#in the daisies and the bluebells | asks
thebeeanon · 2 years
might as well join the group. what flower do you think I am? -void anon [once again only signing off for clarity don't get used to it]
somethin dark and purple, like a purple clematis or these funky black tulips!! apparently they’re also called tulip queen of night, which fits with the whole void thing too!
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also- i got a photo of clematis with raindrops on, cause the reflections makes it look like there’s stars in there :D
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sillydegu · 2 months
Happy Funny Rat Friday. (This is bait to try and see another rat photo)
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Noooo you're squishing my Willow
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ciaossu-imagines · 3 months
Day 3 prompt 3 nr 39 for varia squad, thw vongola tenths and if you want also the millefiore?
Of course, my dear! Thank you so much for the request and I hope you’ll enjoy my thoughts, even though I know they differ quite a bit from yours on some of the characters!
What is the most common source of arguments with the character’s life partner(s)?
Tsuna and Ryohei’s most common source of arguments with their respective partners actually run quite a bit along the same lines. Both of their partners will have issues with accepting the fact that both of these men will hide a lot from their partners. In both cases, these men believe they’re doing the right thing. In their minds, they want to shelter their partners from the harsh realities of mafia life and they don’t want to make their partners worry or hurt. But the fact of it, coming from the side of their partner, is that it will make their partner feel as if these men don’t trust them or see them as weaker and just something to be protected and set aside from the rest of their lives. It’s nearly impossible to keep a relationship alive when one party feels as if the other sees them as less than or if one party feels like the other doesn’t trust and respect them. Tsuna and Ryohei do have their points, but they’ll also need to realize that their lovers have valid points too. They’ll have to put themselves in their lovers shoes and realize how they would feel in that position and there is hope that both men are capable of getting better at communication, but it won’t be a natural or quick thing for them and finding a partner who will stick around and wait for them to improve is going to be a struggle. On top of this issue with Ryohei, I do feel like his partner will also have some issues with just how much he enjoys fighting, with how often he comes home with his body broken, cut up, badly injured.
Gokudera, Yamamoto, and Chrome’s most common fights with their respective partners all come down to the same issue – their partner never gets to feel like they’re the priority. Each of these characters are people who would put other things above their partners. Chrome really will, even as she gets her own life, her own friends, a romantic partner, all of it, put Mukuro and the Kokuyo Gang above anything else in her life. If Mukuro needs her, she is going to him, no discussions needed and nothing her partner will say will change that. She doesn’t see why her partner cannot accept this, especially as they know how precious Mukuro and the Kokuyo Gang are to her. To her, Mukuro is the only reason she had this second life, this chance to actually be with her partner, so how can they sit there and complain about the times when she has to go and help Mukuro? Do they not realize that without him, she would not be there with them in the first place? She’s not a scream and fight kind of person though and most arguments her partner has with her regarding the subject are shut down just by Chrome walking away, telling them she will be back and hoping that they will come to their senses by the time she returns.
Gokudera’s case is obvious. I will always say that, because of how long he spent with nothing and because of how Tsuna took him in, gave him family and friends and a purpose in life, that Tsuna and the Vongola family will always be his priority. If Tsuna needs him, he will go, and it’s not just Tsuna. If any of the family are in trouble and he is close enough to lend a hand, he is going to do so. It might mean that he sometimes has to cancel plans with his partner, it might mean that occasionally he will be gone from them for significant chunks of time. But he always comes back to them, doesn’t he? He does the best he can for them, doesn’t he? And besides, they’d known this about him from the start, he’d never hidden it. It was part of why he'd never really ever wanted a serious romantic relationship, but he couldn’t help falling in love with them, with how they’d snuck past all his walls and barriers. Couldn’t they admire his loyalty to his precious people and realize that he’d protect them with his life as well? Why did it always need to be this big fight? However, the truth is that his partner has valid points as well. It’s a horrible feeling to never get to feel important to the person you love the most. It hurts to be stood up or cancelled at the last minute, it hurts to never get as much quality time as you need and all of that on top of always worrying about Gokudera’s safety, because he does share the Mafia life with them, they do know the dangers. Unfortunately, I really don’t see Gokudera ever being fully willing to do much to compromise on this. He is who he is, he lives how he wants and needs to and his partner will have to find ways to accept him as he is, accept his life and his family, or there’s absolutely no hope of a future together.
Yamamoto has always had ambitions and goals and things he wants to do with his life. He wants to continue to play baseball, and I do think he does achieve his ambition of playing professionally, even just for a while. He has the Vongola and his family there, along with his father, that he wants to protect, cherish, and love. He has his sword and his determination to continue on the flawless, invincible Shigure Soen style. His relationship with his partner is just one of the many, many things going on in his life. It doesn’t mean that he doesn’t love his partner because he most certainly will. He deeply loves his partner, they’re the light of his life and are incredibly important to him. However, there’s other important things in his life and he needs them to understand that because his life will keep him busy. He’ll be on the road with his team and they’ll either need to be willing to uproot their life and travel with him or trust him to be away from them for so long. His family, of all varieties, are equally as important to him as his lover is and he’s going to do his best to make sure everyone’s needs are met, but that also does mean that sometimes he needs to prioritize and that can leave his partner feeling neglected. He hates when it happens but he’s only one man and tensions can run high on both sides. Once the initial flare of anger has faded though, he is someone who is willing to listen and communicate and the one most willing to find compromises.
Lambo’s biggest source of fighting with his partner? Believe it or not, it’s because Lambo grows up into someone who is a major flirt and likes to fancy himself a bit of a ladies man. He would never stoop to out and outright cheating, mind you. To him, such an act of utter betrayal and disloyalty is disgusting, but he does have a bad habit of flirting with both genders, if the person seems into him, flirts and flatters him, or is just really gorgeous. I also think Lambo has a really bad habit of, once he gets comfortable in a romantic relationship, stopping flirting with his lover. In his mind, there’s no reason to compliment them as much, to flirt and be super playful. That kind of stuff is for courtship and to let them learn how magnificent he believes they are and how much he loves them. Once they’re in a committed relationship for a bit, he figures his partner knows that without him having to do much to show it. It just…slips his mind. So, it’s no wonder for his partner to be hurt by him flirting with other people, especially if they’re not getting that kind of attention and it’s easy enough for his partner to get insecure. However, the good thing about Lambo is that, after there’s enough arguments with his partner, he’s really going to be able to accept that he’s probably fucking up somewhere and he’ll honestly be willing to listen to them if they want to tell him what they need. He honestly will need to hear it to realize what’s going on and once his partner lets him know that they need him to show them appreciation and once they let him know they need him to perhaps tell those flirting with him that he’s taken, he’ll try his best to work on it. He won’t ever stop flirting with people, it’s just a part of his nature, but he will try his best to make sure his partner knows he appreciates them, finds them beautiful, and would never jeopardize his relationship with them.
