#kari's new years quickie challenge
I Don’t Want This Night To End
Characters: Dean x Reader
Summary: Each New Years Eve is magical but how much can one night change your life?
Word Count: 4470 words
Prompt: First meet, first kiss, new years resolution.
A/N: This is a collaborative fic brought to you from the laptops of @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester and @girl-next-door-writes.  This is our entry for @thing-you-do-with-that-thing  Kari’s New Years Quickie Challenge. It is the first part in a mini-series and we have LOVED writing it so we appreciate any feedback and hope you enjoy.
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Part 1
31st December Present Day
Sitting alone at the small formica table, his hands around the mug of luke-warm coffee, his eyes flickering to his phone which was set beside his drink.  The cafe was a bustle of activity all around him with people in animated conversations, mostly about their plans for that evening but it was almost like he was sat in a bubble of silence.  He had no plans for New Years Eve.  He hadn’t for the past few years.  Absentmindedly taking a sip of the cooling beverage his eyes checked the time on his phone once more and a frown appeared on his face making the casual observer feel he could possibly be the most heartbreakingly beautiful man to ever hold a coffee.  Waving the waitress away with a sad smile as she offered a refill he ran a hand over the back of his neck as he thought about everything that had led him here.
31st December 2006
The house was an assault on the senses in every way possible.  A sea of bodies filling every inch of space, the deep bass of the music vibrating through the floorboards, the overpowering smells of cheap beer and even cheaper aftershave so strong she could almost taste them.  She didn’t want to be here.  The lights were too low, the rooms to crowded with intoxicated people dressed in ridiculous costumes  and she really wasn’t in the mood to socialise.  Unfortunately her roommates didn’t agree and had insisted she join them, costume and all.  Adjusting her wig she allowed Charlie to drag her further into the house, just hoping her recently ex boyfriend wasn’t lurking somewhere.  
Gabriel had decided to throw a New Years Eve party which was more than okay for him. It made getting laid even more easier than before. Being friends with the host had huge perks, like knowing where everything was and not having the responsibility of hosting so you could get away with anything. Specially if it was Gabe’s party. He leaned against the makeshift bar while sipping on his beer as he scanned the crowd and his eyes landed on a girl with bright eyes who seemed like this was the last place she wanted to be at. He let his eyes travel up her legs and took another sip from the beer in his hand. “She is pretty hot,” came a voice from behind him and Dean rolled his eyes,
“Jess know you check out other women?” he asked dryly, his lips turning up in a slight smirk as the girl finally looked at him.
She felt ridiculous but as she looked around she realised hers was far from the most outlandish costume at the party. The girls were all variations on a slutty theme, there were scantily clad cats, bunnies, she was sure she had spotted some kind of owl costume which made her Wonder Woman ensemble seem conservative in comparison.  She had counted at least 5 Han Solo’s and a couple of James Bonds before her eyes landed on Batman and she quirked an eyebrow.  “I’m gonna grab a drink.” she hollered at Charlie who simply nodded before disappearing into the crowd.  Pushing her way past several sweaty bodies she finally got to the bar and assessed her options.
Dean grinned a little as he watched the girl dressed as Wonder Woman make her towards him and he was so fucking glad he went with batman instead of Han Solo who seemed to be the popular option for the night. “I would get lost if I were you, Sam.”Dean said barely glancing at his brother who was shaking his head at him,
“Don't do anything I wouldn't,”he clapped back making Dean snort as he finally glanced back at his brother,
“That doesn't really leave me with that many options, does it, Sammy?”he said with a smirk to which Sam’s only reply was his bitch face before he slinked away just as the girl reached the bar.
“So my choices are warm beer, warm beer or some dodgy looking punch.” She muttered to herself before grabbing a bottle.  She nodded to Batman before one of the many Harrison Ford wannabes leant on the bar beside her, a real shit eating grin on his face and it took all she had not to punch him.  Rolling her eyes she prepared herself for the inevitable line.  “No, it didn’t hurt when I fell from heaven, I don’t have a run in my tights and I am damned certain my outfit would not look good on your bedroom floor so unless you have something that is actually interesting or entertaining then I suggest you walk away you scruffy looking nerf herder.” Finally turning to look at him she raised her eyebrows challengingly as he opened and closed his mouth a few times before walking away.  “That’s what I thought.” she murmured knocking back a liberal swig of the cheap beer in her hand pulling a face of disgust.  “Damn this is fucking awful.”  
“I’d go for the shots if I were you.”Dean said with a smirk as he watched her shoot down the rather sad attempt to get her.
She turned back to Batman,  “Did you say something about shots?”
“Well, after that I think you would need something a little stronger than beer.”he said with a grin as he asked for six shots from Benny who was on the alcohol duty for the night. “Thanks man.”he said nodding at his friend before passing half shots to the girl. “Here’s to some better pickup lines?” he said with a grin as he clinked his glass with hers and downed the drink. “I am guessing you are new to this particular circuit? I haven't seen you around before.”he said just as someone jumped on his back taking him by surprise. “For fucks sake!” he groaned before the familiar voice of Charlie registered.
“I see you’ve met my friend.” Your roommate grinned down at you from her position on Batmans back and you couldn’t stop a chuckle escaping your lips as you shook your head at her.
“How do you know, like, everyone?  Seriously?  Everywhere we go she just knows people.”
“You are crazy you know that? I could have punched you!”he said dryly only for Charlie to grin down at him. “You sure she is your friend? I mean you don't party and well--Charlie here can barely stay in for one night.”he said with a grin which turned to a groan as the red head nudged him with her elbow  rather roughly.   
Picking up a shot she knock it back, enjoying the heat of the alcohol slipping down her throat. “As for your question Batboy, I’m just not a party girl type.  Too many drunken idiots who think a ‘good time’ is throwing a girl some crappy chat up line designed to make her melt into a simpering puddle allowing him to grab her ass.”  Picking up the second shot she knocked it back just as quick as the first.  Sure, she sounded bitter but that’s what happens when you get your heart stomped on right?  She couldn’t believe you had wasted two years of her life on Luke just for him to ditch her for some Sorority party girl.  Well fuck him.  Picking up the last of the shots she raised the glass to her companions before downing it, shaking her head as it hit its mark.  
“Looks like you’re gonna have to up your game for this one.” Charlie whispered in his ear before climbing down and shooting him a wink.  
Dean raised an eyebrow at Charlie questioningly as he heard the Wonder Girl go on about guys and didn't take a genius to realise that she must have had a bad experience of some sort recently. “So are you here with someone or can I try those lame pick up line on you?”he asked with a cheeky grin ignoring what Charlie had just whispered in his ear before slipping away.
“Does that ever work? Hang on, no, I know that they work but does that ever work on anyone you want for more than a few hours?”  She looked at him appraisingly, his costume was good, the mask hid his face leaving just that strong jaw and those hauntingly beautiful green eyes.  Rolling her eyes she figured he was probably one of those pretty boy, love ya and leave ya types and once he realised she wasn’t gonna roll over for him he would lose interest and go chasing some other girl.  Catching Benny’s eye she smiled sweetly at him. “You got any vodka back there honey? A girl could die of thirst here.” she shot him a wink and smiled to herself when he scurried off to find her some.  
“I doubt anyone is looking for a serious relationship at a party where everyone is too drunk to remember the night.”he said dryly as he threw back the remaining shots one after the other.
“So you one of the party monsters then?  I’ve not really been part of the scene, you’re more likely to find me in the library.  Hey is that Sam Winchester over there?” her face lit up with a smile when she recognised the incredibly tall boy, at last someone she actually knew.  “He’s like my unofficial study buddy.” she explained seeing the curiosity in her companion's eyes.  “So come on then, hit me with your best line, let’s get it over with.”
“I am not exactly a regular but I know the host and well, I wasn't dumb enough to pass up the chance to dress up in my true identity.”he said with a grin which flattered a little when she followed her gaze. “You know Sammy? Study partner? Well why hasn't he introduced us before?” Dean said his nose scrunching a little. “Do you really want the answer to that man?”asked Gabriel as he stopped after hearing the question and turned his attention to the girl in front of them. “Your humble host.”he said bowing dramatically before taking her hand and pressing a kiss to it making Dean roll his eyes. That was the moment when they heard a loud crash making them all jump and Gabriel scurrying off promising to be back soon. “Sam’s my brother.”he said at her questioning look. “My best line? Sure you can handle it?”he asked with a smirk which turned to a grin when she rolled her eyes. He crooked his fingers asking her to come closer. “Pie is my second favourite thing to eat in bed.”he whispered in her ear before pulling back and looking at her innocently but his eyes probably gave him away.
Her brow furrowed and her nose scrunched as she tried to figure out what he had just said. “Why would you be eating...oh!” The realisation hit her and she broke out into uncontrollable, genuine laughter.  Nodding her head she smiled at him brightly, “I'll give you that one Batboy.”
Dean couldn't help but smirk at her as she tried to work out what he meant and when the realisation hit her, a laugh escaped his. Not the fake one but a real one with her whole body shaking and he realised he liked the sound of it. “Or I could give one to you?”he said wiggling his eyebrows suggestively, a grin on his lips.
“Double vodka and lemonade for the lady.” A smooth southern accent interrupted and she turned to Benny, taking the drink he offered.
“Thanks sugar.” Turning back to her companion she shrugged, “Best to keep the guy supplying the drinks on side.  So, you’re Sam's brother?  He never mentioned… Oh, you're the womanising, junk food eating, whiskey drinking slacker.  Huh. Thought you'd be taller.” She took a sip of her drink, looking up at him, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
Dean watched her take her drink from Benny who threw a wink at him once her back was to her and he grinned back. “That would be me. He forgot to add I am better looking, more fun and really really good in bed.”he said winking at her not really showing how he exactly felt. Of course he wasn't a smart ass who was in law school but he was doing pretty good himself. He had often wondered about what Sam actually thought of him and he just found out apparently. That didn't really sit well with him. He knew how his father felt but he had always thought Sam would be proud of him and that would have been enough for him. He was about to ask for a whiskey but before he could the glass was in front of him as Benny gave him a weird look and he flashed his confident smirk at him. No point in ruining everyone's new years eve.
