#kass's final song
sunset-peril · 2 years
Successors - Prologue - The Back of One's Mind
“I must tell you… It’s been a long while that I’ve been tryin’ to muster up the strength to come here.” A brown-haired Hylian woman, figure normally gleaming in arrogance, filled with solemnity. Her horse’s hooves clicked on as they traveled the Necluda path, the woman’s grip weak on the reins from some other force. 
“I get that a lot, from people coming here to pay their respects. Even ninety years later… it's still a tragedy. That’s why I offer myself to people wishing to come. My final allegiance to Her Highness… to watch over her remains.” Her companion, an elder Sheikah, whispered. It was obvious he had not been in his home village in a very long time, he spoke more like a Hateno villager than a Sheikah, and did not wear the traditional garb of such.  
“How is the Castle?”
“It’s still holding up. It’s been safer, though. I think the safest it ever was… would have been about thirty years ago.” 
“Astounding…” She looked up and was graced with a sweeping landscape, covered in the remains of autonomous, possessed soldiers surrounding a large stone structure that had seen better days. Eyes began to burn as she looked down at her horse’s mane. The party became silent as they veered off the trodden path that drew closer to the structure. She knew they were near the site when three of the soldiers, arranged in a tower, all faced the same direction.  
She’d heard about her kingdom’s fall of course, the ruins taking up the majority of Central Hyrule didn’t need anyone to teach their story, and she was nothing if not filled with rumors. However, when she gazed upon that patch of grass, the reality of that day ninety years ago came rushing in. 
She could see them, surrounded by the flames of their fallen kingdom. The knight was essentially torn to pieces as he broke his silence to shriek his agony into the night. Crimson blood spewed from his near-slit throat in a sickening current, also bubbling up from his chest. He grabbed her hand, even in the pain; his blood smearing on her. His dying eyes glanced into hers with only fear for her life. Her Highness whined in similar pain, and although the Hylian woman fought to keep the rumors from this moment, the Princess reached for her pregnant stomach before moaning once more. She was nearly crosshatched by her wounds and, should the rumors be true, tensing and grunting as she tried to force her child's birth. The knight cradled her against his gushing body, cooing softly as his breaths became weak. The Princess didn't make another noise, she went limp in his arms just after he did. Footsteps quickly approached moments after they passed, two Sheikah knights found them, tried to wake them up, then shrieked in agony upon finding them dead on the bloodstained plain. 
“Traysi? Miss Traysi?” The woman’s Sheikah guide prodded her back to her world. “It’s a sacred place indeed…” He mused when she turned a responsive head back to him. “so many people are sent right to the heart of the Calamity…”
“My… vials… please.”  
“Of course.” The Sheikah reached into the sack on her horse’s neck, pulling out three small vials of water each labeled with the symbol of one of the Golden Goddesses. He tenderly slipped each vial into her hand, the glass clinking as they slid apart and back together. 
Traysi looked back at the grass that had taken hold of her just moments before, slipping the corks out of the vials. Each vial had water from one of the sacred springs, and she had gathered them to anoint the site. First was the Spring of Courage, Fayroe’s spring. This was first because it honored both fallen. Next, the Spring of Power, Din’s spring. Last was the Spring of Wisdom, for the Princess could not ascend the mountain until the day of her death. With the anointing of this land, may the spirits that fell upon it be blessed with everlasting peace. May the spirits that fell here be free from any worldly captivity, to return to the side of the Highest Goddess Hylia by this blessing from her fellow goddesses. Let the sacrifice raised here never be forgotten, and reveal to us the truth of the Holy Princess and Chosen Knight so that they may not be tarnished by our unknowing state. Bring us peace in their absence, and bring them peace in our ignorance, and may their afterlife lead the life they should have been granted: together, enveloped in love, the same way they were created in that sacred temple below the sky oh so long ago… 
As the final drops of the Spring of Wisdom’s water fell upon the grass, Traysi returned from her prayer; clutching the empty vials to her chest. “When I was younger, my father told me about his encounter with a Champion Survivor… someone close to one of your fallen warriors, my princess. I was captivated that there were people, real life people, who experienced the Great Calamity. Ever since then… I’ve wanted to pay my respects. However, no one knows where you or your Champions are buried… all we know is that you and Champion Link passed away here… and it’s taken many years before I could come… but here I am.” She bowed deeply, though not letting her knees touch the sacred ground, before shedding a tear and turning to head home. 
“Welcome, travelers. May I sing you a song?”
Traysi and her Sheikah companion whipped around to see a young, blue-and-gold-macaw-like Rito with an accordion that was a little too big for him. He flew over the Guardian tower, a hopeful expression on his face. “My teacher, the court poet for the Royal Family, recently passed away. I would like to follow in his footsteps to sing for the ones who come to honor the Princess, Knight and Champions. I believe I have a song for you, one Her Highness would find pleasing; may I sing for you?” 
“Sure… it would be a nice closing to my respects.”
The small-ish Rito smiled gently, then glided down and perched on a nearby rock. “Thank you, kind travelers.” He took his accordion and began to play.
 Here on this sacred plain  
 Two travelers made their way 
 Through both the sun and the rain 
 To arrive here and say 
 "Thank you for that day 
 when you threw your life away" 
 I shall be here by your side 
 Through each of death's frozen nights 
 Standing here alone 
 I never thought I'd be this close 
 To this place, where legends forever rest 
 Beyond the day and the night 
 Resting along Hylia's side 
 No greater love has found its depth  
 Than this place where two fighters lay  
 Princess and her Knight 
 An eternal sacrifice  
 Two souls still searching for peace 
 Their destiny still awaits 
 Heroes lost in the fray 
 And then the light shall return! 
The Rito opened his eyes as his accordion’s final notes played. “Thank you for listening to me. I will leave you now, if you would like.” 
“Thank you, Rito.” 
He smiled. “The name’s Kass. I wish you peace in your travels.” As quietly as he appeared, Kass ambled towards Hateno Village. 
Traysi and her Sheikah companion prepared their horses for their journey. 
“I wonder what he means…” The Sheikah suddenly mumbled.
“I believe he was referring to us, Synten.”
“No, no, at the end. He said ‘Two souls still searching for peace, their destiny still awaits.’ How could their destinies still lie ahead of them if they’ve been dead for decades?”
She blinked, stopping mid-bridle. “You’re right… Could it be possible…?”  
Edited - 04/14/2024
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curiouscrux · 1 year
Sure, Tears of the Kingdom has some really interesting speedrunning potential, creative new combat options, and fixes for general criticism after the first game...
But will they match the emotional impact of completing the storyline for Kass?
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The sheer development of botw/totk zelink…
Zelda didn’t originally like Link. She outright avoided him at all costs and wasn’t particularly nice to him. And despite her own efforts, Link’s own determination and devotion to his role finally wore her down to the point where she realized how wrong she had judged him.
Link was a prodigy, he had the sword that would seal the darkness already (had since he was a mere preteen) and was known for besting adults in duels as a literal child. She was born with powers she couldn’t unlock despite all the effort she put in. She thought he was simply handed his fortunes in life with no consequences, while she struggled daily to uphold her father’s expectations for her and neglect her own hobbies.
But when Link steadfastly protected her in a place she had specifically gone to in order to escape him, she sees the truth behind it all. Link is determined. He never backs down from a fight. He’s also reckless and she understands this as she chastises him and worries over his well-being. He’s knowledgeable about horses and has good advice, always willing to share it when someone (aka Zelda) needs to hear it. She learns bit by bit about Link until she outright questions why he doesn’t talk much. And he genuinely hesitates but decides that he can share this with her. She’s the only one he ever has. Because she asked.
And he tells her. The sword on his back brings a great responsibility and massive burden to bare. He feels the need to be strong and to be the stoic perfect knight to take on the role everyone expects him to play.
They become much closer after this and there’s multiple times we see Link actually neglect his role as her protector in order to just be there for Zelda as her friend. Once in the spring memory where he turns after Zelda berated her inability to awaken her power and the second when they’re literally running away from murder bots and he doesn’t force her to continue when she slips but rather kneels, listens, and comforts her.
And to find out that Zelda’s love for Link is the reason she awakened her powers and that it’s canonically proven through Kass’ song? Wow. And that doesn’t even BEGIN their story and how it ends in totk.
In botw, the Japanese original logs are written by Link himself and it’s revealed that one of his motivators in saving Zelda was to see her smile once again. Just. Remember that.
Of course the game end and we do see Link and Zelda planning on traveling to investigate Vah Ruta. And we find out in ToTK that the two are inseparable, so much so that without Zelda by his side no one recognizes Link beyond the characters that genuinely know him through the story.
They’ve traveled across Hyrule and helped numerous people, no matter what it was. They live together in Hateno, where they helped to build a school and even teach the kids there. They founded expedition and research teams, reformed a guard, and even found the time to ‘vacation’ at Lurelin where they would go up to Lover’s Pond in the evening.
Zelda and Link create a home out of Hyrule. It’s no longer a desolate, sparingly populated land. It’s being reformed. It’s being cared for. It’s their home. They lost theirs 100years prior but they’ve steadily worked to make it a home once again. They were healing. Together.