Hibari and Byakuran have the same issue with their partners. That is, obviously, that both men have serious commitment issues that will cause arguments in any relationship they get into. In Hibari’s case, he can’t stand the thought of being tied down to any one person or any one thing. He wants to be able to do what he wants, live how he wants to live, fight who he wants to fight, and go where he wants whenever he wants. He doesn’t want the absolute responsibility for another person. While he could be capable of entering a romantic relationship, it’s going to be a challenge and everything about it will have to be dictated by Hibari’s whims. It’s something he will make clear from the get-go. There will be no marriage, no happily ever after’s with children and happy families. That’s just never going to be something he wants, no matter how much he loves the person. Though fights are sure to arise from this issue, Hibari will shut them down right away or will just plain out walk away from his partner, sometimes for quite some length of time. His attitude, his way of living his life, is absolutely inflexible and he’s not going to consider, even for a moment, changing anything about it for his partner’s sake. Compromises aren’t his style so his partner will have to accept him as he is and be willing to live a life without those ideals of marriage, children, etc. If they can’t, he will make it clear that it’s best for both of them if they walk away from the relationship before either grows more attached.
In Byakuran’s case, he is honestly very changeable as a person. Even after Yuni helps him open up his heart, he’s someone who really does have a problem connecting with humanity. She opened up his heart after all, she didn’t take away his special powers. He’s already lived a million years and life is in some ways very boring for him. He’s a person who lives and acts entirely on his own whims and he can’t settle into one thing for any long period of time unless it’s something entirely new and potentially exciting. In his other lives, he’s done the whole marriage and kids and forever love kind of things. He knows the experience, it’s no longer novel. Because of this, and his own issues with indecision and tendency to wonder if the grass is greener on the other side, he has no desire for big commitments, like getting engaged or married, and there is a huge potential for him requesting an open relationship at some point during his time with his first, and most important partner.
Mukuro’s main source of arguments with his partner are actually two-fold. One is the most obvious potential for arguments, which is Mukuro’s habit of lying or telling only half-truths, obscuring his real goals, feelings, and motivations. The other is that he’s actually a rather poor communicator when it does come to himself. He’s completely emotionally closed off, with big strong walls separating him from people and that’s not something that will change throughout the years. While he definitely is capable of love and affection for others, letting them truly and completely in is something impossible for him. This can make forming true and lasting romantic relationships really difficult. It’s hard to always feel like your partner doesn’t trust you or that they’re keeping a distance from you and it’s understandable for his partner to bring it up every now and then, to try to communicate how it makes them feel to him. However, Mukuro is not someone who takes even mild criticisms well and it will turn into a verbal fight most of the time which results in him telling them to leave. His relationship will be very on-off for that reason unless his partner allows him to get away with everything.
With Xanxus, there is really no common source of arguments with his partner. The fact is that Xanxus has a really horrendous temper, even as he matures. Though the maturing does mean he gets a better grip on his temper, he still has that nasty temper that is always ready to explode, set on a very hair-trigger. The worst of it is that there’s no telling what will set his temper off. There’s the obvious things that his partner should never speak of in front of Xanxus (mentioning his defeat at the hands of Tsuna, suggesting that maybe he make up with Timoteo, criticism of any kind), the problem is that things that won’t upset Xanxus in one situation or on one day will at another time. His temper is unpredictable, even to him, so literally anything can cause fights with his partner and, unless they’re willing to face his wrath (and have excellent dodging skills) or unless they learn how to read his body language and control their own behaviour based on that, Xanxus’ partner is going to have to learn to live walking on eggshells really because he will not change.
Squalo’s most common sense of arguments with his partner is really a very obvious one. Squalo’s line of work and his lifestyle is an unconventional one and it’s one that he completely devotes himself to. His goal is to become the Sword Emperor and to serve Xanxus and nothing will stand in the way of that, even falling in love. His work is dangerous; he will come home injured, sometimes with bones broken, in horrible conditions. He will have to be away from his partner because of work, or even through choice, for considerable lengths of time at points. Much like some of the others mentioned, Squalo lives the way he likes, and he has no plans on changing his job, his hobbies, or how he lives in any way because in his mind, he is living the right way. Everything he does, in his mind, is the right thing and anyone who disagrees with it is in the wrong, which is a hard mindset to argue with. Because of that, arguments with his partner can get bad and in the end, his partner is going to have to learn to cope with his work with the Varia, with his ambitions as the Sword Emperor dragging him around the world, and with his devotion to Xanxus. None of these things will mean that Squalo won’t love his partner, but if they cannot handle living with those things, then the relationship is doomed.
Levi, Bluebell, and Daisy all have very similar topics and issues as the most common source of arguments with their respective partners. Levi has extreme jealousy issues and will be a very possessive partner. He struggles quite badly with his own insecurities, some of which are rather extremely felt. Because of this and because of the amazing (and often good-looking) men he’s around, he’s always scared that his partner is going to wake up and realize they can do better, and that insecurity will lead him to being jealous of any other person that his partner gets close to. What if they take his partner away? That fear and insecurity also drives him to want to keep his partner with him. In his mind, he’s as good as out of sight, out of mind to people and he’s scared that, between other people and not always having a lot of time with his partner, that they will forget about him or replace him. So, Levi can pick fights, accuse his partner of cheating or of caring about any other person in their life more than they care about him. He’ll pick arguments when he’s feeling insecure about everything, and he will try to separate his partner from friends that he feels they like more than him or that are too good-looking. He wants his partner’s life to almost revolve around him, because other than his work and his boss, Levi’s entire life will revolve around his partner. It is abusive, it is unhealthy, but he just can’t seem to stop himself.
Bluebell also gets extremely jealous. She wants to be the center of attention for her partner. They should be looking at her, complimenting her, playing with her, spending their time with her. She doesn’t want them to like anyone more than they like her and because of this, she will pick fights with not only her partner, but any of her partners friends that they bring around her. She’ll get really rude at those times – the only exception to this is her partner’s direct family members, who she will respect as she believes family is a very important thing. It won’t matter how many times her partner brings up that this is too much, that her rudeness is unfair and embarrasses them or that her partner can’t take it. Bluebell won’t change her actions and she honestly does assume that they’ll never leave her no matter what she does, because the two of them are in love.
Daisy, meanwhile, when they fall in love, is someone who wants to ‘own’ their lover. They want their lover to be theirs in entirety. Daisy’s lovers life will have to grow to be entirely based around their relationship with Daisy, around Daisy themselves. To Daisy, they do love their partner, but they feel entitled to their partner in all ways and might at times view their partner as a toy. Because of this entitlement, arguments with Daisy will really get their partner nowhere. They will either be used as a toy or they will have to try to leave Daisy, which comes with its own unique set of problems and troubles because if Daisy’s partner thought Daisy was possessive during their relationship, that’s nothing compared to a dumped Daisy.
Lussuria is someone who really is never fully satisfied. He has a problem with, even if he’s in love with one person, always wondering if the grass is greener on the other side. A true romanticist in his own way, Lussuria dreams of the perfect partner and the moment one of his relationships starts to show imperfections, he can get too focused on those and start wondering if there’s something better out there. He might even be easily tempted to cheat, even just emotionally or through paying male escorts. This can obviously affect his partner’s self-esteem, their trust in him, and their whole relationship and there will be numerous fights about it. Unless his partner leaves Lussuria or stays but opens up the relationship, this will be a continuing fight as no one person will ever be able to live up to Lussuria’s dream partner.
