#kei x maiko
sleepyzukka · 3 months
omg more atla textposts?? after all this time?? crazy.
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bring-mai-flowers · 7 months
I love Dante Basco so much but that man is Maiko nation Public Enemy #1 fr
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king-bumis-armpit · 4 months
Hey! If you are still looking for maiko prompts.
You could write a sour zuko finding out that Mai and kei lo broke up. I like imagining ways for him to find out and what his reaction would be.
And I’m always a fan of stories where Mai runs away when zuko is banished, or try to smuggle herself into his ship.
Anyway, have fun!
Put a Ring on It
Part 2 is out now: read it here.
Summary: Kei Lo buys an engagement ring. Zuko freaks out. 
“I’m thinking something gold and traditional.” Good, Zuko thought bitterly. At least Mai will hate it. He had well and truly lost her. He had lost her to another man.
Author’s Note: This idea was given to me by a lovely anon! If you have any Maiko fic ideas that you want me to write, send them my way! And thank you, if you already have <3
Gene Luen Yang wants me to believe it took Mai and Zuko 3 years to get back together. Ha! I spit in your face, good sir. This fic will do it in one! (I’m kidding, I’m kidding… mostly. I hate the comics but I’m sure Gene’s a decent fellow.)
This fic takes place 8 months after the events of Smoke and Shadow, vol 3. It’s canon compliant up to that point, and canon compliant with Korra, but I know nothing about the comics that chronologically happen in between so it might contradict those. For the purpose of this fanfiction, marriage proposals in the Fire Nation are the same as modern proposals with an engagement ring. 
Also! Happy (late) Mother’s Day to all the moms out there! You’re the best!!
Zuko made his way quickly through the rain, hood pulled tight over his head. He was out with only a few plainclothes guards today, hoping to maintain some anonymity. It was only a week until the Feast of the Mother of Faces, and Zuko had yet to find a suitable gift for his own mom. He wanted to get her something especially nice since they had been apart for so many years. He was pretty sure his last gift to her was a macaroni necklace, and figured he had to at least up his game from that.
His uncle had given him some recommendations of places to shop, and the first of which was a small but well-known jewelry store in the Caldera. As he slipped inside, he noted that the place was nearly empty except for the store clerk. His guards would be watching the door from a tavern across the street, and were instructed not to check in unless he spent over an hour in the building.
The spectacled shopkeeper looked up at his arrival, “Can I help you find anything, sir?”
“I don’t think so?” Zuko replied. “I’m just browsing for a Feast of the Mother gift.”
“Ah,” the man nodded in understanding. He gestured to the wall to Zuko’s right. “We have a lovely selection of necklaces and pendants that might be suitable. Prices are listed on the tags. Let me know if you have any questions or if you would like me to remove any items from the case.”
Zuko smiled and gave the man a slight bow. This was shaping up to be easier than he expected. He looked through the glass at the different options. He noticed some that were similar to pieces he recognized from his childhood. There was one in particular, a gaudy and ruby-encrusted flame, the size of his fist, that reminded him of something his father would buy. Best to stay away from those. There were some cloth chokers, similar to one that Katara occasionally wore when she was in the fire nation. He wasn’t quite sure they would be his mother’s style, but perhaps he should send a memo to Aang. (For a monk, who swore off material things, that kid sure bought a lot of gifts for his girlfriend. The thought made Zuko smile.) 
Then, he caught sight of a delicate silver chain. Most women in the Fire Nation preferred gold, but Zuko knew one woman who hadn’t. 
— —
“Silver matches my knives, Zuko. The aesthetic of it all is very important to me.”
Zuko snorted. They had decided to explore the numerous palace basements, and had come across one of the many treasuries, nearly all of it gold. Mai had immediately protested the lack of her favorite metal.
“Well gold is the emblematic color of our nation, so most of the royal jewelry is gold. You’re going to have to get used to it eventually.” Zuko blushed when he realized the implication of his words.
“Oh? Why is that?” Mai asked, fixing him with a satisfied smirk. 
His cheeks were burning, but he decided to play it cool. “I plan to put a golden crown on your head one day… if that’s alright with you.”
Mai kissed his cheek, and then his nose, and then his lips. “I think that’ll be alright. One day. But I really would prefer silver.” 
He cupped her cheek with his palm and guided her in for another kiss. That was the last room they managed to explore that day.
— — 
And even though they were no longer together, Zuko thought about her more than he cared to admit. He leaned in to examine the silver chain. It carried a small charm, about the size of his thumbnail. The charm itself was also silver, fashioned into the shape of a plum blossom. A wine colored garnet– again, a favorite of Mai’s–  was nestled in the center of the flower. Zuko felt his heart seize. It was perfect, but not for the person he was supposed to be shopping for. 
He contemplated buying it anyway. Maybe he could stop by Mura’s after this and place an order for a bouquet. Surely his mom would want flowers. And if Mai was there, he could give her the necklace. What’s a gift between friends? 
The sound of the door opening broke his reverie. The rain had gotten heavier since he entered the shop, and the new customer had practically flung himself into the building, allowing the door to slam behind him. 
The shopkeeper seemed slightly irritated by this noisy appearance, but nonetheless asked him the question he had asked Zuko. “Can I help you find anything, sir?”
The man removed his hood, and Zuko felt his muscles turn to ice. It was Kei Lo.
“Oh yes please!” He gave a good natured smile, all cheerfulness and boyish charm as he swaggered up to the counter. The universe was taunting Zuko. Of course he couldn’t buy a ridiculously expensive present for Mai. She had a boyfriend. She had made that quite clear when he last saw her eight months ago.
“What are you looking for?” the man asked, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
Zuko noticed how Kei Lo shuffled, seeming nervous. “I– I’m here to buy an engagement ring.”
Zuko was going to be sick. He was going to throw up. Right on the floor. Right in front of the store clerk. And right in front of Mai’s soon-to-be-fiance.
“Congratulations!” The storekeeper seemed to have fully gotten over irritation and beamed from ear to ear.
“Thanks!” Kei Lo said sheepishly. “I haven’t asked her yet, but we’ve talked about it before so I’m confident she’ll say yes.”
Zuko took several deep breaths and forced himself to quietly turn and face the display case once again. Kei Lo obviously hadn’t noticed him yet, and he knew that any interaction between them would be a disaster.
“Have you discussed ring preferences?” the older man asked.
“No, but I’m thinking something gold and traditional.” Good, Zuko thought bitterly. At least Mai will hate it. 
As the two walked over to the ring cases and discussed the pieces, Zuko’s thoughts began to spiral. How had this happened? He had well and truly lost her. Mai, his soulmate, his best friend, his plum blossom. He had lost her to another man. Except…
Except he hadn’t yet! Kei Lo hadn’t asked her yet. He could buy his own engagement ring from a different shop and ask her right now! Or he could run there and ask her without one. 
“Prince Zuko!” He heard his Uncle’s voice in his head, echoing the wisdom of the past. “You never think these things through! You had no plan! You could have died!” Then he said something about ice and chasing the avatar. The exact words were hazy, but the sentiment was clear. He was too impulsive. 
He needed to wait and collect more information. Then he could form a plan and– and then what? If Mai wanted to marry Kei Lo, then he knew he had to support her. He wanted her to be happy more than he wanted his own happiness. But when he spoke to her in the Dragonbone Catacombs she herself admitted that she didn’t like Kei Lo as much as she had liked him. He cursed himself. He had driven her away and broken her heart twice! Now she was scared to trust him. But if he could just convince her to give him one more chance, he could fix it. He had learned how painful it was to live without her, and he would not repeat his mistakes.
His heart ached to imagine Mai in a wedding dress at someone else’s side. Even as a kid, when he pictured his wedding, he pictured Mai as the bride.
— — 
“Mom! Mom! Mom!” Little Azula tugged at their mother’s sleeve. “My friend Mai is here and we want to play a game with Zuko! Please! Ty Lee is sick, so we need another person.” Zuko rolled his eyes. He considered Mai to be a shared friend since they all used to play together at Ember Island, but lately Azula had been calling her “my friend Mai.” It made him angry and he didn’t know why.
Ursa patted her daughter’s head. “I think that’s a great idea. What do you think, Zuko?”
He crossed his arms. He remembered what happened last week with the apple. But if Ty Lee was sick then Mai was alone with Azula. What if his sister was teasing her? Or telling her lies about him? He needed to intervene. “Sure. I would love to play with you Azula.” His tone of voice did not match his words, but his sister didn’t care.
“Good!” Azula grabbed his hand and marched him into the fountain garden. Zuko knew that this couldn’t possibly end well.
Mai was sitting under a tree, twirling a knife. She looked up at their approach and raised an eyebrow, “I thought you went to get mochi.”
Azula shrugged. “I changed my mind. I want to play a game.”
Mai looked at Zuko with great trepidation. He couldn’t blame her. Last time Azula said those words, he had tackled her.
“No firebending this time, Azula,” he ordered.