She rolled her eyes and just like that her defenses were back up.  This guy thought she was that easy huh? A bit of flattery, a joke or two to make her laugh and her panties would just drop off.  She found herself feeling disappointed,  part of her had hoped he was different. Taking a sip of her drink she looked out across the room, “There are plenty of girls here who would love to test that, there's a blonde over their checking you out right now.  Throw her a few lines and I guarantee you won't be sleeping alone tonight.” She mused.  Maybe Charlie was right, maybe she needed to get back on the horse but not this one.  There was something dangerously appealing about Batman and she couldn’t afford to become infatuated with such a player.  No, she needed a distraction and as she caught their host undressing her with his eyes she knew she had found one.
Dean followed her gaze as he sipped on his whiskey and shrugged. “Probably, but something tells me you need the distraction more than her.”he said with a small smile before glancing at her as he sipped on his drink. She was right, the girl was totally, his type and he probably won't have to work hard on getting laid but for some reason he couldn't take eyes off this girl.
“And you think you're the guy to distract me?  Sorry to break it to you sweetheart, but if you’re looking to get laid then you're gonna have to find another target.”  She winked at Gabe across the room and took a sip of her drink, avoiding looking at Batman.  If she slept with him tonight then she would want more and he didn't seem the type, especially with what Sam had told her about him.  No, she needed no emotional attachment and, unfortunately, she was already quite taken with the caped crusader.
“Hey, I never said I would be the guy. I just stated that you look like you need distraction. I’d be happy to help. If you ask nicely. Maybe buy me a drink.”he said with a smirk as he followed her gaze and couldn't help but scowl. Great. Fucking great. He was going to be cockblocked by Gabriel. That is all he needed in his life. Who needed enemies when there were friends like this.
“I’ll happily ‘buy’ you a drink, it’s kinda a free bar.” she chuckled as she turned her attention back to see his jaw set and she wondered why he was so tense.  “Looks like you could do with a distraction too.  And as long as we’re clear that you’re not getting into my panties this evening then I am happy to hang out with you.  We superheroes should stick together.” she nudged his shoulder with hers before turning to lean over the makeshift bar and smiling brightly at Benny.  “Could me and my Justice League colleague here get another round of shots please sugar?” She felt a hand on her ass and she froze.  
“Damn baby, I just couldn’t resist.  Have you been sitting on sugar because that is one sweet ass.” An unfamiliar voice hummed in her ear and she very carefully stood up, taking this jerks hand from her posterior and bent his fingers back.  
“There are soooo many thing wrong with what you have just done.  On NO planet is it okay to touch a girl without her permission are we clear?  Now I don’t know if you’ve been paying attention to anything other than my ass but I’d like to point out my boyfriend right here, he’s Batman and I’d say there’s a damn good chance if you don’t start apologising and swear on whatever you hold dear, and I’m guessing here that would be your dick, that you will NEVER treat another girl like that again, well, he’s gonna kick your ass.” She let go of the idiot and just hoped her drinking buddy would play along.
Dean hadn't been paying attention which turned out to be a mistake as someone grabbed wonder girl but apparently she didn't need any help as she pretty much scared the guy shitless. “Babe, I think you are doing fine without me but you know just to be sure I am going to escort this gentleman, a term I am using rather loosely, out of here before he ends up grabbing someone else’s ass and then I end up making sure he never is able to attend a party again.”he said dryly as he threw his arm around the guy and tightened his arm around his neck. To anyone else it would have looked like two friends having fun. “Next time I see you anywhere near her I am gonna make sure you can't even lift a finger forget anything else. Get out.”he said pushing him out the door and kicking it close.
“Hey, missed me?”he asked sliding back on the spot he had earlier vacated with a cheeky grin on his face. “That was fucking hot. I would have sat back and enjoyed you beating him up if we weren't at a party.”
The incident had actually shaken her and although she had this tough exterior that was just a front.  She was glad when he returned, feeling safer with him there knowing that he would watch her back.  “And here was me thinking you would leap in to defend my honour.” Raising her eyebrows at him she tried to stop her hand from shaking as she picked up a shot and downed it.  
“I would have had you needed the back up. Played the hero and swept you off your feet but you just had to play wonder woman and ruin my plans.”he said with a grin which flattered a little as he noticed her hand shaking and he scooted closer to her, their shoulders were brushing and he hoped that the little physical contact would reassure her. “Nothing would have happened. I am right here. I threw him out personally.”he said as he watched her throw back the shot after shot.
“So it’s nearly midnight.” she stated as she slammed the shot glass down on the bar and picked up another.  “You got any deep and meaningful resolutions from the coming year?” raising her glass at him she knocked the tequila back and shook her head with a shudder as the alcohol hit her.  
He let out a snort at her question, “You have been talking to me for like an hour. What do you think?”he asked before a laugh escaped his lips at the expression on her face. “Okay, fine. What do you think should be my new years resolution?”
Standing in front of him she moved closer, her eyes searching his as their noses almost touched.  A gentle smirk appearing on her face as she leaned back.  “I think your resolution should be to believe in yourself a little more.  Yeah, I know you’ve got this whole ‘Look at me, I’m sexy and funny and a playboy’ thing going for you but I think that’s bull.  Then again, what do I know?  I’ve only just met you.”  She shrugged.  Maybe she just hoped he was deeper than he appeared.  There was definitely something different about him but she couldn’t place it, wasn’t sure she wanted to place it.  “Come on then, do me, what should mine be?”
“You think that's Bull? Well, either you are smarter than everyone I know or really really bad at Reading people.”he said his eyes searching hers wondering what made her think that. No one could really go that deep with him with how high his walls were but somehow she had managed to dig in that deep with one hour of him hitting at her. He was either really bad at his game tonight or she was way smarter than anyone he knew that included Sam because even his brother didn't know exactly what went on his brain. “Your new years resolution? Hmmm,”he hummed as he leaned closer to her, his eyes meeting her eyes for a moment as he decided to actually tell her what he thought instead of throwing out another cheeky pick up line at her. “Take more risks. The things you could actually achieve if you did. Also, you sell yourself short. Don't. You are more amazing than you seem to realise.”he said softly with a small genuine smile on his face which just widened a little as he saw a little surprise settle on her face. It was barely there for a few seconds before her mask was on but enough for him to notice.
She had been expecting another line but what he said hit a nerve.  Her self esteem had taken a beating recently and she was feeling anything but amazing.  Tilting her head she smiled at him. “Oh you are good.  Damn, you nearly had me then.  I can see why you’re so successful with the women.” She shook her head.  “I assume by ‘take more risks’ you mean with you?  And as for amazing, I think you know me about as well as I know you.” Her eyes met his and she felt a fluttering in her stomach.
“I meant what I said. As for taking the risk with, sure, why not? Have to start somewhere but I meant generally. If I wanted to throw a line at you I would have said your new years resolution should be me.”he said with a cheeky grin, “Yeah but I am guessing we both hit it too close to home.”
Looking out across the room again searching for any reason not avoid looking at him she cursed herself.  She had been single for three weeks, there was no way she was about to fall for some smooth talking masked man on New Years Eve.  Really she should make her excuses and go find someone else to talk to but she couldn’t pull herself away.  “Maybe we should move away from the bar?  If I stay here I’m just gonna end up far too drunk then you’re gonna have to find Charlie to carry me home.”
He nodding at her as he finished his drink before guiding her out, his hand on her lower back as the weaved through the crowd and he opened the door to the backyard where they could talk easily considering the music wasn't too loud out there even if it was a little chilly and maybe watch some fireworks when the clock struck midnight.
The cool air hit her and she shivered.  Maybe this hadn’t been the best idea but as she leaned over the railing of the deck she felt herself sobering up a little.  Pulling her cape around her shoulders in an attempt to fight off the cold she found herself leaning into her companion, glad of his body heat.  “Would you look at that, I don’t have to yell at you anymore to be heard.” she hummed, resting her head on his shoulder.  There were a few couples making out but generally there was a peaceful calm as she looked up at the sky.  “You think somewhere there’s another Wonder Woman and Batman looking up at the stars right now?” her question was quiet and she didn’t really expect him to answer.  There was an air of expectancy and when the music cut inside they could hear their benevolent host announcing it was very nearly midnight.  
“Maybe but I am damn sure there isn’t another wonder woman who looks as hot as you do.”he said slipping his hand into hers as he found himself looking forward to spend some time with her. Not just because he wanted her in his bed but further than that. She made him curious which was a rare thing and he couldn’t help but wonder why had his brother not made a move yet considering they were study partners. He looked down at her as Gabriel started the countdown.
Ten. Nine.
She was looking back at him and even she couldn't deny that there was something between them. She may not say it with words but her eyes said it.
Eight. Seven.
He knew he wanted to kiss her. More than anyone he had ever wanted to kiss in a long time and it made feel vulnerable in a way he didn't like.
Six. Five.
She felt her heart beginning to race and her lips parted slightly as she tried to control her breathing.  The way he was looking at her made her nervous and she felt herself drawn towards him.
Four. Three.
Her chest was pressed up against his and she could feel his breathing was as ragged as hers.  Tilting her head slightly her eyes flitted to his lips and then back to those beautiful green eyes.
Two. One.
He licked his lips, feeling a little nervous for the first time in years as he tucked away a strand of her hair before cupping her face with one of his hands before he leaned down and slowly pressed his lips to hers in soft kiss just as the firecrackers went off behind them but he was barely paying any attention to the sky as different kind of fireworks went off the moment her lips started moving against his and he hesitantly deepened the kiss, his tongue stroking her lower lip, his grip on her hand tightening a little as her lips parted for him and he let out a soft growl wanting to just press her against the wall not wanting the night to end.
