utilitycaster · 9 months
🔥 Delilah becoming more prominent in c3
Fundamentally wasn't a great premise - relying heavily on the continued existence of someone who was killed three times in their initial story is already going to feel like, well, beating a dead wizard - but, with that said, also was executed extremely poorly.
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revvethasmythh · 9 months
45 for the ask meme
(Also RIP your rib roast)
45. Ominous Lectures: Did your opinion on specific characters change over the course of the year? If so, how?
Honestly, the biggest opinion change for me this year was Laudna and not particularly for the better. I'd found her quite enjoyable as a character before, but something about the lack of cohesive backstory and her intense (sometimes confusingly so) reactions to plot developments this year really had me scratching my head and asking if her character made much sense at all. Because her reactions can be SO strong ("it's finally happened! Ashton has kidnapped Imogen!" and/or wanting to kill Ashton for "betraying" her) and it feels like there is not nearly enough background information for those intense responses to made sense. If I've watched the entire campaign and it's hard to puzzle out where these reactions are stemming from, then we have an issue. Yes, there are reasons if you dig into her backstory and listen specifically to what Marisha has said on 4sd, but in terms of what's been done ON the show itself, it doesn't feel like Laudna has enough history told for most of her reactions to make sense (also re: her suddenly talking about feeling hated by the gods, which had never come up before, and her sudden attachment to the titans during the Issylra plot especially compared to her convo w/Imogen in ep. 49 and her comments about the gods, which don't seem to follow at all the same lines of logic as she's using now)
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stickandthorn · 6 months
For the ask game, what's a headcanon you have for Imogen?
Ooh, interesting one. I don’t have any real headcanons for her that come to mind, so let’s just do a base vibes read. I think if she smoked she’d smoke all time classic Malboro reds, she’d like oatmeal for breakfast but not eggs, and I feel like she could do a front walk over as a kid but not an adult. But really who knows.
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masterqwertster · 2 months
So coming back to my idea again that the Emissary is going to be cause of the Aeorian Time Bubbles.
@kerosene-in-a-blender has this great post theorizing about the split in obligations that the Lawbearer is fighting with due to the Factorum Malleus Destruction Mission. The gist of it is that she has obligation to save both the Betrayers and the Mortals and that the Emissary is her attempt to keep to both.
And the Time Bubbles kind of do that. They allow the other gods to drop the city, protecting the Betrayers (all of them really, if a second shot without the safeguards from the Society of Primes goes off) and making sure that not everyone in Aeor dies.
And the other thought I've had on the Time Bubbles is that if they are from the Emissary, they probably contain the divine faithful of Aeor. It's the easiest qualifier for trying to find people to save who aren't going to immediately rush for recreating this situation once released.
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burr-ell · 1 year
To expand on the previous post (with excellent addition by @kerosene-in-a-blender), I genuinely believe Laudna as a character would be a lot stronger in one of two scenarios:
1. Ditch the Whitestone stuff. I say this as someone who has produced almost nothing but de Rolo content—that is too big a part of Campaign 1 not to completely overshadow anything different the character tries to do in a long-form narrative. I think they could have threaded that needle, but that requires so much more focus and attention that a fast-paced story about a moon conspiracy just isn't built for. It's been 65 episodes and Whitestone nostalgia is all the character has meaningfully contributed to the narrative.
They put themselves between a rock and a hard place before the story even started. You can't bring in Delilah too often without inevitably treading on Campaign 1, but you also can't use her too little—not just because she's Delilah Briarwood, but also because that's the patron of a PC and your PCs need to be taking center stage. And yet there is nothing Delilah's presence has done in the story thus far that could not have been accomplished by a completely different, hitherto-unknown necromancer patron. Laudna's experiences in Whitestone could be replaced with a similarly traumatic backstory (it's not like Exandria is hurting for necromancers abusing power) and she'd have to actually elaborate on it and flesh out the worldbuilding and think about the backstory instead of being able to lean on "Hey, you guys remember that Briarwood arc? Freaky, right?"
2. Keep Laudna as she is and use her in an EXU miniseries. Set it in northwestern Tal'Dorei, where she's been wandering aimlessly for thirty years, spending half the time disassociating and half the time making her dolls. She meets a colorful group of people and they go on some adventures, and she finally decides to take back her life and do something about the voice in her head. You'd basically keep the Whitestone episodes of C3 as they are, give or take a few beats, as the climactic episodes of the series, and then the newly fire-forged friends set off for whatever new journey awaits them.
Maybe Laudna switches patrons; maybe she ditches the warlock thing entirely; maybe she ends the miniseries not knowing what she wants but excited to learn about it with her new companions. Mini-campaigns don't have to worry about that kind of thing! You can have your Whitestone nostalgia and some fanservice while still telling a pretty fun story, and it won't feel like a weird extra appendage to a main campaign that otherwise has very little to do with it. I wouldn't say it's a story I'd be interested in seeing continue, but it's perfectly serviceable for something small and self-contained.
What it has not been serviceable for is the long-form story of Campaign 3.
