#katie mcgrath top me. katie mcgrath. top me katie mcgrath
sexy-sapphic-sorcerer · 8 months
the original "top me top me top me" meme was written about katie mcgrath?!
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checks out
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obliviouskara · 3 months
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clemkesh · 8 months
im like. in SUCH a good mood. there is noooooo better feeling than really wanting a role and then getting cast as that role. hasn't happened to me in a hot minute and i forgot this absolute RUSH!!! riding HIGH!!!! 2024 is gonna be MY YEAR BABEY!!!!!
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jellolegos · 27 days
Katie Mcgrath suit thread? 👀👀👀
I will be totally honest I cannot find it on here (so I guess it may have been twitter) but the thesis of the thread was that i think some of her suits on supergirl were not tailored correctly (or at least as good as I think they could've been).
I think quite a few of the suits were too high, ending at the top/midline of her hips rather than closer to the bottom. One of the more egregious examples I can think of are these two blue ones.
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To me, it's not the best tailoring for her figure. She's got a little bit of a curvier figure with wider hips and a softer shoulder line, so for ex high-waisted pants fits look GREAT but the suit tailoring not so much...
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When you're trying to fit a suit like this I think the focus generally tends to be creating that clean inverse triangle or rectangular look, and having the suit jacket end midway to the hip makes that illusion harder to maintain. The (mis)understanding of her proportions is really really clear when comparing some of the secret business suits and supergirl ones.
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She obviously looks great in both, but I think you can kinda see how 1) the crossing of the lapels brings out her shoulders and 2) how the slightly longer cut (literally just like a couple of centimeters) gives that nicer hourglass look. I doubt the secret bridesmaids business' budget for wardrobe was bigger than supergirl's (though I could be wrong!), so its not about cost but rather about understanding the proportions of the person you're dressing if that makes sense.
disclaimner that i am definitely not an expert (currently sitting in a pair of mens boxers and an ikea shirt I got 5 years ago since its my wfh day). I also have a build that regularly gets me confused for a 14 year old boy when I am not wearing my big girl corporate clothes so I don't have personal experience in a bodytype that is similar to hers, but those are just my unsolicited opinions as someone who owns a few suits for work and is looking for any excuse to bash on the cw :)
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helloalycia · 1 year
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the king’s ward [one] // morgana pendragon
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summary: when you and your brother travel to Camelot to compete in a fighting competition, there's one problem: women can't fight. So, naturally, you convince him to switch places with you whilst you have your chance to fight. And impressing the King's Ward is merely a bonus.
warning/s: mentions of fighting and violence.
author's note: hello! so this was impulse written not long ago when i rewatched merlin bc who doesn't love katie mcgrath? it's inspired by that merlin ep where arthur uses a decoy in his jousting (?) match! and it's kind of like she's the man if you think about it haha, so do enjoy! it's a multi-part imagine :)
two / three / four / masterlist / wattpad
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"This is gonna be amazing, Y/B/N," I said with a grin, trying to contain my excitement as we approached the tournament grounds.
"Reign it in," he said lightheartedly, though I knew he was right. I wasn't supposed to be competing, he was, so I had to play the part.
Every year, Camelot held a fighting tournament that anybody could compete in, even those who weren't knights. There were no rules and it was an open competition, however despite nothing explicitly saying women couldn't compete, it was a given. And so every year, I only dreamt of competing so that I could see if I was as good as I hoped. Finally, I came up with the genius idea for my brother, Y/B/N, to pretend to compete whilst I actually did the fighting. It wasn't foolproof, but I was desperate, and he agreed after much convincing.
We'd arrived in Camelot last night, our first ever visit to the kingdom, and were staying in the full to-the-brim tavern in a room above the pub. It wasn't ideal, but it would do the job. The real reason I was here was right before me and I couldn't be more excited.
"Y/B/N Y/L/N?" a voice called, and my brother and I both spun around to see a servant boy approaching. "You're up first. You can use the tent over there to get into your armour, if you have any."
"Thank you," Y/B/N said with a nod before we both headed over to his – AKA mine – tent.
"This is perfect for making the switch," I said with a contained grin, looking around the enclosed space.
"You heard the boy, you're up first," Y/B/N said with a smile, before dropping our bag on the bench. "Let's get you suited up."
He helped me pull my armour over the top of my clothes, a bulky-looking but lightweight set that fit us both and was easy enough for me to manoeuvre in whilst also hiding any distinguishable feminine body parts that could give me away. After that, he handed me my sword and gave me a supportive nod.
"Good luck out there," he said, my helmet in his hand. "You're gonna smash it, sis."
I grinned. "I will indeed. They aren't going to know what's hit them."
He laughed and helped me put on my helmet, the metal covering my whole head except for some slits in the eyes to let me see.
"You ready?" he asked once more, and I gave him a thumbs up, already committing to staying quiet. He patted my back. "Go and win!"
Taking a deep breath, I left the tent and headed to the grounds, the sight of all those people watching only exciting me more. All I'd ever dreamt of was showing people my skills, for them to take me seriously. Not as a woman or a man, but a fighter. And this was my chance, finally. I wasn't going to let it slip by.
"I'm sure you're all excited about the tournament, as am I," the King began to speak, silencing everyone in seconds. "It's going to be a magnificent week of fighting, skill and talent. We shall see who the best fighters of Albion truly are. Starting with our first match of the tournament – Y/B/N Y/L/N versus Henry Wright!"
The crowd erupted into cheers as my opponent and I walked in the centre, our chosen weapons at our side. The King looked down at us both with anticipation, waiting for quiet. And then when he was ready, he raised his hand.
"You may begin," was all he said, and I barely had chance to take a breath before my opponent, Henry, swung first.
His mace, spiked and heavy, almost took my head off if I didn't move in time. The crowd 'ooh'd' as it did and I tried to tune them out, focusing on the fight. I couldn't afford distractions.
