#kelsey’s cauldron
sunshinemarauder · 1 year
For the prompts: "you think i didn't notice the voice change? you totally like them." Jily pleaaaaase 🫶🏼
this prompt is canonically the epitome of jily, so I HAD to write it! thank you for sending it in, Kelsey!
fanged geraniums
Herbology wasn’t James’s favourite subject, but it was a close second after Transfiguration. Contrary to popular belief, James actually liked learning. It was just the stuffy lectures he couldn’t stand.  
Hence History of Magic was a drag, Arithmancy a bore, and Divination not even worth mentioning. Defence Against the Dark Arts could be fun when Hogwarts was blessed with a half-decent professor, but unfortunately, this year’s Professor Fungbury was not that. He shouted at his fifth-year Gryffindors more often than he taught them. 
Which left Transfiguration, Potions, and Herbology. Transfiguration was, of course, his favourite. Especially now that he and his mates had managed their Animagus transformations, McGonagall’s advanced theory and practical demonstrations captured his attention in most classes. 
James should have liked Potions. His father’s genes — the same genes that concocted a bestselling million-Galleon hair potion — helped him get by, but something about staring at a boiling cauldron and waiting for it to turn pink bored him endlessly.  
Herbology, on the other hand, was as hands-on as Potions and as involved as Transfiguration. James thought of it as the best of both worlds. 
Professor Sprout had spent the afternoon’s lesson on Fanged Geraniums hovering beside the table James and Sirius shared, the poor woman. He truly couldn’t blame her; she had been on edge ever since the disaster they caused with the Mandrakes. 
Today, however, James had no intentions of causing chaos. James had other things on his mind. 
The table in front of theirs was occupied by fellow Gryffindors Lily Evans and Mary Macdonald, chatting away as they watered their Geraniums. James considered Mary Macdonald his friend, however passive their friendship might be. 
But Evans? Well... they weren’t enemies, but they weren’t exactly friends either. She could be quite the stickler for the rules, especially now that she was a Prefect. James Potter, Marauder extraordinaire, found her new status supremely irritating. Besides, she was friends with James’s mortal enemy, Severus Snape. He had never been able to comprehend why a witch of her talent with plenty of willing Gryffindors to befriend would associate with Snivellus. 
As if on cue, Evans turned around in her seat to fix James with a pointed stare. “Potter, you’ve been silent for too long. What nonsense are you cooking up now?” 
James raised a single eyebrow. He had discovered the talent of arching his right brow (the left one was still holding out on him) over the summer and subsequently abused it every chance he got. 
“Ah, Evans, me? I’ll have you know I’m a model Herbology student!” He found himself leaning forward on his elbows and grinning at the girls, his voice dipping in timbre.  
Evans snorted. “Do model Herbology students usually Charm Mandrakes into singing the Hogwarts school song?” 
James’s grin grew wider and he simply shrugged. “Maybe model Herbology students have a deep sense of school spirit.” 
She fixed him with an unimpressed look. “Ah, of course. Because you’re such a big fan of ‘Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts.’” She recited the first line of the song in a mocking sing-song voice. 
“Of course I am,” James said immediately. “I could sing it in my sleep.” 
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kay-elle-cee · 2 years
Hey hey Kelsey! I think you already know which WIP I’m gonna ask about 😂 but please and thanks Evans Sisters Bakery 🫶🏽
Oof just opening the doc made me want to get back on this one 😅
The idea for Evans Sisters Bakery popped into my head one day and grabbed me by the throat lol. It's a canon-divergent AU where Lily and Petunia's relationship is a little less hostile and they own a Muggle/Magical Bakery. It's still being fully planned out but I do love it, so thank you for asking Shreya!
Ask me about my WIPs!
Snippet under the cut...
Adjacent to The Leaky Cauldron — just on the Muggle side of the Diagon Alley barrier — sits a bustling bakery that sees a steady stream of customers, no matter the weather. The delicate pastel awning and the words Evans Sisters Bakery contrast against the old brick of the building and make it seem plucked out of a picturesque painting, breathing a bit of modernity into such an old block.
The business had been an overnight success, serving both wizards and muggles alike (though the latter were oblivious to anything out of the ordinary). Run by the Evans sisters — Petunia and Lily — the bakery had quickly gained a reputation for their delicious treats, pristine cafe, and the light and cheery atmosphere. Patrons who were magically inclined gravitated towards the sisters’ potion-infused goods, which offered a boost of energy or sharpened wit in addition to a tasty treat.
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fideliushqs · 11 months
. ✧ . * . 𝐀𝐂𝐂𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐃 ! - welcome to hogwarts, kelsey, i see you've brought 𝐌𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐀 𝐁𝐎𝐁𝐁𝐈𝐍 with you. please report to your heads of house within 𝟐𝟒 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒! hope you make it through the year !
. ✧ . * . ⌜ alisha boe, twenty-five, cis female, she/her / follow your arrow by kacey musgraves + picking four leaf clovers; making a wish on a stray eyelash, bubbling cauldron surrounded by piles of books and ingredients, and humming random tunes while enjoying a fresh cup of tea ⌟ hey, have you met MELINDA BOBBIN yet? the HALFBLOOD is a SEVENTH YEAR at hogwarts and are a RAVENCLAW. makes sense given they tend to be a bit ENTHUSIASTIC and PASSIVE. it seems the death of the boy who lived has placed them on the NEUTRAL side of the looming war. let’s just hope they make it out alive.
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astralishq · 3 years
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&&. cauldron above, ( ilsa sonnenblume ) was just spotted in the fae lands — word has it ( she ) is affiliated with ( the winter court ). ( she ) is a ( 45 / appears 26 ) year old ( half-human / half-high fae ). it’s been said that ( she ) resembles ( kelsey merritt ). ( she ) has been said to be ( effervescent & seductive ) but also quite ( duplicitous & vengeful ). ( she ) is currently serving as ( high end winter court courtesan / undercover spy ).
&&. cauldron above, ( melody starling ) was just spotted in the fae lands — word has it ( she ) is affiliated with ( the garden ). ( she ) is a ( 87 / appears 21 ) year old ( garden-raised nymph ). it’s been said that ( she ) resembles ( maris racal ). ( she ) has been said to be ( bubbly & sweet ) but also quite ( over-eager & tender-hearted ). ( she ) is currently serving as ( a nymph in the garden freshly out of training ).
congratulations, admin deer! you’ve been accepted into astralis hq and the realm of the fae is so excited to welcome you with arms - or wings - wide open. please be sure to send in your mumu blog within twenty-four hours, as well as follow our new member checklist!
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cowboylikegeet · 4 years
What I think would happen if Draco came to Hogwarts as Potions Professor, bumps into Teddy and realizes the similarities between the two
It was obviously traumatizing coming back to Hogwarts for Draco Malfoy, this time as a teacher, but nonetheless, he was planning to go through that for achieving his dream job. Walking through the halls, all he could remember were his choices, some he took, some he had no option but to accept. Being the cold-hearted ministry official- Lucius Malfoy’s son wasn’t easy but he was no one to complain, at least he had parents who maybe, hopefully deep-down cared for him. He just wanted to be a Healer, maybe help people by talking to them before treating them, he had told his parents and while Narcissa appreciated it and supported him Lucius had stopped talking to him.