Honestly, I was a little concerned about all of this even before I started watching all the way through, but I wanted to give it time and judge it for myself. I don't believe in unfounded doomsaying, and I wanted to give the show a chance to do something interesting. And it has been 65 episodes, over 260 hours of content, which I think puts us well past the window of "give it a chance", and Laudna has spent the vast majority of her time not meaningfully engaging with her levels of warlock if it doesn't contribute to creepy girl vibes. (She frankly isn't engaging with her levels in sorcerer, either.) She's never even addressed potentially finding a new patron—so does she not want to? But then why is she so distressed about the idea of Delilah resurfacing? And if she does want a new patron, why has nothing actually happened in the almost-thirty episodes we've had since the Whitestone trip? If she's been "fighting Delilah for thirty-odd years", why didn't she take the chance to explicitly try to connect with, say, the Sun Tree? Or literally anyone else?
And honestly, as a Campaign 1 fan I have to say I'm also frustrated at how Delilah's presence specifically undercuts that story. Like, yeah, you have a technical reason for why she's still here, but "well she IS a powerful necromancer" is just a mechanical explanation, not a dramaturgical one. Her story is done. The chapter closed. She had ample opportunity, including when specifically asked by the Hells, to state any specific goals—any at all—and didn't. This is the woman who menaced Percy and Vex? This is the woman who permanently killed Vax? ...Really?
It could have been an interesting challenge to take on in referencing something from the past while bringing something new to the table, and it's not like they haven't done that before; they've already shown with Jester and the Traveler that it can be done. But they haven't done it here; any opportunity for Laudna to grow beyond her vague concepts—"What if Sun Tree Body...with Delilah patron? What if weird scary girl...but happy?"—has been generally ignored. Her killing Bor'dor is the first time in the entire campaign that she's done something that really got my attention, and in two episodes it's almost immediately papered over, followed by some inexplicable "must you continue to reconquer?" word salad about the gods.
Marisha explicitly refused to create a new character until she knew for sure whether or not Laudna would be resurrected. But if she enjoys her so much, when is she going to do anything meaningful with her?
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elegant-fleuret · 1 year
inspiration punched me in the gut from these post by @aliasrocket and the song HATEFUCK by Pussy Riot/Slayyyter
uh big DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT energy for this one, with dub-con/CNC, blood, violence, mean words, and no happy ending
19/06/2023: switched up some wording and added a bit more to make this a bit more palatable and consensual non-consent.
Title: Make Me Squirt Kerosene Rating: Explicit Pairing: Rocket Raccoon x Reader Summary: Worst kept secret on the Benatar was that you hated Rocket. Not to worry though, the feelings were mutual.
Worst kept secret on the Benatar was that you hated Rocket.
When he walked into the room your reaction was visceral if you weren’t outright ignoring his entire existence. Face puckering like you had just bitten into a lemon. Picking apart every point of his being you found grotesque, unnatural, ugly. From the metal cybernetics drilled into gnarled flesh that poked out from the collar of his jumpsuit to the shedding fur that covered him.
And that was only on the surface level.
Once you cracked the tip of the iceberg you found the inside parts of him disgusting as well. His voice, that annoying accent, was like nails in a blender and he never shut the fuck up. Acting like he was the smartest person in the entire galaxy with condescending comments and insults. As if the bionic implants in his brain weren’t the only reason he wasn’t just another trash eating animal on the streets.
Not to worry though, the feelings were mutual.
Only thing keeping Rocket from tossing your mooching ass out the airlock was Quill’s unwavering devotion he had towards you. Some bullshit ‘oh we trauma bonded with the Ravagers, we’re family’ reason. But Rocket could see the way Quill looked at you, when Gamora wasn’t around, eyefucking you every chance he got. So could you. Anger boiled under his skin every time you batted your eyelashes at Quill, asking him to ‘pretty please can we land on this planet’ or ‘I wish I had enough units to buy that’. Like the idiot he was Quill would think with his dick and bend to your every demand in hopes you showed him any sort of affection.
Which you did not. You used Quill, you used them all, for anything and everything, and no one else saw it. To the rest of them you were just so sweet, so kind and just oh so sensitive to all this fighting they did, you’re much to weak for that. Weaponized incompetence kept you lounging in the sitting room instead of doing the grunt work. But your huge tits and coquettish replies didn’t fool Rocket. No, he saw straight through your disguise. Saw you as the narcissistic user that you were. It made him sick.
Coincidentally that’s were he found you when he returned from the last mission. Rocket was tired, without the adrenaline rush from the fight to keep him going, the metal in his bones begging him to just collapse and relax. But he couldn’t. Not with you sprawled across the couch in the little sitting room.
It made anger flared inside Rocket’s chest, watching you play on one of Groot’s gamepads dressed in nothing but a nearly see through camisole nightie. Why the fuck did you get to lounge around, using up the teams hard earned units as if you deserved them for merely existing. His fingers curled into a fist as he stomped over to you.
Close now, close enough to smell the sickly sweet scent of whatever ridiculously hard to get Terran perfume you just had to have. It clung to your skin, permeating every room you entered with the saccharine aroma that made him gag. He stopped inches from your side, arms crossed, glaring down his snout at you, and cleared his throat. Obviously you knew he was there.
And yet you ignored him.
The blatant audacity you had in pretending he didn’t exist would be impressive if it didn’t go up his ass sideways. Not even a side-eye in his direction. The fur on his body began to stand on end, involuntary nerves constricting the hair follicles to make himself look intimidating as he readied himself for an attack.
