#kaz brekker is disappointed
evellynssocbrainrot · 8 months
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This is my first time drawing Kaz, I'm not sure how I feel about this. But one thing I am sure about is Netflix being the bane of my existence, so I drew this to express how I feel.
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geekycleary · 10 months
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“Brick by brick”
Graphite pencil on 7.5” x 9” cardstock paper, geekycleary 2023
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manikas-whims · 1 year
See I have no issues with people shipping whatever the fuck they want but this has gone too far.
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“sometimes you need some skin on skin”
Not only is this caption extremely disrespectful and erasing Inej's trauma but by extension also being ableist and making fun of Kaz's touch aversion. Not to mention, ignoring Inej's struggles with touch.
And ofcourse, entirely erasing the fact that Tolya is canonically aroace.
At this point, I feel like only Amita Suman cares or even addresses Inej's trauma.
The fact that nothing about Inej's trauma was ever addressed in this entire season, they made Tante Heleen's death seem like it meant nothing to Inej. And now, even making such disgusting jokes..🙂
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nine-is-not-a-ten · 3 months
inej: yeah and then he called me an investment...
nina: oh that BASTARD
kaz: *appearing out of nowhere* you called?
nina: *starts beating the shit out of kaz while inej tries desperately to intervene*
matthias: *sips tea* ah yes the circle of life
wylan & jesper: *starts betting on who wins*
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wylanslcve · 5 months
So if you've been following me on Instagram you would have seen me say recently that I've decided to take a step back from posting/sharing/creating Grishaverse content due to what Leigh Bardugo said (or rather what she didn't say) about the situation in Palestine. For context, during the press tour for The Familiar, an audience member asked Leigh about the justification for non-BIPOC authors profiting off BIPOC stories yet not advocating for real-life BIPOC people (since Leigh has been silent on Palestine since October, despite having expressed solidarity with Palestine in the past).
The video (which you can watch here) has been circulating the internet for a while, and I've already spoken about this on Instagram. I just forgot I had Tumblr for a second there, hence why I'm only addressing this now despite having already spoken about this. However, as someone who has an entire online presence dedicated to Leigh's work, it would be wrong and rather hypocritical of me to not address this.
Disclaimer: This is not a conversation about whether or not white/white-passing authors should be allowed to write BIPOC stories, as many people both in the comments of the original video and online generally have taken it. The issue isn't that Leigh is writing BIPOC stories - it's that she's writing them and choosing not to advocate for real BIPOC people.
The audience member asked a confronting but necessary question, and isn't harassing Leigh as many people online have interpreted it. Holding your favourite people accountable isn't "harassment", especially when that person is a successful author profiting off stories that reflect issues in the real world. Art is inherently political whether or not you want to acknowledge it. This also isn't about specifically asking Leigh this question because she's Jewish - it's because she profits off these stories and yet when these exact same issues are prevalent in the real world, suddenly they're "too political" for her to speak up about despite having expressed solidarity in the past. It has nothing to do with her being Jewish.
However, what's going on in Palestine isn't a political issue. It's basic human rights. It's about humanity, and acting as if posting about this issue is "performative" is ridiculous. I don't know what she's doing behind the scenes, so I'm not going to act as if she isn't doing anything outside of social media because I simply don't know, but when you have an online presence as big as Leigh's you should be using that platform to raise awareness and express solidarity. I understand that it's very easy to come across as "performing activism", especially on social media, but Palestinians have asked us time and time again to use our platforms to help raise awareness and amplify their voices. When you're someone like Leigh who profits off stories of the trials and tribulations of BIPOC people, the very least you can do is talk about the atrocities being committed against BIPOC people in real life.
No one is expecting you to be an expert on what's going on. If you've previously posted misinformation, why not learn from it and actually educate yourself and do better? You're literally an author who profits off stories of colonialism, oppression, dissemination, apartheid, segregation and genocide and suddenly that happening in real life is "too political"? And the amount of privilege you have to not want to get involved in talking about a real-life genocide because you "stopped being political on Instagram" is laughable. Just feeling sad about it isn't going to do anything. It doesn't erase the fact that an entire people are being ethnically cleansed in a genocide you refuse to talk about.
The Grishaverse means so much to me, it's gotten me through some extremely tough periods of my life, but I cannot in good conscience continue to support an author who chooses silence over her own humanity. All she had to say in response to that question was "free Palestine", but she instead said something akin to "I know about what's going on and I know silence and feeling sad about it probably isn't enough, but I'm just not going to do anything about it". Again, I know she's advocated for Palestine in the past, but why not continue doing so? No one is stopping her - she's actively chosen to stop.
As for my accounts? I'm still deciding what to do with them. I won't be deleting them, I'm not going anywhere, but I won't be posting edits or sharing analyses or general posts about the Grishaverse until Leigh decides to do better. This blog will probably turn into a multifandom blog, but who knows at this point. All I know is that I won't be promoting Leigh's work.
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alicent-targaryen · 11 months
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KAZ BREKKER ▸ Shadow & Bone, 1.2
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‘I would have taken the city apart to find you’ is giving ‘to hell with revenge, to hell with his schemes. If Rollins had done something to Inej, Kaz would pain East Stave with his entrails’
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whumpypepsigal · 2 years
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Shadow and Bone s02e03: Working through physical trepidations, Kaz tries his best to help inej with her wound.
“The room was too bright. His chest felt like a clenched fist. …He pressed two fingers together. He slid them beneath the bandage. Everything in him recoiled. The water was cold against his legs. His body had gone numb and yet he could still feel the wet give of his brother’s rotting flesh beneath his hands. It’s shame that eats men whole. He was drowning in it. Drowning in the Ketterdam harbor. His eyes blurred.”
Excerpt From Crooked Kingdom, Leigh Bardugo
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bitchthefuck1 · 2 years
The 2022 tumblr fandom ship list saying kanej is from Shadow and Bone is my villain origin story
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romantichopelessly · 2 years
no because you’re telling me that Jesper and Nina were present for Kaz’s final confrontation with Rollins, where he discusses his past and NEITHER of them talked to him about it later?
sure, Nina barely knows him here. I can get that. But Jesper? His best friend Jesper? Nosy Jesper?
But of course, why would they spend time on a scene between Kaz and Jesper, one of the most interesting dynamics in the series, if there wasn’t some romantic undertone. Obviously Kaz can only have solo scenes with Inej and Jesper can only have solo scenes with Wylan.
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maidenofcrows · 10 months
Reading the essays of Samual Johnson and it’s kind of entertaining to be looking his definition of an ideal protagonist as a SoC fan. I’m paraphrasing, but he’s like, “A leading character should be virtuous. Not so virtuous that it’s unrealistic, but a character of good moral standing.” And I just don’t think he’d appreciate Kaz Brekker.
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rapha-reads · 2 years
Two thirds into the last episode of Shadow and Bone season 2 and I have one and only one question :
Seriously, no. What the fuck is happening?????????????
Why are they pulling a Lauren Hirsch NOW after 6 solid episodes????
Episodes 1 to 6 made sense. They were good, coherent, fun and still true enough to Canon to be enjoyable.
Episoded 7 and 8 just threw out the entire saintsforsaken script out of the window and decided to go full AU, with some elements kept, some elements completely discarded and others moved around to early or to late in the timeline.
And I don't like it. It changes too much. It's not enjoyable anymore, not in the sense that the episode isn't entertaining to watch (I'm finally getting some Matthias screentime), but in the sense that it closes too many doors to tell future stories. It doesn't make sense, both inside the canon story, and inside the two-degrees-to-the-left alternate version thry had started to tell. The same way Lauren Hirsch fucked up The Witcher by completely changing the characters' personal timelines and the events of the story, the SaB team ft Bardugo also changed too much.
Yeah, if they had actually stopped season 2 at episode 6, and then kept following the events of the Ruin and Rising book with some prequel Six of Crows stuff, and made them into a 3rd season, it would have made more sense. And then give us the Six of Crows spin-off standalone show. (I demand an actual 6oC show, that actually follows the books, thanks)
Again, this is just my (and apparently the others too) opinion as a book-reader. I do wonder if none bookreaders who went into the show without knowing anything feel about season 2? Are you guys liking it, is it objectively good when one stops trying to reunite show with book?
Also they need to stop pushing Nikolai/Alina and Inej/Tolya, especially that second one, DO NOT BREAK KANEJ OR I WILL BURN YOU DOWN. And freaking give us Zoyalai ya cowards.
Okaaaaaay, as I was composing my review, I reached the end, and... the end of the episode makes as much bloody (see what I did there) sense as the beginning, that is to say: NONE.
STOP TRYING TO RUSH THE PLOT. The advantage of TV show is that you can take the time to establish your characters and your timeline of events. Stop. Trying. To. Make. Everything. Happen. At. The. Same. Time. Show is not movie!!!!! I'm getting upset now. Ugh. What a letdown. And it had started well.
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Six of Crows Characters as DnD Characters: now complete with backgrounds!
Tired, on my sleep meds me better fucking appreciate that I can remember the idea I had
We'll go from easiest to hardest to parse (as if any of them were hard to figure out. They're fantasy characters, they were all but made to be categorized this way lol /hj)*
Kaz Brekker: A Mastermind Rogue with the Urchin Background Do I really need to elaborate? He is the large rat that makes all of the rules... He makes the plans; he's hard to get a jump on; he can sleight of hand like nobody's business. When his allies are near and acting as distractions, he can deal epic sneak attack damage. He's quiet on his feet. CRIME
Jesper Fahey**: Gunsliger Fighter with the Gambler Background Again, fairly self-explanatory. He has guns, but he's not really a crafter of guns***. There is an argument for a different background****; I am not going to entertain it here. Gambler, though his background is still a vital part of his character*****; It's more so than any education or criminal activity he's done.