“Happy New Year, Wonder girl.”he whispered against her lips before pressing his lips against hers again.
Tag List:  @castielohcastiel @cojootromuelle @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester @like-a-bag-of-potatoes @chaos-and-the-calm67 @its-my-perky-nipples @mysaintsasinner
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Chris Evans Writing Challenge
I’m still taking a break from the quickies so I decided that May should be Chris Evans month. This challenge center around Chris and a handful of his characters. I listed the one you can write below. All the prompts are something either Chris or one of his characters have said at some point.
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Due Date: May 31st (don’t worry about the timezone. As long as it’s the 30th somewhere it counts.) - There are no extensions on monthly challenges!!!
Word min: 500 words
Word Max: 5k words
Style: It can be a drabble, one shot or beginning of a series. Do not put in in the middle of an ongoing series since I plan on reading them and don’t want to read 10 parts of something to understand the entry. If you create a series only part one has to be posted before the due date.
Fandom: Chris evans
Will you read and reblog my fic?
You betcha :D I am behind on reading for previous challenges so patience is a virtue here
When Do I Post?
Right now. Sign Ups start now and end when there are no more prompts or when the due date rolls around
Genre: Anything you want. You have to be over 18 if you write smut and you always have to warn accordingly! Fluff, angst, AUs, and crack are all welcome. I prefer none AUs - so fics that take place in the cinematic universe the character you choose is from. I don’t wanna limit you here though so if AU is what floats your boat, make it AU.
Limits on what you can write: No Mommy/daddy kinks, no non/dub con, no A/B/O, no merpeople. No underage. No incest or selfcest. No half animal anything, please. No glorification on cheating(it’s okay as a plot device but use it with thought), no wife, s/o (even exes) or actor hate in rpfs!
Format: State in your A/N that it is for my (until-theend-oftheline) Kari’s Chris Evans Challenge. And use the #Kari’s Chris Evans Challenge in the first 5 tags.
Pairing and word count also have to be easy to spot in your header!
Submit: After you posted on Tumblr you have to add yourself and your fic to this doc. If you don’t do this you will not be added to the masterlist I create when the challenge is over. If you got questions - just ask :D
Doc link it case tumblr is an ass: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FH1g90G-dEaXXQ90JvU7_wI0i6vrQwBmt7wqBZLAgLM/edit?usp=sharing
How do I join?
You pick a quote (all are something either Chris or one of his characters said) and a pairing off the list. Send me the prompt number along with a backup just in case and your pairing of choice. ASKS ONLY!! REPLIES, REBLOGS AND IMS WILL BE IGNORED!
There are no limits on the pairings but I only allow 1 person per prompt so think before you sign up. If you don’t think you will be doing it then don’t take the spot from someone else. For now 1 person can sign up 2 times (one prompt per story).
All pairings must be x reader (romantic or friendship) general fics - no selfcest! - 
I will accept Stucky or Stucky x Reader for this one too but focus must be on Steeb then:
Chris Evans (rpf)
Steve Rogers
Stucky x Reader
Jensen (Losers)
Mace (Sunshine)
Frank Adler (Gifted)
Curtis (Snowpiercer)
Nick Vaughan (Before We Go)
Colin Shea (What’s Your Number?)
1 Did you know that cats can make one thousand different sounds and dogs can only make ten? Cats, man. Not to be trusted. @dutchiewhotriestowrite (steve rogers)
2 That's right bitches; I got a crossbow! @acreativelydifferentlove (chris evans)
3 As the Ancient Tibetan Philosophy states: "Don't start none, won't be none!"
4 Every time someone tries to win a war before it starts, innocent people die. @queeniewritesce (chris evans)
5 I promise you if you need us. If you need me, I’ll be there. @queen-of-the-avengers (Steve Rogers)
6 This isn’t freedom. It’s fear. 
7 It’s probably too late to go to the bathroom right? 
8 It's the time. Sixteen months, you can get used to anything... you just lose track. I won't lose track again.
9 We should never have gone off the mission. @capsheadquaters (chris evans)
10 I don't know. I have an opinion. But that's my opinion. I could be wrong. @lilulo-12 (steve rogers)
11 Use your head. But don't be afraid to believe in things either. @averyrogers (steve rogers)
12 When you're committed to somebody, you won't allow yourself to look for perfection to someone else @brokennccrown (Steve Rogers)
13 We love what we love. It sucks. @thatfanficstuff (Stucky)
14 Give her a kiss and wish her good luck.
15 18 years I've waited for this moment. @averyrogers83 (steve rogers)
16 That's what people in the best place say to the people in the worst place.
17  Okay. Uh…how do you feel about Denver. I found the mountain man, and that guy has got a caboose worth relocating for.
18  Oh, ___, I underestimated you. That’s amazing. That’s…that’s my new favorite thing about you. @iwillwalkherinthemorning (Nick)
19  Yeah, well, you sounded depressed on the phone, so. You hungry? @queen-of-the-avengers (Chris Evans)
20 Maybe the one thing you are the most scared off is the one thing you should do. @docharleythegeekqueen (Chris Evans)
21 You are so busy trying to be who everyone else wants you to be that you don’t know who you are @capsheadquaters (steve rogers)
22 I like wet hair and sweatpants. I like sneakers and ponytails @blacktithe7 (chris evans)
23 You know I still don't know how to dance. @reminiscingrogers (chris evans)
24  When I went under, the world was at war. I wake up, they say we won. They didn't say what we lost.
25  That was not my first kiss since 1945. I'm 95, not dead. @jewels2876 (Steve Rogers)
26 This job, we try to save as many people as we can. Sometimes that doesn’t mean everybody. But if we can’t find a way to live with that, then next time maybe nobody gets saved. @becs-bunker (steve rogers)
27 We are if we're not taking responsibility for our actions.
28 What you did all those years... It wasn't you. You didn't have a choice. @docharleythegeekqueen (steve rogers)
29 You blew 3 bucks trying to win that stuffed bear for a redhead.
30  I'm not looking for forgiveness. And I'm way past asking for permission. @fangirlextraordinaire (chris evans)
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Relationship Milestones
Title: Relationship Milestones
Chapter No./One-Shot/ Drabble: One-Shot
Words: 1169
Challenge: Kari’s New Year’s with Jarevieve
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Aesthetic by @thing-you-do-with-that-thing
Pairing: Jared x Reader x Gen
Warnings: fluff, drinkig alcohol
Author’s Note: House of Chaos is back guys! It was so fun to write this one and I hope you like it. This is my entry for @thing-you-do-with-that-thing Kari’s New Years with Jarevieve Quickie Challenge. Thank you for letting me write my entry for the series :*
“Take it easy!” you laughed as Jared poured a glass of wine, which was filled to the brim now. “We have a long night ahead of us and I want to be awake for the fireworks.”
“But you’re so adorable when you’re tipsy,” Jared chuckled.
“Mr. Padalecki, are you trying to get me drunk?”
“You,” you chided and smacked him on his arm, nearly making him lose his hold on the wine bottle.
“Whoa, careful. That’s a good one you know,” he said, still grinning.
“Oh shush you. Go and entertain the kids.”
“Alright, alright.” Giving you the bottle, he retreated to the center of the living room where the kids were playing with some toys, but not before giving you a quick peck on your lips.
Chuckling, you sat on the couch where Gen was already sitting with Odette in her lap, an amused smile on her lips.
“This man, you know. Someday he will be the death of me,” you feigned a moan.
“But you would die happy,” Gen argued, bouncing Odette a bit.
“True,” you agreed taking a sip of your wine. “You want some?”
“Yes, please.”
You laughed again and reached for one of the wine glasses on the table.
“Don’t forget about me,” Danneel announced as she came out of the kitchen with some snacks, Jensen not far behind her with a beer for himself and Jared in each hand.
“We would never forget you, D. Why would you think that?” you said offended.
“You better not, you know,” Danneel responded and held out her glass to you.
An hour later you were already pretty tipsy, as was Danneel. Gen decided to stay mostly sober to look after the kids. Someone needed to be the voice of reason. Her words not yours.
“Gen,” you addressed your girlfriend or should you say wife? There was a ring on your finger now, after all.
“Mhm,” she acknowledged you while watching her kids, JJ and the twins play with Jared and Jensen.
“Where is this photo album you were talking about?” you asked, laying your head on her shoulder.
“You want to see it now?”
You nodded. Gen gave your thigh a quick pat before standing up and going over to the cupboard next to the TV. Opening one of the doors, she didn’t take only one album out but two. You frowned at her as she came back, handing you the first one.
“Why two?” you inquired, still confused, but she just smiled at you.
“You’ll see.”
“Isn’t this the album with Jared and your relationship milestones?” Danneel asked from her place next to you.
Gen nodded. “You got that right.”
“And you wanted to see that one?” Danneel implored, frowning.
You shrugged. “It’s part of their life and since they are part of my life I want to know about it. Besides they’re just too cute together. How can anyone resist looking at photos of them?”
Gen laughed beside you while Danneel shook her head, grinning.
“Let’s see,” you murmured as you opened the album to the first page. You immediately began to smile as you saw how happy Jared and Gen looked in the first photo.
“That was our first date, after Jared finally manned up and asked me out,” Gen explained with a fond look on her face.
“And thank God that he did,” you giggled.
You turned a few pages like this, sometimes stopping to let Gen tell you the story to a photo.
“This was taken a few weeks before your wedding, right?” you asked, pointing to a picture where Jared was grabbing Gen’s arm while giving her a kiss on her hair.
“Yes. We wanted to look at the wedding venue and the photographer took the opportunity to take a few test shots,” she explained.
“They are pretty great for test shots,” you responded with a smile while turning to the next page. The photo took your breath away for a few seconds. It was Jared and Gen’s wedding day. You had seen photos of the day but this shot and everytime you did you couldn’t breath for a few seconds.