“Finally decided to get out of bed today?” Acid burned his mouth as he spoke. Hoped it would be caustic enough to get you to move but all it earned him was an unimpressed pop of your tongue.
Without breaking your concentration on the game between your hands you hummed. “I don’t know, Rocket. Did you finally decide to not be a liability to everyone around you?”
There was barely any basis for the insult. Yes Rocket was hotheaded and went in with guns ablaze, but he had never made a decision that put the rest of the crew in harm’s way. Something he was very proud of, something he was always very conscious of. You knew that. You also knew that saying it would do damage to his delicate self worth.
At the bristling of Rocket’s fur you knew you landed a critical hit. Wonderful. He let out a strangled noise, something between a growl and a bark.
“Hmm, I’ll take that as a no,” you concluded flippantly hoping he would get the hint and fuck off. Distracted just enough you missed an enemy in the game and your character took a hit, depleting your last life. Shit, it had taken you almost two hours to get that far. Stupid fucking game with no stupid fucking save files. With a groan of annoyance you closed your eyes, head falling to the arm of the couch. “Can you fuck off and bother someone else?”
“What I want to do is fuck off,” Rocket was surprised he hadn’t started to foam at the mouth. At this point most of his blood had been replaced by rage. Rage that blinded his reasoning and made him grab your delicate ankles and heave them out of the way, “and sit on the fuckin’ couch I fuckin’ bought.”
To prove his point Rocket defiantly sat down on the now empty cushion. You gawked at the impermanence of his actions. Did he just touch you? How dare he touch you?! You pulled your legs up on the cushion separating you from him, unwilling to give up anymore space.
“Get off the couch,” you demanded.
Like you had just done Rocket disregarded your entire existence. Instead of leaving he settled back further into the couch as he propped his heavy boots onto the table. Crumbs of battle chipped off, leaving a scattered pile of filth on the table’s once clean surface.
Disgusting asshole. From the depth of your soul vitriol began to leak out. It seeped into every inch of your skin, into your nerves, into your brain.
“Get off the couch.”
Ignored you again as he faux-yawned, stretching his arms above his head. Much less of a poker face than you had you could see the smirk curling the sides of his mouth. Enjoying how much he was pissing you off. Which worked.
The last thread of patience you had snapped as you planted the soles of your feet against his body and kicked. “GET OFF OF THE FUCKING COUCH!”
But you weren’t strong. Not like him.
Before your knees even had a chance to straighten out Rocket had a grabbed you. His nails sliced into the thin skin on your ankles as he yanked them apart so they had no chance of kicking him. To keep it that way he positioned his body between the apex of your thighs, grounded you in place with the very apparent hard bulge of his clothed cock.
Taken off guard you gasped, high pitched and in pain, as he forced your legs open at an awkward angle. You struggled to make him let go, trying to jerk your ankles free. But he was stronger, so much stronger, and his iron clad hold only tightened.
“What are you doing?!” You glared at him, chest heaving at the fear that spiked in your stomach at the sudden realization of how weak you were. “Let me go.”
Adrenaline rushed back into his system. He saw it, he saw the fear flash across your widened eyes as you struggled with all your might. Saw you realize he could do whatever he wanted and you’d be powerless to stop him. It made him feel good. Finally realized who the fuck you were messing with.
“Naw. Don’t think I will.” Rocket sneered down at you. In your struggles the hem of you camisole had ridden up. Under the silken material a pair of equally silken panties barely covered you up. He took to opportunity to rut his hardon against the soft material with glee. “This is my fuckin’ home too. Who the fuck do you think you are, actin' like you own the entire ship? Think you can walk around dressed like a fuckin’ slut and everyone will fall to their knees? Talk about being a liability, all you do is suck the units out of us.”
The words pierced your carefully crafted wall of confidence. Cracks in the foundation bled a thick ichor of hatred that coated your tongue. “Fuck you, Rocket.”
“Yeah, well, that’s the least you could do, isn’t it?” Rocket eyed the way your tits moved with you labored breathing. Without a bra the camisole left nothing to the imagination. The hardened little peaks of your nipples under the fabric were on full display. His smirked turned into a leer at the realization. He chuckled, “That’s the smartest thing you’ve ever said. If you’re not gonna actually work with the team the least you could do was work your pussy on my cock.”
“Excuse me?” The suggestion caught you so off guard you froze.
But he wasn’t bluffing. Not with the way he eyed you. Like he was a hungry predator and you, the unaware prey that had fallen into his trap. And he was. He was a predator, he was an animal, and he was going to take what he wanted from you.
You tried to keep the terror at bay. Unsure if he could smell your fear and you didn’t want to give him that satisfaction. Truth be told the threat sent a shock of exhilaration straight to your cunt. Oh, that was new. But you wouldn’t go down without a fight. With as much hatred he sent your way you spat an accusation at him, “What’re you going to do, Rocket? Force me to fuck you?”
“Oh I don’t think I'll be forcing anything,” he called your own bluff. One moment he was tearing at the skin of you ankle and the next he had two knuckles shoved against the soaking wet center of your panties. Your own arousal was so apparent, even before he was knuckling your clit. Could smell it on you, beneath that nasty perfume, the undeniable stench of how wet you got every time you argued with him. Even a hardened criminal had a line he wasn't going to cross. Keeping his eyes locked on your, feeding your flames with his own accelerant, he had to clarify. "If that's how you really feel, I'll stop. I'll walk out of this room and leave this ship and we'll never see each other again."