Matthais Helver+: Beast Master Ranger that multiclasses into an Oathbreaker Paladin with the Zealot Background Arguably the worst class for my (second) least favorite character (of the ones covered in this post, though I'll happily do one of these for the villians/antagonists)++. Starts as a Beast Master Ranger, because of his wolf. Though he very quickly multiclasses into Paladin, but by the time he gets a subclass in that class he has to take Oathbreaker+++. Zealot is self-explainitory, the only other Background I would entertain is if there was an Occultist one (which there probably is, but Zealot is still the more apt option).
Inej Ghafa++++: Soulknife Rogue with the Entertainer Background (her routine specifically being Acrobat, which I don't see as an option, but I'm making an option right now) I can see the argument for Monk or Paladin+++++, but it's the stealth that really cements her as a Rogue. And it's the same deal as Kaz when it comes to canon sneak attacks. While Scout or Assassin could work well as her subclass, maybe even be more on track that Soulknife, I have to go with Soulknife. Like Jesper's gambling that just makes the Gambling Background more fitting than any other, Inej's knives are an integral part of her character. They are the only weapons she uses. So why don't we give her infinite knives? As well as, the fact they are psychic can be flavored to fit into the fact that she is a very religious character who links her knives to her religion by naming each one after one of her saints. Finally, the Entertainer Background. Criminal is a cop-out. Outlanders tend to be solo. Pirate can't count because that's the future.
Wylan Van Sunshine /s^: Bard that multiclasses into an Artillerist Artficier^^ with the Noble Background He doesn't take enough levels in Bard to get a subclass. He probably took 2, decided he disliked it, but his DM wouldn't let him just reflavor the whole character so he multiclassed as fast as he fucking could. Artificer, need I say more? Artillerist because, "An Artillerist specializes in using magic to hurl energy, projectiles, and explosions on a battlefield". Bomb. I rest my case. He was a "noble" like 3 months ago or so, though it should definitely be flavored as like a disgraced noble or something. Homebrew I guess. It took me a while to get here, but once the ball got rolling there was no stopping it. His character just fell into perfect place.
Kuwei Yul-Bo: Pyromancy Sorcerer with the Inheritor Background Again, a class I dislike for a character I dislike. He was very boring to me, very useless despite being at the heart of both books' plots. I literally forgot about him for the majority of Crooked Kingdom. He reminds me of a pc from the last campaign I dmed for a specific group. The player was barely there, and when he was, refused to do anything. I'm not a fan of magic classes if you can tell, but the only thing I truly remember about Kuwei is some inherent link to fire. Thus the idea for Kuwei the Pyromancy Sorcerer was born. He's a Sorcerer and has the Inheritor background for the same reason: his father. He became valuable when he inherited his father's work.
Last but not least, Nina Zenik: A Way of Mercy Monk who multiclasses into an Order of the Ghostslayer Blood Hunter with the Cloistered Scholar Background Originally she was only going to be a Blood Hunter, but then I remembered a character of mine who's a Way of Mercy Monk and how they get this dual ability to both heal and harm. This felt very apt for Nina as a Heartrender, and how she uses her abilities throughout, particularly book one. She multiclasses at the end of that book specifically lol. While I am a diehard fan of the Order of the Lycan and just the absolute range of horror that can come from it, Order of the Ghostslayer is much much more accurate to Nina's abilities. Her abilities after parem are still her old ones, just mutated and screwy. Which, what is a Blood Hunter if not someone whose abilities have become warped and fucked up? Blood Hunters in general are very akin to Heartrenders in my opinion as both can take a physical toll on the user. As well as both deal heavily with the body and utilizing/fucking with its various parts. Ghostslayers are the oldest, historically, order of Blood Hunters, which in combination with the previous sentence makes it perfect for Nina as she has her roots in a very old type of magic. Ghostslayers also focus on fighting the undead, which is another link to her new abilities as Blood Hunters are deeply connected to that which they hunt, so her being able to utilize the dead but them also being her sworn enemy is fitting. Finally, she gets her background from the fact that she was raised, secluded away, in the Little Palace, effectively just studying her craft.
I'm glad to see I got more in-depth, therefore unhinged, as this went on.
*It's been a while since I read the books, pardon any inaccuracies **He was the first one to come to mind lol ***This will come back when we discuss Wylan and how their skills complement each other ****One of the ones that has to do with being a student. Or like criminal, but that's a fucking cop-out, ALL of these motherfuckers (besides Wylan and Kuwei, whom I will be including solely because I did have an idea for him) could have the criminal background *****If this were Hunter the Vigil it'd be his Vice +Surprisingly easy ++I've heard the arguments in his favor, everyone else is just naturally better than him in terms of me liking them +++These guys aren't that old lol ++++She surprisingly took some thinking when it came to a subclass +++++If you know more about Paladins and would like to make an argument, I'd love to hear it, the only Paladin I've played is a pathetic and useless excuse for one (on purpose) ^My beloved little bastard. Everyone infantilizing him or disregarding his sarcasm and willingness to make literal bombs can fight me in a game of Zombie Dice (I am not strong, me and Wylan are premium members of the Scrawny Club) ^^This is what I meant about his and Jesper's abilities complementing each other. Unlike Kaz and Inej who are cut from the same cloth, or-as you'll learn-Nina and Matthais who are effectively 2 sides of the same coin, they really build on each other
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swanimagines · 7 months
Summary: Imagine doing an unsuccessful heist and Kaz taking it out on you.
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The heist hadn't gone as planned. It was no one's fault, you had just been incredibly unlucky, but Kaz was still enraged at everyone and looking for a guilty one, accusing everyone on their turn before you stepped in.
"Kaz, stop it." You sighed, wrapping your arms around yourself. "We could have done nothing otherwise. Sometimes these things happen, it isn't anyone's fault. You made a brilliant plan, we all tried to follow it-"
"No," Kaz grumbled, glaring at you in turn. "A mistake like this can't happen without someone taking responsibility. You weren't much of an use either, or what were you doing there at the hallway when guards were rushing towards us? We could have hid, but you gave us away before we could. I blame you all the same for this failure!" He shouted, his eyes flashing dangerously.
Your face dropped at Kaz's words and you took a step back from him. His hands clenched around his cane as he glared at you.
"I didn't do anything wrong," you mumbled, trying to hold his gaze.
He snorted and turned away from you. "Yes, you did. This wasn't your first job, so why the hell did you think you could get away with going solo there?!"
You rolled your eyes, clenching your jaw. "I had to! They could have reached us and killed us all if I didn't slow them down!"
Kaz scoffed. "If you would have followed the plan, we could have had an opportunity to hide!"
"No," you shook your head quickly. "They knew exactly where we were, they would have surrounded us and either imprisoned us or killed us! For your information, I saved our lives so thank you so much for your fucking gratitude!"
"Kaz, they're right, we could have-" Jesper tried to intervene but Kaz interrupted him.
"This is between me and them, keep your mouth shut!" Kaz growled.
"Hey, let's just all take some time to calm down." Wylan murmured as he carefully approached you but Kaz still hadn't stopped.
"You're of no use," he snarled at you. "We don't need people like you during heists, maybe you should take up the broom instead or stay in your room, out of sight."
"Kaz!" Inej scolded him while the rest of the Crows stood dumbfounded, staring at Kaz in shock.
Your eyes became glossy, tears threatening to spill over. But Kaz still didn't seem to care. So you turned around and sprinted towards the Slat, letting the cold wind bite your face as your tears finally began cascading over your cheeks.
The Crows stood there for a while, seeing you disappearing to the crowd. Then they all laid disappointed looks at Kaz.
"Happy now?" Nina sighed and started walking faster, with no doubt of wanting to offer a listening ear for your once again broken heart.
They all knew you both had feelings for each other, but you didn't deserve to be treated like this by him. Kaz was usually cool and collected, but his conflicted feelings for you merged with frustration was never pretty to watch. But this was something worse than your usual bickerings, and Inej noticed the slight flash of regret in Kaz's eyes. He hid it incredibly well, but it was still there. She'd pop by his window in the morning and talk him into apologising to you like so many times before - you deserved to know he still cared about you, even when you had fights like these. She was just concerned about how many fights would you take before giving up on him...
Inej's presence floated in the air early in the morning. Sun had barely risen, and Kaz had once again stayed awake the whole night. You had usually made him sleep a little, even take a nap. Telling him his brains would be able to work harder if he slept and he wouldn't feel so frustrated.
But yesterday, from obvious reasons, you hadn't come to talk him into going into bed for a little while. It had felt weird, but Kaz knew the reason. Nina had taken food with her at the evening and headed towards your room, laying a glare at Kaz as she passed him but didn't say anything.
Kaz had sensed Inej long before the shadow passed his desk and Inej's soft steps approached him.
"Kaz," she sighed. "You owe them an apology."
Kaz ignored her. "What time is it?"
"Is anyone else awake yet? We need to start working on a new plan."
"No. We need to talk about your fight yesterday with a certain Dreg."
"Why?" Kaz asked, irritated.
"When will you go and apologise to them?"
"There's nothing to apologise for."
"You had them cry in Nina's arms for an hour. Nina had to help them to fall asleep. So yes, you do have something to apologise for."
"It's fine, Inej."
"I'm serious, Kaz."
"They'll get over it."
"If you want them to hate you forever."
"They already hate me," Kaz muttered.
Inej sighed, staring at Kaz for a moment. Kaz ignored her accusatory look and just continued working with the plan. Suddenly, Inej's hand appeared on his way.
"Saints, Kaz!" she exclaimed suddenly and Kaz's eyes met hers for the first time today. "You need to think about their feelings for once."