Both Belphegor and Zakuro have the same issue that causes the most arguments with their respective partners. Similar to Xanxus, both of these men have extreme tempers and serious anger issues. Belphegor’s temper is not only unpredictable and nasty, but it’s very violent and that extends to when he loses his temper with his partner. He throws temper tantrums, and he really doesn’t think anything of physically hurting, even attempting to murder, his partner when he loses his temper. This is obviously not going to sit right with his partner, but there’s really no talking to Belphegor and, if his partner tries to leave him before he is done with them, Belphegor will seriously make every effort to kill them in as brutal a way as he can. There is no fix for this issue and it’s something that just comes with a relationship with Belphegor. Honestly though, his partner should have seen the hints of how unhinged this man is before they decided to get together with him. Zakuro’s temper isn’t that bad. It’s more that he just gets angry really easy. He won’t physically hurt his partner, but he’s going to be violent and intimidating. There will be at least one hole in the drywall of their apartment from where he put his fist through a wall when he was angry. He really probably doesn’t even mean to scare his partner as much as he does; it’s just that Zakuro gets all consumed in his anger and can’t think at all. He’ll always apologize for his anger afterwards, promise he’ll do better next time, but the next time comes and it’s the same thing again. I think the only thing that would seriously make him attempt to change, to seek help with his anger issues, was if his partner were to leave him over it.
Both Irie and Spanner have bad habits of getting much too into their work and their passion projects. They will forget even the basics of sleeping and eating when they get in the zone, until those urges become undeniable. So, it’s really little wonder that they completely forget about their partner as well. They will forget dates or plans, standing up their partner because they don’t even think to message them to properly cancel. They will forget special occasions. They just won’t be around for their partner to support them. It’s no wonder, and very understandable, for their partners to sometimes get upset about this, especially if it continues on for weeks, as it sometimes can. Both men would feel absolutely horrible about making their partner feel bad and they will honestly try to apologize and do better, but they keep repeating the same patterns over and over because how into their work and their passions both men get are just huge parts of who they are as people.
Kikyo has the most boring source of arguments with his partner, the most mundane. The truth of the matter is that the thing he’ll fight with his partner the most about is finances and financial stressors. Kikyo, despite his extravagant appearance, is actually really financially smart. He’s a saver, not a spender, and he’s careful with his money. Part of it is really needing the security of knowing his bills will all be paid, that he and his partner will have the money needed to survive and thrive. If his partner has a habit of spending money on things, even if they can afford them, that Kikyo considers unnecessary, it will definitely spark arguments. Honestly, the two of them need to find a nice compromise between the two, and there’s definitely the potential for both of them to get there, but it will be after plenty of arguments around the subject, as Kikyo is proud and does believe that he is right in everything.
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ramlightly · 10 months
how would bluebells wist and daisy treat each other?? and whats the family tree like??
They would be dangerous trio to say for sure. Wist would be the fearless leader, constantly getting the group into adventures/trouble lol. Bluebells would be the second in command but also voice of reason, the one to pull Wist back before they run off a cliff. They're both protective of Daisy, who is very shy and a bit emotional, but Daisy is by far the strongest of the three physically. She's the trump card if anything goes truly and horribly wrong.
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flowers-of-april · 3 months
april showers bring may flowers: prompt list
I wanted to make a flower-based April writing prompt challenge, so I did. Flower meanings are sourced from this book on flower meanings
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PROMPT LIST 1: Daisy: Innocence 2: Lilac: First Love/Reminiscence 3: Violet: Modesty 4: Anemone: Forsaken Love 5: Oleander: Caution 6: Honeysuckle: Devotion 7: Poppy: Eternal Sleep 8: Laurel: Glory/Victory/Success 9: Orchid: Elegance/Beauty 10: Petunia: Anger/Resentment 11: Iris: Valour 12: Heather: Luck/Protection 13: Fern: Magic/Secrecy 14: Oak: Bravery 15: Tulip: Love Declaration 16: Magnolia: Dignity 17: Pansy: You Occupy My Thoughts 18: Lavender: Distrust 19: Mistletoe: Surmounting Difficulties 20: Queen Anne's Lace: Sanctuary 21: Protea: Transformation 22: Myrtle: Love 23: Hyacinth: Please Forgive Me 24: Nettle: Cruelty 25: Hemlock: Death 26: Dandelion: Divination/Fortune-Telling 27: Mint: Consolation 28: Jasmine: Amiability/Cheerfulness 29: Rue: Regret 30: Lily of the Valley: Return of Happiness
ALTERNATIVE PROMPTS Bouquet 1: Apology Hyacinth: Forgiveness Bluebell: Humility Peony: Bashfulness Olive Branch: Asking for Peace Bouquet 2: Courting Blush Roses: Blossoming Romance Cornflower: Hope in Love Sweet William: Gallantry Honeysuckle: Devoted Affection Bouquet 3: Marriage Roses: True Love Ivy: Fidelity Myrtle: Hope/Love Dahlia: Commitment/Eternal Love Bouquet 4: Bitter Ends Datura: Deceitful Charms Tansy: Hostility Thistle: Misanthropy Wormwood: Bitterness Bouquet 5: Regret & Sorrow Asphodel: Regrets to the Grave Azalea: Fragility Snowdrop: Consolation/Hope Rue: Regret Willow: Mourning
The only 'rule' is to please have fun. You may tag "flowersofapril2024," if you'd like, and I'll reblog anything I see. If you feel like filling these prompts on AO3 then "Flowers of April" or "Flowers of April 2024" would be a suitable tag. You may also submit to the FlowersofApril2024 collection on AO3
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cheeriointhevent · 8 months
Bendy's favorite flowers
found this post (https://www.tumblr.com/theinkymystery/656186531805118464/this-is-a-relatively-weird-question-to-ask-but#notes) and got curious so I decided to look into what Bendy's favorite flowers mean
represent humility, gratitude, everlasting love, and constancy
associated with dark fairies
apparently also associated with kindness but I only found that in one place so take it with a grain of salt
found in ancient woodlands (forests that have been around since 1600s - 1750s and are home to a super diverse but also old and endangered species)
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represent purity, innocence, new beginnings, joy and cheerfulness
they represented loyalty and keeping secrets in the victorian era as well
Celtic mythology said that whenever a baby died, god would send daisies to help grieving parents
daisies were also associated with the Norse goddess Freya, thus giving them a connection to childbirth
they used to be used as medicine and can be sent as get-well-soon gifts to loved ones
they are often present in baby showers and 5th wedding anniversaries
