encouraging Lena to join her by keeping their hands clasped. Lena followed willingly, though she kept quiet, staring at the margin between the couch cushions, each frayed piece of string taking her interest individually. 
Kara gave Lena a once over, this time honing into every detail as quickly as possible so Lena didn't feel uncomfortable. She noticed a handful of things: the shine to Lena's hair was no longer there, and her perfume was only vaguely present, but what Kara saw first was the darkened ring under Lena's swollen eyes, and that's when she gathered what had been happening. 
"It's the nightmares again, isn't it?" Kara quietly asked, squeezing Lena's hand once, twice, and holding tight to show this was in no way an invasion of privacy but a rope for the brunette to take so Kara could help pull her out of the pit she'd fallen into. A tiny whimper confirmed her guess, and that's when Kara took action. She ignored Lena's creased brow when she untangled their hands, scootched closer, looped her arms around Lena's waist and hauled her onto her lap. It was a risky move, given that this was most definitely not the most platonic position. However, any fear and regret instantly faded when she heard a sigh and felt Lena's head nestle into her neck. She held her tight and let Lena take whatever she needed from the embrace. Gently, Kara used one hand to brush through chestnut hair, keeping one hand around a slim waist. Emboldened by Lena's willingness, Kara lowered her head, turned it to the side, and kissed her barely visible cheek. 
"Can we stay here tonight?" Lena finally whispered, and Kara's whole body responded in kind, buzzing in anticipation. 
"Of course," she replied into the silky softness of Lena's hair. She breathed in, knowing before the exact scents that would coax their way through her airways, only to erupt into a swarming storm in her stomach - herbal shampoo complemented by nodes of bittersweet honey tea, the kind you'd drink when trees began to lose their leaves and your body hadn't yet adjusted to the drop in temperature. "Whatever you need, Lee, I'll do it."
"You, Kara Zor-el, are my hero, not Supergirl, you," Lena pulled back to confess, her worn-out eyes glinting in low light as she stared intently, watching Kara's eyes gaze right back. They stayed staring for seconds, a minute; neither knew. They simply accepted that it didn't feel wrong, it didn't feel awkward, it felt safe and warm, like coming back home after a trainwreck of a day or seeing the sun finally peak from behind the rainclouds. 
Finally, Lena ducked back down and allowed herself to let go, wetting Kara's neck with a fresh set of tears. 
After that, it became a weekly occurrence, then bi-weekly, tri-weekly and well, then they didn't bother trying to count how many times a week they found excuses to fall asleep in each other's arms. The couch grew new additions that no one mentioned but thoroughly enjoyed: a luxuriously soft blanket folded neatly over the side, a kitschy cushion from Kara's apartment and new upholstery. Neither spoke of their shared nights, not even with each other. It became taboo, a dirty secret between two willing participants. They both knew that, for one reason or another, they were crossing boundaries, leading them into dangerous territory. However, not acknowledging it seemed enough to fend off the intrusive thoughts. 
After a particularly long day at the tower, Kara and Lena found themselves in the same place they had always wound up in when everyone had left. Their limbs entangled, and their bodies so close Lena was essentially lying atop Kara, with her head comfortably nestled on the blonde's chest. Usually, the pair would find sleep quickly enough, but something was different that night. Sleep didn't come so easy, with the day's events weighing heavy. 
"What are you thinking about," Kara asked, breaking the comfortable quietude.
Lena didn't have to think twice before answering, "How I never want to lose you." 
There were a few bouts of silence. Kara let Lena's words sink in before speaking again, "What do you mean?" 
"Every day, you go out and protect the people of this world, even if it means risking your own life." Lena mindlessly played with the collar of Kara's sweater, trying to casualise the severity of what she was saying. Kara could sense the tension brewing in Lena and began to draw soothing circles up and down her back. 
"It's who I am, Lee. My powers mean I can help people; it's my duty to do so," Kara sighed, pressing her lips to Lena's head. 
"I know. But I just worry I won't see you fly back through the tower doors, that I won't be able to do enough to help you, and I'll lose the only person that's ever seemed to," she paused, the l word anxiously sitting on her tongue. "That I'll lose the one person who has always stood by me. It's selfish, I know." 
A tidal wave of emotions washed over Kara. She stayed motionless for at least a minute, processing all Lena had said, and failed to say. 
"Lena, look at me," she ordered. 
They were both helplessly reminding themselves that this is what friends do: they're allowed to cuddle, they're allowed to fall asleep together, and they're allowed to feel like they complete each other in a way no one else probably could. The pure definition of slumber parties is deep conversations where confessions are made, so of course, this is all normal and strictly platonic and nothing more. Except when their eyes met, the look they shot at one another was anything but friendly. It was desperate and demanding, taking all the oxygen out of the room and leaving them breathless. Kara could hear Lena's heartbeat, frantic, from anticipation, excitement, or fear, she didn't know. 
"I will never leave you. I'm not going anywhere." 
"You can't promise me that." 
Kara cupped Lena's cheeks in her palms, gently holding her still, "You're right, I can't, but I can promise that I will always fight to come back home to the people I love– to come back to you." Her eyes flickered between Lena's eyes and lips. "I love you, Lena."
"You don't have to say that," Lena choked out. 
"I meant it," she stated in a hushed voice, eyes firmly planted on soft lips. "Lena, come here." 
"Kara," Lena pleaded in a weak whisper, battling the fuzzy feeling that was stirring beneath her fingertips. Lena could scarcely breathe, her throat constricting with each passing second because Kara was looking at her the same way she always did, and she was so very weak to stop herself from looking back and letting the air be stolen from her lungs. Kara pulled her closer until their lips were a hair's width away, and then she chose to wait. Her intentions were clear, but she knew it had to be Lena who would make the final move. And she did. Lena closed the minimal space between their lips, ignoring the rapid pace of her thudding heart. As expected, Kara's lips were perfect, acceptant to let Lena take the lead and demanding nothing in return. 
Soon enough, both got lost in the delicacy of a slow makeup session. Kara made a great effort to reign in her zeal, only encouraging Lena with a slide of her hands down to a supple waist and aiding the brunette atop her when she heard no protest. The two found themselves upright, Lena's knees cocooning Kara's hips, their core pressed against one another enough to raise their body temperatures. With the slide of the super's tongue along a plump lip and the compliant opening of the brunette's mouth, their slow and tempered kiss tilted more towards eager and desperate. Kara had scarcely noticed her hands sliding down to grip Lena's ass. She wholly gave herself to instinct and desire, guiding Lena back and forth in a grinding motion. 
"Kara," Lena moaned, throwing her head back and struggling to hold herself still when Kara instantly went to suckle at her neck. "Not here. Take me home." 
The blonde didn't need to be told twice; she hauled herself up, taking Lena with her, and allowed the other woman's feet to briefly touch the ground before she picked her up bridal style and shot out the balcony doors. The city was bursting with life. Laughter echoed off every surface and bounced up into the night sky. The noise sought to pollute Kara's senses, yet the blonde didn't even have to try to fight off the background noise because all she was focused on was Lena's smile, and her residing bouts of childlike laughter. It was perfection - holding Lena close, feeling her body heat against the crisp evening wind. 
All the withheld desire flooded their senses the moment they landed on Lena's balcony. Kara burst into the apartment, brain muddled with the ghostly feel of velvety lips all over her throat. She used her super speed to whisk them to the bedroom, gently placing Lena down and climbing atop her. 
"Hi," Lena whispered, searching Kara's eyes for regret or hesitation. 
"Hi." The super leaned down and pressed a small kiss to Lena's lips before pushing herself back up to hover and smile, ridding her best friend of any doubt. 
"Can I?" Lena asked, her hands under Kara's sweater, bunching the material between her palms. 
"Yes." But Kara didn't appear to have the patience for Lena's gentle touch as she yanked the offending garment over her head and ducked right back down to Lena's neck, lowering her lips to the birthmark that always looked so darn kissable and did just that. 
They set their tasks to removing articles of clothing, revealing more and more of themselves to each other, taking turns to stare awestruck before returning to the matter at hand. Kara took her sweet time unclasping Lena's bra if only to charge to the impending reveal she'd been waiting years for. 
"Beautiful," Kara whispered, eyes fixed on Lena. "You're perfect."
She didn't let the brunette get a word in, not that Lena stood a chance when lips had already surrounded her pert nipple and a tongue darted out to move in tight circles. Kara was ravenous. She moved from breast to breast at lightning speed, giving each the full treatment until Lena was mewling and cantering her hips. It was when she felt the slickness of need touch her stomach that Kara ventured south. With each methodical kiss, Kara shuffled lower and lower, finally arriving and comfortably settling herself between creamy thighs. 
Contrary to Kara's expectations, Lena was not fighting to be in charge. She allowed Kara to play around and find what got the most promising reactions. However, it seemed to be less trial and error and more constantly hitting the nail on the head because after what must have only been half a minute, Lena was practically writhing, and Kara was all but lost in the rich, sharp tastes coating her tongue. She'd found her pace and her pattern, starting with slow, pointed licks to Lena's clit, occasionally running the stiff muscle down to drive into her sopping cunt before moving back up and taking the bundle of nerves into her mouth and lathering it with the flat of her tongue. Kara kept this up, falling in love with all the ways Lena would respond: her low-pitched moans, her bucking hips, the way her thighs would clamp around Kara’s head when she used the heel of her foot to urge the blonde closer. It was heaven, and Kara never wanted it to end. 
She was vaguely aware Lena was reaching her peak, the hand in her hair tightening, fingers coiling locks of hair in a firm grip. It spurred her on. Kara only moved faster, messily lapping up every inch of Lena's pussy until the brunette sprung up from the bed and let out a cry. Kara was greedy, though; she slowed down, gently lapping up the mess left behind, only to devour Lena all over again. From the moment Kara heard the sounds Lena unleashed when she entered her with two fingers, she was a goner. All she knew was Lena's sweaty body, her accelerated heartbeat, the clamping around her fingers and the harmonious cries of pleasure. She kept going and going. Harder. Faster. 
"Kara," Lena whimpered, her breathing heavily laboured and her heart pounding. She used her grip on Kara's hair to pry her away. "You've got to stop."
"Are you okay?" Kara reeled back to ask. She scanned Lena once over, fear evident in her eyes. "Did I hurt you?"
"No! No, of course not. You just made me cum four times in a row, darling. I think I may pass out if you keep going." Lena seemed dazed but happily so as she stared down lovingly at Kara. She used her remaining strength to guide the blonde back up and capture her lips in an appreciative kiss, moaning at the taste of herself on her best friend's tongue. 
Lena bided her time. She waited to regain a steady heartbeat before she refocused her attention on the pressing matter that was the slick mess gathering on her thigh. Kara had - clearly - already begun working herself up. Whether or not the needy grinding was intentional, Lena didn't know, but she knew she wanted to be the one to give Kara her release, not have the blonde get off on her thigh. She guided Kara back and forth till she deemed her sufficiently distracted, and only then did she turn the tables, flipping the super on her back with surprising strength. 
"My turn," Lena devilishly smirked. 
She effortlessly slid three fingers into Kara and began thrusting in and out with reckless abandon. The blonde had no chance. Her head crashed back into soft pillows, her body burst to life, and her skin birthed a litany of pebbly goosebumps. It was like nothing she'd experienced before. Unlike previous times, this felt like it was finally for her. Kara didn't have to fake the appreciative sounds coming from her mouth. She didn't have to direct Lena on what to do. She was free to lie back and take all that was given. And Lena was more than happy to provide. 
The brunette had her lips glued to Kara's neck, adamant about marking her impenetrable skin, and though she may have been failing miserably, there was no mistaking Kara's moans for anything but satisfaction. So she kept going. With her mission still in sight, Lena eased herself down on her elbow, alleviating some of the pressure from her hand and placed her thumb over Kara's clit. The position was awkward, but Lena did her best to trace figures of eight over and around Kara's sensitive bud - knowing she immensely enjoyed the action herself - and was rewarded instantly when she felt Kara's body tense up and shake. 
"Lena," Kara moaned. Her hands were wound in the bedsheets, knuckles blanched from the force of her grip. She sounded so desperate, so fragile, that Lena had to bite her tongue to stop herself from moaning.
"I know," Lena replied, rising back on her palm to gaze at Kara's sheer beauty in this delirious state. She delicately brushed stray hairs off Kara's face, staring deep into her eyes, and ever so slightly smiled. "Let go, baby." 
"You're staring," Lena sighed, turning over and using her palms to rub sleep from her eyes. She’d expected some sort of embarrassment to tint Kara's face. Instead, she was met with a cheeky smile and a raised eyebrow. 
"I know," Kara said in a sure voice, her gaze unmoving, and suddenly, Lena felt like she was on fire all over again. The vivid events of the previous evening, still very fresh in her mind, were of no help. 
"Oh." Her cheeks were burning, and there was no doubt with her pale skin Kara could see. So Lena did what she could; she hid her face in Kara's side. "If you maybe wanted to stop, I wouldn't be opposed."
She vaguely heard Kara's laugh, but she'd become one with the small between the blonde's side and her forearm that everything was muffled. That was rectified when she was swiftly slumped onto her back, and whisps of golden hair tickled her cheeks from above. 
"I don't want to stop," Kara whispered. Innocence slowly vanished from the back-and-forth gaze, replaced with dark curiosity and dangerous intent. Soon, Lena found herself incapable of not glancing at Kara's pillowy lips that seemed to be inching closer. "Roa, I never want to stop staring at you."
Tags: @homo-oddity @camciel @lovelyy-moonlight | click here to be added to my taglist
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sunshinesickies · 2 months
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Kara Danvers/ Supergirl x Reader sickfic
Kara sighs as she enters your shared apartment. It’s late and she’s beyond exhausted, like actually exhausted, because guess what? She blew out her powers, again! Ugh she hates when random aliens land on Earth, decide to destroy it and put up so much of a fight that she has to literally give her all to save the world. Ok, well she doesn’t mind the save the world part. And she loves being Supergirl, it’s just when the “super” side of her gets used up and she is just the “girl” that she gets annoyed. Kara doesn’t know how humans live like this every. single. day.
After shoving leftover potstickers in her face, throwing her suit into the wash, and taking a long, long hot shower to get all the dust and rocks out of her hair, Kara finally joins you where you sleep peacefully in bed. You’ve been together long enough to know that Kara always comes home, and she’s assured you of that enough times that now when she goes out to save the world, you’re content to just do your thing and fall asleep knowing she’ll be home soon. Only at the beginning of your relationship would you stay up all night long anxiously waiting to make sure the heroine made it home. It’s not that you don’t worry about her anymore, it’s that you know you don’t always need to.
Climbing into bed next to you, Kara snuggles herself deep down into the warm blankets, the soft mattress providing solace for her aching bones as she finally lets her self relax. “Mmmm.” You murmur, feeling the bed dip and snuggling deeper into Kara’s arms as she pulls you flush against her chest and wraps her arms around you. “Kar…?” She kisses your hair. “It’s me, love. Let’s sleep, huh? We’ll talk in the morning.” She hums, settling her face into the crook of your neck, placing a gentle kiss to your skin.
You smile and hum happily before drifting back to sleep in seconds. Kara closes her eyes and breathes you in, enjoying the quiet moment, the only sound being the steady rise and fall of your breaths. She knows you’ll worry if she tells you she lost her powers, so for now, at least in this moment, she’s content to let you sleep peacefully and tell you about it in the morning.
When morning comes, you have to stifle a laugh when you wake to find your girlfriend sleeping in the most ridiculous position ever. Most of the time Kara sleeps peacefully, like an angel and for some mysterious Kryptonian reason, she never has bad bed head, or well maybe that’s just you thinking she looks cute no matter what. Either way, now her golden locks are sprawled across the pillows and her mouth hangs open slightly as she sleeps face up, her legs completely tangled in the blankets.
Luckily, you wake up before her alarm, so you carefully crawl out of bed, hoping to let her have a few extra minutes of sleep before she has to rush to work. With her powers, she could wake up five minutes before work and still get there on time just like any other day. You know because you’ve witnessed that very scenario not just once, but many, many times.
What you don’t know is your normally speedy girlfriend is now just a regular human who more resembles a sloth. Kara wakes up so long after her alarm that it stopped beeping ages ago. Groggily rubbing her eyes, she looks over to see your spot empty, though when she fumbles around for her phone, she quickly finds a ‘good morning, love, have a wonderful day’ text from you. Kara smiles softly down at her phone before her eyes drift to the time. Shit! She’s definitely late for work! Ahhgg! Ms. Grant’s gonna kill me. She thinks as she bolts out of bed and rushes to get ready as fast as humanly possible (which is waaayyy slower than if she had her powers).
Kara feels her phone buzz for the 10th time in her pocket as she’s riding the elevator up to the top floor. She knows who it is and dread bubbles in her chest as she gets ready to face her probably fuming boss….and well yeah, yup she was right, Ms. Grant is livid with her for being late. After apologizing multiple times with many promises to make it better, Kara is sent back to her desk to start filing a huge stack of paperwork which Cat deems a decent retaliation to her being so late. By lunch time Kara isn’t even halfway through the stack.
Working without powers sucks. Ok so maybe she shouldn’t use her powers to get ahead of work but she can get so much more done when she uses her super-speed! But well that doesn’t matter right now. Because right now Kara just got her first ever paper cut and damn she’d rather be punched by Superman and stabbed with a Kryptonite knife—seriously how does such a little cut sting so bad?!
Kara gets a call from you around noon but she lets it go to voicemail, opting instead to text you, explaining how busy she is today and that Ms. Grant gave her so much work that she’s planning on staying late. You text backing to say you love her and make her promise to remember to eat lunch. Well, she may have promised but Kara definitely doesn’t do that. Instead she skips lunch even though her stomach is growling so loudly that some of her coworkers glance up at her from time to time.
By the end of the day, her head is throbbing and her eyes are burning from looking at sheet after sheet of incessant paperwork. She’s almost done, though, so she stays a couple extra hours and my the time she catches a bus and makes her way back to the apartment, she finds you fast asleep on the couch, the credits of a movie playing on the tv. The exhausted Kryptonian switches it off, then using the last of her energy, she picks you up and carries you to bed where she collapses into the soft mattress next to you and falls asleep within seconds, and without dinner.
Kara wakes up to the smell of something warm and sweet and her stomach clenches at the recollection that she hasn’t eaten since yesterday morning. While she doesn’t have her normal huge Kryptonian appetite right now, she knows that’s definitely too long to go without food. “Good morning sleepyhead.” You greet Kara as she follows the smell into the kitchen to find you standing over a freshly made plate of pancakes and bacon with a breakfast smoothie next to it. Kara’s mouth waters. “You came home late huh?” You kiss her temple as she walks by you, immediately going for the food. You laugh at her eagerness.