So losing Zelda again, being unable to reach her, and also losing his sword. . . It’s a lot. But the thing he knows he must do— Find Princess Zelda. Despite knowing exactly where Zelda is after you finish the Tears of the Dragon Quest, Link does not complete it. Because he hasn’t found his Zelda. The one that rambles on about everything and gets excited about history and new discoveries. The one that tried to make him eat a frog (albeit she was on to something). She isn’t home.
Meanwhile Zelda. . . Zelda goes on about Link, enough for Sonia to know all about him and his tendency to worry over Zelda’s well-being. And then we have memory eight that has Zelda practically gushing about him to her pseudo-parents and promptly being teased for it. Then, as Zelda finally understands why she is in the past, she ensures Link has everything he could need in order to win. Because to her, Link and Hyrule surviving is a must. She sacrifices herself to ensure that.
And yet. . . Link is determined to bring her back. Hyrule won’t be the home they’ve worked so hard to make it so without her. He can’t quit until they find a way to revert her back. So when Rauru and Sonia channel their power through Link, it takes a moment for him to understand by when he does… WHOOH boy does the determination SHINE in his eyes.
And he gets her back. He reaches her. Protects her just as she did for him in the form of restoring the Master Sword. And she immediately rambles.
We don’t get to see Link’s reaction to any of this. But then we end with “Link, I’m home” and a SMILE. Because that’s all Link wants. For Zelda to be safe and smiling.
Ultimately, they just want to be home. And home is with the other.
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companion piece of young Link
AAHH i finally finished something :'D
i've uh had some very specific Thoughts about Zelda's childhood for a while now so its about time i put them to paper - this is actually round TWO since the original doodles are lost to ... somewhere ... i like these second editions better though so alls well that ends well
we're looking at ages around 4, 7 and 10 years old here touchin bugs in the dirt, archery practice, and playing a lyre ;w;
more detailed Thoughts under the cut 💙
iiitssss customary ranting about my BotW/TotK opinions tiiiimeeee welcome my darlingsss jfkdjfkd 💙
i had a much more solid idea about where i was going with Zelda than with Link but some of it is kinda abstract or weird lol
we know a fair amount about her upbringing in general, or can infer as much from Zelda's interactions with her father and what they and people around them wrote. she was clearly a smart and vivacious kid with a strong personality from the start, no matter how much you sort of squash that shit for the public face, repression etc. so yknow, her mother's death when she was 6, awful. her father's change in attitude especially in her teens, awful. being under public scrutiny her whole life, awful. restrictive structure of royal life, dull (i bet it bored Zelda to death at times no matter how strongly duty-oriented she is). having said that though, she got by and just by looking at her study, she clearly got stuff done to herself - you can take the kid away from the science but the science stays with the kid !!!
additionally, forgive me for mentioning ... timelines ... but in my humble onion, BotW/TotK serve as a Dragon-Break scenario which are SO far in the future from other entries that ALL timelines will inevitably converge and lead to that point, so it doesnt matter any more (i dont like extended Timeline theory, Nindooty doesnt like extended Timeline theory, the current writing team seem to want shot of it, let me be). being a history guy i also subscribe to leaning on the LEGEND aspect of 100 and 1000 year games of telephone, it makes things spicy. tradition is a strange thing, we do things we dont have much of a context for anymore, we're still living with the cultural hangovers of people living when mammoths were around and no thats not hyperbole lol its WILD. ive typed around the point enough lets get going
she was a bugs girl !!!! she still IS a bugs girl lmao but if our 16 year old girlie is gonna pounce on frogs apropos of nothing, that 4 year old girlie is gonna go catch bugs in the Royal Gardens and freak out her maids or escorts with them, good for her 💅
the other two are where my timeline thing comes in; the triforce is never mentioned by name, its just there in symbolism ?? something about the blood of the goddess ?? divine sealing powers ??? no one knows in the same vein, i like to think that its traditional for Hylian Princesses to learn archery and play a lyre or harp ... but no one remembers quite WHY ?? so Zelda does. the Priestess-Princess* role means the public is aware that Zelda had formal singing training, but its not really common knowledge outside of the Castle that the Royal Girls do THIS (no one knows why that part is important either, but it stays in the Castle). she might be a little out of practice now, but give that muscle memory enough time and she might be able to really surprise people.
*this is part of the Japanese translation, at least in Kass' final song Zelda is referred to as an term roughly meaning Priestess-Princess - which makes total sense to me
ohhh my god i talked a lot okay i just love my gorl fhjdkfjdk
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actual footage of me explaining my shit and going way long
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jet-the-hedgehog · 2 months
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bahbahhh · 11 months
fic masterlist
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currents the true story of mipha's grace. NPC POV (Mipha) | BotW | multichapter | rated T | incomplete - on hiatus
A thematic successor to "desire path" and "thank you for listening" in which we are getting zelink from a NPC POV as well as a metaphor through nature. I wanted to give Mipha some love because I often seen (and have done this myself) her placed in a negative or shallow light with respect to Link and Zelda's relationship in botw. I also believe deeply you can love someone completely and not be meant for each other and that is okay. Follows Mipha's diary entries/Champions' Ballad.
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begin again - also posted on tumblr A story for @zelinkcommunity zelink week 2023 set between BotW and Totk. A stab at explaining lots of the changes seen in TotK, specifically what happens to the Sheikah Technology. Zelda POV | pre -TotK | multichapter | rated T | complete!
The Calamity is gone. The remaining leaders of Hyrule gather for a Summit to determine the future of the kingdom, starting with how to repurpose all the Sheikah Technology. Zelda is among them, and while everyone still calls her Princess, she’s not sure she wants to lay claim to an old throne. What she really wants is to move on. She wants to continue her research, to prove her worth beyond her bloodline, and to spend as much time with Link as she can…which sounds an awful lot like what she wanted a hundred years ago…
desire path for @zelinktines24 2023 for the prompt “Oh no” NPC POV (Impa) | pre-BotW | rated G | oneshot - complete!
Impa is given a secret assignment from the King just before she is to escort Zelda and Link back to Kakariko Village for the festival of Sahasra’s Pass: make sure their arrangement is not creating “unnecessary distractions.” It seems silly for the King to be so concerned about such an implausible matter. Anyone with two eyes can see they clearly despise each other. Impa forgets she has three.
✨ amazing fanart from @marimbles
✨amazing fanart from @pitchblackespresso like someone would for @zelinkcommunity Zelink week 2022 for the prompt "statue" A love letter to side quests. Link POV | BotW | rated M | multichapter | complete!
Her voice is the string of reassurances and warnings whispered in his ear from the moment he opened his eyes. She calls out for your help. So he goes, underprepared and overconfident, in the opposite direction of Kakariko Village because a hundred years is long enough and a princess needs his help and he was someone once. (Or, Link realizes destiny is awfully hard thing to shake.)
thank you for listening NPC POV (Kass) | post BotW |rated G | short and sweet | complete!
The ancient songs collected, his teacher’s last ballad complete, and still Kass can’t help but miss the thrill of the strange Hylian’s company.  With his ever patient ear, often turned deliberately toward the accordion with his eyes closed, it was like the melody was more than just a pleasant tune. Like Kass was offering a prayer and Link was waiting for an answer.
windows for @zelinkcommunity opposites attract community event. In collaboration with @aheavenscorner who made this AMAZING artwork. ✨ Link and Zelda POV | post BotW | rated T | oneshot- complete!
Twelve years after the events of Tears of the Kingdom, the Master Sword tells Link it is finally time to put it back.
The Killing Moon BotW 1.5 before we got TotK so it's one giant guessing game leading up to what we see in the trailers. Also features my guess at the title, which I'll pat myself on the back, was pretty damn close. Heavy angst, deep dive into PTSD/trauma* Link POV | BotW 1.5 | rated E | multichapter | complete!
She asks if he remembers her. He doesn’t answer. There is quiet longing between them in moments when they are alone that Link still cannot place. He thinks he needs time but Hyrule won’t grant them peace. Especially not when there is a kingdom to rebuild and the Blood Moon still rises. But Link doesn’t want to rebuild, he just wants-
✨author's notes
all I can think about is The best comment I’ve got of this fic remains “Sexy yet depressing?” Zelda POV| pre-totk | rated E NSFW* | must have ao3 to read | oneshot- complete!
drabbles and other smaller one shots
distraction and the distracted Link POV | pre-botw| zelinkweek 2022 | oneshot- complete! almost beautiful Link POV | pre-botw| zelinkweek 2022 | oneshot- complete! Kass and his daughters   NPC POV | post- botw| tumblr drabble | oneshot- complete! Zelda illness Zelda POV | post- botw| tumblr drabble | oneshot- complete! Angsty Paya NPC POV | botw| tumblr drabble | oneshot- complete! Terrako catches Link and Zelda Link POV | AoC | tumblr drabble | oneshot- complete! OoT Zelink written for @zeldaelmo for her fic Someone I Used To Know Zelda POV | OoT older | tumblr drabble | oneshot- complete! Patricia POV NPC POV- Patricia the Sand Seal | botw| tumblr drabble | oneshot- complete!
