#karlnapity x y/n
Dream: Sapnap, you'll be working with Karl and Y/n.
Sapnap: Alright! My fantasy threesome!
Everyone else: *blank stares*
Sapnap: ...Of people on a team.
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cherrynwinesk · 1 year
Come on down to Florida ~ Sapnap
Story g: sfw ~ fluff
Language: English/Inglés
⚠️: None (?)
CC's: Sapnap, mention of George and Dream
Reader g: Neutral Reader
Master list
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So right now you're in the passenger seat of the black Porsche, it was around 7pm, the sun was already going down but there was still that orange color in the sky, Sapnap was driving to his share house, he had just picked you up from the airport .
You had known Sapnap for his work on the internet, and you coincided after you tagged him in a photo for a Banter meet&greet and thanking them for everything, he started following you on Instagram right away and you had some vague interactions through Stories you posted, starting to talk from time to time until their talks became more frequent, you did not want to misinterpret things and your mind repeated that there was no intention beyond friendship, but your heart moved when you received responses to your messages immediately , as if it were inside your chat to answer you instantly.
"Let's Meet Again"
When you received that message your cheeks turned red and hot, you were a little scared and you didn't know what to answer, of course you wanted to see him but where would you see each other? Would you have to leave your city? would he come? Do you have enough money to travel? Many doubts in your head combined with an inexplicable emotion in your stomach.
Sapnap offered to pay for your flight and all expenses in order to see you again, but your mind kept repeating that he did it out of friendship, and that you should not misinterpret things. So you flew to Orlando arriving in the afternoon. You felt so nervous while picking up your bags, you were already in the same city as Sapnap, it's probably out there waiting for you, the feeling in your stomach wouldn't let you take your way to the waiting chairs at the airport because it was there
"I'm waiting for you by the front door"
It was the last thing you read when you got off the plane, you didn't even have the strength to reply to the message. Having already your belongings with you, you read the message again and had to take the courage to go to him.
You walked through a corridor heading towards the main room, and you saw him sitting there with his right ankle on his thigh, wearing black pants, his gray Nike hoodie and his typical black cap, he was looking at his cell phone and didn't even notice that you were already close As soon as you recognized him, a smile formed almost instantly and your stomach knotted. You approached him and you could only say "Hello" to get his attention, he immediately stood up from his seat and at first he didn't know what to do until they hugged each other in greeting
Now you were on their way to his house, he had offered to let you stay in one of the many rooms available in his house so that you wouldn't run any risk at the hotel, you accepted, during the tour you could only talk about how your flight was, you were both very nervous, the faces of both had an uncontrollable smile but both were so scared to turn to look at each other that you looked straight ahead on the street
When you got home, he helped you with your bags and you met George and Dream in the kitchen and Sapnap introduced you, clearly you already knew them but maybe they didn't know you.
-I remember you, also how I won't know you if Sapnap keeps talking about you.
Dream had to nudge George for his recklessness.
He took you to eat some burgers because according to Sapnap "the plane food must have been horrible, let's get you food"
Dream and George joined you btw. Dream knew that you were nervous so he tried to calm the atmosphere and it worked, you got along very well with everyone. The burger was really good.
Outside it was still daylight, so you wanted to go for a walk for a while, you gained confidence with the boys and you joked together.
You felt your cheeks burn as every time you turned to look at Sapnap you found his gaze already on you. Your stomach still invaded the knot of nerves
Since you were traveling, you tried to take some souvenir photos, you moved away a bit so as not to bother them or worry them that you could upload a photo of them without their consent, you took your cell phone to take a selfie, you tried to put the camera on a good angle when you felt a hand on your waist, turning over your right shoulder and it was Sapnap who had joined you in the photo, you didn't say anything and posed for the photo. It was nothing more than the two of you smiling and Sapnap for once in his life without posing with his thumbs up, his hands were still busy on your waist, you tried to take another one and this time Dream and George joined in posing weirdly behind you
During the walk Sapnap bought you a bottle of water, while you tried to drink some, George surprised you by squeezing the bottle causing the water to fall on your face and part of your clothes. "George!" It was the only thing you said, Sapnap looked at him with an annoyed face, he took off his gray hoodie and gave it to you, you were just wearing a white shirt that with the wetness of the water began to show through and Sapnap gave you his hoodie to cover you and not it was going to be cold.
Night fell so you returned home, it was already 10 pm so when Dream and George arrived they said goodbye to you, each one going to their office or bedroom
"Do you want to swim a bit?" Sapnap told you for lack of ideas to do, you accepted going to change your pants for some shorts, you went down and you take to the pool they had at home, you did not enter the pool at all, you sat on the shore putting only their feet in water, sitting next to each other you could see Sapnap pensive or as if he was worried about something
-Are you ok? I notice you worried or something
Sapnap just said that he was fine, yet you kept talking thanking you for bringing you to Orlando and how much fun you were having
-You don't have to be thankful, I did all this because I wanted to see you again, I didn't even remember you from that time in the photo you uploaded to Instagram, but since we started talking I felt different with you . Oh god, maybe you think it's stupid
-It's not
-The constancy with which we spoke by message, and your way of being, Hmm... I started to have feelings for you and I felt the need to see you again
You were in shock, he was confessing and the knot in your stomach returned, your cheeks burned and you didn't know what to say, Sapnap had been silent for a long time, perhaps putting his mind in order, his silence had worried you
-Could it be? have you repented?
Still in silence he look towards your direction and take your face by the cheeks, uniting their lips in a soft kiss that you immediately reciprocated, he had not regretted it, he was taking courage to finally kiss you.
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imagines-babes · 2 years
Revenge (c!KarlJacobs)
Happy late new year!! How is everyone sorry for not putting up a story please forgive me. Anyways today's story is about c! Karl and how he wants your love. Only because you are married to Sapnap and Quackity heir(I think that is the wrong word or not) the song is 'Revenge' by XXXTENTACIO. I hope you enjoy it.
Karl Jacob List Masterlist
Warning: death, kidnapping, and a sleeping pill
Why do I go back to her? She doesn't even acknowledge me so why do I go? Why do I leave my partners to go see them? Why do I time-travel to an era she lives in? I'm in a better place without them. I have Sapnap and Quackity. But I need her. I want her to love me like she loves any other man. I need it.  In this whole process im losing myself. I feel like each time I travel something else is happening to me. But I'm every timeline I find myself back to her. Back to my Y/n.
I closed my book. Looking out the window to see her walking and giving out flowers. It's a typical thing for him to do honestly that's why I like her so much. Her caring side in this timeline. Then he saw him. Not only him but the others as well. The man she is married to. One is from descendants from Helga(The village that went Mad) and the other is a descendant from James(the Masquerade). They were both of his fiancés but they were with him. They were with y/n. Why couldn't she look at me the way she looked at them? I want that! I would do anything for that! I shouted in my head hitting a wood.
Hearing a thump y/n glanced over at me giving a nod. Kissing both versions of Sapnap and Quackity that I didn't recall their names from this era. I wanted to but I didn't want to hate them. I wanted to be happy for all three of them but somehow I couldn't. Y/n rushed over to the thud only to see Karl curled up crying. "What's the wrong karl?" She went close to him rubbing his shoulder to me only placing my head on their thigh. Y/n just sat down next to me and stayed quiet. Y/n didn't talk till I was crying," "wanna talk about it?"  How can she be so sweet to me? Yet not see that I am in love with her. She started to stroke my hair softly. My hands went to hers to hold them. Her breath stopped. Sitting up next to her. "How do you stop being in love with someone who you can't have?" There was silence between the two while she stared at her partners as for Karl to just stare at her.
"You know he likes her." Quackity heir said while talking to Sapnap. They both look at the two with Karl staring at y/n. "Well I don't think y/n likes him at all," they both glassed back over to y/n with a smile, "she only likes him as a friend come on Alex." They both walked off to their house.
I invited y/n back to my house just for dinner. She said she wouldn't mind being over or her partners. She just needed to head home to clean up and meet me at my house. I know what I'm gonna do tonight isn't gonna be good but....
Closing my book. Hearing the front door knock I open it seeing y/n in a red dress it looked nice on her. "Hey, Karl may I come in?" I nod opening it wider for her and then locking it after she comes in. She made her way to the kitchen waiting for me. I handed her a wine glass with red wine and she accepted. I turned my back to her as I took a small sip then a glass fell.
The night was quiet and she was still asleep with her hands in cuffs holding them up to a hook. All I did was stare at her. Admire her beauty up close again. Hearing the groan she started to wake up slowly. "Morning y/n" she stares at me trying to move her arms but not making much progress she glances at her cuffs. "Karl why am I cuffed please get me off this," she struggles more with the worry on her face some tears start to fall. I quickly stand up placing my hand to touch her face. She quickly jerks away. "I am the only one keeping you alive y/n," I got her jaw facing her face to me. I wipe her tears slowly. "Don't worry I won't kill you. y/n I will never kill you. I love you too much to kill you." I moved my hands away from her with her eyes red. "Please karl I need to go back to Alex and-" I grabbed the wretch and hit the brick from the wall. She had to bring them up. "No you are staying here with me okay," I brought the wrench closer to her, "they don't love you. I love you and you will love me right?" She just nods her head. "There see," I placed the wrench to the floor, "now I will let the cuffs off."
For y/n, this was her chance to make a run from him. This wasn't the Karl she knew. Hopefully, she will find her Alex and Roger.
Pulling the hook down and the key in my pocket. Turning it to let one go then shortly the other. I held her hand as we made it up to a different area. "This is my other home." She looked around letting go of her hand. She smiled slowly. Within a second she ran to the door. This couldn't be happening. I grab a knife running after her. The trees and bushes were hitting them both. The Second she got off me I made it close to her. To only see her falling. Standing over her. I got on top of her to only stab her. 3 times
There he placed her against the tree. He sat beside her with the knife in his hand. he cried wanting to love a woman that wouldn't love him back with her blood on his hand.
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itsfeckinwimdy · 2 years
c!Karlnapity x Reader (Romantic) (Soulmate au)
Reader Pronouns: They/Them
Summary: The quartet are soulmates and need help finding their way back to each other. What's better to help them than the Soulmate Goose Of Enforcement?
Warnings: Duck hybrid Quackity, Blaze hybrid (blazeborn) Sapnap, DSMP family canon, Y/n is Phil's kid and Wilbur sibling, angst, mentions of fighting, mention of war, mentions of exile, mention of previous death, ambiguous/open ending, and finally unconscious people who don't want tea.
Word Count: 5.3K (5379 words)
DSMP Masterlist
Published: 22/10/2022
(started writing: 29/05/2021, yes it has taken me over a year to finish this)
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Everyone had a soulmate. Sometimes it was easier to find them and be with them. Other times it was more complex and took a bit of time for everything to fall in place.
At least, that's what Karl told himself. But if he was being truthful, it was partly his fault.
The brunette kept hiding secrets from the people he loved. He claimed it was to protect them and that he would tell them if they needed to know, but honestly, he was scared. He was scared his partners, well now ex-partners, would judge him, and that if he told someone about his memory problems it would only worsen. That he would have to face reality, that he would have to stop time travelling, that he would have to stop trying to find a way to fix everything, that he would have to stop before he lost all his memory. Before he lost his partners. His soulmates.
But a part of him knew it was too late.
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The night before the Pogtopita-Manberg war, the four had holed themselves up inside George's castle, knowing that two of them would be fighting against the other two in the morning. It was something the four of them were trying not to think about, knowing there was a chance that any of them could be getting injured or losing a canon life.
The entirety of the quartet was tired. Quackity's wings were killing him from being buried under his shirt all day, Sapnap was itching to set something on fire, Karl was fidgety with nerves as he didn't want to fight tomorrow, in fact, none of them really did, and Y/n was cold from their bath they had taken to strip all of the soot and grime from their skin, due to Pogtopia not having the best living conditions.
Y/n's brother, Wilbur, and themself were the cause of all this mess. The two of them teamed up once he arrived on the server to cause chaos but ultimately made a power grab and created L'Manberg from a simple drug van and the shared thoughts and beliefs of others.
But then they lost it.
That caused the new leader to exile Y/n, Wilbur, and the teenager, Tommy, who looked up to Y/n and Wilbur as older sibling figures, knowing the three would fight for their country back, even if they no longer had any jurisdiction over it.
This led to them fleeing, Wilbur losing a canon life along the way as he dived in front of Y/n after Punz attempted to shoot his younger sibling. That night Punz feared for his life after Sapnap threatened to kill him if he ever tried to hurt his partner again.
After setting up base in an abandoned ravine, their dad's old friend Technoblade joined them, promising to help destroy the government.
Whilst planning for this upcoming war and having Tubbo as a spy, for which he, unfortunately, got executed, Y/n would try to spend as much time with their partners, that being difficult to do so as two of them lived in L'Manberg and Quackity was forced to work ridiculous hours for the drunken president.
Therefore, the castle became a safe haven for the four.
This led to Y/n spending most nights closer to the impending day of the war there. They were glad they could sleep in a proper bed with the people they loved, and that they got to have a break from the bickering between Wilbur and Tommy.
Noticing Karl fighting the urge to get up and start pacing again, Y/n shuffled closer to Sapnap, letting the blazeborn's naturally high body temperature warm them up, and they wrapped their arms around Karl's midsection, pulling him into their torso.
Reaching forwards, they managed to get Quackity to join to cuddle pile, Sapnap wrapping his arms around the three of them, or at least trying to.
That night, the four made a promise to always stick by each other's side and to never let each other go. To always talk and resolve problems and that they would be truthful to each other. After all, they were now fiancées.
As they made this promise, the sound of an achievement rang through their communicators.
'The Soulmate Bond' it simply read.
That night they knew it was meant to be.
But then again, that wasn't the right saying on this server. What was it again?
Oh yeah,
It was never meant to be.
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Sapnap was worried. And he had every right to be.
First, it was Y/n. After the death of their brother, they had started to pull away from the other three, becoming seemingly distant and only really there at night to sleep, disappearing for hours on end.