“Mhmh…thandk you.” Kara nods through a mouthful as you sit down next to her with a plate of your own. When Kara finishes, she pushes her plate away and turns to look at you, a small worried crease in her brows. You frown, reaching up to brush some hair from her face. “What wrong love?” You murmur and the blonde sighs. “I uh, blew out my powers the other night, I didn’t tell you ‘cuz you were asleep then at work and…” You smiled softly, not a hit of disappointment in your expression.
“Are you okay?” You interrupt her rambling and Kara breathes a sigh of relief at your earnestness. “Yeah, babe, I’m okay. Just tired I guess. I hate being human.” She leans her forehead onto the counter, surprising herself with how nice the cool marble feels against her skin. “Don’t worry, Kar, I’m sure your powers will be back soon.” You stand up, kissing her hair and taking your plates to the sink. Kara lifts her head. “I love you.” She simply states, gazing at you with a sleepy smile that quickly turns into a yawn.
You laugh. “I love you too. Now, let’s get to work before you fall back asleep yeah?” You hold out your hand and the two of you go to get ready for work. You don’t take notice in the way Kara moves slowly, sluggish even, or if you do, you don’t mention it. You just remind her to take it easy at work today if she can and promise to get her favorite take out for dinner tonight before you go your separate ways for the day.
As Kara makes her way to the bus stop, she can’t help but notice the way her bones ache with every step and the way her head had started throbbing the second she’d woken up that morning. She pushes the thoughts out of her mind, boarding the bus with an unconscious sniffle as she readies herself for the long day ahead of her.
Of course Ms. Grant gives her another big stack of work to do even though she’s on time today. On top of that, she keeps sending Kara out to run errands for her boss, each bus ride or walk only amplifying the exhaustion slowly settling its way into the Kryptonian’s body. By the end of the day, Kara can barely keep her eyes open as she unlocks the door and lets herself into the apartment.
Without needing to say a word, you see the exhaustion all over her face and pull Kara into a warm and much appreciated hug. She sinks into your arms and you hum. “Long day?” Kara nods into your shoulder and you lead her to the couch where you have a movie and take out all set up for an evening of chilling out with your favorite person.
Even though Kara falls asleep twice during the movie, you go to bed before her since she gets an email later that night from Cat giving her one last thing to do before bed. You kiss Kara’s cheek and head to bed. She drags herself to the dining table where her computer is set up and forces herself to finish the dreaded task. By the time she’s finished, the harsh light from the computer effectively makes her head spin and the words spin in her mind, making her dizzy, even when she closes the screen.
Shower. A shower is what she needs. Kara stumbles her way to the bathroom, bracing herself on the sink after she turns on the water. Looking at herself in the mirror she doesn’t even recognize the sight looking back. Her hair is rumpled, her skin pale, her eyes red and cheeks flushed. She looks like how she feels.
Getting into the steaming shower, Kara revels in the hot water that warms her chilly body. Soon steam is all she can see as she washes her hair and soon she’s stepping out and wrapping herself in a fluffy white towel. As the cooler air of the bathroom hits her nose, she sniffles, a shiver making its way down her spine. She sneezes three times into her towel and glares at herself in the foggy mirror. She doesn’t have time for this again. Deciding to ignore the cold she knows she coming down with, Kara finds herself in bed finally, setting her alarm for the morning, and falling asleep once more.
Again, you wake up before her and make your way to work, but not before leaving out some breakfast for your girlfriend, knowing it will help her get to work on time if she doesn’t have to make it herself. Kara wakes with a groan. She feels like absolute shit. Her nose is stuffed but runny, her head is still throbbing and her throat is dry, each swallow as painful as the last. But still, she drags herself to work, ignoring the wary looks of her coworkers as she comes into the office, coughing and sniffing constantly. She manages to avoid Ms. Grant for the time being, her boss was in a private early morning meeting and so Kara settles herself at her desk once more, opens her computer and starts on today’s work. But as time goes on, her eyes droop heavier, her mind starts to feel like a thick pool of mud and she doesn’t even notice when her head drops, darkness swirls around her and she passes out.
“Oh uh, yes, okay Ms.Grant, I-I’ll be right there. Thanks for calling me.” You hang up immediately and quickly grab your coat and bag, turning off the lights in your office before going to tell your boss you need to leave—it was a personal emergency.
You rush to your car and if you go a little too far above the speed limit while making your way to CatCo, well at least no one noticed. The second you’d seen it was Cat Grant calling, you knew something was wrong with Kara. You knew she’d blown out her powers a couple days ago, and you can sense she hasn’t been herself and Cat just confirmed why.
As you drive, you remember how she wasn’t acting like herself last night…or the past couple days for that matter. According to her boss, your girlfriend is currently asleep at her desk, obviously sick and probably miserable. For Kara to literally fall asleep at work, and for Cat to actually call you directly, sounding….worried? You knew this wasn’t good. Worry bubbles in your own chest. You know how much Kara hates being sick and you hate the thought of her feeling so miserable.
You let out a sigh as you park and practically run into the building. Moments later and you’re stepping out of the elevator and making your way towards Kara’s desk. As the distance between you shrinks, your heart sinks as you get a better look at the blonde. She’s fast asleep on top of her computer, her normal immaculate pony tail messy, strands of hair sticking out in random places. A thin layer of sweat coats her face and a deep flush contrasts the abnormal paleness of her skin.
As you crouch down next to her, you place a gentle had on her cheek, brushing strings of golden hair from her face. Kara’s skin is way too warm, definitely running a fever. “Kara? Baby.” You lightly run your thumb along the soft skin of her cheek to wake her up. She lets out a sleepy, congested groan before slowly opening her ocean eyes a little. Her blue orbs open fully when she sees recognizes your sweet smile and loving gaze. “Hey sweet girl.” You greet softly with a tender smile.
“What’re you doin’ here?” Kara rasps, voice raw and congestion slurring her words. “I should be asking you the same thing.” You raise an eyebrow slightly at her before letting your expression soften once more. “You’re obviously sick, Kara. You should be at home, resting.” You run a hand along her arm and she yawns, shaking her head and wincing slightly at the motion. Sitting up properly, she opens her computer before answering.
“I’m fine, babe. It’s jus’ a little cold. Humans go to work sick all the time. If they can do it, so can I.” You sigh at her words knowing Kara doesn’t like to show weaknesses and often doesn’t take the time to take care of herself, making sure everyone else is instead.
“They also take days off when they need it.” You try again, rubbing Kara’s back as she falls into a painful sounding coughing fit. You glance up for a moment, and catch Ms.Grant out of the corner of your eye, standing behind the shut glass door of her office, watching the scene unfold from the safety of the other room. She looks slightly worried which is something you’ve never seen but she also looks impatient and maybe a little annoyed so you know you need to get Kara home asap. “There’s nothing wrong with taking care of yourself, Kara.” You softly place your hands gently on your girlfriend’s shoulders.
She sighs, leaning into your touch. “But I really need to get this wor….huhh—nNhh-shhuuu! Huhnh-sshhhoo! Uhh-nuhh…hehhtchuu!….work done.” Kara sneezes hard into the crook of her arm, the action making the room spin. Her eyes squeeze shut and she takes a few deep breaths as a shiver runs down her spine as fever chills wash through her. Damn being human sucks. She looks up at you, finally giving in.
“O-okay. You’re right.: She admits with a resigned smile. “Take me home?” The Kryptonian whispers. You smile, helping Kara stand up before pulling her into a warm hug, also glancing ahead to watch Ms.Grant nod and return to her desk now that she knows Kara will be taken care of. Kara may push herself too far too often, but both you’re always there to bring her back before she pushes herself over the edge.
“I’d love nothing more, baby.” You murmur as you place a chaste kiss to her hair. “Now let’s get you home.”
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indathreneblue · 2 years
3am Kara - Ch. 3/4
Inspired to write this by a line found in a wiki article by @kryptamazon about biphasic/polyphasic sleep: “This was also a favourite time for scholars and poets to write uninterrupted, whereas still others visited neighbours, engaged in sexual activity, or committed petty crime.”
Ch 3: Sexual Activity
Kara kept her head down as she continued towards the elevators, the blush on her cheeks still burning. It hadn’t occurred to her that she’d have to check in when she arrived at Lena’s apartment building. She almost always flew here, and the few times she hadn’t, she’d entered the building with Lena. But she’d blown out her powers yesterday, which meant she had to enter through the lobby, and the security here was understandably tight — you weren’t allowed beyond the lobby unless you were on a tenant’s approved guest list. That wouldn’t have been a problem, except it was almost three in the morning. The list of reasons for showing up at this hour of the night was small, and it was obvious from Kara’s demeanor that her visit wasn’t due to some emergency...unless Lena’s insomnia-fueled booty call classified as an emergency.
The staff person was professional and hadn’t drawn attention to the time nor Kara’s mismatched apparel — it was glaringly evident she’d picked her clothes out with the lights off — but Kara still felt like she’d been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. To make matters worse, she’d been asked for her length of stay, and she’d answered morning-ish? It was an honest answer, but it basically highlighted the purpose of her visit.
Thankfully, her mortification dissipated during the elevator ride up, when she switched her focus to Lena. This stage of their relationship was relatively new, and while Kara had been nervous at first, it had worked out fine. More than fine, actually. Now that the sexual tension had finally broken, there was no holding back thoughts, feelings, or desires. And wow, were there a lot of desires — as evidenced by the text she’d received twenty minutes ago.
Kara’s heart rate ticked up in anticipation. She ran her hand through her tangled locks and stared at the numbers slowly climbing higher, hoping she didn’t look too disheveled. Lena always managed to take Kara’s breath away, whether it was in blouses and tight skirts or oversized sweaters and jeans, and Kara wanted to look at least somewhat presentable. But she never got a chance to gauge Lena’s reaction; no sooner had she knocked on the door than Lena was grasping the front of her shirt, pulling her inside the apartment.
Lena was clad only in a robe, and it soon became apparent that she wanted to get Kara down to a similar state of undress as quickly as possible. She eagerly unzipped and pushed Kara’s hoodie to the floor, then tugged at the hem of Kara’s shirt to lift it up and off. Her fingers hooked inside the waistband of Kara’s joggers, and Kara had to momentarily stall Lena’s hands, mumbling ‘shoes’ before bending over and shucking them somewhere towards the door. When she straightened back up, she let Lena resume undressing her, but when Lena got her down to her bra and underwear, Kara took over.
She scooped Lena up and carried her to her bedroom, doing her best not to get distracted by the wet trail of kisses Lena was leaving on her neck and jaw. When Kara laid her down on the bed, Lena immediately tried to sit up, but Kara placed a hand on her sternum and lightly pushed until her back hit the mattress again. Not unexpectedly, Lena’s breath hitched, and her eyes darkened. Kara had learned early on that this was something Lena liked. When Kara showed her strength — when she silently asked for control — Lena was happy to give it.  
Kara reached for the belt on Lena’s robe. The pads of her fingers slid along navy silk, and when she tugged the silk ties apart, the robe slid open. Lena was bare from the waist up, and for a moment, that’s all Kara saw — an expanse of pale skin with breasts partially covered by the edges of the robe. But when her gaze drifted lower, she saw that Lena wasn’t fully naked. She had on maroon silk underwear, and when combined with the navy of the robe, she was wearing Kara’s colors. It caused Kara to pause, to glance up at Lena to see if it was just coincidence. The look in Lena’s eyes told her it wasn’t, and the feelings that rose in response were unexpected. Kara leaned down and hid her face on Lena’s sternum, quietly overwhelmed at this middle-of-the-night realization that she had a possessive streak in her, and a strong one at that. It tapped into a part of her that wanted to possess Lena in other ways, too, to dominate a little more forcefully, to see Lena wearing her symbol as well as her colors…but Kara pushed those thoughts aside for now. Before indulging in those impulses, Lena needed to know that Kara was hers first. So she kissed her way downward, pulling Lena’s underwear off when she reached them, and channeled her emotions into more appreciative actions.
They barely spoke until afterwards — when they were sweaty and wrapped in a tangle of moonlit sheets, and Lena softly asked Kara to stay over. It wouldn’t be the first time Kara spent the night at Lena’s apartment, nor the first time they’d be sharing a bed, but the intimacy of it always made Kara’s breath catch.
She’d answered with a nod and pulled Lena closer. And now Lena’s head was resting against her chest while Kara’s fingers stroked along Lena’s side. The slower breathing and heart rate told her that Lena was asleep, but Kara wasn’t tired just yet despite the late hour and their earlier exertions. Instead, she stared at the ceiling and thought about how different her life would have turned out on Krypton. Or what life she’d be leading if she’d stayed in Midvale. She couldn’t say that she wouldn’t have been as happy if either of those scenarios had played out, because there was no way to know. But they would have been different, and a small part of her was glad there was no way to go back in time and change things — to save Krypton — because of course she would…and it would mean sacrificing this version of herself.
The person she was right now, and the happiness she was feeling, existed only because her planet had been destroyed. That event had put her on a path to Earth, to Eliza and Jeremiah, to Alex, and to Lena. And she was content, despite the trauma she’d gone through. Or possibly even because of it. It was why she’d bonded so quickly to Alex — Kara had desperately needed to latch onto and feel safe with someone. And it was part of what drew her to Lena. They shared similar childhood pains — ones that left invisible yet recognizable scars.
So even though she’d faced a lot of challenges thus far, Kara was happy right now. And she’d learned early on to savor this state. It could disappear quickly, and more difficulties were assuredly waiting. But right now she had Lena next to her and a quiet night surrounding them, and that was more than enough.
Lena tucked in closer, seeking Kara’s heat, and Kara pulled the sheets up higher. Tomorrow was Saturday. They had plans to go to the farmer’s market in the morning, then make brunch back here at Lena’s place. The afternoon was still up for grabs. Maybe they’d go to the park or waterfront, or catch a movie, or just stay here and read and invade each other’s personal spaces. The specifics didn’t really matter to Kara. Nor to Lena. They had time and each other.
Kara smiled and closed her eyes, the same thought crossing her mind as before, but with more weight this time. Right here, right now, she was happy — and that was more than enough.
Also on AO3 here: 3am Kara
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imawholeassmood · 2 years
a bad idea
turned the girls into cats again. read it on A03
Alex can’t breathe. Her head feels like it’s in a vice grip with the pressure building over her eyes. It’s dark. Drums beat in her ears. Panic sets in. Until she remembers the situation she’s in.
She raises her arms from where they lay at her sides and brings them to her head. Lena startles when Alex shoves her and the result is a kick to the face when Lena uses it as a springboard to jump off the bed.
“Are you serious?” Alex grumbles and wipes at her mouth to remove the fur stuck to her tongue. “How did you get in here? And what is that noise?” She drops her hands to the mattress and props herself to a seated position. Lena saunters over to the bedroom door, her tail flicking in beat with her steps. Alex follows her with her eyes and spots the culprit of the drumming. An orange paw swipes under the door. “Kara,” she says and the paw disappears.
Alex flops back on the mattress and holds a pillow over her face. “This was such a bad idea.”
“Ok, you two, we’re going to set some ground rules.” Alex stands at attention with her hands on her hips in the living room. While Lena sits on her haunches like the consummate professional she is, Kara stands with her front paws wrapped around Lena’s neck and licks up the side of her head. It takes every bit of Alex’s military training not to crack a smile.
She fails.
At least Kara stops licking when Alex asks for her attention.
“Rule number one,” Alex says, “no sleeping in my bed and not on my face.”
“Is that one rule or two?” Kara asks and cocks her head.
“You seemed stressed,” Lena says and lifts her paw to her face and licks at the pads.
Alex guffaws. “I was stressed because you were suffocating me. It was a self-fulfilling prophecy.”
Lena, honest to god, shrugs. It takes all of her available mental capactity for Alex to tap into the training she received from Kelly to sigh out her frustration and say on the exhale, “just stay off my face.
“And you,” she points to Kara, who at least has the decency to climb off of Lena and properly face her, “no more pounding on doors.”
“You shouldn’t have locked me out.”
“No, that’s not the takeaway here.”
The way Kara contorts herself with her head flung back, Alex wonders if she’s having a medical emergency. She sends a pleading look to Lena who takes pity on her.
“Darling,” Lena says to Kara in a voice a little too sultry to be coming out of the mouth of a cat, “save the pounding for another time.”
Dear god, this was such a bad idea.
Pressure builds in Alex’s chest, and her lungs struggle to fill fully. Panic rises as her body tenses. She’s shaking. No, not shaking. She’s…vibrating? Her muscles relax with the steady rhythm until she remembers that she still can’t breathe properly.
“Lena,” she says in the calmest voice she can muster, “I appreciate the gesture, but I can’t breathe.”
“Kara never complains.”
“Kara’s made of steel.”
Alex knows she’s won when Lena removes herself from Alex’s chest and snuggles against her side instead.
“You still seem stressed.”
It surprises her how much love she has for Lena Luthor, even as black cat who insists on sleeping on her face. The family they’ve created through chaos, helping each other heal the darkest parts of each other, brings a smile to her three AM face. Alex is so consumed by her happy thoughts that she scratches Lena until they both drift off.
She doesn’t remember that she’s supposed to be confused about how Lena once again got into her bedroom until a voracious thumping jolts her back to consciousness.
Lena disappears from her side and Alex takes another deep breath.
Blankets and pillows lay strewn about the living room. Alex allows her eyes to drift across the site as she takes in the damage from the orange flash making infinity loops and bouncing off every surface. At her feet, Lena sits and glances up at her. They share a resigned look and turn their attention back to Kara who slips on a errant shoe and smashes into a table leg.
Alex is too tired for this.
“Kara,” she says and pinches the bridge of her nose, “what’s going on?”
For her part, Kara looks confused about how she ended up with her head knocked into a table and she stumbles a bit getting back to her feet. “I just,” she says and topples over, “needed to run.”
Lena moves to where Kara lay and twists herself to look into Kara’s eyes. Kara reaches her arms up to wrap around Lena’s neck.
“Not now, darling, I want to see if you're concussed. Look at me.”
“Ugh, I’m fine. See?” Kara pops up to her feet and puffs her chest out. “Good as new.”
“Mm too bad,” Lena says, “I was going to kiss it to make it better.”
“Nope,” Alex says, “I’m going back to bed. You two,” she considers her next words, “nevermind.”