[last updated 11/1/2023]
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7grandmel · 4 months
Todays rip: 16/05/2024
Kass' Theme
Season 4 Episode 1 Featured on: SECOND WIND ~ SiIvaGunner: King for Another Day Tournament Original Soundtrack VOL. 2
Ripped by wolfman1405 feat. Buta Big Band
Requested by sabybeal! (Request Form)
Now, Wolfman1405 is certainly not a new name to be featured here on this blog. Be it with Sunday Morning, Theme of HoBART, and most recently Haltmanna feat. Rob Thomas of Matchbox 20, I've spilled many words on just how excellent of a contributor the guy is, how distinct his jazzy sound, sultry voice, and love for music truly is amidst the channel's sea of contributors. Yet through all of those posts and more, I'm somehow yet to write a post about Wolfman1405's most distinct trait - the rips involving his own full-on Jazz ensemble, the Buta Big Band. With Kass' Theme, it felt as if the group was finally able to show their full potential on the big stage - a no-nonsense, non-shitpost cover of a beautiful piece of Nintendo music.
I briefly mentioned back on Sunday Morning that contestants like Adam Levine never really felt destined for the big leagues - the idea that some contestants just *felt* like they wouldn't be able to make it to the top. The contestants of this rip, Nintendo Power, felt pretty similar to me - as good as their setlist was, it wasn't all too different from the type of music SiIvaGunner usually uploads, that being primarily Nintendo-focused. But their presence did of course feel very welcome althesame - it gave the team ample room to show just how far they could PUSH that Nintendo-centric focus the channel already had with genuine all-cylinders effort put in. That was, as I've ruminated on many times, a huge part of what made KFAD so incredible: it was, to put it in the corniest way possible, SiIvaGunner's Avengers moment, of so many rippers from the channel's history coming together to give it their absolute all for this one event. Frequent rippers, infrequent rippers, old legends like Triple-Q and guest contributors like GaMetal on Ink That or DM DOKURO on September. And in the middle of all this sat Wolfman1405 - contributing a half dozen rips to the event, with Kass' Theme in particular showing perhaps the full power he possesses.
It helps, of course, that Kass' Theme is one we all have collectively swooned for since the release of Breath of the Wild in 2017. Hell, later in that very same year, during Season 2, SiIvaGunner themselves contributed a full-on Fusion Collab in the titular Kass' Theme Fusion Collab - a listen that, fittingly enough, begins with Wolfman1405's very own piano playing. Kass' Theme, two years later, then truly feels like a full circle moment, and above all else like a huge flex from the part of the Buta Big Band. It's Kass' Theme, sure, but filled with personality around every corner, evident from the word go as the ensemble leads into the titular song with a snippet from the main The Legend of Zelda theme completely seamlessly, borderline mandela-effecting me into believing that it had always been a remix of said theme all along. Kass' Theme isn't a very long piece of music, but the rip journeys through so many different takes and rhythms to the tune in its runtime - a trumpet-lead at one section, the full band in another, a section broken up by drum beats, and what I believe to be a trombone solo halfway through it all. As a former trombone player (Mel fun fact of the day!) I can't help but admire it, both on principle alone but also for just how well it manages to fit this new take on the song.
There's layers to dissect at every turn with Kass' Theme, and even as it turns almost entirely into freestyle toward the arrangement's end, it never loses the soul of what it's adapting - and, of course, never stops sounding fantastic. It's that sheer quality that makes Wolfman1405's rips stand as tall as they do, that touch for finesse born from such a good understanding of music - and, perhaps most obviously ad most importantly, a love of the SiIvaGunner channel. It all reminds me of rips like Because I Love You - there's no bit, no punchline, no irony, naught but the love of genuinely good music, to be expressed as earnestly as possible with an audience of fans who are damn near bound to accept that sincerity with open arms. Kass' Theme is an absolute slam dunk for the Buta Big Band, and one of the MANY reasons I love Wolfman1405's contributions to SiIvaGunner - and hey, if you're interested in his work outside of the channel, may I recommend his two independantly-produced singles, Distance and Atlanta?
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tnc-n3cl · 3 months
The Tale of the Realm Walker
Behold, the first (chronologically speaking) arc of my LoZ fanfic saga, The Realm Walker! The Tale of the Realm Walker is set 20 years after the events of Wind Waker, and is a crossover of sorts with Twilight Princess. It's been brought up before in my other fics, "The Ballad of Kass", and "Shifting Tides of Fate" mostly. But know I'm letting you finally see the madness in my head! Here's a summary!
Kass stands in the clearing at the center of Korok Forest, the dappled sunlight shining off his nearly sky-blue plumage as he unfastens the strap holding his accordion to his back.  He unfolds his cherished instrument and moves to stand in front of the sleeping Great Deku Tree.  He plays a few notes to warm up before speaking… “The Rito have kept this story to ourselves since we lived on a lonely island upon a Great Sea; however, given recent events, I believe now is the time to share it with you, as it is my firm belief that this story is the missing piece of the puzzle that is Hyrule’s long and complicated history.” He takes a deep breath before continuing, “Now, before I begin, I have but one request.  I humbly ask all of you to save all questions and comments until after I have finished this tale as it is quite long and I’d rather not be away from my wife and daughters for longer than I need to be.”   His crest collapses in anguish as he looks down for but a moment before looking back at his audience, “I’ve… been away from them for too long already…” After a moment, Kass begins playing his accordion.  It’s a more upbeat and faster paced variation of the music he plays with his daughters back home.  An ancient version of the song, played by the Rito in days long since passed…
Okay maybe that doesn't tell you much... Basically Kass is telling everybody this some time after the Divine Beasts are free. Yes, he's playing appropriate music for each section of the story (staring with the Dragon Roost Island theme). Lets see... Rated M for Mature (for safety in case I get carried away with the violence), Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings (I will post specific warnings in each chapter.) Post canon, AU, Blood and Violence, Profanity, may have Suggestive Themes.
Characters: Lots of OC's! Twili OC's! Rito OC's! Midna, Medli, Komali, even Valoo!
Check out this spear I did for the main character!
I've retconed the Rito for this story. BotW style full birb, except they can change their wings into arms like in WW (scaly birb arms, no feathers after the elbow, claws on fingers), and WW style clothes.
You want a more descriptive summary? Okay! 20 Years after Wind Waker, the Great Sea lies mostly abandoned. Most of the human population has left for a new land. The Rito stayed behind because Valoo could not or would not leave Dragon Roost Island, the Koroks didn't want to leave the Great Deku Tree alone. Now, a mysterious stranger from another realm arrives on Dragon Roost Island....
(That's it, that's all your getting. Wanna know more, read the fic!)
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botwmusical · 1 year
The stories all tell of a hero, but maybe that isn't what's whole.
To celebrate the release of Tears of the Kingdom (finally!), we're preparing a very special first listen of Highlights of Songs From The Wild, coming mid-summer. @ashnwolves plays Kass in this rousing opening number, so make sure you tune in for the premiere on Thursday and get all hyped for the fateful day...
There will be more preview tracks released before the album, so make sure to keep checking back over the next month or so.
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sunset-peril · 1 year
Successors - Chapter Nine - The Bard's Atonement
*Forty-Five Years Later* 
Despite everything he'd done over his long life, he'd failed at one thing. He'd failed to truly apologize to Her Divine Majesty for everything that occurred in his youth. He’d seen her many, many times over the years. Within the last forty years especially, he’d found her almost exclusively within Korok Forest, chatting the days away with her lost husband as they shared their dead men’s tales. Neither had ever shooed him off, and had always welcomed him warmly, but still he didn’t feel like he should interrupt their far and few reunions to dredge up the transgressions of the past. 
And besides… only a large scale apology would do. 
He must find a way to accelerate Calamity’s defeat. 
All he knew were songs, information passed along melody after melody. To ensure these melodies survived his old age, he must find an apprentice. 
But where to begin? Who out there would be up to the task, and where were they?
His talons ruffled the pages of a small notebook even at a late hour. Everything was coming together… and with nice timing too. Something was coming, he could feel it even in his thickest feathers. He didn’t know how soon, but it was coming. He had to be ready. 
“Kass, you’re still up? You usually retire much earlier…”
“Yes, Amali. I’m putting the finishing touches on… a song of sorts.”
“Ah. What about?”
Kass was distracted once more, toying with the pencil on the page. “The Prince and Princess.”
“The ones that died during the Great Calamity?”
“The very same!”
"But… what is there left to tell?"
"There is something… I can feel it. I’m not sure what it is or when it will come, but-"
"Is there something you need to do? Please, feel free. The eggs are fine." 
He nodded, relief gleaming from his eyes, and headed off to Revali's Landing. His thoughts swarmed the whole time he was in the air, about whatever it could be regarding the Princess and Knight. They both were long deceased, so what could lay in store for them and Hyrule? Although he was ashamed to admit it, he was terrified to find out. 
“Are you Kass, great-grandson of Revali?” An elder Sheikah man suddenly appeared in front of him, leaning up against the three-holed pillar at Warbler’s Nest. 
“It’s been a very long time since I’ve been referred to as that.”
“But you are Kass, correct?”
“I am.” 
“Ah, good. This almost became awkward.”
“Who are you? I can tell you’re a Sheikah, but that is it.”