As Henry kept moving forward, slashing his mace at me and trying to touch my armour, I dodged effortlessly. Henry may have been strong, but he was slow, and his weapon of choice was particularly terrible. Once he'd worn himself out, it was my turn to take a swing at him, my sword coming down on his gauntlets in a wide arc. Contact was made and he grunted loudly, grossly, and stepped back. I slashed a few more times, to which he was now on the defensive, using his clunky weapon as a barrier. But it didn't faze me as I kept on slashing, trying to back him into the side.
Once he was trapped, I let him take a shot at me, only to roll to the side at the last second and swipe his legs out from beneath him. He hit the ground as quickly as I directed my sword at his neck. Lifting his hands in defeat, I couldn't fight the grin from my lips.
The crowd erupted into cheers, yelling my brother's name, and I lowered my sword before offering out my hand. Henry let me pull him up before letting go bitterly, walking off the grounds. I laughed to myself before looking around me at the crowd, waving a little too cockily. I couldn't help it – I'd won! My first match!
When I turned to face the King, I saw he was clapping in his chair, impressed at my handiwork. Seated beside him was his ward, Morgana, and I'd heard so much of her but never seen her before. I wasn't prepared for her beauty, nor the vibrancy of her green eyes in the sun, even from a distance. And once again, I couldn't help but let my cockiness get the better of me. Between waving, I blew her a kiss, facing her directly in a way that I hoped she knew it was for her. Judging from the way she immediately turned pink in the face, I knew I'd succeeded.
After soaking in the glory a moment longer, I left to return to Y/B/N who was waiting for me in the tent. As soon as he saw me, a grin was on his face.
"Sounds like you gave them a good show," he commented as I rushed to remove my helmet and armour.
"Y/B/N, it was like nothing I've ever experienced," I admitted, still buzzing with adrenaline and excitement. "It was perfect. And you should've seen the way I got the other guy on his butt!"
He chuckled as I helped pull the armour onto him. "I'm sure it was something special. It's a shame I can't watch."
"We can't risk you being caught," I reminded him, before handing my sword and helmet. "Go on. Do your final waves. Don't forget to rub it in their face that I won, yeah?"
He rolled his eyes playfully. "I'm not doing that."
I laughed as he left the tent. My smile was permanent as I stood alone. One round down, several more to go.
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"The other guys are pretty rough," Y/B/N said as we hung back to watch the other matches and get a better feel for the competition. "You sure you're up for it?"
"Don't even joke," I said to him with a knowing look. "You know it's all I want. They don't scare me."
He raised his eyebrows. "Hey, I was thinking more about them. They're gonna get smothered and not even know it. You don't wanna give them a chance?"
A smile grew on my lips as I shoved him in the side. "You're so stupid."
He mirrored my smile before paying attention to the fights. We stayed there until the last fight before chatting about what we'd seen by the tents. The crowd was dispersing and the other fighters were talking about getting a drink at the tavern, even inviting my brother to join them. He found it strange, the attention, especially since he knew it wasn't for him. I assured him he had to be a team player and not raise suspicion, but he wasn't impressed.
As we were chatting, I couldn't help but notice a blur of black hair in my peripheral vision, and when I looked, I saw the Lady Morgana walking by with her handmaiden. She spotted my brother and I and, naturally, her attention was on my brother. She flashed him a smile, to which he awkwardly returned, and then began to approach us.
"Er, why is the Lady Morgana coming to talk to us?" Y/B/N asked nervously.
"No idea," I said, though my own smile was tempting to break out as my eyes wandered over her figure. She was seriously stunning.
"Hello there," Morgana spoke when she stopped before us. "It's Y/B/N, right?"
He nodded slowly, before clearing his throat and bowing. "A pleasure to meet you, my lady."
"Please, no need for the formalities," she said with a slight laugh, one that I knew I'd be dreaming of for days. "I just came to say that you put up a good fight this morning. I look forward to seeing your performance throughout the week."
"Thank you, my lady," was all he said, and I almost rolled my eyes at his dense self. Couldn't he see she was interested him?
"And who is this pretty lady?" she continued, and I realised she was speaking to me.
"I'm Y/N, my lady," I introduced myself with a smile. "Y/B/N's twin sister. Not identical, thankfully."
Y/B/N rolled his eyes as Morgana laughed at my joke.
"Well, it's lovely to meet you, Y/N," she said, eyes lingering on mine. "Might I say, you have a very talented brother."
I hummed in agreement, biting my tongue and trying not to laugh. Talented... I'd take it.
"I should be going, but have a good evening, both of you," Morgana finished, glancing between us before leaving.
"Y/N, what did you do? Why is she suddenly interested?" Y/B/N asked as I watched her walk away, entranced.
"Nothing," I reassured him, before tearing my gaze from Morgana and looking to Y/B/N. "What? I didn't do anything!"
He rolled his eyes and shoved me before walking away. I bit my lip to contain a grin and skipped after him. I was beginning to like it here.
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The next fight was soon upon me and it was safe to say that I was nailing it. My opponent was supposed to be a challenge, but I could swear it was only getting easier. He was over six feet tall and towering over me. Compared to me AKA Y/B/N, he was huge. Luckily for me, height wasn't an issue as my brother and I were close enough in height, a solid five foot eight and nine respectively, so it wouldn't give us away.
The fight was over in minutes, with me landing a winning blow to my clown of an opponent, right in the gut. As soon as he was down, the crowd were up and out of their seats, cheering me on. The intensity of their cheering surprised me at first, as I didn't realise they loved me so much. It took them longer to calm down, and a few flowers were thrown from the stands, making me grin as I waved at them. When I looked to the King, he was surprisingly smiling as he clapped his leather-gloved hands heavily. Morgana was stood up beside him, clapping with the crowd, and I couldn't stop myself.