"I don't have time to think about whether someone gets hurt from things I say, in the Barrel, you have to be tough and if you aren't, you're screwed." He huffed.
Inej sighed. "We all know you care about them more than you care about the rest of us. We know you have feelings for them."
Kaz paused then, letting a long breath through his nose. "I don't have feelings for them."
"You do. We all have seen how you look at each other. Nina has heard your heart when you look at them. You both are just so stubborn and won't act for it. It's getting ridiculous."
"It's not like that."
"You say it's not like that, but still everything points the other way."
"You don't know what you're talking about," Kaz growled, his fingers tapping the desk.
Inej groaned. "Kaz, you know you want to go to apologise. Swallow your pride for once.."
He huffed. "Dirtyhands being soft for someone doesn't fit the picture."
Inej laughed and rolled her eyes. "I know that while living in the Barrel and being a crime boss, it's necessary. But I know you. This is just petty, and you don't want to lose them. Go apologise. Or I'll drag you there."
Kaz looked at Inej for a moment longer before he took a big breath in and stood up. "Fine," he grumbled, "I'll go talk to them."
Kaz didn't know how long exactly he had stood in front of your room. He couldn't help but think that you would be too angry at him to speak - and Inej's claim of you having feelings for him.
It wasn't possible. Kaz's feelings for you were hardly possible, so yours would be even less. And you'd deserve someone better than him anyway.
Kaz tried to convince himself of this, but a little voice echoed at the back of his head.
What if they do like you back?
He stared at your door for a moment longer before finally bringing himself to knock.
A groan was heard and then your groggy voice, "Coming..."
The door opened and Kaz's heart started to beat faster the moment he saw you. You squinted your eyes at the light and when you recognised him, your expression immediately transformed into a scowl.
"What do you want?" you snapped, your hands on your hips and your hair messy from sleep.
Kaz opened his mouth but then shut it again. You were angry, he was sorry but he didn't know how to word it. He sighed.
"I thought we should talk this through," he finally said, taking a step forward.
You didn't say anything and just stared at him for a moment. "Oh, mighty Dirtyhands wants to talk now."
Kaz groaned and was quiet for a moment. "I owe you... an apology."
"I don't want to hear it," you said and attempted to slam the door shut, but Kaz got his cane between it and pushed himself inside to your room.
"We need to talk," Kaz said, moving his cane into your way again. "And I won't leave until we do."
"Stop that," you snapped.
"Because I'm trying to be mad at you."
Kaz bit back a smile at that. "If you want to be mad at me, you need to have a proper reason for it."
You huffed and crossed your arms. "Fine, then talk."
Kaz sighed and laid his gaze on his hands gripping the cane. "What I said last night was needless and inconsiderate. I..." He clenched his jaw and cast his eyes downwards for a moment, and then met your eyes again and continued. "I apologise for it."
He glanced up at you, expecting to still see your anger, but instead, your expression was confused.
"Well, I wasn't expecting that."
Kaz smirked at your confusion. "I know how to be an asshole, but I'm trying to be a good boss, too."
You chuckled. "I've gotten used to you being an asshole even when I know you care about me- care about us, I mean, so... it's weird to hear you apologise."
Kaz huffed with a small smile, his heart thudding. He smiled at you, and you were smiling too, and he felt his heart jump at that.
"Have you slept at all last night?" you asked him.
Kaz shook his head. "No. I had work."
You sighed and rolled your eyes. "Work can wait, you go have a nap right now."
You opened the door for him, and you began ascending the stairs together. Kaz smirked at your order. "And if I won't?"
You laughed. "I'll knock you out and drag you to bed. Your call."
Requests are always open! FANDOM LIST | PROMPT LIST(S) | RULES (READ!!!)
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redamancyys · 1 year
All Around Me - Kaz Brekker
WARNING(S) ◆ smut, piv sex, oral (fem recieving), cursing, unedited.
WORDS ◆ 3.7k
REQUEST(S) ◆ based off of this request, though i did stray a little. basically kaz and the reader have sex for the first time!
AUTHOR'S NOTE ◆ sooooo this ended up being a lot steamy-er than i intended, but i hope that you enjoy it, because i definitely liked writing this one!
To say that the desire was eating you both up from the inside was an understatement. 
Kaz had never wanted a person the way that he wanted you. It was a raw, carnal desire that came from deep within him. He had never been a person who ached for touch until he met you, he wished that he was able to be the man that could grab you by your hips without spiraling into a panic, or could kiss you for as long as you wanted without having to take a break because his internal thoughts were becoming too much to handle. 
You would always explain to him that it wasn’t his fault. 
Hushed whispers, your hands placed ever so carefully on his clothed body, trying to keep him grounded whenever the aversion got too bad. You had seen him at his worst, where he had to put his head in between his knees in order to stop the flashbacks from coming back to him. Though sometimes no matter how hard you tried, Kaz would morph back into that little boy again, feeling his brother's dead motionless flesh against his own as he floated back ashore. He would feel alone, no matter how much you tried to explain that you were here, he didn’t have to worry, he wasn’t there, he was safe.
And what was even worse, he felt like he was somehow disappointing you. He was with you, but you couldn’t even touch his bare skin without him spiraling into a mess. No matter how many times you explained that you were there for him, that you were always going to make sure that he was okay, there was still a piece of him that wished he was different. But Kaz’s wishes never came true, it would never magically go away. He had to face this head on if he was ever going to be able to properly love you, and for you, he was willing to try anything. 
That had been a few months ago, and since then the two of you had worked very hard to overcome his aversion. You went slow, placing bare hands against each other, small kisses, anything that you could think of that would be enough to help but also just enough to not make Kaz feel uncomfortable. It had gotten to the point where you two were able to cuddle with one another, his hands could go up and down your spine and paint small drawings on the skin of your arm and legs. And you could do the same towards him. After a while, you both were able to take your tops off, explore those parts of your bodies, and every time you went farther, the desire began to creep its way into both of your chests. Both of you were aware what the next step was, you both weren’t dumb, but neither of you had the inclination to talk about it. It was like the two of you were dancing around the conversation, doing everything that you could to not bring it up. 
Wylan and Jesper were always talking about it. Well, that was a lie, Jesper was usually the one that would talk about it with you. He always talked about the pining, the excitement of getting to explore your lover's body . . . it was something that you wanted but had never experienced before and before you knew it, you were sitting on your shared bed with Kaz, trying to concentrate on a book while he did his paperwork at his desk. You took a moment to stare at him, watching as his hands pressed against the paper, quill etching sounds into the silence between the both of you. You took your bottom lip into your teeth, sucking in a harsh breath. You could do this. 
“Kaz, I wanted to talk to you about something.” 
You could’ve gone about it a different way, because the moment Kaz stopped what he was doing and turned to face you, there was a hint of worry in his expression. Most of the time when a person told another that they had to talk to them about something, it was bad news, and you were quick to assure him that it was nothing of the sort. “Nothing bad, I promise. I just wanted to bring an idea up to you.” His face immediately softened, one that you knew he didn’t share with many. You took a moment to study his expressive eyes, your own going from them to his lips, the ones that you wished were kissing the delicate skin on your body. Giving him a tiny smile, you said, “I wanted to see what you . . . thought about having sex with me? We’ve been getting to that point for a while now and I just thought that it wouldn’t hurt to ask if you wanted to go all the way?” 
This was definitely something that he wasn’t expecting to come out of his mouth, especially because of the unspoken barrier between the both of you when it came to talking about these types of things. Of course he wanted to, saints, if he could he would take you right then and there but you and him knew that it would take a lot more mental preparation on his end for this to happen. And perhaps for a moment you thought that you had struck a nerve with him, that he would dismiss the idea and you would leave to compose yourself, but that was far from the truth. Instead he set down the quill and turned to face you completely, his gloved hands playing with one another as an attempt to ground. You didn’t move, eyes attentively staring, waiting for him to say something. Kaz eventually opened his mouth to say, “Of course I want to have sex with you.” He said it as though you were dumb thinking that he wasn’t, but you knew that this was his way of trying to guard himself from the actual thoughts that came into his head. “I think I just need a little time to prepare first-” “Yes! I know, I just wanted to make sure you were comfortable first,” You cut him off, not wanting him to think that you were going to pressure him. 
Soon enough you two were discussing the logistics, almost as if you were scheduling a business meeting of a sort. It made you chuckle at first, but as the days went by, closer to the date that the two of you planned to finally go the final step, your nerves began to jumble up. 
You sat down at the edge of his bed, very reminiscent of a few days ago when you popped the question, but instead of Kaz sitting at his desk, he was sitting beside you. His breathing was slightly rigid, he was nervous which you completely understood. In order to comfort him, you placed your hand on his gloved one, looking at him with a look of kindness in an attempt to show him that you were nervous too. 
“I love you,” You said to him. 
“I love you too, Y/N.” 
One finger at a time, you began to pull his gloves off of his hand, and then the other one, setting the pair onto the bedside table. You held one of his hands with yours while the other one made its way to the back of his neck, pressing soft kisses to his lips. Kaz responded by putting his hand on your waist, eagerly kissing you back. He pulled you closer to him, until you got the idea of straddling his waist, legs on either side of him as you sat on his lap. This kissing went on for a while, semi for comfort but also for pleasure, as you knew that you would never get tired of kissing Kaz Brekker. His lips tasted like honeyed tea and you relished in the notion that you would be the only one who ever got to taste such a sweet thing. 