“Honestly, Kara,” Alex says and folds the third blanket, “did you have to get out every blanket?”
“You don’t have any toys here and you didn’t bring any of ours.”
Alex shoots Lena a zip-it look and pics up another pillow.
“It’s witsec, Kara. We couldn’t exactly go back to your place and pack your favorites.”
“But I’m bored.” Kara picks up a shoe and drags it back to where it was stored near the door.
“No one said witsec would be fun. And you get to be here with me and Lena and not locked away in a shack alone somewhere.”
“I know.” She puts another shoe back. “Being a cat is different without my powers.” She sits and hunches her head.
“I’m sure it is. And I know it’s hard for you to be vulnerable like this,” Alex says and bends down to give Kara scratches, “but this is better than the alternative. And I’m grateful to Lena for her quick thinking after you solar-flared. Your cat instinct is what landed you on your feet and got you both to safety.”
Kara peeks past Alex to where Lena lay curled up on the couch.
“She is pretty amazing, isn’t she?” Kara says.
“She is,” Alex agrees, “and so are you.”
The moment is interrupted by the clicking and turning of the doorknob.
“Knock, knock,” Kelly says as she opens the door, “I have a surprise.”
“You saved me,” Alex says and drops a kiss on Kelly’s cheek while they watch the spectacle before them from a safe distance.
“How bad was it?”
A thunderous barrage of barks echoes through the room. Kara balances on the german shepherd's back while Lena stands with a paw ready to strike from the ground.
“Ah,” Kelly says, “well, at least she has something to entertain her now?”
“We owe James big time for this. How was Esme when you left her?”
“Thrilled to be spending time with Uncle Jimmy. She’s not a fan of dogs, though.”
Another round of barking draws them to see that Kara is now dangling from Guardian’s neck and Lena is nowhere in sight.
“Lena, you are about to lose your godmother status.”
Lena stretches across Alex’s belly before she gets dumped by Alex’s tipping hips. Alex just picks up the word “stressed” as Lena disappears into the darkness.
“What was that about?” Kelly says in a groggy voice.
“Sisterly bonding, go back to sleep.” As Kelly readjusts to tuck into Alex’s side, she lifts her head, more awake.
“How did she get in here?”
“I have no idea.”
“Ok, everybody, gather round,” Alex announces to three pairs of eyes who are already looking at her from the couch. “Right,” she continues and smacks the manilla envelop in her hand against her palm, “I got notification from J’onn that all of the suspects have been apprehended and Kara and Lena can be human again. We have some paperwork to fill out at the tower, but your time in witsec is over as of now. Wow, you’re getting good at that.”
Kara is pulling her into a four-way hug before she has a chance to register what’s happening.
After completing a round-robin of hugs and kisses, Kara points to the envelope in Alex’s hand and inquires about the contents.
“Well,” Alex says and wraps an arm around Kelly’s waist, “since Lena seemed so worried about my stress levels, I went to the doctor today to get checked out.”
She hands the envelope to Kara and she and Kelly nod for her to open it.
“I guess I can’t complain about Lena’s cat instincts anymore.”
With great reluctance, Kara peels open the flap and pulls out grainy black and white image.
“Meet your new little peapod.”
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supercorpkid · 3 years
Get the door, it’s depression.
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader, Alex Danvers x Niece!Reader.
Word Count: 2850.
Warning: Yep, it’s depression. May cause some triggers, please do not read this if it could cause you any discomfort or pain.
You hear the knock on your door. Kara’s wake up call. You open your eyes, only for them to be filled with tears immediately. You can’t. Can’t get up from bed, can’t go to school, can’t face the world right now.
The knock comes with a weird tug in the stomach. You feel like throwing up. Your heart is racing, your palms are sweating, yet your mouth is completely dry.
Not another panic attack, not another panic attack.
You shut your eyes hard and pray to Rao they forget about your existence. You pray Lena doesn’t open your bedroom’s door with the same old wake up call. You can practically hear her saying, ‘come on, baby. School. Let’s go.’ The sentence makes your stomach twist and turn inside you.
“Babygirl.” You hear Lena’s voice and oh no, here it comes. You turn to the side of your bed. There’s no time to move her out of the way and run to the bathroom, so you vomit right there. “Baby!”
Lena rushes to your side, holding your hair out of the way, while you keep throwing up something that cannot be described as food. You haven’t eaten in more than 18 hours. This yellow thing coming out of you, is not food.
“KARA! Help, please!” Lena yells, stroking your back lightly, trying to calm you down.
“What’s wrong? What’s-?” Kara's face appears in the bedroom. By the time she walks in, you’re basically done leaving everything you had on your stomach on the floor. “Oh no.” She swopes you in, in bridal style, getting you out of your vomited bedroom and into theirs. “You’re ok. Mommy is here. It’s ok, little one.” She says while laying you down in their bed.
“What are you feeling, babygirl?” Lena asks and you think about it. What are you feeling?
You’re feeling sick, but you’re not sick. You’re feeling tired, but you can’t get physically tired so it’s obviously not it. There’s nothing left in your stomach still the tug is right there.There are no words to explain what you’re feeling. There’s no illness you can blame it on.
What if they tell you to go to school? What if they tell you that you must get out of bed? You can’t get up. Your body is not responding to movement.
“Just-” You think about it. Just what? What is this? Why can’t you find the words to describe it? “Sick.” You can’t believe you’re doing this, but you fake cough. Like Kara usually fakes cough. And it’s so obvious, it’s so ridiculously over the top, that you’re sure they’re going to yell at you about it.
They don’t yell. Instead, they share a look. They have one of their telepathic conversations that you are usually not a part of. But this time you can tell what they’re thinking. They know you’re lying. Maybe the fake cough was a little too much. But they also know you don’t lie. Well, almost never, anyways. And you did throw up, and you also skipped meals, and Lena is looking at you like that. So, she knows something is up, she just doesn’t know exactly what.
“Ok.” Lena lets it out, like a sigh. “So you’re sick.” She goes to the bed, sitting next to you and investigating you further. “That means you won’t go to school.”
“Thanks.” You’re immediately relieved about it. Maybe it shows because they look at each other again, no more puzzlement in their faces.
“Do you want to stay in bed today?” Kara asks, and you agree with your head weakly. Not because you’re faking being sick. What you wanted, right now, was to vividly agree with your head because staying in bed is all you want. But weak is all you can do, for some reason. “Do you want mommy to stay with you?”
“Ummm.” No. You don’t want Kara around. You can’t even fathom the thought of her trying to cheer you up or shoving food at your face like all of this can be solved with food. “It’s ok, you should go to work. Is nothing serious.”
“Ok.” She looks disappointed at your answer. “How about if Lena stays?”
No. You also don’t want Lena around. Just the thought of having Lena pressing you to tell her what’s wrong, or that she can look at your face and see all that you’re hiding, sends shivers down your spine.
“Guys, it’s ok. It’s just some stupid cold or something like that.” You can’t get a cold, moron. How is this a cold?
“I’ll bring something for you to eat.” Kara makes her way downstairs and you look at Lena, still looking too knowing next to you.
“I’m ok. I just need to sleep a little more.” You pat her leg to comfort her. Feels weird comforting her when you know you’re the one who needs it so bad. “Go to work, mom. There’s a lot to do before L Corp launches the new device.”
Lena’s hand goes to your cheek. Usually, you would try giving her a little smile, but there’s nothing inside you that would be able to fake a believable smile right now, and you don’t have to give her more reasons to worry.
“Go.” You pat her leg again.
She gives you the longest forehead kiss you’ve ever gotten in your life. “I love you.”
“I’m not dying, you know.” You complain a little, but Lena doesn’t move. Green eyes pleading you to say the same. “I love you too.”
“Rest, baby.” Another forehead kiss. “I’ll ask Kara to check in on you later.”
“Thanks mom.”
When Lena leaves the bedroom, you let out a relieved sigh. It’s ok. They don’t know. You don’t have to explain yourself; you don’t need to find words, you don’t even know, to describe how you’re feeling. You can try and find as many words as you would like but there’s only one that will do. You’re feeling empty.
There is this crushing feeling of worthlessness and hopelessness. There is a war inside your mind, and at the same time you feel like you’re underwater. And you don’t even know how this is possible. You keep hearing ‘you should die’, you keep thinking you hate the Luthor name, you keep wondering why you had to be born with super powers. But at the same time that’s all hard to understand, because your mind feels drowned in muffled noises. You are exhausted.
You hear when Kara walks back into the room with food. You pretend you’re asleep. She knows you’re faking. You know she knows. Yet, you don’t open your eyes, nor does she call you on your lie.
You feel Kara’s big warm hand stroking your arm. You hear a worried sigh. You hear her saying she loves you. And you fall asleep.
When you wake up, it’s because you hear Kara again. You don’t know how long it has been since she left, but you hear her on the phone, and still, you don’t open your eyes.
“Still asleep, love.” She says, right outside the bedroom door. If you wanted, you could use your super hearing and listen to what Lena is saying too, but it’s too much effort and you’re exhausted. “No, she hasn't eaten anything yet. I know, Lena! I’m worried too! Ok, fine. I’ll wake her up. Call you later.”
You bite the inside of your mouth, hold your breath, and wait for it. But Kara doesn’t come in, instead you hear a whoosh of air, and she flies out. You breathe out again. Great, you can go back to sleep.
“Little one. Hey.” You feel Kara’s hand on your hair. “Wake up baby, I brought you donuts.”
“No, thanks. I just want to sleep some more.” You shuffle in bed, turning to the other side and ignoring Kara’s loud sighs.
“You’ve been sleeping for eight hours straight. You’ve skipped dinner last night, breakfast and lunch today. I’m sorry, my heart, but you have to wake up and eat something.” She tries again, even more soft than she was talking before.
“I don’t want to.”
“Please baby, just eat a little bit. There’s donuts, pizza, and your mom sent your favorite pasta from that place you like so much.” Kara’s hand is stroking your back, and it feels nice. But her voice is annoying you. And you’re oh, so, so tired. Her hands move to your face, and she strokes your cheek. “There’s so much stuff you like, sweet girl.”
“Please leave.”
“Little one…”
“Momma, just leave.”
She does, you reckon. You can’t really tell. Your mind is foggy, and you think you’re asleep again. Or maybe you’re awake. Maybe this is a dream. Maybe it’s reality. Maybe-
“Hey kiddo. Can you hear me?” You can. You wish the world would just stop talking to you, though. You wish your phone would stop ringing. You wish there wasn’t a hot yellow sun lamp on top of your body right now. There’s really no reason for it. “It’s aunt Alex. Can you tell me what you’re feeling?”
“I’m tired. Let me sleep.”
“Your body functions are normal. Heartbeat, oxygen, temperature. The yellow sun light is on. You’re not supposed to be tired.” She says again, touching the pulse point on your neck.
“Leave, please.” You beg, weakly. There’s no strength, there is no will power inside you.
You pray the world would just stop. The world doesn’t.
“Listen-” The mattress dips next to you when she sits. Alex easily turns your face to her. “Open your eyes and look at me. Please.”
“Why won’t you leave?” You whine, incapable of doing what she’s asking.
“Because I’m worried, your moms are worried, your cousin is worried, and we need to figure this out.” You feel her hands cupping your face, her two thumbs getting under your eyes and pulling the skin down. Your eyes unwittingly open. “Keep them open, please.” Reluctantly, you do. “Follow my finger.” She starts moving her finger in front of your face from one side to the other. “Good. Besides feeling tired, what else do you feel?”
“Annoyed at your presence.” It’s out of your mouth before you can think about it. It’s not a lie, but also not something you would just come out and say it like that. But you have no strength to take it back.
She sighs, loudly. “Just tell me what happened, kiddo. I’m sure I can help you.”
“You can’t.” Your jaw hardens at its own accord. The thought of ‘what happened’ keeps pulling the string around your neck tighter and tighter. The pit on your stomach feels infinite. “No one can, so just leave me the fuck alone.”
“Would you be willing to talk to anyone about this?” Alex doesn’t leave. You wish you were angry about it. You wish you could just tell her to go to hell. But tears find their way into your eyes and down your cheeks without your control. You hate not feeling in control of your own body. She cleans the tears with her thumb, softly. “If you don’t want to talk to me. Maybe to one of your moms?”
“No. Please, no.”
“Jamie?” You think about it. You think about anyone you would like to talk to right now. Not a single name comes to mind.
“Can I just sleep and talk to someone tomorrow?” You beg again. All that you’ve been doing is begging and whining and praying, still not a single soul responds to it. “Please, I’m-I’m exhausted. I can’t do any more talking today.”
“Ok.” Alex agrees. “You can talk tomorrow, but you have to eat today and that is non-negotiable.”
“Ok. I’ll eat.” But you close your eyes again, and before you know it, you’re drifting back to sleep.
It’s night, it’s day. Maybe night again.
Time passes, but it doesn’t.
You twist and turn, and sleep, and sleep-
Kara doesn’t let go of you. Lena sighs and whispers. They worry, but there’s nothing you can do about it. You have no strength to do anything about it.
They sigh, you feel bad. Then worse. Then you don’t feel anything at all.
They cry, you feel shitty. Instead of making them stop crying, you cry too. Then it’s like you’ve never even knew tears in your life.
It’s a full circle.
And then maybe it’s day again.
“Please, little one, wake up.” You blink your eyes at the request. Kara is holding food, and Lena is holding water in front of your face. “It’s been two days, you have to eat or Alex will use the red sun lamp to do an IV rehydration, and it’s going to be so much worse.”
“Mommy.” You whine, closing your eyes again.
“I’m sorry, baby. But you need food.” She sets the food on the side of the bed and sits you up. “Come on, you eat a little and we’ll let you go back to sleep, how about that?”
“How about I just sleep?”
“Hey. No, no.” She holds you up, before you try to lay down again. You hear Kara whispering in your ear. “Remember that you are my heart, and I need my heart to be strong. So please.”
You whine one more time, like a hurt puppy, but you still eat. Anything they put in your mouth, really, you don’t even care what it is. You eat and drink, then sleep and sleep-
“Babygirl. Hey, mom is here with you, ok?” You feel Lena’s hand on your hair, scraping your scalp so softly; you want nothing but that for the rest of your life.
“Don’t stop.” You wail. You must be begging again. It’s all you do.
“Playing with your hair?” She asks and you hum in agreement. “Ok, I won’t. Can I hold you?”
“Yes. But no talking.”
Lena gets comfortable next to you. One arm is around your ribcage, the other one on your hair, scrapping, playing, stroking it.
Your heart is empty, your stomach is empty, now your mind feels the same. It’s almost nice to feel nothing at all.
“Your phone doesn’t stop buzzing.” Lena says a while later and again your words leave your mouth before you can even process them.
“Ignore it. It’s them.”
“Who’s them?”
“The bullies.” Lena’s hand stops moving on your hair, her body stiffens close to yours. But your mind is foggy. The string around your neck tightens harder. Your stomach is an endless void. “Don’t stop, please.”
Jamie comes, she leaves unnoticed.
Maya comes, she leaves unanswered.
You haven’t left your moms’ bed in so long. It’s day, it’s night. Is it day again?
Your therapist comes.
She is in a depressive episode, he says.
Your moms yell, our baby is depressed?
No. She is having a depressive episode. Those are different things, he answers.
You want to scoff. There’s no strength.
You’re not depressed, you’re tired. The world is an infinite pit of misery. He wouldn’t say that you’re depressed if he knew what you’ve been through. Oh, wait. He does.
You’re an infinite pit of despair. You wish people would just go on with their lives, everyone but you. You wish your life would just stopped until you’re not tired anymore and can deal with things.
Every time you’re awake, you hear a voice in your ear saying, ‘You should die. Your family will be better off without you’. And you’re so beaten down, you believe it. So you close your eyes, and sleep and sleep-
“Here, my love.” Lena holds a little pill in front of your face, with a bottle of water.
“What’s that?”
“This will help. I promise.” She asks, or is she begging? You don’t take it. “Please baby, you have to take it.”
“Here, little one.” Kara has to physically open your mouth and put the pill on your tongue. Water washes over it soon after. “You’re going to be fine, my heart. We promise.”
“What was that?” You try again. Their answers weren’t satisfactory.
They look at each other. Must be telepathic talking. You lay your head down on your pillow again. You’re exhausted. So, so fucking tired.
Why the fuck is the world still spinning? Why is the world still standing?
It’s night, it’s day. Is it night again?
“Are you reading this?” You hear far away. Like a dream. Like you might be imagining, projecting, or even hallucinating.
“I-I can’t read any more of that, Lena. Look at the things they are telling her.”
“All because of my stupid last name.”
“For how long? How long did we let this happen for? We should’ve-We-My God, Lena! How did we not notice this before?”
“Too long. But that’s enough. That’s it, Kara. I mean it.”
Is this really happening? Are you dreaming? You feel so disconnected from reality. But it matters not, if it’s real or hallucination. The pull tights around your neck, heart and stomach. There is no hope, no help. Anything they do, will make things worse. But your mind is foggy. By now, you’re just a shell of a person. So instead of screaming for them to stop, you sleep and sleep and sleep-
@lilyduranhanna prompted me this and as painful as it was to write, I hope is still enjoyable somehow?
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naralanis · 3 years
little bumps in the road (pt. 26)
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Previously, on LBitR...
Lena has never given much thought to what happens after death.
She’s heard all about feeling cold—she’s felt that cold, more than once. She’s heard all about darkness—which she has seen, but not exactly in a near-death context. She’s also heard all about the light.
She does see that—not exactly a light she has to follow or whatever it is people see when they die, but a blinding expanse of white, as far as her eyes can see, though a little fuzzy, darker around the edges of her vision.
Considering the way she went out, Lena’s very surprised she doesn’t see any green.
Green. Kryptonite.
Something that feels like a sob wrenches itself out of her chest by force. That dumb, stupid, idiotic Kryptonian—if Lena’s dead, then Kara is for sure—how dare she—
The voice is familiar, and close; physically close, something that Lena didn’t think was possibly in this ethereal, post-death realm. Lena turns her head and realizes that, despite the brightness of the light she’s seeing, her eyes are most definitely closed.
She opens them, then blinks, because the only difference seems to be… a lot of fuzzy shapes.
“Lena?” the voice calls to her again, closer still.
“Eugh…” is Lena’s less-than-eloquent reply. She could have done worse; her throat constricts painfully around something, and it’s like she’s pulling air the wrong way in, which causes a coughing fit that rattles her to the bone.