Without thinking, I picked up a flower from the ground, dusted it off on my armour and threw it up to her. I was relieved when it landed at her feet, worried I'd missed, and she seemed surprised as she picked it up. When she looked at me, I bowed respectfully, making the crowd cheer even louder, and I tried to pretend I couldn't see King Uther losing his smile as he looked at me with suspicion. Oops?
I jogged back to the tent, feeling lightweight and overwhelmingly happy. Y/B/N clapped me on the back in congratulations before we exchanged gear and he headed back out to reveal his face, waving once more.
After he soaked in the glory for a little longer, I packed up our things and we left the tent to get some water. A few knights, to our surprise, approached us and began chatting to Y/B/N about his technique. He played along perfectly, since he was a decent fighter himself, and I merely watched as they spoke of my moves and skill, grinning to myself. Clearly I was doing better than I thought if the knights of Camelot were complimenting me.
"Hey, Y/B/N," a voice called from behind, and we both turned to see a flirtatiously-smiling Morgana walking past. She nodded at my brother, saying, "The flower was cute."
Poor Y/B/N was clueless. "The flower?"
Morgana laughed, thinking he was joking, and left. I suppressed a smile as we both turned to the knights. One of them gave Y/B/N a knowing look.
"Bold move giving the King's ward a flower right in front of the King himself," they said with a snicker, before leaving.
Y/B/N blinked and began to turn to me. "I did what?"
I smiled sheepishly. "What? She was impressed by my skill! How could I resist?"
"Look, she's pretty and she deserved it, okay?" I said nonchalantly. "It's no biggie."
He facepalmed and I could tell he was already regretting changing places with me.
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Later that same evening, Y/B/N and I were making the most of the training grounds that Prince Arthur was letting the contestants use for the week. To everyone else, I was merely practicing with him, but to us, he was actually helping me practice. 
For the third time in five minutes, I knocked Y/B/N on his butt and laughed at the expression on his face.
"C'mon, at least give me some sort of challenge," I teased, holding out my hand for him.
He let me help him up as he gave me a knowing look. "Don't be too good or people will suspect."
I scoffed. "Nobody will think twice about me."
"Oh yeah, because you're so inconspicuous dressed like that," he said sarcastically.
I ignored him, though I knew he was only looking out for me. Ladies wore frocks and dresses, not pants and shirts. But I didn't like to be restricted – why was that such a bad thing? I hated that I had to put myself in a box just to make others feel comfortable. It wasn't fair.
"Are you ready?" I asked, readying my sword.
He nodded and did the same before coming at me without warning. I held my own well enough, even with him giving his all, and with the utmost satisfaction, I managed to land him on his butt yet again. He narrowed his eyes at me and I began to laugh before pissing him off that little bit more by twiddling the hilt of my sword on my forefinger in the air, watching it spin before catching it. It was a silly little celebratory move I liked to do, one that Y/B/N hated because it usually meant I had beaten him.
Grumbling to himself, Y/B/N helped himself stand up as I watched on with amusement.
Surprised, I turned around and definitely didn't expect to see the Lady Morgana approaching us.
"You're almost as good as your brother," she commented, looking at me.
Smile fading slightly, I tried not to draw anymore attention to myself. "Something like that."
She lifted a brow curiously. "It's a shame you couldn't compete. You're better than half the men in this competition."
"It's just how it is, my lady. The King's rules," I said, though I was secretly smiling because she thought I was good. As me, the real me, not my brother.
"If it were up to me, I'd have loved to watch you fight," she said, making me smile to myself. I risked glancing at her and saw she was watching me with her own smile, before looking to my brother.
"Good luck tomorrow," she said to him considerately.
"Thank you, my lady," Y/B/N said, bowing.
She nodded her head at him before catching my staring, offering a smile, then leaving.
"Gosh, she's so pretty," I said, unable to look away from her.
"Not here, not now," Y/B/N said in a warning tone before slapping me on the back.
"I'm gonna win just to see her smile," I decided, finally looking away from her retreating figure.
Y/B/N rolled his eyes, shaking his head with disbelief. I raised an eyebrow challengingly.
"Another round?"
"No way," he said immediately, making me laugh as I watched him walk away.
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"Like you always do," I whispered to myself as I stood face to face with my next opponent. "Come on."
My opponent carried a sword and shield and was very good with both, as I'd seen him using it these past few days. Probably the first real challenge I had, I was a little nervous, but one look at my sword reminded me why I was here and what I was capable of. I wasn't going to let this man throw me off.
As we fought, I quickly realised he wasn't going to tire out easily. As quick as he was skilful, he dodged all of my slashes, blocked all of my stabs and avoided all of my feigned shots. He was too good, keeping me on my toes. I was growing tired as the minutes dragged on and he knew this, using it as his opportunity to slam his shield against me, knocking me back. I tuned out the audience's reactions, shaking my head to get back into it.
I let him believe he was going in for a strike before rolling out the way and slashing the back of his legs. He groaned as he spun around, blocking my next hit. This seemed to piss him off as he came at me quick and hard, striking every second and driving me further and further backwards. One sturdy hit with his shield and I was on my back. Just as he tried to strike me, I rolled out the way and stood up, putting some distance between us.
Collecting myself, I saw that he pulled his shield over him once more and knew I needed to use that to my advantage. He wasn't going to let it go, no matter how hard I hit it. And I was already growing tired, my body battered and bruised, my energy depleting. If he kept going like this, he'd surely win. And I couldn't let him.
A stupid idea came to my head and I figured it was worth a shot if I was already losing. Why not?
Running directly at my opponent, I watched as he tucked in, shield up and ready to block my hit. Just when he was about to shove it towards me, I used the momentum to jump on it, over his head and hitting the ground, just about. I was so shocked it worked that I almost forgot to use his own surprise to my advantage. Without wasting a second, I spun around and smacked the hilt of my sword at the back of his head, knocking him to the ground. Worried I'd hit him too hard, I kneeled down to listen in.