You were still sitting on his thighs and you needed him more than ever now. That familiar feeling that bubbled up inside of you whenever you two got this far began to resurface, causing the kissing to become even more fast paced, filled with want and need. Though the most enjoyable part was that the two of you were having fun, taking moments to stop and admire one another. For a moment a sly smile came across his lips and you wiped it away with a kiss, going back to the fast pace that had been set before. Your hands came and tentatively went under his shirt, feeling the taut skin of his chest with calm and courteous fingers, not wanting to upset him, though clearly beginning to fog up the idea of being gentle. The thought of him above you with a body like that? It made you falter in your movements. He was beautiful, and you were sure that you would never allow him to forget it. 
Using the break in your concentration to his advantage, Kaz began mouthing along your skin, knowing that your neck was sensitive in a multitude of places and skimming your skin with his teeth ever so gently, hands pulling up your shirt above your head. His eyes scanned your body, raising an eyebrow. “No bra?” He asked, making you shy away and look anywhere but at his face. You didn’t reply, but he seemed to not like that. His hand came and grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him. You gave a small smile, “I wanted to be comfy.” He hummed, somewhat disappointed in your answer but not disappointed at how compliant you seemed to be with him. Kaz went back to kissing your neck, teeth grazing along your soft skin, making you jump whenever he bit down on a particular spot. 
You were beginning to grow impatient. Perhaps it was with the way that he was worshiping you, wanting to kiss every single inch of you and make you keel into his touch over and over again. Or maybe it was because no one had ever made you feel this way before. You hadn’t been with others before, never trying to get this far with the men of Ketterdam for fear of ruin or awkwardness in the morning. You had only longed for Kaz before. 
His hands found your breasts, squeezing them and kneading them together, fingers coming to pinch your nipples. Your back arched into him and you almost fell over on top of him, using your hands on his muscles to stop you. You reached and decided you wanted to please him, to show him how much you wanted him. You trailed your hands under his shirt and came to the band of his pants, pushing your fingers past it and making your way down. Before you could hit his obvious hard on, one of his own hands came and grasped your wrists, pulling your hand away. You looked up, thinking that you did something wrong. Tilting your head, you gave him a silent what? Maybe you had made him uncomfortable, and he was trying to come up with a way to tell you off. 
Though that didn’t seem to be the case when Kaz’s lips offered a smirk. 
“I’m not done with you yet,” Kaz explained. In one movement he put his hands to your back and flipped you two over, him now on top of you. Your head hit the mattress with a small humph and wondered what he had in store for you. 
You worked with him to shimmy your pants and panties off, throwing them to some side of the room. His hands splayed against your thighs and you watched with an open mouth to see what he was going to do. He gave you a look, a familiar one that reminded you that you were actually here with him, no one else, the two of you were doing this amazing thing together. Your heart swelled with adoration as you thought that this was the man that you loved, the one that you trusted more than anyone else in the entire world. You were also well aware of the slick that was beginning to coat your thighs, body betraying you and showing him how much you wanted him, how you ached for him. Kaz seemed to like it though, bringing his flesh hand to your slit and scooping some of it up. When he brought his hand back up, you could see the way that it glistened on his skin, popping a finger into his mouth and humming sinfully at the taste. He did it again and again, humming every single time your arousal hit his tongue. You looked down with heated cheeks, feeling a little embarrassed that you were getting so worked up over something so small. “You taste . . .” He trailed off, bringing his tongue to your folds and swiping up from your hole to your clit. “Amazing.” 
“It’s all for you,” You said, wiggling your hips and urging him to pleasure you again. Kaz smirked, feeling a sense of pride wash over him at your words. He brought a finger to you and pushed it in, watching your mouth open into a wide ‘O’ at the feeling. He curled it up, making your muscles tighten around him. Kaz built a steady pace and he came back up to your face, pressing a kiss to your cheek sweetly as if he couldn’t hear the lewd sounds that were being created when he added a second finger in. 
“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do this,” He said, towering over you. His thumb rubbed against your clit while his fingers fucked into you. “To see you under me like this.” The both of you seemed to have this desire for each other for the longest time. 
You moaned out at his words, thighs clenching around his hand to keep him there. You couldn’t respond, too busy thinking about the steady fire that was building in you. You reached to climb higher, hoping he would grant you some kind of release. He didn’t give it to you though. Instead, whenever you were getting to that tipping point, he would stop all of his movements altogether until you stopped shaking, then repeat the process over and over again. It was making you go crazy, how he had the power to push you towards release but he just wouldn’t do it.
You opened your mouth to speak but you couldn’t. As if to test you further, he pushed a third finger into you, making you moan out his name loud and roll your eyes to the back of your skull. His thumb kept rubbing languid circles on your clit. You thought if you stayed quiet you could sneak an orgasm, cut him off guard. But as if he heard your thoughts, his movements stalled and he put his other hand firmly on your hips so you couldn’t even move against his statue-like hand. His dark eyes bore into your own and you squeezed around his fingers. “You make me feel so good, Kaz.” The praise fell from your lips with ease, lava pooling in your stomach as if threatening to burst at any moment. If only he would just rub a little bit more . . .
He pulled his hand away from you. Kaz didn’t even respond to your statement and you wondered if you said something wrong, if he had enough. And he had enough all right, but not enough of you. He wanted to see you cum, just around his cock and not his fingers. But you couldn’t hear what he was thinking, which made you whimper when he pulled himself away fully, standing at the edge of the bed. You opened your legs up to him, the farthest that you could go without hurting yourself and hoping that it would make him come back to you quickly. Your clit was aching from several denied orgasms, almost thinking about pulling your hand down to finish yourself off, though deciding against it when knowing Kaz would never allow something like that. He liked seeing you writhing like this. 
Kaz’s hands shed all his clothing. He wasn’t exactly putting on a show for you but you marveled anyways, watching the way that his muscles flexed when his shirt came off and how you wanted to lick all around his abdominal region and make your way all down to his cock, which was pressed against his stomach and slightly glistening with precum. It was big and felt your insides clench just thinking about it sliding into you. Once he was satisfied with his clothing off, he came back down to the bed and kneeled between your spread legs. 
“Kaz,” You whispered. “Please.” 
There was a hint of mischief in his eyes and it took all of your strength to not roll your eyes. “What do you want me to do to you?” Of course he wanted to hear you say it, to announce what he was inevitably going to do. You couldn’t ignore the way you loved how controlling he was with you, how he ordered you to do some things. And as much as you hated that he didn’t let you cum, you also loved how he would make you cum when he wanted you to, not you. He took his cock into his hands and rubbed the tip against your glistening folds, teasing you in the most sinful way possible.
“Please . . . Fuck me Kaz. Make me cum, I can’t take it anymore.” You just wanted him inside of you so badly, you were going to scream if this went on for any longer. He was right there, denying you both the pleasure. With a nod of his head, he pushed into you in one fluid motion. The feeling of him bottoming out inside of you made you grip onto his bicep, pulling him close so his warm chest was against your own again. He wasted no time moving, the sound of it deliciously sweet in your ears. Kaz took your legs and pushed them upwards, your feet hanging off of his shoulders and pressing your thighs further up until they were almost hitting the mattress. The change in position had you crying out, feeling him hit deeper inside of you. 
You could feel every single scrape of his cock against your walls, increasing that fire in your stomach until you were sure you were about to cum. He kept at it with such loyalty and vigor, his motivation to make you feel the best you ever had fuelling him to a tenfold. He was such a devoted man to begin with, so you should’ve known that he would handle things the same way in bed. 
You squeezed around him. “Please,” You whimpered. 
“Go ahead.” Those two words were all you needed, allowing yourself to scream out as your orgasm ripped through you, built up again and again and now it was finally here and it was amazing. It rippled through you like shockwaves, and made you go limp under him, legs completely boneless. Kaz didn’t let up as he rode through your orgasm, keeping the same pace with you. He was unforgiving, not giving you time to adjust and instantly making you feel the feeling of overstimulation. You were so sensitive to his cock ramming in and out of you that you could feel a second orgasm already building up. The tip of him hit a particularly nice spot in you and you yelled, curling your toes and your hands came to tangle and grip in his hair. You almost stopped for a moment thinking that you were hurting him, but when you looked at his face, you saw only fucked out bliss, white incisors showing in a ravenous grin. His eyes opened and they were almost fully dark, making you shiver. 
“You feel so good,” He mumbled, as though he was talking to himself. He was completely thrown into the pleasure that you were giving him, hot and warm and just perfect , like you were made for his cock to be rammed into over and over again. “Made for me, all for me.” He used your past words, them never losing their meaning no matter how many times he muttered under his breath. 
Time seemed to slow and grow faster at the same time, the whole room disappearing as both of you focused on only each other. You weren’t sure how many times he had made you cum at this point, you took whatever he gave you and took it well. When you got enough strength to crane your neck down, you watched as your hole enveloped his cock, it coming back out slicked with the remnants of your past orgasms. Kaz saw where your eyesight was and a sense of pride washed over him again. “Do you like watching that? Seeing how well you take me?” He asked, egging you on. His hand went to grab your own and placed it on your lower abdomen, and you could feel the skin slightly raising up every time he went into you. You could see it too, sliding in and out. Though, even if he didn’t want to admit it to himself, his movements were beginning to falter. He was becoming more sloppy with his hips and you knew he was about to cum. So, to give him what he had worked for, you wiggled your hips up, matching his hips. Your oversensitive clit rubbed against the base of his cock and you were clenching around him, and as if on cue, you were cumming again, feeling weak under him. Kaz wrapped his arms around you and pulled you up, his cock splitting you open until he was spilling inside of you. 
The moans that left his mouth were probably the hottest things you had ever felt in your life. You could feel his cum dripping down his cock, coating your thighs and dripping onto the soiled sheets. He put you down on the bed and followed you, eyes watching your own and kissing your sweaty forehead. He finally stopped moving and stilled inside, not wanting to leave you. He didn’t want to leave this moment and neither did you. 