“Of course not,” Azula agreed. “We’re going to play wedding. I’ll be the officiant and you two will be the couple.”
It took all of Zuko’s discipline to not stare at Mai and search her face for a reaction. He heard her sigh, and he felt his stomach drop.
“Well,” Azula prompted. “Come here.” She made Mai and Zuko stand facing each other while she launched into a monologue about the rich culture of the Fire Nation. She went on for a while and Zuko was so bored that he almost forgot to be embarrassed. When Azula wasn’t looking, he noticed Mai yawning. He bit his lip to keep from laughing. “And naturally,” Azula carried on. “Fire bending comes from the breath. In order to symbolize the joining of flames, the couple will now share a breath and share a kiss.” She looked at them expectantly.
“Azula, I don’t think we should do this,” Zuko protested.
His sister smirked. “Why not? You don’t want to kiss Mai? She’s not pretty enough for you?”
Zuko saw red. “Mai is really pretty! You take that back right now!”
“If she’s so pretty, then kiss her!”
Mai cleared her throat. Pink dusted her cheeks, but aside from that her expression remained neutral, “Can’t we just pretend?”
“What do you mean?” Azula asked. 
Mai shrugged. “Like this.” She leaned slightly closer to Zuko and kissed the air. 
“That looks ridiculous,” Azula said.
“That’s weird. I thought you said you were better than Ty Lee at everything.” Mai’s words made no sense to Zuko, and apparently they made no sense to Azula either.
“Well yes, but I don’t see what that has to do with anything.”
Mai smirked, “I bet Ty Lee would be able to pretend. She’s more creative and she has a better imagination.”
Azula was irate. Zuko knew first hand that people were not allowed to be better than her at anything. “I have an idea,” she replied. Zuko shuddered, that was Azula’s scary voice. “Next time, Ty Lee can be the bride. I bet Zuko would kiss her.”
For once, Mai’s facade cracked. Her face scrunched up and Zuko was afraid she was going to cry. “No!” Zuko cut in. “I don’t want to play this game with Ty Lee.” Azula huffed, but Mai looked up at him hopefully. He took her hands and kissed the air like she had. “I now pronounce us husband and wife.”
“Hey!” Azula pinched his shoulder. “That’s my line.”
Thankfully he was spared a confrontation by the arrival of his mother. “Zuko! Azula! It’s time for dinner.” She caught sight of Zuko and Mai’s clasped hands and smiled. “You’re welcome to stay too, Mai. I can send a servant to your mother to let her know.”
Mai politely declined, and Zuko was sad to see her go. That night, he thought for the first time about what his wedding might be like. He imagined hands entwined with own, slightly colder than his. They were soft except for the side of her index finger and thumb where she gripped her knives.
— —
Zuko caught himself staring at his own hands, and tried to shake off the memory. Since that day, he couldn’t help but picture Mai as his bride. It was almost involuntary. But if she had truly grown to love Kei Lo, then he would have to get over it. His mouth tasted like ash.
Zuko pulled his hood down, to the point where it hung in his face obnoxiously, and he walked over to a display case of bracelets that was closer to the rings. He tried to appear nonchalant as he looked over the merchandise, but he listened to the other two men intently.
Kei Lo was in the middle of speaking. “I walked into her shop one day on a whim. She was so beautiful. I asked her out on the spot and the rest is history.”
The older man smiled. “How lovely! I met my husband at work as well. He came in to buy a gift for his grandmother and he kept coming back. Eventually, I asked him out because I was worried he would bankrupt himself spending so much money here.”
Kei Lo laughed. “Wait, he bought something every time he came in?”
“Yes,” the shopkeeper shook his head. “I think he felt guilty for wasting my time. But we’ve been together for thirty years at this point and I don’t consider any of them wasted.”
“Wow! My girl and I have only been together for seven months.” Kei Lo replied. Zuko huffed. That was wrong. He and Mai had been dating for nine months at least according to what he learned from Ty Lee. Kei Lo really should know that.
“What’s her name?” the shopkeeper asked. Zuko shuffled close still, pretending to admire the bracelets in the sale section. Unlike the others that were behind glass, these hung from artful stands. He allowed his fingers to graze a band of beaded obsidian.
“Her name is Machi,” Kei Lo answered.
Zuko spun around, but his sleeve had caught on the stand and the entire thing toppled over, making a terrible noise and scattering bracelets across the floor.
“I– I– I’m so sorry,” Zuko’s face burned hotter than the sun. 
Kei Lo looked at him stunned. “Zuko?”
The shopkeeper’s eyes went wide. With the scar and the name, he put it together. “Fire Lord!” He bowed at the waist, and– for a moment– Zuko was worried the man would lose his glasses. “My deepest apologies. Had I known it was you I would have helped you pick something out for your venerable mother–”
“It’s okay! It’s okay!” Zuko reassured him and the older man rose from his bow. “I’m sorry. I knocked over your display stand and the bracelets–” Zuko righted the stand and began to gather the fallen items, but the shopkeeper would not have it.
“Oh no!” He rushed over to help. “You do not need to clean my shop, Lord Zuko. Thanks to you, my husband and I were finally married under the law.” 
Zuko smiled, “I’m glad. But still, let me help you. It was my fault after all.”
Kei Lo clapped a hand on the shopkeeper’s back. “I’ll help too.” 
The three of them quickly subdued the mess. The shopkeeper noticed a few damaged pieces which he took to his back room for repairs. Zuko made a note to send the man compensation. 
While the store owner was removing and cataloging the damaged pieces, Zuko and Kei Lo were left alone. Kei Lo broke the silence. “So… How’s Mai?”
“I don’t know,” Zuko answered honestly, and the awkward silence descended once more.
Zuko felt relief course through his body. After making a fool out of himself, he could finally take it in. Mai and Kei Lo had broken up. Kei Lo was engaged to someone else. Kei Lo thought that Zuko and Mai were talking.
The first part was wonderful news. Zuko felt it was safe to assume that Mai had dumped Kei Lo. When he released Kei Lo from the prison, the man had made it abundantly clear that he was with Mai to stay. Besides, the thought of Mai sending him on his way made Zuko very, very happy. The only potential concern was that the breakup had happened a long time ago, at least seven months. And, in all that time, Mai had made no effort to see him. For all he knew, she could be with someone else too.
“Umm…” Zuko did not know a subtle way to ask what he wanted to know. “Have you heard if Mai is with anyone right now?”
Kei Lo shook his head. “To be honest, I’m surprised she’s not back with you. She was normally so… neutral, I guess. You know how she is. But when she talked about you, a light would enter her eyes. She would go on and on…”
Zuko felt a spark in his chest. “Really?” He could hear the pathetic hope in his own voice. “She seemed so hesitant to trust me again. I thought she hated my guts.”
“No,” Kei Lo smiled wistfully. “I take it you don’t know how we broke up.”
“To be honest, I thought you were proposing to her.”
Kei Lo let out a raucous laugh. “HA! Agni, that’s why you bumped into the bracelet stand. Were you spying on us?”
Zuko laughed along sheepishly. “Kind of. I really did come here to get something for my mom, but when I heard your request… Part of me wanted to run to Mai right then and make a grand declaration.”
“I would have paid to see that. Front page news: The Fire Lord’s Shocking Proposal.”
“Yeah,” Zuko rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s a good thing I didn’t.”
“Well, I was going to say that after all the stuff with the Safe Nation Society, Mai and I had a talk. I told her that if we were going to keep dating, I needed to know that she was over you. She has this one portrait of the two of you, and she keeps it in her dresser. I told her to get rid of it or I was gone. She made her choice.”
Zuko remembered that painting. He had one very similar to it in his own room that he kept on his desk. His was in ink and hers was in color. 
And then he remembered that he should probably express some sympathy for Kei Lo. “It seems like it all worked out for you in the end though. I wish you and Machi the best.”
Kei Lo nodded. “Thank you. I’m so glad I found her. I was really upset when Mai and I broke up, but it all seems so trivial now. For what it’s worth, I think you should reach out to Mai. See if she still has that painting.”
“I think you’re right.” The two men shook hands. If Zuko had learned anything from this experience, it was that he didn’t want to wait anymore and risk Mai moving on completely. He needed to find her and apologize and beg for her to come back. 
When the store owner returned, Zuko purchased the plum blossom necklace.
Endnotes: I’m open to writing a part two where Zuko gives Mai the necklace if people would be interested. (I mean, I might anyway even if you all aren’t, lol.) But I wanted to get this out close to Mother’s Day since I made up the Fire Nation version of Mother’s Day for this fic. And, a big HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to all the moms!!!
Also, I couldn’t get into it in the story, but Kei Lo is that guy who falls for his barista, right? He went on like one date with Mai and then decided she was his reason for living. So I thought it would be hilarious if that’s how he met his next girlfriend! And then he could ambiguously say that he met her at the shop where she works which is also how he met Mai. Anyway, it was a funny head canon that made me laugh.