Lost deep in thought, Draco didn’t notice exactly where he was going and bumped into a student. “Oh, I’m sorry,” he apologized, helping the child pick up his fallen books. The boy was dressed in fitting Hufflepuff robes with a brown bag slung over one of his shoulders, loaded with different herbs, books, parchment, quills and a wand. His hair was a sharp shade of blue although it kept changing to softer ones, which is when Draco recognized him- Teddy Lupin. Who just so happened to be the godson of Harry Potter. “I’m Teddy Lupin,” he greeted, with obviously no idea who Draco was, but that was best for now, “I’m your new potions Professor,” he introduced, “Well, I guess I’ll see you later today then,” Teddy contemplated and then walked- well, strutted away, much like his Godfather as Draco chuckled, shaking his head.
“Ahh, Draco!” Someone called from the other side of the hall, Draco turned to find that ‘someone’ seemed to be Headmistress Minerva McGonagall. “Hello headmistress! I was just finding you, bumped into Harry’s godson on the way,” he explained. “That’s quite alright, you’ll find that the potions classroom is right where it used to be,” she said as Draco nodded and started to head towards the dungeon where formerly, the Slytherin house head and person very close to him had held the position- Severus Snape. The rest of the wizarding world really went above and beyond portraying him as their idle ‘hero’, while he was anything but. Yes, he double crossed and contributed to the fall of the Dark side, but after hearing the whole story from Harry, Ron and Hermione, he really didn’t want to glorify that man.
They said he did what he had to do, he loved Lily Potter’s child and no one else, but Severus didn’t have to bully children, uplift one house only, taking away points from other houses so HE could win, but he did it anyway, he was a coward and a bully, but no one else saw that. Taking this position, all Draco wanted to do was to be better, better than Snape. He entered the classroom and set up, placing his belongings in their places and then finally, the students piled in for their fourth period of the day. A group of Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws looked ready to learn, and some looked close to throwing potion vials on him, just grand. “Alright class, I’m Professor Draco Malfoy, you all can open your books to page 10 and we’ll start the lesson by brewing a sleeping potion,” he started as all the children took out their books, cauldrons and wands, except one.
“You shouldn’t even be allowed to be a teacher here at Hogwarts, there’s no place for Death Eaters,” A student piped up. Should’ve expected it, he thought to himself. “Just leave him alone Kelsey, you’re here to learn potions not argue with credible, deserving teachers. And our Headmistress isn’t stupid, chances are that you’re the stupid one,” Teddy Lupin defended just as Draco was about to say his part, the expression in Teddy’s face reminded him immensely of Harry, the same fire would always come alive when someone did a wrong thing, the same look of determination and the same result came too, the Ravenclaw sat down and began in the potion as Draco mouthed a ‘thank you’ and promised himself to talk to Teddy after class.
“Right students, you all can begin adding the ingredients as mentioned on the board because while the books provides reasonable methods, following this example is always better,” he said as he started taking rounds if the class, landing finally, on Teddy Lupin, who’s potions book was closed, as it was supposed to be, however the potion was definitely done wrong. What should be a dark purple potion, seemed to be a mucky green. “How many valerian springs did you add Mr Lupin?” Draco asked. “Umm, I don’t remember,” Teddy murmured, rubbing his neck, “Alright, we’ll pick it up after school, you can be here by 3:30, and I’ll coach you through the potion,” Draco decided and Teddy thankfully agreed. Draco couldn’t help but laugh, because Harry had most definitely raised Teddy, you could see it because among helping people and strutting out of hallways, another thing the two had in common was the inability to read and follow instructions.
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freddiesaysalright · 5 years
Kelsey’s Hallow-QUEEN Celebration!
Time to get spooky!
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Hey y’all! It’s that time of year! I want to celebrate with all of you, so I put together this prompt list so we can indulge with our favorite boys this Halloween! 
I have dialogue, locations, and objects to spark your imagination, though you don’t have to use all of them. If you just want to use dialogue, you may, and the same for the other categories. If you want to use all three, you can do that as well! However you want to mix and match is fine with me!
As an added bonus, if you have any other Halloween/autumn related requests, you can send those as well! However, I am not taking requests outside of this right now. 
Tell me who you want and if you want it scary, fluffy, or smutty!
Just a reminder, I write for: John Deacon, Brian May, Roger Taylor, Freddie Mercury, Ben Hardy, Joe Mazzello, Rami Malek, Gwilym Lee, Lucy Boynton, Allen Leech, and as a special treat, I’m opening this up for Taron Egerton and Richard Madden as well!
I do NOT write: Queen kids (i.e. Reader x Luke Deacon), anything involving Mary Austin, explicit r*pe, Freddie smut
I’ll be taking these requests/prompts only through October 25th. That will give me time to finish all of them by Halloween.
If you’re not into this at all, I’ll be tagging all the stories as #hallow-queen so feel free to blacklist it if you like so your dash is just what you want!
Prompts are under the cut!
Dialogue Prompts
D1. They’ll really make anything sexy these days, won’t they?  D2. Isn’t a couples costume kinda corny? D3. Is that ketchup? Oh God, I hope that’s ketchup.  D4. How do you not believe in ghosts?  D5. No, I do not fuck with Ouija boards. Not since the last time.  D6. Black cats just get a bad rep.  D7. How do you like my costume? It would look better on the floor.  D8. Trick or treat!  D9. What the hell was that?  D10. This isn’t funny! I’m really scared!  D11. Hello?  D12. If we’re watching a scary movie, you have to hold me.  D13. You won’t believe this, but it’s true.  D14. Tell me your scariest story.  D15. Who needs candy when I’ve got you?  D16. Who’s there?!  D17. You cannot do the entire dance to Thriller.  D18. Ugh, I hate Halloween.  D19. You didn’t tell me someone was murdered here!  D20. It’s just a bunch of Hocus Pocus!  D21. Stay quiet! Do you want them to find us?  D22. We’ve gotta get out of here!  D23. What’s that on your shirt? D24. Oh, you got a leaf in your hair. D25. Okay, who’s knocking on the door? D26. Turn the lights back on! D27. Please don’t carve something inappropriate on the pumpkin. D28. Your turn to hand out candy. D29. What happened here?! D30. That costume/makeup is weirdly hot on you. D31. Must everything be pumpkin spice? There are better flavors. D32. Will you shut up? I can’t hear the others. D33. I think we lost them. D34. You know, they say virgins have the best chance of surviving.  D35. That tickles. That’s not me. D36. A stormy Halloween night. How cliche. D37. I’m turning the light off. If one more trick or treater interrupts I’m gonna explode. D38. You’ve got the costume on. Get into character. D39. Did...did that doll just move? D40. I think you’ve had a bit too much spiked cider. That cider was spiked?! D41. Our house is NOT haunted. Shut up. D42. This...isn’t a costume, is it? D43. Let’s play Halloween would you rather! D44. I hate this. Let’s just go home! D45. Are you attracted to *insert character/costume here*? D46. Okay, time to hit the streets. I got the wagon full of beer and the kids are in their costumes. D47. Hold on. I didn’t take these photos. D48. Wake up! D49. What happened to the others? D50. I love to hear you scream.