“You looked so beautiful,” you murmured, slightly stroking over the picture. “And Jared was so handsome.”
“Thank you,” Gen said, giving you a kiss on the cheek. You knew that she regretted that you wouldn’t have a day like that but you told her that what you have with them is enough for you. Besides, you counted Christmas as your wedding, even if it was without the fancy clothes and the guests. It was the day you essentially got married to your lovers. You even had the Ackles' as witnesses. What more could you want?
You looked through the whole album. Gen or even Danneel occasionally telling you a story which made you laugh or smile fondly at the photos. You liked the romantic ones best, but also the ones with the kids. The first time Jared held Tom in his arms for example.
“What’s in other album?” Danneel asked after you closed the one in your hands. You looked questioningly at Gen as she removed it from your hands and gave you the other one.
“Look for yourself. It was supposed to be a birthday present, but I think this is a good time to show you,” Gen answered smiling softly at you while you frowned down at the new album.
You opened it carefullt. The first photo in it was of you and Gen.
“Is this from our first date? The one Jared took for us?” you inquired, starring fascinated at it.
“Yep,” your wife responded.
The next photo was of you and Jared on the same day, pulling faces at the camera.
“Oh my god, we were such dorks,” you laughed hearing Danneel next to you doing the same.
“You're just that well matched,” she said giving your arm a playful slap.
“True,” you agreed, turning a page to find a photo of you and Gen while she was still pregnant with Odette.
“That was our last outing before Odette was born,” you said, remembering the fun you had on that day.
“Yes, a week later our daughter was here,” Gen reminisced, giggling at the memory.
You turned to the next page to see that it was still blank.
“Jared and I thought that we could decide together on the next photos we want to put in,” Gen interjected before you could say anything. “These are our relationship milestones after all.”
You blamed the wine for the tears that sprang from your eyes in that moment. Normally, you weren't that quick to cry over something like that.
“I'd like that,” you answered, your voice thick with emotions.
Gen wound her one of her arms around your shoulders and gave a soft kiss on your temple.
“Love you,” she whispered.
“Love you too,” you whispered back, leaning against her.
The new year was going to be great, you could feel it in your gut.#
The End
Forever tags: @emptywithout
Also tagging every one that was tagged in the 12 days of Christmas: @roxyspearing, @clumsyprincess85 ,@jayankles, @carryonmyswansong @becs-bunker
86 notes · View notes
jayankles · 7 years
Chocolate and Pumpkin Spice
Pairing: Jensen x Reader
Word Count: 1476
A/N – for @bringmesomepie56 and @supernatural-jackles SPN Fluff Appreciation Day and @thing-you-do-with-that-thing Kari’s Jensen September Quickie Challenge and use the aesthetic made by Kari as inpiration so here is my take on the aesthetic.
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Walking outside of your front door, you noticed all the leaves that had fallen from the tree in your front yard, covering the pathway, too. You made a mental note to rake it later.
You ambled on the pathway and through the park. The orange, reds and browns of the leaves on the trees blended together.
The river created a beautiful image, reflecting and bending it in the water. You had to snap a picture on your phone before you pocketed the device.
A slight breeze whisked through the park you were currently walking through.
Thankfully, it didn’t nip too harshly at your skin, your caramel coloured knitted sweater was warm and inviting and the amber woolly scarf hung off of you, sitting comfortably at the back of your neck.
Your knee high boots felt the impact of the acorns and the crisp of the drying autumnal leaves as they went off the path and on your way to a tree located near the river.
Taking off your rucksack, you pulled out the plaid picnic blanket. Keeping it folded up, you placed it on the floor, your butt cushioned as you sat down on top of it with your back against the bark tree.
Enjoying a few minutes of bliss, you finally pulled open your bag and tugged out your book, resuming where you had left off, taking the bookmark and twirling it between your fingers.
Your eyes caressed the pages, sweeping over the words and drinking them in as they told a story of lost love and reunion. You wished it was that easy.
Although it did bring a tear to your eyes once or twice, it was beautifully heartbreaking.
With your focus on the story and your mind deciphering the position of the character the author had written for them, you didn’t notice anything other than the world stopping – or was it spinning – around you. You drowned out the other sounds and the pedestrians walking by in their own little world.
‘Dah, dada, wan dah.’
Jensen held his one year old daughter in his arms, tugging her little blue top down so it hid her slightly exposed tummy. Her eyes were level with the display case filled with cakes.
‘Lilah, honey, you think she’ll like it?’
Lilah comprehends little of his question yet she nods enthusiastically.
When it’s Jensen’s turn to order, he stepped closer to the employee, asking for a slice of chocolate cake, a chocolate chip muffin and a pumpkin spice cupcake – courtesy of Lilah.
Once the cashier told him the total price for his purchase, he awkwardly pulled out a ten dollar bill to cover the cost, he took the bag full of his goodies and exited the building.
The little girl’s big brown eyes devoured the chocolate cupcake he father had picked out for her, but she refrained from touching the cupcake just yet; that and the fact that her father had told her to wait until they got to the big tree.
Shifting in her place on Jensen’s hip, Lilah’s battering eyelashes break’s his will power to say no to his daughter. With skill and precision, he hooks the bag over his free wrist and holds the chocolate cupcake in the opposite hand.
He flicks his finger through the frosting of the cupcake and sticks his finger to her lips, where she decides to nibble and suckle off the darkened delicacy.
‘That is all you’re getting, little missy.’ He scolds in a light tone, his voice on the playful side as he interacts with his daughter. In reality, it should be little Lilah who scolds him as he is the one that had given her the frosting.
Jensen re-boxes the cupcake and shoves it into the carrier bag. The infant wiggles and pushes against his arms and Jensen has learned that that motion is his signal to set her down to allow her to walk on her own, obviously her hand in Jensen’s much larger one as he assists the silently demanding child.
They spot the river almost instantly, as a squeal leaves Lilah’s lips as she tries, bless her adorable little heart, to run; it’s more of a waddle and a lot of falling and Lilah getting back up, to anyone watching.
Jensen is careful to keep an eye on his daughter, ensuring that she doesn’t get too close to the edge but enough for her to see both hers and the colourful trees in the reflection of the translucent water.
There’s a seat somewhere near the place where they can enjoy daddy- daughter time in the calm serenity of the park. Jensen points out the things he can see and Lilah tries so hard to repeat them but her little mind either gets distracted or she only says half of the word.
Nonetheless, Jensen laughs, he laughs because of her innocence and because Lilah can do just about anything she wants to do and get away with it. She gets away with so much, mainly because she’s cute and young, and her chubby face is adorable.
Jensen smiles as his daughter tugs on his hand to move further into the park; the river forgotten as she moves onto the next task. He has an idea of where his daughter wants to go.
It may be his favourite place and it has nothing to do with the parks itself or their surroundings. The people, on the other hand, make the scenic route a lot better when Jensen and Lilah have their walks every few days.
‘Dere, she dere, dada.’ The excited one year old points in the direction of the tree, where the woman is once again leaning back on it.
‘Okay, baby girl, you found her. You win, come on.’
The Ackles duo slowly – for Jensen – tiptoe over to the aforementioned tree. Still out of eye sight, Jensen crouches down to his daughter’s level – just a little taller – scraping a hand down his coarse, short beard. He opened up the plastic carrier bag and dived in, pulled out the pumpkin spice cupcake and handing it to her with a wide smile on his face.
‘Alright Lilah, let’s go.’ Jensen returned to his usual height, coming closer to the tree and in the woman’s line of sight.
‘Um… excuse me.’
You heard a deep voice stammer above you, you tore your eyes away from the books’ pages, your fingers curling around the top of the open book.
Your eyes landed on the little girl standing at the foot of the man, the place where the deeper voice had came from. His eyes are what caught your attention, even after you glanced over at his bowlegs,  shining emeralds in place of green iris’.
‘Hi,’ you replied, putting a genuine smile on your face, an inviting and friendly one.
‘I’m sorry, this may seem a little weird or creepy,’ the surprisingly good looking man blabbered and you couldn’t help but giggle, your light laughter causing a weight on his shoulders to be lifted, you knew then you had eased at least some of his nerves.
‘I don’t find it weird at all; endearing, really.’
The little girl shuffled forward towards you as, who you assumed, her father talked to you, the man following closely behind her.
‘I’m Jensen and this is Lilah. Again, this is not going to sound right, but we’ve seen you around a lot and this little one thought we should introduce ourselves to you. We wouldn’t want to ruin your day and not bring you anything or go hungry so we bought a little cupcake for you.’
The little girl, introduced as Lilah, shyly hands you the cupcake.
‘You got me a cupcake?’ He nods. ‘Thank you, that’s so sweet of you,’ you get a waft of the aroma of the cupcake and immediately recognise it. ‘Pumpkin spice? That’s my favourite.’
Memorising the last sentence you read, you place the bookmark in between the pages and close the book, allowing it to take up residence in your rucksack once more.
Shuffling away from the tree, you unfold the plaid blanket you were sitting on and introduce yourself.
‘I’m Y/N, would you like to join me for a little get to know you picnic?’ You questioned, not sure whether they would but you hoped they did.
‘Sure, Lilah and I would love to join you, plus if you would like…’ he leaned in, covering Lilah’s ears as he let her sit in his lap, as if the next words out his mouth was top secret. ‘I have a slice of triple chocolate cake, if you wanted to have some that is.’
Biting your lip, you smiled, ‘only if you can spare some to a fellow chocolate lover.’
Jensen rose his eyebrow at you, a small smirk painted his lips as he took in your words.
Lemme know what you think...