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marsplastic13 · 2 months
'Complicated' (part 12) - Kaz Brekker x Reader
Idea - Kaz Brekker hires a prostitute to overcome his touch aversion, and be a better man for Inej, but things take an unxepected turn. Pairing: Kaz Brekker x Prostitute!Reader, (had to use y/n because I'm bad at names) Genre: modern AU, slow burn word count: 7.4k notes: didn't realize how many things happen in this part until right now, take a long breath
@millercontracting @coldmermaidhologram @syd649 @luffysprincess @cryptidghostgirl @beekeepingageissome @hufflepuff-16
tw: panic attack, mention of past abusive relationships, mention of past abuse
The next few days were chaotic for Kaz. He was working around the clock on a crucial deal, frustration mounting as complications arose. The thought of kidnapping everyone involved and locking them in a room until they reached an agreement crossed his mind more than once. His phone buzzed constantly, mostly with messages from Inej, urging him to join her in some remote corner of the world. Meanwhile, Jesper was relentless in his demands for attention, insisting on planning their joint birthday party. If being best friends wasn’t enough, they even shared the same birthday.
In the midst of this whirlwind, a message from Y/n made him pause. She had sent him two pictures of herself in different swimsuits, asking, 'Can’t decide the color'.
Kaz took a moment to study the images, appreciating her form and the swimsuits that highlighted it. The first one, a sleek black number, hugged her curves in all the right places, exuding a sense of sophistication and allure. The second, a vibrant red, contrasted beautifully with her skin, giving her a playful yet seductive appearance. His eyes traced the lines of her body, lingering on the way the fabric accentuated her waist and the gentle curve of her hips. He could almost feel the texture of the swimsuits under his fingertips, the thought sending a shiver down his spine.
Without much thought, he transferred 800 kruge to her, labeling the transaction ‘Both.’
Almost immediately, she replied, ‘I don’t think you know swimsuit prices.’
Kaz smirked at her response, typing back, ‘Do you need more?’
‘It’s too much!’ she protested.
‘I’m sure you’ll find something else to buy,’  he replied, feeling a rare sense of lightness.
‘:)’ was her only answer, but it was enough to make him smile.
He leaned back in his chair, momentarily forgetting the pressures of the deal, Inej’s incessant texts, and Jesper’s party plans. The thought of Y/n in those swimsuits lingered in his mind, a welcome distraction from the chaos.
With a sigh, Kaz returned to his negotiations, determined to push through the obstacles. But the images of Y/n, and the playful banter that accompanied them, stayed with him, a reminder of the choices and feelings he needed to confront.
Finally, after days, the deal was closed, and Kaz could breathe. As the car started moving, he undid his tie, feeling a wave of relief wash over him. The pressure had been immense, and now he just wanted to share this victory with Y/n. He dialed her number, anticipation buzzing in his chest.
“We fucking did it, love, I’m free,” he announced, his voice filled with excitement.
“I’m so happy for you, baby,” she replied, but her voice was strained.
Kaz immediately picked up on it. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” she sighed. “Due to poor scheduling, I had two very… demanding clients one after the other, and I’m exhausted.”
Hearing her talk about her job always stirred a rush of jealousy in Kaz. He hated the thought of her with other men, even if it was just for work. He clenched his jaw, trying to push the feeling aside.
“I wanted to take you out for dinner,” he said, hoping to distract himself with the idea of spending a relaxing evening with her.
“Can we do tomorrow, baby? I can’t move,” she sounded genuinely worn out, and his heart softened.
“Sure,” he said, trying to hide his disappointment. “Come here?” she asked, her voice softening.
“Already on my way,” he replied without hesitation.
Y/n was wearing his underwear and a white crop top with ‘Virgin’ written on it. Her hair was up, and her eyes were half-closed, and Kaz thought she had never looked more beautiful. She got on her toes, linking her arms behind his neck to kiss him. “Hi,” she murmured against his lips, and he felt his knees ready to give in.
“I got you pizza. I think it’ll be here in 10 minutes,” she said, leading him to her room.
“Thank you, love. You didn’t have to,” Kaz replied.
Y/n shrugged, collapsing on her bed. Only in contrast with the white sheets he notice the bruises around her body. “What happened to you?” he asked, concerned.
“Very demanding clients, I told you.”
Kaz sighed, torn between wanting to know more and not wanting to know anything at all. “Y/n, did they hurt you?”
“Well, not intentionally. Don't worry, Kaz; it was really good,” she said, closing her eyes and resting her head on his lap.
His hands gently brushed against her bruises, trying to keep his thoughts in check. “Were you enjoying it?” The question came out harsher than he intended.
“Yes,” she said simply.
‘More than me?’ The words were on the tip of his tongue, ready to dangerously roll out, leading to really uncomfortable conversations. He sighed; they were both too tired for meaningless fights. Yes, he could get mad about her job, but then what? There was no point.
“Were you safe?” he decided to ask.
“Of course. I trust them. I don't do certain things with strangers or with new clients.”
Kaz hummed, stroking her hair. “Tell me about your deal, come on,” she encouraged him without opening her eyes.
He told her a summary of what had gone down in the past days, and she looked genuinely interested. They opened the pizza in bed, accompanied by a very expensive bottle of wine that surely deserved to be tasted on other occasions rather than with greasy pizza, on a bed, drinking directly from it.
“There's cheese on it. What are you going to eat?” he asked, shoving half a slice into his mouth.
“I'm just going to inhale deeply the smell and drink wine.”
"Y/n, cut the bullshit and eat," he said firmly, his concern for her health evident in his voice.
"Rude," she retorted, but he could hear the weariness in her tone.
He leaned forward slightly, meeting her tired gaze. "Y/n," he began softly, "I know you're tired. But you need to eat."
"I'm not hungry," she insisted, her voice quieter now, almost defeated.
Kaz pinched the bridge of his nose, frustration and worry mingling within him. "Don't make a scene, love," he murmured.
Y/n sighed, exhaustion and resignation crossing her features. "I won't eat that; it looks disgusting," she protested weakly, avoiding his gaze.
"Just get something from your fridge," Kaz suggested, trying to keep his tone gentle despite his growing concern.
He watched as Y/n finally relented, disappearing into the kitchen. When she returned with a banana, Kaz felt a wave of relief wash over him. "Happy?" she asked, her tired eyes meeting his.
"Very much," Kaz replied, smiling softly.
After finishing their meal, Kaz and Y/n settled back into bed, finding comfort in each other's presence. Y/n lay on her back with Kaz's chest as her pillow, both absorbed in watching an episode of House on her tablet. Kaz absentmindedly traced patterns on her body, his mind finally relaxing after the past long days.
Lost in his thoughts, Kaz slid one hand under Y/n's shirt, a gesture that had become familiar between them. But this time, unlike before, he felt her flinch, a subtle but unmistakable reaction that instantly brought him back to the present.
“Y/n, is everything okay?” he asked gently, withdrawing his hand immediately.
“I… I won’t be able to have sex tonight, or anything else,” she blurted out quickly, her words rushed and tinged with anxiety.
Kaz remained calm, his concern growing as he sensed her distress. “It’s fine, Y/n. I’m pretty tired too,” he reassured her, trying to keep his voice steady despite the unease stirring within him.
But Y/n's breathing quickened, each breath coming in shallow gasps as if she couldn't get enough air. Kaz's worry deepened. “Hey, what's going on?” he asked softly, reaching out to gently touch her arm.
“I’m sorry, I can try if you want, but I-” Her voice trembled with panic, her eyes darting away.
“Are you listening to me? I said it’s fine, love,” Kaz insisted, shifting slightly to try and meet her gaze. He could see the fear in her eyes, as if she had seen a ghost.
Y/n suddenly moved away from him, her eyes fixed on him but seemingly unfocused. She started repeating apologies frantically, tears streaming down her cheeks uncontrollably.
“Everything is fine, you’re with me,” Kaz tried to reassure her, his voice soft and soothing, though uncertain of how to handle the situation.
“I know what you want from me, and I can’t… I can’t-” Her words were choked with emotion, her distress palpable.
“I don’t want anything, Y/n,” Kaz said firmly but gently, reaching out to hold her hand. “Just try to breathe. You’re safe here.”
Her panic seemed to intensify, her breaths erratic and shallow. Kaz's heart sank, feeling utterly helpless as he watched her struggle.
“Y/n, you’re not breathing properly. What is going on?” he asked urgently, his concern deepening into a knot of worry in his chest.
Finally, she managed to focus on him again, her tear-streaked face etched with anguish. “I… I can’t do this,” she managed to say between sobs.
Kaz's mind raced, trying to piece together what could have triggered such a severe reaction. “It’s me, Y/n,” Kaz said softly, his voice unwavering despite the turmoil inside.
Tears continued to fall from her eyes as she struggled to regain control. “I am nothing for you,” she muttered, her wide eyes darting around the room as if searching for an escape. “You just want me for sex and tonight I can’t-”
Kaz's heart raced as he watched Y/n struggle through the grips of her panic attack. Her words cut through the air with a sharpness that betrayed her fear, leaving Kaz feeling utterly helpless. He knew that touching her might worsen the situation, but he couldn't bear to see her in such distress.
“Y/n, you’re having a panic attack,” Kaz interjected gently, hoping to ground her in reality. His voice, usually steady, now quivered slightly with concern as he tried to reach for her hand again.
Her breathing remained erratic, each gasp tearing at Kaz's own nerves. “Don’t touch me. Please, let me go,” she pleaded, tears streaming down her cheeks.
Kaz withdrew his hand immediately, a pang of guilt and worry twisting in his chest. He felt a surge of anxiety rise within him, unsure of how best to support her through this overwhelming episode. The sight of her pain, both physical and emotional, weighed heavily on him.