When he let out a breath, I sighed with relief and stood up, eyes closing for a moment. Then the stands shook as everyone stood up, cheering and yelling and clapping, and I opened my eyes with a smile. As I waved my sword hand in the air, bowing, the cheering only intensified and I couldn't stop grinning. Admittedly, the thrill of it all got to my head and I began to show off, waving to the crowd on all sides. Just because I could, I twiddled my sword on the tip of my gloved forefinger in the air and threw it up before catching it by the hilt. The crowd seemed to love it and a grin was permanently fixed on my face as I left the grounds to return to my tent.
"That's the loudest I've ever heard them," Y/B/N said as soon as he saw me. "What did you do?"
"Whatever I could," I said between a laugh, before pulling off my helmet. "Get me out of this, I'm so hot."
He chuckled and helped me out of it, and I helped him into it as usual. Giving him his sword and helmet, I sent him off before taking a deep breath and drinking lots of water. My body was aching and there were definitely bruises all along my legs and chest, but I didn't care because that was insane. How the hell did I manage that?! Whatever it was, it was incredible and I couldn't wait to do it again in my next fight.
Y/B/N returned after soaking in the glory, pulling off the armour and ready to help me pack it all away, but to both of our surprises, Prince Arthur walked in the tent.
"Hello," he greeted awkwardly, before looking to Y/B/N. "You fought excellently today. I wanted to ask if you'd have a word with me outside."
I hid my smile as my brother nodded, exchanging glances with me before following after the prince. Prince Arthur was impressed by me? No way. There was no way! I'd have to fight him soon enough, since he was also competing, but who cared? He was impressed!
I tried to contain my excitement as I went about packing away my armour, stuck in my own daydream land. So much, in fact, that I didn't hear anybody enter the tent behind me.
"It's you!"
I nearly jumped out of my skin when a familiar voice came out of nowhere. Spinning around, I was surprised to see the Lady Morgana standing there with a shocked smile on her face.
She licked her lips, stepping fully inside the tent and glancing behind her, before looking to me. Lowering her voice, she said, "It's you. The fighting out there. It's not your brother, it's you."
When I finally managed to stop getting distracted by her pretty smile and listened to what she was saying, my own smile faded.
Swallowing hard, I played dumb. "What? That's crazy."
I tried to busy myself with packing my bag whilst also panicking inside, but she kept going with it.
"The sword trick at the end," she stated with confidence. "Where you twirl it on your finger. You did the same thing when you beat your brother yesterday. It's you, isn't?"
I closed my eyes, cursing myself at my stupidity. The damned sword trick. Why did I have to let my cockiness get the better of me?
"Maybe," I admitted, turning to face her, and she smiled to herself.
"I bloody knew it! Well– okay, maybe I didn't, but it makes sense," she said. "Your brother acts like a completely different person out on the grounds compared to when he's literally anywhere else. Because it's not him."
I stayed quiet, both embarrassed that I'd been caught out and nervous to what it meant for me.
"Wait," she realised, pausing, and I could practically see her brain working everything out. Green eyes met mine as she asked, "The flower. Blowing me the kiss. That was... that was you?"
If only the earth could swallow me up there and then.
"I was committing to the role...?" I said dumbly, making me her chuckle. Beginning to panic even more now, I said, "Look, if I'm in trouble, please don't punish Y/B/N. He didn't even want to do this, but I made him. It was the only way I could compete. I just wanted to see how far I could get."
She furrowed her brows, a confused smile on her face. "Y/N, you're not in trouble."
I blinked, taken aback. "I'm not in... huh?"
"I won't tell a soul," she promised, expression softening. "Keep doing what you're doing. You've single-handedly impressed every member of the court, all the knights, the prince and the King himself. You're amazing, Y/N."
At her words, I began to smile, feeling a sense of pride take over. "Why are you doing this?"
She shrugged, playing coy. "Maybe it's women sticking together. Maybe it's because I enjoy watching you fight. Or maybe I don't want to see you getting punished for being such a good fighter."
I sighed quietly, a sense of relief spreading through me. "Whatever it is, thank you, my lady. Truly."
"It's Morgana," she corrected, eyes flickering between mine.
I pursed my lips to stop my smile from widening, and then she stepped forward and kissed my cheek, making me freeze at the contact.
"And thank you for the flower," she whispered in my ear, before stepping back.
My mouth went dry as I watched her red lips curled into a smile before she left the tent. I was certain I was as red as her lipstick, my heart racing in my chest. A grin soon formed on my lips and I couldn't stop.
Moments later, Y/B/N returned and seemed surprised with his chat with Prince Arthur, but I was too distracted thinking about Morgana, my cheek still tingling from her touch.
"The prince wanted to personally congratulate me on my progress thus far," Y/B/N shared. "He hopes to see me make it to the finals so he can see what I'm all about up close."
His words went in one ear and out the other. Did Morgana always smell of jasmine, I wondered?
"Seriously? I thought you'd be dying to know more," Y/B/N said with suspicion.
"What?" I finally tuned back in, kind of. "Yeah, that's great, Y/B/N."
He studied me curiously. "I just saw the Lady Morgana leave here. What did she want?"
"Huh?" I asked, half listening.
"Y/N!" he said, startling me.
Finally, his words settled and I answered, "She just wanted to compliment how great you did today."
"How kind," he said, not believing me.
I couldn't tell him that she actually knew the truth – he'd get cold feet and back out of the competition, and then I'd never get to prove myself. Besides, Morgana said she wouldn't tell anyone, so we were still good to go. What Y/B/N didn't know wouldn't hurt him.
"Wait," I said, finally acknowledging what he said earlier. "What did Prince Arthur say about me?"
Y/B/N groaned dramatically and grabbed the bag of armour, ignoring me. I was forced to chase after him, doing his head in about everything the prince said.
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soundthebrokenbells · 6 months
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She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that’s best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes;
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.
- She Walks in Beauty, Lord Byron
just a bunch of stunning women who give me the same vibe lookswise
from left to right, top down.
