#kda owns my life
babs-babbles · 1 year
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Small collection of my personal favorites
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saey707 · 7 months
AAAA HEARTSTEEL! i was hyped for dAYS and it paid off! if it is not too much, can I request hcs for Heartsteel!Sett as your bf🥺 i just love him (bonus if Reader is an idol too ehem ehem)
✿ Prompt: Heartsteel Sett as your boyfriend ✿
♡ champion focus: sett ♡ tw: none! ♡ Gender-neutral reader
Author’s Note: Hi anon, thanks for your request! Just a heads up, I didn't make the reader an idol in this one (I have 20 other requests asking for the reader to be a star/idol/KDA member right now and need a tiny break from the star x star trope!) (_ _ ) . . z Z Nonetheless, I hope my headcanons put a smile on your face! Enjoy! ₍^⸝⸝> ·̫ <⸝⸝ ^₎
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Sett would be a boyfriend with a heart of gold! Of course, being the partner of a star can be quite the challenge, especially given how much he travels and can be busy more days than others, but he still will always make an effort to make up for any lost time at the end of the day!
Sett works hard to take care of you and be able to provide for you! He'll shower you with gifts and let you live the lavish life with him by his side (just don't be surprised if he puts Mama's comfort above your own sometimes...).
He will do everything he can to assure your safety and comfort. This just means Sett will never get you involved in his shenanigans with the other guys. The last thing he needs is you getting hurt because he was being too reckless around you.
If the paparazzi get too close, he'll be sure to make sure they know their place. And if they so much as touch you, or worse, harass you, he won't be afraid to throw the first punch at one of them! To hell if it ruins his reputation, he won't let anyone hurt you!
Loves to sew the both of you matching clothes! Do you want a cute jacket? He'll make one for himself as well! ... They won't have sleeves, but it's the thought that counts, right?
A huge show-off! He'll do anything to impress you, especially when the both of you go to the amusement park. Half the time, Sett will end up humiliating himself by completely missing a basketball shot or accidentally throwing a ring too far, but if you give him a hammer to slam down or a punching bag to hit? He'll for sure win you the largest stuffed animal!
Believe it or not, Sett has the best cuddles! You won't be able to escape them, and he'll always look forward to giving them to you every night he comes home!
He will want to adopt a dog with you if you are with him long enough... Or two... or three? Can you ever really have too many dogs? Sett doesn't think so.
Sett is very humbled in interviews and will happily boast about you to the whole world. Even though it isn't a good idea for idols to get their relationships involved in the public eye, Sett has no fear of showing you off to everyone! If they don't support his decisions or can't handle it, then they aren't a fan of his!
Thirst traps of him at the gym are reserved for you and you alone. But you can't stop him from posting his arms on his Instagram- He thinks everyone should be inspired to get as sculpted as he is! ...And he might be trying to make a few people jealous.
The boss will definitely let you boss the other guys around. And none of the other guys can say anything about it.
Sweeps you off your feet to kiss him! He knows he's a big boy, so he has to make himself more accessible to you. Plus, it's just another way he can show off how strong he is to you~
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defrosted69 · 1 year
My Hype Boy
(A/N: Got this idea off Youtube again and I said why not mix it up a bit Yohohoho)
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You exhaled heavily as the autumn breeze past you by. Your highschool days were closing to an end and you couldn't remember any good memories that you made in school. You know that after high school, everything will be on your own and it will be your decision on what to do with your life. Honestly speaking, you wanted to at least work after your high school days inorder to help your single mother.
Your mother wasn't a single mother before but your father died when you were young because of his heart disease. You didn't really remember his features or any memory he has with you as the only proff you can have is photos of him along with your mother.
Well lately, your mother has been meeting a guy whom she's having fun with. You weren't gonna stop your mother have fun since shr deserve nothing but happiness after what she went through in life. You haven't seen the man but hearing stories from your mother, the dude sounded like a good guy.
You sighed and just brushed those thoughts away as today was the last day of school for the week meaning you have time for yourself. That sweet update from your game was what your aim this week was. You worked hard to review for this week quizzes and you feel like you actually did great so why not relieve yourself and embrace the pleasure of gaming.
You were infront of your door as you opened it and called out your mother.
"Eomma I'm home-"
"Y/N! Good timing. I want you to meet your step father."
Your eyes immediately looked around and sure enough, there was a man beside your mother who had plastered a kind smile. He wore glasses and in your opinion, he looked like a business man which you presume his career is connected to an entrepreneur. Your gaze then shifted to the small girl who was peaking behind her. Her gaze at you looked like a scared cat as this made you nervous for some odd reason.
"Y/N, this is Doyoung. He's gonna be your new step father."
He offered you a handshake which you complied by. But your eyes immediately shifted towards the girl behind her. Something about her made you self conscience of yourself. Your step father must have seen your gaze as he smiled softly and introduced her shy daughter.
"Ah, She's Kim Minji. She's my daughter. She's a shy girl but she can't speak."
This made you confused. Your eyebrows furrowed a bit as Minji slowly hid herself behind her father once again. Seeing your confused face made your mother chuckled a bit as she was the one who explained to you.
"She's suffering from aphasia Y/N."
"Ah I see..."
"I know she's preety but you gotta understand her condition got it?"
Your mother's stern voice only made you sigh as you nod your head. After a few greetings here and there, You finally made your way to your room and turned your PC on. Your phone buzzed and you were already aware that your friends are waiting for you so you hopped on to the game and saw them all online. Being the typical gamers they are, they began to tell you how you suck at the game when in reality, your KDA average was at 15-4-9. It wasn't at pro level but it was enough to carry your teammates aka your friends through ranked games.
Being able to enjoy the time you have playing games made the time move faster. For 30 minutes that you feel like playing, but in reality, time has moved 2 hours from when you started playing. The orange sky has turned off and everything outside of your window has turned dark as the clouds dissappeared and was replaced with twinkling stars.
A sudden tap on your shoulder startled you as you jumped out of your seat. Your hearted raced to the max as you looked behind you and you saw a frightened Minji shivering in fear. You immediately removed your headset and tried to calm the girl down.
"I-It's okay Minji. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry."
We weren't really sure on what to do but if there was one thing that you learned in school is that you should be a gentle speaker to someone who's quiet or someone who is anxious. Minji was showing both signs and you had hoped you have calmed her down and it did helped her for a bit. You noticed how she stopped shivering yet her eyes still showed worry. You then noticed how she was holding a plate of food and this immediately got you the idea why Minji came to your room.
"Ah, Sorry I couldn't go down for dinner. Did you make this?"
She slowly nodded her head as you smiled brightly at her. You were thankful that she made you dinner but you also felt a little bad that a stranger made you your food. You were a person who always pay your debt and right now, you were indebt to Kim Minji.
"Thank You Minji. I appriciate it. Ummm.. I know it's weird for me to ask this but do you have something in mind that you like? Like food?"
Minji gulped as she gave you an anxious stare. You weren't able to read what she was saying because she can't really speak. She then placed your plate on your table as she pointed at your PC Screen. She looked down embarrassed and held the cloth of her pajamas tightly. You were no idiot as you immediately got the hint of what she wants.
"Ah, you wanna play the video game?"
She nodded her head slowly.
"Sure. Do you want me to teach you as well?"
She looked up at you rather quickly as her eyes widen in surprised. For the first time since earlier, the anxious look she showed dissappeared and were no longer visible in her face. Instead, excitement and joy showed on her face. She did a small hop from her joy which you couldn't help but chuckle at her cuteness. You left your seat to which Minji slowly occupied it. She looked around your PC and was amazed on how your keyboards were flashing color rainbow lights, add in some figurine on the side which added some aesthethic flavor on your setup.
"So do you have any background of the game Minji?"
She slowly nodded her head which caught you by surprise. The game was for all obviously but it was rare for you to see a girl take interests on such game considering how toxic the game chat can be sometimes. Your shock suddenly turned to worry as you quickly muted the chat along with voice chat as you didn't want Minji to get exposed by the toxic words that can be labeled as a the world's biggest crime sentence known to humanity.
You watched from behind as Minji plays your character and mind you, your character is no easy task. They say that your character you choose was only used by the professional players especially in the esport tournament because of how complicated it is to master it. Even with your 6 months of using the character, you still haven't really realized how to properly use this character properly.
But as 5 minutes of speedrun gameplay, you just witness a pro level user use your champion as if it was nothing. The combos Minji unleashed were all so on point and was so effective against the rival team and the supposed 20 to 30 minute gameplay just ended in 15 minutes with Minji having a KDA of 15/0/6. Zero death and the MVP of the game. You were silenced by her gameplay as Minji removed the headset and looked at with her preety eyes.
"Oh my god... That was so amazing!!"
You exclaimed as Minji's eyes widen seeing you jump from joy. You were all smile as you clapped your hands congratulating her for her splendid performance. But instead of seeing a smile from her, she only looked anxious and scared as this confused you. She suddenly stood up and sprinted out of your room leaving you perplexed and filling your thoughts with so many questions. That happiness that you felt immediately died and was replaced with worry.
"Did I do something wrong?"
"You definitely did something wrong."
Your friend Soobin said in a matter of fact tone. You groaned as you laid your head at your table. Soobin was one of your friends in school and an introvert unlike you and Yeonjun who were extroverted. You realized that Minji must be an introvert after meeting her so you decided to ask for help with another introvert and that's where Choi Soobin comes to play.
"Why? What did I do wrong?"
"Hmmmm. Well for starters she isn’t close with you yet. Either that or she's not used to compliments or such."
The last part of his essay got you intrigue. You couldn't understand why she wouldn't be used to compliments when she herself looked like a girl who's always complimented by her father or even her friends.
"I didn't know there was such thing."
"Well now you know. But who's she anyway?"
Soobin's question got you sweating profoundly out of nowhere. Soobin wasn't an easy opponent when it comes to lying. His sharp eyes and good skill on observing people is what makes it difficult to find excuses to dodge him. You weren't just gonna simply say that you have a new sister living under your roof as this will make things more difficult for you as it is with her.
"An…old friend of mine."
You tried to cover your unsure answer with confidence on your voice. This skill was developed when your were in your first year as you made unsure reasons to your mother to play video games instead of learning and it worked somehow. This skill of yours was something that Soobin wasn't aware as of the moment as he just shrugged his shoulder.
"Ah, that explains it."
You silently sigh a relief knowing that Soobin took the bait for now.
"Wait, one reason could be that she was bullied before and she lost that sense of trust or something like that."
Now that was a wild and interesting take. Pondering about for a while, that reason could make such sense considering she has a disability.
"It must have been tough for her."