“Hey, hey, it’s OK, take your time,” the voice continues, and Lena knows that voice, but right now her brain feels like actual Jell-O sloshing around in her skull, and her entire body lights up with pain, so it’s understandably taking her a little while to get her bearings.
She blinks the crust out of her eyes; the speaking blob at her side begins to take shape and look like a person.
“Lena, don’t worry. You’re alright, you’re at the DEO. You’re hurt, but we could take the implant out—there will be an adjustment period, but you’re alright.” The voice explains, and Lena finally, finally places it.
“Agh… ah—ugh… L-lex?” she tries; her tongue feels like a wad of cotton in her mouth, and her throat is just burning.
The voice grows soothing. “We got him, Lena, don’t worry, we got—”
Lena shakes her head, which is a terrible decision—there is s sharp jolt of pain that shoots down her temple and settles all the way at the base of her spine; it makes her clench her teeth, which in turn just worsens the throbbing in her head.
She attempts to raise a hand; that fails when another painful shock travels from her shoulder across her collarbones. Lena groans in frustration, she needs to ger her words out, but it’s like her entire body has decided to call it quits.
Finally, she manages.
“Ah-Alex… Alex?”
The figure releases a breathless little laugh, and a reassuring hand comes to rest very gently at Lena’s shoulder.
“It’s me, Lena. I’m alright, you’re alright. Rest now, OK? Your meds will be kicking in again any time.”
Lena is equal parts relieved and panicked; there’s the obvious relief that comes with the knowledge that Alex is fine and right here next to her. But the agent doesn’t say a word about her sister, and that fills Lena with a dread she cannot express in her condition; especially now, as her lids grow heavier by the second, as her body sinks into an undoubtedly double-padded mattress.
“K—K..agh…” she tries, needing to know that Kara is alright, that she’s alive, because if Lena made it, Kara has to be alive. The alternative is unthinkable.
She manages another unintelligible gurgle before the meds do kick in, and then she’s out like a light.
Lena dreams.
This time, she does see green—a lot of it as the entire space of her LuthorCorp office is awash in the glow of the fully-armed Kryptonite cannons, and when Supergirl—Kara—lowers herself onto her balcony, Lena realizes this is not a dream at all.
It’s a memory.
She watches Kara raise her arms in surrender, sees the crinkle of confusion on her brow as the Kryptonian stares at her as if she’s seeing someone else entirely.
Lena watches her fall once she’s hit by what was meant to be a lethal dose of Kryptonite.
The memory shifts.
They’re in the Jeep, this time. It’s the dead of night and Kara’s in the driver’s seat, hair cropped short—Christ, Lena had forgotten just how short it was during those first couple of weeks. Kara’s driving, but she’s not looking at the road—no, in this snippet of reality, she’s staring straight at Lena, her gaunt, pale complexion fixated on her passenger. She looks perplexed, but also, inexplicably, relieved.
The memories keep shifting—they’re at the diner where they finally spoke to one another again, then they’re at a gas station, a phone booth, on and on and on—until everything seems to move and merge into a blur of colours, shapes, and sounds. It’s a convoluted, puzzling mental kaleidoscope, but surprisingly, Lena finds it remarkably easy to make sense of it all.
After all, how could she not? These are her memories. She’s lived through it all before.
Lena blinks into awareness slowly, this time. Her dream—or actual trip down memory lane—fades away softly, giving way to the soothing darkness of eyes gently closed for sleep.
There’s warmth at her side, and movement, too. It’s the up-and-down, in-and-out steady rhythm of deep breathing.
Lena instinctively tucks into the warmth and feels it in a solid, unmovable presence on her bed. She blinks once, twice, registers the lower lighting of her room, the tell-tale beeping of hospital equipment…and a very warm Kryptonian, glued to her side, squeezed so tight into the MedBay bed she cannot be comfortable.
Lena shifts—she needs to get a better look, needs to touch, to make sure she’s not dreaming, that her mind (which hasn’t been extremely reliable as of late) isn’t playing a cruel trick on her.
When she moves, blue eyes rimmed by dark circles snap open; they crinkle at the corners with a smile as they meet Lena’s gaze head on, and Lena releases a breath of pure relief.
“Hey,” Kara murmurs, her voice a soft breath ghosting over Lena’s cheeks since they’re only inches apart.
Lena can’t really help it; the tears are running down her cheeks before she realizes she’s crying, and she breathes in through sniffles as she reaches out to touch Kara’s face.
She’s there, inches away, warm and soft, and alive, and Lena lets the sobs rip through her chest. Her breaths are short little stuttering gasps, really, and she can’t stop smiling.
“Hey,” she whispers back, leaning into the warmth of Kara’s touch once the Kryptonian delicately wipes at her tears with her thumb. Her hand stays there, cradling Lena’s face as they smile like idiots after one-too-many near-death experiences.
“I have to admit,” Kara says after some time, smile unwavering and bright despite the pallor of her features, “that wasn’t the reaction I was expecting.”
Lena chuckles—she does so lightly, since her ribs (most likely broken) protest at the slightest movement. “What, crying?” she asks. She can’t really move her arms, or really anything at all, so she settles for slightly craning her neck, leaning further into the hand Kara has kept in place at her tear-stained cheek.
Kara just nods, laughing a little. There’s a warm yellow hue around them—Lena surmises someone probably moved a sunlamp to her bed once Kara invited herself in—and it makes Kara’s hair, growing at awkward, adorable angles, glow golden and beautiful.
Lena soaks it all in.
“Is this real?” she can’t help but ask. She doesn’t think she would survive another trick of the mind, especially one so cruel.
Kara shifts on the thin mattress, impossibly closer, body practically melding along Lena’s. She’s still smiling, and there’s such certainty in her gaze, Lena practically melts with relief before Kara can even reassure her.
“Yes,” Kara says. “I have to admit the details are a little bit fuzzy,” she raises her arm with some difficulty to poke playfully at her own head, “but it seems I uh, ripped the Lexosuit apart and tossed it just before it exploded.”
Lena furrows her brows, trying to remember. All she can recall was the countdown clock and the split-second feeling of weightlessness before she began falling to the earth once the suit powered down.
“And then?”
Kara shrugs—Lena notices how her movements are stilted, like moving pains her, and wonders just how close to dying Kara had been. Again. “As far as I know, J’onn got to you in the nick of time.”
Lena narrows her eyes. “And you?”
Kara looks sheepish. “I uh. Hit the pavement.”
It’s said so… matter-of-factly, so casual and off-hand. It wrenches another sob right out of Lena, and her ribs ache in protest, but all she can think is Kara falling again, crumpling limply onto the pavement again, being on the brink of death again, and she can’t—Lena can’t cope with the image at all.
“Hey, hey, no, it’s OK,” Kara moves in, ready to calm and soothe, wiping at Lena’s tears with both hands. Her lips find Lena’s forehead, and while the gesture is entirely unprecedented, it has the desired effect—Lena’s body instinctively relaxes, and her sobs begin to abate. “I’m here,” Kara says, lips still on Lena’s skin, “Good as new, I promise.”
Lena doesn’t believe that for one second—there’s an unhealthy pallor to Kara’s complexion that tells her she still has a lot of time to spend under the sunlamps, and Lena can tell just how much it hurts for the Kryptonian to move. She bets there are slow-healing bruises all over her skin under the DEO-issue henley and sweats.
Though—she considers as her own body twinges with pains she hasn’t yet had the mental fortitude or will to catalogue in their entirety—she supposes she also has a long way to go as well.
“How long have we been out?”
“A few days,” Kara replies, chin resting atop Lena’s head and showing no inclination of moving. Good. “I just woke up a few hours ago.”
Lena grins. “And then the first thing you did was come to crowd my space while I recovered?”
Kara laughs. “Of course not. I went to pee first.”
It’s worth the twinges in her ribcage to chuckle a little. Lena lets out as deep a sigh as her injuries will allow, and her breathing adjusts to follow the steady rise-and-fall of Kara’s chest, still melded to her side.
“So, what now?”
Kara’s sigh is deep, and when she speaks, her voice grows heavier with sleep by the word. She’s probably exhausted and just about ready to conk out.
Lena thinks she’s got the right idea.
“Well,” the Kryptonian murmurs, voice so soft Lena has to strain to hear over the faint hum of hospital machinery surrounding them. “Nia caught Lex—gave him a good ol’ trashing, from what I hear. Uh, your name’s been cleared. LuthorCorp is yours, or will be after Lex’s trial—again. Supergirl is alive and back, sort of. Kara Danvers, meanwhile, is due to return from a mysterious illness… or something, I’m not sure what lie Nia made up at CatCo. Oh, and…”
Lena nods, barely processing Kara’s words. She’s just sinking into warmth, and Kara’s rambling in earnest now, and it feels so familiar. Comfortable, even here, cramped in this tiny MedBay cot.
Especially here.
Lena tucks further into Kara’s neck, and that stops Kara’s talking just enough for her to get a word in edgewise. “OK,” she whispers against Kara’s skin. “But for now… we just rest?”
She feels Kara’s slight nod, and Lena’s smile stretches wider while her eyes grow heavier. “Together?”
Another nod. Another whisper. “Together.”
That’s it! It’s done! Oof! Thank you all for humouring me in this wild, bumpy ride. All chapters (plus an epilogue!) will be posted on my AO3 within the next few days.
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gveret-fic · 4 years
I know Kara's usually compared to a puppy or a golden retriever but I always think of her as a particularly kind and gregarious big cat (like a v tame lion or tiger) and now I can't let go of the hc that Kryptonians purr
The first time Kara spends the night is a bit of an accident. She's waiting on the couch while Lena fixes them a drink, and Lena returns to find her head draped over the backrest, mouth gaping open and glasses askew, completely conked out. 
Between the options of getting her to her apartment with a forklift and waking her up, Lena decides to let it lie. In the case of a midnight emergency, she has a secret backup super suit in the office anyway. 
She gently picks the glasses off Kara's face and grabs a pillow from the bedroom. She tucks it beneath Kara's head, and Kara turns her face into it and gives it a good sniff. With dawning horror, Lena realizes she forgot to change the pillowcase. 
Trying to wrest a very soft and teareable item from a slumbering Kryptoinian’s grip is a lost cause, and Lena can do nothing but watch, mortified, as Kara makes a face in her sleep and drags the possibly very stinky pillow from underneath her head to hold it in her arms, and lets out a relieved little sigh. 
Lena is ready to turn away and nurse her embarrassment in private when she hears a strange noise, a sort of soft, interrupted breathing. Does Kara snore? Oh, Lena is going to use this. 
She turns halfway in Kara's direction, closing her eyes and concentrating on the sound. It's quiet and regular with a distinct rise and fall, a low frequency warbling, and it has a strangely soothing quality to it; the more Lena listens, the more she wants to hear, almost like a---
---a purr. Kara, on her couch, clutching Lena's used pillow to her chest, purring. 
Lena flees to her office, filled with a sudden inexplicable energy, face flaming with something that feels, unfortunately, like more than embarrassment.
The second time Kara spends the night is a bit more intentional. 
"Never ever ever?" Kara asks in horror. 
"Well, unless you count boarding school."  
"Obviously I don’t! Mandatory sleep arrangements are not a sleepover, Lena!" 
And so Kara shows up Friday evening at Lena's apartment, equipped with snacks, board games, and two sleeping bags. 
They camp out on the living room floor after many harrowing but obligatory sleepover activities as per Kara’s direction. Kara snuggles into her sleeping bag until only her head is visible, and barely that in its entirety. She smiles at Lena. Over the hum of the fridge and the occasional traffic outside, Lena can hear her start to purr.
Lena wants to ask, wants to reach, wants to touch, but Kara closes her eyes and is out like a light, rolling onto her side, her back to Lena, even as the purring continues.
Lena wonders what it would be like to feel it, to simply reach out and press her hand to Kara’s back, let those powerful vibrations travel up her arm, sense the corporeal manifestation of Kara’s contentment and comfort and ease.
Fuck. How invasive would that be? Lena’s in her own little sleeping bag, Kara in hers, a clear delineation between them. Kara had rolled onto her side, showing Lena her back. She trusts Lena enough to fall asleep in her presence, to---to purr about it.
Lena turns over, curling her hand to her chest, and allows that addictive, peaceful sound to lull her to sleep.
The seventh time Kara spends the night, Lena just invites her to bed. 
"Come on," she says. "My couch is sick of you. Give the poor thing some space." 
Kara doesn’t always seem entirely at ease in her body, but she sprawls all over Lena’s mattress, linking her arms behind her head, filling Lena’s space with her presence as naturally as if this bed has always been hers. Lena watches her from the corner of her eye as she wriggles a little in the sheets, hugging her pillow in one arm, luxuriating in the simple comfort. She’s magnetic.
Lena debates her options before picking her satin pyjama set and climbing in beside her.
Kara immediately flops onto her side, head propped on her arm, grinning. “Fancy seeing you here.”
Lena has left barely an inch between her body and the edge of the bed. She touches it, a reassurance, a promise. “Oh?” she asks. “Come here often, then?”
Kara leans closer. “I wish,” she says, voice low.
Lena stares at her for a fraction too long, laughs awkwardly to compensate, turns away to turn off the light. “Goodnight, you flirt.”
Kara reaches out and squeezes Lena’s hand in the dark. “Goodnight, Lena.”
They fall asleep on opposite sides of the bed. Lena knows this for certain; she checked. She can remember touching the edge of the bed just before falling asleep. But she wakes up---she wakes up with her arm wound around Kara’s belly, Kara’s butt tucked into her groin, Kara’s body vibrating palpably against her own.
Sleep foggy and enamored, Lena reaches an unthinking hand to press directly over Kara’s purring chest.
“Hey,” a muggy voice greets her. Kara turns over onto her back, shoots her a blurry smile.
“Shit.” Lena tries to snatch away her hand only for Kara to grab her arm, keeping her hand against Kara’s chest. The vibrations intensify. “Sorry,” Lena mutters, eyes fixed on her own hand.
Kara grips tighter. “You like it?” she asks, her voice sleep-rough.
Lena swallows. Nods. Denial would be absurd at this point.
“It’s for you,” Kara rasps.
Lena feels her heart in her throat. Her eyes find Kara’s.
“I like your bed,” Kara says, words plain and eyes intense. “I like you.”
Kara’s purring swells and dips with her breath, loud in Lena’s ears, tangible against her skin. Lena puts her weight on the palm braced on Kara’s chest; Kara strains upward in an impressive show of core strength. They meet somewhere in the middle.
Kara kisses sweet and simple, a little sluggish with sleep, still gripping Lena’s forearm. The purring deepens, a low, insistent hum between them; a reassurance, a confession, a gift. Lena turns her head away, overwhelmed. Takes the hand off too.
“What?” Kara sits up further, hand sliding up to grip Lena’s wrist, thumb against her palm. The purring quiets. “What’s wrong?”
I just feel really loved right now, is a thought Lena could never verbally express in a million years.
“Gosh, Lena, are you crying?” Kara digs her thumb into the heel of Lena’s palm. “I’m that bad, huh?”
“The worst,” Lena agrees. Sniffs.
Kara smiles. “Okay. Let me try again? I’m a very good student.” 
Lena wipes a knuckle under her eye. “A real teacher’s cat,” she says.
Kara doesn’t dignify that with a laugh, but she does dignify it with another kiss. Lena slumps forward into her until Kara's back flops back on the bed and her arms come around Lena, physically cocooned within every tactile expression of Kara’s affection.  
Lena has no particular physiological mechanism to showcase her appreciation, so she pours it into the kiss instead.
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oreoambitions · 4 years
From the prompt-list: 28. things you said in the dark for supercorp If you wanna, all the best 💛
The first time Kara spends the night it's a movie in Lena's apartment, which turns into two movies, which turns into a conversation soft and quiet on the couch until the evening has stretched on for so long that it's technically morning. Lena's cheeks have taken on a lingering rose color, perhaps from the wine or perhaps from Kara's fingers absently stroking her hip where her shirt's ridden up. Kara isn't drunk - Lena isn't sure Krpytonians can get drunk on Earth - but she is tired. Her voice is thick, her train of thought somewhat difficult to follow when she speaks, and Lena is delighed but not surprised to learn that her best friend becomes even more physically affectionate when she's sleepy.
"Stay here tonight," Lena murmurs when Kara trails off, eyes fluttering closed, in the middle of a sentence. "I don't think you should fly."
Kara shifts against Lena's shoulder. "I don't think I should leave you," she mumbles. "Never leave you. Just. Just moving in right here where it's warm, just. You smell nice."
Lena runs her hands through Kara's hair and luxuriates in the way she shifts and sighs into Lena's neck. "I think," Lena whispers, "That you should leave me long enough to change out of that bra because I know for a fact you've got popcorn stuck down there, and then I think you should come to bed. You can fly home in the morning."
Kara peers down her own shirt with a frown and then pouts. "There is popcorn down there, how did that happen?"
They both know how that happened, so Lena doesn't comment. Instead she tugs her best friend unsteadily to her feet and chuckles as Kara leans into her, pretending she isn't the most powerful being on the planet just for a moment, just for comedic effect, or perhaps just because she wants an excuse to wrap Lena up in her arms again. And then they make their way to the bedroom and Kara hesitates in the doorway because in all their time together she's never been here, in this space.
"The entire super team could sleep here comfortably," Kara comments, some of the drowsiness gone from her voice.
Lena laughs. "You are the only member of the super team allowed in that bed. Here, this will probably fit you." She tosses an old MIT shirt at Kara and then has to turn around quickly when Kara begins to strip directly in front of her like it's no big deal. Well, maybe it is no big deal for friends who don't secretly want to put their mouths on friends, but Lena doesn't fall into that camp, so she digs out a clean sleep shirt for herself too even though she's already in pajamas and she's not the one with popcorn boobs.
"I'm not the only one," Kara says.
"You said I'm the only member of the super team allowed in your bed." Kara flops down, hands behind her head, ankles crossed, and fixes Lena with a stare. Lena doesn't quite meet her eyes, distracted by the way her MIT shirt is just a half size too small for Kara, the way she can count every one of those abs through the fabric, the way those arms are outlined through the- "But you forgot you're a member of the super team too," Kara continues. "So that's two of us."
Lena is pretty sure even the tips of her ears are red. She's going to pretend that's about Kara reminding her that she's included and not at all about the way Kara looks in her clothes. She hesitates before stripping her own shirt off, her back to Kara. It would seem strange to step into the bathroom to change now and she doesn't want to make Kara uncomfortable by displaying her own discomfort, so she pulls the clean shirt on quickly, turns off all but the bedside lamp, and scoots under the covers before she can entertain any more vaguely inappropriate thoughts.
