philtatosbuck · 2 years
i saw a post that made absolutely no sense about how kc’ers would call hizzie and hosie sisters in the name of putting kc together and how it was problematic to sideline a wlw ship (their Favorite one, specifically, because as soon as it became about ships only one of them was used for example) so that kc could be together and. you must be joking. hosie and hizzie are not called sisters “in the name of kc” and they certainly aren’t sidelined to make room for kc as a ship. people do not care at all about kc being together and how that relates the girls as separate ships. i see FAR more people actually have kc together, married and all, and one of the twins with hope than the opposite. you have got to be in a very specific circle where you’re having that experience.
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merrysithmas · 2 years
all my besties from the TVD days flexing their new wings as Obikin shippers as i lovingly push them out of the nest
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welcome ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥🌋🌋🌋🌋
@cbk1000 @khaleesibetch @hellsbellschime can i recruit you hillary? can i offer you a pamplet on our angelically archetypal / greek tragedy Problematic gays?
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cancerian-woman · 2 years
Lmao no one blocks me more than caroline fans.
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thebeeanon · 2 years
im sorry to ask, but do you know of any good Violent flowers?
closest you’ll get is petunia i think!!! they symbolise anger and resentment which is pretty close :D
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also they’re really pretty colours that’s always a plus
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2knightt · 4 months
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hi pookie bear
omg hey boo!!!🤍🤍🤍
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viavolterra · 3 months
I think Klaus and Cami deserves to have a happy ending and be able to get married I mean they are a cute couple
I agree strongly and if it wasn’t for toxic fans and cowardly writers we 100% would’ve had it, I think the show still would’ve ended with them both dead but at least they would’ve had the attention from the writers that they deserved
sadly they’re pussies who cared more about kcers attacking them than the actress who was working for them
they’re married and together in peace idec
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mooseonahunt · 6 months
Guys. Everyone’s. I’m crying god I love Rebecca so much. Im so unwell kcer her. Somebidy sedate me
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hellsbellschime · 9 months
been nostalgic about klaroline lately and i feel the need to explain that they’re my biggest loss - not necessarily because they never happened - but because of how sure i was that they would and how wrong i was EVERY TIME. it was like being strung along in a situationship, like the mr. big to my carried because if you lay it out as a list:
1. spin-off shows built off essentially the fans kc brought in happens and it’s teased that there will be crossovers
2. forest fucking
3. nothing for like 1000 years
4. crossover is announced
5. kc teased for the crossover
6. there’s NO WAY kc isn’t getting a scene together
7. they manage to find a way to not put them in the same room while giving them a scene
8. klaroline teased in tvd’s finale as the beginning of another story or whatever
9. caroline finally shows up in nola
11. there’s NO WAY that with like ONE episode left and all these years of baiting we are not getting endgame
like this was actually the funniest fuckery ever pulled
I mean in retrospect it was absolutely the most highkey iconic shit of all time, like they literally had Caroline walk into a bar in NOLA or something and she's like "where's Klaus?" and they're like "he's not home" and then NOTHING HAPPENED. I know I'm probably slightly misremembering this but I definitely know they somehow managed to incorporate a scene where it was like okay it is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE FOR THEM TO AVOID CONTACT and they did. Being a KCer was the absolute strangest experience of all time, it feels like a mass hallucination of some Twilight Zone acid trip, but it all happened and we were all there. And now every time someone is like "ugh can you believe the insanity of this fandom fuckery" I'm like yes bitch I was a mfing Klaroliner of course I can believe it.
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kiss-my-freckle · 2 months
If Rebekah killed Liz and Tyler slept with her Caroline would be pissy about it and KCers would shit on Tyler. Caroline got jealous of Tyler spending time around Rebekah because Rebekah found him attractive even though Tyler wasn't entertaining her interest and set her up with Matt and got mad at him for it even though she knew he was sired. But Caroline would entertain Klaus's interest by ditching Tyler's bracelet for his and kept the picture he drew her but Caroline wasn't as understanding of Tyler's feelings even though she wasn't sired. Caroline is self centered like Stefan. I hate how Tyler had to take her treatment of him and sweep it under a rug because somehow it's all about Caroline.
I hate Caroline's chracter because she is very much like Stefan. You can see the difference between Elena and Caroline just in the way they treat other characters... and even their exes. After everything Klaus did to Caroline and her friends, only to have her sleep with him... shows just how idiotic it looks for her to hate on Damon. Even in earlier seasons, it started to get obvious that the writers needed her to continue hating on Damon because no one else would.
The whole bracelet thing with Tyler and Klaus is a parallel to the necklace ship-shift. That's why Elena takes her necklace off and gives it to Damon in 3x5. Her daylight ring shifts like her necklace did because she made the wrong choice on the bridge. So she takes it off, drops if off the bridge, then Damon puts it back on in 4x6. Caroline's birthday-funeral was meant to center Elena's birthday and funeral. Klaus' bracelet for Caroline is a specific parallel for Delena. It's a heart infinity bracelet, so it has no end. Delena has no end.