L1. Haunted/abandoned house L2. Graveyard/cemetery  L3. Pumpkin patch L4. Corn maze L5. Abandoned asylum/hospital L6. Mysterious small town L7. Halloween party L8. In the woods (requester’s choice for cabin or no cabin) L9. Bonfire L10. A secluded country road L11. A very old library L12. School (college or university) L13. Nightclub L14. Studio/set L15. Your/their house
O1. Mask O2: Jack-o-lantern/pumpkin (requester’s choice) O3. Witch’s hat and/or broom O4. Candy bar O5. Apples O6. Full/harvest moon O7. Falling leaves O8. Cauldron O9. Ouija board O10. Bloody weapon (requester’s choice)
Happy Halloween my darlings!
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thesinglesjukebox · 5 years
Let's go for a drive...
Kylo Nocom: As a non-driver, driving is fucking scary. My mind seems a bit unprepared for that kind of control, especially when intrusive thoughts come to me in positions that aren't nearly as vulnerable. I'd like to imagine Kelsey Lu understands how uncomfortable it is to take control of a vehicle, too. But her empathy does not equal lack of confidence: every bit of "Foreign Car" makes driving sound like some sort of curious, engaging experience, something decidedly romantic. Her swooping string arrangements veer between horror (the likes that pervaded her Church EP as navel-gazing ambience are now evolved into forward-facing screeches) and sensuality (punctuating every staccato, breathless syllable). Lu's strangled operatics are labored in a way that draws a perfect outline around the physical, and eventually with that pitch-shifted bridge ascends into the angelic. "Foreign Car" rides its metaphor out wondrously, entertaining its implications and making love sound just as intimate, tangible, and downright dangerous as it could possibly end up being. [9]
Alfred Soto: With her wobbly vocals, eccentric ear for stresses, and penchant for elaborate, absurd metaphor, Kelsey Lu is her own creation, and she hopes you find "Foreign Car" (guess what she compares it to) as enchanting as she does. The stuttered chorus loses its novelty after first listen, though. [7]
Joshua Lu: "Foreign Car" is full of tension, from those sinister sounding string chords to the incessant, hypnotic chorus. But it's all rise and swell with no climax, and the distorted and industrial noises feel sloppy; a more manicured chaos would probably feel deadlier. [5]
Katherine St Asaph: Imagine the midpoint of "Rocket's Tail" and "I Follow Rivers" and you'll not be far off from "Foreign Car" (nor far off from a [10]), except Lu's track is even more inventive and idiosyncratic and dramatic in non-obvious ways. Docked a point because the bridge lets a tiny bit of air out of the tires. [8]
Tobi Tella: The reversal of gender roles in this slow jam and especially the video is nice -- it's refreshing to see a woman sing about foreign cars and be surrounded by scantily-clad men for a change. I just wish the song itself went anywhere or did anything interesting with the central metaphor. [6]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: Like the rest of Blood, "Foreign Car" has better arrangements than songwriting. The cinematic strings and horns, as well as the woozy electronics that appear in the final stretch, are dramatic enough to warrant immersive listening, but they're not enough to prevent the hook from becoming frustratingly repetitive. [5]
Nortey Dowuona: A sharp, stunning string section slides across the bubbling, cooked drums atop twisted, tilting synths. Kelsey gently lays her voice across the web rising from the cauldron, then pushes down on spiking with stabs and breaching bass as she skids aside, then sets the cauldron down as it softly drifts into a thick foam. [8]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: The thing that was always so appealing about old disco records to me as a child were the strings. They felt out of place -- little dispatches of baroque high drama, interrupting the groove and heightening everything around them. The imperfection of the synthesis was the point -- the stabs of classical music were almost utopian in how they worked-but-didn't. "Foreign Car"'s blend of the orchestral and the dancey comes to you from the opposite direction, but is no less brilliant. Instead of grafting the trappings of classical music on to a dance beat, Kelsey Lu bends the structure of dance-pop on to something altogether weirder and more abstract. It's a song that feels like something out of a China Mieville novel, warping song structure and even individual instrumental parts around Lu's force of will. It's the kind of song that works both as an object of study and as a more immediate banger -- the delirious stabs of cello and Lu's drawn out phrasings and repetitions work on every part of you at once, leaving you lost in an altogether uncanny groove. [10]
[Read, comment and vote on The Singles Jukebox]
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fearsmagazine · 2 years
DISTRIBUTOR: MultiChoice Studios & Showmax
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SYNOPSIS: A family is confined to their glasshouse as they try to survive The Shred, a toxin that erases memory. The eldest sister hesitates when a stranger emerges on their land and she disregards her family’s rule and they allow him in. As they tend to his wound, the sisters are seduced by a Stranger who shatters their peace and stirs a past best left buried.
REVIEW: At its core, GLASSHOUSE feels like Thomas P. Cullinan’s 1966 novel “The Beguiled,” adapted for the screen in 1971 and 2017, mixed with a bit of Jules Verne and Rod Serling to create this timeless tale of a dystopian world.
An enjoyable tale crafted by Kelsey Egan and Emma Lungiswa De Wet. As to what exactly the Shred is remains speculative, but the family tries to follow strict rules in order to maintain their safety. This micro matriarchal society is guided by their strict mother. The writer’s allow the characters to blossom through what feels like organic interaction. As we come to know them it becomes evident that there are secrets and a darkness that resides just below the surface of this fairy tale like situation. I appreciated how they weave a sense of innocence with their violent acts, and how they ritualized it. The Stranger’s introduction germinates the mystery, suspense and sexual tension to the tale. As this cauldron begins to bubble other elements rise to the surface and some plot points begin to shift. Who is the predator and who is the prey, and motives begin to clarify. This fairy tale becomes a nightmare as everything comes to a dire climax. It’s a lyrical and captivating narrative that nicely encompasses several literary traditions and features engaging characters.
The film boasts some amazing production designs and nice camera work. There is an elegance with just a hint of steampunk that instills a timeless element into the look of the film. In the midst of all this simplicity there are these stained glass/painted windows that provide some insight into this family. Likewise, there is some logic in the costume designs when it comes to the gear they wear when they work outside. Kelsey Egan does some nice camera work to lull the viewer into the tale. The editing varies from hypotonic to invigorating. It’s impressive work.
The film features an excellent ensemble cast. Actress Adrienne Pearce is compelling as Mother. There is something about the performance that borders on villainous. She can be nurturing and strict, especially given the circumstances, but there is an aspect to it that is sinister. It’s spellbinding. Hilton Pelser is “The Stranger.” Pelser has a broad pallet to draw on as he goes through an emotional transformation as the plot unfolds. This is the second film I’ve seen with actress Jessica Alexander this year, the previous being the IFC film “A Banquet.” Alexander has an incredible range and a unique ability to create diverse characters. The character of Bee goes through this arc and she simply draws the viewer in and takes them on the journey. A rising star we are sure to see more of.
Kelsey Egan’s GLASSHOUSE is an impressive, unforgettable feature debut. She is a cinematic dynamo whose credits include stunts and visual effects, in addition to her directing, writing, producing, editing, and acting credits. Her experience with those disciplines allows her to craft a special cinematic experience. There is so much going on in this film, but it is all skillfully blended together with impressive production values and amazing performances. GLASSHOUSE is satisfying on many levels - the genre fan, the film critic, a lover of the cinema, and a lover of a good story. She is already at work on her next feature, another genre, which I can’t wait to experience based on her work here.