Your heart soften imagining how Minji must have felt being bullied because she can't talk nor speak out her thoughts. This somehow angered you as you clenched your fist in anger. The thought of Minji getting hurt didn't sit well with you as Soobin noticed the burning flare on your eyes.
"Calm down Y/N. You look like you're about to kill someone."
"Ah, Sorry."
Soobin's words snapped you back to reality as you exhaled a deep breath. There was no point of you getting angry at this moment as you weren't even sure if she was being bullied from the start. In fact you barely know anything about Minji at all. The only information you have with her is that she's a good LooL player. That's it. Not even her contacts was in your phone.
"I'm such a terrible brother to her."
You sighed but you turned your attention to apologizing to the girl after school. The first thing that entered your mind is offering her a bunch of food. Mainly some snacks and some chocolates for her. Maybe you can add in a few drinks as well.
"Hmm.. Should I buy some drink? But what does she like? Hmmm..."
Once the school bell rang indicating the end of school, Yeonjun and Soobin stood up together as their eyes signal one another. They have plans today to hangout in Soobin's place as they turned their attention toward you. But instead of finding you smiling towards them, your seat was empty and they caught a glimpse of you leaving the class in hurried manner. Yeonjun found it strange as he was about to rush towards you when Soobin stopped him.
"Hey, Yah, Soobin. Why are you stopping me?"
"Just let him be. He must be helping his mother at her shop today."
Soobin knew that was far from the truth yet he had hoped that was enough reason for Yeonjun to believe in.
"Ah, is that so?"
"Oh well. Guess it's just the idiot duo again."
"Don't add me into that."
Making your way at the local store, you contemplated on what flavor of filled bread you were gonna choose.
"Hmm? Will Minji like chocolate filled bread or will she like the strawberry one? Hmmm..."
You could only sigh as this was quite a troublesome problem for you. But then you realized something that could solve your problem.
"Why do I have to choose 1 when I can choose both? God I'm such a genius."
You chuckled to yourself and placed the 2 bread unto your grocery basket and went to the drinks section. Upon arriving, your eyes wandered seeing there was a lot of variation of drinks that you can choose ranging from water to juice and the like. But your main focus isn't some water or factory ready juice. No, your focus was the milk flavored section. Choosing between Strawberry and Mango, you grabbed both since you like mango and strawberry as well.
You thought that you have enough money to pay for your stuff, you were surprised by how much the foods cost as you couldn't believe how it exceeded your allowance. Worst part of all this is, is that you forgot your wallet back at home and your pocket money is only for 26175.00 won. the total food cost was 35678.00 won which was more than your pocket money. You had no choice but to remove what wasn't necessary as you choose the strawberry filled bread and Mango milk drink. This was a giant bet as you weren't sure what Minji really liked.
You left the store feeling a little dissapointed by yourself but nonetheless, you were still determined to apologized to Minji. You began to start the trail towards your home but a sudden though made you visit your mother's stall and saw her working alone. Your mother had own a small chicken stall near the neighborhood of your home as this small stall was the reason why you are attending school in the first place. You smiled entering the shop and greeted your mother with a happy demeanor as you hugged her warmly.
"Hey Mom."
"Oh. Y/n. How's school for you dear?"
"Preety boring. Nothing new."
"Really? Well have you had dinner yet?"
"Not yet."
"Why don't you sit down and I'll cook you some chicken wings."
"You don't have to Mom. I'm still full from the little snack I ate earlier."
You pulled away from her as your mother chuckled at your behavior. You then placed the food on of the store's table as you began to help your mother sweep the floor or even clean some tables. This was your task everytime you visit her stall as this was the least you can do to lessen her work load.
"Ah, By the way Mom."
"About Minji. I actually have no knowledge about her and I feel scared that I may fuck up my actions towards her."
It was a question that you really need an answer for and no one is better than to ask than your own Mother. She sighed a bit as she closed the cash register and looked at you.
"Doyoung told me that Minji suffered Aphasia due to bullying. She was seven years old when her school bully pushed her on a river and her head got hit on a rock. The doctors told him that Minji was lucky to survive the fall and hit on her head but it did cause her to lose her voice. Since then, Minji has been home schooled her life keeping her away from the harsh reality of schools."
That immediately saddened you as your shoulders slumped down and your facial expression showed nothing but sadness and pity. Minji wasn't just a shy girl, she was a traumatized girl that couldn't properly let go of her painful past. You finally realized what you did wrong towards her as she wasn't used to being complimented by other people beside her father. This also add that she must have been traumatized of people cheering for her thinking they were behind her when in fact, they couldn't care less about her.
Minji was just all to stunned to take everything that you did for her as she wasn't used in that situation at all. You sighed heavily as you smacked your head realizing how much of an idiot you were towards her.
"I'm so stupid! Damn it."
You cursed yourself for this kind of behavior but this also added more motivation towards asking for forgiveness towards her. So after a few minutes of fixing and cleaning up the place, your mother has closed the shop and both of you walked home. Upon arriving, you immediately went towards the supposed room of Minji. Your heart was beating fast and this made you feel anxious as hell. Sweats began to form on your forehead and hands as the nervousness began to take over your body. You took one deep breath and you mentally prepared yourself for what you will face.
You knocked on her door 3 times and called out her name.
"Minji, are you there? I.. I just wanna apologize to you."
There was a few seconds of silence and just when you were about to knock the second time, you heard the door click open as Minji peaked through door staring at you. You gulped as you realized how scared Minji is towards you. You mentally slapped yourself for being an insensitive prick towards a girl who's so afraid of the world around her. With a deep breath you bowed towards her in a complete 90° angle bow showing how sorry you were.
"I'm so sorry for acting so irrational towards you Minji. I didn't know that I scared you with my actions and I sincerely apologize towards you. I failed as a big brother and I would understand if you ignore me or even hate me because I deserve all of it. I didn't consider your feelings and that was a big problem from me. I have learned my lesson and I hope I can still be a good big brother towards you."
You were glad that you didn't stutter with your words as you hoped that Minji would get your point. But you were also afraid that you could have said too much for the girl. The silence that the atmosphere carried was so heavy that you couldn't help but look for a bit and you were suprised to see Minji crying while staring at you.
"Oh shit! Oh no, oh no. Oh no, oh no. What do I fucking do????"
You were completely scared as to why Minji suddenly started crying infront of you as you quickly fixed your posture and tried to think of the solution you could possibly do. But to your surprised, Minji wiped her tears and pulled out a pen and paper as she began writing on it and she showed you what she wrote.
"It's not my fault why you're crying? Then umm.. Why.. Did you suddenly cry?"
She began to write again then showed you after she was finished.
"I was just touched by what you did Oppa. No one has been this kind to me other than my father"
You wanted to cry as well seeing how harsh the world was towards Minji. She was such an innocent soul yet the world hated her for being such an angel. It was this day you swore to protect and help Minji get past her trauma of people and nothing will stop you from protecting her no matter what.
"Ah by the way Minji, I bought you snacks you might like."
You gave her the strawberry filled bread and the milk flavored drink as Minji squealed in delight. She jumped a little as she hugged you suddenly which caught you by suprised. Minji hugged you so tightly and felt the sincerity in her hug. You stroked the hair of Minji and chuckled happily.
6 months have passed by and Minji has finally decided to enter a school near your own school where you attended. It was surely a suprised especially your step-father considering how much he didn't want her daughter to experience bullying anymore. But one part of him also wanted her daughter to have a normal student life outside of her own room and her decision was possible because of you as well.
During the months of you and Minji hanging out in the house, you would tell stories to Minji about your daily school life and the good times you did while being a student. Of course you removed some parts that could potentially trigger her trauma as you were very careful with your words. You would sometimes cut off your sentence and change the subject immediately especially when you realize that the words that will come out of your mind may make Minji uncomfortable.
Soobin and Yeonjun also found it weird how you were going home more earlier now than before but Soobin being the best wing man you have, would often tell him of the same excuse over and over again and Yeonjun would fall for it all over again and again.
All though your step father was against it at first, you helped Minji explain to him the importance of Minji attending school at least once in her youth especially since she's a teenager. It took sometime of convincing and a lot of Minji crying but your stepfather agreed to enroll Minji for one semester only. Even though it wasn't that long, Minji rejoiced as she hopped around with her tiny jumps and gave her father a warm hug.
Everything was going well for Minji for her first 2 weeks as she was all smiles and would tell you stories of her school experience in her notebook. But what really made you happy for her was when she told you of her friend Pham Hanni. She was also a transfer student from a different country and Hanni guided her through out the school. You could still see how happy she was when she told you about her first friend but that happiness could only last for a few seconds.
Minji has suddenly been going home lately and it also didn't help that you mother and step father has been into arguments a lot lately due to some financial issues regarding your step father's business. Of course you find it annoying how loud they could be but you feel more bad towards Minji as you have learned that she wasn't fond of arguments and fighting.
Things took a big dip as Minji was once again late to go home as you had enough of this and decided to check out her school and on what's she's been up to. As the final bell was rang, you picked up your bag and immediately left class which Yeonjun and Soobin was used by now as they just shrugged their shoulder at you. The walk towards her school wouldn't be much time consuming as it was just at best a 10 to 7 minute walk or if your sprinting, it would only take 2 minutes. Knowing that Minji's dismissal time was 30 minutes ahead of you, you were sure that Minji would be still in school so you arrived at their school gate looking for her. All the students eyes were on you as they didn't expect another student to enter their campus that easily.
Walking up the stairs of her classroom, you entered it and saw that Minji was nowhere to be found but there was a few students that was still in the room that could tell you where Minji is. Particular, you saw a bunny looking girl who was staring at you intently.
"Excuse me but have you seen Kim Minji?"
"Minji? She went out earlier with that jerk Haesul. Well technically speaking, him and his circle called Minji out."
Furious, anger, murder, genocide. All of this emotion was rilled up into you as your fist turn into a ball and your eyes showed fire in em. The girl felt scared at your murderous face as you asked her where they could be.
"T-They could be at the back side of the school near the trash area..."
You noticed how scared the girl looked at you as you sighed and calmed your nerves down. Minji was in danger but there was no reason for you to be angry at someone who has no affiliate with the assholes.
"I'm sorry for scaring you. But what's your Name?"
"Pham.. Pham Hanni."
"Pham Hanni? Ah! The girl that Minji told me all about. Thank you for being her friend."
You sincerely bowed at the girl who was shocked by you sincerely as she just waved her hand off at you.
"It's okay Oppa. I should be the one apologizing for not doing anything to stop those jerks from approaching Minji. I'm so sorry."
