#kasha fluff
boldlyvoid · 3 months
Melantha (Dark Flower)
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Elain x Azriel
Summary: after 3 years of adoptions falling through, what are the chances of a baby needing a home the night they decide to take a new road on the journey to parenthood.
Warnings: discussions of surrogacy, adoption and Elains fears of conceiving a winged baby, slight smut mentions, made up lore about Emerie's family and Flowers that grow on Ramiel, mentions of maternal death, descriptions of blood, mostly fluff
word count: 5080
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Elain was always welcome at the river house. She didn’t need to knock, she could simply just walk in and hope for the best. With how many people visited and how many important conversations just sprung up out of seemingly nowhere, Feyre and Rhysand were a lot less prone to be in a compromising position when Elain walked in. Even less likely when the sun is up, and thus, their son is too. 
She finds Feyre in the study with Nyx and a tutor, he’s sitting at his little table, going through his alphabet. He’s 6 now, he’s grown so much, he’s so adorable and smart. He has Feyre’s attitude, that 'don’t fuck with me' energy that comes along with the courage to always try something new, alongside Rhysand’s charm and undying need to do things for others.  
“Elain!” Feyre rushes to the door, “how are you?” 
“I’m good,” she smiles with a slight blush, “how are you? How’s my lovely nephew.” 
He smiles over at her and gives her a little wave before returning to his work. He was dedicated. As the heir, he had a lot to learn between school and training and he loved every second of it. He took it so seriously, loving his court as much as the rest of their family. 
“He’s doing great… Kasha, I’m going to step out to talk with my sister, are you okay alone?” 
The woman nods, “Of course, my lady.” 
They share a smile and then Feyre directs her out into the hall. “You look nervous?” 
Elain just nods, taking a deep breath. “I need to ask you a very serious question… it’s not going to be easy for me to say aloud.” 
“Oh?” Feyre’s face drops. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?” 
“I want to get pregnant,” she whispers. “But I don’t have the anatomy you and Nesta were blessed with…” 
Feyre’s face softens, and her shoulders drop. “Come with me, this conversation demands a strong tea.” 
They settle in the family room, completely alone. Even Nuala and Cerridwen are busy today. The house is so quiet, it’s so unusual. 
“You’re still cauldron-made,” Feyre reminds her. “So there is a chance you can survive having an Illyrian baby… however, Az is fully Illyrian, unlike Rhys. There is a very high chance that your babe will have wings… which scares me for you.” 
She nods, “I know, that’s why I wanted to ask a favour, which might be a little awkward for you.” 
“Tamlin was able to turn his sentinel into a wolf to send across the wall to be killed by you… You have part of his power, which you used when conceiving Nyx… Would you be able to turn Az into a wingless fae so that we can procreate without any winged genes passing through?” 
Feyre thinks it over for a moment, “I haven’t focused my powers on transforming someone else yet, I haven’t needed to, but we can try. That’s not awkward for me. I know my sisters are having sex, using my powers on your husband while you have sex isn’t going to be that strange.” 
“It’ll just be weird if it takes a while,” Elain says, her lips curling at the edges. “How long were you trying?” 
“From the solstice right after the war until we sent Nesta to the house of wind.” She explains. “I wanted her to get better by the time the babe arrived. She deserved to be better when she became an aunt…”
“And what a wonderful aunt she is,” Elain smiles, thinking about all the times she’s seen them play fighting out in the garden or the times she’s seen Nesta read him to sleep during the nights the sisters babysat so Feyre could have a night out. “I can’t wait to see her with my own children.” 
“They’re going to be so beautiful,” Feyre swoons, reaching out to grip her hand. “I’ll do anything to help you. Even if I have to carry the babe for you.” 
Elain looks at her like she grew a second head, “what? How would you do that?”
“I’ve talked to Madja about this before, she’s continued looking into safe ways to deliver half and quarter Illyrian babes for when this happened. She’s suggested that she could take Azriel’s… seed? Sorry, that’s so weird to say, and she could insert it in me. The babe would still have our family genes, I would stay inside the months I’d be showing so that there’s minimal gossip and then hand the babe to you when the day comes, if you don’t want people knowing… however, the child would be entirely yours, to keep and love forever. I would do that for you.” 
She gets up and pulls Feyre into a big hug. “Thank you,” she whispers, holding her close. Her baby sister has always been willing to do anything to keep her safe. Her heart was too big for her own good. “I think I want to try on my own first, though. I want to know what it’s like to feel them grow and move and kick. I want to go through the pain of having them, I want to experience it all if I can.” 
“I understand,” she smiles. “We can have dinner here in a few days, we can attempt the transformation and you two can go home and try.” 
“I am scheduled to take the contraceptive tea again in 3 days, so it’s wearing off. Can we try in a fortnight?” 
Feyre nods, “Just be careful until then.” 
“Of course,” Elain nods, “as sad as I am that he might not get to teach his own child how to fly, I know he’s going to be a wonderful father to any child that comes into our lives… did you know, we actually have some feelers out in Illyria, keeping an eye out for any babe that might be abandoned or orphaned? Nothing has worked out so far, there’s always someone inside the babes birth family to take them in. But for the last 2 years, we’ve thought about adopting a child in need.” 
“You can still do that,” Feyre assures. “Look at Rhys’s mom, she took in 2 more boys, well before she had her daughter. She would’ve kept taking in children who needed homes if she had the space.” 
Elain nods, “I’ve heard all the stories. She was a wonderful addition to Az’s life. I wish I could thank her every day.” 
Feyre takes in a deep breath, “Me too.” 
Two weeks go by at an achingly slow rate. 
Both because she’s so excited to start trying and because while she’s not on the contraceptive tea and while Az is still in his natural form, they can’t have sex. Real, deep, penetrative sex that they both love so much. 
It’s felt like 2 years, not 2 weeks. 
Sure, they’ve done things. They’ve fooled around and gotten off side by side, teased the other until they came undone and said the most disgustingly sexy things to each other in regards to what is going to happen the moment he can slip back inside of her. She’s been craving him so bad, it hasn’t felt like this since the first time they stumbled into her bed… Oh, she’s missed it so much, the mere passing thought of him fucking her was enough to drench her, leave her panting and needy enough to track him down in their house and rut against his thigh while she kisses the life out of him. 
Back in bed, cuddled into him after a couple rounds of ‘who can make the other come faster’, they lay there naked in the summer heat. She runs her fingers over his chest while staring off into the distance, relaxed, exhausted, but overly excited for tomorrow. She can’t sleep. From the pattern of his breathing, he can’t either. 
“I hope this works,” she whispers. “I just feel awful.” 
“Why?” He asks, cupping her face and drawing her attention up to his eyes. “Do you not want to be—
“I do. Believe me, I’ve always thought about being a mom. It was the one good thing that would come out of being handed off to a man I barely knew… having a baby to raise and love and cherish that was half me yet entirely mine,” she recalled the days when her mom was actively trying to sell her off. “But, I feel bad for you. What I’m taking from you because I can’t birth a baby with wings.” 
“You’re not taking anything from me?” He looks at her with so much more concern now. “I would lose my wings forever if it meant that I could be with you that long.” 
Her heart swells, she smiles softly, “really?” 
“Absolutely,” he nods. 
“You, Rhys and Cass had so much fun teaching Nyx to fly, I hate the thought of you not getting that moment with your own children.” 
“Teaching them to walk, teaching them to speak, how to wield a weapon, protect themselves and others. Bestowing your kindness upon them, teaching them how to fight with words, to stand up for their beliefs… there are an endless number of things I get to teach them. Something I can’t stomach, however, is teaching them anything if you’re not beside me while I do it. I would much rather have you and no kids of my own. We can still wait, we can adopt… or we could take up Feyre’s offer.” 
They talked about it. They’ve talked about every single possibility. Including Az not being the father, he suggested they invite someone into their bed for the purpose of getting her pregnant, but she turned it down faster than he could get all the words out, stating, “I only want to be pregnant with your children. If I can’t, then I will never get pregnant. And I’ll be okay with that.”
“We could…” she agrees, however, she doesn’t want that. He knows that. “What if… okay,” she sits up, getting a bit more serious, covering her boobs with the sheets so he doesn’t get distracted, she takes a deep breath. “What if we take up Feyre’s offer for the first babe, let her perfect transforming you into a regular fae and then our second child can be wingless? I think if we have a wingless babe first and then take up Feyre’s offer, then the first child would be envious, they would feel left out or like we regret them? Like we replaced them with a perfect child… But if it’s the second child, like I was, then you admire your older sibling without being jealous of the person they are. You look up totem, you love them, and even if you envy how they’re able to do different things than you, you go out there and you learn your own skills so you can still be better at something than they are.”
He nods along, “I like that plan… you’d want two children?” 
“Or more,” she shrugs. “I would fill the world with your children if I could.” 
He pulls her in close, kissing her passionately with his arms wrapped around her tightly. She straddles him, sheets falling away, naked chest to naked chest as the kiss turns heated. She can feel how hard he is under her as if what they got up to earlier was just a warm-up. She moans into his mouth as his hands trail down to grip her ass, she knows this could go too far. This could end badly. So she pulls back, breath heaving, “we can’t. I need to go back on the tea first.” 
He sighs, she rests her forehead against his, breathing heavily together as they push the want away. “Tomorrow,” he whispers, “take the tea in the morning, I need you when we get home.” 
She smiles, “Take the next day off, keep me up all night.” 
“Parents should prepare for sleepless nights,” he teases.
She couldn’t wait for it. 
That morning, he’s supposed to train with the Valkyries. He slips out of bed as quietly as possible, he dresses and tries to leave when Elain whispers his name. 
“Come here?” She asks, tired and barely awake. 
He walks over to her side of the bed, brushes her hair back off her face and hums, “Yes, my love?” 