CAST: Jessica Alexander, Kitty Harris, Helton Pelser, Adrienne Pearce and Anja Taljaard. CREW: Director/Screenplay - Kelsey Egan; Screenplay - Emma Lungiswa De Wet; Producer - Greig Buckle; Cinematographer - Justus de Jager; Score - Patrick Cannell; Editor - Rowan Jackson; Costume Designer - Catherine McIntosh; Production Designer - Kerry Von Lillienfeld; Key MakeUp Designer & SFX - Annie Butler; Prosthetics Designer - Clinton Aiden Smith. OFFICIAL: N.A. FACEBOOK: N.A. TWITTER: N.A. TRAILER: https://youtu.be/QndhZXIyaGQ RELEASE DATE: On digital platforms July 12th, 2022.
**Until we can all head back into the theaters our “COVID Reel Value” will be similar to how you rate a film on digital platforms - 👍 (Like), 👌 (It’s just okay),  or 👎 (Dislike)
Reviewed by Joseph B Mauceri
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 6 years
Love and Family among the Legends: Prologue
When Kelsey Fawley's friend Lily died, she took in Harry Potter, expecting her life to change. When later, she gained another son by the name of Matt Murdock, she expected only a little change. It took falling into a portal destined for a different land for her to be fed up with all of these changes in her life
Ao3 Link 
The thing about war is that after it, you have to live with the memories. You have to live with the guilt and the anger and everything in between. For Kelsey Fawley, she had to live with a little more than that.
“Where is my godson Dumbledore?” she shouted at the Headmaster who frowned at her. Around them, the rest of the Ministry was watching. She had picked the area for that reason and that reason only. She wanted witnesses.
“My dear girl-”
“I am twenty-one years old Dumbledore. I am no one’s dear anything!” she snapped. “Where is Harry Potter?! I am his godmother and you illegally took him from his home and from me!” That got whispers of shock. Dumbledore scowled at her and she glared back.
She had never been good enough to catch his eye as a promising student. Her talents had always lied in the more natural arts- herbology and magical creatures- then the raw power needed for combat. No one had really noticed her at all in school, even as she joined the Order of the Phoenix with Lily as a noncombatant given her father’s stance in the war. She was just the weird plant girl who knew how to heal and was a good strategist. At least until she had taken down a few Death Eaters with just a Mandrake plant and her own hexes.
At least until she was kidnapped by the man who her father betrothed her to, and until she fought tooth and nail to be free. It was only when she destroyed her father’s estate with her plants and her knowledge of animals that anyone looked twice.
She wasn’t bitter about it, it had given her a different view of the Headmaster- a manipulative man with good intentions. But then, as the muggles said, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
“He is safe-”
“You have two days to give him to me or I go to the Goblins with the news you are breaking treaty.” Kelsey snarled. Dumbledore went pale as a witch shrieked. “A Gringotts will is bound by the treaty to be followed Dumbledore! You have two days-”
“His safer with his relatives-”
“The only direct relatives would be Lily’s sister who said to me when I met her she would rather drown her own child then have said child be magical!” Dumbledore’s already pale face went even paler.
“You… no…”
“Two days Dumbledore.” Kelsey sneered before she turned on her heel and apparated away.
Damn it, she needed to be in her garden.
She had met Lily Evans on the train to Hogwarts, feeling excited and nervous as she looked for a free compartment. She was so excited to go to Hogwarts- to make friends and be friendly with others.
She had stumbled into Lily and Severus’ compartment and made friends almost instantly with Lily. She had a much slower friendship with Severus that only became friends when she punched Peter Pettigrew in the face for stealing his homework and destroying it. Later their friendship was done thanks to his words to Lily and the fact he told Kelsey she should try and consider marrying Crabbe as their parents wanted.
When she was offered to be godmother- over Alice Longbottom who wanted Lily to be her son’s- she had been overjoyed. She had been so happy.
Then it all went to hell. Her kidnapping, Lily, and James going into hiding and then…
They died. And she was the only one who could take in Harry with Sirius… Sirius…
Kelsey dropped her gardening tools, gripping the wooden table she had been preening a plant on. A bowtruckle scurried across her hand as she tried to keep in her tears. She took a shuddering breath, her shoulders shaking.
A loud knocking startled her. A few of the animals around her were also startled.
“Shhhh, it’s okay,” she soothed a Mooncalf that was near her. “It’s okay.” Wiping her eyes, she strode towards the small ladder that led up and above her large garden, stomping up it and showing away some glow bugs that had landed on it. She reached the top of the ladder and opened the lid of her suitcase, finding that Dumbledore was there along with… “Severus.” She said stiffly. The dark haired man gave a shallow nod towards her. Kelsey came out of the case, raising an eyebrow at Dumbledore.
“Your case is much like the one Newton Scamander-” he began but Kelsey interrupted him.
“I’m aware. I based it off his after all, even if I stick with plants.” Kelsey closed the lid and turned to Dumbledore. “Where is he?”
“...St. Mungos.” Dumbledore said. Severus looked disgusted and Kelsey closed her eyes.
“Fucking Petunia,” she swore. “I was leaving England this winter- he’s coming with me.”
“Sounds like an excellent plan,” Dumbledore said. “Where will you go?”
“America. I have a job lined up there and an apartment picked out.” Kelsey replied. “I am not telling you where though.” Dumbledore frowned but didn’t press his luck. He left, leaving Severus behind who stared at Kelsey. “Leave.”
“Can we talk first?” He asked.
“I doubt there is a single thing I can say to you Severus you want to hear. And there is nothing you can say to me that won’t make me want to punch you,” she told him.
“You might be a spy Severus but I don’t trust you,” she told him. “Not after what you did.”
“No.” she turned away, picking up her case after making sure it was secure. “Oh, and I know you’ll be working at Hogwarts. Try not to be abusive dick taking his rage out on innocent children.” She walked away, ignoring Severus as he began pleading with her. She had rented the room in the Leaky Cauldron because she knew it would be weird just to have her suitcase somewhere. It made walking away from Severus feel much more satisfying.
At St. Mungos, she threatened Dumbledore five times for the horrific state they had found Harry in- malnourished and with a horrific rash from not having his diaper changed the entire time he’d been in his relative’s company.
Dumbledore took it, looking horrified himself. When Harry was finally released, Kelsey threatened him one last time before taking him and heading to her portkey.
“Just you and me baby,” Kelsey said, kissing Harry’s forehead. “You and me.” With that, they vanished from England for Chicago in America.
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coleinyourstockings · 6 years
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JOMPBPC- October 1: October Goals
A busy month, but I’m feeling ambitious!
Here’s a Rough plan for a TBR:
To Finish:
My Rice Bowl: Korean Cooking Outside The Lines by Rachel Yang
Out by Natsuo Kirino
To Read:
Naruto Vol. 4 by  Masashi Kishimoto
Fresh Ink by Various Authors
Steven Universe: Art & Origins by Chris McDonnell
White Witch, Black Curse by Kim Harrison
Night Shift by Lilith Saintcrow
True Crime Japan by Paul Murphy
Killing The Dead by Richard Murray
Not Pictured:
Naruto Vol. 3 by  Masashi Kishimoto
Naruto Vol. 5 by  Masashi Kishimoto
My Hero Academia vol. 6 by  Kohei Horikoshi
My Hero Academia vol. 7 by  Kohei Horikoshi
Blue Exorcist 1 by Kazue Kato
Bleach Vol. 74 by Tite Kubo
Tricks by Ellen Hopkins
The Lonely Ones by Kelsey Sutton
The Cat, The Crow, and The Cauldron: A Halloween Anthology by Various Authors
The Halloween Collection from the Indie Eclective by Various Authors
A Gem of a Girl by Riho Sachimi; Original Novel by Betty Neels
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dominomortemhq · 4 years
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below the cut you’ll find those who were accepted. please remember to take a look at the checklist & to send in your accounts within 48 hours.