Quackity had followed them one day only to find them sitting overlooking a cliff. Apparently, it was where Y/n first took Wilbur on the server, where the two saw their first sunset together. Y/n would sit there as the hours would pass, watching the point on the compass spin, it no longer pointing to their bother. They began to snap back into their old self after Quackity sat with them, becoming who they used to be but more willing to fight.
Then Tommy got exiled. Sapnap and Karl believed they already knew, therefore not bringing it up, and Quackity simply didn't tell them. That sparked one of the biggest arguments they had ever had.
Y/n stayed with Phil that night.
Everything seemed fine for a while, with Y/n coming back home and then the quartet creating Cedar Rapids. And then Ghostbur came back, making it easier for Y/n to move on. Everyone was happy.
But then came the butcher army. Y/n refused to let their dad be pushed around and stepped in, earning themselves house arrest, by orders of Quackity.
That night they left. Sapnap remembers the conversation he had with them before they went. It was seemingly normal, Y/n saying they were staying with Phil for a few days. Except they didn't.
It was two weeks later they returned, hearing that Technoblade had killed Quackity. They helped the stubborn duck with his recovery. The blazeborn remembers the amount of shouting and the arguments that happened that week.
Looking back, he should've stepped in more. But he couldn't have known what was going through Y/n's mind at the time.
See Y/n was planning to blow up L'Manberg again. To finish their brother's job. They had realised how corrupt it had become, now wanting to get rid of the power the people who ran it had.
Sapnap should've seen it coming.
After doomsday, there was the final argument. Tensions were still high, and Quackity still couldn't see why Y/n chose to blow it up. Why Y/n would choose the side of Technoblade. The side of Dream. They explained why though. How L'Manberg was originally a power grab. How it was their idea to blow it up in the first place and that they were just finishing what that had started.
Sapnap should've stopped the fight. He should've stopped it before the words tumbled out of Quackity's mouth, before Y/n and Quackity exploded on each other, before Y/n walked away for what he thought was good.
Everyone's heart broke a bit that night.
Second, it was Karl. He started to disappear for a few days at a time, and when he returned? It was like his brain was scattered, and then he'd started to forget stuff.
At the time Sap had chalked it down to Karl's already bad memory, to his forgetful nature that his fiancée had. It began as small things. Karl forgot what day it was, where he left his book, what time he was meant to be at a certain place, and whether or not he had a meeting with the rest of Manberg's cabinet that day. But then It got worse.
Looking back, Sapnap realised that there were some days when Karl wouldn't say his or their partner's names until someone else said them. He had just thought Karl was messing around at the time, him just being cute and just wanting to call them by pet names but looking back at it, he should've realised sooner.
He should've realised when Karl came up with the idea of creating a new place to live, Kinoko Kingdom, because he said Cedar Rapids held no significate importance to him. Before he said it held no real value and that it was just where he lived because Sapnap lived there. Not because Sapnap, Quackity, and Y/n lived there, but because Sapnap lived there.
He should've realised before Karl completely shut him out. Before Karl would hole himself up in his library which he was forbidden from going in. Before Karl would forget him completely and call him by a stranger's name.
He should've helped Karl sooner. His heart cracked again.
Third, it was Quackity.
See the duck hybrid was stubborn, there was no denying that. Sapnap learnt this early on. If Quackity had his mind set on doing something, then there was a small chance, a very minuscule chance at that, of getting him to change his mind, the chance decreasing if Quackity was the one with the power to do what he wanted to do.
One morning, Sapnap had woken up alone. Karl had gone off again, who knows where, Y/n had just left maybe four days ago, and now Quackity had disappeared.
It stayed like that for a month. Quackity and Y/n were nowhere to be found. Karl occasionally disappeared and returned with his memory shot. Sapnap, probably wouldn't have minded so much if Quackity had told him where he was going, but after another month of no contact?
His heart broke again.
And the worse thing was? Karl had no idea what Quackity or Y/n meant to all of them.
And Finally, it was himself.
He could feel himself slipping away. With Karl coming and going, and no word from either Y/n or Quackity, Sapnap was stuck.
It wasn't like he had anyone to go to. His brother was locked away in a heavily armed prison, rightfully so; his Aunt Puffy was busy trying to deal with the fact one of her sons was locked up and also trying to solve this problem with the egg; his dad had been possessed by said egg, and was currently trying to take over the server; and his best friend was in some sort of deep sleep, only occasionally waking up.
He didn't know how much longer he could be there for Karl. As much as it broke him to ever think about leaving the Jacobs boy, he didn't know if it was worth it anymore, not without his partners. His first love and his third.
He didn't know how he could continue like this.
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About a month after the fight, Y/n wanted to go back. Even if everything wouldn't go back to normal, they still wanted to see them, to check that they were doing okay. Because if their partners, well ex-partners were okay, then they'd be okay.
Or at least that's what they kept telling themselves.
The day they went to leave, Y/n climbed down the ladder leading to their room, only to be met with their dad, Philza, in the main room. As they made their way towards the front door and began to pull their cloak on, he stopped them.
"What are you doing?" he asked, nursing the warm mug between his hands.
Y/n sighed, not wanting to have this conversation with their dad but knowing he wouldn't let him go without telling him first, "I'm heading to Cedar Rapids, why? Is something wrong?"
Phil's face fell slightly, "There's a blizzard. You won't be able to make it Y/n."
Y/n's face dropped, and their heart sank in their chest, "How long will it last?"
They hoped it wouldn't be more than a few days at most, however, they were wrong. They ended up spending the next month trapped in the Arctic, unable to get to where they needed to. Unable to apologise for the shit they said.
The day they were finally able to get to Cedar Rapids, it was empty. The land was barren, but the buildings still standing. Their shared house was empty of the majority of everyone's belongings, only a few of theirs and Quackitys left behind.
Where was everyone?
As they stumbled out of the house, tears trying not to fall from their eyes they hit a solid object. Their hands came up to steady themselves, something grabbing onto their biceps. Looking up they saw the face of one of their fiancées.
Pulling back from their grip, Y/n wiped away their tears, wrapping the arms around their torso curling in on themselves. Their fiancée's wings drooped in response and his arms dropped to his sides. The two noticed the obvious distance between them, both physically and emotionally.
Choosing to break the silence between them, Y/n spoke up, "Hey."
Quackity stood still, having an internal malfunction. He was trying not to say anything he didn't want to say, not wanting to screw up again. His wings tightened up behind him, the slits in his shirt allowing his wings to come through, as he stood defensively. His instincts were screaming at him to comfort Y/n.
Looking up at the duck hybrid, Y/n locked eyes with his, and anyone could practically see the awkwardness between the two.
"So, uh," Y/n began, eyes still locked with his, "How are you?"
Quackity's wings fluttered slightly, "I'm alright I guess?"
His response came out as a sort of question, confusing Y/n slightly but they choose not to question it.
"How're the others?"
Quackity paused and Y/n could see them visible tense and him trying to form an answer but not knowing what to say.
"Quackity?" Y/n began, taking a step closer to him, "What happened?"
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Hopping through the nether portal, Y/n grabbed a bunch of snow and hurled it at the goose that was following them, it letting out an exasperated honk and flapping its wings in annoyance. They stood up letting out curse words at the animal, beginning their trek back to their shared home. The white feathered animal biting against Y/n’s cloak and pants, attempting to pull the human back towards the nether portal.
The door slammed shut as Y/n walked through it, shrugging off the snow that had landed on their cloak. It felt like their ears were ringing, their mind spinning even though they could see clearly.
"What do you mean you left?"
"I did exactly what they did. What you did-"
Phil looked concerned at them, wondering what had happened, as his kid nonchalantly discarded their cloak and bag.
"What do you mean by that, Q? Where's Sapnap and Karl anyway, shouldn't they be around?"
"Well I wouldn't know, I came back one day to get them only to find they had disappeared along with all their stuff and most of ours."
"What do you mean disappeared?"
Phil's confusion began to grow as he heard the patter of webbed feet on his floor.
"Like gone. I don't even know where they are."
"Y/n," Phil began, walking closer and seeing the white goose standing next to his child, the goose attempting to pull on his kid's pant leg, it hissing at them when they shooed it off, "What's that?"
"This?" Y/n looked down at the goose, letting out a hiss in response to it honking at them, "It's a goose. And it won't leave me alone." They began frustration seeping through their voice, "Apparently it won't die, no matter how many times you push it into lava. So now I'm guessing it's some sort of immortal being that's come to spite me for my wrongdoings."
Y/n turned and climbed the ladder to the upper part of the house, the goose nestling down by the stairs, ruffling its feathers before it seemingly began to settle down.
"It's a soulmate goose."
Philza's head snapped around to face the voice, him calming once he realised that it was only Kristin. She made her way towards him, resting her hand gently on his shoulder, Phil leaning into the touch he could barely feel.
"The soulmate goose of enforcement only appears when there is an obstacle a soulmate pairing needs help to overcome," She continued walking over to pet the goose before it vanished, "It seems as if our little crow needs some help after all."
Upstairs, Y/n stared out of their window, watching the snow gently fall as they played with the three rings that were attached to a necklace around their neck. Each one with an engraving that referred to each counterpart in their past relationship.
"What do we do?" Y/n asked sitting down next to Quackity on the ground. The duck hybrid had finally stopped pacing and was now frustratedly pulling strands of grass from the ground before throwing them down, "How are we meant to find them?"
"I don't know," He began, "I don't know. I just- I keep thinking if we hadn't... You know... Then everything would be okay."
The two looked down at the ground, not noticing the goose begin to materialise in the distance. The silence between them was awkward. Neither of them knew how to continue and say what they wanted to.
"I came to apologise," Y/n spoke up, beginning to rip grass up from the ground. "I tried to come a month ago, but then there was a storm. But-"
"It would've still been too late," Quackity cut them off. Y/n looked up at him only to see him staring at the ground, refusing to look at them. "I left because I thought you weren't coming back, and then I had this idea-"
"What do you mean you thought I wasn't coming back? Quackity, I made a promise and so did you and the others! That we'd never walk away. Ever."
"Well, I'm sorry for thinking that then! It's just after the shit we both said I thought you were leaving this time for good! That you'd finally given up on us!"
"Can we not argue for once?"
"Oh, says you."
He stood up, taking a few steps backwards, before groaning in disdain.
"What now?"
"That fucking Goose is back!" Quackity sighed out, "I swear, it won't leave me alone."
"Okay, and what does that have to do with finding Karl and Sapnap?"
"I don't know okay! It's just this fucking thing won't leave me alone and keeps trying to drag me through nether portals." Quackity sighed, clearly frustrated.
"I'm sorry," he grumbled out, "I'm not good with emotions sometimes."
"I know," Y/n replied before standing up and taking Quackity's hands in theirs, rubbing their thumbs on the back of his palms when he didn't object or try to pull away. "You'd think the blaze hybrid would be the most hot-headed out of the four of us. Turns out, he's the least."
Quackity let out a small smile at their words before enveloping them in his arms, his wings fluttering and encasing the two of them.
“We still need to work stuff out,” Y/n said, voice slightly muffled, from where their head was buried in Quackity’s shirt.
“I know sweetheart, I know.”
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Sapnap was outside.
And he was touching grass.
This wasn’t unusual for the blaze hybrid, him liking to sit in the flower fields surrounding his house.
When Karl choose the leave Cedar Rapids, Sapnap couldn't help but follow him, not wanting to lose the last of his partners, even though it felt as if he had already gone. Like Karl had slipped through his fingers and there was nothing he could do to stop it.
He thinks that may be the reason why he subconsciously chose this place to live. The flower fields reminded him of the unproblematic childhood he had and the first home he knew.
The loud honk, which came from his left, startled him enough that he dropped the flower crown he was absentmindedly weaving, fire igniting around his horns. The amber flames swirled before dying down.
The goose waddled over to him, attempting to bite onto his sleeve and drag him. Sapnap attempted to swat him away only for the goose to hiss at him.
After a least a minute of this happening, Sapnap sighed at the animal before grabbing it over its wings and lifting it into his lap, the goose immediately settling down but now gnawing on his hand.
“Why do you have a Soulmate Goose?”
Sapnap didn't tear his eyes away from the creature that was nestled in his lap, it was still keen on trying to bite his fingers off.
“Nice to see you too Drista,” he said back, “What do you want?”
“To know why you have a soulmate goose? Duh?”
Spanap gave her a deadpan look, “Well I don’t know. Shouldn’t you know, aren’t you like a god or something?”
The teenager glared at him from where she was floating in the sky, “Just because you’re best friends with my brother doesn’t mean I like you.”
Sapnap rolled his eyes in response, returning to pet the animal in his lap, the softness of the feathers reminding him of the nights when Quackity would let them help preen his wings. The duck usually ends up curled up on his lap, his head on Sapnap’s chest listening to his heartbeat letting out soft chirps of appreciation. Sapnap's heart clenched at the memory.
The teenager let herself land on the ground, sitting down amongst the flowers as she stared to mess with the grass.
“My brother told me about them.”
“Who, Dream?”
“No, XD,” she glared back at him when he interrupted her, “He used to say that sometimes the humans would need help to be with their soulmate and that he and some of the other gods created this being that would help them, the people giving it its name.”
“The soulmate goose? Really?”
“That’s not its full name, idiot. It’s the Soulmate Goose of Enforcement,” Drista deadpanned. “Anyway, I wouldn’t have thought you would end up meeting it, you know. You get along so well with Karl, Quackity, and Y/n, therefore you wouldn’t- Oh.”
Sap looked down away from the teenager, returning to give the now quiet goose more pets.
“Yeah,” Sapnap whispered in response.
Feeling really awkward about the situation, the teenage god thought it would be best that she left, “I’m going to go and find Tommy, bye Snapchat!”
And with that, she teleported away leaving the blaze hybrid alone in the field.
Sapnap began to think about his choices again. About everything that had happened, about everything he didn’t say, about everything he could’ve, no should’ve done.
He knew he should’ve stepped in and stopped Y/n and Quackity from arguing. He knew he should’ve helped Karl more before he began to forget everything. He knew he should’ve helped himself, to stop himself from walking away from his home.