“Slipping out without kissing me goodbye?” She looks up at him, squinting in the early morning light that slips through the curtains. 
He leans down with a smile on his face and presses kisses to her lips, cheeks, eyelids and forehead. Making sure not a single spot feels left out, “I love you. I’ll be back later.” 
“Remember, I’m going to be at the river house all day.” 
He kisses her one last time, “I know, I’ll be there for lunch.”
With that, he heads off. Winnowing out of the city the second he’s outside their bedroom door, headed to Illyria to pick up Emerie for their training session. She’s normally waiting for him outside, gear on and a big smile, but today she isn’t. 
Today the door is ajar, and the lights are all on… she’s nowhere to be seen. “Em?” He calls through the door. The smell of blood hits him the moment he pushes it open another inch. He’s been here before. Panic sets in for just a moment while his shadows go inside first. 
It’s not her blood.
There’s a beating heart upstairs. 
Two, beating hearts. 3 bodies. 
He heads inside, hand on truth teller as he makes his way through the store and towards the back staircase that leads to her apartment. The stairs creek, no matter how quiet he tries to be. He knows Emerie is strong, knows she can handle anything thrown at her… but this is her house. Her safe place. She shouldn’t have to worry about being attacked here.
She’s okay.
“Tell the twins to send Rhys here immediately,” he orders the shadows, watching them scatter away.
“Em?” He calls up the stairs. “Emerie?” 
“Az?” Her voice calls back, her tone terrified and teary. 
He rushes up the stairs, bursting through her bedroom door, the first thing he notices is the body in her bed. The sheet pulled up and over it, blood between the legs, a big belly protruding under the sheets. Emerie is in the corner, sitting in a chair, crying. He looks down at her arms where she’s cradling a tiny, winged babe, lightly wrapped in a small blanket. 
“What happened?” He asks, shaking his head in disbelief. 
“My… my cousin,” he cries, hands shaking, startling the babe. 
Az reaches out, “Here, let me,” he takes the babe into his arms and checks it out. It’s a girl, a beautiful little girl with thick dark hair and big, brown eyes taking in the new world she’s been thrown into. She’s nice and pink, breathing well. With a finger to her pulse point, her heart is beating at a beautiful rhythm. Her umbilical cord was cut and clamped… from what he’s heard from Emerie, she studied how to deliver a baby after witnessing her mom lose so many as a result of being abused. Em wanted to be a midwife for a time before the shop became her life. As if she knew she’d need the knowledge for a moment like this. 
“She— Mel was raped. My uncle kicked her out because she wasn’t pure enough to marry off. She also has—had, clipped wings. She spent the last few months walking here for me to help… she… she had another few weeks, she thought, but she fell a few kilometres before she arrived, then her contractions started and she was bleeding and—and then—” 
He could put the rest together. “Okay. Okay.” 
“I don’t— I can’t,” she shakes her head, sobbing now. “I can’t keep her. I never wanted to be a mother.” 
“That’s okay, that’s fine,” Azriel assures, kneeling before her, still cradling the baby. “Elain and I will take her. we’ll raise her. We’ll love her and cherish her and when the time is right, we will tell her who her birth mother is. We can bury your cousin near Elain’s father so that one day she can go there and visit her, bring her flowers… Cassian said he always wished he knew where his mom was resting so he could visit her. So he could update her on his life.” 
She nods along, calming down slightly, “Thank you. Thank you.” 
“Rhys is coming, I sent the shadows out to get him. He’ll bring you to the House of Wind, I’m sure Nesta and Gwen will take good care of you. I’ll leave the baby with Elain, then I’ll clean this up, I’ll bring the wraiths to help. I’ll make sure you can return here… if you want to?” 
She nods, “This is my home.” 
“Okay,” he smiles at her. “It’ll be okay… did your cousin have a name for her?” 
She shakes her head, “she was so scared. She didn’t know how to do this alone, she had nothing for the baby, nothing planned, all she knew was that she needed to find me. She needed help.” 
He nods along, “Elain and I have been looking into everything in order to have a child without hurting her in the process.” 
“Nesta suspected,” she shares. 
“Feyre suggested that we get the healer to help us, she was going to carry a child fathered by me so that it would still have Elain's features… we also asked her to possibly use her shape-shifting abilities on me so I would be wingless when we conceived, all because we had been looking into adopting an Illyrian babe but there was always someone in the birth family who wanted to keep it. We made a decision, we were going to take up Feyre’s offer tonight… of all nights.” 
“The Mother knows what she’s doing,” Em finds it in herself to smile before looking over at her cousin. “It would’ve been so hard for her to do this alone. I don’t have the room for them to live here and who would take in an Illyrian woman with a bastard child? It’s… I hate to say it, but it’s almost better this way. I was her only family left. She had been through so much.” 
“What was her name?” He asks, looking down at the babe, thinking about how they could honour the loss within her name. 
“Melantha… it means Dark Flower. They used to grow all around Ramiel, they’ve been extinct for hundreds of years now. Turns out that bloodshed in spring isn’t a good environment to grow in.” 
“Melantha,” he whispers. “That’s her name.” 
Emerie manages to smile again, “it’s fitting for a shadow singer and the night courts gardener.” 
Before he can respond, Rhysand’s claw scrapes the barrier of his mind. Az lets him in, as always, to hear his panicked, yet sleepy voice. 
“Are you okay? What’s happening in Illyria?” 
Staring down at the beautiful babe, he explains everything to Rhys in his mind. Emerie, as if she could also read minds, knows he’s busy either talking to Rhys or deep in thought. She doesn’t say anything, she simply stands and starts to pack a bag, knowing she’s leaving here soon. Knowing the babe is safe with her father. 
“Feyre will get Madja and some supplies at meet you at your house,” Rhys replies. “Are you… are you okay?” 
“Absolutely perfect.”
“I’ll get her buried and the place cleaned, you focus on being a father. I’ll see you soon.”
He’s her father. 
She’s his daughter. 
Something snaps inside of him like his heart splits in half, and a portion is given to his daughter. He vows in that moment to love her for the rest of time, to care for her, protect her with his life. His baby girl. 
He clears his throat, trying not to cry in front of her. “Rhys is just waking up, he’ll be here soon. We should go wait downstairs… has she been quiet this whole time?” 
Emerie shakes her head, gathering her bags in her hands, “No, she screamed for the first 20 minutes, she only calmed just before you arrived. Like she knew you were coming.” 
“We need to get her clothed and fed,” Az all but whispers, his voice so quiet as he looks down at her again. “Feyre is going to gather some things from the shops and meet me at our house. Rhys is going to drop you at the river house and he said he’ll bring the Wraiths back with him to clean up… he said I should stay with the babe.” 
“You should, she likes you,” Em smiles at the baby in his arms. “It’ll be nice to get to watch her grow up…” 
“You can be Aunt Emerie if you want? I’m sure with how often I’m with you, Nesta and the other Valkyries, she’ll grow up around you… I’ll want her to train as a Valkyrie, if she so chooses,” he shares. It’s safer than the Illyrian camps are and honestly, from all the women he’s worked with, it seems more rewarding for mind, body and soul. She will be 3 times as powerful as any Illyrian male, raised with poise and compassion and love. 
Back downstairs, he realizes he left the door open, too, so the shop is freezing. He better wraps Melantha and keeps her close to his body for extra warmth. She fusses, and he simply starts to bounce the way he’s seen Rhys and Feyre do with Nyx in the past, shushing her lightly while he’s at it. She is calm, but her eyes flutter and she looks tired. She’s only been alive a short time and she’s going to sleep for the majority of the first year of her life, so he watches her close her eyes and leans forward to kiss her little forehead, wishing her a peaceful slumber. 
Elain is sitting at her vanity, hair wet against her silky robe as she looks at herself in the mirror. She catches him in the reflection, turning in shock, hand to her chest, “Az you scared— what is that?” She notices the baby and her eyes wide and her jaw drops as she stands up. 
“This… is Melantha,” he smiles, meeting her halfway. 
“Our daughter,” he adds, eyes tearing up. 
She covers her mouth in shock as her eyes well with tears, staring down at the beautiful being in her husband's arms. “What?”
“Her mother… her birth mother, she— she was Emerie’s cousin, she passed early this morning,” he explains. 
Elain’s heart breaks for her, hand over her chest again, her shoulders slump as she looks up at him for a moment, conveying the sadness in her eyes. They always knew it would come to this. The most beautiful day of their lives, the day they were handed a babe, would be the end of someone else’s. 
Elain looks back down at the baby then, mesmerized, she whispers, “She’s so tiny?” 
He nods, “She’s possibly a few weeks premature, I didn’t ask many questions but Emerie said her cousin was… she was attacked. The exact due date was unknown to her, Emerie just helped her deliver the babe.” 
Elain shakes her head, “that’s awful.” 
He nods in agreement, “Feyre is bringing supplies, and Madja, she needs to do an assessment. Cassian is digging the grave beside your father, Rhys will bring the body soon. Nuala and Cerridwen are cleaning Emerie's store and apartment while she is staying at the House of Wind. All plans for today have been rewritten.” 
“Can I?” She puts out her arms, dying to hold their daughter.
Azriel carefully transfers her over, thinking about that day nearly 7 years ago when she handed Nyx to him. They were the last two to hold the boy, but only the second and third to hold their own daughter. Even Rhys wasn’t the first to hold his son, nor Feyre. First was Madja, then Mor… he felt blessed to be second but even more blessed to watch his wife, his beautiful and amazing wife, hold their daughter. 
To watch as she became a mother. 
Her face fills with absolute Awe, her eyes well with tears as she shakes her head in disbelief. Cradling her like the small, breakable gift she is, Elain leans in and kisses her forehead, breathing in her scent, she didn’t have one when Azriel first held her… as if she didn’t know who she belonged to yet. 