〔 ASHLEY MADEKWE, THIRTY SIX, FEMALE, PUREBLOOD  〕⟶ i believe ANDROMEDA BLACK just walked into the leaky cauldron. that is the former HOGWARTS school student now working as a barista and aspiring writer. i heard they can be DUBIOUS & DISMISSIVE these days, lets hope they are still AMIABLE & NURTURING  as well. i believe SHE is siding with the NEUTRALS after the reconstruction of the ministry of magic. [ Kelsey, 30, est, she/her ]
〔 CHARLIE HEATON, TWENTY THREE, CIS MALE, HALFBLOOD〕⟶ i believe SEVERUS SNAPE just walked into the leaky cauldron. that is the former HOGWARTS student now working as a writer. i heard they can be PETTY & HARD TO READ these days, lets hope they are still LOYAL & PASSIONATE as well. i believe HE is siding with the NEUTRALS after the reconstruction of the ministry of magic. [ mary, 24, gmt, she/her ]
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
5 ways to harness the energy of rose quartz
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The crystal with a love-magnet rep
Erin Magner,
Photo: Getty Images/JGI/Jamie Grill
Rose quartz is the coconut oil of the crystal world—pretty much every wellness-obsessed gal has it somewhere in her home.  No, it’s not just because she needs something millennial pink to compliment her monstera plant and macramé wall hanging. Ask any gemstone expert, and they’ll tell you that rose quartz healing properties are super powerful, particularly where love’s concerned. (And let’s be real: Coupled up or solo, who couldn’t use a little help in that department?)
“Rose quartz, or the stone of emotional healing, is associated with all the properties of high-vibrational love energy,” says Well+Good Council member Kelsey Patel, reiki healer and founder of lifestyle brand Magik Vibes. She notes that the stone’s molecules are said to vibrate at an energetic frequency of 350Hz, and that when you make contact with this frequency, it’s thought to “elevate and harmonise” your heart chakra. “The high vibration of rose quartz can soothe emotional wounds and brings about a balanced energetic state of acceptance, healing, bliss, and love,” she says.
Of course, you’re unlikely to find any Western mental health practitioners prescribing chunks of rose quartz for emotional turmoil. But even if you’re skeptical of the stone’s supposed energy healing properties, you might find that its ancient symbolism alone helps to put you in a more heartened headspace. “Traditionally, this stone has been used in jewellery and in talismans with a more symbolic meaning,” Patel explains. “In one Greek legend, Cupid and Eros brought rose quartz to humankind in hopes the pink colour would inspire love and desire. In another Egyptian legend, Isis used rose quartz to maintain her divine youth and beauty. Rose quartz was also used in ancient Tibetan and Chinese cultures as a token of love.”
Another perk: Rose quartz is one of the easiest stones to track down. It’s now a common massage menu add-on, cocktail garnish, and bath-soak ingredient, not to mention that stores like Urban Outfitters are now selling the rocks in their natural state. But what are the best ways to work with rose quartz—and what can you expect when you get yours home? Here, Patel breaks down the many facets of this starter-kit crystal.
Read on for everything you need to know about rose quartz healing properties.
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Photo: Getty Images/Serena Williamson
What does it feel like to work with rose quartz?
If you’re energetically sensitive, like Patel, she says you may notice a “beautiful, warm, gentle energy” emanating from it when you hold it in your hands. (And if, like me, you’re not? You might get that feeling just by visually taking in its soft pink hue.)  “The nature of this stone is fluid and creates a sense of calmness and serenity throughout your energetic system,” Patel explains. “It supports and enhances all types of love: love for others, love for self, and unconditional love.”
From this blissed-out place, Patel adds, you may find that you’re better able to tap into your feelings—this is where its “emotional healing”  reputation comes from. “Rose quartz invites you to dive into your heart, open up to the expansive nature of your emotions, break away from judgement, and practice deep gratitude,” she says. So basically, it’s thought to have the same effect as a really good yoga class. (But without having to suffer through chair pose.)
How can we use rose quartz for its healing properties?
As I mentioned before, rose quartz comes in many forms these days—you’ve got way more options than just sticking the stone in your bra. (Although that totally works, too.) It’s really about playing around to choose the modality that works best for you. “The main thing to remember about working with all crystals is that we are all different and what speaks to someone may not speak to another,” says Patel. “We have to remain open. Crystals are the most potent when we don’t try to control and over analyse. If you hold a rose quartz sphere and order yourself to feel love, chances are you’ll feel more frustration and impatience.”
That said, here are some of the most common ways to get a feel for rose quartz’s reputed healing properties.
1. Keep rose quartz nearby when you’re meditating: This one’s probably the easiest—all you need is a single rose quartz stone. “You can bring rose quartz directly over your heart so it can connect to your heart chakra,” Patel suggests. “From here, sit with any emotions that arise—good and bad—and send waves of love to each, cleansing it and shifting the energy.” This option’s especially potent if you add some visualisation to your meditation, says Patel. “You can work with rose quartz by [picturing] a pink light of love as you inhale and move it throughout your entire body.”
2. Incorporate rose quartz into your gratitude practice: Sending love to all aspects of your life is a guaranteed mood elevator. But adding rose quartz into the mix can take gratitude to a whole new level, says Patel. “Use rose quartz while repeating mantras and affirmations of love for who you are, the life you live, the relationships you hold, and the planet you call home,” she advises. You can also jot your gratitude lists in a journal, if writing’s more your thing.
3. Bring some rose quartz into your self-care routine: Holistic facialists are sweet on rose quartz for its reported ability to calm and soothe angry skin. But you don’t have to visit a spa to reap the benefits. “It’s been used for facial healing tools like rose quartz facial rollers and rose quartz gua sha,” Patel says. You can also find the stone’s energy infused into skin care products, like the ones from Kora Organics. And that’s not all—rose quartz is now being carved into some not-so-traditional self-care tools, like $150 hair combs and sex toys.
4. Wear rose quartz jewellery: “You can wear rose quartz in jewellery to open up the loving energy that already exists within you,” says Patel. If nothing else, it looks great with jeans and a perfect white tee—here are a few high-vibe jewellery shops that go way beyond the basic mala bracelet.
5. Decorate with rose quartz: Need another argument to add to your rose quartz collection? Patel says it can bring more “balance and harmony” to your space. And it’s not just about rocks, either—you can now get side tables, lamps, and even bathtubs crafted from the high-vibe stone.
What’s the best place to source rose quartz for healing?