There is plenty of room for the two of them to spread out and never come close to touching one another. That's always been important for Lena: a bed big enough to share without having to  touch anyone, because Lena has never been able to fall asleep in the presence of another but it's rude to throw a partner out after sex. Still, maybe in this moment she wishes she'd opted for a smaller, more reasonably sized mattress. Maybe she wants to spend a sleepless night with her back just touching Kara's, feeling her presence, feeling her breath rise and fall peacefully in the dark.
What a stupid, sappy thought. Lena abruptly turns out the bedside lamp, plunging the room into near perfect darkness, and covers her huff with a "Goodnight, Kara."
"Goodnight," Kara mumbles.
If Kara sounds a little stiff, Lena chalks it up to exhaustion.
The clock reads 3:58 AM when Lena wakes to what she first thinks is a long, gentle earthquake. The bed is shaking but nothing on the walls is rattling so Lena stays where she is until she hears a distinct sniffle in the dark. Kara. This isn't an earthquake; it's a Kryptonian crying.
Lena fumbles awkwardly across the bed in the dark until her fingers brush Kara's shoulder. Kara is curled up small, her arms closed across her chest.
"Nightmares?" Lena asks. She slides a hand across Kara's forearm to soothe her and then, when Kara doesn't resist, presses herself close against her back. Kara snuggles back into her immediately, threads their fingers together, tangles their ankles.
"I'm okay," Kara whispers.
"Yes, that's why you're crying at 4am: because you're okay."
"I'm sorry I woke you. I didn't mean to."
Lena hums and presses a kiss to the back of Kara's head. As if she could ever be angry with this warm sleepy goof for waking her. Please.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Lena asks.
Kara takes a deep, trembling breath. "You have to promise not to laugh at me," she says.
"I promise," Lena replies, steeling herself. If Kara is crying about something like puppies or potstickers in the middle of the night, it's going to be a difficult promise to keep.
But then Kara whispers, "I'm scared of the dark" so softly that Lena might have missed it if she weren't holding her so close, and her heart breaks a little at the sound of those words tumbling out. She pulls Kara a little closer.
"Oh, darling. You should have said so."
"I didn't want you to think- I didn't want to be a bother."
"You didn't want me to think you were a coward," Lena fills in. "Do you want me to turn the light on?" And then, when Kara's grip tightens around her, she asks, "Have you always been scared of the dark?"
"No," Kara mumbles. She rolls over and buries her face in Lena's shoulder, fingers grasping Lena's shirt. "I know it's stupid; I'm not a little kid. Please don't laugh at me."
"I'm not laughing. Are you sure you don't want me to get the light?"
"I don't want you to let me go."
They lay together that way for a long time, until the bed stops shaking, until Kara's breath becomes even and soft again, until Lena feels comfortable enough to start stroking Kara's hair in the silence. Kara sighs into her the way she did on the couch, and Lena thinks that perhaps this should be a regular part of their friendship.
"Twenty four years," Kara whispers. "I was in the dark, alone, for twenty four years. And I-" She shudders. "I sleep with a nightlight. It's childish, but-"
"It's not," Lena interrupts. "It's not. Especially after what you've been through. I'm sorry I didn't know."
Kara half shrugs in her arms. "I'm sorry I never told you." And then, after a long silence, she says, "I don't need you to turn the light on."
"No. It's not so bad when you're with me." Kara leans up to press a gentle kiss to Lena's jaw, and Lena thinks that if that is going to be a regular part of their friendship, she and Kara are going to have to have a talk about the meaning of the word.
But she puts that thought aside to stroke soothing patterns across Kara's back. "I'll always be with you," she whispers. "You never have to be alone in the dark again."
Lena is surprised when she wakes. Surprised because she fell asleep so easily with Kara in her arms that she doesn't remember falling asleep at all, and surprised because Kara is still tangled up in her when morning breaks, snoring softly, one arm draped across Lena's waist.
Lena orders a nightlight after breakfast. Just in case.
Thank you for the ask!
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blkmxrvel · 3 years
Haven’t Forgotten My Way Home (25) - [CONVERTED]
Pairing: Kara Zor-El x Female!Reader
Summary: In the D/s society of National City, men and women abandoned by their Dom/mes or otherwise deemed unfit for life “outside” end up at the Mount Overland House for Orphaned Submissives. It is here that Kara Zor-El finds Y/N Hastings, broken and fearful from mistreatment at the hands of her former Dom. Can Kara coax Y/N back into the world that once so terrified her, and show her the true meaning of care and submission?
Warnings: Domestic Violence (Flashbacks, Mentions and Descriptions), Misogyny, Domination/Submission.
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She hadn’t known what to expect for the trial. She’d thought that she’d have to sit in a little box, with a judge towering over her and yelling questions. Or maybe they’d let James ask the questions, even though both Sam and Lucy had told her that wasn’t the way these sorts of trials worked. She didn’t know; she’d never been to one before. She’d watched a court show or two when she was younger, at her parents’ house, but she was pretty sure even then that that wasn’t the way real life worked.
Then again, Y/N was growing ever surer that her own life wasn’t the way real life was supposed to work.
She certainly hadn’t expected for James to be this close, so close that she could smell his cologne and the underlying hint of soap. So close that she could see his eyes, the nervous, uncertain way they would flick in her direction then back down to the table again, as if he was afraid – or ashamed – to be caught looking at someone who was “beneath” him. She hadn’t expected the fear, the revulsion that had welled up within her at knowing that the man who had tormented her for years was now, once again, within mere feet of her.
She hadn’t expected to find herself hating him.
The only thing that gave her comfort, even more than sitting with Sam on one side and her lawyer on the other, was knowing that Miss Kara was also a few feet away, sitting in the gallery with Lena and watching her with kind, proud, protective eyes.
Miss Kara had kept the blanket fort up for a few days, and she and Y/N had slept in it the night previously – but only after Miss Kara had bought an air mattress.
“You’re not sleeping on the floor,” she’d said, a determined look in her eyes that made Y/N fall in love with her just a little more.
She hadn’t really been able to get much sleep; she’d tossed and turned with images of the trial not letting her close her eyes for more than a few moments. Finally Miss Kara had had enough – they both needed to rest so they would be in top form, she’d said, her voice gentle but authoritative. She’d held Y/N close in her arms and sang into her ear, softly, soothingly, until finally Y/N was able to settle down and get a few hours of sleep.
Nothing had really prepared her for seeing James in the courtroom. Even having Kara on one side, Sam, Lena, and Lucy on the other, did little to quell Y/N’s nerves. The moment she saw him, it all came rushing back.
And then, listening to the reasons for why he had done what he had… was that enough? She found herself wondering. Would it all excuse what he had done to her? She hated that for a brief moment while listening to James’s testimony, her heart had ached for him. The little boy, his family in turmoil and ultimately being abandoned by the father… She could only imagine what James had gone through, what he had thought, how he must have blamed himself. For just a few minutes, Y/N could see the scared boy that James had been. And yet, the boy that he had been was quickly overshadowed by the instruments he had used, the angry scowl of his voice as he beat her. The pain, the bruises, the broken bones…
But at least that’s why she was there – to give voice to her own worst memories.
They had decided that, rather than having Y/N prepare her own statement, she was better at questioning, a call-and-response testimony that kept her head clear and focused, and her answers concise. So Lucy Lane’s voice was soft, gentle as she asked the first question.
“Y/N, what was it like when you first met James Olsen?”
She hadn’t been sure about Lucy at first. There was something too flighty about her, a goofiness that had made Y/N wonder if the thin lawyer with the outlandish clothes was really dedicated to her case. But Sam had sworn by her, and the loud chomping of gum while she pored over the notes to Y/N’s case was offset by the look of sheer determination in Lucy’s eyes, and that had made her feel better. Plus she had seen the tender way Lucy had interacted with her submissive when her boy had brought them all lunch one day, and that had done even more for Y/N’s trust.
“He was nice,” Y/N admitted, toying with the hem of her shirt and looking down at the table. “I saw him… a couple of times when we were kids and he always seemed nice. Really… tall.”
Across from her, James snorted, and Y/N smiled a little.
In another life, would they have known each other? If they hadn’t been matched up by her parents and his – before his father left – would they have ever run into each other? On the street, or in a crowded supermarket. Would she have been charmed by his eyes, by the smile that only seemed to lift one side of his face, by his awkwardness hidden under a sense of false bravado?
Or would she have known to stay away from him? Would she have known that he wasn’t a “nice boy,” as her mother had said; that instead he was a spoiled child who made himself out to always be the victim? That he would try to sway Y/N to feel sorry for him even as he was hurting her, that it was, and would always be, only about James’s happiness, James’s dreams, James’s goals (or lack of), everything James wanted?
Perhaps she would’ve met Miss Kara first. Y/N glanced back out to the gallery and smiled, seeing her in the front row again, watching them. Y/N had been scared when Miss Kara had run out, afraid that she wouldn’t come back. It didn’t matter that Sam was on one side of her and Miss Lane on the other; Y/N only ever felt really safe knowing Miss Kara was there with her.
“Can you tell us what your first day with him as your Dominant was like?”
She’d known this was coming. Sam had held her as she cried, the first time she’d described what that day had been like with him. But it was different, telling one person. How was she meant to describe it to a room full of people? But Y/N took a deep breath and focused on Miss Kara, who gave her yet another reassuring smile.
“He was nice, at first,” she explained. “We were both… nervous. I mean we were just sixteen and I don’t think he was very sure of himself so I knelt d-down and I said that I would help him as much as I could, that I was there for Sir, that I was his.”
“And what did he do?”
Y/N shook her head. “I-I can’t-“
Sam’s hand closed over hers and squeezed, and Y/N glanced at her gratefully. She wasn’t Miss Kara, but it helped.
“We need you to,” Miss Lane said gently. “What did James do when you knelt for him and expressed your desire to help him?”
She closed her eyes.
“He slapped my face and said he didn’t need my help. Then he adjusted my stance because he didn’t like the way I was kneeling, and I had to stay that way for a while. An hour or two.”
“Will you tell us what your life was like, from that day on?”
Y/N sighed. “Have you ever felt,” she said quietly, “like no matter what you do, you’ll never get it right? No matter how much of a g-good girl you try to be, it isn’t good enough? I tried so hard, and I always made a mess of things. I didn’t kneel right. I didn’t cook his favorite things well. I was too smart, then too dumb. I talked too much, didn’t talk enough. Didn’t cry, screamed too loud, I was too n-needy. Nothing I ever did was good enough for him.”
“Okay,” Miss Lane said, carefully stopping the flow of words that threatened to send Y/N out of control. She breathed in, shakily, and concentrated on the table again.
She was glad that Lucy had said she wouldn’t ask any sexual questions; Y/N wasn’t sure she could handle those, not yet anyway. It was hard enough to talk to Miss Kara about things like that, even if things between them were growing steadily more intense with each passing day. It was getting even harder for Y/N to deal with her emotions, things she’d never felt before, wasn’t even sure she was allowed to feel. Things like need. Desire. Miss Kara was always telling Y/N to be open with her feelings, but sex… wasn’t anything that was ever discussed in the Hastings household, and in the Olsen household it was more of… a chore. Something that had to be done to keep him happy.
To close her eyes as he always took her from behind, because he said looking at her face ruined the mood.
At least it had never lasted long. At least he had never lasted long.
Miss Lane moved on to the questions about James’s physical treatment of her. The beatings, the broken bones (and here she offered into evidence numerous medical reports), the missed meals. Kneeling for hours on a hard tile floor. Sleeping in a corner of a dark, cold bedroom with little more than a sheet for comfort. Being humiliated in front of his friends.
Y/N told it all.
Everything she had held inside herself, kept hidden for years… it didn’t matter that Miss Kara wasn’t sat right beside her. Y/N looked out into the gallery, locking her hazel eyes with the soft, tear-filled brown ones that she loved… and told it all. She took a deep breath, dug deep and quietly repeated the words to herself, the words that first Sam had told her when she’d sobbed in her arms that day, and then Miss Kara had reiterated hours later.
It’s not your fault.
“Why did you never use your safe word?”
Y/N cocked her head at Miss Lane. “Safe word?” she repeated, feeling a little dumb.
Lucy Lane nodded. “The safe word that you and James agreed upon.”
“But we didn’t,” Y/N said, confused.
“You didn’t have a safe word established?”
It was one of the tenets of their society, Y/N knew. Well, she knew that now. Before, she hadn’t known that safe words and contracts, mutual agreements, were actually a thing. Growing up she had always been taught that her Sir was to be pleased, he was to be obeyed, and her own needs would be met if she did those things.
She wasn’t told what to do if those needs weren’t met.
“No, I didn’t have a safe word,” she answered, and once again her eyes met Miss Kara’s. “Not with James.”
“So your contract didn’t establish the usage of safe words?”
Contract. An agreement between two or more parties for the doing or not doing of something specified. An agreement enforceable by law.
Miss Kara had told her that just a year before Y/N had been “matched” with James, the government had established that contracts were “necessary and advisable” within their society. Every couple, once a claim was made, was required to go and file a contract, with an itemized listing of rules and regulations, the safe words that were to be used, and punishments that would be enforced within the context of the relationship. It was meant to facilitate stronger protection for submissives; Miss Kara’s voice had grown sad when she said that she wasn’t sure it had worked. If it had, there wouldn’t have been a need for places like McKinley House.
Y/N shook her head. “We didn’t have a contract.”
Lucy’s hand paused over the paper on which she was scribbling notes and she glanced at Y/N, then at James. “No contract?”
It was all for effect, Y/N knew. They’d been over this before; Miss Lane knew there had been no safe words, no contract. Nothing in writing to establish Y/N’s role in the relationship, nothing that outlined how James ought to care for Y/N, and how she should respond in kind. It was Lucy’s plan of attack: show that James, while not caring for Y/N and being abusive, had also actually broken the law. This, she said, would virtually guarantee their win.
Y/N wasn’t sure about that; Judge Schott looked like he was ready to fall asleep.
“No contract.”
“No safe word?”
“No,” Y/N said again. “I had no safe word, and no contract. I didn’t… have anything.”
“So how did you keep safe?”
Y/N sighed, and shook her head again. “Obviously I didn’t,” she said, unable to keep the slight edge from creeping into her voice. She looked over at James, and her heart plummeted a little when she saw the smirk on his face.
It was the smirk he always wore, just before… she curled her fingers against the table, grasping lightly and reminding herself of the other thing Miss Kara and Sam had told her.
He can’t hurt you.
“So you lived in a relationship with a man who broke the law by refusing to employ a contract and safe words, and subsequently abused you frequently? We could even say, every day of your life with him.”
Y/N nodded. “Yes.”
Lucy Lane gestured toward Mrs. Allen-West, effectively ending her questioning of Y/N.
She steeled herself as she smiled at her. She was pleasant enough, Y/N decided, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t still the enemy.
“Miss Hastings,” she said easily, “Could you tell us about the house you shared with James Olsen, please?”
She resisted rolling her eyes, wondering if every lawyer was an expert in redundancy. “He was never happy,” she began to explain again. “Nothing I ever did was right, no matter how ha—“
“No,” James’s lawyer interrupted, and Y/N flinched slightly at her raised voice. “I am referring to the house itself. What was it like?”
Y/N drew back a little, confused. “Okay, I guess?” she said uncertainly. “A little small?”
“Not as nice as the one you grew up in?”
“No,” Y/N answered, suddenly a little nostalgic for the large house with its big rooms and soft couches, even softer beds with snuggly blankets. She still wasn’t sure where Allen-West was going with her line of questioning, but she already wished she’d stop. The last thing she wanted to remember during a trial was her former home. Her parents – she hadn’t heard from them in years. And her grandfather…
She missed him so much. He’d have protected her.
“So the house was small.” Y/N was sure that the woman with the perfect hair and dapper tie meant to be kind, but her voice was condescending, as if she were talking to a small child. You’re probably a bratty sub, Y/N thought, and not the kind Miss Kara seems to like. Probably one that throws a temper tantrum every time something doesn’t go your way.
“Was it also comfortable?”
If Iris Allen-West detected any malice in Y/N’s answer, she didn’t let on as he continued. “Warm in the winter, cool in the summer?”
“You stated that Mr. Olsen would sometimes make you sleep on the floor.” Y/N nodded, not bothering to verbally respond. She’d already stated as much. “Were you naked when you slept on the floor?”
“But the house was warm.”
“Were you given a pillow, a sheet?”
“A pillow. And a sheet. Sometimes a blanket in the winter.”
“And you stated that every now and then he’d let you sleep on the bed.”
“The foot of the bed,” Y/N clarified, adding in a mutter, “Like a dog.”
Allen-West nodded, seeming thoughtful, and then smiling at Y/N again. “Were you ever homeless, Miss Hastings?”
Her brow furrowed. “I don’t understand—“
She interrupted her again, leaning forward, and Sam put a reassuring hand on her shoulder as Y/N scooted her chair back an inch.
“In the time that you were with Mr. Olsen, did he ever force you out onto the street, were you ever homeless?”
“No?” Was there a point to all this, Y/N wondered.
But then, with Iris Allen-West’s next question, her defense of James Olsen became clear.
“Y/N, would you ever say that you deserved your punishments?”
Her mouth dropped open a little. “W-what?”
That same damned smile, mirrored by the smirk on James’s face. “You’re a submissive,” his lawyer said smoothly. “Your dominant owns you; his duty is to train you, to make you your better self, to punish you whenever you don’t live up to his expectations. Did you live up to his expectations?”
“I-I didn’t deserve it,” Y/N said shakily. “Not that- not what he-“
“So everything you did was correct?” his lawyer pressed. “You were always good, always obedient, you never smarted off to him, you never broke a rule, and you never left him dissatisfied?”
She could feel the panic start to rise, the endless doubt that had been ever present each day for the last few years, that had only just began to fade, with the persistent gentleness and care of Miss Kara. The feeling that she was always wrong, that she was bad and disobedient, a horrible sub, because she could never do anything right.
“I-I tried,” Y/N said, hearing that her voice was bordering on pleading. “Every day I tried, to do what he wanted to, and I couldn’t—I never—“
“So you admit it, then?” His smile seemed almost feral now, menacing, and when had he stood up, leaning forward on the table, almost towering over her despite how short he was?
“You admit that you were a less than acceptable submissive. You admit that James Olsen frequently had to correct you in ways he saw fit, ways that were permissible because he is your Dominant.”