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yugotrash · 5 months
u redu. ovdje sam jer sam zaplijenio kcerki mobitel pa sad prolazim kroz njene drustvene mreze. izgleda da bas voli nekakav "yaoi", sto god taj pojam znacio. i ima puno ruznih kricavih zastava na svojem tamblr profilu. inace, ona govori za sebe da je musko. moja kcer je opcepoznata ludjakinja. vidim da se nesto svadjala s tobom pa sam te tako nasao.
kraljice ovde ti propade trolovanje ali dobro me nasmejalo sve u svemu nek si mi živa i zdrava i sretni ti predstojeći blagdani. I will never forget Domobran Anon
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scienter · 3 months
I got something for you, so I'm sure you're aware that one of the arguments KCers used was Klaus "picked" Caroline first. I remember back in S7 there was an itw with JP and she was talking about Caroline and the pilot and said something like "We've set her up that in a way she'll get picked first in the end" which was true, Stefan walked away from Damon. There was a KCer who commented and said "She was already picked first by Klaus but you never did anything with it." Even though Caroline grew way beyond that insecure girl we first saw, since the pilot was referenced KCers always left out one key component of that. Caroline said "How come the guys that I want never want me?" It wasn't about her just being "picked first", it was about her being picked first by the guy that she wants, there's a big difference.
I mean let's flip this around on someone else. We all know Katherine loved both brothers but when it came down to it her choice was Stefan, like she said "It was always Stefan." However, never did I hear anyone say Stefan should be with Katherine because he was her "first choice." I'm sorry but don't both Stefan and Caroline get a say in their love lives and who they want to be with? Why was it ok for Stefan to choose not to be with Katherine but it wasn't ok for Caroline to choose not to be with Klaus? Like seriously, how does that work? Like out here in the real world, there's people that I liked who didn't like me back and vice versa, that's life, it's about finding the person where you're right for each other. AKA Steroline!
Omg. I remember that argument. It was such a weak argument (there's a logical fallacy in there somewhere). "Caroline should be with Klaus because she was his first choice." Um . . . okay except Caroline's character growth is about not needing outside validation to feel good about herself. Caroline's character arc on the show is learning to feel confident and secure in her own worth. And by the time Klaus arrived in Mystic Falls, she was. She wasn't looking to be anyone's first choice because she wasn't insecure anymore. Season 4 Caroline is a different character than season 1 Caroline.
And your Klaroline/Stefarine comparison is a good one. I've always thought that the Klaus & Katherine parallels were deliberate, including their attraction (both romantic and platonic) to Stefan and Caroline. Yet, I don't ever recall anyone arguing that Stefarine should be together because Stefan was Katherine's first choice.
I don't begrudge anyone shipping Klaus and Caroline. To each their own, you know. But if someone is going to make an argument for a ship (and flood my inbox with it as many of them did when TVD aired) then at least pay attention to character development.
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people are so weird about hayley tbh (i'm talking about KCers) because she and klaus had a one night stand, and then she suddenly became a "wolf-skank" for it aka enjoying sex and having a brief hookup. like okay caroline and klaus hooked up in the forest too and in your "strangers (two people who do not know each other) to love (indefinable)" gifsets y'all act like it wasn't the same exact situation.
neither hayley and caroline are skanks y'all are just misogynists. if y'all wanted to criticize hayley and truly dislike her for a valid reason aka anything other than "what a slut for having casual sex" you'd be like "she left the hybrids to die and only warned tyler and was complacent in the killing of twelve people."
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cancerian-woman · 6 months
i wish kcers/caroline/klaus fans stop pretending that the MFG judged or said anything negative about Caroline for fucking Klaus lmao. Tyler asking to be left alone and separated from her makes perfect sense even then he still didn’t slut shame her…. “Caroline cared about her morals and being judged!” That’s not what the plot said…
she already fucked the man that enslaved, and murdered her ex- and his mother. Her morals were already thinning
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lightwoodsdaddario · 2 years
Any KCers have any fic recs where Caroline brings Klaus back to life? Fighting back tears bc I miss them tysm in advance
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kmze · 1 month
Hi I'm Megh.I'm a new Vampire Diaries fan and have been reading your rewatch posts for a while now.They have indeed helped me see things from different perspective than I had initially perceived.Full disclosure: I'm not exactly sold on any of the romantic pairings and there are too many of them and too much shipping wars about them.LOL! I'm currently on the final season and 6 episodes away from the finale and I have a few questions for you
1.Was Enzo-Bonnie an afterthought because I just watched Damon-Bonnie letter scene and that was more compelling than the whole Enzonnie or Benzo relationship?
2.Damon-Elena and Klaus-Caroline are walking disasters but I have heard the former is endgame while the other one is adored by the showrunner for some reason. Is it true or just fandom theory that Caroline's & Klaus's love interests were killed to make way for Klaus-Caroline?
3. Did the writers put Caroline and Stefan with everyone because they wanted to or did they think that was absolutely necessary for their story ? I enjoy their dynamic but I felt like their constant isolation once they were together was a bit upsetting.