Yes, Kinoko Kingdom may be where he lived, it may be his, or partly his, but it wasn’t his home. Cedar Rapids was more his home, if anything, the Dream SMP was more of his home than this place.
His fiancées are his home, not here. Not anywhere else.
Not this place he ran to when he was scared. When he was terrified of losing the last person who meant something to him.
A few tears escaped his eyes, but he quickly wiped them away as the Goose in his lap let out another honk.
Unbeknownst to him, a figure started to approach him, coming to a stop a few feet in front of him, gentle cawing being heard a lot more.
“She was right you know,” The woman said, Sap looking up at the person standing in front of him, not recognising the figure. He tensed up, ready to fight the unknown person, but only if it came to it, "I didn't expect you four to have him."
"I'm sorry, but who are you?" he asked only for the woman to gently smile in response.
"I'm Kristin, Goddess of Death-"
"You're Y/n's mom," Sapnap interrupted.
"I am, amongst other things," Kristin sat down in front of the young adult, "It's nice to finally meet you Sapnap. Y/n talks about you quite a bit."
One of the few crows flying around came and hopped down on the ground between the two, dropping Kristin a shiny rock, letting the goddess pet them before flying off and joining the rest of its brethren.
"Sapnap," Kristin began, letting the blaze focus his attention back on her, "The best thing I could do is give you advice. Don't spend time dwelling on what needs to be done. Go, find Y/n and Quackity, and talk. If you keep bottling up your feelings, it's going to get you nowhere, and this guy here is just going to get more mad at the four of you for being idiots."
"They left," Sapnap replied, voice cracking slightly, "They left us-"
He tried to continue talking but sobs left his mouth as tears started to fall. His shoulders shook with each shuddering breath he took, his horns lighting with a dull blue fire once again.
Kristin shuffled forward, wrapping her arms around him, letting his head fall onto her shoulder as she ran a hand through his hair, comforting her almost son-in-law.
And as Sapnap let the tears fall from him and his emotions run, he knew he couldn't continue like this. He knew something had to change.
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The rain was bad that night.
It didn't rain much in Las Nevadas, it being in a warmer part of the smp, but when it rained, it poured like hell.
It was mainly when thunderstorms would happen in the main part of the greater smp that the weather would really be affected. It was like a cycle. Heavy rain that would cause the river to rise where L'Manberg once stood meant that light showers would last an hour at most and thunderstorms would cause heavy rainfall that would soak anyone to the bone.
Quackity knew it was a bad storm because even Slime was holed up inside.
He had managed to zone out the sound of rain hitting the window, the continuous drone allowing him to block it out as inherent background noise. The occasional flashes of light caused his wings to twitch in anticipation.
There was something wrong.
Quackity didn't know what exactly. It was more of an inherent feeling creeping up behind him, causing the occasional shiver to run down his spine. He just couldn't put his finger on it.
Slime was sat by the window, looking out across Las Nevadas. He personally likes the rain, just when it gets too heavy it affects his viscosity too much and throws him off. 'There's always the fountain', he thought, his fingers tracing the raindrops across the window.
Slime was following the raindrops as they fell, his finger reaching up to trace them before he remembered what his friend Quackity had told him the last time he did that.
Slime knew that he was a goopy guy but sometimes he would forget. He knew that he was bones or that he had to be but sometimes his brain didn't connect and say that to his goop. It was something he was working on because he had to seem like a human and that he had bones, even when it was a no-bones day.
Anyway, ignoring Slime's partial existential crisis, the goopy guy in a shirt and pants, and basically an identical outfit to his friend Quackity, he continued to stare out of the window before ultimately attempting to return to his previous task.
Quackity was not paying attention. The paperwork in front of him had been read at least twelve times but he still couldn't take the information in. Something was disrupting him and he couldn't work out what. It was an itch in the back of his mind, an annoying one at that.
He let out a sigh as he dropped the pen onto the table, leaning back against his chair and pushing himself away from his desk. He let out a puff of air, blowing the strands of hair out from in front of his eyes. Quackity really needed another haircut.
He stared up at the ceiling, his mind starting to wander.
How long was it going to take purpled to find Karl and Sapnap, surely not another week right? He couldn't keep living like this. In denial and regret, it was drowning him.
Even if the two decided they never wanted him again, then at least he would apologise to them. It was the least they deserved.
The shadowy figure in the distance continued to draw closer, forcing Quackity, who had unfortunately noticed its presence earlier but chose to ignore it, to rise up out of his seat and head towards the window. It was a person he was staring at, carrying a bundle of something in its arms, but for the life of him he couldn't work out who.
The rain was cascading down now, affecting his vision and the lights of his city did little to unmask them. His heart clenched at the sight of it; that same nagging feeling saying something was wrong hit him tenfold.
He turned to face Slime, having made up his mind he would go see if the masked figure was okay only for the doors behind him to be flung open.
It was Y/n soaked to the bone.
"Q," they began, terror etched onto their face. It made Quackity's feathers ruffle and stand on edge, wanting to wrap them in his arms and protect them from whatever they were afraid of.
"Q, it's Karl."
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The fire flickered casting light across the room. It was the only source of warmth alongside the abundance of blankets piled across the four of them.
The bundle held in Quackity's arms was no stranger to him, the mop of brown hair that usually covered his forehead pushed to the side allowing the damp cloth to rest there and lower the Jacobs boy's raging fever.
The duck's instincts kicked in and the other two stepped aside to allow him to swaddle and care for Karl. They knew he was in safe hands and that Quackity was better at dealing with sick people.
Y/n had propped themselves against the wall, a blanket thrown over their shoulders and wrapped around them. The cloak they had donned earlier was in a pile alongside some of the other wet clothes of both Sap and Karl.
They looked down at the duo huddled on the floor, Quackity's wings furling around the star-eyed boy in a protective cocoon. Chirps left his mouth as he changed the water on the rag before smoothing it over the brunette's unconscious forehead.
There was no guarantee that he would wake up. Y/n could only pray that the gods of prime would help him. They couldn't lose him.
"What happens now?"
Both their own and Sapnaps heads snapped up to look at Quackity, he having the courage to break the scared silence that had overcome them all.
Y/n looked to Sapnap, the blazeborn looking worse for wear. It looked like he hadn't gotten an ounce of sleep in the past years, like he was soon to be death-walking. Just like Karl.
His shirt was clad against his chest, the white material somewhat see-through but now drying allowing them to see the runes that lined his body. He was hunched forward, his own blanket lying over his shoulders as his hands were clasped together in his lap.
Figuring that he wasn't going to speak up, Y/n pushed themselves off the wall and moved to sit between Sapnap's chair, and where the two were huddled together on the floor. They grabbed the blazeborn's hand in their own and placed their other upon Q's shoulder causing him to sway towards them slightly at the affection.
"We talk." They spoke out, the three awake sharing glances at each other.
A distant honk sounded as the goose settled itself into Slime's lap, the goopy guy petting the animal before it began to fade into dust, blowing away into the sky.
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eminems-skittles · 2 years
karlnap x reader getting kittens together 🥰
just a small dialogue blurb for now since i’m leaving for class in a few minutes <3 spam my inbox with karlnap x reader, dteam x reader, or any poly ship pls i beg <3
“can’t we adopt all of them?” you begged as the three of you walked through the cat area of the shelter. “i’ll feed them everyday.”
“yeah sap, can we?” karl joined in, making puppy dog eyes at sapnap.
“guys you know we can only get one cat right now,” sapnap replied.
“well how many kittens can we get?” you asked. the boys turned to where you had stopped a few feet back. the crate had three tiny black and grey kittens sleeping inside it
“what?” sapnap asked, walking over to you and slipping his arms around your waist.
“you said we can only get one cat so…how many kittens can we get?” you asked again.
“y/n…i don’t kn-” he was cut off by you spinning around in his arms. you shared a look with karl and he moved sapnaps arm so he could stand next to you.
“pleaseeeee,” you both begged in unision.
“look they need a home. they lost their mom,” karl pointed out, reading the little information card on the crate.
“and it’s one of each of us,” you added.
sapnap looked between you both before signing and nodding his head. “okay let’s adopt them!”
you and karl both cheered, wrapping your arms around sapnap and jumping up and down.
“you guys are children.”
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wishitweresummer · 11 months
~~Drabble/Ficlet Masterpost~~
My main masterpost hit the link limit so I’m moving my small stuff over here <33
Re-uniting in Las Vegas - switch!Dream x switch!George - DNF
Accidental Tickles (@sleepy--anon concept) - lee!Sapnap x ler!Karl - Platonic Karlnap
Upside-Down Tickles - lee!George x ler!Sapnap - Dream Team
Upside-Down Tickles Part Two - lee!Sapnap x ler!George x ler!Dream - Dream Team
“Tickle Game” - lee!Sapnap x ler!Dream x ler!George - Dream Team
“That’s so much worse!” (@sleepy--anon concept) - lee!George x ler!Dream x ler!Sapnap - Dream Team
Dream Team Camping Scenarios - switch!Dream x switch!George x switch!Sapnap - Dream Team
Sapnap Birthday Tickle/Fluff Scenarios - lee!Sapnap - DTQK
George’s Exorcism (@sleepy--anon concept) - lee!George x ler!Dream x ler!Sapnap - Dream Team
Squid Craft Day Five - lee!Dream x ler!George - Dream Team
Group Picture (Streamer Awards Ficlet) - lee!George x ler!Sapnap - Banter Boys and Foolish
Guitar Pick Tickling (@mushiewrites concept) - lee!George x ler!Karl - Banter Boys
Madrid Stream Ficlet - lee!George x ler!Dream - DNF
Fun With Make-Up - switch!George x switch!Dream - Platonic DNF
Peek-A-Boo! (Dream Space Ficlet) - lee!Dream x ler!George - Platonic DNF
Seating Arrangements (Everest Music Video Ficlet - lee!Amouranth x ler!George - Dream Team and Amouranth
“Foot Check!” - lee!Sapnap x ler!Dream x ler!George - DNN
Post-Workout Massage (Glass House Chp 4 Bonus Scene) - lee!Sapnap x ler!George ft. Dream - Dream Team
Hiccups (Self-Insert Sapnap) - lee!Y/N x ler!Sapnap
Hoodie Tickles (@sleepy--anon concept) - lee!Dream x ler!Sapnap x ler!George - Dream Team
Dream Team and Karlnapity Stuck Tickle Scenarios ( @sleepy--anon concept)
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pastelmumu · 2 years
The Faint Black eye
Karlnapity x Child reader
Warnings: Mentions of Abuse
As you were playing with Michael in the flower fields, you overheard your parents talking to Ranboo and Tubbo, but you decided to ignore it. You've learned to mind your own business and focus on your self, that's what Karl taught you, but not in a nice and soft way.
It was one day when Sapnap, Karl and Quackity were fighting again; you hugged your bee plushie as you sat on the stairs crying, the black eye forming on your face was caused by Quackity, it wasnt neccesarily on accident. The tears fell in your shirt as you hugged your only source of support in your arms.
"It was Their Fault! They were the one who-" Quackity yelled; his eyes red with anger, he held his head; close to pulling his hair out he walked toward athe door placing his hand on the handle, still arguing with Karl; sapnap engaging I'm the argument stood and took quackitys side. As Quackity mentioned your name over and over, the guilt began to build inside of you, as you heard footsteps go near the staircase; you quickly got up and ran to your room. It was Karl, he sighed as he went after you.
As you opened your door, you started to wrap yourself in blankets and wanted to cry yourself to sleep, but were unable to produce any more tears; you sniffled as you heard the door creak open. Not knowing it was Karl, you began to think of apologies that you could say.
But Karl pulled the blankets off of you, as you looked up; relieved you sat up, staring at your lap knowing that Karl's upset.
"Y/N, you are to NEVER, do that again, do you understand? We keep getting these complaints and we dont need more!" Karl practically yelled.
You nodded, as Karl stomped out the room..
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lonely-lost-soul · 3 years
Time Travel Is a Tricky Business
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(C!Karlnapity x AFAB!reader)
Word Count: 7,473
Especially when you were traveling to try and change the future for the better. Karl Jacobs was the time traveler in question, a young man who just wanted to protect his friends and find the best timeline possible without losing himself in the process. The first time he officially traveled was to a small village that was set up way before Dream and his friends ever arrived there, or so everyone thought. When Karl, the reliable narrator arrived in the village, everyone introduced themselves to him, welcoming him in with open arms. The warmth he felt from everyone was immense, especially from the young orphan boy Robin and his caretaker Cat. However, one face he wasn’t going to forget anytime soon was (Y/N), a young woman who was the baker in the town. She had (h/c) hair and the most intense (e/c) eyes he had ever seen. When she laughed at his jokes he couldn’t help but grow flustered, he was enamored by her in mere moments. It was almost a shame that he would need to leave her behind when he left. Even so, he could admit someone was pretty and witty without having a crush on them.
Which he didn’t.
Either way, the portal brought him there for a reason and everyone was about to find out the exact reason why.
“Why’re you dressed like that?” You had asked him before night covered the town in the darkness, you were referring to his mismatched hoodie with a giant green swirl in the center. It contrasted greatly with everyone’s time-appropriate clothes, especially yours. He couldn’t help but notice the corset tied tightly around your middle accentuating your...assets.
“I made it why? You like it?” He smiled over at you adjusting his sleeves,
“It’s...very bright.” Karl looked a little sheepish at that response, not what he was hoping for. You seemed to catch his disappointment, “That doesn’t mean I don’t like it! Just not what I’m used to seeing. It’s very you Mr. Jacobs.”
“Good god, it’s Karl please.”
“Karl it is then.”
As night settled over the town, everyone said their goodbyes to one another, before heading off into slumber. When the morning sun arose Karl immediately knew something was off, as everyone was gathered at the fountain. Cat and Robin were standing there visibly distressed. He expressed that his husband was brutally murdered last night, even though he was blind he still knew his husband was dead. Robin was as horrified as Cat, clinging to his father figure desperately. The young woman he had met the day prior, placed her hand on Cat’s shoulder trying to provide some form of comfort and he bit back a sob.