Your mouth went dry. What was this? Was this always the end goal of the barbaric relationship, of all the jabs, of all the hurt. Trying to deny the fact you wanted to get railed by the furry little asshole this whole time. You twisted the wrist he had a grip on until your fingers wrapped around his own, gave him your best 'fuck me' eyes, and wordlessly shook your head in consent for the sadism to continue.
“I’ll scream,” you promised with a smile you couldn't stop.
But it did nothing to stop him. In fact, by the glimmering row of teeth peaking out from under his smirk, it egged him on. With a dark chuckle those clawed fingers hooked around the material of your panties. “Good.”
One flick of the wrist and they shredded like wet tissue paper.
It happened so fast. With as much strength you could muster up you clawed at his arm, thrashed in vain to free yourself.
Rocket just laughed. A callous laugh as he easily secured both of your wrist in one hand. The other hand dropped your bleeding ankle, which you planned to use to kick at him again. Before you had to the chance to even know what was going on he grabbed the front of your camisole, pulled your torso up off the couch, and slammed you back down.
By the third time your head whacked against the armrest of the couch your were seeing stars of white hot pain. Only to be overshadowed by a sharp stinging that ran down your sternum. Tears blurred your vision as your thinking came to a frightening conclusion of events. You opened your eyelids to see the newly tattered remains of your camisole paired with four open cuts running down your chest pin pricked with blood. Fucking asshole.
Rocket, that sick fuck, was enjoying the pain he was inflicting. Without you noticing he had taken his cock out and was stroking it, smearing the blood that clung to his claws with his precum down the tip to the furry base.
To hide the pang of undeniable arousal you gagged at him. “Ew, ew, so gross! You put that little thing in my mouth and I’ll bite.”
“Fine with me, bitch, I have a better place to put it.”
No foreplay. No warning. He just impaled you on his cock.
A guttural, animalistic yowl from deep inside your soul tore out of your mouth. As you had always thought his cock was small, much smaller than what you usually deemed as worthy of a fuck. Wasn’t girthy either. But it was unnaturally hard, feeling more like a cheap plastic vibrator you’d bought as a teen and fucked yourself with before you found better quality.
“Ah-ah, you fucking loser. Your prick is so tiny I can barely feel it,” you lied. What he lacked in length and width and any resemblance to a human cock, he made up for by making direct contact with your g-stop. The spongey wall inside of you thrummed with agonizing pleasure with every abrupt thrust. And you’d be damned to let him know that. With a forced laugh you continued to taunt him, “I fuck myself better with my pinky finger.”
“Do you ever shut the fuck up?!” Fueled on by months of resentment Rocket rutted into you. He drank in the range of emotions flitting across your face. The fear. The anger. The pain. And that last one, the one you were trying to keep from him. Yeah, you didn’t deserve any pleasure.
His open palm connected with your cheek. Pain exploded in the sensitive flesh and you let out a yelp. No down time for you to recover as he landed another hit that had you cry out.
Ah, there it was. The heated hostility was back in your eyes. That’s what he wanted to see as he fucked you.
You seethed, skin of your face burning hot in pain. “I hate you.”
“Such a bad liar. Ya just hate that this ‘fuckin’ loser’ is making your cunt drip.” Rocket took major enjoyment as you glared at him while trying not to sob. His eyes dropped down to where his hips hammered into yours. Fuck, you were tight. Took actual effort to pull his cock out, pussy lips gripped tight around him and didn’t want to let go. Left a glistening coat of your pussy juice over his entire length. “How pathetic are you, huh? Can only get wet if someone is beatin' the shit out of you. What, did daddy not love you enough? Only show you attention when he hit you?”
The words hurt more than the skin he shredded on your chest. Finally the tears escaped from your eyes as you sobbed, “You sick piece of shit, I hate you, I hate you!”
He let the tip of his cock pop out. This was your chance. You writhed, attempting to close your knees even with him still between them. No protection was to be had, Rocket made sure of that. Wrist still caught in one his paws his other grabbed his cock. He swirled the swollen head through your abused lips. Pussy spread before him soiled by the mingled liquid of your arousal and his precum. He reveled in the aggravated groans you let out renewing your struggle of getting your arms free.
“If ya ask nicely maybe I’ll let you cum,” Rocket taunted.
A glob of spit hit him in the cheek in response.
He studied your face. The proud look of rebellion seemed out of place with your wet eyes and saliva dripping down your chin.
“Yeah,” he clicked his tongue, wiping his face with the back of his paw, “that’s what I figured.”
Once again the disparity between your strengths was on full display.
In only fluid motion he released your wrist, sunk his claws into the soft fat of your sides, and flipped you over. Your head felt dizzy at the sudden horizontal change. Quickly you reached out to grab the armrest of the couch for purchase to pull yourself away. Not quick enough. Sharp stabs of pain erupted all over your hips, your waist, as your body was manhandled into position. Back arched, ass pointed high to the sky. Pressure on your head pushed your face deep into the crevice of the couch cushions.
You rolled your head just enough to the side to see what was holding you down. Deeply offended you squealed out, “Get your nasty fucking foot off of me!”