“Cedar and jasmine,” she looks up with a smile. “But how?” 
He shrugs, “It happens. It’s not like a bond, but her soul knows she is where she’s meant to be.” 
“And you said her name is… Melantha?” 
He nods again, “It’s a flower that—
“It used to grow around Ramiel,” she finishes for him, staring down at Melantha again. “Around 750 years ago they stopped growing. They were known for being beautiful purple-ish-black flowers, almost as if a rose and an iris were merged, and it only bloomed at night, when the moon was out.” 
“Emerie joked that the bloodshed in early spring made Ramiel uninhabitable,” he smirks. 
She manages to laugh, “That would do it… your mom told me she was a little girl when they disappeared.” 
“I forgot all about that.” 
“She saw some of the last Melantha’s, now her first grandchild is the return of such beauty,” Elain muses. “My beautiful little dark flower.” 
Feyre knocks on the bedroom door mere moments later, standing in the hall with a few bags of things, Madja right behind her. “Are you ready for company?” 
They beam at her, nodding before Elain speaks. “She’s out cold but ready.” 
They lay her on the bed, and she gets dressed in a cloth diaper and a onesie made for an Illyrian with special slots in the back for her wings. Which according to Madja, are measuring slightly smaller for a newborn, even a premature baby. Other than her wings, she’s very healthy. Weighing 6 pounds even, 19 inches long, she is their’s for the rest of time now. 
Feyre gets to hold her for a moment, smiling down at her niece, “Oh this is glorious… this love, this feeling is so different yet so similar.” 
Elain nods, “Loving the child of your sibling is a feeling unlike any other.” 
“Is there anything you need me to do for you today?” Feyre asks, “I can go order some baby furniture, and buy more formula? Maybe search for a milkmaid?”  
“We don’t need a bassinet,” Azriel shares, clearly shocking them both as they turn to him with confused looks. He simply waves his hand, bringing a large (well, big enough for Illyrian Wings) hand-woven bassinet from that little pocket in the middle of nowhere where he keeps his secrets. 
“She didn’t?” Elain gasps, moving over to take a look at it. 
“Who?” Feyre asks, even more confused as she brings the babe over to lay her down inside it. 
“My mother,” Azriel explains. “She is a maker, a carpenter of sorts. She’s very creative… she made this the day I told her I wanted to ask Elain to marry me. I’ve been keeping it safe in the pocket for years… I need to tell her.” 
Elain meets his eyes, softer than ever before. “Go, I’ll feed her and by the time you return she’ll be awake and ready for Grandma snuggles.” 
“And can you get Nest—
Before she can say the rest of the sentence, their front door bursts open so hard they hear it echo through the house. Azriel’s Shadows are up and out of the room faster than Elain has ever seen them move while she throws herself in front of Feyre, blocking her and the baby. 
Feet run up the stairs, towards their bedroom, “I’m here!! It’s just me!” Nesta calls, bracing herself against the doorframe, chest heaving, sweat covering her body, “I really— holy fuck— really need to learn how to winnow.” 
They all stand down, laughing at how dishevelled she is. “Did you run down the stairs?” 
“Mhm,” she nods, still catching her breath. 
“Why didn’t Rhys—
Nesta just stares her down, “he dropped Em off on the training mat, gripped Cass by the arm and was gone in seconds, you really think he would offer to bring me here out of the goodness of his own heart?” 
Feyre just smirks, “I think he does this to get yelled at, I think he likes it when I’m mad at him.” 
“He does,” Azriel smirks. “I would’ve come and got you in a minute, I’m going to get my mother in a moment.” 
“It’s okay,” she waves him off, walking into the room more. “It’s been a few months since I did all the steps again. I needed that… now let me see my niece.” 
Feyre presents the baby while Elain steps out of the way. Barely asleep still, she’s starting to fuss from all the noise. Feyre bounces her slightly, “Isn’t she beautiful?” 
“Oh my,” Nesta covers her mouth with awe, leaning over her to get a better look. “Look at those eyelashes! She could take flight with them alone.” 
Elain can’t stop smiling, so overjoyed with her sisters there, meeting her baby. Her Baby. She turns to look at Az, to see his eyes still glossy and his face still full of awe, “Go tell your mother that she’s a grandmother. we’re good here, honey.” 
He simply walks forward, kisses her on the cheek and reaches out for Melantha, he brushes his index finger over her cheek, “I’ll be back shortly, my loves.” 
He pulls away, takes a step back and then he’s gone.  
“Can you believe this?” Elain asks, shaking her head. “We decided, literally last night, that we would take up your offer… we have waited 3 long years to adopt an Illyrian baby and the day we decided to make our own, she shows up?” 
Nesta takes the baby into her arms, “you were always meant to have her.” 
Elain can’t stop shaking her head, in such disbelief. “This is the best day of my life.” 
Feyre wraps an arm around her and pulls her in closer, resting her head against Elain’s, “oh honey, it’s just going to get better and better.” 
She couldn’t wait. 
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expired-bat · 2 years
we met in september - chapter 2
Two weeks have passed since Y/N’s arrival. She’s adjusted to home life with her new family and just finished her enrollment to the high school in the town. Tatyana is still in middle school, so there is no way that she’ll be able to help her there. Y/N was extremely nervous about starting the new school year. Knowledge Day has already passed, and she is expected to enter school tomorrow. 
The girl has been pacing around her room for the past thirty minutes. When she arrived at her new room, it was empty, say less for the bed, dresser, closet, a shelf for books, and a study desk along with a chair. The wallpaper was a tint of yellow with floral designs, and the curtains were a lacy white. Now that she’d adjusted it the way she wants, it almost looked like home. Her tops and dresses are stored in the closet, her bottoms, socks, and undergarments are in the dresser, and she has a little box to store away her accessories and jewelry. She brought along her Switch, laptop, phone, and tablet for drawing, as well as her art supplies. Canvases of various sizes, different mediums, her pencils, pens, erasers, all of it! She also brought along a few framed photos of people that she’s close back at home. 
Y/N had double checked in her bag that she had everything that she needed. 
Notebooks? Check. 
Pens and pencils? Check.
Items of entertainment? Check.
Damn it! She forgot the snacks!!
Oh well, she’ll do it in the morning. She’ll ask Natalya if she has some snacks she can provide.
Y/N looked at her window; the night is out and the moon is more radiant than usual. She looked at her phone for the time; 9:32 PM.
She double checked if she set three alarms for the morning, and she did. Y/N flopped down the wooly bed and breathed in. It smelled like soap and a tad bit of dust. She turned and looked at the ceiling and started to blink quickly. She overheard a while ago that if you blink at a fast pace, you have the chance to fall asleep quickly. Y/N saw a couple of spots while blinking, then a bit of fluff… then the fluff formed into a face. The face looked at her with a bored look, its eyes blackened and cheeks covered in freckles. The face then gave her a soft smile.
Y/N’s eyes shut down.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Y/N flinched as a jingle woke her from her slumber. She tossed and turned to look for her phone, realizing after a minute that it was under her head. She looked at the time, it was 6:30 AM.
She rose up from her bed and stretched. She cracked some bones and hoped off. She began her usual morning routine; showering, doing a facial, brushing her teeth, and picking out her clothes. She managed to pick a comfortable look for her since fall has begun.
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Y/N heads down the hallway and enters the kitchen. Natalya prepares breakfast and lunch while Tatyana and Olga sit down eating.
“Good morning dear! Would you like to eat?” the mother asked.
“Yes please,” Y/N replied.
Breakfast mainly consists of pancakes, butterbrots, kasha, fried eggs, tea, and coffee. Y/N grabbed a plate of pancakes, eggs, and tea. She sat across Tatyana and began to eat.
“Hey Y/N,” Tatyana began, “What do you usually eat for breakfast at your home?”
“Uh… if my family is awake in time, then we usually eat [insert cultural breakfast dish of your choice]. If not, then it’s cereal or some fruit.”
“Nice to know!”
The family concluded breakfast with cleaning up their mess. After that, Y/N and Tatyana headed outside saying their goodbyes to the women. The duo walked on the sidewalk on their way to the bus stop. Y/N took in a breath of the morning air; it was chilly yet crispy. Tatyana looked at her with concern.
“Are you nervous?”
“A little…”
“Don’t worry about it! Just pay attention to the teachers and try not to get in trouble. There’s a lot of those assholes around here. If someone’s bothering you, let me know so that I’ll kick their ass.”
“Heh, thanks.”
Y/N liked Tatyana’s spunky spirit.
The bus arrived and the girls quickly ran. They entered the bus and sat down on an empty seat. It was loud, with primary aged kids taking in the majority. 
Just like home, Y/N thought.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
The bus stopped at the high school. She looked at it in awe as it was three stories tall, a more modern building than the rest across the block.
“Bye Y/N! See you home!” Tatyana yelled.
Y/N smiled back at her and waved. Clenching her school bag, she walked towards the glassy entrance. The lobby only consists of two doors and hallways from left and right. She looked at the signs only to see that there were Russian letters. Damn it, forgot what it means, she thought. She pulled out her phone and opened the stupid translator app. After using it, it translated as Office and Counselor. Y/N entered the office room and was met by a group of teachers. She tensed up and her face was flushed.
A big lady with glasses and buck teeth licked her licks and sneered at her.
“So, you are the exchange student?”
Y/N, extremely flustered, responded with a yes.
“Very well. We have your textbooks, map, locker, and schedule. Go on with your first class of the day.”
Y/N collected her items and headed out of the room. She let out a large exhale and touched her cheek; it was very hot. Great job dumbass! You’ve made your first impression and that’s what they’re going to look at you for the rest of the year!!
She looked at the map for the locker area. Walking down the hallway, there were a few students. Some were waiting for class to start, some were just hanging out, and some were making out. Y/N was grossed out.