“I won’t hurt you, Y/n,” Kaz reassured, his voice a whisper amidst her sobs. “You’ll be okay. Just breathe.”
Her panicked words continued to spill out, trapped in a loop of distress. “I can’t give it to you, I can’t- I'm so tired, please,” she repeated, her gaze unfocused and terrified.
Kaz's mind raced, desperately trying to understand what had triggered such a severe reaction. He knew Y/n's job was demanding and often brought emotional challenges, but this level of panic was new and alarming.
“I know I’m nothing for you, but please, I don’t want to-”
Before things could escalate further, Kaz made a quick decision. He needed help, someone who knew Y/n well. Without another word, he left the room swiftly, his footsteps echoing in the hallway as he sought out her roommates.
He found one of them in the living room, concern etched on her face as she saw Kaz's distressed expression. Without hesitation, he explained the situation, his voice urgent yet measured.
“It’s Y/n,” Kaz began, his voice catching slightly with worry. “She’s having a panic attack. I don’t know what to do.”
Y/n's roommate nodded understandingly, her face softening with empathy. “I’ll come with you,” she said firmly, leading Kaz back towards Y/n’s room.
Together, they entered the room where Y/n lay curled up on the bed, hugging her legs, her breathing still uneven. Kaz hovered anxiously in the doorway, feeling both relief and apprehension at having someone else there to help.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Y/n's roommate spoke softly, her voice a soothing balm in the tense atmosphere. “We’re here for you.” 
Kaz stood back, grateful to see Y/n in the care of someone she trusted. He was about to speak, but his words caught in his throat when Y/n's tear-streaked face turned towards her roommate. There was a mix of fear and relief flickering in her eyes.
“Please let me go,” Y/n's voice was weak and shaky. “I am not an object.”
Kaz felt shock ripple through him at her words. He hadn't expected this plea, hadn't realized the depth of her emotional turmoil. His heart skipped several beats, feeling guilt and concern pressing heavily on him. He stood frozen in the doorway, feeling helpless as he watched Y/n's tear-streaked face, her distress palpable.
“No, you’re not, baby,” her roommate's gentle voice broke through the tense air. “You’re home now, it’s safe. No one wants anything from you.”
Gradually, Y/n’s breathing began to steady, the intense panic subsiding as her roommate guided her through calming breaths. Kaz remained by the doorway, silently observing, his worry for Y/n still palpable. He felt like an intruder in this intimate moment of vulnerability.
“Are you coming back to us?” the roommate asked softly, and Y/n nodded faintly.
“Kaz is here, do you want him to stay?” Y/n turned towards him, her eyes searching and uncertain. She nodded again, and Kaz felt a mix of relief and trepidation at being allowed into her space during such a fragile moment.
“Can I leave you alone with him? I’ll be just outside,” the roommate offered, and Y/n nodded once more.
“Yes, yes, I’m coming out of it,” Y/n murmured weakly, her gaze still distant but slowly regaining focus.
Kaz stepped cautiously into the room, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on him. He approached Y/n slowly, unsure of how to comfort her but wanting desperately to do something. He sat down gently beside her on the bed, keeping a respectful distance but close enough to offer support if needed.
He could see the embarrassment etched on her face, her cheeks flushed with shame. She avoided his gaze, her hands fidgeting nervously in her lap.
“Hey,” Kaz began gently, breaking the uneasy silence between them. “There’s no need to feel embarrassed. You don’t have to apologize for anything.”
Y/n let out a shaky breath, still not meeting his eyes. “I’m sorry, Kaz,” she whispered, her voice barely audible. “I didn’t mean to... I just lost control. It was such a stressful day.”
Kaz reached out tentatively, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Y/n, it’s okay. You don’t have to explain yourself. I’m just really worried about you.”
She finally looked up at him, tears still lingering in her eyes. “I’m sorry,” she repeated, her voice cracking with emotion, “My ex-boyfriend… he wasn’t the only abusive relationship I was in. I’m not used to people wanting to stay with me for more than sex.”
Kaz's heart sank even more, the weight of their complicated relationship pressing down on him like never before. He couldn't bear the thought of Y/n feeling used or undervalued, especially by him. The realization hit him hard, making him confront his own shortcomings.
Every promise he had made about leaving Inej, spoken in moments of vulnerability and passion, yet never followed through—each one now felt like a betrayal. He saw now how those empty assurances could have chipped away at her trust. Each time he had let Jesper's jokes about her job slide, dismissing them as harmless banter, he had unwittingly contributed to her feeling like she was only valued for her body.
The guilt was suffocating. He had been so caught up in his own struggles, his own fears, that he hadn't fully grasped the depth of hers. It wasn’t just about his complicated relationship with Inej or his clandestine meetings with Y/n. It was about seeing Y/n for who she truly was, beyond the surface, beyond the physical.
“Y/n, if I ever-”
“You didn’t, don’t worry.”
Kaz took a deep breath, steadying himself as he looked into her eyes. "I care about you. It's really important that you know that. For me, it's not just physical, Y/n."
"It would be so much easier if it was," she replied, her hand gently caressing his cheek. "Then you would hurt me, and I'd forget about you."
"I don't want this to end," he whispered back, his voice raw with emotion.
"Can we sleep now?" she asked, her voice small and tired.
"I just want to make sure you’re okay," Kaz insisted firmly, his concern unwavering. Y/n nodded slowly, her shoulders relaxing slightly under his touch.
“Are you sure nothing happened today?” Kaz pressed, his worry evident.
“Yeah, it was just heavy. I pushed too much, triggered old memories,” she admitted, her voice tinged with sadness.
“Are you sure they didn’t hurt you?” he asked again, his eyes searching hers for any signs of distress.
“Yes, Kaz, they were just both into violent stuff, and I screamed my lungs out all afternoon,” she explained.
Kaz frowned, puzzled. “Are you into it?” he asked, trying to understand.
“Sometimes,” she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.
“Are you sure that you like sleeping with me?” He couldn’t hold it in any longer. “You’re used to all these weird things that I don’t know anything about.”
“Of course I like it, love,” Y/n finally smiled at him, her expression softening. “It’s totally different having sex with a client and doing it with—” she stopped, uncertainty written all over her face.
“With?” he encouraged her, pulling her into his arms, hoping to give her the reassurance she needed.
They stared at each other for a moment, the air thick with unspoken words. “With a friend,” she offered softly, her voice filled with sincerity.
Kaz nodded, a small smile tugging at his lips. “Bet they don’t cuddle you after.”
She laughed, the sound like a balm to his worried heart. Tracing his jaw with her fingers, she continued, “You’d be surprised at how many of them just want simple things. Take all those men that take me on trips—they don’t have time to have an actual girlfriend, be there for her, build a family. So they just pay me to do it. Laugh at their jokes, praise them in front of their colleagues. They just want a wave of fake normalcy. And I like being a girlfriend for a week or two; it’s all I can handle.”
Kaz listened intently, his heart aching for the life she described. He realized how different their worlds were, yet how much he wanted to be a part of hers. "I get it," he said softly. "But with me, it doesn't have to be fake. You deserve more than just a week or two of normalcy."
Y/n looked at him, her eyes filled with hope and fear. "I don’t know if I can handle more," she confessed, her voice trembling slightly.
Kaz held her closer, his resolve strengthening. “Nothing to decide right now.”
“I'm too tired to remind you how stupid this is.”
“Then shut up and go to sleep.”
Kaz woke up to what must have been the twentieth message she received. “I swear, I’m going to break your phone,” he muttered. Y/n had been awake for some time already, and he was resting his head on her stomach. With every new message, she giggled, making his head move slightly.
“Sorry,” she said, her voice full of amusement.
“Who is writing you all these messages at fucking sunrise?” he asked, annoyed, without opening his eyes.
“First of all, it’s 9 a.m.,” she corrected him. “Second, it’s Mother’s Day.”
“And you have a lot of children or a lot of mothers?” Kaz’s sarcasm was evident, his annoyance clear.
“Neither of them, actually. I have a lot of clients,” Y/n replied, playfully.
Kaz made a disgusted face, raising his head to look at her. “Hey, gorgeous,” she said, tilting her head to look at him before getting her attention back to her phone, giggling again.
“They’re really wishing you a happy Mother’s Day? It’s gross,” Kaz said, his tone laced with incredulity.
“It’s kind of sweet that all the men who sucked my tits feel the duty to wish me a happy Mother’s Day. You have no idea of the tips they’re sending me.” Y/n turned her phone to let him see the pile of notifications—messages and money transfers, one after the other.
Kaz stared at the screen, a mixture of shock and jealousy coursing through him. “It’s still weird,” he grumbled, resting his head back on her stomach. “And annoying.”
Y/n laughed softly, running her fingers through his hair. “I know it’s strange, but it’s just part of the job. They feel a connection, even if it’s superficial.”
Kaz closed his eyes, trying to block out the steady stream of notifications. “I don’t like it,” he admitted, his voice muffled against her skin.
“I know,” she said softly, her tone comforting. “But you don’t have to worry about them. They’re just clients.”
Kaz’s grip on her tightened slightly, his fingers tracing small circles on her side. “Sometimes it’s hard to remember that,” he confessed.
Y/n put down her phone and cupped his face, making him look up at her. “You’re not just a client, Kaz. You’re my friend, and you mean a lot to me.”
He nodded, feeling a bit reassured. “Okay,” he said softly, leaning into her touch.
“Good,” she replied, leaning down to kiss his forehead. “Just go back to sleep.”
“Okay,” Kaz agreed, a small smile playing on his lips. “But if that phone goes off one more time…”
Y/n laughed, her eyes sparkling with amusement. “I’ll put it on mute, just for you.”