Now Judge Schott was sat up in his chair, his expression rapt as he listened to Allen-West attack Y/N with gusto.
“You admit that though he was severe, though he may have punished you in ways you didn’t like, that it wasn’t always about you, it was sometimes about James, as a good relationship should be. And the fact that you were never lacking for food, for clothing, for adequate and comfortable housing. And the fact that he was actually a very good Dominant, dedicated to you and your well-being, dedicated to training you in the best way he knew ho—“
“He wasn’t a good Dominant!” Y/N snapped, slamming her hand onto the table. “Not like Miss Kara!”
She was aware that the room had gone quiet. That Schott seemed suddenly interested in her, as did two men in suits sitting in the back of the room. That Sam had softly sworn “Oh, fuck” under her breath, and that Miss Kara was suddenly fidgeting in her seat and Lena had placed a steadying hand on her knee.
The gesture made her irrationally jealous, but Y/N plowed forward, her trembling voice suddenly loud and echoing in the silent court chamber.
“He beat me every day,” she said. “Until I cried, until I screamed. He broke… my bones. Me. I-I didn’t deserve that. And Miss Kara—“
“Y/N,” Lucy put her hand on Y/N, but Y/N shook it off with a glare.
“She’s good. She’s good and gentle and even when I’m ba—even when I’m naughty she’s still soft when she corrects me. She puts me in the corner or… she made me scrub the floor two days ago but she sat in the kitchen with me. She doesn’t beat me, ever, and she won’t.”
“She’s nothing like you,” she spat out toward James. “I may not be a good submissive but you’re not a good Dominant either. Not like her. Not like my Miss Kara.”
She fell quiet then, hating the way Allen-West quirked one extremely forest-resembling eyebrow and said to Judge Schott, “I believe I have made my case, Your Honor.”
The words dismissing them for a recess while he rendered his decision barely registered to Y/N’s ears; she sat numbly in her seat as Sam and Lucy stood up and tried to coax her to go out into the hallway with them. Y/N couldn’t shake the feeling that she’d done something horribly wrong, because everyone was looking at her strangely and even Miss Kara seemed unnaturally pale as she came up and took Y/N’s hand, pulling her to her feet and leading her out into the hall with the others.
“M-Miss Kara?” Y/N queried softly, but the smaller woman shushed her with a finger against her lips and a tender look.
“I am so proud of you,” Miss Kara said, and Y/N relaxed when she pulled her into a hug. Y/N rested her chin on Miss Kara’s shoulder and breathed in, letting out most of the tension she’d felt since that morning.
“Really,” Miss Kara assured her, her hand in Y/N’s hair. “You were so brave up there, and you didn’t back down.” She kissed Y/N’s cheek gently.
“You were such a good girl.”
“You did good, kid,” she heard Sam say, and felt the light thump on her back, and Y/N giggled. She nuzzled further into Miss Kara, tightening her arms around her, enjoying the closeness and the comfort… until she heard an unfamiliar sound, a strange clearing of a throat.
She backed away from Miss Kara slowly, feeling the panic again as they both were confronted with the two men in suits, who had been sitting in the back row.
Miss Kara had stiffened, though her arm was still firm and secure around Y/N’s waist as she regarded the men.
“I hadn’t expected to see you here,” she said easily, casting a glance to her side as Alex and Allen-West walked past them, James in between.
“She is a member of Mt. Overland House, of course we would be here,” one of the men replied, looking down at Kara.
“She is Y/N Hastings,” Miss Kara said, and Y/N felt a swell of pride.
She was Y/N Hastings.
The other man nodded coolly, regarding Miss Kara, before saying, “We’ll see you tomorrow in our office, Miss Zor-El. I’m sure you know what we’ll be discussing.”
Miss Kara rolled her eyes as they walked away. “Of course they wouldn’t stay for the verdict,” she said through gritted teeth. “It’s not like they actually care for Y/N’s well-being. It’s all for show with them.”
“Kara,” Lena said, a warning tone in her voice. “Now is not the time to make enemies of your bosses.”
Bosses? Y/N drew away slightly as the realization dawned on her.
The men were Miss Kara’s bosses at the Society. Her government bosses. And Y/N had just blurted out about her Miss Kara…
“Oh, no,” she whispered with a feeling of dread. “I-I didn’t—Miss Kara, I didn’t mean to do anything wrong, I’m sorry!”
“No, no, Y/N,” Miss Kara said firmly, even though her voice shook ever so slightly. “You didn’t do anything wrong, little one.” She led Y/N over to a bench and sat down with her, gently rubbing her back.
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” she repeated. “And they can’t do anything to me.”
Y/N looked at Miss Kara, doubtful. The way everyone seemed to be acting strange, acting worried, and the way even Miss Kara’s face looked pinched and strained seemed to tell an entirely different story.
“Everything’s going to be fine,” Miss Kara said, and pulled Y/N closer to her.
“Do you think he’ll… do you think I did okay?”
“I know you did okay,” Miss Kara said. “You did more than okay.”
Y/N smiled faintly. “But do you think it was enough?”
“Y/N, Kara,” Lucy said, coming down the hall toward the door to the courtroom, followed a few steps behind by Alex, James, and James’s lawyer. “Come on, we’re back in session.”
Y/N sat up in shock. They’d only been recessed for ten minutes. It was too early…
Miss Kara glanced at her, and Y/N knew that she felt the same way. It was too early.
“I guess we’re about to find out, little one.”
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cinnonym · 4 years
take the day off, get a massage (cause we've got this one all under control)
Written for Day 8 - Winter Solstice of 12 Days of Supercorp @supercorpbb
Read on AO3
9:15 am
“Golly, am I looking forward to this day.” Kara yawns and huddles closer against the curve of Lena’s back. Her breath tickles Lena’s neck, warm and comfortable. Lena hums.
“That’s the fourth time you’ve said this,” Lena murmurs. “Not that I mind.” She can feel sleep tugging at her eyelids once more and relishes in the thought that she won’t have to fight it. That she can succumb to the weight guiltlessly.
Kara doesn’t reply. She’s probably drifted off again already and will wake in half an hour with the same sentence on her lips once more. Lena smiles a bit about the predictability of it all, before a yawn overcomes her and drags her down with it.
9:51 am
“Golly,” Kara says, sleep still blurring her words. “I love this, I really do. What a good idea.”
Lena makes an affirmative sound, somewhere between a sigh and a purr. She hasn’t felt this relaxed in months, maybe even years. The warmth of Kara’s arm around her waist, the cold of Kara’s nose against her neck, what more can a woman ask for?
“I am starting to become a bit hungry though,” comes Kara’s voice from behind, and Lena has to suppress a chuckle as she rolls around to face her girlfriend.
“Of course you are.”
“Hey!” Kara’s eyes were still closed, but they open now, blinking slowly several times until all traces of tiredness have given way to a semi-offended glare. “It’s – “ she pauses and squints at the clock “ – more than two hours after my usual breakfast time. Of course my stomach is demanding attention.”
Lena lets out a laugh. “Demanding, huh? And that although you so dislike to be ordered around.”
Kara’s on her suddenly, pinning her down so quickly that Lena strongly suspects the involvement of superspeed.
“Damn right,” she says in a low voice, letting her gaze wander over Lena menacingly. Unfortunately, the effect is somewhat undermined by Kara’s stomach releasing a protesting grumble just then. Kara blushes, and just like that she rolls off of Lena again.
“Boss said no,” she murmurs, shrugging helplessly.
Lena grins. “Good thing we’ve got all day.”
“Golly, am I looking forward to that.”
11:38 am
The phone rings just when Lena is beginning to contemplate a nap. The sun still hasn’t peeked through the clouds once, and so it continues to be exactly the kind of dreary that you could wish for on a day like this. The kind of dreary that practically invites you to sleep.
But the phone is ringing, and that means Lena has to make a decision. She groans as she lifts her head from Kara’s chest to look at her.
“Reject or ignore?”
Kara shrugs. Her fingers are drawing lazy circles on Lena’s back, and she looks about as sleepy as Lena’s felt just a minutes ago.
“Maybe I’ll look who it is and choose then,” Lena decides, reaching for the vibrating device. It’s Jess, and apparently it’s not the first time she’s tried to get through to Lena. They have somehow managed to miss three calls, and if that isn’t proof of a dedicated sex life, then Lena doesn’t know. She chuckles quietly.
“It’s Jess,” she tells Kara, “for the third time.”
“What does she want?”
“I wouldn’t know.” The call stops. A small flutter of worry stirs in Lena’s stomach, even though she doesn’t want to feel it. Doesn’t want to leave the comfortable bubble Kara and she have created for themselves today.
Kara seems to sense where her thoughts are going, because she takes the phone from Lena and puts it on the nightstand again.
“No work,” she says sternly, “no outside world, and no leaving the bed unless it’s for food or bathroom breaks. Those are the rules.”
Lena bites her lip. She swallows the ‘What if’s’ that lie on the tip of her tongue. She banishes the thought of work to the remotest corner of her mind and kisses Kara on her collarbone instead.
“You’re right,” she murmurs, “they’ll get by without me for one day.”
2:01 pm
It turns out that Kara is much less relaxed when it’s her phone that’s ringing. Or maybe it’s the amount of calls she gets. But with every time her ringtone sounds out, she gets quieter and quieter, until at one point, she grabs her phone exasperatedly, turns it off, and tosses it into the armchair at the opposite corner of the room.
“One day!” She exclaims. “One day, the darkest day of the year, and a Sunday at that! You’d think the criminals would stay at home voluntarily, snuggle up to their girlfriend maybe, enjoy a good 32 hours in bed, and just take. One. Day. Off. It’s not that hard, or is it?”
“It’s not,” Lena concurs, finishing one braid in Kara’s long and unfairly soft hair and starting another.
“I work the year round, every day. And night, mind you. Weekends, holidays, always. And I do it gladly. I do it selflessly. I do it with a smile on my face, even. But one day off. One day. Is that really too much to ask for?”
“It’s not.” Lena pauses her braiding to put a soothing hand on Kara’s head. “You’re just doing such a good job the rest of the time, people have forgotten how to take care of themselves without you.”
Kara leans into the touch with a sigh and a grateful smile. “Is it wrong that I kind of like how much they depend on me, even though it annoys me today?”
“Of course not.” Lena lightly scratches her nails over Kara’s scalp, drinking up the contented sighs that fall form Kara’s lips. “I think everybody wants to be needed. It gives us purpose. It gives us strength.” She leans down to press a gentle kiss to Kara’s forehead before she takes up her braiding again. “It’s one of the greatest paradoxes of humankind that this strength doesn’t suffice to sustain you. That you need breaks from being useful, lest your strength depletes.”
Kara nods, momentarily upsetting the row of braids Lena has already finished.
“I love you,” she says.
Lena smiles. “I love you too.”
3:45 pm
“I think my butt fell asleep.”
“I call your butt and raise you two legs.” Lena groans. “How do teenagers do this?”
“Do what?” Kara asks, giggling a little at the exaggerated noises Lena is making.
“Do this.” Lena gestures at the two of them, sprawled out on the mattress. “Lie in bed all day, barely moving, except to change the video game or whatever they occupy their brains with all day.”
Kara laughs, loud and hearty. “Rao, Lena, sometimes you are so odd.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Not all teenagers spend all their time in bed, dummy,” Kara says, and it’s only her fond tone that saves her from the pillow Lena almost hurdles at her. “I, for example, was a very active teenager.”
“You hardly count,” Lena retorts, sticking out her tongue when Kara narrows her eyes at her. “Because you’re always active.”
Kara wrinkles her nose, but Lena’s point holds. She huffs.
“What about you then, what did you do as a teenager?”
“I,“ Lena says dignifiedly, “didn’t experience an adolescence.”
“Lena, your adolescence was less than ten years ago.”
Lena sighs dramatically and rolls over, facing her girlfriend with a regretful stare.
“Tell that to my back pain…”
4:09 pm
“Isn’t it sad,” Kara muses, kneading Lena’s trapezius muscle with blissfully strong hands, “how it’s already getting dark again?”
Lena moans softly when Kara hits a particularly tense spot. “Is it?”
They are silent for a while, Kara moving slowly and methodically up and down Lena’s back, Lena shimmying in and out of consciousness. No phone has rung in over two hours, nobody has disturbed them in their self-imposed solitude, no rule has been broken so far. They are doing exactly what they’ve planned for the day, and it is nothing.
“What a good day,” Lena murmurs, “What a good idea.”
Kara gives her ass a squeeze, and Lena, well on her way to another nap, almost jumps.
“The hell?” She exclaims, which immediately earns her another slap. “What?”
Kara’s voice is a melange of amusement and indignation. “You forgot the golly!”
6:37 pm
They start speaking at the same time.
“It’s almost Christmas,” Kara says, and Lena murmurs “How am I already tired?” and then they look at each other and laugh.
“What did you say?” Simultaneously. “You first.”
Lena recovers faster, so she pokes Kara, who’s still laughing, between the ribs.
“Tick, your turn, please speak now.” She presents Kara her fist as a mic, which only results in another burst of laughter. Then Kara’s hand closes around hers, pulling her closer.
“Hello hello, can you hear me?”
Lena giggles. She feels carefree in a way she hasn’t felt in possibly all her life. “Loud and clearly. Please repeat your question.”
“Yes hello,” Kara says, pompous in a way that is exactly like on real TV interviews. “I didn’t so much ask a question as rather observing a fact. That fact being of course the upcoming holiday, namely Christmas.”
At this point they have to drop the act, because Lena is laughing so hard that the mic is shaking and “the connection seems to be bad, hello hello?” And Kara grins at Lena like she did when Lena first fell in love with her, wide and open and with her heart in her hands, ready to give it to anyone she thought worth fighting for. Even a Luthor. Even Lena.
“I’m looking forward to Christmas,” Lena says, but what she means is that she’s never liked the holidays much, until Kara came around and made them worthwhile.
And somehow Kara understands.
“Yes,” she says, “me too.”
8:52 pm
“There’ll be much work to catch up on tomorrow,” Lena sighs, playing with the thought of looking at her phone and deciding against it. “But that are tomorrow’s problems.”
Kara hums. She’s floating half an inch above the bed because she finds the mattress is too warm after bearing her body all day.
“I’m still looking forward to that somehow.”
Lena chuckles. “Yes, me too. Isn’t that weird? I thoroughly enjoyed today, but I couldn’t do it again tomorrow.”
“It’s about the – “ Kara forms the chef’s kiss gesture minus the kiss “ – purpose.” She turns on her side to look at Lena. “Or so a wise woman once told me.”
“Sounds very wise indeed. Did she also say something about the reason why I’m tired even though we did nothing all day?”
“Nope.” Kara pops the p, then lets herself fall back on the bed. “But here’s my theory: inaction is like negative action. And at the end of the day, it’s the absolute value that counts, minus or plus doesn’t matter. So if you’ve balanced action and inaction, you won’t be that tired, because they cancel each other. But if you have an overload of either action or inaction…”
“… you’ll feel about as exhausted as I do right now,” Lena finishes, her eyes already closed. “Seems reasonable. It’s compatible with my strength theory, I like that.” She yawns, and feels blindly for Kara’s hand. “Either way, all in favour of an early night, raise your hand.” She lifts their entwined hands off the mattress. “Whooo.”
Kara breathes out a laugh. “Also, if we go to bed now, then tomorrow will come faster.”
“Scientifically incorrect,” Lena murmurs, “but golly.”
Lena snuggles into Kara’s embrace until all she can smell is Kara, and all she can feel is also Kara. She yawns again.
“Golly am I looking forward to tomorrow.”
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lenadoyle · 4 years
“How much of that did you hear?”
Lena didn’t mean to eavesdrop, well, in the beginning she didn’t at least.
Kara was always up with the sun in the mornings. Without fail, as soon as the slightest sliver of sunlight shone through the curtains, her eyes would crack open. She would lay for a minute, basking in the early morning glow with a grin on her face, then press a kiss to Lena’s forehead before slinking out of bed.
Lena would stir when she left, able to faintly hear Kara padding down the hall, peeking in on Kieran and Krypto, then the sound of her feet would fade as she crept deeper into the apartment and Lena would fall back asleep.
She never knew what Kara was doing so early. She would still be in her pyjamas when Lena eventually awoke and then they would cook breakfast together, one would wake Kieran while the other fed Krypto, and they would go about their morning as if nothing was out of the ordinary.
But it was out of the ordinary, right? What was she doing every morning? But Lena never asked.
It was a Saturday morning when the fullness of her bladder had her crawling out of bed earlier than usual. She knew it wasn’t long after six because Kara’s side of the bed was empty but still warm. After using the bathroom, her curiosity got the better of her.
Just like Kara, she poked her head into Kieran’s room on the way. The instinctual need to check on their boy and his dog. She smiled at the sight of Kieran hugging Krypto, the dogs tail gently thumping on the bed at the knowledge of her presence, he always knew when she was nearby even without seeing her.
She pulled the door over and headed down the hall, light on her toes so as to not let on she was near. Lena paused at the end of the hall when Kara’s voiced wafted through the air. She was talking? Who was she talking to so early? Lena thought, creeping slightly closer to try and hear.
“-he loved it so much, the biggest grin on his face all day. I couldn’t stop taking photos of him- ”
It sounded like she was talking about their day out yesterday. They had finally taken Kieran to a football game, Lena didn’t know who had been more excited Kara or Kieran.
“-and Lena just had that soft smile on her face the whole time. God, I love that smile-”
Kara went quiet for a moment, letting out a deep sigh after a moment. It sounded almost pained.
“I wish you could’ve met them.”
Lena clamped a hand over her mouth before her gasp could escape. She was talking to her parents. She peeked around the wall, and sure enough, Kara was kneeling on the carpet in front of the floor to ceiling windows. Her body bathed in the rays of sunshine pouring in, head tilted back with her eyes closed.
She looked like she was physically soaking up the sun as she spoke. Giving her strength maybe?
Kara started speaking again and Lena suddenly felt like she was intruding. She spun on her heel as quietly as possible and high tailed it back to bed. Climbing under the covers and sinking into the mattress as her thoughts raced and her heart thumped.
The love of her life, was getting up with the sun every day, to talk to her parents.
Once Lena knew, she never said anything. It was obviously a special thing for Kara and if she wanted Lena to know, she would tell her.
But that didn’t stop her occasionally eavesdropping.
She knew she shouldn’t, but there was something about listening to the soft tones of Kara’s voice as she told her parents about her life. Updating them like she would if they were still alive. Lena would never listen long, and not always.