“My name is Horacio. I’m Lady Impa’s husband and an advocate for Her Grace.”
“But how? Her Grace died long ago, didn’t she?” 
"The Champions did. Her Grace has been sealed away in the Castle all this time, waiting on her husband's return from the grave."
"Return from the…?"  
"Such a tale is not worthy of mere words. To offer my services without doing so, I was the last Court Poet for the Royal Family."
Beak scraped against itself in confusion. "You have a poem?"
"A song. Do you, perhaps, want to hear?"
"I would love to. Do you need music? I have my grandfather's accordion." 
"Later, child. One day, I should hope you'll play before the Champion when he returns, but for now please just let your heart listen." 
Edited - 04/14/2024 
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waterbrand101 · 4 months
Playing botw and fighting the final boss now feels so different after having played totk. Just the knowledge that what your fighting in the end isn't actual Ganon and that you're basically just fighting another blight. It does takes away the annoyance I had with how easy the last boss is. Hearing all the exposition knowing that Ganon hadn't actually given up on the reincarnation cycle he was just mummified and unable to die for well over 10,000 years. Listening to the song from Kass and knowing what the previous hero fought was just another moment when a small part of Ganons power managed to escape. It makes the whole game feel different.
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♥️ Zelink Sketch + Headcanon Dump ♥️
(Part 1)
Yes. I know I have already posted something for Valentine's Day. No one can stop me. So here's some sloppy sketches!
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BoTW/ToTK Zelink is one of my favorite versions of the ship. They and SS Zelink are the most likely to have gotten together after the story, and they just have been through so much together! Not to mention a certain lyric in Kass's song regarding Zelda's power... Here are some little headcanons I have for them. :)
• Considering the state of Hyrule Castle, Link has let Zelda stay in his home in Hateno Village. She reveals it was his house to begin with, which likely resulted in a lot of frustrated rambling from Link that he had to buy his own house back...
• Zelda has frequent night terrors that she is still with the Calamity, holding it back as she replays the deaths of her loved ones in the back of her mind. When this occurs, Link usually is awake anyway and goes to comfort her. Although he has his memories returned, sometimes he finds it difficult to find the right words since he feels like a different person entirely.
• Despite Link's outward change in demeanor and the worry it initially would bring to her, Zelda realizes he's still the same Link that died in her arms. The only difference now is he no longer has such a heavy burden on his shoulders. And with that being the case, she's quite happy for him.
• Zelda spent a lot of time thinking about what the Deku Tree told her when she returned the Master Sword to its pedestal. Perhaps she's waiting for the right time to say what was on her mind... Or perhaps she already has?
• Zelda is a bit too... Experimental with cooking elixirs. Link encourages this, even if it makes him die a little inside whenever she makes dubious food instead. He'll eat it anyway.
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The duo that accidentally got themselves for eternity. Whether they realize it or not, they doomed themselves to always meet again regardless of how they may part. This would probably make them overjoyed, though, if it weren't for all the suffering their new destinies may come with. Some more headcanons:
• Link likes to carve little wooden statuettes for Zelda on special occasions, and she likes to sew things for him. Perhaps she's made him a crimson cloak like the Chosen Hero in the manga by Akira Himekawa?
• Zelda may sometimes have trouble keeping a grasp on herself with suddenly having all of Hylia's lifetime in the depths of her memories. Link never says it directly, but he takes every action to remind her that she's still their Zelda.
• Link confessed his love to Zelda on the statue after they decided to remain in the surface, using a similar buildup that she did while they were riding on their loftwings at the beginning of SS.
• All of the Links and Zeldas after them are reincarnated forms of them in some way. This headcanon is also why I ship these two at every given opportunity. They will always reunite to save Hyrule, no matter what- but they will also reunite to find each other once again.
• Groose accidentally third-wheels a lot but they just allow it and let him hang around. They're all buddies, after all.
• Sometimes, they'll just sit outside and Link will listen to Zelda sing. Occasionally, he'll borrow her harp and play along with her song.
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I know they aren't canon in the Child Timeline, but I can't help but love OoT Zelink. I like to imagine that somewhere in the LoZ universe, there's a timeline where Link refuses to be sent back in time and rather chooses to help restore Hyrule without leaving the one he saved behind. Usually, when I draw OoT Zelink, it's under this context. HCs:
• Link actually had a minor crush on Zelda during the events of OoT. They were just little kids, after all, so of course he found himself wanting to impress the princess when they met.
• After losing her own father to Ganondorf, Zelda is quick to comfort Link when he finally confides in her that the Deku Tree was like a father to him and the Kokiri before he withered. Some days, it is easy to think about what they lost and feel remorseful. But even so, they know they must carry on in hopes that the future for those after them is a brighter one.
• Link was going to return the Ocarina of Time, but Zelda let him keep it. Some days, when they aren't busy with restoration efforts, they'll play a duet. Zelda has even taught him some more songs.
• Zelda will occasionally teach Link the combat that was taught to her by Impa, usually techniques unique to the Sheikah Tribe. He finds himself struggling to be as agile, but he's trying. He thinks her skill is pretty admirable, at least.
• Neither is exactly talkative, but they aren't silent either. They balance each other out well in that way.
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The children!!! Telink is adorable in my opinion, even if the pair may not be as outwardly affectionate as some of their counterparts. These little pirates are also super fun to draw! I already have a ton of headcanons with these two mentioned in a previous post, but here are some others:
• After the events of Phantom Hourglass, Link is a bit more cautious with going to explore random stuff they find. He respects Tetra's leadership, but he doesn't want to get her hurt (or turned to stone) again.
• Tetra tends to pick on Link, but every so often will soften up. Link hardly ever notices the shift, as this is just how the two are. They bug each other, sure, but they're the other's closest friend and trust each other more than anything.
• Link has convinced Tetra to stop stealing from innocent people, since it's a bad influence on Aryll when she's around. Tetra sort of made fun of him for it, at first, poking at him for not wanting to upset his grandma. However, she... Went with it, anyway, since he sort of had a point. They only steal from their enemies now!
• They have an ongoing arm-wrestling competition and rematches will start spontaneously and without warning. The victor changes so often that the rest of the crew has started betting on who will win at a given time.
• Tetra and the crew increasingly visits Outset Island more and more because they all think Link's grandma is really nice and they're all deprived of parental figures. This is nice and all, but every time they leave they find out Tetra has helped Aryll sneak into the ship (at Aryll's request) and they have to turn back around so nobody gets worried that she vanished. Tetra doesn't intend for Aryll to stick around, she just finds it funny.
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Another personal favorite of mine, Spirit Tracks! These two are hard NOT to ship, with how much you can see them bonding over the course of the game. And the fact Link blushes almost every time she makes contact with him.
• These two are one of those pairs who very clearly have mutual feelings for each other, but no one can ever tell if they're actually together or even aware of these feelings.
• Link, while conducting, will occasionally drift off into daydreams about the next time him and Zelda will get to go on their own little adventure (although preferably not one with the world at stake this time). Alfonzo usually has to make him snap out of it and pay attention to the railroad.
• They like to make time to see each other, but if they can't in a given week for any reason they'll send letters to one another. Link's a little less literate than Zelda, but she manages to read his handwriting decently enough.
• Zelda is really affectionate. She's quick to high-fives, hugs, that sort of thing. Link doesn't mind, but he gets as pink as a rose quite often. Everyone finds him to be rather see-through.
• At Zelda's request, Link has begun teaching her to properly use a sword like she did as a Phantom.
Reblogging is fine, but please don't post this anywhere else without linking the original post. Thanks!
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yandere-fics · 6 months
Kass x Alpha darling. Enjoy
Here you were again, drinking away the stress of today and wishing you weren’t you. You knew she would find you eventually, but you’d like to finish your first drink before she did. “Lovely?” And there she was, you felt her hand on your shoulder as she gripped you tightly. “Lovely, did it happen again?” You gave a nod before setting down your drink and turning around to hug her. Kass knew you well enough and kept constant communication with you, she always knew if something went wrong when you didn’t answer. “Lovely, let’s go back to my place. We can cuddle and you can tell me about your day.” You gave a nod as she placed some money on the bar counter and downed the rest of your drink. She was your pillar and you loved her for it.
Kass carried you into her apartment and sat down with you on her lap, you nuzzled into her embrace as she smiled. Every time you did this song and dance, you cried and complained about how hard it is to be an alpha. The bills, the working, the stress, you hated all of it and Kass was always there to comfort you when it became too much. She was the best soulmate you could ask for. She rubbed your back gently as your crying slowly stopped, cupping your chin and making you stare into her eyes. “It’s okay Lovely, I’ll always be here for you no matter what. Why don’t you stay over tonight?” You gave a nod and she kissed your forehead, this was going to be your first time staying and you were quite happy she brought it up.
She had put on a trashy romance movie while you watched from her lap, her arms wrapped tightly around you and making you feel better. “Kass… Can I ask you something?” You felt her lips on your neck, you knew you didn’t have to ask but did it anyway. “Of course Lovely, what’s on your mind?” You thought about how to bring up the topic, but figured it’d be fine. “Is it okay for me to wish I was an Omega instead of an Alpha?” This was what Kass was waiting for, your inevitable desire to become an omega and to give up on being an Alpha. “Of course it’s okay, Lovely. Being an Alpha isn’t for everyone, and I think you’d make an adorably sweet little omega.” You gave a nod as she kissed your neck again, you wanted to stop being an alpha and who better to confide in but Kass? “I think I’d prefer being an Omega, your omega… I really don’t want to be an alpha.” This was what Kass needed.