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Felt like bringing this up again since its been like 2 years and I don't know how many people still know about this. Also I thought it was interesting that Bendy, a demon who others often assume to be evil or malicious, is associated with flowers that mean innocence. Also why is he associated with flowers that tell you "hey you are in an ancient forest"
I could be reading to far into this but Tap mentioned in the post that she wasn't expecting that much research to be involved when giving the characters flowers so she most likely chose those flowers for specific reasons
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lawvno · 3 months
Oc info here: [Original art post here]
ᶠᵒʳᵍᶦᵛᵉ ᵐᵉ ᶦᶠ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠᵒʳᵐᵃᵗᵗᶦⁿᵍ ᶦˢ ⁿᵒᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ᵇᵉˢᵗ, ᶦᵗ'ˢ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠᶦʳˢᵗ ᵗᶦᵐᵉ ᴵ ᵍᵉᵗ ᵗᵒ ˢʰᵃʳᵉ ᵒᶜˢ ᵒⁿˡᶦⁿᵉ ᵃⁿᵈ ᴵ'ᵐ ⁿᵒᵗ ˢᵘᵖᵉʳ ˢᵘʳᵉ ʷʰᵃᵗ'ˢ ᵗʰᵉ ᵇᵉˢᵗ ʷᵃʸ ᵗᵒ ᵍᵒ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ᶦᵗ MayFlower Indaco "Coco" / 19-21 years old /
Her name is Mayflower Indaco, Coco for short and for friends. However, Indaco is not her birth name. At birth she takes is given the name Daisy. She spends her early years jumping from ship to ship with her mother, Mayflower Bluebell a pirate with many favors to cash in. Mother and daughter spend most of their time apart. Despite this, little Daisy becomes more and more like her mother, from appearance to behavior. This routine lasts until she is 6 years old when Bluebell decides to foster her daughter with an old acquaintance, Hibiscus. Hibiscus is not a pirate; rather, she has a home and family on a quiet little island. Although she and Bluebell are named after flowers, her children's names are also named after colors: Liliac for the girl and Lavander for the boy. Bluebell, knowing this characteristic of hers, presents her daughter with the name of Indigo (Indigo) to make the whole process easier. The child, already heartbroken by her mother's decision to leave her on the island, takes this as a real betrayal and cease to recognize the name 'Daisy' altogether. Those who knew Bluebell cannot help but see her in Coco, raising in her a level of disdain for her mother. At 14, J* lands on the island, the two become great friends and decide to sail away from the island together, forming a crew of their own. Coco's goal in life is to surpass Bluebell, so that people would would stop seeing her mother in her. 2 years later Coco finds herself eating the devil fruit Becha Becha, turning her own body into no other than ink.
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*friend's oc!, we are making a crew together. ᵇᵘᵗ ᴵ ᵃᵇˢᵒˡᵘᵗᵉˡʸ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵃ ˢᵗʳᵃʷʰᵃᵗᵎᴬᵁ. ᴵ'ᵐ ˢᵘᵖᵉʳ ˢᵉˡᶠ⁻ᶦⁿᵈᵘˡᵍᵉⁿᵗ ᵃᵗ ᵗᶦᵐᵉˢ We have already some plans for other member that I'm hoping to share soon!
I have so many ideas about her so feel free to ask for anything :> and please let me know if I get anything wrong, I'm trying to not google stuff to avoid spoilers. ᴵ'ᵐ ʳᵉᵃᵈᶦⁿᵍ ᴾᵘⁿᵏ ᴴᵃᶻᵃʳᵈ ᶜᵘʳʳᵉⁿᵗˡʸ ᵃⁿᵈ ᶠᶦᵍᵘʳᶦⁿᵍ ᵒᵘᵗ ʰᵒʷ ᶠᵃʳ ᶜᵃⁿ ᴵ ᵖᵘˢʰ ʰᵉʳ ᵇᵃᶜᵏˢᵗᵒʳʸ
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marvelmusing · 1 year
In Another Life
The General’s Crown
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova x Reader
Summary: In an attempt to escape the attention of being a living saint, you retreat into the fields and create flowers for the local children. It isn’t long before your husband finds you. Based on a request from @ellooo0ooo
Warnings: set not long after the events of In Another Life so there’s spoilers for that series
My Masterlist • Series Masterlist
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With the creation of the singular Ravkan army, you and Aleksander were often asked to visit the military base at Poliznaya.
Whilst your husband valued your opinion, and you had helped him establish the army towards the end of the war, you often preferred to let him handle the majority of the training assessments and manage the officers vying for promotions.
He had a lot more experience than you, and the time he spent with the troops allowed you to visit the nearby villages.
Using your new power was easier with each passing day, and it had become a habit to seek out the fields of produce whenever you visited a village.
Some people were still cautious of Grisha, and you tried to not take it to heart when they eyed you with suspicion. But those people were greatly outnumbered by the ones eager for your help.
To help you hone your power, Aleksander had found several gardening guides and plant encyclopaedias, so that you could understand the needs of plants in order to ease them into flourishing.
Now, you could talk with avid gardeners and farmers alike. You could discuss their crop yield, and help their produce thrive.
It’s as you’re visiting the village closest to Poliznaya, that a bunch of wide eyed children inch closer to where you’ve perched yourself on a low stone wall. When the smallest girl steps within arms reach, you turn a blade of grass into a daisy in full bloom with a long stem, and use it to tap gently against her nose.
She retreats quickly, but you hear her excited giggle and you smile, twirling the stem between your fingers. You couldn’t create a plant from nothing, but as long as some plant matter was within reach you could manipulate it into whatever you wanted.
After that, you’re surrounded by curious children who are all eager to see your power on display. They ask a flurry of questions, which you answer as best you can.
The tallest boy, Gregor, is one of the local farmers’ sons, and you had seen him earlier when you cleared the disease from half of their potato harvest. He asks if you can make a pink lily for his mama.
You make three for him, and he beams at the beautiful flowers that he takes with delicate hands and a spiel of thanks.
From then onwards, you create a variety of different flowers for the children. Then you find your hands moving into a position that you have only tried a handful of times.
Whenever you were waiting for Aleksander to return, you would attempt to fabricate your creations into something else. A decorative bundle of flowers, or an intricate bouquet.
This time, you weave a sprig of cherry blossom into a small circlet, like a delicate tiara.
The children are delighted by your creation, especially when you place the circlet onto one of their heads. Soon, they’re all clamouring for a crown of their own in their favourite flower. You create crowns of daffodils, daises, bluebells and irises.
You watch with a smile as they all admire each others crowns, some offer to trade with one another, whilst others are trying to claim different objects as their royal dominion.
A few of the boys try to claim the wall as theirs, before they settle on portioning it. The girls discuss their titles, trying to decide which one they prefer. From what you can hear, so far there’s two princesses, a duchess, and a queen.
The smile on your face widens when you spot a familiar figure making his way along the dirt pathway through the field.
“How was it?” You ask as Aleksander nears you.
He presses a kiss to your forehead in greeting, then he shrugs lightly.
“As we expected.” You nod in acknowledgement, and he frowns as he looks between you and the field separating you from the village. “You don’t usually venture this far from the village.”
“I’m hiding from the church.” He raises a brow at you as he sits up on the wall by your side. “They kept asking for me to give people blessings.”
Looking down at your hands, you create another circlet of flowers. Deep red roses with no thorns.