You could only chuckle at the girl and smile at her. You know very well that Hanni was also a shy girl like Minji so having a confrontation would also be too much for her.
"It's alright Hanni. You don't have to worry about it. I'll take care of this problem."
You smiled and left the classroom looking for Minji as your eyes darted everywhere observing and noticing the small details of their school.
"For a middle school class, this sure looks prestigious. How come there's bullying here?"
That was your thought until you finally saw Minji being cornered by 5 guys. Your blood boiled immediately as your animalistic instinct kicked in.
"Come on Kim Minji, if you don't answer me then we're dating."
Haesul said as his friends cheer him on. He was basically taking her disability to his advantage as Minji was scared for her life. Her knees were shivering and her heart was beating so fast. She could feel her head spinning from the amount of stress she was facing and her vision was slowly doubling.
"Hey since you're quiet, that means we're dating right? Right? Then I should kiss you to seal the deal right?"
His friends started to cheer him on as this only made her more anxious than before. Her trauma began to climb back up her mind as Haesul smirked and was inching himself closer to her. He didn't leave any space for Minji to breath as Minji closed her eyes as she screamed out the name in her mind the person she wanted to see.
"Y/N OPPA!!!!"
"Oi, what do you think your doing to my sister?"
You pushed the face of Haesul off Minji immediately and pushed him away giving them space which Minji was so glad to have. She opened her eyes and there she saw a familiar back. The back that she adored so much and the back that will always protect her. She began to sob silently as her tears began to slowly descend her cheeks.
"Hey, who do you think you are?"
Haesul asked as he looked you up and down which you didn't back away from. In your mind, they were in a teenage phase where they think they can take on anyone. You also have to be careful considering you were a high schooler and not a middle school student unlike them.
"Her brother obviously, now back off."
You tried your best to intimidate them yet they didn't falter. They only laughed at you finding it amusing that her brother was defending her.
"Listen pal, me and Minji are a thing. And you're-"
This made Haesul scoffed as he didn't expect you to cut him off so easily. His patience was slowly dying down.
"Me, Haesu-"
You once again cut him off and this time, he didn't take it lightly as he punched your face in annoyance. Minji widen her eyes in pure horror as she watches her precious brother eat a punch to his face. You wanted to retaliate immediately after that punch but you held back as fighting a middle schooler would be an embarrassment for you. You fell unto the floor but stood up and even smirked at him.
"That all you got kid?"
"You bastard-"
"Kids I tell yah, they think their inferior or something sometimes."
Yeonjun spoke making you look behind you and seeing Him and Soobin standing together. Yeonjun's drink was splashed into Haseul's head and it's remains was slowly walking down his face.
"Yeonjun, Soobin? What are you two doing here?"
Soobin sighed and pointed at Yeonjun.
"This bastard wanted to see you so we followed you and here we are."
You were grateful for their rescue as this was an opportunity for you to take Minji out of this mess. You grabbed her hand and both of you began to walk away as you said
"Can you two give them the old Special? They messed someone important to me."
Soobin sighed while Yeonjun smiled like a maniac.
"Alright, I won't let that slide anyway."
Both Yeonjun and Soobin said respectively as you gave them a nod while pulling and holding the hand of Minji. You wanted to get the clear picture of what's really going on. Minji can clearly see how mad you are as this made her feel bad for herself. She stopped walking which also made you stop on your tracks. You looked back and saw Minji crying softly as this broke your heart. You hated seeing Minji cry or sad as you let go of her hand.
"Minji I... I'm sorry. I didn't know you were being bullied and-"
Minji didn't let you continue as she suddenly hugged you tightly as she cried her heart out. You didn't know why she was crying this much but you just relate it back to her being bullied. But in reality, she felt so sorry for you because you had to save her and you even got punched back. She hated herself for what happened earlier but she was also grateful for saving her back then. Her heart was beating so fast and she was so flustered being this close to you but she didn't care. All that mattered for her right now is that she was in your arms comforting her.
Ever since that accident, Minji has changed rather weirdly towards you. Everytime you would arrive home, she would hug you tightly and wouldn't let go for a minute. She has also been very clingy towards you either it be playing video games, eating your food or even reading a book. She would either give you a back hug which she will stay for a long time or she would hug your arm and watch you play your video game or sleep on your shoulder.
You don't mind Minji being clingy towards you but you just find it weird how she's acting towards you. Especially sometimes she would sneak into your bed and snuggle with you. You find this action very weird but you just let her as everytime you would push her away, she would only cling to you tighter. It was a losing game if you fight her off so you just let her be and sleep.
Although your relationship with Minji was great, your parents wasn't. Their arguments has become more often which lead to Minji leaving the table and sleeping at your room and clinging towards you. You could only sigh at them and their argument has finally come to a close when the two decided to have a divorce. Upon hearing this, you were sadden because the reason why they were arguing was something they can't control.
Apperently, your stepfather was setup to marry a woman he doesn't even love due to his business. He tried to fight for his love towards your mother but in the end, he lose the battle. He apologized to you and your mother sincerely as he admitted that your mother will always have a place in her heart. It was heartbreaking especially Minji who cried all night not leaving her room at all. You tried your best to convince her but to no vail. It also didn't help that after announcing their divorce, they were to leave the household the next day.
The dreadful day finally came as Minji finally came out of her room looking tired and lifeless. She moved towards her father's car with no motivation as all you can do was watch from afar. You clenched your fist as this was now or never. You have to say your goodbye to her.
"Hey, Kim Minji."
Calling her out made her finally look at you as you tried your best not to feel sad for her. With a deep breath you said
"I'll never forget you Minji. I'm sure we'll see each other again. For now, this is goodbye but someday this goodbye will turn to hello and we would be smiling to each other again."
You assured Minji that you two will see each other again and the possibility of having a reunion is always possible. Your warm smile radiated so much as Minji will surely miss it. Minji smiled back knowing this was the last time you'll be seeing her smile warmly at you.
"Fuck this. I can't even finish this one subject."
You sighed as you and your 2 college buddies wore a boring and exhausted face as the test earlier really drained your energy.
"That test is straight up bullshit. How can He give questions that are not even taught to us? Like how? What the hell?"
Felix, your first friend said as you nodded your head.
"Yeah shit mate, tell me about it ey. Being dumb and unattractive is a painful combination to have. I mean look at us mate, we're dumb and no girlfriend."
Christopher Chan, your second friend said as you scoffed at his comment. Sure you had your few runs on some blind dates but it all ended in vain as nobody was able to click your interest. Not only that, but the subjects you were taking in university had taken a huge toll on your time.
"But I did hear a new student in campus is beautiful as fuck. Some are even saying she's sculpted by the gods."
Felix explain the rumor that was going through around the campus lately. Of course you were caught by this rumor as you would be lying if you say that you weren't interested in such topic. Chan just scoffed and said
"Ain’t no way Mate. That's just a rumor ey. If that is true then I'm betting my Straykids Photocard right now."
Felix smirked and nodded his head.
"Alright, I'll bet my Izone Chaewon photocard for that."
"Oooh it's on mate-"
The two shook hand behind you as they glared one another as if they were ready to go to war at each other. You on the other hand was lost in your thoughts as a sudden memory of Minji appeared on your head. There was no moment where you can't forgot about the time you and Minji spent together. There would be times where you would ask yourself if Minji was alright and doing well. It's been 5 years since you last saw each other and there was no form of communication between you two. There was fear within yourself that Minji must have forgotten about you considering it wasn't even a year since you two met and made memories.
"I wonder what's Minji doing now. She would probably be in college right now as well."
You could only sigh as you continued to walk leaving your two friends arguing with each other. You enjoyed the silence of the campus as the soft breeze pass by the threes. It's cute whistle was good music in your opinion-
"Y/N Oppa?"
You turned your head towards the voice was and you widen your eyes. You stood frozen to your feet as a girl stared at you. Something about her seems so familiar yet you couldn't pin point it.
"M-Minji? I-Is that you?"
Upon hearing your voice. Minji smiled brightly and dashed towards you hugging you tightly. The familiar feeling of comfort and sweetnes returned to you as memories flashed through your mind. Minji was back in your arms and was able to-
"Wait Minji, you can talk now?"
Minji pulled away from you as her smile never disappeared from her face. She nodded her head vigorously indicating that your assumption is correct.
"Yes, My Dad found a really good doctor in America and with enough therapy, I got my voice back."
"That’s... That's awesome! Your-mmhpjh?"
Minji placed a finger on your mouth telling you to shut it as she giggled and removed it. Seeing Minji again for so long made you see how beautiful she really was.
"Oppa. Do you have a girlfriend?"
"What? What do you mea-"
"No, actually I don't care if you have one or even if it's a 3D woman. I'm gonna steal you from her."
Now that was a bold statement coming from her.
"Wait Minji. Did your personality changed too?"
"Hmm? Nope. I love you Oppa. Be my boyfriend."
"Wait what?"
You were stunned to speak yet Minji smiled happily and to add more suprise, She kissed your cheeks leaving you a blushing mess. She could only giggle at your red tomato head and flustered face.
"Since we're no longer Step siblings. I'm legally allowed to marry you. And for the record, I actually fell in love with you when you saved me from those bullies before.”
Her smile never disappeared yet you were to perplexed to say anything. You also found it very weird how your heart was racing to the max and Minji was now looking more prettier than before. When you finally got your senses back, the first words that came out of your mouth was
“You like me?”
She giggled and nodded her head. 
“Shall I prove it?”
Minji closed the gap between you and her as she grabbed your cheeks and pulled you down to her level and kissed your forehead. Butterflies and fireworks was all over your body as you felt explosions everywhere. Minji has changed as the shy cute girl was gone and infront of you was a more mature beautiful version of Minji.
 “Let's go Oppa. Help me around Campus will yah? hehehe~"
Without even saying a thing, Minji hooked her arm around yours and pulled you away from your spot. You were taking everything in but if there was thing on your head, it was that.....
"Minji likes me? And I think.....I like her too...”