Thank you again to the anon who suggested this! I hope I didn’t make it too silly. I love putting our dramatic boy in ridiculous situations. Also, I plan on writing your other idea as well at some point, but this one demanded to be written immediately <3
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thegaybluejay · 6 months
Just for fun, here are my rapid fire rambling thoughts on the ATLA ships and platonic dynamics hehe (please don’t go full ship wars tho - these are just my opinions as a chill multishipper!)
My Favorite Ships:
• Zukka - My current brainrot and main ship!! I know they aren’t canon but I really love them and their potential okay😭I just feel like their personalities would work so well! Sokka would call Zuko on his shit and Zuko would be good at grounding Sokka when he needs it. Plus I have seen some absolutely breathtaking AUs with this ship! And fire-and-ice vibes except gay! Them <3
• Kataang - Cutiessss!! I love them! They may not be the ship I think about most often, but when I do think about them, they’re adorable! Aang is such a “my wife” guy and Katara absolutely adores him back! Also the last airbender x last southern waterbender dynamic goes HARD! I like that these two are canon!
• Yuetara - Listen I know they barely interacted but THEY’VE ACTUALLY GROWN ON ME SO MUCH LATELY AND I VERY HIGH KEY SHIP THEM! Something about like, Katara thinking about Yue when she bends is so😭Their story would be heartbreaking in the best way!! Sapphic noncanon blorbos <3
• Mailee - These two are SO cute and have so much potential rahhh!! Again, love some noncanon sapphics <3
• Batkoda - Super SUPER cute and silly and fun! The dads fr <3 Bato is either Katara and Sokka’s adopted uncle or their stepdad and I love it for them hehe! This usually pairs well with a “Hakoda adopts Zuko” AU lmao!
Other Canon/Relatively Popular Ships:
• Zutara - A good ship! I see the potential and tbh it’s very very fun to think about sometimes!!! However, some of y’all toxic Zutara stans need to leave my boy Aang alone lmao. Those who are chill tho, I rock with y’all!! Overall, I’m not opposed if it’s done well and I do sometimes seek out Zutara content! I personally do prefer writing them as found siblings tho, especially with the Azula and Katara parallels!!
• Sukka - Canon cuties!! I really like them! Suki my BELOVED <3 She’s so underrated!
• Yukka - Also canon cuties! They make me sad tho ahhhhh😭😭😭
• Maiko - Also ALSO canon cuties!! They have an interesting dynamic that I can really appreciate! And gotta love Mai <3
• Jinko - Jin my beloved! These two had a super cute dynamic during the one episode they had together lmaoooo, tho I don’t think about this ship too too often.
• Tokka - I don’t mind it if it’s them getting together as adults! But tbh I personally don’t prefer shipping them as teens and I think Toph’s crush was just a typical young girl crush on someone slightly older lol. Definitely not horrible and most Tokka shippers are relatively chill! I like to think Sokka sees Toph as a little sister tho.
Now For Some Of The Crackship-y/Less Popular Ships (based on ships I’ve actually seen):
• Zukki (Zuko/Sokka/Suki) - Power throuple fr and I love some polyamory!! While I mostly lean plain Zukka, this is extremely fun to think about and would be a great dynamic!
• Mai/Ty Lee/Suki - Saw this in a Zukka fic once and it was adorableeeeee! I may not have plans to actively write this or anything, but it’s cute! Another power throuple!
• Jetko - I don’t think they would be compatible long term, but by god they are very very fun to think about in a “Jet flirts with Zuko and Zuko is completely oblivious and they share one kiss before everything goes to shit” way lmao!
• Taang - I can respect it!! I will always love them as chaos siblings personally, but it’s a totally valid and chill ship!
• Katoph - Not a bad ship at all! I’ve only come across like one post tho lmao. Also I do think I heavily prefer them as found sisters, but that’s just me personally! Again, totally a valid and chill ship!
• Azutara - I’m very neutral on this lmao. I don’t despise it at all and it could be pretty interesting?? But tbh really not something I plan to seek out.
• Azulaang - I mean?? I’m also pretty neutral on this one. Aang would be kind to her if she was trying to get help but…idk lmao.
• Tyzula - I see the potential, but I personally think Mai and Ty Lee had a healthier and more interesting and more realistic dynamic. Just my preference tho!
(I think I just want Azula to be in therapy before I reallyyyyy ship her lmao, but NOT THE KIND OF “THERAPY” SHE WAS GIVEN IN THE COMICS)
• Zukaang - I don’t love this as a ship honestly. The canon age gap as teens is sketchy for my personal taste, tho I’ve seen people ship them in “Aang was 16 when he got frozen” AUs and that’s…better and I can get behind it a little! It would be interesting! But I think Roku being Zuko’s great-grandpa just still throws me off of this ship. I don’t have any beef with the shippers tho! I’m very “live and let live” and I have seen so much worse lol.
Can’t Forget My Fav Platonic Dynamics!
• Sokka and Aang - Two found brothers who share one idiot braincell when they interact LMAO! Love them always <3
• Sokka and Katara - The siblings ever!!
• Zuko and Aang - Enemies to found brothers!! Canon besties! I love their friendship and their parallels SO MUCH!!
• Toph and Katara - Absolutely ADORABLE as found sisters!!!! Love them!
• Zuko and Katara - I really like their development in a platonic sense and I think they’re very very fun and lovely found siblings by the end!!!! Zuko is 100% the brother that just “yeah my sister can and will whoop your ass” LMAO!
• Zuko and Toph - Also very found siblings in my head!! Only have a handful of solo interactions in canon but I DON’T CARE! I WILL FOUND FAMILY THEM ANYWAY! I’m a “Toph seeks out Zuko for sibling hugs/cuddles when she’s cold because he’s basically a space heater” truther.
• Uncle Iroh and the Gaang - Zuko needs to learn to share because that is ALL OF THEIR Uncle!!!
• Hakoda and Zuko - I thrive in this section of the fandom!! They have exactly one (1) frame together in canon, but I ADORE Dadkoda adopting Zuko! Something about it is just so wholesome and cute!!! My very very fav ATLA fics are this trope!!#LetHakodaBitchSlapOzaiAndAdoptZuko2024
• Uncle Iroh and Zuko - God they make me so ALSNDKSNXNCNSNSNXNX, y’know?
• The Gaang as a whole - Obvious I know, but I really do love them😭They all bonded sm and I adore their little family!! I eat up fanart of the Gaang cuddling like CANDY omg. And yes Suki is included in the Gaang because WHY WOULDN’T SHE BE!
Anyway, thanks for coming to my TedTalk. If you made it to the end, you get a big platonic kiss on the forehead MWAH!
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poettier · 2 years
SQUARESPACE - Everything To Sell Anything (Director's Cut) from Ian Pons Jewell on Vimeo.