“We have to discuss what happened,” Karl said immediately wanting to get down to business, his lips pressed into a thin line. You looked back over at him, shoulders trembling but trying to be strong for Cat and Robin. You were always close with them, Cat and his husband treated you like a daughter much like how they treated Robin as a son. Everyone moved to gather by the fire pit all speaking in hushed tones, it was Karl who stopped you,
“You’re going to be fine I promise.” He assured, taking your hands in his own, he felt you squeeze his hands back weakly. “I swear here,” Karl pulled one hand out of his grip and unthreaded the string of his hoodie, “It’ll protect you.” You flushed and Karl ate up that look, he tied the hoodie string around your neck in a little bow. “You’ll be fine,” He reassured you and your worries were eased for the night,
“Thank you, Karl.” Your dainty fingers traced the bow on your neck, “I trust you. please help our village.” When you bowed Karl felt his heart skip a beat in his chest, you were relying on him and he was going to make sure the killer was caught.
But things never went Karl’s way, not in this timeline or his own.
They had voted that you were the killer, the only two who didn’t agree with that decision were Cat and Robin themselves. Both were sobbing as you were led into the furnace, Karl was trembling like a leaf, eyes wet with tears.
“Come on now Bunny.” You smiled at him reaching your hands through the bars to cup his cheeks. “You did your best, how could you have known?”
“This isn’t right! How could anyone think it’s her? Do you have no shame!” Karl shouted all the men who voted against you looked away not able to look any of you in the eye.
Fuck, fuck I can’t fail.
“Karl.” He looked back up at you, your eyes were still shimmering, “I’ll see you in another life okay, you slid off his hoodie string and tied it around his wrist. “You did your best, thank you for being so kind to our village.”
“Karl it’s time.”
He stepped away from you with shaky steps as your button was pressed, she was out of time.
When he awoke in his library, he had it burned in his head he was going to find you. You had to be somewhere on the lands of the SMP, and he’d make sure he’d protect you in the way he couldn’t in the town that went mad. Yet he only had your personality, and your features, to go off of. Karl’s heart ached, he felt a piece of himself was missing. He had Sapnap and Quackity and he loved his fiancès, but he knew there was a hole in his heart that needed to be filled.
The second time he traveled his name was Isaac a fisherman with his friends, and they were traveling out to sea. His friends on this adventure were Benjamin, Cletus, and Charles, all descendants of his friends in the past. They stumbled across an underwater city, it was called The Lost City of Mizu. There she was again, although this time she was a hybrid seemingly half whatever Ranbob was, but still beautiful nonetheless.
Eyes a soft purple, and a tight collar was around your neck it had a green jewel in the center. Jealously bubbled inside him seeing a leash attached, he burned even more seeing that it was intertwined in Ranbobs’ hand. It was like you were some sort of animal to him. Your eyes kept flicking over to him, Ranbob followed your gaze as it landed on Isaac himself. A grin spread over his face holding out the leash towards him,
“She doesn’t bite, don’t worry. I trained her well.”
Isaac or Karl’s nose scrunched up taking the velvet leash within his hand.
“Shit man, I’m jealous!” Cletus shouted biting his lower lip, and you flushed to the tips of your pointed ears. At least Karl knew some version of Quackity had an interest in you,
“Thank you.” Your voice was a soft squeak and they all turned around to face you,
“Look at that she remembers her manners.” Ranbob praised, “Good girl!”
Isaac huffed pulling you by the leash, you stumbled forward a little, “Don’t we have a tour to get to?”
“Yes of course,” Ranbob hummed “Follow me.”
The rooms of the past made Isaac’s heartache in his chest. All his friends passed away only with these false memories in their place. That was however he got to his ‘past’ self’s room, the bed was large enough to fit four people. He couldn’t help but smile, knowing who the beds were for. When they made it to Sapnap’s room Ranbob told them how Sapnap was a pet protector and Isaac couldn’t help but let out a puff of a laugh about how wrong the stories were.
They continued their tour and came across a small room with white flowers outside the door, he noticed how you stopped outside of it. He let his comrades continue forward, as he stood with you feeling the pull on the leash.
“You alright Miss?”
“This was my descendant’s room,” With a tilt of your head Isaac’s eyes blew wide and Isaac placed a hand on the door and pushed it.
“Go. I’ll distract the others.” He gave you a look and you were holding a purple and blue key within your hand.
“Thank you.” His voice was tight, so far everything stated in the rooms had been a lie but if yours was kept under lock in key maybe he could garner some information on who you are, or were. You shuffled off behind him, as he entered the room, the lighting was soft, the walls decorated with fairy lights. Bookshelves littered the room, as well as brewing stands, your bed was big and on the pillows were three wedding rings and a book. His heart leaped into his throat as he picked up the book:
‘(Y/n) (L/n) was the lover and wife of the timekeeper, fire demon, and the owner of Las Nevadas. She was strong-willed and loved with her entire being, came across the lands of the SMP and what greeted her was the welcoming arms of the fire demon himself. A weary traveler who opened his arms and home to her. From there she met his fiancès, and it was history from there.’
Karl flushed, sputtering the word wife replaying in his mind. A wide smile came across his features and he hugged the book close, he just hoped everything in the book was accurate. Maybe this is what he was meant to find on this trip, he closed his eyes and hoped when he opened them he’d be back in his library. But he wasn’t, so his time in the city wasn’t over,
“I’m sorry but this room was locked for a reason.” Ranbob hummed from the doorway, his smile was tense and you were behind him. Shaking and cowering like a leaf, was that blood dripping from your nose? His knuckles turned white against his book, “Come on we need to continue the last bit of the tour, I’ll keep her for now.”
Isaac could only nod passing you, the look that was given to him by you was one of pity, one of longing.
“Your friends are waiting.”
The end of the tour ended in fire and bloodshed, Isaac or Karl, watched as Ranbob ran a sword through your perfect dress, after you it was Charles who wound up dead, and when he woke up. He was alone in his library, shaking and clutching his chest. He picked up his book and wrote his first diary entry, he couldn’t forget you or who he was.
“Karl!” Sapnap called him the next morning over his walkie-talkie, “You gotta get over here man. There’s a darlin’ here who’s just sweet as pie you have to meet ‘er.” Soft recognizable giggles, as Sapnap used the southern drawl he was known for when flirting. (Y/n). She was here, finally, finally.
The book was right.
“Karl? Baby?”
“I-I’m here! I’m coming!”
He scooped up his belongings and practically ran to Sapnap’s location, he was right. She was even more gorgeous in this timeline, with soft eyes, flushed cheeks, and a smile that could stop time in an instant. Karl’s heart was filled with relief, “Babe! This (Y/n), ain’t she just a darlin’ peach?”
“Stop Mr. Sapnap.” You flushed, “Hello, it’s nice to meet you.” You held out your hand and Karl introduced yourself once more. Sapnap cuddled up to Karl from behind,
“Mr. Sapnap? How hot is that,” He whispered in Karls’s ear, his turn to flush.
“Karl Jacobs.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Jacobs, your fiancè has told me so much about you.”
Karl’s mind flashed back to a little town located in the middle of nowhere. He shook his head,
“Just Karl and Sapnap are fine.”
“He said you were in a polycule?”
“That I did,” Sapnap nodded much like a puppy would, “told her all about it. Said she had to meet all of you, had to get to know us all.”
“I got so nervous when he started flirting after he told me he was engaged! To two people no less I thought you were going to kill me.”
“NO! no! We’d never hurt someone as beautiful as you- I mean good looking- I mean oh honk me.” His face burned as Sapnap laughed loudly, peppering his cheek in kisses,
“Told ya he’d be fine with it darlin’.”
“Yeah but-”
“Ayeeee who’s the hot mama?”
“Big Q!” Karl chirped, shoulders relaxing as he was pulled out of Sapnap’s arms and into the loving ones of Quackity.
“Hello, mi amor!” He kissed Karl sweetly and eagerly, “Baby,~” He cooed at Sapnap blowing him a kiss. Sapnap caught it and placed it on his lips the trio almost forgot the presence of the young woman in front of them.
“Oh! This is (Y/n),” Karl introduced and you gave a polite bow,
“Oh, we’re gonna need to loosen you up cutie. One night with all of us will do the trick.” Quackity winked and you let out a flustered sound, Karl gave him a look
“I don’t- I uh- um. Thank you but I’ll have to decline for now!”
All three men looked at one another and that back at your pink cheeks and flustered expression. The three men all knew what the others were thinking without saying anything, they had a thing for corruption always have, and you were oh so innocent. Karl felt guilt at the thought of tainting you, but it was so alluring, thrilling even and it made his pants uncomfortably tight. It was having the same effect on Quackity and Sapnap, the southern fire demon was practically drooling, three feral boys and their soon to be not so innocent fourth fiancè. Mentally they all agreed on it, after all, woo you over and join in on their warmth, love, and happiness because that’s what you deserved.
“Do you have a place to stay?” Karl asked with a soft smile, “We have room for more in our town! It’s called El Rapids.”
“The town of love.” Quackity purred moving to put an arm around your shoulders, surprisingly you laughed. Quackity was good at making people feel comfortable in his presence even with all the flirting.
“Well, then I’d love to move there if you’d let me. I don’t have a place to stay yet!”
“Yes.” The three of them chirped simultaneously, “of course you’re welcome!”
“May I?” Sapnap held out his hand to tag your bag, you smiled and handed it off to him. “Can’t let a little lady carry her bags now can I?”
“Such a gentleman, thank you,” The fire demon preened at the praise and Karl snorted, his praise kink was going full force. Sapnap tilted his head hoping, no praying, that he’d get more praise out of you. “Are you always this kind?”
“Oh yeah all the time,” More nodding from Sapnap, if he had a tail it’d be wagging uncontrollably. “I’m one of the sweetest guys around here you know?”
“Bullshit.” Quackity coughed walking beside you on the otherside, “you’re a spitfire.”
“Am not!” He argued glaring at his fiancè, “they always fucking bully me darlin’ it’s so unfair.”
“Aw poor puppy.” You chirped casually, fluttering your eyelashes at the man.
The trio froze again and Sapnap’s entire face lit up red his hair caught on fire he was so flustered. You shrieked spouting apologizes jumping away from him, which made his hair burn even brighter. Horns poked from his head and his tail wrapped around your waist pulling you in, “No it’s fine! It’s fine please it happens when I’m flustered! Fire hybrid, hope that doesn’t freak you out! All of us are hybrids so-”
“Not at all!” Your face lit up and his tail noticeably tightened, “I um my dad’s a hybrid. I got all the human parts, from both my parents.” You motioned to yourself shyly, “So it’s not a problem.” Karl noticed the atmosphere relax even further, “So please be yourself around me!”
“Thank Fuck.” Quackity laughed unfurling his little, yellow duck wings stretching them wide. He loved the way your eyes lit up in awe at the sight of his wings, “You can touch ‘em if you want!” He preened with a proud smile, Sapnap growled a little now that the attention wasn’t on him.
“Can I?”
“Absolutely,” He turned around spreading his wings wide and proud. Karl watched your delicate fingers thread through Quackity’s wings, and the hybrid breathing hitched. Karl snickered softly as Quackity melted into your touch, when Quackity began to pant face going red is when Karl put a stop to it.
“I’m a bunny.” Karl chirped floppy purple ears, hanging over his shoulders, “Tail and all.”
“No way!” You gasped, “So cool!” You turned and placed your hands on his ears, rubbing them tenderly. Karl swallowed and he realized why his fiancè’s were reacting the way they were to their touch, her fingers were electrifying. His foot was thumping eagerly on the ground he could feel his fuzzy tail wiggling insanely, “what a cutie patootie!”
He felt Sapnap reach around to grab his tail and he yelped glaring over at him, he looked off to the side innocently.
Although they loved one another till the end of the earth, they still experienced jealousy now and again. Especially for a new person entering the relationship, and with one as enchanting as you friendly competition never hurt anybody.
From then on the weeks turned into months and Karl had officially asked you to be with them, he made sure everyone made it special in their ways so you knew they all were a part of it. The jealousy never fully went away, but that was to be expected, they were jealous of one another for years after they started dating one another. They all wanted their own individual time with you, so you devised a schedule. Fridays and the weekends were days for everyone, Karl got Monday, Sapnap got Wednesdays and Quackity got Thursdays. At first, there was worry that a schedule would kill the spark but it didn’t, in fact, it drew everyone closer to you as a person. So much so that they proposed to you only four months of knowing you, they were never the type to wait for things they wanted.
Karl got to ask you first. He proposed with a silver ring with an amethyst gem, and when you saw it tears sprouted in your eyes. He kissed you first when you said yes, hands wrapping tight around your waist, squeezing your sides teasingly. You giggled, oh that sweet sound, and you kissed his freckled nose, his fluffy tail was wiggling rapidly behind him. Eyes alight you squeezed it in a way Sapnap did when you all first met, he flushed to the tips of his ears a weak pant coming out of his mouth.
“Aw Bunny…” You cooed with an innocent head tilt,
“Careful sweetie, those words are gonna get you in trouble.” Karl let out a needy whine as he felt your fingers run through the sensitive fur there,
“Oh is it?” You purred kissing and nipping down his neck, tongue lapping softly at his sensitive skin.
“F-f-hmm.” His tongue shamefully rolled out the side of his mouth, slipping Jacobs your slipping. You promised the others...“Sweetie this feels beyond good…” He keened leaning into your touches, as you bit down harshly on his neck. “Gotta wait for Sap and Big Q!~” He fell into you completely, hearing loud footsteps coming up behind the two of you. Karl flinched feeling Quackity push up behind him, and Sapnap wrapped his hands around your waist.