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ravenkinnie · 5 days
For the character ranking thing, jinx, caitlyn, ellie, raven, cassandra cain
5 ellie - I loved the show I like the games but when I know a character first through my grilfriend I consider them a blorb9 in law, like claire redfield and alice liddell are also my blorbos in law. my girlfriend could take them in the divorce and for the rest of my life I would resent seeing any mention of these games because I'm a scorpio so that lowers ellies ranking
4 raven - I love raven, her and batman are my ogs, they both changed something permanently in my elementary school brain and it never recovered. however, i hate modern raven so much, like fellow mutual momo strongest raven fan warrior is able to keep up but I dont have her powerful autism so i only feel hate and i wish dc the worst for that. god i fucking hate bbrae too i would stage a coup at the hq just to fix raven. I wish somebody brought back the new teen titans design, keep the saris and keep everything, just make her desi, people will complain and get over it like they got over miles and we got spiderverse out of that so. take her out of the titans cause im sorry, I'm a titans fan but this is a sinking ship, every book is a heavier flop than the previous one, im going to save my girl. have her cameo in other shit and be like omg im on my own whatever and test her dynamic with other characters, find her a new place in dc universe and then i think you could have a banger team book on your hands because she does the best in teams. I do selfishly wish that place was more near magic users books because i think that would be so much more slay for her to show her powers than having her faint all the time because she could easily defeat a divorcee in spandex and we have 20 pages to fill
3 caitlyn - caitlyn is my OG main which you might not realise because in so jinxpilled these days but I played her through high school (never left bronze <3 still haven't left bronze <3). so you can only imagine my joy when they made her a 6'1 dyke with a tooth gap AND they kept her big boobs, I've been winning ever since. I think I'm one of like five caitlyn stans maybe tho, every caitvi shipper seems to either like vi more or want to fuck vi more and outside caitvi circles no one really likes caitlyn. which is fair because she's rich and a cop so i can't defend her but I like that she's always struggling because of her own stupidity and is constantly challenged. when someone says she's wrong and she does that frowny face, she's so sexy to me, I love a stubborn bitch. she's also autistic to me, I'm just saying it because no one ever has caitlyn headcanons. I also LOVE league caitlyn, i think league caitlyn is 80% of the reason why domme mommy caitlyn is so popular because she IS a domme mommy. fantastic legend of runeterra card too
2 jinx - i know its a travesty she's not #1 but the tea is, i just didnt like her in like 2014 dhshsj i don't like jokeresque characters usually, i think it's a noring iverused tropes that only pretends to be interesting with fake depth and quirky randomness, I'm sorry. but you CAN make it good and i think arcane gave her such a strong comeback for me, I'm fond of league jinx too now, like I've grown to appreciate her even if I dont find her OG release that good. jinx gets the best promo materials tho, maybe outside of KDA girlies. GREAT legends of runeterra card, i maxed out her skill in the path of champions and I've played with many other decks in this game so believe me when I say, level 3 jinx is so OP its baffling. play her path of champions before they nerf her cause they just nerfed her in league a lil shshjsis. I have to stop typing because i took an edible and i could talk about jinx all day like the way they balance her storyline perfectly, the fact that every storyline goes back to jinx, her energy like im biased but sorry she is a scene stealer. her potential, the way every single dynamic she has with every character could be so good BECAUSE she has those plot connections, also i think her voice lines and arcane dialogue are really good, she has a very distinct style of speaking. both voice acting in the game and the show are great (pls look up her death voicelines they are so funny) but ella purnell??? I had no clue who she was before arcane and now i watch everything she's in. get jinxed was made by djerv which is a GREAT band too
1 cassandra cain - she is forever my dc rising star like i see who you are, i see your potential and i will blow up dc headquarters for you. I'm keeping her at #1 cause she deserves it but I'm so sorry when I recommend you the solo and the art looks like that, in my head it doesn't, love is blind. PLEASE look up the batgirl vs joker issue drawn by bill sienkiewicz tho, she is so beautiful in it kiss kiss. she is literally just if batman served extreme levels of cunt in every move. her backstory is batshit, she is my favorite portrayal of suicidality because it proves you can write those themes without being corny as fuck, just like jinx she has great fascinating dynamics with every other character. unlike jinx, it's because she stands out, she's barely connected to other characters which I think makes her kind of cooler like she's this super weird shadowy being you're kind of friends or coworkers with. pure cuntress
and the thing that hurts the most is that if that solo launched with modern art now I think it would find a good market because hear me out. every comic book is cursed now because no one knows how to write dialogue or understand cinematography or design but they sure know how to write monologues so you lose eyesight trying to read a lot of words about nothing on tiny panels. which cass' solo does not do becauee the dialogue is quite minimal even later on, it relies on visually striking and easy to read panels which are fantastically shareable on social media to entice people to read the book. plus I just watched mad max furiosa in the cinema and I was thinking we really have a trend of feral young women with an older mentor figure that sucks as a person and cass. CASS HAS THREE. and a cunty as fuck mother. I know this shit would sell and if it found a good market maybe it wouldn't end so fucking badly
give me five ships, characters, or shows and I will rank them from my favorite to my least favorite.
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allisian · 7 months
K/DA Lore pt.3
It took me a while to decide on how teen Evelynn would look like. So I held off my last post until I could finalise her design. Yes I heavily based her off Maddison Beers look at the 2018 worlds. Its a shame I wasn't able to showcase her fashion I had in mind. Perhaps I'll try drawing a full body reference in the future.
Time for Kai'sa! KDA's most shallow member! (I love Kai'sa guys I swear. It's riot that ruined her potential.)
As a child Kaisa would travel a lot because of her father's work (military) She would grow up as a model student fluent in many languages and educated in geography and history. Kai'sa is socially underdeveloped due to her "really moves around" upbringing. She also is the "Broken Ace" type (nomadic life), always striving for perfection in her grades and career but in turn suffers socially. This makes Kai'sa very awkward and oblivious to social cues when interacting with people outside of a professional manner. Because of this, she was typically outcasted throughout the many schools she attended. Others feared her like she was some sort of monster. A creature too mysterious and focused on achieving to be understood. School became a hunt to survive mentality to kaisa and nothing else mattered in her world. Yet the longing to belong was still there in her heart. After discovering dance in her teens Kai'sa would start to evolve. She never had hobbies or any indulgences in her life. All she knew was how to survive an ever-changing environment as she constantly moved with her father's tours and deployments around the world. With dance, she finally opened herself up to the idea of living over surviving. From ballet in Russia to hip hop in the Americas Kaisa would find the universal language to feel herself and to connect to those around her no matter where in the world she was. Kaisa grew to have a passion for the arts, she discovered she was diversly gifted in creativity. Her hardworking attitude and serious studying nature helped her achieve many degrees. As an adult, she would make her own studio the Firefly Collective (located in America) where she would share her passion and teach others the wonderful world of dance and would go on to create a popular youtube channel for her studio (think 1MILLION Dance Studio). She was happy being a teacher and was astonished to have been visited by Ahri and Evelynn. Kaisa wasn't too aware of K-pop artists so she didn't recognize them as celebrities but her students did. They freaked out when popstars Ahri and Evelynn entered their dance studio. Seeking out someone to be their choreographer. Kaisa's students urged her to take this opportunity and so Kaisa became the third member of kda.
*Yes Kai'sas lore was mostly ripped off the comics. But I was able to add more context
*in 2018, one year before KDA debuted she won Hong Kong's "Can you dance?" competition. This success was what put her on Ahri and Evelynn's radar. (Kai'sa was 21 at the time)
*Kai'sa had a complete personality overhaul when she discovered dance. She went from the recluse, studyholic to the hippie, free spirited type.
*In her life Kai'sa has lived in 10 countries: China, South Africa, South Korea, France, America, Australia, United Kingdom, Russia, India and Argentina.
*She was born in south africa (as a omage to her default voice actor)
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Art by me
Here's a link to my playlist of the music I think suits this pre KDA Kai'sa
(Edit links to the other KDA girls)
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spirithunts · 7 months
» — ⌜PORTRAYAL NOTES⌟ , a compilation of drabbles & headcanons relevant to my particular portrayal of ahri. this is mainly for the sake of organization and making the info easy to find; for my own convenience, but also for anyone interested in reading more about my portrayal.
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» — DRABBLES. the short (often very short) in character tidbits that highlight certain important events in her life, or important relationships. they are listed chronologically, according to at which point in her life these events would have happened.
— to be added !
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» — HEADCANONS. the out of character studies on ahri, her relationships, her beliefs, her powers and more. anything and everything, short or long (and nearly always a messy rant) that is somehow significant to my portrayal of her, including in verses other than base, such as kda.
— ahri's nature and the need to feed on spiritual essence. her hunger is also a basic need, and her nature cannot be changed. she needs to feed on people's essences, even though she struggles with it being immutable part of her nature.
— her appearance and shapeshifter abilities. most of her appearance can be changed at will, even though she doesn't often change herself like that. when she does, there are still traits that will always remain and cannot be concealed.
— ahri being sensual does not equal an interest in sex. her flirting is, in many ways, just a mask. if she is not in love, she does not want to share someone's bed (and if she is in love and wants to be with someone like that, her past tragedies will still make her reluctant to).
— ahri, k/da and her relationship with fame and the music industry. despite her love for music and desire to continue working with it, ahri does not deal well with the pressure and demands of the music industry. in many ways, it has worsened her mental state greatly, and it always takes a toll on her psychologically. with an overview of her career, it's not too hard to see why.
— hunger and its impact on connection. ahri's need to feed on spiritual essence, how that works, and the impact it has on how she approaches people immediately. plus a small side note about how she is less guarded towards non-human beings than towards living mortals.
— small list of spicy headcanons. it's all in the title! an unassorted list discussing nsfw headcanons, mostly focused on base verse, with some mentions of kda.
— the artist, acceptance and self-loathing. a little overview of her artist lover and his impact in her life, for better or worse.