Patel believes that real-deal rose quartz (read: not man-made) is going to give you the biggest energetic hit. (How to know for sure that you’re getting the natural stuff? Seek out a reputable shop and ask them about the source of the crystals and how they ensure quality—for instance, Magik Vibes gets its rose quartz from India.) Once you’ve hit on a batch of stones that came from the earth, you may find that each individual one makes you feel a little different. So it’s about handling as many of them as possible and seeing which one resonates the strongest for you.
“I believe finding a crystal is a lot like dating,” Patel says. “You have to try them out and connect with them face-to-face in order to see if there’s a true connection and if you can feel energy vibrating off it. Most real quartz stones will have an immediate vibration. It’s the surefire indicator that it’s real and reliable.” As they say, vibes don’t lie—which, come to think of it, is pretty good advice when you’re scrolling through Hinge, too.
Another way to use crystals for healing? Get them in a heating pad, like the one Lena Dunham uses. Or place them in your bedroom to help you sleep.
Do you like to work with herbs and nature? Be a Green Kitchen Witch! Stir your cauldron and wake up your familiars! Get into action! We have so much to do! Share your food, drink, health and beauty tips, articles and advice! Make your own medicine and remedies using herbs and items from your own kitchen. Money saving ideas! DIY Natural Health and Beauty - things we use every day are easy to make using simple, natural ingredients. Make your own cosmetics! Herbals, dieting, vitamins and supplements, self-improvement, self-love, spells. Shopping and cleaning tips, recipes, cooking, coupon-ing ideas are welcome! Do join GrannyMoon and friends at https://groups.io/g/HerbalWitchesCauldron
Goddess Bless! GrannyMoon
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frankenbolt · 7 years
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Frank’s American Adventure 2017 Swag- Gifts others have given me, and shit I brought for myself.
So, an Orlando shirt that was free with purchase, a set of Goofy PJs my Dad picked out (because when I was a kid we’d sit and watch Goofy cartoons together and he’s told me multiple times that it’s the only Disney-positive memory he has),a Disney-Halloween 2017 shirt I thought was rad, Disney Cauldron with hot chocolate in it (that I wanted just for the cauldron), a NBC t-shirt I thought was charming, a The Met pattern T-shirt I saw at the airport in Newark I thought was fucking sweet, A purple raccoon my brother won at a Dart Tossing booth at Daytona Beach, some speakers my Uncle said he didn’t want (my brother was given an iPad???), a copy of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow that I saw in Barnes and Noble that was pretty sweet and on sale; likewise a nice copy of Frankenstein (because mine is full of notes and post-its), a copy of Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman (I heard it’s good!), a copy of My Best Friend’s Exorcism (It’s pretty good, I reccomend it!), an NBC lanyard (for my pins!), a Halloween 2017 Goofy pin, a Funko Captain Marvel that Kelsey, Lydz and Meghan gave me when I went to visit them, a set of dice (that are FREAKING JINXED), a single d20 (also similarly JINXED), a fidget spinner my brother gave me because it was free with the one he brought for himself, some neat rocks from Daytona, two Disney keyrings, some The Met graphite pencils and a pen that looks like a pencil I got at the airport in Newark, an iron-on Ravenclaw patch for my work bag, and some regular ass pens.
...I’m very jetlagged. I also always take inventory after trips to work out how much I spent vs how much stuff was given to me via family members thus making my suitcase that much more difficult to move around the airport.
It was a good trip.
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ginnyzero · 4 years
Completely Harmless Ch. 36
Completely Harmless An SSO SilverGlade Re-imagining Story (Or Fix it Fan Salt fic) By Ginny O.
When Lily and her friends wanted to buy horses and were directed to the Silverglade Manor and its myriad of problems, they didn’t expect to start a revolution. They were just a bunch a stable girls. Completely harmless. Right?
A/N: Things are only canon if I say they’re canon. Pre-Saving the Moorland Stables compliant for the most part. Posted in its entirety on my website. Posted in 2000 to 4000 word bits here. Rated T for Swearing Word Count 177,577
Chapter Thirty-Six Tying up Rainbow Week in a Colorful Bow!
They left for the Stormgarden right after breakfast donuts and chores. It was past time to see their major competition and ally winery in South New Jorvik County. The Stormgarden’s grape fields marched between the Greendale Forest and their big house being lorded over by the G.E.D.’s building development that stood between them and Hillcrest.
The girls tried not to think about what was going on in Hillcrest too much. They didn’t know what they could do. They needed to trust Amelia and Josefina getting into Ms. Drake’s good graces.
The Stormgarden stables and the Winery houses, both old and new, were large cut stone buildings. Their wine cave, they learned, was an actual cave! It was a limestone cave cut under the hill and had an entrance up into the new Stormgarden family residence. The old Stormgarden house was now a quaint bed and breakfast with spa services.
Sometimes, a massage did sound really good, all the girls agreed!
One of the Li family taught them how to fold origami animals and flowers. Then they took a long trail ride down to the bottom of the Cauldron. There they had a picnic lunch next to the spring of Chinese style dumplings and tea.
“Hope that never overflows,” one girl murmured.
“Water volcano,” another girl said.
Then they took the long trail ride back. They waved at the Li family and headed off towards Crescent Moon Village through a beautiful maple forest. It was an old forest for the maples to be so big and strong.
They passed a place where construction tape had been set up and then were directed through a bunch of cotton fields and had to jump a broken bridge. (The man nearby had been apologetic. He was working on fixing it.)
On top of a huge mountain like hill on the edge of the sea was a large fort structure made out of yellow stone like Fort Pinta. This had to be Fort Maria. They noted the turn off and kept going towards New Hillcrest.
Large stately horses browsed the grass in paddocks, white, black, chestnut with flaxen manes, and steely grey. These were the handsome Friesian and Friesian sport horses.
They all sighed in delight. Friesian horses were so handsome, unlike their very pretty Jorvik Warmblood Sports. From the front, Friesian horses had a delicate looking head, until you realized it was quite a dishy nose when you viewed them from the side.
They could have stayed to watch them for hours, but really, they needed to get on with Rainbow Week!
Syntax was churning out tunes in the big square of New Hillcrest with all the shops around it. Across the way was a very artificial and very out of place for the area suburb like cul-de-sac of cookie cutter houses.
Lily had to stop in the middle of the asphalt road to really take it in. This hadn’t been the first time they’d seen it since helping Antonia, but after having toured the district for rainbow week, it stuck out more like a sore thumb. “Who approved that?” She gestured at the houses.
“Jorvik University,” Pauline said, “And Bernadette Winterwell.”
“Did they, like, do no research about local building materials and styles?”
“We must modernize,” Tyra intoned.
“Bullshit!” Lily exploded.
“Why do you think G.E.D. has gotten as far as it has?” Linn asked as she shifted in her saddle. “They’re strangers with suitcases saying they’re going to bring more money to the county.”
“So, if this succeeds, G.E.D. would get free reign. Like I said, bullshit,” Lily rolled her eyes.
“And asphalt is so bad for horse hooves.”
“Ugh, and the Winterwells let them do this.”
“They got a tax break.”
“What everyone will do for a tax break,” Lily mumbled.
The Rockwells were helping out with the crafting, so they got off their horses and made the stained glass style sun catchers in front of the small farmhouse. It was a lot of fun and helped cheer them up.
Nathalie at the stable had the charms for them and told them that the next trail ride would leave within the hour. Or she could give them a map of the trail.
“We can wait for the guide,” Pauline said. “Do you have any races?”