@thorne93 @becaamm @jotink78 @love-kittykat21 @jensen-jarpad @capsheadquaters @kurosaki224-new-blog @supernatural-jackles @cyrilconnelly @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @iwantthedean @ruprecht0420 @mrswhozeewhatsis @feelmyroarrrr @mogaruke @pureawesomeness001 @mizzezm @jpadjackles @jesspfly @urpeachess @skybinx-blog @deansbaekaz2y5 @plaidstiel-wormstache @lilasiannerd @valerieshubin @be-amaziing @akshi8278 @purplediamon @graceforme86 @its-my-perky-nipples @nervousmemzie @percussiongirl2017 @oneshoeshort @whit85-blog @emoryhemsworth @reallyverynodansi @milo-winchester-4ever @captainradicalpassion @captainemwinchester @ilsawasanacrobat @alicat-life @cojootromuelle @essie1876 @dancingalone21 @iamabeautifulperson18 @misticty @grace-for-sale @dslocum89 @atc74 @superwhomerlockinuum @spnbaby-67 @anitalasirenita @queencflair @weasleywinchester-blog @ria132love @spn-fan-girl-173 @nightlyinsomnious @easelweasel
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jensen-jarpad · 8 years
New Year’s Eve
Title: New Year’s Eve
Author: @jensen-jarpad​
Characters: Jensen x Reader, Jared x Gen
Word Count: 1060
Warnings: Fluf! (some insegure Jensen) but moslty fluff
A/N: This was written for Kari’s New Years Quickie Challenge (@thing-you-do-with-that-thing​) I’m sorry is kinda blah... I’m just really tired and have no ideas lol... hope you like it anyways! AND: No hate towards Dannel or the kids. This is just a story and it actually shows how much I love her and Gen for their support to the SPN Family! They are fucking awesome!!!
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“Who is the cutest little baby? You are!!!”
You heard Jensen chuckle and turned to see him standing in the doorway watching you play with your baby in the nursery room.
“He sure is!” – You smiled at him.
“Can you help me out? Put those things inside his bag and watch him? I have to finish getting ready.”
“Okay” – He took Noah from your arms and kissed you before you walked out of the room.
“Come on, boy… let’s get everything ready to head to uncle Jared!” – Jensen was holding him up and making funny faces, gaining the cutest little smile from your son.
“Oh Gen! This food was amazing!” – You said, helping her to clean the kitchen.
“It really was… but I think someone else wants to eat now. Wanna trade places, mommy?” – Jensen had your baby boy on his arms.
“Are you hungry sweetie? Come’ ere with mommy!”
It was New Year’s Eve and you were waiting poolside for the fireworks at midnight. Tom and Shep were taking a nap so they wouldn’t be too tired for later.
“Another year gone… this one was fast!”
“It sure was! But amazing too.” – You looked down at the baby sleeping on Jensen’s arms, your eyes glistening. You never get sick of watching the two of them.
“Yeah… And now that the boys are in vacation for a couple of weeks you can finally get some sleep!” – Gen said, knowing how tired you’ve been from taking care of your baby almost by yourself for the past two months.
Jensen looked at you with concern in his eyes. He knew all the issues the baby had in the beginning. He wouldn’t eat, cried all day, when he slept it was only for twenty minutes, then he would start crying and you needed to make him sleep again. To say you got four hours of sleep per day was a bit much! Of course you loved having a baby, and you loved this boy with all your heart, but you got really miserable in the beggining. And you got even worse by knowing how much Jensen felt guilty about not being there with you through it all. You knew it wasn’t his fault. He was shooting Supernatural, and there were the interviews and even photoshoots during the week, and on weekends there were conventions. He spent only 3 weekends at home since the baby was born in the 3rd of November. You talked to him, tried to convince him it was okay, but he was acting like Dean and wouldn’t stop blaming himself
“I’m fine, you know?” – You squeezed his hand a little.
“The bags under your eyes say different.”
“This bags under my eyes are Prada! I got them the day I become a mom…. They usually come with the job!” – He chuckled and gave you a kiss.
“I just don’t wat you to be alone through all of this!”
“He’s fine now… all of those problems are over! And I was never alone on this.” - You looked at Gen and she smiled at you.
“Jensen” – He teared his gaze off you and looked at her – “I know is hard not to blame yourself over this, but you need to stop. This is just keeping you from having amazing moments, is holding you back. Let it go and enjoy this now that you’re here! You know we both support what you guys do 100%... we know how much you love your job and we love it too, is amazing! Not for a minute we would wish it was different just so you guys would be here more often.”
“We have each other when you guys are in Canada. We’ll always be okay. I just need you to understand that and stop looking at me with this eyes that haven’t left your face since you got home for the Holidays!” – He nodded.
“I understand. If you say that you’re okay, I believe you.”
He kissed you again and placed Noah on his stroller.
“Oh, man! I thought we were going to need our plan B!” – Gen said, you chuckled.
“What plan B?” – Jared asked.
“We thought that Jensen wasn’t going to stop with all of that this easy, so we looked some stuff up.” – Jensen frowned at Gen
“We looked for some houses in Vancouver.” – You said.
“Wait… You’re moving to Vancouver, babe?” – Jensen was so confused but he had this sparkle on his eyes, you knew he would love this idea.
“We are. I still need Gen’s help, and I just figured she’ll need mine pretty soon” – She smiled and grabbed a little box behind her chair, giving it to Jared. Jensen was quiet, looking at her and Jared, then back at you, noticing the smile that wouldn’t stop growing on your face. Jared was hesitant, but undid the lace on top of the box and opened it.
“You’re pregnant? We’re having another baby?” – He had tears streaming down his face, his hand was shaking, holding the white stick with two pink lines on it.
“Yes! We are!”
“God! I love you so much!” – Jared embraced her and you shed a tear of happiness for your best friends.
A year later – Vancouver
“She’s asleep, but I’m afraid she’ll wake up and start crying again with the fireworks!” – Gen said walking out of her baby girl’s nursery room.
“Little tip from last year experience: Put a little piece of cotton on her ears, it will muffle the sound.”
She walked back in and did as you said, just as Jared walked in.
“How is my sweet little Rose?” – He ghosted his fingers on her arms while she slept peacefully. It was the cutest thing to watch.
“Hey guys” – Jensen whispered on the doorway – “5 minutes to midnight! The boys are already downstairs!”
He was about to leave the room when you called him.
“Yeah?” – You grabbed his hands and pulled him closer to the cradle.
“What do you say we expand our family?”
“We can’t just grab this one… we’re friends with her parents!” – You slapped his chest playfully while Jared pretended to protect his little girl.
“Do you want to?” – You asked, almost a whisper leaving your mouth, afraid of what he would say. He held your face, caressing your cheeks with his thumbs and kissed you gently.
“I would love to!”
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TAGS: @torn-and-frayed @paolawinchestercx @d-s-winchester @kickasscas67 @jean-loser-picard @supernatural-jackles @teamfreewill-imagine​ @bea789 @jpadjackles @fangirl1802 @27bmm
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revwinchester · 8 years
Baby New Year
Author: revwinchester
Summary: The reader experiences her first New Year’s Eve in the bunker and has some important news to share with her boyfriend Sam.
Pairing/Characters: Sam Winchester x (Pregnant!)Reader, Dean Winchester, other hunters mentioned
Word Count: 1100 (on the nose!)
Warnings: fluff, pregnancy
A/N: This was written for @thing-you-do-with-that-thing‘s Kari’s New Years Quickie Challenge.  I had so much fun with the Christmas Quickie that I had to play again.  This time, I chose Sam x Reader and the prompt Pregnancy.
Baby New Year - 
Over the past month, you had learned that Christmas was basically like any other day in the bunker.  Sam and Dean hadn’t really celebrated the holiday since they were kids, with the one exception, they told you, being the year Dean was destined for Hell.  You had expected the next week to be another quiet night in the bunker looking for cases, having dinner together, maybe watching a movie, and then settling into bed with Sam but it turned out that you couldn’t have been more wrong.
You had been dating the hunter for the last year and a half but this was your first holiday season at home together, a hunt keeping the two of you occupied for Christmas and the New Year the previous year.  You had shared a kiss at midnight next to a burning grave, though.  
Apparently, when there wasn’t a case on, New Year’s Eve was a big deal for the Winchesters.  For the brothers, any holiday that was basically about getting drunk was on their list of “acceptable holidays to celebrate” and, so, the bunker was full of noise and family on December 31.  Donna was there, and Jody with Claire and Alex in tow, as well as Mary, Castiel, and a few other hunters you all had met along the way.  You had volunteered to spend the night pouring drinks so that Jody could take a night off from her impromptu turn as a foster mom.  You also had your own reasons for being careful about what was going into your drinks.  
You set up a makeshift bar in the room where people were gathering and popped open a bottle of sparkling grape juice along with the rest of the booze.  You poured a few glasses of the juice, handing two to Alex and Claire, and then got to mixing up cocktails for the rest of the party.  It was nice to get back to your roots - you had been a bartender for Ellen at Harvelle’s Roadhouse, which was how you had learned about all the crazy out there in the world and where you had first met the Winchesters.  
Dean tried to get you to step out from behind the bar every now and again, offering to mix drinks himself for a while but you knew that no one, Claire and Alex included, would escape a hangover if you let Dean take over.  You were perfectly content behind the bar, especially since Sam was spending most of his time just to the side of where you were working.  When no one was looking for a drink, you were able to snuggle into his side and join in on whatever conversation he was having at the moment.
As midnight got closer, you popped a bottle of champagne and started pouring it into flutes for the gathered hunters.  After drinking your fair share of beers and whiskey with the Winchesters since you had moved in, you had been excited to find the glassware - a full set of champagne flutes and wine glasses - while you were searching through a rarely used closet just off the kitchen.  It would seem the Men of Letters would occasionally party in style.  
At about 2 minutes to midnight, you called out to the group, “come and get a glass of bubbly!”  You filled a few of the glasses with the sparkling juice for the underaged girls as well as anyone who didn’t want the cheap champagne that Dean had picked up from the grocery store earlier in the week.
You made sure everyone was served  and, before you knew it the countdown to the new year was starting.  Everyone drew in close to ring in 2017 together.