4.Realistically I'm supposed to believe Stefan got over Elena but the narrative seems to play up the triangle and Stefan-Elena for drama,maybe,intentionally to undermine caroline-Stefan.I know the ending and I know they didn't end up together but I would like to know your opinion.If the actress of Elena hadn't quit, how do you think the show would have handled stefan's relationship with Caroline?I think they had great potential and the lack of enthusiasm at times is just too obvious to be ignored.
5.Did the writers have any personal preferences when it came to characters and coupling?Did that affect the quality of writing?They clearly sideline Caroline and Bonnie's relationships a lot .
Hi Megh! Glad you are enjoying the recaps and welcome to the emotional clusterfuck that is this show and fandom, though it's pretty dead since the shows ended. One of the reasons I did my rewatch now was because I wanted to do it completely removed from the ship wars (which were easy to get caught up in) and watch from that perspective. Thanks for the questions! I put all my answers below
Sadly I don't even know how to answer this best SO MUCH SAME! I never felt anything for Bonenzo (we'll see if it changes during my rewatch) and found Bamon way more compelling. It's honestly because of the showrunners, none of them felt strongly enough about Bonnie to give her Damon as a love interest because in their minds she couldn't usurp Elena. They gave her Enzo because even though he's the most NPC on the show he's still a powerful white male and falls into the higher tier guys (though not as high as the Salvatores or Mikaelsons) which they finally felt she deserved after her S6 storyline. In a way that's because Damon was now shown as caring about her a lot even if it's never romantic.
I think both ships fall into the same category of "drawn to the bad boy, she can fix him" yada yada yada stuff that is a pretty popular trope. I don't think JP necessarily adored KC I think she adores Caroline and the way this show works is the more high-cachet men are in love with you the better your chances of survival are. Stefan and Klaus are like top tier in that regard. I think the KC stuff in TO S5 had more to do with the Legacies spin-off and having them tied to that as a way to draw interest to that show, since it starred their kids. But they weren't endgame and JP made a point after TO S5 ended that she didn't make them endgame because it would have dishonored Stefan. Because even though that season gave KCers more stuff from Caro's POV of like she does care about Klaus (and I think fans could theorize she could have fell in love with him) her falling for him never happened in canon. She wore all black (something she never does) and she had her rings around her neck the whole time so the essence of Stefan/SC was in every scene they shared. IMO JP never felt KC could usurp SC because I think she looks at it from Caro's POV which is Stefan > Tyler > Klaus in terms of who she loved the most.
As in giving them a lot of romantic pairings? I thought that had to do with the writers liking their characters and feeling the chemistry a lot. Stefan always had some woman pining for him because he was the romantic male lead. Caroline as she moved further up in importance of the narrative got more male attention because the misogynistic way this 'verse works. They also liked to parallel Stefan and Caroline's journeys. If you mean what went on with them in S7, that is a very long story and can pretty much be summed up as Caroline Dries hated them and tried to ruin them, then Julie Plec came back and fixed them, this breaks it down. For me though all of S6 and most of S8 they were great and the writers gave them great and powerful stuff, YMMV of course.
Since SE was the ShowTP in the beginning I think that's why there was always a draw to them based on that's what the show was built upon. I noticed during my rewatch how much the writers used nuance to keep certain ships "alive" as in reminding the audience they were a thing and maybe they could come back. There was ALWAYS a possibility that the show could use SC to prop SE and bring them back together and I think it didn't happen because the writers ended up caring about Caroline more than Elena as the show progressed. The thing with Nina leaving is they knew she was going to leave at the beginning of S6 and I don't think SE was ever more platonic than they were that season. And the writers had so much enthusiasm for SC that season so I can't agree with you saying they had a lack of enthusiasm (unless you mean S7 which see above lol). Of course I'm not the best person to ask that because SC makes me feel more than any ship ever has and even the stuff I don't like doesn't ruin the ship for me. I also never felt the pull of SE even if I understand why people do, the transference issues with Katherine and Stefan needing to play a part to be the perfect boyfriend to Elena turned me off about it (plus he let her die!!). If JP left before the end and KW took over then I could have seen him doing the implied SE endgame but JP loved SC more than any other writer and I'll die on that hill.
100% writers like fans have personal preference but for the most part the showrunner controls everything and their preference can dictate more of what's happening. Unfortunately for Bonnie none of the showrunners cared enough about her and she was often sidelined but Caroline got really great stuff in S6 because JP loves her and wanted her to shine. In the earlier seasons when KW was still around and even right after he left everyone still felt Elena as the center of everything (and I mean she was top billed it made sense) the other girls were sidelined the most. Like Caroline was treated horribly in S1 because KW saw her as nothing but a prop to Elena.
Hope I semi-answered your questions!
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mariebloodymoreau · 11 months
You knew that it was a “joke” and had no plans of making klaus and caroline a couple, but you spent YEARS and MONTHS LYING to kcers and then have the AUDACITY to play the victim when kcers dragged your ass. It was your fault! 🫵🏼
you should’ve been honest since day one and told us they were never going to happen.
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