Elizabeth Taylor
Àstrid Bergès-Frisbey
Kacey Rohl
Phoebe Tonkin
Kaya Scodelario
Katie McGrath
Megan Fox
Kat Dennings
Alexandria Daddario
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moistvonlipwig · 3 months
should i poke the bear and ask for cwsg for the top 3 ask game? 🥴
consider the bear poked!
top 3 favorite characters: The legendary Lena Luthor, my king from the future Querl Dox, and uhhh I'm actually not sure who's third? Could be Red Daughter, could be James, could be Nia. Could even be Eve who fascinates me despite being underwritten. IDK. Depends on my mood. ...And actually if we count him as a Supergirl character and not as a walking backdoor pilot then it might just be Clark. I do like Clarky boy.
top 3 least favorite characters: Mon-El obviously, Ben Lockwood who Manchester Black should've gotten to strangle with his bare hands, and...there are several other annoying misogynists I could list here but I'm actually going to give this spot to Overgirl because it's still so baffling to me that none of the higher-ups thought, 'hey, maybe we shouldn't make a crossover where AU versions of Supergirl and Green Arrow are actual literal Nazis.'
top 3 otps: Kara/Lena, Lena/James, Brainy/Nia
top 3 notps: Kara/Mon-El is a no-brainer, Kara/William was a flop, and I can't believe it even needs to be said but. Kara/Alex. No.
top 3 brotps: Lena & Brainy my beloved <333 And I like Lena & Sam's friendship as well. Honestly a lot of the relationships in this show are great in theory but a little thin in actual execution, but I enjoy reading fanfics where Lena is good friends with Kelly, Nia, and/or iconic queen Jess the secretary. [I wish I could give a brotp for Kara but honestly I think most of her relationships suffer greatly from how they write her character.]
top 3 favorite episodes/chapters/scenes/games in series: My favorite is definitely 4.16 "The House of L." Bonus points for epic title also, like, that's an iconic pun right there. I look fondly on 4.11 "Blood Memory" as well which I think is probably Nia's strongest outing on the show and also is an episode that actually bothers to do something interesting with the Danvers sisters relationship. And in terms of episodes that are consistently entertaining I do really enjoy a significant chunk of 5.13 "It's a Super Life" although it's tainted by the terrible ending (as well as the foreknowledge of what comes after). [You might be thinking: what about XYZ Season 2 episode? To which I sadly must respond: Mon-El.]
top 3 other things u think ppl who like this thing should watch/read/play: I'm going to refrain from recommending other Arrowverse shows because I think that's too easy. But I do think my recommendations would depend on what you liked or didn't like about the show? If you like light-hearted superhero shenanigans you should watch DC Super Hero Girls (2019-2021). If you were frustrated by the show's surface-level pop feminism then you should watch Revolutionary Girl Utena (1997). If Lena Luthor's character type fascinates you then you should watch Severance (2022-ongoing). [If you're in it for Katie McGrath I can't help you, that woman was cursed by a witch long ago to only be in the worst shows you've ever heard of.]
my rating of this media out of 3, with 0 being lowest and 3 being highest: uhhh 1? idk. it's not 0
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onceandfuturelesbian · 7 months
Hello again....If you don't mind me asking, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series/ etc)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks so much if you want to answer.....
top 10 favourite media (in no particular order):
- the office (tv)
idk it’s just entertaining and a great show to rewatch over and over again (not a jim fan tho tbh)
- heartstopper (tv)
i LOVE nick and charlie’s relationship, i find nick’s struggle with his sexuality relatable, i loved s2 imogen and i cant wait to see more of her (i think she’s a lesbian tbh), most of all, i love the representation it brings to younger queer kids, the kind i didn’t have and wish i did.
- thor: ragnarok (movie)
ICONIC. SO GOOD. FUNNY. LOKI!!!!!! TESSA THOMPSON!!!!! one of my favourite movies
- a simple favor (movie)
obsessed with blake lively!!! absolutely stunning and an amazing actress!!!! anna kendrick is too. just a lesbian obsessed with blake lively!!! also the plot?!???!!!!!!?!!! so fucking good!! one of my fave movies tbh
- bbc merlin (tv)
i can’t even rewatch this show. like it makes me so sad. but i read fanfic about it every. single. day. only watched cause katie mcgrath is in it and now im obsessed with merthur fanfic.
- red, white and royal blue (movie)
pls it’s so good i can’t even explain
- supergirl (tv)
honestly not even one of my favourites but i loved having a woman superhero!!!! even if the script sucked, especially in the later seasons (forced feminism and queerbaiting). at least there was lesbianism ig ??
- new girl (tv)
such a fucking slay tbh !!! love this show sm !!!
- modern family (tv)
^see new girl^
- brooklyn nine-nine (tv)
^see new girl^
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tansyuduri · 3 months
Top Ten TV
Rules: Game: Add 10 gifs from your favorite shows and tag 10 people.
I was tagged by @godmerlin Thank ya so much! SOO
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My love! My favorite! I adore you so much! Merlin until recently was a show I would rewatch every year. THEN one of my RP servers when down for months and my mind was like HEY YOU NEED DOPAMINE KNOW THAT SHOW? It's a special intrest now. Merlin and Arthur were always my favs. But I read two merthur fanfics, realized hey this actually worked, watched the show with new eyes, decided to write a small oneshot. And then It was not a one shot, And then there was a sequal and a prequal... then I was writing more stuff! This show showed me I could write again after a long time thinking I could not.
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My second favoirite show is Avatar the Last Airbender I guess and my fav character is actually Aang. I like his nonconfrontationalness I kinda also have that trait and you do not often see it in fiction.
(Now from here on out they don't really have an order?