“You'd show your bad side without us darlin’ not cool. We were waiting outside all nice n’ pretty for you, so we could propose.” Sapnap tutted always being the man in control pressed up against you close. A tender whine slipped from your mouth as Quackity pulled Karl away,
“He’s right mi alma,” Quackity pulled out a ring, Karl shuddering in his hold, already slipping into a submissive state. “We had an entire speech planned out, but here you were without us. Have a good time all on your own? Without the other two of us? Bet you were real happy huh Bunny?” Quackity’s hand traveled down the front of his chest, and Karl mewled helplessly. Eyes training back over to you, he saw you were in the same compromising position that he was in. Eyes blew wide, as Sapnap whispered in your ear, oh how Karl wished he could hear what he was saying. “Sapnap!” Quackity chirped, he tossed his ring to the demon who caught it with ease. “Slip it on her I have a needy bunny who needs some attention.”
“My pleasure.” Sapnap purred, “May I Peaches?”
“P-please.” You whimpered, his tail poking and prodding at your lower half, “Yes I wanna marry you all so bad.” The cold metal slipped on your hands and Sapnap held them up to your face so you could look. Quackity’s ring was a dark black almost like it was made of pure obsidian, in the middle was a beautiful golden gemstone, which contrasted Sapnap’s nicely. His looked like it was forged in fire, brilliant reds and yellows flickered through the dainty ring. The gem he chose was a simple and elegant diamond and you couldn’t love it more. Karl watched pupils blown wide as Sapnap adjusted his grip on you so you were fully leaning against his body,
“What do you say we all celebrate huh?” Sapnap purred nuzzling his head against the soft skin of your cheek, his hair wasn’t fully aflame, but it sure was warm and it was a nice contrast to your forever chilled skin. Karl felt himself whine loud and yearning, his head bobbing eagerly, Quackity laughed peppering his cheeks with kisses wrapping his yellow wings around his body protectively.
“Well, Karl definitely is down.” Quackity snorted, “but when isn’t he hm?” Karl flushed and huffed,
“Not funny-!” Karl squeaked as Quackity pulled on one of his long floppy ears, when had they appeared?
“Be a good boy today yeah, it’s not about you, you today mi amor.” Quackity cooed at Karl who huffed,
“I know.” Quackity dainty shoved Karl into your arms and right into your chest, he smiled lazily up at you. Eyes half-lidded lashes fluttering “Hi angel,” he purred burying his head in between your chest.
“H-hey.” You smiled back, but your eyes rolled as Sapnap bit down harshly in between your shoulder blade and your neck. The sweetest moan fell from your lips wrapping around the trio’s mind like sticky, honey. Karl couldn’t help but capture your lips within his own, cupping your cheeks tenderly. He contrasted with the fire from Sapnap with his own kiss that was sweet and gentle. He hoped to make your head absolutely fuzzy, and Quackity cooed sweet nothings in his ear. Your one hand curled in Quackity’s wings and it was his turn to let out a breathtaking moan, body shuddering against Karl’s.
Karl woke up on the grounds of a mansion, dirt, and grass beneath his overly sensitive skin. He hissed through his teeth. They had such a wonderful night with his fiancès and he flushed just thinking about your supple skin beneath his fingers. Listening to your breathless moans as they took turns making you come apart on them allowing yourself to become vulnerable for them. Falling asleep in between you, Sapnap, and Quackity feeling safe and protected. He tugged on the collar of his suit, trying to stop the burning heat in between his legs, “Honk me. What a time to time travel.” All he wanted was to wake up in your arms, it pissed him off that he wouldn’t be able to experience that feeling. He stood up dusting off his pants, he was in a rather formal suit and had a mask on his face. Karl sighed toughing lightly at his neck he hoped his hickeys weren’t visible and his collar covered most of the marks made by his lovers.
Karl walked up to the doors of the mansion and knocked on the large doors before him. They opened with a creak and he was met with a meek-looking butler who answered the door. Behind him was some who looked very similar to Technoblade, with long pink hair that trailed down his shoulders. The mask was elegant on his face, as he gave his head a small tilt to his side before speaking,
“Guest’s aren’t supposed to come for another hour? I’m sir Billiam and you are?”
“Karl Jacobs! Nice to meet you,” A smile spread across his face feeling the buzzing in his skin from time traveling.
“Are you rich?”
“Uh-I’m a twitch streamer!”
“Oh! Then welcome! You’re rich, rich! Do you want a tour of my glorious estate?”
“I’d love one!” Karl exclaimed as Sir Billiam began to lead him around his mansion, it was quite extravagant and Karl couldn’t help but be impressed. Billiam was about to offer him some wine in the ballroom when they were alerted that the other guests were arriving for the party. His face lit up in excitement as he followed Billiam and the Butler back to the entrance hall. The first to arrive was a frail man named Oliver, there wasn’t much to say about him especially because Lord Billiam seemed to have some distaste for the man. After he arrived a man who introduced himself as Lord Sebastian entered, Sir Billiam treated him like an old friend. After that arrived the most stunning man Karl had ever seen, he knew why too, James bared a striking resemblance to Sapnap. He seemed remorseful and sad, as he requested drinks from the butler. Lord Billiam asked about his wife and Karl’s face fell significantly, settling into one of a pout. James looked over at him and he flushed a soft pink,
“Divorced. She took the kids,” His voice was tight and Karl placed a kind hand on his shoulder.
“I’m so sorry.”
“You’re...hard to talk to.” Billiam’s nose scrunched up as James’s frown only deepened, however, all heads turned to the next two guests to arrive two stunningly gorgeous women. One clad in a beautiful mint green dress the other in lavender. Billiam went to talk to the female known as Lyaria, they seemed close but it was the other woman who captured James and his attention. Karl knew right away it was some version of (Y/n), the kind eyes were hard to miss, and those tits. It seemed James had the same reaction because he couldn’t take his eyes off the woman’s low-cut dress. Neither Lyaria nor Billiam seemed to be interested in her so Karl moved to greet her.
“Hello, I’m Karl, a pleasure to meet you, miss.” He bowed taking her hand and laying a kiss on it.
“Hello, it’s a pleasure to meet you too Sir.” You smiled, tilting your head to the side, “I’m a good friend of Lyaria’s. She likes to have a friend at these things, makes her loosen up, I’m afraid I’m not very wealthy.”
“Oh I don’t care about frivolous things like that,” Karl hummed motioning for James to come over. He blushed looking surprised, he walked over slowly “This is James a friend of mine.”
“Er...hello, it’s a pleasure. You look stunning,” James’s eyes lit up watching you blush bright red.
“Thank you.” You brushed a stray hair behind his ear, Karl smiled at the sight. If he couldn’t be with the both of you in this world he might as well try to set the both of you up. Neither one of his fiancès deserved to be left alone.
“Let me grab us drinks.” Karl winked at James who turned pink himself before scurrying off, he didn’t get far however because he was stopped by the next guest.
Drew. P. Weiner.
He sighed tersely, the man was a nudist and by the look on everyone’s face, he was not invited to this gathering. Karl caught James covering your horrified eyes as Billiam gave Drew an earful but he ended up deciding to stay. From then on the party went on without a hitch, they drank and played some games until Karl grew bored of the mundane partying.
He wouldn’t have to worry about that much longer because thunder cracked and the lights went out.
The first murder had been committed.
Karl was thankful it wasn’t James or (Y/n). In fact, she was clinging tightly to his arm and he looked like he’d give his life to keep her safe. No matter the era or timeline Sapnap was still Sapnap, and he’d protect his loved ones until the end. The victim ended up being Drew and the party erupted into chaos, everyone accusing everyone it was a bloodbath and a verbal assault. It was only when the lights when out again that everyone scattered, the lights came back on and Lyaria, as well as Oliver, was missing.
“Lyaria!” (Y/n) screamed disappearing from James’s side,
“Hold on sugar!” James called dashing after her, the only heard in the next moment was the sound of a devastating wail. Karl was next on the scene, only to see (Y/n) on her knees sobbing violently into James’s shoulder. “It’s alright, shhh...shhh,” He tried to soothe running his hands through her hair.
But there was no mistaking it Lyaria was dead.
The next to go was Sebastian, the alcoholic who didn’t stand a chance.
Then it was (Y/n).
James took her death the hardest, cursing himself for letting her out of his sight. Her blood pooled around her head like a halo, eyes bloodshot and open wide. “I didn’t even know she wasn’t by my side...Fuck. Fuck!” James cussed kneeling down beside the woman he’d grown to care for in such a short amount of time. Karl looked away and swallowed thickly, trying to remember what his (Y/n) looked like.
He found her face hard to grasp and that scared him. He just met her he couldn’t be losing her yet!
The rest of the night was a blur, James was gone then Oliver, then he himself was sacrificed to the egg of all things. He woke up gasping for breath in the middle of his library holding the area that was sliced by Sir. Billiam’s blade. Eyes unfocused as he grabbed his book writing down all he could remember about the murderous masquerade and the two beautiful people who lost their lives that night.
“Karl?” A voice called from behind him, it was soft but he didn’t recognize it fully, all he knew was that no one was supposed to be down here. “Bunny are you alright? Sap told me not to bother you down here but you’ve been gone for days.” He turned to face the woman before him, with kind yet worried eyes, like (Y/n) from the masquerade. Karl hissed pressing his hands against his head, “Karl!” You called aloud coming beside him to hold him up, “What’s wrong?”
“I’m sorry-”
“Shh don’t apologize, SAPNAP!”
“Who are you?”
“What?” God, don’t look at him like that, he hated the way his heart twisted seeing your crestfallen expression and he didn’t know why. “It’s (Y/n) your fiancè see?” The quiver in your voice as you held up your hand, he took it and examined it slowly. “Please…”
“I-I’m sorry.” He winced, “I only have three- no- no don’t cry hey!” Fat tears began to pour out of her eyes like a fountain the woman’s cheeks in front of him, her shoulders shaking. “Come here I’ll get this sorted okay?” He smiled a weary smile pulled her into a hug, he felt her nails dig into his back and her sobbing only got worse. “I promise!”
“Darlin’? Karl?!” Sapnap slid down the ladder, “What’s wrong? Are either of you hurt?”
“I’m fine Panda. She’s confused though,” Karl pulled away refusing to meet your puffy eyes. “She thinks we’re engaged and-”
“We are Karl.” Sapnap said through a shaky voice, “This is (Y/n) our fourth lover. My little darlin’, Quackity’s soul and your angel.”
“But I would’ve remembered-”
“It’s okay, puppy.” You laughed, it was shaky and wet, they both looked at you pityingly, “Maybe it’s for the best. Just for a little so you can get better.” She smiled at Karl, so tenderly and sweet he felt the urge to tell you not to go.
“Darlin’ I’m not so sure that’s a good idea. Wouldn’t you being around help him with his memory?” Sapnap argued, you leaned against his broad chest whispering something in his ear. He frowned, “you know that’s not true. Darlin-” More hushed whispers that made Karl’s nose scrunch up, “Fine. alright, but you better call me every day. So the both of us can talk to you.”
“Okay,” Sapnap helped you to your feet and you smiled at Karl, “Bunny- um Karl...I’m sorry if I scared you. I hope in time you’ll remember me, Sapnap and Quackity are going to help you with that.”
“I’m sorry- I’ll try really I will.”
But if you were that important he wouldn’t just forget you? Would he?
“I know. You’re the hardest working man I’ve ever known.” Your hand twitched moving to spin the rings around your finger. You were right, the one he gave you matched the one’s he gave to Sapnap and…
He blinked.
That’s right…
“I’ll be right back.” Sapnap assured Karl, “don’t go anywhere.” Karl watch you ascend the stairs with his fiancè out of sight and he couldn’t help but wonder if his memory really was getting worse.
“Sugar do you really have to go? What if his memory only gets worse instead of better?”
“You saw him down there Puppy,” Your brow furrowed cupping his cheek, hand gently running over his scruff. “He’s sick, I don’t want to stress him out further by sleeping in our bed, a bed he doesn’t remember I share with him. By being such a constant, it could rewind progress...we just take it a day at a time. Plus.” You stood on your toes to peck his lips, “you’ll be there to make sure he doesn’t fully forget me right?”
“Of course I will. I promise.”
“I know you do baby. I believe in you, plus you’ll have Duckie.”
“Where will you go?”
“Not far I promise. I’ll message you on the walkie-talkie once I’ve settled,”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” You kissed him again, hands moving to curl in his hair, as his tail tightened around your waist. It didn’t want to let you go either it seemed, you gently pulled on his horns and he snarled, hair sparking and popping.
“Fuck darlin’.” He said in the thickest southern accent you’ve ever heard come out of a man’s mouth. “You know thems fightin’ words, am I gonna have to teach you a lesson?”
“Not with Karl as sick as he is, big guy. He needs you.” You giggled as he groaned against your neck,
“Just one? For the road?”
“Make it snappy.”
“It’s in my name sweetheart.” He bit down on the sensitive spot between your neck and shoulder one that made you keen and back arch against him. He worked his tongue and teeth into the spot leaving a tender purple mark in its place. “That’ll stay for a few days. Now shoo lil’ Darlin’ make sure you call me when you’re safe.” The cowboy left you with legs of jello and you huffed softly as he waved goodbye over his shoulder. Your fingers traced the mark on your neck, knowing the mark will last for weeks, warding off any lesser demons who came sniffing around you.
You left El Rapids and your fiancès behind, for now, you decided to take up space in a little wooded area where you knew you’d be safe. Sapnap was relieved when you messaged him saying you found a safe area to settle down. It was small but it was what you considered home, for now, hopefully, it wouldn’t be permanent and Karl would come back to his senses sooner rather than later. Unfortunately for you, life doesn’t work out that way it had been months and your contact with Karl lessened and lessened. It wasn’t because you didn’t try, and it wasn’t because Sapnap was pushing you away, it was because his memory was only getting worse with each passing day.
Sapnap had hinted at it over your fleeting conversations, he told you Karl’s still wearing your ring to him but doesn’t know why. He remembers you, the girl in his library who was his fourth fiancè and he feels bad he can’t grasp you within his mind. Sapnap told you that Karl stated, “You were like a fleeting memory he just couldn’t seem to place.” You went to bed sobbing that night, cold, miserable, and alone.
Waking up in the middle of the night to loud, frantic banging on your porch was not how you wanted to wake up. You stilled, the only people who knew where you lived were your fiancès. Grabbing your robe and slippers you rushed to the door, you undid the deadbolt opening your door just a crack. You saw Quackity, holding the entire right side of his face, it was gushing blood. Ruby droplets spilled over his fingers and he was cursing and muttering to himself in Spanish.