“There’s one through the Sunset islands,” Nathalie said. “Are you Lily?”
“I’m Lily, and these are the rest of the Silver Drakes.”
“Ginny and Susan have been talking about you a lot. They’re really excited about the ideas you’ve had to make money for the Club without having to hold bake sales. I’m not sure about Mr. Kemball building them a riding arena.”
“I’m sure they’ll have to double check to make sure he’s not getting shoddy or stolen work materials or not getting his permits or doing the work right so it doesn’t fall down,” Lily said and watched in amusement as half her club took off to run around Sunset Islands in a group race. “The point is that Mr. Kemball is paying for it and that means we can keep an eye on him.”
“His daughter seems like a nice girl. Elise, I think that’s her name.”
“I hope she’s nice, for the Bulldogz sake if nothing else.” Lily nodded.
“Lily, you have to try this race, it’s difficult!”
Lily tugged on her helmet rim. “We’ll be in touch.”
Nathalie grinned.
By the time the second group finished the race it was time to take the trail ride around the Mirror Marsh. They sprayed on extra bug spray and along the way met Frida, who sold frogs, and a man named Hayden who made them stop to get dirt and water samples for him so then they could test them.
Supposedly this wasn’t his area, he liked bugs, but someone had to test the waters.
Lily texted the information about Hayden to Linda.
They all were very polite about his pet spider. Before they left though, Hayden bellyached about everything, from them in the marsh, to the missing baby spiders, to the weather.
“What a grumpy gus,” one of the girls murmured.
Their guide told them about the area and why it was called the Mirror Marsh and everything.
Afterwards, they headed to the Dews farm to see the Friesians giving a demonstration of dressage in the Dews Paddock, and to listen to Raptor at the charity event. The rainbow crashed behind crowd. And well, Raptor thought it was cool. They helped Chaun out and dumped shillings into the charity box for the Dew family.
Maya was overseeing it so no one would run off with it. She smiled at them. She had her pitchfork just in case!
They had to go back through the swamp to get to South Hoof Peninsula by the huge bridge connecting it to mainland by New Hillcrest Stables. They discovered Brogan rummaging about the reeds. He needed water. Lots and lots of clear water. The water from the shore was no good. They got him several buckets full and he disappeared again.
They decided he was being more than annoying.
They took the bridge up and halfway up they were able to hear the Celtic group playing. Their fiddler was doing a solo and it was haunting enough to make the hairs on the back of their arms stand up and give them goose bumps. The Celtic group had a fiddler, a bagpipe player, and an Irish Pennywhistle player who played together and took turns soloing. They were quite good.
They took part in the huge group race that went from one side of the peninsula to the other. It started on the Northern beach. Some of the jumps were half buried barrels. Other places, they’d made sand sculptures. Of course, there were rocks to jump too. It was an exciting race.
“I don’t feel like we went anywhere!” One of the girls joked as they ended up on the southern side of the concert.
They ran with the wild Welsh Ponies and that was really exciting. Then it was time to go to the South Hoof Farm and Rescue Ranch.
Madison thought they were awesome since they stopped in to tell her that they believed her about Mr. Anwir and him wanting to steal the ponies. Madison couldn’t wait to be a couple years older and join the Ramming Lambs. Kelsey had promised her a spot. But she was a ‘junior’ member for now. But she was going to tame her friend Nightdust.
They all encouraged her. Even though everything she said was a jumbled mix of different stories and genres.
“Man, she certainly has an imagination.”
They met Hugh, who fortunately didn’t have any horribly ill patients at the moment. He gave them a tour of the Rescue part of the Farm. After, they were able to shop and paint seashells in vibrant colors.
They decided to get dinner and listen to the Celtic group until it was time to go back to the Manor. It’d been a full day with a lot of riding.
Having seen everything at least once, the rest of the week, they spent going to their favorite places, finding Jojo Siwa bows in the oddest places, finding and delivering lost letters, chasing Brogan down and helping Chaun. They noticed that Brogan could always be found in the same area around the rainbow after it had crashed.
It took almost the full week, but by the end Brogan was acting a bit off. Giggling a lot. And hiccupping.
They were finally able to catch him by the collar and take him to Chaun.
The two Krampus type fae had a big argument about the rainbows and rainbow gold. No one could quite understand it. But apparently, in exchange for some dandelion wine and clover, Chaun would share his rainbow gold with Brogan.
At least, the next time the Rainbow crashed to the ground, Chaun and Brogan were at the end of it and they were both laughing hysterically. Brogan now also had items to give them in exchange for rainbow gold.
They decided not to think about it too hard. This probably fell under topics that teenagers weren’t supposed to know.
At the end of the week, they saw Jojo off with Pia at Cape West as she got on a boat to go back to the States. They waved until it disappeared over the horizon.
There was a great deal of satisfaction, even though they knew the next day they were going to have to take down all their decorations. At least they still had boxes to store them in. It’d been a festival well done and to remember! They had so many new things!
So, they were still plenty cheerful while they were taking down their decorations, and a young woman approached them. She was carefully cradling one of the ducks in her arms.
“Um hi,” she said peering up at Lily who was on the ladder in the stable helping unhook the fluffy cloud lamps from the glass dome.
“Hello,” Lily called down. “Be with you in a moment, or maybe Stacey and Brittany can help you?”
“Are you girls the ones in charge of the ducks? I talked to Judy and she said that you’ve been taking care of them.”
“Well, the ducks are sort of in charge of themselves,” Brittany said. “We’re just helping out to make sure they’re fed, watered, and everything is cleaned up around them.”
“You have quite a few of them,” the girl observed.
“They are attracted to the water,” Stacey said. “Some of them have gotten quite attached to us, I think. We’re discussing keeping some of them as pets and selling others to interested parties. Did you want one?”
The girl chewed her lip. “Well, actually, I was going to ask if um, you needed someone to sell them. I love ducks and run duck programs and all, but I’d want to make sure they go to good homes. You know how horrible it can get around Easter when people buy ducks, rabbits, and chickens, thinking they’re cute.”
“Oh, we’d never sell goslings,” Lily said. “That’s just wrong. Goslings need their mothers.”
“I wouldn’t sell them either! But, someone would have to manage the store shop all the time.”
“And you’re volunteering?” Lily looked down.
“If I can continue running my duck programs,” the girl turned red. “Ohkay, fine, I got fired from my last job at the zoo. And um, I really know a lot about birds and the local vet said you guys had a lot of ducks that needed care.”
“Well, we’re not in charge of hire and fire,” Brittany explained. “But we can get you an interview with the Baroness and if she accepts you, then you’re golden.”
“Yeah, there might be a place in town for you.” Lily carefully came down the ladder holding all the strings of the cloud lanterns. She eased them into the boxes as she jumped off the ladder. “There’s no harm in asking. All she can do is say no. We’ve got three different coops on the property. If you need a fourth down by the South Silver Waters past the grapes, tell us. I think there are six different species in the area.”
Brittany let the ladder go. “I’ll introduce you to Godfrey. He’s the butler and he’s nice.”
“He likes us,” Stacey said.
“And if you like, you can be an honorary Silver Drake,” Lily added. “The Sterling Rose has a bunch of Winery themed clothes you can choose your work day outfits out of.”
The girl looked daze. “Um, thank you. Thank you so much!”