“I can bitch you, turn you into my omega. You’d only ever have to obey my rules and be your adorable little self.” Her offer was desirable, simple. It sounded like the perfect life for you, so easy… “You’d do that for me? You’d make me your omega?” Kass squeezed you as she kissed your neck. “Of course I would Lovely. I’d do anything for you.” You nodded. “Please make me your omega-“ You didn’t even notice how quickly she moved to get you both into the bedroom and have you laying on her bed. “Kass? Were you expecting this?” She only gave you a smile. “Lovely, it’s always been obvious that you should have been a sweet little omega. You really never were cut out to be an Omega, but I was more than happy to wait patiently until you asked.” You pulled her into your embrace with a smile. “Thank you… Thank you so much…”
She had stripped you bare and positioned her head between your legs as you sat at the edge of her bed. “I’m going to prep you before I bitch you, I don’t want you to hurt too much, Lovely.” Your legs almost slammed into Kass’ head when she started eating out your pussy, but she held them still in her grasp. “Kass! Your tongue…” This was your first time with Kass and she was quite good with her tongue, fuck you needed more of her. Kass was enjoying the sight of her mate squirming and moaning, she was quite pleased with herself that her patience had paid off so well. You’d soon be her little omega, never allowed to leave the apartment without her. You’d be so obedient for her, and she’d absolutely pump you full once your heat came up. You’d finally given her everything and she was happy for it.
When Kass pulled away, you couldn’t help but whimper and whine. “No! Please don’t pull away! You felt so good.” Kass caressed your cheek. “Don’t worry Lovely. I’m only pulling away so I can bitch you.” You felt her cock prod your waiting pussy, it felt much bigger than yours which made you wonder if you could take her. “Brace yourself lovely, I’m going to enter you.” You gripped the sheets as she thrust inside you, she felt so big and you swore she almost split you in half. She cupped your cheek and kissed you. “I know it hurts lovely, but I prepared you as best I could. Alpha’s don’t normally get attention there, so you might feel some pain and discomfort.” You gave a nod as she pulled back before slowly thrusting back in. Kass was going to be gentle for your first time, but once you were her omega you’d be fair game.
Her kisses on your neck were so delightful, especially as she groped your breasts. Every time she placed a kiss she also grazed you with her teeth, waiting for the right moment to bite down and make you hers. The stimulation was euphoric and wonderful, you should have asked for this so much sooner. “Daddy please… I need your knot…” Kass enjoyed hearing that. ‘Daddy’ had such a nice ring to it, especially when you called her it so sweetly. How could she refuse you when you needed her knot? She became much rougher and you felt her preparing to sink her teeth deep into you, you’d be hers in but a moment. As she shoved her knot inside and bit down, you couldn’t help but cum on her knot. You were hers now, you belonged to Kass. You wrapped your arms around Kass as she began to pump you full, by morning you’d be her perfect, happy little omega. You’d never have to worry about alpha things again.
Kassien is just the sweetest making sure you don't have to worry about alpha things again.
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auxiliarydetective · 28 days
AP-01: Project Apocalypse
ch. 11: Liability
AP-01 Masterlist
This fic is part of the Academy Projects series, a full rewrite of The Umbrella Academy with the addition of an original character, Kassandra Hargreeves. Throughout the story, you'll stumble across a few songs. This is supposed to make the fic feel as much like the show as possible, so I recommend you don't skip them.
Warnings: Canon-typical issues
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The house was quiet again. Deathly quiet. Vanya’s ears were still ringing with the crash of the falling chandelier as she watched Luther run away, his upper body fully deformed into that of a monster.
“Where’s Kass?” Diego asked, and there was a slight crack in his voice. “Has anyone seen her?”
“She- she saved me when that guy in the mask knocked me down,” Vanya stammered. “She looked awful, said she’d fallen down the stairs, and she took me into this secret tunnel behind the bookcase.
“What tunnel?”
“There, in the drawing room.”
Vanya stepped back and gestured at the bookcase entrance, which stood slightly ajar.
“Must’ve been another one of those things she could never tell us about,” Allison mumbled. “Do you have any idea where she went afterwards?”
“She said she wanted to go help Klaus,” Vanya said. “I wanted to stop her, I really did, but I could only delay her for a bit.”
Allison patted her shoulder. “Alright, sit down and rest your head. We’ll find her. Diego, you take the main stairwell, I’ll check out the weird bookcase tunnel.”
“Of course you get the cool tunnel,” Diego grumbled, but he headed for the staircase nonetheless.
With a last reassuring nod towards Vanya, Allison slid behind the bookcase. The path was narrow and winding, not even wide enough for two people to pass each other without getting very intimate. Finally, it all made sense. How Kassandra had been able to appear out of nowhere when they had been kids, how she had never gotten caught sneaking around, why Allison had thought the house to be haunted because there were steps inside the walls… She could almost see a younger Kassandra hurrying along the path in front of her, her hair neatly braided, a pair of white gloves on her hands that were in stark contrast to her uniform. This little Kassandra had to be maybe thirteen or fourteen years old and though she looked different, at her core she was the same as her adult self. It wasn’t that Kassandra had never grown up, Allison thought, it was that she had grown up so early on. As if she were following that phantom of a sister, Allison sped up and walked on, somehow knowing exactly where to go.
Suddenly, she stopped, holding her breath. Those were Kassandra’s shoes, weren’t they? Neatly placed at the bottom of the stairs, their velvety surface damaged and scratched.
She looked awful, said she’d fallen down the stairs.
Of course. If only she had stayed here, Allison thought. She closed the distance to the stairs and looked up the steps, only to have her heartbeat taken away. Kassandra lay on a landing further up, her head close to falling off the platform, loose brown curls having tumbled over the edge. A scarlet spot atop her scalp sent shivers down Allison’s spine.
“Kass!” she gasped, and quickly climbed up to her sister.
Frantically, she picked her up from the ground and held her close, gently slapping her cheek.
“Kass, can you hear me? Kass!”
A quiet groan and a sharp sensation of pain rushing through Allison’s veins told her that Kassandra was waking up, gathering her senses.
“Sorry,” was the first thing she muttered, and the pain faded.
“No, no, don’t be sorry,” Allison stammered. “What happened, who did this to you?”
“I…” Kassandra furrowed her brows, then her eyes widened. “I don’t know. I can’t remember.”
For a moment, Allison just stared and blinked. “Maybe not now, but it’ll come back,” she finally declared. “Can you get up?”
“I… guess so?” Kassandra muttered. Then, as she tried to push herself up, she finally got a look at herself, her clothes wrinkled and crushed, in complete disarray. “Jesus, I must’ve gotten beaten up.”
“What’s the last thing you remember?” Allison asked.
She helped her sister up, then led her out into the corridor. Kassandra tried her hardest to keep herself upright, but her head felt like it was being crushed by a hydraulic press, her whole body ached, and her ankle was practically on fire. She couldn’t remember the last time she had been this glad to have Allison by her side… It was comforting, really, and nostalgic.
“I… was in my room,” she recalled. “I wanted to head to bed but then I sensed someone in Luther’s room. Two people. After that, it’s all a blur. I- I think I ran into Diego in the hallway but after that… nothing.”
“Well, Dad always said you never forget anything. Something about an inner library in your head,” Allison stated. “And as much as I hate bringing him back from the dead again, he always knew a lot about how our powers worked and I can confidently say that you have the best memory out of all of us. So, it’s probably safe to say that he was right. Whatever happened to you, you probably didn’t forget it, it’s just buried somewhere. You’ll get it back.”
Kassandra scoffed. “Well, if anything could make me forget anything, I bet it’s a good old hit to the hippocampus.”
“Last I recall, your hippocampus is in the center of your brain and your wound isn’t that deep.”
“You smartass,” Kassandra chuckled, and Allison couldn’t help but laugh too.
They took the short path, passing by the dining room, avoiding the grand staircase. But as they walked underneath it, Kassandra felt herself grow dizzy, an onslaught of emotions raining down upon her. She almost collapsed right then and there, excusing herself towards Allison by saying that a wave of nausea had hit her. Not uncommon after a concussion. The real reason was one she couldn’t tell, and most likely never would. On the walkway above her, Diego kneeled in Grace’s alcove, his hand still hovering over the kill switch, staring into his mother’s lifeless eyes. Kassandra had to gather all of her strength together not to cry the tears he cried, keeping the hurricane that swept over from him locked in the space between. As a result, Allison had to nearly drag her to the sofa, begging her not to faint again, calling on Vanya for help.
This seemed to snap Diego out of it though, at least a little, and he wiped his tears and came running down the stairs. But as he reached the bottom, no witty remark came out of him. He just caught Kassandra’s eyes as she was laid out on the couch, only to avoid them a millisecond later. Whereas Allison and Vanya sat down in the armchairs nearby, he was left pacing, burning with an array of thoughts that even Allison and Vanya couldn’t miss. But when he was approached about it, things misfired horribly, like they always did.