Director: Ian Pons Jewell DOP: Mauro Chiarello Producer: Jon Adams Production Designer: Robin Brown Production Designer: Tristan Mur Lead Wardrobe Stylist: Ameena Kara Callender Gimbal Operator: Florian Hatwagner Casting Coordinator/DA: Emm Le Chat Service: Radioaktive x Metro VFX: Black Kite Studios
Service: Radioaktive (UA) Executive Producer: Sasha Bevka Producer: Tanya Sokolova 1st AD: Aleksei Smoliar Production Manager: Yulia Sotnikova Art Director: David Kharaishvili VFX Supervisor: Denis Reva Wardrobe Stylist: Kostia Goncharuk MUA: Dasha Taivas Production Coordinator: Olga Avrahova Production Assistant: Anna Refel Stills Photographer: Artem Nadyozhin DIT: Dmitry Samus 1st AC: Vlad Dobrik Playback Op: Sergey Rupos Service: Metro (GE) Executive Producer: Sandro Gabilaia Head of Production: Maiko Gurabanidze Line Producer: Masho Tevdorashvili Unit Production Manager: Tamar Tvaradze 2nd AD: Sopo Parjiani Production Manager: Tato Pantsulaia Gaffer: Misha Ramishvili Rigging Gaffer: Giorgi Marsagishvili Key Grip: Shalva Leluashvili Production Coordinator: Pikria Kikodze Unit Manager: Merabo Rostomashvili Set Manager: Koka Chkaidze Transportation Manager: Davit Peradze Transportation Coordinator: Davit Maghlakelidze Location Manager: Achi Kevlishvili Location Manager Assistant: Natia Chomakhidze Casting Director: Tina Khizanishvili Casting Assistant: Beka Khachidze Production Assistant: Nini Iashvili Production Assistant: Mariam Gugushvili ProductionAssistant: Irakli Kakabadze Chaperone: Marisha Jincharadze
VFX: Black Kite Studios VFX Supervisor: Adams Croker VFX assist: Guillaume Weiss VFX assist: George Brunt VFX assist: Dan Sanders Colourist: Tom Mangham VFX Supervisor: Denis Reva VFX Producer : Tamara Mennell
Music and sound design Supervising Sound Editor: Lawrence Kendrick Sound Design and Mix: Will Cohen, Lawrence Kendrick, Joe Wilkinson, Jim Stewart, Adam Smyth Music Composition “Everything”: Joe Wilkinson Music Composition “Time": Adam Hare Music Composition “Future": Jim Cornick Audio Producer: Laura-Leigh Smith Music Research: Jon Rust
Talents LA Podcast Host: Michael Delgado Voice Over: Candace Camille Reporter: Nicola Lambo Motivational Speaker: Micah Bijon Talents Spain Doula Guide: Rachel Lascar Mom: Neema Lahon Farmer: José Luis Matienzo Frasquet Boulder Instructor: Roqueta Navarro Xavier Robot: Mireia Ruiz Callado Boat Guide: Aniez Atlas Manicurist: Antony Jaime Perez Pilot Student: Irene Aguilar Plane Instructor: Motokazu Kawamara
Talents UA Writer: Eugeniy Skisov Biker: Maria Jeniffer Writer Assistant: Oles Dmytrenko Talents GE Cafe Girl: Mariam Sanogo Lobby Suit: Salome Chitaia Tarot Reader: Ana Meskhi Cafe Dusk Fan: Ana Gogiashvili Dad: Gigi Loria Chef: Dato Bekoshvili Cafe Guy: Preston Zein Finishing Tutor: Tamar Khurtsilava Wine Man: Tengo Avalishvili Astronaut: David Chokuri Flotation Tank Guy: Ituka Bright Lobby Suit: Vika Kalandia Lobby Suit: Giorgi Chigogidze Lobby Suit: Goga Khapava Lobby Suit: Chy Vic Lobby Suit: Irma Lapiashvili Book Signing Fan: Gegham Book Signing Fan: Ana Taladvanze Book Signing Fan: Nino Gachechiladze Book Signing Fan: Kanji Sakemi Book Signing Fan: Preshels Tudebi Cameraman: Giorgi Shetsiruli Boulder Pusher: Indira Reyes Boulder Pusher: Ana Zubashvili Boulder Pusher: Jack Hubbell Boulder Pusher: Mohamed Keshta Tourist: Milan Lee Tourist: Nuca Dopadze Tourist: Nadejda Tsoi Tourist: Alexander Tsoi Tourist: Shbi Kbngwa Lenel Richy
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5iyoomi · 2 months
> Fire Emblem
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Last Updated: September 8, 2024
Key: Fluff (🩷), Angst (🥀), Suggestive (💋), Smut (🌶️), Timeskip (🕔)
↳ Back To The Main Masterlist
★ = Dark Content/Read Warnings!!
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— General
3H leaders with an overworked s/o [hcs/drabbles] | x gn!Reader
dimitri, edelgard, claude [🩷]
when they see how you've changed [hcs/drabbles] | various fe3h x masc!Reader
dimitri, felix, ashe, sylvain [🩷/🕔]
they react to your new outfit [hcs/drabbles] | various engage x masc!Reader
part 1 — m!alear, alfred, diamant, alcryst, fogado [🌶️]
part 2 — louis, kagetsu, rosado, pandreo [🌶️]
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— Other
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— Tokyo Mirage Sessions
itsuki aoi.
tsubasa oribe.
touma akagi.
kiria kurono.
eleonora yumizuru.
mamori minamoto.
yashiro tsurugi.
maiko shimazaki.
barry goodman.
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— Three Houses
male byleth.
female byleth.
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— Engage
male alear.
female alear.
general nsfw hcs [hcs] | x transfem!Reader - [🌶️]
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— Three Hopes *for main playables, see 3H section*
male shez.
female shez.
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mentsen · 3 months
“One Last Thing” 22-29 June2024.
Featuring artists include Attua Aparicio, Dean Edmonds & Natsumi Sashida, Kelly Fung, Martino Gamper, Gemma Holt, Sarah Jane Holt, Jochen Holz, Max Lamb, Mentsen, Daichiro Shinjo, Kajsa Ståhl, Maki Suzuki, Kei Tominaga, Maiko Tsutsumi and Mizuyo Yamashita
Our hand painted Tova step stool and some trivets were in the exhibition by our dear friend Momo-san, her last show at the location on Wilton Way, Hackney. We will miss the shop but looking forward to see what she is going to do next!!
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Hi, I’m Ross! <3
(I will link my Ao3 account here when I’ll start posting there.)
A little more about me
I’m 19
I’m Italian
I’m a straight demisexual
I dream of being a published fantasy author
My tags
Ross rants — my tag for rants of all sorts
Ross writes — my little drabbles of writing
Ross writing — all the author memes/considerations I’ve ever reposted and commented on
Asks — asks of all sorts
Ross reading — book recs or reviews, fic recs or “advertisement” (I don’t like to call that, but I don’t know how else to say it😭)
Ross’ personal life ig — the tag where things end up in when I’m over sharing about my life
��tgfgwtw4palestine — stands for TheGirlFromGoneWithTheWind4Palestine. Every request for aid by Palestinian families in need of money and all fundraisers are there, if you wish to donate or spread the posts and boost them. I try to always verify if the accounts are shams or not, but if you want to be sure before donating or sharing, it’s at your own discretion. If you find out any of the accounts I’ve shared is a fake, contact me immediately and I will remove it.
Some fandoms I’m part of (I mostly post about ATLA and Marvel tho)
Interview with the vampire
Percy Jackson
Disney classics
Brooklyn 99
Jane Austen verse (mostly Pride and Prejudice)
Mamma Mia, Hamilton, Heathers (yes I’m a theatre kid)
Taylor Swift
And more!
My fav characters
Steve Rogers (MCU)
Bucky Barnes (MCU)
Mai (ATLA)
Zuko (ATLA)
Azula (ATLA)
Lestat de Lioncourt (IWTV)
Elizabeth Bennet (Pride and Prejudice)
Raymond Holt (B99)
Kate Sharma (Bridgerton)
My OTPs/ships I like
Stucky (MCU) {number one OTP of all time, OTP of MCU}
Maiko (ATLA) {number two OTP of all time, OTP of ATLA}
Loustat (IWTV) {number three OTP of all time, OTP of IWTV}
Kataang (ATLA)
Kanthony (Bridgerton) {OTP of Bridgerton}
Rapunzel x Flynn Rider (Disney)
Mulan x Li Shang (Disney)
Percabeth (PJO)
Sokkla (ATLA) {yes it is a crackship. I am a Sukka fan but Sokkla has completely taken over my brain so there it is}
Bonus: Tayvis {I like the couple itself, but I’m not actively shipping them because I do not feel comfortable with shipping real people farther than commenting on how cute they look}
Characters/ships I don’t like
Tony Stark (MCU)
Peggy Carter (MCU)
Kei lo (ATLA)
Steggy (MCU, Steve x Peggy)
Stony (MCU, Steve x Tony)
Zutara (ATLA, Zuko x Katara)
Jinko (ATLA, Jin x Zuko)
Mai Lo (ATLA, Mai x Kei lo)
Any incest ship from any fandom
Please DNI if
You are racist, homophobic, xenophobic, transphobic, promote animal cruelty and genocide, a pedophile, a rapist, a TERF, an Andrew Tate fan, a bully or overall a shitty person
You are under 18. While I do not post overly sexual stuff, I occasionally use colorful language, and advise you to not interact with me if you can’t handle it. If you still choose to visit my profile, it might be at your own risk.
You can’t ignore the difference in taste regarding characters or ships. If you like Tony or Zutara, that I do not like, or any other thing I listed above you are still welcome here, just know that I am not responsible of your contempt if you choose to stick around and end up stumbling upon a negative rant about your favs. If you are conscious to lack the needed restraint, please feel free to block me. I’d rather not have hostility under my posts.
You support genocide. I already said this, but I feel like repeating it is important.
You don’t like Multi fandom blogs
You are a troll of any kind
You don’t like rants/long posts, I tend to write a lot of those
A little warning about my boundaries
Although I try to be polite with everyone I interact with, I do not take any form of disrespect towards my posts, my time or my analysis lightly.
I will not be nice in any way if you are hostile or rude towards me unprovoked, If I don’t like your attitude, I will block you.
I am very open in regards of my takes. Im not afraid of sharing them or discuss them when it’s appropriate. But if you are arrogant in your analysis or rant, I will block you. Your argument isn’t with me just because I posted someone else’s take. It’s not that deep either.
I will NOT be kind or polite when the precise general public I am addressing is fundamentally an asshole with no morals, and the reason to address them is to criticize them. If you are a group of ignorant fat shamers (example), I will treat you with the same courtesy you gave to those you fiercely insult, because you do not deserve my respect. I AM petty and I believe in treating people how they deserve to be treated. If you don’t like my take on this, I kindly ask you to get out of my blog and block me.
If you don’t like what I say or how I say it, feel free to block me. If whatever bothers you is not directed to you, then feel free to ignore or block me. I am not willing to put up with your agendas and tantrums because you don’t like a choice of words I’ve used.
If these terms aren’t ok with you then I’m sorry to see you go, if not, stick around on this blog of crazy girlies <3
[updated: 2/4/2024]
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krolein · 4 years
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treestargarden · 3 years
kei at maiko: tell me every single detail of your day.