“Usually I would just do something to appease them.” You admit, before adding quietly, “But I’m not feeling particularly saintly today.”
Despite the weight of Aleksander’s eyes trained on your face, you manage to keep your gaze on the flowers in front of you. Then Aleksander’s hand enters your eye line, as his fingers curl around the ring of flowers.
Letting him take it in his hands, he holds it up to the light, admiring each and every bloom.
“Perfect.” He praises, and your cheeks warm in response. “May I?”
Frowning a little, you watch Aleksander gesture to the crown in his hands. You nod in consent, and a smile spreads over your lips as you watch him place the flowers on his head. He smiles, raising a brow to bring your gaze back up to the roses.
“What do you think?”
You hum softly, brows scrunching in thought before you lift your hand and encourage a few daisies to bloom alongside the roses. Weaving the stems into Aleksander’s hair to ensure the crown would remain stable despite the summer breeze, you smile once you’re satisfied with your work.
When your gaze falls back to meet Aleksander’s eyes you find him regarding you with such adoration that the world stops for a moment.
“Very handsome, Sasha.”
The tops of his cheeks turn rosy with a soft blush, and your heart flips. He looks so much younger, with flowers in his hair and love in his eyes.
The two of you watch the children playing for quite some time. Then Aleksander looks up at the sun shining down on you, and appears to figure out exactly what time of day it is.
With a sigh, he pushes himself off the wall, and his feet land on soft grass. He extends a hand to help you down, as he says,
“Come. We have a meeting to attend.”
“Of course.”
Hand in hand, you walk along the stone wall which leads back to the village so that you can retrieve your horses and journey back to Poliznaya.
Throughout your walk, you regularly glance over at your husband, admiring the sight of him in the afternoon sun. The flowers in his hair make him look like some sort of forest god, luring you away into the countryside.
It’s only once you reach the edge of the village that you finally say something.
“Sasha, love?”
He turns to you with a raised brow.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?” You gesture towards his head with an amused smile.
He smiles back, shaking his head slightly.
“No, I don’t believe I am.”
With that, he tugs on your hand, and the two of you walk into the village.
Aleksander holds his head high, and strides with the usual poise of Ravka’s newly appointed High General. The flower crown on his head doesn’t seem at all out of the ordinary, he fully embraces his new look, despite the stares from the villagers.
Pride blooms in your chest, as he flaunts your power casually. You feel the same sense of pride when Aleksander floods a room with his shadows. His skill is yours and vice versa.
As much as you appreciate Aleksander’s dedication to complimenting your gift, you’re thoroughly surprised when he doesn’t remove the flowers when you arrive at Poliznaya.
He dismounts from Nocturne, and you slide out of the saddle on Luna’s back with a mixture of amusement and confusion on your face. You walk at Aleksander’s side, casting several glances at him as he steps into the large tent at the centre of the camp.
He continues to wear the flowers during the meeting the army Kaptains.
No one dares to mention them.
Ivan takes it in his stride, merely glancing at the flowers for a moment before he reads his report. Throughout the meeting Fedoyr casts knowing looks at you, and you know if you catch his gaze you will both laugh.
You’re hardly surprised that Aleksander doesn’t want to remove them, even when the meeting is over. Sitting on the table with Aleksander’s body placed snugly between your thighs, you reach towards his hair.
“You can’t keep them in forever, Sasha.” You reason, laughing softly when he pouts. “I can always make you more.”
Threading your hands through his hair, you carefully shake the flower stems loose from his dark locks. Aleksander’s eyes flutter closed at your attention, as you slowly pull out the flowers and place them on the table beside you.
A few petals end up falling into his hair, but you pick them out with tender motions. You don’t want to tug too harshly on his hair. Aleksander shivers lightly when your nails scrape over his scalp, and his eyes open slowly.
He blinks at you, and you smile softly.
Pressing a kiss to his lips encourages his own smile to return.
“I love you.” He whispers, cupping your face in his hands to kiss you firmly.
A soft hum leaves your lips as Aleksander retreats, nuzzling his nose against yours as you lean your forehead beside his.
“I love you too.”
marvelmusing Tag List: @dreamlandcreations @blanchedelioncourt @idaofinfinity @slytherheign @ellooo0ooo @vixenofcourse @dumb-fawkin-bitch @jane-arthur
In Another Life Tag List: @parabatai-winchester @dangerousbluebirdpoetry @jambolska-grozdova @mxacegrey @budugu @cynthianokamaria @scarlettqueen190 @eloquentree @sharp-cheekbones-locked @sorrow-and-bliss @biblophilefox82 @tartiflvtte @rainbowgoblinfan @savagejane1 @sande5098
Aleksander M Tag List: @nyctophiliiiiaaa @jazmin2211
BB Characters Tag List: @rachlovesactors @noortsshift @aikeia
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tag-if · 7 months
"If you had advised me to die on the spot, my dear, then I would have done so in a heartbeat."
MMM wow A. Bellefleurs gonna hurt. I'm gonna love it. Not to make you rush or anything but I'm just wondering if you already know when to release the IF? :0
Of course you should take your time and I'll be more than happy to wait while you work on things, I'm just curious! And maybe can I ask for some random facts about each RO as well? Much love💜^^
hehe, i think general consensus is that A.B will be breaking (and then potentially mending) quite a few hearts— my partner is an angst writing god so i will be having him review those particular scenes, just to really rub salt into the wound lol
as for a release; i've got absolutely no clue for final release, i'm a second year university student so my schedule is wobbly at best, i write when i have free time (which, given the nature of my course, is luckily quite a bit by uni standards) so progress may be on the slower side
for the demo however: i'm looking to release the prologue and possibly part of chapter one by the end of this week (hopefully), so you can look forward to that in the meantime!
now! your facts; under the cut!
A. Bellefleur;
• trains dogs in their spare time, and has three that they have raised since puppies (all from the same litter, two females and a male, T. Bellefleur owns their brother and another sister) • their favourite flower is the wisteria, and their favourite colour is pink
K. Valiev;
• very good piano player! also very bashful about it, though not enough to deny when the king asks them to play at events sometimes • their favourite flower is the african daisy, and their favourite colour is silver
A. Caras;
• is regularly harassed into eating three full meals by the maids, it's entertaining to watch them pounce on them and haul them off to the kitchen • their favourite flower is the fuchsia, and their favourite colour is green
T. Bellefleur;
• regularly wears platform shoes (may die on the spot if you get them a pair as a gift) • their favourite flower is the bluebell, and their favourite colour is blue
M. Serrel;
• has a wide array of scars on their body that they will happily recount tales about (they are quite the stroyteller) • their favourite flower is the deadly nightshade, and their favourite colour is peach/orange
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somanyratsinthewalls · 6 months
300 Followerfest!
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Hi guys I am so so so thankful for each and every one of you and I wanted to take some special requests to celebrate! Sooooooooo as long as asks are open you can send something to me and I'll try my best to get to as many as I can! I'm asking you to pick a flavor (character) and a flower (prompt) and I'll whip up a fun little one shot. If you don't want smut pleeease specify because it's kind of my jam and it'll probably end up in that direction. Oh, also! If you have another character in mind that isn't on the list, I'll see what I can do! Let's do this >:)
xx Mo
(Choices under the Cut)
✨vanilla✨ Luffy
✨chocolate✨ Zoro
✨strawberry✨ Nami
✨mint chocolate chip✨ Usopp
✨ caramel✨ Sanji
✨lavender✨ Robin
✨rocky road✨ Franky
✨cinnamon✨ Ace
✨cookies and cream✨ Kid
✨pistachio✨ Law
✨bubble gum✨ Buggy
✨butter pecan ✨ Shanks
✨ lemon ice ✨ Mihawk
✨ matcha✨ Killer
✨cookie dough✨ Hancock
✨ Neapolitan✨ Sir Crocodile
✨fudge brownie✨ Sabo
✨sunflower ✨ "We aren't sharing a bed, I'll sleep on the floor."