You never opened a door faster in your life.
“Duckie? Oh my god, what happened?” You fretted pulling him inside and sitting him in a chair, once in your arms he seemed to relax. Snapping in and out of consciousness, you slowly peeled his hand away from his face and gasped in horror. His eye was missing, a hollow void was left where his eye should have been, instead it was all socket. You swallowed your vomit and trailed the bloody wounds down to his lower lip, one of his teeth was knocked clean out. “My poor baby…hold on it’ll be okay I promise.” You swore, placing a shaky kiss on his forehead,
“Mi alma...mi alma…” He breathed through pained breaths, reaching out and grabbing your sleeve.
“I’m here love. Always here, I promise.” You kissed his knuckled, “Let me heal you the best I can. Please.”
When you found out who did this to him you’d kill them.
“Don’t leave…” He whined,
“I’ll be back in no less than a moment.” He reluctantly let your hand drop, and you came back, golden apples and healing potions in your hands. You helped him drink and eat, the process was slow but the bleeding eventually stopped completely. What was left behind was a jagged scar that you carefully wrapped in bandages, just to stop any sort of infection. You’d have to get him to a serious healer after he was feeling better. “Let me call Sap and Karl, they need to know-”
“I said no (Y/n).” You flinched and his face fell, his wings unraveling behind him, “I’m sorry, I know you’re scared. I...Karl’s forgetting me, they started a new kingdom without me, called it fucking Kinoko Kingdom. Forgot all about El Rapids, they said fuck me.”
“Slow down what’s, what kingdom? I’ve been talking with Sapnap and he never-”
“Fuck they left you out too then huh? The pricks.” He growled tossing the rings onto the floor, well all except yours of course.
“Q!” You picked them up cupping them in your palms, “we should hear them out at least-”
“No.” He laughed deep and bitter, “No I’m done with that hearing out shit, I have a plan.” He looked up at you with his one fuzzy eye, you swallowed,
“Baby you need rest.” He huffed at you, as you helped him to his feet, “Please rest…”
“Karl won’t even recognize me…” He slurred, eye dropping closed, his lashes fluttering, you laid him down on your bed. You removed his beanie and kissed the top of his head,
“We’ll get through it Quackity...I promise.” You whispered as he finally fell asleep, your gaze drifted over to your walkie-talkie. Maybe Quackity was right, leave the two of them alone until Karl is ready, ready to remember if that time ever came. You looked at the rings that were still in your hand, Quackity’s rings, you’d keep them safe until you all were together again.
That night you lucid dream, you never dreamed let alone had a lucid one.
But that night you did.
It felt so real when you woke up feeling the soft moss beneath your hands. You were in a garden outside a beautiful casino, mushrooms popping up all around you. It was beautiful as you stood up, you had a small swell in your stomach. You swore you could feel the presence of a baby growing inside there, your nose scrunched up at the thought.
Ah, it’d be one of those dreams.
“Angel?” Karl’s voice broke the atmosphere and you turned to face him, he looked older, eyes full of love and admiration. He remembered you and you let out a small breathy laugh, “It’s good to see you.” You felt like there was a hidden meaning behind the words, like you both were on the edge of saying something but neither of you were willing to say it. “Everyone’s inside, are you coming? Sapnap cooked dinner for us, only a little burnt I met him on my way out.”
“Yes. Of course,” You laughed whipping away an escaped tear.
“Why’s mama crying?” Two heads popped out from behind Karl and he tensed a little, two boys no older than twelve. One with jet black hair and little duck wings, but your own shining eyes and smile. The other had two tiny horns poking out of his messy mop of hair, it was a perfect combination between you and the fire demon hybrid. One eye was a sharp brown and the other a soft (e/c), the tail he had was curled around Karl’s leg.
“It’s probably hormones dumbass.” The fire child spoke, a spitfire just like his father you couldn’t help the quiet, ‘language’ that came from your mouth. He huffed at you, “am I, wrong dad?” He looked up at Karl, “Cause of our sister?”
“Most likely.” Karl hummed shooting you a wink that flushed your cheeks scarlet, almost as if he was questioning if he was the cause of the so-called sister the boys were talking about. “Now you boys run along, to your papa. He should be flying over any minute now from the casino.”
Their faces lit up in excited smiles, ready as ever to see their other parental figure. “Race you, Theo.” The fire demon child mused eyes shining mischievously, “if I win I get your dessert tonight!”
“What! Absolutely not, that’s not fair! You’re way faster than me!”
“Sucks to suck.” The fire demon had already taken off leaving a trail of smoke and fire behind him, you laughed at your other son’s flabbergasted expression.
His baby wings puffed up as he spirited after his brother, Karl looked over at you and held out his hand. You took it and he squeezed it, “I don’t know how I ever forgot you…” He whispered throat tight, it was almost like he was remembering you at that exact moment.
“You remembered eventually,” The words felt so natural on your tongue as you kissed his cheek tenderly. “And I love you so, so much. I love our baby so much,” Your eyes took a tender look to them. “I’ll always wait for you as long as it takes, now what’s Sap cooking? It smells delicious.” Your chirped dragging Karl to the dining room, he laughed softly.
Time travel was a tricky business. It worked in mysterious ways, was it possible two people could time travel at once without realizing it. Wake up in bodies much older than their own only to be sent back when they awoke like it was all a dream. One, a young lady, who woke up sobbing into the chest of her wounded fiancè. The other, the man woke up sweating, and alone, moonlight peaking through the cracks of his shades. The only memories swimming through his head were those of his female fiancè and the love he felt for her and how fast he let her slip through his fingers.
Time travel was a tricky business. ~~~ Tag List: @xx-smiley-xx, @dreamslittlebitch @thatguythatsshy @shinyshimaagain @little-odd-dude, @theultimatewifu32 @hee-hee-haw @thegeekisheere, @honeyco0kie, @victory-is-here
@friday-dsv, @judas-draws, @theoneandonlyyeti, @abovenyx
@mack4676 @fiorenc @sandyy-woo @luluwinchester @blxux @fall3n-vo1d
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simpformoonkight · 3 years
Requested : [yes] [no]
Prompt : your otp shares a blanket
Pairing : again cc!karlnapity x tall!reader
Warnings : just one curse word, and fluff, JUST MILD FLUFF :)
A/n : this is a drabble( I think?) so yeeeeeeee
It was your second time now that you had met up with Fiancé Trio and you could not be happier.. When you met them you decided to play a joke on the trio so instead of coming in the front like a normal human being you took photos of them from behind. And first send it off to sapnap then the group chat you all had “what the fuck?.” then you heard a loud gasp and quackity's head turned to the postion the pictures were taken. He saw you and jumped-hugging making you both fall to the ground. “oof” you both said. Karl giggled and thrown him self on both of you then sapnap. You four laughed at the memory. Right now you all stayed at sapnap home this time (dream was with Family so you all were alone). Karl was sitting on your lap, quackity on one side, and sapnap was on the other. All of you were cuddled in a big blanket. None of you was able to sleep so you just talked till Karl slept and while sapnap and quackity were on the edge of sleeping. “i don't know what had I done to dsesrve you all three” you smile tiredly. “alot, mi amor” Alex replied. Both Karl and sapnap mumbling something of approval. You just smiled to yourself before sleeping.
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I have wrote this out of boredom.. 🌚
Have a great day /night 🌃 ♥️
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Hello! Do you think you could do a continuation of your Karlnapity prompt with the horned reader? Perhaps an attempt to cut her horns and she's successful? Or how all of them react to her nearly being beaten to death?
Author's note- The last fic of the year... See you next year my loyal followers, and may you all have a great new year. And let's hope, next year is better than last year, cause I swear to all that is unholy if it isn't.
Warnings- abuse, gore, fear, paranoia, death, violence.
Yandere Karlnapity reacting to Ram Hybrid Darling cutting their horns off and Quackity almost beating them to death (The Last Fic Of 2021)
Quackity almost beating them to death
Quackity woke up in a cold sweat, his breath shakey as tears formed in the corners of his eyes. Quackity hugged himself as he looked who was next to him, Karl was asleep, cuddling Quackity by holding him by his waist while his head was on his stomach, Sapnap was asleep as well, and he was holding onto something with, horns?
Quackity froze when he saw horns peaking from under the covers. All logic in Quackity's mind left his body as rage filled his mind. Without thinking, Quackity punched Y/N, waking them up, but he didn't stop there. Quackity straddled their waist and continued to punch them, even when they cried and begged he didn't stop.
Quackity didn't respond, only punching them harder as his rage grew stronger.
"When I begged you to stop you fucking didn't... This is what you deserve..."
Y/N began to pass out as blood rolled from their nose. Karl and Sapnap began to wake up from all the movement and noise.
"QUACKITY WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" Sapnap asked, pushing Quackity off and pinning him down.
"GET OFF ME! I'M GIVING SCHLATT WHAT HE FUCKING DESERVES!" Quackity said, trying to kick Sapnap off of him.
"What?" Quackity asked, his gaze moving to Y/N.
Once Karl's eyes adjusted to the dark and he found out what was going on, he went to Y/N and made sure they were alright. Karl checked if they were breathing and he froze when he didn't feel any air, but he thought maybe sometimes they don't breathe for a little bit while their asleep, so he checked their pulse. Again, he went pale when he didn't feel one, his entire body shook as he crawls backwards towards Sapnap and Quackity, tears falling from his face as he shakily gripped Sapnap's arm, digging his nails into the skin as he was barely able to breath.
"What's wrong Karl?" Sapnap asked.
"T-Their pulse... It's not there..."
"What!?" Quackity and Sapnap asked.
Sapnap stopped pinning down Quackity and went towards Y/N. He picked them up and ran to bathroom, Quackity and Karl following after. Sapnap sat Y/N on the counter and grabbed a med kit and began healing their wounds. Karl sat on the floor and cried, Quackity trying his best to comfort him even though Karl kept giving him a death stare and kept pushing him away.
Sapnap checked their arm to see if there were any hearts left and his tears began to stop when he saw they were at half a heart.
"They're still alive!"
Karl looked up in shock as he wiped his tears away are he rubbed his arm over his bright red nose.
"Their still at half a heart! Get me a potion of regeneration."
Quackity ran out of the room and came back with a splash potion of regeneration. Sapnap took it and threw it at Y/N, and waited anxiously as the potion took effect. Y/N slowly blinked as they began to wake up. Karl began to cry harder as he pushed Quackity and Sapnap out of the way and tackled Y/N into a hug, crying tears of joy as he held onto them for dear life.
Ever since that night you didn't sleep in the same room as them, even if they tried to convince you, the thought of Quackity doing it again plagued your mind. Karl and Sapnap would give Quackity a long talk, and their still pissed about what Quackity did, they love him, but, he's putting all of their obsession in danger.
Darling cutting their horns off
Ever since that day, Y/N was acting odd. Whenever Sapnap would make food they wouldn't eat it, and Karl would find them on the couch, still awake as they touched their horns, feeling every bump and line on it. None of them knew why they were doing this until they left because of Las Nevadas business.
"We'll be back around 10, be good while we're gone, ok?" Quackity asked as he fixed his suspenders.
Y/N nodded before retreating back into the cacoon they made from blankets. Once Y/N heard the door close they got out, looking around to make sure for a fact no one was here. Sighing, Y/N grabbed Quackity's axe and walked to the bathroom, entering it before locking the door.
Y/N looked at the mirror and looked at their horns, the same horns that they used to love now caused them so much unnecessary pain and suffering.
As they slowly raised the axe, they took a deep breath before going down, their horn cutting clean off. They screamed as they fell to their knees, holding the now bleeding hole in their head. They laid there for what felt like hours, holding their bleeding head in pain. Soon Karl, Sapnap and Quackity came back and Quackity realized his axe was gone.
"Relax Big Q. You probably missed placed it," Sapnap said, yawning in tiredness.
When Karl went upstairs to take a shower what he saw made him scream. Y/N on the floor, in a pool of their own blood. One of their horns on the floor and Quackity's axe stained with blood next to their arm.
Silence... And more silence after that. A few hours later you woke up in your bed, your head covered in bandages and your clothes changed.
Karl hugged you while you lied down, his face having tear streaks on there. Sapnap sleeping on a chair with Quackity sleeping on his lap with both bags and tear streaks on their face.
You hope you at least get a apology this time...
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ghostie-my-beloved · 3 years
c!karlnapity headcanons
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Synopsis: you’re part of the polyamory relationship between Sapnap, Quackity and Karl. Let’s see how life is like with these three chaotic boys
Pairing: c!Karlnapity x GN!reader (they/them)
A/N: YAY MY FAVORITE SHIP IN THE DSMP WOOOO!! I’m sorry but these guys are lacking content so I’m here to serve you karlnapity fans <3 stans come get your juice (art credits go to @/kaiishou_ on Twitter)
TW: swearing, slight NSFW joke, mentions of fist fights, mentions of divorces, possessiveness, explosions, gore, yelling, panic attacks and crying (it’s all fluffy in the end though dw)
You’re a lucky son of a bitch and you know it
The festive bundle of a time-traveler, a demon and a duck is something to enjoy
These three boys are all so affectionate and handsy, but they all show their affection towards you in different ways
Karl is more physical, always snuggling his face into your neck or hugging you from behind. He also pecks your cheek a lot too
Sapnap prefers to show affection through words and nicknames, always complimenting you and saying how much he loves you
Quackity does it via teasing you. Whether it’s jokingly insulting you or poking fun at you, but he always gives you kisses on the foreheads too
I also like to believe that Quackity is the romantic one— his entire demeanor screams cheesy and fruity
He likes to give you roses or any type of flower while Karl and Sapnap just watch in the background, laughing at his antics
A lot of chaos adventures around the server, whether it’s in a new country or in the forest, it’s always chaos
Those are basically considered your dates lol, a lot happens during those trips
It could simply just be Karl needing to gather resources, and it turns into all four of you getting lost in a cave and having to camp out for a few nights
You set up the sleeping bags inside there warm and cozy cave as Sapnap lights a campfire using the tiny flames emitting from his fingers, the four of you sitting in comfortable silence.