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toastyydoodles · 3 years
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a redraw of this
modern au where maiko breaks up, mai and kei lo get chummy, and zuko gets jealous 👀
if you like this fanart, consider entering my giveaway here! ends feb 28th
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Maiko post- comic headcanons
The title says it all.
Mai and Zuko go through several hardships, rocky paths, and fights before they are officially back together.
They start out small. Hand-holding, kisses on the cheek, etc.
After a week or so, they become more comfortable with each other, i.e kisses on the lips, cuddling.
They promise not to shut each other out. Zuko comes to Mai with his problems and Mai tries to expresses her feelings freely, even the 'bad ones'.
Like I mentioned in my previous headcanon, Mai and Zuko keep their relationship secret.
They keep it up for a good month.
One day, on patrol duty, Ty Lee and Suki catch them kissing by the turtleduck pond. Ty Lee brings it up the next day. Blushing ensues.
Unsurprisingly, Capital City knows by nightfall that day, thanks to the servants and Ty Lee.
The gossip and rumor mill is already making up wild and ridiculous stories.
Zuko writes to Iroh for advice, not wanting to put their relationship in jeopardy again. Iroh responds patiently with advice and encouragement.
Mai also has frequent discussions with the Kyoshi Warriors about her and Zuko's relationship.
The Gaang and co. could not be more happy to hear their friends made up after three years of pining.
They admit to having betting pools("just opinions of timeline" according to Kataang) on when the couple makes up.
It's close to nation wide scandal when Mai stays the night at the palace, but in reality, they were going through reports, fell asleep, woke up, finished looking through, then went to bed and cuddled up.
They spar regularly.
The time they do do it though, Zuko is very concerned. Mai is worried too, but she assures him they will be fine. It was awkward, but good too.
Zuko loves idly lying on Mai's lap.
Mai calls him 'Fire Lord' flirtatiously. Zuko adores her for that.
He also uses embarrassing pet names, but never uses 'sweetie' 'cause that's Kataang's thing. He also never uses 'babe' because that's what Kei Lo called Mai.
Mai helps Zuko get dressed almost every morning.
He, in turn, brushes her hair for her.
Ty Lee teases them. A lot.
Mai likes running her fingers through his hair and massage his scalp. It's one of the ways to get Zuko to fall asleep.
They love cuddling.
A lot of makeout maikout.
That was a long list. I genuinely love and adore this couple. They were my first OTP. Thank you for going through the trouble to read.
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klm-zoflorr · 4 years
Oh so running after women with boyfriends is a family trait I see
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daily-mai · 5 years
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Day 27: Leaf me alone!
Does this count if you can’t even see her? 
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sukuna-thirst-trap · 2 years
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✧ Sukuna Ryoumen x Geisha!fem reader pt.6✧
✧Links: Chap.1 | Chap.2 | Chap.3 | Chap.4 | Chap.5
✧ Tagging: @spn-obession @ladywolf44005​
✧Word count:  6.9k [the longest thing I have ever written in my entire life of writing…]
✧ Warnings:  Smut, Minors dni, oral, blood/gore, fingerbang, teasing. Fainting/passing out, sleep deprived, rough smut, profiting from others, borderline slavery [past-tents], mention of starvation, violence.
             ✧18+ | Minors DNI✧
✧ Notes:  When I wrote this, there was like little to no smut, then when I proof read…I ended up writing a fair bit of smut. Haha. I would say sorry but I’m not. Again please enjoy this new chapter. Theres some key wholesome parts I wanted to draw upon before the next chapter starts. So its another long one…hehe. Anon asks are always open for anyone curious or anyone has a request. 
✧ Timeline: Heian Era- Golden age of Jujutsu [this felt important to add]
✧ Word explanations: 
shoji - a door, window or room divider used in traditional Japanese architecture, consisting of translucent (or transparent) sheets on a lattice frame.
 okiya- is the lodging house/drinking establishment to which a maiko or geisha is affiliated with during her career as a geisha.
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What took place in the tea house was no secret to anyone in the temple. Your status had been made loud and clear based on both Sukuna and yourself loudly moaning throughout the night and well into early morning.
It was no surprise you were tired first compared to Sukuna, but even so you found yourself wanting to please Sukuna even more so. Was it love? Or was it simply just lust? 
Having been confined to the life of a Geisha with so many different rules had made you realize you missed out on so many things. 
At least your mizuage was with Sukuna over a year ago. The first one to kiss your lips, to hold you, to make love to you. Such tender thoughts made you mad for Sukuna all the more. Maybe you worshiped him more than loved him. The lines seemed to almost blur between one another now. 
Even as a curse you did not find yourself questioning your own actions. Rather you reveled in them, found yourself most alive when his cock pounding inside of you. Such devious thoughts always make you blush with such desires, with such an ache between your legs. You almost wanted to ride Sukuna once more, but your body refused despite your hungry love.
Body to body, you laid beside Sukuna laying on the floor.Your eyes lifted up to look at Lord Sukuna while he slumbered. Not once did he stir in his sleep. Maybe that was due to how little sleep you both had.
Both of you would have been lucky to have maybe an hour or two of sleep. You could still feel his sticky cum between your legs and deep inside of you as you pursed your lips together and gently planted a kiss on his tattooed bicep.
Although you were still half asleep, you felt energetic around Sukuna as you watched him with a longing desire in your eyes. Even on the tea house floor, with nothing but a rug beneath your feet and both your kimonos that cascaded over the floor in a messy heap, you were comfortable.
The slightest shift in your body told you of all the aches  and pains sustained as you let out a faint little groan in protest. A hot bath would cure that, you thought to yourself. Then you felt Sukuna gently stroke his hands over your body. Guess he must have been awake after all. 
How his nails just dragged along your skin was so nice and calming. Also it kind of made your pain ease with such gentle touches with such clawed deadly hands.
" Good morning, lord Sukuna" purring the words out, you look up to see his eyes slowly.
A faint smile spread across his lips showing the faintest white of fanged teeth beneath.
" You're going to say that a lot more aren't you, yn?"  Rolling over to face you directly, Sukuna looked right into your soul.
You leaned up and kissed him on the forehead feeling him lean into your touch. Of course you were going to use that title a lot more. Maybe even call him God one time during sex.
" Mhm, along with a lot of other things. “ You sent him a dangerous wink as you sat up. “ Why don’t you relax a bit more before we leave the teahouse.” 
To Sukuna you seemed like a curse already, the way your hair trailed down your naked body, how you smiled with that look in your eyes. It made Sukuna laugh as he rolled onto his back and closed his eyes for a moment.
“ Do you really think you can do that? I’m a God, don’t forget Y/n, I never tire” Challenging you, Sukuna seemed to look up at you with a devious look.
Without hesitation you wrapped your hands firmly over his cock which still remained soft. You heard Sukuna moan softly as he put a much larger hand over yours.
“ Don’t be too rough, Y/n” Sukunas face lit up with life.
Following his lead you gently moved your hand up and down his shaft, rubbing your thumb over the top over his head causing Sukuna to take in a long deep breath. What you did to the King of curses was no longer a secret now, but the way he looked, the way he opened his mouth like that.
You’d never seen a man so satisfied in your life as you leaned down and gently placed your lips over the top of the head of his cock feeling the member twitch at your touch. Gentle, you reminded yourself as Sukuna let go of your hand now his cock was fully erect.
A large hand was placed over your head, you could feel his nails massage your scalp tenderly. A sign he was really enjoying this as he held back a moan or two.  It's true every movement you made hurt, but with Sukuna this way, it seemed almost like your pain was healing away.
Your eyes darted up and looked up at Sukuna making contact with his gaze. The look in his eyes said it all, he didn’t want you to stop as he bit his lip and sucked it in a bit. 
Slowly you reached further down his cock, messaging the tender member with your mouth and flicking your tongue out against it as you felt the veins that protruded through his skin.
What wonderful taste that filled your mouth, what delightful thoughts that fluttered through your brain. Even though Sukuna had not touched you in an hour or so, he didn’t need to. Seeing him like this, tasting him, was enough to make you feel excited.
Sukuna would have to admit you had your limits, there was no way he would fuck you again until you were fully healed. Then a thought occurred to him. 
The king of curses was well known for reverse curse technique. With that hand on your head, you felt everything, even the faintest bit of pain just faded away. Sukuna knew he was being selfish, but he just had to. Suddenly he took a handful of your hair and forced your head back and off his cock.
“ You know you’ve really got me going again here, Y/n ” A playful snicker told you all you needed to know as Sukuna pulled you over to him.
His cock found little to no trouble entering you once more as you were completely drenched wet.
You gasped and clutched onto Sukuna, wrapping your arms around his neck while he drove his cock deep into you, pushing into your cervix. His arms held onto your torso, forcing you close against him, almost unable to breath in a way.