Then, she heard some whispers. She could only make up some words like foreigner, new kid, and weirdo.
She stopped at her locker and opened it. The girl then looked at her schedule; she has English for her first class. She put away the rest of her items besides her textbook and closed the locker. Y/N looked at the map again for the class number.
She groaned. That classroom is on the second floor!
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Y/N was on her way to the classroom, only to see that the door was closed and class began. 
Shit! Already?! I thought it was supposed to start at 8:30!!
She panicked and nearly fell to the floor. Her breathing became uneven and she could feel her eyes becoming wet. Don’t cry damn it.. Don’t cry!!
Then, the door opened. It was a young woman with glasses. She had medium length black hair wearing a white sweater and black pants.
“Oh, hello! You’re the new student!!” she beamed.
Y/N and the teacher entered the room, and she became the center of the class’ attention. All eyes were on her and it made her shake.
“Class, please give a warm welcome to our exchange student for this year!”
She transitioned to English.
“Would you like to introduce yourself?”
Y/N took a breather and looked in front of the class. 
“Hello. My name is Y/N L/N. I’m from [insert country of origin] and I hope to get along with everyone.”
Some students gave out their welcome with their broken English. The teacher, Mrs. Semyonova, clapped her hands. 
“Thank you dear. Please take a seat next to Dee. Dee, raise your hand please.”
A hand rose up. That’s when he saw him.
Dee, a lithe boy with blond hair tied up to a ponytail, dark makeup, ear piercings, freckles, and staring at her with his resting bitch face. His eyes are what caught her attention, as they were icy and piercing.
Y/N flushed. He’s kinda cute.
She strolled to the empty chair and sat down.
“Now class, we will begin with understanding the basic rules of English…” Mrs. Semyonova rolled on.
Y/N pulled out her materials and followed the lesson. Her mind was mostly on autopilot, as her seatmate is what is in her mind. He looked handsome just by looking at his side profile. She looked away quickly and continued taking notes for the lesson.
Just ignore him. He’s probably like everyone else around here.
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onlinesikhstore · 3 months
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Sikh kashera underwear kasheray kakar kachehra punjabi kasha singh khalsa 5ks qq Sikh Kakar Underwear Kachehra Kacheray Punjabi Kasha Singh Khalsa Kachera 5 Ks
Our Kacheras have been tailored and produced in Amritsar and are made from high quality soft medium weight poly- cotton. Quick drying, durable and burr (fluff) free Kachera material ensure that they will last longer than most.
These kacherass are one of the Sikh essential 5 Ks (Kakards) and made in the Holy and Sacred Land of Shiri Amritsar Ji (The City of Golden Temple/Darbar Sahib Ji/Harmandir Sahib Ji).
In Sikhisim, the Five Ks ( ਪੰਜ ਕਕਾਰ Pañj Kakār) are five items that Guru Gobind Singh Ji commanded Sikhs to wear at all times in 1699. They are: Kesh (uncut hair), Kangha (a wooden brush for the hair), Kara (a metal bracelet), Kachehra (a type of undergarment) and Kirpan (a dagger).
The Five Ks are not just symbols, but articles of faith that collectively form the external identity and the Khalsa devotee's commitment to the Sikh rehni "Sikh way of life". A Sikh who has taken Amrit and keeps all five Ks is known as Khalsa ("pure") or Amritdhari Sikh ("Amrit Sanskar participant"), while a Sikh who has not taken Amrit but follows the teachings of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib is called a Sahajdhari Sikh.
faith for the Sikhs
The Sikhs were commanded by Guru Gobind Singh at the Baisakhi Amrit Sanchar in 1699 to wear an iron bangle called a Kara at all times. The Kara is a constant reminder to always remember that whatever a person does with their hands has to be in keeping with the advice given by the Guru. The Kara is an iron/steel circle to symbolise God as never ending. It is a symbol of permanent bonding to the community, of being a link in the chain of Khalsa Sikhs (the word for link is 'kari').
Main article: Kachera
> ਸੀਲ ਜਤ ਕੀ ਕਛ ਪਹਿਰਿ ਪਕਿੜਓ ਹਿਥਆਰਾ ॥ The sign of true chastity is the Kachera, you must wear this and hold weapons in hand.
Originally, the Kachera was made part of the five Ks as a symbol of a Sikh soldier's willingness to be ready at a moment's notice for battle or for defense. The confirmed Sikh (one who has taken the Amrit) wears a Kachera every day. Some go to the extent of wearing a Kachera while bathing, to be ready to at a moment's notice, changing into the new one leg at a time, so as to have no moment where they are unprepared. Further, this garment allowed the Sikh soldier to operate in combat freely and without any hindrance or restriction, because it was easy to fabricate, maintain, wash and carry compared to other traditional under-garments of that era, like the dhoti. The Kachera symbolises self-respect, and always reminds the wearer of mental control over lust, one of the Five Evils in Sikh philosophy.
Kachera follow a generally practical and roomy design. It features an embedded string that circles the waist which can be tightened/loosened as desired, and then knotted securely. The Kachera can be classed between underwear and an outer garment, as in appearance it does not reveal private anatomy, and looks and wears like shorts. As with all of the Five Ks, there is equality between men and women, and so women are also expected to wear it. Considering the hot climate in India, the Kachera is often worn by men as an outer garment, keeping the wearer cool and being practical in manual work such as farming, however it is generally not considered respectful for women to wear the Kachera as an outer garment (on its own) as it is considered too revealing
 Kacherey - Sikh Underwear - Sikh Boxers - Sikh PanTS
 These Barekaan Wala Kachera has been tailored and produced in Amritsar and are made from high quality soft medium weight poly- cotton. Easy drying, durable and burr (fluff) free material ensure that they will last longer than most. This traditional Kachera is made to be worn to around the knee. In order to find out what size you need, measure from where you would normally tie your kachera (from waist/hips etc) to your knee and then add on 2-3 inches. A rough guideline to sizing can be seen below.
Now, some of you may be thinking, what is a Barekaan Wala Kachera? So let us explain… Barekaan Wala Kacherey are also sometimes also known as a Rave Kachera due to the fact that the cloth is turned diagonally (i.e. at 45 degrees to the direction it has been woven) and sewn together to form a tube which is then further shaped. Hence the word Rave (diagonal).
The name Barekaan Wala Kachera itself comes from the fact that when you bend your legs or go to sit down crossed legged, the Kachera because the way it is cut and sewn together, gently closes to your thighs as if it has put the brakes on hence giving the wearer a dignified appearance and keeps modesty at all times.
This also has an added benefit, as due to the narrow closing design of legs of the Kachera they have a lower tendency to ride up the leg which makes them nice and comfortable under
Please note: – Everybody is different so please take the above as rough guidelines only. – Kacheras are hand made so may vary slightly from sizes indicated. – Kacheras may have small marks on them which have occurred intentionally or unintentionally during the measuring, hand cutting, sewing and packaging process however these can be washed off. It is not recommended you wear before washing.
Please Like and follow us on facebook, many thanks in advance. Stay blessed!!
Follow us on Instagram,  Facebook and Twitter #OnlineSikhStore Please do not forget to add us to your favourite sellers list and keep looking at our listings, we are going to launch a wide range of brooches and a big variety of SMART Fashions Jewellery for parties and evening wear very soon. We are UK based supplier smartfashions.co.uk. Items can be collected from our shop in Rochester, Kent, UK. Please check 100% positive feedback received for this item. Postage discount will be given for multibuys. Any questions please do not hesitate to contact us through ebay.
 Gender: Men's,Women's,Boys',Girls' Country/Region of Manufacture: India Material: 100% Cotton Region: Punjab Main Colour: White Brand: SikhArtefacts
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alycosworld · 3 years
guess who🤡 heyhey 💕 here. I’m pretty sure by this 2nd request u can tell that I’m a very emotional person🧍🏻‍♀️ and that I’m a person that seeks alot of comfort from fictional characters because i dont have a life and good friends.
putting a divider here so u dont have to read everything and can look out for keywords!
purple—> person
I’m not sure if u r comfy writing kazuha so if yr not I’m sorry u can ignore this! i just want a fluff comfort for reader who got like REALLY scolded for getting bad grades for exams because u have no idea how angsty I’m feeling rn:( my parents just literally like scolded me like there was no tmr istg- so i just need really fluff comfort. so a kazuha x NB(non bibary)!reader
Anyways again tysm u have no idea how grateful i am if you accept my request!!!<3 get lots of rest and drink water. only do this if you want to!
Kazuha's Wise and Whimsical Words
Kaedehara Kazuha X Reader
A/N: aaaa 💕anon ily!! being emotional is completely fine and I would be honoured to become of your good friends!! I will be a part of your life, private message me if you're ever feeling down! I just want my readers happy because they make me happy aaaaaa 🥺
with that being said, i love this request! My parents were so hard on me when it came to exams, but as soon as I broke away from their expectations, I started to appreciate my grades more. I'll leave the real comforting words for Kazuha to say but NO ONE SHOULD EVER be disappointed in yourself if you tried your best. Thank you for your support and the request, I hope the story makes you feel better. Enjoy!
ps: I took into account the fact that not everyone has a mother and a father and not everyone has two parents at all, so only one parent is mentioned here and they are left gender neutral so it's easier to picture yourself in the story.
"(Y/N). This is not at all what I expected. What happened to you?" Your parent asked sternly.
"Well, I--"
"I don't want to hear any excuses. Your predicted grades were much higher than this!" They said, raising their voice.
"I'm sorry, I--"
"Sorry is not going to improve your results! Do you really think that now is a good time to be slacking off? You have one more exam period before university. I don't care if you pass those exams, I want you to excel. And if you don't, you are not attending Sumeru Academia, whether they accept you or not. I am not paying for you to study overseas, only for you to get mediocre grades." They said, making you even more anxious than before the exam.