Sometimes she just couldn’t get back to sleep, sometimes she was curious what Kara was telling her parents. Other times, Lena was struggling mentally and needed to hear Kara’s unfiltered words, the words she often says to Lena directly but that sound different when said to someone else. Hear Kara praise Lena for her parenting, hear how much she loves Lena and her son. It was comforting.
Which brought her to now. Leaning against the wall like she usually does, butterflies in her chest as Kara tells her parents their latest adventures.
“Every time he calls me jeju, I just melt a little bit more and love him a little more. Even though I didn’t think I could! I wonder if that’s how you felt too, I’m sure you did…”
Lena smiled, I bet she did too, love.
“And Lena, I want to spend the rest of my life making her happy. I finally understand what dad meant, when he used to say ‘there will never be enough time to show you just how much I love you.’ But I want to try, with them.”
Lena’s heart picked up.
“I’m gonna ask her to marry me, jeju. I want to be her wife, and his mom, officially. And show them forever, how much I love them.”
Lena didn’t think she was breathing. She was definitely not supposed to hear that. She tried to focus but all she could hear was her heart beating in her ears, the thump-thump echoing inside her head, the rest of the world going fuzzy. She didn’t realise how long she was standing there, hand pressed to her chest, and was just about to flee when Kara rounded the corner. Freezing on the spot when her eyes landed on Lena, who had tears trailing down her cheeks.
“How much of that did you hear?”
Kara swallowed thickly, her stomach in knots, all her prior confidence gone.
“All of it?” Lena supplied weakly, he voice raspy as her heart threatened to beat out of her chest.
Kara shuffled on the spot, dread and hope fighting for dominance inside her. Before she could think or feel, her mouth opened against her will.
“Marry m-”
She didn’t even finish the question before Lena was throwing her arms around the blonde.
It was always going to be yes.
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amnesia-yourself · 4 years
can i have you for the rest of my life? (4/4)
Kara flushes. She could swear the room’s temperature went up a hundred degrees in a millisecond. Lena stares up at her, expectant. She’s so, so beautiful. Without thinking, Kara presses their lips together.
Before, Kara used to fantasize of this moment. Their first kiss. How Lena would taste like chardonnay from a bottle that Kara buys her, and how Kara would wait 3 seconds before taking her upper lip in her mouth, another 3 before taking her lower lip, and then another 3 before introducing her tongue.
The reality is nothing like that. Lena tastes like an icebreaker and the odd mixture of cheeses they just had at the picnic, and at the first touch of their lips Kara’s head clouds over and she presses kiss over kiss over kiss, sloppy and nothing like the methodical, controlled way she’d imagined. Lena keeps making these weird soft hot noises like she can’t breathe, but every time Kara tries to pull back Lena’s fingers curl around the collar of her shirt, keeping her close.
Lena pulls on her shirt and Kara stumbles forward, all the way across the condo, until Lena’s knees hit the bed. Lena climbs in, pulling Kara along and on top of her, their lips never separated for a single moment.
“Lena,” Kara pants, moaning when Lena bites at her bottom lip. “Lena, really? Really?”
Lena nods, “You wanna have dirty sex out of wedlock?” she murmurs, husky in that way that makes Kara blush.
“Rao,” Kara groans, and leans back in, taking Lena in a rough, long kiss, pressing her down into the mattress. “What do you like?” she asks, lips moving down to her neck- god she can’t believe she’s kissing Lena’s neck. “Tell me what you like,” she begs.
“I like when you figure it out yourself,” Lena tells her.
Kara groans, teeth closing over her neck and biting. Lena moans, louder, and Kara looks up, surprised. One of her hands, previously clenched around the sheet either side of Lena’s head, moves to palm over her neck, touch at the pink blooming there, because of her, because of Kara’s mouth. She did that. Kara presses, light, and when Lena moans, she wraps her entire hand around her neck and squeezes with the ends of her fingers.
Lena moans again, and Kara does with her, so loud that Lena dissolves into giggles. “Oh my god, Kara, calm down,” Lena says in between laughter, her hand sneaking under Kara’s shirt and grasping at her muscles. “Fuck, your back.”
“Can’t,” Kara breathes out. “ You .”
Lena tries to take the lead, to direct Kara, but Kara only grows more fervent and relentless, barely separating their lips to tear Lena’s blouse off, and then her jeans. She suckles at her breasts, and then down to her tummy, and then back up to Lena’s mouth, her fingers swiping her underwear aside.
“You have no idea how much i’ve wanted this, Lena,” Kara puffs against her lips, “you have no idea, Rao, Lena.”
Kara presses one finger into her, slow and debilitating, and then, when Lena accepts it easily, another, curling and touching her everywhere inside.
“Right there,” Lena keens, tilting her head to the side only for Kara to follow her, chasing her lips, “right there, fuck Kara let me- let me breathe, fuck .”
Lena arches, jaw falling slack, Kara licking into her open mouth. Her walls clench around Kara’s fingers, drawing them in deeper, and then unfurling with a flood of wetness.
Kara’s kisses slow down, and the haze that had flooded her mind dissipates. She can finally focus, now that she’s seen Lena, felt her, made her feel good. And she wants to do it again.
They go another round, and then two, until Kara can’t avoid her aching any longer and grinds down onto Lena’s fingers, parting her and finishing her off with unnecessary skill.
“Can I sleep on you,” Kara mumbles, sweaty and more exhausted than she’s been after any fight.
“No,” Lena groans. “You’re crushing me.”
Kara rolls off, sprawling on her back, the sheets sticking to her thighs.
“Let’s take a shower,” Lena says, still panting, hand flopping over to appease her, “and then I’ll sleep on top of you, how’s that?”
Kara hums.
They go to Al’s bar for drinks before game night together. Lena wears Kara’s corduroy jacket again, her hair up in a bun and her jawline looking killer, and she lets Kara wrap her arm around her waist as they walk there.
“Lena’s my girlfriend now,” Kara announces to the table. “So. There. Suck it.”
“Nobody was rooting against you, Kara,” J’onn says.
“Also,” Lena says, swiping her arm away and slinking into the booth, “I’m not your girlfriend yet.” she turns to the table. “She has to talk to William first.”
“Well, that’s lucky,” Nia says, grinning, “‘cus he’s right there.”
“That is lucky,” Lena says with a pointed look.
Kara groans, puppy dog eyes and pouting, but Lena doesn’t relent. She shuffles over to the bar where William’s nursing a drink with a greeting that belies the news she’s about to give. She skirts around the subject for a while, glancing back at Lena pleadingly the whole time. “You know we’re not dating, right?” she finally asks.
William startles. “I wasn’t sure,” he says.
Kara tries to explain without backtracking for two straight minutes, stumbling over her words, until, finally, Lena appears by her side. Kara blinks at her, unsure, and Lena takes the helm, her hand slipping under Kara’s shirt to press against her stomach. “What’s taking so long?” she asks, head tilted up, and she looks exactly like she did before Kara kissed her and Kara can’t think of anything else. “Did the bartender ask for your ID again?” she asks with a smirk.
“No,” Kara says, affronted. Lena only taps at her stomach, hand retreating and extending towards William.
“Lena,” she says, “Kara’s girlfriend. I believe we’ve met.”
William shakes her hand, gaping the whole while. He rattles off some excuse without pause and rushes out the bar with his phone upside down against his ear.
“Couldn’t you have been less obvious?” Kara hisses, holding her face in her palm.
“You were taking so long!”
“It was only, like, two minutes! I was getting there!”
“Kara,” Lena says, “we’ve been watching you ramble for ten minutes straight. J’onn says he heard the words statue of liberty and cheesy icebreaker.”
“Ten minutes?” Kara winces. “Why didn’t you stop me earlier?”
Lena rolls her eyes. “Time to talk to Alex,” she says. “Listen carefully, this is exactly what you’re gonna say.”
They find Alex by the pool table. She leans on her stick, all her attention directed towards Kara. “It's possible…” Kara says, slowly, trying to stick with the script, “I was acting… a little more Kryptonian than human. I didn’t realize it, I'm sorry.”
Alex puts the pool stick down, looking at Kara in the softest way she has for months.
“I want you to see the place where I grew up,” Kara continues, veering a little off track from the script. She means it. She wants Alex there. Lena, too. “Would you come with me, next time?”
The stick falls to the ground. Alex tackles her in a hug. “I thought you’d never ask,” she says into her neck.
“And you know, the birthing matrix really would—”
Lena pulls her away faster than Alex can reach back for the stick.
“So,” she starts, leading them to a corner. She kisses Kara loudly. “When’s wedding season on Krypton?”
Every day is Lena day.
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sakuzaddy · 4 years
play pretend (sakusa x f!reader)
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Chapter 6
Sakusa steps inside the infirmary as he holds the door open for you. You mutter a short thanks before entering the room, the smell of anti-septic and bleach overwhelming your senses. The nurse of the infirmary, Yozohara-san, perks up at the sound of the door opening, her eyes lighting up when her it lands on Sakusa. She approaches the two of you, her mouth curving into a smile. “Oh, Sakusa-kun! Are you here to refill your hand sanitizer bottle?” She asks him.
Sakusa shakes his head and gestures to you. “We need an ice pack. Her cheek’s swollen.” The nurse’s kind eyes shift to you, and you bow your head slightly after a greeting escapes her lips.
 Yozohara-san gestures for you to sit in one of the vacant beds of the infirmary as she gets the ice pack, and you promptly did as what you’re told. After making yourself comfortable on the soft mattress, Sakusa sits in the stool near your bed, as he waits for Yozohara-san to return with an ice pack.
 An awkward silence envelops the two of you and you steal a glance at Sakusa, whose dark eyes are trained to the door where Yozohara-san disappeared into. You drum your fingers against your thigh, mind racing as you think of what you should do in this uncomfortable situation. Realizing that you’re the only one that can break the silence, you decided to talk.
  Both of you spoke at the same time. The two of you exchange looks before you avert your eyes.  Dammit.
 You can still feel Sakusa’s eyes on you, so with all your might, you look back at him. “What are you going to say, Sakusa-san?” You ask him quietly, as if trying not to wake someone up from their sleep.
 “Are you planning to back out from the deal?” He asks you bluntly. You blink your eyes in surprise, definitely not expecting the sudden question. Your (e/c) eyes look down at your hands as you ponder your decision.
 “I’ve already caused you a lot of trouble, so I would understand if you do so.” He continues as he stares at you for a second longer before shifting his eyes back to the door, expecting you to say yes.
 You bite your lower lip. Backing out, huh? You’ve been thinking about it ever since you agreed to be his fake girlfriend. Moments with Sakusa has never been relaxing to you, far from it actually. He always makes you nervous, and you remember telling Komori that you would back out once you feel uncomfortable.
 But despite the stress you’ve been through during these past few weeks, why can’t you find it in yourself to end this fake-relationship thing? What’s this nagging feeling that’s stopping you?
 “No.” You tell him. He turns his gaze at you, eyes widening a bit at your unexpected answer. You give him a lopsided smile, “I’m kind of curious if this plan of Komori-kun will work if we start acting like a real couple.” You reasoned. But is that really the reason why?
 “Huh.” Sakusa turns away from you. He realized that it’s already been weeks since the deal started. He can’t believe that during those weeks, he didn’t do any of Komori’s instructions to make the girl he loves jealous. He wants his ex-girlfriend back and for this deal to end right? Then why didn’t he do anything?
 Sakusa’s thoughts were cut off when Yozohara-san comes back with an ice pack. He watches as the older woman hands it to you, and you take it from her hands with a smile playing on your lips. “Thanks.” You utter softly.
 Sakusa averts his eyes when he catches himself staring at you. Stop that, it’s rude. The voice in his head tells him.
 But despite his inner voice scolding him, he tries to sneak a glance at you again, as you press the ice pack against your cheek. You wince at the cold hitting your skin, unconscious to Sakusa’s pensive stare.
 Guess he doesn’t mind it if you stay by his side a little longer.
 The day ends with Komori bowing at your feet, hitting his head repeatedly on the wooden floor. He utters an apology every time his forehead comes in contact with the ground. His actions gained the other players’ attention, some sweatdropped and some cringed at the sight. Feeling embarrassed at what your friend’s been doing, you reassure him that you’re fine and that your face had been through worse when you’re still playing volleyball. Sakusa just shakes his head at his cousin’s idiotic behaviour.
 Fortunately, your cheek shrinks back to its normal state before the practice ended. Now you don’t have to worry about explaining to Akio and Asami why your cheeks look asymmetrical and you’ve also saved yourself from being scolded by your cousin.
 The next day, something unexpected happened.
 After stepping out of the car, you proceeded to walk through the university entrance with Akio and Asami while listening to the latter’s rants about some girls from her class. You were so immersed in Asami’s babbling that you almost missed Sakusa standing by the entrance.
 “(Y/N)-chan.” You immediately stopped on your tracks after hearing the familiar voice call out your first name. You turn your head to look at Sakusa who’s walking towards you, his hands were inside his pockets, his facemask on. His eyebrows weren’t furrowed unlike what he usually does, making him look more approachable to some people who doesn’t know him very well.
 Did he just call me by…?
 “Good morning, (Y/N)-chan.” His low, monotonous voice greets you, and you almost slap yourself right then and there to confirm if you’re hallucinating or not.
 Sakusa leans towards you, and your heart skips a beat. “Aika is behind you, talking with her friends. This is the perfect opportunity to make her jealous.” He whispers at you. Oh, yes... Of course. This is all for his beloved ex-girlfriend. This is just an act. This doesn’t mean anything. Wait, why do I feel disappointed?
 Mentally facepalming, you turn around a bit to peek at the said woman. She’s chatting with her friends, a big smile plastered on her face and completely ignoring the two of you. However, you notice some students watching you intently.
 Asami halts when she notices that you disappeared by her side. She turns around and sees Sakusa who’s awfully close to you. She tugs aggressively on Akio’s sleeve, who’s busy talking to someone from his club. The man glares at her and was about to tell her to knock it off, but stops mid-sentence when he sees you and Sakusa.
 “Disinfect your hands.” You hear Sakusa beside you. You remember that this fake boyfriend of yours is wary of germs so you didn’t have a choice but to fulfill his wishes. You apply some hand sanitizer on your hands, while Sakusa stood there watching you rub your hands together. You show him your open palms right after you finished.
 “There. By the way, what’s your pla—” You didn’t have the chance to finish what you’re saying when Sakusa slips his fingers into your palm. (Y/N).exe has stopped responding.
 The world seems to move in slow motion, and the things that you could only hear were someone’s squeal from behind Sakusa that you assume came from Asami and the rapid beating of your heart against your rib cage.
 Sakusa pulls you towards the direction of your shared classroom, walking past her ex-girlfriend and her group of friends. He looks at Aika for a moment to see if he successfully elicited some kind of reaction from her, but she continues to chat with her friends, seemingly unaffected by his actions.
 Sakusa clicks his tongue in annoyance, pulling you a little more forcefully to him, completely unaware of your burning face and dazed state.
 Next ↠
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bisexualsforprompto · 5 years
The Black Mercy
This is for my secret Santa @18-fandoms-unite-08 I tried something different from my normal style so I really hope you like it! Also thank you @caffeinetheory for beta reading!
Marinette woke up realizing two things. One: she was on an amazingly comfortable mattress that felt like a dream and two: she was being held by something. She opened her eyes groggily to be met with the sight of two tan, toned, strong arms around her. Snuggling up closer she got a glimpse of the sleeping man next to her.
He had black hair that complemented his gorgeously bronze skin. His eyes were closed shut and his chest was rising and falling calmly.
“Dami,” Marinette whispered into his ear. Damian stirred but only to pull Marinette in closer. She giggled as she watched his arms subconsciously pull her into his chest. “Damian.” She singsonged into his ear.
“TT. Five minutes.” Marinette chuckled to herself, normally it would be her who was grumbling about more sleep. She slipped out of his grasp and stepped out of the fluffy white covers.
She inadvertently reached towards her bare ears feeling an odd sensation when she brushed against only flesh. She couldn’t remember exactly what she was supposed to find on her ears but she ignored it and continued walking out of her room. She heard a slight shuffling from her bedroom as she walked over to the kitchen to make breakfast. She hummed a tune that felt vaguely familiar, yet worlds away at the same time. Marinette opened the wooden cabinet above her sink and pulled out two china plates.
Sleepy footsteps approached her as she set some pancakes she’d made the day prior in the microwave. She turned around from the kitchen to be greeted with Damian sitting at the table. Grinning, Marinette took a seat next to him.
“Sleep well?” She asked noting the bags underneath his eyes that had decreased.
“Always when I’m with you Angel.” He responded causing Marinette to blush, “Although I would’ve preferred to sleep a little longer.” Marinette rolled her eyes, “Jon and Adrien are coming soon, we have to get ready.” Damian stretched his arms, flexing his muscles inadvertently,
“TT.” He yawned as the timer on the microwave went off, “Beloved, why must we invite the Kents over?” Marinette chuckled as she pecked Damian on the cheek, walking over to the kitchen once more.
“Come on Dove, they just got married, we should celebrate with them.” Marinette smiled as she took the pancakes and set them down on plates.
Damian started to grumble under his breath, “I still don’t see why we had to-
“WAKE UP! Angel please wake up!!!” Damian yelled as he shook Marinette who was lying down peacefully with a look of bliss on her face. She was covered by a blue hospital sheet that Jon had given them. If Damian didn’t know what was under that sheet he would’ve let her be, she looked fine, for all he would’ve known she was calmly sleeping.
But he did know. The monster that lurked underneath the sheet that decided to attach itself onto Marinette was giving his beloved beautiful pleasant dreams. Letting her live peacefully.
That was why Damian had to stop it.
“To family!” Jon toasted as he tapped his champagne with Adrien. “Cheers!” The blonde sunshine boy grinned. Marinette raised her glass and smiled to the scowling Damian on the couch next to her.
“Something wrong Dames?” Marinette teased, in truth she knew that she could barely wipe that scowl off his face, and she wouldn't have it any other way.
“Cheers.” Damian grumbled as he took a long sip of his champagne causing Jon to burst out in laughter.
“I love you guys.” Marinette said placing her arm around Damian’s shoulder. He became less tense at her touch.
“Well we love you too Maribug, but is that just the alcohol talking?” Adrien smirked. Marinette rolled her eyes and threw a pillow at him with her free hand. Adrien set down his glass and raised his hand in surrender.