Nothing seemed ‘new’ until you realized something was cold against your back as Sukuna pushed you up against one of the nearby walls. Nolonger were the both of you on the ground as Sukuna pushed harder and deeper until you couldn’t hold out anymore, your fluids erupted from deep within as they gushed out causing you to squirt over his cock.
“ Y/n..I didn’t know you could do that” Sukuna murmured the words into your ear as he thrusted inside of you.
How his cock felt, how ruthless he was, it made you wild on the inside. The moment wasn’t long, Sukuna became out of breath fast having spent a bit too much Cursed energy already. The sensation of his cock pounding against your cervix, the way the wall of your pussy clenched against him. You watched as Sukuna rolled his head back and filled you up again with little to no trouble.
“ We seriously should have been born as rabbits or something. “ Sukuna chuckled.
“ Maybe so, Lord Sukuna. Would you mind putting me down for a moment? “ You asked.
This question made Sukuna look at you with a bit of shock but he didn’t refuse your request as he gently put you down. Feeling his cum drip between your thighs and down your legs, you kneeled down and began to suck his cock, taking in every last bit of what remained.
“ Tired yet?” You questioned after finishing him off. You flicked your tongue out to catch the last drop of his cum before finally standing up.
To this Sukuna just shook his head and chuckled to disagree with you. Of course he wouldn’t tire.
Adrenaline was starting to fade very fast this time as you felt your hands and legs tremble a little bit now. 
“ Tch! I don’t tire, woman. “ Sukuna retorted in a playful manner as he licked your lips.
A hand trailed down and gently rubbed your clit, slowly moving further down and into your pussy. You moaned at his touch and leaned against his whole body as you parted your legs a little for better access.
“ You’ll make me cum again, Lord Sukuna” Whispering the words out, you bury your head into his chest.
“ And? Thats payback for making me cum again. “ Mischievously Sukuna countered back.
His two fingertips dove into your wetness, rubbing against your favorite spot as you moaned even more. Your body ached, but not of pain, for him. His clawed hands ever careful to never hurt you, even though at times Sukuna got a little carrier away during sex.
This touch was soft, gentle and almost loving. It made you want more but you felt that flick of a tongue from the mouth hand, it rubbed against your clit as you began to quiver at the touch. 
Like jolts of electricity over your body, your body couldn’t help but convulse until you felt her face go hot red, you gasped with mouth agape unable to close it. 
Emotions flooded you with the overwhelming sensation until you finally felt another gush of fluids as you came. A hard and loud moan came from within you as you felt your body become weak.
Sukuna was your only support as you leaned your whole entire body against him. 
“Lord Sukuna” You softly whimpered as you spoke breathlessly.
Wrapping all three arms around you, Sukuna held onto you knowing exactly that you had finally reached your ultimate limit. With his other hand, he drew up the two fingertips and licked your fluids up, followed by a delighted moan.
“ You really should know when to stop, y/n” Flirtatiously Sukuna spoke to you in the softest of voices he had.
For a while he held you like this, allowing you time to recover. This time you would have to recover naturally. Sukuna couldn’t let you realize he had healing abilities. Doing so he knew could have a dangerous effect, one where you relied too much on him.
When you finally caught your breath, you looked up to Sukuna and smiled, it was a weak smile, but it was there while your cheeks still burned bright red.
“I think the hot spring is calling and perhaps Uraume can make the tea later. I'll give you the rest of the day off, y/n" a gentle poke to your cheeks with a clawed nail, you watched as Sukuna moved his head to look at you better with a soft smile. 
Truthfully it felt nice to be comforted by Sukuna. A relationship was almost forbidden for a Geisha. It wasn’t that you had been stripped of all emotions, it was simply a life. You were the art, you loved the art. That was what a Geisha is taught and told. To simply only love art and no more.
So when it came to Sukuna, it felt oddly nice even though you knew the very hands that held you, comforted you with gentle touches and at most times made you cum were also the hands of a murderer.
Then you realize something Sukuna had said. 
" A hot spring? I didn't see one earlier when Uraume showed me around? " Intrigued by this, you looked at Sukuna with surprise.
From when you had been in that small cottage, you found the hot spring there to be nice too. If there was another one nearby, then maybe it would become your new frequented spot.
This only made him laugh and gently placed a hand on your head and ran it through your long hair, which was the accurate description of sex hair at this point. 
Forget those fancy Geisha decorations that got tossed to the side, your makeup had faded and been brushed off with all the action. Considering how a Geisha’s makeup is meant to last during long hours of dancing and tea parties, it proved that Sukuna certainly had a way with you.
" Down the mountain side, south of here is a small hot spring that's well hidden. Even the servants don't know about it" Sukuna made a slightly devious chuckle at his own words. 
Gently planting another kiss, this time on his neck, you laughed with him. This felt good, nice to be yourself in the company of someone like Sukuna when normally you would have had to put on a show of emotions to a man, no a God, such as Sukuna. Yet even the King of Curses accepted you for who you were.
For a while you both just remained there within each other's arms, naked bodies pressed together. The sunrise was starting to show a bit through the shoji doorway. You heard Sukuna loudly sigh. 
" Will this interfere with your work?" You had to ask as you pressed your cheeks against his chest.
So far you knew people came to worship Sukuna, also bad things happened which Uraume made clear to you yesterday. So you had to know, that curious part of you wanted to know more. If you potentially took Sukuna away from his throne and spotlight as a God?
" No, it'll be fine. Those who serve me know when to disturb me and when not. Those who come to worship are only ever allowed in when I sit upon my throne. " Sukunas tone changed to something colder. His gaze was no longer on you anymore. 
It was almost as if he was addressing those below him already. Sukuna always made sure he had his own schedule, his own timeline. That of which worked around him to his benefits.
You had never met a god, not like Sukuna at least. Your eyes were always on art, art and more art. Perfect the dance, the smile, the movement of the fan. Ensure you pour the tea right, move your kimono correctly. That was all you had truly known. Never anything of a God, never anything of curses and sorcerers.
It made butterflies flutter in your stomach at the thought. A god, what importance that was, and all the more how important that was to you and your duty as his little Geisha.
" Sukuna…" you thought for a moment as to how to word your thoughts. You could see in Sukuna’s eyes he was curious to what you were about to say " please let me make it my job to make you happy, to ease your body when it is tense, to comfort and console you when you need it. My life was dedicated to the form of art, but now let me dedicate it to you, please. " Finally you said it, it felt like a sudden weight was lifted off your shoulders. 
The Writing on his face was surprising as Sukuna raised his brows at you, you could see a slight tilt in his head. Has no one else ever said that to him? You questioned yourself. 
There was a moment of silence before Sukuna smiled and gently stroked your head once more.
 " You shouldn't make it a job." he announced with confidence " being in your company is enough. You need not do anything more than that" leaning down he planted a kiss on top of your forehead.
Gently you closed your eyes and leaned into his touch, feeling the warmth of his breath against your head. 
" When I took you from your village, we entered a binding vow. You agreed to be my slave but I had no intention of treating you like one. You were a Geisha in and okiya, and instill consider you a Geisha. My little Geisha" the way he spoke, his tone of voice was low and soft. 
To many such a way would seem frightening. Most people feared Sukuna and knew when he was kind enough there was always a devious manipulative reason behind that. That was one reason he was so well known. Fear, it makes people do things they may have never thought to ever do in their whole entire life until faced with such an emotional situation.
However, to you it wasn't that way. You didn’t know of Sukuna’s manipulative nature, and it never seemed apparent. What was he to manipulate you into? You gave him everything without even a shred of fear. It made Sukuna proud in a way he knew he probably shouldn’t be.
Against your ears you could hear the drumming beat of his heart, or what was considered a heart for a curse like Sukuna. 
There was meaning behind this, behind his actions that didn't feel devious or frightening. You always felt comforted by the way he was so gentle with you. Like he knew if he held you too much you would break like a porcelain doll. 
Closing your eyes you took in a long deep breath of his scent and let out a soft hum. It was like a mixture of sandalwood and cinnamon. It was soft and sweet but also a bit musky in a way. Maybe that was due to the combination of sweat too.
As Sukuna leaned back and away from you a bit, there was a moment you just took in the view of his whole entire upper body that was exposed to you, and most of all up so extremely close. The way his four arms moved with such flexibility, how his muscles relaxed when calm and tightened when stressed. 
Your sex had always driven you a little mad to the point that maybe you did neglect to take in his beautiful features that were such. Yes you acknowledged them but at times like these you could see the faint outline of scaring along his stomach area, the line where the stomach mouth was well hidden, the detailing of his pectoral. How the tattoos even trailed down his neck, chest and near his stomach area while hiding scars there as well.
Like basking in the golden rays of a God, you thought to yourself.
There were certainly several different levels to Sukuna, and you currently accepted that you may never truly understand him at times. Why the murder and bloodshed, however you were able to at least feel comfortable and safe around him.
Rather than asking questions, you simply flowed like water. To be graceful and at the sometime keep up. Unlike before you always had so many questions, maybe a little bit of bitterness towards him. Yet you grew to love him in your own way. Even to others such a way was devious.