“And what are you still doing here?!” he snapped at Vanya, though his voice was quivering.
She, in turn, didn’t know what to say, her eyes growing wide. “I was just trying to help.”
“No, you could’ve been killed,” Diego growled, “or could’ve gotten any of us killed! Look at Kass, this is your fault!”
“Diego,” Kassandra muttered, not knowing enough about the situation to verify or disprove it. All she knew was the reason for his outbreak and the effect it had.
“No, you listen to me, if she hadn’t held you back, you would’ve been up there sooner and not gotten your head bashed in – ‘cause that’s what happened, isn’t?”
“I don’t know. I can’t remember.”
“Oh great, your eternal memory has sprung a leak! – Do you see what you did?” he snapped back at Vanya. “You are a liability.
Silence. Pure, deafening silence, only broken by Diego tearing and closet doors in search for medical supplies. The air was heavy with an etching, seething guilt, liquid and weighty metal. All the while, Vanya’s eyes were flicking between Kassandra and Allison, trying and looking for support. But Kassandra’s mind was spinning and, to make things worse, she found herself agreeing with her roughneck of a brother. Vanya shouldn’t be here, not if things got tough, not without the proper training, something that even Kassandra barely had left – but the point was she had had it and Vanya hadn’t. Vanya was… ordinary, somewhat. As ordinary as any one of them could be.
“I think what he’s trying to say is,” Allison started, “that this kind of stuff is dangerous. You’re just—”
“Not like you,” Vanya said, cold and sharp as ice.
Silence, again. There was nothing else to say. Kassandra stared blankly at the ceiling, having deemed the situation as out of her control. She listened as Vanya stormed out, like she had done so many times before, and as Allison followed, trying to salvage what was left.
“Let her go!” Diego called. “It’s for the best.”
He had pulled one of the cooling elements out of the bar and wrapped it in a towel, almost shoving it into Kassandra’s hand.
“Here, for your head.”
Then, he bent down a little, fixating her with a gaze that was supposed to be intimidating but only came off as pleading.
“You don’t say a w-word, alright?”
“Diego, they need to know,” Kassandra whispered, hissing at the cold sensation at the back of her head. “Not about you but about mom.”
“Not while I’m here,” Diego grumbled. “But I’m about to be gone.”
He cut through her tights around her injured foot, cursing quietly at how it was turning thick and blue.
“It’s no use,” he declared and tossed the ointment he had brought onto Kass’s stomach for her to catch it. “You gotta get yourself a splint. Y’know, support.”
“Do you think it’s broken?”
“No, you could still walk, it’s probably fine. Something with the ligaments, most likely. Nasty but no broken bone.”
“What the hell, Diego?!” Allison’s voice echoed through the entrance hall and Diego sighed sharply.
“I’m out.”
He got up, lightly smacked Kassandra’s healthy leg, then headed for the door, bumping shoulders with Allison.
“You can’t just—”
“Don’t act as if you don’t agree with me,” Diego called out to Number Three as he left, the door falling shut behind him.
Allison just shook her head. “I can’t believe this,” she said.
“Don’t be too hard on him,” Kassandra mumbled, sitting up to make space on the couch.
This made Allison scoff, but then her expression softened to one of worry. “Why? What did you read?”
“Mom just died. The guys in the masks got her.”
The next morning, Kassandra woke up late. It seemed that that hit had really messed her up more than she’d like to admit. At least her head didn’t hurt as much anymore, but her ankle was still causing issues. Pogo and Allison had worked together to get her a splint and take care of her, as well as fill her in on some of the things she couldn’t remember. Apparently, she had been looking for Klaus when she had gotten knocked out, which only made her worry more. Allison had said that a window in the stairwell had been open, so it was very possible that Klaus had run to safety, but Kassandra was still very uneasy about the whole situation.
As she got changed, she looked at herself in the mirror, taking in the dark purple bruises across her skin. It was nostalgic, almost comforting even. Like this was the way it was supposed to be, no matter how much it hurt. She found herself thinking back to her job at the library and it felt like a fever dream. Somehow, she didn’t want to go back – and with the way things were turning out, it was very likely that she wasn’t going to.
No. That was nonsense. There were still five days left to do something about this.
So, Kassandra put on a pair of pants, a blouse, and some sneakers Allison had lent her for the occasion – and her gloves, of course – and took some painkillers. Then, she ascended the stairs to Five’s room, from where she could sense the crackling of a fight branching out. Luther and Diego, again. Just like old times. Pogo was with them too, probably trying to break up the fight. Again, nothing had changed.
“Guys!” she called as soon as she stood in the doorframe, startling them out of their conflict. “Stop fighting, we’ve gotta save Five.”
“We?” Diego echoed.
“Hang on, no,” Luther cut in. “Pogo said you got a concussion; you’re not going anywhere.”
“Says the guy who got crushed by a chandelier,” Kassandra quipped.
“That’s different.”
“Oh, is it? Listen, whether you like it or not, you’ll be a lot faster at finding him if you’ve got me with you. You know why? Because I know what Five’s been up to these past few days, I know why he’s doing it, and just because I can’t tell you it doesn’t mean I won’t be of any help.”
“Woah, woah, why the sudden change?” Diego asked. “Usually, you’re all for keeping calm and planning our next steps and now you’re running into the unknown. That’s not you.”
“It is now, because we don’t have time!” Kassandra insisted. “I’m done sitting idly, no matter what Five says. We’ve only got five days until— We need to go, that’s all—”
“No, I heard that, what were you gonna say?”
“Something I’m not allowed to say. If you want to know, you’ll have to ask Five. Now, move your asses and get going!” Kassandra called, stepping out of the doorway so her siblings could walk past. Then, she turned around to Pogo. “Language, I’m sorry, I know. I’ll do better, I’m just in a hurry right now.”
But Pogo just chuckled lightly, a sad tone in his voice as he said: “I know. Good luck, Miss Kassandra.”
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Let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!
General Taglist: @starcrossedjedis @oneirataxia-girl @daughter-of-melpomene @bravelittleflower @box-of-bats
Academy Projects Taglist: @therantsofawriterrr @come-along-pond @the-wyvern-institute @cherrybombgigi
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kimuramasaya · 9 months
2023 kpop recap!
tagged by my beloveds @dongkwan and @woodziecup ♡
Groups You Started Stanning?
peak time really ruled the first half of the year and brought me vanner, sevenus, bae173, and ghost9. the second half of the year started my jpop era and was dominated by ini and jo1
New Ult Biases?
since the horrible year of 2022 (my shiho 😔), I wouldn't really consider anyone an ult bias anymore. the biases who come closest are probably jinan, hyseung, and wonseo
Idol(s) Who Got The Most Of Your Simping?
jinan, hyesung, and wonseo definitely had the most of my attention for the first half of the year! since I entered my jpop era, it's been masaya no contest
Most Streamed Group(s)
end of the year music stats say my top groups were svt, exo, my baedoongies, ini, and the konys
Most Streamed Soloist(s)?
baekhyun is far and away my most listened to soloist since I am still obsessed with all of his solo releases, but I also listened to a lot of woodz, kang daniel, bi, jinan, and yedam
Top K-Pop Song(s) Of This Year (Opinion Or Streaming, You Choose)
my most listened to song of the year was driving slowly. other 2023 kpop songs I looped a lot included by you (tnx), tbh (vanner), let me in (exo), wonderland (trsr), idubilu (svt), our miracle (jinyoung), and i (zb1), good enough (xh), and groovy (vity). for jpop, drop and hana by ini made it into my top 5 most played songs for the year, and venus by jo1 rewired my brain
Top Debut This Year
sevenus even though they don't really count as a new debut. I'm so bad at knowing when groups debuted, but looking at a list of 2023 group debuts, the ones I've enjoyed are bxb, bonedo, limelight, and the zebis
Choreographies You Learned
I don't make it a point to learn choreo, but I can typically pick up the chorus choreo after watching it a few times. vity's groovy, vanner's performer, and ini's hana are ones that I do dance along with in the car
Albums/Merchandise You Bought
far too much 😭 I think I bought over 20 albums over the course of the year and joined waay too many vanner group orders for pobs (if any vvs are looking for us based GOs for the upcoming comeback lmk! mare and me have a really good vanner gom on ig). I also got several ini pcs and the vanner sg which have not arrived yet
New Kpop Mutuals You Made?
I'm sure there are several, but the ones I can think of off the top of my head are @mizugucci, @zhaolusi, and @hohowonho! of my existing mutuals, I also finally got to meet mare and kass in person this year!
I am probably the last person to do this since I have been back in my gamer girl era after getting a ps5, but I'll tag @xiaojuun @lunetual @dreamaze @blahblahblahcollapse @hwichanis + the new mutuals I mentioned above!