✨daisy✨"I can't even speak when I'm with you, all the words I've known are lost inside your body."
✨rose✨"You're such a fucking asshole."
✨bluebell✨ "You think I don't care about you? What do you want me to do, push you out there and fuck you in front of them?!"
✨snapdragon✨ "Come on, have another drink! What's the worst that could happen?"
✨snowdrop✨ "You're obviously freezing. Just come here."
✨ fern✨ "Yes, I have feelings for you. Anyway. Moving on from that..."
✨crocus✨ "Kiss me."
✨ lily ✨ "I'd eat 10 devil fruits if it meant I could see you naked."
✨maple✨ "They're right outside that door baby, you don't want them to hear you like this, right?"
✨ magnolia ✨"I'd die for you."
✨Venus fly trap ✨"Good sluts don't talk with their mouths full."
✨ poison ivy ✨ "I'd call you an. imbecile but that wouldn't be fair since you can't spell it."
✨hyacinth✨ "You know I'm sorry..."
✨baby’s breath✨ "I know I kissed you, but I don't think I did it right... will you let me try again?"
✨poplar ✨ "Shhh I know baby, I know it's good. You're doing so good for me..."
✨ hibiscus✨ "Do we like... hold hands now?"
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donovan-writes · 1 year
Considering how many people liked the post about the random saw headcannons I will now be giving saw headcannons. Today’s topic is flowers.
Mark Hoffman likes white roses but only one to three. He hates bouquets and doesn’t really use any for decoration. Like he probably won’t put it on his desk it’ll be on the counter at home. He doesn’t really put them in water either. My man doesn’t know much about plants. He used to send flowers to his sister and they’d send bouquets back and forth but when she passed he just didn’t like bouquets much anymore. He still realizes the meaning of gesture though so that’s why he still enjoys white roses.
Amanda Young likes orchids and irises. She kinda knows some stuff about flowers, she could tell you the meaning of different roses but she can’t keep it alive. But she thinks the act of giving flowers is special. If she gives you flowers you best look into what the flowers mean in that bouquet because it’s a message.
Lawrence Gordon can never pick one flower it changes a lot, but he’s never liked roses. He’ll go from liking peonies to lilies my guy just cannot decide. But if you give him one of those assorted bouquets he will do his damn hardest to keep it alive. He loves to have little succulents around the house but he’s not very good at taking care of them, usually it’s by accident. He got the wrong soil or didn’t know they didn’t need that much water. He’s trying his hardest.
Adam Stanheight thinks flowers are dumb but secretly loves sunflowers. Sucks at growing plants and knows nothing but he remembers the names like crazy. He knows the name of a chrysanthemum but has 0 clue what it looks like. His mom probably sends him flowers and that’s the only reason he knows the names.
Peter Strahm likes bluebells. No I cannot explain why. He doesn’t like to take care of plants but he can. He’s crazy good at it. But he’s so busy the main thing he has time for is probably a Cactus or an Angel light. He does not trust Walmart plants. His mom 100% sends him flowers.
Lindsey Perez likes Tiger Lillies and probably daisies. She’s got a little green room/sunroom in her place and reads in there or does some simple hobbies there. She’s probably trying painting the plants she has. Home girl wants to do the relaxing things around her plants. She’s too stressed and wants plants and painting to help fix it.
John Kramer likes poppys and marigolds. Marigolds used to be his wife’s favorite and that’s why he liked them. He just couldn’t part with the flower even though they parted. Poppy’s just make him happy. Bro sucks at keeping plants alive. Yes he tried talking to his plants cause he thought that worked, he stopped when he realized it wasn’t working. He doesn’t really keep plants cause 1) he doesn’t want to take care of them 2) he doesn’t have time.
Jill Tuck used to love marigolds and that’s why John did too. But now when she sees a marigold she practically gets sick to her stomach thinking about everything. She says she likes daisies now but really just says that to pacify those who ask. She doesn’t do flowers much anymore. She tried to take care of plants as a way to cope with the loss of her unborn son but it didn’t help her so she just didn’t have an interest after that. But she does include flowers in some of her hobbies like if she does embroidery or something.
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thebeeanon · 2 years
im sorry to ask, but do you know of any good Violent flowers?
closest you’ll get is petunia i think!!! they symbolise anger and resentment which is pretty close :D
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also they’re really pretty colours that’s always a plus
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insomniaruler · 1 year
Two weddings and a couple wishes for a few more
Their first wedding was Jimmy’s favourite. It was a beautiful day with white clouds drifting lazily across a cerulean sky. It was Truce Day, when once a week people would meet up somewhere and take record, hold funerals, and forget about the wars and petty disputes for four hours. And it was in this moment of peace their wedding was held.
Ren and Jimmy stood at the alter. Both dressed in their least blood stained clothes, Joel stood at Jimmy’s right side, as best man. Grian played a slow march on a set of pan pipes he’d dug up from somewhere. And Scott began to walk down the aisle just behind Scar, who was making an impeccable flower Boy. Scott was gorgeous, daisies, poppies and bluebells were threaded through his hair and his suit was a soft blue.
Looking at him brought tears to Jimmy’s eyes, somehow Scott was real, and had chosen Jimmy. When Scott reached the alter Ren started his speech. “Enemies and Friends, dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to witness the union between Jimmy Solidarity and Scott Smajor who have somehow found true love in this dark world. So, Scott Smajor do you, take Jimmy Solidarity to be your lawlessly wedded husband in sickness and in health, in wealth and desolation, from Green to Red, till death do you part?” Ren asked turning to Scott. “I do.” Scott said, tears sparkling in his eyes.
“And Jimmy Solidarity do you, take Scott Smajor to be your lawlessly wedded husband in sickness and in health, in wealth and desolation, from Green to Red, till death do you part?” Ren continued, turning to Jimmy. “I do.” Jimmy whispered looking softly at Scott. “Then with the power invested in me as the King of Dogwarts, you may kiss the Groom.“WOOOOOO!!!!” Joel cheered and wolf whistled as they kissed.
The second was somehow even less official. If you looked there’d be no records of these two even Interacting on positive terms. But somehow they found each other again.