Mentally you spaced out, you could hear Sukuna talk about things, about the particular hours that held meaning in his temple, the way to interact with servants. Things such as that which seemed similar to an okiya almost.
Sukuna had briefly helped you dress into your Kimono, perhaps not as neat as Uraume had done so earlier, but it was enough to cover your exposed areas. Also it was the only thing in the teahouse to actually wear besides Sukuna’s kimono, which he put on with ease only allowing the upper half of the kimono to sit loosely around his waist exposing his chest.
Unfortunately the marks Sukuna had left on the nape of your neck and collar bone area stood out against your pale skin. Even though many would cover them up and try to hide it considering it a shameful act, you on the other hand took it with pride. Perhaps naive in thought, you felt that it not only marked you as strictly as Sukuna’s but it also reminded you of that night, and nights gone by.
In due time though you would show these marks like how a woman of high establishment and nobility would flaunt around in finely tailored kimono and decorations.
Other women would see such a thing and look in disgust or envy.
It did not seem that many women were able to touch Sukuna’s heart as he led you out of the teahouse and down a trail that led deep into the mountain. Sounds of rushing water cascading down echoed, it almost blurred out the sound of drumming and bells along with chanting too. The temple was so well disguised that it didn’t surprise you that most sorcerers did not find this place straight away.
Finally you came to the hotspring, gracefully discarding your kimono and dipping into the delightfully warm water. You let your hair fall and found your place by Sukuna’s side. Silence enveloped over you two. Even so you did not speak words, you could feel the strumming of his heart beat. You felt the faint warmth of his body against yours, the way his arms would gently stroke your face or hair, how he seemed to casually also have an arm around your waist.
Not only was it comforting, it held meaning. Even though he didn’t show it like a human would, you truly believed that Sukuna in some way cared about you. Perhaps it was not the right way, maybe it would be considered toxic, but to you who had only known that upbringing of a toxic and hard upbringing, this treatment from Sukuna was like a luxury.
“ You know someday I won’t exist anymore…right? “ Those words came from his lips in a sorrowful tone.
You couldn’t bring yourself to look up at you, the words were enough to make you wish he had never spoken them.
“ But you're a God, Gods don’t die” You tried to reassure Sukuna. But also yourself.
There was something about Sukuna, in this moment that felt more human than before. You closed your eyes and held onto him tightly. A god can’t be killed, it's what you told yourself while living in a fantasy land. Beneath you, you felt Sukuna chuckle as he gently placed a hand atop your head letting the warm water droplets trickle down your face.
“ I am, but much like a virus I know someday Sorcerers will become strong enough that they might come close to ending me. “ Sukuna admitted, but even so he smiled accepting that challenge.
Bold, brave but also a brute with an appearance of little to no care, Sukuna did face reality far more than even he would like to admit it. Someday he knew a sorcerer strong enough would find a way to end his reign. Rumor had it there was a Gojo with six eyes and A particular interesting Zen’in that would soon become a problem, Sukuna mentally admitted to himself. 
Looking down at y/n, Sukuna had to admit that you had gotten the better of him. Too much perhaps that even he, himself knew, that you would potentially become a distraction to his ‘holy duties’. Sukuna almost snorted at that thought. Everyone knew not to irritate him but yet he didn’t fully understand himself. It was almost like yin and yang, you completed Sukuna in a way that was ok.
“ Y/n. “ Sukuna softly says, breaking the silence.
Finally you look up at him to see him smiling like a Cheshire cat.
“ Yes? '' Whispering the word out, you were unsure of what Sukuna would add more to this current conversation.
“ You know I never much liked temple life. Its too boring, too much routine and way to fucking predictable. What do you say we travel for a little while? “ There's something about his words that seem full of energy.
A kind of energy that radiates off him and onto you. You smile and wrap your arms around his neck and gently plant a kiss on his soft lips.
“ I’d love that. To just be by your side, Sukuna, I would love that. “ Snuggling up into him, you just held onto his cursed body afraid to let go.
You didn’t admit it but you were afraid to lose Sukuna. Without him, what would you become? Unable to return back to the life of a Geisha, unable to find a husband, or a family to start on your own. What would you become?
Perhaps a vengeful spirit, a curse lost and longing for eternal happiness.
At some point you fell asleep in his arms. When Sukuna realized this he made sure to cover you up and take you back to the temple. 
By the time you had woken again, you found yourself sleeping in darkness. Silken sheets wrapped around your naked body, but most of all you realized Sukuna was laying with his back to you.
Out of instinct you reached out to touch him, but the moment your palm touched his back you felt his whole body tense up.
Several months ago
“ Well I guess you finally became a Curse…a King of curses, how ironic that title has now befallen you” A faint voice called out in the darkness of the night.
Sukuna sat with all four arms crossed over his upper body as he watched over a village down below. The king of curses wasn’t pleased that someone dared to speak to him, most of all while he was just simply enjoying watching his next victims. 
The cost of becoming a curse wasn’t just a simple one. Giving up humanity was easy but….giving up your human body? Changing it into a cursed body? That was a toll Sukuna did not expect.
As the moonlight fell upon him, Sukuna realized a few months back he did not feel the touch of the moonlites anymore. Not how one would normally. 
The winter cold breeze did not phase him either, rather elements didn’t bother him much like sunlight too, they no longer existed. A part of him sighed heavily as he rolled his eyes and gritted his teeth.
“ What do you want? “ Sukuna bellowed as four eyes glared in the direction of the voice.
“ I don’t want anything much. I’m just a traveler, I’ve heard many stories of you and thought I’d never have the luxury to finally meet you in person. “ The voice was like the wind, traveling through the air and only just able to be heard.
To someone like Sukuna, this was only an irritation as he snarled, baring his teeth with clear displeasure.
“ Please don’t think of me being rude. I was once a sorcerer in training like you, but I left my clan and family behind. I’d rather cook. “ A small figure finally appeared from the darkness.
White, brilliant white, hair stood out against pitch black. A crimson red patch at the back of their head made it look like someone had bludgeoned them at some point and their hair seemed stained from it.
Sukuna almost laughed at the smaller figure that was frail and skeletal like. They were so tiny to his height it was laughable.
“ Cook? Cook ? Seriously? I don’t call that a talent!” Sukuna scoffed as he laughed.
Even if he actually enjoyed eating, a lot more than was natural. Food was his favorite hobby of course, not to cook but to devour.
Taking a seat on the ground near Sukuna sat the small frail little human. Sukuna looked down at them, he specifically glared at them. Who would dare to sit near him without his permission? 
Insulted and irritated by the unwanted company, Sukuna immediately stopped himself when he realized the small human was smiling. It was a faint smile, but it was there. Their cheeks were hollow and they seemed starved. Sukuna huffed in protest. Of all the things out he hated this kind of bullshit. It's what made him so utterly pissed off at how worthless some humans could be. Even more so sorcerers.
“ What's your name kid? “ Sukuna bitterly asked, mostly annoyed at himself for even becoming curious.
“ Uraume…My name is Uraume. I once had another name but…I don't think that matters anymore ” Whether Sukuna had not wished to hear it before, or if it just become all the more apparent, but their tone of voice was weak and shallow.
“ Uraume? Well I’m sorry to disappoint you but the only food I eat is meat, human meat.” In an attempt to push away any potential connection with another stranger, Sukuna hissed slightly.
How the hell wasn’t this weakling afraid of him? Wasn’t his face so scared and horrifyingly gruesome to make them run? Wasn’t he tall enough to be menacing? Sukuna could feel his temper starting to rise once more. An annoying fact having become a curse was having such strong emotions.
“ I can cook that too. “ They softly said before raising a weak finger. “ Look, snow! “ There was something pleasant about them that made Sukuna feel…well not so alone.
Did human life not matter to them? Sukuna questioned as he turned his head to watch the smallest snowflake begin to fall down.
How many years had it been? Not many. If anything it had only been a month since he had become a curse yet it felt longer. Loneliness did that to a person, even to curses. Having gorged feast upon feast, devouring both human and curse alike, Sukuna found his hunger insatiable and even more so he lost who he once was.
“ You ever seen a Geisha before, Uraume? “ Sukuna sat down with a loud thud as he crossed his legs and refused to look at the weakling.
More so Sukuna just refused to appear calm around another person, he still had his guard up but given the appearance of this Uraume, Sukuna doubted they were even able to raised a knife to his throat let alone attempt an assassination.
“ No, I never had the chance to see much beyond my family home's mud wall…Or at least the home they gave me. “ There wasn’t a hint of sadness in this stranger, they still seemed happy watching snowflakes fall down.
“ They are beautiful, so beautiful that some men waste their lives trying to court them and many unsuccessful. “ There was a sly smirk on Sukuna’s face.
Uraume turned to see that look on Sukuna’s face and it made them smile in glee, showing the faintest of teeth beneath their hollow face.
“ I bet you managed to court many, Lord Sukuna. “ The way Uraume pipped up, it wasn’t just like some worshiper or assassin.