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I really like the show The Tudors. I don't require historical accuricy in shows about the time period that is a special interst to me. I can enjoy the shows seperatly and be like that did not happen! But the tudors is weard because it is very much NOT historicaluy accurate as a whole but somtimes, Dialouge and scenes are pretty much ripped from the firsthand acounts of the period. This is also the show were both Natalie Dormer and Henry Cavill got their start. Fun fact Katie McGrath was actually working on costume design on this show and someone told her she should try acting. She got a very small role in the show then went on to land Morgana in Merlin. ALSO this show makes me cry so MUCH
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I didn't get into Shadow and Bone on my first try. After season two aired I tried is again with a freind of mine and loved it. I'm so upset it was canceled!
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With Brigerton I actually started with the Spin off Queen Charlotte (I'm counting spin offs and their original show as the same show usually so I can have more shoes listed here WHEEEE.) Anyhoo Queen Charlotte won me over with it having a romantic male lead with mental Ilness. and I enjoyed it! So I watched Brigerton too. Eloise is pretty much teenage me.
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The boys and Gen V got me with its plot and commantary on American society. Alright it kinda helps that I've never really liked the idea of super heros. This is pretty much the only superhero media I consume along with one animated show my sister had me watch once. My favorite from the original Series is Hughie and my fav from Gev V is Jordan.
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Okay so yeah! Dr Who. I stopped watching shortly after 11 left and came back for 14 and 15. My fav doctors are 11 and 15 so far! I adore Martha and Donna the best.
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So The Last Kingdom was a show that my freind really liked and we watched together. I hated Uhtred in season 1 but came to enjoy him later. I LOVED These two in the gif, I WAS HERE FOR THEM SHIPPING THEM IN THE LAST SEASON. You know how that turned out if you watch the show. I have never hated on a character as much as I did on a certain king. THEM. <3
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I am very much enjoying House Of The Dragon. I was a GOT fan until the end season even if it started going downhil before that. No I am not team black or team green. I can see both viewpoints. So I'm just here to watch people freak out over it. And enjoy it myself. And Cheer for Healana while waiting in dred due to having read the book it's based on. I'm upset the seem to have gotten rid of Nettles though.
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Derry Girls is the show on this list I watched most recently. I did not really like the first episode but from there I adored them all. Clare and Orla are my Favs. But the entire cast is great.
@shana-rosee @tiny-and-witchyn @poisonedfate @theroundbartable @247merthur
@saurix5 @akelafang @kairenn-n @kadenemrys @pendragonsclotpole
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anonymousewrites · 1 year
Portal to My Heart Pride Special 2023
Loki x Fem! Reader
Mouse Note: When I picture Tom Hiddleston's Loki in a female form, I picture her as Katie McGrath, like BBC's Merlin Morgana Pendragon
            “You mean not all mortals accept those outside of the gender binary or attracted to more than just the opposite sex?” asked Loki, frowning.
            (Y/N) shrugged as she finished putting on her bi-flag eyeshadow. She picked up her eyeliner and continued, “I think it’s weird, too, but some people are just jerks, you know?” She paused and winked. “Like you, but more irritating if that’s possible.”
            Loki scowled but decided not to retaliate since he’d be proving the point. “So you celebrate the ability to live as yourself yearly?”
            (Y/N) nodded. “Pride. That’s what I’m getting ready for now.” She gestured to her eyes. “I’m having fun and being proud of being bisexual. You can join, you know.”
            Loki smirked. “Well, I do have the heart to be attracted to all, as well.”
            “I’m extra lucky to be the one that has you, then,” said (Y/N). She grinned playfully. “Though it isn’t really a surprise. I am super hot and intelligent.”
            Loki rolled his eyes but cupped her cheek fondly. “And you have quite the tongue on you as well.”
            (Y/N) winked. “You love it.”
            “I do,” admitted Loki.
            “So you’ll come? To Pride, I mean?” asked (Y/N).
            Loki paused. “Do I have to come in this form?”
            (Y/N) smiled encouragingly. “Loki, you know I don’t care about that stuff. Go in any form you’d like.”
            Loki waved a hand, and a green glow overtook him. When it faded, instead of Loki’s male form, a woman stood there with his same green eyes and long, dark hair. She had on a green and black dress and combat boots with heels (Y/N) would break her heel in.
            (Y/N) whistled as she saw her boyfriend’s female form. “God, I am so lucky. You’re unbelievably attractive in any form.”
            Loki smirked and blew a kiss. “Of course I am.”
            (Y/N) stood and wound her arms around Loki’s neck. “We should go out like this more. Two hot girls? We could eat this town alive.”
            “Love, the last time I tried to take over it didn’t go well,” teased Loki, her arms around (Y/N)’s waist.
            “But now you have me,” said (Y/N), winking.
            Loki chuckled and ran her hands down (Y/N)’s sides. “You have a point. I would kneel before you.”
            “You have knelt before me,” corrected (Y/N) slyly.
            “And I enjoyed every second,” said Loki, leaning in and kissing her.
            Loki pulled her closer, and (Y/N) kissed back before leaning away. “Alright, alright, we can do this later. I’m not missing Pride.”
            Loki pouted. “Isn’t spending your day with your girlfriend a much better Pride?”
            “Do you have food and parties for me?” asked (Y/N). “If not, then we’re going.”
            Loki sighed dramatically and tightened her hold on (Y/N). “Then I’ll just have to make sure you don’t leave my sight,” she said as if it was a solemn-sworn duty. “You’re too beautiful to be left alone. Anyone could steal you from me.”
            (Y/N) rolled her eyes and grinned as she grabbed her bag. “Yeah, you should probably make sure to treat me right.”
            Loki pouted. “You were supposed to say no one could beat me! (Y/N)!”
            (Y/N) spun around in Loki’s arms as music blared. Parade floats and people wearing various rainbow flags went by, but (Y/N) and Loki were content with each other.
            “Nothing compared to the halls of Asgard, but this is quite the celebration,” said Loki, smiling.
            “Oh, yeah, stuffy armor with violin and harp music beats Elton John and me in a crop top?” (Y/N) scoffed.