This wedding was Scott’s favourite. They stood facing each other. Flower crowns on their brows. Far lighter then any crown either had to wear. “Have I told you how much I’ve missed you?” Jimmy muttered. “Not quite enough sunflower.” Scott said laughing at the light pink colour Jimmy flushed. “By the Cods then. I have missed you so much it hurt.” Jimmy said seriously, hold Scott’s face in his hands. Scott leaned into the touch smiling at Jimmy through his eyelashes. Scott snorted in a very un elvish way.
“Well then… Codfather Jimmy Solidarity, do you take me, Scott Smajor, King of Rivendell to be you almost lawful husband. In sickness and in health, through rich and poor, from King to pauper, till death do us part?” Scott asked holding Jimmy’s hands. “I do.” Jimmy said smiling broadly. “Scott Smajor, King of Rivendell, do you take me, Codfather Jimmy Solidarity to be you nearly lawful husband. In sickness and in health, through rich and poor, from King to pauper, till death do us part?” Jimmy asked. “I do.” Scott said smirking. It was hardly official but that was okay.
Their first date, the day after they married as to go find enough gold to create to wedding bands, one inlaid with diamonds the other with emeralds. Scott frowned over the rings of metal, a fine diamond carving tool clutched in his hands as he carved two poppies and a combined crest into the inner side of each ring. “Here you are Sunflower.” Scott said handing Jimmy the ring. “Love you Petal.” Jimmy said leaning onto Scott.
Scott looked softly at Jimmy as he walked proudly around his town. Looks like his stupid idiot had done well for himself this life. The town may have been plain but it was a far cry from the monstrosity of a hobbit hole from The First Game. Scott sighed leaning on the boulder. Jimmy hadn’t Remembered quite yet. It was always a switch up. Last time Jimmy Remembered him and the Game when he dawned the Cod Father Head. He only Remembered when his antlers started to grow in.
And it seemed this time he was the first to Remember his husband and the lives they lived over and over again. By the gods he missed his Idiot… he just had to wait, Jimmy would Remember soon enough.
Jimmy looked off the top of the Mansion looking at the shining sea, where Scott was living. Sighing sadly he wondered how he was. They’d barely even spoken this season. And then Scott was the only green left. Jimmy didn’t know why he couldn’t say ‘love you to’ to the man he’d shared countless lives with. Perhaps he had another curse on top of his Canary curse. The ‘Can’t fucking talk to your husband who you’re about to hunt for sport because the watchers stuck you in a fucked up murder game curse™️’
“Jimmy! We get it! You miss your husband and you’re having angst time but if you’re not fishing your not helping!” Joel yelled, waving his sun glasses.
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agentoctosims · 3 months
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The twins decided that Erik should go to Chestnut ridge alone and Erik decided he had to look his best for the journey. He finally shaved the goatee he had been growing out for weeks and set off to the train station.
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Have you seen my horses?
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Have you seen my horses?
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Have you seen my horses?
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Unfortunately, the woman hadn't seen Bluebell or Daisy and none of her herd had either.
"You could try the Ulrich's ranch. They might know something about your missing horses." was all she could give Erik.
As Erik asked further, Daisy and one of the thieves rode right past them without being noticed....
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kimbap-r0ll · 2 years
I hope this request does not go against any of your rules or if you can't do it that's fine to.^^ Also congratulations on your increasing followers as you deserve it.I love your writing and just adore your characterisation. I hope you have a good day and if it's not I hope it gets better or tmr is better.
I am here to request the first years getting flowers from mc. I just adore the idea of giving someone flowers as a form of affection not necessarily romantic just affection.
Hello! Yes this is totally fine, and it's a very cute ask! Thank you for enjoying my writing too ^-^
First years get flowers from mc
You were debating on the kinds of flowers to give him, and you weren't sure if you should go with red or pink. In the end, you went with the one that meant admiration in flower language - pink daisies!
Ace was one of your closest friends, and though he could be a troublemaker, how he stood up for his friends was admirable. You still remembered how he stood up for all those poor Heartslabyul students when Riddle was going overly strict with the rules.
You approach him one day, with a small bouquet of pink daisies in hand and he waves at you.
"Woah, what's this? Some special occasion?" he asks, leaning closer to you. "Ah no, it's for you actually, like a thank you for helping me out and for being a good friend," you reply, handing it to him.
He's so touched honestly, and you probably boosted his ego haha. But overall, he's really happy, and the fact you went out of your way to get it for him makes him feel really good inside. "Hey if you wanted to date me you could always just ask," he joked, lightly punching you on your arm.
Overall, you'll see him put the flowers in a vase or a makeshift vase (ie large cup or bottle) in his dorm room if you visit him. He plans on giving you something soon as well!
You knew you had to give him flowers, but which one? You walked into the flower shop and your eyes immediately caught sight of bluebells, meaning gratitude or humility. You did want to give Deuce some flowers as thank you, so you went with it right away.
Deuce was like Ace to you as both of them helped you settle into Twisted Wonderland when you first stumbled in. Sure he wasn't the most powerful magic user or anything, but his constant care for you and how much he helped you out just meant you had to give him something in return!
He had asked you to hang out with him after school in the courtyard to just chat and you thought this was the perfect chance.
"Flowers? They look really nice," he smiles at you when the two of you meet up, plopping down next to you on the grass. "Oh yeah, they're for you. It's a 'thank you,' for helping me out so much this year."
He's shocked, he didn't think you would give him flowers! "A-ah, um, well, t-thank you so much prefect! It is an honor!" he stammers while receiving them. "No no, I should be thanking you for everything you've helped me with," you laugh.
He's so happy, and honestly so grateful that you think of him in such a good way. He probably feels extreme gratitude to you too since you also helped him navigate around the school. He'll display the flowers in a vase like Ace!
You didn't know what kind of flower to give him, honestly you wanted to give him something for being such a good friend. You eventually decided to go with yellow roses - meaning friendship!
Jack was distant from you at first, but after all that happened in the Magishift Tournament and the whole Octavinelle exam event, the two of you were close. He was very caring, and always looked out for you and your health. You had to thank him!
Eventually you decide to find him during his morning jog. You saw him heading back to his dorm and that was when you decided to run up to him with the flowers.
"Hello y/n, it's nice to see-hm? Flowers?" you can see Jack's ears perk up a bit when he sees the small bouquet. "Yeah, these are for you!"
He definitely knows what the flowers mean, and he's absolutely touched by this. "I-I really appreciate it, thank you so much." He stammers out as he receives the flowers. "I really appreciate being friends with you too," he adds on, and you simply smile at him, happy that he knew what the flowers meant.
He won't show much after that, but you can tell he was super happy with the way his tail kept wagging so fast. He'll take good care of the flowers of course, and he'll give you some flowers in return too!
You knew you had to get him flowers, though you weren't sure which ones would fit him the best. A lot of purple flowers happened to mean things like beauty, or royalty, etc. Then, you found the purple freesia, meaning friendship!
Epel was someone you at first weren't sure if you would be friends with but during the VDC event and the many times he came by to Ramshackle afterwards, the two of you became close friends. He liked that he could be himself around you (away from Pomefiore's beauty regime honestly) and you enjoyed his company in return.