“We’ll show which ducks like us the best, that way you won’t sell them.”
“We might need to start taking them around with us,” Brittany giggled. “Before they get too lonely.”
Lily rolled her eyes but didn’t say anything.
Stacey herded the girl off to see Godfrey.
“Well, I hope that takes care of that,” Lily said.
Brittany passed her the hammer. “Me too.”
The girl joined them for lunch. Her name was Latisha and she was the new owner of the Qwacker Barrel, a duck and local flowers pet shop situated right next to the Sterling Rose.
“Okay, I’m selling out of a barrel. But I can duck into the Sterling Rose if the weather gets bad.”
“In Jorvik?” Pauline asked.
Lakisha ignored her and rightly so. “It’s out doors and all the fresh air. Plus, the ducks! Antonia says she has an extra room in her house she’ll rent me and food is on the Baroness.”
“I hope you like Greek and Italian, those are Tony’s specialties.”
“And there’s an ice cream bar right down the fountain,” Pauline grinned.
“Right, what more could we want! I guess the cottage next door is where the shop girl for the Sterling Rose is staying. And on the other side is the servers for the restaurant and the ice cream bar. I think the ice cream chef and the sommelier for the Wine Cellar are a married couple with their own place,” Lakisha said. She shrugged. “Tony’s being super sweet about it.”
“Wow, you know more than we do and you just got here,” Lily blinked.
“We have been stupid busy with Agnetha,” Tyra rolled her eyes. “Like stupid, stupid, busy. Come on, the contractors arrive tomorrow to start putting in the permanent pavilion and there is still a race track to build and put gardens around.”
“And there is other business around the county to take care of,” Lily said in a low voice.
The Baroness was displeased. And she took pride in the fact that Silverglades knew how to get things done.
FOR THE ACCOMPANYING IMAGES PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE MY WATERMARK AND CONTACT INFORMATION. THANK YOU. I get it. Some of you might get excited and want to see this stuff in the game, especially the clothes, tack, and pets. However, the only way I want to see this in the game is if I get paid for it. If I see it in the game and I’m not paid for it, there will be hell to pay. You think I’m salty. I’d be angry. Personally, I’m not going to send this info to SSO. If you do, leave my contact information there! Don’t give them any excuses to steal.
Now, I’ll know you haven’t read this note if you leave me comments about how ‘salty’ I am about the game and if I hate it so much I should do something else. I am doing something else. It’s called Mystic Riders MMORPG Project. Mystic Riders however is a very baby phase game. You can check out our plans on the game dev blog. (Skills, Factions, Professions, Crafting, Mini-Games, 25+ horse breeds!) If you know anyone who would be interested and has money or contacts about game making, direct them to the blog.
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I need to gather my direction, inspiration, and my magick!
In this article I will be using the term magick. I have included my thoughts on the two words and in that vain of thought is how I use these two terms in the following blog post.
Magic - appears to be miraculous but is under human control and usually is just sleight of hand or misdirection. Entertainment.
Magick- of or belonging to the universe. Not a religion, not sleight of hand, not for entertainment, not used to confound or trick. EVERYONE HAS IT!
No don’t break out the cauldron, just yet. No, this is the time I gather up my magick form the out side world and drink it in and make it…”just me”. (Harry Potter reference, “Just Harry”) Yes friends, I look at those everyday actions and interactions, likes, inspirations, music, tastes, etc… put it in a cup and drink it up. Gather up the dry twig and feed a fire with it. It has taken me years to become isync with the seasons of life and actual seasons. To have gratitude for the artist that plays on my Alexa to the artist’s colors I apply to my face and wear on my back to the artist that decorates my nails. Hell my Barber has magick, and artist license to my hair. I give thanks for these people that they cross my path. They are what I pull out and savor when things are dark. By that I mean the direction that you head down can get dim. You cant see clearly where you are going. I pull out one of these magical moments and light my way.
It sounds easy and indeed it can be but to get to the place that you do this second nature takes repetition, ritual. I mean that last part. RITUAL. What is ritual… I mean the ritual of journal, of saying thanks, your mental state, your attitude all effect this magickal state. So stagnec growth or mental state will effect your flow. I have some practices I have done for years and then some that I no longer do because it no longer serves me. it requires a critical but loving eye to unmask the years of the way you internalize life. I have lately started a ritual of practicing self love and encouragement. I noticed that after my husbands long term illness and subsequently his death, I had a huge problem with self loathing. I had stopped all form of self care and just weathered the storm. When that particular storm passed, I had been standing against the wind for so long I just fell down. Just laid down because I was so exhausted. It seemed that all of my magick was sucked from my very marrow. I shudder to think what would have happened to me if I didn’t have what magick I did have to see me through. It’s important to tell you here, that there is and was magick in that dark time as well. That the storm that I stood against ended up holding me up as well. Its not a bad thing to see something bright in a bad situation. As Kelsey tells me, sometimes it may be as small as the mantra “relief will come”.
Have a great week and let me know so of your practices.
As Always
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ao3feed-skullgirls · 5 years
Final Frontier Federation
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2m6TYD1
by UnknownNemesis
It's not easy to make a living in a universe where professional wrestling is the dominant industry. Toonami is steadily losing viewership, and faces potential financial cuts or outright cancellation. Determined to generate more funding, TOM takes it upon himself to start a new fictional wrestling company, enlisting the aid of Sergeant Dornan. With Earth over saturated by competition, the fledgling promotion sets out to make a splash where no other has gone: space, the final frontier.
Words: 3419, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes, Naruto, Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue, Red vs. Blue, Skullgirls (Video Game), League of Legends, Overwatch (Video Game), Villainous (Cartoon), Fallout (Video Games), Star Wars - All Media Types, Mass Effect Trilogy, BlazBlue, Tekken, The Black Cauldron (1985), Celebrity Deathmatch, Half-Life, Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Cartoon 2018), Dragon Ball, Undertale (Video Game), Big Hero 6: The Series (Cartoon), Sonic the Hedgehog (IDW Comics), Venom (Movie 2018)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Characters: K.O. (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes), Radicles (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes), Enid (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes), Agent Washington (Red vs. Blue), Carter Grayson, Chad Lee, Joel Rawlings, Kelsey Winslow, Dana Mitchell, Yes Man (Fallout), Sans (Undertale), Papyrus (Undertale), Eddie Brock | Venom, Mishima Kazuya, Soldier: 76 | Jack Morrison, Doomfist: The Successor | Akande Ogundimu, Michael Morningstar | Darkstar, Alyx Vance, The G-Man (Half-Life), Thresh (League of Legends), Painwheel | Carol, Kakuzu (Naruto), Hidan (Naruto), Urdnot Wrex, Garrus Vakarian, Baymax (Marvel), Phasma (Star Wars), FN-2199 | Nines, Male Shepard (Mass Effect), Black Hat (Villainous), Dr. Flug (Villainous), Demencia (Villainous), Mae Borowski, Yuriko Oyama, Kagura Mutsuki, Hibiki Kohaku, The Foot Clan (TMNT), Lena "Tracer" Oxton, Jet the Hawk, Storm the Albatross, Wave the Swallow, Botamo (Dragon Ball), Auta Magetta
Additional Tags: Crossover, Wrestling, Science Fiction, Action/Adventure, Drama
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2m6TYD1
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