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elenavr13 · 1 year
Darkiplier Playlist
194 songs
Evermore- Dan Stevens
Control x Pity Party (slowed)- Halsey x Melanie Martinez
Twisted- MISSIO
Ophelia (slowed)- The Lumineers
Everybody Wants To Tule the World- Lorde
House of Memories (slowed)- Panic! at the Disco
Control- Halsey
Gasoline- Halsey
You’re So Creepy- Ghost Town
Dynasty- MIIA
Judas (slowed)- Lady Gaga
Take Me To Church (slowed)- Hozier
Castle (slowed)- Halsey
Sing To Me- MISSIO
Kamikazee- MISSIO
Panic Room- Au/Ra
Isolate- Sub Urban
Elastic Heart (Rock Cover)- Written by Wolves
Crossfire (slowed)- Stephen
Dead!- My Chemical Romance
Life Sux- Silent Child
Stressed Out- Twenty One Pilots
Look What You Made Me Do (slowed)- Taylor Swift
Smooth Criminal- Michael Jackson
The Voice of Darkiplier- Markiplier
I’ll Be Good- Jaymes Young
I Wanna Be Yours (slowed)- Arctic Monkeys
Do I Wanna Know (slowed)- Arctic Monkeys
Baby You’re a Haunted House- Gerard Way
In His Eyes- Jekyll & Hyde (musical)
Queen of the Freaks- AViVA
Fairytale (slowed)- Alexander Rybak
Can You Feel My Heart- Bring Me to the Horizon
Feeling Good (slowed)- Michael Buble
Can You Feel My Heart x Favorite Dress (slowed)- Miro remix
My Demons- Starset
Achilles Come Down- Gang of Youth
Monster- Skillet
What’s the Use of Feeling Blue- Caleb Hyles
505- Arctic Monkeys
Where I Want to Be- Chess in Concert
Can’t Help Falling In Love- Ice Nine Kills
The American Nightmare- Ice Nine Kills
On My Own- Les Miserable
A Grave Mistake- Ice Nine Kills
Left Behind- DAGames
Farewell II Flesh- Ice Nine Kills
Below the Surface- Griffinilla
The Wrecked and the Worried- NateWantsToBattle
You Can’t Take Me Anywhere- NateWantsToBattle
Goner- Twenty One Pilots
The Other Side of Paradise- Glass Animals
You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid- The Offspring
Fake You Out- Twenty One Pilots
Miss You- Corpse
Ashes (slowed)- Stellar
Epoch- The Living Tombstone
My Ordinary Life (slowed)- The Living Tombstone
In the End- Linkin Park
Me, Myself & Hyde- Ice Nine Kills
The World In My Hands- Ice Nine Kills
Popular Monster- Falling In Reverse
Monster- Imagine Dragons
What I Could Have Been- Sting
Hushh- AViVA
Phantom of the Opera
Darkside- NEONI
Broken- DNMO & Sub Urban
Killer In the Mirror- Set It Off
Doubt- Twenty One Pilots
I’m Not Okay- My Chemical Romance
Friends on the Other Side- Princess and the Frog
Apologize- One Republic
Stomp Me Out- Bryce Fox
My Lullaby (metal cover)- Jonathan Young
I See Red (slowed)- Everybody Loves an Outlaw
Tear In My Heart- Twenty One Pilots
I Hate Everything About You- Three Days Grace
F.L.Y- Ice Nine Kills
Migraine- Twenty One Pilots
Car Radio- Twenty One Pilots
Demons- MISSIO
Villain- KDA
Redemption- Besomorph & Coopex
Royalty (slowed)- Egzod & Maestro Chives ft. Neoni
The Red Means I Love You- Madds Buckley
Loser (slowed)- Neoni
Not Ready To Die- Avenged Sevenfold
I Want You- Mitski
Haunted House- Neoni
Poltergeist- Corpse
Life Waster- Corpse
Funhouse- Pink
All Of Me (slowed)- John Legend
Young And Beautiful- Lana Del Rey *Y/N x Damien*
Dark Paradise (slowed)- Lana Del Rey
How Villains Are Made- Madalen Duke
Love and War- Fluerie
Dark Things- Adona
Wicked Game- Ursine Vulpine
Neptune- Sleeping At Last
Enemy- Tommee Profitt
Far From Home (The Raven)- Sam Tinnesz
City Of The Dead- Eurielle
Throne- Saint Mesa
Paint it, Black- Ciara cover
Man Or A Monster- Sam Tinnesz
Dark On Me- Starset
Boo Hoo- Neoni & Riell
Hell’s Comin’ With Me- Poor Mans Poison
Wires- The Neighbourhood
Liquid Smooth- Mitski
Little Dark Age- MGMT
Devil In Disguise- Elvis (LLusion)
Toxic- 2WEI
Dark Room- Foreign Figures & EJ Michels
Lullaby of Woe- Ashley Serena
I’m Not Afraid- Tommee Profitt ft. Wondra
Heathens- Twenty One Pilots
Dance With The Devil- Breaking Benjamin
Afraid- The Neighbourhood
Black Confetti- DREAMERS
Black Out Days- Phantogram
Somewhere Only We Know- Keane *Damien*
Monsters- Ruelle
Whispers In The Dark- Skillet
Salvaged- NateWantsToBattle
Saint Bernard- Lincoln
Fuck You- Silent Child
I Know Those Eyes/This Man Is Dead- Thomas Borchert, Brandi Burkhardt
Broken Inside- Broken Iris
Sweet Dreams- Besomorph
The Hanging Tree- James Newton Howard, Jennifer Lawrence
Feel Invincible- Skillet
Saints- Echos
Screaming Bloody Murder- Sum 41
Sweater Weather (slowed)- The Neighbourhood
Dandelions (slowed)- Ruth B
Death Bed (slowed)- Powfu
Master Mirror- Ashley Serena
Born Again- Black Veil Brides
Everyday A Little Death- The Count of Monte Cristo
FREAK- Jordan Friction
Broken (slowed)- lovelytheband
Michelle- Sir Chloe
Like A Villain- BAD OMENS
If It’s Vengeance You Want- Unlike Pluto
Monster- Fight The Fade
Slow Dancing In The Dark (slowed)- Joji
Listen Before I Go (male cover)- Billie Eilish
Mary On a Cross (slowed)- Ghost
Trouble (slowed)- Cage The Elephant
Nervous- Lola Blanc
Unravel- Johnathan Young
Lost In Paradise- Evanescence
Lies- Evanescence
Haunted (slowed)- Laura Les
Dread- Unlike Pluto
Monsters- Shinedown
Black Soul- Shinedown
Sorrow- Sleeping At Last
Seeing Red- Saint Chaos
Villain- Bella Poarch
Lithium- Nirvana
Smells Like Teen Spirit- Nirvana
Down With The Sickness- Disturbed
Animal I Have Become- Three Day Grace
Greed- Godsmack
One of Us is the Killer- The Dillinger Escape Plan
All The King’s Horses- Karmina
Gilded Lily- Cults
Haunted & Unwanted- NateWantsToBattle
Symbol of My Regret- NateWantsToBattle
In My Head- NateWantsToBattle
Vendetta (slowed)- Unsecret & Krigare
Nothing To Me- NateWantsToBattle
Chasing Cars- Sleeping At Last
Villain- MISSIO
Used to the Darkness- Des Rocs
Unforgiven- Ghost Nation
Monster- Starset
Eight- Sleeping At Last
Already Gone- Sleeping At Last
Devilish- The Phantoms
Motherland- Reach
Falling Away From Me- Korn
Just a Man- Jorge Rivera-Herrans & EPIC Ensemble
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myschizonook · 11 months
Twisted Wonderland X League of Legends
¡Hello da’ everyone! Today in “Posts nobody asked for” *drum noises* Champions that I swear Twisted Wonderland characters would play if they played League of Legends (with skins included). Let’s go!
P. d: I made separated moodboards for each dormitory since I couldn’t accomodate them in this post, please click on each dormitory name to go to moodboards. Feel free of ignore them if you find this annoying, but in that way you will be unnable to enjoy the full experience UnU
P. p. d: I amplied the full concept for this reload jjijiji
Also I don’t own none of Twisted Wonderland or League of Legends drawings or characters, only the headcanon.
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Malleus Draconia
Lulu. Malleus really finds this little yordle ADORABLE, he overjoy himself whit the fae sorcerer laugh and likes to spam it, unfortunately for his teammates Lilia likes it too. He bought her dragon trainer skin cuz he find it amusing.
Galio. “OMG THIS ONE IS A GARGOYLE!!!” *instapick* That´s the history of how Malleus started playing Galio, I can bet that if Malleus could know him he would ask for his autograph and ask him a lot of things about gargoyles life while a confused Galio tries to explain the fae that hes not a gargoyle that indeed he doesn’t know what a gargoyle is. No skins cuz he ADORES Galio’s predeterminated gargoyle skin Birdio.
I think he would like to play simply because he’s just SO BAD playing. Like he, THE Malleus Draconia, finally found something he’s bad at? probably cuz it has something to do with technology, he finds that interesting. So he enjoy just playing to kill time, I think he would be ARAM main. He doesn’t get all of the toxic chat problems cuz he doesn’t know how to activate it, tho LMAO.
If MC plays to, oh lod, hes going to be a sucker for the game. They’re duo ❤️. Extra points if she’s good playing, like power couple. Also she defends him of toxic people and while she does it hes just there like 😊 1/10/5 KDA and he stole the kill LMAO
 Lilia Vanrouge
Kled. He is fond of this very eloquent yordle and plays him very often, also he is astonished by all of Kled war titles. Loves Skarl. Bought his Count Kledula skin because he loves how Skarl looks.
Lilia. He finds amusing the name coincidence and thinks the inconsistensy between her appearance and personality in her Nightbringer skin hit the jackpot.
Leona. He really likes her gameplay, loves to protect his allies, also her voice calm him during the game he felt asleep once while playing her LOL. Lilia insisted in bought him Lunar Eclipse Leona because of their match silver hair.
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Sebek Zigbolt
Poppy. He finds her SO CUTE (but you never heard me say that) also her admiration towards Garen reminds him of himself for Malleus. He got her Star Guardian skin, BUT YOU NEVER HER ME SAY THAT.
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Riddle Rosehearts
Kayle reminds Riddle of the Queen of Hearts in her (so cool) way of punish the unfair. Iron Inquisitor Kayle fits him to perfection, even so, he really likes her predeterminated skin so he plays with it often.
 Ace Trappola
I could bet that Ace is that Teemo player who, regardless he win or lose, spends the whole game spaming Teemo’s laugh just to tilt his enemies… and allies. Little Devil Teemo that’s it.
 Deuce Spade
Veigar. Deuce’s mad side just love Veigar… and the way he EXPLODES his enemies. Final Boss Veigar rules.
Trey Clover
Senna. Since my point of view when Trey started playing he wanted to be helpful to his teammates mother hen so he mained support for a while with Senna. Short after he started to play Twisted Fate idk they look kinda similar. He thinks that skins are not necesary so he uses predeterminated skins.
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 Cater Diamond
Seraphine. I think Cater would really ADORE her in all ways. He bought her KDA skin and ALL of her merchandise; got really upset about all the hate that was trowed at her.
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Leona Kingscolar
Sett. He really likes the whoole “criminal boss who’s known as half-beast bastard” thing, besides, he can easily identify himself in this (very sexy) vastaya, he thinks their lifes are kinda similar. Have all of his skins, but he don’t wanna admit his favourite one is Obsidian Dragon Sett because… y’a know dragon iugh.
Rakan. Leona finds very interesting how Rakan have… WAY TOO MUCH ENERGY, while he’s… well quite the complete oposite. He doesn’t play him to often tho because it drains his energy LMAO, also I think he wouldn’t like to play support cuz he’s not going to babysit some jerk, so he plays Rakan jungler anything but supp.He has IG Rakan, but also likes his predeterminated skin.
And NO he will not play Leona.