“Thank you,” he mumbled, closing his eyes again and settling back down, feeling a bit more at ease.
“Come on, Kaz, wake up. It’s already past 11. How much are you going to sleep?” Y/n asked, her voice carrying a blend of impatience and amusement.
“All day,” Kaz mumbled, burying his face deeper into her abdomen.
“Oh, you’re even drooling on me. Disgusting,” she said, shoving him away gently.
“Sorry,” he replied, sitting up and wiping his mouth, feeling slightly embarrassed.
“You know I have a life other than spending time with you, right?” she teased, getting up and disappearing into her wardrobe.
“I thought you spent your days waiting for my texts,” he retorted, a smirk playing on his lips.
“Yeah, you wish. I have lunch with a friend, then I have to throw paint to a monument to protest against climate change, throw tear gas at the police, and I start work at 5,” she listed off, pulling out clothes and holding them up for inspection.
“Please don’t get arrested,” Kaz said, his tone carrying both genuine concern and exasperation.
“I can’t, I have to work. Are you listening to me?” She picked out an outfit and turned to him. “Do you think this works for lunch and saving the world?”
“Sure,” he replied absently, not really paying attention to the clothes but rather watching her with a fondness he didn’t often show.
“Do you want to come to the protest?” she asked, her eyes sparkling.
“Absolutely not,” he laughed, shaking his head. “Climate change is not my problem.”
“What about your children? Or the children of your children?” she countered, raising an eyebrow at him.
He chuckled again, getting up and moving closer to her. He kissed her temple softly. “I’ll make sure not to have any.”
“Selfish,” she commented, rolling her eyes but smiling.
“What time are you off?” he asked, watching her as she finished getting dressed.
“Eight, I think,” she replied, checking her reflection in the mirror.
“Great, don’t make plans,” Kaz said, a hint of anticipation in his voice.
Y/n turned to him, a playful smirk on her lips. “Oh? What do you have in mind?”
“You’ll see,” he said cryptically, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
‘I’m outside,’ Kaz texted her at 8 sharp, and waited, leaning casually against his brand-new bike. A smirk played on his lips as he heard the sound of her footsteps descending the stairs.
When Y/n saw him, she stopped in her tracks, her mouth falling open. “What in the mid-life crisis is that?” she exclaimed.
Kaz’s smirk widened. He stood proudly next to his bike, a sleek, black Ducati with gleaming chrome accents and a matte finish. 
“Kaz, you’re too young to have a mid-life crisis, you know that?” she teased, shaking her head in disbelief.
“Do you like it?” he asked, his eyes sparkling with excitement.
Y/n circled the bike, taking in every detail. “Yeah, it’s so beautiful,” she said, admiration evident in her voice. “Oh, you even got the thing to hold your cane. I think we’re watching too much House, baby.”
Kaz made a crooked smile, appreciating her attention to detail. “Just an early birthday present from myself,” he shrugged nonchalantly, then offered her a helmet. “Want to go for a ride?”
Y/n looked at the helmet, then back at Kaz, her expression a mix of excitement and apprehension. “Yeah, but I’m fucking scared,” she laughed nervously. “Are you sure you can drive this thing?”
“Of course I can,” he assured her, his confidence unwavering. “Come on, trust me.”
She hesitated for a moment, then took the helmet from him, her fingers brushing against his. “Alright,” she said, taking a deep breath. “Let’s do this.”
Kaz helped her with the helmet, making sure it was secure before putting on his own. He mounted the bike with practiced ease and extended a hand to her. “Hop on,” he said, his voice steady and reassuring.
Y/n climbed onto the bike behind him, wrapping her arms tightly around his waist. She could feel the powerful engine rumbling beneath her, the vibrations sending a thrill through her entire body.
“Ready?” Kaz asked, glancing over his shoulder.
“Ready,” she replied, her voice steady despite the butterflies in her stomach.
With a rev of the engine, they took off, the wind whipping around them as they sped through the city streets. Y/n’s initial fear melted away, replaced by exhilaration as they wove through traffic and took on the open road. Kaz’s confidence and skill were evident in every turn, every acceleration.
They rode for what felt like hours, the world blurring around them, a sense of freedom and adventure filling the air. Finally, Kaz brought the bike to a stop at a scenic overlook, the city lights twinkling below them.
Y/n removed her helmet, her hair tousled and her cheeks flushed with excitement. “That was amazing,” she said breathlessly, her eyes shining.
Kaz smiled, his own heart pounding with exhilaration. “Told you it’d be fun,” he said, leaning in to kiss her softly.
She kissed him back, their surroundings fading away, leaving just the two of them in that perfect moment.
Kaz wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer as they both took in the breathtaking view. The city lights below twinkled like stars, casting a serene glow over their moment of quiet togetherness. 
“Will you come to our birthday dinner?” he asked, his voice soft but hopeful.
Y/n glanced at him, then away, her gaze settling somewhere distant. “It would be weird, Kaz,” she said softly, her tone tinged with uncertainty.
“Why?” he pressed gently, not wanting to let the idea go just yet.
“Well, Jesper doesn’t like me, and it’s his birthday too. All of your friends will be there… I just don’t fit in the picture,” she explained, her voice carrying a trace of sadness.
“We’re friends, and it’s not true that he doesn’t like you,” Kaz tried, though even he knew his argument was weak.
Y/n raised an eyebrow, skepticism evident in her eyes. “Come on, Kaz. You’ve heard the way he talks about me.”
Kaz sighed, knowing there was some truth to her words. “Jesper can be... opinionated. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like you.”
“He thinks I’m a distraction, that I’m not good enough for you,” she insisted, her voice tinged with frustration.
“Jesper has his own issues,” Kaz said, trying to placate her. “He doesn’t always understand other people’s choices. But that doesn’t mean he dislikes you.”
“Yeah, but I don’t know anyone apart from you and Jesper. It would be weird,” she insisted, the hesitation clear in her eyes.
“I won’t leave your side,” Kaz promised, his grip tightening slightly, a subtle plea in his words.
“It would be even weirder. You’re still in a relationship, Kaz,” she reminded him gently but firmly.
He sighed, frustration mingling with resignation. “Me and Inej haven’t talked in days,” he said dryly, a hint of bitterness in his tone.
“Well, it doesn’t matter. Come on, you know it too. They would start asking questions we don’t know how to answer, and it would be embarrassing. They’ll make me feel like shit,” her voice became smaller, a hint of sadness creeping in.
Kaz felt a pang of guilt and frustration. He didn’t want her to feel like an outsider, but he couldn’t deny the truth in her words. The complexities of their situation, the secrecy, the unspoken feelings—all of it created a tangled web that made simple things complicated. But he really wanted her to be with him on his birthday, to share that day with her.
Kaz pulled her closer, resting his forehead against hers. “I wish things were different,” he whispered, the words heavy with unspoken emotions.
“Do you really?” she replied softly, a playful smile tugging at her lips. “Admit it, love. The lies, the sneaking out, the secrets—you’re enjoying it.”
Her words struck a chord within him. He opened his mouth to protest, but a wry smile crept onto his face. She knew him too well. The thrill of their clandestine meetings, the adrenaline rush of stolen moments—it was intoxicating, and he couldn’t deny it.
“Okay, you caught me,” he admitted with a chuckle. “There’s something about it that makes everything more intense. But it’s not just that.”
She tilted her head, her fingers tracing lazy patterns on his chest. “I know. I feel it too. It’s exciting, and I like that it’s not serious. It takes the pressure off.”
Kaz felt a pang of frustration. “At least think about the party,” he urged, trying to keep his tone calm and persuasive.
“Kaz, your birthday party with all of your friends is a girlfriend-kind-of-thing, not a whatever-we-are-doing thing,” she replied, shaking her head. “If you broke up, I might have considered it, but come on, it’s too much even for me. And one time I babysat the kids of the married man I was hooking up with.”
He winced at her bluntness, but he couldn’t deny the truth in her words. “I know it’s complicated,” he admitted, his voice softer. “But I want you there with me. It would mean a lot.”
She sighed, her expression softening a bit. “I get that, Kaz. But I’m not ready to be paraded around in front of your friends, pretending everything is fine. Especially not when things between us are so... undefined. What are you going to say? Who am I?”
Kaz hesitated, searching for the right words. “You’re someone I care about deeply. Someone who means a lot to me. Isn’t that enough?”
Y/n shook her head, her eyes filled with doubt. “It’s not that simple. Your friends will want details. They’ll want to know who I am and why I’m there. I don’t want to be put on the spot, and I don’t want to be judged.”
“I’ll handle it,” Kaz promised, his voice firm.
“Baby, please, it doesn’t make any sense. You know it, I know it, just let go,” Y/n pleaded, her tone gentle but resolute.
He sighed, a mixture of frustration and disappointment evident in his expression, “Fine.”
The day before his birthday, Kaz waited outside Y/n's apartment, glancing at his watch every few minutes. There was no sign of her car, and she was already pretty late. After a while, her familiar Mini turned the corner, and she parked almost straight, skidding slightly to a halt.
As soon as she got out of the car, Y/n started apologizing profusely. “I’m so sorry for being late, Kaz.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Is that a tennis racket?” he asked, puzzled.
“Oh, yeah. I’m seeing this guy who thinks tennis lessons count as dates. I'm pretty good too,” she replied nonchalantly, though she was still catching her breath.
“You’re pretty late,” he noted, trying to keep his tone light but failing to hide his annoyance.
“I know, baby. I’m sorry,” she said, taking his hand and leading him towards her flat. Once in her room, she started rummaging through her wardrobe, pulling out various outfits to find the perfect one for dinner. “I’ll be super quick, I swear.”