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sombersummerskies · 8 months
A Champion's Love: Chapter 17
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Chapter 17: Trails End Word Count: 4011 CW: Blood
Want all the chapters? -> Masterlist
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“So, I surveyed the land today in an effort to both keep myself busy and plan for the next trial. Past the eastern exit of the palace is Mikau Lake, this is where the glowing point shows up on the slate’s map,” Zelda explained to you, “at the base of the lake is a glowing blue ring, similar to the one you described for the first trial. I can only assume that this reflects the final verse in Kass’ song ‘chase rings of the waterfall’. Above Mikau Lake is a series of small and large waterfalls which end at a small cliff below the very top of Ploymus Mountain.”
You were listening intently to the princess as she spoke. Your meeting with the king had been adjourned and he’d been happy to approve of your trip to the next trial point upon seeing that you were indeed healthy and properly healed. Now you were sitting on the steps leading up to the throne room, looking down at the map of Zora’s Domain as she pointed out each spot.
“Brilliant. Shall we head out now?” the prince asks.
He was standing a few steps behind you, and while you couldn’t see him, you could practically feel his presence.
Zelda nods as she hands the Sheikah Slate over to you for safekeeping, “I don’t see why not. We’ve got plenty of daylight left, and it wouldn’t take us long at all to reach Mikau Lake. We should have no need to bring a squadron of guards this time, upon my survey of the land I saw no monsters in the area.”
You push yourself up and stretch your arms up, “sounds good to me, I’ve just gotta get the Zora armor then I’ll meet you guys at the east exit?
“Yes of course, I’ll let Muzu know that we’re leaving and meet you there as well,” Zelda replies, giving you a small wave before she walks up the steps back into the throne room.
This leaves you alone with the prince, whom you smile awkwardly at before dashing down the steps. You hear him call out your name, yet you pretend not to hear him as you speedily head into the palace corridors back to your bedchambers.
‘Ughhh, what are you doing? You can’t just blow him off and ignore him like that after what just happened, you’ll have to talk to him about it eventually,’ you grumble inwardly. 
You move quickly once in your room, fitting the armor over your torso and securing it in all the right places. As you tighten all of the necessary straps and slip on your gloves, your mind is swimming with thoughts and questions. However, you attempt to push them all aside as you run out of the bedchambers and up to the east exit.
You arrive at the center of the bridge where a small arch offers shade from the sunlight. You lean against the pillar of the arch and sigh, thinking to yourself, ‘I’ll talk to him after this final trial. Let’s sort out this Divine Beast business, then I can sort out these feelings.’
A few minutes pass and eventually Sidon shows up, with Captain Bazz walking beside him. The two are having what appears to be a rushed conversation, speaking in hushed tones. You notice that as they approach the arch way, Bazz repeatedly throws a few glances your way before leaning over to the prince and whispering something to him.
Sidon brushes his friend away, and the captain laughs playfully as he jogs away, most likely to return to his post. The prince sighs, adjusting his arm bands and sash before walking up to you. You notice him hesitate before he speaks.
“Hello again, little one,” he greets you nervously, with a very visible blue blush on his face, “would you mind if we discussed what happened before-”
You’re quick to interrupt him, your own face feeling hot with blush, “look, can we talk about this after the final trial? I feel like it might be a… complicated conversation.”
The prince quickly nods in agreement, “yes yes, you’re correct, apologies.”
He goes silent, as do you, and the tension in the air feels thick enough to be sliced by even the dullest, rusted blade.
There’s a pitter patter against the smooth stone flooring, and you look up to see the princess running over with a smile on her face, “the King is aware of the trip, and Captain Bazz says he’ll be keeping an eye on the area just in case any trouble arises- ummm… are you two alright?”
She looks between both you and Sidon with a confused expression.
“Y-yeah! No, we're fine, everything’s good, we were just waiting for you!” you quickly stammer out, giving her a not-so-convincing grin.
You were lying through your teeth, but if Zelda noticed she said nothing about it. “Wonderful, though… I will have to stay behind for the final trial. A group of Zora architects have arranged for a meeting with King Dorephan and I so we can discuss future renovations for Hyrule Castle. I’d hate to keep them waiting for another occasion to speak with us while I’m still in Zora’s Domain. I know the two of you are more than capable of handling this last part of the trials alone, yes?”
You go slightly wide eyed at this. You’d been leaning on the idea that Zelda would stay with you and Sidon to keep the tension level low. You force yourself to nod though, smiling at the princess as you wave her off, “no worries, Zelda, we’ll be alright. Go have your meeting, we can handle this trial.”
Zelda grins, wishing the both of you luck before turning back and heading towards the throne room once more.
Looking to your side, you lock eyes with the prince before quickly turning away bashfully.
Together, the two of you walk down the rest of the bridge, heading towards Mikau Lake. It’s less of a lake and more of a pond, quaint and small, but with a tall waterfall feeding into it from the series of lakes above that lead all the way up the side of Ploymus Mountain.
A pair of ducks fly away as you approach, splashing the water and honking noisily. “Guess we disturbed them,” you giggle, unhooking the Sheikah Slate from your belt as you approach the pond’s edge.
Blue light comes into your sight, and you’re able to see the first blue ring that Zelda had told you about. It’s hovering midair above the pond, a circle identical to the one you’d touched in the Lanayru sea.
“After you,” you say to the prince, letting him walk ahead of you to touch the ring.
He smiles, before approaching the light and gently holding a hand out. His fingers just barely brush against the blue glow before a chiming sound rings out and the ring shrinks into a much smaller light. It zips past both of you, bouncing over a rock that juts out of the lake before settling a few feet above the ground atop the waterfall.
The ring sits horizontal now. 
“Looks like we’ve got to go up,” you murmur, putting the slate back on your belt as you ready yourself to swim.
There’s a touch on your shoulder and you visibly jump, backing away from the prince. He drops his hand, and there’s a look of hurt on his face - followed by a pang in your heart.
“Apologies for startling you, I was simply going to offer you a ride on my back to ascend these waterfalls. There’s multiple, so I assumed that it would make it simpler for the both of us as you’re still recovering from your injuries,” he explains, his eyes flicking up to meet your own.
‘Sidon, I healed myself, the only ‘injury’ I’ve got now is the hickey you left on my neck.’
You don’t dare say that out loud though. Rather, you let out a sigh and smile at him shyly, “nah, it’s okay, just a bit, um… jumpy. Right now. But yeah, I can ride on your back, there’s no better swimmer in the domain than you after all.”
This makes him grin, and you’re happy to see his signature smile once more. The two of you wade into the water, and once you’re at the base of the fall you climb onto his back, securing your legs around his torso and arms around his neck. Being flush against him like this makes you feel slightly hot and bothered, but you push that aside as you focus on the task at hand.
“Alright, all you’ve gotta do is swim right through the ring and follow it to wherever it goes next,” you instruct.
The prince shivers beneath you. He shivers. You quickly realize that it’s because you were speaking against his ear, practically breathing on his neck.
“Hold on tight, little one,” he replies, and then you’re off.
You can’t help the grin that plays on your lips as you zip up the side of the waterfall, droplets of water whipping past you as the prince shows off his swimming finesse. 
He dashes through the center of the ring, and just as before it shrinks into a smaller light and flies ahead of both of you, forming into a second ring to swim through. Sidon repeats this process, swimming through each ring the light forms for him until the both of you have reached the very top of the waterfall. 
He jumps out, maneuvering in the air so that he holds you in his arms as he lands on firm ground. It was such a rush, an absolute thrill and you found yourself grinning as the both of you found your footing once more. You attempted to, still, ignore how hot and flushed his grasp made you feel.
“Um, Sidon,” you mumble, tapping his chest, “you can put me down now.”
His eyes go wide as he loosens his hold and quickly sets you down, “yes, so sorry, my thoughts keep getting away from me.”
You quickly balance in the grassy area, looking towards the next lake where the ring has settled. “Welp, guess we’re doing it again. C’mon, princey,” you wave him along, jogging to the next pond.
The prince chuckles as he follows along, and you continue the trial as a pair.
After ascending the rest of the waterfalls together, the two of you finally reach the top. You’d perfected your landing strategy while chasing the rings, and now Sidon would no longer have to hold you when you jumped out of the water. Now you would simply need to twist in the air and land at the same time, keeping one another balanced.
The final ring is on land. It’s much larger and intricate than any of the others before it, surrounded by floating Sheikah symbols. The prince walks towards it, brushing his fingers against the circle. The ring of light shrinks, though this time there is no light remaining.
You look around confused, until a sudden rumbling nearly shakes you off of your feet. A shrine emerges from the ground before you, identical to the previous two. Once it’s fully revealed, the rumbling stops, and the shrine building glows a bright orange.
You hop onto the shrine platform and unhook the slate from your belt, swiping it across the pedestal. Its orange lights dim and turn blue, and the shrine door unlocks and reveals its hollow interior.
“One more time?” you ask Sidon, turning to look back at him with a smile.
“One last time,” he replies with a grin.
Together you walk into the shrine, the prince having to hunch over in its small space. You press the button to activate the elevator, and very quickly the two of you are descending into the final shrine puzzle.
The elevator deposits you in a very tall room. Ahead of you in a shallow waterfall, one not deep enough to swim up. In front of the waterfall are two large metal blocks with indents, you’d be able to climb either of them. The metal blocks are connected to rail meaning you can move them up and down. There’s two landings on either side of the waterfall, though you’re willing to bet that the one highest above the ground is what will take you to the exit of the shrine.