“Get ya nasty foot off of me,” Rocket mocked your words, voice pitched high and grating. One foot planted on your head, the other steadying him in the sinking cushions, he adjusted his stance until he felt anchored.
When the flat of his palm made harsh contact with your asscheek you had to choke back a moan. “God, oh my god I hate you!”
By now the sharp pain of his claws cutting through your skin was familiar. He attacked your back, claws dragging down the length of your spine. Twenty, maybe thirty surface level cuts that trickled little trails of blood. Unable to see but you knew he was pumping his cock with his other hand as his curled fist hit your exposed hole with every stroke.
“What is wrong with you, you sadistic fu-AHK!” Your insult finished in a blood curdling scream.
Rocket smiled around the mouthful of flesh between his teeth. Sharp canines easily broke through the soft skin of your asscheeks. Jaw strength kept him locked on as you violently tried to jerk him off. Hot metallic blood oozed into his mouth. Bitter and salty, burning his taste buds like stinging nettles. Only when you gave up, body stilling except for the sobs that shook your body, he let go.
As if stating the obvious he cruelly explained, “Guardians of the galaxy have battle scars. Thought it was time for you to get ya first one.”
“You’re a sick fuck,” you choked out, throat hoarse from screaming. Spit mixed with tears to form a puddle on the cushion your face was pressed into.
“Yeah, well, your pussy is soaked.” His point was proven when he pinched your swollen pussylips together and thick sticky arousal pooled out. “Who’s the sick fuck now?”
One foot still stepping on your head, the other sinking into the cushion of the couch. A bastardization of piledriver position, he had your ass high in the air as his body face away, his cock straining against the upper wall of your pussy as it forced it in.
The uncomfortable pain was intentional. The excruciating rapture as he still hit your g-spot with each thrust was just a side effect.
He pulled his cock out, bullied it back in. Again, and again, and again until you were a shaking on the brink of an orgasm you didn’t want to have. As if Rocket was going to let you have one anyway. Just when you felt the hot coil in your loins ready to snap he pulled out entirely.
“Ok enough of that,” Rocket ignored your wails as he stepped off of you. This time your attempt to get away was weak at best. Easily he wrapped an arm around your stomach and flipped you to straddle him. With barely any effort he twisted your arms behind your back, making your back arch and hips hover low over his cock. “Alright then, get to work.”
“You want me to work?” There was a ringing inside your ears from the earlier slaps. Your brain felt dizzy from the pain, from the blood loss, from the broken orgasm. All it took was one look at his smug face and kerosene reignited the flame inside you. You steeled your swollen wet eyes into a glare, lips curled back in a sneer. “Do you honestly think you’re worthy enough for me to fuck you?”
Using only your hips you caught the tip of his dick between your pussylips. Swirled it against your hole letting the head just barely breach inside before pulling yourself off. For all the abuse he just put you through then demand that you fuck him? Yeah, no, if he wanted that he was going to have to beg for it himself.
“Stop messin’ around,” Rocket hissed out between clenched teeth. His eyes were locked on the space between your legs watching as you toyed with him. Not that he’d admit it but your pussy felt good, tight velvet walls the was taking his cock so well. It had been awhile since he fucked, and even then it had only been pleasure bots.
“So pathetic.” A roll of your hips and you let the hard head of his cock slip into you fully. Then… nothing. You stared down at Rocket, “How long have to been thinking about this? Jerking off to the thought of me riding your cock? Heh, keep dreaming. I will never want to fuck a disgusting freak of nature like you.”
The growl Rocket let out was primal, full of fury, as he savagely fucked his hatred into you. Your shoulders burned as he twisted your arms further back to keep you in place. Every thrust bounced your ass off his thighs before he forced you back down. With every drop he managed to drag your clit against the soiled pelvic fur in sync with his cock striking your g-spot.
A very much unintended build up to your own orgasm from the punishing pace he kept up. You bit the back cushion of the couch to stifle your moans. No way, no fucking way you were going to let the little cretin know you felt any sense of satisfaction from him.
A bomb of intensity exploded from your clit, sending shrapnel of you orgasm ricocheting off of every nerve. Try as you might to keep your moans sounding more like suffering whines it was your pussy that betrayed you. Your body tensed as Rocket, unrelenting, pounded you through your climax.
“Stop!” Fresh tears welled up in your eyes from the shame, from the pain, from the pleasure. “Stop it or I- I’ll tell Peter!”
“Fuckin' do it, bitch. Tell him how wet your pussy got when I fucked you. Tell him how you creamed all over my cock,” Rocket threatened. His hold on your wrist tightened and you were sure he was going to snap the bones. He smiled, wild and cruel, as he kept up his punishing pace, “See how much money he fuckin' throws at you then, you stupid whore.”
That was a checkmate. Quill, sweet Quill who thought himself as a ladies man, was your cash cow. Fine. Fine. If this was how Rocket wanted to play you’d stop using your crutch.
“Fuck, you would get off on this shit. They really scrambled your brain up when they cut into you?” The reaction was instant. Under you Rocket’s body froze. Good. “This the only way you can get your dick wet? By forcing yourself on someone. Ha! Yeah, like anyone in their right mind would want to fuck a failed experiment like you.”