"But I got above the average!"
"By two percent! And the average was low." Your parent said, narrowing their eyes slightly and upsetting you with their belittling gaze.
"Realistically? Realistically?! If you want to study realistically, you should find someone else to pay for your education. When you want to study successfully, you can come back." They slammed the stack of sheets that displayed your results on the table with a loud bang before folding their arms as you grabbed a jacket and stormed out of the house, tears running down your face.
You walked for a while in the night, before eventually finding yourself in an area you were less familiar with. After recognising it to be somewhere near your boyfriend's current residence off Beidou's ship, you made a beeline for his place, knocking on the door and hoping, praying he would be alone inside.
The door soon opened and Kazuha stood there, initially with a smile on his face but it soon dropped when he saw your expression.
"(Y/N)? What happened?" He asked.
"C-can I come inside?" You sniffled.
"Of course, Love. Come in." He said, ushering you into his quaint little place. You stood by the door that closed behind you before Kazuha pushed the coat you had lazily draped over your shoulder onto the floor and enveloped you in his arms.
You broke down in his embrace. You had done better than most of your fellow students, and frankly, you were kind of proud of your result. But it was foolish of you to think that your parent would accept anything but perfection. They said it was all for you, but you were doubting it. Did you even want to go to Sumeru Academia? You had had your heart set on it since you were a child, but maybe that was only because your folks always envisioned you going there.
"Why are you crying, my love?" Kazuha asked, sitting you down near the fire to warm you up and standing up to get you a blanket and a hot cup of tea.
"I'm not good enough." You mumbled. If it was anyone else, they wouldn't have heard you. But your boyfriend could listen to the wind "talk" - he was very attuned to quiet and subtle noises.
"Nonsense." He smiled, bringing you the blanket as you listened to the water boil in the background.
"You're more than good enough. Everyone who knows you adores you - no one more than me, of course." Kazuha chuckled, eventually setting down two cups of tea and sitting in front of you on the floor.
"Public opinion won't improve my grades." You said, now more stoic than upset. You had almost become numb and desensitised to degrading comments that after you cried a little and calmed down, you'd be straight-faced and almost emotionless. It didn't feel good, but it was certainly better than feeling bad.
"So this is about school." Kazuha nodded, gesturing for you to continue explaining why had happened.
"They keep talking about my grades. They said I shouldn't be slacking and that I'm not going to get to Sumeru Academia and that they want me to do better...maybe I'm interpreting it wrong. Maybe they're trying to encourage me?" You wondered aloud, thinking that somehow you were the problem. As soon as you said "they", Kazuha knew who you are referring to and sighed.
"Encouragement and doubt are two very different things. Unrealistic expectations, detrimental practices, emotionally, mentally or physically taxing improvement - none of that is going to help you. In fact, it'll make you feel worse. When you really think about what you have to do to achieve perfection, you'll only realise how unattainable it is. You'll fall into a perpetual spiral of intellectual destruction." Kazuha said.
"Then how the hell am I gonna get the best results?" You asked worriedly.
"You won't. No one will ever get the best results because more people and more previously unforeseen factors will come into play. What you can achieve is your best results. Your grades are a product of you, not the other way around. They are no measure of your worth, they cannot define you, and they do not have to be a part of you. If you don't ace one subject, you don't have to hang on to that or turn it into some strange part of you. You can't cling to it, it's impossible to cling to a piece of the past forever. That's not to say you don't learn from it, but it doesn't need to become some villainous trait - in the end, it is only a grade." Kazuha shield at you. His words warmed your heart more than the fire or tea, and they even seemed to dry your tears and allow you to mirror his expression.
"And at the very least, you can hold your head high knowing that you had the strength to participate in an exam when not everyone does. You went in, sat through it, attempted the questions and walked out. Not everyone has the courage to stay; some don't even have the courage to start. That goes for any endeavour you face." Kazuha said, before inching closer to you.
"Feeling any better?" He asked. You nodded instantly. Of course, Kazuha's wise and whimsical words had bettered your mood, it was Kazuha for Archon's sake.
"Good. Maybe we could go for an evening stroll? I'll treat you to dinner if you haven't eaten." He offered.
"Can...can we just stay like this for a little longer? I think being alone with you is nicer." You smiled.
"Of course, Angel. Anything you want."
this was less physical fluff than I intended, but I think I do comfort with direct words and dialogue best, so I hope this is okay. honestly, everything kasha said is what I would've wished to hear when I was in this situation. I'll probably post a rant about my own exam experiences because this request got all my past feelings to resurface.
thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed!
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marshmarrowsans · 6 years
Sans/Reader: Who Can Catch the Biggest Fish?
You and your skelly boyfriend get competitive with each other. AO3 link :)
“i still don’t understand why you didn’t wanna make this a double date with undyne and alphys.” “Yes you do, Sans.  Yes you do.”
 The two of you were enjoying the cool morning air out on the pier, filled with the mixed scents of ocean, fish, and breakfast from the restaurants around you, as well as the distant barking of sea lions.  You sat side by side in the trunk of your car, watching your side-by-side fishing poles and waiting for a bite.
 “so,” mused your boyfriend, swinging his little slippered feet forward and back with his hand resting casually behind your back, “we still haven’t decided what the winner gets.” “A kiss.” “pffft.  if a kiss from you is a prize, then i’m a winner every single day.  several times a day.” “Well?” you quirked an eyebrow at him playfully.  “Aren’t you?” He blushed, scratching his chubby cheek bashfully.  “…  ya got me there, beautiful.”
 Okay, the joke about not bringing Undyne along for this was, of course, because she was a fish lady, but you were also kind of glad that she wasn’t here to interrupt the moment between you two, as she often did just to laugh at the way the two of you got shy about your affection for one another.
 You pulled him against your side and snuggled him gratefully, a motion he was more than happy to accept.  Effectively proving his earlier point right, you kissed him on top of his skull, and he responded by turning to kiss you on the lips.  In just that moment, though, it happened.
 “ha! i got one!” Sans catapulted out of your arms like a fickle housecat and went to grab his fishing pole, leaving you hanging with your lips already puckered for the kiss you’d been anticipating.  It turned to an exaggerated pout, then a smile as you watched him struggle with the fishing rod.  He never put so much effort in as he did when he was trying to either impress you or compete with you (or both!).
 “Don’t strain yourself, sweetie,” you teased him.
 “very clever. appealing to my lazy nature.  but it’s not gonna work.  this one’s a winner, i can feel it.”
 Amused, you watched him struggle with it for a little longer.  Then you approached him and put your hand over his on the reel.
 “no distractions.”
 “I’m helping!”
 You weren’t lying about that.  Steadying your other hand over his on the rod, you helped him reel this one in.  It came flopping on to the railing of the pier in a chaos of water and flashing scales.  A fat flounder fish.  Definitely bigger than any of the fish you’d caught.  But… “…  We split the weight of this one evenly between us,” you decided. “bullshit.”  Sans elbowed you.  “i caught it.” “No, I helped.” “i didn’t ask you to help.” “But you needed me to.”  You poked him just below the sternum.  “I was watching you.  The fish was gonna get away.  Or you were gonna drop your fishing rod over the railing.” “well excuse me, fortune teller.  maybe you should go hang out with the palm reader in that psychic shop we saw out by the entrance.”  Despite your playful banter, he put his hands on your waist. “listen.  it’s ok to lose every once in awhile.  and when i, the clear winner here, decide on a prize for catching what is clearly the biggest fish today—nay, probably the biggest fish anyone’s caught here EVER—” You rolled your eyes at him, “Okay, Sans.” “i’ll take it easy on ya.  no embarrassing dares or anything.  i promise.”
 When your fishing rod got a bite so hard it just about got pulled over into the ocean, both of you looked over at it at the same time, then back at each other.  Then you both lunged for it. “This one’s MINE, Sans!” “i’m helping!” “NO, you’re trying to make me split this one with you!” It was quite a challenge to catch this one, not just because of how big it was, but also because you had to hold the rod up where Sans couldn’t reach it, so that he couldn’t claim to have helped. Still, he tried,  He reached up with his arms and hopped up and down, emphasizing his shortness.
 As it turned out, you’d hooked a leopard shark.  Small for a shark, but BIG for a fish.  And you managed to do it all by yourself, while holding the fishing rod at a supremely awkward angle, without Sans interfering.  He stared at it, just as shocked as you that you’d managed to catch it. “…  phooey.” “Don’t worry, Sans!” you gushed, in an exaggerated, smug tone.  “When I decide on a prize for catching the biggest fish EVER here, I’ll take it easy on you!”
 “okay.  okay.  but do you still like my flounder?”  He pointed at the cooler holding all of his catches of the day, looking somewhere between downtrodden and in desperate need of validation.  You knew the two of you were just playing around, but you still felt kind of bad for him.  So once you’d placed the much superior leopard shark into your own cooler, you approached him and put your hand on his back, between his shoulder blades. “Sansy.  I love your flounder.  I will always love your flounder.”
 His smile grew a little. Consider your skeleton officially validated.
 “Now.  As for my prize…”  You turned to him and rested your hands on his shoulders, eyes half-lidded. He seemed to catch on.  He blinked, eyes flicking from your eyes to your lips and then back a few times.  Then he began to lean in… “Ten bucks.” “…  are you serious?” “Ten bucks, Sans.” He sighed, reached into his pocket, and handed you a couple of five-dollar bills.  “and the rich get richer.” The joke was on him, though.  You later used all ten dollars at the novelty sock shop closer to shore on the pier, all on socks for him.