 Jack Howl
Warwick. He reaaaally hates feeling like he MUST play Warwick just because all the wolf thing he’s OTP Warwick tho.
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 Ruggie Buchi
Cho’Gath. “Insatiable hunger hum? Sounds like me, I like it” I can imagine Ruggie saying that when he pick Cho’Gath as main. He have Shan Hai Scrolls Cho’Gath btw.
Ocasionally plays Warwick, but only with his hyena skin (laughs himself when Warwick does).
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Azul Ashengrotto
Tahm Kench. Are you going to tell me that Azul just dont picked an over sized demon toad who ‘helps’ other’s via WAY TO GOOD TO BE TRUE AGREEMENTS and then feed himself with their misery when they doesn’t pay their doubt to him and is known as “The River King” as main???? He have his coin emperor skin, but keeps some respect for his lore and plays with Tahm predeterminated skin often.
 Jade Leech
Sivir went “I always take my toll, blood or gold” and Jade went ”Ok girl, you conviced me” and he picked her, that’s the history. He used his skills threaten someone to obtain an acount with Sivir Pax. Goes duo with Floyd in botlane.
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 Floyd Leech
Pyke. Floyd instapicked Pyke the moment he saw him in the store, all the “mad ‘monster’ who hunts down dudes on a list” thing captured him, he finds it amusind. He doesn’t care for skins, his enemies explode equally regardless he has done or not. Goes duo with Jade in botlane.
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Idia Shroud
He already played and is challenger LMAO 💀
Lilia. He feels just so identified with her being afraid of everyone and everything just wanting to go back to her garden, JUST LIKE HIM! But also deeply admires her courage of leaving her place for an uper good. He bought both of her skins just when they where released, even though he doesn’t like Nightbringer Lilia because of doesn’t matches her kind and cute personality.
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Ortho Shroud
Oriana. Just like his brother with Lilia, he feels identified with Orianna and plays her in every single lane. His big brother bought hi mall of her skins (even the legacy ones), but his favourite one is Orianna Star Guardian
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Jamil Viper. Kayn Jamil thinks his backsotry and personality are just so cool! Also deeply comprehends Kayn internal fight with Rhaast. He farmed the whoole Night & Dawn evento so he could get his Prestige Nightbringer skin. 
Kalim Al- Asim
Zoe. Kamil likes her energy and trickster personality, once and again he get little bit scared by few of her interactions with another champions into the game, but then comes back to normal and its all okay. Have all of her skins, but his favourite is Pool Party Zoe Amumu Also likes to play with Amumu! He really thinks this por mumy needs a hug and he would gladly give it to him UnU 
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 Vil Schoenheit
Evelynn. *Deep breath* Ok… Just look at them! THEY’RE PRACTICALLY TWINS!!!! That’s all I have to say. Have all of her skins but LOVE KDA Evelynn, I mean she just looks like the perfect DIVA.
Gwen. Also likes to play with Gwen, he just loves her mixed kind-crazy self and can we just talk about her sense of mode??!! He would LOVE to use an outfit made by Gwen! Also have all of her skins but ADORES her predeterminated skin.
Epel Felmier
Vex. The whole “emo teen” thing amuses him, really, he’s laughing…
 Rook Hunt
Ashe. I really can see Rook chosing Ashe because he liked her personality, unlike most of LOL players he don’t thinks Ashe talking the WHOLE GAME annoying, on the contrary! He finds her voice and dialogues shoothing, he would LOVE to be bow pals with her! He really likes all of her skins, but above all he ADORES her Sherwood Forest skin.
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weirdratwrites · 1 year
Korean Rock Cont.
As a disclaimer, I don't know Korean. I don't know much about Korea. I'm not some Koreaboo who's thirsting for KDA or BTS. My highest level of interaction with Korean is workes like Train to Busan 1(/2), #Alive, and All of Us Are Dead... And judicious googling.
Far as I can tell, name meanings don't much matter in Black Lagoon. Okajima Rokuro doesn't refer to some hidden depths. It's just a reasonably common name that isn't, like, the Japanese equivalent of Tom, Dick, or Harry.
That said, Okajima can be read as Island Mountain. I'm going with Choi (which apparently means something about owning land near mountains), but I could also go with Jeup, which is apparently a name in NK referring to Koreans that marry Japanese (and could be used to explain away Rock knowing Japanese and knowing a decent amount about the Yakuza).
Rather than trying to learn what each of the Hanja characters means and trying to find a really meaningful name that works to mean Green Son, like Rokuro does, I'm going to be lazy and use a popular name from the 70's, and give Rock two brothers to use the Generational Name aspect of Korean conventions. Specifically, Rock's name is now Sung-Hoon, his older brother is Sang-Hoon, and he has a younger brother named Ji-Hoon.
And, since his name's not Rokuro, so Revy can't shorten it to Rock, and I'm not one to keep details the same between AUs when it doesn't make sense, his new nickname's Koi. Because he bites his tongue when introducing himself, and this way people can make jokes about shooting fish in a barrel and I can allude to the Dragon to Koi pipeline in mythology.
Family & History:
Choi Sung-Hoon is born in August 1970 in Busan. His grandfather tells him war stories, and his uncle and grandfather tell him exaggerated stories about being police officers.
His older brother goes to join the police like his uncle and grandfather. Koi follows his father into business. His younger brother stays with the military after his required service is up.
He grows up idolizing the "action-packed" lives his extended family leads, but he's not quite willing to put himself into that kind of situation without it being out of his control. Because of this, he winds up feeling jealous of his brothers and develops adrenaline-junky habits.
The most exciting time of his life - before joining Lagoon Company - is serving as a border guard during his required service. He even got to be involved in a lowkey border dispute - arguably an international incident that threatened to restart conflicts - during a defection. During this, he sees that he wings one of the enemy, and presumes it leads to the other man's death. He's correct.
It's one of the moments he relies on to keep sane during the drudgery of office work. It's one of his proudest memories.
Then, in 1995, while working for either Hanjin, HMM, or - for some reason - still Asahi, the events of Black Lagoon begin.
Guns and Excitement:
Koi's a bit of a daydreamer when he doesn't have something to focus on. He's also a big fan of Westerns, Noire, and Buddy Cop films. He craves but is terrified of the excitement in his daily life. One of the reasons he takes on some of the more... hasty or idiotic actions in his life is to lowkey chase the thrills he sees Revy regularly take part in.
One of the most apparent representations of this particular interest is his mild obsession with the primary firearm of the Korean police force at the time, the S&W Model 19. He even buys one in an omake-style "after credits scene" for the arc Calm Down, Two Men, where Revy walks in on him posing with it.
Revy showing him the finer points of gunslinging is a consistent aspect of background action. It's a source of noodle incidents and a diegetic explanation for why Rock is able to shoot semi-decently when it finally comes up, and why he's able to keep his cool more and more as the series progresses.
Like Fish Shooting Out of a Barrel:
As to when Rock is shown actively participating in the action... I'm reticent to provide a fine point on this. I think there are a number of good moments that could be used for the overall timeline we're presented with.
Personally, though, I might go with the Dance of Death Arc, to give weight to the people around Koi's feelings that he's being corrupted by his stay in Roanapur. Or maybe Fujiyama Gangsta Paradise, if Koi's still contracted for that job.
It could work for Wire Red Wild Card, too. Have him give the finishing blow to one of the brothers.
whatever the case, I think it's important to show his competence with firearms in this AU. Even if it's only him being shown to be doing maintenance on the various, more generic weapons available to Lagoon company. Even if it's as a final act for the series...
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im here to slam my fists at your door
base/runeterra: 🌩 🔫  ⛅️ spirit blossom: 💘 💙 modern/kda:  ⛅️ 🌼 🌵 (in a way, there to protect him/prevent smth from happening again :3c)
𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐞!
Base/Runterra: Okay but these are all so accurate ghuiehfkf. God I love how these two interact, it's such a funny exploration of humanity through two characters who have seemingly lost their own, or never believed they had it in the first place. Plus I love that Eve finally accepted that she cares...only to have her friend and confidant ripped away--and she was too late to save him.
Spirit Blossom: SHAKES YOU I've said before that I'm really picky about who I ship Robin with, and that he does have a preference more men, but Eve is the exception 100%. These two make me so so soft, The Spirit of Longing and the Spirit of Love--just a wholesome relationship full of yearning and gentle teasing? aaaa!!!! It makes me gooey
Modern/KDA: Have you ever seen The Devil Wears Prada? Same energy. I feel like Evelynn is still pretty unsure how to show any care/protection without being overbearingly smothering, and she works Robin to death because she "trusts him" so naturally he has to do everything for her, he's the only one who can! This is definitely the funniest verse to me, and I really enjoy the stupidity that comes from all of it. I love Eve and Robin having little talks about dating life and rating eachothers nudes, and Eve freaking out whenever she sees Robin bring a date home. I know she spoils him, I just knOW IT.
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babs-babbles · 1 year
Do you mind telling us more about your fan kids?
Lemme try to rack my noggin here
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Naomi and Kyla! My blorbos my munchkins my half demon spawns
I don't have any new art of the girls BUT here's the most recent art of them I still have in my pocket
Naomi is a kaieve kid. Spawned from parasite/demon energy cross breeding (aka Eve and Kai'sa got it on real good one night and she appeared the next morning) Naomi (or Mimi for short) is a near spitting image of Evelynn, and the personality to go with it...
Taking well after Kai'sa Naomi is very passionate and outspoken with her interests and gets excited at new projects and learning opportunities. The other half from Evelynn is her dramatic flare on life and constantly making moves for success, a natural business woman and entrepreneur. Is often praised for by Eve for just the smallest things and she loves having her mom's constant attention
Raising Naomi was an odd case for her four moms. She wouldn't do much as a baby, just follow mommy Eve around mostly, or sticking close to her big sister. But she had the rare "demon baby" moments. She's a very strong hybrid who has void powers and demon instincts. It took a full void suited Kai'sa and demon shade mode Evelynn to calm her down from a tantrum. Later on Naomi grew a strong attachment to Ahri's fox form in her kid years, and often turned to momma Ahri for comfort
Some facts about Naomi
- very artistic. Enjoys fashion and painting
- smooth singing voice with lots of range. Loves learning songs in different languages
- an exceptional dancer and her favorite is tango
- is described as a socialite, but keeps her friend circle small
- used to stare blankly at Evelynn as baby, later learned that's how she shows affection
Now for Kyla. She's the oldest and was carried by Ahri. Born from Evelynn's demon energy mixing with the magical power of love for her wife and boom! A happy lil accident :D Kyla is born some good years after kda has made some albums and built a flourishing legacy (I see them all in their late 30s- early 40s when Kyla is born) Eve, Ahri, Akali and Kai'sa smothered their bab with the upmost love and attention as she grew up.