Sloppy, chaotic slaps of wet fur on skin. You rolled your eyes. Just like a normal man to be utterly predictable. You took glee in mocking him, “Oh what, are you going to cum? Huh? You think you’re gonna cum?”
“Shut up,” Rocket mumbled trying to keep his concentration on snapping his hips up into yours. But he was. Totally was seconds away from blowing his load.
When he made no effort to pull out you gagged in disgust.“Don’t you even think of cumming in me, you fucking creep.”
“Shut up.” This time it came out as a pained growl. Seems like your voice was going to ruin his orgasm if you kept on talking. So you did.
“Ew, fucking ew. Don’t you dare get any of your nasty cum in my pussy. Gross little pervert,” you wheezed out a laugh when his pace slipped completely. Knowing that you held this control over the situation even as he physically overpowered you was exhilarating. You let out an ‘aw’ of fake sympathy, “Or maybe you can’t cum at all, hmm? What, did they neuter you too?”
The only thing more fucked up than that comment was the fact it made Rocket reach his peak.
Faster than you expected he lifted you off his cock and unceremoniously dropped you to the ground. His paw grabbed the hair at the crown of your head and twisted them. Your mouth opened in a pained scream. Without bothering to aim Rocket stroked himself until the coils in his stomach snapped.
Thick creamy ropes of his cum splatter haphazardly across your face. Viscous goo mixed with your snot and spit, unable to tell the difference just by the feel alone. It was warm, warmer than what you were used to, and smelt heavy of ammonia. One spurt hit your closed eye while another landed on your hairline.
It was humiliating and disgusting and you took every spurt of his seed until his cock went limp in his hand.
Finally finished Rocket opened his eyes to admire his work. And what a piece of work you were. Exposed chest heaving heavy with bits of your shredded nightie giving no illusion of dignity. Under the shiny coating of his cum your lips were swollen, the whites of your eyes reddened from tears. And yet even looking like the freshly fucked whore that you were there was still a fire of rebellion burning in your eyes as you stared right back at him.
He made sure to give you a hard shake to your head, made sure you hissed in pain and knew he was still in control, before he flung you carelessly into the couch. You hit with a soft thud, groaning in frustration as you tried to wipe your face clean with pieces of your torn clothes.
“Asshole. I really liked that outfit,” your throat felt raw and used, even if he didn’t fuck it.
Rocket rolled his eyes, tucking himself back into his jumpsuit as if he didn’t just savagely fuck you. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his datapad, pussyjuice coated fingers tapping across it with exaggerated movements. A familiar chime rang out when he was finished. “Shut up, bitch. Go buy yourself a new one.”
And with that he walked passed your still prone body laying naked on the sitting room floor. Smug motherfucker had his hands shoved back into his pockets and was whistling as he took his exit.
Curiosity getting the best of you, you reached over to grab your own datapad from where you had left it on the table. Your eye widened in a fucked up sense of pride at the numbers on the screen. “Damn right this pussy is worth five thousand units.”
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thanatoaster · 1 year
Tagged by @thestayathomedragon
rules: when you get tagged you have to put 5 songs you listen to and then tag another 10 people!
I don't usually do this kind of thing but I'll take any excuse to share some cool Canadian music that doesn't get enough attention outside of Canada. :P
Rule the World - Walk Off The Earth
One Thing I Know - Arkells
Astoria - Marianas Trench
Closer - Tegan and Sara
Ghost - Fefe Dobson
(a lot of these are old I'm sure stuck in the year 2013....)
I don't really want to bother people so only if you want to, I'll just tag some mutuals I guess? No pressure! @daddymus-papatron @typeghost @footstepsontherun @pundromeda @llylith @radonodera @kevindaydayiseveryday @kerosene-in-a-blender @dirigibleballoon @radish-girl
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accusingsaturn · 1 year
My Sims 2 Mods and CC
I have a bunch of gameplay mods and custom content in my game. I have been making changes to my game for YEARS and wasn't always great about documenting where everything was from since I wasn't sharing my game publicly. Now that I am streaming it on twitch though I wanted to give credit where I could.
This list is a work in progress.