“…. Remind me to never anger a mob of spiders ever again.” Quackity spoke up awkwardly, making the other two laugh while you punched his shoulder playfully, making the duck whine at the pain.
I feel like Karl is the type of person to just randomly give you little trinkets as gifts
Like he’d come back from a trip with bracelets, rings etc. and he’d just hand them to you with the most adorable smile
You find the gesture sweet so you just happily accept the gifts from him
Quackity’s wings are also a plus in the relationship too
You like to snuggle into them when you’re cold, and you find it adorable when the duck boy’s wings fluff up in shock
It’s endearing though, so he just leaves you be
Offer to preen his wings! He loves the feeling of your fingers working through his feathers, it makes him feel at ease
Don’t be surprised when a moan slips from his mouth though
Sapnap also gets jealous easily
Not even joking, like— VERY easily
Someone could be waving at you and that person would disintegrate from Sapnap’s death glare
Most likely got into a petty fight with someone before too
“Sapnap, why did you sock the guy in the face?” You asked him while tending his wounds that he got from a fist fight with a random guy
When all of you collectively are going on dates, they usually vary
You all have a little thing where one person from the poly relationship chooses what they want to do for the day
Karl likes to have his dates out in nature, whether they’re picnics, walks in the woods or just stargazing!
Quackity prefers fancy dates, like in restaurants, or just stay at home dates, he likes having the quiet and calm atmosphere around him (surprising for a guy like himself too)
Sapnap likes the fun and energetic types, like in theme parks, fairs or somewhere with a lot of fun and partying happening!
Don’t be surprised if he someday drags you into a bar and he gets a nasty hangover that all of you have to treat, whilst explaining what happened
“Soooooo— what happened?” The Blaze hybrid asked, whilst taking medicine to help with his hangover. “You started flirting with Y/N, and called us whorebags.” Quackity stated, making both you and Karl giggle in the background while Sapnap tries to process what the hell he just heard.
Okay now getting on the more serious topics, the whole Las Nevadas/Divorce arc was something that mentally damaged you all greatly
Due to the fact that that Karl lost too much memory when time-traveling, he forgot most of his memories with Quackity, and ended up building Kinoko Kingdom without him
Sapnap didn’t think much of it and thought he was informed, however you were a bit concerned when time passed on
When you tried to talk to Quackity about what happened, it was too late, as he was aware of everything that has already happened
Upon seeing you again, you saw that he was talking to Foolish about something… and that his attire was different too
Quackity just grabbed you by the wrist and offered you to stay with him within the new country he was building, called Las Nevadas
At first you hesitated, but this was your fiancé! You couldn’t just leave him… right?
Turns out things went downhill sooner than expected
Sapnap and Karl soon noticed your absence a few days after, and during that timespan Las Nevadas was already starting to flourish
So the two boys came by to visit and see if they could find you there
They did but… they also found Quackity in the process
“What. The hell are you two doing here?” Quackity spoke to his “fiancé’s”, his tone filled with nothing but hatred as you hid behind him, seeking for some form of comfort within his wings. Karl still not remembering anything was left dumbfounded, but Sapnap was panicking and trying to explain everything.
“N-No wait sweetie you don’t understand—“ “NO! YOU DO NOT GET TO CALL ME THAT!! Not after what you two did to me! Leaving me to rot while you both built a kingdom WITHOUT ME!!!” You squeaked as you bolted away slightly from Quackity, startled by the yelling. Sapnap noticed this and reached out to get you, but his hand was slapped away.
“No you’re- you’re not taking them away from me.” Quackity sneered, his expression not showing any form of mercy. “I won’t let you take them away from me.” Sapnap started to get a bit agitated by this, and fired back immediately. “ARE YOU FORGETTING THAT THEY’RE OUR FIANCÉ TOO!? YOU’RE JUST SHELTERING THEM AWAY FROM US!!” The Blaze hybrid yelled back, making the duck hybrid yell even louder. “AND FOR A GOOD FUCKING REASON TOO!!!”
Karl. Who was previously confused and baffled, was now having a form of his memories flood back. He started to feel anxious, and that anxiety turned into fear and dread. He left him. He left Quackity when he never even meant for it. But it was already too late, as the brunette reached out to speak, something cold and hard hit his forehead. He looked down to see a ring sitting between his feet.
Quackity threw his engagement ring at him. And everyone in the situation knew exactly what this meant. The engagement was called off. Quackity scoffed and slammed the door in their faces before they could even speak another word to him or you.
After the fight, you started crying and having a panic attack. The love between all of your lovers was now shattered, and you couldn’t do jack shit about it
It made you feel weak
Quackity, despite still being filled with rage and anger from the fight earlier, gave you a look of sympathy and walked over towards you
He pulled you into a comforting hug with his wings, the same one he’d always do when you’re sad
He consoled you and calmed you down, letting you know that he still loves you, and how much you meant to him
You were so touched by this, that you let out all of your emotions into his loving arms, slowly learning to accept this new life you’re gonna have to get used to
The duck hybrid was still pretty possessive of you, it took quite a bit of convincing to let him have you go outside of his country
He’s not a creep or anything! He just wants to keep you safe
You got used to the life of a casino town pretty quickly. You were really good friends with Fundy, Purpled and Foolish. You’d occasionally see a now revived Wilbur and Tommy talking to your lover about some matters you never bothered to listen in on them
But you still couldn’t help but miss the warmth of Karl and Sapnap
The way they looked at you one last time, the look was filled with nothing but heartbreak, it destroyed you
They knew it wasn’t your fault, but it still made you feel sick to the stomach
So one day, you went out on a walk to clear your head. Trying to figure out what to do
You had accidentally wandered too far off; away from safety, as you were drowning in your own thoughts, trying to calm yourself
But unfortunately, you got attacked by a hoard of mobs
Skeletons were shooting from left and right, spiders jumping from the air, and zombies appearing out of nowhere
You didn’t bring any form of weapons with you, so you were just— running for dear life, praying you wouldn’t die as you bleed out
You managed to get away from most of them, but a creeper exploded you off a cliff and you took a lot of damage from there
Coughing up blood as you took shelter under the hollow shaft of a tree, trying to keep yourself awake. Your phone wasn’t on you. You just had to hope and pray
Fortunately, Quackity happened to hear the ruckus and came over to check out what’s as going on
He saw your body laying weak under there tree and he panicked, gently caressing your body as he looked in his inventory for food or potions, but he found nothing, and he was too far from Las Nevadas
Cursing to himself, he picked you up and took you to the only other place he knew
Karl was trying to take care of his fiancé’, after the whole events with their former lover, they have been trying their best to move on but— simply couldn’t.
Both boys were about to go to bed when they heard vigorous knocking on the door. Sighing in agitation, Sapnap got up from his bed and walked up to the door, only to be horrified by the sight.
You laid in Quackity’s safe arms as he shielded your bloodied and bruised body with his wings, as said duck hybrid tries to stay calm, but can’t help himself and let the tears run down his face. “Please…. Please help them…”
Despite being confused and terrified, Sapnap let him in without hesitation and immediately told Karl about it too
The time traveler gave you a potion and medicine while Sapnap healed your wounds with the medkit he had in the living room, whilst feeding you too
They both let you rest up on your couch, as you were our like a light
When you woke up, you groaned as three bodies engulfed you into a hug
“I— I was so worried about you!! Please don’t scare me like that again!!!” Quackity sobbed into your chest while you just hugged him back, letting a tear or two shed. “It’s okay… I’m fine now.”
Upon waking up you explained everything that has happened and what you’ve been feeling/what you’ve been doing
Turns out, the relationship was all just a form of miscommunication, both sides didn’t hear enough from the other
Everyone made up from there, Sapnap, Quackity and Karl all apologized to each other
Karl also promised to talk more about his time travel thing so you three could understand things that happen in the future more easily
This family might take some healing before it’s complete, but right now, you were happy with this moment, just when the four of you were on big happy family
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amistakehadhappened · 3 years
Sapnap: Fuck you Y/n!
Y/n: Fuck me yourself you coward!
Karl: Both of you fuck each other and me and big Q can watch!
Badboyhalo: LANGUAGE!! *sighing* Why cant we just have one normal dinner?
Skeppy: *only here cuz he banged Sapnaps dad*
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yettobedetermined7 · 3 years
Imagine Sapnap and Karl abandon you and Quackity so you too create Las Nevadas
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“Ready Mi Amor” “Always”
they/them prns but reader wears skirts and stuff  this is for: @kitybur​ 
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A checkered flag was in each of their hands as Yn stood between a green and a navy coloured car, clothed in a black leather skirt and checkered cropped top.  "ready" Yn asked the green car, which revved in response, "ready" Yn asked once again, and the navy car immediately responded with a rev of the engine. Yn whirled around on their heels and raised the flags above their heads before letting their arms fall behind them.
Yn felt as the cars raced by them, sending the flags flying in the wind. Yn walked off the track, their heels clicking on the pavement, and  shot a peek over to an orange car, the driver leaning against it, a somewhat taller boy wearing leather orange shorts with fishnets, an orange cropped hoodie, and an oversized leather jacket with the letter S on the shoulder,'must be the drivers flagboy,' Yn thought.
"Hey, you're new here, right?" Yn didn't have a driver yet, which is why they were dressed in black and white. Whoever won this race was your driver, which is how it worked here. "How'd you guess?" Yn questioned, turning slightly to see a male with short wavy brown hair dressed similarly to the other flag boy, but in green and with a D on the sleeve instead of a S. "you're wearing black and white even I could tell that and im colorblind." Yn couldn't help the giggle that fell between their lips.
"Look, I'd start cheering for my driver, but I don’t believe you'd want to share," the boy continued, Yn could clearly tell he was British. The cars started to returned. "So Green's your driver?" he nodded "Oh, I'm George or Gogy," the man said with a smile. "I'm Yn or Yn," Yn smiled. George laughed, "no nickname yet?" "Not yet Gogs," Yn said, shaking their head and smiling. "Quackity's in the lead," George remarked, glancing at the track, making Yn look to see that the navy car was a bumper ahead. "Quackity?" Yn inquired, glancing at the male who nodded "Alex Quackity and my Driver is Dream."
"Does Quackity have a flagboy or girl?" George shook his head, "always turned them down." Yn dropped their shoulders, "but he won't turn you down." Yn raised an eyebrow and looked at George, who had a slight grin on his lips. "How do you know that?" Yn inquired as both cars accelerated. "He didn't start off well since he was looking at you," George continued. Yn rolled their eyes and mumbled, "yeah."
At the finish line, the navy car circled around and parked just where it started, with the green car close behind it. "DREAM!" George exclaimed as he dragged Yn to the car. As the car door slammed open, George giggled. When Yn turned around to look at the other car, the door was still shut. George and Dream (DNF ;) ), who were flirting against the green car, didn't notice Yn approached the navy car, knocked on the window, and stepped back as the door opened.
A man appeared in combat boots, black jeans, a navy shirt tucked in, and a chain dangling from the belt loops. "I guess I'm your flagger now," Yn remarked, their eyes fixed on his boots. "Well get in then," Quackity said, leaning on his open door. Yn dashed to the opposite door and slipped in.
Quackity rushed in and slammed the door shut before speeding away, just in time as sirens began to vibrate around the track. "So what's your name flagger?" As he drifted around a bend, Quackity asked, making Yn giggle. "Yn," Yn said quickly, loving the speed a little too much. Quackity slowed down beside a building, where the orange and green cars, as well as a red, burgundy and purple one, sat. Quackity parked his car and got out, causing Yn to trail closely behind him. Quackity stopped causing Yn to collide with his back, telling them "head up" Yn nodded and straightened their back.
They entered the building and climbed a set of stairs. Yn was instally hit with laughing and conversation. Yn cast a peek around the room. A pink haired male sat with a blonde boy, a brown haired male wearing a burgundy beanie sat with a girl with firey red hair, and a girl with purple hair sat with a pink haired girl on her lap; the orange driver and his flagboy were flirting in a corner.
Quackity dragged Yn into a room and began tossing navy clothes at them.
Yn sat on the hood of the navy car before yet another race, this time with flaggers allowed to join the driver, and the crowd was large today, with people taking pictures of the flaggers and cars.
"Yn" When Yn heard Quackity's voice, they sat up a little. "Get in, we're up," he said. Yn smirked and slid off the hood, brushed off their navy shorts, and adjusted the leather jacket, a slight smirk found its way onto Yn's blue stained lips.
"Ready mi amor," Quackity said as he revved his engine, "always," Yn responded with a huge grin as they slipped into the seat and stared into the mirror as they licked a raspberry lolliepop.
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livelovelizz · 3 years
there's something tragic about you
c!quackity x reader ; the fiancés
tw: suggestive content (talk of nudity, kissing) ; hurt/comfort
The setting sun disappeared behind towering buildings as you walk steadily towards your destination. Your exposed arms shuddered against the chill of the cool evening breeze. Glancing down at your wristwatch, it’s barely visible in the fading light. 8 o'clock sharp. Taking a moment to marvel at your punctuality, you turn a corner. That's when you heard your name being shouted from somewhere in the distance.
You look around in all directions, finally meeting the luminescent green of the one and only Charlie Slimecicle. A grin splits your face from it’s usual pensiveness. “What’s up, Charlie?”
As soon as he reaches your position, the two of you start to continue walking. “Oh, I am up nothing! Just doing normal human activities,” he replies, pointing to the ground. “Like walking!”
You nod. Charlie is the epitome of quirky and endearing. “Walking is perfectly normal,” you agree. The sun has now disappeared, leaving nothing to chase away the cold that seeps into your bones. Shivering, you cross you arms to conserve body heat. You glance up to the nearest street sign and almost sigh in relief. Between the aching in your feet from uncomfortable shoes to the increasing chill and darkness, you cannot wait to be home. Next to you, Charlie is babbling about something or another, but you couldn’t really listen, letting the noise wash over you instead to offer a backtrack to the emptiness of your mind.