Raised as a legacy to the kda house name, Kyla was exposed to a lot of musical creation at home and grew a particular fond for music production. Often sneaking into Akali's studio after being put down for bed to watch her momma make cool sounds and beats. It's there she learns to create her own tracks and grows to carry on the kda name in the music industry
Personality wise Kyla is very quiet and is selectively mute. Only speaking when at home and to close friends (and the rare interview). Picking up after Akali she's often found held up in her room creating music for hours on end, often getting dragged out by Kai'sa and her sister to get a taste of sunlight. She uses music as her outlet and a way to speak to people and express herself. If not in the studio she can be found curled up in her fox form under Ahri
Some facts about Kyla
- doesn't speak as many languages as Naomi and Kai'sa, but is fluent in sign language
- sneaks out at night to underground clubs to test tracks (the only ones who know are Evelynn and Akali)
- her and Naomi both form the new kda group
- despite her shy personality Kyla has a much different stage presence with more energy
- looks up to Seraphine as her idol
PHEW!! that's all I can remember from like 2 years ago? I'm definitely gonna give them some redesigns tho so these ones aren't that canon anymore. I remember making these girls as a joke like "hurhurhur what if they unexpectedly had kids and stumbled into a chaotic family lifestyle" then ended up really liking the kids I made. Small note tho, I don't see kda actually having kids at some point. Both personally and logically in their universe. These girls exist more in an au setting of kda expanding into a more familial territory
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lilacastar · 9 days
KDA 23: Prepare
He fell through the gateway the same way he left, and immediately followed his compulsion to complete the ritual. Once doing so, he slinked around the end side where his bedroom hid. The window still set open from the smoke cleanse, but was still obstructed by the screen.
[do not forget to edit this part round 2. you know which aspect. anything to do with the this part of Kalrick to be changed will be marked with a ^^ moving forward.]
How often did mom really go out back to the corner? Probably almost never, the garden was around the other bend. Without a chance for reason to tell him no and rethink, his fist^^ burst through the protective screen. He ripped, and tore the hole big enough for his body to fit through, flat against the sill.
Thank god Randle wasn't watching him struggle to climb through, he looked pathetic as hell with his legs scrambling against the siding. Randle could've cleared that height no problem.
He forced the embarrassing idea out of his head, then closed the blinds once inside. As long as mom didn't open the blinds she would be none the wiser. He brushed himself off, tossed the backpack aside a stack of boxes, and prepared for dinner as if nothing happened.
Two plates were already set on the square oak table, waiting just for his arrival. Mom rose without a word, poured two glasses of water, and dished two servings of the meal. Lasagna with alfredo sauce- no tomatoes involved whatsoever.
The two ate in silence, facing each other across. The cherubs on the drink coasters seemed to make better eye contact than she did. But the quiet meal settled restless thoughts he hadn't fully registered. The pink slip. Valery, Randle's fight, 5K's reason for moving. His own reason for moving.
He and his mom had never gotten along. They always fought about anything and everything. What made the fight he moved out from so different from the rest? What was so bad he couldn’t move on and pretend it wasn’t there from?
He set the utensils down, plate clean.
"Mom." He stated matter-of-factly.
She nodded.
"Why did I move out?"
"Kalrick," The fork clattered against the plate as her voice cracked. "Can we please just have a nice dinner? We don't have to end it on a bad note."
"Then answer the question."
"I'm doing my best to make amends, and no matter what we always put the fights behind us."
"So what could have been so bad, I couldn't put it aside one more time?"
"Please, K, this is me trying my best to say sorry."
"Then say sorry, if you were sorry, you'd say it. But you can't, you never do."
"I just want you back." Her voice broke.
"I am already lost."
"But I had you, you were so happy a few months ago and I just wanted so badly for it to stay, and we could put all this behind us."
"It wasn't real," he shook his head. "If you ever want me back, you'll tell me what we fought about."
She took a long, deep breath. "Your demon stuff." She finally released. "You wanted to pray to a demon, and I did not want that in my house. So you left."
"That's it?"
"That's it. I was very adamant about it not being in my house, and so were you about needing this demon. But I stand by how I felt then, I don't want anything to do with that kind of topic in my house."
It seemed... Believable at least. Whoever he had been looking for, was most definitely this demon. But it was becoming more and more apparent that there were missing pieces in his life. Patches gone blank, but the shapes were lining up.
Before everything happened, he must've found something that sparked a memory. He then needed research, brought the research home and fought with his mom. Whatever he was researching must've been so deep, it caused an irreparable fight with his mom he moved away from. Then he got too close, found the wrong information and became possessed.
“I hope this is the truth.” He stated passively, but held fast. “Because if what we fought about caused me to move out and you missed me this badly, then I promise you it will have the same outcome if I found out you’re lying. And I won’t forgive you.”
He collected his plate along with his mom’s, rinsed them in the sink, then returned to his bedroom. 
The following days were spent in and out of his room at his mom’s and the one at 5K’s. At the property he could do work in solitude and dig through old memories. In town he had the assistance of 5K and Randle, though neither of them seemed to grasp what he was looking for. He didn’t have the words exactly, but all of the important information explicitly followed a theme. He couldn’t describe it, and the more he tried the less his friends seemed to understand. But it felt so obvious, though both could not sense what he did.
He spoke little to mom, and didn’t even bother arguing when she said something aggravating. Instead stonewalling her with apathetic..well. Nothing. He simply had nothing to say to someone who didn’t care enough.
He sprawled out papers, connections, and information on the ground in his apartment bedroom. 
“So,” He said, not looking up from his reading. “I have an idea of where we need to go next, besides the church, obviously.”
“I was thinking we could go somewhere, too.” Randle said.
“I noticed wherever I do the walking ritual, is some sort of commonly visited place to be, and I think more than just where I live. My guess is that there’s going to be marks where I walked and we should see what this looks like on a map.”
“When were you planning on doing that? Cause I also want to go somewhere.”
“Um, I don’t know. I thought we could just drive around our best guesses of where it could have gone.”
“I know this is all very important to you, but maybe we need a break from this.”
“Like what?” Kalrick blinked. “What else is there?”
“We been doing a lot of what you want to do.” 5K stuttered. “We want to do stuff too.”
“But we are doing something.” He replied.
“But it’s not really something we came up with, you feel?”
He really didn’t. What else could possibly be more interesting and important than the research?
“I think taking a break would help you focus more when you come back to it,” Randle said. “I think doing something different will give you better ideas.”
“You really think so?”
“Yes,” Randle nodded.
“And we both want to do something fun.” 5K stated. 
“So what were you wanting to do?”
“Out-of-town Luis’s.” Randle said. “I know you’ve never been into the scene, but you’ve got to admit, he throws a good party.”
They wanted to go all the way out of town to a party. Granted, Luis “out-of-town” was the closest place anyone here could find a house party. Hell, the closest Walmart was thirty minutes out, so Luis’s was marked pretty high on an activity list.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Kalrick questioned. “There’s going to be drugs there.”
“I know how to take care of myself.” 5K said. “I hang with the right- the right people.”
“You don’t have to say yes,” Randle said. “But if you don’t go, we still kind of want to have fun.”
Kalrick paused, considering his options. The party was doubtful to be more interesting than research. But this was all given to him so fast, he wasn’t sure what else to do.
“Uh, ok.” He accepted. “What time do we leave?”
“It starts at 7, so we should leave around 6 to be safe. I’m probably going to get ready sooner.”
“I don’t get ready,” 5K chimed. “I just go as is.”
“Yeah, I can tell.”
Kalrick wasn’t sure what he would do now. In the past he probably would have put some effort into his appearance, but now he was uncertain if it really mattered. It couldn’t hurt to try a little. After all, this would be the first time going out as himself in a long time.
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Love To Hate Me
KDA as Blackpink
Ahri as Rosé Akali as Lisa Evelynn as Jennie Kai'sa as Jisoo Ahri and Akali All
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Love l- l- love l- l- love
How you love to hate me
Kinda sad that you always been like that
See me making waves and you don’t like that
Driving through your puddles goin’ splish splash
(splish splash splish splash)
Stressing over nothing baby relax
While you gettin’ angry Imma kick back
Only thing I think about is big stacks
(racks racks)
Negative days negative nights
Baby you’re wasting all your time
I can’t relate I keep it light
No no no drama in my life
Wake up yeah
Makeup maybe
I need you nah
I been good lately
Blowin’ up
Workin’ busy
You ain’t worth my love
If you only love to hate me
Love l- l- love l- l- love
How you love to hate me
Love l- l- love l- l- love
You ain’t worth my love if you only love to hate me
Imma let you fade into the background
Baby all my shows are gettin’ too loud
Keep on turnin’ it up when you want me down
Negative days negative nights
Baby you’re wasting all your time
I can’t relate I keep light
No no no drama in my life
Wake up yeah
Makeup maybe
I need you nah
I been good lately
Blowin’ up
Workin’ busy
You ain’t worth my love
If you only love to hate me
Love l- l- love l- l- love
How you love to hate me
Love l- l- love l- l- love
You ain’t worth my love if you only love to hate me
Love to hate me, you hate to love me
I’m takin back what you’ve taken from me
You’re mistaken honey, this something that
Remind me why I be alone, on my own
If I needed you I’d have you, that I know…. Hold up
I could do bad by myself, don’t need help
One of a kind, the hand that I was dealt, like oh well
Felt …. Cupid was stupid, I should have knew it
Cause I been through it, you wouldn’t do it if it ain’t foolish, stupid
You ain’t worth my love
If you only love to hate me
Love l- l- love l- l- love
How you love to hate me
Love l- l- love l- l- love
You ain’t worth my love if you only love to hate me
Love l- l- love l- l- love
How you love to hate me
Love l- l- love l- l- love
You ain’t worth my love if you only love to hate me
0 notes
sheavoid · 11 months
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anonymous asked: what if random hcs about kai'sa and kassadad (even the what if scenario they'd meet again)
Here I am, right now and on my knees, begging for Riot to give us that Kai’sa and Kassadin content they got hidden in their vault, even if that content is just a single crumb like an official artwork where they’re standing next to each other in the background, pixilated and all. Like, the two of them are aware of each other’s existence—doubtful a reunion between them would be a happy one, which I don’t mind because I am a sucker for angst; it’s been a decade after all and they both changed immensely.