“10… 9… 8…”
You picked up your flute and maneuvered out from behind the bar to where Sam was standing.
“7… 6… 5…”
You slipped your arm around the hunter’s waist and smiled up at him.
“4… 3… 2… 1…”
“Happy New Year!” everyone shouted, the sound of clinking glasses coming from every corner of the room while a few of the gathered crowd stole brief, mostly friendly kisses.  But your eyes were glued to your hunter.  
“Happy New Year, Y/N,” Sam said gently, his hand on your cheek as he leaned in for a sweet, chase kiss.  
After you broke the kiss, you held onto his neck, pressing your foreheads together, taking a deep breath and preparing for what you were about to tell him.  “I’m pregnant,” you whispered, your voice soft so that only Sam could hear.  You closed your eyes, afraid of his reaction.  He didn’t say anything, just pulled his head back from yours, standing up straight.
Suddenly, you felt his hands on your ass and you were being lifted off the ground.  Your eyes popped open in surprise as Sam lifted you to his level, a huge grin on his face.  “I’m going to be a dad?” Sam asked, his voice hushed.  
You simply nodded as you wrapped your legs around his waist, relishing in the feel of his strong arms around you.  
“How long have you known?” Your boyfriend inquired.
“Only a few hours, actually,” you confessed.  “I missed my period last week but couldn’t get to the store without Dean for a test to check until yesterday.  Then I had to get up the nerve to actually take it.”  
“Can we just keep this for us?  At least for a few days?” Sam asked.  You were glad he brought it up, as it was something you wanted, too.  You knew you’d tell Dean and Mary soon and probably everyone else not long after that, especially since you probably wouldn’t be hunting much over the next nine months, but you wanted to bask in the glow of the news with your boyfriend first.
You nodded again as his lips found yours, the kiss much more heated this time.  The two of you kept it up until you were interrupted by a catcall from Jody and Dean clearing his throat.  The older Winchester was carrying a tray of shots.  You tried to decline but Dean wasn’t having it and pushed one into each of your hands anyway once Sam had set you back on the ground.
“Looks like you’re drinking for two until we tell them all,” you whispered to your boyfriend with a wink, exchanging his already empty shot glass with one of your full ones and making a show of clinking a glass with Sam’s before pretending to take a shot with the rest of the group and slipping him the second full shot.
Pond Sam Tags: @manawhaat @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @loveitsallineed @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @blushingsamgirl @notnaturalanahi @bkwrm523 @whispersandwhiskerburn @lipstickandwhiskey @impala-dreamer @deathtonormalcy56 @samsgoddess @wildfirewinchester @for-the-love-of-dean @spn-fan-girl-173 @cici0507 @fiveleaf @deansleather @curliesallovertheplace @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname @waywardjoy @mrswhozeewhatsis @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious @supernatural-jackles @idreamofhazel @wevegotworktodo @babypieandwhiskey @deantbh @supermoonpanda @sinceriouslyamellpadalecki @deanwinchesterforpromqueen @chaos-and-the-calm67 @memariana91 @teamfreewill-imagine @chelsea-winchester @writingbeautifulmen @ageekchiclife @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell @castieltrash1 @supernaturalyobsessed @ruined-by-destiel @winchester-writes @deals-with-demons @maraisabellegrey @faith-in-dean
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Kari’s New Year’s Quickie Masterlist
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Okay I haven’t read them yet cause I suck (well I read one)! But here is the masterlist. I will read them, comment on them and add them to my q. I will try and get all your aesthetics done within a few days too. 
Dean x Reader
Bloody Cabin by @luckynumbrnelly 
I don’t want this night to end by @girl-next-door-writes and @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester 
Wrong Way by @buckysmetallicstump
New Year’s Kiss by @chaos-and-the-calm67
Sam x Reader
Baby New Year by @revwinchester
Chuck x Reader
Perfect Little Family by @spn-and-daddy-issues
Misha x Reader
It’s No Secret by @paigeinastory
Jensen x Reader
New Year’s Eve by @jensen-jarpad
If you are not on the list and you posted before the due date jan 2nd then give me a heads up and I will add you to the list. 
Thanks to everyone who participated!
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Missing You
Characters: Clint Barton x Reader
Word Count: 901
Warnings: just angst
Summary: If you love someone, let them go. If they don’t return, they were never yours to begin with.
Square Filled: Divorced AU
Author’s Note: This is for @marvelangstbingo and also for Kari’s @until-theend-oftheline December Special Quickie Challenge and it’s based off the aesthetic below! If you have any requests, please send them in! This is unbeta’d and any and all mistakes are all on me.
Feedback the glue that holds my writing together
Tags at the bottom
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Leaning your head against the fogged-up window, you stared at the white city below you. The night was quiet save for the ticking of the clock. The world outside was left undisturbed, leaving the freshly fallen snow to look perfect. However, the world inside wasn’t as beautiful as the outside.
Things haven’t been going as planned in your marriage. It’s not that you stopped loving Clint, you loved him to pieces. It’s because of that reason that you thought it was best to leave him. He was the best husband a woman could ask for. Everything he did, he did for you. Everything he said, it was for you. Nothing could ever change the way he or you feel about the other.
The only problem wasn’t because of him, it was because of the people he worked with. It wasn't Tony, Steve, Natasha, or anyone else’s fault that the two of you were having problems. It was the fact that that he was an Avenger, and with that came a deadly price. He'd leave for weeks at a time to save the world, only to come home with a new scar, injury, or problem.
The stress of not knowing what was happening to him got to you. There were nights you cried yourself to sleep because you haven’t heard from him. If children were involved, you’d be more strict about this, but because it was just the two of you, you let him go out more. There was no problem with him saving the world, but you feel at times that he forgot that you needed him at home, probably more than anyone else.
Plus, you worked at a 7 to 5 job for 5 days a week. When he was home, all you’d want to do is relax with your husband and have a nice dinner. All he’d want to do is do his work that Tony dumped on him. In the beginning, you tried your best to understand, and for a while, it actually worked. You’d help him in any way that you could. Being an Avenger and saving people is something that Clint really loved to do, and you didn't want to take that away from him.
However, as the months and years went on, you got less and less patient. His job started to affect your marriage, and the fact that you couldn't leave your job was another added factor. Soon, you Clint was staying over at Tony’s place, leaving you all alone. Then, that escalated to talking about divorce to actually going through with it. Because you loved each other so much, Clint decided that it would be best to leave each other. That way, you could find a man who could give you the attention you craved, and he could focus on his job. When the time was right, maybe you two would find each other again, but this wasn't the right time for you two.
It broke your heart to go through with this. When you were younger, you vowed to only have one marriage, that you would never let yourself get a divorce. If only your younger self knew where and who you’d end up with. This was probably one of the hardest things you ever had to do which is why you were leaning against the window, thinking about your problems because you couldn’t sleep.
“What are you doing up?” your husband sleepily asked.
“Just thinking. Couldn’t sleep,” you answered, not looking at him. Your eyes were still trained on the quiet city below. Clint shuffled over to you, taking a seat next to you on the couch you placed by the window. Your flowy white nightgown was sprawled all around you, hiding from his eyes. Clint rested his left elbow on the backseat of the couch, staring at you with half-lidded eyes. He was tired and you knew it.
“Go back to bed, Clint. I’m fine.”
“You’re not”
“I’ll be fine.”
“No, you won’t,” he said softly. Tears clouded your vision, and you tried with everything inside of you to not let them fall.
“Yes, I will,” your voice cracked at the end, which seemed to be the okay to let the tears fall. Letting out a hot breath, you watched the spot on the glass get fogged up, and you reached over to slowly wipe it away.
“We both agreed this was for the best,” he said in a gentle tone.
“I know, I know. It doesn’t make it hurt any less,” you sighed.
“You have your job, and I have mine. We can’t leave them. I hate putting you through this which is why you deserve someone who will be there for you.”
“This house will be so empty without you in it,” you whispered, running your hand over the back of the couch. It was agreed that you would keep the house and Clint go live in the compound with the other Avengers.
“So will the compound.”
“I love you so much,” you whispered, letting a few more tears fall.
“Come here,” he whispered, holding his arms out for you. Scooting closer to him, you fitted your body against his and tried not to think of how perfect the two of you were together. Just for this night, you two would be in each other’s arms, but tomorrow you’d be alone, wishing to feel them once more.
If you want to be tagged, add yourself to this document! If your tag doesn’t work, find out why!
@feelmyroarrrr  @xxloki81xx  @fuckthatfeeling
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Perfect Little Family
Pairing - Chuck x Reader
Warnings - mentions/hints of injury/death
Author’s Note - You are married to Chuck and have a daughter, leading out your ideal life. This was written for  Kari’s (@thing-you-do-with-that-thing) New Years Quickie Challenge.  
Word Count - 1300
You leaned your head against Chuck’s chest, listening to his heartbeat and allowing yourself to match his soft, even breathing. Usually when you slept next to him your nightmares stayed at bay, but unfortunately the past couple nights they had returned, with a vengeance.
This time it wasn’t just you that was hurt, but your daughter too.
The relaxed breathing wasn’t enough to calm your nerves, so you gently got up and eased yourself out of the bed. Heading out of the room and down the hall you paused outside of your daughter’s bedroom, listening to the soft notes of the lullaby CD that played for her all night every night. You pushed the door open so that you could peer in and saw her sleeping, sprawled out on her back the way she usually was. Her chest was rising and falling steadily, marking that she was in fact, just fine.
You leaned your head on the door frame and just watched her sleep, grateful more than anything that what haunted you did not seem to get passed down to her.
“Everything alright, my dear?” suddenly your husband’s arms were wrapped around you and he was whispering softly at your ear.
“Just checking on her.” You turned to face him, smiling up into his eyes.
He tugged you to his chest and placed his hand under your chin to tilt it up and bring you into a soft kiss. “She’s okay, trust me.” He smiled.
You let Chuck lead you back to your bedroom and curled up in bed with him holding you tightly against him.