            “Love, I’ve seen you in an Asgardian dress. You put the gods to shame, so of course simple human clothes put you above the other mortals,” said Loki. She ran her hands around (Y/N)’s waist and pulled them close. “I suppose I’m fortunate other gods have not noticed you.”
            “Well, as long as you keep kissing me, I promise I won’t be tempted away,” teased (Y/N).
            “I think I can handle that.” Loki kissed her.
            (Y/N) grinned and combed her hands through Loki’s long hair. “How lucky for me that my girlfriend is so accommodating.”
            “And I am fortunate to have a girlfriend who is so in love with me,” said Loki.
            “Who couldn’t love you when you look like that?” teased (Y/N). “Man or woman, you are fine.”
            “Oh, do go on and continuing complimenting me,” said Loki, spinning (Y/N) around to the music in a whirl of blue, purple, and pink.
            “The wit and absolute worship you give me is amazing,” said (Y/N), grinning.
            “I have to match your tongue, love,” said Loki. She smirked, and her green eyes flashed mischievously.
            (Y/N) laughed and held Loki close. Around them, people moved and dance, everyone proud of their identity and who they were. In the center of the crowd, (Y/N) and Loki stood together.
            “I love you, Loki. Thank you for accepting me,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            Loki gazed at her fondly, pure adoration in her eyes. “You do far more accepting of me, with my mistakes. How could I not love you for who you are?”
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dummerjan · 1 year
Top 10 female characters
tagged by @die-schwanenkoenigin thank you <3 (glad to know I am not (yet) blocked :D)
rules: name favorite female characters from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 people This should not be this hard but my fandoms mainly revolve around men. Schande über mein Haupt. I also don't have many fandoms. Plenty of pieces of media I love but my interaction with them is more superficial and I associate frequent engangement with fanworks with being in a fandom, not just liking something a lot. Therefore I will just interpret it more broadly. 1. Villanelle from Killing Eve. I mean, look at her! She's magnificent and I am in love.
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2. Morgana from Merlin
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I never actually finished the series so this is largely based on Merthur fanfiction (and maybe also a bit on me finding Katie McGrath unreasonably attractive 'cause other than that Gwen is a strong contender).
3. Nadja from What We Do In The Shadows
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4. Paa from Bad Buddy
5. Wen Qing from The Untamed (though it is more of a toss up with Jiang Yanli)
6. I really, really can't decide between Rose, Donna and Martha from Doctor Who. They are all amazing.
7. As for Teen Wolf, I never really cared about the series beyond 3B and it was already bad before, so this is also primarily based on the potential they had and fanon, and I can't pick one definitive favourite either: Lydia, Erica, Cora.
8. Lindsay from Queer as Folk (US)
9. Alana from Hannibal
10. Orla from Derry Girls
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tagging @bisexualbard @majestictortoise @revengeisalwaysanoption @tessaaaaa @antique-forvalaka @saturnskyline @sitron-sunni @scarefox @booksnchocolate @theoryofarson and whoever else feels like it. Absolutely no pressure. :)
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redfolder · 11 months
[question about the KMCG audiobook so you have an excuse to talk about it] <3
First of all: thank you. Second of all! I actually really don't like audiobooks (I find it hard to balance the appropriate amount of attention - being a non native speaker I sometimes struggle when I can't see someone's lips while they're speaking English unless I'm used to their speech pattern (the hours I've spent watching Supergirl are really coming in clutch here lmao) and it's just. I can't do something else while I'm listening to an audiobook cause then I'll miss half of it but JUST listening to an audiobook is even worse. I get so incredibly agitated and bored) BUT this one fucks. The book is... Good? I thought it was gonna suck but I started listening to it last night and only meant to listen for a little bit but instead ended up listening to the first two hours of it until I fell asleep on top of my phone. I'm actually invested in these people? Also it's set in Bath which is kinda funny cause my girlfriend lived in that area for a while so I've actually been there and it's a little weird :D HOWEVER, of course most importantly: it's narrated by Katie McGrath (obviously) and I'm - finally someone is just *letting her be Irish* which is amazing when it comes to the Irish MC and a little ridiculous when it comes to the "ma'er" (matter) type accent (I know you're British but I didn't live there for long enough to properly delineate what accent is where - I know it's southern, maybe London? But like... Poverty accent) because *she does consistent individual voices for each character* and a lot of them are men and istg the low pitch breathy voice is doing something to me. I'm not sure what. But something. And I just listened to her describe a woman sucking another woman's tiddies. And. Other things also. Anyway. Just a little aside. The point I WANT to make is not that one. It's the fact that she's an amazing audiobook narrator? And I have genuine, interesting thoughts about the book too? I thought it lowkey sounded like it'd suck when I read a synopsis. Anyway, this already got way out of hand. Thank you for asking <3
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obliviouskara · 2 months
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just a reminder that this katie mcgrath exist
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saintaemond · 3 months
12, 19, 28, 32 !!
i'm gonna answer this mainly with f&b characters bc i'm so rusty with asoif lore and my personal favs i need a re-read/rewatch bad
12. Who am I traveling the ravaged Riverlands with?
ulf and hugh hammer because i want a good time i want a laugh
19. A theory you've adopted as canon
this theory was told to me by YOU @patrocles beloved
"aegon is married to their sister naerys and mistreats her terribly but is hateful and jealous of aemon and publicly accuses aemon of having an affair with naerys (not true) bc he despite how hypersexual aegon was, aemon was the 1 person he couldnt rly have ahhhh"
this theory makes me crawl the walls and the entire pattern of targ men's complicated relationships to their brothers itches something in my brain
28. If you write fic, is there a ship or au you would write for, but haven't yet?
i have several wips in my head that i'd love to finally write. but top of the list is heleagon because they're really so complex and doomed and sad. they're really the only two people in the world who know what the other is going through but they can't seem to ever connect.