I can imagine Kai’sa trying to reach out to him first, but he would probably lash out at her as his first response. The anger is palpable, difficult to get through her father where she is unable to convince him that she is his daughter. Maybe he knows, maybe he doesn’t, denial can be a relief to those who don’t want to accept the truth, and deep within Kassadin’s mind, he doesn’t want to accept his daughter has changed where he blames himself because he wasn’t there to protect her when the Void decimated their home.
So...yeah, there's no happy reunion between them. They would go on their separate ways, or in Kai'sa's case, she runs because she doesn't want to fight her father but there's an instinct telling her to attack. I can still see her coming back from time to time, maybe not upfront but hiding in the shadows where she can keep an eye for him to make sure he is safe.
BUT...in a happier scenario, like the KDA verse…their relationship is better, yet, still far from the best one. We do see that Kassadin is busy with work and is often neglectful. I don’t imagine Kai’sa being resentful for her father’s busy life, but there’s still a part of her that is bitter about how absent he is and being surrounded by peers whose parents are there for their children despite their equally busy lives. Though, I imagine their relationship would start to improve once Kai’sa joins KDA where she becomes more confident in herself to express her emotions where that would lead to a much needed conversation with Kassadin. After that, Kassadin would make sure to attend every KDA concert whenever the band is in town; he’s definitely the biggest Kai’sa fan.
It’s the same with the Star Guardian verse too, Kassadin being busy with work and not knowing his daughter is a magical superhero fighting crime. I guess risking your own life to protect others is better than coming back to an empty home.
Thanks for the ask! It was nice to answer this.
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yuni-or-zerou · 1 year
The Final Pact Introduction
Author Number 1: Yuni or Zerou 
Hi, meh name ish Yuni or Zerou. Here ish a little bit about meh I am 17, Gay nd more Fem than masc. but I do work out cuz u got to stay fit. I love Editing ( I am really good at it) Writing, doing make-up, reading, gaming nd some other stuff. I Stan a lot of K-pop groups but my alt groups are Txt, Skz nd Ateez. Meh, alt bias is Taehyun from txt. My favorite colors are Light Blue, Green, Red, Orange, Black nd Pink. I am always here to help others I love to spread kindness nd love, making friends. Feel free to dm/pm meh personal account if you ever want to. It is one of the people that we are following you will know ish meh meh user lolz. There's more about meh in meh bio there nd I am kinda an indecisive person. There ish a lot more but I don't want to rattle too long nd keep ya from the story nd other stuff love ya Hun <3
Author Number 2: Ari 
(Will add later she is really busy lately)
 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓉𝑒𝓇'𝓈 :
☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Han Jisung —— —͙ – -˚ ·* ˚ ✦
Name: Han Jisung
Pronouns: he, himself, they, them, it, and itself
Nicknames: Gay Bitch, Pumpkin, and Angel Boy
Age/Birthday: 17 (almost 18) and September 14th, 2005 (It's not his real year.)
Sexuality: gay but not out of the closet yet
Likes: Bright Green, Queen, KDA, Twice, Rapping, Reading, BLS, and Animals
dislikes: loud noses, small spaces, weird things, and negativity
More info: He is a junior and has bipolar depression, anxiety, and insomnia. He is a very misunderstood boy at school. He calls his parents Mr. and Mrs. Jisung unless he is speaking to them directly. When he says Mom and Dad, he is most likely speaking of Arabella-Izzy's parents, for they treat him as if he were their son and equally as their daughter.
Personality: He is super smart, kind, understanding, cares for others, and tries to help others because he knows how it feels to struggle, considering how bad it was with his real parents. He is loyal, sometimes sassy, very blunt, and confident, unless his bipolar gets in the way. Of course, he is a very loveable, cute, shy, and submissive little boy.
☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Lee Minho —— —͙ – -˚ ·* ˚ ✦
Name: Lee Minho
Nicknames: Sparkle Boy, and Luna
Pronouns: He, Him, them, theirs, and themselves
Age/Birthday: 18 and October 25th, 2004 (It's not his real year.)
Sexuality: bisexual but prefers men; he has been out of the closet since he was 13.
Likes: red and black, video games, partying, art, fashion, and trading card games.
Dislikes: rudeness and small spaces
More info: He is really smart but doesn't try hard. Everyone calls him Luna because of how much he admires the moon. A very good video gamer, especially at league, his favorite trading card game is Yu-Gi-Oh. His favorite movie is Beetlejuice, and his favorite show is The Next Prince. Everyone knows this, but he is rich, and we know he is not a snotty one; he is a really kind and charming type of rich boy. Of course he is popular and everyone loves him, but he is not a bad boy at all. There is no breaking him. His motto is "Don't stand stall, but don't break, because breaking gets you nowhere in life."
Personality: He is somewhat smart, loving, caring, very protective, charming, and loveable. He doesn't care what others say behind his back. Everyone's opinion is irrelevant to him unless it is good, understandable, or has an impact on him. The type of guy to spoil you with gifts, tease you, and make you his little pet. He is most definitely super dominant.
☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Mizuki Minho—— —͙ – -˚ ·* ˚ ✦
Name: Mizuki Minho
Pronouns: she, her, hers, herself
Age/Birthday: 22 and August 36th, 2000
Sexuality: pansexual and poly
Likes: pink, heels, fashion, hair, reading, dancing, and shopping
Dislikes: being controlled, hateful comments, and being touched.
More info: She is pretty chill and has really bad experience with relationships. People used to bully and abuse each other in middle school and all throughout high school. She has her own makeup company and owns a hair salon. Another thing is that she only accepts the arranged marriage with Han because the Jisung's have everyone convinced they want to help their son become successful.
Personality: She is pretty, calm, energetic, hardworking, trustworthy, dedicated, and carefree. The type of girl to style and design things for you. That one friend who has to check up on everyone and make sure she doesn't need to kill anyone yet
☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Arabella -Izzy Hwang —— —͙ – -˚ ·* ˚ ✦
Name: Arabella-Izzy Hwang
Pronouns: she, they, them, it, it's,, their, and itself
Age/Birthday: 17 and June 13th, 2005
Sexuality: Lesbian; she is a stud
Likes: purple and blue, weed, monsters, cherry blossoms
Dislikes: weird things and negativity
More info: It has bipolar disorder, depression, and anxiety. It's also very protective of her family. Han has been like a big brother to them since they were five and six. Definitely, a pothead loves to smoke weed because it helps calm her body down so she can focus more on things. A very strong compassion for becoming a teacher because they love kids.
Personality: It is kind and caring and loves taking care of kids. It is also really good with kids. The kind of person who works hard to achieve her goals and never gives up on them, no matter what challenges she may face on her journey,
𝙎𝙞𝙙𝙚 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙧'𝙨
☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Mrs. Jisung —— —͙ – -˚ ·* ˚ ✦
Name: Mrs. Jisung
Pronouns: she, her, hers, herself
☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Mr. Jisung —— —͙ – -˚ ·* ˚ ✦
Name: Mr. Jisung
Pronouns: he, him, his, himself
Mrs. Hwang (Mom)—— —͙ – -˚ ·* ˚ ✦
Name: Mom and Mamma
Pronouns: she, her, hers, herself
Mr. Hwang (Dad)—— —͙ – -˚ ·* ˚ ✦
Names: Dad and Father
Pronouns: he, him, his, himself
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behrendninja · 3 years
"The Move"
Akali sits in a room, alone. The shelves are emptying up, the walls are stripped, and caulk is all over. She looks around before realizing that her time in the room is coming to a close.
Looking at her phone, everyone has been busy lately. Ahri is back to working on Foxy cosmetics, Kai'sa has gone to London for a bit, Sera went back to Shanghai, and Eve is at Los Angeles for a few secret projects. Something about hacking.
Looking around, she sees emptiness. She sees all of her fears coming true. No one to talk to and nothing to really say to them. Akali feels like she is a bother or she is just being a nuisance. That there wasn't a point or place for her after she became a part of KDA.
She remembers her past, the many times Mayym mistreated and abused her. The physical, mental, and emotional scars that were left in her time in Japan. Akali never wanted to go back to that awful place. Then... Eve heard her... it was a night she can't forget. Akali didn't know about Evelynn being at an underground rap battle.
That night, Akali rapped one of her favorite raps of all time. It was to the beat of "Ready or Not" by the Fugees. She flew by with three different languages and made sure her opponent was obliterated by her words. However, the guy tried to attack her afterwards and Akali used her fighting skills to defend against him. When he randomly grabbed a person from the crowd, Akali backed off...
... then... lashers appeared... and his screams were the last she heard of him. The woman revealed herself and her magenta hair made it clear she was Evelynn. Who HASN'T heard of that diva. Akali is a big fan of hers... but what brings her here? She walks over and stops in front of Akali.
"Darling, if this is normal, I can't let you do this anymore."
"Trust me, this is NOT normal..."
Silence fell for a moment. Then, Evelynn decides to break the ice.
"Here's the deal. Ahri and I are starting a K-Pop group and we are looking for a rapper..."
Akali looks surprised before figuring out why Evelynn was here.
"... you want me to join?"
"At first, it was just Ahri. I wanted someone with more experience in this business... but watching you tonight? I now understand why she wants you. You DEMAND attention and presence through your lyrics and energy. Audiences will eat that. By the way, what you have isn't taught... it's earned through hardship and though real life emotions. You are special and I refuse to let you go. However, I understand if you don't want to do this. I'll leave it up to you. Get in my car now and I will make sure you become the best rapper alive. Period. Your voice will be the first thing people hear. Your energy. Leave without me, and this is what will remain... your choice, I'm going home."
Akali waited for a moment before joining Evelynn in her car. As Akali closes the door, Evelynn looks at her. She sees Akali's hurt eyes and old scars on her arms. She sees someone slightly malnourished and exhausted. Was she living a rough life before this?
"I will go under three conditions."
Evelynn refocused herself to the conversation as Akali continued.
"First, I don't want to live by myself anymore. I'm afraid something might happen to me if I do. Second, I want to learn how to produce. If I am going to be the best rapper alive, that is a skill I want and need to know. Finally, I would like to not talk about my past for now. There are too many loose ends to talk about and I would rather they just stay in the past."
"All agreed on. Now, let's get you to your new home. Everyone is waiting..."
Akali comes back to the present. Her black and blonde hair cover part of her face as she smiles. Evelynn and Ahri helped give her this life while Kai'sa believed in her and even learned from her. It was those girls who made her today's Akali. She was grateful and happy for that. A house to call her own, loved ones, fans who adore her, and something special... the act of loving herself...
Akali hears a notification going 'Don't you trust me?' and looks at her phone.
Ahri: Hey, I picked up the rest from the airport and are coming to help you finish packing. Ready for the big move?
Akali: ... wouldn't have it any other way... see you soon!
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