Gameplay Mods
Fix Subhood Selection by Mootilda
Clean Premade EA/Maxis Neighbourhoods by MeetMe2TheRiver
Townie Move in No Memory Loss by Squinge
Pregnancy Wear Any Outfit by Squinge
Sims 2 Clean Installer by Mootilda
Sims 2 ACR
No Alien Sexism by Cyjon's Sims
Semester Changes by Cyjon's Sims
Later Classes by Cyjon's Sims
Biotech Fix by Cyjon's Sims
College Adjuster by TwoJeffs
Low Food Warning by TwoJeffs
Preg for All Genders by TwoJeffs
Triplets and Quads by TwoJeffs
The Sim Blender by TwoJeffs
Community Skills Mod by Simler90
No Witch Aura by Black Spirit
Lot Full of Sims
Hacked Coat Hook by MaryLou and Numenor
No Pause Frame by Nopke
Phae's Phone Book
Shiftable Everything by Lamare
Default Replacements
BeccaBear Masquerade Face Replacements
Lilith Peach Skinblends (normal skins)
Lilith Peachy Skinblend (alien skin)
Pyxis Snow Skin (Vampire Skin)
Enayla PixieRot (zombie skin)
Bruno's Prettiest Eyes (standard eyes)
Bruno's Obsidian (alien eyes)
Eyelove By Yumedust Clover (genie eyes)
The Ultimate Pet eyes (pet eyes)
Multi PT set by Widget79s
Poppet V2 Eyebrows
Lush Terrain Replacement by Criquette
Non-Default CC
Eyes and Makeup by Bruno
Makeup by Anva
Everything by Veranka
Everything by Lilith
Everything by Mouseyblue
Everything by Pooklet
Everything by Poppet
Brows by Zoej
Walls and floors by Nilou
Build items and clothes by Adele
Build items from Autumn Rosesims
Furniture and build items from Buggybooz
Build items from Berrynooboos
Furniture and build items from Crisps&Kerosene
Stairs by Droopsi
Build items by curiousB
Build items by Michelle
Walls and floors by Deatherella
Build and furniture by Holy Simoly
Build items by iCad
Furniture and build items by Lina-Cherie
Furniture and build items by Shastakiss
Build items by Esotheria
Everything by Aweeshie
Flower pots by Clutter-a-holic
Clothes by Deedee
Clothes by Kayleigh
Clothes by Rented Space
Clothes by PineappleForest
Clothes by Tofu
Clothes by TombstoneOfLifeAndDeath
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kaylaevs5162 · 2 years
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A 3d model I made in Blender using one of my antique kerosene lamps and the glass bulb/globe from another as reference! I sculpted the floral details using Blender’s built-in sculpting tools and my drawing tablet
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beachstarrealtycom · 2 years
30F GCR- A Poolside Retreat
Come stay with Us at this sweet vacation Villa! The master bedroom has a snuggly King bed and 2 twin beds for the guest bedroom & a queen sleeper sofa! Enjoy the secluded pool and grilling area with hot tub! This condo also comes with free WIFI!
Come relax and enjoy the best of Surfside Beach in this 1st floor home away from home unit. The master bedroom has a snuggly king size bed, the guest bedroom has 2 twin beds that convert to a full and a queen sleeper sofa in the living room! This condo also includes free WIFI, washer/dryer, beach essentials, blender and a Keurig. Enjoy the secluded pool and outdoor BBQ grill just steps away from the back door! This unit is very nicely decorated with all the comforts from home! You will love this Villa just a quick drive to the beach (1.3 miles). Golf Colony Resort is tucked quietly back in the Deerfield subdivision but right in the middle and close to everything! The Entire Home
We Value our Guests Privacy but are Available if Needed. Located in the heart of Surfside, "The Family Beach", this condo is inside of the Deerfield neighbourhood just on the other side of business 17 and within 1.5 miles of the Surfside beaches. This location is great to be out of the chaos of Myrtle Beach if you are looking for a family friendly community with a great pool and amenities! A Car is Recommended.
House rules:
**Must be 25 or older to book** **No Smoking and No Pets Permitted** Checkout is at 10AM HOA Rules & Regulations Please treat our home and the grounds with the same respect as you would your own. Thanks in advance!! Pool: 9am-11pm No glass or pets in pool or surrounding enclosure. No children under 12 years of age allowed in Pool without a parent or guardian. Please observe and respect rules and regulations posted in pool area and court side. First Aid kits are located on pool decks next to emergency phone. Pets: No pets allowed by renters. Balconies: Please do not hang your towels or bathing suits on balconies. A dryer is provided in each unit. No portable grills are permitted on balconies! Grills: Grills and smoker are provided for all residents and guests to utilize. Please ensure you are attending the grill at all times during usage. Portable grills are not permitted on the balconies or patios. Trash: All garbage should be firmly secured in bags and deposited in the dumpsters provided in the designated parking lots. Not all buildings have a dumpster in their direct lot. Please use the ones located in the parking lots of the adjacent building or opposite building. Hazardous Materials: No flammable fluids such as kerosene, explosive or flammable materials or any other articles deemed hazardous are permitted in units. Common Areas: Please do not obstruct common areas with bikes, floats, chairs etc. Parking: Each unit is allowed 1 parking space. All others must park in overflow parking just across from the main lot. No boats, trailers or oversized vehicles shall park in the community lots. Please be considerate of other guests and homeowners. Noise: Quiet hours are between 11pm-7am as per Surfside Beach ordinance. Please consider your neighbours & noise kept at a reasonable sound level. Thanks in advance for your compliance and we hope you enjoy your vacation!!
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at: Deerfield Surfside Rentals, Deerfield Plantation Rentals SC, Deerfield Vacation Rentals, Myrtle Beach Rentals & Myrtle Beach Vacation Rentals.
Please feel free to visit us at: https://www.beachstarrealty.com/
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revvethasmythh · 6 months
For the ask game, what other media would you put Mr. Relvin Temult in?
Okay, I have two answers to this question, one's a piece of media and one is a genre of media (and I think the genre one fits better, but I'm going to play ball and do both).