Kaz smiled as he reached into his jacket and pulled out four concert tickets, holding them up proudly. “Look what I found.”
Y/n’s eyes widened in delight. “Oh, saints, you found them? I’m going to kiss you!” she exclaimed, rushing over to him. She cupped his face, planting kisses all around it. “You’re amazing,” she kissed his cheek. “Thank you,” another kiss. “Fantastic,” she kissed his forehead. “I love you,” she kissed his lips.
Y/n turned to leave, Kaz gripped her wrist, pulling her back gently but firmly. “What did you just say?” he asked, his voice betraying curiosity and surprise.
The girl froze, slowly turning around, her eyes wide and her lower lip caught between her teeth. “What?” she asked, her voice unnaturally high.
“Care to say that again?” Kaz’s tone was gentle, but there was a serious undertone that made her heart race.
“Uh, thank you for the tickets?” she tried weakly, her eyes darting around the room, avoiding his intense gaze.
“Y/n,” Kaz repeated, his tone firmer, drawing her attention back to him. His eyes searched hers, filled with a mix of curiosity and determination.
She bit her lip, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. “Oh, you know what? I was lying, 100%. Can't stand you,” she said, the words coming out in a rush. “Can I go have a shower? We're late,” she added, turning to leave again.
Kaz tightened his grip on her wrist, not letting her escape so easily. “Y/n, stop,” he said softly but insistently.
She sighed, her shoulders slumping in defeat. “Kaz, please. Can we just drop it? It was a slip of the tongue. I didn't mean to say it.”
“But you did say it,” he countered, his eyes never leaving hers. “And I need to know if you meant it.”
She looked at him with wide eyes, clearly conflicted. The usually confident Y/n was visibly shaken, and for the first time since he had known her, Kaz saw her properly blush. “No, not as you think,” she whispered, her voice barely audible. “It was just a slip up.”
Kaz let go of her arm, still in shock. He watched as she hurriedly gathered her things, her movements quick and deliberate. Y/n really did get ready in record time, disappearing into the bathroom and emerging not much later with her usual confident demeanor restored. It was as if the vulnerable moment had never happened, and Kaz knew better than to push her with uncomfortable questions.
Hours later, the conversation was just a blur in the back of Kaz's foggy mind. “Stay on your knees, lift my hips,” Y/n instructed, arching her back in satisfaction. “Fuck, how can this feel even better?” he said, following her guidance. 
Y/n extended one of her legs to rest it on his shoulder. He barely registered the shift, too focused on the overwhelming sensations coursing through him. “Come closer, love,” she said between moans. Kaz immediately leaned in, marveling at her flexibility when her knee and shoulder almost touched under his weight. “Pilates is paying off, right?” she teased, noticing his amazed expression.
“Fuck, Y/n, please be mine,” he groaned, desperation lacing his voice.
“Yeah? I—” her smart reply died in her throat as his tongue began playing with her nipple. 
“I want to be with you, every day,” he murmured against her skin.
“Every day?” she echoed, her voice trembling with pleasure.
“Every damn day, Y/n. Please, let’s try it.”
“Why do you become so needy during sex?” she asked, her breath hitching as he continued.
“Because you deserve all of it. Move in with me,” he said, assaulting her neck with kisses, his pace never faltering.
“Sure, baby, whatever you want,” she replied, her voice heavy with lust and affection.
“I want everyone to know you're mine.”
“Am I?” she challenged, a playful glint in her eyes.
“Did I agree on that?”
“Since you can't make a decision, I'll take one for you,” he said with a possessive growl, his hands gripping her tighter.
Y/n smiled between quick breaths, cupping his face and kissing him deeply. “Then what?” she teased.
“Then you'll leave your job and spend the days throwing my money away,” he said, his voice low and intense.
“I don't know if it feels better what you do or what you say,” she admitted, her body arching into his touch. “Harder, love. Don't be scared, I won't break.”
Kaz obliged, increasing his intensity, his mind and body completely consumed by her. Every touch, every word, every shared breath solidified his desire to make her his in every way possible. He moved with purpose, his grip tightening on her hips as he thrust deeper, his eyes locked onto hers, drinking in every expression of pleasure that crossed her face.
“More, love, please, don’t stop talking,” she pleaded, her voice a mixture of desperation and ecstasy.
“You're everything to me, Y/n,” he murmured, his words punctuated by the rhythm of their movements. “I need you, every day, every night. I want to wake up next to you, fall asleep holding you.”
Her hands clutched at his back, nails digging into his skin as she pulled him closer, urging him to go harder, faster. “Yes, baby, just like that,” she moaned, her head falling back against the pillow, lost in the sensations he was giving her.
“You’re mine,” he growled, his voice rough with emotion. 
She responded with a cry of pleasure, her body trembling beneath him. Her voice hitched as a wave of ecstasy washed over her, her muscles tensing and then releasing in a shuddering climax.
He watched her, mesmerized by the sight of her unraveling beneath him, and it pushed him over the edge. With a final, deep thrust, he followed her into bliss, his own release crashing through him with an intensity that left him breathless.
For a few moments, they lay tangled together, their breaths mingling as they came down from the high. Kaz’s hands caressed her skin, his touch gentle and reverent. His mind was a mix of intricate thoughts, emotions swirling within him like a storm.
“Y/n, I—” he began, his voice tinged with vulnerability.
“Don’t,” she cut him off harshly, her tone sharp enough to slice through the intimacy of the moment.
Kaz sighed, looking at her. Her hair was a wild mess on the pillow, a halo of disarray framing her face. Her neck bore a small constellation of his bites, each mark a testament to their passion. It was really difficult to concentrate on rational thoughts when she looked so utterly captivating.
“But—” he tried again, the words slipping out before he could stop them.
“I’ll run away if you say it,” she warned, her eyes flashing with fear and determination.
Kaz paused, his heart pounding in his chest. He could see the conflict in her eyes, the war between her desire to stay close and her instinct to push him away. He knew this was a delicate moment, one that required careful handling.
“Alright,” he conceded softly, his hand tracing a soothing path along her arm. “Would you? Move in with me?”
Y/n sighed, her eyes flickering with uncertainty. “Why do you want to rush things?”
“We could be roommates,” he laughed, trying to lighten the mood. “I promise I’m not that messy.”
“Yeah, sure, let’s complicate things a bit more,” she replied, a hint of sarcasm in her voice.
“That’s the spirit, love,” he said, grinning at her.
She rolled her eyes but couldn’t hide the small smile tugging at her lips. “I won’t leave my job, Kaz. You know that, right?”
“I’ll keep checking,” he replied, his tone serious despite the playful banter. He wanted her to know that he was committed to supporting her, no matter what.
Y/n hummed softly, resting her head on his chest. “I can’t stop thinking about all the fun things I’m going to teach you. I’ll make you my perfect toy boy.”
Kaz chuckled, running his fingers through her hair. “Toy boy? I’m older than you, you know.”
“Shut up,” she retorted, smacking his chest lightly. “Age doesn’t matter. What matters is that you’ll learn.”
“Learn what, exactly?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Oh, so many things,” she purred, her voice taking on a teasing edge. “You’ll just have to wait and see.”
Kaz felt a rush of excitement at her words. Despite the complexities of their relationship, the idea of exploring new experiences together was undeniably appealing. “I’m looking forward to it,” he admitted, his voice low and sincere.
“I am crazy for how talkative you become once you start to get loose,” she said, tracing patterns on his chest with her finger.
Kaz laughed softly, the sound rumbling in his chest. “I suppose you bring that out in me.”
“Good to know,” she replied with a playful grin, leaning up to press a kiss against his chin.
He captured her lips in a gentle kiss, savoring the taste of her. 
Kaz waited anxiously through the entire birthday dinner, hoping that Y/n would change her mind and show up. Even that morning, she had assured him she didn’t, but still, he held onto a flicker of hope. Throughout the evening, everyone kept asking about Inej, and Kaz did his best to dodge the questions. Their texts had grown increasingly sparse, and she had only called briefly to wish him a happy birthday while Y/n was still asleep next to him.
After dinner, the plan was to meet at the Crow Club. Naturally, the birthday boys went together, and that year it was Kaz’s turn to stay somewhat sober and drive. They were halfway there when Y/n called him. Kaz answered from the car, his heart skipping a beat. “Y/n, you’re on speaker. Jesper’s here.” He really hoped that she had changed her mind and was ready to join the rest of the party.
But her voice trembled, sending a chill down his spine. “Aleksander, where are you taking me?”
Kaz and Jesper exchanged puzzled looks. “Relax, doll, it’s just a drive,” the unfamiliar voice replied.
“You kidnapped me, you’re pointing a gun at me and driving like a madman. I tend to worry in these situations,” Y/n’s voice quivered with fear.
Kaz’s blood ran cold. He exchanged a worried glance with Jesper, who was now just as tense.
“You know I would never hurt you, doll,” Aleksander said with a sinister calm.
“I’m pretty sure you already broke two of my ribs,” she shot back, the fear barely masked by her sarcasm.
Kaz and Jesper paled at the sound of a sinister laugh on the other end of the line. “I did it for you, so maybe you’ll stop being a stupid slut.”
“Where are we going?” Y/n asked, her voice a mixture of fear and defiance.
“To our place, of course.”
“Maybe I need a reminder. You know, I have so many boyfriends to keep track of,” she said, trying to buy time.
“You know where,” Aleksander responded ominously.
“Alex,-” her voice cut off sharply.
“Are you on the phone with someone? You fucking whore,” Aleksander snarled.
They heard the noise of a commotion, then Y/n’s piercing scream, “It’s at the old lighthouse, Kaz, please help me!”
The phone call ended abruptly, leaving a deafening silence in the car. 
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