You hum and offer small input when needed, but mostly you let your mind drift as your body runs on auto-pilot. You barely noticed Charlie even stopped until you almost ran into his back. Flinching back in surprise, you look up to see what stopped him.
“Quackity from Las Nevadas!” Charlie shouts, “How are you?”
Sure enough, Quackity stands just ahead of you speaking to someone in a suit you don’t recognize. At the shout of his name, he turns at catches sight of the two of you. Walking closer, you catch a glimpse of a smile before it’s smothered into a neutral expression. He nods his head at the business man, muttering something quietly to them. The man doesn’t seem too pleased, but he nods his head back anyway and walks away.
As soon as the man disappears from sight, a smile graces Quackity’s features. As soon as you’re in reaching distanced, you’re pulled into his chest. “How are you, mi amor?” he questions, pulling back to observe your figure. You roll your eyes and shove him lightly.
“I’m good—” you pause. Quackity raises his eyebrows. You lick your lips. “Maybe a bit hungry. My feet hurt and I’m cold,”
Quackity’s smile only grows and he makes to remove his jacket. “Well we can’t have that, can we?” He drapes his suit jacket across your shoulders, a sigh escaping you as the layer warms you up a bit.
“I can also feel cold!” Charlie interjects, smile large and with teeth. “I’m just human like that!”
Quackity tuts. “We should get you inside then. I don’t need two frozen people under my watch!”
He slips an arm around you waist and then the three of you are off. You press closer into his side. “Oh, so one icicle is fine?”
He looks down at you with furrowed eyebrows. “Yes.”
“How’re we gonna break the news to Slime?” you stage whisper, a conspirator smile on your face.
“Oh no, please do not make me freeze—” Charlie worries. Quackity also has a large grin on his face.
He tightens his grip and pulls you in closer. “Who said I’d save you?”
He laughs, high-pitched and careless while you can also stare in astonishment. After a few seconds gaping in disbelief, you scoff and nudge your shoulder into his side. He only nudges back harder. Narrowing your eyes at the challenge, you shove back harder. You assumed Quackity wanted to retaliate, but the front doors of the casino popped into view and while Quackity is an absolute menace, he also has a reputation to upkeep. You can feel in take in a deep breath before squaring his shoulders. You walk through the lobby, occasionally acknowledging people you nod at you first.
You guys and Charlie parts ways, him off to do whatever it is he does. The elevator opens up to your suite and you shuffle inside. Taking off your shoes make you audibly groan, stretching out the sore muscles. Quackity’s jacket slips off your shoulders, you hastily running to the bedroom to hang it up. Quackity had the same idea, albeit less rushed. He walks into the bedroom a minute after you first appeared. The large closet was opened as you mess around with the innards to find what you were looking for.
“I’m going to take a bath,” you say, hearing Quackity hum in acknowledgment. “Wanna join?”
You turn around, robe and pajamas in tow. Quackity gasps, hand over his heart as wide eyes stare at you in surprise. “Mi amor! Are you trying to see me… naked?” he dramatically states. “I’ll have you know, I’m saving myself for marriage and don’t—”
“So that’s a yes?” you cut him off, hip popping to one side. Quackity’s paused mid-sentence, mouth opened wide. He opens and closes it for a few seconds before he sighs, moving to the drawers where he keeps his pajamas.
“Of course, mi amor. I’ll meet you in there,” he says. You give him a quick peck on the way out, turning on the bathroom’s lights and set your things down. You pad over to the tub and let the water run for a few moments to get it hot before you plug it up. Making a split-second decision, some soaking salt was splashed in as well as some essential oils. A little recovery night never hurts someone. You just got done searching around for a candle when the man of the hour walks in. You light it and observe your work. Deeming it alright, you turn to find your lover staring. He wiggles his eyebrows and walks closer.
“Am I allowed to disrobe thee?” he asks. You roll your eyes and lift your arms up, a silent ‘yes’ providing consent. He takes his time to be gentle, making sure you barely feel his hands or your clothes being taken off. Some might say the act of taking clothes off is sexual, but in this moment, all you feel is tender love filling up your body. As the last pieces hits the floor, Quackity presses gentle kisses to your shoulders while you return the favor. You reach up to his neck, a cold piece of metal meets your hand, and you’re met with the sight of his ex-fiances’ ring.
Quackity lifts his head and stares at you. You don’t blame him for keeping it around, in fact it would bother your more if he just discarded it. You can tell he always worries about your thoughts of it from the way his lips purse to his body being angled more towards you, as if he could distract you from seeing them. Thumbing the ring, you smile at him and kiss his cheek to sooth his worry. Instantly, he relaxes and you almost have to toss the ring onto the counter before you’re dragged towards the tub.
You sigh in bliss as you sink into the hot water, letting your eyes slide shut. Water sloshes around you as Quackity starts to sit behind you. As soon as you feel he’s fully seated, you lean back into his chest, hands automatically wrapping around your midsection. With the gentle smell of relaxing oils, and the hot water massaging tired muscles, you let yourself be enveloped by it.
Not everything is so peachy. It’s late at night, lights turned off yet no one asleep. No one ever falls asleep in Las Nevadas. You’re currently laying in an empty bed and staring at the wall, the spot next to you long past being warm. The penthouse is very luxurious and more than you could ever ask for, but the sheer size of it makes you feel more alone than ever with no one to buffer empty space. You turn to look out the wall length windows. Bright lights assault your eyes, distant shouting can be heard from the streets. You’re starting to get a headache already.
Making a split second decision, you get up, wrapping your robe around you and slipping your feet into slippers. Padding out the bedroom and into the main room, you spot a shadowed figure out on the balcony, smoke billowing away from them.
The door handle makes your fingers go cold from how freezing it is, but you slide open the glass door anyways. You’re greeted with harsh winds that tousle your hair and weave through your robe.
The figure turns around, dark eyes glinting in the night. Quackity opens his mouth and smoke rolls out of it, polluting your eyes and the second-hand smoke burns your nose.
“What’re you doing out here? You should be asleep,” he says, leaning against the balcony railing. You shuffle closer, pressing into his side.
“I could ask you the same thing,” you reply. Down below, people run around shouting at each other, bells occasionally going off. LED lights makes the city a living rainbow. It’s quite beautiful. Returning your eyes to Quackity, you watch with lazy attention as he takes a long drag before letting out an even longer breath. He drops the cigarette to the floor and stamps it out, twisting his foot on it. He smiles at you and opens his arms, to which you immediately burrow in.
Something cold hits your cheek and you pull back, catching sight of glinting metal. You bring your hand to it and gently clasp the ring.
“I…” Quackity starts. You look up with a noncommittal hum, still thumbing the ring. He breaks eye contact, staring out into the city that never sleeps.
“You know I… I’m with you now, right?” he whispers.
You hum. “I know.”
“I only have my eyes on you.” Quackity insists. You smile at him.
“Then why do you still carry this around?”
To emphasize your point, you tug on the chain. Hurt flashes on his face and he looks away. Your eyebrow quirks up and you lift a hand to his cheek and force him to look back at you.
“I’m not mad, okay?” you begin, “I know how much they mean to you,”
He scoffs but covers the hand on his face with his. “Meant. How much they meant to me, you mean,”
“Nah,” you hum, tugging on the chain again for affect. Quackity leans in closer to where your faces hover against one another. “How much they do mean to you. You’re not over them,”
And with that, you seal the deal with your lips pressing gently into him. You try and focus all your emotions into this one kiss, hoping he can understand what needs to happen. Letting go of the chain, you wrap your arm around his neck to bring him in closer. He readily follows, both hands dropping to grasp your hips. Once the need for air becomes too put, you pull away giggling when he chases your lips.
You stare into his bright eyes. One is dark and reflects bright lights back at you, like thousands of little stars. The other one is a glassy white, the moon who watches you. He rests his forehead against yours with a small grin.
“Why’d we stop?” he asks, pushing your body until you’re pressed between the railing and him. His knee prods in between your legs, making you feel like jelly. Quackity makes a move to lean back in, but you stop him with firm pull at his shirt. He follows your lead, but looks at you in confusion. Trailing a finger down his scar, you savor this moment. It could be the last.
“I think you should talk to them,” you whisper. For a second, nothing happens. You see the exact moment he makes the connection, because he jerks back with wide eyes and an open mouth. You purse your lips and hold onto him tighter to stop him from leaving. Both of you know he could easily overtake you, but he doesn’t. The thought makes you warm inside. It doesn’t overpower the guilt, however. “I think you need to talk. You deserve closure. Explanation,”
He closes his eyes before his features twist into a scowl. He pulls away just enough until the only part of you touching is your hands on his shoulders. “Yeah?” he bites out, “Why don’t you just tell me you want to leave too,”
“Are you serious right now?” you’re astonished. “I’m just saying, it’ll help you figure out your emotions!”
He rips your hands off. You feel hurt crawl up your throat, making the temporary anger dissipate. Quackity’s lips are pulled into an almost-snarl. You shake your head and cautiously take a half-step forward. He doesn’t move, only clenches his jaw and crosses his arms, which you take as a win.
“Don’t you want to know?” you speak softly, “Aren’t you curious?”
You close the distance again, slowly wrap a hand around his elbow. “I think they owe you at least that, don’t you think?”
You watch his eyes, as they search your face for something. Quackity sighs and drops his arms, shoulders hunched in on yourself. You thought he’d put up more of a fight, but it doesn’t mean you aren’t thankful. He mumbles something and you frown in question. “What was that?”
He embraces you, taking you by surprise but without hesitation to cling back.
“I don’t want to get hurt again,” he whispers. You can hear the quiver in his voice. You press a kiss into his hair.
“I won’t let you,” you declare.
This was always going to happen. Maybe you didn’t realize in the beginning, but as time went on, it was really inevitable. You were doomed to fail.
He could have been madly in love with you, but he was already wholly and tragically in love with his fiances’. Love arrives exactly when it’s supposed to. Sometimes it stays, sometimes it can’t. And as you pack your things, you look out into the penthouse and realize: this was a temporary visit.
Footsteps draw you out of your wallowing. You turn and meet the sight of your once-was lover. You appraise him. He looks the same, black hair stowed away in a beanie, scar raised against freckled skin, and attire fit for a man whose on-top of the world. But you also see something different—the lightness in his shoulders. The small curve of his lips, as if he’s seconds away from breaking out into a smile. He’s a sight for sore eyes.
“Where are you going?” he asks.
“Away,” you answer. You can’t look away. His features fall into despair. It makes you want to apologize and comfort him, running your fingers through his hair and promise you never meant it.
He takes a few steps forward. “W—why?”
“Quackity,” you smile. “I can’t stay here.”
He looks like he wants to resist, like he also wants to come over and make you feel better. All he does is reach a hand out before letting it drop. He nods slowly, like he’s trying to convince himself to be okay with it. He walks closer and wordlessly tugs you into a warm embrace. A burning feeling creeps up your throat with effort as you try not to cry. Your head is laid against his chest, ear to his steadily beating heart. You needed to ask him something. You needed to know.
“At least part of it was real right?” you choke out, eyes rapidly clouding with tears.
“Oh, mi amor,” he sounds heartbroken, “All of it was real.”
A sob breaks through and a hand flies to your mouth to stop. Quackity only tightens his grip and cradles your head. More footsteps interrupt you. You push him away, frantically wiping at your eyes. Taking a deep breath, you give a shaky smile to the three of them. Sapnap and Karl look worried, shyly walking up to Quackity’s side. Their eyes dart from you to Quackity, trying to decipher if they need to step in. Your entire being longs to be there instead.
You clear your throat to draw their attention. Bending down to reach your bags, an awkward pause fills the room. “I guess this is goodbye,” you call out. Quackity frowns.
“Come visit okay?” Quackity calls out desperately. “Don’t be a stranger!”
His eyebrows are furrowed and eyes wild with grief. It’s not fair how much you love him. You’ll remember the early mornings, where his breath is stained by coffee and where the world has yet to ruin his mood. You’ll call upon how he always valued your opinion, from what will be for dinner or what the new floor in the casino should be decorated like. You’ll miss the gentle hands the took you apart, the heart that was opened up to you. You’ll miss him for the rest of your life.
Next to Quackity, Sapnap wraps an arm around his waist with a gentle squeeze. Karl hovers behind his other shoulder. This is a necessary evil, you remind yourself. He’ll be taken care of and loved for the rest of eternity.
“Oh, my dear,” you respond. “You won’t see me ever again,”
You walk out with your bags grasped tightly in your hands, lip quivering and tears that flow down your face. You’ll miss him indeed, but you’ll miss who you were with him more.
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sunflowerdaisybee · 3 years
The karlnap meet up and reader also meets up with them. And Karl and snapnap are just simping over all his tattoos and ask him if he has anymore and he says "yes". So, he goes out of cam and lifts his shirt up and pulls his pants down a little to show this tattoo that starts at his hip and ends A little but below it. Karl just says " wow " and saplnap pulls out his phone and snaps a pic. Chat doesn't know what they both saw and are going crazy
This was really cute, enough said, here ya go <3
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Summary: You have a cool tattoo
Pairing: Karlnap X Reader (R! or P!)
Pronouns: he/him
[A/n]: Requests are closed, please check back later <3
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“Your tattoos are so cool! How many do you have?”
“Uh a couple? I don’t really remember, it’s been a hot minute since I last counted.”
“A hot minute indeed.”
“Do you have others?”
“Oh yeah, I have this one.” You stepped out of frame for a moment, leaving only the two boys visible. You lifted up your shirt with one hand and tugged down the waistband of your pants with the other.
“Holy shit!” Karl was wide-eyed and mouth open, staring in awe. Sapnap was no better, he had taken out his phone to snap a photo of it.
“Can I touch it?”
“If you want.” You chuckled at their behavior, this was usually the reaction you got.
Karl stepped out of view slightly, bending down to get a closer look before running a finger over it.
“It’s so cool!”
“Yeah, it’s one of my favorites.”
“I can see why.”
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Taglist: @joyfullymulti @rokkyy @minty-ghast
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