“It’s a puzzle,” you murmur, brow furrowed as you examine the wall, “we have to get up onto that landing. We’ll have to use those metal blocks somehow, luckily I’ve got plenty of runes to figure it out.”
“Well, the only way to solve a puzzle is to attempt every solution we come up with,” Sidon grins, walking down the steps and hopping onto the water covered flooring.
The next few minutes are filled with you and the prince performing every possible answer to the puzzle you can come up with. Eventually, you use the water on the floor to put cryonis pillars beneath both of the metal blocks. With Sidon’s help, you climb up onto the lower platform, and in an alcove in the wall is a third, smaller metal block that you can use to stack upon the others.
Eventually, you end up making a stairway of sorts, using the metal blocks and ice pillars. 
“Damn, it’s almost enough to reach that top platform, but we don’t have anything else to build with,” you curse looking up at your latest attempt.
“Well, all we can do is climb and see how close we can get,” Sidon suggests, digging his fingers into the ice pillar as he begins his climb.
With a shrug of your shoulders, you follow up after him, managing to climb to the very top where you’d used the last metal block. The higher landing you needed to reach was just barely out of your grasp- but you could make it.
“Give me a lift?” you ask Sidon with a shy smile.
The prince is more than happy to oblige, picking you up in his arms and boosting you up onto the platform. You climb atop it, before reaching your hands down and helping him up as well. You bump into one another and giggle nervously, like a pair of shy teenagers.
Rounding the corner, you’re greeted by the sight of a monk. It’s the end of the shrine.
Sidon, who’s become familiar with the routine, approaches the monk’s pedestal and places his hand upon the blue barrier. It shatters, and a light appears before the monk, and very soon the prince now has his third of Ruta’s tokens.
As the monk disintegrates, you turn to look at the Zora, “well, guess we should head out and see what happens now, yeah?”
He nods and grins, “so we shall.”
Walking out of the shrine, you’re greeted by the soft hues of a setting sun. You’d been in the shrine for far longer than you thought, the sky was a gradient of gentle oranges and deep violets.
There’s a buzz on your hip. Confused, you take the slate off of your belt and check the map. There’s a new glowing point, and it’s right where Divine Beast Vah Ruta is situated in the mountainous area of Zora’s Domain.
You quickly show Sidon, who seems intrigued by the new information. “Let’s return to the palace and let Zelda now. I have a feeling that this is where the trial will truly be completed,” he decides.
The pair of you quickly traverse back to the palace, taking advantage of the waterfalls and lakes until you return to the eastern exit you’d used hours previously. Together, you run across the bridge and up the stairs that lead into the throne room.
“Zelda!” you shout once you reach the top of the staircase.
Conveniently the princess is there, having what appears to be a polite conversation with King Dorephan. She looks somewhat startled at your sudden interruption, but grins upon seeing you, “_____! Sidon! How’d the trial go?”
“Brilliantly,” Sidon exclaims with his signature smile.
“Yeah!” you agree, unhooking the slate from your belt and holding it out to her, “plus we’ve got a new spot on the map. We need to go to the Divine Beast.”
The princess takes the Sheikah Slate into her hands and looks over the map curiously, reading up on any new information it has to offer her, “fascinating. Well, do you want to wait? Do you want to go now? Whatever you choose to do next, I’m fully supportive.”
You turn, looking back towards Sidon. “Well… it’s your trial. What do you want to do?” you ask him.
The prince brings his hand to his chin, mulling over it for a few moments, before a beaming smile spreads across his face, “well, I don’t see why we can’t very well go to the Divine Beast right now. Perhaps it’s simply my enthusiasm and curiosity getting the better of me, but I’m bursting at the seams in anticipation of what may come next.”
You hear the king chuckle behind you, “ah, that sounds very much like you, my son. Though the sun may be setting by no means must you put this next adventure on hold. Go on and go forth! I must admit that I too am quite excited to see what follows.”
“Well, my meeting with the architects is complete, and if we’re leaving for Ruta now I’d be more than happy to tag along,” Zelda smiles, handing the slate back to you.
You hook it back onto your belt, and when you look up you see everyone in the room looking expectantly towards you. It takes you a moment to realize that they’re awaiting your approval for the mission. “Oh! Yes, of course I’ll be coming too.”
Sidon laughs before taking a step towards the staircase, “I’ll ask Bazz to come with us, nightfall might cause some added dangers as we trek through Upperland Zorana. We’ll bring torches as well. Zelda, _____, meet me at the Great Zora Bridge?”
“Will do,” you agree, and princess Zelda nods as well.
The next few minutes are a rush, you eat a quick dinner, change into some dry clothing, help Zelda pack a bag with all her notes and books on Ruta (just in case they’ll be needed), and get accosted by the Zora children before finally getting to the Great Zora Bridge.
You greet Bazz, who seems happier to see you than normal, before the four of you head up into the mountains to continue the trials.
It takes a few hours, but you finally make it in the middle of the night. Luckily, the monster activity was little to none, the biggest threat was a small camp of Bokoblins that both you and Bazz were able to wipe out in a matter of seconds.
You arrive at the plateau that the Divine Beast calls its home. Its blue glow keeps the area around it lit brightly, and you put out the flames of your torch as you walk up to it.
“Sidon, you’ve got all three tokens, yes?” you ask him, turning to look at him as he walks closer to you.
“Yes, I -” he begins, but as soon as he sets foot on the plateau there’s a toll that rings out in the air, and a voice begins to speak.
“To the one who approaches this Divine Beast… In the name of the Goddess Hylia, I offer this trial. In exchange for Ruta’s Emblems… you will be granted the chance to tread through the realm of memories.”
“... memories?” you ask aloud, confused. Looking back to the prince, the three tokens he held in his hands glow bright before disappearing, and the voice continues to speak.
“Those who lack determination will find this trial unforgiving. Do not take this place lightly, nor dismiss it as merely a world within your mind. The truth is much deeper than you know.”
Everything goes silent. Deathly silent. Nobody moves, not even the water beneath the Divine Beast seems to trickle.
Then suddenly the prince gasps. He bends over and clutches his chest as though he’s in pain.
“S-Sidon?” you stammer, scared as you attempt to walk towards him.
You don’t get a chance to approach before he’s suddenly enveloped in a bright golden light. The light grows smaller, shifting into an orb roughly the size of your hand. The orb floats in the air momentarily before zipping away, flittering towards the Divine Beast. 
The torch and spear the prince had been holding both fell, clattering on the ground.
“Sidon!” you scream, running towards the Divine Beast, but there’s a force that blocks you from entering.
Panic and fear well up in your chest, and you stumbled backwards, falling onto the ground.
You weren’t the only one panicking.
“Where is he? Where did that thing take him?” Bazz exclaims, running towards Ruta only to be held back as well.
“Both of you! Fretting like this will solve nothing,” Zelda exclaims, speaking in a stern tone of voice she rarely used, “all we can do is await his return. This is a part of the pilot’s trial. We cannot interfere or stop it.”
So you sit. And wait. And wait. And wait.
Judging by the clock on the Sheikah Slate, hours pass, and nothing happens.
Princess Zelda sat near the edge of the Plateau, using the slate to tirelessly read through notes and see if Mipha had written anything about what just happened during her own experience becoming a pilot. Bazz stood watch beside her, needing something to keep him distracted from the prince’s disappearance.
You, however, were sitting in the water, staring up at the Divine Beast. Your thoughts could not stop rushing, and you felt sick to your stomach with anxiety.
You just wanted him to be safe. You needed him to be safe. There was so much you hadn’t gotten the chance to tell him…
From this vantage point, you could easily see the Lanayru sea in the distance, and this meant you were able to see the first rays of light as the sun slowly began to rise up above the horizon.
You sniffle and raise your hand to your face as you watch the sky lighten up. There were tear streaks on your cheeks. You hadn’t even realized you’d been crying.
Suddenly, Ruta’s light glows an even brighter blue. You’re quick to stand up, pushing yourself up off the ground. The golden orb that’d taken Sidon reappears, floating down from the top of the beast and settling near the ground.
The orb bursts, and the prince is placed down onto the plateau.
His body is littered with bruises and open, bleeding wounds. 
“... Sidon?” you ask carefully, taking a fearful step towards him.
He, however, is quick to whip around and look towards you. His eyes scan over your figure, and before you can react he runs towards you, swooping you up into his arms and hugging you tightly.
You can’t help the smile playing on your lips, and hug him back as best you can. “Sidon, what hap-” you attempt to ask, but he moves faster than you yet again.
He loosens his grip and pulls back just enough for your eyes to meet. He gives you an inquisitive look before leaning in and-
Kissing you.
He kisses you.
Sidon is kissing you.
You squeak in surprise, your face red hot with blush before you finally come to your senses and kiss him back. Bringing your hands up, you hold his face carefully, and it’s only when he pulls back that you realize you’ve been left breathless
You’re doing mental somersaults as you’re set down on the ground. Behind Sidon, you’re able to see the shocked faces of both the princess and the captain.
“Sidon, are you-” you begin, yet there’s another interruption.
The prince stumbles backwards, before passing out and crumpling onto the ground in a heap.
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