“You’ve been having dreams again?” he asked suddenly, snapping you out of the troubled thoughts that still refused to vacate your mind.
You jumped slightly at his words, the sound startling you. “Y/N?”
“Yeah.” You quietly admitted.
He spun you over so that you were facing him, both lying on your sides, staring into each other’s eyes.
“Tell me.”
“It’s just been the last couple nights. Me getting hurt, and tonight she was with me. She got hurt too. I don’t know why, I don’t know how. I don’t.” you whispered, holding back tears. “I don’t know.”
Chuck pulled you into his chest, planting a kiss on the top of your head. “You know I’d see it if you were in danger. These can’t be the same types of dreams as they were before, they’re just that, dreams.”
You nodded into his chest, wanting to believe his words but finding you were unable to.
Chuck had been honest with you about his status as a prophet from early on in your relationship. Of course, at first you didn’t buy into it completely, but after the happenings of the past eight years together you had no doubt. You knew that was why the Winchesters came to ask him for help all the time. Yeah, the Winchesters, the ones from his “fictional” book series. That was why your premonitions had slipped away until they never came to you anymore. His gift was far beyond yours, why would both stay when you were together pretty much non-stop anyway?
Logically you knew you should trust him, the nightmares weren’t the visions that they used to be, they were just dreams gone bad.
You snuggled closer to your husband and tried again to lose yourself in the soothing rhythm of his breathing and heartbeat. It felt like forever, but you must have slipped off to sleep at some point because they next thing you knew there was a dip in the bed behind you and you felt your daughter climb over you and push her way in between you and Chuck.
“Good morning Mommy. Good morning Daddy.” She smiled fully at both of you, “Can we have pancakes for breakfast?”
“Of course, sweetheart. Why don’t you go downstairs and start getting stuff ready and we’ll be down in a few minutes?”
You couldn’t help but smile at the love in your husband’s voice. For a moment you forgot about the terror filled dreams and simply enjoyed here and being happy.
The three of you made a mess out of the kitchen, giggling the entire time.
“Let’s watch Frozen!” your daughter suggested excitedly once the pancakes were finished up, the sugar from the syrup filling her with even greater energy than she already had.
“Go set it up honey, Mom and I will be in after we clean up a bit.”
She jumped down and darted into the living room, the tones of the opening credits following very shortly after.
“I’ll go start to load up the dishwasher, could you clear the table and make sure I have all of the dishes over at the sink?” you asked as you got up from the table.
“Of course,” Chuck smiled up at you and pulled you down for a quick kiss before letting you go to continue to the sink.
With some good coordination and team work the two of you were able to get to the living room by the end of “Do You Want to Build a Snowman.”
Chuck grabbed the fluffiest blanket you owned and wrapped all three of you in it together on the couch, the perfect little family. You melted into the bliss of the moment.
A few weeks passed and you found yourself finally able to forget about your nightmares, returning to the day to day pleasure of having your soul mate by your side and a child you loved more than anything. You went to work every day, picked your daughter up from school, had family dinner, helped Chuck out with a little proofreading, put your daughter to bed, then fell asleep relaxed and content.
One morning as you were getting ready for work something seemed a bit off, Chuck wasn’t getting up and packing lunch and checking your daughter’s backpack as he did most mornings. You wandered back into your bedroom and found him in bed, eyes still closed and face scrunched up.
“Hey babe, you alright?” you asked, concern evident in your voice.
Chuck sighed heavily, and without opening his eyes answered, “Killer migraine, can’t even stand up.”
Your face scrunched up to match his, his migraines were serious business and usually had him down and out for a couple days at minimum. He’d refused to go to the doctor, excusing that they went hand in hand with intense visions and couldn’t be helped anyway. “Can I get you anything?”
He barely visibly shook his head.
“I love you, I hope you feel better. I’ll have my phone on me at work in case you need anything.” You squeezed his hand before turning and closing the door very carefully.
The work day seemed to pass slowly as you worried about Chuck. Finally, the clocked ticked to when you had to leave to get to the school on time for pick up.
You sat in the long line of mini vans impatiently, eager to get home.
“Hi Mommy!” a bright voice greeted you as your daughter crawled into the back seat. “How was work?”
“It was a little slow to day honey, how was school?”
“Ugh, the same! Stupid Mondays. The rest of the week will be better!”
You admired your little girl’s spirit and endless optimism. You turned out of the driveway onto the road that lead back to your house, grateful for the upbeat company and looking forward to hanging out with her for the night.
You were lost in discussion of how to spend your evening when you heard the screeching and jerked your head to the side to see the truck rushing towards you.
Chuck sat up in bed suddenly, seeing the crash as it happened in real time. “NO.” he screamed out into the empty house. 
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Okay so for the New Year's Challenge all I had to do is post it and tag you, right? I did that. I'm sorry I don't mean to bother you, but I get really anxious about these things so I wanted to double check. Lots of Love
And use the hashtag #kari’s new years quickie. I haven’t gotten your tag (Tumblr is a bit shaky with tags lately) and the hashtag is my way of double securing I get it. 
If you already posted shoot me the link in an IM. That way you are sure I seen it. I am a little behind on my reading, but I will read all the challenge things tomorrow or Wednesday. 
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How does the aesthetic quickie challenge work? I’m interested but don’t want to commit if I don’t know what I’m getting myself (and you!) into.
This is an ongoing quickie challenge for my marvel blog: https://until-theend-oftheline.tumblr.com/post/179766131945/iron-hiddles-thundershield-quickie-challenge the rules would be the same. 
These are prev quickies I’ve done on this blog:
Kari’s Christmas Quickie Challenge
Kari’s New Year’s Quickie Challenge
Kari’s September Quickie Challenge
Kari’s Halloween Quickie Challenge
Kari’s Jenneel Quickie Challenge
Kari’s Xmas with Stucky and Destiel Quickie Challenge
November with Dean Quickie Challenge
I hope it gives you an idea of what the challenge is about. 
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Hey there. For the New Years challenge, would it be possible that the relationship between the character and the reader is platonic or familiar rather than romantic? Or could it be left ambiguous if that isn't possible. Thanks. xo
Yes the pairing doesn’t have to be romantic. You can write brother/sister, best friends. Whatever you want hun :D
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jayankles · 8 years
Wrong Way (AU)
Summary: You get lost on the way to a party but a handsome stranger saves the day. Pairing: Dean x Reader Prompt: Lost on the way to a party. Word Count: 2274 A/N - This is my submission for @thing-you-do-with-that-thing 's. - Kari's New Years Quickie Challenge.
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Sometimes, you hated your best friend. In reality, you loved her with all your heart, you could have a laugh with her, share inside jokes, and most importantly - one of your favourites - call each other whores. So much love between the two of you. It was Annora's birthday, which happened to fall on New Years Eve and you were in charge of yourself showing up. You never really went out to parties, you weren't a social butterfly like she was. To be honest, you were the total opposite of her; Annora was put together, everything was in her control. She was beautiful, smart, crazy talented at everything she put her mind to. Then there was you. You were just plain and boring, nobody took an interest in a girl like you.
You had no idea where you were going, she just told you the name of the bar and told you to meet her there. You felt a pang in your chest, the fact that you wouldn't spend the whole day with her and enjoy her day, she told you that she was spending it with her parents so you understood. Compromising, you packed your bags for a sleepover at her house, spending time with her as she was drunk and probably taking care of her in the morning.
Knowing what your best friend was like, you made sure to pack her gift - if she didn't get it she would whine for all eternity. A bottle of her favourite champagne went in next along with a aspirin for the headache she would be rocking tomorrow. Those went into your backpack that you could easily handle on your back.
You waltz into your kitchen, dancing to a song that had a good beat but you could never remember the name of, looking for the list that Annora had given you for the things to bring to her respective house. Before she could get to it you phone started ringing. It was your mom. You and her were quite close, even before your father had walked out. He cherished drugs more that he loved his own family. It didn't help that he had mental illness too and was abusive, it was for the best that he left and went to go live his own parent, so they could look after him like they did your uncle.
You smiled down at the picture of the both of you, smiling, as it showed up on your phone for a split second before you answered it. 'Hey mom.'
'(Y/N), hi, how are you? Good? Okay.' There was your mom, always jumping to the curb assuming that you were fine and answered her own questions for you. Frankly to you, it was endearing. She knew you didn't like to talk about your feeling, you just weren't that type of person. You wanted to be but confiding in other had always been hard so you kept it bottled up, it wasn't the best of plans but that was how you dealt with things. Opening up and talking about your feeling meant vulnerability and you didn't want to feel like poor creature that needed help all the time or to be seen differently. You could hear her voice change into the concerned mother that you really knew her to be. 'Are you going to Annora's party tonight, honey?'
She knew that Annora's birthday was today and you told her that you would be going, why would she ask you again?
'Yeah...' You drawled out, basically adding in an unnecessary syllable.
Hearing her sigh on the other end of the phone, you rolled your eyes, anticipating what she was to say next. 'Be careful out there!'
'You know I'll be fine, mom.'
'I do know and I wouldn't be as worried as I am now. You don't have a car and the roads are filled with snow and it's much too slippery out there. You could hurt yourself.'
Although you loved this overprotective side of your mother, you couldn't help but roll your eyes again. You nodded to yourself as if she could see your actions. 'Uhuh. I'll tell you what. I will wear my non slippery boots, wrap up warm and text you when I get safely to the party.'
She huffed, obviously unimpressed, but she agreed to your condition, you were going to be fine, except you didn't know exactly where the bar was. But you didn't tell her that, there was no point in worrying her further, just a quick google search of the bar and you'd be fine.
Cradling the phone between your ear and shoulder, you reached into your cupboard above your head and pulled out a packet of biscuits. As your mother continued to chew your ear off about how unsafe the roads were and how you should be careful and not have sex the first time you meet them - thanks mom - you struggled to open them. After tugging at them for a while, you finally got them open. Smiling in victory at your inanimate opponent, you began to munched on the delicious biscuit.