They were like a lost child, deprived of any humanity or any understanding of how to be human. That wasn’t unknown to many Sorcerer clans. Often the weaker children were cast out, no one needed a potential rival. That's how the world of sorcerers worked.
Sukuna looked down at them and laughed, only to respond with a slight shake of his head. His eyes turned back towards the night sky where the snow danced like stars moving in the sky.
“ No, but there was one…Perhaps we shall pay a visit to that village soon. '' Muttering the words, Sukuna thought back to a time that seemed like a blur in his mind.
Even though he wanted to recall the face, her name, he couldn’t quiet. His memory was still there but he had come to understand that only when being in particular places, could he truly recall events and even more so when it involved a particular person, only if they acknowledged and recognized his human self, would he truly recall such memories.
Never would Sukuna admit it, but he wanted that Geisha to recall his face just so he can relive those memories. Just once. That's all he wanted.
A selfish act, a foolish and dangerous one at that.
Yet that one desire led to the onslaught of an entire village and without realizing it, the capture of his personal Geisha.
In dreams Sukuna tossed and turned and even though you did your best to comfort him, you seemed unable to relieve him of what plagued him in his slumber. This was the part of you which you had to face. Knowing that sometimes you can't always be there for Sukuna, to comfort him and nurture him.
For hours you sat awake, gently stroking his face with his head on your lap. Sometimes he looked peaceful, other times he appeared frustrated and enraged. Only when a tear was shed down his left side face, did you stroke it away and kiss his eyelids.
Even that didn’t cause Sukuna to wake. Whatever it was that held him in his slumber was strong enough to keep him there for a few more hours.
Once day break had come, Sukuna began to stir as he mumbled a word out of his lips.
“ Geisha” you thought you heard.
Yet you could have been very wrong as Sukuna slowly opened his eyes and looked up at you. There was a faint smile on his lips, a genuine and humble one which you wished you could see more often.
In your lap you swore you saw that same man from a year ago. Tattooed face, gentle and soft lips, hair soft as silk and eyes that had a faint reddish hue to them. Sukuna was still that person, but like many people he had changed and become something else.
You didn’t know that just being able to constantly acknowledge this fact, that Sukuna was able to relive that moment he first laid eyes on you.
Many many times over again, whenever you recalled the Sorcerer from your Mizuage, Sukuna could always relive that one memory he held so close to him.
A year ago
Snow was falling from the sky as it gently danced downwards onto the ground. The entertainment district was always full of life, but for someone like Sukuna it was nothing but a bitter distaste for the foolishness of humans.
How ignorant they were to their salvation and damnation. In alleyways and backstreet areas dimly lit, Curses lingered. It was only natural for Sukuna to travel through towns like this, being the king of curses of all sorcerers, it was up to him to ensure that curses in places like this did not become out of control.
As Geisha’s and women with loosely hanging clothing beckoned to Sukuna, the king of curses remained unphased by their advances or songs and dances.
Only when he came past an illuminated open door into an Okiya did Sukuna finally stop. There was a small Geisha, well judging by her Kimono she was a Maiko. Only faintly could Sukuna see them from the balcony as they stood within their room, a shoji window wide open letting his eyes gaze upon the young woman. There was a look in her eyes that was of fear, worry, and something unknown.
It was these types of emotions that made curses become all the more worse. With a heavy sigh, Sukuna was about to continue onward however he stopped himself when he heard the vulgar words of a nobleman nearby.
Although the man was in noble attire and stood just outside of the Okiya, he stood with katana resting at his side saying some irritating vulgar things.
“ I hear Maikos are pretty sweet and this one in particular. I wonder how badly I can make her bleed. I’ll even lay wages I can con her into being a secret mistress” In a low tone, the nobleman spoke.
So degrading, Sukuna thought as he felt the bridge of his nose wrinkle up.
The nobleman's eyes peered around as if he was afraid someone besides his little gang would hear. Yet the way he laughed, it made Sukuna all the more sicker.
A mizuage. Sukuna rolled his eyes, he gritted his teeth trying to move forward but the crowd of strangers in the streets seemed to become all the more with people coming out of buildings left right and center.
What was one little Maikos mizuage to him anyway, Sukuna continued to try and tell himself. It simply wasn’t worth it. Yet why was it so hard to walk forward? Why did he find himself paused in the moment?
Could it be…the fact a Sorcerer and Geisha were often the same at times? Slaves to a society system.
Right, the village that doesn't sleep, Sukuna cursed himself inwardly. Why did he find himself here?
With one last look back, he looked at the Maiko about to be led onto a stage somewhere in the building. Sukuna knew well of traditions for Geisha’s and heard the rumors about mizuages, and he also knew that if he didn’t do something then the chances of a hideous curse being born was extremely high.
“ Fine!” Bitterly Sukuna said under his breath as he moved to enter into the tent area of the okiya
A guard, a small middle aged woman actually, stopped Sukuna as she put a hand to his chest as if to refuse his entrance.
“ What now? “ Bitterly Sukuna said as he scowled down at the old lady.
Its not like he actually intended on doing the whole ‘deflowering’ thing…Just to stop a curse, Sukuna told himself as he glared daggers at the woman.
“ I’m sorry Sir but only those who have supported the Okiya are allowed entrance and with a costly fee as well “ The old lady stated.
Although she was older, she could have always been way older. Right, sponsors were allowed entrance, which irritated Sukuna all the more as he spotted the nobleman from earlier enter without a problem.
How men like that could actually be a sponsor was beyond Sukuna’s understanding.
Rolling his eyes, Sukuna pulled out a small item from within his kimono.
“ This should cover it. Plus I’m a fellow student of Jujutsu. I think my instructors have had many doings in this particular okiya” A bluff, a big bold one, but one that bought Sukuna entrance.
The woman battered her eyes for a moment or two before taking the item from Sukuna. Within her palm she held a giant sapphire. Quickly tucking it into her robes she showed Sukuna further inside.
Men stood around, gawking like per usual, as Sukuna looked up at the stage. A maiko with a pale face and traditional make up sat at the front. Her eyes darted to Sukuna for a moment, a brief moment, and he saw fear as he grinned.  
Good, Sukuna thought, humans should understand their place in this world.
Already he considered himself half a curse, but that dark energy around this maiko was dangerous if he didn’t do anything.
Although she was very beautiful, well decorated but her face was petite…Holdable would be the word Sukuna thought of immediately. Even with all that makeup on.
By her side sat two senior Geisha. One was probably her mentor that would guide her through the night's events no doubt. They were often like Mothers to younger Maikos. If Sukuna remembered correctly.
A lot of bantering was to be had until the bids started.
It was like a game of high stakes as Sukuna smirked watching them all. Greedy bastards, he bitterly thought. Eyes focused on the maiko, she was nervous if anything but shit scared.
Maybe a few years younger than himself, Sukuna remarked.
Finally he raised his hand, the stakes rose higher and higher each time until no more bidders were to be had. 
Sukuna felt proud for a moment, a little stupid, but mostly proud and egotistic. 
Having won himself a night sure sounded fun after all he had been traveling for quite some time. Spending a night with a beautiful woman sounded ideal.
Yet even so Sukuna also understood the traditions. It wasn’t just about getting laid and being greedy like the nobleman. The mizuage was about a Geisha entering adulthood. From Maiko to Geiko.
Also it was the way for the Madam to use the payment of a mizuage to ‘pay off’ the so-called ‘debits’ the poor Maiko would have had. That was how Geishas were kept and forced into this line of work. Threats of financial debits to be owed and selling ones virginity  to pay it off and become a potentially well known Geisha.
Perfect scams for Humans, it was almost a borderline curse as Sukuna mentally remarked.
As the Maiko stood, with grace the Geisha to-be looked into Sukuna’s eyes. Was this a bad choice? Sukuna pondered. Was he once again getting to ahead of himself?
Acting out more like a curse than a sorcerer?
Coming down from her bidding stand, the Madam began to address Sukuna as he gave her the full payment.
The king of curses always came with plenty of yen to spend.
 Although Sukuna faintly listened to the madam, he also couldn’t help but glance upward one last time…So beautiful, so pale and frail.
“ Y/n, you were so beautiful a year ago…You still are” Sukuna softly said before pulling you down into a deep heated kiss.
You had no idea what had just occurred, the first thing Sukuna did was kiss you after a moment or two of seeming stunned for a few minutes.
Kissing him back, you flick your tongue out against his lips, you seemed to like this feeling as you heard him gently moan into your teasing affection.
The king of curses, you would never truly know what was that made him tick, maybe you never will. Yet you couldn’t help but live your fullest in this moment.
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End notes:
Wow this is the longest chapter to date. Normally when I write up on doc’s I try to keep it to a bare max of 12 pages but no…17 and that word count..jeez!
I hope everyone enjoyed this and didn’t find it to be too much of a long winded read. 
I’m planning another 2 more chapters before I think I may call this series to an end because its so beautiful. I don't want to ruin anything if I make it go on for too long and it just becomes boring. 
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