“I’m serious! You guys are my family. I can’t think of anything more perfect than being with all of you.” Marinette smiled genuinely. She gestured to Damian, “the love of my life and my two best friends.” Adrien beamed and Jon shared the same look.
“This is a dream come true for me.”
“Clark, you’ve dealt with this before. How should we get her out?” Bruce asked as Jon and Clark Kent walked over to the unconscious Marinette wearing a smile on her face. Clark sighed, “Ultimately, it’s her who must choose to leave. Kara was able to get some help though, I’ll contact her to see what needs to be done.” He said as he left the room dialing a number on his phone. Bruce narrowed his eyes and Jon looked down at his friend who was holding his hand on top of Marinette’s.
“Save it.” Damian snarled, “I just want her out.” Jon took a step back, never hearing so much bite in his friend’s voice. Bruce tensed, feeling helpless once more. Damian whipped his head back, breaking his gaze from Marinette’s pale face and gesturing to what was under the blanket covering her, “And are any of you going to tell me what the hell this is?!”
“What the hell is this?!” Laughed Adrien as he poked at the dangling robin on the ceiling fan.
“TT. I told her to get rid of it.” Damian pouted, side-eying the glass robin. Marinette rolled her eyes and flicked Damian in the ear,
“And I said no.” She smirked, “Look at his expression, it looks just like you Dami!” Marinette started to chuckle looking at the robin’s stone cold expression. For some reason Marinette felt the name robin was familiar, like it had some other meaning. A voice startled her out of the puzzle pieces she tried to sow together,
“Hey, she’s right!” Jon exclaimed as he mimicked the robin’s stoic frown. Adrien began to laugh even harder causing Damian to brood even more. Marinette fixed that with a simple peck on the cheek, causing him to brighten almost immediately.
“Just teasing love.” Marinette smiled warmly brushing Damian’s hair out of his face. Jon and Adrien could’ve sworn Damian smiled for a split second. He gave her a quick kiss in return.
“Get a room!” Jon yelled, making Damian shoot a glare at him. He focused his eyes back on his beloved,
“I love you.”
“I love you.” Damian whispered quietly, “I’m sorry I never had the courage to tell you.” He drew circles on the palm of her hand trying to ignore the fact that Jon, Clark and Bruce were speaking outside about Marinette’s fate.
“You came into my life and wrecked it. Nothing was the same.” Damian stated trying not to cry. “Please come back and change my life again Angel.”
“Did you enjoy yourself?” Marinette asked as she traced circles on Damian’s bicep as they laid down in their bed.
“Agreste and Kent are tolerable.” He said as he turned over to face Marinette, “So yes. I would say I did.” Marinette gave him a soft smile. Damian returned it, but something was...off.
Damian smiled at her, sure, but only small smiles that were quick but enough to make her heart melt. He’d never mirrored her smile and kept it on for so long.
Something...something wasn’t right. Marinette felt a pounding in her skull before she heard a ringing in her ears as she fell back into bliss.
“You alright beloved?” Damian asked worriedly.
“Of course darling.” Marinette said, almost robotically as she drifted off to sleep, cuddling him.
“She’s been in there for a day.” Damian said plainly to his father who had walked behind him, “Are you finally going to trust me?” He spat not breaking his eyes from Marinette’s gorgeous face whose smile had diminished slightly. “Are you finally going to tell me what’s going on?”
Bruce cleared his throat. The information could break his son. He knew it would make him a hell of a lot more stubborn.
“It’s called Black Mercy.”
The birds chirped outside of Marinette’s window. She groaned as she felt the sunlight wash over her eyes. She turned to Damian’s side of the bed to find an empty space.
“Dames?” She whispered softly. She heard a creak at the door as it slowly opened. She got slightly nervous until she saw it was only Damian in the doorframe.
“Beloved, I brought you breakfast in bed.” He smiled as he placed the tray over Marinette.
“Aww, Dove!” Marinette smiled throwing her arms around him, almost spilling the food. “You’re so sweet, you didn’t have to!” Damian embraced her, “I wanted to do something special for you. Besides, I love cooking.”
Marinette felt the pounding come back again, only stronger than the night before. ‘Damian doesn’t love-‘
“Thank you darling.” She responded as if she was using a script. She took a bite of her food.
“Kara was able to be saved by her sister. She told me the machine they built to let another person enter into the mind of the victim of the Black Mercy. If I give you the model of what she sent me do you think you can recreate it Bruce?” Clark asked as he rubbed his temples feeling a migraine at the whole situation. Marinette never deserved this. He still remembered what it was like, pure tranquility and bliss. That wasn’t the part Marinette didn’t deserve.
She didn’t deserve the pain from waking up.
“Dove,” Marinette spoke as she sat on the couch next to her husband. Damian looked up at her with bright smiling eyes. Another headache.
“D-dove, do you ever feel like something is w-wrong?” She squeezing her eyes shut at the massive migraine.
“Whatever do you mean Beloved?” Asked Damian placing an arm around her, “Everything is fine. This is our dream life remember?”
She nodded.
A dream.
“One of us needs to go in and save her.” Clark said as Bruce placed a small device on Marinette’s head. Jon stood up, “I can-“
“No.” Damian said looking at Marinette’s closed eyes. “I’ll do it.”
Bruce nodded. He shared a look with Clark, they knew that he would’ve volunteered. “Damian, you need to know that whatever happens to you in there happens out here. If you die in there…”
“I don’t care.” Damian growled, “She’s the only person I ever...Just fucking put me in there.” Clark’s eyes widened. Bruce sighed and Jon looked away.
Marinette walked over from the couch as she heard a knock at the door.
“Wait!” Damian called. Marinette looked back to see him twitching slightly. “Don’t answer that.”
“Oh Dove I know you’re paranoid but what’s the worst that could happen?” Marinette chuckled, “Nothing bad or dangerous has ever happened to us. Like you said, it’s our dream life.” Marinette walked over and pressed her hand on the door handle. Suddenly, Damian was right beside her grabbing her wrist. Clawing his nails into her arm.
“Don’t. Open. That.”
“Dove, you’re-you’re hurting me!” Marinette cried.
Then she was thrust backwards into the ground as the door was kicked in. She landed with a soft thud. She groaned in pain.
“Her vitals are going crazy!” Clark exclaimed as Marinette jolted.
“Damian what are you doing in there?” Bruce murmured.
Standing in the doorway was Damian. Marinette did a double take. Damian was right next to her glaring at the door frame. Two Damians? Her head was spinning.
“W-what’s going on?” She asked wincing slightly at the pain in her arm from where the door had collided with her. The Damian that had been standing in the doorway who had a weird looking device on his forehead.
“Angel you have to listen to me, this isn’t re-“
“Who are you?!” Asked the other Damian as he pressed a hand on the Damian who had just spoken’s neck. He was slowly choking him.
“What are you doing Damian?! Stop!” Marinette pleaded as she ran to her husband’s side. She placed a hand on him to try to get him to stop only to have him push her to the ground with his free hand. Marinette squeaked when her face burned from the impact of the floor.
Then black.
Damian saw red. This imposter, some man who the Black Mercy concocted for his Angel had just struck her. He had never broken free from a chokehold so quickly. He kneed the fake Damian in the groin and ran over to Marinette.
“Angel, Angel are you alright?!” He asked as he looked over at her. She was barely breathing and her eyes were only starting to flicker open. When they opened fully they were as wide as saucers seeming Damian there.
The fake Damian rushed over to Marinette’s other side.
“Beloved, come to me! I’ll protect you from him!” Said the imposter as he turned Marinette over towards him. Damian stood up from his crouched position. “Angel, don’t listen to him! This isn’t real it’s all made up by a monster called the Black Mercy.”
“Lies!” Fake Damian exclaimed as he shoved Damian to the ground. Damian groaned and tried to get back up only to have the other Damian place his foot one the real Damian’s windpipe. Damian gasped for air, looking at Marinette’s bewildered expression and pained eyes.
“Angel, remember-“ Damian wheezed as he felt his throat being pushed on even more, “Once I was on patrol as R-robin and I b-beat a man bloody.” He said as he tried to take the fake Damian’s foot off of his neck. “And you-you wouldn’t talk to me. I vowed- I told you I would never be that violent again.”
Recognition flashed in Marinette’s eyes until she drew back in pain, her face a blank mask once again. “I don’t know what Robin is.” She stated blankly. The fake Damian smirked as Damian writhed. The deceiver took his shoe off of Damian’s windpipe and walked over to Marinette. He kissed her on the cheek, “Come on beloved, he needs to leave.”
Marinette nodded dutifully as she walked over to Damian giving him her hand. He accepted it and pulled himself up. “Please Angel,” he whispered, “You have to wake up for me.”
The fake Damian was at her side in an instant. “Don’t listen to this crazy man Beloved. Come, let’s escort him out and then I’ll make you lunch.” Damian wrinkled his nose.
“I hate cooking.” Damian said, folding his arms at the same time as Marinette whispered, “Damian hates cooking.” Damian looked down at his Angel. He saw a spark in her bluebell eyes that hadn’t been there when he entered her fantasy from the Black Mercy.
“Remember Angel.”
Clark breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the Black Mercy recoiling from Marinette.
“We’re not out of the woods yet.” Bruce noted as the Black Mercy clung onto Marinette, seemingly fighting to keep her.
“No.” Said the fantasy Damian. Damian glowered at him. “This is Marinette’s choice and does not concern you.”
“You really think she’d give up her dream life with me for someone like you?!” Fake Damian sneered. “I am you.” Damian shot back.
“No, you’re the flawed, imperfect version of me. Marinette wants someone who will smile for her, someone who will cook for her, not someone like you. You’re not even good enough for Batman!”
“W-what? Who’s Batman?” Marinette asked as she felt another pounding in her skull.
“Angel you have to remember,” Damian said looking into her eyes, “I’m a hero, a vigilante. This perfect life will never be ours and I’m sorry. Once-once you told me that protecting others was all you wanted to do, but you can’t help others if you don’t wake up!”
“It’s loosening!” Jon cried. Clark breathed, “She’s almost there.” The Black Mercy was hanging onto her by a thread. Bruce took a practically unbreakable glass test tube and got ready for the defeat of the Black Mercy.
“Beloved, you can’t actually believe him!” The fake Damian scoffed. Marinette held her head, she wasn’t sure what to believe anymore. She fell down to the ground from shock with the word “remember” still echoing in her head.
“You fight for what is right Marinette,” Damian pleaded as he ran over to her. He picked up her slumped form and cradled it in his arms, “This isn’t right.” Marinette groaned and opened her eyes. Damian’s green one’s stared intently at her as the fake Damian started to disappear. “Remember who you are.” Damian whispered into her ear.
“I- I- I’m Ladybug.”
Marinette sat up with a gasp. Damian followed suit shortly after. “W-what happened?” She asked rubbing her head.
“A parasite named Black Mercy latched on to you.” Bruce said twisting the cap of the test tube in place which held the grotesque black creature. “What is the last thing you remember?”
“I- I think-“ Damian sat up from the table he was on. He swiftly removed the device on his head that allowed him to save Marinette. He silently walked out of the room, not even giving Marinette a look of recognition. “I’ll be right back.” Marinette said softly. She sat up wincing from the damage the Black Mercy had done. She limped over to the exit. Damian had left the manor without a trace, but she knew where he went.
“Dami?” Asked Marinette softly as she sat next to him. They were on a beautiful ledge overlooking Gotham’s skyline and the sunset that was cresting over the city. Damian kept his eyes straight forward not acknowledging her. Marinette folded her knees and rocked gently beside him.
“Do you remember what happened?” Damian asked dryly, “In the Black Mercy.” Marinette nodded slowly. Damian turned his head. Marinette’s lip trembled as she saw his eyes were slightly puffy.
“Dove I-“
“Am I the kind of person you want?” He asked folding his arms.
“What?! Damian of course you-“
“In the Black Mercy.” Damian started as he stared into her bluebell eyes. “The Damian you fantasized about, the one you were married to...he wasn’t me.” Marinette gave him a confused cock of her head. Damian sighed, “That Damian smiled, he cooked, he was perfect for you. Maybe we aren’t as good for each other as we thought.” Marinette winced. Did he really believe that?
“I don’t think I can ever be the guy you want...the guy you deserve.” Damian said plainly as he focused his gaze back on the sunset.
“You are the guy I want.” Marinette whispered, “Ever since we met each other. Yeah we’ve had our fights, it’s impossible not to. I don’t want a guy who’ll smile at me all the time or even cook for me.” Damian twitched his head, “That was your fantasy, your dream.”
“I don’t know,” Marinette sighed, “When that Black Mercy Damian attacked you...I would never want that.”
“The Black Mercy creates your desires.” Damian stated.
“Do you really think I’d want you hurt?” Marinette choked. Damian avoided the question and stared at the Gotham skyline in silence. “Wow.” Marinette scoffed with a sob. Tears trickled down her cheeks, “Then I guess you are right. If-If you knew me you’d know I’d never want anything bad to happen to you. I-I love you.”
She stood up ready to walk away. She brushed the tears from her eyes. Damian stood up and whispered,
“I love you too.”
Whew sorry it’s so long! I went for something different this time! (Also this won’t be continued).
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awhitehead17 · 4 years
It’s My Job To Protect You
TimKon, Guardian Angel AU, Supernatural Creatures, Angel Kon, Nightmares, Injuries, Fluff.
Summary: Kon's been assigned to a human called Tim Drake. His job is to make sure his ass stays alive, to make sure he’s well and plodding along through life making the most of it as he can, only Tim makes his job a million times harder because he's what they call a vigilante.
A/N: I'm really tempted to carry this on as a bigger story. Would people be interested in this if I was to continue it? Please feel free to let me know! 
Enjoy! :D 
“Yeah I know. This is the fourth time this year and it’s only April!”
“You do realise you’re supposed to look after your human right, to not let them get hurt or anything.”
“Yes, thank you Kara, I am aware of this. I just happen to pull the short straw and get assigned a human who likes to run head first into danger.”
Kon sighs and rubs a hand over his face as he observes the human sleeping on the bed in front of him. His torso was wrapped up in bandages, he had a nasty bruise forming around his right eye, a split lip and his left wrist was in a cast.
This happened to be the fourth time his human has ended up injured this year. The first time was because of a broken ankle, the second was because of a concussion, the third was because of a stab wound which then got infected and now this.
His human, Tim Drake, was what they call a vigilante. While Kon absolutely admires the gut this guy has to do a job like that, it frustrates him to no end. He’s been assigned to Tim to make sure his ass stays alive, to make sure he’s well and plodding along through life making the most of it as he can. While Kon can’t actually force him to make decisions he just helps where he can, that’s his job as Tim’s Guardian Angel
However his job is a whole lot harder than other Guardian Angel’s because this asshole likes to put himself in danger, unfortunately it comes with the job he’s doing.
He glances at Kara, a fellow Guardian Angel, and asks, “Was there a reason you’ve come to see me or no?”
“Yes actually. Kal wants a word with you. He’s caught wind of what happened tonight, just be prepared, he’s not happy with you.” She says gravely.
Kon frowns, “Great, this is going to be fun then isn’t it?”
She reaches out and pats his shoulder before turning away, “It’ll be fine.” With no more words she disappears into thin air like she was never there in the first place. Kon blinks at the space she had been occupying before turning his attention back to Tim.
It looked like the teenager was fast asleep and would be for the rest of the night so, content with his state Kon prepares himself to leave but stops in his tracks when a whimper comes from Tim. Kon pauses and watches him, he starts twisting in his sheets and mummering pleas underneath his breath.
A nightmare. Tim was having a nightmare. These unfortunately were not new, especially with his human. While out doing his job Tim see all kinds of horrid and traumatic things which Kon really wishes he could protect him from, regrettably he can’t just stop Tim from doing these sort of things, all he can do is pick up the pieces afterwards.
He walks over to Tim’s beside, the human was now beginning to whimper loudly and almost painfully, his face was scrunched up in his sleep and his hands were clenching the bedsheets tightly. Kon reaches forward, placing his hand over Tim’s forehead and starts using his power to calm him down, to help relieve his mind from the nightmare he was having.
Tim slowly starts to calm down and relax, his body goes limp and sinks into the mattress it was on, his facial features relax and the whimpering stops with a sigh. Kon stays by his side, with his hand on Tim’s head, for a couple of minutes just to be sure he’s chased away the nightmare and that’ll allow Tim to have a peaceful sleep.
Once he was satisfied that Tim will this time stay asleep and not be disturbed he makes his leave.
 Later that night he finds himself in front of an angry Kal-el, which was not a good thing. Kal-el was basically in charge, along with a couple others, of most Guardian Angels, not all but most of them. He’s what humans would call a ‘manager’.
And right now Kon was the main focus of his attention and he was not happy.
“Kon-el this is the fourth time this year that your assigned human has been injured. I assigned you a human because I thought you were ready, this isn’t how you’re supposed to do your job!”
Kon glares at him, just because he’s in charge doesn’t mean Kon’s afraid to speak his mind, “Well have you met Tim? He’s batshit crazy, like literally! As Bruce Wayne's GA you really should know what it’s like, trying to keep vigilante’s safe -as humans would put it- is like finding a needle in a haystack!”
Kal glares back at him, straightening his posture and crossing his arms over his chest to be more intimidating. “You’re right, I do know what it’s like but that doesn’t mean you have an excuse. If he ends up injured again, then I’ll have no choice but to take you away and assign another GA to him.”
“That’s not fair!” He exclaims. “You can’t do that!”
Kal isn’t impressed with his outburst. “I can and I will.”
“The only other way I can look after him is if I go and be there with him. I have a better chance of keeping him safe if I can physically be with him. But you won’t allow that!”
The other angel considers him for a moment, he stays silent like he’s debating something inside of his head and Kon waits anxiously, wondering what he’s coming up with. “So what you’re saying is that if I allow you to create a human vessel, you’ll be able to keep Tim Drake safe from harm more than what you have been already?”
Well that wasn’t exactly what Kon was saying but if it means keeping Tim as his human then he’ll go with it. “Yes?”
Kal stares at him coolly, “Fine. 12 weeks. You have 12 weeks in human time to make sure he doesn’t drastically get injured, or killed, to prove your ability to keep him safe from harm so you can continue your job as a GA. Do you understand?”
It takes Kon a moment to answer because seriously? Is this actually happening? He realises after a moment that he’s actually got to answer and starts rapidly nodding, “Yes sir. That’s fine. I’ll prove that I am perfectly capable of looking after a human.”
“We’ll see.” He doesn’t sound convinced. “Now go, you’re dismissed.”
Kon wastes no time in leaving.
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