You registered your mom's voice once more.
'Are you eating again?' Your mother scolded.
You knew just how to get her back, 'you know me so well but drinking tea, again?' You sassed back. On the other end of the phone, you could feel the smirk radiating off of her and emanating through the device. Not a moment too soon, you heard the distinctive sound of her loudly sipping at her tea. God she was so British.
You said your goodbyes after a catch up about your family back in London. Resting your phone back on the counter, you resumed eating the munchies and began your search for the list Annora had left you the previous day.  
Lugging your rucksack on your back, your duffel was in one hand while your phone was in the other, you so desperately wanted to tear out your own hair. You were afraid to admit it to yourself, but you were lost.
Your fists clenched, squeezing them together, refraining yourself from freaking the fuck out and ending up crying on the streets when you had no idea where you were.
A flickering light crossed your screen, showing Annora's name. Your sigh was so guttural, you thought your throat would explode. Relieved, you quickly answered the phone.
'Annora, have I ever told you how much I hate you...'
She chortled at the other end of the phone. The bitch actually laughed. Your stranded out here, not knowing where the hell you were and she laughed. 'C'mon, (Y/N), you know you love me, you whore.' She paused. 'Where are you, you should have been here 20 minutes ago? You didn't bail did you?' The questions kept on rolling before you decided it was enough to stop her.
'Bitch, slow down. I would never bail on you, you know that. I don't know where the fuck I am, Nori.' It all came out in one breath, hyperventilation was never a good look on you.
You constantly had these little episodes, so she went into therapist mode instantly, telling you to calm down and think about the things you love, the things that made you happy. 'Look around you, babe, what do you see?'
'Great question to ask when my eyes are filling with tears so I can't see anything. Okay, there are pretty nice houses, there's a park. I don't know, don't all roads look like this?'
She wracked her brain, trying to think of where you could be that was in the 5 mile radius that you could have made on your journey. 'Looks like you went the wrong way. You're going to want to turn around, head straight and then make a-'
You couldn't hear her anymore. Murphy's Law. Everything was going wrong tonight, your phone had died and you didn't even bring a power bank. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Dammit, you should have listened to your mom because the next thing you knew was you slipped on a frozen patch on the pavement. Closing your eyes, anticipating the blow, the fall or the crack of your bones didn't come, instead a pair of strong arms wrapped around you pulled you back to your feet.
Your breath caught in your throat, the stranger - your savior - could have easily been the most handsome man you had ever seen. Even through your tears that piled in your eyes and the low level, yellow lighting of the lamps that surrounded the street couldn't hide those emerald eyes that shined through. A grey beanie sat on his head hiding, what you could only imagine, a beautiful head of hair. The collar of his long, black pea coat was popped up but enhanced his neck that was covered in scruff. Still, his grey Henley was on show accentuating his chest. Was this man a God? Your eyes dropped further down, catching a glimpse of his bow legs trapped inside the restricting denim and the combat boots that went up above his ankles.
He started talking. For you it was a mistake to look at his lips. Those sinful, plump, kissable lips. Fuck, they were enticing, you tuned out all he had to say, you knew you were done for as he licked them with his distactingly pink tongue.
You shook out of your reverie, 'Miss?'
Embarrassed, you blabbered out your apology, biting at your thumbnail. 'Sorry, what were you saying?'
He smirked at you as he laughed, a knowing look on his face, 'I said, I'm Dean Winchester.' He slowly released you and reached into the inside of his jacket, pulling out a handkerchief. He looked into your eye to see if there was any hesitation or resistance when he found none, he dabbed delicately under your eyes removing the tears and the tear tracks that covered your face. 'And you are?'
'Oh right...um...(Y/N). My name is (Y/N). Thank you, by the way. I probably would have died if it wasn't for you.'
He snickered, putting his handkerchief back into his pocket. 'Are you always this dramatic?'
'It's a gift, so I'd have to say yes. Yes I am.' Surprisingly, it was easy to talk to this stranger, this had never happened before. What the hell was going on? And the fact that he was this amazingly kind, not to mention hot, guy, that really topped the cake, you just hoped that you didn't look as much of a mess than you felt.
'You wouldn't have died, you may have had a concussion or you could have had hypothermia if I didn't find you. It may have taken a few hours before you died.' Dean said in a deadpanned emotion. The shocked look on your face must have dug him out of his stupor, he allowed himself convulse with the laughter that reverberated right through your chest.
'Thanks for that, dude. Real encouraging.' You gave him a half assed smile and a sarcastic thumbs up.
When his full blown belly laugh had died down, you drew the courage to ask him if he knew the directions to the bar you were supposed to be meeting your friend.
'The Bunker? I don't just know it, me and my brother co own it. I was actually headed there right now. If you wanted to join me?' You nodded and linked your arm through his outstretched one, tucking it into the crook of his elbow.
'Since you saved me from either having a concussion or catching hypothermia. Is there anything I can do to return the favour?'
'We could exchange numbers and you could meet me another day, you know when you're not "dying," for a coffee, breakfast, you name it we can do it.'
Slowing your pace slightly, you turned your head to meet his beautiful orbs. 'My phone died. That means if I give you my number then there is always that chance that you won't call or text and then I'd probably never see you again.' You looked down, murmuring the last sentence, nervously biting the inside of your cheek.
Suddenly he took back his arm and stood in front of you, cupping each side of your cheeks in the palms of his warm, callous hands. 'You're gonna have to trust me, pretty girl. I'd be a complete and utter fool to let someone like you go off without one text or call now, wouldn't I?'
Your doubts flew out the window, examining his features for any clue that gave away anything other than his sincerity. When you found none that showed any different, you smirked, 'I am pretty awesome, aren't I?'
'Yeah you are.' Then something magical happened, as the snow around you still fell to the ground around you, a strong force pushed you both together. His lips crashed into yours, consuming you for all you had. Your heart was raising, pupils dilated, one hand fisted at his Henley as the other slid under his beanie and grappled at his unimaginably soft, short locks.
Dean moaned as you tugged harshly, thrusting his tongue into your mouth. The wet muscle massaging your own, both battling for dominance. His grip on your face loosened as one dragged down the side of your body, caressing your hip and jerking you towards him.
When you drew back, you couldn't think straight, all rational thoughts were obliterated from your mind. 'Woah,' you breathed through you swollen lips.
'Woah, indeed.' He said before he kissed you again with the same amount of passion as before. Maybe you didn't hate your best friend that much.
Tagging: @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms @iwantthedean @dancingalone21 @impalapossible @spnashley @deansleather @jensen-jarpad @daydreamingintheimpala @winchesterenthusiast @winchestersnco @wayward-marvel-and-more @ellen-reincarnated1967 @spn-fan-girl-173 @grace-for-sale @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious @deanwinchester-af @winchesterprincessbride @atc74 @mamaredd123 @deandoesthingstome @jpadjackles @mrswhozeewhatsis @nichelle-my-belle @bovaria @faith-in-dean @lipstickandwhiskey @scorpiongirl1 @percywinchester27 @chelsea072498 @bkwrm523 @soaringeag1e @aprofoundbondwithdean @katnharper @teamfreewill-imagine @chaos-and-the-calm67 @supernatural-jackles @balthazars-muse @loveitsallineed @jotink78 @torn-and-frayed @angelkurenai @sincerelysaraahh @oriona75 @anotherwinchesterfangirl @blushingsamgirl @plaidstiel-wormstache
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Question about the quickie challenge. I know that x-readers are generally romantic pairings, but will you accept a sister!reader under the x-reader pairing? Eg. could I write a Deanxsister!reader and call it an x-reader?
Yes. It can be friendship, siblings, romantic (new love or old). Go where inspiration takes you dear.
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Kari’s New Years Quickie Challenge
So the Xmas quickie was fun. How about we do a New Years Version?
This challenges will have no sign ups! It is due Jan 2nd 6pm danish time aka Midnight est/us. Yes you can post before if you want too.
I got 11 pairings and the 11 Prompts. You can mix and match as you want. Meaning you choose ONE Pairing and ONE Prompt.
One entry per person. No more.
You can write teethaching fluff, heartbreaking angst or “damn I need a cold shower” smut. Please just no dub/non con or daddy/mommy kinks (I usually don’t put that restriction on I know but read on and you will know why I do this time).
All fics will be liked, reblogged and commented on by me.
Fics has to be a one shot so 1k minimum and as long as you see fit.
All fics will go on a masterpost I make on the 3rd. I will also make everyone that enters an aesthetic based on their fic - Be Patient with me on that one. Might take a while depending on the number of entries I get.
You have to tag me @thing-you-do-with-that-thing and write in the A/N it is for Kari’s New Years Quickie Challenge. 
You also have to use the # Kari’s New Years Quickie Challenge within the first 5 tags!
Pairings (and yes it has to be one of these!) and songs are under the cut. Pick one of each and happy writing.
1 Dean x Reader
2 Sam x Reader
3 Cas x Reader
4 Chuck x Reader
5 Destiel
6 Megstiel
7 Sabriel
8 Deonna
9 Jensen x Reader
10 Jared x Reader
11 Misha x Reader
First Kiss
New Years Resolution
Lost on the way to a party
First Meet
Ball drop
Break Up
Tagging a few that might be interested or wanna help me spread the word:
@chaos-and-the-calm67 @bringmesomepie56 @mysupernaturalfics @blacktithe7 @adriellej @ruined-by-destiel @ellen-reincarnated1967 @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog @angelkurenai @blushingsamgirl @sophisticated-angel @manawhaat @aprofoundbondwithdean @mrswhozeewhatsis @loveitsallineed @deanwinchester-af @waywardlullabies @nichelle-my-belle @torn-and-frayed @deansleather @quiddy-writes @splendidcas @bkwrm523 @iwantthedean @ashleymalfoy 
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