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Cas by addctdlv featuring handbags totes
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keiffeine · 3 years
May I get a Li Yunxiang x fem! reader who initially thought he was quite a menance with how much he gets into trouble? (Not to mention his job sksksksksksk) but soon grew more understanding and welcoming/liking his presence?👉👈
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with female reader.
genre: fluff
a/n: i hope this is fine, lowkey kinda rushed because i’ve had this in my inbox for a bit
© all rights reserved to keiffeine. reposting, plagiarizing, modifying, and translating is NOT allowed.
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• you didn’t really know what to make of li yunxiang at the start.
• despite how often kasha assured that he wasn’t as bad as you thought, you didn’t want to believe it because all you saw was li yunxiang frequently getting into trouble. if anything, he was really just a menace, in your opinion.
• you didn’t go out of your way to talk to him, either, so he was typically the one that would (try) to strike a conversation with you, though his attempts would result in no success whatsoever because you wouldn’t really…cooperate.
• oftentimes his attempts are just due to the fact that he thinks you’re really pretty and wants to get down to the reason why you don’t like him so much.
• he asks kasha about you sometimes, and since you wouldn’t spit out the reason yourself, he has kasha tell him.
• and after learning that the reason why you wouldn’t really cooperate with him was because he was such a troublemaker (and a smuggler at that), li yunxiang tries to…tone it down a bit.
• he’s really desperate to get along with you.
• he tries to make himself more…welcoming when he sees you? makes an effort to smile more, just doing very friendly things in attempt to bring you closer.
• if li yunxiang’s feeling bold enough, he’ll probably bring you flowers or some cheesy shit like that.
• regardless of what you thought of him, the effort was really flattering nonetheless, so you thought you could try and at least be welcoming back, too.
• he was surprised when you actually contributed to the conversation the first time.
• he saw you walking down the street, so—almost like instinct—he went up to you and said, “hi, y/n. whatcha up to?”
• he was expecting for you to ignore him, per usual, but much to his surprise, you say, “nothing. just had to go out and buy some things for dinner later.” you hold up two plastic bags, filled with vegetables and protein.
• “it looks heavy. let me carry it for you,” li yunxiang insists, already taking the bags out of your hands before you can protest.
• “thank you.” you say in a quiet voice, very light heat rushing to your cheeks because of the gesture.
• it was a really nice few minute walk back to your place. you could feel yourself liking him more the more you talked during the way there (the conversation was mostly him talking about his most recent races and motorbike mods, not that you really minded).
• “well, this is me,” you say, eventually stopping in front of an apartment complex. “thank you again for carrying those for me.”
• “it’s no problem, really,” li yunxiang says as he’s handing you back the bags. “it was nice actually talking to you.”
• “it was,” you feel yourself smile. “i’ll see you around, okay?”
• “yeah, i’ll see you,” he says, waving and turning to leave.
• hm, you think to yourself as you watch him leave before going into the building, i guess i really did have the wrong impression on him, after all.
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nezha reborn masterlist
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stitch1830 · 3 years
Lazy Day
Hello! I know technically it's supposed to be Kantoph Mondangst, but some fellow Kantophers requested Fluff today. So here is some Monfluff meant for Tuesfluff lol. Hope you enjoy! :D
He took the day off today, as he did most days now. She was so tired and bored at home on bed rest, and he hated seeing her so sad whenever he had to leave for work. So, he put Han in charge of the force for the day and he spent the entire morning in bed with her.
They sat there with their hands intertwined and she leaned on his shoulder, smiling and laughing as they played with each other’s fingers and tickled each other’s palm. “You want to do anything today?” Kanto asked.
Toph let out a dramatic sigh. “Oh, I don’t know. You can always cook for me.”
Kanto chuckled. “That’s a given. Anything else? Are you hungry right now?”
“Of course I’m hungry, but it’s not urgent. And not sure we can do anything fun. Sugar Queen’s bed rest orders were annoyingly strict.”
“That they were.”
She grumbled a bit, then slowly turned to tuck her head into Kanto’s neck. Kanto placed his free hand on her belly and reveled in the feeling of the baby kicking. “Maybe we can think of names,” he suggested.
“I thought we settled on Toph Jr.” she teased.
“Definitely not opposed to that, or Kanto Jr.” Kanto jabbed back. He noticed that at the name suggestion, the baby stopped kicking, and an idea struck. “Hey, let’s see if the baby likes any of the names.”
Toph laughed. “What?”
“Well, the baby doesn’t seem to care for Kanto Jr., how about… Toph Jr?”
The baby didn’t kick.
“Hmmm, feels like a no to me.”
“That’s ridiculous, Hotshot. The baby doesn’t know what name they want!”
“Let’s find out!” He replied. Kanto sat up, and Toph returned to laying on her back as he leaned toward her with his hand firmly on her belly. “Okay, baby badgermole… How about… Ano?”
No response.
“Okay, not that…” Kanto said, and Toph laughed. “How about Shayi?”
Kanto swiftly turned to Toph, elated. “Feel that? We might have a winner!”
“Don’t I get a say? I have to give birth to the melon head.”
“Okay, fine. Not Shayi then?”
He watched her wrinkle her adorable nose. “Nah. Think of something else.”
Kanto hummed as he rubbed Toph’s stomach. “What about Kasha, baby?”
“What’s with all the girl names?” Toph asked.
“I’ve got a good feeling about it.”
“So are we just gonna be screwed if we have a boy?”
“True,” he admitted. “Okay, boy names… Ruon.”
The baby kicked and Kanto grinned. “How about that? You like Ruon?”
Toph smiled and leaned up to kiss him. “Ruon for a boy, what about a girl?”
“Not a fan of Kasha?”
“Yeah, I don’t know. It’s nice… But it could be better.”
Kanto nodded and thought hard about a name for a girl. It had to be something Toph, Kanto, and the baby liked.
So he thought about names and people that impacted his life in one way or another, of a name that was meaningful and special and well-thought (and perhaps later he’d revisit boy names… They decided that one a little too quickly for his liking).
This kid was going to be their everything. Their pride and joy and half the reason they would get out of bed, the reason they would work to make the world a better and safer place, and their priority from here on out. This baby was their precious little gem, the thing that would shift their perspective of the world forever, and the product of Toph and Kanto’s love.
Perhaps that was a lot to put on their baby, because it was just that: their baby. There was a chance he was overcomplicating matters, and that wasn’t the point of this exercise. What was he doing calling their unborn baby a precious little gem and how it would shift their foundation and—
Or… Maybe he over thought it just enough that an idea popped into his head.
Gemstone. Fine gem. Lin.
Simple, meaningful, fitting.
Kanto leaned in toward Toph’s belly and rubbed it, whispering, “What about Lin, baby? How does that sound?”
A strong kick met Kanto’s hand, earning a laugh from both him and Toph. “Lin, huh… I like it. I think we found a winner for a girl name,” Toph remarked.
“I think so,” he replied with a chuckle. Kanto went back to Toph to lay down next to her.
“You were quiet for a while, what were you thinking about?” Toph asked.
Kanto shrugged as he faced her and kept his hand on Toph’s growing belly. “Nothing, just—” He stopped talking when he looked down at her stomach, and his heart nearly stopped at the realization.
It wasn’t anything bad, but simply a moment where he was awestruck.
Their baby was so big already, and they still had a few months before they would finally arrive. And yet, it seemed like yesterday Toph told him the news.
A single moment and a bit of time showed how much their baby had grown, and it left Kanto speechless. He was speechless because baby Beifong was growing so much already, and because Toph was giving him a gift so beautiful and practically unimaginable.
He lay there with his hand on Toph’s stomach, so in awe and so in love.
But she could sense his heightened heart rate, and she asked him after she placed a hand over his, “Hey, everything alright?”
“I’m—I’m fine, babe. Just…” he turned to look at her, and he couldn’t help but smile and kiss her cheek. “I’m just so happy right now. And have I mentioned recently how amazing you are for making our baby as we speak?”
Toph blushed, but replied with her natural snark. “You could stand to mention it more.”
She turned her head toward his, and he kissed her. Long, slow, and fully on the lips. With his forehead pressed against hers, and their noses touching, he whispered, “I love you, and you’re absolutely amazing.”
“I know.”
Kanto smiled at her cheeky grin and closed his eyes, relishing the feeling of just getting to stay at home with his family and feeling the vibrant kicks of their baby.
The blissful moment didn’t last long. “Hey, Hotshot?”
“Hmm?” He hummed in response.
“Remember when I said I was hungry but it wasn’t urgent?”
“Well, now the baby really wants jerky and prunes with jook.”
He instinctively raised an eyebrow. “The baby?”
“Yeah. No way in Oma I’d actually eat that shit all together. Your kid has gross tastes.”
Kanto chuckled and sat up in bed. “What am I gonna do with you two?”
“Make us breakfast is a good place to start,” she replied with a smug smirk.
As he opened his mouth to provide a jab in return, he stopped himself when he looked at her. With her smirk and unruly hair and mischievous bright eyes, she was too cute to “argue” with at the moment.
Instead, Kanto kissed Toph’s belly and then her lips once more for good measure, and said, “Order is coming right up, Chief.”
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sexyzawas · 2 years
Aizawa has one demand for his and Shirakumo's bachelor party: No strippers.
What shows up at his and Shirakumo's bachelor party? A stripper.
It's alright, though. Shirakumo picked the right one.
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hellcatinnc · 4 months
I Will Write It All.... Even If I'm Not A Fan
I've got so much on my plate so bare with me not only do I have the few things left from last month I want to get done but also the love letter challenge and the fluff event. Also got a few videos asked to be made and a few fan fics as well. Upcoming men I will be write about that don't have a huge happy following is Ouishi from A Sign Of Affection and Kasha From The Demon Prince of Momochi House, and Lafalle Sugar Apple Fairy Tale so if you normally have a following people don't care for then I will still write it or do videos on it unlike some I'm not afraid to touch this. Also gonna start writing more custom stories too so far only have 2 but I want to share things that aren't fandoms as well. Stay tuned... and feel free to make requests.