Piece of media? I'm picking the Chaos Walking series by Patrick Ness, home of many many many imperfect southern men of all varieties who are ALL dealing with the issue of being able to hear everyone's thoughts. This is kind of a niche piece of media, but I do think this would work and also it's a little funny that the main issue of the series is like. being able to hear people's thoughts. RIP Relvin, but it is topical to his life experience. I'd stick him in Farbranch and...well, I wouldn't say he'd "do well" there because nobody does all that well in this series. But he'd fit, and that's good enough
Genre wise, I'd love to have Relvin in a ghost story. A small town haunting/ghost/horror story, I think that would be amazing. I did a grad course on ghosts/hauntings in fiction, and I vividly remember my prof telling us, "a haunting is a repressed trauma coming to the fore." Using that definition of a haunting, I think you could craft a really spectacular ghost story coming off the back of Relvin's canon backstory
ask me about a character
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hcgreys · 2 years
Kerbal space program dv map
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So six 200 I sp engines still yields only 200 I sp.
When I sp is the same for all engines in a stage, then the I sp is equal to a single engine.
Xenon (max full/empty mass ratio = 4.167) Monopropellant (max full/empty mass ratio = 8.5) Kerbal Space Program official site is a game about exploration, vehicular design and physics Tag: Delta V Map We asked Brendan to suit up and go forth, in the name of science 22) by Trigger Au. (These calculations use a full/empty fuel-tank mass ratio of 9 for all engines except those noted.) ISP(Vac) (s) Kerbal Space Program Translation Support Tool 2 for KSP: MOD. No matter how much fuel you add you will never reach these ΔV without staging to shed mass or using the slingshot maneuver. Maximum Δv chart This chart is a quick guide to what engine to use for a single stage interplanetary ship. Use the atmospheric and vacuum thrust values for atmospheric and vacuum Δv, respectively. Fortunately for Jebediah, our dear Kerbals only have one brand of fuel to worry about.ĭelta-v (Δv) Basic calculation → See also: Tutorial:Advanced Rocket Designīasic calculation of a rocket's Δv. I'm sure I read you just read it in reverse but this would mean a return from Mun surface would cost 1600+ DV.
In real life, specific impulse is governed by things like combustion chamber pressure and propellant energy (hydrogen/oxygen is more efficient than kerosene/oxgyen). Whilst I totally understand how to use the DV map to get to a planet im always a bit confused how to read it for the return to Kerbin. Knocked up a handy diagram combining Delta V values from WAC's map and orbital / planetary info from the KSP wiki ticket,summary,component,version,milestone,type,severity,owner,status,created,changetime,description,reporter 4,DVDNav current time,Demuxers,master git,Features See full list on wiki Use the and buttons. The higher the specific impulse, the more efficient an engine is! May your rockets be rockety and your engines be engine-y. So youve decided to begin seriously modding Kerbal Space Program. Tutorial One: Making a 1 Meter Adapter Plate from Scratch Part 1: Blender/KSP Setup. Specific impulse is used in important equations like THE ROCKET EQUATION (see next section) to determine how much oomph (or "delta-vee") you can get out of a given amount of propellant. Kerbal Space Program Jet Engine Line Chart Surface Dessert Recipes Keto Map Location Map Desert Recipes. Most engines are designed for optimal performance either at Sea Level (the big ones that drive your first stage and boosters, which have lots of thrust!) or Vacuum (where they won't burn as much propellant, but can be VERY efficient). Because this depends on the pressure of a rocket's surroundings, this can change between Sea Level and Vacuum (in space). Specific impulse measures the efficiency of a particular engine. Specific Impulse (I sp) → See also: Specific impulse Most rockets, straight off the launch pad, will utilize a TWR between 1.5 and 2.0. If TWR is significantly above, say, 2.0, your rocket will ZOOM! But it might ZOOM too hard for your poor Kerbalnauts. To do it manually, head up to about 10km, then start tilting to 60 degrees east. You will need more engines, or perhaps MOAR BOOSTERZ! If TWR is less than one, then your rocket will not be going into space.
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agent-underdark · 8 years
Tumblr decided to recommend you blog to me and I decided to check it out, despite not really being in to Forgotten Realms. Oh, and I am GLAD I did, the words "the spellplague can go die with Voldemort" are going to be permanently etched into my brain. They were too funny.
Thank you, this really made my week. I’m glad my silly tags were not in vain!
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sumomo-diary · 6 years
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thanatoaster · 7 years
kerosene-in-a-blender replied to your post: I sort of forgot most people on this site are...
I know! It’s just like, something happened? I was actually concerned until I fully learned what it was. All I knew for a while was Tumblr was fucking up
Yeah I mean what they are censoring is still ridiculous and terrible, but it’s just like.... im an adult... i can see everything... neat.
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wrxthfulguard · 4 years
(X) @heavensxstray​
Don had caught the scent of light lavender and vanilla from the kitchen, peeking his head in to see who was making the source of said scent.
But was not expecting Kerosene using a cooking tray as a shield from the blender spewing out whatever she was making... A frape, she had said.
He just nodded, approaching the blender while calmly sidestepping the foaming liquid it was spitting out... And hit the off button, ending the chaos but leaving a messy kitchen that was going to give Niffty a run for her job.
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“... Are you alright, Miss Kerosene? I think you hit the fastest speed on the blender, thus this occurred.” Stoic eyes went over to the wolf demoness as he turned, only lifting up his left combat boot to shake off the remains of the failed frape on his outsole... He wasn’t angry at her, but relieved that she was unharmed in this.
“... Miss Vaggie’s going to pop a vein once she sees this.”
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