32. A fancast you absolutely can’t stand
katie mcgrath as alys rivers i can't stand it anymore move on
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lovesastateofmind1 · 11 months
20 Questions Game
tagged by @sssammich and I'm gonna do this instead of editing so yall know where to point the blame for the delay
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 words count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Supercorp currently
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
You, Me and The In Betweens
Heaven is a Place on Earth
Can I Have Your Attention Please
Hey There... Lena
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do respond to majority of them. I miss a few here and there and I don't respond to the rude ones. I also take ages to actually reply, which is because I'm super flattered and don't know how to properly convey that in words so I procrastinate. A lot.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
If we're solely talking endings, Sweet Dreams probably
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of them end on a positive note. But in my personal opinion, Heaven is a Place on Earth
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Every now and then, but usually it comes from Amy - yall know Amy - and even when it doesn't, its typically in relation to my plot choices and not a critique of my skill
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Bro. Yes lmao. Not super kinky. Not entirely vanilla either. Idk that I could really give you a 'kind.' It's solely based on how thirsty I'm feeling on any particular day and then when I have to actually edit it, I want to punch my past self in the face.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Never written one, probably would though.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes and it was so cool to see. Still endlessly grateful.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
*sigh* I call myself cowriting a fic with @fyonahmacnally and @chaotic-super. I also call myself cowriting a different fic with @sssammich. And then of course that series that we absolutely aren't writing. But thus far, most of the 'writing' has taken place inside our own imaginations. Maybe we'll make progress. Someday.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Do you really have to ask me that?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I think I'll finish all of them honestly. May take 3-5 years. But I think I'll finish.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Injecting the most misery possible into a single fic. Smut. I think I have a nice prose too.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing lmao.
I think most things are a weakness for me. I'm told my descriptive writing is great, but I always think it needs so much improvement because of my inability to visualize anything ever. But if yall can see it, then that's fantastic. Otherwise, long scenes with dialogue. I struggle so bad with extended dialogue.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Would stress me tf out lol. I think it's great. I've almost done it. But I don't trust google translate near enough and I don't personally know anyone who speaks fluent French. So we all just gonna have to use our imaginations when Lena walks through that parking garage.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Technically, Law and Order SVU, though it was never finished or posted anywhere. I needed Katie McGrath to come grab my inspiration by the throat, evidently.
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Lie to Me. Without question. I put the most into it and I'm incredibly proud of it, even if I wanted to set it on fire most days. It's simultaneously the easiest and most difficult thing I've ever written and I hope I always love it this much.
Tagging @mssirey, @sneezewizard, @someoneyouloved93 and anyone else who wants to give it a go, zero pressure of course!
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katrantsasoiaf · 1 year
As someone whose Admittedly Impossible Dream Fancast for Alys was like... Eva Green, but specifically with hair and costumes roughly styled after her all-too-brief performance as Morgan in Starz's Camelot (the show itself had SO MANY flaws, but damn if I didn't completely obsess over her in that role for the one season it lasted!), THANK YOU for being so refreshingly reasonable about Gayle Rankin's casting! I don't think I've ever watched anything with, but I've heard she's a good actress and she's great with eerie, witchy roles, and personally, I think that's all that should matter.
Honestly, my only complaint is that I would have LOVED for Alys' actress to have a bigger, more visible age difference with Ewan. Not just for the obvious "Aemond likes MILFs"/"Alys is more experienced and tops him" jokes, as amusing (and inspiring if, like me, you like that sort of thing in your ships... ;)) as those can be, but also because it would have just been so nice to see a 40+ actress play a seductive, powerful character hooking up with a cool, younger male fan favorite many people (me included, lol) find hot. I get that Alys is supposed to look youthful, but depending on context, "youthful" can mean anything from "so babyfaced they keep getting mistaken for a teen well into their 30s" to "they have such an energy and such a lively, charming personality that people keep forgetting their actual age" after all...
Then again, I, too, would have also loved for older!Rhaenyra and Helaena to be played by fat people, thus putting on screen two fat female characters whose problems don't revolve around them hating their bodies, other people hating their bodies, or whether their bodies are or can be considered attractive. Still, Emma and Phia are both doing amazing jobs, and as well-cast as everyone's been until now, I don't doubt it'll be the same with Gayle and I'll be able to enjoy her performance... while waiting for industry conventions to slooowly change!
i also watched starz's camelot and had very mixed feelings about the show overall, but i adored eva green as morgan pendragon so much. so she was always who i imagined as alys when i read fire and blood. and i understood why many people felt the same way about katie mcgrath after watching her also as morgana in bbc's merlin. alys rivers just has really big morgan le fey energy, right down to her son.
i have never seen gayle rankin in anything. but she is supposedly a good actress who has played roles with witchy vibes. an pictures and edits of her with black hair as selling me on her casting more and more. i am sure she will do wonderful in the role. my biggest issue was those posts comparing pictures of gayle rankin and a fancast for alys, which was clearly posing gayle as unattractive and dumpy compared to the more conventionally attractive actress. which is just gross. it was gross when they did it to emma, and it sucks that the same cycle is repeating with gayle. they both deserved better.
i am terrified for the actress cast as nettles.
in regards to the rest of the casting, i agree with you entirely. milly, emma, and phia are great, i love both of them and none of this is a reflection of my feelings about them as actors. but rhaenyra and helaena are the only targaryen women who are explicitly described as bigger than a pencil. grrm specified that rhaenyra was "pudgy" as a girl and "stout" as a woman due to her multiple pregnancies, but she is still considered desirable. helaena is similarly described as "plump", but is adored. their canonical descriptions being ignored by both the showrunners and fans is disappointing, but not surprising.
i have strong feelings about some of the casting, but i still found it to be one of the shows greatest strengths. and i have no doubt that these newest additions will continue to elevate the show (the only one i actually recognize was freddie fox as gwayne hightower, he was the king of sweden in hulu's the great and i am excited for him).
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