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ao3feed-trixya · 4 years
student by day, dancer by night
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2DdHa5O
by katyasdeaddog
By day, Trixie is a Freshman in college. By night, Katya is an exotic dancer. Somehow their paths collide.
Words: 6284, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: RuPaul's Drag Race RPF
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Trixie Mattel, Katya Zamolodchikova, Violet Chachki, Mrs. Kasha Davis, Pearl Liaison, Bianca Del Rio, Adore Delano, Biff, Trixie's mother, Katya's mother, Martin
Relationships: Trixie Mattel/Katya Zamolodchikova, Violet Chachki/Katya Zamolodchikova
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Stripper/Exotic Dancer, Alternate Universe - College/University, Sexuality Crisis, Fluff and Smut, Threats of Rape/Non-Con, movie fluff, Useless Lesbians, Strippers & Strip Clubs, Pole Dancing, College, Smoking, Sex, Gay, big gay
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2DdHa5O
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onlinesikhstore · 2 years
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Sikh Kakar Taksali Underwear Kachehra Punjabi Kasha Singh Kaur Khalsa Kachera
Sikh Kakar Taksali Knee Long - Underwear Kachehra Kacherey Punjabi Kasha Singh Khalsa Kachera 5 Ks available in white colour only.
These Taksali Knee Long Kachehra come in two sizes:
Small one and half metre long (Width 42" and Length 22")
Large 2m long (Width 50" and Length 23")
Our Kacheras have been tailored and produced in Amritsar and are made from high quality soft medium weight poly- cotton. Quick drying, durable and burr (fluff) free Kachera material ensure that they will last longer than most.
These kacheras are one of the Sikh essential 5Ks (Kakards) and made in the Holy and Sacred Land of Shiri Amritsar Ji (The City of Golden Temple/Darbar Sahib Ji/Harmandir Sahib Ji).
In Sikhisim, the Five Ks (Punjabi: ਪੰਜ ਕਕਾਰ Pañj Kakār) are five items that Guru Gobind Singh Ji commanded Khalsa Sikhs to wear at all times in 1699. They are: Kesh (uncut hair), Kangha (a wooden brush for the hair), Kara (a metal bracelet),Kachehra (a type of undergarment) and Kirpan (a dagger).
The Five Ks are not just symbols, but articles of faith that collectively form the external identity and the Khalsa devotee's commitment to the Sikh rehni "Sikh way of life". A Sikh who has taken Amrit and keeps all five Ks is known as Khalsa ("pure") or Amritdhari Sikh ("Amrit Sanskar participant"), while a Sikh who has not taken Amrit but follows the teachings of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib is called a Sahajdhari Sikh.
faith for the Sikhs
The Sikhs were commanded by Guru Gobind Singh at the Baisakhi Amrit Sanchar in 1699 to wear an iron bangle called a Kara at all times. The Kara is a constant reminder to always remember that whatever a person does with their hands has to be in keeping with the advice given by the Guru. The Kara is an iron/steel circle to symbolise God as never ending. It is a symbol of permanent bonding to the community, of being a link in the chain of Khalsa Sikhs (the word for link is 'kari').
ਸੀਲ ਜਤ ਕੀ ਕਛ ਪਹਿਰਿ ਪਕਿੜਓ ਹਿਥਆਰਾ ॥ The sign of true chastity is the Kachera, you must wear this and hold weapons in hand.
— Bhai Gurdas, Var. 41, pauri 15
Originally, the Kachera was made part of the five Ks as a symbol of a Sikh soldier's willingness to be ready at a moment's notice for battle or for defense. The confirmed Sikh (one who has taken the Amrit) wears a Kachera every day. Some go to the extent of wearing a Kachera while bathing, to be ready to at a moment's notice, changing into the new one leg at a time, so as to have no moment where they are unprepared. Further, this garment allowed the Sikh soldier to operate in combat freely and without any hindrance or restriction, because it was easy to fabricate, maintain, wash and carry compared to other traditional under-garments of that era, like the dhoti. The Kachera symbolises self-respect, and always reminds the wearer of mental control over lust, one of the Five Evils in Sikh philosophy.
Kachera follow a generally practical and roomy design. It features an embedded string that circles the waist which can be tightened/loosened as desired, and then knotted securely. The Kachera can be classed between underwear and an outer garment, as in appearance it does not reveal private anatomy, and looks and wears like shorts. As with all of the Five Ks, there is equality between men and women, and so women are also expected to wear it. Considering the hot climate in India, the Kachera is often worn by men as an outer garment, keeping the wearer cool and being practical in manual work such as farming, however it is generally not considered respectful for women to wear the Kachera as an outer garment (on its own) as it is considered too revealing
 Kacherey - Sikh Underwear - Sikh Boxers - Sikh PanTS
 These Barekaan Wala Kachera has been tailored and produced in Amritsar and are made from high quality soft medium weight poly- cotton. Easy drying, durable and burr (fluff) free material ensure that they will last longer than most. This traditional Kachera is made to be worn to around the knee. In order to find out what size you need, measure from where you would normally tie your kachera (from waist/hips etc) to your knee and then add on 2-3 inches. A rough guideline to sizing can be seen below.
Now, some of you may be thinking, what is a Barekaan Wala Kachera? So let us explain… Barekaan Wala Kacherey are also sometimes also known as a Rave Kachera due to the fact that the cloth is turned diagonally (i.e. at 45 degrees to the direction it has been woven) and sewn together to form a tube which is then further shaped. Hence the word Rave (diagonal).
The name Barekaan Wala Kachera itself comes from the fact that when you bend your legs or go to sit down crossed legged, the Kachera because the way it is cut and sewn together, gently closes to your thighs as if it has put the brakes on hence giving the wearer a dignified appearance and keeps modesty at all times.
This also has an added benefit, as due to the narrow closing design of legs of the Kachera they have a lower tendency to ride up the leg which makes them nice and comfortable under
Please note: – Everybody is different so please take the above as rough guidelines only. – Kacheras are hand made so may vary slightly from sizes indicated. – Kacheras may have small marks on them which have occurred intentionally or unintentionally during the measuring, hand cutting, sewing and packaging process however these can be washed off. It is not recommended you wear before washing.
Follow us on Instagram,  Facebook and Twitter #OnlineSikhStore #SikhArtefacts Please do not forget to add us to your favourite sellers list and keep looking at our listings, we are going to launch a wide range of brooches and a big variety of SMART Fashions Jewellery for parties and evening wear very soon. We are UK based supplier SikhArtefacts. Items can be collected from our shop in Rochester, Kent, UK. Please check 100% positive feedback received for this item. Postage discount will be given for multi-buys. Any questions please do not hesitate to contact us through ebay.
  Gender: Men's,Women's,Boys',Girls' Country/Region of Manufacture: India Material: 100% Cotton Region: Punjab Main Colour: White Brand: SikhArtefacts https://www-onlinesikhstore-com.myshopify.com/products/sikh-kakar-taksali-underwear-kachehra-punjabi-kasha-singh-kaur-khalsa-kachera
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herebeminis · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Mysticons (Cartoon) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kasha/Clawdette Characters: Kasha - Character, Clawdette, Zarya Moonwolf, Arkayna Goodfey, Proxima Starfall Additional Tags: Redemption, Roommates, Short, Short One Shot, Short & Sweet, Fluff, Friendship, Friends to Lovers, Prison, Truth Spells, Dorks, Dorks in Love Summary:
After serving time in Drake City Prison, Kasha is offered a chance at a work release program, working with the former bounty hunter known as The Claw.
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marshmarrowsans · 7 years
What about ut sans proposing?
(Yasss thank you I LOVE writingmarriage proposal fluff~ -Mod Kasha)
 Sans had beenmeaning to propose to you for the past three months.  Every time he tried, he just couldn't get itdown right.
 The first time hetried, he just plain chickened out.  Youwere stargazing together and he was going to do this really cute thing where hemade a really big deal about some star in the sky, made you try and find it forawhile, then brushed it off with an 'oops, my bad, it was a diamond this wholetime' just before presenting you with the engagement ring.  But in the middle of gushing over how prettythat star that wasn't there was, he was consumed with doubt.  Maybe you weren't ready.  He knew he could be a little bit...  much to deal with sometimes.  He wouldn't blame you if you weren't ready tocommit to putting up with his weird bullshit for the rest of your livestogether.  Besides, this was stupid.  This was cheesy.  You'd be embarrassed telling this story toyour kids one day.  Wait, kids?  Slow down, Sansy, one thing at a time.
 Needless to say,he turned his failed proposal into a weak joke by telling you, 'oh, oops,that's the moon.'  At least it made youlaugh.
 The second timehe tried, it was just the two of you at home, cuddling and watching an oldfavorite movie from your childhood.  Hefelt more comfortable there, in the walls of your shared home.  He wasn't going to chicken out thistime.  He wasn't going to make some kindof spectacle or joke out of it.  He wasjust going to take the pillow lying next to him, plop it on the floor, get downon one knee, and show you the ring in his pocket.  But... you had your head on the pillow. And you were asleep.
 The third time hetried was the closest he got to actually doing it.  He was sure that it couldn't go wrong.  He'd practically trapped himself into doingit, and trapped you on that path with him, by arranging to go to a fancyrestaurant with you.  He set aside enoughmoney to fund your Grillby's trips for weeks, bought a suit for the first timein his life, reserved the table and everything. You looked absolutely beautiful, and you told him that he lookedadorable, so he was riding that confidence-boost high all evening, all the wayuntil dessert came, all the way until the restaurant manager approached yourtable.  It turned out, while Sans wasmonologuing about his feelings for you as a prequel to his proposal, the peopleat the table next to you felt uncomfortable at the way you two were holdinghands and, oh so scandalously, even going so far as to kiss a couple of times.  Andapparently, that was your problem for being together, not theirs for buttinginto other people's business because they didn't like the sight of a human anda monster being affectionate with one another. You were kicked out of the restaurant.