He happened to show up again to your dorm when you were going to text him to meet up so you could give the flowers. So, you went to the door and opened it up, flowers in hand to give him.
"Ah! What's this for? Did you get them from someone?" he asked, and you shake your head while laughing lightly. "No, I'm actually giving them to you, as a thank you for being my friend."
He receives them and politely smiles at you. "Thank you so much, I'm very lucky to have a friend like you too. What am I saying I'm super happy to have a buddy like you!" his voice changes from something soft to his usual more casual way as he fist bumps you.
The two of you hang out and he says goodbye after the sun goes down, flowers in his hand. He'll try to take care of it, but I don't know if he owns a vase ;-;. Vil might spot them and help him out though!
This intimidating man, you wanted to give him flowers but what would suit him the most? You weren't sure if green flowers would do well, so you ended up going with a bunch of colors of one flower type that you thought he would like - gladiolus!
Gladiolus is a symbol of strength of character or loyalty, things you were sure he held in high regard. He also was like that with you, always being honest with you and though Malleus would always come first, he was still a loyal friend. At first you were scared of him, but he turned out to be really friendly once you go to know him better. Not to mention, the kinds of tales he would tell you from the books he read were fascinating!
You wanted to ask him to meet you, but you knew that was impossible so you decided to go find him instead - by heading into Diasomnia itself.
"Y/n! I didn't expect to meet you here, have you come to inquire something?" he asks when he sees you. He seemed so serious too. "Ah, no, I just came by to drop off some flowers for you, I hope you like them! It's just to say thank you for being a good friend of mine," you fumble with your words a bit as you give them to the stern first year.
Then he suddenly breaks from his harder appearance. His eyes are wide but they look bright as he receives the bouquet. "Human, I accept this with much gratitude! T-thank you so much, I-I am grateful to have you as a friend as well!" he bows, you can see he's a bit embarrassed but nonetheless very happy. He holds onto the flowers tightly and you decide to depart right after that, telling him that you're glad you liked them but before you can take another step back someone hanging from upside down stops you.
"My, how kind of you! I'm glad Sebek's made a friend," LIlia smiles at you and you almost fall over. Before the first year can say anything, Lilia puts a hand on your shoulder. "Why not stay for a bit? You just got here anyways!" You end up staying in the dorm for a bit, and after that event you find out Sebek has kept the flowers in a vase near his Malleus portrait.
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kazoosandfannypacks · 2 months
"Flowers" The Shuttle ficlet for @monthly-challenge day 4!
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Whenever Bettina visited Stornham, she'd spend as much time as possible in the garden. Something about it reminded Betty of herself, in a way. A garden was a busy place, with the lives of thousands of plants that couldn't grow without a consistent hand to help, and Bettina could naught but help it. While Kedgers and his team were more than fit for the job, Bettina couldn't forget how he had responded those months ago when she spoke of her return to America.
"Not here, miss! You, not here? Things wouldn't grow, miss!"
She knew that didn't make sense scientifically, but it was a lovely thought to dwell on, and if her presence made the gardeners believe their plants could survive, who was she to say otherwise? Maybe the power of their belief in her led to a diligent work at their tasks, and if that was the case, then, given the state of the gardens, it was paying off.
Acacia bordered and carnation and ambrosia. Crocuses and zinnia and everything in between gave forth their colors. Near a fountain toward the center of the garden was a patch of bluebells, which brought a smile to Bettina's face along with a precious memory.
She stopped and took a seat on the edge of the fountain, catching a glimmer of her eyes reflected in its blue. She then produced a notebook and jotted down a few names of flowers. The gardens at Dunstanwolde didn't rank high on the list of restorations necessary in light of the crumbling state of the rest of the estate, but she was ever a planner, and she knew it wouldn't be an eternity before she found herself tromping about Dunstanwolde's sprawling lawns with her husband once again, this time to see them flecked with a glory of color and life none had seen for generations.
And as silly and sentimental as it sounded, the first flower on her list for the gardens was bluebells.
Her schemes and dreams were interrupted by a lone visitor: her nephew, Ughtred, emerging from a path on the other side of the garden.
"I didn't expect to see you out here, Aunt Betty," he said, quickly hiding his hands behind his back.
"Oh?" Bettina asked, "then may I ask what you're doing?"
He hung his head a little and held out his hands, an assortment of flowers curled up in each fist, their stems bent and some of thier roots still clinging to the earth. Any other adult with a knowledge of plants such as Betty had might've scolded him at once for picking flowers from the garden, but Betty was unlike most adults. She also knew that Ughtred was unlike most kids, and little he did was without reason.
"What are those?" Bettina asked.
"Flowers," he said, "I picked them from the garden. I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't, but I..."
His hasty excuse made it clear he expected a harsh rebuke, but instead his aunt rose, then knelt before him and took the flowers from his hands.
"Don't worry, Ughtred," Bettina said, rearranging the bouquet in her hands as she spoke, "you're not in trouble. Who are these for?"
"For mother," he said.
"All of the garden is yours and your mother's," Bettina said.
"I know," Ughtred said, "but I wanted to give her some flowers anyways."
This would be a normal notion around Mother's day, or a birthday, or anniversary, or Christmas, but this week held no such day.
"May I ask why?" Bettina asked.
Ughtred nodded. "Sometimes Grandpa Rueben gives Grandma Annie flowers. Uncle Dunstan gives you flowers, and Lord Alanby gives flowers to Lady Jane. Mother doesn't have anyone to give flowers to her, and she never has."
A wave of emotion overtook Bettina. She could recall a time in her sister's youthful days of courtship in New York when her room overflowed with the colors and fragrance of dozens of flowers from dozens of hopeful admirers, but there was much doubt that in twelve years of marriage Nigel had ever cared enough to waste her money on such a wonderful trinket of affection as even a singular daisy.
"She does," Bettina said, brushing a few clumps of dirt from the root of some of the flowers before handing them back to Ughtred, "she has you."
She kissed her nephew's forehead and stood up.
"Come with me," she said, holding her hand to him.
"Where are we going?" Ughtred asked, taking his aunt's hand in his empty one.
"First, we're going to apologize to Mr. Kedger's for tearing a few flowers from his garden," Bettina said, "then, we're gonna ask him for a special favor."
"What's that?" Ughtred asked, eyes wide with wonder, having grown quite fond in the last year of Aunt Betty's "special favors."
"A bit of earth," Bettina said, and she met his inquisitive expression with an inquisition of her own: "Ughtred, how would you like your own little garden, where you can grow whatever flowers for your mother you'd like to?"
"You mean it?" Ughtred asked.
"Now, it is a responsibility," she said, "you must make sure to check on it, every day, and follow Mr. Kedgers' instructions on anything he tells you."
"Of course," Ughtred said.
Someday, Bettina knew, Ughtred would have a garden to himself the size of Stornham estate. Someday, he'd have a responsibility to check on land much larger than a few yards of earth. It was too soon to tell how the land might flourish under his rule, but Bettina could be sure of one thing.
For as long as Ughtred lived, his mother would always have flowers.
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