 Understandably, thatkind of ruined the entire night.  How washe supposed to propose when you had so much sadness and fury in your eyes?  When all you could talk about was how fuckedup that was, how fucked up the world was, how sorry you were that humans couldbe so rotten, as if you were a part of the problem somehow despite loving him completelyand unconditionally?  He just held you inhis arms, reassured you that it wasn't your fault and that yeah, the world waskind of fucked up, but it was still worth living in together.  Then he teleported you home to sleep on it.
 What he learnedfrom those failures was as follows:
1. Don't be acoward.  So what if you turned him downor thought it was cheesy?  It wouldn't bethe end of the world.  It wouldn't meanyou didn't love him.
2. Don't do it athome.  It's too comfy.  One of you or the other would get too cozyand fall asleep for sure.
3. Don't do it ina place with a lot of humans.  A lot ofthem were still weirdly bitter about monsters existing in society.
 With all of thatin mind, he swore to himself, this would be the time that he did it forreal.  For the first time in a long time,he asked you to go to Grillby's with him, on Friday, right after work.  That had been your routine before you gottogether as a couple.  After you gottogether, of course, you pretty much went with him whenever he went.  To go there again, specifically when you usedto, was somehow kind of nostalgic, even though it was by far your mostfrequently-visited date location.  Youeagerly agreed.
 Everything wasjust like it always was between you two, just as it always had been.  Neither of you dressed up for it.  You ordered the same food and drinks (andcondiment) as always.  You got into yoursame old pun war with each other and he let you rant about the same oldbullshit at your workplace.  He preferredit that way.  He just smiled, rested hischin in his hand and thought about how nice it would be to spend the rest ofhis life just like this.
 "Sans stopsmiling that asshole stole my lunch from the fridge again."
 He only smiledwider.  "you did not just tell your skeleton boyfriend tostop smiling.  that's like me telling youto stop being cute."
 "Yeah, wellI..."  You blushed.  "Okay first of all, I'm not cute, I'mbadass."
 "i thinkyou're living proof that those two aren't mutually exclusive."
 "And second of all, you smile differentlywhen you're actually smiling like a human would.  It reaches your eyes."
 The fact that youcould tell the difference made him feel a rush of love for you.  "awwwh. i love the way you analyze me like one of your specimens."
 You reachedacross the table and patted his cheek. "You're my speciman."
 "heheh."  He put his hand over yours, leaned into yourtouch a little, and looked at you with an eager and bashful expression hehadn't quite replicated since your first few dates together.  It was the expression he used to get when hewanted you to kiss him but didn't know how to ask.  You were expecting him to say something sweetand mushy, but all he said was, "you want an onion ring?"
 Okay.  Shakespearean it was not, but coming fromSans, that was a tiny bit romantic.  Dudeloved his onion rings.
 "Oh sure,thanks, honey.  I want to see what allthe fuss is about," you chuckled, letting go of his cheek to hold out yourhand for one.  "They must be prettydamn good if you never even share them with the love of your life overhere."
 There was amischievous gleam in his eyesockets.  Youwere sure he was about to prank you, but since you were curious where the hellhe could be going with this, you just let him do his thing.  Instead of reaching into his onion ringbasket, he reached into his pocket.  Heheld something in his hand, but kept it concealed for a moment, a light blueblush dusting his cheeks.
 "oops.  did i say onion ring?  i meant to say union ring.  my bad." He felt physically incapable of it, but he knew that if there was onetime in his life that he needed to look you in the eyes, it was now.  So he did. You just looked shocked.  It was anatural reaction.  He stifled the anxietyrising in the pit of his stomach and presented you with the ring he'd been holdingon to for ages.  He'd picked it outbecause, rather than a traditional clear diamond, the center gem was a deepblue, and cut into the shape of a tiny heart. What would be a minor detail to most human couples was a major one tohim, because he wanted it to resemble his soul, as if he were literally handingit over to you to hold and to take care of and to cherish forever.
 "heh.  i, uh, know it's gotta be disappointing,compared to one of these tasty onion rings you thought you were gonna get.  you still want it?"
 You stillseemed frozen in place, but he felt his nervousness fade when he saw thegrowing smile on your face.  You weregoing to say yes.  Oh, stars, you wereactually going to say yes.
 "...  Yes." Your voice came out soft and shy, nothing like it usually did-- you wereusually bold compared to him.  But youwere certain.
 As coolas he'd been trying to play it, he couldn't really contain himself anymore whenyou agreed.  He jumped off his stool andpulled you down from yours into a long, tight hug, his face buried completelyin your chest.  You barked out a laugh,ecstatic.  Both of you were shaking inyour excitement.
 "God,Sans..." you mumbled as you pressed kiss after kiss to the top of hishead.  It seemed you were just as much ata loss for words as he was.
 "thanksfor saying yes," he whispered back. "i...  really, really neededto hear that from you."  He pulledaway a little, but only to smile up at you and slip the ring on to yourfinger.  It fit perfectly, and he wasoverwhelmed by the sight of you finally wearing it, a symbol of his love foryou, and your love for him in return. "i dunno what else to say besides i love you.  and, uh, fyi, i was tryin' to do this formonths."
 Youlaughed and nuzzled his forehead with yours. "That's awesome.  BecauseI've been daydreaming about marrying you for months."
 That wasofficially the cutest thing he'd ever heard. He could hardly imagine you sitting there and thinking about marryinghim, of all people.  No matter how longyou were together, he could never fully understand how you could be so in lovewith him.  But he didn't doubt it for amoment, and he was so, so grateful for it. "...  have i mentioned that ilove you?  because holy smokes, i adoreyou."
 "Hehe,yeah, you mentioned it.  About thirtyseconds ago.  But it's always nice tohear it again.  And I love you too,"you assured him.
 "sweetheart.  babe. you saying 'yes' is all the 'i love you's i'll ever need."
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———  BASICS! ♡
NAME! ♡   Pendles, Kakashi, Kashi, Kasha, etc. PRONOUNS! ♡    He/Him or They/Them ZODIAC SIGN! ♡     Scorpio/Dragon TAKEN OR SINGLE! ♡     ... it’s complicated.
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
1! ♡     I’m about to get my degree in cybersecurity
2! ♡     I’m taking the first steps to learn Blender, but it’s gonna take a long time due to having so much on my plate.
3! ♡     I’m American, but musing Pendles who has a British/Australian/Roan accent got me using a hybrid of British and American spelling conventions.  I’m just sticking with it at this point.
PLATFORMS USED! ♡     Is this specific to rp?  Flash-tools.something in the little example chatbox they had there, Tumblr, and Discord.
GENDER! ♡ I’m drawn to males and nonbinary muses, but that doesn’t stop me from picking up female muses.  I’ve ended up with a fairly even mix.
LEAST FAVOURITE FACE(S)! ♡   I don’t like using fcs personally.  1. I’m super picky about how my muses look and it’s super rare for me to find some actor that actually fits their look. 2. It opens you up to criticism for whatever that celebrity decides to do.  Or you’ll find the perfect one and discover they’re a major shitbag so then you’re stuck with trying to figure out whether or not you wanna keep the face for reference or just toss the entire concept out the window.   3. Most of my muses are aliens so there are very few people that actually fit the look and feel of them.
MULTI OR SINGLE! ♡     Either.  I running and working with single blogs because they’re hyper-focused, but running a multimuse blog allows for building foils/inter-muse interactions, etc.
FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡    I’ve chilled on having smut threads, I just like joking about it.  I’m more of an angst and fluff friend.
PLOT / MEMES! ♡     I like overarching plots and find that memes can add to or create new overarching plots.
tagged  by: @truxicanfalconer tagging: whoever wants to do this.
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theequeerstrian · 6 years
hey, is ur dog a cross breed with samoyed or just a puppy samoyed? was wondering because i don’t have enough room in my house for a massive dog but i adore samoyeds (also how much do they shed?)
Okay. First, Kasha is not my dog. She's a dog that comes into my work, where I am a dog groomer. She gets very light outline trims to enhance her fluff factor. To answer your questions, Kasha is a purebred Samoyed. Please look up the AKC standards for the size they achieve, because pictures really aren't gonna tell you that and I don't know the actual dimensions. Last, yes they shed. Holy hell, they shed. Honestly, all dogs shed. Yes, even poodles and labradoodles. Poodles just shed significantly less.Honestly, if you have an animal with hair, you're gonna deal with shedding. My ACTUAL dog, a doberman, has very short hair but he sheds a TON. It's just very short hair that sheds. Double coated breeds like Kasha shed year round but mostly in two big bursts called blowing the coat. The only way to have a dog and no shedding tbh is to get a hairless breed like a Xolo. Otherwise you're just gonna have to brush the dog a lot. And don't dismiss what I just said, YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO BRUSH YOUR DOG A LOT. I brush my Doberman, ok? Longer hair means more brushing, and don't ever let anyone tell you any breed ever is low maintenance, they're lying. It's a living thing, it's not low maintenance. Short hair has a shorter life cycle and sheds more constantly. Double coats take FOREVER to totally shed out, and it's worse when you dont stay on top of brushing, so for many it seems like they never stop because you'll never finish brushing out a shed cycle before the next begins. Poodles and curly breeds shed far less often, but require a lot more brushing otherwise they will get matted and your groomer will have to shave them with a #10 blade and you'll be mad your dog is naked and your groomer will be mad you neglected it, and the dog will be mad it had to go through a shave-down and nobody will be happy. (But dont ever get a designer dog, everything you've ever heard about any of them is a lie because there is no way to tell how the puppies will turn out. They are mixed breeds with as of yet, no set breed standard).
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